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Document C:2017:030:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Union, C 30, 30 January 2017

    Display all documents published in this Official Journal

    ISSN 1977-091X

    Official Journal

    of the European Union

    C 30

    European flag  

    English edition

    Information and Notices

    Volume 60
    30 January 2017

    Notice No




    IV   Notices




    Court of Justice of the European Union

    2017/C 30/01

    Last publications of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Official Journal of the European Union



    V   Announcements




    Court of Justice

    2017/C 30/02

    Case C-673/13 P: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 23 November 2016 — European Commission v Stichting Greenpeace Nederland, Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) (Appeal — Access to documents of the institutions — Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 — Environment — Aarhus Convention — Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006 — Article 6(1) — Risk of an adverse effect on the commercial interests of a natural or legal person — Concept of ‘information relating to emissions into the environment’ — Documents relating to the authorisation procedure for an active substance contained in plant protection products — Active substance glyphosate)


    2017/C 30/03

    Case C-442/14: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 23 November 2016 (request for a preliminary ruling from the College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven — Netherlands) — Bayer CropScience SA-NV, Stichting De Bijenstichting v College voor de toelating van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Environment — Aarhus Convention — Directive 2003/4/EC — Article 4(2) — Public access to information — Concept of ‘information relating to emissions into the environment’ — Directive 91/414/EEC — Directive 98/8/EC — Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 — Placing of plant protection products and biocides on the market — Confidentiality — Protection of industrial and commercial interests)


    2017/C 30/04

    Case C-461/14: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 24 November 2016 — European Commission v Kingdom of Spain (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2009/147/EC — Conservation of wild birds — Special protection areas — Directive 85/337/EEC — Assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment — Directive 92/43/EEC — Conservation of natural habitats)


    2017/C 30/05

    Case C-464/14: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 24 November 2016 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Tributário de Lisboa — Portugal) — SECIL — Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento SA v Fazenda Pública (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Free movement of capital — Articles 63 to 65 TFEU — EC-Tunisia Association Agreement — Articles 31, 34 and 89 — EC-Lebanon Association Agreement — Articles 31, 33 and 85 — Corporation tax — Dividends received by a company established in the Member State of the beneficiary company — Dividends received from a company established in a non-member State which is party to the association agreement — Difference of treatment — Restriction — Justification — Efficacy of fiscal supervision — Possibility of relying on Article 64 TFEU in relation to the EC-Tunisia and EC-Lebanon association agreements)


    2017/C 30/06

    Case C-177/15: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 23 November 2016 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof — Germany) — Nelsons GmbH v Ayonnax Nutripharm GmbH, Bachblütentreff Ltd (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Consumer information and protection — Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 — Nutrition and health claims made on foods — Transitional measures — Article 28(2) — Products bearing trade marks or brand names existing before 1 January 2005 — ‘Bach flower’ remedies — European Union mark RESCUE — Products marketed as medicinal products before 1 January 2005 and as foodstuffs after that date)


    2017/C 30/07

    Case C-314/15: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 23 November 2016 — European Commission v French Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 91/271/EEC — Treatment of urban waste water — Article 4(1) and (3) — Secondary treatment or equivalent treatment)


    2017/C 30/08

    Case C-395/15: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 1 December 2016 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Juzgado de lo Social No 33 de Barcelona — Spain) — Mohamed Daouidi v Bootes Plus SL, Fondo de Garantía Salarial, Ministerio Fiscal (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Social policy — Directive 2000/78/EC — Equal treatment in employment and occupation — Articles 1 to 3 — Prohibition of all discrimination based on a disability — Whether a ‘disability’ exists — Concept of ‘long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments’ — Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union — Articles 3, 15, 21, 30, 31, 34 and 35 — Dismissal of a worker who is temporarily unable to work, within the definition of national law, for an indeterminate period of time)


    2017/C 30/09

    Joined Cases C-408/15 P and C-409/15 P: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 24 November 2016 — Ackermann Saatzucht GmbH & Co. KG and Others (C-408/15 P), ABZ Aardbeien Uit Zaad Holding BV and Others (C-409/15 P) v European Parliament, Council of the European Union (Appeal — Action for annulment — Fourth paragraph of Article 263 TFEU — Right to bring an action — Locus standi — Act of individual concern to natural or legal persons by reason of ‘certain attributes which are peculiar to them’ — Regulation (EU) No 511/2014 — Measures concerning compliance by users in the Union with the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilisation — Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 — Limitation of the effects of Community plant variety rights — Breeders’ exemption)


    2017/C 30/10

    Case C-443/15: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 24 November 2016 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Labour Court — Ireland) — David L. Parris v Trinity College Dublin and Others (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Equal treatment in employment and occupation — Directive 2000/78/EC — Article 2 — Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and age — National pension scheme — Payment of a survivor’s benefit to the civil partner — Condition — Partnership contracted before the 60th birthday of the member of the scheme — Civil partnership — Not possible in the Member State concerned before 2010 — Existing stable relationship — Article 6(2) — Justification of differences of treatment on grounds of age)


    2017/C 30/11

    Case C-454/15: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 24 August 2015 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Hessisches Landesarbeitsgericht — Germany) — Jürgen Webb-Sämann v Christopher Seagon (acting as liquidator in the insolvency of Baumarkt Praktiker DIY GmbH) (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Social policy — Directive 2008/94/EC — Article 8 — Protection of employees in the event of the insolvency of their employer — Provisions related to social security — Scope — Measures necessary to protect immediate or prospective entitlements of employees under supplementary pension schemes — Obligation to provide for a right to have outstanding pension contributions excluded from the scope of insolvency proceedings — Absence)


    2017/C 30/12

    Case C-486/15 P: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 30 November 2016 — European Commission v French Republic, Orange, Federal Republic of Germany (Appeal — State aid — Financial measures for France Télécom — Shareholder loan offer — Public statements by representatives of the French State — Decision declaring the aid incompatible with the common market — Definition of ‘aid’ — Concept of ‘economic advantage’ — Prudent private investor criterion — Obligation of the General Court to state reasons — Limits of judicial review — Distortion of the decision at issue)


    2017/C 30/13

    Case C-642/15 P: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 1 December 2016 — Toni Klement v European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), Bullerjan GmbH (Appeal — Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 — EU trade mark — Three-dimensional mark representing the form of an oven — Article 51(1)(a) — Application for revocation of an EU trade mark — Point (a) of the second subparagraph of Article 15(1) — Genuine use of the mark — Rejection of the application for a declaration of invalidity)


    2017/C 30/14

    Case C-645/15: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 24 November 2016 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Bayerischer Verwaltungsgerichtshof — Germany) — Bund Naturschutz in Bayern e.V., Harald Wilde v Freistaat Bayern (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Environment — Assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment — Directive 2011/92/EU — Project subject to assessment — Annex I, point 7 — European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries (AGR) — Widening of a road with four lanes over a length of less than 10 km)


    2017/C 30/15

    Case C-662/15: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 24 November 2016 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf — Germany) — Lohmann & Rauscher International GmbH & Co. KG v BIOS Medical Services GmbH, formerly BIOS Naturprodukte GmbH (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Approximation of laws — Directive 93/42/EEC — Medical devices — Class I device (sterile wound dressings) which has been the subject of a conformity assessment procedure by the manufacturer — Parallel imports — Addition to the labelling of information relating to the importer — Supplementary conformity assessment procedure)


    2017/C 30/16

    Case C-152/16: Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 1st December 2016 — European Commission v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 — Common rules concerning the conditions to be complied with to pursue the occupation of road transport operator — Article 16(1) and (5) — National electronic register of road transport undertakings — No interconnection with the national electronic registers of other Member States)


    2017/C 30/17

    Case C-520/16: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Amtsgericht Hannover (Germany) lodged on 5 October 2016 — Andrea Witzel, Jannis Witzel, Jazz Witzel v Germanwings GmbH


    2017/C 30/18

    Case C-521/16: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Amtsgericht Hannover (Germany) lodged on 5 October 2016 — Ralf-Achim Vetter, Susanne Glang-Vetter, Anna Louisa Vetter, Carolin Marie Vetter v Germanwings GmbH


    2017/C 30/19

    Case C-529/16: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht München (Germany) lodged on 17 October 2016 — Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH v Hauptzollamt München


    2017/C 30/20

    Case C-538/16: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Frankfurt am Main (Germany) lodged on 25 October 2016 — Kevin Joseph Devine v Air Nostrum, Líneas Aéreas del Mediterráneo SA


    2017/C 30/21

    Case C-539/16: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Frankfurt am Main (Germany) lodged on 25 October 2016 — Richard Rodriguez Serin v HOP!-Regional


    2017/C 30/22

    Case C-548/16: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Cour d’appel de Mons (Belgium) lodged on 28 October 2016 — État belge v Biologie Dr Antoine SPRL


    2017/C 30/23

    Case C-549/16: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Commissione tributaria di Secondo Grado di Bolzano (Italia) lodged on 31 October 2016 — Agenzia delle Entrate — Direzione provinciale Ufficio controlli di Bolzano v Palais Kaiserkron Srl


    2017/C 30/24

    Case C-551/16: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Centrale Raad van Beroep (Netherlands) lodged on 31 October 2016 — J. Klein Schiphorst v Raad van bestuur van het Uitvoeringsinstituut werknemersverzekeringen


    2017/C 30/25

    Case C-558/16: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Kammergericht (Germany) lodged on 3 November 2016 — Doris Margret Lisette Mahnkopf


    2017/C 30/26

    Case C-574/16: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Galicia (Spain) lodged on 14 November 2016 — Grupo Norte Facility, S.A. v Angel Manuel Moreira Gómez


    2017/C 30/27

    Case C-586/16 P: Appeal brought on 17 November 2016 by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, formerly Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, Ranbaxy (UK) Ltd against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 8 September 2016 in Case T-460/13: Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, formerly Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, Ranbaxy (UK) Ltd v European Commission


    2017/C 30/28

    Case C-588/16 P: Appeal brought on 18 November 2016 by Generics (UK) Ltd against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 8 September 2016 in Case T-469/13: Generics (UK) v Commission


    2017/C 30/29

    Case C-590/16: Action brought on 21 November 2016 — European Commission v Hellenic Republic


    2017/C 30/30

    Case C-591/16 P: Appeal brought on 18 November 2016 by H. Lundbeck A/S, Lundbeck Ltd against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 8 September 2016 in Case T-472/13: H. Lundbeck A/S, Lundbeck Ltd v European Commission


    2017/C 30/31

    Case C-598/16 P: Appeal brought on 23 November 2016 by Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber, Extended Composition) delivered on 15 September 2016 in Case T-346/14: Yanukovych v Council


    2017/C 30/32

    Case C-599/16 P: Appeal brought on 23 November 2016 by Oleksandr Viktorovych Yanukovych against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber, Extended Composition) delivered on 15 September 2016 in Case T-348/14: Yanukovych v Council


    2017/C 30/33

    Case C-600/16 P: Appeal brought on 24 November 2016 by National Iranian Tanker Company against the judgment of the General Court (Seventh Chamber) delivered on 14 September 2016 in Case T-207/15: National Iranian Tanker Company v Council of the European Union


    2017/C 30/34

    Case C-601/16 P: Appeal brought on 24 November 2016 by Arrow Group ApS, Arrow Generics Ltd against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 8 September 2016 in Case T-467/13: Arrow Group ApS, Arrow Generics Ltd v European Commission


    2017/C 30/35

    Case C-602/16 P: Appeal brought on 24 November 2016 by the Council of the European Union against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 15 September 2016 in Case T-111/14: Unitec Bio v Council


    2017/C 30/36

    Case C-603/16 P: Appeal brought on 24 November 2016 by the Council of the European Union against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 15 September 2016 in Case T-139/14: PT Wilmar Bioenergi Indonesia and PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia v Council


    2017/C 30/37

    Case C-604/16 P: Appeal brought on 24 November 2016 by the Council of the European Union against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 15 September 2016 in Case T-121/14: PT Pelita Agung Agrindustri v Council


    2017/C 30/38

    Case C-605/16 P: Appeal brought on 24 November 2016 by the Council of the European Union against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 15 September 2016 in Case T-120/14: PT Ciliandra Perkasa v Council


    2017/C 30/39

    Case C-606/16 P: Appeal brought on 24 November 2016 by the Council of the European Union against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 15 September 2016 in Case T-80/14: PT Musim Mas v Council


    2017/C 30/40

    Case C-607/16 P: Appeal brought on 24 November 2016 by the Council of the European Union against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 15 September 2016 in Cases T-112/14 to T-116/14 and T-119/14: Molinos Río de la Plata and others v Council


    2017/C 30/41

    Case C-608/16 P: Appeal brought on 24 November 2016 by the Council of the European Union against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 15 September 2016 in Case T-117/14: Cargill v Council


    2017/C 30/42

    Case C-609/16 P: Appeal brought on 24 November 2016 by the Council of the European Union against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 15 September 2016 in Case T-118/14: LDC Argentina v Council


    2017/C 30/43

    Case C-611/16 P: Appeal brought on 25 November 2016 by Xellia Pharmaceuticals ApS, Alpharma, LLC, formerly Zoetis Products LLC against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 8 September 2016 in Case T-471/13: Xellia Pharmaceuticals ApS, Alpharma v European Commission


    2017/C 30/44

    Case C-614/16 P: Appeal brought on 28 November 2016 by Merck KGaA against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 8 September 2016 in Case T-470/13: Merck KGaA v European Commission



    General Court

    2017/C 30/45

    Case T-248/13: Judgment of the General Court of 13 December 2016 — Al-Ghabra v Commission (Common foreign and security policy — Restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with Usama bin Laden, the Al-Qaeda network and the Taliban — Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 — Freezing of the funds and economic resources of a person included on a list drawn up by a United Nations body — Inclusion of that person’s name on the list in Annex I to Regulation No 881/2002 — Action for annulment — Reasonable time — Obligation to verify and justify the merits of the grounds relied on — Judicial review)


    2017/C 30/46

    Case T-764/14: Judgment of the General Court of 13 December 2016 — European Dynamics Luxembourg and Evropaïki Dynamiki v Commission (Public service contracts — Call for tender procedure — Technical assistance, development and implementation of a computerised system for the ASEAN customs transit system (ACTS) — Rejection of a tenderer’s bid — Award of the contract to another tenderer — Selection criteria — Award criteria — Obligation to state reasons — Manifest error of assessment — Equal treatment — Openness)


    2017/C 30/47

    Case T-95/15: Judgment of the General Court of 13 December 2016 — Printeos and Others v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European stock/catalogue and special printed envelopes market — Decision establishing an infringement of Article 101 TFEU — Coordination of sales prices and allocation of customers — Settlement procedure — Fines — Basic amount — Exceptional adjustment — Maximum of 10 % of total turnover — Article 23(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 — Obligation to state reasons — Equal treatment)


    2017/C 30/48

    Case T-397/15: Judgment of the General Court of 14 December 2016 — PAL-Bullermann v EUIPO — Symaga (PAL) (EU trade mark — Revocation proceedings — EU figurative mark PAL — Partial revocation — Genuine use of the mark — Article 15(1)(a) and Article 51(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 — Form differing from the registered mark — Rule 22(3) and (4) of Regulation (EC) No 2868/95)


    2017/C 30/49

    Case T-548/15: Judgment of the General Court of 13 December 2016 — Guiral Broto v EUIPO — Gastro & Soul (Café del Sol) (EU trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for the EU word mark Café del Sol — Earlier national figurative mark Café del Sol — Failure to submit evidence in the language of the opposition proceedings — Articles 75 and 76 of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 — Rules 19 and 20 of Regulation (EC) No 2868/95 — Rights of the defence)


    2017/C 30/50

    Case T-549/15: Judgment of the General Court of 13 December 2016 — Guiral Broto v EUIPO — Gastro & Soul (CAFE DEL SOL) (EU trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for the EU figurative mark CAFE DEL SOL — Earlier national figurative mark Café del Sol — Failure to submit evidence in the language of the opposition proceedings — Articles 75 and 76 of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 — Rules 19 and 20 of Regulation (EC) No 2868/95 — Rights of the defence)


    2017/C 30/51

    Case T-744/15: Judgment of the General Court of 13 December 2016 — Puro Italian Style v EUIPO (smartline) (EU trade mark — Application for EU figurative mark smartline — Absolute ground for refusal — No distinctive character — Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)


    2017/C 30/52

    Case T-745/15: Judgment of the General Court of 14 December 2016 — Scorpio Poland v EUIPO — Eckes-Granini Group (YO!) (European Union trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for EU figurative mark YO! — Prior national work mark YO — Relative ground for refusal — Likelihood of confusion — Article 81)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)


    2017/C 30/53

    Case T-24/16: Judgment of the General Court of 13 December 2016 — Sovena Portugal — Consumer Goods v EUIPO — Mueloliva (FONTOLIVA) (EU trade mark — Opposition proceedings — International registration designating the European Union — Word mark FONTOLIVA — Earlier national word mark FUENOLIVA — Relative ground for refusal — Validity of the registration of the earlier mark — Submission of new facts and evidence before the General Court — Genuine use of the earlier mark — Power to alter — Article 8(1)(b), Article 42(2) and (3) and Articles 65 and 76 of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)


    2017/C 30/54

    Case T-58/16: Judgment of the General Court of 13 December 2016 — Apax Partners v EUIPO — Apax Partners Midmarket (APAX) (EU trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for the EU word mark APAX — Earlier international word mark APAX — Relative ground for refusal — Likelihood of confusion — Similarity of the goods and services — Article 8(1)(a) and (b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)


    2017/C 30/55

    Case T-154/16: Judgment of the General Court of 14 December 2016 — Grid applications v EUIPO (APlan) (European Union trade mark — Application for EU word mark APlan — Absolute ground for refusal — Descriptive nature — Article 7(1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)


    2017/C 30/56

    Case T-809/16: Action brought on 18 November 2016 — Vorarlberger Landes- und Hypothekenbank v SRB


    2017/C 30/57

    Case T-811/16: Action brought on 18 November 2016 — Di Bernardo v Commission


    2017/C 30/58

    Case T-813/16: Action brought on 21 November 2016 — Abes v Commission


    2017/C 30/59

    Case T-818/16: Action brought on 22 November 2016 — Netflix International and Netflix v Commission


    2017/C 30/60

    Case T-832/16: Action brought on 25 November 2016 — Celio International v Commission


    2017/C 30/61

    Case T-835/16: Action brought on 28 November 2016 — Louvers Belgium v Commission


    2017/C 30/62

    Case T-836/16: Action brought on 30 November 2016 — Republic of Poland v Commission


    2017/C 30/63

    Case T-841/16: Action brought on 24 November 2016 — Alex v Commission


    2017/C 30/64

    Case T-855/16: Action brought on 7 December 2016 — Fertisac v ECHA


    2017/C 30/65

    Case T-865/16: Action brought on 7 December 2016 — Fútbol Club Barcelona v Commission


    2017/C 30/66

    Case T-868/16: Action brought on 11 December 2016 — QI and Others v Commission and ECB


    2017/C 30/67

    Case T-872/16: Action brought on 9 December 2016 — repowermap v EUIPO — Repower (REPOWER)



