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Document 62014CN0472

Case C-472/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Högsta domstolen (Sweden) lodged on 20 October 2014  — Canadian Oil Company Sweden AB, Anders Rantén v Riksåklagaren

OJ C 448, 15.12.2014, p. 15–15 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



Official Journal of the European Union

C 448/15

Request for a preliminary ruling from the Högsta domstolen (Sweden) lodged on 20 October 2014 — Canadian Oil Company Sweden AB, Anders Rantén v Riksåklagaren

(Case C-472/14)

(2014/C 448/19)

Language of the case: Swedish

Referring court

Högsta domstolen

Parties to the main proceedings

Applicants: Canadian Oil Company Sweden AB, Anders Rantén

Defendant: Riksåklagaren

Questions referred


Does it run counter to REACH (1) that a person who, in the course of a business, imports a chemical product into Sweden — in respect of which there is an obligation to notify under REACH — must notify it in accordance with the Swedish legislation to the Kemikalieinspektionen for registration in the Swedish product register?


If the answer to question 1 is negative, does the Swedish obligation to notify run counter to Article 34 TFEU, having regard to the exceptions in Article 36 TFEU?

(1)  Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC (OJ 2006 L 396, p. 1).
