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Document 31992D0446

92/446/EEC: Commission Decision of 27 July 1992 concerning questionnaires relating to Directives in the water sector

OJ L 247, 27.8.1992, p. 10–36 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT)

This document has been published in a special edition(s) (FI, SV, CS, ET, LV, LT, HU, MT, PL, SK, SL, BG, RO, HR)

Legal status of the document No longer in force, Date of end of validity: 15/12/2016: This act has been changed. Current consolidated version: 24/08/1995



92/446/EEC: Commission Decision of 27 July 1992 concerning questionnaires relating to Directives in the water sector

Official Journal L 247 , 27/08/1992 P. 0010 - 0036
Finnish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 11 P. 0177
Swedish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 11 P. 0177

COMMISSION DECISION of 27 July 1992 concerning questionnaires relating to directives in the water sector (92/446/EEC)


having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Having regard to Council Directive 76/464/EEC of 4 May 1976 on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into aquatic environment of the Community(1) , as amended by Directive 91/692/EEC of 23 December 1991 standardizing and rationalizing reports on the implementation of certain Directives relating to the environment(2) , and in particular Article 13 (1) thereof, as well as the relevant provisions of the other Directives referred to in Annex I of Directive 91/692/EEC,

Having regard to Council Directive 75/440/EEC of 16 June 1975 concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water in the Member States(3) , as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC, and in particular Article 9a thereof,

Having regard to Council Directive 80/778/EEC of 15 July 1980 relating to the quality of water intended for human consumption(4) , as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC, and in particular Article 17a thereof,

Having regard to Council Directive 76/160/EEC of 8 December 1975 concerning the quality of bathing water(5) , as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC, and in particular Article 13 thereof,

Whereas the Member States are required to draw up a report on the implementation of certain Community Directives on the basis of questionnaires or outlines drawn up by the Commission; whereas, according to Article 6 of Directive 91/692/EEC, these questionnaires or outlines are to be drawn up by the Commission assisted in this task by a committee composed of the representatives of the Member States and chaired by the representatives of the Commission;

Whereas the measures envisaged by this Decision are in accordance with the opinion expressed by the aforementioned committee or were not the subject of an opinion of the committee within the time laid down by the chairman of the committee,


Article 1

The questionnaires contained in the Annex are hereby adopted.

Article 2

This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 27 July 1992.

For the Commission Karel VAN MIERT Member of the Commission

(1) OJ No L 129, 18. 5. 1976, p. 23.

(2) OJ No L 377, 31. 12. 1991, p. 48.

(3) OJ No L 194, 25. 7. 1975, p. 26.

(4) OJ No L 229, 30. 8. 1980, p. 11.

(5) OJ No L 31, 5. 2. 1976, p. 1.


LIST OF OUTLINES I. Outline of the questionnaire on the following Directives:

- Council Directive 76/464/EEC of 4 May 1976 on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community;

- Council Directive 82/176/EEC of 22 March 1982 on limit values and quality objectives for mercury discharges by the chloralkali electrolysis industry(1) ;

- Council Directive 83/513/EEC of 26 September 1983 on limit values and quality objectives for cadmium discharges(2) ;

- Council Directive 84/156/EEC of 8 March 1984 on limit values and quality objectives for mercury discharges by sectors other than the chlor-alkali electrolysis industry(3) ;

- Council Directive 84/491/EEC of 9 October 1984 on limit values and quality objectives for discharges of hexachlorocyclohexane(4) and

- Council Directive 86/280/EEC of 12 June 1986 on limit values and quality objectives for discharges of certain dangerous substances included in list I of the Annex to Directive 76/464/EEC(5) ,

as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC.

II. Outline of the questionnaire on Council Directive 78/659/EEC of 18 July 1978 on the quality of fresh waters needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life(6) , as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC.

III. Outline of the questionnaire on Council Directive 78/176/EEC of 20 February 1978 on waste from the titanium dioxide industry, as amended by Directive 83/29/EEC(7) , and last by Directive 91/692/EEC.

IV. Outline of the questionnaire on Council Directive 79/923/EEC of 30 October 1979 on the quality required of shellfish waters(8) , as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC.

V. Outline of the questionnaire on Council Directive 80/68/EEC of 17 December 1979 on the protection of groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances(9) , as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC.

VIA. Outline of the questionnaire on Council Directive 75/440/EEC of 16 June 1975 concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water in the Member States, as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC;

VIB. Outline of the questionnaire on Council Directive 79/869/EEC of 9 October 1979 concerning the methods of measurement and frequencies of sampling and analysis of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water in the Member States(10) , as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC.

VII. Outline of the questionnaire on Council Directive 80/778/EEC of 15 July 1980 relating to the quality of water intended for human consumption, as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC.

VIII. Outline of the questionnaire on Council Directive 76/160/EEC of 8 December 1975 concerning the quality of bathing water, as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC.


(The exact design of the tables will be made at a later stage together with a precise explanation of each question)

Appendix 1: Summary table for questions which, after the first report, require an answer only if there are alterations.

Appendix 2: List of industrial sectors/-processes concerned by questions to list I substances.

General remarks:

(*) Facultative data where available.

(**) The number/figure should be related to each major river basin (watercourse as in Annex I of Council Decision 77/795/EEC, OJ No L 334, 24. 12. 1977, p. 29, as last amended by Council Decision 86/574/EEC OJ No L 335, 28. 11. 1986, p. 44 and to the coastal zones (territorial-/internal coastal and estuary waters) in order to obtain regionalized information.

A. Measures referring to List I substances of Directive 76/464/EEC

1. Authorizations for direct discharges into surface waters (**)

For the industrial sectors/-processes in Appendix II, give the number of all authorizations granted and still valid for direct discharges into waters. Indicate in brackets what percentage of all discharges is covered by authorizations.

(Article 3.1)

Industrial sectors/-processes concerned

1980 (*)

1985 (*)

1990 (*)


1. Mercury




2. Cadmium




3. . . .

. Sum:







17.2. . . .


2. Authorizations for discharges into sewers (**)

For the industrial sectors/-processes in Appendix II, give the number of all authorizations granted and still valid for discharges into sewers. Indicate in brackets what percentage of all discharges is covered by authorizations.

(Articles 3.1 and 3.2)

1. Mercury




2. Cadmium




3. . . .

. Sum:







17.2. . . .


3. Emission standards for direct discharges into surface waters (**)

What emission standards have been laid down in general for the authorizations for direct discharges (see question A(1) into waters?

(Articles 3.2, 5 and 6.1)


(a) Range of values only, based on/derived from existing national/regional standards or EEC directives.

(b) In brackets the year when these emission standards came into force.

(c) Indicate emission standards derived from:

- best technical means available (Article 6.1)

- quality objectives (Article 6.2).

- certain ecotoxicological conditions (Article 5.2).

(d) How are emission standards defined and measured (reference methods used or others)?

Industrial sectors/-processes concerned

Total load


Quantity discharged in relation to production capacity




1. Mercury

1.1. Chlor-alkali electrolysis



2. Cadmium



3. . . .







4. Emission standards for discharges into sewers (**)

What emission standards have been laid down in general for the authorizations for discharges into sewers [see question (2)]?

(Articles 3.2, 5 and 6.1)


Same remarks (a) to (d) as for question (3).

1. Mercury

1.1. Chloralkali elektrolysis




2. Cadmium




3. . . .








5. Deadlines for authorizations and/or emissions

What time limits have been laid down in general for complying with authorizations (period of validity) and emission standards?

(Articles 3.3, 3.4 and 6.4)

Industrial sectors/-processes concerned

When is the EEC standard being complied with (year) by all plants of the sectors concerned?

Period of validity of individual authorizations (give average and/or range only)

1. Mercury

1.1. Chlor-alkali elektorlysis



2. Cadmium



3. . . .









6. Emissions (loads) into surface waters (**)

Give the total amount of authorized emissions of list I substances discharged.


Forecasts may be given for 1998.


Substance (kg/a)

1. Hg

2. Cd


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

17. TCB


1998 (*)

7. Inventory

List the five biggest dischargers for each of the 17 substances of List I and the conditions of the authorizations.

(Article 11)

Authorized Emissions



Type or sector of industry/-processes,

Year of permit

Total Load


Quant. discharged in relation to production capacity




Period of validity


1. Mercury






2. Cadmium












17. Trichlorobenzene






8. Quality objectives for surface water (**)

What quality standards/objectives are laid down for surface waters, sediments and biota in relation to authorizations for discharges?

(Articles 5.2 and 6.2)


(a) Surface water covers:

- inner surfacewaters,

- estuaries,

- inner coastal waters other than estuaries,

- territorial sea waters.

(b) Give in brackets the year when these quality objectives came into force.

9. Monitoring (stations) (**)

How many monitoring stations for each of the 17 dangerous substances of List I are operating?

(e.g. Article 4 of Directive 82/176/EEC, Article 4 of Directive 83/513/EEC, . . .)


(a) The year when the measurements started.

(b) Indicate the measurement methods used.

(c) The type of monitoring results needed and the mode of presentation will be indicated in the final questionnaire.

10. Specific Programmes

Which specific programmes for each of the 17 dangerous substances of List I have been drawn up (or are in preparation) in conformity with Article 5 of Directive 86/280/EEC and Articles with the similar content in Daughter Directives (e.g. Article 4, Directive 84/156/EEC)?


The mode of presentation will be indicated in the final questionnaire.

B. Measures referring to List II substances

1. Programmes to reduce pollution by List II substances including List I candidates (**)

(Article 7)

Which specific programmes have been drawn up (or are in preparation) in conformity with Article 7 of Directive 76/464/EEC?


The mode presentation will be indicated in the final questionnaire.

2. Pretreatment at the source (**)

Do you require pretreatment at the source for List I candidates or List II substances?


(a) Give a short description of the control approach used, in particular about which substances and thresholds for such discharges have been taken into consideration.

(b) The mode of presentation will be indicated in the final questionnaire.

3. Emission standards for direct discharges into surface waters (**)

What emission standards have been laid down in general for prior authorization for direct discharges into waters in relation to quality objectives?

(Article 7.2)


(a) Range of values only, based on/derived from existing national/regional standards or EEC-directives.

(b) In brackets the year when these emission standards came into force.

(c) Emission standards derived from

- quality objectives (Article 7.3);

- latest economically feasible technical developments (Article 7.4)

(d) How are emission standards defined and measured?


Total load


Quantity discharged in relation to production capacity




List I candidates


. . .

List II substances


. . .

4. Emission standards for discharges into sewers (**)

What emission standards have been laid down in general for authorizations into sewers in relation to quality objectives?

(Article 7.2).


Same remarks (a) to (d) as for question 3.

List I candidates


. . .

List II substances


. . .

5. Deadlines for authorizations and/or emissions

What time limits have been laid down in general for complying with authorizations (period of validity) and emission standards?


When is the national/regional standard complied with (year) by all plants concerned?

Period of validity of individual authorizations (give average and/or range only)

List I candidates


. . .

List II substances


. . . . .

6. Emission (loads) to surface waters (**)

Give the total amount of authorized emissions of the main substances (use a low threshold of 50 kg/annum) discharged.


Forecasts may be given for 1998.


Substances (kg/a)

List I candidates

List II substances

. . . . . .


1998 (*)

7. Quality objectives for surface water (**)

What quality standards/objectives for surface waters are laid down in general in relation to authorizations for discharges to surface waters?

(Article 7.2)


(a) Surface waters covering:

- inner surface waters,

- estuaries,

- inner coastal waters other than estuaries,

- territorial sea waters.

(b) Give in brackets the year when the objectives came into force.

8. Monitoring (stations) (**)

How many monitoring stations for List I candidates and List II substances are operating?


(a) Indicate the substances which are measured.

(b) Indicate the year when the measurements started.

(c) Indicate the measurement methods used.

(d) What other parameters are monitored (as e.g. in Annex II, Decision 77/795/EEC)?

(e) The type of monitoring results needed and the mode of presentation will be indicated in the final questionnaire.

C. Measures referring to List I and List II substances

1. Expenditure (costs)

Give the sum of investments made for the construction of sewers and all waste water treatment plants concerned.

(Mio Ecu)



Industrial sector

Municipal sector





1980-1992 (*)


Appendix 1 AGENDA

Summary table for questions which, after the first report, require an answer only if there are alterations

(Outline questionnaire relating to Directive 76/464/EEC and daughter directives)

List I







A1Authorizations for direct discharges into surface watersXXO

A2Authorizations for discharges into sewersXXO

A3Emission standards for direct discharges into surface watersXNO

A4Emission standards for discharges into sewersXNO

A5Deadlines for authorizations and/or emissionsXNO

A6Emissions (loads) to surface watersXXX


A8Quality objectives for surface waterNXO

A9Monitoring (stations)XXX

A10Specific programmesXXX

List II







B1Programmes of reduction of pollutionXXO

B2Pretreatment at the sourceXXO

B3Emission standards for direct discharges into surface watersXXO

B4Emission standards for discharges into sewersXXO

B5Deadlines for authorizations and/or emissionsXXO

B6Emissions (loads) to surface watersXXX

B7Quality Objectives for water bodiesXXO

B8Monitoring (stations)XXX

List I and II







C1Expenditure (costs)XXX

(X) mandatory provisions

(N) optional data

(O) only answer, when there are alterations

Appendix 2 List of industrial sectors and/or processes concerned for List I Substances of Directive 76/464/EEC

1. Mercury (Directives 82/176/EEC and 84/156/EEC)

1.1. Chlor-alkali electrolysis industry (recycled brine)

1.2. Chlor-alkali electrolysis industry (lost brine)

1.3. Chemical industry using mercury catalysts in the production of vinyl chloride

1.4. Chemical industry using mercury catalysts in the processes of chemical industry

1.5. Manufacture of mercury catalysts used in the production of vinyl chloride

1.6. Other processes involving the manufacture of organic and non-organic mercury compounds

1.7. Manufacture of primary batteries

1.8. Non-ferrous metals industry (mercury recovery plants and extraction and refining of non-ferrous metals)

1.9. Plants for the treatment of toxic wastes containing mercury

1.10. Manufacturing of paper

1.11. Production of steel

1.12. Coal-fired power stations

2. Cadmium (Directive 83/513/EEC)

2.1. Zinc mining, lead and zinc refining, cadmium metal and non-ferrous metals industry

2.2. Manufacture of cadmium compounds

2.3. Manufacture of pigments

2.4. Manufacture of stabilizers

2.5. Manufacture of primary and secondary batteries

2.6. Electroplating(11)

2.7. Manufacture of phosphoric acid and/or phosphatic fertilizer from phosphatic rock

3. Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) (Directive 84/491/EEC)

3.1. Plants for the production of HCH

3.2. Plants for the extraction of lindane

3.3. Plants where the production of HCH and extraction of lindane is carried out

3.4. Lindane formulation plants (producing protective agents for plants, wood, cable)

4. Carbon tetrachloride (Directive 86/280/EEC)

4.1. Carbon tetrachloride production by perchlorination (processes involving washing)

4.2. Processes as above, not involving washing

4.3. Production of chloromethanes by methane chlorination (including high-pressure electrolytic chlorine generation) and from methanol

4.4. Production of chlorofluorocarbons

4.5. Plants using carbon tetrachloride as a solvent

5. DDT (Directive 86/280/EEC)

5.1. Production of DDT, including formulation of DDT on the same site

5.2. Plant formulating DDT away from the production site

5.3. Dicofol production

6. Pentachlorophenol (PCP) (Directive 86/280/EEC)

6.1. Production of PCP-Na by hydrolysis of hexachlorobenzene

6.2. Production of sodium pentachlorophenate by saponification

6.3. Production of pentachlorophenole by chlorination

7.-10. Aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, isodrin (Directive 88/347/EEC)

7.-10.1. Production of aldrin and/or dieldrin and/or endrin including formulation of these substances on the same site

7.-10.2. Plants formulating aldrin and/or dieldrin and/or endrin away from the production site

11. Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) (Directive 88/347/EEC)

11.1. HCB production and processing

11.2. Production of perchloroethylene (PER) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) by perchlorination

11.3. Production of trichlorethylene and/or perchlorethylene by any other process

11.4. Plants producing quintozene and tecnazene

11.5. Plants producing chlorine by chloralkali electrolysis with graphite electrodes

11.6. Industrial rubber processing plants

11.7. Plants manufacturing pyrotechnic products

11.8. Plants producing vinylchloride

12. Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) (Directive 88/347/EEC)

12.1. Production of perchloroethylene (PER) and carbon tetrachloride (CCI4) by perchlorination

12.2. Production of trichloroethylene and/or perchloroethylene by any other process

12.3. Industrial plants using HCBD for technical purposes

13. Chloroform (CHCl3) (Directive 88/347/EEC)

13.1. Production of chloromethanes from methanol or from a combination of methanol and methane (hydrochlorination of methanol subsequently chlorination of methyl chloride)

13.2. Production of chloromethanes by chlorination of methane

13.3. Production of chlorofluorocarbon

13.4. Production of monomervinyl chloride using dichloroethane pyrolises

13.5. Production of bleached pulp

13.6. Plants using CHCl3 as a solvent

13.7. Plants in which cooling waters or other effluents are chlorinated

14. 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC) (Directive 90/415/EEC)

14.1. Production only of 1,2-dichloroethane (without processing or use on the same site)

14.2. Production of 1,2-dichloroethane and processing or use on the same site, except for the use defined under 14.5

14.3. Processing of 1,2-dichloroethane into substances other than vinyl chloride such as ethylene diamine, ethylene polyamine, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene

14.4. Use of EDC for degreasing metals (away from an industrial site covered by 14.2)(12)

14.5. Use of EDC in the production of ion exchangers

15. Trichloroethylene (TRI) (Directive 90/415/EEC)

15.1. Trichloroethylene (TRI) and perchloroethylene (PER) production

15.2. Use of TRI for degreasing metals(13)

16. Perchloroethylene (PER) (Directive 90/415/EEC)

16.1. Trichloroethylene (TRI) and perchloroethylene (PER) production (TRI-PER processes)

16.2. Carbon tetrachloride and perchloroethylene production (TETRA-PER processes)

16.3. Use of PER for degreasing metals(14)

16.4. Chlorofluorocarbon production

17. Trichlorobenzene (TCB) (Directive 90/415/EEC)

17.1. Production of TCB via dehydrochlorination of HCH and/or processing TCB

17.2. Production and/or processing of chlorobenzenes via chlorination of benzene


(Information on a yearly basis - before 1 October 1996)


National summary

1. Name of Member State.............................................................. 2. Reporting Year.............................................................. SalmonidCyprinid

3. (a) Total No of designations (1):(b) Total length of river designated (1):(c) Total area of lakes designated (1):4. (a) No of designations complying (2):(b) Total length of river complying (2):(c) Total area of lakes complying (2):5. (a) Has Directive been transposed into Member State's national law? Yes (3) (4)No (3) (4)

(b) If yes, list relevant legislation.............................................................. .............................................................. ............................................................. 6. (a) Have limit values been set by Member State?Yes (3) (4)No (3) (4)

(b) If yes provide detailed information


Value I

Value G

Additional Parameters

Value I

Value G

(1) For reporting purposes, a number of small designations may be consolidated.

(2) This information may be supplied in the form of maps, in a format to be agreed.

(3) Delete whichever is not applicable.

(4) Replies to questions 5 and 6 need only be updated in future reports.


Geographical details for any designation

1. Name of Member State.............................................................. 2. Designation No.............................................................. 3. Region.............................................................. 4. (a) Name of water course.............................................................. (b)Name of lake.............................................................. 5. Geographical location information (1).............................................................. 6. Information regarding the extent of the designation (1).............................................................. 7. Area of lake.............................................................. SalmonidCyprinid

8. Water type.............................................................. 9. Date of designation..............................................................


Compliance details for any designation

1. Name of Member State.............................................................. 2. Designation.............................................................. 3. Monitoring year.............................................................. 4. Compliance (1):.............................................................. 5. (2)


Parameters monitored



Compliance with I

Respect of G

Parameters derogated

(1) This information may be supplied in the form of maps, in a format to be agreed.

(2) Only a yes or no answer is required. No numerical data are to be supplied.

Additional parameters

Parameters monitored



Compliance with I

Respect of G

Parameters derogated

6. (a)Reasons for non-compliance.............................................................. (b) Reasons for derogations.............................................................. (c) Measures foreseen in improvement programmes..............................................................


1. Since 1986, which industrial establishments producing titanium dioxide are still authorized pursuant to Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the Directive:

1.1. to dump waste at sea (strong acid waste)?

- length of the period authorized,

- trend in the annual quantities of waste dumped, including the qualities of heavy metals,

- type and concentration of the components of the waste dumped,

- techniques, methods and location of dumping,

- effects on the marine environment of the different components of the waste, including an assessment of the surveillance results;

1.2. to discharge or dump waste into surface waters (weak acid waste)?

- length of the period authorized,

- trend in the annual quantities of waste discharged, including the quantities of heavy metals,

- type and concentration of the components of the waste discharged,

- characteristics and location of discharge;

1.3. to carry out storage, tipping or injection operations?

- geographical location,

- characteristics of the methods of tipping, storage an injection, including an assessment of the surveillance results.

2.Since 1986, what measures have been taken to reduce air pollution caused by sulphur dioxide?

3. Since 1986, what monitoring operations have been carried out under Article 7?

4. Since 1986, what measures have been taken pursuant to Article 8?

5. What measures have been taken pursuant to Article 3 (reuse and recycling of waste), including any changes since 1986?

6. Give a brief description of the production processes used in the industrial establishments concerned, including the most significant changes since 1986.


(Information on a yearly basis before 1 October 1996)


National summary

1. Name of Member State.............................................................. 2. Reporting Year.............................................................. 3. (a) Total No of designations4. No of designation complying (1)5. (a) Has Directive been transposed into Member State's national law?Yes (2)No (2)

(b) If yes, list relevant legislation.............................................................. .............................................................. ............................................................. 6. (a) Have limit values been set by Member State?Yes (2 )No (2)

(b) If Yes, give details


Value I.

Value G

Additional Parameters

Value I

Value G

(1) This information may be supplied in the form of maps, in a format to be agreed.

(2) Delete whichever is not applicable.


Geographical details for any designation

1. Name of Member State.............................................................. 2. Designation No.............................................................. 3. Region.............................................................. 4. Name of water.............................................................. 5. Geographical Location Information (1).............................................................. 6. Information regarding the extent of the designation (1).............................................................. 7. Date of Designation..............................................................


Compliance details for any designation

1. Name of Member State.............................................................. 2. Designation No.............................................................. 3. Monitoring year.............................................................. 4. Compliance (1).............................................................. 5. (2)


Parameters monitored

Compliance with I

Respect with G

Parameters derogated

(1) This information may be supplied in the form of maps, in a format to be agreed.

(2) Only a yes or no answer is required. No numerical data are to be supplied.

Additional parameters

Parameters monitored

Compliance with I

Respect with G

Parameters derogated

6. (a)Reasons for non-compliance .............................................................. (b) Reasons for derogations.............................................................. (c) Measures foreseen in improvement programmes ..............................................................



List 1 substances

1. Provide a list of the legislation currently in force which has been adopted by the Member State to prevent the introduction into groundwater of substances in list I.

2. For each year 1993, 1994 and 1995, provide the following information:

(a) provide a list of the authorizations which have been granted during the reporting period, their geographical location, date of authorization, indicate the main technical precautions observed and specify if the site is included on the inventory of authorizations required by Article 15.

(b) for each site granted an authorization during the reporting period, provide information about the conditions attached to the authorization in respect of list I substances as a consequence of Article 10 (fourth indent).

3. Provide a list of disposal and tipping sites (other than those listed under 2(b)) which are currently recorded on the inventory of authorizations required by Article 15. Indicate also the geographical location and date of authorization for each site. Alternatively provide a descriptive summary.

4. (a) Is there any groundwater into which discharges are permitted in accordance with Article 4 (2)?

(b) If yes, provide a list of authorizations which have been granted. If possible, indicate the geographical location and date of authorization.

5. (a) Is any use made of the provisions of Article 4 (3)?

(b) If yes, provide a list of authorizations which have been granted. If possible, indicate the geographical location and date of authorization.


List II substances

1. Provide a list of the legislation currently in force which has been adopted by the Member State to limit the introduction into groundwater of substances in list II.

2. For each year 1993, 1994 and 1995 provide the following information:

(a) provide a list of the authorizations for direct discharges of list II substances granted during the reporting period, their geographical location, date of authorization, and indicate if the site is included on the inventory of authorizations required by Article 15;

(b) how many applications were made during the reporting period, for waste disposal or tipping authorizations for the purposes of disposing material which might, lead to an indirect discharge of a list II substance or substances?

3. Provide a list of sites where a direct discharge of a list II substance is authorized (other than those listed under 2(b)) and which are currently included on the inventory of authorizations required by Article 15. Indicate also the geographical location and date of authorization for each site. Alternatively, provide a descriptive summary.

4. For each year 1993, 1994 and 1995 provide the following information:

(a) how many applications were made during the reporting period for artificial recharges under Article 6?

(b) provide a list of the authorizations granted, their geographical location, date of authorization, and indicate what is the source of the water used for the recharge.


Monitoring requirements

1. Describe the monitoring system which has been adopted in accordance with Article 13.


1. Article 4 (2) action plans - only A3 waters need to be included in the first reporting period

(a) The geographical location of the water

(b) The parameter(s) to be improved

(c) The quality objectives to be achieved

(d) The programme for improvement including information on the timetable, measures to be taken and planned investment

2. Article 4 (3) management plans

(a) The geographical location of the water

(b) The parameter(s) to be improved

(c) The treatment process used or planned to be used

(d) The programme for improvement, including information on the timetable, measures to be taken and planned investment

3. Article 8 derogations

For each derogation list the following:

(a) the name and geographical location of the water;

(b) the parameters concerned;

(c) the duration of the derogation, including the date it commenced and ended;

(d) a short description giving the reasons for the derogation.

4. In addition to the above, Member States should also provide information about the legislation they have adopted to implement the Directive.

NB: The information provided in questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 need only be returned once for the total reporting period.


1. Provide a list of the legislation adopted to implement the Directive

2. For each parameter provide:

(a) method of measuring;

(b) CEN or ISO number or other standard method if used;

(c) range of annual frequency of sampling and analysis.



Legal transposition and limit values

1. Provide a list of the legislation currently in force, adopted by the Member State to implement the Directive.

2. (a) Have any values been set by the Member State for the various parameters listed in the Directive?

(b) If yes, quote the reference of the appropriate legal instrument and provide a list of the values adopted for each parameter.

(c) If no, indicate when it is likely that values will be set.

3. (a) Have any special provisions been adopted under Article 17 of the Directive regarding information concerning a water's suitability for feeding infants?

(b) If yes, quote the reference of the provisions and provide a copy of them.

4. Provide information on how water quality is checked, and give the name of the responsible authority.

NB: (This section need only be updated in future reports)


Summary information about water supplies

1. What is the total number of water supplies currently operational in the Member State? (Only include supplies serving a population greater than 5 000, and indicate how water supplies are identified.)

2. (a) What is the population served by these water supplies? (If necessary, provide an estimate.)

(b) What proportion, as a percentage, of the total population of the Member State is served by these water supplies? (If necessary, provide an estimate.)

3. What is the total quantity of water supplied each year by the above water supplies? (If necessary, provide an estimate.)

4. What is the number of water supplies which are used mainly or entirely in food production undertakings? (Answer optional.)

5. What are the main sources of water and how much does each type contribute to the annual consumption by the Member State?

(a) Surface waters

(b) Groundwater (If necessary, provide an estimate)

(c) Other

6. Provide information as required by Article 6 (1) as to the industrial sectors in which the wholesomeness of the finished product is unaffected by the quality of the water used.

NB: The information provided in Sections 1 and 2 need only be returned once for the total reporting period.


Summary of overall quality

1. For each parameter in Annex I of the Directive measured in accordance with Article 12 (4), list the following(15) :

(a) the total number of determinations carried out in connection with the application of the Directive;

(b) the number of determinations which comply with the following classification, where the Directive provides a MAC(16) value:




Values less or equal to MAC


Values in excess of MAC


Annual recapitulation of information about supplies with derogations in accordance with Articles 9 and 10 information about supplies not complying with the Directive reported on a yearly basis

1. For each water supply(17) , which exceeded the MAC(18) , list the following:

(a) the name and geographical location of the supply;

(b) the population served by the supply (if necessary, provide an estimate);

(c) the quantity of water supplied (if necessary, provide an estimate);

(d) if a derogation was given, the parameter(s) concerned and derogated value(s);

(e) whether the derogations were under Article 9 (1) a, 9 (1) b, 10 (1) or 10 (2);

(f) the duration of the derogations including the dates when they commenced and ended;

(g) a short description giving the reason(s) for the derogations;

(h) where no derogation exists, the parameter(s) concerned including the number of determinations, the number of determinations in exceedence of MAC. Information, such as average and peak exceedence and duration, necessary to allow the importance of the failure to comply with the MAC to be assessed should also be provided;

(i) for each parameter which failed to respect the MAC, the reason(s) for failure;

(j) the measures which were taken to protect public health in cases of serious exceedences. (optional);

(k) whether an improvement programme exists to ensure future compliance:

- if yes, then provide a short description of the proposed programme, the measures to be taken, the proposed timetable, the required investment, etc.,

- if no, then provide a short description of why an improvement programme does not exist or is not needed.


The following information must be provided in digital form in accordance with the following format.


1. File on geographic locations (file containing geo-reference information)

Attribute name

Type width


NumindCHAR 18access key

RegionCHAR 30region name

ProvinceCHAR 20province name

CommuneCHAR 35commune name

PrelevCHAR 45name of bathing water

LatCHAR 8latitude


X = N (north)

S (south)

S = space

DD = degrees

MM = minutes

SS = seconds

LongCHAR 8longitude

format: YSDDMMSS

Y = W (west)

E (East)

S = space

DD = degrees

MM = minutes

SS = seconds

CodeauNUM 1type of water sampled

codes: 1 = sea water

2 = river

3 = lake

4 = estuary

RemCHAR 80free comments

2. General data file (file containing general information for each bathing water.)

NumindCHAR 18access key

AnneeNUM 4year

DebdatNUM 8beginning of the bathing season

format: YYYYMMDD

FindatNUM 8end of the bathing season

format: YYYYMMDD

NobexeNUM 2number of samples

bannedCHAR 1temporarily banned bathing water

code: B = if banned

space = not banned (optional)

RemCHAR 80free comments

3. Parameter data file (file containing bathing water quality results by parameter)

NumindCHAR 18access key

AnneeNUM 4year

ParnoNUM 3parameter number

format: PPU

code: PP = parameter code

U = under-parameter code

ParnobNUM 2number of analysis for this parameter

ParnodiNUM 2number of results exceeding the mandatory values

ParnodvinNUM 2number of results exceeding the national limit values

ParnodgNUM 2number of results exceeding the guide values

FrequenceCHAR 1frequency of mesurements

code: Y = at least fornightly

N = not at least fornightly

RemCHAR 80free comments

Description of the access-key

The complete access key should be unique (this means only appear once in the complete file) and must be maintained for future years; when a new station is added, this station should get a new code which has never existed before. If only the name of a bathing water is changed, the access key and the location should remain unchanged.

Type width


CHAR 1Nuts level 0 code (country) (2)

CHAR 1Nuts level 1 code (region) (2)

CHAR 1Nuts level 2 code (province) (2)

CHAR 1Nuts level 3 code (department) (2)

CHAR 2Loc level 1 code (commune) (3)

CHAR 3Loc level 2 code (commune) (3)

CHAR 9Bathing water code (1)

'The complete list of codes and region and commune names is supplied by Member State on a separate 3,5 inch disc.'

4. Supplementary file: 'read me' (free format)

- Indicate the analytical method(s) used to assess compliance with the Directive.

- Short description of improvement schemes for bathing areas not complying with the imperative values of the Directive including timetable of works and necessary investment.

(1) OJ No L 81 of 27. 3. 1982, p. 29.

(2) OJ No L 291 of 24. 10. 1983, p. 1.

(3) OJ No L 74 of 17. 3. 1984, p. 49.

(4) OJ No L 274 of 17. 10. 1984, p. 11.

(5) OJ No L 181 of 4. 7. 1986, p. 16.

(6) OJ No L 222 of 14. 8. 1978, p. 1.

(7) OJ No L 54 of 25. 2. 1978, p. 19.

(8) OJ No L 281 of 10. 11. 1979, p. 47.

(9) OJ No L 20 of 26. 1. 1980, p. 43.

(10) OJ No L 271 of 29. 10. 1979, p. 44.

(11) with respect to the stipulated low thresholds in the daughter directives.

(12) with respect to the low threshold of 30 kg/annum discharged.

(13) Only water supplies serving a population in excess of 5 000 need to be included.

(14) MRCs should be dealt with analogously.

(15) This field should be filled using the bathing water code as it is defined by the Member State at the national level, if it exists and if it is unique. Otherwise we suggest numbering the bathing waters sequentially by Nuts level 3 unit.

(16) Documentation on the definition of Territorial Units for Statistics (Nuts) as it is adopted by Eurostat, is available in table 1.

(17) Documentation on the definition of the localities (Loc) as it is adopted by Eurostat, is available in table 2.
