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Document 52005AP0215

    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) (COM(2004)0490 - C6-0181/2004 - 2004/0161(CNS))

    JO C 124E, 25.5.2006, p. 191–214 (ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV)


    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) (COM(2004)0490 - C6-0181/2004 - 2004/0161(CNS))

    Official Journal 124 E , 15/05/2006 P. 0191 - 0214


    EAFRD support for rural development *

    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) (COM(2004)0490 — C6-0181/2004 — 2004/0161(CNS))

    (Consultation procedure)

    The European Parliament,

    - having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(2004)0490) [1],

    - having regard to Article 37 of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0181/2004),

    - having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure,

    - having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (CESE 251/05),

    - having regard to the report of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Regional Development (A6-0145/2005),

    1. Approves the Commission proposal as amended;

    2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty;

    3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament;

    4. Asks the Council to consult Parliament again if it intends to amend the Commission proposal substantially;

    5. Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission.

    Amendment 1

    Recital 3

    (3) The reform of the CAP in June 2003 and April 2004 introduced major changes likely to have a significant impact on the economy across the whole rural territory of the Community in terms of agricultural production patterns, land management methods, employment and the wider social and economic conditions in rural areas.

    (3) The reform of the CAP in June 2003 and April 2004 introduced major changes likely to have a significant impact on the economy across the whole rural territory of the Community in terms of the structural development of agriculture, regional distribution and intensity of production, as well as agricultural production patterns, land management methods, employment and the wider social and economic conditions in rural areas.

    Amendment 2

    Recital 3 a (new)

    (3a) In the coming years, the European food and agriculture sector will become increasingly liberalised, and will have to be able to compete in the global marketplace. EU common policies should provide opportunities for improved competitiveness through innovation.

    Amendment 3

    Recital 3 b (new)

    (3b) Increased competitiveness in the food and agricultural sector in rural areas will require the development of European quality labels that reflect food safety, documentation of production processes (traceability), animal welfare, environment and working conditions.

    Amendment 4

    Recital 5

    (5) The Community may take measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as provided for in Article 5 of the Treaty. Since the goal of rural development cannot be achieved adequately by the Member States given the links between it and the other instruments of the Common Agricultural Policy, the extent of the disparities between rural areas and the limits on the financial resources of the Member States in an enlarged Union, it can be better achieved at Community level through the multiannual guarantee of Community finance and by concentrating it on its priorities. According to the principle of proportionality as stated in Article 5 of the Treaty, the present Regulation does not exceed what is necessary to achieve this goal.

    (5) The Community may take measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as provided for in Article 5 of the Treaty. Since the goal of rural development cannot be achieved adequately by the Member States given the links between it and the other instruments of the common agricultural policy, the extent of the disparities between rural areas and the limits on the financial resources of the Member States in an enlarged Union, it can be better achieved at Community level through the multiannual guarantee of Community finance and by concentrating it on its priorities. The European Union must ensure that this Regulation is made financially viable through the allocation of sufficient funding to enable both old and new rural-development activities to be funded. According to the principle of proportionality as stated in Article 5 of the Treaty, the present Regulation does not exceed what is necessary to achieve this goal.

    Amendment 5

    Recital 6

    (6) The activities of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, hereinafter called the "Fund", and the operations to which it contributes must be consistent and compatible with the other Community policies and comply with all Community legislation.

    (6) The activities of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, hereinafter called the "Fund", and the operations to which it contributes must be consistent and compatible with cohesion policy in rural areas and the other Community policies and comply with all Community legislation.

    Amendment 6

    Recital 7

    (7) In its action in favour of rural development the Community takes care to encourage the elimination of disparities and the promotion of equality between women and men in accordance with Articles 2 and 3 of the Treaty.

    (7) In its action in favour of rural development the Community takes care to encourage the elimination of disparities and the promotion of non-discrimination and equality between women and men in accordance with Articles 2 and 3 of the Treaty.

    Amendment 7

    Recital 11

    (11) To ensure the sustainable development of rural areas it is necessary to focus on a limited number of core priority objectives at Community level relating to agricultural and forestry competitiveness, land management and environment, and quality of life and diversification of activities in those areas.

    (11) To ensure the sustainable development of rural areas it is necessary to focus on a limited number of core priority objectives at Community level relating to agricultural and forestry competitiveness, land management and environment, and quality of life and diversification of activities in those areas, taking into account, however, the diversity of situations within the EU, ranging from remote rural areas suffering from depopulation and decline to peri-urban areas under increasing pressure from urban centres.

    Amendment 8

    Recital 16

    (16) The granting of specific benefits to young farmers may facilitate both their initial establishment and the structural adjustment of their holdings after their initial setting up. The setting-up measure should be streamlined by granting a single premium and made conditional on the establishment of a business plan ensuring the development of young farmers' activities.

    (16) The granting of specific benefits to young farmers may facilitate both their initial establishment and the structural adjustment of their holdings after their initial setting up. The setting-up measure should be conditional upon the presentation of a suitable business plan as an instrument to ensure over time the development of the activity of the new undertaking. In order to facilitate the starting-up and development of the new undertaking this business plan should be backed up by appropriate incentives, by means of an integrated package of measures concerning the various axes of intervention.

    Amendment 9

    Recital 23

    (23) Improvements in the processing and marketing of primary agricultural and forestry production should be encouraged by means of support for investments aimed at improving efficiency in the processing and marketing sector, promoting the processing of agricultural and forestry production for renewable energy, introducing new technologies, opening new market opportunities for agricultural and forestry products, putting emphasis on quality, improving performance in the environmental protection, occupational safety, hygiene and animal welfare fields, as appropriate, by targeting small and micro-enterprises which are better placed to add value to local products, while simplifying the conditions for investment aid as compared with those laid down in Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999.

    (23) Improvements in the processing and marketing of primary agricultural and forestry production should be encouraged by means of support for investments aimed at improving efficiency in the processing and marketing sector, promoting the processing of agricultural and forestry production for renewable energy, introducing new technologies, opening new market opportunities for agricultural and forestry products, putting emphasis on quality, improving performance in the environmental protection, occupational safety, hygiene and animal welfare fields, by supporting micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises and collective producer entities, which are better placed to add value to local products, while simplifying the conditions for investment aid as compared with those laid down in Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999.

    Amendment 10

    Recital 32

    (32) Natural handicap payments in mountain areas and payments in other areas with handicaps should contribute, through continued use of agricultural land, to maintaining the countryside, and the maintenance and promotion of sustainable farming systems. Objective parameters for fixing the level of payments should be laid down in order to ensure the efficiency of this support scheme and ensure that its objectives are achieved.

    (32) Natural handicap payments in mountain areas and payments in other areas with handicaps should contribute, through continued use of agricultural land, to maintaining the countryside, and the maintenance and promotion of sustainable farming systems. Objective parameters for fixing the level of payments should be laid down in order to ensure the efficiency of this support scheme and ensure that its objectives are achieved. While maintaining the requisite continuity in the demarcation of areas with handicaps, in future the basic concept should focus mainly on natural handicaps within a Member State. For the system of compensatory payments, Member States should be called upon to develop systems which differentiate objectively. The Commission is called upon to submit a comprehensive study on how to define areas with handicaps, looking at all relevant aspects. Until then, the current definition should apply.

    Amendment 11

    Recital 33

    (33) Support should continue to be granted to farmers to help address specific disadvantages in the areas concerned resulting from the implementation of Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds and Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora in order to contribute to the effective management of NATURA 2000 sites.

    (33) While support should continue to be granted to farmers and forest holders to help address specific disadvantages in the areas concerned resulting from the implementation of Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds and Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora in order to contribute to the effective management of NATURA 2000 sites, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development should be only a secondary source of such funding. In addition to other European funds, the primary sources of funding are, above all, the national and regional budgets.

    Amendment 12

    Recital 34

    (34) Agri-environmental payments should continue to play a prominent role in supporting the sustainable development of rural areas and in responding to society's increasing demand for environmental services. They should further encourage farmers to serve society as a whole by introducing or continuing to apply agricultural production methods compatible with the protection and improvement of the environment, the landscape and its features, natural resources, the soil and genetic diversity. In accordance with the polluter-pays principle these payments should cover only those commitments going beyond the relevant mandatory standards.

    (34) Agri-environmental payments should continue to play a prominent role in supporting the sustainable development of rural areas and in responding to society's increasing demand for environmental services. They should further encourage farmers to serve society as a whole by introducing or continuing to apply agricultural production methods compatible with the protection and improvement of the environment, the landscape and its features, natural resources, the soil and genetic diversity. In accordance with the polluter-pays principle these payments should cover only those commitments going beyond the relevant mandatory standards, with provision for effective support elements in addition to compensation for the effects on costs and profits.

    Amendment 13

    Recital 45

    (45) There is a need to accompany changes in rural areas by helping them to diversify farming activities towards non-agricultural activities and develop non-agricultural sectors, promote employment, improve basic services and carry out investments making rural areas more attractive in order to reverse trends towards economic and social decline and depopulation of the countryside. An effort to enhance the human potential in this respect is also necessary.

    (45) There is a need to accompany changes in rural areas by helping them to diversify farming activities towards non-agricultural activities and develop non-agricultural sectors, promote employment, improve basic services and carry out investments making rural areas more attractive in order to reverse trends towards economic and social decline and depopulation of the countryside. An effort to enhance the human potential in this respect is also necessary. Rural development measures, particularly those under priority axis III, should be implemented in addition to existing policies and thereby create specific synergies in rural areas.

    Amendment 14

    Recital 50

    (50) Given the importance of the LEADER approach, a substantial share of the contribution of the Fund should be earmarked for this priority.

    (50) Given the importance of the LEADER approach, an adequate share of the contribution of the Fund should be earmarked for this priority.

    Amendment 15

    Recital 56

    (56) Over and above these amounts the Member States must take account of the amounts generated by modulation as provided for in Article 12(2) of Regulation (EC) No …/… [on the financing of the CAP].

    (56) Over and above these amounts the Member States must take account of the amounts generated by modulation as provided for in Article 12(2) of Regulation (EC) No …/… [on the financing of the CAP], which amounts, given that they originate in the first pillar, should be used to provide direct support for the common agricultural policy in farming and forestry, in particular by increasing aid to the farmers that receive least.

    Amendment 16

    Recital 58

    (58) The rate of the Fund's contribution to rural development programming should be set in relation to public expenditure in the Member States, taking account of the importance of the priority for land management and environment, the situation in the regions covered by the Convergence Objective, the priority given to the LEADER approach, the outermost regions referred to in Article 299 of the Treaty and the islands covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2019/93 of 19 July 1993 introducing specific measures for the smaller Aegean islands concerning certain agricultural products7.

    (58) The rate of the Fund's contribution to rural development programming should be set in relation to public expenditure in the Member States, taking account of the importance of the priority for land management and environment, the situation in the regions covered by the Convergence Objective, the importance given to the LEADER approach, the outermost regions referred to in Article 299 of the Treaty and the islands covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2019/93 of 19 July 1993 introducing specific measures for the smaller Aegean islands concerning certain agricultural products7.

    Amendment 17

    Recital 66

    (66) The Community reserve for the LEADER approach should be allocated taking the performance of the programmes in this respect into account. The criteria for its allocation should be laid down accordingly.

    Amendment 18

    Article 3

    Amendment 19

    Article 4, paragraph 1, point (a)

    (a) improving the competitiveness of agriculture and forestry by means of support for restructuring;

    (a) improving the competitiveness of agriculture and forestry by means of support for development and restructuring, innovation, training and professional qualifications;

    Amendment 20

    Article 4, paragraph 1, point (b)

    (b) improving the environment and the countryside by means of support for land management;

    (b) improving the environment, the countryside and farming of the land by means of support for sustainable land management;

    Amendment 21

    Article 4, paragraph 1, point (c)

    (c) improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging diversification of economic activity.

    (c) improving the quality of life in and the cultural development of rural areas and encouraging the development and the diversification of economic activity.

    Amendment 22

    Article 4, paragraph 1, point (c a) (new)

    (ca) improving the supply to the local and regional population of farm products produced in their area;

    Amendment 23

    Article 4, paragraph 1, point (c b) (new)

    (cb) increasing the contribution to sustainable energy supply and climate protection.

    Amendment 24

    Article 5, paragraph 1

    1. The Fund shall complement national, regional and local actions contributing to the priorities of the Community.

    1. The Fund shall complement national, regional and local actions without prejudice to the implementation of corresponding national development programmes contributing to the priorities of the Community.

    Amendment 25

    Article 5, paragraph 2

    2. The Commission and the Member States shall ensure that the assistance from the Fund and the Member States is consistent with the activities, policies and priorities of the Community. The assistance of the Fund must be consistent with the objectives of Economic and Social Cohesion and those of the European Fisheries Fund in particular.

    2. The Commission and the Member States shall ensure that the assistance from the Fund and the Member States is consistent with the activities, policies and priorities of the Community. The assistance of the Fund must be consistent with the objectives of Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion and those of the European Fisheries Fund and environment policy in particular.

    Amendment 26

    Article 5, paragraph 4

    4. There shall also be consistency with the measures financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund.

    4. There shall also be consistency with the measures financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund, which must be clearly distinguished from the financing measures put in place by other structural funds.

    Amendment 27

    Article 6, paragraph 1, point (b)

    (b) the economic and social partners;

    (b) the bodies representing the economic and social partners and rural organisations involved in this sector;

    Amendment 28

    Article 6, paragraph 3

    3. The partnership shall be involved in the preparation and monitoring of the national strategy plan and in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the rural development programmes. The Member States shall involve all appropriate partners at the various programming stages, due regard being had to the time limit set for each step.

    3. The partnership shall be involved in the preparation and monitoring of the national strategy plan and in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the rural development programmes. The Member States shall involve all appropriate partners at the various programming stages. In programme planning, therefore, care must be taken to allow enough time to consult the various partners and ensure genuine participation.

    Amendment 29

    Article 7

    Amendment 30

    Article 8, paragraph 1

    Amendment 31

    Article 8, paragraph 2

    Amendment 32

    Article 8, paragraph 2 a (new)

    Amendment 33

    Article 8 a (new)

    Article 8a

    Specific aid to small and micro-enterprises

    Member States and the Commission shall support small and micro-enterprises on account of their special importance to employment and the environment in rural areas. In view of the special socioeconomic importance of the enterprises, each Member State shall adopt criteria for financial support which afford these enterprises privileged access to rural development funding.

    Amendment 34

    Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1

    1. The Council adopts at Community level strategic guidelines for rural development for the programming period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013 in the light of the policy priorities set at Community level.

    1. The Council adopts at Community level strategic guidelines for rural development and particularly for the attainment of the objectives referred to in Article 4 for the programming period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013 in the light of the policy priorities set at Community level.

    Amendment 35

    Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2

    Amendment 36

    Article 11, paragraph 3, point (e)

    (e) the means to ensure coordination with the other CAP instruments and with Cohesion policy;

    (e) the means to ensure coordination between the CAP, including the two pillars 1a and 1b, on the one hand and cohesion, territorial convergence, regional competitivity and employment policies, on the other;

    Amendment 37

    Article 11, paragraph 3, point (g a) (new)

    (ga) an outline of how the plan contributes to social inclusion and non-discrimination.

    Amendment 38

    Article 11 a, paragraph 2

    2. Each Member State shall send the Commission its national strategic plan before submitting its rural development programmes.

    2. Each Member State shall send the Commission its national strategic plan before or when submitting its rural development programmes. If a Member State has only one rural development programme, the national strategy may be included as a separate chapter.

    Amendment 39

    Article 12, title and paragraph 1

    1. For the first time in 2008 and no later than 1 October each year, each Member State shall submit to the Commission a summary report setting out the progress made in implementing its strategy and objectives and their contribution to the achievement of the Community strategic guidelines for rural development.

    1. No later than 1 October 2010, each Member State shall submit to the Commission a summary report setting out the progress made in implementing its strategy and objectives and their contribution to the achievement of the Community strategic guidelines for rural development. After the conclusion of the programming period, each Member State shall submit a summary report on the programming period 2007-2013.

    Amendment 40

    Article 13, title and paragraph 1

    1. For the first time in 2009 and at the start of each year, the Commission shall present an annual report summarising the main developments, trends and challenges relating to the implementation of the national strategy plans and the Community strategic guidelines. This report shall be based on the Commission's analysis and appraisal of the Member States' annual summary reports referred to in Article 12 and any other available information. It shall indicate the measures taken or to be taken by the Member States and Commission in order to provide an appropriate follow-up to the report's conclusions.

    1. After the submission of the reports of the Member States, the Commission shall present a report in 2011 summarising the main developments, trends and challenges relating to the implementation of the national strategy plans and the Community strategic guidelines. This report shall be based on the Commission's analysis and appraisal of the Member States' summary reports referred to in Article 12 and any other available information. It shall indicate the measures taken or to be taken by the Member States and Commission in order to provide an appropriate follow-up to the report's conclusions.

    Amendment 41

    Article 13, paragraph 2

    2. The annual Commission report shall be sent to the Council, Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

    2. The Commission report shall be sent to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

    Amendment 42

    Article 14, paragraph 2

    2. A Member State may submit either a single programme for its entire territory or a programme for each region.

    2. A Member State may submit either a national programme or regional programmes or a combination of the two types of programme.

    Amendment 43

    Article 16

    Amendment 44

    Article 18, paragraph 1

    1. The rural development programmes shall be re-examined and, if appropriate, adapted for the remainder of the period at the Member State's or Commission's initiative, following Monitoring Committee approval. The purpose of these revisions shall be to take account of the outcome of evaluations and the Commission's annual reports, particularly with a view to strengthening or adapting the way in which the Community priorities are taken into account. The rural development programmes shall be revised, when applicable, following allocation of the LEADER reserve referred to in Article 92.

    1. The rural development programmes shall be re-examined and, if appropriate, adapted for the remainder of the period at the Member State's or Commission's initiative, following Monitoring Committee approval. The purpose of these revisions shall be to take account of the outcome of evaluations and the Commission's annual reports, particularly with a view to strengthening or adapting the way in which the Community priorities are taken into account.

    Amendment 45

    Article 19, point (a) (v a) (new)

    (va) technical support for farmers and forest holders;

    Amendment 46

    Article 19, point (b) (i)

    (i) farm modernisation,

    (i) farm modernisation, extending to the smallest holdings,

    Amendment 47

    Article 19, point (b) (v a) (new)

    (va) experimental development;

    Amendment 48

    Article 19, point (c) (i)

    (i) helping farmers to adapt to demanding standards based on Community legislation,

    (i) helping farmers to adapt to demanding standards based on Community legislation with a view to optimum food safety,

    Amendment 130

    Article 19, point (c) (ii)

    (ii) supporting farmers who participate in food quality schemes,

    (ii) supporting farmers and producer groups who participate in food quality schemes, e.g. in the framework of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 of 14 July 1992 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs [2],

    Amendment 50

    Article 19, point (c) (iii a) (new)

    (iiia) supporting initiatives such as local farmers' markets and quality food local procurement schemes;

    Amendment 51

    Article 19, point (d) (i)

    (i) supporting semi-subsistence farms undergoing restructuring,

    (i) supporting semi-subsistence farms, undergoing restructuring, operating in rural, peri-urban and urban areas,

    Amendment 52

    Article 21, paragraph 1, introductory part

    1. Support provided for in Article 19 (a)(ii), shall be granted to persons who:

    1. Support provided for in Article 19(a)(ii) shall be mandatory for the Member States and the regions and shall be granted to persons who:

    Amendment 53

    Article 21, paragraph 1, point (c)

    (c) submit a business plan for the development of their farming activities.

    (c) submit an appropriate business plan for the development of their farming activities. The progress made with the business plan shall be verified over the three years following establishment.

    Amendment 54

    Article 21, paragraph 2

    2. The support shall be granted in the form of a single premium up to the maximum amount laid down in Annex I.

    2. The support shall be granted in the form of a single premium and/or an interest subsidy on loans up to a maximum capitalised value of EUR 55000.

    Amendment 55

    Article 21, paragraph 2 a (new)

    2a. With a view to supporting implementation of the business plan referred to in paragraph 1(c), it is necessary to ensure an integrated package of measures contributing to the establishment and development of the new enterprise. This package shall include one or more intervention measures pursuant to Title IV, permitting the financing of further operations relating to one or more axes.

    Amendment 56

    Article 21, paragraph 2 b (new)

    2b. Measures to help young farmers set up in business shall feature in all national and regional rural-development programmes.

    Amendment 57

    Article 21, paragraph 2 c (new)

    2c. Young farmers supported under this Article may be given a period not exceeding five years, after they have set up, in which to comply with the conditions laid down in Community standards or by minimum requirements in connection with farm modernisation aid, payments intended to compensate for the natural handicaps of mountain areas and payments for other areas with handicaps, as well as agrienvironment and animal welfare payments.

    Amendment 58

    Article 23, paragraph 1, point (b a) (new)

    (ba) to help potential future farmers and forest owners to meet costs arising from the preparation of the business plan for the development of their farming activities.

    Amendment 59

    Article 25, paragraph 1, point (a)

    (a) improve the overall performance of the farm, and

    (a) improve the overall economic and environmental performance of the farm, and

    Amendment 60

    Article 25, paragraph 1, point (a a) (new)

    (aa) create jobs, and

    Amendment 61

    Article 26, title

    Amendment 62

    Article 26, paragraph 1

    1. Investment support provided for in Article 19 (b)(ii) shall be granted for forests owned by private owners or their associations or by municipalities or their associations. This limitation does not apply to the subtropical forests and to the wooded areas of the territories of Açores, Madeira and French Oversea Departments.

    1. Investment support provided for in Article 19(b)(ii) shall be granted for forests owned by private owners or their associations or by municipalities or their associations. This limitation does not apply to the tropical or subtropical forests and to the wooded areas of the territories of Azores, Madeira and French Overseas Departments and of the European Union's outermost regions. Investment support shall also be granted for the establishment and structural reinforcement of forest owner organisations so as to support members in the sustainable and more efficient management of their forests.

    Amendment 63

    Article 26, paragraph 2

    2. Investments shall be based on forest management plans.

    2. Investments shall be based on forest management plans for forest holdings of a size greater than that to be set by the Member States in their programmes.

    Amendment 64

    Article 27, paragraph 1, point (a)

    (a) improve the overall performance of the enterprise;

    (a) improve the overall economic and environmental performance of the enterprise;

    Amendment 65

    Article 27, paragraph 2, subparagraph 1

    2. Support under paragraph 1 shall be limited to micro and small enterprises within the meaning of Commission recommendation 2003/361/EC. In the case of forestry production, support shall be limited to micro-enterprises.

    2. Support under paragraph 1 shall be granted to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises within the meaning of Commission recommendation 2003/361/EC, and to any collective producer entity. In the case of forestry production, support shall be limited to micro- and small enterprises and associations of micro- and small enterprises.

    Amendment 66

    Article 28

    Amendment 131

    Article 30, paragraph 1, point (b)

    (b) be for Community food quality schemes or for those recognised by the Member States which comply with precise criteria to be defined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 95(2); schemes whose sole purpose is to provide a higher level of control of respect of obligatory standards under Community or national law shall not be eligible for support,

    (b) be for Community food quality schemes, e.g. in the framework of Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92, or for those recognised by the Member States which comply with precise criteria to be defined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 95(2); schemes whose sole purpose is to provide a higher level of control of respect of obligatory standards under Community or national law shall not be eligible for support,

    Amendment 67

    Article 31, paragraph 1 a (new)

    The support may include information and promotion activities for:

    (a) co-operation, information transfer or networking between farmers, processors or other market actors in the agro-food chain;

    (b) transfer of know-how and best practices between farmers, processors or other market actors in the agro-food chain.

    Amendment 68

    Title IV, Chapter I, Section 2, title





    Amendment 69

    Article 34, point (a) (iv)

    (iv) agri-environment and animal welfare payments,

    (iv) agri-environment and animal welfare payments and measures to conserve and exploit agricultural genetic diversity "on farm",

    Amendment 70

    Article 34, point (a) (iv a) (new)

    (iva) promotion of organic farming,

    Amendment 71

    Article 34, point (b) (v)

    (v) forest-environment payments,

    (v) forest-environment payments and measures to exploit and conserve genetic diversity used for forestry purposes,

    Amendment 72

    Article 35, paragraph 4

    4. Payments shall be degressive above a threshold level of area per holding to be defined in the programme.

    4. Taking into account the relevant objectives, payments shall be degressive above a threshold level of area per holding to be defined in the programme.

    Amendment 73

    Article 36, paragraph 1

    Amendment 74

    Article 36, paragraph 2

    Amendment 75

    Article 37, paragraph 3, subparagraph 1

    3. Agri-environment and welfare payments cover only those commitments going beyond the relevant mandatory standards established pursuant to Articles.4 and 5 and Annexes III and IV of Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 and other relevant mandatory requirements established by national legislation and identified in the programme. Additionally, farmers and other land managers undertaking agri-environment commitments shall respect minimum requirements for fertiliser and plant protection product use to be identified in the programme.

    3. Agri-environment and welfare payments cover only those commitments going beyond the relevant mandatory standards established pursuant to Articles.4 and 5 and Annexes III and IV of Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 and other relevant mandatory requirements established by national legislation and identified in the programme.

    Amendment 76

    Article 37, paragraph 3, subparagraph 2

    Amendment 77

    Article 37, paragraph 4, subparagraph 1

    4. The payments shall be granted annually and shall cover additional costs and income foregone resulting from the commitment given; where necessary, they may cover also transaction cost.

    4. The payments shall be granted annually. They shall incorporate an incentive component of 20 % to cover additional costs and income foregone resulting from the commitment given.

    Amendment 78

    Article 37, paragraph 4, subparagraph 2

    Amendment 79

    Article 38, point (b)

    (b) on-farm investments which enhance the public amenity value of the NATURA 2000 area concerned.

    (b) investments which enhance the public amenity value of the NATURA 2000 area concerned and of other areas which are important for purposes of nature conservation.

    Amendment 80

    Article 41, paragraph 3

    3. Christmas trees and fast-growing species for short-term cultivation shall be excluded from support.

    3. Christmas trees, invasive or alien species, and fast-growing species for short-term cultivation shall be excluded from support.

    Amendment 81

    Article 43, paragraph 1

    Amendment 82

    Article 44, paragraph 2, subparagraph 1

    2. The payments shall cover additional costs resulting from the commitment given. They shall be calculated on the basis of real costs.

    2. The payments shall be calculated on the basis of the conventional assessment procedure.

    Amendment 83

    Article 46, point (b)

    (b) which enhance the public amenity value of the area concerned.

    (b) which enhance or preserve the public amenity value of the area concerned.

    Amendment 84

    Article 47, paragraph 1

    1. Member States shall designate the areas eligible for payments provided for in Article 34 (a)(i), (ii) and (iii) as well as (b)(i), (iii), (iv) and (vi) of that Article, taking into account the provisions of paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this Article.

    1. Member States shall, in accordance with their institutional structures, designate the areas eligible for payments provided for in Article 34(a)(i), (ii) and (iii) as well as (b)(i), (iii), (iv) and (vi) of that Article, taking into account the provisions of paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this Article. For first afforestation areas: where specific legislation provides for an approval procedure, areas shall not be designated.

    Amendment 85

    Article 47, paragraph 2, subparagraph 1, point (a)

    (a) to the existence, because of altitude, of very difficult climatic conditions, the effect of which is substantially to shorten the growing season;

    (a) to the existence, because of altitude or northern location, of very difficult climatic conditions, the effect of which is substantially to shorten the growing season;

    Amendment 86

    Article 47, paragraph 2, subparagraph 1, point (b a) (new)

    (ba) to the presence of a small or dwindling population largely dependent on the agricultural sector and unlikely to remain should it contract any more rapidly, undermining the social, economic and environmental sustainability of the regions affected.

    Amendment 87

    Article 47, paragraph 2, subparagraph 1, point (b b) (new)

    (bb) to their inclusion among mountain and less-favoured areas designated for "phasing out" of assistance.

    Amendment 88

    Article 47, paragraph 2, subparagraph 2

    Amendment 89

    Article 47, paragraph 3, subparagraph 1, point (b a) (new)

    (ba) characterised by the presence of a small or dwindling population largely dependent on agriculture and unlikely to remain should it contract any more rapidly, undermining the social, economic and environmental sustainability of the regions affected,

    Amendment 90

    Article 47, paragraph 3, subparagraph 1, point (b b) (new)

    (bb) included among the mountain and less-favoured areas designated for "phasing out" of assistance,

    Amendment 91

    Article 47, paragraph 3, subparagraph 3

    Amendment 92

    Article 47, paragraph 3, subparagraph 4

    Amendment 93

    Article 47, paragraph 5, subparagraph 1

    5. Areas apt for afforestation for environmental reasons such as protection against erosion or extension of forest resources contributing to climate change mitigation, shall be eligible for payments provided for in Article 34 (b) (i) and (iii).

    5. Areas apt for afforestation for environmental reasons and to protect against erosion shall be eligible for payments provided for in Article 34 (b) (i) and (iii). Extension of forest resources contributing to climate change mitigation shall not be eligible for payments.

    Amendment 94

    Article 49, point (a) (i)

    (i) diversification into non-agricultural activities.

    (i) diversification into non-agricultural activities, including on-farm activities,

    Amendment 95

    Article 49, point (a) (i a) (new)

    (ia) diversification of the income of those working in agriculture by promoting local processing, direct marketing and the establishment of products with designations of geographical origin and special quality marks,

    Amendment 96

    Article 49, point (a) (ii)

    (ii) support for the creation and development of micro-enterprises with a view to promoting entrepreneurship and developing the economic fabric,

    (ii) support for the creation, business restart, takeover and development of micro-enterprises and small enterprises — including family enterprises — with a view to promoting entrepreneurship and developing the economic fabric,

    Amendment 97

    Article 49, point (a) (iii)

    iii) encouragement of tourism activities,

    iii) encouragement of sustainable tourism activities,

    Amendment 98

    Article 49, point (a) (iv)

    (iv) the protection, upgrading and management of the natural heritage, so contributing to sustainable economic development.

    (iv) the protection, upgrading and management of the rural heritage (natural, historical or cultural).

    Amendment 99

    Article 49, point (a) (iv a) (new)

    (iva) support for and promotion of women's activities in rural areas.

    Amendment 100

    Article 49, point (b) (ii)

    (ii) village renovation and development; conservation and upgrading of the rural heritage.

    (ii) village renovation and development; conservation and upgrading of the rural heritage, landscape conservation and nature conservation;

    Amendment 101

    Article 49, point (c)

    (c) A vocational training measure for economic actors operating in the fields covered by priority axis 3.

    Amendment 102

    Article 50

    Amendment 103

    Article 50 a (new)

    Article 50a

    Aid for marketing measures

    The aid beneficiary referred to in Article 49(a)(i)a may be either the farmer, his or her spouse, or one of their children.

    Amendment 104

    Article 51, title

    Amendment 105

    Article 52, point (c a) (new)

    (ca) the creation and modernisation of small-scale rural-tourism infrastructure.

    Amendment 106

    Article 53

    Amendment 107

    Article 56

    Amendment 108

    Article 60, point (a)

    (a) area-based programmes intended for well-identified sub-regional rural territories;

    (a) area-based programmes intended for regional agricultural territories including less-favoured and mountain areas and regions designated for "phasing-out" of assistance;

    Amendment 109

    Article 67, paragraph 2, subparagraph 1

    2. At the initiative of the Member States, for each rural development programme, the Fund may finance preparation, management, monitoring, evaluation, information and control activities of programme assistance.

    2. At the initiative of the Member States, for each rural development programme and for the National Strategic Plan, the Fund may finance preparation, management, monitoring, evaluation, information and control activities of programme assistance.

    Amendment 110

    Article 67, paragraph 2, subparagraph 2

    Amendment 111

    Article 67, paragraph 2, subparagraph 3

    Amendment 112

    Article 68, paragraph 1

    Amendment 113

    Article 69, paragraph 1

    1. Each Member State shall establish a national rural network, which gathers together all the organisations and administrations involved in rural development.

    1. Each Member State shall establish without delay a national rural network, which gathers together all the representative economic and social organisations and administrations involved in rural development.

    Amendment 114

    Article 70, paragraph 1

    1. The resources available for commitment from the Fund for the period 2007 to 2013 shall be EUR 88.75 billion at 2004 prices. The annual breakdown is shown in Annex II. Of these resources, at least EUR 31.3 billion at 2004 prices shall be concentrated in regions eligible for the Convergence Objective.

    1. The resources available for commitment from the Fund for the period 2007 to 2013 shall be EUR 95.75 billion at 2004 prices. This amount shall be conditional upon its compatibility with the financial perspective for the period commencing 2007 and shall be adjusted where appropriate. The annual breakdown is shown in Annex II. Of these resources, at least EUR 31.3 billion at 2004 prices shall be concentrated in regions eligible for the Convergence Objective.

    Amendment 115

    Article 70, paragraph 2

    Amendment 116

    Article 70, paragraph 4 a (new)

    4a. The amounts required to pay compensation for nature conservation measures under NATURA 2000 shall be added to the rural development budget.

    Amendment 117

    Article 70, paragraph 5, subparagraph 1, introductory part

    5. The Commission shall make an initial annual indicative breakdown by Member State of the amounts indicated in paragraph 1, after deduction of the amounts referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, based on objective criteria and taking into account:

    5. The Commission shall make an initial annual indicative breakdown by Member State of the amounts indicated in paragraph 1, after deduction of the amounts referred to in paragraph 3, based on objective criteria and taking into account:

    Amendment 118

    Article 70, paragraph 5, subparagraph 2

    Amendment 119

    Article 70, paragraph 6

    6. In addition to the amounts indicated in paragraph 5, the Member States shall take into account for the purpose of programming the amounts resulting from modulation as provided for in Article 12(2) of Regulation (EC) No…/…[financing of the CAP].

    6. In addition to the amounts indicated in paragraph 5, the Member States shall take into account for the purpose of programming the amounts resulting from modulation as provided for in Article 12(2) of Regulation (EC) No…/…[financing of the CAP]. These amounts shall be used for projects under priority axes I and II, from which the payments for NATURA 2000 should be excluded.

    Amendment 120

    Article 71, paragraph 1

    1. The Decision adopting a rural development programme shall fix the maximum contribution from the Fund for each priority heading. The decision shall clearly identify, where necessary, the appropriations allocated to the regions eligible for the Convergence Objective.

    1. The Decision adopting a rural development programme shall fix the maximum contribution from the Fund for each priority heading. The decision shall clearly identify, where necessary, the appropriations allocated to the regions eligible for the Convergence Objective, including the statistical and natural effect regions.

    Amendment 121

    Article 71, paragraph 4

    4. Notwithstanding the ceilings set out in paragraph 3, the Fund contribution may be increased by five percentage points for the programmes of the outermost regions and the smaller islands of Aegean Sea.

    4. Notwithstanding the ceilings set out in paragraph 3, the Fund contribution shall be increased to 85 % of subsidisable public expenditure for the programmes of the outermost regions and the smaller islands of the Aegean Sea.

    Amendment 122

    Article 71, paragraph 6, subparagraph 2

    Amendment 123

    Article 72, paragraph 3, subparagraph 2, point (c)

    (c) the purchase of land costing more than 10 % of all the eligible expenditure on the operation concerned.

    (c) the purchase of land costing more than 10 % of all the eligible expenditure on the operation unless a higher percentage is set in the programme approved by the Commission.

    Amendment 124

    Article 76, introductory part and point (a)

    (a) the managing authority, being a public or private national, regional or local body designated by the Member State in accordance with its institutional structure, or the Member State itself when it carries out that task, to manage a programme;

    Amendment 125

    Article 77, paragraph 1, point (a)

    (a) ensuring that operations are selected for funding in accordance with the criteria applicable to the rural development programme and that they comply, for the whole period of their execution, with applicable Community and national rules and Community policies;

    (a) ensuring that operations are selected for funding in accordance with the criteria applicable to the rural development programme and that they comply, for the whole period of their execution, with applicable Community and national rules and Community policies. These Community and national rules should be applicable without delay, should not be over-stringent and should allow a degree of flexibility which does not contravene the general guidelines for this Community policy;

    Amendment 126

    Article 92: Community reserve for the LEADER priority axis

    1. The amount allocated to the reserve referred to in Article 70(2) shall be used to support implementation of the LEADER approach in programmes.

    2. Implementation of the LEADER approach shall be evaluated on the basis of objective criteria including:

    (a) the priority given to the LEADER approach,

    (b) the territorial coverage of the LEADER approach,

    (c) the stage reached in implementing the LEADER priority axis,

    (d) the leverage effect on private capital,

    (e) the results of mid-term evaluations.

    Amendment 127

    Article 95, paragraph 1

    1. The Commission shall be assisted by a Rural Development Committee (hereinafter: the "Committee").

    1. The Commission shall be assisted by a Rural Development and Forestry Committee (hereinafter: the "Committee").

    Amendment 128

    Article 98, paragraph 2

    2. Council Directives and Decisions laying down and amending the lists of less-favoured areas referred to in Article 21(2) of Regulation (EC) No 950/97 are repealed.

    Amendment 129

    Annex I, Article 35, paragraph 3, rows 2 and 3

    [1] Not yet published in OJ.

    [2] OJ L 208, 24.7.1992, p. 1.

