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Combating violence towards children, adolescents and women: Daphne III programme (2007-2013)

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Combating violence towards children, adolescents and women: Daphne III programme (2007-2013)

The Daphne III programme aims to prevent and combat all forms of violence, especially of a physical, sexual or psychological nature, against children, young people and women. It also aims to protect victims and groups at risk to attain a high level of physical and mental health protection, well-being and social cohesion throughout the European Union. This programme is the third phase of the Daphne programme and covers the period 2007-2013.


Decision No 779/2007/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2007 establishing for the period 2007-2013 a specific programme to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk (Daphne III programme) as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and Justice.


The Daphne III programme aims to prevent and combat all forms of violence (physical, sexual and psychological), occurring in the public or the private domain, towards children, young people and women and to protect the victims and groups at risk. It supplements the existing programmes in the Member States and builds on the policies and objectives of the two previous Daphne programmes (Daphne and Daphne II).

The programme budget amounts to EUR 116.85 million for the period 2007-2013.

Scope and access to the programme

The beneficiaries of the programme are children, young people (12 to 25 years old) and women who are, or risk becoming, victims of violence. These categories are considered as victims of violence, including in cases where they witness a near relative being assaulted.

The programme is designed for target groups, such as families, teachers, social workers, police, medical staff, judicial staff, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and public authorities.

It is open to the Member States of the EU and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) States that are parties to the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement, as well as, under certain conditions, to the candidate countries and the countries of the Balkans.

Proposals may be presented by private or public organisations and institutions (local authorities, university departments and research centres) working to prevent and combat violence or to provide support for victims.

Programme objectives

The programme aims in particular to:

  • assist and encourage NGOs and other organisations active in combating violence;
  • set up multidisciplinary networks with a view to strengthening cooperation between NGOs;
  • develop and implement awareness-raising actions targeting specific audiences;
  • disseminate the results obtained under the two previous Daphne programmes;
  • ensure the exchange of information and good practice, for example through study visits and staff exchange;
  • study phenomena related to violence and its impact on victims and society (health-care, social and economic costs);
  • develop support programmes for victims and people at risk and intervention programmes for perpetrators.

Actions supported

With a view to achieving these objectives, the programme supports three types of actions:

  • actions taken by the Commission: research, opinion polls and surveys, collection and dissemination of data, seminars, conferences and experts meetings, development and maintenance of websites, etc.;
  • transnational projects of Community interest involving at least two Member States;
  • support to NGOs or other organisations pursuing an aim of general European interest.


Community funding may take the form of:

  • grants (operating grants and grants to actions) on the basis of calls for proposals;
  • public procurement contracts for complementary measures (e.g. expenditure on information and communication, monitoring and evaluation) to cover the purchase of services and goods.

The Commission will adopt an annual work programme setting its priorities and propose an indicative breakdown of the funds to be awarded to grants. It will also publish an annual list of the projects funded under the programme.

Daphne III complements the programmes "Security and Safeguarding Liberties" and " Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows ", the 7th Research and Development Framework Programme, the programmes " PROGRESS " and " Safer Internet Plus " and the activities of the European Institute for Gender Equality.

Monitoring and evaluation

The beneficiaries of the funding must present technical and financial reports on the implementation of the actions and a final report within three months of the completion of the action. Supervision and financial control will also be carried out.

The Commission will present an interim evaluation report to Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the projects and their results (not later than 31 March 2011) and an ex-post evaluation report on the implementation and results of the programme (not later than 31 December 2014). In the meantime, it will present a communication on the continuation of the programme not later than 31 May 2012.


The specific programme "Daphne III" forms part of the General Programme "Fundamental Rights and Justice", which together with the programmes "Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows" and "Security and Safeguarding Liberties", replaces the instruments under Commission management in the field of justice, freedom and security. These new programmes come under the 2007-2013 financial framework.



Entry into force - Date of expiry

Deadline for transposition in the Member States

Official Journal

Decision No 779/2007/EC [adoption: Co-decision COD/2005/0037]



JO L 173 of 3.7.2007

Last updated: 07.09.2007
