This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Document 21999A1204(02)
Agreement on Trade, Development and Cooperation between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of South Africa, of the other part - Protocol 1 concerning the definition of the concept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation - Protocol 2 on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters - Final Act - Declarations
Sporazum o trgovini, razvoju i suradnji između Europske zajednice i njezinih država članica, s jedne strane, i Republike Južne Afrike, s druge strane
Sporazum o trgovini, razvoju i suradnji između Europske zajednice i njezinih država članica, s jedne strane, i Republike Južne Afrike, s druge strane
SL L 311, 4.12.1999, p. 3–415
(ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV) Ovaj dokument objavljen je u određenim posebnim izdanjima
(CS, ET, LV, LT, HU, MT, PL, SK, SL, BG, RO, HR)
In force: This act has been changed. Current consolidated version: 01/03/2016
11/Sv. 52 |
HR |
Službeni list Europske unije |
3 |
L 311/3 |
o trgovini, razvoju i suradnji između Europske zajednice i njezinih država članica, s jedne strane, i Republike Južne Afrike, s druge strane
ugovorne stranke Ugovora o osnivanju EUROPSKE ZAJEDNICE,
dalje u tekstu: „države članice” i
EUROPSKA ZAJEDNICA, dalje u tekstu: „Zajednica”,
s jedne strane, i
REPUBLIKA JUŽNA AFRIKA, dalje u tekstu: „Južna Afrika”,
s druge strane,
dalje u tekstu: „stranke”,
UZIMAJUĆI U OBZIR važnost postojećih prijateljskih veza i suradnje između Zajednice, država članica i Južne Afrike te zajedničkih vrijednosti koje stranke dijele;
UZIMAJUĆI U OBZIR da Zajednica, države članice i Južna Afrika žele dodatno ojačati te veze i uspostaviti bliske i trajne odnose utemeljene na uzajamnosti, partnerstvu i obostranom razvoju;
PREPOZNAJUĆI povijesna dostignuća naroda Južne Afrike u ukidanju sustava aparthejda i izgradnji novog političkog poretka utemeljenog na vladavini prava, ljudskim pravima i demokraciji;
PREPOZNAJUĆI političku i financijsku potporu Zajednice i država članica tom procesu političkih promjena i tranzicije u Južnoj Africi;
PODSJEĆAJUĆI na čvrste obveze stranaka da poštuju načela Povelje Ujedinjenih naroda i demokratska načela te temeljna ljudska prava utvrđena u Općoj deklaraciji o ljudskim pravima;
IMAJUĆI NA UMU Sporazum o suradnji između Južne Afrike i Europske zajednice potpisan 10. listopada 1994.;
PODSJEĆAJUĆI na želju stranaka za uspostavljanjem najbližeg mogućeg odnosa između Južne Afrike i zemalja Konvencije AKP-EZ-a iz Lomea, manifestiranu 24. travnja 1997. potpisivanjem Protokola o pristupanju Južne Afrike Četvrtoj konvenciji AKP-EZ-a iz Lomea, kako je izmijenjena Sporazumom potpisanim na Mauricijusu 4. studenoga 1995.;
UZIMAJUĆI U OBZIR prava i obveze stranaka s obzirom na njihovo članstvo u Svjetskoj trgovinskoj organizaciji (WTO), potrebu za doprinošenjem provedbi rezultata Urugvajske runde te napore koje su obje stranke već poduzele s tim u vezi;
PODSJEĆAJUĆI na važnost koju stranke pridaju načelima i pravilima kojima se uređuju pitanja međunarodne trgovine i potrebu za njihovom transparentnom i nediskriminirajućom primjenom;
POTVRĐUJUĆI potporu i poticanje Zajednice i država članica u odnosu na proces liberalizacije trgovine i restrukturiranja gospodarstva koji je u tijeku u Južnoj Africi;
PREPOZNAJUĆI napore Vlade Južne Afrike za osiguravanjem gospodarskog i socijalnog razvoja naroda Južne Afrike;
NAGLAŠAVAJUĆI važnost koju Europska unija i Južna Afrika stavljaju na uspješnu provedbu programa obnove i razvoja Južne Afrike;
POTVRĐUJUĆI privrženost stranaka promicanju regionalne suradnje i gospodarske integracije među južnoafričkim zemljama te poticanju liberalizacije trgovine među tim zemljama;
IMAJUĆI NA UMU obvezu stranaka da osiguraju da njihovi uzajamni dogovori ne priječe proces restrukturiranja Južnoafričke carinske unije (SACU), koja povezuje Južnu Afriku s četirima državama AKP-a;
NAGLAŠAVAJUĆI važnost koju stranke pridaju vrijednostima i načelima iz završnih izjava Međunarodne konferencije o stanovništvu i razvoju održane u Kairu 1994. godine, Svjetskog sastanka na vrhu o društvenom razvoju održanog u Kopenhagenu u ožujku 1995. i Četvrte svjetske konferencije o ženama održane u Pekingu 1995. godine;
PONOVNO POTVRĐUJUĆI predanost stranaka gospodarskom i socijalnom razvoju i poštovanju temeljnih prava radnika, posebno promicanjem relevantnih konvencija Međunarodne organizacije rada (ILO) koje obuhvaćaju teme kao što su sloboda udruživanja, pravo na kolektivno pregovaranje i nediskriminaciju, ukidanje prisilnog rada i rada djece;
PODSJEĆAJUĆI na važnost otvaranja redovitog političkog dijaloga u bilateralnom i multilateralnom kontekstu o pitanjima od zajedničkog interesa,
Članak 1.
Ciljevi su ovog Sporazuma:
(a) |
osigurati odgovarajući okvir za dijalog između stranaka, time promičući razvoj bliskih odnosa u svim područjima pokrivenima ovim Sporazumom; |
(b) |
poduprijeti napore koje Južna Afrika čini u konsolidiranju gospodarskih i društvenih temelja njezinog procesa tranzicije; |
(c) |
promicati regionalnu suradnju i gospodarsku integraciju u južnoafričkoj regiji kako bi se doprinijelo njezinom skladnom i održivom gospodarskom i socijalnom razvoju; |
(d) |
promicati širenje i uzajamnu liberalizaciju međusobne razmjene robe, usluga i kapitala; |
(e) |
potaknuti neometanu i postupnu integraciju Južne Afrike u svjetsko gospodarstvo; |
(f) |
promicati suradnju između Zajednice i Južne Afrike u granicama njihovih ovlasti i u obostranom interesu. |
Članak 2.
Ključni element
Poštovanje demokratskih načela i temeljnih ljudskih prava utvrđenih u Općoj deklaraciji o ljudskim pravima, kao i načela vladavine prava temelj su unutarnjih i međunarodnih politika Zajednice i Južne Afrike te predstavljaju ključan element ovog Sporazuma.
Stranke također potvrđuju privrženost načelima dobrog upravljanja.
Članak 3.
1. Ako bilo koja stranka smatra da druga stranka nije ispunila neku od obveza iz ovog Sporazuma, ona može poduzeti odgovarajuće mjere.
2. Prije toga drugoj stranci u roku od 30 dana dostavlja sve relevantne informacije potrebne za temeljito ispitivanje situacije radi pronalaženja prihvatljivog rješenja za stranke.
3. U okolnostima osobite žurnosti mogu se poduzeti odgovarajuće mjere bez prethodnog savjetovanja. O tim se mjerama bez odgađanja obavješćuje druga stranka te su predmetom savjetovanja ako druga stranka tako zatraži. Ta se savjetovanja održavaju u roku od 30 dana od obavijesti o mjerama. Ako se ne pronađe zadovoljavajuće rješenje, dotična stranka može iskoristiti postupak koji se odnosi na rješavanje sporova.
4. Stranke su suglasne da, za potrebe pravilnog tumačenja i praktične primjene ovog Sporazuma, izraz „okolnosti osobite žurnosti” iz stavka 3. znači slučaj materijalne povrede Sporazuma od strane jedne od stranaka. Materijalna se povreda Sporazuma sastoji od:
i. |
povrede Sporazuma koja nije sankcionirana općim pravilima međunarodnog prava, ili |
ii. |
kršenja ključnog elementa Sporazuma, kako je opisano u članku 2. |
5. Stranke su suglasne da odgovarajuće mjere iz stavka 1. ovog članka jesu one koje su poduzete u skladu s međunarodnim pravom i da se pri odabiru tih mjera prioritet mora dati onima koje najmanje narušavaju funkcioniranje ovog Sporazuma.
Članak 4.
Politički dijalog
1. Među strankama se uspostavlja redoviti politički dijalog. On prati i pomaže u učvršćivanju njihove suradnje te doprinosi uspostavi trajnih veza solidarnosti i novih oblika suradnje.
2. Političkim dijalogom i suradnjom osobito se namjerava:
(a) |
promicati veće uzajamno razumijevanje među strankama i veće približavanje stavova; |
(b) |
omogućiti svakoj stranci da razmotri stajališta i interese druge; |
(c) |
poticati pružanje potpore demokraciji, vladavini prava i poštovanju ljudskih prava; |
(d) |
promicati socijalnu pravdu i pomoći u stvaranju nužnih uvjeta za ukidanje siromaštva i svih oblika diskriminacije. |
3. Politički dijalog obuhvaća sva pitanja od zajedničkog interesa za stranke.
4. Politički dijalog odvijati se kadgod je potrebno, a posebno:
(a) |
na razini ministara; |
(b) |
na razini visokih predstavnika Južne Afrike, s jedne strane, i Predsjedništva Vijeća Europske unije i Komisije Europskih zajednica, s druge strane; |
(c) |
služeći se u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri svim diplomatskim kanalima, uključujući redovite sastanke, savjetovanja u prigodi međunarodnih skupova i kontakte između diplomatskih predstavnika u trećim zemljama; |
(d) |
kada je primjereno, bilo kojim drugim sredstvima ili na bilo kojoj drugoj razini kako stranke dogovore, a što bi korisno doprinijelo jačanju dijaloga i povećanju njegove učinkovitosti. |
5. Osim bilateralnog političkog dijaloga predviđenog u prethodnim stavcima, stranke se u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri služe i aktivno doprinose regionalnom političkom dijalogu između Europske unije i južnoafričkih zemalja, posebno s ciljem promicanja trajnog mira i stabilnosti u regiji.
Stranke također sudjeluju u političkom dijalogu u širem okviru AKP/EU-a, kako je predviđeno i utvrđeno u relevantnim ugovorima AKP/EZ-a.
Članak 5.
Područje slobodne trgovine
1. Zajednica i Južna Afrika suglasne su uspostaviti područje slobodne trgovine u skladu s odredbama ovog Sporazuma i odredbama WTO-a.
2. Područje slobodne trgovine uspostavit će se tijekom prijelaznog razdoblja koje za Južnu Afriku traje najviše 12 godina, a za Zajednicu najviše 10 godina, počevši od stupanja na snagu Sporazuma.
3. Područje slobodne trgovine obuhvaća slobodno kretanje robe u svim sektorima. Ovaj Sporazum također obuhvaća liberalizaciju trgovine uslugama i slobodno kretanje kapitala.
Članak 6.
Klasifikacija robe
U Zajednici se na klasifikaciju robe uvezene iz Južne Afrike primjenjuje kombinirana nomenklatura robe. U Južnoj se Africi na klasifikaciju robe uvezene iz Zajednice primjenjuje harmonizirani sustav.
Članak 7.
Osnovna carina
1. Za svaki proizvod, osnovna carina na koju se trebaju primijeniti uzastopna snižavanja navedena u Sporazumu jest ona koja se stvarno primjenjuje na dan stupanja Sporazuma na snagu.
2. Zajednica i Južna Afrika jedna drugoj dostavljaju svoje odgovarajuće osnovne carine, u skladu s obvezom mirovanja i vraćanja na prijašnju razinu dogovorenom između stranaka te s dogovorenim odstupanjima od tih načela, kako je navedeno u Prilogu I.
3. U slučajevima kada postupak snižavanja carina ne započne od stupanja na snagu Sporazuma (posebno za proizvode navedene u Prilogu II., popisima 3., 4. i 5.; Prilogu III., popisima 2., 3., 4. i 6; Prilogu IV., popisima 3., 4., 7. i 8.; Prilogu V.; Prilogu VI., popisima 2., 3. i 5.; Prilogu VII.), carina na koju se trebaju primijeniti uzastopna snižavanja navedena u Sporazumu bit će ili osnovna carina navedena u stavku 1. ovog članka ili carina koja se primjenjuje erga omnes na početni dan primjene relevantnog plana snižavanja carina, ovisno o tome koja je niža.
Članak 8.
Carine fiskalne naravi
Odredbe koje se odnose na ukidanje uvoznih carina također se primjenjuju na carine fiskalne naravi, izuzev nediskriminacijskih trošarina koje se naplaćuju za uvezenu i lokalno proizvedenu robu te koje su u skladu s odredbama članka 21.
Članak 9.
Davanja s istovrsnim učinkom kao carine
Zajednica i Južna Afrika od stupanja Sporazuma na snagu ukidaju pri svojem uvozu svako davanje s istovrsnim učinkom kao carine na uvoz.
Članak 10.
Odredbe ovog odjeljka primjenjuju se na proizvode podrijetlom iz Zajednice i Južne Afrike uz izuzetak proizvoda obuhvaćenih definicijom poljoprivrednih proizvoda iz ovog Sporazuma.
Članak 11.
Ukidanje carina od strane Zajednice
1. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu industrijskih proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike, a koji nisu oni navedeni u Prilogu II., ukidaju se stupanjem na snagu ovog Sporazuma.
2. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike navedenih u Prilogu II., popisu 1. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
na dan stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 75 % osnovne carine; |
godinu dana od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 50 % osnovne carine; |
dvije godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 25 % osnovne carine; |
tri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
3. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike navedenih u Prilogu II., popisu 2. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
na dan stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 86 % osnovne carine; |
godinu dana od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 72 % osnovne carine; |
dvije godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 57 % osnovne carine; |
tri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 43 % osnovne carine; |
četiri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 28 % osnovne carine; |
pet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 14 % osnovne carine; |
šest godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
4. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike navedenih u Prilogu II., popisu 3. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
tri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 75 % osnovne carine; |
četiri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 50 % osnovne carine; |
pet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 25 % osnovne carine; |
šest godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
Ukidanje carina za niz proizvoda navedenih na ovom popisu započet će četiri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma. Ukidanje carina na te proizvode odvijat će se u tri jednaka godišnja snižavanja te će se dovršiti šest godina od stupanja na snagu Sporazuma.
Za određeni broj proizvoda od čelika navedenih u ovom popisu snižavanje carina ostvarit će se prema načelu najpovlaštenije nacije, a nulta stopa carine bit će ostvarena u 2004. godini.
5. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike navedenih u Prilogu II., popisu 4. ukidaju se u roku od najviše 10 godina od dana stupanja na snagu Sporazuma.
Za komponente za cestovna vozila navedene na ovom popisu, carine koje se primjenjuju snizit će se za 50 % od stupanja na snagu Sporazuma.
Precizni plan osnovnih carina Zajednice i ukidanja carina za proizvode s ovog popisa utvrdit će se u drugom polugodištu 2000. godine, nakon što obje stranke razmotre izglede za daljnju liberalizaciju južnoafričkog uvoza automobilskih proizvoda iz Zajednice spomenutih u Prilogu III., popisima 5. i 6., između ostalog u svjetlu rezultata preispitivanja programa razvoja južnoafričke automobilske industrije.
6. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike navedenih u Prilogu II., popisu 5. preispituju se u petoj godini ovog Sporazuma u pogledu mogućeg ukidanja carina.
Članak 12.
Ukidanje carina od strane Južne Afrike
1. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku industrijskih proizvoda podrijetlom iz Zajednice, a koji nisu oni navedeni u Prilogu III., ukidaju se stupanjem na snagu ovog Sporazuma.
2. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku proizvoda podrijetlom iz Zajednice navedenih u Prilogu III., popisu 1. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
na dan stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 75 % osnovne carine; |
godinu dana od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 50 % osnovne carine; |
dvije godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 25 % osnovne carine; |
tri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
3. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku proizvoda podrijetlom iz Zajednice navedenih u Prilogu III., popisu 2. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
tri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 67 % osnovne carine; |
četiri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 33 % osnovne carine; |
pet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
4. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku proizvoda podrijetlom iz Zajednice navedenih u Prilogu III., popisu 3. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
tri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 90 % osnovne carine; |
četiri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 80 % osnovne carine; |
pet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 70 % osnovne carine; |
šest godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 60 % osnovne carine; |
sedam godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 50 % osnovne carine; |
osam godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 40 % osnovne carine; |
devet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 30 % osnovne carine; |
10 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 20 % osnovne carine; |
11 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 10 % osnovne carine; |
12 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
5. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku proizvoda podrijetlom iz Zajednice navedenih u Prilogu III., opisu 4. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
pet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 88 % osnovne carine; |
šest godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 75 % osnovne carine; |
sedam godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 63 % osnovne carine; |
osam godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 50 % osnovne carine; |
devet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 38 % osnovne carine; |
10 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 25 % osnovne carine; |
11 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 13 % osnovne carine; |
12 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
6. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku proizvoda podrijetlom iz Zajednice navedenih u Prilogu III., popisu 5. postupno se ukidaju u skladu s rasporedom sadržanim u tom Prilogu.
7. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku proizvoda podrijetlom iz Zajednice navedenih u Prilogu III., popisu 6. periodično se preispituju za vrijeme provedbe Sporazuma u pogledu daljnje liberalizacije trgovine.
Južna Afrika će obavijestiti Zajednicu o rezultatu preispitivanja programa razvoja južnoafričke automobilske industrije. Dostavit će prijedloge daljnje liberalizacije južnoafričkog uvoza automobilskih proizvoda iz Zajednice navedenih u Prilogu III., popisima 5. i 6. Stranke će zajednički ispitati ove prijedloge u drugom polugodištu 2000. godine.
Članak 13.
Odredbe ovog odjeljka primjenjuju se na proizvode podrijetlom iz Zajednice i Južne Afrike obuhvaćene definicijom poljoprivrednih proizvoda WTO-a, kao i na ribe i proizvode ribarstva (poglavlje 3., 1604, 1605 i proizvodi 0511 91 10, 0511 91 90, 1902 20 10 i 2301 20 00).
Članak 14.
Ukidanje carina od strane Zajednice
1. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu poljoprivrednih proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike, a koji nisu oni navedeni u Prilogu IV., ukidaju se stupanjem na snagu ovog Sporazuma.
2. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike navedenih u Prilogu IV., popisu 1. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
na dan stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 75 % osnovne carine; |
godinu dana od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 50 % osnovne carine; |
dvije godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 25 % osnovne carine; |
tri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
3. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike navedenih u Prilogu IV., popisu 2. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
na dan stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 91 % osnovne carine; |
godinu dana od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 82 % osnovne carine; |
dvije godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 73 % osnovne carine; |
tri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 64 % osnovne carine; |
četiri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 55 % osnovne carine; |
pet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 45 % osnovne carine; |
šest godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 36 % osnovne carine; |
sedam godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 27 % osnovne carine; |
osam godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 18 % osnovne carine; |
devet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 9 % osnovne carine; |
10 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
4. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike navedenih u Prilogu IV., popisu 3. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
tri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 87 % osnovne carine; |
četiri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 75 % osnovne carine; |
pet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 62 % osnovne carine; |
šest godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 50 % osnovne carine; |
sedam godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 37 % osnovne carine; |
osam godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 25 % osnovne carine; |
devet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 12 % osnovne carine; |
10 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
Na određene proizvode iz ovog Priloga primjenjuje se nulta carinska kvota, u skladu s tamo navedenim uvjetima, od stupanja na snagu Sporazuma do kraja snižavanja carine za te proizvode.
5. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike navedenih u Prilogu IV., popisu 4. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
pet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina i davanje snižava na 83 % osnovne carine; |
šest godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina i davanje snižava na 67 % osnovne carine; |
sedam godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina i davanje snižava na 50 % osnovne carine; |
osam godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina i davanje snižava na 33 % osnovne carine; |
devet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina i davanje snižava na 17 % osnovne carine; |
10 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
Na određene proizvode iz ovog Priloga primjenjuje se nulta carinska kvota, u skladu s tamo navedenim uvjetima, od stupanja na snagu Sporazuma do kraja snižavanja carine za te proizvode.
6. Carine koje se primjenjuju na prerađene poljoprivredne proizvode uvezene u Zajednicu i podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike navedene su u Prilogu IV., popisu 5., a primjenjuju se u skladu s tamo navedenim uvjetima.
Vijeće za suradnju može odlučiti o:
(a) |
proširenju popisa prerađenih poljoprivrednih proizvoda iz Priloga IV., popisa 5. i |
(b) |
sniženju carina koje se primjenjuju na prerađene poljoprivredne proizvode. Do tog snižavanja carina može doći kada se u trgovini između Zajednice i Južne Afrike snize carine koje se primjenjuju na osnovne proizvode ili kao odgovor na snižavanje nastalo obostranim koncesijama koje se odnose na prerađene poljoprivredne proizvode. |
7. Snižene carine koje se primjenjuju na određene poljoprivredne proizvode uvezene u Zajednicu i podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike navedene su u Prilogu IV., popisu 6. i primjenjuju se od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma te u skladu s uvjetima navedenima u tom Prilogu.
8. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike navedenih u Prilogu IV., popisu 7. periodično se preispituju tijekom provedbe Sporazuma na temelju budućeg razvoja zajedničke poljoprivredne politike.
9. Carinske se koncesije ne primjenjuju za proizvode navedene u Prilogu IV., popisu 8. s obzirom na to da su ti proizvodi obuhvaćeni zaštićenim nomenklaturama EU-a.
10. Carinske koncesije koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Zajednicu proizvoda podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike, a koji su navedeni u Prilogu V., primjenjuju se u skladu s tamo navedenim uvjetima.
Članak 15.
Ukidanje carina od strane Južne Afrike
1. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku poljoprivrednih proizvoda podrijetlom iz Zajednice, a koji nisu oni navedeni u Prilogu VI., ukidaju se stupanjem na snagu ovog Sporazuma.
2. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku proizvoda podrijetlom iz Zajednice navedenih u Prilogu VI., popisu 1. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
na dan stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 75 % osnovne carine; |
godinu dana od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 50 % osnovne carine; |
dvije godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 25 % osnovne carine; |
tri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
3. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku proizvoda podrijetlom iz Zajednice navedenih u Prilogu VI., opisu 2. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
tri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 67 % osnovne carine; |
četiri godine od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 33 % osnovne carine; |
pet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
4. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku proizvoda podrijetlom iz Zajednice navedenih u Prilogu VI., popisu 3. postupno se ukidaju u skladu sa sljedećim rasporedom:
pet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 88 % osnovne carine; |
šest godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 75 % osnovne carine; |
sedam godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 63 % osnovne carine; |
osam godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 50 % osnovne carine; |
devet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 38 % osnovne carine; |
10 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 25 % osnovne carine; |
11 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma svaka se carina snižava na 13 % osnovne carine; |
12 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma preostale carine se ukidaju. |
Na određene proizvode navedene u ovom Prilogu primjenjuje se nulta carinska kvota, u skladu s tamo navedenim uvjetima, od stupanja na snagu Sporazuma do kraja snižavanja carine za te proizvode.
5. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku proizvoda podrijetlom iz Zajednice navedenih u Prilogu VI., popisu 4. periodično se preispituju za vrijeme provedbe Sporazuma.
6. Carine koje se primjenjuju na uvoz u Južnu Afriku proizvoda ribarstva podrijetlom iz Zajednice navedenih u Prilogu VII., postupno se ukidaju usporedno s ukidanjem carina odgovarajućih tarifnih pozicija od strane Zajednice.
Članak 16.
Poljoprivredne zaštitne mjere
Ne dovodeći u pitanje druge odredbe ovog Sporazuma, a posebno članak 24., ako, s obzirom na osobitu osjetljivost poljoprivrednih tržišta, uvoz proizvoda podrijetlom iz jedne stranke prouzroče ili zaprijete uzrokovanjem ozbiljnih poremećaja na tržištima druge stranke, Vijeće za suradnju bez odgađanja razmatra pitanje kako bi se našlo odgovarajuće rješenje. Dok Vijeće za suradnju ne donese odluku i kada iznimne okolnosti zahtijevaju neposredno djelovanje, pogođena stranka može poduzeti privremene mjere nužne za ograničavanje ili uklanjanje poremećaja. Pri poduzimanju takvih privremenih mjera pogođena stranka uzima u obzir interese obiju stranaka.
Članak 17.
Progresivno ukidanje carina od strane Južne Afrike
1. Ako to Južna Afrika zatraži, Zajednica razmatra prijedloge koji se odnose na raspored progresivnog ukidanja carina za uvoz poljoprivrednih proizvoda u Južnu Afriku, zajedno s ukidanjem svih povrata izvoznih carina na izvoz u Južnu Afriku istih proizvoda podrijetlom iz Europske zajednice.
2. Ako Zajednica pozitivno odgovori na taj zahtjev, novi rasporedi ukidanja carina i ukidanja povrata izvoznih carina primjenjuju se istodobno, od dana kojeg sporazumno odrede obje stranke.
3. U slučaju negativnog odgovora Zajednice nastavljaju se primjenjivati odredbe ovog Sporazuma o ukidanju carina.
Članak 18.
Klauzula o preispitivanju
Najkasnije pet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma, Zajednica i Južna Afrika razmatraju daljnje korake u procesu liberalizacije svojih uzajamnih trgovina. U tu svrhu provodi se preispitivanje, posebno, ali ne isključivo, carina koje se primjenjuju na proizvode navedene u Prilogu II., popisu 5., Prilogu III., popisima 5. i 6., Prilogu IV., popisima 5., 6. i 7., Prilogu V., popisima 1., 2., 3. i 4., Prilogu VI., popisima 4. i 5. i Prilogu VII.
Članak 19.
Granične mjere
1. Količinska ograničenja na uvoz ili izvoz i mjere s istovrsnim učinkom na trgovinu između Južne Afrike i Zajednice ukidaju se stupanjem na snagu ovog Sporazuma.
2. Nikakva nova količinska ograničenja na uvoz ili izvoz ili mjere s istovrsnim učinkom ne uvode se u trgovinu između Zajednice i Južne Afrike.
3. Od dana stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma u trgovinu između Zajednice i Južne Afrike ne uvode se nikakve nove carine na uvoz ili izvoz ili davanja s istovrsnim učinkom, niti se povećavaju oni koji se već primjenjuju.
Članak 20.
Poljoprivredne politike
1. Stranke mogu provoditi redovita savjetovanja u Vijeću za suradnju o strategiji i praktičnim načinima svojih poljoprivrednih politika.
2. Ako bilo koja stranka u provođenju svojih poljoprivrednih politika smatra nužnim izmijeniti režime utvrđene ovim Sporazumom, ta će stranka obavijestiti Vijeće za suradnju koje će odlučiti o zatraženoj izmjeni.
3. Ako Zajednica ili Južna Afrika, primjenjujući stavak 2., izmijeni režime za poljoprivredne proizvode utvrđene ovim Sporazumom, provodi usklađenja s kojima se treba suglasiti Vijeće za suradnju kako bi se koncesije za uvoz podrijetlom iz druge stranke zadržale na razini jednakoj onoj predviđenoj ovim Sporazumom.
Članak 21.
Fiskalne mjere
1. Stranke se suzdržavaju od bilo kakvih mjera ili prakse unutarnje fiskalne prirode kojima se izravno ili neizravno uspostavlja diskriminacija između proizvoda jedne stranke i proizvoda podrijetlom s područja druge stranke.
2. Proizvodi izvezeni na područje jedne od stranaka ne smiju uživati pogodnosti od povrata domaćeg neizravnog poreza koji premašuje iznos neizravnog poreza koji se na njih izravno ili neizravno primjenjuje.
Članak 22.
Carinske unije i područja slobodne trgovine
1. Sporazum ne sprečava postojanje ili osnivanje carinskih unija, područja slobodne trgovine ili druge dogovore između bilo koje stranke i trećih zemalja, osim u mjeri u kojoj se njima mijenjaju prava i obveze predviđene ovim Sporazumom.
2. Zajednica i Južna Afrika savjetuju se u okviru Vijeća za suradnju u vezi sa sporazumima kojima se osnivaju ili usklađuju carinske unije ili područja slobodne trgovine i, kada je potrebno, o drugim važnim pitanjima povezanima s njihovim trgovinskim politikama s trećim zemljama. Posebno, u slučaju da treća zemlja pristupa Europskoj uniji, takva se savjetovanja provode kako bi se osiguralo uzimanje u obzir zajedničkih interesa Zajednice i Južne Afrike.
Članak 23.
Antidampinške i kompenzacijske mjere
1. Ništa u ovom Sporazumu ne dovodi u pitanje niti na bilo koji način utječe na donošenje, od strane bilo koje stranke, antidampinških ili kompenzacijskih mjera u skladu s člankom VI. GATT-a 1994., Sporazumom o provedbi članka VI. GATT-a 1994. i Sporazumom o subvencijama i kompenzacijskim mjerama, priloženima Marakeškom ugovoru o osnivanju WTO-a.
2. Prije nametanja antidampinških i kompenzacijskih carina u vezi s proizvodima uvezenima iz Južne Afrike, stranke mogu razmotriti mogućnost konstruktivnih pravnih sredstava kako je predviđeno Sporazumom o provedbi članka VI. GATT-a 1994. i Sporazumom o subvencijama i kompenzacijskim mjerama.
Članak 24.
Zaštitna klauzula
1. Kada se bilo koji proizvod uvozi u toliko povećanim količinama i pod takvih uvjetima koji izazivaju ili prijete izazivanjem ozbiljne štete domaćim proizvođačima sličnih ili izravno konkurentnih proizvoda na području jedne od ugovornih stranaka, Zajednica ili Južna Afrika, ovisno o tome na koju se odnosi, mogu poduzeti odgovarajuće mjere pod uvjetima predviđenima u Sporazumu o zaštitnim mjerama WTO-a ili Sporazumu o poljoprivredi priloženima Marakeškom ugovoru o osnivanju WTO-a te u skladu s postupcima utvrđenima u članku 26.
2. Kada se bilo koji proizvod uvozi u toliko povećanim količinama i pod takvim uvjetima koji izazivaju ili prijete izazivanjem ozbiljnog pogoršanja gospodarskog stanja najudaljenijih regija Europske unije, Europska unija može iznimno, nakon što je ispitala alternativna rješenja, poduzeti mjere nadzora ili zaštitne mjere ograničene na dotičnu regiju (dotične regije) u skladu s postupcima utvrđenima u članku 26.
3. Kada se bilo koji proizvod uvozi u toliko povećanim količinama i pod takvim uvjetima koji izazivaju ili prijete izazivanjem ozbiljnog pogoršanja gospodarskog stanja jedne ili više drugih članica Južnoafričke carinske unije, Južna Afrika može iznimno, na zahtjev dotične zemlje ili zemalja i nakon što je ispitala alternativna rješenja, poduzeti mjere nadzora ili zaštitne mjere u skladu s postupcima utvrđenima u članku 26.
Članak 25.
Prijelazne zaštitne mjere
1. Neovisno o odredbama članka 24., Južna Afrika može poduzeti iznimne mjere ograničenog trajanja koje odstupaju od odredaba članaka 12. i 15. u obliku povećanja ili ponovnog uvođenja carina.
2. Te se mjere mogu odnositi samo na mlade industrije ili sektore koji se suočavaju s ozbiljnim teškoćama uzrokovanima povećanim uvozom podrijetlom iz Zajednice kao posljedica snižavanja carina predviđenih člancima 12. i 15., posebno kada te teškoće dovode do velikih socijalnih problema.
3. Važeće carine na uvoz u Južnoj Africi za proizvode podrijetlom iz Zajednice uvedene tim mjerama ne smiju prelaziti razinu osnovne carine ili carine koja se primjenjuje po načelu najpovlaštenije nacije ili 20 % ad valorem, ovisno o tome koja je niža, te zadržavaju element povlastice za proizvode podrijetlom iz Zajednice. Ukupna vrijednost cjelokupnog uvoza proizvoda koji podliježu tim mjerama ne smije prelaziti 10 % ukupnog uvoza industrijskih proizvoda iz Zajednice tijekom posljednje godine za koju je statistika dostupna.
4. Ove se mjere primjenjuju u razdoblju od najviše četiri godine. Prestaju se primjenjivati najkasnije istekom najduljeg prijelaznog razdoblja od 12 godina. Odlukom Vijeća za suradnju ta se vremenska ograničenja iznimno mogu produljiti.
5. Nijedna takva mjera ne može se uvesti u pogledu proizvoda ako je proteklo više od tri godine od ukidanja svih carina i količinskih ograničenja ili davanja ili mjera s istovrsnim učinkom u pogledu tog proizvoda.
6. Južna Afrika obavješćuje Vijeće za suradnju o iznimnim mjerama koje namjerava poduzeti te se na zahtjev Zajednice provodi savjetovanje o takvim mjerama prije njihove primjene kako bi se pronašlo zadovoljavajuće rješenje. Njezina obavijest sadržava orijentacijski raspored uvođenja i naknadnog ukidanja carina koje se određuju.
7. Ako se o predloženim mjerama iz stavka 6. ne postigne dogovor u roku od 30 dana o takve obavijesti, Južna Afrika može poduzeti odgovarajuće mjere kako bi otklonila problem te Vijeću za suradnju dostavlja konačni raspored ukidanja carina uvedenih na temelju ovog članka. Tim se rasporedom predviđa postupno ukidanje tih carina u jednakim godišnjim stopama počevši najkasnije godinu dana od njihovog uvođenja. Vijeće za suradnju može odlučiti o različitom rasporedu.
Članak 26.
Postupci u vezi sa zaštitnim mjerama
1. U slučaju da Zajednica ili Južna Afrika pokrenu mehanizam nadzora u pogledu teškoća iz članka 24., koji za svrhu ima brzo pribavljanje informacija o trendu trgovinskih tokova, o tome obavješćuje drugu stranku i, ako se tako zatraži, s njom započinje savjetovanje.
2. U slučajevima navedenima u članku 24., prije poduzimanja tamo predviđene mjere ili, u slučajevima na koje se primjenjuje stavak 5. točka (b) ovog članka, Zajednica ili Južna Afrika, ovisno o slučaju, što je prije moguće Vijeću za suradnju dostavljaju sve relevantne informacije radi pronalaženja rješenja prihvatljivog za obje stranke.
3. Pri odabiru mjera prednost se mora dati onima koje najmanje remete funkcioniranje ovog Sporazuma te se one ograničuju na mjeru nužnu za sprečavanje ili otklanjanje ozbiljne štete i olakšavanje prilagodbe.
4. O zaštitnim se mjerama odmah obavješćuje Vijeće za suradnju i one podliježu periodičnom savjetovanju unutar tog tijela, posebno radi utvrđivanja rasporeda njihovog ukidanja čim to okolnosti dopuste.
5. Za provedbu prethodnih stavaka primjenjuju se sljedeće odredbe.
(a) |
U pogledu članka 24., teškoće koje nastanu zbog stanja navedenog u tom članku upućuju se na razmatranje Vijeću za suradnju koje može donijeti bilo kakvu odluku potrebnu za otklanjanje takvih teškoća. Ako Vijeće za suradnju ili stranka izvoznica ne donesu odluku kojom se otklanjaju takve teškoće ili se ne pronađe nikakvo drugo zadovoljavajuće rješenje u roku od 30 dana od upućivanja predmeta, stranka uvoznica može usvojiti odgovarajuće mjere za otklanjanje problema. Takve bi se mjere trebale donijeti u razdoblju koje nije dulje od tri godine te sadržavaju elemente koji bi postupno vodili njihovom ukidanju najkasnije na kraju određenog razdoblja. |
(b) |
Kada izvanredne okolnosti koje zahtijevaju neposredno djelovanje čine nemogućim prethodno obavješćivanje ili ispitivanje, ovisno o slučaju, Zajednica ili Južna Afrika, ovisno o tome o kome je riječ, mogu u situacijama utvrđenima u članku 24. odmah primijeniti mjere predostrožnosti nužne za rješavanje situacije te o tome odmah obavješćuju drugu stranku. |
Članak 27.
Sporazum ne sprečava zabrane ili ograničenja uvoza, izvoza, provoza roba ili trgovine rabljenom robom koji su opravdani razlozima javnog morala, javnog poretka ili javne sigurnosti; zaštite zdravlja i života ljudi, životinja ili biljaka; zaštite nacionalnog blaga umjetničke, povijesne ili arheološke vrijednosti; ili zaštite intelektualnog, industrijskog i trgovačkog vlasništva niti sprečava pravila koja se odnose na zlato i srebro. Međutim, takve zabrane ili ograničenja ne smiju predstavljati sredstvo proizvoljne ili neopravdane diskriminacije u slučajevima u kojima prevladavaju isti uvjeti niti predstavljati prikriveno ograničavanje trgovine između stranaka.
Članak 28.
Pravila o podrijetlu
Pravila o podrijetlu za primjenu carinskih povlastica predviđenih ovim Sporazumom utvrđena su u Protokolu 1.
Članak 29.
Ponovno potvrđivanje obveza iz GATS-a
1. Priznavajući sve veću važnost usluga za razvoj njihovih gospodarstava stranke naglašavaju važnost strogog poštovanja Općeg sporazuma o trgovini uslugama (GATS), posebno njegovog načela o tretmanu najpovlaštenije nacije, te uključujući njegove primjenjive protokole s priloženim obvezama.
2. U skladu s GATS-om ovaj se tretman ne primjenjuje na:
(a) |
povlastice koje dodjeljuje bilo koja stranka sukladno odredbama sporazuma kako je određeno člankom V. GATS-a ili sukladno mjerama usvojenima na temelju takvog sporazuma; |
(b) |
druge povlastice koje se dodjeljuju sukladno popisu izuzeća od načela najpovlaštenije nacije priloženom GATS-u od strane bilo koje stranke. |
3. Stranke ponovno potvrđuju svoje obveze priložene četvrtom Protokolu uz GATS o osnovnim telekomunikacijama i petom Protokolu o financijskim uslugama.
Članak 30.
Daljnja liberalizacija pružanja usluga
1. Stranke će nastojati proširiti područje primjene Sporazuma s ciljem daljnje liberalizacije trgovine uslugama među strankama. U slučaju takvog proširenja proces liberalizacije predviđa odsutnost ili ukidanje praktički sve diskriminacije između stranaka u obuhvaćenim sektorima usluga i trebao bi obuhvatiti sve načine opskrbe, uključujući pružanje usluga:
(a) |
s područja jedne stranke na području druge stranke; |
(b) |
na području jedne stranke korisniku usluga druge stranke; |
(c) |
od strane pružatelja usluga jedne stranke kroz komercijalnu prisutnost na području druge stranke; |
(d) |
od strane pružatelja usluga jedne stranke kroz prisutnost fizičkih osoba te stranke na području druge stranke. |
2. Vijeće za suradnju daje potrebne preporuke za provedbu cilja navedenog u stavku 1.
3. Pri formuliranju tih preporuka Vijeće za suradnju uzima u obzir iskustvo stečeno provedbom obveza svake stranke na temelju GATS-a, uz posebno pozivanje na članak V. općenito, a posebno njegov stavak 3. točku(a) o sudjelovanju zemalja u razvoju u sporazumima o liberalizaciji.
4. Vijeće za suradnju provodi prvo ispitivanje cilja navedenog stavkom 1. najkasnije pet godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma.
Članak 31.
Pomorski promet
1. Stranke će nastojati učinkovito primjenjivati načelo neograničenog pristupa međunarodnom pomorskom tržištu i prometu na temelju poštenog tržišnog natjecanja na komercijalnoj osnovi.
2. Stranke su suglasne pružiti državljanima druge stranke i plovilima registriranima na području bilo koje od stranaka tretman koji nije manje povoljan od onog dodijeljenog najpovlaštenijoj naciji u pogledu pomorskog prijevoza robe, putnika ili oboje, pristupa lukama, korištenja infrastrukture i pomoćnih pomorskih usluga u tim lukama te povezanih naknada i pristojbi, carinskih pogodnosti i dodjeljivanja vezova i mogućnosti utovara i istovara, na temelju poštenog tržišnog natjecanja i pod komercijalnim uvjetima.
3. Stranke su suglasne razmatrati pomorski promet, uključujući kombinirani prijevoz, u kontekstu članka 30., ne dovodeći u pitanje ograničenja povezana s državljanstvom, odnosno nacionalnom pripadnosti ili sporazume sklopljene od strane bilo koje stranke, koji u to vrijeme postoje i koji bi bili u skladu s pravima i obvezama stranaka u okviru Općeg sporazuma o trgovini uslugama.
Članak 32.
Tekuća plaćanja
1. Podložno odredbama članka 34., stranke se obvezuju dopustiti sva plaćanja za tekuće transakcije između osoba s boravištem u Zajednici i u Južnoj Africi u slobodno konvertibilnoj valuti.
2. Južna Afrika može poduzeti potrebne mjere kako bi se osiguralo da se odredbama stavka 1., kojima se liberaliziraju tekuća plaćanja, ne koriste osobe s boravištem u Južnoj Africi za neovlaštene odljeve kapitala.
Članak 33.
Kretanje kapitala
1. U pogledu transakcija na kapitalnom računu bilance plaćanja, Zajednica i Južna Afrika osiguravaju, od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma, da se kapital koji se odnosi na izravna ulaganja u Južnu Afriku u društva osnovana u skladu s važećim propisima može slobodno kretati te da se takvo ulaganje i bilo koja dobit koja iz njega proizlazi može likvidirati i vratiti u zemlju iz koje dolazi.
2. Stranke se međusobno savjetuju kako bi se olakšala i na koncu postigla puna liberalizacija kretanja kapitala između Zajednice i Južne Afrike.
Članak 34.
Teškoće u bilanci plaćanja
Kada se jedna ili više država članica Zajednice, ili Južna Afrika, nađe u ozbiljnim teškoćama s obzirom na bilancu plaćanja, ili im takve teškoće prijete, Zajednica ili Južna Afrika, ovisno o slučaju, mogu u skladu s uvjetima utvrđenima na temelju Općeg sporazuma o carinama i trgovini i članaka VIII. i XIV. Statuta Međunarodnog monetarnog fonda usvojiti ograničenja na tekuće transakcije koja su ograničenog trajanja i koja ne prelaze ono što je nužno za otklanjanje stanja u bilanci plaćanja. Zajednica ili Južna Afrika, ovisno o slučaju, odmah obavješćuje drugu stranku i dostavlja joj u najkraćem mogućem roku vremenski raspored ukidanja dotičnih mjera.
Članak 35.
U mjeri u kojoj to može utjecati na trgovinu između Zajednice i Južne Afrike, sljedeće nije u skladu s pravilnim funkcioniranjem ovog Sporazuma:
(a) |
sporazumi i usklađena praksa između poduzetnika u horizontalnim odnosima, odluke udruženja poduzetnika te sporazumi između poduzetnika u vertikalnim odnosima, koji za posljedicu imaju bitno sprečavanje ili smanjivanje tržišnog natjecanja na području Zajednice ili Južne Afrike, osim ako poduzetnici mogu dokazati da povoljni učinci za tržišno natjecanje prevladavaju nad nepovoljnim učincima; |
(b) |
zloporaba tržišne moći jednog ili više poduzetnika na cijelom ili znatnom dijelu područja Zajednice ili Južne Afrike. |
Članak 36.
Ako u trenutku stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma bilo koja stranka još nije usvojila potrebne zakone i druge propise za provedbu članka 35. na svojem području nadležnosti, dužna je to učiniti u roku od tri godine.
Članak 37.
Odgovarajuće mjere
Ako Zajednica ili Južna Afrika smatraju da određena praksa na njihovom domaćem tržištu nije u skladu s uvjetima iz članka 35., i:
(a) |
da nije odgovarajuće riješena provedbenim pravilima iz članka 36., ili |
(b) |
ako takva pravila ne postoje te ako takva praksa uzrokuje ili prijeti uzrokovanjem ozbiljnog narušavanja interesa druge stranke ili materijalne štete njezinoj domaćoj industriji, uključujući njezinoj industriji usluga, |
dotična stranka može poduzeti odgovarajuće mjere u skladu s vlastitim propisima nakon savjetovanja u okviru Vijeća za suradnju ili nakon 30 radnih dana koji slijede nakon upućivanja na takvo savjetovanje. Odgovarajuće mjere koje se trebaju poduzeti poštuju ovlasti dotičnog tijela nadležnog za tržišno natjecanje.
Članak 38.
Međunarodna kurtoazija
1. Stranke su suglasne da, kadgod Komisija ili tijelo Južne Afrike nadležno za tržišno natjecanje ima razloga vjerovati da se na području drugog tijela odvija praksa protivna tržišnom natjecanju u smislu članka 35. i bitno utječe na važne interese stranaka, može zatražiti od tijela druge stranke nadležnog za tržišno natjecanje da poduzme odgovarajuće djelovanje za popravljanje stanja na osnovi pravila tog tijela koja uređuju tržišno natjecanje.
2. Takav zahtjev ne utječe na djelovanje u skladu s pravom tržišnog natjecanja tijela koje je podnijelo zahtjev, a koje se može smatrati nužnim, te ni na koji način ne ometa ovlasti donošenja odluka ili neovisnost tijela kojem je zahtjev upućen.
3. Ne dovodeći u pitanje njegove funkcije, prava, obveze ili neovisnost, tijelo nadležno za tržišno natjecanje kojem je takav zahtjev upućen uzima u obzir i obraća posebnu pozornost na iznesena gledišta i dokumentaciju koju je dostavilo tijelo koje je podnijelo zahtjev te posebno obraća pozornost na prirodu predmetnog djelovanja protivnog tržišnom natjecanju, uključenog poduzetnika ili poduzetnike i navodni štetni učinak na važne interese pogođene stranke.
4. Kada Komisija ili tijelo Južne Afrike nadležno za tržišno natjecanje odluči provesti istragu ili namjerava poduzeti bilo koje djelovanje koje može imati važne implikacije na interese druge stranke, stranke se na zahtjev bilo koje od njih moraju savjetovati i obje nastoje pronaći obostrano prihvatljivo rješenje u svjetlu svojih važnih interesa, uzimajući na odgovarajući način u obzir propise, suverenitet i neovisnost tijela nadležnih za tržišno natjecanje obiju stranaka te međunarodnu kurtoaziju.
Članak 39.
Tehnička pomoć
Zajednica pruža Južnoj Africi tehničku pomoć pri restrukturiranju njezinog prava i politike tržišnog natjecanja, što među ostalim može obuhvatiti:
(a) |
razmjenu stručnjaka; |
(b) |
organizaciju seminara; |
(c) |
aktivnosti osposobljavanja. |
Članak 40.
Stranke razmjenjuju informacije uzimajući u obzir ograničenja određena zahtjevima čuvanja profesionalne i poslovne tajne.
Članak 41.
Državna potpora
1. U mjeri u kojoj ona može imati utjecaja na trgovinu između Zajednice i Južne Afrike, državna potpora koja stavlja određene poduzetnike ili proizvodnju određene robe u povoljniji položaj i koja narušava ili prijeti narušavanjem tržišnog natjecanja te ne podupire određeni cilj ili ciljeve javne politike bilo koje stranke nije u skladu s ispravnim funkcioniranjem ovog Sporazuma.
2. Stranke su suglasne da je u njihovom interesu osigurati pružanje državne potpore na pošten, pravičan i transparentan način.
Članak 42.
Mjere poboljšanja
1. Ako Zajednica ili Južna Afrika smatraju da određena praksa nije u skladu s uvjetima iz članka 41. i da takva praksa uzrokuje ili prijeti uzrokovanjem ozbiljnog narušavanja interesa druge stranke ili materijalne štete njezinoj domaćoj industriji, stranke su suglasne, u slučajevima kada to nije odgovarajuće riješeno postojećim zakonodavstvom, započeti savjetovanje radi pronalaženja obostrano zadovoljavajućeg rješenja. Takvo savjetovanje ne dovodi u pitanje prava i obveze stranaka u pogledu njihovih odnosnih propisa i međunarodnih obveza.
2. Bilo koja stranka može pozvati Vijeće za suradnju da u kontekstu takvog savjetovanja ispita ciljeve javne politike stranaka koji opravdavaju dodjelu državne potpore iz članka 41.
Članak 43.
Svaka stranka osigurava transparentnost u području državne potpore. Osobito, kada stranka to zatraži, druga stranka osigurava informacije o programima potpore, o određenim pojedinačnim slučajevima državne potpore ili o ukupnom iznosu i distribuciji potpore. Pri razmjeni informacija između stranaka vodi se računa o ograničenjima nametnutima propisima bilo koje stranke koji se odnose na zahtjeve za čuvanje poslovne ili profesionalne tajne.
Članak 44.
1. Ako ne postoje nikakva pravila ili postupci za provedbu članka 41., na državnu potporu i subvencije primjenjuju se odredbe članaka VI. i XVI. Općeg sporazuma o carinama i trgovini iz 1994., kao i Sporazuma WTO-a o subvencijama i kompenzacijskim mjerama.
2. Vijeće za suradnju periodično preispituje napredak postignut u tim pitanjima. Ono posebno nastavlja razvijati suradnju i razumijevanje o mjerama koje je poduzela svaka stranka u pogledu primjene članka 41.
Članak 45.
Javna nabava
1. Stranke su suglasne surađivati kako bi osigurale da pristup ugovorima stranaka o nabavi bude uređen sustavom koji je pošten, pravičan i transparentan.
2. Vijeće za suradnju periodično preispituje napredak postignut u ovom pitanju.
Članak 46.
Intelektualno vlasništvo
1. Stranke osiguravaju odgovarajuću i učinkovitu zaštitu prava intelektualnog vlasništva u skladu s najvišim međunarodnim standardima. Stranke primjenjuju Sporazum WTO-a o trgovinskim aspektima prava intelektualnog vlasništva (TRIPs) od 1. siječnja 1996. i obvezuju se prema potrebi poboljšati zaštitu predviđenu tim sporazumom.
2. Ako se u području zaštite intelektualnog vlasništva pojave problemi koji utječu na uvjete trgovanja, poduzima se hitno savjetovanje na zahtjev bilo koje stranke radi postizanja obostrano zadovoljavajućih rješenja.
3. Zajednica i njezine države članice potvrđuju važnost koju pridaju obvezama što proizlaze iz:
(a) |
Protokola uz Madridski sporazum o međunarodnoj registraciji žigova (Madrid, 1989.); |
(b) |
Međunarodne konvencije za zaštitu umjetnika izvođača, proizvođača fonograma i organizacija za radiodifuziju (Rim, 1961.); |
(c) |
Ugovor o suradnji u području patenata (Washington, 1979., kako je izmijenjen 1984.). |
4. Ne dovodeći u pitanje obveze koje proizlaze iz Sporazuma WTO-a o trgovinskim aspektima prava intelektualnog vlasništva, Južna Afrika mogla bi blagonaklono razmotriti pristupanje multilateralnim konvencijama iz stavka 3.
5. Stranke potvrđuju važnost koju pridaju sljedećim instrumentima:
(a) |
odredbama Nicanskog sporazuma o međunarodnoj klasifikaciji proizvoda i usluga za registraciju žigova (Ženeva, 1977., izmijenjen 1979.) |
(b) |
Bernskoj konvenciji za zaštitu književnih i umjetničkih djela (Pariški akt, 1971.) |
(c) |
Međunarodnoj konvenciji za zaštitu novih biljnih sorti (UPOV) (Ženevski akt, 1978.); |
(d) |
Budimpeštanskom ugovoru o međunarodnom priznavanju depozita mikroorganizama za potrebne patentnog postupka (1977., izmijenjen 1980.); |
(e) |
Pariškoj konvenciji za zaštitu industrijskog vlasništva (Stockholmski akt, izmijenjen 1979.); |
(f) |
Ugovoru o autorskom pravu Svjetske organizacije za intelektualno vlasništvo (WCT), 1996. |
6. Kako bi se olakšala provedba ovog članka, Zajednica može na zahtjev i prema zajednički dogovorenim uvjetima pružiti tehničku pomoć Južnoj Africi, između ostalog u pripremanju zakona i propisa za zaštitu i provedbu prava intelektualnog vlasništva, sprečavanju zlouporabe takvih prava, osnivanju i jačanju domaćih službi i drugih tijela koja se bave provedbom i zaštitom, uključujući osposobljavanje osoblja.
7. Stranke su suglasne da intelektualno vlasništvo za potrebe ovog Sporazuma posebno obuhvaća autorsko pravo, uključujući autorsko pravo na računalnim programima i srodna prava, korisne modele, patente, uključujući biotehnološke izume, industrijski dizajn, oznake zemljopisnog podrijetla, uključujući oznake izvornosti, robne žigove i uslužne žigove, topografije integriranih krugova, kao i pravnu zaštitu baza podataka i zaštitu od nepoštenog tržišnog natjecanja iz članka 10.bis Pariške konvencije za zaštitu industrijskog vlasništva i zaštitu neobjavljenih informacija o znanju i iskustvu (know-how).
Članak 47.
Normizacija i ocjena sukladnosti
Stranke surađuju na polju normizacije, mjeriteljstva, certificiranja i osiguranja kakvoće kako bi se smanjile razlike među strankama u tim područjima, uklonile tehničke prepreke i olakšala bilateralna trgovina. Ta suradnja obuhvaća:
(a) |
mjere, u skladu s odredbama Sporazuma WTO-a o tehničkim preprekama u trgovini (TBT), za promicanje većeg korištenja međunarodnih tehničkih propisa, normi i postupaka za ocjenu suglasnosti, uključujući mjere specifične za određeni sektor; |
(b) |
razvojne sporazume o uzajamnom priznavanju ocjena suglasnosti u sektorima od zajedničkoga gospodarskog interesa; |
(c) |
suradnju u području upravljanja i osiguranja kakvoće u odabranim sektorima od važnosti za Južnu Afriku; |
(d) |
omogućavanje tehničke pomoći za inicijative jačanja sposobnosti Južne Afrike u područjima certificiranja, mjeriteljstva i normizacije; |
(e) |
razvoj praktičnih veza između Južne Afrike i europskih organizacija za normizaciju, certificiranje i atestiranje. |
Članak 48.
1. Stranke promiču i olakšavaju suradnju između svojih carinskih službi kako bi se osiguralo poštovanje odredaba o trgovini i jamčila pravedna trgovina. Suradnjom se, između ostalog, osigurava razmjena informacija i određuju programi osposobljavanja.
2. Ne dovodeći u pitanje druge oblike suradnje predviđene ovim Sporazumom, posebno one iz članka 90., upravne vlasti ugovornih stranaka jedne drugima pružaju pomoć u skladu s odredbama Protokola 2. uz ovaj Sporazum.
Članak 49.
Stranke su suglasne surađivati u ovom području. Suradnja se usredotočuje posebno na usklađivanje statističkih metoda i prakse kako bi se na zajednički dogovorenim osnovama omogućila obrada podataka o trgovini robe i usluga te, općenito, u bilo kojem području obuhvaćenom Sporazumom koje podliježe statističkoj obradi.
Članak 50.
Stranke su suglasne razvijati i promicati suradnju u gospodarskim i industrijskim pitanjima na temelju uzajamne koristi i u interesu južnoafričke regije kao cjeline, diversifikacijom i jačanjem gospodarskih veza, promicanjem održivog razvoja svojih gospodarstava, pružanjem potpore modelima regionalne gospodarske suradnje, promicanjem suradnje između malih i srednjih poduzeća, zaštitom i unaprjeđenjem okoliša, promicanjem gospodarskog osnaživanja povijesno zapostavljenih skupina, uključujući žene, zaštitom i promicanjem radničkih i sindikalnih prava.
Članak 51.
Cilj je suradnje u ovom području olakšati restrukturiranje i modernizaciju industrije Južne Afrike i pritom poticati njezinu konkurentnost i rast te stvoriti povoljne uvjete za uzajamno korisnu suradnju između industrija Južne Afrike i Zajednice.
Cilj je suradnje, između ostalog, sljedeći:
(a) |
poticanje suradnje između gospodarskih subjekata stranaka (društava, stručnjaka, sektorskih i drugih poslovnih organizacija, organizacija radnika itd.); |
(b) |
podupiranje napora javnog i privatnog sektora Južne Afrike u restrukturiranju i modernizaciji industrije, pod uvjetima koji osiguravaju zaštitu okoliša, održivi razvoj i gospodarsko osnaživanje; |
(c) |
poticanje okruženja koje pogoduje privatnim inicijativama s ciljem poticanja i diversifikacije proizvodnje za domaće i izvozno tržište; |
(d) |
promicanje boljeg korištenja ljudskih i industrijskih potencijala Južne Afrike, između ostalog pojednostavljivanjem pristupa kreditnim i ulagačkim sredstvima te potporom industrijskim inovacijama, prijenosu tehnologije, osposobljavanju, istraživanjima i tehnološkom razvoju. |
Članak 52.
Poticanje i zaštita ulaganja
Cilj je suradnje među strankama uspostaviti klimu koja pogoduje i promiče obostrano korisna ulaganja, domaća i strana, posebno putem unaprijeđenih uvjeta za zaštitu ulaganja, poticanje ulaganja, prijenos kapitala i razmjenu informacija o mogućnostima ulaganja.
Cilj je suradnje, između ostalog, olakšavanje i poticanje:
(a) |
sklapanja sporazuma za poticanje i zaštitu ulaganja između država članica i Južne Afrike, kada je to primjereno; |
(b) |
sklapanja sporazuma o izbjegavanju dvostrukog oporezivanja između država članica i Južne Afrike, kada je to primjereno; |
(c) |
razmjene informacija o mogućnostima ulaganja; |
(d) |
djelovanja prema usklađenim i pojednostavljenim postupcima i upravnoj praksi u području ulaganja; |
(e) |
potpore promicanju i poticanju ulaganja u Južnu Afriku i južnoafričku regiju putem odgovarajućih instrumenata. |
Članak 53.
Razvoj trgovine
1. Stranke se obvezuju razvijati, diversificirati i povećati međusobnu trgovinu i poboljšati konkurentnost proizvodnje Južne Afrike na domaćem, regionalnom i međunarodnom tržištu.
2. Suradnja u području razvoja trgovine posebno se usredotočuje na sljedeće:
(a) |
oblikovanje odgovarajućih strategija razvoja trgovine i stvaranje trgovinskog okružja koje podržava konkurentnost; |
(b) |
izgradnju kapaciteta i razvoj ljudskih potencijala i profesionalnih vještina u području trgovine i usluga potpore u javnom i privatnom sektoru, uključujući radnu snagu; |
(c) |
razmjenu informacija o zahtjevima tržišta; |
(d) |
prijenos znanja i iskustva (know-how) te tehnologije kroz ulaganja i zajedničke pothvate; |
(e) |
razvoj privatnog sektora, posebno malih i srednjih poduzeća koja se bave trgovinom; |
(f) |
osnivanje, prilagodbu i jačanje organizacija koje se bave razvojem trgovine i usluga potpore; |
(g) |
regionalnu suradnju radi razvoja trgovine te infrastrukture i usluga povezanih s trgovinom u južnoj Africi. |
Članak 54.
Mikropoduzeća te mala i srednja poduzeća
Stranke teže razvoju i jačanju mikropoduzeća (MP) te malih i srednjih poduzeća (MSP) u Južnoj Africi, kao i promicanju suradnje između MSP-a u Zajednici te u Južnoj Africi i regiji vodeći računa o jednakosti spolova. Stranke, između ostalog:
(a) |
prema potrebi surađuju u stvaranju pravnih, administrativnih, institucionalnih, tehničkih, poreznih i financijskih okvira za osnivanje i širenje MP-a i MSP-a; |
(b) |
pružaju pomoć koja je potrebna MP-u i MSP-u, bez obzira na njihov pravni status, u područjima kao što su financiranje, stručno osposobljavanje, tehnologija i marketing; |
(c) |
pružaju pomoć društvima, organizacijama, kreatorima politike i agencijama koje pružaju usluge iz točke (b) putem odgovarajuće tehničke potpore, razmjene informacija i izgradnje kapaciteta; |
(d) |
uspostavljaju i olakšavaju odgovarajuće veze između subjekata u privatnom sektoru na području Južne Afrike, južnoafričke regije i Zajednice kako bi se poboljšao protok informacija (koje se odnose na oblikovanje i provedbu strategije, trendove i mogućnosti poslovanja, umrežavanje, zajedničke pothvate i prenošenje stručnih vještina). |
Članak 55.
Informacijsko društvo – telekomunikacijska i informacijska tehnologija
1. Stranke su suglasne surađivati u području informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (ICT) koje smatraju ključnim sektorima modernog društva te su od vitalnog značaja za gospodarski i socijalni razvoj te za razvoj informacijskog društva. Komunikacija u ovom kontekstu obuhvaća poštu, emitiranje, telekomunikacije i informacijske tehnologije. Cilj je suradnje:
(a) |
poboljšanje pristupa javnih i privatnih subjekata Južne Afrike sredstvima komunikacije, elektronici i informacijskoj tehnologiji kroz pružanje potpore razvoju infrastrukturnih mreža, ljudskih potencijala i odgovarajućih politika informacijskog društva u Južnoj Africi; |
(b) |
pružanje potpore suradnji između zemalja južnoafričke regije u ovom području, posebno u kontekstu satelitske tehnologije; |
(c) |
suočavanje s izazovima globalizacije, novih tehnologija, institucionalnog i sektorskog restrukturiranja te rastućeg jaza između osnovnih informacijskih usluga i naprednih usluga. |
2. Suradnja, između ostalog, obuhvaća:
(a) |
dijalog o različitim aspektima informacijskog društva, uključujući regulatorne aspekte i komunikacijsku politiku; |
(b) |
razmjenu informacija i moguću tehničku pomoć u regulaciji, normizaciji, ispitivanju sukladnosti i certificiranju informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije te korištenju frekvencija; |
(c) |
širenje novih informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija te razvoj novih kapaciteta, posebno u pogledu međusobnog povezivanja mreža i interoperabilnosti aplikacija; |
(d) |
promicanje i provedbu zajedničkih istraživanja, tehnološkog razvoja na projektima u području novih tehnologija povezanih s informacijskim društvom; |
(e) |
pristup južnoafričkih organizacija projektima ili programima Zajednice na temelju dogovora koji se primjenjuju u različitim područjima te pristup organizacija Europske unije aktivnostima koje je pokrenula Južna Afrika, pod istim uvjetima. |
Članak 56.
Poštanska suradnja
Suradnja u ovom području obuhvaća:
(a) |
razmjenu informacija i dijalog o poštanskim pitanjima u vezi s, između ostalog, regionalnim i međunarodnim aktivnostima, regulatornim aspektima i političkim odlukama; |
(b) |
tehničku pomoć u uređivanju, operativnim standardima i razvoju ljudskih potencijala; |
(c) |
promicanje i provedbu zajedničkih projekata, uključujući istraživanja, u području tehnološkog razvoja u ovom sektoru. |
Članak 57.
1. Suradnja u ovom području obuhvaća:
(a) |
poboljšanje pristupa Južnoafrikanaca dostupnim, pouzdanim i održivim izvorima energije; |
(b) |
reorganizaciju i modernizaciju podsektora proizvodnje, distribucije i potrošnje energije kako bi se mogle pružati odgovarajuće usluge u optimalnim uvjetima gospodarske učinkovitosti, socijalnog razvoja i prihvatljivosti za okoliš; |
(c) |
podupiranje suradnje među zemljama u južnoafričkoj regiji radi iskorištavanja lokalno raspoloživih energetskih resursa na učinkovit i za okoliš prihvatljiv način. |
2. Cilj je suradnje osobito:
(a) |
podupiranje razvoja odgovarajućih energetskih politika i infrastrukture u Južnoj Africi; |
(b) |
diversifikacija opskrbe energijom u Južnoj Africi; |
(c) |
poboljšanje izvedbenih standarda energetskih subjekata u tehničkom, gospodarskom i financijskom smislu, posebno u sektoru struje i tekućih goriva; |
(d) |
olakšavanje izgradnje kapaciteta u području lokalnog stručnog znanja, posebno putem općeg i tehničkog osposobljavanja; |
(e) |
razvoj novih i obnovljivih oblika energije i popratne infrastrukture, posebno za opskrbu ruralnih područja električnom energijom; |
(f) |
poboljšanje racionalnog korištenja energije, ponajprije kroz promicanje učinkovitosti energetskih sustava; |
(g) |
promicanje prijenosa i korištenja tehnologija prihvatljivih za okoliš; |
(h) |
promicanje regionalne energetske suradnje u južnoj Africi. |
Članak 58.
Rudarstvo i minerali
1. Cilj suradnje u ovom području, između ostalog, jest:
(a) |
pružanje potpore i promicanje političkih mjera koje poboljšavaju zdravstvene i sigurnosne standarde u rudarstvu kao i uvjete zapošljavanja; |
(b) |
dostupnost mineralnih resursa i informacija s područja geološke znanosti za istraživanje i ulaganje u rudarstvo. Suradnja bi također trebala stvoriti obostrano korisnu klimu za privlačenje ulaganja u sektor, uključujući MSP (i ranije zapostavljene zajednice); |
(c) |
pružanje potpore politikama koje osiguravaju odvijanje rudarskih djelatnosti uz vođenje računa o okolišu i održivom razvoju, uzimajući u obzir posebne okolnosti u zemlji i prirodu rudarstva; |
(d) |
suradnja u tehnološkim istraživanjima i razvoju u području rudarstva i minerala. |
2. Suradnja će obuhvatiti aktivnosti Južne Afrike poduzete u okviru Jedinice za koordinaciju rudarstva Zajednice za razvoj južne Afrike (SADC).
Članak 59.
1. Cilj je suradnje u ovom području:
(a) |
poboljšanje pristupa Južnoafrikanaca dostupnim, sigurnim i pouzdanim načinima prijevoza te olakšavanje protoka robe u zemlji kroz potporu razvoju intermodalnih infrastrukturnih mreža i prijevoznih sustava koji su održivi u gospodarskom i ekološkom smislu; |
(b) |
pružanje potpore suradnji između zemalja južnoafričke regije kako bi se stvorila održiva prometna mreža za regionalne potrebe. |
2. Suradnja se posebno usredotočuje na:
(a) |
doprinošenje restrukturiranju i modernizaciji cestovne, željezničke i pristanišne infrastrukture te infrastrukture zračnih luka; |
(b) |
postupno poboljšavanje uvjeta zračnog prijevoza, željezničkog, cestovnog i multimodalnog provoza, kao i upravljanje cestama, željezničkim prugama, pristaništima i zračnim lukama, te pomorskim i zračnim prometom; |
(c) |
unaprjeđivanje sigurnosti zračnog i pomorskog prometa kroz poboljšanje pomoći za navigaciju i osposobljavanja radi omogućavanja provedbe učinkovitih programa. |
Članak 60.
1. Stranke surađuju u svrhu jačanja razvoja konkurentnog turizma. U tom su kontekstu stranke posebno suglasne:
(a) |
promicati razvoj turizma kao generatora gospodarskog rasta i emancipacije, zapošljavanja i deviznih sredstava; |
(b) |
nastojati uspostaviti strateško savezništvo koje obuhvaća javne, privatne i skupne interese kako bi se osigurao održivi razvoj turizma; |
(c) |
provoditi zajedničke aktivnosti u područjima kao što su razvoj proizvoda i tržišta, ljudski potencijali i institucionalne strukture; |
(d) |
surađivati u području osposobljavanja i izgradnje kapaciteta u turizmu kako bi se poboljšali standardi usluga; |
(e) |
surađivati na promicanju i razvoju turizma na lokalnoj razini kroz pilot-projekte u ruralnim područjima; |
(f) |
olakšavati slobodno kretanje turista. |
2. Stranke su suglasne da se suradnja u području turizma temelji, između ostalog, na sljedećim smjernicama:
(a) |
poštovanju integriteta i interesa lokalnih zajednica, posebno u ruralnim područjima; |
(b) |
naglašavanju važnosti kulturne baštine; |
(c) |
omogućavanju osposobljavanja, prijenosu znanja i iskustva (know-how) i stvaranju svijesti u široj zajednici; |
(d) |
osiguravanju pozitivne interakcije između turizma i očuvanja okoliša; |
(e) |
promicanju regionalne suradnje u južnoj Africi. |
Članak 61.
1. Cilj je suradnje u ovom području promicanje integriranog, skladnog i održivog ruralnog razvoja u Južnoj Africi. Suradnja je posebno usmjerena na:
(a) |
modernizaciju i restrukturiranje, kada je to primjereno, poljoprivrednog sektora metodama koje uključuju modernizaciju infrastrukture i opreme, razvoj tehnika pakiranja i skladištenja te poboljšanje privatnih distribucijskih i marketinških lanaca; |
(b) |
olakšavanje razvoja i unapređivanja konkurentnosti poljoprivrednika iz ranije zapostavljenih zajednica te pružanje odgovarajućih poljoprivrednih usluga u tom smislu; |
(c) |
diversifikaciju i razvoj proizvodnje i vanjskih tržišta; |
(d) |
postizanje i razvoj suradnje u području zdravlja životinja i biljaka te u tehnikama poljoprivredne proizvodnje; |
(e) |
razmatranje mjera za usklađivanje normi i propisa o zdravlju životinja i biljaka s ciljem olakšavanja trgovine, uzimajući u obzir zakonodavstvo na snazi za obje stranke te u skladu s pravilima WTO-a. |
2. Suradnja se, između ostalog, odvija kroz prijenos znanja i iskustva (know-how), osnivanje zajedničkih pothvata i programe izgradnje kapaciteta.
Članak 62.
Cilj je suradnje u ovom području promicanje održivog upravljanja i korištenja ribarskih resursa u dugoročnom interesu obiju stranaka. To će se postići razmjenom informacija te oblikovanjem i provedbom dogovora koji se mogu odnositi na gospodarske, komercijalne, razvojne, znanstvene i tehničke težnje stranaka. Ti će se dogovori utvrditi u zasebnom obostrano korisnom sporazumu o ribarstvu, a stranke se obvezuju da će ga nastojati dovršiti što je prije moguće.
Članak 63.
Stranke su suglasne jačati suradnju u sektoru usluga općenito te posebno u području bankarstva, osiguranja i ostalih financijskih usluga, između ostalog:
(a) |
podupiranjem trgovine uslugama; |
(b) |
prema potrebi, razmjenom informacija o pravilima, zakonima i propisima kojima se uređuje sektor usluga stranaka, |
(c) |
poboljšanjem računovodstva, revizije, nadzora i uređivanja financijskih usluga te financijskog praćenja, na primjer kroz omogućavanje programa osposobljavanja. |
Članak 64.
Potrošačka politika i zaštita zdravlja potrošača
Stranke započinju suradnju u području potrošačke politike i zaštite zdravlja potrošača, posebno s ciljem:
(a) |
stvaranja sustava uzajamnog obavješćivanja o proizvodima koji su na domaćem tržištu zabranjeni te o opasnim proizvodima; |
(b) |
razmjene informacija i iskustava o uspostavi i funkcioniranju nadzora nakon stavljanja proizvoda na tržište te sigurnosti proizvoda; |
(c) |
boljeg informiranja potrošača, posebno u pogledu cijena, svojstava proizvoda i ponuđenih usluga; |
(d) |
podupiranja razmjena među predstavnicima interesa potrošača; |
(e) |
povećanja kompatibilnosti potrošačkih politika i sustava; |
(f) |
razmjene informacija o povećavanju svijesti potrošača kroz obavješćivanje i obrazovanje; |
(g) |
obavješćivanja o provedbi i suradnji između stranaka u istragama o štetnoj ili nepoštenoj poslovnoj praksi; |
(g) |
razmjene informacija o učinkovitim načinima ispravljanja bilo kakvih nepravdi počinjenih na štetu potrošača nezakonitim aktivnostima. |
Članak 65.
1. Suradnja u području razvoja između Zajednice i Južne Afrike provodi se u kontekstu političkog dijaloga i partnerstva te podupire politike i reforme koje provode nacionalna tijela.
2. Suradnja u području razvoja posebno doprinosi skladnom i održivom gospodarskom i socijalnom razvoju Južne Afrike i njezinom uvrštavanju u svjetsko gospodarstvo te jačanju temelja položenih za izgradnju demokratskog društva i države s vladavinom prava u kojoj se poštuju politički, socijalni i kulturni aspekti ljudskih prava i temeljne slobode.
3. U tom se kontekstu prednost daje aktivnostima koje podržavaju borbu protiv siromaštva.
Članak 66.
1. Suradnja u području razvoja ponajprije se odnosi na sljedeće:
(a) |
davanje potpore politikama i instrumentima za postupnu integraciju gospodarstva Južne Afrike u svjetsko gospodarstvo i trgovinu, rastu zapošljavanja, razvoju održivih privatnih poduzeća, regionalnoj suradnji i integraciji. U tom se kontekstu posebna pozornost daje pružanju potpore naporima prilagodbe koji se provode u regiji uspostavom područja slobodne trgovine iz ovog Sporazuma, posebno u SACU-u; |
(b) |
poboljšanje životnih uvjeta i pružanje osnovnih socijalnih usluga; |
(c) |
pružanje potpore demokratizaciji, zaštiti ljudskih prava, dobrom javnom upravljanju, jačanju civilnog društva i njegovoj integraciji u razvojni proces. |
2. Promiče se dijalog i partnerstvo između javnih tijela i nevladinih razvojnih partnera i aktivnih sudionika.
3. Programi se usredotočuju na osnovne potrebe ranije zapostavljenih zajednica te odražavaju spolnu i okolišnu dimenziju razvoja.
Članak 67.
Korisnici koji ispunjavaju uvjete
Partneri u suradnji koji ispunjavaju uvjete za financijsku i tehničku pomoć jesu nacionalna, pokrajinska i lokalna tijela te javna tijela, nevladine organizacije i organizacije koje se temelje na zajednici, regionalne i međunarodne organizacije, institucije i javni ili privatni subjekti. Bilo koje drugo tijelo može ispunjavati uvjete ako ga kao takvog odrede obje stranke.
Članak 68.
Sredstva i metode
1. Sredstva koja se mogu koristiti u aktivnostima suradnje iz članka 66. posebno obuhvaćaju studije, tehničku pomoć, osposobljavanje i druge usluge, nabavu i radove, kao i ocjenjivačke i nadzorne revizije i misije.
2. Financiranje Zajednice u lokalnoj ili stranoj valuti, ovisno o potrebama i prirodi aktivnosti, može obuhvatiti:
(a) |
državne proračunske izdatke za potporu reformama i provedbu politike u prioritetnim sektorima utvrđenima političkim dijalogom; |
(b) |
ulaganje (izuzev kupnje zgrada) i opremu; |
(c) |
u određenim slučajevima, a posebno kada program provodi nevladin partner, periodične izdatke. |
3. Doprinos partnera utvrđen u članku 67. u načelu se zahtijeva za svaku aktivnost suradnje. Priroda i iznos ovog doprinosa prilagođava se mogućnostima partnera i prirodi aktivnosti.
4. Mogu se istraživati mogućnosti koherentnosti i komplementarnosti s drugim pružateljima sredstava, posebno s državama članicama Europske unije.
5. Obje će stranke poduzeti odgovarajuće mjere kako bi se osiguralo da se opća javnost upozna sa suradnjom u području razvoja s karakteristikom Zajednice u okviru ovog Sporazuma.
Članak 69.
1. Višegodišnje indikativno programiranje utemeljeno na posebnim ciljevima izvedenima iz prioriteta iz članka 66. te navođenje načina za pripremu, provedbu i praćenje suradnje u području razvoja i nastalih aktivnosti tijekom referentnog razdoblja provodi se u okviru bliskih kontakata između Zajednice i Vlade Južne Afrike uz doprinos Europske investicijske banke. Rezultat razgovora o programiranju navodi se u višegodišnjeg indikativnom programu koji potpisuju obje stranke.
2. Detaljna operativna postupanja i odredbe za provedbu i praćenje suradnje u području razvoja prilažu se višegodišnjem indikativnom programu.
Članak 70.
Utvrđivanje, priprema i ocjena projekta
1. Utvrđivanje i priprema razvojnih aktivnosti odgovornost je nacionalnog dužnosnika za ovjeravanje Vlade Južne Afrike, kako je definiran u članku 80., ili bilo kojeg drugog korisnika koji ispunjava uvjete, kako je definiran u članku 67.
2. Projektni ili programski dosjei podneseni radi financiranja od strane Zajednice moraju sadržavati sve potrebne informacije za njihovu ocjenu. Nacionalni dužnosnik za ovjeravanje ili drugi korisnici koji ispunjavaju uvjete službeno prosljeđuju takve dosjee voditelju izaslanstva.
3. Ocjenu razvojnih aktivnosti zajednički provode nacionalni dužnosnik za ovjeravanje i/ili drugi korisnik koji ispunjava uvjete i Zajednica.
Članak 71.
Prijedlog i odluka o financiranju
1. Voditelj izaslanstva daje sažeti prikaz zaključaka ocjene u prijedlogu financiranja koji se priprema u bliskoj suradnji s nacionalnim dužnosnikom za ovjeravanje i/ili partnerom koji traži financiranje.
2. Komisija dovršava prijedlog financiranja i prosljeđuje ga tijelu Zajednice koje donosi odluku.
Članak 72.
Sporazumi o financiranju
1. Svaki projekt ili program koji odobri Zajednica obuhvaća:
(a) |
sporazum o financiranju sastavljen između Komisije, koja djeluje u ime Zajednice, i nacionalnog dužnosnika za ovjeravanje, koji djeluje u ime Vlade Južne Afrike, ili korisnika koji ispunjava uvjete; ili |
(b) |
ugovor s međunarodnim organizacijama ili pravnih tijelima, fizičkim osobama ili bilo kojim drugim subjektima utvrđenima u članku 67. i odgovornima za provedbu projekta ili programa. |
2. Svi sporazumi o financiranju ili ugovori predviđaju provjere na licu mjesta od strane Komisije i Europskog revizorskog suda.
Članak 73.
Ispunjavanje uvjeta izvođača radova i isporuka
1. Sudjelovanje u pozivima na podnošenje ponuda i ugovorima otvoreno je pod jednakim uvjetima svim fizičkim i pravnim osobama u državama članicama Europske unije, Južnoj Africi i državama ACP-a. Sudjelovanje se može proširiti tako da obuhvaća druge zemlje u razvoju u valjano obrazloženim slučajevima te kako bi se osigurao najveći omjer isplativosti.
2. Isporuke su podrijetlom iz država članica, Južne Afrike ili država ACP-a. U valjano obrazloženim izuzetnim slučajevima one mogu biti podrijetlom i iz drugih zemalja.
Članak 74.
Ugovorno tijelo
1. Korisnik koji ispunjava uvjete priprema ugovore o izvođenju radova, opskrbi i pružanju usluga, o njima pregovara te ih sklapa uz suglasnost i u suradnji s Komisijom.
2. Korisnik koji ispunjava uvjete može zatražiti od Komisije da pripremi, pregovara i sklopi ugovore o pružanju usluga u njegovo ime, izravno ili putem nadležne agencije.
Članak 75.
Postupci javne nabave
Postupci za javnu nabavu ili za sklapanje ugovora koje financira Zajednica utvrđeni su u općim odredbama priloženima sporazumima o financiranju.
Članak 76.
Opći propisi i uvjeti
Dodjela i izvršenje ugovora o izvođenju radova, opskrbi i pružanju usluga koje financira Zajednica uređuju se ovim Sporazumom i odgovarajućim općim propisima za ugovore o izvođenju radova, opskrbi i pružanju usluga i općim uvjetima usvojenima odlukom Vijeća za suradnju.
Članak 77.
Rješavanje sporova
Bilo koji spor koji nastane između Južne Afrike i izvođača radova, dobavljača ili pružatelja usluga za vrijeme izvršenja ugovora koji financira Zajednica rješava se arbitražom u skladu s pravilima postupka o mirenju i arbitraži u vezi s ugovorima, kako su usvojena odlukom Vijeća za suradnju.
Članak 78.
Fiskalni i carinski dogovori
1. Vlada Južne Afrike primjenjuje na sve ugovore koje financira Zajednica potpuno izuzeće od fiskalnih davanja i carina i/ili davanja s istovrsnim učinkom.
2. Detalji režima iz stavka 1. utvrđuju se razmjenom pisama između Vlade Južne Afrike i Komisije.
Članak 79.
Glavni dužnosnik za ovjeravanje
Komisija imenuje glavnog dužnosnika za ovjeravanje koji je odgovoran za upravljanje sredstvima koja je Zajednica stavila na raspolaganje za suradnju s Južnom Afrikom u području razvoja.
Članak 80.
Nacionalni dužnosnik za ovjeravanje i platni agent
1. Vlada Južne Afrike imenuje nacionalnog dužnosnika za ovjeravanje koji ju zastupa u svim aktivnostima koje se odnose na projekte koje financira Komisija, a koji su predmetom sporazuma o financiranju između Južne Afrike i Zajednice. Imenuje se i platni agent.
2. Obveze i zadaci glavnog dužnosnika za ovjeravanje i nacionalnog dužnosnika za ovjeravanje te platnog agenta utvrđuju se razmjenom instrumenata između Vlade Južne Afrike i Komisije u skladu s odredbama financijskih propisa Komisije koji se primjenjuju na povlaštene sporazume.
Članak 81.
Voditelj izaslanstva
1. Komisiju u Južnoj Africi zastupa voditelj izaslanstva koji zajedno s nacionalnim dužnosnikom za ovjeravanje osigurava provedbu, nadzor i praćenje financijske i tehničke suradnje u skladu s načelima dobrog financijskog upravljanja i odredbama ovog Sporazuma. Voditelju izaslanstva posebno se dodjeljuju ovlasti olakšavanja i ubrzavanja pripreme, ocjene i izvršenja projekata i programa.
2. Vlada Južne Afrike dodjeljuje voditelju izaslanstva i službenicima Komisije imenovanima u Južnoj Africi povlastice i imunitete u skladu s Bečkom konvencijom o diplomatskim odnosima iz 1961. godine.
3. Pri definiranju zadataka i obveza nacionalnog dužnosnika za ovjeravanje i voditelja izaslanstva stranke nastoje osigurati najveći stupanj lokalnog upravljanja projektima i programima, kao i kompatibilnost i koherentnost s praksom koja se primjenjuje u drugim državama ACP-a.
Članak 82.
Praćenje i ocjenjivanje
1. Cilj praćenja i ocjene sastoji se u vanjskoj procjeni razvojnih aktivnosti (pripreme, provedbe i naknadnog djelovanja) s ciljem poboljšanja učinkovitosti razvoja tekućih i budućih djelovanja. Ovaj posao zajednički obavljaju Južna Afrika i Zajednica.
2. Južna Afrika i Zajednica zajednički provode praćenje i ocjenu suradnje. Može se održati godišnje savjetovanje kako bi se ocijenio napredak i usuglasile mjere koje se trebaju poduzeti radi prilagodbe i poboljšanja provedbe višegodišnjeg indikativnog programa te pripreme za buduće djelovanje.
Članak 83.
Znanost i tehnologija
Stranke se obvezuju intenzivirati znanstvenu i tehnološku suradnju. Detaljni dogovori za provedbu ovog cilja utvrđeni su u zasebnom sporazumu koji je stupio na snagu u studenom 1997.
Članak 84.
1. Stranke surađuju radi provedbe održivog razvoja kroz racionalno korištenje neobnovljivih prirodnih resursa i održivog korištenja obnovljivih prirodnih resursa te na taj način promiču zaštitu okoliša, sprečavanje njegovog propadanja i kontrolu zagađenja. Stranke teže unapređenju kvalitete okoliša i zajednički rade na suzbijanju globalnih ekoloških problema.
2. Stranke posvećuju posebnu pozornost razvoju kapaciteta u upravljanju okolišem. Vodi se dijalog o utvrđivanju prioriteta u području okoliša. Utjecaj prošlih politika Južne Afrike o stanju okoliša preispituje se te se ispravlja u mjeri u kojoj je to moguće.
3. Odnos suradnje obuhvaća, između ostalog, pitanja koja se odnose na urbani razvoj i korištenje zemljišta u poljoprivredne i nepoljoprivredne svrhe; dezertifikaciju; upravljanje otpadom, uključujući opasni i nuklearni otpad; upravljanje opasnim kemikalijama; konzervaciju i održivo korištenje biološke raznolikosti; održivo upravljanje šumskim resursima; kontrolu kvalitete vode; kontrolu zagađenja od industrijskih i drugih izvora; kontrolu zagađenja obale i mora te upravljanje morskim resursima; upravljanje integriranim vodnim slivom, uključujući upravljanje međunarodnim riječnim bazenima; upravljanje potražnjom za vodom i pitanja u vezi sa smanjenjem emisija stakleničkih plinova.
Članak 85.
1. Stranke se obvezuju surađivati u području kulture kako bi promicale temeljito poznavanje i bolje razumijevanje kulturne raznolikosti u Južnoj Africi i Europskoj uniji. Stranke uklanjaju prepreke međukulturnoj komunikaciji i suradnji te potiču svijest o međuovisnosti naroda iz različitih kultura. Potiču sudjelovanje stanovništva Južne Afrike i Europske unije u procesu uzajamnog kulturnog obogaćivanja.
2. Kulturni kontakti teže očuvanju i unaprjeđenju kulturne baštine te proizvodnji i širenju kulturnih dobara i usluga. Koriste se nacionalni, regionalni i međuregionalni komunikacijski mediji i infrastruktura u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri kako bi se olakšali kulturni kontakti, uz istodobno promicanje poštovanja autorskog prava i srodnih prava.
3. Stranke surađuju u kulturnim događanjima i razmjeni između institucija i udruženja iz Južne Afrike i Europske unije.
Članak 86.
Socijalna pitanja
1. Stranke sudjeluju u dijalogu o socijalnoj suradnji. To obuhvaća, ali se ne ograničuje na pitanja koja se odnose na socijalne probleme društva nakon ukidanja aparthejda, uklanjanje siromaštva, nezaposlenost, jednakost spolova, nasilje nad ženama, prava djece, radne odnose, javno zdravstvo, sigurnost na radu i stanovništvo.
2. Stranke smatraju da socijalni napredak mora pratiti gospodarski razvoj. One prihvaćaju odgovornost za jamčenje osnovnih socijalnih prava koja su posebno usmjerena prema slobodnom udruživanju radnika, pravu na kolektivno pregovaranje, ukidanju prisilnog rada, ukidanju diskriminacije u pogledu zapošljavanja i zanimanja te učinkovitom ukidanju rada djece. Referentna točka pri razvoju ovih prava odgovarajući su standardi ILO-a.
Članak 87.
Stranke poduzimaju odgovarajuće mjere za promicanje i podupiranje učinkovite međusobne razmjene informacija. Između ostalog, prioritet se daje osiguravanju širenja informacija o suradnji između Južne Afrike i Zajednice. Osim toga, stranke nastoje pružiti osnovne informacije o Južnoj Africi i Europskoj uniji široj javnosti, a specijalizirane informacije o politikama Europske unije posebnoj publici u Južnoj Africi, kao i specijalizirane informacije o politikama Južne Afrike posebnoj publici u Europskoj uniji.
Članak 88.
Tiskovni i audiovizualni mediji
Stranke podupiru suradnju u području tiskovnih i audiovizualnih medija kako bi pružile potporu daljnjem razvoju i jačanju neovisnosti i pluralizma u medijima. Suradnja se, između ostalog, odvija:
(a) |
promicanjem razvoja ljudskih potencijala, posebno kroz osposobljavanje i razmjenu programa za novinare i medijske stručnjake; |
(b) |
poticanjem šireg pristupa medija izvorima informacija; |
(c) |
razmjenom tehničkog znanja i iskustva (know-how) i informacija; |
(d) |
proizvodnjom audiovizualnih programa. |
Članak 89.
Ljudski potencijali
1. Stranke surađuju kako bi unaprijedile vrijednost ljudskih potencijala u Južnoj Africi u svim područjima obuhvaćenima Sporazumom. Suradnja teži jačanju institucionalnih kapaciteta u ključnim državnim područjima razvoja ljudskih potencijala, uz pridavanje posebne pozornosti najzapostavljenijim dijelovima stanovništva.
2. Kako bi razvile stupanj stručnosti visokog osoblja u javnom i privatnom sektoru, stranke intenziviraju suradnju u području obrazovanja i strukovnog usavršavanja te suradnju između obrazovnih institucija i poduzeća. Osobita se pozornost pridaje promicanju uspostavljanja trajnih veza između specijaliziranih tijela Europske unije i Južne Afrike kako bi se poduprlo sjedinjavanje i razmjena iskustava i tehničkih resursa.
3. Stranke podupiru razmjenu informacija kako bi ojačale suradnju na priznavanju akademskih stupnjeva i diploma od strane relevantnih tijela.
4. Stranke potiču povezivanje i suradnju između institucija višeg obrazovanja, na primjer sveučilišta.
Članak 90.
Suzbijanje droga i pranja novca
Stranke se obvezuju surađivati na suzbijanju droga i pranja novca:
(a) |
promicanjem glavnog plana Južne Afrike za suzbijanje droga i unaprjeđivanjem učinkovitosti programa Južne Afrike i regionalnih južnoafričkih programa za borbu protiv nezakonite uporabe opojnih droga i psihotropnih tvari kao i proizvodnje, nabave i trgovanja ovim tvarima na temelju odgovarajućih međunarodnih konvencija UN-a o suzbijanju droga. |
(b) |
sprečavanjem korištenja svojih financijskih institucija za pranje kapitala stečenog kaznenim djelima općenito te posebno trgovanjem drogama na temelju normi koje su jednake onima koje su usvojila međunarodna tijela, posebno Radna skupina za financijsko djelovanje (FATF). |
(c) |
sprečavanjem zlouporabe kemijskih prekursora i drugih bitnih tvari koje se koriste za nezakonitu proizvodnju opojnih droga i psihotropnih tvari na temelju normi koje su usvojila odnosna međunarodna tijela, posebno Radna skupina za kemijsko djelovanje (CATF). |
Članak 91.
Zaštita podataka
1. Stranke surađuju na unapređivanju razine zaštite u obradi osobnih podataka, uzimajući u obzir međunarodne standarde.
2. Suradnja na zaštiti osobnih podataka može obuhvatiti tehničku pomoć u obliku razmjene informacija i stručnjaka te uspostavu zajedničkih programa i projekata.
3. Vijeće za suradnju periodično razmatra napredak učinjen u ovom pogledu.
Članak 92.
1. Stranke surađuju na poboljšanju psihičkog i fizičkog zdravlja stanovništva promicanjem zdravlja i sprečavanjem bolesti.
2. U području javnog zdravlja stranke surađuju kroz zajedničko korištenje znanja i iskustava o programima kojima se, između ostalog, šire informacije, unaprjeđuje obrazovanje i osposobljavanje stručnjaka iz područja javnog zdravlja, prate bolesti i razvijaju zdravstveni informacijski sustavi, umanjuju rizici od obolijevanja od bolesti povezanih s načinom života, sprečavaju i kontroliraju HIV/AIDS i druge zarazne bolesti.
3. Suradnja na polju sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu obuhvaća razmjenu informacija o zakonodavnim i nezakonodavnim mjerama za sprečavanje ozljeda, profesionalnih bolesti i profesionalnih zdravstvenih rizika.
4. Suradnja u farmaceutskom području može obuhvatiti potporu u procjeni i registraciji lijekova.
Članak 93.
Kako bi se ostvarili ciljevi ovog Sporazuma, Južna Afrika koristi financijsku i tehničku pomoć Zajednice u obliku bespovratnih sredstava i zajmova za potporu svojim društveno-gospodarskim razvojnim potrebama.
Članak 94.
Bespovratna sredstva
Financijska pomoć u obliku bespovratnih sredstava osigurava se:
(a) |
posebnim financijskim instrumentom utvrđenim proračunom Zajednice kao potpora aktivnostima suradnje u području razvoja navedenima u člancima 65. i 66.; |
(b) |
drugim financijskim izvorima dostupnima iz drugih proračunskih linija Zajednice za razvoj i aktivnosti međunarodne suradnje koje su obuhvaćene tim proračunskim linijama. Postupak predstavljanja i odobrenja zahtjeva, provedbe i nadzora/ocjene u skladu je s općim uvjetima koji se odnose na odnosnu proračunsku liniju. |
Članak 95.
U pogledu financijske pomoći u obliku zajmova, Europska investicijska banka mogla bi na zahtjev Vijeća Europske unije razmotriti proširenje svojeg financiranja investicijskih projekata u Južnoj Africi kroz dugoročne zajmove, u okviru maksimalnih iznosa i razdoblja valjanosti koji se utvrđuju primjenom relevantnih odredaba Ugovora o osnivanju Europske zajednice.
Članak 96.
Regionalna suradnja
Financijska pomoć Zajednice iz prethodnih članaka može se koristiti za financiranje projekata ili programa od nacionalnog ili lokalnog interesa u Južnoj Africi, kao i za sudjelovanje Južne Afrike u aktivnostima regionalne suradnje koje provodi zajedno s drugim zemljama u razvoju.
Članak 97.
Osnivanje institucija
1. Stranke su suglasne osnovati Vijeće za suradnju koji će obavljati sljedeće funkcije:
(a) |
osiguravanje pravilnog djelovanja i provedbe Sporazuma te dijaloga između stranaka; |
(b) |
proučavanje razvoja trgovine i suradnje između stranaka; |
(c) |
traženje odgovarajućih metoda za sprečavanje problema koji bi mogli nastati u područjima obuhvaćenima Sporazumom; |
(d) |
razmjena mišljenja i davanje prijedloga o bilo kojem pitanju od zajedničkog interesa koje se odnosi na trgovinu i suradnju, uključujući buduće djelovanje i dostupne resurse za njegovo provođenje. |
2. Sastav, učestalost, dnevni red i mjesto održavanja sastanaka Vijeća za suradnju dogovara se savjetovanjem između stranaka.
3. Gore navedeno Vijeće za suradnju ima ovlast donošenja odluka u pogledu svih pitanja obuhvaćenih ovim Sporazumom.
4. Stranke su suglasne poticati i omogućavati redovite kontakte između svojih parlamenata o različitim područjima suradnje obuhvaćenima Sporazumom.
5. Stranke također potiču kontakte između drugih sličnih i nadležnih institucija u Južnoj Africi i Europskoj uniji, kao što su Gospodarski i socijalni odbor Europske zajednice i Nacionalno vijeće za gospodarski razvoj i rad (NEDLAC) Južne Afrike.
Članak 98.
Odredba o iznimkama u vezi s porezima
1. Tretman najpovlaštenije nacije odobren u skladu s odredbama ovog Sporazuma ili bilo kojim dogovori usvojeni na temelju ovog Sporazuma ne primjenjuju se na porezne povlastice koje Južna Afrika i države članice Europske unije pružaju ili mogu pružati u budućnosti na osnovi sporazuma o izbjegavanju dvostrukog oporezivanja ili drugih poreznih dogovora, ili domaćeg fiskalnog zakonodavstva.
2. Ništa u ovom Sporazumu ni u bilo kojem dogovoru usvojenom na temelju ovog Sporazuma ne smije se tumačiti kao sprečavanje usvajanja ili provedbe bilo koje mjere usmjerene prema sprečavanju izbjegavanja ili utaje poreza sukladno poreznim odredbama u sporazumima o izbjegavanju dvostrukog oporezivanja ili drugim poreznim dogovorima, ili domaćem fiskalnom zakonodavstvu.
3. Ništa u ovom Sporazumu ni u bilo kojem dogovoru usvojenom na temelju ovog Sporazuma ne smije se tumačiti kao sprečavanje država članica Europske unije ili Južne Afrike da razlikuju, prilikom primjene relevantnih odredaba svojeg fiskalnog zakonodavstva, porezne obveznike koji nisu u istoj situaciji, posebno u pogledu njihovog mjesta boravišta ili u pogledu mjesta gdje su uložili svoj kapital.
Članak 99.
Ovaj se Sporazum sklapa na neodređeno vrijeme. Bilo koja stranka može otkazati ovaj Sporazum slanjem pisane obavijesti drugoj stranci. Sporazum se prestaje primjenjivati šest mjeseci od dana takve obavijesti.
Članak 100.
U područjima obuhvaćenima ovim Sporazumom i ne dovodeći u pitanje bilo koju posebnu odredbu sadržanu u njemu:
(a) |
režimi koje Južna Afrika primjenjuje u odnosu na Zajednicu ne smiju dovesti ni do kakve diskriminacije između država članica, njihovih državljana ili njihovih društava ili poduzeća; |
(b) |
režimi koje Zajednica i države članice primjenjuju u odnosu na Južnu Afriku ne smiju dovesti ni do kakve diskriminacije između državljana Južne Afrike ili njihovih društava ili poduzeća. |
Članak 101.
Teritorijalna primjena
Ovaj se Sporazum primjenjuje, s jedne strane, na područjima na kojima se primjenjuje Ugovor o osnivanju Europske zajednice i pod uvjetima utvrđenima u tom Ugovoru te, s druge strane, u pogledu Južne Afrike, na područjima definiranima u Ustavu Južne Afrike.
Članak 102.
Budući razvoj događaja
Stranke mogu uzajamnom suglasnošću i u okviru vlastitih područja nadležnosti proširiti Sporazum kako bi se unaprijedila razina suradnje te ga dopuniti sporazumima o posebnim sektorima ili aktivnostima.
U okviru ovog Sporazuma bilo koja stranka može podnijeti prijedloge za proširenje opsega suradnje, uzimajući u obzir iskustvo stečeno njegovom primjenom.
Članak 103.
Stranke preispituju ovaj Sporazum u roku od pet godina od njegovog stupanja na snagu kako bi razmotrile moguće implikacije drugih dogovora koji mogu utjecati na ovaj Sporazum. Stranke mogu zajednički dogovoriti daljnja preispitivanja.
Članak 104.
Rješavanje sporova
1. Svaka stranka može Vijeću za suradnju podnijeti na rješavanje bilo koji spor koji se odnosi na primjenu ili tumačenje ovog Sporazuma.
2. Vijeće za suradnju može odlukom riješiti bilo koji spor.
3. Svaka je stranka obvezna poduzeti mjere potrebne za provedbu odluke iz stavka 2.
4. Ako spor nije moguće riješiti u skladu sa stavkom 2., bilo koja stranka može obavijestiti suprotnu stranku o imenovanju arbitra; u tom slučaju suprotna stranka mora imenovati drugog arbitra u roku od dva mjeseca od imenovanja prvog arbitra.
5. Vijeće za suradnju imenuje trećeg arbitra u roku od šest mjeseci od imenovanja drugog arbitra.
6. Odluke arbitara donose se većinom glasova u roku od 12 mjeseci.
7. Svaka stranka u sporu mora poduzeti korake koji su potrebni za provedbu odluke arbitara.
8. Vijeće za suradnju utvrđuje arbitražna pravila o postupanju.
9. U slučaju sporova nastalih u okviru glava II. i III. ovog Sporazuma primjenjuju se sljedeći postupci:
(a) |
imenovanje drugog arbitra mora se provesti u roku od 30 dana; |
(b) |
Vijeće za suradnju imenuje trećeg arbitra u roku od 60 dana od imenovanja drugog arbitra; |
(c) |
arbitri u pravilu dostavljaju svoje zaključke i odluke strankama i Vijeću za suradnju najkasnije šest mjeseci od dana konstituiranja arbitražnog vijeća. U hitnim slučajevima, uključujući one u kojima se radi o kvarljivoj robi, arbitri nastoje dati svoje izvješće strankama u roku od tri mjeseca; |
(d) |
predmetna stranka obavješćuje drugu stranku i Vijeće za suradnju u roku od 60 dana o svojim namjerama u pogledu provedbe zaključaka i odluka Vijeća za suradnju ili arbitara, ovisno o slučaju; |
(e) |
ako je nepraktično odmah udovoljiti zaključcima i odlukama Vijeća za suradnju ili arbitara, predmetnoj stranki dodjeljuje se razumni rok da to učini. Razumni rok nije dulji od 15 mjeseci od dana dostave zaključaka i odluka strankama. Međutim, taj se rok može uzajamnom suglasnošću stranaka skratiti ili produljiti, ovisno o konkretnim okolnostima. |
10. Ne dovodeći u pitanje njihovo pravo korištenja postupcima za rješavanje sporova WTO-a, Zajednica i Južna Afrika nastoje riješiti sporove koji se odnose na specifične obveze koje proizlaze iz glava II. i III. ovog Sporazuma koristeći se posebnim odredbama za rješavanje sporova sadržanima u ovom Sporazumu. U arbitražnom postupku utvrđenom ovim Sporazumom ne razmatraju se pitanja koja se odnose na prava i obveze svake stranke u okviru WTO-a, osim ako se stranke suglase o podnošenju bilo kojeg takvog pitanja na arbitražu.
Članak 105.
Odredba o bilateralnim sporazumima
Ovaj Sporazum, osim u mjeri u kojoj osigurava jednaka ili veća prava uključenim strankama, ne utječe na prava sadržana u postojećim sporazumima koji obvezuju jednu ili više država članica, s jedne strane, i Južnu Afriku, s druge strane.
Članak 106.
Odredba o izmjeni
1. Svaka stranka koja želi izmijeniti ovaj Sporazum može Vijeću za suradnju podnijeti na razmatranje i odlučivanje prijedlog izmjene zajedno s obrazloženjem prijedloga.
2. Ako druga stranka smatra da bi predložena izmjena mogla imati štetni utjecaj na njezina prava u pogledu Sporazuma, može Vijeću za suradnju podnijeti na razmatranje i odlučivanje prijedlog o kompenzacijskim prilagodbama Sporazuma.
Članak 107.
Protokoli i prilozi čine sastavni dio Sporazuma.
Članak 108.
Jezici i broj izvornika
Ovaj je Sporazum sastavljen u po dva izvornika na danskom, engleskom, finskom, francuskom, grčkom, nizozemskom, njemačkom, portugalskom, španjolskom, švedskom i talijanskom jeziku te na službenim jezicima Južne Afrike koji nisu engleski, a to su sepedi, sesotho, setswana, siSwati, tshivenda, xitsonga, afrikaans, isiNdebele, isiXhosa i isiZulu, pri čemu je svaki od tih tekstova jednako vjerodostojan.
Članak 109.
Stupanje na snagu
Ovaj Sporazum stupa na snagu prvog dana mjeseca koji slijedi nakon mjeseca tijekom kojeg su ugovorne stranke obavijestile jedna drugu o dovršetku potrebnih postupaka.
Ako prije stupanja na snagu Sporazuma stranke odluče Sporazum privremeno primjenjivati, sva pozivanja na dan stupanja na snagu odnose se na dan na koji se započelo s takvom privremenom primjenom.
Hecho en Pretoria, el once de octubre de mil novecientos noventa y nueve.
Udfærdiget i Pretoria, den ellevte oktober nitten hundrede og nioghalvfems.
Geschehen zu Pretoria am elften Oktober neunzehnhundertneunundneunzig.
Έγινε στην Πρετόρια, στις ένδεκα Οκτωβρίου χίλια εννιακόσια ενενήντα εννέα.
Done at Pretoria on the eleventh day of October in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.
Fait à Pretoria, le onze octobre mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf.
Fatto a Pretoria, addì undici ottobre millenovecentonovantanove.
Gedaan te Pretoria, de elfde oktober negentienhonderd negennegentig.
Feito em Pretória, em onze de Outubro de mil novecentos e noventa e nove.
Tehty Pretoriassa yhdentenätoista päivänä lokakuuta vuonna tuhatyhdeksänsataayhdeksänkymmentäyhdeksän.
Som skedde i Pretoria den elfte oktober nittonhundranittionio.
Por la Comunidad Europea
For Det Europæiske Fællesskab
Für die Europäische Gemeinschaft
Για την Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινότητα
For the European Community
Pour la Communauté européenne
Per la Comunità europea
Voor de Europese Gemeenschap
Pela Comunidade Europeia
Euroopan yhteisön puolesta
På Europeiska gemenskapens vägnar
Pour le Royaume de Belgique
Voor het Koninkrijk België
Für das Königreich Belgien
Cette signature engage également la Communauté française, la Communauté flamande, la Communauté germanophone, la Région wallonne, la Région flamande et la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.
Deze handtekening verbindt eveneens de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de Franse Gemeenschap, de Duitstalige Gemeenschap, het Vlaamse Gewest, het Waalse Gewest en het Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Gewest.
Diese Unterschrift verbindet zugleich die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft, die Flämische Gemeinschaft, die Französische Gemeinschaft, die Wallonische Region, die Flämische Region und die Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt.
For Kongeriget Danmark
Für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Για την Ελληνική Δημοκρατία
Por el Reino de España
Pour la République française
Thar ceann na hÉireann
For Ireland
Per la Repubblica italiana
Pour le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Für die Republik Österreich
Pela República Portuguesa
Suomen tasavallan puolesta
För Republiken Finland
För Konungariket Sverige
For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
For the Republic of South Africa
wa Repapoliki ya Afrika Borwa
Ya Rephaboliki ya Afrika Borwa
Wa Rephaboliki ya Aforika Borwa
WeRiphabliki yaseNingizimu Afrika
wa Rephabuliki ya Afurika Tshipembe
Wa Riphabliki ra Afrika-Dzonga
Vir die Republiek van Suid-Afrika
WeRiphabhliki yeSewula Afrika
WeRiphablikhi yoMzantsi Afrika
WeRiphabhulikhi yaseNingizimu Afrika
Zajednica i Republika Južna Afrika suglasne su da se svako povećanje primjenjivih carinskih kvota najpovlaštenije nacije ili bilo koja druga mjera koja ograničuje ili narušava trgovinu donesena nakon 1. srpnja 1996. ukine vis-à-vis druge strane najkasnije na dan stupanja Sporazuma na snagu.
Na zahtjev Južne Afrike i imajući na umu posebnu prirodu gospodarske transformacije Republike Južne Afrike i specifičnu fazu prilagodbe njezina carinskog sustava u okviru njezinih obveza prema WTO-u, Zajednica je suglasna iznimno razmotriti posebne zahtjeve za odstupanjima od vraćanja na prijašnju razinu.
Kao rezultat ovog procesa, obje su stranke suglasne da u svrhu provedbe članka 7. ovog Sporazuma niže navedene razine carina zamijene carine koje su se stvarno primjenjivale od 1. srpnja 1996. kao referenca za mirovanje za proizvode navedene u ovom Prilogu.
Code description |
Date of implementation |
Rate in 1996 |
New rate |
0207 41 90 |
18.9.1997 |
27 % |
220 c/kg |
0403 90 00 |
2.1.1998 |
free |
450 c/kg |
0404 10 00 |
2.1.1998 |
free |
450 c/kg |
0404 90 00 |
2.1.1998 |
100 c/kg |
450 c/kg |
0405 10 00 |
2.1.1998 |
320 c/kg |
500 c/kg |
0405 20 10 |
2.1.1998 |
20 % |
500 c/kg |
0405 20 90 |
2.1.1998 |
320 c/kg |
500 c/kg |
0405 90 00 |
2.1.1998 |
320 c/kg |
500 c/kg |
0406 10 10 |
2.1.1998 |
25 % |
500 c/kg |
0406 10 20 |
2.1.1998 |
20 % |
500 c/kg |
0406 20 10 |
2.1.1998 |
22 % |
500 c/kg |
0406 20 90 |
2.1.1998 |
25 % |
500 c/kg |
0406 30 00 |
2.1.1998 |
25 % |
500 c/kg |
0406 40 10 |
2.1.1998 |
22 % |
500 c/kg |
0406 40 90 |
2.1.1998 |
25 % |
500 c/kg |
0406 90 10 |
2.1.1998 |
22 % |
500 c/kg |
0406 90 25 |
2.1.1998 |
660 c/kg |
500 c/kg |
0406 90 35 |
2.1.1998 |
660 c/kg |
500 c/kg |
0406 90 90 |
2.1.1998 |
25 % |
500 c/kg |
0902 30 00 |
11.1.1999 |
free |
R4/kg |
0902 40 00 |
11.1.1999 |
free |
R4/kg |
1001 90 00 |
tariff formula |
free |
50 |
1005 10 00 |
tariff formula |
free |
50 |
1005 90 00 |
tariff formula |
free |
50 |
1101 00 10 |
tariff formula |
50 % |
99 |
1101 00 20 |
tariff formula |
1 c/kg |
99 |
1509 10 00 |
April 1998 |
30 % |
10 |
1701 11 00 |
variable |
76,5 c/kg |
105 |
1701 12 00 |
variable |
76,5 c/kg |
105 |
1701 91 00 |
variable |
76,5 c/kg |
105 |
1701 99 00 |
variable |
76,5 c/kg |
105 |
2002 10 90 |
13.2.1998 |
110 c/kg less 80 |
30 |
2204 10 10 |
13.2.1998 |
118 c/li |
238 c/li |
2204 10 90 |
13.2.1998 |
118 c/li |
238 c/li |
2204 21 10 |
13.2.1998 |
31 c/li |
97 c/li |
2204 21 20 |
13.2.1998 |
1764/li of AA or R1.542/li + RO.92/ |
138 c/li |
2204 21 90 |
13.2.1998 |
22,44 c/li |
138 c/li |
2204 29 10 |
13.2.1998 |
31 c/li |
73 c/li |
2204 29 20 |
13.2.1998 |
1764/li of AA or R1.542/li + RO.9200 |
138 c/li |
2204 29 90 |
13.2.1998 |
22,44 c/li |
114 c/li |
2205 10 00 |
13.2.1998 |
22,44 c/li |
88 c/li |
2205 90 00 |
13.2.1998 |
22,44 c/li |
73 c/li |
2206 00 10 |
13.2.1998 |
9,9 c/li |
62 c/li |
2206 00 20 |
13.2.1998 |
9,9 c/li |
62 c/li |
2206 00 30 |
13.2.1998 |
9,9 c/li |
156 c/li |
2206 00 40 |
13.2.1998 |
44,81 c/li |
62 c/li |
2206 00 50 |
13.2.1998 |
44,81 c/li |
62 c/li |
2206 00 60 |
13.2.1998 |
44,81 c/li |
156 c/li |
2206 00 70 |
13.2.1998 |
22,44 c/li |
62 c/li |
2206 00 90 |
13.2.1998 |
43,21 c/li |
62 c/li |
2849 10 00 |
13.2.1998 |
free |
10 |
3204 17 10 |
19.6.1998 |
free |
12 |
3204 19 10 |
19.6.1998 |
free |
12 |
4011 10 05 |
1.1.1997 |
free |
40 |
4011 10 15 |
1.1.1997 |
25 % or 815 c/kg less 75 |
40 |
4011 10 25 |
1.1.1997 |
25 % or 815 c/kg less 75 |
40 |
4011 10 35 |
1.1.1997 |
25 % or 815 c/kg less 75 |
40 |
4011 20 10 |
1.1.1997 |
25 % or 860 c/kg less 75 |
34 |
4011 20 20 |
1.1.1997 |
25 % or 860 c/kg less 75 |
34 |
4011 20 30 |
1.1.1997 |
25 % or 860 c/kg less 75 |
34 |
4011 20 40 |
1.1.1997 |
25 % or 860 c/kg less 75 |
34 |
4011 20 50 |
1.1.1997 |
25 % or 860 c/kg less 75 |
34 |
4011 20 60 |
1.1.1997 |
25 % or 860 c/kg less 75 |
34 |
4011 91 10 |
1.1.1997 |
10 % or 830 c/kg less 90 |
20 |
4011 91 20 |
1.1.1997 |
free |
20 |
4011 91 30 |
1.1.1997 |
free |
20 |
4011 91 40 |
1.1.1997 |
free |
20 |
4011 91 50 |
1.1.1997 |
10 % or 830 c/kg less 90 |
20 |
4011 91 60 |
1.1.1997 |
10 % or 830 c/kg less 90 |
20 |
4011 99 00 |
1.1.1997 |
10 % or 830 c/kg less 90 |
20 |
4012 10 00 |
1.1.1997 |
20 % |
25 |
4012 20 00 |
1.1.1997 |
20 % |
25 |
4012 90 00 |
1.1.1997 |
12 % |
25 |
4013 10 00 |
1.1.1997 |
10 % or 920 c/kg less 90 |
25 |
4013 90 90 |
1.1.1997 |
10 % or 920 c/kg less 90 |
25 |
4409 20 00 |
7.2.1997 |
free |
12 |
5208 31 40 |
13.12.1997 |
10 % |
22 |
5208 32 40 |
13.12.1997 |
10 % |
22 |
5208 33 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5208 41 40 |
13.12.1997 |
10 % |
22 |
5208 42 40 |
13.12.1997 |
10 % |
22 |
5208 51 20 |
13.12.1997 |
10 % |
22 |
5208 51 30 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5208 52 20 |
13.12.1997 |
10 % |
22 |
5208 52 30 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5208 53 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5208 59 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5209 31 40 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5209 41 40 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5209 51 15 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5209 51 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5209 52 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5209 59 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5210 31 40 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5210 32 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5210 39 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5210 51 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5210 51 30 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5210 52 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5210 59 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5211 31 25 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5211 41 25 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5211 51 15 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5211 51 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5211 52 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5211 59 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5212 13 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5212 14 40 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5212 15 20 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5212 23 25 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5212 24 25 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5212 25 15 |
13.12.1996 |
10 % |
22 |
5804 21 00 |
13.12.1996 |
free |
22 |
5804 29 00 |
13.12.1996 |
free |
22 |
5806 20 00 |
13.12.1996 |
42 % |
36 |
5807 90 10 |
13.12.1996 |
36 |
5807 90 20 |
13.12.1996 |
36 |
5807 90 30 |
13.12.1996 |
36 |
5808 10 10 |
13.12.1996 |
36 |
5808 90 00 |
13.12.1996 |
45 % |
36 |
6002 20 10 |
13.12.1996 |
20 % |
22 |
6002 41 10 |
13.12.1996 |
20 % |
22 |
6002 42 10 |
13.12.1996 |
20 % |
22 |
6002 43 05 |
13.12.1996 |
20 % |
22 |
6002 49 10 |
13.12.1996 |
20 % |
22 |
6002 91 10 |
13.12.1996 |
20 % |
22 |
6002 92 10 |
13.12.1996 |
20 % |
22 |
6002 93 05 |
13.12.1996 |
20 % |
22 |
6002 99 10 |
13.12.1996 |
20 % |
22 |
6213 20 10 |
13.12.1996 |
15 % |
46 |
6213 90 10 |
13.12.1996 |
15 % |
46 |
7616 99 10 |
15.11.1996 |
10 |
7616 99 20 |
7.2.1997 |
15 |
8501 40 90 |
30.5.1997 |
5 % |
20 |
8501 51 90 |
30.5.1997 |
5 % |
24 |
8501 52 90 |
30.5.1997 |
5 % |
24 |
8501 53 90 |
30.5.1997 |
5 % |
20 |
8504 21 90 |
6.12.1997 |
5 % |
15 |
8504 22 90 |
6.12.1997 |
5 % |
15 |
8504 23 30 |
6.12.1997 |
14 % |
15 |
8504 23 90 |
6.12.1997 |
5 % |
15 |
8504 31 90 |
6.12.1997 |
5 % |
15 |
8504 32 90 |
6.12.1997 |
5 % |
15 |
8504 33 90 |
6.12.1997 |
5 % |
15 |
8504 34 90 |
6.12.1997 |
5 % |
15 |
8517 11 00 |
18.12.1998 |
free |
12,5 |
8517 19 00 |
18.12.1998 |
free |
12,5 |
8517 90 00 |
18.12.1998 |
free |
12,5 |
8523 30 00 |
30.11.1998 |
free |
10 |
8524 60 00 |
30.11.1998 |
free |
10 |
8542 12 00 |
30.11.1998 |
free |
10 |
8536 20 10 |
5.7.1996 |
12,5 % |
15 |
8708 91 10 |
3.2.1997 |
free |
20 |
Popis 1.
EU offer
Industrial Products
Annex II – List 1
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Salt (including table salt and denatured salt): |
2501 00 51 |
2501 00 91 |
2501 00 99 |
Alkali or alkaline-earth metals; rare-earth metals: |
2805 11 00 |
2805 19 00 |
2805 21 00 |
2805 22 00 |
2805 30 10 |
2805 30 90 |
2805 40 10 |
Ammonia, anhydrous or in aqueous solution: |
2814 10 00 |
2814 20 00 |
Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) |
2815 11 00 |
2815 12 00 |
Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide |
2817 00 00 |
Artificial corundum |
2818 10 00 |
2818 20 00 |
2818 30 00 |
Chromium oxides and hydroxides: |
2819 10 00 |
2819 90 00 |
Manganese oxides: |
2820 10 00 |
2820 90 00 |
Titanium oxides |
2823 00 00 |
Hydrazine and hydroxylamine |
2825 80 00 |
Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides |
2827 10 00 |
Sulphides; polysulphides: |
2830 10 00 |
Phosphinates (hypophosphites), phosphonates |
2835 10 00 |
2835 22 00 |
2835 23 00 |
2835 24 00 |
2835 25 10 |
2835 25 90 |
2835 26 10 |
2835 26 90 |
2835 29 10 |
2835 29 90 |
2835 31 00 |
2835 39 10 |
2835 39 30 |
2835 39 70 |
Carbonates; peroxocarbonates (percarbonates): |
2836 20 00 |
2836 40 00 |
2836 60 00 |
Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids: |
2841 61 00 |
Radioactive chemical elements |
2844 30 11 |
2844 30 19 |
2844 30 51 |
Isotopes other than those of heading No 2844 |
2845 10 00 |
2845 90 10 |
Carbides, whether or not chemically defined: |
2849 20 00 |
2849 90 30 |
Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides |
2850 00 70 |
Cyclic hydrocarbons: |
2902 50 00 |
Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons: |
2903 11 00 |
2903 12 00 |
2903 13 00 |
2903 14 00 |
2903 15 00 |
2903 16 00 |
2903 19 10 |
2903 19 90 |
2903 21 00 |
2903 23 00 |
2903 29 00 |
2903 30 10 |
2903 30 31 |
2903 30 33 |
2903 30 38 |
2903 30 90 |
2903 41 00 |
2903 42 00 |
2903 43 00 |
2903 44 10 |
2903 44 90 |
2903 45 10 |
2903 45 15 |
2903 45 20 |
2903 45 25 |
2903 45 30 |
2903 45 35 |
2903 45 40 |
2903 45 45 |
2903 45 50 |
2903 45 55 |
2903 45 90 |
2903 46 10 |
2903 46 20 |
2903 46 90 |
2903 47 00 |
2903 49 10 |
2903 49 20 |
2903 49 90 |
2903 51 90 |
2903 59 10 |
2903 59 30 |
2903 59 90 |
2903 61 00 |
2903 62 00 |
2903 69 10 |
2903 69 90 |
Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonate |
2905 11 00 |
2905 12 00 |
2905 13 00 |
2905 14 10 |
2905 14 90 |
2905 15 00 |
2905 16 10 |
2905 16 90 |
2905 17 00 |
2905 19 10 |
2905 19 90 |
2905 22 10 |
2905 22 90 |
2905 29 10 |
2905 29 90 |
2905 31 00 |
2905 32 00 |
2905 39 10 |
2905 39 90 |
2905 41 00 |
2905 42 00 |
2905 49 10 |
2905 49 51 |
2905 49 59 |
2905 49 90 |
2905 50 10 |
2905 50 30 |
2905 50 99 |
Phenols; phenol-alcohols: |
2907 11 00 |
2907 15 00 |
2907 22 10 |
Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols |
2909 11 00 |
2909 19 00 |
2909 20 00 |
2909 30 31 |
2909 30 39 |
2909 30 90 |
2909 41 00 |
2909 42 00 |
2909 43 00 |
2909 44 00 |
2909 49 10 |
2909 49 90 |
2909 50 10 |
2909 50 90 |
2909 60 00 |
Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and epoxyethols |
2910 20 00 |
Aldehydes, whether or not with other oxygen functions |
2912 41 00 |
2912 60 00 |
Ketones and quinones, whether or not with other oxygen functions |
2914 11 00 |
2914 21 00 |
Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids |
2915 11 00 |
2915 12 00 |
2915 13 00 |
2915 21 00 |
2915 22 00 |
2915 23 00 |
2915 24 00 |
2915 29 00 |
2915 31 00 |
2915 32 00 |
2915 33 00 |
2915 34 00 |
2915 35 00 |
2915 39 10 |
2915 39 30 |
2915 39 50 |
2915 39 90 |
2915 40 00 |
2915 50 00 |
2915 60 10 |
2915 60 90 |
2915 70 15 |
2915 70 20 |
2915 70 25 |
2915 70 30 |
2915 70 80 |
2915 90 10 |
2915 90 20 |
2915 90 80 |
Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids |
2916 12 10 |
2916 12 20 |
2916 12 90 |
2916 14 10 |
2916 14 90 |
Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides |
2917 11 00 |
2917 14 00 |
2917 35 00 |
2917 36 00 |
2917 37 00 |
Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function |
2918 14 00 |
2918 15 00 |
2918 22 00 |
2918 90 00 |
Amine-function compounds: |
2921 11 10 |
2921 11 90 |
2921 12 00 |
2921 19 10 |
2921 19 30 |
2921 19 90 |
2921 21 00 |
2921 22 00 |
2921 29 00 |
2921 30 10 |
2921 30 90 |
2921 41 00 |
2921 42 10 |
2921 42 90 |
2921 43 10 |
2921 43 90 |
2921 44 00 |
2921 45 00 |
2921 49 10 |
2921 49 90 |
2921 51 10 |
2921 51 90 |
2921 59 00 |
Oxygen-function amino-compounds: |
2922 11 00 |
2922 12 00 |
2922 13 00 |
2922 19 00 |
2922 21 00 |
2922 22 00 |
2922 29 00 |
2922 30 00 |
2922 42 10 |
2922 43 00 |
2922 49 80 |
2922 50 00 |
Carboxyamide-function compounds |
2924 21 10 |
2924 21 90 |
2924 29 30 |
Nitrile-function compounds: |
2926 10 00 |
2926 90 90 |
Organo-sulphur compounds: |
2930 20 00 |
2930 90 12 |
2930 90 14 |
2930 90 16 |
Other organo-inorganic compounds: |
2931 00 40 |
Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) |
2932 12 00 |
2932 13 00 |
2932 21 00 |
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) |
2933 61 00 |
Sulphonamides |
2935 00 00 |
Mineral or chemical fertilisers, nitrogenous: |
3102 10 10 |
3102 10 90 |
3102 21 00 |
3102 29 00 |
3102 30 10 |
3102 30 90 |
3102 40 10 |
3102 40 90 |
3102 50 90 |
3102 60 00 |
3102 70 90 |
3102 80 00 |
3102 90 00 |
Mineral or chemical fertilisers, phosphatic: |
3103 10 10 |
3103 10 90 |
Mineral or chemical fertilisers |
3105 10 00 |
3105 20 10 |
3105 20 90 |
3105 30 10 |
3105 30 90 |
3105 40 10 |
3105 40 90 |
3105 51 00 |
3105 59 00 |
3105 60 10 |
3105 60 90 |
3105 90 91 |
3105 90 99 |
Tanning extracts of vegetable origin |
3201 20 00 |
3201 90 20 |
Other colouring matter |
3206 11 00 |
3206 19 00 |
3206 20 00 |
3206 30 00 |
3206 41 00 |
3206 42 00 |
3206 43 00 |
3206 49 90 |
3206 50 00 |
Activated carbon; activated natural mineral products |
3802 10 00 |
3802 90 00 |
Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides |
3808 10 20 |
3808 10 30 |
3808 30 11 |
3808 30 13 |
3808 30 15 |
3808 30 17 |
3808 30 21 |
3808 30 23 |
3808 30 27 |
3808 30 30 |
3808 30 90 |
Prepared rubber accelerators; compound plasticiser |
3812 30 20 |
Organic composite solvents and thinners |
3814 00 90 |
Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes |
3817 10 10 |
3817 10 50 |
3817 10 80 |
3817 20 00 |
Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores |
3824 90 90 |
Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms: |
3901 10 10 |
3901 10 90 |
3901 20 00 |
3901 30 00 |
3901 90 00 |
Polymers of propylene or of other olefins |
3902 10 00 |
3902 20 00 |
3902 30 00 |
3902 90 00 |
Polymers of styrene, in primary forms: |
3903 11 00 |
3903 19 00 |
3903 20 00 |
3903 30 00 |
3903 90 00 |
Polymers of vinyl chloride |
3904 10 00 |
3904 21 00 |
3904 22 00 |
3904 30 00 |
3904 40 00 |
3904 50 00 |
3904 61 90 |
3904 69 00 |
3904 90 00 |
Polymers of vinyl acetate |
3905 12 00 |
Polyacetals, other polyethers and epoxide resins |
3907 20 19 |
3907 20 90 |
3907 60 90 |
3907 91 10 |
3907 91 90 |
3907 99 10 |
3907 99 90 |
Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip |
3920 10 22 |
3920 10 28 |
3920 10 40 |
3920 10 80 |
3920 20 21 |
3920 20 29 |
3920 20 71 |
3920 20 79 |
3920 20 90 |
3920 30 00 |
3920 41 11 |
3920 41 19 |
3920 41 91 |
3920 41 99 |
3920 42 11 |
3920 42 19 |
3920 42 91 |
3920 42 99 |
3920 51 00 |
3920 59 00 |
3920 61 00 |
3920 62 10 |
3920 62 90 |
3920 63 00 |
3920 69 00 |
3920 71 11 |
3920 71 19 |
3920 71 90 |
3920 72 00 |
3920 73 10 |
3920 73 50 |
3920 73 90 |
3920 79 00 |
3920 91 00 |
3920 92 00 |
3920 93 00 |
3920 94 00 |
3920 99 11 |
3920 99 19 |
3920 99 50 |
3920 99 90 |
Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip |
3921 90 19 |
Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods |
3923 21 00 |
Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber |
4012 10 30 |
4012 10 50 |
4012 10 80 |
4012 20 90 |
4012 90 10 |
4012 90 90 |
Inner tubes, of rubber: |
4013 10 10 |
4013 10 90 |
4013 20 00 |
4013 90 10 |
4013 90 90 |
Leather of bovine or equine animals, without hair on |
4104 10 91 |
4104 10 95 |
4104 10 99 |
4104 21 00 |
4104 22 90 |
4104 29 00 |
4104 31 11 |
4104 31 19 |
4104 31 30 |
4104 31 90 |
4104 39 10 |
4104 39 90 |
Sheep or lamb skin leather, without wool on |
4105 20 00 |
Leather of other animals, without hair on |
4107 10 10 |
4107 29 10 |
4107 90 10 |
4107 90 90 |
Chamois (including combination chamois) leather: |
4108 00 10 |
4108 00 90 |
Patent leather and patent laminated leather |
4109 00 00 |
Composition leather with a basis of leather |
4111 00 00 |
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories |
4203 10 00 |
4203 21 00 |
4203 29 10 |
4203 29 91 |
4203 29 99 |
4203 30 00 |
4203 40 00 |
Particle board and similar board of wood |
4410 11 00 |
4410 19 10 |
4410 19 30 |
4410 19 50 |
4410 19 90 |
4410 90 00 |
Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials |
4411 11 00 |
4411 19 00 |
4411 21 00 |
4411 29 00 |
4411 31 00 |
4411 39 00 |
4411 91 00 |
4411 99 00 |
Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood |
4412 13 11 |
4412 13 19 |
4412 13 90 |
4412 14 00 |
4412 19 00 |
4412 22 10 |
4412 22 91 |
4412 22 99 |
4412 23 00 |
4412 29 20 |
4412 29 80 |
4412 92 10 |
4412 92 91 |
4412 92 99 |
4412 93 00 |
4412 99 20 |
4412 99 80 |
Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood |
4418 10 10 |
4418 10 50 |
4418 10 90 |
4418 20 10 |
4418 20 50 |
4418 20 80 |
4418 30 10 |
4418 90 10 |
Wood marquetry and inlaid wood; caskets and cases |
4420 90 11 |
4420 90 19 |
Articles of natural cork: |
4503 10 10 |
4503 10 90 |
4503 90 00 |
Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials |
4601 99 10 |
Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles |
4602 90 10 |
Registers, account books, note books, order books |
4820 10 30 |
Children's picture, drawing or colouring books |
4903 00 00 |
Maps and hydrographic or similar charts of all kinds |
4905 10 00 |
Transfers (decalcomanias): |
4908 10 00 |
4908 90 00 |
Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards |
4909 00 10 |
4909 00 90 |
Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendars |
4910 00 00 |
Other printed matter, including printed pictures |
4911 10 10 |
4911 10 90 |
4911 91 80 |
4911 99 00 |
Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) |
5004 00 10 |
5004 00 90 |
Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale |
5005 00 10 |
5005 00 90 |
Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste, put up for retail sale |
5006 00 10 |
5006 00 90 |
Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste: |
5007 10 00 |
5007 20 11 |
5007 20 19 |
5007 20 21 |
5007 20 31 |
5007 20 39 |
5007 20 41 |
5007 20 51 |
5007 20 59 |
5007 20 61 |
5007 20 69 |
5007 20 71 |
5007 90 10 |
5007 90 30 |
5007 90 50 |
5007 90 90 |
Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail sale: |
5106 10 10 |
5106 10 90 |
5106 20 11 |
5106 20 19 |
5106 20 91 |
5106 20 99 |
Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale: |
5107 10 10 |
5107 10 90 |
5107 20 10 |
5107 20 30 |
5107 20 51 |
5107 20 59 |
5107 20 91 |
5107 20 99 |
Yarn of fine animal hair (carded or combed), not put up for retail sale: |
5108 10 10 |
5108 10 90 |
5108 20 10 |
5108 20 90 |
Yarn of wool or of fine animal hair, put up for retail sale: |
5109 10 10 |
5109 10 90 |
5109 90 10 |
5109 90 90 |
Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair |
5110 00 00 |
Woven fabrics of carded wool or of carded fine animal hair |
5111 11 11 |
5111 11 19 |
5111 11 91 |
5111 11 99 |
5111 19 11 |
5111 19 19 |
5111 19 31 |
5111 19 39 |
5111 19 91 |
5111 19 99 |
5111 20 00 |
5111 30 10 |
5111 30 30 |
5111 30 90 |
5111 90 10 |
5111 90 91 |
5111 90 93 |
5111 90 99 |
Woven fabrics of combed wool or of combed fine animal hair |
5112 11 10 |
5112 11 90 |
5112 19 11 |
5112 19 19 |
5112 19 91 |
5112 19 99 |
5112 20 00 |
5112 30 10 |
5112 30 30 |
5112 30 90 |
5112 90 10 |
5112 90 91 |
5112 90 93 |
5112 90 99 |
Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair |
5113 00 00 |
Cotton sewing thread, whether or not put up for retail sale |
5204 11 00 |
5204 19 00 |
5204 20 00 |
Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread) |
5205 11 00 |
5205 12 00 |
5205 13 00 |
5205 14 00 |
5205 15 10 |
5205 15 90 |
5205 21 00 |
5205 22 00 |
5205 23 00 |
5205 24 00 |
5205 26 00 |
5205 27 00 |
5205 28 00 |
5205 31 00 |
5205 32 00 |
5205 33 00 |
5205 34 00 |
5205 35 10 |
5205 35 90 |
5205 41 00 |
5205 42 00 |
5205 43 00 |
5205 44 00 |
5205 46 00 |
5205 47 00 |
5205 48 00 |
Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread) |
5206 11 00 |
5206 12 00 |
5206 13 00 |
5206 14 00 |
5206 15 10 |
5206 15 90 |
5206 21 00 |
5206 22 00 |
5206 23 00 |
5206 24 00 |
5206 25 10 |
5206 25 90 |
5206 31 00 |
5206 32 00 |
5206 33 00 |
5206 34 00 |
5206 35 10 |
5206 35 90 |
5206 41 00 |
5206 42 00 |
5206 43 00 |
5206 44 00 |
5206 45 10 |
5206 45 90 |
Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread) put up for retail sale |
5207 10 00 |
5207 90 00 |
Flax yarn: |
5306 10 11 |
5306 10 19 |
5306 10 31 |
5306 10 39 |
5306 10 50 |
5306 10 90 |
5306 20 11 |
5306 20 19 |
5306 20 90 |
Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn |
5308 20 10 |
5308 20 90 |
5308 30 00 |
5308 90 11 |
5308 90 13 |
5308 90 19 |
5308 90 90 |
Woven fabrics of flax: |
5309 11 11 |
5309 11 19 |
5309 11 90 |
5309 19 10 |
5309 19 90 |
5309 21 10 |
5309 21 90 |
5309 29 10 |
5309 29 90 |
Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres |
5310 10 10 |
5310 10 90 |
5310 90 00 |
Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres |
5311 00 10 |
5311 00 90 |
Sewing thread of man-made filaments |
5401 10 11 |
5401 10 19 |
5401 10 90 |
5401 20 10 |
5401 20 90 |
Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread) |
5402 10 10 |
5402 10 90 |
5402 20 00 |
5402 31 10 |
5402 31 30 |
5402 31 90 |
5402 32 00 |
5402 33 10 |
5402 33 90 |
5402 39 10 |
5402 39 90 |
5402 41 10 |
5402 41 30 |
5402 41 90 |
5402 42 00 |
5402 43 10 |
5402 43 90 |
5402 49 10 |
5402 49 91 |
5402 49 99 |
5402 51 10 |
5402 51 30 |
5402 51 90 |
5402 52 10 |
5402 52 90 |
5402 59 10 |
5402 59 90 |
5402 61 10 |
5402 61 30 |
5402 61 90 |
5402 62 10 |
5402 62 90 |
5402 69 10 |
5402 69 90 |
Artificial filament yarn (other than sewing thread) |
5403 10 00 |
5403 20 10 |
5403 20 90 |
5403 31 00 |
5403 32 00 |
5403 33 10 |
5403 33 90 |
5403 39 00 |
5403 41 00 |
5403 42 00 |
5403 49 00 |
Synthetic monofilament of 67 decitex or more |
5404 10 10 |
5404 10 90 |
5404 90 11 |
5404 90 19 |
5404 90 90 |
Artificial monofilament of 67 decitex or more |
5405 00 00 |
Man-made filament yarn (other than sewing thread) |
5406 10 00 |
5406 20 00 |
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn |
5407 10 00 |
5407 20 11 |
5407 20 19 |
5407 20 90 |
5407 30 00 |
5407 41 00 |
5407 42 00 |
5407 43 00 |
5407 44 00 |
5407 51 00 |
5407 52 00 |
5407 53 00 |
5407 54 00 |
5407 61 10 |
5407 61 30 |
5407 61 50 |
5407 61 90 |
5407 69 10 |
5407 69 90 |
5407 71 00 |
5407 72 00 |
5407 73 00 |
5407 74 00 |
5407 81 00 |
5407 82 00 |
5407 83 00 |
5407 84 00 |
5407 91 00 |
5407 92 00 |
5407 93 00 |
5407 94 00 |
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn |
5408 10 00 |
5408 21 00 |
5408 22 10 |
5408 22 90 |
5408 23 10 |
5408 23 90 |
5408 24 00 |
5408 31 00 |
5408 32 00 |
5408 33 00 |
5408 34 00 |
Synthetic filament tow: |
5501 10 00 |
5501 20 00 |
5501 30 00 |
5501 90 00 |
Artificial filament tow: |
5502 00 10 |
5502 00 90 |
Synthetic staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise |
5503 10 11 |
5503 10 19 |
5503 10 90 |
5503 20 00 |
5503 30 00 |
5503 40 00 |
5503 90 10 |
5503 90 90 |
Artificial staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise |
5504 10 00 |
5504 90 00 |
Waste (including noils, yarn waste) |
5505 10 10 |
5505 10 30 |
5505 10 50 |
5505 10 70 |
5505 10 90 |
5505 20 00 |
Synthetic staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise |
5506 10 00 |
5506 20 00 |
5506 30 00 |
5506 90 10 |
5506 90 91 |
5506 90 99 |
Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise |
5507 00 00 |
Sewing thread of man-made staple fibres |
5508 10 11 |
5508 10 19 |
5508 10 90 |
5508 20 10 |
5508 20 90 |
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibres |
5509 11 00 |
5509 12 00 |
5509 21 10 |
5509 21 90 |
5509 22 10 |
5509 22 90 |
5509 31 10 |
5509 31 90 |
5509 32 10 |
5509 32 90 |
5509 41 10 |
5509 41 90 |
5509 42 10 |
5509 42 90 |
5509 51 00 |
5509 52 10 |
5509 52 90 |
5509 53 00 |
5509 59 00 |
5509 61 10 |
5509 61 90 |
5509 62 00 |
5509 69 00 |
5509 91 10 |
5509 91 90 |
5509 92 00 |
5509 99 00 |
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibres |
5510 11 00 |
5510 12 00 |
5510 20 00 |
5510 30 00 |
5510 90 00 |
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of man-made staple fibres |
5511 10 00 |
5511 20 00 |
5511 30 00 |
Wadding of textile materials and articles thereof |
5601 10 10 |
5601 10 90 |
5601 21 10 |
5601 21 90 |
5601 22 10 |
5601 22 91 |
5601 22 99 |
5601 29 00 |
5601 30 00 |
Felt, whether or not impregnated |
5602 10 11 |
5602 10 19 |
5602 10 31 |
5602 10 35 |
5602 10 39 |
5602 10 90 |
5602 21 00 |
5602 29 10 |
5602 29 90 |
5602 90 00 |
Nonwovens, whether or not impregnated |
5603 11 10 |
5603 11 90 |
5603 12 10 |
5603 12 90 |
5603 13 10 |
5603 13 90 |
5603 14 10 |
5603 14 90 |
5603 91 10 |
5603 91 90 |
5603 92 10 |
5603 92 90 |
5603 93 10 |
5603 93 90 |
5603 94 10 |
5603 94 90 |
Rubber thread and cord, textile covered |
5604 10 00 |
5604 20 00 |
5604 90 00 |
Metallised yarn, whether or not gimped |
5605 00 00 |
Gimped yarn, and strip |
5606 00 10 |
5606 00 91 |
5606 00 99 |
Articles of yarn, strip |
5609 00 00 |
Carpets and other textile floor coverings |
5701 10 10 |
5701 10 91 |
5701 10 93 |
5701 10 99 |
5701 90 10 |
5701 90 90 |
Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics |
5801 10 00 |
5801 21 00 |
5801 22 00 |
5801 23 00 |
5801 24 00 |
5801 25 00 |
5801 26 00 |
5801 31 00 |
5801 32 00 |
5801 33 00 |
5801 34 00 |
5801 35 00 |
5801 36 00 |
5801 90 10 |
5801 90 90 |
Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics |
5802 11 00 |
5802 19 00 |
5802 20 00 |
5802 30 00 |
Gauze, other than narrow fabrics |
5803 10 00 |
5803 90 10 |
5803 90 30 |
5803 90 50 |
5803 90 90 |
Tulles and other net fabrics, not including woven |
5804 10 11 |
5804 10 19 |
5804 10 90 |
5804 21 10 |
5804 21 90 |
5804 29 10 |
5804 29 90 |
5804 30 00 |
Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins |
5805 00 00 |
Narrow woven fabrics |
5806 10 00 |
5806 20 00 |
5806 31 10 |
5806 31 90 |
5806 32 10 |
5806 32 90 |
5806 39 00 |
5806 40 00 |
Labels, badges and similar articles of textile matter |
5807 10 10 |
5807 10 90 |
5807 90 10 |
5807 90 90 |
Braids in the piece; ornamental trimmings |
5808 10 00 |
5808 90 00 |
Woven fabrics of metal thread and woven fabrics |
5809 00 00 |
Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs: |
5810 10 10 |
5810 10 90 |
5810 91 10 |
5810 91 90 |
5810 92 10 |
5810 92 90 |
5810 99 10 |
5810 99 90 |
Quilted textile products in the piece |
5811 00 00 |
Textile fabrics coated with gum |
5901 10 00 |
5901 90 00 |
Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon |
5902 10 10 |
5902 10 90 |
5902 20 10 |
5902 20 90 |
5902 90 10 |
5902 90 90 |
Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered |
5903 10 10 |
5903 10 90 |
5903 20 10 |
5903 20 90 |
5903 90 10 |
5903 90 91 |
5903 90 99 |
Linoleum, whether or not cut to shape |
5904 10 00 |
5904 91 10 |
5904 91 90 |
5904 92 00 |
Textile wall coverings: |
5905 00 10 |
5905 00 31 |
5905 00 39 |
5905 00 50 |
5905 00 70 |
5905 00 90 |
Rubberised textile fabrics |
5906 10 10 |
5906 10 90 |
5906 91 00 |
5906 99 10 |
5906 99 90 |
Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered |
5907 00 10 |
5907 00 90 |
Textile wicks, woven, plaited or knitted |
5908 00 00 |
Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing |
5909 00 10 |
5909 00 90 |
Transmission or conveyor belts or belting |
5910 00 00 |
Textile products and articles, for technical uses |
5911 10 00 |
5911 20 00 |
5911 31 11 |
5911 31 19 |
5911 31 90 |
5911 32 10 |
5911 32 90 |
5911 40 00 |
5911 90 10 |
5911 90 90 |
Pile fabrics, including „long pile” fabrics |
6001 10 00 |
6001 21 00 |
6001 22 00 |
6001 29 10 |
6001 29 90 |
6001 91 10 |
6001 91 30 |
6001 91 50 |
6001 91 90 |
6001 92 10 |
6001 92 30 |
6001 92 50 |
6001 92 90 |
6001 99 10 |
6001 99 90 |
Men's or boy's overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks |
6101 10 10 |
6101 10 90 |
6101 20 10 |
6101 20 90 |
6101 30 10 |
6101 30 90 |
6101 90 10 |
6101 90 90 |
Women's or girls' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks |
6102 10 10 |
6102 10 90 |
6102 20 10 |
6102 20 90 |
6102 30 10 |
6102 30 90 |
6102 90 10 |
6102 90 90 |
Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers |
6103 41 10 |
6103 41 90 |
6103 42 10 |
6103 42 90 |
6103 43 10 |
6103 43 90 |
6103 49 10 |
6103 49 91 |
6103 49 99 |
Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers |
6104 51 00 |
6104 52 00 |
6104 53 00 |
6104 59 00 |
6104 61 10 |
6104 61 90 |
6104 62 10 |
6104 62 90 |
6104 63 10 |
6104 63 90 |
6104 69 10 |
6104 69 91 |
6104 69 99 |
Men's or boys' underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas |
6107 11 00 |
6107 12 00 |
6107 19 00 |
6107 21 00 |
6107 22 00 |
6107 29 00 |
6107 91 10 |
6107 91 90 |
6107 92 00 |
6107 99 00 |
Women's or girls' slips, petticoats, briefs, panties |
6108 11 10 |
6108 11 90 |
6108 19 10 |
6108 19 90 |
6108 21 00 |
6108 22 00 |
6108 29 00 |
6108 31 10 |
6108 31 90 |
6108 32 11 |
6108 32 19 |
6108 32 90 |
6108 39 00 |
6108 91 10 |
6108 91 90 |
6108 92 00 |
6108 99 10 |
6108 99 90 |
T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted |
6109 10 00 |
6109 90 10 |
6109 90 30 |
Track suits, ski suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted |
6112 11 00 |
6112 12 00 |
6112 19 00 |
6112 20 00 |
6112 31 10 |
6112 31 90 |
6112 39 10 |
6112 39 90 |
6112 41 10 |
6112 41 90 |
6112 49 10 |
6112 49 90 |
Garments, made up of knitted or crocheted fabrics |
6113 00 10 |
6113 00 90 |
Other garments, knitted or crocheted: |
6114 10 00 |
6114 20 00 |
6114 30 00 |
6114 90 00 |
Panty hose, tights, stockings, socks and other hosiery |
6115 11 00 |
6115 12 00 |
6115 19 10 |
6115 19 90 |
6115 20 11 |
6115 20 19 |
6115 20 90 |
6115 91 00 |
6115 92 00 |
6115 93 10 |
6115 93 30 |
6115 93 91 |
6115 93 99 |
6115 99 00 |
Gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted: |
6116 10 20 |
6116 10 80 |
6116 91 00 |
6116 92 00 |
6116 93 00 |
6116 99 00 |
Other made up clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted |
6117 10 00 |
6117 20 00 |
6117 80 10 |
6117 80 90 |
6117 90 00 |
Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks |
6201 11 00 |
6201 12 10 |
6201 12 90 |
6201 13 10 |
6201 13 90 |
6201 19 00 |
6201 91 00 |
6201 92 00 |
6201 93 00 |
6201 99 00 |
Women's or girls' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks |
6202 11 00 |
6202 12 10 |
6202 12 90 |
6202 13 10 |
6202 13 90 |
6202 19 00 |
6202 91 00 |
6202 92 00 |
6202 93 00 |
6202 99 00 |
Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers |
6203 41 10 |
6203 41 30 |
6203 41 90 |
6203 42 11 |
6203 42 31 |
6203 42 33 |
6203 42 35 |
6203 42 51 |
6203 42 59 |
6203 42 90 |
6203 43 11 |
6203 43 19 |
6203 43 31 |
6203 43 39 |
6203 43 90 |
6203 49 11 |
6203 49 19 |
6203 49 31 |
6203 49 39 |
6203 49 50 |
6203 49 90 |
Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers |
6204 51 00 |
6204 52 00 |
6204 53 00 |
6204 59 10 |
6204 59 90 |
6204 61 10 |
6204 61 80 |
6204 61 90 |
6204 62 11 |
6204 62 31 |
6204 62 33 |
6204 62 39 |
6204 62 51 |
6204 62 59 |
6204 62 90 |
6204 63 11 |
6204 63 18 |
6204 63 31 |
6204 63 39 |
6204 63 90 |
6204 69 11 |
6204 69 18 |
6204 69 31 |
6204 69 39 |
6204 69 50 |
6204 69 90 |
Men's or boys' shirts: |
6205 10 00 |
6205 20 00 |
6205 30 00 |
6205 90 10 |
6205 90 90 |
Men's or boys' singlets and other vests, underpants |
6207 11 00 |
6207 19 00 |
6207 21 00 |
6207 22 00 |
6207 29 00 |
6207 91 10 |
6207 91 90 |
6207 92 00 |
6207 99 00 |
Women's or girls' singlets and other vests, slips |
6208 11 00 |
6208 19 10 |
6208 19 90 |
6208 21 00 |
6208 22 00 |
6208 29 00 |
6208 91 11 |
6208 91 19 |
6208 91 90 |
6208 92 10 |
6208 92 90 |
6208 99 00 |
Brassières, girdles, corsets, braces, suspenders |
6212 10 00 |
6212 20 00 |
6212 30 00 |
6212 90 00 |
Handkerchiefs: |
6213 10 00 |
6213 20 00 |
6213 90 00 |
Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils |
6214 10 00 |
6214 20 00 |
6214 30 00 |
6214 40 00 |
6214 90 10 |
6214 90 90 |
Ties, bow ties and cravats: |
6215 10 00 |
6215 20 00 |
6215 90 00 |
Gloves, mittens and mitts |
6216 00 00 |
Other made-up clothing accessories |
6217 10 00 |
6217 90 00 |
Blankets and travelling rugs: |
6301 10 00 |
6301 20 10 |
6301 20 91 |
6301 20 99 |
6301 30 10 |
6301 30 90 |
6301 40 10 |
6301 40 90 |
6301 90 10 |
6301 90 90 |
Sacks and bags |
6305 10 10 |
6305 10 90 |
6305 20 00 |
6305 32 11 |
6305 32 81 |
6305 32 89 |
6305 32 90 |
6305 33 10 |
6305 33 91 |
6305 33 99 |
6305 39 00 |
6305 90 00 |
Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds; tents; sails |
6306 11 00 |
6306 12 00 |
6306 19 00 |
6306 21 00 |
6306 22 00 |
6306 29 00 |
6306 31 00 |
6306 39 00 |
6306 41 00 |
6306 49 00 |
6306 91 00 |
6306 99 00 |
Other made-up articles, including dress patterns: |
6307 10 10 |
6307 10 30 |
6307 10 90 |
6307 20 00 |
6307 90 10 |
6307 90 91 |
6307 90 99 |
Sets consisting of woven fabric and yarn |
6308 00 00 |
Worn clothing and other worn articles |
6309 00 00 |
Waterproof footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber |
6401 10 10 |
6401 10 90 |
6401 91 10 |
6401 91 90 |
6401 92 10 |
6401 92 90 |
6401 99 10 |
6401 99 90 |
Other footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber |
6402 12 10 |
6402 12 90 |
6402 19 00 |
6402 20 00 |
6402 30 00 |
6402 91 00 |
6402 99 10 |
6402 99 31 |
6402 99 39 |
6402 99 50 |
6402 99 91 |
6402 99 93 |
6402 99 96 |
6402 99 98 |
Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather |
6403 12 00 |
6403 19 00 |
6403 20 00 |
6403 30 00 |
6403 40 00 |
6403 51 11 |
6403 51 15 |
6403 51 19 |
6403 51 91 |
6403 51 95 |
6403 51 99 |
6403 59 11 |
6403 59 31 |
6403 59 35 |
6403 59 39 |
6403 59 50 |
6403 59 91 |
6403 59 95 |
6403 59 99 |
6403 91 11 |
6403 91 13 |
6403 91 16 |
6403 91 18 |
6403 91 91 |
6403 91 93 |
6403 91 96 |
6403 91 98 |
6403 99 11 |
6403 99 31 |
6403 99 33 |
6403 99 36 |
6403 99 38 |
6403 99 50 |
6403 99 91 |
6403 99 93 |
6403 99 96 |
6403 99 98 |
Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather |
6404 11 00 |
6404 19 10 |
6404 19 90 |
6404 20 10 |
6404 20 90 |
Other footwear: |
6405 10 10 |
6405 10 90 |
6405 20 10 |
6405 20 91 |
6405 20 99 |
6405 90 10 |
6405 90 90 |
Parts of footwear (including uppers) |
6406 10 11 |
6406 10 19 |
6406 10 90 |
6406 20 10 |
6406 20 90 |
6406 91 00 |
6406 99 10 |
6406 99 30 |
6406 99 50 |
6406 99 60 |
6406 99 80 |
Unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles |
6907 10 00 |
6907 90 10 |
6907 90 91 |
6907 90 93 |
6907 90 99 |
Glazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles |
6908 10 10 |
6908 10 90 |
6908 90 11 |
6908 90 21 |
6908 90 29 |
6908 90 31 |
6908 90 51 |
6908 90 91 |
6908 90 93 |
6908 90 99 |
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles |
6911 10 00 |
6911 90 00 |
Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other household articles |
6912 00 10 |
6912 00 30 |
6912 00 50 |
6912 00 90 |
Statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles: |
6913 10 00 |
6913 90 10 |
6913 90 91 |
6913 90 93 |
6913 90 99 |
Glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen |
7013 10 00 |
7013 21 11 |
7013 21 19 |
7013 21 91 |
7013 21 99 |
7013 29 10 |
7013 29 51 |
7013 29 59 |
7013 29 91 |
7013 29 99 |
7013 31 10 |
7013 31 90 |
7013 32 00 |
7013 39 10 |
7013 39 91 |
7013 39 99 |
7013 91 10 |
7013 91 90 |
7013 99 10 |
7013 99 90 |
Glass fibres (including glass wool) |
7019 11 00 |
7019 12 00 |
7019 19 10 |
7019 19 90 |
7019 31 00 |
7019 32 00 |
7019 39 10 |
7019 39 90 |
7019 40 00 |
7019 51 10 |
7019 51 90 |
7019 52 00 |
7019 59 10 |
7019 59 90 |
7019 90 10 |
7019 90 30 |
7019 90 91 |
7019 90 99 |
Other articles of precious metal |
7115 90 10 |
7115 90 90 |
Ferro-alloys: |
7202 50 00 |
7202 70 00 |
7202 91 00 |
7202 92 00 |
7202 99 30 |
7202 99 80 |
Copper bars, rods and profiles: |
7407 10 00 |
7407 21 10 |
7407 21 90 |
7407 22 10 |
7407 22 90 |
7407 29 00 |
Copper wire: |
7408 11 00 |
7408 19 10 |
7408 19 90 |
7408 21 00 |
7408 22 00 |
7408 29 00 |
Copper plates, sheets and strip |
7409 11 00 |
7409 19 00 |
7409 21 00 |
7409 29 00 |
7409 31 00 |
7409 39 00 |
7409 40 10 |
7409 40 90 |
7409 90 10 |
7409 90 90 |
Copper foil |
7410 11 00 |
7410 12 00 |
7410 21 00 |
7410 22 00 |
Copper tubes and pipes: |
7411 10 11 |
7411 10 19 |
7411 10 90 |
7411 21 10 |
7411 21 90 |
7411 22 00 |
7411 29 10 |
7411 29 90 |
Copper tube or pipe fittings |
7412 10 00 |
7412 20 00 |
Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like |
7413 00 91 |
7413 00 99 |
Cloth (including endless bands), grill and netting |
7414 20 00 |
7414 90 00 |
Nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples |
7415 10 00 |
7415 21 00 |
7415 29 00 |
7415 31 00 |
7415 32 00 |
7415 39 00 |
Copper springs |
7416 00 00 |
Cooking or heating apparatus |
7417 00 00 |
Table, kitchen or other household articles |
7418 11 00 |
7418 19 00 |
7418 20 00 |
Other articles of copper: |
7419 10 00 |
7419 91 00 |
7419 99 00 |
Aluminium bars, rods and profiles: |
7604 10 10 |
7604 10 90 |
7604 21 00 |
7604 29 10 |
7604 29 90 |
Aluminium wire: |
7605 11 00 |
7605 19 00 |
7605 21 00 |
7605 29 00 |
Aluminium plates, sheets and strip |
7606 11 10 |
7606 11 91 |
7606 11 93 |
7606 11 99 |
7606 12 10 |
7606 12 50 |
7606 12 91 |
7606 12 93 |
7606 12 99 |
7606 91 00 |
7606 92 00 |
Aluminium foil |
7607 11 10 |
7607 11 90 |
7607 19 10 |
7607 19 91 |
7607 19 99 |
7607 20 10 |
7607 20 91 |
7607 20 99 |
Aluminium tubes and pipes: |
7608 10 90 |
7608 20 30 |
7608 20 91 |
7608 20 99 |
Aluminium tube or pipe fittings |
7609 00 00 |
Aluminium structures |
7610 10 00 |
7610 90 10 |
7610 90 90 |
Aluminium reservoirs, tanks, vats |
7611 00 00 |
Aluminium casks, drums, cans, boxes |
7612 10 00 |
7612 90 10 |
7612 90 20 |
7612 90 91 |
7612 90 98 |
Aluminium containers for compressed or liquefied |
7613 00 00 |
Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like |
7614 10 00 |
7614 90 00 |
Table, kitchen or other household articles |
7615 11 00 |
7615 19 10 |
7615 19 90 |
7615 20 00 |
Other articles of aluminium: |
7616 10 00 |
7616 91 00 |
7616 99 10 |
7616 99 90 |
Unwrought lead: |
7801 10 00 |
7801 91 00 |
7801 99 91 |
7801 99 99 |
Tungsten (wolfram) and articles thereof, including waste |
8101 10 00 |
8101 91 10 |
Molybdenum and articles thereof, including waste |
8102 10 00 |
8102 91 10 |
8102 93 00 |
Magnesium and articles thereof, including waste |
8104 11 00 |
8104 19 00 |
Cadmium and articles thereof, including waste |
8107 10 10 |
Titanium and articles thereof, including waste |
8108 10 10 |
8108 10 90 |
8108 90 30 |
8108 90 50 |
8108 90 70 |
8108 90 90 |
Zirconium and articles thereof, including waste |
8109 10 10 |
8109 90 00 |
Antimony and articles thereof, including waste |
8110 00 11 |
8110 00 19 |
Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium |
8112 20 31 |
8112 30 20 |
8112 30 90 |
8112 91 10 |
8112 91 31 |
8112 99 30 |
Cermets and articles thereof, including waste |
8113 00 20 |
8113 00 40 |
Nuclear reactors; fuel elements (cartridges) |
8401 10 00 |
8401 20 00 |
8401 30 00 |
8401 40 10 |
8401 40 90 |
Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and regulators |
8410 11 00 |
8410 12 00 |
8410 13 00 |
8410 90 10 |
8410 90 90 |
Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other gas turbines |
8411 11 90 |
8411 12 90 |
8411 21 90 |
8411 22 90 |
8411 81 90 |
8411 82 91 |
8411 82 93 |
8411 82 99 |
8411 91 90 |
8411 99 90 |
Air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors |
8414 10 30 |
8414 10 50 |
8414 10 90 |
8414 20 91 |
8414 20 99 |
8414 30 30 |
8414 30 91 |
8414 30 99 |
8414 40 10 |
8414 40 90 |
8414 51 90 |
8414 59 30 |
8414 59 50 |
8414 59 90 |
8414 60 00 |
8414 80 21 |
8414 80 29 |
8414 80 31 |
8414 80 39 |
8414 80 41 |
8414 80 49 |
8414 80 60 |
8414 80 71 |
8414 80 79 |
8414 80 90 |
8414 90 90 |
Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks |
8427 10 10 |
8427 10 90 |
8427 20 11 |
8427 20 19 |
8427 20 90 |
8427 90 00 |
Sewing machines, other than book-sewing machines |
8452 10 11 |
8452 10 19 |
8452 10 90 |
8452 21 00 |
8452 29 00 |
8452 30 10 |
8452 30 90 |
8452 40 00 |
8452 90 00 |
Electro-mechanical domestic appliances |
8509 10 10 |
8509 10 90 |
8509 20 00 |
8509 30 00 |
8509 40 00 |
8509 80 00 |
8509 90 10 |
8509 90 90 |
Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters |
8516 29 91 |
8516 31 10 |
8516 31 90 |
8516 40 10 |
8516 40 90 |
8516 50 00 |
8516 60 70 |
8516 71 00 |
8516 72 00 |
8516 79 80 |
Turntables (record-decks), record-players, cassette-players |
8519 10 00 |
8519 21 00 |
8519 29 00 |
8519 31 00 |
8519 39 00 |
8519 40 00 |
8519 93 31 |
8519 93 39 |
8519 93 81 |
8519 93 89 |
8519 99 12 |
8519 99 18 |
8519 99 90 |
Magnetic tape recorders and other sound recording |
8520 10 00 |
8520 32 19 |
8520 32 50 |
8520 32 91 |
8520 32 99 |
8520 33 19 |
8520 33 90 |
8520 39 10 |
8520 39 90 |
8520 90 90 |
Video recording or reproducing apparatus |
8521 10 30 |
8521 10 80 |
8521 90 00 |
Parts and accessories |
8522 10 00 |
8522 90 30 |
8522 90 91 |
8522 90 98 |
Prepared unrecorded media for sound recording |
8523 30 00 |
Records, tapes and other recorded media |
8524 10 00 |
8524 32 00 |
8524 39 00 |
8524 51 00 |
8524 52 00 |
8524 53 00 |
8524 60 00 |
8524 99 00 |
Reception apparatus for radio-telephony |
8527 12 10 |
8527 12 90 |
8527 13 10 |
8527 13 91 |
8527 13 99 |
8527 21 20 |
8527 21 52 |
8527 21 59 |
8527 21 70 |
8527 21 92 |
8527 21 98 |
8527 29 00 |
8527 31 11 |
8527 31 19 |
8527 31 91 |
8527 31 93 |
8527 31 98 |
8527 32 90 |
8527 39 10 |
8527 39 91 |
8527 39 99 |
8527 90 91 |
8527 90 99 |
Reception apparatus for television |
8528 12 14 |
8528 12 16 |
8528 12 18 |
8528 12 22 |
8528 12 28 |
8528 12 52 |
8528 12 54 |
8528 12 56 |
8528 12 58 |
8528 12 62 |
8528 12 66 |
8528 12 72 |
8528 12 76 |
8528 12 81 |
8528 12 89 |
8528 12 91 |
8528 12 98 |
8528 13 00 |
8528 21 14 |
8528 21 16 |
8528 21 18 |
8528 21 90 |
8528 22 00 |
8528 30 10 |
8528 30 90 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with … |
8529 10 20 |
8529 10 31 |
8529 10 39 |
8529 10 40 |
8529 10 50 |
8529 10 70 |
8529 10 90 |
8529 90 51 |
8529 90 59 |
8529 90 70 |
8529 90 81 |
8529 90 89 |
Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus |
8531 10 20 |
8531 10 30 |
8531 10 80 |
8531 80 90 |
8531 90 90 |
Thermionic, cold cathode or photocathode valves |
8540 11 11 |
8540 11 13 |
8540 11 15 |
8540 11 19 |
8540 11 91 |
8540 11 99 |
8540 12 00 |
8540 20 10 |
8540 20 30 |
8540 20 90 |
8540 40 00 |
8540 50 00 |
8540 60 00 |
8540 71 00 |
8540 72 00 |
8540 79 00 |
8540 81 00 |
8540 89 11 |
8540 89 19 |
8540 89 90 |
8540 91 00 |
8540 99 00 |
Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies |
8542 14 25 |
Insulated (including enamelled or anodised) wire |
8544 11 10 |
8544 11 90 |
8544 19 10 |
8544 19 90 |
8544 20 00 |
8544 30 90 |
8544 41 10 |
8544 41 90 |
8544 49 20 |
8544 49 80 |
8544 51 00 |
8544 59 10 |
8544 59 20 |
8544 59 80 |
8544 60 10 |
8544 60 90 |
8544 70 00 |
Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons |
8702 10 91 |
8702 10 99 |
8702 90 31 |
8702 90 39 |
8702 90 90 |
Motor vehicles for the transport of goods: |
8704 10 11 |
8704 10 19 |
8704 10 90 |
8704 21 10 |
8704 21 91 |
8704 21 99 |
8704 22 10 |
8704 23 10 |
8704 31 10 |
8704 31 91 |
8704 31 99 |
8704 32 10 |
8704 90 00 |
Special purpose motor vehicles |
8705 10 00 |
8705 20 00 |
8705 30 00 |
8705 40 00 |
8705 90 10 |
8705 90 30 |
8705 90 90 |
Works trucks, self-propelled, not fitted with lift |
8709 11 10 |
8709 11 90 |
8709 19 10 |
8709 19 90 |
8709 90 10 |
8709 90 90 |
Motor-cycles (including mopeds) |
8711 10 00 |
8711 20 10 |
8711 20 91 |
8711 20 93 |
8711 20 98 |
8711 30 10 |
8711 30 90 |
8711 40 00 |
8711 50 00 |
8711 90 00 |
Bicycles and other cycles |
8712 00 10 |
8712 00 30 |
8712 00 80 |
Photocopying apparatus |
9009 11 00 |
9009 12 00 |
9009 21 00 |
9009 22 10 |
9009 22 90 |
9009 30 00 |
9009 90 10 |
9009 90 90 |
Liquid crystal devices |
9013 10 00 |
9013 20 00 |
9013 80 11 |
9013 80 19 |
9013 80 30 |
9013 80 90 |
9013 90 10 |
9013 90 90 |
Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches |
9101 11 00 |
9101 12 00 |
9101 19 00 |
9101 21 00 |
9101 29 00 |
9101 91 00 |
9101 99 00 |
Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches |
9102 11 00 |
9102 12 00 |
9102 19 00 |
9102 21 00 |
9102 29 00 |
9102 91 00 |
9102 99 00 |
Clocks with watch movements |
9103 10 00 |
9103 90 00 |
Other clocks: |
9105 11 00 |
9105 19 00 |
9105 21 00 |
9105 29 00 |
9105 91 00 |
9105 99 10 |
9105 99 90 |
Pianos, including automatic pianos; harpsichords |
9201 10 10 |
9201 10 90 |
9201 20 00 |
9201 90 00 |
Revolvers and pistols |
9302 00 10 |
9302 00 90 |
Other firearms and similar devices |
9303 10 00 |
9303 20 30 |
9303 20 80 |
9303 30 00 |
9303 90 00 |
Other arms (for example, spring, air or gas guns) |
9304 00 00 |
Parts and accessories of articles of heading Nos 9 … |
9305 10 00 |
9305 21 00 |
9305 29 10 |
9305 29 30 |
9305 29 80 |
9305 90 90 |
Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles |
9306 10 00 |
9306 21 00 |
9306 29 40 |
9306 29 70 |
9306 30 10 |
9306 30 91 |
9306 30 93 |
9306 30 98 |
9306 90 90 |
Seats (other than those of heading No 9402) |
9401 20 00 |
9401 90 10 |
9401 90 30 |
9401 90 80 |
Other furniture and parts thereof: |
9403 40 10 |
9403 40 90 |
9403 90 10 |
9403 90 30 |
9403 90 90 |
Mattress supports; articles of bedding |
9404 10 00 |
9404 21 10 |
9404 21 90 |
9404 29 10 |
9404 29 90 |
9404 30 10 |
9404 30 90 |
9404 90 10 |
9404 90 90 |
Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights |
9405 10 21 |
9405 10 29 |
9405 10 30 |
9405 10 50 |
9405 10 91 |
9405 10 99 |
9405 20 11 |
9405 20 19 |
9405 20 30 |
9405 20 50 |
9405 20 91 |
9405 20 99 |
9405 30 00 |
9405 40 10 |
9405 40 31 |
9405 40 35 |
9405 40 39 |
9405 40 91 |
9405 40 95 |
9405 40 99 |
9405 50 00 |
9405 60 91 |
9405 60 99 |
9405 91 11 |
9405 91 19 |
9405 91 90 |
9405 92 90 |
9405 99 90 |
Prefabricated buildings: |
9406 00 10 |
9406 00 31 |
9406 00 39 |
9406 00 90 |
Other toys; reduced-size („scale”) models |
9503 10 10 |
9503 10 90 |
9503 20 10 |
9503 20 90 |
9503 30 10 |
9503 30 30 |
9503 30 90 |
9503 41 00 |
9503 49 10 |
9503 49 30 |
9503 49 90 |
9503 50 00 |
9503 60 10 |
9503 60 90 |
9503 70 00 |
9503 80 10 |
9503 80 90 |
9503 90 10 |
9503 90 32 |
9503 90 34 |
9503 90 35 |
9503 90 37 |
9503 90 51 |
9503 90 55 |
9503 90 99 |
Brooms, brushes |
9603 10 00 |
9603 21 00 |
9603 29 10 |
9603 29 30 |
9603 29 90 |
9603 30 10 |
9603 30 90 |
9603 40 10 |
9603 40 90 |
9603 50 00 |
9603 90 10 |
9603 90 91 |
9603 90 99 |
Popis 2.
EU offer
Industrial Products
Annex II – List 2
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 % or more |
5208 11 10 |
5208 11 90 |
5208 12 11 |
5208 12 13 |
5208 12 15 |
5208 12 19 |
5208 12 91 |
5208 12 93 |
5208 12 95 |
5208 12 99 |
5208 13 00 |
5208 19 00 |
5208 21 10 |
5208 21 90 |
5208 22 11 |
5208 22 13 |
5208 22 15 |
5208 22 19 |
5208 22 91 |
5208 22 93 |
5208 22 95 |
5208 22 99 |
5208 23 00 |
5208 29 00 |
5208 31 00 |
5208 32 11 |
5208 32 13 |
5208 32 15 |
5208 32 19 |
5208 32 91 |
5208 32 93 |
5208 32 95 |
5208 32 99 |
5208 33 00 |
5208 39 00 |
5208 41 00 |
5208 42 00 |
5208 43 00 |
5208 49 00 |
5208 51 00 |
5208 52 10 |
5208 52 90 |
5208 53 00 |
5208 59 00 |
Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 % or more |
5209 11 00 |
5209 12 00 |
5209 19 00 |
5209 21 00 |
5209 22 00 |
5209 29 00 |
5209 31 00 |
5209 32 00 |
5209 39 00 |
5209 41 00 |
5209 42 00 |
5209 43 00 |
5209 49 10 |
5209 49 90 |
5209 51 00 |
5209 52 00 |
5209 59 00 |
Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85 % |
5210 11 10 |
5210 11 90 |
5210 12 00 |
5210 19 00 |
5210 21 10 |
5210 21 90 |
5210 22 00 |
5210 29 00 |
5210 31 10 |
5210 31 90 |
5210 32 00 |
5210 39 00 |
5210 41 00 |
5210 42 00 |
5210 49 00 |
5210 51 00 |
5210 52 00 |
5210 59 00 |
Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85 % |
5211 11 00 |
5211 12 00 |
5211 19 00 |
5211 21 00 |
5211 22 00 |
5211 29 00 |
5211 31 00 |
5211 32 00 |
5211 39 00 |
5211 41 00 |
5211 42 00 |
5211 43 00 |
5211 49 10 |
5211 49 90 |
5211 51 00 |
5211 52 00 |
5211 59 00 |
Other woven fabrics of cotton: |
5212 11 10 |
5212 11 90 |
5212 12 10 |
5212 12 90 |
5212 13 10 |
5212 13 90 |
5212 14 10 |
5212 14 90 |
5212 15 10 |
5212 15 90 |
5212 21 10 |
5212 21 90 |
5212 22 10 |
5212 22 90 |
5212 23 10 |
5212 23 90 |
5212 24 10 |
5212 24 90 |
5212 25 10 |
5212 25 90 |
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres |
5512 11 00 |
5512 19 10 |
5512 19 90 |
5512 21 00 |
5512 29 10 |
5512 29 90 |
5512 91 00 |
5512 99 10 |
5512 99 90 |
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres |
5513 11 10 |
5513 11 30 |
5513 11 90 |
5513 12 00 |
5513 13 00 |
5513 19 00 |
5513 21 10 |
5513 21 30 |
5513 21 90 |
5513 22 00 |
5513 23 00 |
5513 29 00 |
5513 31 00 |
5513 32 00 |
5513 33 00 |
5513 39 00 |
5513 41 00 |
5513 42 00 |
5513 43 00 |
5513 49 00 |
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres |
5514 11 00 |
5514 12 00 |
5514 13 00 |
5514 19 00 |
5514 21 00 |
5514 22 00 |
5514 23 00 |
5514 29 00 |
5514 31 00 |
5514 32 00 |
5514 33 00 |
5514 39 00 |
5514 41 00 |
5514 42 00 |
5514 43 00 |
5514 49 00 |
Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres: |
5515 11 10 |
5515 11 30 |
5515 11 90 |
5515 12 10 |
5515 12 30 |
5515 12 90 |
5515 13 11 |
5515 13 19 |
5515 13 91 |
5515 13 99 |
5515 19 10 |
5515 19 30 |
5515 19 90 |
5515 21 10 |
5515 21 30 |
5515 21 90 |
5515 22 11 |
5515 22 19 |
5515 22 91 |
5515 22 99 |
5515 29 10 |
5515 29 30 |
5515 29 90 |
5515 91 10 |
5515 91 30 |
5515 91 90 |
5515 92 11 |
5515 92 19 |
5515 92 91 |
5515 92 99 |
5515 99 10 |
5515 99 30 |
5515 99 90 |
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres: |
5516 11 00 |
5516 12 00 |
5516 13 00 |
5516 14 00 |
5516 21 00 |
5516 22 00 |
5516 23 10 |
5516 23 90 |
5516 24 00 |
5516 31 00 |
5516 32 00 |
5516 33 00 |
5516 34 00 |
5516 41 00 |
5516 42 00 |
5516 43 00 |
5516 44 00 |
5516 91 00 |
5516 92 00 |
5516 93 00 |
5516 94 00 |
Twine, cordage, ropes and cables |
5607 10 00 |
5607 21 00 |
5607 29 10 |
5607 29 90 |
5607 30 00 |
5607 41 00 |
5607 49 11 |
5607 49 19 |
5607 49 90 |
5607 50 11 |
5607 50 19 |
5607 50 30 |
5607 50 90 |
5607 90 00 |
Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope |
5608 11 11 |
5608 11 19 |
5608 11 91 |
5608 11 99 |
5608 19 11 |
5608 19 19 |
5608 19 31 |
5608 19 39 |
5608 19 91 |
5608 19 99 |
5608 90 00 |
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven |
5702 10 00 |
5702 20 00 |
5702 31 10 |
5702 31 30 |
5702 31 90 |
5702 32 10 |
5702 32 90 |
5702 39 10 |
5702 39 90 |
5702 41 10 |
5702 41 90 |
5702 42 10 |
5702 42 90 |
5702 49 10 |
5702 49 90 |
5702 51 00 |
5702 52 00 |
5702 59 00 |
5702 91 00 |
5702 92 00 |
5702 99 00 |
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted |
5703 10 10 |
5703 10 90 |
5703 20 11 |
5703 20 19 |
5703 20 91 |
5703 20 99 |
5703 30 11 |
5703 30 19 |
5703 30 51 |
5703 30 59 |
5703 30 91 |
5703 30 99 |
5703 90 10 |
5703 90 90 |
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, of felt |
5704 10 00 |
5704 90 00 |
Other carpets and other textile floor coverings |
5705 00 10 |
5705 00 31 |
5705 00 39 |
5705 00 90 |
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: |
6002 10 10 |
6002 10 90 |
6002 20 10 |
6002 20 31 |
6002 20 39 |
6002 20 50 |
6002 20 70 |
6002 20 90 |
6002 30 10 |
6002 30 90 |
6002 41 00 |
6002 42 10 |
6002 42 30 |
6002 42 50 |
6002 42 90 |
6002 43 11 |
6002 43 19 |
6002 43 31 |
6002 43 33 |
6002 43 35 |
6002 43 39 |
6002 43 50 |
6002 43 91 |
6002 43 93 |
6002 43 95 |
6002 43 99 |
6002 49 00 |
6002 91 00 |
6002 92 10 |
6002 92 30 |
6002 92 50 |
6002 92 90 |
6002 93 10 |
6002 93 31 |
6002 93 33 |
6002 93 35 |
6002 93 39 |
6002 93 91 |
6002 93 99 |
6002 99 00 |
Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers |
6103 11 00 |
6103 12 00 |
6103 19 00 |
6103 21 00 |
6103 22 00 |
6103 23 00 |
6103 29 00 |
6103 31 00 |
6103 32 00 |
6103 33 00 |
6103 39 00 |
Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers |
6104 11 00 |
6104 12 00 |
6104 13 00 |
6104 19 00 |
6104 21 00 |
6104 22 00 |
6104 23 00 |
6104 29 00 |
6104 31 00 |
6104 32 00 |
6104 33 00 |
6104 39 00 |
6104 41 00 |
6104 42 00 |
6104 43 00 |
6104 44 00 |
6104 49 00 |
Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted: |
6105 10 00 |
6105 20 10 |
6105 20 90 |
6105 90 10 |
6105 90 90 |
Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses |
6106 10 00 |
6106 20 00 |
6106 90 10 |
6106 90 30 |
6106 90 50 |
6106 90 90 |
T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted |
6109 90 90 |
Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar |
6110 10 10 |
6110 10 31 |
6110 10 35 |
6110 10 38 |
6110 10 91 |
6110 10 95 |
6110 10 98 |
6110 20 10 |
6110 20 91 |
6110 20 99 |
6110 30 10 |
6110 30 91 |
6110 30 99 |
6110 90 10 |
6110 90 90 |
Babies' garments and clothing accessories, knitted |
6111 10 10 |
6111 10 90 |
6111 20 10 |
6111 20 90 |
6111 30 10 |
6111 30 90 |
6111 90 00 |
Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers |
6203 11 00 |
6203 12 00 |
6203 19 10 |
6203 19 30 |
6203 19 90 |
6203 21 00 |
6203 22 10 |
6203 22 80 |
6203 23 10 |
6203 23 80 |
6203 29 11 |
6203 29 18 |
6203 29 90 |
6203 31 00 |
6203 32 10 |
6203 32 90 |
6203 33 10 |
6203 33 90 |
6203 39 11 |
6203 39 19 |
6203 39 90 |
Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers |
6204 11 00 |
6204 12 00 |
6204 13 00 |
6204 19 10 |
6204 19 90 |
6204 21 00 |
6204 22 10 |
6204 22 80 |
6204 23 10 |
6204 23 80 |
6204 29 11 |
6204 29 18 |
6204 29 90 |
6204 31 00 |
6204 32 10 |
6204 32 90 |
6204 33 10 |
6204 33 90 |
6204 39 11 |
6204 39 19 |
6204 39 90 |
6204 41 00 |
6204 42 00 |
6204 43 00 |
6204 44 00 |
6204 49 10 |
6204 49 90 |
Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses |
6206 10 00 |
6206 20 00 |
6206 30 00 |
6206 40 00 |
6206 90 10 |
6206 90 90 |
Babies' garments and clothing accessories: |
6209 10 00 |
6209 20 00 |
6209 30 00 |
6209 90 00 |
Garments, made up of fabrics of heading No 5602, 5… |
6210 10 10 |
6210 10 91 |
6210 10 99 |
6210 20 00 |
6210 30 00 |
6210 40 00 |
6210 50 00 |
Track suits, ski suits and swimwear; other garments |
6211 11 00 |
6211 12 00 |
6211 20 00 |
6211 31 00 |
6211 32 10 |
6211 32 31 |
6211 32 41 |
6211 32 42 |
6211 32 90 |
6211 33 10 |
6211 33 31 |
6211 33 41 |
6211 33 42 |
6211 33 90 |
6211 39 00 |
6211 41 00 |
6211 42 10 |
6211 42 31 |
6211 42 41 |
6211 42 42 |
6211 42 90 |
6211 43 10 |
6211 43 31 |
6211 43 41 |
6211 43 42 |
6211 43 90 |
6211 49 00 |
Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen |
6302 10 10 |
6302 10 90 |
6302 21 00 |
6302 22 10 |
6302 22 90 |
6302 29 10 |
6302 29 90 |
6302 31 10 |
6302 31 90 |
6302 32 10 |
6302 32 90 |
6302 39 10 |
6302 39 30 |
6302 39 90 |
6302 40 00 |
6302 51 10 |
6302 51 90 |
6302 52 00 |
6302 53 10 |
6302 53 90 |
6302 59 00 |
6302 60 00 |
6302 91 10 |
6302 91 90 |
6302 92 00 |
6302 93 10 |
6302 93 90 |
6302 99 00 |
Curtains (including drapes) and interior blinds |
6303 11 00 |
6303 12 00 |
6303 19 00 |
6303 91 00 |
6303 92 10 |
6303 92 90 |
6303 99 10 |
6303 99 90 |
Other furnishing articles |
6304 11 00 |
6304 19 10 |
6304 19 30 |
6304 19 90 |
6304 91 00 |
6304 92 00 |
6304 93 00 |
6304 99 00 |
Popis 3.
EU offer
Industrial Products
Annex II — List 3
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Hydrogen, rare gases and other non-metals: |
2804 69 00 |
Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or organic |
2843 10 90 (*1) |
2843 30 00 (*1) |
2843 90 90 (*1) |
Oxygen-function amino-compounds: |
2922 41 00 (*1) |
Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other |
7201 10 11 (*2) |
7201 10 19 (*2) |
7201 10 30 (*2) |
7201 20 00 (*2) |
7201 50 90 (*2) |
Ferro-alloys: |
7202 11 20 (*1) |
7202 11 80 (*1) |
7202 19 00 (*1) |
7202 21 10 (*1) |
7202 21 90 (*1) |
7202 29 00 (*1) |
7202 30 00 (*1) |
7202 41 10 (*1) |
consolidation of global duty free quota: 515 000 Tonne ferro-chromium |
7202 41 91 (*1) |
consolidation of global duty free quota: 515 000 Tonne ferro-chromium |
7202 41 99 (*1) |
consolidation of global duty free quota: 515 000 Tonne ferro-chromium |
7202 49 10 (*1) |
7202 49 50 (*1) |
7202 49 90 (*1) |
Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction |
7203 90 00 (*2) |
Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots |
7204 50 90 (*2) |
Iron and non-alloy steel in ingots or other |
7206 10 00 (*2) |
7206 90 00 (*2) |
Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel |
7207 11 11 (*2) |
7207 11 14 (*2) |
7207 11 16 (*2) |
7207 12 10 (*2) |
7207 19 11 (*2) |
7207 19 14 (*2) |
7207 19 16 (*2) |
7207 19 31 (*2) |
7207 20 11 (*2) |
7207 20 15 (*2) |
7207 20 17 (*2) |
7207 20 32 (*2) |
7207 20 51 (*2) |
7207 20 55 (*2) |
7207 20 57 (*2) |
7207 20 71 (*2) |
Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel |
7208 10 00 (*2) |
7208 25 00 (*2) |
7208 26 00 (*2) |
7208 27 00 (*2) |
7208 36 00 (*2) |
7208 37 10 (*2) |
7208 37 90 (*2) |
7208 38 10 (*2) |
7208 38 90 (*2) |
7208 39 10 (*2) |
7208 39 90 (*2) |
7208 40 10 (*2) |
7208 40 90 (*2) |
7208 51 10 (*2) |
7208 51 30 (*2) |
7208 51 50 (*2) |
7208 51 91 (*2) |
7208 51 99 (*2) |
7208 52 10 (*2) |
7208 52 91 (*2) |
7208 52 99 (*2) |
7208 53 10 (*2) |
7208 53 90 (*2) |
7208 54 10 (*2) |
7208 54 90 (*2) |
7208 90 10 (*2) |
Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel |
7209 15 00 (*2) |
7209 16 10 (*2) |
7209 16 90 (*2) |
7209 17 10 (*2) |
7209 17 90 (*2) |
7209 18 10 (*2) |
7209 18 91 (*2) |
7209 18 99 (*2) |
7209 25 00 (*2) |
7209 26 10 (*2) |
7209 26 90 (*2) |
7209 27 10 (*2) |
7209 27 90 (*2) |
7209 28 10 (*2) |
7209 28 90 (*2) |
7209 90 10 (*2) |
Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel |
7210 11 10 (*2) |
7210 12 11 (*2) |
7210 12 19 (*2) |
7210 20 10 (*2) |
7210 30 10 (*2) |
7210 41 10 (*2) |
7210 49 10 (*2) |
7210 50 10 (*2) |
7210 61 10 (*2) |
7210 69 10 (*2) |
7210 70 31 (*2) |
7210 70 39 (*2) |
7210 90 31 (*2) |
7210 90 33 (*2) |
7210 90 38 (*2) |
Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel |
7211 13 00 (*2) |
7211 14 10 (*2) |
7211 14 90 (*2) |
7211 19 20 (*2) |
7211 19 90 (*2) |
7211 23 10 (*2) |
7211 23 51 (*2) |
7211 29 20 (*2) |
7211 90 11 (*2) |
Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel |
7212 10 10 (*2) |
7212 10 91 (*2) |
7212 20 11 (*2) |
7212 30 11 (*2) |
7212 40 10 (*2) |
7212 40 91 (*2) |
7212 50 31 (*2) |
7212 50 51 (*2) |
7212 60 11 (*2) |
7212 60 91 (*2) |
Bars and rods, hot-rolled |
7213 10 00 (*2) |
7213 20 00 (*2) |
7213 91 10 (*2) |
7213 91 20 (*2) |
7213 91 41 (*2) |
7213 91 49 (*2) |
7213 91 70 (*2) |
7213 91 90 (*2) |
7213 99 10 (*2) |
7213 99 90 (*2) |
Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel |
7214 20 00 (*2) |
7214 30 00 (*2) |
7214 91 10 (*2) |
7214 91 90 (*2) |
7214 99 10 (*2) |
7214 99 31 (*2) |
7214 99 39 (*2) |
7214 99 50 (*2) |
7214 99 61 (*2) |
7214 99 69 (*2) |
7214 99 80 (*2) |
7214 99 90 (*2) |
Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel: |
7215 90 10 (*2) |
Angles, shapes and sections of iron or non-alloy steel |
7216 10 00 (*2) |
7216 21 00 (*2) |
7216 22 00 (*2) |
7216 31 11 (*2) |
7216 31 19 (*2) |
7216 31 91 (*2) |
7216 31 99 (*2) |
7216 32 11 (*2) |
7216 32 19 (*2) |
7216 32 91 (*2) |
7216 32 99 (*2) |
7216 33 10 (*2) |
7216 33 90 (*2) |
7216 40 10 (*2) |
7216 40 90 (*2) |
7216 50 10 (*2) |
7216 50 91 (*2) |
7216 50 99 (*2) |
7216 99 10 (*2) |
Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms |
7218 10 00 (*2) |
7218 91 11 (*2) |
7218 91 19 (*2) |
7218 99 11 (*2) |
7218 99 20 (*2) |
Flat-rolled products of stainless steel |
7219 11 00 (*2) |
7219 12 10 (*2) |
7219 12 90 (*2) |
7219 13 10 (*2) |
7219 13 90 (*2) |
7219 14 10 (*2) |
7219 14 90 (*2) |
7219 21 10 (*2) |
7219 21 90 (*2) |
7219 22 10 (*2) |
7219 22 90 (*2) |
7219 23 00 (*2) |
7219 24 00 (*2) |
7219 31 00 (*2) |
7219 32 10 (*2) |
7219 32 90 (*2) |
7219 33 10 (*2) |
7219 33 90 (*2) |
7219 34 10 (*2) |
7219 34 90 (*2) |
7219 35 10 (*2) |
7219 35 90 (*2) |
7219 90 10 (*2) |
Flat-rolled products of stainless steel |
7220 11 00 (*2) |
7220 12 00 (*2) |
7220 20 10 (*2) |
7220 90 11 (*2) |
7220 90 31 (*2) |
Bars and rods, hot-rolled |
7221 00 10 (*2) |
7221 00 90 (*2) |
Other bars and rods of stainless steel |
7222 11 11 (*2) |
7222 11 19 (*2) |
7222 11 21 (*2) |
7222 11 29 (*2) |
7222 11 91 (*2) |
7222 11 99 (*2) |
7222 19 10 (*2) |
7222 19 90 (*2) |
7222 30 10 (*2) |
7222 40 10 (*2) |
7222 40 30 (*2) |
Other alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms |
7224 10 00 (*2) |
7224 90 01 (*2) |
7224 90 05 (*2) |
7224 90 08 (*2) |
7224 90 15 (*2) |
7224 90 31 (*2) |
7224 90 39 (*2) |
Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel |
7225 11 00 (*2) |
7225 19 10 (*2) |
7225 19 90 (*2) |
7225 20 20 (*2) |
7225 30 00 (*2) |
7225 40 20 (*2) |
7225 40 50 (*2) |
7225 40 80 (*2) |
7225 50 00 (*2) |
7225 91 10 (*2) |
7225 92 10 (*2) |
7225 99 10 (*2) |
Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel |
7226 11 10 (*2) |
7226 19 10 (*2) |
7226 19 30 (*2) |
7226 20 20 (*2) |
7226 91 10 (*2) |
7226 91 90 (*2) |
7226 92 10 (*2) |
7226 93 20 (*2) |
7226 94 20 (*2) |
7226 99 20 (*2) |
Bars and rods, hot-rolled |
7227 10 00 (*2) |
7227 20 00 (*2) |
7227 90 10 (*2) |
7227 90 50 (*2) |
7227 90 95 (*2) |
Other bars and rods of other alloy steel |
7228 10 10 (*2) |
7228 10 30 (*2) |
7228 20 11 (*2) |
7228 20 19 (*2) |
7228 20 30 (*2) |
7228 30 20 (*2) |
7228 30 41 (*2) |
7228 30 49 (*2) |
7228 30 61 (*2) |
7228 30 69 (*2) |
7228 30 70 (*2) |
7228 30 89 (*2) |
7228 60 10 (*2) |
7228 70 10 (*2) |
7228 70 31 (*2) |
7228 80 10 (*2) |
7228 80 90 (*2) |
Sheet piling of iron or steel |
7301 10 00 (*2) |
Railway or tramway track construction material |
7302 10 31 (*2) |
7302 10 39 (*2) |
7302 10 90 (*2) |
7302 20 00 (*2) |
7302 40 10 (*2) |
7302 90 10 (*2) |
Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron: |
7303 00 10 (*2) |
7303 00 90 (*2) |
Tube or pipe fittings (for example couplings) |
7307 11 10 (*2) |
7307 11 90 (*2) |
7307 19 10 (*2) |
7307 19 90 (*2) |
7307 21 00 (*2) |
7307 22 10 (*2) |
7307 22 90 (*2) |
7307 23 10 (*2) |
7307 23 90 (*2) |
7307 29 10 (*2) |
7307 29 30 (*2) |
7307 29 90 (*2) |
7307 91 00 (*2) |
7307 92 10 (*2) |
7307 92 90 (*2) |
7307 93 11 (*2) |
7307 93 19 (*2) |
7307 93 91 (*2) |
7307 93 99 (*2) |
7307 99 10 (*2) |
7307 99 30 (*2) |
7307 99 90 (*2) |
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers |
7309 00 10 (*2) |
7309 00 30 (*2) |
7309 00 51 (*2) |
7309 00 59 (*2) |
7309 00 90 (*2) |
Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers |
7310 10 00 (*2) |
7310 21 10 (*2) |
7310 21 91 (*2) |
7310 21 99 (*2) |
7310 29 10 (*2) |
7310 29 90 (*2) |
Containers for compressed or liquefied gas |
7311 00 10 (*2) |
7311 00 91 (*2) |
7311 00 99 (*2) |
Stranded wire, ropes, cables, plaited bands |
7312 10 30 (*2) |
7312 10 51 (*2) |
7312 10 59 (*2) |
7312 10 71 (*2) |
7312 10 75 (*2) |
7312 10 79 (*2) |
7312 10 82 (*2) |
7312 10 84 (*2) |
7312 10 86 (*2) |
7312 10 88 (*2) |
7312 10 99 (*2) |
7312 90 90 (*2) |
Barbed wire of iron or steel |
7313 00 00 (*2) |
Chain and parts thereof, of iron or steel: |
7315 11 10 (*2) |
7315 11 90 (*2) |
7315 12 00 (*2) |
7315 19 00 (*2) |
7315 20 00 (*2) |
7315 81 00 (*2) |
7315 82 10 (*2) |
7315 82 90 (*2) |
7315 89 00 (*2) |
7315 90 00 (*2) |
Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, screw hooks |
7318 11 00 (*2) |
7318 12 10 (*2) |
7318 12 90 (*2) |
7318 13 00 (*2) |
7318 14 10 (*2) |
7318 14 91 (*2) |
7318 14 99 (*2) |
7318 15 10 (*2) |
7318 15 20 (*2) |
7318 15 30 (*2) |
7318 15 41 (*2) |
7318 15 49 (*2) |
7318 15 51 (*2) |
7318 15 59 (*2) |
7318 15 61 (*2) |
7318 15 69 (*2) |
7318 15 70 (*2) |
7318 15 81 (*2) |
7318 15 89 (*2) |
7318 15 90 (*2) |
7318 16 10 (*2) |
7318 16 30 (*2) |
7318 16 50 (*2) |
7318 16 91 (*2) |
7318 16 99 (*2) |
7318 19 00 (*2) |
7318 21 00 (*2) |
7318 22 00 (*2) |
7318 23 00 (*2) |
7318 24 00 (*2) |
7318 29 00 (*2) |
Sewing needles, knitting needles, bodkins, crochets |
7319 10 00 (*2) |
7319 20 00 (*2) |
7319 30 00 (*2) |
7319 90 00 (*2) |
Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel: |
7320 10 11 (*2) |
7320 10 19 (*2) |
7320 10 90 (*2) |
7320 20 20 (*2) |
7320 20 81 (*2) |
7320 20 85 (*2) |
7320 20 89 (*2) |
7320 90 10 (*2) |
7320 90 30 (*2) |
7320 90 90 (*2) |
Stoves, ranges, grates, cookers |
7321 11 10 (*2) |
7321 11 90 (*2) |
7321 12 00 (*2) |
7321 13 00 (*2) |
7321 81 10 (*2) |
7321 81 90 (*2) |
7321 82 10 (*2) |
7321 82 90 (*2) |
7321 83 00 (*2) |
7321 90 00 (*2) |
Radiators for central heating |
7322 11 00 (*2) |
7322 19 00 (*2) |
7322 90 90 (*2) |
Table, kitchen or other household articles |
7323 10 00 (*2) |
7323 91 00 (*2) |
7323 92 00 (*2) |
7323 93 10 (*2) |
7323 93 90 (*2) |
7323 94 10 (*2) |
7323 94 90 (*2) |
7323 99 10 (*2) |
7323 99 91 (*2) |
7323 99 99 (*2) |
Sanitary ware and parts thereof, of iron or steel |
7324 10 90 (*2) |
7324 21 00 (*2) |
7324 29 00 (*2) |
7324 90 90 (*2) |
Other cast articles of iron or steel: |
7325 10 20 (*2) |
7325 10 50 (*2) |
7325 10 91 (*2) |
7325 10 99 (*2) |
7325 91 00 (*2) |
7325 99 10 (*2) |
7325 99 91 (*2) |
7325 99 99 (*2) |
Other articles of iron or steel: |
7326 11 00 (*2) |
7326 19 10 (*2) |
7326 19 90 (*2) |
7326 20 30 (*2) |
7326 20 50 (*2) |
7326 20 90 (*2) |
7326 90 10 (*2) |
7326 90 30 (*2) |
7326 90 40 (*2) |
7326 90 50 (*2) |
7326 90 60 (*2) |
7326 90 70 (*2) |
7326 90 80 (*2) |
7326 90 91 (*2) |
7326 90 93 (*2) |
7326 90 95 (*2) |
7326 90 97 (*2) |
Unwrought zinc: |
7901 11 00 |
7901 12 10 |
7901 12 30 |
7901 12 90 |
7901 20 00 |
Zinc dust, powders and flakes: |
7903 10 00 |
7903 90 00 |
Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons |
8702 10 11 |
8702 10 19 |
8702 90 11 |
8702 90 19 |
Motor vehicles for the transport of goods: |
8704 21 31 |
8704 21 39 |
8704 22 91 |
8704 22 99 |
8704 23 91 |
8704 23 99 |
8704 31 31 |
8704 31 39 |
8704 32 91 |
8704 32 99 |
(*1) Tariff elimination starts on 4th year.
(*2) Tariff elimination by 2004.
Popis 4.
EU offer
Industrial Products
Annex II — List 4
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Motor cars and other motor vehicles |
8703 10 10 |
8703 10 90 |
8703 21 10 |
8703 21 90 |
8703 22 11 |
8703 22 19 |
8703 22 90 |
8703 23 11 |
8703 23 19 |
8703 23 90 |
8703 24 10 |
8703 24 90 |
8703 31 10 |
8703 31 90 |
8703 32 11 |
8703 32 19 |
8703 32 90 |
8703 33 11 |
8703 33 19 |
8703 33 90 |
8703 90 10 |
8703 90 90 |
Chassis fitted with engines |
8706 00 11 |
8706 00 19 |
8706 00 91 |
8706 00 99 |
Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles |
8707 10 10 |
8707 10 90 |
8707 90 10 |
8707 90 90 |
Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles |
8708 10 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 10 90 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 21 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 21 90 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 29 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 29 90 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 31 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 31 91 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 31 99 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 39 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 39 90 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 40 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 40 90 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 50 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 50 90 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 60 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 60 91 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 60 99 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 70 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 70 50 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 70 91 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 70 99 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 80 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 80 90 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 91 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 91 90 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 92 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 92 90 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 93 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 93 90 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 94 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 94 90 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 99 10 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 99 30 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 99 50 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 99 92 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
8708 99 98 (***) |
50 % reduction on MFN |
(***) 50 % reduction on MFN at entry into effect.
Popis 5.
EU offer
Industrial Products
Annex II — List 5
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Unwrought aluminium: |
7601 10 00 |
7601 20 10 |
7601 20 91 |
7601 20 99 |
Aluminium powders and flakes: |
7603 10 00 |
7603 20 00 |
Popis 1.
SA offer
Industrial Products
Annex III — List 1
HS code 1996 |
Notes/tariff quota/reductions |
Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons: |
2903 19 10 |
Aldehydes, whether or not with other oxygen function; cyclic polymers of aldehydes |
2912 11 00 |
Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids |
2915 35 00 |
Amine-function compounds: |
2921 11 00 |
2921 19 15 |
2921 29 80 |
2921 41 00 |
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only: |
2933 69 40 |
Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores |
3824 10 10 |
3824 10 90 |
3824 20 10 |
3824 20 90 |
3824 30 10 |
3824 30 90 |
3824 50 10 |
3824 50 90 |
3824 90 23 |
Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps |
3923 90 20 |
Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading Nos 3901 to 3914: |
3926 90 20 |
3926 90 25 |
Articles of leather, or of composition leather, of a kind used in machinery |
4204 00 00 |
Coconut, abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee), ramie and other vegetable textile fibres |
5305 11 00 |
5305 19 00 |
5305 21 00 |
5305 29 00 |
5305 91 00 |
5305 99 00 |
Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn: |
5308 10 00 |
5308 30 00 |
Handkerchiefs: |
6213 20 10 |
6213 90 10 |
Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods: |
6305 10 90 |
6305 90 90 |
Other made up-articles, including dress patterns: |
6307 90 20 |
6307 90 40 |
Setts, curbstones and flagstones, of natural stone (except slate) |
6801 00 00 |
Worked monumental or building stone (except slate) and articles thereof |
6802 10 00 |
Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, ampoules and other containers |
7010 20 00 |
7010 91 10 |
7010 91 30 |
7010 92 10 |
7010 92 40 |
7010 93 10 |
7010 93 20 |
7010 94 10 |
7010 94 20 |
Glass envelopes (including bulbs and tubes), open, and glass parts thereof |
7011 10 00 |
7011 20 00 |
7011 90 00 |
Glass fibres (including glass wool) and articles thereof (for example, yarn, woven fabrics) |
7019 40 90 |
7019 51 90 |
7019 52 90 |
7019 59 90 |
Other articles of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal: |
7115 10 20 |
7115 90 90 |
Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finished products of stainless steel |
7218 10 00 |
7218 90 10 |
7218 90 20 |
7218 90 30 |
7218 90 90 |
7218 91 00 |
7218 99 10 |
7218 99 20 |
7218 99 90 |
Agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation |
8432 29 90 |
8432 30 10 |
8432 30 90 |
Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena |
8524 90 90 |
8524 91 10 |
Transmission apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy, radio-broadcasting |
8525 10 10 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading Nos 8525 to 8 … |
8529 90 60 |
Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits |
8536 90 30 |
8536 90 40 |
Popis 2.
SA offer
Industrial Products
Annex III — List 2
HS code 1996 |
Notes/tariff quota/reductions |
Oils and other products of the distillation of high temperature coal tar |
2707 99 90 |
Petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils |
2713 20 00 |
2713 90 00 |
Bitumen and asphalt, natural; bituminous or oil shale and tar sands; asphaltites |
2714 90 10 |
2714 90 20 |
2714 90 90 |
Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine: |
2801 10 00 |
2801 20 00 |
Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included): |
2803 00 00 |
Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid); chlorosulphuric acid: |
2806 10 00 |
Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide |
2817 00 00 |
Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or organic compounds of precious metals |
2843 29 00 |
2843 30 00 |
Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not solidified with urea |
2847 00 15 |
Carbides, whether or not chemically defined: |
2849 10 00 |
Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons: |
2903 22 00 |
2903 23 00 |
Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons |
2904 10 90 |
2904 90 10 |
Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives |
2905 12 00 |
Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol peroxides |
2909 60 00 |
Ketones and quinones, whether or not with other oxygen function |
2914 11 00 |
2914 12 00 |
Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids |
2915 29 90 |
2915 39 90 |
2915 50 30 |
Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids |
2917 12 30 |
2917 19 90 |
Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids |
2918 90 90 |
Oxygen-function amino-compounds: |
2922 43 00 |
Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide-function compounds of carbonic acid: |
2924 29 90 |
Organo-sulphur compounds: |
2930 90 05 |
Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only: |
2932 99 90 |
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only: |
2933 40 90 |
2933 59 30 |
2933 59 90 |
2933 69 90 |
Nucleic acids and their salts; other heterocyclic compounds: |
2934 20 90 |
Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced by synthesis |
2936 29 00 |
Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers and prepared colours, vitrifiable enamels |
3207 10 00 |
3207 30 00 |
Other paints and varnishes (including enamels, lacquers and distempers); prepared water |
3210 00 40 |
Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures (including alcoholic solutions) |
3302 90 10 |
Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations, personal deodorants, bath preparations |
3307 49 90 |
Modelling pastes, including those put up for children’s amusement |
3407 00 00 |
Photographic film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper |
3702 41 00 |
3702 42 90 |
Photographic paper, paperboard and textiles, sensitised, unexposed: |
3703 10 20 |
3703 10 90 |
3703 20 10 |
3703 20 90 |
3703 90 10 |
3703 90 90 |
Photographic plates, film, paper, paperboard and textiles, exposed but not developed: |
3704 00 90 |
Photographic plates and film, exposed and developed, other than cinematographic film: |
3705 10 00 |
3705 90 00 |
Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products |
3808 20 90 |
3808 30 05 |
3808 30 10 |
3808 30 30 |
3808 30 35 |
3808 30 40 |
3808 30 80 |
Prepared rubber accelerators; compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics |
3812 30 90 |
Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, in the form of discs, wafers or similar |
3818 00 90 |
Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids for hydraulic transmission |
3819 00 90 |
Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids |
3820 00 10 |
3820 00 90 |
Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products |
3824 60 10 |
3824 60 90 |
3824 71 90 |
Amino-resins, phenolic resins and polyurethanes, in primary forms: |
3909 40 40 |
3909 40 90 |
Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor (for example, joints, elbows, flanges) |
3917 10 90 |
3917 29 85 |
3917 31 85 |
3917 32 05 |
3917 32 85 |
3917 39 65 |
Floor coverings of plastics, whether or not self-adhesive, in rolls |
3918 90 90 |
Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics: |
3919 10 90 |
3919 90 90 |
Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not reinforced: |
3920 72 00 |
3920 73 00 |
3920 79 90 |
3920 99 90 |
Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics: |
3921 14 00 |
3921 19 90 |
3921 90 05 |
3921 90 12 |
3921 90 90 |
Synthetic rubber and factice derived from oils, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strips: |
4002 11 90 |
4002 20 30 |
4002 31 30 |
4002 39 30 |
4002 41 90 |
4002 51 90 |
4002 70 30 |
4002 80 00 |
4002 91 90 |
Compounded rubber, unvulcanised, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip: |
4005 10 10 |
Vulcanised rubber thread and cord |
4007 00 20 |
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves), for all purposes |
4015 19 10 |
Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood (whether or not spliced) |
4408 10 00 |
Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins |
4411 11 90 |
4411 19 90 |
4411 21 90 |
4411 29 90 |
4411 31 90 |
4411 39 90 |
4411 91 90 |
4411 99 90 |
Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood: |
4412 13 00 |
4412 14 00 |
4412 19 00 |
4412 22 00 |
4412 23 00 |
4412 29 00 |
4412 92 00 |
4412 93 00 |
4412 99 00 |
Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, of wood; cable-drums of wood |
4415 10 00 |
Tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies and handles, of wood |
4417 00 90 |
Newsprint, in rolls or sheets: |
4801 00 20 |
Uncoated paper and paperboard, of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes |
4802 51 00 |
4802 52 00 |
4802 53 00 |
4802 60 00 |
Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin stock and similar paper |
4803 00 00 |
Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets |
4804 11 00 |
4804 19 00 |
4804 21 00 |
4804 29 00 |
4804 31 00 |
4804 41 00 |
4804 42 00 |
4804 49 00 |
4804 51 00 |
4804 52 00 |
4804 59 00 |
Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, not further worked or processed |
4805 10 00 |
4805 21 00 |
4805 22 00 |
4805 23 00 |
4805 29 00 |
4805 50 00 |
4805 60 90 |
4805 70 90 |
4805 80 90 |
Composite paper and paperboard (made by sticking flat layers of paper or paperboard |
4807 10 00 |
4807 90 00 |
4807 99 00 |
Paper and paperboard, corrugated (with or without glued flat surface sheets), creped |
4808 10 00 |
4808 20 00 |
4808 30 00 |
4808 90 00 |
Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers |
4809 10 00 |
Paper and paperboard, coated on one or both sides with kaolin (china clay) |
4810 11 00 |
4810 12 00 |
4810 21 00 |
4810 29 00 |
4810 31 00 |
4810 32 00 |
4810 39 00 |
4810 91 00 |
4810 99 00 |
Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated |
4811 10 00 |
4811 29 00 |
4811 31 00 |
4811 39 00 |
4811 40 00 |
4811 90 00 |
Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers |
4816 10 00 |
Cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose |
4819 30 00 |
4819 40 00 |
Bobbins, spools, cops and similar supports of paper pulp, paper or paperboard |
4822 10 10 |
Panty hose, tights, stockings, socks and other hosiery, including stockings for varicose veins |
6115 11 90 |
6115 12 90 |
6115 19 00 |
6115 20 90 |
Gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted: |
6116 10 00 |
6116 91 00 |
6116 92 00 |
6116 93 00 |
6116 99 00 |
Track suits, ski suits and swimwear; other garments: |
6211 41 10 |
6211 42 10 |
6211 43 10 |
6211 49 10 |
Gloves, mittens and mitts |
6216 00 00 |
Other made up clothing accessories; parts of garments or of clothing accessories |
6217 10 30 |
6217 10 90 |
6217 90 00 |
Hat-forms, hat bodies and hoods of felt, neither blocked to shape nor with made brims |
6501 00 00 |
Hat-shapes, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material |
6502 00 00 |
Worked monumental or building stone (except slate) and articles thereof |
6802 91 00 |
6802 92 00 |
6802 93 00 |
6802 99 00 |
Worked slate and articles of slate or of agglomerated slate: |
6803 00 90 |
Cast glass and rolled glass, in sheets or profiles |
7003 12 80 |
7003 12 90 |
7003 19 90 |
7003 20 00 |
7003 30 00 |
Drawn glass and blown glass, in sheets |
7004 20 80 |
7004 20 90 |
7004 90 15 |
7004 90 25 |
7004 90 35 |
7004 90 45 |
7004 90 55 |
Float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets |
7005 10 80 |
7005 21 13 |
7005 21 15 |
7005 21 17 |
7005 21 23 |
7005 21 25 |
7005 21 35 |
7005 21 45 |
7005 21 55 |
7005 21 65 |
7005 21 75 |
7005 21 85 |
7005 29 13 |
7005 29 15 |
7005 29 17 |
7005 29 23 |
7005 29 25 |
7005 29 35 |
7005 29 45 |
7005 29 55 |
7005 29 65 |
7005 29 75 |
7005 29 85 |
7005 30 00 |
Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, ampoules and other containers, of glass |
7010 10 90 |
7010 91 90 |
7010 92 20 |
7010 92 90 |
7010 93 15 |
7010 93 90 |
7010 94 15 |
7010 94 90 |
Signalling glassware and optical elements of glass (other than those of heading No 7015) |
7014 00 90 |
Clock or watch glasses and similar glasses |
7015 90 00 |
Glass fibres (including glass wool) and articles thereof (for example, yarn, woven fabrics) |
7019 40 20 |
7019 51 10 |
7019 52 10 |
7019 59 10 |
Other articles of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal: |
7115 90 30 |
Ferro-alloys: |
7202 99 10 |
Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more |
7208 10 00 |
7208 25 00 |
7208 26 00 |
7208 27 00 |
7208 36 00 |
7208 37 00 |
7208 38 00 |
7208 39 00 |
7208 51 00 |
7208 52 00 |
7208 53 00 |
7208 54 00 |
7208 90 00 |
Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more |
7209 15 00 |
7209 16 00 |
7209 17 00 |
7209 18 00 |
7209 25 00 |
7209 26 00 |
7209 27 00 |
7209 28 00 |
7209 90 00 |
Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more |
7210 12 00 |
7210 30 00 |
7210 41 00 |
7210 49 00 |
7210 50 00 |
7210 70 00 |
7210 90 00 |
Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of less than 600 mm |
7211 13 00 |
7211 14 00 |
7211 19 00 |
7211 23 00 |
7211 29 00 |
Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of less than 600 mm |
7212 10 20 |
7212 20 00 |
7212 30 00 |
7212 40 00 |
7212 50 85 |
7212 50 90 |
Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of iron or non-alloy steel: |
7213 10 00 |
7213 20 00 |
7213 91 00 |
7213 99 00 |
Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than forged, hot-rolled |
7214 10 10 |
7214 10 90 |
7214 20 00 |
7214 30 00 |
7214 91 00 |
7214 99 00 |
Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel: |
7215 10 00 |
7215 50 00 |
7215 90 00 |
Angles, shapes and sections of iron or non-alloy steel: |
7216 10 00 |
7216 21 00 |
7216 22 00 |
7216 31 00 |
7216 32 00 |
7216 33 00 |
7216 40 00 |
7216 50 00 |
7216 67 00 |
7216 69 00 |
7216 91 00 |
7216 99 00 |
Wire of iron or non-alloy steel: |
7217 10 00 |
7217 11 00 |
7217 12 00 |
7217 13 00 |
7217 19 00 |
7217 20 00 |
7217 21 00 |
7217 22 00 |
7217 23 00 |
7217 29 00 |
7217 30 00 |
7217 31 00 |
7217 32 00 |
7217 33 00 |
7217 39 00 |
7217 90 00 |
Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of 600 mm or more: |
7219 11 00 |
7219 12 00 |
7219 13 00 |
7219 14 00 |
7219 21 00 |
7219 22 00 |
7219 23 00 |
7219 24 00 |
7219 31 00 |
7219 32 00 |
7219 33 00 |
7219 34 00 |
7219 35 00 |
7219 90 00 |
Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of less than 600 mm: |
7220 11 00 |
7220 12 00 |
7220 20 00 |
7220 90 00 |
Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more: |
7225 30 00 |
7225 40 10 |
7225 40 90 |
7225 50 00 |
7225 90 90 |
7225 91 00 |
7225 92 00 |
7225 99 90 |
Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of less than 600 mm: |
7226 91 00 |
7226 93 00 |
7226 94 00 |
Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of other alloy steel: |
7227 10 00 |
7227 20 00 |
7227 90 00 |
Other bars and rods of other alloy steel; angles, shapes and sections, of other alloy |
7228 10 10 |
7228 10 20 |
7228 10 90 |
7228 20 10 |
7228 20 20 |
7228 20 30 |
7228 20 40 |
7228 20 50 |
7228 20 60 |
7228 20 90 |
7228 30 10 |
7228 30 20 |
7228 30 30 |
7228 30 90 |
7228 40 00 |
7228 50 00 |
7228 60 00 |
7228 70 00 |
7228 80 00 |
Wire of other alloy steel: |
7229 20 00 |
7229 90 00 |
Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched |
7301 10 10 |
7301 20 00 |
Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, the following: rails |
7302 10 00 |
7302 20 00 |
7302 30 00 |
7302 40 00 |
7302 90 00 |
Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless, of iron (other than cast iron) or steel: |
7304 10 30 |
7304 10 90 |
7304 21 10 |
7304 21 20 |
7304 21 90 |
7304 29 10 |
7304 29 20 |
7304 29 90 |
7304 31 00 |
7304 39 35 |
7304 39 90 |
7304 51 00 |
7304 59 45 |
7304 90 00 |
Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similary closed) |
7305 11 00 |
7305 12 00 |
7305 19 00 |
7305 20 00 |
7305 31 90 |
7305 39 90 |
7305 90 90 |
Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles (for example, open seam or welded, riveted or similar) |
7306 10 00 |
7306 20 00 |
7306 30 00 |
7306 40 00 |
7306 50 00 |
7306 60 00 |
7306 90 00 |
Tube or pipe fittings (for example couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or steel: |
7307 11 10 |
7307 11 90 |
7307 19 10 |
7307 19 80 |
7307 19 90 |
7307 21 10 |
7307 21 90 |
7307 22 10 |
7307 22 90 |
7307 23 10 |
7307 23 90 |
7307 29 10 |
7307 29 90 |
7307 91 10 |
7307 91 20 |
7307 91 30 |
7307 91 40 |
7307 91 50 |
7307 91 90 |
7307 92 10 |
7307 92 20 |
7307 92 30 |
7307 93 10 |
7307 93 20 |
7307 93 30 |
7307 99 10 |
7307 99 20 |
7307 99 30 |
Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading No 9406) and parts of structure |
7308 10 00 |
Stranded wire, ropes, cables, plaited bands, slings and the like, of iron or steel |
7312 10 05 |
7312 10 10 |
7312 10 15 |
7312 10 20 |
7312 10 25 |
7312 10 30 |
7312 10 35 |
7312 10 40 |
7312 10 90 |
7312 90 90 |
Cloth (including endless bands), grill, netting and fencing, of iron or steel wire |
7314 12 10 |
7314 12 20 |
7314 13 10 |
7314 14 20 |
7314 14 30 |
7314 19 30 |
7314 19 40 |
7314 50 00 |
Sewing needles, knitting needles, bodkins, crochet hooks, embroidery stilettos and similar |
7319 20 00 |
7319 30 00 |
7319 90 90 |
Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel: |
7320 10 00 |
7320 20 00 |
7320 90 00 |
Other cast articles of iron or steel: |
7325 10 40 |
7325 99 40 |
Other articles of iron or steel: |
7326 19 00 |
7326 90 29 |
Copper bars, rods and profiles: |
7407 10 30 |
7407 10 90 |
7407 21 20 |
7407 21 90 |
7407 22 20 |
7407 22 90 |
7407 29 20 |
7407 29 90 |
Copper plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0,15 mm: |
7409 11 00 |
7409 19 00 |
7409 21 00 |
7409 29 00 |
7409 31 00 |
7409 39 00 |
7409 40 00 |
7409 90 00 |
Copper foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar |
7410 11 00 |
7410 12 00 |
Copper tubes and pipes: |
7411 10 10 |
7411 10 40 |
7411 21 15 |
7411 22 10 |
7411 29 10 |
Copper tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) |
7412 10 10 |
7412 10 80 |
7412 10 90 |
7412 20 20 |
7412 20 80 |
Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, of copper, not electrically insulated |
7413 00 30 |
7413 00 90 |
Cloth (including endless bands), grill and netting, of copper wire |
7414 20 00 |
7414 90 00 |
Other articles of copper: |
7419 99 22 |
7419 99 24 |
7419 99 25 |
7419 99 90 |
Aluminium powders and flakes: |
7603 10 00 |
Aluminium bars, rods and profiles: |
7604 10 35 |
7604 10 65 |
7604 21 15 |
7604 21 90 |
7604 29 15 |
7604 29 65 |
7604 29 90 |
Aluminium wire: |
7605 11 07 |
Aluminium tubes and pipes: |
7608 20 15 |
Aluminium tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) |
7609 00 10 |
7609 00 90 |
Aluminium structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading No 9406) |
7610 10 00 |
7610 90 00 |
Aluminium casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers |
7612 90 40 |
Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, of aluminium, not electrically insulated |
7614 10 00 |
7614 90 00 |
Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire |
7904 00 00 |
Other articles of zinc |
7907 00 90 |
Tungsten (wolfram) and articles thereof, including waste and scrap: |
8101 10 00 |
8101 91 00 |
Magnesium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap: |
8104 30 00 |
8104 90 50 |
Hand saws; blades for saws of all kinds (including slitting, slotting or toothless saw blades) |
8202 20 20 |
Flexible tubing of base metal, with or without fittings: |
8307 10 90 |
8307 90 90 |
Central heating boilers other than those of heading No 8402: |
8403 10 00 |
8403 90 00 |
Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading No 8402 or 8403 |
8404 10 10 |
8404 90 10 |
Other engines and motors: |
8412 29 10 |
8412 80 20 |
8412 90 60 |
Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators: |
8413 11 00 |
8413 20 10 |
8413 50 10 |
8413 60 10 |
8413 60 20 |
8413 70 15 |
8413 81 10 |
8413 91 10 |
Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other |
8418 10 00 |
8418 21 00 |
8418 22 00 |
8418 29 00 |
8418 30 90 |
8418 40 90 |
8418 50 00 |
8418 61 10 |
8418 69 10 |
8418 91 10 |
8418 91 20 |
8418 99 20 |
8418 99 30 |
Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus |
8421 12 20 |
8421 21 10 |
8421 31 10 |
8421 31 20 |
8421 91 20 |
8421 99 30 |
Dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers |
8422 11 00 |
8422 19 00 |
8422 90 10 |
Pulley tackle and hoists other than skip hoists; winches and capstans; jacks: |
8425 11 00 |
8425 31 10 |
8425 39 10 |
8425 42 35 |
8425 42 50 |
8425 49 90 |
Ships’ derricks; cranes, including cable cranes; mobile lifting frames, straddle carrier |
8426 11 10 |
8426 20 10 |
8426 41 10 |
8426 91 10 |
Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery (for example, lifts, escalators) |
8428 39 90 |
8428 90 15 |
Self-propelled bulldozers, angledozers, graders, levellers, scrapers, mechanical shovels |
8429 20 90 |
8429 51 20 |
8429 59 05 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of heading Nos 8425 to 8 … |
8431 20 10 |
8431 20 30 |
8431 20 50 |
8431 20 90 |
8431 39 90 |
8431 49 25 |
8431 49 30 |
8431 49 35 |
8431 49 47 |
Agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation |
8432 10 10 |
8432 29 30 |
Harvesting or threshing machinery, including straw or fodder balers; grass or hay mowers |
8433 11 90 |
8433 19 90 |
8433 90 20 |
Other agricultural, horticultural, forestry, poultry-keeping or bee-keeping machinery |
8436 29 90 |
8436 91 90 |
Machinery (other than machines of heading No 8450) for washing, cleaning, wringing, drying |
8451 21 10 |
8451 30 10 |
8451 30 20 |
8451 90 10 |
8451 90 20 |
Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of heading Nos … |
8466 20 00 |
Automatic goods-vending machines (for example, postage stamp, cigarette, food or beverage) |
8476 21 00 |
8476 29 00 |
Moulding boxes for metal foundry; mould bases; moulding patterns; moulds for metal |
8480 30 10 |
8480 30 30 |
8480 30 90 |
8480 71 00 |
8480 79 00 |
Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats |
8481 80 37 |
8481 90 55 |
8481 90 90 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of heading No 8501 or 850 … |
8503 00 10 |
8503 00 20 |
Primary cells and primary batteries: |
8506 10 05 |
8506 10 25 |
8506 80 05 |
8506 80 25 |
8506 90 00 |
Electric accumulators, including separators therefor, whether or not rectangular |
8507 40 00 |
8507 90 20 |
8507 90 90 |
Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters |
8516 31 10 |
8516 90 20 |
Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets |
8517 50 00 |
8517 90 00 |
Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena |
8524 32 90 |
Electrical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads |
8530 80 00 |
8530 90 90 |
Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus (for example, bells, sirens, indicator panels) |
8531 80 90 |
8531 90 90 |
Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits |
8536 10 10 |
8536 20 10 |
8536 30 10 |
8536 61 10 |
8536 69 10 |
Electric filament or discharge lamps, including sealed-beam lamp units |
8539 22 20 |
8539 22 90 |
8539 29 10 |
8539 29 15 |
8539 29 20 |
8539 29 25 |
8539 29 50 |
8539 29 57 |
8539 29 90 |
8539 31 45 |
8539 31 90 |
8539 32 45 |
8539 32 90 |
8539 39 45 |
8539 39 90 |
8539 41 00 |
8539 49 10 |
8539 49 20 |
8539 90 00 |
Carbon electrodes, carbon brushes, lamp carbons, battery carbons and other articles |
8545 90 00 |
Insulating fittings for electrical machines, appliances or equipment |
8547 90 10 |
Railway or tramway maintenance or service vehicles, whether or not self-propelled |
8604 00 10 |
Railway or tramway goods vans and wagons, not self-propelled: |
8606 99 10 |
Parts of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock: |
8607 19 40 |
8607 21 60 |
8607 30 60 |
Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any material, mounted |
9002 20 80 |
Pianos, including automatic pianos; harpsichords and other keyboard stringed instruments |
9201 10 00 |
Articles and equipment for general physical exercise, gymnastics, athletics |
9506 62 00 |
9506 69 00 |
9506 70 00 |
9506 91 00 |
9506 99 00 |
Fishing rods, fish-hooks and other line fishing tackle; fish landing nets, butterfly nets |
9507 10 90 |
9507 30 00 |
9507 90 00 |
Pencils (other than pencils of heading No 9608), crayons, pencil leads, pastels, drawing |
9609 10 10 |
Popis 3.
SA offer
Industrial Products
Annex III — List 3
HS code 1996 |
Notes/tariff quota/reductions |
Perfumes and toilet waters: |
3303 00 90 |
Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin |
3304 10 30 |
3304 10 90 |
3304 20 30 |
3304 20 90 |
3304 30 30 |
3304 30 90 |
3304 91 00 |
3304 99 30 |
3304 99 90 |
Preparations for use on the hair: |
3305 10 30 |
3305 10 90 |
3305 20 30 |
3305 20 90 |
3305 30 30 |
3305 30 90 |
3305 90 30 |
3305 90 90 |
Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations, personal deodorants, bath preparations |
3307 10 40 |
3307 10 90 |
3307 20 30 |
3307 20 90 |
3307 30 10 |
3307 30 90 |
3307 41 00 |
3307 90 40 |
3307 90 90 |
Leather of bovine or equine animals, without hair on, other than leather of heading No 4 … |
4104 10 90 |
reduction starts in 3rd year |
4104 21 00 |
reduction starts in 3rd year |
4104 22 00 |
reduction starts in 3rd year |
4104 29 00 |
reduction starts in 3rd year |
4104 31 00 |
reduction starts in 3rd year |
4104 39 00 |
reduction starts in 3rd year |
Sheep or lamb skin leather, without wool on, other than leather of heading No 4108 or 41 … |
4105 11 00 |
reduction starts in 3rd year |
4105 12 00 |
reduction starts in 3rd year |
4105 19 00 |
reduction starts in 3rd year |
4105 20 00 |
reduction starts in 3rd year |
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of leather or of composition leather: |
4203 21 00 |
reduction starts in 3rd year |
Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated, |
4811 21 00 |
reduction starts in 3rd year |
Envelopes, letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards |
4817 10 00 |
4817 20 00 |
4817 30 00 |
Toilet paper and similar paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres |
4818 10 00 |
4818 20 00 |
4818 30 00 |
4818 40 00 |
4818 50 00 |
4818 90 00 |
Unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles; unglazed ceramic mosaic cubes |
6907 90 00 |
Glazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles; glazed ceramic mosaic cubes |
6908 10 00 |
6908 90 00 |
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of porcelain |
6911 10 00 |
Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles |
6912 00 00 |
Household or laundry-type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry: |
8450 11 15 |
8450 19 20 |
8450 90 10 |
Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats |
8481 80 72 |
8481 80 73 |
Ball or roller bearings: |
8482 10 10 |
8482 10 15 |
8482 20 15 |
8482 20 30 |
8482 20 45 |
8482 30 20 |
8482 50 50 |
8482 91 20 |
8482 99 11 |
8482 99 13 |
8482 99 17 |
8482 99 29 |
8482 99 31 |
Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets): |
8501 10 05 |
8501 10 19 |
8501 20 10 |
8501 31 10 |
8501 32 10 |
8501 33 10 |
8501 34 10 |
8501 40 25 |
8501 40 30 |
8501 40 35 |
8501 40 40 |
8501 40 45 |
8501 40 50 |
8501 40 55 |
8501 40 70 |
8501 40 75 |
8501 40 80 |
8501 51 20 |
8501 51 30 |
8501 51 40 |
8501 51 50 |
8501 52 20 |
8501 52 40 |
8501 52 50 |
8501 53 20 |
8501 53 50 |
8501 61 90 |
8501 62 00 |
8501 63 10 |
Electric generating sets and rotary converters: |
8502 11 00 |
8502 12 00 |
8502 13 00 |
Primary cells and primary batteries: |
8506 10 90 |
8506 30 90 |
8506 80 90 |
Electro-mechanical domestic appliances, with self-contained electric motor: |
8509 30 00 |
8509 40 00 |
8509 80 00 |
Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters |
8516 29 10 |
8516 33 00 |
8516 50 00 |
8516 60 00 |
8516 71 00 |
8516 72 00 |
8516 79 00 |
8516 80 10 |
8516 90 30 |
Reception apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy or radio-broadcasting |
8527 19 00 |
8527 21 00 |
Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits |
8536 69 20 |
Electric filament or discharge lamps, including sealed-beam lamp units |
8539 21 20 |
8539 29 45 |
Seats (other than those of heading No 9402), whether or not convertible into beds |
9401 30 00 |
9401 40 00 |
9401 50 00 |
9401 61 00 |
9401 69 00 |
9401 71 00 |
9401 79 00 |
9401 80 30 |
9401 80 90 |
Medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture (for example, operating tables) |
9402 10 20 |
9402 90 90 |
Other furniture and parts thereof: |
9403 10 10 |
9403 10 90 |
9403 20 10 |
9403 20 30 |
9403 20 50 |
9403 20 60 |
9403 20 90 |
9403 30 00 |
9403 40 00 |
9403 50 00 |
9403 60 30 |
9403 60 40 |
9403 60 90 |
9403 70 30 |
9403 70 90 |
9403 80 30 |
9403 80 90 |
9403 90 10 |
9403 90 20 |
9403 90 30 |
9403 90 40 |
9403 90 50 |
9403 90 60 |
9403 90 90 |
Mattress supports; articles of bedding and similar furnishing (for example, mattresses) |
9404 10 00 |
9404 21 00 |
9404 29 10 |
9404 29 90 |
9404 90 10 |
9404 90 90 |
Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights and spotlights and parts thereof |
9405 10 05 |
9405 10 35 |
9405 10 90 |
9405 20 10 |
9405 20 90 |
9405 30 00 |
9405 40 05 |
9405 40 50 |
9405 40 90 |
9405 50 00 |
9405 60 00 |
9405 91 90 |
9405 92 10 |
9405 92 90 |
9405 99 30 |
9405 99 35 |
9405 99 40 |
9405 99 55 |
9405 99 60 |
9405 99 90 |
Prefabricated buildings: |
9406 00 90 |
Popis 4.
SA offer
Industrial Products
Annex III — List 4
HS code 1996 |
Notes/tariff quota/reductions |
Tar distilled from coal, from lignite or from peat, and other mineral tars |
2706 00 00 |
Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons: |
2711 13 10 |
2711 29 10 |
Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, microcrystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite |
2712 10 10 |
2712 10 20 |
Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, on natural bitumen, on petroleum bitumen |
2715 00 10 |
2715 00 20 |
Titanium oxides |
2823 00 00 |
Hypochlorites; commercial calcium hypochlorite; chlorites; hypobromites: |
2828 10 00 |
Phosphinates (hypophosphites), phosphonates (phosphites), phosphates and polyphosphates |
2835 25 00 |
2835 26 10 |
2835 31 00 |
Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons |
2904 10 10 |
Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives |
2905 15 00 |
2905 45 00 |
Ketones and quinones, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated |
2914 13 00 |
2914 41 00 |
Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids |
2915 21 00 |
2915 22 00 |
2915 31 00 |
2915 33 00 |
2915 34 00 |
2915 39 20 |
2915 39 30 |
2915 39 40 |
Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids |
2917 12 20 |
2917 14 00 |
2917 19 30 |
2917 31 00 |
2917 32 00 |
2917 33 00 |
2917 34 00 |
2917 35 00 |
Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxide and peroxyacids |
2918 12 00 |
2918 13 20 |
2918 14 00 |
2918 19 20 |
2918 22 10 |
2918 23 10 |
2918 90 10 |
Amine-function compounds: |
2921 19 80 |
2921 44 90 |
2921 51 10 |
Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide-function compounds of carbonic acid: |
2924 21 10 |
Compounds with other nitrogen function: |
2929 90 10 |
Organo-sulphur compounds: |
2930 10 00 |
2930 20 25 |
Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only: |
2932 29 10 |
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only: |
2933 40 30 |
2933 40 40 |
2933 59 20 |
2933 69 30 |
Nucleic acids and their salts; other heterocyclic compounds: |
2934 20 10 |
2934 20 30 |
2934 20 40 |
Vegetable alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters |
2939 90 20 |
Antibiotics: |
2941 40 10 |
Wadding, gauze, bandages and similar articles (for example, dressings, adhesive plasters) |
3005 90 10 |
Synthetic organic colouring matter, whether or not chemically defined |
3204 17 10 |
3204 17 20 |
3204 17 90 |
3204 19 10 |
3204 19 20 |
3204 19 90 |
Other colouring matter; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter |
3206 11 00 |
3206 19 00 |
3206 20 15 |
3206 20 90 |
3206 30 00 |
3206 41 00 |
3206 42 00 |
3206 43 00 |
3206 49 00 |
3206 50 00 |
Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers and prepared colours, vitrifiable enamels |
3207 40 00 |
Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers |
3208 10 00 |
3208 20 00 |
3208 90 90 |
Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers |
3209 10 00 |
3209 90 00 |
Other paints and varnishes (including enamels, lacquers and distempers); prepared water |
3210 00 05 |
Pigments (including metallic powders and flakes) dispersed in non-aqueous media |
3212 90 10 |
Preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders |
3306 10 00 |
3306 20 90 |
3306 90 00 |
Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations, personal deodorants, bath preparations |
3307 10 10 |
3307 49 20 |
Soap, organic surface-active products and preparations for use as soap |
3401 11 20 |
3401 11 30 |
3401 11 90 |
3401 19 20 |
3401 19 30 |
3401 19 90 |
3401 20 00 |
Organic surface-active agents (other than soap); surface-active preparations |
3402 11 10 |
3402 11 20 |
3402 12 10 |
3402 12 20 |
3402 13 10 |
3402 13 20 |
3402 19 10 |
3402 19 20 |
3402 20 10 |
3402 20 20 |
3402 90 10 |
3402 90 20 |
Artificial waxes and prepared waxes: |
3404 10 00 |
3404 20 00 |
3404 90 00 |
Polishes and creams, for footwear, furniture, floors, coachwork, glass or metal |
3405 10 00 |
3405 20 00 |
3405 30 00 |
3405 40 00 |
3405 90 90 |
Candles, tapers and the like: |
3406 00 00 |
Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters |
3603 00 90 |
Matches, other than pyrotechnic articles of heading No 3604 |
3605 00 00 |
Photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed |
3701 10 90 |
3701 30 15 |
3701 30 20 |
3701 30 30 |
3701 30 40 |
3701 30 60 |
3701 99 15 |
3701 99 45 |
3701 99 50 |
3701 99 70 |
Photographic film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper |
3702 32 10 |
3702 39 10 |
3702 42 20 |
3702 43 10 |
3702 44 10 |
3702 91 20 |
3702 92 20 |
3702 93 20 |
3702 94 20 |
3702 95 20 |
Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products |
3808 30 17 |
3808 40 10 |
3808 40 20 |
Prepared rubber accelerators; compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics |
3812 10 00 |
3812 30 10 |
3812 30 20 |
3812 30 25 |
Preparations and charges for fire-extinguishers; charged fire-extinguishing grenades |
3813 00 10 |
3813 00 15 |
Organic composite solvents and thinners, not elsewhere specified or included |
3814 00 00 |
Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, other than those of heading No 2707 |
3817 10 00 |
Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, in the form of discs, wafers or similar |
3818 00 20 |
Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids for hydraulic transmission |
3819 00 10 |
Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining; industrial fatty alcohol |
3823 13 00 |
3823 19 10 |
3823 19 20 |
3823 70 00 |
Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products |
3824 71 10 |
3824 90 25 |
3824 90 37 |
3824 90 40 |
3824 90 45 |
3824 90 47 |
3824 90 50 |
Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms: |
3901 10 00 |
3901 20 90 |
3901 30 10 |
3901 90 90 |
Polymers of propylene or of other olefins, in primary forms: |
3902 10 00 |
3902 30 00 |
Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, in primary forms: |
3904 10 00 |
3904 21 10 |
3904 21 90 |
3904 22 10 |
3904 22 90 |
3904 30 00 |
3904 40 10 |
3904 40 20 |
3904 40 90 |
Polymers of vinyl acetate or of other vinyl esters, in primary forms; other vinyl polymers |
3905 11 00 |
3905 21 00 |
Acrylic polymers in primary forms: |
3906 90 20 |
Polyacetals, other polyethers and epoxide resins, in primary forms; polycarbonates |
3907 20 10 |
3907 60 90 |
3907 91 00 |
Cellulose and its chemical derivatives, not elsewhere specified or included |
3912 31 00 |
Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics: |
3915 10 00 |
3915 20 00 |
3915 30 00 |
3915 90 40 |
Monofilament of which any cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm, rods, sticks |
3916 10 10 |
3916 10 90 |
3916 20 90 |
3916 90 05 |
3916 90 30 |
3916 90 40 |
3916 90 50 |
3916 90 90 |
Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor (for example, joints, elbows, flanges) |
3917 21 90 |
3917 22 00 |
3917 23 00 |
3917 29 30 |
3917 29 40 |
3917 29 50 |
3917 29 60 |
3917 29 90 |
3917 31 20 |
3917 31 30 |
3917 31 40 |
3917 31 50 |
3917 31 60 |
3917 31 75 |
3917 31 80 |
3917 31 90 |
3917 32 20 |
3917 32 30 |
3917 32 40 |
3917 32 50 |
3917 32 60 |
3917 32 75 |
3917 32 80 |
3917 32 90 |
3917 33 00 |
3917 39 20 |
3917 39 25 |
3917 39 30 |
3917 39 40 |
3917 39 45 |
3917 39 55 |
3917 39 60 |
3917 39 90 |
3917 40 00 |
Floor coverings of plastics, whether or not self-adhesive, in rolls |
3918 10 03 |
3918 10 07 |
3918 10 30 |
3918 10 35 |
3918 10 53 |
3918 10 73 |
3918 10 90 |
3918 90 10 |
3918 90 40 |
3918 90 50 |
3918 90 60 |
3918 90 65 |
3918 90 70 |
3918 90 75 |
3918 90 80 |
3918 90 85 |
Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics |
3919 10 03 |
3919 10 07 |
3919 10 10 |
3919 10 13 |
3919 10 29 |
3919 10 31 |
3919 10 37 |
3919 10 40 |
3919 10 43 |
3919 10 45 |
3919 10 50 |
3919 10 53 |
3919 10 55 |
3919 10 60 |
3919 10 65 |
3919 90 03 |
3919 90 07 |
3919 90 10 |
3919 90 13 |
3919 90 19 |
3919 90 29 |
3919 90 30 |
3919 90 35 |
3919 90 37 |
3919 90 40 |
3919 90 45 |
3919 90 47 |
3919 90 50 |
3919 90 55 |
Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not reinforced |
3920 10 00 |
3920 20 10 |
3920 20 90 |
3920 30 00 |
3920 41 65 |
3920 41 70 |
3920 42 65 |
3920 42 70 |
3920 51 00 |
3920 59 00 |
3920 61 00 |
3920 63 00 |
3920 69 00 |
3920 91 00 |
3920 92 00 |
3920 93 00 |
3920 94 00 |
3920 99 10 |
3920 99 20 |
3920 99 25 |
3920 99 30 |
3920 99 40 |
3920 99 60 |
Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics: |
3921 11 00 |
3921 12 35 |
3921 12 75 |
3921 13 00 |
3921 19 30 |
3921 19 40 |
3921 19 50 |
3921 19 55 |
3921 19 60 |
3921 19 70 |
3921 19 80 |
3921 90 02 |
3921 90 04 |
3921 90 06 |
3921 90 16 |
3921 90 22 |
3921 90 24 |
3921 90 26 |
3921 90 28 |
3921 90 30 |
3921 90 32 |
3921 90 34 |
3921 90 36 |
3921 90 38 |
3921 90 40 |
3921 90 42 |
3921 90 44 |
3921 90 46 |
3921 90 48 |
3921 90 52 |
3921 90 54 |
3921 90 56 |
3921 90 58 |
3921 90 60 |
3921 90 62 |
3921 90 64 |
3921 90 66 |
3921 90 72 |
Baths, shower-baths, wash-basins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers |
3922 10 00 |
3922 20 00 |
3922 90 10 |
3922 90 20 |
3922 90 90 |
Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps |
3923 10 00 |
3923 21 10 |
3923 21 90 |
3923 29 10 |
3923 29 20 |
3923 29 30 |
3923 29 90 |
3923 30 00 |
3923 40 90 |
3923 50 00 |
3923 90 30 |
3923 90 90 |
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of plastics: |
3924 10 00 |
3924 90 00 |
Builders’ ware of plastics, not elsewhere specified or included: |
3925 10 00 |
3925 20 00 |
3925 30 00 |
3925 90 00 |
Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading Nos 3901 to 3914: |
3926 10 30 |
3926 10 90 |
3926 20 10 |
3926 20 90 |
3926 30 00 |
3926 40 00 |
3926 90 03 |
3926 90 05 |
Natural rubber, balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar natural gums |
4001 30 30 |
4001 30 50 |
Synthetic rubber and factice derived from oils, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip: |
4002 19 90 |
4002 20 90 |
Compounded rubber, unvulcanised, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip: |
4005 10 20 |
4005 10 30 |
4005 10 90 |
4005 20 00 |
4005 91 10 |
4005 91 20 |
4005 91 90 |
4005 99 10 |
4005 99 20 |
4005 99 30 |
4005 99 40 |
Other forms (for example, rods, tubes and profile shapes) and articles |
4006 10 00 |
4006 90 00 |
Vulcanised rubber thread and cord |
4007 00 90 |
Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile shapes, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber |
4008 11 15 |
4008 11 90 |
4008 19 00 |
4008 21 10 |
4008 21 15 |
4008 21 90 |
4008 29 10 |
4008 29 90 |
Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber |
4009 10 00 |
4009 20 00 |
4009 30 00 |
4009 40 00 |
4009 50 00 |
Conveyor or transmission belts or belting, of vulcanised rubber: |
4010 11 00 |
4010 12 00 |
4010 13 00 |
4010 19 00 |
4010 21 90 |
4010 22 90 |
4010 23 00 |
4010 24 00 |
4010 29 10 |
4010 29 90 |
Hygienic or pharmaceutical articles (including teats), of vulcanised rubber |
4014 90 90 |
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves), for all purposes |
4015 11 00 |
4015 19 30 |
4015 19 90 |
4015 90 00 |
Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber: |
4016 91 00 |
4016 92 00 |
4016 93 90 |
4016 94 00 |
4016 95 90 |
4016 99 15 |
4016 99 40 |
4016 99 50 |
4016 99 80 |
4016 99 90 |
Chamois (including combination chamois) leather: |
4108 00 00 |
Composition leather with a basis of leather or leather fibre, in slabs, sheets or strip |
4111 00 20 |
Tanned or dressed furskins (including heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings) |
4302 11 00 |
4302 12 00 |
4302 19 00 |
4302 20 00 |
4302 30 00 |
Articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other articles of furskin: |
4303 10 00 |
4303 90 00 |
Artificial fur and articles thereof |
4304 00 00 |
Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) |
4409 20 00 |
Particle board and similar board of wood or other ligneous materials |
4410 11 00 |
4410 19 00 |
4410 90 00 |
Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins |
4411 11 10 |
4411 19 10 |
4411 21 10 |
4411 29 10 |
4411 31 10 |
4411 39 10 |
4411 91 10 |
4411 99 10 |
Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes |
4413 00 00 |
Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects: |
4414 00 00 |
Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, of wood; cable-drums of wood |
4415 20 10 |
4415 20 20 |
Tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies and handles, of wood |
4417 00 40 |
4417 00 50 |
Builders’ joinery and carpentry of wood, including cellular wood panels, assembled parquets |
4418 10 00 |
4418 20 00 |
4418 40 00 |
4418 50 00 |
4418 90 00 |
Tableware and kitchenware, of wood: |
4419 00 00 |
Wood marquetry and inlaid wood; caskets and cases for jewellery or cutlery |
4420 10 00 |
4420 90 00 |
Other articles of wood: |
4421 10 00 |
4421 90 05 |
4421 90 90 |
Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, whether or not assembled into strips |
4601 10 00 |
4601 20 00 |
4601 91 90 |
4601 99 00 |
Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from plaiting material |
4602 10 00 |
4602 90 00 |
Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers |
4809 20 00 |
Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers |
4816 20 00 |
Cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard |
4819 10 00 |
4819 20 00 |
4819 50 00 |
4819 60 00 |
Registers, account books, note books, order books, receipt books, letter pads |
4820 10 00 |
4820 20 00 |
4820 30 00 |
4820 40 00 |
4820 50 00 |
4820 90 00 |
Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, whether or not printed: |
4821 10 00 |
4821 90 00 |
Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, cut to size |
4823 11 00 |
4823 19 00 |
4823 30 90 |
4823 51 00 |
4823 59 00 |
4823 60 00 |
4823 79 99 |
4823 90 90 |
Unused postage, revenue or similar stamps of current or new issue |
4907 00 90 |
Transfers (decalcomanias): |
4908 10 90 |
4908 90 90 |
Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing personal greetings, messages |
4909 00 00 |
Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocks |
4910 00 00 |
Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographs: |
4911 10 90 |
4911 99 90 |
Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed |
5105 21 90 |
5105 40 90 |
Synthetic filament tow: |
5501 20 00 |
Synthetic staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning: |
5503 20 00 |
5503 40 00 |
Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres: |
5505 10 10 |
5505 10 20 |
Synthetic staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning: |
5506 20 00 |
Wadding of textile materials and articles thereof, textile fibres, not exceeding 5 mm |
5601 10 00 |
5601 21 00 |
5601 22 00 |
5601 29 00 |
Felt, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated: |
5602 10 00 |
5602 21 00 |
5602 29 00 |
5602 90 00 |
Nonwovens, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated: |
5603 11 10 |
5603 11 90 |
5603 12 10 |
5603 12 90 |
5603 13 10 |
5603 13 90 |
5603 14 10 |
5603 14 90 |
5603 91 10 |
5603 91 90 |
5603 92 10 |
5603 92 90 |
5603 93 10 |
5603 93 90 |
5603 94 10 |
5603 94 90 |
Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited or braided |
5607 10 00 |
5607 21 00 |
5607 29 00 |
5607 30 00 |
5607 41 00 |
5607 49 00 |
5607 90 10 |
5607 90 90 |
Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope; made-up fishing nets and other made-up nets |
5608 11 00 |
5608 19 00 |
5608 90 00 |
Tulles and other net fabrics, not including woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics |
5804 21 00 |
5804 29 00 |
Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, of textile material |
5910 00 10 |
Textile products and articles, for technical uses, specified in note 7 to this chapter: |
5911 90 10 |
5911 90 40 |
5911 90 50 |
5911 90 60 |
Curtains (including drapes) and interior blinds; curtain or bed valances: |
6303 99 10 |
Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods: |
6305 10 10 |
6305 20 10 |
6305 20 20 |
6305 20 90 |
6305 32 10 |
6305 32 90 |
6305 33 10 |
6305 33 90 |
6305 39 10 |
6305 39 90 |
6305 90 10 |
Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds; tents; sails for boats, sailboards or landcraft |
6306 11 00 |
6306 12 00 |
6306 19 00 |
6306 21 00 |
6306 22 00 |
6306 29 00 |
6306 31 00 |
6306 39 00 |
6306 41 00 |
6306 49 10 |
6306 49 90 |
6306 91 00 |
6306 99 10 |
6306 99 90 |
Other made-up articles, including dress patterns: |
6307 10 00 |
6307 20 10 |
6307 20 90 |
6307 90 10 |
6307 90 30 |
6307 90 50 |
6307 90 90 |
Sets consisting of woven fabric and yarn, whether or not with accessories |
6308 00 00 |
Other footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics: |
6402 12 10 |
6402 12 20 |
6402 19 00 |
Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather and uppers |
6404 11 05 |
6404 11 10 |
6404 19 15 |
6404 20 30 |
Other footwear: |
6405 20 17 |
6405 90 17 |
Parts of footwear (including uppers whether or not attached to soles other than outer soles |
6406 10 25 |
6406 91 40 |
6406 91 90 |
6406 99 10 |
6406 99 15 |
6406 99 40 |
6406 99 60 |
6406 99 90 |
Felt hats and other felt headgear, made from the hat bodies, hoods |
6503 00 00 |
Hats and other headgear, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material |
6504 00 00 |
Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made up from lace, felt or other textiles |
6505 10 00 |
6505 90 00 |
Other headgear, whether or not lined or trimmed: |
6506 10 80 |
6506 10 90 |
6506 91 10 |
6506 91 90 |
6506 92 00 |
6506 99 00 |
Headbands, linings, covers, hat foundations, hat frames, peaks and chinstraps |
6507 00 00 |
Umbrellas and sun umbrellas (including walking-stick umbrellas, garden umbrellas and similar |
6601 10 00 |
6601 91 00 |
6601 99 00 |
Walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like. |
6602 00 00 |
Parts, trimmings and accessories of articles of heading No 6601 or 6602: |
6603 10 00 |
6603 20 00 |
6603 90 00 |
Skins and other parts of birds with their feathers or down, feathers, parts of feathers |
6701 00 00 |
Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit and parts thereof; articles made of artificial flowers |
6702 10 00 |
6702 90 00 |
Human hair, dressed, thinned, bleached or otherwise worked; wool or other animal hair |
6703 00 10 |
Wigs, false beards, eyebrows and eyelashes, switches and the like, of human or animal hair |
6704 11 00 |
6704 19 00 |
6704 20 00 |
6704 90 00 |
Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks, for grinding |
6804 10 90 |
6804 21 90 |
6804 22 80 |
6804 22 90 |
6804 30 90 |
Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain, on a base of textile material, of paper |
6805 10 00 |
6805 20 00 |
6805 30 00 |
Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools; exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays |
6806 10 00 |
6806 20 00 |
6806 90 30 |
Articles of asphalt or of similar material (for example, petroleum bitumen or coal tar |
6807 10 00 |
6807 90 00 |
Panels, boards, tiles, blocks and similar articles of vegetable fibre, of straw |
6808 00 90 |
Articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster: |
6809 11 00 |
6809 19 00 |
6809 90 00 |
Fabricated asbestos fibres; mixtures with a basis of asbestos or with a basis of asbestos |
6812 30 90 |
6812 50 00 |
6812 60 10 |
6812 60 20 |
6812 70 90 |
Worked mica and articles of mica, including agglomerated or reconstituted mica |
6814 10 00 |
6814 90 00 |
Unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles; unglazed ceramic mosaic cubes |
6907 10 00 |
Ceramic sinks, wash basins, wash basin pedestals, baths, bidets, water closet pans |
6910 10 00 |
6910 90 00 |
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of porcelain |
6911 90 00 |
Statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles: |
6913 10 00 |
6913 90 00 |
Other ceramic articles: |
6914 10 00 |
6914 90 00 |
Glass of heading No 7003, 7004 or 7005, bent, edge-worked, engraved, drilled, enamelled |
7006 00 90 |
Safety glass, consisting of toughened (tempered) or laminated glass: |
7007 19 00 |
7007 29 00 |
Multiple-walled insulating units of glass: |
7008 00 00 |
Glass mirrors, whether or not framed, including rear-view mirrors: |
7009 10 00 |
7009 91 00 |
7009 92 00 |
Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, ampoules and other containers, of glass |
7010 10 10 |
7010 91 20 |
7010 92 30 |
7010 94 30 |
Paving blocks, slabs, bricks, squares, tiles and other articles of pressed or moulded glaze |
7016 10 00 |
7016 90 90 |
Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, whether or not graduated or calibrated |
7017 10 10 |
7017 10 20 |
7017 20 10 |
7017 20 20 |
7017 90 10 |
7017 90 20 |
Glass beads, imitation pearls, imitation precious or semi-precious stones and similar |
7018 10 00 |
7018 20 00 |
Glass fibres (including glass wool) and articles thereof (for example, yarn, woven fabric) |
7019 11 00 |
7019 12 90 |
7019 19 90 |
7019 31 00 |
7019 32 00 |
7019 39 00 |
7019 40 10 |
7019 90 90 |
Precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones, whether or not worked |
7103 91 00 |
7103 99 00 |
Articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of precious metal |
7113 11 00 |
7113 19 00 |
7113 20 00 |
Articles of goldsmiths’ or silversmiths’ wares and parts thereof, of precious metal |
7114 11 90 |
7114 19 90 |
7114 20 90 |
Articles of natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones |
7116 10 00 |
7116 20 00 |
Imitation jewellery: |
7117 11 00 |
7117 19 00 |
7117 90 20 |
7117 90 40 |
7117 90 90 |
Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading No 9406) and parts of structure |
7308 20 90 |
7308 30 90 |
7308 40 90 |
7308 90 30 |
7308 90 90 |
Chain and parts thereof, of iron or steel: |
7315 11 10 |
7315 11 30 |
7315 12 35 |
7315 19 10 |
7315 82 00 |
7315 89 90 |
7315 90 90 |
Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples |
7317 00 15 |
7317 00 40 |
Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers |
7318 13 00 |
7318 15 90 |
7318 16 90 |
7318 21 10 |
Stoves, ranges, grates, cookers (including those with subsidiary boilers for central heating) |
7321 11 10 |
7321 11 20 |
7321 11 30 |
7321 11 40 |
7321 11 50 |
7321 11 60 |
7321 12 20 |
7321 12 90 |
7321 13 00 |
7321 81 00 |
7321 82 00 |
7321 83 00 |
7321 90 10 |
7321 90 90 |
Radiators for central heating, not electrically heated, and parts thereof |
7322 11 00 |
7322 19 00 |
7322 90 20 |
7322 90 90 |
Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of iron or steel |
7323 10 00 |
7323 91 10 |
7323 91 20 |
7323 91 30 |
7323 91 40 |
7323 91 90 |
7323 92 10 |
7323 92 20 |
7323 92 30 |
7323 92 90 |
7323 93 10 |
7323 93 20 |
7323 93 30 |
7323 93 40 |
7323 93 50 |
7323 93 90 |
7323 94 07 |
7323 94 17 |
7323 94 25 |
7323 94 40 |
7323 94 45 |
7323 94 50 |
7323 94 55 |
7323 94 90 |
7323 99 05 |
7323 99 50 |
7323 99 55 |
7323 99 60 |
7323 99 65 |
7323 99 75 |
7323 99 90 |
Sanitary ware and parts thereof, of iron or steel: |
7324 10 00 |
7324 21 10 |
7324 21 90 |
7324 29 00 |
7324 90 30 |
7324 90 80 |
7324 90 90 |
Other cast articles of iron or steel: |
7325 10 90 |
7325 91 90 |
7325 99 90 |
Other articles of iron or steel: |
7326 20 50 |
7326 20 90 |
7326 90 39 |
7326 90 56 |
7326 90 59 |
7326 90 90 |
Copper tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves): |
7412 20 10 |
Cooking or heating apparatus of a kind used for domestic purposes |
7417 00 00 |
Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of copper; pot scourers |
7418 11 00 |
7418 19 10 |
7418 19 90 |
Other articles of copper: |
7419 10 90 |
7419 91 00 |
Unwrought aluminium: |
7601 10 00 |
Aluminium bars, rods and profiles: |
7604 10 20 |
Aluminium wire: |
7605 11 05 |
7605 11 80 |
7605 19 05 |
7605 19 80 |
7605 21 70 |
7605 21 80 |
7605 29 05 |
7605 29 80 |
Aluminium plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0,2 mm: |
7606 11 07 |
7606 11 17 |
7606 12 07 |
7606 12 17 |
7606 91 07 |
7606 91 17 |
7606 91 40 |
7606 92 07 |
Aluminium foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar |
7607 11 00 |
7607 19 90 |
7607 20 90 |
Aluminium tubes and pipes: |
7608 10 00 |
Aluminium casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers (including rigid or collapsible) |
7612 10 00 |
Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of aluminium; pot scourers |
7615 11 00 |
7615 19 20 |
7615 19 90 |
7615 20 00 |
Other articles of aluminium: |
7616 90 00 |
Other articles of lead: |
7806 00 90 |
Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) |
7906 00 00 |
Other articles of zinc |
7907 00 10 |
7907 00 30 |
Magnesium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap: |
8104 90 90 |
Hand tools, the following: spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, forks and rakes; axes |
8201 10 10 |
8201 20 10 |
8201 20 30 |
8201 30 03 |
8201 30 20 |
8201 30 40 |
8201 40 10 |
Hand saws; blades for saws of all kinds (including slitting, slotting or toothless saw blades) |
8202 20 30 |
8202 39 30 |
8202 91 00 |
Files, rasps, pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers, metal cutting shears |
8203 10 90 |
8203 20 10 |
8203 20 20 |
8203 20 30 |
8203 20 40 |
Hand-operated spanners and wrenches (including torque meter wrenches) |
8204 11 10 |
8204 11 20 |
8204 11 30 |
8204 11 40 |
8204 12 10 |
8204 12 20 |
8204 20 40 |
Hand tools (including glaziers’ diamonds), not elsewhere specified or included |
8205 10 30 |
8205 20 10 |
8205 40 10 |
8205 40 20 |
8205 40 40 |
8205 51 00 |
8205 59 05 |
8205 70 10 |
8205 70 20 |
8205 70 30 |
8205 80 10 |
8205 90 00 |
Tools of two or more of heading Nos 8202 to 8205, put up in sets for retail sale |
8206 00 00 |
Interchangeable tools for hand tools, whether or not power-operated, or for machine-tools |
8207 13 30 |
8207 19 10 |
8207 20 10 |
8207 30 10 |
8207 40 10 |
8207 50 00 |
8207 60 10 |
8207 60 20 |
8207 70 10 |
8207 70 20 |
8207 80 10 |
Plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools, unmounted, of cermets: |
8209 00 10 |
8209 00 20 |
Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing 10 kg or less |
8210 00 00 |
Knives with cutting blades, serrated or not (including pruning knives) |
8211 10 30 |
8211 10 80 |
8211 10 90 |
8211 91 10 |
8211 93 30 |
8211 93 90 |
8211 94 10 |
8211 94 90 |
8211 95 10 |
8211 95 20 |
8211 95 30 |
Razors and razor blades (including razor blade blanks in strips): |
8212 10 00 |
8212 90 00 |
Scissors, tailors’ shears and similar shears, and blades therefor |
8213 00 10 |
8213 00 90 |
Other articles of cutlery (for example, hair clippers, butchers’ or kitchen cleavers) |
8214 10 10 |
8214 10 90 |
8214 20 00 |
8214 90 30 |
8214 90 90 |
Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter knives, sugar tongs |
8215 10 00 |
8215 20 00 |
8215 91 00 |
8215 99 00 |
Padlocks and locks (key, combination or electrically operated), of base metal |
8301 10 00 |
8301 20 00 |
8301 30 00 |
8301 40 00 |
8301 50 00 |
8301 60 00 |
8301 70 00 |
Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture, doors, stairs |
8302 20 00 |
8302 41 90 |
8302 42 90 |
8302 49 00 |
8302 50 00 |
8302 60 00 |
Armoured or reinforced safes, strong-boxes and doors and safe deposit lockers for strong-boxes |
8303 00 10 |
8303 00 90 |
Filing cabinets, card-index cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen trays |
8304 00 20 |
8304 00 30 |
8304 00 40 |
8304 00 90 |
Fittings for loose-leaf binders or files, letter clips, letter corners, paper clips |
8305 10 00 |
8305 20 00 |
8305 90 00 |
Bells, gongs and the like, non-electric, of base metal; statuettes and other ornaments |
8306 10 90 |
8306 21 00 |
8306 29 10 |
8306 29 20 |
8306 29 90 |
8306 30 10 |
8306 30 90 |
Flexible tubing of base metal, with or without fittings: |
8307 10 10 |
8307 90 10 |
Clasps, frames with clasps, buckles, buckle-clasps, hooks, eyes, eyelets and the like |
8308 10 00 |
8308 20 90 |
8308 90 10 |
8308 90 20 |
8308 90 30 |
8308 90 60 |
8308 90 90 |
Stoppers, caps and lids (including crown corks, screw caps and pouring stoppers) |
8309 90 90 |
Sign-plates, name-plates, address-plates and similar plates, numbers, letters and other |
8310 00 00 |
Wire, rods, tubes, plates, electrodes and similar products, of base metal |
8311 10 10 |
8311 30 10 |
8311 90 10 |
Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines: |
8407 29 00 |
8407 31 90 |
8407 32 00 |
8407 90 90 |
Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines) |
8408 20 90 |
8408 90 40 |
8408 90 50 |
8408 90 60 |
8408 90 90 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the engines of heading No 8407 or 8408 |
8409 99 45 |
Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other gas turbines: |
8411 81 10 |
Other engines and motors: |
8412 10 90 |
8412 31 90 |
8412 39 10 |
8412 39 90 |
8412 80 40 |
8412 80 90 |
8412 90 20 |
Air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors and fans |
8414 10 10 |
8414 10 90 |
8414 20 90 |
8414 40 20 |
8414 51 10 |
8414 51 90 |
8414 59 10 |
8414 59 20 |
8414 60 10 |
8414 80 10 |
8414 80 20 |
8414 90 10 |
8414 90 30 |
8414 90 50 |
Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor-driven fan and elements |
8415 10 40 |
8415 20 00 |
Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated |
8419 11 10 |
8419 19 10 |
8419 81 10 |
8419 89 10 |
8419 89 20 |
8419 90 10 |
8419 90 20 |
8419 90 30 |
Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery |
8421 39 20 |
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better) |
8423 90 10 |
Mechanical appliances (whether or not hand-operated) for projecting, dispersing or spraying |
8424 20 90 |
8424 89 90 |
8424 90 90 |
Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment: |
8427 10 10 |
8427 10 60 |
8427 10 90 |
8427 20 15 |
8427 20 70 |
8427 20 90 |
8427 90 10 |
Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery (for example, lifts, escalators) |
8428 10 90 |
8428 20 90 |
8428 40 20 |
8428 50 90 |
8428 90 90 |
Harvesting or threshing machinery, including straw or fodder balers; grass or hay mowers |
8433 11 10 |
8433 19 10 |
8433 90 10 |
Other agricultural, horticultural, forestry, poultry-keeping or bee-keeping machinery |
8436 29 30 |
Machinery, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter |
8438 50 10 |
8438 90 20 |
Machinery, apparatus and equipment |
8442 50 10 |
Household or laundry-type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry: |
8450 12 15 |
Machines-tools for deburring, sharpening, grinding, honing, lapping, polishing |
8460 90 20 |
Machine-tools (including presses) for working metal by forging, hammering or die-stamping |
8462 10 30 |
8462 21 20 |
8462 21 70 |
8462 29 10 |
8462 29 20 |
8462 29 70 |
8462 29 85 |
8462 31 10 |
8462 39 10 |
8462 91 00 |
8462 99 00 |
Tools for working in the hand, pneumatic, hydraulic |
8467 11 10 |
8467 11 60 |
8467 19 60 |
8467 19 70 |
8467 89 50 |
8467 92 30 |
8467 92 40 |
8467 99 30 |
Machinery for sorting, screening, separating, washing, crushing, grinding, mixing or kneading |
8474 31 10 |
Machinery for preparing or making up tobacco, not specified or included elsewhere |
8478 10 90 |
8478 90 90 |
Machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere |
8479 60 10 |
8479 60 90 |
8479 81 90 |
8479 89 30 |
8479 89 33 |
8479 89 43 |
8479 89 53 |
8479 89 90 |
8479 90 15 |
8479 90 27 |
8479 90 90 |
Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats |
8481 10 10 |
8481 10 90 |
8481 30 00 |
8481 40 10 |
8481 80 01 |
8481 80 07 |
8481 80 09 |
8481 80 11 |
8481 80 19 |
8481 80 27 |
8481 80 29 |
8481 80 31 |
8481 80 35 |
8481 80 61 |
8481 80 63 |
8481 80 79 |
8481 80 90 |
8481 90 05 |
8481 90 10 |
8481 90 15 |
8481 90 20 |
8481 90 25 |
8481 90 30 |
8481 90 35 |
8481 90 40 |
8481 90 45 |
8481 90 50 |
Ball or roller bearings: |
8482 20 02 |
8482 20 07 |
8482 50 20 |
Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; bearing housings |
8483 30 55 |
8483 40 35 |
Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material |
8484 10 90 |
8484 90 90 |
Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors, insulators, coils, contacts |
8485 10 00 |
8485 90 10 |
Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets): |
8501 40 90 |
8501 51 10 |
8501 51 90 |
8501 52 10 |
8501 52 90 |
8501 53 10 |
8501 53 90 |
Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors: |
8504 10 00 |
8504 21 10 |
8504 21 90 |
8504 22 10 |
8504 22 90 |
8504 23 30 |
8504 23 90 |
8504 31 10 |
8504 31 20 |
8504 31 90 |
8504 32 10 |
8504 32 20 |
8504 32 90 |
8504 33 10 |
8504 33 90 |
8504 34 10 |
8504 34 20 |
8504 34 30 |
8504 34 90 |
8504 90 10 |
Electric accumulators, including separators therefor, whether or not rectangular |
8507 10 00 |
8507 90 10 |
Electro-mechanical tools for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor: |
8508 80 10 |
8508 90 10 |
Electro-mechanical domestic appliances, with self-contained electric motor: |
8509 10 10 |
8509 20 00 |
8509 90 00 |
Shavers, hair clippers and hair-removing appliances, with self-contained electric motor |
8510 20 90 |
8510 90 30 |
8510 90 90 |
Electrical ignition or starting equipment of a kind used for spark-ignition |
8511 10 90 |
8511 30 30 |
8511 40 15 |
8511 50 20 |
8511 90 20 |
8511 90 80 |
Electrical lighting or signalling equipment (excluding articles of heading No 8539) |
8512 20 00 |
8512 30 00 |
8512 40 00 |
Portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy |
8513 10 90 |
8513 90 90 |
Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters |
8516 10 90 |
8516 21 00 |
8516 29 90 |
8516 31 90 |
8516 32 00 |
8516 40 00 |
8516 80 90 |
8516 90 25 |
8516 90 90 |
Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets |
8517 11 00 |
8517 19 00 |
Turntables (record-decks), record-players, cassette-players |
8519 40 00 |
Prepared unrecorded media for sound recording or similar recording of other phenomena |
8523 30 00 |
Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena |
8524 31 10 |
8524 31 90 |
8524 39 10 |
8524 39 90 |
8524 60 10 |
8524 60 90 |
8524 91 90 |
8524 99 30 |
Reception apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy or radio-broadcasting |
8527 12 00 |
8527 13 00 |
8527 29 00 |
Reception apparatus for television |
8528 12 90 |
8528 13 90 |
8528 21 20 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading Nos 8525 to 8… |
8529 90 10 |
8529 90 20 |
8529 90 30 |
8529 90 40 |
8529 90 70 |
8529 90 80 |
Electrical capacitors, fixed, variable or adjustable (pre-set): |
8532 29 15 |
8532 90 10 |
Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits |
8535 21 05 |
8535 21 10 |
8535 21 20 |
8535 21 40 |
8535 30 05 |
8535 90 10 |
Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits |
8536 20 20 |
8536 20 30 |
8536 20 35 |
8536 30 20 |
8536 30 30 |
8536 41 90 |
8536 49 90 |
8536 50 25 |
8536 50 45 |
8536 50 80 |
8536 61 20 |
8536 61 30 |
8536 61 40 |
8536 69 30 |
8536 69 50 |
8536 90 20 |
8536 90 90 |
Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases |
8537 10 20 |
8537 10 30 |
8537 20 10 |
8537 20 20 |
8537 20 40 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading Nos 8535, 853 |
8538 90 30 |
8538 90 45 |
8538 90 60 |
Electric filament or discharge lamps, including sealed-beam lamp units |
8539 10 10 |
8539 10 90 |
8539 21 10 |
Thermionic, cold cathode or photocathode valves and tubes |
8540 11 00 |
8540 12 00 |
Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies: |
8542 12 00 |
Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions |
8543 90 90 |
Insulated (including enamelled or anodised) wire, cable (including coaxial cable) |
8544 11 00 |
8544 19 00 |
8544 20 90 |
8544 30 00 |
8544 41 00 |
8544 51 00 |
8544 59 00 |
8544 60 00 |
8544 70 00 |
Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators |
8548 10 20 |
8548 10 30 |
8548 90 00 |
Railway or tramway goods vans and wagons, not self-propelled: |
8606 30 10 |
Parts of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock: |
8607 11 40 |
8607 12 40 |
8607 29 60 |
8607 99 30 |
Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons |
8703 21 25 |
8703 21 90 |
8703 22 25 |
8703 23 25 |
8703 24 25 |
8703 31 25 |
8703 32 25 |
8703 33 25 |
8703 90 25 |
Motor vehicles for the transport of goods: |
8704 32 20 |
Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons |
8705 10 00 |
8705 40 00 |
Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of heading Nos 8701 to 8705: |
8708 10 00 |
8708 21 10 |
8708 93 80 |
8708 99 90 |
Works trucks, self-propelled, not fitted with lifting or handling equiipment |
8709 90 90 |
Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, motorised, whether or not fitted with weapons |
8710 00 00 |
Bicycles and other cycles (including delivery tricycles), not motorised: |
8712 00 00 |
Parts and accessories of vehicles of heading Nos 8711 to 8713: |
8714 91 10 |
8714 91 20 |
8714 95 00 |
Baby carriages and parts thereof: |
8715 00 00 |
Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled; parts thereof: |
8716 10 00 |
8716 20 00 |
8716 31 00 |
8716 39 00 |
8716 40 00 |
8716 80 10 |
8716 80 20 |
8716 80 90 |
8716 90 05 |
8716 90 90 |
Yachts and other vessels for pleasure or sports; rowing boats and canoes: |
8903 10 00 |
8903 91 00 |
8903 92 00 |
8903 99 90 |
Optical fibres and optical fibre bundles; optical fibre cables |
9001 10 00 |
Spectacles, goggles and the like, corrective, protective or other: |
9004 10 00 |
Apparatus and equipment for photographic (including cinematographic) laboratories |
9010 60 90 |
9010 90 90 |
Liquid crystal devices |
9013 80 30 |
9013 90 20 |
Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences |
9018 31 10 |
9018 31 15 |
9018 31 20 |
9018 31 25 |
9018 31 30 |
9018 31 35 |
9018 32 20 |
9018 39 10 |
9018 39 20 |
9018 90 20 |
Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure |
9026 90 20 |
Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis (for example, polarimeters) |
9027 80 30 |
Gas, liquid or electricity supply or production meters, including calibrating meters |
9028 20 10 |
9028 20 20 |
9028 30 40 |
9028 90 10 |
Measuring or checking instruments, appliances and machines |
9031 80 20 |
Automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus: |
9032 10 10 |
Time of day recording apparatus and apparatus for measuring, recording |
9106 10 00 |
9106 20 00 |
9106 90 90 |
Watch straps, watch bands and watch bracelets, and parts thereof: |
9113 10 00 |
9113 20 00 |
9113 90 10 |
9113 90 30 |
9113 90 90 |
Musical boxes, fairground organs, mechanical street organs, mechanical singing birds |
9208 90 90 |
Parts (for example, mechanisms for musical boxes) and accessories (for example, cards) |
9209 10 00 |
9209 91 90 |
9209 92 90 |
9209 93 90 |
9209 94 90 |
9209 99 90 |
Military weapons, other than revolvers, pistols and the arms of heading No 9307 |
9301 00 10 |
9301 00 90 |
Revolvers and pistols, other than those of heading No 9303 or 9304: |
9302 00 00 |
Other firearms and similar devices which operate by the firing of an explosive charge |
9303 10 00 |
9303 20 15 |
9303 20 25 |
9303 30 15 |
9303 30 25 |
9303 90 10 |
9303 90 25 |
9303 90 90 |
Other arms (for example, spring, air or gas guns and pistols, truncheons) |
9304 00 10 |
9304 00 20 |
9304 00 90 |
Parts and accessories of articles of heading Nos 9301 to 9304: |
9305 10 10 |
9305 10 90 |
9305 21 00 |
9305 29 10 |
9305 29 20 |
9305 29 90 |
9305 90 10 |
9305 90 90 |
Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles and similar munitions of war and parts thereof |
9306 10 10 |
9306 10 20 |
9306 10 90 |
9306 21 00 |
9306 29 10 |
9306 29 90 |
9306 30 10 |
9306 30 90 |
9306 90 00 |
Swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lances and similar arms and parts thereof and scabbards |
9307 00 00 |
Seats (other than those of heading No 9402), whether or not convertible into beds |
9401 90 00 |
Mattress supports; articles of bedding and similar furnishing (for example, mattresses) |
9404 30 00 |
Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights and spotlights and parts thereof |
9405 91 10 |
Wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children (for example, tricycles, scooters) |
9501 00 00 |
Dolls representing only human beings: |
9502 10 00 |
9502 91 00 |
9502 99 00 |
Other toys; reduced-size („scale”) models and similar recreational models, working or not |
9503 10 00 |
9503 20 20 |
9503 20 90 |
9503 30 00 |
9503 41 00 |
9503 49 10 |
9503 49 90 |
9503 50 10 |
9503 50 90 |
9503 60 10 |
9503 60 90 |
9503 70 10 |
9503 70 90 |
9503 80 80 |
9503 80 90 |
9503 90 20 |
9503 90 90 |
Articles for funfair, table or parlour games, including pin-tables, billiards |
9504 10 00 |
9504 20 00 |
9504 30 00 |
9504 40 00 |
9504 90 20 |
9504 90 90 |
Festive, carnival or other entertainment articles, including conjuring tricks |
9505 10 00 |
9505 90 00 |
Articles and equipment for general physical exercise, gymnastics, athletics |
9506 32 00 |
9506 61 00 |
Roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements |
9508 00 00 |
Worked ivory, bone, tortoiseshell, horn, antlers, coral, mother-of-pearl |
9601 10 00 |
9601 90 00 |
Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials |
9602 00 40 |
9602 00 90 |
Brooms, brushes (including brushes constituting parts of machines) |
9603 10 00 |
9603 21 10 |
9603 21 90 |
9603 29 90 |
9603 30 90 |
9603 40 30 |
9603 40 90 |
9603 50 10 |
9603 50 90 |
9603 90 10 |
9603 90 15 |
9603 90 90 |
Hand sieves and hand riddles |
9604 00 00 |
Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes cleaning |
9605 00 00 |
Buttons, press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs, button moulds and other parts |
9606 21 00 |
9606 22 00 |
9606 29 06 |
9606 29 90 |
9606 30 25 |
Slide fasteners and parts thereof: |
9607 11 00 |
9607 19 00 |
9607 20 20 |
9607 20 50 |
9607 20 90 |
Ball point pens; felt-tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers; fountain pens |
9608 10 00 |
9608 20 00 |
9608 31 00 |
9608 39 10 |
9608 39 90 |
9608 40 00 |
9608 50 10 |
9608 50 90 |
9608 60 00 |
9608 91 00 |
9608 99 30 |
9608 99 90 |
Pencils (other than pencils of heading No 9608), crayons, pencil leads, pastels |
9609 10 20 |
9609 10 90 |
9609 20 00 |
9609 90 00 |
Date, sealing or numbering stamps, and the like (including devices for printing or embossing) |
9611 00 30 |
9611 00 90 |
Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions |
9612 10 10 |
9612 10 90 |
9612 20 00 |
Cigarette lighters and other lighters, whether or not mechanical or electrical |
9613 10 00 |
9613 20 00 |
9613 30 00 |
9613 80 00 |
9613 90 00 |
Smoking pipes (including pipe bowls) and cigar or cigarette holders, and parts thereof: |
9614 20 00 |
9614 90 00 |
Combs, hairslides and the like; hairpins, curling pins, curling grips, hair curlers |
9615 11 10 |
9615 11 90 |
9615 19 00 |
9615 90 10 |
9615 90 20 |
9615 90 90 |
Scent sprays and similar toilet sprays, and mounts and heads therefor; powder puffs |
9616 10 00 |
9616 20 00 |
Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels, complete with cases |
9617 00 00 |
Tailors’ dummies and other lay figures; automata and other animated displays |
9618 00 00 |
Popis 5.
Annex III — List 5 — notes (*1)
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Year 12 |
Footwear and leather 1 |
20 |
18 |
16 |
14 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
22 |
20 |
Motor 1 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
Motor 2 |
30 |
28 |
25 |
23 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
16 |
15 |
13 |
12 |
10 |
Motor 3 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
Motor 4 |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
Motors partial 1 |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
Motors partial 2 |
MFNat |
MFNat |
MFNat |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
–5pp |
Textiles — clothing |
40 |
37 |
34 |
31 |
29 |
26 |
23 |
20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
22 |
20 |
19 |
17 |
15 |
13 |
12 |
10 |
Textiles — household |
35 |
32 |
29 |
26 |
24 |
21 |
18 |
15 |
Textiles — yarns |
17 |
15 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
8 |
7 |
5 |
Tyres 1 |
25 |
23 |
21 |
19 |
17 |
15 |
Tyres 2 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
Tyres 3 |
20 |
18 |
16 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Tyres 4 |
30 |
27 |
24 |
21 |
18 |
15 |
SA offer
Industrial Products
Annex III — List 5
HS code 1996 |
Notes/tariff quota/reductions |
Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading Nos 3901 to 3914: |
3926 90 90 |
Motor 4 |
Conveyor or transmission belts or belting, of vulcanised rubber: |
4010 21 10 |
Motor 1 |
4010 22 10 |
Motor 1 |
New pneumatic tyres, of rubber: |
4011 10 05 |
Tyres 4 |
4011 10 15 |
Tyres 4 |
4011 10 25 |
Tyres 4 |
4011 10 35 |
Tyres 4 |
4011 20 10 |
Tyres 1 |
4011 20 20 |
Tyres 1 |
4011 20 30 |
Tyres 1 |
4011 20 40 |
Tyres 1 |
4011 20 50 |
Tyres 1 |
4011 20 60 |
Tyres 1 |
4011 91 10 |
Tyres 2 |
4011 91 20 |
Tyres 2 |
4011 91 30 |
Tyres 2 |
4011 91 40 |
Tyres 2 |
4011 91 50 |
Tyres 2 |
4011 91 60 |
Tyres 2 |
4011 99 00 |
Tyres 2 |
Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, interchangeable tyres) |
4012 10 00 |
Tyres 1 |
4012 20 00 |
Tyres 1 |
4012 90 00 |
Tyres 1 |
Inner tubes, of rubber: |
4013 10 00 |
Tyres 3 |
4013 90 90 |
Tyres 3 |
Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber: |
4016 10 90 |
Motor 1 |
4016 99 20 |
Motor 4 |
Saddlery and harness for any animal (including traces, leads, knee pads, muzzles, saddles) |
4201 00 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive cases, briefcases, school satchels |
4202 11 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4202 12 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4202 19 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4202 21 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4202 22 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4202 29 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4202 31 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4202 32 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4202 39 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4202 91 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4202 92 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4202 99 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of leather or of composition leather: |
4203 10 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4203 29 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4203 30 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4203 40 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
Other articles of leather or of composition leather |
4205 00 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
Articles of gut (other than silkworm gut), of goldbeater’s skin, of bladders |
4206 10 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
4206 90 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale: |
5107 10 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5107 20 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Yarn of wool or of fine animal hair, put up for retail sale: |
5109 10 20 |
Textiles — yarns |
5109 10 30 |
Textiles — yarns |
5109 10 40 |
Textiles — yarns |
5109 10 50 |
Textiles — yarns |
5109 10 90 |
Textiles — yarns |
5109 90 20 |
Textiles — yarns |
5109 90 30 |
Textiles — yarns |
5109 90 40 |
Textiles — yarns |
5109 90 50 |
Textiles — yarns |
5109 90 90 |
Textiles — yarns |
Woven fabrics of carded wool or of carded fine animal hair: |
5111 11 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5111 19 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5111 20 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5111 30 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Woven fabrics of combed wool or of combed fine animal hair: |
5112 11 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5112 19 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5112 20 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5112 30 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5112 90 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair. |
5113 00 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Cotton sewing thread, whether or not put up for retail sale: |
5204 11 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5204 19 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5204 20 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton |
5205 11 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 12 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 13 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 14 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 15 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 21 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 22 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 23 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 24 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 26 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 27 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 28 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 31 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 32 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 33 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 34 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 35 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 41 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 42 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 43 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 44 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 46 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 47 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5205 48 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton |
5206 11 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 12 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 13 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 14 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 15 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 21 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 22 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 23 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 24 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 25 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 31 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 32 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 33 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 34 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 35 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 41 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 42 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 43 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 44 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5206 45 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread) put up for retail sale: |
5207 10 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5207 90 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton |
5208 11 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 11 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 11 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 11 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 12 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 12 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 12 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 13 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 13 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 13 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 13 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 19 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 19 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 19 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 19 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 21 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 21 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 21 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 21 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 22 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 22 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 22 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 23 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 23 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 23 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 29 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 29 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 29 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 29 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 31 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 31 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 31 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 31 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 31 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 32 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 32 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 32 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 32 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 33 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 33 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 33 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 33 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 33 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 39 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 39 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 39 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 39 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 39 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 41 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 41 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 41 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 41 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 41 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 42 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 42 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 42 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 42 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 43 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 43 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 43 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 43 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 49 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 49 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 49 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 49 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 49 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 51 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 51 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 51 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 51 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 51 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 52 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 52 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 52 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 52 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 52 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 53 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 53 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 53 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 53 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 53 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 53 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 59 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 59 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 59 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 59 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 59 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5208 59 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton |
5209 11 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 11 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 11 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 11 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 11 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 12 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 12 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 12 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 12 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 12 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 19 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 19 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 19 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 19 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 19 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 21 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 21 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 21 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 21 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 21 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 22 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 22 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 22 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 22 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 22 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 29 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 29 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 29 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 29 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 29 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 31 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 31 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 31 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 31 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 31 80 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 31 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 32 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 32 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 32 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 32 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 32 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 39 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 39 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 39 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 39 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 39 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 41 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 41 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 41 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 41 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 41 80 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 41 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 42 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 42 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 42 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 42 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 42 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 43 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 43 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 43 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 43 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 43 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 49 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 49 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 49 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 49 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 49 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 51 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 51 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 51 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 51 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 51 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 51 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 51 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 51 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 52 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 52 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 52 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 52 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 52 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 52 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 52 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 59 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 59 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 59 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 59 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 59 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 59 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5209 59 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton |
5210 11 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 11 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 11 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 11 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 11 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 12 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 12 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 12 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 12 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 19 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 19 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 19 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 19 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 19 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 21 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 21 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 21 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 21 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 21 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 22 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 22 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 22 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 22 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 29 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 29 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 29 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 29 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 29 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 31 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 31 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 31 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 31 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 31 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 31 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 32 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 32 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 32 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 32 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 32 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 39 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 39 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 39 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 39 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 39 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 39 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 41 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 41 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 41 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 41 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 41 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 42 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 42 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 42 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 42 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 49 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 49 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 49 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 49 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 49 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 51 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 51 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 51 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 51 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 51 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 51 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 51 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 52 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 52 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 52 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 52 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 52 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 52 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 59 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 59 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 59 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 59 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 59 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5210 59 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton |
5211 11 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 11 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 11 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 11 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 11 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 12 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 12 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 12 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 12 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 12 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 19 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 19 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 19 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 19 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 19 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 21 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 21 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 21 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 21 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 21 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 22 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 22 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 22 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 22 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 22 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 29 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 29 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 29 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 29 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 29 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 31 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 31 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 31 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 31 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 31 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 31 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 32 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 32 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 32 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 32 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 32 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 39 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 39 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 39 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 39 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 39 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 41 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 41 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 41 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 41 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 41 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 41 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 42 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 42 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 42 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 42 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 42 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 43 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 43 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 43 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 43 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 43 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 49 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 49 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 49 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 49 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 49 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 51 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 51 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 51 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 51 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 51 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 51 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 51 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 51 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 52 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 52 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 52 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 52 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 52 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 52 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 52 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 59 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 59 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 59 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 59 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 59 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 59 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5211 59 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Other woven fabrics of cotton: |
5212 11 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 11 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 11 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 11 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 11 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 12 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 12 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 12 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 12 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 12 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 13 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 13 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 13 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 13 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 13 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 13 80 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 13 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 14 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 14 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 14 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 14 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 14 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 14 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 15 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 15 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 15 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 15 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 15 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 15 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 15 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 21 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 21 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 21 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 21 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 21 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 22 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 22 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 22 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 22 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 22 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 23 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 23 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 23 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 23 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 23 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 23 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 24 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 24 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 24 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 24 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 24 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 24 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 25 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 25 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 25 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 25 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 25 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 25 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 25 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5212 25 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Flax yarn: |
5306 10 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5306 20 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Woven fabrics of flax: |
5309 11 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5309 19 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5309 21 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5309 29 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading No 5303: |
5310 10 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5310 90 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres; woven fabrics of paper yarn: |
5311 00 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Sewing thread of man-made filaments, whether or not put up for retail sale: |
5401 10 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5401 20 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale |
5402 10 90 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 20 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 31 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 32 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 33 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 39 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 41 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 42 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 43 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 49 90 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 51 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 52 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 59 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 61 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 62 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5402 69 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Artificial filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale |
5403 20 20 |
Textiles — yarns |
5403 20 90 |
Textiles — yarns |
5403 49 90 |
Textiles — yarns |
Synthetic monofilament of 67 decitex or more |
5404 10 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5404 90 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Artificial monofilament of 67 decitex or more |
5405 00 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn |
5407 10 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 20 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 30 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 41 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 41 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 41 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 41 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 41 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 41 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 41 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 41 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 41 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 41 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 42 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 42 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 42 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 42 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 42 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 42 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 42 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 42 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 42 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 42 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 43 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 43 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 43 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 43 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 43 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 43 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 43 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 43 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 43 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 43 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 44 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 44 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 44 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 44 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 44 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 44 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 44 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 44 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 44 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 44 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 44 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 51 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 51 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 51 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 51 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 51 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 51 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 51 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 51 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 51 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 52 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 52 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 52 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 52 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 52 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 52 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 52 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 52 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 52 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 53 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 53 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 53 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 53 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 53 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 53 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 53 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 53 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 53 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 54 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 54 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 54 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 54 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 54 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 54 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 54 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 54 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 54 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 61 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 61 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 61 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 61 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 61 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 61 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 61 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 61 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 61 75 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 61 80 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 61 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 43 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 47 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 53 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 57 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 63 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 67 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 75 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 69 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 71 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 71 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 71 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 71 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 71 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 71 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 71 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 71 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 71 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 71 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 72 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 72 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 72 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 72 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 72 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 72 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 72 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 72 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 72 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 72 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 73 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 73 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 73 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 73 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 73 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 73 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 73 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 73 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 73 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 73 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 74 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 74 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 74 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 74 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 74 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 74 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 74 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 74 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 74 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 74 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 74 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 81 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 81 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 81 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 81 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 81 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 81 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 81 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 81 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 81 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 81 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 82 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 82 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 82 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 82 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 82 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 82 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 82 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 82 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 82 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 83 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 83 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 83 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 83 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 83 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 83 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 83 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 83 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 83 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 84 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 84 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 84 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 84 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 84 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 84 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 84 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 84 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 84 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 84 75 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 84 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 91 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 91 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 91 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 91 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 91 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 91 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 91 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 91 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 91 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 91 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 92 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 92 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 92 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 92 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 92 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 92 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 92 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 92 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 92 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 92 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 93 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 93 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 93 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 93 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 93 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 93 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 93 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 93 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 93 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 93 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 94 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 94 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 94 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 94 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 94 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 94 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 94 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 94 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 94 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 94 75 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5407 94 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn |
5408 10 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 21 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 21 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 21 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 21 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 21 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 21 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 21 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 21 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 21 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 21 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 22 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 22 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 22 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 22 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 22 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 22 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 22 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 22 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 22 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 22 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 23 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 23 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 23 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 23 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 23 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 23 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 23 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 23 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 23 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 23 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 24 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 24 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 24 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 24 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 24 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 24 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 24 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 24 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 24 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 24 75 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 24 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 31 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 31 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 31 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 31 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 31 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 31 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 31 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 31 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 31 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 31 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 32 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 32 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 32 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 32 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 32 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 32 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 32 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 32 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 32 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 32 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 33 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 33 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 33 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 33 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 33 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 33 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 33 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 33 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 33 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 33 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 34 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 34 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 34 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 34 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 34 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 34 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 34 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 34 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 34 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 34 75 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5408 34 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Sewing thread of man-made staple fibres, whether or not put up for retail sale: |
5508 10 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5508 20 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibres, not put up for retail sale: |
5509 11 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 12 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 21 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 22 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 31 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 32 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 41 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 42 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 51 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 52 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 53 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 59 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 61 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 62 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 69 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 91 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 92 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5509 99 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibres, not put up for retail sale: |
5510 11 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5510 12 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5510 20 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5510 30 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5510 90 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of man-made staple fibres, put up for retail sale: |
5511 10 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5511 20 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5511 30 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85 % or more |
5512 11 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5512 19 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5512 21 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5512 29 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5512 91 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5512 99 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres |
5513 11 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 11 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 11 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 11 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 11 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 11 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 12 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 12 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 12 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 12 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 12 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 13 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 13 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 13 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 13 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 19 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 19 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 19 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 19 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 19 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 19 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 21 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 21 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 21 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 21 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 21 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 21 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 22 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 22 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 22 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 22 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 23 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 23 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 23 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 23 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 29 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 29 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 29 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 29 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 31 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 31 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 31 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 31 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 31 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 32 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 32 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 32 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 32 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 33 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 33 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 33 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 33 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 39 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 39 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 39 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 39 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 41 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 41 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 41 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 41 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 41 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 41 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 42 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 42 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 42 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 42 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 43 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 43 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 43 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 43 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 49 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 49 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 49 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5513 49 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres |
5514 11 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 11 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 11 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 11 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 11 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 11 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 11 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 12 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 12 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 12 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 12 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 12 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 13 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 13 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 13 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 13 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 13 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 13 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 19 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 19 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 19 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 19 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 19 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 19 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 21 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 21 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 21 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 21 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 21 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 21 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 21 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 22 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 23 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 23 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 23 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 23 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 23 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 23 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 29 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 29 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 29 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 29 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 29 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 29 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 29 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 31 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 31 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 31 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 31 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 31 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 32 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 32 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 32 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 33 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 33 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 33 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 33 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 39 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 39 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 39 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 39 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 39 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 39 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 39 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 39 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 41 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 41 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 41 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 41 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 41 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 42 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 42 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 42 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 42 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 43 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 43 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 43 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 43 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 43 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 49 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 49 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 49 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 49 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5514 49 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres: |
5515 11 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 43 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 47 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 53 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 57 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 11 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 43 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 47 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 53 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 57 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 12 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 43 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 47 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 53 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 57 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 63 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 13 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 43 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 47 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 53 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 55 |
5515 19 57 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 19 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 21 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 43 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 47 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 53 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 57 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 63 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 22 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 43 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 47 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 53 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 57 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 29 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 43 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 47 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 53 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 57 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 91 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 43 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 47 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 53 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 57 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 63 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 92 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 43 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 47 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 53 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 57 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5515 99 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres: |
5516 11 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 11 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 11 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 11 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 11 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 11 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 11 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 11 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 11 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 11 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 11 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 12 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 12 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 12 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 12 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 12 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 12 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 12 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 12 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 12 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 12 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 12 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 13 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 13 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 13 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 13 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 13 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 13 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 13 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 13 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 13 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 13 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 13 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 14 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 14 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 14 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 14 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 14 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 14 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 14 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 14 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 14 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 21 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 21 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 21 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 21 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 21 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 21 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 21 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 21 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 21 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 21 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 22 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 22 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 22 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 22 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 22 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 22 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 22 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 22 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 22 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 22 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 23 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 23 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 23 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 23 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 23 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 23 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 23 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 23 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 23 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 23 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 24 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 24 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 24 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 24 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 24 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 24 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 24 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 24 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 31 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 31 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 31 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 31 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 31 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 31 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 31 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 31 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 31 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 31 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 31 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 32 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 32 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 32 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 32 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 32 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 32 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 32 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 32 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 32 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 32 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 32 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 33 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 33 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 33 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 33 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 33 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 33 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 33 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 33 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 33 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 33 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 33 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 34 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 34 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 34 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 34 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 34 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 34 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 34 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 34 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 34 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 41 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 41 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 41 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 41 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 41 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 41 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 41 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 41 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 41 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 41 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 42 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 42 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 42 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 42 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 42 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 42 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 42 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 42 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 42 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 42 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 43 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 43 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 43 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 43 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 43 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 43 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 43 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 43 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 43 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 43 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 44 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 44 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 44 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 44 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 44 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 44 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 44 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 44 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 91 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 91 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 91 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 91 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 91 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 91 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 91 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 91 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 91 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 91 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 92 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 92 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 92 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 92 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 92 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 92 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 92 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 92 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 92 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 92 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 93 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 93 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 93 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 93 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 93 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 93 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 93 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 93 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 93 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 93 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 94 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 94 17 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 94 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 94 23 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 94 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 94 27 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 94 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5516 94 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Rubber thread and cord, textile covered; textile yarn, and strip and the like |
5604 10 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5604 20 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5604 90 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Metallised yarn, whether or not gimped, being textile yarn, or strip or the like |
5605 00 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Gimped yarn, and strip and the like of heading No 5404 or 5405 |
5606 00 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
5606 00 10 |
Textiles — yarns |
Articles of yarn, strip or the like of heading No 5404 or 5405, twine, cordage, rope |
5609 00 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, knotted, whether or not made-up: |
5701 10 00 |
Textiles — household |
5701 90 00 |
Textiles — household |
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked |
5702 10 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 20 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 31 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 32 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 39 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 41 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 42 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 49 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 51 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 52 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 59 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 59 10 |
Textiles — household |
5702 91 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 92 00 |
Textiles — household |
5702 99 00 |
Textiles — household |
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made-up: |
5703 10 00 |
Textiles — household |
5703 20 00 |
Textiles — household |
5703 30 00 |
Textiles — household |
5703 90 00 |
Textiles — household |
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, of felt, not tufted or flocked |
5704 10 00 |
Textiles — household |
5704 90 00 |
Textiles — household |
Other carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made-up: |
5705 00 00 |
Textiles — household |
Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics, other than fabrics of heading No 5802 or 5806: |
5801 10 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 21 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 23 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 24 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 25 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 26 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 31 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 33 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 34 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 34 07 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 34 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 35 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 35 07 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 35 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 36 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5801 90 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, other than narrow fabrics |
5802 11 00 |
Textiles — household |
5802 19 00 |
Textiles — household |
5802 20 00 |
Textiles — household |
5802 30 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Gauze, other than narrow fabrics of heading No 5806: |
5803 10 00 |
Textiles — household |
5803 90 00 |
Textiles — household |
Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, Flanders, Aubusson, Beauvais and the like |
5805 00 00 |
Textiles — household |
Narrow woven fabrics, other than goods of heading No 5807; narrow fabrics |
5806 10 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5806 20 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5806 31 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5806 32 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5806 39 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, in the piece, in strips |
5807 10 00 |
Textiles — household |
5807 90 00 |
Textiles — household |
Braids in the piece; ornamental trimmings in the piece, without embroidery |
5808 10 00 |
Textiles — household |
5808 90 00 |
Textiles — household |
Woven fabrics of metal thread and woven fabrics of metallised yarn of heading No 5605 |
5809 00 00 |
Textiles — yarns |
Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs: |
5810 10 10 |
Textiles — household |
5810 10 90 |
Textiles — household |
5810 91 10 |
Textiles — household |
5810 91 90 |
Textiles — household |
5810 92 10 |
Textiles — household |
5810 92 90 |
Textiles — household |
5810 99 10 |
Textiles — household |
5810 99 90 |
Textiles — household |
Quilted textile products in the piece, composed of one or more layers of textile material |
5811 00 90 |
Textiles — household |
Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances |
5901 90 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5901 90 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5901 90 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides, polyesters or viscose |
5902 20 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5902 90 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics |
5903 10 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 10 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 10 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 10 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 20 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 20 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 20 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 20 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 90 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 90 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 90 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 90 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 90 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5903 90 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Linoleum, whether or not cut to shape; floor coverings |
5904 10 00 |
Textiles — household |
5904 91 00 |
Textiles — household |
5904 92 00 |
Textiles — household |
Textile wall coverings: |
5905 00 90 |
Textiles — household |
Rubberised textile fabrics, other than those of heading No 5902: |
5906 10 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5906 10 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5906 10 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5906 91 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5906 91 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5906 99 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5906 99 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered; painted canvas |
5907 00 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5907 00 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5907 00 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5907 00 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5907 00 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Textile wicks, woven, plaited or knitted, for lamps, stoves, lighters, candles |
5908 00 10 |
Textiles — household |
5908 00 20 |
Textiles — household |
5908 00 90 |
Textiles — household |
Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing, with or without lining |
5909 00 00 |
Textiles — household |
Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, of textile material, whether or not impregnated |
5910 00 40 |
Textiles — household |
Textile products and articles, for technical uses, specified in note 7 to this chapter: |
5911 10 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5911 90 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
5911 90 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Pile fabrics, including ’long pile’ fabrics and terry fabrics, knitted or crocheted: |
6001 10 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 21 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 21 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 21 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 21 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 21 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 22 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 22 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 22 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 22 75 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 22 80 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 29 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 29 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 29 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 29 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 29 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 91 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 91 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 91 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 91 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 91 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 92 25 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 92 35 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 92 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 92 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 92 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 99 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 99 30 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 99 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 99 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6001 99 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: |
6002 10 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 20 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 20 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 30 00 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 41 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 41 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 42 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 42 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 43 01 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 43 05 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 43 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 43 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 43 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 43 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 43 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 43 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 43 65 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 43 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 49 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 49 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 91 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 91 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 92 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 92 20 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 92 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 92 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 92 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 92 70 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 92 80 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 05 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 15 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 33 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 36 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 37 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 38 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 39 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 40 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 45 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 50 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 55 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 60 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 93 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 99 10 |
Textiles — fabrics |
6002 99 90 |
Textiles — fabrics |
Men’s or boys’ overcoats, car coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski jackets) |
6101 10 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6101 10 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6101 10 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6101 20 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6101 20 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6101 20 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6101 30 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6101 30 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6101 30 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6101 90 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6101 90 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6101 90 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
Women’s or girls’ overcoats, car coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski jackets) |
6102 10 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6102 10 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6102 10 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6102 20 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6102 20 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6102 20 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6102 30 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6102 30 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6102 30 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6102 90 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6102 90 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6102 90 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
Men’s or boys’ suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and brace overalls |
6103 11 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 12 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 19 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 21 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 22 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 23 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 29 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 31 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 32 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 33 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 39 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 41 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 42 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 43 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6103 49 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Women’s or girls’ suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts |
6104 11 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 12 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 13 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 19 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 21 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 22 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 23 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 29 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 31 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 32 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 33 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 39 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 41 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 42 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 43 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 44 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 49 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 51 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 52 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 53 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 59 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 61 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 62 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 63 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6104 69 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Men’s or boys’ shirts, knitted or crocheted: |
6105 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6105 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6105 90 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Women’s or girls’ blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, knitted or crocheted: |
6106 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6106 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6106 90 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Men’s or boys’ underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns |
6107 11 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6107 12 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6107 19 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6107 21 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6107 22 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6107 29 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6107 91 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6107 92 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6107 99 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6107 99 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
Women’s or girls’ slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses, pyjamas, negligees |
6108 11 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6108 19 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6108 21 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6108 22 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6108 29 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6108 31 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6108 32 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6108 39 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6108 91 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6108 92 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6108 99 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted: |
6109 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6109 90 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles, knitted or crocheted: |
6110 10 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6110 10 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6110 20 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6110 20 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6110 30 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6110 30 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6110 90 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6110 90 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
Babies’ garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted: |
6111 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6111 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6111 30 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6111 90 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Track suits, ski suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted: |
6112 11 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6112 12 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6112 19 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6112 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6112 31 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6112 31 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6112 39 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6112 39 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6112 41 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6112 41 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6112 49 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6112 49 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
Garments, made up of knitted or crocheted fabrics of heading No 5903, 5906, or 5907: |
6113 00 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6113 00 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
Other garments, knitted or crocheted: |
6114 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6114 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6114 30 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6114 90 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Panty hose, tights, stockings, socks and other hosiery, including stockings for varicose veins |
6115 91 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6115 92 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6115 93 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6115 99 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Other made-up clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted |
6117 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6117 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6117 80 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6117 90 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6117 90 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
Men’s or boys’ overcoats, car coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski jackets) |
6201 11 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6201 11 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6201 12 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6201 12 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6201 13 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6201 13 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6201 19 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6201 19 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6201 91 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6201 92 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6201 93 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6201 99 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Women’s or girls’ overcoats, car coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski jackets) |
6202 11 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6202 11 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6202 12 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6202 12 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6202 13 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6202 13 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6202 19 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6202 19 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6202 91 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6202 92 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6202 93 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6202 99 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Men’s or boys’ suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and brace overalls |
6203 11 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 12 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 19 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 21 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 22 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 23 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 29 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 31 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 32 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 33 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 39 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 41 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 42 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 43 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6203 49 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Women’s or girls’ suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts |
6204 11 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 12 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 13 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 19 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 21 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 23 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 29 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 31 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 32 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 33 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 39 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 41 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 42 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 43 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 44 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 49 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 51 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 52 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 53 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 59 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 61 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 62 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 63 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6204 69 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Men’s or boys’ shirts: |
6205 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6205 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6205 30 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6205 90 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Women’s or girls’ blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses: |
6206 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6206 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6206 30 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6206 40 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6206 90 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Men’s or boys’ singlets and other vests, underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas |
6207 11 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6207 19 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6207 21 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6207 22 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6207 29 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6207 91 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6207 92 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6207 99 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Women’s or girls’ singlets and other vests, slips, petticoats, briefs, panties |
6208 11 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6208 19 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6208 21 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6208 22 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6208 29 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6208 91 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6208 92 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6208 99 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Babies’ garments and clothing accessories: |
6209 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6209 20 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6209 20 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6209 30 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6209 90 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Garments, made up of fabrics of heading No 5602, 5603, 5903, 5906 or 5907: |
6210 10 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6210 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6210 30 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6210 40 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6210 50 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Track suits, ski suits and swimwear; other garments: |
6211 11 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6211 12 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6211 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6211 31 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6211 32 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6211 33 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6211 39 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6211 41 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6211 42 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6211 43 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6211 49 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
Brassi Aeres, girdles, corsets, braces, suspenders, garters and similar articles and parts |
6212 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6212 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6212 30 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6212 90 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6212 90 20 |
Textiles — clothing |
6212 90 30 |
Textiles — clothing |
6212 90 40 |
Textiles — clothing |
6212 90 50 |
Textiles — clothing |
6212 90 60 |
Textiles — clothing |
6212 90 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
Handkerchiefs: |
6213 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6213 20 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6213 90 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like: |
6214 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6214 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6214 30 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6214 40 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6214 90 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Ties, bow ties and cravats: |
6215 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6215 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6215 90 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Blankets and travelling rugs: |
6301 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6301 20 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6301 30 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6301 40 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6301 90 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen: |
6302 10 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 21 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 22 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 29 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 31 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 32 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 39 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 40 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 51 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 52 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 53 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 59 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 60 50 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 60 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 91 10 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 91 60 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 91 70 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 92 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 93 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6302 99 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Curtains (including drapes) and interior blinds; curtain or bed valances: |
6303 11 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6303 12 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6303 19 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6303 91 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6303 92 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6303 99 90 |
Textiles — clothing |
Other furnishing articles, excluding those of heading No 9404: |
6304 11 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6304 19 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6304 91 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6304 92 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6304 93 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
6304 99 00 |
Textiles — clothing |
Waterproof footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or of plastics |
6401 10 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6401 91 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6401 92 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6401 99 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
Other footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics: |
6402 11 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6402 20 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6402 30 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6402 91 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6402 99 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather and uppers |
6403 11 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 12 10 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 12 20 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 12 90 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 19 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 20 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 30 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 40 00 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 51 15 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 51 90 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 59 15 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 59 90 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 91 15 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 91 90 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 99 15 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6403 99 90 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather and uppers |
6404 11 90 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6404 19 10 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6404 19 90 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6404 20 10 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6404 20 90 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
Other footwear: |
6405 10 90 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6405 20 10 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6405 20 90 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6405 90 10 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
6405 90 90 |
Footwear and leather 2 |
Parts of footwear (including uppers whether or not attached to soles other than outer soles |
6406 10 35 |
Footwear and leather 1 |
6406 10 90 |
Footwear and leather 1 |
6406 20 00 |
Footwear and leather 1 |
Pulley tackle and hoists other than skip hoists; winches and capstans; jacks: |
8425 42 25 |
Motor 3 |
8425 42 30 |
Motor 3 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of heading Nos 8425 to 8… |
8431 10 25 |
Motor 3 |
8431 10 30 |
Motor 3 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading Nos 8535, 853… |
8538 10 20 |
Motor 1 |
Electric filament or discharge lamps, including sealed-beam lamp units |
8539 21 45 |
Motor 4 |
Insulated (including enamelled or anodised) wire, cable (including coaxial cable) |
8544 49 00 |
Motor 1 |
Tractors (other than tractors of heading No 8709): |
8701 20 20 |
Motors partial 1 |
Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver: |
8702 10 10 |
Motors partial 1 |
8702 10 80 |
Motors partial 1 |
8702 10 90 |
Motors partial 1 |
8702 90 10 |
Motors partial 1 |
8702 90 20 |
Motors partial 1 |
Motor vehicles for the transport of goods: |
8704 10 00 |
Motors partial 2 |
8704 21 40 |
Motors partial 2 |
8704 21 80 |
Motors partial 1 |
8704 21 90 |
Motors partial 1 |
8704 22 20 |
Motors partial 2 |
8704 22 90 |
Motors partial 1 |
8704 23 20 |
Motors partial 2 |
8704 23 90 |
Motors partial 1 |
8704 31 30 |
Motors partial 2 |
8704 31 80 |
Motors partial 1 |
8704 31 90 |
Motors partial 1 |
8704 32 10 |
Motors partial 2 |
8704 32 90 |
Motors partial 1 |
8704 90 30 |
Motors partial 2 |
8704 90 80 |
Motors partial 1 |
8704 90 90 |
Motors partial 1 |
Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of heading Nos 8701 to 8705: |
8708 21 90 |
Motor 4 |
8708 31 10 |
Motor 2 |
8708 31 90 |
Motor 4 |
8708 39 10 |
Motor 3 |
8708 39 60 |
Motor 3 |
8708 40 50 |
Motor 3 |
8708 50 40 |
Motor 3 |
8708 60 40 |
Motor 3 |
8708 94 40 |
Motor 3 |
8708 99 10 |
Motor 4 |
8708 99 70 |
Motor 3 |
(*1) Table is construed on the assumption that tariff reductions will apply as per 1 July 2000. If the entering into effect of the trade chapter of the agreement were however to be delayed, this table shall be adjusted accordingly.
(1) In the period from year 8 to year 12, South Africa would provide EU exports with a preference margin of around 40 % compared to MFN applied tariffs.
Popis 6.
SA offer
Industrial Products
Annex III — List 6
HS code 1996 |
Notes/tariff quota/reductions |
Pitch and pitch coke, obtained from coal tar or from other mineral tars: |
2708 10 00 |
2708 20 00 |
Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude: |
2709 00 00 |
Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude |
2710 00 10 |
2710 00 12 |
2710 00 13 |
2710 00 14 |
2710 00 15 |
2710 00 16 |
2710 00 17 |
2710 00 18 |
2710 00 19 |
2710 00 20 |
2710 00 21 |
2710 00 22 |
2710 00 23 |
2710 00 24 |
2710 00 25 |
2710 00 90 |
Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons: |
2711 14 00 |
Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, microcrystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite |
2712 20 00 |
2712 90 10 |
2712 90 20 |
2712 90 30 |
2712 90 50 |
2712 90 90 |
Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda); potassium hydroxide (caustic potash); peroxides of sodium |
2815 11 00 |
2815 12 00 |
Carbonates; peroxocarbonates (percarbonates); commercial ammonium carbonate |
2836 20 00 |
Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide-function compounds of carbonic acid: |
2924 29 20 |
Vegetable alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters |
2939 10 00 |
Jute and other textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie), raw or processed |
5303 10 00 |
Sisal and other textile fibres of the genus Agave, raw or processed but not spun |
5304 10 00 |
5304 90 00 |
Yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading No 5303: |
5307 10 00 |
5307 20 00 |
Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn: |
5308 20 00 |
Worn clothing and other worn articles |
6309 00 13 |
6309 00 17 |
6309 00 25 |
6309 00 45 |
6309 00 90 |
Used or new rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine |
6310 90 00 |
Friction material and articles thereof (for example, sheets, rolls, strips, segments) |
6813 10 20 |
6813 90 10 |
Safety glass, consisting of toughened (tempered) or laminated glass: |
7007 11 00 |
7007 21 00 |
Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture, doors, stairs |
8302 10 00 |
8302 30 10 |
8302 30 90 |
Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines: |
8407 33 00 |
8407 34 90 |
Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines) |
8408 10 90 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the engines of heading No 8407 or 8408 |
8409 91 27 |
8409 91 38 |
8409 91 90 |
8409 99 27 |
8409 99 38 |
Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other |
8418 99 40 |
Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus |
8421 23 30 |
8421 31 50 |
8421 99 66 |
Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; bearing housings |
8483 10 05 |
8483 10 35 |
8483 50 90 |
8483 90 20 |
Electrical lighting or signalling equipment (excluding articles of heading No 8539) |
8512 90 00 |
Electrical capacitors, fixed, variable or adjustable (pre-set): |
8532 10 90 |
Tractors (other than tractors of heading No 8709): |
8701 20 10 |
Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons |
8703 22 90 |
8703 23 90 |
8703 24 90 |
8703 31 90 |
8703 32 90 |
8703 33 90 |
8703 90 90 |
Chassis fitted with engines, for the motor vehicles of heading Nos 8701 to 8705: |
8706 00 10 |
8706 00 20 |
Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of heading Nos 8701 to 8705: |
8707 10 00 |
8707 90 00 |
Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of heading Nos 8701 to 8705: |
8708 29 00 |
8708 31 20 |
8708 39 20 |
8708 39 30 |
8708 39 40 |
8708 39 45 |
8708 39 90 |
8708 40 30 |
8708 40 90 |
8708 50 15 |
8708 50 50 |
8708 50 90 |
8708 60 15 |
8708 60 90 |
8708 70 90 |
8708 80 10 |
8708 80 20 |
8708 80 30 |
8708 80 90 |
8708 91 10 |
8708 91 90 |
8708 92 90 |
8708 93 25 |
8708 93 55 |
8708 93 90 |
8708 94 20 |
8708 94 90 |
8708 99 20 |
8708 99 30 |
Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other |
9026 20 80 |
Seats (other than those of heading No 9402), whether or not convertible into beds |
9401 20 00 |
9801 00 10 |
9801 00 15 |
9801 00 20 |
9801 00 25 |
9801 00 30 |
9801 00 40 |
9801 00 45 |
9801 00 50 |
9801 00 55 |
Popis 1.
EU offer
Agricultural Products
Annex IV — List 1
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies: |
0101 19 90 |
0101 20 90 |
Other live animals: |
0106 00 20 |
Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats |
0206 30 21 |
0206 41 91 |
0206 80 91 |
0206 90 91 |
Meat and edible offal |
0207 13 91 |
0207 14 91 |
0207 26 91 |
0207 27 91 |
0207 35 91 |
0207 36 89 |
Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh, chilled |
0208 10 11 |
0208 10 19 |
0208 90 10 |
0208 90 50 |
0208 90 60 |
0208 90 80 |
Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried |
0210 90 10 |
0210 90 60 |
0210 90 79 |
0210 90 80 |
Birds’ eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked |
0407 00 90 |
Edible products of animal origin |
0410 00 00 |
Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns |
0601 20 30 |
0601 20 90 |
Other live plants (including their roots) |
0602 20 90 |
0602 30 00 |
0602 40 10 |
0602 40 90 |
0602 90 10 |
0602 90 30 |
0602 90 41 |
0602 90 45 |
0602 90 49 |
0602 90 51 |
0602 90 59 |
0602 90 70 |
0602 90 91 |
0602 90 99 |
Foliage, branches and other parts of plants |
0604 91 21 |
0604 91 29 |
0604 91 49 |
0604 99 90 |
Potatoes, fresh or chilled: |
0701 90 59 |
0701 90 90 |
Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks |
0703 20 00 |
Other vegetables, fresh or chilled: |
0709 10 40 (12) |
0709 51 30 |
0709 52 00 |
0709 60 99 |
0709 90 31 |
0709 90 71 (12) |
0709 90 73 (12) |
Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling |
0710 80 59 |
Vegetables provisionally preserved |
0711 90 10 |
Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken |
0712 90 05 |
Other nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled |
0802 12 90 |
Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes |
0804 10 00 |
Citrus fruit, fresh or dried: |
0805 40 95 |
Grapes, fresh or dried: |
0806 20 91 |
0806 20 92 |
0806 20 98 |
Apricots, cherries, peaches (including nectarines) |
0809 40 10 (12) |
0809 40 90 |
Other fruit, fresh: |
0810 40 50 |
Fruit and nuts, uncooked or cooked by steaming |
0811 20 19 |
0811 20 51 |
0811 20 90 |
0811 90 31 |
0811 90 50 |
0811 90 85 |
Fruit and nuts, provisionally preserved |
0812 90 40 |
Fruit, dried |
0813 10 00 |
0813 30 00 |
0813 40 30 |
0813 40 95 |
Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated |
0901 12 00 |
0901 21 00 |
0901 22 00 |
0901 90 90 |
Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems) |
0907 00 00 |
Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, bay leaf |
0910 40 13 |
0910 40 19 |
0910 40 90 |
0910 91 90 |
0910 99 99 |
Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing |
1209 11 00 |
1209 19 00 |
Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae, sugar beet |
1212 92 00 |
Pig fat (including lard) and poultry fat |
1501 00 90 |
Lard stearin, lard oil, oleostearin, oleo-oil |
1503 00 90 |
Ground-nut oil and its fractions, whether or not refined |
1508 10 90 |
1508 90 90 |
Palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined |
1511 90 11 |
1511 90 19 |
1511 90 99 |
Coconut (copra), palm kernel or babassu oil |
1513 11 91 |
1513 11 99 |
1513 19 11 |
1513 19 19 |
1513 19 91 |
1513 19 99 |
1513 21 30 |
1513 21 90 |
1513 29 11 |
1513 29 19 |
1513 29 50 |
1513 29 91 |
1513 29 99 |
Other fixed vegetable fats and oils |
1515 19 90 |
1515 21 90 |
1515 29 90 |
1515 50 19 |
1515 50 99 |
1515 90 29 |
1515 90 39 |
1515 90 51 |
1515 90 59 |
1515 90 91 |
1515 90 99 |
Animal or vegetable fats and oils |
1516 10 10 |
1516 10 90 |
1516 20 91 |
1516 20 96 |
1516 20 98 |
Margarine; edible mixtures |
1517 10 90 |
1517 90 91 |
1517 90 99 |
Animal or vegetable fats and oils |
1518 00 10 |
1518 00 91 |
1518 00 99 |
Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal |
1601 00 10 |
Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans |
1603 00 10 |
Molasses |
1703 10 00 |
1703 90 00 |
Cocoa paste, whether or not defatted: |
1803 10 00 |
1803 20 00 |
Cocoa butter, fat and oil |
1804 00 00 |
Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other |
1805 00 00 |
Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts |
2001 90 60 |
2001 90 70 |
2001 90 75 |
2001 90 85 |
2001 90 91 |
Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise |
2004 90 30 |
Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise |
2005 70 10 |
2005 70 90 |
2005 90 10 |
2005 90 30 |
2005 90 50 |
2005 90 60 |
2005 90 70 |
2005 90 75 |
2005 90 80 |
Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit peel and other parts |
2006 00 91 |
Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants |
2008 11 10 |
2008 11 92 |
2008 11 96 |
2008 19 11 |
2008 19 13 |
2008 19 51 |
2008 19 93 |
2008 30 71 |
2008 91 00 |
2008 92 12 |
2008 92 14 |
2008 92 32 |
2008 92 34 |
2008 92 36 |
2008 92 38 |
2008 99 11 |
2008 99 19 |
2008 99 38 |
2008 99 40 |
2008 99 47 |
Fruit juices (including grape must) |
2009 80 36 |
2009 80 38 |
2009 80 88 |
2009 80 89 |
2009 80 95 |
2009 80 96 |
Yeasts (active or inactive) |
2102 30 00 |
Sauces and preparations therefor |
2103 10 00 |
2103 30 90 |
2103 90 90 |
Soups and broths and preparations therefor |
2104 10 10 |
2104 10 90 |
2104 20 00 |
Food preparations not elsewhere specified |
2106 90 92 |
Waters, including mineral waters and aerated water |
2202 10 00 |
2202 90 10 |
Other fermented beverages (for example, cider) |
2206 00 31 |
2206 00 39 |
2206 00 51 |
2206 00 59 |
2206 00 81 |
2206 00 89 |
Undenatured ethyl alcohol |
2208 50 11 |
2208 50 19 |
2208 50 91 |
2208 50 99 |
2208 60 11 |
2208 60 91 |
2208 60 99 |
2208 70 10 |
2208 70 90 |
2208 90 11 |
2208 90 19 |
2208 90 57 |
2208 90 69 |
2208 90 74 |
2208 90 78 |
Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding: |
2309 10 90 |
2309 90 91 |
2309 90 93 |
2309 90 98 |
Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse: |
2401 10 30 |
2401 10 50 |
2401 10 70 |
2401 10 80 |
2401 10 90 |
2401 20 30 |
2401 20 49 |
2401 20 50 |
2401 20 80 |
2401 20 90 |
2401 30 00 |
Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes |
2402 10 00 |
2402 20 10 |
2402 20 90 |
2402 90 00 |
Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured tobacco |
2403 10 10 |
2403 10 90 |
2403 91 00 |
2403 99 10 |
2403 99 90 |
Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives |
3501 10 90 |
3501 90 10 |
3501 90 90 |
Albumins |
3502 90 70 |
Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils |
3823 12 00 |
3823 70 00 |
(12) The full specific duty is payable if the respective Entry Price is not reached.
Popis 2.
EU offer
Agricultural Products
Annex IV — List 2
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies: |
0101 20 10 |
Milk and cream, not concentrated |
0401 10 10 |
0401 10 90 |
0401 20 11 |
0401 20 19 |
0401 20 91 |
0401 20 99 |
0401 30 11 |
0401 30 19 |
0401 30 31 |
0401 30 39 |
0401 30 91 |
0401 30 99 |
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir |
0403 10 11 |
0403 10 13 |
0403 10 19 |
0403 10 31 |
0403 10 33 |
0403 10 39 |
Potatoes, fresh or chilled: |
0701 90 51 |
Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled |
0708 10 20 |
0708 10 95 |
Other vegetables, fresh or chilled: |
0709 51 90 |
0709 60 10 |
Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiled) |
0710 80 95 |
Vegetables provisionally preserved |
0711 10 00 |
0711 30 00 |
0711 90 60 |
0711 90 70 |
Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes |
0804 20 90 |
0804 30 00 |
0804 40 20 |
0804 40 90 |
0804 40 95 |
Grapes, fresh or dried: |
0806 20 11 |
0806 20 12 |
0806 20 18 |
Melons (including watermelons) and papaws (papayas) |
0807 11 00 |
0807 19 00 |
Apricots, cherries, peaches (including nectarines) |
Other fruit, fresh: |
0810 90 40 |
0810 90 85 |
Fruit and nuts, provisionally preserved |
0812 10 00 |
0812 20 00 |
0812 90 50 |
0812 90 60 |
0812 90 70 |
0812 90 95 |
Fruit, dried |
0813 40 10 |
0813 50 15 |
0813 50 19 |
0813 50 39 |
0813 50 91 |
0813 50 99 |
Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed |
0904 20 10 |
Soya-bean oil and its fractions |
1507 10 10 |
1507 10 90 |
1507 90 10 |
1507 90 90 |
Sunflower-seed, safflower or cotton-seed oil |
1512 11 10 |
1512 11 91 |
1512 11 99 |
1512 19 10 |
1512 19 91 |
1512 19 99 |
1512 21 10 |
1512 21 90 |
1512 29 10 |
1512 29 90 |
Rape, colza or mustard oil and fractions thereof |
1514 10 10 |
1514 10 90 |
1514 90 10 |
1514 90 90 |
Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants |
2008 19 59 |
Fruit juices (including grape must) |
2009 20 99 |
2009 40 99 |
2009 80 99 |
Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse: |
2401 10 10 |
2401 10 20 |
2401 10 41 |
2401 10 49 |
2401 10 60 |
2401 20 10 |
2401 20 20 |
2401 20 41 |
2401 20 60 |
2401 20 70 |
(3) (1/1 to 31/5) Excluding Emperor variety.
(12) The full specific duty is payable if the respective Entry Price is not reached.
(5) (1/1 to 31/3).
(6) (1/10 to 31/12).
Popis 3.
EU offer
Agricultural Products
Annex IV — List 3
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Cut flowers and flower buds |
0603 10 55 |
0603 10 61 |
0603 10 69 (11) |
proteas 900 t; agf 5 % |
Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks |
0703 10 11 |
0703 10 19 |
0703 10 90 |
0703 90 00 |
Cabbages, cauliflowers, kohlrabi, kale and similar |
0704 10 05 |
0704 10 10 |
0704 10 80 |
0704 20 00 |
0704 90 10 |
0704 90 90 |
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and chicory |
0705 11 05 |
0705 11 10 |
0705 11 80 |
0705 19 00 |
0705 21 00 |
0705 29 00 |
Carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, salsify, celeriac |
0706 10 00 |
0706 90 05 |
0706 90 11 |
0706 90 17 |
0706 90 30 |
0706 90 90 |
Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled |
0708 10 90 |
0708 20 20 |
0708 20 90 |
0708 20 95 |
0708 90 00 |
Other vegetables, fresh or chilled: |
0709 10 30 (12) |
0709 30 00 |
0709 40 00 |
0709 51 10 |
0709 51 50 |
0709 70 00 |
0709 90 10 |
0709 90 20 |
0709 90 40 |
0709 90 50 |
0709 90 90 |
Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiled) |
0710 10 00 |
0710 21 00 |
0710 22 00 |
0710 29 00 |
0710 30 00 |
0710 80 10 |
0710 80 51 |
0710 80 61 |
0710 80 69 |
0710 80 70 |
0710 80 80 |
0710 80 85 |
0710 90 00 |
Vegetables provisionally preserved |
0711 20 10 |
0711 40 00 |
0711 90 40 |
0711 90 90 |
Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken |
0712 20 00 |
0712 30 00 |
0712 90 30 |
0712 90 50 |
0712 90 90 |
Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes |
0714 90 11 |
0714 90 19 |
Other nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled |
0802 11 90 |
0802 21 00 |
0802 22 00 |
0802 40 00 |
Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried: |
0803 00 11 |
0803 00 90 |
Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes |
0804 20 10 |
Citrus fruit, fresh or dried: |
0805 30 90 |
0805 90 00 |
Grapes, fresh or dried: |
0806 10 95 |
0806 10 97 |
Apples, pears and quinces, fresh: |
0808 10 10 (12) |
0808 20 10 (12) |
0808 20 90 |
Apricots, cherries, peaches (including nectarines) |
0809 10 10 (12) |
0809 10 50 (12) |
0809 20 19 (12) |
0809 20 29 (12) |
0809 30 19 (12) |
0809 30 59 (12) |
0809 40 40 (12) |
Other fruit, fresh: |
0810 10 05 |
0810 20 90 |
0810 30 10 |
0810 30 30 |
0810 30 90 |
0810 40 90 |
0810 50 00 |
Fruit and nuts, uncooked or cooked by steaming |
0811 20 11 |
0811 20 31 |
0811 20 39 |
0811 20 59 |
0811 90 11 |
0811 90 19 |
0811 90 39 |
0811 90 75 |
0811 90 80 |
0811 90 95 |
Fruit and nuts, provisionally preserved |
0812 90 10 |
0812 90 20 |
Fruit, dried |
0813 20 00 |
Wheat and meslin: |
1001 90 10 |
Buckwheat, millet and canary seed; other cereals: |
1008 10 00 |
1008 20 00 |
1008 90 90 |
Flour, meal, powder, flakes, granules and pellets |
1105 10 00 |
1105 20 00 |
Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables |
1106 10 00 |
1106 30 10 |
1106 30 90 |
Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish |
1504 30 11 |
Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal |
1602 20 11 |
1602 20 19 |
1602 31 11 |
1602 31 19 |
1602 31 30 |
1602 31 90 |
1602 32 19 |
1602 32 30 |
1602 32 90 |
1602 39 29 |
1602 39 40 |
1602 39 80 |
1602 41 90 |
1602 42 90 |
1602 90 31 |
1602 90 72 |
1602 90 76 |
Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts |
2001 10 00 |
2001 20 00 |
2001 90 50 |
2001 90 65 |
2001 90 96 |
Mushrooms and truffles, prepared or preserved |
2003 10 20 |
2003 10 30 |
2003 10 80 |
2003 20 00 |
Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise |
2004 10 10 |
2004 10 99 |
2004 90 50 |
2004 90 91 |
2004 90 98 |
Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise |
2005 10 00 |
2005 20 20 |
2005 20 80 |
2005 40 00 |
2005 51 00 |
2005 59 00 |
Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit peel |
2006 00 31 |
2006 00 35 |
2006 00 38 |
2006 00 99 |
Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut puree |
2007 10 91 |
2007 99 93 |
Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants |
2008 11 94 |
2008 11 98 |
2008 19 19 |
2008 19 95 |
2008 19 99 |
2008 20 51 |
2008 20 59 |
2008 20 71 |
2008 20 79 |
2008 20 91 |
2008 20 99 |
2008 30 11 |
2008 30 39 |
2008 30 51 |
2008 30 59 |
2008 40 11 |
2008 40 21 |
2008 40 29 |
2008 40 39 |
2008 60 11 |
2008 60 31 |
2008 60 39 |
2008 60 59 |
2008 60 69 |
2008 60 79 |
2008 60 99 |
2008 70 11 |
2008 70 31 |
2008 70 39 |
2008 70 59 |
2008 80 11 |
2008 80 31 |
2008 80 39 |
2008 80 50 |
2008 80 70 |
2008 80 91 |
2008 80 99 |
2008 99 23 |
2008 99 25 |
2008 99 26 |
2008 99 28 |
2008 99 36 |
2008 99 45 |
2008 99 46 |
2008 99 49 |
2008 99 53 |
2008 99 55 |
2008 99 61 |
2008 99 62 |
2008 99 68 |
2008 99 72 |
2008 99 74 |
2008 99 79 |
2008 99 99 |
Fruit juices (including grape must) |
2009 11 19 |
2009 11 91 |
2009 19 19 |
2009 19 91 |
2009 19 99 |
2009 20 19 |
2009 20 91 |
2009 30 19 |
2009 30 31 |
2009 30 39 |
2009 30 51 |
2009 30 55 |
2009 30 91 |
2009 30 95 |
2009 30 99 |
2009 40 19 |
2009 40 91 |
2009 80 19 |
2009 80 50 |
2009 80 61 |
2009 80 63 |
2009 80 73 |
2009 80 79 |
2009 80 83 |
2009 80 84 |
2009 80 86 |
2009 80 97 |
2009 90 19 |
2009 90 29 |
2009 90 39 |
2009 90 41 |
2009 90 51 |
2009 90 59 |
2009 90 73 |
2009 90 79 |
2009 90 92 |
2009 90 94 |
2009 90 95 |
2009 90 96 |
2009 90 97 |
2009 90 98 |
Other fermented beverages (for example, cider) |
2206 00 10 |
Wine lees; argol: |
2307 00 19 |
Vegetable materials and vegetable waste |
2308 90 19 |
(1) (16/5 to 15/9).
(7) (1/4 to 31/12).
(8) (1/1 to 30/9).
(11) The annual growth factor (agf) will be applied annually to the relevant basic quantities.
(12) The full specific duty is payable if the respective Entry Price is not reached.
Popis 4.
EU offer
Agricultural Products
Annex IV — List 4
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Live swine: |
0103 91 10 |
0103 92 11 |
0103 92 19 |
Live sheep and goats: |
0104 10 30 |
0104 10 80 |
0104 20 90 |
Live poultry, that is to say, fowls of the species |
0105 11 11 |
0105 11 19 |
0105 11 91 |
0105 11 99 |
0105 12 00 |
0105 19 20 |
0105 19 90 |
0105 92 00 |
0105 93 00 |
0105 99 10 |
0105 99 20 |
0105 99 30 |
0105 99 50 |
Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen: |
0203 11 10 |
0203 12 11 |
0203 12 19 |
0203 19 11 |
0203 19 13 |
0203 19 15 |
0203 19 55 |
0203 19 59 |
0203 21 10 |
0203 22 11 |
0203 22 19 |
0203 29 11 |
0203 29 13 |
0203 29 15 |
0203 29 55 |
0203 29 59 |
Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen: |
0204 10 00 |
0204 21 00 |
0204 22 10 |
0204 22 30 |
0204 22 50 |
0204 22 90 |
0204 23 00 |
0204 30 00 |
0204 41 00 |
0204 42 10 |
0204 42 30 |
0204 42 50 |
0204 42 90 |
0204 43 10 |
0204 43 90 |
0204 50 11 |
0204 50 13 |
0204 50 15 |
0204 50 19 |
0204 50 31 |
0204 50 39 |
0204 50 51 |
0204 50 53 |
0204 50 55 |
0204 50 59 |
0204 50 71 |
0204 50 79 |
Meat and edible offal |
0207 11 10 |
0207 11 30 |
0207 11 90 |
0207 12 10 |
0207 12 90 |
0207 13 10 |
0207 13 20 |
0207 13 30 |
0207 13 40 |
0207 13 50 |
0207 13 60 |
0207 13 70 |
0207 13 99 |
0207 14 10 |
0207 14 20 |
0207 14 30 |
0207 14 40 |
0207 14 50 |
0207 14 60 |
0207 14 70 |
0207 14 99 |
0207 24 10 |
0207 24 90 |
0207 25 10 |
0207 25 90 |
0207 26 10 |
0207 26 20 |
0207 26 30 |
0207 26 40 |
0207 26 50 |
0207 26 60 |
0207 26 70 |
0207 26 80 |
0207 26 99 |
0207 27 10 |
0207 27 20 |
0207 27 30 |
0207 27 40 |
0207 27 50 |
0207 27 60 |
0207 27 70 |
0207 27 80 |
0207 27 99 |
0207 32 11 |
0207 32 15 |
0207 32 19 |
0207 32 51 |
0207 32 59 |
0207 32 90 |
0207 33 11 |
0207 33 19 |
0207 33 51 |
0207 33 59 |
0207 33 90 |
0207 35 11 |
0207 35 15 |
0207 35 21 |
0207 35 23 |
0207 35 25 |
0207 35 31 |
0207 35 41 |
0207 35 51 |
0207 35 53 |
0207 35 61 |
0207 35 63 |
0207 35 71 |
0207 35 79 |
0207 35 99 |
0207 36 11 |
0207 36 15 |
0207 36 21 |
0207 36 23 |
0207 36 25 |
0207 36 31 |
0207 36 41 |
0207 36 51 |
0207 36 53 |
0207 36 61 |
0207 36 63 |
0207 36 71 |
0207 36 79 |
0207 36 90 |
Pig fat, free of lean meat, and poultry fat |
0209 00 11 |
0209 00 19 |
0209 00 30 |
0209 00 90 |
Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine |
0210 11 11 |
0210 11 19 |
0210 11 31 |
0210 11 39 |
0210 11 90 |
0210 12 11 |
0210 12 19 |
0210 12 90 |
0210 19 10 |
0210 19 20 |
0210 19 30 |
0210 19 40 |
0210 19 51 |
0210 19 59 |
0210 19 60 |
0210 19 70 |
0210 19 81 |
0210 19 89 |
0210 19 90 |
0210 90 11 |
0210 90 19 |
0210 90 21 |
0210 90 29 |
0210 90 31 |
0210 90 39 |
Milk and cream, concentrated |
0402 91 11 |
0402 91 19 |
0402 91 31 |
0402 91 39 |
0402 91 51 |
0402 91 59 |
0402 91 91 |
0402 91 99 |
0402 99 11 |
0402 99 19 |
0402 99 31 |
0402 99 39 |
0402 99 91 |
0402 99 99 |
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir |
0403 90 51 |
0403 90 53 |
0403 90 59 |
0403 90 61 |
0403 90 63 |
0403 90 69 |
Whey, whether or not concentrated |
0404 10 48 |
0404 10 52 |
0404 10 54 |
0404 10 56 |
0404 10 58 |
0404 10 62 |
0404 10 72 |
0404 10 74 |
0404 10 76 |
0404 10 78 |
0404 10 82 |
0404 10 84 |
Cheese and curd: |
0406 10 20 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 10 80 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 20 90 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 30 10 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 30 31 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 30 39 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 30 90 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 40 90 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 90 01 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 90 21 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 90 50 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 90 69 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 90 78 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 90 86 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 90 87 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 90 88 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 90 93 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
0406 90 99 (11) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; agf 5 % |
Birds’ eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked |
0407 00 11 |
0407 00 19 |
0407 00 30 |
Birds’ eggs, not in shell, and egg yolks, fresh |
0408 11 80 |
0408 19 81 |
0408 19 89 |
0408 91 80 |
0408 99 80 |
Natural honey |
0409 00 00 |
Tomatoes, fresh or chilled: |
0702 00 15 (12) |
0702 00 20 (12) |
0702 00 25 (12) |
0702 00 30 (12) |
0702 00 35 (12) |
0702 00 40 (12) |
0702 00 45 (12) |
0702 00 50 (12) |
Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled: |
0707 00 10 (12) |
0707 00 15 (12) |
0707 00 20 (12) |
0707 00 25 (12) |
0707 00 30 (12) |
0707 00 35 (12) |
0707 00 40 (12) |
0707 00 90 |
Other vegetables, fresh or chilled: |
0709 10 10 (12) |
0709 10 20 (12) |
0709 20 00 |
0709 90 39 |
0709 90 75 (12) |
0709 90 77 (12) |
0709 90 79 (12) |
Vegetables provisionally preserved |
0711 20 90 |
Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken |
0712 90 19 |
Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes |
0714 10 10 |
0714 10 91 |
0714 10 99 |
0714 20 90 |
Citrus fruit, fresh or dried: |
0805 10 82 |
0805 10 84 |
0805 10 86 |
0805 20 11 (12) |
0805 20 13 (12) |
0805 20 15 (12) |
0805 20 17 (12) |
0805 20 19 (12) |
0805 20 31 (12) |
0805 20 33 (12) |
0805 20 35 (12) |
0805 20 37 (12) |
0805 20 39 (12) |
Grapes, fresh or dried: |
0806 10 21 (12) |
0806 10 30 (12) |
0806 10 50 (12) |
0806 10 61 (12) |
0806 10 69 (12) |
0806 10 93 |
Apricots, cherries, peaches (including nectarines) |
0809 10 20 (12) |
0809 10 30 (12) |
0809 10 40 (12) |
0809 20 11 (12) |
0809 20 21 (12) |
0809 20 31 (12) |
0809 20 39 (12) |
0809 20 41 (12) |
0809 20 49 (12) |
0809 20 51 (12) |
0809 20 59 (12) |
0809 20 61 (12) |
0809 20 69 (12) |
0809 20 71 (12) |
0809 20 79 (12) |
0809 30 21 (12) |
0809 30 29 (12) |
0809 30 31 (12) |
0809 30 39 (12) |
0809 30 41 (12) |
0809 30 49 (12) |
0809 40 20 (12) |
0809 40 30 (12) |
Other fruit, fresh: |
0810 10 10 |
0810 10 80 |
0810 20 10 |
Fruit and nuts, uncooked or cooked by steaming |
0811 10 11 |
0811 10 19 |
Wheat and meslin: |
1001 10 00 |
1001 90 91 |
1001 90 99 |
Rye |
1002 00 00 |
Barley: |
1003 00 10 |
1003 00 90 |
Oats |
1004 00 00 |
Buckwheat, millet and canary seed; other cereals: |
1008 90 10 |
Wheat or meslin flour: |
1101 00 11 |
1101 00 15 |
1101 00 90 |
Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin: |
1102 10 00 |
1102 90 10 |
1102 90 30 |
1102 90 90 |
Cereal groats, meal and pellets: |
1103 11 10 |
1103 11 90 |
1103 12 00 |
1103 19 10 |
1103 19 30 |
1103 19 90 |
1103 21 00 |
1103 29 10 |
1103 29 20 |
1103 29 30 |
1103 29 90 |
Cereal grains otherwise worked |
1104 11 10 |
1104 11 90 |
1104 12 10 |
1104 12 90 |
1104 19 10 |
1104 19 30 |
1104 19 99 |
1104 21 10 |
1104 21 30 |
1104 21 50 |
1104 21 90 |
1104 21 99 |
1104 22 20 |
1104 22 30 |
1104 22 50 |
1104 22 90 |
1104 22 92 |
1104 22 99 |
1104 29 11 |
1104 29 15 |
1104 29 19 |
1104 29 31 |
1104 29 35 |
1104 29 39 |
1104 29 51 |
1104 29 55 |
1104 29 59 |
1104 29 81 |
1104 29 85 |
1104 29 89 |
1104 30 10 |
Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables |
1106 20 10 |
1106 20 90 |
Malt, whether or not roasted: |
1107 10 11 |
1107 10 19 |
1107 10 91 |
1107 10 99 |
1107 20 00 |
Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae, sugar beet |
1212 91 20 |
1212 91 80 |
Pig fat (including lard) and poultry fat |
1501 00 19 |
Olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined |
1509 10 10 |
1509 10 90 |
1509 90 00 |
Other oils and their fractions |
1510 00 10 |
1510 00 90 |
Degras |
1522 00 31 |
1522 00 39 |
Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal |
1601 00 91 |
1601 00 99 |
Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal |
1602 10 00 |
1602 20 90 |
1602 32 11 |
1602 39 21 |
1602 41 10 |
1602 42 10 |
1602 49 11 |
1602 49 13 |
1602 49 15 |
1602 49 19 |
1602 49 30 |
1602 49 50 |
1602 49 90 |
1602 50 31 |
1602 50 39 |
1602 50 80 |
1602 90 10 |
1602 90 41 |
1602 90 51 |
1602 90 69 |
1602 90 74 |
1602 90 78 |
1602 90 98 |
Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose |
1702 11 00 |
1702 19 00 |
Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed |
1902 20 30 |
Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut puree |
2007 10 99 |
2007 91 90 |
2007 99 91 |
2007 99 98 |
Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants |
2008 20 11 |
2008 20 31 |
2008 30 19 |
2008 30 31 |
2008 30 79 |
2008 30 91 |
2008 30 99 |
2008 40 19 |
2008 40 31 |
2008 50 11 |
2008 50 19 |
2008 50 31 |
2008 50 39 |
2008 50 51 |
2008 50 59 |
2008 60 19 |
2008 60 51 |
2008 60 61 |
2008 60 71 |
2008 60 91 |
2008 70 19 |
2008 70 51 |
2008 80 19 |
2008 92 16 |
2008 92 18 |
2008 99 21 |
2008 99 32 |
2008 99 33 |
2008 99 34 |
2008 99 37 |
2008 99 43 |
Fruit juices (including grape must) |
2009 11 11 |
2009 19 11 |
2009 20 11 |
2009 30 11 |
2009 30 59 |
2009 40 11 |
2009 50 10 |
2009 50 90 |
2009 80 11 |
2009 80 32 |
2009 80 33 |
2009 80 35 |
2009 90 11 |
2009 90 21 |
2009 90 31 |
Food preparations not elsewhere specified |
2106 90 51 |
Wine of fresh grapes, including fortified wines |
2204 10 19 (11) |
global sparkling wine 0,45 global million l; agf 5 % |
2204 10 99 (11) |
global sparkling wine 0,45 global million l; agf 5 % |
2204 21 10 |
2204 21 81 |
2204 21 82 |
2204 21 98 |
2204 21 99 |
2204 29 10 |
2204 29 58 |
2204 29 75 |
2204 29 98 |
2204 29 99 |
2204 30 10 |
2204 30 92 (12) |
2204 30 94 (12) |
2204 30 96 (12) |
2204 30 98 (12) |
Undenatured ethyl alcohol |
2208 20 40 |
Bran, sharps and other residues |
2302 30 10 |
2302 30 90 |
2302 40 10 |
2302 40 90 |
Oil-cake and other solid residues |
2306 90 19 |
Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding: |
2309 10 13 |
2309 10 15 |
2309 10 19 |
2309 10 33 |
2309 10 39 |
2309 10 51 |
2309 10 53 |
2309 10 59 |
2309 10 70 |
2309 90 33 |
2309 90 35 |
2309 90 39 |
2309 90 43 |
2309 90 49 |
2309 90 51 |
2309 90 53 |
2309 90 59 |
2309 90 70 |
Albumins |
3502 11 90 |
3502 19 90 |
3502 20 91 |
3502 20 99 |
(2) (1/6 to 15/10).
(4) Emperor variety or (1/6 to 31/12).
(10) (16/9 to 15/5).
(11) The annual growth factor (agf) will be applied annually to the relevant basic quantities.
(12) The full specific duty is payable if the respective Entry Price is not reached.
Popis 5.
EU offer
Agricultural Products
Annex IV — List 5
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir |
0403 10 51 |
0 + EA |
0403 10 53 |
0 + EA |
0403 10 59 |
0 + EA |
0403 10 91 |
0 + EA |
0403 10 93 |
0 + EA |
0403 10 99 |
0 + EA |
0403 90 71 |
0 + EA |
0403 90 73 |
0 + EA |
0403 90 79 |
0 + EA |
0403 90 91 |
0 + EA |
0403 90 93 |
0 + EA |
0403 90 99 |
0 + EA |
Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; |
0405 20 10 |
0 + EA |
0405 20 30 |
0 + EA |
Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances |
1302 20 10 |
12,8 |
1302 20 90 |
7,4 |
Margarine |
1517 10 10 |
0 + EA |
1517 90 10 |
0 + EA |
Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose |
1702 50 00 |
13 + EA |
1702 90 10 |
9,4 |
Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate) |
1704 10 11 |
5 + EA |
1704 10 19 |
4,2 + EA |
1704 10 91 |
4,2 + EA |
1704 10 99 |
4,2 + EA |
1704 90 10 |
9,8 |
1704 90 30 |
6,4 + EA |
1704 90 51 |
6,4 + EA |
1704 90 55 |
6,4 + EA |
1704 90 61 |
6,4 + EA |
1704 90 65 |
6,4 + EA |
1704 90 71 |
6,4 + EA |
1704 90 75 |
6,4 + EA |
1704 90 81 |
6,4 + EA |
1704 90 99 |
6,4 + EA |
Chocolate and other food preparations |
1806 10 15 |
2,7 |
1806 10 20 |
0 + EA |
1806 10 30 |
0 + EA |
1806 10 90 |
0 + EA |
1806 20 10 |
7 + EA |
1806 20 30 |
7 + EA |
1806 20 50 |
7 + EA |
1806 20 70 |
10,9 + EA |
1806 20 80 |
5,8 + EA |
1806 20 95 |
5,8 + EA |
1806 31 00 |
5,8 + EA |
1806 32 10 |
5,8 + EA |
1806 32 90 |
5,8 + EA |
1806 90 11 |
5,8 + EA |
1806 90 19 |
5,8 + EA |
1806 90 31 |
5,8 + EA |
1806 90 39 |
5,8 + EA |
1806 90 50 |
5,8 + EA |
1806 90 60 |
5,8 + EA |
1806 90 70 |
5,8 + EA |
1806 90 90 |
5,8 + EA |
Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal |
1901 10 00 |
0 + EA |
1901 20 00 |
0 + EA |
1901 90 11 |
0 + EA |
1901 90 19 |
0 + EA |
1901 90 99 |
0 + EA |
Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed |
1902 11 00 |
0 + EA |
1902 19 10 |
0 + EA |
1902 19 90 |
0 + EA |
1902 20 91 |
0 + EA |
1902 20 99 |
0 + EA |
1902 30 10 |
0 + EA |
1902 30 90 |
0 + EA |
1902 40 10 |
0 + EA |
1902 40 90 |
0 + EA |
Tapioca and substitutes |
1903 00 00 |
0 + EA |
Prepared foods |
1904 10 10 |
0 + EA |
1904 10 30 |
0 + EA |
1904 10 90 |
0 + EA |
1904 20 10 |
0 + EA |
1904 20 91 |
0 + EA |
1904 20 95 |
5,4 + EA |
1904 20 99 |
5,4 + EA |
1904 90 10 |
0 + EA |
1904 90 90 |
0 + EA |
Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits |
1905 10 00 |
0 + EA |
1905 20 10 |
0 + EA |
1905 20 30 |
0 + EA |
1905 20 90 |
0 + EA |
1905 30 11 |
0 + EA |
1905 30 19 |
0 + EA |
1905 30 30 |
0 + EA |
1905 30 51 |
0 + EA |
1905 30 59 |
0 + EA |
1905 30 91 |
0 + EA |
1905 30 99 |
0 + EA |
1905 40 10 |
0 + EA |
1905 40 90 |
0 + EA |
1905 90 10 |
0 + EA |
1905 90 20 |
0 + EA |
1905 90 30 |
0 + EA |
1905 90 40 |
0 + EA |
1905 90 45 |
0 + EA |
1905 90 55 |
0 + EA |
1905 90 60 |
0 + EA |
1905 90 90 |
0 + EA |
Vegetables, fruit, nuts |
2001 90 40 |
0 + EA |
Other vegetables |
2004 10 91 |
0 + EA |
Other vegetables |
2005 20 10 |
0 + EA |
Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants |
2008 99 85 |
0 + EA |
2008 99 91 |
0 + EA |
Fruit juices (including grape must) |
2009 80 69 |
16,3 |
Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee |
2101 11 11 |
3,7 |
2101 11 19 |
3,7 |
2101 12 92 |
8,4 |
2101 12 98 |
0 + EA |
2101 20 98 |
0 + EA |
2101 30 11 |
8,4 |
2101 30 19 |
0 + EA |
2101 30 91 |
10,3 |
2101 30 99 |
7,9 + EA |
Yeasts (active or inactive) |
2102 10 10 |
8 |
2102 10 31 |
9,7 + 0 |
2102 10 39 |
9,7 + 0 |
2102 10 90 |
10,8 |
2102 20 11 |
6,1 |
Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments |
2103 20 00 |
7,4 |
Ice cream and other edible ice |
2105 00 10 |
5,9 + EA |
2105 00 91 |
5,7 + EA |
2105 00 99 |
5,7 + EA |
Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included |
2106 10 20 |
12,8 |
2106 10 80 |
9 + EA |
2106 90 10 |
EA |
2106 90 20 |
12,6 MIN 0,7 EUR/% vol/hl |
2106 90 98 |
6,4 + EA |
Waters, including mineral waters and aerated water |
2202 90 91 |
0 + EA |
2202 90 95 |
0 + EA |
2202 90 99 |
0 + EA |
Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar |
2209 00 11 |
5,1 EUR/hlt |
2209 00 19 |
3,9 EUR/hlt |
2209 00 91 |
3,7 EUR/hlt |
2209 00 99 |
2,7 EUR/hlt |
Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated |
2905 43 00 |
9 + EA |
2905 44 11 |
7 + EA |
2905 44 19 |
9 + EA |
2905 44 91 |
7 + EA |
2905 44 99 |
9 + EA |
2905 45 00 |
3 |
Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures |
3302 10 10 |
19,5 MIN 1,1 EUR/vol/hl |
3302 10 21 |
12,8 |
3302 10 29 |
0 + EA |
Finishing agents, dye carriers |
3809 10 10 |
5 + EA |
3809 10 30 |
5 + EA |
3809 10 50 |
5 + EA |
3809 10 90 |
5 + EA |
Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores |
3824 60 11 |
7 + EA |
3824 60 19 |
9 + EA |
3824 60 91 |
7 + EA |
3824 60 99 |
9 + EA |
Popis 6.
EU offer
Agricultural Products
Annex IV — List 6
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Cut flowers and flower buds |
0603 10 15 (11) |
global flowers 1 500 t; 50 % MFN or 80 % GSP; agf 3 % |
0603 10 29 (11) |
flowers 2 600 t; 50 % MFN or 80 % GSP; agf 3 % |
0603 10 51 (11) |
global flowers 1 500 t; 50 % MFN or 80 % GSP; agf 3 % |
0603 10 65 (11) |
global flowers 1 500 t; 50 % MFN or 80 % GSP; agf 3 % |
0603 90 00 (11) |
flowers 3 500 t; 25 % MFN; agf 3 % |
Fruit and nuts, uncooked or cooked by steaming |
0811 10 90 (11) |
strawberries 250 t; duty free; agf 3 % |
Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants |
2008 40 51 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 40 59 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 40 71 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 40 79 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 40 91 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 40 99 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 50 61 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 50 69 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 50 71 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 50 79 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 50 92 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 50 94 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 50 99 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 70 61 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 70 69 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 70 71 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 70 79 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 70 92 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 70 94 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 70 99 (11) |
global prep fruit 40 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 92 59 (11) |
global mix pr fr 18 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 92 72 (11) |
tropic prep fruit 2 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 92 74 (11) |
global mix pr fr 18 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 92 78 (11) |
global mix pr fr 18 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2008 92 98 (11) |
global mix pr fr 18 000 t g.w.; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
Fruit juices (including grape must) |
2009 11 99 (11) |
frozen orange juices 700 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2009 40 30 (11) |
global fruit juices 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2009 70 11 (11) |
global fruit juices 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2009 70 19 (11) |
global fruit juices 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2009 70 30 (11) |
global fruit juices 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2009 70 91 (11) |
global fruit juices 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2009 70 93 (11) |
global fruit juices 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
2009 70 99 (11) |
global fruit juices 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
Wine of fresh grapes, including fortified wines |
2204 21 79 (11) |
global wine 32 million l; duty free; agf 3 % |
2204 21 80 (11) |
global wine 32 million l; duty free; agf 3 % |
2204 21 83 (11) |
global wine 32 million l; duty free; agf 3 % |
2204 21 84 (11) |
global wine 32 million l; duty free; agf 3 % |
(11) The annual growth factor (agf) will be applied annually to the relevant basic quantities.
Popis 7.
EU offer
Agricultural Products
Annex IV — List 7
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Live bovine animals: |
0102 90 05 |
0102 90 21 |
0102 90 29 |
0102 90 41 |
0102 90 49 |
0102 90 51 |
0102 90 59 |
0102 90 61 |
0102 90 69 |
0102 90 71 |
0102 90 79 |
Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled: |
0201 10 00 |
0201 20 20 |
0201 20 30 |
0201 20 50 |
0201 20 90 |
0201 30 00 |
Meat of bovine animals, frozen: |
0202 10 00 |
0202 20 10 |
0202 20 30 |
0202 20 50 |
0202 20 90 |
0202 30 10 |
0202 30 50 |
0202 30 90 |
Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats |
0206 10 95 |
0206 29 91 |
0206 29 99 |
Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine |
0210 20 10 |
0210 20 90 |
0210 90 41 |
0210 90 49 |
0210 90 90 |
Milk and cream, concentrated |
0402 10 11 |
0402 10 19 |
0402 10 91 |
0402 10 99 |
0402 21 11 |
0402 21 17 |
0402 21 19 |
0402 21 91 |
0402 21 99 |
0402 29 11 |
0402 29 15 |
0402 29 19 |
0402 29 91 |
0402 29 99 |
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir |
0403 90 11 |
0403 90 13 |
0403 90 19 |
0403 90 31 |
0403 90 33 |
0403 90 39 |
Whey, whether or not concentrated |
0404 10 02 |
0404 10 04 |
0404 10 06 |
0404 10 12 |
0404 10 14 |
0404 10 16 |
0404 10 26 |
0404 10 28 |
0404 10 32 |
0404 10 34 |
0404 10 36 |
0404 10 38 |
0404 90 21 |
0404 90 23 |
0404 90 29 |
0404 90 81 |
0404 90 83 |
0404 90 89 |
Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; |
0405 10 11 |
0405 10 19 |
0405 10 30 |
0405 10 50 |
0405 10 90 |
0405 20 90 |
0405 90 10 |
0405 90 90 |
Cut flowers and flower buds |
0603 10 11 |
0603 10 13 |
0603 10 21 |
0603 10 25 |
0603 10 53 |
Other vegetables, fresh or chilled: |
0709 90 60 |
Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling) |
0710 40 00 |
Vegetables provisionally preserved |
0711 90 30 |
Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried: |
0803 00 19 |
Citrus fruit, fresh or dried: |
0805 10 01 (12) |
0805 10 05 (12) |
0805 10 09 (12) |
0805 10 11 (12) |
0805 10 15 (2) |
0805 10 19 (2) |
0805 10 21 (2) |
0805 10 25 (12) |
0805 10 29 (12) |
0805 10 31 (12) |
0805 10 33 (12) |
0805 10 35 (12) |
0805 10 44 (12) |
0805 10 51 (2) |
0805 10 55 (2) |
0805 10 59 (2) |
0805 10 61 (2) |
0805 10 65 (2) |
0805 10 69 (2) |
0805 30 20 (2) |
0805 30 30 (2) |
0805 30 40 (2) |
Grapes, fresh or dried: |
0806 10 40 (12) |
Apples, pears and quinces, fresh: |
0808 10 51 (12) |
0808 10 53 (12) |
0808 10 59 (12) |
0808 10 61 (12) |
0808 10 63 (12) |
0808 10 69 (12) |
0808 10 71 (12) |
0808 10 73 (12) |
0808 10 79 (12) |
0808 10 92 (12) |
0808 10 94 (12) |
0808 10 98 (12) |
0808 20 31 (12) |
0808 20 37 (12) |
0808 20 41 (12) |
0808 20 47 (12) |
0808 20 51 (12) |
0808 20 57 (12) |
0808 20 67 (12) |
Maize (corn): |
1005 10 90 |
1005 90 00 |
Rice: |
1006 10 10 |
1006 10 21 |
1006 10 23 |
1006 10 25 |
1006 10 27 |
1006 10 92 |
1006 10 94 |
1006 10 96 |
1006 10 98 |
1006 20 11 |
1006 20 13 |
1006 20 15 |
1006 20 17 |
1006 20 92 |
1006 20 94 |
1006 20 96 |
1006 20 98 |
1006 30 21 |
1006 30 23 |
1006 30 25 |
1006 30 27 |
1006 30 42 |
1006 30 44 |
1006 30 46 |
1006 30 48 |
1006 30 61 |
1006 30 63 |
1006 30 65 |
1006 30 67 |
1006 30 92 |
1006 30 94 |
1006 30 96 |
1006 30 98 |
1006 40 00 |
Grain sorghum: |
1007 00 10 |
1007 00 90 |
Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin: |
1102 20 10 |
1102 20 90 |
1102 30 00 |
Cereal groats, meal and pellets: |
1103 13 10 |
1103 13 90 |
1103 14 00 |
1103 29 40 |
1103 29 50 |
Cereal grains otherwise worked |
1104 19 50 |
1104 19 91 |
1104 23 10 |
1104 23 30 |
1104 23 90 |
1104 23 99 |
1104 30 90 |
Starches; inulin: |
1108 11 00 |
1108 12 00 |
1108 13 00 |
1108 14 00 |
1108 19 10 |
1108 19 90 |
1108 20 00 |
Wheat gluten, whether or not dried |
1109 00 00 |
Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal |
1602 50 10 |
1602 90 61 |
Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose |
1701 11 10 |
1701 11 90 |
1701 12 10 |
1701 12 90 |
1701 91 00 |
1701 99 10 |
1701 99 90 |
Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose |
1702 20 10 |
1702 20 90 |
1702 30 10 |
1702 30 51 |
1702 30 59 |
1702 30 91 |
1702 30 99 |
1702 40 10 |
1702 40 90 |
1702 60 10 |
1702 60 90 |
1702 90 30 |
1702 90 50 |
1702 90 60 |
1702 90 71 |
1702 90 75 |
1702 90 79 |
1702 90 80 |
1702 90 99 |
Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts |
2001 90 30 |
Tomatoes prepared or preserved |
2002 10 10 |
2002 10 90 |
2002 90 11 |
2002 90 19 |
2002 90 31 |
2002 90 39 |
2002 90 91 |
2002 90 99 |
Other vegetables prepared or preserved |
2004 90 10 |
Other vegetables prepared or preserved |
2005 60 00 |
2005 80 00 |
Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut puree |
2007 10 10 |
2007 91 10 |
2007 91 30 |
2007 99 10 |
2007 99 20 |
2007 99 31 |
2007 99 33 |
2007 99 35 |
2007 99 39 |
2007 99 51 |
2007 99 55 |
2007 99 58 |
Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants |
2008 30 55 |
2008 30 75 |
2008 92 51 |
2008 92 76 |
2008 92 92 |
2008 92 93 |
2008 92 94 |
2008 92 96 |
2008 92 97 |
Fruit juices (including grape must) |
2009 40 93 |
2009 60 11 (12) |
2009 60 19 (12) |
2009 60 51 (12) |
2009 60 59 (12) |
2009 60 71 (12) |
2009 60 79 (12) |
2009 60 90 (12) |
2009 80 71 |
2009 90 49 |
2009 90 71 |
Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included |
2106 90 30 |
2106 90 55 |
2106 90 59 |
Wine of fresh grapes, including fortified wines |
2204 21 94 |
2204 29 62 |
2204 29 64 |
2204 29 65 |
2204 29 83 |
2204 29 84 |
2204 29 94 |
Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes |
2205 10 10 |
2205 10 90 |
2205 90 10 |
2205 90 90 |
Undenatured ethyl alcohol |
2207 10 00 |
2207 20 00 |
Undenatured ethyl alcohol |
2208 40 10 |
2208 40 90 |
2208 90 91 |
2208 90 99 |
Bran, sharps and other residues |
2302 10 10 |
2302 10 90 |
2302 20 10 |
2302 20 90 |
Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues |
2303 10 11 |
Dextrins and other modified starches |
3505 10 10 |
3505 10 90 |
3505 20 10 |
3505 20 30 |
3505 20 50 |
3505 20 90 |
(12) The full specific duty is payable if the respective Entry Price is not reached.
(2) (1/6 to 15/10).
(9) (16/10 to 31/5).
Popis 8.
EU offer
Agricultural Products
Annex IV — List 8
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Cheese and curd: |
0406 20 10 |
0406 40 10 |
0406 40 50 |
0406 90 02 |
0406 90 03 |
0406 90 04 |
0406 90 05 |
0406 90 06 |
0406 90 07 |
0406 90 08 |
0406 90 09 |
0406 90 12 |
0406 90 14 |
0406 90 16 |
0406 90 18 |
0406 90 19 |
0406 90 23 |
0406 90 25 |
0406 90 27 |
0406 90 29 |
0406 90 31 |
0406 90 33 |
0406 90 35 |
0406 90 37 |
0406 90 39 |
0406 90 61 |
0406 90 63 |
0406 90 73 |
0406 90 75 |
0406 90 76 |
0406 90 79 |
0406 90 81 |
0406 90 82 |
0406 90 84 |
0406 90 85 |
Wine of fresh grapes, including fortified wines |
2204 10 11 |
2204 10 91 |
2204 21 11 |
2204 21 12 |
2204 21 13 |
2204 21 17 |
2204 21 18 |
2204 21 19 |
2204 21 22 |
2204 21 24 |
2204 21 26 |
2204 21 27 |
2204 21 28 |
2204 21 32 |
2204 21 34 |
2204 21 36 |
2204 21 37 |
2204 21 38 |
2204 21 42 |
2204 21 43 |
2204 21 44 |
2204 21 46 |
2204 21 47 |
2204 21 48 |
2204 21 62 |
2204 21 66 |
2204 21 67 |
2204 21 68 |
2204 21 69 |
2204 21 71 |
2204 21 74 |
2204 21 76 |
2204 21 77 |
2204 21 78 |
2204 21 87 |
2204 21 88 |
2204 21 89 |
2204 21 91 |
2204 21 92 |
2204 21 93 |
2204 21 95 |
2204 21 96 |
2204 21 97 |
2204 29 12 |
2204 29 13 |
2204 29 17 |
2204 29 18 |
2204 29 42 |
2204 29 43 |
2204 29 44 |
2204 29 46 |
2204 29 47 |
2204 29 48 |
2204 29 71 |
2204 29 72 |
2204 29 81 |
2204 29 82 |
2204 29 87 |
2204 29 88 |
2204 29 89 |
2204 29 91 |
2204 29 92 |
2204 29 93 |
2204 29 95 |
2204 29 96 |
2204 29 97 |
Undenatured ethyl alcohol |
2208 20 12 |
2208 20 14 |
2208 20 26 |
2208 20 27 |
2208 20 62 |
2208 20 64 |
2208 20 86 |
2208 20 87 |
2208 30 11 |
2208 30 19 |
2208 30 32 |
2208 30 38 |
2208 30 52 |
2208 30 58 |
2208 30 72 |
2208 30 78 |
2208 90 41 |
2208 90 45 |
2208 90 52 |
Popis 1.
Carinske koncesije iz popisa 1. do 4. ovog Priloga primjenjuju se samo ako je sporazum o ribarstvu iz članka 62. ovog Sporazuma stupio na snagu. Koncesije će se uvoditi prema sljedećem rasporedu:
— |
Carine na proizvode iz Popisa 1. ukidaju se odmah. |
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Carine na proizvode iz Popisa 2. ukinut će se u jednakim godišnjim koracima u roku tri godine od stupanja na snagu sporazuma o ribarstvu. |
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Carine na proizvode iz Popisa 3. ukinut će se u jednakim godišnjim koracima na početku četvrte godine od stupanja na snagu sporazuma o ribarstvu. |
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Carine na proizvode iz Popisa 4. ukinut će se u jednakim godišnjim koracima na početku šeste godine od stupanja na snagu sporazuma o ribarstvu. |
Carinske koncesije koje se primjenjuju na izvoz proizvoda u Europsku zajednicu podrijetlom iz Republike Južne Afrike, a koji su proizvodi navedeni u Popisu 5. ovog Priloga, bit će utvrđene ovisno o sadržaju i kontinuitetu sporazuma o ribarstvu iz članka 62. ovog Sporazuma.
Sporazum o ribarstvu trebao bi stupiti na snagu, a odgovarajuće trgovinske koncesije Zajednice u vezi s proizvodima ribarstva trebale bi se početi u potpunosti primjenjivati tijekom prijelaznog razdoblja od 10 godina od stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma.
EU offer
Fish Products
Annex V — List 1
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Live fish: |
0301 10 90 |
0301 92 00 |
0301 99 11 |
Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets |
0302 12 00 |
0302 31 10 |
0302 32 10 |
0302 33 10 |
0302 39 11 |
0302 39 19 |
0302 66 00 |
0302 69 21 |
Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets |
0303 10 00 |
0303 22 00 |
0303 41 11 |
0303 41 13 |
0303 41 19 |
0303 42 12 |
0303 42 18 |
0303 42 32 |
0303 42 38 |
0303 42 52 |
0303 42 58 |
0303 43 11 |
0303 43 13 |
0303 43 19 |
0303 49 21 |
0303 49 23 |
0303 49 29 |
0303 49 41 |
0303 49 43 |
0303 49 49 |
0303 76 00 |
0303 79 21 |
0303 79 23 |
0303 79 29 |
Fish fillets and other fish meat |
0304 10 13 |
0304 20 13 |
Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed |
1902 20 10 |
Popis 2.
EU offer
Fish Products
Annex V — List 2
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Live fish: |
0301 91 10 |
0301 93 00 |
0301 99 19 |
Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets |
0302 11 10 |
0302 19 00 |
0302 21 10 |
0302 21 30 |
0302 22 00 |
0302 62 00 |
0302 63 00 |
0302 65 20 |
0302 65 50 |
0302 65 90 |
0302 69 11 |
0302 69 19 |
0302 69 31 |
0302 69 33 |
0302 69 41 |
0302 69 45 |
0302 69 51 |
0302 69 85 |
0302 69 86 |
0302 69 92 |
0302 69 99 |
0302 70 00 |
Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets |
0303 21 10 |
0303 29 00 |
0303 31 10 |
0303 31 30 |
0303 33 00 |
0303 39 10 |
0303 72 00 |
0303 73 00 |
0303 75 20 |
0303 75 50 |
0303 75 90 |
0303 79 11 |
0303 79 19 |
0303 79 35 |
0303 79 37 |
0303 79 45 |
0303 79 51 |
0303 79 60 |
0303 79 62 |
0303 79 83 |
0303 79 85 |
0303 79 87 |
0303 79 92 |
0303 79 93 |
0303 79 94 |
0303 79 96 |
0303 80 00 |
Fish fillets and other fish meat |
0304 10 19 |
0304 10 91 |
0304 20 19 |
0304 20 21 |
0304 20 29 |
0304 20 31 |
0304 20 33 |
0304 20 35 |
0304 20 37 |
0304 20 41 |
0304 20 43 |
0304 20 61 |
0304 20 69 |
0304 20 71 |
0304 20 73 |
0304 20 87 |
0304 20 91 |
0304 90 10 |
0304 90 31 |
0304 90 39 |
0304 90 41 |
0304 90 45 |
0304 90 57 |
0304 90 59 |
0304 90 97 |
Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish |
0305 42 00 |
0305 59 50 |
0305 59 70 |
0305 63 00 |
0305 69 30 |
0305 69 50 |
0305 69 90 |
Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh |
0306 11 10 |
0306 11 90 |
0306 12 10 |
0306 12 90 |
0306 13 10 |
0306 13 90 |
0306 14 10 |
0306 14 30 |
0306 14 90 |
0306 19 10 |
0306 19 90 |
0306 21 00 |
0306 22 10 |
0306 22 91 |
0306 22 99 |
0306 23 10 |
0306 23 90 |
0306 24 10 |
0306 24 30 |
0306 24 90 |
0306 29 10 |
0306 29 90 |
Molluscs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh |
0307 10 90 |
0307 21 00 |
0307 29 10 |
0307 29 90 |
0307 31 10 |
0307 31 90 |
0307 39 10 |
0307 39 90 |
0307 41 10 |
0307 41 91 |
0307 41 99 |
0307 49 01 |
0307 49 11 |
0307 49 18 |
0307 49 31 |
0307 49 33 |
0307 49 35 |
0307 49 38 |
0307 49 51 |
0307 49 59 |
0307 49 71 |
0307 49 91 |
0307 49 99 |
0307 51 00 |
0307 59 10 |
0307 59 90 |
0307 91 00 |
0307 99 11 |
0307 99 13 |
0307 99 15 |
0307 99 18 |
0307 99 90 |
Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes |
1604 11 00 |
1604 13 90 |
1604 15 11 |
1604 15 19 |
1604 15 90 |
1604 19 10 |
1604 19 50 |
1604 19 91 |
1604 19 92 |
1604 19 93 |
1604 19 94 |
1604 19 95 |
1604 19 98 |
1604 20 05 |
1604 20 10 |
1604 20 30 |
1604 30 10 |
1604 30 90 |
Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebra |
1605 10 00 |
1605 20 10 |
1605 20 91 |
1605 20 99 |
1605 30 00 |
1605 40 00 |
1605 90 11 |
1605 90 19 |
1605 90 30 |
1605 90 90 |
Popis 3.
EU offer
Fish Products
Annex V — List 3
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Live fish: |
0301 91 90 |
Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets |
0302 11 90 |
Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets |
0303 21 90 |
Fish fillets and other fish meat |
0304 10 11 |
0304 20 11 |
0304 20 57 |
0304 20 59 |
0304 90 47 |
0304 90 49 |
Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes |
1604 13 11 |
Popis 4.
EU offer
Fish Products
Annex V — List 4
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Live fish: |
0301 99 90 |
Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets |
0302 21 90 |
0302 23 00 |
0302 29 10 |
0302 29 90 |
0302 31 90 |
0302 32 90 |
0302 33 90 |
0302 39 91 |
0302 39 99 |
0302 40 05 |
0302 40 98 |
0302 50 10 |
0302 50 90 |
0302 61 10 |
0302 61 30 |
0302 61 90 |
0302 61 98 |
0302 64 05 |
0302 64 98 |
0302 69 25 |
0302 69 35 |
0302 69 55 |
0302 69 61 |
0302 69 75 |
0302 69 87 |
0302 69 91 |
0302 69 93 |
0302 69 94 |
0302 69 95 |
Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets |
0303 31 90 |
0303 32 00 |
0303 39 20 |
0303 39 30 |
0303 39 80 |
0303 41 90 |
0303 42 90 |
0303 43 90 |
0303 49 90 |
0303 50 05 |
0303 50 98 |
0303 60 11 |
0303 60 19 |
0303 60 90 |
0303 71 10 |
0303 71 30 |
0303 71 90 |
0303 71 98 |
0303 74 10 |
0303 74 20 |
0303 74 90 |
0303 77 00 |
0303 79 31 |
0303 79 41 |
0303 79 55 |
0303 79 65 |
0303 79 71 |
0303 79 75 |
0303 79 91 |
0303 79 95 |
Fish fillets and other fish meat |
0304 10 31 |
0304 10 33 |
0304 10 35 |
0304 10 38 |
0304 10 94 |
0304 10 96 |
0304 10 98 |
0304 20 45 |
0304 20 51 |
0304 20 53 |
0304 20 75 |
0304 20 79 |
0304 20 81 |
0304 20 85 |
0304 20 96 |
0304 90 05 |
0304 90 20 |
0304 90 27 |
0304 90 35 |
0304 90 38 |
0304 90 51 |
0304 90 55 |
0304 90 61 |
0304 90 65 |
Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish |
0305 10 00 |
0305 20 00 |
0305 30 11 |
0305 30 19 |
0305 30 30 |
0305 30 50 |
0305 30 90 |
0305 41 00 |
0305 49 10 |
0305 49 20 |
0305 49 30 |
0305 49 45 |
0305 49 50 |
0305 49 80 |
0305 51 10 |
0305 51 90 |
0305 59 11 |
0305 59 19 |
0305 59 30 |
0305 59 60 |
0305 59 90 |
0305 61 00 |
0305 62 00 |
0305 69 10 |
0305 69 20 |
Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, |
0306 13 30 |
0306 19 30 |
0306 23 31 |
0306 23 39 |
0306 29 30 |
Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes |
1604 12 10 |
1604 12 91 |
1604 12 99 |
1604 14 12 |
1604 14 14 |
1604 14 16 |
1604 14 18 |
1604 14 90 |
1604 19 31 |
1604 19 39 |
1604 20 70 |
Popis 5.
EU offer
Fish Products
Annex V — List 5
CN code 1996 |
Tariff quota or partial liberalisation |
Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets |
0302 69 65 |
0302 69 81 |
Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets |
0303 78 10 |
0303 78 90 |
0303 79 81 |
Fish fillets and other fish meat |
0304 20 83 |
Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes |
1604 13 19 |
1604 16 00 |
1604 20 40 |
1604 20 50 |
1604 20 90 |
Popis 1.
Agricultural Products
SA offer
Annex VI — List 1
HS code 1996 |
Notes/tariff quota/reductions |
Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen: |
0205 00 00 |
Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh, chilled or frozen: |
0208 10 00 |
0208 20 00 |
0208 90 00 |
Cut flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes |
0603 10 00 |
0603 90 00 |
Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, without flowers or flower buds, and grasses |
0604 91 00 |
Potatoes, fresh or chilled: |
0701 10 00 |
0701 90 00 |
Tomatoes, fresh or chilled: |
0702 00 00 |
Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled: |
0703 10 00 |
0703 20 00 |
Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled: |
0708 10 00 |
Other vegetables, fresh or chilled: |
0709 20 00 |
0709 90 00 |
Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen: |
0710 90 00 |
Vegetables provisionally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine |
0711 30 00 |
Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared: |
0712 90 10 |
0712 90 20 |
0712 90 30 |
Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots |
0714 10 10 |
0714 20 10 |
0714 90 10 |
Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled |
0801 11 90 |
0801 19 90 |
Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried: |
0803 00 00 |
Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried: |
0804 40 00 |
0804 50 00 |
Citrus fruit, fresh or dried: |
0805 10 00 |
0805 20 00 |
0805 30 00 |
0805 40 00 |
0805 90 00 |
Grapes, fresh or dried: |
0806 10 00 |
Melons (including watermelons) and pawpaws (papayas), fresh: |
0807 11 00 |
0807 19 00 |
0807 20 00 |
Apples, pears and quinces, fresh: |
0808 10 00 |
0808 20 00 |
Apricots, cherries, peaches (including nectarines), plums and sloes, fresh: |
0809 10 00 |
0809 20 00 |
0809 30 00 |
0809 40 00 |
Other fruit, fresh: |
0810 10 00 |
0810 50 00 |
0810 90 10 |
0810 90 90 |
Fruit and nuts, provisionally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas) in brine |
0812 10 00 |
0812 90 15 |
0812 90 90 |
Fruit, dried, other than that of heading Nos 0801 to 0806 ; mixtures of nuts or dried fruits |
0813 30 00 |
0813 40 10 |
0813 40 90 |
0813 49 99 |
0813 50 00 |
Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated; coffee husks and skins; coffee substitute |
0901 21 00 |
0901 22 00 |
0901 90 90 |
Grain sorghum: |
1007 00 00 |
Buckwheat, millet and canary seed; other cereals: |
1008 90 00 |
Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin: |
1102 10 00 |
1102 90 10 |
1102 90 20 |
1102 90 30 |
Cereal groats, meal and pellets: |
1103 12 10 |
1103 12 20 |
1103 29 20 |
Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced) |
1104 12 10 |
1104 12 20 |
1104 22 10 |
1104 22 20 |
1104 29 90 |
Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading No 0713 |
1106 10 00 |
Malt, whether or not roasted: |
1107 10 30 |
1107 10 40 |
1107 10 90 |
1107 20 30 |
1107 20 40 |
Soya beans, whether or not broken: |
1201 00 00 |
Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken: |
1206 00 00 |
Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, other than those of mustard: |
1208 10 00 |
1208 90 00 |
Plants and parts of plants (including seeds and fruits) |
1211 90 20 |
1211 90 30 |
Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae, sugar beet and sugar cane, fresh, chilled, frozen |
1212 20 10 |
Vegetable products not elsewhere specified or included: |
1404 20 90 |
Olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: |
1509 90 10 |
1509 90 90 |
Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives, whether or not refined |
1510 00 10 |
1510 00 90 |
Palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: |
1511 10 00 |
Rape, colza or mustard oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined |
1514 10 00 |
Other fixed vegetable fats and oils (including jojoba oil) and their fractions |
1515 11 00 |
1515 19 10 |
1515 19 90 |
1515 30 10 |
1515 40 10 |
1515 40 90 |
1515 50 10 |
1515 50 90 |
1515 60 00 |
1515 90 10 |
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated |
1516 10 10 |
Margarine; edible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils |
1517 90 10 |
1517 90 90 |
Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood |
1601 00 10 |
Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa: |
1806 90 70 |
Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other substances) |
1902 20 10 |
1902 20 20 |
Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products |
1904 20 10 |
1904 90 10 |
Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar |
2001 20 00 |
Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen |
2004 90 10 |
2004 90 20 |
Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen |
2005 90 20 |
2005 90 30 |
Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar |
2006 00 20 |
Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved |
2008 11 00 |
2008 99 30 |
Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or mat Be |
2101 30 10 |
Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour |
2103 10 00 |
2103 20 00 |
2103 30 10 |
2103 30 20 |
2103 90 90 |
Soups and broths and preparations therefor; homogenised composite food preparations: |
2104 10 90 |
Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included: |
2106 90 35 |
Waters, including natural or artificial mineral waters and aerated waters |
2201 10 00 |
Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar |
2202 10 10 |
2202 10 90 |
2202 90 20 |
2202 90 90 |
Beer made from malt: |
2203 00 10 |
2203 00 90 |
Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets |
2304 00 00 |
Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets |
2305 00 00 |
Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets |
2306 10 00 |
2306 20 00 |
2306 30 00 |
2306 40 00 |
2306 50 00 |
2306 60 00 |
2306 90 00 |
Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes |
2403 91 00 |
Albumins (including concentrates of two or more whey proteins) |
3502 11 00 |
3502 19 90 |
Popis 2.
Agricultural Products
SA offer
Annex VI — List 2
HS code 1996 |
Notes/tariff quota/reductions |
Meat and edible offal, of the poultry of heading No 0105 , fresh, chilled or frozen: |
0207 41 99 |
Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled: |
0707 00 00 |
Other vegetables, fresh or chilled: |
0709 60 00 |
Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split: |
0713 10 20 |
0713 31 00 |
0713 33 00 |
0713 39 00 |
0713 50 00 |
0713 90 10 |
0713 90 20 |
Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried: |
0804 30 00 |
Fruit and nuts, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen |
0811 90 15 |
Starches; inulin: |
1108 11 90 |
1108 13 90 |
1108 14 90 |
1108 19 90 |
Linseed, whether or not broken: |
1204 00 00 |
Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken: |
1207 10 00 |
1207 20 00 |
1207 30 00 |
1207 40 00 |
1207 50 00 |
1207 60 00 |
1207 91 00 |
1207 92 00 |
1207 99 00 |
Plants and parts of plants (including seeds and fruits) |
1211 10 00 |
1211 20 00 |
1211 90 80 |
Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates |
1302 11 00 |
1302 12 00 |
1302 19 10 |
1302 32 20 |
1302 39 20 |
Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom (including lanolin): |
1505 90 00 |
Soya-bean oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: |
1507 90 90 |
Palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: |
1511 90 20 |
1511 90 90 |
Sunflower-seed, safflower or cotton-seed oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined |
1512 11 00 |
1512 29 20 |
1512 29 90 |
Other fixed vegetable fats and oils (including jojoba oil) and their fractions, whether or not refined |
1515 29 90 |
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated |
1516 10 90 |
1516 20 90 |
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidised, dehydrated |
1518 00 30 |
1519 11 00 |
1519 19 10 |
1519 19 20 |
1519 20 00 |
Vegetable waxes (other than triglycerides), beeswax, other insect waxes and spermaceti |
1521 10 90 |
1521 90 00 |
Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose |
1702 11 00 |
1702 19 00 |
1702 20 10 |
1702 20 30 |
1702 30 00 |
1702 40 00 |
1702 50 00 |
1702 60 10 |
1702 60 20 |
1702 90 10 |
1702 90 20 |
1702 90 25 |
1702 90 30 |
1702 90 50 |
1702 90 90 |
Molasses resulting from the extraction or refining of sugar: |
1703 10 00 |
1703 90 00 |
Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract |
1901 90 10 |
Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; |
1905 90 10 |
1905 90 20 |
1905 90 30 |
1905 90 90 |
Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar |
2001 10 00 |
Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut puree and fruit or nut pastes, being cooked |
2007 10 00 |
2007 91 00 |
2007 99 10 |
2007 99 20 |
2007 99 90 |
Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved |
2008 20 00 |
2008 30 10 |
2008 30 90 |
2008 40 00 |
2008 50 00 |
2008 60 00 |
2008 70 00 |
2008 80 00 |
2008 92 10 |
2008 92 90 |
2008 99 10 |
2008 99 20 |
2008 99 90 |
Fruit juices (including grape must) and vegetable juices, unfermented |
2009 11 00 |
2009 19 00 |
2009 20 00 |
2009 30 00 |
2009 40 00 |
2009 50 00 |
2009 70 00 |
2009 80 20 |
2009 90 10 |
2009 90 20 |
Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or mat Be |
2101 12 10 |
Yeasts (active or inactive); other single-cell micro-organisms, dead |
2102 10 00 |
2102 20 00 |
Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included: |
2106 10 10 |
2106 90 50 |
2106 90 70 |
Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets |
2306 70 00 |
Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives |
2905 43 00 |
Gelatin (including gelatin in rectangular (including square) sheets |
3503 00 30 |
Popis 3.
Agricultural Products
SA offer
Annex VI — List 3
HS code 1996 |
Notes/tariff quota/reductions |
Meat and edible offal, of the poultry of heading No 0105 , fresh, chilled or frozen: |
0207 12 00 |
0207 21 00 |
0207 41 15 |
0207 41 90 |
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk |
0403 90 00 |
Whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter |
0404 10 00 |
Birds' eggs, not in shell, and egg yolks, fresh, dried, cooked by steaming or by boiling |
0408 11 00 |
0408 19 00 |
0408 91 00 |
0408 99 00 |
Natural honey |
0409 00 00 |
Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, without flowers or flower buds, and grasses |
0604 10 00 |
0604 99 00 |
Other vegetables, fresh or chilled: |
0709 51 00 |
Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen: |
0710 10 00 |
0710 21 00 |
0710 22 00 |
0710 29 00 |
0710 30 00 |
0710 40 00 |
0710 80 90 |
Vegetables provisionally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas) in brine |
0711 10 00 |
0711 20 00 |
0711 40 00 |
0711 90 10 |
0711 90 90 |
Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared: |
0712 20 00 |
0712 30 00 |
0712 90 90 |
Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split: |
0713 10 25 |
0713 32 00 |
Fruit and nuts, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen |
0811 10 00 |
0811 20 00 |
0811 90 90 |
Fruit and nuts, provisionally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine |
0812 20 00 |
Fruit, dried, other than that of heading Nos 0801 to 0806 ; mixtures of nuts or dried fruit |
0813 10 00 |
Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated; coffee husks and skins; coffee substitute |
0901 90 10 |
Tea, whether or not flavoured: |
0902 30 00 |
0902 40 00 |
Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruits of the genus Capsicum |
0904 20 30 |
Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices: |
0910 10 10 |
0910 10 20 |
Buckwheat, millet and canary seed; other cereals: |
1008 20 00 |
1008 30 00 |
Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin: |
1102 30 00 |
1102 90 90 |
Cereal groats, meal and pellets: |
1103 14 00 |
1103 19 00 |
Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced) |
1104 19 90 |
1104 29 20 |
1104 30 00 |
Flour, meal, powder, flakes, granules and pellets of potatoes: |
1105 10 00 |
1105 20 10 |
1105 20 90 |
Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading No 0713 |
1106 30 00 |
Malt, whether or not roasted: |
1107 20 90 |
Starches; inulin: |
1108 12 90 |
1108 20 00 |
Wheat gluten, whether or not dried |
1109 00 00 |
Rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken: |
1205 00 00 |
Plants and parts of plants (including seeds and fruits) |
1211 90 90 |
Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae, sugar beet and sugar cane, fresh, chilled, frozen |
1212 10 00 |
1212 30 00 |
1212 99 90 |
Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates |
1302 19 90 |
Lard stearin, lard oil, oleostearin, oleo-oil and tallow oil, not emulsified |
1503 00 00 |
Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: |
1506 00 90 |
Soya-bean oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: |
1507 90 20 |
Olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: |
1509 10 00 |
Sunflower-seed, safflower or cotton-seed oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: |
1512 19 20 |
1512 19 90 |
Rape, colza or mustard oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: |
1514 90 20 |
1514 90 90 |
Other fixed vegetable fats and oils (including jojoba oil) and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: |
1515 29 20 |
1515 90 90 |
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated |
1516 20 20 |
1516 20 30 |
1516 20 40 |
1516 20 60 |
Margarine; edible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils |
1517 10 00 |
1517 90 20 |
1517 90 30 |
1517 90 40 |
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidised, dehydrated |
1518 00 10 |
1518 00 50 |
1518 00 60 |
1518 00 70 |
1518 00 90 |
1519 13 00 |
Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable fats |
1522 00 00 |
Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood: |
1602 20 10 |
1602 32 10 |
1602 32 90 |
1602 39 10 |
1602 39 90 |
Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates |
1603 00 10 |
1603 00 20 |
1603 00 90 |
Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa: |
1806 10 00 |
1806 20 10 |
1806 20 90 |
1806 31 00 |
1806 32 00 |
1806 90 40 |
1806 90 50 |
1806 90 60 |
Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract |
1901 10 00 |
1901 20 90 |
Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other substances) |
1902 11 00 |
1902 19 00 |
1902 20 90 |
1902 30 00 |
1902 40 10 |
1902 40 90 |
Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products |
1904 10 00 |
1904 20 90 |
1904 90 90 |
Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa |
1905 10 00 |
1905 20 00 |
1905 30 00 |
1905 40 00 |
Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar |
2001 90 10 |
2001 90 90 |
Tomatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid: |
2002 10 10 |
2002 10 90 |
2002 90 00 |
Mushrooms and truffles, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid: |
2003 10 10 |
2003 10 90 |
Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen |
2004 10 00 |
2004 90 30 |
2004 90 90 |
Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen |
2005 10 00 |
2005 20 00 |
2005 40 10 |
2005 40 90 |
2005 51 00 |
2005 59 00 |
2005 60 00 |
2005 70 00 |
2005 80 00 |
2005 90 10 |
2005 90 90 |
Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar |
2006 00 30 |
2006 00 90 |
Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved |
2008 91 00 |
Fruit juices (including grape must) and vegetable juices, unfermented |
2009 60 00 |
2009 80 10 |
Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or mat Be |
2101 11 10 |
2101 11 90 |
2101 12 90 |
2101 30 90 |
Yeasts (active or inactive); other single-cell micro-organisms, dead |
2102 30 00 |
Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour |
2103 90 10 |
Soups and broths and preparations therefor; homogenised composite food preparations: |
2104 10 10 |
2104 10 20 |
Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included: |
2106 10 90 |
2106 90 65 |
2106 90 90 |
Wine of fresh grapes, including fortified wines; grape must other than that of heading No 2009 : |
2204 10 10 (*1) |
global sparkling wine 0,26 global million l; agf 5 % |
2204 10 90 (*1) |
global sparkling wine 0,26 global million l; agf 5 % |
2204 21 10 (*1) |
global wine 1 million l; agf 5 % |
2204 21 20 (*1) |
global wine 1 million l; agf 5 % |
2204 21 90 (*1) |
global wine 1 million l; agf 5 % |
2204 29 10 |
2204 29 20 |
2204 29 90 |
2204 30 00 |
Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances: |
2205 10 00 |
2205 90 00 |
Other fermented beverages (for example, cider, perry, mead); mixtures of fermented beverages |
2206 00 10 |
2206 00 20 |
2206 00 30 |
2206 00 40 |
2206 00 50 |
2206 00 60 |
2206 00 70 |
2206 00 90 |
Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80 % vol or higher |
2207 10 00 |
2207 20 00 |
Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80 % vol |
2208 10 90 |
2208 20 00 |
2208 30 00 |
2208 40 00 |
2208 50 00 |
2208 60 00 |
2208 70 10 |
2208 70 90 |
2208 90 10 |
2208 90 90 |
Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar obtained from acetic acid: |
2209 00 00 |
Wine lees; argol: |
2307 00 00 |
Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding: |
2309 10 00 |
2309 90 90 |
Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse: |
2401 10 00 |
2401 20 00 |
2401 30 00 |
Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or of tobacco substitutes: |
2402 10 00 |
2402 20 00 |
2402 90 00 |
Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes |
2403 10 10 |
2403 10 20 |
2403 10 30 |
2403 99 10 |
2403 99 90 |
Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives |
2905 44 10 |
2905 44 20 |
Essential oils (terpeneless or not), including concretes and absolutes; resinoids |
3301 90 10 |
3301 90 20 |
3301 90 30 |
3301 90 60 |
3301 90 70 |
Albumins (including concentrates of two or more whey proteins) |
3502 19 10 |
Gelatin (including gelatin in rectangular (including square) sheets) |
3503 00 10 |
Wool, not carded or combed: |
5101 30 20 |
Fine or coarse animal hair, not carded or combed: |
5102 10 90 |
5102 20 90 |
Cotton, not carded or combed: |
5201 00 20 |
5201 00 90 |
Cotton, carded or combed |
5203 00 00 |
(*1) The annual growth factor (agf) will be applied annually to the relevant basic quantities.
Popis 4.
SA offer
Agricultural Products
Annex VI — List 4
HS code 1996 |
Notes/tariff quota/reductions |
Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled: |
0201 10 00 |
0201 20 00 |
0201 30 00 |
Meat of bovine animals, frozen: |
0202 10 00 |
0202 20 00 |
0202 30 00 |
Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen: |
0203 11 00 |
0203 12 00 |
0203 19 90 |
0203 21 00 |
0203 22 00 |
0203 29 90 |
Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen: |
0204 10 00 |
0204 21 00 |
0204 22 00 |
0204 23 00 |
0204 30 00 |
0204 41 00 |
0204 42 00 |
0204 43 00 |
0204 50 00 |
Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies |
0206 10 10 |
0206 10 90 |
0206 19 99 |
0206 21 00 |
0206 22 00 |
0206 29 00 |
0206 30 00 |
0206 41 00 |
0206 49 00 |
0206 80 00 |
0206 90 00 |
Pig fat, free of lean meat, and poultry fat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh |
0209 00 00 |
Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals |
0210 11 00 |
0210 12 00 |
0210 19 00 |
0210 20 00 |
0210 90 00 |
Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter: |
0402 10 00 |
0402 21 00 |
0402 29 00 |
0402 91 00 |
0402 99 00 |
Whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter |
0404 90 00 |
Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; dairy spreads: |
0405 00 00 |
0405 10 00 |
0405 20 10 |
0405 20 90 |
0405 90 00 |
Cheese and curd: |
0406 10 10 (*1) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
0406 10 20 (*1) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
0406 20 10 (*1) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
0406 20 90 (*1) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
0406 30 00 (*1) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
0406 40 10 (*1) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
0406 40 90 (*1) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
0406 90 10 (*1) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
0406 90 25 (*1) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
0406 90 35 (*1) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
0406 90 90 (*1) |
global cheese and curd 5 000 t; 50 % MFN; agf 3 % |
Wheat and meslin: |
1001 90 00 |
Barley: |
1003 00 00 |
Maize (corn): |
1005 10 00 |
1005 90 00 |
Wheat or meslin flour: |
1101 00 10 |
1101 00 20 |
Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin: |
1102 20 00 |
Cereal groats, meal and pellets: |
1103 11 00 |
1103 13 00 |
1103 21 00 |
Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced) |
1104 11 00 |
1104 19 10 |
1104 21 00 |
1104 23 00 |
1104 29 10 |
Malt, whether or not roasted: |
1107 10 10 |
1107 20 10 |
Starches; inulin: |
1108 11 10 |
Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood |
1601 00 90 |
Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood: |
1602 10 00 |
1602 20 90 |
1602 41 00 |
1602 42 00 |
1602 49 90 |
1602 50 30 |
1602 50 40 |
1602 50 90 |
1602 90 10 |
1602 90 20 |
1602 90 90 |
Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form: |
1701 11 00 |
1701 12 00 |
1701 91 00 |
1701 99 00 |
Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa: |
1704 10 00 |
1704 90 00 |
Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa: |
1806 90 20 |
1806 90 30 |
Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract |
1901 20 10 |
1901 20 20 |
1901 90 20 |
1901 90 90 |
Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa: |
2105 00 10 |
2105 00 20 |
2105 00 90 |
Bran, sharps and other residues |
2302 30 00 |
Flax, raw or processed but not spun; flax tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnet) |
5301 10 00 |
5301 21 00 |
5301 29 00 |
5301 30 00 |
True hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of true hemp |
5302 10 00 |
5302 90 00 |
(*1) The annual growth factor (agf) will be applied annually to the relevant basic quantities.
SA offer
Fish Products
Annex VII — List 1
HS code 1996 |
Notes/tariff quota/reductions |
Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No 0304: |
0302 11 00 |
0302 12 00 |
0302 19 00 |
0302 21 00 |
0302 22 00 |
0302 23 00 |
0302 29 00 |
0302 31 00 |
0302 32 00 |
0302 33 00 |
0302 39 00 |
0302 40 00 |
0302 50 00 |
0302 61 00 |
0302 62 00 |
0302 63 00 |
0302 64 00 |
0302 65 00 |
0302 66 00 |
0302 69 10 |
0302 69 20 |
0302 69 30 |
0302 69 40 |
0302 69 50 |
0302 69 60 |
0302 69 70 |
0302 69 90 |
0302 70 00 |
Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No 0304: |
0303 10 00 |
0303 21 00 |
0303 22 00 |
0303 29 00 |
0303 31 00 |
0303 32 00 |
0303 33 00 |
0303 39 00 |
0303 41 00 |
0303 42 00 |
0303 43 00 |
0303 49 00 |
0303 50 00 |
0303 60 00 |
0303 71 00 |
0303 72 00 |
0303 73 00 |
0303 74 00 |
0303 75 00 |
0303 76 00 |
0303 77 00 |
0303 78 00 |
0303 79 10 |
0303 79 20 |
0303 79 30 |
0303 79 40 |
0303 79 50 |
0303 79 90 |
0303 80 00 |
Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh, chilled or frozen: |
0304 10 10 |
0304 10 20 |
0304 10 90 |
0304 20 10 |
0304 20 20 |
0304 20 90 |
0304 90 10 |
0304 90 20 |
0304 90 90 |
Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish |
0305 10 00 |
0305 20 00 |
0305 30 10 |
0305 30 90 |
0305 41 00 |
0305 42 00 |
0305 49 10 |
0305 49 90 |
0305 51 00 |
0305 59 10 |
0305 59 90 |
0305 61 00 |
0305 62 00 |
0305 63 00 |
0305 69 00 |
Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine |
0306 11 00 |
0306 12 00 |
0306 13 00 |
0306 14 00 |
0306 19 10 |
0306 19 90 |
0306 21 00 |
0306 22 00 |
0306 23 00 |
0306 24 00 |
0306 29 10 |
0306 29 20 |
0306 29 90 |
Molluscs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine |
0307 10 10 |
0307 10 90 |
0307 21 00 |
0307 29 00 |
0307 31 00 |
0307 39 00 |
0307 41 00 |
0307 49 00 |
0307 51 00 |
0307 59 00 |
0307 60 00 |
0307 91 00 |
0307 99 10 |
0307 99 20 |
0307 99 90 |
0399 99 99 |
Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish or marine mammals, whether or not refined |
1504 10 10 |
1504 10 90 |
1504 20 10 |
1504 20 90 |
1504 30 10 |
1504 30 90 |
Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs: |
1604 11 00 |
1604 12 10 |
1604 12 90 |
1604 13 05 |
1604 13 10 |
1604 13 15 |
1604 13 20 |
1604 13 80 |
1604 13 90 |
1604 14 10 |
1604 14 90 |
1604 15 10 |
1604 15 20 |
1604 15 90 |
1604 16 00 |
1604 19 10 |
1604 19 20 |
1604 19 90 |
1604 20 10 |
1604 20 30 |
1604 20 40 |
1604 20 80 |
1604 20 90 |
1604 30 10 |
1604 30 20 |
Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved: |
1605 10 80 |
1605 10 90 |
1605 20 80 |
1605 20 90 |
1605 30 90 |
1605 40 80 |
1605 40 90 |
1605 90 20 |
1605 90 30 |
1605 90 40 |
1605 90 90 |
Europska zajednica ocjenjuje bilo koju praksu protivnu članku 35. ovog Sporazuma na temelju kriterija koji proizlaze iz primjene odredaba članaka 81. i 82. Ugovora o osnivanju Europske zajednice, uključujući i sekundarno zakonodavstvo.
Republika Južna Afrika ocjenjuje bilo koju praksu protivnu članku 35. ovog Sporazuma na temelju kriterija koji proizlaze iz primjene prava tržišnog natjecanja Republike Južne Afrike.
Ne dovodeći u pitanje prava i obveze stranaka s obzirom na njihove odnosne propise i međunarodne obveze ni mjere koje su poduzele stranke pri provedbi članka 41. ovog Sporazuma, prihvaćeno je da:
(a) |
Odredbe glave III., odjeljka E ovog Sporazuma ne bi smjele pravno ni stvarno priječiti obavljanje usluga od općeg gospodarskog interesa, a koje su dodijeljene javnim poduzećima. |
(b) |
Državna potpora koja se pruža, primjerice, programima ili shemama podrške javnim ciljevima kao što su, između ostalog, regionalni razvoj, industrijsko restrukturiranje i razvoj, promicanje mikropoduzeća te malih i srednjih poduzeća, osnaživanje ranije zapostavljenih osoba ili programi afirmativne akcije usklađena je, kao opće pravilo, s pravilnim funkcioniranjem ovog Sporazuma. |
(c) |
Državna potpora niže navedenim ciljevima javnog poretka također je, kao opće pravilo, usklađena s pravilnim funkcioniranjem ovog Sporazuma:
(d) |
Državna potpora ne izuzima se iz mjera na temelju GATT-a 1994., osim ako se poduzmu odgovarajuće mjere radi provedbe članka 41. ovog Sporazuma. |
Poštovani gospodine,
nastavno na Sporazum o trgovini, razvoju i suradnji koji je danas potpisan, potvrđujem da smo suglasni s elementima obveze između Europske zajednice i Republike Južne Afrike o portu i sherryju, koja je priložena ovom pismu.
Obveze između Europske zajednice i Republike Južne Afrike o portu i sherryju podrobnije će se razraditi u okviru Sporazuma o vinima i jakim alkoholnim pićima koji će se sklopiti u najkraćem roku, a najkasnije u rujnu 1999.
Bio bih Vam zahvalan kada biste potvrdili suglasnost Republike Južne Afrike sa sadržajem ovog pisma i njegovim prilogom.
Primite, gospodine, izraze mojeg najdubljeg poštovanja.
Za Europsku zajednicu
1. Republika Južna Afrika ponovno potvrđuje da se nazivi „porto” i „sherry” ne koriste i neće koristiti pri izvozu u Europsku zajednicu.
2. Republika Južna Afrika postupno će ukinuti korištenje naziva „porto” i „sherry” na svim izvoznim tržištima u roku od 5 godina, osim u slučaju zemalja SADC-a koje nisu članice SACU-a, na koje će se primjenjivati postupno ukidanje tijekom razdoblja od 8 godina.
3. Za potrebe Sporazuma o vinima i jakim alkoholnim pićima, pojam „južnoafričko domaće tržište” obuhvaća SACU (Južnu Afriku, Bocvanu, Lesoto, Namibiju i Svazi).
4. Južnoafrički proizvodi mogu nositi nazive „porto” i „sherry” na južnoafričkom domaćem tržištu tijekom prijelaznog razdoblja u trajanju od 12 mjeseci. Nakon tog razdoblja o novim nazivima tih proizvoda koji će se koristiti na južnoafričkom domaćem tržištu zajedno će se dogovoriti Republika Južna Afrika i Europska zajednica.
5. Od dana stupanja na snagu Sporazuma Europska zajednica će osigurati nultu stopu carine za vina koja obuhvaća sadašnju razinu trgovine od 32 milijuna litara južnoafričkog izvoza u Europsku zajednicu, uz mogućnost povećanja ove kvote u budućnosti.
6. Kao dodatni doprinos glavnim ciljevima ugovorenima u svrhu razvojnog programa Republike Južne Afrike koji će financirati Europska zajednica, Europska zajednica će pružiti pomoć u iznosu od 15 milijuna EUR za restrukturiranje južnoafričkog sektora vina i jakih alkoholnih pića te za marketing i distribuciju južnoafričkih vina i jakih alkoholnih pića. Ta pomoć započinje stupanjem na snagu Sporazuma o vinima i jakim alkoholnim pićima.
7. Sporazum o vinima i jakim alkoholnim pićima između Južne Afrike i Europske zajednice sklopit će se u najkraćem roku, a najkasnije u rujnu 1999., kako bi se osiguralo stupanje na snagu Sporazuma o vinima i jakim alkoholnim pićima prije ili tijekom siječnja 2000.
Poštovani gospodine,
Potvrđujem primitak Vašeg pisma s današnjim datumom koje glasi:
„nastavno na Sporazum o trgovini, razvoju i suradnji koji je danas potpisan, potvrđujem da smo suglasni s elementima obveze između Europske zajednice i Republike Južne Afrike o portu i sherryju, koja je priložena ovom pismu.
Obveze između Europske zajednice i Republike Južne Afrike o portu i sherryju podrobnije će se razraditi u okviru Sporazuma o vinima i jakim alkoholnim pićima koji će se sklopiti u najkraćem roku, a najkasnije u rujnu 1999.
Bio bih Vam zahvalan kada biste potvrdili suglasnost Republike Južne Afrike sa sadržajem ovog pisma i njegovim prilogom.”
Potvrđujem da je moja Vlada suglasna sa sadržajem ovog pisma i njegovim prilogom.
Primite, gospodine, izraze mojeg najdubljeg poštovanja.
Za Vladu Republike Južne Afrike
o definiciji pojma „proizvoda s podrijetlom” i načinima administrativne suradnje
— Članak 1. |
Definicije |
— Članak 2. |
Opći uvjeti |
— Članak 3. |
Kumulacija podrijetla |
— Članak 4. |
Proizvodi dobiveni u cijelosti |
— Članak 5. |
Dostatno obrađeni ili prerađeni proizvodi |
— Članak 6. |
Nedostatni postupci obrade ili prerade |
— Članak 7. |
Kvalifikacijska jedinica |
— Članak 8. |
Pribor, zamjenski dijelovi i alat |
— Članak 9. |
Kompleti |
— Članak 10. |
Neutralni elementi |
— Članak 11. |
Načelo teritorijalnosti |
— Članak 12. |
Izravni prijevoz |
— Članak 13. |
Izložbe |
— Članak 14. |
Opći uvjeti |
— Članak 15. |
Postupak izdavanja potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 |
— Članak 16. |
Naknadno izdane potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 |
— Članak 17. |
Izdavanje duplikata potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 |
— Članak 18. |
Izdavanje potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 na temelju prethodno izdanog ili popunjenog dokaza o podrijetlu |
— Članak 19. |
Uvjeti za sastavljanje izjave na računu |
— Članak 20. |
Ovlašteni izvoznik |
— Članak 21. |
Valjanost dokaza o podrijetlu |
— Članak 22. |
Podnošenje dokaza o podrijetlu |
— Članak 23. |
Uvoz u djelomičnim pošiljkama |
— Članak 24. |
Izuzeća od dokazivanja podrijetla |
— Članak 25. |
Izjava dobavljača |
— Članak 26. |
Dokazne isprave |
— Članak 27. |
Čuvanje dokaza o podrijetlu, izjava dobavljača i dokaznih isprava |
— Članak 28. |
Nepodudarnosti i formalne pogreške |
— Članak 29. |
Iznosi iskazani u eurima |
— Članak 30. |
Uzajamna pomoć |
— Članak 31. |
Provjera dokaza o podrijetlu |
— Članak 32. |
Rješavanje sporova |
— Članak 33. |
Sankcije |
— Članak 34. |
Slobodne zone |
— Članak 35. |
Primjena Protokola |
— Članak 36. |
Posebni uvjeti |
— Članak 37. |
Izmjene Protokola |
— Članak 38. |
Provedba Protokola |
— Članak 39. |
Roba u provozu ili na skladištenju |
— Prilog I. |
Uvodne napomene uz popis u Prilogu II. |
— Prilog II. |
Popis obrada ili prerada koje je potrebno obaviti na materijalima bez podrijetla kako bi proizvedeni proizvod stekao status proizvoda s podrijetlom |
— Prilog III. |
Potvrda o prometu robe EUR.1 i zahtjev za izdavanje potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 |
— Prilog IV. |
Izjava na računu |
— Prilog V. |
Izjava dobavljača |
Članak 1.
Za potrebe ovog Protokola:
(a) |
„proizvodnja” znači svaka obrada ili prerada, uključujući sastavljanje ili posebne radnje; |
(b) |
„materijal” znači svaki sastojak, sirovina, sastavnica ili dio itd. koji se upotrebljava u proizvodnji određenog proizvoda; |
(c) |
„proizvod” znači proizvod koji se dobiva postupkom proizvodnje, čak i ako je namijenjen za kasniju uporabu u nekom drugom proizvodnom postupku; |
(d) |
„roba” znači i materijal i proizvodi; |
(e) |
„carinska vrijednost” znači vrijednost koja je utvrđena u skladu sa Sporazumom o provedbi članka VII. Općeg sporazuma o carinama i trgovini iz 1994. (Sporazum WTO-a o određivanju carinske vrijednosti); |
(f) |
„cijena franko tvornice” znači cijena koja je plaćena za određeni proizvod franko tvornice u korist proizvođača u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi u čijem je poduzeću obavljen posljednji postupak obrade ili prerade, pod uvjetom da ta cijena uključuje vrijednost svih korištenih materijala, umanjenu za sve domaće poreze za koje se ostvaruje ili se može ostvariti povrat po izvozu dobivenog proizvoda; |
(g) |
„vrijednost materijala” znači carinska vrijednost u trenutku uvoza korištenih materijala bez podrijetla ili, ako taj podatak nije poznat ili ga je nemoguće utvrditi, prvu utvrdivu cijenu plaćenu za materijale u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi; |
(h) |
„vrijednost materijala s podrijetlom” znači vrijednost takvih materijala kako je utvrđeno u točki (g) koja se primjenjuje mutatis mutandis; |
(i) |
„dodana vrijednost” uzima se kao cijena franko tvornice, umanjena za carinsku vrijednost svih ugrađenih materijala koji su podrijetlom iz drugih zemalja koje se navode u članku 3. ili, ako carinska vrijednost nije poznata ili ju je nemoguće utvrditi, prvu provjerljivu cijenu plaćenu za proizvode u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi; |
(j) |
„poglavlja” i „tarifni brojevi” znači poglavlja i tarifni brojevi (četveroznamenkasti brojevi) koji se upotrebljavaju u nazivlju koje tvori Harmonizirani sustav nazivlja i brojčanog označivanja robe koji se u ovom Protokolu navodi kao „Harmonizirani sustav” ili „HS”; |
(k) |
„razvrstan” se odnosi na razvrstavanje određenog proizvoda ili materijala pod određenim tarifnim brojem; |
(l) |
„pošiljka” znači proizvodi koji se otpremaju istodobno od određenog izvoznika do određenog primatelja ili koji su obuhvaćeni jedinstvenom prijevoznom ispravom koja se odnosi na njihovu otpremu od izvoznika do primatelja ili koji su, ako takva isprava ne postoji, obuhvaćeni jedinstvenim računom; |
(m) |
„područja” uključuje i teritorijalne vode. |
(n) |
„države AKP-a” odnosi se na afričke, karipske i pacifičke države koje su ugovorne stranke Četvrte konvencije AKP-EZ-a potpisane u Loméu 15. prosinca 1989., kako je izmijenjena Sporazumom potpisanim na Mauricijusu 4. studenoga 1995.; |
(o) |
„SACU” se odnosi na Južnoafričku carinsku uniju. |
Članak 2.
Opći uvjeti
1. Za potrebe provedbe ovog Sporazuma, smatra se da su sljedeći proizvodi podrijetlom iz Zajednice:
(a) |
proizvodi koji su u cijelosti dobiveni u Zajednici u smislu članka 4. ovog Protokola.; |
(b) |
proizvodi dobiveni u Zajednici koji sadrže materijale koji nisu ondje dobiveni u cijelosti, pod uvjetom da su takvi materijali dostatno obrađeni ili prerađeni u Zajednici u smislu članka 5. ovog Protokola. |
2. Za potrebe provedbe ovog Sporazuma, smatra se da su sljedeći proizvodi podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike:
(a) |
proizvodi koji su u cijelosti dobiveni u Južnoj Africi u smislu članka 4. ovog Protokola.; |
(b) |
proizvodi dobiveni u Južnoj Africi koji sadrže materijale koji nisu ondje dobiveni u cijelosti, pod uvjetom da su takvi materijali dostatno obrađeni ili prerađeni u Južnoj Africi u smislu članka 5. ovog Protokola. |
Članak 3.
Kumulacija podrijetla
1. Materijali podrijetlom iz Zajednice smatraju se materijalima podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike ako su ugrađeni u proizvod koji je ondje dobiven. Takvi materijali ne trebaju biti podvrgnuti dostatnoj obradi ili preradi, pod uvjetom da su bili podvrgnuti obradi ili preradi koja nadilazi obradu ili preradu iz članka 6. ovog Protokola.
2. Materijali podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike smatraju se materijalima podrijetlom iz Zajednice ako su ugrađeni u proizvod koji je ondje dobiven. Takvi materijali ne trebaju biti podvrgnuti dostatnoj obradi ili preradi, pod uvjetom da su bili podvrgnuti obradi ili preradi koja nadilazi obradu ili preradu iz članka 6. ovog Protokola.
3. Podložno odredbama iz stavaka 5. i 6., materijali podrijetlom iz država AKP-a smatraju se materijalima podrijetlom iz Zajednice ili Južne Afrike ako su ugrađeni u proizvod koji je ondje dobiven. Takvi materijali ne trebaju biti podvrgnuti dostatnoj obradi ili preradi.
4. Bilo koji postupak obrade ili prerade obavljen u SACU-u smatra se izvedenim u Južnoj Africi ako su ondje obavljeni dodatni postupci obrade ili prerade.
5. Proizvodi koji su stekli status proizvoda s podrijetlom na temelju stavka 3. smatraju se proizvodima podrijetlom iz Zajednice ili Južne Afrike samo ako je ondje dodana vrijednost veća od vrijednosti korištenih materijala podrijetlom iz jedne od država AKP-a. Ako to nije slučaj, za predmetne se proizvode smatra da su podrijetlom iz države AKP-a koja ostvaruje najveću vrijednost uporabljenih materijala s podrijetlom. Prilikom određivanja podrijetla u obzir se ne uzimaju materijali podrijetlom iz država AKP-a koji su bili podvrgnuti dostatnoj obradi ili preradi u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi.
6. Kumulacija predviđena stavkom 3. može se primijeniti samo ondje gdje su korišteni materijali iz država AKP-a stekli status proizvoda s podrijetlom primjenom pravila o podrijetlu sadržanih u Četvrtoj konvenciji AKP-EZ-a. Zajednica i Južna Afrika jedna drugoj dostavljaju, putem Europske komisije, pojedinosti o sporazumima koje su sklopili s državama AKP-a i odgovarajućim pravilima o podrijetlu.
7. Nakon što se ispune uvjeti utvrđeni stavkom 6. i dogovori se datum stupanja na snagu ovih odredaba, svaka stranka ispunjava vlastite obveze koje se tiču obavješćivanja i informiranja.
Članak 4.
Proizvodi dobiveni u cijelosti
1. Sljedeći proizvodi smatraju se proizvodima u cijelosti dobivenima u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi:
(a) |
mineralni proizvodi izvađeni iz njihova tla ili morskog dna; |
(b) |
biljni proizvodi ondje ubrani ili požnjeveni; |
(c) |
žive životinje ondje okoćene i uzgojene; |
(d) |
proizvodi od živih životinja koje su ondje uzgojene; |
(e) |
proizvodi dobiveni ondje obavljenim lovom ili ribolovom; |
(f) |
proizvodi morskog ribolova i drugi proizvodi koje su njihova plovila izvadila iz mora izvan teritorijalnih voda Zajednice ili Južne Afrike; |
(g) |
proizvodi izrađeni na njihovim brodovima tvornicama isključivo od proizvoda navedenih u točki (f); |
(h) |
ondje prikupljeni rabljeni proizvodi namijenjeni samo za recikliranje sirovina, uključujući rabljene gume prikladne samo za protektiranje guma ili za uporabu kao otpad; |
(i) |
otpad i ostaci nastali nakon ondje obavljenih proizvodnih postupaka; |
(j) |
proizvodi izvađeni s morskog dna ili podzemlja izvan njihovih teritorijalnih voda, pod uvjetom da imaju isključivo pravo na eksploataciju tog dna ili podzemlja; |
(k) |
roba ondje proizvedena isključivo od proizvoda navedenih u točkama od (a) do (j). |
2. Izrazi „njihova plovila” i „njihovi brodovi tvornice” iz stavka 1. točaka (f) i (g) primjenjuju se isključivo na plovila i brodove tvornice:
(a) |
koji su registrirani ili upisani u jednoj od država EZ-a ili u Južnoj Africi; |
(b) |
koji plove pod zastavom jedne od država članica EZ-a ili Južne Afrike; |
(c) |
koji su najmanje 50 % u vlasništvu državljana jedne od država članica EZ-a ili Južne Afrike ili trgovačkog društva sa sjedištem u jednoj od tih država čiji su direktor ili direktori, predsjednik uprave ili nadzornog odbora te većina članova tih odbora državljani EZ-a ili Južne Afrike i čija najmanje polovica kapitala, u slučaju društava osoba ili društava s ograničenom odgovornošću, pripada tim državama ili javnim tijelima ili državljanima navedenih država; |
(d) |
čiji su zapovjednik i časnici državljani država članica EZ-a ili Južne Afrike; i |
(e) |
čiju posadu čini najmanje 75 % državljana država članica EZ-a ili Južne Afrike. |
U trenutku stupanja na snagu carinskih koncesija za proizvode ribarstva, stavak 2. točke (d) i (e) zamijenit će:
„(d) |
čiju posadu, uključujući zapovjednike i časnike, čini najmanje 50 % državljana članica EZ-a ili Južne Afrike;” |
Članak 5.
Dostatno obrađeni ili prerađeni proizvodi
1. Za potrebe članka 2., proizvodi koji nisu dobiveni u cijelosti smatraju se dostatno obrađenima ili prerađenima ako su ispunjeni uvjeti navedeni u popisu iz Priloga II.
Gore navedeni uvjeti za sve proizvode koje obuhvaća ovaj Sporazum ukazuju na obradu ili preradu koja mora biti izvršena na materijalima bez podrijetla koji se koriste u proizvodnji te se primjenjuje samo u odnosu na takve materijale. Iz tog slijedi da ako se određeni proizvod koji je ispunjenjem uvjeta na popisu stekao status proizvoda s podrijetlom upotrebljava u proizvodnji drugog proizvoda, na takav se proizvod ne primjenjuju uvjeti koji se primjenjuju na proizvod u koji je ugrađen, a u obzir se ne uzimaju materijali bez podrijetla koji su možda korišteni u njegovoj proizvodnji.
2. Neovisno o stavku 1., materijali bez podrijetla koji se, u skladu s uvjetima iz popisa, ne bi smjeli koristiti u proizvodnji proizvoda, ipak se mogu koristiti, pod uvjetom da:
(a) |
njihova ukupna vrijednost ne premašuje 15 % cijene proizvoda franko tvornica, osim za proizvode na koje se odnose poglavlja 3. i 24. te tarifni brojevi HS-a 1604, 1605, 2207 i 2208, gdje ukupna vrijednost materijala bez podrijetla ne premašuje 10 % cijene proizvoda franko tvornica; |
(b) |
primjenom ovog stavka nije premašen nijedan od postotaka navedenih na popisu za maksimalnu vrijednost materijala bez podrijetla. |
Ovaj se stavak ne primjenjuje na proizvode koji su obuhvaćeni poglavljima od 50. do 63. Harmoniziranog sustava.
3. Stavci 1. i 2. primjenjuju se osim kako je predviđeno u članku 6.
Članak 6.
Nedostatni postupci obrade ili prerade
1. Ne dovodeći u pitanje stavak 2., sljedeći postupci smatraju se obradom ili preradom nedostatnom za stjecanje statusa proizvodâ s podrijetlom, bez obzira na to jesu li zadovoljeni zahtjevi iz članka 5. ili ne:
(a) |
postupci kojima se jamči čuvanje proizvoda u dobrom stanju tijekom prijevoza i skladištenja (prozračivanje, rasprostiranje, sušenje, hlađenje, stavljanje u slanu vodu, sumporni dioksid ili druge vodene otopine, uklanjanje oštećenih dijelova i slični postupci); |
(b) |
jednostavni postupci koji se sastoje od uklanjanja prašine, sijanja ili prebiranja, razvrstavanja, raspoređivanja, slaganja (uključujući i sastavljanje garnitura proizvoda), pranja, bojanja, rezanja; |
(c) |
(d) |
stavljanje oznaka, etiketa i drugih sličnih prepoznatljivih znakova na proizvode ili njihovu ambalažu; |
(e) |
jednostavno miješanje proizvoda, bilo da se radi o istim ili različitim vrstama, u slučaju kada jedna ili više sastavnica mješavina ne udovoljava uvjetima utvrđenima ovim Protokolom čime bi ih se moglo smatrati proizvodom podrijetlom iz Zajednice ili Južne Afrike; |
(f) |
jednostavno sastavljanje dijelova proizvoda radi dobivanja cjelovitog proizvoda; |
(g) |
kombinacija dvaju ili više postupaka navedenih u točkama od (a) do (f); |
(h) |
klanje životinja. |
2. Svi postupci provedeni na određenom proizvodu bilo u Zajednici ili u Južnoj Africi razmatraju se zajedno pri utvrđivanju smatra li se obrada ili prerada kojoj je predmetni proizvod bio podvrgnut nedostatnom u smislu stavka 1.
Članak 7.
Kvalifikacijska jedinica
1. Kvalifikacijska jedinica za primjenu odredaba ovog Protokola konkretni je proizvod koji se smatra osnovnom jedinicom kada se roba razvrstava uporabom nazivlja iz Harmoniziranog sustava.
Prema tome slijedi:
(a) |
kada se proizvod sastavljen od skupine ili skupa predmeta svrstava u jedan tarifni broj u skladu s uvjetima Harmoniziranog sustava, tada cjelina tvori kvalifikacijsku jedinicu; |
(b) |
kada se pošiljka sastoji od više istovjetnih proizvoda koji su svrstani u isti tarifni broj Harmoniziranog sustava, pri primjeni odredaba ovog Protokola svaki se proizvod mora uzeti pojedinačno. |
2. Kada se u skladu s Općim pravilom 5. Harmoniziranog sustava ambalaža uključuje skupa s proizvodom za potrebe razvrstavanja, ona se uključuje i za potrebe utvrđivanja podrijetla.
Članak 8.
Pribor, zamjenski dijelovi i alat
Pribor, zamjenski dijelovi i alati koji se šalju s određenom opremom, strojem, uređajem ili vozilom, koji su dio redovite opreme i stoga uključeni u njihovu cijenu ili koji nisu zasebno fakturirani, smatraju se sastavnim dijelom te opreme, stroja, uređaja ili vozila.
Članak 9.
Kompleti, kako je definirano u Općem pravilu 3. Harmoniziranog sustava, smatraju se kompletima s podrijetlom kada sve sastavnice proizvoda imaju podrijetlo. Međutim, kada se komplet sastoji od proizvoda s podrijetlom i bez podrijetla, cjeloviti se komplet smatra proizvodom s podrijetlom, pod uvjetom da vrijednost proizvoda bez podrijetla ne premašuje 15 % cijene franko tvornice kompleta.
Članak 10.
Neutralni elementi
Kako bi se utvrdilo je li određeni proizvod s podrijetlom, nije potrebno utvrditi podrijetlo sljedećeg, a što je moglo biti upotrijebljeno u njegovoj proizvodnji:
(a) |
energije i goriva; |
(b) |
postrojenja i opreme; |
(c) |
strojeva i alata; |
(d) |
robe koja ne ulazi i nije namijenjena ulasku u konačan sastav proizvoda. |
Članak 11.
Načelo teritorijalnosti
1. Uvjeti navedeni u glavi II. koji se odnose na stjecanje statusa proizvoda s podrijetlom moraju bez prekida biti ispunjeni u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi, osim kako je predviđeno u članku 3.
2. Ako se roba s podrijetlom koja je izvezena u neku drugu zemlju iz Zajednice ili Južne Afrike vrati, osim u mjeri u kojoj je to predviđeno u članku 3., ona se mora smatrati robom bez podrijetla, osim ako se carinskim tijelima pruže zadovoljavajući dokazi o tome:
(a) |
da je vraćena upravo ona roba koja je bila izvezena, i |
(b) |
da roba nije bila podvrgnuta nikakvim postupcima, osim onima koji su potrebni kako bi se očuvala u dobrom stanju dok se nalazila u toj zemlji ili tijekom njezina izvoza. |
Članak 12.
Izravni prijevoz
1. Povlašteni tretman predviđen Sporazumom primjenjuje se isključivo na proizvode koji ispunjavaju uvjete ovog Protokola, a koji se prevoze izravno između Zajednice i Južne Afrike ili preko područja drugih zemalja koje se navode u članku 3. Međutim, proizvodi koji predstavljaju jednu jedinstvenu pošiljku mogu se prevoziti i preko drugih područja, pri čemu je na tim područjima moguć i njihov pretovar ili privremeno skladištenje ako to nalažu okolnosti, pod uvjetom da ti proizvodi ostaju pod nadzorom carinskih tijela u zemlji provoza ili skladištenja te da nisu podvrgnuti nikakvim postupcima osim istovara, ponovnog utovara ili drugog postupka koji se obavlja kako bi se očuvali u dobrom stanju.
Proizvodi s podrijetlom mogu se cjevovodima prevoziti i preko područja koja nisu područja Zajednice ili Južne Afrike.
2. Carinskim tijelima zemlje uvoznice potrebno je priložiti dokaze o ispunjenju uvjeta iz stavka 1. predočenjem:
(a) |
jedinstvene prijevozne isprave kojom je obuhvaćen prolazak robe od zemlje izvoznice kroz zemlju provoza; ili |
(b) |
potvrde koju su izdala carinska tijela zemlje provoza:
(c) |
u nedostatku navedenog, bilo kakvih isprava koje mogu poslužiti kao dokaz. |
Članak 13.
1. Proizvodi s podrijetlom koji su radi izlaganja poslani u zemlju koja nije jedna od zemalja navedenih u članku 3. i nakon izložbe prodani radi uvoza u Zajednicu ili Južnu Afriku pri uvozu uživaju pogodnosti prema odredbama Sporazuma, pod uvjetom da se carinskim tijelima podnesu zadovoljavajući dokazi:
(a) |
da je izvoznik te proizvode poslao iz Zajednice ili Južne Afrike u zemlju u kojoj se izložba održava te da ih je ondje izložio; |
(b) |
da je izvoznik te proizvode prodao ili na neki drugi način ustupio nekoj osobi u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi; |
(c) |
da su proizvodi poslani za vrijeme izložbe ili neposredno nakon nje u stanju u kakvom su bili upućeni na izložbu; i |
(d) |
da proizvodi od trenutka kada su poslani na izložbu nisu upotrijebljeni ni u koju drugu svrhu, osim izlaganja na toj izložbi. |
2. Dokaz o podrijetlu mora se izdati ili sastaviti u skladu s odredbama glave IV. te se na uobičajen način podnosi carinskim tijelima zemlje uvoznice. Na dokazu se moraju naznačiti ime i adresa izložbe. Prema potrebi, može se zatražiti dodatna dokumentacija s dokazima o uvjetima pod kojima su ti proizvodi bili izloženi.
3. Stavak 1. primjenjuje se na sve trgovačke, industrijske, poljoprivredne ili obrtničke izložbe, sajmove ili slične javne priredbe ili izlaganja koja se ne priređuju u privatne svrhe u prodavaonicama ili poslovnim prostorima radi prodaje stranih proizvoda i tijekom kojih proizvodi ostaju pod carinskim nadzorom.
Članak 14.
Opći uvjeti
1. Na proizvode podrijetlom iz Zajednice pri uvozu u Južnu Afriku i na proizvode podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike pri uvozu u Zajednicu primjenjuju se povlastice predviđene ovim Sporazumom po predočenju ili:
(a) |
potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 čiji se primjerak nalazi u Prilogu III.; ili |
(b) |
u slučajevima predviđenima člankom 19. stavkom 1., izjave čiji se tekst nalazi u Prilogu IV. koju daje izvoznik na računu, dostavnici ili kakvoj drugoj komercijalnoj ispravi u kojoj su predmetni proizvodi opisani dovoljno detaljno da bi se mogli jasno prepoznati (dalje u tekstu „izjava na računu”). |
2. Neovisno o stavku 1., na proizvode s podrijetlom u smislu ovog Protokola primjenjuju se, u slučajevima navedenima u članku 24., povlastice predviđene ovim Sporazumom, pri čemu nije potrebno podnijeti nijedan od gore navedenih dokumenata.
Članak 15.
Postupak izdavanja potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1
1. Potvrdu o prometu robe EUR.1 izdaju carinska tijela zemlje izvoznice na temelju pisanog zahtjeva izvoznika ili, pod izvoznikovom odgovornošću, njegovog ovlaštenog predstavnika.
2. U tu svrhu izvoznik ili njegov ovlašteni predstavnik ispunjavaju obrazac potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 i obrazac zahtjeva čiji su primjerci sadržani u Prilogu III. Ti se obrasci ispunjavaju na jednom od jezika na kojima je sastavljen ovaj Sporazum i u skladu s odredbama domaćeg prava zemlje izvoznice. Ako se obrasci ispunjavaju rukom, moraju se ispuniti tintom i tiskanim slovima. Opis proizvoda upisuje se u polje predviđeno za tu svrhu, bez ostavljanja praznih redaka. Ako polje nije u cijelosti ispunjeno, ispod zadnjeg retka opisa mora se povući vodoravna crta, a nepopunjeni se dio mora prekrižiti.
3. Izvoznik koji podnosi zahtjev za izdavanje potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 mora biti spreman u svakom trenutku, na zahtjev carinskih tijela zemlje izvoznice u kojoj se izdaje potvrda o prometu robe EUR.1, priložiti sve potrebne isprave kojima se dokazuje da predmetni proizvodi imaju status proizvoda s podrijetlom i da ispunjavaju sve druge zahtjeve ovog Protokola.
4. Potvrdu o prometu robe EUR.1 izdaju carinska tijela jedne od država EZ-a ili Južne Afrike ako se predmetni proizvodi mogu smatrati proizvodima podrijetlom iz Zajednice ili Južne Afrike ili jedne od drugih zemalja iz članka 3. te ispunjavaju druge zahtjeve ovog Protokola.
5. Carinska tijela nadležna za izdavanje potvrde o prometu robe poduzimaju sve potrebne korake kako bi provjerila imaju li predmetni proizvodi status proizvoda s podrijetlom i ispunjavaju li druge zahtjeve ovog Protokola. U tu svrhu imaju pravo zatražiti bilo koji dokaz i provesti bilo koju vrstu pregleda izvoznikovih poslovnih knjiga ili bilo koju provjeru koju smatraju primjerenom. Carinska tijela nadležna za izdavanje potvrde također osiguravaju da su obrasci iz stavka 2. propisno ispunjeni. Ona posebno provjeravaju je li prostor predviđen za opis proizvoda ispunjen na način da se isključi svaka mogućnost neovlaštenog dopisivanja.
6. Datum izdavanja potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 navodi se u polju 11. potvrde.
7. Potvrdu o prometu robe EUR.1 izdaju carinska tijela i stavljaju je na raspolaganje izvozniku čim se obavi ili osigura stvarni izvoz.
Članak 16.
Naknadno izdane potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1
1. Neovisno o članku 15. stavku 7., potvrda o prometu robe EUR.1 može se iznimno izdati nakon izvoza proizvoda na koje se odnosi ako:
(a) |
u trenutku izvoza nije izdana zbog greške, nenamjernog propusta ili posebnih okolnosti; ili |
(b) |
se carinskim tijelima pruže zadovoljavajući dokazi o tome da je potvrda o prometu robe EUR.1 izdana, ali da pri uvozu nije prihvaćena iz tehničkih razloga. |
2. Za provedbu stavka 1. izvoznik u svojem zahtjevu mora naznačiti mjesto i datum izvoza proizvoda na koje se odnosi potvrda o prometu robe EUR.1 te navesti razloge za svoj zahtjev.
3. Carinska tijela mogu naknadno izdati potvrdu o prometu robe EUR.1 tek nakon što provjere odgovaraju li podaci navedeni u izvoznikovom zahtjevu podacima iz odgovarajuće evidencije.
4. Naknadno izdane potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 moraju sadržavati jednu od sljedećih naznaka:
5. Naznaka iz stavka 4. unosi se u polje „Napomene” na potvrdi o prometu robe EUR.1.
Članak 17.
Izdavanje duplikata potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1
1. U slučaju krađe, gubitka ili uništenja potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 izvoznik carinskim tijelima koja su izdala potvrdu može podnijeti zahtjev za izdavanje duplikata sastavljenog na temelju izvoznih isprava koje se nalaze u njihovu posjedu.
2. Tako izdan duplikat mora sadržavati jednu od sljedećih riječi:
3. Naznaka iz stavka 2. unosi se u polje „Napomene” na potvrdi o prometu robe EUR.1.
4. Duplikat, na kojemu mora biti naznačen datum izdavanja izvorne potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1, proizvodi učinke od tog datuma.
Članak 18.
Izdavanje potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 na temelju prethodno izdanog ili popunjenog dokaza o podrijetlu
U slučaju kada se proizvodi s podrijetlom stavljaju pod nadzor carinarnice u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi, izvorni dokaz o podrijetlu moguće je zamijeniti s jednom ili s više potvrda o prometu robe EUR.1 radi slanja svih ili pojedinih predmetnih proizvoda na druga mjesta unutar Zajednice ili Južne Afrike. Takvu zamjensku potvrdu (potvrde) o prometu robe EUR.1 izdaje carinarnica pod čiji su nadzor stavljeni proizvodi.
Članak 19.
Uvjeti za sastavljanje izjave na računu
1. Izjavu na računu iz članka 14. stavka 1. točke (b) smije sastaviti:
(a) |
ovlašteni izvoznik u smislu članka 21., ili |
(b) |
bilo koji izvoznik bilo koje pošiljke koja se sastoji od jednog ili više pakiranja proizvoda s podrijetlom čija ukupna vrijednost ne prelazi 6 000 EUR. |
2. Izjava na računu smije se sastaviti ako se predmetni proizvodi mogu smatrati proizvodima s podrijetlom iz Zajednice ili Južne Afrike ili jedne od drugih zemalja iz članka 3. i ako ispunjavaju druge zahtjeve ovog Protokola.
3. Izvoznik koji sastavlja izjavu na računu mora u svakom trenutku biti spreman na zahtjev carinskih tijela zemlje izvoznice priložiti sve potrebne isprave kojima se dokazuje da predmetni proizvodi imaju status proizvoda s podrijetlom i da ispunjavaju sve druge zahtjeve ovog Protokola.
4. Izjavu na računu izvoznik sastavlja tako što na računu, dostavnici ili drugoj komercijalnoj ispravi otipka ili otisne u pečatnom ili tiskanom obliku izjavu čiji se tekst nalazi u Prilogu IV., koristeći jednu od jezičnih verzija koje su navedene u tom Prilogu, a u skladu s odredbama domaćeg zakona zemlje izvoznice. Ako je izjava pisana rukom, treba biti napisana tintom i tiskanim slovima.
5. Izjave na računu moraju imati na sebi vlastoručni izvorni potpis izvoznika. Međutim, ovlašteni izvoznik u smislu članka 20. nije dužan potpisivati takve izjave pod uvjetom da se carinskim tijelima zemlje izvoznice u pisanom obliku obveže da prihvaća punu odgovornost za svaku izjavu na računu u kojoj se navodi kao da ju je vlastoručno potpisao.
6. Izjavu na računu može sastaviti izvoznik u trenutku izvoza proizvoda na koje se odnosi ili nakon izvoza, pod uvjetom da se u zemlju uvoznicu dostavi najkasnije dvije godine nakon uvoza proizvoda na koje se odnosi.
Članak 20.
Ovlašteni izvoznik
1. Carinska tijela zemlje izvoznice mogu ovlastiti bilo kojeg izvoznika koji često šalje pošiljke proizvoda u skladu s ovim Sporazumom da sastavi izjave na računu bez obzira na vrijednost predmetnih proizvoda. Izvoznik koji traži takvo ovlaštenje mora carinskim tijelima dati sva zadovoljavajuća jamstva koja su potrebna za provjeru da proizvodi imaju status proizvoda s podrijetlom te da zadovoljavaju ostale zahtjeve ovog Protokola.
2. Carinska tijela mogu dodijeliti status ovlaštenog izvoznika podložno uvjetima koje smatraju prikladnima.
3. Carinska tijela ovlaštenom izvozniku dodjeljuju broj carinskog ovlaštenja koje se navodi u izjavi na računu.
4. Carinska tijela nadziru korištenje ovlaštenja ovlaštenog izvoznika.
5. Carinska tijela mogu u svakom trenutku opozvati ovlaštenje. Ona to čine u slučaju kada ovlašteni izvoznik prestane davati jamstva iz stavka 1., kada ne zadovoljava uvjete iz stavka 2. ili na drugi način nepravilno koristi ovlaštenje.
Članak 21.
Valjanost dokaza o podrijetlu
1. Dokaz o podrijetlu vrijedi četiri mjeseca od dana izdavanja u zemlji izvoznici i u navedenom roku mora biti podnesen carinskim tijelima zemlje uvoznice.
2. Dokazi o podrijetlu koji se carinskim tijelima zemlje uvoznice podnesu nakon isteka roka za podnošenje koji je naveden u stavku 1. mogu se prihvatiti za potrebe primjene povlaštenog tretmana u slučaju da je do nepodnošenja tih isprava prije isteka roka došlo zbog izvanrednih okolnosti.
3. U ostalim slučajevima zakašnjelog podnošenja isprava, carinska tijela zemlje uvoznice mogu prihvatiti dokaze o podrijetlu u slučaju kada su proizvodi dostavljeni prije isteka navedenog roka.
Članak 22.
Podnošenje dokaza o podrijetlu
Dokazi o podrijetlu podnose se carinskim tijelima zemlje uvoznice u skladu s postupcima koji se primjenjuju u toj zemlji. Navedena tijela mogu zahtijevati prijevod dokaza o podrijetlu i mogu također zahtijevati da uvozna deklaracija bude popraćena izjavom uvoznika o tome da proizvodi zadovoljavaju uvjete potrebne za provedbu Sporazuma.
Članak 23.
Uvoz u djelomičnim pošiljkama
U slučajevima kada se na zahtjev uvoznika i pod uvjetima koje utvrđuju carinska tijela zemlje uvoznice u više pošiljaka uvoze rastavljeni ili nesastavljeni proizvodi u smislu Općeg pravila 2. točke (a) Harmoniziranog sustava koji su obuhvaćeni odjeljcima XVI. i XVII. ili tarifnim brojevima 7308 i 9406 Harmoniziranog sustava, carinskim tijelima podnosi se jedinstveni dokaz o podrijetlu za te proizvode pri uvozu prve pošiljke.
Članak 24.
Izuzeća od dokazivanja podrijetla
1. Proizvodi koje u malim paketima pojedinac šalje pojedincu ili koji čine dio osobne prtljage putnika prihvaćaju se kao proizvodi s podrijetlom bez podnošenja dokaza o podrijetlu, pod uvjetom da takvi proizvodi nisu uvezeni u trgovačke svrhe, da su deklarirani kao proizvodi koji zadovoljavaju zahtjeve ovog Protokola i da nema sumnje u istinitost takve izjave. U slučaju proizvoda koji se šalju poštom, ova se izjava može unijeti u carinsku deklaraciju C2/CP3 ili na list papira koji se prilaže toj ispravi.
2. Uvoz proizvoda koji je povremene naravi i sastoji se isključivo od proizvoda za osobnu uporabu primatelja ili putnika ili njihovih obitelji ne smatra se uvozom u trgovačke svrhe ako je iz naravi i količine proizvoda očito da ne postoji namjera njihove komercijalne uporabe.
3. Nadalje, ukupna vrijednost tih proizvoda ne smije prijeći 500 EUR u slučaju malih paketa ili 1 200 EUR u slučaju proizvoda koji čine dio osobne prtljage putnika.
Članak 25.
Izjava dobavljača
1. U slučaju kada se dokaz o podrijetlu sastavlja u Južnoj Africi za proizvode s podrijetlom u čijoj je proizvodnji korištena roba iz SACU-a i koji su ondje bili podvrgnuti postupcima obrade ili prerade, a da nisu stekli povlašteni status proizvoda s podrijetlom, u obzir se uzimaju izjave koje su dobavljači dali za ovu robu u skladu s ovim člankom.
2. Izjava dobavljača iz stavka 1. služi kao dokaz da je predmetna roba podvrgnuta postupcima obrade ili prerade u SACU-u u svrhu utvrđivanja jesu li proizvodi korišteni u proizvodnji ove robe podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike i ispunjavaju li druge zahtjeve ovog Protokola.
3. Dobavljač za svaku pošiljku robe sastavlja zasebnu izjavu dobavljača u obliku propisanom u Prilogu V. na listu papira priloženom uz račun, dostavnicu ili kakvu drugu komercijalnu ispravu u kojoj je predmetna roba opisana dovoljno detaljno da bi se mogla jasno prepoznati. Izjava se ispunjava u skladu s odredbama domaćeg prava zemlje u kojoj se sastavlja i na sebi mora imati vlastoručni izvorni potpis dobavljača.
4. Južna Afrika od nadležnih tijela SACU-a traži da provode provjere izjava dobavljača, nasumično ili kada carinska tijela imaju osnovane sumnje u vjerodostojnost ili točnost navedenih podataka.
5. Južna Afrika s nadležnim tijelima u SACU-u poduzima potrebne administrativne mjere u svrhu osiguravanja potpune provedbe odredaba stavka 4.
Članak 26.
Dokazne isprave
Isprave iz članka 15. stavka 3. i članka 19. stavka 3. koje se koriste u svrhu dokazivanja da se proizvodi obuhvaćeni potvrdom o prometu robe EUR.1 ili izjavom na računu mogu smatrati proizvodima podrijetlom iz Zajednice, Južne Afrike ili jedne od drugih zemalja iz članka 3. te da zadovoljavaju ostale zahtjeve ovog Protokola mogu se sastojati, inter alia, od sljedećeg:
(a) |
izravnih dokaza o postupcima koje su izvoznik ili dobavljač proveli kako bi se dobila predmetna roba i koji su sadržani primjerice u njegovim poslovnim knjigama ili internoj knjigovodstvenoj evidenciji; |
(b) |
isprava kojima se korištenim materijalima dokazuje status proizvoda s podrijetlom, izdanih ili sastavljenih u Zajednici, Južnoj Africi ili u jednoj od drugih zemalja iz članka 3. gdje se te isprave koriste u skladu s domaćim pravom; |
(c) |
isprava kojima se dokazuje obrada ili prerada materijala u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi, izdanih ili sastavljenih u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi, gdje se te isprave koriste u skladu s domaćim pravom; |
(d) |
potvrda o prometu robe EUR.1 ili izjava na računu kojima se korištenim materijalima dokazuje status proizvoda s podrijetlom, izdanih ili sastavljenih u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi u skladu s ovim Protokolom ili u jednoj od drugih zemalja iz članka 3., u skladu s tim člankom; |
(e) |
izjava dobavljača kojima se dokazuju obrada ili prerada korištenih materijala kojima su bili podvrgnuti u SACU-u, u skladu s člankom 3. |
Članak 27.
Čuvanje dokaza o podrijetlu, izjava dobavljača i dokaznih isprava
1. Izvoznik koji podnosi zahtjev za izdavanje potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 dužan je najmanje tri godine čuvati isprave iz članka 15. stavka 3.
2. Izvoznik koji sastavlja izjavu na računu dužan je najmanje tri godine čuvati jedan primjerak te izjave na računu i isprave iz članka 19. stavka 3.
3. Dobavljač koji sastavlja izjavu dobavljača dužan je najmanje tri godine čuvati primjerke izjave i računa, dostavnice ili kakve druge komercijalne isprave kojima se prilaže ova izjava, kao i sve odgovarajuće isprave kojima se dokazuje da su informacije navedene u toj izjavi točne.
4. Carinska tijela zemlje izvoznice koja izdaju potvrdu o prometu robe EUR.1 dužna su najmanje tri godine čuvati obrazac zahtjeva iz članka 15. stavka 2.
5. Carinska tijela zemlje uvoznice dužna su najmanje tri godine čuvati potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 i izjave na računu koje su im podnesene.
Članak 28.
Nepodudarnosti i formalne pogreške
1. Otkriće neznatnih odstupanja između navoda u dokazu o podrijetlu i navoda u ispravama koje su podnesene carinarnici za provedbu formalnosti za uvoz proizvoda ne čini ipso facto dokaz o podrijetlu ništavim ako se propisno utvrdi da se isprava odnosi na dostavljene proizvode.
2. Očite formalne greške, kao što su pogreške u tipkanju na dokazu o podrijetlu, ne bi smjele prouzrokovati odbacivanje te isprave ako te greške nisu takve da bi stvorile sumnju u točnost navoda u toj ispravi.
Članak 29.
Iznosi iskazani u eurima
1. Iznose u nacionalnoj valuti zemlje izvoznice koji predstavljaju protuvrijednost iznosa iskazanih u eurima utvrđuje zemlja izvoznica i priopćuje ih zemljama uvoznicama putem Europske komisije.
2. U slučaju kada iznosi premašuju odgovarajuće iznose koje je utvrdila zemlja uvoznica, potonja ih prihvaća ako su proizvodi fakturirani u valuti zemlje izvoznice. U slučaju kada su proizvodi fakturirani u valuti neke druge države članice EZ-a, zemlja uvoznica priznaje iznos koji joj je priopćila dotična zemlja.
3. Iznosi koji se koriste u nekoj nacionalnoj valuti predstavljaju protuvrijednost u toj nacionalnoj valuti iznosa iskazanih u eurima prvog radnog dana u listopadu 1999.
4. Iznose iskazane u eurima i njihovu protuvrijednost u nacionalnim valutama država članica EZ-a i Južne Afrike preispituje Vijeće za suradnju na zahtjev Zajednice ili Južne Afrike. Pri provođenju ovog preispitivanja Vijeće za suradnju osigurava da ne dođe do smanjenja iznosa koji se koriste u nekoj nacionalnoj valuti te nadalje razmatra poželjnost očuvanja realnog učinka ograničenja. U tu svrhu ono može donijeti odluku o izmjeni iznosa koji su iskazani u eurima.
Članak 30.
Uzajamna pomoć
1. Carinska tijela država članica EZ-a i Južne Afrike putem Europske komisije jedna drugoj dostavljaju ogledne primjerke otisaka pečata koje u carinarnicama koriste za izdavanje potvrda o prometu robe EUR.1 te adrese carinskih tijela odgovornih za provjeru tih potvrda i izjava na računu.
2. Radi osiguranja pravilne primjene ovog Protokola, Zajednica i Južna Afrika međusobno se pomažu putem svojih nadležnih carinskih administracija u provjeri vjerodostojnosti potvrda o prometu robe EUR.1 ili izjava na računima te točnosti podataka sadržanih u tim ispravama.
Članak 31.
Provjera dokaza o podrijetlu
1. Naknadne provjere dokaza o podrijetlu provode se nasumično ili kad god carinska tijela zemlje uvoznice imaju osnovane razloge za sumnju u vjerodostojnost tih isprava, u status podrijetla predmetnih proizvoda ili u ispunjavanje drugih zahtjeva ovog Protokola.
2. Za potrebe provedbe odredaba stavka 1. carinska tijela zemlje uvoznice carinskim tijelima zemlje izvoznice vraćaju potvrdu o prometu robe EUR.1 i račun, ako je podnesen, izjavu na računu ili presliku tih isprava uz navođenje, prema potrebi, razloga za upit. Sve dobivene isprave ili informacije koje upućuju na netočnost dokaza o podrijetlu i koje potkrepljuju zahtjev za provjeru šalju se uz taj zahtjev.
3. Provjeru provode carinska tijela zemlje izvoznice. U tu svrhu imaju pravo zatražiti bilo koji dokaz i provesti bilo koju vrstu pregleda izvoznikovih poslovnih knjiga ili bilo koju provjeru koju smatraju primjerenom.
4. Ako carinska tijela zemlje uvoznice odluče suspendirati odobravanje povlaštenog tretmana dotičnim proizvodima dok čekaju rezultate provjere, uvozniku se nudi puštanje robe u promet podložno mjerama predostrožnosti koje se prosude prijeko potrebnima.
5. Carinska tijela koja traže provjeru obavješćuju se što je prije moguće o rezultatima te provjere. Ti rezultati moraju jasno pokazati jesu li isprave vjerodostojne i mogu li se predmetni proizvodi smatrati proizvodima podrijetlom iz Zajednice ili Južne Afrike te ispunjavaju li druge zahtjeve ovog Protokola.
6. Ako se u slučajevima osnovane sumnje ne dobije nikakav odgovor u roku od deset mjeseci od dana podnošenja zahtjeva za provjeru ili ako u odgovoru nisu sadržane dostatne informacije za utvrđivanje vjerodostojnosti dotične isprave ili stvarnog podrijetla proizvoda, carinska tijela koja su podnijela zahtjev za provjeru odbijaju pravo na povlašteni tretman, osim u iznimnih okolnostima.
Članak 32.
Rješavanje sporova
1. U slučaju nastanka spora u odnosu na postupke provjere iz članka 31. koji carinska tijela koja zahtijevaju provjeru i carinska tijela odgovorna za obavljanje te provjere ne mogu međusobno riješiti ili u slučajevima kada ona postave pitanje tumačenja ovog Protokola, takav se spor upućuje na rješavanje Vijeću za suradnju.
2. Svi sporovi između uvoznika i carinskih tijela zemlje uvoznice rješavaju se u skladu sa zakonodavstvom te zemlje.
Članak 33.
Sankcije se primjenjuju u odnosu na svaku osobu koja sastavi ili prouzroči sastavljanje isprave koja sadrži netočne podatke radi dobivanja povlaštenog tretmana za proizvode.
Članak 34.
Slobodne zone
1. Zajednica i Južna Afrika poduzimaju sve potrebne mjere kako bi osigurale da proizvodi kojima se trguje pod pokrićem dokaza o podrijetlu, a koji tijekom prijevoza borave u slobodnoj zoni na njihovom području, ne budu zamijenjeni drugom robom te da ne budu podvrgnuti nikakvom drugom rukovanju osim uobičajenim postupcima kojima je cilj sprečavanje njihova propadanja.
2. Iznimno od odredaba stavka 1., u slučaju da su proizvodi podrijetlom iz Zajednice ili Južne Afrike uvezeni u slobodnu zonu pod pokrićem dokaza o podrijetlu i podvrgnuti obradi ili preradi, dotična nadležna tijela na zahtjev izvoznika izdaju novu potvrdu o prometu robe EUR.1 ako su primijenjene obrada ili prerada sukladne odredbama ovog Protokola.
Članak 35.
Primjena Protokola
1. Izraz „Zajednica” koji se koristi u članku 2. ne obuhvaća Ceutu i Melillu.
2. Proizvodi podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike, kada se uvoze u Ceutu ili Melillu, uživaju u svakom pogledu isti carinski režim koji se primjenjuje na proizvode podrijetlom iz carinskog područja Zajednice u skladu s Protokolom 2. uz Akt o pristupanju Kraljevine Španjolske i Portugalske Republike Europskim zajednicama. Južna Afrika uvozu proizvoda obuhvaćenih ovim Sporazumom i koji su podrijetlom iz Ceute i Melille dodjeljuje carinski režim koji je jednak onom dodijeljenom u odnosu na proizvode koji se uvoze ili koji su podrijetlom iz Zajednice.
3. Za potrebe primjene stavka 2. u vezi s proizvodima podrijetlom iz Ceute i Melille, ovaj se Protokol primjenjuje mutatis mutandis, podložno posebnim uvjetima određenima u članku 36.
Članak 36.
Posebni uvjeti
1. Pod uvjetom da su izravno prevezeni u skladu s odredbama iz članka 12., sljedeći proizvodi smatraju se:
1. |
proizvodima podrijetlom iz Ceute i Melille:
2. |
proizvodima podrijetlom iz Južne Afrike:
2. Ceuta i Melilla smatraju se jedinstvenim područjem.
3. Izvoznik ili njegov ovlašteni predstavnik navode „Južna Afrika” i „Ceuta i Melilla” u polju 2. na potvrdi o prometu robe EUR.1 ili u izjavi na računu. Osim toga, u slučaju proizvoda podrijetlom iz Ceute i Melille, to se navodi u polju 4. na potvrdi o prometu robe EUR.1 ili u izjavi na računu.
4. Za primjenu ovog Protokola u Ceuti i Melilli nadležna su španjolska carinska tijela.
Članak 37.
Izmjene Protokola
Vijeće za suradnju može odlučiti izmijeniti odredbe ovog Protokola.
Članak 38.
Provedba Protokola
I Zajednica i Južna Afrika poduzimaju potrebne korake za provedbu ovog Protokola.
Članak 39.
Roba u provozu ili na skladištenju
Odredbe Sporazuma mogu se primijeniti na robu koja je u skladu s odredbama ovog Protokola i koja je na dan stupanja na snagu Sporazuma ili u provozu ili u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi ili na privremenom smještaju u carinskim skladištima ili slobodnim zonama, podložno podnošenju carinskim tijelima zemlje uvoznice, u roku od četiri mjeseca od tog dana, potvrde o prometu robe EUR.1 koju su naknadno izdala nadležna tijela zemlje izvoznice zajedno s ispravama koje pokazuju da je roba prevezena izravno.
Popis određuje uvjete koje trebaju ispunjavati svi proizvodi da bi se smatrali dostatno obrađenima ili prerađenima u smislu članka 5. Protokola.
2.1. Prva dva stupca u popisu opisuju dobiveni proizvod. Prvi stupac navodi tarifni broj ili broj poglavlja iz Harmoniziranog sustava, a u drugom se stupcu navodi opis robe koji se rabi u tom sustavu za taj tarifni broj ili poglavlje. Za svaki navod u prva dva stupca navedeno je pravilo u stupcima 3. ili 4. Ako u pojedinim slučajevima navodu iz prvog stupca prethodi „ex”, to označava da se pravila iz stupaca 3. ili 4. primjenjuju samo na dio tog tarifnog broja kako je opisano u stupcu 2.
2.2. U slučaju kada je nekoliko tarifnih brojeva grupirano zajedno u stupcu 1. ili se navodi broj poglavlja te se stoga u stupcu 2. daje općenit opis proizvoda, susjedna pravila u stupcima 3. ili 4. primjenjuju se na sve proizvode koji su prema Harmoniziranom sustavu razvrstani pod tarifne brojeve poglavlja ili pod bilo koje tarifne brojeve grupirane u stupcu 1.
2.3. U slučaju kada su na popisu različita pravila koja se primjenjuju na različite proizvode unutar nekog tarifnog broja, svaka alineja sadrži opis tog dijela tarifnog broja koji je obuhvaćen susjednim pravilima u stupcima 3. ili 4.
2.4. U slučaju kada je za navod u prva dva stupca navedeno pravilo i u stupcima 3. i 4., izvoznik može birati između primjene pravila iz stupca 3. ili stupca 4. Ako u stupcu 4. nije dano nikakvo pravilo koje se odnosi na podrijetlo, mora se primijeniti pravilo određeno u stupcu 3.
3.1. Odredbe članka 5. Protokola o proizvodima koji su stekli status proizvoda s podrijetlom i koji služe u proizvodnji drugih proizvoda primjenjuju se bez obzira na to jesu li stekli taj status u tvornici gdje se proizvodi koriste ili u nekoj drugoj tvornici u Zajednici ili Južnoj Africi.
Motor iz tarifnog broja 8407, za koji pravilo kaže da vrijednost materijala bez podrijetla koji se može ugraditi ne smije prelaziti 40 % cijene franko tvornica, izrađen je od „drugog legiranog čelika grubo oblikovanog kovanjem” iz tarifnog broja ex 7224.
Ako je to kovanje obavljeno u Zajednici na ingotu bez podrijetla, on je već stekao status proizvoda s podrijetlom na temelju pravila iz popisa za tarifni broj ex 7224. Kovani materijal može se tada smatrati materijalom s podrijetlom u obračunu vrijednosti motora bez obzira na to je li proizveden u istoj ili drugoj tvornici u Zajednici. Vrijednost ingota bez podrijetla time se ne uzima u obzir pri zbrajanju vrijednosti korištenog materijala bez podrijetla.
3.2. Pravilo iz popisa je minimalna količina potrebne obrade ili prerade pa se poduzimanjem većeg stupnja obrade ili prerade također stječe status proizvoda s podrijetlom; i obratno, poduzimanjem manjeg stupnja obrade ili prerade ne može se steći status proizvoda s podrijetlom. Ako pravilo predviđa da se na određenoj razini izrade može rabiti materijal bez podrijetla, uporaba takvog materijala u ranijoj fazi izrade je dopuštena, dok uporaba takvog materijala u kasnijoj fazi izrade nije dopuštena.
3.3. Ne dovodeći u pitanje napomenu 3.2. u kojoj je navedeno pravilo da se mogu rabiti „materijali iz bilo kojeg tarifnog broja”, mogu se također koristiti materijali iz istog tarifnog broja, podložno bilo kakvim posebnim ograničenjima koja mogu biti sadržana u pravilu. Međutim, izraz „proizvodnja od materijala iz bilo kojeg tarifnog broja, uključujući druge materijale iz tarifnog broja …” znači da se mogu koristiti samo materijali razvrstani pod isti tarifni broj kao proizvod čiji se opis razlikuje od opisa kako je naveden u stupcu 2. na popisu.
3.4. Kada pravilo iz popisa navodi da se proizvod može proizvesti od više od jednog materijala, to znači da je moguće koristiti jedan ili više materijala. Ne zahtijeva se da svi budu upotrijebljeni.
Pravilo za tkanine iz tarifnih brojeva od 5208 do 5212 navodi da se mogu koristiti prirodna vlakna te da se među ostalim materijalima mogu koristiti i kemijski materijali. To ne znači da se moraju koristiti oba; mogu se koristiti jedan ili drugi ili oba.
3.5. U slučaju kada pravilo iz popisa navodi da proizvod mora biti proizveden od određenog materijala, taj uvjet očito ne sprječava uporabu drugih materijala koji zbog svoje unutarnje naravi ne mogu zadovoljiti to pravilo. (Vidjeti također napomenu 6.2. u vezi s tekstilom).
Pravilo za gotovu hranu iz tarifnog broja 1904 koje izričito isključuje uporabu žitarica i njihovih prerađevina ne sprečava uporabu mineralnih soli, kemikalija i drugih aditiva koji nisu proizvodi od žitarica.
Međutim, to se ne primjenjuje na proizvode koji se, iako ne mogu biti proizvedeni od određenih materijala navedenih na popisu, mogu proizvesti od materijala iste naravi u nekoj ranijoj fazi izrade.
U slučaju odjevnog predmeta iz ex poglavlja 62. izrađenog od netkanih materijala, ako je za tu klasu proizvoda dopuštena uporaba samo pređe bez podrijetla, nije moguće započeti s netkanom tkaninom, čak i ako se netkane tkanine inače ne mogu izrađivati od pređe. U takvim bi slučajevima početni materijal normalno bio u fazi koja prethodi pređi, a to je stanje vlakana.
3.6. U slučaju kada se u nekom pravilu s popisa navode dva postotka maksimalne vrijednosti materijala bez podrijetla koji se može koristiti, ti se postoci ne mogu zbrajati. Drugim riječima, maksimalna vrijednost svih korištenih materijala bez podrijetla nikada ne smije premašiti viši od navedenih postotaka. Nadalje, pojedinačni postoci ne smiju se premašiti u odnosu na određene materijale na koje se primjenjuju.
4.1. Izraz „prirodna vlakna” koristi se u popisu za vlakna koja nisu umjetna ili sintetička. Ograničen je na faze prije predenja, uključujući otpad i, osim ako je drukčije određeno, uključuje grebenana, češljana ili na kakav drugi način prerađena vlakna, ali nepredena.
4.2. Izraz „prirodna vlakna” uključuje konjsku dlaku iz tarifnog broja 0503, svilu iz tarifnih brojeva 5002 i 5003 te vunena vlakna i finu ili grubu životinjsku dlaku iz tarifnih brojeva od 5101 do 5105, pamučna vlakna iz tarifnih brojeva od 5201 do 5203 i druga biljna vlakna iz tarifnih brojeva od 5301 do 5305.
4.3. Izrazi „tekstilna pulpa”, „kemijski materijali” i „materijali za izradu papira” u popisu služe za opis materijala koji nisu razvrstani u poglavljima od 50. do 63., a mogu se upotrijebiti za proizvodnju umjetnih, sintetičkih ili papirnih vlakana ili pređe.
4.4. Izraz „umjetna ili sintetička rezana vlakna” koristi se u popisu za upućivanje na kabele od sintetičkih ili umjetnih filamenata, rezana vlakna ili otpatke iz tarifnih brojeva od 5501 do 5507.
5.1. U slučaju kada se za određeni proizvod iz popisa upućuje na ovu napomenu, uvjeti određeni u stupcu 3. ne primjenjuju se ni na koje osnovne tekstilne materijale korištene u proizvodnji tog proizvoda koji zajedno predstavljaju 10 % ili manje od ukupne težine svih korištenih osnovnih tekstilnih materijala. (Vidjeti također napomene 5.3. i 5.4.)
5.2. Međutim, tolerancija navedena u napomeni 5.1. može se primijeniti samo na mješovite proizvode koji su izrađeni od dvaju ili više osnovnih tekstilnih materijala.
Osnovni tekstilni materijali su sljedeći:
— |
svila, |
— |
vuna, |
— |
gruba životinjska dlaka, |
— |
fina životinjska dlaka, |
— |
konjska dlaka, |
— |
pamuk, |
— |
materijali za izradu papira i papir, |
— |
lan, |
— |
prirodna konoplja, |
— |
juta i druga tekstilna vlakna od drvenoga lika, |
— |
sisal i druga tekstilna vlakna iz roda agava, |
— |
kokos, abaka, rami i druga biljna tekstilna vlakna, |
— |
sintetički filamenti, |
— |
umjetni filamenti, |
— |
sintetička rezana vlakna od polipropilena, |
— |
sintetička rezana vlakna od poliestera, |
— |
sintetička rezana vlakna od poliamida, |
— |
sintetička rezana vlakna od poliakrilonitrilina, |
— |
sintetička rezana vlakna od poliimida, |
— |
sintetička rezana vlakna od politetrafluoretilena, |
— |
sintetička rezana vlakna od polifenilen sulfida, |
— |
sintetička rezana vlakna od polivinil klorida, |
— |
druga sintetička rezana vlakna, |
— |
umjetna rezana vlakna od viskoze, |
— |
druga umjetna rezana vlakna, |
— |
poliuretanska pređa s fleksibilnim polieterskim segmentima, upletena ili neupletena, |
— |
poliuretanska pređa s fleksibilnim poliesterskim segmentima, upletena ili neupletena, |
— |
proizvodi iz tarifnog broja 5605 (metalizirana pređa) koji uključuju vrpcu koja se sastoji od jezgre od aluminijske folije ili od jezgre od plastične folije, neovisno o tome je li presvučena slojem aluminijskog praha ili ne, širine ne veće od 5 mm, spojenu u sendvič pomoću prozirnog ili bojenog ljepila između dva sloja plastične folije, |
— |
drugi proizvodi iz tarifnog broja 5605. |
Pređa iz tarifnog broja 5205 koja je izrađena od pamučnih vlakana iz tarifnog broja 5203 i sintetički rezanih vlakana iz tarifnog broja 5506 miješana je pređa. Stoga se sintetička rezana vlakna bez podrijetla koja ne zadovoljavaju pravila o podrijetlu (koja zahtijevaju proizvodnju od kemijskih materijala ili tekstilne pulpe) mogu koristiti do 10 % težine pređe.
Vunena tkanina iz tarifnog broja 5112 koja je izrađena od vunene pređe iz tarifnog broja 5107 i sintetičke pređe od rezanih vlakana iz tarifnog broja 5509 miješana je tkanina. Stoga se sintetička pređa koja ne zadovoljava pravila o podrijetlu (koja zahtijevaju proizvodnju od kemijskih materijala ili tekstilne pulpe) ili vunena pređa koja ne zadovoljava pravila o podrijetlu (koja zahtijevaju proizvodnju od prirodnih vlakana, negrebenanih ili češljanih ili drukčije pripremljenih za predenje) ili njihova kombinacija mogu upotrijebiti pod uvjetom da njihova ukupna težina ne prelazi 10 % težine tkanine.
Tekstilna tkanina dobivena tafting postupkom iz tarifnog broja 5802 izrađena od pamučne pređe iz tarifnog broja 5205 i pamučne tkanine iz tarifnog broja 5210 miješani je proizvod samo ako je i sama pamučna tkanina miješana tkanina izrađena od pređa razvrstanih pod dva različita tarifna broja ili ako su upotrijebljene pamučne pređe i same mješavine.
Ako je predmetna tekstilna tkanina dobivena tafting postupkom izrađena od pamučne pređe iz tarifnog broja 5205 i sintetičke tkanine iz tarifnog broja 5407, onda su očigledno upotrijebljene pređe dva zasebna osnovna tekstilna materijala te je stoga tekstilna tkanina dobivena tafting postupkom miješani proizvod.
Sag dobiven tafting postupkom izrađen od umjetne pređe i pamučne pređe te s jutenom podlogom miješani je proizvod jer su rabljena tri osnovna tekstilna materijala. Prema tome, mogu se koristiti bilo koji materijali bez podrijetla koji su u kasnijoj fazi izrade nego što to dopušta pravilo, pod uvjetom da njihova ukupna težina ne prelazi 10 % težine tekstilnih materijala u sagu. Stoga se i jutena podloga i/ili umjetne pređe mogu uvoziti u toj fazi proizvodnje, pod uvjetom da su zadovoljeni uvjeti koji se odnose na težinu.
5.3. U slučaju proizvoda koji uključuju „poliuretansku pređu s fleksibilnim polieterskim segmentima, upletenu ili neupletenu”, tolerancija za tu pređu iznosi 20 %.
5.4. U slučaju proizvoda koji uključuju „vrpcu koja se sastoji od jezgre od aluminijske folije ili od jezgre od plastične folije, neovisno o tome je li presvučena slojem aluminijskog praha ili ne, širine ne veće od 5 mm, spojenu u sendvič pomoću ljepila između dva sloja plastične folije”, tolerancija za tu traku iznosi 30 %.
6.1. U slučaju tekstilnih proizvoda koji su na popisu označeni bilješkom koja upućuje na ovu napomenu, tekstilni materijali, uz izuzeće podstava i međupodstava, koji ne zadovoljavaju pravilo iz stupca 3. popisa za izrađeni proizvod, mogu se koristiti pod uvjetom da su razvrstani pod tarifni broj koji se razlikuje od tarifnog broja proizvoda te da njihova vrijednost ne prelazi 8 % cijene proizvoda franko tvornica.
6.2. Ne dovodeći u pitanje napomenu 6.3., materijali koji nisu razvrstani u poglavljima od 50. do 63. mogu se slobodno koristiti u proizvodnji tekstilnih proizvoda, bez obzira na to sadrže li tekstil ili ne.
Ako pravilo iz popisa predviđa da se za određeni tekstilni artikl, poput hlača, mora upotrijebiti pređa, to ne sprečava uporabu metalnih artikala poput dugmadi jer dugmad nije razvrstana u poglavljima od 50. do 63. Iz istog se razloga ne sprečava ni uporaba patentnih zatvarača, premda patentni zatvarači obično sadrže tekstil.
6.3. U slučajevima kada vrijedi pravilo o postotku, vrijednost materijala koji nisu razvrstani u poglavljima od 50. do 63. mora se uzeti u obzir pri izračunavanju vrijednosti uključenih materijala bez podrijetla.
7.1. Za potrebe tarifnih brojeva ex 2707, od 2713 do 2715, ex 2901, ex 2902 i ex 3403„specifični postupci” su sljedeći:
(a) |
vakuumska destilacija; |
(b) |
redestilacija vrlo temeljitim postupkom frakcioniranja (1); |
(c) |
krekovanje; |
(d) |
popravljanje; |
(e) |
ekstrakcija selektivnim otapalima; |
(f) |
postupak koji obuhvaća sve sljedeće aktivnosti: preradu koncentriranom sumpornom kiselinom, oleumom ili sumpornim anhidridom; neutralizaciju alkalnim agensima; dekolorizaciju i purifikaciju prirodno aktivnom zemljom, aktiviranom zemljom, aktiviranim ugljenom ili boksitom; |
(g) |
polimerizacija; |
(h) |
alkilacija; |
(i) |
izomerizacija. |
7.2. Za potrebe tarifnih brojeva 2710, 2711 i 2712„specifični postupci” su sljedeći:
(a) |
vakuumska destilacija; |
(b) |
redestilacija vrlo temeljitim postupkom frakcioniranja (2); |
(c) |
krekovanje; |
(d) |
popravljanje; |
(e) |
ekstrakcija selektivnim otapalima; |
(f) |
postupak koji obuhvaća sve sljedeće aktivnosti: preradu koncentriranom sumpornom kiselinom, oleumom ili sumpornim anhidridom; neutralizaciju alkalnim agensima; dekolorizaciju i purifikaciju prirodno aktivnom zemljom, aktiviranom zemljom, aktiviranim ugljenom ili boksitom; |
(g) |
polimerizacija; |
(h) |
alkilacija; |
(ij) |
izomerizacija; |
(k) |
samo u odnosu na teška ulja iz tarifnog broja ex 2710, odsumporavanje vodikom koje rezultira smanjenjem najmanje 85 % sadržaja sumpora u prerađivanim proizvodima (metoda ASTM D 1266-59 T); |
(l) |
samo u odnosu na proizvode iz tarifnog broja 2710, deparafinacija nekim drugim postupkom osim filtriranja; |
(m) |
samo u odnosu na teška ulja iz tarifnog broja ex 2710, tretman vodikom pod tlakom većim od 20 bara i temperaturom većom od 250 °C uz uporabu katalizatora u neku drugu svrhu osim odsumporavanja, kada vodik tvori aktivni element u kemijskoj reakciji. Daljnji tretman vodikom ulja za podmazivanje iz tarifnog broja ex 2710 (npr. hidrofiniširanje ili dekolorizacija) radi poboljšanja boje ili stabilnosti ne smatra se specifičnim postupkom; |
(n) |
samo u odnosu na loživa ulja iz tarifnog broja ex 2710, atmosferska destilacija, pod uvjetom da se manje od 30 % tih proizvoda, po obujmu, uključujući i gubitke, destilira na 300 °C pomoću metode ASTM D 86; |
(o) |
samo u odnosu na druga teška ulja, osim plinskih i loživih ulja iz tarifnog broja ex 2710, tretman pomoću visokofrekventnog jedva vidljivog električnog pražnjenja bez iskrenja. |
7.3. Za potrebe tarifnih brojeva ex 2707, od 2713 do 2715, ex 2901, ex 2902 i ex 3403 jednostavni postupci poput čišćenja, pretakanja, desalinizacije, odvajanja vode, filtriranja, bojenja, obilježavanja, dobivanja sadržaja sumpora zbog miješanja proizvoda s različitim sadržajima sumpora, bilo koja njihova kombinacija ili slični postupci ne daju status proizvoda s podrijetlom.
(1) Vidjeti dodatnu napomenu s pojašnjenjem 4.(b) uz poglavlje 27. kombinirane nomenklature.
(2) Vidjeti dodatnu napomenu s pojašnjenjem 4.(b) uz poglavlje 27. kombinirane nomenklature.
Proizvodi navedeni u popisu nisu nužno obuhvaćeni Sporazumom. Stoga je potrebno također uzeti u obzir ostale dijelove Sporazuma.
HS heading No |
Description of product |
Working or processing carried out on non-originating materials that confers originating status |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) or (4) |
Chapter 1 |
Live animals |
All the animals of Chapter 1 used must be wholly obtained |
Chapter 2 |
Meat and edible meat offal |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapters 1 and 2 used must be wholly obtained |
Chapter 3 |
Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 3 used must be wholly obtained |
ex Chapter 4 |
Dairy produce; birds’ eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 4 used must be wholly obtained |
0403 |
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yoghurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa |
Manufacture in which:
ex Chapter 5 |
Products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 5 used must be wholly obtained |
ex 0502 |
Prepared pigs’, hogs’ or boars’ bristles and hair |
Cleaning, disinfecting, sorting and straightening of bristles and hair |
Chapter 6 |
Live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage |
Manufacture in which:
Chapter 7 |
Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 7 used must be wholly obtained |
Chapter 8 |
Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruits or melons |
Manufacture in which:
ex Chapter 9 |
Coffee, tea, mat Be and spices; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 9 used must be wholly obtained |
0901 |
Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated; coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion |
Manufacture from materials of any heading |
0902 |
Tea, whether or not flavoured |
Manufacture from materials of any heading |
ex 0910 |
Mixtures of spices |
Manufacture from materials of any heading |
Chapter 10 |
Cereals |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 10 used must be wholly obtained |
ex Chapter 11 |
Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the cereals, edible vegetables, roots and tubers of heading No 0714 or fruit used must be wholly obtained |
ex 1106 |
Flour, meal and powder of the dried, shelled leguminous vegetables of heading No 0713 |
Drying and milling of leguminous vegetables of heading No 0708 |
Chapter 12 |
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 12 used must be wholly obtained |
1301 |
Lac; natural gums, resins, gum-resins and oleoresins (for example, balsams) |
Manufacture in which the value of any materials of heading No 1301 used may not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
1302 |
Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products: |
— Mucilages and thickeners, modified, derived from vegetable products |
Manufacture from non-modified mucilages and thickeners |
— Other |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Chapter 14 |
Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or included |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 14 used must be wholly obtained |
ex Chapter 15 |
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animals or vegetable waxes; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
1501 |
Pig fat (including lard) and poultry fat, other than that of heading No 0209 or 1503 : |
— Fats from bones or waste |
Manufacture from materials of any heading except those of heading Nos 0203 , 0206 or 0207 or bones of heading No 0506 |
— Other |
Manufacture from meat or edible offal of swine of heading No 0203 or 0206 or of meat and edible offal of poultry of heading No 0207 |
1502 |
Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, other than those of heading No 1503 |
— Fats from bones or waste |
Manufacture from materials of any heading except those of heading Nos 0201 , 0202 , 0204 or 0206 or bones of heading No 0506 |
— Other |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 2 used must be wholly obtained |
1504 |
Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish or marine mammals, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: |
— Solid fractions |
Manufacture from materials of any heading including other materials of heading No 1504 |
— Other |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapters 2 and 3 used must be wholly obtained |
ex 1505 |
Refined lanolin |
Manufacture from crude wool grease of heading No 1505 |
1506 |
Other animals fats and oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: |
— Solid fractions |
Manufacture from materials of any heading including other materials of heading No 1506 |
— Other |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 2 used must be wholly obtained |
1507 to 1515 |
Vegetable oils and their fractions: |
— Soya, ground nut, palm, copra, palm kernel, babassu, tung and oiticica oil, myrtle wax and Japan wax, fractions of jojoba oil and oils for technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
— Solid fractions, except for that of jojoba oil |
Manufacture from other materials of heading Nos 1507 to 1515 |
— Other |
Manufacture in which all the vegetable materials used must be wholly obtained |
1516 |
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further prepared |
Manufacture in which:
1517 |
Margarine; edible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this Chapter, other than edible fats or oils or their fractions of heading No 1516 |
Manufacture in which:
Chapter 16 |
Preparations of meat, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates |
Manufacture from animals of Chapter 1. All the materials of Chapter 3 used must be wholly obtained |
ex Chapter 17 |
Sugars and sugar confectionery; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 1701 |
Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form, flavoured or coloured |
Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
1702 |
Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel: |
— Chemically pure maltose and fructose |
Manufacture from materials of any heading including other materials of heading No 1702 |
— Other sugars in solid form, flavoured or coloured |
Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which all the materials used must already be originating |
ex 1703 |
Molasses resulting from the extraction or refining of sugar, flavoured or coloured |
Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
1704 |
Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa |
Manufacture in which:
Chapter 18 |
Cocoa and cocoa preparations |
Manufacture in which:
1901 |
Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing less than 40 % by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included; food preparations of goods of heading Nos 0401 to 0404 , not containing cocoa or containing less than 5 % by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included: |
— Malt extract |
Manufacture from cereals of Chapter 10 |
— Other |
Manufacture in which:
1902 |
Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other substances) or otherwise prepared, such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, whether or not prepared: |
— Containing 20 % or less by weight of meat, meat offal, fish, crustaceans or molluscs |
Manufacture in which all the cereals and derivatives (except durum wheat and its derivatives) used must be wholly obtained |
— Containing more than 20 % by weight of meat, meat offal, fish, crustaceans or molluscs |
Manufacture in which:
1903 |
Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or in similar forms |
Manufacture from materials of any heading except potato starch of heading No 1108 |
1904 |
Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products (for example, corn flakes); cereals (other than maize (corn)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour and meal), pre-cooked, or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included |
1905 |
Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers’ wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products |
Manufacture from materials of any heading except those of Chapter 11 |
ex Chapter 20 |
Preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts or other parts of plants; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the fruit, nuts or vegetables used must be wholly obtained |
ex 2001 |
Yams, sweet potatoes and similar edible parts of plants containing 5 % or more by weight of starch, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 2004 and ex 2005 |
Potatoes in the form of flour, meal or flakes, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
2006 |
Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glac Be or crystallised) |
Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
2007 |
Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut pur Bee and fruit or nut pastes, being cooked preparations, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter |
Manufacture in which:
ex 2008 |
— Nuts, not containing added sugar or spirit |
Manufacture in which the value of the originating nuts and oil seeds of heading Nos 0801 , 0802 and 1202 to 1207 used exceeds 60 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Peanut butter; mixtures based on cereals; palm hearts; maize (corn) |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
— Other except for fruit and nuts cooked otherwise than by steaming or boiling in water, not containing added sugar, frozen |
Manufacture in which:
2009 |
Fruit juices (including grape must) and vegetable juices, unfermented and not containing added spirit, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter |
Manufacture in which:
ex Chapter 21 |
Miscellaneous edible preparations; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
2101 |
Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or mat Be and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or mat Be; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof |
Manufacture in which:
2103 |
Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard: |
— Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, mustard flour or meal or prepared mustard may be used |
— Mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard |
Manufacture from materials of any heading |
ex 2104 |
Soups and broths and preparations therefor |
Manufacture from materials of any heading except prepared or preserved vegetables of heading Nos 2002 to 2005 |
2106 |
Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included |
Manufacture in which:
ex Chapter 22 |
Beverages, spirits and vinegar; except for: |
Manufacture in which:
2202 |
Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of heading No 2009 |
Manufacture in which:
2208 |
Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80 % vol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages |
ex Chapter 23 |
Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 2301 |
Whale meal; flours, meals and pellets of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapters 2 and 3 used must be wholly obtained |
ex 2303 |
Residues from the manufacture of starch from maize (excluding concentrated steeping liquors), of a protein content, calculated on the dry product, exceeding 40 % by weight |
Manufacture in which all the maize used must be wholly obtained |
ex 2306 |
Oil cake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of olive oil, containing more than 3 % of olive oil |
Manufacture in which all the olives used must be wholly obtained |
2309 |
Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding |
Manufacture in which:
ex Chapter 24 |
Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 24 used must be wholly obtained |
2402 |
Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or of tobacco substitutes |
Manufacture in which at least 70 % by weight of the unmanufactured tobacco or tobacco refuse of heading No 2401 used must already be originating |
ex 2403 |
Smoking tobacco |
Manufacture in which at least 70 % by weight of the unmanufactured tobacco or tobacco refuse of heading No 2401 used must already be originating |
ex Chapter 25 |
Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cement; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 2504 |
Natural crystalline graphite, with enriched carbon content, purified and ground |
Enriching of the carbon content, purifying and grinding of crude crystalline graphite |
ex 2515 |
Marble, merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape, of a thickness not exceeding 25 cm |
Cutting, by sawing or otherwise, of marble (even if already sawn) of a thickness exceeding 25 cm |
ex 2516 |
Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other monumental and building stone, merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape, of a thickness not exceeding 25 cm |
Cutting, by sawing or otherwise, of stone (even if already sawn) of a thickness exceeding 25 cm |
ex 2518 |
Calcined dolomite |
Calcination of dolomite not calcined |
ex 2519 |
Crushed natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite), in hermetically-sealed containers, and magnesium oxide, whether or not pure, other than fused magnesia or dead-burned (sintered) magnesia |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite) may be used |
ex 2520 |
Plasters specially prepared for dentistry |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 2524 |
Natural asbestos fibres |
Manufacture from asbestos concentrate |
ex 2525 |
Mica powder |
Grinding of mica or mica waste |
ex 2530 |
Earth colours, calcined or powdered |
Calcination or grinding of earth colours |
Chapter 26 |
Ores, slag and ash |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex Chapter 27 |
Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 2707 |
Oils in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the non-aromatic constituents, being oils similar to mineral oils obtained by distillation of high temperature coal tar, of which more than 65 % by volume distils at a temperature of up to 250 °C (including mixtures of petroleum spirit and benzole), for use as power or heating fuels |
Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es) (1) or Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 2709 |
Crude oils obtained from bituminous minerals |
Destructive distillation of bituminous materials |
2710 |
Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous materials, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70 % or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous materials, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations |
Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es) (2) or Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
2711 |
Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons |
Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es) (1) or Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
2712 |
Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, microcrystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite wax, peat wax, other mineral waxes and similar products obtained by synthesis or by other processes, whether or not coloured |
Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es) (1) or Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
2713 |
Petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous materials |
Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es) (1) or Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
2714 |
Bitumen and asphalt, natural; bituminous or oil shale and tar sands; asphaltites and asphaltic rocks |
Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es) (1) or Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
2715 |
Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, on natural bitumen, on petroleum bitumen, on mineral tar or on mineral tar pitch (for example, bituminous mastics, cut-backs) |
Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es) (1) or Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 28 |
Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 2805 |
„Mischmetall” |
Manufacture by electrolytic or thermal treatment in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 2811 |
Sulphur trioxide |
Manufacture from sulphur dioxide |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 2833 |
Aluminium sulphate |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 2840 |
Sodium perborate |
Manufacture from disodium tetraborate pentahydrate |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 29 |
Organic chemicals; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 2901 |
Acyclic hydrocarbons for use as power or heating fuels |
Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es) (1) or Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 2902 |
Cyclanes and cyclenes (other than azulenes), benzene, toluene, xylenes, for use as power or heating fuels |
Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es) (1) or Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used, provided their value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 2905 |
Metal alcoholates of alcohols of this heading and of ethanol |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 2905 . However, metal alcoholates of this heading may be used, provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
2915 |
Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives |
Manufacture from materials of any heading. However, the value of all the materials of heading Nos 2915 and 2916 used may not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 2932 |
— Internal ethers and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives |
Manufacture from materials of any heading. However, the value of all the materials of heading No 2909 used may not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Cyclic acetals and internal hemiacetals and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives |
Manufacture from materials of any heading |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
2933 |
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only |
Manufacture from materials of any heading. However, the value of all the materials of heading Nos 2932 and 2933 used may not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
2934 |
Nucleic acids and their salts; other heterocyclic compounds |
Manufacture from materials of any heading. However, the value of all the materials of heading Nos 2932 , 2933 and 2934 used may not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 30 |
Pharmaceutical products; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3002 |
Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera and other blood fractions and modified immunological products, whether or not obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products: |
— Products consisting of two or more constituents which have been mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses or unmixed products for these uses, put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3002 . The materials of this description may also be used, provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other: |
— — human blood |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3002 . The materials of this description may also be used, provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— — animal blood prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3002 . The materials of this description may also be used, provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— — blood fractions other than antisera, haemoglobin, blood globulins and serum globulins |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3002 . The materials of this description may also be used, provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— — haemoglobin, blood globulins and serum globulins |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3002 . The materials of this description may also be used, provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— — other |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3002 . The materials of this description may also be used, provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3003 and 3004 |
Medicaments (excluding goods of heading No 3002 , 3005 or 3006 ): |
— Obtained from amikacin of heading No 2941 |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials of heading No 3003 or 3004 may be used provided their value, taken together, does not exceed 20 % of the ex works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which:
ex Chapter 31 |
Fertilisers; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3105 |
Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing two or three of the fertilising elements nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium; other fertilisers; goods of this chapter, in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight not exceeding 10 kg, except for:
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 32 |
Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other colouring matter; paints and varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3201 |
Tannins and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives |
Manufacture from tanning extracts of vegetable origin |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3205 |
Colour lakes; preparations as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter based on colour lakes (1) |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, except heading Nos 3203 , 3204 and 3205 . However, materials from heading No 3205 may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 33 |
Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3301 |
Essential oils (terpeneless or not), including concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, in fixed oils, in waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deterpenation of essential oils; aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of essential oils |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, including materials of a different „group” (2) in this heading. However, materials of the same group may be used, provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 34 |
Soap, organic surface-active agents, washing preparations, lubricating preparations, artificial waxes, prepared waxes, polishing or scouring preparations, candles and similar articles, modelling pastes, „dental waxes” and dental preparations with a basis of plaster; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3403 |
Lubricating preparations containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals, provided they represent less than 70 % by weight |
Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es) (1) or Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3404 |
Artificial waxes and prepared waxes: |
— With a basis of paraffin, petroleum waxes, waxes obtained from bituminous minerals, slack wax or scale wax |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, except:
However, these materials may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 35 |
Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3505 |
Dextrins and other modified starches (for example, pregelatinised or esterified starches); glues based on starches, or on dextrins or other modified starches: |
— Starch ethers and esters |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3505 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, except those of heading No 1108 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3507 |
Prepared enzymes not elsewhere specified or included |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Chapter 36 |
Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain combustible preparations |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 37 |
Photographic or cinematographic goods; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3701 |
Photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, whether or not in packs: |
— Instant print film for colour photography, in packs |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than heading Nos 3701 or 3702 . However, materials from heading No 3702 may be used provided their value does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than heading No 3701 or 3702 . However, materials from heading Nos 3701 and 3702 may be used provided their value taken together, does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3702 |
Photographic film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than heading Nos 3701 or 3702 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3704 |
Photographic plates, film paper, paperboard and textiles, exposed but not developed |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than heading Nos 3701 to 3704 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 38 |
Miscellaneous chemical products; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3801 |
— Colloidal graphite in suspension in oil and semi-colloidal graphite; carbonaceous pastes for electrodes |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Graphite in paste form, being a mixture of more than 30 % by weight of graphite with mineral oils |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials of heading No 3403 used does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3803 |
Refined tall oil |
Refining of crude tall oil |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3805 |
Spirits of sulphate turpentine, purified |
Purification by distillation or refining of raw spirits of sulphate turpentine |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3806 |
Ester gums |
Manufacture from resin acids |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3807 |
Wood pitch (wood tar pitch) |
Distillation of wood tar |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3808 |
Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers) |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the products |
3809 |
Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dyestuffs and other products and preparations (for example, dressings and mordants), of a kind used in the textile, paper, leather or like industries, not elsewhere specified or included |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the products |
3810 |
Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; fluxes and other auxiliary preparations for soldering, brazing or welding; soldering, brazing or welding powders and pastes consisting of metal and other materials; preparations of a kind used as cores or coatings for welding electrodes or rods |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the products |
3811 |
Anti-knock preparations, oxidation inhibitors, gum inhibitors, viscosity improvers, anti-corrosive preparations and other prepared additives, for mineral oils (including gasoline) or for other liquids used for the same purposes as mineral oils: |
— Prepared additives for lubricating oil, containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials of heading No 3811 used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3812 |
Prepared rubber accelerators; compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics, not elsewhere specified or included; anti-oxidising preparations and other compound stabilisers for rubber or plastics |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3813 |
Preparations and charges for fire-extinguishers; charged fire-extinguishing grenades |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3814 |
Organic composite solvents and thinners, not elsewhere specified or included; prepared paint or varnish removers |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3818 |
Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, in the form of discs, wafers or similar forms; chemical compounds doped for use in electronics |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3819 |
Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids for hydraulic transmission, not containing or containing less than 70 % by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3820 |
Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3822 |
Diagnostic or laboratory reagents on a backing and prepared diagnostic or laboratory reagents, whether or not on a backing, other than those of heading No 3002 or 3006 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3823 |
Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining; industrial fatty alcohols. |
— Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids, acid oils from refining |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
— Industrial fatty alcohols |
Manufacture from materials of any heading including other materials of heading No 3823 |
3824 |
Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included; residual products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere specified or included: |
— The following of this heading:
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3901 to 3915 |
Plastics in primary forms, waste, parings and scrap, of plastic; except for heading Nos ex 3907 and 3912 for which the rules are set out below: |
— Addition homopolymerisation products in which a single monomer contributes more than 99 % by weight to the total polymer content |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which the value of the materials of Chapter 39 used does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product (1) |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3907 |
— Copolymer, made from polycarbonate and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS) |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product (1) |
— Polyester |
Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 39 used does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product and/or manufacture from polycarbonate of tetrabromo-(bisphenol A) |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3912 |
Cellulose and its chemical derivatives, not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms |
Manufacture in which the value of any materials classified in the same heading as the product does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3916 to 3921 |
Semi-manufactures and articles of plastics; except for headings Nos ex 3916 , ex 3917 , ex 3920 and ex 3921 , for which the rules are set out below: |
— Flat products, further worked than only surface-worked or cut into forms other than rectangular (including square); other products, further worked than only surface-worked |
Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 39 used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other: |
— — Addition homopolymerisation products in which a single monomer contributes more than 99 % by weight to the total polymer content |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— — Other |
Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 39 used does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product (1) |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3916 and ex 3917 |
Profile shapes and tubes |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3920 |
— Ionomer sheet or film |
Manufacture from a thermoplastic partial salt which is a copolymer of ethylene and metacrylic acid partly neutralised with metal ions, mainly zinc and sodium |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Sheets of regenerated cellulose, polyamides or polyethylene |
Manufacture in which the value of any materials classified in the same heading as the product does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 3921 |
Foils of plastic, metallised |
Manufacture from highly transparent polyester foils with a thickness of less than 23 micron (1) |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
3922 to 3926 |
Articles of plastics |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 40 |
Rubber and articles thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 4001 |
Laminated slabs of crepe rubber for shoes |
Lamination of sheets of natural rubber |
4005 |
Compounded rubber, unvulcanised, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used, except natural rubber, does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
4012 |
Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, interchangeable tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber: |
— Retreaded pneumatic, solid or cushion tyres, of rubber |
Retreading of used tyres |
— Other |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, except those of heading Nos 4011 or 4012 |
ex 4017 |
Articles of hard rubber |
Manufacture from hard rubber |
ex Chapter 41 |
Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 4102 |
Raw skins of sheep or lambs, without wool on |
Removal of wool from sheep or lamb skins, with wool on |
4104 to 4107 |
Leather, without hair or wool, other than leather of heading Nos 4108 or 4109 |
Retanning of pre-tanned leather or Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
4109 |
Patent leather and patent laminated leather; metallised leather |
Manufacture from leather of heading Nos 4104 to 4107 provided its value does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Chapter 42 |
Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk worm gut) |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex Chapter 43 |
Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 4302 |
Tanned or dressed furskins, assembled: |
— Plates, crosses and similar forms |
Bleaching or dyeing, in addition to cutting and assembly of non-assembled tanned or dressed furskins |
— Other |
Manufacture from non-assembled, tanned or dressed furskins |
4303 |
Articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other articles of furskin |
Manufacture from non-assembled tanned or dressed furskins of heading No 4302 |
ex Chapter 44 |
Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 4403 |
Wood roughly squared |
Manufacture from wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of its bark or merely roughed down |
ex 4407 |
Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm, planed, sanded or finger-jointed |
Planing, sanding or finger-jointing |
ex 4408 |
Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood, of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm, spliced, and other wood sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm, planed, sanded or finger-jointed |
Splicing, planing, sanding or finger-jointing |
ex 4409 |
Wood continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or finger-jointed: |
— Sanded or finger-jointed |
Sanding or finger-jointing |
— Beadings and mouldings |
Beading or moulding |
ex 4410 to ex 4413 |
Beadings and mouldings, including moulded skirting and other moulded boards |
Beading or moulding |
ex 4415 |
Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, of wood |
Manufacture from boards not cut to size |
ex 4416 |
Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers’ products and parts thereof, of wood |
Manufacture from riven staves, not further worked than sawn on the two principal surfaces |
ex 4418 |
— Builders’ joinery and carpentry of wood |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, cellular wood panels, shingles and shakes may be used |
— Beadings and mouldings |
Beading or moulding |
ex 4421 |
Match splints; wooden pegs or pins for footwear |
Manufacture from wood of any heading except drawn wood of heading No 4409 |
ex Chapter 45 |
Cork and articles of cork; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
4503 |
Articles of natural cork |
Manufacture from cork of heading No 4501 |
Chapter 46 |
Manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware and wickerwork |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
Chapter 47 |
Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex Chapter 48 |
Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 4811 |
Paper and paperboard, ruled, lined or squared only |
Manufacture from paper-making materials of Chapter 47 |
4816 |
Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers (other than those of heading No 4809 ), duplicator stencils and offset plates, of paper, whether or not put up in boxes |
Manufacture from paper-making materials of Chapter 47 |
4817 |
Envelopes, letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards, of paper or paperboard; boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, of paper or paperboard, containing an assortment of paper stationery |
Manufacturing in which:
ex 4818 |
Toilet paper |
Manufacture from paper-making materials of Chapter 47 |
ex 4819 |
Cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres |
Manufacture in which:
ex 4820 |
Letter pads |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 4823 |
Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, cut to size or shape |
Manufacture from paper-making materials of Chapter 47 |
ex Chapter 49 |
Printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plans; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
4909 |
Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing personal greetings, messages or announcements, whether or not illustrated, with or without envelopes or trimmings |
Manufacture from materials not classified within heading Nos 4909 or 4911 |
4910 |
Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocks: |
— Calendars of the „perpetual” type or with replaceable blocks mounted on bases other than paper or paperboard |
Manufacture in which:
— Other |
Manufacture from materials not classified in heading Nos 4909 or 4911 |
ex Chapter 50 |
Silk; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 5003 |
Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock), carded or combed |
Carding or combing of silk waste |
5004 to ex 5006 |
Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste |
Manufacture from (1):
5007 |
Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste: |
— Incorporating rubber thread |
Manufacture from single yarn (1) |
— Other |
Manufacture from (1):
or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat-setting, raising, calendering, shrink-resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatising, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 51 |
Wool, fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
5106 to 5110 |
Yarn of wool, of fine or coarse animal hair or of horsehair |
Manufacture from (1):
5111 to 5113 |
Woven fabrics of wool, of fine or coarse animal hair or of horsehair: |
— Incorporating rubber thread |
Manufacture from single yarn (1) |
— Other |
Manufacture from (1):
or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat-setting, raising, calendering, shrink-resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatising, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 52 |
Cotton; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
5204 to 5207 |
Yarn and thread of cotton |
Manufacture from (1):
5208 to 5212 |
Woven fabrics of cotton: |
— Incorporating rubber thread |
Manufacture from single yarn (1) |
— Other |
Manufacture from (1):
or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat-setting, raising, calendering, shrink-resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatising, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 53 |
Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
5306 to 5308 |
Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn |
Manufacture from (1):
5309 to 5311 |
Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres; woven fabrics of paper yarn: |
— Incorporating rubber thread |
Manufacture from single yarn (1) |
— Other |
Manufacture from (1):
or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat-setting, raising, calendering, shrink-resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatising, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5 % of the ex-works price of the product |
5401 to 5406 |
Yarn, monofilament and thread of man-made filaments |
Manufacture from (1):
5407 to 5408 |
Woven fabrics of man-made filament yarn: |
— Incorporating rubber thread |
Manufacture from single yarn (1) |
— Other |
Manufacture from (1):
or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat-setting, raising, calendering, shrink-resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatising, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5 % of the ex-works price of the product |
5501 to 5507 |
Man-made staple fibres |
Manufacture from chemical materials or textile pulp |
5508 to 5511 |
Yarn and sewing thread of man-made staple fibres |
Manufacture from (1):
5512 to 5516 |
Woven fabrics of man-made staple fibres: |
— Incorporating rubber thread |
Manufacture from single yarn (1) |
— Other |
Manufacture from (1):
or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat-setting, raising, calendering, shrink-resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatising, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 56 |
Wadding, felt and non-wovens; special yarns; twine, cordage, ropes and cables and articles thereof; except for: |
Manufacture from (1):
5602 |
Felt, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated: |
— Needleloom felt |
Manufacture from (1):
— Other |
Manufacture from (1):
5604 |
Rubber thread and cord, textile covered; textile yarn, and strip and the like of heading No 5404 or 5405 , impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics: |
— Rubber thread and cord, textile covered |
Manufacture from rubber thread or cord, not textile covered |
— Other |
Manufacture from (1):
5605 |
Metallised yarn, whether or not gimped, being textile yarn, or strip or the like of heading No 5404 or 5405 , combined with metal in the form of thread, strip or powder or covered with metal |
Manufacture from (1):
5606 |
Gimped yarn, and strip and the like of heading No 5404 or 5405 , gimped (other than those of heading No 5605 and gimped horsehair yarn); chenille yarn (including flock chenille yarn; loop wale-yarn |
Manufacture from (1):
Chapter 57 |
Carpets and other textile floor coverings: |
— Of needleloom felt |
Manufacture from (1):
— Of other felt |
Manufacture from (1):
Other |
Manufacture from (1):
ex Chapter 58 |
Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; embroidery; except for: |
— Combined with rubber thread |
Manufacture from single yarn (1) |
— Other |
Manufacture from (1):
or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat-setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatising, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5 % of the ex-works price of the product |
5805 |
Hand-woven tapestries of the types gobelins, flanders, aubusson, beauvais and the like, and needle-worked tapestries (for example, petit-point, cross stitch), whether or not made up |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
5810 |
Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs |
Manufacture in which:
5901 |
Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances, of a kind used for the outer covers of books or the like; tracing cloth; prepared painting canvas; buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics of a kind used for hat foundations |
Manufacture from yarn |
5902 |
Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides, polyesters or viscose rayon: |
— Containing not more than 90 % by weight of textile materials |
Manufacture from yarn |
— Other |
Manufacture from chemical materials or textile pulp |
5903 |
Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, other than those of heading No 5902 |
Manufacture from yarn or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat-setting, rasing, calendering, shrink-resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatising, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5 % of the ex-works price of the product |
5904 |
Linoleum, whether or not cut to shape; floor coverings consisting of a coating or covering applied on a textile backing, whether or not cut to shape |
Manufacture from yarn (1) |
5905 |
Textile wall coverings: |
— Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with rubber, plastics or other materials |
Manufacture from yarn |
— Other |
Manufacture from
or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat-setting, raising, calendering, shrink-resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatising, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5 % of the ex-works price of the product |
5906 |
Rubberised textile fabrics, other than those of heading No 5902 : |
— Knitted or crocheted fabrics |
Manufacture from (1)
— Other fabrics made of synthetic filament yarn, containing more than 90 % by weight of textile materials |
Manufacture from chemical materials |
— Other |
Manufacture from yarn |
5907 |
Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered; painted canvas being theatrical scenery, studio backcloths or the like |
Manufacture from yarn or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat-setting, rasing, calendering, shrink-resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatising, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5 % of the ex-works price of the product |
5908 |
Textile wicks, woven, plaited or knitted, for lamps, stoves, lighters, candles or the like; incandescent gas mantles and tubular knitted gas mantle fabric therefor, whether or not impregnated: |
— Incandescent gas mantles, impregnated |
Manufacture from tubular knitted gas mantle fabric |
— Other |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
5909 to 5911 |
Textile articles of a kind suitable for industrial use: |
— Polishing discs or rings other than of felt of heading No 5911 |
Manufacture from yarn or waste fabrics or rags of heading No 6310 |
— Woven fabrics, of a kind commonly used in papermaking or other technical uses, felted or not, whether or not impregnated or coated, tubular or endless with single or multiple warp and/or weft, or flat woven with multiple warp and/or weft of heading No 5911 |
Manufacture from (1):
— Other |
Manufacture from (1):
Chapter 60 |
Knitted or crocheted fabrics |
Manufacture from (1):
Chapter 61 |
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted: |
— Obtained by sewing together or otherwise assembling, two or more pieces of knitted or crocheted fabric which have been either cut to form or obtained directly to form |
— Other |
Manufacture from (1):
ex Chapter 62 |
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted; except for: |
ex 6202 , ex 6204 , ex 6206 , ex 6209 and ex 6211 |
Women’s, girls’ and babies’ clothing and clothing accessories for babies, embroidered |
Manufacture from yarn (1) or Manufacture from unembroidered fabric provided the value of the unembroidered fabric used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product (1) |
ex 6210 and ex 6216 |
Fire-resistant equipment of fabric covered with foil of aluminised polyester |
Manufacture from yarn (1) or Manufacture from uncoated fabric provided the value of the uncoated fabric used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product (1) |
6213 and 6214 |
Handkerchiefs, shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like: |
— Embroidered |
Manufacture from unbleached single yarn (1) (2) or Manufacture from unembroidered fabric provided the value of the unembroidered fabric used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product (1) |
— Other |
Manufacture from unbleached single yarn (1) (2) or Making up followed by printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat-setting, raising, calendering, shrink-resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatising, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted goods of heading Nos 6213 and 6214 used does not exceed 47,5 % of the ex-works price of the product |
6217 |
Other made up clothing accessories; parts of garments or of clothing accessories, other than those of heading No 6212 : |
— Embroidered |
Manufacture from yarn (1) or Manufacture from unembroidered fabric provided the value of the unembroidered fabric used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product (1) |
— Fire-resistant equipment of fabric covered with foil of aluminised polyester |
Manufacture from yarn (1) or Manufacture from uncoated fabric provided the value of the uncoated fabric used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product (1) |
— Interlinings for collars and cuffs, cut out |
Manufacture in which:
— Other |
Manufacture from yarn (1) |
ex Chapter 63 |
Other made-up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
6301 to 6304 |
Blankets, travelling rugs, bed linen etc.; curtains etc.; other furnishing articles: |
— Of felt, of non-wovens |
Manufacture from (2):
— Other: |
— — Embroidered |
Manufacture from unbleached single yarn (1) (3) or Manufacture from unembroidered fabric (other than knitted or crocheted) provided the value of the unembroidered fabric used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— — Other |
6305 |
Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods |
Manufacture from (1):
6306 |
Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds; tents; sails for boats, sailboards or landcraft; camping goods: |
— Of non-wovens |
— Other |
6307 |
Other made-up articles, including dress patterns |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
6308 |
Sets consisting of woven fabric and yarn, whether or not with accessories, for making up into rugs, tapestries, embroidered tablecloths or serviettes, or similar textile articles, put up in packings for retail sale |
Each item in the set must satisfy the rule which would apply to it if it were not included in the set. However, non-originating articles may be incorporated provided their total value does not exceed 15 % of the ex-works price of the set |
ex Chapter 64 |
Footwear, gaiters and the like; except for: |
Manufacture from materials of any heading except for assemblies of uppers affixed to inner soles or to other sole components of heading No 6406 |
6406 |
Parts of footwear (including uppers whether or not attached to soles other than outer soles); removable insoles, heel cushions and similar articles; gaiters, leggings and similar articles, and parts thereof |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex Chapter 65 |
Headgear and parts thereof, except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
6503 |
Felt hats and other felt headgear, made from the hat bodies, hoods or plateaux of heading No 6501 , whether or not lined or trimmed |
Manufacture from yarn or textile fibres (2) |
6505 |
Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made up from lace, felt or other textile fabric, in the piece (but not in strips), whether or not lined or trimmed; hairnets of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed |
Manufacture from yarn or textile fibres (2) |
ex Chapter 66 |
Umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops, and parts thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
6601 |
Umbrellas and sun umbrellas (including walking-stick umbrellas, garden umbrellas and similar umbrellas) |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Chapter 67 |
Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial flowers; articles of human hair |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex Chapter 68 |
Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 6803 |
Articles of slate or of agglomerated slate |
Manufacture from worked slate |
ex 6812 |
Articles of asbestos; articles of mixtures with a basis of asbestos or of mixtures with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate |
Manufacture from materials of any heading |
ex 6814 |
Articles of mica, including agglomerated or reconstituted mica, on a support of paper, paperboard or other materials |
Manufacture from worked mica (including agglomerated or reconstituted mica) |
Chapter 69 |
Ceramic products |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex Chapter 70 |
Glass and glassware; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 7003 , ex 7004 and ex 7005 |
Glass with a non-reflecting layer |
Manufacture from materials of heading No 7001 |
7006 |
Glass of heading No 7003 , 7004 or 7005 , bent, edgeworked, engraved, drilled, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materials |
Manufacture from materials of heading No 7001 |
7007 |
Safety glass, consisting of toughened (tempered) or laminated glass |
Manufacture from materials of heading No 7001 |
7008 |
Multiple-walled insulating units of glass |
Manufacture from materials of heading No 7001 |
7009 |
Glass mirrors, whether or not framed, including rear-view mirrors |
Manufacture from materials of heading No 7001 |
7010 |
Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, ampoules and other containers, of glass, of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods; preserving jars of glass; stoppers, lids and other closures, of glass |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product or Cutting of glassware, provided the value of the uncut glassware does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
7013 |
Glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen, toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar purposes (other than that of heading No 7010 or 7018 ) |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product or Cutting of glassware, provided the value of the uncut glassware does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product or Hand-decoration (with the exception of silk-screen printing) of hand-blown glassware, provided the value of the hand-blown glassware does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 7019 |
Articles (other than yarn) of glass fibres |
Manufacture from:
ex Chapter 71 |
Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal, and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 7101 |
Natural or cultured pearls, graded and temporarily strung for convenience of transport |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 7102 , ex 7103 and ex 7104 |
Worked precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) |
Manufacture from unworked precious or semi-precious stones |
7106 , 7108 and 7110 |
Precious metals: |
— Unwrought |
Manufacture from materials not classified within heading No 7106 , 7108 or 7110 or Electrolytic, thermal or chemical separation of precious metals of heading No 7106 , 7108 or 7110 or Alloying of precious metals of heading No 7106 , 7108 or 7110 with each other or with base metals |
— Semi-manufactured or in powder form |
Manufacture from unwrought precious metals |
ex 7107 , ex 7109 and ex 7111 , 7116 |
Metals clad with precious metals, semi-manufactured |
Manufacture from metals clad with precious metals, unwrought |
7116 |
Articles of natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
7117 |
Imitation jewellery |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product or Manufacture from base metal parts, not plated or covered with precious metals, provided the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 72 |
Iron and steel; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
7207 |
Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel |
Manufacture from materials of heading No 7201 , 7202 , 7203 , 7204 or 7205 |
7208 to 7216 |
Flat-rolled products, bars and rods, angles, shapes and sections of iron or non-alloy steel |
Manufacture from ingots or other primary forms of heading No 7206 |
7217 |
Wire of iron or non-alloy steel |
Manufacture from semi-finished materials of heading No 7207 |
ex 7218 , 7219 to 7222 |
Semi-finished products, flat-rolled products, bars and rods, angles, shapes and sections of stainless steel |
Manufacture from ingots or other primary forms of heading No 7218 |
7223 |
Wire of stainless steel |
Manufacture from semi-finished materials of heading No 7218 |
ex 7224 , 7225 to 7228 |
Semi-finished products, flat-rolled products, hot-rolled bars and rods, in irregularly wound coils; angles, shapes and sections, of other alloy steel; hollow drill bars and rods, of alloy or non-alloy steel |
Manufacture from ingots or other primary forms of heading No 7206 , 7218 or 7224 |
7229 |
Wire of other alloy steel |
Manufacture from semi-finished materials of heading No 7224 |
ex Chapter 73 |
Articles of iron or steel; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 7301 |
Sheet piling |
Manufacture from materials of heading No 7206 |
7302 |
Railway or tramway track construction materials of iron or steel, the following: rails, checkrails and rackrails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-plates, chairs, chair wedges, sole pates (base plates), rail clips, bedplates, ties and other material specialised for jointing or fixing rails |
Manufacture from materials of heading No 7206 |
7304 , 7305 and 7306 |
Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of iron (other than cast iron) or steel |
Manufacture from materials of heading No 7206 , 7207 , 7218 or 7224 |
ex 7307 |
Tube or pipe fittings of stainless steel (ISO No X5CrNiMo 1712), consisting of several parts |
Turning, drilling, reaming, threading, deburring and sandblasting of forged blanks the value of which does not exceed 35 % of the ex-works price of the product |
7308 |
Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading No 9406 ) and parts of structures (for example, bridges and bridge-sections, lock-gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, shutters, balustrades, pillars and columns), of iron or steel; plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron or steel |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, welded angles, shapes and sections of heading No 7301 may not be used |
ex 7315 |
Skid chain |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials of heading No 7315 used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 74 |
Copper and articles thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which:
7401 |
Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper) |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
7402 |
Unrefined copper; copper anodes for electrolytic refining |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
7403 |
Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought: |
— Refined copper |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
— Copper alloys and refined copper containing other elements |
Manufacture from refined copper, unwrought, or waste and scrap of copper |
7404 |
Copper waste and scrap |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
7405 |
Master alloys of copper |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex Chapter 75 |
Nickel and articles thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which:
7501 to 7503 |
Nickel mattes, nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate products of nickel metallurgy; unwrought nickel; nickel waste and scrap |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex Chapter 76 |
Aluminium and articles thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which:
7601 |
Unwrought aluminium |
Manufacture by thermal or electrolytic treatment from unalloyed aluminium or waste and scrap of aluminium |
7602 |
Aluminium waste or scrap |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 7616 |
Aluminium articles other than gauze, cloth, grill, netting, fencing, reinforcing fabric and similar materials (including endless bands) of aluminium wire, and expanded metal of aluminium |
Manufacture in which:
Chapter 77 |
Reserved for possible future use in HS |
ex Chapter 78 |
Lead and articles thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which:
7801 |
Unwrought lead: |
— Refined lead |
Manufacture from „bullion” or „work” lead |
— Other |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, waste and scrap of heading No 7802 may not be used |
7802 |
Lead waste and scrap |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex Chapter 79 |
Zinc and articles thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which:
7901 |
Unwrought zinc |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, waste and scrap of heading No 7902 may not be used |
7902 |
Zinc waste and scrap |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex Chapter 80 |
Tin and articles thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which:
8001 |
Unwrought tin |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, waste and scrap of heading No 8002 may not be used |
8002 and 8007 |
Tin waste and scrap; other articles of tin |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
Chapter 81 |
Other base metals; cermets; articles thereof: |
— Other base metals, wrought; articles thereof |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials classified within the same heading as the product used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex Chapter 82 |
Tools, implements, cutlery, spoons and forks, of base metal; parts thereof of base metal; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
8206 |
Tools of two or more of the heading Nos 8202 to 8205 , put up in sets for retail sale |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than heading Nos 8202 to 8205 . However, tools of heading Nos 8202 to 8205 may be incorporated into the set provided their value does not exceed 15 % of the ex-works price of the set |
8207 |
Interchangeable tools for hand tools, whether or not power-operated, or for machine-tools (for example, for pressing, stamping, punching, tapping, threading, drilling, boring, broaching, milling, turning, or screwdriving), including dies for drawing or extruding metal, and rock drilling or earth boring tools |
Manufacture in which:
8208 |
Knives and cutting blades, for machines or for mechanical appliances |
Manufacture in which:
ex 8211 |
Knives with cutting blades, serrated or not (including pruning knives), other than knives of heading No 8208 |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, knife blades and handles of base metal may be used |
8214 |
Other articles of cutlery (for example, hair clippers, butchers’ or kitchen cleavers, choppers and mincing knives, paper knives); manicure or pedicure sets and instruments (including nail files) |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, handles of base metal may be used |
8215 |
Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, handles of base metal may be used |
ex Chapter 83 |
Miscellaneous articles of base metal; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 8302 |
Other mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for buildings, and automatic door closers |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, the other materials of heading No 8302 may be used provided their value does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8306 |
Statuettes and other ornaments, of base metal |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, the other materials of heading No 8306 may be used provided their value does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 84 |
Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8401 |
Nuclear fuel elements |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product (1) |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8402 |
Steam or other vapour generating boilers (other than central heating hot water boilers capable also of producing low pressure steam); super heated water boilers |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8403 and ex 8404 |
Central heating boilers other than those of heading No 8402 and auxiliary plant for central heating boilers |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than heading No 8403 or 8404 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8406 |
Steam turbines and other vapour turbines |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8407 |
Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8408 |
Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines) |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8409 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the engines of heading No 8407 or 8408 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8411 |
Turbo-jets, turbo propellers and other gas turbines |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8412 |
Other engines and motors |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8413 |
Rotary positive displacement pumps |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8414 |
Industrial fans, blowers and the like |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8415 |
Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor-driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8418 |
Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading No 8415 |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8419 |
Machines for wood, paper pulp and paperboard industries |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8420 |
Calendering or other rolling machines, other than for metals or glass, and cylinders therefor |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8423 |
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight-operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8425 to 8428 |
Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8429 |
Self-propelled bulldozers, angledozers, graders, levellers, scrapers, mechanical shovels, excavators, shovel loaders, tamping machines and road rollers: |
— Road rollers |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8430 |
Other moving, grading, levelling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or boring machinery, for earth, minerals or ores; pile-drivers and pile-extractors; snow-ploughs and snow-blowers |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8431 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with road rollers |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8439 |
Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8441 |
Other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8444 to 8447 |
Machines of these headings for use in the textile industry |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8448 |
Auxiliary machinery for use with machines of headings Nos 8444 and 8445 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8452 |
Sewing machines, other than book-sewing machines of heading No 8440 ; furniture, bases and covers specially designed for sewing machines; sewing machine needles: |
— Sewing machines (lock stitch only) with heads of a weight not exceeding 16 kg without motor or 17 kg with motor |
— Other |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8456 to 8466 |
Machine-tools and machines and their parts and accessories of headings Nos 8456 to 8466 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8469 to 8472 |
Office machines (for example, typewriters, calculating machines, automatic data-processing machines, duplicating machines, stapling machines) |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8480 |
Moulding boxes for metal foundry; mould bases; moulding patterns; moulds for metal (other than ingot moulds), metal carbides, glass, mineral materials, rubber or plastics |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8482 |
Ball or roller bearings |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8484 |
Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal; sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings; mechanical seals |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8485 |
Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors, insulators, coils, contacts or other electrical features, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 85 |
Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles; except for: |
Manufacture in which
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8501 |
Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets) |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8502 |
Electric generating sets and rotary converters |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8504 |
Power supply units for automatic data-processing machines |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8518 |
Microphones and stands therefor; loudspeakers, whether or not mounted in their enclosures; audio-frequency electric amplifiers; electric sound amplifier sets |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8519 |
Turntables (record-decks), record-players, cassette-players and other sound reproducing apparatus, not incorporating a sound recording device |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8520 |
Magnetic tape recorders and other sound recording apparatus, whether or not incorporating a sound reproducing device |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8521 |
Video recording or reproducing apparatus, whether or not incorporating a video tuner |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8522 |
Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading Nos 8519 to 8521 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8523 |
Prepared unrecorded media for sound recording or similar recording of other phenomena, other than products of Chapter 37 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8524 |
Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of Chapter 37: |
— Matrices and masters for the production of records |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8525 |
Transmission apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy, radio-broadcasting or television, whether or not incorporating reception apparatus or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; television cameras; still image video cameras and other video camera recorders |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8526 |
Radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and radio remote control apparatus |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8527 |
Reception apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy or radio broadcasting, whether or not combined, in the same housing, with sound recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8528 |
Reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus; video monitors and video projectors |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8529 |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading Nos 8525 to 8528 : |
— Suitable for use solely or principally with video recording or reproducing apparatus |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8535 and 8536 |
Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8537 |
Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases, equipped with two or more apparatuses of heading No 8535 or 8536 , for electric control or the distribution of electricity, including those incorporating instruments or apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical control apparatus, other than switching apparatus of heading No 8517 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8541 |
Diodes, transistors and similar semi-conductor devices, except wafers not yet cut into chips |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8542 |
Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8544 |
Insulated (including enamelled or anodised) wire, cable (including coaxial cable) and other insulated electric conductors, whether or not fitted with connectors; optical fibre cables, made up of individually sheathed fibres, whether or not assembled with electric conductors or fitted with connectors |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8545 |
Carbon electrodes, carbon brushes, lamp carbons, battery carbons and other articles of graphite or other carbon, with or without metal, of a kind used for electrical purposes |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8546 |
Electrical insulators of any material |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8547 |
Insulating fittings for electrical machines, appliances or equipment, being fittings wholly of insulating materials apart from any minor components of metal (for example, threaded sockets) incorporated during moulding solely for purposes of assembly other than insulators of heading No 8546 ; electrical conduit tubing and joints therefor, of base metal lined with insulating material |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8548 |
Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators; spent primary cells, spent primary batteries and spent electric accumulators; electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 86 |
Railway or tramway locomotives, rolling-stock and parts thereof; railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical (including electro-mechanical) traffic signalling equipment of all kinds; except for: |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8608 |
Railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings; mechanical (including electro-mechanical) signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields; parts of the foregoing |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 87 |
Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-stock, and parts and accessories thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8709 |
Works trucks, self-propelled, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports for short distance transport of goods; tractors of the type used on railway station platforms; parts of the foregoing vehicles |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8710 |
Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, motorised, whether or not fitted with weapons, and parts of such vehicles |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8711 |
Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side-cars: |
— With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity: |
— — Not exceeding 50 cc |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 20 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— — Exceeding 50 cc |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8712 |
Bicycles without ball bearings |
Manufacture from materials not classified in heading No 8714 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8715 |
Baby carriages and parts thereof |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8716 |
Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled; parts thereof |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 88 |
Aircraft, spacecraft, and parts thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8804 |
Rotochutes |
Manufacture from materials of any heading including other materials of heading No 8804 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
8805 |
Aircraft launching gear; deck-arrestor or similar gear; ground flying trainers; parts of the foregoing articles |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Chapter 89 |
Ships, boats and floating structures |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, hulls of heading No 8906 may not be used |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 90 |
Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9001 |
Optical fibres and optical fibre bundles; optical fibre cables other than those of heading No 8544 ; sheets and plates of polarising material; lenses (including contact lenses), prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any material, unmounted, other than such elements of glass not optically worked |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9002 |
Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any material, mounted, being parts of or fittings for instruments or apparatus, other than such elements of glass not optically worked |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9004 |
Spectacles, goggles and the like, corrective, protective or other |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 9005 |
Binoculars, monoculars, other optical telescopes, and mountings therefor, except for astronomical refracting telescopes and mountings therefor |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 9006 |
Photographic (other than cinematographic) cameras; photographic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs other than electrically ignited flashbulbs |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9007 |
Cinematographic cameras and projectors, whether or not incorporating sound recording or reproducing apparatus |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9011 |
Compound optical microscopes, including those for photomicrography, cinephotomicrography or microprojection |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 9014 |
Other navigational instruments and appliances |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9015 |
Surveying (including photogrammetrical surveying), hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments and appliances, excluding compasses; rangefinders |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9016 |
Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better, with or without weights |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9017 |
Drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments (for example, drafting machines, pantographs, protractors, drawing sets, slide rules, disc calculators); instruments for measuring length, for use in the hand (for example, measuring rods and tapes, micrometers, callipers), not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9018 |
Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments: |
— Dentists’ chairs incorporating dental appliances or dentists’ spittoons |
Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 9018 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9019 |
Mechano-therapy appliances; massage apparatus; psychological aptitude-testing apparatus; ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, artificial respiration or other therapeutic respiration apparatus |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9020 |
Other breathing appliances and gas masks, excluding protective masks having neither mechanical parts nor replaceable filters |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9024 |
Machines and appliances for testing the hardness, strength, compressibility, elasticity or other mechanical properties of materials (for example, metals, wood, textiles, paper, plastics) |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9025 |
Hydrometers and similar floating instruments, thermometers, pyrometers, barometers, hygrometers and psychrometers, recording or not, and any combination of these instruments |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9026 |
Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases (for example, flow meters, level gauges, manometers, heat meters), excluding instruments and apparatus of heading No 9014 , 9015 , 9028 or 9032 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9027 |
Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis (for example, polarimeters, refractometers, spectrometers, gas or smoke analysis apparatus); instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking viscosity, porosity, expansion, surface tension or the like; instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking quantities of heat, sound or light (including exposure meters); microtomes |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9028 |
Gas, liquid or electricity supply or production meters, including calibrating meters therefor: |
— Parts and accessories |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9029 |
Revolution counters, production counters, taximeters, milometers, pedometers and the like; speed indicators and tachometers, other than those of heading No 9014 or 9015 ; stroboscopes |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9030 |
Oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities, excluding meters of heading No 9028 ; instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other ionising radiation |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9031 |
Measuring or checking instruments, appliances and machines, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; profile projectors |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9032 |
Automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9033 |
Parts and accessories (not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter) for machines, appliances, instruments or apparatus of Chapter 90 |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 91 |
Clocks and watches and parts thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9105 |
Other clocks |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9109 |
Clock movements, complete and assembled |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9110 |
Complete watch or clock movements, unassembled or partly assembled (movement sets); incomplete watch or clock movements, assembled; rough watch or clock movements |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9111 |
Watch cases and parts thereof |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9112 |
Clock cases and cases of a similar type for other goods of this chapter, and parts thereof |
Manufacture in which:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9113 |
Watch straps, watch bands and watch bracelets, and parts thereof: |
— Of base metal, whether or not gold- or silver-plated, or of metal clad with precious metal |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
— Other |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Chapter 92 |
Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
Chapter 93 |
Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 94 |
Furniture; bedding, mattresses, mattress supports, cushions and similar stuffed furnishings; lamps and lighting fittings, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like; prefabricated buildings; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works-price of the product |
ex 9401 and ex 9403 |
Base metal furniture, incorporating unstuffed cotton cloth of a weight of 300 g/m2 or less |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified in a heading other than that of the product or Manufacture from cotton cloth already made up in a form ready for use of heading No 9401 or 9403 , provided:
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9405 |
Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights and spotlights and parts thereof, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like, having a permanently fixed light source, and parts thereof not elsewhere specified or included |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
9406 |
Prefabricated buildings |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chapter 95 |
Toys, games and sports requisites; parts and accessories thereof; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
9503 |
Other toys; reduced-size („scale”) models and similar recreational models, working or not; puzzles of all kinds |
Manufacture in which:
ex 9506 |
Golf clubs and parts thereof |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, roughly shaped blocks for making golf club heads may be used |
ex Chapter 96 |
Miscellaneous manufactured articles; except for: |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
ex 9601 and ex 9602 |
Articles of animal, vegetable or mineral carving materials |
Manufacture from „worked” carving materials of the same heading |
ex 9603 |
Brooms and brushes (except for besoms and the like and brushes made from marten or squirrel hair), hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, not motorised, paint pads and rollers, squeegees and mops |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 9605 |
Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes cleaning |
Each item in the set must satisfy the rule, which would apply to it if it were not included in the set. However, non-originating articles may be incorporated, provided their total value does not exceed 15 % of the ex-works price of the set |
ex 9606 |
Buttons, press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs, button moulds and other parts of these articles; button blanks |
Manufacture in which:
9612 |
Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not on spools or in cartridges; ink-pads, whether or not inked, with or without boxes |
Manufacture in which:
ex 9613 |
Lighters with piezo-igniter |
Manufacture in which the value of all the materials of heading No 9613 used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 9614 |
Smoking pipes and pipe bowls |
Manufacture from roughly shaped blocks |
Chapter 97 |
Works of art, collectors’ pieces and antiques |
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
(1) For the special conditions relating to „specific processes” see introductory notes 7.1 and 7.3.
(2) For the special conditions relating to „specific processes” see introductory note 7.2.
(1) Note 3 to Chapter 32 says that these preparations are those of a kind used for colouring any material or used as ingredients in the manufacturing of colouring preparations, provided they are not classified in another heading in Chapter 32.
(2) A „group” is regarded as any part of the heading separated from the rest by a semi-colon.
(1) In the case of the products composed of materials classified within both heading Nos 3901 to 3906, on the one hand, and within heading Nos 3907 to 3911, on the other hand, this restriction only applies to that group of materials which predominates by weight in the product.
(1) The following foils shall be considered as highly transparent: foils, the optical dimming of which, measured according to ASTM-D 1003-16 by Gardner Hazemeter (i.e. Hazefactor), is less than 2 %.
(1) For special conditions relating to products made of a mixture of textile materials, see introductory note 5.
(2) The use of this material is restricted to the manufacture of woven fabrics of a kind used in paper-making machinery.
(2) See introductory note 6.
(3) For knitted or crocheted articles, not elastic or rubberised, obtained by sewing or assembly pieces of knitted or crocheted fabrics (cut out or knitted directly to shape), see introductory note 6.
(1) This rule shall apply until 31 December 1998.
Potvrda o prometu robe eur.1 i zahtjev za izdavanje potvrde o prometu robe eur.1
Upute za tiskanje
1. Svaki je obrazac veličine 210 mm × 297 mm; dopušteno je odstupanje po dužini do minus 5 mm ili do plus 8 mm. Potrebno je koristiti bijeli papir, veličine za pisanje, bez mehaničke pulpe i koji teži najmanje 25 g/m2. Mora imati poleđinu s otisnutim zelenim uzorkom „guilloche” kako bi svaki pokušaj krivotvorenja mehaničkim ili kemijskim sredstvima bio vidljiv golim okom.
2. Nadležna tijela država članica Zajednice i Južne Afrike mogu zadržati pravo da sama tiskaju obrasce ili ih mogu dati na tiskanje ovlaštenim tiskarama. U potonjem slučaju svaki obrazac mora sadržavati uputu na takvo ovlaštenje. Na svakom obrascu moraju biti navedeni ime i adresa tiskare ili oznaka koja omogućuje identifikaciju tiskare. Obrazac mora imati i serijski broj, tiskan ili ne, koji omogućuje njegovu identifikaciju.
Izjava na računu čiji je tekst dolje naveden mora se sastaviti u skladu s bilješkama. Međutim, bilješke nije potrebno ponovno navoditi.
Engleska verzija
The exporter of the products covered by this document (customs authorisation No … (1)) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of … preferential origin (2).
Španjolska verzija
El exportador de los productos incluidos en el presente documento (autorización aduanera no … (1)) declara que, salvo indicación en sentido contrario, estos productos gozan de un origen preferencial … (2).
Danska verzija
Eksportøren af varer, der er omfattet af nærværende dokument, (toldmyndighedernes tilladelse nr. … (1)), erklærer, at varerne, medmindre andet tydeligt er angivet, har præferenceoprindelse i … (2).
Njemačka verzija
Der Ausführer (Ermächtigter Ausführer; Bewilligungs-Nr. … (1)) der Waren, auf die sich dieses Handelspapier bezieht, erklärt, daß diese Waren, soweit nicht anders angegeben, präferenzbegünstigte … Ursprungswaren sind (2).
Grčka verzija
Ο εξαγωγέας των προϊόντων που καλύπτονται από το παρόν έγγραφο (άδεια τελωνείου υπ' αριθ. … (1)) δηλώνει ότι, εκτός εάν δηλώνεται σαφώς άλλως, τα προϊόντα αυτά είναι προτιμησιακής καταγωγής … (2).
Francuska verzija
L'exportateur des produits couverts par le présent document (autorisation douanière no … (1), déclare que, sauf indication claire du contraire, ces produits ont l'origine préférentielle … (2)
Talijanska verzija
L'esportatore delle merci contemplate nel presente documento (autorizzazione doganale n. … (1)) dichiara che, salvo indicazione contraria, le merci sono di origine preferenziale … (2).
Nizozemska verzija
De exporteur van de goederen waarop dit document van toepassing is (douanevergunning nr. … (1)) verklaart dat, behoudens uitdrukkelijke andersluidende vermelding, deze goederen van preferentiële … oorsprong zijn (2).
Portugalska verzija
El exportador de los productos incluidos en el presente documento (autorización aduanera no … (1)) declara que, salvo indicación en sentido contrario, estos productos gozan de un origen preferencial … (2).
Finska verzija
Tässä asiakirjassa mainittujen tuotteiden viejä (tullin lupan:o … (1)) ilmoittaa, että nämä tuotteet ovat, ellei toisin ole selvästi merkitty, etuuskohteluun oikeutettuja … alkuperätuotteita (2).
Švedska verzija
Exportören av de varor som omfattas av detta dokument (tullmyndighetens tillstånd nr. … (1)) försäkrar att dessa varor, om inte annat tydligt markerats, har förmånsberättigande … ursprung (2).
Južnoafričke verzije
Bagwebi ba go romela ntle ditšweletšwa tšeo di akaretšwago ke tokumente ye (Nomoro ya ditšwantle ya tumelelo … (1)) ba ipolela gore ntle le moo go laeditšwego, ditšweletšwa tše ke tša go tšwa … (2) ka tlhago. |
Moromelli wa sehlahiswa ya sireleditsweng ke tokomane ena (tumello ya thepa naheng No … (1) e hlalosa hore, ka ntle ha eba ho hlalositswe ka tsela e nngwe ka nepo, dihlahiswa tsena ke tsa … tshimoloho e kgethilweng (2). |
Moromelantle wa dikuno tse di tlhagelelang mo lokwalong le (lokwalo lwa tumelelo ya kgethiso No … (1)) o tlhomamisa gore, ntle le fa go tlhagisitsweng ka mokgwa mongwe, dikuno tse ke tsa … dinaga tse di thokegang (2). |
Umtfumeli ngaphandle walemikhicito lebalwe kulomculu (ngeligunya lalokutfunyelwa ngaphandle Nombolo … (1)) lophakamisa kutsi, ngaphandle kwalapho lekuboniswe khona ngalokucacile, lemikhicito … ngeyendzabuko lebonelelwako (2). |
Muvhambadzi wa zwibveledzwa mashangoni a nnda, (zwibveledzwa) zwine zwa vha zwo ambiwaho kha ili linwalo (linwalo la u nea maanda la mithelo ya zwitundwannda kana zwirumelwannda la vhu … (1)), li khou buletshedza uri, nga nnda ha musi zwo ambiwa nga inwe ndila-vho, zwibveledzwa hezwi ndi zwa … vhubwo hune ha khou funeseswa kana u takaleleswa (2). |
Muxavisela-vambe wa swikumiwa leswi nga eka tsalwa leri (Xibalo xa switundziwa xa Nomboro (1) u boxa leswaku, handle ka laha swi kombisiweke, swikumiwa leswi i swa ntiyiso swa xilaveko xa le henhla swinene (2). |
Die uitvoerder van die produkte gedek deur hierdie dokument (doeanemagtiging No … (1)) verklaar dat, uitgesonderd waar andersins duidelik aangedui, hierdie produkte van … voorkeuroorsprong (2) is. |
Umthumelli-phandle wemikhiqizo ebalwe kilencwadi (inomboro … (1) egunyaza imikhiqizo ephumako) ubeka uthi, ngaphandle kobana kutjengiswe ngendlela ethileko butjhatjhalazi, lemikhiqizo ine … mwelaphi enconyiswako (2). |
Umthumeli weempahla ngaphandle kwelizwe wemveliso equkwa lolu xwebhu (iirhafu zempahla zesigunyaziso Nombolo … (1) ubhengeza ukuthi, ngaphandle kwalapho kuboniswe ngokucacileyo, ezi mveliso … zezemvelaphi eyamkelekileyo kunezinye (2). |
Umthumeli wempahla ebhaliwe kulo mqulu iNombolo … yokugunyaza yentela yempahla (1) uyamemezela ukuthi, ngaphandle kokuthi kukhonjisiwe ngokusobala, le mikhiqizo iqhamuka … endaweni ekhethekileyo (2). |
… (3)
(Mjesto i datum)
… (4)
(Potpis izvoznika; osim toga, ime osobe koja potpisuje izjavu mora biti čitljivo navedeno)
(1) Kada izjavu na računu sastavlja ovlašteni izvoznik u smislu članka 20. Protokola, na tom se mjestu mora upisati broj ovlaštenja ovlaštenog izvoznika. Kada izjavu na računu ne sastavlja ovlašteni izvoznik, riječi u zagradama se izostavljaju ili se ostavlja prazan prostor na tom mjestu.
(2) Navodi se podrijetlo proizvoda. Kada se izjava na računu odnosi u cijelosti ili jednom dijelu na proizvode s podrijetlom iz Ceute i Melille u smislu članka 36. Protokola, izvoznik ih mora jasno označiti oznakom „CM” u ispravi na kojoj se daje izjava.
(3) Ove se naznake mogu izostaviti ako su podaci navedeni u samoj ispravi.
(4) Vidjeti članak 19. stavak 5. Protokola. U slučajevima kada se ne zahtijeva potpis izvoznika, izuzeće od potpisivanja odnosi se i na navođenje imena potpisnika.
Izjava dobavljača
Izjava dobavljača čiji je tekst dolje naveden mora se sastaviti u skladu s bilješkama. Međutim, bilješke nije potrebno ponovno navoditi.
za robu koja je podvrgnuta obradi ili preradi u SACU-u, a da nije stekla povlašteni status proizvoda s podrijetlom.
Ja, dolje potpisani, dobavljač robe obuhvaćene priloženim dokumentom, izjavljujem:
1. |
da su sljedeći materijali, koji nisu podrijetlom iz SACU-a, korišteni u SACU-u radi proizvodnje ove robe:
… (Mjesto i datum) … … … (Adresa i potpis izvoznika; osim toga, ime osobe koja potpisuje izjavu mora biti čitljivo navedeno) |
2. |
da su svi drugi materijali, korišteni u SACU-u radi proizvodnje ove robe, podrijetlom iz SACU-a. |
(1) Ako se račun, dostavnica ili neka druga komercijalna isprava uz koju je izjava priložena odnosi na drugu vrstu robe ili robu koja ne sadržava u istoj mjeri materijale bez podrijetla, dobavljač mora jasno naznačiti razliku.
Isprava se odnosi na različite modele električnih motora iz tarifnog broja 8501 koji su namijenjeni uporabi u proizvodnji strojeva za pranje rublja iz tarifnog broja 8450. Vrste i vrijednost materijala bez podrijetla koji se koriste u proizvodnji ovih motora razlikuju se ovisno o modelu. Stoga modele u prvom stupcu treba razlikovati, a naznake u drugim stupcima potrebno je ispuniti zasebno za svaki model kako bi proizvođač strojeva za pranje rublja mogao točno procijeniti status podrijetla vlastitih proizvoda, ovisno o modelu električnog motora koji koristi.
(2) Zahtijevane naznake u ovim stupcima ispunjavaju se samo ako je to potrebno.
U pravilu za odjeću iz ex poglavlja 62. navodi se da se može koristiti pređa bez podrijetla. Ako proizvođač takve odjeće u Francuskoj koristi tkaninu uvezenu iz Norveške koja je ondje dobivena tkanjem pređe bez podrijetla, dovoljno je da norveški dobavljač u svojoj izjavi opiše korišteni materijal bez podrijetla kao pređu, a da pritom nije potrebno navesti tarifni broj HS-a i vrijednost takve pređe. Proizvođač željezne žice iz tarifnog broja HS-a 7217 koji je žicu proizveo iz željeznih šipki bez podrijetla u drugi stupac treba upisati "željezne šipke". Ako se ova žica koristi u proizvodnji stroja za koji pravilo o podrijetlu sadrži ograničenje za sve materijale bez podrijetla korištene do određenog postotka vrijednosti, u trećem je stupcu potrebno naznačiti vrijednost šipki bez podrijetla.
(3) „Vrijednost materijala” znači carinska vrijednost u trenutku uvoza korištenih materijala bez podrijetla ili, ako taj podatak nije poznat ili ga je nemoguće utvrditi, prvu utvrdivu cijenu plaćenu za materijale u SACU-u.
Za svaki korišteni materijal bez podrijetla mora se navesti točna vrijednost po jedinici robe navedene u prvom stupcu.
Zajednička izjava o Prilogu II. Protokolu o pravilima o podrijetlu
Obje stranke suglasne su sa zahtjevima prerade sadržanima u Prilogu II., podložno ograničenom broju izmjena koje zahtijeva Južna Afrika, a u vezi s kojima se obje stranke obvezuju da će ih razmotriti prije stupanja Sporazuma na snagu.
Zajednička izjava o Protokolu o pravilima o podrijetlu
Za provedbu članka 37. ovog Protokola, Komisija je spremna proučiti bilo kakav zahtjev Južne Afrike za odstupanjima od pravila o podrijetlu nakon potpisivanja Sporazuma.
Zajednička izjava o Republici San Marinu
1. |
Proizvode podrijetlom iz Republike San Marina Južna Afrika prihvaća kao proizvode podrijetlom iz Zajednice u smislu ovog Sporazuma. |
2. |
Protokol 1. primjenjuje se mutatis mutandis za potrebe definiranja statusa proizvoda s podrijetlom gore navedenih proizvoda. |
Zajednička izjava o Kneževini Andori
1. |
Proizvode podrijetlom iz Kneževine Andore obuhvaćene poglavljima od 25. do 97. Harmoniziranog sustava Južna Afrika prihvaća kao proizvode podrijetlom iz Zajednice u smislu ovog Sporazuma. |
2. |
Protokol 1. primjenjuje se mutatis mutandis za potrebe definiranja statusa proizvoda s podrijetlom gore navedenih proizvoda. |
Izjava Komisije o kumulaciji s Južnom Afrikom u okviru Četvrte konvencije AKP-EZ-a
Na temelju odredaba o kumulaciji uključenih u Protokol o definiciji pojma „proizvoda s podrijetlom” i načinima administrativne suradnje uz Sporazum o trgovini, razvoju i suradnji između Europske zajednice i njezinih država članica, s jedne strane, i Republike Južne Afrike, s druge strane, Europska komisija će državama članicama Europske unije i državama AKP-a predložiti odgovarajuće odredbe na temelju članka 34. Protokola br. 1. uz Četvrtu konvenciju AKP-EZ-a o kumulaciji s materijalima i robom iz Južne Afrike.
o uzajamnoj administrativnoj pomoći u carinskim pitanjima
Članak 1.
Za potrebe ovog Protokola:
(a) |
„carinsko zakonodavstvo” znači svaka zakonska ili regulatorna odredba koja se primjenjuje na područjima ugovornih stranaka i kojom se regulira uvoz, izvoz i provoz robe te njezino stavljanje pod bilo koji drugi carinski režim ili postupak, uključujući mjere zabrane, ograničenja i kontrole; |
(b) |
„podnositelj molbe” znači nadležno administrativno tijelo koje je odredila ugovorna stranka u ovu svrhu i koje podnosi molbu za pomoć na temelju ovog Protokola; |
(c) |
„primatelj molbe” znači nadležno administrativno tijelo koje je odredila ugovorna stranka u ovu svrhu i koje prima molbu za pomoć na temelju ovog Protokola; |
(d) |
„osobni podaci” znači sve informacije koje se odnose na određenog ili odredivog pojedinca; |
(e) |
„djelo protivno carinskom zakonodavstvu” znači svako kršenje ili pokušaj kršenja carinskog zakonodavstva. |
Članak 2.
Područje primjene
1. Ugovorne stranke pomažu jedna drugoj u područjima u okviru svoje nadležnosti, na način i pod uvjetima utvrđenima u ovom Protokolu kako bi se osigurala pravilna primjena carinskog zakonodavstva, posebno sprečavanjem, istraživanjem i suzbijanjem djela protivnih carinskom zakonodavstvu.
2. Pomoć u carinskim pitanjima, kako je predviđeno ovim Protokolom, odnosi se na bilo koje administrativno tijelo ugovornih stranaka koje je nadležno za primjenu ovog Protokola. Ona ne dovodi u pitanje pravila kojima se uređuje uzajamna pomoć u kaznenim stvarima. Ona također ne obuhvaća informacije pribavljene na temelju izvršavanja ovlasti na zahtjev pravosudnog tijela, osim kada dostavu takvih informacija odobri to tijelo.
3. Pomoć u naplati carina, poreza ili novčanih kazni nije obuhvaćena ovim Protokolom.
Članak 3.
Pomoć na temelju molbe
1. Na temelju molbe podnositelja, primatelj molbe dostavlja mu sve relevantne informacije koje mu omogućuju da osigura ispravnu primjenu carinskog zakonodavstva, uključujući informacije o primijećenim ili planiranim aktivnostima koje jesu ili bi mogle biti djela protivna carinskom zakonodavstvu.
2. Na temelju molbe podnositelja, primatelj molbe obavješćuje ga:
(a) |
je li roba izvezena iz područja jedne od ugovornih stranaka ispravno uvezena na područje druge ugovorne stranke, naznačujući prema potrebi carinski postupak primijenjen na robu; |
(b) |
je li roba uvezena na područje jedne od ugovornih stranaka propisno izvezena s područja druge stranke, naznačujući prema potrebi carinski postupak primijenjen na robu. |
3. Na temelju molbe podnositelja, primatelj molbe, u okviru svojih zakonskih i regulatornih odredaba, poduzima odgovarajuće korake radi osiguravanja posebnog nadzora nad:
(a) |
fizičkim ili pravnim osobama u pogledu kojih postoje opravdani razlozi za sumnju da su uključene ili su bile uključene u djela protivna carinskom zakonodavstvu; |
(b) |
mjestima u kojima su se zalihe robe prikupljale ili bi se mogle prikupljati na način zbog kojeg postoje opravdani razlozi za uvjerenje da je ta roba namijenjena za uporabu u djelima protivnima carinskom zakonodavstvu; |
(c) |
robom koja se prevozi ili bi se mogla prevoziti na način zbog kojeg postoje opravdani razlozi za uvjerenje da je ona namijenjena za uporabu u djelima protivnima carinskom zakonodavstvu; |
(d) |
prijevoznim sredstvima koja se koriste ili bi se mogla koristiti na način zbog kojeg postoje opravdani razlozi za uvjerenje da su namijenjena za uporabu u djelima protivnima carinskom zakonodavstvu. |
Članak 4.
Spontana pomoć
Ugovorne stranke pomažu jedna drugoj, na vlastitu inicijativu i u skladu sa svojim zakonskim i regulatornim odredbama, ako smatraju da je to potrebno radi pravilne primjene carinskog zakonodavstva, posebno dostavom pribavljenih informacija koje se odnose na:
— |
aktivnosti koje jesu ili se čine djelima protivnima carinskom zakonodavstvu i koje mogu biti od interesa drugoj ugovornoj stranci, |
— |
nova sredstva ili metode koje se koriste za provedbu djela protivnih carinskom zakonodavstvu, |
— |
robu poznatu kao predmet djela protivnih carinskom zakonodavstvu, |
— |
fizičke ili pravne osobe u pogledu kojih postoje opravdani razlozi za uvjerenje da su uključene ili su bile uključene u djela protivna carinskom zakonodavstvu, |
— |
prijevozna sredstva u pogledu kojih postoje opravdani razlozi za uvjerenje da su korištena, da se koriste ili da bi se mogla koristiti u djelima protivnima carinskom zakonodavstvu. |
Članak 5.
Dostava, obavješćivanje
Na temelju molbe podnositelja, primatelj molbe, u skladu sa zakonskim i regulatornim odredbama koje se na primatelja primjenjuju, poduzima sve potrebne mjere kako bi:
— |
dostavio bilo koje dokumente ili |
— |
obavijestio o bilo kojoj odluci |
koji potječu od podnositelja molbe i koji potpadaju pod područje primjene ovog Protokola, adresatu s boravištem ili sjedištem na području primatelja molbe.
Molbe za dostavu dokumenata ili obavijesti o odlukama sastavljaju se u pisanom obliku na službenom jeziku primatelja molbe ili na njemu prihvatljivom jeziku.
Članak 6.
Oblik i sadržaj molbe za pomoć
1. Molbe na temelju ovog Protokola sastavljaju se u pisanom obliku. Uz molbe se prilažu dokumenti potrebni za udovoljavanje molbi. Usmene se molbe mogu prihvatiti kada je to potrebno zbog hitnosti situacije, ali moraju se odmah potvrditi u pisanom obliku.
2. Molbe sukladno stavku 1. uključuju sljedeće informacije:
(a) |
podnositelja molbe; |
(b) |
traženu mjeru; |
(c) |
predmet i razlog molbe; |
(d) |
zakonske ili regulatorne odredbe i druge pravne elemente u pitanju; |
(e) |
što je moguće točnije i sveobuhvatno navode o fizičkim ili pravnim osoba koje su predmet istraga; |
(f) |
sažetak relevantnih činjenica i već provedenih istražnih radnji. |
3. Molbe se podnose na službenom jeziku podnositelja molbe ili na njemu prihvatljivom jeziku. Ovaj se uvjet ne primjenjuje na dokumente koji se prilažu molbi sukladno stavku 1.
4. Ako molba ne udovoljava gornjim formalnim uvjetima, može se zatražiti njezino ispravljanje ili dopuna; u međuvremenu se mogu odrediti mjere opreza.
Članak 7.
Rješavanje molbi
1. Kako bi se udovoljilo molbama za pomoć, primatelj molbe, u okviru svoje nadležnosti i dostupnih sredstava, postupa kao da djeluje za vlastiti račun ili na temelju molbe drugih tijela iste ugovorne stranke, dostavljanjem informacija koje već posjeduje, provođenjem odgovarajućih istraga ili davanjem naloga za njihovu provedbu. Ova odredba primjenjuje se i na bilo koje drugo tijelo kojem je primatelj molbe uputio molbu ako on ne može sam djelovati.
2. Molbe za pomoć rješavaju se u skladu sa zakonskim ili regulatornim odredbama ugovorne stranke primatelja molbe.
3. Ovlašteni službenici ugovorne stranke mogu, uz suglasnost druge ugovorne stranke u pitanju i podložno uvjetima koje je potonja odredila, biti nazočni u uredima primatelja molbe ili bilo kojeg drugog nadležnog tijela u skladu sa stavkom 1. radi pribavljanja informacija koje se odnose na aktivnosti koje jesu ili bi mogle biti djela protivna carinskom zakonodavstvu, a koje su podnositelju molbe potrebne u smislu ovog Protokola.
4. Ovlašteni službenici ugovorne stranke mogu, uz suglasnost druge ugovorne stranke u pitanju i podložno uvjetima koje je potonja odredila, nazočiti istragama koje se provode na području druge ugovorne stranke.
Članak 8.
Oblik u kojem se informacije šalju
1. Primatelj molbe šalje rezultate istraga podnositelju molbe u pisanom obliku zajedno s relevantnim dokumentima, ovjerenim preslikama ili drugim prilozima.
2. Te informacije mogu biti u elektroničkom obliku.
3. Izvornici dokumenata šalju se samo na zahtjev u slučajevima kada ovjerene preslike ne bi bile dovoljne. Ti se izvornici vraćaju što je prije moguće.
Članak 9.
Izuzeci od obveza pružanja pomoći
1. Pomoć se može odbiti ili biti podložna udovoljavanju određenim uvjetima ili zahtjevima u slučajevima kada stranka smatra da bi pomoć u skladu s ovim Protokolom:
(a) |
vjerojatno dovela u pitanje suverenitet Južne Afrike ili države članice od kojih je zatraženo pružanje pomoći u skladu s ovim Protokolom; ili |
(b) |
vjerojatno dovela u pitanje javni poredak, sigurnost ili druge ključne interese, posebno u slučajevima iz članka 10. stavka 2.; ili |
(c) |
prekršila industrijsku, poslovnu ili profesionalnu tajnu. |
2. Primatelj molbe može odgoditi pružanje pomoći s obrazloženjem da bi ona omela tekuću istragu, progon ili postupak. U takvom se slučaju primatelj molbe savjetuje s podnositeljem molbe kako bi se utvrdilo može li se pomoć pružiti pod uvjetima kakve podnositelj molbe traži.
3. Kada podnositelj molbe traži pomoć koju sam ne bi mogao pružiti da je to od njega zatraženo, upozorava na tu činjenicu u svojoj molbi. Primatelj molbe tada odlučuje kako odgovoriti na takvu molbu.
4. U slučajevima iz stavaka 1. i 2. odluka primatelja molbe i razlozi njezinog donošenja bez odgode se dostavljaju podnositelju molbe.
Članak 10.
Razmjena informacija i povjerljivost
1. Smatra se da je svaka informacija dostavljena na bilo koji način u skladu s ovim Protokolom povjerljive ili ograničene naravi, ovisno o važećim pravilima svake od ugovornih stranaka. Obuhvaćena je obvezom službene tajne i uživa zaštitu proširenu na slične informacije u skladu s relevantnim zakonima ugovorne stranke koja je informaciju primila i odgovarajućim odredbama koje se primjenjuju na tijela Zajednice.
2. Osobni podaci mogu se razmijeniti samo kada se ugovorna stranka koja ih smije primiti obveže da će štititi takve podatke na barem jednak način koji se primjenjuje na taj određeni slučaj u ugovornoj stranci koja ih dostavlja. U tu svrhu ugovorne stranke jedna drugoj dostavljaju informacije o svojim važećim pravilima, uključujući prema potrebi pravne propise na snazi u državama članicama Zajednice.
3. Korištenje informacija u sudskim ili upravnim postupcima pokrenutima u pogledu djela protivnih carinskom zakonodavstvu, pribavljenih u skladu s ovim Protokolom, smatra se korištenjem u smislu ovog Protokola. Stoga ugovorne stranke smiju u svojim dokaznim evidencijama, izvješćima i svjedočenjima te u postupcima i optužbama pred sudovima koristiti pribavljene informacije i konzultirane dokumente kao dokaz u skladu s odredbama ovog Protokola. Nadležno tijelo koje je dostavilo te informacije ili odobrilo pristup tim dokumentima obavješćuje se o takvom korištenju.
4. Pribavljene informacija koriste se isključivo za potrebe ovog Protokola. Kada jedna od ugovornih stranaka želi koristiti takvu informaciju u druge svrhe, pribavlja prethodnu pisanu suglasnost tijela koje je pružilo informaciju. Takvo korištenje informacije tada podliježe svim ograničenjima koja je takvo tijelo odredilo.
Članak 11.
Vještaci i svjedoci
Službenik primatelja molbe može se ovlastiti za pojavljivanje, u okviru danih mu ovlasti, u svojstvu vještaka ili svjedoka u sudskom ili upravnom postupku u vezi s pitanjima obuhvaćenima ovim Protokolom te za iznošenje predmeta, dokumenata ili njihovih ovjerenih preslika koji su potrebni u postupku. U zahtjevu za pojavljivanjem mora se posebno navesti pred kojim se sudskim ili upravnim tijelom službenik mora pojaviti te o kojim pitanjima i u kojem položaju ili svojstvu će se službenik ispitati.
Članak 12.
Troškovi pomoći
Ugovorne stranke odriču se svih međusobnih zahtjeva za naknadu troškova nastalih na temelju ovog Protokola osim, prema potrebi, troškova vještaka i svjedoka te troškova tumača i prevoditelja koji nisu zaposleni u javnim službama.
Članak 13.
1. Provedba ovog Protokola povjerava se, s jedne strane, carinskim tijelima Južne Afrike te, s druge strane, nadležnim službama Komisije Europskih zajednica i carinskim tijelima država članica, ovisno o slučaju. Ta tijela odlučuju o svim praktičnim mjerama i rješenjima potrebnima za primjenu Protokola, uzimajući u obzir pravila na snazi, posebno u području zaštite podataka. Ona mogu predložiti nadležnim tijelima izmjene Protokola koje smatraju potrebnima.
2. Ugovorne stranke međusobno se savjetuju te se potom obavješćuju o detaljnim pravilima provedbe koja su usvojena u skladu s odredbama ovog Protokola.
Članak 14.
Ostali sporazumi
1. Uzimajući u obzir odgovarajuće nadležnosti Europske zajednice i država članica, odredbe ovog Protokola:
— |
ne utječu na obveze ugovornih stranaka na temelju bilo kojeg drugog međunarodnog sporazuma ili konvencije, |
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smatraju se dopunskima sporazumima o uzajamnoj pomoći koji su sklopljeni ili bi se mogli sklopiti između pojedinih država članica i Južne Afrike, |
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ne utječe na odredbe Zajednice kojima se uređuje razmjena, između nadležnih službi Komisije Europskih zajednica i carinskih tijela država članica, bilo koje informacije pribavljene na temelju ovog Protokola koja bi mogla biti od interesa za Zajednicu. |
2. Neovisno o odredbama stavka 1., odredbe ovog Protokola imaju prednost nad odredbama bilo kojeg bilateralnog sporazuma o uzajamnoj pomoći koji je sklopljen ili bi se mogao sklopiti između pojedine države članice i Južne Afrike u mjeri u kojoj odredbe potonjeg nisu u skladu s onima iz ovog Protokola.
3. U vezi s pitanjima koja se odnose ne primjenjivost ovog Protokola, ugovorne stranke međusobno se savjetuju kako bi riješile pitanje u okviru Vijeća za suradnju osnovanog na temelju članka 97. ovog Sporazuma.
ugovornih stranaka Ugovora o osnivanju EUROPSKE ZAJEDNICE,
dalje u tekstu: „države članice”
i EUROPSKA ZAJEDNICA, dalje u tekstu: „Zajednica”,
s jedne strane, i
REPUBLIKE JUŽNE AFRIKE, dalje u tekstu: „Južna Afrika”,
s druge strane,
koji su se sastali u Pretoriji dana jedanaestog listopada godine tisuću devetsto devedeset i devete prigodom potpisivanja Sporazuma o trgovini, razvoju i suradnji između Europske zajednice i njezinih država članica, s jedne strane, i Republike Južne Afrike, s druge strane, dalje u tekstu: „Sporazum”, usvojili su sljedeće tekstove:
Sporazum uključujući njegove priloge i sljedeće protokole:
Protokol 1. |
o definiciji pojma „proizvoda s podrijetlom” i načinima administrativne suradnje, |
Protokol 2. |
o uzajamnoj administrativnoj pomoći u carinskim pitanjima. |
Opunomoćenici Zajednice i njezinih država članica te opunomoćenik Južne Afrike usvojili su tekstove niže navedenih zajedničkih izjava priloženih ovom Završnom aktu:
Zajednička izjava o neispunjenju |
Zajednička izjava o povratu izvoznih carina |
Zajednička izjava o progresivnom ukidanju carina od strane Južne Afrike |
Zajednička izjava o poljoprivrednim kvotama |
Zajednička izjava o državnoj potpori |
Zajednička izjava o ribarstvu |
Zajednička izjava o bilateralnim sporazumima |
Zajednička izjava o ilegalnoj imigraciji |
Opunomoćenik Južne Afrike primio je na znanje niže navedene izjave priložene ovom Završnom aktu:
Izjava Zajednice o ključnom elementu |
Izjava Zajednice o financijskim aspektima suradnje |
Izjava Europske investicijske banke (EIB) o financijskim aspektima suradnje |
Opunomoćenici Zajednice i njezinih država članica primili su na znanje niže navedene izjave priložene ovom Završnom aktu:
Izjava Južne Afrike o ključnom elementu |
Izjava Južne Afrike o sanitarnim i fitosanitarnim mjerama |
Izjava Južne Afrike o financijskim aspektima suradnje |
Nadalje, opunomoćenici država članica i opunomoćenik Južne Afrike usvojili su Usuglašeni zapisnik s pregovora koji je priložen ovom Završnom aktu.
Hecho en Pretoria, el once de octubre de mil novecientos noventa y nueve.
Udfærdiget i Pretoria, den ellevte oktober nitten hundrede og nioghalvfems.
Geschehen zu Pretoria am elften Oktober neunzehnhundertneunundneunzig.
Έγινε στην Πρετόρια, στις ένδεκα Οκτωβρίου χίλια εννιακόσια ενενήντα εννέα.
Done at Pretoria on the eleventh day of October in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.
Fait à Pretoria, le onze octobre mil neuf cent quatre-vingt dix-neuf.
Fatto a Pretoria, addì undici ottobre millenovecentonovantanove.
Gedaan te Pretoria, de elfde oktober negentienhonderd negennegentig.
Feito em Pretória, em onze de Outubro de mil novecentos e noventa e nove.
Tehty Pretoria yhdentenätoista päivänä lokakuuta vuonna tuhatyhdeksänsataayhdeksänkymmentäyhdeksän.
Som skedde i Pretoria den elfte oktober nittonhundranittionio.
Por la Comunidad Europea
For Det Europæiske Fællesskab
Für die Europäische Gemeinschaft
Για την Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινότητα
For the European Community
Pour la Communauté européenne
Per la Comunità europea
Voor de Europese Gemeenschap
Pela Comunidade Europeia
Euroopan yhteisön puolesta
På Europeiska gemenskapens vägnar
Pour le Royaume de Belgique
Voor het Koninkrijk België
Für das Königreich Belgien
Cette signature engage également la Communauté française, la Communauté flamande, la Communauté germanophone, la Région wallonne, la Région flamande et la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.
Deze handtekening verbindt eveneens de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de Franse Gemeenschap, de Duitstalige Gemeenschap, het Vlaamse Gewest, het Waalse Gewest en het Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Gewest.
Diese Unterschrift verbindet zugleich die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft, die Flämische Gemeinschaft, die Französische Gemeinschaft, die Wallonische Region, die Flämische Region und die Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt.
For Kongeriget Danmark
Für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Για την Ελληνική Δημοκρατία
Por el Reino de España
Pour la République française
Thar ceann na hÉireann
For Ireland
Per la Repubblica italiana
Pour le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Für die Republik Österreich
Pela República Portuguesa
Suomen tasavallan puolesta
För Republiken Finland
För Konungariket Sverige
For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
For the Republic of South Africa
wa Repapoliki ya Afrika Borwa
Ya Rephaboliki ya Afrika Borwa
Wa Rephaboliki ya Aforika Borwa
WeRiphabliki yaseNingizimu Afrika
wa Rephabuliki ya Afurika Tshipembe
Wa Riphabliki ra Afrika-Dzonga
Vir die Republiek van Suid-Afrika
WeRiphabhliki yeSewula Afrika
WeRiphablikhi yoMzantsi Afrika
WeRiphabhulikhi yaseNingizimu Afrika
Zajednička izjava o neispunjenju
Stranke su suglasne da se kršenje ključnih elemenata Sporazuma iz članka 3. stavka 3. Sporazuma sastoji samo od teškog kršenja demokratskih načela ili temeljnih ljudskih prava ili ozbiljnog narušavanja vladavine prava, pri čemu se stvara okruženje koje ne pogoduje savjetovanju ili kašnjenje koje bi škodilo ciljevima ili interesima stranaka ovog Sporazuma.
Stranke su također suglasne da odgovarajuće mjere iz članka 3. stavaka 1., 3. i 5. ovog Sporazuma moraju biti razmjerne kršenju. Pri odabiru i provedbi ovih mjera stranke će osobitu pozornost usmjeriti na okolnosti najranjivijih skupina stanovništva te osigurati da one ne budu nepravedno kažnjene.
Zajednička izjava o povratu izvoznih carina
1. |
U pripremi trgovinskih elemenata Sporazuma, stranke su na osnovi pojedinačnih slučajeva ispitale potencijalni utjecaj mehanizama povrata izvoznih carina na proces liberalizacije trgovine. |
2. |
Zajednica sa svoje strane izjavljuje da će se daljnje ispitivanje budućih povrata izvoznih carina u vezi s trgovanjem s Južnom Afrikom dogoditi po dovršenju sadašnjih razgovora o poljoprivrednoj reformi. |
Zajednička izjava o progresivnom ukidanju carina od strane Južne Afrike
Stranke su suglasne da će uzeti u obzir primjenu postupaka predviđenih u članku 17. ovog Sporazuma tijekom privremenog razdoblja prije stupanja na snagu Sporazuma kako bi se omogućila možebitna primjena rasporeda postupnog ukidanja carina i ukidanja povrata izvoznih carina na dan stupanja na snagu Sporazuma.
Zajednička izjava o poljoprivrednim kvotama
1. |
Godišnji koeficijenti rasta navedeni u Prilogu IV. popisu 6. i Prilogu VI. popisima 3. i 4. ovog Sporazuma periodično će se razmatrati i ponovno potvrđivati počevši najkasnije pet godina od stupanja na snagu Sporazuma. |
2. |
Južna Afrika je suglasna upravljati svojim izvozom u Zajednicu, posebno u pogledu prerađenog voća (bresaka, krušaka i marelica), na uravnotežen način. |
Zajednička izjava o državnoj potpori
Stranke su suglasne da gospodarstvo Južne Afrike i njegovo međudjelovanje s gospodarstvima u Zajednici za razvoj južne Afrike prolaze kroz značajno restrukturiranje koje će olakšati Vlada Južne Afrike.
Zajednička izjava o ribarstvu
Stranke će uložiti najveće napore kako bi najkasnije do kraja 2000. godine završile pregovore i sklopile sporazum o ribarstvu iz članka 62. ovog Sporazuma.
Zajednička izjava o bilateralnim sporazumima
Neovisno o bilo kojem elementu ovog Sporazuma koji dopušta suprotno tumačenje, bilo koja prava jedne ili više država članica Europske unije iz takvih postojećih sporazuma ne smatraju se pravima koja su proširena na druge države članice.
Zajednička izjava o ilegalnoj imigraciji
Prepoznajući važnost suradnje radi sprečavanja i kontrole ilegalne imigracije, stranke izražavaju spremnost da prate ova pitanja putem razmjena u okviru Vijeća za suradnju radi traženja rješenja za probleme koji bi mogli nastati u ovom sektoru.
Izjava Zajednice o ključnom elementu
U kontekstu političkog i institucionalnog okruženja koje poštuje ljudska prava, demokratska načela i vladavinu prava, Zajednica smatra da dobro upravljanje označava transparentno i odgovorno upravljanje svim ljudskim, prirodnim te unutarnjim i vanjskim gospodarskim i financijskim resursima zemlje u svrhu ravnomjernog i održivog razvoja.
Izjava Zajednice o financijskim aspektima suradnje
U prošlosti je uspostavljen posebni financijski instrument kao Europski program za obnovu i razvoj (EPRD), u skladu s Uredbom Vijeća (EZ) br. 2259/96. Zajednica je za taj instrument namijenila oko 500 milijuna ECU za razdoblje od 1996. do 1999. godine kao potporu politikama Vlade Južne Afrike i sporazumima koji su na toj osnovi potpisani. Ovaj iznos obuhvaća četiri godišnje dodjele sredstava koje podliježu odobrenju tijela Zajednice nadležnog za proračun. Zajednica izjavljuje spremnost za održavanjem svoje financijske suradnje s Južnom Afrikom na značajnoj razini te će donijeti potrebne odluke u tom pogledu na temelju prijedloga Komisije.
Ostali odgovarajući financijski instrumenti (npr. u okviru Sporazuma o suradnji EZ/ACP) mogli bi postati dostupni nakon stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma. U tom kontekstu Zajednica bi bila voljna razmotriti mogućnost kanaliziranja dijela svoje buduće pomoći na ciljani način (npr. novim poduzetnicima) u obliku rizičnog kapitala ili subvencioniranja kamatnih stopa na zajmove Europske investicijske banke (EIB) iz vlastitih sredstava.
Izjava Europske investicijske banke (EIB) o financijskim aspektima suradnje
Kao što je navedeno u Okvirnom sporazumu potpisanom između Južne Afrike i EIB-a 12. rujna 1995., Vijeće guvernera EIB-a ovlastilo je 19. lipnja 1995. EIB na dodjelu zajmova u visini od ukupno 300 milijuna ECU iz vlastitih sredstava banke u Južnoj Africi za dvogodišnje razdoblje od 19. lipnja 1995. do 19. lipnja 1997. Na temelju drugog ovlaštenja Vijeća guvernera EIB-a od 12. lipnja 1997. i dodatnog Okvirnog sporazuma potpisanog između Južne Afrike i EIB-a 6. ožujka 1998., odobreno je daljnjih 375 milijuna ECU za razdoblje od lipnja 1997. do prosinca 1999.
Članak se odnosi na moguće produljenje tih aktivnosti banke po isteku tog razdoblja.
U okviru svojeg mandata EIB bi bila voljna razmotriti zajmove zajmoprimcima iz Južne Afrike za projekte u Južnoj Africi i, ovisno o slučaju, za projekte u regiji SADC-a.
Izjava Južne Afrike o ključnom elementu
Južna Afrika dobrim upravljanjem smatra poštovanje Ustava Južne Afrike (Zakon 108. iz 1996. godine), posebno odredaba koje se odnose na transparentno, pravično i odgovorno upravljanje njezinim ljudskim, prirodnim, gospodarskim i financijskim resursima u svrhu gospodarskog rasta i održivog razvoja.
Izjava Južne Afrike o sanitarnim i fitosanitarnim mjerama
Vlada Južne Afrike želi naglasiti da je ujednačeno i učinkovito funkcioniranje mehanizma za provedbu sanitarnih i fitosanitarnih mjera ključno za uspješnu i učinkovitu provedbu ovog Sporazuma. U tom smislu Južna Afrika zahtijeva od Zajednice da Južnu Afriku, kao povlaštenog trgovinskog partnera, tretira kao prioritetnu zemlju u svojim sanitarnim i fitosanitarnim postupanjima.
Izjava Južne Afrike o financijskim aspektima suradnje
Vlada Južne Afrike očekuje da će, u pogledu financiranja nakon 1999. godine, sadašnja razina financijske suradnje biti zadržana barem na istim razinama.
Ugovorne stranke suglasne su da će:
Ad članak 4.
redoviti politički dijalog između stranaka započeti u trenutku stupanja na snagu privremene primjene ovog Sporazuma.