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Document 52009DP0359

    General revision of the Rules of Procedure European Parliament decision of 6 May 2009 on the general revision of Parliament's Rules of Procedure (2007/2124(REG))

    IO C 212E, 5.8.2010, p. 145–161 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



    Official Journal of the European Union

    CE 212/145

    Wednesday 6 May 2009
    General revision of the Rules of Procedure


    European Parliament decision of 6 May 2009 on the general revision of Parliament's Rules of Procedure (2007/2124(REG))

    2010/C 212 E/26

    The European Parliament,

    having regard to Rules 201 and 202 of its Rules of Procedure,

    having regard to the report of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (A6-0273/2009),


    Decides to amend its Rules of Procedure as shown below;


    Decides to insert the Code of Conduct for negotiating codecision files, as approved by its Conference of Presidents on 18 September 2008, into its Rules of Procedure as Annex XVIe;


    Decides that the amendments will enter into force on the first day of the seventh parliamentary term;


    Instructs its President to forward this decision to the Council and the Commission, for information.



    Amendment 1

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 9 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1


    Parliament may lay down rules governing the transparency of its Members' financial interests, which shall be attached to these Rules of Procedure as an annex.


    Parliament shall lay down rules governing the transparency of its Members' financial interests, which shall be attached to these Rules of Procedure as an annex.

    Amendment 2

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 10 a (new)


    Rule 10a



    Where a Treaty on the accession of a State to the European Union has been signed, the President, after obtaining the agreement of the Conference of Presidents, may invite the parliament of the acceding State to designate from among its own members a number of observers equal to the number of future seats in the European Parliament allocated to that State.


    Those observers shall take part in the proceedings of Parliament pending the entry into force of the Treaty of Accession, and shall have a right to speak in committees and political groups. They shall not have the right to vote or to stand for election to positions within Parliament. Their participation shall not have any legal effect on Parliament's proceedings.


    Their treatment shall be assimilated to that of a Member of Parliament as regards the use of Parliament's facilities and the reimbursement of expenses incurred in their activities as observers.

    Amendment 51

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 11

    Oldest Member

    Provisional Chair


    At the sitting provided for under Rule 127(2), and at any other sitting held for the purpose of electing the President and the Bureau, the oldest Member present shall take the Chair until the President has been elected.


    At the sitting provided for under Rule 127(2), and at any other sitting held for the purpose of electing the President and the Bureau, the outgoing President or, failing him or her, one of the outgoing Vice-Presidents in order of precedence or, in the absence of any of them, the Member having held office for the longest period shall take the Chair until the President has been elected.


    No business shall be transacted while the oldest Member is in the Chair unless it is concerned with the election of the President or the verification of credentials.


    No business shall be transacted while a Member is provisionally in the Chair by virtue of paragraph 1 unless it is concerned with the election of the President or the verification of credentials.

    The oldest Member shall exercise the powers of the President referred to in the second subparagraph of Rule 3(2). Any other matter relating to the verification of credentials that is raised when the oldest Member is in the Chair shall be referred to the committee responsible for the verification of credentials.

    The Member who is provisionally in the Chair by virtue of paragraph 1 shall exercise the powers of the President referred to in the second subparagraph of Rule 3(2). Any other matter relating to the verification of credentials that is raised when he or she is in the Chair shall be referred to the committee responsible for the verification of credentials.

    Amendment 52

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 13


    The President shall be elected first. Nominations shall be handed before each ballot to the oldest Member, who shall announce them to Parliament. If after three ballots no candidate has obtained an absolute majority of the votes cast, the fourth ballot shall be confined to the two Members who have obtained the highest number of votes in the third ballot. In the event of a tie the elder candidate shall be declared elected.


    The President shall be elected first. Nominations shall be handed before each ballot to the Member provisionally in the Chair by virtue of Rule 11 , who shall announce them to Parliament. If after three ballots no candidate has obtained an absolute majority of the votes cast, the fourth ballot shall be confined to the two Members who have obtained the highest number of votes in the third ballot. In the event of a tie the elder candidate shall be declared elected.


    As soon as the President has been elected, the oldest Member shall vacate the Chair. Only the elected President may deliver an opening address.


    As soon as the President has been elected, the Member who is provisionally in the Chair by virtue of Rule 11 shall vacate the Chair. Only the elected President may deliver an opening address.

    Amendment 3

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 24 – paragraph 4 a (new)



    The Conference of Presidents shall be responsible for organising structured consultation with European civil society on major topics. This may include the organisation of public debates, open to participation by interested citizens, on subjects of general European interest. The Bureau shall appoint a Vice-President responsible for the implementation of such consultations, who shall report back to the Conference of Presidents.

    Amendment 4

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 28 – paragraph 2


    Any Member may ask questions related to the work of the Bureau, the Conference of Presidents and the Quaestors. Such questions shall be submitted to the President in writing and published in the Bulletin of Parliament within thirty days of tabling, together with the answers given.


    Any Member may ask questions related to the work of the Bureau, the Conference of Presidents and the Quaestors. Such questions shall be submitted to the President in writing , notified to Members and published on Parliament's website within thirty days of tabling, together with the answers given.

    Amendment 5

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 30 a (new)


    Rule 30a



    Individual Members may form Intergroups or other unofficial groupings of Members, to hold informal exchanges of views on specific issues across different political groups, drawing on members of different parliamentary committees, and to promote contact between Members and civil society.


    Such groupings may not engage in any activities which might result in confusion with the official activities of Parliament or of its bodies. Provided that the conditions laid down in rules governing their establishment adopted by the Bureau are respected, political groups may facilitate their activities by providing them with logistical support. Such groupings shall declare any external support in accordance with Annex I.

    Amendment 6

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 36 – paragraph 1


    Without prejudice to Rule 40, the committee responsible shall verify the financial compatibility of any Commission proposal, or any other document of a legislative nature, with the Financial Perspective .


    Without prejudice to Rule 40, the committee responsible shall verify the financial compatibility of any Commission proposal, or any other document of a legislative nature, with the multiannual financial framework .


    (Horizontal Amendment: the words ‘Financial Perspective’ shall be replaced throughout the entire text of the Rules of Procedure by the words ‘multiannual financial framework’.)

    Amendment 7

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 39 – paragraph 1


    Parliament may request the Commission, pursuant to Article 192, second paragraph, of the EC Treaty, to submit to it any appropriate proposal for the adoption of a new act or the amendment of an existing act, by adopting a resolution on the basis of an own-initiative report from the committee responsible. The resolution shall be adopted by a majority of the component Members of Parliament. Parliament may, at the same time, fix a deadline for the submission of such a proposal.


    Parliament may request the Commission, pursuant to Article 192, second paragraph, of the EC Treaty, to submit to it any appropriate proposal for the adoption of a new act or the amendment of an existing act, by adopting a resolution on the basis of an own-initiative report from the committee responsible. The resolution shall be adopted by a majority of the component Members of Parliament in the final vote . Parliament may, at the same time, fix a deadline for the submission of such a proposal.

    Amendment 8

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 45 – paragraph 2


    Motions for resolutions contained in own-initiative reports shall be examined by Parliament pursuant to the short presentation procedure set out in Rule 131a. Amendments to such motions for resolutions shall not be admissible for consideration in plenary unless tabled by the rapporteur to take account of new information , but alternative motions for resolutions may be tabled in accordance with Rule 151(4). This paragraph shall not apply where the subject of the report qualifies for a key debate in plenary, where the report is drawn up pursuant to the right of initiative referred to in Rule 38a or 39, or where the report can be considered a strategic report according to the criteria set out by the Conference of Presidents.


    Motions for resolutions contained in own-initiative reports shall be examined by Parliament pursuant to the short presentation procedure set out in Rule 131a. Amendments to such motions for resolutions shall only be admissible for consideration in plenary if tabled by the rapporteur to take account of new information or by at least one-tenth of the Members of Parliament. Political groups may table alternative motions for resolutions in accordance with Rule 151(4). This paragraph shall not apply where the subject of the report qualifies for a key debate in plenary, where the report is drawn up pursuant to the right of initiative referred to in Rule 38a or 39, or where the report can be considered a strategic report according to the criteria set out by the Conference of Presidents.

    Amendment 9

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 47 – indent 3

    the chairs, rapporteur and rapporteurs for opinions concerned shall endeavour to jointly identify areas of the text falling within their exclusive or joint competences and agree on the precise arrangements for their cooperation;

    the chairs, rapporteur and rapporteurs for opinions concerned shall jointly identify areas of the text falling within their exclusive or joint competences and agree on the precise arrangements for their cooperation . In the event of disagreement about the delimitation of competences the matter shall be submitted, at the request of one of the committees involved, to the Conference of Presidents, which may decide on the question of the respective competences or decide that the procedure with joint committee meetings pursuant to Rule 47a is to apply; the second and third sentences of Rule 179(2) shall apply mutatis mutandis ;

    Amendment 10

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 47 – indent 4

    the committee responsible shall accept without a vote Amendments from an associated committee where they concern matters which the chair of the committee responsible considers, on the basis of Annex VI, after consulting the chair of the associated committee, to fall under the exclusive competence of the associated committee and which do not contradict other elements of the report. The chair of the committee responsible shall take account of any agreement reached under the third indent ;

    the committee responsible shall accept without a vote Amendments from an associated committee where they concern matters which fall within the exclusive competence of the associated committee. If Amendments on matters which fall within the joint competence of the committee responsible and an associated committee are rejected by the former, the latter may table those Amendments directly to Parliament ;

    Amendment 11

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 47 a (new)


    Rule 47a

    Procedure with joint committee meetings

    Where the conditions set out in Rule 46(1) and Rule 47 are satisfied, the Conference of Presidents may, if it is satisfied that the matter is of major importance, decide that a procedure with joint meetings of committees and a joint vote is to be applied. In that event, the respective rapporteurs shall draw up a single draft report, which shall be examined and voted on by the committees involved at joint meetings held under the joint chairmanship of the committee chairs concerned. The committees involved may set up inter-committee working groups to prepare the joint meetings and votes.

    Amendment 12

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 51 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2

    The consultation procedure is concluded if the draft legislative resolution is adopted. If Parliament does not adopt the legislative resolution, the proposal shall be referred back to the committee responsible.

    The first reading is concluded if the draft legislative resolution is adopted. If Parliament does not adopt the legislative resolution, the proposal shall be referred back to the committee responsible.

    Amendment 13

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 51 – paragraph 3


    The text of the proposal as approved by Parliament and the accompanying resolution shall be forwarded to the Council and Commission by the President as Parliament's opinion .


    The text of the proposal as approved by Parliament and the accompanying resolution shall be forwarded to the Council and Commission by the President as Parliament's position .


    (Horizontal amendment: in all provisions relating to the codecision procedure, the words ‘Parliament's opinion’ shall be replaced throughout the entire text of the Rules of Procedure by ‘Parliament's position’.)

    Amendment 14

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 52 – paragraph 1


    If a Commission proposal fails to secure a majority of the votes cast, the President shall, before Parliament votes on the draft legislative resolution, request the Commission to withdraw the proposal.


    If a Commission proposal fails to secure a majority of the votes cast or if a motion for its rejection, which may be tabled by the committee responsible or by at least forty Members, has been adopted , the President shall, before Parliament votes on the draft legislative resolution, request the Commission to withdraw the proposal.

    Amendment 15

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 52 – paragraph 2


    If the Commission does so, the President shall hold the consultation procedure on the proposal to be superfluous and shall inform the Council accordingly.


    If the Commission does so, the President shall declare the procedure closed and shall inform the Council accordingly.

    Amendment 16

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 52 – paragraph 3


    If the Commission does not withdraw its proposal, Parliament shall refer the matter back to the committee responsible without voting on the draft legislative resolution.


    If the Commission does not withdraw its proposal, Parliament shall refer the matter back to the committee responsible without voting on the draft legislative resolution , unless Parliament, on a proposal of the chair or rapporteur of the committee responsible or of a political group or at least forty Members, proceeds to vote on the draft legislative resolution .

    In this case , the committee responsible shall, orally or in writing, report back to Parliament within a period decided by Parliament which may not exceed two months.

    In the event of referral back , the committee responsible shall, orally or in writing, report back to Parliament within a period decided by Parliament which may not exceed two months.

    Amendment 59

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 65 a (new) (to be introduced under Chapter 6: Conclusion of the Legislative Procedure)


    Rule 65a

    Interinstitutional negotiations in legislative procedures


    Negotiations with the other institutions aimed at reaching an agreement in the course of a legislative procedure shall be conducted having regard to the Code of Conduct for negotiating in the context of codecision procedures (Annex XVIe).


    Before entering into such negotiations, the committee responsible should, in principle, take a decision by a majority of its members and adopt a mandate, orientations or priorities.


    If the negotiations lead to a compromise with the Council following the adoption of the report by the committee, the committee shall in any case be reconsulted before the vote in plenary.

    Amendment 18

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 66


    Where, pursuant to Article 251(2) of the EC Treaty, the Council has informed Parliament that it has approved its amendments, but not otherwise amended the Commission proposal, or neither institution has amended the Commission proposal , the President shall announce in Parliament that the proposal has been finally adopted.

    Where, pursuant to Article 251(2) of the EC Treaty, the Council has informed Parliament that it has approved Parliament's position , the President , subject to finalisation in accordance with Rule 172a, shall announce in Parliament that the proposal has been adopted in the wording which corresponds to the position of Parliament .


    Before making this announcement, the President shall verify that any technical adaptations made by the Council to the proposal do not affect the substance. In case of doubt, he shall consult the committee responsible. If any changes made are considered to be substantive, the President shall inform the Council that Parliament will proceed to a second reading as soon as the conditions laid down in Rule 57 are fulfilled.



    After making the announcement referred to in paragraph 1, the President shall, with the President of the Council, sign the proposed act and arrange for its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union, in accordance with Rule 68.


    Amendment 19

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 68 – title

    Amendment 20

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 68 – paragraph 1


    The text of acts adopted jointly by Parliament and the Council shall be signed by the President and by the Secretary-General, once it has been verified that all the procedures have been duly completed.


    Amendment 21

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 68 – paragraph 7


    The acts referred to above shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union by the Secretaries-General of Parliament and the Council.


    Amendment 22

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 68 a (new) (to be introduced in Chapter 6: Conclusion of the Legislative Procedure)


    Rule 68a

    Signature of adopted acts

    After finalisation of the text adopted in accordance with Rule 172a and once it has been verified that all the procedures have been duly completed, acts adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the EC Treaty shall be signed by the President and the Secretary-General and shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union by the Secretaries-General of the Parliament and of the Council.

    Amendment 68

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 80 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3

    However, amendments to the parts which have remained unchanged may be admitted by way of exception and on a case-by-case basis by the chair of the above committee if he or she considers that this is necessary for pressing reasons relating to the internal logic of the text or because the amendments are inextricably linked to other admissible amendments. Such reasons must be stated in a written justification to the amendments .

    However, if in accordance with point 8 of the Interinstitutional Agreement the committee responsible intends also to submit amendments to the codified parts of the Commission proposal, it shall immediately notify its intention to the Council and to the Commission, and the latter should inform the committee, prior to the vote pursuant to Rule 50, of its position on the amendments and whether or not it intends to withdraw the recast proposal .

    Amendment 23

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 83 – paragraph 1


    When it is intended to open negotiations on the conclusion, renewal or amendment of an international agreement, including agreements in specific areas such as monetary affairs or trade, the committee responsible shall ensure that Parliament is fully informed by the Commission about its recommendations for a negotiating mandate, if necessary on a confidential basis.


    When it is intended to open negotiations on the conclusion, renewal or amendment of an international agreement, including agreements in specific areas such as monetary affairs or trade, the committee responsible may decide to draw up a report or otherwise monitor the procedure and inform the Conference of Committee Chairs of that decision. Where appropriate, other committees may be asked for an opinion pursuant to Rule 46(1). Rules 179(2), 47 or 47a shall apply where appropriate.


    The chairs and rapporteurs of the committee responsible and, as the case may be, of the associated committees shall jointly take appropriate action to ensure that the Commission provides Parliament with full information about the recommendations for a negotiating mandate, if necessary on a confidential basis , as well as with the information referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 .

    Amendment 24

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 83 – paragraph 6 a (new)



    Before the vote on the assent is taken, the committee responsible, a political group or at least one-tenth of the Members may propose that Parliament seek an opinion from the Court of Justice on the compatibility of an international agreement with the Treaties. If Parliament approves such a proposal, the vote on the assent shall be adjourned until the Court has delivered its opinion.

    Amendment 25

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 97 – paragraph 3


    Parliament shall establish a register of Parliament documents. Legislative documents and other documents as indicated in an Annex to these Rules shall, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, be made directly accessible through the register. References for other Parliament documents shall as far as possible be included in the register.


    Parliament shall establish a register of Parliament documents. Legislative documents and certain other categories of documents shall, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, be made directly accessible through the register. References for other Parliament documents shall as far as possible be included in the register.

    Categories of documents which are directly accessible shall be set out in a list adopted by Parliament and annexed to these Rules . This list shall not restrict the right of access to documents not falling under the categories listed.

    Categories of documents which are directly accessible shall be set out in a list adopted by the Bureau and published on Parliament's website . This list shall not restrict the right of access to documents not falling under the categories listed ; those documents shall be made available on written application.

    Parliament documents which are not directly accessible through the register shall be made available on written application.


    The Bureau may adopt rules, in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, laying down arrangements for access which shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    The Bureau may adopt rules, in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, laying down arrangements for access which shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.


    (Annex XV is deleted)

    Amendment 26

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 103 – paragraph 1


    Members of the Commission, Council and European Council may at any time ask the President for permission to make a statement. The President shall decide when the statement may be made and whether it is to be followed by a full debate or by thirty minutes of brief and concise questions from Members.


    Members of the Commission, Council and European Council may at any time ask the President of Parliament for permission to make a statement. The President of the European Council shall make a statement after every meeting thereof. The President of Parliament shall decide when the statement may be made and whether it is to be followed by a full debate or by thirty minutes of brief and concise questions from Members.

    Amendment 60

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 116 – paragraph 1


    Up to five Members may submit a written declaration of not more than 200 words on a matter falling within the sphere of activities of the European Union. Written declarations shall be printed in the official languages and distributed. They shall be included with the names of the signatories in a register. This register shall be public and shall be maintained outside the entrance to the Chamber during part-sessions and between part-sessions in an appropriate location to be determined by the College of Quaestors.


    Up to five Members may submit a written declaration of not more than 200 words on a matter within the competences of the European Union and which does not cover issues that are the subject of an ongoing current legislative process. Authorisation shall be given by the President on a case-by-case basis . Written declarations shall be printed in the official languages and distributed. They shall be included with the names of the signatories in a register. This register shall be public and shall be maintained outside the entrance to the Chamber during part-sessions and between part-sessions in an appropriate location to be determined by the College of Quaestors.

    Amendment 27

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 116 – paragraph 3


    Where a declaration is signed by the majority of Parliament's component Members, the President shall notify Parliament accordingly and publish the names of the signatories in the minutes.


    Where a declaration is signed by the majority of Parliament's component Members, the President shall notify Parliament accordingly and publish the names of the signatories in the minutes and the declaration as a text adopted .

    Amendment 28

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 116 – paragraph 4


    Such a declaration shall , at the end of the part-session, be forwarded to the institutions named therein together with the names of the signatories. It shall be included in the minutes of the sitting at which it is announced. Publication in the minutes shall close the procedure.


    The procedure shall be closed by the transmission to the addressees , at the end of the part-session, of the declaration, together with the names of the signatories.

    Amendment 29

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 131 a

    At the request of the rapporteur or on a proposal of the Conference of Presidents, Parliament may also decide that an item not needing a full debate be dealt with by means of a short presentation in plenary by the rapporteur. In that event, the Commission shall have the opportunity to intervene and any Member shall have the right to react by handing in an additional written statement pursuant to Rule 142(7) .

    At the request of the rapporteur or on a proposal of the Conference of Presidents, Parliament may also decide that an item not needing a full debate be dealt with by means of a short presentation in plenary by the rapporteur. In that event, the Commission shall have the opportunity to respond, followed by up to ten minutes of debate in which the President may give the floor, for up to one minute each, to Members who catch his eye .

    Amendments 30 and 66

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 142

    Allocation of speaking time

    Allocation of speaking time and list of speakers


    The Conference of Presidents may propose to Parliament that speaking time be allocated for a particular debate. Parliament shall decide on this proposal without debate.


    The Conference of Presidents may propose to Parliament that speaking time be allocated for a particular debate. Parliament shall decide on this proposal without debate.



    Members may not speak unless called upon to do so by the President. Members shall speak from their places and shall address the President. If speakers depart from the subject, the President shall call them to order.



    The President may draw up, for the first part of a particular debate, a list of speakers that includes one or more rounds of speakers from each political group wishing to speak, in the order of their size, and one non-attached Member.


    Speaking time shall be allocated in accordance with the following criteria:


    Speaking time for this part of a debate shall be allocated in accordance with the following criteria:


    a first fraction of speaking time shall be divided equally among all the political groups;


    a first fraction of speaking time shall be divided equally among all the political groups;


    a further fraction shall be divided among the political groups in proportion to the total number of their members;


    a further fraction shall be divided among the political groups in proportion to the total number of their members;


    the non-attached Members shall be allocated an overall speaking time based on the fractions allocated to each political group under subparagraphs (a) and (b).


    the non-attached Members shall be allocated an overall speaking time based on the fractions allocated to each political group under subparagraphs (a) and (b).


    Where a total speaking time is allocated for several items on the agenda, the political groups shall inform the President of the fraction of their speaking time to be used for each individual item. The President shall ensure that these speaking times are respected.


    Where a total speaking time is allocated for several items on the agenda, the political groups shall inform the President of the fraction of their speaking time to be used for each individual item. The President shall ensure that these speaking times are respected.



    The remaining part of the time for a debate shall not be specifically allocated in advance. Instead, the President shall call on Members to speak, as a general rule for no more than one minute. The President shall ensure – as far as possible – that speakers holding different political views and from different Member States are heard in turn.



    On request priority may be given to the chair or rapporteur of the committee responsible and to the chairs of political groups who wish to speak on their behalf, or to speakers deputising for them.



    The President may give the floor to Members who indicate, by raising a blue card, their wish to put to another Member, during that Member's speech, a question of no longer than half a minute's duration, where the speaker agrees and where the President is satisfied that this will not lead to a disruption of the debate.


    No Member may speak for more than one minute on any of the following: the minutes, procedural motions, amendments to the final draft agenda or to the agenda.


    No Member may speak for more than one minute on any of the following: the minutes of the sitting , procedural motions, amendments to the final draft agenda or to the agenda.



    Without prejudice to his other disciplinary powers, the President may cause to be deleted from the verbatim reports of debates of sittings the speeches of Members who have not been called upon to speak or who continue to speak beyond the time allotted to them.


    The Commission and Council shall be heard in the debate on a report as a rule immediately after its presentation by the rapporteur. The Commission, the Council and the rapporteur may be heard again, in particular to respond to the statements made by Members.


    The Commission and Council shall be heard in the debate on a report as a rule immediately after its presentation by the rapporteur. The Commission, the Council and the rapporteur may be heard again, in particular to respond to the statements made by Members.


    Without prejudice to Article 197 of the EC Treaty, the President shall seek to reach an understanding with the Commission and Council on appropriate allocation of speaking time for them.


    Without prejudice to Article 197 of the EC Treaty, the President shall seek to reach an understanding with the Commission and Council on appropriate allocation of speaking time for them.


    Members who have not spoken in a debate may, at most once per part-session, hand in a written statement of not more than 200 words that shall be appended to the verbatim report of the debate.


    Members who have not spoken in a debate may, at most once per part-session, hand in a written statement of not more than 200 words that shall be appended to the verbatim report of the debate.


    (Rules 141 and 143 fall)

    Amendment 32

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 150 – paragraph 6 – subparagraph 2 a (new)


    Where fewer than one hundred Members are present, Parliament may not decide otherwise if at least one tenth of the Members present object.

    Amendment 33

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 156

    When over fifty amendments have been tabled to a report for consideration in Parliament, the President may, after consulting its chair, request the committee responsible to meet to consider the amendments. Any amendment not receiving favourable votes at this stage from at least one-tenth of the members of the committee shall not be put to the vote in Parliament.

    When more than fifty amendments and requests for a split or separate vote have been tabled to a report for consideration in Parliament, the President may, after consulting its chair, request the committee responsible to meet to consider those amendments or requests . Any amendment or request for a split or separate vote not receiving favourable votes at this stage from at least one-tenth of the members of the committee shall not be put to the vote in Parliament.

    Amendment 34

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 157 – paragraph 1


    Where the text to be put to the vote contains two or more provisions or references to two or more points or lends itself to division into two or more parts each with a distinct logical meaning and normative value, a split vote may be requested by a political group or at least forty Members.


    Where the text to be put to the vote contains two or more provisions or references to two or more points or lends itself to division into two or more parts having a distinct meaning and/or normative value, a split vote may be requested by a political group or at least forty Members.

    Amendment 35

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 159 a (new)


    Rule 159a

    Final vote

    When voting on any legislative proposal, whether by way of a single and/or final vote, Parliament shall vote by roll call using the electronic voting system.

    Amendment 36

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 160 – paragraph 1


    In addition to the cases provided for under Rules 99(4) and 100(5), the vote shall be taken by roll call if so requested in writing by a political group or at least forty Members the evening before the vote unless the President sets a different deadline.


    In addition to the cases provided for under Rules 99(4), 100(5) and 159a , the vote shall be taken by roll call if so requested in writing by a political group or at least forty Members the evening before the vote unless the President sets a different deadline.

    Amendment 37

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 160 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1


    The roll shall be called in alphabetical order, beginning with the name of a Member drawn by lot. The President shall be the last to be called to vote.


    The roll call vote shall be taken using the electronic voting system . Where the latter cannot be used for technical reasons, the roll shall be called in alphabetical order, beginning with the name of a Member drawn by lot. The President shall be the last to be called to vote.

    Amendment 38

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 162 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1


    Between two and six Members chosen by lot shall count the votes cast in a secret ballot.


    Between two and eight Members chosen by lot shall count the votes cast in a secret ballot , unless an electronic vote is taken .

    Amendment 39

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 172


    The minutes of each sitting, containing the decisions of Parliament and the names of speakers, shall be distributed at least half an hour before the beginning of the afternoon period of the next sitting.


    The minutes of each sitting, detailing the proceedings and the decisions of Parliament and the names of speakers, shall be distributed at least half an hour before the beginning of the afternoon period of the next sitting.

    In the context of legislative proceedings, any amendments adopted by Parliament are also deemed to be decisions within the meaning of this paragraph , even if the relevant Commission proposal or the Council's common position is ultimately rejected, pursuant to Rule 52(1) or Rule 61(3) respectively.

    In the context of legislative proceedings, any amendments adopted by Parliament are also deemed to be decisions within the meaning of this Rule , even if the relevant Commission proposal or the Council's position is ultimately rejected, pursuant to Rule 52(1) or Rule 61(3) respectively.

    The texts adopted by Parliament shall be distributed separately. Where legislative texts adopted by Parliament contain amendments, they shall be published in a consolidated version.



    At the beginning of the afternoon period of each sitting the President shall place before Parliament, for its approval, the minutes of the previous sitting.


    At the beginning of the afternoon period of each sitting the President shall place before Parliament, for its approval, the minutes of the previous sitting.


    If any objections are raised to the minutes Parliament shall, if necessary, decide whether the changes requested should be considered. No Member may speak on the minutes for more than one minute.


    If any objections are raised to the minutes Parliament shall, if necessary, decide whether the changes requested should be considered. No Member may speak on the subject for more than one minute.


    The minutes shall be signed by the President and the Secretary-General and preserved in the records of Parliament. They shall be published within one month in the Official Journal of the European Union.


    The minutes shall be signed by the President and the Secretary-General and preserved in the records of Parliament. They shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    Amendment 40

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 172 a (new)


    Rule 172a

    Texts adopted


    Texts adopted by Parliament shall be published immediately after the vote. They shall be placed before Parliament in conjunction with the minutes of the relevant sitting and be preserved in the records of Parliament.


    Texts adopted by Parliament shall be subject to legal-linguistic finalisation under the responsibility of the President. Where such texts are adopted on the basis of an agreement reached between Parliament and the Council, such finalisation shall be carried out by the two institutions acting in close cooperation and by mutual agreement.


    The procedure laid down in Rule 204a shall apply where, in order to ensure the coherence and the quality of the text in accordance with the will expressed by Parliament, adaptations are required which go beyond corrections of typological errors or corrections necessary to ensure the concordance of all language versions as well as their linguistic correctness and terminological consistency.


    The texts adopted by Parliament under the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the EC Treaty shall take the form of a consolidated text. Where Parliament's vote was not based on an agreement with the Council, the consolidated text shall identify any amendments adopted.


    After finalisation, the texts adopted shall be signed by the President and the Secretary-General and shall be published in the Official Journal.

    Amendment 41

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 175

    Setting up of temporary committees

    Setting up of special committees

    On a proposal from the Conference of Presidents, Parliament may at any time set up temporary committees, whose powers, composition and term of office shall be defined at the same time as the decision to set them up is taken; their term of office may not exceed twelve months, except where Parliament extends that term on its expiry.

    On a proposal from the Conference of Presidents, Parliament may at any time set up special committees, whose powers, composition and term of office shall be defined at the same time as the decision to set them up is taken; their term of office may not exceed twelve months, except where Parliament extends that term on its expiry.

    As the powers, composition and term of office of temporary committees are decided at the same time as these committees are set up, Parliament cannot subsequently decide to alter their powers either by increasing or reducing them.

    As the powers, composition and term of office of special committees are decided at the same time as these committees are set up, Parliament cannot subsequently decide to alter their powers either by increasing or reducing them.

    Amendment 42

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 177 – paragraph 1 – interpretation (new)


    The proportionality among political groups must not depart from the nearest appropriate whole number. If a group decides not to take seats on a committee, the seats in question shall remain vacant and the committee shall be reduced in size by the corresponding number. Exchange of seats between political groups may not be allowed.

    Amendment 43

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 179 – paragraph 2


    Should a standing committee declare itself not competent to consider a question, or should a conflict arise over the competence of two or more standing committees, the question of competence shall be referred to the Conference of Presidents within four working weeks of the announcement in Parliament of referral to committee. The Conference of Committee Chairs shall be notified and may make a recommendation to the Conference of Presidents. The Conference of Presidents shall take a decision within six working weeks of the referral of the question of competence. Otherwise the question shall be included for a decision on the agenda for the subsequent part-session .


    Should a standing committee declare itself not competent to consider a question, or should a conflict arise over the competence of two or more standing committees, the question of competence shall be referred to the Conference of Presidents within four working weeks of the announcement in Parliament of referral to committee. The Conference of Presidents shall take a decision within six weeks on the basis of a recommendation from the Conference of Committee Chairs, or, if no such recommendation is forthcoming, from its chair. If the Conference of Presidents fails to take a decision within that period, the recommendation shall be deemed to have been approved .

    Amendment 44

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 179 – paragraph 2 – interpretation (new)


    The committee chairs may enter into agreements with other committee chairs concerning the allocation of an item to a particular committee, subject, where necessary, to the authorisation of a procedure with associated committees under Rule 47.

    Amendment 45

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 182 a (new)


    Rule 182a

    Committee coordinators and shadow rapporteurs


    The political groups may designate one of their members as coordinator.


    The committee coordinators shall where necessary be convened by the chair to prepare decisions to be taken by the committee, in particular decisions on procedure and the appointment of rapporteurs. The committee may delegate the power to take certain decisions to the coordinators, with the exception of decisions concerning the adoption of reports, opinions or amendments. The vice-chairs may be invited to participate in the meetings of committee coordinators in a consultative role. The coordinators shall endeavour to find consensus. When consensus cannot be found, they may act only by a majority that clearly represents a large majority of the committee, having regard to the respective strengths of the various groups.


    The political groups may for each report designate a shadow rapporteur to follow the progress of the relevant report and find compromises within the committee on behalf of the group. Their names shall be communicated to the chair. The committee, on a proposal from the coordinators, may in particular decide to involve the shadow rapporteurs in seeking an agreement with the Council in codecision procedures.

    Amendment 46

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 184

    The minutes of each meeting of a committee shall be distributed to all its members and submitted to the committee for its approval at its next meeting .

    The minutes of each meeting of a committee shall be distributed to all its members and submitted to the committee for its approval.

    Amendment 47

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 186

    Rules 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 140, 141, 143(1), 146, 148, 150 to 153, 155, 157(1), 158, 159, 161, 162, 164 to 167, 170 and 171 shall apply mutatis mutandis to committee meetings.

    Rules 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 34 to 41, 140, 141, 143(1), 146, 148, 150 to 153, 155, 157(1), 158, 159, 161, 162, 164 to 167, 170 and 171 shall apply mutatis mutandis to committee meetings.

    Amendment 48

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 188 – paragraph 6 a (new)



    The chair of a delegation shall be given an opportunity to be heard by a committee when a point is on the agenda which touches on the field of responsibility of the delegation. The same shall apply at meetings of a delegation to the chair or rapporteur of that committee.

    Amendment 49

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 192 – paragraph 1 a (new)



    Where the report deals with, in particular, the application or interpretation of the law of the European Union, or proposed changes to existing law, the committee responsible for the subject-matter shall be associated in accordance with Rule 46(1) and the first and second indents of Rule 47. The committee responsible shall accept without a vote suggestions for parts of the motion for a resolution received from the committee responsible for the subject-matter which deal with the application or interpretation of the law of the European Union or changes to existing law. If the committee responsible does not accept such suggestions, the associated committee may table them directly to Parliament.

    Amendment 50

    Parliament's Rules of Procedure

    Rule 204 – point c a (new)



    guidelines and codes of conduct adopted by the relevant bodies of Parliament (Annexes XVIa, XVIb and XVIe).
