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Document C:2007:269:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Union, C 269, 10 November 2007

    Display all documents published in this Official Journal

    ISSN 1725-2423

    Official Journal

    of the European Union

    C 269

    European flag  

    English edition

    Information and Notices

    Volume 50
    10 November 2007

    Notice No




    IV   Notices




    Court of Justice

    2007/C 269/01

    Last publication of the Court of Justice in the Official Journal of the European UnionOJ C 247, 20.10.2007



    V   Announcements




    Court of Justice

    2007/C 269/02

    Election of Presidents of Chambers of three Judges


    2007/C 269/03

    Assignment of Judges to the Chambers of three Judges


    2007/C 269/04

    Lists for the purposes of determining the composition of the formations of the Court


    2007/C 269/05

    Appointment of the First Advocate General


    2007/C 269/06

    Taking of the oath by the new members of the Court of First Instance


    2007/C 269/07

    Case C-227/04 P: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 11 September 2007 — Maria-Luise Lindorfer v Council of the European Union (Appeal — Officials — Transfer of pension rights — Professional activities prior to entering the service of the Communities — Calculation of the years of pensionable service — Article 11(2) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations — General implementing provisions — Principle of non-discrimination — Principle of equal treatment)


    2007/C 269/08

    Case C-260/04: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 13 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services — Public service concessions — Renewal of 329 horse-race betting licences without inviting competing bids — Requirements of publication and transparency)


    2007/C 269/09

    Case C-16/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 20 September 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the House of Lords) — The Queen, Veli Tum, Mehmet Dari v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Association between the EEC and Turkey — Article 41(1) of the Additional Protocol — ‘Standstill’ clause — Scope — National legislation introducing, after the entry into force of the Additional Protocol, new restrictions regarding the conditions of and procedures for entry into the territory of the Member State concerned)


    2007/C 269/10

    Case C-76/05: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 11 September 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Köln) — Herbert Schwarz and Marga Gootjes-Schwarz v Finanzamt Bergisch Gladbach (Article 8a of the EC Treaty (now, after amendment, Article 18 EC) — European Citizenship — Article 59 of the EC Treaty (now, after amendment, Article 49 EC) — Freedom to provide services — Income tax legislation — School fees — Tax deductibility limited to school fees paid to national private establishments)


    2007/C 269/11

    Case C-287/05: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 11 September 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Centrale Raad van Beroep (Netherlands)) — D.P.W. Hendrix v Raad van Bestuur van het Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen (Social security for migrant workers — Articles 12 EC, 17 EC, 18 EC and 39 EC — Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 — Article 4(2a), Article 10a and Annex IIa — Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68 — Article 7(1) — Non-contributory benefits — Netherlands benefit for disabled young people — Non-exportability)


    2007/C 269/12

    Case C-297/05: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 20 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of the Netherlands (Identification and compulsory roadworthiness test prior to registration of vehicles in a Member State — Articles 28 EC and 30 EC — Directives 96/96/EC and 1999/37/EC — Recognition of registration certificates issued and roadworthiness tests conducted in other Member States)


    2007/C 269/13

    Case C-304/05: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 20 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 92/43/EEC — Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora — Directive 79/409/EEC — Conservation of wild birds — Assessment of the environmental impact of works to modify ski runs)


    2007/C 269/14

    Case C-307/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 13 September 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Juzgado de lo Social de San Sebastián, Spain) — Yolanda Del Cerro Alonso v Osakidetsa (Servicio Vasco de Salud) (Directive 1999/70/EC — Clause 4 of the framework agreement on fixed-term work — Principle of non-discrimination — Concept of ‘employment conditions’ — Length-of-service allowance — Inclusion — Objective grounds justifying a difference in treatment — None)


    2007/C 269/15

    Case C-318/05: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 11 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Federal Republic of Germany (Failure by a Member State to fulfil its obligations — Articles 18 EC, 39 EC, 43 EC and 49 EC — Income tax legislation — School fees — Tax deductibility limited to school fees paid to national private establishments)


    2007/C 269/16

    Case C-388/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 20 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Conservation of natural habitats — Wild fauna and flora — Special Protection Area ‘Valloni e steppe pedegarganiche’)


    2007/C 269/17

    Case C-431/05: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 11 September 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Supremo Tribunal de Justiça — Portugal) — Merck Genericos-Produtos Farmacêuticos L.da v Merck & Co. Inc., Merck Sharp & Dohme, L.da (Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation — Article 33 of the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) — Patents — Minimum term of protection — Legislation of a Member State providing for a lesser term — Article 234 EC — Jurisdiction of the Court — Direct effect)


    2007/C 269/18

    Joined Cases C-439/05 P and C-454/05 P: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 13 September 2007 — Land Oberösterreich and Republic of Austria v Commission of the European Communities (Appeal — Directive 2001/18/EC — Decision 2003/653/EC — Deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms — Article 95(5) EC — National provisions derogating from a harmonisation measure justified by new scientific evidence and by a problem specific to one Member State — Principle of the right to be heard)


    2007/C 269/19

    Case C-443/05 P: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 13 September 2007 — Common Market Fertilizers SA v Commission of the European Communities (Appeal — Anti-dumping duties — Article 239 of the Customs Code — Remission of import duties — First paragraph of Article 907 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 — Interpretation — Legality — Commission decision — Group of experts meeting in the framework of the Customs Code Committee — Distinct entity in functional terms — Articles 2 and 5(2) of Council Decision 1999/468/EC — Article 4 of the rules of procedure of the Customs Code Committee — Conditions for the application of Article 239 of the Customs Code — No obvious negligence)


    2007/C 269/20

    Case C-458/05: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 13 September 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Oberster Gerichtshof, Austria) — Mohamed Jouini, Okay Gönen, Hasan Bajric, Gerald Huber, Manfred Ortner, Sükran Karacatepe, Franz Mühlberger, Nakil Bakii, Hannes Kranzler, Jürgen Mörth, Anton Schneeberger, Dietmar Susteric, Sascha Wörnhör, Aynur Savci, Elena Peter, Egon Schmöger, Mehmet Yaman, Dejan Preradovic, Andreas Mitter, Wolfgang Sorger, Franz Schachenhofer, Herbert Weiss, Harald Kaineder, Ognen Stajkovski, Jovica Vidovic v Princess Personal Service GmbH (PPS) (Social policy — Directive 2001/23/EC — Safeguarding of employees' rights — Transfer of undertakings — Concept of ‘Transfer’ — Temporary employment business)


    2007/C 269/21

    Case C-17/06: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 11 September 2007 — Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour d'appel de Nancy, France — Céline SARL v Celine SA (Trade marks — Articles 5(1)(a) and 6(1)(a) of First Directive 89/104/EEC — Right of the proprietor of a registered trade mark to oppose the use by a third party of a sign which is identical to the mark — Use of the sign as a company, trade or shop name — Right of the third party to use his name)


    2007/C 269/22

    Case C-74/06: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 20 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Article 90 EC — Registration tax on imported second-hand cars — Determination of taxable value — Depreciation of vehicles based solely on age — Publicising of criteria of calculation — Possibility of challenging the application of the fixed method of calculation)


    2007/C 269/23

    Case C-84/06: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 20 September 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Netherlands)) — Staat der Nederlanden v Antroposana, Patiëntenvereniging voor Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg, Nederlandse Vereniging van Antroposofische Artsen, Weleda Nederland NV, Wala Nederland NV, (Community code relating to medicinal products for human use — Articles 28 EC and 30 EC — Registration and marketing authorisation — Anthroposophic medicinal products)


    2007/C 269/24

    Case C-116/06: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 20 September 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tampereen käräjäoikeus — Finland) — Sari Kiiski v Tampereen kaupunki (Equal treatment for men and women — Protection of pregnant employees — Article 2 of Directive 76/207/EEC — Right to maternity leave — Articles 8 and 11 of Directive 92/85/EEC — Effect on the right to obtain an alteration of the duration of ‘child-care leave’)


    2007/C 269/25

    Case C-177/06: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 20 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain (State Aid — Aid scheme — Incompatibility with the common market — Commission decision — Implementation — Abolition of the aid scheme — Cancellation of outstanding aid — Recovery of aid made available — Failure to fulfil obligations — Defences — Illegality of the decision — Absolute impossibility of giving effect to a decision)


    2007/C 269/26

    Case C-193/06 P: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 20 September 2007 — Société des Produits Nestlé SA v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs), Quick Restaurants SA (Appeal — Community trade mark — Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Article 8(1)(b) — Figurative mark containing the word ‘QUICKY’ — Opposition of holder of earlier national word marks QUICKIES — Likelihood of confusion — Overall assessment)


    2007/C 269/27

    Case C-234/06 P: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 13 September 2007 — Il Ponte Finanziaria SpA v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs), F.M.G. Textiles Srl, formerly Marine Enterprise Projects — Società Unipersonale di Alberto Fiorenzi Srl (Appeal — Community trade mark — Registration of the trade mark BAINBRIDGE — Opposition by the proprietor of earlier national trade marks all having the component ‘Bridge’ in common — Opposition rejected — Family of trade marks — Proof of use — Concept of ‘defensive trade marks’)


    2007/C 269/28

    Case C-371/06: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 20 September 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden — The Netherlands) — Benetton Group SpA v G-Star International BV (Trade marks — Directive 89/104/EEC — Article 3(1)(e), third indent, and Article 3(3) — Sign — Shape which gives substantial value to goods — Use — Advertising campaigns — Attractiveness of a shape acquired prior to the date of application for registration on account of recognition of it as a distinctive sign)


    2007/C 269/29

    Case C-381/06: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 13 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2002/14/EC — Informing and consulting employees — Failure to transpose within the period prescribed)


    2007/C 269/30

    Case C-400/06: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 13 September 2007 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Netherlands)) — Codirex Expeditie BV v Staatssecretaris van Financiën (Common Customs Tariff — Combined Nomenclature — Tariff classification — Subheading 0202 30 50 — Cuts of frozen boned meat from a part of the forequarter of bovine animals)


    2007/C 269/31

    Case C-315/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Landesgericht Klagenfurt (Austria), lodged on 9 July 2007 — A-Punkt Schmuckhandels GmbH v Claudia Schmidt


    2007/C 269/32

    Case C-316/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Giessen lodged on 9 July 2007 — Markus Stoß v Wetteraukreis


    2007/C 269/33

    Case C-330/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Unabhängiger Finanzsenat, Außenstelle Wien (Austria), lodged on 16 July 2007 — Jobra Vermögensverwaltungs-Gesellschaft mbH v Finanzamt Amstetten Melk Scheibbs


    2007/C 269/34

    Case C-332/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgerichtshof (Austria) lodged on 17 July 2007 — Josef Holzinger v Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur


    2007/C 269/35

    Case C-337/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Stuttgart (Germany), lodged on 20 July 2007 — Ibrahim Altun v Stadt Böblingen


    2007/C 269/36

    Case C-339/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof (Germany), lodged on 20 July 2007 — Rechtsanwalt Christopher Seagon als Insolvenzverwalter über das Vermögen der Frick Teppichboden Supermärkte GmbH v Deko Marty Belgium N.V.


    2007/C 269/37

    Case C-350/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Sächsisches Landessozialgericht (Germany), lodged on 30 July 2007 — Kattner Stahlbau GmbH v Maschinenbau- und Metall-Berufsgenossenschaft


    2007/C 269/38

    Case C-358/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Stuttgart (Germany), lodged on 2 August 2007 — Kulpa Automatenservice Asperg GmbH v Land Baden-Württemberg


    2007/C 269/39

    Case C-359/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Stuttgart (Germany), lodged on 2 August 2007 — SOBO Sport & Entertainment GmbH v Land Baden-Württemberg


    2007/C 269/40

    Case C-360/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Stuttgart (Germany), lodged on 2 August 2007 — Andreas Kunert v Land Baden-Württemberg


    2007/C 269/41

    Case C-361/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil de Prud'Hommes de Beauvais (France) lodged on 2 August 2007 — Olivier Polier v Najar EURL


    2007/C 269/42

    Case C-362/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal d'instance du VIIème arrondissement de Paris (France), lodged on 2 August 2007 — Kip Europe SA, KIP UK Ltd, Caretrex Logistiek BV, Utax GmbH v Administration des douanes — Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects


    2007/C 269/43

    Case C-363/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal d'instance du VIIème arrondissement de Paris (France), lodged on 2 August 2007 — Hewlett Packard International SARL v Administration des douanes — Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects


    2007/C 269/44

    Case C-369/07: Action brought on 3 August 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic


    2007/C 269/45

    Case C-375/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Netherlands) lodged on 3 August 2007 — Staatssecretaris van Financiën v Heuschen & Schrouff Oriental Foods Trading BV


    2007/C 269/46

    Case C-376/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden lodged on 3 August 2007 — Staatssecretaris van Financiën v Kamino International Logistics BV


    2007/C 269/47

    Case C-378/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Rethymnon Court of First Instance (Single Judge) (Greece) lodged on 8 August 2007 — K. Angelidaki, A. Aïvali, A Bavouraki, Kh. Kaparou, M. Lioni, E. Makriyiannaki, E. Nisanaki, Kh. Panayiotou, A. Pitsidianaki, M. Khalkiadaki, Kh. Khalkiadaki v Nomarkhiaki Avtodiikisi Rethymnis


    2007/C 269/48

    Case C-379/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Rethymnon Court of First Instance (Single Judge) lodged on 8 August 2007 — Kharikleia Giannoudi v Municipality of Geropotamos


    2007/C 269/49

    Case C-380/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Rethymnon Court of First Instance lodged on 8 August 2007 — Georgios Karabousanos and Sophocles Mikhopoulos v Municipality of Geropotamos


    2007/C 269/50

    Case C-381/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d'Etat (France) lodged on 8 August 2007 — Association Nationale pour la Protection des Eaux et Rivieres — TOS v Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development


    2007/C 269/51

    Case C-385/07 P: Appeal brought on 13 August 2007 by Der Grüne Punk — Duales System Deutschland GmbH against the judgment of the Court of First Instance (First Chamber) delivered on 24 May 2007 in Case T-151/01 Der Grüne Punkt — Duales System Deutschland GmbH v Commission of the European Communities, supported by Vfw AG, Landbell AG für Rückhol-Systeme and Belland Vision GmbH


    2007/C 269/52

    Case C-391/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Hamburg lodged on 20 August 2007 — Glencore Grain Rotterdam BV v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas


    2007/C 269/53

    Case C-396/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Korkein oikeus (Finland) lodged on 27 August 2007 — Mirja Juuri v Fazer Amica Oy


    2007/C 269/54

    Case C-397/07: Action brought on 27 August 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain


    2007/C 269/55

    Case C-400/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio (Italy) lodged on 29 August 2007 — S.A.L.F. Spa v Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (AIFA) and Ministero della Salute


    2007/C 269/56

    Case C-401/07: Action brought on 29 August 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of the Netherlands


    2007/C 269/57

    Case C-405/07 P: Appeal brought on 3 September 2007 by the Kingdom of the Netherlands against the judgment delivered by the Court of First Instance (Fourth Chamber) on 27 June 2007 in Case T-182/06 Kingdom of the Netherlands v Commission of the European Communities


    2007/C 269/58

    Case C-406/07: Action brought on 4 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic


    2007/C 269/59

    Case C-414/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny, Cracow (Republic of Poland), lodged on 10 September 2007 — MAGOORA Sp. z.o.o. v Dyrektor Izby Skarbowej w Krakowie


    2007/C 269/60

    Case C-421/07: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Vestre Landsret (Denmark) lodged on 13 September 2007 — Criminal proceedings against Frede Damgaard


    2007/C 269/61

    Case C-425/07 P: Appeal brought on 14 September 2007 by AEPI A.E. Elliniki Etairia pros Prostasian tis Pnevmatikis Idioktisias against the judgment delivered on 12 July 2007 in Case T-229/05 AEPI A.E. v Commission of the European Communities


    2007/C 269/62

    Case C-427/07: Action brought on 14 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Ireland


    2007/C 269/63

    Case C-431/07 P: Appeal brought on 18 September 2007 by Bouygues SA and Bouygues Télécom SA against the judgment of the Court of First Instance (Fourth Chamber) delivered on 4 July 2007 in Case T-475/04 Bouygues and Bouygues Télécom v Commission


    2007/C 269/64

    Case C-433/07: Action brought on 18 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic


    2007/C 269/65

    Case C-434/07: Action brought on 18 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic


    2007/C 269/66

    Case C-435/07: Action brought on 18 September 2007 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic


    2007/C 269/67

    Case C-436/07 P: Appeal brought on 14 September 2007 by the Commission of the European Communities against the judgment delivered on 12 July 2007 in Case T-312/05 Commission of the European Communities v Efrosini Alexiadou



    Court of First Instance

    2007/C 269/68

    Election of the President of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities


    2007/C 269/69

    Election of Presidents of the Chambers


    2007/C 269/70

    Assignment of Judges to the Chambers


    2007/C 269/71

    Composition of the Grand Chamber


    2007/C 269/72

    Plenary session


    2007/C 269/73

    Appeal Chamber


    2007/C 269/74

    Criteria for assigning cases to Chambers


    2007/C 269/75

    Designation of the Judge replacing the President as the Judge hearing applications for interim measures


    2007/C 269/76

    Case T-8/95 and T-9/95: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 27 September 2007 — Pelle and Konrad v Council of the European Union and the Commission of the European Communities (Non-contractual liability — Milk — Additional levy — Reference quantity — Regulation (EEC) No 2187/93 — Compensation of producers — Suspension of limitation)


    2007/C 269/77

    Joined Cases T-125/03 and T-253/03: Judgment of the Court of First Instance (First Chamber) of 17 September 2007 — Akzo Nobel Chemicals Ltd and Akcros Chemicals Ltd v Commission (Competition — Administrative procedure — Commission's powers of investigation — Documents seized in the course of an investigation — Legal professional privilege protecting communications between lawyers and their clients — Admissibility)


    2007/C 269/78

    Case T-375/03: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 20 September 2007 — Fachvereinigung Mineralfaserindustrie v Commission (State aid — Measures to promote the use of insulating materials produced from renewable raw materials — Decision declaring the aid compatible with the common market — Preliminary investigation procedure — Action for annulment — Admissibility — Notion of party concerned within the meaning of Article 88(2) EC — Commission's duty to initiate the inter partes procedure)


    2007/C 269/79

    Case T-418/03: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 27 September 2007 — La Mer Technology v OHIM — Laboratoires Goëmar (LA MER) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for Community word mark LA MER — Earlier national word mark LABORATOIRE DE LA MER — Relative ground of refusal — Genuine use of the mark — Article 43(1) and (2) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — No likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation No 40/94))


    2007/C 269/80

    Case T-201/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Grand Chamber) of 17 September 2007 — Microsoft v Commission (Competition — Abuse of dominant position — Client PC operating systems — Work group server operating systems — Streaming media players — Decision finding infringements of Article 82 EC — Refusal of the dominant undertaking to supply and authorise the use of interoperability information — Supply by the dominant undertaking of its client PC operating system conditional on the simultaneous acquisition of its media player — Remedies — Appointment of an independent monitoring trustee — Fine — Determination of the amount — Proportionality)


    2007/C 269/81

    Case T-240/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance (First Chamber, Extended Composition) of 17 September 2007 — France v Commission (European Atomic Energy Community — Investments — Communication to Commission of investment projects — Procedures — Regulation (Euratom) No 1352/2003 — Commission's lack of competence — Articles 41 EA to 44 EA — Principle of legal certainty)


    2007/C 269/82

    Case T-461/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 20 September 2007 — Imagination Technologies v OHIM (PURE DIGITAL) (Community trade mark — Application for the Community word mark PURE DIGITAL — Absolute grounds for refusal — Article 7(1)(b) and (c) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Distinctive character acquired through use — Article 7(3) of Regulation No 40/94)


    2007/C 269/83

    Case T-136/05: Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Fifth Chamber) of 20 September 2007 — EARL Salvat père & fils and others v Commission (State aid — Wine-production conversion measures — Decision declaring aid partly compatible and partly incompatible with the common market — Action for annulment — Admissibility — Obligation to State reasons — Assessment in light of Article 87(1) EC)


    2007/C 269/84

    Case T-254/05: Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Third Chamber) of 20 September 2007 — Fachvereinigung Mineralfaserindustrie v Commission (State Aid — Measures to promote the use of insulation material from renewable raw materials — Decision declaring aid compatible with the common market — Preliminary examination — Action for annulment — Professional association — Meaning of ‘party concerned’ in Article 88(2) EC — Pleas in law on validity of decision — Inadmissibility)


    2007/C 269/85

    Case T-295/05: Order of the Court of First Instance of 5 September 2007 — Document Security Systems v ECB (Monetary Union — Issue of euro banknotes — Alleged use of a patented invention designed to prevent counterfeiting — Action for infringement of a European patent — Lack of jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance — Inadmissibility — Action for damages)


    2007/C 269/86

    Case T-49/06: Order of the Court of First Instance of 7 September 2007 — González Sánchez v OHIM — Bankinter (ENCUENTA) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Article 63(4) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Lack of standing to bring proceedings — Inadmissibility)


    2007/C 269/87

    Case T-305/07: Action brought on 9 August 2007 — Offshore Legends v OHIM — Acteon (OFFSHORE LEGENDS (in black and white))


    2007/C 269/88

    Case T-306/07: Action brought on 9 August 2007 — Offshore Legends v OHIM — Acteon (OFFSHORE LEGENDS (in blue, black, green))


    2007/C 269/89

    Case T-308/07: Action brought on 16 August 2007 — Tegebauer v Parliament


    2007/C 269/90

    Case T-317/07: Action brought on 27 August 2007 — Commission v B2Test


    2007/C 269/91

    Case T-321/07: Action brought on 28 August 2007 — Lufthansa AirPlus Servicekarten v OHMI — Applus Servicios Tecnológicos (A+)


    2007/C 269/92

    Case T-322/07: Action brought on 27 August 2007 — Kenitex Química v OHIM


    2007/C 269/93

    Case T-323/07: Action brought on 30 August 2007 — El Morabit v Council of the European Union


    2007/C 269/94

    Case T-325/07: Action brought on 3 September 2007 — Caisse Fédérale du Crédit Mutuel Centre Est Europe v OHIM (SURFCARD)


    2007/C 269/95

    Case T-330/07: Action brought on 30 August 2007 — Kuiburi Fruit Canning v Council


    2007/C 269/96

    Case T-332/07: Action brought on 4 September 2007 — Germany v Commission


    2007/C 269/97

    Case T-333/07: Action brought on 7 September 2007 — Entrance Services v Parliament


    2007/C 269/98

    Case T-334/07: Action brought on 31 August 2007 — Denka International v Commission


    2007/C 269/99

    Case T-335/07: Action brought on 4 September 2007 — Mergel and Others v OHIM (Patentconsult)


    2007/C 269/00

    Case T-336/07: Action brought on 10 September 2007 — Telefónica and Telefónica de España v Commission


    2007/C 269/01

    Case T-337/07: Action brought on 6 September 2007 — Brilliant Hotelsoftware v OHIM (BRILLIANT)


    2007/C 269/02

    Case T-338/07 P: Appeal brought on 4 September 2007 by Irène Bianchi against the judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal delivered on 28 June 2007 in Case F-38/06, Bianchi v European Training Foundation


    2007/C 269/03

    Case T-339/07: Action brought on 11 September 2007 — Juwel Aquarium v OHIM — Potschak — Bavaria Aquaristik (Panorama)


    2007/C 269/04

    Case T-340/07: Action brought on 4 September 2007 — Evropaïki Dynamiki v Commission


    2007/C 269/05

    Case T-341/07: Action brought on 10 September 2007 — Sison v Council


    2007/C 269/06

    Case T-342/07: Action brought on 10 September 2007 — Ryanair v Commission


    2007/C 269/07

    Case T-343/07: Action brought on 12 September 2007 — allsafe Jungfalk v OHIM (ALLSAFE)


    2007/C 269/08

    Case T-344/07: Action brought on 10 September 2007 — O2 (Germany) v OHIM (Homezone)


    2007/C 269/09

    Case T-345/07: Action brought on 13 September 2007 — La Banque Postale v Commission


    2007/C 269/10

    Case T-346/07: Action brought on 13 September 2007 — Duro Sweden v OHIM (EASYCOVER)


    2007/C 269/11

    Case T-348/07: Action brought on 12 September 2007 — Al-Aqsa v Council of the European Union


    2007/C 269/12

    Case T-349/07: Action brought on 7 September 2007 — FMC Chemical and Others v Commission


    2007/C 269/13

    Case T-352/07: Action brought on 14 September 2007 — Commission v Rednap


    2007/C 269/14

    Case T-353/07: Action brought on 13 September 2007 — Ester v OHIM — Coloris Global Coloring Concept (COLORIS)


    2007/C 269/15

    Case T-354/07: Action brought on 18 September 2007 — Pfizer v OHIM — Isdin (FOTOPROTECTOR ISDIN)


    2007/C 269/16

    Case T-355/07: Action brought on 18 September 2007 — Pfizer v OHIM — Isdin (ISDIN Pediatrícs)


    2007/C 269/17

    Case T-356/07: Action brought on 19 September 2007 — Pfizer v OHIM — Isdin (ISDIN 14-8.000)


    2007/C 269/18

    Case T-357/07: Action brought on 19 September 2007 — Focus Magazin Verlag v OHIM — Editorial Planeta (FOCUS Radio)


    2007/C 269/19

    Case T-362/07: Action brought on 14 September 2007 — El Fatmi v Council


    2007/C 269/20

    Case T-363/07: Action brought on 14 September 2007 — Hamdi v Council


    2007/C 269/21

    Case T-369/07: Action brought on 26 September 2007 — Republic of Latvia v Commission of the European Communities



    European Union Civil Service Tribunal

    2007/C 269/22

    Case F-32/06: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Second Chamber) of 4 October 2007 — De la Cruz. v European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (Staff cases — Contract staff — Reform of the Staff Regulations of Officials — Former local staff — Fixing of classification and remuneration on recruitment — Equivalence of posts — Consultation of the Staff Committee)


    2007/C 269/23

    Case F-43/06: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Third Chamber) of 19 September 2007 — Tuomo Talvela v Commission (Staff case — Officials — Assessment — Career Development Report — 2004 reporting period — Rights of the defence — Duty to state reasons in the report — Administrative investigation)


    2007/C 269/24

    Case F-10/07: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 18 September 2007 — Botos v Commission (Staff cases — Officials — Social Security — Sickness insurance — Repayment of medical expenses — Serious illness — Management committee — Medical expertise)


    2007/C 269/25

    Case F-146/06: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal of 10 September 2007 — Speiser v European Parliament (Public service — Temporary agents — Remuneration — Expatriation allowance — Complaint submitted out of time — Manifest inadmissibility)


    2007/C 269/26

    Case F-12/07 AJ: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 11 September 2007 — O'Connor v Commission (Legal aid)


    2007/C 269/27

    Case F-65/07: Action brought on 29 June 2007 — Aayhan and Others v European Parliament


    2007/C 269/28

    Case F-71/07: Action brought on 16 July 2007 — Karatzoglou v EAR


    2007/C 269/29

    Case F-85/07: Action brought on 22 August 2007 — Anselmo and Others v Council


    2007/C 269/30

    Case F-89/07: Action brought on 6 September 2007 — Kuchta v European Central Bank


    2007/C 269/31

    Case F-90/07: Action brought on 17 September 2007 — Traore v Commission


    2007/C 269/32

    Case F-91/07: Action brought on 13 September 2007 — Torijano Montero v Council


    2007/C 269/33

    Case F-100/07: Action brought on 1 October 2007 — Tsirimiagos v Committee of the Regions


    2007/C 269/34

    Case F-101/07: Action brought on 3 October 2007 — Cova v Commission



