This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Document C2006/293E/03
MINUTES#Wednesday 5 April 2006
L-Erbgħa, 5 ta' April 2006
L-Erbgħa, 5 ta' April 2006
ĠU C 293E, 2.12.2006, p. 172–233
(ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV)
2.12.2006 |
Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea |
C NaN/172 |
(2006/C 293 E/03)
1. Ftuħ tas-Seduta
Ħin tal-ftuħ tas-seduta: 09.05.
2. Merħba uffiċjali
Il-President, f'isem il-Parlament, ta merħba lis-Sur Alexander Milinkevich, kap ta' l-oppożizzjoni demokratika u kandidat għall-Presidenza tal-Belarus li ħa postu fil-gallarija uffiċjali.
3. Sitwazzjoni tan-negozjati dwar il-perspettivi finanzjarji (dibattitu)
Dikjarazzjoni tal-President tal-Parlament Ewropew: Sitwazzjoni tan-negozjati dwar il-perspettivi finanzjarji
Josep Borrell Fontelles (President) għamel dikjarazzjoni.
Tkellem Reimer Böge, rapporteur tal-Kumitat BUDG dwar il-Ftehima Interistituzzjonali u l-prospettivi finanzjarji 2007-2013.
Tkellem José Manuel Barroso (President tal-Kummissjoni).
Tkellmu: Hans-Gert Poettering f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Martin Schulz f'isem il-grupp PSE, Graham Watson f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Monica Frassoni f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Francis Wurtz f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, Wojciech Roszkowski f'isem il-grupp UEN, Nigel Farage f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM, Jean-Claude Martinez Membru mhux affiljat u Josep Borrell Fontelles, biex jagħlaq id-dibattitu.
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
4. Ir-riżultat tal-Kunsill Ewropew — Is-Strateġija ta' Liżbona (dibattitu)
Rapport tal-Kunsill Ewropew u dikjarazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni: Ir-riżultat tal-Kunsill Ewropew — Is-Strateġija ta' Liżbona
Wolfgang Schüssel (President fil-kariga tal-Kunsill) ippreżenta r-rapport, u José Manuel Barroso (President tal-Kummissjoni) għamel dikjarazzjoni.
Tkellmu: Hans-Gert Poettering f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Martin Schulz f'isem il-grupp PSE, Graham Watson f'isem il-grupp ALDE, u Pierre Jonckheer f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE.
Viċi President
Tkellmu: Ilda Figueiredo f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, Brian Crowley f'isem il-grupp UEN, Georgios Karatzaferis f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM, Leopold Józef Rutowicz Membru mhux affiljat, Othmar Karas, Hannes Swoboda, Alexander Lambsdorff, Claude Turmes, Helmuth Markov, Johannes Blokland, Jana Bobošíková, João de Deus Pinheiro, Bernard Poignant, Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Nils Lundgren, Philip Claeys, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Enrique Barón Crespo, Sergej Kozlík, Timothy Kirkhope, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Jacek Emil Saryusz-Wolski, Markus Ferber, Wolfgang Schüssel u José Manuel Barroso.
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
(Ħin li fih ġiet sospiża s-seduta sa ma sar il-ħin għall-votazzjonijiet: 11.30 Ħin li fih tkompliet is-seduta: 11.35.)
Viċi President
5. Ħin tal-votazzjonijiet
Ir-riżultati tal-votazzjoni (emendi, votazzjonijiet separati u maqsumin, eċċ) jidhru fl-Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet” tal-Minuti.
5.1. Kalendarju 2007
Kalendarju tas-sessjonijiet parzjali tal-Parlament Ewropew — 2007: ara l-proposti tal-Konferenza tal-Presidenti (punt 4 tal-Minuti ta' 03.04.2006)
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultat tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 1)
Il-kalendarju għas-seduti parzjali ta' l-2007 ġie stabbilit kif ġej:
mill-15 au 18 ta' Jannar
il-31 ta' Jannar u l-1 ta' Frar
mit-12 sal-15 ta' Frar
mit-12 sal-15 ta' Marzu
it-28 u d-29 ta' Marzu
mit-23 u sas-26 ta' April
id-9 u l-10 ta' Mejju
mill-21 sa l-24 ta' Mejju
is-6 u s-7 ta' Ġunju
mit-18 sal-21 ta' Ġunju
mid-9 sat-12 ta' Lulju
mit-3 sas-6 ta' Settembru
mill-24 sas-27 ta' Settembru
l-10 u l-11 ta' Ottubru
mit-22 sal-25 ta' Ottubru
mit-12 sal-15 ta' Novembru
it-28 u d-29 ta' Novembru
mill-10 sat-13 Diċembru.
Interventi qabel il-votazzjoni:
Edith Mastenbroek talbet, skond l-Artikolu 170(4) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura, li l-votazzjoni fuq il-kalendarju tiġi posposta u, skond l-Artikolu 150(3), li terġa tinfetaħ l-iskadenza għat-tressiq ta' l-emendi. Gary Titley u Daniel Cohn-Bendit tkellmu dwar din it-talba.
Permezz ta' VE (214 favur, 336 kontra, 50 astjenew), il-Parlament ċaħad din it-talba.
5.2. Użu komuni ta' l-uffiċjali tal-kollegamenti maħtura barra l-pajjiż mill-aġenziji għall-infurzar tal-liġi ta' l-Istati Membri * (Artikolu 131 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura) (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar l-inizjattiva tar-Renju Unit tal-Gran Brittanja u l-Irlanda ta' Fuq bil-għan li tiġi adottata Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill li temenda d-Deċiżjoni 2003/170/JHA dwar l-użu komuni ta' l-uffiċjali ta' kuntatt ippustjati barra l-pajjiż mill-aġenziji għall-infurzar tal-liġi ta' l-Istati Membri [10706/2005 — C6-0255/2005 — 2005/0808(CNS)] — Kumitat għal-Libertajiet Ċivili, il-Ġustizzja u l-Intern.
Rapporteur: Martine Roure (A6-0064/2006)
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultat tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 2)
Adottata b'votazzjoni unika (P6_TA(2006)0126)
5.3. Gassijiet serra flworinati ***III (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar il-proġett komuni, approvat mill-Kumitat tal-Kunċiljazzjoni, tar-Regolament tal-Parlament Ewropew u l-Kunsill dwar ċerti gassijiet serra flworinati [PE-CONS 3604/2006 — C6-0065/2006 — 2003/0189A(COD)] — Delegazzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew għall-Kumitat ta' Konċiljazzjoni
Rapporteur: Avril Doyle (A6-0087/2006)
Tkellmu: Avril Doyle (rapporteur), li talbet li l-votazzjoni tiġi posposta bi qbil ma' l-Artikolu 170(4) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura, u Hannes Swoboda f'isem il-grupp PSE, dwar din it-talba.
Il-Parlament approva din t-talba.
5.4. Emissjonijiet minn sistemi ta' kondizzjonament ta' l-arja ta' vetturi bil-mutur ***III (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar il-proġett komuni, approvat mill-kumitat ta' konċiljazzjoni, tad-Direttiva tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill dwar emissjonijiet minn sistemi ta' kondizzjonament ta' l-arja ta' vetturi bil-mutur, li temenda d-Direttiva tal-Kunsill 70/156/KEE [PE-CONS 3605/2006 — C6-0066/2006 — 2003/0189B (COD)] — Delegazzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew għall-Kumitat ta' Konċiljazzjoni
Rapporteur: Avril Doyle (A6-0090/2006)
Tkellmet Avril Doyle (rapporteur), li talbet li l-votazzjoni tiġi posposta bi qbil ma' l-Artikolu 170(4) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura.
Il-Parlament approva din t-talba.
5.5. Programm “Ċittadini għall-Ewropa” (2007-2013) ***I (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar il-proposta għal deċiżjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill li tistabbilixxi għall-perjodu 2007-2013 il-programm “Ċittadini għall-Ewropa” għall-inkoraġġiment ta' ċittadinanza Ewropea attiva [COM(2005)0116 — C6-0101/2005 — 2005/0041(COD)] — Kumitat għall-Kultura u l-Edukazzjoni.
Rapporteur: Hannu Takkula (A6-0076/2006)
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultat tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 3)
Approvazzjoni bl-emendi (P6_TA(2006)0127)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0127)
Interventi qabel il-votazzjoni:
— |
Hannu Takkula (rapporteur) u Nikolaos Sifunakis dwar l-emendi li tressqu minnu flimkien ma' Membri oħra. |
5.6. Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura (2007 sa 2019) ***I (votazzjoni)
Rapport Proposta għal Deċiżjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill li tistabbilixxi azzjoni komunitarja favur l-avveniment “Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura” għas-snin 2007 sa 2019 [COM(2005)0209 — C6-0157/2005 — 2005/0102(COD)] — Kumitat għall-Kultura u l-Edukazzjoni.
Rapporteur: Christa Prets (A6-0061/2006)
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultat tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 4)
Approvazzjoni bl-emendi (P6_TA(2006)0128)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0128)
5.7. Arranġamenti ta' tranżizzjoni li jirrestrinġu l-moviment ħieles ta' ħaddiema fis-swieq tax-xogħol ta' l-UE (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar l-arranġamenti ta' tranżizzjoni li jirrestrinġu l-moviment ħieles ta' ħaddiema fis-swieq taxxogħol ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea [2006/2036(INI)] — Kumitat għall-Impjiegi u l-Affarijiet Soċjali.
Rapporteur: Csaba Őry (A6-0069/2006)
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultat tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 5)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0129)
6. Seduta formali — Malta
Minn 12.00 sa 12.30 saret seduta formali tal-Parlament fl-okkażjoni taż-żjara tal-President ta' Malta, Edward Fenech-Adami.
7. Spjegazzjonijiet tal-vot
Spjegazzjonijiet tal-vot bil-miktub:
L-ispjegazzjonijiet tal-vot li tressqu skond l-Artikolu 163(3) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura jidhru fir-rapport verbatim ta' din is-seduta.
Spjegazzjonijiet tal-vot orali:
Rapport Martine Roure — A6-0064/2006
— |
Hubert Pirker |
Rapport Hannu Takkula — A6-0076/2006
— |
Philip Claeys |
Rapport Christa Prets — A6-0079/2006
— |
John Attard-Montalto |
Rapport Csaba Őry — A6-0069/2006
— |
Hubert Pirker f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Oldřich Vlasák, Zita Pleštinská, Andreas Mölzer, Hynek Fajmon u Milan Cabrnoch |
8. Korrezzjonijiet u intenzjonijiet għall-vot
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot:
Il-korrezzjonijiet tal-vot jidhru fil-websajt “Séance en direct”“Résultats des votes (appels nominaux) / Results of votes (roll-call votes)” u fil-verżjoni stampata ta' l-anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet b'sejħa ta' l-Ismijiet”.
Il-verżjoni elettronika fuq il-Europarl tiġi aġġornata regolarment sa ta' l-anqas ġimagħtejn wara l-ġurnata talvotazzjoni.
Wara li tgħaddi din l-iskadenza l-korrezzjonijiet tal-vot jiġu ffinalizzati sabiex isiru t-traduzzjonijiet u lpubblikazzjoni fil-Ġurnal Uffiċjali
— |
Mario Mauro li kien fuq missjoni uffiċjali f'isem il-President biex jilqa' lill-President Malti, minħabba f'hekk ma rnexxilux jipparteċipa fl-ewwel votazzjoni. |
(Ħin li fih ġiet sospiża s-seduta: 12.50 Ħin li fih tkompliet is-seduta: 15.05.)
9. Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti tas-seduta ta' qabel
Intenzjonijiet għall-vot:
Rapport Anne Laperrouze — A6-0071/2006
— |
emenda 6 favur: Dan Jørgensen |
Il-Minuti tas-seduta ta' qabel ġew approvati.
* *
Data tas-seduta: 23.03.2006
Pervenche Berès għarrfet li hija kienet preżenti għas-seduta tal-23.03.2006 iżda isimha ma kienx imniżżel fir-reġistru ta' l-attendenza.
10. Sitwazzjoni fil-Lvant Nofsani wara l-elezzjonijiet fl-Iżrael (dibattitu)
Dikjarazzjoni tar-Rappreżentant Għoli għall-Affarjiet Barranin u tas-Sigurtà Komuni u stqarrija tal-Kummissjoni: Sitwazzjoni fil-Lvant Nofsani wara l-elezzjonijiet fl-Iżrael
Javier Solana (Rappreżentant Għoli għall-PESC) u Benita Ferrero-Waldner (Membru tal-Kummissjoni) għamlu d-dikjarazzjonijiet.
Tkellmu: José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Véronique De Keyser f'isem il-grupp PSE, Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Daniel Cohn-Bendit f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Francis Wurtz f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, Bastiaan Belder f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM, Philip Claeys Membru mhux affiljat, Elmar Brok (Chairman tal-Kumitat AFET), Emilio Menéndez del Valle, Hannu Takkula, Adamos Adamou, Gerard Batten, Jan Tadeusz Masiel u Hannes Swoboda.
Viċi President
Tkellmu: Sajjad Karim, Luisa Morgantini, Mario Borghezio, James Hugh Allister, Monika Beňová, Panagiotis Beglitis, Richard Howitt, Edith Mastenbroek, Pierre Schapira, Benita Ferrero-Waldner u Javier Solana.
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
11. Elezzjonijiet fil-Belarus (dibattitu)
Dikjarazzjonjiet tal-Kunsill u tal-Kummissjoni: Elezzjonijiet fil-Belarus
Hans Winkler (President fil-kariga tal-Kunsill) u Benita Ferrero-Waldner (Membru tal-Kummissjoni) għamlu d-dikjarazzjonijiet.
Tkellmu: Bogdan Klich f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Jan Marinus Wiersma f'isem il-grupp PSE, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Elisabeth Schroedter f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Jonas Sjöstedt f'isem ilgrupp GUE/NGL, Konrad Szymański f'isem il-grupp UEN, Jan Tadeusz Masiel Membru mhux affiljat, Camiel Eurlings, Monika Beňová, Janusz Onyszkiewicz, Vytautas Landsbergis, Joseph Muscat, Árpád Duka-Zólyomi, Aloyzas Sakalas, Barbara Kudrycka, Hans Winkler u Benita Ferrero-Waldner.
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni biex jiġi konkluż id-dibattitu skond l-Artikolu 103 (2) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura:
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Jan Marinus Wiersma u Joseph Muscat f'isem il-grupp PSE, dwar l-elezzjonijiet presidenzjali fil-Belarus (B6-0234/2006); |
— |
Konrad Szymański, Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka u Rolandas Pavilionis f'isem il-grupp UEN, dwar is-sitwazzjoni fil-Belarus (B6-0239/2006); |
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Bogdan Klich, Elmar Brok, Camiel Eurlings, Árpád Duka-Zólyomi, Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Aldis Kušķis, Barbara Kudrycka, Vytautas Landsbergis, Jacek Emil Saryusz-Wolski u Charles Tannock f'isem ilgrupp PPE-DE, dwar is-sitwazzjoni fil-Belarus wara l-elezzjonijiet presidenzjali tad-19 ta' Marzu (B6-0242/2006); |
— |
Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Anne E. Jensen u Janusz Onyszkiewicz f'isem il-grupp ALDE, dwar is-sitwazzjoni fil-Belarus wara l-elezzjonijiet presidenzjali tad-19 ta' Marzu (B6-0243/2006); |
— |
Jonas Sjöstedt, Gabriele Zimmer u Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, dwar l-elezzjonijiet presidenzjali fil-Belarus (B6-0246/2006); |
— |
Elisabeth Schroedter, Marie Anne Isler Béguin u Milan Horáček f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, dwar l-elezzjonijiet presidenzjali fil-Belarus (B6-0248/2006). |
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
Votazzjoni: punt 6.8 tal-Minuti ta' 06.04.2006.
Viċi President
12. Elezzjonijiet fl-Ukraina (dibattitu)
Dikjarazzjonjiet tal-Kunsill u tal-Kummissjoni: Elezzjonijiet fl-Ukraina
Hans Winkler (President fil-kariga tal-Kunsill) u Benita Ferrero-Waldner (Membru tal-Kummissjoni) għamlu d-dikjarazzjonijiet.
Tkellmu: Charles Tannock f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Marek Siwiec f'isem il-grupp PSE, Šarūnas Birutis f'isem ilgrupp ALDE, Rebecca Harms f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Michał Tomasz Kamiński f'isem il-grupp UEN, Jerzy Buzek, Thijs Berman, Grażyna Staniszewska, Inese Vaidere, Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Hans Winkler u Benita Ferrero-Waldner.
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni biex jiġi konkluż id-dibattitu skond l-Artikolu 103 (2) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura:
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Jan Marinus Wiersma, Marek Siwiec, Thijs Berman u Marianne Mikko f'isem il-grupp PSE, dwar l-elezzjonijiet leġiżlattivi fl-Ukrajna (B6-0235/2006); |
— |
Charles Tannock, Elmar Brok, Iles Braghetto, Christopher Beazley, Jerzy Buzek, Bogdan Klich, Aldis Kušķis, Marcello Vernola, Zbigniew Zaleski, Tadeusz Zwiefka u Rihards Pīks f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, dwar is-sitwazzjoni fl-Ukrajna wara l-elezzjonijiet tas-26 ta' Marzu 2006 (B6-0240/2006); |
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Grażyna Staniszewska u Šarūnas Birutis f'isem il-grupp ALDE, dwar ir-riżultat ta' l-elezzjonijiet leġiżlattivi fl-Ukrajna (B6-0244/2006); |
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Helmuth Markov u Esko Seppänen f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, dwar l-elezzjonijiet fl-Ukrajna (B6-0245/2006); |
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Rebecca Harms u Milan Horáček f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, dwar l-elezzjonijiet leġiżlattivi fl-Ukrajna (B6-0247/2006); |
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Guntars Krasts, Inese Vaidere, Zbigniew Krzysztof Kuźmiuk, Michał Tomasz Kamiński u Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka f'isem il-grupp UEN, dwar ir-riżultati ta' l-elezzjonijiet leġiżlattivi fl-Ukrajna (B6-0249/2006). |
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
Votazzjoni: punt 6.9 tal-Minuti ta' 06.04.2006.
13. Miżuri bil-ħsieb li tittejjeb is-sigurtà fuq it-toroq (SAFETY) u miżuri ta' sigurtà fis-settur tat-trasport, u l-finanzjament tagħhom (SECURITY) (dibattitu)
Dikjarazzjonjiet tal-Kunsill u tal-Kummissjoni: Miżuri bil-ħsieb li tittejjeb is-sigurtà fuq it-toroq (SAFETY) u miżuri ta' sigurtà fis-settur tat-trasport, u l-finanzjament tagħhom (SECURITY)
Hubert Gorbach (President fil-kariga tal-Kunsill) u Jacques Barrot (Viċi President tal-Kummissjoni) għamlu ddikjarazzjonijiet.
Tkellmu: Georg Jarzembowski f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Saïd El Khadraoui f'isem il-grupp PSE, u Paolo Costa f'isem il-grupp ALDE.
Viċi President
Tkellmu: Eva Lichtenberger f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Reinhard Rack, Jörg Leichtfried, Hubert Gorbach u Jacques Barrot.
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
14. Ħin tal-mistoqsijiet (mistoqsijiet għall-Kunsill)
Il-Parlament eżamina numru ta' mistoqsijiet lill-Kunsill (B6-0017/2006).
L-ewwel parti
Mistoqsija 1 (Bogusław Sonik): Vjolazzjoni tal-libertà ta' kuxjenza u ta' reliġjon fiċ-Ċina.
Hans Winkler (President fil-kariga tal-Kunsill) wieġeb għall-mistoqsija u għall-mistoqsijiet supplimentari ta' Filip Kaczmarek (sostitut ta' l-awtur), Paulo Casaca u James Hugh Allister.
Mistoqsija 2 (Dimitrios Papadimoulis): Interċezzjonijiet illegali ta' konverżazzjonijiet telefoniċi.
Hans Winkler wieġeb għall-mistoqsija u għall-mistoqsijiet supplimentari ta' Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Justas Vincas Paleckis u Richard Seeber.
Mistoqsija 3 (Panagiotis Beglitis): Il-filosofija ġdida dwar sigurtà nazzjonali tat-Turkija u l-protokoll għallunjoni tad-dwana bejn l-UE u t-Turkija.
Hans Winkler wieġeb għall-mistoqsija u għall-mistoqsijiet supplimentari ta' Panagiotis Beglitis u Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou.
Mistoqsija 4 (Paulo Casaca): Persekuzzjoni tad-difensur tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem, is-Sur Muhamad Mugraby.
Hans Winkler wieġeb għall-mistoqsija u għall-mistoqsijiet supplimentari ta' Paulo Casaca u Panagiotis Beglitis.
Mistoqsija 5 (Georgios Toussas): Vjolazzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem fi Guantanamo.
Hans Winkler wieġeb għall-mistoqsija u għall-mistoqsijiet supplimentari ta' Athanasios Pafilis (sostitut ta' lawtur), Elizabeth Lynne u Piia-Noora Kauppi.
It-tieni parti
Mistoqsija 6 (Robert Evans): Kumpens għall-passiġġieri.
Mistoqsija 7 (Eoin Ryan): Drittijiet tal-passiġġieri bl-ajru.
Hubert Gorbach (President fil-kariga tal-Kunsill) wieġeb għall-mistoqsija u għall-mistoqsijiet supplimentari ta' Robert Evans, Paul Rübig, Reinhard Rack u Elizabeth Lynne.
Mistoqsija 8 (Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou): Iffinanzjar tan-netwerks transewropej ta' trasport.
Mistoqsija 9 (Bernd Posselt): “Euromagistrale” u mina bażi ta' Brenner.
Mistoqsija 10 (Stanisław Jałowiecki): Twettiq tal-proċetti RTE-T.
Hubert Gorbach wieġeb għall-mistoqsija u għall-mistoqsijiet supplimentari ta' Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Bernd Posselt, Stanisław Jałowiecki, Paul Rübig, Piia-Noora Kauppi u Othmar Karas.
Tkellmu: Manolis Mavrommatis u Gay Mitchell dwar l-organizzazzjoni tal-ħin għall-mistoqsijiet.
Il-mistoqsijiet li ma kinux twieġbu minħabba nuqqas ta' ħin se jingħataw tweġibiet bil-miktub aktar 'il quddiem (ara l-Anness tar-Rapporti Verbatim tad-Dibattiti)
Il-ħin tal-mistoqsijiet imħolli għall-Kunsill intemm.
(Ħin li fih ġiet sospiża s-seduta: 20.05 Ħin li fih tkompliet is-seduta: 21.00.)
Viċi President
15. Jum dinji tas-saħħa (dibattitu)
Dikjarazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni: Jum dinji tas-saħħa
Mariann Fischer Boel (Membru tal-Kummissjoni) għamel dikjarazzjoni.
Tkellmu: John Bowis f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Margrietus van den Berg f'isem il-grupp PSE, Fiona Hall f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Marie-Hélène Aubert f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Ilda Figueiredo f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, Kathy Sinnott f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM, Irena Belohorská Membru mhux affiljata, Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Glenys Kinnock, Marios Matsakis, Hiltrud Breyer, Gabriele Zimmer, Urszula Krupa, Jan Tadeusz Masiel, Françoise Grossetête, Karin Scheele, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Péter Olajos, Antonios Trakatellis, Thomas Ulmer, Eija-Riitta Korhola, Lívia Járóka, Mairead McGuinness u Mariann Fischer Boel.
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni biex jiġi konkluż id-dibattitu skond l-Artikolu 103 (2) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura:
— |
Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis u Eoin Ryan f'isem il-grupp UEN, dwar il-Jum Dinji tas-Saħħa (B6-0228/2006); |
— |
John Bowis, Anders Wijkman u Eija-Riitta Korhola f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, dwar il-Jum Dinji tas-Saħħa (B6-0231/2006); |
— |
Marie-Hélène Aubert, Margrete Auken, Frithjof Schmidt u Carl Schlyter f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, dwar il-Jum Dinji tas-Saħħa (B6-0232/2006); |
— |
Luisa Morgantini, Gabriele Zimmer, Adamos Adamou, Vittorio Agnoletto u Ilda Figueiredo f'isem ilgrupp GUE/NGL, dwar il-Jum Dinji tas-Saħħa (B6-0233/2006); |
— |
Fiona Hall, Thierry Cornillet u Marios Matsakis f'isem il-grupp ALDE, dwar il-Jum Dinji tas-Saħħa (B6-0236/2006); |
— |
Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez, Glenys Kinnock u Margrietus van den Berg f'isem il-grupp PSE, dwar il-Jum Dinji tas-Saħħa (B6-0238/2006). |
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
Votazzjoni: punt 6.10 tal-Minuti ta' 06.04.2006.
16. Miżuri eċċezzjonali għall-appoġġ tas-suq (settur tat-tjur) * (dibattitu)
Proposta għal Regolament tal-Kunsill li jemenda r-Regolamenti (KEE) Nru. 2771/75 u (KEE) Nru. 2777/75, fir-rigward ta' l-applikazzjoni ta' miżuri eċċezzjonali ta' sostenn għas-suq [COM(2006)0153 — C6-0111/2006 — 2006/0055(CNS)] — Kumitat għall-Biedja u l-Iżvilupp Rurali.
Tkellem Mariann Fischer Boel (Membru tal-Kummissjoni).
Tkellmu: Neil Parish f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Katerina Batzeli f'isem il-grupp PSE, Ilda Figueiredo f'isem ilgrupp GUE/NGL, Jeffrey Titford f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM, Janusz Wojciechowski f'isem il-grupp UEN, Joseph Daul, Rosa Miguélez Ramos, Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański, Czesław Adam Siekierski, Stéphane Le Foll, Mairead McGuinness, Bogdan Golik, Esther Herranz García, Marc Tarabella, Albert Jan Maat, Thijs Berman, Csaba Sándor Tabajdi u Mariann Fischer Boel.
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
Votazzjoni: punt 6.3 tal-Minuti ta' 06.04.2006.
17. Aġenda għas-seduta li jmiss
L-aġenda tas-sessjoni ta' l-għada ġiet iffinalizzata (dokument “Aġenda” PE 371.666/OJJE).
18. Għeluq tas-seduta
Ħin li fih ingħalqet is-seduta: 23.20.
Julian Priestley
Segretarju Ġenerali
Alejo Vidal-Quadras
Adamou, Agnoletto, Albertini, Allister, Alvaro, Andersson, Andrejevs, Andria, Andrikienė, Angelilli, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Ashworth, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Attwooll, Aubert, Audy, Auken, Ayala Sender, Aylward, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Barsi-Pataky, Batten, Battilocchio, Batzeli, Bauer, Beaupuy, Beazley, Beer, Beglitis, Belder, Belet, Belohorská, Bennahmias, Beňová, Berend, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlato, Berman, Bielan, Birutis, Blokland, Bobošíková, Böge, Bösch, Bonde, Bono, Booth, Borghezio, Borrell Fontelles, Bourlanges, Bourzai, Bowis, Bowles, Bozkurt, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Breyer, Březina, Brie, Brok, Budreikaitė, van Buitenen, Buitenweg, Bullmann, van den Burg, Bushill-Matthews, Busk, Busquin, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Calabuig Rull, Callanan, Camre, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carlshamre, Carnero González, Casa, Casaca, Cashman, Caspary, Castex, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Catania, Cavada, Cederschiöld, Cercas, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Chmielewski, Christensen, Chruszcz, Claeys, Clark, Cocilovo, Coelho, Cohn-Bendit, Corbett, Corbey, Cornillet, Correia, Costa, Cottigny, Coûteaux, Coveney, Crowley, Marek Aleksander Czarnecki, Ryszard Czarnecki, Daul, Davies, de Brún, Degutis, Dehaene, De Keyser, Deprez, De Rossa, De Sarnez, Descamps, Désir, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, De Vits, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dičkutė, Didžiokas, Díez González, Dillen, Dimitrakopoulos, Dobolyi, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Douay, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Dührkop Dührkop, Duff, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Ek, El Khadraoui, Elles, Esteves, Estrela, Ettl, Eurlings, Jill Evans, Jonathan Evans, Robert Evans, Fajmon, Falbr, Farage, Fava, Fazakas, Ferber, Fernandes, Fernández Martín, Anne Ferreira, Elisa Ferreira, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Flautre, Florenz, Foltyn-Kubicka, Ford, Fourtou, Fraga Estévez, Frassoni, Freitas, Friedrich, Fruteau, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, García Pérez, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gebhardt, Gentvilas, Geremek, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gewalt, Gibault, Gierek, Giertych, Gill, Gklavakis, Glante, Glattfelder, Goebbels, Goepel, Golik, Gollnisch, Gomes, Gomolka, Goudin, Grabowska, Graça Moura, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grech, Gröner, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Groote, Grosch, Grossetête, Gruber, Guardans Cambó, Guellec, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Gurmai, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Guy-Quint, Gyürk, Hänsch, Hall, Hammerstein Mintz, Hamon, Handzlik, Hannan, Harangozó, Harbour, Harkin, Harms, Hasse Ferreira, Hassi, Hatzidakis, Haug, Hazan, Heaton-Harris, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Helmer, Henin, Hennicot-Schoepges, Hennis-Plasschaert, Herczog, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Honeyball, Hoppenstedt, Horáček, Howitt, Hudacký, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ibrisagic, Ilves, in 't Veld, Isler Béguin, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Janowski, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jensen, Joan i Marí, Jöns, Jørgensen, Jonckheer, Jordan Cizelj, Kacin, Kaczmarek, Kallenbach, Kamall, Kamiński, Karas, Karatzaferis, Karim, Kasoulides, Kaufmann, Kauppi, Tunne Kelam, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Klinz, Knapman, Koch, Koch-Mehrin, Kohlíček, Konrad, Korhola, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Kozlík, Krahmer, Krarup, Krasts, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kristovskis, Krupa, Kuc, Kudrycka, Kuhne, Kułakowski, Kušķis, Kusstatscher, Kuźmiuk, Lagendijk, Laignel, Lamassoure, Lambert, Lambrinidis, Lambsdorff, Landsbergis, Lang, Langen, Langendries, Laperrouze, La Russa, Lauk, Lax, Lechner, Le Foll, Lehideux, Lehne, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Le Rachinel, Lévai, Lewandowski, Liberadzki, Libicki, Lichtenberger, Lienemann, Liese, Lipietz, López-Istúriz White, Louis, Lucas, Ludford, Lulling, Lundgren, Lynne, Maat, Maaten, McAvan, McCarthy, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Madeira, Malmström, Manders, Maňka, Erika Mann, Thomas Mann, Manolakou, Markov, Marques, Martens, David Martin, Hans-Peter Martin, Martinez, Martínez Martínez, Masiel, Masip Hidalgo, Maštálka, Mastenbroek, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsakis, Matsis, Matsouka, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Medina Ortega, Meijer, Méndez de Vigo, Menéndez del Valle, Meyer Pleite, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Mölzer, Montoro Romero, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Morgantini, Morillon, Moscovici, Mote, Mulder, Musacchio, Muscardini, Muscat, Musotto, Myller, Napoletano, Nassauer, Nattrass, Navarro, Newton Dunn, Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Özdemir, Olajos, Olbrycht, Ó Neachtain, Onesta, Onyszkiewicz, Oomen-Ruijten, Ortuondo Larrea, Őry, Ouzký, Oviir, Paasilinna, Pack, Pafilis, Pahor, Paleckis, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Panzeri, Papadimoulis, Papastamkos, Parish, Patrie, Peillon, Pęk, Alojz Peterle, Pflüger, Piecyk, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pinior, Piotrowski, Pirilli, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Pleštinská, Podestà, Podkański, Poettering, Poignant, Polfer, Pomés Ruiz, Posselt, Prets, Prodi, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Ransdorf, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Remek, Resetarits, Reul, Reynaud, Ribeiro e Castro, Riera Madurell, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Rivera, Rogalski, Roithová, Romeva i Rueda, Rosati, Roszkowski, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Rübig, Rühle, Rutowicz, Ryan, Sacconi, Saïfi, Sakalas, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Salinas García, Salvini, Samaras, Samuelsen, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Saryusz-Wolski, Savary, Savi, Schapira, Scheele, Schenardi, Schierhuber, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schroedter, Schulz, Schuth, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Segelström, Seppänen, Siekierski, Sifunakis, Silva Peneda, Sinnott, Siwiec, Sjöstedt, Skinner, Škottová, Smith, Sommer, Sonik, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Spautz, Speroni, Staes, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Šťastný, Stauner, Sterckx, Stevenson, Stockmann, Strejček, Strož, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Svensson, Swoboda, Szájer, Szymański, Tabajdi, Takkula, Tannock, Tarabella, Tarand, Tatarella, Thomsen, Thyssen, Titford, Titley, Toia, Tomczak, Toubon, Toussas, Trakatellis, Trautmann, Triantaphyllides, Trüpel, Turmes, Tzampazi, Uca, Ulmer, Väyrynen, Vaidere, Vakalis, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Vanhecke, Van Hecke, Van Lancker, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vaugrenard, Ventre, Verges, Vergnaud, Vidal-Quadras, de Villiers, Vincenzi, Virrankoski, Vlasák, Vlasto, Voggenhuber, Wallis, Walter, Watson, Henri Weber, Manfred Weber, Weiler, Weisgerber, Westlund, Wieland, Wiersma, Wijkman, Willmott, Wise, von Wogau, Bernard Piotr Wojciechowski, Janusz Wojciechowski, Wortmann-Kool, Wurtz, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zapałowski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Ždanoka, Železný, Zieleniec, Zimmer, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
Anastase Roberta Alma, Arabadjiev Alexander, Athanasiu Alexandru, Bărbuleţiu Tiberiu, Bliznashki Georgi, Buruiană Aprodu Daniela, Ciornei Silvia, Cioroianu Adrian Mihai, Corlăţean Titus, Coşea Dumitru Gheorghe Mircea, Creţu Gabriela, Dimitrov Martin, Dîncu Vasile, Duca Viorel, Ganţ Ovidiu Victor, Hogea Vlad Gabriel, Husmenova Filiz, Iacob Ridzi Monica Maria, Ilchev Stanimir, Ivanova Iglika, Kazak Tchetin, Kelemen Atilla Béla Ladislau, Kirilov Evgeni, Kónya-Hamar Sándor, Marinescu Marian-Jean, Mihăescu Eugen, Morţun Alexandru Ioan, Muscă Monica Octavia, Nicolae Şerban, Paparizov Atanas Atanassov, Parvanova Antonyia, Paşcu Ioan Mircea, Petre Maria, Podgorean Radu, Popa Nicolae Vlad, Popeangă Petre, Severin Adrian, Shouleva Lydia, Silaghi Ovidiu Ioan, Sofianski Stefan, Stoyanov Dimitar, Szabó Károly Ferenc, Tîrle Radu, Vigenin Kristian
Abbrevjazzjonijiet u simboli
+ |
adottat |
- |
irrifjutat/a |
skadut/a |
Ir |
irtirat/a |
VSI (..., ..., ...) |
votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet (favur, kontra, astenew) |
VE (..., ..., ...) |
votazzjoni elettronika (favur, kontra, astenew) |
Vmaq |
votazzjoni maqsuma |
Vsep |
votazzjoni separata |
em |
emenda |
EmK |
emenda ta' kompromess |
PK |
parti korrispondenti |
EmT |
emenda li tħassar |
= |
emendi identiċi |
§ |
paragrafu |
Art |
Artikolu |
Pre |
premessa |
mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni |
mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni konġunta |
votazzjoni sigrieta |
1. Kalendarju 2007
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI /VE — rimarki |
Sessjoni parzjali ta' 4 ijiem f'Lulju |
1 |
VE |
+ |
310, 257, 39 Titmexxa mill-ġimgħa 27 għat-28 |
2. Użu komuni ta' l-uffiċjali tal-kollegamenti maħtura barra l-pajjiż mill-aġenziji għall-infurzar tal-liġi ta' l-Istati Membri *
Rapport: Martine ROURE (A6-0064/2006)
Suġġett |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI /VE — rimarki |
votazzjoni unika |
+ |
Peress li l-emenda 14 ma tikkonċernax il-verżjonijiet lingwistiċi kollha ma tressqitx għall-votazzjoni (Artikolu 151 (1)(d) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura).
3. Programm “Ċittadini għall-Ewropa” (2007-2013) ***I
Rapport:Hannu TAKKULA (A6-0076/2006)
Suġġett |
Em Nr |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI /VE — rimarki |
Emendi mill-kumitat responsabbli — votazzjoni blokk |
1 3-28 31-35 37-41 43 45-47 49 51-53 |
kumitat |
+ |
Emendi mill-kumitat responsabbli — voti separati |
36 |
kumitat |
Vmaq/VSI |
1 |
+ |
533, 84, 6 |
2 |
- |
301, 315, 5 |
42 |
kumitat |
+ |
534, 68, 21 |
48 |
kumitat |
Vsep |
+ |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Artikolu 3, § 1, Wara punt c) |
54 |
VE |
- |
251, 361, 5 |
29 |
kumitat |
+ |
62 |
- |
257, 333, 21 |
Artikolu 5 |
30 |
kumitat |
Vmaq |
1 |
+ |
2 |
+ |
57 |
- |
Anness, parti I, azzjoni 1, § 1 |
58 |
- |
Anness, parti I, azzjoni 1, “Ġemellaġġ bejn l-ibliet'§ 2” |
§ |
test oriġinali |
+ |
Anness, parti I, azzjoni 2, § 2 |
60 |
PPE-DE, PSE, Verts/ALE |
+ |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Anness, parti I, azzjoni 2, § 4 |
61 |
PPE-DE, PSE, Verts/ALE |
+ |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Anness, parti I, azzjoni 2, § 5 |
44 |
kumitat |
+ |
59 |
- |
Anness, parti I, azzjoni 3, § 1 |
55 |
- |
50 |
kumitat |
+ |
63 |
- |
261, 331, 26 |
pre 1 |
2 |
kumitat |
+ |
56 |
- |
votazzjoni: proposta emendata |
+ |
475, 92, 55 |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva |
+ |
473, 92, 51 |
L-emenda 56 tħassret.
Talbiet għal votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet
IND/DEM: emi 36, 42, proposta modifikata u votazzjoni finali
GUE/NGL: emi 62 u 63
Talbiet għal votazzjoni maqsuma
em 30
L-ewwel parti: It-test kollu mingħajr il-kliem “bħall-Moviment Ewropew”
It-tieni parti: dawn il-kliem
em 36
L-ewwel parti: It-test kollu mingħajr il-kliem “minimu ta'”
It-tieni parti: dawn il-kliem
Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata
ALDE test oriġinali ta' l-anness, parti I, azzjoni 1, “Ġemellaġġ bejn l-ibliet'§ 2”
4. Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura (2007 sa 2019) ***I
Rapport: Christa PRETS (A6-0061/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI /VE — rimarki |
Emendi mill-kumitat responsabbli — votazzjoni blokk |
1-34 |
kumitat |
+ |
votazzjoni: proposta emendata |
+ |
588, 20, 18 |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva |
+ |
584, 19, 22 |
Talbiet għal votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet
IND/DEM: Emenda proposta+ votazzjoni finali
5. Arranġamenti ta' tranżizzjoni li jirrestrinġu l-moviment ħieles ta' ħaddiema fis-swieq tax-xogħol ta' l-UE
Rapport: Csaba ŐRY (A6-0069/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI /VE — rimarki |
§ 1 |
2 |
VE |
- |
233, 363, 19 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
wara l-§ 1 |
3 |
VE |
+ |
312, 272, 33 |
§ 2 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 3 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vmaq |
1 |
+ |
2 |
+ |
§ 5 |
8/rev |
ETTL ea |
- |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 6 |
4 |
+ |
ċitazzjoni 5 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
Wara pre A |
9 |
- |
201, 398, 25 |
10 |
- |
161, 448, 7 |
Premessa K |
1 |
+ |
Premessa P |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
Premessa Q |
7 |
ETTL ea |
- |
Premessa S |
5 |
MANN ea |
VE |
- |
262, 302, 43 |
wara Pre T |
6 |
Verts/ALE |
- |
Premessa X |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
+ |
Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata
Erika Mann ea: §§ 1, 2, 5, inċiż 5, pre P u X
Talbiet għal votazzjoni maqsuma
§ 3
l-1 parti:“Jistieden lill-Istati Membi ... r-regola tal-preferenza”
it-2 parti:“sabiex meta post ... pajjiżi terzi”
Talbiet għal votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet
GUE/NGL: emi 9 u 10
1. Rapport Takkula A6-0076/2006
Emenda 36/1
Favur: 533
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Costa, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in 't Veld, Jensen, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Polfer, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Markov, Maštálka, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Strož, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Verges, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Karatzaferis, Sinnott
NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Masiel, Rivera
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Belet, Berend, Böge, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Esteves, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Quisthoudt Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stubb, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 84
GUE/NGL: Krarup, Manolakou, Pafilis, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Svensson, Toussas
IND/DEM: Batten, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Goudin, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Salvini, Speroni, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mölzer, Mote, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Bradbourn, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Deva, Dover, Duchoň, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Jackson, Kamall, Kirkhope, McMillan-Scott, Nicholson, Ouzký, Parish, Purvis, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Tannock, Van Orden, Vlasák, Zahradil, Zvěřina
UEN: Camre, Kamiński
Verts/ALE: Lucas, Schlyter
Astensjonijiet: 6
GUE/NGL: Meijer
NI: Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Kozlík
PPE-DE: Bowis
PSE: Hedh
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
2. Rapport Takkula A6-0076/2006
Emenda 36/2
Favur: 301
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Costa, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in 't Veld, Jensen, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Polfer, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Markov, Maštálka, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Strož, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Verges, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Karatzaferis
NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Rivera, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Brepoels, Galeote Quecedo, Vatanen
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedkvist Petersen, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Voggenhuber
Kontra: 315
GUE/NGL: Krarup, Manolakou, Meijer, Pafilis, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Svensson, Toussas
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Farage, Goudin, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Salvini, Sinnott, Speroni, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Pen Jean- Marie, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Masiel, Mölzer, Mote, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
UEN: Kamiński
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Ždanoka
Astensjonijiet: 5
NI: Kozlík
PSE: Hedh
UEN: Camre
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
3. Rapport Takkula A6-0076/2006
Emenda 42
Favur: 534
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Costa, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in 't Veld, Jensen, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Polfer, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Verges, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Karatzaferis
NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Masiel, Mölzer, Rivera, Rutowicz, Schenardi
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Esteves, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Florenz, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Seeber, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stubb, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Breyer, Buitenweg, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 68
ALDE: Malmström
GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Goudin, Knapman, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Salvini, Sinnott, Speroni, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Helmer, Mote
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Bradbourn, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Deva, Dover, Duchoň, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Jackson, Kamall, Kirkhope, McMillan-Scott, Nicholson, Ouzký, Parish, Pieper, Purvis, Roithová, Seeberg, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sumberg, Tannock, Van Orden, Vlasák, Zahradil, Zvěřina
UEN: Camre, Kamiński
Verts/ALE: Schlyter
Astensjonijiet: 21
GUE/NGL: Krarup, Sjöstedt
IND/DEM: Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Zapałowski
NI: Chruszcz, Claeys, Dillen, Giertych, Kozlík, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Cederschiöld, Fjellner, Hökmark, Ibrisagic
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen, Lucas
4. Rapport Takkula A6-0076/2006
Emenda 62
Favur: 257
ALDE: Andrejevs, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cavada, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Costa, Davies, Duff, Ek, Gentvilas, Geremek, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in 't Veld, Jensen, Kacin, Maaten, Malmström, Matsakis, Newton Dunn, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Ortuondo Larrea, Polfer, Prodi, Riis-Jørgensen, Sterckx, Toia, Watson
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Verges, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Zapałowski
NI: Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Giertych, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Demetriou, Dimitrakopoulos, Hatzidakis, Kasoulides, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Matsis, Mavrommatis, Novak, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Samaras, Seeberg, Trakatellis, Vakalis, Varvitsiotis
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, van den Berg, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Jørgensen, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Stockmann, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn
UEN: Camre
Verts/ALE: Frassoni, Hammerstein Mintz, Joan i Marí, Lucas, Romeva i Rueda, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Ždanoka
Kontra: 333
ALDE: Alvaro, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bourlanges, Chatzimarkakis, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Fourtou, Gibault, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Ludford, Lynne, Manders, Morillon, Mulder, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Oviir, Resetarits, Ries, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Booth, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Goudin, Knapman, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Salvini, Sinnott, Titford, de Villiers, Wise, Železný
NI: Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Helmer, Masiel, Mölzer, Rutowicz, Vanhecke
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gawronski, Gewalt, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Mauro, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Saryusz-Wolski, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Ulmer, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Vatanen, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Berger, Dobolyi, Ilves, Jöns, Kindermann, Krehl, Mikko, Paasilinna, Prets, Rosati, Tarand
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Auken, Beer, Breyer, Buitenweg, Evans Jillian, Flautre, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lipietz, Özdemir, Onesta, Rühle, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber
Astensjonijiet: 21
GUE/NGL: Krarup, Manolakou, Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Bonde, Borghezio, Speroni
NI: Allister, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mote, Rivera
PPE-DE: Gklavakis
PSE: Gill, Gurmai, Koterec
UEN: Kamiński, Krasts
Verts/ALE: Aubert, van Buitenen, Lichtenberger
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Favur: Elizabeth Lynne
5. Rapport Takkula A6-0076/2006
Emenda 63
Favur: 261
ALDE: Andrejevs, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Costa, Davies, Duff, Ek, Gentvilas, Geremek, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in 't Veld, Kacin, Maaten, Malmström, Matsakis, Newton Dunn, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Ortuondo Larrea, Prodi, Riis-Jørgensen, Sterckx, Toia, Watson
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Verges, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Coûteaux, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, de Villiers, Zapałowski
NI: Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Giertych, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Demetriou, Dimitrakopoulos, Hatzidakis, Kasoulides, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Matsis, Mavrommatis, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Samaras, Seeberg, Trakatellis, Vakalis, Varvitsiotis
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, Berès, van den Berg, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Jørgensen, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Stockmann, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn
UEN: Camre
Verts/ALE: Frassoni, Hammerstein Mintz, Joan i Marí, Lucas, Romeva i Rueda, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Ždanoka
Kontra: 331
ALDE: Alvaro, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bourlanges, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Fourtou, Gibault, Jensen, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Ludford, Lynne, Manders, Morillon, Mulder, Oviir, Resetarits, Ries, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Farage, Goudin, Knapman, Lundgren, Nattrass, Salvini, Sinnott, Speroni, Titford, Wise, Železný
NI: Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Helmer, Masiel, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gawronski, Gewalt, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Mauro, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Saryusz-Wolski, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Ulmer, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Vatanen, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Berger, Dobolyi, Ilves, Kindermann, Krehl, Lévai, Mikko, Moraes, Prets, Rosati, Tarand
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Auken, Beer, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jillian, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lipietz, Özdemir, Onesta, Rühle, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber
Astensjonijiet: 26
ALDE: Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Polfer
GUE/NGL: Krarup, Manolakou, Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Bonde
NI: Allister, Belohorská, Claeys, Kozlík, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mölzer, Mote, Rivera, Vanhecke
PPE-DE: Novak
PSE: Gurmai, Herczog, Koterec, Sakalas
Verts/ALE: Aubert, van Buitenen, Flautre, Lichtenberger
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Favur: Elizabeth Lynne
6. Rapport Takkula A6-0076/2006
Proposta Kummissjoni
Favur: 475
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Costa, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in 't Veld, Jensen, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Polfer, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson
GUE/NGL: Verges
IND/DEM: Karatzaferis
NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Kozlík, Masiel, Rivera, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Belet, Berend, Böge, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Esteves, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Florenz, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stubb, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Cashman, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Haug, Hazan, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Morgan, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Breyer, Buitenweg, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Özdemir, Onesta, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber
Kontra: 92
ALDE: Duff
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Henin, Kohlíček, Krarup, Manolakou, Meijer, Pafilis, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Goudin, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Salvini, Sinnott, Speroni, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Chruszcz, Claeys, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mölzer, Mote, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Bradbourn, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Deva, Dover, Duchoň, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Jackson, Kamall, Kirkhope, McMillan-Scott, Mauro, Nicholson, Ouzký, Parish, Purvis, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sumberg, Tannock, Van Orden, Vlasák, Zahradil, Zvěřina
PSE: Correia
Verts/ALE: Schlyter
Astensjonijiet: 55
ALDE: Chiesa
GUE/NGL: Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Kaufmann, Markov, Maštálka, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
NI: Bobošíková
PPE-DE: Cederschiöld, Hökmark, Ibrisagic
PSE: Arif, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Calabuig Rull, Castex, Cercas, Díez González, Dührkop Dührkop, Estrela, García Pérez, Gomes, Gruber, Gurmai, Harangozó, Hedh, Kósáné Kovács, Laignel, Mann Erika, Masip Hidalgo, Moreno Sánchez, Napoletano, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Roth-Behrendt, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco
UEN: Camre
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen, Lucas, Romeva i Rueda, Ždanoka
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Astensjonijiet: María Sornosa Martínez
7. Rapport Takkula A6-0076/2006
Favur: 473
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Costa, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in 't Veld, Jensen, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Polfer, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson
IND/DEM: Karatzaferis
NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Kozlík, Masiel, Rivera, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Belet, Berend, Böge, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Esteves, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Florenz, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stubb, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, De Vits, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Goebbels, Golik, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Morgan, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Reynaud, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Siwiec, Skinner, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Özdemir, Onesta, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber
Kontra: 92
ALDE: Duff
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Flasarová, Henin, Kohlíček, Krarup, Manolakou, Maštálka, Meijer, Pafilis, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Goudin, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Salvini, Sinnott, Speroni, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Chruszcz, Claeys, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mölzer, Mote, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Bradbourn, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Deva, Dover, Duchoň, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Jackson, Kamall, Kirkhope, McMillan-Scott, Nicholson, Ouzký, Parish, Pieper, Purvis, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sumberg, Tannock, Van Orden, Vlasák, Zahradil, Zvěřina
PSE: Correia
UEN: Camre
Verts/ALE: Schlyter
Astensjonijiet: 51
GUE/NGL: Agnoletto, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Kaufmann, Markov, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Verges, Wurtz, Zimmer
NI: Bobošíková
PPE-DE: Cederschiöld, Fjellner, Hökmark, Ibrisagic, Konrad
PSE: Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Calabuig Rull, Cercas, Díez González, Dührkop Dührkop, Ford, García Pérez, Gomes, Gruber, Hedh, Laignel, Mann Erika, Masip Hidalgo, Moreno Sánchez, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Roth-Behrendt, Sifunakis, Sornosa Martínez, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen, Lucas, Romeva i Rueda, Ždanoka
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Astensjonijiet: Edite Estrela
8. Rapport Prets A6-0061/2006
Proposta Kummissjoni
Favur: 588
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Costa, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in 't Veld, Jensen, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Polfer, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Verges, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Coûteaux, Karatzaferis, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, de Villiers, Zapałowski
NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Masiel, Rivera, Rutowicz, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Gurmai, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Moscovici, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 20
GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Batten, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Farage, Goudin, Knapman, Lundgren, Nattrass, Salvini, Speroni, Titford, Wise, Železný
NI: Mote
PPE-DE: Hennicot-Schoepges
Astensjonijiet: 18
GUE/NGL: Krarup
NI: Allister, Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Helmer, Kozlík, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mölzer, Schenardi, Vanhecke
PSE: Attard-Montalto, Muscat
UEN: Camre
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
9. Rapport Prets A6-0061/2006
Favur: 584
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Costa, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in 't Veld, Jensen, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Polfer, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Verges, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Karatzaferis, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, Zapałowski
NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Kozlík, Masiel, Rivera, Rutowicz, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Lewandowski, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Moscovici, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 22
GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Batten, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Farage, Goudin, Knapman, Lundgren, Nattrass, Salvini, Speroni, Titford, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Mote
PPE-DE: Hennicot-Schoepges, Strejček
Astensjonijiet: 19
GUE/NGL: Krarup
IND/DEM: Coûteaux, de Villiers
NI: Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mölzer, Schenardi, Vanhecke
PPE-DE: Kamall
PSE: Attard-Montalto, Muscat
UEN: Camre
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
10. Rapport Őry A6-0069/2006
Emenda 9
Favur: 201
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Costa, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in 't Veld, Jensen, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Polfer, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Krarup, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Verges, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Farage, Goudin, Krupa, Lundgren, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Salvini, Titford, Tomczak, Zapałowski
NI: Chruszcz, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Belet, Dimitrakopoulos, Jałowiecki, Seeberg
PSE: Assis, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Casaca, Cercas, De Vits, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Gomes, Hutchinson, Madeira, Obiols i Germà, Scheele, Siwiec, Tarabella, Van Lancker
UEN: Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Ó Neachtain, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 398
IND/DEM: Sinnott, Železný
NI: Allister, Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Dillen, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Rivera, Rutowicz, Vanhecke
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, Carlotti, Cashman, Castex, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Ferreira Anne, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Grabowska, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Lambrinidis, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, McCarthy, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Moscovici, Napoletano, Navarro, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Reynaud, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarand, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Kamiński
Astensjonijiet: 25
IND/DEM: Coûteaux, Karatzaferis, Louis, de Villiers
NI: Belohorská, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mölzer, Schenardi
PPE-DE: Papastamkos
PSE: Attard-Montalto, van den Burg, Grech, Muscat, Myller
UEN: Krasts, Kristovskis, Muscardini, Pirilli, Vaidere
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Favur: Véronique De Keyser
11. Rapport Őry A6-0069/2006
Emenda 10
Favur: 161
ALDE: Chiesa, Resetarits, Starkevičiūtė
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Krarup, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Verges, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Borghezio, Coûteaux, Goudin, Karatzaferis, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Salvini, Tomczak, de Villiers, Zapałowski
NI: Claeys, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mölzer, Schenardi, Vanhecke
PPE-DE: Cabrnoch, Callanan, Dimitrakopoulos, Duchoň, Fajmon, Škottová, Strejček, Vlasák, Zahradil, Zvěřina
PSE: Arif, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Berès, Bono, Bourzai, Busquin, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Castex, Cottigny, Désir, De Vits, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, Gomes, Grech, Guy-Quint, Hamon, Hazan, Hutchinson, Jørgensen, Laignel, Lienemann, Madeira, Moscovici, Muscat, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Patrie, Peillon, Reynaud, Roure, Savary, Schapira, Siwiec, Tarabella, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vergnaud
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Muscardini, Pirilli
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 448
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Costa, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, in 't Veld, Jensen, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Polfer, Prodi, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson
IND/DEM: Batten, Booth, Clark, Sinnott, Titford, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Rivera, Rutowicz, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arnaoutakis, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bösch, Bozkurt, Bullmann, Calabuig Rull, Cashman, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, De Keyser, De Rossa, Díez González, Dobolyi, Dührkop Dührkop, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Ford, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Goebbels, Golik, Grabowska, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Gurmai, Hänsch, Harangozó, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Ilves, Jöns, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, McCarthy, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Napoletano, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Segelström, Sifunakis, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarand, Titley, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Vaugrenard, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn
UEN: Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz
Astensjonijiet: 7
NI: Belohorská, Kozlík
PPE-DE: Papastamkos
PSE: van den Burg, Myller
UEN: Camre
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Favur: Véronique De Keyser
Kontra: Dan Jørgensen
(1) Għalissa dawn it-testi m'humiex disponibbli bil-Malti.
The common use of liaison officers posted abroad by the law enforcement agencies of the Member States *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the initiative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with a view to the adoption of a Council Decision amending Decision 2003/ 170/JHA on the common use of liaison officers posted abroad by the law enforcement agencies of the Member States (10706/2005 — C6-0255/2005 — 2005/0808 (CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
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having regard to the initiative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (10706/ 2005), |
— |
having regard to Article 34(2)(c) of the EU Treaty, |
— |
having regard to Article 39(1) of the EU Treaty, pursuant to which it was consulted by the Council (C6-0255/2005), |
— |
having regard to Rules 93 and 51 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (A6-0064/ 2006), |
1. |
Approves the initiative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as amended; |
2. |
Calls on the Council to amend the text of the initiative accordingly; |
3. |
Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament; |
4. |
Asks to be consulted again if the Council intends to make substantial amendments to the initiative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; |
5. |
Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission and to the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. |
Amendment 1 |
RECITAL 1A (new) |
(1a) As regards Iceland and Norway, this Decision (with the exception of the first and second paragraphs of Article 1) constitutes a development of the Schengen acquis provisions within the meaning of the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the latters' association with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis (1), which fall within the field referred to in Article 1(H) of Council Decision 1999/437/EC of 17 May 1999 on certain arrangements for the application of that Agreement (2) , |
Amendment 2 |
ARTICLE 1, POINT 1 Article 1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1a (Decision 2003/170/JHA) |
In this Decision, “Europol liaison officer” means a Europol employee, posted abroad to one or more third countries or to international organisations to support and coordinate the cooperation with the authorities in those countries or organisations and Europol by facilitating the exchange of information between them. |
In this Decision, “Europol liaison officer” means a Europol employee, posted abroad to one or more third countries or to international organisations to support and coordinate the cooperation both between the authorities in those countries or organisations and Europol and amongst the liaison officers posted by the Member States' law enforcement agencies to the third country or international organisation to which he is posted, by facilitating the exchange of information between them. |
Amendment 3 |
ARTICLE 1, POINT 2 Article 1, paragraph 2, subparagraph 1a (Decision 2003/170/JHA) |
This Decision is without prejudice to Europol liaison officers' tasks within the framework of the Europol Convention, its implementing arrangements , and cooperation agreements concluded between Europol and the third country or international organisation concerned. |
This Decision is without prejudice to Europol liaison officers' tasks within the framework of the Europol Convention, the arrangements made for its implementation , and cooperation agreements concluded between Europol and the third country or international organisation concerned. |
Amendment 4 |
ARTICLE 1, POINT 2A (new) Article 2, paragraph 1 (Decision 2003/170/JHA) |
Amendment 5 |
ARTICLE 1, POINT 2B (new) Article 2, paragraph 3 (Decision 2003/170/JHA) |
Amendment 6 |
ARTICLE 1, POINT 2C (new) Article 2, paragraph 3a (new) (Decision 2003/170/JHA) |
Amendment 7 |
ARTICLE 1, POINT 3 Article 4, paragraph 1, new sentence (Decision 2003/170/JHA) |
Such meetings may also be held at the initiative of any other Member State and especially of those Member States acting as a “lead nation” for the EU cooperation in a particular country or region. |
Such meetings may also be held at the initiative of Europol or any other Member State and especially of those Member States acting as a “lead nation” for the EU cooperation in a particular country or region. |
Amendment 8 |
ARTICLE 1, POINT 3A (new) Article 4, paragraph 2 (Decision 2003/170/JHA) |
Amendment 9 |
ARTICLE 1, POINT 3B (new) Article 4, paragraph 3 (Decision 2003/170/JHA) |
Amendment 10 |
ARTICLE 1, POINT 3C (new) Article 5, paragraph 1 (Decision 2003/170/JHA) |
Amendment 11 |
ARTICLE 1, POINT 3D (new) Article 5, paragraph 2 (Decision 2003/170/JHA) |
Amendment 12 |
ARTICLE 1, POINT 3E (new) Article 5, paragraph 4 (Decision 2003/170/JHA) |
Amendment 13 |
ARTICLE 1, POINT 4 Article 8, paragraph 3 (Decision 2003/170/JHA) |
3. In accordance with national law and the Europol Convention, Member States may make a request to Europol to use Europol liaison officers seconded to third countries or international organisations, with a view to the exchange of relevant information. Requests shall be addressed to Europol via the Member States' national units in accordance with the Europol Convention. |
3. In accordance with the Europol Convention, Member States shall ensure that, where possible and necessary, a request is made to Europol with a view to securing access to its liaison officers seconded to third countries or international organisations, so that full use can be made of Europol channels for the purpose of exchanging relevant information. Requests shall be addressed to Europol via the Member States' national units in accordance with the Europol Convention. |
Citizens for Europe programme (2007-2013) ***I
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing for the period 2007-2013 the programme “Citizens for Europe” to promote active European citizenship (COM(2005)0116 — C6-0101/2005 — 2005/0041 (COD))
(Codecision procedure: first reading)
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Commission proposal to the European Parliament and the Council (COM(2005) 0116) (1), |
— |
having regard to Article 251(2) and Articles 151 and 308 of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Commission submitted the proposal to Parliament (C6-0101/2005), |
— |
having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Culture and Education and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (A6-0076/2006), |
1. |
Approves the Commission proposal as amended; |
2. |
Stresses that the appropriations set out in the legislative proposal for the post-2006 period are dependent on the decision on the next multiannual financial framework; |
3. |
Calls on the Commission to submit, where appropriate, a proposal to adjust the financial reference amount for this programme once the next multiannual financial framework has been adopted; |
4. |
Calls on the Commission to refer the matter to Parliament again if it intends to amend the proposal substantially or replace it with another text; |
5. |
Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and the Commission. |
(1) Not yet published in OJ.
Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 5 April 2006 with a view to the adoption of Decision No .../2006/EC of the European Parliament and Council establishing for the period 2007-2013 the programme “ Europe for Citizens ” to promote active European values as laid down in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and active European citizenship
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Articles 151 and 308 thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (1),
Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions (2),
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty (3),
(1) |
The Treaty establishes citizenship of the Union, which complements the nationality of citizens of the respective Member States. It is an important element in strengthening and safeguarding the process of European integration. |
(2) |
The Community should make citizens fully aware of their European citizenship, its benefits as well as its rights and obligations, which are to be promoted with due regard for subsidiarity and in the interests of cohesion. |
(3) |
It is especially urgent to make European citizens fully aware of their European citizenship in view of the outcome of some of the referendums on the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. The “Europe for Citizens” programme should therefore complement, but not overlap with, the Commission's Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate. |
(4) |
For citizens to give their full support to , and participate fully in, European integration, greater emphasis should be placed on their common values, history and culture as key elements of their identity and their membership of a society founded on the principles of freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, cultural diversity, tolerance and solidarity, in full compliance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union proclaimed on 7 December 2000 . |
(5) |
Encouraging active citizenship is a key element in strengthening not only the fight against racism, xenophobia and intolerance, but also integration, cohesion and the development of democracy. |
(6) |
In the context of the EU information and communication strategy, a broad dissemination and a high impact of the activities supported through the programme should be ensured. |
(7) |
In order to bring Europe closer to its citizens and to enable them to participate fully in the construction of an ever closer Europe, there is a need to address all citizens and to involve them in transnational exchanges and cooperation activities, contributing to the forging of a sense of belonging to common European ideals. |
(8) |
Immigrants and descendants of immigrants should not be forgotten. It is therefore important to help them make the most of their new-found citizenship. |
(9) |
In order for citizens to become involved in the European project, they need to be informed of the specific rights deriving from European citizenship, such as those linked to the freedom to move and reside within the territory of the Member States, particularly following the entry into force of Directive 2004/38/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States (4) . |
(10) |
The European Parliament, in its Resolution of 15 April 1988on the Commission proposals for action to promote European culture (5), considered it desirable that a major effort be undertaken to step up contacts between citizens of different Member States and stated that specific support from the European Union for the development of twinning schemes between municipalities in different Member States was both rational and desirable. |
(11) |
The European Council has recognised on several occasions the need to bring the European Union and its institutions closer to the citizens of the Member States. It has encouraged the Union's institutions to maintain and foster an open, transparent and regular dialogue with organised civil society , thus promoting citizens' participation in public life and in decision-making, while emphasising the essential values that are shared by the citizens of Europe (6). |
(12) |
The Council established in Decision 2004/100/EC of 26 January 2004 (7) a Community action programme to promote active European citizenship (civic participation), which has confirmed the need to promote sustained dialogue with municipalities, civil society organisations and citizens in general. The dialogue should also include organisations representing third-country nationals resident in the European Union. Furthermore, the European Parliament, in its resolution of 8 June 2005 on Policy Challenges and Budgetary Means of the enlarged Union for the 2007-2013 period (8), stated that a Civic Participation Programme remained a priority, with a view to bringing Europe closer to its citizens through a bottom-up process. |
(13) |
Citizens' projects with a transnational and cross-sectoral dimension are important tools to reach citizens and promote European awareness, political integration, social inclusion and mutual understanding through events and actions organised by citizens and local organisations, focusing on projects where different groups of citizens can meet, such as libraries, foundations or amateur sports clubs, thereby combating racism in accordance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights. |
(14) |
The sharing of a common European citizenship should strengthen still further relations between the citizens of the Member States and be taken into account by national and regional lawmakers, by local authorities and by those whose vocation it is to protect citizenship rights at a national level, be this the authorities responsible for security or judicial protection or for providing legal assistance, such as ombudsmen; it is therefore in the interests of the European Union to foster dialogue and exchanges of best practice between these authorities and their European-level contact networks. |
(15) |
Civil society organisations at European, national, regional and local levels are important elements of citizens' active participation in society and help to invigorate all aspects of public life. They are also intermediaries between Europe and its citizens . Their transnational cooperation should therefore be promoted and encouraged , with special attention being given to the candidate countries by helping them to create and develop similar bodies . |
(16) |
European public policy research organisations can provide ideas and reflections to feed the debate at European level. It is therefore also advisable to support, as a link between the European institutions and the citizens, activities that reflect their commitment to creating a European identity and citizenship, by establishing procedures with transparent criteria to promote networks for information and exchange . |
(17) |
The programme should be accessible to all citizens including third country nationals with permanent legal residence in a Member State, and for this reason special attention should be paid to the balanced integration of citizens and civil society organisations from all Member States into transnational projects and activities. |
(18) |
The Declaration on Sport adopted by the European Council in Nice (7-9 December 2000) emphasised that the Community must, in its action under various Treaty provisions, take account of the social, educational and cultural functions inherent in sport. |
(19) |
The candidate countries and the EFTA countries parties to the EEA Agreement are recognised as potential participants in Community programmes, in accordance with the agreements made with those countries. |
(20) |
The Thessaloniki European Council of 19 and 20 June 2003 adopted the “Thessaloniki Agenda for the Western Balkans: moving towards European integration”, which invited the Western Balkan countries to participate in Community programmes and agencies; therefore, the Western Balkans countries should be recognised as potential participants in Community programmes. |
(21) |
The programme should be regularly monitored and independently evaluated in cooperation with the Commission and the Member States in order to allow for the readjustments which are necessary if the measures are to be properly implemented . |
(22) |
Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (9) (hereinafter “the Financial Regulation”) and Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002 of 23 December 2002 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (10), which safeguard the Community's financial interests, have to be applied taking into account the principles of simplicity and consistency in the choice of budgetary instruments, a limitation on the number of cases where the Commission retains direct responsibility for their implementation and management, and the required proportionality between the amount of resources and the administrative burden related to their use . |
(23) |
Appropriate measures should also be taken to prevent irregularities and fraud and to recover funds lost or incorrectly paid or used. |
(24) |
This Decision lays down a financial framework for the entire duration of the programme constituting the prime reference, within the meaning of point 33 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure, for the budgetary authority during the annual budgetary procedure (11). |
(25) |
Since the objectives of the programme “ Europe for Citizens ” cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the transnational and multilateral nature of the programme's actions and measures, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Decision does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives. |
(26) |
The measures necessary for the implementation of this Decision should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (12). |
(27) |
Transitional measures to monitor actions started before 31 December 2006 should be adopted pursuant to Decision 2004/100/EC. |
Article 1
Subject, matter and scope of the programme
1. This decision establishes the programme “ Europe for Citizens ” for the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013.
2. The programme shall contribute to the following general objectives:
— |
Prompting citizens to interact and participate in constructing an ever closer Europe which is multifaceted, fair, democratic and world-oriented , united in and enriched through its cultural diversity , thus boosting the development of the concept of European citizenship ; |
— |
Forging and strengthening a European identity, based on recognised common values, history, culture and European citizenship, the source of the institutions' legitimacy ; |
— |
Enhancing mutual knowledge and understanding between European citizens and encouraging respect for and appreciation of cultural diversity and multilingualism , while contributing to intercultural dialogue, particularly by combating racism, xenophobia and all forms of discrimination and intolerance; |
— |
Ensuring that national, regional and local, elected, administrative and public-assistance institutions take greater account of the requirements relating to European citizenship. |
Article 2
Specific objectives of the programme
The programme shall have the following specific objectives in line with the fundamental goals of the Treaty , which shall be implemented on a transnational basis:
(a) |
Bring together people from local communities across Europe to share and exchange experiences, opinions and values, to learn from history and to build for the future; |
(b) |
Foster action, debate and reflection related to European citizenship and democracy, shared values, common history and culture through cooperation within civil society at European level; |
(c) |
Promote the exchange of experiences relating to European citizenship between local, regional and national elected bodies and between the authorities responsible for providing citizens with judicial protection and administrative assistance, by stepping up cross-border cooperation and the creation of European contact networks and by strengthening existing ones; |
(d) |
Make the idea of Europe more tangible for its citizens by promoting and celebrating Europe's values and achievements, while preserving the memory of its past; |
(e) |
Encourage the balanced integration of citizens and civil society organisations from all Member States, contributing to intercultural dialogue and bringing to the fore both Europe's diversity and unity, with particular attention to the activities with Member States that have recently joined the European Union. |
Article 3
1. The objectives of the programme shall be pursued through support for the following actions, details of which may be found in Part I of the Annex:
(a) |
Active citizens for Europe, consisting of:
(b) |
Active civil society in Europe, consisting of:
(c) |
Together for Europe, consisting of:
(d) |
Active European Remembrance, consisting of:
2. In each action, priority may be given to the balanced integration of citizens and civil society organisations from all Member States, as provided for in the specific objective set out in Article 2(e).
3. Community measures may take the form of grants or public procurement contracts.
4. Community grants may be provided through specific forms such as operating grants, action grants, scholarships and prizes.
5. Public procurement contracts will cover the purchase of services, such as the organisation of events, studies and research, information and dissemination tools, monitoring and evaluation.
6. To be eligible for a Community grant, the beneficiaries must satisfy the requirements set out in Part II of the Annex.
Article 4
Participation in the programme
The programme shall be open to the participation of the following countries, hereinafter referred to as the “participating countries”:
(a) |
the Member States; |
(b) |
the EFTA States party to the EEA Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of that Agreement; |
(c) |
the candidate countries benefiting from a pre-accession strategy, in accordance with the general principles and the general terms and conditions for the participation of such countries in Community programmes laid down, respectively, in the framework agreement and the decisions of the Association Councils; |
(d) |
the countries of the western Balkans, in accordance with the arrangements to be established with those countries under the framework agreements on the general principles for their participation in Community programmes. |
Article 5
Access to the programme
The programme shall be open to all stakeholders, strengthening through their activities the objectives of the programme, in particular to:
— |
citizens' and community groups, local associations, organisations and authorities, training centres, public policy research centres, platforms, networks, |
— |
European foundations active on European issues such as the European Movement and other civil society organisations. |
In order to facilitate access to funding, the proportionality principle shall apply to the documents to be supplied and a database shall be created for the submission of applications.
Article 6
Cooperation with international organisations
The programme may cover or include joint activities with international organisations competent in the field of active citizenship — and within this field, particularly European citizenship — such as the Council of Europe and Unesco, on the basis of joint contributions and in accordance with the Financial Regulation and various rules of each institution or organisation.
Article 7
Implementing measures
1. The measures necessary for the implementation of the programme shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 8(2) .
2. The Commission may draw up guidelines for each of the actions in the Annex in order to adapt the programme to any changes of priority in the field of European active citizenship.
3. The Commission shall ensure, in the context of the EU information and communication strategy as well as through other information, publication and dissemination activities, broad knowledge and a high impact of the activities supported by the programme.
Article 8
1. The Commission shall be assisted by a committee, hereinafter referred to as “the committee ”.
2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 3 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.
3. The committee shall adopt its Rules of Procedure.
Article 9
Coherence with other instruments of the Community and of the European Union
1. The Commission shall ensure the coherence and the complementarity between this programme and instruments in other areas of action of the Community, especially education, vocational training, culture, youth , sport, the environment, the audiovisual sector and the media, fundamental rights and freedoms, social inclusion, gender equality, combating all forms of discrimination , racism and xenophobia, and promoting scientific research and the Community external action, in particular at the level of the European Neighbourhood Policy.
2. The programme shall share resources with other Community instruments and follow the new guidelines on information in order to implement actions meeting the objectives of both this programme and those other instruments.
Article 10
Budgetary Resources
1. The indicative financial framework for the implementation of this programme for the period of seven years as from 1 January 2007 referred to in Article 1(1) is hereby set at EUR 235 000 000.
2. The annual appropriations shall be authorised by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial perspective.
3. The overall administrative expenditure of the programme including internal and management expenditure for the Executive Agency should be proportional to the tasks provided for in the programme concerned and shall be subject to the decision of the budgetary and legislative authorities.
Article 11
Financial provisions
1. Under the terms of Article 176(2) of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002, the Commission may decide, in accordance with the characteristics of the beneficiaries and the nature of the actions, to exempt them from verification of the professional competencies and qualifications required to complete the proposed action or work programme.
2. Financial aid shall take the form of grants to legal persons or European associations of national public institutions operating in the field of the protection of citizens . Grants may in certain cases be awarded to natural persons under the terms of Article 114(1) of the Financial Regulation.
3. The Commission may award prizes to natural or legal persons for actions or projects implemented under the programme.
4. In accordance with Article 181 of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002, and depending on the nature of the action, flat-rate financing and/or the application of unit-cost rates may be authorised.
5. Operating grants awarded under this programme to bodies pursuing an aim of general European interest, as defined in Article 162 of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002, shall not be automatically decreased, in accordance with Article 113(2) of the Financial Regulation.
6. For small grants, co-financing in kind may be permitted.
7. The amount of information may be limited in the case of small grants such as scholarship and individual mobility grants.
8. In specific cases such as the award of a small grant, the beneficiary need not be required to demonstrate its financial capacity to perform the planned project or the work programme.
Article 12
Protection of Community financial interests
1. The Commission shall ensure that, when actions financed under this Decision are implemented, the financial interests of the Community are protected by the application of preventive measures against fraud, corruption and any other illegal activities, by effective checks and by the recovery of the amounts unduly paid and, if irregularities are detected, by effective, proportional and dissuasive penalties, in accordance with Council Regulations (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 of 18 December 1995 on the protection of the European Communities Financial interests (13) and (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 of 11 November 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks and inspections carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European Communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities (14) , and with Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti Fraud Office (OLAF) (15) .
2. For the Community actions financed under the programme, the notion of irregularity referred to in Article 1(2) of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 shall mean any infringement of a provision of Community law or any breach of a contractual obligation resulting from an act or omission by an economic operator, which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the general budget of the European Union or budgets managed by them, by an unjustified item of expenditure.
3. The Commission shall reduce, suspend or recover the amount of financial assistance granted for an action if it finds irregularities, including non-compliance with the provisions of this Decision or the individual decision or the contract or agreement granting the financial support in question, or if it transpires that, without Commission approval having being sought, the action has been subjected to a change which conflictswith the nature or implementing conditions of the project.
4. If the time limits have not been observed or if only part of the allocated financial assistance is justifiedby the progress made with implementing an action, the Commission shall request the beneficiary to submitobservations within a specified period. If the beneficiary does not give a satisfactory answer, the Commissionmay cancel the remaining financial assistance and demand repayment of sums already paid.
5. Any undue payment shall be repaid to the Commission. Interest shall be added to any sums not repaidin good time under the conditions laid down by the Financial Regulation.
Article 13
Monitoring and Evaluation
1. The Commission shall ensure the regular monitoring of the programme. The results of the monitoringand evaluation process shall be used in implementing the programme.
Monitoring shall include in particular the drawing up of the reports referred to in paragraph 3(a) and (c).
The specific objectives may be revised according to the results of the monitoring reports.
2. The Commission shall ensure regular, external and independent evaluation of the programme and shall report to the relevant European Parliament committees on a regular basis .
3. The Commission shall submit to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions:
(a) |
an interim evaluation report on the effectiveness of the programme as well as the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of the programme three years after its adoption ; |
(b) |
a communication on the continuation of the programme four years after its adoption ; |
(c) |
a detailed on-going assessment of the implementation and results of the programme, on completion of its implementation not later than 31 December 2015. |
Article 14
Transitional provision
Actions started before 31 December 2006 pursuant to Decision 2004/100/EC shall continue to be governed, until their completion, by that Decision.
Article 15
This Decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
It shall apply from 1 January 2007.
Done at ..., on ...
For the European Parliament
The President
For the Council
The President
(1) OJ C 28, 3.2.2006, p. 29 .
(2) OJ C 115, 16.5.2006, p. 81 .
(3) Position of the European Parliament of 5 April 2006.
(4) OJ L 158, 30.4.2004, p. 77.
(5) OJ C 122, 9.5.1988, p. 38.
(6) Conclusions of the European Councils of 7-9 December 2000, 14-15 December 2001 (and the annexed Laeken Declaration), 4-5 November 2004 and 16-17 December 2004.
(8) Texts adopted, P6_TA(2005)0224.
(9) OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1 .
(10) OJ L 357, 31.12.2002, p. 1. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1261/2005 (OJ L 201, 2.8.2005, p. 3).
(11) OJ C 172, 18.6.1999, p. 1 .
(12) OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.
(13) OJ L 312, 23.12.1995, p. 1.
(14) OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, p. 2.
(15) OJ L 136, 31.5.1999, p. 1.
This action forms that part of the programme directed specifically at activities involving citizens, either directly or indirectly. These activities fall under two types of measures as follows:
This measure is aimed at activities that involve or promote direct exchanges between European citizens through their participation in town-twinning activities. These may be one-off or pilot activities, or take the form of structured, multi-annual, multi-partner agreements following a more programmed approach and comprising a set of activities ranging from citizens meetings , such as events organised by twinning sports clubs, to specific conferences or seminars on subjects of common interest, along with related publications, organised in the context of town-twinning activities. This measure will actively contribute to strengthening mutual knowledge and understanding between citizens and between cultures.
To help implement this measure, structural support may be provided directly to the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), a body pursuing an aim of general European interest, active in the field of town twinning.
Citizens' projects and support measures
Under this measure, a variety of projects of transnational and cross-sectoral dimension, directly involving citizens, will be supported. Priority shall be given to projects aimed at encouraging local level participation by active organisations, such as local amateur sports clubs. The scale and scope of such projects will depend on developments within society and will explore, through innovative approaches, the possible responses to the identified needs. No town-twinning background is required for projects under this measure. The use of new technologies, in particular Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), shall be encouraged. Those projects will assemble citizens from different horizons, who will act together or debate on common European issues, thereby developing mutual understanding as well as raising awareness of the process of European integration.
In order to improve citizens' projects, it is also necessary to develop support measures to exchange best practices, to pool experiences between stakeholders at local and regional levels including public authorities, and to develop new skills, for example through training.
As an indication, approximately 40 % of the total budget allocated to the programme will be devoted to this action.
Structural support for European public policy research organisations (think-tanks)
Bodies providing new ideas and reflections on European issues are important institutional interlocutors able to provide independent strategic, cross-sectoral recommendations to the EU institutions. They can undertake activities that feed the debate, notably on citizenship of the European Union and on European values and cultures. This measure is aimed at strengthening the institutional capacity of those organisations, which are representative, provide real European added value, can bring about important multiplier effects and, finally, are able to cooperate with other beneficiaries of this programme. The strengthening of trans-European networks is an important element in this area. Grants may be awarded on the basis of a multi-annual work programme bringing together a range of themes or activities.
Structural support may be provided directly for the association “Groupement d'études et de recherches Notre Europe” and for the “Institut für Europäische Politik” of Berlin, as bodies pursuing an aim of general European interest.
Structural support for civil society organisations at European level
Civil society organisations are an important part of the civic, educational, cultural and political impetus for participating in society. They need to exist and to be able to operate and cooperate at European level. They should also be able to participate in policy-making through consultation . This measure will provide them with the capacity and stability to act in a cross-sectoral and horizontal dimension as transnational catalysts for their members and for civil society at European level, thus contributing to the objectives of the programme . The strengthening of trans-European networks and European associations is an important element of this area of work. Grants may be awarded on the basis of a multi-annual work programme bringing together a range of themes or activities.
Structural support may be provided directly to three bodies pursuing an aim of general European interest: the Platform of European Social NGOs , the European Movement and the European Council on Refugees and Exiles .
Support for projects initiated by civil society organisations
Civil society organisations, such as non-governmental organisations, trade unions, federations, think tanks, institutions providing non-formal adult education, etc., can, through debate, publications, advocacy, training activities and other concrete transnational projects, involve citizens or represent their interests. Introducing or building on a European dimension in the activities of civil society organisations will enable them to enhance their capacities and reach wider audiences. Direct cooperation among civil society organisations from different Member States will contribute to mutual understanding of the different cultures and point of views and to the identification of shared concerns and values. While this may be in the form of single projects, a longer-term approach will also ensure a more sustainable impact and the development of networks and synergies.
As an indication, approximately 38% of the total budget allocated to the programme will be devoted to this action.
High-visibility events
This measure will support events organised by or in cooperation with the Commission, which are substantial in scale and scope, strike a significant chord with the peoples of Europe, help to increase their sense of belonging to the same community, make them aware of the history, achievements and values of the European Union, involve them in intercultural dialogue and contribute to the development of their European identity.
These events may include the commemoration of historical events, the celebration of European achievements, artistic events , awareness-raising around specific issues, Europe-wide conferences, European amateur sports events and the awarding of prizes to highlight major accomplishments. The use of new technologies, in particular ICT, shall be encouraged.
In order to gain a better understanding of active citizenship at European level, the Commission will carry out studies, surveys and opinion polls.
Information and dissemination tools
Given the focus on citizens and the variety of initiatives in the field of active citizenship, comprehensive information on the various activities of the programme, on other European actions related to citizenship and on other relevant initiatives needs to be provided through an Internet portal and other tools. In particular, the provision of information on Directive 2004/38/EC, the deadline for the transposition of which by the Member States is 30 April 2006, shall be treated as a priority.
Structural support may be provided directly for the “Association Jean Monnet” , the “Centre européen Robert Schuman” and the “Maisons de l'Europe” that are federated at national and European level, as bodies pursuing an aim of general European interest.
As an indication, approximately 8% of the total budget allocated to the programme will be devoted to this action.
Under this action projects of the following types may be supported:
— |
projects for the preservation of the main sites and memorials associated with the mass deportations, the former concentration camps and other large-scale martyrdom and extermination sites of Nazism, as well as archives documenting these events and for keeping alive the memory of the victims at these sites; |
— |
projects for keeping alive the memory of those who, under extreme conditions, rescued people from the Holocaust; |
— |
projects for the commemoration of the victims of mass extermination and mass deportations associated with Stalinism, as well as the preservation of the memorials and archives documenting these events. |
Projects under this action should be of transnational significance or have a transnational element and should support understanding among the peoples of Europe of the principles of democracy, freedom and respect for human rights. Approximately 4% of the total budget allocated to the programme will be devoted to this action.
The implementation of the programme will be guided by the principles of transparency, as well as openness to a large variety of organisations and projects. As a consequence, projects and activities will be selected, as a general rule, by means of open calls for proposals. Derogations will be possible only in very specific circumstances and in full compliance with points (c) and (d) of Article 168(1) of the implementing rules of the Financial Regulation.
The programme will develop the principle of multi-annual partnerships based on agreed objectives, building on the analysis of the results, in order to ensure mutual benefits for both civil society and the European Union. The maximum duration of funding allocated through a single grant agreement under this programme shall be limited to three years.
For some actions, especially for action 1 , it might be necessary to adopt an indirect centralised management. Existing management and implementation resources and structures should be used, where appropriate, for the management of the programme.
All actions will be implemented on a transnational basis. They will encourage mobility of citizens and ideas within the European Union.
The selection criteria established, together with the applied grading scale, shall be available to all the operators concerned. Funding applications shall be assessed in the light of the following criteria:
— |
consistency with the programme objective; |
— |
quality of the planned activities; |
— |
likely multiplier effect on the public of these activities; |
— |
geographical impact of the activities carried out; |
— |
citizens' involvement in the organisation of the bodies concerned. |
Irrespective of whether or not they have received a grant, applicants shall have the right to receive relevant information about the reasons for the final decision.
The elements of networking and focusing on the multiplier effects, including the use of ICT, will be important and will be reflected both in the types of activities and in the range of organisations involved. The development of interactions and synergies among the various types of stakeholders involved in the programme will be encouraged.
The programme budget may also cover expenditure associated with the preparation, follow-up, monitoring, auditing and evaluation activities directly necessary for the management of the programme and the realisation of its objectives, in particular studies, meetings, information and publication activities, expenditure associated with the ICT networks for the exchange of information and any other administrative and technical support expenditure on which the Commission may decide for the management of the programme.
The Commission may undertake information, publication and dissemination activities as appropriate. Such activities may be financed by means of grants or be organised and financed directly by the Commission, through service contracts.
For projects selected in accordance with the procedure described in Article 13(1), a sampling audit system will be established.
The beneficiary of a grant must make available to the Commission all supporting documents relating to expenditure for a period of five years from the date of the final payment. The beneficiary of a grant must ensure that, where applicable, supporting documents in the possession of its partners or members are made available to the Commission.
The Commission may have an audit of the use made of the grant carried out either directly by its own staff or by any other qualified outside body of its choice. Such audits may be carried out throughout the lifetime of the contract and for a period of five years from the date of the final payment. Where appropriate, the audit findings may lead to recovery decisions by the Commission.
Commission staff and outside personnel authorised by the Commission must have appropriate access to the offices of the beneficiary and to all the information, including information in electronic format, needed in order to conduct such audits.
The Court of Auditors and the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) shall have the same rights, especially of access, as the Commission.
European Capital of Culture (2007-2019) ***I
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community action for the European Capital of Culture event for the years 2007 to 2019 (COM(2005)0209 — C6-0157/2005 — 2005/0102(COD))
(Codecision procedure: first reading)
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Commission proposal to the European Parliament and the Council (COM(2005) 0209) (1), |
— |
having regard to Article 251(2) and Article 151 of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Commission submitted the proposal to Parliament (C6-0157/2005), |
— |
having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Culture and Education (A6-0061/2006), |
1. |
Approves the Commission proposal as amended; |
2. |
Calls on the Commission to refer the matter to Parliament again if it intends to amend the proposal substantially or replace it with another text; |
3. |
Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and the Commission. |
(1) Not yet published in OJ.
Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 5 April 2006 with a view to the adoption of Decision No .../2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community action for the European Capital of Culture event for the years 2007 to 2019
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 151 thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions (1),
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty (2),
(1) |
Decision No 1419/1999/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (3) established a Community action for the European Capital of Culture event for the years 2005 to 2019. |
(2) |
A study which has been carried out into the results achieved by the European City of Culture event until 2004 showed that it has a positive impact in terms of media resonance, the development of culture and tourism and the recognition by inhabitants of the importance of their city having been designated ; however, the action still needs to be improved , particularly with regard to its long-term effect on the cultural development of the city and region concerned . |
(3) |
By enabling cities to involve their surrounding region, including islands, a wider public can be reached and the impact of the event can be amplified. |
(4) |
The stakeholders of the event stressed problems in the selection process laid down in Decision No 1419/1999/EC, and recommended: monitoring the proposals, particularly in order to enhance their European dimension ; improving competition, and redefining the role of the panel. |
(5) |
The importance and impact of the European Capital of Culture calls for the creation of a mixed selection process, involving national and European levels, and the introduction of a strong monitoring and consultative element , to incorporate a national component and strengthen the European dimension . |
(6) |
The preparation phase of the event is of crucial importance for its success in accordance with the objectives of the action. |
(7) |
To guarantee the European added value of the action, a monitoring phase after the designation is needed , in which firstly care is taken to fulfil the criteria laid down for the cultural programme, and secondly expert advice and assistance is provided . |
(8) |
A panel of six national and seven European experts should be established; the whole panel comprising thirteen experts (the “selection panel”) will oversee the selection phase up to the designation of the city; only the seven European experts on the panel (becoming the “monitoring and advisory panel”) will oversee the monitoring process and give guidance to the Capitals during the monitoring phase up to the event. |
(9) |
For support and assistance, for both the applicant and designated cities, a website is to be set up, constantly maintained and regularly updated by the Commission, on the subject of “European Capitals of Culture” (application, selection, implementation and links). |
(10) |
It is important to encourage the dissemination of good practice, especially to guarantee the European added value of the action. Therefore, networks of former official European Capitals of Culture should be encouraged to play a constructive role in sharing their experiences and best practice with future European Capitals of Culture, notably on the basis of exchanges during the preparation phase. |
(11) |
It is important to reward the quality of the programme in terms of the objectives and criteria of the action and particularly the European added value by awarding a prize in the form of a financial allocation . |
(12) |
To safeguard the long-term effect of the Capital of Culture event it is desirable to use the initiative, and the structures and capacities that it creates, as the basis for a lasting cultural development strategy for the cities concerned. |
(13) |
To enable third countries to take part in European cultural initiatives, the European Cultural Month (4), or a comparable initiative, should be explored. |
(14) |
The designation process laid down in this Decision needs a period of six years to be implemented; this period cannot be guaranteed for the years 2011 and 2012 given that this Decision enters into force in 2007. For these years a designation process is provided, as laid down in Decision No 1419/1999/EC. |
(15) |
In the interests of clarity, Decision No 1419/1999/EC should be repealed and replaced by this Decision. |
Article 1
Subject matter
A Community action entitled “European Capital of Culture” is hereby established in order to highlight the richness and diversity of European cultures and the features they share, as well as to promote greater mutual acquaintance between European citizens.
Article 2
Access to the action
1. Cities in Member States and in countries acceding to the European Union after 31 December 2006 shall be entitled to be designated in turn as European Capitals of Culture for one year, in the order set out in the Annex.
2. The designation shall apply to one city in each of the Member States appearing in the list in the Annex.
The chronological order given in that list may be altered by mutual agreement between the Member States concerned.
Article 3
1. Every application shall include a cultural programme with a European dimension, based principally on cultural cooperation, in accordance with the objectives and action provided for by Article 151 of the Treaty.
2. The cultural programme of the event shall be specifically created for the European Capital of Culture year, highlighting the European added value in accordance with the criteria laid down in Article 4.
3. The programme shall be consistent with any national cultural strategy or policy of the relevant Member State or, where applicable under a Member State's institutional arrangements, any regional cultural strategies, on condition that any such strategy or policy does not aim to restrict the number of cities which may be considered for designation as Capitals of Culture under this Decision.
4. The programme shall last one year. In duly justified cases designated cities may opt for a shorter period.
A linkage between the programmes of the designated cities of the same year shall be made.
Cities may choose to involve their surrounding regions in their programmes.
Article 4
Application criteria
The cultural programme shall fulfil the following criteria, subdivided into two categories, “the European Dimension” and “City and Citizens”:
As regards “the European Dimension”, the programme shall:
(a) |
foster cooperation between cultural operators, artists and cities from the relevant Member States and other Member States in any cultural sector, |
(b) |
highlight the richness of cultural diversity in Europe, |
(c) |
bring the common aspects of European cultures to the fore. |
As regards “City and Citizens”, the programme shall:
(a) |
foster the participation of the citizens living in the city and its surroundings and raise their interest as well as the interest of citizens from abroad, |
(b) |
be sustainable and be an integral part of the long-term cultural and social development of the city. |
Article 5
Submission of applications
1. A call for submission of applications shall be published by each of the Member States concerned no later than six years before the event in question is due to begin.
These calls for submission of applications, aimed at the candidate cities for the title, shall mention the criteria laid down in Article 4 of this Decision and the guidance available on the Commission website.
The deadline for submitting a proposal under each of these calls for submission of applications shall be scheduled ten months after its publication at the latest.
The proposals received under these calls shall present the outlines of the programmes which the candidate cities plan to realize for the given year.
2. Proposals shall be notified to the Commission by the Member State concerned.
Article 6
Selection panel
1. A selection panel, shall be established to assess the proposals of the candidate cities and to recommend the nomination of one city by the Member State concerned.
2. The selection panel shall consist of thirteen members. Seven of them shall be nominated by the European institutions: two by the European Parliament, two by the Council, two by the Commission and one by the Committee of the Regions. The remaining six shall be nominated by the Member State concerned in consultation with the Commission. The Member State shall then formally appoint the selection panel. The panel shall designate its chairman among the personalities nominated by the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Committee of the Regions.
3. These selection panel members shall be independent experts with no conflicts of interest with regard to the cities which responded to the call for submission of applications, and with substantial experience and expertise in the cultural sector, in the cultural development of cities or in the organization of a European Capital of Culture.
The seven members nominated by the European institutions shall be appointed for three years . By way of derogation in the first year during which this Decision is in force, two experts shall be appointed by the Commission for one year, two by the European Parliament for two years, two by the Council for three years and one by the Committee of the Regions for three years.
Article 7
1. Each of the Member States concerned shall convene the relevant selection panel as laid down in Article 6 no later than five years before the event is due to begin.
2. Each of the selection panels shall assess the proposals of the cities which applied to each of the calls for submission of applications, assessing their proposals according to the criteria laid down in Article 4.
It shall agree on a short-list of candidates which are to be further considered and issue a report on the proposals of the candidate cities and recommendations to the short-listed candidates.
It shall submit its report to the competent Member State and the Commission. Each of the Member States concerned shall formally approve the short-list based on the reports of the selection panel.
Article 8
Final selection
1. The short-listed cities shall complete their proposal and transmit the completed bid to the Member States concerned, which shall then forward it to the Commission.
2. Each of the Member States concerned shall convene the relevant selection panel, for final selection, nine months after the pre-selection meeting.
It shall evaluate the amended programmes of the short-listed cities according to the criteria of this action and the recommendations issued by the panel during its pre-selection meeting.
It shall issue a report on the programmes of the short listed candidates together with a recommendation for the nomination of one city to become European Capital of Culture.
The report shall also contain recommendations to the selected city concerning the progress and the development to be achieved by the given year, if designated as European Capital of Culture by the Council.
The report shall be submitted to the Member State concerned and to the Commission. It shall be published on the Commission website.
Article 9
1. Each of the Member States concerned shall nominate one city to be European Capital of Culture and shall communicate it to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Committee of the Regions, no later than four years before the event is due to begin.
The nomination must be accompanied by a justification for the decision based on the reports of the selection panel.
The nomination shall take into account the recommendations issued by the selection panel.
2. The European Parliament may forward an opinion to the Commission not later than three months after receipt of the nominations of the Member States concerned.
The Council, acting on a recommendation from the Commission drawn up in the light of the opinion of the European Parliament and the justifications based on the reports of the selection panels, shall officially designate the cities in question as European Capitals of Culture for the year for which they have been nominated.
Article 10
Monitoring and advisory panel
1. A monitoring and advisory panel shall be established to monitor the implementation of the objectives and criteria of the action and provide capitals with support and guidance from the time of their designation to the start of the European Capital of Culture event.
2. The panel shall consist of the seven experts nominated by the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Committee of the Regions as referred to in Article 6(2). In addition, the relevant Member State may nominate an observer to this panel.
3. The cities concerned shall issue progress reports to the Commission three months before the meetings of the panel.
4. The Commission shall convene the panel and the representatives of the city concerned. The panel shall be convened on two occasions to give advice on, and to take stock of, the preparations for the event with a view to helping cities to develop a high-quality programme with a strong European dimension. Its first meeting shall take place at least two years before the event; its second meeting shall take place at least eight months before the event.
5. After each meeting the panel shall issue a report on the state of preparations for the event and any steps to be taken. The reports shall pay particular attention to the European added value of the event in accordance with the criteria set out in Article 4 and the recommendations laid down in the reports of the selection and the monitoring and advisory panels.
6. The reports shall be forwarded to the Commission and to the cities and Member States concerned. They shall also be published on the Commission website.
Article 11
On the basis of the report issued by the monitoring and advisory panel after its second meeting eight months before the event as referred to in Article 10(4), a prize in honour of Melina Mercouri shall be awarded to the designated cities by the Commission provided that they meet the criteria laid down in Article 4 and have implemented the recommendations made by the selection as well as the monitoring and advisory panels. The prize shall be monetary and shall be awarded in full at the latest three months before the start of the relevant year.
Article 12
Each year the Commission shall ensure external and independent evaluation of the results of the European Capital of Culture event of the previous year in accordance with the objectives and criteria of the action laid down in this Decision.
A report on that evaluation shall be presented by the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the Committee of the Regions by the end of the year following the European Capital of Culture event .
Article 13
Decision No 1419/1999/EC is hereby repealed. That Decision shall however continue to apply in the case of cities which have been designated as Capitals of Culture for 2007, 2008 and 2009 .
Article 14
Transitional provisions
1. The cities designated as European Capitals of Culture for 2010 on the basis of Decision No 1419/1999/EC shall be subject to the monitoring process laid down in Article 10 of this Decision. The Commission shall award a prize to the designated cities on the basis of Article 11 of this Decision.
2. By way of derogation from Articles 3 to 9 , the nominations for European Capitals of Culture concerning the years 2011 and 2012 shall be governed by the following decision procedure:
1) |
Cities in Member States shall be designated as European Capital of Culture, in turn, as set out on the list contained in Annex. |
2) |
Each Member State shall submit, in turn, its nomination of one or more cities to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Committee of the Regions. |
3) |
This nomination shall be submitted no later than four years before the event in question is due to begin and may be accompanied by a recommendation from the Member State concerned. |
4) |
The Commission shall each year form a selection panel which shall issue a report on the nomination or nominations judged against the objectives and characteristics of this action. |
5) |
The selection panel shall be composed of seven leading independent personalities who are experts on the cultural sector, of whom two shall be appointed by the European Parliament, two by the Council, two by the Commission and one by the Committee of the Regions. |
6) |
The selection panel shall submit its report to the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council. |
7) |
The European Parliament may forward an opinion to the Commission on the nomination or nominations not later than three months after receipt of the report. |
8) |
The Council, acting on a recommendation from the Commission drawn up in the light of the opinion of the European Parliament and of the selection panel's report, shall officially designate the city in question as a European Capital of Culture for the year for which it has been nominated |
3. By way of derogation from Article 4, the criteria set out in Article 3 of and Annex II to Decision No 1419/1999/EC, shall apply in the case of Capitals of Culture for 2010, 2011 and 2012, unless the city in question decides to base its programme on the criteria set out in Article 4.
Article 15
Entry into force
This Decision shall enter in force on the twentieth day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. It shall apply from 1st January 2007 , with the exception of Article 5, which shall apply from the date of entry into force of this Decision .
Done at ..., on ...
For the European Parliament
The President
For the Council
The President
(1) Opinion of 17 November 2005 (not yet published in OJ).
(2) Position of the European Parliament of 5 April 2006.
(3) OJ L 166, 1.7.1999, p. 1. Decision as amended by Decision No 649/2005/EC (OJ L 117, 4.5.2005, p. 20).
(4) Conclusions of the Ministers of Culture meeting within the Council of 18 May 1990 on future eligibility for the “European City of Culture” and on a special European Cultural Month event (OJ C 162, 3.7.1990, p. 1).
Order of entitlement to nominate a “European Capital of Culture” (1)
2007 |
Luxembourg |
Romania (2) |
2008 |
United Kingdom |
2009 |
Austria |
Lithuania |
2010 |
Germany |
Hungary |
2011 |
Finland |
Estonia |
2012 |
Portugal |
Slovenia |
2013 |
France |
Slovakia |
2014 |
Sweden |
Latvia |
2015 |
Belgium |
Czech Republic |
2016 |
Spain |
Poland |
2017 |
Denmark |
Cyprus |
2018 |
Netherlands |
Malta |
2019 |
Italy |
Bulgaria (3) |
(1) Ireland was entitled to nominate a “European Capital of Culture” in 2005, Greece in 2006.
(2) Under the terms of Decision No 1419/1999/EC, the Romanian city of Sibiu was designated as European Capital of Culture for the year 2007 .
(3) Subject to its accession to the EU, Bulgaria will participate in the European Capital of Culture event of 2019.
Transitional arrangements restricting the free movement of workers on EU labour markets
European Parliament resolution on the transitional arrangements restricting the free movement of workers on EU labour markets (2006/2036(INI))
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to Article 2, first indent, of the EU Treaty, |
— |
having regard to Article 3(1)(c) and Articles 12 and 39 of the EC Treaty, |
— |
having regard to the Accession Treaty signed on 16 April 2003 between the EU-15 Member States of the one part, and the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia, and the Slovak Republic of the other part (the Accession Treaty) (1), |
— |
having regard to the Commission communication of 8 February 2006 entitled “Report on the functioning of the transitional arrangements set out in the 2003 Accession Treaty (period 1 May 2004 to 30 April 2006)” (COM(2006)0048), |
— |
having regard to the resolution adopted by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) Executive Committee at its meeting of 5 and 6 December 2005, entitled “Towards free movement of workers in an enlarged European Union”, |
— |
having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (A6-0069/2006), |
A. |
whereas freedom of movement for workers is one of the four fundamental freedoms provided for in the EC Treaty, as well as an expression of solidarity between the EU-15 and the new Member States; whereas, furthermore, freedom of movement for persons is a right and should not be used to promote mass movements of persons and workers, |
B. |
whereas the Accession Treaty makes provision for the possibility of introducing transitional arrangements for freedom of movement for workers in three stages (2 + 3 + 2 years), |
C. |
whereas twelve of the EU-15 decided in May 2004 on some restriction of freedom of movement of workers from eight of the new Member States, and, in response, three of the new Member States likewise restricted freedom of movement; whereas Germany and Austria have taken the option to restrict freedom to provide services in certain sectors and have tied this to the transitional arrangements for freedom of movement for workers, |
D. |
whereas a “status quo clause” stipulates that if an EU-15 Member State regulates access to its labour market under national law during the transitional period, nationals of the new Member States must not be subject, in that Member State, to greater restrictions than those in force on the date of signing of the Accession Treaty; whereas this rule applies to access granted under national provisions or bilateral agreements, |
E. |
whereas the status quo clause also requires the EU-15 to observe a preference rule (2), which provides that, when a job is offered to citizens of countries other than the EU-15, nationals of the new Member States have priority over third-country nationals, |
F. |
whereas the EU must face ineluctable global challenges, including the growing might of economic players such as China and South-East Asia, and population ageing in Europe, which could eventually cause the financing of social security systems to collapse; whereas it is therefore vital for the EU to improve its competitiveness and create more jobs, and, to that end, increase mobility within its enlarged territory, |
G. |
whereas the Lisbon growth and employment strategy (2005-2008) points precisely to the need to implement policies to encourage occupational and geographical mobility, and whereas Guideline No 20 of the employment guidelines (3) calls for the obstacles to worker mobility in the EU as a whole to be removed under the Treaties in order to make labour market more adaptable, |
H. |
whereas 2006 has been declared European Year of Workers' Mobility, |
I. |
whereas Council Directive 2003/109/EC of 25 November 2003 concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents (4), lays down a legal framework for enabling a long-term legal resident in a Member State to obtain long-term residence status, which may, in certain circumstances, also permit that long-term resident to be employed in another Member State, |
J. |
whereas Directive 2003/109/EC also, in some cases, grants, long-term third-country residents a more favourable status as regards their rights of residence and access to the labour markets of the EU-15 than citizens of eight of the new Member States; stressing that displaying solidarity with workers from third countries should not result in discrimination against workers from the new Member States, |
K. |
whereas under the preference rule, the EU-15 must give priority, whenever a job is offered to a non-EU- 15 national, to nationals of the new Member States; and whereas it is necessary to elaborate the rules of procedure for the implementation of the preference rule as soon as possible, |
L. |
whereas according to the Commission communication of 21 December 2005 on Policy Plan on Legal Migration COM(2005)0669, the Member States' labour markets are showing signs of structural strain, reflected in the fact that as well as high unemployment, there are also severe labour shortages; whereas to relieve the strain, it is essential to take steps to provide greater flexibility and security, increase mobility, and make the markets more adaptable, |
M. |
whereas, because of the structural strains affecting the European economies, labour demand in individual sectors can in some cases be met only with difficulty by drawing on the reserves of the national labour market alone, |
N. |
whereas migration from the new Member States is having beneficial effects on the economies of those Member States that have opened up their labour markets, as it is improving industrial competitiveness, reducing undeclared work, helping to raise economic growth rates and create more new jobs, and generating higher tax revenue for the host countries' budgets, |
O. |
whereas not only should consideration be given to the beneficial effects of opening up labour markets in the EU-15, but an analysis should also be carried out of the positive and negative effects on the new Member States of economic migration, |
P. |
whereas the continued denial of opportunities for legal work in the EU-15 for workers from the new Member States has led to more illegal work, the promotion of the black economy and worker exploitation, |
Q. |
whereas migration is a very sensitive political issue in the EU and whereas it is therefore vital to inform European citizens adequately about the underlying principles and practical consequences of freedom of movement for workers in the EU, |
R. |
whereas because the data on migration within the Community is inadequate and has not been sufficiently standardised, there are at present no proper statistical tools that enable the European institutions and Member States to keep up to date with the main trends and different circumstances on the labour markets of the enlarged EU, |
S. |
whereas the sketchy statistical data gathered by the Member States indicates that migration among the EU-15 is much higher than migration from the new Member States, whether expressed in absolute terms or as percentages of the working-age population; whereas migration from the new Member States is not putting significant pressure on the EU-15 labour markets, |
T. |
whereas the Member States' statistics also show that the volume of migration from third countries far exceeds migration among the Member States, whether among the EU-15 or among the Member States of the enlarged EU, |
U. |
whereas to gain citizens' confidence in open labour markets in the EU-15, it is essential to ensure compliance with, and strictly enforce, EC and national labour law, |
V. |
whereas a decision by the Member States concerned to end the restrictions imposed under the transitional regime would reflect a clear message of solidarity between citizens in Western and Eastern Europe, who have been separated for many decades on unacceptable grounds, |
W. |
whereas the Member States in the EU-15 will have to notify the Commission formally by 1 May 2006 whether they intend to maintain restrictions for an additional period of three years, |
X. |
whereas the two sides of industry, in particular the ETUC and the Union of Industrial and Employer's Confederations of Europe, have pronounced themselves clearly in favour of lifting, as soon as possible, the restrictions currently in place under the transitional regime, |
1. |
Calls on the EU-15 to abolish the transitional measures in force, given that there are no signs of strain on the labour markets of the Member States which have opted for openness without restrictions and that the fears of massive migration have proved groundless; |
2. |
Suggests to those Member States that opt to extend the transitional measures, that they do so on the basis of an in-depth analysis of the threat to their labour market from each individual new Member State; |
3. |
Notes that the transitional periods are a major contributory factor to higher levels of illicit working and sham self-employment, and will increasingly lead to regionally acute wage pressure and unfair working conditions, as well as to discrimination against and the exploitation of migrant workers; |
4. |
Calls on the Member States to enforce the status quo clause and preference rule so that, when a post is vacant, nationals of the new Member States have priority over third-country nationals; |
5. |
Calls on the Commission to institute proceedings under Article 226 of the EC Treaty without delay should any Member State fail to fulfil its obligations under Articles 12, 39, or 42 of the EC Treaty or the status quo clause of the Accession Treaty; |
6. |
Regrets that several Member States are applying laws or administrative provisions that could be considered to impose greater restrictions on the freedom of movement of workers from the new Member States than those imposed when the Accession Treaty was signed; concludes that the extent of the restrictions imposed on nationals of the new Member States seeking to enter the EU-15 labour markets exceeds that authorised under the transitional arrangements; |
7. |
Regrets the fact that there are Member States in which provisions or administrative measures that could be regarded as discriminating between workers remain in force; |
8. |
Calls on the Commission and the Member States to ensure that labour law is strictly enforced so as to guarantee that all EU workers are treated equally, that there is fair competition among businesses, and that social dumping is prevented; calls on the Commission and Member States to ensure that migrant workers are aware of their fundamental rights and obligations, in particular with regard to legislation prohibiting discrimination in line with Article 13 of the EC Treaty; |
9. |
Urges the Commission and the Member States to increase their efforts to ensure the proper enforcement of existing Community legislation, labour standards and, in particular, the provisions of Directive 96/ 71/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 16 December 1996 concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services (5), with appropriate reinforcement of administrative cooperation where justified; |
10. |
Calls on the Commission to intensify cross-border joint action by the Member States' labour inspectorates and to study the possibility of setting up a corresponding European cooperation network (i.e. a social Europol); |
11. |
Calls on the Commission, the Member States, the two sides of industry and other specialised bodies in the public and private sectors to establish a fair, transparent procedure enabling nationals of the new Member States to obtain employment under decent work, health and safety conditions; |
12. |
Calls on the Commission and the Council to produce, by January 2009 at the latest, standardised statistics on intra-EU migration, to set up a system for the systematic monitoring of migration of workers within the EU, and to provide the funds necessary to finance these actions; |
13. |
Calls on the Commission, the Council, and the Member States to launch an information campaign aimed at the public at large with a view to informing citizens more fully about the principles underlying and the consequences of freedom of movement for workers within the EU and to help combat discrimination based on nationality, race and any other form of discrimination prohibited under Article 13 of the EC Treaty; |
14. |
Calls on the EU-15 to consult the two sides of industry as necessary, in accordance with national custom and practice, before deciding whether to end or to extend transitional arrangements concerning freedom of movement for workers from the new Member States; |
15. |
Calls on those Member States that wish to continue transitional arrangements to create during the next stage the conditions to ensure that the transitional arrangements are not continued beyond 2009; |
16. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, and the parliaments of the Member States, and the parliaments of the accession and the candidate countries. |
(1) OJ L 236, 23.9.2003, p. 17.
(2) List referred to in Article 24 of the Act of Accession: for Czech Republic, see Annex V, paragraph 14; for Estonia, see Annex VI, paragraph 14; for Latvia, see Annex VII, paragraph 14; for Lithuania, see Annex IX, paragraph 14; for Hungary, see Annex X, paragraph 14; for Poland, see Annex XII, paragraph 14; for Slovenia, see Annex XIII, paragraph 14; and for Slovakia, see Annex XIV, paragraph 14.
(3) Council Decision No 2005/600/EC of 12 July 2005 on guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States, (OJ L 205, 6.8.2005, p. 21).