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Document 32017D0351

    Decisione di esecuzione (UE) 2017/351 della Commissione, del 24 febbraio 2017, che modifica l'allegato della decisione di esecuzione 2014/709/UE recante misure di protezione contro la peste suina africana in taluni Stati membri [notificata con il numero C(2017) 1261] (Testo rilevante ai fini del SEE. )


    GU L 50 del 28.2.2017, p. 82–95 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)

    Legal status of the document No longer in force, Date of end of validity: 21/04/2021




    Gazzetta ufficiale dell'Unione europea

    L 50/82


    del 24 febbraio 2017

    che modifica l'allegato della decisione di esecuzione 2014/709/UE recante misure di protezione contro la peste suina africana in taluni Stati membri

    [notificata con il numero C(2017) 1261]

    (Testo rilevante ai fini del SEE)


    visto il trattato sul funzionamento dell'Unione europea,

    vista la direttiva 89/662/CEE del Consiglio, dell'11 dicembre 1989, relativa ai controlli veterinari applicabili negli scambi intracomunitari, nella prospettiva della realizzazione del mercato interno (1), in particolare l'articolo 9, paragrafo 4,

    vista la direttiva 90/425/CEE del Consiglio, del 26 giugno 1990, relativa ai controlli veterinari e zootecnici applicabili negli scambi intracomunitari di taluni animali vivi e prodotti di origine animale, nella prospettiva della realizzazione del mercato interno (2), in particolare l'articolo 10, paragrafo 4,

    vista la direttiva 2002/99/CE del Consiglio, del 16 dicembre 2002, che stabilisce norme di polizia sanitaria per la produzione, la trasformazione, la distribuzione e l'introduzione di prodotti di origine animale destinati al consumo umano (3), in particolare l'articolo 4, paragrafo 3,

    considerando quanto segue:


    La decisione di esecuzione 2014/709/UE della Commissione (4) stabilisce misure di protezione contro la peste suina africana in taluni Stati membri. L'allegato di tale decisione di esecuzione, nelle sue parti I, II, III e IV, delimita ed elenca alcune zone di tali Stati membri, differenziate secondo il livello di rischio in base alla situazione epidemiologica. Tale elenco comprende anche alcune zone della Lettonia e della Lituania.


    Nel febbraio 2017 si sono verificati due focolai di peste suina africana nei suini domestici nel comune (novads) di Salaspils in Lettonia e nel comune distrettuale (rajono savivaldybė) di Biržai in Lituania, in zone che attualmente figurano nella parte II dell'allegato della decisione di esecuzione 2014/709/UE. Il verificarsi di tali focolai costituisce un aumento del livello di rischio che deve essere preso in considerazione. Di conseguenza, le pertinenti zone della Lettonia e della Lituania elencate nelle parti I e II dovrebbero essere ora elencate nella parte III di tale allegato.


    Nel gennaio 2017 si sono verificati alcuni casi di peste suina africana nei cinghiali, nei comuni (novads) di Talsu e Tukuma in Lettonia, in due zone che attualmente figurano nella parte II dell'allegato della decisione di esecuzione 2014/709/UE, ma in prossimità delle zone che figurano nella parte I della medesima decisione. Il verificarsi di tali casi costituisce un aumento del livello di rischio che deve essere preso in considerazione. Di conseguenza, le pertinenti zone della Lettonia dovrebbero essere ora elencate nella parte II di tale allegato e non nella parte I, mentre le nuove zone dovrebbero essere inserite nella parte I di detto allegato.


    L'evoluzione della situazione epidemiologica attuale nell'Unione per quanto riguarda la peste suina africana nelle popolazioni di suini domestici e selvatici colpite dovrebbe essere tenuta in considerazione nella valutazione dei rischi zoosanitari rappresentati da tale malattia in Lettonia e in Lituania. Affinché le misure di protezione contro la malattia stabilite nella decisione di esecuzione 2014/709/UE possano essere mirate e per prevenire l'ulteriore propagazione della peste suina africana nonché inutili perturbazioni degli scambi all'interno dell'Unione ed evitare che paesi terzi introducano ostacoli non giustificati agli scambi, è opportuno modificare l'elenco dell'Unione delle zone soggette a misure di protezione riportato nell'allegato di tale decisione di esecuzione, per tenere conto dei cambiamenti intervenuti nell'attuale situazione epidemiologica in relazione a tale malattia in Lettonia e in Lituania.


    È pertanto opportuno modificare di conseguenza l'allegato della decisione di esecuzione 2014/709/UE.


    Le misure di cui alla presente decisione sono conformi al parere del comitato permanente per le piante, gli animali, gli alimenti e i mangimi,


    Articolo 1

    L'allegato della decisione di esecuzione 2014/709/UE è sostituito dal testo che figura nell'allegato della presente decisione.

    Articolo 2

    Gli Stati membri sono destinatari della presente decisione.

    Fatto a Bruxelles, il 24 febbraio 2017

    Per la Commissione


    Membro della Commissione

    (1)  GU L 395 del 30.12.1989, pag. 13.

    (2)  GU L 224 del 18.8.1990, pag. 29.

    (3)  GU L 18 del 23.1.2003, pag. 11.

    (4)  Decisione di esecuzione 2014/709/UE della Commissione, del 9 ottobre 2014, recante misure di protezione contro la peste suina africana in taluni Stati membri e che abroga la decisione di esecuzione 2014/178/UE della Commissione (GU L 295 dell'11.10.2014, pag. 63).




    1.   Estonia

    Le seguenti zone in Estonia:

    the maakond of Hiiumaa.

    2.   Lettonia

    Le seguenti zone in Lettonia:

    in the novads of Bauskas, the pagasti of Īslīces, Gailīšu, Brunavas and Ceraukstes,

    in the novads of Dobeles, the pagasti of Bikstu, Zebrenes, Annenieku, Naudītes, Penkules, Auru and Krimūnu, Dobeles, Berzes, the part of the pagasts of Jaunbērzes located to the West of road P98, and the pilsēta of Dobele,

    in the novads of Jelgavas, the pagasti of Glūdas, Svētes, Platones, Vircavas, Jaunsvirlaukas, Zaļenieku, Vilces, Lielplatones, Elejas and Sesavas,

    in the novads of Kandavas, the pagasti of Vānes and Matkules,

    in the novads of Kuldīgas, the pagasti of Rendas and Kabiles,

    in the novads of Saldus, the pagasti of Jaunlutriņu, Lutriņu and Šķēdes,

    in the novads of Talsu, the pagasts of Ģibuļu,

    in the novads of Ventspils, the pagasti of Vārves, Užavas, Jūrkalnes, Piltenes, Zīru, Ugāles, Usmas and Zlēku, the pilsēta of Piltene,

    the novads of Brocēnu,

    the novads of Rundāles,

    the novads of Tērvetes,

    the part of the novads of Stopiņu located to the West of roads V36, P4 and P5, streets Acones, Dauguļupes and river Dauguļupīte,

    the pilsēta of Bauska,

    the pilsēta of Talsi,

    the republikas pilsēta of Jelgava,

    the republikas pilsēta of Ventspils.

    3.   Lituania

    Le seguenti zone in Lituania:

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Jurbarkas, the seniūnijos of Raudonės, Veliuonos, Seredžiaus and Juodaičių,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Pakruojis, the seniūnijos of Klovainių, Rozalimo and Pakruojo,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Panevežys, the part of the Krekenavos seniūnija located to the west of the river Nevėžis,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Pasvalys, the seniūnijos of Joniškelio apylinkių, Joniškelio miesto, Namišių, Pasvalio apylinkių, Pasvalio miesto, Pumpėnų, Pušaloto, Saločių and Vaškų,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Raseiniai, the seniūnijos of Ariogalos, Ariogalos miestas, Betygalos, Pagojukų and Šiluvos,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Šakiai, the seniūnijos of Plokščių, Kriūkų, Lekėčių, Lukšių, Griškabūdžio, Barzdų, Žvirgždaičių, Sintautų, Kudirkos Naumiesčio, Slavikų, Šakių,

    the rajono savivaldybė of Radviliškis,

    the rajono savivaldybė of Vilkaviškis,

    the savivaldybė of Kalvarija,

    the savivaldybė of Kazlų Rūda,

    the savivaldybė of Marijampolė.

    4.   Polonia

    Le seguenti zone in Polonia:


    In the województwo warmińsko-mazurskie:

    the gminy of Kalinowo and Prostki in the powiat ełcki,

    the gmina of Biała Piska in powiat piski.


    In the województwo podlaskie:

    the gminy Juchnowiec Kościelny, Suraż, Turośń Kościelna, Łapy and Poświętne in the powiat białostocki,

    the gminy of Brańsk with the city of Brańsk, Boćki, Rudka, Wyszki, the part of the gmina of Bielsk Podlaski located to the West of the line created by road number 19 (going northwards from the city of Bielsk Podlaski) and prolonged by the eastern border of the city of Bielsk Podlaski and road number 66 (going southwards from the city of Bielsk Podlaski), the city of Bielsk Podlaski, the part of the gmina of Orla located to the West of road number 66, in the powiat bielski,

    the gminy of Drohiczyn, Dziadkowice, Grodzisk and Perlejewo in the powiat siemiatycki,

    the gminy of Grabowo and Stawiski in the powiat kolneński,

    the gminy of Kołaki Kościelne, Szumowo, Zambrów with the city Zambrów in powiat zambrowski,

    the gminy of Rutka-Tartak, Szypliszki, Suwałki, Raczki in the powiat suwalski,

    the gminy Sokoły, Kulesze Kościelne, Nowe Piekuty, Szepietowo, Klukowo, Ciechanowiec, Wysokie Mazowieckie with the city of Wysokie Mazowieckie, Czyżew in powiat wysokomazowiecki,

    the powiat augustowski,

    the powiat łomżyński,

    the powiat M. Białystok,

    the powiat M. Łomża,

    the powiat M. Suwałki,

    the powiat sejneński.


    In the województwo mazowieckie:

    the gminy of Ceranów, Jabłonna Lacka, Sterdyń and Repki in the powiat sokołowski,

    the gminy of Korczew, Przesmyki, Paprotnia, Suchożebry, Mordy, Siedlce and Zbuczyn in the powiat siedlecki,

    the powiat M. Siedlce,

    the gminy of Rzekuń, Troszyn, Czerwin and Goworowo in the powiat ostrołęcki,

    the gminy of Olszanka, Łosice and Platerów in the powiat łosicki,

    the powiat ostrowski.


    In the województwo lubelskie:

    the gmina of Hanna in the powiat włodawski,

    the gminy of Kąkolewnica Wschodnia and Komarówka Podlaska in the powiat radzyński,

    the gminy of Międzyrzec Podlaski with the city of Międzyrzec Podlaski, Drelów, Rossosz, Sławatycze, Wisznica, Sosnówka, Łomazy and Tuczna in the powiat bialski.


    1.   Estonia

    Le seguenti zone in Estonia:

    the linn of Elva,

    the linn of Võhma,

    the linn of Kuressaare,

    the linn of Rakvere,

    the linn of Tartu,

    the linn of Viljandi,

    the maakond of Harjumaa (excluding the part of the vald of Kuusalu located to the South of road 1 (E20), the vald of Aegviidu and the vald of Anija),

    the maakond of Ida-Virumaa,

    the maakond of Läänemaa,

    the maakond of Pärnumaa,

    the maakond of Põlvamaa,

    the maakond of Võrumaa,

    the maakond of Valgamaa,

    the maakond of Raplamaa,

    the vald of Suure-Jaani,

    the part of the vald of Tamsalu located to the North-East of the Tallinn-Tartu railway,

    the vald of Tartu,

    the vald of Abja,

    the vald of Alatskivi,

    the vald of Haaslava,

    the vald of Haljala,

    the vald of Tarvastu,

    the vald of Nõo,

    the vald of Ülenurme,

    the vald of Tähtvere,

    the vald of Rõngu,

    the vald of Rannu,

    the vald of Konguta,

    the vald of Puhja,

    the vald of Halliste,

    the vald of Kambja,

    the vald of Karksi,

    the vald of Kihelkonna,

    the vald of Kõpu,

    the vald of Lääne-Saare,

    the vald of Laekvere,

    the vald of Leisi,

    the vald of Luunja,

    the vald of Mäksa,

    the vald of Meeksi,

    the vald of Muhu,

    the vald of Mustjala,

    the vald of Orissaare,

    the vald of Peipsiääre,

    the vald of Piirissaare,

    the vald of Pöide,

    the vald of Rägavere,

    the vald of Rakvere,

    the vald of Ruhnu,

    the vald of Salme,

    the vald of Sõmeru,

    the vald of Torgu,

    the vald of Vara,

    the vald of Vihula,

    the vald of Viljandi,

    the vald of Vinni,

    the vald of Viru-Nigula,

    the vald of Võnnu.

    2.   Lettonia

    Le seguenti zone in Lettonia:

    in the novads of Apes, the pagasti of Trapenes, Gaujienas and Apes and the pilsēta of Ape,

    in the novads of Balvu, the pagsti of Vīksnas, Bērzkalnes, Vectilžas, Lazdulejas, Briežuciema, Tilžas, Bērzpils and Krišjāņu,

    in the novads of Bauskas, the pagasti of Mežotnes, Codes, Dāviņu and Vecsaules,

    in the novads of Daugavpils the pagasti of Vaboles, Līksnas, Sventes, Medumu, Demenas, Kalkūnes, Laucesas, Tabores, Maļinovas, Ambeļu, Biķernieku, Naujenes, Vecsalienas, Salienas and Skrudalienas,

    in the novads of Dobeles, the part of the pagasts of Jaunbērzes located to the East of road P98,

    in the novads of Gulbenes the pagasts of Līgo,

    in the novads of Ikšķiles, the part of pagasts of Tīnūžu located to the South- East of road P10, the pilsēta of Ikšķile,in the novads of Jelgavas the pagasti of Kalnciema, Līvbērzes and Valgundes,

    in the novads of Kandavas, the pagasti of Cēres, Kandavas, Zemītes and Zantes, the pilsēta of Kandava,

    in the novads of Krimuldas, the part of pagasts of Krimuldas located to the North — East of roads V89 and V81 and the part of pagasts of Lēdurgas located to the North — East of roads V81 and V128,

    in the novads of Limbažu, the pagasti of Skultes, Limbažu, Umurgas, Katvaru, Pāles, Viļķenes and the pilsēta of Limbaži,

    in the novads of Preiļu the pagasts of Saunas,

    in the novads of Raunas, the pagasts of Raunas,

    in the novads of Riebiņu, the pagasti of Sīļukalna, Stabulnieku, Galēnu and Silajāņu,

    in the novads of Rugāju the pagsts of Lazdukalna,

    in the novads of Siguldas, the pagasts of Mores and the part of the pagasts of Allažu located to the South of the road P3,

    in the novads of Smiltenes, the pagasti of Brantu, Blomes, Smiltenes, Bilskas and Grundzāles, the pilsēta of Smiltene,

    in the novads of Talsu, the pagasti of Ķūļciema, Balgales, Vandzenes, Laucienes, Virbu, Strazdes, Lubes, Īves, Valdgales, Laidzes, Ārlavas, Lībagu and Abavas, the pilsētas of Sabile, Stende and Valdemārpils,

    in the novads of Ventspils, the pagasti of Ances, Tārgales, Popes and Puzes,

    the novads of Ādažu,

    the novads of Aglonas,

    the novads of Aizkraukles,

    the novads of Aknīstes,

    the novads of Alojas,

    the novads of Alūksnes,

    the novads of Amatas,

    the novads of Babītes,

    the novads of Baldones,

    the novads of Baltinavas,

    the novads of Beverīnas,

    the novads of Burtnieku,

    the novads of Carnikavas,

    the novads of Cēsu,

    the novads of Cesvaines,

    the novads of Ciblas,

    the novads of Dagdas,

    the novads of Dundagas,

    the novads of Engures,

    the novads of Ērgļu,

    the novads of Iecavas,

    the novads of Ilūkstes,

    the novads of Jaunjelgavas,

    the novads of Jaunpils,

    the novads of Jēkabpils,

    the novads of Kārsavas,

    the novads of Ķeguma,

    the novads of Ķekavas,

    the novads of Kocēnu,

    the novads of Kokneses,

    the novads of Krāslavas,

    the novads of Krustpils,

    the novads of Lielvārdes,

    the novads of Līgatnes,

    the novads of Līvānu,

    the novads of Lubānas,

    the novads of Ludzas,

    the novads of Madonas,

    the novads of Mālpils,

    the novads of Mārupes,

    the novads of Mazsalacas,

    the novads of Mērsraga,

    the novads of Naukšēnu,

    the novads of Neretas,

    the novads of Ogres,

    the novads of Olaines,

    the novads of Ozolnieki,

    the novads of Pārgaujas,

    the novads of Pļaviņu,

    the novads of Priekuļu,

    the novads of Rēzeknes,

    the novads of Rojas,

    the novads of Rūjienas,

    the novads of Salacgrīvas,

    the novads of Salas,

    the novads of Saulkrastu,

    the novads of Skrīveru,

    the novads of Strenču,

    the novads of Tukuma,

    the novads of Valkas,

    the novads of Varakļānu,

    the novads of Vecpiebalgas,

    the novads of Vecumnieku,

    the novads of Viesītes,

    the novads of Viļakas,

    the novads of Viļānu,

    the novads of Zilupes,

    the part of the novads of Garkalnes located to the North — West of road A2,the part of the novads of Ropažu located to the East of road P10,

    the republikas pilsēta of Daugavpils,

    the republikas pilsēta of Jēkabpils,

    the republikas pilsēta of Jūrmala,

    the republikas pilsēta of Rēzekne,

    the republikas pilsēta of Valmiera.

    3.   Lituania

    Le seguenti zone in Lituania:

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Alytus the seniūnijos of Pivašiūnų, Punios, Daugų, Alovės, Nemunaičio, Raitininkų, Miroslavo, Krokialaukio, Simno, Alytaus,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Anykščiai, the seniūnijos of Kavarsko, Kurklių and the part of Anykščių, located south west to the road No.121 and No. 119,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Biržai the seniūnijos of Biržų miesto, Nemunėlio Radviliškio, Pabiržės, Pačeriaukštės and Parovėjos,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Jonava, the seniūnijos of Šilų, Bukonių and, in the Žeimių seniūnija, the villages of Biliuškiai, Drobiškiai, Normainiai II, Normainėliai, Juškonys, Pauliukai, Mitėniškiai, Zofijauka, Naujokai,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Kaunas, the seniūnijos of Akademijos, Alšėnų, Babtų, Batniavos, Čekiškės, Domeikavos, Ežerėlio, Garliavos, Garliavos apylinkių, Kačerginės, Kulautuvos, Linksmakalnio, Raudondvario, Ringaudų, Rokų, Samylų, Taurakiemio, Užliedžių, Vilkijos, Vilkijos apylinkių and Zapyškio,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Kėdainiai, the seniūnijos of Josvainių and Pernaravos,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Kupiškis, the seniūnijos of Noriūnų, Skapiškio, Subačiaus and Šimonių,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Panevėžys the seniūnijos of Naujamiesčio, Paįstrio, Panevėžio, Ramygalos, Smilgių, Upytės, Vadoklių, Velžio and the part of Krekenavos seniūnija located to the east of the river Nevėžis,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Prienai the seniūnijos of Veiverių, Šilavoto, Naujosios Ūtos, Balbieriškio, Ašmintos, Išlaužo, Pakuonių,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Šalčininkai, the seniūnijos of Jašiūnų, Turgelių, Akmenynės, Šalčininkų, Gerviškių, Butrimonių, Eišiškių, Poškonių, Dieveniškių,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Utena the seniūnijos of Sudeikių, Utenos, Utenos miesto, Kuktiškių, Daugailių, Tauragnų, Saldutiškio,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Varėna, the seniūnijos of Kaniavos, Marcinkonių, Merkinės,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Vilnius the parts of the seniūnija of Sudervė and Dūkštai located to the North-East from the road No. 171, the seniūnijos of Maišiagala, Zujūnų, Avižienių, Riešės, Paberžės, Nemenčinės, Nemenčinės miesto, Sužionių, Buivydžių, Bezdonių, Lavoriškių, Mickūnų, Šatrininkų, Kalvelių, Nemėžių, Rudaminos, Rūkainių, Medininkų, Marijampolio, Pagirių and Juodšilių,

    the miesto savivaldybė of Alytus,

    the miesto savivaldybė of Kaunas,

    the miesto savivaldybė of Panevėžys,

    the miesto savivaldybė of Prienai,

    the miesto savivaldybė of Vilnius,

    the rajono savivaldybė of Ignalina,

    the rajono savivaldybė of Lazdijai,

    the rajono savivaldybė of Molėtai,

    the rajono savivaldybė of Rokiškis,

    the rajono savivaldybė of Širvintos,

    the rajono savivaldybė of Švenčionys,

    the rajono savivaldybė of Ukmergė,

    the rajono savivaldybė of Zarasai,

    the savivaldybė of Birštonas,

    the savivaldybė of Druskininkai,

    the savivaldybė of Visaginas.

    4.   Polonia

    Le seguenti zone in Polonia:


    In the województwo podlaskie:

    the gmina of Dubicze Cerkiewne, the parts of the gminy of Kleszczele and Czeremcha located to the East of road number 66, in the powiat hajnowski,

    the gmina of Rutki in the powiat zambrowski,

    the gmina Kobylin-Borzymy in the powiat wysokomazowiecki,

    the gminy of Czarna Białostocka, Dobrzyniewo Duże, Gródek, Michałowo, Supraśl, Tykocin, Wasilków, Zabłudów, Zawady and Choroszcz in the powiat białostocki,

    the part of the gmina of Bielsk Podlaski located to the East of the line created by road number 19 (going northwards from the city of Bielsk Podlaski) and prolonged by the eastern border of the city of Bielsk Podlaski and road number 66 (going southwards from the city of Bielsk Podlaski), the part of the gmina of Orla located to the East of road number 66, in the powiat bielski,

    the powiat sokólski.


    In the województwo lubelskie:

    the gminy of Piszczac and Kodeń in the powiat bialski.


    1.   Estonia

    Le seguenti zone in Estonia:

    the maakond of Jõgevamaa,

    the maakond of Järvamaa,

    the part of the vald of Kuusalu located to the South of road 1 (E20),

    the part of the vald of Tamsalu located to the South-West of the Tallinn-Tartu railway,

    the vald of Aegviidu,

    the vald of Anija,

    the vald of Kadrina,

    the vald of Kolga-Jaani,

    the vald of Kõo,

    the vald of Laeva,

    the vald of Laimjala,

    the vald of Pihtla,

    the vald of Rakke,

    the vald of Tapa,

    the vald of Väike-Maarja,

    the vald of Valjala.

    2.   Lettonia

    Le seguenti zone in Lettonia:

    in the novads of Apes, the pagasts of Virešu,

    in the novads of Balvu, the pagasti of Kubuļu, Balvu and the pilsēta of Balvi,

    in the novads of Daugavpils the pagasti of Nīcgales, Kalupes, Dubnas and Višķu,

    in the novads of Gulbenes, the pagasti of Beļavas, Galgauskas, Jaungulbenes, Daukstu, Stradu, Litenes, Stāmerienas, Tirzas, Druvienas, Rankas, Lizuma and Lejasciema and the pilsēta of Gulbene,

    in the novads of Ikšķiles, the part of the pagasts of Tīnūžu located to the North — West of road P10,in the novads of Krimuldas the part of pagasts of Krimuldas located to the South-West of roads V89 and V81 and the part of pagasts of Lēdurgas located to the South-West of roads V81 and V128,

    in the novads of Limbažu the pagasts of Vidrižu,

    in the novads of Preiļu the pagasti of Preiļu, Aizkalnes and Pelēču, the pilsēta of Preiļi,

    in the novads of Raunas, the pagasts of Drustu,

    in the novads of Riebiņu the pagasti of Riebiņu and Rušonas,

    in the novads of Rugāju the pagasts of Rugāju,

    in the novads of Siguldas the pagasts of Siguldas and the part of pagasts of Allažu located to the North of road P3 and the pilsēta of Sigulda,

    in the novads of Smiltenes, the pagasti of Launkalnes, Variņu and Palsmanes,

    the novads of Inčukalna,

    the novads of Jaunpiebalgas,

    the novads of Salaspils,the novads of Sējas,

    the novads of Vārkavas,

    the part of the novads of Garkalnes located to the South — East of road A2,the part of the novads of Ropažu located to the West of road P10, the part of the novads of Stopiņu located to the East of roads V36, P4 and P5, streets Acones, Dauguļupes and river Dauguļupīte.

    3.   Lituania

    Le seguenti zone in Lituania:

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Anykščiai, the seniūnijos of Debeikių, Skiemonių, Viešintų, Andrioniškio, Svėdasų, Troškūnų, Traupio and the part of the seniūnija of Anykščių located north east to the road No. 121 and No. 119,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Alytus, the seniūnija of Butrimonių,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Biržai, the seniūnijos of Vabalninko, Papilio and Širvenos,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Jonava the seniūnijos of Upninkų, Ruklos, Dumsių, Užusalių, Kulvos and, in the seniūnija of Žeimiai, the villages Akliai, Akmeniai, Barsukinė, Blauzdžiai, Gireliai, Jagėlava, Juljanava, Kuigaliai, Liepkalniai, Martyniškiai, Milašiškiai, Mimaliai, Naujasodis, Normainiai I, Paduobiai, Palankesiai, Pamelnytėlė, Pėdžiai, Skrynės, Svalkeniai, Terespolis, Varpėnai, Žeimių gst., Žieveliškiai and Žeimių miestelis,

    the rajono savivaldybė of Kaišiadorys,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Kaunas, the seniūnijos of Vandžiogalos, Lapių, Karmėlavos and Neveronių,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Kėdainiai, the seniūnija of Pelėdnagių, Krakių, Dotnuvos, Gudžiūnų, Surviliškio, Vilainių, Truskavos, Šėtos, Kėdainių miesto,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Kupiškis, the seniūnijos of Alizavos and Kupiškio,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Pasvalys, the seniūnijos of Daujėnų and Krinčino,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Prienai, the seniūnijos of Jiezno and Stakliškių,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Panevėžys, the seniūnijos of Miežiškių,Raguvos and Karsakiškio,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Šalčininkai, the seniūnijos of Baltosios Vokės, Pabarės, Dainavos and Kalesninkų,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Varėna, the seniūnijos of Valkininkų, Jakėnų, Matuizų, Varėnos and Vydenių,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Vilnius the parts of the seniūnija of Sudervė and Dūkštai located to the South-West from the road No. 171,

    in the rajono savivaldybė of Utena, the seniūnijos of Užpalių, Vyžuonų and Leliūnų,

    the savivaldybė of Elektrėnai,

    the miesto savivaldybė of Jonava,

    the miesto savivaldybė of Kaišiadorys,

    the rajono savivaldybė of Trakai.

    4.   Polonia

    Le seguenti zone in Polonia:


    In the województwo podlaskie:

    the powiat grajewski,

    the powiat moniecki,

    the gminy of Czyże, Białowieża, Hajnówka with the city of Hajnówka, Narew, Narewka and the parts of the gminy of Czeremcha and Kleszczele located to the West of road number 66 in the powiat hajnowski,

    the gminy of Mielnik, Milejczyce, Nurzec-Stacja, Siemiatycze with the city of Siemiatycze in the powiat siemiatycki.


    In the województwo mazowieckie:

    the gminy of Sarnaki, Stara Kornica and Huszlew in powiat łosicki.


    In the województwo lubelskie:

    the gminy of Konstantynów, Janów Podlaski, Leśna Podlaska, Rokitno, Biała Podlaska, Zalesie and Terespol with the city of Terespol in the powiat bialski,

    the powiat M. Biała Podlaska.



    Le seguenti zone in Italia:

    all areas of Sardinia.»
