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Document C:2019:206:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Union, C 206, 17 June 2019

    Display all documents published in this Official Journal

    ISSN 1977-091X

    Official Journal

    of the European Union

    C 206

    European flag  

    English edition

    Information and Notices

    Volume 62
    17 June 2019




    IV   Notices




    Court of Justice of the European Union

    2019/C 206/01

    Last publications of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Official Journal of the European Union



    V   Announcements





    2019/C 206/02

    Joined Cases C-473/17 and C-546/17: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 11 April 2019 (Requests for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo — Spain) — Repsol Butano SA (C-473/17), DISA Gas SAU (C-546/17) v Administración del Estado (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Energy — Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sector — Consumer protection — Requirement of general economic interest — Maximum price of a bottle of gas — Home delivery obligation — Article 106 TFEU — Directives 2003/55/EC, 2009/73/EC and 2006/123/EC — Interpretation of the judgment of 20 April 2010, Federutility and Others (C-265/08, EU:C:2010:205) — Principle of proportionality)


    2019/C 206/03

    Case C-483/17: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 11 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Court of Appeal — Ireland) — Neculai Tarola v Minister for Social Protection (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Citizenship of the Union — Freedom of movement for persons — Directive 2004/38/EC — Right of free movement and residence within the territory of the Member States — Article 7(1)(a) — Employees and self-employed persons — Article 7(3)(c) — Right of residence for more than three months — National of a Member State who has worked in an employed capacity in another Member State for a period of two weeks — Involuntary unemployment — Retention of the status of worker for no less than six months — Entitlement to jobseeker’s allowance)


    2019/C 206/04

    Case C-501/17: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 4 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Köln — Germany) — Germanwings GmbH v Wolfgang Pauels (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Air transport — Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 — Article 5(3) — Compensation to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights — Scope — Exemption from the obligation to pay compensation — Notion of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ — Damage to an aircraft tyre caused by a foreign object lying on an airport runway)


    2019/C 206/05

    Case C-558/17 P: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 4 April 2019 — OZ v European Investment Bank (EIB) (Appeal — Civil service — Staff of the European Investment Bank (EIB) — Sexual harassment — Investigation carried out in the context of the ‘Dignity at work’ programme — Rejection of a complaint alleging harassment — Application for annulment of the decision of the President of the EIB rejecting the complaint — Compensation for damage)


    2019/C 206/06

    Joined Cases C-582/17 and C-583/17: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 2 April 2019 (requests for a preliminary ruling from the Raad van State — Netherlands) — Staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie v H. (C-582/17), R. (C-583/17) (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Determination of the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection — Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 — Article 18(1)(b) to (d) — Article 23(1) — Article 24(1) — Take back procedure — Criteria for determining responsibility — New application lodged in another Member State — Article 20(5) — Ongoing determination process — Withdrawal of the application — Article 27 — Remedies)


    2019/C 206/07

    Case C-603/17: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 11 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom — United Kingdom) — Peter Bosworth, Colin Hurley v Arcadia Petroleum Limited and Others (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Area of freedom, security and justice — Judicial cooperation in civil matters — Lugano II Convention — Jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters — Title II, Section 5 (Articles 18 to 21) — Jurisdiction over individual contracts of employment)


    2019/C 206/08

    Case C-617/17: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 3 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Sąd Najwyższy — Poland) — Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A. v Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Competition — Article 82 EC — Abuse of a dominant position — Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 — Article 3(1) — Application of national competition law — Decision of a national competition authority to impose one fine on the basis of national law and another on the basis of EU law — Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union — Article 50 — Principle of ne bis in idem — Whether applicable)


    2019/C 206/09

    Case C-638/17: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 11 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas — Lithuania) — proceedings brought by Valstybinė mokesčių inspekcija prie Lietuvos Respublikos finansų ministerijos (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Structure and rates of excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco — Directive 2011/64/EU — Article 4(1)(a) — Concept of ‘cigars or cigarillos’ — Rolls of tobacco with an outer wrapper of natural tobacco which is partially covered by an additional paper layer)


    2019/C 206/10

    Case C-690/17: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 11 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf — Germany) — ÖKO-Test Verlag GmbH v Dr. Rudolf Liebe Nachf. GmbH & Co. KG (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Intellectual property — Trade marks — Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 — Article 9(1) — Directive 2008/95/EC — Article 5(1) and (2) — Rights afforded by a trade mark — Individual trade mark consisting of a quality label)


    2019/C 206/11

    Case C-691/17: Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 11 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Fővárosi Közigazgatási és Munkaügyi Bíróság — Hungary) — PORR Építési Kft. v Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal Fellebbviteli Igazgatósága (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Taxation — Common system of value added tax — Directive 2006/112/EC — Right to deduct value added tax (VAT) paid as input tax — Article 199(1)(a) — Reverse charge procedure — Undue payment of the tax by the recipient of services to the suppliers on the basis of an invoice drawn up incorrectly according to the rules on ordinary taxation — Tax authority’s decision holding that the recipient of services has an outstanding tax liability and refusing a claim for deduction — No examination by the tax authority of the possibility of reimbursement of the tax)


    2019/C 206/12

    Case C-699/17: Judgment of the Court (Ninth Chamber) of 4 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgerichtshof — Austria) — proceedings brought by Allianz Vorsorgekasse AG (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Public Procurement — Conclusion of accession agreements with an occupational provident fund responsible for managing contributions of occupational solidarity — Conclusion requiring the agreement of employees or their representatives — Directive 2014/24/EU — Articles 49 and 56 TFEU — Principles of equal treatment and of non-discrimination — Obligation of transparency)


    2019/C 206/13

    Joined Cases C-29/18, C-30/18 and C-44/18: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 11 April 2019 (requests for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Galicia — Spain) — Cobra Servicios Auxiliares SA v José David Sánchez Iglesias (C-29/18), José Ramón Fiuza Asorey (C-30/18), Jesús Valiño Lopez (C-44/18), FOGASA (C-29/18 and C-44/18), Incatema SL, (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Social policy — Directive 1999/70/EC — Framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP — Clause 4 — Principle of non-discrimination — Concept of ‘employment conditions’ — Comparability of the situations — Justification — Concept of ‘objective grounds’ — Compensation in the event of the termination of a permanent employment contract on an objective ground — Lower amount of compensation paid on expiry of a contract for ‘a specific task’)


    2019/C 206/14

    Case C-139/18 P: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 3 April 2019 — CJ v European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (Appeal — Civil service — Member of the contract staff — European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) — Appraisal report — 2011 Appraisal exercise — Application for annulment of the decision closing the appraisal report)


    2019/C 206/15

    Case C-214/18: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 10 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Sąd Rejonowy w Sopocie Wydział I Cywilny — Poland) — proceedings brought by H. W. (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Directive 2006/112/EC — Value added tax (VAT) — Court enforcement officer — Enforcement — Fees laid down by law — Administrative practice of the competent national authorities considering those fees to be inclusive of VAT — Principles of neutrality and proportionality)


    2019/C 206/16

    Case C-254/18: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 11 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d’État — France) — Syndicat des cadres de la sécurité intérieure v Premier ministre, Ministre de l’Intérieur, Ministre de l’Action et des Comptes publics (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Directive 2003/88/EC — Organisation of working time — Protection of the safety and health of workers — Maximum weekly working time — Reference period — Rolling or fixed nature — Derogation — Police officers)


    2019/C 206/17

    Case C-266/18: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 3 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Sąd Okręgowy w Poznaniu — Poland) — Aqua Med sp. z o.o. v Irena Skóra (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Consumer protection — Directive 93/13/EEC — Unfair terms in consumer contracts — Article 1(2) — Scope of the directive — Contractual term conferring territorial jurisdiction on the court determined pursuant to the general rules — Article 6(1) — Review of unfairness of the court’s own motion — Article 7(1) — Obligations and powers of the national court)


    2019/C 206/18

    Case C-282/18 P: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 10 April 2019 — The Green Effort Limited v European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), Fédération internationale de l’automobile (FIA) (Appeal — EU trade mark — Appeals procedure — Time limits — Electronic notification — Calculation of time limits)


    2019/C 206/19

    Case C-288/18: Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 11 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden — Netherlands) — X BV v Staatssecretaris van Financiën (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Common Customs Tariff — Classification of goods — Combined Nomenclature — Subheadings 85285100 and 85285940 — Flat screen monitors with liquid crystal display capable of displaying signals from automatic data processing systems — Agreement on trade in information technology products)


    2019/C 206/20

    Case C-295/18: Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 11 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal da Relação do Porto — Portugal) — Mediterranean Shipping Company (Portugal) — Agentes de Navegação SA v Banco Comercial Português SA, Caixa Geral de Depósitos SA (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Payment services in the internal market — Directive 2007/64/EC — Articles 2 and 58 — Scope — Payment service user — Meaning — Execution of a direct-debit payment order issued by a third party in respect of an account of which that party is not the holder — No authorisation from the holder of the debited account — Unauthorised payment transactions)


    2019/C 206/21

    Case C-464/18: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 11 April 2019 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Juzgado de lo Mercantil No 1 de Gerona — Spain) — ZX v Ryanair DAC (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Judicial cooperation in civil matters — Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 — Determination of the court having jurisdiction to hear an application for compensation in respect of a delayed flight — Article 7(5) — Operations of a branch — Article 26 — Implied prorogation — Requirement that the defendant enter an appearance)


    2019/C 206/22

    Case C-155/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato (Italy) lodged on 22 February 2019 — Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio (FIGC), Consorzio Ge.Se.Av. S. c. arl v De Vellis Servizi Globali Srl


    2019/C 206/23

    Case C-156/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato (Italy) lodged on 22 February 2019 — Federazone Italiana Giuoco Calcio (FIGC), Consorzio Ge.Se.Av. S. c. arl v De Vellis Servizi Globali Srl


    2019/C 206/24

    Case C-168/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Corte dei Conti — Sezione Giurisdizionale per la Regione Puglia (Italy) lodged on 25 February 2019 — HB v Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale


    2019/C 206/25

    Case C-169/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Corte dei Conti — Sezione Giurisdizionale Per la Regione Puglia (Italy) lodged on 25 February 2019 — IC v Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale


    2019/C 206/26

    Case C-191/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Frankfurt am Main (Germany) lodged on 27 February 2019 — OI v Air Nostrum Lineas Aereas del Mediterraneo SA


    2019/C 206/27

    Case C-209/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Saarbrücken (Germany) lodged on 5 March 2019 — SM v Sparkasse Saarbrücken


    2019/C 206/28

    Case C-216/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Berlin (Germany) lodged on 11 March 2019 — WQ v Land Berlin


    2019/C 206/29

    Case C-219/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per il Lazio (Italy) lodged on 11 March 2019 — Parsec Fondazione Parco delle Scienze e della Cultura v Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Autorità nazionale anticorruzione (ANAC)


    2019/C 206/30

    Case C-238/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Hannover (Germany) lodged on 20 March 2019 — EZ v Federal Republic of Germany


    2019/C 206/31

    Case C-242/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from Tribunalul București (Romania) lodged on 20 March 2019 — CHEP Equipment Pooling NV v Agenția Națională de Administrare Fiscală — Direcția Generală Regională a Finanțelor Publice București — Serviciul Soluționare Contestații, Agenția Națională de Administrare Fiscală — Direcția Generală Regională a Finanțelor Publice București — Administrația Fiscală pentru Contribuabili Nerezidenți


    2019/C 206/32

    Case C-249/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunalul București (Romania) lodged on 25 March 2019 — JE v KF


    2019/C 206/33

    Case C-253/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal da Relação de Guimarães (Portugal) lodged on 26 March 2019 — MH, NI v OJ, Novo Banco SA


    2019/C 206/34

    Case C-254/19: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the High Court (Ireland) made on 26 March 2019 — Friends of the Irish Environment Limited v An Bord Pleanála


    2019/C 206/35

    Case C-255/19: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) London (United Kingdom) made on 26 March 2019 — Secretary of State for the Home Department v O A


    2019/C 206/36

    Case C-257/19: Action brought on 26 March 2019 — European Commission v Ireland


    2019/C 206/37

    Case C-263/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Fővárosi Törvényszék (Hungary) lodged on 28 March 2019 — T Systems Magyarország Zrt. and Others v Közbeszerzési Hatóság Közbeszerzési Döntőbizottság and Others


    2019/C 206/38

    Case C-265/19: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the High Court (Ireland) made on 29 March 2019 — Recorded Artists Actors Performers Ltd v Phonographic Performance (Ireland) Ltd, Minister for Jobs Enterprise and Innovation, Ireland, Attorney General


    2019/C 206/39

    Case C-275/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Supremo Tribunal de Justiça (Portugal) lodged on 2 April 2019 — Sportingbet PLC, Internet Opportunity Entertainment Ltd v Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, Sporting Club de Braga, Sporting Club de Braga — Futebol, SAD


    2019/C 206/40

    Case C-276/19: Action brought on 1 April 2019 — European Commission v United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


    2019/C 206/41

    Case C-282/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale di Napoli (Italy) lodged on 3 April 2019 — YT and Others v Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Campania


    2019/C 206/42

    Case C-286/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal d’instance d’Aulnay-Sous-Bois (France) lodged on 5 April 2019 — JE, KF v XL Airways SA


    2019/C 206/43

    Case C-288/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht des Saarlandes (Germany) lodged on 9 April 2019 — QM v Finanzamt Saarbrücken




    2019/C 206/44

    Case T-226/17: Judgment of the General Court of 11 April 2019 — Adapta Color v EUIPO — Coatings Foreign IP (Rustproof System ADAPTA) (EU trade mark — Invalidity proceedings — European Union word mark Rustproof system ADAPTA — Partial declaration of invalidity by the Board of Appeal — Absolute grounds for refusal — Descriptive character — Article 7(1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 (now Article 7(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2007/1001) — No distinctive character acquired by use — Article 7(3) of Regulation No 207/2009 (now Article 7(3) of Regulation 2017/1001) — Infringement of the right to be heard — Obligation to state reasons — Article 75 of Regulation No 207/2009 (now Article 94 of Regulation 2017/1001) — Evidence submitted for the first time before the Court)


    2019/C 206/45

    Case T-481/18: Order of the General Court of 8 April 2019 — Electroquimica Onubense v ECHA (REACH — Representation by a lawyer who is not a third party — Manifest inadmissibility)


    2019/C 206/46

    Case T-79/19 R: Order of the President of the General Court of 2 April 2019 — Lantmännen and Lantmännen Agroetanol v Commission (Application for interim measures — Competition — Settlement procedure — Access to documents — No urgency)


    2019/C 206/47

    Case T-99/19: Action brought on 18 February 2019 — Magnan v Commission


    2019/C 206/48

    Case T-158/19: Action brought on 15 March 2019 — Breyer v Commission


    2019/C 206/49

    Case T-174/19: Action brought on 22 March 2019 — Vincenti v EUIPO


    2019/C 206/50

    Case T-181/19: Action brought on 27 March 2019 — Dickmanns v EUIPO


    2019/C 206/51

    Case T-192/19: Action brought on 4 April 2019 — Ceramica Flaminia v EUIPO — Ceramica Cielo (goclean)


    2019/C 206/52

    Case T-193/19: Action brought on 4 April 2019 — Achema and Achema Gas Trade v Commission


    2019/C 206/53

    Case T-195/19: Action brought on 3 April 2019 — GEA Group v Commission


    2019/C 206/54

    Case T-197/19: Action brought on 4 April 2019 — Wiegand-Glashüttenwerke v Commission


    2019/C 206/55

    Case T-199/19: Action brought on 4 April 2019 — Glaswerk Ernstthal v Commission


    2019/C 206/56

    Case T-204/19: Action brought on 5 April 2019 — BL and BM v Council and Others


    2019/C 206/57

    Case T-206/19: Action brought on 5 April 2019 — Egger Beschichtungswerk Marienmünster v Commission


    2019/C 206/58

    Case T-207/19: Action brought on 5 April 2019 — Yara Brunsbüttel v Commission


    2019/C 206/59

    Case T-208/19: Action brought on 5 April 2019 — Nolte Holzwerkstoff v Commission


    2019/C 206/60

    Case T-215/19: Action brought on 8 April 2019 — Glatfelter Gernsbach v Commission


    2019/C 206/61

    Case T-216/19: Action brought on 8 April 2019 — Glatfelter Steinfurt v Commission


    2019/C 206/62

    Case T-217/19: Action brought on 8 April 2019 — Schott v Commission


    2019/C 206/63

    Case T-218/19: Action brought on 8 April 2019 — Evonik Degussa v Commission


    2019/C 206/64

    Case T-219/19: Action brought on 8 April 2019 — Julius Schulte Trebsen v Commission


    2019/C 206/65

    Case T-220/19: Action brought on 8 April 2019 — Mitsubishi Polyester Film v Commission


    2019/C 206/66

    Case T-221/19: Action brought on 8 April 2019 — Nippon Gases Deutschland v Commission


    2019/C 206/67

    Case T-222/19: Action brought on 8 April 2019 — Sappi Alfeld v Commission


    2019/C 206/68

    Case T-223/19: Action brought on 8 April 2019 — Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) v Commission


    2019/C 206/69

    Case T-224/19: Action brought on 9 April 2019 — Metsä Tissue v Commission


    2019/C 206/70

    Case T-225/19: Action brought on 9 April 2019 — Linde Gas v Commission


    2019/C 206/71

    Case T-226/19: Action brought on 9 April 2019 — Radici Chimica Deutschland v Commission


    2019/C 206/72

    Case T-227/19: Action brought on 9 April 2019 — Ronal v Commission


    2019/C 206/73

    Case T-228/19: Action brought on 9 April 2019 — Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann v Commission


    2019/C 206/74

    Case T-229/19: Action brought on 8 April 2019 — AlzChem Trostberg v Commission


    2019/C 206/75

    Case T-230/19: Action brought on 9 April 2019 — Evonik Functional Solutions v Commission


    2019/C 206/76

    Case T-235/19: Action brought on 4 April 2019 — HIM v Commission


    2019/C 206/77

    Case T-242/19: Action brought on 9 April 2019 — Giant Electric Vehicle Kunshan v Commission


    2019/C 206/78

    Case T-243/19: Action brought on 9 Avril 2019 — Giant Electric Vehicle Kunshan v Commission


    2019/C 206/79

    Case T-244/19: Action brought on 11 April 2019 — Café Camelo v EUIPO — Camel Brand (CAMEL BRAND FOOD PRODUCTS)


    2019/C 206/80

    Case T-247/19: Action brought on 12 April 2019 — Thunus and Others v EIB


    2019/C 206/81

    Case T-261/19: Action brought on 18 April 2019 — Stada Arzneimittel v EUIPO — Optima Naturals (OptiMar)


    2019/C 206/82

    Case T-262/19: Action brought on 17 April 2019 — Jakober v EUIPO (Shape of a cup)


    2019/C 206/83

    Case T-264/19: Action brought on 18 April 2019 — nanoPET Pharma v EUIPO — Miltenyi Biotec (viscover)


    2019/C 206/84

    Case T-265/19: Action brought on 19 April 2019 — Italian Republic v Commission


    2019/C 206/85

    Case T-600/16: Order of the General Court of 17 April 2019 — Bandilla and Others v EIB


    2019/C 206/86

    Case T-191/17: Order of the General Court of 15 April 2019 — Boehringer Ingelheim International v Commission


    2019/C 206/87

    Case T-202/18: Order of the General Court of 11 April 2019 — Bruel v Commission


    2019/C 206/88

    Case T-4/19: Order of the General Court of 12 April 2019 — Hankintatukku Arno Latvus v EUIPO — Triaz Group (VIVANIA)



