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Document 52001PC0683

    Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community statistical programme 2003 to 2007

    /* COM/2001/0683 final - COD 2001/0281 */

    OJ C 75E, 26.3.2002, p. 274–303 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)


    Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community statistical programme 2003 to 2007 /* COM/2001/0683 final - COD 2001/0281 */

    Official Journal 075 E , 26/03/2002 P. 0274 - 0303

    Proposal for a DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the Community statistical programme 2003 to 2007

    (presented by the Commission)


    1. Background

    The proposed five-year programme for 2003 - 2007 is the sixth successive medium term programme of work prepared by Eurostat. The aim of each programme has been to provide an overview of the strategies, priorities and work plans foreseen for each planning period. The current plan, relating to 1998 - 2002, was set up by the Council Decision 1999/126/EC [1] in December 1998, and is the subject of a Mid-programme evaluation during 2001. The five-year programmes are supported by annual programmes which provide more detailed work objectives for each year.

    [1] OJ L 42, 16.2.1999, p. 1.

    The Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 [2] on Community Statistics requires the preparation of a Community statistical programme "which defines the approaches, the main fields and the objectives of the actions envisaged for a period not exceeding five years."

    [2] OJ L 52, 22.2.1997, p. 1.

    The proposed Decision is now subject to co-decision under Article 285 of the European Community Treaty.

    2. The continuing challenges

    In fulfilling its mission "To provide the European Union with a high quality statistical information service" in the context of the evolution of Community Policies, the European Statistical System (ESS) has to meet three specific challenges viz.:-

    * Meeting the needs of Community Policies as users of Community statistics,

    * Enhancing the quality of the data by improving the partnership between Eurostat and its partners in the ESS particularly in view of the enlargement of the Union,

    * Fixing priorities and allocating resources within a framework of constant or diminishing resources.

    2.1. The Community Policy needs

    The ESS faces growing difficulties in meeting the statistical information needed to monitor the ever-increasing policy requirements of the Community. This arises both in previously determined Community policy areas (e.g. Euro, Agriculture, Regional Policy, External Trade, Transport etc.) where the statistical systems are well established, as in, more particularly, new policy domains. The Community requires incontestable, official, comparable statistical information as a basis for decisions in a growing number of policy areas. An increasing emphasis on satisfying the "user need" in terms of Policies is of paramount importance for this programme of work and specific strategies have been developed to meet these needs.

    These strategies cover the following aspects:

    * Clear identification of the statistics needed for EU policy purposes, also taking into account the needs for the management of the "Euro-zone"

    * Improvement of the quality of service and in particular timeliness and reliability

    * Response burden, cost-effectiveness, evaluation and improved coordination.

    2.2. The European Statistical System

    The quality of Community statistics is conditioned by the quality of the data provided to Eurostat. In line with the principle of subsidiarity, Eurostat, together with the National Statistical Institutes, has created a network known collectively as the European Statistical System (ESS) [3], which is jointly responsible for the implementation of this programme. The ultimate goal of the ESS is to meet all needs for statistics in the EU in an integrated and harmonised manner. The representative in this network for each country is the National Statistical Institute. This network operates within the framework of the Council Decision 89/382/EEC,Euratom [4] on the Statistical Programme Committee and the Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 on Community Statistics.

    [3] EFTA countries which are parties to the European Economic Agreement are in this context understood as being part of the ESS; thus references to EU Member States and EU National Statistical Institutes are understood as including these EFTA States.

    [4] OJ L 181, 28.6.1989, p. 47.

    The ESS will require further refinement and development over the period of this programme. In particular, in view of the integration of new member states, new ways of working will have to be found to ensure that the ESS can provide via Eurostat the necessary statistics to support key Community decision making with the required information and at the relevant moment for policy purposes.

    In the face of further enlargement of the Union, the already difficult problems of quality, and in particular of timeliness, risk being exacerbated. This requires the development of appropriate mechanisms to obtain the necessary data within the enlarged ESS.

    Eurostat has created a complementary network known as the Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments statistics (CMFB) with the essential aim to meet the requirements for the Monetary Union and in particular those for the European Central Bank. The special feature of this network consists in bringing together senior statiticians from National Statistical Offices, National Central Banks, the ECB and Eurostat. This network operates within the framework of the Council Decision 91/115/EEC of 25 February 1991 [5] establishing a Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments statistics amended by further Decision 96/174/EC [6].

    [5] OJ L 59, 6.3.1991, p. 19

    [6] OJ L 51, 1.3.1996, p. 48

    2.3. Resources and Priorities

    2.3.1. Overview

    It is essential that the Community statistical programme of work clearly reflects the priority and resource choices that have been made for the information to be provided by the ESS. The resource frame must take into consideration the three levels of intervention in the process viz.:

    * The Commission via its own budgetary and staff resources,

    * The national authorities and their regional partners as appropriate,

    * The data providers, be they households, individuals or businesses.

    To this end the programme priorities are defined according to four categories:

    * Policy priorities of the Community

    * Major statistical infrastructure projects

    * Evolutionary maintenance of systems supporting existing policy needs

    * Other statistical indicators required

    The resource consequences of these choices in all themes of statistical work and their effect on the various Community policies are clearly identified in the programme.

    2.3.2. Operational requirements

    The operational resource requirements for Eurostat deriving from the Community Statistical Programme during the period 2003 - 2007 are currently estimated at a total of 192.5 million EUR over the five-year period. This figure represents the Eurostat budgetary resource necessary to engage all of the activities described in the Statistical Programme but excludes the following:

    * Expenditure on staff and administration,

    * Operational resources on other statistical budget lines such as Edicom and the Farm Structure Survey (FSS),

    * Operational resources made available by other Directorates General on their budget lines,

    * Resources at the national level.

    2.3.3. Redeployment of resources

    In the light of the declared programme priorities Eurostat will redeploy its own operational and human resources to respect the priority actions in the Statistical Programme. The main axes for redeployment will be as follows:

    * To continue to improve the statistics required for the Euro-zone as indicated by the ECOFIN Council.

    * To provide and further develop the structural indicators necessary to implement the European Council provisions initiated in Lisbon.

    * To provide the support necessary for the Candidate Countries over the 5-year period in co-operation with the members of the ESS and with the support of the Community PHARE budget.

    * To continue to consolidate the resources for Social Indicators in response to the needs identified by European Councils to the extent that this is possible within the budgetary appropriations.

    * To ensure across the programme as a whole that the resources for work linked to the objectives in the area of sustainable development policy, as agreed by the Gothenburg European Council, are given priority.

    The resources in other existing areas of statistical production in support of Community policy will be maintained at levels which permit them to meet these needs on an evolving basis.

    2.3.4. Deferment of Work

    In view of the development of statistical work, it is anticipated that the level of resources envisaged may not be sufficient to meet all of the requirements. In such circumstances, any need to defer work envisaged in this Programme will be indicated in the annual programmes of work in the light of:

    * the resources allocated to the Commission by the budgetary authority,

    * the resources available across the ESS to carry out the work.

    3. Conclusion

    Given the absolute necessity for the ESS to evolve in a way which better meets the statistical requirements of Community policy, the attached programme proposes a structured and rational approach to the necessary work required to meet the challenges facing the European Statistical System.

    The document describes the statistical requirements judged as necessary for all of the policy Titles of the Treaty and presents the main impacts of Community policies on each of these Titles.

    2001/0281 (COD)

    Proposal for a DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the Community statistical programme 2003 to 2007

    (Text with EEA relevance)


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 285 thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission [7],

    [7] OJ C ...

    Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee [8],

    [8] OJ C ...

    Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions [9],

    [9] OJ C ...

    Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty [10],

    [10] OJ C ...


    (1) In accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 of 17 February 1997 on Community statistics [11] a Community statistical programme should be established.

    [11] OJ L 52, 22.2.1997, p. 1.

    (2) Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 establishes the principles for the production of Community statistics and applies to this Decision.

    (3) Economic and monetary union is imposing substantial demands on the supply of monetary, balance of payments and financial statistics for the Community.

    (4) In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 322/97, the Community should be able to have timely access to statistical information comparable between the Member States which is up to date, reliable, pertinent and produced as efficiently as possible for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of its policies.

    (5) The availability of up-to-date comparable statistics of good quality is often a necessary condition for implementing Community policies.

    (6) In order to ensure the consistency and comparability of statistical information in the Community, there is a need to establish a five-year Community statistical programme which identifies the approaches, the main fields and the objectives of the actions envisaged in respect of these priorities.

    (7) The specific method of drawing up Community statistics requires particularly close cooperation within a developing community statistical system via the Statistical Programme Committee, set up by Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom [12], as regards the adaptation of the system, notably via the introduction of legal instruments necessary to establish the said Community statistics and whereas account is to be taken of the burden on respondents, be they business, households or individuals.

    [12] OJ L 181, 28.6.1989, p. 47.

    (8) The production of Community statistics within the legislative framework of the five-year programme is the responsibility of the national authorities at national level and of the Community authority (Eurostat) at Community level.

    (9) In order to achieve this objective a close, coordinated and coherent cooperation between the Community authority (Eurostat) and the national authorities is necessary.

    (10) To this effect, the Community authority (Eurostat) should ensure the coordination under various forms of the national authorities in a network representing the European Statistical System (EES) to assure the timely provision of statistics in support of EU policy needs.

    (11) Detailed implementing measures for individual statistical actions may be entrusted to the European Statistical System by the Commission, which shall decide the objectives and the measures concerned.

    (12) In addition, in the implementation of this Programme, in accordance with the Regulation (EC) No 322/97, the Commission is entrusted to execute certain implementing or execution tasks as they are defined in acts concerning individual statistical actions.

    (13) Consideration may be given as to whether certain of these tasks currently performed at Commission level could be executed, for example, by a specialised implementing body.

    (14) This Decision establishes a financial framework for the entire duration of the programme which is to be the principal point of reference for the budgetary authority, within the meaning of point 33 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on the budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure [13].

    [13] OJ C 172, 18.6.1999, p. 1.

    (15) The guidelines for establishing this programme have been submitted in accordance with Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 322/97 to the Statistical Programme Committee, the European Advisory Committee on Statistical Information in the Economic and Social Spheres set up by Council Decision 91/116/EEC [14] and the Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payment Statistics set up by Council Decision 91/115/EC [15],

    [14] OJ L 59, 6.3.1991, p. 21. Decision as last amended by Council Decision 97/255/EC (OJ L 102, 19.4.1997, p. 32).

    [15] OJ L 59, 6.3.1991, p. 19. Decision as last amended by Council Decision 96/174/EC (OJ L 51, 1.3.1996, p. 48).


    Article 1 Establishment of the Statistical Programme

    The Community statistical programme for the period from 2003 to 2007 (hereinafter 'the programme') is hereby set up. The programme is included in the Annex 1 to this Decision. It defines the approaches, the main fields and the objectives of the actions envisaged during that period.

    The Annex 1 provides a summary of statistical requirements viewed from the perspective of the policy needs of the European Union. These needs are broken down by titles of the Treaty.

    Article 2 Objectives and policy priorities

    Taking account of the available resources of the national authorities and the Commission, this programme shall be guided by the principal Community policy priorities of:

    - Economic and monetary union

    - European Union enlargement

    - Competitivity, sustainable development and the Social Agenda

    It shall also ensure the continuation of existing statistical support for decisions in current policy areas and the additional requirements arising from new Community policy initiatives.

    Article 3 Financing

    The financial framework for the implementation of this programme for the period 2003 to 2007 is hereby set at EUR 192.5 million.

    The annual appropriations shall be authorised by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial perspective.

    Article 4 Reports

    During the third year of implementation of the programme the Commission shall prepare an intermediate report showing its stage of development and present it to the Statistical Programme Committee.

    At the end of the period covered by the programme the Commission, after consulting the Statistical Programme Committee, shall present an appropriate evaluation report on the implementation of the programme, taking into account the views of independent experts. That report is to be completed by the end of 2008 and subsequently submitted the European Parliament and the Council.

    Article 5 Entry into force

    This Decision shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

    Article 6 Addressees

    This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

    Done at Brussels,

    For the European Parliament For the Council

    The President The President

    ANNEX 1

    Five year Statistical Programme of work: Approaches


    1. The need for statistical information for EU Policy

    EU Institutions and citizens need a factual means to assess the need for and progress of European policy initiatives. High quality statistical information is of primary importance in meeting this need. Eurostat (the Statistical Office of the European Communities) has as its main task the compilation and dissemination of relevant and timely information across a wide range of social, economic and environmental topics in support of existing and future policies of the EU. In an evolving e-Europe, statistical information has to be made available in a form and at a time when the user needs it. Thus during the period of this programme further efforts will need to be made to ensure that citizens have access to an increasing amount of basic information about economic, social and environmental developments in the EU. The ESS (European Statistical System) needs to further develop its structures and strategies to ensure that the system as whole maintains and develops the necessary quality and effectiveness to meet all user needs.

    Structure of the annex

    This annex concentrates on the policy determinants of the programme of work and provides a summary of European statistical requirements viewed from the perspective of the policy needs of the European Union. These needs are classified by the Titles identified in the Treaty on European Union as agreed in Amsterdam.

    For each of these policy Titles, this annex provides:

    * the principal orientation of the statistical work to be carried out within this five year period for each policy area and the specific action plans envisaged, including any foreseeable legal acts,

    * the areas of statistical work which support the policies of the Title according to the themes of statistical work as defined in the Activity-Based Management framework.

    2. Implementation Strategies

    a) Objectives

    The objectives laid down in the Eurostat Corporate Plan will underpin the execution of the work programme. These objectives are:

    * Eurostat at the service of the Commission

    * Eurostat at the service of other European Institutions and the wider user community

    * Contributing to the maintenance and development of the European Statistical System

    * Boosting staff motivation and satisfaction

    * Improving the quality of its products and services

    * Increasing internal productivity.

    b) Statistical Production

    In association with its partners in the ESS, Eurostat will put into place production processes that assure that European Statistics achieve the level of quality required for EU policy management purposes. Particular emphasis will be given to statistics for the Euro-zone requirements.

    Eurostat and the ESS partners will undertake a permanent review of EU and National Statistical information to ensure that it meets the real requirements for both EU and National Policy purposes and that the two aspects are fully integrated

    c) Efficiency of implementation

    The Commission will continue to assess its ways of working to ensure that the most efficient use is made of resources. Certain tasks in the field of statistics may be identified as being appropriate for implementation and follow-up by an external agency. Establishment of such an executive agency would be preceded by a full analysis in conformity with Council and Commission provisions on such bodies. Partners in the ESS will be kept fully informed of this process.

    d) Budgetary implementation of the programme

    Budgetary resources made available for statistical information under this programme are subject to the annual budgetary procedure without prejudice to budgetary resources made available under other legal acts. The resources will be used:

    * for the production of statistics as defined in Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 on Community Statistics, including the development and maintenance of statistical information systems and associated necessary infrastructure;

    * for grants made to partners in the ESS (Eurostat envisages concluding framework agreements with such partners);

    * for technical and administrative assistance as well as other support measures.

    3. Priorities

    The priorities for statistical work are managed according to four different categories of activity.

    a) Community Policy Requirements

    The statistical implications of the major Community policy areas are those currently identified by the Commission and can be summarised as follows:-

    * Economic and Monetary Union: all of the statistics required for Phase III EMU and the pact on stability and growth.

    * EU enlargement: incorporating those areas of statistical indicators of primary importance for the accession negotiations and for the integration of Candidate Countries into the ESS.

    * Competitivity, sustainable development and the Social Agenda: in particular, statistics on the labour market, environment, services, living conditions, migration and e-Europe.

    * Structural Indicators: further consolidation of work as requested by the Lisbon summit.

    b) Major projects

    This covers primary areas of work necessary to assure the functioning of the system. These will be subject to a formal project management approach, as follows:

    - Infrastructure work

    Consolidate the functioning of the ESS in a deepened and enlarged Europe. Different instruments of co-operation between national statistical organisations and Eurostat will be put in place. These will be based mainly on the exchange of data between national statistical authorities, the specialisation of Member States in some specific domains and flexibility in the launching of statistical surveys to meet European and national needs.

    Develop a system capable of reacting to developing policy needs and at the same time, promote dialogue between statisticians and policy makers to ensure flexibility of response and relevance of statistical products.

    The development of the technological infrastructure at Commission and Member State level will aim to ensure greater productivity, reduction in response burdens and easier user access to statistical information.

    Eurostat's involvement in the e-Commission and e-Europe initiatives, as well as ESS access to research and development programmes and the Interchange of Data between Administrations (IDA) programme will ensure co-operation and synergy between Community and national efforts.

    Quality assurance and the scientific basis of Community statistics will be the result of close co-operation between official and academic statisticians.

    - Specific projects

    Statistics on the new economy, including domains such as the information society andinnovation.

    Statisitcs on research and development, including benchmarking of national RTD policies.

    Short term statistics.

    Indicators to support policies for sustainable development.

    Social exclusion and poverty indicators.

    c) Statistical support to on-going policies

    This covers the continuation of statistical activities, which support existing community policy areas such as Agriculture, Regional Policy, External Trade etc.

    d) Other areas

    Other areas of statistical data collection not covered above which are nevertheless required for policy purposes.

    For activities within this priority framework, the detailed range and extent of data collected has in general been developed by Eurostat with the Member States in the context of the SPC and CMFB. This follows the rules defined in the Council Regulation on Community Statistics and is in conformity with agreed principles for such decisions concerning work management.

    4. Subsidiarity

    The legislative context for this is:

    (1) The Council Decision 89/373/EEC, Euratom setting up the SPC

    (2) The Council Regulation (EC) No. 322/97 on Community Statistics

    (3) The Commission Decision 97/281/EC on the role of Eurostat as regards the production of community statistics.

    Eurostat has responsibility to ensure the provision of Community statistics for EU policy purposes. Eurostat can only carry out this task in liaison with the statistical authorities in the Member States. Thus, activities are always based on a fundamental principle of subsidiarity. This involves a wide range of partner agencies but principally the National Statistical Institutes of the EU Member States.

    5. The balance of needs and resources

    The ESS has to maintain a vigilant watch on the balance between the needs for information for Community policy purposes and the resources required at EU, national and regional levels to provide this information. The provision of adequate resources in the National context is of particular importance in pursuing the Statistical information requirements of EU policy decisions. It is also however important to maintain sufficient flexibility to allow the National Authorities to satisfy Community statistical information needs in the most cost-effective manner.

    The annex identifies the set of statistical requirements necessary to support Community policies. In the context of overall resource management, the allocation of priorities across the various components of statistical work is defined according to the framework described above.

    Five year statistical programme of work: Objectives and actions


    Statistical implications

    It is expected that accession negotiations will be completed with an accession treaty for a number of candidate countries during the validity of the 2003-2007 programme. For the follow-up and potential completion of these negotiations, the Commission must be able to draw on a complete set of reliable statistics, methodologically comparable with those of the European Union countries. The Union will then face two somewhat different challenges:

    * To integrate the potential new members in all Community mechanisms, including e.g. own resources budgets and structural funds and all other issues and programs.

    * to continue to prepare the remaining candidates and help them to reach full compliance with current Community legislation.

    In both cases the high demands placed on the statistical production of the candidates, to be verified and communicated through Eurostat, should not be underestimated. Evidently, basic economic statistics are indispensable, including sectoral and regional distribution of GDP creation, population, and employment. Other key areas are those which measure the implementation of the single market, i.e. activities with a cross-border effect such as trade in goods, trade in services and freedom of establishment, balance of payments, capital flows, mobility of persons (migrant workers, migration, asylum seekers etc.), industrial production and structure with a view to capacity etc. In general, statistical production has to support the EU policy concerned, including monetary union-generated demands. In addition there are requirements for statistics in sectors which are sensitive for the accession negotiations, supporting primary EU policies such as agriculture, transport, regional and environment.


    During the five-year period work will concentrate on:

    * consolidating the collection of harmonised data for negotiations and internal EU purposes;

    * continuing assistance to candidate countries and new members to improve their statistical systems to meet Community requirements, including early information about any new Community legislation.


    Free movement of goods

    Statistical implications

    The entry into force of the Single Market in 1993 led to the introduction of a system for the statstical measurement of trade in goods between Member States (INTRASTAT), a lessening of the burden on information providers and thus a more appropriate response to the needs of economic and monetary union. However, the lessening of the burden has been limited in view of the wishes of the national authorities and numerous professional federations to maintain a system of detailed statistics of intra-Community trade compatible with extra-Community statistics.

    In line with the strategic plan approved in 1999 by Eurostat and the Member States, new adaptations of the system will be examined and tested prior to any reform of the legislation. The new system should therefore be focused on the supply of results meeting Community needs in accordance with strict quality requirements in terms of coverage, reliability and availability. The content of the results should be defined in such a way as to simplify current requirements whilst taking account of how needs develop as European integration progresses. Action will also be taken to improve the reliability of import and export price statistics to allow the internal competitiveness of the Union's products to be measured more effectively.

    In parallel, the possible consequences of the switch to a common VAT system will have been analysed by an evaluation of the sources of administrative or statistical information which can be used as a reference, priority being given to maintaining the link with the VAT system and the use of the general business register.


    At the end of the five-year programme the Commission will have adapted and improved the systems of statistical measurement of the trade of goods between Member States and with third countries, taking into account the development of the information requirements and the economic and administrative environment.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 53 Trade in goods

    Other important contributory themes // 44 Statistics on the economic activity of enterprises

    45 Energy

    48 Transport

    64 Crop production

    65 Animal production

    66 Agro-industry statistics



    Statistical implications


    The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) absorbs nearly half the Communities' budget. The Commission thus has a major task with regard to the CAP, with the usual role of policy formulation, monitoring, evaluation and adaptation. The Commission has extensive delegated competence for current management. The main effort in the 2003-2007 five year period will be, as in the programme 1998-2002, to operate this large set of statistics and to carry out essential maintenance. Particular attention will continue to be given to the environmental dimension, by developing statistics needed for analysing inter-linkage between agriculture and the environment, including the improvement of statistics on the use of fertilisers and pesticides, on organic farming and on action to maintain biodiversity and rural habitats.

    The Technical Action Plan for Agricultural Statistics (Tapas) management framework provides a collective and transparent approach to steadily improving use of available national and Community resources for producing agricultural statistics. The statistics produced will be put to greater use (e. g. modelling, direct access by Member States and European institutions).

    Two tasks will be undertaken which look towards the future. Agricultural statistics will be formulated to meet the needs of the CAP seven to ten years hence, taking account of the way the CAP may change following the reforms resulting from the 'Agenda 2000'. Work on agri-environmental data will be further developed. In particular, work will continue on indicators of the integration of environmental considerations into the CAP and on operational landscape indicators. Attention will also be paid to the growing need for information in the consumer/welfare aspects of agriculture and to statistical support for the rural development component of the CAP. The conclusions of the comprehensive independent review of the present system will be used to adapt the set of Community agriculture statistics to be in a position to meet identified new or changing needs. The second task is to establish a regular flow of comparable data, from official sources, for all candidate countries for accession to the EU.


    In this area, particular attention has to be given to the maintenance and improvement of work with international organisations above all for the development of specific criteria and indicators required for environmental management and sustainable forest management. Also, information on sustainable management of timber-derived industries needs to be developed in parallel. The consequences of the Bonn arrangements in the context of the Kyoto agreement will need to be taken into account for the developments in this work.


    Future developments within the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) will concentrate on the integration of the various components, from biology to resources, through improved monitoring of the activities of fishing vessels. These measures are unlikely to result in additional demand for data and the main effort in the coming years will be on consolidating and improving data flows (completeness, timeliness, consistency, comparability and accessibility) on the basis of existing legislation.

    The social and economic consequences of limiting the activities of fishing vessels and reducing the size of the EU fishing fleet is producing an increased demand for data on parameters to assess the social and economic situation. These developments are likely to be important elements in the re-negotiation of the CFP in 2002. Eurostat will follow these negotiations closely to ensure that its programme of fishery statistics continues to reflect the data needs of the CFP.


    During the programme period the Commission will strive to:

    * apply the TAPAS scheme for progressive improvements to the existing set of agricultural statistics, mainly as far as quality, comparability, efficiency savings, simplification and timeliness are concerned;

    * plan the development of agricultural statistics with the aim of meeting the future needs of the CAP;

    * provide indicators for better integration of environmental considerations into the CAP and information on the consumer/welfare aspects of agriculture;

    * assist in the development of comparable data in candidate countries for accession to the EU.

    * consolidate, improve and extend (indicators) forestry statistics

    * consolidate and improve the quality of fishery statistics.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 61 Land use and landscape

    62 Agricultural structures

    63 Agricultural monetary statistics

    64 Crop production

    65 Animal production

    66 Agro-industry statistics

    67 Co-ordination and reform of agricultural statistics

    68 Forestry statistics

    69 Fisheries statistics

    Other important contributory themes // 53 Trade in goods

    70 Sustainable development

    72 Regional statistics

    74 Geographical and local information


    Free movement of persons, services and capital

    Statistical implications

    EU balance of payment statistics provide fairly detailed information on trade in services and direct investments. Statistics on the trade of foreign branches are currently being developed. Although all these statistics are being developed mainly in response to the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and therefore to provide information on operations with countries outside the Community, the Member States consider it essential to continue to draw up a national balance of payments (therefore including intra-EU flows) even within economic and monetary union. Currently, the statistics produced cover both extra-EU and intra-EU trade and thus meet the needs of the single market. However there is a risk of uncertainty regarding this information. Also, the systems for collecting balance of payment data are currently being restructured (see Title VII). The Commission's needs in this area therefore need to be reassessed and redefined.

    A system of globalisation indicators will be put in place. New statistical tools based on the exchange of data between the National Statistical Institutes and on the collection of information on European level will be used as pillars for the development of this domain.

    The identification and monitoring of foreign affiliates (FATS) will allow the europeanisation and internationalisation of the production systems to be measured.

    Statistics will aim more and more to analyse sustainable tourism together with sustainable development by developing satellite accounts.

    The Council's decision on audio-visual statistics will have to be implemented. Eurostat will thus continue to consolidate the work already undertaken since 1999 to establish a Community statistical information infrastructure relating to the industry and markets of the audio-visual and related sectors. Additionally, a legal basis for telecommunications statistics will need to be developed.

    A flexible and adaptable system for collecting information on information society indicators will gradually be established on the basis of existing or new surveys according to the priorities set by the Council


    During the 5-year period the Commission will strive to:

    * Develop a stable and flexible set of indicators on globalisation

    * Develop a stable and flexible set of indicators on information society, including audiovisual services.

    * Progress in the development of satellite accounts in the domain of tourism.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 44 Statistics on the economic activity of enterprises

    48 Transport

    49 Information society

    50 Tourism

    54 Trade in services and balance of payments

    Other important contributory themes // 57 Statistics for business cycle analysis

    70 Sustainable development

    71 Environment statistics


    Visas, asylum, immigration and other policies related to free movement of persons

    Statistical implications

    Community competence in the field of immigration and asylum was established by the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam on 1st May 1999. At the request of the European Council, the Commission submitted in November 2000 two Communications to launch a debate in the Community on the long-term aspects of a common EU policy. Both Communications address the issue of statistics in this perspective. The Communication on a Community immigration policy [16] emphasises that more information is needed about migration flows and patterns of migration into and out of the EU. The Communication on asylum [17] states that establishing and implementing the common European asylum system requires an in-depth analysis on the scale of migratory flows, their origins, as well as analysis of the characteristics of applications for protection and the response to them. The Union's enlargement and the development of co-operation with the countries of the Mediterranean Basin will only reinforce the needs for statistical information in these fields.

    [16] Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on a community immigration policy, 22 November 2000 (COM (2000) 757 final).

    [17] Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament "Towards a common asylum procedure and a uniform status, valid throughout the Union, for persons granted asylum", 22 November 2000 (COM (2000) 755 final).


    During the five year programme period the Commission will:

    * Develop a more standardised nomenclature in the areas of migration and asylum in liaison with the National authorities.

    * Enhance the range and quality of statistics in this field to meet the initial requirements contained in the Commission communications on the subject.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes

    TITLE IV Visas, asylum, immigration and other policies related to free movement of persons

    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 31 Population



    Statistical implications

    Community transport statistics are required to support the common transport policy (Articles 70-80) and the transport component of the Trans-European networks (TENs) (Articles 154-156).

    Transport is also an important part of Community regional and environmental policies (see Titles XVII and XIX) and particular attention will need to be accorded to sustainable development indicators.

    Community statistics should constitute a comprehensive transport information system, including data on flows of goods and passengers, as well as on infrastructure, equipment, traffic flows, personal mobility, safety, energy consumption and environmental impact, as well as data on transport costs and prices, and on transport enterprises. A key objective will be to shift the balance between modes of transport, favouring rail and short-sea shipping over road transport, and thereby removing the existing coupling of economic growth with increased road traffic. It will be necessary to provide better statistics on modal split, covering passengers as well as freight, taking account of all modes of transport and improving timeliness aspects.

    The opening up of transport markets to competition will require objective statistical data to monitor developments in these markets and to assess the impact of these developments on employment and working conditions in transport enterprises and on the economic viability of these businesses. It will also reinforce the demands for statistical indicators relating to safety and service quality. Market trends will require the collection of statistical data on freight transport which are less centred on single modes of transport, but which provide information on the complete inter-modal transport chain and on the transport of goods from a market perspective.

    Monitoring the relationship between transport and the environment will be a main driving force for improved quality and coverage across all areas of transport data. It will also generate some specific requirements for additional data, for example on personal mobility and on transport equipment. There will be a need to respond to the growing demand for traffic data expressed in vehicle-kilometres for all modes of transport, in view of their importance in monitoring congestion and gas emissions.

    The continued high level of investment in European transport infrastructure, and in particular the transport TEN, will generate specific needs for statistics on infrastructure and on market trends. The TEN, together with Community regional policies, will continue to generate demands for more spatially broken-down data on transport networks and flows, which should be considered an integral part of the overall transport information system.


    During the five year period the Commission will strive:

    * to complete the coverage of Community transport statistics across all modes of transport and all types of information;

    * to continue to adapt and complete, where necessary, the legal basis for transport statistics;

    * to promote the collection of additional statistics on inter-modal transport chains as well as those additional data needed to monitor the integration of environmental considerations into transport policies (the TERM exercise).

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 48 Transport

    72 Regional statistics

    Other important contributory themes // 44 Statistics on the economic activity of enterprises

    45 Energy

    49 Information society

    50 Tourism

    53 Trade in goods

    61 Land use and landscape

    70 Sustainable development

    71 Environment statistics

    74 Geographical and local information


    Common rules on competition, taxation and approximation of laws

    No direct statistical programme is required. Statistical information for this title is derived as needed from data and indicators generated for other titles in the programme.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes

    TITLE VI Common rules on competition, taxation and approximation of laws

    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 32 Labour market

    53 Trade in goods

    Other important contributory themes // 44 Statistics on the economic activity of enterprises

    45 Energy

    48 Transport

    49 Information society

    63 Agricultural monetary statistics

    64 Crop production

    65 Animal production

    66 Agro-industry statistics


    Economic and monetary policy

    Statistical implications

    The implementation of Economic and Monetary Union requires very close statistical monitoring to support macroeconomic policy co-ordination and the monetary policy functions of the European System of Central Banks. The Stability and Growth Pact presents new statistical requirements. Meanwhile, measuring the extent of economic convergence achieved by Member States remains important.

    In order to provide statistics with the necessary breadth, comparability, timeliness and frequency to co-ordinate macroeconomic policy and support the monetary policy functions of the European System of Central Banks, work will be pursued on short-term indicators of demand, output, the labour market, prices and costs. New methods (e.g. flash-estimation, nowcasting, etc.) will be applied to improve the service for business cycle analysts. This work will complement further development of monetary and financial indicators.

    The permanent improvement of timeliness and coverage of data is needed in the framework of the Action Plan on EMU statistical requirements. The calculation of euro-zone aggregates in the shortest possible time will require the timely production of quarterly national accounts and the implementation of flash estimates. Moreover, major work will be necessary in the field of quarterly institutional sector non-financial and financial accounts fully consistent with annual accounts and short-term public finances. The request for counterpart information in the financial accounts, which shows the relationships from "whom-to-whom" between sectors, is an important tool for monetary policy analysis. In a step-by-step approach, this information is to be collected during this five-year programme.

    During the period of this programme, 2003 - 2007, the most significant single feature is expected to be the enlargement of the EU from 15 members to 20 or more. This will entail substantial work on data supply by the new members and on validation by Eurostat. To fully support the Commission's enlargement policy, assistance to the candidate countries will be pursued and developed, in order to ensure proper availability, quality, timeliness and comparability of the data.

    For all Member States increased attention will be paid to the quality of the data, at both constant and current prices. One administrative use, own resources based on gross national income, will represent 60% of the EU budget. Much of the task will be to continue and supplement the efforts made to harmonise statistics on the convergence criteria. The goal of maintaining price stability (Art. 105 of the EC Treaty) and providing information for the euro-zone monetary policy of the ECB requires that, pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 2494/95, the quality of the Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICPs) should be maintained and further improved. HICP methodology is to be completed and consolidated within the framework of the above-mentioned Council Regulation on HICPs.

    Monitoring of the budgetary situation and of the stock of government debt (Art. 104 of the EC Treaty and the Stability and Growth Pact agreed upon in Dublin) will be based on the accounts of general government drawn up using the ESA 95 methodology approved by the Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 in June 1996. Harmonisation and comparability will be kept under review in order to provide the institutional decision-makers with high quality and comparable statistical instruments so as not to create any distortions in the judgements made of the budgetary situation in each Member State.

    The monitoring of the economic development in the Member States as provided for in Article 103 of the Treaty strengthens the need to fully implement the existing data transmission programme on national accounts according to the ESA 95 Regulation, especially as far as timeliness and coverage are concerned, and to extend it progressively to new areas through revision and extension of the legislation in force.

    Work on drawing up the principal aggregates of the accounts in terms of purchasing power parities will be continued. The revision work on the methodology for purchasing power parities to make the results more reliable for comparative analyses, which started under the previous five-year programme, should be concluded with the adoption of the PPP Council Regulation.

    The establishment of Economic and Monetary Union has considerable implications for the balance of payments statistics. Of particular importance here are the reporting thresholds, which if modified as currently foreseen, will require significant development work to ensure that the quality of this data can be maintained. Many European Union countries (especially those where bank reporting is the main source for balance of payments compilers) are currently revising their balance of payments collection systems in order to cope with the new circumstances. Work will be pursued in the coming years in order to ensure that Member States keep providing good quality and relevant data to the European institutions, especially on trade in services, foreign direct investment, and foreign affiliated trade statistics. Also the collection (and analysis) of data from candidate countries will have priority. These data are requested by several Commission services, especially those dealing with economic monitoring, trade policy, and external relations.


    During the five year period the Commission will aim to:

    * pursue the development and production of statistics in the framework of the EMU Action Plan for the conduct of macroeconomic policy co-ordination and of monetary policy, for the Stability and Growth Pact and for the continued assessment of economic convergence;

    * intensify the implementation of the Regulation on the European System of Accounts (ESA 95);

    * revise the collection system for balance of payments statistics.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes

    TITLE VII Economic and monetary policy

    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 32 Labour market

    40 Annual economic accounts

    41 Quarterly accounts

    42 Financial accounts

    44 Statistics on the economic activity of enterprises

    52 Money and finance

    54 Trade in services and balance of payments

    55 Prices

    57 Statistics for business cycle analysis

    Other important contributory themes // 53 Trade in goods



    Statistical implications

    EU labour statistics development will be driven by the following political processes: EU enlargement, European employment strategy, economic and monetary union and the benchmarking exercise (with structural indicators to be presented every year in spring to the European Council).

    Labour statistics are largely governed by EU regulations. Thanks to this the Candidate Countries will have made major steps towards complying with EU requirements before 2003. Full compliance, regular data transmission and keeping pace with new developments will be the challenge during 2003-2007.

    By fixing new employment rate objectives to be reached in 2005 and 2010, the European Council has reinforced the need to monitor the implementation of the European employment strategy and in particular the yearly implementation of the employment guidelines. This monitoring will need to record the implementation of the continuous labour force survey and the adaptation of its list of variables (to cover in particular new working arrangements, job quality, care and childcare facilities, and life long learning). The monitoring will require more frequent and complete statistics to measure the gender gap (in particular the wage gap in all economic activities) and the skill gap. This will involve structural statistics on earnings and the implementation of a Community job vacancy survey.

    In a zone as large as the EMU the labour cost trend is the main potential inflationary pressure and has thus to be monitored by quick short term statistics of high quality. The implementation of the Labour Cost Index regulation and the continuous improvement of short term labour cost statistics are of utmost importance, as well as improved labour productivity measurement (implying an improved series on volume of work).


    * implementation of a continuous LFS providing quarterly results in all Member States;

    * harmonisation of part of the questionnaires.

    * collection/analysis of the results of the 2002 structure of earnings survey;

    * implementation of the 2004 labour cost survey covering NACE M-N-O;

    * full implementation of the Council Regulation on Labour cost index;

    * implementation of the 2006 structure of earnings survey;

    * designing a target system for European labour cost statistics.

    * implementation of the Council Regulation on the Job Vacancy survey to be adopted in 2002.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 32 Labour market

    33 Education

    35 Health and safety

    36 Distribution of incomes and living conditions

    37 Social protection

    Other important contributory themes // 44 Statistics on the economic activity of enterprises

    49 Information society

    50 Tourism

    63 Agricultural monetary statistics


    Common commercial policy

    Statistical implications

    Article 133 of the EC Treaty gives responsibility to the European Commission for conducting negotiations on commercial agreements with third countries. This includes the trade agreements on services (GATS). For this purpose good quality data are essential.

    Work will be pursued in the coming years in order to ensure that data on cross-border trade in services (both geographical breakdown and detail by components), foreign direct investment, and foreign affiliated trade maintain the quality standards, the level of detail, and the degree of harmonisation required by the Commission services in charge of conducting the commercial policy.

    The Doha Round, launched in November 2001 will make sustainable development and the impact of the common commercial policy on developing countries a key issue. Co-ordination work on collecting global data will need to be undertaken.

    The collection and analysis of data from candidate countries will also have first priority in the coming years. Work will also be undertaken to further co-ordinate the methodological discussion among Member States, notwithstanding the fact that a significant degree of harmonisation has already been achieved in this field. The drawing-up of Community BOP statistics is also indispensable to obtain a comprehensive BOP for the EU.

    Work on harmonising the statistical rules will continue within a methodological framework which is more in line with the international recommendations recently adopted by the United Nations. Statistical information will be improved by more efficient use of the customs declaration's content and the needs ensuing from changes in the European Union and international trade (enlargement, globalisation, trade liberalisation) will be taken into account. Action will also be taken to improve the reliability of import and export price statistics to ensure better measurement of the external competitiveness of the Union's products.


    By the end of the five-year programme the Commission will have

    * progressively integrated the Candidate countrie's data

    * adapted and improved the data collection and production systems,

    * improved and further developed the methodological framework taking into account the international recommendations, new information requirements and the development of the economic and customs environment.

    * enhanced the use of existing data and analysis on global sustainable development.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 53 Trade in goods

    54 Trade in services and balance of payments

    Other important contributory themes // 19 Statistical cooperation with the candidate countries

    21 Statistical cooperation with other third countries

    42 Financial accounts

    52 Money and finance


    Customs co-operation

    No direct statistical programme is required. Statistical information for this title is derived as needed from data and indicators generated for other titles in the programme.


    Social Policy, education, vocational training and youth

    Statistical implications

    During this period a coherent strategy will be developed to ensure the availability of a complete set of indicators covering all the social fields in close co-ordination wirh actions under Title VIII.The quality of existing information will be improved and new indicators are to be introduced to cover areas which have been identified as a priority, such as social exclusion and lifelong learning. In the context of the "report on the concrete objectives of education and training systems" ratified by the Stockholm European Council, close co-operation between DG EAC and Eurostat will have to be pursued. In addition to the continuation of the statistical work on the three priorities defined for 2002 (basis skills, information and communication technologies, mathematical sciences and technology), the implementation of other objectives will require new work. Indicators for which data do not exist, or which do not meet the necessary quality criteria but which would be essential with regard to achieving the objectives laid down, will need to be developed.

    Geographically the scope of social statistics will have to be extended to cover all the candidate countries and also areas lying outside the confines of Europe, such as the MEDSTAT countries. The benchmark for this development will be demographic data; as the results of the 2001 census round are processed and published, this process will merge into the programme of regular updating and preparation for the next round, promoting a harmonised approach throughout the enlarged geographical area described above. Population projections for the entire area will also be needed at national level.

    The theme of 'lifelong learning' will be vital throughout this period, reflecting the fact that economic changes will require job and social skills to be constantly updated. A comprehensive system of 'learning' statistics will be required to serve employment, economic and education policies, giving special attention to public and private investment in education. The current range of information on education and training will need to be supplemented with further data on adult education.

    The Commission Communication in 2002 on a new Community strategy on Health and Safety at Work requires the full implementation of the last phase of the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW) and the first phase of the European Occupational Diseases Statistics (EODS). Indicators on the quality of work, work-related health problems and the socio-economic costs of health and safety at work will also be further developed.

    In the context of article 13 of the Treaty establishing the European Community and the action to combat discrimination, a methodology will be set up to provide regular statistics on the integration of disabled people into society.

    Significant social changes, most of which are already discernible, are expected to continue throughout the programme period (for example in the population pyramid, household structure, migration trends, working patterns, educational systems, etc.) and a new type of instrument will be required in addition to those described above. The EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) will be based on a wide selection of sources and will draw upon the experiences acquired during the 1990s in implementing successive waves of the European Community Household Panel. It will be set in place to provide a range of information on the living conditions of European citizens during the five-year period and beyond.


    During the five year programme period the Commission will:

    * develop a coherent strategy that will ensure the availability of a complete set of indicators covering all the social fields;

    * provide regular information on living conditions of citizens through newly developed indicators.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes

    TITLE XI Social Policy, education, vocational training and youth

    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 31 Population

    32 Labour market

    33 Education

    35 Health and safety

    36 Distribution of incomes and living conditions

    37 Social protection

    38 Other work in the field of demographic and social statistics (housing statistics)

    72 Regional statistics

    Other important contributory themes // 70 Sustainable development



    Statistical implications

    Community action in the cultural field is based on Article 151 of the EC Treaty. Improving the knowledge and dissemination of information on key cultural aspects of Europeans constitutes a main element in the Community competencies in this area. Moreover, it has been clearly stipulated that the Community must take cultural aspects into account in the definition and implementation of its policies as a whole.

    In the framework of the 2003-2007 Community Statistical Programme the priority for cultural statistics will be the consolidation of the pilot work on culture employment, participation in cultural activities and statistics on culture expenditure. At the same time and in close co-operation with Member States and other competent international organisations, the Statistical Programme will support methodological work and development of statistics related to the issue of returns on investing in culture. Particular attention will be given to the development of international methodologies which allow the statistical measurement and analysis of the impact that participation in cultural activities can have in contributing to social goals such as increasing educational levels and employment rates and reducing crime and inequalities in the health sphere.


    During the five year programme period the Commission will:

    consolidate the existing statistical information on culture;

    Develop and implement methodologies to measure culture impacts in society.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 34 Culture

    Other important contributory themes // 49 Information society


    Public health

    Statistical implications

    According to Article 152 of the EC Treaty, Community action in the area of public health covers health information. A basic framework of statistics on public health,covering health status, health determinants and health resources has been established within the European Statistical System in support of the Community action programmes on public health. The adoption of the new Community action programme on Public Health [18], the statistical element of health information will be further developed in the context of the Community Statistical Programme, including data collection broken down, as necessary, by gender, age, geographical location and level of income. During 2003-2007 activities will be continued on further developing the set of health statistics in order to respond to the specific requirements that result from the new action programme on public health. The particular need for sustainable development indicators will have to be addressed.

    [18] Commission communication on the health strategy of the European Community and proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and the Council adopting a programme of Community action in the field of public health (2001-2006) - COM (2000)285 final of 16 May 2000.

    The general emphasis will be on reinforcement of the infrastructure for the basic system on public health statistics (at Member State and EU level), on harmonisation and improvement of the comparability of existing data in co-operation with international organisations competent in the field of public health(WHO and OECD).

    In order to ensure consistency and complementarity, specific action under the present programme will also be directed towards ensuring that basic concepts, definitions and classifications on health statistics will be used for the whole area of health information.

    In accordance with the relevant agreements with the countries concerned, the scope of statistics on public health will be progressively extended to cover all candidate countries.


    During the five year programme period the Commission will:

    * further develop the set of health statistics in order to respond to the specific requirements that may result from the action programme on public health;

    * reinforce the infrastructure for the basic system on public health statistics.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 35 Health and safety

    37 Social protection

    Other important contributory themes // 39 Consumer protection

    70 Sustainable development


    Consumer protection

    Statistical implications

    Consumer policy has achieved a much higher profile within the EC institutions during recent years (Article 153 of the EC Treaty).

    The Commission has set up an Action Plan for Consumer Policy 1999 - 2001 which will be followed by activities in favour of consumers. The current Action Plan, as well as its predecessors, has been handicapped by the limited availability of data necessary to arrive at an informed judgement. The Consumer Policy Action Plan 2002-2005 is at present being prepared. It will put emphasis on the need to make a more systematic and comprehensive effort in order to develop a suitable "knowledge base" as an essential tool to assist policy development.

    The purpose of Eurostat's efforts in this area is to provide statistical data generally interesting for the public to shed light on consumption and consumer issues at the European, national and regional levels.


    During the five year programme period the Commission will:

    * make statistics for consumer protection available in a more user-friendly format, in particular publications;

    * Pursue the methodological support relating to injuries in the home;

    * raise the awareness of the subject consumer protection across all relevant statistical themes of work;

    * ensure that consumer protection aspects are taken into consideration for new statistical policies;

    * promote the development of statistics for consumer protection in the statistical services in the Member States.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 36 Distribution of incomes and living conditions

    39 Consumer protection

    Other important contributory themes // 61 Land use and landscape

    64 Crop production

    65 Animal production

    66 Agro-industry statistics

    69 Fisheries statistics

    70 Sustainable development


    Trans-European networks

    No direct statistical programme is required. Statistical information for this title is derived as needed from data and indicators generated for other titles in the programme.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 48 Transport

    49 Information society

    Other important contributory themes // 45 Energy

    53 Trade in goods

    61 Land use and landscape

    71 Environment statistics

    72 Regional statistics

    73 Science and technology

    74 Geographical and local information



    Statistical implications

    Statistical work in the field of industry in the broad sense of the term (including, in particular, construction, services, energy and agri-foodstuffs) will be centred on support for the policies decided on the basis of the Treaty of Amsterdam, and at various summits held subsequently (in particular, the Lisbon Summit of March 2000). These developments are in particular planned for the areas globalisation, internal and external organisation of businesses (and more generally, the production system) as well as co-operation between businesses, the spirit of enterprise and governance, demand, and finally employment and human resources.

    The first priority will be the implementation of the different regulations on business statistics. Particular emphasis will be placed on the quality of results.

    In order to follow the structural changes in industry, a programme for developing business statistics will be pursued in close co-operation with the national statistical systems. This development will cover the adaptation of existing regulations, as well as the support for the major European policies, in particular, the single market, enlargement, economic and monetary policy, the information society, employment, as well as support for the structural indicators underlying the Union's annual report.

    Eurostat will study with the Member States possibilities for maximum rationalisation of the national collection methods as well as their co-ordination to reduce the burden on enterprises as far as possible.A special effort will be made to improve the analysis of the single market using existing statistical tools or tools yet to be developed, and in particular PRODCOM (and similar developments in the services domain).


    In the field of energy statistics, work will consist in improving the quality of energy balances, especially in the area of the consumption, in order to respond better to requirements arising from the GHG emissions monitoring mechanism. The present system will be extended in order to respond better to sustainable development issues (energy efficiency, co-generation, renewables), and the effectiveness of competition in liberalised markets and its impact on consumers and the energy industry will be followed up.


    During the five year programme period work will progress in the following areas:

    * Improve the system for developing structural business statistics, based on political needs and with a capacity of quick reaction to changing factors such as environment, policies and users.

    * Strive for maintaining the infrastructure needed such as Business Registers and Classifications.

    * Focus on the quality assessment and improvement of the data produced.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 44 Statistics on the economic activity of enterprises

    45 Energy

    66 Agro-industry statistics

    Other important contributory themes // 49 Information society

    51 Business registers

    53 Trade in goods

    70 Sustainable development

    71 Environment statistics


    Economic and social cohesion

    Statistical implications

    One of the key elements of the building of the European Union is the correction of social and regional imbalances. This is, indeed, the primary objective of the Structural Funds. Since their reform in 1988, the Commission has put in place an integrated policy for social and economic cohesion within which regional statistics play an essential role in the decision implementation process: eligibility of zones under regional objectives is defined on the basis of socio-economic criteria with respect to certain thresholds; financial allocations to Member States are decided objectively on the basis of statistical indicators. In addition, evaluation of the impact of Community policies at regional level, and the quantification of regional disparities, are possible only with access to extensive regionally-based statistics.

    The regular evaluation reports drawn up by the Commission ("Report on Economic and Social Cohesion" [19]) on socio-economic trends in the regions require a significant reserve of statistical information. Urban issues deserve particular attention, given that political decision-makers are increasingly clamouring for an evaluation of the quality of life in Europe's cities. As the basis for their action in the future, they require comparable data on all EU towns and cities. The Communications issued by the Commission in 1997 ("Towards an Urban Agenda in the European Union") and 1998 ("Sustainable Urban Development in the European Union: A Framework for Action") highlighted in particular this need for more comparable information.

    [19] See "Unity, solidarity, diversity for Europe, its people and its territory"; the Second Report on Economic and Social Cohesion, European Commission, January 2001.

    The work to be undertaken under the 2003-2007 statistical programme will, accordingly, be very largely determined by the shape of Community regional policy within an enlarged European Union, and by the arrival of the new programming period for the Structural Funds. The third Cohesion Report is scheduled for adoption by the Commission in early 2004, while its conclusions are due to be implemented (as draft Regulations) over the rest of that year. The information required will include population projections at regional level and data on regional demography.

    Geographical Information

    A large number of departments within the Commission make use of geographical information systems for the drafting, implementation and evaluation of the policies for which they are responsible. This trend will become increasingly evident in the next few years as technology advances and data become more extensively available. The initiatives on a European spatial data infrastructure will lead to new challenges in this area. Eurostat, as manager of the Commission's reference database, must meet these challenges.


    During the five years work will progress in the following areas:

    * Implement the statistical indicators required for the next phase of the structural funds;

    * Provide the necessary data for the cohesion report and to support Commission proposals for the structural funds after 2006;

    * Further integrate the use of Geographical Information systems for policy management.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 55 Prices

    72 Regional statistics

    74 Geographical and local information

    Other important contributory themes // 31 Population

    32 Labour market

    40 Annual economic accounts

    44 Statistics on the economic activity of enterprises

    50 Tourism

    63 Agricultural monetary statistics

    71 Environment statistics


    Research and technological development

    Science & Technology and Innovation Statistics

    Statistical implications

    The overall objective of RTD Community policy is to strengthen the scientific and technological basis of the European economy and to improve its competitiveness at international level. At the 2000 Lisbon Summit, the European Council set a clear strategic objective for Europe for the next decade. The measurement of harmonised inputs, outputs and the socio-economic impacts of the knowledge-based economy will continue to have a high priority on the European research agenda as is clearly evident in the debate on the European research area.

    All recent R&D and Innovation policies have called for timely and harmonised data, the collection of which must be negotiated with the Member States and co-ordinated by Eurostat. Annual updates of the indicators for both initiatives will require more frequent surveys in Member States, as well as quality improvements. The ability to produce statistics on human resources in science and technology and by gender must be developed in order to provide policy makers with the necessary data to assess the effectiveness of related Community policies.


    During the next five years, main efforts will be undertaken to:

    * improve the quality of existing indicators and continue the conceptual work leading to the production and further development of new indicators to benchmark national Research and Innovation policies, and in particular, to measure human resources and their mobility in research and development;

    * develop further statistics on RTD and innovation in the context of the European Research Area, and in particular, to develop a theoretical framework for more frequent RTD and innovation statistics;

    * develop a general framework for the measurement of the knowledge society;

    * measure the technological trends with harmonised statistics on patents;

    * associate the candidate countries in the overall framework of the development of harmonised and comparable RTD and innovation statistics.

    Research in Statistics

    Statistical implications

    As part of its R&D policy, the Community promotes research activities, which support its own policies. Official statistics have been identified in various framework programmes (including the draft documents for the 6th Framework Programme) as an area in which R&D activities will be launched at Community level.

    The increased use of statistics for political decision-making in the late 1990s has led to the demand for more accurate and comparable statistics, in particular for short-term indicators to monitor the evolution of the Single European Market and the Monetary Union. The foreseeable enlargement of the European Union reinforces this need for prompt access to such information.

    In parallel, technology provides new possibilities for collecting data and disseminating statistics. At the same time, respondents (enterprises and individuals) complain about the response burden, and request that it be reduced, through more automation and a better use of existing information. R&D in statistics has an important European dimension, because statistical production is international by nature as only few Member States could afford it on their own. Combined with the increasing emphasis on cost-benefit analysis of the statistics produced, this implies new requirements for the production of European statistics. European official statisticians must therefore reconsider the procedures used today for collecting and compiling statistics on an expanding range of phenomena.

    These requirements underline the importance of using existing data sources for the production of statistics for more in-depth statistical analysis. This implies that methods and tools that support the combined use of data (from, for example, administrative data and sample surveys, or infra-annual statistics and structural statistics) should be developed.


    During the next five years, efforts will be concentrated on:

    * the development of new tools and methods for official statistics;

    * the better conceptualisation and development of statistics to measure new emerging socio-economic phenomena;

    * the transfer of technology and know-how within the European Statistical System;

    * the improvement of the quality of the statistical production process and the statistical output.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 22 Statistical research and methodology

    73 Science and technology

    Other important contributory themes // 44 Statistics on the economic activity of enterprises

    49 Information society



    Statistical implications

    The main objective of environment statistics is to serve as an efficient tool for implementation and evaluation of the environmental policy of the European Union. The main environmental priorities are covered under the 6th Environmental Action Programme, the Sustainable Development Strategy and the Cardiff strategy of integration of environment into other sectoral policies.

    The proposal for the European Commission's sixth environment action programme "Environment 2010: Our Future, Our Choice", indicates the priority areas for environment statistics. The new programme identifies four main policy areas: Climate Change, Nature and Biodiversity, Environment and Health and quality of life, Natural Resources and Waste. It emphasises the need to continue the process to integrate environmental concerns into all relevant policy areas and to ensure better and more accessible information on the environment for citizens. A more environmentally conscious attitude towards land use is also to be developed.

    The European Council at Gothenburg in June 2001 adopted an EU strategy for sustainable development. The strategy builds on 4 themes (Climate change, transport, health and natural resources) and it will be monitored on a yearly basis. The strategy will influence the needs for environmentally related statistics to a large extent, but the sustainability aspect will also have impacts on social and economic statistics. In order to measure progress, sustainable development will be included in the list of structural indicators for the Synthesis report, and presented each year at the European Spring Council, starting from 2002.

    The Gothenburg Council also called for a strategy on the external dimension of sustainable development and an overall agenda is expected to be adopted in view of the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development.

    For the environmental part of the statistical programme, the action programme and the strategy for sustainable development imply that the present working areas should continue, but also that these should be extended and adapted. The main orientation of the statistical programme will continue to be focused on statistics with a close link to socio-economic statistics, such as pressures on the environment from human activities and responses from society's representatives. The capacity of the statistics to describe the interaction between social, economic and environmental development will require further work. The programme has been designed to meet the needs for statistics together with the information from the European Environment Agency and working areas will continue to be complementary.

    A crucial factor for sustainable development is the integration of environmental aspects into other policies, but major progress has been achieved in just three of the nine sectors (Transport, Agriculture and Energy). To serve as a tool for such integrated policies, work on fully harmonising the environmental component of Community statistics with the relevant socio-economic statistics will continue. Substantial progress has been made in recent years regarding the compilation of some relevant statistics. Corresponding action will be essential also for other policy areas. Major importance should be given also to the biodiversity indicators, resource use/intensity and toxic chemicals and their effects on human health. Land use statistics are being improved through landscape statistics. Fishery statistics will be important to show the development of this scarce resource (See title II). Aggregated indicators using production and trade statistics as well as other sources can make a contribution to the description of society's dependence on chemicals. An environmental component needs also to be added to social statistics in order to reflect consumption patterns and possible health effects from pollution and use of chemicals.

    The implementation of the proposal for a Regulation for Waste Statistics will be an essential task. New policies linking waste to resource management will also require statistical actions to describe material flows, resource use, waste, reuse and eco-efficiency in a consistent way. Implementation of the Water Framework Directive will require statistical support and better harmonisation of water statistics. A better legal foundation for such statistics is essential. Statistical support for the implementation of the IPPC (Integrated Pollution and Prevention Control) directive will be important to ensure comparability with business statistics. A review of reporting obligations and co-ordination between statistical and compliance reporting will be an essential task.

    Environmental accounts linked to the national accounts have also been developed. These accounts constitute an essential basis for environmental analysis and the development of more comprehensive models for the interaction between the economy and the environment. They will be further adapted and extended to serve as an essential statistical tool for analyses of sustainable development.


    The main effort in the next five years will be:

    * To improve core environmental statistics, mainly waste, water and environmental expenditure statistics, with a focus on statistics needed for environmental indicators and to put in place the necessary legislation for such statistics

    * To produce easily understandable environmental and sustainability indicators in co-operation with other Commission services and the European Environment Agency

    * To continue work to produce an environmental component to socio-economic statistics, with the aim of responding to needs relating to indicators for integration of environmental and sustainability concerns into other policies

    * To continue work to add an environmental domain to national accounts, through regular production of a set of environmental accounts and to adapt them to the priority sustainability issues

    * To participate in reviewing reporting obligations and to continue the close co-operation with the European Environment Agency with co-ordinated actions and by making data collection by the two institutions complementary.

    * To enhance data collection and analysis on global sustainable development.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 45 Energy

    65 Animal production

    70 Sustainable development

    71 Environment statistics

    74 Geographical and local information

    Other important contributory themes // 35 Health and safety

    39 Consumer protection

    44 Statistics on the economic activity of enterprises

    48 Transport

    50 Tourism

    61 Land use and landscape

    62 Agricultural structures

    64 Crop production

    67 Coordination and reform of agricultural statistics

    68 Forestry statistics

    69 Fisheries statistics

    72 Regional statistics


    Development Co-operation (and other external actions)

    Statistical implications

    The overall objective is to support the EU external relations policies by providing appropriate and focused statistical technical assistance in order to strengthen statistical capacity in countries benefiting from EU aid. The future strategy, however, recognises the need to adapt in response to the changing EU policy context.

    Reflecting EU policy in statistical co-operation activities

    The most significant policy change is the increased and explicit focus on poverty reduction in the EC's development policy, in particular with ACP countries. Consequently, statistical co-operation will have an increased focus on strengthening the measurement and monitoring of poverty; this will entail an increase in activities mainly in the social statistics domain. Similarly, technical advice and support will be provided to DG Development, DG External Relations, and Europeaid in the area of measuring the poverty impact of the EC's development programmes.

    Regional integration will be a continuing emphasis of the programme, mirroring the increased moves amongst countries themselves to strengthen their regional structures. Areas for support will include multilateral surveillance, improvement of national accounts, price statistics, agricultural statistics, foreign trade, business statistics, statistical training etc.

    With the 12 Mediterranean partner countries, institutional and inter-institutional strengthening of the national statistical systems will constitute the central objective. Statistical harmonisation, production and improved data access for users will be supported in order to provide a solid basis for political decision-making and for good governance. Apart from socio-economic statistics, priority areas are migration, tourism and environment.

    Statistical co-operation between EU and NIS countries is aimed at supporting and monitoring economic co-operation and the reform process as well as promoting the market economy. Key demands concern economic and foreign trade statistics.

    Eurostat will continue and strengthen its efforts to improve co-ordination amongst the donor community (i.e. bilateral and multilateral donors). Accordingly, Eurostat will support work, in particular in the OECD/DAC, UN and World Bank contexts, to assess the impact of development co-operation on reaching the "Millennium Development Goals" adopted at the UN Millennium Summit in 2000. As such, it will play an active part in the PARIS 21 initiative and in the Balkans. In particular, technical co-operation activities will stress the importance of a user focus, and will promote the value of multi-annual programming

    Innovative work will be undertaken with the aim of developing approaches and methods for the measurement and monitoring of human rights and good governance.


    During the five-year period work will concentrate on:

    * providing statistical technical assistance in order to strengthen statistical capacity in countries benefiting from EU aid;

    * increasing focus on strengthening the measurement and monitoring of poverty;

    * developing approaches and methods for the measurement and monitoring of human rights and good governance.

    Policy needs and Eurostat outputs

    Treaty Title // Eurostat work themes


    Principal themes of work necessary for this policy area // 21 Statistical cooperation with other third countries

    ANNEX 2

    Five year Statistical Programme 2003-2007: Eurostat work Themes


    10 Quality management and evaluation 11 Classifications 12 Statistical training 13 IT-infrastructures and services for Eurostat 14 IT-normalisation and collaborative infrastructures for the ESS 15 Reference data and meta-data warehouses 16 Information 17 Dissemination 18 Statistical coordination 19 Statistical cooperation with the candidate countries 21 Statistical cooperation with other third countries 22 Statistical research and methodology 25 Data security and statistical confidentiality

    II. Demographic and social statistics

    31 Population 32 Labour market 33 Education 34 Culture 35 Health and safety 36 Distribution of incomes and living conditions 37 Social protection 38 Other work in the field of demographic and social statistics 39 Consumer protection

    III Economic statistics

    III A Macro-economic statistics

    40 Annual economic accounts 41 Quarterly accounts 42 Financial accounts 43 Monitoring own resources 55 Prices 57 Statistics for business cycle analysis

    III B Business statistics

    44 Statistics on the economic activity of enterprises 45 Energy 48 Transport 49 Information society 50 Tourism 51 Business registers

    III C Monetary, financial, trade and balance of payments statistics

    52 Money and finance 53 Trade in goods 54 Trade in services and balance of payments

    IV Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

    61 Land use and landscape 62 Agricultural structures 63 Agricultural monetary statistics 64 Crop production 65 Animal production 66 Agro-industry statistics 67 Coordination and reform of agricultural statistics 68 Forestry statistics 69 Fisheries statistics

    V Multi-domain statistics

    70 Sustainable development 71 Environment statistics 72 Regional statistics 73 Science and technology 74 Geographical and local information

    VII Resources and management

    91 International and inter-institutional relations 92 Management and statistical programmes 93 Management of human resources 94 Management of financial resources 95 Management of legal bases 96 Audit 97 General administration 99 Decentralized management


    Policy area(s): Statistics


    - Support for statistical outputs, technical infrastructure

    - Demographic and social statistics

    - Economic statistics

    - Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

    - Multi-domain statistics

    - Resources and management

    Title of action: Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Decision on the Community Statistical Programme 2003-2007




    2.1. Total allocation for action (Part B): 192,5 EUR million for commitment

    2.2. Period of application


    2.3. Overall multiannual estimate on expenditure:

    a) Schedule of commitment appropriations/payment appropriations (financial intervention) (see point 6.1.1)

    EUR million (to 3rd decimal place)


    b) Technical and administrative assistance and support expenditure (see point 6.1.2)



    c) Overall financial impact of human resources and other administrative expenditure (see points 7.2 and 7.3) excluding B-A personnel. (already accounted for under 2.3b)


    It should be noted that the above figures do not include provision for costs consequent upon enlargement of the Union


    2.4. Compatibility with the financial programming and the financial perspective

    X Proposal compatible with the existing financial programming

    2.5. Financial impact on revenue [20]:

    [20] For further information see a separate guidance paper.

    X Financial impact - the effect on revenue is as follows:

    Sales of publications and on-line products. The amounts are reused for publicity and dissemination purposes.





    Action 285 of the Treaty establishing the European Community

    Council Regulation (EC) N° 322/97 of 17 February 1997 on Community Statistics.


    5.1. Need for Community intervention

    5.1.1. Objectives pursued

    Article 285 of the Treaty of Amsterdam lays down the procedure and principles of law-making for the production of statistics necessary for the performance of Community activities.

    The normative framework for the production of Community statistics is provided by Council Regulation (EC) N°322/97 of 17 February 1997 on Community Statistics.

    The European Union needs a high quality statistical information service in order to fulfil its mission. Furthermore, statistics provide an essential infrastructure for the sound and efficient functioning of democracy and a modern economy.

    Political decision-makers and actors in the market constantly need statistics in order to make their decisions, monitor and evaluate their implementation. Over the last few years, with the creation of the Single Market and the entry into force of the Maastricht and Amsterdam Treaties, there has been an increased growth in the amount of Community statistics and a greater necessity for their comparability and quality.

    For its part, the single currency has transformed the role of statistics in the Euro-zone, with EUR-12 aggregations being the most sought-after figures.

    Statistics are also used as the basis for calculating own resources and allocating funds.

    Furthermore, indicators are required for the monitoring and evaluation of policies in an increasing number of domains.

    In order to fulfil the needs of users, Community statistics must be reliable, independent of political interference and available in time and in a convenient form for users. Furthermore, their preparation should not impose an excessive burden on data providers and their collection must be undertaken in accordance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality.

    In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity Eurostat has set up, together with the national statistical authorities, a network collectively called the European Statistical System.

    Taking due account of developments in Community policies, the European Statistical System must:

    - meet the needs of Community policies as users of Community statistics;

    - improve the cooperation between Eurostat and its national partners in order to provide the necessary statistics, particularly in view of the enlargement of the Community.

    The objectives of the European Statistical System:

    - to develop a system of standards, methods and organisational structures capable of producing comparable , reliable and relevant statistics;

    - to provide the European Institutions and the Governments of the Member States with the information they need to formulate, implement, monitor and evaluate policies;

    - to disseminate statistical information to Europe in general, to businesses and to all concerned with economic and social matters, for their decisions;

    - to seek to improve the statistical systems in the Member States and EEA countries as well as to support development of the statistical systems of countries changing over to a market economy and developing countries.

    The framework programme is to provide an overview of the strategies, priorities and work plans foreseen for the planning period. The five year programme is supported by annual programmes which provide more detailed work objectives for each year.

    5.1.2. Measures taken in connection with ex ante evaluation

    In 2001 an external consultant ran a mid-term evaluation of the Community Statistical Programme 1998-2002.

    Besides this mid-term evaluation based on external expertise, Eurostat has put in place a system of internal evaluation of all its data-producing activities based on so called Rolling Reviews. This form of in-house evaluation, based on interviews with partners and with users, helps to fully integrate recommendations coming from evaluation in the decision-making process, in line with the principles of the more advanced evaluation theories.

    Both the results from the mid-term evaluation and results from Rolling Reviews will provide useful information for improving the implementation of the Statistical Programme 2003-2007.

    The reports from these two evaluation exercises are still in a preliminary draft form. Some of the results can nevertheless be mentioned since they will have to be addressed during the life span of the new statistical programme.

    A number of recommendations in the two evaluation reports pinpoint shortages in co-ordination on statistical activity. Information needs related to new policies should be translated into feasible statistical requirements at an early stage.

    As far as Eurostat's planning system is concerned, the main challenges are to ensure greater coherence between priorities in the 5-year programme and in the annual programmes, to accommodate statistical activity flowing from intervening political priorities, and to improve the monitoring system.

    Last, but not least, there are several proposals relating to a broader contribution of national statistical institutes to the development of the European Statistical System that should be carefully considered.

    These and other recommendations contained in the two evaluation reports will give ample scope for improving the functioning of the European Statistical System in the coming years and will be the subject of an action plan. The adaptations will be made on the basis of an annually followed up action plan, which will contain recommendations from internally run "Rolling Reviews" and externally carried out evaluation exercises.

    5.1.3. Measures taken following ex post evaluation

    The 1998-2002 Community Statistical Programme will be subject to an ex-post evaluation to be completed by the end of 2003, as required by Article 4 of Council Decision 1999/126/EC of 22 December 1998.

    5.2. Actions envisaged and arrangements for budget intervention

    5.2.1. Target population

    Community policies, national governments, business, universities, research organisations, the general public.

    5.2.2. Specific objectives set for the programme period: The framework statistical programme identifies three main priorities

    - Economic and Monetary Union

    - Enlargement of the European Union;

    - Competitivity, sustainable development and the Social Agenda;

    Regular statistical production and development work are also required to inform and support a wide range of other Community policy areas and the additional requirements arising from new Community policy initiatives.

    Considerable investment is required to meet the demands of statistics on the new economy, short term statistics, sustainable development and the structural indicators, social exclusion and poverty indicators and RTD policies.

    The Statistical Programme is broken down by chapters (sub-activities) and themes (actions), aimed at providing statistics necessary for the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Community's policy priorities as well as statistical support for other current policy areas.

    The funding strategy over the five-year programme is three-fold:

    - Only existing funding levels will be made available to the work undertaken under Chapters I (Infrastructure) and IV (Agriculture, forestry and fisheries), although it should be noted that certain statistical themes within these Chapters will have to witness a reduction, deferral or cancellation of work in order to fund new or increasing needs in other themes;

    - A moderate increase is foreseen for Chapter III (Economic statistics). Reallocation within this chapter will be necessary in order to meet the demands of management of EMU, and in particular the investment needed for infra-annual indicators, as well as for industry and services, the information society and the new economy;

    - A more substantial increase is earmarked for the statistical Chapters II (Demographic and social statistics) and V (Multi-domain statistics, including sustainable development and the environment). In this way resourcing is secured for those areas which are identified by both users and providers of data as most in need of development.

    It should not be overlooked that enlargement represents a considerable challenge for statistical production, entailing costs over a large number of domains relating principally to the need to extend coverage from EEA 18 to the Candidate Countries. The costs of full implementation of the statistical programme for data coverage for an enlarged Union are not included in the funding strategy.

    5.2.3. Measures to be taken to implement the actions:

    Primarily through the medium of public procurement and calls for proposals.

    5.2.4. The immediate output of the action will contribute to:

    The construction, maintenance and further development of the European Statistical System.

    5.2.5. Expected outcomes in terms of solving needs and problems

    Statistical information necessary to support Community policy-formulation, decision-making, monitoring and evaluation of policies.

    5.2.6. Budget intervention

    Grants will be made primarily to national statistical authorities to assist investment in and adaptation to Community statistical requirements.

    Services will be purchased to support the production of statistics as defined in Council Regulation on Community Statistics (EC) N°322/97, including the development and maintenance of statistical information systems and necessary infrastructure.

    5.3. Methods of implementation

    Direct Management. Recourse may possibly be made to an Executive Agency and/or technical and administrative assistance including support measures.


    6.1. Total financial impact on Part B - (over the entire programming period)

    (The method of calculating the total amounts set out in the table below must be explained by the breakdown in Table 6.2)

    6.1.1. Financial intervention

    Commitments in EUR million (to the 3rd decimal place)


    6.1.2. Technical and administrative assistance, support expenditure and IT expenditure (Commitment appropriations)


    6.2. Calculation of costs by measure envisaged in Part B (over the entire programming period)

    (Where there is more than one action, give sufficient detail of the specific measures to be taken for each one to allow the volume and costs of the outputs to be estimated.)

    Commitments in EUR million (to the 3rd decimal place)


    Each Sub-Activity (statistical chapter) is broken down into a number of actions (statistical themes), which are in turn broken down into a number of outputs (statistical modules).


    7.1. Impact on human resources


    * Resources for EDICOM included.

    7.2. Overall financial impact of human resources


    The amounts are total expenditure for twelve months.

    7.3. Other administrative expenditure deriving from the action


    The amounts are total expenditure for twelve months. NB: Table does not include Title A-2 expenditure

    I. Annual total (7.2 + 7.3) excl. B-A personnel

    II. Duration of action

    III. Total cost of action (I x II) excl. B-A personnel // 73,682 MEUR

    5 Years

    383,447 MEUR


    8.1. Follow-up arrangements

    The implementation of the Statistical Programme is continuously monitored by unit development plans and directorate management frames. Operational objectives are fixed and resources allocated to themes (actions) of the Statistical Programme.

    The Commission has created a Steering Committee on Statistical Information, an interservice committee which draws up priorities among the requests for statistics by the Commission's user directorates-general. In addition, a series of bilateral meetings between user DGs and Eurostat have taken place with a view to fixing priorities.

    Strategic issues raised by the Statistical Programme are dealt with in committees composed of the Presidents and Directors-General of national statistical institutes, the central bank and other national or regional bodies:

    * Statistical Programme Committee (SPC)

    * Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics (CMFB)

    * Consultative Committee on statistical information in the Social and Economic Spheres (CEIES)

    The detailed implementation of statistical themes is overseen by sector and working groups bringing together experts from the Member States in the statistical domain concerned.

    An intermediate implementation report is foreseen after the third year and a final report at the end of the programme.

    Each year an annual activity report is produced for the preceding year's programme, highlighting work done, new priorities and any work not done or deferred. These reports are discussed and analysed in meetings with representatives of the national statistical authorities. The conclusions are fed back into future years of the programme.

    Given the diversity of the actions, the indicators are modulated accordingly. QUALISTAT is a relatively recent initiative aimed at refining indicators and developing instruments for monitoring progress.

    8.2. Arrangements and schedule for the planned evaluation

    Two evaluations are foreseen for the 2003-2007 Statistical Programme, one in mid-programme (end of third year) and the other ex-post in 2008.

    Rolling reviews are the main instrument used for evaluation of this programme during its implementation.

    User surveys are also carried out in order to give a clear picture of strengths and weaknesses. The results are used to redirect activity in the statistical domain concerned. All evaluation activities take place in the context of Eurostat's Corporate Plan and seek to develop strategies for achieving its principal goals:

    * Eurostat at the service of the Commission;

    * Eurostat at the service of other European institutions and external users;

    * helping to develop the European Statistical System;

    * boosting staff motivation and satisfaction;

    * improving the quality of our products and services;

    * boosting our internal productivity.


    A revised system of internal management and control was put in place following the Commission's Reform initiative on financial management. This system includes a reinforced internal audit capability.

    Annual monitoring of progress with implementation of the Commission's Internal Control Standards is designed to give assurance on the existence and functioning of procedures for prevention and detection of fraud and irregularities.

    New rules and procedures have been adopted for the principal budgetary processes: calls for tenders, grants, commitments, contracts, payments. The manuals of procedures are made available to all those intervening in financial acts with a view to clarifying responsibilities, simplifying workflows, indicating key control points. Training is provided on their use. The manuals are subject to regular review and updating.

    On-the-spot checks will be carried out of grants awarded under the programme, based on a preliminary risk assessment.
