Appendix 1 is amended as follows:
the Table of Content is amended as follows:
the following points 2.11a and 2.11b are inserted:
the following points 2.24a, 2.24b, 2.24c and 2.24d are inserted:
the following point 2.26a is inserted:
the following point 2.48a is inserted:
the following point 2.50a is inserted:
the following point 2.60a is inserted:
the following point 2.61a is inserted:
the following points 2.79a, 2.79b and 2.79c are inserted:
point 2.84 is replaced by the following:
Reserved for future use’;
the following point 2.89a is inserted:
the following point 2.90a is inserted:
the following point 2.101a is inserted:
the following point 2.111a is inserted:
the following point 2.112a is inserted:
the following point 2.114a is inserted:
the following points 2.116a and 2.116b are inserted:
the following point 2.117a is inserted:
the following point 2.158a is inserted:
the following point 2.166a is inserted:
the following point 2.185a is inserted:
the following point 2.192a is inserted:
the following points 2.203a and 2.203b are inserted:
the following point 2.204a is inserted:
the following points 2.208a and 2.208b are inserted:
the following point 2.222a is inserted:
the following points 2.234a, 2.234b and 2.234c are inserted:
in point 2, the text before point 2.1 is replaced by the following:
‘For any of the following data types, the default value for an ‘unknown’ or a ‘not applicable’ content will consist in filling the data element with Hex ‘FF’ bytes, unless otherwise specified.
All data types are used for Generation 1 and Generation 2 applications unless otherwise specified. Data types only used for Generation 2, version 2 applications are indicated.
For card data types used for Generation 1 and Generation 2 applications, the size specified in this Appendix is the one for Generation 2 application. The size for Generation 1 application is supposed to be already known by the reader. The Annex IC requirement numbers related to such data types cover both Generation 1 and Generation 2 applications.
Card data types not defined for Generation 1 cards are not stored in Generation 1 application of Generation 2 cards. In particular:
Type approval numbers stored in Generation 1 application of Generation 2 cards are truncated to the 8 first characters where needed,
Only the ‘FERRY / TRAIN CROSSING begin’ of a ‘FERRY / TRAIN CROSSING’ specific condition is stored in Generation 1 application of Generation 2 cards.’;
the following points 2.11a and 2.11b are inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a driver or workshop card, related to the border crossings of the vehicle when the latter has crossed the border of a country (Annex IC requirements 306f and 356f).
borderCrossingPointerNewestRecord is the index of the last updated card border crossing record.
Value assignment is the number corresponding to the numerator of the card border crossing record, beginning with ‘0’ for the first occurrence of the card border crossing record in the structure.
cardBorderCrossingRecords is the set of card border crossing records.
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a driver or workshop card, related to the border crossings of the vehicle when the latter has crossed the border of a country (Annex IC requirements 147b, 306e and 356e).
countryLeft is the country which was left by the vehicle, or ‘no information available’ according to Annex IC requirement 147b. ‘Rest of the World’ (NationNumeric code ‘FF’H) shall be used when the vehicle unit is not able to determine the country where the vehicle is located (e.g. the current country is not part of the stored digital maps).
countryEntered is the country into which the vehicle has entered, or the country in which the vehicle is located at card insertion time. ‘Rest of the World’ (NationNumeric code ‘FF’H) shall be used when the vehicle unit is not able to determine the country where the vehicle is located (e.g. the current country is not part of the stored digital maps).
gnssPlaceAuthRecord contains information related to the position of the vehicle, when the vehicle unit has detected that the vehicle has crossed the border of a country, or ‘no information available’ according to requirement 147b of Annex IC, and its authentication status.
vehicleOdometerValue is the odometer value when the vehicle unit has detected that the vehicle has crossed the border of a country, or ‘no information available’ according to requirement 147b of Annex IC.’;
the following points 2.24a, 2.24b, 2.24c and 2.24d are inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a driver or workshop card, related to the load type entries when the card is inserted in a vehicle unit (Annex IC requirements 306j and 356j).
loadTypeEntryPointerNewestRecord is the index of the last updated card load type entry record.
Value assignment: number corresponding to the numerator of the card load type entry record, beginning with '0' for the first occurrence of the card load type entry record in the structure.
cardLoadTypeEntryRecords is the set of records containing the date and time of the entry and the load type entered.
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a driver or workshop card, related to the load type changes entered when the card is inserted in a vehicle unit (Annex IC requirements 306i and 356i).
timeStamp is the date and time when the load type was entered.
loadTypeEntered is the load type entered.
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a driver or workshop card, related to load/unload operations of the vehicle (Annex IC requirements 306h and 356h).
loadUnloadPointerNewestRecord is the index of the last updated card load/unload record.
Value assignment: is the number corresponding to the numerator of the card load/unload record, beginning with '0' for the first occurrence of the card load/unload record in the structure.
cardLoadUnloadRecords is the set of records containing the indication of the type of operation performed (load, unload, or simultaneous load and unload), the date and time the load/unload operation has been entered, information about the position of the vehicle, and the vehicle odometer value.
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a driver or workshop card, related to load/unload operations of the vehicle (Annex IC requirements 306g and 356g).
timeStamp is the date and time at the beginning of the load/unload operation.
operationType is the type of operation entered (load, unload, or simultaneous load/unload).
gnssPlaceAuthRecord contains information related to the position of the vehicle.
vehicleOdometerValue is the odometer value related to the beginning of the load/unload operation.’;
the following point 2.26a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a driver or a workshop card, providing the authentication status of places where daily work periods begin and/or end (Annex IC requirements 306b and 356b).
placeAuthPointerNewestRecord is the index of the last updated place authentication status record.
Value assignment: Number corresponding to the numerator of the place authentication status record, beginning with ‘0’ for the first occurrence of the place authentication status records in the structure.
placeAuthStatusRecords is the set of records containing the place authentication status of the places entered.’;
in point 2.36, the text corresponding to the value assignment ‘bbH’ is replaced by the following:
‘‘bb’H Index for changes concerning the use of the data elements defined for the structure given by the high byte.
‘00’H for Generation 1 applications
‘00’H for version 1 of Generation 2 applications
‘01’H for version 2 of Generation 2 applications’;
in point 2.40, the paragraph between the header and the code is replaced by the following:
‘Generation 2:
Information, stored in a driver or workshop card, related to the vehicle units used by the card holder (Annex IC requirements 304 and 352).’;
the following point 2.48a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a company card related to the identification of the application of the card (Annex IC requirement 375a).
lengthOfFollowingData is the number of bytes following in the record.
vuConfigurationLengthRange is the number of bytes in a tachograph card, available to store VU configurations.’;
the following point 2.50a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a control card related to the identification of the application of the card (Annex IC requirement 363a).
lengthOfFollowingData is the number of bytes following in the record.
vuConfigurationLengthRange is the number of bytes in a tachograph card, available to store VU configurations.’;
the following point 2.60a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Code indicating the version of the download interface of a vehicle unit.
Value assignment: ‘aabb’H:
‘01’H: Generation 2 vehicle unit,
‘01’H: version 2 of Generation 2 vehicle unit.’;
the following point 2.61a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a driver card related to the identification of the application of the card (Annex IC requirement 278a).
lengthOfFollowingData is the number of bytes following in the record.
noOfBorderCrossingRecords is the number of border crossing records the driver card can store.
noOfLoadUnloadRecords is the number of load/unload records the driver card can store.
noOfLoadTypeEntryRecords is the number of load type entry records the driver card can store.
vuConfigurationLengthRange is the number of bytes in a tachograph card, available to store VU configurations.’;
point 2.63 is replaced by the following:
Generation 2:
For the definition of this data type, see Appendix 11.’;
in point 2.66, the text corresponding to generation 2 is replaced by the following:
‘Generation 2
Value assignment: according to ISO/IEC8824-1.’;
point 2.70 is amended as follows:
the header corresponding to Generation 2 is replaced by the following:
‘Generation 2, version 1:’;
the following text is added:
‘Generation 2, version 2:
General events,
No further details,
Insertion of a non valid card,
Card conflict,
Time overlap,
Driving without an appropriate card,
Card insertion while driving,
Last card session not correctly closed,
Over speeding,
Power supply interruption,
Motion data error,
Vehicle Motion Conflict,
Time conflict (GNSS versus VU internal clock),
Communication error with the remote communication facility,
Absence of position information from GNSS receiver,
Communication error with the external GNSS facility,
GNSS anomaly,
Vehicle unit related security breach attempt events,
No further details,
Motion sensor authentication failure,
Tachograph card authentication failure,
Unauthorised change of motion sensor,
Card data input integrity error,
Stored user data integrity error,
Internal data transfer error,
Unauthorised case opening,
Hardware sabotage,
Tamper detection of GNSS,
External GNSS facility authentication failure,
External GNSS facility certificate expired,
Inconsistency between motion data and stored driver activity data,
‘1D’H to ‘1F’H
Sensor related security breach attempt events,
No further details,
Authentication failure,
Stored data integrity error,
Internal data transfer error,
Unauthorised case opening,
Hardware sabotage,
‘26’H to ‘2F’H
Recording equipment faults,
No further details,
VU internal fault,
Printer fault,
Display fault,
Downloading fault,
Sensor fault,
Internal GNSS receiver,
External GNSS facility,
Remote communication facility,
ITS interface,
Internal Sensor Fault,
‘3B’H to ‘3F’H
Card faults,
No further details,
‘41’H to ‘4F’H
‘50’H to ‘7F’H
‘80’H to ‘FF’H
Manufacturer specific.’;
point 2.71 is replaced by the following:
Generation 2:
The extended seal identifier uniquely identifies a seal (Annex IC requirement 401).
manufacturerCode is a code of the manufacturer of the seal. Value assignment: see database registration to be managed by the European Commission (see https://dtc.jrc.ec.europa.eu).
sealIdentifier is an identifier for the seal which is unique for the manufacturer. Value assignment: alpha-numeric number, unique in the manufacturer domain according to [ISO8859-1].’;
in point 2.76, the paragraph between the header and the code is replaced by the following:
‘Generation 2:
The geo-coordinates are encoded as integers. These integers are multiples of the ±DDMM.M encoding for the latitude and ±DDDMM.M for the longitude. Here ±DD respectively ±DDD denotes the degrees and MM.M the minutes. Longitude and latitude of an unknown position shall be represented as Hex ‘7FFFFF’ (Decimal 8388607).’;
the following points 2.79a, 2.79b and 2.79c are inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a driver or workshop card, providing the authentication status of GNSS positions of the vehicle if the accumulated driving time reaches a multiple of three hours (Annex IC requirements 306d and 356d).
gnssAuthADPointerNewestRecord is the index of the last updated GNSS position authentication status record.
Value assignment is the number corresponding to the numerator of the GNSS position authentication status record, beginning with '0' for the first occurrence of the GNSS position authentication status record in the structure.
gnssAuthStatusADRecords is the set of records containing the date and time the accumulated driving reaches a multiple of three hours and the authentication status of the GNSS position.
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a driver or workshop card, providing the authentication status of a GNSS position of the vehicle if the accumulated driving time reaches a multiple of three hours (Annex IC requirements 306c and 356c). Other information related to the GNSS position itself is stored in another record (see 2.79 GNSSAccumulatedDrivingRecord).
timeStamp is the date and time when the accumulated driving time reaches a multiple of three hours (which is the same date and time as in the corresponding GNSSAccumulatedDrivingRecord).
authenticationStatus is the authentication status of the GNSS position when the accumulated driving time reaches a multiple of three hours.
Generation 2, version 2:
Information related to the GNSS position of the vehicle (Annex IC requirements 108, 109, 110, 296, 306a, 306c, 306e, 306g, 356a, 356c, 356e and 356g).
timeStamp is the date and time when the GNSS position of the vehicle was determined.
gnssAccuracy is the accuracy of the GNSS position data.
geoCoordinates is the recorded location using GNSS.
authenticationStatus is the authentication status of the GNSS position when it was determined.’;
point 2.84 is replaced by the following:
Reserved for future use’;
the following point 2.89a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Length indicator for extensible records.
Value assignment: See Appendix 2.’;
the following point 2.90a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Code identifying a load type entered.
Value assignment:
Undefined load type,
‘03’H .. ‘FF’H
the following point 2.101a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Number of border crossing records a driver or workshop card can store.
Value assignment: see Appendix 2.’;
the following point 2.111a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Number of load/unload records a card can store.
Value assignment: see Appendix 2.’;
the following point 2.112a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Number of load type entry records a driver or workshop card can store.
Value assignment: see Appendix 2.’;
the following point 2.114a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Code identifying a type of operation entered.
Value assignment:
Load operation,
Unload operation,
Simultaneous load/unload operation,
‘04’H .. ‘FF’H
the following points 2.116a and 2.116b are inserted:
Information related to a place where a daily work period begins or ends (Annex IC requirements 108, 271, 296, 324 and 347).
Generation 2, version 2:
entryTime is a date and time related to the entry.
entryTypeDailyWorkPeriod is the type of entry.
dailyWorkPeriodCountry is the country entered.
dailyWorkPeriodRegion is the region entered.
vehicleOdometerValue is the odometer value at the time of place entry.
entryGNSSPlaceAuthRecord is the recorded location, GNSS authentication status and time.
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a driver or workshop card, providing the authentication status of a place where a daily work period begins or ends (Annex IC requirements 306a and 356a). Other information related to the place itself is stored in another record (see 2.117 PlaceRecord).
entryTime is a date and time related to the entry (which is the same date and time as in the corresponding PlaceRecord).
authenticationStatus is the authentication status of the recorded GNSS position.’;
the following point 2.117a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Value assignment (see Appendix 12):
Not Authenticated (see Appendix 12, requirement GNS_39),
Authenticated (see Appendix 12, requirement GNS_39),
‘02’H .. ‘FF’H
in point 2.120, value assignments ‘22’H to ‘7F’H are replaced by the following:
‘25’H to ‘7F’H
the following point 2.158a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Ability of a second generation VU to use first generation of driver, control and company cards (see Appendix 15, MIG_002).
Value assignment:
The VU is able to use the generation 1 of tachograph cards (default value),
The VU is not able to use the tachograph cards generation 1,
All other values
Not used.’;
the following point 2.166a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
The Vehicle Registration Identification plus metadata as used in the download protocol.
recordType denotes the type of the record (VehicleRegistrationIdentification). Value assignment: see RecordType.
recordSize is the size of the VehicleRegistrationIdentification in bytes.
noOfRecords is the number of records in the set records.
records is the set of vehicle registration identification.’;
in point 2.168, the first line after the header is replaced by the following:
‘Generation 2, version 1:’;
point 2.174 is amended as follows:
the header for Generation 2 is replaced by the following:
‘Generation 2, version 1:’;
the following text is added:
‘Generation 2, version 2:
In addition to generation 1 the following data element is used:
sensorSerialNumber is the serial number of the motion sensor paired with the vehicle unit at the end of the calibration,
sensorGNSSSerialNumber is the serial number of the external GNSS facility coupled with the vehicle unit at the end of the calibration (if any),
rcmSerialNumber is the serial number of the remote communication facility coupled with the vehicle unit at the end of the calibration (if any),
sealDataVu gives information about the seals that are attached to different components of the vehicle.
byDefaultLoadType is the by-default load type of the vehicle (only present in version 2).
calibrationCountry is the country in which the calibration has been performed.
calibrationCountryTimestamp is the date and time when the position used to determine the country in which the calibration has been performed was provided by the GNSS receiver.’;
the following point 2.185a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Number of bytes in a tachograph card, available to store VU configurations.
Value assignment: see Appendix 2.’;
the following point 2.192a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Version of the digital map stored in the vehicle unit (Annex IC requirement 133j).
Value assignment: as specified on the dedicated secured website made available by the European Commission (Annex IC requirement 133k).’;
point 2.203 is amended as follows:
the header corresponding to Generation 2 is replaced by the following:
‘Generation 2, version 1:’;
the following text is added:
‘Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a vehicle unit, related to the GNSS position of the vehicle if the accumulated driving time reaches a multiple of three hours (Annex IC requirement 108, 110).
In Generation 2 version 2, instead of gnssPlaceRecord, the gnssPlaceAuthRecord is used, which contains the GNSS authentication status in addition.’;
the following points 2.203a and 2.203b are inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a vehicle unit, related to border crossings of the vehicle when the latter has crossed the border of a country (Annex IC requirement 133a and 133b).
cardNumberAndGenDriverSlot identifies the card including its generation which is inserted in the driver slot.
cardNumberAndGenCodriverSlot identifies the card including its generation which is inserted in the co-driver slot.
countryLeft is the country which was left by the vehicle, based on the last available position before the border crossing has been detected. ‘Rest of the World’ (NationNumeric code ‘FF’H) shall be used when the vehicle unit is not able to determine the country where the vehicle is located (e.g. the current country is not part of the stored digital maps).
countryEntered is the country into which the vehicle has entered. ‘Rest of the World’ (NationNumeric code ‘FF’H) shall be used when the vehicle unit is not able to determine the country where the vehicle is located (e.g. the current country is not part of the stored digital maps).
gnssPlaceAuthRecord contains information related to the position of the vehicle when the border crossing was detected, and its authentication status.
vehicleOdometerValue is the odometer value when the vehicle unit has detected that the vehicle has crossed the border of a country.
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a vehicle unit, related to border crossings of the vehicle (Annex IC requirement 133c).
recordType denotes the type of the record (VuBorderCrossingRecord). Value assignment: see RecordType.
recordSize is the size of the VuBorderCrossingRecord in bytes.
noOfRecords is the number of records in the set records.
records is a set of border crossing records.’;
the following point 2.204a is inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
The maximal difference between true time and the VU Real Time Clock time, based on the maximal time drift specified in Annex IC requirement 041, transmitted by the vehicle unit to an external GNSS Facility, see Appendix 12 requirement GNS_3g.
in point 2.205, the text corresponding to Generation 2 is replaced by the following:
‘Generation 2:
In addition to generation 1 the following data elements are used:
vuGeneration identifies the generation of the vehicle unit.
vuAbility provides information whether the VU supports generation 1 tachograph cards or not.
vuDigitalMapVersion is the version of the digital map stored in the vehicle unit (only present in version 2).’;
the following points 2.208a and 2.208b are inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in the vehicle unit, related to a load/unload operation entered (Annex IC requirements 133e, 133f and 133g).
timeStamp is the date and time when the load/unload operation was entered.
operationType is the type of the operation entered (load, unload, or simultaneous load/unload).
cardNumberAndGenDriverSlot identifies the card including its generation which is inserted in the driver slot.
cardNumberAndGenCodriverSlot identifies the card including its generation which is inserted in the co-driver slot.
gnssPlaceAuthRecord contains information related to the position of the vehicle, and its authentication status.
vehicleOdometerValue is the odometer value related to the load/unload operation.
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a vehicle unit, related to a load/unload operation vehicle entered (Annex IC requirement 133h).
recordType denotes the type of the record (VuLoadUnloadRecord).Value Assignment: See RecordType.
recordSize is the size of the VuLoadUnloadRecord in bytes.
noOfRecords is the number of records in the set records.
records is a set of load/unload operation records.’;
point 2.219 is amended as follows:
the header for Generation 2 is replaced by the following:
‘Generation 2, version 1:’;
the following text is added:
‘Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a vehicle unit, related to a place where a driver begins or ends a daily work period (Annex 1B requirement 087 and Annex 1C requirement 108 and 110).
Instead of placeRecord, the generation 2 version 2 data structure makes use of the following data element:
placeAuthRecord contains the information related to the place entered, the recorded position, GNSS authentication status and position determination time.’;
the following point is inserted after point 2.222:
Generation 2, version 2:
The time of the VU RTC clock, transmitted by the VU to an External GNSS Facility, see Appendix 12 requirement GNS_3f.
the following points 2.234a, 2.234b and 2.234c are inserted:
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a workshop card related to the identification of the application of the card (Annex IC requirement 330a).
lengthOfFollowingData is the number of bytes following in the record.
noOfBorderCrossingRecords is the number of border crossing records the workshop card can store.
noOfLoadUnloadRecords is the number of load/unload records the workshop card can store.
noOfLoadTypeEntryRecords is the number of load type entry records the workshop card can store.
vuConfigurationLengthRange is the number of bytes in a tachograph card, available to store VU configurations.
Generation 2, version 2:
Information, stored in a workshop card, related to the additional data (i.e. by-default load type) entered during a calibration (Annex IC requirement 356l).
calibrationPointerNewestRecord is the index of the last updated calibration additional data record.
Value assignment is the number corresponding to the numerator of the calibration additional data record, beginning with '0' for the first occurrence of the calibration additional data record in the structure.
workshopCardCalibrationAddDataRecords is the set of records containing the old date and time value, the vehicle identification value and the by-default load type of the vehicle.
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