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Document 52006XC0325(02)

    Summary information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 1/2004 of 23 December 2003 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products.

    OJ C 73, 25.3.2006, p. 3–8 (ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV)



    Official Journal of the European Union

    C 73/3

    Summary information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 1/2004 of 23 December 2003 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products.

    (2006/C 73/03)

    Aid No: XA 65/05

    Member State: Kingdom of Spain

    Region: Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia

    Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid.: Granting aid for 2005 in order to implement projects and carry out studies and audits on energy saving, efficiency and diversification

    Legal basis: Orden de 28 de julio de 2005 de la Consejería de Industria y Medio Ambiente, de modificación de la Orden de 20 de enero de 2005, de la Consejería de Economía, Industria e Innovación, por la que se establecen las bases y la convocatoria para la concesión de ayudas para el año 2005 con destino a la ejecución de proyectos y realización de estudios y auditorias en materia de ahorro, eficiencia y diversificación energética

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: For firms: EUR 485 000

    Maximum aid intensity: 40 % gross grant equivalent of eligible costs

    Date of implementation: As soon as this Order is published in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia

    Duration of aid scheme or individual aid: December 2005

    Objective of aid:

    To grant subsidies for 2005 to firms (SMEs) located in the region of Murcia, in order to implement projects and carry out studies and audits on energy saving, efficiency and diversification.

    To award to the region's small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products the aid for the 2005 financial year for implementing projects and carrying out studies and audits on energy saving, efficiency and diversification which is provided for in the Order of 20 January 2005 of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Industry and Innovation, as published in Official Gazette No 25 of 1 February 2005 of the Region of Murcia

    The aid will meet the conditions laid down in Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1/2004. Eligible costs covered by the scheme will be as follows:

    Projects: The part of the investment corresponding to tangible assets (civil works, equipment, assembly and installations) owned by the beneficiary.

    Feasibility studies and energy audits: The total amount of the investment made to carry out the study or audit, with the exception of VAT

    Sector(s) concerned: Processing and marketing of agricultural products

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia.

    Consejería de Industria y Medio Ambiente

    C/San Lorenzo, no 6

    E-30071 Murcia

    Web address: (Consejería de Industria y Medio Ambiente/ Ayudas y subvenciones:

    Aid No: XA 69/05

    Member State: Federal Republic of Germany

    Title of aid scheme: Guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture (BMVEL) on use of the Federal Government's special-purpose fund, held with the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, subsection 2(2), Introduction onto the market and practical delivery

    Legal basis: § 2 Abs. 1 des Gesetzes über das Zweckvermögen des Bundes bei der Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank vom 12. August 2005 (BGBl. I, S. 2363)

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme: EUR 5 million as a soft loan, of which EUR 1 million is covered by guarantee

    Maximum aid intensity: 40 %.

    Date of implementation: From the day following publication of the above guidelines in the Federal Gazette. The process of publication in the Federal Gazette has begun. Publication will take place no earlier than 10 working days after the Commission notifies the aid number

    Duration of scheme:

    Objective of aid: Support for SMEs to introduce innovations onto the market and deliver them in practice, by promoting investment in agriculture and horticulture (Articles 4 and 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1/2004)

    Economic sector(s) concerned: Agriculture and horticulture

    Name and address of the granting authority: Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Hochstr. 2, 60313 Frankfurt am Main.

    Internet address:

    Aid No: XA 70/05

    Member State: Italy

    Region: Lombardy

    Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Technical assistance to agricultural holdings to enable them to take advantage of the aids available under agricultural policies

    Legal basis:

    Legge regionale 7 febbraio 2000, n. 7, «Norme per gli interventi regionali in agricoltura» e, in particolare, i seguenti articoli:

    art. 3, «Tavolo istituzionale per le politiche agricole regionali e Tavolo agricolo regionale»;

    art. 10, «Assistenza tecnica alle aziende agricole, formazione e qualificazione professionale»;

    Piano di Sviluppo Rurale della Regione Lombardia — Misura «n»;

    Delibera di Giunta Regionale n. VIII/791 del 19 settembre 2005.

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: EUR 775 000 for 2005

    In subsequent years, expenditure will depend on the regional budget but will not exceed EUR 1 000 000 per year

    Maximum aid intensity: In accordance with Article 14(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2004, the aid will not exceed EUR 100 000,00 per holding

    The first payment of aid, expressed as grant equivalent, can be EUR 8,00 per agricultural holding

    Date of implementation: From the date of fulfilment of the requirements of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1/2004

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award: Five years

    Objective of aid: The purpose of the aid scheme is to provide information to farmers in Lombardy on the opportunities offered by the new Community programmes for the period 2007-13.

    The technical assistance measures concerning the use of Community funding do not fully inform farmers of the new opportunities provided under Community and national aid schemes.

    Adequate support must be provided to enable other qualified bodies, representing the agricultural sector, to provide technical assistance and information to supplement official measures, in terms of both quantity and quality, adapting them to the needs arising from the opening of the markets and the globalisation of the rural economy.

    The management of the aid will be assigned, in accordance with the above regional legislation, to the most representative agricultural trade bodies in Lombardy, which must have a large membership spread throughout the region and a sufficiently extensive network of offices and must be adequately represented in the various agricultural and food sectors in the Region of Lombardy.

    The managing bodies will be selected by means of an invitation to tender, which will stipulate the selection criteria and the procedure for granting technical assistance to agricultural SMEs.

    In accordance with Community rules, the final beneficiaries of the assistance are agricultural SMEs as defined in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 operating in the Region of Lombardy.

    This aid scheme is implemented under Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1/2004 to cover the cost of technical consultancy services

    Sector(s) concerned: Small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises active in the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Regione Lombardia

    Direzione Generale Agricoltura

    Via Pola, 12/14

    I-20124 Milano


    Aid No: XA 71/05

    Member State: Latvia

    Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid: Aid scheme: ‘Aid to promote initial recognition and start-up activities of new fruit and vegetable grower groups’

    Legal basis: Ministru kabineta 2005. gada 25. janvāra noteikumi Nr. 70 “Noteikumi par valsts atbalstu lauksaimniecībai 2005. gadā un tā piešķiršanas kārtība” 7. pielikuma 4. nodaļa.

    Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: The total amount of aid under the scheme for 2005 is LVL 26 000 (EUR 36 995)

    Maximum aid intensity: Aid at a rate of 30 % of justified expenditure, i.e. rental of office premises, IT hardware and software, administrative staffing costs

    Date of implementation: October 2005

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award:

    Objective of aid: The objective of the aid is to promote the creation and operation of fruit and vegetable grower groups

    Sectors concerned: Aid is intended for small and medium-sized enterprises involved in agricultural activities.

    Aid for the fruit and vegetable sectors.

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia

    Riga, LV-1981

    Web address:

    Aid No: XA 72/05

    Member State: Latvia

    Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid: Aid scheme: ‘Aid for agricultural investments’

    Legal basis: Ministru kabineta 2005. gada 25. janvāra noteikumi Nr. 70 “Noteikumi par valsts atbalstu lauksaimniecībai 2005. gadā un tā piešķiršanas kārtība” 13. pielikums.

    Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: The total amount of aid under the scheme for 2005 is LVL 3 579 426 (EUR 5 093 064)

    Maximum aid intensity: Aid is granted at a rate of 30 % of expenditure for the following measures: acquisition, reconstruction or renovation of buildings, or the acquisition of essential construction materials for facilities for the pre-processing and storage of grain, oleaginous crops and fibre crops (including the acquisition and installation of automated weighing equipment and the acquisition of laboratory equipment); construction of asphalt or concrete areas adjacent to pre-processing sites not exceeding LVL 20 per square metre; acquisition of flax harvesting machinery; reconstruction or renovation of manufacturing buildings and/or the acquisition of essential construction materials for livestock products (honey, milk); acquisition of dairy cow farming facilities. The total amount of aid granted may not exceed LVL 30 000 for each individual applicant, or LVL 100 000 for each accredited agricultural services cooperative. Expenditure figures used to calculate aid shall be determined in accordance with initial costs as stated on proof-of-purchase documents (not including VAT). Transport costs are not included in subsidy calculations

    Date of implementation: October 2005

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award:

    Objective of aid: The objective of the aid is to support agricultural investments for the purposes of increasing the added value of production and improving the quality of agricultural production.

    Sectors concerned: Aid is intended for small and medium-sized enterprises involved in agricultural activities.

    Aid is intended for the livestock and crop-farming branches of the sector

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Ministry of Agriculture

    Riga. 04.10.2005.

    Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia

    Riga, LV-1981

    Web address:

    Other information: The aid scheme XA 29/05 is repealed upon entry into force of this aid scheme.

    Aid number: XA 73/05

    Member State: United Kingdom

    Region: North West England

    Title of Aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Collaborative Advisory Service (North West England)

    Legal Basis: Section 5 of the Regional Development Agencies Act 1998

    Expenditure planned under the scheme: Total value of GBP 280 000 over 20 months. The funding is provided from three financial years listed below:

    Maximum aid intensity: The aid intensity is 100 %

    Date of implementation:

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award: The scheme will close on 31 March 2007. Aid will continue to be paid until 30 June 2007

    Objective of aid: Sectoral development. The scheme will provide an advice service for farmers, farmer controlled businesses (FCBs) and other collaborative ventures within the agricultural supply chain in the North West of England. The scheme will provide advice, to help improve farm business performance and efficiency through collaboration and supply chain efficiency.

    The aid will be paid in line with Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1/2004 and the eligible costs will be consultancy services

    Sector(s) concerned: The scheme is aimed primarily at businesses active in the production of agricultural products. However, some businesses in other parts of the wider agricultural supply chain (including processing and marketing) may also be eligible to take part. The scheme is open to businesses producing (or processing or marketing) any type of agricultural product

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    North West Regional Development Agency

    PO Box 37

    Renaissance House

    Centre Park


    Cheshire WA1 1XB

    United Kingdom

    Web-Address: Click on Collaborative Advisory Service (North West England).

    Alternatively, you can access information on this scheme via the UK's central web listing for exempted agricultural State aid schemes (

    Other information: The scheme will be made available to all businesses active in the wider supply chain for agricultural products. Accordingly, some of the businesses might not be active in the production, processing or marketing of Annex 1 products (e.g., businesses which process Annex 1 into non-Annex 1 products). Aid to non-agricultural businesses will be paid with regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 69/2001 on de minimis aid.

    Beneficiaries will not be able to choose the service provider. The service provider will be English Farming and Food Partnerships who were selected by a tendering exercise on the basis of market principles in line with Article 14(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2004

    Aid No: XA 74/2005

    Member State: Italy

    Region: Giunta Regionale della CAMPANIA — Assessorato all'Agricoltura ed Attività Produttive — Area Generale di Coordinamento Sviluppo Attività Settore Primario — Settore Interventi per la Produzione Agricola, Produzione Agro Alimentare, Mercati Agricoli, Consulenza Mercantile

    Title of aid scheme: Incentives for small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products to produce and use renewable energy sources and to improve energy efficiency in the agricultural sector

    Legal basis:

    art. 1, commi 3 e 4 del Decreto legislativo 30 aprile 1998, n. 173 (Gazzetta ufficiale n. 129 del 5.6.1998) che ha istituito un regime di aiuti per l'incentivazione dell'utilizzo di fonti rinnovabili di energia e di sistemi idonei a limitare l'inquinamento e l'impatto ambientale o comunque a ridurre i consumi energetici;

    DM n. 401 dell'11.9.1999 (GU 260 del 5.11.1999), che ha emanato le norme di attuazione dell'art. 1, commi 3 e 4 del Decreto legislativo 30 aprile 1998 n. 173 per la concessione di aiuti a favore della produzione e utilizzazione di fonti energetiche rinnovabili nel settore agricolo;

    Decisione della Commissione europea SG (99) D/981, del 9 novembre 1999, relativa al regime di aiuto n. 307/B/98, approvato in attuazione dell'articolo 1, commi 3 e 4, del decreto legislativo 30 aprile 1998, n. 173;

    art. 4 del Regolamento (CE) n. 1/2004 della Commissione del 23 dicembre 2003 a favore delle piccole e medie imprese attive nel settore della produzione, trasformazione e commercializzazione dei prodotti agricoli (Gazzetta ufficiale L 1 del 3.1.2004)

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme: The planned budget is EUR 1 990 941,22, allocated by the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policy to the Region of Campania by means of Ministerial Decree No 156409 of 8 November 2001 for the implementation of measures intended to achieve the objectives laid down in Article 1(3) and (4) of Legislative Decree No 173/98 and that comply with the implementation criteria laid down in Ministerial Decree No 401/99.

    The maximum permitted expenditure on individual aid granted under this scheme will not exceed the sum laid down in Article 1(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2004 for holdings active in the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products

    Maximum aid intensity: The gross aid intensity may not exceed 40 % of eligible costs or 50 % for enterprises in less-favoured areas as defined in Article 17 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999.

    In the case of investments by young farmers within five years of setting up, the maximum aid intensity may be increased to 50 % or 60 % in less favoured areas. By ‘young farmer’ is meant producers of agricultural products as defined in Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999

    Date of implementation: Implementation of the aid scheme will begin on the thirtieth day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Region of Campania (BURC) but not less than ten working days following the submission of this document, as provided for in Article 19(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2004

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award: The scheme will be open until the budget has been used up, but not beyond the period of validity of Regulation (EC) No 1/2004

    Objective of aid: The aid scheme is intended for single or associated small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises as defined in Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 that are economically viable on the basis of the criteria laid down in Regional Decree No 183 of 5 April 2005, issued on the basis of the coordinated text of the Programming Complement to the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) for the Region of Campania for the years 2000-06, approved by Regional Government Decree No 1855 of 22 October 2004, and the amendments made to that document by Regional Government Decree No 846/2005.

    The purpose of the aid is to encourage investments in the production and use of renewable energy sources by the above agricultural enterprises where such investments (renewable energy sources and reduction of energy costs during production) are subsidiary to the main agricultural or food-processing activities and are exclusively intended to supply the holding's own energy needs.

    The measure provides for incentives to use agricultural and forestry products and/or by-products thereof and processing waste, with the exception of domestic waste, for heat production for exclusive use on holdings and aid for measures to save energy and to reduce the use of fossil fuels in production on holdings by replacing them with renewable energy sources

    Specific reference to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1/2004

    The aid scheme is based on Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1/2004 of 23 December 2003 concerning small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products (Italian Official Journal No L 001 of 3 January 2004)

    Eligible expenditure

    The following expenditure is eligible

    Sector(s) concerned: The aid scheme applies to agricultural and food production in the Region of Campania. The scheme covers all subsectors of livestock and plant production

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Giunta Regionale della Campania

    Assessorato all'Agricoltura ed Attività Produttive

    Area Generale di Coordinamento Sviluppo Attività Settore Primario

    Settore Interventi per la Produzione Agricola, Produzione Agro Alimentare, Mercati Agricoli, Consulenza Mercantile.

    Centro Direzionale — Isola A/6

    I-80143 Napoli

    tel. (39-081) 796 74 25-4

    fax: (39-081) 796 75 30.


    Aid No: XA 75/2005

    Member State: Netherlands

    Region: Province of Overijssel

    Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Implementing Decree on Grants in Overijssel in 2005, paragraph 4.2 ‘Development of agriculture with good future prospects’

    Legal basis: Algemene Wet Bestuursrecht; Algemene Subsidieverordening Overijssel 2005

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: EUR 721 000 per year

    Maximum aid intensity:

    For investment in agricultural holdings: 40 %, with a maximum of EUR 100 000,00 per investment, whereby the investment must be directed at one or more of the following objectives:


    reducing production costs;


    improving and converting production;


    improving quality;


    maintaining and improving the natural environment, hygiene conditions and animal-welfare standards;


    promoting diversification of agricultural activities.

    For technical support for agricultural holdings, the aid amounts to the maximum of 80 % of eligible costs, with a ceiling of EUR 100 000 per final beneficiary per three-year period

    Date of implementation: The Implementing Decree on Grants in Overijssel in 2005 enters into force on 1 October 2005

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award: As it currently stands, the Section of the Implementing Decree on Grants in Overijssel in 2005 concerning ‘Development of agriculture with good future prospects’ will apply until 31 December 2006.

    Objective of aid: The objective of granting aid on the basis of the Section of the Implementing Decree on Grants in Overijssel concerning ‘Development of agriculture with good future prospects’ is to:

    improve the spatial structure of soil-based agriculture;

    improve and reinforce the economic base of agriculture by promoting future-oriented enterprise and innovation.

    In order to achieve this objective, grants can be awarded for:

    For this purpose, the following articles of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1/2004 are being applied:

    Article 4: investment in agricultural holdings;

    Article 14: technical support in the agricultural sector

    Sector(s) concerned: The Section of the Implementing Decree on Grants in Overijssel in 2005 concerning ‘Development of agriculture with good future prospects’ applies to agri-clusters (production, processing and marketing) in soil-based livestock farming (cattle, herbivores, goats, sheep), intensive livestock farming (poultry, pigs and calves), arable farming, open-air horticulture and horticulture under glass

    Name and address of the granting authority: Gedeputeerde Staten van Overijssel


    Aid No: XA 76/05

    Member State: Latvia

    Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid: Aid scheme: ‘Aid for the reconstruction of land drainage systems’

    Legal basis: Ministru kabineta 2005. gada 25. janvāra noteikumi Nr. 70 “Noteikumi par valsts atbalstu lauksaimniecībai 2005. gadā un tā piešķiršanas kārtība” 7. pielikuma 1. nodaļa.

    Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: The total amount of aid under the scheme for 2005 is LVL 500 000

    Maximum aid intensity: Aid is intended for the reconstruction of land drainage systems: renewal of drainage channels, replacement of drain systems with drainage ditches, installation of additional drainage branches. Subject to the provision of aid at a rate of 40 % of the costs of construction work on drainage systems. The amount of aid is increased by 10 % if a holding is located in a less-favoured area, as defined in the Regulation on rural development, and by 5 % for applicants up to the age 40 years.

    Date of implementation:

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award:

    Objective of Aid: To improve the humidity of soil.

    Sectors concerned: Aid is intended for small and medium-sized enterprises involved in agricultural activities

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Ms L. Straujuma State Secretary Ministry of Agriculture

    Riga. 8.9.2005.

    Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia

    Riga, LV-1981

