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Document 32013R0068

Commission Regulation (EU) No 68/2013 of 16 January 2013 on the Catalogue of feed materials Text with EEA relevance

OJ L 29, 30/01/2013, p. 1–64 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)

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Official Journal of the European Union

L 29/1


of 16 January 2013

on the Catalogue of feed materials

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on the placing on the market and use of feed, amending European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 and repealing Council Directive 79/373/EEC, Commission Directive 80/511/EEC, Council Directives 82/471/EEC, 83/228/EEC, 93/74/EEC, 93/113/EC and 96/25/EC and Commission Decision 2004/217/EC (1), and in particular Article 26(2) and (3) thereof,



Commission Regulation (EU) No 575/2011 of 16 June 2011 on the Catalogue of feed materials (2) (the Catalogue) replaced the first version of the Catalogue of feed materials set out in Commission Regulation (EU) No 242/2010 of 19 March 2010 creating the Catalogue of feed materials (3).


The appropriate representatives of the European feed business sectors have, in consultation with other parties concerned, in collaboration with the competent national authorities and taking into account relevant experience from opinions issued by the European Food Safety Authority and scientific or technological developments, developed amendments to Regulation (EU) No 575/2011.


These amendments concern new entries of treatment processes and feed materials and improvements of existing entries, in particular for oil and fat derivatives.


Furthermore, the amendments concern maximum contents of chemical impurities resulting from their manufacturing process or from processing aids to be set according to point 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009. Specific rules should apply to former foodstuff e.g. production surplus, misshapen products or food with expired use-by date that had been produced in compliance with EU food law.


The conditions set out in Article 26 of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 are fulfilled.


Given the very high number of amendments to be made to Regulation (EU) No 575/2011, it is appropriate, for reasons of coherence, clarity and simplification, to repeal and replace that Regulation.


It is appropriate to reduce the administrative burden on the operators by providing a period of time allowing a smooth conversion of labelling to avoid unnecessary disruption to commercial practices.


The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health,


Article 1

The Catalogue of feed materials referred to in Article 24 of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 is established, as set out in the Annex to this Regulation.

Article 2

Regulation (EU) No 575/2011 is repealed.

References to the repealed Regulation shall be construed as references to this Regulation.

Article 3

Feed materials which have been labelled in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 575/2011 before 19 August 2013 may continue to be placed on the market and used until stocks are exhausted.

Article 4

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 16 January 2013.

For the Commission

The President

José Manuel BARROSO

(1)   OJ L 229, 1.9.2009, p. 1.

(2)   OJ L 159, 17.6.2011, p. 25.

(3)   OJ L 77, 24.3.2010, p. 17.




General provisions


The use of this Catalogue by the feed business operators shall be voluntary. However, the name of a feed material listed in Part C may be used only for a feed material complying with the requirements of the entry concerned.


All entries in the list of feed materials in Part C shall comply with the restrictions on the use of feed materials in accordance with the relevant legislation of the Union. Feed business operators using a feed material entered in the Catalogue shall ensure that it complies with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009.


‘Former foodstuffs’ means foodstuffs, other than catering reflux, which were manufactured for human consumption in full compliance with the EU food law but which are no longer intended for human consumption for practical or logistical reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects or other defects and which do not present any health risks when used as feed. The setting of maximum contents as referred to in point 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 shall not be applicable to former foodstuffs and catering reflux. It shall apply when further processed as feed.


In accordance with good practice as referred to in Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1), feed materials shall be free from chemical impurities resulting from their manufacturing process and from processing aids, unless a specific maximum content is fixed in the Catalogue. Substances prohibited for use in feed shall not be present and for those substances such maximum contents shall not be fixed. In the interest of transparency, feed materials with tolerated residues are complemented with relevant information provided by feed business operators in the context of usual commercial transactions.


In accordance with good practice as referred to in Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005, application of the ALARA (2) principle and without prejudice to the application of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005, Directive 2002/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 May 2002 on undesirable substances in animal feed (3), Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC (4) and Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition (5), it is appropriate to specify in the Catalogue of feed materials the maximum contents for chemical impurities resulting from the manufacturing process or from processing aids that are present at levels of 0,1 % or above. Maximum contents may also be set in the Catalogue for chemical impurities and processing aids present at levels lower than 0,1 % if deemed suitable for good trading practices. Unless otherwise specified in Part B or C of the present Annex, any maximum content is expressed on a weight/weight basis.


The specific maximum contents for chemical impurities and processing aids are set either in the description of the process in Part B, in the description of the feed material in Part C or at the end of a category in Part C. Unless a specific maximum content is set in Part C, any maximum content set in Part B for a given process is applicable to any feed material listed in Part C in so far as the description of the feed material makes reference to this process in its description and in so far as the process at stake meets the description given in Part B.


The botanical purity of a feed material shall not be less than 95 %. However, botanical impurities such as residues of other oil seeds or oil fruits derived from a previous manufacturing process shall not exceed 0,5 % for each type of oil seed or fruit. Derogating from these general rules a specific level shall be set in the list of feed materials in Part C.


The common name/qualifier of one or more of the processes, as listed in the last column of the glossary of processes in Part B, shall (6) be added to the name of the feed material to indicate that it has undergone the respective process or processes. A feed material whose name is a combination of a name listed in Part C with the common name/qualifier of one or more of the processes listed in Part B shall be considered as included in the Catalogue and its label shall bear the compulsory declarations applicable for this feed material as set out in the last columns of Parts B and C, as applicable. Whenever set out in the last column of Part B, the specific method used for the process shall be specified in the name of the feed material.


If the manufacturing process for a feed material differs from the description of the process concerned, as set out in the glossary of processes in Part B, the manufacturing process shall be set out in the description of the feed material concerned.


For a number of feed materials, synonyms may be used. Such synonyms are included in square brackets in the column ‘name’ of the entry for the feed material concerned in the list of feed materials in Part C.


In the description of the feed materials in the list of feed materials in Part C, the word ‘product’ is used instead of the word ‘by-product’ to reflect the market situation and the language used in practice by feed business operators to highlight the commercial value of feed materials.


The botanical name of a plant is only given in the description of the first entry in the list of feed materials in Part C concerning that plant.


The underlying principle for the compulsory labelling of analytical constituents of a certain feed material in the Catalogue is, whether a certain product contains high concentrations of a specific constituent, or the manufacturing process has changed the nutritional characteristics of the product.


Article 15(g) of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 in conjunction with point 6 of Annex I to that Regulation lays down labelling requirements as regards the moisture content. Article 16(1)(b) of that Regulation in conjunction with its Annex V lays down labelling requirements as regards other analytical constituents. In addition, point 5 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 requires the declaration of the level of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid if it exceeds 2,2 % in general or for certain feed material if it exceeds the level set in the relevant section of Annex V to that Regulation. However, some entries in the list of feed materials in Part C deviate from those rules as follows:


compulsory declarations regarding analytical constituents in the list of feed materials in Part C replace the compulsory declarations as set out in the relevant section of Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009;


if the column relating to compulsory declarations in the list of feed materials in Part C is left blank with respect to the analytical constituents that would have to be declared in accordance with the relevant section of Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009, none of those constituents need be labelled. For ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, however, where no level is set in the list of feed materials in Part C, the level shall be declared if it exceeds 2,2 %;


where one or more specific moisture levels are set in the column ‘compulsory declarations’ of the list of feed materials in Part C, those levels shall apply instead of the levels in point 6 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009. However, if the moisture content is below 14 % its declaration is not compulsory. Where no specific moisture level is set in that column, point 6 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 shall apply.


A feed business operator, who claims a feed material has more properties than those specified in the column ‘description’ of the list of feed materials in Part C, or refers to a process listed in Part B that can be assimilated as a claim (e.g. rumen protection), has to comply with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009. Furthermore, feed materials may meet a particular nutritional purpose in accordance with Articles 9 and 10 of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009.


Glossary of processes




Common name/qualifier


Air fractionation

Separation of particles by means of an air stream

Air fractionated



Process to remove dust, fine particles and other parts with suspended cereal fines from a bulk of grain during transfer by means of an air-flow




Process consisting of heat treatment of an organic substance by boiling or steaming in order to denature natural enzymes, soften tissue and remove raw flavouring and followed by immersion in cold water to halt the cooking process




Removing naturally occurring colour




Lowering the temperature below ambient but above freezing point to aid preservation




Reduction of particle size using one or more knives




Removal of objects (contaminants, e.g. stones) or vegetative parts of the plant e.g. unattached particles of straw or husks or weeds



Concentration  (7)

Increase in certain contents by removal of water and/or other constituents




Transition of a substance from a gaseous to a liquid phase




The application of heat to change the physical and chemical characteristics of feed materials




Reduction of particle size using a crusher

Crushed, crushing



Purification by the formation of solid crystals from a liquid solution. Impurities in the liquid are usually not incorporated into the lattice structure of the crystal.



Decortication  (8)

Complete or partial removal of outer layers from grains, seeds, fruits, nuts and others

Decorticated, partially decorticated



Removal of the outer skins of beans, grains and seeds usually by physical means

Dehulled or dehusked (9)



Extraction of pectins from a feed material




Process of extracting moisture




Process used to remove the slime layer on the surface




Complete or partial removal of mono- and disaccharides from molasses and other material containing sugar by chemical or physical means

Desugared, partially desugared



Process by which toxic contaminants are destroyed or reduced in concentration




Fractionation liquids by boiling and collecting the condensed vapour into a separate container




Dehydration by artificial or natural processes

Dried (sun or artificially)



Storage of feed materials in a silo possibly with the addition of preservatives or by using anaerobic conditions possibly with silage additives




Reducing the water content




Thermal process during which the product’s internal water content, abruptly steamed, leads to the breaking-up of the product

Expanded or puffed



Removal of oil/fat by pressing

Expeller/cake and oil/fat



Removal either by organic solvent of fat/oil from certain materials or by aqueous solvent of sugar or other water-soluble components

Extracted/meal and fat/oil, molasses/pulp and sugar or other water-soluble components



Thermal process during which the product’s internal water content, abruptly steamed, leads to the breaking-up of the product combined with special shaping by passing through an orifice




Process in which micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi or yeasts are produced or used to act on materials to promote a change in their chemical composition/properties




Separation of a mixture of liquid and solid materials by passing the liquid through a porous medium or membrane




Rolling of moist heat-treated material



Flour milling

Reduction of particle size of dry grain and to facilitate separation into constituent fractions (principally flour, bran and middlings)

Flour, bran, middlings (10), feed



Separation of feed material fragments by sieving and/or treated with a stream of air that carries the light shell pieces away




Process of breaking a feed material into fragments




Process of cooking feed materials in a oil or fat




Process to form a gel, a solid, jelly-like material that can have properties ranging from soft and weak to hard and tough usually using gelling agents




Treatment of feed materials to obtain a specific particle size and consistency




Reducing the particle size of solid feed materials in a dry or wet process

Ground or milled



Heat treatments carried out under specific conditions

Heat treated



Catalytic process aimed at saturating double bonds of oils/fats/fatty acids, carried out at high temperature under hydrogen pressure, in order to obtain partially of or fully saturated triglycerides/fatty acids, or aimed at obtaining polyols by reduction of carbonyl groups of carbohydrates to hydroxyl groups

Hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated



Reduction of molecular size by appropriate treatment with water and either heat/pressure, enzymes or acid/alkali




Transition from a solid or a gas phase into a liquid




Reducing the size of feed materials using mechanical means often in the presence of water or other liquids




Allowing grain to commence germination to activate naturally occurring enzymes that are able to break down starch to fermentable carbohydrates and proteins to amino acids and peptides




Transition from a solid to a liquid phase by the application of heat




Process of reducing the average diameter of a solid material’s particles to the micrometer scale




Process of soaking in water and subjecting to a heat treatment so that the starch is fully gelatinised, followed by a drying process




Heating to a critical temperature for a specified ‘amount’ of time to eliminate harmful micro-organisms followed by rapid cooling




Removal of the skin/peel from fruit and vegetables




Shaping by compression through a die

Pellet, pelleted


Rice milling

Removing almost all or part of the bran and embryo from husked rice




Modification of starch to improve significantly its swelling properties in cold water

Pregelatinised (11)


Pressing  (12)

Physical removal of liquids like fat, oil, water or juice from solids

Expeller/cake (in case of oil-containing materials)

Pulp, pomace (in case of fruits, etc.)

Pressed pulp (in case of sugar beet)



Complete or partial removal of impurities or unwanted components by chemical/physical treatment

Refined, partially refined



Heating of feed materials in a dry state to improve digestibility, increase colour and/or reduce naturally occurring anti-nutritive factors




Reduction of particle size by passing the feed material, e.g. grains, between pairs of rollers



Rumen protection

Process which, either by physical treatment with use of heat, pressure, steam and combination of such conditions and/or through the action of e.g. aldehydes, lignosulfonates, sodium hydroxide or organic acids (such as propionic or tannic acid) aims to protect the nutrients from degradation in the rumen

Feed materials rumen protected by aldehydes may contain up to 0,12 % of free aldehydes.

Rumen protected through the action of [insert as applicable]



Separation of particles of different sizes by passing feed materials through screen(s) while being shaken or poured

Sieved, sifted, screened



Separating the top floating layer of a liquid by mechanical means, e.g. milk fat




Cutting feed materials into flat pieces




Moistening and softening of feed materials, usually seeds, to reduce cooking time, aid in seed coat removal, facilitate the uptake of water to activate the germination process or reduce the concentration of naturally occurring anti-nutritive factors



Spray drying

Reducing the moisture content of a liquid by creating a spray or mist of the feed material to increase the surface area to weight ratio through which warm air is blown

Spray dried



Process using pressurised steam for heating and cooking to increase digestibility




Heating using dry heat usually applied to oilseeds, e.g. to reduce or remove naturally occurring anti-nutritive factors




Filtration of liquids through a membrane permeable only for small molecules




Process of complete or partial removal of germ from crushed cereal grain

Degermed, degerminated


Infra-red micronisation

Thermal process using infra red heat for cooking and roasting cereals, roots, seeds or tubers, or their co-products, usually followed by flaking

Infra red micronised


Oil/fats and hydrogenated oils/fats splitting

Chemical process of hydrolysis of fats/oils. The reaction of fats/oils with water, carried out at high temperatures and pressures, allows obtaining crude fatty acids in the hydrophobic phase and sweet waters (crude glycerol) in the hydrophilic phase.



List of feed materials

1.   Cereal grains and products derived thereof




Compulsory declarations



Grains of Hordeum vulgare L. It may be rumen protected



Barley, puffed

Product obtained from milled or broken barley by means of a treatment in humid, warm conditions and under pressure



Barley, roasted

Product of barley roasting process which is partially roasted with low colour

Starch, if > 10 %

Crude protein, if > 15 %


Barley flakes

Product obtained by steaming or infra red micronising and rolling dehusked barley. It may contain a small proportion of barley husks. It may be rumen protected.



Barley fibre

Product of barley starch manufacture. It consists of particles of endosperm and principally of fibre.

Crude fibre

Crude protein, if > 10 %


Barley hulls

Product of ethanol-starch manufacture after dry milling, screening and dehulling of barley grains

Crude fibre

Crude protein, if > 10 %


Barley middlings

Product obtained during the processing of screened, dehusked barley into pearl barley, semolina or flour. It consists principally of particles of endosperm with fine fragments of the outer skins and some grain screenings.

Crude fibre



Barley protein

Product from barley obtained after starch and bran separation. It consists principally of protein.

Crude protein


Barley protein feed

Product from barley obtained after starch separation. It consists principally of protein and particles of endosperm.

Moisture, if < 45 % or > 60 %

If moisture < 45 %:

Crude protein



Barley solubles

Product from barley obtained after wet protein and starch extraction

Crude protein


Barley bran

Product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened grains of dehusked barley. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which the greater part of the endosperm has been removed.

Crude fibre


Liquid barley starch

Secondary starch fraction from the production of starch from barley

If moisture < 50 %:



Malting barley screenings

Product from mechanical screening (size fractionation) consisting of undersized barley kernels and fractions of barley kernels separated before the malting process

Crude fibre

Crude ash if > 2,2 %


Malting barley and malt fines

Product consisting of fractions of barley kernels and malt separated during the production of malt

Crude fibre


Malting barley husks

Product from malting barley cleaning consisting of fractions of husk and fines

Crude fibre


Barley distillers solids, wet

Product of ethanol manufacture from barley. It contains solid feed fraction from distillation.

Moisture, if < 65 % or > 88 %

If moisture < 65 %:

Crude protein


Barley distillers solubles, wet

Product of ethanol manufacture from barley. It contains soluble feed fraction from distillation.

Moisture, if < 45 % or > 70 %

If moisture < 45 %

Crude protein


Malt  (13)

Product from germinated cereals, dried, milled and/or extracted



Malt rootlets  (13)

Product from malting cereals germination and malt cleaning consisting of rootlets, cereal fines, husks and small broken malted cereal grains. It may be milled.



Maize  (14)

Grains of Zea mays L. ssp. mays. It may be rumen protected.



Maize flakes

Product obtained by steaming or infra red micronising and rolling dehusked maize. It may contain a small proportion of maize husks.



Maize middlings

Product of the manufacture of flour or semolina from maize. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which less of the endosperm has been removed than in maize bran. It may contain some maize germ fragments.

Crude fibre



Maize bran

Product of the manufacture of flour or semolina from maize. It consists principally of outer skins and some maize germ fragments, with some endosperm particles.

Crude fibre


Maize cobs

Central core of a maize ear. It comprises unseparated rachis, grain and leaves.

Crude fibre



Maize screenings

Fraction of maize kernels separated by the screening process at product intake



Maize fibre

Product of the manufacture of maize starch. It consists principally of fibre.

Moisture, if < 50 % or > 70 %

If moisture < 50 %:

Crude fibre


Maize gluten

Product of the manufacture of maize starch. It consists principally of gluten obtained during separation of starch.

Moisture, if < 70 % or > 90 %

If moisture < 70 %:

Crude protein


Maize gluten feed

Product obtained during the manufacture of maize starch. It is composed of bran and maize solubles. The product may also include broken maize and residues from the oil extraction of maize germs. Other products derived from starch and from the refining or fermentation of starch products may be added.

Moisture, if < 40 % or > 65 %

If moisture < 40 %:

Crude protein

Crude fibre



Maize germ

Product of the manufacture of semolina, flour or starch from maize. It consists predominately of maize germ, outer skins and parts of the endosperm.

Moisture, if < 40 % or > 60 %

If moisture < 40 %:

Crude protein

Crude fat


Maize germ expeller

Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing of processed maize germ to which parts of the endosperm and testa may still adhere

Crude protein

Crude fat


Maize germ meal

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of processed maize germ

Crude protein


Crude maize germ oil

Product obtained from maize germ

Crude fat


Maize, puffed

Product obtained from milled or broken maize by means of a treatment in humid, warm conditions and under pressure



Maize steep liquor

Concentrated liquid fraction from the steeping process of corn

Moisture, if < 45 % or > 65 %

If moisture < 45 %:

Crude protein


Sweet corn silage

By-product of the sweet corn processing industry, composed of centre cobs, husks, base of the kernels, chopped and drained or pressed. Generated by chopping the sweet corn cobs, husks and leaves, with presence of sweet corn kernels.

Crude fibre


Crushed degerminated (degermed) Maize

Product obtained by degermination of crushed maize. It consists principally of endosperm fragments and may contain some maize germ and outer skin particles.

Crude fibre




Grains of Panicum miliaceum L.




Grains of Avena sativa L. and other cultivars of oats



Dehulled oats

Dehulled grains of oats. It may be steam treated.



Oat flakes

Product obtained by steaming or infra red micronising and rolling dehusked oats. It may contain a small proportion of oat husks.



Oat middlings

Product obtained during the processing of screened, dehusked oats into oat groats and flour. It consists principally of oat bran and some endosperm.

Crude fibre



Oat bran

Product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened grains of dehusked oat. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which the greater part of the endosperm has been removed.

Crude fibre


Oat hulls

Product obtained during dehulling of oat grains

Crude fibre


Oat, puffed

Product obtained from milled or broken oat by means of a treatment in humid, warm conditions and under pressure



Oat groats

Cleaned oats with the hull removed

Crude fibre



Oat flour

Product obtained by milling of oat grains

Crude fibre



Fodder oat flour

Oats product with high content in starch, after decortication

Crude fibre


Oat feed

Product obtained during the processing of screened, dehusked oats into oat groats and flour. It consists principally of oat bran and some endosperm.

Crude Fibre


Quinoa seed, extracted

Cleaned whole seed of the quinoa plant (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) from which the saponin contained in the seeds outer layer has been removed



Broken rice

Part of rice kernel of Oryza Sativa L. with a length less than three-quarters of a whole kernel. The rice may have been parboiled.



Milled rice

Husked rice from which almost all the bran and embryo have been removed during rice milling. The rice may have been parboiled.



Pre-gelatinised rice

Product obtained from milled or broken rice by pre-gelatinisation



Extruded rice

Product obtained by extruding rice flour



Rice flakes

Product obtained by flaking pre-gelatinised rice kernels or broken kernels



Husked rice

Paddy (Oryza Sativa L.) from which the husk only has been removed. It may be parboiled. The processes of husking and handling may result in some loss of bran.


Crude fibre


Ground fodder rice

Product obtained by grinding fodder rice, consisting either of green, chalky or unripe grains, sifted out during the milling of husked rice, or of normal husked grains which are yellow or spotted



Rice flour

Product obtained by grinding milled rice. The rice may have been parboiled.



Husked rice, flour

Product obtained by grinding husked rice. The rice may have been parboiled.


Crude fibre


Rice bran

Product obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of the outer layers of the kernel (pericarp, seed coat, nucleus, aleurone) with part of the germ. The rice may have been parboiled or extruded.

Crude fibre


Rice bran with calcium carbonate

Product obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of the outer layers of the kernel (pericarp, seed coat, nucleus, aleurone) with part of the germ. It may contain up to 23 % of calcium carbonate used as processing aid. The rice may have been parboiled.

Crude fibre

Calcium carbonate


Defatted rice bran

Rice bran resulting from oil extraction. It may be rumen protected

Crude fibre


Rice bran oil

Oil extracted from stabilised rice bran

Crude fat


Rice middlings

Product of rice flour and starch production, obtained by dry or wet milling and sieving. It consists principally of starch, protein, fat and fibre. The rice may have been parboiled. May contain up to 0,25 % sodium and up to 0,25 % sulphate.

Starch, if > 20 %

Crude protein, if > 10 %

Crude fat, if > 5 %

Crude fibre


Rice middlings with calcium carbonate

Product obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of particles of aleurone layer and endosperm, It may contain up 23 % of calcium carbonate used as processing aid. The rice may have been parboiled.


Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre

Calcium carbonate


Rice germ

Product obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of the embryo

Crude fat

Crude protein


Rice germ expeller

Product remaining after rice germ has been crushed to expel the oil

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Rice protein

Product of rice starch production, obtained by wet milling sieving, separation, concentration and drying

Crude protein


Liquid rice feed

Concentrated liquid product of wet milling and sieving rice



Rice, puffed

Product obtained by expanding rice kernels or broken kernels



Rice, fermented

Product obtained by fermentation of rice



Malformed rice, milled/chalky rice, milled

Product obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of malformed kernel and/or chalky kernel and/or damaged kernel, whole or broken. It may be parboiled.



Immature rice, milled

Product obtained during rice milling, mainly consisting of immature and/or chalky kernel




Grains of Secale cereale L.



Rye middlings

Product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened rye. It consists principally of particles of endosperm, with fine fragments of the outer skins and some miscellaneous parts of the grain.


Crude fibre


Rye feed

Product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened rye. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins, and of particles of grain from which less of the endosperm has been removed than in rye bran.


Crude fibre


Rye bran

Product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened rye. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins, and of particles of grain from which most of the endosperm has been removed


Crude fibre


Sorghum; [Milo]

Grains/seeds of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench



Sorghum white

Grains of white Sorghum



Sorghum gluten feed

Dried product obtained during the separation of sorghum starch. It consists principally of bran and a small quantity of gluten. The product may also include dried residues of maceration water and germs could be added

Crude protein



Grains of spelt Triticum spelta L., Triticum dicoccum Schrank, Triticum monococcum



Spelt bran

Product of the manufacture of spelt flour. It consists principally of outer skins and some spelt germ fragments, with some endosperm particles.

Crude fibre


Spelt hulls

Product obtained during dehulling of spelt grains

Crude fibre


Spelt middlings

Product obtained during the processing of screened, dehulled spelt into spelt flour. It consists principally of particles of endosperm with fine fragments of the outer skins and some grain screenings.

Crude fibre




Grains of Triticum × Secale cereale L. Hybrid




Grains of Triticum aestivum L., Triticum durum Desf. and other cultivars of wheat. It may be rumen protected.



Wheat rootlets

Product from malting wheat germination and malt cleaning consisting of rootlets, cereal fines, husks and small broken malted wheat grains



Wheat, pre-gelatinised

Product obtained from milled or broken wheat by means of a treatment in humid, warm conditions and under pressure



Wheat middlings

Product of flour manufacture obtained from screened grains of wheat or dehusked spelt. It consists principally of particles of endosperm with fine fragments of the outer skins and some grain screenings.

Crude fibre



Wheat flakes

Product obtained by steaming or infra red micronising and rolling dehusked wheat. It may contain a small proportion of wheat husks. It may be rumen protected.

Crude fibre



Wheat feed

Product of flour or malting manufacture obtained from screened grains of wheat or dehusked spelt. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which less of the endosperm has been removed than in wheat bran.

Crude fibre


Wheat bran  (15)

Product of flour or malting manufacture obtained from screened grains of wheat or dehusked spelt. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which the greater part of the endosperm has been removed.

Crude fibre


Malted fermented wheat particles

Product obtained by a process combining malting and fermentation of wheat and wheat bran. The product is then dried and ground.


Crude fibre


Wheat fibre

Fibre extracted from wheat processing. It consists principally of fibre.

Moisture, if < 60 % or > 80 %

If moisture < 60 %:

Crude fibre


Wheat germ

Product of flour milling consisting essentially of wheat germ, rolled or otherwise, to which fragments of endosperm and outer skin may still adhere

Crude protein

Crude fat


Wheat germ, fermented

Product of fermentation of wheat germ, with inactivated micro-organisms

Crude protein

Crude fat


Wheat germ expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of wheat germ (Triticum aestivum L., Triticum durum Desf. and other cultivars of wheat and dehusked spelt (Triticum spelta L., Triticum dicoccum Schrank, Triticum monococcum L.)) to which parts of the endosperm and testa may still adhere

Crude protein


Wheat protein

Wheat protein extracted during starch or ethanol production, maybe partially hydrolysed

Crude protein


Wheat gluten feed

Product of the manufacture of wheat starch and gluten. It consists of bran, from which the germ may have been partially removed. Wheat solubles, broken wheat and other products derived from starch and from the refining or fermentation of starch products may be added.

Moisture, if < 45 % or > 60 %

If moisture < 45 %:

Crude protein



Vital wheat gluten

Wheat protein characterised by a high viscoelasticity as hydrated, with minimum 80 % protein (N × 6,25) and maximum 2 % ash on dry substance

Crude protein


Liquid wheat starch

Product obtained from the production of starch/glucose and gluten from wheat

Moisture, if < 65 % or > 85 %

If moisture < 65 %:



Wheat starch containing protein, partially de-sugared

Product obtained during the production of wheat starch mainly comprising partially sugared starch, the soluble proteins and other soluble parts of the endosperm

Crude protein


Total sugar calculated as sucrose


Wheat solubles

Product of wheat obtained after wet protein and starch extraction. May be hydrolysed

Moisture if < 55 % or > 85 %

If moisture < 55 %:

Crude protein


Wheat yeast concentrate

Wet by-product that is released after the fermentation of wheat starch for alcohol production

Moisture, if < 60 % or > 80 %

If moisture < 60 %:

Crude protein


Malting wheat screenings

Product from mechanical screening (size fractionation) consisting of undersized wheat kernels and fractions of wheat kernels separated before the malting process

Crude fibre


Malting wheat and malt fines

Product consisting of fractions of wheat kernels and malt separated during the production of malt

Crude fibre


Malting wheat husks

Product from malting wheat cleaning consisting of fractions of husk and fines

Crude fibre


Grain flour  (16)

Flour from milling grains


Crude fibre


Grain protein concentrate  (16)

Concentrate and dried product obtained from grain after starch removing through yeast fermentation

Crude protein


Cereal grains screenings  (16)

Products from mechanical screening (size fractionation) consisting of small grains and fractions of grain kernels, which may be germinated, separated before further processing of the grain. The products contain more crude fibre (e.g. hulls) than the unfractionated cereals.

Crude fibre


Grain germ  (16)

Product of flour milling and the manufacture of starch consisting principally of grain germ, rolled or otherwise, to which fragments of endosperm and outer skin may still adhere

Crude protein,

Crude fat


Grain spent wash syrup  (16)

Product of grain obtained through the evaporation of the concentrate of the spent wash from the fermentation and distillation of grain used in the production of grain spirit

Moisture, if < 45 % or > 70 %

If moisture < 45 %:

Crude protein


Moist distillers’ grains  (16)

Moist product produced as the solid fraction by centrifuging and/or filtration of the spent wash from fermented and distilled grains used in the production of grain spirit

Moisture, if < 65 % or > 88 %

If moisture < 65 %:

Crude protein


Concentrated distillers solubles  (16)

Moist product from production of alcohol by fermentation and distilling a mash of wheat and sugar syrup after previous separation of bran and gluten. They may contain dead cells and/or parts of the fermentation micro-organisms.

Moisture, if < 65 % or > 88 %

If moisture < 65 %:

Crude protein, if > 10 %


Distillers’ grains and solubles  (16)

Product obtained when producing alcohol by fermentation and distilling grain mash of cereals and/or other starchy and sugar containing products. They may contain dead cells and/or parts of the fermentation micro-organisms. May contain 2 % sulphate. It may be rumen protected.

Moisture, if < 60 % or > 80 %

If moisture < 60 %:

Crude protein


Distillers’ dried grains

Product of alcohol distilling obtained by drying solid residues of fermented grains. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein


Distillers’ dark grains  (16) ; [Distillers’ dried grains and solubles]  (16)

Product of alcohol distilling obtained by drying solid residues of fermented grains to which pot ale syrup or evaporated spent wash has been added. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein


Brewers’ grains  (16)

Product of brewing composed by residues of malted and unmalted cereals and other starchy products, which may contain hop materials. Typically marketed in a moist condition but may also be sold in a dried form. May contain up to 0,3 % dimethyl polysiloxane, may contain up to 1,5 % enzymes, may contain up to 1,8 % bentonite

Moisture, if < 65 % or > 88 %

If moisture < 65 %:

Crude protein


Draff  (16)

Solid product of cereal whisky production. It consists of the residues from hot water extraction of malted cereal. Typically marketed in the moist form after the extract has been removed by gravity

Moisture, if < 65 % or > 88 %

If moisture < 65 %:

Crude protein


Mash filter grains

Solid product obtained through the production of beer, malt extract and whisky spirit. It consists of the residues of hot water extraction of ground malt and possibly other sugar or starch-rich adjuncts. Typically marketed in the moist form after the extract has been removed by pressing.

Moisture, if < 65 % or > 88 %

If moisture < 65 %:

Crude protein


Pot ale

The product remaining in the still from the first (wash) distillation of a malt distillery

Crude protein, if > 10 %


Pot ale syrup

Product from the first (wash) distillation of a malt distillery produced by evaporating the pot ale remaining in the still

Moisture, if < 45 % or > 70 %

If moisture < 45 %:

Crude protein

2.   Oil seeds, oil fruits, and products derived thereof




Compulsory declarations


Babassu expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing Babassu palm nuts Orbignya varieties

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Camelina seed

Seeds of Camelina sativa L. Crantz



Camelina, expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of Camelina

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Camelina meal

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of Camelina seed expeller

Crude protein


Cocoa husks

Teguments of the dried and roasted beans of Theobroma cacao L.

Crude fibre


Cocoa hulls

Product obtained by processing of cocoa beans

Crude fibre

Crude protein


Cocoa bean meal, partially decorticated

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of dried and roasted cocoa beans Theobroma cacao L. from which part of the husks has been removed

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Copra expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing the dried kernel (endosperm) and outer husk (tegument) of the seed of the coconut palm Cocos nucifera L.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Copra, hydrolysed expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing and enzymatic hydrolisation of the dried kernel (endosperm) and outer husk (tegument) of the seed of the coconut palm Cocos nucifera L.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Copra meal

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of the dried kernel (endosperm) and outer husk (tegument) of the seed of the coconut palm

Crude protein


Cotton seed

Seeds of Gossypium spp. from which the fibres have been removed. It may be rumen protected.



Cotton seed meal, partially decorticated

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of seeds of cotton from which the fibres and part of the husks have been removed. (Maximum crude fibre 22,5 % in the dry matter). It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Cotton seed expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of cotton from which the fibres have been removed

Crude protein

Crude fibre

Crude fat


Groundnut expeller, partially decorticated

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of partially decorticated groundnuts Arachis hypogaea L. and other species of Arachis

(Maximum crude fibre content 16 % in the dry matter)

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Groundnut meal, partially decorticated

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of partially decorticated groundnut expeller (Maximum crude fibre content 16 % in the dry matter)

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Groundnut expeller, decorticated

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of decorticated groundnuts

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Groundnut meal, decorticated

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of decorticated groundnut expeller

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Kapok expeller

Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing of Kapok seeds (Ceiba pentadra L. Gaertn.)

Crude protein

Crude fibre



Seeds of linseed Linum usitatissimum L. (Minimum botanical purity 93 %) as whole, flattened or ground linseed. It may be rumen protected.



Linseed expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of linseed. (Minimum botanical purity 93 %)

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Linseed meal

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of linseed expeller. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein


Linseed expeller feed

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of linseed. (Minimum botanical purity 93 %). May contain up to 1 % used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres) and crude lecithins from integrated crushing and refining plants

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Linseed meal feed

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of linseed expeller. May contain up to 1 % used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres) and crude lecithins from integrated crushing and refining plants. It may be rumen protected

Crude protein


Mustard bran

Product of the manufacture of mustard (Brassica juncea L.). It consists of fragments of the outer skins and particles of grain.

Crude fibre


Mustard seed meal

Product obtained by the extraction of volatile mustard oil from mustard seeds

Crude protein


Niger seed

Seeds of the niger plant Guizotia abyssinica (L. F.) Cass



Niger seed expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of the niger plant (Ash insoluble in HCl: maximum 3,4 %)

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Olive pulp

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of pressed olives Olea europea L. separated as far as possible from parts of the kernel

Crude protein

Crude fibre

Crude fat


Defatted olive meal feed

Product of olive oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of olive pulp expeller separated as far as possible from parts of the kernel. May contain up to 1 % used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres) and crude lecithins from integrated crushing and refining plants

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Defatted olive meal

Product of olive oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of olive pulp expeller separated as far as possible from parts of the kernel

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Palm kernel expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of palm kernels Elaeis guineensis Jacq., Corozo oleifera (HBK) L. H. Bailey (Elaeis melanococca auct.) from which as much as possible of the hard shell has been removed

Crude protein

Crude fibre

Crude fat


Palm kernel meal

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of palm kernels from which as much as possible of the hard shell has been removed

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Pumpkin and squash seed

Seeds of Cucurbita pepo L. and plants of the genus Cucurbita



Pumpkin and squash seed, expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of Cucurbita pepo and plants of the genus Cucurbita

Crude protein

Crude fat


Rape seed  (17)

Seeds of rape Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera (Metzg.) Sinsk., of Indian sarson Brassica napus L. var. glauca (Roxb.) O.E. Schulz and of rape Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera (Metzg.) Sinsk. Minimum botanical purity 94 %. It may be rumen protected.



Rape seed, expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of rape. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Rape seed meal

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of rape seed expeller. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein


Rape seed, extruded

Product obtained from whole rape by means of a treatment in humid, warm conditions and under pressure increasing starch gelatinisation. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein

Crude fat


Rape seed protein concentrate

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by separation of protein fraction of rape seed expeller or rape seed

Crude protein


Rape seed expeller feed

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of rape. May contain up to 1 % used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres) and crude lecithins from integrated crushing and refining plants. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Rape seed meal feed

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of rape seed expeller. May contain up to 1 % used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres) and crude lecithins from integrated crushing and refining plants. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein


Safflower seed

Seeds of the safflower Carthamus tinctorius L.



Safflower seed meal, partially decorticated

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of partially decorticated seeds of safflower

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Safflower hulls

Product obtained during dehulling of safflower seeds

Crude fibre


Sesame seed

Seeds of Sesamum indicum L.



Sesame seed, partially dehulled

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by removing part of the husks

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Sesame hulls

Product obtained during dehulling of sesame seeds

Crude fibre


Sesame seed expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of the sesame plant (Ash insoluble in HCl: maximum 5 %)

Crude protein

Crude fibre

Crude fat


Toasted soya (beans)

Soya beans (Glycine max. L. Merr.) subjected to an appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0,4 mg N/g × min.). It may be rumen protected.



Soya (bean) expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing the seed of soya

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Soya (bean) meal

Product of oil manufacture, obtained from soya beans after extraction and appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0,4 mg N/g × min.)

It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein

Crude fibre

if > 8 % in dry matter


Soya (bean) meal, dehulled

Product of oil manufacture, obtained from dehulled soya beans after extraction and appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0,5 mg N/g × min.). It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein


Soya (bean) hulls

Product obtained during dehulling of soya beans

Crude fibre


Soya beans, extruded

Product obtained from soya beans by means of a treatment in humid, warm conditions and under pressure increasing starch gelatinisation. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein

Crude fat


Soya (bean) protein concentrate

Product obtained from dehulled, fat extracted soya beans, after fermentation or a second extraction to reduce the level of nitrogen-free extract

Crude protein


Soya bean pulp; [Soya bean paste]

Product obtained during extraction of soya beans for food preparation

Crude protein


Soya bean molasses

Product obtained during the processing of soya bean

Crude protein

Crude fat


By-product from soybean preparation

Products obtained when processing soybeans to obtain soybean food preparations

Crude protein


Soya (beans)

Soya beans (Glycine max. L. Merr.)

Urease activity if > 0,4 mg N/g × min


Soybean, flakes

Product obtained by steaming or infra red micronising and rolling dehulled soya beans (Urease activity maximum 0,4 mg N/g × min.)

Crude protein


Soya (bean) meal feed

Product of oil manufacture, obtained from soya beans after extraction and appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0,4 mg N/g × min.). May contain up to 1 % used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres) and crude lecithins from integrated crushing and refining plants. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein

Crude fibre

if > 8 % in dry matter


Soya (bean) meal feed, dehulled

Product of oil manufacture, obtained from dehulled soya beans after extraction and appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0,5 mg N/g × min.). May contain up to 1 % used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres) and crude lecithins from integrated crushing and refining plants. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein


Sunflower seed

Seeds of the sunflower Helianthus annuus L. It may be rumen protected.



Sunflower seed expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of the sunflower

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Sunflower seed meal

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of sunflower seed expeller. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein


Sunflower seed meal, dehulled

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of expeller of sunflower seeds from which part or all of the husks has been removed. Maximum crude fibre 27,5 % in the dry matter

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Sunflower seed hulls

Product obtained during dehulling of sunflower seeds

Crude fibre


Sunflower seed meal feed

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of sunflower seed expeller. May contain up to 1 % used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres) and crude lecithins from integrated crushing and refining plants. It may be rumen protected.

Crude protein


Sunflower seed meal feed, dehulled

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction and appropriate heat treatment of expeller of sunflower seeds from which part or all of the husks has been removed. May contain up to 1 % used bleaching earth and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and cellulosic or wood fibres) and crude lecithins from integrated crushing and refining plants Maximum crude fibre 27,5 % in the dry matter

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Vegetable oil and fat  (18)

Oil and fat obtained from plants (excluding castor oil from the ricinus plant), it may be degummed, refined and/or hydrogenated.

Moisture, if > 1 %


Crude lecithins

Product obtained during degumming of crude oil from oilseeds and oil fruits with water. Citric acid, phosphoric acid or sodium hydroxide may be added during degumming of the crude oil



Hemp seed

Controlled hemp seed Cannabis sativa L. with a maximum THC content according to EU legislation



Hemp expeller

Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing of hemp seed

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Hemp oil

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of hemp plant and seed

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Poppy seed

Seeds of Papaver somniferum L.



Poppy meal

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of expeller of poppy seed

Crude protein

3.   Legume seeds and products derived thereof




Compulsory declarations


Beans, toasted

Seeds of Phaseolus spp. or Vigna spp. submitted to an appropriate heat treatment. It may be rumen protected.



Bean protein concentrate

Product obtained from the separated bean fruit water, when producing starch

Crude protein


Carob, dried

Dried fruits of the carob tree Ceratonia siliqua L.

Crude fibre


Carob pods, dried

Product obtained by crushing the dried fruits (pods) of the carob tree and from which the locust beans have been removed

Crude fibre


Dried carob pod meal, micronised

Product obtained by micronisation of the dried fruits of the carob tree from which the locust beans have been removed

Crude fibre

Total sugars, calculated as sucrose


Carob germ

Germ of the locust bean of the carob tree

Crude protein


Carob germ, expeller

Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of germ of carob

Crude protein


Locust bean (seed)

Bean of the carob tree

Crude fibre


Chick peas

Seeds of Cicer arietinum L.




Seeds of Ervum ervilia L.



Fenugreek seed

Seed of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)



Guar meal

Product obtained after extraction of the mucilage from seeds of guar bean Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub

Crude protein


Guar germs meal

Product of mucilage extraction from the germ of seeds of guar bean.

Crude protein


Horse beans

Seeds of Vicia faba L. ssp. faba var. equina Pers. and var. minuta (Alef.) Mansf.



Horse bean flakes

Product obtained by steaming or infra red micronising and rolling dehusked horse beans.


Crude protein


Film horse beans; [Faba bean hulls]

Product obtained during dehulling horse bean seeds, consisting mainly of external envelopes.

Crude fibre

Crude protein


Horse beans, dehulled

Product obtained during dehulling horse bean seeds, consisting mainly of bean kernels from horse beans.

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Horse bean protein

Product obtained by grinding and air fractionation of horse beans.

Crude protein



Seeds of Lens culinaris a.o. Medik.



Lentil hulls

Product obtained during dehulling process of lentil seeds.

Crude fibre


Sweet lupins

Seeds of Lupinus spp. low in bitter seed content.



Sweet lupins, dehulled

Dehulled lupin seeds.

Crude protein


Film lupins; [lupin hulls]

Product obtained during dehulling of lupin seeds, consisting mainly of external envelopes.

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Lupin pulp

Product obtained after extraction of components of lupin.

Crude fibre


Lupin middlings

Product obtained during the manufacture of lupin flour from lupin. It consists principally of particles of cotyledon, and to a lesser extent, of skins.

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Lupin protein

Product obtained from the separated lupin fruit water when producing starch, or after grinding and air fractionation.

Crude protein


Lupin protein meal

Product of lupin processing to produce a high protein meal.

Crude protein


Mung beans

Beans of Vigna radiata L.




Seeds of Pisum spp. It may be rumen protected.



Pea bran

Product obtained during the manufacture of pea meal. It is composed mainly of skins removed during the skinning and cleaning of peas.

Crude fibre


Pea flakes

Product obtained by steaming or infra red micronising and rolling dehulled seeds of peas.



Pea flour

Product obtained during the grinding of peas.

Crude protein


Pea hulls

Product obtained during the manufacture of pea meal from peas. It is mainly composed of skins removed during the skinning and cleaning and, to a lesser extent, of endosperm.

Crude fibre


Peas, dehulled

Dehulled pea seeds.

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Pea middlings

Product obtained during the manufacture of pea flour. It consists principally of particles of cotyledon, and to a lesser extent, of skins.

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Pea screenings

Product from the mechanical screening consisting of fractions of pea kernels separated before further processing.

Crude fibre


Pea protein

Product obtained from the separated pea fruit water when producing starch, or after grinding and air fractionation, maybe partially hydrolysed.

Crude protein


Pea pulp

Product obtained from starch and protein wet extraction from peas. It is mainly composed of internal fibre and starch.

Moisture if < 70 % or > 85 %


Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Pea solubles

Product obtained from starch and protein wet extraction from peas. It is mainly composed of soluble proteins and oligosaccharides.

Moisture if < 60 % or > 85 %

Total sugars

Crude protein


Pea fibre

Product obtained by extraction after grinding and sieving of the dehulled pea.

Crude fibre



Seeds of Vicia sativa L. var sativa and other varieties.



Chickling vetch

Seeds of Lathyrus sativus L. submitted to an appropriate heat treatment.

Method of heat treatment


Monantha vetch

Seeds of Vicia monanthos Desf.


4.   Tubers, roots, and products derived thereof




Compulsory declarations


Sugar beet

Root of Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. altissima Doell.



Sugar beet tops and tails

Fresh product of the manufacture of sugar consisting mainly of cleaned pieces of sugar beet with or without parts of beet leaves.

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 5 % of dry matter

Moisture if < 50 %


(Beet) sugar; [sucrose]

Sugar extracted from sugar beets using water.



(Sugar) beet molasses

Syrupy product obtained during the manufacture or refining of sugar from sugar beets. May contain up to 0,5 % antifoaming agents. May contain up to 0,5 % antiscaling agents. May contain up to 2 % sulphate. May contain up to 0,25 % sulphite.

Total sugars, calculated as sucrose

Moisture, if > 28 %


(Sugar) beet molasses, partially desugared and/or debetainised

Product obtained after further extraction using water of sucrose and/or betaine from sugar beet molasses. May contain up to 2 % sulphate. May contain up to 0,25 % sulphite.

Total sugars, calculated as sucrose

Moisture, if > 28 %


Isomaltulose molasses

Non-crystallised fraction from the manufacture of isomaltulose by enzymatic conversion of sucrose from sugar beets.

Moisture if > 40 %


Wet (sugar) beet pulp

Product of the manufacture of sugar consisting of slices of sugar beet that have had sugar extracted with water. Minimum moisture content: 82 %. Sugar content is low and declines towards zero due to (lactic acid) fermentation.

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 5 % of dry matter

Moisture, if < 82 % or > 92 %


Pressed (sugar) beet pulp

Product of the manufacture of sugar consisting of slices of sugar beet that have had sugar extracted with water and have been mechanically pressed. Maximum moisture content: 82 %. Sugar content is low and declines towards zero due to (lactic acid) fermentation. May contain up to 1 % sulphate.

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 5 % of dry matter

Moisture if < 65 % or > 82 %


Pressed (sugar) beet pulp, molassed

Product of the manufacture of sugar consisting of slices of sugar beet that have had sugar extracted with water, have been mechanically pressed, and with molasses added. Maximum moisture content: 82 %. Sugar content declines due to (lactic acid) fermentation. May contain up to 1 % sulphate.

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 5 % of dry matter

Moisture if < 65 % or > 82 %


Dried (sugar) beet pulp

Product of the manufacture of sugar consisting of slices of sugar beet that have had sugar extracted with water, mechanically pressed and dried. May contain up to 2 % sulphate.

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter

Total sugars, calculated as sucrose, if > 10,5 %


Dried (sugar) beet pulp, molassed

Product of the manufacture of sugar consisting of slices of sugar beet that have had sugar extracted with water, mechanically pressed, and dried, with molasses added. May contain up to 0,5 % antifoaming agents. May contain up to 2 % sulphate.

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter

Total sugars, calculated as sucrose


Sugar syrup

Product obtained by processing of sugar and/or molasses. May contain up to 0,5 % sulphate. May contain up to 0,25 % sulphite.

Total sugars, calculated as sucrose

Moisture, if > 35 %


(Sugar) beet pieces, boiled

Product of the manufacture of edible syrup from sugar beet, which may be pressed or dried.

If dried

ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter

If pressed

ash insoluble in HCl, if > 5 % of dry matter

Moisture, if < 50 %



Product obtained from sugar from sugar beet through an enzymatic process.

Moisture if > 28 %


Beetroot juice

Juice from pressing of red beet (Beta vulgaris convar. crassa var. conditiva) with subsequent concentration and pasteurisation, maintaining the typical vegetable-like taste and flavour.

Moisture if < 50 % or > 60 %

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter



Root of the yellow or red carrot Daucus carota L.



Carrot peelings, steamed

Moist product from the carrot processing industry consisting of the peelings removed from the carrot root by steam treatment to which auxiliary flows of gelatinous carrot starch may be added. Maximum moisture content: 97 %.


Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter

Moisture, if < 87 % or > 97 %


Carrot scrapings

Moist product which is released via mechanical separation in the processing of carrots and which mostly consists of dried carrots and carrot remnants. The product may have been subject to heat treatment. Maximum moisture content: 97 %.


Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter

Moisture, if < 87 % or > 97 %


Carrot flakes

Product obtained by flaking roots of the yellow or red carrot, which are subsequently dried.



Carrot, dried

Root of the yellow or red carrot regardless of their presentation, which are subsequently dried.

Crude fibre


Carrot feed, dried

Product constituted of internal pulp and outer skins that are dried.

Crude fibre


Chicory roots

Roots of Cichorium intybus L.



Chicory tops and tails

Fresh product from chicory processing. It consists predominantly of cleaned pieces of chicory and parts of leaves.

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter

Moisture if < 50 %


Chicory seed

Seed of Cichorium intybus L.



Pressed chicory pulp

Product of the manufacture of inulin from roots of Cichorium intybus L. consisting of extracted and mechanically pressed slices of chicory. The (soluble) chicory carbohydrates and water have been partly removed. May contain up to 1 % sulphate, and may contain up to 0,2 % sulphite.

Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter

Moisture if < 65 % or > 82 %


Dried chicory pulp

Product of the manufacture of inulin from roots of Cichorium intybus L. consisting of extracted and mechanically pressed slices of chicory and subsequent drying. The (soluble) chicory carbohydrates have been partly extracted. May contain up to 2 % sulphate, and may contain up to 0,5 % sulphite.

Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Chicory roots powder

Product obtained by chopping, drying and grinding of chicory roots. May contain up to 1 % of anticaking agents.

Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Chicory molasses

Product of chicory processing, obtained during the production of inulin and oligofructose. Chicory molasses consists of organic plant material and minerals. May contain up to 0,5 % antifoaming agents.

Crude protein

Crude ash

Moisture if < 20 % or > 30 %


Chicory vinasses

By-product from chicory processing obtained after the separation of inulin and oligofructose and ion exchange eluation. Chicory vinasses consists of organic plant material and minerals. May contain up to 1 % antifoaming agents.

Crude protein

Crude ash

Moisture if < 30 % or > 40 %


Chicory inulin

Inulin is a fructan extracted from roots of Cichorium intybus L.; raw chicory inulin may contain up to 1 % sulphate and may contain up to 0,5 % sulphite.



Oligofructose syrup

Product obtained by partial hydrolysis of inulin from Cichorium intybus L.; raw oligofructose syrup may contain up to 1 % sulphate and may contain up to 0,5 % sulphite.

Moisture if < 20 % or > 30 %


Oligofructose, dried

Product obtained by partial hydrolysis of inulin from Cichorium intybus L. and subsequent drying.



Garlic, dried

White to yellow powder of pure, ground garlic, Allium sativum L.



Manioc; [tapioca]; [cassava]

Roots of Manihot esculenta Crantz, regardless of their presentation.

Moisture if < 60 % or > 70 %


Manioc, dried

Roots of Manioc, regardless of their presentation, which are subsequently dried.


Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Onion pulp

Moist product which is released during the processing of onions (genus Allium) and consists of both skins and whole onions. If from the production process for onion oil, then it mostly consists of cooked remains of onions.

Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Onions, fried

Skinned and crumbed onion pieces which are then fried.

Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter

Crude fat


Onions solubles

Dry product which is released during the processing of fresh onions. It is obtained by alcoholic and/or water extraction, the water or alcoholic fraction is separated and spray dried. It consists mainly in carbohydrates.

Crude fibre



Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L.

Moisture if < 72 % or > 88 %


Potatoes, peeled

Potatoes from which the skin is removed using steam treatment.


Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Potato peelings, steamed

Moist product from the potato processing industry consisting of the peelings removed by steam treatment from the potato tuber to which auxiliary flows of gelatinous potato starch may be added. It may be mashed.

Moisture if < 82 % or > 93 %


Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Potato cuttings, raw

Product released from potatoes during the preparation of potato products for human consumption, which may have been peeled.

Moisture if < 72 % or > 88 %


Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Potato scrapings

Product which is released via mechanical separation in the processing of potatoes and which mostly consists of dried potatoes and potato remnants. The product may have been subject to heat treatment.

Moisture if < 82 % or > 93 %


Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Potato, mashed

Blanched or boiled and then mashed potato product.


Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Potato flakes

Product obtained by rotary drying of washed, peeled or unpeeled steamed potatoes.


Crude fibre

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Potato pulp

Product of the manufacture of potato starch consisting of extracted ground potatoes.

Moisture, if < 77 % or > 88 %


Potato pulp, dried

Dried product of the manufacture of potato starch consisting of extracted ground potatoes.



Potato protein

Product of starch manufacture composed mainly of protein substances obtained after the separation of starch.

Crude protein


Potato protein, hydrolysed

Protein obtained by a controlled enzymatic hydrolysis of potato proteins.

Crude protein


Potato protein, fermented

Product obtained by fermentation of potato protein and subsequent spray drying.

Crude protein


Potato protein fermented, liquid

Liquid product obtained by fermentation of potato protein.

Crude protein


Potato juice, concentrated

Concentrated product of the manufacture of potato starch, consisting of the remaining substance after the partial removal of fibre, proteins and starch from the whole potato pulp and evaporation of part of the water.

Moisture if < 50 % or > 60 %

If moisture < 50 %:

Crude protein

Crude ash


Potato granules

Dried potatoes (potatoes after washing, peeling, size reduction — cutting, flaking, etc. and water content removal).



Sweet potato

Tubers of Ipomoea batatas L. regardless of their presentation.

Moisture if < 57 % or > 78 %


Jerusalem artichoke; [Topinambur]

Tubers of Helianthus tuberosus L. regardless of their presentation.

Moisture if < 75 % or > 80 %

5.   Other seeds and fruits, and products derived thereof




Compulsory declarations



Whole fruits of the pendunculate oak Quercus robur L., the sessile oak Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., the cork oak of Quercus suber L., or other species of oak.



Acorn, dehulled

Product obtained during dehulling of acorn.

Crude protein

Crude fibre



Whole or broken fruit Prunus dulcis, with or without hulls.



Almond hulls

Almond hulls obtained from dehusked almond seeds by physical separation from the kernels and ground.

Crude fibre


Almond kernel expeller

Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing of almond kernels.

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Anise seed

Seeds of Pimpinella anisum.



Apple pulp, dried; [apple pomace, dried]

Product obtained from the production of juice of Malus domestica or cider production. It consists principally of internal pulp and outer skins that are dried. It may have been depectinised.

Crude fibre


Apple pulp, pressed; [apple pomace, pressed]

Moist product obtained from the production of apple juice or cider production. It consists principally of internal pulp and outer skins that are pressed. It may have been depectinised.

Crude fibre


Apple molasses

Product obtained after producing pectin from apple pulp. It may have been depectinised.

Crude protein

Crude fibre

Crude oils and fats, if > 10 %


Sugar beet seed

Seeds of sugar beet.




Seeds of Fagopyrum esculentum.



Buckwheat hulls and bran

Product obtained during the milling of buckwheat grains.

Crude fibre


Buckwheat middlings

Product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened buckwheat. It consists principally of particles of endosperm, with fine fragments of the outer and some miscellaneous parts of the grain. It must contain no more than 10 % crude fibre.

Crude fibre



Red cabbage seed

Seeds of Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. Rubra.



Canary grass seed

Seeds of Phalaris canariensis.



Caraway seed

Seeds from Carum carvi L.



Broken chestnuts

Product of the production of chestnut flour, consisting mainly of particles of endosperm, with fine fragments of envelopes and a few remnants of chestnut (Castanea spp.).

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Citrus pulp

Product obtained by pressing citrus fruits Citrus (L.) spp. or during the production of citrus juice. It may have been depectinised.

Crude fibre


Citrus pulp, dried

Product obtained by pressing citrus fruits or during the production of citrus juice, which is subsequently dried. It may have been depectinised.

Crude fibre


Red clover seed

Seeds of Trifolium pratense L.



White clover seed

Seeds of Trifolium repens L.



Coffee skins

Product obtained from dehusked seeds of the Coffea plant.

Crude fibre


Cornflower seed

Seeds of Centaurea cyanus L.



Cucumber seed

Seeds of Cucumis sativus L.



Cypress seed

Seeds of Cupressus L.



Date fruit

Fruits of Phoenix dactylifera L. It may be dried.



Date seed

Whole seeds of the date plant.

Crude fibre


Fennel seed

Seeds of Foeniculum vulgare Mill.



Fig fruit

Fruits of Ficus carica L. It may be dried.



Fruit kernels  (19)

Product consisting of the inner, edible seeds of a nut or fruit stone.



Fruit pulp  (19)

Product obtained during the production of fruit juice and fruit puree. It may have been depectinised.

Crude fibre


Fruit pulp, dried  (19)

Product obtained during the production of fruit juice and fruit puree which is subsequently dried. It may have been depectinised.

Crude fibre


Garden cress

Seeds from Lepidium sativum L.

Crude fibre


Graminaceous seeds

Seeds from graminoids of the families Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae.



Grape pips

Pips from vitis L. separated from grape pulp, from which the oil has not been removed.

Crude fat

Crude fibre


Grape pips meal

Product obtained during the extraction of oil from grape pips.

Crude fibre


Grape pulp [grape marc]

Grape pulp dried rapidly after the extraction of alcohol from which as much as possible of the stalks and pips have been removed.

Crude fibre


Grape pips soluble

Product obtained from grape pips after producing grape juice. It principally contains carbohydrates. It may be concentrated.

Crude fibre



Whole or broken fruit of Corylus (L.) spp., with or without hulls.



Hazelnut expeller

Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing of hazelnut kernels.

Crude protein

Crude fibre



Pectin is obtained by aqueous extraction (of natural strains) of appropriate plant material, usually citrus fruits or apples. No organic precipitant shall be used other than methanol, ethanol and propane-2-ol. May contain up to 1 % methanol, ethanol and propane-2-ol singly or in combination, on an anhydrous basis. Pectin consists mainly of the partial methyl esters of polygalacturonic acid and their ammonium, sodium, potassium and calcium salts.



Perilla seed

Seeds of Perilla frutescens L. and its milling products.



Pine nut

Seeds from Pinus (L.) spp.




Fruit of Pistacia vera L.



Plantago seed

Seeds of Plantago (L.) spp.



Radish seed

Seeds of Raphanus sativus L.



Spinach seed

Seeds of Spinacia oleracea L.



Thistle seed

Seeds from Carduus marianus L.



Tomato pulp [tomato pomace]

Product obtained by pressing tomatoes Solanum lycopersicum L. during the production of tomato juice. It consists principally of tomato peel and seeds.

Crude fibre


Yarrow seed

Seeds of Achillea millefolium L.



Apricot kernel expeller

Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing of apricot kernels (Prunus armeniaca L.). It may contain hydrocyanic acid.

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Black cumin expeller

Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing of black cumin seeds (Bunium persicum L.).

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Borrage seed expeller

Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing of borrage seeds (Borago officinalis L.).

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Evening primrose expeller

Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing of evening primrose seeds (Oenothera L.).

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Pomegranate expeller

Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing of pomegranate seeds (Punica granatum L.).

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Walnut kernel expeller

Product of oil manufacture obtained by pressing of walnut kernels (Juglans regia L.).

Crude protein

Crude fibre

6.   Forages and roughage, and products derived thereof




Compulsory declarations


Beet leaves

Leaves of Beta spp.



Cereal plants  (20)

Whole plants of cereal species or parts thereof. It may be dried, fresh or ensiled.



Cereals straw  (20)

Straw of cereals.



Cereal straw, treated  (20)  (21)

Product obtained by an appropriate treatment of cereal straw.

Sodium, if treated with NaOH


Clover meal

Product obtained by drying and milling clover Trifolium spp. It may contain up to 20 % lucerne (Medicago sativa L. and Medicago var. Martyn) or other forage crops dried and milled at the same time as the clover.

Crude protein

Crude fibre

Ash insoluble, in HCI, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Forage meal  (22) ; [Grass meal]  (22) ; [Green meal]  (22)

Product obtained by drying and milling and in some cases compacting forage plants.

Crude protein

Crude fibre

Ash insoluble, in HCI, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Grass, field dried, [Hay]

Species of any grass, field dried.

Ash insoluble, in HCI, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Grass, high temperature dried

Product obtained from grass (any variety) that has been artificially dehydrated (in any form).

Crude protein


Ash insoluble, in HCI, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Grass, herbs, legume plants, [green forage]

Fresh, ensiled or dried arable crops consisting of grass, legumes or herbs, commonly described as silage, haylage, hay or green forage.

Ash insoluble, in HCI, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Hemp flour

Flour ground from dried leaves from Cannabis sativa L.

Crude protein


Hemp fibre

Product obtained during the processing of hemp, green coloured, dried, fibrous.



Horse bean straw

Straw of horse bean.



Linseed straw

Straw of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.).



Lucerne; [alfalfa]

Medicago sativa L. and Medicago var. Martyn plants or parts thereof.

Ash insoluble, in HCI, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Lucerne field dried; [alfalfa field dried]

Lucerne, field dried.

Ash insoluble, in HCI, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Lucerne, high temperature dried; [alfalfa, high temperature dried]

Lucerne artificially dehydrated, in any form.

Crude protein

Crude fibre

Ash insoluble, in HCI, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Lucerne, extruded; [alfalfa, extruded]

Alfalfa pellets that have been extruded.



Lucerne meal  (23); [alfalfa meal]  (23)

Product obtained by drying and milling Lucerne. It may contain up to 20 % clover or other forage crop dried and milled at the same time as the lucerne.

Crude protein

Crude fibre

Ash insoluble, in HCI, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


Lucerne pomace; [alfalfa pomace]

Dried product obtained by pressing of the juice from lucerne.

Crude protein

Crude fibre


Lucerne protein concentrate; [alfalfa protein concentrate]

Product obtained by artificially drying fractions of lucerne press juice, which have been separated by centrifugation and heat treated to precipitate the proteins.

Crude protein



Lucerne solubles

Product obtained after the extraction of proteins from lucerne juice, it may be dried

Crude protein


Maize silage

Ensiled plants or parts thereof of Zea mays L. ssp. mays.



Pea Straw

Straw of Pisum spp.


7.   Other plants, algae and products derived thereof




Compulsory declarations


Algae  (24)

Algae, live or processed, including fresh, chilled or frozen algae. May contain up to 0,1 % of antifoaming agents.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash


Dried algae  (24)

Product obtained by drying algae. This product may have been washed to reduce the iodine content. May contain up to 0,1 % of antifoaming agents.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash


Algae meal  (24)

Product of algae oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of algae. May contain up to 0,1 % of antifoaming agents.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash


Algal oil  (24)

Product of the oil manufacture from algae obtained by extraction. May contain up to 0,1 % of antifoaming agents.

Crude fat

Moisture if > 1 %


Algae extract  (24) ; [algae fraction]  (24)

Watery or alcoholic extract of algae that principally contains carbohydrates. May contain up to 0,1 % of antifoaming agents.



Seaweed meal

Product obtained by drying and crushing macro-algae, in particular brown seaweed. This product may have been washed to reduce the iodine content. May contain up to 0,1 % of antifoaming agents.

Crude ash


Barks  (25)

Cleaned and dried barks of trees or bushes.

Crude fibre


Blossoms  (25) , dried

All parts of dried blossoms of consumable plants and their fractions.

Crude fibre


Broccoli, dried

Product obtained by drying the plant Brassica oleracea L. after washing, size reduction (cutting, flaking, etc.) and water content removal.



(Sugar) cane molasses

Syrupy product obtained during the manufacture or refining of sugar from Saccharum L. May contain up to 0,5 % antifoaming agents. May contain up to 0,5 % antiscaling agents. May contain up to 3,5 % sulphate. May contain up to 0,25 % sulphite.

Total sugars calculated as sucrose

Moisture, if > 30 %


(Sugar) cane Molasses, partially desugared

Product obtained after further extraction using water of sucrose from sugar cane molasses.

Total sugars calculated as sucrose

Moisture, if > 28 %


(Cane) sugar [sucrose]

Sugar extracted from sugar canes using water.



Cane bagasse

Product obtained during extraction using water of sugar from sugar canes. It consists mainly of fibres.

Crude fibre


Leaves, dried,  (25)

Dried leaves of consumable plants and their fractions.

Crude fibre


Lignocellulose  (25)

Product obtained by means of mechanical processing of raw natural dried wood and which predominantly consists of lignocellulose.

Crude fibre


Liquorice root

Root of Glycyrrhiza L.




Product obtained from drying aerial parts of the plants Mentha apicata, Mentha piperita or Mentha viridis (L.), regardless of their presentation.



Spinach, dried

Product obtained from drying the plant Spinacia oleracea L., regardless of its presentation.



Mojave yucca

Pulverised Yucca schidigera Roezl.

Crude fibre


Vegetal carbon; [charcoal]

Product obtained by carbonisation of organic vegetal material.

Crude fibre


Wood  (25)

Chemically untreated mature wood or wood fibres.

Crude fibre

8.   Milk products and products derived thereof




Compulsory declarations


Butter and butter products

Butter and products obtained by production or processing of butter (e.g. butter serum), unless listed separately.

Crude protein

Crude fat


Moisture if > 6 %


Buttermilk/buttermilk powder  (26)

Product obtained by churning butter out of cream or similar processes.

Concentration and/or drying may be applied.

Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:

up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;

up to 0,3 % acids e.g. organic acids: citric acid, formic acid, propionic acid, Inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 0,5 % akalis e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing properties;

up to 0,4 % emulsifier lecithin.

Crude protein

Crude fat


Moisture if > 6 %



Product obtained from skimmed or buttermilk by drying casein precipitated by means of acids or rennet.

Crude protein

Moisture if > 10 %



Product extracted from curd or casein through use of neutralising substances and drying.

Crude protein

Moisture if > 10 %


Cheese and cheese products

Cheese and products made of cheese and of milk based products.

Crude protein

Crude fat


Colostrum/colostrum powder

The fluid secreted by the mammary glands of milk-producing animals up to five days post parturition. Concentration and/or drying may be applied.

Crude protein


Dairy by-products

Products obtained when producing dairy products (including, but not limited to: former dairy foodstuffs, centrifuge or separator sludge, white water, milk minerals).

Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:

up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;

up to 0,3 % acids e.g. organic acids: citric acid, formic acid, propionic acid, Inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 0,5 % akalis e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing properties;

up to 0,4 % emulsifier lecithin.


Crude protein

Crude fat

Total sugars


Fermented milk products

Products obtained by fermentation of milk (e.g. yoghurt etc.).

Crude protein

Crude fat



The sugar separated from milk or whey by purification and drying.


Moisture if > 5 %


Milk/milk powder  (26)

Normal mammary secretion obtained from one or more milkings. Concentration and/or drying may be applied.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Moisture if > 5 %


Skimmed milk/skimmed milk powder  (26)

Milk whose fat content has been reduced by separation.

Concentration and/or drying may be applied.

Crude protein

Moisture if > 5 %


Milk fat

Product obtained by skimming milk.

Crude fat


Milk protein powder

Product obtained by drying the protein compounds extracted from milk by chemical or physical treatment.

Crude protein

Moisture if > 8 %


Condensed and evaporated milk and their products

Condensed and evaporated milk and products obtained by production or processing of these products.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Moisture if > 5 %


Milk permeate/Milk permeate powder  (26)

Product obtained by filtration (ultra, nano or micro) of milk (penetrating through the membrane) and from which lactose may have been partly removed.

Reverse osmosis and concentration and/or drying may be applied.

Crude ash

Crude protein


Moisture if > 8 %


Milk retentate/milk retentate powder  (26)

Product obtained by filtration (ultra, nano or micro) of milk (withheld by the membrane).

Concentration and/or drying may be applied.

Crude protein

Crude ash


Moisture if > 8 %


Whey/whey powder  (26)

Product of cheese, quark or casein manufacturing or similar processes.

Concentration and/or drying may be applied.

Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:

up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;

up to 0,3 % acids e.g. organic acids: citric acid, formic acid, propionic acid, Inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 0,5 % akalis e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing properties;

up to 0,4 % emulsifier lecithin.

Crude protein


Moisture if > 8 %

Crude ash


Delactosed whey/delactosed whey powder  (26)

Whey from which the lactose has been partly removed.

Concentration and/or drying may be applied.

Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:

up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;

up to 0,3 % acids e.g. organic acids: citric acid, formic acid, propionic acid, Inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 0,5 % akalis e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing properties;

up to 0,4 % emulsifier lecithin.

Crude protein


Moisture if > 8 %

Crude ash


Whey protein/whey protein powder  (26)

Product obtained by drying the whey protein compounds extracted from whey by chemical or physical treatment. Concentration and/or drying may be applied.

Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:

up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;

up to 0,3 % acids e.g. organic acids: citric acid, formic acid, propionic acid, Inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 0,5 % akalis e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing properties;

up to 0,4 % emulsifier lecithin.

Crude protein

Moisture if > 8 %


Demineralised, delactosed whey/demineralised, delactosed whey powder  (26)

Whey from which the lactose and minerals have been partly removed.

Concentration and/or drying may be applied.

Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:

up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;

up to 0,3 % acids e.g. organic acids: citric acid, formic acid, propionic acid, Inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 0,5 % akalis e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing properties;

up to 0,4 % emulsifier lecithin.

Crude protein


Crude ash

Moisture if > 8 %


Whey permeate/whey permeate powder  (26)

Product obtained by filtration (ultra, nano or micro) of whey (penetrating through the membrane) and from which lactose may have been partly removed. Reverse osmosis and concentration and/or drying may be applied.

Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:

up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;

up to 0,3 % acids e.g. organic acids: citric acid, formic acid, propionic acid, Inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 0,5 % akalis e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing properties;

up to 0,4 % emulsifier lecithin.

Crude ash

Crude protein


Moisture if > 8 %


Whey retentate/whey retentate powder  (26)

Product obtained by filtration (ultra, nano or micro) of whey (withheld by the membrane).

Concentration and/or drying may be applied.

Where specifically prepared as feed material, may contain:

up to 0,5 % phosphates e.g. polyphosphates (e.g. sodium hexametaphosphate), diphosphates (e.g. tetrasodiumpyrophosphate), used to decrease the viscosity and to stabilise protein during processing;

up to 0,3 % acids e.g. organic acids: citric acid, formic acid, propionic acid, Inorganic acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 0,5 % akalis e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium hydroxides, used for pH adjustments in many parts of production processes;

up to 2 % free-flowing agents e.g. silicium dioxide, penta-sodium-triphosphate, tri-calcium-phosphate, used to improve powder flowing properties;

up to 0,4 % emulsifier lecithin.

Crude protein

Crude ash


Moisture if > 8 %

9.   Land animal products and products derived thereof




Compulsory declarations


Animal by-products  (27)

Whole or parts of warm-blooded land animals, fresh, frozen, cooked, acid treated or dried.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Moisture if > 8 %


Animal fat  (28)

Product composed of fat from warm-blooded land animals.

If extracted with solvents, may contain up to 0,1 % hexane.

Crude fat

Moisture if > 1 %


Apiculture by-products

Honey, beeswax, royal jelly, propolis, pollen, processed or unprocessed

Total sugar calculated as sucrose


Processed animal protein  (28)

Product obtained by heating, drying and grinding whole or parts of warm-blooded land animals from which the fat may have been partially extracted or physically removed

If extracted with solvents, may contain up to 0,1 % hexane.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash

Moisture if > 8 %


Gelatine process derived proteins  (28)

Dried animal proteins of food quality derived from gelatine production.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash

Moisture if > 8 %


Hydrolysed animal proteins  (28)

Hydrolysed proteins obtained by heat and/or pressure, chemical, microbiological or enzymatic hydrolysis of animal protein.

Crude protein

Moisture if > 8 %


Blood meal  (28)

Product derived from the heat treatment of blood of slaughtered warm-blooded animals.

Crude protein

Moisture if > 8 %


Blood products  (27)

Products derived from blood or fractions of blood of slaughtered warm-blooded animals; they include dried/frozen/liquid plasma, dried whole blood, dried/frozen/liquid red cells or fractions thereof and mixtures.

Crude protein

Moisture if > 8 %


Catering reflux [catering recycling]

All waste food containing material of animal origin including used cooking oil originating in restaurants, catering facilities and kitchens, including central kitchens and household kitchens.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash

Moisture if > 8 %


Collagen  (28)

Protein-based product derived from animal bones, hides, skins and tendons.

Crude protein

Moisture if > 8 %


Feather meal

Product obtained by drying and grinding feathers of slaughtered animals, it may be hydrolysed.

Crude protein

Moisture if > 8 %


Gelatine  (28)

Natural, soluble protein, gelling or non-gelling, obtained by the partial hydrolysis of collagen produced from bones, hides and skins, tendons and sinews of animals.

Crude protein

Moisture if > 8 %


Greaves  (28)

Product obtained from the manufacture of tallow, lard and other extracted or physically removed fats of animal origin, fresh, frozen or dried.

If extracted with solvents, may contain up to 0,1 %hexane.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash

Moisture if > 8 %


Products of animal origin  (27)

Former foodstuff containing animal products; with or without treatment such as fresh, frozen, dried.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Moisture if > 8 %



Whole eggs of Gallus gallus L. with or without shells.




Product obtained from eggs after the separation of shells and yolk, pasteurised and possibly denatured.

Crude protein

Method of denaturation if applicable


Egg products, dried

Products consisting of pasteurised dried eggs, without shells or a mixture of different proportions of dried albumen and dried egg yolk.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Moisture if > 5 %


Egg powder sugared

Dried whole or parts of sugared eggs.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Moisture if > 5 %


Egg shells, dried

Product obtained from poultry eggs, after the content (yolk and albumen) has been removed. Shells are dried.

Crude ash


Terrestrial invertebrates  (27)

Whole or parts of terrestrial invertebrates, in all their life stages, other than species pathogenic to humans and animals; with or without treatment such as fresh, frozen, dried.



Chondroitin sulphate

Product obtained by extraction from tendons, bones and other animal tissues containing cartilage and soft connective tissues.


10.   Fish, other aquatic animals and products derived thereof




Compulsory declarations


Aquatic invertebrates  (29)

Whole or parts of marine or freshwater invertebrates, in all their life stages, other than species pathogenic to humans and animals; with or without treatment such as fresh, frozen, dried.



By-products from aquatic animals  (29)

Originating from establishments or plants preparing or manufacturing products for human consumption; with or without treatment such as fresh, frozen, dried.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash


Crustacea meal

Product produced by heating, pressing and drying whole or parts of crustacean including wild and farmed shrimp.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash, if > 20 %

Moisture if > 8 %


Fish  (30)

Whole or parts of fish: fresh, frozen, cooked, acid treated or dried.

Crude protein

Moisture if > 8 %


Fish meal  (30)

Product obtained by heating, pressing and drying whole or parts of fish and to which fish solubles may have been re-added prior to drying.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash, if > 20 %

Moisture if > 8 %


Fish solubles

Condensed product obtained during manufacture of fishmeal which has been separated and stabilised by acidification or drying.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Moisture if > 5 %


Fish protein, hydrolysed

Product obtained by acid hydrolysis of whole or parts of fish often concentrated by drying.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash, if > 20 %

Moisture if > 8 %


Fishbone meal

Product obtained by heating, pressing and drying parts of fish. It consists principally of fishbone.

Crude ash


Fish oil

Oil obtained from fish or parts of fish followed by centrifugation to remove water (may include species specific details e.g. cod liver oil).

Crude fat

Moisture if > 1 %


Fish oil, hydrogenated

Oil obtained from hydrogenation of fish oil

Moisture if > 1 %


Krill oil

Oil obtained from cooked and pressed marine planktonic krill followed by centrifugation to remove water.

Moisture if > 1 %


Krill protein concentrate, hydrolysed

Product obtained by the enzymatic hydrolysis of whole or parts of krill often concentrated by drying.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash, if > 20 %

Moisture if > 8 %


Marine annelid meal

Product produced by heating and drying whole or parts of marine annelids, including Nereis virens.M. Sars.


Ash if > 20 %

Moisture if > 8 %


Marine zooplankton meal

Product produced by heating, pressing and drying marine zooplankton e.g. krill.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash, if > 20 %

Moisture if > 8 %


Marine zooplankton oil

Oil obtained from cooked and pressed marine zooplankton followed by centrifugation to remove water.

Moisture if > 1 %


Mollusc meal

Product produced by heating and drying whole or parts of molluscs including squid and bi-valves.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash, if > 20 %

Moisture if > 8 %


Squid meal

Product produced by heating, pressing and drying whole squid or parts of squid.

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude ash, if > 20 %

Moisture if > 8 %

11.   Minerals and products derived thereof




Compulsory declarations


Calcium carbonate  (31); [limestone]

Product obtained by grinding sources of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), such as limestone or by precipitation from acid solution.

May contain up to 0,25 % propylene glycol. May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aids.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Calcareous marine shells

Product of natural origin, obtained from marine shells, ground or granulated, such as oyster shells or seashells.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Calcium and magnesium carbonate

Natural mixture of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and magnesium carbonate (MgCO3). May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aids.

Calcium, Magnesium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %



Product of natural origin obtained from calcareous marine algae, ground or granulated.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %



Product of natural origin obtained from calcareous marine algae (Phymatolithon calcareum (Pall.)), ground or granulated.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Calcium chloride

Calcium chloride (CaCl2). May contain up to 0,2 % barium sulphate.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Calcium hydroxide

Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2).

May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aids.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Calcium sulphate anhydrous

Calcium sulphate anhydrous (CaSO4) obtained by grinding calcium sulphate anhydrous or dehydration of calcium sulphate dehydrate.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Calcium sulphate hemihydrate

Calcium sulphate hemihydrate (CaSO4 × ½ H2O) obtained by partially dehydrating calcium sulphate dehydrate.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Calcium sulphate dihydrate

Calcium sulphate dihydrate (CaSO4 × 2H2O) obtained by grinding calcium sulphate dihydrate or hydration of calcium sulphate hemihydrate.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Calcium salts of organic acids  (32)

Calcium salts of edible organic acids with at least 4 carbon atoms.

Calcium, Organic acid


Calcium oxide

Calcium oxide (CaO) obtained from calcination of naturally occurring limestone.

May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aids.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Calcium gluconate

Calcium salt of gluconic acid generally expressed as Ca(C6H11O7)2 and its hydrated forms.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Calcium sulphate/CARBONATE

Product obtained during the manufacturing of sodium carbonate.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Calcium pidolate

L-calcium pidolate (C5H6CaNO3). May contain up to 1,5 % glutamic acid and related substances.

Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Calcium carbonate-magnesium oxide

Product obtained by heating of natural calcium and magnesium containing substances like dolomite. May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aids.

Calcium, magnesium


Magnesium oxide

Calcined magnesium oxide (MgO) not less than 70 % MgO.

Magnesium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 15 %


Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate

Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4 × 7 H2O).

Magnesium, Sulphur, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 15 %


Magnesium sulphate monohydrate

Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4 × H2O).

Magnesium, Sulphur, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 15 %


Magnesium sulphate anhydrous

Anhydrous magnesium sulphate (MgSO4).

Magnesium, Sulphur, ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Magnesium propionate

Magnesium propionate (C6H10MgO4).



Magnesium chloride

Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) or solution obtained by natural concentration of sea water after deposit of sodium chloride.

Magnesium, Chlorine, ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Magnesium carbonate

Natural magnesium carbonate (MgCO3).

Magnesium, ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Magnesium hydroxide

Magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2).

Magnesium, ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Magnesium potassium sulphate

Magnesium potassium sulphate.

Magnesium, Potassium, ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Magnesium salts of organic acids  (32)

Magnesium salts of edible organic acids with at least 4 carbon atoms.

Magnesium, organic acid


Dicalcium phosphate  (33); [calcium hydrogen orthophosphate]

Calcium monohydrogen phosphate obtained from bones or inorganic sources (CaHPO4 × H2O)

Ca/P > 1,2

May contain up to 3 % chloride expressed as NaCl.

Calcium, Total phosphorus, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


Monodicalcium phosphate

Product obtained chemically and composed of dicalcium phosphate and monocalcium phosphate (CaHPO4. Ca(H2PO4)2 × H2O)

0,8 < Ca/P < 1,3

Total phosphorus, Calcium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Monocalcium phosphate; [calcium tetrahydrogen diorthophosphate]

Calcium-bis dihydrogenphosphate (Ca(H2PO4)2 × H2O)

Ca/P < 0,9

Total phosphorus, Calcium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Tricalcium phosphate; [tricalcium orthophosphate]

Tricalcium phosphate from bones or inorganic sources (Ca3(PO4)2 × H2O)

Ca/P > 1,3

Calcium, Total phosphorus, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Calcium-magnesium phosphate

Calcium-magnesium phosphate.

Calcium, Magnesium, Total phosphorus, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Defluorinated phosphate

Natural phosphate, calcined and further heat treated than for the removal of impurities necessary.

Total phosphorus, Calcium, Sodium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %, Ash insoluble in HCI if > 5 %


Dicalcium pyrophosphate; [Dicalcium diphosphate]

Dicalcium pyrophosphate.

Total phosphorus, Calcium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Magnesium phosphate

Product consisting of monobasic and/or di-basic and/or tri-basic magnesium phosphate.

Total phosphorus, Magnesium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Sodium-calcium-magnesium phosphate

Product consisting of sodium-calcium-magnesium phosphate.

Total phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Monosodium phosphate; [Sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate]

Monosodium phosphate

(NaH2PO4 × H2O)

Total phosphorus, Sodium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Disodium phosphate; [Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate]

Disodium phosphate (Na2HPO4 × H2O)

Total phosphorus, Sodium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Trisodium Phosphate; [Trisodium orthophosphate]

Trisodium phosphate (Na3PO4)

Total phosphorus, Sodium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Sodium pyrophosphate; [Tetrasodium diphosphate]

Sodium pyrophosphate (Na4P2O7)

Total phosphorus, Sodium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Monopotassium phosphate; [Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate]

Monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4 × H2O)

Total phosphorus, Potassium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Dipotassium phosphate; [Di-potassium hydrogen orthophosphate]

Dipotassium phosphate (K2HPO4 × H2O)

Total phosphorus, Potassium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Calcium sodium phosphate

Calcium sodium phosphate (CaNaPO4)

Total phosphorus, Calcium, Sodium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Monoammonium phosphate; [Ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate]

Monoammonium phosphate (NH4H2PO4)

Total nitrogen, Total phosphorus, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Diammonium phosphate; [Diammonium hydrogen orthophosphate]

Diammonium phosphate ((NH4)2HPO4)

Total nitrogen Total phosphorus P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Sodium tripolyphosphate; [Penta sodium triphosphate]

Sodium tripolyphosphate (Na5P3O9)

Total phosphorus Sodium P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Sodium magnesium phosphate

Sodium-magnesium phosphate (MgNaPO4)

Total phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Magnesium hypophosphite

Magnesium hypophosphite (Mg(H2PO2)2 × 6H2O)


Total phosphorus

P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Degelatinised bone meal

Degelatinised, sterilised and ground bones from which the fat has been removed.

Total phosphorus, Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Bone ash

Mineral residues from the incineration, combustion or gasification of animal by-products.

Total phosphorus, Calcium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Calcium polyphosphate

Heterogeneous mixtures of calcium salts of condensed polyphosphoric acids of general formula H(n + 2)PnO(3n 1) where ‘n’ is not less than 2.

Total phosphorus, calcium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Calcium dihydrogen diphosphate

Monocalcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate(CaH2P2O7)

Total phosphorus, Calcium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Magnesium acid pyrophosphate

Magnesium acid pyrophosphate (MgH2P2O7.) Produced from purified phosphoric acid and purified magnesium hydroxide or magnesium oxide by evaporation of water and condensation of the orthophosphate to diphosphate.

Total phosphorus, Magnesium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Disodium dihydrogen diphosphate

Disodium dihydrogen diphosphate (Na2H2P7O7)

Total phosphorus, Calcium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Trisodium diphosphate

Trisodium monohydrogen diphosphate (anhydrous: Na3HP2O7; monohydrate: Na3HP2O7 × H2O)

Total phosphorus, sodium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Sodium polyphosphate; [Sodium hexametaphosphate]

Heterogeneous mixtures of sodium salts of linear condensed polyphosphoric acids of general formula H(n + 2)PnO(3n + 1) where ‘n’ is not less than 2.

Total phosphorus, sodium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Tripotassium phosphate

Tripotassium monophosphate (anhydrous: K3PO4; hydrated: K3PO4 × n H2O (n = 1 or 3))

Total phosphorus, Potassium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Tetrapotassium di-phosphate

Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate (K4P2O7)

Total phosphorus, Potassium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Pentapotassium tri-phosphate

Pentapotassium tri-polyphosphate (K5P3O10)

Total phosphorus, Potassium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Potassium polyphosphate

Heterogeneous mixtures of potassium salts of linear condensed polyphosphoric acids of general formula H(n + 2)PnO(3n + 1) where ‘n’ is not less than 2.

Total phosphorus, Potassium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Calcium sodium polyphosphate

Calcium sodium polyphosphate.

Total phosphorus, sodium, calcium, P insoluble in 2 % citric acid if > 10 %


Sodium chloride  (31)

Sodium chloride (NaCl) or product obtained by evaporative crystallisation from brine (vacuum salt) or evaporation of seawater (marine salt) or grinding rock salt.

Sodium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Sodium bicarbonate [sodium hydrogencarbonate]

Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)

Sodium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Sodium/ammonium (bi)carbonate [sodium/ammonium (hydrogen)carbonate]

Product obtained during the production of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, with traces of ammonium bicarbonate (ammonium bicarbonate max. 5 %)

Sodium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Sodium carbonate

Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)

Sodium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Sodium sesquicarbonate [trisodium hydrogendicarbonate]

Sodium sesquicarbonate (Na3H(CO3)2)

Sodium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Sodium sulphate

Sodium sulphate (Na2SO4)

May contain up to 0,3 % methionine

Sodium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Sodium salts of organic acids  (32)

Sodium salts of edible organic acids with at least 4 carbon atoms

Sodium, Organic acid


Potassium chloride

Potassium chloride (KCl) or product obtained by grinding natural sources of potassium chloride

Potassium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Potassium sulphate

Potassium sulphate (K2SO4)

Potassium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Potassium carbonate

Potassium carbonate (K2CO3)

Potassium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Potassium bicarbonate [potassium hydrogen carbonate]

Potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3)

Potassium, Ash insoluble in HCl if > 10 %


Potassium salts of organic acids  (32)

Potassium salts of edible organic acids with at least 4 carbon atoms.

Potassium, Organic acid


Flower of sulphur

Powder obtained from natural deposits of the mineral. Also, product obtained from oil refinery production as practised by sulphur manufacturers.




Natural magnesium-aluminium-silicon mineral.




Naturally occurring mineral obtained by grinding sources of quartz.

May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aids.




Silicon dioxide (SiO2) obtained from the re-crystallisation of quartz.

May contain up to 0,1 % grinding aids.



Ammonium sulphate

Ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4) obtained by chemical synthesis.

Nitrogen expressed as crude protein, Sulphur


Ammonium sulphate solution

Ammonium sulphate in aqueous solution, containing not less than 35 % Ammonium sulphate.

Nitrogen expressed as crude protein


Ammonium salts of organic acids  (32)

Ammonium salts of edible organic acids with at least 4 carbon atoms.

Nitrogen expressed as crude protein, Organic acid


Ammonium lactate

Ammonium lactate (CH3CHOHCOONH4). Includes the Ammonium lactate produced by fermentation with Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. Bulgaricus, Lactococcus lactis ssp., Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus spp, or Bifidobacterium spp., containing not less than 44 % Nitrogen expressed as crude protein.

May contain up to 0,8 % phosphorus, 0,9 % potassium, 0.7 % magnesium, 0,3 % sodium, 0,3 % sulphates 0,1 % chlorides, 5 % sugars and 0,1 % silicone antifoam.

Nitrogen expressed as crude protein, Crude ash


Ammonium acetate

Ammonium acetate (CH3COONH4) in aqueous solution, containing not less than 55 % Ammonium acetate).

Nitrogen expressed as crude protein

12.   Fermentation (by-)products from micro-organisms




Compulsory Declarations


Products obtained from the biomass of specific micro-organisms grown on certain substrates

May contain up to 0,3 % antifoaming agents. May contain up to 1,5 % filtration/clarifying agents. May contain up to 2,9 % propionic acid.

Propionic acid if > 0,5 %


Protein from Methylophilus methylotrophus

Protein product of fermentation obtained by culture of Methylophilus methylotrophus (NCIMB strain 10.515) (34) on methanol, the crude protein is at least 68 % and the reflectance index at least 50.

Crude protein

Crude ash

Crude fat


Protein from Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath), Alca ligenes acidovorans, Bacillus brevis and Bacillus firmus

Protein product of fermentation with Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) (NCIMB strain 11132), Alcaligenes acidovorans (NCIMB strain 12387), Bacillus brevis (NCIMB strain 13288) and Bacillus firmus (NCIMB strain 13280) (34) on natural gas (approx. 91 % methane, 5 % ethane, 2 % propane, 0,5 % isobutane, 0,5 % n-butane), ammonia, and mineral salts, the crude protein is at least 65 %.

Crude protein

Crude ash

Crude fat


Bacterial protein from Escherichia coli

Protein product, by-product from the production of amino acids by culture of Escherichia coli K12 (34) on substrates of vegetable or chemical origin, ammonia or mineral salts; it may be hydrolysed.

Crude protein


Bacterial protein from Corynebacterium glutamicum

Protein product, by-product from the production of amino acids by culture of Corynebacterium glutamicum  (34) on substrates of vegetable or chemical origin, ammonia or mineral salts, it may be hydrolysed.

Crude protein


Yeasts and parts thereof [brewers’ yeast] [yeast product]

All yeasts and parts thereof obtained from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces carlsbergensis, Kluyveromyces lactis, Kluyveromyces fragilis, Torulaspora delbrueckii, Candida utilis/Pichia jadinii, Saccharomyces uvarum, Saccharomyces ludwigii or Brettanomyces ssp. (34)  (35) on substrates mostly of vegetable origin such as molasses, sugar syrup, alcohol, distillery residues, cereals and products containing starch, fruit juice, whey, lactic acid, sugar, hydrolysed vegetable fibres and fermentation nutrients such as ammonia or mineral salts.

Moisture if < 75 % or > 97 %

If moisture < 75 %:

Crude protein


Mycelium silage from the production of penicillin

Mycelium (nitrogenous compounds), wet by-product from the production of penicillin by Penicillium chrysogenum (ATCC48271) (34) on different sources of carbohydrates and their hydrolysates, heat treated and ensiled by means of Lactobacillus brevis, plantarum, sake, collinoides and Streptococcus lactis to inactive the penicillin, Nitrogen expressed as crude protein is at least 7 %.

Nitrogen expressed as crude protein

Crude ash


Yeasts from biodiesel process

All yeasts and parts thereof obtained from Yarrowia lipolytica  (34)  (35) grown on vegetable oils and degumming and glycerol fractions formed during biofuel production.

Moisture if < 75 % or > 97 %

If moisture < 75 %:

Crude protein


Other fermentation by-products

May contain up to 0,6 % antifoaming agents. May contain up to 0,5 % antiscaling agents. May contain up to 0,2 % sulfites.



Vinasses [condensed molasses soluble]

By-products derived from the industrial processing of musts/worts issued from fermentation processes such as alcohol, organic acids, yeast manufacture. They are composed of the liquid/paste fraction obtained after the separation of the fermentation musts/worts. They may also include dead cells and/or parts thereof of the fermentation micro-organisms used. The substrates are mostly of vegetable origin such as molasses, sugar syrup, alcohol, distillery residues, cereals and products containing starch, fruit juice, whey, lactic acid, sugar, hydrolysed vegetable fibres and fermentation nutrients such as ammonia or mineral salts.

Crude protein

Substrate and indication of production process as appropriate


By-products from the production of L-glutamic acid

By-products from the production of L-glutamic acid by fermentation with Corynebacterium melassecola  (34) on substrate composed of sucrose, molasses, starch products and their hydrolysates, ammonium salts and other nitrogenous compounds.

Crude protein


By-products from the production of L-lysine-monohydrochloride with Brevibacterium lactofermentum

By-products from the production of L-Lysine monohydrochloride by fermentation with Brevibacterium lactofermentum  (34) on substrate composed of sucrose, molasses, starch products and their hydrolysates, ammonium salts and other nitrogenous compounds.

Crude protein


By-products from the production of amino acids with Corynebacterium glutamicum

By-products from the production of amino acids by fermentation with Corynebacterium glutamicum  (34) on substrate of vegetable or chemical origin, ammonia or mineral salts.

Crude protein

Crude ash


By-products from the production of amino acids with Escherichia coli K12

By-products from the production of amino acids by fermentation with Escherichia coli K12  (34) on substrate of vegetable or chemical origin, ammonia or mineral salts.

Crude protein

Crude ash


By-product of enzyme production with Aspergillus niger

By-product of fermentation of Aspergillus niger  (34) on wheat and malt for enzyme production.

Crude protein

13.   Miscellaneous




Compulsory declarations


Products from the bakery and pasta industry

Products obtained during and from the production of bread, biscuits, wafers or pasta. They may be dried.


Total sugars, calculated as sucrose,

Crude fat, if > 5 %


Products from the pastry industry

Products obtained during and from the production of pastry and cakes. They may be dried.


Total sugars, calculated as sucrose,

Crude fat, if > 5 %


Products of the breakfast cereal manufacture

Substances or products that are intended or where it is reasonable to expect that they can be consumed by humans in their processed, partially processed or unprocessed forms. They may be dried.

Crude protein, if > 10 %

Crude fibre

Crude oils/fats, if > 10 %,

Starch, if > 30 %

Total sugar, calculated as sucrose, if > 10 %


Products from the confectionery industry

Products obtained during and from the production of sweets, inclusive chocolate. They may be dried.


Crude fat, if > 5 %

Total sugars, calculated as sucrose


Products of the ice-cream industry

Products obtained when producing ice-cream. They may be dried.


Total sugars, calculated as sucrose,

Crude fat


Products and by-products from processing fresh fruits and vegetables  (36)

Products obtained when processing fresh fruit and vegetables (including peel, whole pieces of fruit/vegetables, and mixtures thereof). They may have been dried, or frozen.


Crude fibre

Crude fat, if > 5 %

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 %


Products from the processing of plants  (36)

Products obtained from freezing or drying whole plants or their parts.

Crude Fibre


Products from processing of spices and seasonings  (36)

Products obtained from freezing or drying spices and seasonings or their parts.

Crude protein, if > 10 %

Crude fibre

Crude oils/fats, if > 10 %,

Starch, if > 30 %

Total sugar, calculated as sucrose, if > 10 %


Products from the processing of herbs  (36)

Products obtained from crushing, grinding, freezing or drying herbs or their parts.

Crude Fibre


Products from the potato processing industry

Products obtained when processing potatoes. They may have been dried or frozen.


Crude fibre

Crude fat, if > 5 %

Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 %


Products and by-products of the sauces production

Substances from the sauces-production that are intended or where it is reasonable to expect that they can be consumed by humans in their processed, partially processed or unprocessed forms. They may be dried.

Crude fat


Products and by-products from the savoury snacks industry

Products and by-products of the savoury snacks industry obtained during and from the production of savoury snacks — potato chips, potato and/or cereal based snacks (direct extruded, dough based and pelleted snacks) and nuts.

Crude fat


Products from the ready-to-eat food industry

Products obtained during the production of ready to eat food. They may be dried.

Crude fat, if > 5 %


Plants by-products from spirits production

Solid products from plants (including berries and seeds such as anise) obtained after maceration of these plants in an alcoholic solution or after alcoholic evaporation/distillation, or both, in the elaboration of flavourings for the spirits production. These products must be distilled to eliminate the alcoholic residue.

Crude protein, if > 10 %

Crude fibre

Crude oils/fats, if > 10 %


Feed beer

Product of the brewing process which is unsalable as a human beverage.

Alcohol content


Caramelised sugar

Product obtained by the controlled heating of any sugar.

Total sugars, calculated as sucrose



Dextrose is obtained after hydrolysis of starch and consists of purified, crystallised glucose, with or without crystal water.

Total sugars, calculated as sucrose



Fructose as purified crystalline powder. It is obtained from glucose in glucose syrup by the use of glucose isomerase and from sucrose inversion.

Total sugars, calculated as sucrose


Glucose syrup

Glucose syrup is a purified and concentrated aqueous solution of nutritive saccharides obtained through hydrolysis from starch.

Total sugars

Moisture if > 30 %


Glucose molasses

Product produced during refining process of glucose syrups.

Total sugars



Sugar extracted from wood.




Semi-synthetic disaccharide (4-O-D-Galactopyranosyl-D-fructose) obtained from lactose through the isomerisation of glucose to fructose. Present in heat treated milk and milk products.



Glucosamine (Chitosamine)

Amino sugar (monosaccharide) being part of the structure of the polysaccharides chitosan and chitin. Produced by the hydrolysis of crustacean and other arthropods exoskeletons or by fermentation of a grain such as corn or wheat.

Sodium or Potassium, as applicable

‘from aquatic animals’ or ‘from fermentation’, as appropriate


Starch  (37)




Starch  (37) , pre-gelatinised

Product consisting of starch expanded by heat treatment.



Starch  (37) mixture

Product consisting of native and/or modified food starch obtained from different botanical sources.



Starch  (37) hydrolysates cake

Product from starch hydrolysis liquor filtration which consists of the following: protein, starch, polysaccharides, fat, oil and filter aid (e.g. diatomaceous earth, wood fibre).

Moisture if < 25 % or > 45 %

If moisture < 25 %:

Crude fat

Crude protein



Dextrin is partially acid hydrolysed starch.




Maltodextrin is the partially hydrolysed starch




Randomly bonded bulk polymer of glucose produced by thermal polymerisation of D-Glucose.




Product obtained by hydrogenation or fermentation and consisting of reduced mono, di- or oligosaccharides or polysaccharides.




Sugar alcohol obtained from sucrose after enzymatic conversion and hydrogenation.




Product obtained by hydrogenation or fermentation and consisting of reduced glucose and/or fructose.




Product obtained by hydrogenation and fermentation of xylose.




Product obtained by hydrogenation of glucose



Acid oils from chemical refining  (38)

Product obtained during the deacidification of oils and fats of vegetable or animal origin by means of alkali, followed by an acidulation with subsequent separation of the aqueous phase, containing free fatty acids, oils or fats and natural components of seeds, fruits or animal tissues such as mono-, and diglycerides, lecithin and fibres.

Crude fat

Moisture if > 1 %


Fatty acids esterified with glycerol  (39)

Glycerides obtained by esterification of glycerol with fatty acids. May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenation.

Moisture if > 1 %

Crude fat

Nickel if > 20 ppm


Mono di and tri glycerides of fatty acids  (39)

Product consisting of mixtures of mono-, di- and triesters of glycerol with fatty acids.

They may contain small amounts of free fatty acids and glycerol.

May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenation.

Crude fat

Nickel if > 20 ppm


Salts of fatty acids  (39)

Product obtained by reaction of fatty acids with at least four carbon atoms with calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium hydroxides, oxides or salts.

May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenation.

Crude fat (after hydrolysis)


Ca or Na or K or Mg (when appropriate)

Nickel if > 20 ppm


Fatty acid distillates from physical refining  (38)

Product obtained during the deacidification of oils and fats of vegetable or animal origin by means of distillation containing free fatty acids, oils or fats and natural components of seeds, fruits or animal tissues such as mono- and diglycerides, sterols and tocopherols.

Crude fat

Moisture if > 1 %


Crude fatty acids from splitting  (38)

Product obtained by oil/fat splitting. By definition it consists of crude fatty acids C6-C24, aliphatic, linear, monocarboxylic, saturated and unsaturated. May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenation.

Crude fat

Moisture if > 1 %

Nickel if > 20 ppm


Pure distilled fatty acids from splitting  (38)

Product obtained by the distillation of crude fatty acids from oil/fat splitting potentially plus hydrogenation. By definition it consists of pure distilled fatty acids C6-C24, aliphatic, linear, monocarboxylic, saturated and unsaturated.

May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenation

Crude fat

Moisture if > 1 %

Nickel if > 20 ppm


Soap stocks  (38)

Product obtained during the deacidification of vegetable oils and fats by means of aqueous calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium hydroxide solution, containing salts of fatty acids, oils or fats and natural components of seeds, fruits or animal tissues such as mono- and diglycerides, lecithin and fibres.

Moisture if < 40 and > 50 %

Ca or Na or K or Mg, as appropriate


Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids esterified with organic acids  (39)  (40)

Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids with at least four carbon atoms esterified with organic acids.

Crude fat


Sucrose esters of fatty acids  (39)

Esters of sachharose and fatty acids.

Total sugars, calculated as sucrose

Crude fat


Sucroglycerides of fatty acids  (39)

Mixture of esters of saccharose and mono and di-glycerides of fatty acids.

Total sugars, calculated as sucrose

Crude fat


Glycerine, crude

By-product obtained from:

the oleochemical process of oil/fat splitting to obtain fatty acids and sweet water, followed by concentration of the sweet water to get crude glycerol or by transesterification (may contain up to 0,5 % methanol) of natural oils/fats to obtain fatty acid methyl esters and sweet water, followed by concentration of the sweet water to get crude glycerol;

the production of biodiesel (methyl or ethyl esters of fatty acids) by transesterification of oils and fats of unspecified vegetable and animal origin. Mineral and organic salts might remain in the glycerine (up to 7,5 %).

May contain up to 0,5 % Methanol and up to 4 % of Matter Organic Non Glycerol (MONG) comprising of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters, Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters, Free Fatty Acids and Glycerides;

saponifications of oils/fats of vegetable or animal origin, normally with alkali/alkaline earths, to obtain soaps.

May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenation.


Potassium if > 1,5 %

Sodium if > 1,5 %

Nickel if > 20 ppm



Product obtained from:

the oleochemical process of (a) oil/fat splitting followed by concentration of sweet waters and refining by distillation (see part B, glossary of processes, entry 20) or ion-exchange process; (b) transesterification of natural oils/fats to obtain fatty acid methyl esters and crude sweet water, followed by concentration of the sweet water to get crude glycerol and refining by distillation or ion-exchange process;

the production of biodiesel (methyl or ethyl esters of fatty acids) by transesterification of oils and fats of unspecified vegetable and animal origin with subsequent refining of the glycerine. Minimum Glycerol content: 99 % of dry matter;

saponifications of oils/fats of vegetable or animal origin, normally with alkali/alkaline earths, to obtain soaps, followed by refining of crude Glycerol and distillation.

May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenation.

Glycerol if < 99 % on dry matter basis

Sodium if > 0,1 %

Potassium if > 0,1 %

Nickel if > 20 ppm


Methyl sulphonyl methane

Organo-sulfur compound ((CH3)2SO2) obtained by synthetic way which is identical to the naturally occurring source in plants.




Product from the natural decomposition of plant (mainly sphagnum) in anaerobic and oligotrophic environment.

Crude Fibre



Product that is a naturally occurring mineral complex of phenolic hydrocarbons, also known as humate, which originates from the decomposition of organic matter over the course of millions of years.

Crude Fibre


Propylene glycol; [1,2-propanediol; [propane-1,2-diol]

Organic compound (a diol or double alcohol) with formula C3H8O2. It is a viscous liquid with a faintly sweet taste, hygroscopic and miscible with water, acetone, and chloroform. May contain up to 0,3 % di propylene glycol.

Propylene glycol


Mono-esters of propylene glycol and fatty acids  (39)

Mono-esters of propylene glycol and fatty acids, alone or in mixtures with diesters.

Propylene glycol

Crude fat

(1)   OJ L 35, 8.2.2005, p. 1.

(2)  As Low As Reasonably Achievable.

(3)   OJ L 140, 30.5.2002, p. 10.

(4)   OJ L 70, 16.3.2005, p. 1.

(5)   OJ L 268, 18.10.2003, p. 29.

(6)  By derogation from this obligation, for the process ‘drying’ it may be added.

(7)  In German ‘Konzentrieren’ may be replaced by ‘Eindicken’ where appropriate, in which case the common qualifier should be ‘eingedickt’.

(8)   ‘Decortication’ may be replaced by ‘dehulling’ or ‘dehusking’ where appropriate, in which case the common qualifier should be ‘dehulled’ or ‘dehusked’.

(9)  In the case of rice, this process is referred to as ‘husking’ and the common qualifier as ‘husked’.

(10)  In French the name ‘issues’ may be used.

(11)  In German the qualifier ‘aufgeschlossen’ and the name ‘Quellwasser’ (referring to starch) may be used. In Danish the qualifier ‘Kvældning’ and the name ‘Kvældet’ (referring to starch) may be used.

(12)  In French ‘Pressage’ may be replaced by ‘Extraction mécanique’ where appropriate.

(13)  The name may be supplemented by the cereal species.

(14)  Please note that ‘maize’ can either be referred to as such or as ‘corn’. This is valid for all maize products.

(15)  If this product has been subject to a finer milling the word ‘fine’ may be added to the name or the name may be replaced by a corresponding denomination.

(16)  The name may be supplemented by the grain species.

(17)  The indication ‘low in glucosinolate’ as defined in Community legislation may be added, where appropriate. This is valid for all rape seed products.

(18)  The name shall be supplemented by the plant species.

(19)  The name shall be supplemented by the plant species.

(20)  The name shall be supplemented by the plant species.

(21)  The name must be supplemented by an indication of the nature of the treatment carried out.

(22)  The species of forage crop may be added to the name.

(23)  The term ‘meal’ may be replaced by ‘pellets’. The method of drying may be added to the name.

(24)  The name shall be supplemented by the species.

(25)  Expressions are not synonymous and differ mainly in their moisture content, respective expression to be used as appropriate.

(26)  Expressions are not synonymous and differ mainly in their moisture content, respective expression to be used as appropriate.

(27)  Without prejudice to mandatory requirements concerning commercial documents and health certificates for animal by-products and derived products as laid down in Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 (Annex VIII, Chapter III) (OJ L 54, 26.2.2011, p. 1), if the catalogue is used for labelling purposes the name shall be, replaced as appropriate by

the animal species and

the part of the animal product (e.g. liver, meat (only if skeletal muscle)), and/or

the naming of the animal species not used in respect of the ban on intra-species recycling (e.g. poultry-free) or

supplemented as appropriate by

the animal species and/or

the part of the animal product (e.g. liver, meat (only if skeletal muscle)), and/or

the naming of the animal species not used in respect of the ban on intra-species recycling.

(28)  Without prejudice to mandatory requirements concerning commercial documents and health certificates for animal by-products and derived products as laid down in Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 (Annex VIII, Chapter III), if the catalogue is used for labelling purposes the name shall be supplemented as appropriate by

the animal species processed (e.g. porcine, ruminant, avian) and/or

the material processed (e.g. bone) and/or

the process used (e.g. defatted, refined) and/or

the naming of the animal species not used in respect of the ban on intra-species recycling (e.g. poultry-free).

(29)  The name shall be supplemented by the species.

(30)  The name shall be supplemented by the species when produced from farmed fish.

(31)  The nature of the source may be indicated additionally in the name or replace it.

(32)  The name shall be amended or supplemented to specify the organic acid.

(33)  The manufacturing process may be included in the name.

(34)  The cells of the micro-organisms have been inactivated or killed.

(35)  The usage name of yeast strains may vary from the scientific taxonomy, therefore, synonyms of the yeast strains listed could also be used.

(36)  The name shall be supplemented by the fruit, vegetable, plant, spices and herbs species, as applicable.

(37)  The name shall be supplemented by the indication of the botanical origin.

(38)  The name shall be supplemented by the indication of the botanical or animal origin.

(39)  The name shall be amended or supplemented to specify the fatty acids used.

(40)  The name shall be amended or supplemented to specify the organic acid.
