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Document 42014Y0614(03)

    Resolucija Sveta in predstavnikov vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta, dne 21. maja 2014 , o delovnem načrtu Evropske unije za šport (2014–2017)

    UL C 183, 14.6.2014, p. 12–17 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



    Uradni list Evropske unije

    C 183/12

    Resolucija Sveta in predstavnikov vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta, dne 21. maja 2014, o delovnem načrtu Evropske unije za šport (2014–2017)

    2014/C 183/03




    RECALL the competence assigned to the European Union, in particular by Article 6 and Article 165 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, according to which sport is an area where action at EU level should support, coordinate and supplement the actions of Member States.


    RECALL the Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, on a European Work Plan for Sport for 2011–2014 (1).


    WELCOME the Report from the Commission on the implementation of the European Union Work Plan for Sport 2011–2014 (2).


    ACKNOWLEDGE that sport can contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.


    RECALL the Council Resolution of 18 November 2010 where the Council agreed to convene, on a regular basis, generally in the margins of the Council meeting, an informal meeting of leading representatives of the EU public authorities and the sport movement with the aim of exchanging views on sporting issues in the EU (3).


    AGREE to further develop a framework of European cooperation in the field of sport by establishing a second three year EU Work Plan on Sport for Member State and Commission action.


    AGREE that activities at EU level in the field of sport should focus on the priority themes, key topics, outputs and working methods and structures listed in this Work Plan, and as set out in Annex I.


    TAKE NOTE of the 2013 Eurobarometer on Sport and Physical Activity and acknowledge the great differences among Member States, including results on voluntary work and sedentary behaviour.



    CONSIDER that a three year EU Work Plan on Sport should be governed by the following guiding principles:

    to promote a cooperative and concerted approach among Member States and the Commission to delivering added value in the field of sport at EU level over the longer term;

    to address transnational challenges using a coordinated EU approach;

    to take into account the specific nature of sport;

    to reflect the need for mainstreaming sport into other EU policies;

    to work towards evidence based sport policy;

    to contribute to the overarching priorities of the EU economic and social policy agenda, in particular the Europe 2020 Strategy;

    to build on the achievements of the first EU Work Plan for Sport;

    to complement and reinforce the impact of activities launched under the Erasmus+ programme in the field of sport.


    UNDERLINE that this EU Work Plan should be a flexible framework which is capable of responding when appropriate to developments in the field of sport.


    AGREE that the following themes and key topics should be given priority by Member States and the Commission for the period covered by the present Work Plan. They could be complemented by each Presidency in the light of any possible new developments:


    Integrity of sport, in particular anti-doping, the fight against match-fixing, protection of minors, good governance and gender equality;


    The economic dimension of sport, in particular sustainable financing of sport, the legacy of major sport events, economic benefits of sport and innovation;


    Sport and society, in particular HEPA, volunteering, employment in sport as well as education and training in sport.


    AGREE that the Work Plan may be revised by the Council and the Representatives of Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council in the light of results achieved and policy developments at EU level.



    RECOGNISE that:

    There is a need to continue the cooperation on sport in the EU context established after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, based on the guiding principles listed in Section II of this Work Plan;

    There is also a need for the EU to work closely with the sport movement and relevant competent organisations at national, European and international levels such as the Council of Europe and WADA, in particular through the structured dialogue.


    AGREE that

    Different working structures and methods should be established for the follow‐up of achievements from the first EU Work Plan and for developing new outputs in line with the priority themes and key topics, as set out in Section II above;

    Therefore, five „Expert Groups“, with experts appointed by the Member States, will be set up covering the following topics: match-fixing, good governance, economic dimension, HEPA and human resources development in sport . The principles relating to membership and functioning of these groups are set out in the Annex II;

    In addition to expert groups, other structures and working methods may include e.g. Presidency conferences, meetings of Sport Ministers and Directors, Commission studies and conferences, as well as pledge boards (4).

    In the first half of 2017, the implementation of the present Work Plan will be evaluated by the Council on the basis of a report prepared by the Commission by November 2016.




    work together with the Commission and by using the working structures and methods specified by this Resolution;

    whilst respecting the principle of subsidiarity and the autonomy of sport's governing structures take due account of this Work Plan when developing policy at national level;

    regularly inform, and where appropriate consult, sport stakeholders on progress made in implementing the EU Work Plan, in order to ensure the relevance and visibility of the activities.



    take into account, in the context of the Team Presidency, the EU Work Plan priority themes when developing their programme, report on the implementation of the Work Plan and build upon the results achieved;

    inform the Member States on ongoing or planned work in other Council formations that has an impact on sport;

    at the end of the three years covered by the present Resolution, and on the basis of a Report prepared by the Commission, propose a new Work Plan for the next period, if appropriate.



    work with the Member States in implementing this Work Plan, in particular regarding the outputs outlined in Annex I;

    inform the Member States on ongoing or planned initiatives in other EU policy areas impacting on sport and respective developments in the Commission;

    support the Member States and other relevant actors in cooperating within the framework set out in the present Resolution, in particular by:

    examining means to facilitate the widest possible participation of Member States and experts, as well as invite representatives from the sport movement and other stakeholders in the working structures referred to in Annex I, assuring a high and coherent level of representativeness;

    establishing, as appropriate, groups of experts providing a high level of relevant expertise, as well as other forms of support for promoting exchange of views and peer learning as well as for building knowledge (e.g. studies);

    facilitate the structured dialogue on sport, including the organisation on an annual basis of the EU Sport Forum, bringing together all the key stakeholders at different levels of sport;

    use the financial resources of the Erasmus+ programme and other relevant EU programmes to support the priority themes and corresponding key topics established by this Work Plan;

    adopt, by November 2016 and on the basis of voluntary contributions from Member States, a Report on the implementation and relevance of the Work Plan. This Report will be the basis for the preparation of a possible EU Work Plan during the first half of 2017;

    where appropriate, make the outputs achieved in the working structures publicly available.



    continue close cooperation in accordance with Annexes I and II of this Resolution;

    take sport into account when formulating, implementing and evaluating policies and actions in other policy fields, with particular attention to ensuring early and effective inclusion in the policy development process;

    promote better recognition of the contribution of sport to the overall goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy given the sector's strong potential to contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and new jobs and considering its positive effects on social inclusion, education and training as well as public health and active ageing;

    foster cooperation with third countries, in particular candidate countries and potential candidates to the EU, and the competent international organisations in the field of sport including the Council of Europe.

    (1)  OJ C 162, 1.6.2011, p. 1.

    (2)  5842/14.

    (3)  OJ C 322, 27.11.2010, p. 1.

    (4)  Pledge board: An instrument where mainly sport organisations can voluntarily make public their commitment to certain issues, e.g. to good governance principles or gender equality targets (see Annex I). The Commission will submit a proposal to the Council Working Party on Sport on the set up and functioning of pledge boards in the second half of 2014.


    Ključne teme (odstavek 11), zahtevani rezultati in ustrezne delovne strukture

    Ključna tema

    Naloga in ciljni datum

    Delovna struktura

    Integriteta športa

    protidoping (1)

    priporočila skupine strokovnjakov o dopingu v rekreativnem športu in preprečevanju dopinga: izmenjava najboljših praks in vzajemno učenje (druga polovica leta 2015)

    generalni direktorji za področje športa

    vnaprejšnje dogovarjanje o rezultatih

    izmenjava najboljših mnenj o prizadevanjih za preprečevanje vnaprejšnjega dogovarjanja o rezultatih, zlasti o morebitnem priporočilu Komisije o najboljših praksah pri preprečevanju in odpravljanju s stavami povezanega vnaprejšnjega dogovarjanja o rezultatih, in sicer po poročilu o takratnem stanju (prva polovica leta 2016)

    skupina strokovnjakov za vnaprejšnje dogovarjanje o rezultatih

    zaščita in varovanje mladoletnikov

    priprava priporočil skupine strokovnjakov za zaščito mladih športnikov in varovanje pravic otroka na področju športa (prva polovica leta 2016)

    skupina strokovnjakov za dobro upravljanje

    dobro upravljanje

    priprava vodilnih načel v zvezi z demokracijo, človekovimi pravicami in pravicami delavcev, zlasti v luči postopkov dodeljevanja najpomembnejših športnih dogodkov, čemur po možnosti sledi seznam zavez (druga polovica leta 2015)

    spodbujanje obstoječih načel dobrega upravljanja, čemur po možnosti sledi seznam zavez (prva polovica leta 2016)


    enakost spolov

    priprava priporočil ali smernic skupine strokovnjakov o enakosti spolov v športu, čemur po možnosti sledi seznam zavez (prva polovica leta 2015)


    Gospodarska razsežnost športa

    gospodarske koristi športa

    priprava priporočil skupine strokovnjakov glede merjenja gospodarske koristi športa v EU na podlagi trenutnega dela za uveljavitev vzpostavitve satelitskih računov za šport v državah članicah (druga polovica leta 2015)

    skupina strokovnjakov za gospodarsko razsežnost

    tradicija najpomembnejših športnih dogodkov

    priprava priporočil skupine strokovnjakov o najpomembnejših športnih dogodkih, zlasti o vidiku tradicije ob posebni usmerjenosti na družbeno, gospodarsko in okoljsko vzdržnost (druga polovica leta 2015)


    trajnostno financiranje športa

    priprava praktičnih navodil glede načinov za spodbujanje preglednega in dolgoročnega vlaganja v šport, vključno s financiranjem EU, med drugim na podlagi priporočil iz leta 2012 o trajnostnem financiranju športa, vključno z državno pomočjo (prva polovica leta 2016)


    Šport in družba

    zdravju koristna telesna dejavnost

    priprava priporočil skupine strokovnjakov za spodbujanje telesne vzgoje v šoli, vključno z motoričnimi sposobnosti v zgodnjem otroštvu, ter za vzpostavljanje pomembnih povezav s sektorjem športa, lokalnimi organi in zasebnim sektorjem (prva polovica leta 2015)

    usklajevanje izvajanja priporočil Sveta o telesni dejavnosti za krepitev zdravja (druga polovica leta 2016)

    skupina strokovnjakov za telesno dejavnost za krepitev zdravja

    izobraževanje, usposabljanje, zaposlovanje in prostovoljstvo

    priprava priporočil skupine strokovnjakov za spodbujanje prostovoljstva v športu, vključno z najboljšimi praksami glede pravnih in fiskalnih mehanizmov (druga polovica leta 2015 ali druga polovica leta 2014)

    izmenjava najboljših praks in poročilo o trenutnem stanju glede vključevanja športnih kvalifikacij v nacionalni okvir kvalifikacij (NQF) v povezavi z evropskim okvirom kvalifikacij (EQF) (druga polovica leta 2016)

    priprava priporočil skupine strokovnjakov o prispevku športa k zaposljivosti mladih, vključno z mladimi profesionalnimi športniki in športnicami, ter vzpostavitev delovnih mest na trgu delovne sile na področju športa in v zvezi s športom (druga polovica leta 2016)

    priprava praktičnih navodil glede skladnosti nacionalnih kvalifikacij z mednarodnimi kvalifikacijskimi standardi mednarodne federacije za šport (druga polovica leta 2015)

    priprava poročila o takratnem stanju glede izvajanja smernic EU o dvojni poklicni karieri (prva polovica leta 2017)

    skupina strokovnjakov o upravljanju s človeškimi viri na področju športa

    (1)  Svet (Delovna skupina za šport/Coreper) bo še naprej usklajeval stališča držav članic EU pred srečanji Svetovne protidopinške agencije (WADA)


    Načela v zvezi s članstvom in delovanjem petih skupin strokovnjakov, ki jih države članice in Komisija vzpostavijo v okviru drugega delovnega načrta EU za šport za obdobje 2014–2017


    Sodelovanje držav članic pri delu skupin je prostovoljno, države članice pa se jim lahko priključijo kadar koli.

    Države članice, ki bi rade sodelovale v skupinah, imenujejo strokovnjake, ki bodo člani zadevnih skupin. Države članice bodo zagotovile, da imajo izbrani strokovnjaki ustrezne izkušnje na zadevnem področju na nacionalni ravni, prav tako pa bodo zagotovile učinkovito komunikacijo s pristojnimi nacionalnimi organi. Komisija bo usklajevala imenovanje.

    Vsaka skupina strokovnjakov lahko sklene povabiti druge udeležence: neodvisne strokovnjake, predstavnike športnega gibanja in druge deležnike, pa tudi predstavnike tretjih evropskih držav. Vsaka skupina strokovnjakov lahko predlaga vključitev drugih udeležencev za celotno obdobje dela, pri čemer pa mora skupina njihovo članstvo soglasno odobriti.

    Delovni postopki

    Da bi izvajali ta delovni načrt, bo vsaka skupina strokovnjakov odgovorna za imenovanje svojega predsednika ali sopredsednikov na prvem sestanku skupine strokovnjakov po sprejetju delovnega načrta. Predsedniki se izvolijo odprto in pregledno, kar usklajuje Komisija, v okviru katere deluje sekretariat skupin strokovnjakov.

    Vsaka skupina strokovnjakov bo pripravila načrt dela v skladu tem delovnim načrtom in se osredotočila na zagotavljanje konkretnih in uporabnih rezultatov v skladu s Prilogo I.

    Države članice bodo imele priložnost usmerjati skupine strokovnjakov, da bi zagotovili želene rezultate in časovni načrt ter uskladili delo skupin.

    Svet in predstavniki vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta, bodo odločili, ali je ustrezno, da se skupinam strokovnjakov predlagajo novi ukrepi.

    Komisija bo zagotovila strokovno znanje ter logistično in tajniško podporo pri delu skupin. Kolikor bo to možno, bo podpirala skupine z drugimi ustreznimi sredstvi (vključno s študijami, pomembnimi za njihovo področje dela).

    Skupine strokovnjakov se bodo praviloma sestajale v Bruslju, vendar lahko na povabilo države članice sestanke izjemoma organizirajo tudi izven Bruslja.

    Skupine strokovnjakov se bodo načeloma sestajale dvakrat letno, po potrebi pa se lahko ravnajo po drugačnem časovnem načrtu.

    Poročanje in informacije

    Predsedniki skupin strokovnjakov bodo Delovni skupini za šport poročali o napredku dela v posameznih skupinah strokovnjakov in predstavili rezultate teh skupin.

    Dnevni redi in poročila z zasedanj vseh skupin bodo na voljo vsem državam članicam, ne glede na njihovo stopnjo sodelovanja na določenem področju. Rezultati dela skupin bodo objavljeni.

    Rezultate dela skupin strokovnjakov bo Komisija vključila v poročilo o izvajanju delovnega načrta.
