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Document 52004PC0477

    Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the deployment and commercial operating phases of the European programme of satellite radionavigation

    /* COM/2004/0477 final - COD 2004/0156 */


    Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the deployment and commercial operating phases of the European programme of satellite radionavigation /* COM/2004/0477 final - COD 2004/0156 */

    Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the implementation of the deployment and commercial operating phases of the European programme of satellite radionavigation

    (presented by the Commission)


    1. GALILEO: a strategic programme for the European Union

    The GALILEO programme aims at putting into place a worldwide satellite radionavigation and positioning infrastructure specifically for civil purposes. It has a technological, political and economic dimension. All sectors of the economy and society are affected by the development of satellite radionavigation which, according to all the estimates, is expected to grow and grow. The markets linked to this technology are growing at an annual rate of 25% and some 3 billion receivers should be in service by 2020. The number of jobs created as a result of the GALILEO programme alone should be in the region of 100.000.

    Europe's investment in GALILEO and its exploitation also contribute substantially to the implementation of a European space policy and programme, as set out in the White Paper on the future of European Space Policy [1] and foreseen in the European Constitutional Treaty [2].

    [1] COM (2003) 673 of 11.11.2003

    [2] Article III-150

    Satellite radionavigation fits perfectly in the framework of transport policy as described in the Commission's White Paper [3], particularly concerning freight management, tarification of infrastructures and road safety. It has become part and parcel of the daily life of European citizens, featuring not only in their cars and portable telephones but also in their banking habits and the civil protection systems which look after their security; all of which confers on the GALILEO programme an additional citizens' dimension. It is also important to note the European dimension and the added community value of GALILEO, no single Member State having wished to develop such a project alone.

    [3] COM (2001) 370 final of 12.9.2001

    The European Parliament has consistently given its full support to the programme. In its resolution adopted on 29 January 2004, it stressed "the enormous significance of GALILEO for the European Union's industrial, transport, technological and environmental development, and hence at the same time for the achievement of the strategic goals set in Lisbon of making the Union the most competitive and dynamic economic area in the world".

    For its part, the Council agreed already in July 1999 that "the development of a satellite navigation system for civil use leads to increased independence in one of the most important key technologies" and that "the development of a satellite navigation system for civil use affords European industry the chance to enhance its competence and to participate in opportunities opened up by this future technology on a large scale". Since then the Council and the European Council have underlined the strategic importance of the programme on many occasions and have asked the Commission to take all the measures necessary to implement it.

    The European Economic and Social Committee has also supported the programme. In the conclusions of its report of [] June 2004 on progress on the GALILEO programme, it reaffirmed "the fact that the GALILEO project is of major strategic importance to the European Union, to the future of its space industry and to the cause of promoting European integration".

    It is included amongst the large infrastructure projects mentioned in the Commission Communication to the European Parliament and the Council of 10 February 2004 [4] entitled "Building our common future Policy challenges and budgetary means of the Enlarged Union - 2007-2013". It is also taken up as a priority project in the Growth initiative proposed by the Commission and endorsed by the European Council.

    [4] COM (2004) 101 final

    2. Financing of the successive phases of the programme

    The programme comprises the following four successive phases:

    * A definition phase which ran from 1999 to 2001 during which the architecture of the system [5] was designed and the services offered decided;

    [5] « GALILEO system » = the infrastructure composed by the satellites of the constellation and the associated terrestrial ground stations

    * A development and validation phase which runs from 2002 to 2005 and covers the development of the satellites and the system's ground components, as well as validation in orbit.

    * A deployment phase covering 2006 and 2007 and involving the building and launching of the satellites and the establishment of the entire ground-based component.

    * A commercial operating phase due to begin in 2008 which will cover the management of the system as well as its maintenance and updating.

    The definition and development phases comprise the part of the programme dedicated to research. For the implementation of the development phase of the programme, a GALILEO Joint Undertaking was created by Council Regulation of 21 May 2002 [6]. In addition, since its inception the GALILEO programme has received significant financial support from the Community budget. The definition phase was mainly financed by the 5th Framework Programme. The Community financial contribution increased with the development and validation phase with a total amount of EUR550 million drawn from the Trans-European network budget. The investment has been complemented by a similar investment by the Member States of the European Space Agency, many of whom are also Member states of the Union. The 6th Framework Programme also contributed an amount of EUR100 million.

    [6] Council Regulation EC 876/2002 of 21 May 2002

    In order to ensure the continuation of the programme, the Commission must secure the financing of the deployment and commercial operating phases which will in particular include a Community contribution.

    The cost of the deployment phase is estimated at EUR2.1 billion. It should in large measure be met by the private sector. On a number of occasions since 2001, the Council has underlined that the private sector should make a substantial contribution to the financing of the project [7]. More specifically, the Council conclusions adopted on 25-26 March 2002 agreed as regards the financing of the deployment phase "to work to secure a cost-share of at most 1/3 for the Community budget and at least 2/3 for the private sector". On this basis, the private sector should take responsibility for at least EUR1.4 billion and the rest, around EUR700 million, should be financed by the public sector. As a result, taking account of the financing already foreseen by the current financial perspectives, the amount of the deployment phase to be financed by the Community budget under the new financial perspectives should reach EUR[500] million.

    [7] See preambule 13 of Regulation EC 876/2002

    The financing of the commercial operating phase which will begin in 2008 will be covered by the private sector. However, taking into account the special nature of the market for satellite navigation services and the marketing of these services as well as the guarantee of provision of these services in the interest of the public sector, it will be necessary to provide some exceptional public financing during the first years of the commercial operating phase. Moreover, in its conclusions of 25-26 March 2002, and its meeting of 8-9 March 2004, the Council specifically foresaw the use of Community funds to finance the commercial operating phase. The exact amount of the Community contribution will not be known until the conclusion of the negotiations on the concession contract [8] which will continue in 2005. However, taking account of the results of the PricewaterhouseCoopers study carried out in 2001, which looked in particular at the cost/benefit ratio of the project, it is reasonable to foresee an amount of EUR [500] million in the new financial perspectives for this purpose.

    [8] As foreseen in article 2.3 of the statutes of the GALILEO Joint Undertaking

    3. The institutional framework for the deployment and the commercial operating phases

    The institutional framework retained for the deployment and the commercial operating phases differs significantly from that of the development phase. During these two phases, the construction and then the management of the system will be entrusted to a private concessionaire working under the control of the Supervisory Authority, a Community agency acting as the licensing authority for the system. The choice of a concession contract emerged as the most appropriate to ensure the success of the programme in the framework of a Public Private Partnership.

    The Supervisory Authority was created by Council Regulation n° XXX of XXXX 2004 on the establishment structures for the management of the European satellite radionavigation programme. It will be established during the first half of 2005. Its role is to manage public interests relating to the European satellite radionavigation programme and to act as the licensing authority for the future concessionaire. Its missions include managing the public funds allocated to the European Satellite radionavigation programme as well as following the financial management of this programme so as to optimise the use of public money. In addition, the Supervisory Authority will carry out budgetary responsibilities given to it by the Commission in line with the requirements of article 54 (2) (b) of the Financial Regulation of the Community budget. The creation of the Supervisory Authority and the management by this authority of funds allocated to the European satellite radionavigation programme comprises a form of externalisation in line with the policy of simplification of forms of management decided by the Commission.

    It is worth underlining that in order to enable the Supervisory Authority to carry out its tasks, its Administrative Board, which comprises representatives of the Member states and the Commission, has been given extensive powers to establish the budget, control its execution, approve the work programme, adopt adequate financial rules and put in place transparent decision making procedures. Moreover, the activities of the Supervisory Authority are subject to the control of the Court of Auditors.

    The private concessionaire is designated following a call for tender carried out by the GALILEO Joint Undertaking. The concession contract will be signed in 2005. In accordance with the provisions of article 3 of Regulation xxxx 2004, the system will belong to the Supervisory Authority and will remain entirely public: only its construction and management during a limited period will be entrusted to the concessionaire.

    4. The means of public financing of the deployment and commercial operating phases

    It follows from the above that it is necessary to foresee a sum of EUR1 billion from the Community budget to finance the deployment and the commercial operating phases of GALILEO for the period 2007-2013. This amount will be transferred to the Supervisory Authority which will make use of it in line with the provisions of Regulation xxx 2004. The budget line onto which this amount will be imputed will not be the research budget or the Trans-European network but rather a specific line created for the deployment and the commercial operating phases of the GALILEO programme given that:

    - The programme has now reached maturity and taken a dimension which goes well beyond the sectoral policies pursued by the Commission notably as regards research and innovation, transport, telecommunications, etc; this programme constitutes also one of the main contributions of the future European Space Programme, as proposed in the White Paper on future European Space Policy.

    - The size of the actions covered imposes requirements of transparency and budgetary rigor as well as a scrupulous oversight of the programme.

    - It is necessary for the institutional and the budgetary framework to be clear, coherent and without ambiguity vis-à-vis the concessionaire on whom the Community is imposing comparable requirements of transparency and solidity.

    It is important to underline that the financing of the GALILEO programme by the Community budget will be time limited and that the commercial revenues generated by the system should ensure financial stability over time. They should even be sufficient to ensure the improvement and updating of the system. To this end, aside from the Community funds, the financing plan for the deployment and the commercial operating phases includes three other resources which have been identified and described by the candidate consortia for the concession.

    Firstly, the future concessionaire would receive payment for the sale of various services generated by the GALILEO system.

    Secondly, the future concessionaire also stands to gain from the licenses and intellectual property rights for system components.

    Thirdly, the European Investment Bank has said it is willing to grant loans. In this connection, it is important to have long-term loans with a grace period which will allow repayment to start when the system begins to generate significant commercial activity.

    Moreover, as regards public funds, some third countries, notably China, Israel and India, are prepared to contribute financially to the programme in the framework of cooperation agreements.

    5. Conclusions

    The GALILEO programme has now reached an advanced stage of maturity and goes well beyond the framework of a simple research project. It is necessary to place it on an specific legal tool, better able to satisfy its needs and respond to the requirement for good financial management. As a result, a Community Regulation is necessary to enable the implementation of the deployment and the commercial operating phases of the programme in line with the modalities set up above.

    2004/0156 (COD)

    Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the implementation of the deployment and commercial operating phases of the European programme of satellite radionavigation


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 156 thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission [9],

    [9] OJ C [...] [...], p. [...]

    Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee [10],

    [10] OJ C [...] [...], p. [...]

    Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions [11],

    [11] OJ C [...] [...], p. [...]

    Acting according to the procedure foreseen in article 251 of the Treaty [12],

    [12] ......


    (1) The GALILEO programme aims at putting into place a worldwide satellite radionavigation and positioning infrastructure specifically for civil purposes.

    (2) The European Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee have consistently given their full support to the GALILEO programme.

    (3) The GALILEO programme consists in a technology aiming at improving the everyday life of European citizens in various domains. Satellite radionavigation fits perfectly in the framework of transport policy as described in the Commission's White Paper [13], particularly concerning freight management, tarification of infrastructures and road safety.

    [13] COM (2001) 370 final of 12.9.2001

    (4) This programme is taken up as a priority project in the Growth initiative proposed by the Commission and endorsed by the European Council. It is also one the main realisations of the future European space programme as set out in the White Paper on the future of European Space Policy [14].

    [14] COM (2003) 673 of 11.11.2003

    (5) The GALILEO programme comprises a definition phase, a development phase, a deployment phase and a commercial operating phase.

    (6) The definition and development phases comprise the part of the programme dedicated to research and have received significant support from the Trans-European network budget.

    (7) Regulation (CE) n° 2236/95 of the Council of 18 September 1995 [15] laying down general rules for the granting of Community financial aid in the field of trans-European networks, established the rules for Community financial support for Community projects in the field of satellite navigation and positioning systems.

    [15] JO L228 of 23.09.1995, P. 1, modified by Regulation (CE) 807/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council (JO L 143 of 30.04.2004, p. 46)

    (8) Regulation (CE) n° 876/2002 of the Council [16] created the GALILEO Joint Undertaking to ensure the implementation of the development phase of the GALILEO programme.

    [16] JO L138 of 28.05.2002, p. 1

    (9) In order to ensure the continuation of the programme, it is necessary to secure the financing of the deployment and the commercial operating phases.

    (10) According to the Council's decision to limit to 1/3 the public contribution to the deployment phase and the contributions already foreseen by the current financial perspectives, the Community contribution for the deployment phase should reach EUR [500] million in the new financial perspectives

    (11) Taking into account the special nature of the market for satellite navigation services and the marketing of these services as well as the guarantee of provision of these services in the interest of the public sector, it will be necessary to provide some exceptional public financing during the first years of the commercial operating phase. Moreover, in its conclusions of 25-26 March 2002, and its meeting of 8-9 March 2004, the Council specifically foresaw the use of Community funds to finance the commercial operating phase. The foreseen amount of the necessary Community funding should be in the region of EUR [500] million.

    (12) It is therefore necessary to foresee a sum of EUR1 billion from the Community budget to finance the deployment and the commercial operating phases of GALILEO for the period 2007-2013.

    (13) During the deployment and the commercial operating phases, the construction and then the management of the system will be entrusted to a private concessionaire working under the control of the Supervisory Authority created by Council Regulation (CE) n° ...../2004 of ....... 2004.

    (14) The missions of the Supervisory Authority include managing the public funds allocated to the European Satellite radionavigation programme as well as following the financial management of this programme so as to optimise the use of public money. In addition, the Supervisory Authority carries out budgetary responsibilities given to it by the Commission in line with the requirements of article 54 paragraph 2, point (b) of Regulation (CE, Euratom) n° 1605/2002 of the Council of 25 June 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the Community budget [17].

    [17] JO L 248 of 16.9.2002, p. 1

    (15) The GALILEO programme having now reached an advanced stage of maturity and goes well beyond the framework of a simple project. It is necessary to place it on a specific legal basis, better able to satisfy its needs and respond to the requirement for good financial management.

    (16) This Regulation establishes, for the deployment and the commercial operating phases of the programme, a financial envelope constituting the main reference for the budgetary authority, according to point 33 of the interinstitutional agreement of 6 May 1999 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and the improvement of the budgetary procedure


    Article 1

    The present Regulation defines the modalities of the financial contribution of the Community for the implementation of the deployment and commercial operating phases of the European satellite radionavigation GALILEO, hereafter entitled "programme".

    Article 2

    The Community contribution to the programme allocated by this Regulation is granted with the aim of co-financing:

    a) activities related to the deployment phase, covering the construction and the launch of satellites as well as the complete setting up of the terrestrial infrastructure;

    b) the first series of activities related to the launch of the commercial operating phase, covering the management of the infrastructure composed by satellites and the associated ground stations, as well as the maintenance and updating of the system.

    Article 3

    The financial amount necessary for the implementation of the actions foreseen in article 2 of this Regulation for the period from 1st January 2007 to 31 December 2013 is [1 billion EUR].

    The annual appropriations are authorised by the Budgetary Authority within the limits of the financial perspectives.

    Article 4

    The GALILEO Supervisory Authority ensures, in accordance with article 54, paragraph 2, point b) of Regulation (CE, Euratom) n° 1605/2002 of the Council of 25 June 2002 on financial regulation, and the requirements of Regulation (CE) n° ..../2004, the management and control of the use of Community funds allocated to the European programme of satellite radionavigation.

    Operational credits necessary for the financing of the Community contribution are being granted to the GALILEO Supervisory Authority, through an agreement, in accordance with the requirements of article 2, point e) of Regulation (CE) n° ......./2004.

    The amount of each annual subsidy is determined on the basis of the work programme of the Supervisory Authority approved by its Administrative Board, in accordance with the procedure foreseen in article 6 of Regulation (CE) n° ......./2004.

    The agreement stipulates in particular the general conditions for the management of the funds granted to the Supervisory Authority;

    Article 5

    The Commission shall ensure that, when actions financed under this Regulation are implemented by the Supervisory Authority, the financial interests of the Community are protected by the application of preventive measures against fraud, corruption and any other illegal activities, by effective checks and by the recovery of the amounts unduly paid and, if irregularities are detected, by effective, proportional and dissuasive penalties, in accordance with Council Regulation No 2988/95 [18] and Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 [19], and with Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council [20].

    [18] JO L 312 of 23.12.1995, P. 1

    [19] JO L 292 of 15.11.1996, p. 2

    [20] JO L 136 of 31.05.1999, p. 1

    For the Community actions financed under this Regulation, the notion of irregularity referred to in Article 1, paragraph 2 of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 shall mean any infringement of a provision of Community law or any breach of a contractual obligation resulting from an act or omission by an economic operator, which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the general budget of the Communities or budgets managed by them, by an unjustified item of expenditure.

    Contracts and agreements [as well as agreements with participating third countries] resulting from this regulation shall provide in particular for supervision and financial control by the Commission, or of any representative authorized by it, and audits by the Court of Auditors, if necessary on-the-spot.

    Article 6

    The Commission will ensure the implementation of the present Regulation and report regularly to the European Parliament and the Council.

    Article 7

    This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

    Done at Brussels,

    For the European Parliament For the Council

    The President The President


    Domaine(s) politique(s): Promoting the competitiveness, security and environmental sustainability of EU networks

    Activité(s): Phase de déploiement et d'exploitation du programme GALILEO

    Dénomination de l'action: Proposition de réglement du conseil Relatif a la mise en oeuvre des phases de deploiement et d'exploitation du programme européen de radionavigation par satellite


    Ligne Budgétaire spécifique au programme Galileo


    2.1 Enveloppe totale de l'action (partie B): 1.000 millions d'euros en CE

    La décision de l'autorité législative est sans préjudice aux décisions budgétaires prises dans le contexte de la procédure annuelle.

    2.2 Période d'application:


    2.3 Estimation globale pluriannuelle des dépenses:

    a) Échéancier crédits d'engagement/crédits de paiement (intervention financière) (cf. point 6.1.1)

    Millions d'euros (à la 3e décimale)


    b) Assistance technique et administrative (ATA) et dépenses d'appui (DDA) (cf. point 6.1.2)

    Non applicable

    c) Incidence financière globale des ressources humaines et autres dépenses de fonctionnement

    (cf. points 7.2 et 7.3)

    Non applicable

    2.4 Compatibilité avec la programmation financière et les perspectives financières

    [x] Proposition compatible avec la Communication de la Commission concernant 2007-2013 du 10 février 2004 (COM (2004) 101).

    2.5 Incidence financière sur les recettes

    [x] Aucune implication financière (concerne des aspects techniques relatifs à la mise en oeuvre d'une mesure).




    Article 156 du traité instituant la Communauté européenne.


    5.1 Nécessité d'une intervention communautaire [21]

    [21] Pour plus d'informations, voir le document d'orientation séparé.

    5.1.1 Objectifs poursuivis

    Le programme GALILEO vise à mettre en place la première infrastructure mondiale de radionavigation et de positionnement par satellite spécifiquement conçue à des fins civiles. Il présente une dimension à la fois technologique, politique et économique. Dès aujourd'hui, la radionavigation par satellite est entrée dans la vie quotidienne du citoyen européen ce qui confère au programme GALILEO une dimension « citoyenne » supplémentaire.

    Il importe aussi de souligner la dimension européenne et la valeur ajoutée communautaire de GALILEO, aucun Etat membre n'ayant souhaité développer seul un tel projet.

    Dans ce contexte, le Conseil a considéré dès juillet 1999 que « la mise en place d'un système de navigation par satellite à usage civil permettra de parvenir à une indépendance accrue dans une des technologies clés les plus importantes » et que « la mise au point d'un système de navigation par satellite à usage civil offre à l'industrie européenne des possibilités d'accroître sa compétence et de tirer profit sur une grande échelle des possibilités qu'ouvre cette technologie d'avenir ». Depuis lors, le Conseil et le Conseil européen ont souligné à maintes reprises l'importance stratégique de ce programme et ont demandé à la Commission de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires afin de le mettre en oeuvre.

    Les phases de définition et de développement constituent la partie du programme consacrée à la recherche. Aussi, depuis son origine, le programme GALILEO a-t-il été financé de façon significative par le budget communautaire. La participation financière communautaire s'est accrue avec la phase de développement et de validation, pour laquelle elle s'élève à 550 millions d'euros, prélevés sur le budget des réseaux transeuropéens.

    Afin d'assurer la poursuite du programme, la Commission doit veiller au financement des phases de déploiement et d'exploitation, qui comprendra notamment une contribution communautaire.

    La contribution communautaire allouée au programme Galileo par le présent règlement est octroyée dans le but de co-financer :

    * des activités liées à la phase de déploiement, qui comprend la construction et le lancement des satellites ainsi que la mise en place complète de l'infrastructure terrestre;

    * la première série des activités liées au lancement de la phase d'exploitation, qui comprend la gestion de l'infrastructure composée des satellites et des stations terrestre associées à son fonctionnement, ainsi que l'entretien et le perfectionnement constant de ce système.

    5.1.2 Dispositions prises relevant de l'évaluation ex ante :

    Pendant la phase de définition du programme, plusieurs études ont été menées à bien. Elles portaient notamment sur le coût des différentes phases du programme, la viabilité du projet ainsi que sur la contribution financière du secteur public. En outre, faisant suite à une demande du Conseil, la Commission a fait appel à un consultant indépendant, le cabinet PricewaterhouseCoopers, pour effectuer une analyse du projet comportant, entre autres, le calcul du ratio bénéfice/coût et une proposition sur la structure la plus adéquate pour associer le secteur privé. En mars 2002 et en mars 2004, sur la base en particulier de ces différentes études, le Conseil a adopté des conclusions prévoyant explicitement une intervention des fonds communautaires pour financer les phases de déploiement et d'exploitation.

    Le coût de la phase de déploiement est estimé à 2,1 milliards d'euros. Il devrait être en grande partie supporté par le secteur privé. En effet, à diverses reprises depuis 2001, le Conseil a souligné que le secteur privé devait participer substantiellement au financement du projet. Plus précisément, dans les conclusions qu'il a adoptées lors de sa réunion des 25 et 26 mars 2002, il a convenu, pour le financement de la phase de déploiement, « de s'efforcer de garantir une répartition selon laquelle un tiers au maximum provienne du budget communautaire et deux tiers au minimum du secteur privé ». Sur cette base, le secteur privé devrait prendre en charge au moins 1,4 milliards d'euros et le reste, soit quelque 700 millions d'euros, serait financé par le secteur public. En conséquence, compte tenu des financements déjà prévus par les actuelles perspectives financières, le montant du financement de la phase de déploiement supporté par le budget communautaire dans le cadre des nouvelles perspectives financières devrait s'élever à [500] millions d'euros.

    Le financement de la phase d'exploitation, qui débutera en 2008, sera assuré par le secteur privé. Néanmoins, compte tenu de la nature particulière du marché de la radionavigation par satellite et de la commercialisation de ses services ainsi que de la garantie de mise à disposition de ceux-ci dans l'intérêt du secteur public, il sera nécessaire d'apporter une part de financements publics exceptionnels pendant les premières années de la phase d'exploitation. Dans les conclusions qu'il a adoptées lors de sa réunion des 25 et 26 mars 2002 ainsi que lors de sa réunion des 8 et 9 mars 2004, le Conseil a d'ailleurs explicitement prévu l'intervention de fonds communautaires pour le financement de la phase d'exploitation. Le montant exact de la contribution communautaire ne sera connu qu'à l'issue des négociations sur le contrat de concession, qui se poursuivront en 2005. Toutefois, à la lumière des résultats de l'étude PricewaterhouseCoopers() effectuée en 2001 et portant en particulier sur le ratio coûts/bénéfices du projet, il est raisonnable de prévoir à ce titre une somme d'un montant de [500] millions d'euros dans les nouvelles perspectives financières.

    Sur le schéma institutionnel il convient à signaler que pendant ces deux phases la construction, puis la gestion du système seront confiées à un concessionnaire privé placé sous le contrôle de l'Autorité de Surveillance, agence communautaire qui jouera le rôle d'autorité concédante. La solution de la concession est, en effet, apparue comme la plus appropriée pour assurer le succès du programme dans le cadre d'un partenariat public privé.

    Pendant les phases de déploiement et d'exploitation, l'Autorité de Surveillance surveillera en particulier les activités du concessionnaire et vérifiera qu'elles correspondent aux spécifications du contrat et du cahier des charges.

    GALILEO étant un service public mondial, le nombre de récepteurs en service dans le monde constituera, à moyen et long terme, l'un des principaux indicateurs de la réussite du programme et du bon emploi des fonds communautaires.

    5.2 Actions envisagées et modalités de l'intervention budgétaire

    La contribution communautaire allouée au programme Galileo par le présent règlement est octroyée dans le but de co-financer :

    * des activités liées à la phase de déploiement, qui comprend la construction et le lancement des satellites ainsi que la mise en place complète de l'infrastructure terrestre;

    * la première série des activités liées au lancement de la phase d'exploitation, qui comprend la gestion de l'infrastructure composée des satellites et des stations terrestre associées à son fonctionnement, ainsi que l'entretien et le perfectionnement constant de ce système.

    Il résulte de ce qui précède qu'il convient de prévoir à la charge du budget communautaire une somme d'[un milliard] d'euros pour le financement des phases de déploiement et d'exploitation de GALILEO pendant la période s'étendant de 2007 à 2013. Cette somme sera versée à l'Autorité de Surveillance qui en fera usage conformément aux dispositions précitées du règlement n° ___/2004.

    La ligne budgétaire sur laquelle sera imputée cette somme ne saurait être celle du budget de la recherche ou celle des réseaux transeuropéens des transports, mais une ligne particulière créée pour les phases de déploiement et d'exploitation du programme GALILEO, dès lors que :

    - le programme est maintenant parvenu à maturité et a pris une dimension qui s'étend bien au-delà des politiques sectorielles poursuivies par la Commission, notamment en matière de recherche et d'innovation, de transports, de télécommunications, etc ;

    - la taille des actions couvertes impose des obligations de transparence et de rigueur budgétaire ainsi qu'un suivi scrupuleux du programme ;

    - il importe que le schéma institutionnel et le cadre budgétaire apparaissent clairs, cohérents et sans équivoques vis à vis du concessionnaire du système, à qui la Communauté impose de son côté des exigences de transparence et de solidité comparables.

    Il convient d'insister sur le fait que le financement du programme GALILEO par le budget communautaire sera limité dans le temps, les revenus commerciaux générés par l'exploitation du système devant à terme en assurer l'équilibre financier. Ils devraient même être suffisants pour assurer le perfectionnement et le renouvellement du système. A cet égard, outre les fonds provenant du budget communautaire, le plan de financement des phases de déploiement et d'exploitation comprend trois autres ressources qui ont été identifiées et décrites par les consortia candidats à la concession.

    En premier lieu, le concessionnaire du système se rétribuera par la fourniture des différents services générés par le système GALILEO.

    En second lieu, le concessionnaire tirera également partie des licences et des droits de propriété intellectuelle sur les composants du système, dont la jouissance lui aura été gratuitement concédée par l'Autorité de Surveillance.

    En troisième lieu, la Banque Européenne d'Investissement s'est déclarée favorable à l'octroi de prêts. A cet égard, l'importance de disposer de prêts à long terme assortis d'une période de grâce permettant un remboursement à partir du moment où le système commencera à générer des flux commerciaux conséquents, n'est plus à démontrer.

    Par ailleurs, s'agissant des fonds d'origine publique, il convient de mentionner que plusieurs pays tiers, principalement la Chine, Israël et l'Inde, ont prévu de participer financièrement au programme dans le cadre d'accords de coopération.

    Enfin, l'Autorité de Surveillance pourra utiliser les fonds destinés au financement des actions de recherche et de développement technologique dans les domaines associés à la radionavigation par satellite et à ses multiples applications, notamment pour moderniser et améliorer constamment le système.

    5.3 Modalités de mise en oeuvre

    La création de l'Autorité de Surveillance et la gestion par cette Autorité des fonds alloués au programme européen de radionavigation par satellite constituent une forme d'externalisation qui va dans le sens de la politique de simplification des modes de gestion que s'est fixée la Commission.

    L'Autorité de Surveillance a été créée par le règlement du Conseil n° ___/2004 du ___ 2004 sur les structures de gestion du programme européen de radionavigation par satellite. Elle sera mise en place durant la première moitié de l'année 2005.

    Elle a pour objet d'assurer la gestion des intérêts publics relatifs aux programmes européens de radionavigation par satellite et de jouer le rôle d'autorité concédante à l'égard du futur concessionnaire. Parmi ses missions figurent la gestion des fonds publics alloués aux programmes européens de radionavigation par satellite ainsi que le suivi de la gestion financière de ces programmes afin d'optimiser l'utilisation des fonds publics.

    En outre, l'Autorité de Surveillance exécutera les tâches budgétaires qui lui seront confiées par la Commission conformément aux dispositions de l'article 54 (2) (b) du règlement financier applicable au budget de la Communauté européenne.

    Il importe de souligner qu'afin de permettre à l'Autorité de Surveillance de mener à bien ses missions, son Conseil d'Administration, composé de représentants des Etats membres et de la Commission, a reçu des pouvoirs étendus pour établir le budget, en contrôler l'exécution, approuver le programme de travail, adopter les mesures financières adéquates et mettre en place des procédures transparentes de prise de décision. Par ailleurs, les activités de l'Autorité de Surveillance sont soumises au contrôle de la Cour des comptes.


    6.1 Incidence financière totale sur la partie B (pour toute la période de programmation)

    La contribution communautaire affectée au programme européen de radionavigation par satellite sera octroyée à l'Autorité de surveillance Galileo qui assurera la gestion et le contrôle de l'utilisation des fonds. Le financement prendra la forme d'une subvention au budget de l'Autorité de surveillance Galileo, conformément aux dispositions de l'article 2 e) du règlement n° ___/2004.

    6.1.1 Intervention financière

    Crédits d'engagement en millions d'euros (à la 3e décimale)


    6.1.2 Assistance technique et administrative (ATA), dépenses d'appui (DDA) et dépenses TI (crédits d'engagement)

    Non applicable

    6.2. Calcul des coûts par mesure envisagée en partie B (pour toute la période de programmation) [22]

    [22] Pour plus d'informations, voir le document d'orientation séparé.

    Les conventions de financements seront conclues entre la Commission, agissant au nom de la Communauté, et l'Autorité de surveillance Galileo. Le montant de chaque convention annuelle sera déterminé sur la base du programme de travail de l'Autorité de surveillance approuvé par son Conseil d'administration, conformément à la procédure prévue par l'article 6 du règlement XXXX. Les termes de ces conventions stipulent en particulier les conditions générales de la gestion des fonds confiés à l'Autorité de surveillance.


    Non applicable


    8.1 Système de suivi

    Le suivi sera assuré par l'Autorité de Surveillance Galileo. Elle fixera les objectives et les indicateurs au début de chaque année.

    (voir point 5.3)

    8.2 Modalités et périodicité de l'évaluation prévue

    L'Autorité de Surveillance, selon les modalités prévues par son Règlement, assurera l'évaluation, la gestion et le contrôle de l'utilisation des fonds communautaire. (voir point 5.3)


    Selon l'article 6 du présent Règlement, les conventions de financement, ainsi que tout contrat ou instrument de mise en oeuvre qui en découle, prévoient expressément que la Cour des comptes et l'Office européen de lutte antifraude (OLAF) peuvent, au besoin, procéder à un contrôle sur place
