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Document 51994AC1402

OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE on the Draft Council Decision amending Council Decision 91/115/EEC establishing a Committee on Monetary Financial and Balance-of-Payments Statistics

OJ C 397, 31.12.1994, p. 52–52 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT)


OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE on the Draft Council Decision amending Council Decision 91/115/EEC establishing a Committee on Monetary Financial and Balance-of-Payments Statistics

Official Journal C 397 , 31/12/1994 P. 0052

Opinion on the draft Council Decision amending Council Decision 91/115/EEC establishing a Committee on Monetary Financial and Balance-of-Payments Statistics (94/C 397/19)

On 13 December 1994 the Commission decided to consult the Economic and Social Committee, under Article 198 of the Treaty establishing the European Community, on the abovementioned draft Decision.

The Section for Economic, Financial and Monetary Questions, which was responsible for preparing the Committee's work on the subject, adopted its Opinion on 6 December 1994. The Rapporteur was Mr R. Donovan.

At its 321st Plenary Session (meeting of 21 December 1994), the Economic and Social Committee adopted unanimously the following Opinion.

1. The Commission's draft amendments to the Council Decision of 25 February 1991 aim at adding new members to the Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance-of-Payment Statistics following the establishment of the European Monetary Institute on 1 January 1994.

2. The proposed modifications being of an essentially formal nature, the Economic and Social Committee approves the draft Council decision.

Done at Brussels, 21 December 1994.

The President

of the Economic and Social Committee

