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Document JOC_2002_331_E_0128_01
Proposal for Council Regulation introducing a system for the statistical monitoring of trade in bluefin tuna, swordfish and bigeye tuna within the Community (COM(2002) 453 final — 2002/0200(CNS))
Proposal for Council Regulation introducing a system for the statistical monitoring of trade in bluefin tuna, swordfish and bigeye tuna within the Community (COM(2002) 453 final — 2002/0200(CNS))
Proposal for Council Regulation introducing a system for the statistical monitoring of trade in bluefin tuna, swordfish and bigeye tuna within the Community (COM(2002) 453 final — 2002/0200(CNS))
OJ C 331E, 31.12.2002, p. 128–165
(ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)
Proposal for Council Regulation introducing a system for the statistical monitoring of trade in bluefin tuna, swordfish and bigeye tuna within the Community /* COM/2002/0453 final - CNS 2002/0200 */
Official Journal 331 E , 31/12/2002 P. 0128 - 0165
Proposal for COUNCIL REGULATION introducing a system for the statistical monitoring of trade in bluefin tuna, swordfish and bigeye tuna within the Community (presented by the Commission) EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM The European Community participates in regional fisheries organisations (RFOs) which provide a framework for regional cooperation in the conservation and management of fish stocks. In the last ten years a number of RFOs have adopted and implemented various programmes which seek, through the introduction of catch declarations, certificates of origin, monitoring and control arrangements and statistical document programmes, to control unlawful, unregulated and unreported fishing. The ICCAT has had in place a statistical document programme for bluefin tuna since 1993. At its seventeenth ordinary meeting in 2001, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) adopted two recommendations, one on the introduction of a statistical document programme for swordfish and the other for bigeye tuna. At the same time, the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), at its sixth annual meeting in 2001, adopted a resolution on the introduction of a statistical document programme for bigeye tuna. The aim of these programmes is to improve the reliability of statistical data on catches of the species concerned and to provide information about trade flows. To that end the programmes seek to control imports, exports and re-exports of the products in question, using a statistical document validated by the competent authorities of the State concerned. The programmes, furthermore, impose an obligation on the contracting parties to ensure the collection and cross-checking of trade data. The purpose of this proposal is to incorporate in Community law the obligations laid down by the programmes and to establish the Member States' responsibility for seeing to it that they are fulfilled. In the case of bluefin tuna, the recommendations and resolutions adopted previously by the ICCAT concerning the statistical document programme have been incorporated in Community law by Council Regulation (EC) No 858/94 of 12 April 1994 introducing a system for the statistical monitoring of trade in bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) within the Community, as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1446/99 of 24 June 1999. In order to ensure that the provisions on statistical documents are more easily readable and applied uniformly, Regulation (EC) No 858/94 should be repealed and its provisions incorporated in this proposal. The Commission proposes therefore that the Council adopt the attached proposal. 2002/0200 (CNS) Proposal for COUNCIL REGULATION introducing a system for the statistical monitoring of trade in bluefin tuna, swordfish and bigeye tuna within the Community THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 37 thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the Commission [1], [1] OJ C, p. Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament [2], [2] OJ C, p. Whereas: (1) Since 14 November 1997, and following the adoption of Council Decision 86/238/EEC [3], the Community has been a Contracting Party to the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas signed in Rio de Janeiro on 14 May 1966, as amended by the Protocol annexed to the Final Act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries of the States Parties to the Convention signed at Paris on 10 July 1984 (hereinafter called the "ICCAT Convention"). [3] OJ L 162, 18.6.1986, p. 33. (2) The ICCAT Convention provides a framework for regional cooperation in the conservation and management of tuna stocks and tuna-like species in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas through the establishment of an International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, hereinafter called the "ICCAT", and the adoption by the latter of conservation measures which become binding on the contracting parties. (3) As part of the measures to regulate stocks of bigeye tuna and swordfish, improve the quality and reliability of statistical data and control the spread of illegal fishing, the ICCAT has adopted recommendations on the introduction of statistical document programmes for bigeye tuna and Atlantic swordfish. Since these recommendations have become binding on the Community, they need to be put into effect. (4) Council Decision 95/399/EC [4] approved the accession of the Community to the Agreement for the establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission. This Agreement constitutes a framework for strengthening international cooperation for the purpose of conserving and making rational use of Indian Ocean tuna and related species through the establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, hereinafter called the "IOTC" and the adoption by the latter of resolutions on conservation and management in the area of competence of the IOTC which become binding on the contracting parties. [4] OJ L 236, 5.10.1995, p. 24. (5) The IOTC has adopted a resolution establishing a statistical document programme for bigeye tuna. As this resolution has become binding on the Community, it needs to be put into effect. (6) The recommendations and resolution on a statistical document programme for bluefin tuna adopted previously by the ICCAT have been incorporated in Community law by Council Regulation (EC) No 858/94 of 12 April 1994 introducing a system for the statistical monitoring of trade in bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) within the Community [5]. In order to ensure that the provisions on statistical documents are more easily readable and applied uniformly, Regulation (EC) No 858/94 should be repealed and all the relevant provisions brought together in this Regulation. [5] OJ L 99, 19.4.1994, p. 1. Regulation amended by Regulation (EC) No 1446/1999 (OJ L 167, 2.7.1999, p. 1). (7) The measures needed to implement this Regulation should be adopted in accordance with Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission [6], [6] OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23. HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: Chapter 1 - General provisions Article 1 Object This Regulation lays down general rules and conditions for the application by the Community of: a) the statistical document programmes for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) adopted by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (hereinafter called "ICCAT"); b) the statistical document programme for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) adopted by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (hereinafter called "IOTC"). Article 2 Scope This Regulation shall apply to bluefin tuna, swordfish and bigeye tuna as referred to in Article 1: a) caught by a Community vessel or producer, or b) imported into the Community, or c) exported or re-exported from the Community to a third country. This Regulation shall not apply to bigeye tuna taken by seiners or baitboats and intended mainly for the canning industry in the areas of application of the Agreement for the establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (hereinafter called "the IOTC Agreement") and the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (hereinafter called "the ICCAT Convention"). Article 3 Definitions For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply: a) bluefin tuna: fish of the species Thunnus thynnus falling within the TARIC codes listed in Annex I; b) swordfish: fish of the species Xiphias gladius falling within the TARIC codes listed in Annex II; c) bigeye tuna: fish of the species Thunnus obesus falling within the TARIC codes listed in Annex III; d) fishing: capture by a vessel with a view to landing, transshipment or placing in a cage or by a producer using a tuna trap net, of any fish belonging to one of the species listed in Article 1; e) Community producer: natural persons or legal entities using the means of production for obtaining fishery products with a view to first-stage marketing; f) importation: the customs procedures referred to in Article 4, points 16 (a) to 16 (f), of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 [7]. [7] OJ L 302, 19.10.1992, p. 1. Chapter 2: Statistical monitoring Section 1 - Requirements on Member States in respect of imports Article 4 Statistical document for importation 1. All quantities of fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1 imported from a third country into the territory of the Community shall be accompanied by a statistical document drawn up in accordance with the specimen shown at: - Annex IVa in the case of bluefin tuna, - Annex V in the case of swordfish, - Annex VI or Annex VII in the case of bigeye tuna. 2. A statistical document shall: a) contain all the information specified in the relevant Annexes referred to in paragraph 1 and all the signatures required by the appropriate operators, who shall be answerable for the declarations made therein; b) be validated: i) where the fishing has been carried out by a vessel: by a civil servant duly approved by the flag State of the vessel which carries out the fishing or by any other person or institution duly approved by that State. In the case of the third countries listed in Annex IVb, validation may be undertaken by an institution recognised for that purpose by that country; ii) where the fishing has been carried out using a trap net: by a civil servantl duly approved by the State in whose territorial waters the catch has been taken; iii) in the case of swordfish and bigeye tuna caught by a vessel operating under a charter agreement: by a civil servant or any other person or institution duly approved by the exporting State; iv) in the case of bigeye tuna caught by one of the vessels listed in Annexes VIIIa and VIIIb: by a Japanese or Taiwanese government official or by any other person duly approved for that purpose by the Governments of those countries. 3. The statistical document shall be delivered to the competent authorities of the Member State in which the product is placed in free circulation. 4. The Member States shall ensure that their customs authorities or other competent official agents request and examine all documents, including the statistical document, for imports of fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1. Those authorities may also examine the content of any cargo in order to verify the accuracy of the information contained in those documents. 5. The importation of fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1 shall be prohibited where the cargo concerned is not accompanied by the statistical document for the relevant importation, validated and completed in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2. Section 2: Requirements on Member States in respect of exports Article 5 Statistical document for exportation 1. All quantities of fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1 caught by a Community vessel or taken by a Community producer and exported to a third country shall be accompanied by a statistical document drawn up in accordance with the specimen shown at: - Annex IV in the case of bluefin tuna; - Annex V in the case of swordfish; - Annex VI or Annex VII in the case of bigeye tuna. 2. A statistical document shall: a) contain all the information specified in the relevant Annexes referred to in paragraph 1 and all the signatures required by the appropriate operators, who shall be answerable for the declarations made therein; b) be validated by: i) the competent authorities of the flag Member State, or ii) the competent authorities of another Member State in which the products are landed, provided the corresponding quantities are exported outside the Community from the territory of that Member State. The latter shall transmit a copy of the validated statistical document to the flag State within two months. 3. The Member States shall ensure that their customs authorities or other competent official agents request and examine all documents, including the statistical document, for exports of all fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1. These authorities may also examine the content of any cargo in order to verify the accuracy of the information contained in those documents. 4. Each Member State shall send the Commission the information concerning its competent authorities referred to in paragraph 2(b). The Commission shall forward this information to the other Member States. 5. The exportation of fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1 shall be prohibited where the load concerned is not accompanied by the statistical document for the relevant exportation, validated and completed in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2. Section 3: Requirements on Member States in respect of re-exports Article 6 Re-export licences 1. A re-export licence shall accompany all quantities of fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1 which are: a) re-exported from the Community to a third country following importation into the Community; or b) imported into the territory of the Community from a third country after having been re-exported by that third country. Re-export licences shall be drawn up in accordance with the specimen shown at: a) Annex IX in the case of bluefin tuna; b) Annex X in the case of swordfish; c) Annex XI or Annex XII in the case of bigeye tuna. 2. Re-export licences shall: a) contain all the information specified in the relevant Annexes referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 and all the signatures required by the appropriate operators, who shall be answerable for the declarations made therein; b) be validated by the competent authorities of the Member State from which the re-export is to take place or the competent authorities of the third country from which the re-export has taken place; c) be accompanied by a duly validated copy of the statistical document for importation referred to in Article 4. 3. Member States which authenticate re-export licences in accordance with paragraph 2(b) shall require re-exporters to provide the necessary documents certifying that the cargo of fish re-exported corresponds to the cargo of fish originally imported. The Member States shall provide the flag State or the exporting State, upon request, with a copy of the licence. 4. The re-export licence shall be delivered to the competent authorities of the Member State of importation or re-exportation. 5. The Member States shall ensure that their customs authorities or other competent official agents request and examine all documents, including the re-export licence, for the re-export of fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1. These authorities may also examine the content of any cargo in order to verify the accuracy of the information contained in those documents. 6. The re-export and import following the re-export of fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1 shall be prohibited where the cargo concerned is not accompanied by the corresponding licence, validated and completed in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2. Article 7 Repeated re-exports 1. All quantities of fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1, re-exported after having already been re-exported, shall be accompanied by a new re-export licence, validated and completed in accordance with Article 6(1) and (2). Article 6(3), (4), (5) and (6) shall apply. 2. The new licence referred to in paragraph 1 shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the preceding, duly validated, re-export licences which accompanied the cargo. Chapter 3: Transmission of data Article 8 Information concerning validation Each Member State shall forward to the Commission not later than 30 days following the entry into force of this Regulation a specimen of its statistical documents and re-export licences. It shall also forward to the Commission all necessary information concerning validation and, in good time, any changes to those documents and licences, in accordance with: a) the ICCAT specimen shown at Annex XIII for bluefin tuna, swordfish and bigeye tuna; b) the IOTC specimen shown at Annex XIV for bigeye tuna. Article 9 Transmission of data 1. Member States which import, export or re-export fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1 shall forward to the Commission by computer transmission before 15 March for the period from 1 July to 31 December of the preceding year and before 15 September for the period from 1 January to 30 June of the current year, a report on: a) the quantities of each commercial presentation of fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1 imported into their territory, broken down by third country of origin, place of catch and type of fishing gear used; b) the quantities of each commercial presentation of fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1 imported into their territory after having been re-exported by a third country, broken down by third country of origin, place of capture and type of fishing gear used. 2. The report referred to in paragraph 1 shall contain the information specified in: a) Annex XV for bluefin tuna; b) Annex XVI for swordfish; c) Annex XVII or Annex XVIII for bigeye tuna. Article 10 National report Member States which export fish belonging to one of the species referred to in Article 1 shall check that the information on imports transmitted by the Commission corresponds to their own information. They shall inform the Commission of the outcome of such cross-checks in the national report referred to in Article 9 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1936/2001 [8]. [8] OJ L 263, 3.10.2001, p. 1. Chapter 4: Final provisions Article 11 Amendment of Annexes The Annexes hereto may be amended in accordance with the ICCAT and the IOTC conservation measures which become binding on the Community and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 12(2). Article 12 Committee procedure 1. The Commission shall be assisted by the Management Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture established by Article 17 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3760/92 [9]. [9] OJ L 389, 31.12.1992, p. 1. 2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 4 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply. 3. The period provided for in Article 4(3) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be one month. Article 13 Repeal 1. Regulation (EC) No 858/94 is hereby repealed. 2. References to the repealed Regulation shall be understood as references to this Regulation and are to be read in accordance with the table of equivalence shown in Annex XIX. Article 14 Entry into force This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, For the Council The President ANNEX I PRODUCTS REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 3(a) Without prejudice to the rules for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, the wording of the description of the goods is regarded as being for information purposes only. In the context of this Annex, the TARIC codes will apply, as they exist when this Regulation is adopted. TARIC code 0301 99 90 60 0302 35 10 00 0302 35 90 00 0303 45 11 00 0303 45 13 00 0303 45 19 00 0303 45 90 00 0304 10 38 60 0304 10 98 50 0304 20 45 10 0304 90 97 70 0305 20 00 18 0305 20 00 74 0305 30 90 30 0305 49 80 10 0305 59 90 40 0305 69 90 30 1604 14 11 20 1604 14 16 20 1604 14 18 20 1604 20 70 30 ANNEX II PRODUCTS REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 3(b) Without prejudice to the rules for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, the wording of the description of the goods is regarded as being for information purposes only. In the context of this Annex, the TARIC codes will apply, as they exist when this Regulation is adopted. TARIC code 0301 99 90 70 0302 69 87 00 0303 79 87 10 0303 79 87 20 0303 79 87 90 0304 10 38 70 0304 10 98 55 0304 20 87 00 0304 90 65 00 0305 20 00 19 0305 20 00 76 0305 30 90 40 0305 49 80 20 0305 59 90 50 0305 69 90 50 1604 19 91 30 1604 19 98 20 1604 20 90 60 ANNEX III PRODUCTS REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 3(c) Without prejudice to the rules for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, the wording of the description of the goods is regarded as being for information purposes only. In the context of this Annex, the TARIC codes will apply, as they exist when this Regulation is adopted. TARIC code 0301 99 90 75 0302 34 10 00 0302 34 90 00 0303 44 11 00 0303 44 13 00 0303 44 19 00 0303 44 90 00 0304 10 38 75 0304 10 98 65 0304 20 45 20 0304 90 97 75 0305 20 00 21 0305 20 00 78 0305 30 90 75 0305 49 80 60 0305 59 90 45 0305 69 90 40 1604 14 11 30 1604 14 16 30 1604 14 18 30 1604 20 70 40 ANNEX IVa SPECIMEN ICCAT BLUEFIN TUNA STATISTICAL DOCUMENT >TABLE POSITION> NOTE: IF THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETED IN A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH, PLEASE ATTACH A TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH. BLUEFIN TUNA STATISTICAL DOCUMENT INSTRUCTION SHEET Pursuant to the 1992 ICCAT recommendations, importers of bluefin tuna into the territory of an ICCAT contracting party or who bring it for the first time into the area of a regional economic organisation will be required to complete the appropriate sections of this document. Only complete and valid documents will ensure that shipments of bluefin tuna will be allowed to enter the territory of contracting parties. Shipments of bluefin tuna that are accompanied by incorrectly documented Bluefin Tuna Statistical Documents (i.e. the statistical document is either missing from the consignment or is incomplete, invalid or falsified) will be considered illegitimate consignments of bluefin tuna, that are contrary to ICCAT conservation efforts, and their entry into the territory of a contracting party will be suspended (PENDING RECEIPT OF A PROPERLY COMPLETED DOCUMENT) or subject to administrative or other sanction. Please use this instruction sheet as a guide to complete the sections of the Bluefin Tuna Statistical Document that apply to exporters, importers, and Government validation. IF A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH IS USED WHEN COMPLETING THIS DOCUMENT, PLEASE ATTACH A TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH. NOTE: IF A BLUEFIN TUNA PRODUCT IS EXPORTED DIRECTLY TO JAPAN WITHOUT FIRST PASSING THROUGH ANOTHER COUNTRY, ALL FISH MAY BE ENTERED ON ONE DOCUMENT. HOWEVER, IF THE BLUEFIN TUNA PRODUCT IS EXPORTED THROUGH AN INTERMEDIATE COUNTRY (i.e. A COUNTRY OTHER THAN THE COUNTRY WHICH IS THE FINAL DESTINATION OF THE PRODUCT) SEPARATE DOCUMENTS MUST BE PREPARED FOR DIFFERENT FINAL DESTINATIONS OR EACH FISH MAY BE ACCOMPANIED BY A SEPARATE DOCUMENT TO IDENTIFY ANY POSSIBLE DIVISION OF SHIPMENTS BY AN INTERMEDIATE COUNTRY. THE IMPORT OF FISH PARTS OTHER THAN THE MEAT (i.e. HEAD, EYES, ROE, GUTS, TAILS) MAY BE PERMITTED WITHOUT THE DOCUMENT. INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT No: Country coded document number to be provided by country issuing document. (1) FLAG COUNTRY: Enter the name of the country of the vessel that harvested the bluefin tuna in the shipment and issued this document. According to the ICCAT Recommendation, only the flag State of the vessel that harvested the bluefin tuna can issue this document. (2) NAME OF VESSEL AND REGISTRATION No (where available): Enter the name and registration number of the vessel that harvested the bluefin tuna in the shipment. Where tag numbers are provided in section 5, this section need not be completed. (3) TRAP (where applicable): Enter the name of the trap that harvested the bluefin tuna in the shipment. (4) PLACE OF EXPORT: Enter the town, state or province, and country from which the bluefin tuna was exported. (5) DESCRIPTION OF FISH: The exporter must provide the following information with the highest possible degree of accuracy. NOTE: one row should be used to describe one product type. (1) Product type: identify the type of product being shipped as FRESH or FROZEN (F/FR), and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLETS or OTHER form (RD/GG/DR/FL/OT). For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Gear code: identify the type of gear used to harvest the bluefin tuna using the list below. (3) Area of catch: identify the general area of the ocean in which the bluefin tuna was harvested (i.e. east Atlantic, west Atlantic, Mediterranean (see map below 4), Pacific). (4) Net weight in kg. (5) Country coded tag number (where applicable). (6) EXPORTER'S DECLARATION: The persons or bodies exporting the bluefin tuna shipment must provide their name and address, the date the shipment was exported, and the licence number (where applicable). (7) GOVERNMENT VALIDATION: Enter the name and position of the official signing the document. The official must be in the employment of the competent Government authority of the flag State of the vessel that harvested the bluefin tuna described in the document. This requirement may be waived according to the ICCAT RESOLUTION CONCERNING VALIDATION BY A GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL OF THE BLUEFIN TUNA STATISTICAL DOCUMENT. (8) IMPORTER'S DECLARATION: The persons or bodies importing the bluefin tuna must provide their name and address, the date the bluefin tuna was imported, and the licence number (where applicable). This includes imports into intermediate countries. For fresh and chilled products, the importer's signature may be replaced by that of an employee of the customs clearance agency where that signature is duly accredited by the importer. GEAR CODES: >TABLE POSITION> ANNEX IVb Third countries recognised by ICCAT for which the statistical document can be validated by an institution authorised for this purpose, for example a chamber of commerce: Angola, Brazil, Canada, Cape Verde, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea-Conakry, Japan, Korea, Libya, Morocco, Russia, São Tomé and Principe, South Africa, Tunisia, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela. ANNEX V SPECIMEN ICCAT SWORDFISH STATISTICAL DOCUMENT >TABLE POSITION> ICCAT SWORDFISH STATISTICAL DOCUMENT INSTRUCTION SHEET Pursuant to the 2001 ICCAT recommendation, swordfish imported into the territory of a contracting party or entering the area of a regional economic organisation for the first time must be accompanied by an ICCAT Swordfish Statistical Document from 1 January 2003. Exporters or importers of swordfish from all ocean areas will be required to complete the relevant sections of the ICCAT Swordfish Statistical Document. Only complete and valid documents will guarantee shipments of swordfish admission to the territory of contracting parties (e.g. Japan, Canada, United States, Spain, etc.). Shipments of swordfish that are accompanied by incorrectly documented Statistical Documents (i.e. the Statistical Document is missing from the shipment or is incomplete, invalid or falsified) will be considered illegitimate consignments that are contrary to ICCAT conservation efforts, and their entry into the territory of a contracting party will be suspended (PENDING RECEIPT OF A PROPERLY COMPLETED DOCUMENT) or subject to administrative or other sanctions. Please follow this instruction sheet when completing the sections that apply to exporters, importers, and Government validation. If a language other than English is used when completing this document, please attach a translation into English either to the document or under separate cover. Note: If a swordfish product is exported directly from the country/body/fishing body to a contracting party without first passing through an intermediate country/body/fishing body (i.e. country/body/fishing body other than the country/body/fishing body which is the final destination of the product), separate documents must be completed for fish intended for different final destinations or each fish must be accompanied by a separate document to identify any possible division of shipments by an intermediate country/body/fishing body. The import of swordfish parts other than the meat (i.e. head, eyes, roe, guts, tails) may be allowed without the document. DOCUMENT No: Country coded document number to be provided by the country/body/fishing body issuing the document. (1) FLAG COUNTRY/BODY/FISHING BODY: Enter the name of the country/body/fishing body of the vessel that harvested the swordfish shipment and issued this document. According to the ICCAT Recommendation, only the flag State of the vessel which harvested the swordfish or, if the vessel is operating under a charter agreement, the country of exportation can issue this document. (2) PLACE OF EXPORT: Enter the town, state or province, and country/body/fishing body from which the swordfish was exported. [(3) AREA OF CATCH: Indicate the area in which the catch was taken. (If (d) or (e) is ticked, there is no need to complete sections 4 and 5 below.)] (4) DESCRIPTION OF FISH: The exporter must provide the following information with the highest degree of accuracy possible. (NOTE: one row should be used to describe one product type.) (1) Product type: identify the type of product being shipped as FRESH or FROZEN, and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLETS or OTHER form. For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) NAME OF VESSEL AND REGISTRATION No: Enter the name and registration number (where available) of the vessel which harvested the swordfish. If the product in the shipment comes from several vessels, list all the vessels whose products are included in the shipment. (3) Gear code: enter the type of gear used to harvest the swordfish using the list below. (5) Net weight in kg. (5) EXPORTER'S DECLARATION: The persons or bodies exporting the swordfish must provide their name, address, signature and date the shipment was exported, and the licence number of the body (where applicable). For countries that have adopted the alternative minimum size provided for by ICCAT for swordfish, exporters must declare that the Atlantic swordfish listed weighs more than 15 kg (33 l.) or, if it is in parts, that the parts are from a swordfish weighing >15 kg. (6) GOVERNMENT VALIDATION: Enter the name and position of the official signing the document. The official must be in the employment of the competent Government authority of the flag State of the vessel that harvested the swordfish described in the document. The document may be signed by any other person or institution duly accredited for this purpose by the Government of the flag State or, if the vessel is operating under a charter agreement, by the government official or any other person or institution authorised by the exporting State. [The net weight of the shipment must also be entered in kg in this section.] (7) IMPORTER'S DECLARATION: The persons or bodies importing the swordfish must provide their name, address, signature and date the swordfish was imported, the licence number of the body (where applicable), and the final place of import. This includes imports into intermediate countries/bodies/fishing bodies. For fresh and chilled products, the importer's signature may be replaced by that of an employee of the customs clearance agency where that signature is duly accredited by the importer. >TABLE POSITION> The original of the completed document must accompany the shipment exported. Keep a copy for information purposes. The original (imports) or a copy (exports) must be stamped and sent by mail or fax within 24 hours following import or export to: XXXX ANNEX VI SPECIMEN ICCAT BIGEYE TUNA STATISTICAL DOCUMENT >TABLE POSITION> NOTE: IF THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETED IN A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH, PLEASE ATTACH A INTO TRANSLATION ENGLISH INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT No: Document number coded according to country/body/fishing body to be provided by country/body/fishing body issuing document. (1) FLAG COUNTRY/BODY/FISHING BODY: Enter the name of the country/body/fishing body of the vessel that harvested the swordfish shipment and issued this document. According to the ICCAT Recommendation, only the flag State of the vessel which harvested the bigeye tuna, or if the vessel is operating under a charter agreement, an official or any other person or institution duly accredited by the exporting country can issue this document. (2) NAME OF VESSEL AND REGISTRATION No (where available): Enter the name and registration number of the vessel which harvested the shipment of bigeye tuna. (3) TRAP (where applicable): Enter the name of the trap in which the bigeye tuna in the shipment was harvested. (4) PLACE OF EXPORT: Indicate the town, state, province, and country/body/fishing body from which bigeye tuna was exported. (5) AREA OF CATCH: Indicate the area in which the catch was taken. (If (d) or (e) is ticked, there is no need to complete sections 6 and 7 below.) (6) DESCRIPTION OF FISH: The exporter must provide the following information with the highest degree of accuracy possible. (NOTE: one row should be used to describe one product type.) (1) Product type: identify the type of product being shipped as FRESH or FROZEN, and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLETS or OTHER form. For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Gear code: enter the type of gear used to harvest the bigeye tuna using the list below. If gear code OT, describe the type of gear, including fish farming. (3) Net weight in kg. (7) EXPORTER'S DECLARATION: The persons or bodies exporting the bigeye tuna must provide their name, name of the body, address, signature, the date the shipment was exported, and the licence number of the body (where applicable). (8) GOVERNMENT VALIDATION: Enter the name and position of the official signing the document. The official must be in the employment of the competent Government authority of the flag State of the vessel that harvested the bigeye tuna described in the document. The document may be signed by any other person or institution duly accredited for this purpose by the Government of the flag State. This requirement may be waived in accordance with the validation of the document by a Government official, or if the vessel is operating under a charter agreement by an official or any other person or institution duly authorised by the exporting country. The total weight of the shipment must also be entered in this section. (9) IMPORTER'S DECLARATION: The persons or bodies importing the bigeye tuna must provide their name, address, signature and the date the bigeye tuna was imported, the licence number of the body (where applicable), and the final place of import. This includes imports into intermediate countries. For fresh and chilled products, the importer's signature may be replaced by that of an employee of the customs clearance agency where that signature is duly accredited by the importer. GEAR CODES: >TABLE POSITION> RETURN A COPY OF COMPLETED DOCUMENT TO: (the name of the office of the competent authority of the flag State). ANNEX VII SPECIMEN IOTC BIGEYE TUNA STATISTICAL DOCUMENT >TABLE POSITION> INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT No: Document number coded according to country to be provided by country issuing document. (1) FLAG STATE/BODY/FISHING BODY: Enter the name of the country of the vessel that harvested the bigeye tuna shipment and issued this document. According to the ICCAT Recommendation, only the flag State of the vessel which harvested the bigeye tuna, or if the vessel is operating under a charter agreement, the exporting country can issue this document . (2) NAME OF VESSEL AND REGISTRATION No (where available): Enter the name and registration number of the vessel which harvested the shipment of bigeye tuna. (3) TRAP (where available): Enter the name of the trap in which the shipment of bigeye tuna was harvested . (4) PLACE OF EXPORT: Indicate the town, state, province, and country from which bigeye tuna was exported. (5) AREA OF CATCH: Indicate the name of the area where the catch was taken. (If (c) or (d) is ticked, there is no need to complete sections 6 and 7 below). (6) DESCRIPTION OF FISH: The exporter must provide the following information with the highest degree of accuracy possible. (NOTE: one row should be used to describe one product type. (1) Product type: identify the type of product being shipped as FRESH or FROZEN, and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLETS or OTHER form. For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Gear code: enter the type of gear used to harvest the bigeye tuna using the list below. If gear code OT, describe the type of gear, including gear used in fish farming (3) Net weight in kg. (7) EXPORTER'S DECLARATION: The persons or bodies exporting the bigeye tuna must provide their name, name of the body, address, signature, the date the shipment was exported, and the licence number of the body (where applicable). (8) GOVERNMENT VALIDATION: Enter the name and position of the official signing the document. The official must be in the employment of the competent Government authority of the flag State of the vessel that harvested the bigeye tuna described in the document. The document may be signed by any other person or institution duly accredited for this purpose by the Government of the flag State. This requirement may be waived in accordance with the validation of the document by a Government official, or if the vessel is operating under a charter agreement by an official or any other person or institution duly authorised by the exporting country. The total weight of the shipment must also be entered in this section. (9) IMPORTER'S DECLARATION: The persons or bodies importing the bigeye tuna must provide their name, address, signature and date the bigeye tuna was imported, the licence number of the body (where applicable), and the final place of import. This also concerns imports into intermediate countries. For fresh and chilled products, the importer's signature may be replaced by that of a representative of the customs clearance agency on condition that that signature is duly accredited by the importer. GEAR CODE : TYPE OF GEAR BB BAITBOAT GILL GILLNET HAND HANDLINE HARP HARPOON LL LONGLINE MWT MID-WATER TRAWL PS PURSE SEINE RR ROD AND REEL SPHL SPORT HAND LINE SPOR SPORT FISHERIES UNCLASSIFIED SURF SURFACE FISHERIES UNCLASSIFIED TL TENDED LINE TRAP TRAP TROL TROLL UNCL UNSPECIFIED METHODS OT OTHER RETURN A COPY OF COMPLETED DOCUMENT TO: (the name of the office of the competent authority of the flag State). ANNEX VIIIa List of vessels participating in the Japanese breaking-up programme (At 1 November 2001) >TABLE POSITION> ANNEX VIIIb List of vessels flying the Taiwanese flag participating in the re-registration programme >TABLE POSITION> ANNEX IX SPECIMEN ICCAT BLUEFIN TUNA RE-EXPORT LICENCE >TABLE POSITION> NOTE: IF THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETED IN A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH, PLEASE ATTACH A TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH. BLUEFIN TUNA RE-EXPORT LICENCE INSTRUCTION SHEET Demand has been growing for the establishment of a re-export system under the ICCAT bluefin tuna statistical document programme. A recommendation was adopted in 1997 to establish the ICCAT bluefin tuna statistical document programme for re-exports. This provides that traders who import bluefin tuna which is re-exported*1 to Japan must present an ICCAT bluefin tuna re-export licence*2 which must be validated by the Government authorities of the country or area of transit*3 or by a recognised institution, such as a chamber of commerce and industry, accredited by the Government of the country or area of transit. A copy of the original bluefin tuna statistical document (BTSD) accompanying the bluefin tuna when it is imported must be attached to the licence. This copy must be certified by the Government authorities of the country or area of transit, or by a recognised institution, such as a chamber of commerce and industry, accredited by the Government of the country or area of transit. Where the bluefin tuna is again re-exported*4, all copies of the document, including a certified copy of the BTSD and the licence which accompanied the bluefin tuna, must be attached to a new re-export licence which will be validated by the Government authorities of the last country/area of transit, or by a recognised institution, such as a chamber of commerce and industry, accredited by the Government of the last country or area of transit. Only bluefin tuna that is accompanied by a complete, validated licence will be permitted to enter Japan. Shipments of re-exported bluefin tuna accompanied by an incorrectly documented*5 licence will be regarded as unlawful consignments of re-exported bluefin tuna, contrary to ICCAT conservation efforts, and their entry to Japan will be suspended subject to the presentation of a properly documented licence. NOTE: *1 "Re-exported" means that the bluefin tuna passes through a country or zone (not including free zones) after having been exported from the flag country or zone (not including free zones) of the fishing vessel which harvested the bluefin tuna. *2 Now called a "re-export licence". *3 "A country or area of transit" means a country or area through which the bluefin tuna transits after having been exported from the flag country or area (not including free zones) of the fishing vessel which harvested the bluefin tuna. *4 This rule does not apply to the re-export of bluefin tuna from one European Union member country to another. *5 "Incorrectly documented" means that there is no licence accompanying the consignment, or it is incomplete, invalid or falsified. Please use this Instruction Sheet as a guide to complete the sections of the Bluefin Tuna Statistical Document that apply to exporters, importers, and Government validation. If a language other than English is used when completing this document, please attach a translation into English. NOTE: IF A BLUEFIN TUNA PRODUCT IS RE-EXPORTED DIRECTLY TO JAPAN WITHOUT FIRST PASSING THROUGH AN INTERMEDIATE COUNTRY, BODY OR FISHING BODY, ALL FISH CAN BE ENTERED ON ONE DOCUMENT. HOWEVER, IF THE BLUEFIN TUNA PRODUCT IS RE-EXPORTED THROUGH AN INTERMEDIATE COUNTRY (i.e. A COUNTRY, BODY OR FISHING BODY OTHER THAN THAT WHICH IS THE FINAL DESTINATION OF THE PRODUCT) SEPARATE DOCUMENTS MUST BE PREPARED FOR DIFFERENT FINAL DESTINATIONS OR EACH FISH MAY BE ACCOMPANIED BY A SEPARATE DOCUMENT TO IDENTIFY ANY POSSIBLE DIVISION OF SHIPMENTS BY AN INTERMEDIATE COUNTRY. THE IMPORT OF FISH PARTS OTHER THAN THE MEAT (i.e. HEAD, EYES, ROE, GUTS, TAILS) MAY BE PERMITTED WITHOUT THE DOCUMENT. INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT No: Document number coded according to country, body or fishing body to be provided by country, body or fishing body issuing document. (1) COUNTRY/BODY/FISHING BODY CARRYING OUT RE-EXPORT: Enter the name of the country/body/fishing body which re-exports the bluefin tuna in the shipment and which issued this licence. According to the ICCAT Recommendation, only the country/body/fishing body carrying out re-export is authorised to issue this licence. (2) PLACE OF RE-EXPORT: Indicate the town, State or province and country/body/fishing body from which the bluefin tuna was re-exported. (3) DESCRIPTION OF IMPORTED FISH: The exporter must provide the following information with the highest degree of accuracy possible. NOTE: one row should be used to describe one product type. (1) Product type: identify the type of product being shipped as FRESH or FROZEN (F/FR), and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLETS or OTHER form. For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Net weight: net weight of the product in kg. (3) Flag country/body/fishing body: enter the name of the country/body/fishing body of the vessel which harvested the bluefin tuna in the shipment.(4) Date of import. 4) DESCRIPTION OF RE-EXPORTED FISH: The exporter must provide the following information with the highest degree of accuracy possible. NOTE: one row should be used to describe one product type. (1) Product type: identify the type of product being shipped as FRESH or FROZEN (F/FR), and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLETS or OTHER form. For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Net weight: net weight of product in kg. (5) RE-EXPORTER'S DECLARATION: The persons or bodies exporting the bluefin tuna shipment must provide their name, address, the date the shipment was exported, and the licence number of the body (where applicable). (6) GOVERNMENT VALIDATION: Enter the name and position of the official signing the licence. The official must be in the employment of the competent Government authority of the of the country/body/fishing body carrying out the re-export referred to in the licence. This requirement may be waived according to the ICCAT RESOLUTION CONCERNING VALIDATION BY A GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL OF THE BLUEFIN TUNA STATISTICAL DOCUMENT. (7) IMPORTER'S DECLARATION: The persons or bodies importing the bluefin tuna must provide their name and address, signature, the date the bluefin tuna was imported, the licence number of the body (where applicable) and the final destination of the import. This includes imports into intermediate countries/bodies/fishing bodies. For fresh and chilled products, the importer's signature may be replaced by that of an employee of the customs clearance agency where that signature is duly accredited by the importer. RETURN A COPY OF COMPLETED LICENCE TO: (the name of the office of the competent authority of the country/body/fishing body carrying out the re-export). ANNEX X SPECIMEN ICCAT SWORDFISH RE-EXPORT LICENCE >TABLE POSITION> NOTE: IF THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETED IN A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH, PLEASE ATTACH A TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH. INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT No: Document number coded according to country, body or fishing body to be provided by country, body or fishing body issuing document. (1) COUNTRY/BODY/FISHING BODY CARRYING OUT RE-EXPORT Enter the name of the country/body/fishing body which re-exports the shipment of swordfish and which issued this licence. According to the ICCAT Recommendation, only the country/body/fishing body carrying out re-export is authorised to issue this licence. (2) PLACE OF RE-EXPORT Identify the town, State or province and country/body/fishing body from which the swordfish was re-exported. (3) DESCRIPTION OF IMPORTED FISH The exporter must provide the following information with the highest degree of accuracy possible. NOTE: one row should be used to describe one product type. (1) Product type: identify the type of product being shipped as FRESH or FROZEN (F/FR), and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLETS or OTHER form. For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Net weight: net weight of the product in kg. (3) Flag country/body/fishing body: enter the name of the country/body/fishing body of the vessel which harvested the swordfish in the shipment.(4) Date of import. (4) DESCRIPTION OF RE-EXPORTED FISH The exporter must provide the following information with the highest possible degree of accuracy. NOTE: one row should be used to describe one product type. (1) Product type: identify the type of product being shipped as FRESH or FROZEN (F/FR), and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLETS or OTHER form. For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Net weight: net weight of product in kg. (5) RE-EXPORTER'S DECLARATION The persons or bodies exporting the swordfish shipment must provide their name and address, signature and the date the shipment was re-exported, and the licence number of the body (where applicable). (6) GOVERNMENT VALIDATION Enter the name and position of the official signing the licence. The official must be in the employment of the competent Government authority of the country/body/fishing body carrying out the re-export referred to in the licence, or a person or institution authorised to authenticate these licences by the competent Government authority. The substitute measure referred to in paragraphs A to D of the ICCAT Resolution on the validation of the Bluefin tuna statistical document by a Government official, adopted by the Commission in 1993, can be applied to the conditions set out above for validations under the Swordfish Statistical Document Programme. (7) IMPORTER'S DECLARATION The persons or bodies importing the swordfish must provide their name and address, signature, the date the swordfish was imported, the licence number of the body (where applicable) and the final destination of the import. This includes imports into intermediate countries/bodies/fishing bodies. For fresh and chilled products, the importer's signature may be replaced by that of an employee of the customs clearance agency where that signature is duly accredited by the importer. RETURN A COPY OF THE COMPLETED DECLARATION TO: (the name of the office of the competent authority of the country/body/fishing body carrying out the re-export). ANNEX XI SPECIMEN ICCAT BIGEYE TUNA RE-EXPORT LICENCE >TABLE POSITION> NOTE: IF THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETED IN A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH, PLEASE ATTACH A TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH. INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT No: Document number coded according to country, body or fishing body to be provided by country, body or fishing body issuing document. (1) COUNTRY/BODY/FISHING BODY CARRYING OUT RE-EXPORT Enter the name of the country/body/fishing body which re-exports the shipment of bigeye tuna and which issued this licence. According to the ICCAT Recommendation, only the country/body/fishing body carrying out re-export is authorised to issue this licence. (2) PLACE OF RE-EXPORT Identify the town, State or province and country/body/fishing body from which the bigeye tuna was re-exported. (3) DESCRIPTION OF IMPORTED FISH The exporter must provide the following information with the highest possible degree of accuracy. NOTE: one row should be used to describe one product type. (1) Product type: identify the type of product being shipped as FRESH or FROZEN (F/FR), and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLETS or OTHER form. For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Net weight: net weight of the product in kg. (3) Flag country/body/fishing body: enter the name of the country/body/fishing body of the vessel which harvested the swordfish in the shipment.(4) Date of import. (4) DESCRIPTION OF RE-EXPORTED FISH The exporter must provide the following information with the highest possible degree of accuracy. NOTE: one row should be used to describe one product type. (1) Product type: identify the type of product being shipped as FRESH or FROZEN (F/FR), and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLETS or OTHER form. For other, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Net weight: net weight of product in kg. (5) RE-EXPORTER'S DECLARATION The persons or bodies re-exporting the bigeye tuna shipment must provide their name and address, signature and the date the shipment was re-exported, and the licence number of the body (where applicable). (6) GOVERNMENT VALIDATION Enter the name and position of the official signing the licence. The official must be in the employment of the competent Government authority of the country/body/fishing body carrying out the re-export referred to in the licence, or of a person or institution authorised to authenticate these licences by the competent Government authority. The substitute measure referred to in paragraphs A to D of the ICCAT Resolution on the validation of the Bluefin tuna statistical document by a Government official, adopted by the Commission in 1993, can be applied to the conditions set out above for the validations under the Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document Programme. (7) IMPORTER'S DECLARATION The persons or bodies importing the bigeye tuna must provide their name and address, signature, the date the bigeye tuna was imported, the licence number of the body (where applicable) and the final destination of the import. This includes imports into intermediate countries/bodies/fishing bodies. For fresh and chilled products, the importer's signature may be replaced by that of an employee of the customs clearance agency where that signature is duly accredited by the importer. RETURN A COPY OF THE COMPLETED DECLARATION TO: (the name of the office of the competent authority of the country/body/fishing body carrying out the re-export). ANNEX XII SPECIMEN IOTC BIGEYE TUNA RE-EXPORT LICENCE >TABLE POSITION> NOTE: IF THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETED IN A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH, PLEASE ATTACH A TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH. INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT No: Document number coded according to country, body or fishing body to be provided by country, body or fishing body issuing document. (1) COUNTRY/BODY/FISHING BODY CARRYING OUT RE-EXPORT Enter the name of the country/body/fishing body which re-exports the shipment of bigeye tuna and which issued this licence. According to the Recommendation, only the country/body/fishing body carrying out the re-export is authorised to issue this licence. (2) PLACE OF RE-EXPORT Identify the town, State or province and country/body/fishing body from which the bigeye tuna was re-exported. (3) DESCRIPTION OF IMPORTED FISH The exporter must provide the following information with the highest possible degree of accuracy. NOTE: one row should be used to describe one product type. (1) Product type: identify the type of product being shipped as FRESH or FROZEN (F/FR), and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLETS or OTHER form. For other, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Net weight: net weight of the product in kg. (3) Flag country/body/fishing body: enter the name of the country/body/fishing body of the vessel which harvested the bigeye tuna in the shipment.(4) Date of importation. (4) DESCRIPTION OF FISH FOR RE-EXPORT The exporter must provide the following information with the highest possible degree of accuracy. NOTE: one row should be used to describe one product type. (1) Product type: identify the type of product being shipped as FRESH or FROZEN (F/FR), and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLETS or OTHER form. For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Net weight: net weight of product in kg. (5) RE-EXPORTER'S DECLARATION The persons or bodies re-exporting the bigeye tuna shipment must provide the following information: name, address, signature, date the shipment was re-exported and licence number of re-exporter (where applicable). (6) GOVERNMENT VALIDATION Enter the name and position of the official signing the licence. The official must be in the employment of the competent Government authority of the country/body/fishing body carrying out the re-export referred to in the licence, or of a person or institution authorised to authenticate these licences by the competent Government authority. (7) IMPORTER'S DECLARATION The persons or bodies importing the bigeye tuna must provide their name, address, signature, the date the bigeye tuna was imported, their licence number (where applicable) and the final destination of the import. This includes imports into intermediate countries/bodies/fishing bodies. For fresh and chilled products, the importer's signature may be replaced by that of an employee of the customs clearance agency where that signature is duly accredited by the importer. PLEASE RETURN A COPY OF THE COMPLETED DECLARATION TO: (the name of the office of the competent authority of the country/body/fishing body carrying out the re-export). ANNEX XIII INFORMATION CONCERNING THE VALIDATION OF ICCAT STATISTICAL DOCUMENTS 1 Flag: 2 Statistical document (Bluefin tuna, Bigeye tuna, Swordfish, all): 3 Government/Government body(ies) authorised to authenticate statistical documents >TABLE POSITION> NOTE: For each body, attach a list of the names, positions and addresses of persons authorised to authenticate documents. 4 Other institutions accredited by the Government/body to authenticate statistical documents. >TABLE POSITION> NOTE: For each body, attach a list of the names, positions and addresses of persons authorised to authenticate documents. Instructions: Contracting Parties and cooperating non-contracting parties, bodies or fishing bodies whose vessels fish for species for which international trade requires the presentation of ICCAT Statistical Documents are asked to submit the information shown on this sheet to the ICCAT Executive Secretary*, and to ensure that any changes are forwarded to him in good time. * ICCAT: Calle Corazón de María 8 (6th floor), E-28002 Madrid, Spain. ANNEX XIV INFORMATION CONCERNING THE VALIDATION OF IOTC STATISTICAL DOCUMENTS 1 Flag: 2 Government organisations/authority(ies) accredited for the validation of statistical documents >TABLE POSITION> NB: For each organisation, please attach a list showing the name, position and address of persons authorised to certify the documents. 3 Other institutions accredited by the Government/authority for the certification of statistical documents >TABLE POSITION> NB: For each organisation, please attach a list showing the name, position and address of persons authorised to certify the documents. Instructions Contracting Parties, non-contracting parties, bodies and fishing bodies some of whose vessels fish for species for which international trade requires the presentation of a statistical document are asked to submit information using this sheet and to ensure that any changes are forwarded to the Secretariat * in good times. * IOTC, B.P. 1011, Port de pêche, Victoria, Seychelles. ANNEX XV >TABLE POSITION> CODE TYPE OF GEAR CODE PRODUCT TYPE BB Baitboat F Fresh GILL Gillnet FR Frozen HAND Hand line RD Round HARP Harpoon GG Gilled and gutted LL Longline DR Dressed MWT Mid-water trawl FL Fillet PS Purse seine OT Other RR Rod and reel SPHL Sport hand line SPOR Sport fisheries unclassified AREA CODE SURF Surface fisheries unclassified TL Tended line WA West Atlantic TRAP Trap EA East Atlantic TROL Troll MED Mediterranean UNCL Unclassified methods PAC Pacific OT Other type (indicate gear type: ) >TABLE POSITION> CODE TYPE OF GEAR CODE PRODUCT TYPE BB Baitboat F Fresh GILL Gillnet FR Frozen HAND Handline RD Round HARP Harpoon GG Gilled and gutted LL Longline DR Dressed MWT Mid-water trawl FL Fillets PS Purse seine OT Other RR Rod and reel SPHL Sport handline SPOR Sport fisheries unclassified CODE ZONE SURF Surface fisheries unclassified TL Tended line WA West Atlantic TRAP Trap EA East Atlantic TROL Troll MED Mediterranean UNCL Unspecified methods PAC Pacific OT Other (give details: ) ANNEX XVI >TABLE POSITION> Gear code Type of gear Product type BB Baitboat F Fresh GILL Gillnet FR Frozen HAND Handline RD Round HARP Harpoon GG Gilled and gutted LL Longline DR Dressed MWT Mid-water trawl FL Fillets PS Purse seine ST Steak RR Rod and reel OT Other form; describe the type of SPHL Sport handline products in the shipment SPOR Sport fisheries unclassified SURF Surface fisheries unclassified Area code TL Tended line NAT North Atlantic TRAP Trap SAT South Atlantic TROL Troll MED Mediterranean UNCL Unclassified methods PAC Pacific Ocean OT Other (give details) ID Indian Ocean >TABLE POSITION> PRODUCT TYPE F Fresh FR Frozen RD Round GG Gilled and gutted DR Dressed ST Steak FL Fillets OT Other form; describe the type of products in the shipment ANNEX XVII >TABLE POSITION> Gear code Type of gear Product type BB Baitboat F Fresh GILL Gillnet FR Frozen HAND Handline RD Round HARP Harpoon GG Gilled and gutted LL Longline DR Dressed MWT Mid-water trawl FL Fillets PS Purse seine OT Other form; describe the RR Rod and reel type of products in the SPHL Sport handline shipment SPOR Sport fisheries unclassified Area code SURF Surface fisheries unclassified ID Indian Ocean TL Tended line PA Pacific Ocean TRAP Trap AT Atlantic Ocean TROL Troll UNCL Unclassified methods OT Other (give details) >TABLE POSITION> Product type F Fresh FR Frozen RD Round GG Gilled and gutted DR Dressed FL Fillets OT Other form; describe the type of products in the shipment ANNEX XVIII >TABLE POSITION> Gear code Type of gear Product type BB Baitboat F Fresh GILL Gillnet FR Frozen HAND Handline RD Round HARP Harpoon GG Gilled and gutted LL Longline DR Dressed MWT Mid-water trawl FL Fillets PS Purse seine OT Other form. Describe the RR Rod and reel type of products in the SPOR Sport fisheries unclassified shipment SPHL Sport handline SURF Surface fisheries unclassified TL Tended line Area code TRAP Trap ID Indian Ocean TROL Troll PA Pacific Ocean UNCL Unspecified methods AT Atlantic Ocean OT Other (give details) >TABLE POSITION> Product type F Fresh FR Frozen RD Round GG Gilled and gutted DR Dressed FL Fillets OT Other type; describe the type of products in the shipment ANNEX XIX Regulation (EC) No 858/94 // This Regulation - Article 1 // - Article 2 - Article 2 // - Article 4 - Article 2a // - Article 5 - Article 3(1), (2) and(3) // - Article 4 - Article 3(4) // - Article 6 - Article 3a // - Article 6 - Article 4 // - - - Article 5 // - Article 9 - Annex I // - Annex IVa - Annex II // - Annex IVb - Annex III // - Annex IX