Legal acts – statistics

Consult, by year and by month, the number of legal acts adopted in a given month as well as those repealed and expired in a given month.

For adopted acts, both those in force and those no longer in force are covered. There are separate figures for basic acts and amending acts (acts amending previously adopted acts*). The figures are based on the date an act was adopted. Corrigenda are excluded. The figures for repealed acts and expired acts are based on the end of validity date. Non-legislative acts are in italics.

Adopted acts
Basic Amending
European Parliament and Council of the European Union 2 5
Council of the European Union 3 7
European Commission*** 2 4
European Central Bank 0 0
Total 7 16
European Parliament and Council of the European Union 2 0
Council of the European Union 0 0
European Commission 0 0
Total 2 0
European Parliament and Council of the European Union 0 0
Council of the European Union 26 17
European Commission 39 1
European Central Bank 3 2
Total 65 18
Delegated regulations
European Commission 4 16
Delegated directives
European Commission 0 2
Delegated decisions
European Commission 0 0
Implementing regulations
Council of the European Union 0 9
European Commission*** 34 13
Total implementing regulations 34 22
Implementing directives
European Commission 0 0
Implementing decisions
Council of the European Union 0 10
European Commission 13 8
Total implementing decisions 13 18
Other acts
European Central Bank guidelines**** 0 0
European Central Bank recommendations 0 0
European Central Bank opinions 0 0

* For bibliographical reasons, an act is classified as an amending act if according to its title it amends one or more acts, even if it also contains autonomous provisions.

** The vast majority of decisions have addressees (a Member State, a group of Member States, one or more companies). According to Article 288 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) a decision which specifies those to whom it is addressed shall be binding only on them.

*** Ephemeral acts are excluded. Acts related to day-to-day management of agricultural matters (‘ephemeral acts’) are generally valid for a limited period of time. Since 1 March 2011 they have been mainly adopted as Commission implementing regulations. Before that date they were mainly adopted as Commission regulations.

**** ECB Guidelines are legal instruments adopted in accordance with Article 12.1 of the Protocol (No 4) on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank