Legal acts – statistics

Consult, by year and by month, the number of new Commission proposals for legislative regulations, directives and decisions in a given month as well as those withdrawn and rejected in a given month.

There are separate figures for Commission proposals for basic acts and amending acts (acts amending previously adopted acts*). The figures are based on the date a new proposal was adopted by the Commission. Corrigenda and amended proposals are excluded.

* For bibliographical reasons, an act is classified as an amending act if according to its title it amends one or more acts, even if it also contains autonomous provisions.

** The vast majority of decisions have addressees (a Member State, a group of Member States, one or more companies). According to Article 288 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) a decision which specifies those to whom it is addressed shall be binding only on them.

Commission proposals - Basic overview

Commission proposals
for basic acts for amending acts
Commission proposals for legislative acts - Ordinary legislative procedure
Commission proposals for regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council 5 5
Commission proposals for directives of the European Parliament and of the Council 3 1
Commission proposals for decisions of the European Parliament and of the Council** 0 0
Total 8 6
Commission proposals for other legislative acts
Commission proposals for Council regulations 0 2
Commission proposals for Council directives 0 0
Commission proposals for Council decisions** 7 0
Total 7 2