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Document 51999IP0111

    Resolution on the progress made in 1998 in the implementation of cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs pursuant to Title VI of the Treaty on European Union

    OV C 104, 14.4.1999, p. 135 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)


    Resolution on the progress made in 1998 in the implementation of cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs pursuant to Title VI of the Treaty on European Union

    Official Journal C 104 , 14/04/1999 P. 0135


    Resolution on the progress made in 1998 in the implementation of cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs pursuant to Title VI of the Treaty on European Union

    The European Parliament,

    - having regard to Article K.6 of the Treaty on European Union,

    - having regard to the acts adopted by the Council in 1998 and listed in the annex to this resolution,

    A. whereas the achievement of closer cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs is overwhelmingly important with a view to deepening European integration, and is a priority for citizens, who are insisting on greater transparency of decision-making,

    B. whereas the Union attains its goals while paying due respect to the principle of subsidiarity and taking account of the national identities of its Member States and of their systems of government which are based on democratic principles,

    C. whereas the European Council ought to present a report to the European Parliament following each of its meetings,

    D. whereas the debate, to be held each year pursuant to the third paragraph of Article K.6 of the TEU, on the progress made in the implementation of measures in the fields of justice and home affairs should be based on a report drawn up by the Council,

    E. whereas the Amsterdam Treaty provides for the integration of Schengen into the framework of the Union and whereas the Council has begun its preparatory work with a view to that integration; whereas the establishment of the legal basis for the provisions and decisions adopted within the framework of Schengen will have far-reaching consequences for the contribution of the European institutions to future developments in the legal framework,

    F. whereas, with a view to the gradual establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice, the Treaty of Amsterdam has incorporated into the Treaty establishing the European Community crucial policy areas which were previously matters for cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs,

    G. whereas, after the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam, parliamentary control at European and national level will have to be further strengthened by a continuous exchange of information both in drawing up strategic documents and in considering specific legislative measures,

    H. whereas during a transitional period of at least five years the powers of the European Parliament are limited to the right to be consulted,

    I. whereas the binding democratic principles in the Union should prompt the Council to take account of the opinions of the European Parliament when it is taking decisions on legislation,

    J. whereas, in its resolution of 12 December 1996 on the progress made in 1996 in the implementation of cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs pursuant to Title VI of the Treaty on European Union ((OJ C 20, 20.1.1997, p. 185.)), the European Parliament called on the Council Presidency to:

    - provide written information to Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs at the beginning of each Presidency,

    - hold a discussion with the members of that committee before each meeting of the Council (even before informal meetings of the Council),

    - forward every draft decision (joint action, resolution, convention, etc.) to the European Parliament with a request for its opinion,

    - ensure that the Council takes account of the European Parliament's opinion when it is reaching its decisions,

    - after a Council has been held, inform the Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs of its outcome and the response to the opinions delivered by Parliament,

    K. whereas the Council is far from having acceded to these demands and the requirement set out in the first paragraph of Article K.6 of the TEU that the Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs must be informed before and after each meeting of the Council of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers has so far been ignored,

    1. Regards as unsatisfactory the level of preparation of the work intended to lead to the establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice, and is concerned about the fact:

    - that during 1998 the Council has not succeeded in drawing up coherent strategies on asylum and immigration or the field of criminal-law cooperation in the light of the objectives laid down by the Amsterdam Treaty;

    - that the work involved in incorporating the Schengen acquis within the framework of the Union is still far from having been finalised;

    - that there is not yet any clear strategy regarding the operational role of Europol or its internal regulation and regarding the enhancement of judicial and parliamentary control at European and national level;

    2. Regards as a breach of the Treaty on European Union the failure regularly to inform the European Parliament, as set out in the first paragraph of Article K.6 of the TEU, with particular regard to the preparations for and outcome of Council meetings and informal Council meetings;

    3. Demands that its Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs should be able to send an observer to attend meetings of the justice and home affairs ministers;

    4. Considers that the practice introduced by the Luxembourg Presidency, whereby, pursuant to Article 39 of the new version of the TEU (Treaty of Amsterdam), the European Parliament is to be consulted, must be maintained until such time as the Treaty of Amsterdam comes into force;

    5. Calls on the Council to take into account the opinions of the European Parliament when it takes decisions on legislation on the basis of Title IV of the new version of the EC Treaty;

    6. Calls once again on the Council to submit a six-monthly written report at the end of each Presidency, in preparation for the annual debates referred to in Article K.6 of the TEU (as already decided on 19 March 1998) ((Decision of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, Doc. 6889/98 (Presse 73), p.4, conclusion (iii) 'making available a progress report towards the end of each Presidency on JHA business. Such a document would be drawn up under the responsibility of the Presidency. It could be supplemented, as necessary, by explanatory publications on JHA matters, taking account of the resources available'.));

    7. Calls on the Council, after the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam, to convert legal acts adopted or still being negotiated under Article K.3 of the TEU into the legal form prescribed therein and, in so doing, to involve the European Parliament in an appropriate manner;

    8. Hopes that an interinstitutional agreement will be negotiated with the aim of organising the dialogue between the European Parliament, Commission and Council during the transition period;

    9. Expresses its concern at the failure, so far, to present a proposal for a Council Decision determining the legal basis of the Schengen acquis; considers that if the security clause were invoked so as to place the entire acquis in the third pillar, this would constitute a serious institutional and political defeat and badly damage the prospects for parliamentary and judicial control; calls on the Commission to take the initiative to overcome the impasse;

    10. Considers that the European Parliament should be consulted on the substance of the Schengen acquis and on the proposal for a decision incorporating it into the Treaty, as this decision will create the legal basis for future regulation and thus also determine the role of the European institutions;

    11. Welcomes the steps taken, in connection with the enlargement of the European Union to include the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, with regard to involving the competent authorities of the applicant countries in areas such as judicial cooperation, the fight against crime, border crossing, harmonisation of asylum and immigration policies, and affirmation of the pre-eminence of the law in democratic societies;

    12. Welcomes, in particular, the conclusion of a pre-accession pact on organised crime with the applicant countries and calls for an assessment to be made of the way in which the applicant countries might be involved in action and training programmes seeking to promote cooperation in judicial matters;

    13. Considers that judicial cooperation ought to progress more rapidly in order for the necessary civil- and criminal-law area to be created to guarantee the freedom and security which citizens of the European Union have the right to expect in an enlarged Europe;

    14. Calls for particular efforts to be made to eliminate obstacles to judicial cooperation and greater efforts to establish the European Judicial Network with a view to the procedures for traditional legal assistance being replaced by direct contacts between the competent authorities;

    15. Regrets that no legal acts have been adopted in the field of asylum, refugee and immigration policy;

    16. Acknowledges that, with its strategy paper on migration and asylum policy, the Austrian Presidency has given the necessary impetus to the debate on a general public strategy in these fields at European level; urges that the European Parliament be consulted forthwith on this strategy document;

    17. Notes the proposals recognising the need for a joint balanced policy on immigration and asylum problems and for the harmonisation of procedures in order to improve the processing of asylum applications and combat illegal immigration rings;

    18. Recalls its commitment to the 1951 Geneva Convention on refugees and to the interpretation thereof in line with the UNHCR handbook on procedures;

    19. Supports - given that the Geneva Convention on Refugees covers solely the conventional grounds for asylum - the establishment of a new instrument for the protection of refugees which should complement that Convention;

    20. Calls for the Eurodac Convention to be extended to cover illegal immigrants;

    21. Welcomes the entry into force of the Europol Convention on 1 October 1998 and calls on the Council to take the requisite measures to enable Europol to begin work immediately;

    22. Urges the Council to tackle immediately and resolutely the further development of Europol pursuant to Article 30 of the new version of the TEU after the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam;

    23. Regrets that no legal act has yet been adopted concerning the temporary protection of displaced persons and calls on the Council to reach agreement in particular on an appropriate scheme for burden-sharing, should there be an exceptional influx of refugees;

    24. Deplores the delays in ratifying numerous conventions and, with a view to making good the accumulated delay and overcoming the current state of legal uncertainty, calls on the Commission to present in good time for the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty and at all events before the end of 1999 the necessary legislative proposals to transform the Convention on Extradition among the Member States of the European Union ((Signed on 27 September 1996.)) into a 'framework decision' and the following acts into Community measures:

    - the Convention on the Use of Information Technology for Customs Purposes ((Signed on 26 July 1995.)),

    - the Protocol to the Convention on the Protection of the European Communities' Financial Interests ((Signed on 27 September 1996.)),

    - the Protocol on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the Convention on the Protection of the European Communities' Financial Interests ((Signed on 29 November 1996.)),

    - the Protocol on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the Convention on the Use of Information Technology for Customs Purposes ((Signed on 29 November 1996.)),

    - the Convention on the service in the Member States of the European Union of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters ((Signed on 26 May 1997.)),

    - the Protocol on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the Convention on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters ((Signed on 26 May 1997.)),

    - the Convention relating to the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or of the Member States of the European Union ((Signed on 26 May 1997.)),

    - the Second Protocol to the Convention on the Protection of the European Communities' Financial Interests ((Signed on 19 June 1997.)),

    - the Convention on mutual assistance and cooperation between customs administrations ((Signed on 18 December 1997.)),

    - the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Matrimonial Matters ((Signed on 28/29 May 1998.));

    Institutional aspects

    25. Considers that the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty will compel the institutions, in particular the Council, to alter the working methods substantially and introduce greater transparency throughout the decision-making process, be it with regard to new strategies or to specific legislative measures;

    26. Decides to hold an interparliamentary conference in March 1999 to consider, together with national parliaments and representatives of civil society, the draft action plan for the establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice approved by the Vienna European Council on 11 and 12 December 1998;

    27. Undertakes not to adopt a position on any text forwarded to it by the Council before the expiry of the six-week period provided for by the Protocol to the Amsterdam Treaty relating to the participation of national parliaments; calls on those parliaments to participate in the establishment of an information and early-warning system to monitor the decision-making process in these fields;

    28. Considers it desirable, as from the beginning of the new parliamentary term, to hold regular meetings between the Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs and the Justice and Home Affairs Council at the time of the latter's informal meetings, to facilitate dialogue between political decision-makers, free of any bureaucratic harassment;

    29. Calls on the Commission to submit an assessment of the impact of these new powers on the Commissioners (designation of a single Commissioner for the area of freedom), on the administration (establishment of one or more new Directorates-General to concentrate duties currently dispersed) and on the committees, bodies and operational structures (Schengen information system) and the measures to be taken which are required in order to carry out this work;

    30. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and Commission and the governments and parliaments of the Member States.



    - European Action Plan on the influx of migrants from Iraq and the neighbouring region ((Doc. 5573/98 ASIM 13 EUROPOL 12 PESC 27 COMEM 4 COSEE 4 of 26 January 1998.))

    - Council Decision on the sharing of the costs of preparing film masters for the uniform format for residence permits ((OJ L 99, 31.3.1998, p. 1.))

    - Exchange of information in the fields of asylum and immigration ((Docs. 6012/98 ASIM 35, 10295/2/97 ASIM 162 REV 2 - 7341/6/97 ASIM 73 REV 6 of 19 March 1998.))

    - Conclusions concerning G8 40 recommendations on organised crime, 25 recommendations on terrorism and 10 principles on high-tech crime ((Doc. 6448/98 CK4 13 of 19 March 1998.))

    - Joint Action of 19 March 1998 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union establishing a programme of training, exchanges and cooperation in the field of asylum, immigration and crossing of external borders (Odysseus programme) ((OJ L 99, 31.3.1998, p. 2.))

    - Missing persons and unidentified corpses ((Docs. 6274/98 ENFOPOL 33, 8990/97 ENFOPOL 138 of 19 March 1998.))

    - Report on customs joint surveillance operations in 1997 ((Docs. 6339/98 ENFOCUSTOM 12, 5317/1/98 ENFOCUSTOM 4 REV 1 of 19 March 1998.))

    - Europol Drugs Unit:

    a) Report on activities in 1997 ((Docs. 6369/98 EUROPOL 32, 5587/98 EUROPOL 14 of 19 March 1998.))

    b) Work programme for 1998 ((Doc. 5739/1/98 EUROPOL 18 REV 1 of 19 March 1998.))

    - Europol

    a) Interim solution for the Europol Computer System ((Doc. 11220/1/97 EUROPOL 56 REV of 19 March 1998.))

    b) Rules concerning the receipt of information by Europol from third parties ((Doc. 6660/98 EUROPOL 38 of 19 March 1998.))

    c) Confidentiality regulations ((Doc. 5694/2/98 EUROPOL 17 REV 2 of 19 March 1998.))

    - Joint Action of 19 March 1998 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on the European Union establishing a programme of exchanges, training and cooperation for persons responsible for action to combat organised crime (Falcone programme) ((Docs. 6796/98 CRIMORG 39, 6708/98 CRIMORG 38 of 19 March 1998.))

    - Joint Action of 27 April 1998 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union concerning the financing of specific projects in favour of displaced persons who have found temporary protection in the Member States and asylum-seekers ((OJ L 138, 9.5.1998, p. 6.))

    - Joint Action of 27 April 1998 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union concerning the financing of specific projects in favour of asylum-seekers and refugees ((OJ L 138, 9.5.1998, p. 8.))

    - Internal and external threat that terrorism poses to EU countries ((Doc. 7607/ ENFOPOL REV of 28 May 1998.))

    - Terrorist funding ((Doc. 6142/2/98 ENFOPOL 29 REV 2 of 28 May 1998.))

    - Report on the implementation of the Council resolution of 9 June 1997 on the exchange of DNA analysis results ((Doc. 7471/98 ENFOPOL 47 of 28 May 1998.))

    - Report on the implementation of the Council resolution of 9 June 1997 on the prevention of hooliganism by the exchange of experiences, bans on attendance at matches and the media policy ((Doc. 7813/98 ENFOPOL 60 of 28 May 1998.))

    - Conclusions of the Council with regard to encryption and law enforcement ((Doc. 8116/1/98 ENFOPOL 69 REV 1 of 28 May 1998.))

    - Report on the implementation of the Joint Action of 26 May 1997 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union relating to cooperation in the field of Law and Order and Security ((Docs. 7857/98 ENFOPOL 64, 7386/98 ENFOPOL 45 of 28 May 1998.))

    - Report by the Council on the implementation of the Joint Action of 15 July 1996 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union concerning action to combat racism and xenophobia ((Doc. 7808/1/98 JUSTPEN 44 REV 1 of 28 May 1998.))

    - Council Recommendation of 28 May 1998 concerning the provision of forgery detection equipment at ports of entry to the EU ((OJ C 189, 17.6.1998, p. 19.))

    - Explanatory report on the Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on mutual assistance and cooperation between customs administrations ((Doc. 7529/1/98 ENFOCUSTOM 24 REV 1 of 25 May 1998.))

    - Explanatory report on the Convention of 18 December 1998 on mutual assistance and cooperation between customs administrations ((OJ C 189, 17.6.1998, p. 1.))

    - Internal Rules of Procedure of the Committee provided for in Article 16 of the Convention on the Use of Information Technology for Customs Purposes (CIS Convention) ((Doc. 5913/2/98 ENFOCUSTOM 8 REV 2 of 28 May 1998.))

    - Report on the implementation of the Council resolution of 29 November 1996 on the drawing up of Police and Customs Agreements in the fight against drugs ((Doc. 7403/98 ENFOCUSTOM 22 ENFOPOL 46 CRIMORG 51 of 28 May 1998.))

    - Council Act of 28 May 1998 establishing, on the basis of Article K.3 of the EU Treaty, the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Matrimonial Matters ((OJ C 221, 16.7.1998, p. 1.))

    - Explanatory reports on the:

    . Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Matrimonial Matters ((OJ C 221, 16.7.1998, p. 27.))

    . Protocol, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the EU Treaty, on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Matrimonial Matters ((OJ C 221, 16.7.1998, p. 65.))

    - Communication from the Council on a uniform format for residence permits ((OJ C 193, 19.6.1998.))

    - Pre-accession pact on organised crime between the Member States of the European Union and the applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Cyprus ((OJ C 220, 15.7.1998, p. 1.))

    - List of the acquis of the EU and of its Member States in the field of Justice and Home Affairs (as at 30 March 1998) ((Doc. 6473/3/98 JAI 7 ELARG 51 REV 3 (COREPER) of 3 June 1998.))

    - Progress report on organised crime to the Cardiff European Council ((Docs. 7303/4/98 CRIMORG 45 REV 4, 9178/98 CRIMORG 90 of 8/9 June 1998.))

    - Report, including key elements of a post-1999 EU drugs strategy after 1999, to the European Council on drugs and drug-related issues under the UK Presidency ((Docs. 7930/2/98 CORDROGUE 26 SAN 80 PESC 118 ENFOPOL 70 REV 2 of 8/9 June 1998.))

    - Council act of 17 June 1998 on the establishment of a Convention on Driving Disqualifications ((OJ C 216, 10.7.1998, p. 1.))

    - Report on legal data processing work during the first half of 1998 ((Doc. 8287/98 JURINFO 8 of 29 June 1998.))

    - Joint Action of 29 June 1998 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union establishing a mechanism for collective evaluation of the enactment, application and effective implementation by the applicant countries of the acquis of the European Union in the field of Justice and Home Affairs ((OJ L 191, 7.7.1998, p. 8.))

    - Joint Action of 29 June 1998 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union on good practice in mutual legal assistance in criminal matters ((OJ L 191, 7.7.1998, p. 1.))

    - Joint Action of 29 June 1998 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union on the creation of a European Judicial Network ((OJ L 191, 7.7.1998, p. 4.))

    - Participation by the EDU in CIREFI meetings ((Doc. 9595/98 CIREFI 46 EUROPOL 66 of 29 June 1998.))

    - Common principles on CIREFI data exchange ((Doc. 9987/98 CIREFI 48 of 13/14 July 1998.))

    - EUROPOL: budget for 1999 ((Doc. 11135/98 EUROPOL 100 of 24 September 1998.))

    - Report on the activities of the Europol Drugs Unit (1 January 1998 to 30 June 1998) - six-monthly report ((Docs. 10954/98 EUROPOL 97, 10140/1/98 EUROPOL 72 REV 1 of 24 September 1998. ))

    - Powers of the EUROPOL Director following the entry into force of the EUROPOL Convention ((Docs. 11272/98 EUROPOL 103, 10569/98 EUROPOL 77 REV 3 of 24 September 1998.))

    - Transfer of the strategic management of the TECS project to the Management Board of Europol ((Docs. 10970/98 EUROPOL 98, 10602/98 EUROPOL 78 of 24 September 1998.))

    - The Europol Computer System (TECS) - Periodic report ((Docs. 10724/1/98 EUROPOL 83 REV 1, 11197/98 EUROPOL 101 of 24 September 1998.))

    - Explanatory report on the Convention on the Fight against Corruption ((Doc. 9016/1/98 JUSTPEN 61 REV of 24 September 1998.))

    - Europol - Preparatory work for the entry into force of the EUROPOL Convention ((Doc. 10950/2/98 EUROPOL 96 REV 2.))

    - Pre-accession pact on organised crime between the Member States of the European Union and the applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Cyprus - Group of experts ((Doc. 10903/1/98 CRIMORG 129 PECOS 112 REV 1.)),

    - Conclusions of the Council on action to combat child pornography ((Press release 322 (11802/88)))

    - Council act laying down the rules on EUROPOL's external relations with third countries and authorities not linked to the European Union ((Doc 10889/98 EUROPOL 94)),

    - Council act adopting rules on the receipt by EUROPOL of information from third parties ((Doc. 10887/98 EUROPOL 92)),

    - Council act adopting the provisions on the protection of the secrecy of EUROPOL's information ((Doc. 10884-98 EUROPOL 89)),

    - Council act adopting rules applicable to EUROPOL files created for the purpose of analysis ((Doc. 10882/98 EUROPOL 87)),

    - Joint action on money laundering, the identification, tracing, freezing, seizing and confiscation of instrumentalities and the proceeds from crime ((OJ L 333, 9.12.1998, p. 1)),

    - Reply to the letter of the President of the European Parliament of 13 July 1998 ((Doc. 10642/98 PE-L 88 ASIM 187 VISA 15)), (on a new regulation for countries whose nationals require visas),

    - Integration of the CEEC and Cyprus in the exchange of statistical data within the framework of CIREFI ((Doc. 12414/98 CIREFI 61)),

    - Council Decision on common standards relating to filling in the uniform format for residence permits ((OJ L 333, 9.12.1998, p. 8)),

    - Improvement of the methodology for the registration of crimes and offences committed with xenophobic, racist and antisemitic motives ((Doc. 12132/98 EUROPOL 111 REV1 + COR 1(en))),

    - Joint Action concerning the setting up of a European Image Archiving System (FADO) ((OJ L 333, 9.12.1998, p. 4))

    - Report on the convention on action against corruption involving officials of the EC and officials of the Member States of the EU ((OJ C 391, 15.12.1998, p. 1))

    - Discharge to be given to the EDU coordinator ((Doc. 12632/1/98 EUROPOL 113 REV 1))

    - EUROPOL programme of work for 1999 ((Doc. 12842/1/99 EUROPOL 114 REV 1))

    - Staff regulations for EUROPOL ((Docs. 12081/2/98 EUROPOL 109 REV 2))

    - Council Decision instructing EUROPOL to deal with offences committed or likely to be committed as part of terrorist activities which endanger life, physical integrity, the freedom of persons and property ((Docs. 12643/2/98 EUROPOL 115 REV 2 et 12913/98 EUROPOL 118))

    - Council report on the implementation of the resolution of 20 December 1996 on collaborators in the enaction of justice in the framework of action to combat organised crime ((Doc. 9258/3/98 CRIMORG 96 REV 3))

    - Elements of EU strategy with regard to action to combat high-tech crime ((Doc. 11893/2/98 CRIMORG 157 REV 2 + REV 3(s)))

    - Financing of EDU and EUROPOL activities in 1999 ((Doc. 13476/1/98 EUROPOL 120 REV 1))

    - Addition to the definition of the type of crime known as 'trafficking in human beings' appearing in the annex referred to in Article 2 of the EUROPOL Convention ((Docs 12367/2/98 EUROPOL 111 REV 2 et 12902/98 EUROPOL 117))

    - Convention on the use of information technology in the customs sector and Council Regulation (EC) No 515/97 of 13 March 1997 ((Doc. 12861/98 ENFOCUSTOM 63)),

    - EUROPOL's role in the fight against counterfeiting and the falsification of means of payment ((Doc. 10708/4/98 EUROPOL 80 REV 4 + COR 1(en))),

    - Recommendation on the arms trade ((Docs 11071/2/98 ENFOPOL 101 REV 2 12875/98 ENFOPOL 121)),

    - Follow-up report on organised crime, intended for the Vienna European Council ((Docs 13879/98 CRIMORG 196 - 11571/4/98 CRIMORG 141 REV ')),

    - Council and Commission action plan on the optimum arrangements for the implementation of the provisions of the Amsterdam Treaty on the establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice ((Docs 13843/98 JAI 40 - 13844/98 JAI 41)),

    - Report of the Vienna European Council on drugs and associated matters ((Docs 13884/98 CORDROGUE 79 - 12334/1/98 CORDROGUE 65 CORDROGUE ( SAN 156 PESC 272 ENFOPOL 117 REV 1)),

    - Council Resolution of 21 December 1998 on the prevention of organised crime with a view to the establishment of a global strategy for action to combat such crime ((OJ C 408, 25.12.1998, p. 1))

    - Joint action on making it a criminal offence to participate in a criminal organisation in the Member States of the European Union ((OJ L 351, 29.12.1998, p. 1))

    - Report on the activities relating to legal information technology during the second six months of 1998 ((Doc 12189/98 jurinfo 25 + COR 1 (en)))

    - Joint Action on corruption in the private sector ((OJ L 358, 31.12.1998, p. 2))

    - Aims of the technical requirements of the customs information system (CIS) of the third pillar ((Doc. 12195/98 ENFOCUSTOM 56))
