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Document C:2009:218:TOC

Official Journal of the European Union, C 218, 11 September 2009

Display all documents published in this Official Journal

ISSN 1725-2423


Official Journal

of the European Union

C 218

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 52
11 September 2009

Notice No




I   Resolutions, recommendations and opinions




European Economic and Social Committee


451st plenary session held on 25 and 26 February 2009

2009/C 218/01

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the European Civic Service (exploratory opinion)


2009/C 218/02

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on Cooperation and transfer of knowledge between research organisations, industry and SMEs — an important prerequisite for innovation (own-initiative opinion)



III   Preparatory acts


European Economic and Social Committee


451st plenary session held on 25 and 26 February 2009

2009/C 218/03

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of the construction products


2009/C 218/04

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee. Regulatory aspects of nanomaterials


2009/C 218/05

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directives 77/91/EEC, 78/855/EEC and 82/891/EEC and Directive 2005/56/EC as regards reporting and documentation requirements in the case of mergers and divisions


2009/C 218/06

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the taking up, pursuit and prudential supervision of the business of electronic money institutions, amending Directives 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and repealing Directive 2000/46/EC


2009/C 218/07

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on interoperability solutions for European public administrations (ISA)


2009/C 218/08

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 87/372/EEC on the frequency bands to be reserved for the coordinated introduction of public pan-European cellular digital land-based mobile communications in the Community


2009/C 218/09

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the conservation of fisheries resources through technical measures


2009/C 218/10

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy Action Plan


2009/C 218/11

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on a Community Ecolabel schemes


2009/C 218/12

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning trade in seal products


2009/C 218/13

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)


2009/C 218/14

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a Council Regulation on the protection of animals at the time of killing


2009/C 218/15

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions — A Common Immigration Policy for Europe: Principles, actions and tools


2009/C 218/16

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions — Policy plan on asylum: an integrated approach to protection across the EU


2009/C 218/17

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Green Paper — Migration & mobility: challenges and opportunities for EU education systems


2009/C 218/18

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a Council Recommendation on a European action in the field of rare diseases


2009/C 218/19

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 2006/112/EC as regards reduced rates of value added tax


2009/C 218/20

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Facing the challenge of higher oil prices


2009/C 218/21

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the following proposals Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund concerning certain provisions relating to financial management — Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006 on the European Regional Development Fund as regards the eligibility of energy efficiency and renewable energy investments in housing — Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 1081/2006 on the European Social Fund to extend the types of costs eligible for a contribution from the ESF



