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Document 02009F0315-20190627

    Consolidated text: Council Framework Decision 2009/315/JHA of 26 February 2009 on the organisation and content of the exchange of information extracted from the criminal record between Member States


    02009F0315 — GA — 27.06.2019 — 001.002

    Is áis doiciméadúcháin amháin an téacs seo agus níl aon éifeacht dhlíthiúil aige. Ní ghabhann institiúidí an Aontais aon dliteanas orthu féin i leith inneachar an téacs. Is iad na leaganacha de na gníomhartha a foilsíodh in Iris Oifigiúil an Aontais Eorpaigh agus atá ar fáil ar an suíomh gréasáin EUR-Lex na leaganacha barántúla de na gníomhartha ábhartha, brollach an téacs san áireamh. Is féidir teacht ar na téacsanna oifigiúla sin ach na naisc atá leabaithe sa doiciméad seo a bhrú



    of 26 February 2009

    on the organisation and content of the exchange of information extracted from the criminal record between Member States

    (IO L 093 7.4.2009, lch. 23)

    Arna leasú le:



    Iris Oifigiúil





    TREOIR (AE) 2019/884 Ó PHARLAIMINT NA hEORPA AGUS ÓN gCOMHAIRLE an 17 Aibreán 2019

      L 151





    of 26 February 2009

    on the organisation and content of the exchange of information extracted from the criminal record between Member States


    Airteagal 1


    Leis an gCinneadh Réime seo


    sainítear na coinníollacha ar fúthu a dhéanann Ballstát ciontaitheach faisnéis faoi chiontuithe a roinnt le Ballstáit eile.


    sainítear na hoibleagáidí don Bhallstát ciontaitheach agus don Bhallstát a bhfuil an duine ciontaithe ina náisiúnach de (“Ballstát náisiúnacht an duine”), agus sonraítear na modhanna a bheidh le leanúint agus freagra á thabhairt ar iarraidh ar fhaisnéis arna baint as taifid choiriúla;


    bunaítear córas teicneolaíochta faisnéise díláraithe le haghaidh malartú faisnéise faoi chiontuithe, bunaithe ar na bunachair sonraí um thaifid choiriúla i ngach Ballstát, an Córas Faisnéise Eorpach um Thaifid Choiriúla (ECRIS).


    Article 2


    For the purposes of this Framework Decision:


    ‘conviction’ means any final decision of a criminal court against a natural person in respect of a criminal offence, to the extent these decisions are entered in the criminal record of the convicting Member State;


    ‘criminal proceedings’ means the pre-trial stage, the trial stage itself and the execution of the conviction;


    ‘criminal record’ means the national register or registers recording convictions in accordance with national law;



    ciallaíonn “Ballstát ciontaitheach” an Ballstát inar tugadh ciontú;


    ciallaíonn “náisiúnach tríú tír” duine nach saoránach den Aontas é nó í de réir bhrí Airteagal 20(1) CFAE, nó duine gan stát, nó duine nach eol an náisiúntacht atá aige nó aici;


    ciallaíonn “sonraí méarlorg” na sonraí a bhaineann le méarloirg, idir loirg shimplí agus loirg rollta, gach ceann de mhéara duine;


    ciallaíonn “íomhá den aghaidh” íomhá dhigiteach d’aghaidh duine;


    ciallaíonn “cur chun feidhme thagairt ECRIS” na bogearraí arna bhforbairt ag an gCoimisiún agus arna gcur ar fáil do na Ballstáit chun faisnéis ó thaifid choiriúla a mhalartú trí ECRIS.


    Article 3

    Central authority

    For the purposes of this Framework Decision, each Member State shall designate a central authority. However, for the transmission of information under Article 4 and for replies under Article 7 to requests referred to in Article 6, Member States may designate one or more central authorities.
    Each Member State shall inform the General Secretariat of the Council and the Commission of the central authority or authorities designated in accordance with paragraph 1. The General Secretariat of the Council shall notify the Member States and Eurojust of this information.

    Article 4

    Obligations of the convicting Member State


    Déanfaidh gach Ballstát ciontaitheach na bearta uile is gá chun a áirithiú go mbeidh faisnéis faoi náisiúntacht nó náisiúntachtaí an duine chiontaithe ag gabháil leis na ciontuithe a tugadh laistigh dá chríoch más náisiúnach de Bhallstát eile nó náisiúnach tríú tír an duine sin. Murar eol náisiúntacht an duine chiontaithe nó más duine gan stát an duine ciontaithe, léireofar an méid sin sa taifead coiriúil.


    The central authority of the convicting Member State shall, as soon as possible, inform the central authorities of the other Member States of any convictions handed down within its territory against the nationals of such other Member States, as entered in the criminal record.

    If it is known that the convicted person is a national of several Member States, the relevant information shall be transmitted to each of these Member States, even if the convicted person is a national of the Member State within whose territory he was convicted.

    Information on subsequent alteration or deletion of information contained in the criminal record shall be immediately transmitted by the central authority of the convicting Member State to the central authority of the Member State of the person’s nationality.
    Any Member State which has provided information under paragraphs 2 and 3 shall communicate to the central authority of the Member State of the person’s nationality, on the latter’s request in individual cases, a copy of the convictions and subsequent measures as well as any other information relevant thereto in order to enable it to consider whether they necessitate any measure at national level.

    Article 5

    Obligations of the Member State of the person’s nationality

    The central authority of the Member State of the person’s nationality shall store all information in accordance with Article 11(1) and (2) transmitted under Article 4(2) and (3), for the purpose of retransmission in accordance with Article 7.
    Any alteration or deletion of information transmitted in accordance with Article 4(3) shall entail identical alteration or deletion by the Member State of the person’s nationality regarding information stored in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article for the purpose of retransmission in accordance with Article 7.
    For the purpose of retransmission in accordance with Article 7 the Member State of the person’s nationality may only use information which has been updated in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article.

    Article 6

    Request for information on convictions

    When information from the criminal record of a Member State is requested for the purposes of criminal proceedings against a person or for any purposes other than that of criminal proceedings, the central authority of that Member State may, in accordance with its national law, submit a request to the central authority of another Member State for information and related data to be extracted from the criminal record.
    When a person asks for information on his own criminal record, the central authority of the Member State in which the request is made may, in accordance with its national law, submit a request to the central authority of another Member State for information and related data to be extracted from the criminal record, provided the person concerned is or was a resident or a national of the requesting or requested Member State.


    I gcás ina n-iarrfaidh náisiúnach de chuid Ballstáit faisnéis faoina thaifead coiriúil féin nó faoina taifead coiriúil féin ar údarás lárnach Ballstáit eile, déanfaidh an t-údarás lárnach sin iarraidh ar fhaisnéis agus sonraí ábhartha atá le baint as na taifid choiriúla a chur faoi bhráid údarás lárnach an Bhallstáit ina bhfuil an duine ina náisiúnach de, agus áireoidh sé an fhaisnéis agus na sonraí gaolmhara sin sa sliocht a sholáthrófar don duine lena mbaineann.


    I gcás ina n-iarrfaidh náisiúnach tríú tír faisnéis faoina thaifead coiriúil féin nó faoina taifead coiriúil féin ar údarás lárnach Ballstáit, cuirfidh an t-údarás lárnach sin iarraidh ar fhaisnéis agus sonraí ábhartha atá le baint as na taifid choiriúla faoi bhráid údaráis lárnacha sin na mBallstát a bhfuil faisnéis acu faoi thaifead coiriúil an duine sin, agus faoi bhráid na n-údarás sin amháin, agus áireoidh sé an fhaisnéis agus na sonraí gaolmhara sin sa sliocht a sholáthrófar don duine lena mbaineann.


    All requests from the central authority of a Member State for information extracted from the criminal record shall be submitted using the form set out in the Annex.

    Article 7

    Reply to a request for information on convictions


    When information extracted from the criminal record is requested under Article 6 from the central authority of the Member State of the person’s nationality for the purposes of criminal proceedings, that central authority shall transmit to the central authority of the requesting Member State information on:


    convictions handed down in the Member State of the person’s nationality and entered in the criminal record;


    any convictions handed down in other Member States which were transmitted to it after 27 April 2012, in application of Article 4, and stored in accordance with Article 5(1) and (2);


    any convictions handed down in other Member States which were transmitted to it by 27 April 2012, and entered in the criminal record;


    any convictions handed down in third countries and subsequently transmitted to it and entered in the criminal record.

    When information extracted from the criminal record is requested under Article 6 from the central authority of the Member State of the person’s nationality for any purposes other than that of criminal proceedings, that central authority shall in respect of convictions handed down in the Member State of the person’s nationality and of convictions handed down in third countries, which have been subsequently transmitted to it and entered in its criminal record, reply in accordance with its national law.

    In respect of information on convictions handed down in another Member State, which have been transmitted to the Member State of the person’s nationality, the central authority of the latter Member State shall in accordance with its national law transmit to the requesting Member State the information which has been stored in accordance with Article 5 (1) and (2) as well as the information which has been transmitted to that central authority by 27 April 2012, and has been entered in its criminal record.

    When transmitting the information in accordance with Article 4, the central authority of the convicting Member State may inform the central authority of the Member State of the person’s nationality that the information on convictions handed down in the former Member State and transmitted to the latter central authority may not be retransmitted for any purposes other than that of criminal proceedings. In this case, the central authority of the Member State of the person’s nationality shall, in respect of such convictions, inform the requesting Member State which other Member State had transmitted such information so as to enable the requesting Member State to submit a request directly to the convicting Member State in order to receive information on these convictions.

    When information extracted from the criminal record is requested from the central authority of the Member State of the person’s nationality by a third country, the Member State of the person’s nationality may reply in respect of convictions transmitted by another Member State only within the limitations applicable to the transmission of information to other Member States in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2.


    I gcás ina ndéantar faisnéis arna baint as an taifead coiriúil faoi chiontuithe a tugadh i gcoinne náisiúnach de chuid Ballstáit a iarraidh faoi Airteagal 6 ar údarás lárnach Ballstáit seachas Ballstát a bhfuil an duine ina náisiúnach de, déanfaidh an Ballstát iarrtha an fhaisnéis sin a tharchur a mhéid chéanna a fhoráiltear dó sin in Airteagal 13 den Choinbhinsiún Eorpach ar Chúnamh Frithpháirteach in Ábhair Choiriúla.


    I gcás ina ndéantar faisnéis arna baint as na taifid choiriúla faoi chiontuithe a tugadh i gcoinne náisiúnach tríú tír a iarraidh faoi Airteagal 6 chun críocha imeachtaí coiriúla, tarchuirfidh an Ballstát iarrtha faisnéis faoi aon chiontú a tugadh sa Bhallstát iarrtha agus a iontráladh sna taifid choiriúla agus faoi aon chiontú a tugadh i dtríú tíortha agus a tarchuireadh chuige ina dhiaidh sin agus a iontráladh sna taifid choiriúla.

    Má dhéantar faisnéis den sórt sin a iarraidh chun aon chríche seachas chun críocha imeachtaí coiriúla, beidh feidhm ag mír 2 den Airteagal seo dá réir.


    The reply shall be made using the form set out in the Annex. It shall be accompanied by a list of convictions, as provided for by national law.

    Article 8

    Deadlines for replies

    Replies to the requests referred to in Article 6(1) shall be transmitted by the central authority of the requested Member State to the central authority of the requesting Member State immediately and in any event within a period not exceeding ten working days from the date the request was received, as provided for by its national law, rules or practice, using the form set out in the Annex.

    When the requested Member State requires further information to identify the person involved in the request, it shall immediately consult the requesting Member State with a view to providing a reply within ten working days from the date the additional information is received.


    Déanfar na freagraí ar na hiarrataí dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 6(2), (3) agus (3a) a tharchur laistigh d’fhiche lá oibre ón iarraidh a fháil.


    Article 9

    Conditions for the use of personal data

    Personal data provided under ►M1  Airteagal 7(1), (4) agus (4a) ◄ for the purposes of criminal proceedings may be used by the requesting Member State only for the purposes of the criminal proceedings for which it was requested, as specified in the form set out in the Annex.
    Personal data provided under ►M1  Airteagal 7(2), (4) agus (4a) ◄ for any purposes other than that of criminal proceedings may be used by the requesting Member State in accordance with its national law only for the purposes for which it was requested and within the limits specified by the requested Member State in the form set out in the Annex.
    Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2, personal data provided under ►M1  Airteagal 7(1), (2), (4) agus (4a) ◄ may be used by the requesting Member State for preventing an immediate and serious threat to public security.
    Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that personal data received from another Member State under Article 4, if transmitted to a third country in accordance with Article 7(3), is subject to the same usage limitations as those applicable in a requesting Member State in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article. Member States shall specify that personal data, if transmitted to a third country for the purposes of a criminal proceeding, may be further used by that third country only for the purposes of criminal proceedings.
    This Article does not apply to personal data obtained by a Member State under this Framework Decision and originating from that Member State.

    Article 10


    When submitting a request referred to in Article 6(1), the requesting Member State shall transmit to the requested Member State the form set out in the Annex in the official language or one of the official languages of the latter Member State.

    The requested Member State shall reply either in one of its official languages or in any other language accepted by both Member States.

    Any Member State may, at the time of the adoption of this Framework Decision or at a later date, indicate, in a statement to the General Secretariat of the Council, which are the official languages of the institutions of the European Union that it accepts. The General Secretariat of the Council shall notify the Member States of this information.

    Article 11

    Format and other ways of organising and facilitating exchanges of information on convictions


    When transmitting information in accordance with Article 4(2) and (3), the central authority of the convicting Member State shall transmit the following information:


    information that shall always be transmitted, unless, in individual cases, such information is not known to the central authority (obligatory information):


    information on the convicted person (full name, date of birth, place of birth (town and State), gender, nationality and – if applicable – previous name(s));


    information on the nature of the conviction (date of conviction, name of the court, date on which the decision became final);


    information on the offence giving rise to the conviction (date of the offence underlying the conviction and name or legal classification of the offence as well as reference to the applicable legal provisions); and


    information on the contents of the conviction (notably the sentence as well as any supplementary penalties, security measures and subsequent decisions modifying the enforcement of the sentence);


    information that shall be transmitted if entered in the criminal record (optional information):


    the convicted person’s parents’ names;


    the reference number of the conviction;


    the place of the offence; and


    disqualifications arising from the conviction;


    information that shall be transmitted, if available to the central authority (additional information):


    the convicted person’s identity number, or the type and number of the person’s identification document;


    fingerprints, which have been taken from that person; and


    if applicable, pseudonym and/or alias name(s); and



    íomhá den aghaidh.


    In addition, the central authority may transmit any other information concerning convictions entered in the criminal record.

    The central authority of the Member State of the person’s nationality shall store all information of the types listed in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1, which it has received in accordance with Article 5(1) for the purpose of retransmission in accordance with Article 7. For the same purpose it may store the information of the types listed in point (c) of the first subparagraph and in the second subparagraph of paragraph 1.



    Déanfaidh údaráis lárnacha na mBallstát an fhaisnéis seo a leanas a tharchur go leictreonach agus úsáid á baint as ECRIS agus as leagan amach caighdeánaithe i gcomhréir leis na caighdeáin atá le leagan síos i ngníomhartha cur chun feidhme:


    faisnéis dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 4,


    iarrataí dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 6;


    freagraí dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 7; agus


    aon fhaisnéis ábhartha eile.

    Mura mbeidh an modh tarchurtha dá dtagraítear i mír 3 ar fáil, tarchuirfidh údaráis lárnacha na mBallstát an fhaisnéis uile dá dtagraítear i mír 3, trí aon mheán atá ábalta taifead i scríbhinn a sholáthar faoi chúinsí faoinar féidir le húdarás lárnach an Bhallstáit ghlactha barántúlacht na faisnéise a shuí, agus an tslándáil tarchuir á cur san áireamh.

    Mura bhfuil fáil ar an modh tarchurtha dá dtagraítear i mír 3 ar feadh tréimhse fadaithe ama, an Ballstát lena mbaineann fógra do na Ballstáit eile agus don Choimisiún.

    Déanfaidh gach Ballstát na hathruithe teicniúla is gá chun go mbeidh siad in ann úsáid a bhaint as an leagan amach caighdeánaithe chun an fhaisnéis uile dá dtagraítear i mír 3 a tharchur go leictreonach chuig na Ballstáit eile trí ECRIS. Tabharfaidh gach Ballstát fógra don Choimisiún maidir leis an dáta óna mbeidh sé in ann an fhaisnéis a tharchur.


    Airteagal 11a

    An Córas Faisnéise Eorpach um Thaifid Choiriúla (ECRIS)


    D’fhonn faisnéis arna baint as taifid choiriúla a mhalartú go leictreonach i gcomhréir leis an gCinneadh Réime seo, bunaítear córas teicneolaíochta faisnéise díláraithe bunaithe ar na bunachair shonraí um thaifid choiriúla atá i ngach Ballstát, an Córas Faisnéise Eorpach um Thaifid Choiriúla (ECRIS). Tá sé comhdhéanta de na heilimintí seo a leanas:


    cur chur chun feidhme thagairt ECRIS;


    bonneagar coiteann cumarsáide idir na húdaráis lárnacha lena soláthraítear líonra criptithe.

    Chun rúndacht agus sláine na faisnéise ó thaifid choiriúla a tharchuirtear chuig Ballstáit eile a áirithiú, bainfear úsáid as bearta teicniúla agus eagraíochtúla iomchuí, agus aird á tabhairt ar an úrscothacht, ar an gcostas a bhaineann le cur chun feidhme agus ar na rioscaí a bhaineann le próiseáil sonraí.

    Is i mbunachair sonraí arna n-oibriú ag na Ballstáit agus iontu siúd amháin a dhéanfar sonraí na dtaifead coiriúil a stóráil.
    Ní bheidh rochtain dhíreach ag údaráis lárnacha na mBallstát ar na bunachair sonraí um thaifid choiriúla atá ag Ballstáit eile.
    Is faoi fhreagracht an Bhallstáit lena mbaineann a oibreoidh cur chun feidhme thagairt ECRIS agus na bunachair sonraí lena ndéanfar faisnéis arna baint as taifid choiriúla a stóráil, a sheoladh agus a fháil. Tacóidh Gníomhaireacht an Aontais Eorpaigh um Bainistiú Oibríochtúil a dhéanamh ar Chórais mhórscála TF sa limistéar saoirse, slándála agus ceartais (eu-LISA) arna bunú le Rialachán (AE) 2018/1726 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle ( 1 ) leis na Ballstáit i gcomhréir lena cúraimí a leagtar síos i Rialachán (AE) 2019/816 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle ( 2 ).
    Is faoi fhreagracht an Choimisiúin a oibreofar an bonneagar coiteann cumarsáide. Comhlíonfar na ceanglais slándála is gá leis agus comhlíonfar riachtanais ECRIS go hiomlán leis.
    Déanfaidh eu-LISA cur chun feidhme thagairt ECRIS a sholáthar, a fhorbairt tuilleadh agus a chothabháil.
    Seasfaidh gach Ballstát a chostais féin a eascraíonn as a bhunachar sonraí um thaifid choiriúla a chur chun feidhme, a riaradh, a úsáid agus a chothabháil agus as cur chun feidhme thagairt ECRIS a shuiteáil agus a úsáid.

    Seasfaidh an Coimisiún na costais a eascraíonn as bunachar coiteann cumarsáide ECRIS a chur chun feidhme, a riaradh, a úsáid, a chothabháil agus a fhorbairt a thuilleadh.

    Maidir leis na Ballstáit sin a úsáideann a mbogearraí náisiúnta féin do chur chun feidhme ECRIS, i gcomhréir le mír 4 go mír 8 d’Airteagal 4 de Rialachán AE 2019/816, féadfaidh siad leanúint dá mbogearraí náisiúnta féin do chur chun feidhme ECRIS a úsáid in ionad cur chun feidhme thagairt ECRIS, ar choinníoll go gcomhlíontar na coinníollacha uile a leagtar amach sna míreanna sin.

    Airteagal 11b

    Gníomhartha cur chun feidhme


    Déanfaidh an Coimisiún an méid seo a leanas a leagan síos i ngníomhartha cur chun feidhme:


    an fhormáid caighdeánaithe dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 11(3), lena n-áirítear a mhéid a bhaineann le faisnéis faoin gcion as ar eascair an ciontú agus faisnéis faoi ábhar an chiontaithe;


    na rialacha a bhaineann le cur chun feidhme teicniúil ECRIS agus le malartú sonraí méarlorg;


    aon mheán teicniúil eile chun malartuithe faisnéise faoi chiontuithe a eagrú agus a éascú idir údaráis lárnacha na mBallstát, lena n-áirítear:


    na slite chun tuiscint ar an bhfaisnéis a tarchuireadh agus aistriúchán uathoibríoch uirthi a éascú;


    na slite trínar féidir faisnéis a mhalartú go leictreonach, go háirithe a mhéid a bhaineann leis na sonraíochtaí teicniúla a bheidh le húsáid, agus, más gá, aon nósanna imeachta malartaithe is infheidhme.

    Déanfar na gníomhartha cur chun feidhme dá dtagraítear i mír 1 den Airteagal seo a ghlacadh i gcomhréir leis an nós imeachta scrúdúcháin dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 12a(2).


    Article 12

    Relationship to other legal instruments

    In relations between the Member States, this Framework Decision supplements the provisions of Article 13 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, its additional Protocols of 17 March 1978 and 8 November 2001, the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union and its Protocol of 16 October 2001 ( 3 ).
    For the purposes of this Framework Decision, Member States shall waive the right to rely among themselves on their reservations to Article 13 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.
    Without prejudice to their application in relations between Member States and third States, this Framework Decision replaces in relations between Member States which have taken the necessary measures to comply with this Framework Decision and ultimately with effect from 27 April 2012 the provisions of Article 22 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, as supplemented by Article 4 of said Convention’s additional Protocol of 17 March 1978.
    Decision 2005/876/JHA is hereby repealed.
    This Framework Decision shall not affect the application of more favourable provisions in bilateral or multilateral agreements between Member States.


    Airteagal 12a

    Nós imeachta coiste

    Tabharfaidh coiste cúnamh don Choimisiún. Beidh an coiste sin ina choiste de réir bhrí Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 182/2011.
    I gcás ina ndéanfar tagairt don mhír seo, beidh feidhm ag Airteagal 5 de Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 182/2011.

    I gcás nach dtugann an Coiste aon tuairim, ní dhéanfaidh an Coimisiún an dréachtghníomh cur chun feidhme a ghlacadh agus beidh feidhm ag an tríú fomhír d’Airteagal 5(4) de Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 182/2011.


    Article 13


    Member States shall take the necessary measures to comply with the provisions of this Framework Decision by 27 April 2012.
    Member States shall transmit to the General Secretariat of the Council and to the Commission the text of the provisions transposing into their national law the obligations imposed on them under this Framework Decision.
    On the basis of that information the Commission shall, by 27 April 2015, present a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of this Framework Decision, accompanied if necessary by legislative proposals.


    Airteagal 13a

    Tuairisciú ag an gCoimisiún agus athbhreithniú

    Faoin 29 Meitheamh 2023, cuirfidh an Coimisiún tuarascáil ar chur i bhfeidhm an Chinnidh Réime seo faoi bhráid Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus na Comhairle. Déanfar measúnú sa tuarascáil ar a mhéid a ghlac na Ballstáit na bearta is gá chun an Cinneadh Réime seo a chomhlíonadh, lena n-áirítear a chur chun feidhme teicniúil.
    I gcás inarb iomchuí, beidh tograí reachtacha ábhartha ag gabháil leis an tuarascáil.
    Foilseoidh an Coimisiún tuarascáil go rialta maidir leis an malartú faisnéise arna baint as an taifead coiriúil trí ECRIS agus maidir le húsáid ECRIS-TCN, bunaithe go háirithe ar an staidreamh arna soláthar ag eu-LISA agus na Ballstáit i gcomhréir le Rialachán (AE) 2019/816. Foilseofar an tuarascáil den chéad uair bliain tar éis thíolacadh na tuarascála dá dtagraítear i mír 1.
    Cumhdófar go sonrach i dtuarascáil an Choimisiúin, dá dtagraítear i mír 3, a mhéid a mhalartófar faisnéis idir na Ballstáit, lena n-áirítear a mhéid a bhainfidh le náisiúnaigh tríú tír, mar aon le cuspóir agus líon na n-iarrataí, lena n-áirítear líon na n-iarrataí chun críocha seachas imeachtaí coiriúla amhail seiceálacha cúlra agus iarrataí ar fhaisnéis na ndaoine lena mbaineann faoina dtaifead coiriúil féin.


    Article 14

    Entry into force

    This Framework Decision shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.


    Form referred to in Articles 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Council Framework Decision 2009/315/JHA on the organisation and content of the exchange of information extracted from the criminal record between Member States

    Request for information extracted from the criminal record

    Members States are to consult the Manual of Procedures for assistance in filling in this form correctly

    (a) Information on the requesting Member State:

    Member State:

    Central authority(ies):

    Contact person:

    Telephone (with STD code):

    Fax (with STD code):

    E-mail address:

    Correspondence address:

    File reference, if known:

    (b) Information on the identity of the person concerned by the request ( *1 ):

    Full name (forenames and all surnames)

    Previous names:

    Pseudonym and/or alias, if any:

    Gender: M □F□


    Date of birth (in figures: dd/mm/yyyy):

    Place of birth (town and State):

    Father’s name:

    Mother’s name:

    Residence or known address:

    Person’s identity number or type and number of the person’s identification document:


    Other available identification information:

    (c) Purpose of the request:

    Please tick the appropriate box


    criminal proceedings (please identify the authority before which the proceedings are pending and, if available, the case reference number) …


    request outside the context of criminal proceedings (please identify the authority before which the proceedings are pending and, if available, the case reference number, while ticking the relevant box):

    from a judicial authority …


    from a competent administrative authority …


    from the person concerned for information on own criminal record …

    Purpose for which the information is requested:

    Requesting authority:

    the person concerned does not consent for this information to be divulged (if the person concerned was asked for its consent in accordance with the law of the requesting Member State).

    Contact person for any further information needed:



    E-mail address:

    Other information (e.g. urgency of the request):

    Reply to the request

    Information relating to the person concerned

    Please tick the appropriate box

    The undersigned authority confirms that:

    there is no information on convictions in the criminal record of the person concerned

    there is information on convictions entered in the criminal record of the person concerned; a list of convictions is attached

    there is other information entered in the criminal record of the person concerned; such information is attached (optional)

    there is information on convictions entered in the criminal record of the person concerned but the convicting Member State intimated that the information about these convictions may not be retransmitted for any purposes other than that of criminal proceedings. The request for more information may be sent directly to … (please indicate the convicting Member State)

    in accordance with the national law of the requested Member State, requests made for any purposes other than that of criminal proceedings may not be dealt with.

    Contact person for any further information needed:



    E-mail address:

    Other information (limitations of use of the data concerning requests outside the context of criminal proceedings):

    Please indicate the number of pages attached to the reply form:

    Done at


    Signature and official stamp (if appropriate):

    Name and position/organisation:

    If appropriate, please attach a list of convictions and send the complete package to the requesting Member State. It is not necessary to translate the form or the list into the language of the requesting Member State.

    ( 1 ) Rialachán (AE) 2018/1726 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 14 Deireadh Fómhair 2019 maidir le Gníomhaireacht an Aontais Eorpaigh chun Bainistiú Oibríochtúil a dhéanamh ar Chórais Mhórscála TF sa Limistéar Saoirse, Slándála agus Ceartais (eu-LISA), agus lena leasaítear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 1987/2006 agus Cinneadh 2007/533/CGB ón gComhairle agus lena n-aisghairtear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 1077/2011 (IO L 295, 21.11.2018, lch. 99).

    ( 2 ) Rialachán (AE) 2019/816 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 17 Aibreán 2019 lena mbunaítear córas láraithe leis na Ballstáit a shainaithint ag a bhfuil faisnéis faoi chiontuithe náisiúnach tríú tír agus daoine gan stát (ECRIS-TCN) chun an Córas Faisnéise Eorpach um Thaifid Choiriúla a fhorlíonadh agus lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) 2018/1726 (IO L 135, 22.5.2019. lch. 1)

    ( 3 ) OJ C 326, 21.11.2001, p. 1.

    ( *1 ) To facilitate the identification of the person as much information as possible is to be provided.
