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Document C:2004:106:TOC

Official Journal of the European Union, C 106, 30 April 2004

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ISSN 1725-2423

Official Journal

of the European Union

C 106

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 47
30 April 2004

Notice No




I   Information


Court of Justice



2004/C 106/1

Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 25 March2004 in Joined Cases C-231/00. C-303/00 and C-451/00 referred for apreliminary ruling by the Tribunale amministrativo regionale del Lazio (Italy)Cooperativa Lattepiù arl and Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercatoagricolo (AIMA), Azienda Agricola Marcello Balestreri e Maura Lena and RegioneLombardia, Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo (AIMA)and between Azienda Agricola Giuseppe Cantarello and Azienda di Stato pergli interventi nel mercato agricolo (AIMA), Ministero delle Politiche Agricolee Forestali (Agriculture — Common organisation of the markets — Milk and milkproducts — Additional levy on milk — Regulations (EEC) Nos 3950/92 and 536/93— Reference quantities — Ex post correction — Notification of producers)


2004/C 106/2

Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 25 March2004 in Joined Cases C-480/00 to 482/00, C-484/00, C-489/00 to C-491/00and C-497/00 to C-499/00 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunaleamministrativo regionale del Lazio): Azienda Agricola Ettore Ribaldi v Aziendadi Stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo (AIMA), Ministero del Tesoro,del Bilancio e della Programmazione Economica and Others (Agriculture — Commonorganisation of the markets — Milk and milk products — Additional levy onmilk — Regulations (EEC) Nos 3950/92 and 536/93 — Reference quantities — Expost correction — Notification of producers)


2004/C 106/3

Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 25 March2004 in Case C-495/00 (reference for a preliminary ruling from theTribunale amministrativo regionale del Lazio): Azienda Agricola Giorgio, Giovannie Luciano Visentin and Others v Azienda di Stato per gli interventi nel mercatoagricolo (AIMA) (Agriculture — Common organisation of the markets — Milk andmilk products — Additional levy on milk — Regulations (EEC) Nos 3590/92 and536/93 — Reference quantities — Ex post correction)


2004/C 106/4

Judgment of the court (Sixth Chamber) 18 March 2004 —In Case C-314/01 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesvergabeamt):Siemens AG Österreich, ARGE Telekom & Partner vHauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger (Public contracts— Directive 89/665/EEC — Review procedures concerning the award of publiccontracts — Effects of a decision by the body responsible for review proceduresannulling the decision by the contracting authority not to revoke the procedureby which a contract was awarded — Restriction on the use of subcontracting)


2004/C 106/5

Judgment of the court (Sixth Chamber) 18 March 2004 —In Case C-342/01 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Juzgado de loSocial No 33 de Madrid): María Paz Merino Gómez v Continental Industrias delCaucho SA (Social policy — Equal treatment for men and women — Maternity leave— Worker whose period of maternity leave coincides with the period of annualleave for all staff agreed in a collective agreement on annual leave)


2004/C 106/6

Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 1 April 2004 inCase C-1/02 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Düsseldorf): Privat-MolkereiBorgmann GmbH & Co. KG v Hauptzollamt Dortmund (Agriculture— Additional milk levy — Article 3(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 536/93 — Annualstatement of quantities of milk delivered to the purchaser — Time-limit fornotification — Nature of time-limit — Penalties)


2004/C 106/7

JUDGMENT OF THE COURT (Fifth Chamber) 18 March 2004 In Case C-8/02(Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Sigmaringen):Ludwig Leichtle v Bundesanstalt für Arbeit (Freedom to provide services —Sickness insurance scheme for civil servants — Health cure taken in anotherMember State — Expenditure on board, lodging, travel, visitors tax and a finalmedical report — Conditions for reimbursement — Prior declaration of eligibilityfor assistance — Criteria — Justification)


2004/C 106/8

Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 1 April 2004 inJoined Cases C-53/02 and C-217/02 (reference for a preliminary ruling fromthe Conseil d'Etat): Communede Braine-le-Château (C-53/02), and Michel Tillieut and Others (C-217/02)(Directives 75/442/EEC and 91/156/EEC — Waste — Management plans — Suitablesites and installations for waste disposal — Permit granted in the absenceof a management plan containing a map specifying planned locations for disposalsites)


2004/C 106/9

Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 25 March2004 in Case C-71/02 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the ObersterGerichtshof): HerbertKarner Industrie-Auktionen GmbH v Troostwijk GmbH (‘Free movement of goods — Article 28 EC — Measureshaving equivalent effect — Advertising restrictions — Reference to the commercialorigin of goods — Goods from an insolvent company — Directive 84/450/EEC —Fundamental rights — Freedom of expression — Principle of proportionality’)


2004/C 106/10

Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 1 April 2004 inCase C-90/02 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof): Finanzamt Gummersbach v Gerhard Bockemühl (‘Reference for a preliminaryruling — Interpretation of Article 18(1) of the Sixth VAT Directive — Conditionsfor exercise of the right to deduct input VAT — Recipient of a service referredto in Article 9(2)(e) of the Sixth VAT Directive — Supply of staff by a taxableperson established abroad — Recipient liable for VAT as the person to whomthe supply was made — Requirement to hold an invoice — Content of the invoice’)


2004/C 106/11

Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 1 April 2004 inCase C-99/02: Commissionof the European Communities v Italian Republic (‘Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations— State aid — Second subparagraph of Article 88(2) EC — Aids incompatiblewith the common market — Obligation to recover — Absolute impossibility ofimplementation’)


2004/C 106/12

Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 1 April 2004 in Case C-112/02 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Oberverwaltungsgericht für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen): Kohlpharma GmbH v Bundesrepublik Deutschland (‘Free movement of goods — Medicinal products — Importation — Application for marketing authorisation under a simplified procedure — Common origin’)


2004/C 106/13

Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 25 March2004 in Case C-118/02 (reference for a preliminary ruling from theTribunal Supremo): Industriasde Deshidratación Agrícola SA v Administración del Estado (‘Regulations (EC) No 603/95 andNo 785/95 — Dried fodder — Aid scheme — Conditions to be met by processingundertakings — Additional requirements imposed under national rules’)


2004/C 106/14

JUDGMENT OF THE COURT (Full Court) 23 March 2004 — In Case C-138/02 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Frankfurt am Main): Brian Francis Collins v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (‘Freedom of movement for persons — Article 48 of the EC Treaty (now, after amendment, Article 39 EC) — Concept of “worker” — Social security allowance paid to jobseekers — Residence requirement — Citizenship of the European Union’)


2004/C 106/15

Judgment of the Court (Full Court) of 30 March 2004 inCase C-147/02 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Court of Appeal(England and Wales) (Civil Division)): Michelle K. Alabaster v Woolwich plc, Secretary of State for Social Security  (‘Social policy — Men and women— Equal pay — Pay during maternity leave — Calculation of amount — Whetherto include a pay rise’)


2004/C 106/16

Judgment of the Court (Full Court) of 30 March 2004 inCase C-167/02 P: WilliRothley and Others v EuropeanParliament (‘Appeal— Measure of the Parliament concerning the terms and conditions for internalinvestigations in relation to the prevention of fraud — Action for annulment— Admissibility — Independence and immunity of Members of the Parliament —Confidentiality connected with the work of Parliamentary committees of inquiry— European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) — Investigative powers’)


2004/C 106/17

JUDGMENT OF THE COURT (Full Court) 23 March 2004 In Case C-233/02: French Republicv Commission of the European Communities (‘Guidelineson regulatory cooperation and transparency concluded with the United Statesof America — Non-binding character’)


2004/C 106/18

Judgment of the Court 23 March 2004 In Case C-234/02 P: EuropeanOmbudsman v Frank Lamberts (‘Appeal— Inadmissibility — Non-contractual liability — European Ombudman's mannerof dealing with a complaint concerning an internal competition for establishment’)


2004/C 106/19

Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 1 April 2004 inCase C-237/02 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof): Freiburger KommunalbautenGmbH Baugesellschaft & Co. KG v Ludwig Hofstetter, Ulrike Hofstetter (‘Directive93/13/EEC — Unfair terms in consumer contracts — Contract for the buildingand supply of a parking space — Reversal of the order of performance of contractualobligations provided for under national law — Clause obliging the consumerto pay the price before the seller or supplier has performed his obligations— Obligation on the seller or supplier to provide a guarantee’)


2004/C 106/20

Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 1 April 2004 inCase C-263/02 P: Commissionof the European Communities v Jégo-Quéré & Cie SA (‘Appeal — Admissibilityof an action for annulment of a regulation brought by a legal person’)


2004/C 106/21

Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 1 April 2004 inCase C-286/02 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale de Treviso): Bellio F.lli against Prefettura di Treviso (‘Agriculture — Animalhealth — Protection measures with regard to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies— Use of animal proteins in animal feed’)


2004/C 106/22

Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 1 April 2004 inCase C-320/02 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Regeringsrätten): Förvaltnings ABStenholmen v Riksskatteverket (‘Sixth VAT Directive— Article 26a — Special arrangements applicable to second-hand goods — Theterm “second-handgoods” —Horse sold on after training’)


2004/C 106/23

Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 1 April 2004 inCase C-389/02 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Hamburg): Deutsche See-Bestattungs-GenossenschafteG v HauptzollamtKiel (‘Exciseduties — Exemption from tax on mineral oils — Directive 92/81/EEC — Article8(1)(c) — The term“navigatio”’)


2004/C 106/24

Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 1 April 2004 inCase C-64/03: Commissionof the European Communities v Federal Republic of Germany (‘Failure of a Member State tofulfil obligations — Failure to implement Directive 98/30/EC’)


2004/C 106/25

Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 30 March2004 in Case C-201/03: Commissionof the European Communities v Kingdom of Sweden (‘Failureof a Member State to fulfil obligations — Disposal of waste oils — Failureto transpose Directive 75/439/EEC’)


2004/C 106/26

Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 1 April 2004 inCase C-375/03: Commissionof the European Communities v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (‘Failure of a MemberState to fulfil obligations — Failure to implement Directive 2000/30/EC’)


2004/C 106/27

Case C-1/04 SA: Applicationfor autorisation to serve a garnishee order brought on 17March 2004 by Tertir-Terminais de Portugal against the Commission ofthe European Communities


2004/C 106/28

Order of the Court of Justice (Third Chamber) of 18 March 2004 in Case C–45/03 (Request for a preliminary ruling by the Tribunale di Catania): Oxana Dem'Yanenko (‘Reference for a preliminary ruling — Free movement for persons — Situation falling outside the scope of Directive 64/221/EEC — Fundamental rights — European Convention on Human Rights — Expulsion of a third country national without family or matrimonial ties with a national of a Member State — Validation procedure for the order for the forcible removal of a third country national — Definition of“court of a Member State” — Court with jurisdiction, for the purpose of Article 68 EC, to make a reference to the Court for a preliminary ruling — Lack of jurisdiction of the Court’)


2004/C 106/29

Order of the Court of Justice (Third Chamber) of 15March 2004 in Case C-59/03 (Reference for a preliminary ruling by theTribunale di Genova): Mario Cigliola and Others v Ferrovie dello Stato SpA(FS) (Article 104(3) of the Rules of Procedure — Aid granted by the MemberStates — Definition — National legislation suspending a worker's right tocontinue working until retirement age)


2004/C 106/30

Order of the Court of Justice (Fifth Chamber) of 9March 2004 in Case C–159/03 P: Jan Pflugradt v European Central Bank(‘Appeal— Staff of the ECB — Formal warning — Preparatory act — Act which does notadversely affect an official — Inadmissible’)


2004/C 106/31

Order of the Court of Justice (Fifth Chamber) of 19March 2004 in Case C–196/03 P: Arnaldo Lucaccioni v Commission of the European Communities (‘Appeals — Officials— Action for damages — Admissibility’)


2004/C 106/32

Order of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 11 February2004 in Joined Cases C-438/03, C-439/03, C-509/03 and C-2/04 (referencefor a preliminary ruling from the Giudice di pace di Bitonto): Antonio Cannitov Fondiaria Assicurazioni SpA, Pasqualina Murgulo v Assitalia AssicurazioniSpA, Vincenzo Manfredi v Lloyd Adriatico Assicurazioni SpA, Nicolò Tricaricov Assitalia Assicurazioni SpA (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Inadmissibility)


2004/C 106/33

Case C-58/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Bundesfinanzhof by order of that Court of 23 October 2003 in the case of Antje Köhler againstFinanzamt Düsseldorf Nord


2004/C 106/34

Case C-60/04: Actionbrought on 12 February 2004 by the Italian Republicagainst the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/35

Case C-61/04: Actionbrought on 12 February 2004 by the Commissionof the European Communities against the Hellenic Republic


2004/C 106/36

Case C-73/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Oberlandesgericht Hamm by order of that Courtof 27 January 2004 in the case of Brigitte andMarcus Klein against (1) …, (2) …, and (3) Rhodos Management Ltd


2004/C 106/37

Case C-81/04: Reference for a preliminary ruling by the Arbeitsgericht Berlin by order of 14 January 2004 in the case of Veronika Richert v VK GmbH Service Gesellschaft für Vermögenszuordnung und Kommunalisierung mbH.


2004/C 106/38

Case C-82/04 P: Appealbrought on 20 February 2004 (fax: 18 February 2004) by Audi AG against the judgment delivered on 3 December 2003 by the Second Chamber of the Court of First Instanceof the European Communities in Case T-16/02 between Audi AG and the Officefor Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs)


2004/C 106/39

Case C-88/04: Actionbrought on 23 February 2004 by the Commissionof the European Communities against the United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland.


2004/C 106/40

Case C-95/04 P: Appealbrought on 26 February 2004 by British Airwaysplc against the judgment delivered on 17 December 2003 bythe First Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the European Communitiesin case T-219/99 between British Airways plc and the Commission of the EuropeanCommunities, supported by Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd.


2004/C 106/41

Case C-96/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Amtsgericht Niebüll by order of that Courtof 2 June 2003 in the family-law case of StandesamtNiebüll (relating to the determination of the birth name of the German childLeonhard Matthias)


2004/C 106/42

Case C-98/04: Actionbrought on 26 February 2004 by the Commissionof the European Communities against the United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland.


2004/C 106/43

Case C-102/04: Actionbrought on 27 February 2004 by the Kingdom ofSweden against the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/44

Case C-105/04 P: Appealbrought on 1 March 2004 by Nederlandse FederatieveVereniging voor de Groothandel op Elektrotechnisch Gebied (FEG) against thejudgment of 16 December 2003 by the Court of FirstInstance (First Chamber) in Joined Cases T–5/00 and T-6/00 Nederlandse FederatieveVereniging voor de Groothandel op Elektrotechnisch Gebied and Technische UnieBV v Commission of the European Communities, supported by CEF City ElectricalFactors BV and CEF Holdings Ltd.


2004/C 106/45

Case C-109/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Bundesverwaltungsgericht by order of 17 December 2003 in the case of Dr Karl Robert Kranemannagainst Land Nordrhein-Westfalen


2004/C 106/46

Case C-110/04 P: Appealbrought on 1 March 2004 by Strintzis Lines ShippingSA against the judgment delivered on 11 December 2003 bythe Fifth Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the European Communitiesin Case T-65/99 between Strintzis Lines Shipping SA and the Commission.


2004/C 106/47

Case C-111/04 P: Appealbrought on 3 March 2004 (fax of 25February 2004) by Adriatica di Navigazione SpA against the judgmentdelivered on 11 December 2003 by the Fifth Chamberof the Court of First Instance of the European Communities in Case T-61/99between Adriatica di Navigazione SpA and the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/48

Case C-112/04 P: Appeal brought on 3 March 2004 by Marlines SA against the judgment delivered on 11 December 2003 by the Fifth Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities in Case T-56/99 between Marlines SA and the Commission.


2004/C 106/49

Case C-113/04 P: Appealbrought on 3 March 2004 by Technische Unie BVagainst the judgment of 16 December 2003 by theCourt of First Instance (First Chamber) in Joined Cases T-5/00 and T-6/00Nederlandse Federatieve Vereniging voor de Groothandel op ElektrotechnischGebied and Technische Unie BV v Commission of the European Communities, supportedby CEF City Electrical Factors BV and CEF Holdings Ltd.


2004/C 106/50

Case C-114/04: Actionbrought on 3 March 2004 by the Commission of theEuropean Communities against the Federal Republic of Germany


2004/C 106/51

Case C-116/04: Actionbrought on 4 March 2004 by the Commission of theEuropean Communities against the Kingdom of Sweden


2004/C 106/52

Case C-117/04: Actionbrought on 4 March 2004 by the Commission of theEuropean Communities against the Italian Republic


2004/C 106/53

Case C-118/04: Actionbrought on 4 March 2004 by the Commission of theEuropean Communities against the Italian Republic


2004/C 106/54

Case C-119/04: Actionbrought on 4 March 2004 by the Commission of theEuropean Communities against the Italian Republic


2004/C 106/55

Case C-120/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling from the Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf of 17 February2004 in proceedings between MEDION AG and THOMSON multimedia SalesGermany & Austria GmbH


2004/C 106/56

Case C-121/04 P: Appealbrought on 5 March 2004 by Minoan Lines SA againstthe judgment delivered on 11 December 2003 bythe Fifth Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the European Communitiesin Case T-66/99 between Minoan Lines SA and the Commission.


2004/C 106/57

Case C-123/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Oberlandesgericht Oldenburg by order of thatcourt of 4 February 2004 in the case of IndustriasNucleares do Brasil S.A. and Siemens AG against UBS AG


2004/C 106/58

Case C-124/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Oberlandesgericht Oldenburg, by order of thatcourt of 4 February 2004 in the case of IndustriasNucleares do Brasil S.A. and Siemens AG against Texas Utilities Electric Corporation


2004/C 106/59

Case C-126/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven(Netherlands), by order of that court of 18 February2004, in the case of Heineken Brouwerijen B.V. v HoofdproductschapAkkerbouw,


2004/C 106/60

Case C-127/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the High Court of Justice (England & Wales), Queen's Bench Division by orderof that court dated 18 November 2003,amended on 27 February 2004, in the case of MasterDeclan O'Byrne against Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd and Aventis Pasteur SA.


2004/C 106/61

Case C-128/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Rechtbank van Eerste Aanleg te Dendermonde,by decision of that court of 19 January 2004,in the case of Het Openbaar Ministerie against (1) Annic Andréa Raemdonckand (2) the company Raemdonck-Janssens BVBA


2004/C 106/62

Case C-129/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Conseil d'Etat (Belgium) Administrative Division,by judgment of that court of 25 February 2004 inthe case Espace Trianon SA and Société wallonne de location-financement SA(SOFIBAIL) against the Office communautaire et régional de la formation professionelleet de l'emploi (FOREM)


2004/C 106/63

Case C-130/04: Actionbrought on 11 March 2004 by the Commission ofthe European Communities against the Hellenic Republic


2004/C 106/64

Case C-131/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Employment Tribunal, Leeds, by order of thatcourt dated 9 March 2004, in the case of C. D.Robinson-Steele against R. D. Retail Services Ltd.


2004/C 106/65

Case C-132/04: Actionbrought on 11 March 2004 by the Commission ofthe European Communities against the Kingdom of Spain


2004/C 106/66

Case C-133/04: Actionbrought on 12 March 2004 by Kingdom of Spain againstCommission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/67

Case C-134/04: Actionbrought on 12 March 2004 by Kingdom of Spain againstCommission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/68

Case C-135/04: Actionbrought on 12 March 2004 by the Commission ofthe European Communities against the Kingdom of Spain


2004/C 106/69

Case C-137/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Regeringsrätten (Sweden) by decision of thatCourt of 8 March 2004 in the case of Amy Rockleragainst the Riksförsäkringsverket (the social insurance office)


2004/C 106/70

Case C-139/04: Actionbrought on 15 March 2004 by the Commission ofthe European Communities against the Italian Republic


2004/C 106/71

Case C-140/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling from the Hof van Beroep te Antwerpen, of 11 March2004 in proceedings between N.V. United Antwerp Maritime Agencies andthe Kingdom of Belgium and between N.V. Seaport Terminals and (1) the Kingdomof Belgium and (2) N.V. United Antwerp Maritime Agencies


2004/C 106/72

Case C-141/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Simvoulio tis Epikratias (Council of State),Greece, by judgment of that court of 30 December 2003 inthe case of Mikhail G. Peros against Tekhniko Epimelitirio Ellados(Technical Chamber of Greece) (T.E.E.)


2004/C 106/73

Case C-142/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Simvoulio tis Epikratias (Council of State),Greece, by judgment of that court of 30 December 2003 inthe case of Maria Aslanidou against the Minister for Health and Welfare


2004/C 106/74

Case C-145/04: Actionbrought on 18 March 2004 by the Kingdom of Spainagainst the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


2004/C 106/75

Case C-146/04: Actionbrought on 19 March 2004 by the Commission ofthe European Communities against the Kingdom of the Netherlands


2004/C 106/76

Case C-147/04: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d'État (France), Judicial Section, by a judgment of that court of 4 February 2004 in the case of De Groot en Slot Allium B.V. and Bejo Zaden B.V. against the Minister for Economy, Finance and Industry and the Minister for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs – intervener: Comité économique agricole régional fruits et légumes de la région Bretagne (CERAFEL)


2004/C 106/77

Case C-149/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Corte Suprema di Cassazione, Sezione Tributaria,by interlocutory order of that court of 27 October 2003,in the case of IMEG srl Fallita against Comune Carrara


2004/C 106/78

Case C-151/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Tribunal de Police, Neufchâteau (Belgium)by judgment of that court of 16 January 2004 inthe case Ministère public against


2004/C 106/79

Case C-152/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Tribunal de Police, Neufchâteau (Belgium)by judgment of that court of 16 January 2004 inthe case Ministère public against Jean-Pascal Durré


2004/C 106/80

Case C-153/04 P: Appeal brought on 26 March 2004 (fax 23 March 2004) by Euroagri srl against the judgment delivered on 28 January 2004 by the Second Chamber of the Court of First Instance in Case T-180/01 between Euroagri srl and the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/81

Case C-156/04: Actionbrought on 26 March 2004 by the Commission ofthe European Communities against the Hellenic Republic


2004/C 106/82

Case C-157/04: Actionbrought on 29 March 2004 by the Commission ofthe European Communities against the Kingdom of Spain


2004/C 106/83

Case C-158/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Diikitiko Protodikio Ioanninon by decisionof that court of 10 November 2003 in the caseof Trofo-Supermarkets AE against (1) Elliniko Dimosio and (2) NomarkhiakiAftodiikisi Ioanninon


2004/C 106/84

Case C-159/04: Referencefor a preliminary ruling by the Diikitiko Protodikio Ioanninon by decisionof that court of 26 November 2003 in the caseof Carrefour Marinopoulos AE against (1) Elliniko Dimosio and (2) NomarkhiakiAftodiikisi Ioanninon


2004/C 106/85

Case C-160/04 P: Appealbrought on 29 March 2004 by Gustaaf van Dyck againstthe judgment delivered on 16 January 2004 by theFourth Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the European Communitiesin Case T-113/02 between Gustaaf van Dyck and the Commission of the EuropeanCommunities.


2004/C 106/86

Case C-161/04: Actionbrought on 30 March 2004 by the Republic of Austriaagainst the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (fax of 24 March 2004)


2004/C 106/87

Case C-164/04: Actionbrought on 31 March 2004 by the Commission ofthe European Communities against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland.


2004/C 106/88

Case C-165/04: Actionbrought on 1 April 2004 by the Commission of theEuropean Communities against Ireland.


2004/C 106/89

Case C-171/04: Actionbrought on 2 April 2004 by the Commission of theEuropean Communities against the Kingdom of the Netherlands


2004/C 106/90

Case C-172/04: Actionbrought on 7 April 2004 by the Commission of theEuropean Communities against the French Republic


2004/C 106/91

Removal from the register of Case C-40/99


2004/C 106/92

Removal from the register of Case C-301/01


2004/C 106/93

Removal from the register of Case C-427/01


2004/C 106/94

Removal from the register of Case C-48/02


2004/C 106/95

Removal from the register of Case C-296/02


2004/C 106/96

Removal from the register of Case C-1/03 SA


2004/C 106/97

Removal from the register of Case C-9/03


2004/C 106/98

Removal from the register of Case C-71/03


2004/C 106/99

Removal from the register of Case C-144/03


2004/C 106/100

Removal from the register of Case C-164/03


2004/C 106/101

Removal from the register of Case C-298/03


2004/C 106/102

Removal from the register of Case C-308/03


2004/C 106/103

Removal from the register of Case C-363/03


2004/C 106/104

Removal from the register of Case C-393/03




2004/C 106/105

Judgment of the court of first instance 11 December2003 in Case T-305/00: Conserve Italia Soc. coop. rl v Commission ofthe European Communities (Agriculture — EAGGF — Discontinuance of financialaid — Statement of reasons — Error of assessment — Article 24 of Regulation(EEC) No 4253/88 — Principle of proportionality)


2004/C 106/106

Judgment of the court of first instance 3 March 2004 inCase T-48/01: François Vainker and Brenda Vainker v European Parliament (Officials— Occupational disease — Article 73 of the Staff Regulations — Claim for damages— Irregularities in the procedure for recognition of the occupational originof a disease — Damage — Damage suffered by the spouse of a former official)


2004/C 106/107

Judgment of the court of first instance of 16 March2004 in Case T-157/01: Danske Busvognmænd v Commission of the EuropeanCommunities (State aid — Regional public transport by bus)


2004/C 106/108

Judgment of the court of first instance of 18 March2004 in Case T-204/01: Maria-Luise Lindorfer v Council of the EuropeanUnion (Officials — Transfer of the flat-rate redemption value of retirementpension rights acquired in the course of professional activities prior toentry into the service of the Communities — Calculation of the years of pensionableservice — Article 11(2) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations — General implementingprovisions — Principle of equal treatment — Free movement of workers)


2004/C 106/109

Judgment of the court of first instance Fourth Chamber, Extended Composition 19 February 2004 InJoined Cases T-297/01 and T-298/01: SIC – Sociedade Independente de Comunicação,SA v Commission of the European Communities (State aid — Public television— Complaint — Action for failure to act — Definition of position by the Commission— Whether aid new or existing — Request for a ruling that there is no needto adjudicate — Dispute — Compliance with an annulling judgment — Commission'sobligation to make an investigation — Reasonable period)


2004/C 106/110

Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 31 March 2004 in Case T-20/02: Interquell GmbH v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM) (‘Community trade mark — Application for Community figurative and word mark HAPPY DOG — Earlier national word mark HAPPIDOG — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94’)


2004/C 106/111

Judgment of the court of first instance of 18 March2004 in Case T-67/02: Léopold Radauer v Council of the European Union(Officials — Transfer of the flat-rate redemption value of retirement pensionrights acquired in the course of professional activities prior to entry intothe service of the Communities — Calculation of the years of pensionable service— Article 11(2) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations — General implementingprovisions — Principle of equal treatment — Free movement of workers)


2004/C 106/112

Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 25 March 2004 in Case T-145/02 Armin Pietrich v Commission of the European Communities(Open competition — Non-admission to tests — Competition notice — Prescribedrelevant experience — Obligation to state reasons — Principle of sound administrationand duty to have regard for the interests of officials)


2004/C 106/113

Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 17 March2004 in Case T-175/02 Giorgio Lebedef v Commission of the EuropeanCommunities (Officials — Promotion — Irregularity in a promotion procedure— Comparative examination of merits — Application for annulment)


2004/C 106/114

Judgment of the court of first instance of 10 March2004 in Case T-177/02: Malagutti-Vezinhet SA v Commission of the EuropeanCommunities (General safety of products — Community rapid-alertsystem for foodstuffs — Action for compensation)


2004/C 106/115

Judgment of the court of first instance of 17 March2004 in Joined Cases T-183/02 and T-184/02, El Corte Inglés, SA againstOffice for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs)(OHIM) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Earlier word marksMUNDICOLOR — Application for Community word mark MUNDICOR — Relative groundfor refusal — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC)No 40/94)


2004/C 106/116

Judgment of the court of first instance of 2 March 2004 in Case T-197/02: Georges Caravelis v European Parliament (Officials— Refusal to promote — Comparative examination of the merits — Annulling judgment— Implementing measures — Article 233 EC — Application for annulment and forcompensation)


2004/C 106/117

Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 1 April2004 in Case T-198/02: N v Commission of the European Communities (Officials— Disciplinary measures — Removal from post without loss of pension rights— Statement of reasons — Rights of the defence — Proportionality — Failureto comply with the time-limits fixed by Article 7 of Annex IX to the StaffRegulations — Article 12, first paragraph, of the Staff Regulations)


2004/C 106/118

Judgment of the court of first instance of 2 March2004 in Case T-234/02: Christos Michael v Commission of the EuropeanCommunities (Officials — Appointment of a deputy head of unit and a head ofsection — Measure adversely affecting the applicant — None — Inadmissible)


2004/C 106/119

Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 25 March2004 in Case T-238/02 José Barbosa Gonçalves v Commission of the EuropeanCommunities (Officials — Action — Application for compensation brought withoutrecourse to the pre-litigation procedure prescribed by the Staff Regulations— Admissibility)


2004/C 106/120

Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 23 March2004 in Case T-310/02 Athanassios Theodorakis v Council of the EuropeanUnion (Officials — Recruitment — Article 29 of the Staff Regulations — Vacancynotice — Rejection of application — Out of time)


2004/C 106/121

Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 1 April2004 in Case T-312/02: Lucio Gussetti v Commission of the EuropeanCommunities (Officials — Dependent child allowance — Article 67(2) of theStaff Regulations — Anti-cumulation rule applicable to national allowancesof like nature — Article 85 of the Staff Regulations — Conditions for recoveryof sums paid but not due)


2004/C 106/122

Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 18 February2004 in Case T-320/02: Monika Esch-Leonhardt and Others v EuropeanCentral Bank (Officials — Personnel file — Letter concerning the transmissionof union information by electronic mail — Refusal to remove from applicants'personnel files)


2004/C 106/123

Judgment of the court of first instance (Fourth Chamber) 3March 2004 InCase T-355/02: Mülhens GmbH & Co. KG v Office for Harmonisationin the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM) (Community trade mark— Opposition procedure — Likelihood of confusion — Application for Communityword mark ZIRH — Earlier Community figurative mark including the word “sir” — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation(EC) No 40/94)


2004/C 106/124

Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 17 March2004 in Case T-4/03 Giorgio Lebedef v Commission of the European Communities(Officials — Promotion — Irregularity in a promotion procedure — Comparativeexamination of merits — Statement of reasons — Application for annulment)


2004/C 106/125

Judgment of the court of first instance 18 February2004 in Case T-10/03: Jean-Pierre Koubi v Office for Harmonisationin the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM) (Community trade mark— Application for Community word mark CONFORFLEX — Earlier national word andfigurative marks FLEX — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation(EC) No 40/94)


2004/C 106/126

Judgment of the court of first instance of 16 March2004 in Case T-11/03: Elizabeth Afari v European Central Bank (Staffof the European Central Bank — Defamation — Racial discrimination — Disciplinaryprocedure — Rights of the defence — Characterisation in law of the facts —Claim for compensation)


2004/C 106/127

Judgment of the court of first instance of 2 March2004 in Case T-14/03: Colette Di Marzio v Commission of the EuropeanCommunities (Officials — Conditions for admissibility of actions — Remuneration— Change of place of employment — Withdrawal of the benefit of the weightingfor France and the expatriation allowance — Principle of non-discrimination— Duty to have regard for the welfare of officials)


2004/C 106/128

Judgment of the court of first instance of 19 February2004 in Case T-19/03: Spyridoula Konstantopoulou v Court of Justice(Officials — Open competitions — Non-admission to the oral test)


2004/C 106/129

Order of the court of first instance of 19 February2004 in Case T-300/97 DEP: Benito Latino v Commission of the EuropeanCommunities (Procedure — Taxation of costs)


2004/C 106/130

Order of the Court of First Instance of 1 March 2004 inCase T-210/99 Johan Henk Gankema v Commission of the European Communities(Annulment action — Inaction by the applicant — No need to give judgment)


2004/C 106/131

Order of the court of first instance of 9 February2004 in Case T-120/03 Synopharm G,bH & Co. KG v Officefor Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (Communitytrade mark — Opposition — Withdrawal of the opposition — No need to adjudicate)


2004/C 106/132

Order of the court of first instance of 11 February2004 in Case T-304/03: Bayer AG v Office for Harmonisation in the InternalMarket (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM) (Community trade mark — Opposition— Amicable resolution reached between the applicant for a Community trademark and the proprietor of earlier national trade marks — No need for thecase to proceed to judgment)


2004/C 106/133

Order of the president of the court of first instance of 16January 2004 InCase T-369/03 R: Arizona Chemical BV and Others v Commission of the EuropeanCommunities (Interim measures — Directive 67/548 EEC — Urgency)


2004/C 106/134

Order of the president of the court of first instance 3February 2004 in Case T-422/03 R: Enviro Tech Europe Ltd and EnviroTech International Inc v Commission of the European Communities (Interim measures— Directive 67/548 — Urgency)


2004/C 106/135

Case T-426/03: Actionbrought on 22 December 2003 by Dr. Grandel GmbHagainst the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks andDesigns) (OHIM)


2004/C 106/136

Case T-12/04: Actionbrought on 9 January 2004 by ‘Almdudler-Limonade’ A. & S. Klein against the Office for Harmonisationin the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM)


2004/C 106/137

Case T-28/04: Actionbrought on 22 January 2004 by Mühlens GmbH & Co. KG against the Office for Harmonisationin the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM)


2004/C 106/138

Case T-32/04: Actionbrought on 29 January 2004 by Lichtwer PharmaAG against the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marksand Designs)


2004/C 106/139

Case T-34/04: Actionbrought on 28 January 2004 by Plus WarenhandelsgesellschaftmbH against the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marksand Designs)


2004/C 106/140

Case T-39/04: Actionbrought on 5 February 2004 by Orsay GmbH againstthe Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs)


2004/C 106/141

Case T-65/04: Actionbrought on 13 February 2004 by Gela Sviluppo S.C.p.A.(in liquidation) against the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/142

Case T-68/04: Actionbrought on 20 February 2004 by SGL Carbon AG againstthe Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/143

Case T-69/04: Actionbrought on 20 February 2004 by Schunk GmbH andSchunk Kohlenstofftechnik GmbH against the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/144

Case T-73/04: Actionbrought on 20 February 2004 by Le Carbone LorraineS.A. against the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/145

Case T-75/04: Actionbrought on 17 February 2004 by Arch Chemicals,Inc., and Arch Timber Protection Limited against the Commission of the EuropeanCommunities


2004/C 106/146

Case T-76/04: Actionbrought on 17 February 2004 by Bactria Industriehygiene-ServiceVerwaltungs GmbH against the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/147

Case T-77/04: Actionbrought on 17 February 2004 by Rhodia ConsumerSpecialties Limited against the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/148

Case T-78/04: Actionbrought on 17 February 2004 by Sumitomo Chemical(UK) PLC against the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/149

Case T-79/04: Actionbrought on 17 February 2004 by Troy Chemical CompanyBV against the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/150

Case T-81/04: Actionbrought on 21 February 2004 by Bouygues SA andBouygues Télécom against Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/151

Case T-84/04: Actionbrought on 20 February 2004 by Axiom Medical,Inc. against the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market


2004/C 106/152

Case T-85/04: Action brought on 1 March 2004 by Guido Strack against the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/153

Case T-87/04: Action brought on 1 March 2004 by Milagros Irene Arranz Benítez against the European Parliament


2004/C 106/154

Case T-88/04: Action brought on 3 March 2004 by Marie Tzirani against Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/155

Case T-89/04: Actionbrought on 24 February 2004 by C.I. Bieger againstEuropol


2004/C 106/156

Case T-91/04: Actionbrought on 3 March 2004 by Alexander Just againstthe Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/157

Case T-93/04: Actionbrought on 4 March 2004 by Theodoros Kallianosagainst Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/158

Case T-94/04: Actionbrought on 27 February 2004 by the European EnvironmentalBureau, PAN-Europe, the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel,Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers's Associations (IUF), theEuropean Federation of Trade Unions in the Food Agricultural and Tourism Sectorsand Allied Branches (EFFAT), Stichting Natuur en Milieu and Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen(Swedish Society for Nature Conservation) against the Commission of the EuropeanCommunities


2004/C 106/159

Case T-95/04: Actionbrought on 8 March 2004 by Luciano Lavagnoli againstCommission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/160

Case T-96/04: Actionbrought on 5 March 2004 by Michael Cwik against the Commission ofthe European Communities


2004/C 106/161

Case T-97/04: Actionbrought on 12 March 2004 by Laura Gnemmi and EugéniaAguiar against the Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/162

Case T-98/04: Actionbrought on 15 March 2004 by S.I.M.SA srl and Othersagainst Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/163

Case T-100/04: Actionbrought on 11 March 2004 by Massimo Giannini againstCommission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/164

Case T-101/04: Actionbrought on 15 March 2004 by Carlos Martinez-Mongayagainst Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/165

Case T-102/04: Actionbrought on 8 March 2004 by David Cornwell againstthe Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/166

Case T-103/04: Action brought on 15 March 2004 by Peter Ritzmann against Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/167

Case T-105/04: Actionbrought on 12 March 2004 by Sandoz GmbH againstthe Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/168

Case T-107/04: Actionbrought on 16 March 2004 by Aluminium SiliconMill Products GmbH against the Council of the European Union


2004/C 106/169

Case T-108/04: Actionbrought on 12 March 2003 by Nikolaus Steiningeragainst Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/170

Case T-110/04: Actionbrought on 16 March 2004 by Paulo Sequeira Wandschneideragainst Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/171

Case T-111/04: Actionbrought on 15 March 2004 by OJSC Bratsk AluminiumPlant against the Council of the European Union


2004/C 106/172

Case T-112/04: Actionbrought on 19 March 2004 by Manuel Ruiz Sanz,Anna Maria Campogrande and Friedrich Mühlbauer against the Commission of theEuropean Communities


2004/C 106/173

Case T-115/04: Actionbrought on 19 March 2004 by Yvonne Laroche againstthe Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/174

Case T-119/04: Actionbrought on 25 March 2004 by Francisco Rossi Ferrerasagainst Commission of the European Communities


2004/C 106/175

Removal from the register of Case T-235/99


2004/C 106/176

Removal from the register of Case T-279/99


2004/C 106/177

Removal from the register of Case T-291/99


2004/C 106/178

Removal from the register of Case T-294/99


2004/C 106/179

Removal from the register of Case T-184/03


2004/C 106/180

Removal from the register of Case T-307/03


2004/C 106/181

Removal from the register of Case T-308/03


2004/C 106/182

Removal from the register of Case T-355/03


2004/C 106/183

Removal from the Register of Case T-407/03



III   Notices

2004/C 106/184

Last publication of the Court of Justice in the Official Journal of the European Union OJ C 94, 17.4.2004



