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Document 21973A0630(01)

    Protocolo complementario al Acuerdo de asociación entre la Comunidad Económica Europea y Turquía con motivo de la adhesión de nuevos Estados miembros a la Comunidad (1973) - Acta Final - Declaraciones comunes

    DO L 361 de 31.12.1977, p. 2–186 (DA, DE, EN, FR, IT, NL)

    Este documento se ha publicado en una o varias ediciones especiales (EL, ES, PT, FI, SV, CS, ET, LV, LT, HU, MT, PL, SK, SL, BG, RO, HR)

    Legal status of the document In force


    Related Council regulation


    Protocolo complementario al Acuerdo de asociación entre la Comunidad Económica Europea y Turquía con motivo de la adhesión de nuevos Estados miembros a la Comunidad (1973) - Acta Final - Declaraciones comunes

    Diario Oficial n° L 361 de 31/12/1977 p. 0002 - 0186
    Edición especial en finés : Capítulo 11 Tomo 4 p. 0004
    Edición especial sueca: Capítulo 11 Tomo 4 p. 0004
    Edición especial griega: Capítulo 11 Tomo 9 p. 0163
    Edición especial en español: Capítulo 11 Tomo 7 p. 0092
    Edición especial en portugués: Capítulo 11 Tomo 7 p. 0092

    PROTOCOLO COMPLEMENTARIO al Acuerdo de Asociación entre la Comunidad Económica Europea y Turquía con motivo de la adhesión de nuevos Estados miembros a la Comunidad







    cuyos Estados, denominados en lo sucesivo «Estados miembros originarios», son Partes Contratantes del Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Económica Europea;




    cuyos Estados, denominados en lo sucesivo «nuevos Estados miembros», son Partes que se han adherido al Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Económica Europea,

    Partes Contratantes del Tratado relativo a la adhesión a la Comunidad Económica Europea y a la Comunidad Europea de la Energía Atómica del Reino de Dinamarca, de Irlanda y del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, firmado en Bruselas el 22 de enero de 1972, denominado en lo sucesivo «Tratado de adhesión»,


    por una parte, y


    por otra parte,

    HAN DECIDIDO establecer de común acuerdo las adaptaciones del Acuerdo por el que se crea una Asociación entre la Comunidad Económica Europea y Turquía, denominado en lo sucesivo «Acuerdo de Asociación» incluidos el Protocolo Adicional y el Protocolo Financiero, que son necesarias con motivo de la adhesión a la Comunidad Económica Europea del Reino de Dinamarca, de Irlanda y del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte,

    Y HAN DESIGNADO con tal fin como plenipotenciarios:


    al señor Renaat VAN ELSLANDE,

    Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores;


    al señor Niels ERSBØLL,

    Embajador, Representante permanente;


    al señor U. LEBSANFT,

    Embajador, Representante permanente;

    al señor Otto SCHLECHT,

    Secretario de Estado para Asuntos Económicos;


    al señor de LIPKOWSKI,

    Secretario de Estado de Asuntos Exteriores;


    al señor J. KEATING,

    Ministro de Industria y Comercio;


    al señor Mario PEDINI,

    Subsecretario de Estado para Asuntos Exteriores;


    al señor Jean DONDELINGER,

    Embajador, Representante permanente;


    al señor L. BRINKHORST,

    Secretario de Estado de Asuntos Exteriores;


    al señor DAVIES,

    Canciller del Ducado de Lancaster;


    al señor Renaat VAN ELSLANDE,

    Presidente del Consejo;

    a Sir Christopher SOAMES,

    Vicepresidente de la Comisión;


    al señor Ümit Halûk BAYÜLKEN,

    Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores;

    QUIENES, después de haber intercambiado sus plenos poderes, reconocidos en buena y debida forma,

    HAN CONVENIDO las disposiciones siguientes:

    Artículo 1

    El Reino de Dinamarca, Irlanda y el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte se convierten en Partes del Acuerdo de Asociación entre la Comunidad Económica Europea y Turquía, así como de las Declaraciones anejas al Acta Final firmada en Ankara el 12 de septiembre de 1963 y de las Declaraciones anejas al Acta Final firmada en Bruselas el 23 de noviembre de 1970.


    Medidas de adaptación

    Artículo 2

    Los textos del Acuerdo de Asociación, incluidos los Protocolos que forman parte integrante del mismo, así como las Declaraciones mencionadas en el artículo 1, establecidos en lenguas danesa e inglesa y que figuran anejos al presente Protocolo, serán auténticos en las mismas condiciones que los textos originales.

    Artículo 3

    El apartado 4 del artículo 12 del Protocolo Adicional será sustituido por las disposiciones siguientes:

    «4. El Consejo de Asociación podrá decidir asimismo, durante el período transitorio, que la facultad reconocida a Turquía en el apartado 3 implique, en lugar de una nueva introducción, un aumento o una fijación de derechos de aduana, la posibilidad de introducir restricciones cuantitativas, siempre que abra, en favor de la Comunidad, un contingente por lo menos igual al 60% de las importaciones del producto de que se trate, procedentes de la Comunidad, durante el año anterior. El valor de las importaciones realizadas durante 1967, de los productos a los que se apliquen dichas restricciones cuantitativas, procedentes de la Comunidad, deberá imputarse al valor total de las importaciones a que se refiere el párrafo primero del apartado 3.

    El Consejo de Asociación establecerá las modalidades de dichas medidas y las condiciones para su supresión.

    5. No obstante lo dispuesto en el apartado 4, y para el período durante el cual Turquía aplique el porcentaje de liberalización consolidada fijado en un 40%, con arreglo a los apartados 2 y 3 del artículo 22, serán aplicables las normas siguientes:

    Si el Consejo de Asociación no hubiere adoptado ninguna decisión con arreglo al apartado 4, en un plazo de seis meses a partir de la presentación de la solicitud, Turquía, después de haber informado de ello al Consejo de Asociación, y no antes de un año a partir de la presentación de su solicitud, podrá introducir restricciones cuantitativas con arreglo a las condiciones previstas en el apartado 4.

    El conjunto de dichas restricciones cuantitativas no deberá afectar a un valor de importación superior al 5 % de las importaciones realizadas en 1967 procedentes de la Comunidad en su composición originaria. El valor de las importaciones en 1967 afectado por dichas restricciones cuantitativas, calculado basándose en las importaciones procedentes de la Comunidad en su composición originaria, deberá imputarse al valor mencionado en el párrafo primero del apartado 3. No obstante, si dichas restricciones afectaren a productos añadidos a la lista con ocasión de un aumento del tipo de liberalización consolidada, con arreglo al apartado 4 del artículo 22, el valor de las importaciones se calculará basándose en las importaciones realizadas en 1967 procedentes de los Estados miembros originarios y de los nuevos Estados miembros.

    Turquía deberá añadir, simultáneamente, nuevos productos a la lista de liberalización consolidada, en virtud del apartado 4 del artículo 22, de forma que el valor de las importaciones, procedentes de la Comunidad, de todos los productos que figuren en la lista no resulte disminuido.

    Podrán celebrarse consultas en el seno del Consejo de Asociación sobre la supresión progresiva de las restricciones cuantitativas introducidas por Turquía en aplicación del presente apartado.

    6. El Consejo de Asociación podrá establecer excepciones a lo dispuesto en los apartados 1, 3, 4 e 5.»

    Artículo 4

    1. A efectos de la aplicación del artículo 12, de los apartados 2 y 5 del artículo 22 y del artículo 25 del Protocolo Adicional, la cuantía de las importaciones que deba tomarse en consideración se calculará incluyendo, en las importaciones procedentes de la Comunidad en su composición originaria, las efectuadas por Turquía procedentes de los nuevos Estados miembros durante el período considerado.

    No obstante, a efectos de la aplicación del apartado 2 del artículo 22 del Protocolo Adicional, dicha norma solamente regirá para los aumentos del tipo de liberalización consolidada que deba efectuar Turquía a partir del 1 de enero de 1976.

    2. En el momento de la entrada en vigor del presente Protocolo, Turquía podrá efectuar modificaciones en la lista de liberalización notificada, con arreglo al apartado 4 del artículo 22 del Protocolo Adicional, siempre que:

    - dichas modificaciones no afecten a más del 10 % del valor de las importaciones realizadas en 1967, procedentes de la Comunidad, de productos que figuren en la lista de liberalización;

    - el valor de las importaciones, procedentes de la Comunidad, de todos los productos incluidos en la lista de liberalización, calculado siempre según las cifras del año 1967, no resulte disminuido;

    - para los productos retirados de la lista de liberalización, se abran contingentes por lo menos iguales al 60 % de las importaciones, procedentes de la Comunidad, de dichos productos, realizadas durante el año anterior, sin perjuicio de la facultad de Turquía de aplicar a dichos productos el apartado 5 del artículo 22 del Protocolo Adicional.

    El valor de las importaciones procedentes de la Comunidad afectado por las citadas modificaciones deberá imputarse al valor total de las importaciones citadas en el párrafo primero del apartado 3 del artículo 12 del Protocolo Adicional.

    Turquía notificará al Consejo de Asociación las medidas adoptadas con arreglo a las disposiciones anteriormente mencionadas.

    Artículo 5

    El apartado 1 del artículo 29 del Acuerdo de Asociación será sustituido por la disposición siguiente:

    «El Acuerdo se aplicará, por una parte, en las condiciones previstas en el Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Económica Europea, en los territorios europeos del Reino de Bélgica, del Reino de Dinamarca, de la República Federal de Alemania, de la República Francesa, de Irlanda, de la República Italiana, del Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo, del Reino de los Países Bajos y del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte y en los demás territorios europeos en los que un Estado miembro asuma las relaciones exteriores y, por otra parte, en el territorio de la República de Turquía.»

    Artículo 6

    Los estudios sucesivos previstos en el apartado 3 del artículo 35 del Protocolo Adicional se adelantarán en un año.

    Artículo 7

    Los volúmenes anuales de los contingentes arancelarios previstos, en favor de Turquía, en el apartado 1 del artículo único del Anexo nº 1 y en el apartado 2 del artículo 1 del Anexo nº del Protocolo Adicional se elevarán a:

    Productos petrolíferos refinados (partidas del arancel aduanero común núm. 27.10, 27.11, 27.12 y subpartidas ex 27.13 B y 27.14 C):...340 000 toneladas.

    Hilados de algodón sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor ( partida del arancel aduanero común (nº 55.05):... 390 toneladas.

    Otros tejidos de algodón (partida del arancel aduanero común n° 55.09):... 1 390 toneladas

    Artículo 8

    El importe de 195 millones de unidades de cuenta previsto en el apartado 2 del artículo 3 del Protocolo Financiero de 23 de noviembre de 1970 se sustituirá por el importe de 242 millones de unidades de cuenta.


    Medidas transitorias

    Artículo 9

    1. Las reducciones de los derechos de aduana y exacciones de efecto equivalente, establecidas en virtud del Acuerdo de Asociación, se aplicarán en los nuevos Estados miembros desde el momento de la entrada en vigor del presente Protocolo, en las proporciones y según los calendarios acordados. No obstante, los tipos resultantes de la aplicación de dichas reducciones en lo que se refiere al Anexo 2 y al Anexo 6 del Protocolo Adicional no podrán en ningún caso ser inferiores a los aplicados por los nuevos Estados miembros respecto de la Comunidad en su composición originaria.

    2. No obstante lo dispuesto en el apartado 1, para los productos que figuran en el Anexo I, Irlanda podrá aplicar respecto de Turquía, hasta el 31 de diciembre de 1975, derechos de aduana iguales a los aplicados respecto de los Estados miembros que no sean el Reino Unido.

    3. Los tipos a partir de los cuales los nuevos Estados miembros aplicarán respecto de Turquía las reducciones, con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el apartado 1, serán los que apliquen en cada momento respecto de los terceros países.

    4. No obstante lo dispuesto en los apartados anteriores, si la aplicación de estas disposiciones pudiere producir movimientos arancelarios que se aparten momentáneamente de la aproximación al derecho final, los nuevos Estados miembros podrán mantener sus derechos hasta que se haya alcanzado el nivel de los mismos, en el ámbito de la aproximación al derecho final, o en su caso, aplicar el derecho resultante de una aproximación posterior desde el momento en el que esta aproximación alcance o supere dicho nivel.

    Artículo 10

    Los nuevos Estados miembros acomodarán sus derechos de aduana de carácter fiscal, o el elemento fiscal de tales derechos, relativos a los productos que figuran en el Anexo II, a los derechos establecidos en virtud del Acuerdo de Asociación, aplicando respecto de Turquía el mismo trato que respecto de los demás Estados miembros.

    El artículo 9 será aplicable al elemento protector de tales derechos.

    Artículo 11

    1. Turquía reducirá, respecto de los nuevos Estados miembros, la diferencia existente entre los derechos de aduana y exacciones de efecto equivalente aplicados respecto de terceros países y los aplicados en virtud del Acuerdo de Asociación, respecto de la Comunidad en su composición originaria, mediante porcentajes sucesivos del 20 %, de acuerdo con el calendario siguiente:

    - la primera aproximación se efectuará en el momento de la entrada en vigor del presente Protocolo;

    - las cuatro aproximaciones siguientes se efectuarán el 1 de enero de 1974, el 1 de enero de 1975, el 1 de enero de 1976 y el 1 de julio de 1977.

    2. Si la entrada en vigor del presente Protocolo se produjere después del 1 de enero de 1974, Turquía aplicará, respecto de los nuevos Estados miembros, el nivel de aproximación resultante del calendario indicado en el apartado 1 en el momento de la entrada en vigor.

    3. En caso de que se modifiquen el calendario y el ritmo previstos para la supresión de los derechos de aduana y exacciones de efecto equivalente aplicados por los nuevos Estados miembros respecto de la Comunidad en su composición originaria, el Consejo de Asociación adoptará las medidas necesarias para tener en cuenta tal modificación.

    4. El Consejo de Asociación podrá adoptar las medidas adecuadas para que las reducciones que deba aplicar Turquía respecto de los nuevos Estados miembros coincidan con los vencimientos establecidos en virtud del Protocolo Adicional.

    Artículo 12

    También podrán beneficiarse del régimen preferencial previsto por el Protocolo Adicional las mercancías obtenidas en Turquía para cuya fabricación se hayan utilizado productos procedentes de un Estado miembro originario o de un nuevo Estado miembro y que no se encontraban en libre práctica en Turquía.

    No obstante, la concesión para dichas mercancías, respectivamente en un nuevo Estado miembro o en un Estado miembro originario, del beneficio indicado podrá quedar supeditada a la percepción, en Turquía, de una exacción reguladora durante tanto tiempo como, en los intercambios entre los Estados miembros y Turquía, se apliquen derechos y exacciones de efecto equivalente distintos de los que se aplican en los intercambios entre los Estados miembros originarios y los nuevos Estados miembros.

    El artículo 3 del Protocolo Adicional será aplicable.

    Artículo 13

    1. Los regímenes de importación aplicados por Irlanda a los productos que figuran en el Anexo III se suprimirán respecto de Turquía lo más tarde, según los casos, el 1 de julio de 1975 o el 1 de enero de 1985, de acuerdo con las modalidades que establezca el Consejo de Asociación.

    2. Hasta el 31 de diciembre de 1974, las importaciones al Reino Unido, procedentes de Turquía, de los productos enumerados en el Anexo IV podrán limitarse a los contingentes anuales siguientes:

    - contingente 1973: // 306 toneladas;

    - contingente 1974: // 368 toneladas.

    Artículo 14

    En el período comprendido hasta el 1 de julio de 1977, los contingentes arancelarios previstos en el apartado 2 del artículo 1 del Anexo 2 del Protocolo Adicional se distribuirán de la forma siguiente:

    Hilados de algodón sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor ( partida del arancel aduanero común nº 55.05):

    - para la Comunidad en su composición originaria: // 300 toneladas;

    - para Dinamarca: // 40 toneladas;

    - para Irlanda: // 10 toneladas;

    - para el Reino Unido: // 40 toneladas;

    Otros tejidos de algodón (partida del arancel aduanero común nº 55.09):

    - para la Comunidad en su composición originaria: // 1 000 toneladas;

    - para Dinamarca: // 20 toneladas;

    - para Irlanda: // 10 toneladas;

    - para el Reino Unido: // 360 toneladas.

    Artículo 15

    1. Durante el período previsto en el artículo 14, el precio mínimo mencionado en el apartado 3 del artículo 4 del Anexo 6 del Protocolo Adicional se calculará, en los nuevos Estados miembros, teniendo en cuenta la cuantía de la incidencia de los derechos que dichos Estados miembros apliquen en cada momento respecto de los terceros países.

    2. Durante el mismo período, las exacciones reguladoras, los elementos móviles y los elementos fijos, mencionados en el Anexo 6 del Protocolo Adicional, se calcularán, en los nuevos Estados miembros, teniendo en cuenta los tipos que apliquen en cada momento respecto de los terceros países.


    Disposiciones finales

    Artículo 16

    El presente Protocolo y sus Anexos forman parte integrante del Acuerdo por el que se crea una Asociación entre la Comunidad Económica Europea y Turquía.

    Artículo 17

    1. El presente Protocolo será ratificado por los Estados signatarios de conformidad con sus respectivas normas constitucionales y válidamente celebrado, en lo que se refiere a la Comunidad, mediante Decisión del Consejo de las Comunidades Europeas adoptada con arreglo a las disposiciones del Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad y notificada a las demás Partes Contratantes.

    Los instrumentos de ratificación y el Acta de notificación de la celebración serán intercambiados en Bruselas.

    2. El presente Protocolo entrará en vigor el primer día del mes siguiente a la fecha del intercambio de los instrumentos mencionados en el apartado 1.

    Artículo 18

    El presente Protocolo se redacta en dos ejemplares en lenguas alemana, danesa, francesa, inglesa, italiana, neerlandesa y turca, siendo cada uno de estos textos igualmente auténtico.

    Til bekræftelse heraf har undertegnede befuldmægtigede underskrevet denne supplerende Protokol.

    Zu Urkund dessen haben die unterzeichneten Bevollmächtigten ihre Unterschriften unter dieses Ergänzungsprotokoll gesetzt.

    In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have affixed their signatures below this supplementary Protocol.

    En foi de quoi, les plénipotentiaires soussignés ont apposé leurs signatures au bas du présent protocole complémentaire.

    In fede di che, i plenipotenziari sottoscritti hanno apposto le loro firme in calce al presente protocollo complementare.

    Ten blijke waarvan de ondergetekende gevolmachtigden hun handtekening onder dit Aanvullend Protocol hebben gesteld.

    Bunun belgesi olarak, asagida adlari yazili tam yetkili temsilciler bu Tamamlayici Protokol'un altina imzalarini atmislardir.

    Udfærdiget i Ankara, den tredivte juni nitten hundrede og treoghalvfjerds.

    Geschehen zu Ankara am dreißigsten Juni neunzehnhundertdreiundsiebzig.

    Done at Ankara on this thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and seventy three.

    Fait à Ankara, le trente juin mil neuf cent soixante-treize.

    Fatto a Ankara, addì trenta giugno millenovecentosettantatré.

    Gedaan te Ankara, de dertigste juni negentienhonderd drieënzeventig.

    Ankara'da, otuz Haziran bin dokuz, yüz yetmis üç gününde yapilmistir.

    Pour Sa Majesté le roi des Belges

    Voor Zijne Majesteit de Koning der Belgen




    For Hendes Majestaet Dronningen af Danmark




    Für den Präsidenten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland




    Pour le président de la République française




    For the President of Ireland




    Per il presidente della Repubblica italiana




    Pour Son Altesse Royale le grand-duc de Luxembourg




    Voor Hare Majesteit de Koningin der Nederlanden




    For Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland




    For Rådet for De europæiske Fællesskaber

    Im Namen des Rates der Europäischen Gemeinschaften

    For the Council of the European Communities

    Pour le Conseil des Communautés européennes

    Per il Consiglio delle Comunità europee

    Voor de Raad der Europese Gemeenschappen




    Türkiye Cumhurbaskant adina





    Lista de los productos a que se refiere el apartado 2 del artículo 9





    Lista de los productos a los que se refiere el artículo 10

    1. Productos a los que Irlanda aplica derechos de aduana de carácter fiscal




    2. Productos a los que el Reino Unido aplica derechos de aduana de carácter fiscal





    Lista de los productos a los que se refiere el apartado 1 del artículo 13





    Lista de los productos a los que se refiere el apartado 2 del artículo 13




    AGREEMENT establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey (signed at Ankara, 12 September 1963)










    of the one part, and


    of the other part,

    DETERMINED to establish ever closer bonds between the Turkish people and the peoples brought together in the European Economic Community;

    RESOLVED to ensure a continuous improvement in living conditions in Turkey and in the European Economic Community through accelerated economic progress and the harmonious expansion of trade, and to reduce the disparity between the Turkish economy and the economies of the Member States of the Community;

    MINDFUL both of the special problems presented by the development of the Turkish economy and of the need to grant economic aid to Turkey during a given period;

    RECOGNIZING that the support given by the European Economic Community to the efforts of the Turkish people to improve their standard of living will facilitate the accession of Turkey to the Community at a later date;

    RESOLVED to preserve and strengthen peace and liberty by joint pursuit of the ideals underlying the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community;

    HAVE DECIDED to conclude an Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey in accordance with Article 238 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and to this end have designated as their Plenipotentiaries:


    Mr Paul-Henri SPAAK,

    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Dr. Gerhard SCHRÖDER,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;



    Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Emilio COLOMBO,

    Minister for the Treasury;


    Mr Eugène SCHAUS,

    Vice-President of the Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Joseph M.A.H. LUNS,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Joseph M.A.H. LUNS,

    President in Office of the Council of the European Economic Community and Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands;


    Mr Feridun Cemal ERKIN,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;

    WHO, having exchanged their Full Powers, found in good and due form,




    Article 1

    By this Agreement an Association is established between the European Economic Community and Turkey.

    Article 2

    1. The aim of this Agreement is to promote the continuous and balanced strengthening of trade and economic relations between the Parties, while taking full account of the need to ensure an accelerated development of the Turkish economy and to improve the level of employment and the living conditions of the Turkish people.

    2. In order to attain the objectives set out in paragraph 1, a customs union shall be progressively established in accordance with Article 3, 4 and 5.

    3. Association shall comprise:

    (a) a preparatory stage;

    (b) a transitional stage;

    (c) a final stage.

    Article 3

    1. During the preparatory stage Turkey shall, with aid from the Community, strengthen its economy so as to enable it to fulfil the obligations which will devolve upon it during the transitional and final stages.

    The detailed rules for this preparatory stage, in particular those for aid from the Community, are set out in the Provisional Protocol and in the Financial Protocol to this Agreement.

    2. The preparatory stage shall last five years, unless it should be extended in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Provisional Protocol.

    The change-over to the transitional stage shall be effected in accordance with Article 1 of the Provisional Protocol.

    Article 4

    1. During the transitional stage the Contracting Parties shall, on the basis of mutual and balanced obligations:

    - establish progressively a customs union between Turkey and the Community;

    - align the economic policies of Turkey and the Community more closely in order to ensure the proper functioning of the Association and the progress of the joint measures which this requires.

    2. This stage last not more than twelve years, subject to such exceptions as may be made by mutual agreement. The exceptions must not impede the final establishment of the customs union within a reasonable period.

    Article 5

    The final stage shall be based on the customs union and shall entail closer coordination of the economic policies of the Contracting Parties.

    Article 6

    To ensure the implementation and the progressive development of the Association, the Contracting Parties shall meet in a Council of Association which shall act within the powers conferred upon it by this Agreement.

    Article 7

    The Contracting Parties shall take all appropriate measures, whether general or particular, to ensure the fulfilment of the obligations arising from this Agreement.

    They shall refrain from any measures liable to jeopardize the attainment of the objectives of this Agreement.



    Article 8

    In order to attain the objectives set out in Article 4, the Council of Association shall, before the beginning of the transitional stage and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 1 of the Provisional Protocol, determine the conditions, rules and timetables for the implementation of the provisions relating to the fields covered by the Treaty establishing the Community which must be considered; this shall apply in particular to such of those fields as are mentioned under this Title and to any protective clause which may prove appropriate.

    Article 9

    The Contracting Parties recognize that within the scope of this Agreement and without prejudice to any special provisions which may be laid down pursuant to Article 8, any discrimination on grounds of nationality shall be prohibited in accordance with the principle laid down in Article 7 of the Treaty establishing the Community.

    Chapter 1

    The customs union

    Article 10

    1. The customs union provided for in Article 2 (2) of this Agreement shall cover all trade in goods.

    2. The customs union shall involve:

    - the prohibition between Member States of the Community and Turkey, of customs duties on imports and exports and of all charges having equivalent effect, quantitative restrictions and all other measures having equivalent effect which are designed to protect national production in a manner contrary to the objectives of this Agreements;

    - the adoption by Turkey of the Common Customs Tariff of the Community in its trade with third countries, and an approximation to the other Community on external trade.

    Chapter 2


    Article 11

    1. The Association shall likewise extend to agriculture and trade in agricultural products, in accordance with special rules which shall take into account the common agricultural policy of the Community.

    2. 'Agricultural products' means the products listed in Annex II to the Treaty establishing the Community, as at present supplemented in accordance with Article 38 (3) of that Treaty.

    Chapter 3

    Other economic provisions

    Article 12

    The Conracting Parties agree to be guided by Articles 48, 49 and 50 of the Treaty establishing the Community for the purpose of progressively securing freedom of movement for workers between them.

    Article 13

    The Contracting Parties agree to be guided by Articles 52 to 56 and Article 58 of the Treaty establishing the Community for the purpose of abolishing restrictions on freedom of establishment between them.

    Article 14

    The Contracting Parties agree to be guided by Articles 55, 56 and 58 to 65 of the Treaty establishing the Community for the purpose of abolishing restrictions on freedom to provide services between them.

    Article 15

    The rules and conditions for extension to Turkey of the transport provisions contained in the Treaty establishing the Community, and measures adopted in implementation of those provisions shall be laid down with due regard to the geographical situation of Turkey.

    Article 16

    The Contracting Parties recognize that the principles laid down in the provisions on competition, taxation and the approximation of laws contained in Title I of Part III of the Treaty establishing the Community must be made applicable in their relations within the Association.

    Article 17

    Each State party to this Agreement shall pursue the economic policy needed to ensure the equilibrium of its overall balance of payments and to maintain confidence in its currency, while taking care to ensure a continuous, balanced growth of its economy in conjunction with stable prices.

    Each State party to this Agreement shall pursue a conjunctural policy, in particular a financial and monetary policy, which furthers these objectives.

    Article 18

    Each State party to this Agreement shall pursue a policy with regard to rates of exchange which ensures that the objectives of the Association can be attained.

    Article 19

    The Member States of the Community and Turkey undertake to authorize, in the currency of the country in which the creditor or the beneficiary resides, any payments or transfers connected with the movement of goods, services or capital, and any transfers of capital or earnings, to the extent that the movement of goods, services, capital and persons between them has been liberalized pursuant to this Agreement.

    Article 20

    The Contracting Parties shall consult each other with a view to facilitating movements of capital between Member States of the Community and Turkey which will further the objectives of this Agreement.

    They shall actively seek all means of promoting the investment in Turkey of capital from countries of the Community which can contribute to Turkish economic development.

    With respect to arrangements for foreign capital residents of all Member States shall be entitled to all the advantages, in particular as regards currency and taxation, which Turkey accords to any other Member State or to a third country.

    Article 21

    The Contracting Parties hereby agree to work out a consultation procedure in order to ensure coordination of their commercial policies towards third countries and mutual respect for their interests in this field, inter alia in the event of subsequent accession to or association with the Community by third countries.



    Article 22

    1. In order to attain the objectives of this Agreement the Council of Association shall have the power to take decisions in the cases provided for therein. Each of the Parties shall take the measures necessary to implement the decisions taken. The Council of Association may also make appropriate recommendations.

    2. The Council of Association shall periodically review functioning of the Association in the light of the objectives of this Agreement. During the preparatory stage, however, such reviews shall be limited to an exchange of views.

    3. Once the transitional stage has been embarked on, the Council of Association shall adopt appropriate decisions where, in the course of implementation of the Association arrangements, attainment of an objective of this Agreement calls for joint action by the Contracting Parties but the requisite powers are not granted in this Agreements.

    Article 23

    The Council of Association shall consist of members of the Governments of the Member States and members of the Council and of the Commission of the Community on the one hand and of members of the Turkish Government on the other.

    The members of the Council of Association may arrange to be represented in accordance with its rules of procedure.

    The Council of Association shall act unanimously.

    Article 24

    The office of President of the Council of Association shall be held for a term of six months by a representative of the Community and a representative of Turkey alternately. The term of office of the first President may be shortened by a decision of the Council Association.

    The Council of Association shall adopt its rules of procedure.

    The Council of Association may decide to set up committees to assist in the performance of its tasks, and in particular a committee to ensure the continuing cooperation necessary for the proper functioning of this Agreement.

    The Council of Association shall lay down the terms of reference of these committes.

    Article 25

    1. The Contracting Parties may submit to the Council of Association any dispute relating to the application or interpretation of this Agreement which concerns the Community, a Member State of the Community, or Turkey.

    2. The Council of Association may settle the dispute by decision; it may also decide to submit the dispute to Court of Justice of the European Communities or to any other existing court or tribunal.

    3. Each Party shall be required to take the measures necessary to comply with such decisions.

    4. Where the dispute cannot be settled in accordance with paragraphs 2 of this Article, the Council of Association shall determine, in accordance with Article 8 of this Agreement, the detailed rules for arbitration or for any other judicial procedure to which the Contracting Parties may resort during the transitional and final stages of this Agreement.

    Article 26

    This Agreement shall not apply to products within the province of the European Coal and Steel Community.

    Article 27

    The Council of Association shall take all appropriate steps to promote the necessary cooperation and contacts between the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and other organs of the Community on the one hand and the Turkish Parliament and the corresponding organs in Turkey on the other.

    During the preparatory state, however, such contacts shall be limited to relations between the European Parliament and the Turkish Parliament.

    Article 28

    As soon as the operation of this Agreement has advanced far enough to justify envisaging full acceptance by Turkey of the obligations arising out of the Treaty establishing the Community, the Contracting Parties shall examine the possibility of the accession of Turkey to the Community.

    Article 29

    1. This Agreement shall apply to the European territories of the Kingdom of Belgium, of the Federal Republic of Germany, of the French Republic, of the Italian Republic, of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the one hand and to the territory of the Turkish Republic on the other.

    2. The Agreement shall also apply to the French overseas departments so far as concerns those of the fields covered by it which are listed in the first subparagraph of Article 227 (2) of the Treaty establishing the Community.

    The conditions for applying to those territories the provisions of this Agreement relating to other fields shall be decided at a later date by agreement between the Contracting Parties.

    Article 30

    The Protocols annexed to this Agreement by common accord of the Contracting Parties shall form an integral part thereof.

    Article 31

    This Agreement shall be ratified by the Signatory States in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements, and shall become binding on the Community by a decision of the Council taken in accordance with the Treaty establishing the Community and notified to the Parties to this Agreement.

    The instruments of ratification and the notifications of conclusion shall be exchanged at Brussels.

    Article 32

    This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date of exchange of the instruments of ratification and the notification referred to in Article 31.

    Article 33

    This Agreement is drawn up in two copies in the Dutch, French, German, Italian and Turkish languages, each of these texts being equally authentic.


    Provisional Protocol


    RECOGNIZING the importance to the Turkish economy, particularly in the preparatory stage, of exports of tobacco, dried grapes, dried figs and hazelnuts;

    DESIRING to adopt the Provisional Protocol provided for in Article 3 of the Agreement of Association;


    Article 1

    1. Four years after the entry into force of this Agreement, the Council of Association shall consider whether, taking into account the economic situation of Turkey, it is able to lay down, in the form of an additional Protocol, the provisions relating to the conditions, detailed rules and timetables for implementing the transitional stage referred to in Article 4 of the Agreement.

    The additional Protocol shall be signed by the Contracting Parties and shall enter into force after completion of the respective constitutional procedures.

    2. If the additional Protocol has not been adopted by the end of the fifth year, the procedure laid down in paragraph 1 shall be set in motion again after a period which shall be fixed by the Council of Association and which shall not exceed three years.

    3. The provisions of this Protocol shall continue to apply until the additional Protocol enters into force or until the end of the tenth year, whichever is the earlier.

    If, however, the additional Protocol has been adopted but has not entered into force by the end of the tenth year, this Provisional Protocol shall be extended for not more than one year.

    Should the additional Protocol not have been adopted by the end of the ninth year, the Council of Association shall decide on the arrangements to be applied in respect of the preparatory stage from the end of the tenth year.

    Article 2

    From the date of the entry into force of this Protocol, the Member States of the Community shall open the following annual tariff quotas for imports originating in and coming from Turkey:

    (a) 24.01 - Unmanufactured tobacco: tobacco refuse

    Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union // 1 250 metric tons

    Federal Republic of Germany // 6 600 metric tons

    France // 2 550 metric tons

    Italy // 1 500 metric tons

    Netherlands // 600 metric tons

    Each Member State shall apply to products imported under these tariff quotas the customs duty which it applies to imports of like products within the framework of the Agreement of Association signed by the Community on 9 July 1961.

    (b) ex 08.04 - Dried grapes (in containers of a net content not exceeding 15 kg)

    Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union // 3 250 metric tons

    Federal Republic of Germany // 9 750 metric tons

    France // 2 800 metric tons

    Italy // 7 700 metric tons

    Netherlands // 6 500 metric tons

    Each Member State shall apply to products imported under these tariff quotas the customs duty which it applies to imports of like products within the framework of the Agreement of Association signed by the Community on 9 July 1961.

    (c) ex 08.03 - Dried figs (in containers of a net content not exceeding 15 kg)

    Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union // 840 metric tons

    Federal Republic of Germany // 5 000 metric tons

    France // 7 000 metric tons

    Netherlands // 160 metric tons

    In the case of dried figs imported under these tariff quotas each Member State shall, pending the final alignment of the national rates of duty of the Member States of the Community on those of the Common Customs Tariff, apply a customs duty for dried figs equal to the basic duty within the meaning of Article 14 (1) of the Treaty establishing the Community, less half the reduction of duty which Member States of the Community allow to one another.

    If this Provisional Protocol should still be in force at the date when the national rates of duty of Member States are finally aligned on the Common Customs Tariff, the Community shall adopt, for dried figs, the tariff measures necessary to ensure that Turkey retains commercial advantages equivalent to those which it has under the preceding paragraph, taking into account the provisions of Article 3.

    (d) ex 08.05 - Nuts, fresh, or dried, shelled or not: hazelnuts

    Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union // 540 metric tons

    Federal Republic of Germany // 14 500 metric tons

    France // 1 250 metric tons

    Netherlands // 710 metric tons

    Each Member State of the Community shall apply an ad valorem customs duty of 2.5 % to products imported under this tariff quota.

    Furthermore, on the entry into force of this Agreement, the Member States of the Community shall abolish all intra-Community customs duties on this product and shall apply the Common Customs Tariff in its entirety.

    Article 3

    From the date of the final alignment of the national duties applied by Member States of the Community to products mentioned in Article 2 with those of the Common Customs Tariff, the Community shall each year open tariff quotas in favour of Turkey equal to the total of the national quotas open at the date of that final alignment. This procedure shall be implemented without prejudice to any decisions which may have been taken by the Council of Association pursuant to Article 4 in respect of the following calendar year.

    As regards hazelnuts, however, this procedure shall not be implemented until the national duties of Member States of the Community for all the three other products have been brought into line with those of the Common Customs Tariff.

    Article 4

    From the second year following the entry into force, of the Agreement, the Council of Association may decide to increase the tariff quotas referred to in Articles 2 and 3. Unless the Council of Association should decide otherwise, these increases shall remain in force. Any increase shall take effect only from the beginning of the next calendar year.

    Article 5

    If this Agreement does not enter into force at the beginning of a calendar year, Member States of the Community shall, for the period from the date of entry into force of this Agreement until the beginning of the next calendar year, open tariff quotas of one twelfth of the tonnages mentioned in Article 2 for each month between the date of entry into force of this Agreement and the beginning of the next calendar year.

    From the date of entry into force of this Agreement, however, the Council of Association may decide to increase the tariff quotas opened pursuant to the preceding paragraph so as to take into account the seasonal nature of exports of the products in question.

    Article 6

    At the end of the third year after the entry into force of this Agreement, the Council of Association may take appropriate measures to promote the disposal on the Community market of products other than those mentioned in Article 2.

    Article 7

    Once a common agricultural policy has been introduced for tobacco, hazelnuts or dried figs, the Community shall take any measures necessary to ensure that Turkey retains export openings equivalent to those which it has under this Protocol, taking into account the arrangements laid down for that common agricultural policy.

    Article 8

    If the Community should open tariff quotas for products mentioned in Article 2 of this Protocol, Turkey shall not, as regards the rates of customs duty chargeable within the framework of those tariff quotas, be treated less favourably than a country which is not party to this Agreement.

    Article 9

    Turkey shall endeavour to extend to all Member States of the Community the most favourable treatment which it grants to one or more of them.

    Article 10

    From the beginning of the preparatory stage each Contracting Party may bring before the Council of Association any difficulties regarding the right of establishment, the provision of services, transport or competition. Where necessary, the Council of Association may put forward to the Contracting Parties any appropriate recommendations for the solution of such difficulties.

    Article 11

    This Protocol shall be annexed to the Agreement.


    Financial Protocol


    DESIRING to promote the accelerated development of the Turkish economy in furtherance of the objectives of the Agreement of Association,


    Article 1

    Requests for the financing of investment projects which will serve to increase the productivity of the Turkish economy and further the objectives of the Agreement of Association, and which are part of the Turkish development plan, may be submitted by the Turkish State and by Turkish undertakings to the European Investment Bank, which shall inform them of the action taken thereon.

    Article 2

    Projects for which requests are approved shall be financed by loans. These loans may be contracted up to a total of 175 million units of account, which may be committed in the five years following the entry into force of this Agreement.

    Article 3

    Requests for financing submitted by Turkish undertakings shall not be approved without the agreement of the Turkish Government.

    Article 4

    1. Loans shall be granted on the basis of the economic features of the projects which they are to finance.

    2. Loans, especially those for investment projects the return on which is indirect or long term, may be made on especial terms such as reduced rates of interest, extended repayment periods, interest-free periods and, where appropriate, any other special repayment terms which may facilitate the servicing of such loans by Turkey.

    3. Any loan granted to an undertaking or to an authority other than the Turkish State shall be subject to a guarantee from the Turkish State.

    Article 5

    1. The Bank may make the granting of these loans subject to public invitation to tender or other tendering procedures. Participation in such public invitations to tender or other tendering procedures shall be open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons who are nationals of Turkey or of Member States of the Community.

    2. Loans may be used to cover expenditure on imports or domestic expenditure, where such expenditure is necessary for carrying out approved investment projects.

    3. The Bank shall ensure that the funds are used in the most judicious manner and in accordance with the objectives of this Agreement.

    Article 6

    Turkey undertakes to allow recipients of these loans to obtain the currency necessary for the repayment of the loans and of interest thereon.

    Article 7

    Assistance provided under this Protocol for carrying out certain projects may take the form of participation in financing operations in which, in particular, third countries, international finance organizations or credit and development authorities and institutions of Turkey or of Member States of the Community may be concerned.

    Article 8

    Aid to Turkish economic and social development the conditions set out in this Agreement and in this Protocol shall be supplementary to the endeavours of the Turkish State.

    Article 9

    This Protocol shall be annexed to this Agreement.

    In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Agreement.

    Done at Ankara, on the twelfth day of September in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three.

    For His Majesty the King of the Belgians,

    For the President of the Federal Republic of Germany,

    For the President of the French Republic,

    For the President of the Italian Republic,

    For Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg,

    For Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands.


    The Plenipotentiaries of

    His Majesty the King of the Belgians,

    The President of the Federal Republic of Germany,

    The President of the French Republic,

    The President of the Italian Republic,

    Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg,

    Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, and

    The Council of the European Economic Community,

    of the one part, and

    The president of the Republic of Turkey,

    of the other part,

    meeting at Ankara, on the twelfth day of September in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three,

    for the signature of the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey,

    have adopted the following texts:

    Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey and the Protocol listed below:

    Protocol No 1: Provisional Protocol

    Protocol No 2: Financial Protocol

    The Plenipotentiaries have furthermore;

    - adopted the Declarations which are listed below and annexed to this Act (Annex I):

    1. Declaration of Intent on dried grapes, in connection with Article 2 of the Provisional Protocol,

    2. Interpretative Declaration on the value of the unit of account referred to in Article 2 of the Financial Protocol,

    3. Interpretative Declaration on the definition of 'Contracting Parties' used in the Agreement of Association,

    - and taken note of the Declaration of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany which are listed below and annexed to this Act (Annex II):

    1. Declaration on the definition of the expression 'German national',

    2. Declaration on the application of the Agreement to Berlin.

    The Plenipotentiaries have agreed that the Declarations annexed to this Act shall be subjected, in the same manner as for the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey, to any procedures that may be necessary to ensure their validity.

    In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Final Act.

    Done at Ankara this twelfth day of September in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three.

    For His Majesty the King of the Belgians,

    For the President of the Federal Republic of Germany,

    For the President of the French Republic,

    For the President of the Italian Republic,

    For Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg,

    For Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands.

    Declaration of Intention concerning dried grapes with reference to Article 2 of the Provisional Protocol

    The Community declares that it does not envisage the establishment of a common organization of the market in dried grapes.

    Interpretative Declaration on the value of the unit of account in the context of Article 2 of the Financial Protocol

    The Contracting Parties declare that:

    1. The value of the unit of account used to express the amount mentioned in Article 2 of the Financial Protocol shall be 0.88867088 grammes of fine gold.

    2. The parity of the currency of a Member State of the Community in relation to the unit of account defined in paragraph 1 shall be the relation between the weight of fine gold contained in the unit of account and the weight of fine gold corresponding to the par value has been communicated, or if exchange rates differing from the par value by a margin exceeding that authorized by the International Monetary Fund are applied to current payments, the weight of fine gold corresponding to the parity of the currency shall be calculated on the basis of the exchange rate for a currency directly or indirectly expressed in and convertible into gold which is applied in the Member State to current payments, on the day of the calculation, and on the basis of the par value communicated to the International Monetary Fund for that convertible currency.

    3. The unit of account defined in paragraph 1 shall remain unchanged throughout the period in which the Financial Protocol is in force. If, however, before the end of that period a uniform proportionate change in the par values of all currencies in relation to gold should be decided by the International Monetary Fund under Article 4, Section 7, of its Articles of Agreement, the weight of fine gold contained in the unit of account shall alter in inverse ratio to that change.

    If one or more Member States do not apply the decision taken by the International Monetary Fund as referred to in the preceding subparagraph, the weight of fine gold contained in the unit of account shall alter in inverse ratio to the change decided by the International Monetary Fund. The Council of the European Communities shall, however, examine the situation thus created and shall take the necessary measures, acting by a qualified majority, after receiving a proposal from the Commission and the opinion of the Monetary Committee.

    Interpretative Declaration on the definition of the expression 'Contracting Parties' used in the Agreement of Association

    The Contracting Parties agree that for the purposes of the Agreement of Association 'Contracting Parties' means the Community and the Member States or alternatively the Member States alone or the Community alone on the one hand, and the Turkish Republic on the other. The meaning to be given to this expression in each particular case is to deduced from the context of the Agreement and from the corresponding provisions of the Treaty establishing the Community. In certain circumstances 'Contracting Parties' may; during the transitional period of the Treaty establishing the Community, mean the Member States, and after the expiry of that period mean the Community.

    Declarations by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany

    1. Declaration on the definition of the expression 'German national'

    All Germans as defined in the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany shall be considered nationals of the Federal Republic of Germpany.

    2. Declaration on the application of the Agreement to Berlin

    The Agreement of Association shall apply equally to Land Berlin unless the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany makes a declaration to the contrary to the other Contracting Parties within the three months following the entry into force of the Agreement.

    AFTALE om oprettelse af en associering mellem Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet

    (underskrevet i Ankara, den 12. september 1963)










    på den ene side, og


    på den anden side,

    SOM ER BESLUTTET på at oprette stadig snævrere bånd mellem det tyrkiske folk og de folkeslag, der er forenet i Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab;

    SOM HAR TIL FORSÆT at sikre en stadig forbedring af levevilkårene i Tyrkiet og i Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab gennem hurtigere økonomiske fremskridt og en harmonisk udvikling af samhandelenm, samt af mindske forskellen mellem Tyrkiets økonomi og økonomien inden for Fællesskabets medlemsstater;

    I BETRAGTNING AF de særlige problemer som udviklingen i den tyrkiske økonomi frembyder, og nødvendigheden af at tildele Tyrkiet økonomisk støtte i en nærmere fastsat periode;

    SOM ERKENDER, at den støtte som Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab har bidraget med til det tyrkiske folks bestræbelser på at forbedre sin levestandard, senere vil lette Tyrkiets optagelse i Fællesskabet;

    SOM HAR SAT SIG FOR at værne om freden og friheden ved i fællesskab at videreføre det ideal, som har ført til traktaten om oprettelsen af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab;

    HAR VEDTAGET i henhold til artikel 238 i traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab at indgå en aftale om oprettelse af en associering mellem Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet, og har med henblik herpå som befuldmægtigede udpeget:


    Hr. Paul-Henri SPAAK,

    vice-premierminister og udenrigsminister;


    Hr. Gerhard SCHRÖDER,



    Hr. Maurice COUVE de MURVILLE,



    Hr. Emilio COLOMBO,



    Hr. Eugène SCHAUS,

    regeringens vicepræsident og udenrigsminister;


    Hr. Joseph M.A.H. LUNS,



    Hr. Joseph M.A.H. LUNS,

    fungerende formand for Rådet for Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og udenrigsminister for Nederlandene;


    Hr. Feridun Cemal ERKIN,


    SOM, efter at have udvekslet deres fuldmagter, der er fundet i god og behorig form,




    Artikel 1

    Ved denne aftale oprettes en associering mellem Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet.

    Artikel 2

    1. Aftalen har til formål at fremme en stadig og afbalanceret styrkelse af de økonomiske og handelsmæssige forbindelser mellem parterne, under fuldt hensyn til nødvendigheden af at sikre en hurtigere udvikling af Tyrkiets økonomi og en højnelse af beskæftigelsesniveauet og livsvilkårene for det tyrkiske folk.

    2. For at virkeliggøre de i foranstående stykke nævnte målsætninger skal der ske en gradvis oprettelse af en toldunion under de betingelser og på de vilkår, som er angivet i artiklerne 3, 4 og 5.

    3. Associeringen omfatter:

    a) en indledende fase;

    b) en overgangsperiode;

    c) en endelig fase.

    Artikel 3

    1. I løbet af den indledende fase skal Tyrkiet med støtte fra Fællesskabet styrke sin økonomi med det formål at kunne opfylde de forpligtelser, som vil påhvile landet i overgangsperioden og den endelige fase.

    Gennemførelsesbestemmelserne vedrørende denne indledende fase, og især vedrørende støtten fra Fællesskabet, fastlægges i den midlertidige protokol og i Finansprotokollen, der begge er optaget som bilag til aftalen.

    2. Den indledende fase har en varighed på fem år, medmindre der sker forlængelse i henhold til de vilkår, der er fastsat i den midlertidige protokol.

    Gennemgang til overgangsperioden sker på de betingelser og vilkår, som er opstillet i artikel 1 i den midlertidige protokol.

    Artikel 4

    1. I løbet af overgangsperioden skal de kontraherende parter, på grundlag af gensidige og afbalancerede forpligtelser, sikre:

    - den gradvise oprettelse af en toldunion mellem Tyrkiet og Fællesskabet;

    - tilnærmelse af Tyrkiets økonomiske politik til Fællesskabets, for at sikre, at associeringen fungerer tilfredsstillende, samt for at udvikle de fælles foranstaltninger, der er nødvendige til at nå dette mål.

    2. Varigheden af denne periode må ikke overstige tolv år, med forbehold af de undtagelser, som kan fastsættes ved fælles aftale. Disse undtagelser bør ikke være til hinder for gennemførelsen af en fælles toldunion inden for rimelig tid.

    Artikel 5

    Den endelige fase bygger på toldunionen og indebærer styrkelse af samordningen af de kontraherende parters økonomiske politik.

    Artikel 6

    For at sikre gennemførelsen og den gradvise udvikling af associeringsordningen mødes de kontraherende parter i et Associeringsråd, som handler inden for grænserne af de beføjelser, som er blevet det tillagt ved aftalen.

    Artikel 7

    De kontraherende parter træffer alle almindelige eller særlige foranstaltninger, som er egnede til at sikre opfyldelsen af de forpligtelser, der følger af aftalen.

    De afholder sig fra at træffe foranstaltninger, der vil kunne bringe virkeliggørelsen af aftalens målsætning i fare.



    Artikel 8

    Til virkeliggørelse af de i artikel 4 fastsatte mål bestemmer Associeringsrådet, inden overgangsperiodens begyndelse og i overensstemmelse med den i artikel 1 i den midlertidige protokol fastsatte fremgangsmåde, betingelserne, formerne og tempoet for iværksættelsen af egnede foranstaltninger inden for de områder, der er omhandlet i traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab, og som skal tages i betragtning, særligt de i denne del anførte, såvel som enhver beskyttelsesklausul, som måtte vise sig påkrævet.

    Artikel 9

    De kontraherende parter erkender, at inden for denne aftales anvendelsesområde og med forbehold af de særlige bestemmelser, som kan indføres i medfør af artikel 8, er al forskelsbehandling, der udøves på grundlag af nationalitet, forbudt i henhold til det i artikel 7 i traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab anførte princip.

    Kapitel 1


    Artikel 10

    1. Den i artikel 2, stk. 2 i aftalen omhandlede toldunion omfatter den samlede vareudveksling.

    2. Toldunionen omfatter:

    - forbud, medlemsstaterne af Fællesskabet og Tyrkiet i mellem, mod told, afgifter med tilsvarende virkning som told og kvantitative restriktioner ved ind- og udførsel, såvel som mod alle andre foranstaltninger med tilsvarende virkning, der tilsigter at sikre den nationale produktion en beskyttelse, der strider mod denne aftales mål;

    - anvendelse af Fællesskabets fælles toldtarif på Tyrkiets forbindelser med tredjelande, såvel som tilnærmelse til de øvrige ordninger, der anvendes af Fællesskabet på udenrigshandel.

    Kapitel 2


    Artikel 11

    1. Associeringsordningen omfatter landbrug og udveksling af landbrugsvarer i henhold til særlige bestemmelser, der fastsættes under hensyntagen til Fællesskabets fælles landbrugspolitik.

    2. Som landbrugsvarer forstås varer, der er opført på listen i bilag II til traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab, som nu suppleret i medfør af artikel 38, stk. 3 i nævnte traktat.

    Kapitel 3

    Andre bestemmelser af økonomisk art

    Artikel 12

    De kontraherende parter enes om, på grundlag af artiklerne 48, 49 og 50 i traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab, gradvist indbyrdes at gennemføre arbejdskraftens frie bevægelighed.

    Artikel 13

    De kontraherende parter enes om, på grundlag af artiklerne 52 til 56 og 58 i traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab, indbyrdes at ophæve de restriktioner, som begrænser etableringsfriheden.

    Artikel 14

    De kontraherende parter enes om, på grundlag af artiklerne 55, 56 og 58 til 65 i traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab, indbyrdes at ophæve de restriktioner, som begrænser den frie udveksling af tjenesteydelser.

    Artikel 15

    Vilkårene for og den nærmere udformning af udstrækning af bestemmelserne i traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet vedrørende transport, samt af gennemførelsesbestemmelserne hertil til også at omfatte Tyrkiet, fastlægges under hensyn til Tyrkiets geografiske beliggenhed.

    Artikel 16

    De kontraherende parter erkender, at de principper, der er fastlagt i konkurrencereglerne, de fiskale bestemmelser og i bestemmelserne om tilnærmelse af lovgivningerne, som findes i afsnit I i tredje del af traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet, finder anvendelse under associeringen.

    Artikel 17

    Hver stat, der deltager i aftalen, skal føre en økonomisk politik, som er nødvendig for at sikre ligevægt på landets globale betalingsbalance, og for at bevare tilliden til dens valuta, samtidig med at den sikrer en varig og afbalanceret økonomisk ekspansion og at stabilt prisniveau.

    Konjunkturpolitik og især finans- og pengepolitik anvendes til at nå disse mål.

    Artikel 18

    Hver stat, der deltager i aftalen fører en vekselkurspolitik, som gør det muligt at sikre virkeliggørelsen af associeringsordningens mål.

    Artikel 19

    Medlemsstaterne af Fællesskabet og Tyrkiet tillader betalinger eller overførsler vedrørende udveksling af varer, tjenesteydelser og kapital såvel som overførsel af kapital og lønninger i det lands valuta, hvor kreditor eller de begunstigede er bosiddende, i det omfang den fri bevægelighed for varer, personer, tjenesteydelser og kapital er gennemført mellem dem i medfør af aftalen.

    Artikel 20

    De kontraherende parter konsulterer hinanden med henblik på at lette kapitalbevægelserne mellem medlemsstaterne i Fællesskabet og Tyrkiet til fremme af virkeliggørelsen af aftalens mål.

    De bestræber sig på at undersøge alle midler til fremme af investeringer i Tyrkiet af kapital, der stammer fra lande i Fællesskabet, og som vil kunne bidrage til udvikling af den tyrkiske økonomi.

    Personer bosiddende i hver medlemsstat nyder alle fordele, især i valutamæssig og fiskal henseende, med hensyn til behandling af fremmed kapital, som Tyrkiet indrømmer en anden medlemsstat eller et tredjeland.

    Artikel 21

    De kontraherende parter enes om at udarbejde en konsultationsprocedure, som gør det muligt at sikre samordningen af deres handelspolitik over for tredjelande og hensynet til deres indbyrdes interesser på dette område, blandt andet i tilfælde af tredjelandes senere tiltrædelse af eller associering til Fællesskabet.



    Artikel 22

    1. Til virkeliggørelse af de i aftalen fastlagte mål og i de tilfælde den opregner, er Associeringsrådet beslutningsdygtigt. Hver af de to kontraherende parter er forpligtet til at træffe sådanne foranstaltninger, som gennemførelsen af de trufne afgørelser nødvendiggør. Associeringsrådet kan ligeledes udforme nødvendige henstillinger.

    2. Associeringsrådet foretager periodisk en undersøgelse af resultaterne af associeringsordningen under hensyn til aftalens mål. I den forberedende fase begrænses disse undersøgelser dog til en udveksling af synspunkter.

    3. Fra begyndelsen af overgangsperioden træffer Associeringsrådet, i tilfælde af at en fælles handling fra de kontraherende parters side viser sig nødvendig, de beslutninger, som er egnede til ved iværksættelse af associeringsordningen at nå et af målene i associeringsaftalen, uden at denne udtrykkeligt har overdraget det de beføjelser, der er påkrævet til dette formål.

    Artikel 23

    Associeringsrådet består dels af medlemmer af medlemsstaternes regeringer, af Rådet og af Kommissionen for Fællesskabet, dels af medlemmer af den tyrkiske regering.

    Associeringsrådets medlemmer kan lade sig repræsentere på de betingelser, som er opstillet i forretningsordenen.

    Associeringsrådet udtaler sig med enstemmighed.

    Artikel 24

    Formandsposten for Associeringsrådet beklædes for en periode på seks måneder af en repræsentant for Fællesskabet og af en repræsentant for Tyrkiet på skift. Varigheden af formandskabets første turnus kan forkortes ved Associeringsrådets beslutning.

    Associeringsrådet fastsætter sin forretningsorden.

    Det kan ved beslutning nedsætte ethvert udvalg til at bistå sig ved udførelsen af dets opgaver, særligt et udvalg til sikring af den kontinuitet i samarbejdet, som er nødvendig for aftalens gode funktion.

    Associeringsrådet fastlægger disse udvalgs opgaver og kompetenceområder.

    Artikel 25

    1. Hver af de kontraherende parter kan forelægge Associeringsrådet enhver uoverensstemmelse vedrørende aftalens anvendelse eller fortolkning samt vedrørende Fællesskabet, en medlemsstat af Fællesskabet eller Tyrkiet.

    2. Associeringsrådet kan afgøre uoverensstemmelsen ved beslutning; det kan endvidere beslutte at indbringe uoverensstemmelsen for De europæiske Fællesskabers Domstol eller for enhver anden eksisterende dømmende myndighed.

    3. Hver part er forpligtet til at træffe sådanne foranstaltninger, som afgørelsens eller dommens gennemførelse nødvendiggør.

    4. Associeringsrådet fastsætter i overensstemmelse med artikel 8 i aftalen de nærmere regler for en voldgiftsprocedure eller enhver anden retslig procedure, som de kontraherende parter kan påberåbe sig i overgangsperioden og den afsluttende fase i tilfælde af, at uoverensstemmelsen ikke har kunnet afgøres i henhold til stk. 2 i denne artikel.

    Artikel 26

    Bestemmelserne i denne aftale finder ikke anvendelse på varer, der er omfattet af Det europæiske Kul- og Stål- fællesskab.

    Artikel 27

    Associeringsrådet træffer alle nødvendige foranstaltninger for at lette samarbejdet og de nødvendige forbindelser med Europa-Parlamentet, Det økonomiske og sociale Udvalg og Fællesskabets øvrige institutioner på den ene side og det tyrkiske parlament og de tilsvarende institutioner i Tyrkiet på den anden side.

    Disse forbindelser begrænses dog i den indledende fase til forbindelser mellem Europa-Parlamentet og det tyrkiske parlament.

    Artikel 28

    Når aftalens funktion har gjort det muligt at forudse Tyrkiets fuldstændige overtagelse af de forpligtelser, der hidhører fra traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet, undersøger de kontraherende parter muligheden for Tyrkiets optagelse i Fællesskabet.

    Artikel 29

    1. Aftalen finder på den ene side anvendelse på kongeriget Belgiens, forbundsrepublikken Tysklands, Den franske Republiks, Den italienske Republiks, storhertugdømmet Luxembourgs og kongeriget Nederlandenes europæiske områder og på den anden side på republikken Tyrkiets område.

    2. Den finder ligeledes anvendelse på de franske oversøiske departementer, for så vidt angår de områder i aftalen, der svarer til dem, der er anført i stk. 2, forste led i artikel 227 i traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet.

    Betingelserne for anvendelse på disse departementer af aftalens bestemmelser angående andre end de ovennævnte områder fastsættes senere ved aftale mellem de kontraherende parter.

    Artikel 30

    De protokoller, som de kontraherende parter efter overenskomst har knyttet til denne aftale, udgør integrerende dele heraf.

    Artikel 31

    Signatarstaterne ratificerer aftalen i overensstemmelse med deres respektive forfatningsmæssige regler herom, medens Fællesskabet indgår den med bindende virkning ved en afgørelse i Rådet, der træffes i henhold til bestemmelserne i traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet, og meddeles aftalens parter.

    Ratifikationsinstrumenterne og notifikationsdokumenterne vedrørende aftalens indgåelse som ovenfor anført udveksles i Bruxelles.

    Artikel 32

    Aftalen træder i kraft den første dag i den anden måned, der følger efter den i artikel 31 omhandlede udveksling af ratifikationsinstrumenter og notifikationsdokumenter.

    Artikel 33

    Aftalen udfærdiges i to eksemplarer på fransk, italiensk, nederlandsk, tysk og tyrkisk, hver af disse tekster har samme gyldighed.

    PROTOKOL Nr. 1

    Midlertidig protokol


    SOM ER SIG BEVIDST, at udførelsen af tobak, tørrede druer, tørrede figner og nødder særlig i den indledende fase er af stor betydning for den tyrkiske økonomi;

    SOM ØNSKER at vedtage den i artikel 3 i associeringsaftalen omhandlede midlertidige protokol;

    ER BLEVET ENIGE OM følgende bestemmelser:

    Artikel 1

    1. Fire år efter aftalens ikrafttræden undersøger Associeringsrådet, om det under hensyntagen til Tyrkiets økonomiske situation er muligt i form af en tillægsprotokol at vedtage bestemmelserne for vilkårene, retningslinjerne og tempoet for gennemførelsen af den i aftalens artikel 4 omhandlede overgangsperiode.

    Tillægsprotokollen undertegnes af de kontraherende parter og træder i kraft efter gennemførelsen af de forfatningsmæssige procedurer, der kræves af hver af dem.

    2. Såfremt tillægsprotokollen ved udgangen af det femte år ikke har kunnet vedtages, indledes påny den i artikel 1 fastsatte procedure efter en af Associeringsrådet fastsat tidsfrist, som ikke kan overstige tre år.

    3. Bestemmelserne i denne protokol forbliver gældende indtil tillægsprotokollens ikrafttræden og senest til udgangen af det tiende år.

    Dog forlænges den midlertidige protokol for et tidsrum på højst et år i tilfælde af, at tillægsprotokollen vedtages, men ikke har kunnet træde i kraft ved udgangen af det tiende år.

    Associeringsrådet træffer afgørelse om en videre ordning for den indledende fase, som finder anvendelse fra udgangen af det tiende år, i tilfælde af at tillægsprotokollen ikke har kunnet vedtages ved udgangen af det niende år.

    Artikel 2

    Fra denne protokols ikrafttræden åbner Fællesskabets medlemsstater følgende årlige toldkontingenter for deres indførsler med oprindelse i Tyrkiet:

    a) 24.01 - Tobak, rå eller uforarbejdet; tobaksaffald

    Den belgisk-luxembourgske økonomiske Union // 1 250 tons

    forbundsrepublikken Tyskland // 6 600 tons

    Frankrig // 2 550 tons

    Italien // 1 500 tons

    Nederlandene // 600 tons

    Inden for grænserne af disse toldkontingenter anvender hver medlemsstat en toldsats, der svarer til den, som den anvender for indførsler af samme varer inden for rammerne af associeringsaftalen, der er undertegnet af Fællesskabet den 9. juli 1961.

    b) ex 08.04 - Tørrede druer (i pakninger af vægt på 15 kg eller derunder)

    Den belgisk-luxembourgske økonomiske Union // 3 250 tons

    forbundsrepublikken Tyskland // 9 750 tons

    Frankrig // 2 800 tons

    Italien // 7 700 tons

    Nederlandene // 6 500 tons

    Inden for grænserne af disse toldkontingenter anvender hver medlemsstat en toldsats, der svarer til den, som den anvender for indførsler af samme varer inden for rammerne af associeringsaftalen, der er undertegnet af Fællesskabet den 9. juli 1961.

    c) ex 08.03 - Tørrede figner (i pakninger af vægt på 15 kg eller derunder)

    Den belgisk-luxembourgske økonomiske Union // 840 tons

    forbundsrepublikken Tyskland // 5 000 tons

    Frankrig // 7 000 tons

    Nederlandene // 160 tons

    Inden for rammerne af disse toldkontingenter anvender hver medlemsstat indtil den endelige tilnærmelse af Fællesskabets medlemsstaters nationale toldsatser til den fælles toldtarif for tørrede figner en toldsats, der svarer til basistoldsatsen i medfør af artikel 14, stk. 1 i traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet, nedsat med halvdelen af de nedsættelser, som Fællesskabets medlemsstater yder hinanden indbyrdes.

    I tilfælde af, at bestemmelserne i den midlertidige protokol endnu er i kraft på tidspunktet for den endelige tilnærmelse af medlemsstaternes toldsatser til den fælles toldtarif for tørrede figner, træffer Fællesskabet de nødvendige toldmæssige foranstaltninger til bevarelse af de handelsmæssige fordele, som Tyrkiet begunstiges af, og som svarer til de fordele, som det er blevet sikret i medfør af foregående led og under hensyn til bestemmelserne i artikel 3.

    d) ex 08.05 - Nødder, friske eller tørrede, også afskallede

    Den belgisk-luxembourgske økonomiske Union // 540 tons

    forbundsrepublikken Tyskland // 14 500 tons

    Frankrig // 1 250 tons

    Nederlandene // 710 tons

    Inden for rammerne af dette toldkontingent anvender Fællesskabets medlemsstater en toldsats på 2,5 % ad valorem,

    Desuden gennemfører Fællesskabets medlemsstater for denne vare fra aftalens ikrafttræden en fuldstændig fjernelse af told inden for Fællesskabet og fuldstændig anvendelse af den fælles toldtarif.

    Artikel 3

    Fra tidspunktet for den endelige tilnærmelse af Fællesskabets medlemsstaters nationale toldsatser til den fælles toldtarif for de i artikel 2 omhandlede varer åbner Fællesskabet hvert år til fordel for Tyrkiet toldkontingenter for en mængde, der svarer til summen af de indtil nuværende tidspunkt åbnede nationale toldkontingenter. Denne fremgangsmåde anvendes med forbehold af bestemmelser, som måtte vedtages af Associeringsrådet i medfør af artikel 4 for det følgende kalenderår.

    For så vidt angår nødder finder denne fremgangsmåde dog først anvendelse, når tilpasningen af Fællesskabets medlemsstaters nationale toldsatser til den fælles toldtarif for de tre øvrige varer er gennemført.

    Artikel 4

    Fra det andet år, som følger efter aftalens ikrafttræden, kan Associeringsrådet vedtage at forøge mængden af de i artiklerne 2 og 3 omhandlede toldkontingenter. Såfremt Associeringsrådet ikke træffer anden afgørelse, består disse forhøjelser fortsat. Ingen forhøjelse får virkning for begyndelsen af det følgende kalenderår.

    Artikel 5

    I tilfælde af at datoen for aftalens ikrafttræden ikke falder sammen med begyndelsen af kalenderåret, åbner Fællesskabets medlemsstater i tidsrummet fra datoen for aftalens ikrafttræden til begyndelsen af det følgende kalenderår toldkontingenter, der svarer til en tolvtedel af de i artikel 2 nævnte mængder for hver måned mellem datoen for aftalens ikrafttræden og begyndelsen af det følgende kalenderår.

    Associeringsrådet kan dog ved aftalens ikrafttræden træffe afgørelse om forøgelse af omfanget af de toldkontingenter, som fremkommer ved anvendelse af foregående afsnit for at tage hensyn til den sæsonmæssige karakter af udførslerne af de pågældende varer.

    Artikel 6

    Ved udgangen af det tredje år regnet fra aftalens ikrafttræden kan Associeringsrådet træffe afgørelse om foranstaltninger, der vil kunne begunstige afsætningen af andre end de i artikel 2 omhandlede varer på Fællesskabets marked.

    Artikel 7

    Ved gennemførelsen af den fælles landbrugspolitik for tobak, nødder eller tørrede figner træffer Fællesskabet de eventuelt nødvendige foranstaltninger til opretholdelse af Tyrkiets muligheder for udførsler, der svarer til dem, som sikres i medfør af denne protokol, under hensyn til den for den fælles landbrugspolitik fastsatte ordning.

    Artikel 8

    I tilfælde af, at Fællesskabet åbner toldkontingenter for de i artikel 2 i denne protokol omhandlede varer, begunstiges Tyrkiet ikke mindre, for så vidt angår niveauet for de toldsatser, der anvendes inden for rammerne af disse toldkontingenter, end et land, som ikke er part i aftalen.

    Artikel 9

    Tyrkiet bestræber sig på at udstrække til alle Fællesskabets medlemsstater den mest gunstige behandling, som det indrømmer et eller flere af dem.

    Artikel 10

    Enhver af de kontraherende parter kan fra den indledende fase indbringe alle vanskeligheder angående etableringsret, tjenesteydelser, transport og konkurrence for Associeringsrådet. I påkommende tilfælde kan Associeringsrådet rette alle passende henstillinger til de kontraherende parter for at fjerne disse vanskeligheder.

    Artikel 11

    Denne protokol bilægges aftalen.

    PROTOKOL Nr. 2



    SOM DET LIGGER PÅ SINDE at fremme en hurtigere udvikling i den tyrkiske økonomi med henblik på at nå de i associeringsaftalen omhandlede mål,

    ER BLEVET ENIGE om følgende bestemmelser:

    Artikel 1

    Anmodninger om finansiering af investeringsprojekter, der bidrager til fremgang i den tyrkiske økonomis produktivitet, som fremmer udviklingen til opnåelse af aftalens mål, og som indgår i den tyrkiske udviklingsplan, kan fremsættes af staten og tyrkiske virksomheder til Den europæiske Investeringsbank, som oplyser dem om behandlingen af deres anmodninger.

    Artikel 2

    De imødekomne anmodninger finansieres ved hjælp af lån. Det samlede beløb for disse lån kan udgøre indtil 175 millioner regningsenheder og kan investeres i løbet af de fem år, som følger aftalens ikrafttræden.

    Artikel 3

    Anmodninger om finansiering, der hidrører fra tyrkiske virksomheder, kan kun imødekommes med den tyrkiske regerings billigelse.

    Artikel 4

    1. Lånene ydes på grundlag af de økonomiske egenskaber, ved de projekter de skal finansiere.

    2. Lån, især til investeringer hvis rentabilitet er tvivl- som eller fjerntliggende, kan tildeles særlige betingelser i form af nedsatte rentesatser, forlængede tilbagebetalingsfrister, afdragsfrie perioder og i påkommende tilfælde andre særlige regler for tilbagebetaling, som vil kunne lette Tyrkiets afvikling af disse lån.

    3. Når et lån er ydet til en virksomhed eller sammenslutning, der ikke er den tyrkiske stat, er låneydelsen afhængig af den tyrkiske stats garanti.

    Artikel 5

    1. Banken kan gøre låneydelsen afhængig af licitationsafholdelse eller indhentning af tilbud. Deltagelse i disse licitationer og denne indhentning af tilbud er ud fra synspunktet om lige konkurrencevilkår åben for alle fysiske eller juridiske personer, der er statsborgere i Tyrkiet eller i Fællesskabets medlemsstater.

    2. Lånene kan anvendes til dækning af såvel importudgifter som indenlandske udgifter, der er nødvendige for gennemførelse af de godkendte investeringsprojekter.

    3. Banken påser, at midlerne anvendes på den mest hensigtsmæssige måde og i overensstemmelse med aftalens mål.

    Artikel 6

    Tyrkiet forpligter sig til at give de debitorer, der modtager disse lån, adgang til at erhverve den nødvendige valuta til tilbagebetaling af kapital og renter.

    Artikel 7

    Den hjælp, der inden for rammerne af denne protokol ydes til gennemførelse af visse projekter, kan tage form af deltagelse i finansieringer især fra tredjelande, internationale finansorganisationer eller myndigheder og kredit- og udviklingsinstitutioner i Tyrkiet eller i Fællesskabets medlemsstater.

    Artikel 8

    Den ydede hjælp til Tyrkiets økonomiske og sociale udvikling under de i aftalen og denne protokol angivne betingelser udgør en indsats, der supplerer den af den tyrkiske stat foretagne.

    Artikel 9

    Denne protokol bilægges aftalen.

    Til bekræftelse heraf har undertegnede befuldmægtigede underskrevet denne aftale.

    Udfærdiget i Ankara, den tolvte september nittenhundrede og treogtres.

    For Hans Majestæt belgiernes konge

    For præsidenten for forbundsrepublikken Tyskland

    For præsidenten for Den franske Republik

    For præsidenten for Den italienske Republik

    For Hendes kongelige Højhed storhertuginden af Luxembourg

    For Hendes Majestæt dronningen af Nederlandene


    De befuldmægtigede for

    Hans Majestæt belgiernes Konge,

    præsidenten for forbundsrepublikken Tyskland,

    præsidenten for Den franske Republik,

    præsidenten for Den italienske Republik,

    Hendes kongelige Højhed storhertuginden af Luxembourg,

    Hendes Majestæt dronningen af Nederlandene og

    Rådet for Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab

    på den ene side, og for

    Præsidenten for republikken Tyrkiet

    på den anden side,

    forsamlet i Ankara, den tolvte september nitten hundrede og treogtres,

    for at undertegne aftalen om oprettelse af en associering mellem Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet,

    har vedtaget følgende tekster:

    Aftale om oprettelse af en associering mellem Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet, samt de nedenfor anførte protokoller:

    Protokol nr. 1: midlertidig protokol

    Protokol nr. 2: finansprotokol

    De befuldmægtigede har endvidere:

    - vedtaget de nedenfor anførte erklæringer, der er knyttet til denne akt som bilag:

    1. Hensigtserklæring vedrørende tørrede druer under henvisning til artikel 2 i den midlertidige protokol,

    2. Fortolkende erklæring vedrørende værdien af den regningsenhed, der er omhandlet i artikel 2 i finansprotokollen,

    3. Fortolkende erklæring vedrørende definition af begrebet »kontraherende parter«, der er nævnt i associeringsaftalen,

    - og taget de erklæringer fra regeringen for forbundsrepublikken Tyskland til efterretning, som er anført nedenfor og knyttet til denne akt som bilag:

    1. Erklæring vedrørende begrebet »tyske statsborgere«,

    2. Erklæring vedrørende aftalens anvendelse på Berlin.

    De befuldmægtigede er enige om, at de erklæringer, der er knyttet som bilag til denne akt, for så vidt det er nødvendigt, og på samme betingelser som aftalen om oprettelse af en associering mellem Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet, undergives de fremgangsmåder, der er nødvendige for at sikre deres gyldighed.

    Til bekræftelse heraf har undertegnede befuldmægtigede underskrevet denne slutakt.

    Udfærdiget i Ankara, den tolvte september nitten hundrede og treogtres.

    For Hans Majestæt belgiernes konge,

    For Præsidenten for forbundsrepublikken Tyskland,

    For præsidenten for Den franske Republik,

    For præsidenten for Den italienske Republik,

    For Hendes kongelige Højhed storhertuginden af Luxembourg,

    For Hendes Majestæt dronningen af Nederlandene.

    Hensigtserklæring vedrørende tørrede druer under henvisning til Artikel 2 i den midlertidige Protokol

    Fællesskabet erklærer, at det ikke påtænker at oprette en fælles markedsordning for tørrede druer.

    Fortolkende erklæring vedrørende værdien af den regningsenhed, der er omhandlet i Artikel 2 i Finansprotokollen

    De kontraherende parter erklærer at:

    1. Værdien af den regningsenhed, der anvendes til at udtrykke det i artikel 2 i Finansprotokollen fastsatte beløb, er 0,88867088 gram finguld.

    2. Pariteten af en af Fællesskabets medlemsstaters valuta i forhold til den regningsenhed, der er fastsat i stk. 1 ovenfor, er forholdet mellem finguldvægten for denne regningsenhed og den vægt af finguld, der svarer til pariteten for denne valuta, der er anmeldt til Den internationale Valutafond. Hvis der ikke er anmeldt nogen paritet, eller hvis der på de løbende betalinger anvendes kurser, der afviger fra pariteten med en større margin end den, der er tilladt af Valutafonden, beregnes den finguldvægt, der svarer til valutaens paritet på grundlag af den vekselkurs, der i medlemsstaten anvendes for løbende betalinger på beregningsdagen for en valuta, der er direkte eller indirekte fastsat og konvertibel til guld, og på grundlag af den paritet, der for denne konvertible valuta er anmeldt til Valutafonden.

    3. Regningsenheden, sådan som den er fastsat i stk. 1 ovenfor, forbliver uændret i hele Finansprotokollens gennemførelsesperiode. Såfremt Den internationale Valutafond inden Finansprotokollens udløb i henhold til artikel 4, afsnit 7, i sine vedtægter beslutter, at der skal ske en ensartet proportional ændring i alle valutaers guldparitet, ændres finguldvægten for regningsenheden dog omvendt proportionalt med denne ændring.

    Såfremt en eller flere af Fællesskabets medlemsstater ikke gennemfører Den internationale Valutafonds beslutning, der er omhandlet i afsnittet ovenfor, ændres finguldvægten for regningsenheden omvendt proportionalt med den ændring, som Den internationale Valutafond har besluttet. Rådet for Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab vil dog undersøge den situation, der således er opstået, og med kvalificeret flertal træffe de fornødne foranstaltninger efter forslag fra Kommissionen og efter udtalelse fra Det monetære Udvalg.

    Fortolkende erklæring vedrørende definitioner af begrebet »Kontraherende Parter«, der er nævnt i Associeringsaftalen

    De kontraherende parter er enige om at fortolke associeringsaftalen således, at udtrykket »kontraherende parter«, som findes i nævnte aftale, betyder dels Fællesskabet og medlemsstaterne eller udelukkende enten medlemsstaterne eller Fællesskabet, og dels republikken Tyrkiet. Hvordan udtrykket i hvert enkelt tilfælde skal fortolkes, vil fremgå af de pågældende bestemmelser i aftalen og af de tilsvarende bestemmelser i traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet. I visse tilfælde kan udtrykket »kontraherende parter« i overgangsperioden for traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet betyde medlemsstaterne, og efter denne periodes udløb Fællesskabet.

    Erklæring fra Regeringen for forbundsrepublikken Tyskland

    1. Erklæring vedrørende begrebet »Tyske Statsborgere«

    Ved statsborgere i Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland forstås alle tyskere, således som dette begreb er defineret i dens grundlov.

    2. Erklæring vedrørende Aftalens anvendelse på Berlin

    Associeringsaftalen finder ligeledes anvendelse på Land Berlin, for så vidt som regeringen for forbundsrepublikken Tyskland ikke inden tre måneder har afgivet erklæring om det modsatte til de kontraherende parter.











    of the one part, and


    of the other part,

    WHEREAS the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey provides that the preparatory stage of the Association is to be followed by a transitional stage;

    ACKNOWLEDGING that the preparatory stage has done much, in accordance with the objectives of the Association Agreement, to strengthen economic relations in general, and to expand trade in particular, between the European Economic Community and Turkey;

    BELIEVING that the conditions have been established for passing from the preparatory stage to the transitional stage;

    RESOLVED to adopt, in the form of an Additional Protocol the provisions relating to the conditions, arrangements and timetables for the implementation of the transitional stage;

    WHEREAS during the transitional stage the Contracting Parties are to ensure, on the basis of mutual and balanced obligations, the progressive establishment of a customs union between Turkey and the Community and the closer alignment of the economic policies of Turkey and the Community in order to ensure the proper functioning of the Association and the progress of the joint measures which this requires;

    HAVE DESIGNATED as their Plenipotentiaries:


    Mr Pierre HARMEL,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Walter SCHEEL,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Maurice SCHUMANN,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Mario PEDINI,

    Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Gaston THORN,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr J.M.A.H. LUNS,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Walter SCHEEL,

    President in Office of the Council of the European Communities;

    Mr Franco Maria MALFATTI,

    President of the Commission of the European Communities;


    Mr Ihsan Sabri ÇAGLAYANGÍL,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;

    WHO, having exchanged their Full Powers, found in good and due form,

    HAVE AGREED upon the following provisions, which shall be annexed to the Agreement of Association:

    Article 1

    This Protocol lays down the conditions, arrangements and timetables for implementing the transitional stage referred to in Article 4 of the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey.



    Article 2

    1. Chapter I, Section I, and Chapter II of this Title shall apply:

    (a) to goods produced in the Community or in Turkey, including those wholly or partially obtained or produced from products coming from third countries which are in free circulation in the Community or in Turkey;

    (b) to goods coming from third countries and in free circulation in the Community or in Turkey.

    2. Products coming from third countries shall be considered to be in free circulation in the Community or in Turkey if the import formalities have been complied with and any customs duties or charges having equivalent effect which are payable have been levied in the Community or in Turkey, and if they have not benefited from a total or partial drawback of such duties or charges.

    3. Goods imported from third countries into the Community or into Turkey and accorded special customs treatment by reason of their country of origin or of exportation, shall not be considered to be in free circulation in the territory of one Contracting Party if they are re-exported to the other Contracting Party. The Council of Association may, however, make exceptions to this rule under conditions which it shall lay down.

    4. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply only to goods exported from the Community on or after the date of signature of this Protocol.

    Article 3

    1. Chapter I, Section I, and Chapter II of this Title shall likewise apply to goods obtained or produced in the Community or in Turkey, in the manufacture of which were used products coming from third countries and not in free circulation either in the Community or in Turkey. These provisions shall, however, apply to those goods only if the exporting State charges a countervailing levy, the rate of which is a percentage of the duties laid down in the Common Customs Tariff for third country products used in their manufacture. This percentage, fixed by the Council of Association for each of such periods as it may determine, shall be based on the tariff reduction granted on those goods in the importing State. The Council of Association shall also lay down the rules for the countervailing levy, taking into account the relevant rules in force before 1 July 1968 in trade between Member States.

    2. The countervailing levy shall not, however, be charged on exports from the Community or from Turkey of goods obtained or produced under the conditions mentioned in this Article while the reduction of customs duties on the majority of goods imported into the territory of the other Contracting Party does not exceed 20%, taking into account the various timetables for tariff reductions fixed by this Protocol.

    Article 4

    The Council of Association shall determine the methods of administrative cooperation to be used in implementing Articles 2 and 3, taking into account the methods laid down by the Community with regard to trade between Member States.

    Article 5

    1. If either Contracting Party considers that differences arising from the application to imports of customs duties, quantitative restrictions or any measures having equivalent effect, or from any other measure of commercial policy, threaten to deflect trade or to cause economic difficulties in its territory, it may bring the matter before the Council of Association, which shall, if necessary, recommend appropriate methods for avoiding any harm liable to result therefrom.

    2. Where deflections occur or economic difficulties arise and the Party concerned considers that they call for immediate action, that Party may itself take the necessary protective measures, and shall notify the Council of Association thereof without delay; the Council of Association may decide whether the Party concerned shall amend or abolish those measures.

    3. In the choice of such measures preference shall be given to those which least disturb the operation of the Association and, in particular, the normal development of trade.

    Article 6

    During the transitional stage the Contracting Parties shall, in so far as may be necessary for the proper functioning of the Association, take steps to approximate their law, regulation or administrative action in respect of customs matters, taking into account the approximations already effected by the Member States of the Community.



    Section I

    Elimination of customs duties between the Community and Turkey

    Article 7

    1. The Contracting Parties shall refrain from introducing between themselves any new customs duties on imports or exports or charges having equivalent effect, and from increasing those already applied, in their trade with each other at the date of entry into force of this Protocol.

    2. The Council of Association may, however, authorize the Contracting Parties to introduce new customs duties on exports or charges having equivalent effect if they are necessary for the attainment of the objectives of the Aggreement.

    Article 8

    Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect, in force between the Community and Turkey, shall be progressively abolished in accordance with Articles 9 to 11.

    Article 9

    On the entry into force of this Protocol, the Community shall abolish customs duties and charges having equivalent effect on imports from Turkey.

    Article 10

    1. For each product, the basic duty on which Turkey is to apply the successive reductions shall be the duty actually applied in respect of the Community at the date of signature of this Protocol.

    2. The timetable for the reductions to be effected by Turkey shall be as follows: the first reduction shall be made on the entry into force of this Protocol. The second and third shall be applied three years and five years later. The fourth and subsequent reductions shall be made each year in such a way that the final reduction is made at the end of the transitional stage.

    3. Each reduction shall be made by lowering the basic duty on each product by 10%.

    Article 11

    Notwithstanding Article 10 (2) and (3), Turkey shall progressively abolish, over a period of twenty-two years, in accordance with the following timetable, the basic duties in respect of the Community on the products listed in Annex 3: a reduction of 5% on each duty shall be made on the entry into force of this Protocol. Three further reductions, each of 5%, shall be made three, six and ten years later.

    Eight further reductions, each of 10%, shall be made twelve, thirteen, fifteen, seventeen, eighteen, twenty, twenty-one and twenty-two years respectively after the entry into force of this Protocol.

    Article 12

    1. Turkey may, during the first eight years of the transitional stage, make the amendments to Annex 3 which are needed to protect the development of a processing industry which did non exist in Turkey at the time of entry into force of this Protocol, or to ensure the expansion in accordance with the Turkish development plan in force at the time, of an existing processing industry. Such amendments may, however, only be made on condition that:

    - in aggregate they relate to not more than 10% by value of imports from the Community in 1967, calculated at 1967 prices;

    - the value of imports from the Community of all products listed in Annex 3, calculated at 1967 prices, is not increased.

    Products added to Annex 3 may immediately be made liable to duties calculated in accordance with Article 11; those products which are removed from that list shall immediately be made liable to duties calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article 10.

    2. Turkey shall notify the Council of Association of the measures which it proposes to take pursuant to the above provisions.

    3. To the same end as that mentioned in paragraph 1 above, and whithin the limit of 10% of imports from the Community in 1967, the Council of Association may authorize Turkey, during the transitional stage, to reintroduce, increase or impose customs duties on imports of products subject to the arrangements set out in Article 10.

    These tariff measures shall not, for any of the tariff headings which they affect, raise the duty on imports from the Community to more than 25% ad valorem.

    4. The Council of Association may derogate from paragraphs 1 and 3.

    Article 13

    1. Irrespective of the provisions of Articles 9 to 11, each Contracting Party may suspend in whole or in part the collection of duties applied by it to products imported from the other Party, in particular, as regards Turkey, for the purpose of stimulating imports of certain products necessary for its economic development; the other Contracting Party shall be informed of such measures.

    2. The Contracting Parties declare their readiness to reduce their duties in trade with the other Party more rapidly than is provided for in Article 9 to 11 if its general economic situation and the situation of the economic sector concerned so permit. The Council of Association shall make recommendations to this end.

    Article 14

    Where, in respect of a country outside the Association, Turkey applies a shorter timetable than is provided for in Articles 10 and 11 to the elimination of a charge having effect equivalent to a customs duty, the same timetable shall be applied to the elimination of that charge in respect of the Community.

    Article 15

    Without prejudice to Article 7 (2), the Contracting Parties shall, at the latest four years after the entry into force of this Protocol, abolish between themselves, customs duties on exports and charges having equivalent effect.

    Article 16

    1. Article 7 (1) and Articles 8 to 15 shall also apply to customs duties of a fiscal nature.

    2. On the entry into force of this Protocol the Community and Turkey shall inform the Council of Association of their customs duties of a fiscal nature.

    3. Turkey shall retain the right to substitute for these customs duties of a fiscal nature an internal tax which complies with the provisions of Article 44.

    4. If the Council of Association finds that substitution for any customs duty of a fiscal nature meets with serious difficulties in Turkey, it shall authorize that country to retain the duty on condition that it shall abolish it not later than the end of the transitional stage. Such authorization must be requested within twelve months of the entry into force of this Protocol.

    Turkey may provisionally continue to apply such a duty until a decision has been taken by the Council of Association.

    Section II

    Adoption by Turkey of the Common Customs Tariff

    Article 17

    The Turkish Customs Tariff shall be aligned on the Common Customs Tariff during the transitional stage on the basis of the duties actually applied by Turkey in respect of third countries at the date of signature of this Protocol, and in accordance with the following rules:

    1. In the case of products on which the duties actually applied by Turkey at the date indicated above do not differ by more than 15% either way from the duties in the Common Customs Tariff, the latter duties shall be applied one year after the second reduction of duties provided for in Article 10.

    2. In any other case Turkey shall, one year after the second reduction of duties provided for in Article 10, apply duties reducing by 20% the difference between the duty actually applied at the date of signature of this Protocol and the duty in the Common Customs Tariff.

    3. When the fifth and seventh reductions of customs duties provided for in Article 10 are applied, this difference shall be further reduced by 20%.

    4. The Common Customs Tariff shall be applied in its entirety when the tenth reduction of customs duties provided for in Article 10 is applied.

    Article 18

    Notwithstanding Article 17 Turkey shall, for the products listed in Annex 3, align its customs tariff over a period of twenty-two years in accordance with the following rules:

    1. In the case of products for which the duties actually applied by Turkey on the date of signature of this Protocol do not differ from the Common Customs Tariff duties by more than 15% either way, the latter duties shall be applied from the date of the fourth reduction of duties provided for in Article 11.

    2. In any other case Turkey shall, from the date of the fourth reduction of duties provided for in Article 11, apply duties reducing by 20% the difference between the duty actually applied at the date of signature of this Protocol and the duty in the Common Customs Tariff.

    3. When the seventh and ninth reductions provided for in Article 11 are applied, this difference shall be further reduced by 30% and 20%, respectively.

    4. The Common Customs Tariff shall be applied in its entirety at the end of the twenty-second year.

    Article 19

    1. In the case of particular products making up not more than 10% of the total value of its imports in 1967, Turkey may, after consultation in the Council of Association, defer until the end of the twenty-second year after the entry into force of this Protrocol the reductions of duties in respect of third countries which it should otherwise make under Articles 17 and 18.

    2. In the case of particular products making up not more than 5% of the total value of its imports in 1967, Turkey may, after consultation in the Council of Association, retain after a period of twenty-two years customs duties in respect of third countries which are higher than those in the Common Customs Tariff.

    3. However, the application of the preceding paragraphs must not prejudice the free movement of goods within the Association and shall not entitle Turkey to invoke the provisions of Article 5.

    4. Where alignment of the Turkish Customs Tariff with the Common Customs Tariff has been accelerated, Turkey shall maintain in favour of the Community a preference equivalent to that resulting from the arrangements provided for in this Chapter.

    As regards the products listed in Annex 3, no such acceleration may take place before the end of the transitional stage, unless prior authorization has been given by the Council of Association.

    5. As regards customs duties which have been authorized pursuant to the first subparagraph of Article 16 (4) or which Turkey may provisionally maintain in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 16 (4), Articles 17 and 18 need not be applied. On expiry of the authorization, Turkey shall apply the duties provided for in Articles 17 and 18.

    Article 20

    1. To facilitate the importation of particular goods from countries with which Turkey has concluded bilateral trade agreements, Turkey may, with the prior authorization of the Council of Association, grant tariff quotas at reduced or zero rates of duty, if the functioning of those agreements is appreciably affected by the application of this Protocol or by measures taken in pursuance thereof.

    2. Such authorization shall be deemed to have been given when the tariff quotas mentioned in the preceding paragraph comply with the following conditions:

    (a) the total annual value of such quotas does not exceed 10% of the average value of Turkish imports from third countries during the past three years for which statistics are available, excluding from such imports those which were made with the help of the means referred to in Annex 4. Imports from third countries admitted free of duty within the framework of Annex 4 shall be deducted from this 10%;

    (b) in the case of each product, the value of imports provided for within the framework of the tariff quotas shall not exceed one third of the average value of Turkish imports of that product from third countries in the past three years for which statistics are available.

    3. Turkey shall notify the Council of Association of measures which it envisages taking in pursuance of paragraph 2.

    At the end of the transitional stage the Council of Association may decide whether the provisions of paragraph 2 should be repealed or amended.

    4. In no case may the duty under a tariff quota be lower than that actually applied by Turkey to imports from the Community.



    Article 21

    Quantitative restrictions on imports and all measures having equivalent effect shall, without prejudice to the following provisions, be prohibited between the Contracting Parties.

    Article 22

    1. The Contracting Parties shall refrain from introducing any new quantitative restrictions on imports or measures having equivalent effect.

    2. However, as regards Turkey, this obligation shall, at the date of the entry into force of this Protocol, apply only to 35% of Turkish imports on private account from the Community in 1967. This percentage shall be increased to 40%, 45%, 60% and 80%, three, eight, thirteen and eighteen years after the entry into force of this Protocol.

    3. Six months before each of the dates of the last three increases the Council of Association shall review the consequences for the economic development of Turkey of increasing the degree of liberalization and shall, if this is necessary for achievement of an accelerated development of the Turkish economy, decide to postpone the increase for a period which it shall determine.

    In the absence of a decision, the increase shall be postponed for one year. The review procedure shall be repeated six months before expiry of that period. A further postponement of a year shall take place if the Council of Association again takes no decision.

    At the end of this second period, Turkey shall implement the increase in the degree of liberalization unless a decision to the contrary has been taken by the Council of Association.

    4. A list of products whose importation from the Community has been liberalized shall be supplied to the Community at the time of signature of this Protocol. The list shall be consolidated in respect of the Community. The lists of products liberalized at the deadlines mentioned in paragraph 2 shall also be supplied to the Community and consolidated in its respect.

    5. Turkey may reintroduce quantitative restrictions on imports of products which have been liberalized but not consolidated pursuant to this Article, on condition that it opens quotas in favour of the Community equal to at least 75% of the average imports from the Community during the three years preceding that reintroduction. These quotas shall be subject to the provisions of Article 25 (4).

    6. In no case may Turkey apply to the Community a treatment less favourable than that accorded to third countries.

    Article 23

    Without prejudice to Article 22 (5) the Contracting Parties shall, in their trade with one another, refrain from making more restrictive the quantitative restrictions on imports and measures having equivalent effect existing at the date of entry into force of this Protocol.

    Article 24

    The Community shall, on the entry into force of this Protocol, abolish all quantitative restrictions on imports from Turkey. This liberalization shall be consolidated in respect of Turkey.

    Article 25

    1. Turkey shall progressively abolish quantitative restrictions on imports from the Community in accordance with the provisions of the following paragraphs.

    2. One year after the entry into force of this Protocol quotas in favour of the Community shall be opened for imports of each product which has not been liberalized in Turkey. These quotas shall be fixed so as to correspond to the average imports from the Community in the last three years for which statistics are available, excluding imports financed:

    (a) by special aid resources connected with specific investment projects;

    (b) without allocation of foreign currency;

    (c) under the law on the promotion of foreign capital investment.

    3. Where, in respect of a product which has not been liberalized, imports from the Community in the first year after the entry into force of this Protocol amount to less than 7% of total imports of that product, a quota equal to 7% of those imports shall be opened one year after the entry into force of this Protocol.

    4. Three years after the entry into force of this Protocol Turkey shall increase the aggregate of the quotas so opened by not less than 10% over the amount thereof for the preceding year and by not less than 5% by value of the quota for each product. These amounts shall be increased every two years in the same proportion in relation to the preceding period.

    5. From the thirteenth year after the entry into force of this Protocol each quota shall be increased every two years by at least 20% in relation to the preceding period.

    6. Where, in respect of a product which has not been liberalized, there have been no imports into Turkey in the first year after the entry into force of this Protocol, the rules for opening and increasing quotas shall be laid down by the Council of Association.

    7. If the Council of Association finds that during two successive years the imports of any product which has not been liberalized have been appreciably below the level of the quota opened, that quota shall not be taken into account in calculating the total value of the quotas. In such case Turkey shall abolish quota restrictions on that product in respect of the Community.

    8. All quantitative restrictions on imports into Turkey shall be abolished not later than twenty-two years after the entry into force of this Protocol.

    Article 26

    1. The Contracting Parties shall, within twenty-two years, abolish all measures having an effect equivalent to quantitative restrictions on imports from each other. The Council of Association shall recommend the progressive adjustments to be made during this period, taking into account provisions adopted within the Community.

    2. In particular, Turkey shall, in accordance with the timetables laid down in Articles 10 and 11, progressively abolish the deposits required from importers for imports of goods from the Community.

    Moreover, deposits amounting to more than 140% of the dutiable value for customs purposes of goods imported from the Community, in the case of motor vehicle spare parts and accessories falling within heading No 87.06 of the Turkish Customs Tariff, and to more than 120% of that value in the case of other products, shall be reduced to these levels on the entry into force of this Protocol.

    Article 27

    1. Quantitative restrictions on exports, and all measures having equivalent effect, shall be prohibited between the Contracting Parties.

    The Community and Turkey shall, by the end of the transitional stage at the latest, abolish between themselves all quantitative restrictions on exports and any measures having equivalent effect.

    2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Community and Turkey may, after consultation in the Council of Association, retain or introduce restrictions on exports of basic products to the extent necessary to promote the development of specific sectors of their economies or to meet any shortage of those products.

    In that event, the Party concerned shall open in favour of the other Party a quota which takes into account the average exports for the last three years for which statistics are available and the normal development of trade resulting from the progressive achievement of the customs union.

    Article 28

    Turkey declares its readiness to abolish quantitative restrictions on imports from and exports to the Community more rapidly than is provided for in the preceding Articles, if its general economic situation and the situation of the economic sector concerned so permit. To this end the Council of Association shall make recommendations to Turkey.

    Article 29

    The provisions of Articles 21 to 27 shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public morality, public policy or public security; the protection of health and life of humans, animals or plants; the protection of national treasures possessing artistic, historic or archeological value; or the protection of industrial and commercial property. Such prohibitions or restrictions shall not, however, constitute a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade between the Contracting Parties.

    Article 30

    1. The Contracting Parties shall progressively adjust any State monopolies of a commercial character so as to ensure that when the period of twenty-two years has ended no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed exists between nationals of Member States of the Community and nationals of Turkey.

    The provisions of this Article shall apply to any body through which a Member State or Turkey, in law or in fact, either directly or indirectly supervises, determines or appreciably influences imports or exports between the Community and Turkey. These provisions shall also apply to monopolies delegated by the State to others.

    2. The Contracting Parties shall refrain from introducing any new measure which is contrary to the principles laid down in paragraph 1 or which restricts the scope of the Articles dealing with the abolition of customs duties and quantitative restrictions between the Contracting Parties.

    3. The procedure and the timetable in accordance with which the Turkish monopolies mentioned in this Article are to be adjusted and the barriers to trade between the Community and Turkey are to be lowered, shall be laid down by the Council of Association not later than six years after the entry into force of this Protocol.

    Until the Council of Association takes the decision provided for in the preceding subparagraph, each Contracting Party shall apply to products subject to a monopoly in the territory of the other Contracting Party treatment at least as favourable as that applied to like products of the most-favoured third country.

    4. The obligations on the Contracting Parties shall be binding only in so far as they are compatible with existing international agreements.



    Article 31

    The arrangements for agricultural products set out in Chapter IV shall apply to products which are subject, on importation into the Community, to specific rules as a result of the implementation of the common agricultural policy.



    Article 32

    This Protocol shall extend to agricultural products, save as otherwise provided in Article 33 to 35.

    Article 33

    1. Over a period of twenty-two years Turkey shall adjust its agricultural policy with a view to adopting, at the end of that period, those measures of the common agricultural policy which must be applied in Turkey if free movement of agricultural products between it and the Community is to be achieved.

    2. During the period mentioned in paragraph 1, the Community shall, in establishing and subsequently developing its agricultural policy, take into account the interests of Turkish agriculture. Turkey shall furnish the Community with all information which is relevant in this connection.

    3. The Community shall inform Turkey of proposals from the Commission regarding the establishment and development of the common agricultural policy, and of the opinions issued and decisions taken regard to such proposals.

    4. The Council of Association shall decide what information on agriculture shall be supplied by Turkey to the Community.

    5. The proposals from the Commission mentioned in paragraph 3, and the measures in respect of agriculture which Turkey envisages taking in accordance with paragraph 1, may be the subject of consultation in the Council of Association.

    Article 34

    1. At the end of the period of twenty-two years the Council of Association, having established that Turkey has adopted the measures of the common agricultural policy which are referred to in Article 33 (1), shall adopt the provisions necessary for achieving the free movement of agricultural products between the Community and Turkey.

    2. The provisions referred to in paragraph 1 may include any necessary derogations from the rules laid down in this Protocol.

    3. The Council of Association may alter the date referred to in paragraph 1.

    Article 35

    1. Pending the adoption of provisions under Article 34 and by way of derogation from Articles 7 to 11, 15 to 18, 19 (1) and (5), 21 to 27, and 30, the Community and Turkey shall grant each other preferential treatment in their trade in agricultural products. The scope of such preferential treatment and the arrangements therefor shall be decided by the Council of Association.

    2. The treatment to be accorded from the beginning of the transitional stage is, however, laid down in Annex 6.

    3. One year after the entry into force of this Protocol and every two years thereafter, the Council of Association shall, at the request of either Contracting Party, review the results of the preferential treatment for agricultural products. It may decide upon improvements which prove to be necessary for progressive attainment of the objectives of the Agreement of Association.

    4. Article 34 (2) shall apply.





    Article 36

    Freedom of movement for workers between Member States of the Community and Turkey shall be secured by progressive stages in accordance with the principles set out in Article 12 of the Agreement of Association between the end of the twelfth and the twenty-second year after the entry into force of that Agreement.

    The Council of Association shall decide on the rules necessary to that end.

    Article 37

    As regards conditions of work and remuneration, the rules which each Member State applies to workers of Turkish nationality employed in the Community shall not discriminate on grounds of nationality between such workers and workers who are nationals of other Member States of the Community.

    Article 38

    While freedom of movement for workers between Member States of the Community and Turkey is being brought about by progressive stages, the Council of Association may review all questions arising in connection with the geografical and occupational mobility of workers of Turkish nationality, in particular the extension of work and residence permits, in order to facilitate the employment of those workers in each Member State.

    To that end, the Council of Association may make recommendations to Member States.

    Article 39

    1. Before the end of the first year after the entry into force of this Protocol the Council of Association shall adopt social security measures for workers of Turkish nationality moving within the Community and for their families residing in the Community.

    2. These provisions must enable workers of Turkish nationality, in accordance with arrangements to be laid down, to aggregate periods of insurance or employment completed in individual Member States in respect of old-age pensions, death benefits and invalidity pensions, and also as regards the provision of health services for workers and their families residing in the Community. These measures shall create no obligation on Member States to take into account periods completed in Turkey.

    3. The abovementioned measures must ensure that family allowances are paid if a worker's family resides in the Community.

    4. It must be possible to transfer to Turkey old-age pensions, death benefits and invalidity pensions obtained under the measures adopted pursuant to paragraph 2.

    5. The measures provided for in this Article shall not affect the rights and obligations arising from bilateral agreements between Turkey and Member States of the Community, in so far as these agreements provide more favourable arrangements for Turkish nationals.

    Article 40

    The Council of Association may make recommendations to Member States and Turkey for encouraging the exchange of young workers; the Council of Association shall be guided in the matter by the measures adopted by Member States in implementation of Article 50 of the Treaty establishing the Community.



    Article 41

    1. The Contracting Parties shall refrain from introducing between themselves any new restrictions on the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide services.

    2. The Council of Association shall, in accordance with the principles set out in Articles 13 and 14 of the Agreement of Association, determine the timetable and rules for the progressive abolition by the Contracting Parties, between themselves, of restrictions on freedom of establishment and on freedom to provide services.

    The Council of Association shall, when determining such timetable and rules for the various classes of activity, take into account corresponding measures already adopted by the Community in these fields and also the special economic and social circumstances of Turkey. Priority shall be given to activities making a particular contribution to the development of production and trade.

    Article 42

    1. The Council of Association shall extend to Turkey, in accordance with the rules which it shall determine, the transport provisions of the Treaty establishing the Community with due regard to the geographical situation of Turkey. In the same way it may extend to Turkey measures taken by the Community in applying those provisions in respect of transport by rail, road and inland waterway.

    2. If provisions for sea and air transport are laid down by the Community, pursuant to Article 84 (2) of the Treaty establishing the Community, the Council of Association shall decide whether, to what extent and by what procedure provisions may be laid down for Turkish sea and air transport.





    Article 43

    1. The Council of Association shall, within six years of the entry into force of this Protocol, adopt the conditions and rules for the application of the principles laid down in Articles 85, 86, 90 and 92 of the Treaty establishing the Community.

    2. During the transitional stage Turkey may be considered as being in the situation specified in Article 92 (3) (a) of the Treaty establishing the Community. Accordingly, aid to promote Turkish economic development shall be considered to be compatible with the proper functioning of the Association if such aid does not alter the conditions of trade to an extent inconsistent with the mutual interests of the Contracting Parties.

    At the end of the transitional stage, the Council of Association shall, taking into account the economic situation of Turkey at the time, decide whether it is necessary to extend the period during which the preceding subparagraph shall apply.

    Article 44

    1. Neither Contracting Party shall impose, directly or indirectly, on the products of the other Party any internal taxation of any kind in excess of that imposed directly or indirectly on similar domestic products.

    Neither Contracting Party shall impose on the products of the other Party any internal taxation of such a nature as to afford indirect protection to other products.

    The Contracting Parties shall, not later than the beginning of the third year after the entry into force of this Protocol, repeal any provisions existing at the date of its signature which conflict with the above rules.

    2. In trade between the Community and Turkey, repayment of internal in respect of exported products shall not exceed the internal taxation imposed on those products, whether directly or indirectly.

    3. Where a turnover tax calculated on a cumulative multi-stage tax system is levied, average rates for products or groups of products may be established, in the case of internal taxation imposed on imported products or of repayments allowed on exported products, provided that there is no infringement of the principles laid down in the preceding paragraphs.

    4. The Council of Association shall ensure that the above provisions are applied, taking into account the experience of the Community in the field covered by this Article.

    Article 45

    As regards trade between the Community and Turkey, and in the case of charges other than turnover taxes, excise duties and other forms of indirect taxation, remissions and repayments in respect of exports may not be granted, and countervailing charges in respect of imports may not be imposed, unless the measures contemplated have been approved in advance by the Council of Association and for a limited period.

    Article 46

    The Contracting Parties may adopt any protective measures which they consider to be needed to overcome difficulties due to the absence of a decision by the Council of Association on the rules and conditions of application provided for in Article 43 (1), or to the non-application of those decisions or of Articles 44 or 45.

    Article 47

    1. If, during the period of twenty-two years, the Council of Association, on application by a Contracting Party, finds that dumping is being practised in trade between the Community and Turkey, it shall address recommendations to the person or persons with whom such practices originate for the purpose of putting an end to them.

    2. The injured Party may, after notifying the Council of Association, take suitable protective measures where:

    (a) the Council of Association has taken no decision pursuant to paragraph 1 within three months from the making of the application;

    (b) despite the issue of recommendations under paragraph 1, the dumping practices continue.

    Moreover, where the interests of the injured Party call for immediate action, that Party may, after informing the Council of Association, introduce interim protective measures which may include anti-dumping duties. Such measures shall not remain in force more than three months from the date of the application, or from the date on which the injured Party takes protective measures under (b) of the preceding subparagraph.

    3. Where protective measures have been taken under (a) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 2, or under the second subparagraph of that paragraph, the Council of Association may, at any time, decide that such protective measures shall be suspended pending the issue of recommendations under paragraph 1.

    The Council of Association may recommend the abolition or amendment of protective measures taken under (b) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 2.

    4. Products which originated in or were in free circulation in one of the Contracting Parties and which have been exported to the other Contracting Party shall, on reimportation, be admitted into the territory of the former Contracting Party free of all customs duties, quantitative restrictions or measures having equivalent effect.

    The Council of Association may make any appropriate recommendations for the application of this paragraph; it shall be guided by Community experience in this field.

    Article 48

    The Council of Association may recommend the Contracting Parties to take measures to approximate the laws, regulations or administrative provisions in respect of fields which are not covered by this Protocol but have a direct bearing on the functioning of the Association, and of fields covered by this Protocol but for which no specific procedure is laid down therein.



    Article 49

    In order to facilitate attainment of the objectives set out in Article 17 of the Agreement of Association, the Contracting Parties shall regularly consult each other in the Council of Association to coordinate their economic policies.

    The Council of Association shall, where necessary, recommend appropriate measures.

    Article 50

    1. The Contracting Parties declare their readiness to undertake the liberalization of payments beyond the extent provided for in Article 19 of the Agreement of Association, in so far as their economic situation in general and the state of their balance of payments in particular so permit.

    2. In so far as movements of goods, services and capital are limited only by restrictions on payments connected therewith, these restrictions shall be progressively abolished by applying, mutatis mutandis, the provisions relating to the abolition of quantitative restrictions, the provision of services and to capital movements.

    3. The Contracting Parties undertake not to make more restrictive the arrangements which they apply to transfers connected with the invisible transactions listed in Annex III to the Treaty establishing the Community, without the prior agreement of the Council of Association.

    4. If need be, the Contracting Parties shall consult each other on measures to be taken to enable the payments and tranfers mentioned in Article 19 of the Agreement of Association and in this Article to be effected.

    Article 51

    In order to further the objectives set out in Article 20 of the Agreement of Association, Turkey shall, on the entry into force of this Protocol, endeavour to improve the treatment accorded to private capital from the Community which can contribute to the development of the Turkish economy.

    Article 52

    The Contracting Parties shall endeavour to avoid introducing any new foreign exchange restrictions on the movement of capital and current payments connected therewith between themselves, and shall endeavour not to make the existing arrangements more restrictive.

    The Contracting Parties shall simplify to the maximum extent possible authorization and control formalities applicable to the conclusion and carrying out of capital transactions and transfers, and shall, in so far as is necessary, consult each other for the purpose of achieving such simplification.



    Article 53

    1. The Contracting Parties shall consult each other in the Council of Association in order to achieve, during the transitional stage, the coordination of their commercial policies in relation to third countries, in particular in the fields mentioned in Article 113 (1) of the Treaty establishing the Community.

    For this purpose, each Contracting Party shall, at the request of the other Party, furnish all relevant information on agreements which it concludes and which contain tariff or commercial provisions, as well as on changes which it makes in its external trade arrangements.

    Where such agreements or changes might have a direct and particular effect on the functioning of the Association, there shall be appropriate consultation in the Council of Association in order to teke into account the interests of the Contracting Parties.

    2. At the end of the transitional stage, the Contracting Parties, meeting in the Council of Association, shall coordinate their commercial policies more closely with the aim of achieving a commercial policy based on uniform principles.

    Article 54

    1. If the Community concludes an agreement of association or a preferential agreement having a direct and particular effect on the functioning of the Association, appropriate consultation shall take place in the Council of Association in order to enable the Community to take into account the mutual interests stated in the Agreement of Association between the Community and Turkey.

    2. Turkey shall, where necessary to prevent barriers to the movement of goods within the Community, endeavour to take all appropriate measures for the solution of any practical problem which may arise in connection with trade between Turkey and countries linked to the Community by an association agreement or a preferential agreement.

    Where such measures have not been taken, the Council of Association may adopt the necessary provisions for ensuring the proper functioning of the Association.

    Article 55

    Consultations shall take place in the Council of Association on the implementation of 'Regional Cooperation for Development' (RCD).

    The Council of Association may adopt any necessary provisions. These must not impede the proper functioning of the Association.

    Article 56

    In the event of a third State acceding to the Community, appropriate consultations shall take place in the Council of Association so as to ensure that account can be taken of the mutual interests of the Community and Turkey stated in the Agreement of Association.



    Article 57

    The Contracting Parties shall progressively adjust the conditions for participation in contracts awarded by public authorities and public undertakings, and by private undertakings which have been granted special or exclusive rights, so that by the end of the period of twenty-two years there is no discrimination between nationals of Member States and nationals of Turkey established in the territory of the Contracting Parties.

    The Council of Association shall determine the timetable and rules for this adjustment; when doing so it shall be guided by the solutions adopted by the Community in this field.

    Article 58

    In the fields covered by this Protocol:

    - the arrangements applied by Turkey in respect of the Community shall not give rise to any discrimination between Member States, their nationals or their companies or firms;

    - the arrangements applied by the Community in respect of Turkey shall not give rise to any discrimination between Turkish nationals or Turkish companies or firms.

    Article 59

    In the fields covered by this Protocol Turkey shall not receive more favourable treatment than that which Member States grant to one another pursuant to the Treaty establishing the Community.

    Article 60

    1. If serious disturbances occur in a sector of the Turkish economy or prejudice its external financial stability, or if difficulties arise which adversely affect the economie situation in a region of Turkey, Turkey may take the necessary protective measures.

    The Council of Association shall be notified immediately of those measures and of the rules for their application.

    2. If serious disturbances occur in a sector of the economy of the Community or of one of more Member States, or prejudice the external financial stability of one or more Member States, or if difficulties arise which adversely affect the economic situation in a region of the Community, the Community may take, or authorize the Member State or States concerned to take, the necessary protective measures.

    The Council of Association shall be notified immediately of such measures and of the rules for their application.

    3. In the choice of measures to be taken in pursuance of paragraphs 1 and 2, preference shall be given to those which will least disturb the functioning of the Association. These measures shall not exceed what is strictly necessary to remedy the difficulties that have arisen.

    4. Consultations may take place in the Council of Association on the measures taken in pursuance of paragraphs 1 and 2.

    Article 61

    Without prejudice to the special provisions of this Protocol, the transitional stage shall be twelve years.

    Article 62

    This Protocol and the Annexes thereto shall form an integral part of the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey.

    Article 63

    1. This Protocol shall be ratified by the Signatory States in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements and shall be validly concluded on behalf of the Community by a decision of the Council, taken in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty establishing the Community; the decision shall be notified to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey.

    The instruments of ratification and the notification of conclusion shall be exchanged at Brussels.

    2. This Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the date of the exchange of the instruments of ratification and of the notification mentioned in paragraph 1.

    3. If this Protocol does not enter into force at the beginning of a calendar year, the Council of Association may shorten or lengthen the periods laid down in this Protocol, in particular those in which free movement of goods is to be achieved, so that they may terminate at the end of a calendar year.

    Article 64

    This Protocol is drawn up in two copies in the Dutch, French, German, Italian and Turkish languages, each of these texts being equally authentic.

    In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Additional Protocol.

    Done at Brussels on the twenty-third day of November in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy.

    For His Majesty the King of the Belgians,

    Pierre HARMEL

    For the President of the Federal Republic of Germany,

    Walter SCHEEL

    For the President of the French Republic,

    Maurice SCHUMANN

    For the President of the Italian Republic,

    Mario PEDINI

    For His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Luxembourg,

    Gaston THORN

    For Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands,

    J.M.A.H. LUNS

    For the Council of the European Communities,

    Walter SCHEEL

    Franco Maria MALFATTI

    For the President of the Republic of Turkey,

    Ihsan Sabri ÇAGLAYANGÍL


    ANNEX No 1

    on the treatment to be accorded to imports of petroleum products from Turkey into the Community

    Sole Article

    1. Notwithstanding Articles 9 and 21 to 30 of the Additional Protocol, the products listed below and refined in Turkey shall be imported into the Community free of customs duties within the limit of an overall annual Community tariff quota of 200 000 metric tons:


    2. The Community shall be entitled to modify the arrangements set out in paragraph 1:

    - when a common definition of origin is adopted for petroleum products from third States and associated countries;

    - when decisions are taken within the context of a common commercial policy;

    - when a common energy policy is established.

    In such a case, the Community shall ensure that the imports referred to in paragraph 1 are accorded advantages equivalent to those provided for in that paragraph.

    3. Consultations may take place in the Council of Association on the measures taken in pursuance of paragraph 2.

    4. Where the Community does not adopt measures under paragraph 2 within three years, the Council of Association may review the size of the quota laid down in paragraph 1.

    5. Apart from paragraphs 1 and 2 above, the Additional Protocol shall not affect rules applied to the importation of petroleum products.

    ANNEX No 2

    on the treatment to be accorded to imports of particular textile products from Turkey into the Community

    Article 1

    1. Notwithstanding Article 9 of the Additional Protocol, the Community shall progressively abolish the duties in the Common Customs Tariff in respect of products imported from Turkey which are listed below, by four successive reductions, each of 25%, over a twelve-year period. These reductions shall be made at the date of entry into force of the Additional Protocol, and four, eight and twelve years thereafter:


    2. Nevertheless, for products imported from Turkey which fall within heading Nos 55.05 and 55.09, the Community shall, on the entry into force of the Additional Protocol make a reduction of 75% of the Common Customs Tariff duties within the limit of annual Community Tariff quotas of 300 metric tons for heading No 55.05 and 1 000 metric tons for heading No 55.09.

    Article 2

    Notwithstanding Articles 21, 22, 23 and 24 of the Additional Protocol, the Community shall have the right to introduce new quantitative restrictions on imports from Turkey of the following products.


    ANNEX No 3

    List of products subject to the timetable of tariff reductions laid down in Article 11


    ANNEX No 4

    on the use by Turkey of special aid resources


    desiring not to impede the use by Turkey of special aid resources,


    1. If the provisions of the Agreement of Association or of the Additional Protocol impede the use by Turkey of special aid resources made available to its economy, Turkey shall, after notification to the Council of Association, be entitled:

    (a) to open tariff quotas in accordance with Article 20 (4) of the Additional Protocol for the importation of goods which are purchased with the resources in question;

    (b) to import free of duty goods which constitute gifts under Title III of Public Law 480 of the United States or under a food aid programme;

    (c) to restrict invitations to tender to suppliers of products originating in countries which grant special aid where the use of such resources entails the importation of products originating in those countries, and where a tendering procedure is prescribed by the legislation of Turkey or of the countries in question.

    2. Products imported into Turkey under this Annex may not be re-exported to the Community either unaltered or after working or processing.

    3. The provisions of this Annex must not hamper the proper functioning of the Association.

    4. At the end of the transitional stage the Council of Association may decide whether this Annex is to remain in force.

    In the meantime, if any change is made to the nature of the resources referred to in paragraph 1 of this Annex or to the procedure to be followed for their use, or if any difficulties arise affecting their use, the Council of Association shall review the situation with a view to taking the appropriate measures.

    ANNEX No 5

    on German internal trade and connected problems


    taking into consideration the conditions at present existing by reasons of the division of Germany,


    1. Since trade between German territories subject to the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany and German territories in which the Basic Law does not apply is a part of German internal trade, the application of the Agreement of Association or of the Additional Protocol in German requires no change in the treatment currently accorded to this trade.

    2. Each Contracting Party shall inform the other Contracting Party of any agreements relating to trade with the German territories in which the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany does not apply, and of any implementing provisions. Each Contracting Party shall ensure that implementation of such agreements does not conflict with the principles of the Association and shall in particular take appropriate measures to avoid harming the economy of the other Contracting Party.

    3. Each Contracting Party may take appropriate measures to prevent any difficulties arising for it from trade between the other Contracting Party and the German territories in which the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany does not apply.

    ANNEX No 6

    on the treatment to be accorded to agricultural products

    Article 1

    The treatment provided for in Article 35 (2) of the Additional Protocol is set out in the following Articles.



    Article 2

    Customs duties equal to 50 % of the duties in the Common Customs Tariff shall be applicable to imports into the Community of products listed below and originating in Turkey.


    Article 3

    The products listed below and originating in Turkey shall be imported into the Community free of customs duties and charges having equivalent effect:


    Article 4

    1. Customs duties equal to 60 % of the duties in the Common Customs Tariff shall be applicable to imports into the Community of products listed below and originating in Turkey:


    2. Customs duties equal to 50 % of the duties in the Common Customs Tariff shall be applicable to imports into the Community of products listed below and originating in Turkey:


    3. During the period of application of reference prices, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply on condition that on the internal Community market the prices of citrus fruit imported from Turkey are, after customs clearance and allowance for the conversion factors operative for the various classes of citrus fruit and after deduction of transport costs and import charges other than customs duties, not less than the reference prices for the period in question plus the incidence of the Common Customs Tarrif on those reference prices and a fixed amount of 1.20 units of account per 100 kilogrames.

    4. The transport costs and import charges other than customs duties referred to in paragraph 3 shall be those laid down for calculating the entry prices referred to in Regulation No 23 on the progressive establishment of a common organization of the market in fruit and vegetables.

    However, the Community shall be entitled to calculate the amount to be deducted in respect of import charges, other than customs duties, referred to in paragraph 3, in such a way as to avoid difficulties which may arise from the incidence of those charges on entry prices, depending on origin.

    5. The provisions of Article 11 of Regulation No 23 shall continue to apply.

    6. Where the advantages accruing from the provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 above would or could be jeopardized by reasons of abnormal conditions of competition, consultations may be held in the Council of Association on the problems arising from such a situation.

    Article 5

    An ad valorem duty of 3 % shall be applicable to imports into the Community of products listed below and originating in Turkey. This duty shall be reduced to 2 % one year after the date of entry into force of the Additional Protocol and to 1 % two years after that date. It shall be abolished at the end of the third year.


    Article 6

    An ad valorem duty of 2,5 % within an annual Community Tariff quota of 18 700 metric tons, shall be applicable to imports into the Community of products listed below and originating in Turkey:


    Article 7

    1. The Community shall take all measures necessary to ensure that the levy on imports into the Community of olive oil other than refined olive oil, falling within subheading No 15.07 A II of the Common Customs Tariff, wholly produced in Turkey and transported direct from that country to the Community, is the import levy calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Regulation No 136/66/EEC on the establishment of a common organisation of the market in oils and fats, and applicable on the day of importation, less 0.5 unit of account per 100 kilogrammes.

    2. Additionally and on condition that Turkey applies a special export charge reflected in the import price, the Community shall reduce the amount of the levy calculated in accordance with paragraph 1 by an amount equal to that of the charge paid but not exceeding 4.5 units of account per 100 kilogrammes.

    Each Contracting Party shall take the necessary measures for the implementation of this paragraph.

    3. Consultations on the operation of the arrangements provided for in this Article may be held in the Council of Association.

    Article 8

    The products listed below and originating in Turkey shall imported into the Community free of Customs duty:


    Article 9

    Customs duties equal to 25 % of the duties in the Common Customs Tariff shall be applicable to imports into the Community of product listed below and originating in Turkey. These duties shall be reduced to 10 % of the duties in the Common Customs Tariff at the end of the second year after the entry into force of the Additional Protocol. They shall be abolished at the end of the third year.


    Article 10

    On implementation of the common fisheries policy the Community shall take any measures which may be necessary to ensure that Turkey retains export opportunities which are at least equivalent to those provided for under Article 6 of the Provisional Protocol.

    The Council of Association shall examine measures which might serve to improve such opportunities.

    Article 11

    The Council of Association shall determine the preferential treatment applicable to wine originating in Turkey.

    Article 12

    The Community shall take all measures necessary to ensure that the levy on the following goods, produced in Turkey and imported direct from that country into the Community, is the levy calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Regulation No 120/67/EEC on the common organization of the market in cereals, less 0.5 unit of account per metric ton:


    Article 13

    1. On condition that Turkey applies a special export charge, reflected in the import price on rye of heading No 10.02 of the Common Customs Tariff, which is produced in Turkey and imported direct from that country into the Community, the Community shall reduce the amont of the levy on imports of this product, calculated in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation No 120/67/EEC on the common organisation of the market in cereals, by an amount equal to that of the charge paid, up to a limit of 8 units of account per metric ton.

    Each Contracting Party shall take the measures necessary for the implementation of this paragraph.

    2. Consultations on the operation of the arrangements provided for in this Article may be held in the Council of Association.

    Article 14

    Without prejudice to the levying of a variable component determined in accordance with Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 1059/69 laying down the trade arrangement applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products, the Community shall take all necessary measures for the progressive reduction, in accordance with the timetable specified in Article 9 of this Annex, of the fixed component levied on imports into the Community of the following goods originating in Turkey:


    Article 15

    Should Community regulations be amended in respect of products covered by this Annex, the Community shall be entitled to modify the arrangements therefor laid down in this Annex.

    When modifying such arrangements the Community shall grant in respect of imports originating in Turkey an advantage comparable to that provided for in this Annex.

    Annex 16

    The Council of Association shall lay down the definition of the concept 'originating products' for the purpose of the application of this Chapter.



    Article 17

    With respect to its commercial imports, Turkey shall grant to the Community preferential treatment such as to ensure a satisfactory increase in imports of agricultural products originating in the Community.










    of the one part,


    of the other part,

    ANXIOUS to promote an accelerated development of the Turkish economy in order to facilitate the pursuit of the objectives of the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey,



    Mr Pierre HARMEL,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Walter SCHEEL,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Maurice SCHUMANN,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Mario PEDINI,

    Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Gaston THORN,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr J.M.A.H. LUNS,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;


    Mr Walter SCHEEL,

    President in Office of the Council of the European Communities;

    Mr Franco Maria MALFATTI,

    President of the Commission of the European Communities;


    Mr Ihsan Sabri ÇAGLAYANGÍL,

    Minister for Foreign Affairs;

    WHO, having exchanged their Full Powers, found in good and due form,


    Article 1

    Within the framework of the Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey, the Community shall supplement Turkey's own endeavours by participating, in the manner laid down in this Protocol, in measures to promote the development of the country.

    Article 2

    1. Requests for financing may be submitted to the European Investment Bank by the Turkish State, by an authority and by public or private undertakings which have their seat or a place of business in Turkey; the Bank shall notify them of the action taken on their application.

    2. Investment projects shall be eligible for financing where they:

    (a) help to increase the productivity of the Turkish economy and, in particular, aim to provide Turkey with a better economic infrastructure, higher agricultural output, and modern, efficiently-run public or private undertakings in the indiustrial and service sectors;

    (b) further the aims of the Agreement of Association;

    (c) are part of the Turkish Development Plan in force at the relevant date.

    3. With respect to the choice of investment projects within the framework of the above provisions:

    (a) only individual projects may be financed;

    (b) as a general rule, investment projects which are to be carried out on Turkish territory may be financed irrespective of the sectors of the economy to which they relate.

    4. Special consideration shall be given to projects which could serve to improve the Turkish balance of payments.

    Article 3

    1. Requests which have been approved shall be financed by loans from the European Investment Bank acting on authority from the Member States of the Community.

    2. These loans may be granted up to an aggregate amount of 195 million units of account, which may be committed in a period expiring on 23 May 1976. Any balance outstanding at the end of that period shall be used in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol until it is exhausted.

    3. The funds committed each year as a result of the granting of loans shall be distributed as evenly as possible over the whole period in which this Protocol is in force. However, relatively large amounts may, within reasonable limits, be committed in the first part of this period.

    4. To the amount specified in paragraph 2 there shall be added the undisbursed portion of loans committed pursuant to the first Financial Protocol but cancelled before the whole or a part of the relevant payments had been made.

    Article 4

    1. Requests for financing which are not submitted by the Turkish Government cannot be approved without the agreement of that Government.

    2. Where a loan is granted to an undertaking or to an authority other than the Turkish State, that loan shall be subject to a guarantee from the Turkish State.

    3. Undertakings whose risk capital comes wholly or partly from countries of the Community shall have access to the finance provided for in this Protocol on the same conditions as undertakings with Turkish capital.

    Article 5

    1. Loans shall be granted on the basis of the economic features of the projects which they are to finance.

    2. Loans, especially those for capital investment projects, the return on which is indirect or long-term, may be granted for a maximum of thirty years, and may be redemption-free for up to eight years. The rate of interest on such loans must be not less than 2.5 % per annum.

    3. Loans for the financing of projects showing a normal return, which must account for not less than 30 % of the amount of the loans granted to Turkey annually, may be made on the following terms:

    (a) a loan period and a redemption-free period determined by the Bank, subject to the limits laid down in paragraph 2, with a view to facilitating the servicing of loans by Turkey;

    (b) a rate of interest of not less than 4.5 % per annum.

    4. The loans referred to in the preceding paragraph may be granted through the intermediary of appropriate Turkish agencies.

    The choice of projects to be financed through these agencies and the terms on which loans by the Bank may be granted by the agency or agencies concerned to recipient undertakings, shall be subject to prior approval by the Bank.

    5. Repayments by recipient undertakings which are not immediately needed by the intermediary agencies for the redemption of loans from the Bank, shall be paid into a special account; the use of such amounts shall be subject to approval by the Bank.

    Article 6

    1. All natural and legal persons who are nationals of Turkey or of Member States of the Community may participate on equal terms in tendering procedures, invitations to tender, transactions and contracts relating to projects for which loans have been granted.

    2. The loans may by used to cover expenditure on imports or domestic expenditure, where such expenditure is necessary for carrying out approved capital investment projects, including expenditure on planning, on the services of consulting engineers and on technical assistance.

    3. The Bank shall ensure that funds are used as judiciously as possible and in accordance with the objectives of the Agreement of Association.

    Article 7

    Turkey shall, for the whole period of a loan, make available to the recipients of the loan the currency necessary for the payment of interest and commission, and for the repayment of capital.

    Article 8

    Contributions under this Protocol for the execution of certain projects may take the form of participation in financing operations in which, in particular, third countries, international finance organisations or credit and development authorities and institutions in Turkey or of Member States of the Community may be concerned.

    Article 9

    1. While this Protocol is in force the Community shall examine the possibility of supplementing the amount of the loans specified in Article 3 by loans granted by the European Investment Bank from its own ressources and on market terms and whose aggregate amount may total 25 million units of account.

    2. These loans would be used to finance projects showing a normal return which are to be carried out in Turkey by private undertakings.

    3. The Statute of the European Investment Bank and Articles 4, 7 and 8 of this Protocol shall apply to these loans.

    Article 10

    The Contracting Parties shall, one year before expiry of this Protocol, consider which of its provisions relating to financial assistance might be adopted for a further period.

    Article 11

    This Protocol shall be annexed to the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey.

    Article 12

    1. This Protocol shall be retified by the Signatory States in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements and, as regards the Community, shall become binding by a Council Decision taken in accordance with the Treaty establishing the Community and notified to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey.

    The above instruments of ratification and the act of notification of conclusion shall be exchanged at Brussels.

    2. This Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the date of exchange of the instruments of ratification and act of notification of conclusion, referred to in paragraph 1.

    Article 13

    This Protocol is drawn up in two copies in the Dutch, French, German, Italian and Turkish languages, each of these texts being equally authentic.

    In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Financial Protocol.

    Done at Brussels this twenty-third day of November in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy.

    For His Majesty the King of the Belgians,

    Pierre HARMEL

    For the President of the Federal Republic of Germany,

    Walter SCHEEL

    For the President of the French Republic,

    Maurice SCHUMANN

    For the President of the Italian Republic,

    Mario PEDINI

    For His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Luxembourg,

    Gaston THORN

    For Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands,

    J.M.A.H. LUNS

    For the Council of the European Communities,

    Walter SCHEEL

    Franco Maria MALFATTI

    For the President of the Republic of Turkey,

    Ihsan Sabri ÇAGLAYANGÍL


    The Plenipotentiaries of:







    and of


    of the one part, and of


    of the other part,

    Meeting at Brussels on the twenty-third day of November in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy for the signature of:

    - the Additional Protocol, to which are appended six Annexes,

    - the Financial Protocol,


    - the Agreement on products within the province of the European Coal and Steel Community, to which is appended an Annex,

    Have adopted the following Joint Declarations by the Contracting Parties relating to the Additional Protocol:

    1. Joint Declaration on the calculation of duties and charges,

    2. Joint Declaration on Article 12 (2),

    3. Joint Declaration on Articles 17 (1) and 18 (1),

    4. Joint Declaration on Article 25 (4),

    5. Joint Declaration on Article 27 (2),

    6. Joint Declaration on Article 34,

    7. Joint Declaration on the duties in the Common Customs Tariff which are listed in Annexes 2 and 6.

    They have also adopted the following Interpretative Declarations:

    - Interpretative Declaration on Article 25 of the Additional Protocol,

    - Interpretative Declaration on the value of the unit of account mentioned in Article 3 of the Financial Protocol.

    They have, in addition, taken note of the following Declarations by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Agreement in respect of products within the province of the European Coal and Steel Community:

    1. Declaration on the definition of the expression 'German national';

    2. Declaration on the application to Berlin of the Agreement on products within the province of the European Coal and Steel Community.

    These Declarations are annexed to this Final Act.

    The Plenipotentiaries have agreed that the Declarations annexed to this Final Act shall be subjected to any internal procedures that may be necessary to ensure their validity.

    In witness whereof, the Plenipotentiaries of the Contracting Parties have signed this Final Act.

    Done at Brussels, this twenty-third day of November in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy.

    For His Majesty the King of the Belgians:

    Pierre HARMEL

    For the President of the Federal Republic of Germany:

    Walter SCHEEL

    For the President of the French Republic:

    Maurice SCHUMANN

    For the President of the Italian Republic:

    Mario PEDINI

    For His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Luxembourg:

    Gaston THORN

    For Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands:

    J.M.A.H. LUNS

    For the Council of the European Communities:

    Walter SCHEEL

    Franco Maria MALFATTI

    For the President of the Turkish Republic:

    Ihsan Sabri ÇAGLAYANGÍL



    1. Joint Declaration on the calculation of duties and charges

    The Contracting Parties agree that customs duties and charges having equivalent effect which are calculated in accordance with the rules of the Additional Protocol shall be rounded off to the first decimal point.

    2. Joint Declaration on Article 12 (2)

    The Contracting Parties agree that goods which are already in a bonded watehouse, or are being transported for export, or for which there was a firm contract of sale at the time Turkey notified the Council of Association in accordance with Article 12 (2) of the Additional Protocol, shall be liable to the customs duties applicable before the adoption of measures by Turkey in accordance with that Article.

    3. Joint Declaration on Articles 17 (1) and 18 (1)

    The duties in the Common Customs Tariff referred to in Articles 17 (1) and 18 (1) of the Additional Protocol are the duties in the Common Customs Tariff which are actually applied at the time of alignment of the Turkish Customs Tariff with the Common Customs Tariff.

    4. Joint Declaration on Article 25 (4)

    The Contracting Parties declare that in calculating the aggregate value of all the quotas which are to be increased by 10 % at regular intervals in accordance with Article 25 (4) of the Additional Protocol, no account shall be taken of the value of imports liberalized by Turkey during the periods referred to in that paragraph.

    5. Joint Declaration on Article 27 (2)

    The Contracting Parties declare that the provisions of Article 27 (2) of the Additional Protocol shall also apply to non-ferrous metals.

    6. Joint Declaration on Article 34

    The Contracting Parties agree that preparatory work in respect of the findings to be recorded by the Council of Association, pursuant to Article 34 of the Additional Protocol, may begin one year before expiry of the period of twenty-two years.

    7. Joint Declaration on the duties in the Common Customs Tariff referred to in Annexes 2 and 6

    The duties in the Common Customs Tariff referred to in Annexes 2 and 6 are the duties in the Common Customs Tariff which are actually applied at the time in relation to the Contracting Parties to GATT.


    Interpretative Declaration on Article 25 of the Additional Protocol

    It is understood that importations financed:

    (a) with special aid resources connected with specific investment projects;

    (b) without allocation of foreign currency;

    (c) under the law on the promotion of foreign capital investment;

    shall not be considered to be made under quotas opened in favour of the Community in accordance with Article 25 of the Additional Protocol, and in particular paragraphs 4 and 5 thereof.

    Interpretative Declaration on the value of the unit of account in the context of Article 3 of the Financial Protocol

    The Contracting Parties declare that:

    1. The value of the unit of account used to express the amount mentioned in Article 3 of the Financial Protocol shall be 0 88867088 gram of fine gold.

    2. The parity of the currency of a Member State of the Community in relation to the unit of account defined in paragraph 1 shall be the relation between the weight of fine gold contained in the unit of account and the weight of fine gold corresponding to the par value of that currency communicated to the International Monetary Fund. If no par value has been communicated, or if exchange rates differing from the par value by a margin exceeding that authorized by the International Monetary Fund are applied to current payments, the weight of fine gold corresponding to the parity of the currency shall be calculated on the basis of the exchange rate for a currency directly or indirectly expressed in and convertible into gold which is applied in the Member State to current payments, on the day of the calculation, and on the basis of the par value communicated to the International Monetary Fund for that convertible currency.

    3. The unit of account defined in paragraph 1 shall remain unchanged throughout the period in which the Financial Protocol is in force. If, however, before the end of that period a uniform proportionate change in the par values of all currencies in relation to gold should be decided by the International Monetary Fund under Article IV, Section 7, of its Articles of Agreement, the weight of fine gold contained in the unit of account shall alter in inverse ratio to that change.

    If one or more Member States do not apply the decision taken by the International Monetary Fund as referred to in the preceding subparagraph, the weight of fine gold contained in the unit of account shall alter in inverse ratio to the change decided by the International Monetary Fund. The Council of the European Communities shall, however, examine the situation thus created and shall take the necessary measures, acting by a qualified majority, after receiving a proposal from the Commission and the opinion of the Monetary Committee.


    1. Declaration on the definition of the expression 'German national'

    All Germans as defined in the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany shall be considered nationals of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    2. Declaration on the application to Berlin of the Agreement in respect of products within the province of the European Coal and Steel Community

    The Agreement on products within the province of the European Coal and Steel Community shall apply equally to Land Berlin unless the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany makes a declaration to the contrary to the other Contracting Parties within three months.

    AFTALE om oprettelse af en associering mellem Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet (underskrevet i Ankara, den 12. september 1963)










    på den ene side, og

    SOM ER BESLUTTET på at oprette stadig snævrere bånd mellem det tyrkiske folk og de folkeslag, der er forenet i Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab;

    SOM HAR TIL FORSÆT at sikre en stadig forbedring af levevilkårene i Tyrkiet og i Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab gennem hurtigere økonomiske fremskridt og en harmonisk udvikling af samhandelen, samt at mindske forskellen mellem Tyrkiets økonomi og økonomien inden for Fællesskabets medlemsstater;

    I BETRAGTNING AF de særlige problemer som udviklingen i den tyrkiske økonomi frembyder, og nødvendigheden af at tildele Tyrkiet økonomisk støtte i en nærmere fastsat periode;

    SOM ERKENDER, at den støtte som Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab har bidraget med til det tyrkiske folks betræbelser på at forbedre sin levestandard, senere vil lette Tyrkiets optagelse i Fællesskabet;

    SOM HAR SAT SIG FOR at værne om freden og friheden ved i fællesskab at videreføre der ideal, som har ført til traktaten om oprettelsen af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab;

    HAR VEDTAGET i henhold til artikel 238 i traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab at indgå en aftale om oprettelse af en associering mellem Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet, og har med henblik herpa som befuldmægtigede udpeget:

    HANS MAJESTÆT BELGIERNES KONGE: Hr. Paul-Henri SPAAK, vice-premierminister og udenrigsminister;




    HENDES KONGELIGE HØJHED STORHERTUGINDEN AF LUXEMBOURG: Hr. Eugène SCHAUS, regeringens vicepræsident og udenrigsminister;


    RÅDET FOR DET EUROPÆISKE ØKONOMISKE FÆLLESSKAB: Hr. Joseph M.A.H. LUNS, fungerende formand for Rådet for Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og udenrigsminister for Nederlandene;

    PRÆSIDENTEN FOR REPUBLIKKEN TYRKIET: Hr. Feridun Cemal ERKIN, udenrigsminister

    SOM, efter at have udvekslet deres fuldmagter, der er fundet i god og behørig form,




    Artikel 1

    Ved denne aftale oprettes en associering mellem Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet.

    Artikel 2

    1. Aftalen har til formål at fremme en stadig og afbalanceret styrkelse af de økonomiske og handelsmæssige forbindelser mellem parterne, under fuldt hensyn til nødvendigheden af at sikre en hurtigere udvikling af Tyrkiets økonomi og en højnelse af beskæftigelsesniveauet og livsvilkårene for det tyrkiske folk.

    2. For at virkeliggøre de i foranstående stykke nævnte målsætninger skal der ske en gradvis oprettelse af en toldunion under de betingelser og på de vilkår, som er angivet i artiklerne 3,4 og 5.

    3. Associeringen omfatter: a) en indledende fase; b) en overgangsperiode; c) en endelig fase.

    Artikel 3

    1. I løbet af den indledende fase skal Tyrkiet med støtte fra Fællesskabet styrke sin økonomi med det formål at kunne opfylde de forpligtelser, som vil påhvile landet i overgangsperioden og den endelige fase. Gennemførelsesbestemmelserne vedrørende denne indledende fase, og isar vedrørende støtten fra Fællesskabet, fastlægges i den midlertidige protokol og i Finansprotokollen, der begge er optaget som bilag til aftalen.

    2. Den indledende fase har en varighed på fem år, medmindre der sker forlængesle i henhold til de vilkår, der er fastsat i den midlertidige protokol. Gennemgang til overgangsperioden sker på de betingelser og vilkår, som er opstillet i artikel 1 i den midlertidige protokol.

    Artikel 4

    1. I løbet af overgangsperioden skal de kontraherende parter, på grundlag af gensidige og afbalancerede forpligtelser, sikre: - den gradvise oprettelse af en toldunion mellem Tyrkiet og Fællesskabet; - tilnærmelse af Tyrkiets økonomiske politik til Fællesskabets, for at sikre, at associeringen fungerer tilfredsstillende, samt for at udvikle de fælles foranstaltninger, der er nødvendige til at nå dette mål.

    2. Varigheden af denne periode må ikke overstige tolv år, med forbehold af de undtagelser, som kan fastsættes ved fælles aftale. Disse undtagelser bør ikke være til hinder for gennemførelsen af en fælles toldunion inden for rimelig tid.

    Artikel 5

    Den endelige fase bygger på toldunionen og indebærer styrkelse af samordningen af de kontraherende parters økonomiske politik.

    Artikel 6

    For at sikre gennemførelsen og den gradvise udvikling af associeringsordningen mødes de kontraherende parter i et Associeringsråd, som handler inden for grænserne af de beføjelser, som er blevet det tillagt ved aftalen.

    Artikel 7

    De kontraherende parter træffer alle almindelige eller særlige foranstaltninger, som er egnede til at sikre opfyldelsen af de forpligtelser, der følger af aftalen. De afholder sig fra at træffe foranstaltninger, der vil kunne bringe virkeliggorelsen af aftalens målsætning i fare.


    Artikel 8

    Til virkeliggørelse af de i artikel 4 fastsatte mål bestemmer Associeringsrådet, inden overgangsperiodens begyndelse og i overensstemmelse med den i artikel 1 i den midlertidige protokol fastsatte fremgangsmåde, betingelserne, formerne og tempoet for iværksattelsen af egnede foranstaltninger inden for de området, der er omhandlet i traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab, og som skal tages i betragtning, særligt de i denne del anførte, såvel som enhver beskyttelsesklausul, som måtte vise sig påkrævet.

    Artikel 9

    De kontraherende parter erkender, at inden for denne aftales anvendelsesområde og med forbehold af de særlige bestemmelser, som kan indføres i medfør af artikel 8, er al forskelsbehandling, der udøves på grundlag af nationalitet, forbudt i henhold til det i artikel 7 i traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab anførte princip.

    Kapitel 1


    Artikel 10

    1. Den i artikel 2, stk. 2 i aftalen omhandlede toldunion omfatter den samlede vareudveksling.

    2. Toldunionen omfatter: - forbud, medlemsstaterne af Fællesskabet og Tyrkiet imellem, mod told, afgifter med tilsvarende virkning som told og kvantitative restriktioner ved ind- og udførsel, såvel som mod alle andre foranstaltninger med tilsvarende virkning, der tilsigter at sikre den nationale produktion en beskyttelse, der strider mod denne aftales mål; - anvendelse af Fællesskabets fælles toldtarif på Tyrkiets forbindelser med tredjelande, såvel som tilnærmelse til de øvrige ordninger, der anvendes af Fællesskabet på udenrigshandel.

    Kapitel 2


    Artikel 11

    1. Associeringsordningen omfatter landbrug og udveksling af landbrugsvarer i henhold til særlige bestemmelser, der fastsættes under hensyntagen til Fællesskabets fælles landbrugspolitik.

    2. Som landbrugsvarer forstås varer, der er opført på listen i bilag II til traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab, som nu suppleret i medfør af artikel 38, stk. 3 i nævnte traktat.

    Kapitel 3

    Andre bestemmelser af økonomisk art

    Artikel 12

    De kontraherende parter enes om, på grundlag af artiklerne 48, 49 and 50 i traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab, gradvist indbyrdes at gennemføre arbejdskraftens frie bevægelighed.

    Artikel 13

    De kontraherende parter enes om, på grundlag af artiklerne 52 til 56 og 58 i traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab, indbyrdes at ophæve de restriktioner, som begrænser etableringsfriheden.

    Artikel 14

    De kontraherende parter enes om, på grundlag af artiklerne 55, 56 og 58 til 65 i traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab, indbyrdes at ophæve de restriktioner, som begrænser den frie udveksling af tjenesteydelser.

    Artikel 15

    Vilkårene for og den nærmere udformning af udstrækning af bestemmelserne i traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet vedrørende transport, samt af gennemførelsesbestemmelserne hertil til også at omfatte Tyrkiet, fastlægges under hensyn til Tyrkiets geografiske beliggenhed.

    Artikel 16

    De kontraherende parter erkender, at de principper, er er fastlagt i konkurrencereglerne, de fiskale bestemmelser og i bestemmelserne om tilnærmelse af lovgivningerne, som findes i afsnit I i tredje del af traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet, finder anvendelse under associeringen.

    Artikel 17

    Hver stat, der deltager i aftalen, skal føre en økonomisk politik, som er nødvendig for at sikre ligevægt på landets globale betalingsbalance, og for at bevare tilliden til dens valuta, samtidig med at den sikrer en varig og afbalanceret økonomisk ekspansion og et stabilt prisniveau. Konjunkturpolitik og især finans- og pengepolitik anvendes til at nå disse mål.

    Artikel 18

    Hver stat, der deltager i aftalen fører en vekselkurspolitik, som gør det muligt at sikre virkeliggørelsen af associeringsordningen mål.

    Artikel 19

    Medlemsstaterne af Fællesskabet og Tyrkiet tillader betalinger eller overførsler vedrørende udveksling af varer, tjenesteydelser og kapital såvel som overførsel af kapital og lønninger i det lands valuta, hvor kreditor eller de begungstigede er bosiddende, i det omfang den fri bevægelighed for varer, personer, tjenesteydelser og kapital er gennemført mellem dem i medfør af aftalen.

    Artikel 20

    De kontraherende parter konsulterer hinanden med henblik på at lette kapitalbevægelserne mellem medlemsstaterne i Fællesskabet og Tyrkiet til fremme af virkeliggørelsen af aftalens mål. De bestræber sig på at undersøge alle midler til fremme af investeringer i Tyrkiet af kapital, der stammer fra lande i Fællesskabet, og som vil kunne bidrage til udvikling af den tyrkiske økonomi. Personer bosiddende i hver medlemsstat nyder alle fordele, især i valutamæssig og fiskal henseende, med hensyn til behandling af fremmed kapital, som Tyrkiet indrømmer en anden medlemsstat eller et tredjeland.

    Artikel 21

    De kontraherende parter enes om at udarbejde en konsultationsprocedure, som gør det muligt at sikre samordningen af deres handelspolitik over for tredjelande og hensynet til deres indbyrdes interesser på dette område, blandt andet i tilfælde af tredjelandes senere tiltrædelse af eller associering til Fællesskabet.


    Artikel 22

    1. Til virkeliggørelse af de i aftalen fastlage mål og i de tilfælde den opregner, er Associeringsrådet beslutningsdygtigt. Hver af de to kontraherende parter er forpligtet til at træffe sådanne foranstaltninger, som gennemførelsen af de trufne afgørelser nødvendiggør. Associeringsrådet kan ligeledes udforme nødvendige henstilliger.

    2. Associeringsrådet foretager periodisk en undersøgelse af resultaterne af associeringsordningen under hensyn til aftalens mål. I den forberedende fase begrænses disse undersøgelser dog til en udveksling af synspunkter.

    3. Fra begyndelsen af overgangsperioden træffer Associeringsrådet, i tilfælde af at en fælles handling fra de kontraherende parters side viser sig nødvendig, de beslutninger, som er egnede til ved iværksættelse af associeringsordningen at nå et af målene i associeringsaftalen, uden at denne udtrykkeligt har overdraget det de beføjelser, der er påkrævet til dette formål.

    Artikel 23

    Associeringsrådet består dels af medlemmer af medlemsstaternes regeringer, af Rådet og af Kommissionen for Fællesskabet, dels af medlemmer af den tyrkiske regering. Associeringsrådets medlemmer kan lade sig repræsentere på de betingelser, som er opstillet i forretningsordenen. Associeringsrådet udtaler sig med enstemmighed.

    Artikel 24

    Formandsposten for Associeringsrådet beklædes for en periode på seks måneder af en repræsentant for Fællesskabet og af en repræsentant for Tyrkiet på skift. Varigheden af formandskabets første turnus kan forkortes ved Associeringsrådets beslutning. Associeringsrådet fastsætter sin forretningsorden. Det kan ved beslutning nedsætte ethvert udvalg til at bistå sig ved udførelsen af dets opgaver, særligt et udvalg til sikring af den kontinuitet i samarbejdet, som er nødvendig for aftalens gode funktion. Associeringsrådet fastlægger disse udvalgs opgaver og kompetenceområdet.

    Artikel 25

    1. Hver af de kontraherende parter kan forelægge Associeringsrådet enhver uoverensstemmelse vedrørende aftalens anvendelse eller fortolkning samt vedrørende Fællesskabet, en medlemsstat af Fællesskabet eller Tyrkiet.

    2. Associeringsrådet kan afgøre uoverensstemmelsen ved beslutning; det kan endvidere beslutte at indbringe uoverensstemmelsen for De europæiske Fællesskabers Domstol eller for enhver anden eksisterende dømmende myndighed.

    3. Hver part er forpligtet til at træffe sådanne foranstaltninger, som afgørelsens eller dommens gennemførelse nødvendiggor.

    4. Associeringsrådet fastsætter i overensstemmelse med artikel 8 i aftalen de nærmere regler for en voldgiftsprocedure eller enhver anden retslig procedure, som de kontraherende parter kan påberåbe sig i overgangsperioden og den afsluttende fase i tilfælde af, at uoverensstemmelsen ikke har kunnet afgøres i henhold til stk. 2 i denne artikel.

    Artikel 26

    Bestemmelserne i denne aftale finder ikke anvendelse på varer, der er omfattet af Det europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab.

    Artikel 27

    Associeringsrådet træffer alle nødvendig foranstaltninger for at lette samarbejdet og de nødvendige forbindelser med Europa-Parlamentet, Det økonomiske og sociale Udvalg og Fællesskabets øvrige institutioner på den ene side og det tyrkiske parlament og de tilsvarende institutioner i Tyrkiet på den anden side. Disse forbindelser begrænses dog i den indledende fase til forbindelser mellem Europa-Parlamentet og det tyrkiske parlament.

    Artikel 28

    Når aftalens funktion har giort det muligt at forudse Tyrkiets fuldstændige overtagelse af de forpligtelser, der hidhorer fra traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet, undersøger de kontraherende parter muligheden for Tyrkiets optagelse i Fællesskabet.

    Artikel 29

    1. Aftalen finder på den ene side anvendelse på kongeriget Belgiens, forbundsrepublikken Tysklands, Den franske Republiks, Den italienske Republiks, storhertugdømmet Luxembourgs og kongeriget Nederlandenes europæiske områder op på den anden side på republikken Tyrkiets område.

    2. Den finder ligeledes anvendelse på de franske oversøiske departementer, for så vidt angår de områder i aftalen, der svarer til dem, der er anført i stk. 2, første led i artikel 227 i traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet. Betingelserne for anvendelse på disse departementer af aftalens bestemmelser angående andre end de ovennævnte områder fastsættes senere ved aftale mellem de kontraherende parter.

    Artikel 30

    De protokoller, som de kontraherende parter efter overenskomt har knyttet til denne aftale, udgør integrerende dele heraf.

    Artikel 31

    Signatarstaterne ratificerer aftalen i overensstemmelse med deres respektive forfatningsmæssige regler herom, medens Fællesskabet indgår den med bindende virkning ved en afgørelse i Rådet, der træffes i henhold til bestemmelserne i traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet, og meddeles aftalens parter.

    Ratifikationsinstrumenterne og notifikationsdokumenterne vedrørende aftalens indgåelse som ovenfor anført udveksles i Bruxelles.

    Artikel 32

    Aftalen træder i kraft den første dag i den anden måned, der følger efter den i artikel 31 omhandlede udveksling af ratifikationsinstrumenter og notifikationsdokumenter.

    Artikel 33

    Aftalen udfærdiges i to eksemplarer på fransk, italiensk, nederlandsk, tysk og tyrkisk, hver af disse tekster har samme gyldighed.

    PROTOKOL Nr. 1

    Midlertidig protokol


    SOM ER SIG BEVIDST, at udførelsen af tobak, tørrede figner og nødder særlig i den indledende fase er af stor betydning for den tyrkiske økonomi;

    SOM ØNSKER at vedtage den i artikel 3 i associeringsaftalen omhandlede midlertidige protokol;

    ER BLEVET ENIGE OM følgende bestemmelser:

    Artikel 1

    1. Fire år efter aftalens ikrafttræden undersøger Associeringsrådet, om det under hensyntagen til Tyrkiets økonomiske situation er muligt i form af en tillægsprotokol at vedtage bestemmelserne for vilkårene, retningslinjerne og tempoet for gennemførelsen af den i aftalens artikel 4 omhandlede overgangsperiode. Tillægsprotokollen undertegnes af de kontraherende parter og træder i kraft efter gennemførelsen af de forfatningsmæssige procedurer, der kræves af hver af dem.

    2. Såfremt tillægsprotokollen ved udgangen af det femte år ikke har kunnet vedtages, indledes påny den i artikel 1 fastsatte procedure efter en af Associeringsrådet fastsat tidsfrist, som ikke kan overstige tre år.

    3. Bestemmelserne i denne protokol forbliver gældende indtil tillægsprotokollens ikrafttræden og senest til udgangen af det tiende år. Dog forlænges den midlertidige protokol for et tidsrum på højst et år i tilfælde af, at tillægsprotokollen vedtages, men ikke har kunnet træde i kraft ved udgangen af det tiende år. Associeringsrådet træffer afgørelse om en videre ordning for den indledende fase, som finder anvendelse fra udgangen af det tiende år, i tilfælde af at tillægsprotokollen ikke har kunnet vedtages ved udgangen af det niende år.

    Artikel 2

    Fra denne protokols ikrafttræden åbner Fællesskabets medlemsstater følgende årlige toldkontigenter for deres indførsler med oprindelse i Tyrkiet: a) 24.01 - Tobak, rå eller uforarbejdet; tobaksaffald

    Den belgisk-luxembourgske økonomiske Union // 1250 tons forbundsrepublikken Tyskland // 6600 tons Frankrig // 2550 tons Italien // 1500 tons Nederlandene / 600 tons

    Inden for grænserne af disse toldkontingenter anvender hver medlemsstat en toldsats, der svarer til den, som den anvender for indførsler af samme varer inden for rammerne af associeringsaftalen, der er undertegnet af Fællesskabet den 9. juli 1961.

    b) ex 08.04 - Tørrede druer (i pakninger af vægt på 15 kg eller derunder) Den belgisk-luxembourgske okonomiske Union // 3250 tons forbundsrepublikken Tyskland // 9750 tons Frankrig // 2800 tons Italien // 7700 tons Nederlandene // 6500 tons Inden for grænserne af disse toldkontingenter anvender hver medlemsstat en toldsats, der svarer til den, som den anvender for indførsler af samme varer inden for rammerne af associeringsaftalen, der er undertegnet af Fællesskabet den 9. juli 1961.

    c) ex 08.03 - Tørrede figner (i pakninger af vægt på 15 kg eller derunder) Den belgisk luxembourgske okonomiske Union // 840 tons forbundsrepublikken Tyskland // 5000 tons Frankrig // 7000 tons Nederlandene // 160 tons Inden for rammerne af disse toldkontingenter anvender hver medlemsstat indtil den endelige tilnærmelse af Fællesskabets medlemsstaters nationale toldsatser til den fælles toldtarif for tørrede figner en toldsats, der svarer til basistoldsatsen i medfør af artikel 14, stk. 1 i traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet, nedsat med halvdelen af de nedsættelser, som Fællesskabets medlemsstater yder hinanden indbyrdes. I tilfælde af, at bestemmelserne i den midlertidige protokol endnu er i kraft på tidspunktet for den endelige tilnærmelse af medlemsstaternes toldsatser til den fælles toldtarif for tørrede figner, træffer Fællesskabet de nødvendige toldmæssige foranstaltninger til bevarelse af de handelsmæssige fordele, som Tyrkiet begunstiges af, og som svarer til de fordele, som det er blevet sikret i medfør af foregående led og under hensyn til bestemmelserne i artikel 3.

    d) ex 08.05 - Nødder, friske eller tørrede, også afskallede Den belgisk-luxembourgske økonomiske Union // 540 tons forbundsrepublikken Tyskland // 14500 tons Frankrig // 1250 tons Nederlandene // 710 tons Inden for rammerne af dette toldkontingent anvender Fællesskabets medlemsstater en toldsats på 2,5% ad valorem. Desuden gennemfører Fællesskabets medlemsstater for denne vare fra aftalens ikrafttræden en fuldstændig fjernelse af told inden for Fællesskabet og fuldstændig anvendelse af den fælles toldtarif.

    Artikel 3

    Fra tidspunktet for den endelige tilnærmelse af Fællesskabets medlemsstaters nationale toldsatser til den fælles toldtarif for de i artikel 2 omhandlede varer åbner Fallesskabet hvert år til fordel for Tyrkiet toldkontingenter for en mængde, der svarer til summen af de indtil nuværende tidspunkt åbnede nationale toldkontingenter. Denne fremgangsmåde anvendes med forbehold af bestemmelser, som måtte vedtages af Associeringsrådet i medfør af artikel 4 for det følgende kalenderår. For så vidt angår nødder finder denne fremgangsmåde dog først anvendelse, når tilpasningen af Fællesskabets medlemsstaters nationale toldsatser til den fælles toldtarif for de tre øvrige varer er gennemført.

    Artikel 4

    Fra det andet år, som folger efter aftalens ikrafttræden, kan Associeringsrådet vedtage at forøge mængden af de i artiklerne 2 og 3 omhandlede toldkontingenter. Såfremt Associeringsrådet ikke træffer anden afgørelse, består disse forhøjelser fortsat. Ingen forhøjelse far virkning for begyndelsen af det følgende kalenderåt.

    Artikel 5

    I tilfælde af at datoen for aftalens ikrafttræden ikke falder sammen med begyndelsen af kalenderåret, åbner Fællesskabets medlemsstater i tidsrummet fra datoen for aftalens ikrafttræden til begyndelsen af der følgende kalenderår toldkontingenter, der svarer til en tolvtedel af de i artikel 2 nævnte mængder for hver måned mellem datoen for aftalens ikrafttræden og begyndelsen af det følgende kalenderår.

    Associeringsrådet kan dog ved aftalens ikrafttræden træffe afgørelse om forogelse af omfanget af de toldkontingenter, som fremkommer ved anvendelse af foregående afsnit for at tage hensyn til den sæsonmæssige karakter af udførslerne af de pågældende varer.

    Artikel 6

    Ved udgangen af det tredje år regnet fra aftalens ikrafttræden kan Associeringsrådet træffe afgørelse om foranstaltninger, der vil kunne begunstige afsætningen af andre end de i artikel 2 omhandlede varer på Fællesskabets marked.

    Artikel 7

    Ved gennemførelsen af den fælles landbrugspolitik for tobak, nødder eller tørrede figner træffer Fællesskabet de eventuelt nødvendige foranstaltninger til opretholdelse af Tyrkiets muligheder for udførsler, der svarer til dem, som sikres i medfør af denne protokol, under hensyn til den for den fælles landbrugspolitik fastsatte ordning.

    Artikel 8

    I tilfælde af, at Fællesskabet åbner toldkontingenter for de i artikel 2 i denne protokol omhandlede varer, begunstiges Tyrkiet ikke mindre, for så vidt angår niveauet for de toldsatser, der anvendes inden for rammerne af disse toldkontingenter, end et land, som ikke er part i aftalen.

    Artikel 9

    Tyrkiet bestræber sig på at udstrække til alle Fællesskabets medlemsstater den mest gunstige behandling, som det indrømmer et eller flere af dem.

    Artikel 10

    Enhver af de kontraherende parter kan fra den indledende fase indbringe alle vanskeligheder angående etableringsret, tjenesteydelser, transport og konkurrence for Associeringsrådet. I påkommende tilfælde kan Associeringsrådet rette alle passende henstillinger til de kontraherende parter for at fjerne disse vanskeligheder.

    Artikel 11

    Denne protokol bilægges aftalen.

    PROTOKOL Nr. 2



    SOM DET LIGGER PÅ SINDE at fremme en hurtigere udvikling i den tyrkiske økonomi med henblik på at nå de i associeringsaftalen omhandlede mål,

    ER BLEVET ENIGE om følgende bestemmelser:

    Artikel 1

    Anmodninger om finansiering af investeringsprojekter, der bidrager til fremgang i den tyrkiske økonomis produktivitet, som fremmer udviklingen til opnåelse af aftalens mål, og som indgår i den tyrkiske udviklingsplan, kan fremsættes af staten og tyrkiske virksomheder til Den europæiske Investeringsbank, som oplyser dem om behandlingen af deres anmodninger.

    Artikel 2

    De imødekomne anmodninger finansieres ved hjælp af lån. Det samlede beløb for disse lån kan udgøre indtil 175 millioner regningsenheder og kan ivesteres i løbet af de fem år, som følger aftalens ikrafttræden.

    Artikel 3

    Anmodninger om finansiering, der hidrører fra tyrkiske virksomheder, kan kun imødekommes med den tyrkiske regerings billigelse.

    Artikel 4

    1. Lånene ydes på grundlag af de økonomiske egenskaber, ved de projekter de skal finansiere.

    2. Lån, isar til investeringer hvis rentabilitet er tvivlsom eller fjerntliggende, kan tildeles særlige betingelser i form af nedsatte rentesatser, forlængede tilbagebetalingsfrister, afdragsfrie perioder og i påkommende tilfælde andre særlige regler for tilbagebetaling, som vil kunne lette Tyrkiets afvikling af disse lån.

    3. Når et lån er ydet til en virksomhed eller sammenslutning, der ikke er den tyrkiske stat, er låneydelsen afhængig af den tyrkiske stats garanti.

    Artikel 5

    1. Banken kan gøre låneydelsen afhængig af licitationsafhodelse eller indhentning af tilbud. Deltagelse i disse licitationer og denne indhentning af tilbud er ud fra synspunktet om lige konkurrencevilkår åben for alle fysiske eller juridiske personer, der er statsborgere i Tyrkiet eller i Fællesskabets medlemsstater.

    2. Lånene kan anvendes til dækning af såvel importudgifter som indenlandske udgifter, der er nødvendige for gennemførelse af de godkendte investeringsprojekter.

    3. Banken påser, at midlerne anvendes på den mest hensigtsmæssige måde og i overensstemmelse med aftalens mål.

    Artikel 6

    Tyrkiet forpligter sig til at give de debitorer, der modtager disse lån, adgang til at erhverve den nødvendige valuta til tilbagebetaling af kapital og renter.

    Artikel 7

    Den hjælp, der inden for rammerne af denne protokol ydes til gennemførelse af visse projekter, kan tage form af deltagelse i finansieringer især fra tredjelande, internationale finansorganisationer eller myndigheder og kredit- og udviklingsinstitutioner i Tyrkiet eller i Fællesskabets medlemsstater.

    Artikel 8

    Den ydede hjælp til Tyrkiets økonomiske og sociale udvikling under de i aftalen og denne protokol angivne betingelser udgør en indsats, der supplerer den af den tyrkiske stat foretagne.

    Artikel 9

    Denne protokol bilægges aftalen.

    Til bekræftelse heraf har undertegnede befuldmægtigede underskrevet denne aftale.

    Udfærdiget i Ankara, den tolvte september nittenhundrede og treogtres.

    For Hans Majestæt belgiernes konge

    For præsidenten for forbundsrepublikken Tyskland

    For præsidenten for Den franske Republik

    For præsidenten for Den italienske Republik

    For Hendes kongelige Højhed storhertuginden af Luxembourg

    For Hendes Majestæt dronningen af Nederlandene


    De befuldmægtigede for

    Hans Majestæt belgiernes Konge,

    præsidenten for forbundsrepublikken Tyskland,

    præsidenten for Den franske Republik,

    præsidenten for Den italienske Republik,

    Hendes kongelige Højhed storhertuginden af Luxembourg,

    Hendes Majestæt dronningen af Nederlandene og

    Rådet for Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab

    på den ene side, og for

    Præsidenten for republikken Tyrkiet

    på den anden side,

    forsamlet i Ankara, den tolvte september nitten hundrede og treogtres,

    for at undertegne aftalen om oprettelse af en associering mellem Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet,

    har vedtaget følgende tekster:

    Aftale om oprettelse af en associering mellem Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet, samt de nedenfor anforte protokoller:

    Protokol nr. 1 midlertidig protokol

    Protokol nr. 2: finansprotokol

    De befuldmægtigede har endvidere: - vedtaget de nedenfor anførte erklæringer, der er knyttet ti denne akt som bilag: 1. Hensigtserklæring vedrørende tørrede druer under henvisning til artikel 2 i den midlertidige protokol,

    2. Fortolkende erklæring vedrørende værdien af den regningsenhed, der er omhandlet i artikel 2 i finansprotokollen,

    3. Fortolkende erklæring vedrørende definition af begrebet »kontraherende parter«, der er nævnt i associeringsaftalen, - og taget de erklæringer fra regeringen for forbundsrepublikken Tyskland til efterretning, som er anført nedenfor og knyttet til denne akt som bilag: 1. Erklæring vedrørende begrebet »tyske statsborgere«,

    2. Erklæring vedrørende aftalens anvendelse på Berlin. De befuldmægtigede er enige om, at de erklæringer, der er knyttet som bilag til denne akt, for så vidt det er nødvendigt, og på samme betingelser som aftalen om oprettelse af en associering mellem Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab og Tyrkiet, undergives de fremgangsmåder, der er nødvendige for at sikre deres gyldighed.

    Til bekraftelse heraf har undertegnede befuldmagtigede underskrevet denne slutakt.

    Udfærdiget i Ankara, den tolvte september nitten hundrede og treogtres.

    For Hans Majestæt belgiernes konge,

    For Præsidenten for forbundsrepublikken Tyskland,

    For præsidenten for Den franske Republik,

    For præsidenten for Den italienske Republik,

    For Hendes kongelige Højhed storhertugingen af Luxembourg,

    For Hendes Majestæt dronningen af Nederlandene,

    Hensigtserklæring vedrørende tørrede druer henvisning til Artikel 2 i den midlertidige Protokol

    Fællesskabet erklærer, at det ikke påtænker at oprette en fælles markedsordning for tørrede druer.

    Fortolkende erklæring vedrørende værdien af den regningsenhed, der er omhandlet i Artikel 2 i Finansprotokollen De kontraherende parter erklærer at:

    1. Værdien af den regningsenhed, der anvendes til at udtrykke det i artikel 2 i Finansprotokollen fastsatte beløb, er 0,88867088 gram finguld.

    2. Pariteten af en af Fællesskabets medlemsstaters valuta i forhold til den regningsenhed, der er fastsat i stk. 1 ovenfor, er forholdet mellem finguldvægten for denne regningsenhed og den vægt af finguld, der svarer til pariteten for denne valuta, der er anmeldt til Den internationale Valutafond. Hvis der ikke er anmeldt nogen paritet, eller hvis der på de løbende betalinger anvendes kurser, der afviger fra pariteten med en større margin end den, der er tilladt af Valutafonden, beregnes den finguldvægt, der svarer til valutaens paritet på grundlag af den vekselkurs, der i medlemsstaten anvendes for løbende betalinger på beregningsdagen for en valuta, der er direkte eller indirekte fastsat og konvertibel til guld, og på grundlag af den paritet, der for denne konvertible valuta er anmeldt til Valutafonden.

    3. Regningsenheden, sådan som den er fastsat i stk. 1 ovenfor, forbliver uændret i hele Finansprotokollens gennemførelsesperiode. Såfremt Den internationale Valutafond inden Finansprotokollens udløb i henhold til artikel 4, afsnit 7 i sine vedtægter beslutter, at der skal ske en ensartet proportional ændring i alle valutaers guldparitet, ændres finguldvægten for regningsenheden dog omvendt proportionalt med denne ændring.

    Såfremt en eller flere af Fællesskabets medlemsstater ikke gennemfører Den internationale Valutafonds beslutning, der er omhandlet i afsnittet ovenfor, ændres finguldvægten for regningsenheden omvendt proportionalt med den ændring, som Den internationale Valutafond har besluttet. Rådet for Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab vil dog undersøge den situation, der således er opstået, og med kvalificeret flertal træffe de fornødne foranstaltninger efter forslag fra Kommissionen og efter udtalelse fra Det monetære Udvalg.

    Fortolkende erklæring vedrørende definitioner af begrebet »Kontraherende Parter«, der er nævnt i Associeringsaftalen

    De kontraherende parter er enige om at fortolke associeringsaftalen således, at udtrykket »kontraherende parter« som findes i nævnte aftale, betyder dels Fællesskabet og medlemsstaterne eller udelukkende enten medlemsstaterne eller Fællesskabet, og dels republikken Tyrkiet. Hvordan udtrykket i hvert enkelt tilfælde skal fortolkes, vil fremgå af de pågældende bestemmelser i aftalen og af de tilsvarende bestemmelser i traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet. I visse tilfælde kan udtrykket »kontraherende parter« i overgangsperioden for traktaten om oprettelse af Fællesskabet betyde medlemsstaterne, og efter denne periodes udløb Fællesskabet.

    Erklæring fra Regeringen for forbundsrepublikken Tyskland

    1. Erklæring vedrørende begrebet »Tyske Statsborgere« Ved statsborgere i Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland forstås alle tyskere, således som dette begreb er defineret i dens grundlov.

    2. Erklæring vedrørende Aftalens anvendelse på Berlin Associeringsaftalen finder ligeledes anvendelse på Land Berlin, for så vidt som regeringen for forbundsrepublikken Tyskland ikke inden tre måneder har afgivet erklæring om det modsatte til de kontraherende parter.


    Los plenipotenciarios











    por una parte, y


    por otra parte,

    reunidos en Ankara, el treinta de junio de mil novecientos setenta y tres, con motivo de la firma

    - del Protocolo Complementario al Acuerdo de Asociación entre la Comunidad Económica Europea y Turquía con motivo de la adhesión de nuevos Estados miembros a la Comunidad,

    - del Protocolo Complementario relativo a los productos propios de la Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del Acero,

    han adoptado las Declaraciones comunes de las Partes Contratantes relativas al Protocolo Complementario al Acuerdo de Asociacón entre la Comunidad Económica Europea y Turquía, enumeradas a continuación:

    1. Declaración común sobre la industrialización de Turquía,

    2. Declaración común sobre el nuevo apartado 5 del artículo 12 del Protocolo Adicional, modificado por el artículo 3,

    3. Declaración común sobre el artículo 6,

    4. Declaración común sobre la aplicación del apartado 1 del artículo 9,

    5. Declaración común sobre las medidas transitorias previstas en el apartado 2 del artículo 13.

    Estas Declaraciones figuran anejas al Acta Final.

    Los plenipotenciarios han convenido que las Declaraciones anejas a la presente Acta Final estarán sujetas, si fuera preciso, a los procedimientos internos necesarios para garantizar su validez.

    Til bekræftelse heraf har undertegnede befuldmægtigede underskrevet denne slutakt.

    Zu Urkund dessen haben die unterzeichneten Bevollmächtigten ihre Unterschrift unter diese Schlußakte gesetzt.

    In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have affixed their signatures below this Final Act.

    En foi de quoi, les plénipotentiaires soussignés ont apposé leurs signatures au bas du présent acte final.

    In fede di che, i plenipotenziari sottoscritti hanno apposto le loro firme in calce al presente atto finale.

    Ten blijke waarvan de ondergetekende gevolmachtigden hun handtekening onder deze Slotakte hebben gesteld.

    Benun belgesi olarak, asagida adlari yazili tam yetkili temsilcilez bu Son Senedin altina imzalarini atmislardir.

    Udfærdiget i Ankara, den tredivte juni nitten hundrede og treoghalvfjerds.

    Geschehen zu Ankara am dreißigsten Juni neunzehnhunderdreiundsiebzig.

    Done at Ankara on this thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and seventy three.

    Fait à Ankara, le trente juin mil neuf cent soixante-treize.

    Fatto a Ankara, addì trenta giugno millenovecentosettantatré.

    Gedaan te Ankara, de dertigste juni negentienhonderd drieënzeventig.

    Ankara'da, otuz Haziran bin dokuz yüz yetmis üç gününde yapilmistir.

    Pour Sa Majesté le roi des Belges

    Voor Zijne Majesteit de Koning der Belgen




    For Hendes Majestæt Dronningen af Danmark




    Für den Präsidenten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland




    Pour le président de la République française




    For the President of Ireland




    Per il presidente della Repubblica italiana




    Pour Son Altesse Royale le grand-duc de Luxembourg




    Voor Hare Majesteit de Koningin der Nederlanden




    For Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland




    For Rådet for De europæiske Fællesskaber

    Im Namen des Rates der Europäischen Gemeinschaften

    For the Council of the European Communities

    Pour le Conseil des Communautés européennes

    Per il Consiglio delle Comunità europee

    Voor de Raad der Europese Gemeenschappen




    Türkiye Cumhurbaskani adina




    Declaración común sobre la industrialización de Turquía


    impulsadas por el deseo de resolver los problemas especiales que se le plantean a Turquía a consecuencia de la ampliación de las Comunidades,

    subrayando que el objetivo del Acuerdo de Asociación es fomentar el fortalecimiento continuo y equilibrado de las relaciones comerciales y económicas entre las Partes, tomando plenamente en consideración la necesidad de asegurar el desarrollo acelerado de la economía de Turquía y la elevación del nivel de empleo y de las condiciones de vida del pueblo turco;

    tomando nota de que, con el fin de elevar el nivel de vida del pueblo turco y resolver los problemas de empleo que provoca el crecimiento demográfico, el Gobierno turco está decidido a aplicar una política de industrialización a largo plazo en el ámbito de sus planes de desarrollo, cuyo objetivo sea conducir la estructura económica y social del país a un nivel que le permita adherirse a una comunidad de países altamente desarrollados;

    reconociendo que la consecución de los objetivos de esta política corresponde a los fines del Acuerdo de Asociación y a los intereses comunes que se establecen en dicho Acuerdo;

    declaran que están decididas a buscar y a adoptar aquellas medidas que, en el ámbito del Acuerdo de Asociación y del Protocolo Adicional y, eventualmente, de los medios previstos en el apartado 3 del artículo 22 del citado Acuerdo, parezcan las más adecuadas para promover la industrialización de Turquía en el ámbito de su plan de desarrollo.

    Declaración común sobre el nuevo apartado 5 del artículo 12 del Protocolo Adicional modificado por el artículo 3

    Las Partes Contratantes convienen que las mercancías que se encuentren ya en depósito aduanero o que estén en camino para ser exportadas o que estén sujetas a un contrato de venta en firme en el momento de la presentación, por parte de Turquía, de la solicitud de introducir restricciones cuantitativas, en aplicación del nuevo apartado 5 del artículo 12 del Protocolo Adicional, no podrán estar sometidas a estas restricciones.

    Declaración común sobre el artículo 6

    Las Partes Contratantes convienen que, en el momento del primer estudio previsto en el artículo 6, se tomarán en consideración, por una parte, los objetivos y méritos propios del Acuerdo de Asociación y, por otra, las características de los intercambios de Turquía con los nuevos Estados miembros.

    Declaración común sobre la aplicación del apartado 1 del artículo 9

    Las Partes Contratantes convienen que, sin perjuicio de la aplicación que deba dar la Comunidad al apartado 5 del artículo 39 del Acta adjunta al Tratado de Adhesión, para los derechos específicos o la parte específica de los derechos mixtos de los aranceles aduaneros de Irlanda y del Reino Unido, el apartado 1 del artículo 9 se aplicará redondeando a la cuarta posición decimal.

    Declaración común sobre las medidas transitorias previstas en el apartado 2 del artículo 13

    A finales de 1974, el Consejo de Asociación estudiará las consecuencias de las medidas transitorias previstas en el apartado 2 del artículo 13 en el desarrollo de las exportaciones turcas.
