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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Document 52021SC0385


SWD/2021/0385 final

The document sets out the results of the Commission’s evaluation of the CAP information policy, underpinned by an external support study 1 . This covers specific information measures on the CAP carried out by the Commission – media, on-line communication and events; as well as by third parties through the grant scheme.

Overall, the evaluation concludes that the objectives of increasing the understanding and improving the perception of the CAP have been achieved to a large extent, while it also identified some room for improvement. Synergies between the Commission’s own actions and actions under grants benefit the impact of information measures on the CAP. The mix of activities was effective as reflected in Eurobarometer surveys, which indicated that nearly three out of four Europeans are aware of the CAP and consider that the CAP benefits all citizens, not just farmers.

The specific information measures are efficient, as they generated benefits that justified the resources allocated. Splitting the budget between actions carried out directly by the Commission and those implemented by grant holders has been evaluated as appropriate.

The evaluation found that the CAP information policy is overall coherent with the Commission’s corporate communication policy, with communication aspects related to other CAP instruments or other relevant EU policies. In relation to information actions by the Member States, national authorities tend to place a stronger focus on stakeholders and less on information actions aimed at the general public.

The information activities carried out directly by the Commission and indirectly by the grant beneficiaries are considered relevant for their target audiences, both stakeholders and the general public, while the multiannual strategy provides flexibility to adapt to evolving political priorities and changing circumstances.

The information policy on the CAP has achieved EU added value, complementing activities carried out by national authorities and other actors. Moreover, as a primary, reliable source of information on the CAP, the information policy also ensured that information on the topics of food, farming, and rural development was readily available and disseminated by various multipliers among citizens and stakeholders.

Lessons learnt

The evaluation indicated potential for further complementarity between CAP information measures and the Commission corporate communication, in particular considering the shift brought by the European Green Deal at the end of 2019. There is further scope to highlight the contribution of the CAP in achieving the Green Deal sustainability objectives.

Furthermore, there is room to build on positive examples of working together and enhance cooperation with the national authorities as regards communication and messaging to the general public on the contribution of the CAP to EU health, food and environmental objectives.

It is important to keep the CAP information measures, including its media network, and social media and web-based communication, under constant review in order to improve their capacity to reflect the political priorities, as well as target and reach wider audiences on CAP related topics. The aim is to continue to present topical issues in attractive, user-friendly ways.
