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Document 52000PC0119

    Proposal for a Council Regulation creating the rapid reaction facility

    /* COM/2000/0119 final - CNS 2000/0081 */

    OJ C 311E, 31.10.2000, p. 213–216 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)


    Proposal for a Council Regulation creating the rapid reaction facility /* COM/2000/0119 final - CNS 2000/0081 */

    Official Journal C 311 E , 31/10/2000 P. 0213 - 0216

    Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION creating the Rapid Reaction Facility

    (presented by the Commission)




    1. Following the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty, the Union has moved quickly to establish the common European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). The Cologne European Council of June 1999 established the guiding principles. The Helsinki European Council of December 1999 made impressive progress by establishing a 'headline military goal'. Work is now in hand to realise this objective; to establish the structures required; and to agree modalities for cooperation with non-EU countries and with NATO.

    2. The Helsinki European Council also agreed an action plan on non-military crisis management, as a complement to the military paper. This called on the Union, inter alia, to "improve and make more effective use of resources in civilian crisis management in which the Union and the Member States already have considerable experience. Special attention will be given to a rapid reaction capability". Elsewhere, the paper called explicitly for "rapid financing mechanisms such as the creation by the Commission of a Rapid Reaction Fund". The recent European Council in Lisbon welcomed the preliminary Report by the Presidency on the implementation of the Helsinki conclusions taking note that the Commission would present shortly a proposal concerning the establishment of such rapid financing mechanism.

    3. Recent conflicts in Africa, in the Balkans, and in the Caucasus have shown that the EU possesses a wide range of humanitarian, economic, financial and civilian resources. The Community has First Pillar responsibility in many of these areas, including contribution to alleviation of financial crises, human rights work, election-monitoring, institution-building, media support, border management, humanitarian missions, de-mining operations, police training and the provision of police equipment, civil emergency assistance, rehabilitation, reconstruction, pacification, military personnel demobilisation and resettlement, and mediation. The problem has been that though these resources exist, despite the good track record of ECHO, the EU has not always been able to deploy them rapidly or effectively enough.

    4. EU CFSP funds provide financing for strictly political, diplomatic and security-related actions. The creation of the PPEWU ("Policy Unit") under the Authority of the CFSP High Representative has reinforced the Council's ability to define and coordinate appropriate responses to crisis situations. But different funding facilities are needed for the broader civilian activities that address security concerns and which can also be drawn on in situations of crisis. They must be tailored to the particular requirements of crisis prevention and management. Above all, they must be quick to mobilise, and they must be flexible.

    5. The Commission proposal for a Council Regulation creating the Rapid Reaction Facility (RRF) proposed in the present Communication, which has been explicitly requested by the Heads of State and Governments of the EU, responds to this requirement while sharpening the performances of Community instruments and enabling the Community to promptly resort to them in case of need. Indeed this relatively modest mechanism builds upon the scope of existing Community Regulations and well established budgetary techniques as well as decision making and operational methods. In this way it enhances the Community contribution to ESDP and provides for prompt and concrete measures closely coordinated with the work of the Policy Unit and crisis management instances in the Council.

    6. The RRF will have no geographical limitation. It is intended to be used where situations call for:

    *Rapid intervention in situations of emerging crisis, in crisis or conflict situations or to address the immediate needs in the aftermath of conflicts.

    *Interventions with a short life-span. (If the actions cannot be completed within the limited time-frame for RRF interventions, they should be replaced by or integrated into regular activities undertaken within existing geographic or thematic programmes).

    *A mixture of instruments (e.g. sending a Special Envoy while providing civilian police expertise and civil protection measures).


    7. The Community's capability to fully assume its role of co-player in the ESDP field will require important changes in working structures and procedures in order to improve our capacity for rapid and flexible action. The RRF is one of them. Further measures will be needed to simplify the management of existing programmes, to improve internal coordination and to enhance forward planning capabilities in order to promote a more pro-active Commission contribution to EU action on conflict prevention.

    8. The Rapid Reaction Facility will therefore act as complementary instrument to humanitarian interventions and to other tools which can de deployed in a crisis or post-conflict situation, accompanying relief action and preceding rehabilitation and development. It will fill a gap in the existing range of instruments available at short notice in a crisis situation, providing for accelerated interventions and acting as precursor of measures to be taken under regular instruments and to which intervention can be thereafter transferred.

    9. This approach will be also reflected in the light structure which the Commission will set up in order to manage the RRF in conjunction with the coordination mechanism linked to the civilian crisis management tasks. This structure will service existing geographical and thematic services with coordination, procedural support and information. In crisis situation it will prepare decisions and actions with them, drawing on their specific geographical or thematic expertise in the full respect of EU interests and priorities.

    10. In order to ensure overall coherence in the Union's approach and to maximise complementarity with Member States' action, current close coordination and interaction with the Situation Centre in the Policy Unit of the Council Secretariat General will be reinforced. This will ensure coherence and complementarity in the preparation and in the decisional and operational phases.

    11. Actions undertaken within the framework of existing Community programmes will be managed by the structures already in place for them, but the RRF and the Commission's crisis management unit will facilitate early intervention and overall coherence. To this end, the Unit will also liaise closely, at all stages of crisis management, with ECHO, taking full account of its need for operational autonomy.

    12. Some supplementary human resources will thus be necessary to manage this coordinating mechanism within the Commission and to ensure smooth interaction with the crisis management structures in the Council. Most of these resources will, however, remain in their existing services, to be drawn in only in situations of crisis related to their specific expertise. The new crisis management unit will serve to prepare and, in times of crisis, to coordinate rapid action. The extra resources needed to set up and manage the RRF and crisis management unit on a permanent basis have therefore been kept to a minimum.

    13. The draft RRF is complementary to the CFSP budget line which supports strictly diplomatic or security actions in the field of crisis prevention and management as well as in areas like non-proliferation and disarmament. Until now it has often been difficult to mobilise Community instruments sufficiently rapidly. This sometimes caused unnecessary and unhelpful dissonance in EU external action. The RRF will allow quick mobilisation of Community instruments beyond humanitarian assistance, in the pursuit of common objectives.

    14. The difference between ECHO and the draft RRF regulation lies in their distinctive missions. ECHO provides humanitarian assistance to victims of man-made and natural disasters, essentially through the provision of goods (food, shelter, etc.). It is focused on the individual, it is politically neutral and it is aimed exclusively at alleviating human suffering. RRF is intended to provide resources for urgent operations of crisis management and conflict prevention linked to the overall foreign and security policy of the Union. It is an element of the crisis management capacities of the Union. Normally it operates through the provision of services (police, monitoring, demining, disarmament) which may occasionally entail supply of equipment.

    15. The Commission will avoid any overlapping between actions financed through the draft RRF regulation and projects financed by ECHO. If necessary, and to ensure security of humanitarian workers, the Commission will ensure through an adequate information dissemination that the principles of humanitarian aid are clearly understood by beneficiaries as being different from the ones underlying the activities financed by the draft RRF Regulation.


    16. The Regulation now proposed is based on Article 308 (ex-235) of the EC Treaty. Its scope covers any Community intervention related to security crisis, flanking or supporting EU activities in the areas of ESDP. If actions could be funded by other EU facilities, the Regulation could apply only if the action was urgent and limited in time and could not be undertaken with sufficient speed and coherence under existing instruments.

    17. Support under the draft Commission proposal for a Council Regulation creating the Rapid Reaction Facility will take the form either of 100% subsidy, or financing in combination with other sources of public money.

    18. Implementing partners eligible under the terms of the Draft Regulation may include national governments and their agencies, regional and international organisations and their agencies, non-governmental organisations and public and private operators with appropriate specialised expertise and experience. Framework agreements will be concluded with pre-identified operators and will be complemented by rapid, ad hoc financial contracts as soon as the need for a specific service arises.

    19. Interventions covered by the draft RRF Regulation will be responsibility of the Commission. The Commission will be assisted by an Advisory Committee (Crisis Committee) composed of representatives of Member States and chaired by the representative of the Commission. It is essential that the Committee procedure does not unduly delay or otherwise restrict decisions to intervene through the RRF in specific crisis situations. Therefore its rules of procedure will:

    *establish simple and rapid decision-making procedures;

    *allow flexibility over implementation;

    *establish modalities for reporting on the outcome.

    The Commission will report on interventions and provide regular information to the European Parliament and to the Council.

    20. Single interventions to be funded by the Facility cannot exceed EUR 12 million [1]. The implementation period of any intervention may not exceed nine months. For contributions in excess of EUR 5 million the Commission will be required to consult the Advisory Committee. Below that amount the Commission should have the authority to take decisions without prior consultation. In such circumstances it will nevertheless inform the Committee of the decision taken.

    [1] The ceiling amount required for each single intervention (EUR 12 million) has been calculated on the basis of the experience of services involved in assistance and/or rescue operations.

    Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION creating the Rapid Reaction Facility


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 308 thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission [2],

    [2] OJ C

    Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament [3],

    [3] OJ C


    (1) The aim of preserving peace and liberty is expressed in the preamble to the Treaty establishing the European Community.

    (2) The Community is concerned that the spread of crises affecting political and social stability and security jeopardise not only international peace and security but also the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.

    (3) In the interests of fostering sustainable economic and social development, there is a need to prevent the crises from spreading or escalating into armed conflicts.

    (4) The conclusions of the European Council of Helsinki of 10 and 11 December 1999 state that "A non-military crisis management mechanism will be established to coordinate and make more effective the various civilian means and resources, in parallel with the military ones, at the disposal of the Union and the Member States".

    (5) The Report of the Presidency on non-military crisis management attached to the above conclusions further explains that "Rapid financing mechanisms such as the creation by the Commission of a Rapid Reaction Fund should be set up to allow the acceleration of the provision of finance to support EU activities, to contribute to operations run by other international organisations and to fund NGO activities, as appropriate".

    (6) There is a need, in support of existing Community programmes relating to cooperation with third countries, to undertake rapid and efficient action to project security and stability beyond the borders of the European Union wherever the lives and physical integrity of women and men and the respect for human solidarity depend on its intervention.

    (7) The Community's early awareness of crises and rapid response mechanisms need further development with a view to permitting rapid deployment of financial and other resources to prevent crises from spreading or escalating into armed conflicts.

    (8) There is a need to make available at short notice, in the event of security-related crisis situations, accelerated decision-making mechanisms for specific and immediate interventions limited in time, and acting, if so required, as precursors of regular Community instruments to which action can thereafter be transferred.

    (9) Community interventions must be coherent with the European Union's external activities as a whole in the context of its external relations, security, economic, social and development policies.

    (10) Activities covered by the ECHO regulation, Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/96 [4], should not be funded under this Regulation.

    [4] OJ L 163, 2.7.1996, p. 1.

    (11) In accordance with Article 2 of Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission [5], measures for the implementation of this Regulation should be adopted by use of the advisory procedure provided for in Article 3 of that Decision.

    [5] OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.

    (12) There is a need for maximum transparency in the implementation of the Community's financial assistance as well as for proper control of use of appropriations.

    (13) The protection of the Community's financial interests and the fight against fraud and irregularities should constitute an integral part of this Regulation.

    (14) The Treaty does not provide, for the adoption of this Regulation, powers other than those of Article 308,


    Article 1

    1. The purpose of this Regulation, in support of existing Community programmes relating to cooperation with third countries, is to lay down procedures for establishing a rapid, efficient and flexible mechanism (hereinafter referred to as "the Rapid Reaction Facility") designed to respond to situations of crisis or the emergence of crisis and to provide immediate financing for non-combat activities related to urgent operations of crisis management and conflict prevention, with a view to fostering international peace and security, the principles of liberty and democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, as a basis for economic and social development in those third countries.

    2. The Rapid Reaction Facility shall be triggered by situations of crisis or emerging crisis, such as circumstances of growing violence destabilising law and order, breaches of the peace, outbreaks of fighting, armed conflicts, massive population movements, or exceptional circumstances with security-related implications and concerns, or major environmental catastrophes threatening safety, stability and security.

    3. The Rapid Reaction Facility builds upon the scope of intervention of existing Community regulations, with the exception of ECHO regulation, Regulation (EC) No 1257/96. Its specific added-value is represented by the rapidity of interventions in situations of high tension and by the possibility of mixing different instruments of intervention in order to achieve a comprehensive and coherent action in security-related emergencies. If actions provided for by this Regulation fall under the scope of other regulations, this Regulation shall apply only if:

    (a) the action is intended to be immediate and ad hoc to meet the most urgent safety and security-related requirements of societies and peoples in third countries; and

    (b) the action is limited in time, as further specified in Article 7.

    Article 2

    1. The principal objectives of actions under the Rapid Reaction Facility shall be, in situations of crisis or emerging crisis, the preservation or re-establishment of conditions of public order, security and safety, the facilitation of dialogue, conciliation and mediation among different groups within a society and the fight against human-rights abuses, ethnic, religious, and gender discrimination, and violence.

    2. Interventions financed under this Regulation may comprise any non-combat activities aimed at counteracting or resolving emerging crises and serious threats or outbreaks of conflict, all logistical measures necessary for the planning, implementation, monitoring and auditing of such interventions, including information and communication management, technical assistance and training, the purchase and/or delivery of essential products and equipment, safe transport and all administrative expenditure related to such measures as well as the measures necessary to strengthen the Community's coordination with Member States and other donor countries, international organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and their representatives.

    3. If the actions are eligible for ECHO funding, they shall be financed under Regulation (EC) No 1257/96. In particular security or crisis management circumstances, the Commission may decide that RRF intervention is more appropriate if combined with ECHO action, as necessary. While in these cases a clear division of labour between ECHO and the Rapid Reaction Facility shall be maintained both at headquarters and in the field, close coordination shall be established in order to achieve optimal overall coherence and to ensure the security of humanitarian workers.

    Article 3

    1. Community financing under this Regulation shall take the form of grants.

    2. The interventions covered by this Regulation shall be exempt from taxes, charges, duties and customs duties.

    Article 4

    1. Implementing partners eligible under this Regulation may include national governments and their agencies, regional and international organisations and their agencies, NGOs and public and private operators with appropriate specialised expertise and experience.

    2. The Commission may conclude framework agreements with relevant government agencies, international organisations, NGOs and private or public operators on the basis of their ability to carry out rapid interventions in crisis management. In situations where unique personal expertise is needed, or where the credibility of the operation and the confidence of the parties is linked to a specific person, as may be the case in mediation, arbitration or advice activities, the Commission may sign contracts with individual organisations or operators, even if no framework agreement had been previously concluded.

    3. After a financing Decision has been taken by the Commission in accordance with Article 5 and as soon as practically possible, a financial agreement shall be concluded with NGOs, private or public operators which have been chosen for conducting the intervention, on the basis of the provisions of the respective framework agreements.

    4. Non-governmental organisations eligible for financial agreements with a view to the implementation of interventions under this Regulation shall meet the following criteria:

    (a) be non-profit-making autonomous organisations;

    (b) have their main headquarters in a Member State or in the third country in receipt of Community aid.

    Exceptionally, their headquarters may be located in another third country.

    5. When determining a private operator's or NGO's suitability for Community funding, account shall be taken of the following factors:

    (a) its administrative and financial management capacities;

    (b) its technical and logistical capacity in relation to the urgency of planned operations;

    (c) its experience in the field in question;

    (d) its readiness to take part, if need be, in any specific coordination system to be set up for conducting the intervention;

    (e) its record and guarantee of impartiality in the implementation of the tasks assigned.

    6. The Commission will inform the Committee established in Article 8 of the choice of implementing entity and the reasons for such choice.

    Article 5

    Interventions covered by this Regulation shall be decided by the Commission in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Regulation.

    They shall be implemented by the Commission in accordance with the budgetary and other procedures in force, including those laid down in Articles 116 and 118 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities.

    Article 6

    1. All financing agreements or contracts concluded under this Regulation shall provide for the Commission, the Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the Court of Auditors to conduct on-the-spot checks according to the rules in force.

    2. The Commission may carry out on-the-spot checks and inspections in conformity with Council Regulation (EC) No 2185/96 [6]. The measures taken by the Commission shall provide for adequate protection of the financial interests of the Community in conformity with Council Regulation (EC) No 2988/95 [7].

    [6] OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, p. 2.

    [7] OJ L 312, 23.12.1995, p. 1.

    Article 7

    1. No single intervention to be funded under this Regulation may receive Community contributions exceeding EUR 12 million.

    2. The implementation period of any intervention under this Regulation may not exceed a limited period up to nine months.

    3. Should it appear, in exceptional cases, that the implementation period is insufficient to achieve the objectives laid down in Article 1(1) on account of the specific nature of the crisis concerned or its intensity, the Commission shall present a report to the Committee established in Article 8, at the latest one month before the expiry of the original action. Thereafter the Commission may present to the Committee a draft for an extension of the intervention and related financial requirements concerning the same crisis. This further intervention shall comply with the requirements of Article 1.

    4. Where interventions provided for by this Regulation require a Community contribution in excess of EUR 5 million, or in the exceptional circumstances described in paragraph 3, the Commission shall adopt its decision after consulting the Committee established in Article 8.

    Article 8

    1. The Commission shall be assisted by a committee (hereinafter referred to as "the Crisis Committee"), composed of representatives of the Member States and chaired by the representative of the Commission.

    2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, the advisory procedure laid down in Article 3 of the Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, in compliance with Article 7(3) thereof.

    Article 9

    1. When adopting its rules of procedure, in accordance with Article 7(1) of Decision 1999/468/EC, the Crisis Committee shall take into account the objectives of the Rapid Reaction Facility, and in particular:

    (a) the need of rapid decisions and implementation in view of the exceptional and urgent nature of the circumstances of crisis which trigger the use of the Rapid Reaction Facility;

    (b) the flexibility necessary to meet the evolving nature of the crisis.

    2. The Crisis Committee may also discuss any other questions related to the implementation of this Regulation, in particular the arrangements for follow-up and the transfer of action, where appropriate, to other instruments once intervention under this Regulation comes to an end.

    Article 10

    1. The Commission shall, on the basis of a reciprocal and regular exchange of information, including exchange of information on the spot, ensure the effective coordination of its crisis management operations with those of the Member States, in order to increase the coherence and complementarity of all interventions.

    2. In the interests of overall coherence of Community strategy for rapid response to crises with civilian instruments, the Crisis Committee may also be a forum for the exchange of information between Member States and the Commission.

    3. The Commission shall promote coordination and cooperation with international and regional organisations.

    4. The necessary measures shall be taken to give visibility to the Community's contribution.

    Article 11

    1. The Commission shall regularly assess crisis-management interventions under this Regulation in order to establish whether the objectives of the interventions have been achieved and to provide guidelines for improving the effectiveness of future interventions.

    2. The Commission shall present to the European Parliament and to the Council a report summarising Community rapid reaction interventions in the previous year, by 30 April each year, and shall evaluate the implementation of interventions supported by this Regulation upon their completion.

    Article 12

    Three years after entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall present to the European Parliament and to the Council an overall evaluation of the interventions financed by the Community under this Regulation, together with any proposals for amendments to it.

    Article 13

    This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

    This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

    Done at Brussels,

    For the Council

    The President


    Domaine(s) Politique(s): EXTERNAL RELATIONS


    Dénomination de l'action: Rapid Reaction Facility


    B7-67, Non - specific measures involving third countries

    B7-671A, RRF administrative support expenditures

    B7-671, Rapid Reaction Facility


    2.1 Enveloppe totale de l'action: 40 millions euro par année (30 million euro during the first year of application)

    2.2 Période d'application: undetermined

    2.3 Estimation globale pluriannuelle: 30 Mio euro pour la première année et 40 Mio euro pour les années suivantes.

    Echéancier crédits d'engagement/crédits de paiement

    CE en Mio euro (à la 3ème décimale)





    Article 308 (EC Treaty)


    5.1 Nécessité d'une intervention communautaire et objectifs poursuivis

    The quick-release of financing is designed to accelerate the implementation of Community intervention in support of EU activities in the areas of European Security and Defence Policy, to contribute to operations run by international organisations and to fund NGO activities as appropriate. This facility builds upon the scope of intervention of mainly existing Community regulations. Its specific added value is represented by: the rapidity of interventions in situations of high tensions immediately prior, during and after a crisis, in their short term life-span, in their world coverage, in the possibility of mixing these instruments of intervention according to the specific needs of circumstances (e.g.: sending a mediator, while providing civilian police expertise and civil protection measures) thus achieving a comprehensive and coherent approach in security related measures as well as EU visibility and increased efficiency.

    5.2 Actions envisagées et modalités des interventions budgétaires

    The maximum annual amount foreseen for this facility is EUR 30 million for the first year and EUR 40 million for the following year.

    Activities envisaged under the terms of this Regulation have a world-wide scope; target population will encompass both EU citizens, and their interests, abroad as well as third country citizens.

    5.3 Modalités de mise en oeuvre

    Direct management by the Commission (DG RELEX). The Commission will subscribe new framework agreements with partners eligible for financial support under this Regulation which may include regional and international organisations and their agencies, non-governmental organisations, national governments and their agencies, and public and private operators with appropriate specialised expertise and experience. In situations where specific personal expertise is needed, or where the credibility of the operation and the confidence of the parties is linked to a particular person as may be the case in mediation, arbitration or advice activities, the Commission can sign contracts with individual organisations or/operators even if no framework agreement had been previously concluded.

    Type of expenditure will include either a 100% subsidy, or a subsidy for joint financing with other sources. Contracts should be concluded for a period not exceeding 9 months after the decision has been taken.

    It is envisaged to finance under Heading B7-671A, the costs arising from any necessary accompanying services such as: preparatory studies, information, communication and management support, in particular the evaluation of tenders and preparation of project documents, monitoring and auditing.


    6.1 Objectifs spécifiques - Partie B - (pour toute la période de programmation)

    CE en Mio euro (à la 3ème décimale)



    6.2. Calcul des coûts par mesure envisagée en partie B (pour toute la période de programmation)

    The ceiling amount required for each single intervention (EUR 12 million ) has been calculated on the basis of the experience of services involved in assistance and/or rescue operations. Automatic de-commitment of unused funds will take place within one month from the end of the intervention period.

    CE en Mio euro (à la 3ème décimale)


    Si nécessaire expliquer le mode de calcul


    7.1. Système de suivi

    1. All financing agreements or contracts concluded under this Regulation shall provide for the Commission, OLAF and the Court of Auditors to conduct on-the-spot checks according to the usual procedures laid down by the Commission under the rules in force, and in particular those of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities.

    2. In addition, the Commission may carry out on-the-spot checks and inspections in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 2185/96. The measures taken by the Commission shall provide for adequate protection of the financial interests of the Community in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 2988/95.

    7.2. Modalités et périodicité de l'évaluation prévue

    Three years after entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall present an overall evaluation of the interventions financed by the Community under this Regulation to the European Parliament and the Council, together with suggestions for the future of the Regulation and, as necessary, proposals for amendments to it.

    The Commission shall furthermore submit a report summarising Community rapid reaction operations in the previous year to the European Parliament and to the Council by 30 April each year at the latest, and evaluate the implementation of actions supported by this Regulation upon their completion.

    7.3 Dispositions prises relevant de l'évaluation ex ante

    A system of preparedness to react to emerging instability will be set up within the Commission in order to enable a planning structure of imminent needs. Existing resources of information will be pooled and analysis capacity will be used in order to evaluate past cases and build upon lessons learned. Emergency planning will be conducted in order to avoid abrupt decisions. A key role will be played by the new human resources requested in connecting people and knowledge in Commission services to set up the basis of the coordinating mechanism. This however cannot be intended as a response to ex-ante evaluation needs ; it can only attenuate the degree of uncertainty of the actions involved.

    7.4 Dispositions prises à la suite de l'évaluation ex post

    The Commission shall report to the Advisory Committee, to the European Parliament and to the Council of the European Union on every operation implemented and will collect their assessment. Regular meetings of this Committee will be used not only to evaluate the results of the interventions against their costs, but also to elaborate, on the basis of experience, monitoring indicators to be applied to future interventions.


    1. All financing agreements or contracts concluded under this Regulation shall provide for the Commission, OLAF and the Court of Auditors to conduct on-the-spot checks according to the usual procedures laid down by the Commission under the rules in force, and in particular those of the Financial Regulation applicable to the General Budget of the European Communities.

    2. In addition, the Commission may carry out on-the-spot checks and inspections in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 2185/96. The measures taken by the Commission shall provide for adequate protection of the financial interests of the Community in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 2988/95.


    9.1. Incidence sur les ressources humaines


    9.2. Incidence financière globale des ressources humaines


    Les montants correspondent aux dépenses totales pour 12 mois.

    9.3. Autres dépenses de fonctionnement découlant de l'action


    Les montants correspondent aux dépenses totales de l'action pour 12 mois.

    The human and administrative resources needed will be found within DG Relex' existing allocations.

    (1) Préciser le type de comité ainsi que le groupe auquel il appartient.

    I. Total Annuel (9.2 + 9.3) ...... ....... euro

    II. Durée de l'action: Undetermined

    III. Coût total de l'action (I x II): ...... ....... euro

