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Document 32020R1197

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197 of 30 July 2020 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics (Text with EEA relevance)

    OJ L 271, 18.8.2020, p. 1–170 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)

    Legal status of the document In force: This act has been changed. Current consolidated version: 01/01/2022




    Official Journal of the European Union

    L 271/1


    of 30 July 2020

    laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics

    (Text with EEA relevance)


    Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

    Having regard to European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics (1), and in particular Articles 7(1), 9(2), 10(5), 10(6), 17(6) and 18(1)thereof,



    Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 established a common legal framework for the development, production and dissemination of European business statistics.


    The framework for European business registers for statistical purposes represents a basic element of such a common framework, making it possible to organise and coordinate statistical surveys by providing a harmonised sampling frame.


    It is necessary to specify the data requirements for the production of business statistics in order to produce comparable data between Member States and achieve harmonisation across all Business Statistics domains.


    The principle of economic ownership as described in Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2) should apply to European business statistics. It should be implemented to the extent possible, taking into account justified user needs, data availability and cost and burden implications, insofar as it is not in contradiction with the principles and purposes of certain business statistics laid down in this Regulation.


    For specifying the data requirements it is necessary to define the Main Industrial Groupings (MIGS) and other special aggregates of NACE codes.


    It is necessary to define the main variables and concepts for business statistics in order to produce comparable data between Member States and achieve harmonisation across all Business Statistics domains.


    For the purpose of alleviating the burden on businesses, and based on the principle of proportionality, data requirements need to be simplified taking into account the size and importance of the business economies of Member States.


    Specific provisions need to be laid down which will apply to data on the topic ‘international trade in goods’ and trade by enterprise characteristics, and to the domain ‘Short Term Business statistics’.


    Increasing economic globalisation poses challenges to the current production of European business statistics. By recording data from multinational enterprise groups, the framework for European statistical business registers forms the basis for improving many statistics related to globalisation. Some of those statistics cover the whole economy and thus require the framework for European statistical business registers to cover all sectors of the economy.


    Information on links of control between legal units is needed in order to define enterprise groups, delineate the enterprises correctly, profile large and complex units and study market concentrations. Enterprise group information improves the quality of national statistical business registers. This information can be used to reduce the risk of disclosure of confidential data. Enterprise group data can be used for surveys on the group and may reduce the response burden.


    It is necessary to establish the format, security and confidentiality measures, and procedure for the transmission of data on individual units to the Commission (Eurostat) and for the transmission of data on the multinational enterprise groups back to national statistical authorities.


    An exchange of confidential data for statistical purposes between the Commission and national central banks, and between the Commission and the European Central Bank, should help ensure the quality of information on multinational enterprise groups in the Union. It is therefore necessary to establish the format, security and confidentiality measures as well as the procedure for the transmission of such confidential data to national central banks and the European Central Bank


    Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 puts in place the exchange of confidential data on intra-Union exports of goods between Member States. It is necessary to specify further the statistical data elements to be exchanged as well as the list of statistical data elements to be exchanged for specific goods or movements. Member States may simplify the information to be provided, on condition that such simplification has no detrimental effects on the quality of the statistics. The conditions for such simplification need to be established.


    In order to ensure harmonised implementation of the data exchange there is a need to specify the arrangements of their collection and compilation as well as the arrangements for the application of the minimum coverage rate of 95 %. In order for the national statistical authority of the country of import to be able to use the exchanged statistical information for compiling statistics on intra-Union imports of goods, metadata also need to be exchanged. To ensure harmonised implementation across Member States it is necessary to specify the metadata relevant for the use of the exchanged data on intra-Union exports of goods in the compilation of statistics as well as a timetable for the transmission of the statistical information and the relevant metadata. It is necessary to establish the format, the security and confidentiality measures, and the procedure for exchanging the confidential data.


    Applying uniform standards for the exchange and transmission of data and metadata for the statistics covered by Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 contributes considerably to integrating business processes in European business statistics.


    The Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) international initiative on statistical and technical standards for the exchange and sharing of data and metadata provides standards for the exchange and dissemination of official statistics. The necessary data structure definitions designed in accordance with SDMX should therefore be used where appropriate.


    The Commission (Eurostat) should make available on the Commission (Eurostat) website documentation in relation to the data structures, including SDMX data structure definitions and supply guidelines on their implementation, in particular with regard to the technical format to be used.


    Member States should provide standard metadata and quality reports for the national statistical business registers and all business statistics in accordance with Article 16 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152. It is therefore necessary to define the arrangements for and periodicity of those reports.


    The measures set out in this Regulation should replace those of Commission Regulation (EC) No 586/2001 (3), Commission Regulation (EC) No 912/2004 (4), Commission Regulation (EC) No 1982/2004 (5), Commission Regulation (EC) No 1503/2006 (6), Commission Regulation (EC) No 657/2007 (7), Commission Regulation (EC) No 364/2008 (8), Commission Regulation (EC) No 472/2008 (9), Commission Regulation (EC) No 192/2009 (10), Commission Regulation (EC) No 250/2009 (11), Commission Regulation (EC) No 251/2009 (12), Commission Regulation (EC) No 834/2009 (13), Commission Regulation (EU) No 92/2010 (14), Commission Regulation (EU) No 113/2010 (15), Commission Regulation (EU) No 275/2010 (16), Commission Regulation (EU) No 1097/2010 (17), Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 995/2012 (18) and Commission Regulation (EU) No 1106/2012 (19). Those Regulations should be repealed.


    The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the European Statistical System Committee,


    Article 1

    Data requirements

    The elements of the data for the detailed topics listed in Article 7(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 are set out in Annex I to this Regulation.

    Article 2

    Main Industrial Groupings and special aggregates

    The Main Industrial Groupings (MIGs) and other special aggregates of the Nomenclature of Economic Activities (NACE) activities and classification of products by activity (CPA) products used for the breakdowns required in accordance with Article 7(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 are set out in Annex II to this Regulation.

    Article 3


    The simplifications referred to in Article 7(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 are set out in Annex III to this Regulation.

    Article 4

    Technical definitions

    1.   The technical definitions of variables and other elements of the data sets referred to in Article 7(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 are set out in Annex IV to this Regulation.

    2.   The technical definitions related to European statistics on international trade in goods are set out in Annex V to this Regulation.

    3.   The technical definitions related to European statistics on international trade in services are set out in Annex VI to this Regulation.

    Article 5

    Technical specifications for European statistics on international trade in goods including trade in goods by enterprise characteristics

    The technical specifications for European statistics on international trade in goods, including trade in goods by enterprise characteristics referred to in Article 7(1)(j) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 and related definitions in accordance with Article 7(1) of that Regulation, are set out in Annex V to this Regulation. The data requirements related to European statistics on international trade in goods are set out in Annex I, Part B, Table 16 and Tables 34 to 37 to this Regulation.

    Article 6

    Definitions and breakdowns for European statistics on international trade in services by enterprise characteristics and international supply of services

    The definitions of variables and breakdowns for European statistics on international trade in services by enterprise characteristics and international supply of services are set out in Annex VI to this Regulation. The data requirements related to European statistics on international trade in services by enterprise characteristics and international supply of services are set out in Annex I, Part B, Table 17 and Table 38 to this Regulation.

    Article 7

    Weighting and change of base year for the domain ‘Short Term Business Statistics’

    The weighting and change of base year for the domain ‘Short Term Business Statistics’ referred to in Article 7(1)(i) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 are set out in Annex VII to this Regulation. That Annex also sets out transitional arrangements regarding the data requirements for the domain specified in Annex I, Part B tables 1 to 9 to this Regulation.

    Article 8

    Variables linked to the detailed topics for the European framework for statistical business registers

    In accordance with Article 9(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152, the variables related to the register detailed topics for the European framework for statistical business registers are set out in Annex VIII to this Regulation.

    Article 9

    Technical specifications for the exchange of confidential data for the purposes of the European framework for statistical business registers

    In accordance with Article 10(5) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152, the technical details of the variables listed in Annex IV to that Regulation are set out in Annex VIII to this Regulation. In addition, in accordance with Article 10(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152, Annex IX to this Regulation sets out the format, security and confidentiality measures for the exchange of confidential data for the purposes of the European framework for statistical business registers.

    Article 10

    Procedure and specifications for the transmission of data and metadata

    1.   The data and metadata transmitted to the Commission (Eurostat) under this Regulation shall be exchanged in electronic format and transmitted or uploaded through its single entry point for data and, where appropriate for metadata.

    2.   Member States shall make available to the Commission (Eurostat) the data and metadata required under this Regulation using the statistical data and metadata exchange standards specified by the Commission (Eurostat).

    3.   Confidential data and metadata shall be transmitted via secure networks used by the Commission (Eurostat), or via a secured remote access using the exchange standards specified by the Commission (Eurostat).

    4.   Member States should implement the exchange standards in accordance with the implementation guidelines supplied by the Commission (Eurostat).

    5.   Member States shall provide confidential data in accordance with the existing Union provisions on transmission of data subject to statistical confidentiality.

    Confidential data shall be sent with the true value and with a flag indicating that it is subject to confidentiality.

    Member States shall provide all levels of aggregation of the breakdowns as defined in the tables of Annex I, Part B and the data transmitted shall contain, where applicable, all primary and secondary confidentiality flags in accordance with the confidentiality rules existing at national level.

    6.   Unless otherwise specified, monetary data shall be expressed in national currency units (euro for the Member States of the euro area). Member States acceding to the euro area shall report annual monetary data in euro in the year of their accession. For the reporting of infra-annual monetary data, countries acceding to the euro area shall use the national currency in application for the reference period.

    7.   When data already transmitted to the Commission (Eurostat) are subject to revision, Member States shall transmit the revised data by the time of their dissemination at national level at the latest, or, if they are not disseminated at national level, no later than one month after they have become available to a national statistical authority.

    Article 11

    Quality and metadata reports

    1.   Member States shall provide annual quality and metadata reports for statistical business registers to the Commission (Eurostat), using the ESS standards for metadata and quality reporting.

    2.   Member States shall provide metadata reports for business statistics transmitted with the periodicity specified in Article 17(4) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 to the Commission (Eurostat) two months after the last data transmission deadline of the statistics covered by the report at the latest.

    3.   Member States shall provide, in duly justified cases, additional quality reports containing more detailed quality information necessary to evaluate the quality of the business statistics transmitted in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 to the Commission (Eurostat) within a time limit agreed between the Member States and the Commission (Eurostat).

    4.   For the topic ‘ICT usage and e-commerce’, the deadlines for the quality and metadata reporting are specified in a separate implementing act.

    5.   For the structure and contents of the quality and metadata reports, the most recent European Statistical System (ESS) standards should be used.

    6.   In addition to the standard quality and metadata reporting, in duly justified cases Member States shall provide to the Commission (Eurostat) at its request complementary metadata and quality information necessary for evaluating the quality of the business statistics, including revisions of previously provided information where relevant.

    Article 12


    1.   Regulations (EC) No 912/2004, (EC) No 364/2008, (EC) No 192/2009, (EC) No 250/2009, (EC) No 251/2009, (EC) No 834/2009, (EU) No 275/2010, (EU) No 1097/2010 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 995/2012 are repealed. with effect from 1 January 2021

    2.   Commission Regulations (EC) No 1982/2004, (EU) No 92/2010, (EU) No 113/2010 and (EU) No 1106/2012 are repealed with effect from 1 January 2022.

    3.   Commission Regulations (EC) No 586/2001, (EC) No 1503/2006, (EC) No 657/2007 and (EC) No 472/2008 are repealed with effect from 1 January 2024.

    4.   Paragraphs 1 to 3 are without prejudice to the obligations set out in those Regulations concerning the transmission of data and metadata, including quality reports, with regard to reference periods that fall, in whole or in part, before the respective dates set out in those paragraphs.

    5.   References to the repealed acts shall be construed as references to this Regulation.

    Article 13

    Entry into force

    This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    It shall apply from 1 January 2021.

    However, Tables 16 and 34 to 37 of Annex I, and Annex V shall apply from 1 January 2022.

    This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

    Done at Brussels, 30 July 2020.

    For the Commission

    The President

    Ursula VON DER LEYEN

    (1)   OJ L 327, 17.12.2019, p. 1.

    (2)  Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union (OJ L 174, 26.6.2013, p. 1).

    (3)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 586/2001 of 26 March 2001 on implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics as regards the definition of Main Industrial Groupings (MIGS) (OJ L 86, 27.3.2001, p. 11).

    (4)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 912/2004 of 29 April 2004 implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 3924/91 on the establishment of a Community survey of industrial production (OJ L 163, 30.4.2004, p. 71).

    (5)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 1982/2004 of 18 November 2004 implementing Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States and repealing Commission Regulations (EC) No 1901/2000 and (EEC) No 3590/92 (OJ L 343, 19.11.2004, p. 3).

    (6)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 1503/2006 of 28 September 2006 implementing and amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics as regards definitions of variables, list of variables and frequency of data compilation (OJ L 281, 12.10.2006, p. 15).

    (7)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 657/2007 of 14 June 2007 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics as regards the establishment of European sample schemes OJ L 155, 15.6.2007, p. 7).

    (8)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 364/2008 of 23 April 2008 implementing Regulation (EC) No 716/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards the technical format for the transmission of foreign affiliates statistics and the derogations to be granted to Member States (OJ L 112, 24.4.2008, p. 14).

    (9)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 472/2008 of 29 May 2008 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics as regards the first base year to be applied for time series in NACE Revision 2 and, for time series prior to 2009 to be transmitted according to NACE Revision 2, the level of detail, the form, the first reference period, and the reference period (OJ L 140, 30.5.2008, p. 5).

    (10)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 192/2009 of 11 March 2009 implementing Regulation (EC) No 177/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a common framework for business registers for statistical purposes, as regards the exchange of confidential data between the Commission (Eurostat) and Member States (OJ L 67, 12.3.2009, p. 14).

    (11)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 250/2009 of 11 March 2009 implementing Regulation (EC) No 295/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the definitions of characteristics, the technical format for the transmission of data, the double reporting requirements for NACE Rev.1.1 and NACE Rev.2 and derogations to be granted for structural business statistics (OJ L 86, 31.3.2009, p. 1).

    (12)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 251/2009 of 11 March 2009 implementing and amending Regulation (EC) No 295/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the series of data to be produced for structural business statistics and the adaptations necessary after the revision of the statistical classification of products by activity (CPA) (OJ L 86, 31.3.2009, p. 170).

    (13)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 834/2009 of 11 September 2009 implementing Regulation (EC) No 716/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics on the structure and activity of foreign affiliates, as regards the quality reports (OJ L 241, 12.9.2009, p. 3).

    (14)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 92/2010 of 2 February 2010 implementing Regulation (EC) No 471/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics relating to external trade with non-member countries, as regards data exchange between customs authorities and national statistical authorities, compilation of statistics and quality assessment (OJ L 31, 3.2.2010, p. 4).

    (15)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 113/2010 of 9 February 2010 implementing Regulation (EC) No 471/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics relating to external trade with non-member countries, as regards trade coverage, definition of the data, compilation of statistics on trade by business characteristics and by invoicing currency, and specific goods or movements (OJ L 37, 10.2.2010, p. 1).

    (16)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 275/2010 of 30 March 2010 implementing Regulation (EC) No 295/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards the criteria for the evaluation of the quality of structural business statistics (OJ L 86, 1.4.2010, p. 1).

    (17)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 1097/2010 of 26 November 2010 implementing Regulation (EC) No 177/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a common framework for business registers for statistical purposes, as regards the exchange of confidential data between the Commission (Eurostat) and central banks (OJ L 312, 27.11.2010, p. 1).

    (18)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 995/2012 of 26 October 2012 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Decision No 1608/2003/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the production and development of Community statistics on science and technology (OJ L 299, 27.10.2012, p. 18).

    (19)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 1106/2012 of 27 November 2012 implementing Regulation (EC) No 471/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics relating to external trade with non-member countries, as regards the update of the nomenclature of countries and territories (OJ L 328, 28.11.2012, p. 7).


    Elements of data to be transmitted for the detailed topics

    Part A. Variables

    Domain 1. Short term business statistics

    All short term business statistics except for the statistics of the detailed topic ‘Import prices’ (table 4) and the topic ‘Real estate’ (Table 9) refer to the activities of resident statistical units


    Detailed topics


    Elements of data requirements as defined in Tables of Part B

    Topic 1.1

    Business population


    Business demographic events (bankruptcies, registrations)



    Table 1



    Table 1

    Topic 1.2

    Labour inputs




    Number of employees and self-employed persons

    Table 2


    Hours worked


    Hours worked by employees

    Table 3


    Labour costs


    Wages and salaries

    Table 3

    Topic 1.3



    Import prices


    Import prices

    Table 4


    Import prices (euro area)

    Table 4


    Import prices (non-euro area)

    Table 4


    Producer prices


    Producer prices

    Table 5


    Domestic producer prices

    Table 5


    Non-domestic producer prices

    Table 5


    Non-domestic producer prices (euro area)

    Table 5


    Non-domestic producer prices (non-euro area)

    Table 5

    Topic 1.4

    Outputs and performance




    Production (volume)

    Table 6


    Volume of sales


    Volume of sales

    Table 7


    Net turnover


    Net turnover (value)

    Table 8


    Domestic net turnover (value)

    Table 8


    Non-domestic net turnover (value)

    Table 8


    Non-domestic net turnover (euro area) (value)

    Table 8


    Non-domestic net turnover (non-euro area) (value)

    Table 8

    Topic 1.5

    Real estate


    Real estate


    Building permits: Number of dwellings

    Table 9


    Building permits: Square metres

    Table 9

    Domain 2. Country level business statistics

    With the exception of country-level business statistics on enterprises importing goods and enterprises exporting goods (Table 16), country level business statistics refer to the activities of resident statistical units. Country-level business statistics on enterprises importing goods and enterprises exporting goods (Table 16) refer to the statistical territory of the reporting country, as referred to in Section 4 of Annex V to this Regulation.


    Detailed topics


    Elements of data requirements as defined in Tables of Part B

    Topic 2.1

    Business population


    Population of active enterprises


    Number of active enterprises

    Tables 10, 11 and 14


    Number of enterprises having at least one employee

    Table 12


    Number of high-growth enterprises

    Table 13


    Number of young high-growth enterprises

    Table 13


    Business demographic events (births, deaths, survivals)


    Enterprise births

    Table 12


    Enterprise deaths

    Table 12


    Enterprise survivals

    Table 12


    Enterprises having the first employee

    Table 12


    Enterprises having no employees anymore

    Table 12


    Survivals of enterprises having at least one employee

    Table 12


    Population of foreign-controlled enterprises


    Number of foreign-controlled enterprises

    Table 14


    Population of foreign-controlling enterprises and domestic affiliates


    Number of foreign-controlling enterprises (UCI concept) and domestic affiliates

    Table 15


    Population of enterprises engaged in international trade


    Number of enterprises importing goods

    Table 16


    Number of enterprises exporting goods

    Table 16

    Topic 2.2

    Labour inputs




    Number of employees and self-employed persons

    Tables 10, 11 and 14


    Number of employees

    Tables 10 and 11


    Number of employees in full-time equivalent units

    Table 10


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having at least one employee

    Table 12


    Number of employees in enterprises having at least one employee

    Table 12


    Number of employees in high-growth enterprises

    Table 13


    Number of employees in young high-growth enterprises

    Table 13


    Hours worked


    Hours worked by employees

    Tables 10 and 11


    Labour costs


    Employee benefits expense

    Tables 10, 11 and 14


    Wages and salaries

    Tables 10 and 11


    Social security costs

    Tables 10 and 11


    Employment linked to business demographic events (births, deaths, survivals)


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in newly born enterprises

    Table 12


    Number of employees in newly born enterprises

    Table 12


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise deaths

    Table 12


    Number of employees in enterprise deaths

    Table 12


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals

    Table 12


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals, in the year of birth

    Table 12


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having the first employee

    Table 12


    Number of employees in enterprises having the first employee

    Table 12


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having no employees anymore

    Table 12


    Number of employees in enterprises having no employees anymore

    Table 12


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprise having at least one employee

    Table 12


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee, in the year of birth

    Table 12


    Employment in foreign-controlled enterprises


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in foreign-controlled enterprises

    Table 14


    Employment in foreign-controlling enterprises and domestic affiliates


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in foreign-controlling enterprises (UCI concept) and domestic affiliates

    Table 15


    Labour costs in foreign-controlled enterprises


    Employee benefits expense in foreign-controlled enterprises

    Table 14

    Topic 2.3

    R & D inputs


    R & D expenditure


    Intramural R & D expenditure

    Table 14 and 18


    R & D employment


    R & D personnel

    Table 14 and 19



    Table 18


    R & D expenditure in foreign-controlled enterprises


    Intramural R & D expenditure in foreign-controlled enterprises

    Table 14


    R & D employment in foreign-controlled enterprises


    R & D personnel in foreign-controlled enterprises

    Table 14


    Publicly funded R & D


    Government budget allocations for research and development (GBARD)

    Table 20


    National public funding to transnationally coordinated R & D

    Table 20

    Topic 2.4



    Purchases of goods and services


    Total purchases of goods and services

    Tables 10, 11 and 14


    Purchases of goods and services for resale

    Table 14 and 21


    Expenses on services provided through agency workers

    Table 21


    Expenses of long term rental and operating lease

    Table 21


    Purchases of energy products

    Table 21


    Payments to subcontractors

    Table 21


    Change in stock of goods


    Change in stock of goods

    Table 22


    Change in stock of finished goods and work-in-progress

    Table 22


    Change in stock of goods for resale

    Table 22


    Purchases of goods and services of foreign-controlled enterprises


    Total purchases of goods and services of foreign-controlled enterprises

    Table 14


    Purchases of goods and services for resale of foreign-controlled enterprises

    Table 14


    Imports by enterprises


    Statistical value of imports by enterprises

    Tables 16 and 17

    Topic 2.5

    Outputs and performance


    Net turnover


    Net turnover

    Tables 10, 11 and 14


    Net turnover from agriculture, forestry, fishing and industrial activities

    Table 24


    Net turnover from industrial activities

    Table 24


    Net turnover from industrial activities excluding construction

    Table 24


    Net turnover from construction

    Table 24


    Net turnover from service activities

    Table 24


    Net turnover from trading activities of purchase and resale and from intermediary activities

    Table 24


    Net turnover from building

    Table 24


    Net turnover from civil engineering

    Table 24


    Net turnover from the principal activity at the NACE three-digit level,

    Table 25


    Net turnover from subcontracting

    Table 25


    Net turnover by residence of client

    Table 23


    Net turnover by product

    Table 23


    Gross margin on goods for resale


    Gross margin on goods for resale

    Table 10


    Value of output


    Value of output

    Tables 10, 11 and 14


    Value added


    Value added

    Tables 10, 11 and 14


    Gross operating surplus


    Gross operating surplus

    Tables 10 and 11


    Net turnover of foreign-controlled enterprises


    Net turnover of foreign-controlled enterprises

    Table 14


    Value of output of foreign-controlled enterprises


    Value of output of foreign-controlled enterprises

    Table 14


    Value added of foreign-controlled enterprises


    Value added of foreign-controlled enterprises

    Table 14


    Net turnover of foreign-controlling enterprises and domestic affiliates


    Net turnover of foreign-controlling enterprises (UCI concept) and domestic affiliates

    Table 15


    Industrial production


    Sold production

    Table 26


    Production under sub-contracted operations

    Table 26


    Actual production

    Table 26


    Exports by enterprises


    Statistical value of exports by enterprises

    Tables 16 and 17

    Topic 2.6



    Gross investment by active enterprises


    Gross investment in tangible non-current assets

    Table 10 and 14


    Gross investment in land

    Table 27


    Gross investment in the acquisition of existing buildings

    Table 27


    Gross investment in construction and improvement of buildings

    Table 27


    Gross investment in machinery and equipment

    Table 27


    Gross investment in intangible non-current assets other than goodwill

    Table 10


    Investment in purchased software

    Table 28


    Sales proceeds of tangible investments

    Table 10


    Gross investment by foreign-controlled enterprises


    Foreign-controlled enterprises’ gross investment in tangible non-current assets

    Table 14

    Domain 3. Regional business statistics

    All regional business statistics refer to the activities of resident statistical units.


    Detailed topics


    Elements of data requirements as defined in Tables of Part B

    Topic 3.1

    Business population


    Population by region


    Number of local units

    Table 29


    Number of active enterprises

    Table 30


    Number of enterprises having at least one employee

    Table 30


    Number of high-growth enterprises

    Table 30


    Business demographic events by region (births, deaths, survivals)


    Enterprise births

    Table 30


    Enterprise deaths

    Table 30


    Enterprise survivals (3-calendar year survival only)

    Table 30


    Enterprises having the first employee

    Table 30


    Enterprises having no employees anymore

    Table 30


    Survivals of enterprises having at least one employee (only for enterprises having survived for three calendar years)

    Table 30

    Topic 3.2

    Labour inputs


    Employment in active enterprises by region


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in local units

    Table 29


    Number of employees and self-employed persons

    Table 30


    Number of employees

    Table 30


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having at least one employee

    Table 30


    Number of employees in enterprises having at least one employee

    Table 30


    Employment linked to business demographic events by region (births, deaths, survivals)


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in newly born enterprises

    Table 30


    Number of employees in newly born enterprises

    Table 30


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise deaths

    Table 30


    Number of employees in enterprise deaths

    Table 30


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals (only for enterprises having survived for three calendar years)

    Table 30


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals, in the year of birth (only for enterprises having survived for three calendar years)

    Table 30


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having the first employee

    Table 30


    Number of employees in enterprises having the first employee

    Table 30


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having no employees anymore

    Table 30


    Number of employees in enterprises having no employees anymore

    Table 30


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee (only for enterprises having survived for three calendar years)

    Table 30


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee, in the year of birth (only for enterprises having survived for three calendar years)

    Table 30


    Labour costs by region


    Wages and salaries in local units

    Table 29

    Topic 3.3

    R & D inputs


    R & D expenditure by region


    Intramural R & D expenditure

    Table 31


    R & D employment by region


    R & D personnel

    Table 32



    Table 32

    Domain 4. Statistics on international activities

    The statistics of the topics ‘Business population’, ‘Labour input’, ‘Investments’ and ‘Outputs and performance’ (table 33) for this domain refer to activities of non-resident statistical units.

    The statistics of the topic ‘International trade in goods’ (tables 34 to 37) refer to the statistical territory of the reporting country only, as referred to in Section 4 of Annex V to this Regulation.

    The statistics of the topic ‘international trade in services’ (tables 38) refer to the trade in services carried out by resident units.


    Detailed topics


    Elements of data requirements as defined in Tables of Part B

    Topic 4.1

    Business population


    Population of enterprises abroad controlled by resident institutional units of the reporting country


    Number of enterprises abroad ultimately controlled by institutional units of the reporting country

    Table 33

    Topic 4.2

    Labour input


    Employment in enterprises abroad controlled by resident institutional units of the reporting country


    Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises abroad ultimately controlled by institutional units of the reporting country

    Table 33


    Labour costs in enterprises abroad controlled by resident institutional units of the reporting country


    Employee benefits expense in enterprises abroad ultimately controlled by institutional units of the reporting country

    Table 33

    Topic 4.3



    Gross investment by enterprises abroad controlled by resident institutional units of the reporting country


    Gross investment in tangible non-current assets of enterprises abroad ultimately controlled by institutional units of the reporting country

    Table 33

    Topic 4.4

    Outputs and performance


    Net turnover of enterprises abroad controlled by resident institutional units of the reporting country


    Net turnover of enterprises abroad ultimately controlled by institutional units of the reporting country

    Table 33

    Topic 4.5

    International trade in goods


    Intra-Union trade in goods


    Statistical value of intra-Union exports of goods – detailed data

    Table 34


    Quantity of intra-Union exports of goods – detailed data

    Table 34


    Statistical value of intra-Union imports of goods – detailed data

    Table 34


    Quantity of intra-Union imports of goods – detailed data

    Table 34


    Statistical value of exports of goods – aggregated data

    Table 36


    Statistical value of imports of goods – aggregated data

    Table 36


    Extra-Union trade in goods


    Statistical value of extra-Union exports of goods – detailed data

    Table 35


    Quantity of extra-Union exports of goods – detailed data

    Table 35


    Statistical value of extra-Union imports of goods – detailed data

    Table 35


    Quantity of extra-Union imports of goods – detailed data

    Table 35


    Statistical value of extra-Union exports of goods by invoicing currency

    Table 37


    Statistical value of extra-Union imports of goods by invoicing currency

    Table 37

    Topic 4.6

    International trade in services


    Imports of services


    Imports and acquisition of services

    Tables 38


    Exports of services


    Exports and provision of services

    Tables 38

    Part B. Elements of data requirements

    Table 1. Short term business statistics on business population


    110101. Registrations

    110102. Bankruptcies

    Measurement unit

    Absolute value: unadjusted

    Statistical population

    Market activities of NACE Sections B to N, and P to R and divisions S95 and S96


    Breakdown by activity

    Aggregates of NACE Sections:

    B+C+D+E, K+L+M+N, P+Q+R+S95+S96

    NACE Sections:

    F, G, H, I and J

    Special aggregate as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation:

    Industry, construction and services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, activities of households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies)

    Data transmission deadline


    First reference period

    First quarter 2021

    Table 2. Short term business statistics on employment


    120101. Number of employees and self-employed persons

    Measurement unit

    Indices: unadjusted

    Statistical population

    Market activities of NACE Sections B, C, D, Division E36, F, G, H to M (excl. K, M701,M72 and M75) and N


    Breakdown by activity

    For all countries:

    MIGs of NACE Sections B, C, D and Division E36 as defined in Annex II.A to this Regulation;

    Aggregates of NACE Sections

    B+C+D+E36, H+I+J+L+M (excl. M701, M72, M75)+N;

    NACE Sections:

    B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72,M75) and N;

    NACE Divisions:

    E36, G45, G46, G47, and G47 (excl. G473)

    For medium and large countries as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation:

    In addition Divisions of NACE Sections B, C and D.

    For large countries as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation:

    In addition Divisions of NACE Sections H, I and J.

    The additional breakdowns required for medium and large countries are optional for small countries (as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation).

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    Number of employees and self-employed persons may be approximated by the number of employees. For activities in NACE Sections G, H to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N, the enterprise (ENT) may be used instead of kind-of-activity-units (KAU) for the reference periods before 2021 and from January 2021 to December 2023 in base year 2015.

    Data transmission deadline

    T+2M for quarterly or monthly (optional) data, except for:

    requirements for small and medium countries: T+2M+15 days.

    Transitional arrangements for NACE Section L, NACE Division N77 and NACE Groups N811 and N813 that are to be included in their aggregates as of first quarter or month (optional) 2021 as defined in Annex VII (3.a).

    First reference period

    First quarter or month (optional) 2000, except for:

    NACE Section L, NACE Division N77 and NACE Groups N811 and N813 that are to be included in their aggregates as of first quarter or month (optional) 2021.

    Spain: First quarter or month (optional) 2002 for the required NACE Sections G to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N, excluding Division G47 and Division G47 (excl. G473) and first quarter or month (optional) 2005 for J58, J59, J60, I55 and I56.

    Finland: First quarter or month (optional) 2005 for NACE Divisions C32 and C33.

    Austria: First quarter or month (optional) 2003 for the required NACE Sections H to N (excl. K, L, M701, M72, M75, N77, N811, N813) and first quarter or month (optional) 2005 for NACE Division B09.

    Table 3. Short term business statistics on hours worked and wages and salaries


    120201. Hours worked by employees

    120301. Wages and salaries

    Measurement unit

    Indices: unadjusted and calendar adjusted

    Statistical population

    Market activities of NACE Sections B, C, D, E36, F, G, H to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N


    Breakdown by activity

    For all countries:

    MIGs of NACE Sections B, C, D and Division E36 as defined in Annex II.A to this Regulation;

    Aggregates of NACE Sections

    B+C+D+E36, H+I+J+L+M (excl. M701, M72 and M75)+N;

    NACE Sections:

    B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and M75) and N;

    NACE Divisions:

    E36, G45, G46, G47, and G47 (excl. G473).

    For medium and large countries as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation:

    In addition Divisions of NACE Sections B, C and D.

    For large countries as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation:

    In addition Divisions of NACE Sections H, I and J.

    The additional breakdowns required for medium and large countries are optional for small countries (as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation).

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    For activities in NACE Sections G, H to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N, the ENT may be used instead of KAU for the reference periods before 2021 and from January 2021 to December 2023 in base year 2015.

    Data transmission deadline

    T+3M for quarterly or monthly (optional) data, except for:

    requirements for small and medium countries at: T+3M+15 days.

    Transitional arrangements for NACE aggregate G47_X_G473, the Section L, NACE Division N77 and NACE Groups N811 and N813 that are to be included in their aggregates as of first quarter or month (optional) 2021 as defined in Annex VII (3.a).

    First reference period

    First quarter or month (optional) 2000 for the required NACE Sections B to F, except for:

    Finland: first quarter or month (optional) 2005 for the required Divisions C32 and C33;

    Austria: First quarter or month (optional) 2005 for NACE Division B09.

    First quarter or month (optional) 2010 for the required NACE Sections G to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N except for:

    NACE aggregate G47_X_G473, Section L, NACE Division N77 and NACE Groups N811 and N813 that are to be included in their aggregates as of first quarter or month (optional) 2021.

    Table 4. Short term business statistics on import prices


    130101. Import prices (optional for non-euro area countries and countries applying the European sampling schemes)

    130102. Import prices (euro area) (optional for non-euro area countries (and countries applying the European sample schemes)

    130103. Import prices (non-euro area) (optional for non-euro area countries)

    Measurement unit

    Indices: unadjusted

    Statistical population

    Products in CPA B (excl. B0721 and B09), C (excl. C18, C2446, C254, C301, C303, C304 and C33) and D


    Breakdown by products

    For all countries:

    MIGs of CPA Sections B (excl. B0721 and B09), C (excl. C18, C2446, C254, C301, C303, C304 and C33) and D as defined in Annex II.A to this Regulation;

    CPA aggregates of Sections B (excl. B0721 and B09)+C (excl. C18, C2446, C254, C301, C303, C304 and C33)+D;

    CPA Sections B (excl. B0721 and B09), C (excl. C18, C2446, C254, C301, C303, C304 and C33), D.

    For medium and large countries as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation:

    In addition Divisions of CPA Sections B (excl. B0721 and B09), C (excl. C18, C2446, C254, C301, C303, C304 and C33) and D.

    The additional breakdowns for medium and large countries are optional for small countries (as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation).

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    Scope of data provision limited by European sampling schemes for specific countries as specified in Annex III.C to this Regulation

    Data transmission deadline

    T+1M+15 days

    First reference period

    January 2006, except for:

    Austria: January 2009 for NACE C161, C2811, C2892.

    For the Member States of the euro area that acceded after January 2006, the variables 130101 (Import prices), 130102 (Import prices (euro area)) and 130103 (Import prices (non-euro area)) are required from the beginning of the year of the entry into the euro area.

    Table 5. Short term business statistics on producer prices


    130201. Producer prices

    130202. Domestic producer prices

    130203. Non-domestic producer prices

    130204. Non-domestic producer prices (euro area) (optional for non-euro area countries)

    130205. Non-domestic producer prices (non-euro area) (optional for non-euro area countries)

    Measurement unit

    Indices: unadjusted

    Statistical population

    For variable 130201 (Producer prices):

    Market activities of NACE Sections B (excl. B0721), C (excl. C2446, C254, C301, C303 and C304), D and Division E36, CPA 41.00.1 excluding 41.00.14 (new buildings only), NACE Sections H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72and M75) and N;

    For variables 130202 (domestic producer prices), 130203 (non-domestic producer prices), 130204 (non-domestic producer prices (euro area)) and 130205 (non-domestic producer prices (non-euro area)):

    Market activities of NACE Sections B (excl. B0721), C (excl. C2446, C254, C301, C303 and C304), D and Division E36.


    Breakdown by activity and products

    For all countries:

    MIGs of NACE Sections B (excl. B0721), C (excl. C2446, C254, C301, C303 and C304) and D and Division E36 as defined in Annex II.A to this Regulation;

    Aggregates of NACE Sections

    B (excl. B0721)+C (excl.C2446, C254, C301, C303 and C304)+D+E36, H+I+J+L+M (excl.M701, M72 and M75)+N;

    NACE Sections:

    B (excl. B0721), C (excl. C2446, C254, C301, C303 and C304), D, H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and M75) and N;

    Division E36 and Divisions of NACE Sections H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and M75) and N;

    CPA 41.00.1 excluding 41.00.14 (new buildings only).

    For medium countries as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation:

    In addition Divisions of NACE Sections B (excl. B0721), C (excl. C2446, C254, C301, C303 and C304) and D

    For large countries as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation:

    As for medium countries and in addition Groups and Classes of NACE Section C for variables 130201 (producer prices), 130202 (domestic producer prices) and 130203 (non-domestic producer prices) (representing at least 90 % of value added of Section C).

    The additional breakdowns required for medium and large countries are optional for small countries; the additional breakdowns for large countries are optional for medium countries (as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation).

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    Scope of data provision for euro area/non-euro area breakdown limited by European sampling schemes for specific countries as specified in Annex III.C to this Regulation.

    The total construction costs (material costs and labour costs) can be used as a proxy for producer prices in construction (CPA 41.00.1 excluding 41.00.14). Costs that constitute components of the construction costs are also plant and equipment, transport, energy and other costs (excluding architect’s fees).

    Indices based on actual producer prices are preferable. If those are not available, approximations may be used for H49, H50, H52, I55, I56, J58, J59, J60, L68, M74, N77, N79, N81 and N82. Products (CPA) may be used to approximate activities (NACE).

    For activities in NACE Sections H to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N, the ENT may be used instead of KAU for the reference periods before 2021 and from January 2021 to December 2023 in base year 2015.

    The Service producer price indices (SPPIs) are Business-to-All (B2All). Where the share of transactions with private consumers (B2C) is negligible, the SPPIs may be approximated by Business-to-business (B2B) indicators. For reference periods before 2021, the SPPIs may be approximated by B2B indicators instead of B2All indicators.

    Data transmission deadline

    T+1M for monthly data for the required NACE B to E36;

    T+3M for all other required NACE and CPA 41.00.1 (excl. 41.00.14), except for: small and medium countries for the required CPA 41.00.1 (excl. 41.00.14), the quarterly and monthly (optional) data at: T+3M+15 days.

    Transitional arrangements for inclusion of NACE aggregate H+I+J+L+M (excl.M701, M72 and M75)+N; Sections H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and M75), N; Divisions of NACE H49, H50, H52; I55, I56; J58, J59, J60; L68; M74; N77, N79, N81, N82 as defined in Annex VII (3.a).

    First reference period

    First quarter or month (optional) 2000 for the required CPA 41.00.1 excluding 41.00.14 except for:

    Bulgaria: first quarter or month (optional) 2003;

    January 2005 for the required NACE B to E36, except for:

    Austria: January 2008 (130201 (Producer prices) and 130202 (Domestic producer prices)) and January 2009 (130203 (Non-domestic producer prices), 130204 (Non-domestic producer prices (euro area)) and 130205 (Non-domestic producer prices (non-euro area)) for NACE Division B09.

    January 2005 for requirements of 130204 (Non-domestic producer prices (euro area)) and 130205 (Non-domestic producer prices (non-euro area));

    First quarter or month (optional) 2010 for the requirements of NACE Sections H to M (excl. K, M701, M72, and M75) and N except for:

    the aggregate of NACE Sections H+I+J+L+M (excl. M701, M72 and M75)+ N; for NACE Sections H to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N and Divisions H49, H50, H52, I55, I56, J58, J59, J60, L68, M74, N77, N79, N81, N82 that are to be included as of first quarter or month (optional) 2021.

    For the Member States of the euro area that acceded after January 2005, variables 130204 (Non-domestic producer prices (euro area)) and 130205 (Non-domestic producer prices (non-euro area)) are required from the beginning of the year of the entry into the euro area.

    Table 6. Short term business statistics on production (volume)


    140101. Production (volume)

    Measurement unit

    Indices: unadjusted, calendar adjusted and seasonally adjusted

    Statistical population

    Market activities of NACE Sections B, C, D (excl. D353), F, H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and M75) and N


    Breakdown by activity

    For all countries:

    MIGs of NACE Sections B, C and D (excl. Group D353) as defined in Annex II.A to this Regulation (MIG Energy excl. Group D353 and Section E);

    Aggregates of NACE Sections:

    B+C+D (excl. D353), H+I+J+L+M (excl. M701, M72 and M75)+ N;

    NACE Sections:

    B, C, D (excl. D353), F, H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and M75) and N;

    Divisions of NACE Sections:

    H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and M75) and N.

    For medium and large countries as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation:

    In addition Divisions of NACE Sections B, C, D and F

    For large countries as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation:

    In addition Groups and Classes of NACE Section C (representing at least 90 % of value added of Section C).

    The additional breakdowns required for medium and large countries are optional for small countries; the additional breakdowns for large countries are optional for medium countries (as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation).

    Transitional arrangements for NACE Section F for the reference periods before January 2024 as defined in Annex VII (3.b).

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    For activities in NACE Sections H to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N, the ENT may be used instead of KAU for the reference periods before 2021 and from January 2021 to December 2023 in base year 2015.

    Data transmission deadline

    T+1M+10 days for NACE Sections B, C, D (excl. D353)

    For NACE Section F:

    for medium and large countries: T+1M+15 days;

    for small countries: T+2M;

    T+2M for NACE Sections H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72, M75) and N.

    Transitional arrangements for inclusion of aggregate of NACE Sections H+I+J+L+M (excl. M701, M72 and M75)+ N; NACE Sections and Divisions of NACE Sections H to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N; Divisions of NACE Sections F, as defined in Annex VII (3.a).

    First reference period

    January 2000 for the required NACE Sections B to D (excl. D353) except for:

    Spain (NACE groups and classes) January 2002

    Austria (NACE Division B09) January 2005

    January 2005 for NACE Division C33;

    First quarter 2000 (or month 2005) for small countries the required NACE Section F and January 2005 for large and medium countries the requirements of NACE Section F;

    January 2021

    for the aggregate of NACE Sections H+I+J+L+M (excl. M701, M72 and M75)+ N; for NACE Sections and Divisions of Sections H to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N; for Divisions of Section F

    Table 7. Short term business statistics on volume of sales


    140201. Volume of sales

    Measurement unit

    Indices: unadjusted, calendar adjusted and seasonally adjusted

    Statistical population

    Market activities of NACE G


    Breakdown by activity

    For all countries:

    NACE Section G;

    Divisions of NACE Section G;

    Aggregate of Groups of NACE Division G47 without Group G473;

    Aggregate of NACE Class G4711+ NACE Group G472;

    Aggregate of NACE Class G4719+ NACE Groups G474+G475+G476+G477+G478+G479;

    NACE Group G473

    For medium and large countries as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation:

    In addition Groups of NACE Section G, NACE Classes G4711, G4719 and G4791.

    The additional breakdowns required for medium and large countries are optional for small countries (as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation).

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    For activities in NACE Sections G, the ENT may be used instead of KAU for the reference periods before 2021 and from January 2021 to December 2023 in base year 2015.

    Data transmission deadline

    T+2M for monthly data for:

    For NACE

    Section G;

    Divisions G45 and G46;

    Groups G451, G452, G453, G454, G461, G462, G463, G464, G465, G466, G467, G469, G471, G472, G474, G475, G476, G477, G478 and G479;

    Classes G4711, G4719 and G4791.

    T+1M for monthly data for: For NACE

    Division G47;

    Aggregate of Division G47 without Group G473;

    Aggregate of NACE Class G4711+ Group G472;

    Aggregate of NACE Class G4719+ Groups G474+G475+G476+G477+G478+G479;

    Group G473.

    First reference period

    January 2000 except for:

    NACE Section G, Divisions and Groups of NACE Divisions G45 and G46, Groups of NACE Divisions G47 (except G472 and G473) that are to be provided as of January 2021

    Table 8. Short term business statistics on net turnover (value)


    140301. Net turnover (value)

    140302. Domestic net turnover (value)

    140303. Non-domestic net turnover (value)

    140304. Non-domestic net turnover (value) (euro area) (optional for non-euro area countries)

    140305. Non-domestic net turnover (value) (non-euro area) (optional for non-euro area countries)

    Measurement unit

    Indices: unadjusted and calendar adjusted for all activities as well as seasonally adjusted for NACE Sections G, H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and M75) and N

    Statistical population

    For variable 140301 (net turnover (value)): NACE Sections B, C, G, H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and M75) and N;

    For variables 140302 (Domestic net turnover (value)), 140303 (Non-domestic net turnover (value)), 140304 (Non-domestic net turnover (value) (euro area) (optional for non-euro area countries)) and 140305 (Non-domestic net turnover (value) (non-euro area) (optional for non-euro area countries)): NACE Sections B and C.


    Breakdown by activity

    For variable 140301 (net turnover (value)):

    For all countries:

    MIGs of NACE Sections B and C as defined in Annex II.A to this Regulation (MIG Energy excl. Sections D and E);

    Aggregates of NACE Sections:

    B+C, H+I+J+L+M (excl. M701, M72 and M75)+N;

    NACE Sections:

    B, C, G, H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and M75) and N;

    Divisions of NACE Sections:

    G, H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and, M75) and N;

    NACE Division G47 without Group G473;

    NACE Group G473;

    Aggregate of NACE Class G4711+ Group G472; Aggregate of NACE Class G4719 + Groups G474+G475+G476+G477+G478+G479.

    For medium and large countries as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation:

    In addition Divisions of NACE Sections B and C, Groups of NACE Section G, NACE Classes G4711, G4719, G4791

    For variables 140302 (Domestic net turnover (value)), 140303 (Non-domestic net turnover (value)), 140304 (Non-domestic net turnover (value) (euro area)) and 140305 (Non-domestic net turnover (value) (non-euro area)):

    For all countries:

    MIGs of NACE Sections B and C as defined in Annex II.A to this Regulation (MIG Energy excluding Sections D and E);

    Aggregates of NACE Sections B+C;

    NACE Sections B and C.

    For medium and large countries as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation:

    In addition Divisions of NACE Sections B and C.

    The additional breakdowns required for medium and large countries are optional for small countries (as defined in Annex III.A.2 to this Regulation).

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    For activities in NACE Sections G, H to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N, the ENT may be used instead of KAU for the reference periods before 2021 and from January 2021 to December 2023 in base year 2015.

    Data transmission deadline

    T+2M for:

    MIGs of NACE Sections B and C as defined in Annex II.A to this Regulation (MIG Energy excl. Sections D and E);

    Aggregates of NACE Sections:

    B+C, H+I+J+L+M (excl. M701, M72 and M75)+N;

    NACE Sections:

    B, C, G, H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and M75) and N;

    Divisions of NACE Sections:

    B, C,H, I, J, L, M (excl. M701, M72 and M75) and N;

    NACE Divisions G45 and G46;

    NACE Groups G451, G452, G453, G454, G461, G462, G463, G464, G465, G466, G467, G469, G471, G472, – G474, G475, G476, G477, G478 and G479;

    NACE Classes G4711, G4719 and G4791

    Transitional arrangements for inclusion of aggregate of NACE Sections H+I+J+L+M (excl. M701, M72 and M75)+ N; NACE Sections and Divisions of NACE Sections H to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N as defined in Annex VII (3.a).

    T+1M for:

    NACE Division G47:

    Aggregate of NACE Division G47 without Group G473;

    Aggregate of NACE Class G4711+ Group G472;

    Aggregate of NACE Class G4719+ Groups G474+G475+G476+G477+G478+G479;

    NACE Group G473.

    First reference period

    January 2000 for the required NACE aggregates, Sections and Divisions of NACE Sections B and C, except for:

    Spain: January 2002;

    Austria: January 2005 for NACE B09.

    January 2000 for NACE Division G47, NACE aggregate of Division G47 without Group G473; aggregate of NACE Class G4711+ Group G472; aggregate of NACE Class G4719 + Groups G474+G475+G476+G477+G478+G479; for NACE Groups G472 and G473, and for NACE Classes G4711, G4719 and G4791

    January 2005 for the requirements of variables 140304 (Non-domestic net turnover (value) (euro area)) and 140305 (Non-domestic net turnover (value) (non-euro area)):

    January 2021 for aggregate of NACE Sections H+I+J+L+M (excl. M701, M72 and M75)+N; for NACE Sections G, H to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N; for NACE Divisions G45, G46 and Divisions of Sections H to M (excl. K, M701, M72 and M75) and N; for Groups of NACE Divisions G45, G46 and G47 (except G472 and G473).

    For the Member States of the euro area, the variables 140304 (Non-domestic net turnover (value) (euro area)) and 140305 (Non-domestic net turnover (value) (non-euro area)) are required from the beginning of the year of the entry into the euro area.

    Table 9. Short term business statistics on real estate


    150101. Building permits- Number of dwellings

    150102. Building permits – Square metres

    Measurement unit

    Absolute values: unadjusted, calendar adjusted and seasonally adjusted

    Statistical population

    For variable 150101 (Building permits – Number of dwellings): CPA 41.00.1 (excl. 41.00.14) – new residential buildings only.

    For variable 150102 (Building permits – Square metres): CPA 41.00.1 and 41.00.2 – new residential and non-residential buildings only.


    Breakdown by product

    For variable 150101 (Building permits – Number of dwellings): New residential buildings only.

    CPA 41.00.1 without CPA 41.00.14

    CPA 41.00.11

    CPA 41.00.12+CPA 41.00.13

    For variable 150102 (Building permits – Square metres): New residential and non-residential buildings only.

    CPA 41.00.1

    CPA 41.00.1 without CPA 41.00.14

    CPA 41.00.11

    CPA 41.00.12+CPA 41.00.13

    CPA 41.00.14


    CPA 41.00.2 without 41.00.23

    CPA 41.00.23

    Data transmission deadline


    First reference period

    First quarter 2000, except for:

    Greece: first quarter or month (optional) 2001 for 150102 (Building permits – Square metres)

    Slovakia: first quarter or month (optional) 2003 for 150101 (Building permits – Number of dwellings) and 150102 (Building permits – Square metres)

    Austria: first quarter or month (optional) 2005 for 150102 (Building permits – Square metres)

    Table 10. Country-level business statistics on activities of enterprises


    210101. Number of active enterprises

    220101. Number of employees and self-employed persons

    220102. Number of employees

    220103. Number of employees in full-time equivalent units

    220201. Hours worked by employees

    220301. Employee benefits expense

    220302. Wages and salaries

    220303. Social security costs

    240101. Total purchases of goods and services

    250101. Net turnover

    250201. Gross margin on goods for resale (1 % rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ and ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at NACE division level may be applied)

    250301. Value of output

    250401. Value added

    250501. Gross operating surplus

    260101. Gross investment in tangible non-current assets

    260106. Gross investment in intangible non-current assets, other than goodwill (1 % rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on net turnover and number of employees and self-employed persons at NACE division level may be applied)

    260108. Sales proceeds of tangible investments (1 % rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ and ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at NACE division level may be applied)

    Measurement unit

    National currency (thousands) except for variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons), 220102 (Number of employees), 220103 (Number of employees in full-time equivalent units) and 220201 (Hours worked by employees): absolute value

    Statistical population

    For variables other than 250201 (Gross margin on goods for resale), 260106 (Gross investment in intangible non-current assets, other than goodwill) and 260108 (Sales proceeds of tangible investments): Market producers of NACE Sections B to N and P to R and divisions S95 and S96;

    For variables 250201 (Gross margin on goods for resale) and 260108 (Sales proceeds of tangible investments): Market producers of NACE Sections B to G;

    For variable 260106 (Gross investment in intangible non-current assets, other than goodwill): Market producers of NACE Sections B to E.



    Breakdown by activity (CETO-flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied)

    For all variables except for variables 260106 (Gross investment in intangible non-current assets, other than goodwill) and 260108 (Sales proceeds of tangible investments); for variable 250201 (Gross margin on goods for resale) NACE Sections B to G only:

    For NACE Sections B to J, L to N and P to R: sections, divisions, groups and classes;

    For NACE Section K: Section, divisions, groups 64.1, 64.2, 64.3, 64.9, 65.1, 65.2 and 65.3, classes 64.11, 64.19, 64.20, 64.30, 65.11, 65.12, 65.20 and 65.30;

    For divisions 95 and 96: divisions, groups and classes;

    Special aggregates as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation for:

    Industry, construction and services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, activities of households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies),

    ICT total,

    ICT manufacturing,

    ICT services,

    High and medium-high technology manufacturing (optional),

    High technology manufacturing,

    Medium-high technology manufacturing,

    Low and medium-low technology manufacturing (optional),

    Medium-low technology manufacturing,

    Low technology manufacturing,

    Information sector,

    Computer related services,

    Total knowledge intensive services (optional),

    Knowledge-intensive high technology services,

    Knowledge intensive market services,

    Knowledge intensive financial services,

    Other knowledge intensive services (optional),

    Knowledge intensive activities – Business industries,

    Knowledge intensive activities (optional),

    Tourism industries (total) (optional),

    Tourism industries (mainly tourism) (optional),

    Tourism industries (partially tourism) (optional),

    Tourism industries – Transport (total) (optional),

    Tourism industries – Land transport (optional),

    Tourism industries – Water transport (optional),

    Tourism industries – Accommodation (optional),

    Tourism industries – Food and beverage (total) (optional),

    Tourism industries – Car and other rental (total)(optional)

    Services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies)

    For variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons), 220102 (Number of employees), 220302 (Wages and salaries), 250101 (Net turnover) and 250401 (Value added): in addition,


    Special aggregates as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation for:

    Cultural and creative sectors – total,

    Cultural and creative sectors – services.

    For variables 260106 (Gross investment in intangible non-current assets, other than goodwill) and 260108 Sales proceeds of tangible investments):

    NACE Sections and divisions

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    For activities of NACE 642, 643 and 653 which are economically not significant in terms of value added and number of employees and self-employed persons 0 values may be provided except for variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises) and 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons). If 220102 (number of employees) is not 0, the value also should be provided.

    In cases where the source data used for compiling the data of the variable is available for the fiscal year for some statistical units and this data cannot be recalculated to cover the calendar year, the calendar year data may be approximated by data on the fiscal year for these statistical units.

    Data transmission deadline

    Preliminary data: T+10M for NACE Sections, Divisions and Groups for variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons) and 250101 (Net turnover)

    Final and validated data: T+18M for all variables

    First reference period


    Table 11. Country-level business statistics on activities of enterprises broken down by size classes or broken down by legal form


    210101. Number of active enterprises

    220101. Number of employees and self-employed persons

    220102. Number of employees

    220201. Hours worked by employees

    220301. Employee benefits expense

    220302. Wages and salaries

    220303. Social security costs

    240101. Total purchases of goods and services

    250101. Net turnover

    250301. Value of output

    250401. Value added

    250501. Gross operating surplus

    Measurement unit

    National currency (thousands) except for variables 210101 (number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons), 220102 (Number of employees) and 220201 (Hours worked by employees): absolute value

    Statistical population

    For breakdown by activity and size class of number of employees and self-employed persons of variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons), 250101 (Net turnover) and 250401 (Value added) and for breakdown by activity and legal form and for breakdown by activity and size class of number of employees of variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons) and 220102 (Number of employees): Market producers of NACE Sections B to N and P to R and divisions S95 and S96;

    For breakdown by activity and size class of turnover of variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons), 250101 (Net turnover) and 250401 (Value added): Market producers of NACE Section G;

    For breakdown by activity and size class of number of employees and self-employed persons of other variables than 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons), 250101 (Net turnover) and 250401 (Value added): Market producers of NACE Sections B to F



    Breakdown by activity and size class of number of employees and self-employed persons (CETO-flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied)

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Activity breakdown:

    For NACE Sections B to J, L to N and P to R: Sections, divisions and groups;

    For NACE Section K: Section, divisions, groups 64.1, 64.2, 64.3, 64.9, 65.1, 65.2 and 65.3;

    For divisions 95 and 96: divisions and groups

    Special aggregate as defined in Annex II to this Regulation:

    Industry, construction and services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, activities of households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies)

    Size class of number of employees and self-employed persons:

    For NACE Sections F to J, L to N and P to R and divisions S95 and S96 only for variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises) and 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons): Total, 0-1 employees and self-employed persons, 2-9 employees and self-employed persons, 10-19 employees and self-employed persons, 20-49 employees and self-employed persons, 50-249 employees and self-employed persons, 250 and more employees and self-employed persons;

    For NACE Sections F to J, L to N and P to R and divisions S95 and S96, for variables other than 210101 (Number of active enterprises) and 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons: Total, 0-9 employees and self-employed persons, 10-19 employees and self-employed persons, 20-49 employees and self-employed persons, 50-249 employees and self-employed persons, 250 and more employees and self-employed persons;

    For NACE Sections B to E and K: Total, 0-9 employees and self-employed persons, 10-19 employees and self-employed persons, 20-49 employees and self-employed persons, 50-249 employees and self-employed persons, 250 and more employees and self-employed persons


    Breakdown by activity and size class of number of employees (CETO-flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied)

    For variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons) and 220102 (Number of employees) only

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Activity breakdown:

    NACE Sections;

    Aggregates of NACE divisions:

    C10+C11+C12, C13+C14, C17+C18, C24+C25, C29+C30, C31+C32;

    NACE divisions:

    C15, C16, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C26, C27, C28, C33, S95, S96 and all divisions of NACE Sections G, H, I, J, K, L,M,N, P, Q and R;

    Groups of NACE divisions G47 and J62 and of NACE Sections L, M and N;

    Classes of NACE division J62;

    Special aggregates as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation:

    Industry, construction and services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, activities of households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies),

    Services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies)

    ICT total,

    ICT manufacturing

    ICT services

    Size class of number of employees breakdown:

    Total, 0 employees, 1-4 employees, 5-9 employees, 10 and more employees


    Breakdown by activity and legal form (CETO-flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied)

    For variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons) and 220102 (Number of employees) only

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Activity breakdown:

    same activity breakdown as in breakdown 2

    Legal form breakdown:


    personally owned and no limit to personal liability,

    private or publicly quoted joint stock companies with limited liability for those owning shares,

    personally owned limited and unlimited liability partnerships (Included are also other legal forms such as cooperatives, associations etc.,)


    Breakdown by activity and size class of turnover

    for NACE Section G only

    (CETO-flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied; 1 %-rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ and ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at NACE division level may be applied)

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Activity breakdown: NACE section, divisions and groups

    Size class of turnover breakdown: Annual turnover in million euro: Total, 0 to less than 1, 1 to less than 2, 2 to less than 5, 5 to less than 10, 10 to less than 20, 20 to less than 50, 50 to less than 200, 200 and more

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    For activities of NACE 642, 643 and 653 which are economically not significant in terms of value added and number of employees and self-employed persons 0 values may be provided except for variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises) and 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons). If 220102 (number of employees) is not 0, the value also should be provided.

    In cases where the source data used for compiling the data of the variable is available for the fiscal year for some statistical units and this data cannot be recalculated to cover the calendar year, the calendar year data may be approximated by data on the fiscal year for these statistical units.

    Data transmission deadline

    Preliminary data: T+10M for activity and Breakdown by activity and size class of number of employees and self-employed persons for variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons) and 250101 (Net turnover);

    Final and validated data: T+18Mfor all variables

    First reference period


    Table 12. Country-level business statistics on demographic events for enterprises


    210201. Enterprise births

    210202. Enterprise deaths

    210203. Enterprise survivals

    210102. Number of enterprises having at least one employee

    210204. Enterprises having the first employee

    210205. Enterprises having no employees anymore

    210206. Survivals of enterprises having at least one employee

    220401. Number of employees and self-employed persons in newly born enterprises

    220402. Number of employees in newly born enterprises

    220403. Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise deaths

    220404. Number of employees in enterprise deaths

    220405. Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals

    220406. Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals, in the year of birth

    220104. Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having at least one employee

    220105. Number of employees in enterprises having at least one employee

    220407. Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having the first employee

    220408. Number of employees in enterprises having the first employee

    220409. Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having no employees anymore

    220410. Number of employees in enterprises having no employees anymore

    220411. Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee

    220412. Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee, in the year of birth

    Measurement unit

    Absolute value

    Statistical population

    Market producers of NACE Sections B to N and P to R and divisions S95 and S96



    Breakdown by activity and size class of number of employees (CETO-flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied)

    For all variables except for variables

    210203 (Enterprise survivals),

    210206 (Survivals of enterprises having at least one employee),

    220405 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals),

    220406 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals, in the year of birth),

    220411 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee)

    220412 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee, in the year of birth)

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Activity breakdown:

    NACE Sections;

    Aggregates of NACE divisions:

    C10+C11+C12, C13+C14, C17+C18, C24+C25, C29+C30, C31+C32;

    NACE divisions:

    C15, C16, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C26, C27, C28, C33, S95, S96 and all divisions of NACE Sections G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q and R;

    Groups of NACE divisions G47 and J62 and of NACE Sections L, M and N;

    Classes of NACE division J62;

    Special aggregates as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation:

    Industry, construction and services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, activities of households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies),

    Services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies)

    ICT total,

    ICT manufacturing,

    ICT services

    Size class of number of employees breakdown:

    Total, 0 employees, 1-4 employees, 5-9 employees, 10 and more employees

    Size class 0 employees not to be provided for variables:

    210102 (Number of enterprises having at least one employee),

    210204 (Enterprises having the first employee),

    210205(Enterprises having no employees anymore),

    220104 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having at least one employee),

    220105 (Number of employees in enterprises having at least one employee),

    220407 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having the first employee),

    220408 (Number of employees in enterprises having the first employee),

    220409 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having no employees anymore),

    220410 (Number of employees in enterprises having no employees anymore).


    Breakdown by activity and legal form (CETO-flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied)

    For all variables except for variables:

    210203 (Enterprise survivals),

    210206 (Survivals of enterprises having at least one employee),

    220405 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals),

    220406 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals, in the year of birth),

    220411 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee),

    220412 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee, in the year of birth).

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Activity breakdown:

    same activity breakdown as in breakdown 1

    Legal form breakdown:


    personally owned and no limit to personal liability,

    private or publicly quoted joint stock companies with limited liability for those owning shares,

    personally owned limited and unlimited liability partnerships (Included are also other legal forms such as cooperatives, associations etc.,)


    Breakdown by activity, size class of number of employees and number of calendar years of survival (CETO-flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied)

    For variables

    210203 (Enterprise survivals),

    210206 (Survivals of enterprises having at least one employee),

    220405 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals),

    220406. Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals, in the year of birth,

    224011 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee) and

    224012 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee, in the year of birth)

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Activity breakdown: same activity breakdown as in breakdown 1.

    Size class of number employees breakdown:

    Total, 0, 1-4, 5-9, 10+

    Size class 0 not to be provided for variables:

    210206 (Survivals of enterprises having at least one employee),

    220411 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee),

    220412 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee, in the year of birth).

    Breakdown by number of calendar years of survival

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    Data transmission deadline

    Preliminary data:

    T+18M for variable 210202 (Enterprise deaths), 220403 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise deaths) and 220404 (Number of employees in enterprise deaths),

    T+20M for variable 210205 (Enterprises having no employees anymore), 220409 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having no employees anymore) and 220410 (Number of employees in enterprises having no employees anymore);

    Final and validated data:

    T+18M for variables 210201 (Enterprise births), 210203 (Enterprise survivals), 220401 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in newly born enterprises), 220402 (Number of employees in newly born enterprises), 220405 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals) and 220406 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise survivals, in the year of birth),

    T+20M for variables 210102 (Number of enterprises having at least one employee), 210204 (Enterprises having the first employee), 210206 (Survivals of enterprises having at least one employee), 220104 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having at least one employee), 220105 (Number of employees in enterprises having at least one employee), 220407 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having the first employee), 220408 (Number of employees in enterprises having the first employee), 220411 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee) and 220412 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in survivals of enterprises having at least one employee, in the year of birth),

    T+30M for variables 210202 (Enterprise deaths), 220403 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprise deaths) and 220404 (Number of employees in enterprise deaths),

    T+32M for variables 210205 (Enterprises having no employees anymore), 220409 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises having no employees anymore) and 220410 (Number of employees in enterprises having no employees anymore).

    First reference period


    Table 13. Country-level business statistics on high-growth enterprises


    210103. Number of high-growth enterprises

    210104. Number of young high-growth enterprises

    220106. Number of employees in high-growth enterprises

    220107. Number of employees in young high-growth enterprises

    Measurement unit

    Absolute value

    Statistical population

    Market producers of NACE Sections B to N and P to R and divisions S95 and S96


    Breakdown by activity (CETO-flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied)

    NACE Sections (only for NACE Sections B to N and P to R),

    Divisions and

    Groups (except for NACE Sections P to R)

    Special aggregates as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation:

    Industry, construction and services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, activities of households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies),

    Services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies)

    Data transmission deadline

    Preliminary data: T+12 M for variables 210103 (Number of high-growth enterprises) and 220106 (Number of employees in high-growth enterprises);

    Final and validated data: T+18M for all variables

    First reference period


    Table 14. Country-level business statistics on enterprises by country of ultimate control


    210101. Number of active enterprises

    210301. Number of foreign-controlled enterprises

    220101. Number of employees and self-employed persons

    220301. Employee benefits expense

    220501. Number of employees and self-employed persons in foreign-controlled enterprises

    220701. Employee benefits expense in foreign-controlled enterprises

    230101. Intramural R & D expenditure (1 % rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ or ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at relevant NACE A*38 level aggregates for NACE Sections B to F may be applied)

    230201. R & D personnel (1 % rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ or ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at relevant NACE A*38 level aggregates for NACE Sections B to F may be applied)

    230301. Intramural R & D expenditure in foreign-controlled enterprises (1 % rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ or ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at relevant NACE A*38 level aggregates for NACE Sections B to F may be applied)

    230401. R & D personnel in foreign-controlled enterprises (1 % rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ or ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at relevant NACE A*38 level aggregates for NACE Sections B to F may be applied)

    240101. Total purchases of goods and services

    240102. Purchases of goods and services for resale

    240301. Total purchases of goods and services of foreign-controlled enterprises

    240302. Purchases of goods and services for resale of foreign-controlled enterprises

    250101. Net turnover

    250301. Value of output

    250401. Value added

    250601. Net turnover of foreign-controlled enterprises

    250701. Value of output of foreign-controlled enterprises

    250801. Value added of foreign-controlled enterprises

    260101. Gross investment in tangible non-current assets

    260201. Foreign-controlled enterprises’ gross investment in tangible non-current assets

    Measurement unit

    Absolute value for variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 210301 (Number of foreign-controlled enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons), 220501 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in foreign-controlled enterprises), 230201(R & D personnel) and 230401 (R & D personnel in foreign-controlled enterprises);

    National currency (thousands) for other variables.

    Statistical population

    For all variables except for variables 230101 (Intramural R & D expenditure), 230301 (Intramural R & D expenditure in foreign-controlled enterprises), 230201 (R & D personnel) and 230401 (R & D personnel in foreign-controlled enterprises): Market producers of NACE Sections B to N and P to R and divisions S95 and S96;

    For variables 230101 (Intramural R & D expenditure), 230301 (Intramural R & D expenditure in foreign-controlled enterprises), 230201 (R & D personnel) and 230401 (R & D personnel in foreign-controlled enterprises): Market producers of NACE Sections B to F.


    Data will be provided with the detail by country of ultimate control, according to the concept of ‘ultimate controlling institutional unit’, and by activity of the enterprise.


    Breakdown by activity and geographical breakdown

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    For all variables except for variables 230101 (Intramural R & D expenditure), 230301 (Intramural R & D expenditure in foreign-controlled enterprises), 230201 (R & D personnel) and 230401 (R & D personnel in foreign-controlled enterprises):

    Activity breakdown:

    NACE Sections;

    Aggregates of NACE divisions:

    C10+C11+C12, C13+C14+C15, C16+C17+C18, C22+C23, C24+C25, C29+C30, C31+C32, H52+H53, J59+J60, J62+J63, M69+M70+M71, M73+M74+M75, N78+N79+N80+N81+N82, Q87+Q88, S95+S96

    NACE divisions:

    C19, C20, C21, C26, C27, C28, C33, H49, H50, H51, J58, J61, N77, M72, Q86,

    Special aggregates as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation:

    Industry, construction and services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, activities of households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies),

    Services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies)

    For variables 230101 (Intramural R & D expenditure), 230301 (Intramural R & D expenditure in foreign-controlled enterprises), 230201 (R & D personnel) and 230401 (R & D personnel in foreign-controlled enterprises):

    Activity breakdown

    NACE Sections;

    Aggregates of NACE divisions:

    C10+C11+C12, C13+C14+C15, C16+C17+C18, C22+C23, C24+C25, C29+C30, C31+C32,

    NACE divisions:

    C19, C20, C21, C26, C27, C28, C33

    Special aggregate as defined in Annex II to this Regulation

    Industry and construction

    Geographical breakdown:

    For variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons), 220301 (Employee benefits expense), 230101 (Intramural R & D expenditure) and 230201 (R & D personnel), 240101 (Total purchases of goods and services), 240102 (Purchases of goods and services for resale), 250101 (Net turnover), 250301 (Value of output), 250401 (Value added) and 260101 (Gross investment in tangible non-current assets) geographic aggregates ‘World total’ and ‘Domestically controlled’.

    For other variables Geo level 1 as defined in an implementing act in accordance with Article 7(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152


    Geographical breakdown

    For variables 210301 (Number of foreign-controlled enterprises), 220501 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in foreign-controlled enterprises), 220701 (Employee benefits expense in foreign-controlled enterprises), 230301 (Intramural R & D expenditure in foreign-controlled enterprises), 230401 (R & D personnel in foreign-controlled enterprises), 240301 (Total Purchases of goods and services of foreign-controlled enterprises), 240302 (Purchases of goods and services for resale of foreign-controlled enterprises), 250601 (Net turnover of foreign-controlled enterprises), 250701 (Value of output of foreign-controlled enterprises), 250801 (Value added of foreign-controlled enterprises) and 260201 (Foreign-controlled enterprises’ gross investment in tangible non-current assets) Geo level 3 as defined in an implementing act in accordance with Article 7(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    For division K64 the value of variables 250101 and 250601 (Net turnover) can be approximated by the Value of output as defined in Annex IV to this Regulation.

    For activities of NACE 642, 643 and 653 included in the data and which are economically not significant in terms of value added and number of employees and self-employed persons 0 values may be assumed except for variables 210101 (Number of active enterprises), 220101 (Number of employees and self-employed persons), 210301 (Number of foreign-controlled enterprises) and 220501 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in foreign-controlled enterprises).

    For activities of NACE Section K, it can be assumed that the value of variables 240102 and 240302 (Purchases of goods and services for resale) is economically non-significant, therefore 0 values may be provided for variables 240102 and 240302.

    Additional approximations for activities of NACE Section K may be agreed between the Commission (Eurostat) and the Member States taking into account the country conditions.

    In cases where the source data used for compiling the data of the variable is available for the fiscal year for some statistical units and this data cannot be recalculated to cover the calendar year, the calendar year data may be approximated by data on the fiscal year for these statistical units.

    Data transmission deadline


    First reference period


    Table 15. Country-level business statistics on foreign-controlling enterprises and domestic affiliates active in the reporting country


    210401. Number of foreign-controlling enterprises (UCI concept) and domestic affiliates

    220601. Number of employees and self-employed persons in foreign-controlling enterprises (UCI concept) and domestic affiliates

    250901. Net turnover of foreign-controlling enterprises (UCI concept) and domestic affiliates

    Measurement unit

    Absolute value for variables 210401 (Number of foreign-controlling enterprises (UCI concept) and domestic affiliates) and 220601 (Number of employees and self-employed persons in foreign-controlling enterprises (UCI concept) and domestic affiliates),

    National currency (thousands) for variable 250901 (Net turnover of foreign-controlling enterprises (UCI concept) and domestic affiliates)

    Statistical population

    Market producers of NACE Sections B to N and P to S


    Breakdown by activity of the enterprise

    NACE Sections;

    Aggregates of NACE divisions:

    C10+C11+C12, C13+C14+C15, C16+C17+C18, C22+C23, C24+C25, C29+C30, C31+C32, H52+H53, J59+J60, J62+J63, M69+M70+M71, M73+M74+M75, N78+N79+N80+N81+N82, Q87+Q88

    NACE divisions:

    C19, C20, C21, C26, C27, C28, C33, H49, H50, H51, J58, J61, N77, M72, Q86

    Special aggregates as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation

    Industry, construction and services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies),

    Services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies)

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    For division K64 the value of variable 250901 (Net turnover) can be approximated by the Value of output as defined in Annex IV to this Regulation.

    For activities of NACE 642, 643 and 653 included in the data and which are economically not significant in terms of value added and number of employees and self-employed persons 0 values may be assumed for variable 250901 (Net turnover of foreign-controlling enterprises (UCI concept) and domestic affiliates).

    Additional approximations for activities of NACE Section K may be agreed between the Commission (Eurostat) and the Member States taking into account the country conditions.

    In cases where the source data used for compiling the data of the variable is available for the fiscal year for some statistical units and this data cannot be recalculated to cover the calendar year, the calendar year data may be approximated by data on the fiscal year for these statistical units.

    Data transmission deadline


    First reference period


    Table 16. Country-level business statistics on trade in goods by enterprise characteristics


    210501. Number of enterprises importing goods

    210502. Number of enterprises exporting goods

    240401. Statistical value of imports by enterprises

    251101. Statistical value of exports by enterprises

    Measurement unit

    Absolute value for variables 210501 (Number of enterprises exporting goods) and 210502 (Number of enterprises importing goods);

    National currency (units) for variables 240401 (Statistical value of imports by enterprises) and 251101 (Statistical value of exports by enterprises)

    Statistical population

    Total exports or imports of goods;

    NACE Sections A to U


    Breakdowns 1 to 11 have each to be combined with the following geographical breakdown

    Geographical breakdown





    Breakdown by activity


    NACE sections

    NACE divisions

    NACE groups of Sections C, D, E and G



    Breakdown by activity and size class of number of employees and self-employed persons

    Activity breakdown:


    NACE sections

    NACE divisions of Sections C and G

    Special aggregates as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation:


    other than industry and trade


    Size class of number of employees and self-employed persons breakdown:


    0–9 employees and self-employed persons

    10–49 employees and self-employed persons

    50–249 employees and self-employed persons

    250 and more employees and self-employed persons



    Breakdown by activity and additional geographical breakdown

    Activity breakdown:


    NACE Section G

    special aggregates as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation


    other than industry and trade


    Additional geographical breakdown:

    Individual Member States

    Most important extra-Union partner countries and zones


    Breakdown by size class of number of employees and self-employed persons and additional geographical breakdown

    Size class of number of employees and self-employed persons breakdown:


    0–9 employees and self-employed persons

    10–49 employees and self-employed persons

    50–249 employees and self-employed persons

    250 employees and self-employed persons and more


    Additional geographical breakdown:

    Individual Member States

    Most important extra-Union partner countries and zones


    Breakdown by activity and number of partner countries

    Activity breakdown:

    Same activity breakdown as in breakdown 3

    Number of partner countries breakdown:











    Breakdown by activity and concentration of trade (for variables 251101 (Statistical value of exports by enterprises) and 240401 (Statistical value of imports by enterprises) only)

    Activity breakdown:

    Same activity breakdown as in breakdown 3

    Concentration of trade breakdown:


    Top 5






    1 000 enterprises


    Breakdown by activity and type of trader

    Data to be provided for imports, exports and for total trade

    Activity breakdown:

    Same activity breakdown as in breakdown 2

    Type of trader breakdown:


    One way traders

    Two-way traders

    All types of traders


    Breakdown by activity and exports intensity (share of exports of turnover)

    Activity breakdown:

    Same activity breakdown as in breakdown 2

    Exports intensity breakdown:


    No exports (0)

    Between 0 and less than 25

    Between 25 and less than 50

    Between 50 and less than 75

    75 or more



    Breakdown by activity and type of control

    Activity breakdown:

    Same activity breakdown as in breakdown 2

    Type of control breakdown:


    Domestically controlled enterprises, Additional breakdown, if available:

    Domestically controlled enterprises without own affiliates abroad,

    Domestically controlled enterprises with own affiliates abroad,

    Foreign-controlled enterprises



    Breakdown by activity and commodity (for variables 251101 (Statistical value of exports by enterprises) and 240401 (statistical value of imports by enterprises) only)

    Activity breakdown:

    Same activity breakdown as in breakdown 2

    Commodity breakdown:


    CPA division level for products of Divisions 10 to 32 of Section C

    CPA section level for products of Sections A, B, C, D and E

    Special aggregate as defined in Annex II to this Regulation

    Other CPA products



    Trade population

    Data to be provided for imports, exports and for total trade

    Breakdown of match of trade data with business register in terms of number of enterprises and number of traders for specific populations of traders.

    Breakdown of match of trade data with business register in terms of statistical value for specific populations of traders.

    Data transmission deadline

    T+12 M

    First reference period


    Table 17. Country-level business statistics on trade in services by enterprise characteristics (STEC) – annual data


    240401. Statistical value of imports by enterprises

    251101. Statistical value of exports by enterprises

    Measurement unit

    National currency (thousands)

    Statistical population

    Total exports or imports of services, traded between residents and non-residents

    NACE Sections A to U


    All breakdowns (1 to 3) have each to be combined with the following geographical breakdown

    Geographical breakdown





    Breakdown by activity and size class of number of employees and self-employed persons

    Activity breakdown:


    For the below breakdowns CETO flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied:

    Aggregates of NACE Sections:

    A+B, D+E, I+L+O+P+Q+R+S+T+U

    NACE Sections:

    C, F, G, H, J, K, M, N


    Size class of number of employees and self-employed persons breakdown:


    For the below breakdowns CETO flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied:

    0-49 employees and self-employed persons

    Optional: 0–9 employees and self-employed persons

    Optional: 10–49 employees and self-employed persons

    50–249 employees and self-employed persons

    250 and more employees and self-employed persons



    Breakdown by activity, type of product and additional geographical breakdown

    Activity breakdown:

    Same activity breakdown as in breakdown 1

    Product breakdown:

    Total services

    For the below breakdowns CETO flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied:

    EBOPS 2010 main components, as defined in Annex VI, Section 2, Table 1


    Optional: EBOPS 2010 detailed components 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3, as defined in Annex VI, Section 2, Table 1

    Optional: Additional geographical breakdown

    To be provided only for Total services:

    Individual EU Member States

    United States of America


    Breakdown by activity and type of control

    Activity breakdown:

    Same activity breakdown as in breakdown 1.

    Type of control breakdown:


    For the below breakdowns CETO flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied:

    Domestically controlled enterprises

    Optional: Additional breakdown, if available:

    Domestically controlled enterprises without own affiliates abroad

    Domestically controlled enterprises with own affiliates abroad

    Foreign-controlled enterprises


    Data transmission deadline

    T+18 M

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    The methods and estimations recommended in the Eurostat-OECD Compilers Guide for Statistics on Services Trade by Enterprise Characteristics should be used. Countries may also use any other equivalent method or estimation, in line with the principles of the MSITS 2010 and Art. 4 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

    In all cases, the methods used should be clearly described in the metadata.

    First reference period


    Table 18. Country-level business statistics on intramural R & D expenditure


    230101. Intramural R & D expenditure

    Measurement unit

    National currency (thousands)

    Statistical population

    All R & D performing units classified in Sections A to U of NACE



    Breakdown by sector of performance

    Total over all sectors listed below

    business enterprise sector,

    higher education sector,

    government sector,

    private non-profit sector


    Breakdown by sector of performance and source of funds

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below

    Sector of performance breakdown:

    same as breakdown 1

    Source of funds breakdown

    Total over all sources of funds listed below

    Business enterprise sector

    Government sector

    Private non-profit sector

    Higher education sector

    Rest of the world

    Foreign business enterprises

    Foreign enterprises within the same group (for business enterprise sector only)

    Other foreign enterprises (for business enterprise sector only)

    European Commission

    International organisations

    Other sources


    Breakdown by sector of performance and type of R & D (optional for Higher education sector and for Total)

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Sector of performance breakdown:

    same as breakdown 1

    Type of R & D breakdown

    Basic research

    Applied research

    Experimental development


    Breakdown by sector of performance and type of cost

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Sector of performance breakdown:

    same as breakdown 1

    Type of costs breakdown:

    current costs (labour costs and other costs),

    capital expenditure


    Breakdown by activity (for business enterprise sector only)

    Total over all NACE Sections A to U;

    Aggregates of Sections D+E, G+H+I+J+K+L+M+N, O+P, S+T+U;

    Sections A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, M, N, Q, R, S, T

    Aggregates of divisions C10+C11+C12, C10+C11, C13+C14+C15, C16+C17+C18, C25+C26+C27+C28+C29+C30, D35+E36, E37+E38+E39, J58+J59+J60, M69+M70+M71, M73+M74+M75, Q87+Q88;

    Divisions C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C27, C28, C29, C30, C31, C32, C33, D35, J61, J62, J63, L68, M71, M72, O84, P85, Q86, U99

    NACE Groups C254, C261, C262, C263, C264, C265, C266, C267, C268, C301, C302, C303, C304, C309, C325, G465, J582, J631, M721, M722, S951

    Special aggregates as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation

    ICT total,

    ICT manufacturing

    ICT services


    Breakdown by industry orientation (for business enterprise sector only) (optional)

    ‘Industry orientation’ breakdown:

    same as breakdown 5


    Breakdown by size class of number of employees and self-employed persons (business enterprise sector only)

    Size class of number of employees and self-employed persons:

    Total over all size classes listed below, including the optional size class 0–9

    0–9 employees and self-employed persons (optional)

    10–49 employees and self-employed persons

    50–249 employees and self-employed persons

    250 and more employees and self-employed persons


    Breakdown by source of funds and size class of number of employees and self-employed persons (for business enterprise sector only)

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Source of funds breakdown:

    Total over all sources of funds listed below

    business enterprise sector

    government sector

    private non-profit sector

    higher education sector

    rest of the world

    Size class of number of employees and self-employed persons:

    Total over all size classes listed below, including the optional size class 0–9

    0–9 employees and self-employed persons (optional)

    10–49 employees and self-employed persons

    50–249 employees and self-employed persons

    250 and more employees and self-employed persons


    Breakdown by major field of research and development (for government and higher education sector only)

    natural science,

    engineering and technology,

    medical and health sciences,

    agricultural and veterinary sciences,

    social sciences,

    humanities and the arts


    Breakdown by socioeconomic objective (for government sector only) (optional)

    Chapter level of the nomenclature for the analysis and comparison of scientific programmes and budgets (NABS)

    Data transmission deadline

    All breakdowns (except sector of performance breakdown):

    Every odd-numbered year final and validated data at T+18M

    Sector of performance breakdown:


    preliminary data at T+10M

    final and validated data at T+18M

    First reference period


    Table 19. Country level business statistics on employment in R & D


    230201. R & D personnel

    230202. Researchers

    Measurement unit

    Absolute value

    Statistical population

    All R & D performing units classified in Sections A to U of NACE



    Breakdown by sector of performance

    Data to be provided in head count and full-time equivalent units

    Total of all sectors listed below

    business enterprise sector

    higher education sector

    government sector

    private non-profit sector


    Breakdown by sector of performance and occupation

    For variable 230201 (R & D personnel) only; data to be provided in full-time equivalent units

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Sector of performance breakdown:

    same as breakdown 1

    Occupation breakdown:

    Total over all occupations listed below


    other R & D personnel

    technicians and equivalent staff (optional)

    other supporting staff (optional)


    Breakdown by sector of performance and qualification (optional)

    Data to be provided in full-time equivalent units

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Sector of performance breakdown:

    same as breakdown 1

    Qualification breakdown:

    Total over all qualification levels listed below

    PhD holders (ISCED 2011 level 8),

    other University degrees and other tertiary diplomas (ISCED 2011 levels 5, 6 and 7),

    other qualifications


    Breakdown by sector of performance, occupation and gender

    For variable 230201 (R & D personnel) only; data to be provided in head count

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Sector of performance breakdown:

    same as breakdown 1

    Occupation breakdown:

    same as breakdown 2

    Gender breakdown:




    Breakdown by sector of performance, qualification and gender (optional)

    Data to be provided in head count

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Sector of performance breakdown:

    same as breakdown 1

    Qualification breakdown:

    same as breakdown 3

    Gender breakdown:

    same as within breakdown 4


    Breakdown by activity

    Data to be provided for business enterprise sector only; data to be provided in head count and full-time equivalent units

    Total over all NACE Sections A to U;

    Aggregates of Sections D+E, G+H+I+J+K+L+M+N, O+P, S+T+U

    Sections A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, M, N, Q, R, S, T

    Aggregates of divisions C10+C11+C12, C10+C11, C13+C14+C15, C16+C17+C18, C25+C26+C27+C28+C29+C30, D35+E36, E37+E38+E39, J58+J59+J60, M69+M70+M71, M73+M74+M75, Q87+Q88;

    Divisions C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C27, C28, C29, C30, C31, C32, C33, D35, J61, J62, J63, L68, M71, M72, O84, P85, Q86, U99

    NACE Groups C254, C261, C262, C263, C264, C265, C266, C267, C268, C301, C302, C303, C304, C309, C325, G465, J582, J631, M721, M722, S951

    Special aggregates as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation

    ICT total,

    ICT manufacturing,

    ICT services


    Breakdown by major field of research and development and gender

    Data to be provided in for government and higher education sector only


    Fulltime equivalent units (optional)

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Major field of research and development breakdown:

    natural science,

    engineering and technology,

    medical and health sciences,

    agricultural and veterinary sciences,

    social sciences,

    humanities and the arts

    Gender breakdown:

    same as within ‘breakdown 4’


    Breakdown by activity and gender

    Data to be provided in head count and for the business enterprise sector only

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Activity breakdown:

    same as breakdown 6

    Gender breakdown:

    same as within ‘breakdown 4’


    Breakdown by size class of number of employees and self-employed persons

    Data to be provided in full-time equivalent units and for the business enterprise sector only

    Size class of number of employees and self-employed persons breakdown:

    0–9 employees and self-employed persons (optional),

    10–49 employees and self-employed persons,

    50–249 employees and self-employed persons,

    250 and more employees and self-employed persons

    The total for the business enterprise sector shall cover all size classes listed above, including the optional size class 0-9.


    Breakdown by sector of performance and gender

    For variable 230202 (Researchers) only; data to be provided in

    head count

    full-time equivalent units (optional)

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Sector of performance breakdown:

    same as breakdown 1

    Gender breakdown:

    same as within ‘breakdown 4’


    Breakdown by sector of performance, age group and gender (optional)

    For variable 230202 (Researchers) only; data to be provided in head count unit

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Sector of performance breakdown:

    same as breakdown 1

    For the business enterprise sector and private non-profit sector: optional

    Age group breakdown:

    Total over all age groups listed below

    < 25






    Gender breakdown:

    same as within ‘breakdown 4’


    Breakdown by sector of performance, citizenship and gender (optional)

    For variable 230202 (Researchers) only; data to be provided in head count unit

    Data have to be provided as a combination of all breakdowns listed below:

    Sector of performance breakdown:

    same as breakdown 1

    Citizenship breakdown:

    Total over all citizenships and citizenship classes below

    national citizenship

    citizenship of other EU Member States

    citizenship of other European countries

    citizenship of North America

    citizenship of Central and South America

    citizenship of Asia

    citizenship of Africa

    other citizenship

    Gender breakdown:

    same as within breakdown 4

    Data transmission deadline

    All breakdowns (except sector of performance breakdown):

    Every odd-numbered year final and validated data at T+18M

    Sector of performance breakdown for ‘Researchers’ and ‘Total Personnel’ in FTE:


    preliminary data at T+10M

    final and validated data at T+18M

    First reference period


    Table 20. Country-level statistics on publicly funded R & D


    230501. Government budget allocations for research and development (GBARD)

    230502. National public funding to transnationally coordinated R & D

    Measurement unit

    National currency (thousands)

    Statistical population

    All R & D performing units classified in Sections A to U of NACE



    Breakdown by socioeconomic objective for GBARD

    For variable 230501 (Government budget allocations for research and development (GBARD))

    Categories of the Nomenclature for the Analysis and Comparison of Scientific Programmes and Budgets (NABS)

    Subcategories of the NABS (optional)


    Breakdown by funding mode for GBARD in final budget (optional)

    For variable 230501 (Government budget allocations for research and development (GBARD))

    Project funding,

    Institutional funding


    Breakdown by type of programme/performer

    For variable 230502 (National public funding to transnationally coordinated R & D)

    National contributions to transnational public R & D performers,

    National contributions to Europe-wide transnational public R & D programmes,

    National contributions to bilateral or multilateral public R & D programmes established between Member States governments (and with candidate countries and EFTA countries)

    Data transmission deadline

    All breakdowns (for Breakdown 1: in the final budget):

    annually final and validated data at T+12M

    Breakdown 1 (in the provisional budget):

    annually data at T+6M

    First reference period


    Table 21. Country-level business statistics on purchases by enterprises


    240102. Purchases of goods and services for resale

    240103. Expenses on services provided through agency workers

    240104. Expenses of long term rental and operating leases (1 %-rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ and ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at NACE division level may be applied)

    240105. Purchases of energy products (1 %-rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ and ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at NACE division level may be applied for Sections D, E and F)

    240106. Payments to subcontractors (1 %-rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ and ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at NACE division level may be applied)

    Measurement unit

    National currency (thousands)

    Statistical population

    For variable 240102 (Purchases of goods and services for resale): Market producers of NACE Sections B to J, L to N and P to R and divisions S95 and S96

    For variable 240103 (expenses on services provided through agency workers): Market producers of NACE Sections B to N and P to R and divisions S95 and S96

    For variables 240104 (expenses of long term rental and operating leases) and 240106 (payments to subcontractors): Market producers of NACE Sections B to F

    For variable 240105 (purchases of energy): Market producers of NACE Sections B to F


    Breakdown by activity (CETO-flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied)

    For variables 240102 (purchases for goods and services for resale) and 240103 (expenses on services provided through agency workers):

    For NACE Sections B to J, L to N and P to R: sections, divisions, groups and classes;

    Only for variable 240103,For NACE Section K: Section, divisions, groups 64.1, 64.2, 64.3, 64.9, 65.1, 65.2, 65.3 and classes 64.11, 64.19, 65.11, 65.12, 65.20 and 65.30;

    For divisions 95 and 96: divisions, groups and classes;

    special aggregates as defined in Annex II.B to this Regulation

    Industry, construction and services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, activities of households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies) (for variable 240102 this special aggregate will exclude Section K),

    ICT total,

    ICT manufacturing,

    ICT services,

    High and medium-high technology manufacturing (optional),

    High technology manufacturing,

    Medium-high technology manufacturing,

    Low and medium-low technology manufacturing (optional),

    Medium-low technology manufacturing,

    Low technology manufacturing,

    Information sector,

    Computer related services,

    Total knowledge intensive services (optional),

    Knowledge-intensive high technology services,

    Knowledge intensive market services,

    Knowledge intensive financial services,

    Other knowledge intensive services (optional),

    Knowledge intensive activities – Business industries,

    Knowledge intensive activities (optional),

    Tourism industries (total) (optional),

    Tourism industries (mainly tourism) (optional),

    Tourism industries (partially tourism) (optional),

    Tourism industries – Transport (total) (optional),

    Tourism industries – Land transport (optional),

    Tourism industries – Water transport (optional),

    Tourism industries – Accommodation (optional),

    Tourism industries – Food and beverage (total) (optional),

    Tourism industries – Car and other rental (total)(optional),

    Services (except public administration, defence, compulsory social security, activities of membership organisations, households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies)

    For variables 240104 (expenses of long term rental and operating leases) and 240106 (payments to subcontractors) (NACE Sections B to F):

    NACE Sections and divisions

    For variable 240105 (purchases of energy products):

    For NACE Sections B, C and F: sections, division, groups and classes

    For NACE Sections D and E: sections and divisions

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    For activities of NACE 642, 643 and 653 that are economically not significant in terms of value added and number of employees and self-employed persons 0 values may be provided.

    For activities of NACE Section K, it can be assumed that the value of variable 240102 (Purchases of goods and services for resale) is economically non-significant, therefore 0 values may be provided for variable 240102.

    In cases where the source data used for compiling the data of the variable is available for the fiscal year for some statistical units and this data cannot be recalculated to cover the calendar year, the calendar year data may be approximated by data on the fiscal year for these statistical units.

    Data transmission deadline


    First reference period

    2023 for variable 240106 (payment to subcontractors)

    2021 for all other variables

    Table 22. Country-level business statistics on changes in stock of enterprises


    240201. Change in stock of goods (1 %-rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ and ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at NACE division level may be applied)

    240202. Change in stock of finished goods and work-in-progress

    240203. Change in stock of goods for resale (1 %-rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ and ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at NACE division level may be applied)

    Measurement unit

    National currency (thousands)

    Statistical population

    For variable 240202 (change in stock of finished goods and work-in-progress): Market producers of NACE Sections B to F;

    For variables 240201 (change in stock of goods) and 240203 (change in stocks of goods for resale): Market producers of NACE Section G


    Breakdown by activity

    (CETO-flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied):

    For variable 240202 (change in stock of finished goods and work-in-progress) (NACE Sections B to F):

    NACE Sections, divisions, groups and classes

    For variables 240201 (change in stock of goods) and 240203 (change in stocks of goods for resale) (NACE Section G):

    NACE Section and divisions

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    In cases where the source data used for compiling the data of the detailed topic is available for the fiscal year for some statistical units and this data cannot be recalculated to cover the calendar year, the calendar year data may be approximated by data on the fiscal year for these statistical units.

    Data transmission deadline


    First reference period


    Table 23. Country-level business statistics on product and residence of client breakdown of net turnover of enterprises


    250112. Net turnover by residence of client (1 %-rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ and ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at NACE division level may be applied: for groups and classes the 1 %-rule shall be applied at the corresponding division level)

    250113. Net turnover by product (1 %-rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ and ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at NACE division level may be applied: for groups and classes the 1 %-rule shall be applied at the corresponding division level)

    Measurement unit

    National currency (thousands)

    Statistical population

    Activity coverage: Market producers of NACE divisions 62, 78 and groups 58.2, 63.1, 69.1, 69.2, 70.2, 71.1, 71.2, 73.1, 73.2

    Size class coverage: Enterprises with more than 20 employees and self-employed persons only


    CETO-flag as defined in Annex III.B may be applied

    For variable 250113 (Net turnover by product)


    Breakdown by product

    CPA for NACE division 62 and groups 58.2 and 63.1 (Computer services): Total, 58.21, 58.29, 58.29.1 + 58.29.2, 58.29.3 + 58.29.4, 58.29.5, 62.01, 62.02, 62.03, 62.09, 63.11, 63.12, 95.11, Resale (should include all resale (wholesale and retail) of software which is not developed by the enterprise as well as the resale of hardware which is not manufactured by the enterprise), Other products n.e.c.

    CPA for NACE group 69.1 (legal services): Total, 69.10.11, 69.10.12, 69.10.13, 69.10.14, 69.10.15, 69.10.16, 69.10.17, 69.10.18, 69.10.19, Other products n.e.c.

    CPA for NACE group 69.2 (Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy): Total, 69.20.1, 69.20.2, 69.20.21 + 22 + 23, 69.20.24, 69.20.29, 69.20.3, 69.20.4, Other products n.e.c.

    CPA for NACE group 70.2 (Management consultancy activities): Total, 70.21.1, 70.22.1, 70.22.11, 70.22.12, 70.22.13, 70.22.14, 70.22.15, 70.22.16, 70.22.17, 70.22.2, 70.22.3, Other products n.e.c.

    CPA for NACE class 71.11 (Architectural activities): Total, 71.11.1, 71.11.2, 71.11.21 + 22, 71.11.23, 71.11.24, 71.11.3, 71.11.4, Other products n.e.c.

    CPA for NACE class 71.12 (Engineering services and related technical consulting services): Total, 71.12.1, 71.12.11, 71.12.12, 71.12.13, 71.12.14, 71.12.15, 71.12.16, 71.12.17, 71.12.18, 71.12.19, 71.12.2, 71.12.3, Other products n.e.c.

    CPA for NACE group 71.2 (Technical testing and analysis):

    Total, 71.20.1, 71.20.11, 71.20.12, 71.20.13, 71.20.14, 71.20.19, Other products n.e.c.

    CPA for NACE group 73.1 (Advertising): Total, 73.11.1, 73.11.11, 73.11.12, 73.11.13, 73.11.19, 73.12.1, 73.12.11, 73.12.12, 73.12.13, 73.12.14, 73.12.19, Other products n.e.c.

    CPA for NACE group 73.2 (Market research and public opinion polling): Total, 73.20.1, 73.20.11, 73.20.12, 73.20.13, 73.20.14 + 19, 73.20.2, Other products n.e.c

    CPA for NACE division 78 (Employment activities): Total, 78.10.1, 78.10.11, 78.10.12, 78.20.1, 78.20.11, 78.20.12, 78.20.13, 78.20.14, 78.20.15, 78.20.16, 78.20.19, 78.30.1, Other products n.e.c.

    For variable 250112 (Net turnover by residence of client)


    Breakdown by residence of client


    Resident (as defined in ESA2010 paragraph 1.62),




    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    In cases where the source data used for compiling the data of the variable is available for the fiscal year for some statistical units and this data cannot be recalculated to cover the calendar year, the calendar year data may be approximated by data on the fiscal year for these statistical units.

    Data transmission deadline


    First reference period

    2021 for NACE divisions 62 and 78 and groups 58.2, 63.1, 71.1, 71.2, 73.1 and 73.2

    2022 for NACE groups 69.1, 69.2 and 70.2

    Table 24. Country-level business statistics on broad activity regroupings breakdown of net turnover of enterprises


    250102. Net turnover from agriculture, forestry, fishing and industrial activities

    250103. Net turnover from industrial activities

    250104. Net turnover from industrial activities excluding construction

    250105. Net turnover from construction

    250106. Net turnover from service activities

    250107. Net turnover from trading activities of purchase and resale and from intermediary activities

    250108. Net turnover from building

    250109. Net turnover from civil engineering

    (1 %-rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ and ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at NACE division level may be applied for all variables)

    Measurement unit

    National currency (thousands)

    Statistical population

    For variable 250102 (net turnover from agriculture, forestry, fishing and industrial activities): Market producers of NACE Section G;

    For variables 250104 (net turnover from industrial activities excluding construction), 250105 (net turnover from construction), 250108 (Net turnover from building) and 250109 (Net turnover from civil engineering): Market producers of NACE Section F;

    For variable 250103 (net turnover from industrial activities): Market producers of NACE Sections B to E;

    For variables 250106 (net turnover from service activities) and 250107 (Net turnover from trading activities of purchase and resale and from intermediary activities): Market producers of NACE Sections B to G


    Breakdown by activity

    Activity breakdown:

    NACE sections and divisions

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    In cases where the source data used for compiling the data of the variable is available for the fiscal year for some statistical units and this data cannot be recalculated to cover the calendar year, the calendar year data may be approximated by data on the fiscal year for these statistical units.

    Data transmission deadline


    First reference period

    2022 for NACE Rev.2 division 47

    2025 for NACE Rev.2 division 45

    2023 for all other activities

    Table 25. Country-level business statistics on type of turnover breakdown of enterprises


    250110. Net turnover from the principal activity at the NACE three-digit level,

    250111. Net turnover from subcontracting

    (1 %-rule as defined in Annex III.A.1 based on ‘net turnover’ and ‘number of employees and self-employed persons’ at NACE division level may be applied for all variables)

    Measurement unit

    National currency (thousands)

    Statistical population

    For variable 250110 (Net turnover from the principal activity at the NACE three-digit level): market producers of NACE Sections B to F;

    For variable 250111 (Net turnover from subcontracting): market producers of NACE Section F


    Breakdown by activity

    For variable 250111 (Net turnover from subcontracting): NACE sections and divisions

    For variable 250110 (Net turnover from the principal activity at the NACE three-digit level): NACE Group

    Use of approximations and quality requirements

    In cases where the source data used for compiling the data of the variable is available for the fiscal year for some statistical units and this data cannot be recalculated to cover the calendar year, the calendar year data may be approximated by data on the fiscal year for these statistical units.

    Data transmission deadline


    First reference period

    2021 for variable 250110 (Net turnover from the principal activity at the NACE three-digit level);

    2023 for variable 250111 (Net turnover from subcontracting)

    Table 26. Country-level business statistics on industrial production


    251001. Sold production

    251002. Production under sub-contracted operations</