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Document 52012DC0629


    /* COM/2012/0629 final */



    Today's absolute imperative is to tackle the economic crisis and put the EU back on the road to sustainable growth. This is the number one task for this generation of Europeans. It calls for a Europe able to compete in the global economy, reshaped to seize the opportunities of the future. It requires the stable macroeconomic environment which true economic and monetary union can bring. It needs a step change in the economy, to release the many strengths Europe can bring to bear in tomorrow's economy of high innovation and high skills. This demands changes to the business environment in the Single Market; it requires that the huge potential of Europe's networks and of the IT revolution is fully exploited; it calls for new skills and help so that those shut out of the labour market today can make their contribution; and it must be shaped by the needs and opportunities of resource efficiency. These are long-term challenges calling for a concerted effort from all sections of society – but in all cases, the EU contribution is a precondition for success.

    This is why, in the State of the Union address, President Barroso called for new thinking for Europe – to draw the consequences of the challenges we are now facing and that are fundamentally changing our world. There can be no growth without reform and no way of confronting our challenges unless we do it together. The State of the Union speech launched ambitious ideas for the long term framing of the EU – a deep and genuine economic union, based on a political union. This vision must be translated into practice through concrete steps, if it is to address the lingering crisis that continues to engulf Europe, and the Euro Area in particular.

    This 2013 Work Programme sets out the long term vision of what the EU might look like in key policy areas, summarises what is missing today and explains how the Commission will tackle these challenges. By prioritising the right kind of initiatives, the EU can contribute to growth and job creation and can step by step move closer to its longer term vision.

    The Commission has already tabled a wide range of growth enhancing proposals which are now being negotiated by the co-legislators. Timely adoption and full implementation of these measures would send a crucial signal of confidence to citizens and to investors, helping to reinvigorate economic activity and stimulating much needed job creation. It would add up to a major record of EU action before the June 2014 European Parliament elections. In 2013 the Commission will devote much effort to implementation as an immediate way of delivering on the benefits of EU action. Following the decisions to be taken on the multi-annual financial framework by the end of 2012, during 2013 the Commission will focus on finalising arrangements for rapid implementation, including through the use of country-specific negotiation mandates to ensure that the priorities supported through EU-funded investment are clearly targeted on growth and jobs. Targeted investment supported by a modern, pro-reform EU budget can make a decisive contribution to growth, jobs and competitiveness.

    The proposals in this work programme will be tabled during 2013 and in the first part of 2014, bearing in mind the end of the current legislature. In the following sections some of the key action is highlighted to show how the Commission will contribute to filling in the gaps between the EU's objectives and the current situation. Annex I contains a more detailed list of the proposals the Commission intends to propose in 2013/14.

    Getting the foundations right: towards genuine Economic and Monetary Union

    The objective Europe's strength lies in the interconnection of our economies. The single market and the common currency have driven this forward, and the integrated economic policy making at the European level through the European semester is now drawing our economies together as never before. However, the crisis has shown that the single market for financial services can only deliver financial stability, economic growth and jobs if it is matched with a strong single regulatory and supervisory authority at EU level. The next step must be to deepen economic and monetary union with a fully-functioning banking and fiscal union. What is missing today? A genuine EMU needs a comprehensive approach to tackle the vicious circle of excessive private sector indebtedness, unsustainable sovereign debt and banking sector weakness. The EU lacks a global framework which fills in the gaps in a fully integrated financial services policy, with a single supervisory mechanism for banks and a single rule book to govern all financial institutions. It also needs to complete and implement the more effective mechanisms put forward to prevent and correct unsustainable fiscal policies and economic imbalances. Better coordination of tax policies will also be crucial. The progress made through the European semester has also not yet reached its potential in terms of carrying through recommendations into structural reforms in the EU.

    While not yet complete, our economic governance has already been thoroughly reinforced through the Europe 2020 Strategy, the European Semester, and the implementation of the Six-Pack legislation. Agreement on the Two-Pack legislation is urgent in order to complete further the economic governance. In 2013 the Commission will:

    Launch the fourth European Semester through the Annual Growth Survey; Follow up on the blueprint for a comprehensive and genuine EMU which it will publish before the end of 2012; Propose additional legislation to further enhance stability, transparency and consumer protection in the financial sector (for example, on the systemic risks related to non-banks and shadow banking).

    The legislation already in place and now being considered adds up to a fundamental reshaping of the EU's financial system. Agreement on banking supervision will put the European financial system on far more secure foundations and act as a springboard for confidence. 2013 will see the implementation of many of the detailed rules of this package. The same is true for cohesion policy, where the key priorities for growth-enhancing measures and structural reforms brought out in the European semester will be put at the core of new national and regional programmes and where the focus will be on the finalisation of the country-specific mandates for the next generation of structural funds. The Commission will also take action to fight tax fraud and evasion, including an initiative on tax havens, bringing the EU dimension to bear on national efforts to consolidate public finances.

    Boosting competitiveness through the Single Market and industrial policy

    The objective Sustainable growth and job creation need to combine a stable macro-economic environment with the ability to compete in the global economy. Europe has strengths which can give it a competitive edge through a modernised social market economy and can help it to take the lead in the new industrial revolution. The Single Market and fair competition can come together with targeted investment and the right approach to entrepreneurship to exploit the opportunities for growth through new technologies and innovation. What is missing today? The Single Market needs to continue to adapt to reach the potential for businesses and consumers in a borderless Europe. Technological change offers huge possibilities, but it needs to be accompanied by new approaches in areas like procurement, standards, and intellectual property. The EU needs a long-term framework for energy and climate policies so that investment and policy target competitiveness and tackle climate change. Europe falls short on innovation, with obstacles to building new markets and investing in the technologies that will change the way we live, as well as wider issues of attitudes to entrepreneurship and business failure. It also needs the right legal framework to move Galileo towards commercial operations. This is exacerbated by the problems faced by companies, in particular SMEs, in accessing finance in the wake of the crisis, as well as the unnecessary costs of administrative burdens and the impact of some outdated public administrations. Shortcomings in implementation also hold back the full benefits.

    The recent Single Market Act-II set out 12 new concrete priority actions, to reenergise the Single Market around four main drivers: networks, mobility, the digital economy and cohesion.[1] Following up on its 2012 Communication on a new industrial policy[2], the Commission will take a fresh look at the single market for products, which makes up 75% of intra-EU trade. These actions follow on the priority actions under the first phase of the Single Market Act[3], which now need to be agreed quickly. The Commission will work hard with the co-legislators in 2013 to bring these proposals to fruition and full and effective implementation. Key proposals will include:

    Initiatives to align rules and cut the costs of VAT compliance through a single declaration; A legislative proposal to make e-invoicing mandatory for public procurement will facilitate business-to-government interaction, reduce costs and serve as a pilot for other sectors; Initiatives to update and simplify the rules for the circulation of products in the single market, and identify gaps still blocking free circulation, as well as intensified work on standards, certification and labels; As part of Horizon 2020, 2013 will see proposals to launch and develop a range of major public-private partnerships to bring private and public investment together with the EU budget to drive a common approach to key strategic sectors like pharmaceuticals, air traffic management and nanotechnology, leveraging some €9-10 billion in new investment; Initiative on energy technologies and innovation to deliver a sustainable, secure and competitive energy system; Proposing a series of major reforms to modernise state aid; Modernise our approach to intellectual property rights to ensure that it is effective and consumer-friendly in the digital world.

    Energy efficiency is a key area for competitiveness. The Commission will reinforce its cooperation with Member States on the implementation of the energy efficiency directive, the energy labelling and ecodesign legislation. Implementing the strategy for Key Enabling Technologies will also be a key lever of competitiveness. The Commission will deepen its work to help SMEs facing the challenge of financing and implement the Action Plan for entrepreneurship. Support from the European Regional Development Fund and the COSME[4] programme will be ready to roll out when the new financing period starts in 2014. New programming of the European Social Fund will also include a particular focus on the provision of skills necessary for successful transition from school to work and for increasing employability of the workforce.

    Connect to Compete: Building tomorrow's networks today

    The objective A fully integrated and interconnected European Single Market covering telecoms, energy and transport is a prerequisite for competitiveness, jobs and growth. Achieving this requires affordable, accessible, efficient and secure network infrastructure. Accelerating the roll out of the digital economy will bring benefits across all sectors, through enhanced productivity, efficiency and innovation. Europe must have state-of-the-art digital networks to retain and build its global competitive position, to be able to handle the explosion in internet use and exchange of data and to fully exploit the efficiency gains and innovative services allowed by major online developments. In energy, significant investments in electricity grids and other energy networks will help make energy supplies more secure, sustainable and competitive. On transport, a fully integrated single market and more efficient networks allowing to switch easily between different modes, would bring huge benefits to citizens and companies, including in urban areas. What is missing today? National approaches and a variety of barriers hold back competitiveness and prevent the exploitation of networks on a European scale. Investment is not sufficiently galvanised to support projects which will be the bedrock of Europe's future prosperity and is held back by shortcomings in the regulatory environment. This also holds back the potential for innovation in areas like smart grids and meters, and intelligent transport. A lack of interoperability increases costs and holds back the level playing field. Gaps in the regulatory framework hold back business investment and consumer confidence in key areas like payments. Gaps in infrastructure create extra costs and inefficiencies for energy consumers, delay modernisation of logistics, and prevent the full exploitation of broadband.

    In order to continue to fill in the missing links in 2013/14, the Commission will make proposals to:

    Modernise Europe's transport and logistics to help companies save time and energy, as well as reduce emissions, through proposals on rail and freight transport, goods traffic between EU ports, and the Single European Sky; Tackle the obstacles to electronic payments; Support investment in high speed networks; Boost the coverage and capacity of broadband by reducing the cost of its deployment and freeing up band width for wireless broadband.

    Alongside cohesion policy, the Connecting Europe Facility[5] will be one of the EU's most obvious contributions to cutting through these obstacles by stimulating infrastructure. 2013 should see the facility up and running and key choices made on targeting. It should also see project bonds being rolled out to help harness private sector investment.

    This will go hand in hand with consolidating regulation. More needs to be done to achieve a true European transport area with European rules: proposals on connecting up in the rail sector and on accelerating the implementation of the Single European Sky should be taken forward as priorities. In the field of energy, the latest phase of liberalisation towards the completion of the internal energy market by 2014 must be driven through to make Europe's future energy supply sustainable, competitive and secure. A new framework for national interventions in the energy sector will be a core element to ensure that adequate investments are made and that market interventions are necessary and proportionate.

    Growth for jobs: Inclusion and excellence

    The objective Through its capacity to combine growth and inclusiveness, our social market economy is one of Europe's greatest assets. But today its economy and its society face the threat that the grave problems of high unemployment, increased poverty and social exclusion risk becoming structural. The EU dimension must be harnessed to assist Member States to find every opportunity to help people looking for work and to address the mismatch between labour supply and demand. This starts with an active employment policy to help them to have the right skills to be employed and which uses the potential of mobility to the full. The goal should be to find innovative ways to increase educational attainment and labour market participation. Adequate and sustainable social policies and more accessible social services are needed to promote social inclusion and entry into the labour market. The job creation potential of key growth sectors, such as the green economy, ICT and health and social care sectors needs to be fully tapped. To maintain its workforce in the longer term perspective of an ageing society, European labour markets need to be inclusive, mobilising employees of all ages and at all level of qualifications. What is missing today? Public employment services and employers face a major challenge with the scale of unemployment in Europe, in particular among young persons. To boost the employability levels is key to re-launch growth, taking also into consideration vulnerable groups. The potential for job creation in sectors such as the green economy, ICT, health and is not fully exploited. Education and training systems are not keeping up with changing labour market needs – resulting in shortages in key areas like science, mathematics and e-skills. Higher education is not sufficiently connected to research and innovation activities and is slow to build capacity in areas like ICT – which both reflects and contributes to a lack of internationalisation. Life-long learning is still developing, and public policy and business practices do not reflect the need for older workers to extend their working careers. Undeclared work creates an extra challenge. Social protection and social investment should be more effective. Vulnerable groups find it particularly difficult to get into or to return to the labour market. And the potential for labour mobility to fill gaps is held back by problems in the recognition of qualifications, documentation and skills across Member States.

    Supporting Member States' policies on employment and job creation is one of the highest priorities of the European semester. The Commission will continue in 2013 to work actively with Member States and social partners, in particular on the basis of the youth guarantee and traineeship initiatives to be set out later this autumn. In order to continue to fill in the missing links in 2013/14, the Commission will make proposals to:

    Help improve the performance of public employment services and networking between national employment agencies; Harness social investment for inclusive growth, through guidance for policy reforms identified in the framework of European semester, supported by the EU funds such as the European Social Fund; Furthering the internationalisation efforts of higher education, to prepare Europeans for an increasingly global, open and competitive labour market; Put in place the right framework for the institutions handling occupational pensions.

    Obstacles to mobility remain one of the main lost opportunities of the Single Market. Adoption and implementation of the revision of the Professional Qualifications Directive[6] will be an important step to open up professions. Work should continue to examine and reduce unnecessary restrictions for regulated professions limiting the ability of professionals to work in another Member State.

    Preparing the new generation of programmes under the European Social Fund will be a major goal for 2013, to ensure that this brings the quickest and most effective support to the modernisation of labour market policies and social inclusion policies, strengthening of education and lifelong learning systems, to ensure that groups like young and long-term unemployed have the right skills for the jobs of the future. A wide range of EU programmes will contribute to these goals, including the European Regional Development Fund, Horizon 2020 and Erasmus for all.

    Using Europe's resources to compete better

    The objective Competitiveness today must be geared to competitiveness tomorrow. There is untapped potential for the EU economy to be more innovative, productive and competitive whilst using fewer resources and reducing environmental damage. Less waste should be produced and more re-used and recycled in line with the practice of the best performing Member States. Greater resource efficiency would contribute to growth, jobs and enhanced competitiveness, with reduced costs for business as well as significant benefits for health and the environment, lower greenhouse gas emissions, contained energy bills and new opportunities created for innovation and investment. The EU is particularly well-placed to give policy the long-term dimension required. What is missing today? European society and the European economy do not yet exploit the full potential for resource efficiency. Much recyclable waste is either exported or sent to landfill. A lack of long-term frameworks holds back planning and investment, most obviously on a climate and energy framework beyond 2020, but also on long term sustainable use of key resources such as air, soil, energy, water, fish and biomass. At the same time, such frameworks can help to galvanise the innovation needed to exploit the potential of the transition to a low-carbon economy in areas like transport, energy and agriculture.

    In order to continue to fill in the missing links in 2013/14 the Commission will make proposals to:

    · Provide a long-term perspective on how the EU will move ahead from its 2020 targets to continue the trajectory towards a low-carbon economy through a comprehensive framework for the period to 2030; · Frame a new strategy on adaptation to climate change to make Europe more resilient; · Review the waste legislation, to look at how new markets and better recycling can contribute to growth;

    · Adapt the EU policy framework for air quality.

    At the same time, the finalisation of the new generation of agriculture and fisheries policies and regional and rural development programmes will maximise the opportunity to bring together innovation and job creation with a focus on sustainability. The promotion of a resource efficient "blue economy" will help to release the potential of Europe's maritime areas to contribute to growth. 2013 will also bring the start of the 3rd phase of the EU Emission Trading System (2013-2020). Building a safe and secure Europe

    The objective The EU needs to protect its citizens and their rights from threats and challenges and further remove obstacles to circulation of citizens in Europe. This includes fighting crime and corruption, controlling our external borders and ensuring the respect of the rule of law and of fundamental rights, with the right balance between security and mobility. It also needs a well functioning and efficient justice system to support growth, entrepreneurship and attract investors. Equally, the EU works to proactively reduce risks to health, food and product safety, critical infrastructures and disasters. Safe and sustainable use of nuclear energy is a key element. What is missing today? Threats to safety and security evolve, and the EU's response needs to reflect this by using technology to tackle safety in food or nuclear energy, by working for the swiftest and most effective disaster response and by deepening cooperation in tackling the increasing cross-border dimension of crime. Areas like terrorist financing and the cross border traffic in weapons need particular attention. The EU has a particular responsibility to protect its own financial interests against fraud and corruption, but lacks the full institutional framework required. Mutual trust in areas of safety, security and justice needs to be earned, and the networks and exchanges needed to build this are not always present. Vigilance is also needed to ensure that the fundamental rights of citizens in the EU are protected in full. If people and businesses are to take full advantage of their rights, they need easy access to justice, on equal terms in all countries in cases of cross-border litigation.

    The Commission will make proposals to continue to fill in the missing links:

    Establish a European Public Prosecutor's Office to fight against crimes affecting the EU budget and protect its financial interests; Fight traffic in firearms;

    · Improve judicial cooperation in both criminal and civil matters;

    · Revise legislation on nuclear safety and propose new legislation on nuclear insurance and liability;

    · With 2013 marked as the European Year of Citizens, the Citizenship Report will review progress in ensuring that EU citizens can readily exercise their rights and identify future action.

    The Commission will also implement a variety of important initiatives to promote a virtuous circle of cooperation between national administrations and judicial systems. The ongoing work of the Consumer Protection Cooperation network of enforcement authorities is a core tool for practical enforcement. The first anti-corruption report and the first judicial scoreboard will both offer new tools to encourage best practice to be identified and pursued. Agreement on new arrangements for Schengen governance would also give Member States an important new tool to consolidate mutual confidence in common control of borders. Efforts to reinforce application of existing solidarity mechanisms in immigration will be continued.

    Pulling our weight: Europe as a global actor

    The objective The EU's interests and commitment to values of democracy, the rule of law and human rights depend heavily on what happens beyond its borders. Promoting our values in our immediate neighbourhood and beyond is a priority, by building partnerships with third countries and promoting multilateral solutions to common problems. Collectively, the EU is the largest donor of funds for development cooperation, climate finance and humanitarian aid in the world. We are also the world's largest trading partner. When we can deploy the Union's and Member States' resources in an effective and consistent way beyond our borders, and bring together the wide range of instruments available, the EU can have greater impact and influence on the world around us. This helps to deliver the goals of growth, stability and democracy and to meet the goals of policies like tackling poverty and boosting peace and security, as well as pursuing policies like addressing climate change, the environment, transport and energy, and optimising the opportunities for international cooperation in areas such as science and technology. In the year of Croatia's accession, the enlargement process and the neighbourhood strategy continue to provide key tools to support positive change in partners on the EU's doorstep. What is missing today? On the global stage the EU is a key actor; but more can be done to develop a truly unified approach using different strands of policy and different instruments to reinforce each other. The EU should also ensure closer monitoring of the implementation of its commitments, notably as part of the support provided to countries in transition in its neighbourhood.

    The external dimension is integral to promoting growth and competitiveness in 2013 and beyond. The EU is pursuing a bilateral trade and investment agenda of unprecedented ambition to complement its efforts at the multilateral level. Negotiations are close to conclusion with such important partners as Canada, Singapore and India, and will hopefully soon be launched with Japan. The final recommendations of the EU-US High Level Group on Jobs and Growth may also pave the way for negotiations on an ambitious and comprehensive transatlantic partnership. Japan and the United States are such key partners that successful agreements with these two countries could add 1-1½% to EU GDP and create almost a million jobs. Such agreements would support multilateral liberalisation and regulatory dialogue, and open new markets for European products and services. Scoping exercises with other partners are currently being conducted.

    2013 will see a particular focus on consolidating the rule of law firmly at the centre of enlargement policy, consolidating economic and financial stability and promoting good neighbourly relations and closer regional cooperation in areas like trade, energy and transport. Neighbourhood policy will continue to centre on an incentive driven approach, where EU support for reforms follows a clear progress in building democracy and the respect of human rights. Priorities in 2013 will be the 'Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas', mobility partnerships and visa facilitation.

    The EU has responded to the rapid change in our neighbourhood through the framework of the revised European Neighbourhood Policy, consolidating the Eastern partnership and launching a partnership for shared democracy and prosperity with the Southern neighbours. Our focus in 2013 with our Southern neighbours will be on implementation and delivery, using innovative ways to mobilise political and economic resources to mutual benefit.

    As the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Summit approaches in 2015, the EU is working to fulfil its commitments on development assistance, as well as pursuing specific goals of sustainable growth and resilience in the face of crisis. It also continues to pursue key negotiations such as reaching a new international climate agreement by 2015. At the same time, as the new generation of external action instruments is finalised, 2013 will be a key year for ensuring that the EU's new development policy orientation – the Agenda for Change[7] - is mainstreamed throughout our relationship with our partners, with a new focus on good governance, inclusive and sustainable growth and stimulating investment in developing countries. It will also see further steps in ensuring an effective and swift crisis response capacity and developing a comprehensive response to crisis prevention, management and resolution.

    In order to continue to fill in the missing links in 2013/14 the Commission will make proposals to:

    Assuming success in ongoing scoping exercises and in current preliminary discussions, propose negotiating directives for comprehensive trade and investment agreements with relevant partners; Put forward coherent EU positions bringing together the Millennium Development Goals, the post-2015 development agenda and Rio+20.

    [1] COM(2012) 573 of 3 October 2012

    [2] COM (2012) 582 of 10 October 2012

    [3] COM(2011) 206 of 13 April 2011

    [4] Programme for the Competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs 2014-2020

    [5] COM(2011) 0665 of 19 October 2011

    [6] COM (2011) 883 final

    [7] COM(2011) 637 of 13 October 2011

    Annex I – Forthcoming initiatives[1]

    Forthcoming initiatives 2013 – 2014

    *indicates that the Commission commits to deliver this initiative in the course of 2013

    Nº || Title || Type of initiative[2] || Description of scope of objectives

    Towards genuine economic and monetary union

    1. || Annual Growth Survey* || Non-legislative || The Commission will present an Annual Growth Survey accompanied by a Communication which will be the main input for discussions at the Spring European Council. The survey will include both a review, reporting on progress, and a forward-looking part proposing strategic policy guidance horizontally across Member States. (Q4 2013)

    2. || Addressing systemic risks related to shadow banking * || Legislative || Following the Green Paper of March 2012 and the international work coordinated by the FSB, the Commission will address the systemic problems related to shadow banking entities and practices e.g. money market funds, securitisation and activities such as securities lending and repurchase agreements performed by all types of financial entities. (Q3 2013)

    3. || Common framework for the production of indices and benchmarks, in particular their governance and calculation || Legislative || The overall objective is to enhance the integrity of the production and use of benchmarks and indices which will enhance market confidence and efficiency and improve investor protection.

    4. || Review of the European System of Financial Supervision || Legislative / Non-legislative || The regulations establishing the EFSF (the three European Supervisory Authorities and the Systemic Risk Board) require that the Commission carried out an in-depth review in 2013, in view of making proposals for changes.

    5. || Providing long-term finance through actions to ensure the effectiveness of financial institutions, markets and instruments || Legislative || Following the Green Paper to be adopted by the Commission at the end of the year, and the ensuing debate, the Commission will propose policy actions to improve the conditions for long term finance in Europe. Some of the actions may be included in other proposals (like UCITS VI)

    6. || Common Strategic Framework Funds and EU economic governance || Non-legislative || The Communication will analyse how the CSF Funds will contribute to EU economic governance, their role in fostering growth and the importance of a sound macroeconomic framework for the efficient use of the funds. It will examine the links of CSF Funds with the economic governance procedures and explain how macroeconomic conditionality will be implemented.

    7. || Country-specific negotiation mandates for the Common Strategic Framework Funds for the period 2014-2020 || Non-legislative || In view of the adoption of the partnership agreements, these documents will shape the priorities in Member States for public investment during the next seven years.

    8. || Reforming the framework for collective investment funds/UCITS VI (focus on long-term investments, product rules and depositaries) || Legislative || Recent international work on shadow banking has identified certain shortcomings in the field of investment funds that require closer scrutiny (for instance, money market funds and the use of securities lending or sale-and-repurchase arrangements (repos)). This initiative will address a number of concerns relating to systemic risks, the efficiency, competitiveness and integration of the market for UCITS funds in order to preserve the UCITS attractiveness. This will contribute to preserving financial stability and fostering a culture of long-term investment in Europe, thus underpinning growth and jobs.

    Boosting competitiveness

    9. || State aid Modernisation: General block exemption Regulation (800/2008)* || Legislative || The GBER set the most appropriate conditions for State aid, exempted from the notification requirement, to be compatible with the internal market. This will reduce administrative burden for national authorities. (Q4 2013)

    10. || State aid modernisation in key sectors || Non-legislative || Reviews of the compatibility criteria included in the following guidelines for aid to Research & Development & Innovation; for aid to risk capital, for regional aid, for environmental aid, for industrial Rescue and Restructuring aid; and for aid to airports and airlines. These revisions aim at supporting the EU's strategy for economic growth, at giving a better focus to the Commission's enforcement work, and at taking Commission decisions quicker.

    11. || Review of the Technology Transfer Block exemption Regulation and its Guidelines || Non-legislative || The objective is to improve framework conditions for licensing of technology for production thereby stimulating innovation and growth while ensuring effective competition.

    12. || Energy Technologies and Innovation in a future European Energy Policy || Non-legislative || To foster energy technologies development according to the energy roadmap 2050, to promote energy research, demonstration and market deployment actions at EU level and to remove market, regulatory and behavioural barriers to the market deployment of energy innovation (via the Intelligent Energy Europe III programme).

    13. || Reforming the internal market for industrial products* || Legislative / Non- legislative || The objective is to enhance the quality and efficiency of the internal market legislation for industrial products. This initiative will address the elimination of remaining trade barriers, in particular for products with high-growth potential, ensure more consistency in the application of the legislation, and simplify its management and implementation. (Q3 2013)

    14. || Review of standardisation acquis || Legislative/ Non-legislative ||  The initiative will consist of two parts: 1) An initiative to establish strategic priorities and specific mandates to support EU policy for international competitiveness, innovation, digital interoperability and technological development. 2) An independent review will be launched in 2013 to assess progress against strategic objectives and evaluate the performance of the current governance in the European standardisation system.

    15. || Initiative on E-invoicing in the field of public procurement* || Legislative || This initiative would eliminate the fragmentation of the Internal Market by promoting the use of B2G e-invoicing in the public sector and enhancing the interoperability of national e-invoicing systems. It would help to reduce the operating costs of enterprises and the procurement costs of public authorities by fostering the automation of procedures related to invoicing.(Q2 2013)

    16. || A Comprehensive Strategy for the Defence Sector || Non-legislative || The Strategy will set out options to foster the competitiveness and the efficiency of the European defence sector through a consistent and integrated use of EU policies that have an impact on defence.

    17. || Proposals for reinforced partnering in research and innovation under Horizon 2020* || Legislative || Leveraging investment and pooling efforts in key industrial sectors and in global development assistance through the renewal and creation of Public-Private Partnerships. These partnerships will leverage substantial private investment in key industrial sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, energy, transport, aeronautics, electronics, air traffic management and bio-based products. The initiative also includes Public-Public Partnerships for the joint implementation of national research programmes, to underpin industrial competitiveness by supporting R&D-performing SMEs, cutting-edge metrology, and ICT-based products and services for the elderly. Another will fight against poverty-related diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Q3 2013)

    18. || Making business easier through a standard VAT declaration* || Legislative || The aim is to make a standardised VAT declaration available in all EU languages and optional for businesses across the EU. The standard VAT declaration forms a key action point of the strategy for the future of VAT and of the Better Regulation Agenda, as it will help reducing burdens on business and enhance the digital single market. (Q3 2013)

    19. || Making the VAT system more efficient through a review of the rates structures || Legislative || The aim is to readjust the scope of the reduced rates in order to increase the efficiency of the VAT system

    20. || Access for regulated professions || Non-legislative || Take stock of recent developments in Member States in the area of regulated professions and to devise a methodology for facilitating the mutual evaluation exercise foreseen in the proposal modernising the Professional Qualifications Directive. The mutual evaluation foreseen in the proposal will focus on restrictions (qualifications and reserved activities).

    21. || Fighting misappropriation of trade secrets || Legislative/non-legislative || This initiative aims at providing effective protection against trade secret theft which can act as a significant disincentive for innovative companies who rely on trade secrets to expand their businesses through licensing deals with partners, notably given the protection existing in other jurisdications harmonising existing rules on protection of trade secrets.

    22. || Bank account initiative* || Non- legislative /Legislative || An initiative aiming at increasing the transparency and comparability of bank account fees, as well as to render bank account switching easier for consumers. (Q1 2013)

    Building tomorrow's networks today

    23. || Reducing the costs of broadband infrastructure deployment* || Legislative || The draft regulation aims to substantially reduce the cost of deploying high-speed broadband networks across the EU. This would incentivise investment in line with Digital Agenda high speed internet targets. The Regulation would mainly set out rights and obligations directly applicable to telecom operators and other utilities. (Q1 2013)

    24. || Action Plan on Wireless Communications for a Connected Europe || Non-legislative || The aim of the Communication is to lay down a policy action plan meeting the challenges the EU is facing in the next few years with regard to dynamic market developments and exponential traffic growth in wireless services. Policy objectives include accelerating the roll-out of wireless broadband networks, fostering shared spectrum use, exploitation of EU R&D results on wireless communications and enhancing global spectrum harmonisation.

    25. || Follow up to Green Paper: Towards an integrated European market for card, internet and mobile payments* || Legislative || While card, internet and mobile payments are the retail payment methods with the highest growth potential, there is significant market fragmentation along national borders. The follow-up to the Green Paper addresses the main obstacles for market integration in these areas. (Q2 2013)

    26. || Single European Sky package - Single Sky II plus || Legislative / Non-legislative || This package (Communication, SES Regulation, EASA Regulation) addresses a number of issues that were left unresolved during the SES development. These concern in particular the performance of air navigation service provision and the need to clarify the institutional landscape at EU level to ensure the roles and responsibilities of various organisations support each other, but do not overlap.

    27. || A Blue Belt for a single market for maritime transport || Legislative / Non-legislative || To reduce the administrative burden for intra-EU maritime transport to a level that is comparable to that of other transport modes by avoiding multiple controls including customs. This will be supported by modern ICT technologies, which permit the reliable tracking of ships and cargo with a sufficient level of certainty when shipping operates within the Single Market.

    28. || Framework on the future EU ports' policy including a legislative proposal || Legislative / Non-legislative || Enhancing the efficiency and overall quality of port services, addressing the obligations of Member States regarding the sound planning of ports and hinterland connections, transparency of public funding and port charges, and administrative simplification efforts in ports, and reviewing restrictions on the provision of services at ports.

    29. || Internal Road Market - Access to the road haulage market and access to occupation of road transport operator || Legislative || The initiative will improve the economic and environmental efficiency of road freight transport by further lifting the restrictions to cabotage. It will create a more even playing field by including provisions to apply social rules of the host country in the case of long stay of drivers and provisions for a more uniform enforcement.

    Growth for jobs: inclusion and excellence

    30. || Social Investment for Growth and Cohesion – including implementing the ESF 2014-2020 || Non-legislative || Provide guidance on increasing efficiency, effectiveness, and adequacy of social protection systems; improving activating and enabling policies; social inclusion and adequate livelihoods. The Communication will contribute to implementing the Europe 2020 strategy/ European Semester, support the design of social investment in the NRPs and assist Member States in making best use of EU funds, ESF in particular.

    31. || Integration of the Roma || Soft law || Commission Recommendation aimed at fostering implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies, based on the work of a Pilot Group of Member States representing a geographical balance and the diverse situations concerning Roma within the EU and identifying good practices and effective approaches to Roma Integration.

    32. || Effective Institutions for Occupational Retirement Pensions || Legislative || A review of this Directive is required in view of the importance of ensuring that appropriate structures are in place to fund retirement.

    33. || Internationalisation of Higher Education || Non-legislative || Europeans need to be prepared for an increasingly global, open and competitive labour market. European universities are subject to growing global competition to attract talent and exchange knowledge. The Communication will review the different policies and programmes that can support them in furthering their internationalisation efforts.

    34. || Modernisation of Public Employment Services || Legislative || This package will cover all elements of the reform of EURES including the delivery of a European Employment Guarantee, and set up a formal European network of Public Employment Services, to help develop and implement a European Labour Mobility Action Plan for modernisation and strengthening of PES to help transitions on labour markets.

    35. || European platform to fight undeclared work || Legislative || This draft decision establishes a European platform between labour inspectorates and other enforcement bodies. It aims for a more coherent approach by covering all the key areas influenced by undeclared work and supporting a more effective fight against undeclared work by way of improving cooperation, sharing best practice and identifying common principles.

    Using Europe's resources to best effect

    36. || Review of EU political and legal framework for organic production || Legislative || The policy objectives of the current framework for organic production (Regulation 834/2007 and Communication COM(2004) 415) are to: - establish a sustainable management system for agriculture and - produce high quality products and a high variety of products responding to consumers' demand for processes that do not harm the environment, health, or animal welfare. The review will verify whether they are still relevant and adapted to the future evolution of organic production.

    37. || EU's Strategy on adaptation to climate change || Legislative / Non-legislative || To contribute effectively to a more climate-resilient Europe. This means enhancing the preparedness and capacity to respond to the adverse impacts of climate change of the EU, its Member States and regions.

    38. || New climate & energy framework for the period up to 2030 || Legislative / Non-legislative || - To meet 80-95% GHG emission reduction objective in 2050 compared to 1990 - To foster long term competitiveness, security of supply and sustainability - To provide a long-term perspective for investments until 2030.

    39. || Review of the Thematic Strategy on air pollution and associated legislation || Legislative || The initiative will assess the implementation and achievements of current air pollution and air quality policies and will include legislative proposals to revise the NEC Directive and other air quality legislation as appropriate in order to deliver enhanced protection from the impacts of air pollution for human health and the natural environment whilst contributing to Europe 2020.

    40. || Review of Waste Policy and Legislation || Legislative || This initiative will review key targets in EU waste legislation (in line with the review clauses in the Waste Framework Directive, the Landfill Directive and the Packaging Directive) and carry out an ex-post evaluation of waste stream directives, including ways to enhance coherence between them.

    41. || Environmental climate and energy assessment framework to enable safe and secure unconventional hydrocarbon extraction || Legislative/non-legislative || Against the background of existing EU legislation the initiative will examine options to ensure that opportunities to diversify energy supplies and improve competitiveness, including by production of unconventional gas, can be taken up. The framework would target a level playing field across the EU, clarity and predictability for both market operators and citizens including for exploration projects, full consideration of greenhouse gas emissions and management of climate and environmental risks in line with public expectations.

    Building a safe and secure EU

    42. || Nuclear insurance and liability || Legislative || Improvement of victim compensation in case of nuclear accident and creation of an internal market/level playing field for investors.

    43. || Initiative on firearms: reducing gun-crime in Europe || Non-legislative || Trafficked firearms are being used by criminal networks and lone criminals. Legally-held firearms are also used illegally. The aim of the Communication will be to present: the nature/scale of the problem and current action including external dimension; new/increased EU actions (e.g. increased role of Europol; funding); law enforcement policy orientations in view of the 2015 review of the Firearms Directive 91/477, including possibly a Directive on criminal sanctions based on Art. 83(1) TFEU.

    44. || Framework for administrative measures for the freezing of funds, financial assets and economic gains of persons and entities suspected of terrorist activities inside the EU (Article 75 TFEU) || Legislative || The EU legal framework on the freezing of funds, financial assets and economic gains of persons and entities suspected of terrorist activities only covers terrorists who represent an international, global threat. However, no such framework currently exists for the realisation of the objectives of the area of freedom, security and justice. This initiative aims at using the new legal basis of the Lisbon Treaty to set up a coherent and effective legal framework for administrative measures for the freezing of funds, financial assets and economic gains of such persons and entities.

    45. || Special safeguards in criminal procedures for Suspected or Accused Persons who are Vulnerable || Legislative || A directive to ensure that special attention is shown in criminal procedures throughout the EU to suspected or accused persons who cannot understand or follow the content or the meaning of the proceedings, owing, for example, to their age, mental or physical condition.

    46. || Service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters || Legislative || The revision of regulation 1393/2007 will pay special attention to the effectiveness of the transmitting and receiving agencies and focus on the practical application of the execution of a request for forwarding a request for service. It could include the establishment of common minimum standards.

    47. || EU Citizenship Report 2013: Progress towards eliminating obstacles to EU citizens' rights* || Non-legislative || Report on progress made since the 2010 Citizenship Report and identify further actions towards completing the removal of obstacles to EU citizens’ enjoyment of their rights under the Treaty. It will be one of the deliverables of the European Year of Citizens. (Q2 2013)

    48. || Establishment of a European Public Prosecutor's office (EPPO) to protect the financial interests of the Union* || Legislative || This initiative intends to set out the framework and conditions for establishing the European Public Prosecutor's office to focus on the protection of the financial interests of the Union. It will be accompanied by proposals on the reform of Eurojust and on protection of the financial interests of the EU. (Q2 2013)

    49. || Fighting money laundering || Legislative || As one of the 'Eurocrimes', money laundering is a criminal offence in all EU Member States. However, EU Member States do not have the same definition of money laundering and also apply different sanctions. Because this hinders cross-border investigations and police cooperation, there is a need to harmonise the offence of money laundering at EU level.

    50. || Fighting cigarette smuggling || Non-legislative || This strategy would propose a comprehensive response at EU level to illicit trade in cigarettes, taking into account the losses caused to public revenue and its role as an outlet for organised crime. Better coordinated and more targeted action would include exchnage of information, standard setting and international cooperation.

    51. || Reviewing the Union's visa policy to facilitate life for legitimate travellers || Legislative / Non-legislative || Since its entry into force, the Community Code on Visas ('Visa Code') has streamlined the rules and conditions for issuing visas and enhanced the harmonised applications of those common rules. Building on an evaluation report on its implementation, the Commission intends to propose amendments to improve the Visa Code. This will ensure that the EU Visa policy fosters economic growth and cultural exchanges by facilitating the travel to the EU of legitimate travellers such as businessmen, tourists, students and young people while ensuring a high level of security of the EU.

    52. || Animal medicines || Legislative || New framework for veterinary medicines and certain aspects of their use to establish a level playing field in the EU, and decrease administrative burden.

    53. || Use of cloning technique for food production || Legislative/non-legislative || Follow up Commission's report on cloning of animals for food production, in the context of the good functioning of the internal market.

    Europe as a global actor

    54. || Preparing an EU position on the post - 2015 development agenda || Non-legislative || As part of a process to pursue a linked strategy for the MDGs, the follow-up to Rio+20 and the Sustainable Development Goals process, this Communication will pursue agreement on an ambitious post-2015 global development framework with a strong emphasis on shared responsibility and accountability.

    55. || Preparing an EU position on the follow-up to Rio + 20 including the development of Sustainable Development Goals || Non-legislative || As part of a process to pursue a linked strategy for the MDGs, the follow-up to Rio+20 and the Sustainable Development Goals process, this Communication will set out the EU follow-up to Rio+20 including sustainable development goals.

    56. || Enlargement package 2013 || Non-legislative || The Commission has been invited by the Council to regularly report on the candidate countries and potential candidates. The Commission Strategy Paper allows the European Council to define main strategic orientations on enlargement at the end of each year.

    57. || Negotiation directives for a comprehensive trade and investment agreement with the relevant partners || Negotiating directives || Assuming that the final report of the High Level Working Group on Growth and Jobs and the ongoing scoping exercises recommend the launch of negotiations of such agreements, the main policy objective will be to realize the untapped potential and to generate new economic opportunities, particularly in sectors that have the highest potential to create jobs and growth. It also aims to be a strong signal that the two largest economies in the world remain committed to open markets

    58. || Comprehensive Approach to Crisis Management outside the EU || Non-legislative || The European Union more than any other international actor, has a unique array of tools at its disposal to promote the resolution of complex external crises. These tools need to be used coherently and in close cooperation with Member States addressing the whole crisis cycle, from crisis prevention to reconstruction.

    Annex II: Simplification and Regulatory Burden Reduction initiatives

    Nº || Title || Type of initiative || Simplification and regulatory burden reduction aspects of the initiative || Stakeholder benefitting from the simplification or regulatory reduction || Adoption date


    1. || Simplification of EU merger control || Non-legislative || Cutting red tape for merging companies by making merger notification easier and bringing more non-problematic merger cases under a simplified procedure. || Businesses involved in notification procedures with a view to receive Commission approval for a merger. || 2013

    Digital Agenda

    2. || Reducing the costs of broadband infrastructure deployment || Legislative || Proposal for an EP and Council Regulation to substantially reduce civil engineering costs as well as the costs caused by unnecessary administrative burden, thereby incentivising deployment. || The Regulation would include rights and obligations applicable to national and local authorities, as well as to telecom operators and other utilities (e.g. water, energy, railways). || 2013

    Health and Consumers

    3. || New Regulation on Official Controls || Legislative || The aim of the proposal is to simplify and streamline the existing legal framework, in order to improve the efficiency of official controls performed by the Member States along the food chain while minimising burden for operators. A more efficient use of control resources will contribute to preventing crisis, whilst limiting the costs thereof for compliant economic operators and ensuring a level-playing field. || All operators concerned by controls along the food chain. || 2013

    4. || New Regulation on Plant Reproductive Materials || Legislative || The initiative aims to foster innovation and seeks to reduce overall administrative burden and introduce flexibility within the regulatory framework with a view to globalisation, specialisation and development of new uses of agricultural commodities, together with changes in the societal expectations on the interplay of agriculture and the natural environment. It will modernise and simplify the legislation by replacing 12 Directives on seed and plant propagating material with one single act. || Micro-enterprises subject to rules related to plant reproductive materials. || 2013

    5. || New Regulation on plant health || Legislative || The exemption for small operators selling plant material exclusively on the local market will remain. || SME selling plant material exclusively on the local market. || 2013

    6. || New Regulation on Animal health || Legislative || A simpler framework (1 regulation replacing over 40 directives) and clearer responsibilities are easier understood and used by authorities and operators, less time and effort to study it and to comply with. Improved use of new electronic technologies and simplified requirements will bring potential for considerable savings, while the high safety standards that are necessary to ensure disease control and safe trade in animals and their products would be maintained. || European keepers of agricultural animals, companies trading live animals or animal products, national veterinary competent authorities || 2013

    7. || Revision of legislation on veterinary medicines || Legislative || Simplification of the regulatory environment pre and post marketing authorisation (incl. pharmacovigilance): - reduce the administrative burdens to businesses (with a particular focus on SMEs) clearly identified during public consultation and IA preparation, - increase availability of medicines (including for minor species) on the single market. || Veterinary pharmaceutical industry, (including SMEs), farmers and bee keepers, veterinary surgeons, national competent authorities, pet owners, consumers. || 2013

    8. || Hygiene package legislation (revision) || Legislative || As the principles and requirements of the Hygiene Package opened the European Union market for all food business operators, all national measures must be currently notified to the Commission and to the other Member States at the stage of the draft in order to inform them and give them the possibility to comment on the draft legislation which after adoption becomes applicable (Directive No 98/34/EC). In the revision of hygiene package it is foreseen to simplify the current notification rules which may result in a more frequent use by the Member States of the flexibility possibilities laid down in the Hygiene package legislation. || Member State competent authorities and food business operators. || 2013

    Home Affairs

    9. || Revision of the Schengen Borders Code (562/2006) || Legislative || Compilation of several amendments into one legal text, including that on the use of the Visa Information System and the 2011 amendments. || Member State authorities. || 2013

    10. || Reviewing the Union's visa policy to facilitate life for legitimate travellers || Legislative || Simplification expected from a more sophisticated approach which balances essential control at external borders with the need to facilitate life for legitimate travellers such as business people and tourists. || Travellers such as business people and tourists. || 2014

    Enterprise and Industry

    11. || Initiative (Commission Delegated Act) on the electronic processing of declarations of performance under the Construction Products Regulation (305/2011/EU) || Legislative || The electronic handling of performance declarations of construction products has been specifically foreseen in the new Construction Products Regulation (305/2011/EU; the CPR), which will come into effect on 1 July 2013. However, this has been dealt with by authorising the Commission to adopt delegated acts on this topic. The current lack of a legal base for these activities causes legal uncertainty and therefore creates an obstacle to the efficient and effective use of ICT for performance declarations. || Industry, in particular manufacturers of construction products, strongly supported a corresponding provision in the original Commission proposal for the new Regulation. For the industry, the electronic handling of performance declarations is a key driver of economies, as has been demonstrated by the e-invoicing developments. The initiative will provide legal certainty. The distributors and the users will profit from the speedy electronic provision of information on construction products. || 2013

    12. || Commission Implementing Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 340/2008 on the fees and charges payable to the European Chemicals Agency pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) Subject to the 2012 REACH review || Legislative || The draft amending Regulation follows on the recommendations of the REACH review, in particular the recommendation to provide additional support to SMEs considering further rebalancing the distribution of fees across various company size classes. It rebalances the fees and charges in such a way that takes into account the costs of the Agency but provides further reductions for SMEs which have less capacity to absorb the costs of REACH compliance than large companies. || The rebalancing of the fees implies further reduction for SMEs: -35%, -65% and -95% in relation to standard fees for registration and -30%, -60% and -90% in relation to standard fees for authorisation activities as compared to the current situation: -30%, -60% and -90% for registration and -20%, -50% and -85% for authorisation. In order to provide enough resources for the Agency to operate, this reduction in the fees and charges for SMEs needs to be compensated with an increase of the standard fees and charges charged to large companies. || 2013

    13. || Review of all existing Commission regulations, implementing Council regulation (EC) No 1216/2009 (trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products) || Legislative || The proposal is to align the existing implementing Commission acts based on Council Regulation (EC) No 1216/2009 to the Lisbon Treaty. || The exercise will benefit all stakeholders eg importers and exporters of processed agricultural products and the competent authorities in the Member States (Customs, paying agencies, Agriculture/economic affairs Ministries). The alignment will result in clearer rules for importers and exporters and will therefore lower their transaction costs. || 2013

    14. || Reforming the internal market for industrial products || Legislative || The aims of the proposal are, among others, to address the shortcoming, bottlenecks and outdated requirements of the existing EU industrial products legislation in order to further strengthen and simplify the regulatory framework. || Businesses in industrial sectors and closely linked service sectors. || 2013

    Internal Market and Services

    15. || Initiative on E-invoicing in the field of public procurement || Legislative / Non-legislative || Reduce time and costs associated with invoicing in the field of public procurement for businesses. || Businesses interested to participate in public procurement. || 2013

    Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

    16. || Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of marine organisms || Legislative || The main relevant problem that this initiative will address is to reduce the complexity of the existing technical measures legislation. This initiative aims to simplify the current technical measures regulations through the development of a framework regulation with specific rules developed regionally. || Catching sector and national administrations. It is anticipated that this simplification will reduce the costs for national administrations for control and enforcement. || 2014

    Taxation and Customs Union

    17. || Making business easier through a standard VAT declaration || Legislative / Non-legislative || The Commission will propose that a standardised VAT declaration should be available in all languages and optional for businesses across the EU. With the help of the Member States, the Commission will set up an EU VAT web portal. || Businesses involved in cross-border trade. || 2013


    18. || A Blue Belt for a single market for maritime transport || Legislative / Non-legislative || To reduce the administrative burden for intra-EU maritime transport to a level that is comparable to that of other transport modes by avoiding multiple controls. || Businesses involved in shipping trade. || 2013

    Annex III: List of withdrawals of pending proposals[3]

    Nº || COM/SEC/Inter-institutional reference || Title || Justification for withdrawal || Reference of the Commission proposal in OJ

    Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

    1. || COM(1983)13 || Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) implementing within the European Economic Community Decision No 3/80 of the EEC - Turkey Association Council on the application of the Social Security Schemes of the Member States of the European Communities to Turkish workers and members of their families. || Obsolete. Replaced by Proposal COM(2012) 152, Proposal for a Council Decision on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the Association Council set up by the Agreement establishing an association between the EEC and Turkey with regard to the provisions on the coordination of social security systems 2012/0076 (NLE). || OJ C 110, 25. 4. 83, p.1.

    European External Action Service

    2. || COM(2012)43 2012/0009/NLE || Proposal for a Council Decision on the position to be taken by the European Union in the EEA Joint Committee concerning an amendment to Annex XIII (Transport Road). || The Commission has changed position on this subject. || OJ C 102, 5.4.2012, p.25.


    3. || COM(84)306 || Projet de décision du Conseil de coopération CEE-Yougoslavie concernant la mise en œuvre des dispositions de l'accord de coopération CEE-Yougoslavie, du 1er avril 1983, relatives à la coopération dans le domaine de la Sécurité sociale. || Obsolete. Provisions on the coordination of social security systems have been included in the Stabilisation and Association Agreements signed with most of the countries successors to the former State. Proposals concerning Croatia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was adopted by the Council in October 2010 (OJ L306, 23.11.2010). Proposals regarding Albania and Montenegro are under discussion. || -

    Enterprise and Industry

    4. || COM(2010) 280 2010/0168/NLE || Proposal for a Council Decision on the compulsory application of Regulation No 100 of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe for the approval of motor vehicles with regard to electric safety. || Obsolete. Replaced together with COM(2010)310 by new proposal adopted as Commission Regulation (EU) No 407/2011 of 27 April 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 661/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council. || OJ C 121, 19.4.11, p.12.

    5. || COM(2010) 310 2010/0169/NLE || Proposal for a Council Decision of on the compulsory application of Regulations No 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13 H, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 31, 34, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 46, 48, 55, 58, 61, 66, 67, 73, 77, 79, 80, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 102, 105, 107, 110, 112, 116, 118, 121, 122, 123 and 125 of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe for the type-approval of motor vehicles, their trailers and systems, components and separate technical units intended therefore. || Obsolete. Replaced together with COM(2010)280 by new proposal adopted as Commission Regulation (EU) No 407/2011 of 27 April 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 661/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council. || OJ C 121, 19.4.11, p.14.

    Home Affairs

    6. || COM(2009)701 2009/0186/NLE || Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Agreement between the European Union and Australia on the processing and transfer of European Union-sourced passenger name record (PNR) data by air carriers to the Australian Customs Service. || Obsolete. Replaced by COM(2011)281, Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and Australia on the processing and transfer of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data by air carriers to the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service which has been adopted on 13 12 2011. || OJ C 88, 19.03.11, p.7.

    7. || COM(2009)702 2009/0187/NLE || Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and the United States of America on the processing and transfer of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data by air carriers to the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (2007 PNR agreement). || Obsolete. Replaced by COM(2011)807, Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the United States of America and the European Union on the use and transfer of Passenger Name Records to the United States Department of Homeland Security. The Decision was adopted by the council on 26 April 2012 (2011/0382/NLE). The EU-US PNR agreement with US entered into force on 1 July 2012. || OJ C 88, 19.03.11, p.7.


    8. || COM(2006)399 2006/0135/CNS || Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 as regards jurisdiction and introducing rules concerning applicable law in matrimonial matters. || Obsolete. Replaced by new proposal COM(2010)105 adopted as Council Regulation (EU) No 1259/2010 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation in 14 Member States. || -

    9. || COM(2010)708 2010/0347/APP || Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision (2008/203/EC) of 28 February 2008 implementing Regulation (EC) No 168/2007 as regards the adoption of a Multi-annual Framework for the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights for 2007-2012. || Obsolete. Intended to amend the current MAF Decision which expires at the end of 2012. It did not reach the required unanimity in the Council and it was replaced by COM (2011)880, Proposal for a Council Decision  establishing a Multiannual Framework for the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights for 2013-2017 which is expected to be adopted by the end of 2012. || OJ C 121, 19.04.11, p.35.

    10. || COM(2002)520 || Proposal for a Council Decision on the signing by the European Community of the Council of Europe Convention on contact concerning children. || Discussions in Council have shown that the requirement of unanimity cannot be reached. || OJ C 20-E, 28.01.2003, p.369.

    European Anti-Fraud Office

    11. || COM(2001)272 amended by COM(2002) 577 2001/0115/COD || Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the criminal law protection of the Community's financial interests. || Obsolete. Replaced by COM(2012)363, Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the fight against fraud to the Union's financial interests by means of criminal law. || OJ C 240-E, 28.08.2001, p.125 and OJ C 71-E 25.03.2003, p.1.

    Taxation and Customs Union

    12. || COM(2003)234 amended by COM (2004) 468 2003/0091/CNS || Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 77/388/EEC as regards value added tax on services provided in the postal sector. || Discussions in Council on this proposal have not progressed since 2010. Given the position of the Council, the Commission has the intention to review this issue in the context of a future reflection on all exemptions in the public interest (follow up to VAT Communication, COM(2012) 851). || OJ C 76 25.03 2004, p.16.


    13. || COM(2005)661 2005/0254/COD || Proposal for a Council Regulation on the indication of the country of origin of certain products imported from third countries. || In addition to lack of agreement in the Council, recent developments in the legal interpretation of WTO rules by the organization's Appellate Body have rendered this proposal outdated. || OJ C 49, 28.2.2006, p.53.


    14. || COM(2009)546 2009/0154 (COD) || Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the radio interference (electromagnetic compatibility) of vehicles (codified version). || The act whose codification was proposed will be repealed with effect as from 1 November 2014. || OJ C 88, 19 03 2011, p.2.

    [1] Roadmaps on the individual initiatives can be found at:

    [2] The type of initiative might change following the outcome of the impact assessment process.

    [3] The withdrawals will take effect on the date of the publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
