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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Document 32006D0651

    2006/651/EC,Euratom: Council Decision of 15 September 2006 appointing Belgian, Greek, Irish, Cypriot, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish and British members and two Italian members of the European Economic and Social Committee

    OJ L 269, 28.9.2006, p. 13–20 (ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV)
    OJ L 76M, 16.3.2007, p. 342–349 (MT)

    Legal status of the document No longer in force, Date of end of validity: 20/09/2010




    Official Journal of the European Union

    L 269/13


    of 15 September 2006

    appointing Belgian, Greek, Irish, Cypriot, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish and British members and two Italian members of the European Economic and Social Committee

    (2006/651/EC, Euratom)


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 259 thereof,

    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, and in particular Article 167 thereof,

    Having regard to the opinion of the Commission,



    The terms of office of the present members of the European Economic and Social Committee expire on 20 September 2006 (1). The members of that Committee should therefore be appointed for a further period of four years as from 21 September 2006.


    The Belgian, Greek, Irish, Cypriot, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish and British Governments have submitted lists containing a number of candidates equal to the number of seats allocated to them by the Treaties.


    The Italian Government has submitted a list containing two candidates to complete the list of 22 candidates already submitted and arrive at a number of candidates equal to the number of seats allocated to it by the Treaties.


    On 11 July 2006 the Council adopted the lists submitted by the Czech, German, Estonian, Spanish, French, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourg, Hungarian, Maltese, Austrian, Slovenian and Slovak Governments and the list containing 22 candidates submitted by the Italian Government (2),


    Article 1

    The persons listed in the Annex to this Decision are hereby appointed members of the European Economic and Social Committee for the period from 21 September 2006 to 20 September 2010.

    Article 2

    This Decision shall take effect on the date of its adoption.

    Done at Brussels, 15 September 2006.

    For the Council

    The President


    (1)   OJ L 253, 21.9.2002, p. 9.

    (2)   OJ L 207, 28.7.2006, p. 30.




    De Heer Jean-Marie BIOT

    Afgevaardigd Beheerder, FEDICHEM


    Monsieur Robert DE MUELENAERE

    Administrateur délégué, Confédération Construction


    Monsieur Olivier DERRUINE

    Collaborateur au service d'études CSC de Belgique


    Mevrouw Christine FAES

    Directeur UNIZO Internationaal


    De Heer Guy HAAZE

    Nationaal Voorzitter van de Algemene Centrale der Liberale Vakbonden van België


    Monsieur Jean-François HOFFELT

    Secrétaire général de la Fédération belge des coopératives «Febecoop»


    Monsieur JOSLY PIETTE

    Secrétaire général honoraire de la Confédération des syndicats chrétiens de Belgique


    Monsieur André MORDANT

    Président FGTB



    Directeur Communicatie, Informatie & Internationale Relaties


    Monsieur Yves SOMVILLE

    Directeur du service d'études de la Fédération wallonne de l'agriculture


    De Heer Tony VANDEPUTTE

    Ere-Gedelegeerd Bestuurder en Algemeen Adviseur van het VBO


    De Heer Xavier VERBOVEN

    Algemeen Secretaris van het ABVV




    Association des armateurs grecs (E.E.E.)


    M. Dimitrios DIMITRIADIS

    Confédération nationale de commerce hellénique (ESEE)


    M. Panagiotis GKOFAS

    Confédération générale grecque des commerçants et artisans (GSBEE)


    M. Gerasimos KALLIGEROS

    Fédération hellénique des hôteliers (POX)


    M. Nikolaos LIOLIOS

    Confédération hellénique de coopératives agricoles (PASEGES)


    M. Georgios NTASIS

    Confédération générale grecque des ouvriers (GSEE)


    M. Spiros PAPASPIROS

    Fédération des fonctionnaires (ADEDY)


    Mme Irini PARI

    Fédération des industries grecques (SEB)



    Confédération générale grecque des ouvriers (GSEE)


    M. Konstantinos POUPAKIS

    Confédération générale grecque des ouvriers (GSEE)


    M. Stylianos STAIKOS

    Conseil national des consommateurs (ESK)


    M. Christos ZEREFOS

    Professeur à l'Université d'Athènes, Ecole des sciences, Faculté de géologie, département de géographie et climatologie



    Mr Frank ALLEN

    National Council Member, Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers’ Association


    Mr William A. ATTLEY

    Retired, Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU)


    Mr Brian CALLANAN

    Member, Irish Business and Employers’ Confederation (IBEC)


    Mr John DILLON

    Ex-President, Irish Farmers’ Association


    Mr Arthur FORBES

    Assistant Director of European Affairs, Irish Business and Employers’ Confederation (IBEC)


    Ms Sally Anne KINAHAN

    Assistant General Secretary, Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU)


    Mr Jim McCUSKER

    Retired, Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance


    Mr Thomas McDONOGH

    Member, Chambers Ireland


    Ms Jillian VAN TURNHOUT

    CEO, Children's Rights Alliance



    Sig. Giuseppe Antonio Marino IULIANO

    Funzione esercitata in rappresentanza CISL


    Sig. Mario SEPI

    Funzione esercitata in rappresentanza CISL



    Mr Michalis ANTONIOU

    Cyprus Employers’ and Industrialists’ Federation



    Union of Cypriot Farmers


    Mr Demetris KITTENIS

    Cyprus Workers’ Confederation


    Mr Charalambos KOLOKOTRONIS

    Consumers’ Association



    Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry


    Mr Andreas PAVLIKKAS

    Pancyprian Federation of Labour



    Mevrouw mr. dr. M. BULK

    Beleidsmedewerker Europese Zaken FNV


    mr. J.W. VAN DEN BRAAK

    Directeur VNO-NCW Brussel


    drs. T. ETTY

    Beleidsmedewerker Internationale Zaken FNV


    mr. J.P. VAN IERSEL

    Voormalig secretaris buitenland NCW, Tweede Kamerlid, voorzitter KVK Haaglanden


    prof. dr. L.F. VAN MUISWINKEL

    Hoogleraar Algemene en Ontwikkelingseconomie



    Bestuurslid MHP


    drs. ir. J.J.M. VAN OORSCHOT

    Senior specialist Internationale Zaken LTO-Nederland


    drs. K.B. VAN POPTA

    Directeur Internationale Zaken MKB-Nederland



    Bestuurder FNV Bondgenoten


    prof. dr. mr. J.G.W. SIMONS

    Voorzitter Nederlands Vervoersoverleg


    drs. E.J. SLOOTWEG

    Beleidsadviseur CNV



    Voormalig algemeen directeur Consumentenbond, diverse bestuurlijke functies



    Mr Andrzej ADAMCZYK

    Secretary of international affairs, Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarność


    Ms Katarzyna BARTKIEWICZ

    Coordinator of European integration, Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarność


    Mr Tomasz CZAJKOWSKI

    Specialist in international affairs, Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland


    Mr Tadeusz DORDA

    Vice-president, Confederation of Polish Employers


    Mr Tomasz Dariusz JASIŃSKI

    Specialist in international affairs, All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unions


    Mr Krzysztof KAMIENIECKI

    Vice-president, Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation


    Mr Jan KLIMEK

    Vice-president, Polish Craft Association



    Counsellor, Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan


    Mr Zbigniew KOTOWSKI

    Counsellor, Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union of Individual Farmers in Poland


    Mr Jacek Piotr KRAWCZYK

    Vice-president, Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan



    Member of the National Commission, Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarność


    Mr Andrzej MALINOWSKI

    President, Confederation of Polish Employers


    Ms Marzena MENDZA-DROZD

    Member of the Board, Forum of Non-Government Initiatives Association/All-Poland Federation of Non-Governmental Organisations


    Mr Jarosław MULEWICZ

    Member of the Organisers’ Council, Business Centre Club – Association of Employers


    Mr Krzysztof OSTROWSKI

    Consultant, Business Centre Club – Association of Employers


    Mr Krzysztof PATER

    Member of the Scout Court, Polish Scouting and Guiding Association


    Mr Stanisław Józef RÓŻYCKI

    Vice-president of the Council of Education and Science of the Polish Teachers’ Union/All-Poland President, Trade Union Forum


    Mr Władysław SERAFIN

    President, National Union of Farmers’ Circles and Agricultural Organisations


    Mr Wiesław SIEWIERSKI

    President, Trade Union Forum


    Ms Elżbieta Maria SZADZIŃSKA

    Specialist in international affairs, Polish Consumer Federations


    Mr Edmund SZYNAKA

    Secretary General, Trade Union Forum Alliance of Trade Unions



    Dr. Paulo BARROS VALE

    AEP — Associação Empresarial De Portugal


    Eng.o Francisco João BERNARDINO DA SILVA

    CONFAGRI — Confederação Nacional Das Cooperativas Agrícolas E Do Crédito Agrícola De Portugal, CCRL


    Eng.o Luís Miguel CORREIA MIRA

    CAP — Confederação Dos Agricultores De Portugal



    CCP — Confederação Do Comércio E Serviços De Portugal


    Dr.a Maria Teresa DA COSTA MACEDO

    CNAF — Confederação Nacional Das Associações De Família


    Sr. Victor Hugo DE JESUS SEQUEIRA

    UGT — União Geral De Trabalhadores



    CGTP — Confederação Geral Dos Trabalhadores Portugueses


    Sr. Eduardo Manuel NOGUEIRA CHAGAS

    CGTP — Confederação Geral Dos Trabalhadores Portugueses


    Dr. Jorge PEGADO LIZ

    DECO — Associação Portuguesa Para A Defesa Do Consumidor


    Dr. Carlos Alberto PEREIRA MARTINS

    CNPL — Conselho Nacional De Profissões Liberais



    CIP — Confederação Da Indústria Portuguesa


    Sr. Alfredo Manuel VIEIRA CORREIA

    UGT — União Geral De Trabalhadores



    Hra Filip HAMRO-DROTZ

    Kansainvälisten asioiden tiedottaja, Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto


    Hra Seppo KALLIO

    Johtaja, Maa- ja metsätaloustuottajain Keskusliitto ry


    Rva Leila KURKI

    Työllisyyspoliittinen asiantuntija, Toimihenkilökeskusjärjestö STTK


    Hra Eero LEHTI

    Puheenjohtaja, Suomen Yrittäjät ry


    Hra Janne METSÄMÄKI

    Lakimies, Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusjärjestö


    Rva Marja-Liisa PELTOLA

    Osastopäällikkö, Keskuskauppakamari


    Hra Markus PENTTINEN

    Kansainvälisten asioiden päällikkö, Akava ry


    Rva Pirkko RAUNEMAA

    Maa- ja metsätaloustieteiden maisteri, Kotitalous- ja kuluttaja-asiain neuvottelukunta/Kuluttajat – konsumenterna ry


    Rva Ulla SIRKEINEN

    Johtaja, Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto



    Mr Christian ARDHE

    Svenskt Näringsliv, Direktör, EU-frågor


    Mr Ernst Erik EHNMARK

    Svenska akademikers centralorganisation, Ansvarig (direktör) för internationellt samarbete


    Mr Hans EKDAHL

    Svenskt Näringsliv, Direktör, Handelsfrågor


    Mr Thomas JANSON

    Tjänstemännens centralorganisation (TCO), Internationell Sekreterare


    Ms Maud JANSSON

    Landsorganisationen i Sverige (LO), Ombudsman


    Mr Magnus KENDEL

    ALMEGA, Förhandlare/Rådgivare


    Ms Ingrid KÖSSLER

    Handikappförbundens Samarbetsorgan, Förbundsordföranden i Bröstcancerföreningarnas Riksorganisation


    Mr Lars NYBERG

    Landsorganisationen i Sverige (LO), Samordnar och utreder EU-frågor och EU, Landsorganisationen i Sverige (LO)


    Ms Maria NYGREN

    Transportgruppen, Branschchef Förbundet Sveriges Hamnar


    Mr Jan OLSSON

    Kooperativa institut (Koopi), Senior rådgivare Kooperativa Institutet (KOOPI), Vice ordförande Förening för kooperativ utveckling (FKU)


    Ms Inger PERSSON

    Sveriges konsumentråd, Ordförande


    Ms Mary-Ann SÖRENSEN

    Lantbrukarnas riksförbund (LRF)

    United Kingdom


    Mr Richard ADAMS

    Consultant in social, environmental and ethical business and project development


    Ms Christine BLOWER



    Ms Sandy BOYLE



    Ms Brendan BURNS

    Consultant and Director


    Ms Marge CAREY

    President of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers


    Mr Bryan CASSIDY



    Mr Peter COLDRICK

    Head of Brussels Office, Trade Union Congress


    Mr Nicolas CROOK

    International Officer UNISON


    Mr Brian CURTIS

    Regional Organiser South Wales and West of England


    Ms Rose D’SA

    Consultant in EU, Commonwealth and International Law


    Mr Kenneth FRASER

    Chartered Secretary and Management Accountant


    Mr Tom JONES

    Self-employed farmer


    Ms Brenda KING

    Commissioner — Women’s National Commission/Consultant


    Ms Judy McKNIGHT

    Napo/General Secretary


    Mr Peter MORGAN

    Elected Member, Council of Lloyd’s (of London)


    Ms Jane MORRICE

    Self-employed — owns a photographic and media production company


    Ms Maureen O’NEILL

    Director — Royal Bank of Scotland Centre for the Older Person’s Agenda


    Mr Derek OSBORN

    Member of UK Sustainable Development Commission. Chairman of an NGO coordinating relations with United Nations environmental activities


    Mr Jonathan PEEL

    Food and Drink Federation — Director EU and International Policy


    Mr David SEARS



    Ms Madi SHARMA



    Mr Sukhdev SHARMA

    Chairman of the West Yorkshire Mental Health Trust


    Mr Michael SMYTH

    Economist — University of Ulster


    Ms Monica TAYLOR

    Denso Assembler Operator
