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Document 21993A0520(02)

    Agreement in the form of a Memorandum od Understanding between the European Economic Community and the United States of America on government procurement

    Unofficial translation

    OJ L 125, 20.5.1993, p. 2–53 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT)

    This document has been published in a special edition(s) (FI, SV)

    Legal status of the document No longer in force, Date of end of validity: 31/12/1995

    Related Council decision


    Agreement in the form of a Memorandum od Understanding between the European Economic Community and the United States of America on government procurement Unofficial translation

    Official Journal L 125 , 20/05/1993 P. 0002 - 0053
    Finnish special edition: Chapter 6 Volume 4 P. 0004
    Swedish special edition: Chapter 6 Volume 4 P. 0004

    MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between the United States of America and the European Economic Community on government procurement


    WHEREAS the USA and the EEC are parties to the GATT Agreement on Government Procurement (the Code), which entered into force on 1 January 1981;

    WHEREAS Article 6: of the Code states that the parties to the Code shall undertake further negotiations with a view to broadening and improving the Code on the basis of mutual reciprocity;

    WHEREAS the USA and the EEC have been involved in multilateral negotiations to expand coverage of the Code since 1984;

    WHEREAS in the interest of facilitating agreement on a new Code, the USA and the EEC undertook bilateral negotiations to resolve certain outstanding problems between them;

    WHEREAS the USA and the EEC expect that any bilateral agreement on these issues will provide appropriate reciprocal competitive government procurement opportunities that are intended to become part of the expanded Code;

    WHEREAS the USA and the EEC have decided to make certain reciprocal commitments to open their respective procurement markets as a downpayment towards an expanded Code;

    THEREFORE, the USA and the EEC have agreed as follows:

    Article 1

    Scope and definitions

    1. This Agreement shall apply to:

    - contracs for goods, works (otherwise 'construction services`), and other services, which are awarded by entities included in Annexes 1 and 2, and

    - contracts for goods and works, which are awarded by entities listed in Annexes 3 and 4.

    2. 'Works contracts` shall be those contracts which have as their objective the realization by whatever means of civil or building works, in particular in the sense of division 51 of the Central Product Classification of the United Nations or of Annex 2 to Council Directive 71/305/EEC.

    'Other services` shall be those contracts for which the principal object is the obtaining of one or more of the services which are included in both Annexes 5 and 6.

    Article 2

    Central and Federal Government entities

    1. In the award of contracts by entities which are included in Annex 1, the Community shall afford to the suppliers, contractors and service providers of the USA and to goods and services originating within the customs territory of the USA the award procedures of Council Directive 77/62/EEC which shall apply to goods contracts, the estimated value of which, net of VAT, is not less than the Code threshold, currently ECU 125 576, of Council Directive 92/50/EEC, which shall apply to services contracts, the estimated value of which, net of VAT, is not less than ECU 200 000, and of Council Directive 71/305/EEC, which shall apply to works contracts the estimated value of which, net of VAT, is not less than ECU 5 000 000;

    2. The USA shall waive the application of the Buy America Act (41 USC 10a) to the award of contracts by entities which are included in Annex 2, above a threshold of $ 6 500 000 for works contracts, and above the Code threshold (which is currently $ 176 000) for goods and other services contracts. In the award of such contracts the USA shall afford to the suppliers, contractors and service providers of the Community and to goods and services originating within the customs territory of the Community, the award procedures of the Federal Acquisition Regulations, other than those pertaining to the application of the Buy America Act.

    3. Each Party may maintain its current derogations under the Code.

    Article 3

    Electrical utilities

    1. The EEC shall extend the benefits of the provisions of Council Directive 90/531/EEC to US products, suppliers and contractors in the award of contracts by entities included in Annex 3 and will make the benefits of Directive 92/131/EEC available to US suppliers and contractors for such awards.

    2. The USA shall waive the application of the Buy America Act (41 U.S.C. 10 a) to the award of contracts by entities which are included in Annex 4, above a threshold of US $ 6 500 000 for works contracts, and US $ 450 000 for goods contracts. In the award of such contracts the USA shall afford to the suppliers, contractors and service providers of the EEC and to goods and services originating within the customs territory of the EEC, award procedures substantially equivalent to the Federal Acquisition Regulations, other than those pertaining to the application of the Buy America Act.

    Article 4

    Joint study

    The USA and the EEC shall jointly sponsor a study of the procurement opportunities that would arise from their respective offers and requests in the negotiations for the expanded Code. The study, the terms of reference of which are attached at Annex 7, will be conducted by an independent consultant and should be completed by 31 January 1994.

    Article 5

    Continuation of negotiations

    1. Following completion of the study, the USA and the EEC shall negotiate with a view to reaching a balanced comprehensive agreement on procurement, with a high level of coverage in Code categories A, B and C, and a self-contained agreement on telecommunications procurement.

    2. The comprehensive agreement on procurement is intended to be integrated, through multilateral negotiations, into an expanded Code. However, in the event that a satisfactory expanded Code cannot be achieved in time, the Parties intend to conclude a bilateral agreement on procurement, containing the elements described in paragraph 1.

    Article 6

    Final entity lists

    The United States Government and the Commission of the European Communities shall immediately start the consultations necessary (including with other branches and levels of government) to enable each Party:

    - promptly upon the completion of the study, to present entity lists that would permit the Parties to achieve a balanced agreement at a high level of coverage in Code categories A, B and C,

    - to incorporate within those lists, for the USA, state, municipal and other subfederal entities that have committed to accept obligations in respect of their procurement; and for the EEC, regional, local and other subcentral entities.

    Article 7

    Final provisions

    1. This Agreement shall enter into force on signature except that, for the procurement of services ('other services` in the sense of Article 1 (2)), it shall not enter into force before 1 July 1993.

    2. If signature does not take place by 30 May 1993, the Parties shall consult with a view to ensuring entry into force at the earliest possible date.

    3. This Agreement shall terminate on the earlier of 30 May 1995, or the entry into force of an expanded Code; provided, however, that either Party may terminate this Agreement on 30 May 1994 by notice given to the other Party, at least 30 days prior to that date.

    4. The benefits of this Agreement shall apply upon its entry into force. Furthermore, they shall apply to tenders issued during the validity of this Agreement.

    5. The obligations undertaken by the Parties to this Agreement shall not prejudice either Party's position in the negotiation of the agreements referred to in paragraph 5.

    6. Annexes 1 to 7 are an integral part of this Agreement.

    On behalf of the United States of America

    On behalf of the Council of the European Communities

    ANNEX 1

    List of EEC entities contained in Annex I to Council Directive 80/767/EEC, as amended


    (La version française de cette liste fait foi)

    A. - L'État, exception faite pour les marchés passés dans le cadre de la coopération au développement qui, en vertu d'accords internationaux conclus avec des pays tiers et se rapportant à la passation de marchés, sont soumis à d'autres dispositions, incompatibles avec les dispositions du présent arrêté (1):

    - la Régie des postes (2)

    - la Régie des bâtiments

    - le Fonds des routes

    B. - Le Fonds général des bâtiments scolaires de l'État

    - Le Fonds de construction d'institutions hospitalières et médico-sociales

    - La Société nationale terrienne

    - L'Office national de sécurité sociale

    - L'Institut national d'assurances sociales pour travailleurs indépendants

    - L'Institut national d'assurance maladie-invalidité

    - L'Institut national de crédit agricole

    - L'Office national des pensions

    - L'Office central de crédit hypothécaire

    - L'Office national du ducroire

    - La Caisse auxiliaire d'assurance maladie-invalidité

    - Le Fonds des maladies professionnelles

    - La Caisse nationale de crédit professionnel

    - L'Office national des débouchés agricoles et horticoles

    - L'Office national du lait et de ses dérivés

    - L'Office national de l'emploi

    - La Régie des voies aériennes

    A. -De Staat, met uitzondering van de opdrachten inzake ontwikkelingssamenwerking die krachtens internationale overeenkomsten met derde landen inzake het plaatsen van opdrachten andere bepalingen behelzen die niet verenigbaar zijn met de bepalingen van dit besluit:

    - de Regie der Posterijen

    - de Regie der Gebouwen

    - het Wegenfonds

    B. - Het Algemeen Gebouwenfonds voor de Rijksscholen

    - Het Fonds voor de Bouw van Ziekenhuizen en Medisch-Sociale Inrichtingen

    - De Nationale Landmaatschappij

    - De Rijksdienst voor Sociale Zekerheid

    - Het Rijksinstituut voor de Sociale Verzekeringen der Zelfstandigen

    - Het Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering

    - Het Nationaal Instituut voor Landbouwkrediet

    - De Rijksdienst voor Pensioenen

    - Het Centraal Bureau voor Hypothecair Krediet

    - De Nationale Delcrederedienst

    - De Hulpkas voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering

    - Het Fonds voor de Beroepsziekten

    - De Nationale Kas voor Beroepskrediet

    - De Nationale Dienst voor Afzet van Land- en Tuinbouwprodukten

    - De Nationale Zuiveldienst - De Rijksdienst voor Arbeidsvoorziening

    - De Regie der Luchtwegen


    (This list is authentic in the English language)

    1. Prime Minister's Office - two departments;

    2. Ministry of Labour - five directorates and institutions;

    3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    (three departments);

    4. Ministry of Housing - five directorates and institutions;

    5. Ministry of Energy - one directorate and research establishment 'Risø`;

    6. Ministry of Finance

    (two departments) - four directorates and institutions including the Directorate for Government Procurement,

    - five other institutions;

    7. Ministry of Taxes and Duties

    (two departments) - five directorates and institutions;

    8. Ministry of Fisheries - four institutions;

    9. Ministry of Industry

    (Full name: Ministry of Industry, Trade, Handicraft and Shipping) - nine directorates and institutions;

    10. Ministry of the Interior - Danish National Civil Defence Directorate,

    - one directorate;

    11. Ministry of Justice - Office of the Chief of Danish Police,

    - five other directorates and institutions;

    12. Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs

    13. Ministry of Agriculture - 19 directorates and institutions;

    14. Ministry of Environment - five directorates

    15. Ministry of Cultural

    Affairs and Communications (1) - three directorates and several State-owned museums and higher education institutions;

    16. Ministry of Social Affairs - four directorates;

    17. Ministry of Education - six directorates,

    - 12 universities and other higher education institutions;

    18. Ministry of Economic Affairs

    (three departments)

    19. Ministry of Public Works (2) - State harbours and State airports,

    - four directorates and several institutions;

    20. Ministry of Defence (3)

    21. Ministry of Health - several institutions including State Serum Institute and University Hospital of Copenhagen.


    1. Statsministeriet - two departments;

    2. Arbejdsministeriet - five directorates and institutions;

    3. Udenrigsministeriet (three departments)

    4. Boligministeriet - five directorates and institutions;

    5. Energiministeriet - one directorate and Forsøgsanlæg Risø;

    6. Finansministeriet (two departments) - four directorates and institutions including Direktoratet for Statens indkøb,

    - five other institutions;

    7. Ministeriet for Skatter og Afgifter (two departments) - five directorates and institutions;

    8. Fiskeriministeriet - four institutions;

    9. Industriministeriet (Full name: Ministeriet for Industri, Handel, Håndværk og Skibsfart) - nine directorates and institutions;

    10. Indenrigsministeriet - Civilforsvarsstyrelsen,

    - one directorate;

    11. Justitsministeriet - Rigspolitichefen,

    - five other directorates and institutions;

    12. Kirkeministeriet

    13. Landbrugsministeriet - 19 directorates and institutions;

    14. Miljøministeriet - five directorates;

    15. Kultur- og Kommunikationsministeriet (1) - three directorates and several state-owned museums and higher education institutions;

    16. Socialministeriet - four directorates;

    17. Undervisningsministeriet - six directorates,

    - 12 universities and other higher education institutions;

    18. Økonomiministeriet (three departments)

    19. Ministeriet for Offentlige Arbejder (2) - State harbours and State airports,

    - four directorates and several institutions;

    20. Forsvarsministeriet (3)

    21. Sundhedsministeriet - several institutions including Statens Serum-institut and Rigshospitalet.


    (This list is authentic in the English language)


    1. Federal Foreign Office

    2. Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

    3. Federal Ministry of Education and Science

    4. Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry

    5. Federal Ministry of Finance

    6. Federal Ministry for Research and Technology

    7. Federal Ministry of the Interior (civil goods only)

    8. Federal Ministry of Health

    9. Federal Ministry for Women and Youth

    10. Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and Senior Citizens

    11. Federal Ministry of Justice

    12. Federal Ministry for Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development

    13. Federal Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (1)

    14. Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs

    15. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation

    16. Federal Ministry of Defence (2)

    17. Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety

    1. Auswärtiges Amt

    2. Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung

    3. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft

    4. Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten

    5. Bundesministerium der Finanzen

    6. Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie

    7. Bundesministerium des Inneren (nur ziviles Material)

    8. Bundesministerium für Gesundheit

    9. Bundesministerium für Frauen und Jugend

    10. Bundesministerium für Familie und Senioren

    11. Bundesministerium der Justiz

    12. Bundesministerium für Raumordnung, Bauwesen und Städtebau

    13. Bundesministerium für Post- und Telekommunikation (1)

    14. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft

    15. Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit

    16. Bundesministerium der Verteidigung (2)

    17. Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit


    According to existing national obligations, the entities contained in this list must, in conformity with special procedures, award contracts to certain groups in order to remove difficulties caused by the last war.


    (La version française de cette liste fait foi.)


    A. Budget général

    - Premier ministre

    - Ministère d'État, ministère de l'éducation nationale, de la jeunesse et des sports

    - Ministère d'État, ministère de l'économie, des finances et du budget

    - Ministère d'État, ministère de l'équipement, du logement, des transports et de la mer

    - Ministère d'État, ministère des affaires étrangères

    - Ministère de la justice

    - Ministère de la défense (1)

    - Ministère de l'intérieur et de la centralisation

    - Ministère de l'industrie et de l'aménagement du territoire

    - Ministère des affaires européennes

    - Ministère d'État, ministère de la fonction publique et des réformes administratives

    - Ministère du travail, de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle

    - Ministère de la coopération et du développement

    - Ministère de la culture, de la communication, des grands travaux et du Bicentenaire

    - Ministère des départements et territoires d'outre-mer

    - Ministère de l'agriculture et de la forêt

    - Ministère des postes, des télécommunications et de l'espace (2)

    - Ministère chargé des relations avec le Parlement

    - Ministère de la solidarité, de la santé et de la protection sociale

    - Ministère de la recherche et de la technologie

    - Ministère du commerce extérieur

    - Ministère délégué auprès du ministère d'État, ministère de l'économie, des finances et du budget, chargé du budget

    - Ministère délégué auprès du ministère d'État, ministère des affaires étrangères, chargé de la francophonie

    - Ministère délégué auprès du ministère d'État, ministère des affaires étrangères

    - Ministère délégué auprès du ministère de l'industrie et de l'aménagement du territoire, chargé de l'aménagement du territoire et des reconversions

    - Ministère délégué auprès du ministère de l'industrie et de l'aménagement du territoire, chargé du commerce et de l'artisanat

    - Ministère délégué auprès du ministère de l'industrie et de l'aménagement du territoire, chargé du tourisme

    - Ministère délégué auprès du ministère de l'équipement, du logement, des transports et de la mer, chargé de la mer

    - Ministère délégué auprès du ministère de la culture, de la communication, des grands travaux et du Bicentenaire, chargé de la communication

    - Ministère délégué auprès du ministère de la solidarité, de la santé et de la protection sociale, chargé des personnes âgées

    - Secrétariat d'État chargé des droits des femmes

    - Secrétariat d'État chargé des anciens combattants et des victimes de guerre

    - Secrétariat d'État chargé de la prévention des risques technologiques et naturels majeurs

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du premier ministre, chargé du plan

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du premier ministre, chargé de l'environnement

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du premier ministre

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du premier ministre, chargé de l'action humanitaire

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du ministère d'État, ministère de l'éducation nationale, de la jeunesse et des sports, chargé de l'enseignement technique

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du ministère d'État, ministère de l'éducation nationale, de la jeunesse et des sports, chargé de la jeunesse et des sports

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du ministère d'État, ministère de l'économie, des finances et du budget, chargé de la consommation

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du ministère des affaires étrangères, chargé des relations culturelles internationales

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du ministère de l'intérieur, chargé des collectivités territoriales

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du ministère de l'équipement, du logement, des transports et de la mer, chargé des transports routiers et fluviaux

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du ministère du travail, de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle, chargé de la formation professionnelle

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du ministère de la culture, de la communication, des grands travaux et du Bicentenaire, chargé des grands travaux

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du ministère de la solidarité, de la santé et de la protection sociale, chargé de la famille

    - Secrétariat d'État auprès du ministère de la solidarité, de la santé et de la protection sociale, chargé des handicapés et des accidentés de la vie

    B. Budget annexe

    On peut notamment signaler:

    - Imprimerie nationale

    C. Comptes spéciaux du Trésor

    On peut notamment signaler:

    - Fonds forestier national

    - Soutien financier de l'industrie cinématographique et de l'industrie des programmes audiovisuels

    - Fonds national d'aménagement foncier et d'urbanisme

    - Caisse autonome de la reconstruction


    - Académie de France à Rome

    - Académie de marine

    - Académie des sciences d'outre-mer

    - Agence centrale des organismes de sécurité sociale (ACOSS)

    - Agences financières de bassins

    - Agence nationale pour l'amélioration des conditions de travail (ANACT)

    - Agence nationale pour l'amélioration de l'habitat (ANAH)

    - Agence nationale pour l'emploi (ANPE)

    - Agence nationale pour l'indemnisation des français d'outre-mer (ANIFOM)

    - Assemblée permanente des chambres d'agriculture (APCA)

    - Bibliothèque nationale

    - Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg

    - Bureau d'études des postes et télécommunications d'outre-mer (BEPTOM)

    - Caisse d'aide à l'équipement des collectivités locales (CAECL)

    - Caisse des dépôts et consignations

    - Caisse nationale des allocations familiales (CNAF)

    - Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie des travailleurs salariés (CNAM)

    - Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse des travailleurs salariés (CNAVTS)

    - Caisse nationale des autoroutes (CNA)

    - Caisse nationale militaire de sécurité sociale (CNMSS)

    - Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et des sites

    - Caisse nationale des télécommunications (1)

    - Caisse de garantie du logement social

    - Casa de Velasquez

    - Centre d'enseignement zootechnique de Rambouillet

    - Centre d'études du milieu et de pédagogie appliquée du ministère de l'agriculture

    - Centre d'études supérieures de sécurité sociale

    - Centres de formation professionnelle agricole

    - Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou

    - Centre national de la cinématographie française

    - Centre national d'études et de formation pour l'enfance inadaptée

    - Centre national d'études et d'expérimentation du machinisme agricole, du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts

    - Centre national d'études et de formation pour l'adaptation scolaire et l'éducation spécialisée (CNEFASES)

    - Centre national de formation et de perfectionnement des professeurs d'enseignement ménager agricole

    - Centre national des lettres

    - Centre national de documentation pédagogique

    - Centre national des oeuvres universitaires et scolaires (CNOUS)

    - Centre national d'opthalmologie des Quinze-Vingts

    - Centre national de préparation au professorat de travaux manuels éducatifs et d'enseignement ménager

    - Centre national de promotion rurale de Marmilhat

    - Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)

    - Centre régional d'éducation populaire d'Île-de-France

    - Centre d'éducation populaire et de sport (CREPS)

    - Centres régionaux des oeuvres universitaires (CROUS)

    - Centres régionaux de la propriété forestière

    - Centre de sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants

    - Chancelleries des universités

    - Collèges d'État

    - Commission des opérations de bourse

    - Conseil supérieur de la pêche

    - Conservatoire de l'espace littoral et des rivages lacustres

    - Conservatoire national des arts et métiers

    - Conservatoire national supérieur de musique

    - Conservatoire national supérieur d'art dramatique

    - Domaine de Pompadour

    - École centrale - Lyon

    - École centrale des arts et manufactures

    - École française d'archéologie d'Athènes

    - École française d'Extrême-Orient

    - École française de Rome

    - École des hautes études en sciences sociales

    - École nationale d'administration

    - École nationale de l'aviation civile (ENAC)

    - École nationale des chartes

    - École nationale d'équitation

    - École nationale du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts (ENGREF)

    - Écoles nationales d'ingénieurs

    - École nationale d'ingénieurs des industries des techniques agricoles et alimentaires

    - Écoles nationales d'ingénieurs des travaux agricoles

    - École nationale des ingénieurs des travaux ruraux et des techniques sanitaires

    - École nationale des ingénieurs des travaux des eaux et forêts (ENITEF)

    - École nationale de la magistrature

    - Écoles nationales de la marine marchande

    - École nationale de la santé publique (ENSP)

    - École nationale de ski et d'alpinisme

    - École nationale supérieure agronomique - Montpellier

    - École nationale supérieure agronomique - Rennes

    - École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs

    - École nationale supérieure des arts et industries - Strasbourg

    - École nationale supérieure des arts et industries textiles - Roubaix

    - Écoles nationales supérieures des arts et métiers

    - École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts

    - École nationale supérieure des bibliothécaires

    - École nationale supérieure de céramique industrielle

    - École nationale supérieure de l'électronique et de ses applications (ENSEA)

    - École nationale supérieure d'horticulture

    - École nationale supérieure des industries agricoles alimentaires

    - École nationale supérieure du paysage (rattachée à l'école nationale supérieure d'horticulture)

    - École nationale supérieure des sciences agronomiques appliquées (ENSSA)

    - Écoles nationales vétérinaires

    - École nationale de voile

    - Écoles normales d'instituteurs et d'institutrices

    - Écoles normales nationales d'apprentissage

    - Écoles normales supérieures

    - École polytechnique

    - École technique professionnelle agricole et forestière de Meymac (Corrèze)

    - École de sylviculture - Crogny (Aube)

    - École de viticulture et d'oenologie de la Tour Blanche (Gironde)

    - École de viticulture - Alvize (Marne)

    - Établissement national de convalescents de Saint-Maurice

    - Établissement national des invalides de la marine (ENIM)

    - Établissement national de bienfaisance Koenigs-Wazter

    - Fondation Carnegie

    - Fondation Singer-Polignac

    - Fonds d'action sociale pour les travailleurs immigrés et leurs familles

    - Hôpital-hospice national Dufresne-Sommeiller

    - Institut de l'élevage et de médicine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux (IEMVPT)

    - Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire

    - Institut géographique national

    - Institut industriel du Nord

    - Institut international d'administration publique (IIAP)

    - Institut national agronomique de Paris-Grignon

    - Institut national des appellations d'origine des vins et eaux-de-vie (INAOVEV)

    - Institut national d'astronomie et de géophysique (INAG)

    - Institut national de la consommation (INC)

    - Institut national d'éducation populaire (INEP)

    - Institut national d'études démographiques (INED)

    - Institut national des jeunes aveugles - Paris

    - Institut national des jeunes sourdes - Bordeaux

    - Institut national des jeunes sourds - Chambéry

    - Institut national des jeunes sourds - Metz

    - Institut national des jeunes sourds - Paris

    - Institut national de physique nucléaire et de physique des particules (I N2 P3)

    - Institut national de promotion supérieure agricole

    - Institut national de la propriété industrielle

    - Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA)

    - Institut national de recherche pédagogique (INRP)

    - Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM)

    - Institut national des sports

    - Instituts nationaux polytechniques

    - Instituts nationaux des sciences appliquées

    - Institut national supérieur de chimie industrielle de Rouen

    - Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA)

    - Institut national de recherche sur les transports et leur sécurité (INRETS)

    - Instituts régionaux d'administration

    - Institut supérieur des matériaux et de la construction mécanique de Saint-Ouen

    - Lycées d'État

    - Musée de l'armée

    - Musée Gustave Moreau

    - Musée de la marine

    - Musée national J. J. Henner

    - Musée national de la légion d'honneur

    - Musée de la poste

    - Musée national d'histoire naturelle

    - Musée Auguste Rodin

    - Observatoire de Paris

    - Office de coopération et d'accueil universitaire

    - Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides

    - Office national des anciens combattants

    - Office national de la chasse

    - Office national d'information sur les enseignements et les professions (ONISEP)

    - Office national d'immigration (ONI)

    - ORSTOM - Institut français de recherche scientifique pour le développement en coopération

    - Office universitaire et culturel français pour l'Algérie

    - Palais de la découverte

    - Parcs nationaux

    - Réunion des musées nationaux

    - Syndicat des transports parisiens

    - Thermes nationaux - Aix-les-Bains

    - Universités


    - Union des groupements d'achats publics (UGAP)


    (This list is authentic in the English language)


    Office of Public Works


    - President's Establishment,

    - Houses of the Oireachtas (Parliament),

    - Department of the Taoiseach (Prime Minister),

    - Central Statistics Office,

    - Department of the Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking areas),

    - National Gallery of Ireland,

    - Department of Finance,

    - State Laboratory,

    - Office of the Comptroller and Auditor-General,

    - Office of the Attorney-General,

    - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions,

    - Valuation Office,

    - Civil Service Commission,

    - Office of the Ombudsman,

    - Office of the Revenue Commissioners,

    - Department of Justice,

    - Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland,

    - Department of the Environment,

    - Department of Education,

    - Department of the Marine,

    - Department of Agriculture and Food,

    - Department of Labour,

    - Department of Industry and Commerce,

    - Department of Tourism and Transport,

    - Department of Communications,

    - Department of Defence (1),

    - Department of Foreign Affairs,

    - Department of Social Welfare,

    - Department of Health,

    - Department of Energy.


    (This list is authentic in the English and the French languages)


    1. Ministry of the Treasury (1)

    2. Ministry of Finance (2)

    3. Ministry of Justice

    4. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    5. Ministry of Education

    6. Ministry of the Interior

    7. Ministry of Public Works

    8. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

    9. Ministry of Industry, Trade and Craft Trades

    10. Ministry of Employment and Social Security

    11. Ministry of Health

    12. Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the Environment

    13. Ministry of Defence (3)

    14. Budget and Economic Planning Ministry

    15. Ministry of State Holdings

    16. Ministry of Tourism and Spectacle

    17. Ministry of Foreign Trade

    18. Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (4)

    19. Ministry of the Environment

    20. Ministry of University and Scientifical and Technological Research

    (Les versions anglaise et française de cette liste font foi.)


    1. Ministère du Trésor (1)

    2. Ministère des finances (2)

    3. Ministère de la justice

    4. Ministère des affaires étrangères

    5. Ministère de l'instruction publique

    6. Ministère de l'intérieur

    7. Ministère des travaux publics

    8. Ministère de l'agriculture et des forêts

    9. Ministère de l'industrie, du commerce et de l'artisanat

    10. Ministère du travail et de la prévoyance sociale

    11. Ministère de la santé

    12. Ministère des affaires culturelles et de l'environnement

    13. Ministère de la défense (3)

    14. Ministère du budget et du plan économique

    15. Ministère des participations d'État

    16. Ministère du tourisme et du spectacle

    17. Ministère du commerce extérieur

    18. Ministère des postes et télécommunications (4)

    19. Ministère de l'environnement

    20. Ministère de l'université et de la recherche scientifique et technologique


    This Agreement shall not prevent the implementation if provisions contained in Italian Law N° 835 of 6 October 1950 (Official Gazette of the Italian Republic N° 245 of 24 October 1950) and in modifications thereto in force on the date on which this Agreement is adopted.


    Le présent accord n'empêchera pas d'appliquer les dispositions de la loi italienne n° 835 du 6 octobre 1950 (Journal officiel de la République italienne n° 245 du 24 octobre 1950) et de ses amendements en vigueur au moment de l'adoption du présent accord.



    1. Ministero del Tesoro (1);

    2. Ministero delle Finanze (2);

    3. Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia;

    4. Ministero degli Affari Esteri;

    5. Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione;

    6. Ministero dell'Interno;

    7. Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici;

    8. Ministero dell'Agricoltura e delle Foreste;

    9. Ministero dell'Industria, del Commercio e dell'Artigianato;

    10. Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale;

    11. Ministero della Sanità;

    12. Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali;

    13. Ministero della Difesa (3);

    14. Ministero del Bilancio e della Programmazione Economica;

    15. Ministero delle Partecipazioni Statali;

    16. Ministero del Turismo e dello Spettacolo;

    17. Ministero del Commercio con l'Estero;

    18. Ministero delle Poste e delle Telecomunicazioni (4);

    19. Ministero dell'Ambiente;

    20. Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica.


    This Agreement shall not prevent the implementation of provisions contained in Italian Law N° 835 of 6 October 1950 (Official Gazette of the Italian Republic N° 245 of 24 October 1950) and in modifications thereto in force on the date on which this Agreement is adopted.

    Le présent accord n'empêchera pas d'appliquer les dispositions de la loi italienne n° 835 du 6 octobre 1950 (Journal officiel de la République italienne n° 245 du 24 octobre 1950) et de ses amendements en vigueur au moment de l'adoption du présent accord.


    (La version française de cette liste fait foi.)

    1. Ministère d'État: service central des imprimés et des fournitures de l'État

    2. Ministère de l'agriculture: administration des services techniques de l'agriculture

    3. Ministère de l'éducation nationale: lycées d'enseignement secondaire et d'enseignement secondaire technique

    4. Ministère de la famille et de la solidarité sociale: maisons de retraite

    5. Ministère de la force publique: armée (1) - gendarmerie - police

    6. Ministère de la justice: établissements pénitentiaires

    7. Ministère de la santé publique: hôpital neuropsychiatrique

    8. Ministère des travaux publics: bâtiments publics - ponts et chaussées

    9. Ministère des communications: postes et télécommunications (2)

    10. Ministère de l'énergie: centrales électriques de la Haute-et Basse-Sûre

    11. Ministère de l'environnement: commissariat général à la protection des eaux


    (This list is authentic in the English language)


    A. Ministries and central governmental bodies

    1. Ministry of General Affairs

    2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    3. Ministry of Justice

    4. Ministry of the Interior

    5. Ministry of Finance

    6. Ministry of Economic Affairs

    7. Ministry of Education and Science

    8. Ministry of Housing, Planning and the Environment

    9. Ministry of Transport and Public Work

    10. Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Fisheries

    11. Ministry of Employment and Social Security

    12. Ministry of Welfare, Public Health and Cultural Affairs

    13. Cabinet for matters concerning the Netherlands Antilles and Aruban Affairs

    14. Higher Colleges of State

    B. Central procurement offices

    Entities listed above under A generally make their own specific purchases; other general purchases are effected through the entities listed below:

    1. Directorate of Water Control

    2. Directorate-General of Supplies of the Royal Netherlands Army (1)

    3. Directorate-General of Supplies of the Royal Netherlands Air Force (1)

    4. Directorate-General of supplies of the Royal Netherlands Navy (1)

    A. Ministries and central governmental bodies

    1. Ministerie van Algemene Zaken

    2. Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

    3. Ministerie van Justitie

    4. Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken

    5. Ministerie van Financiën

    6. Ministerie van Economische Zaken

    7. Ministerie van Onderwijs en Wetenschappen

    8. Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer

    9. Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat

    10. Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij

    11. Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid

    12. Ministerie van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur

    13. Kabinet voor Nederlands-Antilliaanse en Arubaanse Zaken

    14. Hogere Colleges van Staat

    B. Central procurement offices

    Entities listed above under A generally make their own specific purchases; other general purchases are affected through the entities listed below:

    1. Directoraat-generaal Rijkswaterstaat

    2. Directoraat-generaal voor de Koninklijke Landmacht (1)

    3. Directoraat-generaal voor de Koninklijke Luchtmacht (1)

    4. Directoraat-generaal voor de Koninklijke Marine (1)


    (This list is authentic in the English language)

    Cabinet office:

    Civil Service College

    Civil Service Commission

    Civil Service Occupational Health Service

    Office of the Minister for the Civil Service

    Parliamentary Counsel Office

    Central Office of Information

    Charity Commission

    Crown Prosecution Service

    Crown Estate Commissioners

    Customs and Excise Department

    Department for National Savings

    Department of Education and Science:

    University Grants Committee

    Department of Employment:

    Employment Appeal Tribunal

    Industrial Tribunals

    Office of Manpower Economics

    Department of Energy

    Department of Health:

    Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work

    Dental Estimates Board

    English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health


    Medical Boards and Examining Medical Officers (War Pensions)

    National Health Service Authorities

    Prescription Pricing Authority

    Public Health Laboratory Service Board

    Regional Medical Service

    United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting

    Department of Social Security:

    Attendance Allowance Board

    Occupational Pensions Board

    Social Security Advisory Committee

    Supplementary Benefits Appeal Tribunals

    Department of the Environment:

    Building Research Establishment

    Commons Commissioners

    Countryside Commission

    Fire Research Station (Boreham Wood)

    Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission

    Local Valuation Panels

    Property Services Agency

    Rent Assessment Panels

    Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution

    Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England

    Royal Fine Art Commission (England)

    Department of the Procurator General and Treasury Solicitor:

    Legal Secretariat to the Law Officers

    Department of Trade and Industry:

    Laboratory of the Government Chemist

    National Engineering Laboratory

    National Physical Laboratory

    Warren Spring Laboratory

    National Weights and Measures Laboratory

    Domestic Coal Consumers' Council

    Electricity Consultative Councils for England and Wales

    Gas Consumers' Council

    Transport Users Consultative Committees

    Monopolies and Mergers Commission

    Patent Office

    Department of Transport:

    Coastguard Services

    Transport and Road Research Laboratory

    Transport Tribunal

    Export Credits Guarantee Department

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office:

    Government Communications Headquaters

    Wilton Park Conference Centre

    Government Actuary's Department

    Home Office:

    Boundary Commission for England

    Gaming Board for Great Britain

    Inspectors of Constabulary

    Parole Board and Local Review Committees

    House of Commons

    House of Lords

    Inland Revenue, Board of

    Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce

    Lord Chancellor's Department:

    Council on Tribunals

    County Courts (England and Wales)

    Immigration Appellate Authorities:

    Immigration Adjudicators

    Immigration Appeal Tribunal

    Judge-Advocate-General and Judge-Advocate of the Fleet

    Lands Tribunal

    Law Commission

    Legal Aid Fund (England and Wales)

    Pensions Appeal Tribunals

    Public Trustee Office

    Office of the Social Security Commissioners

    Special Commissioners for Income Tax (England and Wales)

    Supreme Court (England and Wales):

    Court of Appeal: Civil and Criminal Divisions

    Courts Martial Appeal Court

    Crown Court

    High Court

    Value-Added-Tax Tribunals

    Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food:

    Advisory Services

    Agricultural Development and Advisory Service

    Agricultural Dwelling House Advisory Committees

    Agricultural Land Tribunals

    Agricultural Science Laboratories

    Agricultural Wages Board and Committees

    Cattle Breeding Centre

    Plant Variety Rights Office

    Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

    Ministry of Defence (1):

    Meteorological Office

    Procurement Executive

    National Audit Office

    National Investment Loans Office

    Northern Ireland Court Service:

    Coroners Courts

    County Courts

    Crown Courts

    Enforcement of Judgements Office

    Legal Aid Fund

    Magistrates Court

    Pensions Appeals Tribunals

    Supreme Court of Judicature and Courts of Criminal Appeal

    Northern Ireland, Department of Agriculture

    Northern Ireland, Department for Economic Development

    Northern Ireland, Department of Education

    Northern Ireland, Department of the Environment

    Northern Ireland, Department of Finance and Personnel

    Northern Ireland, Department of Health and Social Services

    Northern Ireland Office:

    Crown Solicitor's Office

    Department of the Diretor of Public Prosecutions for Northern Ireland

    Northern Ireland Forensic Science Laboratory

    Officer of Chief Electoral Officer for Nothern Ireland

    Police Authority for Northern Ireland

    Probation Board for Northern Ireland

    State Pathologist Service

    Office of Arts and Libraries:

    British Library

    British Museum

    British Museum (Natural History)

    Imperial War Museum

    Museums and Galleries Commission

    National Gallery

    National Maritime Museum

    National Portrait Gallery

    Science Museum

    Tate Gallery

    Victoria and Albert Museum

    Wallace Collection

    Office of Fair Trading

    Office of Population Censuses and Surveys:

    National Health Service Central Register

    Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and Health:

    Service Commissioners

    Overseas Development Administration:

    Overseas Development and National Research Institute

    Paymaster-General's Office

    Postal Business of the Post Office

    Privy Council Office

    Public Record Office

    Registry of Friendly Societies

    Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts

    Royal Hospital, Chelsea

    Royal Mint

    Scotland, Crown Office and Procurator:

    Fiscal Service

    Scotland, Department of the Registers of Scotland

    Scotland, General Register Office:

    National Health Service Central Register

    Scotland, Lord Advocate's Department

    Scotland, Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer

    Scottish Courts Administration:

    Accountant of Court's Office

    Court of Justiciary

    Court of Session

    Lands Tribunal for Scotland

    Pensions Appeal Tribunals

    Scottish Land Court

    Scottish Law Commission

    Sheriff Courts

    Social Security Commissioners' Office

    Scottish Office:

    Central Services

    Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland:

    Artificial Insemination Service

    Crofters Commission

    Red Deer Commission

    Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh

    Industry Department for Scotland:

    Scottish Electricity Consultative Councils

    Scottish Development Department:

    Rent Assessment Panel and Committees

    Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland

    Royal Fine Art Commission for Scotland

    Scottish Education Department:

    National Galleries of Scotland

    National Library of Scotland

    National Museum of Scotland

    Scottish Home and Health Departments:

    HM Inspectorate of Constabulary

    Local Health Councils

    Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

    Natioal Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland

    Parole Board for Scotland and Local Review Committees

    Scottish Antibody Production Unit

    Scottish Council for Postgraduate Medical Education

    Scottish Crime Squad

    Scottish Criminal Record Office

    Scottish Fire Service Training School

    Scottish Health Boards

    Scottish Health Service - Common Services Agency

    Scottish Health Service Planning Council

    Scottish Police College

    Scottish Record Office

    HM Stationery Office

    HM Treasury:

    Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency

    Chessington Computer Centre

    Civil Service Catering Organisation

    National Economic Development Council

    Rating of Government Proberty Department

    Welsh Office:

    Ancient Monuments (Wales) Commission

    Council for the Education and Training of Health Visitors

    Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales

    Local Valuation Panels and Courts

    National Health Service Authorities

    Rent Control Tribunals and Rent Assessment Panels and Committees


    (This list is authentic in the Spanish language)


    1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    2. Ministry of Justice

    3. Ministry of Defence

    4. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Finance

    5. Ministry of the Interior

    6. Ministry of Public Works and Transport

    7. Ministry of Education and Science

    8. Ministry of Labour and Social Security

    9. Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism

    10. Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Food

    11. Ministry of Public Administration

    12. Ministry of Culture

    13. Ministry of Relations with the Cortes and of the Government Administration

    14. Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs

    15. Ministry of Social Affairs

    16. Ministry of Government Information


    (Esta lista es auténtica en idioma español)


    1. Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores

    2. Ministerio de Justicia

    3. Ministerio de Defensa

    4. Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda

    5. Ministerio del Interior

    6. Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes

    7. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

    8. Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social

    9. Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo

    10. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación

    11. Ministerio para las Administraciones Públicas

    12. Ministerio de Cultura

    13. Ministerio de Relaciones con las Cortes y de la Secretaría del Gobierno

    14. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo

    15. Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales

    16. Ministerio del Portavoz del Gobierno



    1. Ministry of National Economy

    2. Ministry of Education and Religion

    3. Ministry of Commerce

    4. Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology

    5. Ministry of Merchant Marine

    6. Ministry to the Prime Minister

    7. Ministry of the Aegean

    8. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    9. Ministry of Justice

    10. Ministry of the Interior

    11. Ministry of Labour

    12. Ministry of Culture and Sciences

    13. Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works

    14. Ministry of Finance

    15. Ministry of Transport and Communications

    16. Ministry of Health, and Social Security

    17. Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace

    18. Ministry of Agriculture

    19. Army General Staff

    20. Navy General Staff

    21. Airforce General Staff

    22. General Secretariat for Press and Information

    23. General Secretariat for Youth

    24. General State Laboratory

    25. General Secretariat for Further Education

    26. General Secretariat for Equality

    27. General Secretariat for Social Security

    28. General Secretariat for Greeks Living Abroad

    29. General Secretariat for Industry

    30. General Secretariat for Research and Technology

    31. General Secretariat for Sports

    32. General Secretariat for Public Works

    33. National Statistical Service

    34. National Welfare Organization

    35. Workers' Housing Organization

    36. National Printing Office

    37. Greek Atomic Energy Commission

    38. Greek Highway Fund

    39. University of Athens

    40. University of the Aegean

    41. University of Thessaloniki

    42. University of Thrace

    43. University of Ioannina

    44. University of Patras

    45. Polytechnic School of Crete

    46. Sivitanidios Technical School

    47. University of Macedonia

    48. Eginitio Hospital

    49. Areteio Hospital

    50. National Centre for Public Administration

    51. Hellenic Post (EL. TA.)

    52. Public Material Management Organization

    53. Farmers' Insurance Organization

    54. School Building Organization



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    54. Ïñãáíéóìüò Ó÷ïëéêþí Êôéñßùí


    (This list is authentic in the English and Protuguese languages)


    Prime Minister's Office

    Legal Affairs Office

    Centre for Studies and Training (Local Government)

    Centre for Technical Studies and Legislative Support

    Government Computer Network Management Centre

    National Coucil for Civil Defence Planning

    Permanent Council for Industrial Conciliation

    Department for Vocational and Advanced Training

    Ministerial Department with special responsibility for Macao

    Ministerial Department responsible for Community Service by Conscientious Objectors

    Institute for Youth

    National Administration Institute

    Secretariat-General, Prime Minister's Office

    Secretariat for Administrative Modernization

    National Civil Defence Service

    Social Services, Prime Minister's Office

    Ministry of the Interior

    Directorate-General for Roads

    Ministerial Department responsible for Studies and Planning


    Customs Police

    Republican National Guard



    Technical Secretariat for Electoral Matters

    Customs and Immigration Department

    Intelligence and Security Department

    National Fire Service

    Ministry of Agriculture

    Control Agency for Community Aid to Olive Oil Production

    Directorate-General for Agricultural and Water Engineering

    Directorate-General for Animal Husbandry

    Directorate-General for Forests

    Directorate-General for Agricultural Planning

    Directorate-General for Agricultural Markets and the Agri-foods Industry

    Regional-Directorate for Agriculture (Beira Interior)

    Regional-Directorate for Agriculture (Beira Litoral)

    Regional-Directorate for Agriculture (Entre Douro e Minho)

    Regional-Directorate for Agriculture (Trás-os-Montes)

    Regional-Directorate for Agriculture (Alentejo)

    Regional-Directorate for Agriculture (Algarve)

    Regional-Directorate for Agriculture (Ribatejo e Oeste)

    Ministerial Department responsible for Community-related Agricultural Questions

    General Inspectorate and Audit Office (Management Audits)

    Viticulture Institute

    Food Quality Institute

    National Agricultural Research Institute

    Institute for the Regulation and Guidance of Agricultural Markets

    Social Works - Secretariat-General

    Farm Accountancy Data Network


    Ifadap (Financial Institute for the Development of Agriculture and Fishing) (a)

    INGA (National Agricultural Intervention and Guarantee Institute) (a)

    (a) Authority under joint Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture control.

    Ministry of the Enviroment and Natural Resources

    Directorate-General for Environmental Quality

    Directorate-General for Natural Resources

    Ministerial Department responsible for European Affairs

    Ministerial Department responsible for Studies and Planning

    Ministerial Department responsible for Nuclear Safety and Protection

    National Environmental Institute

    National Institute for Consumer Protection

    National Institute for Meteorology and Geophysics


    National Department for Parks, Reserves and Nature Conservancy

    Ministerial Department for the Improvement of the Estoril Coast

    Regional delegations (a)

    National Water Institute (b)

    (a) In the process of being set up.

    (b) About to replace the Directorate-General for Natural Resources.

    Ministry of Trade and Tourism

    Commission responsible for the Application of Economic Penalties

    Directorate-General for Competition and Prices

    Directorate-General for Inspection (Economic Affairs)

    Directorate-General for Foreign Trade

    Directorate-General for Domestic Trade

    Directorate-General for Tourism

    Tourism Fund

    Ministrial Department responsible for Community Affairs

    ICEP (Portuguese Foreign Trade Institute)

    General Inspectorate for Gambling

    Institute for the Promotion of Tourism

    National Institute for Training in Tourism

    Regional Tourist Boards


    Enatur (National Tourism Enterprise) - Public enterprise (a)

    AGA (General Authority for Sugar and Alcohol) - Public enterprise (a)

    (a) Authority under joint Ministry of Trade and Tourism and Ministry of Finance control.

    Ministry of Defence

    Office of the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces

    Office of the Chief of Staff, Air Force

    Air Force Logistics and Administration Control Centre

    Office of the Chief of Staff, Army

    Office of the Chief of Staff, Navy

    Directorate-General for Naval Equipment

    Directorate for Naval Facilities

    Directorate for Supplies

    National Rope Factory

    The Navy Hospital

    The Alfeite Arsenal

    The Hydrographic Institute

    Directorate-General for Armaments

    Directorate-General for Personnel and Infrastructure

    Directorate-General for National Defence Policy

    National Defence Institute


    Ministry of Education

    Legal Affairs Office

    Directorate-General for Administration of Schools

    Directorate-General for Further Education

    Directorate-General for Higher Education

    Directorate-General for Sports

    Directorate-General for Primary and Secondary Education

    Regional Directorate for Education (Lisbon)

    Regional Directorate for Education (Algarve)

    Regional Directorate for Education (Centre)

    Regional Directorate for Education (North)

    Regional Directorate for Education (South)

    The Ministry of Education Press

    Ministerial Department responsible for Coordination Access to Higher Education

    Ministerial Department responsible for Studies and Planning

    Ministerial Department responsible for Financial Management

    Ministerial Department responsible for Technological, Artistic and Vocational Training

    General Inspectorate for Education

    Institute for Portuguese Language and Culture

    Institute for Innovation in Education

    Institute with special responsibility for the Social Aspects of Education


    Ministry of Employment and Social Security

    Legal Affairs Office

    National Insurance and Occupational Health Fund

    Social Welfare Funds

    Casa Pia de Lisboa

    National Centre for Pensions

    Regional Social Security centres

    Commission on Equal Opportunity and Rights for Women

    Statistics Department

    Studies and Planning Department

    Department of International Relations and Social Security Agreements

    European Social Fund Department

    Department of European Affairs and External Relations

    Directorate-General for Social Works

    Directorate-General for the Family

    Directorate-General for Labour Relations

    Directorate-General for Technical Support to Management

    Directorate-General for Occupational Safety and Hygiene

    Directorate-General for Employment and Vocational Training

    Directorate-General for Social Security Schemes

    Social Security Financial Stabilization Fund

    General Inspectorate for Social Security

    General Inspectorate for Labour

    Social Security Financial Management Institute

    Employment and Vocational Training Institute

    National Institute for Workers' Leisure Time


    National Secretariat for Rehabilitation

    Social Services

    Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (a)

    (a) Authority under joint Ministry of Employment and Social Security and Ministry of Health control.

    Ministry of Finance

    ADSE (Directorate-General for the Protection of Civil Servants)

    Legal Affairs Office

    Directorate-General for Public Administration

    Directorate-General for Public Accounts and General Budget Supervision

    Directorate-General for the State Loans Board

    Directorate-General for the Customs Service

    Directorate-General for Taxation

    Directorate-General for State Assets

    Directorate-General for the Treasury

    Ministerial Department responsible for Economic Studies

    Ministerial Department responsible for European Affairs

    Gafeep (Ministerial Department responsible for Studies on the Funding of the State and Public Enterprises)

    General Inspectorate for Finance

    Institute for Information Technology

    State Loans Board


    SOFE (Social Services of the Ministry of Finance)

    Ministry of Industry and Energy

    Regional Delegation for Industry and Energy (Lisbon and Tagus Valley)

    Regional Delegation for Industry and Energy (Alentejo)

    Regional Delegation for Industry and Energy (Algarve)

    Regional Delegation for Industry and Energy (Centre)

    Regional Delegation for Industry and Energy (North)

    Directorate-General for Industry

    Directorate-General for Energy

    Directorate-General for Geology and Mines

    Ministerial Department responsible for Studies and Planning

    Ministerial Department responsible for Oil Exploration and Production

    Ministerial Department responsible for Community Affairs

    National Industrial Property Institute

    Portuguese Institute for Quality

    LNETI (National Laboratory for Industrial Engineering and Technology)


    Ministry of Justice

    Centre for Legal Studies

    Centre for Civil and Criminal Identification

    Social Action and Observation Centres

    The High Council of the Juidiciary (Conselho Superior de Magistratura)

    Central Registry

    Directorate-General for Registers and Other Offical Documents

    Directorate-General for Computerized Services

    Directorate-General for Legal Services

    Directorate-General for the Prison Service

    Directorate-General for Protection and Care of Minors

    Prison Establishments

    Ministerial Department responsible for European Law

    Ministerial Department responsible for Documentation and Comparative Law

    Ministerial Department responsible for Studies and Planning

    Ministerial Department responsible for Financial Management

    Ministerial Department responsible for Planning and Coordinating Drug Control

    São João de Deus Prison Hospital

    Corpus Christi Institute

    Guarda Institute

    Institute for the Rehabilitation of Offenders

    São Domingos de Benfica Institute

    National Police and Forensic Science Institute

    Navarro Paiva Institute

    Padre António Oliveira Institute

    São Fiel Institute

    São José Institute

    Vila Fernando Institute

    Criminology Institutes

    Forensic Medicine Institutes

    Criminal Investigation Department


    Social Services

    Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications

    Council for Public and Private Works Markets

    Directorate-General for Civil Aviation

    Directorate-General for National Buildings and Monuments

    Directorate-General for Road and Rail Transport

    Ministerial Department responsible for River Crossings (Tagus)

    Ministerial Department responsible for Studies and Planning

    Ministerial Department responsible for the Lisbon Railway Junction

    Ministerial Department responsible for Oporto Railway Junction

    Ministerial Department responsible for Navigation on the Douro

    Ministerial Department responsible for European Communities

    General Inspectorate for Public Works, Transport and Communications

    Independent Executive for Roads

    National Civil Engineering Laboratory

    Social Works Department of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications


    Institute for Management and Sales of State Housing

    CTT - Post & Telecommunications of Portugal SA (1)

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Directorate-General for Consular Affairs and for Financial Administration

    Directorate-General for the European Communities

    Directorate-General for Cooperation

    Institute for Portuguese Emigrants and Portuguese Communities Abroad

    Institute for Economic Cooperation


    Ministry of Territorial Planning and Management

    Academy of Science

    Legal Affairs Office

    National Centre for Geographical Data

    Regional Coordination Committee (Centre)

    Regional Coordination Committee (Lisbon and Tagus Valley)

    Regional Coordination Committee (Alentejo)

    Regional Coordination Committee (Algarve)

    Regional Coordination Committee (North)

    Central Planning Department

    Directorate-General for Local Government

    Directorate-General for Regional Development

    Directorate-General for Town and Country Planning

    Ministerial Departement responsible for Coordination of the Alqueva Project

    Ministerial Departement responsible for Studies and Planning (Territorial Adminsitration)

    Ministerial departement responsible for Airports (Autonomous Region of Madeira)

    General Inspectorate for Territorial Administration

    National Statistical Institute

    António Sergio Cooperative Institute

    Institute for Scientific and Tropical Research

    Geographical and Land Register Institute

    National Scientific and Technological Research Board


    Ministry of the Sea

    Directorate-General for Fishing

    Directorate-General for Ports, Navigation and Maritime Transport

    Ministerial Departement responsible for European Affairs

    Portuguese Institute for Maritime Exploration

    Maritime Administration for North, Centre and South

    National Institute for Port Pilotage

    Institute for Port Labour

    Port Administration of Douro and Leixões

    Port Administration of Lisbon

    Port Administration of Setúbal and Sesimbra

    Port Administration of Sines

    Independent Executive for Ports

    Portuguese Fishing College

    Infante D Henrique Nautical School

    College of Sailing and Marine Craft

    Secretariat General

    Ministry of Health

    Regional Health Administrations

    Health Centres

    Mental Health Centres

    Histocompatibility Centres

    Medical Centres

    Regional Alcoholism Centres

    Inter-hospital Commissions

    Department for Studies and Health Planning

    Department for Health Service Financial Management

    Health Human Resources Departement

    Directorate-General for Health Installations and Equipment

    Directorate-General for Primary Health Care

    Directorate-General for Hospitals

    Infirmary High Schools

    Health Service Technical Colleges

    Central Hospitals

    District Hospitals

    Spezialized Hospitals

    General Inspectorate of the Health Services

    National Institute of Emergency Care

    Dr Ricardo Jorge National Health Institute

    Dr Jacinto de Magalhães Institute of Genetic Medicine

    Dr Gama Pinto Institute of Ophthalmology

    Portuguese Blood Institute

    General Practitioners Institutes


    Service for Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependence

    Informations Service of the Ministry of Health

    Social Services, Ministry of Health


    (This list is authentic in the English and Portuguese languages)


    Presidência do Conselho de Ministros

    Auditoria jurídica da Presidência do Conselho de Ministros

    Centro de Estudos e Formação Autárquica

    Centro de Estudos Técnicos e Apoio Legislativo

    Centro de Gestão da Rede Informática do Governo

    Conselho Nacional de Planeamento Civil de Emergência

    Conselho Permanente de Concertação Social

    Departamento de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento Profissional

    Gabinete de Macau

    Gabinete do Serviço Cívico dos Objectores de Consciência

    Instituto da Juventude

    Instituto Nacional de Administração

    Secretaria-Geral da Presidência do Conselho de Ministros

    Secretariado para a Moderização Administrativa

    Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil

    Serviços Sociais da Presidência do Conselho de Ministros

    Ministério da Administração Interna

    Direcção-Geral de Viação

    Gabinete de Estudos e Planeamento de Instalações

    Governos Civis

    Guarda Fiscal

    Guarda Nacional Republicana

    Polícia de Segurança Pública


    Secretariado Técnico dos Assuntos para o Processo Eleitoral

    Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras

    Serviço de Informação e Segurança

    Serviço Nacional de Bombeiros

    Ministério da Agricultura

    Agência do controlo das ajudas comunitárias ao sector do azeite

    Direcção-Geral da Hidráulica e Engenharia Agrícola

    Direcção-Geral da Pecuária

    Direcção-Geral das Florestas

    Direcção-Geral de Planeamento e Agricultura

    Direcção-Geral dos Mercados Agrícolas e da Indústria Agro-alimentar

    Direcção Regional de Agricultura da Beira Interior

    Direcção Regional de Agricultura da Beira Litoral

    Direcção Regional de Agricultura de Entre Douro e Minho

    Direcção Regional de Agricultura de Trás-os-Montes

    Direcção Regional de Agricultura do Alentejo

    Direcção Regional de Agricultura do Algarve

    Direcção Regional de Agricultura do Ribatejo e Oeste

    Gabinete para os Assuntos Agrícolas Comunitários

    Inspecção-Geral e Auditoria de Gestão

    Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho

    Instituto de Qualidade Alimentar

    Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária

    Instituto Regulador e Orientador dos Mercados Agrícolas

    Obra Social - Secretaria-Geral

    Rede de Informação de Contabilidades Agrícolas


    IFADAP - Instituto Financeiro de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento da Agricultura e Pescas (a) INGA - Instituto Nacional de Intervenção e Garantia Agrícola (a)

    (a) Entidades tuteladas conjuntamente pelos ministérios das Finanças e da Agricultura.

    Ministério do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais

    Direcção-Geral de Qualidade do Ambiente

    Direcção-Geral dos Recursos Naturais

    Gabinete dos Assuntos Europeus

    Gabinete de Estudos e Planeamento

    Gabinete de Protecção e Segurança Nuclear

    Instituto Nacional do Ambiente

    Instituto Nacional de Defesa do Consumidor

    Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofísica


    Serviço Nacional de Parques, Reservas e Conservação da Natureza

    Gabinete do Saneamento Básico da Costa do Estoril

    Delegações regionais (a)

    Instituto Nacional da Água (b)

    (a) Em fase de implementação.

    (b) A substituir, em breve, a Direcção-Geral dos Recursos Naturais.

    Ministério do Comércio e Turismo

    Comissão de aplicação de coimas em matéria económica

    Direcção-Geral da Concorrência e Preços

    Direcção-Geral de Inspecção Económica

    Direcção-Geral do Comércio Externo

    Direcção-Geral do Comércio Interno

    Direcção-Geral do Turismo

    Fundo de Turismo

    Gabinete para os Assuntos Comunitários

    ICEP - Instituto do Comércio Externo de Portugal

    Inspecção-Geral de Jogos

    Instituto de Promoção Turística

    Instituto Nacional de Formação Turística

    Regiões de turismo


    Enatur - Empresa Nacional de Turismo, EP (a)

    AGA - Administração-Geral do Açúcar e do Álcool, EP (a)

    (a) Entidades tuteladas conjuntamente pelos ministérios do Comércio e Turismo e das Finanças.

    Ministério da Defesa Nacional

    Estado-Maior General das Forças Armadas

    Estado-Maior da Força Aérea

    Comando Logístico-administrativo da Força Aérea

    Estado-Maior do Exército

    Estado-Maior da Armada

    Direcção-Geral do Material Naval

    Direcção das Infra-estruturas Navais

    Direcção de Abastecimento

    Fábrica Nacional de Cordoaria

    Hospital da Marinha

    Arsenal do Alfeite

    Instituto Hidrográfico

    Direcção-Geral de Armamento

    Direcção-Geral de Pessoal e Infra-estruturas

    Direcção-Geral de Política de Defesa Nacional

    Instituto de Defesa Nacional


    Ministério da Educação

    Auditoria jurídica

    Direcção-Geral de Administração Escolar

    Direcção-Geral da Extensão Educativa

    Direcção-Geral do Ensino Superior

    Direcção-Geral dos Desportos

    Direcção-Geral dos Ensinos Básico e Secundário

    Direcção Regional de Educação de Lisboa

    Direcção Regional de Educação do Algarve

    Direcção Regional de Educação do Centro

    Direcção Regional de Educação do Norte

    Direcção Regional de Educação do Sul

    Editorial do Ministério da Educação

    Gabinete Coordenador do Ingresso no Ensino Superior

    Gabinete de Estudos e Planeamento

    Gabinete de Gestão Financeira

    Gabinete do Ensino Tecnológico, Artístico e Profissional

    Inspecção-Geral de Educação

    Instituto de Cultura da Língua Portuguesa

    Instituto de Inovação Educacional

    Instituto dos Assuntos Sociais da Educação


    Ministério do Emprego e Segurança Social

    Auditoria jurídica

    Caixa Nacional de Seguros e Doenças Profissionais

    Caixas de Previdência Social

    Caixa Pia de Lisboa

    Centro Nacional de Pensões

    Centros Regionais de Segurança Social

    Comissão para a Igualdade e Direitos das Mulheres

    Departamento de Estatística

    Departamento de Estudos e Planeamento

    Departamento de Relações Internacionais e Convenções da Segurança Social

    Departamento para os Assuntos do Fundo Social Europeu

    Departamento para os Assuntos Europeus e Relações Externas

    Direcção-Geral da Acção Social

    Direcção-Geral da Família

    Direcção-Geral das Relações de Trabalho

    Direcção-Geral de Apoio Técnico à Gestão

    Direcção-Geral de Higiene e Segurança no Trabalho

    Direcção-Geral do Emprego e Formação Profissional

    Direcção-Geral dos Regimes de Segurança Social

    Fundo de Estabilização Financeira da Segurança Social

    Inspecção-Geral de Segurança Social

    Inspecção-Geral do Trabalho

    Instituto de Gestão Financeira da Segurança Social

    Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional

    Instituto Nacional para o Aproveitamento dos Tempos Livres dos Trabalhadores


    Secretariado Nacional de Reabilitação

    Serviços Sociais do MESS

    Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (a)

    (a) Entidade tutelada conjuntamente pelos ministérios do Emprego e Segurança Social e da Saúde.

    Ministério das Finanças

    ADSE - Direcção-Geral de Protecção Social aos Funcionários e Agentes da Administração Pública

    Auditoria jurídica

    Direcção-Geral da Administração Pública

    Direcção-Geral da Contabilidade Pública e Intendência Geral do Orçamento

    Direcção-Geral da Junta de Crédito Público

    Direcção-Geral das Alfândegas

    Direcção-Geral das Contribuições e Impostos

    Direcção-Geral do Património do Estado

    Direcção-Geral do Tesouro

    Gabinete de Estudos Económicos

    Gabinete dos Assuntos Europeus

    GAFEEP - Gabinete para Análise do Financiamento do Estado e das Empresas Públicas

    Inspecção-Geral de Finanças

    Instituto de Informática

    Junta de Crédito Público


    SOFE - Serviços Sociais do Ministério das Finanças

    Ministério da Indústria e Energia

    Delegação Regional da Indústria e Energia de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo

    Delegação Regional da Indústria e Energia do Alentejo

    Delegação Regional da Indústria e Energia do Algarve

    Delegação Regional da Indústria e Energia do Centro

    Delegação Regional da Indústria e Energia do Norte

    Direcção-Geral da Indústria

    Direcção-Geral de Energia

    Direcção-Geral de Geologia e Minas

    Gabinete de Estudos e Planeamento

    Gabinete para a Pesquisa e Exploração de Petróleo

    Gabinete para os Assuntos Comunitários

    Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial

    Instituto Português da Qualidade

    LNETI - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial


    Ministério da Justiça

    Centro de Estudos Judiciários

    Centro de Identificação Civil e Criminal

    Centros de observação e acção social

    Conselho Superior da Magistratura

    Conservatória dos Registos Centrais

    Direcção-Geral dos Registos e Notariado

    Direcção-Geral dos Serviços de Informática

    Direcção-Geral dos Serviços Judiciários

    Direcção-Geral dos Serviços Prisionais

    Direcção-Geral dos Serviços Tutelares de Menores

    Estabelecimentos prisionais

    Gabinete de Direito Europeu

    Gabinete de Documentação e Direito Comparado

    Gabinete de Estudos e Planeamento

    Gabinete de Gestão Financeira

    Gabinete de Planeamento e Coordenação do Combate à Droga

    Hospital-Prisão de S. João de Deus

    Instituto Corpus Christi

    Instituto da Guarda

    Instituto de Reinserção Social

    Instituto de S. Domingos de Benfica

    Instituto Nacional da Polícia e Ciências Criminais

    Instituto Navarro Paiva

    Instituto Padre António Oliveira

    Instituto de S. Fiel

    Instituto de S. José

    Instituto Vila Fernando

    Institutos de Criminologia

    Institutos de Medicina Legal

    Polícia Judiciária


    Serviços Sociais

    Ministério das Obras Públicas, Transportes e Comunicações

    Conselho de Mercados de Obras Públicas e Particulares

    Direcção-Geral da Aviação Civil

    Direcção-Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais

    Direcção-Geral dos Transportes Terrestres

    Gabinete da Travessia do Tejo

    Gabinete de Estudos e Planeamento

    Gabinete do Nó Ferroviário de Lisboa

    Gabinete do Nó Ferroviário do Porto

    Gabinete da Navegabilidade do Douro

    Gabinete para as Comunidades Europeias

    Inspecção-Geral de Obras Públicas, Transportes e Comunicações

    Junta Autónoma das Estradas

    Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil

    Obra Social do Ministério das Obras Públicas, Transportes e Comunicações


    Instituto de Gestão e Alienação do Património Habitacional do Estado

    CTT - Correios e Telecomunicações de Portugal, SA (1)

    Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros

    Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e Administração Financeira

    Direcção-Geral das Comunidades Europeias

    Direcção-Geral da Cooperação

    Instituto de Apoio à Emigração e às Comunidades Portuguesas

    Instituto de Cooperação Económica


    Ministério do Planeamento e Administração do Território

    Academia das Ciências

    Auditoria jurídica

    Centro Nacional de Informação Geográfica

    Comissão Coordenadora da Região Centro

    Comissão Coordenadora da Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo

    Comissão Coordenadora da Região do Alentejo

    Comissão Coordenadora da Região do Algarve

    Comissão Coordenadora da Região Norte

    Departamento Central de Planeamento

    Direcção-Geral da Administração Autárquica

    Direcção-Geral do Desenvolvimento Regional

    Direcção-Geral do Ordenamento do Território

    Gabinete Coordenador de Alqueva

    Gabinete de Estudos e Planeamento da Administração do Território

    Gabinete para os Aeroportos da Região Autónoma da Madeira

    Inspecção-Geral da Administração do Território

    Instituto Nacional de Estatística

    Instituto António Sérgio do Sector Cooperativo

    Instituto de Investigação Científica e Tropical

    Instituto Geográfico e Cadastral

    Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica


    Ministério do Mar

    Direcção-Geral das Pescas

    Direcção-Geral de Portos, Navegação e Transportes Marítimos

    Gabinete de Assuntos Europeus

    Instituto Português de Investigação Marítima

    Administrações marítimas do Norte, Centro e Sul

    Instituto Nacional de Pilotagem dos Portos

    Instituto do Trabalho Portuário

    Administração dos Portos do Douro e Leixões

    Administração do Porto de Lisboa

    Administração dos Portos de Setúbal e Sesimbra

    Administração do Porto de Sines

    Juntas Autónomas dos Portos

    Escola Portuguesa de Pesca

    Escola Náutica Infante D. Henrique

    Escola de Mestrança e Marinhagem


    Ministério da Saúde

    Administrações de Saúde

    Centros de Saúde

    Centros de Saúde Mental

    Centros de Histocompatibilidade

    Centros hospitalares

    Centros Regionais de Alcoologia

    Comissões inter-hospitalares

    Departamento de Estudos e Planeamento da Saúde

    Departamento de Gestão Financeira dos Serviços da Saúde

    Departamento dos Recursos Humanos da Saúde

    Direcção-Geral das Instalações e Equipamentos de Saúde

    Direcção-Geral dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários

    Direcção-Geral dos Hospitais

    Escolas Superiores de Enfermagem

    Escolas Técnicas dos Serviços de Saúde

    Hospitais centrais

    Hospitais distritais

    Hospitais especialidados

    Inspecção-Geral dos Serviços de Saúde

    Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica

    Instituto Nacional de Saúde dr. Ricardo Jorge

    Instituto de Genética Médica do dr. Jacinto de Magalhães

    Instituto de Oftalmologia dr. Gama Pinto

    Instituto Português do Sangue

    Institutos de Clínica Geral


    Serviço da Prevenção e do Tratamento da Toxicodependência

    Serviço de Informática do Ministério da Saúde

    Serviços Sociais do Ministério da Saúde

    (1) Matériel non militaire figurant dans la partie II de la présente liste.

    (2) Postes seulement.

    (3) With the exception of the telecommunications services of the postal and telegraphic service.

    (4) With the exception of the Danish railway.

    (5) Non-warlike materials contained in Part II of this list.

    (6) With the exception of the telecommunications services of Post- og Telegrafvæsenet.

    (7) With the exception of the Danske Statsbaner.

    (8) Non-warlike materials contained in Part II of this list.

    (9) Except telecommunication equipment.

    (10) Non-warlike materials contained in Part II of this list.

    (11) Matériel non militaire figurant dans la partie II de la présente liste.

    (12) Postes seulement.

    (13) Postes seulement.

    (14) Non-warlike materials contained in Part II of this list.

    (15) Acting as the central purchasing entity for most of the other ministries of entities.

    (16) Not including purchases made by the tobacco and salt monopolies.

    (17) Non-warlike materials contained in Part II of this list.

    (18) Postal business only.

    (19) Faisant office d'entité acheteuse centrale pour la plupart des autres ministères ou entités.

    (20) Non compris les achats effectués par la Régie des tabacs et du sel.

    (21) Matériel non militaire figurant dans la partie II de la présente liste.

    (22) Postes seulement.

    (23) Acting as the central purchasing entity for most of the other Ministries or entities.

    (24) Not including purchases made by the tobacco and salt monopolies.

    (25) Non-warlike materials contained in Part II of this list.

    (26) Postal business only.

    (27) Matériel non militaire figurant dans la partie II de la présente liste.

    (28) Postes seulement.

    (29) Non-warlike materials contained in Part II of this list.

    (30) Non-warlike materials contained in Part II of this list.

    (31) Non-warlike materials contained in Part II of this list.

    (32) Postal businesss only.

    (33) Correios apenas.

    ANNEX 2

    List of US entities

    All central government executive departments and agencies, subject to the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-369, Title VII), including, but not limited to:

    1. Department of Agriculture

    2. Department of Commerce

    3. Department of Defense

    (Subject to the exceptions currently applicable under the Code)

    4. Department of Education

    5. Department of Energy

    (Not including national security procurement made in support of safeguarding nuclear materials or technology and entered into under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, and oil purchases related to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve)

    6. Department of Health and Human Services

    7. Department of Housing and Urban Development

    8. Department of the Interior

    9. Department of Justice

    10. Department of Labour

    11. Department of State

    12. Department of Transportation

    (The national security consideration currently applicable to the Department of Defence under the Code are equally applicable under this agreement to the Coast Guard)

    13. Department of the Treasury

    14. United States Agency for International Development

    15. General Services Administration

    (other than Federal Supply Groups 51 and 52 and federal Supply Class 7340)

    16. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    17. Department of Veterans Affairs

    18. Environmental Protection Agency

    19. United States Information Agency

    20. National Science Foundation

    21. Panama Canal Commission

    22. Executive Office of the President

    23. Farm Credit Administration

    24. National Credit Union Administration

    25. Merit Systems Protection Board

    26. Action

    27. United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

    28. Office of Thrift Supervision

    29. Federal Housing Finance Board

    30. National Labour Relations Board

    31. National Mediation Board

    32. Railroad Retirement Board

    33. American Battle Monuments Commission

    34. Federal Communications Commission

    35. Federal Trade Commission

    36. Interstate Commerce Commission

    37. Securities and Exchange Commission

    38. Office of Personnel Management

    39. United States International Trade Commission

    40. Export-Import Bank of the United States

    41. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

    42. Selective Service System

    43. Smithsonian Institution

    44. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

    45. Consumer Product Safety Commission

    46. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

    47. Federal Maritime Commission

    48. National Transportation Safety Board

    49. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

    50. Overseas Private Investment Corporation

    51. Administrative Conference of the United States

    52. Board for International Broadcasting

    53. Commission on Civil Rights

    54. Commodity Futures Trading Commission

    55. Peace Corps

    56. National Archives and Record Administration

    ANNEX 3

    EEC entities covered by Article 2 (1) and (2) (a) (ii), including those in Annex II to Council Directive 90/531/EEC


    Entities producing, transporting or distributing electricity pursuant to Article 5: Des régies communales et intercommunales of the loi du 10 mars 1925 sur les distributions d'énergie électrique.

    Entities transporting or distributing electricity pursuant to the loi relative aux intercommunales du 22 décembre 1986.

    EBES, Intercom, Unerg and other entities producing, transporting or distributing electricity and granted a concession for distribution pursuant to Article 8 - les concessions communales et intercommunales of the loi du 10 mars 1952 sur les distributions d'énergie électrique.

    The Société publique de production d'électricité (SPÉ).


    Entities producing or transporting electricity on the basis of a licence pursuant to § 3, stk. 1, of the lov nr. 54 af 25. februar 1976 om elforsyning, jf. bekendtgørelse nr. 607 af 17. december 1976 om elforsyningslovens anvendelsesområde.

    Entities distributing electricity as defined in § 3, stk. 2, of the lov nr. 54 af 25. februar 1976 om elforsyning, jf. bekendtgørelse nr. 607 af 17. december 1976 om elforsyningslovens anvendelsesområde and on the basis of authorizations for expropriation pursuant to Articles 10 to 15 of the lov om elektriske stærkstrømsanlæg, jf lovbekendtgørelse nr. 669 af 28. december 1977.


    Entities producing, transporting or distributing electricity as defined in § 2 Absatz 2 of the Gesetz zur Förderung der Energiewirtschaft (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz) of 13 December 1935. Last modified by the Gesetz of 19 December 1977, and auto-production of electricity so far as this is covered by the field of application of the Directive pursuant to Article 2 (5).


    Äçìüóéá Åðé÷åßñçóç Çëåêôñéóìïý (Public Power Corporation) set up pursuant to the Law 1468 of 2 August 1950 Ðåñß éäñýóåùò Äçìïóßáò Åðé÷åéñÞóåùò Çëåêôñéóìïý, and operating pursuant to the Law 57/85: ÄïìÞ, ñüëïò êáé ôñüðïò äéïßêçóçò êáé ëåéôïõñãßáò ôçò êïéíùíéêïðïéçìÝíçò Äçìüóéáò Åðé÷åßñçóçò Çëåêôñéóìïý.


    Entities producing, transporting or distributing electricity pursuant to Article 1 of the Decreto de 12 de marzo de 1954, approving the Reglamento de verificaciones eléctricas y regularidad en el suministro de energía and pursuant to Decreto 2617/1966, de 20 de octubre, sobre autorización administrativa en materia de instalaciones eléctricas.

    Red Eléctrica de España SA, set up pursuant to Real Decreto 91/1985 de 23 de enero.


    Électricité de France, set up and operating pursuant to the loi 46/6288 du 8 avril 1946 sur la nationalisation de l'électricité et du gaz.

    Entities (sociétés d'économie mixte or régies) distributing electricity and referred to in Article 23 of the loi 48/1260 du 12 août 1948 portant modification des lois 46/6288 du 8 avril 1946 et 46/2298 du 21 octobre 1946 sur la nationalisation de l'électricité et du gaz.

    Compagnie nationale du Rhône.


    The Electricity Supply Board (ESB) set up and operating pursuant to the Electricity Supply Act 1927.


    Ente nazionale per l'energia elettrica set up pursuant to legge n. 1643, 6 dicembre 1962 approvato con Decreto n. 1720, 21 dicembre 1965.

    Entities operating on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 4, n. 5 or 8 of legge 6 dicembre 1962, n. 1643 - Istituzione dell'Ente nazionale per la energia elettrica e trasferimento ad esso delle imprese esercenti le industrie elettriche.

    Entities operating on the basis of concession pursuant to Article 20 of Decreto del Presidente delle Repubblica 18 marzo 1965, n. 342 norme integrative della legge 6 dicembre 1962, n. 1643 e norme relative al coordinamento e all'esercizio delle attività elettriche esercitate da enti ed imprese diverse dell'Ente nazionale per l'énergia elettrica.


    Compagnie grand-ducale d'électricité de Luxembourg, producing or distributing electricity pursuant to the convention du 11 novembre 1927 concernant l'établissement et l'exploitation des réseaux de distribution d'énergie électrique dans le grand-duché de Luxembourg approuvée par la loi du 4 janvier 1928.

    Société électrique de l'Our (SEO).

    Syndicat de Communes Sidor.


    Elektriciteitsproduktie Oost-Nederland.

    Elektriciteitsbedrijf Utrecht-Noord-Holland-Amsterdam (UNA).

    Elektriciteitsbedrijf Zuid-Holland (EZH).

    Elektriciteitsproduktiemaatschappij Zuid-Nederland (EPZ).

    Provinciale Zeeuwse Energie Maatschappij (PZEM).

    Samenwerkende Elektriciteitsbedrijven (SEP).

    Entities distributing electricity on the basis of a licence (vergunning) granted by the provincial authorities pursuant to the Provinciewet.


    Electricidade de Portugal (EDP), set up pursuant to the Decreto-Lei n° 502/76 de 30 de Junho de 1976.

    Entities distributing electricity pursuant to artigo 1o do Decreto-Lei n° 344-B/82 de 1 de Setembro de 1982, amended by Decreto-Lei n° 297/86 de 19 de Setembro de 1986. Entities producing electricity pursuant to Decreto-Lei n° 189/88 de 27 de Maio de 1988.

    Independant producers of electricity pursuant to Decreto-Lei n° 189/88 de 27 de Maio de 1988.

    Empresa de Electricidade dos Açores - EDA, EP, created pursuant to the Decreto Regional n° 16/80 de 21 de Agosto de 1980.

    Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira, EP, created pursuant to the Decreto-Lei n° 12/74 de 17 de Janeiro de 1974 and regionalized pursuant to the Decreto-Lei n° 31/79 de 24 de Fevereiro de 1979, Decreto-Lei n° 91/79 de 19 de Abril de 1979.


    Central Electricity Generating (CEGB), and the Areas Electricity Boards producing, transporting or distributing electricity pursuant to the Electricity Act 1947 and the Electricity Act 1957.

    The North of Scotland Hydro-Electricity Board (NSHB), producing, transporting and distributing electricity pursuant to the Electricity (Scotland) Act 1979.

    The South of Scotland Electricity Board (SSEB) producing, transporting and distributing electricity pursuant to the Electricity (Scotland) Act 1979.

    The Northern Ireland Electricity Service (NIES), set up pursuant to the Electricity Supply (Northern Ireland) Order 1972.

    ANNEX 4

    US federal entities in the electric power sector

    The Tennessee Valley Authority

    The Power Marketing Administrations of the Department of Energy including:

    - Bonneville Power Administration

    - Western Area Power Administration

    - Southeastern Power Administration

    - Southwestern Power Administration

    - Alaska Power Administration.

    ANNEX 5

    The list of services offered for coverage under the Code by the EEC, contained in GPR/Spec/71 of 14 August 1992, Annex 4


    SubjectCPC reference No

    Maintenance and repair services 6112, 6122, 633, 886

    Land transport services, including armoured car services, and courier services, except transport of mail 712 (except 71235) 7512 87304

    Air transport services of passengers and freight, except transport of mail 73 (except 7321)

    Transport of mail by land, except rail, and by air 71235, 7321

    Telecommunications services 752* (except 7524, 7525, 7526)

    Financial services

    (a) insurance services

    (b) banking and investments services** ex 81 812, 814

    Computer and related services 84

    Accounting: auditing and bookkeeping services 862

    Market research and public opinion polling services 864

    Management consulting services and related services 865, 866***

    Architectural services; engineering services and integrated engineering services, urban planning and landscape architectural services; related scientific and technical consulting services; technical testing and analysis services 867

    Advertising services 871

    Building-cleaning services and property management services 874, 82201 to 82206

    Publishing and printing services on a fee or contract basis 88442

    Sewage and refuse disposal: sanitation and similar services 94

    * Except voice telephony, telex, radiotelephony, paging and satellite services.

    ** Except contracts for financial services in connection with issue, sale, purchase or transfer of securities or other financial instruments, and central bank services.

    *** Except arbitration and conciliation services.

    ANNEX 6

    The list of services offered for overage under the Code by the USA, contained in GPR/Spec/65 of 14 August 1992, Annex 4

    Universal list of services as specified in MTN.GNS/W/120 with the exception of the following:

    1. All transportation services, including Launching Services, (CPC Categories 71, 72, 73, 74, 8868)

    Note: Transportation services, where incidental to procurement contracts are not subject to this Agreement.

    2. Dredging

    3. All services purchased in support of military forces located overseas

    4. Management and operation contracts of certain government or privately-owned facilities used for government purposes, including federally-funded research and development centers (FFRDCs).

    5. R & D services

    ANNEX 7

    Mandate for the joint study


    The objective of the study is to estimate the value and also to assess qualitatively the international bidding potential of procurement opportunities which would be likely to arise under the GPA, as a result of offers and requests of either Party, at the time of it expected implementation in 1995. The study shall be without prejudice to either Party's final offer.

    The study should be conducted on the basis of a projection of available information on current performance, potential and trends. The effect of measures which are currently planned, or in course of execution, should be taken into account. The consultant should make a critical assessment of the validity of the data on which the projections are based and should draw attention to any data whose reliability cannot be verified. Any exemptions and qualifications which are proposed, including thresholds, should be taken into account. Where necessary, the consultant may make estimates. The consultant should take the views of both Parties into account.

    Results should be presented as far as possible on the basis of common definitions and methodologies and in such a way as to enable any subsequent offers to be evaluated.


    The study should cover procurement of goods and services, including public works, by:

    - central (federal) government (category A),

    - sub-central (State, regional and local) government (category B),

    - other entities, offered or requested by either Party, excluding telecoms (category C).

    Reports, timing and acceptance

    The study should result in two reports:

    - an intermediate report, setting out the issued to be examined, items in need of quantification, data availability and proposed methodology,

    - a final report setting out the results of the study.

    The draft intermediate report should be presented not later than two months from commencement of the study. The final report should be commenced only if both Parties are satisfied, on the basis of the intermediate report, that completion of the study would yield useful results.

    The draft final report should be presented not later than four months from acceptance of the intermediate report.

    Draft reports shall be considered final only after they have been accepted by both Parties.

    Dear Vice-President Brittan,

    In the context of our Memorandum of Understanding of ... May 1993 (MOU), I would like to describe to you the process the US Trade Representative's Office will undertake in accordance with Article 6 of the MOU between now and 31 January 1994 to seek the voluntary commitment of US subfederal entities to be included in the final entity lists.

    As we agreed, the immediate bilateral commitments to open our respective procurement markets contained in the MOU are a 'down payment` towards a final procurement agreement. The inclusion of subfederal entities in the US offer can only be accomplished after the results of our jointly-commissioned study are known. On this basis, we will be prepared to conclude a balanced comprehensive agreement on procurement.

    To this end, I will immediately initiate the following actions with regard to subfederal procurement:

    1. urge the 33 States from which we have already received preliminary commitments to provide final voluntary commitments; and

    2. press ahead with work to obtain voluntary commitments from:

    (a) the 17 States from which we currently have no commitment; and

    (b) major municipalities, defined as cities with populations exceeding 500 000 and other subfederal entities operating in or serving those municipalities.

    We will work with a view to obtaining final commitments in order to be in a position to submit our entity lists in time, so that the final phase of negotiations can start in January 1994. Any commitments by subfederal entities will be bound in legislation implementing a final procurement agreement.

    In addition, during this period, the US will consider ways in which, as part of a balanced agreement, federally-mandated measures affecting subfederal procurements would be removed in a timely manner. In the context of a balanced agreement, both sides would oppose the enactment of legislation that would render ineffective the bidding opportunities provided by that agreement.




    US Trade Representative
