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Document L:2016:282:TOC

Official Journal of the European Union, L 282, 19 October 2016

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ISSN 1977-0677

Official Journal

of the European Union

L 282

European flag  

English edition


Volume 59
19 October 2016



II   Non-legislative acts







Council Decision (EU) 2016/1841 of 5 October 2016 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Paris Agreement adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change




Paris Agreement







Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1842 of 14 October 2016 amending Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008 as regards the electronic certificate of inspection for imported organic products and certain other elements, and Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 as regards the requirements for preserved or processed organic products and the transmission of information ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1843 of 18 October 2016 on transitional measures for the application of Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the accreditation of official laboratories carrying out official testing for Trichinella  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1844 of 18 October 2016 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables




Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1845 of 18 October 2016 fixing the allocation coefficient to be applied to applications for aid for milk production reduction pursuant to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1612







Commission Decision (EU) 2016/1846 of 4 July 2016 on the measure SA.41187 (2015/C) (ex 2015/NN) implemented by Hungary on the health contribution of tobacco industry businesses (notified under document C(2016) 4049)  ( 1 )




Commission Decision (EU) 2016/1847 of 4 July 2016 on the State aid SA.41612 — 2015/C (ex SA.33584 (2013/C) (ex 2011/NN)) implemented by the Netherlands in favour of the professional football club MVV in Maastricht (notified under document C(2016) 4053)  ( 1 )




Commission Decision (EU) 2016/1848 of 4 July 2016 on the measure SA.40018 (2015/C) (ex 2015/NN) implemented by Hungary on the 2014 Amendment to the Hungarian food chain inspection fee (notified under document C(2016) 4056)  ( 1 )




Commission Decision (EU) 2016/1849 of 4 July 2016 on the measure SA.41613 — 2015/C (ex SA.33584 — 2013/C (ex 2011/NN)) implemented by the Netherlands with regard to the professional football club PSV in Eindhoven (notified under document C(2016) 4093)  ( 1 )




(1)   Text with EEA relevance


Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.

The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.
