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Asiakirja 52020XC0120(08)

    Publication of a communication of approval of a standard amendment to the product specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 17(2) and (3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/332020/C 18/12


    OJ C 18, 20.1.2020, s. 72—76 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



    Official Journal of the European Union

    C 18/72

    Publication of a communication of approval of a standard amendment to the product specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 17(2) and (3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33

    (2020/C 18/12)

    This notice is published in accordance with Article 17(5) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33 (1)



    Reference number: PDO-RO-A1584-AM01

    Date of communication: 9.10.2019


    1.   Amendment of wine-growing yields

    Description and reasons

    The specification has been amended as regards the yield level, an amendment which affects the single document.

    The reason for the amendment is the increase in yields resulting from large areas being replanted at a density of over 4 000 plants per hectare with clones offering higher yields and improved quality. Although yields have increased, the use of new technologies has made it possible to maintain the DOC (controlled designation of origin) quality.

    2.   Amendment of area where the wines are produced

    Description and reasons

    Additional provisions have been added to the specification, so that the wine can be produced outside the demarcated area of the designation of origin, in the neighbouring area in the same administrative unit, which has excellent facilities for wine-making at a controlled temperature that preserves the aromatic potential of some of the varieties typical for this controlled designation of origin.

    This amendment does not affect the single document.

    3.   Addition of specific practices for producing rosé wines

    Description and reasons

    Specific techniques have been added to the specification so that white and rosé wines can also be obtained from the Pinot Gris and Traminer Roz varieties. This was necessitated by changes in wine-making technologies and consumer preferences for rosé wines made from these varieties, which have special characteristics.

    This does not affect the single document.

    4.   Amendment of conditions for classifying production

    Description and reasons

    The provisions have been reformulated regarding the conditions for classifying DOC wine production where producers consider this necessary when certain quality characteristics of the wine produced are no longer guaranteed and do not comply with the designation of origin.

    This amendment does not affect the single document.


    1.   Name of the product


    2.   Geographical indication type

    PDO — Protected Designation of Origin

    3.   Categories of grapevine product

    1. Wine

    4.   Description of the wine(s)

    Physico-chemical and organoleptic characteristics of the white and rosé wines

    The white wines display an aromatic diversity, with citrus and herbal notes that impart a liveliness and freshness, rose scent (Șarba), medium acidity with a strong note of freshness and sweetish tropical or vine flower aromas, delicate apple aromas and floral notes (Fetească regală), aroma of butter and tropical aromas with optimal acidity (Chardonnay) and subtle fresh fruit notes.

    General analytical characteristics

    Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


    Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


    Minimum total acidity

    3,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

    Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


    Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


    Physico-chemical and organoleptic parameters — red wines

    The red wines are medium-bodied with aromatic hints of raspberry, plum and red currant, the aromatic potential ranging from aromas of green peppers to overripe blackcurrants (Cabernet Sauvignon), as well as aromas of ripe red fruit, with notes of raisins, black pepper and colour intensity developing as they mature, and optimal alcoholic strength, producing predominantly dry and semi-dry wines, bringing out the subtle character and aroma specific to the variety (Fetească neagră).

    General analytical characteristics

    Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


    Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


    Minimum total acidity

    3,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

    Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


    Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


    5.   Wine-making practices

    a.   Essential oenological practices

    Growing practices

    Growing method

    at least 3 000 plants per hectare

    irrigation: where the soil and climate conditions require it, there are drip irrigation systems in place and more will continue to be installed; these systems are to be used in such a way that does not have a negative impact on the quality of the grapes.

    b.   Maximum yields

    Muscat Ottonel, Tămâioasă românească, Chardonnay, Pinot gris, Sauvignon, Traminer alb

    15 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare

    Fetească albă, Riesling de Rhin, Aligote, Băbească gri, Șarba, Traminer roz

    16 500 kilograms of grapes per hectare

    Fetească regală, Galbenă de Odobești, Crâmpoșie, Crâmpoșie selecționată, Frâncușă, Mustoasă de Măderat, Furmint, Riesling italian

    19 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare

    Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească neagră, Pinot noir, Merlot

    16 500 kilograms of grapes per hectare

    Băbească neagră, Burgund mare

    17 500 kilograms of grapes per hectare

    Codană, Arcaș, Negru Aromat, Portugais bleu, Cadarcă, Plăvaie

    21 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare

    Muscat Ottonel, Tămâioasă românească, Chardonnay, Pinot gris, Sauvignon, Traminer alb

    116 hectolitres per hectare

    Fetească albă, Riesling de Rhin, Aligote, Băbească gri, Șarba, Traminer roz

    127 hectolitres per hectare

    Fetească regală, Galbenă de Odobești, Crâmpoșie, Crâmpoșie selecționată, Frâncușă, Mustoasă de Măderat, Furmint, Riesling italian

    146 hectolitres per hectare


    162 hectolitres per hectare

    Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească neagră, Pinot noir, Merlot

    127 hectolitres per hectare

    Băbească neagră, Burgund mare

    135 hectolitres per hectare

    Codană, Arcaș, Negru Aromat, Portugais bleu, Cadarcă

    162 hectolitres per hectare

    6.   Demarcated geographical area

    Vrancea County:

    Municipalities: Panciu, Crucea de Sus, Dumbrava, Crucea de Jos, Satu Nou, Neicu

    Municipalities: Moviliţa, Diocheti-Rediu, Moviliţa Trotuşanu, Frecăţei, Văleni

    Municipalities: Străoane, Repedea, Muncelu, Văleni

    Municipalities: Fitioneşti, Holbăneşti, Ghimiceşti, Ciolăneşti, Mănăstioara

    Municipalities: Mărăşeşti, Haret, Călimăneşti, Modruzeni, Siretu, Tişiţa, Pădureni

    Municipalities: Ţifeşti, Sârbi, Oleşeşti, Vităneşti, Clipiceşti, Bătineşti, Igeşti, Pătrăşcani

    Municipalities: Păuneşti, Viişoara.

    Municipalities: Rugineşti, Copăceşti, Văleni, Angheleşti.

    Municipalities: Pufeşti, Domneşti-Târg, Ciorani, Domneşti- Sat

    7.   Main wine grape variety(ies)

    Galbenă de Odobeşti B — Galbenă de Căpătanu, Galbenă Uriaşă, Galbenă

    Şarba B

    Tămâioasă românească B — Busuioacă de Moldova, Muscat blanc à petit grains

    Traminer aromat alb B

    Pinot Gris G — Affumé, Grau Burgunder, Grauburgunder, Grauer Mönch, Pinot cendré, Pinot Grigio, Ruländer

    Arcaş N

    Băbească gri G

    Burgund Mare N — Grosser burgunder, Grossburgunder, Blaufrankisch, Kekfrankos, Frankovka, Limberger

    Cadarcă N — Schwarzer Kadarka, Rubinroter Kadarka, Lugojană, Gâmză, Fekete budai

    Crâmpoşie B

    Crâmpoşie selecţionată B

    Frâncuşă B — Vinoasă, Mildweisser, Mustoasă de Moldova, Poamă creaţă

    Furmint B — Furmin, Şom szalai, Szegszolo

    Codană N

    Mustoasă de Măderat B — Lampau, Lampor, Mustafer, Mustos Feher, Straftraube

    Riesling de Rhin B — Weisser Riesling, White Riesling

    Traminer Roz Rs — Rosetraminer, Savagnin roz, Gewürztraminer

    Tămâioasă românească B — Rumänische Weihrauchtraube, Tamianka

    Negru Aromat N

    pinot noir N — blauer spätburgunder, burgund mic, burgunder roter, klăvner morillon noir

    Pinot noir N — Spätburgunder, Pinot nero

    Portugais Bleu N — Blauer Portugieser, Oporto, Portugieser,

    Plăvaie B — Bălană, Plăvană, Poamă bălaie

    Aligoté B — Plant de trois, Plant gris, Vert blanc, Troyen blanc

    Chardonnay B — Gentil blanc, Pinot blanc, Chardonnay

    8.   Description of the link(s)

    Link with the demarcated area

    Details of the geographical area

    Lithological substrate: foothill glacis resulting from the successive intertwining of alluvial fans of the Quaternary Era, which become lower and younger to the east, in the order they were deposited by the rivers that cut across the Carpathians and Sub-Carpathians. Constitutively, these deposits are accumulations of gravel and sand covered by a layer of Quaternary clayish loess sediments, which lies on top of marine sediments (marl, clay, sand) of the Pliocene era.

    Topography: divided into two functional foothill subunits: the high foothill plain (Lower and Middle Pleistocene) and the low foothill plain (Late Pleistocene – Holocene), extending to the current Siret River meadow. Winegrowing has reached maximum development in these areas, particularly thanks to the alternating altitudes and slope expositions.

    Climate: Typical of the forest steppe of the temperate continental climate, influenced by Scandinavian- Baltic air masses from the north, which combine with warm Mediterranean tropical air masses from the south. This provides excellent conditions for the growth of high-quality grape varieties, mainly thanks to solar and thermal diversity and favourable rainfall. The annual average temperature, the annual average rainfall and particularly the radiative flow and the solar radiation angle provide optimal conditions for winegrowing. Soils: the soil texture provides this vineyard with the most favourable physico-chemical and hydro-physical characteristics for vine cultivation: porosity, aeration, permittivity, glomerular structuring and good vertical drainage of rainwater, resulting in the limitation of cryptogrammic diseases and ensuring the relatively easy working of the vineyards. Typologically, mollisols (Cambian and clay-illuvial) and forest soils are predominant. The Cambian chernozem cumulates all favourable chemical-biological and trophicity characteristics.

    Product details

    The white wines distinguish themselves through their extractive character, balanced structure and good acidity, provided by the south-eastern exposure of the slopes, but also by the cultivation practices, which maintain moderate levels of production.

    The red wines are recognised for their finesse, light tannins and vivid colour.

    Archaeological evidence discovered in the region indicates that vines were grown by the free Dacians who inhabited this region of Romania; this is borne out by archaeological finds bearing ornamental motifs representing a vine string with grapes. As early as 1527, Georg von Reichersterffer, emissary of Ferdinand of Habsburg to the Moldavian ruler Petru Rareș, in the account of his journey made reference to the wine plantation in the area known then under the name of Cruci Vineyard [Podgoria Crucilor]. Further reference is made in the Codex Bandinus, where it is stated that ‘the entire southern part of Moldavia produces so much wine that during harvesting a vadră [bucket] of wine is sold for four parale [cents] and during winter for 6 or 7 cents’.

    Determinant factors

    The high foothill plain (Lower and Middle Pleistocene) and the low foothill plain (Late Pleistocene – Holocene), extending to the current Siret River meadow with the alternation of altitudes and slope expositions is optimal for the cultivation of vines and, in particular, the varieties for producing red wines.

    9.   Essential further conditions (packaging, labelling, other requirements)

    Labelling and marketing

    Legal framework:

    In national legislation

    Type of further condition:

    Additional provisions relating to labelling

    Description of the condition:

    No additional provisions.

    Production outside the area

    Legal framework:

    In EU legislation

    Type of further condition:

    Derogation on production in the demarcated geographical area

    Description of the condition:

    In certain climatic conditions which, thanks to the potential of certain varieties, have a positive impact on yield levels for grapes harvested on plantations in the demarcated area, processing may also be done outside the demarcated area, in the neighbouring area where there are wine-making centres with excellent facilities for quick winemaking, fermentation at controlled temperature and preservation of the aromatic and colour potential of the varieties. This area is located in municipalities in Vrancea County:

    Odobești, Jariștea.

    Cotești, Obrejița, Tâmboiești, Popești, Budești, Cârligele, Vârteșcoiu, Câmpineanca.

    Link to the product specification

    (1)  OJ L 9, 11.1.2019, p. 2.
