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Document C:2014:142:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Union, C 142, 12 May 2014

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    ISSN 1977-091X

    Official Journal

    of the European Union

    C 142

    European flag  

    English edition

    Information and Notices

    Volume 57
    12 May 2014

    Notice No




    IV   Notices




    Court of Justice of the European Union

    2014/C 142/01

    Last publication of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Official Journal of the European UnionOJ C 135, 5.5.2014



    V   Announcements




    Court of Justice

    2014/C 142/02

    Case C-628/11: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 March 2014 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig — Germany) — Criminal proceedings against International Jet Management GmbH (Reference for a preliminary ruling  — Article 18 TFEU  — Prohibition of any discrimination on the ground of nationality  — Commercial flights from a third State to a Member State  — Legislation of a Member State providing that European Union air carriers not having an operating licence issued by that State must obtain an authorisation for each flight from a third State)


    2014/C 142/03

    Case C-639/11: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 20 March 2014 — European Commission v Republic of Poland (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations  — Registration of motor vehicles  — Articles 34 TFEU and 36 TFEU  — Directive 70/311/EEC  — Directive 2007/46/EC  — Driving on the right in a Member State  — Obligation, for the purpose of registration, to reposition to the left-hand side the steering equipment of passenger vehicles positioned on the right-hand side)


    2014/C 142/04

    Case C-61/12: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 20 March 2014 — European Commission v Republic of Lithuania (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations  — Registration of motor vehicles  — Articles 34 TFUE and 36 TFUE  — Directive 70/311/EEC  — Directive 2007/46/EC  — Driving on the right in a Member State  — Obligation, for the purpose of registration, to reposition to the left-hand side the steering equipment of passenger vehicles positioned on the right-hand side)


    2014/C 142/05

    Case C-139/12: Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 20 March 2014 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo — Spain) — Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona v Generalidad de Cataluña (Request for a preliminary ruling  — Sixth VAT Directive  — Exemptions  — Transactions concerning the sale of shares and involving the transfer of interests in immovable property  — Imposition of an indirect tax distinct from VAT  — Articles 49 TFEU and 63 TFEU  — Purely internal situation)


    2014/C 142/06

    Case C-167/12: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 March 2014 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Employment Tribunal, Newcastle upon Tyne — United Kingdom) — C. D. v S. T. (Request for a preliminary ruling  — Social policy  — Directive 92/85/EEC  — Measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding  — Article 8  — Commissioning mother who has had a baby through a surrogacy arrangement  — Refusal to grant her maternity leave  — Directive 2006/54/EC  — Equal treatment of male and female workers  — Article 14  — Less favourable treatment of a commissioning mother as regards the grant of maternity leave)


    2014/C 142/07

    Case C-363/12: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 March 2014 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Equality Tribunal — Ireland) — Z v A Government Department, The Board of Management of a Community School (Reference for a preliminary ruling  — Social policy  — Directive 2006/54/EC  — Equal treatment of male and female workers  — Commissioning mother who has had a baby through a surrogacy arrangement  — Refusal to grant her paid leave equivalent to maternity leave or adoptive leave  — United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities  — Directive 2000/78/EC  — Equal treatment in employment and occupation  — Prohibition of any discrimination on the ground of disability  — Commissioning mother unable to bear a child  — Existence of a disability  — Validity of Directives 2006/54 and 2000/78)


    2014/C 142/08

    Case C-427/12: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 March 2014 — European Commission v European Parliament, Council of the European Union (Action for annulment  — Choice of legal basis  — Articles 290 TFEU and 291 TFEU  — Delegated act and implementing act  — Regulation (EU) No 528/2012  — Article 80(1)  — Biocidal products  — European Chemicals Agency  — Setting of fees by the Commission)


    2014/C 142/09

    Case C-271/13 P: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 20 March 2014 — Rousse Industry v European Commission (Appeal  — State aid  — Aid granted by the Republic of Bulgaria in the form of debt write-off  — Commission decision declaring that aid incompatible with the internal market and ordering its recovery  — Concept of ‘new aid’  — Duty to state reasons)


    2014/C 142/10

    Case C-19/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Sozialgericht Duisburg (Germany) lodged on 16 January 2014 — Ana-Maria Talasca, Angelina Marita Talasca v Stadt Kevelaer


    2014/C 142/11

    Case C-43/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Nejvyšší správní soud (Czech Republic) lodged on 18 December 2013 — ŠKO-ENERGO, s.r.o. v Odvolací finanční ředitelství


    2014/C 142/12

    Case C-45/14: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Fövárosi Ítelőtábla lodged on 27 January 2014 — Criminal proceedings against Isztván Balázs and Dániel Papp


    2014/C 142/13

    Case C-46/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Amtsgericht Rüsselsheim (Germany) lodged on 28 January 2014 — Jürgen Kaiser v Condor Flugdienst GmbH


    2014/C 142/14

    Case C-51/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Oberverwaltungsgericht für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) lodged on 4 February 2014 — Pfeifer & Langen GmbH & Co. KG v Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung


    2014/C 142/15

    Case C-52/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Oberverwaltungsgericht für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) lodged on 4 February 2014 — Pfeifer & Langen GmbH & Co. KG v Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung


    2014/C 142/16

    Case C-58/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof (Germany) lodged on 6 February 2014 — Hauptzollamt Hannover v Amazon EU Sàrl


    2014/C 142/17

    Case C-59/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Hamburg (Germany) lodged on 7 February 2014 — Firma Ernst Kollmer Fleischimport und -export v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas


    2014/C 142/18

    Case C-66/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgerichtshof (Austria) lodged on 10 February 2014 — Finanzamt Linz v Bundesfinanzgericht, Außenstelle Linz


    2014/C 142/19

    Case C-67/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundessozialgericht (Germany) lodged on 10 February 2014 — Jobcenter Berlin Neukölln v Nazifa Alimanovic and Others


    2014/C 142/20

    Case C-69/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunalul Sibiu (Romania) lodged on 10 February 2014 — Dragoș Constantin Târșia v Romanian State, through the Ministerul Finanțelor și Economiei, Serviciul Public Comunitar Regim Permise de Conducere și Inmatriculare a Autovehiculelor


    2014/C 142/21

    Case C-72/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Gerechtshof te ‘s-Hertogenbosch (Netherlands) lodged on 10 February 2014 — X, interested party: Directeur van het onderdeel Belastingregio Belastingdienst/X van de rijksbelastingdienst


    2014/C 142/22

    Case C-74/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas (Lithuania) lodged on 10 February 2014 — UAB Eturas and Others v Lietuvos Respublikos konkurencijos taryba


    2014/C 142/23

    Case C-79/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Hannover (Germany) lodged on 14 February 2014 — TUIfly GmbH v Harald Walter


    2014/C 142/24

    Case C-81/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Raad van State (Netherlands) lodged on 17 February 2014 — Nannoka Vulcanus Industries BV; other party: College van gedeputeerde staten van Gelderland


    2014/C 142/25

    Case C-82/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italy) lodged on 17 February 2014 — Agenzia delle Entrate v Nuova Invincibile


    2014/C 142/26

    Case C-83/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Administrativen sad Sofia-grad (Bulgaria) lodged on 17 February 2014 — CEZ Razpredelenie Bulgaria AD v Komisa za zashtita ot diskiminatsia


    2014/C 142/27

    Case C-86/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Juzgado de lo Social No 1 de Granada (Spain) lodged on 18 February 2014 — Marta León Medialdea v Ayuntamiento de Huétor Vega


    2014/C 142/28

    Case C-89/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Italy) lodged on 21 February 2014 — A2A SpA v Agenzia delle Entrate


    2014/C 142/29

    Case C-92/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Judecătoria Câmpulung (Romania) lodged on 25 February 2014 — Liliana Tudoran, Florin Iulian Tudoran, Ilie Tudoran v SC Suport Colect SRL


    2014/C 142/30

    Case C-94/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Kúria (Hungary) lodged on 27 February 2014 — Flight Refund Ltd v Deutsche Lufthansa AG


    2014/C 142/31

    Case C-96/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal de grande instance de Nîmes (France) lodged on 28 February 2014 — Jean-Claude Van Hove v CNP Assurances SA


    2014/C 142/32

    Case C-97/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Gyulai Közigazgatási és Munkaügyi Bíróság (Hungary) lodged on 3 March 2014 — SMK Kft. v Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal Dél-alföldi Regionális Adó Főigazgatósága, Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal


    2014/C 142/33

    Case C-98/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Fővárosi Törvényszék (Hungary) lodged on 3 March 2014 — Berlington Hungary Tanácsadó és Szolgáltató Kft. and Others v Magyar Állam


    2014/C 142/34

    Case C-103/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Vilniaus apygardos administracinis teismas (Lithuania) lodged on 4 March 2014 — Bronius Jakutis and Kretingalės kooperatinė ŽŪB v Nacionalinė mokėjimo agentūra prie Žemės ūkio ministerijos and Lietuvos valstybė


    2014/C 142/35

    Case C-106/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d’État (France) lodged on 6 March 2014 — FCD — Fédération des entreprises du commerce et de la distribution, FMB — Fédération des magasins de bricolage et de l’aménagement de la maison v Ministre de l’écologie, du développement durable et de l’énergie


    2014/C 142/36

    Case C-111/14: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Varhoven administrativen sad — Bulgaria lodged on 7 March 2014 — ‘GST — Sarviz AG Germania’ v Direktor na direktsia ‘Obzhalvane i danachno-osiguritelna praktika’ Plovdiv pri Tsentralno upravlenie na NAP



    General Court

    2014/C 142/37

    Case T-46/10: Judgment of the General Court of 20 March 2014 — Faci v Commission (Competition  — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices  — European markets in ESBO/esters heat stabilisers  — Decision finding an infringement of Article 81 EC and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement  — Fixing prices, allocating markets and customers and exchanging commercially sensitive information  — Proof of one aspect of the infringement  — Fines  — Equal treatment  — Good administration  — Reasonable time  — Proportionality)


    2014/C 142/38

    Case T-181/10: Judgment of the General Court of 20 March 2014 — Reagens v Commission (Access to documents  — Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001  — Documents relating to requests that certain undertakings’ inability to pay be taken into account in cartel proceedings  — Refusal of access  — Exception relating to the protection of commercial interests of a third party  — Exception relating to the protection of the purpose of inspections, investigations and audits  — Overriding public interest  — Obligation to carry out a concrete and individual examination  — Partial access)


    2014/C 142/39

    Case T-306/10: Judgment of the General Court of 21 March 2014 — Yusef v European Commission (Common foreign and security policy  — Restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with Usama bin Laden, the Al-Qaida network and the Taliban  — Regulation (EC) No 881/2002  — Freezing of a person’s funds and economic resources as a result of his inclusion on a list drawn up by a United Nations body  — Sanctions Committee  — Subsequent inclusion in Annex I to Regulation No 881/2002  — Commission’s refusal to de-list  — Action for failure to act  — Fundamental rights  — Right to be heard, right to effective judicial review and right to property)


    2014/C 142/40

    Case T-539/11: Judgment of the General Court of 25 March 2014 — Deutsche Bank v OHIM (Leistung aus Leidenschaft) (Community trade mark  — Application for Community word mark Leistung aus Leidenschaft  — Trade mark consisting of an advertising slogan  — Absolute grounds for refusal  — No distinctive character  — Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009  — Equal treatment  — Obligation to state reasons  — Evidence presented for the first time before the General Court)


    2014/C 142/41

    Case T-291/12: Judgment of the General Court of 25 March 2014 — Deutsche Bank v OHIM (Passion to Perform) (Community trade mark  — International registration designating the European Union  — Word mark Passion to Perform  — Trade mark consisting of an advertising slogan  — Absolute grounds for refusal  — No distinctive character  — Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009  — Equal treatment)


    2014/C 142/42

    Joined Cases T-534/12 and T-535/12: Judgment of the General Court of 26 March 2014 — Still v OHIM (Fleet Data Services) (Community Trade Mark  — Applications for registration of the Community figurative marks Fleet Data Services and Truck Data Services  — Absolute ground for refusal  — Descriptiveness  — Absence of any distinctive character  — Article 7(1)(b) and (c) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009  — The right to be heard  — Article 75, second sentence, of Regulation No 207/2009)


    2014/C 142/43

    Case T-81/13: Judgment of the General Court of 21 March 2014 — FTI Touristik v OHIM (BigXtra) (Community trade mark  — Application for Community word mark BigXtra  — Absolute ground for refusal  — No distinctive character  — Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)


    2014/C 142/44

    Case T-46/12: Order of the General Court of 5 March 2013 — Chrysamed Vertrieb v OHIM — Chrysal International (Chrysamed) (Community trade mark  — Opposition proceedings  — Withdrawal of the application for registration  — No need to adjudicate)


    2014/C 142/45

    Case T-198/13: Order of the General Court of 3 February 2014 — Imax v OHIM — Himax Technologies (IMAX) (Community trade mark  — Opposition  — Withdrawal of the opposition  — No need to adjudicate)


    2014/C 142/46

    Case T-62/14: Action brought on 27 January 2014 — BR IP Holder v OHIM — Greyleg Investments (HOKEY POKEY)


    2014/C 142/47

    Case T-98/14: Action brought on 14 February 2014 — Société Générale v Commission


    2014/C 142/48

    Case T-106/14: Action brought on 14 February 2014 — Universal Utility International v OHIM (Greenworld)


    2014/C 142/49

    Case T-108/14: Action brought on 17 February 2014 — Burazer and Others v European Union


    2014/C 142/50

    Case T-109/14: Action brought on 17 February 2014 — Škugor and Others v European Union


    2014/C 142/51

    Case T-124/14: Action brought on 19 February 2014 — Finland v Commission


    2014/C 142/52

    Case T-125/14: Action brought on 14 February 2014 — Gappol Marzena Porczyńska v OHIM — GAP (ITM) (GAPPol)


    2014/C 142/53

    Case T-134/14: Action brought on 28 February 2014 — Germany v Commission


    2014/C 142/54

    Case T-141/14: Action brought on 28 February 2014 — SolarWorld and Others v Council


    2014/C 142/55

    Case T-142/14: Action brought on 28 February 2014 — SolarWorld and Others v Council


    2014/C 142/56

    Case T-160/14: Action brought on 28 February 2014 — Yingli Energy (China) and Others v Council


    2014/C 142/57

    Case T-161/14: Action brought on 28 February 2014 — Yingli Energy (China) and Others v Council


    2014/C 142/58

    Case T-166/14: Action brought on 3 March 2014 — PRS Mediterranean v OHIM — Reynolds Presto Products (NEOWEB)


    2014/C 142/59

    Case T-172/14: Action brought on 20 March 2014 — Stahlwerk Bous v Commission


    2014/C 142/60

    Case T-173/14: Action brought on 20 March 2014 — WeserWind v Commission


    2014/C 142/61

    Case T-174/14: Action brought on 20 March 2014 — Dieckerhoff Guss v Commission


    2014/C 142/62

    Case T-175/14: Action brought on 20 March 2014 — Walter Hundhausen v Commission


    2014/C 142/63

    Case T-176/14: Action brought on 20 March 2014 — Georgsmarienhütte v Commission


    2014/C 142/64

    Case T-177/14: Action brought on 20 March 2014 — Harz Guss Zorge v Commission


    2014/C 142/65

    Case T-178/14: Action brought on 20 March 2014 — Friedrich Wilhelms-Hütte Eisenguss v Commission


    2014/C 142/66

    Case T-179/14: Action brought on 20 March 2014 — Schmiedewerke Gröditz v Commission


    2014/C 142/67

    Case T-183/14: Action brought on 21 March 2014 — Schmiedag v Commission


    2014/C 142/68

    Case T-186/14: Action brought on 21 March 2014 — Atlantic Multipower Germany v OHIM — Nutrichem Diät + Pharma (NOxtreme)


    2014/C 142/69

    Case T-522/12: Order of the General Court of 14 February 2014 — Alfa-Beta Vassilopoulos v OHIM — Henkel (AB terra Leaf)


    2014/C 142/70

    Case T-142/13: Order of the General Court of 10 February 2014 — Jinko Solar and Others v Parliament and Others


    2014/C 142/71

    Case T-435/13: Order of the General Court of 5 March 2014 — Triarii v Commission


    2014/C 142/72

    Case T-439/13: Order of the General Court of 27 February 2014 — Fard and Sarkandi v Council


    2014/C 142/73

    Case T-466/13: Order of the General Court of 5 February 2014 — Hermann Trollius v ECHA


    2014/C 142/74

    Case T-505/13: Order of the General Court of 19 March 2014 — Stichting Sona and Nao v Commission



    European Union Civil Service Tribunal

    2014/C 142/75

    Case F-8/13: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Third Chamber) of 26 March 2014 — CP v Parliament (Civil service  — Official  — Head of Unit  — Trial period  — Non-confirmation of the post of Head of Unit  — Reassignment to a post other than management  — Internal rules of the Parliament)


    2014/C 142/76

    Case F-32/13: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (Third Chamber) of 27 February 2014 — Walton v Commission (Civil service  — Temporary agent  — Severance grant  — Resignation found by judgment of the General Court of the European Communities  — Determination of the date of resignation  — Authority of res judicata  — Decisions of the appointing authority becoming definitive in the absence of legal action  — Non-observance of the prior administrative procedure  — Manifestly inadmissible)



