This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Document 32010R1238
Regulation (EU) No 1238/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2010 amending Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 as regards the provision of duty-free treatment for specified pharmaceutical active ingredients bearing an ‘international non-proprietary name’ (INN) from the World Health Organization and specified products used for the manufacture of finished pharmaceuticals
Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning (EU) nr. 1238/2010 af 15. december 2010 om ændring af bilag I til forordning (EØF) nr. 2658/87 for så vidt angår sikring af toldfri behandling af visse aktive farmaceutiske ingredienser med internationale ikke-navnebeskyttede navne (INN) fra Verdenssundhedsorganisationen og af visse produkter, der anvendes til fremstilling af farmaceutiske færdigvarer
Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning (EU) nr. 1238/2010 af 15. december 2010 om ændring af bilag I til forordning (EØF) nr. 2658/87 for så vidt angår sikring af toldfri behandling af visse aktive farmaceutiske ingredienser med internationale ikke-navnebeskyttede navne (INN) fra Verdenssundhedsorganisationen og af visse produkter, der anvendes til fremstilling af farmaceutiske færdigvarer
EUT L 348 af 31.12.2010, p. 36–73
(BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)
In force
31.12.2010 |
DA |
Den Europæiske Unions Tidende |
L 348/36 |
af 15. december 2010
om ændring af bilag I til forordning (EØF) nr. 2658/87 for så vidt angår sikring af toldfri behandling af visse aktive farmaceutiske ingredienser med internationale ikke-navnebeskyttede navne (INN) fra Verdenssundhedsorganisationen og af visse produkter, der anvendes til fremstilling af farmaceutiske færdigvarer
under henvisning til traktaten om Den Europæiske Unions funktionsmåde, særlig artikel 207,
under henvisning til forslag fra Europa-Kommissionen,
efter fremsendelse af udkast til lovgivningsmæssig retsakt til de nationale parlamenter,
efter den almindelige lovgivningsprocedure (1), og
ud fra følgende betragtninger:
(1) |
Under forhandlingerne i Uruguayrunden vedtog Fællesskabet og en række lande, at der bør indrømmes toldfri behandling for farmaceutiske varer henhørende under kapitel 30 i det harmoniserede system (HS) og HS-position 2936, 2937, 2939 og 2941 og for nærmere angivne aktive farmaceutiske ingredienser med internationale ikke-navnebeskyttede navne (INN) fra Verdenssundhedsorganisationen samt for nærmere angivne salte, estere og hydrater af sådanne INN og desuden for nærmere angivne farmaceutiske mellemstoffer, der anvendes til produktion og fremstilling af farmaceutiske færdigvarer. |
(2) |
Resultaterne af drøftelserne som gengivet i referatet blev indarbejdet i deltagernes toldlister, der er bilagt Marrakeshprotokollen til den almindelige overenskomst om told og udenrigshandel (GATT) 1994. |
(3) |
Deltagerne konkluderede, at repræsentanter for de medlemmer af Verdenshandelsorganisationen (WTO), der deltog i drøftelserne, skulle mødes inden for rammerne af WTO's Råd for Handel med Varer, sædvanligvis mindst én gang hvert tredje år, for at revidere produktdækningen med henblik på ved konsensus at tilføje yderligere farmaceutiske produkter, der ikke længere skal belægges med told. |
(4) |
Tre sådanne revisioner har fundet sted, og resultatet er, at der er indrømmet behandling med toldfritagelse af yderligere et bestemt antal INN og farmaceutiske mellemstoffer, der bruges til produktion og fremstilling af farmaceutiske færdigvarer, at nogle af disse mellemstoffer er overført til listen over INN, og at listen over nærmere bestemte præfikser og suffikser for salte, estere eller hydrater af INN er blevet udvidet. |
(5) |
En fjerde revision blev skønnet nødvendig og blev iværksat i 2009. Det blev konkluderet, at der bør indrømmes behandling med toldfritagelse af yderligere et bestemt antal INN og farmaceutiske mellemstoffer, der bruges til produktion og fremstilling af farmaceutiske færdigvarer, at nogle af disse mellemstoffer, der allerede er tilføjet i det farmaceutiske sektorarrangement med efterfølgende ændringer, bør overføres til listen over INN, og at listen over nærmere bestemte præfikser og suffikser for salte, estere eller hydrater af INN bør udvides. |
(6) |
Ved Rådets forordning (EØF) nr. 2658/87 af 23. juli 1987 om told- og statistiknomenklaturen og den fælles toldtarif (2) blev den kombinerede nomenklatur (KN) indført og den fælles toldtarifs konventionelle toldsatser fastsat. |
(7) |
Forordning (EØF) nr. 2658/87 bør ændres i overensstemmelse hermed. |
(8) |
For at sikre, at de i denne forordning fastsatte foranstaltninger anvendes fra den 1. januar 2011, bør denne forordning træde i kraft på dagen efter offentliggørelsen — |
Artikel 1
Bilag 3, 4 og 6 i afsnit II i del III i bilag I til forordning (EØF) nr. 2658/87 (lister over farmaceutiske stoffer, som opfylder betingelserne for behandling med toldfritagelse) ændres således:
(1) |
Fra den 1. januar 2011 indrømmer Unionen toldfritagelse for de i bilag I angivne INN. |
(2) |
Listen over præfikser og suffikser, som i forbindelse med de anførte INN, der er tilføjet i det farmaceutiske sektorarrangement med senere ændringer, beskriver de salte, estere eller hydrater af INN, som også er berettigede til behandling med toldfritagelse, under forudsætning af at disse kan tariferes i samme 6-cifrede HS-underposition som det tilsvarende INN, ændres fra den 1. januar 2011 som anført i bilag II. |
(3) |
Fra den 1. januar 2011 indrømmer Unionen toldfritagelse for de farmaceutiske mellemstoffer, der anvendes til produktion og fremstilling af de farmaceutiske færdigvarer, og som er opført i bilag III. |
(4) |
Fra den 1. januar 2011 skal de farmaceutiske mellemstoffer, der er opført i bilag IV, slettes på listen over de stoffer, som er fritaget for told. |
Artikel 2
Denne forordning træder i kraft dagen efter offentliggørelsen i Den Europæiske Unions Tidende.
Den anvendes fra den 1. januar 2011.
Denne forordning er bindende i alle enkeltheder og gælder umiddelbart i hver medlemsstat.
Udfærdiget i Strasbourg, den 15. december 2010.
På Europa-Parlamentets vegne
På Rådets vegne
(1) Europa-Parlamentets holdning af 23.11.2010 (endnu ikke offentliggjort i EUT) og Rådets afgørelse af 10.12.2010.
(2) EFT L 256 af 7.9.1987, s. 1.
Liste over internationale ikke-navnebeskyttede navne (INN), der skal tilføjes på listen over produkter, der er fritaget for told, i bilag 3 til bilag I til forordning (EØF) nr. 2658/87
KN-kode |
Betegnelse |
2842 90 80 |
119175-48-3 |
fermagat |
2843 90 90 |
759457-82-4 |
padeliporfin |
2844 40 30 |
123748-56-1 |
iodfiltinsyre ( ) |
2904 10 00 |
21668-77-9 |
eprodisat |
2906 19 00 |
199798-84-0 |
elocalcitol |
2909 30 90 |
24150-24-1 |
terameprocol |
2916 19 95 |
81485-25-8 |
peretinoin |
2916 39 00 |
51543-40-9 |
tarenflurbil |
2918 19 98 |
174022-42-5 |
bevirimat |
2919 90 00 |
258516-89-1 |
fospropofol |
2920 90 85 |
163133-43-5 |
naproxcinod |
2921 19 99 |
3687-18-1 |
tramiprosat |
2922 19 85 |
68392-35-8 |
afimoxifen |
2922 19 85 |
753449-67-1 |
ronacaleret |
2922 29 00 |
433265-65-7 |
faxeladol |
2922 50 00 |
121524-08-1 |
amibegron |
2922 50 00 |
329773-35-5 |
cinaciguat |
2922 50 00 |
643094-49-9 |
fasobegron |
2923 10 00 |
856676-23-8 |
cholinfenofibrat |
2924 29 98 |
847353-30-4 |
arbaclofenplacarbil |
2924 29 98 |
194785-19-8 |
bedoradrin |
2924 29 98 |
194085-75-1 |
carisbamat |
2924 29 98 |
254750-02-2 |
emricasan |
2924 29 98 |
355129-15-6 |
eprotirom |
2924 29 98 |
402567-16-2 |
firategrast |
2924 29 98 |
478296-72-9 |
gabapentinenacarbil |
2924 29 98 |
15866-90-7 |
incyclinid |
2924 29 98 |
202844-10-8 |
indantadol |
2924 29 98 |
96847-55-1 |
levomilnacipran |
2924 29 98 |
608137-32-2 |
lisdexamfetamin |
2924 29 98 |
652990-07-3 |
milveterol |
2924 29 98 |
181816-48-8 |
ombrabulin |
2924 29 98 |
289656-45-7 |
senicapoc |
2925 19 95 |
19171-19-8 |
pomalidomid |
2928 00 90 |
22033-87-0 |
olesoxim |
2928 00 90 |
2675-35-6 |
sivifen |
2928 00 90 |
816458-31-8 |
tecovirimat |
2928 00 90 |
238750-77-1 |
tosedostat |
2928 00 90 |
149647-78-9 |
vorinostat |
2929 90 00 |
31645-39-3 |
palifosfamid |
2930 90 99 |
608141-41-9 |
apremilast |
2930 90 99 |
216167-92-9 |
camobucol |
2930 90 99 |
211513-37-0 |
dalcetrapib |
2930 90 99 |
69819-86-9 |
darinaparsin |
2930 90 99 |
488832-69-5 |
elesclomol |
2930 90 99 |
216167-95-2 |
elsibucol |
2930 90 99 |
168682-53-9 |
ezatiostat |
2930 90 99 |
58569-55-4 |
metenkefalin |
2930 90 99 |
887148-69-8 |
monepantel |
2930 90 99 |
603139-19-1 |
odanacatib |
2930 90 99 |
162520-00-5 |
salirasib |
2930 90 99 |
216167-82-7 |
succinobucol |
2930 90 99 |
125961-82-2 |
tipelukast |
2931 00 99 |
125973-56-0 |
amsilaroten |
2932 19 00 |
253128-41-5 |
eribulin |
2932 19 00 |
186953-56-0 |
pafuramidin |
2932 29 85 |
195883-06-8 |
omtriptolid |
2932 99 00 |
664338-39-0 |
arterolan |
2932 99 00 |
183133-96-2 |
cabazitaxel |
2932 99 00 |
401925-43-7 |
celivaron |
2932 99 00 |
461432-26-8 |
dapagliflozin |
2932 99 00 |
118457-15-1 |
dexnebivolol |
2932 99 00 |
156294-36-9 |
larotaxel |
2932 99 00 |
118457-16-2 |
levonebivolol |
2932 99 00 |
83461-56-7 |
mifamurtid |
2932 99 00 |
117570-53-3 |
vadimezan |
2933 19 90 |
496775-61-2 |
eltrombopag |
2933 19 90 |
206884-98-2 |
niraxostat |
2933 19 90 |
410528-02-8 |
palovaroten |
2933 19 90 |
376592-42-6 |
totrombopag |
2933 29 90 |
183659-72-5 |
catramilast |
2933 29 90 |
944263-65-4 |
demiditraz |
2933 29 90 |
867153-61-5 |
dulanermin |
2933 29 90 |
320367-13-3 |
lixisenatid |
2933 29 90 |
698389-00-3 |
rolipoltid |
2933 29 90 |
697766-75-9 |
velafermin |
2933 39 99 |
147084-10-4 |
alcaftadin |
2933 39 99 |
54-96-6 |
amifampridin |
2933 39 99 |
249921-19-5 |
anamorelin |
2933 39 99 |
319460-85-0 |
axitinib |
2933 39 99 |
208110-64-9 |
befiradol |
2933 39 99 |
330942-05-7 |
betrixaban |
2933 39 99 |
201034-75-5 |
daporinad |
2933 39 99 |
209783-80-2 |
entinostat |
2933 39 99 |
412950-27-7 |
goxalapladib |
2933 39 99 |
218791-21-0 |
imisopasemmangan |
2933 39 99 |
103129-82-4 |
levamlodipin |
2933 39 99 |
154357-42-3 |
levonadifloxacin |
2933 39 99 |
108147-54-2 |
migalastat |
2933 39 99 |
453562-69-1 |
motesanib |
2933 39 99 |
139145-27-0 |
parogrelil |
2933 39 99 |
459856-18-9 |
pexacerfont |
2933 39 99 |
706779-91-1 |
pimavanserin |
2933 39 99 |
362665-56-3 |
pitolisant |
2933 39 99 |
861151-12-4 |
rosonabant |
2933 39 99 |
701977-09-5 |
taranabant |
2933 39 99 |
189950-11-6 |
tropantiol |
2933 39 99 |
793655-64-8 |
vapitadin |
2933 39 99 |
139290-65-6 |
volinaserin |
2933 49 90 |
141388-76-3 |
besifloxacin |
2933 49 90 |
697761-98-1 |
elvitegravir |
2933 49 90 |
185055-67-8 |
ferroquin |
2933 49 90 |
445041-75-8 |
intiquinatin |
2933 49 90 |
378746-64-6 |
nemonoxacin |
2933 49 90 |
245765-41-7 |
ozenoxacin |
2933 49 90 |
412950-08-4 |
rilapladib |
2933 49 90 |
871224-64-5 |
almorexant |
2933 49 90 |
863029-99-6 |
balamapimod |
2933 49 90 |
698387-09-6 |
neratinib |
2933 49 90 |
154652-83-2 |
tezampanel |
2933 49 90 |
128253-31-6 |
veliflapon |
2933 59 95 |
791828-58-5 |
aderbasib |
2933 59 95 |
840486-93-3 |
adipiplon |
2933 59 95 |
850649-61-5 |
alogliptin |
2933 59 95 |
859212-16-1 |
bafetinib |
2933 59 95 |
380843-75-4 |
bosutinib |
2933 59 95 |
839712-12-8 |
cariprazin |
2933 59 95 |
414910-27-3 |
casopitant |
2933 59 95 |
288383-20-0 |
cediranib |
2933 59 95 |
849550-05-6 |
cevipabulin |
2933 59 95 |
827318-97-8 |
danusertib |
2933 59 95 |
356057-34-6 |
darapladib |
2933 59 95 |
501000-36-8 |
dutacatib |
2933 59 95 |
247257-48-3 |
fimasartan |
2933 59 95 |
3432-99-3 |
folitixorin |
2933 59 95 |
668270-12-0 |
linagliptin |
2933 59 95 |
441798-33-0 |
macitentan |
2933 59 95 |
641571-10-0 |
nilotinib |
2933 59 95 |
763113-22-0 |
olaparib |
2933 59 95 |
686344-29-6 |
otenabant |
2933 59 95 |
625115-55-1 |
riociguat |
2933 59 95 |
486460-32-6 |
sitagliptin |
2933 59 95 |
425637-18-9 |
sotrastaurin |
2933 59 95 |
309913-83-5 |
talmapimod |
2933 59 95 |
113857-87-7 |
talotrexin |
2933 59 95 |
274693-27-5 |
ticagrelor |
2933 59 95 |
306296-47-9 |
vicriviroc |
2933 69 80 |
775351-65-0 |
imeglimin |
2933 79 00 |
461443-59-4 |
aplaviroc |
2933 79 00 |
189691-06-3 |
bremelanotid |
2933 79 00 |
813452-18-5 |
carmegliptin |
2933 79 00 |
405169-16-6 |
dovitinib |
2933 79 00 |
536748-46-6 |
eribaxaban |
2933 79 00 |
473289-62-2 |
ilepatril |
2933 79 00 |
180694-97-7 |
mimopezil |
2933 79 00 |
579475-18-6 |
orvepitant |
2933 79 00 |
449811-01-2 |
pamapimod |
2933 79 00 |
248282-01-1 |
paquinimod |
2933 79 00 |
380917-97-5 |
perampanel |
2933 79 00 |
552292-08-7 |
rolapitant |
2933 79 00 |
425386-60-3 |
semagacestat |
2933 79 00 |
515814-01-4 |
voclosporin |
2933 99 80 |
481629-87-2 |
aleplasinin |
2933 99 80 |
394730-60-0 |
boceprevir |
2933 99 80 |
649735-63-7 |
brivanibalaninat |
2933 99 80 |
483369-58-0 |
denagliptin |
2933 99 80 |
284019-34-7 |
denibulin |
2933 99 80 |
481631-45-2 |
diaplasinin |
2933 99 80 |
272105-42-7 |
disitertid |
2933 99 80 |
227318-71-0 |
epetirimod |
2933 99 80 |
259793-96-9 |
favipiravir |
2933 99 80 |
871576-03-3 |
flovagatran |
2933 99 80 |
229305-39-9 |
golotimod |
2933 99 80 |
258818-34-7 |
larazotid |
2933 99 80 |
571170-77-9 |
laropiprant |
2933 99 80 |
616202-92-7 |
lorcaserin |
2933 99 80 |
868771-57-7 |
melogliptin |
2933 99 80 |
803712-67-6 |
obatoclax |
2933 99 80 |
404950-80-7 |
panobinostat |
2933 99 80 |
625114-41-2 |
piragliatin |
2933 99 80 |
74847-35-1 |
pyronaridin |
2933 99 80 |
872178-65-9 |
rabeximod |
2933 99 80 |
355151-12-1 |
rotigaptid |
2933 99 80 |
497221-38-2 |
rusalatid |
2933 99 80 |
187602-11-5 |
sofigatran |
2933 99 80 |
227318-75-4 |
sotirimod |
2933 99 80 |
402957-28-2 |
telaprevir |
2933 99 80 |
848084-83-3 |
tigapotid |
2933 99 80 |
393105-53-8 |
tiplasinin |
2933 99 80 |
620948-93-8 |
vabicaserin |
2933 99 80 |
794466-70-9 |
vernakalant |
2934 10 00 |
544417-40-5 |
capadenoson |
2934 10 00 |
302962-49-8 |
dasatinib |
2934 10 00 |
223132-37-4 |
inolitazon |
2934 10 00 |
241479-67-4 |
isavuconazol |
2934 10 00 |
338990-84-4 |
isavuconazoniumchlorid |
2934 10 00 |
607723-33-1 |
lobeglitazon |
2934 10 00 |
280782-97-0 |
managlinatdialanetil |
2934 10 00 |
790299-79-5 |
masitinib |
2934 10 00 |
223673-61-8 |
mirabegron |
2934 10 00 |
501948-05-6 |
rosabulin |
2934 10 00 |
447406-78-2 |
sodelglitazar |
2934 10 00 |
760937-92-6 |
teneligliptin |
2934 20 80 |
848344-36-5 |
bentamapimod |
2934 20 80 |
870093-23-5 |
talarozol |
2934 99 90 |
320345-99-1 |
aclidiniumbromid |
2934 99 90 |
222551-17-9 |
adoprazin |
2934 99 90 |
207623-20-9 |
agatolimod |
2934 99 90 |
475479-34-6 |
aleglitazar |
2934 99 90 |
870524-46-2 |
amolimogenbepiplasmid |
2934 99 90 |
875446-37-0 |
anacetrapib |
2934 99 90 |
250386-15-3 |
apadenoson |
2934 99 90 |
541550-19-0 |
apilimod |
2934 99 90 |
160707-69-7 |
apricitabin |
2934 99 90 |
147403-03-0 |
azilsartan |
2934 99 90 |
863031-21-4 |
azilsartanmedoxomil |
2934 99 90 |
757942-43-1 |
bederocin |
2934 99 90 |
627861-07-8 |
beperminogenperplasmid |
2934 99 90 |
959961-96-7 |
bevasiranib |
2934 99 90 |
769901-96-4 |
capeserod |
2934 99 90 |
868540-17-4 |
carfilzomib |
2934 99 90 |
872847-66-0 |
cenersen |
2934 99 90 |
80295-38-1 |
conestat alfa |
2934 99 90 |
903916-27-8 |
custirsen |
2934 99 90 |
187865-22-1 |
derquantel |
2934 99 90 |
134379-77-4 |
dexelvucitabin |
2934 99 90 |
247046-52-2 |
dilopetin |
2934 99 90 |
480449-70-5 |
edoxaban |
2934 99 90 |
188181-42-2 |
elacytarabin |
2934 99 90 |
98819-76-2 |
esreboxetin |
2934 99 90 |
763903-67-9 |
fosalvudintidoxil |
2934 99 90 |
172673-20-0 |
fosaprepitant |
2934 99 90 |
522664-63-7 |
ibodutant |
2934 99 90 |
405159-59-3 |
idrabiotaparinuxnatrium |
2934 99 90 |
188116-07-6 |
imepitoin |
2934 99 90 |
335619-18-6 |
inakalant |
2934 99 90 |
1391-36-2 |
lancovutid |
2934 99 90 |
189059-71-0 |
lapaquistat |
2934 99 90 |
327026-93-7 |
lensiprazin |
2934 99 90 |
170632-47-0 |
lificiguat |
2934 99 90 |
852313-25-8 |
litenimod |
2934 99 90 |
1000120-98-8 |
mipomersen |
2934 99 90 |
62253-63-8 |
nepidermin |
2934 99 90 |
26833-87-4 |
omacetaxinmepesuccinat |
2934 99 90 |
269718-84-5 |
pardoprunox |
2934 99 90 |
219923-85-0 |
pramiconazol |
2934 99 90 |
377727-87-2 |
preladenant |
2934 99 90 |
524684-52-4 |
prinaberel |
2934 99 90 |
865311-47-3 |
quarfloxin |
2934 99 90 |
869884-78-6 |
radezolid |
2934 99 90 |
496054-87-6 |
radiprodil |
2934 99 90 |
518048-05-0 |
raltegravir |
2934 99 90 |
787548-03-2 |
regrelor |
2934 99 90 |
820957-38-8 |
retosiban |
2934 99 90 |
572924-54-0 |
ridaforolimus |
2934 99 90 |
128517-07-7 |
romidepsin |
2934 99 90 |
93265-81-7 |
ropidoxuridin |
2934 99 90 |
151823-14-2 |
sapacitabin |
2934 99 90 |
379231-04-6 |
saracatinib |
2934 99 90 |
791635-59-1 |
simotaxel |
2934 99 90 |
119567-79-2 |
taribavirin |
2934 99 90 |
332012-40-5 |
telatinib |
2934 99 90 |
925681-61-4 |
trabedersen |
2934 99 90 |
189003-92-7 |
trelanserin |
2934 99 90 |
296251-72-4 |
velimogenaliplasmid |
2934 99 90 |
904302-98-3 |
viquidacin |
2934 99 90 |
872525-61-6 |
votucalis |
2934 99 90 |
221877-54-9 |
zotarolimus |
2935 00 90 |
197904-84-0 |
apricoxib |
2935 00 90 |
769169-27-9 |
begacestat |
2935 00 90 |
414864-00-9 |
belinostat |
2935 00 90 |
313682-08-5 |
brecanavir |
2935 00 90 |
839673-52-8 |
cevoglitazar |
2935 00 90 |
358970-97-5 |
drinabant |
2935 00 90 |
865200-20-0 |
giripladib |
2935 00 90 |
464213-10-3 |
ibipinabant |
2935 00 90 |
173424-77-6 |
laromustin |
2935 00 90 |
398507-55-6 |
lodenafilcarbonat |
2935 00 90 |
136564-68-6 |
masilukast |
2935 00 90 |
170569-88-7 |
mavacoxib |
2935 00 90 |
862189-95-5 |
mirodenafil |
2935 00 90 |
439687-69-1 |
nelivaptan |
2935 00 90 |
691852-58-1 |
nesbuvir |
2935 00 90 |
778576-62-8 |
oglemilast |
2935 00 90 |
444731-52-6 |
pazopanib |
2935 00 90 |
362505-84-8 |
relacatib |
2935 00 90 |
243984-11-4 |
resatorvid |
2935 00 90 |
519055-62-0 |
tasisulam |
2935 00 90 |
186497-07-4 |
zibotentan |
2936 29 00 |
104121-92-8 |
eldecalcitol |
2936 29 00 |
31690-09-2 |
levomefolinsyre |
2937 19 00 |
782500-75-8 |
albiglutid |
2937 19 00 |
348119-84-6 |
obinepitid |
2937 19 00 |
295350-45-7 |
ozarelix |
2937 19 00 |
275371-94-3 |
taspoglutid |
2937 19 00 |
218949-48-5 |
tesamorelin |
2937 19 00 |
22006-64-0 |
tridecactid |
2937 22 00 |
132245-57-9 |
dexamethasoncipecilat |
2937 22 00 |
397864-44-7 |
fluticasonfuroat |
2937 29 00 |
211254-73-8 |
lonaprisan |
2937 50 00 |
333963-42-1 |
cobiproston |
2937 50 00 |
172740-14-6 |
posaraprost |
2937 90 00 |
834153-87-6 |
elagolix |
2937 90 00 |
609799-22-6 |
tasimelteon |
2937 90 00 |
342577-38-2 |
velneperit |
2939 19 00 |
73232-52-7 |
methylnaltrexonbromid |
2939 59 00 |
136199-02-5 |
rolofyllin |
2939 99 00 |
850607-58-8 |
darotropiumbromid |
2939 99 00 |
187852-63-7 |
delimotecan |
2940 00 00 |
9007-72-1 |
ferricarboxymaltose |
2940 00 00 |
442201-24-3 |
remogliflozinetabonat |
2940 00 00 |
408504-26-7 |
sergliflozinetabonat |
2941 90 00 |
467214-20-6 |
alvespimycin |
2941 90 00 |
677017-23-1 |
berubicin |
2941 90 00 |
229016-73-3 |
ceftarolinfosamil |
2941 90 00 |
318498-76-9 |
flopristin |
2941 90 00 |
145435-72-9 |
gamithromycin |
2941 90 00 |
325965-23-9 |
linopristin |
2941 90 00 |
857402-23-4 |
retaspimycin |
2941 90 00 |
305841-29-6 |
sagopilon |
2941 90 00 |
75747-14-7 |
tanespimycin |
2941 90 00 |
328898-40-4 |
tildipirosin |
2941 90 00 |
222400-20-6 |
tomopenem |
2941 90 00 |
63409-12-1 |
tylvalosin |
3001 90 91 |
9041-08-1 |
semuloparinnatrium |
3002 10 91 |
792921-10-9 |
abagovomab |
3002 10 91 |
910649-32-0 |
anrukinzumab |
3002 10 91 |
648904-28-3 |
bavituximab |
3002 10 91 |
402710-27-4 (let kæde) 402710-25-2 (tung kæde) |
canakinumab |
3002 10 99 |
945228-49-9 |
citatuzumabbogatox |
3002 10 91 |
880486-59-9 |
dacetuzumab |
3002 10 91 |
615258-40-7 |
denosumab |
3002 10 91 |
762260-74-2 |
efungumab |
3002 10 91 |
89957-37-9 |
gantenerumab |
3002 10 91 |
680188-33-4 |
ibalizumab |
3002 10 91 |
477202-00-9 |
ipilimumab |
3002 10 91 |
640735-09-7 |
iratumumab |
3002 10 91 |
845816-02-6 |
lexatumumab |
3002 10 91 |
903512-50-5 |
lucatumumab |
3002 10 91 |
899796-83-9 |
milatuzumab |
3002 10 91 |
677010-34-3 |
motavizumab |
3002 10 91 |
676258-98-3 |
naptumomabestafenatox |
3002 10 91 |
828933-51-3 |
nimotuzumab |
3002 10 91 |
949142-50-1 |
obinutuzumab |
3002 10 91 |
637334-45-3 |
ocrelizumab |
3002 10 91 |
881191-44-2 |
otelixizumab |
3002 10 91 |
372075-37-1 |
sontuzumab |
3002 10 91 |
705287-60-1 |
stamulumab |
3002 10 91 |
339086-80-5 |
tadocizumab |
3002 10 91 |
592557-43-2 (let kæde) 592557-41-0 (tung kæde) |
tenatumomab |
3002 10 91 |
876387-05-2 |
teplizumab |
3002 10 91 |
918127-53-4 |
tigatuzumab |
3002 10 91 |
745013-59-6 |
tremelimumab |
3002 10 91 |
339986-90-2 |
tucotuzumabcelmoleukin |
3002 10 91 |
728917-18-8 |
veltuzumab |
3002 10 91 |
896731-82-1 |
conatumumab |
3002 10 91 |
892553-42-3 |
etaracizumab |
3002 10 91 |
944548-38-3 |
foravirumab |
3002 10 91 |
944548-37-2 |
rafivirumab |
3002 10 91 |
880266-57-9 |
tanezumab |
3002 10 91 |
815610-63-0 |
ustekinumab |
3002 10 95 |
862111-32-8 |
aflibercept |
3002 10 95 |
845264-92-8 |
atacicept |
3002 10 95 |
909110-25-4 |
baminercept |
3002 10 95 |
9001-27-8 |
beroctocog alfa |
3002 10 95 |
879555-13-2 |
epoetin kappa |
3002 10 95 |
762263-14-9 |
epoetin theta |
3002 10 95 |
501081-76-1 |
rilonacept |
3002 10 95 |
267639-76-9 |
romiplostim |
3002 10 95 |
869858-13-9 |
thrombin alfa |
3002 10 95 |
897936-89-9 |
vatreptacog alfa (aktiveret) |
3002 10 95 |
472960-22-8 |
albinterferon alfa-2b |
3002 10 95 |
869881-54-9 |
briobacept |
3002 10 95 |
606138-08-3 |
catridecacog |
3002 10 95 |
716840-32-3 |
denenicokin |
3002 10 95 |
931101-84-7 |
troplasminogen alfa |
3002 10 99 |
934216-54-3 |
alacizumabpegol |
3002 20 00 |
181477-43-0 |
disomotid |
3002 20 00 |
181477-91-8 |
ovemotid |
3002 20 00 |
915019-08-8 |
tertomotid |
3002 20 00 |
295371-00-5 |
verpasepcaltespen |
3002 90 90 |
473553-86-5 |
alferminogentadenovec |
3002 90 90 |
929881-05-0 |
alipogentiparvovec |
3002 90 90 |
600735-73-7 |
contusugenladenovec |
3002 90 90 |
851199-59-2 |
linaclotid |
3002 90 90 |
898830-54-1 |
sitimagenceradenovec |
3002 90 90 |
721946-42-5 |
transferrinaldifitox |
3507 90 90 |
9026-00-0 |
bucelipase alfa |
3507 90 90 |
885051-90-1 |
pegloticase |
3507 90 90 |
884604-91-5 |
velaglucerase alfa |
3911 90 99 |
892497-01-7 |
azoximerbromid |
Liste over præfikser og suffikser, som i forbindelse med de i bilag 3 til bilag I til forordning (EØF) nr. 2658/87 nævnte INN beskriver salte, estere eller hydrater af INN; disse salte, estere og hydrater er fritaget for told, forudsat at de kan tariferes i samme 6-cifrede HS-underposition som det tilsvarende INN
Henvisningerne til »International Nonproprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical substances, names for radicals and groups, comprehensive list 2004« erstattes af henvisninger til »International Nonproprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical substances, names for radicals, groups and others, comprehensive list 2007«.
Følgende præfikser eller suffikser tilføjes til listen i bilag 4 til bilag I til forordning (EØF) nr. 2658/87:
Foretrukket præfiks eller suffiks |
Synonymer |
Systematisk navn (i tilfælde af forskel) |
alanetil (INNRG) |
[(S)-1-ethoxy-1-oxo-propan-2-yl]amino (INNCN) |
alaninat (INNRG) |
L-alaninat (INNCN) |
alapivoxil (INNRG) |
L-alanyl, [(2,2-dimethylpropanoyl)oxy]methyl (INNCN) |
aldifitox (INNRG) |
(4-iminobutan-1,4-diyl)sulfandiyl[(3RS)-2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1,3-diyl]-1,3-phenylencarbonyl, som danner et N-benzoylderivat med en gruppe af primære aminer af difteri-[550-L-phenylalanin]toksin fra Corynebacterium diphtheriae-(26-560)-peptid (INNCN) |
besudotox (INNRG) |
L-lysyl-L-alanyl-L-serylglycylglycin (linker) fusionsprotein med des-(365-380)-[Asn364,Val407,Ser515,Gln590, Gln606,Arg613]exotoksin A (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)-(251-613)-peptid (toksin, hvor region IA og de første 16 rester af region IB er deleteret) (INNCN) |
ceribat (INNRG) |
rac-2,3-dihydroxypropylcarbonat (ester) (INNCN) |
cipecilat (INNRG) |
cyclohexancarboxylat (ester), cyclopropancarboxylat (ester) (INNCN) |
dalanated (INNRG) |
des-B30-alanin (INNCN) |
enacarbil (INNRG) |
{rac-1-[(2-methylpropanoyl)oxy]ethoxy}carbonyl (INNCN) |
estafenatox (INNRG) |
glycylglycyl-L-prolin (linker) fusionsprotein med enterotoksin type A (Staphylococcus aureus)-(1-33)-peptidyl-L-seryl[Ser36,Ser37,Glu38,Lys39,Ala41,Thr46,Thr71,Ala72,Ser75,Glu76,Glu78,Ser80,Ser81,Thr214,Ser217,Thr219,Ser220,Ser222, Ser224]enterotoksin type E (Staphylococcus aureus)-(32-230)-peptid (syntetisk superantigen SEA/E-120) (INNCN) |
etexilat (INNRG) |
ethyl, (hexyloxy)carbonyl |
fosamil (INNRG) |
phosphono (INNCN) |
glucuronid (INNRG) |
β-D-glucopyranosiduronsyre [osid] (INNCN) |
medocaril (INNRG) |
[(5-methyl-2-oxo-1,3-dioxol-4-yl)methoxy]carbonyl (INNCN) |
paptox (INNRG) |
protein PAP (Phytolacca americana antiviral) (INNCN) |
placarbil (INNRG) |
(R)-2-methyl-1-[(2-methylpropanoyl)oxy]propoxy}carbonyl) (INNCN) |
De systematiske navne af følgende præfikser eller suffikser ændres således:
Foretrukket præfiks eller suffiks |
Synonymer |
Systematisk navn (i tilfælde af forskel) |
aritox (INNRG) |
ricins A-kæde (INNCN) |
Liste over farmaceutiske mellemstoffer, dvs. stoffer der bruges til fremstilling af farmaceutiske færdigvarer, der skal tilføjes til listen over produkter, der er fritaget for told, i bilag 6 til bilag I til forordning (EØF) nr. 2658/87
KN-kode |
Betegnelse |
2843 29 00 |
22199-08-2 |
[4-amino-N-(pyrimidin-2(1H)-yliden-κN1)benzensulfonamidato-κO]sølv |
2905 39 95 |
281214-27-5 |
(2R,3R)-2,3-dimethylbutan-1,4-diylbis(4-methylbenzensulfonat) |
2905 59 98 |
441002-17-1 |
4-chlorbutyl-2-nitrobenzensulfonat |
2909 30 90 |
92878-95-0 |
2-(3-chlorpropoxy)-1-methoxy-4-nitrobenzen |
2909 30 |
503070-57-3 |
2-({2-[(6-bromhexyl)oxy]ethoxy}methyl)-1,3-dichlorbenzen |
2909 30 |
461432-23-5 |
4-(5-brom-2-chlorbenzyl)phenylethylether |
2909 49 80 |
185954-75-0 |
(3R)-3-methoxydecan-1-ol |
2909 49 80 |
85309-91-7 |
2-[(2,6-dichlorbenzyl)oxy]ethanol |
2909 49 80 |
160969-03-9 |
2-[2-(2,2,2-trifluorethoxy)phenoxy]ethylmethansulfonat |
2909 50 00 |
167145-13-3 |
2-[2-(3-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]phenol |
2910 20 00 |
15448-47-2 |
(2R)-2-methyloxiran |
2910 90 00 |
62600-71-9 |
(2R)-2-(3-chlorphenyl)oxiran |
2910 90 00 |
702687-42-1 |
(2R)-2-[(5-brom-2,3-difluorphenoxy)methyl]oxiran |
2910 90 00 |
683276-64-4 |
[(2R)-2-methyloxiran-2-yl]methyl 4-nitrobenzensulfonat |
2913 00 00 |
90035-34-0 |
4′-(trifluormethyl)biphenyl-4-carbaldehyd |
2914 40 90 |
17752-16-8 |
(3β)-3-hydroxycholest-5-en-24-on |
2914 50 00 |
974-23-2 |
(3β,16α)-3-hydroxy-16,17-epoxypregn-5-en-20-on |
2914 70 00 |
13054-81-4 |
4-chlor-heptan-3,5-dion |
2914 70 00 |
10226-30-9 |
6-chlorhexan-2-on |
2915 60 90 |
53064-79-2 |
iodmethylpivalat |
2915 90 00 |
22328-90-1 |
(3R)-3-methylhexansyre |
2915 90 00 |
1069-66-5 |
natrium-2-propylpentanoat |
2916 20 00 |
211515-46-7 |
1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexancarbonylchlorid |
2916 20 00 |
381209-09-2 |
1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexancarboxylsyre |
2916 20 00 |
7077-05-6 |
trans-4-(propan-2-yl)cyclohexancarboxylsyre |
2916 39 00 |
21900-39-0 |
5-fluor-2-methylbenzoylchlorid |
2916 39 00 |
17625-03-5 |
natriumhydrogen-3-sulfonatobenzoat |
2917 19 90 |
76-72-2 |
diethylethyl(pentan-2-yl)propandioat |
2918 29 00 |
376592-58-4 |
5′-chlor-2′-hydroxy-3′-nitrobiphenyl-3-carboxylsyre |
2918 99 90 |
709031-28-7 |
(3-hydroxytricyclo[,7)]dec-1-yl)(oxo)eddikesyre |
2918 99 90 |
35480-52-5 |
2,5-bis(2,2,2-trifluorethoxy)benzoesyre |
2918 99 90 |
4651-67-6 |
(3α,5β)-3-hydroxy-7-oxocholan-24-syre |
2918 99 90 |
52179-28-9 |
ethyl-2-[4-(2,2-dichlorcyclopropyl)phenoxy]-2-methylpropanoat |
2918 99 90 |
530141-60-7 |
methyl-3-(5-{[4-(cyclopentyloxy)-2-hydroxyphenyl]carbonyl}-2-hydroxyphenyl)propanoat |
2920 90 10 |
91526-18-0 |
4-(hydroxymethyl)-5-methyl-1,3-dioxol-2-on |
2921 49 00 |
334477-60-0 |
(1R)-1-[3,5-bis(trifluormethyl)phenyl]-N-methylethanamin |
2921 49 00 |
376608-71-8 |
(1R,2S)-2-(3,4-difluorphenyl)cyclopropanaminium (2R)-hydroxy(phenyl)ethanoat |
2921 49 00 |
1034457-07-2 |
2-(2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-yl)propan-2-aminhydrochlorid |
2921 49 00 |
945717-05-5 |
2-(4-chlor-3-ethylphenyl)ethanaminhydrochlorid |
2921 49 00 |
89-97-4 |
2-chlorbenzylamin |
2921 49 00 |
945717-43-1 |
N-(4-tert-butylbenzyl)-2-(4-chlor-3-ethylphenyl)ethanamin |
2921 51 90 |
150812-21-8 |
N4-[(4-fluorphenyl)methyl]-2-nitro-1,4-benzendiamin |
2922 19 85 |
1035455-90-3 |
(2R)-1-(5-brom-2,3-difluorphenoxy)-3-{[1-(2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-yl)-2-methylpropan-2-yl]amino}propan-2-ol hydrochlorid |
2922 19 85 |
0-00-0 |
[2-(chlormethyl)-4-(dibenzylamino)phenyl]methanolhydrochlorid |
2922 19 85 |
133-51-7 |
antimonsyre – 1-deoxy-1-(methylamino)-D-glucitol (1:1) |
2922 19 85 |
1035455-87-8 |
ethyl-(2E)-3-(3-{[(2R)-3-{[1-(2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-yl)-2-methylpropan-2-yl]amino}-2-hydroxypropyl]oxy}-4,5-difluorphenyl)prop-2-enoathydrochlorid |
2922 19 85 |
702686-97-3 |
ethyl-3-(3-{[(2R)-3-{[1-(2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-yl)-2-methylpropan-2-yl]amino}-2-hydroxypropyl]oxy}-4,5-difluorphenyl)propanoathydrochlorid |
2922 29 00 |
20059-73-8 |
2-[4-(aminomethyl)phenoxy]-N,N-dimethylethanamin |
2922 49 85 |
848133-35-7 |
(2E)-4-(dimethylamino)but-2-ensyrehydrochlorid |
2922 49 85 |
610300-07-7 |
(3S,5R)-3-amino-5-methyloctansyre |
2922 49 85 |
610300-00-0 |
(3S,5R)-3-amino-5-methyloctansyrehydrochlorid |
2922 49 85 |
143785-86-8 |
4-(1-aminocyclopropyl)-2,3,5-trifluorbenzoesyre |
2922 49 85 |
848949-85-9 |
4-fluor-L-leucin – ethylhydrogensulfat (1:1) |
2922 49 85 |
39068-93-4 |
methyl-2-(dimethylamino)-2-phenylbutanoat |
2922 49 85 |
168619-25-8 |
methyl-3′-aminobiphenyl-3-carboxylat |
2922 49 85 |
82834-12-6 |
N-[(2S)-1-ethoxy-1-oxopentan-2-yl]-L-alanin |
2922 49 85 |
94133-84-3 |
natirum-2-amino-2-phenylbutanoat |
2922 50 00 |
503070-58-4 |
triphenyleddikesyre – 4-{(1R)-2-[(6-{2-[(2,6-dichlorbenzyl)oxy]ethoxy}hexyl)amino]-1-hydroxyethyl}-2-(hydroxymethyl)phenol (1:1) |
2924 19 00 |
62009-47-6 |
2-aminomalonamid |
2924 19 00 |
7355-58-0 |
N-(2-chlorethyl)acetamid |
2924 29 98 |
361442-00-4 |
{2-[(tert-butoxycarbonyl)amino]-3-hydroxytricyclo[,7)]dec-1-yl}eddikesyre |
2924 29 98 |
266993-72-0 |
2,3-diaminobenzamiddihydrochlorid |
2924 29 98 |
168080-49-7 |
2-chlor-4-{[(5-fluor-2-methylphenyl)carbonyl]amino}benzoesyre |
2924 29 98 |
317374-08-6 |
2-methyl-4-{[(2-methylphenyl)carbonyl]amino}benzoesyre |
2924 29 98 |
143785-84-6 |
4-(1-carbamoylcyclopropyl)-2,3,5-trifluorbenzoesyre |
2924 29 98 |
143785-87-9 |
4-[1-(acetylamino)cyclopropyl]-2,3,5-trifluorbenzoesyre |
2924 29 98 |
108166-22-9 |
4-{[(2-methylphenyl)carbonyl]amino}benzoesyre |
2924 29 98 |
150812-23-0 |
ethyl-{4-[(4-fluorbenzyl)amino]-2-nitrophenyl}carbamat |
2924 29 98 |
22316-45-6 |
ethyl-3-[(5-chlor-2-nitrophenyl)(phenyl)amino]-3-oxopropanoat |
2924 29 98 |
316173-29-2 |
methyl-(1S,2S,3S,4R)-3-[(1S)-1-amino-2-ethylbutyl]-4-[(tert-butoxycarbonyl)amino]-2-hydroxycyclopentancarboxylat |
2924 29 98 |
1142-20-7 |
N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-alanin |
2924 29 98 |
84996-93-0 |
N-cyclohexyl-5-hydroxypentanamid |
2924 29 98 |
579494-66-9 |
propyl-{4-[2-(diethylamino)-2-oxoethoxy]-3-ethoxyphenyl}acetat |
2925 19 95 |
265136-65-0 |
ethyl-3-amino-4-[2-(1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-yl)ethoxy]but-2-enoat |
2926 90 95 |
855425-38-6 |
1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexancarbonitril |
2926 90 95 |
846023-24-3 |
2-cyan-N-(2,4-dichlor-5-methoxyphenyl)acetamid |
2926 90 95 |
591769-05-0 |
3-cyclopentylprop-2-enenitril |
2926 90 95 |
20099-89-2 |
4-(bromacetyl)benzonitril |
2926 90 95 |
474554-45-5 |
4,5-diethoxy-3-fluorbenzen-1,2-dicarbonitril |
2926 90 95 |
79370-78-8 |
5-hydroxybenzen-1,3-dicarbonitril |
2926 90 95 |
139481-28-0 |
methyl-2-{[(2′-cyanbiphenyl-4-yl)methyl]amino}-3-nitrobenzoat |
2928 00 90 |
860035-10-5 |
1-({[(2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl)oxy]carbonyl}oxy)ethyl-2-methylpropanoat |
2928 00 90 |
910656-45-0 |
2-hydroxy-2-(trifluormethyl)butanhydrazid |
2928 00 90 |
95759-10-7 |
4-chlor-2-[(2-methoxy-2-oxoethoxy)imino]-3-oxobutansyre |
2928 00 90 |
473927-63-8 |
ethyl-(2Z)-chlor[2-(4-methoxyphenyl)hydrazinyliden]ethanoat |
2928 00 90 |
158671-29-5 |
N,2-dihydroxy-4-methylbenzamid |
2928 00 90 |
84080-68-2 |
tert-butyl-(2Z)-2-[(2-methoxy-2-oxoethoxy)imino]-3-oxobutanoat |
2928 00 90 |
268544-50-9 |
tert-butyl-2-[(2-methoxy-2-oxoethoxy)imino]-3-oxobutanoat |
2930 90 99 |
13459-62-6 |
{2-[(4-chlorphenyl)sulfanyl]phenyl}eddikesyre |
2930 90 99 |
211513-21-2 |
1-(2-ethylbutyl)-N-(2-sulfanylphenyl)cyclohexancarboxamid |
2930 90 99 |
860035-07-0 |
1-{[(methylsulfanyl)carbonyl]oxy}ethyl-2-methylpropanoat |
2930 90 99 |
893407-18-6 |
2,2,2-trifluor-1-[4′-(methylsulfonyl)biphenyl-4-yl]ethanon |
2930 90 99 |
60759-00-4 |
3,4-diethoxybenzencarbothioamid |
2930 90 99 |
21048-05-5 |
N-methylbenzencarbothiohydrazid |
2931 00 99 |
13682-94-5 |
(2-bromethenyl)(trimethyl)silan |
2931 00 99 |
914922-89-7 |
(2R,4R)-4-[[(1,1-dimethylethyl)dimethylsilyl]oxy]-N-methoxy-N,2-dimethyl-7-oxoheptanamid |
2931 00 99 |
914922-88-6 |
(2R,4R)-4-{[tert-butyl(dimethyl)silyl]oxy}-N-methoxy-N,2-dimethyloct-7-enamid |
2931 00 99 |
871355-80-5 |
(4R)-2-brom-7-{[tert-butyl(diphenyl)silyl]oxy}hept-1-en-4-yl 4-methylbenzensulfonat |
2931 00 99 |
89694-48-4 |
(5-chlor-2-methoxyphenyl)boronsyre |
2931 00 99 |
701278-08-2 |
[(1R,5S)-5-[dimethyl(phenyl)silyl]-2-{[(2-methoxypropan-2-yl)oxy]methyl}cyclopent-2-en-1-yl]methanol |
2931 00 99 |
701278-09-3 |
{(4S,5R)-5-[(benzyloxy)methyl]-4-[dimethyl(phenyl)silyl]cyclopent-1-en-1-yl}methanol |
2931 00 99 |
796967-18-5 |
1-(2-fluor-5-methylphenyl)-3-[4-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)phenyl]urea |
2931 00 99 |
172732-52-4 |
2-(1,3,2-dioxaborinan-2-yl)benzonitril |
2931 00 99 |
185411-12-5 |
methyl-3-(trimethylsilyl)pent-4-enoat |
2932 19 00 |
253128-10-8 |
(1S)-1,5:7,10-dianhydro-12,13-bis-O-[tert-butyl(dimethyl)silyl]-2,3,4,6,8,11-hexadeoxy-1-{2-[(2S,5S)-5-(3-hydroxypropyl)-3-methylidentetrahydrofuran-2-yl]ethyl}-3-methyl-9-O-methyl-4-methyliden-8-[(phenylsulfonyl)methyl]-D-arabino-D-altro-tridecitol |
2932 19 00 |
441045-17-6 |
(1S,3S,6S,9S,12S,14R,16R,18S,20R,21R,22S,26R,29S,31R,32S,33R,35R,36S)-20-[(2S)-3-amino-2-hydroxypropyl]-21-methoxy-14-methyl-8,15-bis(methylen)-2,19,30,34,37,39,40,41-octaoxanonacyclo[,32.13,33.16,9.112,16.018,22.029,36.031,35]hentetracontan-24-on-methansulfonat |
2932 29 85 |
916069-80-2 |
(4S)-4-(fluormethyl)dihydrofuran-2(3H)-on |
2932 29 85 |
63106-93-4 |
1-phenyl-3-oxabicyclo[3.1.0]hexan-2-on |
2932 29 85 |
7734-80-7 |
2-oxo-2H-chromen-6-carboxylsyre |
2932 29 85 |
0-00-0 |
4-(4-fluorphenyl)-7-(isothiocyanatomethyl)-2H-chromen-2-on |
2932 29 85 |
947408-91-5 |
6-[(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)carbonyl]-2H-chromen-2-on |
2932 29 85 |
947408-90-4 |
6-[(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)carbonyl]-2H-chromen-2-on |
2932 99 00 |
452342-08-4 |
(1R)-2-(benzylamino)-1-(2,2-dimethyl-4H-1,3-benzodioxin-6-yl)ethanol |
2932 99 00 |
99541-23-8 |
(1R,2S,3R,4R,5R)-4-azido-2-{[(4aR,6S,7R,8S,8aR)-7,8-bis(benzyloxy)-2-phenylhexahydropyrano[3,2-d][1,3]dioxin-6-yl]oxy}-6,8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl acetat |
2932 99 00 |
461432-25-7 |
(1S)-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-1,5-anhydro-1-[4-chlor-3-(4-ethoxybenzyl)phenyl]-D-glucitol |
2932 99 00 |
196597-79-2 |
(2E)-1,2,6,7-tetrahydro-8H-indeno[5,4-b]furan-8-ylidenethannitril |
2932 99 00 |
3308-94-9 |
2-(3-chlorpropyl)-2-(4-fluorphenyl)-1,3-dioxolan |
2932 99 00 |
274693-53-7 |
[(3aS,4R,6S,6aR)-6-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyltetrahydro-3aH-cyclopenta[d][1,3]dioxol-4-yl]carbamat |
2932 99 00 |
185954-98-7 |
[6(2Z,3R)]-3-O-decyl-2-deoxy-6-O-[2-deoxy-3-O-(3-metoxydecyl)-6-methyl-2-[(1-oxo-11-octadecenyl)amino]-4-O-phosphono-β-D-glucopyranosyl]-2-[(1,3-dioxotetradecyl)amino]-α-D-glucopyranose-1-(dihydrogenphosphat)tetranatriumsalt |
2932 99 00 |
136172-58-2 |
1,6-di-O-acetyl-2-azido-3,4-di-O-benzyl-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose |
2932 99 00 |
196597-80-5 |
2-[(8S)-1,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2H-indeno[5,4-b]furan-8-yl]ethanaminhydrochlorid |
2932 99 00 |
666860-59-9 |
2-amino-2-oxoethyl{3-[trans-5-(6-methoxynaphthalen-1-yl)-1,3-dioxan-2-yl]propyl}carbamat |
2932 99 00 |
117661-72-0 |
5-(chlormethyl)-6-methyl-1,3-benzodioxol |
2932 99 00 |
959624-24-9 |
6-(hydroxymethyl)-4-phenyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromen-2-ol |
2932 99 00 |
960404-59-5 |
but-2-yn-1,4-diol – methyl 1-C-[4-chlor-3-(4-ethoxybenzyl)phenyl]-α-D-glucopyranosid (1:1) |
2932 99 00 |
15826-37-6 |
dinatrium-5,5′-[(2-hydroxypropan-1,3-diyl)bis(oxy)]bis(4-oxo-4H-chromen-2-carboxylat) |
2932 99 00 |
204254-84-2 |
ethyl-(3aR,7R,7aR)-2,2-dimethyl-7-[(methylsulfonyl)oxy]-3a,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-1,3-benzodioxol-5-carboxylat |
2932 99 00 |
99541-26-1 |
methyl-(2S,3S,4S,5S,6S)-6-{[(1S,2S,3S,4R,5R)-3-(acetyloxy)-4-azido-6,8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-2-yl]methyl}-4,5-bis(benzyloxy)-3-hydroxytetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-carboxylat |
2932 99 00 |
114869-97-5 |
methyl-6-O-acetyl-4-O-(2-O-acetyl-3-O-benzyl-6-methyl-α-L-idopyranuronosyl)-3-O-benzyl-2-{[(benzyloxy)carbonyl]amino}-2-deoxy-α-D-glucopyranosid |
2933 19 90 |
1035677-60-1 |
(4S)-3-(4-chlorphenyl)-N-methyl-4-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-carboximidamid-2,3-dihydroxybutandioat |
2933 19 90 |
18048-64-1 |
2-(3,4-dimethylphenyl)-5-methyl-2,4-dihydro-3H-pyrazol-3-on |
2933 19 90 |
1035675-24-1 |
3-(4-chlorphenyl)-N-methyl-4-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-carboximidamid |
2933 19 90 |
1028026-83-6 |
5-methyl-1-(propan-2-yl)-4-[4-(propan-2-yloxy)benzyl]-1,2-dihydro-3H-pyrazol-3-on |
2933 19 90 |
473921-12-9 |
5-{[3,5-diethyl-1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]oxy}benzen-1,3-dicarbonitril |
2933 29 90 |
65902-59-2 |
2-brom-4-nitro-1H-imidazol |
2933 29 90 |
57531-37-0 |
2-chlor-4-nitro-1H-imidazol |
2933 29 90 |
1000164-35-1 |
3-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-N-[(9H-fluoren-9-ylmethoxy)carbonyl]-1-(triphenylmethyl)-L-histidyl-2-methylalanyl-L-α-glutamylglycin |
2933 29 90 |
152074-97-0 |
L-α-aspartyl-L-α-glutamyl-L-asparaginyl-L-prolyl-L-valyl-L-valyl-L-histidyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-lysyl-L-asparaginyl-L-isoleucyl-L-valyl-L-threonyl-L-prolyl-L-arginyl-L-threonin |
2933 29 90 |
781666-30-6 |
L-α-aspartyl-L-α-glutamyl-L-asparaginyl-L-prolyl-L-valyl-L-valyl-L-histidyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-lysyl-L-asparaginyl-L-isoleucyl-L-valyl-L-threonyl-L-prolyl-L-arginyl-L-threonintetraacetat |
2933 29 90 |
451470-33-0 |
methyl-3′-(2-methyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)biphenyl-3-carboxylat |
2933 39 99 |
925978-49-0 |
(+)-5-[6-(1-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)pyridin-3-yl]-1-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octan |
2933 39 99 |
876170-44-4 |
(1S,5S)-3-(5,6-dichlorpyridin-3-yl)-3,6-diazabicyclo[3.2.0]heptanbenzensulfonat |
2933 39 99 |
741705-70-4 |
(2R)-phenyl[(2R)-piperidin-2-yl]ethansyrehydrochlorid |
2933 39 99 |
414910-13-7 |
(2S)-hydroxy(phenyl)ethansyre – (2R)-2-(4-fluor-2-methylphenyl)piperidin-4-on (1:1) |
2933 39 99 |
0-00-0 |
(3aR,6aR)-1-(pyridin-3-yl)octahydropyrrolo[3,4-b]pyrrol-4-methylbenzensulfonat |
2933 39 99 |
370882-57-8 |
(3aR,6aR)-1-(pyridin-3-yl)octahydropyrrolo[3,4-b]pyrroldihydrochlorid |
2933 39 99 |
334618-23-4 |
(3R)-piperidin-3-amindihydrochlorid |
2933 39 99 |
1062580-52-2 |
(3R,4R)-1-benzyl-N,4-dimethylpiperidin-3-amindihydrochlorid |
2933 39 99 |
27262-47-1 |
(S)-1-butyl-N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)piperidin-2-carboxamid |
2933 39 99 |
105812-81-5 |
[(3S,4R)-4-(4-fluorphenyl)-1-methylpiperidin-3-yl]methanol |
2933 39 99 |
876068-51-8 |
[(3S,4S)-4-amino-1-(5,6-dichlorpyridin-3-yl)pyrrolidin-3-yl]methanol |
2933 39 99 |
871022-14-9 |
1-({4-[({[2-oxo-3-(propan-2-yl)-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]carbonyl}amino)methyl]piperidin-1-yl}methyl)cyclobutancarboxylsyre |
2933 39 99 |
5421-92-1 |
1-(pyridin-4-yl)pyridiniumchloridhydrochlorid |
2933 39 99 |
272776-12-2 |
1,1′-binaphthalen-2,2′-diol – 5-methoxy-2-{(S)-[(4-methoxy-3,5-dimethylpyridin-2-yl)methyl]sulfinyl}-1H-benzimidazol (1:1) |
2933 39 99 |
871022-19-4 |
1-[(4-{[(tert-butoxycarbonyl)amino]methyl}piperidin-1-yl)methyl]cyclobutancarboxylsyre |
2933 39 99 |
3613-73-8 |
2,8-dimethyl-5-[2-(6-methylpyridin-3-yl)ethyl]-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-pyrido[4,3-b]indol |
2933 39 99 |
179687-79-7 |
2-[(2-chlor-4-nitrophenoxy)methyl]pyridin |
2933 39 99 |
122321-04-4 |
2-[methyl(pyridin-2-yl)amino]ethanol |
2933 39 99 |
945405-37-8 |
2-methyl-3-[(2S)-pyrrolidin-2-ylmethoxy]pyridin-2,3-dihydroxybutandioat |
2933 39 99 |
936637-40-0 |
3,3′-piperidin-1,4-diyldipropan-1-ol 4-methylbenzensulfonat |
2933 39 99 |
88150-62-3 |
3-ethyl-5-methyl-4-(2-chlorphenyl)-2-{[2-(1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-yl)ethoxy]methyl}-6-methyl-1,4-dihydropyridin-3,5-dicarboxylat |
2933 39 99 |
84100-54-9 |
4-(ethylamino)piperidin-4-carboxamid |
2933 39 99 |
873546-30-6 |
4,4′-[piperidin-1,4-diylbis(propan-3,1-diyloxy)]bis(N′-hydroxybenzencarboximidamid) |
2933 39 99 |
873546-74-8 |
4,4′-[piperidin-1,4-diylbis(propan-3,1-diyloxy)]bis[N′-(acetyloxy)benzencarboximidamid] |
2933 39 99 |
873546-38-4 |
4,4′-[piperidin-1,4-diylbis(propan-3,1-diyloxy)]dibenzencarboximidamidtrihydrochloridpentahydrat |
2933 39 99 |
873546-80-6 |
4,4′-[piperidin-1,4-diylbis(propan-3,1-diyloxy)]dibenzonitril |
2933 39 99 |
78750-61-5 |
4-[(3-nitropyridin-2-yl)amino]phenol |
2933 39 99 |
866109-93-5 |
4-{4-[4-(trifluormethoxy)phenoxy]piperidin-1-yl}phenol 4-methylbenzensulfonat |
2933 39 99 |
927889-51-8 |
4-brom-2,6-diethylpyridin-4-methylbenzensulfonat |
2933 39 99 |
691882-47-0 |
4-hydroxybenzoesyre – (2S,4E)-N-methyl-5-[5-(propan-2-yloxy)pyridin-3-yl]pent-4-en-2-amin (1:1) |
2933 39 99 |
876068-46-1 |
5,6-dichlor-N-(2,2-dimethoxyethyl)pyridin-3-amin |
2933 39 99 |
1072-98-6 |
5-chlorpyridin-2-amin |
2933 39 99 |
298692-34-9 |
6-(chloracetyl)pyridin-2-carboxylsyre |
2933 39 99 |
550349-58-1 |
7-chlor-3-(6-methoxypyridin-3-yl)-N,N,5-trimethyl-4-oxo-4,5-dihydro-3H-pyridazino[4,5-b]indol-1-carboxamid |
2933 39 99 |
414909-98-1 |
benzyl 2-(4-fluor-2-methylphenyl)-4-oxo-3,4-dihydropyridin-1(2H)-carboxylat |
2933 39 99 |
56880-11-6 |
ethyl-[(3-endo)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl)acetat |
2933 39 99 |
548797-97-3 |
N-(2-{[(2S)-3-{[1-(4-chlorbenzyl)piperidin-4-yl]amino}-2-hydroxy-2-methylpropyl]oxy}-4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamid |
2933 39 99 |
0-00-0 |
N-[(S)-1-azabicyclo[2.2.2]oct-2-yl(phenyl)methyl]-2,6-dichlor-3-(trifluormethyl)benzamidhydrochlorid |
2933 39 99 |
329003-65-8 |
natriumhydrogen[1-hydroxy-1-phosphono-2-(pyridin-3-yl)ethyl]phosphonathemipentahydrat |
2933 49 10 |
417716-92-8 |
4-{3-chlor-4-[(cyclopropylcarbamoyl)amino]phenoxy}-7-methoxyquinolin-6-carboxamidmethansulfonat |
2933 49 90 |
503291-53-0 |
2-ethylbutyl (3S,4aS,6S,8aR)-6-[3-chlor-2-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenoxy]decahydro-3-isoquinolincarboxylat 4-methylbenzensulfonat |
2933 49 90 |
103733-32-0 |
benzyl-(3S)-6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolin-3-carboxylathydrochlorid |
2933 49 90 |
503293-98-9 |
(3S,4aS,6S,8aR)-6-hydroxy-2-(methoxycarbonyl)decahydroisoquinolin-3-carboxylsyre |
2933 49 90 |
503290-66-2 |
(3S,4aS,6S,8aR)-6-[3-chlor-2-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenoxy]decahydro-3-isoquinolincarboxylisyrehydrochlorid |
2933 49 90 |
134388-95-7 |
(3S,4aS,8aR)-2-(methoxycarbonyl)-6-oxodecahydroisoquinolin-3-carboxylsyre – (1R)-1-phenylethanamin (1:1) |
2933 49 90 |
868210-14-4 |
4-(4-{[(2S,4R)-4-[acetyl(4-chlorphenyl)amino]-2-methyl-3,4-dihydroquinolin-1(2H)-yl]carbonyl}phenoxy)-2,2-dimethylbutansyre |
2933 49 90 |
00-00-0 |
methyl 2-[(3R)-3-{3-[(E)-2-(7-chlorquinolin-2-yl)ethenyl]phenyl}-3-({[1-(hydroxymethyl)cyclopropyl]methyl}sulfanyl)propyl]benzoathydrochlorid |
2933 49 90 |
848133-76-6 |
N-(4-chlor-3-cyan-7-ethoxyquinolin-6-yl)acetamid |
2933 59 95 |
869490-23-3 |
(3,3-difluorpyrrolidin-1-yl){(2S,4S)-4-[4-(pyrimidin-2-yl)piperazin-1-yl]pyrrolidin-2-yl}methanon |
2933 59 95 |
941685-40-1 |
(3R)-3-cyclopentyl-3-[4-(7-{[2-(trimethylsilyl)ethoxy]methyl}-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]propannitril |
2933 59 95 |
941678-49-5 |
(3R)-3-cyclopentyl-3-[4-(7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]propannitril |
2933 59 95 |
941685-41-2 |
(3S)-3-cyclopentyl-3-[4-(7-{[2-(trimethylsilyl)ethoxy]methyl}-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]propannitril |
2933 59 95 |
957187-34-7 |
[(8R)-8-(3,5-difluorphenyl)-10-oxo-6,9-diazaspiro[4.5]dec-9-yl]eddikesyre |
2933 59 95 |
356058-42-9 |
{2-[(4-fluorbenzyl)sulfanyl]-4-oxo-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-cyclopenta[d]pyrimidin-1-yl}eddikesyre |
2933 59 95 |
0-00-0 |
2,3-dihydroxy-2,3-bis(phenylcarbonyl)butandisyre – ethyl-[(8R)-8-(3,5-difluorphenyl)-10-oxo-6,9-diazaspiro[4.5]dec-9-yl]acetat (1:1) |
2933 59 95 |
90213-66-4 |
2,4-dichlor-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin |
2933 59 95 |
3934-20-1 |
2,4-dichlorpyrimidin |
2933 59 95 |
451487-18-6 |
2-[(4-fluorbenzyl)sulfanyl]-1,5,6,7-tetrahydro-4H-cyclopenta[d]pyrimidin-4-on |
2933 59 95 |
865758-96-9 |
2-[(6-chlor-3-methyl-2,4-dioxo-3,4-dihydropyrimidin-1(2H)-yl)methyl]benzonitril |
2933 59 95 |
934815-71-1 |
2-[3-(6-{[2-(2,4-dichlorphenyl)ethyl]amino}-2-methoxypyrimidin-4-yl)phenyl]-2-methylpropansyrephosphat |
2933 59 95 |
722543-31-9 |
2-{ethyl[3-({4-[(5-{2-[(3-fluorphenyl)amino]-2-oxoethyl}-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)amino]quinazolin-7-yl}oxy)propyl]amino}ethyldihydrogenphosphat |
2933 59 95 |
1032066-96-8 |
2-amino-9-{(1S,3R,4S)-3-[(benzyloxy)methyl]-4-[dimethyl(phenyl)silyl]-2-methylidencyclopentyl}-1,9-dihydro-6H-purin-6-on – methansulfonat (2:1) |
2933 59 95 |
540737-29-9 |
3-{(3R,4R)-4-methyl-3-[methyl(7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)amino]piperidin-1-yl}-3-oxopropannitril-2-hydroxypropan-1,2,3-tricarboxylat |
2933 59 95 |
1137917-12-4 |
3-{[6-(ethylsulfonyl)pyridin-3-yl]oxy}-5-{[(2S)-1-hydroxypropan-2-yl]oxy}benzoesyre – 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octan (2:1) |
2933 59 95 |
941685-39-8 |
3-cyclopentyl-3-[4-(7-{[2-(trimethylsilyl)ethoxy]methyl}-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]propannitril |
2933 59 95 |
941685-27-4 |
4-(1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-7-{[2-(trimethylsilyl)ethoxy]methyl}-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin |
2933 59 95 |
1780-26-3 |
4,6-dichlor-2-methylpyrimidin |
2933 59 95 |
145783-14-8 |
4,6-dichlor-5-nitro-2-(propylsulfanyl)pyrimidin |
2933 59 95 |
3680-69-1 |
4-chlor-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin |
2933 59 95 |
61379-64-4 |
4-cyclopentylpiperazin-1-amin |
2933 59 95 |
55112-42-0 |
4-methylpiperazin-1-carbonylchloridhydrochlorid |
2933 59 95 |
0-00-0 |
5-(benzylamino)-2-(3-methoxyphenyl)-7-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]quinolin-4-carbonitril – (2E)-but-2-endioat (2:1) hydrat |
2933 59 95 |
55293-96-4 |
5,7-dimethyl[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidin-2-carbaldehyd |
2933 59 95 |
179688-01-8 |
7-(benzyloxy)-6-methoxyquinazolin-4(3H)-on |
2933 59 95 |
444731-74-2 |
N-(2-chlorpyrimidin-4-yl)-2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amin |
2933 59 95 |
0-00-0 |
N-(5-fluor-3-methyl-1H-indol-1-yl)-4-methyl-2-(pyridin-2-yl)pyrimidin-5-carboxamid |
2933 79 00 |
586414-48-4 |
(-)-3-{3-brom-4-[(2,4-difluorbenzyl)oxy]-6-methyl-2-oxopyridin-1(2H)-yl}-N,4-dimethylbenzamid |
2933 79 00 |
425663-71-4 |
(1S)-1-amino-3-methyl-1,3,4,5-tetrahydro-2H-3-benzazepin-2-on-hydrochlorid |
2933 79 00 |
813452-14-1 |
(4S)-1-[(2S,3S,11bS)-2-amino-9,10-dimethoxy-1,3,4,6,7,11b-hexahydro-2H-pyrido[2,1-a]isoquinolin-3-yl]-4-(fluormethyl)pyrrolidin-2-on-dihydrochlorid |
2933 79 00 |
5162-90-3 |
3-(2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinolin-4-yl)alanin |
2933 79 00 |
536760-29-9 |
3-chlor-1-(4-nitrophenyl)-5,6-dihydropyridin-2(1H)-on |
2933 79 00 |
4876-10-2 |
4-(brommethyl)quinolin-2(1H)-on |
2933 79 00 |
5057-12-5 |
4,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinolin-2,5(1H,3H)-dion |
2933 79 00 |
54197-66-9 |
6-hydroxy-3,4-dihydroquinolin-2(1H)-on |
2933 79 00 |
22246-18-0 |
7-hydroxy-3,4-dihydroquinolin-2(1H)-on |
2933 79 00 |
536759-91-8 |
ethyl-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-6-(4-nitrophenyl)-7-oxo-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin-3-carboxylat |
2933 79 00 |
503614-91-3 |
ethyl-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-7-oxo-6-[4-(2-oxopiperidin-1-yl)phenyl]-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin-3-carboxylat |
2933 79 00 |
586379-61-5 |
methyl-3-(4-hydroxy-6-methyl-2-oxopyridin-1(2H)-yl)-4-methylbenzoat |
2933 99 80 |
709031-45-8 |
(1S,3S,5S)-2-azabicyclo[3.1.0]hexan-3-carboxamidmethansulfonat |
2933 99 80 |
649735-46-6 |
(2R)-1-({4-[(4-fluor-2-methyl-1H-indol-5-yl)oxy]-5-methylpyrrolo[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazin-6-yl}oxy)propan-2-ol |
2933 99 80 |
51077-14-6 |
(2S)-1-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)azetidin-2-carboxylsyre |
2933 99 80 |
631916-97-7 |
(2S)-N-{4-[(Z)-amino(methoxyimino)methyl]benzyl}-1-{(2R)-2-[3-chlor-5-(difluormethoxy)phenyl]-2-hydroxyethanoyl}azetidin-2-carboxamid – benzensulfonsyre (1:1) |
2933 99 80 |
80875-98-5 |
(2S,3aS,7aS)-octahydro-1H-indol-2-carboxylsyre |
2933 99 80 |
948846-40-0 |
(2S,3S)-2,3-bis[(phenylcarbonyl)oxy]butandisyre – ethyl-(3aR,6aR)-hexahydropyrrolo[3,4-b]pyrrol-5(1H)-carboxylat (1:1) |
2933 99 80 |
1000164-36-2 |
(5S,8S,11S,14S,17S,20S,23S,26S,29S,32S,35S,38S)-5-(3-amino-3-oxopropyl)-20-benzyl-23-[(2S)-butan-2-yl]-14,38-bis{4-[(tert-butoxycarbonyl)amino]butyl}-29-{[1-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-1H-indol-3-yl]methyl}-17-(3-tert-butoxy-3-oxopropyl)-1-(1H-fluoren-9-yl)-8,11,26,41,41-pentamethyl-32-(2-methylpropyl)-3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39-tridecaoxo-35-(propan-2-yl)-2-oxa-4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31,34,37,40-tridecaazadotetracontan-42-syre |
2933 99 80 |
22162-51-2 |
1-(2-nitrobenzyl)-1H-pyrrol-2-carbaldehyd |
2933 99 80 |
35681-40-4 |
1-(propan-2-yl)-1,3-dihydro-2H-benzimidazol-2-on |
2933 99 80 |
166170-15-6 |
1-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-2-methyl-D-prolin |
2933 99 80 |
796967-16-3 |
1-[4-(3-amino-1H-indazol-4-yl)phenyl]-3-(2-fluor-5-methylphenyl)urea |
2933 99 80 |
0-00-0 |
1-[4-(3-amino-1H-indazol-4-yl)phenyl]-3-(2-fluor-5-methylphenyl)ureahydrochlorid |
2933 99 80 |
444731-72-0 |
2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amin |
2933 99 80 |
19686-05-6 |
2,8-dimethyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-pyrido[4,3-b]indol |
2933 99 80 |
912444-00-9 |
2-[(2R)-2-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl]-1H-benzimidazol-4-carboxamid |
2933 99 80 |
912445-36-4 |
2-[(2S)-2-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl]-1H-benzimidazol-4-carboxamiddihydrochlorid |
2933 99 80 |
163457-23-6 |
3,3-difluorpyrrolidinhydrochlorid |
2933 99 80 |
239463-85-5 |
3-{5-[(2R)-2-aminopropyl]-7-cyan-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-1-yl}propylbenzoat-(2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxybutandioat |
2933 99 80 |
55321-99-8 |
3-oxo-3,4-dihydropyrazin-2-carboxamid |
2933 99 80 |
952490-01-6 |
4-[(4-fluor-2-methyl-1H-indol-5-yl)oxy]-5-methylpyrrolo[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazin-6-yl 2,2-dimethylpropanoat |
2933 99 80 |
942436-93-3 |
4-amino-8-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-N-propylcinnolin-3-carboxamid |
2933 99 80 |
942437-37-8 |
4-amino-8-(2-fluor-6-methoxyphenyl)-N-propylcinnolin-3-carboxamid |
2933 99 80 |
288385-88-6 |
4-fluor-2-methyl-1H-indol-5-ol |
2933 99 80 |
503293-47-8 |
5-(2-chlor-6-fluorphenyl)-2H-tetrazol |
2933 99 80 |
73963-42-5 |
5-(4-chlorbutyl)-1-cyclohexyl-1H-tetrazol |
2933 99 80 |
606143-52-6 |
5-[(4-brom-2-chlorphenyl)amino]-4-fluor-N-(2-hydroxyethoxy)-1-methyl-1H-benzimidazol-6-carboxamid |
2933 99 80 |
0-00-0 |
5-fluor-1-(3-fluorbenzyl)-N-(1H-indol-5-yl)-1H-indol-2-carboxamid |
2933 99 80 |
872206-47-8 |
5-methyl-4-oxo-1,4-dihydropyrrolo[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazin-6-yl-2,2-dimethylpropanoat |
2933 99 80 |
259793-88-9 |
6-brom-3-oxo-3,4-dihydropyrazin-2-carboxamid |
2933 99 80 |
1137606-74-6 |
6-fluor-3-oxo-3,4-dihydropyrazin-2-carbonitril – N-cyclohexylcyclohexanamin (1:1) |
2933 99 80 |
261953-36-0 |
6-iod-1H-indazol |
2933 99 80 |
80076-47-7 |
8,9-difluor-5-methyl-1-oxo-6,7-dihydro-1H,5H-pyrido[3,2,1-ij]quinolin-2-carboxylsyre |
2933 99 80 |
52602-39-8 |
9H-carbazol-4-ol |
2933 99 80 |
145641-35-6 |
benzyl-(2S,3aR,7aS)-octahydro-1H-indol-2-carboxylathydrochlorid |
2933 99 80 |
87269-87-2 |
benzyl-(2S,3aS,6aS)-octahydrocyclopenta[b]pyrrol-2-carboxylathydrochlorid |
2933 99 80 |
1012065-72-3 |
ethyl-2-amino-9,10-dimethoxy-1,6,7,11b-tetrahydro-4H-pyrido[2,1-a]isoquinolin-3-carboxylat |
2933 99 80 |
131707-24-9 |
ethyl-6-brom-5-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-[(phenylsulfanyl)methyl]-1H-indol-3-carboxylat |
2933 99 80 |
105152-95-2 |
ethyl-7-(3-aminopyrrolidin-1-yl)-1-(2,4-difluorphenyl)-6-fluor-4-oxo-1,4-dihydro-1,8-naphthyridin-3-carboxylat |
2933 99 80 |
139481-44-0 |
methyl-1-[(2′-cyanbiphenyl-4-yl)methyl]-2-ethoxy-1H-benzimidazol-7-carboxylat |
2933 99 80 |
0-00-0 |
methyl-1-tert-butyl-2-hydroxy-1H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridin-3-carboxylat |
2933 99 80 |
21688-11-9 |
N2-[(benzyloxy)carbonyl]-L-glutaminyl-L-asparaginyl-S-benzyl-L-cysteinyl-L-prolyl-L-leucylglycinamid |
2933 99 80 |
361440-67-7 |
tert-butyl-(1S,3S,5S)-3-carbamoyl-2-azabicyclo[3.1.0]hexan-2-carboxylat |
2933 99 80 |
709031-38-9 |
tert-butyl-(2S)-2-carbamoyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrol-1-carboxylat |
2933 99 80 |
709031-43-6 |
tert-butyl-[(1S)-2-[(1S,3S,5S)-3-cyan-2-azabicyclo[3.1.0]hex-2-yl]-1-(3-hydroxytricyclo[,7)]dec-1-yl)-2-oxoethyl]carbamat |
2933 49 90 |
936359-25-0 |
methyl-2-((R)-3-(3-((E)-2-(7-chlorquinolin-2-yl)vinyl)phenyl)-3-(((1-(hydroxymethyl)cyclopropyl)methyl)sulfanyl)propyl)benzoat |
2934 10 00 |
110130-88-6 |
(2Z)-[(acetyloxy)imino](2-amino-1,3-thiazol-4-yl)ethansyre |
2934 10 00 |
68672-66-2 |
(2Z)-{[(1-tert-butoxy-2-methyl-1-oxopropan-2-yl)oxy]imino}[2-(tritylamino)-1,3-thiazol-4-yl]ethansyre |
2934 10 00 |
291536-35-1 |
(5Z)-5-(4-fluorbenzyliden)-1,3-thiazolidin-2,4-dion |
2934 10 00 |
302964-24-5 |
2-amino-N-(2-chlor-6-methylphenyl)-1,3-thiazol-5-carboxamid |
2934 10 00 |
866920-24-3 |
3-[2-chlor-4-({4-methyl-2-[4-(trifluormethyl)phenyl]-1,3-thiazol-5-yl}methoxy)phenyl]-1,2,4-oxadiazol-5(4H)-on |
2934 10 00 |
752253-39-7 |
4-(2-chlor-4-methoxy-5-methylphenyl)-N-[(1S)-2-cyclopropyl-1-(3-fluor-4-methylphenyl)ethyl]-5-methyl-N-(prop-2-yn-1-yl)-1,3-thiazol-2-amin |
2934 10 00 |
914361-45-8 |
L-lysin – {[(2R,3R)-3-[4-(4-cyanphenyl)-1,3-thiazol-2-yl]-2-(2,4-difluorphenyl)-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)butan-2-yl]oxy}methyldihydrogenphosphat – ethanol (1:1:1) |
2934 10 00 |
302964-08-5 |
N-(2-chlor-6-methylphenyl)-2-[(6-chlor-2-methylpyrimidin-4-yl)amino]-1,3-thiazol-5-carboxamid |
2934 10 00 |
127660-04-2 |
natrium-(2Z)-(2-amino-1,3-thiazol-4-yl)(hydroxyimino)ethanoat |
2934 99 90 |
17381-54-3 |
(1-benzothiophen-5-yl)eddikesyre |
2934 99 90 |
630100-90-2 |
(1R)-1,2-anhydro-4-C-{(1E,3E)-4-[(1S,2S,3E,5R,6R,9R)-5-(1-carboxylato-4-cycloheptylpiperazin-2-yl)-6,9-dihydroxy-2,6-dimethyl-11-oxooxacyclododec-3-en-1-yl]penta-1,3-dien-1-yl}-3,5-dideoxy-1-[(2R,3S)-3-hydroxypentan-2-yl]-D-erythropentitol |
2934 99 90 |
220099-91-2 |
(2R)-3′H-spiro[4-azabicyclo[2.2.2]octan-2,2′-furo[2,3-b]pyridin] |
2934 99 90 |
220100-81-2 |
(2R)-3′H-spiro[4-azabicyclo[2.2.2]octan-2,2′-furo[2,3-b]pyridin] (S,S)-2,3-dihydroxybutandioat |
2934 99 90 |
161599-46-8 |
(2R,3R,4R,5R)-2-(4-amino-5-fluor-2-oxopyrimidin-1(2H)-yl)-2-fluor-5-methyltetrahydrofuran-3,4-diyldiacetat |
2934 99 90 |
690270-65-6 |
(2R,3S,4R)-5-(4-amino-2-oxopyrimidin-1(2H)-yl)-2-azido-2-{[(2-methylpropanoyl)oxy]methyl}tetrahydrofuran-3,4-diylbis(2-methylpropanoat)hydrochlorid |
2934 99 90 |
265121-04-8 |
(3-{[(2R,3S)-2-{(1R)-1-[3,5-bis(trifluormethyl)phenyl]ethoxy}-3-(2-fluorphenyl)morpholin-4-yl]methyl}-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)phosphonsyre – 1-deoxy-1-(methylamino)-D-glucitol (1:2) |
2934 99 90 |
163680-80-6 |
(3S)-10-[1-(acetylamino)cyclopropyl]-9-fluor-3-methyl-7-oxo-2,3-dihydro-7H-[1,4]oxazino[2,3,4-ij]quinolin-6-carboxylsyre |
2934 99 90 |
132335-46-7 |
(3S)-N,N-dimethyl-3-(naphthalen-1-yloxy)-3-(thiophen-2-yl)propan-1-amin |
2934 99 90 |
133413-70-4 |
(3S,6R,9S,12R,15S,18R,21S,24R)-6,18-dibenzyl-4,10,12,16,22,24-hexamethyl-3,9,15,21-tetrakis(2-methylpropyl)-1,7,13,19-tetraoxa-4,10,16,22-tetraazacyclotetracosan-2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23-octon |
2934 99 90 |
503068-36-8 |
(5R)-3-(6-{2-[(2,6-dichlorbenzyl)oxy]ethoxy}hexyl)-5-(2,2-dimethyl-4H-1,3-benzodioxin-6-yl)-1,3-oxazolidin-2-on |
2934 99 90 |
452339-73-0 |
(5R)-5-(2,2-dimethyl-4H-1,3-benzodioxin-6-yl)-1,3-oxazolidin-2-on |
2934 99 90 |
877130-28-4 |
(6R)-6-cyclopentyl-6-[2-(2,6-diethylpyridin-4-yl)ethyl]-3-[(5,7-dimethyl[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidin-2-yl)methyl]-4-hydroxy-5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-on |
2934 99 90 |
132335-44-5 |
(S)-3-(dimethylamino)-1-(thiophen-2-yl)propan-1-ol |
2934 99 90 |
812647-80-6 |
{(2R,3S,4R,5R)-2-azido-5-(2,4-dioxo-3,4-dihydropyrimidin-1(2H)-yl)-3,4-bis[(phenylcarbonyl)oxy]tetrahydrofuran-2-yl}methyl 3-chlorbenzoat |
2934 99 90 |
00-00-0 |
1-(1-{4-[2-(4-fluorphenyl)-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl]butyl}-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridin-4-yl)-1,3-dihydro-2H-benzimidazol-2-on |
2934 99 90 |
1029716-44-6 |
1-(1-ethoxyethyl)-4-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)-1H-pyrazol |
2934 99 90 |
165172-60-1 |
1-[(2R,5S)-5-(hydroxymethyl)-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-yl]-5-methylpyrimidin-2,4(1H,3H)-dion – 1-methylpyrrolidin-2-on (1:1) |
2934 99 90 |
519187-97-4 |
1-[3-(2-benzo[b]thien-5-ylethoxy)propyl]-3-azetidinol – (2Z)-2-butendioat (1:1) |
2934 99 90 |
127000-90-2 |
1-{[(2R,3S)-2-(2,4-difluorphenyl)-3-methyloxiran-2-yl]methyl}-1H-1,2,4-triazol |
2934 99 90 |
710281-33-7 |
2-({[(1R,3S)-3-{[2-(3-methoxyphenyl)-5-methyl-1,3-oxazol-4-yl]methoxy}cyclohexyl]oxy}methyl)-6-methylbenzoesyre |
2934 99 90 |
96803-30-4 |
2-(1-benzothiophen-5-yl)ethanol |
2934 99 90 |
913695-00-8 |
2-[({4-[(2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-5-yl)methoxy]-3,5-dimethylpyridin-2-yl}methyl)sulfinyl]-1H-benzimidazol, natriumsalt (1:1) |
2934 99 90 |
376608-74-1 |
2-{[(3aR,4S,6R,6aS)-6-{[5-amino-6-chlor-2-(propylsulfanyl)pyrimidin-4-yl]amino}-2,2-dimethyltetrahydro-3aH-cyclopenta[d][1,3]dioxol-4-yl]oxy}ethanol |
2934 99 90 |
474554-48-8 |
2-brom-1-[3-tert-butyl-4-methoxy-5-(morpholin-4-yl)phenyl]ethanon |
2934 99 90 |
530141-72-1 |
3-(5-{[4-(cyclopentyloxy)-2-hydroxyphenyl]carbonyl}-2-[(3-hydroxy-1,2-benzoxazol-6-yl)methoxy]phenyl)propansyre |
2934 99 90 |
519188-55-7 |
3-[2-(1-benzothiophen-5-yl)ethoxy]-1-(3-hydroxyazetidin-1-yl)propan-1-on |
2934 99 90 |
519188-42-2 |
3-[2-(1-benzothiophen-5-yl)ethoxy]propionsyre |
2934 99 90 |
753015-42-8 |
3-{(E)-2-[(3R)-pyrrolidin-3-yl]ethenyl}-5-(tetrahydro-2H-pyran-4-yloxy)pyridin |
2934 99 90 |
26638-53-9 |
3-chlor-6-methyldibenzo[c,f][1,2]thiazepin-11(6H)-on-5,5-dioxid |
2934 99 90 |
499785-81-8 |
3-oxo-4-(2,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-β-D-ribofuranosyl)-3,4-dihydropyrazin-2-carboxamid |
2934 99 90 |
356782-84-8 |
3-oxo-4-(β-D-ribofuranosyl)-3,4-dihydropyrazin-2-carboxamid |
2934 99 90 |
6504-57-0 |
4-[3-hydroxy-3-phenyl-3-(thiophen-2-yl)propyl]-4-methylmorpholin-4-iummethylsulfat |
2934 99 90 |
871484-32-1 |
4-[4-({3-[(4-deoxy-4-fluor-b-D-glucopyranosyl)oxy]-5-(propan-2-yl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}methyl)phenyl]-N-[1,3-dihydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)propan-2-yl]butanamid |
2934 99 90 |
166964-09-6 |
4-chlor-3-methyl-1,2-oxazol-5-amin |
2934 99 90 |
655233-39-3 |
4-nitrobenzyl(6R,7R)-7-amino-8-oxo-3-[(2S)-tetrahydrofuran-2-yl]-5-thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-en-2-carboxylathydrochlorid |
2920 90 85 |
89729-09-9 |
5,7-dioxa-6-thiaspiro[2.5]octan-6-oxid |
2934 99 90 |
388082-75-5 |
5-[4-[[3-chlor-4-[(3-fluorphenyl)methoxy]phenyl]amino]-6-quinazolinyl]-2-furancarboxaldehyd – 4-methylbenzensulfonat (1:1) |
2934 99 90 |
4923-87-9 |
5-brom-1-benzothiophen |
2934 99 90 |
947408-95-9 |
6-(brommethyl)-2-triphenylmethyl-1,2-benzisoxazol-3(2H)-on |
2934 99 90 |
947408-94-8 |
6-methyl-2-trityl-1,2-benzoxazol-3(2H)-on |
2934 99 90 |
67978-05-6 |
diphenylmethyl(2R)-3-methyl-2-[(1R,5S)-3-(4-methylphenyl)-7-oxo-4-oxa-2,6-diazabicyclo[3.2.0]hept-2-en-6-yl]but-3-enoat |
2934 99 90 |
1001859-46-6 |
DNA (syntetisk plasmidvektor pCOR, som udtrykker et fusionsprotein af humant interferon beta signalpeptid og 21-154 af human sur fibroblast-vækstfaktor) |
2934 99 90 |
665058-78-6 |
DNA, d(T-sp-C-G-sp-T-sp-C-G-sp-T-sp-T-sp-T-sp-T-sp-G-sp-A-sp-C-G-sp-T-sp-T-sp-T-sp-T-sp-Gsp-T-sp-C-G-sp-T-sp-T) |
2934 99 90 |
923591-06-4 |
methyl-(5R,7S,10S)-10-tert-butyl-15,15-dimethyl-3,9,12-trioxo-6,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,17,18,19-dodecahydro-1H,5H-2,23:5,8-dimethano-4,13,2,8,11-benzodioxatriazacyclohenicosin-7(3H)-carboxylat |
2934 99 90 |
59337-92-7 |
methyl-3-(chlorsulfonyl)thiophen-2-carboxylat |
2934 99 90 |
947409-01-0 |
methyl-3-[5-[4-(cyclopentyloxy)-2-hydroxybenzoyl]-2-[(2-triphenylmethyl-1,2-benzisoxazol-3(2H)-on- 6-yl)methoxy]phenyl]propionat |
2934 99 90 |
85006-31-1 |
methyl-3-amino-4-methylthiophen-2-carboxylat |
2934 99 90 |
893428-72-3 |
N-(5-chlor-1,3-benzodioxol-4-yl)-7-[2-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)ethoxy]-5-[(tetrahydro-2H-pyran-4-yl)oxy]-4-quinazolinamin – (2E)-2-butendioat (1:2) |
2934 99 90 |
390800-88-1 |
N,N′,N′′-(boroxin-2,4,6-triyltris{[(1S)-3-methylbutan-1,1-diyl]imino[(2S)-1-oxo-3-phenylpropan-1,2-diyl]})tripyrazin-2-carboxamid |
2934 99 90 |
112913-94-7 |
N-{[4-(4-fluorbenzyl)morpholin-2-yl]methyl}acetamid |
2934 99 90 |
120788-03-6 |
S-[(1R,3S)-1-oxidotetrahydrothiophen-3-yl] ethanthioat |
2935 00 90 |
1198178-65-2 |
(1R,2R)-1-[(cyclopropylsulfonyl)carbamoyl]-2-ethylcyclopropanaminium-4-methylbenzensulfonat |
2935 00 90 |
39570-96-2 |
(2R)-3-(benzylsulfanyl)-N-[(2S)-1-{[(2S,3S)-1-hydrazinyl-3-methyl-1-oxopentan-2-yl]amino}-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-oxopropan-2-yl]-2-{[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl]amino}propanamid |
2935 00 90 |
24310-36-9 |
1-[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl]-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-5H-1-benzazepin-5-on |
2935 00 90 |
0-00-0 |
2-(cyclohexylmethyl)-N-{2-[(2S)-1-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl]ethyl}-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolin-7-sulfonamid-di[(2E)-but-2-endioat]-hydrat |
2935 00 90 |
941690-55-7 |
3-[(methylsulfonyl)amino]-2-phenyl-N-[(1S)-1-phenylpropyl]quinolin-4-carboxamid |
2935 00 90 |
6973-09-7 |
5-amino-2-methylbenzensulfonamid |
2935 00 90 |
193686-76-9 |
7-chlor-1-[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl]-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-5H-1-benzazepin-5-on |
2935 00 90 |
123664-84-6 |
N-(5-methoxy-2-phenoxyphenyl)methansulfonamid |
2935 00 90 |
149457-03-4 |
N-[4-(N-formylglycyl)-5-hydroxy-2-phenoxyphenyl]methansulfonamid |
2935 00 90 |
149456-98-4 |
N-[4-(N-formylglycyl)-5-methoxy-2-phenoxyphenyl]methansulfonamid |
2935 00 90 |
141450-48-8 |
N-{2-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)amino]pyridin-3-yl}-4-methoxybenzensulfonamidhydrochlorid |
2935 00 90 |
289042-10-0 |
N-{5-[(diphenylphosphoryl)methyl]-4-(4-fluorphenyl)-6-(propan-2-yl)pyrimidin-2-yl}-N-methylmethansulfonamid |
2939 99 00 |
7689-03-4 |
(4S)-4-ethyl-4-hydroxy-1H-pyrano[3′,4′:6,7]indolizino[1,2-b]quinolin-3,14(4H,12H)-dion |
2939 99 00 |
477-29-2 |
colchicosid |
2940 00 00 |
604-69-3 |
1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranose |
2940 00 00 |
647834-15-9 |
2-(4-methoxybenzyl)thiophen-3-yl-β-D-glucopyranosid |
2941 90 00 |
76610-92-9 |
(6R,7R)-7-({N-[(4-ethyl-2,3-dioxopiperazin-1-yl)carbonyl]-D-threonyl}amino)-3-{[(1-methyl-1H-tetrazol-5-yl)sulfanyl]methyl}-8-oxo-5-thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-en-2-carboxylsyre |
3907 20 99 |
913976-27-9 |
poly(oxy-1,2-ethandiyl), α-hydro-ω-methoxy, diester med 21N6, 21’N6-[[(N2, N6-dicarboxy-L-lysyl-β-alanyl)imino]bis(1-oxo-2, 1-ethandiyl)]bis[N-acetylglycyl-L-leucyl-L-tyrosyl-L-alanyl-L-cysteinyl-L-histidyl-L-methionylglycyl-L-prolyl-L-isoleucyl-L-threonyl-3-(1-naphthalenyl)-L-alanyl-L-valyl-L-cysteinyl-L-glutaminyl-L-prolyl-L-leucyl-L-arginyl-N-methylglycyl-L-lysinamid] cyklisk (6→15), (6’→15’) bis(disulfid) |
Liste over farmaceutiske mellemstoffer, dvs. stoffer, der bruges til fremstilling af farmaceutiske færdigvarer, der skal slettes på listen over produkter, der er fritaget for told, i bilag 6 til bilag I til forordning (EØF) nr. 2658/87, fordi de overføres til listen over produkter, der er fritaget for told, i bilag 3 til bilag I i forordning (EØF) 2658/87
KN-kode |
Betegnelse |
2915 39 00 2937 29 00 |
7753-60-8 |
17-alfa-hydroxy-3,20-dioxopregna-4,9(11)-dien-21-ylacetat se anecortav (INN) |
2920 90 85 |
163133-43-5 |
4-(nitrooxy)butyl-(2S)-2-(6-methoxy-2-naphthyl)propanoat se naproxcinod (INN) |
2924 29 98 |
194085-75-1 |
2-(2-chlorphenyl)-2-hydroxyethylcarbamat se carisbamat (INN) |
2933 39 99 |
103129-82-4 |
3-ethyl-5-methyl-2-[(2-aminoethoxy)methyl]-4-(2-chlorphenyl)-6-methyl-1,4-dihydropyridin-3,5-dicarboxylat se levamlodipin (INN) |
2933 39 99 |
319460-85-0 |
N-methyl-2-{[3-((E)-2-pyridin-2-ylvinyl)-1H-indazol-6-yl]sulfanyl}benzamid se axitinib (INN) |
2934 10 00 |
302962-49-8 |
N-(2-chlor-6-methylphenyl)-2-({6-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazin-1-yl]-2-methylpyrimidin-4-yl}amino)thiazol-5-carboxamid se dasatinib (INN) |
2934 99 90 |
143491-57-0 |
(2R,5S)-4-amino-5-fluor-1-[2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-oxathiolan-5-yl]pyrimidin-2(1H)-on se emtricitabin (INN) |
2934 99 90 |
98819-76-2 |
(2S)-2-[(S)-(2-ethoxyphenoxy)phenylmethyl]morpholin se esreboxetin (INN) |
2934 99 90 |
475479-34-6 |
(2S)-2-methoxy-3-{4-[2-(5-methyl-2-phenyl-1,3-oxazol-4-yl)ethoxy]-1-benzothiophen-7-yl}propansyre se aleglitazar (INN) |
2934 99 90 |
377727-87-2 |
2-(2-furyl)-7-(2-{4-[4-(2-methoxyethoxy)phenyl]piperazin-1-yl}ethyl)-7H-pyrazolo[4,3-e][1,2,4]triazolo[2,3-c]pyrimidin-5-amin se preladenant (INN) |
2934 99 90 |
189003-92-7 |
2-{7-fluor-2-oxo-4-[2-(4-thieno[3,2-c]pyridin-4-ylpiperazin-1-yl)ethyl]quinolin-1(2H)-yl}acetamid se trelanserin (INN) |
2934 99 90 |
134379-77-4 |
4-amino-5-fluor-1-[(2R,5S)-5-(hydroxymethyl)-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-yl]pyrimidin-2(1H)-on se dexelvucitabin (INN) |
2934 99 90 |
518048-05-0 |
kalium-4-[N-(2-fluorbenzyl)carbamoyl]-1-methyl-2-[1-methyl-1-(5-methyl-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-carboxamido)ethyl]-6-oxo-1,6-dihydropyrimidin-5-olat se raltegravir (INN) |
2935 00 90 |
170569-88-7 |
4-[5-(4-fluorphenyl)-3-(trifluormethyl)pyrazol-1-yl]benzen-1-sulfonamid se mavacoxib (INN) |
2935 00 90 |
186497-07-4 |
N-(3-methoxy-5-methylpyrazin-2-yl)-2-[4-(1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)phenyl]pyridin-3-sulfonamid se zibotentan (INN) |