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Document C:2002:043:TOC

Official Journal of the European Communities, C 43, 16 February 2002

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Official Journal
of the European Communities
ISSN 0378-6986

C 43
Volume 45
16 February 2002
English editionInformation and Notices

Notice NoContents

I Information
2002/C 43/01Council Resolution of 28 January 2002 on reinforcing cooperation in the field of civil protection training 1
2002/C 43/02Council Resolution of 28 January 2002 on a common approach and specific actions in the area of network and information security 2
2002/C 43/03Euro exchange rates 5
2002/C 43/04Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on certain legal aspects relating to cinematographic and other audiovisual works 6
2002/C 43/05List of Member States' authorisations of food and food ingredients which may be treated with ionising radiation (According to Article 4(6) of Directive 1999/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning foods and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation) (This text cancels and replaces the text published in Official Journal C 38 of 12 February 2002, page 16.) 18
2002/C 43/06Prior notification of a concentration (Case COMP/M.2680 — ECYR/Spinveste/TP) — Candidate case for simplified procedure (1) 19
2002/C 43/07Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case COMP/M.2661 — Winterthur/Prudential Assurance) (1) 20
2002/C 43/08Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case COMP/M.2663 — CU Vita/Risparmio Vita Assicurazioni) (1) 20
2002/C 43/09Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case COMP/M.2675 — EDF/TXU Europe/West Burton Power Station) (1) 21
2002/C 43/10Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case COMP/M.2679 — EDF/TXU Europe/24 Seven) (1) 21
2002/C 43/11Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case COMP/M.2354 — Enichem/Polimeri) (1) 22
2002/C 43/12Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case COMP/M.2700 — PGA Motors/Jardine Motors) (1) 22
2002/C 43/13Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case COMP/M.1920 — Nabisco/United Biscuits) (1) 23
2002/C 43/14Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case COMP/M.2659 — Fortum/Birka Energi) (1) 23
2002/C 43/15Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case COMP/M.2689 — 3I/Dansk Kapitalanlæg/Ibsen) (1) 24
II Preparatory Acts

III Notices
2002/C 43/16Projects that may benefit from a Eurostat grant during the years 2002 and 2003 25
2002/C 43/17Call for proposals (VP/2002/003) — Budget heading B3-4003: "Information, consultation and participation of representatives of undertakings" 26
2002/C 43/18Operation of scheduled air services — This notice cancels and replaces that which was published in the "Supplement to the OJ" S 29 of the 9.2.2002, 21630-2002 — Invitation to tender issued by the Federal Republic of Germany pursuant to Article 4(1)(d) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 for the operation of scheduled air services between Erfurt and Brussels (1) 28

2002/C 43/19Corrigendum to the report on the application in the Member States of Directive 82/501/EEC of 24 June 1982 on the major-accident hazards of certain industrial activities for the period 1997-1999 (OJ C 28 of 31.1.2002) 30
EN(1) Text with EEA relevance