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Document C/2024/03224
Notice amending the notice of open competition – EPSO/AD/403/23 – Administrators (AD 7) in the following fields: 1. Crisis management 2. Migration and internal security (OJ C 264 A, 27.7.2023)
Notice amending the notice of open competition – EPSO/AD/403/23 – Administrators (AD 7) in the following fields: 1. Crisis management 2. Migration and internal security (OJ C 264 A, 27.7.2023)
Notice amending the notice of open competition – EPSO/AD/403/23 – Administrators (AD 7) in the following fields: 1. Crisis management 2. Migration and internal security (OJ C 264 A, 27.7.2023)
OJ C, C/2024/3224, 28.5.2024, ELI: (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)
Official Journal |
EN C series |
C/2024/3224 |
28.5.2024 |
Notice amending the notice of open competition – EPSO/AD/403/23 – Administrators (AD 7) in the following fields: 1. Crisis management 2. Migration and internal security
(Official Journal of the European Union C 264 A of 27 July 2023)
In the framework of open competition EPSO/AD/403/23, the online testing with automated proctoring held on 9-11 October 2023 encountered serious technical issues. As a result, a significant number of candidates were unable to take the tests under appropriate conditions or complete them.
On 17 November 2023, EPSO announced its decision to suspend the test delivery in competition EPSO/AD/403/23 and look for alternative options for a resilient test delivery system that would maintain integrity whilst ensuring an optimal user experience. Various options have been assessed according to these criteria, while also considering the interests of the service and of the candidates, with the aim of restarting the competitions without unnecessary delays.
The solution identified for competition EPSO/AD/403/23 entails online testing with automated proctoring, but under different testing modalities. A high number of candidates in this competition do not have a valid (or full) performance record and should therefore be retested, under the new conditions. To ensure that all candidates are tested under equal conditions, the testing phase in this competition will be reopened, and all candidates will be required to undergo all tests anew. This includes those candidates who had previously completed the tests.
Given the need to repeat the testing phase in competition EPSO/AD/403/23, this presents an opportunity to align this competition with a full ‘24-language regime’. This approach is consistent with EPSO’s handling of competitions in which the notice was published but the testing had not yet started (see C/2024/1805 of 1 March 2024 (1) and C/2024/2265 of 22 March 2024 (2)).
The alignment with the full ‘24-language regime’ means that candidates will have the flexibility to choose freely any two of the 24 official EU languages for taking the tests, according to the instructions provided in a particular notice of competition.
The transition to the full ‘24-language regime’ in competition EPSO/AD/403/23 requires an adjustment to the test portfolio. In particular, in this context the deployment of the case study causes practical difficulties. It is therefore appropriate to replace it by a written test where the assignment is based on materials/documents already publicly available in 24 languages. The assessment will focus on written communication skills. Scoring and duration will remain the same and are further clarified in the amending notice.
To allow both current and potential new candidates to make the most of the flexibility provided by the full ‘24-language regime’ and potentially to choose other languages for tests, the competition is reopened. Consequently, candidates who have already submitted their application must review and revalidate their application in order to continue taking part in this competition. Further information will be provided to such candidates individually, via their EPSO accounts.
For the reasons outlined above, the notice of open competition EPSO/AD/403/23 shall be amended as follows:
(1) |
On page 1, the deadline for application should read: ‘ Deadline for application: 9 July 2024 at 12:00 (midday), Brussels time ’; |
(2) |
On page 2, Section 3 ‘Am I eligible?’: for: ‘Candidates must meet all the general and specific eligibility conditions listed below, on the closing date for applications.’, read: ‘Candidates must meet all the general and specific eligibility conditions listed below, on the closing date for applications (see point (a) of Section 4.3.1 of this notice).’. |
(3) |
On page 4, Section 4 ‘How will the competition be organised?’ should read: ‘4. HOW WILL THE COMPETITION BE ORGANISED? 4.1. Overview of the competition procedures This competition will be organised in the following phases:
4.2. Languages used in this competition The Staff Regulations ((1)*) stipulate that an official may only be appointed on condition that they produce evidence of a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the EU and a satisfactory knowledge of another language of the EU to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties. Therefore, in this competition, a candidate must have a thorough knowledge (minimum C1 level) of at least one of the 24 official EU languages and a satisfactory knowledge (minimum B2 level) of a different language to be chosen among the remaining 23 official EU languages. The minimum levels indicated here apply to each linguistic ability (speaking, writing, reading, and listening) requested in the application form. These abilities reflect those of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ((2)*). For ease of reference, those languages will be referred to as “language 1” and “language 2”. Languages will be used in different phases of the competition as follows:
Candidates will have to indicate their choice of test languages in their application form and will not be able to change it after validating their application. 4.3. Competition phases 4.3.1. Application
4.3.2. Testing (a) General information The test events conducted as part of the present competition on 9, 10, and 11 October 2023 are annulled. Candidates’ test answers and scripts resulting from those test events will not be processed and no test results will be generated. All candidates who have duly validated their application form by the deadline indicated in point (a) of Section 4.3.1 of this notice and following instructions outlined in Section 4.3.1 will be invited to sit a series of tests described below. The tests will be held and proctored (invigilated) remotely. EPSO will inform candidates about the testing modalities at the latest when inviting them to the tests. The following table illustrates how the test scores will be used:
Should a candidate fail to reach the required pass score(s) in one of the tests, their participation in the competition will come to an end. Such candidates will not have their test answers and/or scripts processed any further and will not have their eligibility checked, as applicable. Test results will only be notified to candidates at the end of the competition, irrespective of the stage of the competition the candidate reached. (b) Reasoning tests The tests of the candidates’ reasoning abilities will be organised as follows:
To succeed in the reasoning tests, a candidate needs to reach both
(c) Field-related MCQ test The field-related MCQ test will be specific to the field chosen by the candidate. It will be organised as follows:
A candidate needs to reach a pass score of 15/30 and to be amongst the candidates who score the highest. Candidates who reach the pass score will be ranked in the descending order of the scores obtained, per field. This ranking will be used (i) to determine the candidates who will have their written test scored and their eligibility checked (see Section 4.3.3) and (ii) for the purpose of establishment of the reserve lists according to the procedure defined in Section 4.3.4. Should a candidate not be amongst the candidates who scored the highest as defined in Section 4.3.3(a), their participation in the competition will be considered to have come to an end. Such candidates will not have their written test scripts processed and will not have their eligibility checked. (d) Written test The written test is aimed at assessing candidates’ written communication skills. It will be organised as follows:
Candidates will be required to respond to the test assignment(s) based on the provided documentation related to the fields of the competition. The documentation will be made available on the EPSO website ahead of the test date. Candidates will receive the same documentation during the test, along with the assignment(s) based on it. The written test is not a language test. The assessment will be based on the specific anchors published on EPSO’s website ((5)*). 4.3.3. Scoring of the written test and eligibility check
4.3.4. Establishment of reserve lists
Inclusion on a reserve list does not confer any right to or guarantee of recruitment. ((1)*) Regulation No 31 (EEC), 11 (EAEC), laying down the Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community (OJ 45, 14.6.1962, p. 1385/62). Consolidated text:" ((2)*)" ((3)*)" ((4)*)" ((5)*)’;" |
(4) |
On page 11, Annex I, Section 5 ‘Testing’ should read: ‘5. Testing
(*1)’;" |
(5) |
On page 11, Annex I, Section 7.1 ‘Technical and organisational issues’ should read: ‘7.1. Technical and organisational issues
(*2)" (*3)’." |
ISSN 1977-091X (electronic edition)