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Document 22002A1230(01)

    Sporazum o pridružitvi med Evropsko Skupnostjo in Njenimi Državami Članicami na eni strani in Republiko Čile na drugi strani

    UL L 352, 30.12.2002, p. 3–1450 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)

    Dokument je bil objavljen v posebni izdaji. (CS, ET, LV, LT, HU, MT, PL, SK, SL, BG, RO, HR)

    Legal status of the document In force: This act has been changed. Current consolidated version: 07/06/2017


    Related Council decision
    Related Council decision


    Sporazum o pridružitvi med Evropsko Skupnostjo in Njenimi Državami Članicami na eni strani in Republiko Čile na drugi strani

    Uradni list L 352 , 30/12/2002 str. 0001 - 1450
    Uradni list L 352 , 30/12/2002 str. 0003 - 1450
    posebna izdaja v češčini poglavje 11 zvezek 45 str. 122 - 123
    posebna izdaja v češčini poglavje 11 zvezek 53 str. 3 - 1450
    posebna izdaja v estonščini poglavje 11 zvezek 45 str. 122 - 123
    posebna izdaja v estonščini poglavje 11 zvezek 53 str. 3 - 1450
    posebna izdaja v madžarščini poglavje 11 zvezek 45 str. 122 - 123
    posebna izdaja v madžarščini poglavje 11 zvezek 53 str. 3 - 1450
    posebna izdaja v litovščini poglavje 11 zvezek 45 str. 122 - 123
    posebna izdaja v litovščini poglavje 11 zvezek 53 str. 3 - 1450
    posebna izdaja v latvijščini poglavje 11 zvezek 45 str. 122 - 123
    posebna izdaja v latvijščini poglavje 11 zvezek 53 str. 3 - 1450
    posebna izdaja v malteščini poglavje 11 zvezek 45 str. 122 - 123
    posebna izdaja v malteščini poglavje 11 zvezek 53 str. 3 - 1450
    posebna izdaja v poljščini poglavje 11 zvezek 45 str. 122 - 123
    posebna izdaja v poljščini poglavje 11 zvezek 53 str. 3 - 1450
    posebna izdaja v slovaščini poglavje 11 zvezek 45 str. 122 - 123
    posebna izdaja v slovaščini poglavje 11 zvezek 53 str. 3 - 1450
    posebna izdaja v slovenščini poglavje 11 zvezek 45 str. 122 - 123
    posebna izdaja v slovenščini poglavje 11 zvezek 53 str. 3 - 1450


    o pridružitvi med Evropsko skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami na eni strani in Republiko Čile na drugi strani [1]
















    pogodbenice Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti in Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske unije, v nadaljevanju "države članice", in

    EVROPSKA SKUPNOST, v nadaljevanju "Skupnost",

    na eni strani in

    REPUBLIKA ČILE, v nadaljevanju "Čile",

    na drugi STA SE –

    OB UPOŠTEVANJU tradicionalnih vezi med pogodbenicama in predvsem:

    - skupne kulturne dediščine in tesnih zgodovinskih, političnih in gospodarskih vezi, ki ju združujejo,

    - njune popolne zavezanosti spoštovanju demokratičnih načel in temeljnih človekovih pravic, kot so razglašene v Splošni deklaraciji Organizacije združenih narodov o človekovih pravicah,

    - njune zavezanosti načelom pravne države in odgovornemu vodenju države,

    - potrebe po spodbujanju gospodarskega in družbenega napredka njunih narodov, ob upoštevanju načela trajnostnega razvoja in zahtev varstva okolja,

    - želje po razširitvi okvira odnosov med Evropsko unijo in latinskoameriškim regionalnim povezovanjem z namenom prispevati k strateškemu povezovanju med obema regijama, kot je predvideno v Deklaraciji, sprejeti na vrhu voditeljev držav in vlad Latinske Amerike in Karibov ter Evropske unije v Riu de Janeiru 28. junija 1999,

    - pomena krepitve rednega političnega dialoga o dvostranskih in večstranskih mednarodnih vprašanjih v skupnem interesu, kot je že določeno v Skupni izjavi, ki je del Okvirnega sporazuma o sodelovanju med pogodbenicami z dne 21. junija 1996, v nadaljevanju "Okvirni sporazum o sodelovanju",

    - pomembnosti, ki jo pogodbenici pripisujeta:

    - usklajevanju svojih stališč in uresničevanju skupnih pobud v ustreznih mednarodnih forumih,

    - načelom in vrednotam, določenim v Sklepni izjavi svetovnega vrha o družbenem razvoju v Kopenhagnu marca 1995,

    - načelom in pravilom, ki urejajo mednarodno trgovino, zlasti tistim, ki so vsebovana v Sporazumu o ustanovitvi Svetovne trgovinske organizacije ("WTO"), in potrebi, da se jih uporablja na pregleden in nediskriminatoren način,

    - boju proti vsem oblikam terorizma in zavezanosti, da se vzpostavijo učinkoviti mednarodni instrumenti za zagotavljanje njegovega izkoreninjanja,

    - želje po kulturnem dialogu za zagotavljanje boljšega vzajemnega razumevanja med pogodbenicama in za krepitev obstoječih tradicionalnih, kulturnih in naravnih vezi med državljani pogodbenic,

    - pomena Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Evropsko skupnostjo in Čilom z dne 20. decembra 1990 in Okvirnega sporazuma o sodelovanju pri ohranjanju in spodbujanju izvajanja teh postopkov in načel –


    DEL I




    Člen 1


    1. Notranja in zunanja politika pogodbenic temelji na spoštovanju demokratičnih načel in temeljnih človekovih pravic, kakor so razglašene v Splošni listini Organizacije združenih narodov o človekovih pravicah, ter načelu pravne države, kar so bistvene sestavine tega sporazuma.

    2. Spodbujanje trajnostnega gospodarskega in socialnega razvoja ter pravična razdelitev koristi pridružitve so vodilna načela pri izvajanju tega sporazuma.

    3. Pogodbenici ponovno potrjujeta svojo zavezanost načelu odgovornega vodenja države.

    Člen 2

    Cilji in področje uporabe

    1. To je sporazum o politični in gospodarski pridružitvi med pogodbenicama, ki temelji na vzajemnosti, skupnem interesu in poglabljanju odnosov na vseh področjih uporabe.

    2. Pridružitev je proces, ki bo pripeljal do poglobljenega razmerja in sodelovanja med pogodbenicama, organiziranega okrog organov ustanovljenih s tem sporazumom.

    3. Ta sporazum pokriva predvsem politična, trgovinska, gospodarska in finančna, znanstvena, tehnološka, družbena in kulturna področja ter področje sodelovanja. Mogoče ga je razširiti tudi na druga področja, o katerih se pogodbenici sporazumeta.

    4. V skladu z zgoraj opredeljenimi cilji ta sporazum predvideva naslednje:

    (a) krepitev političnega dialoga o dvostranskih in večstranskih mednarodnih vprašanjih v skupnem interesu, ki bo potekal prek sestankov na različnih ravneh;

    (b) krepitev sodelovanja na političnem, trgovinskem, gospodarskem in finančnem, znanstvenem, tehnološkem, družbenem in kulturnem področju ter področju sodelovanja, kot tudi na drugih področjih v skupnem interesu;

    (c) povečevanje udeležbe obeh pogodbenic v okvirnih programih, posebnih programih in drugih dejavnosti druge pogodbenice, če to dovoljujejo notranji postopki pogodbenic, ki urejajo dostop do programov in dejavnosti v skladu z delom III; in

    (d) širjenje in diverzifikacijo dvostranskih trgovinskih odnosov med pogodbenicama v skladu z določbami WTO in s posebnimi cilji ter določbami, navedenimi v delu IV.



    Člen 3

    Pridružitveni svet

    1. Ustanovi se Pridružitveni svet za nadzor nad izvrševanjem tega sporazuma. Pridružitveni svet se sestaja na ministrski ravni v rednih časovnih presledkih, ki ne presegajo obdobja dveh let, in izredno, kadar to zahtevajo okoliščine, če se pogodbenici tako dogovorita.

    2. Pridružitveni svet preuči vsa pomembnejša vprašanja, ki se pojavijo v okviru tega Sporazuma, in vsa druga dvostranska, večstranska ali mednarodna vprašanja v skupnem interesu.

    3. Pridružitveni svet preuči tudi predloge in priporočila pogodbenic za izboljšanje tega sporazuma.

    Člen 4

    Sestava in poslovnik

    1. Pridružitveni svet na eni strani sestavljajo predsednik Sveta Evropske unije, ki mu pomaga generalni sekretar/visoki predstavnik, prihodnje predsedstvo, drugi člani Sveta Evropske unije ali njihovi predstavniki in člani Evropske komisije, ter na drugi minister za zunanje zadeve Čila.

    2. Pridružitveni svet sprejme svoj poslovnik.

    3. Člani Pridružitvenega sveta lahko v skladu s pogoji, opredeljenimi v poslovniku Pridružitvenega sveta imenujejo svoje predstavnike.

    4. Pridružitvenemu svetu izmenično predsedujeta član Sveta Evropske unije in minister za zunanje zadeve Čila v skladu z določbami, opredeljenimi v njegovem poslovniku.

    Člen 5

    Pooblastila za odločanje

    1. Z namenom doseganja ciljev tega sporazuma, je Pridružitveni svet pooblaščen za sprejemanje odločitev v primerih, predvidenih v tem sporazumu.

    2. Sprejete odločitve so zavezujoče za pogodbenici, ki sprejmeta vse potrebne ukrepe za njihovo izvrševanje v skladu z notranjimi pravili vsake pogodbenice.

    3. Pridružitveni svet lahko daje tudi ustrezna priporočila.

    4. Pridružitveni svet odločitve in priporočila sprejema po vzajemnem dogovoru med pogodbenicami.

    Člen 6

    Pridružitveni odbor

    1. Pridružitvenemu svetu pri opravljanju njegovih nalog pomaga Pridružitveni odbor, ki ga sestavljajo predstavniki članov Sveta Evropske unije in Komisije Evropskih skupnosti na eni strani in predstavniki Vlade Čila na drugi, običajno na ravni višjih državnih uradnikov.

    2. Pridružitveni odbor je odgovoren za splošno izvajanje tega sporazuma.

    3. Pridružitveni svet sprejme poslovnik Pridružitvenega odbora.

    4. Pridružitveni odbor je pooblaščen za sprejemanje odločitev v primerih, predvidenih s tem sporazumom, ali če mu takšno pooblastilo podeli Pridružitveni svet. V tem primeru Pridružitveni odbor sprejema svoje odločitve v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v členu 5.

    5. Pridružitveni odbor se na splošno sestaja enkrat letno zaradi celovitega pregleda izvajanja tega sporazuma, eno leto v Bruslju in naslednje v Čilu, datum in dnevni red pa pogodbenici sporazumno določita vnaprej. Sporazumno se lahko na predlog katere od pogodbenic skličejo tudi izredna zasedanja. Funkcijo predsednika Pridružitvenega odbora opravlja izmenično predstavnik vsake pogodbenice.

    Člen 7

    Posebni odbori

    1. Pridružitvenemu svetu pri opravljanju njegovih nalog pomagajo posebni odbori ustanovljeni s tem sporazumom.

    2. Pridružitveni svet se lahko odloči za ustanovitev katerega koli posebnega odbora.

    3. Pridružitveni svet sprejme poslovnik, ki določi sestavo in naloge takšnih odborov in način njihovega delovanja, v kolikor to ni predvideno s tem sporazumom.

    Člen 8

    Politični dialog

    Politični dialog med pogodbenicama poteka v okviru, predvidenem v delu II.

    Člen 9

    Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor

    1. Ustanovi se Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor. To je forum za sestajanje in izmenjavo mnenj med člani Evropskega parlamenta in Čilskega nacionalnega kongresa (Congreso Nacional de Chile). Sestaja se v časovnih presledkih, ki jih določi sam.

    2. Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor sestavljajo člani Evropskega parlamenta na eni strani in člani Čilskega nacionalnega kongresa (Congreso Nacional de Chile) na drugi.

    3. Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor sprejme svoj poslovnik.

    4. Pridružitvenemu parlamentarnemu odboru izmenično predsedujeta predstavnik Evropskega parlamenta in predstavnik Čilskega nacionalnega kongresa (Congreso Nacional de Chile) v skladu z določbami njegovega poslovnika.

    5. Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor lahko od Pridružitvenega sveta zahteva ustrezne informacije v zvezi z izvajanjem tega sporazuma in Pridružitveni Svet odboru zagotovi zahtevane informacije.

    6. Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor se obvešča o odločitvah in priporočilih Pridružitvenega sveta.

    7. Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor lahko daje priporočila Pridružitvenemu svetu.

    Člen 10

    Skupni posvetovalni odbor

    1. Ustanovi se Skupni posvetovalni odbor, naloga katerega je pomagati Pridružitvenemu svetu pri spodbujanju dialoga in sodelovanja med različnimi gospodarskimi in družbenimi organizacijami civilne družbe v Evropski uniji in tistimi v Čilu. Takšen dialog in sodelovanje vključujeta vse gospodarske in družbene vidike odnosov med Skupnostjo in Čilom, ki se pojavljajo v okviru izvajanja tega sporazuma. Odbor lahko izrazi svoje mnenje o vprašanjih, ki se pojavljajo na teh področjih.

    2. Skupni posvetovalni odbor sestavlja enako število članov Ekonomsko-socialnega odbora Evropske unije na eni strani in članov ustrezne institucije, ki se v Republiki Čile ukvarja z gospodarskimi in družbenimi zadevami, na drugi.

    3. Skupni posvetovalni odbor svoje dejavnosti izvaja na podlagi posvetovanj s Pridružitvenim svetom ali, v namene spodbujanja dialoga med različnimi gospodarskimi in družbenimi predstavniki, na lastno pobudo.

    4. Skupni posvetovalni odbor sprejme svoj poslovnik.

    Člen 11

    Civilna družba

    Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali tudi redne sestanke predstavnikov civilnih družb Evropske unije in Čila, vključno z akademsko skupnostjo, socialnimi in gospodarskimi partnerji in nevladnimi organizacijami, da bi bili informirani o izvajanju tega sporazuma in bi podali svoje predloge za izboljšanje Sporazuma.

    DEL II


    Člen 12


    1. Pogodbenici se dogovorita, da okrepita redni dialog o dvostranskih in mednarodnih zadevah v skupnem interesu. Njun cilj je krepitev in poglabljanje tega političnega dialoga, da bi se utrdila pridružitev, ustanovljena s tem sporazumom.

    2. Glavni cilj političnega dialoga med pogodbenicama je spodbujanje, razširjanje, nadaljnji razvoj in skupno varovanje demokratičnih vrednot, kot so spoštovanje človekovih pravic, svoboda posameznika in načela pravne države, kot temeljev demokratične družbe.

    3. V ta namen pogodbenici razpravljata in izmenjujeta informacije o skupnih pobudah o vseh vprašanjih v skupnem interesu in o vseh drugih mednarodnih vprašanjih, da bi zasledovali skupne cilje, predvsem o varnosti, stabilnosti, demokraciji in regionalnem razvoju.

    Člen 13


    1. Pogodbenici se dogovorita, da bo njun politični dialog potekal v obliki:

    (a) rednih sestankov med voditelji držav in vlad;

    (b) občasnih sestankov med zunanjimi ministri;

    (c) sestankov med drugimi ministri, ki bodo razpravljali o zadevah v skupnem interesu, ko pogodbenici menita, da bi takšni sestanki pripeljali do tesnejših odnosov;

    (d) letnih sestankov med višjimi državnimi uradniki obeh pogodbenic.

    2. Pogodbenici določita, kakšni postopki se uporabljajo na zgoraj omenjenih sestankih.

    3. Občasni sestanki zunanjih ministrov, omenjeni v odstavku 1(b), potekajo bodisi v okviru Pridružitvenega sveta, ki se ustanovi na podlagi člena 3, bodisi ob drugih dogovorjenih priložnostih na enakovredni ravni.

    4. Pogodbenici tudi v čim večji meri uporabljata diplomatske poti.

    Člen 14

    Sodelovanje na področju zunanje in varnostne politike

    Pogodbenici, kolikor je le mogoče, usklajujeta svoja stališča in uresničujeta skupne pobude v ustreznih mednarodnih forumih ter sodelujeta na področju zunanje in varnostne politike.

    Člen 15

    Sodelovanje v boju proti terorizmu

    Pogodbenici se dogovorita, da bosta sodelovali v boju proti terorizmu v skladu z mednarodnimi konvencijami in svojimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi. Sodelujeta predvsem:

    (a) v okviru popolnega izvajanja Resolucije 1373 Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov in drugih ustreznih resolucij Združenih narodov, mednarodnih konvencij in instrumentov;

    (b) prek izmenjave informacij o terorističnih skupinah in njihovih podpornih mrežah v skladu z mednarodnim in notranjim pravom;

    (c) prek izmenjave mnenj o sredstvih in metodah, ki se uporabljajo za boj proti terorizmu, vključno s tehničnimi področji in usposabljanjem, in prek izmenjave izkušenj v zvezi s preprečevanjem terorizma.



    Člen 16

    Splošni cilji

    1. Pogodbenici tesno sodelujeta med ostalim pri:

    (a) krepitvi institucionalne zmožnosti za podpiranje demokracije, pravne države in spoštovanja človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin;

    (b) spodbujanju socialnega razvoja, ki bi moral teči skupaj z gospodarskim razvojem in varstvom okolja. Pogodbenici posebno prednost namenjata spoštovanju temeljnih socialnih pravic;

    (c) spodbujanju proizvodnih sinergij, ustvarjanju novih priložnosti za trgovino in investicije ter spodbujanju konkurenčnosti in inovativnosti;

    (d) povečevanju ravni dejavnosti sodelovanja in njihovemu poglabljanju ob upoštevanju pridružitvenega odnosa med pogodbenicama.

    2. Pogodbenici ponovno potrjujeta pomen gospodarskega, finančnega in tehničnega sodelovanja kot sredstva za prispevanje k uresničevanju ciljev in načel, ki izhajajo iz tega sporazuma.



    Člen 17

    Industrijsko sodelovanje

    1. Industrijsko sodelovanje podpira in spodbuja ukrepe industrijske politike za razvijanje in utrjevanje prizadevanj pogodbenic ter vzpostavlja dinamičen, integriran in decentraliziran pristop k upravljanju industrijskega sodelovanja, da bi se ustvarilo ugodno okolje za uresničevanje njunih skupnih interesov.

    2. Osrednji cilji so:

    (a) izboljšati stike med gospodarskimi subjekti pogodbenic z namenom prepoznavanja sektorjev v skupnem interesu, predvsem na področju industrijskega sodelovanja, prenosa tehnologije, trgovine in investicij;

    (b) krepiti in spodbujati dialog in izmenjavo izkušenj med mrežami evropskih in čilskih gospodarskih subjektov;

    (c) spodbujati projekte industrijskega sodelovanja, vključno s projekti, ki izhajajo iz procesov lastninjenja in/ali odpiranja čilskega gospodarstva; ti bi lahko zajeli vzpostavitev oblik infrastrukture, ki jih spodbujajo evropske investicije prek industrijskega sodelovanja med podjetji; in

    (d) krepiti inovacije, diverzifikacijo, modernizacijo, razvoj in kakovost izdelkov v podjetjih.

    Člen 18

    Sodelovanje na področju standardov, tehničnih predpisov in postopkov za ugotavljanje skladnosti

    1. Sodelovanje na področju standardov, tehničnih predpisov in ugotavljanja skladnosti je ključni cilj, da bi odpravili in omejili tehnične ovire pri trgovanju in zagotovili zadovoljivo delovanje liberalizacije trgovine, kot je predvideno v delu IV, naslov II.

    2. Sodelovanje med pogodbenicama naj bi spodbujalo prizadevanja za:

    (a) regulativno sodelovanje;

    (b) združljivost tehničnih predpisov na podlagi mednarodnih in evropskih standardov; in

    (c) tehnično pomoč za oblikovanje mreže organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti na nediskriminatorni podlagi.

    3. V praksi sodelovanje:

    (a) spodbuja vse ukrepe, usmerjene v premoščanje razlik med pogodbenicama na področjih ugotavljanja skladnosti in standardizacije;

    (b) zagotavlja organizacijsko podporo med pogodbenicama za spodbujanje vzpostavljanja regionalnih mrež in organov ter povečuje usklajenost politik za spodbujanje skupnega pristopa k uporabi mednarodnih in regionalnih standardov ter podobnih tehničnih predpisov in postopkov za ugotavljanje skladnosti; in

    (c) spodbuja vse ukrepe, usmerjene k izboljšanju konvergence in združljivosti med sistemi pogodbenic na zgoraj navedenih področjih, vključno s preglednostjo, dobrimi uredbenimi praksami in spodbujanjem standardov kakovosti glede izdelkov in praks podjetij.

    Člen 19

    Sodelovanje na področju malih in srednje velikih podjetij

    1. Pogodbenici spodbujata ugodno okolje za razvoj malih in srednje velikih podjetij.

    2. Sodelovanje med ostalim vključuje:

    (a) tehnično pomoč;

    (b) konference, seminarje, odkrivanje industrijskih in tehničnih priložnosti, udeležbo na okroglih mizah ter splošne in sektorske sejme;

    (c) spodbujanje stikov med gospodarskimi subjekti, spodbujanje skupnih investicij in ustanavljanje skupnih vlaganj ter informacijskih mrež prek obstoječih horizontalnih programov;

    (d) olajševanje dostopa do financiranja, zagotavljanje informacij in spodbujanje inovacij.

    Člen 20

    Sodelovanje na področju storitev

    V skladu s Splošnim sporazumom o trgovini s storitvami WTO ("GATS") in v okviru svojih pristojnosti pogodbenici podpirata in krepita medsebojno sodelovanje in tako odražata čedalje večji pomen storitev v razvoju in rasti svojih gospodarstev. Sodelovanje, katerega cilj je spodbujanje razvoja in diverzifikacije produktivnosti in konkurenčnosti v čilskem storitvenem sektorju, se okrepi. Pogodbenici določita sektorje, na katere se bo osredotočilo sodelovanje, hkrati pa posvetita pozornost sredstvom, ki so na voljo v ta namen. Dejavnosti se usmerjajo predvsem na mala in srednje velika podjetja in na lajšanje njihovega dostopa do virov kapitala in tržne tehnologije. V zvezi s tem se posebna pozornost posveti spodbujanju trgovine med pogodbenicama in tretjimi državami.

    Člen 21

    Spodbujanje investicij

    1. Cilj sodelovanja je pogodbenicama v mejah njunih pristojnosti pomagati spodbujati privlačno in stabilno vzajemno investicijsko ozračje.

    2. Sodelovanje vključuje predvsem:

    (a) vzpostavljanje mehanizmov za zagotavljanje informacij, prepoznavanje in razširjanje investicijskih pravil in priložnosti;

    (b) razvijanje pravnega okvira pogodbenic, ki podpira investicije, s sklepanjem, kjer je ustrezno, dvostranskih sporazumov med državami članicami in Čilom za spodbujanje in zavarovanje investicij ter izogibanje dvojnemu obdavčenju;

    (c) vključevanje dejavnosti tehnične pomoči za spodbude usposabljanja med vladnimi agencijami pogodbenic, ki se ukvarjajo z zadevo; in

    (d) razvijanje enotnih in poenostavljenih upravnih postopkov.

    Člen 22

    Sodelovanje na področju energetike

    1. Cilj sodelovanja med pogodbenicama je utrditi gospodarske odnose v ključnih sektorjih, kot so hidroenergija, nafta in plin, obnovljivi viri energije, tehnologija varčevanja z energijo in elektrifikacija podeželja.

    2. Sodelovanje je usmerjeno v:

    (a) izmenjave informacij v vseh ustreznih oblikah, vključno z razvijanjem skupnih podatkovnih zbirk med institucijami pogodbenic, usposabljanje in konference;

    (b) prenose tehnologije;

    (c) diagnostične študije, primerjalne analize in programe, ki jih izvajajo institucije pogodbenic;

    (d) vključevanje javnih in zasebnih subjektov obeh regij v tehnološki razvoj in projekte skupne infrastrukture, vključno z mrežami z drugimi državami v regiji;

    (e) kjer je ustrezno, sklepanje posebnih sporazumov na ključnih področjih v skupnem interesu; in

    (f) pomoč čilskim institucijam, ki se ukvarjajo z vprašanji energetike in oblikovanjem energetske politike.

    Člen 23


    1. Sodelovanje se osredotoča na prestrukturiranje in posodabljanje čilskih prevoznih sistemov, izboljšanje pretoka potnikov in blaga ter zagotavljanje boljšega dostopa do mestnih, zračnih, pomorskih, železniških in cestnih prevoznih trgov z izboljšanjem upravljanja prevoza z operativnega in upravnega vidika in s prizadevanjem za višje operativne standarde.

    2. Sodelovanje vključuje:

    (a) izmenjave informacij o politikah pogodbenic, predvsem v zvezi z mestnim prevozom in medsebojnimi povezavami ter interoperabilnostjo multimodalnih prevoznih mrež in drugimi zadevami v vzajemnem interesu;

    (b) programe usposabljanja o gospodarskih, zakonodajnih in tehničnih zadevah za gospodarske subjekte in višje državne uradnike; in

    (c) projekte sodelovanja za prenose evropske tehnologije v sistemu za globalno satelitsko navigacijo in centrih javnega mestnega prevoza.

    Člen 24

    Sodelovanje na področju kmetijskih in podeželskih sektorjev ter sanitarnih in fitosanitarnih ukrepov

    1. Sodelovanje na tem področju je namenjeno podpori in spodbujanju ukrepov kmetijske politike, da se pospešijo in utrdijo prizadevanja pogodbenic za trajnostno kmetijstvo ter razvoj kmetijstva in podeželja.

    2. Sodelovanje se osredotoča na vzpostavitev zmogljivosti, infrastrukturo in prenos tehnologije, in obravnava zadeve, kot so:

    (a) posebni projekti za podporo sanitarnih, fitosanitarnih in okoljskih ukrepov ter ukrepov kakovosti hrane, pri čemer se upošteva veljavno zakonodajo pogodbenic v skladu s pravili WTO in drugih pristojnih mednarodnih organizacij;

    (b) diverzifikacija in prestrukturiranje kmetijskih sektorjev;

    (c) vzajemna izmenjava informacij, vključno s tistimi, ki zadevajo razvoj kmetijskih politik pogodbenic;

    (d) tehnična pomoč za izboljšanje produktivnosti in izmenjava tehnologij alternativnih pridelkov;

    (e) znanstveni in tehnološki poskusi;

    (f) ukrepi za izboljšanje kakovosti kmetijskih proizvodov in podporo dejavnostim za pospeševanje trgovine;

    (g) tehnična pomoč za krepitev sanitarnih in fitosanitarnih nadzornih sistemov, z namenom čim večje podpore spodbujanju sporazumov o izenačitvi in vzajemnem priznavanju.

    Člen 25


    1. Zaradi pomena ribiške politike v medsebojnih odnosih si pogodbenici prizadevata za razvijanje tesnejšega gospodarskega in tehničnega sodelovanja, ki lahko pripelje do dvostranskih in/ali večstranskih sporazumov o ribištvu na odprtem morju.

    2. Poleg tega pogodbenici poudarjata pomembnost, ki jo pripisujeta izpolnjevanju vzajemnih obvez, določenih v Dogovoru, ki sta ga podpisali 25. januarja 2001.

    Člen 26

    Carinsko sodelovanje

    1. Pogodbenici spodbujata in olajšujeta sodelovanje med svojimi carinskimi službami, da bi zagotovili uresničevanje ciljev, določenih v členu 79, predvsem da bi zagotovili poenostavitev carinskih postopkov in olajšali zakonito trgovanje, ob tem pa ohranili svoje nadzorne sposobnosti.

    2. Brez poseganja v sodelovanje, ki ga vzpostavlja ta sporazum, se medsebojna pomoč med upravnimi organi v carinskih zadevah zagotovi v skladu s Protokolom z dne 13. junija 2001 o medsebojni pomoči v carinskih zadevah k Okvirnemu sporazumu o sodelovanju.

    3. Sodelovanje med drugim predvideva:

    (a) zagotavljanje tehnične pomoči, vključno z organizacijo seminarjev in zaposlovanjem pripravnikov, kjer je ustrezno;

    (b) razvijanje in izmenjavo najboljših praks; in

    (c) izboljšanje in poenostavitev carinskih zadev, povezanih z dostopom na trg in pravilih o poreklu ter z njimi povezanimi carinskimi postopki.

    Člen 27

    Sodelovanje na področju statistike

    1. Glavni cilj je usklajevanje metod, da bi pogodbenici lahko uporabljali statistične podatke druga druge o trgovini z blagom in storitvami in bolj splošno o vseh področjih, ki jih zajema ta sporazum, za katera je mogoče zbirati statistične podatke.

    2. Sodelovanje se osredotoča na:

    (a) homologacijo statističnih metod za ustvarjanje kazalcev, ki so primerljivi med pogodbenicama;

    (b) znanstvene in tehnološke izmenjave s statističnimi institucijami držav članic Evropske unije in z Eurostatom;

    (c) statistične raziskave, usmerjene v razvijanje skupnih metod za zbiranje, analizo in razlago podatkov;

    (d) organizacijo seminarjev in delavnic; in

    (e) programe statističnega usposabljanja, v katere se vključijo tudi druge države v regiji.

    Člen 28

    Sodelovanje na področju okolja

    1. Cilj sodelovanja je spodbujanje ohranjanja in izboljšanja okolja, preprečevanje kontaminacije in razvrednotenja naravnih virov in ekosistemov ter razumna raba slednjih v interesu trajnostnega razvoja.

    2. V tej zvezi je še zlasti pomembno naslednje:

    (a) odnos med revščino in okoljem;

    (b) okoljski vpliv gospodarskih dejavnosti;

    (c) okoljski problemi in upravljanje rabe prostora;

    (d) projekti za krepitev čilskih okoljskih struktur in politik;

    (e) izmenjave informacij, tehnologije in izkušenj na področjih, ki vključujejo okoljske standarde in modele, usposabljanje in izobraževanje;

    (f) okoljsko izobraževanje in usposabljanje, ki bolj vključuje državljane; in

    (g) tehnična pomoč in skupni regionalni raziskovalni programi.

    Člen 29

    Varstvo potrošnikov

    Sodelovanje na tem področju želi doseči, da bi bili programi varstva potrošnikov v pogodbenicah primerljivi, in v čim večji meri zajema:

    (a) usklajevanje potrošniške zakonodaje, da bi se izognili trgovinskm oviram;

    (b) vzpostavljanje in razvijanje vzajemnih informacijskih sistemov za nevarno blago in medsebojno povezovanje teh sistemov (sistemi zgodnjega opozarjanja);

    (c) izmenjave informacij in izvedencev ter spodbujanje sodelovanja med potrošniškimi subjekti pogodbenic; in

    (d) organizacijo projektov za usposabljanje in tehnično pomoč.

    Člen 30

    Varstvo podatkov

    1. Pogodbenici soglašata, da bosta sodelovali pri varstvu osebnih podatkov, da bi izboljšali raven varstva in se izognili oviram v trgovini, pri kateri so potrebni prenosi osebnih podatkov.

    2. Sodelovanje na področju varstva osebnih podatkov lahko vključuje tehnično pomoč v obliki izmenjave informacij in izvedencev ter vzpostavljanje skupnih programov in projektov.

    Člen 31

    Makroekonomski dialog

    1. Pogodbenici spodbujata izmenjave informacij o svojih makroekonomskih politikah in trendih ter izmenjave izkušenj v zvezi z usklajevanjem makroekonomskih politik v okviru regionalnega povezovanja.

    2. Za dosego tega cilja pogodbenici poglabljata dialog med svojimi organi o makroekonomskih zadevah, da bi izmenjali zamisli in mnenja o vprašanjih, kot so:

    (a) makroekonomska stabilizacija;

    (b) konsolidacija javnih financ;

    (c) davčna politika;

    (d) monetarna politika;

    (e) finančna politika in ureditev;

    (f) finančno povezovanje in odpiranje kapitalskega računa;

    (g) tečajna politika;

    (h) mednarodna finančna arhitektura in reforma mednarodnega monetarnega sistema; in

    (i) usklajevanje makroekonomske politike.

    3. Metode za izvajanje takega sodelovanja vključujejo:

    (a) sestanke med makroekonomskimi organi;

    (b) organizacijo seminarjev in konferenc;

    (c) zagotavljanje priložnosti za usposabljanje, kjer je povpraševanje po njem; in

    (d) pripravo študij o vprašanjih v skupnem interesu.

    Člen 32

    Pravice iz intelektualne lastnine

    1. Pogodbenici se dogovorita, da bosta v skladu s svojimi sposobnostmi sodelovali pri zadevah, povezanih z izvajanjem, spodbujanjem, razširjanjem, racionalizacijo, upravljanjem, usklajevanjem, varstvom in učinkovito uporabo pravic iz intelektualne lastnine, pri preprečevanju zlorab takih pravic, v boju proti ponarejanju in piratstvu ter ustanavljanju in krepitvi nacionalnih organizacij za nadzor in zaščito takih pravic.

    2. Tehnično sodelovanje se lahko osredotoči na eno ali več spodaj navedenih dejavnosti:

    (a) zakonodajne nasvete: komentarje o osnutkih zakonov, povezanih s splošnimi določbami in temeljnimi načeli mednarodnih konvencij, naštetih v členu 170, avtorskimi in sorodnimi pravicami, blagovnimi znamkami, geografskimi označbami, tradicionalnimi izrazi ali dodatnimi omembe kakovosti, industrijskim oblikovanjem, patenti, topografijami tiskanih vezij, zaščito nerazkritih informacij, nadzorom nad protikonkurenčnimi praksami v licenčnih pogodbah, izvrševanjem in drugimi zadevami, povezanimi z zaščito pravic intelektualne lastnine;

    (b) nasvete o načinih organiziranja upravne infrastrukture, kot so patentni uradi in združenja za izkoriščanje avtorskih pravic;

    (c) usposabljanje na področju upravljanja pravic intelektualne lastnine in tehnik upravljanja;

    (d) posebno usposabljanje za sodnike ter carinske in policijske uradnike za zagotavljanje učinkovitejšega kazenskega pregona; in

    (e) dejavnosti ozaveščanja za zasebni sektor in civilno družbo.

    Člen 33

    Javna naročila

    Namen sodelovanja med pogodbenicama na tem področju je zagotavljanje tehnične pomoči v zadevah, povezanih z javnimi naročili, pri čemer se posebna pozornost posveti občinski ravni.

    Člen 34

    Sodelovanje na področju turizma

    1. Pogodbenici spodbujata vzajemno sodelovanje pri razvijanju turizma.

    2. Takšno sodelovanje se osredotoča na:

    (a) projekte za ustvarjanje in utrjevanje turističnih proizvodov in storitev v skupnem interesu ali tistih, ki so privlačni za druge trge v skupnem interesu;

    (b) utrjevanje dolgoročnih turističnih tokov;

    (c) krepitev poti za pospeševanje turizma;

    (d) usposabljanje in izobraževanje na področju turizma;

    (e) tehnično pomoč in pilotske projekte za razvijanje turizma za posebne interese;

    (f) izmenjave informacij o pospeševanju turizma, celostnem načrtovanju turističnih destinacij in kakovosti storitev; in

    (g) rabo instrumentov za pospeševanje razvoja turizma na lokalni ravni.

    Člen 35

    Sodelovanje na področju rudarstva

    Pogodbenici se zavežeta, da bosta spodbujali sodelovanje na področju rudarstva, predvsem prek sporazumov za:

    (a) pospeševanje izmenjave informacij in izkušenj za uporabo čistih tehnologij v rudarskih proizvodnih procesih;

    (b) spodbujanje skupnih prizadevanj za razvijanje znanstvenih in tehnoloških pobud na področju rudarstva.



    Člen 36

    Sodelovanje na področju znanosti in tehnologije

    1. Cilj sodelovanja na področju znanosti in tehnologije, ki poteka v skupnem interesu pogodbenic in v skladu z njunimi politikami, predvsem v zvezi s pravili za rabo intelektualne lastnine, ki izvira iz raziskav, je:

    (a) dialog o politikah in izmenjave znanstvenih in tehnoloških informacij ter izkušenj na regionalni ravni, predvsem v zvezi s politikami in programi;

    (b) spodbujanje trajnih odnosov med znanstvenimi skupnostmi pogodbenic; in

    (c) krepitev dejavnosti, ki spodbujajo povezave ter prenose inovacij in tehnologij med evropskimi in čilskimi partnerji.

    2. Poseben poudarek je na krepitvi človeškega potenciala kot resnične dolgoročne osnove znanstvene in tehnološke odličnosti in ustvarjanju trajnih vezi med znanstvenimi in tehnološkimi skupnostmi tako na državnih kot na regionalnih ravneh.

    3. Spodbujajo se naslednje oblike sodelovanja:

    (a) skupni raziskovalni projekti na področjih v skupnem interesu z dejavno udeležbo podjetij, kjer je primerno;

    (b) izmenjave znanstvenikov za pospeševanje priprave projektov, zahtevno usposabljanje in raziskave;

    (c) skupni znanstveni sestanki za krepitev izmenjave informacij in medsebojno delovanje ter za prepoznavanje področij za skupne raziskave;

    (d) spodbujanje dejavnosti, povezanih z naprednimi znanstvenimi in tehnološkimi študijami, ki prispevajo k dolgoročnemu razvoju pogodbenic; in

    (e) razvoj vezi med javnimi in zasebnimi sektorji.

    4. Poleg tega se spodbuja vrednotenje skupnega dela in razširjanje rezultatov.

    5. V to sodelovanje se na ustrezen način vključujejo visokošolske ustanove, raziskovalni centri in produktivni sektorji, vključno z malimi in srednjimi podjetji, na obeh straneh.

    6. Pogodbenici spodbujata udeležbo svojih subjektov v znanstvenih in tehnoloških programih v prizadevanju za vzajemno koristno znanstveno odličnost in v skladu s svojimi določbami, ki urejajo udeležbo pravnih oseb iz tretjih držav.

    Člen 37

    Informacijska družba, informacijska tehnologija in telekomunikacije

    1. Informacijska tehnologija in komunikacije so ključni sektorji v sodobni družbi in so bistvenega pomena za gospodarski in socialni razvoj ter gladek prehod v informacijsko družbo.

    2. Cilj sodelovanja na tem področju je predvsem pospeševanje:

    (a) dialoga o različnih vprašanjih informacijske družbe, vključno s spodbujanjem in spremljanjem nastajanja informacijske družbe;

    (b) sodelovanja o regulativnih in političnih vidikih telekomunikacij;

    (c) izmenjave informacij o standardih, ugotavljanju skladnosti in homologiranju;

    (d) razširjanja novih informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij;

    (e) skupnih raziskovalnih projektov o informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologijah ter pilotskih projektov na področju programov informacijske družbe;

    (f) izmenjave in usposabljanja strokovnjakov, predvsem mladih profesionalcev; in

    (g) izmenjave in razširjanja izkušenj iz vladnih pobud, pri katerih se v njihovih odnosih z družbo uporabljajo informacijske tehnologije.



    Člen 38

    Izobraževanje in usposabljanje

    1. Pogodbenici v okviru svojih pristojnosti znatno podpirata predšolsko, osnovno, srednje in višje izobraževanje, poklicno usposabljanje in vseživljenjsko učenje. Na teh področjih se posebna pozornost posveča dostopu do izobraževanja za občutljive družbene skupine, kot so invalidi, etnične manjšine in zelo revni.

    2. Posebna pozornost se posveti decentraliziranim programom, ki ustvarjajo trajne vezi med specializiranimi organi pogodbenic in spodbujajo združevanje ter izmenjavo izkušenj in tehničnih sredstev kot tudi mobilnost študentov.

    Člen 39

    Sodelovanje na avdiovizualnem področju

    Pogodbenici se dogovorita, da bosta spodbujali sodelovanje na tem področju, predvsem prek programov usposabljanja v avdiovizualnem sektorju in sredstvih komunikacije, vključno z dejavnostmi koprodukcije, usposabljanja, razvoja in distribucije.

    Člen 40

    Izmenjava informacij in kulturno sodelovanje

    1. Glede na zelo tesne kulturne vezi med pogodbenicama je treba izboljšati sodelovanje na tem področju, vključno z informacijskimi in medijskimi stiki.

    2. Namen tega člena je spodbujati izmenjavo informacij in kulturno sodelovanje med pogodbenicama, pri čemer se upošteva dvostranske projekte z državami članicami.

    3. Posebna pozornost se posveti spodbujanju skupnih dejavnosti na različnih področjih, vključno s tiskom, kinematografijo in televizijo, ter spodbujanju programov izmenjav za mlade.

    4. To sodelovanje med drugim lahko vključuje naslednja področja:

    (a) vzajemni informacijski programi;

    (b) prevajanje literarnih del;

    (c) ohranjanje in obnavljanje nacionalne dediščine;

    (d) usposabljanje;

    (e) kulturni dogodki;

    (f) spodbujanje lokalne kulture;

    (g) kulturno upravljanje in produkcija; in

    (h) druga področja.



    Člen 41

    Javna uprava

    1. Cilj sodelovanja na tem področju je posodobiti in decentralizirati javno upravo in zajeti splošno organizacijsko učinkovitost ter zakonodajni in institucionalni okvir, pri čemer se spoznanja črpajo iz najboljših praks pogodbenic.

    2. Takšno sodelovanje lahko vključuje naslednje vrste programov:

    (a) posodabljanje državne in javne uprave;

    (b) decentralizacija in krepitev regionalne in lokalne uprave;

    (c) krepitev civilne družbe in njeno vključevanje v proces oblikovanja javnih politik;

    (d) ustvarjanje delovnih mest in programi poklicnega usposabljanja;

    (e) upravljanje storitev socialnega skrbstva in upravni projekti;

    (f) razvojni projekti, stanovanjska politika podeželja ali projekti upravljanja zemljišč;

    (g) programi zdravstvenega varstva in osnovnega izobraževanja;

    (h) podpora civilni družbi in civilnim pobudam;

    (i) katere koli druge programe in projekte, ki pomagajo v boju proti revščini z ustvarjanjem poslovnih in zaposlitvenih priložnosti; in

    (j) spodbujanje kulture in njenih različnih izrazov ter krepitev kulturnih identitet.

    3. Sredstva sodelovanja na tem področju so:

    (a) tehnična pomoč čilskim organom za oblikovanje politike in izvršilnim organom, vključno s sestanki med uslužbenci evropskih institucij in uslužbenci institucij čila;

    (b) redne izmenjave informacij v vseh ustreznih oblikah, vključno z uporabo računalniških mrež; na vseh področjih, kjer se izmenjujejo podatki, se zagotovi varstvo osebnih podatkov;

    (c) prenašanje znanja in izkušenj;

    (d) predhodne študije in izvajanje skupnih projektov s primerljivim finančnim vložkom; in

    (e) usposabljanje in organizacijska podpora.

    Člen 42

    Medinstitucionalno sodelovanje

    1. Namen medinstitucionalnega sodelovanja med pogodbenicama je spodbujati tesnejše sodelovanje med njunimi institucijami.

    2. V ta namen del III tega sporazuma spodbuja redne sestanke med temi institucijami; sodelovanje je tako široko, kot je le mogoče, in vključuje:

    (a) ukrepe za spodbujanje rednih izmenjav informacij, vključno s skupnim razvijanjem računalniških komunikacijskih mrež;

    (b) nasvete in usposabljanje; in

    (c) prenašanje znanja in izkušenj.

    3. Pogodbenici lahko po skupnem dogovoru vključita druga, dodatna področja delovanja.



    Člen 43

    Socialni dialog

    Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da:

    (a) bosta spodbujali udeležbo socialnih partnerjev v zvezi z življenjskimi pogoji in vključevanjem v družbo;

    (b) bosta posebno pozornost posvetili potrebi po odpravljanju diskriminacije pri obravnavi državljanov ene pogodbenice, ki zakonito prebivajo na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.

    Člen 44

    Sodelovanje na socialnem področju

    1. Pogodbenici se zavedata pomembnosti socialnega razvoja, ki mora potekati skladno z gospodarskim. Prednost dajeta ustvarjanju delovnih mest in spoštovanju temeljnih socialnih pravic, predvsem z uveljavljanjem ustreznih konvencij Mednarodne organizacije dela, ki zajemajo vprašanja, kot so svoboda združevanja, pravica do kolektivnih pogajanj in do nerazlikovanja, odprava prisilnega dela in dela otrok ter enakopravno obravnavanje moških in žensk.

    2. Sodelovanje lahko zajema vsa področja v interesu pogodbenic.

    3. Ukrepi se lahko usklajujejo z ukrepi držav članic in ustreznih mednarodnih organizacij.

    4. Pogodbenici dajeta prednost ukrepom za:

    (a) spodbujanje razvoja človeških virov pri ljudeh, omejevanje revščine in boj proti socialni izključenosti s pripravo inovativnih in ponovljivih projektov, ki vključujejo občutljive in marginalizirane socialne sektorje. Posebna pozornost se posveti družinam z nizkimi dohodki in invalidom;

    (b) spodbujanje vloge žensk v procesu gospodarskega in socialnega razvoja ter pospeševanje posebnih programov za mlade;

    (c) razvijanje in posodabljanje delovnih razmerij, delovnih pogojev, socialnega varstva in varstva zaposlitve;

    (d) izboljšanje oblikovanja in upravljanja socialnih politik, vključno s socialnimi stanovanji, in boljši dostop upravičencev;

    (e) razvijanje učinkovitega in pravičnega zdravstvenega sistema temelječega na načelu solidarnosti;

    (f) spodbujanje poklicnega usposabljanja in razvijanje človeških virov;

    (g) spodbujanje projektov in programov, ki ustvarjajo priložnosti za zaposlovanje v mikro, malih in srednjih podjetjih;

    (h) spodbujanje programov upravljanja zemljišč, pri čemer se posebna pozornost posveti socialno in okoljsko bolj občutljivim področjem;

    (i) krepitev pobud, ki prispevajo k socialnemu dialogu in doseganju soglasja; in

    (j) krepitev spoštovanja človekovih pravic, demokracije in udeležbe državljanov.

    Člen 45

    Sodelovanje na področju spolov

    1. Sodelovanje prispeva h krepitvi politik in programov, ki izboljšujejo, jamčijo in širijo enako udeležbo moških in žensk v vseh sektorjih političnega, gospodarskega, družbenega in kulturnega življenja. Sodelovanje prispeva k lažjemu dostopu žensk do vseh potrebnih sredstev za polno uresničevanje njihovih temeljnih pravic.

    2. Sodelovanje zlasti spodbuja ustvarjanje ustreznega okvira za:

    (a) zagotavljanje, da se vprašanja spola lahko upoštevajo na vseh ravneh in vseh področjih sodelovanja, vključno z makroekonomsko politiko, strategijo in razvojnimi dejavnostmi; in

    (b) pospeševanje sprejemanja pozitivnih ukrepov v korist žensk.



    Člen 46

    Sodelovanje na področju ilegalnih migracij

    1. Skupnost in Čile soglašata glede sodelovanja, da bi preprečila in nadzorovala ilegalne migracije. V ta namen:

    (a) se Čile strinja, da bo ponovno sprejel vse svoje državljane, ki se ilegalno nahajajo na ozemlju držav članice, na predlog države članice in brez nadaljnjih formalnosti;

    (b) se vsaka država članica strinja, da bo ponovno sprejela vse svoje državljane, kot so opredeljeni v Skupnosti, ki se ilegalno nahajajo na ozemlju Čila, na predlog Čila in brez nadaljnjih formalnosti.

    2. Države članice in Čile bodo svojim državljanom zagotovile tudi ustrezne osebne dokumente v te namene.

    3. Pogodbenici se dogovorita, da bosta na predlog katere koli sklenili medsebojni sporazum, ki bo urejal posebne obveznosti Čila in držav članic glede ponovnega sprejema, vključno z obveznostjo ponovnega sprejema državljanov drugih držav in oseb brez državljanstva.

    4. Do sklenitve sporazuma s Skupnostjo, omenjenega v odstavku 3, se Čile strinja, da bo na predlog katere koli države članice sklenil dvostranske sporazume z njimi, ki bodo urejali posebne obveznosti ponovnega sprejema med Čilom in državo članico, vključno z obveznostjo ponovnega sprejema državljanov drugih držav in oseb brez državljanstva.

    5. Pridružitveni svet preuči, s katerimi drugimi skupnimi prizadevanji bi bilo mogoče preprečevati in nadzorovati nezakonito priseljevanje.

    Člen 47

    Sodelovanje na področju prepovedanih drog in boja proti organiziranemu kriminalu

    1. V okviru svojih pristojnosti se pogodbenici zavežeta, da bosta uskladili in povečali svoja prizadevanja za preprečevanje in omejevanje nezakonite proizvodnje, trgovine in uživanja prepovedanih drog ter pranja dobička iz nedovoljenega prometa s prepovedanimi drogami ter za boj proti organiziranemu kriminalu prek posredništva mednarodnih organizacij in organov.

    2. Pogodbenici na tem področju izvajata zlasti:

    (a) projekte za zdravljenje in rehabilitacijo odvisnikov od prepovedanih drog ter njihovo vračanje v družine, družbeno življenje in službo;

    (b) skupne programe usposabljanja, povezane s preprečevanjem uživanja in trgovanja s prepovedanimi drogami in psihotropnimi snovmi ter z njimi povezanih kaznivih dejanj;

    (c) skupne študije in raziskovalne programe, pri čemer uporabljata metodologije in kazalce, ki jih uporabljajo Evropski center za spremljanje prepovedanih drog in odvisnosti od njih, Interameriški observatorij za prepovedane droge pri Organizaciji ameriških držav in druge mednarodne in nacionalne organizacije;

    (d) ukrepe in akcije sodelovanja, katerih cilj je omejiti oskrbo s prepovedanimi drogami in psihotropnimi snovmi, kot del mednarodnih konvencij in pogodb o teh zadevah, ki sta jih pogodbenici tega sporazuma podpisali in ratificirali;

    (e) izmenjave informacij o politikah, programih, dejavnostih in zakonodaji, povezanih s proizvodnjo, prometom in uživanjem prepovedanih drog in psihotropnih snovi;

    (f) izmenjave ustreznih informacij in sprejemanje ustreznih meril za boj proti pranju denarja, primerljivih s tistimi, ki so jih sprejele Evropska unija in mednarodni organi, ki delujejo na tem področju, na primer Projektna skupina za finančno ukrepanje na področju pranja denarja; in

    (g) ukrepe za preprečevanje zlorabe predhodnih sestavin in kemičnih snovi, potrebne za nedovoljeno proizvodnjo prepovedanih drog in psihotropnih snovi, enakovredne tistim, ki so jih sprejele Evropska skupnost in mednarodne organizacije v skladu s Sporazumom med Republiko Čile in Evropsko skupnostjo o preprečevanju zlorabe predhodnih sestavin in kemičnih snovi, ki se pogosto uporabljajo pri nedovoljeni proizvodnji prepovedanih drog ali psihotropnih snovi, z dne 24. novembra 1998.



    Člen 48

    Udeležba civilne družbe v sodelovanju

    Pogodbenici se zavedata dopolnilne vloge in potencialnega prispevka civilne družbe (družbenih sogovornikov in nevladnih organizacij) v procesu sodelovanja. V ta namen, ob upoštevanju pravnih in upravnih določb vsake pogodbenice, akterji civilne družbe lahko:

    (a) prejemajo informacije in se udeležujejo posvetovanj o politikah in strategijah sodelovanja, vključno s strateškimi prednostmi, predvsem na področjih ki se na njih nanašajo ali nanje neposredno vplivajo;

    (b) prejemajo finančna sredstva, če to dovoljuje notranje pravo vsake pogodbenice; in

    (c) sodelujejo pri izvajanju projektov in programov sodelovanja na področjih, ki se na njih nanašajo.

    Člen 49

    Regionalno sodelovanje in regionalno povezovanje

    1. Pogodbenici bi morali uporabljati vse obstoječe instrumente sodelovanja za spodbujanje dejavnosti, katerih cilj je razvijanje dejavnega in vzajemnega sodelovanja med pogodbenicama in Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur) kot celoto.

    2. Takšno sodelovanje je pomemben element podpore Skupnosti za spodbujanje regionalnega povezovanja med državami Južnega stožca Latinske Amerike.

    3. Prednost imajo dejavnosti usmerjene v:

    (a) pospeševanje trgovine in investicij v regiji;

    (b) razvijanje regionalnega sodelovanja na področju okolja;

    (c) spodbujanje razvoja komunikacijske infrastrukture za gospodarski razvoj regije; in

    (d) razvijanje regionalnega sodelovanja na področju ribištva.

    4. Pogodbenici tudi tesneje sodelujeta na področju regionalnega razvoja in načrtovanja rabe prostora.

    5. V ta namen lahko:

    (a) izvajata skupne dejavnosti z regionalnimi in lokalnimi organi na področju gospodarskega razvoja; in

    (b) vzpostavljata mehanizme za izmenjavo informacij ter znanja in izkušenj.

    Člen 50

    Tristransko in medregionalno sodelovanje

    1. Pogodbenici se zavedata vrednosti mednarodnega sodelovanja za pospeševanje procesa uravnoteženega in trajnostnega razvoja in se strinjata, da bosta spodbujali tristranske programe sodelovanja in programe s tretjimi državami na področjih v skupnem interesu.

    2. To sodelovanje se lahko uporabi tudi za medregionalno sodelovanje v skladu s prednostmi držav članic in drugih držav Latinske Amerike in Karibov.

    Člen 51

    Evolutivna klavzula

    V okviru pristojnosti pogodbenic se nobena priložnost za sodelovanje ne izloči vnaprej in pogodbenici lahko skupaj s Pridružitvenim odborom preučita praktične možnosti za sodelovanje v skupnem interesu.

    Člen 52

    Sodelovanje v okviru pridružitvenega razmerja

    1. Sodelovanje med pogodbenicama naj bi prispevalo k uresničevanju splošnih ciljev iz dela III prek prepoznavanja in razvijanja inovativnih programov sodelovanja, ki lahko zagotovijo dodano vrednost njunemu novemu razmerju kot pridruženim partnericam.

    2. Spodbuja se udeležba vsake pogodbenice kot pridružene partnerice v okvirnih programih, posebnih programih in drugih dejavnostih druge pogodbenice, če to dovoljujejo notranja pravila vsake izmed njih, ki urejajo dostop do programov in dejavnosti.

    3. Pridružitveni svet lahko daje tudi ustrezna priporočila v ta namen.

    Člen 53


    1. Da bi prispevali k uresničevanju ciljev sodelovanja, določenih v tem sporazumu, se pogodbenici zavežeta, da bosta v okviru svojih zmožnosti in po svojih poteh zagotovili ustrezna sredstva, vključno s finančnimi.

    2. Pogodbenici sprejmeta vse ustrezne ukrepe za pospeševanje in olajšanje dejavnosti Evropske investicijske banke v Čilu v skladu s svojimi postopki in merili financiranja ter s svojimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi in brez poseganja v pooblastila svojih pristojnih organov.

    Člen 54

    Posebne naloge Pridružitvenega odbora v zvezi s sodelovanjem

    1. Pri opravljanju nalog, ki so mu naložene v delu III, je Pridružitveni odbor sestavljen iz predstavnikov Skupnosti in Čila odgovornih za zadeve, povezane s sodelovanjem, običajno na ravni višjih državnih uradnikov.

    2. Ne glede na določbe člena 6 ima Pridružitveni odbor predvsem naslednje naloge:

    (a) pomagati Pridružitvenemu svetu pri opravljanju njegovih nalog, zlasti glede zadev, povezanih s sodelovanjem;

    (b) nadzirati izvajanje okvira sodelovanja, dogovorjenega med pogodbenicama;

    (c) pripravljati predloge o strateškem sodelovanju med pogodbenicama, ki služijo za določanje dolgoročnih ciljev, strateških prednosti in posebnih področij delovanja, o večletnih okvirnih programih, ki vsebujejo opis sektorskih prednosti, posebnih ciljev, pričakovanih rezultatov in okvirnih zneskov ter letnih akcijskih programov; in

    (d) redno poročati Pridružitvenemu svetu o uporabi in izpolnjevanju ciljev in zadev iz dela III.

    DEL IV




    Člen 55


    Cilji tega dela so:

    (a) postopna in vzajemna liberalizacija blagovne menjave v skladu s členom XXIV Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini 1994 ("GATT 1994");

    (b) olajševanje blagovne menjave, med drugim s pomočjo dogovorjenih določb v zvezi s carinami in povezanimi zadevami, standardi, tehničnimi predpisi in postopki za ugotavljanje skladnosti, sanitarnimi in fitosanitarnimi ukrepi ter trgovino z vini in žganimi ter aromatiziranimi pijačami;

    (c) vzajemna liberalizacija trgovine s storitvami v skladu s členom V Splošnega sporazuma o trgovini s storitvami ("GATS");

    (d) izboljšanje investicijskega okolja in zlasti pogojev za ustanavljanje med pogodbenicama na podlagi načela nediskriminacije;

    (e) liberalizacija tekočih plačil in pretokov kapitala v skladu z obvezami, sprejetimi v okviru mednarodnih finančnih institucij in ob upoštevanju denarne stabilnosti vsake pogodbenice;

    (f) učinkovito in vzajemno odpiranje trgov za vladna naročila pogodbenic;

    (g) ustrezna in učinkovita zaščita pravic intelektualne lastnine v skladu z najvišjimi mednarodnimi standardi;

    (h) vzpostavitev učinkovitih mehanizmov sodelovanja na področju konkurence; in

    (i) vzpostavitev učinkovitega mehanizma za reševanje sporov.

    Člen 56

    Carinske unije in območja proste trgovine

    1. Sporazum v ničemer ne preprečuje ohranjanja ali ustanavljanja carinskih unij, območij proste trgovine ali drugih dogovorov med katero od pogodbenic in tretjimi državami, pod pogojem, da ne spreminjajo pravic in obveznosti, predvidenih v tem sporazumu.

    2. Na zahtevo pogodbenice v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora potekajo posvetovanja med pogodbenicama o sporazumih o ustanovitvi ali prilagajanju carinskih unij ali območij proste trgovine in, kjer se zahteva, o drugih pomembnih zadevah, povezanih s trgovinskimi politikami pogodbenic do tretjih držav. Zlasti v primeru pridružitve se opravijo posvetovanja, da se zagotovi upoštevanje skupnih interesov pogodbenic.



    Člen 57


    Pogodbenici postopno in vzajemno liberalizirata blagovno menjavo v prehodnem obdobju, ki začne teči ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma, v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma in členom XXIV GATT 1994.



    Oddelek 1

    Skupne določbe

    Člen 58

    Področje uporabe

    1. Določbe tega poglavja v zvezi z odpravo carin se uporabljajo za izdelke s poreklom iz ene pogodbenice, ki se izvažajo v drugo. Za namene tega poglavja "s poreklom" pomeni izpolnjevanje pravil o poreklu, določenih v Prilogi III.

    2. Določbe tega poglavja v zvezi z odpravo carin pri izvozu se uporabljajo za vse blago, izvoženo iz ene pogodbenice v drugo pogodbenico.

    Člen 59


    Carina vključuje kakršno koli dajatev, ki se naloži v zvezi z uvozom ali izvozom blaga, vključno z vsemi oblikami dodatnih davkov ali dodatnih dajatev v zvezi s takšnim uvozom ali izvozom, vendar ne vključuje:

    (a) notranjih davkov ali notranjih dajatev, ki se naložijo v skladu s členom 77;

    (b) protidampinških ali izravnalnih dajatev, ki se uporabljajo v skladu s členom 78;

    (c) pristojbin ali drugih dajatev, ki se naložijo v skladu s členom 63.

    Člen 60

    Odprava carin

    1. Carine pri uvozu med pogodbenicama se odpravijo v skladu z določbami členov 64 do 72.

    2. Carine pri izvozu med pogodbenicama se odpravijo od datuma začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.

    3. Za vsak izdelek je osnovna carina, na katero se izvedejo zaporedna znižanja v skladu s členi 64 do 72, tista, ki je določena v Časovnem razporedu odprave carin vsake pogodbenice, navedenem v prilogah I oziroma II.

    4. Če pogodbenica zniža svojo veljavno stopnjo carin, ki se uporabljajo za države z največjimi ugodnostmi, po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma in pred koncem prehodnega obdobja, se Časovni razpored za odpravo carin navedene pogodbenice uporabi za znižane stopnje.

    5. Vsaka pogodbenica izjavlja, da je pripravljena znižati svoje carine hitreje, kot je predvideno v členih 64 do 72, ali drugače izboljšati pogoje dostopa po takšnih členih, če to omogočata njen splošni gospodarski položaj in položaj zadevnega gospodarskega sektorja. Sklep Pridružitvenega sveta, da se pospeši odprava carin ali se drugače izboljšajo pogoji dostopa, nadomesti pogoje, določene v členih 64 do 72 za zadevni izdelek.

    Člen 61


    1. Od datuma začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma se v trgovini med pogodbenicama ne uvede nobenih novih carin in se ne zviša tistih, ki se že uporabljajo.

    2. Ne glede na odstavek 1 lahko Čile ohrani svoj sistem cenovnih pasov, določen v členu 12 Zakona 18,525, ali nasledstveni sistem za izdelke, ki jih zajema navedeni zakon, pod pogojem, da se uporablja skladno s pravicami in obveznostmi Čila po Sporazumu WTO in na način, ki ne zagotavlja ugodnejše obravnave uvoza katere koli tretje države, vključno z državami, s katerimi je Čile sklenil ali bo v prihodnosti sklenil sporazum, uradno obveščen po členu XXIV GATT 1994.

    Člen 62

    Uvrščanje blaga

    Uvrščanje blaga v trgovini med pogodbenicama je takšno, kot je določeno v tarifni nomenklaturi pogodbenic v skladu s harmoniziranim sistemom poimenovanj in šifrskih oznak blaga ("HS").

    Člen 63

    Pristojbine in druge dajatve

    Pristojbine in druge dajatve, omenjene v členu 59, se pri zneskih omejijo na približne stroške opravljenih storitev in ne predstavljajo posredne zaščite domačih izdelkov ali obdavčenja uvoza ali izvoza iz fiskalnih razlogov. Temeljijo na posebnih stopnjah, ki ustrezajo realni vrednosti opravljene storitve.

    Oddelek 2

    Odprava carin

    Pododdelek 2.1

    Industrijski izdelki

    Člen 64

    Področje uporabe

    Ta pododdelek se uporablja za izdelke iz poglavij 25 do 97 HS, ki jih ne zajemajo kmetijski in predelani kmetijski proizvodi, kot so opredeljeni v členu 70.

    Člen 65

    Carine pri industrijskem uvozu s poreklom iz Čila

    Carine pri uvozu v Skupnost industrijskih izdelkov s poreklom iz Čila, naštetih v Prilogi I (Časovni razpored odprave carin Skupnosti) v kategoriji "Leto 0" in "Leto 3", se odpravijo v skladu z naslednjim časovnim razporedom, tako da se te carine popolnoma odpravijo do začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma oziroma 1. januarja 2006:

    Odstotki letnih tarifnih znižanj

    Kategorija | Začetek veljavnosti | 1.1.04 | 1.1.05 | 1.1.06 |

    Leto 0 | 100 % | | | |

    Leto 3 | 25 % | 50 % | 75 % | 100 % |

    Člen 66

    Carine pri industrijskem uvozu s poreklom iz Skupnosti

    Carine pri uvozu v Čile industrijskih izdelkov s poreklom iz Skupnosti, naštetih v Prilogi II (Časovni razpored odprave carin Čila) v kategoriji "Leto 0", "Leto 5" in "Leto 7", se odpravijo v skladu z naslednjim časovnim razporedom, tako da se te carine popolnoma odpravijo do začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma, 1. januarja 2008 oziroma 1. januarja 2010:

    Odstotki letnih tarifnih znižanj

    Kategorija | Začetek veljavnosti | 1.1.04 | 1.1.05 | 1.1.06 | 1.1.07 | 1.1.08 | 1.1.09 | 1.1.10 |

    Leto 0 | 100 % | | | | | | | |

    Leto 5 | 16,7 % | 33,3 % | 50 % | 66,7 % | 83,3 % | 100 % | | |

    Leto 7 | 12,5 % | 25 % | 37,5 % | 50 % | 62,5 % | 75 % | 87,5 % | 100 % |

    Pododdelek 2.2

    Ribji in ribiški proizvodi

    Člen 67

    Področje uporabe

    Ta pododdelek se uporablja za ribje in ribiške proizvode, ki jih zajemajo poglavje 3 HS, številki HS 1604 in 1605, podštevilki HS 051191 in 230120 ter številka HS ex190220 [2].

    Člen 68

    Carine pri uvozu ribjih in ribiških proizvodov s poreklom iz Čila

    1. Carine pri uvozu v Skupnost ribjih in ribiških proizvodov s poreklom iz Čila, naštetih v Prilogi I v kategoriji "Leto 0", "Leto 4", "Leto 7" in "Leto 10", se odpravijo v skladu z naslednjim časovnim razporedom, tako da se te carine popolnoma odpravijo do začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma, 1. januarja 2007. 1. januarja 2010 oziroma 1. januarja 2013:

    Odstotki letnih tarifnih znižanj

    Kategorija | Začetek veljavnosti | 1.1.04 | 1.1.05 | 1.1.06 | 1.1.07 | 1.1.08 | 1.1.09 | 1.1.10 | 1.1.11 | 1.1.12 | 1.1.13 |

    Leto 0 | 100 % | | | | | | | | | | |

    Leto 4 | 20 % | 40 % | 60 % | 80 % | 100 % | | | | | | |

    Leto 7 | 12,5 % | 25 % | 37,5 % | 50 % | 62,5 % | 75 % | 87,5 % | 100 % | | | |

    Leto 10 | 9 % | 18 % | 27 % | 36 % | 45 % | 54 % | 63 % | 72 % | 81 % | 90 % | 100 % |

    2. Tarifne kvote pri uvozu v Skupnost nekaterih ribjih in ribiških proizvodov s poreklom iz Čila, naštetih v Prilogi I v kategoriji "TK", se uporabljajo od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma v skladu s pogoji, omenjenimi v navedeni prilogi. Te kvote se upravljajo po sistemu prvi prispe, prvi dobi.

    Člen 69

    Carine pri uvozu ribjih in ribiških proizvodov s poreklom iz Skupnosti

    1. Carine pri uvozu v Čile ribjih in ribiških proizvodov s poreklom iz Skupnosti, naštetih v Prilogi II v kategoriji "Leto 0" se odpravijo ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma.

    2. Tarifne kvote pri uvozu v Čile nekaterih ribjih in ribiških proizvodov s poreklom iz Skupnosti, naštetih v Prilogi II v kategoriji "TK", se uporabljajo od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma v skladu s pogoji, omenjenimi v navedeni prilogi. Te kvote se upravljajo po sistemu prvi prispe, prvi dobi.

    Pododdelek 2.3

    Kmetijski in predelani kmetijski proizvodi

    Člen 70

    Področje uporabe

    Ta pododdelek se uporablja za kmetijske in predelane kmetijske proizvode, ki jih zajema Priloga I k Sporazumu WTO o kmetijstvu.

    Člen 71

    Carine pri uvozu kmetijskih in predelanih kmetijskih proizvodov s poreklom iz Čila

    1. Carine pri uvozu v Skupnost kmetijskih in predelanih kmetijskih proizvodov s poreklom iz Čila, naštetih v Prilogi I v kategoriji "Leto 0", "Leto 4", "Leto 7" in "Leto 10", se odpravijo v skladu z naslednjim časovnim razporedom, tako da se te carine popolnoma odpravijo do začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma, 1. januarja 2007. 1. januarja 2010 oziroma 1. januarja 2013:

    Odstotki letnih tarifnih znižanj

    Kategorija | Začetek veljavnosti | 1.1.04 | 1.1.05 | 1.1.06 | 1.1.07 | 1.1.08 | 1.1.09 | 1.1.10 | 1.1.11 | 1.1.12 | 1.1.13 |

    Leto 0 | 100 % | | | | | | | | | | |

    Leto 4 | 20 % | 40 % | 60 % | 80 % | 100 % | | | | | | |

    Leto 7 | 12,5 % | 25 % | 37,5 % | 50 % | 62,5 % | 75 % | 87,5 % | 100 % | | | |

    Leto 10 | 9 % | 18 % | 27 % | 36 % | 45 % | 54 % | 63 % | 72 % | 81 % | 90 % | 100 % |

    2. Za kmetijske proizvode s poreklom iz Čila, ki so zajeti v poglavjih 7 in 8 ter številkah 20.09 in 22.04.30 kombinirane nomenklature in ki so našteti v Prilogi I v kategoriji "EP", za katere Skupna carinska tarifa predvideva uporabo carin ad valorem in posebne carine, tarifna odprava velja le za carino ad valorem.

    3. Za kmetijske in predelane kmetijske proizvode s poreklom iz Čila, ki so našteti v Prilogi I v kategoriji "SF", za katere Skupna carinska tarifa predvideva uporabo carin ad valorem in posebne carine, tarifna odprava velja le za carino ad valorem.

    4. Skupnost dovoli, da uvoženi predelani kmetijski proizvodi s poreklom iz Čila, ki so našteti v Prilogi I v kategoriji "R", vstopijo v Skupnost s carino 50 % osnovne carine od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.

    5. Tarifne kvote pri uvozu v Skupnost nekaterih kmetijskih in predelanih kmetijskih proizvodov s poreklom iz Čila, naštetih v Prilogi I v kategoriji "TK", se uporabljajo od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma v skladu s pogoji, omenjenimi v navedeni prilogi. Te kvote se upravljajo po sistemu prvi prispe, prvi dobi ali, kot velja v Skupnosti, na podlagi sistema uvoznih in izvoznih dovoljenj.

    6. Tarifne koncesije se ne uporabljajo za uvoz v Skupnost proizvodov s poreklom iz Čila, ki so našteti v Prilogi I v kategoriji "PN", ker te proizvode pokrivajo označbe, ki so v Skupnosti zaščitene.

    Člen 72

    Carine pri uvozu kmetijskih in predelanih kmetijskih proizvodov s poreklom iz Skupnosti

    1. Carine pri uvozu v Čile kmetijskih in predelanih kmetijskih proizvodov s poreklom iz Skupnosti, naštetih v Prilogi II v kategoriji "Leto 0", "Leto 5" in "Leto 10", se odpravijo v skladu z naslednjim časovnim razporedom, tako da se te carine popolnoma odpravijo do začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma, 1. januarja 2008 oziroma 1. januarja 2013:

    Odstotki letnih tarifnih znižanj

    Kategorija | Začetek veljavnosti | 1.1.04 | 1.1.05 | 1.1.06 | 1.1.07 | 1.1.08 | 1.1.09 | 1.1.10 | 1.1.11 | 1.1.12 | 1.1.13 |

    Leto 0 | 100 % | | | | | | | | | | |

    Leto 5 | 16,7 % | 33,3 % | 50 % | 66,6 % | 83,3 % | 100 % | | | | | |

    Leto 10 | 9 % | 18 % | 27 % | 36 % | 45 % | 54 % | 63 % | 72 % | 81 % | 90 % | 100 % |

    2. Tarifne kvote pri uvozu v Čile nekaterih kmetijskih proizvodov s poreklom iz Skupnosti, naštetih v Prilogi II v kategoriji "TK", se uporabljajo od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma v skladu s pogoji, omenjenimi v navedeni prilogi. Te kvote se upravljajo po sistemu prvi prispe, prvi dobi.

    Člen 73

    Zaščitna klavzula za kmetijske in predelane kmetijske proizvode

    1. Ne glede na člen 92 tega sporazuma in člen 5 Sporazuma WTO o kmetijstvu, če se, glede na določeno občutljivost kmetijskih trgov, proizvod s poreklom iz ene pogodbenice uvaža v drugo pogodbenico v tako povečanih količinah in pod takšnimi pogoji, da to povzroča ali grozi, da bo povzročilo škodo ali motnje na trgih podobnih ali neposredno konkurenčnih proizvodov druge pogodbenice, lahko navedena pogodbenica sprejme ustrezne ukrepe pod pogoji in v skladu s postopki, določenimi v tem členu.

    2. Če so pogoji iz odstavka 1 izpolnjeni, lahko pogodbenica uvoznica:

    (a) opusti nadaljnje zniževanje carin za proizvode, določene pod tem naslovom; ali

    (b) zviša carine za proizvod do ravni, ki ne presega nižje od naslednjih dveh:

    (i) carine za države z največjimi ugodnostmi; ali

    (ii) osnovne carine, omenjene v členu 60(3).

    3. Preden uporabi ukrepe, opredeljene v odstavku 2, zadevna pogodbenica posreduje zadevo Pridružitvenemu odboru, ki temeljito preuči položaj, da bi se našla vzajemno sprejemljiva rešitev. Če tako zahteva druga pogodbenica, se pogodbenici posvetujeta v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora. Če se v 30 dneh od zahtevka za posvetovanje ne najde nobena rešitev, se lahko uporabijo zaščitni ukrepi.

    4. Če izredne okoliščine zahtevajo takojšnje ukrepanje, lahko pogodbenica uvoznica za največ 120 dni sprejme ukrepe, predvidene v odstavku 2 na prehodni osnovi, ne da bi izpolnila zahteve iz odstavka 3. Takšni ukrepi ne smejo presegati tistega, kar je nujno potrebno za omejitev ali odpravo škode ali motnje. Pogodbenica uvoznica o tem nemudoma obvesti drugo pogodbenico.

    5. Ukrepi, sprejeti po tem členu, ne smejo presegati tistega, kar je nujno potrebno za odpravo težav, ki so se pojavile. Pogodbenica, ki naloži ukrepe, ohrani splošno raven preferencialov, dodeljenih za kmetijski sektor. Da se doseže ta cilj, se pogodbenici lahko dogovorita za odškodnino za škodljive učinke ukrepov na njuno trgovino, vključno za obdobje, med katerim se uporablja prehodni ukrep v skladu z odstavkom 4.

    V ta namen se pogodbenici posvetujeta, da se doseže sporazumna rešitev. Če v 30 dneh ni dosežen dogovor, lahko oškodovana pogodbenica izvoznica, po uradnem obvestilu Pridružitvenemu svetu, začasno opusti uporabo vsebinsko enakovrednih koncesij pod tem naslovom.

    6. V tem členu:

    (a) "resna škoda" pomeni znatno splošno poslabšanje položaja proizvajalcev podobnih ali neposredno konkurenčnih proizvodov v pogodbenici kot celote;

    (b) "grožnja resne škode" pomeni resno škodo, ki jasno neposredno grozi na podlagi dejstev in ne zgolj domnev, ugibanj ali oddaljene možnosti.

    Člen 74

    Evolutivna klavzula

    V tretjem letu po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma pogodbenici ocenita položaj ob upoštevanju vzorca trgovine s kmetijskimi proizvodi med pogodbenicama, občutljivosti takšnih proizvodov in razvoja kmetijske politike na obeh straneh. Pogodbenici v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora za vsak proizvod posebej in na redni in ustrezni vzajemni podlagi preučita možnosti za dodeljevanje nadaljnjih koncesij, da se pospeši liberalizacija trgovine s kmetijskimi in predelanimi kmetijskimi proizvodi.



    Oddelek 1

    Skupne določbe

    Člen 75

    Področje uporabe

    Določbe tega poglavja se uporabljajo v blagovni menjavi med pogodbenicama.

    Člen 76

    Prepoved količinskih omejitev

    Vse uvozne ali izvozne prepovedi ali omejitve v trgovini med pogodbenicama, razen carin in davkov, bodisi uveljavljene s kvotami, uvoznimi ali izvoznimi dovoljenji ali drugimi ukrepi, se ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma odpravijo. Ne uvede se nobenih novih takšnih ukrepov.

    Člen 77

    Nacionalna obravnava na področju notranjega obdavčenja in predpisov [3]

    1. Za uvožene proizvode z ozemlja ene pogodbenice se ne zaračunavajo neposredni ali posredni notranji davki ali katere koli druge vrste notranjih dajatev, ki so višji od neposrednih ali posrednih davkov ali dajatev, ki se uporabljajo za podobne domače proizvode. Pogodbenici tudi ne uporabljata notranjih davkov ali drugih notranjih dajatev na način, ki bi ščitil domačo proizvodnjo [4].

    2. Obravnava uvoženih proizvodov z ozemlja druge pogodbenice ne sme biti manj ugodna od tiste, ki jo podobnim domačim proizvodom zagotavljajo zakoni, predpisi in zahteve glede prodaje na notranjem trgu, ponudbe za prodajo, nakupa, prevoza, distribucije ali uporabe. Določbe tega odstavka ne prepovedujejo uporabe različnih notranjih prevoznih dajatev, ki temeljijo izključno na gospodarskem izkoriščanju prevoznih sredstev in ne na nacionalnem poreklu proizvoda.

    3. Nobena pogodbenica ne uvede ali ohranja nobenega notranjega količinskega predpisa glede mešanja, predelave ali uporabe proizvodov v posebnih količinah ali razmerjih, ki neposredno ali posredno zahteva, da je treba določeno količino ali razmerje proizvoda, za katerega velja predpis, dobaviti iz domačih virov. Pogodbenici tudi ne uporabljata notranjih količinskih predpisov, ki bi ščitili domačo proizvodnjo [5].

    4. Določbe tega člena ne preprečujejo plačila subvencij izključno domačim proizvajalcem, vključno s plačili domačim proizvajalcem, ki izhajajo iz prihodka od notranjih davkov ali dajatev, ki se uporabljajo skladno z določbami tega člena, in subvencij, ki se izvajajo prek vladnih odkupov domačih proizvodov.

    5. Določbe tega člena ne veljajo za zakone, predpise, postopke ali prakse, ki urejajo javna naročila, za katera veljajo izključno določbe naslova IV tega dela.

    Oddelek 2

    Protidampinški in izravnalni ukrepi

    Člen 78

    Protidampinški in izravnalni ukrepi

    Če pogodbenica ugotovi, da v njeni trgovini z drugo pogodbenico poteka damping in/ali subvencioniranje, proti kateremu se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi, lahko sprejme ustrezne ukrepe v skladu s Sporazumom WTO o izvajanju člena VI GATT 1994 in Sporazumom WTO o subvencijah in izravnalnih ukrepih.

    Oddelek 3

    Carinske in s carino povezane zadeve

    Člen 79

    Carinske in s carino povezane trgovinske zadeve

    1. Da zagotovita skladnost z določbami tega naslova, ki so povezane s carinskimi in s trgovino povezanimi zadevami, in da pospešita trgovino brez poseganja v potrebo po učinkovitem nadzoru, se pogodbenici zavezujeta, da bosta:

    (a) sodelovali in si izmenjevali informacije v zvezi s carinsko zakonodajo in postopki;

    (b) uporabljali carinska pravila in postopke, o katerih se pogodbenici sporazumeta na dvostranski ali večstranski ravni;

    (c) poenostavili zahteve in formalnosti v zvezi s sprostitvijo in carinjenjem blaga, kar vključuje, koliko je to mogoče, sodelovanje pri razvijanju postopkov, ki omogočajo predložitev uvoznih ali izvoznih podatkov eni sami agenciji; in poskrbeli za usklajevanje med carinskimi in drugimi nadzornimi agencijami, da bi, koliko je to mogoče, omogočili, da bi uradni nadzor nad uvozom ali izvozom izvajala ena sama agencija;

    (d) sodelovali pri vseh zadevah, povezanih s pravili o poreklu in z njimi povezanimi carinskimi postopki; in

    (e) sodelovali pri vseh zadevah carinskega vrednotenja, v skladu s Sporazumom o izvajanju člena VII GATT 1994, predvsem da bi dosegli skupna stališča glede uporabe meril vrednotenja, uporabe okvirnih ali referenčnih kazalcev, operativnih vidikov in delovnih metod.

    2. Da bi izboljšali delovne metode in zagotovili preglednost in učinkovitost carinskih postopkov, pogodbenici:

    (a) zagotovita, da se vzdržujejo najvišja merila neoporečnosti, prek uporabe ukrepov, ki odsevajo načela ustreznih mednarodnih konvencij in instrumentov na tem področju, kot je predvideno v zakonodaji vsake pogodbenice;

    (b) sprejmeta nadaljnje ukrepe, kjer je mogoče, za omejevanje, poenostavljanje in standardizacijo podatkov v dokumentaciji, ki jo zahteva carina, vključno z uporabo enotne carinske listine za vstop ali podatkovnega sporočila in enotne carinske listine za izstop ali podatkovnega sporočila na podlagi mednarodnih standardov, pri čemer se v čim večji meri zanašata na komercialno dostopne informacije;

    (c) kjer je le mogoče sodelujeta pri zakonodajnih in operativnih pobudah, povezanih z uvoznimi, izvoznimi in carinskimi postopki, ter v čim večji meri pri izboljšanju storitve za poslovno skupnost;

    (d) kjer je ustrezno sodelujeta pri tehnični pomoči, vključno z organizacijo seminarjev in zaposlovanjem;

    (e) sodelujeta pri informatizaciji carinskih postopkov in, kjer je mogoče, sodelujeta pri uvajanju skupnih standardov;

    (f) uporabljata mednarodna pravila in standarde na področju carine, kjer je le mogoče vključno z vsebinskimi elementi revidirane Kyoto konvencije o poenostavitvi in uskladitvi carinskih postopkov;

    (g) kolikor je mogoče vzpostavita skupno stališče v mednarodnih organizacijah na področju carine, kot so WTO, Svetovna carinska organizacija (WCO), Organizacija združenih narodov (OZN) in Konferenca ZN o trgovini in razvoju (UNCTAD);

    (h) zagotovita učinkovite in takojšnje postopke, ki omogočajo pravice do pritožbe proti carinskim in drugim upravnim postopkom, odločitvam in sklepom agencije, ki vplivajo na uvoz ali izvoz blaga, skladno s členom X GATT GATT 1994; in

    (i) kjer je le mogoče sodelujeta, da bi olajšali postopke pretovarjanja in tranzita prek njihovih ozemelj.

    3. Pogodbenici se sporazumeta, da bodo njune trgovinske in carinske določbe ter postopki temeljili na:

    (a) zakonodaji, ki se izogiba nepotrebnemu obremenjevanju gospodarskih subjektov, in ki ne bo ovirala boja proti goljufiji ter bo zagotovila nadaljnje olajšave za subjekte, ki dosegajo visoko raven skladnosti;

    (b) zaščiti zakonite trgovine prek učinkovitega uveljavljanja zakonodajnih zahtev;

    (c) uporabi sodobnih carinskih tehnik, vključno z ocenjevanjem tveganja, poenostavljenimi postopki za vstop in sprostitev blaga, nadzorom po sprostitvi in metodami revizije v podjetjih, pri čemer bosta spoštovali zaupni značaj komercialnih podatkov v skladu z določbami, ki veljajo v vsaki pogodbenici. Vsaka pogodbenica sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe za zagotavljanje učinkovitosti metod ocenjevanja tveganja;

    (d) postopkih, ki so pregledni, učinkoviti in, kjer je potrebno, poenostavljeni, da se zmanjšajo stroški in poveča predvidljivost za gospodarske subjekte;

    (e) razvoju sistemov, ki temeljijo na informacijski tehnologiji, tako za izvozne kot uvozne posle, med gospodarskimi subjekti in carinskimi upravami, ter med carinskimi in drugimi agencijami. Takšni sistemi lahko vključujejo tudi plačilo dajatev, davkov in drugih pristojbin s pomočjo elektronskih prenosov;

    (f) pravilih in postopkih, ki vnaprej zagotavljajo zavezujoče odločitve glede tarifnega uvrščanja in pravil o poreklu. Odločitev se lahko kadar koli spremeni ali prekliče, vendar samo po uradnem obvestilu subjektu, katerega zadeva, in brez retroaktivnega učinka, razen če je odločitev sprejeta na podlagi predloženih nepravilnih ali netočnih informacij;

    (g) določbah, ki načeloma olajšujejo uvoz blaga z uporabo poenostavljenih carinskih postopkov in procesov pred prihodom; in

    (h) uvoznih določbah, ki ne vsebujejo nobenih zahtev za inšpekcijske preglede pred odpremo, kot so opredeljeni v Sporazumu WTO o inšpekcijskih pregledih pred odpremo;

    (i) pravilih, ki zagotavljajo, da so vse kazni, naložene za manjše kršitve carinskih predpisov, ali postopkovne zahteve sorazmerne in pri uporabi ne povzročajo nepotrebnih zamud pri carinjenju, v skladu s členom VIII GATT 1994.

    4. Pogodbenici se dogovorita:

    (a) o potrebi po rednih posvetovanjih z gospodarskimi subjekti o vsebinskih zadevah v zvezi z zakonodajnimi predlogi in splošnimi postopki, povezanimi s carino. V ta namen vsaka pogodbenica vzpostavi ustrezne posvetovalne mehanizme med upravami in subjekti;

    (b) za objavljanje, če je le mogoče z elektronskimi sredstvi, in obveščanje javnosti o novi zakonodaji in splošnih postopkih, povezanih s carino, kot tudi o vseh spremembah, najkasneje ob začetku veljavnosti takšne zakonodaje in postopkov. Poleg tega omogočita javno razpoložljivost splošnih informacij, ki zanimajo gospodarske subjekte, kot je delovni čas carinskih uradov, vključno s tistimi v pristaniščih in na mejnih prehodih, in kontaktne točke za povpraševanja po informacijah;

    (c) za krepitev sodelovanja med subjekti in carinskimi upravami z uporabo objektivnih in javno dostopnih memorandumov o soglasju na podlagi tistih, ki jih razširja WTO; in

    (d) za zagotovitev, da bodo njune carinske in s carino povezane zahteve in postopki še naprej zadovoljevali potrebe trgovinske skupnosti in sledili najboljšim praksam.

    5. Ne glede na odstavke 1 do 4 uprave obeh pogodbenic zagotovijo medsebojno upravno pomoč v carinskih zadevah v skladu z določbami Protokola z dne 13. junija 2001 o medsebojni pomoči v carinskih zadevah k Okvirnemu sporazumu o sodelovanju.

    Člen 80

    Carinsko vrednotenje

    Pravila carinskega vrednotenja, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini med pogodbenicama, ureja Sporazum WTO o izvajanju člena VII GATT 1994, brez pridržkov in izbire, predvidenih v členu 20 in odstavkih 2, 3 in 4 Priloge III k navedenemu sporazumu.

    Člen 81

    Posebni odbor za carinsko sodelovanje in pravila o poreklu

    1. Pogodbenici ustanovita Posebni odbor za carinsko sodelovanje in pravila o poreklu, ki ga sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic. Odbor se sestane na datum in z dnevnim redom, o katerih se pogodbenici sporazumeta vnaprej. Funkcijo predsedujočega Odboru opravljata pogodbenici izmenično. Odbor poroča Pridružitvenemu odboru.

    2. Naloge odbora vključujejo:

    (a) spremljanje izvajanja in upravljanja členov 79 in 80 ter Priloge III in drugih carinskih zadev, povezanih z dostopom na trg;

    (b) zagotavljanje foruma za posvetovanje in razpravo o vseh zadevah v zvezi s carino, zlasti o pravilih o poreklu in z njimi povezanih carinskih postopkih, splošnih carinskih postopkih, carinskem vrednotenju, tarifnimi režimi, carinski nomenklaturi, carinskem sodelovanju in medsebojni upravni pomoči v carinskih zadevah;

    (c) izboljšanje sodelovanja pri razvijanju, uporabi in uveljavljanju pravil o poreklu in z njimi povezanih carinskih postopkov, splošnih carinskih postopkih in medsebojni upravni pomoči v carinskih zadevah;

    (d) vsa druga vprašanja, o katerih se sporazumeta pogodbenici.

    3. Da bi izpolnili naloge, omenjene v tem členu, se lahko pogodbenici dogovorita za ad hoc sestanke.

    Člen 82

    Uveljavljanje preferencialne obravnave

    1. Pogodbenici se strinjata, da je upravno sodelovanje bistvenega pomena za izvajanje in nadzor nad preferenciali, dodeljenimi po tem naslovu, in ponovno potrjujeta svojo zavezanost boju proti nepravilnostim in goljufijam v zvezi s poreklom, vključno s carinskim uvrščanjem in carinsko vrednostjo.

    2. V tem pogledu lahko pogodbenica začasno opusti preferencialno obravnavo, dodeljeno po tem naslovu, za izdelek ali izdelke, za katere pogodbenica ugotovi, da zanj ali zanje druga pogodbenica sistematično ni zagotavljala upravnega sodelovanja ali je prihajalo do goljufije.

    3. V tem členu sistematično nezagotavljanje upravne pomoči pomeni:

    (a) odsotnost upravnega sodelovanja, na primer, nezagotavljanje imen in naslovov carinskih ali vladnih organov, odgovornih za izdajanje in preverjanje potrdil o poreklu, ali vzorcev žigov, ki se uporabljajo za overovitev potrdil, ali neposodobitev navedenih podatkov, kadar je ustrezno;

    (b) sistematično pomanjkljivo ali nezadostno ravnanje pri preverjanju porekla izdelkov in pri izpolnjevanju drugih zahtev iz Priloge III ter pri prepoznavanju ali preprečevanju kršitev pravil o poreklu;

    (c) sistematična nepripravljenost ali nepotrebno odlašanje pri izvajanju naknadnega preverjanja dokazil o poreklu na zahtevo druge pogodbenice in pri pravočasnem sporočanju rezultatov preverjanja;

    (d) odsotnost upravnega sodelovanja ali sistematično pomanjkljivo upravno sodelovanje pri preverjanju ravnanja, za katerega obstaja domneva, da gre za goljufijo, povezano s poreklom. V tem smislu lahko pogodbenica domneva, da gre za goljufijo, če med drugim uvoz izdelka ali izdelkov iz tega sporazuma močno presega običajno raven proizvodnje in izvoznih zmogljivosti druge pogodbenice.

    4. Pogodbenica, ki je odkrila sistematično odsotnost upravnega sodelovanja ali domneva, da je prišlo do goljufije, preden uporabi začasno opustitev, predvideno v tem členu, Pridružitvenemu odboru zagotovi vse ustrezne informacije, ki so potrebne za temeljito preučitev položaja, z namenom, da se najde rešitev, ki je sprejemljiva za pogodbenici. Hkrati v svojem Uradnem listu objavi obvestilo uvoznikom, v katerem navede izdelek ali izdelke, v zvezi s katerimi je odkrila sistematično odsotnost upravnega sodelovanja ali domneva, da je prišlo do goljufije. Pravne posledice te objave ureja domače pravo vsake pogodbenice.

    5. V 10 dneh po datumu uradnega obvestila o informacijah iz odstavka 4 se pogodbenici posvetujeta v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora. Če pogodbenici ne dosežeta dogovora o rešitvi, da bi se izognili uvedbi opustitve preferencialne obravnave v 30 dneh od začetka takšnih posvetovanj, zadevna pogodbenica lahko začasno opusti preferencialno obravnavo zadevnega izdelka ali izdelkov.

    Začasna opustitev ne presega tistega, kar je potrebno za zaščito finančnih interesov zadevne pogodbenice.

    6. O začasnih opustitvah po tem členu se takoj po njenem sprejemu uradno obvesti Pridružitveni odbor. Začasne opustitve ne presegajo obdobja šestih mesecev, ki se lahko podaljša. O njih se pogodbenici redno posvetujeta v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora, zlasti z namenom, da se odpravijo, takoj ko okoliščine to dovoljujejo.

    Oddelek 4

    Standardi, tehnični predpisi in postopki za ugotavljanje skladnosti

    Člen 83


    Cilj tega oddelka je olajšati in povečati blagovno menjavo z odpravo in preprečevanjem nepotrebnih trgovinskih ovir ob upoštevanju zakonitih ciljev pogodbenic in načela nediskriminacije v smislu Sporazuma WTO o tehničnih ovirah pri trgovanju ("Sporazum TBT").

    Člen 84

    Področje in obseg uporabe

    Določbe tega oddelka se ne uporabljajo za blagovno menjavo na področju standardov, tehničnih predpisov in postopkov za ugotavljanje skladnosti, kot so opredeljeni v Sporazumu TBT. Ne uporabljajo se za ukrepe, ki jih zajema oddelek 5 tega poglavja. Določbe tega oddelka ne veljajo za tehnične specifikacije, ki jih pripravijo vladni organi za namene javnih naročil, s katerimi se ukvarja naslov IV tega dela.

    Člen 85


    V tem oddelku se uporabljajo opredelitve iz Priloge I k Sporazumu TBT. V tem smislu se uporablja tudi Sklep Odbora WTO o tehničnih ovirah pri trgovanju o načelih za razvoj mednarodnih standardov, smernic in priporočil v zvezi s členi 2, 5 in Prilogo 3 k navedenemu sporazumu.

    Člen 86

    Temeljne pravice in obveznosti

    Pogodbenici potrjujeta svoje pravice in obveznosti po Sporazumu TBT in svojo zavezanost, da ga bosta celovito izvajali. V tem smislu in v skladu s cilji tega oddelka se dejavnosti in ukrepi sodelovanja, opredeljeni v tem oddelku, izvajajo z namenom, da se izboljša in okrepi izvajanje navedenih pravic in obveznosti.

    Člen 87

    Posebne akcije, ki potekajo po tem sporazumu

    Da izpolnita cilje tega oddelka:

    1. Pogodbenici krepita svoje dvostransko sodelovanje na področju standardov, tehničnih predpisov in ugotavljanja skladnosti z namenom olajšati dostop do svojih trgov, tako da povečujeta vzajemno poznavanje, razumevanje in združljivost svojih sistemov.

    2. V svojem dvostranskem sodelovanju pogodbenici poskušata določiti, kateri mehanizmi ali kombinacije mehanizmov so najustreznejši za določena vprašanja ali sektorje. Takšni mehanizmi vključujejo vidike regulativnega sodelovanja, med drugim konvergenco in/ali enakovrednost tehničnih predpisov in standardov, približevanje mednarodnim standardom, zanašanje na dobaviteljeve izjave o skladnosti in uporabo akreditacije pri izbiri organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti ter sporazume o vzajemnem priznavanju.

    3. Na podlagi napredka v dvostranskem sodelovanju se pogodbenici dogovorita, katere posebne dogovore je treba skleniti, da se uvedejo tako določeni mehanizmi.

    4. V ta namen si pogodbenici prizadevata:

    (a) razvijati skupna stališča o dobrih regulativnih praksah, ki vključujejo, vendar niso omejene na:

    (i) preglednost pri pripravi, sprejemanju in uporabi tehničnih predpisov, standardov in postopkov za ugotavljanje skladnosti;

    (ii) nujnost in sorazmernost regulativnih ukrepov in z njimi povezanih postopkov za ugotavljanje skladnosti, vključno z uporabo dobaviteljevih izjav o skladnosti;

    (iii) uporabo mednarodnih standardov kot podlage za tehnične predpise, razen če bi takšni mednarodni standardi bili neučinkovito ali neustrezno sredstvo za uresničevanje zakonito postavljenih ciljev;

    (iv) uveljavljanje tehničnih predpisov in dejavnosti tržnega nadzora;

    (v) potrebno tehnično infrastrukturo, v smislu meroslovja, standardizacije, preskušanja, certificiranja in akreditacije, za podporo tehničnim predpisom; in

    (iv) mehanizme in metode za revidiranje tehničnih predpisov in postopkov za ugotavljanje skladnosti;

    (b) krepiti regulativno sodelovanje prek, na primer, izmenjave informacij, izkušenj in podatkov, in prek znanstvenega in tehničnega sodelovanja, da se izboljšata kakovost in raven njihovih tehničnih predpisov in se učinkovito uporabijo pravni viri;

    (c) za združljivost in/ali enakovrednost njihovih tehničnih predpisov, standardov in postopkov za ugotavljanje skladnosti;

    (d) pospeševati in spodbujati dvostransko sodelovanje med njunimi organizacijami, javnimi in/ali zasebnimi, odgovornimi za metrologijo, standardizacijo, preskušanje, izdajanje spričeval in akreditacijo;

    (e) pospeševati in spodbujati popolno udeležbo v mednarodnih organih za določanje standardov in krepiti vlogo mednarodnih standardov kot podlage za tehnične predpise; in

    (f) povečati dvostransko sodelovanje v ustreznih mednarodnih organizacijah in forumih, ki se ukvarjajo z zadevami iz tega oddelka.

    Člen 88

    Odbor za standarde, tehnične predpise in ugotavljanje skladnosti

    1. Pogodbenici ustanovita Posebni odbor za tehnične predpise, standarde in ugotavljanje skladnosti, da se uresničijo cilji, določeni v tem oddelku. Odboru, ki ga sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic, sopredsedujeta predstavnika vsake pogodbenice. Odbor se sestane vsaj enkrat letno, razen če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače. Odbor poroča Pridružitvenemu odboru.

    2. Odbor se lahko ukvarja z vsemi zadevami, ki so povezane z učinkovitim delovanjem tega oddelka. Njegove odgovornosti in naloge so zlasti naslednje:

    (a) spremljanje in pregled izvajanja in upravljanja tega oddelka. S tem v zvezi Odbor pripravi delovni program za uresničevanje ciljev tega oddelka in zlasti tistih, določenih v členu 87;

    (b) zagotavljanje foruma za razpravo in izmenjavo informacij o vseh zadevah, povezanih s tem oddelkom, in zlasti tistimi v zvezi s sistemi pogodbenic za tehnične predpise, standarde in postopke za ugotavljanje skladnosti, kot tudi razvoj v tovrstnih mednarodnih organizacijah;

    (c) zagotavljanje foruma za posvetovanje in takojšnjo rešitev zadev, ki so ali bi lahko postale nepotrebne ovire pri trgovanju v obsegu in smislu tega oddelka med pogodbenicama;

    (d) spodbujanje, pospeševanje in olajševanje sodelovanja med organizacijami pogodbenic, javnimi in/ali zasebnimi, za meroslovje, standardizacijo, preskušanje, certificiranje, inšpekcije in akreditacijo; in

    (e) preučevanje vseh sredstev za izboljšanje dostopa na trge pogodbenic in izboljšanje delovanja tega oddelka.

    Oddelek 5

    Sanitarni in fitosanitarni ukrepi

    Člen 89

    Sanitarni in fitosanitarni ukrepi

    1. Cilj tega oddelka je olajšati trgovino med pogodbenicama na področju sanitarne in fitosanitarne zakonodaje, pri tem pa varovati javno zdravje ter zdravje živali in rastlin z nadaljnjim izvajanjem načel Sporazuma WTO o uporabi sanitarnih in fitosanitarnih ukrepov ("Sporazum WTO SPS"). Dodatni cilj tega oddelka je premislek o standardih blaginje živali.

    2. Cilji tega oddelka se uresničujejo prek Sporazuma o sanitarnih in fitosanitarnih ukrepih, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini z živalmi in živalskimi proizvodi, rastlinami, rastlinskimi proizvodi in drugim blagom ter za blaginjo živali, ki je priložen kot Priloga IV.

    3. Z odstopanjem od odstavka 193 Pridružitveni odbor, kadar se ukvarja s sanitarnimi ali fitosanitarnimi ukrepi, sestavljajo predstavniki Skupnosti in Čila, ki so odgovorni za sanitarne in fitosanitarne zadeve. Ta odbor se takrat imenuje "Skupni upravljalni odbor za sanitarne in fitosanitarne zadeve". Naloge Odbora so določene v členu 16 Priloge IV.

    4. Za namene člena 184 se posvetovanja, organizirana po členu 16 Priloge IV, štejejo za posvetovanja, omenjena v členu 183, razen če se pogodbenici odločita drugače.

    Oddelek 6

    Vina in žgane pijače

    Člen 90

    Vina in žgane pijače

    Sporazum o trgovini z vinom in Sporazum o trgovini z žganimi in aromatiziranimi pijačami sta priložena kot Priloga V in Priloga VI.



    Člen 91

    Splošna klavzula o izjemi

    Ob upoštevanju zahteve, da se takšni ukrepi ne uporabljajo na način, ki bi pomenil sredstvo za samovoljno ali neupravičeno diskriminacijo med pogodbenicama, če prevladajo enaki pogoji, ali prikrito omejevanje trgovine med pogodbenicama, ta naslov pogodbenicama v ničemer ne preprečuje, da sprejmeta ali uveljavita ukrepe, ki:

    (a) so potrebni za zaščito javne morale;

    (b) so potrebni za zaščito življenja ali zdravja ljudi, živali ali rastlin;

    (c) so potrebni za zagotavljanje skladnosti z zakoni ali predpisi, ki niso neskladni s tem sporazumom, vključno s tistimi, ki so povezani s carino, zaščito pravic intelektualne lastnine in preprečevanjem prevar;

    (d) so povezani z uvozom ali izvozom zlata ali srebra;

    (e) so povezani z zaščito narodnega bogastva umetniške, zgodovinske ali arheološke vrednosti;

    (f) so povezani z ohranjanjem neobnovljivih naravnih virov, če se takšni ukrepi uveljavijo v povezavi z omejevanjem domače proizvodnje ali potrošnje; ali

    (g) so povezani z izdelki, ki jih izdelujejo zaporniki.

    Člen 92

    Zaščitna klavzula

    1. Če ta člen ne določa drugače, se med pogodbenicama uporabljajo določbe iz člena XIX GATT 1994 in Sporazuma WTO o zaščitnih ukrepih. Določbe odstavkov 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 in 9 tega člena se uporabljajo samo, če ima pogodbenica bistven interes kot izvoznica zadevnega izdelka, kot je opredeljeno v odstavku 10.

    2. Vsaka pogodbenica takoj in najkasneje v sedmih dneh po dogodku zagotovi ad hoc pisno uradno obvestilo Pridružitvenemu odboru z vsemi ustreznimi informacijami o začetku zaščitne preiskave in o končnih ugotovitvah preiskave.

    3. Informacije, zagotovljene v skladu z odstavkom 2, predvsem vključujejo razlago domačega postopka, na podlagi katerega bo preiskava potekala, in navedbo časovnega razporeda zaslišanj in drugih ustreznih priložnosti za zainteresirane stranke, da predstavijo svoja stališča o zadevi. Poleg tega vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi vnaprejšnje pisno uradno obvestilo Pridružitvenemu odboru z vsemi ustreznimi informacijami o odločitvi, da bo uporabila začasne zaščitne ukrepe. Takšno uradno obvestilo mora biti prejeto vsaj sedem dni pred uporabo takšnih ukrepov.

    4. Po uradnem obvestilu o končnih ugotovitvah preiskave in pred uporabo zaščitnih ukrepov v skladu z določbami člena XIX GATT 1994 in Sporazuma WTO o zaščitnih ukrepih, pogodbenica, ki namerava uporabiti takšne ukrepe, zadevo posreduje Pridružitvenemu odboru v temeljit pregled položaja, da se najde vzajemno sprejemljiva rešitev. Da bi našle takšno rešitev in če zadevna pogodbenica tako zahteva, se pogodbenici predhodno posvetujeta v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora.

    5. Ne glede na odstavek 4 pogodbenici nič ne preprečuje, da uporabi ukrepe v skladu z določbami člena XIX GATT 1994 in Sporazuma WTO o zaščitnih ukrepih.

    6. Pri izbiri zaščitnih ukrepov, omenjenih v tem členu, pogodbenici dasta prednost tistim, ki najmanj škodijo doseganju ciljev tega sporazuma. Takšni ukrepi ne presegajo tistega, kar je potrebno za odpravo resne škode, in ohranijo raven/stopnjo preferencialov, dodeljenih po tem naslovu.

    7. Pogodbenici potrjujeta svoje pravice in obveznosti po odstavkih 1 in 2 člena 8 Sporazuma WTO o zaščitnih ukrepih.

    8. Pravica do opustitve, omenjena v členu 8(2) Sporazuma WTO o zaščitnih ukrepih, se med pogodbenicama ne izvaja prvih 18 mesecev veljavnosti zaščitnega ukrepa, pod pogojem, da je bil zaščitni ukrep sprejet kot rezultat absolutnega povečanja uvoza in da je takšen ukrep skladen z določbami Sporazuma WTO o zaščitnih ukrepih.

    9. O zaščitnih ukrepih se ob njihovi uporabi takoj obvesti Pridružitveni odbor in o njih se enkrat letno organizirajo posvetovanja v okviru Odbora, zlasti z namenom, da se ti ukrepi liberalizirajo ali odpravijo.

    10. V tem členu se šteje, da ima pogodbenica bistven interes, če je med petimi največjimi dobavitelji uvoženega izdelka v obdobju zadnjih treh let, merjeno bodisi po absolutnem obsegu bodisi po vrednosti.

    11. Če katera koli pogodbenica za uvoz izdelkov, ki bi lahko povzročili izpolnitev pogojev za uvedbo zaščitnega ukrepa v skladu s tem členom, uvede nadzorni postopek, o tem obvesti drugo pogodbenico.

    Člen 93

    Klavzula o pomanjkanju

    1. Če izpolnjevanje določb iz tega naslova povzroči:

    (a) kritično pomanjkanje ali grožnjo kritičnega pomanjkanja živila ali drugih izdelkov, ki jih pogodbenica izvoznica nujno potrebuje; ali

    (b) pomanjkanje bistvenih količin domačih materialov za domačo predelovalno industrijo v odobjih, ko se domača cena takšnih materialov drži pod svetovno ceno kot del vladnega stabilizacijskega načrta;

    in če zgoraj navedene razmere povzročijo ali bi lahko povzročile večje težave za pogodbenico izvoznico, lahko navedena pogodbenica sprejme primerne ukrepe pod pogoji in v skladu s postopki, določenimi v tem členu.

    2. Pri izbiri ukrepov imajo prednost tisti, ki najmanj motijo delovanje dogovorov iz tega sporazuma. Takšni ukrepi se ne uporabljajo na način, ki bi predstavljal sredstvo samovoljne ali neupravičene diskriminacije, če prevladajo enaki pogoji, ali prikrito omejevanje trgovine, ter se odpravijo, ko pogoji ne upravičujejo več njihovega ohranjanja. Poleg tega ukrepi, ki jih je mogoče sprejeti v skladu z odstavkom 1 (b), ne povečajo izvoza ali zaščite, ki je je deležna zadevna domača predelovalna industrija, in ne odstopajo od določb tega sporazuma, ki se nanašajo na nediskriminacijo.

    3. Pred sprejemom ukrepov, predvidenih v odstavku 1, ali, v primerih, na katere se nanaša odstavek 4, kakor hitro je mogoče pogodbenica, ki namerava uporabiti ukrepe, Pridružitvenemu odboru zagotovi vse ustrezne informacije, da se najde rešitev, sprejemljiva za obe pogodbenici. V okviru Pridružitvenega odbora se pogodbenici lahko dogovorita o sredstvih, ki so potrebna za odpravo težav. Če v 30 dneh od datuma, ko je bila zadeva posredovana Pridružitvenemu odboru, ni dosežen dogovor, lahko pogodbenica izvoznica uporabi ukrepe iz tega člena za izvoz zadevnega izdelka.

    4. Če izredne in kritične okoliščine, ki zahtevajo takojšnje ukrepanje, ne omogočajo predhodnega obveščanja ali pregleda, lahko pogodbenica, ki namerava uvesti ukrepe, nemudoma uporabi previdnostne ukrepe, ki so potrebni zaradi obravnave položaja, in drugo pogodbenico o njih obvesti takoj po tem.

    5. O katerih koli ukrepih, ki se uporabijo v skladu s tem členom, se takoj obvesti Pridružitveni odbor, v okviru katerega se o njih posvetuje v rednih časovnih presledkih, zlasti z namenom, da se določi časovni razpored za njihovo odpravo, kakor hitro okoliščine to omogočajo.



    Člen 94


    1. Pogodbenici vzajemno liberalizirata trgovino s storitvami v skladu z določbami tega naslova in v skladu s členom V GATS.

    2. Cilj poglavja III je izboljšanje investicijskega okolja in zlasti pogojev za ustanavljanje med pogodbenicama na podlagi načela nediskriminacije.



    Oddelek 1

    Splošne določbe

    Člen 95

    Področje uporabe

    1. V tem poglavju je trgovina s storitvami opredeljena kot ponujanje storitve na naslednje načine:

    (a) z ozemlja pogodbenice na ozemlju druge pogodbenice (način 1);

    (b) na ozemlju pogodbenice potrošniku storitve druge pogodbenice (način 2);

    (c) s strani ponudnika storitve pogodbenice s poslovno prisotnostjo na ozemlju druge pogodbenice (način 3);

    (d) s strani ponudnika storitve pogodbenice s poslovno prisotnostjo fizičnih oseb na ozemlju druge pogodbenice (način 4).

    2. To poglavje se uporablja za trgovino v celotnem storitvenem sektorju, razen:

    (a) finančnih storitev, za katere velja poglavje II;

    (b) audiovizualnih storitev;

    (c) nacionalne pomorske kabotaže; in

    (d) storitev zračnega prevoza, vključno z domačimi in mednarodnimi storitvami zračnega prevoza, tako rednimi kot izrednimi, in storitev, ki so neposredno povezane z izvajanjem prometnih pravic, razen:

    (i) popravila zrakopolovov in vzdrževalnih storitev, med katerimi je zrakoplov umaknjen iz prometa;

    (ii) prodaje in trženja storitev zračnega prevoza; in

    (iii) storitev sistema računalniških rezervacij (CRS).

    3. To poglavje se ne razlaga, tako da bi nalagalo kakršne koli obveznosti v zvezi z vladnimi naročili, za katere velja naslov IV tega dela.

    4. Določbe tega poglavja se ne uporabljajo za subvencije, ki jih dodelita pogodbenici. Pogodbenici pregledata vprašanje pravil glede subvencij v zvezi s trgovino s storitvami v okviru revizije tega poglavja, kot je predvideno v členu 100, z namenom, da bi vključili pravila, dogovorjena po členu XV GATS.

    5. Ta oddelek se uporablja za mednarodni pomorski prevoz in telekomunikacijske storitve, za katere veljajo določbe iz oddelkov 2 in 3.

    Člen 96


    V tem poglavju:

    (a) "ukrep" pomeni sleherni ukrep pogodbenice, bodisi v obliki zakona, predpisa, pravila, postopka, sklepa, upravnega ukrepa bodisi v kateri koli drugi obliki;

    (b) "ukrep, ki ga sprejme ali ohranja pogodbenica" pomeni ukrepe, ki jih sprejmejo:

    (i) centralne, regionalne ali lokalne vlade in oblasti; in

    (ii) nevladni organi pri izvajanju pooblastil, ki jim jih dodelijo centralne, regionalne ali lokalne vlade ali oblasti;

    (c) "ponudnik storitve" pomeni pravno ali fizično osebo, ki želi ponujati ali ponuja storitev;

    (d) "poslovna prisotnost" pomeni katero koli vrsto poslovne ali strokovne organiziranosti, vključno z:

    (i) ustanovitvijo, pridobitvijo ali vzdrževanjem pravne osebe; ali

    (ii) ustanovitvijo ali vzdrževanjem podružnice ali predstavništva,

    na ozemlju pogodbenice z namenom ponujanja storitev;

    (e) "pravna oseba" pomeni vsako pravno osebo, ki se pravilno ustanovi ali drugače organizira v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni, zaradi dobička ali drugače, v zasebni lasti ali v vladni lasti, vključno z družbo, trustom, partnerstvom, skupnim vlaganjem, samostojnim podjetnikom ali združenjem;

    (f) "pravna oseba pogodbenice" pomeni pravno osebo, ustanovljeno ali drugače organizirano po zakonodaji Skupnosti ali njenih držav članic ali Čila.

    Če ima takšna pravna oseba na ozemlju Skupnosti ali Čila samo registriran sedež ali osrednjo upravo, se ne šteje za pravno osebo Skupnosti ali Čila, razen če opravlja bistvene poslovne dejavnosti na ozemlju Skupnosti ali Čila;

    (g) "fizična oseba" je državljan katere od držav članic ali Čila, v skladu z njihovo zakonodajo.

    Člen 97

    Dostop na trg

    1. V zvezi z dostopom na trg prek načinov zagotavljanja storitev, opisanih v členu 95, vsaka pogodbenica zagotavlja storitvam in ponudnikom storitev druge pogodbenice obravnavo, ki ni manj ugodna od obravnave, ki je predvidena s pogoji in omejitvami, ki so dogovorjeni in določeni v njeni listi, omenjeni v členu 99.

    2. V sektorjih, v katerih pogodbenica sprejme obveze v zvezi z dostopom na trg, so ukrepi, ki jih pogodbenica ne ohranja ali sprejme bodisi na podlagi regionalne podrazdelitve bodisi na podlagi njenega celotnega ozemlja, razen če v njeni listi ni drugače določeno, opredeljeni kot:

    (a) omejitve glede števila ponudnikov storitev v obliki številčnih kvot, monopolov, izključnih ponudnikov storitev ali zahteve po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb;

    (b) omejitve glede skupne vrednosti števila storitvenih poslov ali premoženja v obliki številčnih kvot ali zahteve po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb;

    (c) omejitve glede skupnega števila storitvenih poslov ali skupne količine opravljenih storitev, izraženega v določenih številčnih enotah v obliki kvot ali zahteve po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb [6];

    (d) omejitve glede skupnega števila fizičnih oseb, ki se lahko zaposlijo v določenem storitvenem sektorju ali ki jih ponudnik storitev lahko zaposli in ki so potrebne za, in neposredno povezane z zagotavljanjem določene storitve v obliki številčnih kvot ali zahteve po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb;

    (e) ukrepi, ki omejujejo ali zahtevajo posebne vrste pravnih oseb ali skupnih vlaganj, prek katerih lahko izvajalec storitev druge pogodbenice ponuja storitev; ali

    (f) omejitve glede udeležbe tujega kapitala v smislu omejitve največjega odstotka tujih delnic ali skupne vrednosti posamezne ali skupne tuje investicije.

    Člen 98

    Nacionalna obravnava

    1. V sektorjih, vpisanih v njeno Listo, in v skladu s pogoji in kvalifikacijami, ki so v njej določeni, vsaka pogodbenica zagotavlja storitvam in ponudnikom storitev druge pogodbenice obravnavo, ki v zvezi z vsemi ukrepi, ki vplivajo na ponujanje storitev ni manj ugodna od obravnave, ki jo zagotavlja svojim podobnim storitvam in ponudnikom storitev [7].

    2. Pogodbenica lahko izpolni zahtevo iz odstavka 1, tako da storitve in ponudnike storitev druge pogodbenice obravnava bodisi formalno enako bodisi formalno drugače kot obravnava podobne svoje storitve in ponudnike storitev.

    3. Formalno enaka ali formalno drugačna obravnava se šteje za manj ugodno, če spremeni konkurenčne pogoje v korist storitev ali ponudnikov storitev pogodbenice v primerjavi s storitvami ali ponudniki storitev druge pogodbenice.

    Člen 99

    Lista posebnih obvez

    1. Posebne obveze, ki jih vsaka pogodbenica prevzame po členih 97 in 98, so določene v listi, vključeni v Prilogo VII. V zvezi s sektorji, v katerih prevzame takšne obveze, vsaka lista določa:

    (a) pogoje in omejitve v zvezi z dostopom na trg;

    (b) pogoje in kvalifikacije v zvezi z nacionalno obravnavo;

    (c) obveznosti v zvezi z dodatnimi obvezami, omenjenimi v odstavku 3;

    (d) kjer je ustrezno, časovni okvir za izvajanje takšnih obvez in datum začetka veljavnosti takšnih obvez.

    2. Ukrepi, ki niso skladni s členoma 97 in 98, so vpisani v stolpec, ki se nanaša na člen 97. V tem primeru se šteje, da vpis zagotavlja pogoj ali kvalifikacijo tudi za člen 98.

    3. Če pogodbenica prevzame posebne obveze glede ukrepov, ki vplivajo na trgovino s storitvami, za katere ne velja razpored po členih 97 in 98, se takšne obveze v njeno listo vpišejo kot dodatne obveze.

    Člen 100


    1. Pogodbenici to poglavje pregledata tri leta po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma, da bi poglobili liberalizacijo in zmanjšali ali odpravili preostale omejitve na vzajemno koristni podlagi ter zagotovili splošno ravnovesje pravic in obveznosti.

    2. Pridružitveni odbor pregleda delovanje tega poglavja vsake tri leta po pregledu iz odstavka 1 in Pridružitvenemu svetu predloži ustrezne predloge.

    Člen 101

    Pretok fizičnih oseb

    Dve leti po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma pogodbenici pregledata pravila in pogoje, ki veljajo za pretok fizičnih oseb (način 4), da bi dosegli nadaljnjo liberalizacijo. Ta pregled lahko obravnava tudi revizijo opredelitve fizične osebe iz člena 96(g).

    Člen 102

    Domači predpisi

    1. V sektorjih, v katerih je pogodbenica prevzela obveze na svoji listi, in z namenom zagotovitve, da ukrepi, povezani z zahtevami in postopki izdajanja dovoljenj in certificiranja za ponudnike storitev druge pogodbenice, ne predstavljajo nepotrebne trgovinske ovire, si navedena pogodbenica prizadeva zagotoviti, da vsak tak ukrep:

    (a) temelji na objektivnih in preglednih merilih, kot sta med drugim zmožnost in sposobnost za zagotavljanje storitve;

    (b) trgovine ne omejuje bolj, kot je potrebno za zagotavljanje uresničevanja legitimnega cilja politike;

    (c) ne predstavlja prikritega omejevanja ponujanja storitve.

    2. Pravila iz odstavka 1 se lahko pregledajo v okviru postopka iz člena 100, da se upoštevajo pravila, dogovorjena po členu VI GATS, z namenom, da se vključijo v ta sporazum.

    3. Če pogodbenica priznava, enostransko ali po sporazumu, izobrazbo, izkušnje, dovoljenja ali potrdila, pridobljena na ozemlju tretje države, navedena pogodbenica drugi pogodbenici zagotovi ustrezno priložnost, da dokaže, da bi bilo treba priznati tudi izobrazbo, izkušnje, dovoljenja ali potrdila, pridobljena na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, ali da sklene sporazum ali dogovor s primerljivim učinkom.

    4. Pogodbenici se v rednih časovnih presledkih posvetujeta, da bi ugotovili, če je smotrno odpraviti vse preostale zahteve glede državljanstva ali stalnega bivanja za izdajo dovoljenj ali certificiranja za ponudnike storitev druge pogodbenice.

    Člen 103

    Vzajemno priznavanje

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da njeni pristojni organi v primernem časovnem obdobju po tem, ko ponudnik storitve druge pogodbenice vloži zahtevek za dovoljenje ali potrdilo:

    (a) če je zahtevek popoln, sprejmejo odločitev o zahtevku in o odločitvi obvestijo vlagatelja; ali

    (b) če zahtevek ni popoln, brez nepotrebnega odlašanja obvestijo vlagatelja o statusu zahtevka in o dodatnih informacijah, ki se zahtevajo po domači zakonodaji pogodbenice.

    2. Pogodbenici spodbujata ustrezne organe na svojih ozemljih, naj zagotovijo priporočila za vzajemno priznavanje, z namenom omogočanja ponudnikom storitev, da v celoti ali delno izpolnijo merila, ki v vsaki pogodbenici veljajo za odobritev, izdajo dovoljenj, akreditacijo, poslovanje in certificiranje ponudnikov storitev in zlasti strokovnih storitev.

    3. Pridružitveni odbor, v primernem času in ob upoštevanju ravni skladnosti zadevnih predpisov, odloči, ali je priporočilo, omenjeno v odstavku 2 skladno s tem poglavjem. Če je tako, se takšno priporočilo izvrši prek sporazuma o vzajemnem priznavanju zahtev, kvalifikacij, dovoljenj in drugih predpisov, ki se s pogajanji uskladijo med pristojnimi organi.

    4. Vsak tak sporazum je skladen z ustreznimi določbami Sporazuma WTO in zlasti člena VII GATS.

    5. Če se pogodbenici strinjata, vsaka pogodbenica spodbuja svoje ustrezne organe, da razvijajo postopke za začasno izdajanje dovoljenj ponudnikom strokovnih storitev druge pogodbenice.

    6. Pridružitveni odbor v rednih časovnih presledkih in vsaj enkrat na tri leta pregleda izvajanje tega člena.

    Člen 104

    Elektronsko poslovanje [8]

    Ker se pogodbenici zavedata, da uporaba elektronskih sredstev povečuje trgovinske priložnosti v mnogih sektorjih, se strinjata, da bosta spodbujali razvoj elektronskega poslovanja med seboj, zlasti prek sodelovanja v zvezi z dostopom na trg in regulativnimi vprašanji, ki jih poraja elektronsko poslovanje.

    Člen 105


    Vsaka pogodbenica se takoj odzove na vse zahteve druge pogodbenice po posebnih informacijah v zvezi s svojimi ukrepi, ki se splošno uporabljajo ali mednarodnimi sporazumi, ki spadajo pod to poglavje ali nanj vplivajo. Kontaktna točka, omenjena v členu 190, ponudnikom storitev druge pogodbenice na zahtevo zagotavlja posebne informacije o vseh takšnih zadevah. Ni nujno, da so kontaktne točke tudi depozitarji zakonov in predpisov.

    Oddelek 2

    Mednarodni pomorski prevoz

    Člen 106

    Področje uporabe

    1. Ne glede na člen 95(5) se določbe tega oddelka uporabljajo v zvezi z ladjarskimi družbami s sedežem zunaj Skupnosti ali Čila pod nadzorom državljanov države članice ali Čila, če so njihova plovila v skladu z njunimi zakonodajami registrirana v navedeni državi članici ali plujejo pod zastavo države članice ali Čila.

    2. Ta člen se uporablja za mednarodni pomorski prevoz, vključno s prevozom od vrat do vrat in intermodalnim prevozom, ki vključuje pomorski del prevozne verige.

    Člen 107


    V tem oddelku:

    (a) se "intermodalni prevoz" opredeli kot pravica do zagotavljanja prevoznih storitev od vrat do vrat za mednarodni tovor in v ta namen sklepati neposredne pogodbe s ponudniki drugih načinov prevoza;

    (b) "ponudniki mednarodnih pomorskih storitev" pokriva ponudnike storitev v zvezi z mednarodnim tovorom za pomorske storitve, storitvami pretovarjanja, shranjevanja in skladiščenja, storitvami carinjenja, storitvami kontejnerskih postaj in depojev, posredniškimi storitvami in špediterskimi storitvami.

    Člen 108

    Dostop na trg in nacionalna obravnava

    1. Glede na obstoječe ravni liberalizacije v mednarodnem pomorskem prevozu med pogodbenicama:

    (a) pogodbenici še naprej učinkovito uporabljata načelo neomejenega dostopa do mednarodnega pomorskega trga in prometa na tržni in nediskriminatorni podlagi;

    (b) vsaka pogodbenica ladjam, ki plujejo pod zastavo ali jih upravljajo ponudniki storitev druge pogodbenice, še naprej zagotavlja obravnavo, ki med drugim v zvezi dostopom do pristanišč, uporabo infrastrukture in pomožnih pomorskih storitev pristanišč ter glede s tem povezanimi pristojbinami in dajatvami, carinskimi objekti in dodelitvijo privezov ter naprav za nakladanje in razkladanje ni manj ugodna od obravnave, ki jo zagotavlja svojim lastnim ladjam.

    2. Pri uporabi načel iz odstavka 1 pogodbenici:

    (a) ne vključujeta klavzul o delitvi tovora v prihodnje dvostranske sporazume s tretjimi državami, razen v izrednih okoliščinah, ko bi prevozniki v linijskem prevozu po morju iz zadevne pogodbenice sicer ne imeli učinkovite možnosti za redno trgovsko linijo z zadevno tretjo državo;

    (b) prepovesta dogovore o delitvi tovora v prihodnjih dvostranskih sporazumih o trgovini s suhim in tekočim razsutim tovorom;

    (c) ob začetku veljavnosti tega Sporazuma odpravita vse enostranske ukrepe ter upravne, tehnične in druge ovire, ki bi lahko imele omejevalne ali diskriminatorne učinke na prosto ponujanje storitev v mednarodnem pomorskem prometu.

    3. Vsaka pogodbenica ponudnikom mednarodnih pomorskih storitev druge pogodbenice dovoli poslovno prisotnost na svojem ozemlju pod pogoji za ustanavljanje in poslovanje, ki niso manj ugodni od tistih, ki jih zagotavlja svojim ponudnikom storitev ali tistim iz tretje države, glede na to, kateri so ugodnejši, v skladu s pogoji, vpisanimi v njeno listo.

    Oddelek 3

    Telekomunikacijske storitve

    Člen 109


    V tem oddelku:

    (a) "telekomunikacijske storitve" pomeni prenos elektromagnetnih signalov – zvoka, podatkovnih slik in njihovih kombinacij, razen radiodifuzije [9]. Obveze iz tega oddelka torej ne zajemajo gospodarske dejavnosti, ki sestoji iz pripravljanja vsebine, katere za svoj prenos potrebujejo telekomunikacijske storitve. Za pripravo navedene vsebine, ki se prenaša prek telekomunikacijskih storitev, veljajo posebne obveze, ki jih pogodbenici prevzameta v drugih ustreznih sektorjih;

    (b) "regulativni organ" pomeni organ ali organe s kakršnimi koli regulativnimi nalogami, dodeljenimi v zvezi z zadevami, omenjenimi v tem oddelku;

    (c) "bistveni telekomunikacijski objekti" so objekti javne telekomunikacijske mreže in storitve, ki:

    (i) jih izključno ali pretežno zagotavlja en sam ponudnik ali omejeno število ponudnikov; in

    (ii) jih ni mogoče ekonomično ali tehnično nadomestiti, z namenom ponujanja storitev.

    Člen 110

    Regulativni organ

    1. Regulativni organi za telekomunikacijske storitve so ločeni od ponudnikov osnovnih telekomunikacijskih storitev in jim niso odgovorni.

    2. Sklepi in postopki, ki jih uporabljajo regulativni organi, so nepristranski v zvezi z vsemi udeleženci na trgu.

    3. Izvajalec, katerega zadeva sklep regulativnega organa, se ima na sklep pravico pritožiti.

    Člen 111

    Ponujanje storitev

    1. Če se zahteva dovoljenje, se pogoji za pridobitev dovoljenja objavijo, objavi pa se tudi časovno obdobje, ki je običajno potrebno za pridobitev odločitve v zvezi z zahtevkom za dovoljenje.

    2. Če je potrebno dovoljenje, se vlagatelja na njegovo zahtevo obvesti o razlogih za zavrnitev dovoljenja.

    Člen 112

    Večji ponudniki

    1. Večji ponudnik je ponudnik, ki lahko znatno vpliva na pogoje udeležbe glede cene in ponudbe na ustreznem trgu za osnovne telekomunikacijske storitve zaradi:

    (a) nadzora nad bistvenimi objekti; ali

    (b) uporabe svojega položaja na trgu.

    2. Ustrezni ukrepi se ohranijo, da se ponudnikom, ki so sami ali skupaj večji ponudniki, prepreči, da bi začeli opravljati protikonkurenčne prakse ali z njimi nadaljevali.

    3. Zgoraj omenjene protikonkurenčne prakse zlasti vključujejo:

    (a) opravljanje protikonkurenčnega navzkrižnega subvencioniranja;

    (b) uporabo informacij, pridobljenih od konkurentov, s protikonkurenčnimi posledicami; in

    (c) da se drugim ponudnikom storitev pravočasno ne zagotovi temeljnih tehničnih informacij o bistvenih objektih in komercialnih informacij, ki so potrebne za zagotavljanje storitev.

    Člen 113

    Medomrežno povezovanje

    1. Ta oddelek se nanaša na povezave med ponudniki, ki zagotavljajo javne telekomunikacijske mreže ali storitve, da bi uporabnikom enega ponudnika omogočili komunikacijo z uporabniki drugega ponudnika in dostop do storitev, ki jih zagotavlja drugi ponudnik.

    2. Medomrežno povezovanje z večjimi ponudniki se zagotovi na kateri koli tehnično možni točki v mreži. Takšno medomrežno povezovanje se zagotovi:

    (a) pod nediskriminatornimi pogoji (vključno s tehničnimi standardi in specifikacijami) in po stopnjah ter kvaliteti, ki nista manj ugodne od tistih, ki se zagotavlja podobnim lastnim storitvam ali podobnim storitvam neodvisnih ponudnikov storitev ali za njihovim podružnicam ali drugim odvisnim enotam;

    (b) pravočasno, pod pogoji (vključno s tehničnimi standardi in specifikacijami) in po stroškovno naravnavih stopnjah, ki so pregledne, razumne, upoštevajo ekonomsko smotrnost in so dovolj nepovezane, da ponudniku ni treba plačati za dele mreže ali objekte, ki niso potrebni za zagotavljanje storitve; in

    (c) na zahtevo, na točkah poleg omrežnih priključnih točk, ki so na voljo večini uporabnikov, za katere veljajo dajatve, ki odražajo stroške izgradnje potrebnih dodatnih objektov.

    3. Postopki, ki se uporabljajo za medomrežno povezovanje večjih ponudnikov, se objavijo.

    4. Večji ponudniki dajo sporazume o medomrežnem povezovanju na voljo ponudnikom storitev pogodbenic, da se zagotovi nediskriminacija in/ali vnaprej objavijo referenčne ponudbe o medomrežnih povezavah, razen če so že javno na voljo.

    Člen 114

    Omejena sredstva

    Vsi postopki za dodeljevanje in izrabo omejenih sredstev, vključno s frekvencami, številkami in pravicami poti, se izvajajo na objektiven, pravočasen, pregleden in nediskriminatoren način.

    Člen 115

    Univerzalna storitev

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica ima pravico opredeliti vrsto obveznosti univerzalne storitve, ki jo želi ohraniti.

    2. Določbe, ki urejajo univerzalno storitev, so pregledne, objektivne in nediskriminatorne. So tudi nevtralne v zvezi s konkurenco in niso bolj obremenjujoče, kot je potrebno.



    Člen 116

    Področje uporabe

    1. To poglavje se uporablja za ukrepe, ki jih sprejmeta ali ohranjata pogodbenici, in ki vplivajo na trgovino s finančnimi storitvami.

    2. V tem poglavju je trgovina s finančnimi storitvami opredeljena kot zagotavljanje finančne storitve na naslednje načine:

    (a) z ozemlja pogodbenice na ozemlju druge pogodbenice (način 1);

    (b) na ozemlju pogodbenice potrošniku finančne storitve druge pogodbenice (način 2);

    (c) s strani ponudnika finančne storitve pogodbenice s poslovno prisotnostjo na ozemlju druge pogodbenice (način 3);

    (d) s strani ponudnika finančne storitve pogodbenice s poslovno prisotnostjo fizičnih oseb na ozemlju druge pogodbenice (način 4).

    3. To poglavje v ničemer ne nalaga nobenih obveznosti v zvezi z vladnimi naročili, za katere velja naslov IV tega dela.

    4. Določbe tega poglavja se ne uporabljajo za subvencije, ki jih dodelita pogodbenici. Pogodbenici pregledata vprašanje pravil o subvencijah v zvezi s trgovino s finančnimi storitvami, da bi v ta sporazum vključili pravila, dogovorjena po členu XV GATS.

    5. To poglavje ne velja za:

    (i) dejavnosti, ki jih opravljajo centralne banke ali monetarna oblast ali drugi javni subjekti pri uresničevanju monetarne ali tečajne politike;

    (ii) dejavnosti, ki so del zakonskega sistema socialne varnosti ali javnega pokojninskega načrta; in

    (iii) druge dejavnosti, ki jih izvaja javni subjekt za račun ali s jamstvom ali z uporabo finančnih sredstev Vlade.

    6. Za namene odstavka 5, če pogodbenica dovoli, da katero od dejavnosti, omenjenih v odstavku 5(ii) ali (iii), izvajajo njeni izvajalci finančnih storitev v konkurenci z javnim subjektom ali ponudnikom finančne storitve, to poglavje velja za takšne dejavnosti.

    Člen 117


    V tem poglavju:

    1. "ukrep" pomeni sleherni ukrep pogodbenice, bodisi v obliki zakona, predpisa, pravila, postopka, sklepa, upravnega ukrepa bodisi v kateri koli drugi obliki;

    2. "ukrep, ki ga sprejme ali ohranja pogodbenica" pomeni ukrepe, ki jih sprejmejo:

    (i) centralne, regionalne ali lokalne vlade in oblasti; in

    (ii) nevladni organi pri izvajanju pooblastil, ki jim jih dodelijo centralne, regionalne ali lokalne vlade ali oblasti;

    3. "ponudnik finančne storitve" pomeni pravno ali fizično osebo, ki želi ponujati ali ponuja finančno storitev, vendar izraz "ponudnik finančne storitve" ne vključuje javnih subjektov;

    4. "javni subjekt" pomeni:

    (i) vlado, centralno banko ali monetarno oblast pogodbenice ali subjekt, ki je v lasti ali pod nadzorom pogodbenice, ki se pretežno ukvarja z izvajanjem vladnih funkcij ali dejavnosti za vladne namene, brez subjektov, ki se pretežno ukvarjajo z zagotavljanjem finančnih storitev pod komercialnimi pogoji; ali

    (ii) zasebni subjekt, ki izvaja dejavnosti, katere običajno izvaja centralna banka ali monetarna oblast, kadar izvaja te naloge;

    5. "poslovna prisotnost" pomeni katero koli vrsto poslovne ali strokovne organiziranosti, vključno z:

    (i) ustanovitvijo, pridobitvijo ali vzdrževanjem pravne osebe; ali

    (ii) ustanovitvijo ali vzdrževanjem podružnice ali predstavništva,

    na ozemlju pogodbenice z namenom ponujanja finančnih storitev;

    6. "pravna oseba" pomeni vsako pravno osebo, ki se pravilno ustanovi ali drugače organizira v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni, zaradi dobička ali drugače, v zasebni lasti ali v vladni lasti, vključno z družbo, trustom, partnerstvom, skupnim vlaganjem, samostojnim podjetnikom ali združenjem;

    7. "pravna oseba pogodbenice" pomeni pravno osebo, ustanovljeno ali drugače organizirano po zakonodaji Skupnosti ali njenih držav članic ali Čila.

    Če ima takšna pravna oseba na ozemlju Skupnosti ali Čila samo registriran sedež ali osrednjo upravo, se ne šteje za pravo osebo Skupnosti ali Čila, razen če opravlja bistvene poslovne dejavnosti na ozemlju Skupnosti ali Čila;

    8. "fizična oseba" je državljan katere od držav članic ali Čila, v skladu z njihovo zakonodajo;

    9. "finančna storitev" je vsaka storitev finančne narave, ki jo ponudi ponudnik finančne storitve pogodbenice. Finančne storitve zajemajo naslednje dejavnosti:

    Vse zavarovalniške in z zavarovanjem povezane storitve

    (i) neposredno zavarovanje (vključno s sozavarovanjem):

    (A) življenjsko;

    (B) premoženjsko;

    (ii) pozavarovanje in retrocesijo;

    (iii) posredovanje zavarovanja, kot je borzno posredništvo in zastopništvo;

    (iv) pomožne zavarovalne storitve, kot so svetovanje, aktuarske storitve, ocenjevanje tveganja in likvidacija škod;

    Bančne in druge finančne storitve (razen zavarovanja)

    (v) sprejemanje depozitov in drugih vračljivih sredstev od javnosti;

    (vi) vse vrste posojil, kar vključuje potrošniška posojila, hipotekarna posojila, faktoring in financiranje trgovinskega poslovanja;

    (vii) finančni lizing;

    (viii) opravljanje vseh storitev plačilnega prometa in prenosa denarja, vključno s kreditnimi, plačilnimi in bančnimi plačilnimi karticami, potovalnimi čeki in bančnimi menicami;

    (ix) garancije in obveze;

    (x) trgovanje za lastni račun ali za račun strank, bodisi na borzi, na trgu OTC ali drugače, z naslednjim:

    (A) instrumenti denarnega trga, vključno s čeki, menicami, potrdili o depozitu;

    (B) tujo valuto;

    (C) izvedenimi finančnimi instrumenti, med drugim s standardiziranimi terminskimi pogodbami in opcijami;

    (D) instrumenti menjalnih tečajev in obrestnih mer, vključno s produkti, kot so swap posli, nestandardiziranimi terminskimi pogodbami;

    (E) prenosljivimi vrednostnimi papirji;

    (F) drugimi prenosljivimi vrednostnimi papirji in finančnimi sredstvi, zlasti zlatom ali srebrom v palicah;

    (xi) sodelovanje pri izdajanju vseh vrst vrednostnih papirjev, vključno z zajamčenim prevzemom in plasiranjem kot (javni ali zasebni) posrednik, ter opravljanje storitev, povezanih s takšnimi izdajami;

    (xii) denarno posredniški posli;

    (xiii) upravljanje premoženja, kot na primer upravljanje gotovine ali portfelja, vse oblike upravljanja skupnih investicij, upravljanje pokojninskih skladov, depotne in skrbniške storitve ter storitve upravljanja skladov;

    (xiv) storitve poravnav in obračunov finančnih sredstev, vključno z vrednostnimi papirji, izvedenimi produkti in drugimi prenosnimi instrumenti;

    (xv) ponujanje in posredovanje finančnih informacij, obdelave finančnih podatkov in z njimi povezane programske opreme s strani izvajalcev drugih finančnih storitev;

    (xvi) svetovalnje posredovanje in druge pomožne finančne storitve za vse dejavnosti, navedene v pododstavkih od (v) do (xv), vključno z bonitetnimi podatki in analizo, raziskavami in svetovanjem glede naložb in portfelja, svetovanje pri nakupih ter prestrukturiranju in strategiji podjetij;

    10. "nova finančna storitev" pomeni storitev finančne narave, vključno s storitvami, povezanimi z obstoječimi in novimi izdelki ali načini, na katere se izdelek dobavi, ki je ne zagotavlja noben ponudnik finančnih storitev na ozemlju pogodbenice, temveč se opravlja na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.

    Člen 118

    Dostop na trg

    1. V zvezi z dostopom na trg prek načinov zagotavljanja storitev, opisanih v členu 116, vsaka pogodbenica zagotavlja finančnim storitvam in ponudnikom finančnih storitev druge pogodbenice obravnavo, ki ni manj ugodna od obravnave, ki je predvodena s pogoji in omejitvami, ki so dogovorjeni in določeni v njenem Razporedu, omenjenem v členu 120.

    2. V sektorjih, v katerih pogodbenica sprejme obveze v zvezi z dostopom na trg, so ukrepi, ki jih pogodbenica ne ohranja ali sprejme bodisi na podlagi regionalne podrazdelitve bodisi na podlagi njenega celotnega ozemlja, razen če v njeni listi ni drugače določeno, opredeljeni kot:

    (a) omejitve glede števila ponudnikov finančnih storitev v obliki številčnih kvot, monopolov, izključnih ponudnikov storitev ali zahteve po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb;

    (b) omejitve glede skupne vrednosti števila poslov s finančnimi storitvami ali premoženja v obliki številčnih kvot ali zahteve po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb;

    (c) omejitve glede skupnega števila poslov finančnih storitev ali skupne količine opravljenih storitev, izraženega v določenih številčnih enotah v obliki kvot ali zahteve po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb [10];

    (d) omejitve glede skupnega števila fizičnih oseb, ki se lahko zaposlijo v določenem finančnem storitvenem sektorju ali ki jih ponudnik finančnih storitev lahko zaposli in ki so potrebne za, in neposredno povezane z zagotavljanjem določene finančne storitve v obliki številčnih kvot ali zahteve po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb;

    (e) ukrepi, ki omejujejo ali zahtevajo posebne vrste pravnih oseb ali skupnih vlaganj, prek katerih lahko izvajalec finančnih storitev druge pogodbenice ponuja finančno storitev; ali

    (f) omejitve glede udeležbe tujega kapitala v smislu omejitve največjega odstotka tujih delnic ali skupne vrednosti posamezne ali skupne tuje investicije.

    Člen 119

    Nacionalna obravnava

    1. V sektorjih, vpisanih v njeno listo in v skladu s pogoji in kvalifikacijami, ki so v njej določeni, vsaka pogodbenica zagotavlja finančnim storitvam in ponudnikom finančnih storitev druge pogodbenice obravnavo, ki v zvezi z vsemi ukrepi, ki vplivajo na zagotavljanje finančnih storitev ni manj ugodna od obravnave, ki jo zagotavlja svojim podobnim storitvam in ponudnikom finančnih storitev [11].

    2. Pogodbenica lahko izpolni zahtevo iz odstavka 1, tako da finančne storitve in ponudnike finančnih storitev druge pogodbenice obravnava bodisi formalno enako bodisi formalno drugače kot obravnava podobne svoje finančne storitve in ponudnike finančnih storitev.

    3. Formalno enaka ali formalno drugačna obravnava se šteje za manj ugodno, če spremeni konkurenčne pogoje v korist finančnih storitev ali ponudnikov finančnih storitev pogodbenice v primerjavi s finančnimi storitvami ali ponudniki finančnih storitev druge pogodbenice.

    Člen 120

    Lista posebnih obvez

    1. Posebne obveze, ki jih vsaka pogodbenica prevzame po členih 118 in 119, so določene v Listi, vključeni v Prilogo VIII. V zvezi s sektorji, v katerih prevzame takšne obveze, vsaka lista določa:

    (a) pogoje in omejitve v zvezi z dostopom na trg;

    (b) pogoje in kvalifikacije v zvezi z nacionalno obravnavo;

    (c) obveznosti v zvezi z dodatnimi obvezami, omenjenimi v odstavku 3;

    (d) kjer je ustrezno, časovni okvir za izvajanje takšnih obvez in datum začetka veljavnosti takšnih obvez.

    2. Ukrepi, ki niso skladni s členoma 118 in 119, so vpisani v stolpec, ki se nanaša na člen 118. V tem primeru se šteje, da vpis zagotavlja pogoj ali kvalifikacijo tudi za člen 119.

    3. Če pogodbenica prevzame posebne obveze glede ukrepov, ki vplivajo na trgovino s finančnimi storitvami, za katere ne velja razpored po členih 118 in 119, se takšne obveze v njeno listo vpišejo kot dodatne obveze.

    Člen 121

    Nove finančne storitve

    1. Pogodbenica ponudnikom finančnih storitev druge pogodbenice, ki imajo sedež na njenem ozemlju, dovoli, da na njenem ozemlju ponujajo nove finančne storitve v okviru podsektorjev in finančnih storitev, za katere je sprejela obveze na svoji listi, in za katere veljajo pogoji, omejitve in kvalifikacije, določene na listi, pod pogojem, da uvedba te nove finančne storitve ne zahteva novega zakona ali spremembe obstoječega zakona.

    2. Pogodbenica lahko določi pravno obliko, prek katere se storitev lahko zagotavlja, in lahko zahteva dovoljenje za zagotavljanje finančne storitve. Če se zahteva takšno dovoljenje, se odločitev o tem sprejme v primernem času in dovoljenje se lahko zavrne samo iz bonitetnih razlogov.

    Člen 122

    Obdelava podatkov v sektorju finančnih storitev

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica ponudniku finančne storitve druge pogodbenice dovoli prenos informacij v elektronski ali drugi obliki z njenega ozemlja in na njeno ozemlje za obdelavo podatkov, če je takšna obdelava potrebna za normalno poslovanje takšnega ponudnika finančne storitve.

    2. Če informacije, omenjene v odstavku 1, sestavljajo osebni podatki ali so vanje vključeni, prenos takšnih podatkov z ozemlja ene pogodbenice na ozemlje druge pogodbenice poteka v skladu z domačo zakonodajo, ki ureja zaščito posameznikov v zvezi s prenašanjem in obdelavo osebnih podatkov, pogodbenice, z ozemlja katere se informacije prenašajo.

    Člen 123

    Učinkovita in pregledna ureditev v sektorju finančnih storitev

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica do najvišje možne mere vse zainteresirane vnaprej obvesti o vseh ukrepih, ki se splošno uporabljajo, ki jih pogodbenica predlaga za sprejetje, da takšnim ljudem ponudi priložnost komentirati ukrepe. O takšnem ukrepu se sporoči:

    (a) z uradno objavo; ali

    (b) v drugačni pisni ali elektronski obliki.

    2. Ustrezni finančni organ vsake pogodbenice vsem zainteresiranim da na voljo svoje zahteve za izpolnjevanje zahtevkov, povezanih s ponujanjem finančnih storitev.

    3. Na zahtevo vlagatelja ustrezni finančni organ vlagatelja obvesti o statusu njegove vloge. Če organ od vlagatelja zahteva dodatne informacije, ga o tem brez odlašanja obvesti.

    4. Vsaka pogodbenica si po najboljših močeh prizadeva na svojem ozemlju izvajati in uporabljati mednarodno sprejete standarde za urejanje in nadzor v sektorju finančnih storitev in za bolj proti pranju denarja. V ta namen pogodbenici sodelujeta in si izmenjujeta informacije in izkušnje v okviru Posebnega odbora za finančne storitve, omenjenega v členu 127.

    Člen 124

    Zaupne informacije

    Nobena določba v tem poglavju:

    (a) od nobene pogodbenice ne zahteva, da zagotovi zaupne informacije, razkritje katerih bi oviralo kazenski pregon ali bilo kako drugače v navzkrižju z javnim interesom, ali ki bi škodovalo legitimnim komercialnim interesom določenih podjetij, javnih ali zasebnih;

    (b) pogodbenici ne nalaga dolžnosti, da razkrije informacije, ki se nanašajo na finančne zadeve in račune posameznih strank ponudnikov finančne storitve, ali katere koli zaupne ali zaščitene informacije, s katerimi razpolagajo javni subjekti.

    Člen 125

    Bonitetna izjema

    1. Nobena določba v tem poglavju pogodbenici ne preprečuje, da bi sprejela ali ohranila primerne ukrepe iz bonitetnih razlogov, kot so:

    (a) zaščita investitorjev, vlagateljev, udeležencev na finančnem trgu, imetnikov zavarovalnih polic ali oseb, ki so v fiduciarnem razmerju s ponudnikom finančnih storitev;

    (b) ohranjanje varnosti, solidnosti, neoporečnosti ali finančne odgovornosti ponudnikov finančnih storitev; in

    (c) zagotavljanje neoporečnosti in stabilnosti finančnega sistema pogodbenice.

    2. Če takšni ukrepi niso v skladu z določbami tega poglavja, se ne smejo uporabiti kot sredstvo pogodbenice za izogibanje obvezam ali obveznostim po tem poglavju.

    Člen 126


    1. Pogodbenica lahko priznava bonitetne ukrepe druge pogodbenice pri določanju, kako se uporabljajo ukrepi pogodbenice, povezani s finančnimi storitvami. Takšno priznavanje, ki se lahko doseže z usklajevanjem ali drugače, lahko temelji na sporazumu ali dogovoru ali pa se izrazi avtonomno.

    2. Pogodbenica, ki je pogodbenica sporazuma ali dogovora s tretjo pogodbenico, kakršni so omenjeni v odstavku 1, bodisi prihodnjega bodisi obstoječega, drugi pogodbenici zagotovi ustrezno priložnost za pogajanja o svojem pristopu k takšnim sporazumom ali dogovorom, ali da s pogajanji uskladi podobne dogovore v okoliščinah, ki omogočajo enakovredno urejanje, nadzor, izvajanje takšne regulative in, če je ustrezno, postopke o delitvi informacij med pogodbenicami sporazuma ali dogovora. Če se pogodbenica avtonomno odloči za priznavanje, drugi pogodbenici zagotovi ustrezno priložnost, da dokaže, da takšne okoliščine obstajajo.

    Člen 127

    Posebni odbor za finančne storitve

    1. Pogodbenici ustanovita Posebni odbor za finančne storitve. Posebni odbor sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic. Glavni predstavnik vsake pogodbenice je uradnik organa pogodbenice, odgovornega za finančne storitve, ki je določen v Prilogi IX.

    2. Naloge Posebnega odbora vključujejo:

    (a) nadzor nad izvajanjem tega poglavja;

    (b) preučevanje vprašanj v zvezi s finančnimi storitvami, ki jih nanj naslovi pogodbenica.

    3. Posebni odbor se sestane na zahtevo ene od pogodbenic na datum in z dnevnim redom, o katerih se pogodbenici sporazumeta vnaprej. Funkcijo predsedujočega opravljata pogodbenici izmenično. Posebni odbor poroča Pridružitvenemu odboru o rezultatih svojih sestankov.

    4. Tri leta po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma Posebni odbor za finančne storitve preuči ukrepe, ki bi lahko olajšali in razširili trgovino s finančnimi storitvami in nadalje prispevali k ciljem tega sporazuma, ter o tem poroča Pridružitvenemu odboru.

    Člen 128


    1. Pogodbenica lahko zahteva posvetovanja z drugo pogodbenico v zvezi z vsemi zadevami iz tega poglavja. Druga pogodbenica z razumevanjem preuči zahtevo. Pogodbenici o rezultatih posvetovanj poročata Posebnemu odboru za finančne storitve.

    2. Posvetovanja po tem členu vključujejo uradnike organov, določenih v Prilogi IX.

    3. Nič v tem členu finančnim organom, ki sodelujejo na posvetovanjih, ne nalaga dolžnosti, da razkrijejo informacije ali sprejmejo kakršen koli ukrep, ki bi posegal v individualne regulativne, nadzorne in upravne zadeve ali zadeve kazenskega pregona.

    4. Če finančni organ pogodbenice za nadzorne namene zahteva informacije o izvajalcu finančnih storitev na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, lahko tak finančni organ stopi v stik s pristojnim finančnim organom na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, da pridobi informacije. Za zagotavljanje takšnih informacij lahko veljajo pogoji in omejitve iz ustrezne zakonodaje druge pogodbenice ali zahteva po predhodnem sporazumu ali dogovoru med ustreznimi finančnimi organi.

    Člen 129

    Posebne določbe o reševanju sporov

    1. Če ni v tem členu drugače predvideno, se vsi spori iz tega poglavja rešujejo v skladu z določbami naslova VIII.

    2. Za namene člena 184 se posvetovanja, organizirana po členu 128, štejejo za posvetovanja, omenjena v členu 183, razen če se pogodbenici odločita drugače. Po začetku posvetovanj pogodbenici zagotovita informacije, ki omogočajo preučevanje, kako lahko ukrep pogodbenice ali katera koli druga zadeva vpliva na delovanje in uporabo tega poglavja, in med posvetovanji vse izmenjane informacije obravnavata kot zaupne. Če se zadeva ne razreši v 45 dneh po posvetovanjih iz člena 128 ali v 90 dneh po vložitvi zahtevka za posvetovanja iz člena 128(1), odvisno od tega, kaj nastopi prej, lahko pogodbenica pritožnica, v pisni obliki zahteva, da se določi arbitražni senat. Pogodbenici o rezultatih posvetovanj poročata neposredno Pridružitvenemu odboru.

    3. Za namene člena 185:

    (a) je predsedujoči arbitražnega senata finančni izvedenec;

    (b) Pridružitveni odbor največ šest mesecev po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma določi seznam vsaj petih posameznikov, ki niso državljani nobene od pogodbenic, in ki so pripravljeni in sposobni biti razsodniki in biti imenovani za predsedujoče arbitražnih senatov pri finančnih storitvah. Pridružitveni odbor zagotovi, da seznam vedno in v vsakem trenutku vsebuje pet posameznikov. Ti posamezniki imajo znanje in izkušnje v zvezi z zakonodajo ali prakso finančnih storitev, ki lahko vključuje regulativo finančnih ustanov, so samostojni, delujejo v svoji individualni pristojnosti in niso povezani z nobeno pogodbenico ali organizacijo ter od njih ne dobivajo navodil, in ravnajo v skladu z etičnim kodeksom, določenim v Prilogi XVI. Seznam se lahko spremeni vsake tri leta;

    (c) v treh dneh od zahtevka za določitev arbitražnega sveta predsedujoči Pridružitvenega odbora z žrebom izbere predsedujočega arbitražnega senata s seznama, omenjenega v odstavku (b). Druga dva razsodnika arbitražnega senata z žrebom izbere predsedujoči Pridružitvenega odbora s seznama, omenjenega v členu 185(2), enega izmed tistih posameznikov, ki jih je Pridružitvenemu odboru priporočila pogodbenica, ki ima pritožbo, drugega pa izmed tistih, ki jih je Pridružitvenemu odboru priporočila pogodbenica, zoper katero je vložena pritožba.



    Člen 130

    Področje uporabe

    To poglavje se uporablja za pravico do ustanavljanja v vseh sektorjih razen vseh storitvenih sektorjev, vključno s sektorjem finančnih storitev.

    Člen 131


    V tem poglavju:

    (a) "pravna oseba" pomeni vsako pravno osebo, ki se pravilno ustanovi ali drugače organizira v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni, zaradi dobička ali drugače, v zasebni lasti ali v vladni lasti, vključno z družbo, trustom, partnerstvom, skupnim vlaganjem, samostojnim podjetnikom ali združenjem;

    (b) "pravna oseba pogodbenice" pomeni pravno osebo, ustanovljeno ali drugače organizirano po zakonodaji Skupnosti ali njenih držav članic ali Čila.

    Če ima takšna pravna oseba na ozemlju Skupnosti ali Čila samo registriran sedež ali osrednjo upravo, se ne šteje za pravno osebo Skupnosti ali Čila, razen če opravlja bistvene poslovne dejavnosti na ozemlju Skupnosti ali Čila;

    (c) "fizična oseba" je državljan katere od držav članic ali Čila, v skladu z njihovo zakonodajo;

    (d) "pravica do ustanavljanja" pomeni:

    (i) ustanovitev, pridobitev ali vzdrževanje pravne osebe; ali

    (ii) ustanovitev ali vzdrževanje podružnice ali predstavništva,

    na ozemlju pogodbenice z namenom izvajanja gospodarske dejavnosti.

    V zvezi s fizičnimi osebami se ta pravica ne razširi na iskanje ali sprejem zaposlitve na trgu delovne sile ali dodelitev pravice do dostopa na trg delovne sile pogodbenice.

    Člen 132

    Nacionalna obravnava

    V sektorjih, vpisanih v Prilogo X, in v skladu s pogoji in kvalifikacijami, ki so v njej določeni, vsaka pogodbenica pravnim in fizičnim osebam druge pogodbenice zagotovi obravnavo, ki v zvezi s pravico do ustanavljanja ni manj ugodna od tiste, ki jo zagotavlja svojim pravnim in fizičnim osebam, ki izvajajo podobno gospodarsko dejavnost.

    Člen 133

    Pravica do urejanja

    V skladu z določbami člena 132 lahko vsaka pogodbenica ureja pravico do ustanavljanja pravnih in fizičnih oseb.

    Člen 134

    Končne določbe

    1. V zvezi s tem poglavjem obe pogodbenici potrjujeta svoje pravice in obveznosti, ki obstajajo po dvostranskih ali večstranskih sporazumih, katerih pogodbenici sta.

    2. Zaradi postopne liberalizacije investicijskih pogojev pogodbenici potrjujeta svojo obvezo, da bosta pregledali pravni investicijski okvir, investicijsko okolje in pretok investicij med njima, v skladu s svojimi obvezami v mednarodnih investicijskih sporazumih, najkasneje v treh letih po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma.



    Člen 135


    1. Ob upoštevanju zahteve, da se takšni ukrepi ne uporabljajo na način, ki bi pomenil sredstvo za samovoljno ali neupravičeno diskriminacijo med pogodbenicama, če prevladajo podobni pogoji, ali prikrito omejevanje trgovine s storitvami, finančnimi storitvami ali pravico do ustanavljanja med pogodbenicama, ta naslov pogodbenicama v ničemer ne preprečuje, da sprejmeta ali uveljavita ukrepe, ki:

    (a) so potrebni za zaščito javne morale ali ohranjanje javnega miru in javne varnosti;

    (b) so potrebni za zaščito življenja ali zdravja ljudi, živali ali rastlin;

    (c) so povezani z ohranjanjem neobnovljivih naravnih virov, če se takšni ukrepi uveljavijo v povezavi z omejevanjem domače proizvodnje ali potrošnje storitev ali domačih investicij;

    (d) so potrebni za zaščito narodnega bogastva umetniške, zgodovinske ali arheološke vrednosti;

    (e) so potrebni za zagotavljanje skladnosti z zakoni ali predpisi, ki niso neskladni z določbami tega naslova, vključno s tistimi, ki se nanašajo na:

    (i) preprečevanje prevar ali goljufij ali ukrepanje ob učinkih zamud pri plačilih po storitvenih pogodbah;

    (ii) varovanje zasebnosti posameznikov v zvezi z obdelavo in razširjanjem osebnih podatkov in varovanje zaupnosti dokumentacije in računov posameznikov; ali

    (iii) varnost.

    2. Določbe tega naslova se ne uporabljajo za sisteme socialne varnosti pogodbenic ali za dejavnosti na ozemlju vsake pogodbenice, ki so povezane, pa čeprav občasno, z izvajanjem javne oblasti.

    3. Nobena določba v tem naslovu pogodbenicama ne preprečujejo uporabe svojih zakonov, predpisov in drugih zahtev v zvezi z vstopom v državo in bivanjem v njej, zaposlitvijo, delovnimi pogoji in ustanavljanjem podjetij, ki jih ustanovijo fizične osebe [12], pod pogojem, da jih pogodbenici uporabljata tako, da z uporabo ne bi izničili ali omejili koristi, ki za pogodbenici izhajajo iz posamezne določbe tega naslova.



    Člen 136


    V skladu z določbami tega naslova pogodbenici zagotovita učinkovito in vzajemno odpiranje svojih trgov za vladna naročila.

    Člen 137

    Področje in obseg uporabe

    1. Ta naslov se uporablja za zakone, predpise, postopke ali prakse, povezane z naročili blaga in storitev, vključno z deli, za katere veljajo pogoji, ki jih vsaka pogodbenica določi v prilogah XI, XII in XIII, in ki jih izvajajo subjekti pogodbenic.

    2. Ta naslov se ne uporablja za:

    (a) pogodbe, dodeljene na podlagi:

    (i) mednarodnega sporazuma in so namenjene za skupno izvajanje ali izkoriščanje projekta s strani pogodbenic;

    (ii) mednarodnega sporazuma, ki je povezan s stacioniranjem čet; in

    (iii) posebnega postopka mednarodne organizacije;

    (b) nepogodbenih dogovorov ali kakršne koli oblike vladne pomoči in naročil, opravljenih v okviru programov o pomoči ali sodelovanju;

    (c) pogodb o:

    (i) nakupu ali najemu zemljišč, obstoječih zgradb ali drugega nepremičnega premoženja ali v zvezi s temi pravicami;

    (ii) nakupu, razvoju, produkciji ali koprodukciji programskega materiala s strani radijskih ali televizijskih postaj in pogodb o zakupu časa oddajanja;

    (iii) arbitraži in storitvah v spravnem postopku;

    (iv) zaposlitvi; in

    (v) storitvah s področja raziskav in razvoja, razen tistih, ki koristijo izključno subjektu za njegovo uporabo pri opravljanju svojih dejavnosti, pod pogojem, da subjekt v celoti plača storitev; in

    (d) finančnih storitvah.

    3. Za koncesije za javna gradbena dela, kot so opredeljene v členu 138(i), tudi velja ta naslov, kot je določeno v prilogah XI, XII in XIII.

    4. Nobena pogodbenica ne sme pripraviti, oblikovati ali kako drugače strukturirati nobene pogodbe o javnih naročilih, da bi se izognila obveznostim po tem naslovu.

    Člen 138


    V tem naslovu se uporabljajo naslednje opredelitve:

    (a) "vladna naročila" so kakršna koli vrsta naročanja blaga, storitev ali kombinacije blaga in storitev, vključno z deli, ki jih izvajajo javni subjekti pogodbenic, za vladne namene, in ne z namenom komercialne preprodaje ali z namenom uporabe v proizvodnji blaga ali zagotavljanja storitev za komercialno prodajo, razen če ni drugače določeno. Vključujejo naročila po metodah, kot so nakup ali zakup, ali najem ali najemni nakup, z nakupno pravico ali brez nje;

    (b) "subjekti" so javni subjekti pogodbenic, kot so subjekti centralne, subcentralne ali lokalne vlade, občine, javna podjetja in vsi drugi subjekti, ki naročajo v skladu z določbami tega naslova, kot je določeno v prilogah XI, XII in XIII;

    (c) "javna podjetja" so podjetja, v katerih lahko imajo javne oblasti neposredno ali posredno prevladujoč vpliv zaradi svojega lastništva, svoje finančne udeležbe v njih ali pravil, ki jih urejajo. Šteje se, da imajo javne oblasti prevladujoč vpliv, kadar te oblasti neposredno ali posredno v razmerju do podjetja:

    (i) imajo v lasti večino vpisanega kapitala podjetja;

    (ii) nadzirajo večino glasov, vezanih na delnice, ki ji izda podjetje; ali

    (iii) lahko imenujejo več kot polovico članov upravnih, vodstvenih ali nadzornih teles podjetja;

    (d) "ponudnik pogodbenic" je fizična ali pravna oseba ali skupina takšnih oseb pogodbenice in/ali organov pogodbenice, ki lahko zagotovi blago, storitve ali izvedbo gradbenih del. Izraz enakovredno pokriva ponudnika blaga ali storitev ali izvajalca gradbenih del;

    (e) "pravna oseba" pomeni vsako pravno osebo, ki se pravilno ustanovi ali drugače organizira v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni, zaradi dobička ali drugače, v zasebni lasti ali v vladni lasti, vključno z družbo, trustom, partnerstvom, skupnim vlaganjem, samostojnim podjetnikom ali združenjem;

    (f) "pravna oseba pogodbenice" pomeni pravno osebo, ustanovljeno ali drugače organizirano po zakonodaji Skupnosti ali njenih držav članic ali Čila;

    Če ima takšna pravna oseba na ozemlju Skupnosti ali Čila samo registriran sedež ali osrednjo upravo, se ne šteje za pravno osebo Skupnosti ali Čila, razen če izvaja bistvene poslovne dejavnosti na ozemlju Skupnosti ali Čila;

    (g) "fizična oseba" je državljan katere od držav članic ali Čila, v skladu z njihovo zakonodajo;

    (h) "ponudnik" je ponudnik ali izvajalec, ki je predložil ponudbo;

    (i) "koncesije za javne gradnje" so pogodbe enake vrste kot pogodbe za javna naročila gradenj, razen da je plačilo za gradnje, ki bodo opravljene, bodisi izključno pravica do izkoriščanja gradnje ali ta pravica skupaj s plačilom;

    (j) "kompenzacije" so tisti pogoji, ki jih subjekt postavi ali o njih razmišlja pred ali med svojim postopkom naročanja, ki spodbujajo lokalni napredek ali izboljšajo račune plačilne bilance pogodbenice zaradi zahtev po lokalni vsebini, licenciranju tehnologije, investicijah, protidobavah in podobnih zahtev;

    (k) "v pisni obliki ali pisno" pomeni informacije, izražene z besedami, številkami ali drugimi simboli, vključno z elektronskimi sredstvi, ki jih je mogoče prebrati, reproducirati in shraniti;

    (l) "tehnične specifikacije" so specifikacije, ki določajo značilnosti blaga ali storitev, ki bodo naročene, kot so kakovost, zmogljivost, varnost in dimenzije, simboli, terminologija, pakiranje, označevanje in etiketiranje, ali procese in metode za njihovo proizvodnjo in zahteve, povezane s postopki ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki jih predpišejo subjekti;

    (m) "privatizacija" pomeni postopek, s katerim se vladni nadzor nad subjektom učinkovito odpravi in se prenese v zasebni sektor;

    (n) "liberalizacija" pomeni proces, zaradi katerega subjekt ne uživa nobenih izključnih ali posebnih pravic in ni izključno vpleten v zagotavljanje blaga ali storitev na trgih, na katerih velja učinkovita konkurenca.

    Člen 139

    Nacionalna obravnava in nediskriminacija

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da naročila ki jih opravijo njeni subjekti in ki jih pokriva ta naslov, potekajo na pregleden, razumen in nediskriminatoren način, pri čemer se vsakega ponudnika katere koli pogodbenice obravnava enako in se spoštuje načelo odprte in učinkovite konkurence.

    2. V zvezi z zakoni, predpisi, postopki in praksami, povezanimi z vladnimi naročili, ki jih pokriva ta naslov, pogodbenici blagu, storitvam in ponudnikom druge pogodbenice zagotavljata obravnavo, ki ni manj ugodna od obravnave, ki jo zagotavljata svojemu domačemu blagu, storitvam in ponudnikom.

    3. V zvezi z zakoni, predpisi, postopki in praksami, povezanimi z vladnimi naročili, ki jih pokriva ta naslov, vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi:

    (a) da njeni subjekti lokalnega ponudnika ne obravnavajo manj ugodno kot drugega lokalnega ponudnika na podlagi stopnje povezave s tujino ali dejstva, da je v lasti osebe druge pogodbenice; in

    (b) da njeni subjekti ne diskriminirajo lokalnega ponudnika na podlagi dejstva, da so blago ali storitve, ki jih ponuja navedeni ponudnik za določeno naročilo, blago ali storitve druge pogodbenice.

    4. Ta člen se ne uporablja za ukrepe, povezane s carinami ali drugimi dajatvami, ki se naložijo pri uvozu ali v zvezi z uvozom, načinom pobiranja takšnih carin ali dajatev, drugimi uvoznimi predpisi, vključno z omejitvami in formalnostmi, kot tudi ne za ukrepe, ki vplivajo na trgovino s storitvami, razen tistih, ki specifično urejajo nabavo, ki jo pokriva ta naslov.

    Člen 140

    Prepoved kompenzacij in nacionalnih preferencialov

    Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da njeni subjekti pri kvalifikaciji in izbiri ponudnikov, blaga ali storitev pri vrednotenju ponudb ali pri dodeljevanju pogodb ne razmišljajo o, ponujajo ali nalagajo kompenzacij ali pogojev, povezanih z nacionalnimi preferenciali, kot so marže, ki omogočajo cenovne preferenciale.

    Člen 141

    Pravila vrednotenja

    1. Subjekti ne razdeljujejo naročil in ne uporabljajo nobene druge metode vrednotenja pogodb z namenom, da bi se izognili uporabi tega naslova, pri ugotavljanju, ali pogodbo pokrivajo pravila iz tega naslova, v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v prilogah XI in XII, dodatki 1 do 3.

    2. Pri izračunavanju vrednosti pogodbe subjekt upošteva vse oblike plačil, kot so premije, pristojbine, provizije in obresti, kot tudi največji dovoljeni skupni znesek, vključno z izbirnimi klavzulami, ki jih predvideva pogodba.

    3. Če zaradi narave pogodbe ni mogoče vnaprej izračunati njene natančne vrednosti, subjekti to vrednost ocenijo na podlagi objektivnih meril.

    Člen 142


    1. Vsaka pogodbenica takoj objavi vse zakone, predpise, sodne ali upravne odločbe, ki se splošno uporabljajo ter postopke, vključno s standardnimi pogodbenimi klavzulami, ki so povezani z naročili, ki jih pokriva ta naslov, v ustreznih publikacijah, omenjenih v Prilogi XIII, Dodatek 2, vključno z uradno določenimi elektronskimi mediji.

    2. Vsaka pogodbenica na enak način takoj objavi vse spremembe takšnih ukrepov.

    Člen 143

    Razpisni postopki

    1. Subjekti svoja javna naročila dodeljujejo po odprtih ali selektivnih razpisnih postopkih v skladu z nacionalnimi postopki, v skladu s tem naslovom in na nediskriminatoren način.

    2. V tem naslovu:

    (a) so odprti razpisni postopki tisti postopki, po katerih lahko vsi zainteresirani ponudniki predložijo ponudbo;

    (b) so selektivni razpisni postopki tisti, po katerih so, v skladu s členom 144 in drugimi ustreznimi določbami iz tega naslova, k predložitvi ponudbe povabljeni samo ponudniki, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve za usposobljenost, ki jih določijo subjekti.

    3. V posebnih primerih in pod pogoji, določenimi v členu 145, lahko subjekti poleg odprtih in selektivnih razpisnih postopkov, omenjenih v odstavku 1, uporabijo drugačen postopek, pri čemer se subjekti lahko odločijo, da svoje namere o nameravanem naročilu ne bodo objavili, in se lahko z izbranimi ponudniki posvetujejo in s pogajanji uskladijo pogodbene pogoje z več kot enim od njih.

    4. Subjekti ponudbe obravnavajo kot zaupne. Zlasti ne zagotovijo informacij, ki bi določenim udeležencem lahko pomagale, da bi svoje ponudbe dvignili na raven drugih udeležencev.

    Člen 144

    Selektivni razpisni postopki

    1. Pri selektivnih razpisnih postopkih lahko subjekti omejijo število usposobljenih ponudnikov, ki jih bodo povabili k predložitvi ponudb, v skladu z učinkovitim delovanjem postopka naročanja, pod pogojem, da izberejo največje število domačih ponudnikov in ponudnikov druge pogodbenice, in da izbiro opravijo na pošten in nediskriminatoren način in na podlagi meril, navedenih v obvestilu o nameravanem naročilu in v razpisni dokumentaciji.

    2. Subjekti, ki vzdržujejo stalne sezname usposobljenih ponudnikov, lahko pod pogoji iz člena 146(7) ponudnike, ki bodo povabljeni k predložitvi ponudb, izberejo izmed tistih na seznamih. Pri izbiri je treba vsem ponudnikom na seznamu zagotoviti enako priložnost.

    Člen 145

    Drugi postopki

    1. Pod pogojem, da se razpisni postopek ne uporabi za izogibanje največji možni konkurenci ali zaščito domačih ponudnikov, se subjektom dovoli, da pogodbe dodelijo na drugačne načine kot z odprtim ali selektivnim razpisnim postopkom, in sicer v naslednjih okoliščinah in v skladu z naslednjimi pogoji, kjer je ustrezno:

    (a) če ni bila v odgovor na predhodno naročilo vložena nobena ustrezna ponudba ali zahteva po udeležbi, pod pogojem, da se zahteve prvotnega naročila niso znatno spremenile;

    (b) če iz tehničnih ali umetniških razlogov ali iz razlogov, povezanih z zaščito izključnih pravic, naročilo lahko izvede samo določen ponudnik in ni na voljo nobene razumne alternative ali zamenjave;

    (c) če iz razlogov izjemne nujnosti zaradi dogodkov, ki jih subjekt ni mogel predvideti, blaga ali storitev ni mogoče pravočasno zagotoviti po odprtih ali selektivnih razpisnih postopkih;

    (d) za dodatne dobave blaga ali storitev s strani prvotnega ponudnika, če bi sprememba ponudnika subjekt prisilila, da nabavi opremo ali storitve, ki ne izpolnjujejo pogojev o zamenljivosti z že obstoječo opremo, programsko opremo ali storitvami;

    (e) če subjekt naroča prototipe ali prvi izdelek ali storitev, ki se razvijajo na njegovo zahtevo med trajanjem veljavnosti določene pogodbe in to pogodbo za raziskave, poskus, študijo ali izvirni razvoj;

    (f) če so zaradi nepredvidljivih okoliščin za dokončanje storitve potrebne dodatne storitve, ki niso bile vključene v prvotno pogodbo, ki pa so vključene v cilje iz prvotne razpisne dokumentacije. Skupna vrednost pogodb, dodeljenih za dodatne gradbene storitve, ne sme presegati 50 % zneska glavne pogodbe;

    (g) za nove storitve, ki predstavljajo ponovitev podobnih storitev, in za katere je subjekt v obvestilu o prvotni storitvi navedel, da se pri dodeljevanju pogodb za takšne nove storitve lahko uporabi kak drug postopek razen odprtega ali selektivnega razpisnega postopka;

    (h) v primeru pogodb, ki se dodelijo zmagovalcu oblikovalskega natečaja, pod pogojem, da je bil natečaj organiziran na način, ki je skladen z načeli tega naslova; v primeru več uspešnih kandidatov se vse uspešne kandidate povabi k sodelovanju v pogajanjih; in

    (i) za blago, ki kotira na blagovni borzi, nabavljeno na blagovni borzi, in za nakupe blaga pod izjemno ugodnimi pogoji, ki nastopijo v zelo kratkem času zaradi izredne odprodaje in ne za redne nakupe od stalnih ponudnikov.

    2. Pogodbenici zagotovita, da, kadar koli morajo zaradi okoliščin, določenih v odstavku 1, subjekti uporabiti druge postopke razen odprtih ali selektivnih razpisnih postopkov, subjekti vodijo evidenco ali pripravijo pisno poročilo, v katerem specifično upra vičijo, zakaj je bila pogodba dodeljena po navedenem odstavku.

    Člen 146

    Usposobljenost ponudnikov

    1. Pogoji za udeležbo pri javnih naročilih so omejeni na tiste, ki so bistvenega pomena za zagotavljanje, da je potencialni ponudnik zmožen izpolniti zahteve naročila in je sposoben izvesti zadevno pogodbo.

    2. V postopku priznanja usposobljenosti subjekti ne diskriminirajo med domačimi ponudniki in ponudniki druge pogodbenice.

    3. Pogodbenica ne določi pogoja, ki zahteva, da bi ponudnik za udeležbo v naročilu moral že prej imeti dodeljeno eno ali več pogodb od subjekta navedene pogodbenice, ali da bi ponudnik moral imeti pretekle delovne izkušnje na ozemlju navedene pogodbenice.

    4. Subjekti kot usposobljene ponudnike priznavajo vse ponudnike, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje za udeležbo pri določenem nameravanem naročilu. Subjekti svoje odločitve glede usposobljenosti utemeljijo samo na podlagi pogojev za udeležbo, ki so bili v naprej določeni v obvestilih o razpisu ali v razpisni dokumentaciji.

    5. Nobena določba v tem naslovu ne preprečuje izključitve ponudnika na podlagi razlogov, ko so stečaj ali napačna deklariranja ali obsodba za resno kaznivo dejanje, kot je sodelovanje v kriminalnih združbah.

    6. Subjekti ponudnike, ki so vložili prošnjo za priznanje usposobljenosti, takoj obvestijo o svoji odločitvi glede tega, ali so usposobljeni ali ne.

    Stalni seznami usposobljenih ponudnikov

    7. Subjekti lahko pripravijo stalne sezname usposobljenih ponudnikov, pod pogojem, da upoštevajo naslednja pravila:

    (a) subjekti, ki pripravijo stalni seznam, zagotovijo, da lahko ponudniki kadar koli vložijo vlogo za priznanje usposobljenosti;

    (b) zadevni subjekti vse ponudnike, ki so zaprosili, da bi postali usposobljeni ponudniki, uradno obvestijo o svoji odločitvi glede tega;

    (c) ponudniki, ki prosijo za sodelovanje pri nameravanem naročilu, ki niso na seznamu stalnih usposobljenih ponudnikov, dobijo možnost za sodelovanje pri naročilu, tako da predložijo potrdila in druga dokazila, enakovredna tistim, ki se zahtevajo od ponudnikov na seznamu;

    (d) če subjekt, ki posluje v sektorju javnih gospodarskih služb, obvestilo o obstoju stalnega seznama uporabi kot obvestilo o nameravanem naročilu, kot je predvideno v členu 147(7), se pri naročilu upoštevajo tudi ponudniki, ki želijo sodelovati in ki niso na stalnem seznamu usposobljenih ponudnikov, pod pogojem, da je na razpolago dovolj časa za dokončanje postopka priznanja usposobljenosti; v tem primeru subjekt, ki naroča, takoj začne postopke za priznanje usposobljenosti, postopek usposobljenosti ponudnikov in čas, ki je zanj potreben, pa se ne uporabi za to, da bi se ponudnike drugih pogodbenic puščalo zunaj seznama ponudnikov.

    Člen 147

    Objavljanje obvestil

    Splošne določbe

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da njeni subjekti učinkovito razširjajo informacije o razpisnih priložnostih, ki se ustvarjajo z ustreznimi postopki vladnih naročil, in ponudnikom druge pogodbenice zagotovijo vse informacije, ki so potrebne za sodelovanje pri takem naročilu.

    2. Za vsako pogodbo, ki jo pokriva ta naslov, razen kot je določeno v členih 143(3) in 145, subjekti vnaprej objavijo obvestila, ki zainteresirane ponudnike vabijo, da predložijo ponudbe, ali če je ustrezno, zahteve za sodelovanje pri pogodbi.

    3. Informacija v vsakem obvestilu o nameravanem naročilu vsebuje najmanj naslednje:

    (a) ime, naslov, številko telefaksa, elektronski naslov subjekta in, če je drugačen, naslov, kjer je mogoče dobiti vse dokumente, povezane z naročilom;

    (b) izbrani razpisni postopek in obliko pogodbe;

    (c) opis nameravanega naročila, kot tudi vse bistvene pogodbene zahteve, ki jih je treba izpolniti;

    (d) vse pogoje, ki jih morajo ponudniki izpolniti, da bi sodelovali pri naročilu;

    (e) roke za predložitev ponudb in, če je ustrezno, druge roke;

    (f) glavna merila, ki bodo uporabljena pri dodeljevanju pogodbe; in

    (g) če je mogoče, plačilne in druge pogoje.

    Obvestilo o načrtovanih naročilih

    4. Vsaka pogodbenica spodbuja svoje subjekte, da vsako proračunsko leto čim prej, ko je mogoče, objavijo obvestilo o načrtovanih naročilih, ki vsebujejo informacije v zvezi s prihodnjimi načrti subjektov glede naročil. Takšno obvestilo naj vsebuje vsebino naročila in načrtovani datum objave obvestila o nameravanem naročilu.

    5. Subjekti, ki poslujejo v sektorju javnih gospodarskih služb, lahko obvestilo o načrtovanem naročilu uporabijo kot obvestilo o nameravanem naročilu, pod pogojem, da takšno obvestilo vsebuje toliko informacij, omenjenih v odstavku 3, kolikor jih je na voljo, in da izrecno vabi zainteresirane ponudnike, naj subjektu sporočijo, da se zanimajo za naročilo.

    6. Subjekti, ki so obvestilo o načrtovanem naročilu uporabili kot obvestilo o nameravanem naročilu, vsem ponudnikom, ki so pokazali začetno zanimanje, sporočijo nadaljnje informacije, ki vsebujejo vsaj informacije, omenjene v odstavku 3, in jih prosijo, naj na navedeni osnovi potrdijo svoje zanimanje.

    Obvestilo v zvezi s stalnimi seznami usposobljenih ponudnikov

    7. Subjekti, ki nameravajo imeti stalne sezname, v skladu z odstavkom 2 objavijo obvestilo, ki identificira subjekt in navaja namen stalnega seznama in razpoložljivost pravil o njegovem poslovanju, vključno z merili za priznanje usposobljenosti in ugotovitev neusposobljenosti ter veljavnostjo seznama.

    8. Če stalni seznam velja več kot tri leta, se obvestilo objavlja letno.

    9. Subjekti, ki poslujejo v sektorju javnih gospodarskih služb, lahko obvestilo o obstoju stalnih seznamov usposobljenih ponudnikov uporabijo kot obvestilo o nameravanem naročilu. V tem primeru pravočasno zagotovijo informacije, ki vsem tistim, ki so izrazili zanimanje, omogočijo, da ocenijo svoje zanimanje za sodelovanje pri naročilu. Te informacije vključujejo informacije, vsebovane v obvestilu, omenjenem v odstavku 3, v kolikor so te informacije na voljo. Informacije, posredovane enemu zainteresiranemu ponudniku, se na nediskriminatoren način posredujejo drugim zainteresiranim ponudnikom.

    Skupne določbe

    10. Vsako obvestilo, omenjeno v tem členu, je dosegljivo celotno obdobje, določeno za razpis za zadevno naročilo.

    11. Subjekti obvestila objavijo pravočasno v sredstvih, ki ponujajo najširši možni in nediskriminatorni dostop zainteresiranim ponudnikom pogodbenic. Ta sredstva so dosegljiva zastonj prek ene same dostopne točke, ki je določena v Prilogi XIII, Dodatek 2.

    Člen 148

    Razpisna dokumentacija

    1. Razpisna dokumentacija za ponudnike vsebuje vse informacije, ki jih ti potrebujejo, da lahko predložijo odgovarjajoče ponudbe.

    2. Če subjekti, ki naročajo, ne ponudijo prostega dostopa do celotne razpisne dokumentacije in spremnih dokumentov z elektronskimi sredstvi, subjekti razpisno dokumentacijo takoj dajo na voljo na zahtevo katerega koli ponudnika pogodbenic.

    3. Subjekti takoj odgovorijo na vse razumne zahteve za ustrezne informacije, povezane z nameravanim naročilom, pod pogojem, da takšne informacije navedenemu ponudniku ne zagotavljajo prednosti pred konkurenti.

    Člen 149

    Tehnične specifikacije

    1. Tehnične specifikacije se določijo v obvestilih, razpisnih dokumentih ali dodatnih dokumentih.

    2. Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da njeni subjekti ne pripravijo, sprejmejo ali uporabijo nobenih tehničnih specifikacij z namenom, da bi ustvarili nepotrebne ovire v trgovini med pogodbenicama ali bi imele takšen učinek.

    3. Tehnične specifikacije, ki jih predpišejo subjekti,

    (a) so izražene v smislu zmogljivosti in funkcionalnih zahtev, ne pa v smislu oblikovanja ali opisnih značilnosti; in

    (b) temeljijo na mednarodnih standardih, če ti obstajajo, če pa ne obstajajo, na nacionalnih tehničnih predpisih [13], priznanih nacionalnih standardih [14] ali gradbenih predpisih.

    4. Določbe odstavka 3 se ne uporabljajo, če lahko subjekt objektivno dokaže, da bi bila uporaba tehničnih specifikacij, omenjenih v navedenem odstavku, neučinkovita ali neustrezna za dosego legitimnih ciljev.

    5. V vseh primerih subjekti upoštevajo ponudbe, ki niso skladne s tehničnimi specifikacijami, izpolnjujejo pa njihove bistvene zahteve in so ustrezne za nameravani namen. Sklicevanje na tehnične specifikacije v razpisni dokumentaciji mora vsebovati besedilo "ali enakovredno".

    6. Ne postavi se nobena zahteva ali priporočilo glede določene blagovne znamke ali imena, patenta, oblikovanja ali tipa, določenega porekla, proizvajalca ali ponudnika, razen če ni nobenega drugega dovolj natančnega ali razumljivega načina za opis zahtev glede naročila in pod pogojem, da se v razpisno dokumentacijo vključi besedilo "ali enakovredno".

    7. Ponudnik mora dokazati, da njegova ponudba izpolnjuje bistvene zahteve.

    Člen 150


    1. Vsi roki, ki jih subjekti določijo za prejem ponudb in zahtev za sodelovanje, so dovolj dolgi, da ponudniki druge pogodbenice kot tudi domači ponudniki pripravijo in predložijo ponudbe, in če je ustrezno, zahteve za sodelovanje ali vloge za priznanje usposobljenosti. Pri določanju takšnega roka subjekti v skladu s svojimi upravičenimi potrebami upoštevajo dejavnike, kot so kompleksnost nameravanega naročila in čas, ki je običajno potreben za prenos ponudb s tujih in domačih točk.

    2. Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da njeni subjekti upoštevajo zamude pri objavah, ko določajo končni rok za prejem ponudb ali zahtev za sodelovanje ali za priznanje usposobljenosti za seznam ponudnikov.

    3. Najkrajši roki za sprejem ponudb so določeni v Prilogi XIII, Dodatek 3.

    Člen 151


    1. Pogodbenica lahko zagotovi, da njeni subjekti vodijo pogajanja:

    (a) pri naročilih, za katera so tak namen navedli v obvestilu o nameravanem naročilu; ali

    (b) če se na podlagi ocene zdi, da nobena ponudba ni očitno najugodnejša v smislu specifičnih meril vrednotenja, določenih v obvestilih ali v razpisni dokumentaciji.

    2. Pogajanja se uporabljajo predvsem za prepoznavanje prednosti in pomanjkljivosti v ponudbah.

    3. Med pogajanji subjekti ne diskriminirajo med ponudniki. Zlasti zagotovijo, da:

    (a) se izločanje udeležencev opravi v skladu z merili, določenimi v obvestilih in razpisni dokumentaciji;

    (b) se vse spremembe meril in tehničnih zahtev pisno sporočijo vsem preostalim udeležencem pogajanj; in

    (c) se na podlagi revidiranih zahtev in/ali ko so pogajanja zaključena, vsem preostalim udeležencem ponudi možnost, da predložijo nove ali spremenjene ponudbe do skupnega roka.

    Člen 152

    Predložitev, prejem in odpiranje ponudb

    1. Ponudbe in zahteve za sodelovanje v postopkih se predložijo v pisni obliki.

    2. Subjekti sprejemajo in odpirajo ponudbe od ponudnikov po postopkih in pod pogoji, ki jamčijo spoštovanje načel preglednosti in nediskriminacije.

    Člen 153

    Dodeljevanje pogodb

    1. Da bi se ponudba lahko upoštevala pri dodelitvi pogodbe, mora v času odpiranja izpolnjevati bistvene zahteve iz obvestil ali razpisne dokumentacije, predložiti pa jo mora ponudnik, ki izpolnjuje pogoje za sodelovanje.

    2. Subjekti pogodbo dodelijo ponudniku, čigar ponudba je bodisi najnižja ponudba bodisi ponudba, ki se v smislu specifičnih objektivnih meril vrednotenja, že prej določenih v obvestilih ali razpisni dokumentaciji, izkaže za najugodnejšo.

    Člen 154

    Informacije o dodelitvi pogodb

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da njeni subjekti poskrbijo za učinkovito razširjanje informacij o rezultatih postopkov vladnih naročil.

    2. Subjekti takoj obvestijo ponudnike o odločitvah v zvezi z dodelitvijo pogodbe in o značilnostih in relativnih prednostih izbranega ponudnika. Na zahtevo subjekti obvestijo vse izločene ponudnike o razlogih za zavrnitev njihovih ponudb.

    3. Subjekti se lahko odločijo, da zadržijo nekatere informacije o dodelitvi pogodbe, če bi razkritje takšnih informacij preprečilo kazenski pregon ali bi drugače škodovalo javnemu interesu, škodovalo zakonitim komercialnim interesom ponudnikov ali bi lahko škodovalo lojalni konkurenci med njimi.

    Člen 155

    Pritožbe v zvezi s ponudbami

    1. Subjekti nepristransko in pravočasno preučijo morebitne pritožbe ponudnikov v zvezi z domnevno kršitvijo tega naslova v okviru postopka naročil.

    2. Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi nediskriminatorne, pravočasne, pregledne in učinkovite postopke, ki ponudnikom omogočajo, da se pritožijo zaradi domnevnih kršitev tega naslova, ki nastopijo v okviru naročil, za katera imajo ali so imeli interes.

    3. O pritožbah odloča nepristranski in neodvisen revizijski organ. Revizijski organ, ki ni sodišče, je bodisi podvržen sodni reviziji bodisi ima podobne postopke kot sodišče.

    4. Pritožbeni postopki predvidevajo:

    (a) hitre začasne ukrepe za odpravo kršitev tega naslova in ohranjanje komercialnih priložnosti. Takšen ukrep lahko pripelje do opustitve postopka naročil. Postopki lahko predvidevajo, da se pri odločanju, ali naj se takšni ukrepi uporabijo, upoštevajo prevladujoče škodljive posledice za zadevne interese, vključno z javnim interesom; in

    (b) če je ustrezno, odpravo kršitve tega naslova ali, če takšna odprava ni mogoča, nadomestilo za izgubo ali škodo, ki je lahko omejena na stroške za pripravo na razpis in ugovor.

    Člen 156

    Informacijska tehnologija

    1. Pogodbenici si, kolikor je le mogoče, prizadevata uporabljati elektronska sredstva za komunikacijo, kar omogoča učinkovito širjenje informacij o vladnih naročilih, zlasti v zvezi z razpisnimi priložnostmi, ki jih ponujajo subjekti, pri čemer se upoštevajo načela preglednosti in nediskriminacije.

    2. Da se izboljša dostop na trge vladnih naročil, si vsaka pogodbenica prizadeva uvesti elektronski informacijski sistem, ki je za njihove subjekte obvezen.

    3. Pogodbenici spodbujata rabo elektronskih sredstev za prenos ponudb.

    Člen 157

    Sodelovanje in pomoč

    Pogodbenici si prizadevata druga drugi zagotoviti tehnično sodelovanje in pomoč prek razvoja programov usposabljanja, da bi bolje razumeli sisteme vladnih naročil in statistične podatke druga druge in dosegli boljši dostop na svoje trge.

    Člen 158

    Statistična poročila

    Če pogodbenica ne zagotovi sprejemljive ravni skladnosti s členom 147(11), na zahtevo druge pogodbenice zbere in drugi pogodbenici na letni osnovi posreduje statistične podatke o svojih naročilih, ki jih pokriva ta naslov. Takšna poročila vsebujejo informacije, določene v Prilogi XIII, Dodatek 4.

    Člen 159

    Spremembe obsega

    1. Katera koli pogodbenica lahko spremeni svoj obseg tega naslova, pod pogojem, da:

    (a) o spremembi uradno obvesti drugo pogodbenico; in

    (b) drugi pogodbenici, v 30 dneh po datumu takšnega uradnega obvestila, zagotovi ustrezne kompenzacijske prilagoditve njenega obsega, da ohrani raven obsega, ki je primerljiva s tisto pred spremembo.

    2. Ne glede na odstavek 1(b), se drugi pogodbenici ne zagotovi kompenzacijskih prilagoditev, če sprememba obsega pogodbenice po tem naslovu zadeva:

    (a) popravke zgolj formalnega značaja in manjše popravke prilog XI in XII; ali

    (b) enega ali več zajetih subjektov, pri katerih je bil vladni nadzor ali vpliv učinkovito odpravljen kot posledica privatizacije ali liberalizacije.

    3. Če je ustrezno, Pridružitveni odbor s svojim sklepom spremeni ustrezno prilogo, da odrazi spremembo, ki jo je uradno sporočila zadevna pogodbenica.

    Člen 160

    Nadaljnja pogajanja

    Če katera pogodbenica v prihodnosti tretji stranki ponudi dodatne prednosti v zvezi z dostopom do svojih trgov za javna naročila, ki presegajo tiste, dogovorjene po tem naslovu, se strinja, da bo z drugo pogodbenico imela pogajanja, da bi se te prednosti razširile tudi nanjo na vzajemni osnovi s sklepom Pridružitvenega odbora.

    Člen 161


    Pod pogojem, da se takšni ukrepi ne uporabljajo na način, ki bi predstavljal sredstvo za samovoljno ali neupravičeno diskriminacijo med pogodbenicama ali prikrito omejevanje trgovine med njima, ta naslov pogodbenicama v ničemer ne preprečuje, da sprejmeta ali ohranita ukrepe, ki:

    (a) so potrebni za zaščito javne morale, reda ali varnosti;

    (b) so potrebni za zaščito življenja, zdravja ali varnosti ljudi;

    (c) so potrebni za zaščito življenja ali zdravja živali ali rastlin;

    (d) so potrebni za zaščito intelektualne lastnine; ali

    (e) so povezani z blagom ali storitvami invalidov, filantropičnih ustanov ali zapornikov.

    Člen 162

    Pregled in izvajanje

    Pridružitveni odbor vsaki dve leti pregleda izvajanje tega naslova, razen če se pogodbenici odločita drugače; preuči vsa vprašanja, ki izhajajo iz njega, in ustrezno ukrepa pri izvajanju svojih nalog. Zlasti izpolni naslednje naloge:

    (a) usklajuje izmenjave med pogodbenicama v zvezi z razvojem in uvajanjem sistemov informacijske tehnologije na področju javnih naročil;

    (b) pripravi ustrezne predloge v zvezi s sodelovanjem med pogodbenicama; in

    (c) sprejme odločitve, kjer to predvideva ta naslov.



    Člen 163

    Cilj in področje uporabe

    1. Pogodbenici si prizadevata za liberalizacijo tekočih plačil in pretokov kapitala med njima v skladu z obvezami, sprejetimi v okviru mednarodnih finančnih institucij,in ob upoštevanju denarne stabilnosti vsake pogodbenice.

    2. Ta naslov se uporablja za vsa tekoča plačila in pretoke kapitala med pogodbenicama.

    Člen 164

    Tekoči račun

    Pogodbenici v prosti konvertibilni valuti in v skladu s Statutom Mednarodnega denarnega sklada dovolita vsa plačila in prenose s tekočega računa med pogodbenicama.

    Člen 165

    Kapitalski račun

    V zvezi s pretoki kapitala plačilne bilance od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma pogodbenici zagotovita proste pretoke kapitala v zvezi z neposrednimi investicijami, opravljenimi v skladu z zakoni države gostiteljice, in investicijami, opravljenimi v skladu z določbami naslova III tega dela, kakor tudi za prisilno likvidacijo ali repatriacijo tega kapitala ali kakršnega koli dobička, ki iz njega izvira.

    Člen 166

    Izjeme in zaščitni ukrepi

    1. Če v izrednih okoliščinah plačila in pretoki kapitala med pogodbenicama povzročajo ali grozijo, da bodo povzročili resne težave v delovanju monetarne ali tečajne politike v kateri koli pogodbenici, lahko zadevna pogodbenica sprejme zaščitne ukrepe v zvezi s pretoki kapitala, ki so nujno potrebni za obdobje, ki ni daljše od enega leta. Uporaba zaščitnih ukrepov se lahko podaljša z njihovo formalno ponovno uvedbo.

    2. Pogodbenica, ki sprejme zaščitne ukrepe, o tem takoj obvesti drugo pogodbenico in čimprej navede časovni razpored za odpravo takšnih ukrepov.

    Člen 167

    Končne določbe

    1. V zvezi s tem naslovom obe pogodbenici potrjujeta svoje pravice in obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz dvostranskih ali večstranskih sporazumov, katerih pogodbenici sta.

    2. Pogodbenici se posvetujeta, da bi olajšali pretok kapitala med njima, kar bo pospešilo uresničevanje ciljev tega sporazuma.



    Člen 168


    Pogodbenici odobrita in zagotovita ustrezno in učinkovito varstvo pravic iz intelektualne lastnine v skladu z najvišjimi mednarodnimi standardi, vključno z učinkovitimi sredstvi za uveljavljanje takšnih pravic, ki so predvidena v mednarodnih pogodbah.

    Člen 169

    Področje uporabe

    Za namene tega sporazuma pravice iz intelektualne lastnine vključujejo avtorske pravice – vključno z avtorstvom računalniških programov in podatkovnih zbirk – in sorodne pravice, pravice, ki se nanašajo na patente, industrijsko oblikovanje, geografske označbe, vključno z oznakami porekla, blagovne znamke, topografije integriranih vezij, kot tudi varstvo nerazkritih informacij in varstvo pred nelojalno konkurenco v skladu s členom 10a Pariške konvencije o varstvu industrijske lastnine (Stockholmska listina, 1967).

    Člen 170

    Varstvo pravic iz intelektualne lastnine

    Pri uresničevanju ciljev, določenih v členu 168, pogodbenici:

    (a) še naprej zagotavljata ustrezno in učinkovito izvajanje obveznosti, ki izvirajo iz naslednjih konvencij:

    (i) Sporazum o trgovinskih vidikih pravic intelektualne lastnine, Priloga 1C k Sporazumu o ustanovitvi Svetovne trgovinske organizacije ("TRIPs");

    (ii) Pariška konvencija o varstvu industrijske lastnine (Stockholmska listina, 1967);

    (iii) Bernska konvencija za varstvo književnih in umetniških del (Pariška listina, 1971);

    (iv) Rimska konvencija za varstvo izvajalcev, proizvajalcev fonogramov in radiodifuznih organizacij (Rim, 1961); in

    (v) Mednarodna konvencija o varstvu novih sort rastlin 1978 ("Konvencija 1978 UPOV") ali Mednarodna konvencija o varstvu novih sort rastlin 1991 ("Konvencija 1991 UPOV");

    (b) do 1. januarja 2007 pristopita k in zagotovita ustrezno in učinkovito izvajanje obveznosti, ki izvirajo iz naslednjih večstranskih konvencij:

    (i) Nicejski sporazum o mednarodni klasifikaciji blaga in storitev za namene registracije znamk (Ženevska listina 1977, spremenjena 1979);

    (ii) Pogodba Svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino o avtorski pravici (Ženeva, 1996);

    (iii) Pogodba Svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino o izvedbah in fonogramih (Ženeva, 1996);

    (iv) Pogodba o sodelovanju na področju patentov (Washington 1970, spremenjena 1979 in 1984); in

    (v) Strasbourški sporazum o mednarodni klasifikaciji patentov 1971 (Strasbourg 1971, spremenjen 1979);

    (c) do 1. januarja 2009 pristopita k in zagotovita ustrezno in učinkovito izvajanje obveznosti, ki izvirajo iz naslednjih večstranskih konvencij:

    (i) Mednarodna konvencija za varstvo proizvajalcev fonogramov pred nedovoljenim presnemavanjem njihovih fonogramov (Ženeva, 1971);

    (ii) Locarnski sporazum o določitvi mednarodne klasifikacije za industrijske vzorce in modele (Locarnska unija 1968, spremenjen 1979);

    (iii) Budimpeštanska pogodba o mednarodnem priznanju depozita mikroorganizmov za namene postopkov patentiranja (1977, spremenjena 1980); in

    (iv) Pogodba o pravu znamk (Ženeva, 1994);

    (d) storita vse, da ob prvi priložnosti ratificirata in zagotovita ustrezno in učinkovito izvajanje obveznosti, ki izvirajo iz naslednjih večstranskih konvencij:

    (i) Protokol k Madridskemu sporazumu o mednarodnem registriranju znamk (1989);

    (ii) Madridski sporazum o mednarodnem registriranju znamk (Stockholmska listina, 1967, dopolnjena 1979); in

    (iii) Dunajski sporazum o mednarodni klasifikaciji figurativnih elementov znamk (Dunaj 1973, spremenjen 1985).

    Člen 171


    Medtem ko pogodbenici izražata svojo zavezanost spoštovanju obveznosti, ki izvirajo iz zgoraj navedenih večstranskih konvencij, se lahko Pridružitveni svet odloči, da v člen 170 vključi druge večstranske konvencije s tega področja.



    Člen 172


    1. Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da bosta svojo zakonodajo o konkurenci uporabljali skladno s tem delom Sporazuma, da koristi procesa liberalizacije glede blaga in storitev ne bi bile zmanjšane ali izničene zaradi protikonkurenčnega poslovnega ravnanja. V ta namen se pogodbenici strinjata, da bosta sodelovali in da se bodo njuni organi, pristojni za konkurenco, med seboj usklajevali po določbah tega naslova.

    2. Da se prepreči izkrivljanje ali omejevanje konkurence, ki lahko vpliva na blagovno menjavo ali trgovino s storitvami med njima, pogodbenici posebno pozornost posvetita protikonkurenčnim sporazumom, usklajenemu ravnanju in zlorabam, ki izvirajo iz posameznega ali skupnega prevladujočega položaja.

    3. Pogodbenici se strinjata, da bosta sodelovali in se med seboj usklajevali pri izvajanju zakonodaje o konkurenci. To sodelovanje vključuje uradno obveščanje, posvetovanje, izmenjavo nezaupnih informacij in tehnično pomoč. Pogodbenici se zavedata pomembnosti sprejema načel o konkurenci, ki bi jih obe pogodbenici sprejeli v večstranskih forumih, vključno z WTO.

    Člen 173


    V tem naslovu:

    1. "zakonodaja o konkurenci" vključuje:

    (a) za Skupnost, člene 81, 82 in 86 Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti, Uredbo (EGS) št. 4064/89 in njihove izvedbene uredbe ali spremembe;

    (b) za Čile, Decreto Ley št. 211 iz 1973 in Ley št. 19.610 iz 1999 in njune izvedbene predpise ali spremembe; in

    (c) vse spremembe, ki lahko nastopijo v zgoraj omenjeni zakonodaji po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma;

    2. "organ, pristojen za konkurenco" pomeni:

    (a) za Skupnost, Komisija Evropskih skupnosti; in

    (b) za Čile, Fiscalia Nacional Economica in Comision Resolutiva;

    3. "inšpekcijska dejavnost" pomeni vsako uporabo zakonodaje o konkurenci s preiskavami ali postopki, ki jih izvajajo organi pogodbenice, pristojni za konkurenco, ki lahko privedejo do kazni ali protiukrepov.

    Člen 174

    Uradno obveščanje

    1. Vsak organ, pristojen za konkurenco, o vsaki inšpekcijski dejavnosti uradno obvesti organ druge pogodbenice, pristojen za konkurenco, če:

    (a) lahko znatno vpliva na pomembne interese druge pogodbenice;

    (b) je povezan z omejitvami konkurence, ki lahko imajo neposreden in znaten učinek na ozemlju druge pogodbenice; ali

    (c) če zadeva protikonkurenčna dejanja, ki se dogajajo pretežno na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.

    2. Pod pogojem, da to ni v nasprotju z zakonodajo o konkurenci pogodbenic in ne vpliva na preiskave, ki potekajo, se uradno obvestilo pošlje v zgodnji fazi postopka. Drugi organ, pristojen za konkurenco, lahko pri sprejemanju odločitev upošteva prejeta mnenja.

    3. Uradna obvestila, predvidena v odstavku 1, morajo biti dovolj podrobna, da omogočijo oceno v luči interesov druge pogodbenice.

    4. Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da bosta po najboljših močeh zagotavljali, da se uradna obvestila pripravijo v zgoraj opisanih okoliščinah, pri čemer se upoštevajo upravni viri, ki jih imata na voljo.

    Člen 175

    Usklajevanje inšpekcijskih dejavnosti

    Organ pogodbenice, pristojen za konkurenco, lahko organ druge pogodbenice, pristojen za konkurenco, uradno obvesti o svoji pripravljenosti, da bo usklajeval inšpekcijske dejavnosti z zvezi z določenim primerom. To usklajevanje pogodbenicama ne preprečuje sprejemanja avtonomnih odločitev.

    Člen 176

    Posvetovanja v primerih, ko so pomembni interesi ene pogodbenice ogroženi na ozemlju druge pogodbenice

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica v skladu s svojo zakonodajo med izvajanjem inšpekcijskih dejavnosti upošteva, če je potrebno, pomembne interese druge pogodbenice. Če organ pogodbenice, pristojen za konkurenco, meni, da lahko preiskave ali postopki, ki jih izvaja organ druge pogodbenice, pristojen za konkurenco, škodljivo vplivajo na pomembne interese pogodbenice, lahko drugemu organu, pristojnemu za konkurenco, sporoči svoje mnenje o zadevi ali zahteva posvetovanja. Brez poseganja v nadaljevanje izvajanja ukrepov po njegovi zakonodaji o konkurenci in v njegovo popolno svobodo glede dokončne odločitve tako naslovljen organ, pristojen za konkurenco, temeljito in z razumevanjem preuči mnenja, ki jih je izrazil organ, pristojen za konkurenco, ki zahteva posvetovanja.

    2. Organ, pristojen za konkurenco, pogodbenice, ki meni, da so interesi navedene pogodbenice bistveno ogroženi zaradi protikonkurenčnih praks kakršnega koli izvora, ki jih uporablja ali jih je uporabljalo eno ali več podjetij v drugi pogodbenici, lahko zahteva posvetovanja z organom navedene pogodbenice, pristojnim za konkurenco. Takšna posvetovanja ne posegajo v popolno svobodo glede dokončne odločitve zadevnega organa, pristojnega za konkurenco. Organ, pristojen za konkurenco, ki je tako zaprošen za posvetovanje, lahko sprejme kakršne koli korektivne ukrepe po svoji zakonodaji o konkurenci, ki se mu zdijo ustrezni, v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo in brez poseganja v svojo popolno svobodo presojanja glede izvrševanja.

    Člen 177

    Izmenjava informacij in zaupnost

    1. Da se olajša učinkovita uporaba njihovih zakonodaj o konkurenci, si lahko organi, pristojni za konkurenco, izmenjujejo nezaupne informacije.

    2. Zaradi večje preglednosti in brez poseganja v pravila in merila zaupnosti, ki veljajo v vsaki pogodbenici, se pogodbenici zavezujeta, da si bosta izmenjevali informacije glede sankcij in protiukrepov, ki se uporabijo takrat, ko zadevni organ, pristojen za konkurenco, meni, da znatno vplivajo na pomembne interese druge pogodbenice in predstavljajo temelj, na katerih so bili navedeni ukrepi sprejeti, če je tako zahteval organ druge pogodbenice, pristojen za konkurenco.

    3. Vsaka pogodbenica drugi pogodbenici na letni osnovi zagotovi informacije o državni pomoči, vključno s skupnim zneskom pomoči in, če je mogoče, z razdelitvijo po sektorjih. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko zahteva informacije o posameznih primerih, ki vplivajo na trgovino med pogodbenicama. Zaprošena pogodbenica po svojih najboljših močeh zagotovi nezaupne informacije.

    4. Za vse izmenjave informacij veljajo merila zaupnosti, ki veljajo v vsaki od pogodbenic. Zaupnih informacij, katerih širjenje je izrecno prepovedano ali ki bi, če bi se širile, lahko škodljivo vplivale na interese pogodbenic, se ne zagotovi brez izrecnega strinjanja vira informacij.

    5. Vsak organ, pristojen za konkurenco, ohranja zaupnost vsake informacije, ki jo zaupno prejme od drugega organa, pristojnega za konkurenco, in zavrne vsako prošnjo po razkritju takšnih informacij, ki jo nanj naslovi tretja stran, katere organ, pristojen za konkurenco, ki je informacije zagotovil, za to ni pooblastil.

    6. Če zakonodaja pogodbenice to predvideva, se zaupne informacije lahko zagotovijo sodiščem pogodbenic, pri čemer morajo sodišča varovati njihovo zaupnost.

    Člen 178

    Tehnična pomoč

    Pogodbenici lahko druga drugi zagotovita tehnično pomoč, da se izkoristijo njune izkušnje in se okrepi izvajanje njune zakonodaje in politik o konkurenci.

    Člen 179

    Javna podjetja in podjetja s posebnimi ali izključnimi pravicami, vključno z državnimi monopoli

    1. Ta naslov pogodbenicama v ničemer ne preprečuje, da določita ali ohranjata javne ali zasebne monopole v skladu s svojo zakonodajo.

    2. V zvezi z javnimi podjetji in podjetji s posebnimi ali izključnimi pravicami Pridružitveni odbor zagotovi, da se po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma ne sprejme in ne ohranja noben ukrep, ki izkrivlja blagovno menjavo ali trgovino s storitvami med pogodbenicama v obsegu, ki bi bil v nasprotju z interesi pogodbenic, in da za takšna podjetja veljajo pravila konkurence, vkolikor uporaba takšnih pravil ne moti pravnega ali dejanskega izvajanja določenih nalog, ki so jim naložene.

    Člen 180

    Reševanje sporov

    Nobena pogodbenica za zadeve, ki izhajajo iz tega naslova, ne sme uporabiti postopkov za reševanje sporov, predvidenih po tem sporazumu.





    Člen 181


    Cilj tega naslova je izogniti se sporom in rešiti spore med pogodbenicama glede uporabe tega dela Sporazuma v dobri veri in doseči vzajemno zadovoljivo rešitev vsakega vprašanja, ki lahko vpliva na delovanje Sporazuma.

    Člen 182

    Področje uporabe

    Določbe tega naslova se uporabljajo v zvezi z vsemi zadevami, ki izhajajo iz razlage in uporabe tega dela Sporazuma, razen če ni izrecno drugače predvideno.



    Člen 183


    1. Pogodbenici si stalno prizadevata za sporazumno razlago in uporabo tega dela Sporazuma in poskušata s sodelovanjem in posvetovanji rešiti spore in doseči za obe pogodbenici zadovoljivo rešitev vsakega vprašanja, ki lahko vpliva na njegovo uresničevanje.

    2. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko predlaga posvetovanja v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora glede obstoječega ali predlaganega ukrepa ali katere koli zadeve, povezane z uporabo ali razlago tega dela Sporazuma, ali katere koli zadeve, glede katere meni, da lahko vpliva na njegovo delovanje. V tem naslovu "ukrep" vključuje tudi prakso. Pogodbenica v zahtevku navede ukrep ali drugo zadevo, glede katere se pritožuje, določbe tega sporazuma, ki so po njenem mnenju ustrezne, in predlog vroči drugi pogodbenici.

    3. Pridružitveni odbor se sestane v 30 dneh od vročitve predloga. Ob začetku posvetovanj pogodbenici zagotovita informacije, ki omogočajo preučevanje, kako lahko ukrep pogodbenice ali katera koli druga zadeva vpliva na delovanje in uporabo tega dela Sporazuma, in med posvetovanji vse izmenjane informacije obravnavata kot zaupne. Pridružitveni odbor si prizadeva spor nemudoma rešiti s sklepom. Sklep določa izvedbene ukrepe, ki naj jih sprejme zadevna pogodbenica, in časovni okvir zanje.



    Člen 184

    Začetek postopka

    1. Pogodbenici si v vsakem trenutku prizadevata doseči za obe pogodbenici zadovoljiv dogovor glede spora.

    2. Če pogodbenica meni, da obstoječi ukrep pogodbenice pomeni kršitev obveznosti po določbah, omenjenih v členu 182, in takšna zadeva ni bila razrešena v 15 dneh po tem, ko se je na podlagi člena 183(3) sestal Pridružitveni odbor, ali v 45 dneh po vročitvi predloga za posvetovanja v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora, odvisno od tega, kaj nastopi prej, lahko v pisni obliki predlaga ustanovitev arbitražnega senata.

    3. Pogodbenica, pritožnica, v predlogu navede obstoječi ukrep, za katerega meni, da pomeni kršitev tega dela Sporazuma, in navede določbe tega sporazuma, ki so po njenem mnenju ustrezne, ter predlog vroči drugi pogodbenici in Pridružitvenemu odboru.

    Člen 185

    Imenovanje arbitrov

    1. Arbitražni senat sestoji iz treh arbitrov.

    2. Pridružitveni odbor največ šest mesecev po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma določi seznam vsaj 15 posameznikov, ki so pripravljeni in sposobni biti arbitri, katerih tretjina ne smejo biti državljani nobene od pogodbenic, in ki so lahko imenovani za predsednika arbitražnega senata. Pridružitveni odbor zagotovi, da seznam vedno in v vsakem trenutku vsebuje 15 posameznikov. Ti posamezniki imajo strokovno znanje ali izkušnje v zvezi z zakonodajo, mednarodno trgovino ali drugimi zadevami, povezanimi s tem delom Sporazuma, ali z reševanjem sporov, ki izhajajo iz mednarodnih trgovinskih sporazumov, so samostojni, delujejo v svoji individualni pristojnosti in niso povezani z nobeno pogodbenico ali organizacijo ter od njih ne dobivajo navodil, in ravnajo v skladu z etičnim kodeksom, določenim v Prilogi XVI. Seznam se lahko spremeni vsake tri leta.

    3. V treh dneh od zahteve za ustanovitev arbitražnega senata tri razsodnike z žrebom izbere predsedujoči Pridružitvenega odbora s seznama, omenjenega v odstavku 2, prvega izmed tistih posameznikov, ki jih je Pridružitvenemu odboru priporočila pogodbenica, pritožnica, drugega izmed tistih, ki jih je Pridružitvenemu odboru priporočila pogodbenica, toženka, in predsedujočega izmed posameznikov, ki so v ta namen navedeni v odstavku 2.

    4. Datum ustanovitve arbitražnega senata je datum, ko so trije arbitri izbrani z žrebom.

    5. Če katera pogodbenica meni, da arbiter ne izpolnjuje zahtev etičnega kodeksa, se pogodbenici posvetujeta in, če se o tem sporazumeta, zamenjata arbitra in ga nadomestita z novim na podlagi odstavka 6.

    6. Če razsodnik ne more sodelovati v postopku, odstopi ali je zamenjan, se nadomestni izbere v treh dneh v skladu s postopkom izbire, ki je bil uporabljen pri izbiri navedenega arbitra. V takem primeru se časovni okvir za postopek arbitražnega senata začasno opusti za obdobje, ki se začne na dan, ko arbiter ne more sodelovati v postopku, odstopi ali je zamenjan, in se konča na dan, ko je izbran nadomestni arbiter.

    Člen 186

    Informacije in tehnični nasveti

    Na predlog pogodbenice ali na lastno pobudo lahko arbitražni senat pridobi informacije in tehnične nasvete od oseb in organov, ki se mu zdijo ustrezni. Vse tako pridobljene informacije se predložijo pogodbenicama v pripombe.

    Člen 187

    Odločitev arbitražnega senata

    1. Arbitražni senat pogodbenicama in Pridružitvenemu odboru predloži svojo odločitev, ki vsebuje ugotovitve in sklepe, praviloma najkasneje tri mesece od dne ustanovitve arbitražnega senata. V nobenem primeru tega ne sme storiti kasneje kot v petih mesecih od tega dne. Arbitražni senat svojo odločitev utemelji na predloženih stališčih in obvestilih pogodbenic ter na vseh informacijah, ki jih je prejel na podlagi člena 186. Odločitev je dokončna in je javno dostopna.

    2. Odločitev vsebuje ugotovitve glede dejstev, uporabe ustreznih določb tega sporazuma in osnovnih načel, ki so v ozadju ugotovitev in sklepov, ki jih sprejme.

    3. Arbitražni senati razlagajo določbe tega sporazuma v skladu z običajnimi pravili razlage javnega mednarodnega prava, pri čemer se upošteva dejstvo, da morata pogodbenici ta sporazum izvajati v dobri veri in se ne izogibati svojim obveznostim.

    4. Pogodbenica, ki trdi, da ukrep druge pogodbenice ni v skladu z določbami tega dela Sporazuma, mora to neskladnost dokazati. Pogodbenica, ki trdi, da za ukrep velja izjema po tem delu Sporazuma, mora dokazati, da se lahko uporabi izjema.

    5. V nujnih primerih, vključno s primeri, ko gre za pokvarljivo blago, si arbitražni senat prizadeva izdati svojo odločitev pogodbenicama v 75 dneh od dne ustanovitve arbitražnega senata. V nobenem primeru tega ne sme storiti kasneje kot v štirih mesecih od navedenega dne. Arbitražni senat lahko poda predhodno odločitev o tem, ali gre za nujen primer.

    6. Vsi sklepi arbitražnega senata, vključno s sprejemom odločitve in predhodne odločitve, se sprejemajo z večino.

    7. Pogodbenica, pritožnica, lahko ob soglasju pogodbenice toženke, umakne svojo pritožbo kadar koli, preden je odločitev posredovana pogodbenicama in Pridružitvenemu odboru. Takšen umik ne posega v njeno pravico, da kdaj pozneje vloži novo pritožbo v zvezi z isto zadevo.

    8. Arbitražni senat lahko ob soglasju pogodbenice, toženke, kadar koli odloži svoje delo na predlog pritožnika za obdobje največ 12 mesecev. Če pride do takšne odložitve, se roki, določeni v odstavkih 1 in 5 podaljšajo za čas, ko je delo odloženo. Če se delo arbitražnega senata odloži za več kot 12 mesecev, pooblastilo za ustanovitev arbitražnega senata zastara brez poseganja v pravico pritožnika, da pozneje predlaga ustanovitev arbitražnega senata v zvezi z isto zadevo.

    Člen 188


    1. Pogodbenici morata sprejeti ukrepe, ki so potrebni za skladnost z odločitvijo arbitražnega senata.

    2. Pogodbenici si prizadevata, da bi se sporazumeli o posebnih ukrepih, ki so potrebni za skladnost z odločitvijo.

    3. V 30 dneh od dne, ko je odločitev posredovana pogodbenicama in Pridružitvenemu odboru, pogodbenica, toženka, drugo pogodbenico uradno obvesti o:

    (a) posebnih ukrepih, ki so potrebni za skladnost z odločitvijo;

    (b) razumnem roku za to; in

    (c) konkretnem predlogu za začasno nadomestilo, dokler se posebni ukrepi, potrebni za skladnost z odločitvijo, ne bodo v celoti izvajali.

    4. Če med pogodbenicama pride do nesoglasja glede vsebine takšnega uradnega obvestila, pritožnik od prvotnega arbitražnega senata zahteva, da odloči, ali so predlagani ukrepi, omenjeni v odstavku 3(a), skladni s tem delom Sporazuma, o roku in o tem, ali je predlog za nadomestilo očitno nesorazmeren. Odločitev se poda v 45 dneh od navedenega zahtevka.

    5. Pogodbenica uradno obvesti drugo in Pridružitveni odbor o izvedbenih ukrepih, ki so bili sprejeti, da bi ustavili kršitev obveznosti po tem delu Sporazuma, pred potekom razumnega roka, o katerem sta se pogodbenici sporazumeli ali ga določili v skladu z odstavkom 4. Po takšnem uradnem obvestilu lahko druga pogodbenica predlaga, da prvotni arbitražni senat odloči, ali so navedeni ukrepi v skladu s tem delom Sporazuma, če niso podobni ukrepom, za katere je arbitražni senat na podlagi odstavka 4 odločil, da bi bili skladni s tem delom Sporazuma. Odločitev arbitražnega senata se poda v 45 dneh od tega predloga.

    6. Če pogodbenica ne pošlje uradnega obvestila o izvedbenih ukrepih pred iztekom razumnega roka ali če arbitražni senat odloči, da so izvedbeni ukrepi, o katerih je pogodbenica poslala uradno sporočilo, neskladni z njenimi obveznostmi po tem delu Sporazuma, ima pritožnik, če ni bil sprejet noben dogovor o nadomestilu, pravico, da opusti uporabo ugodnosti, dodeljenih po tem delu Sporazuma, do ravni, ki je enakovredna izničenju in poslabšanju, ki ju je povzročil ukrep, za katerega se je izkazalo, da krši ta del Sporazuma.

    7. Pri odločanju, katere ugodnosti naj opusti, mora pritožnik, najprej opustiti ugodnosti v istem naslovu ali naslovih tega dela Sporazuma, kot so tiste, na katere je škodljivo vplival ukrep, za katerega je arbitražni senat ugotovil, da krši ta del Sporazuma. Če pritožnik meni, da ne bi bilo izvedljivo ali učinkovito opustiti ugodnosti iz istega naslova ali naslovov, lahko opusti ugodnosti iz drugih naslovov, pod pogojem, da predloži pisno utemeljitev. Pri izbiri ugodnosti, ki naj se opustijo, imajo prednost tiste, ki kar najmanj motijo izvajanje tega sporazuma.

    8. Pritožnik drugo pogodbenico in Pridružitveni odbor uradno obvesti o ugodnostih, ki jih namerava opustiti. V petih dneh od navedenega uradnega obvestila lahko druga pogodbenica prvotnemu arbitražnemu senatu predlaga, da odloči, ali so ugodnosti, ki jih pogodbenica, ki se pritožuje, namerava opustiti, enakovredne ravni izničenja ali poslabšanja, povzročenega z ukrepom, za katerega se je izkazalo, da krši ta del Sporazuma, in ali je predlagana opustitev v skladu z odstavkom 7. Arbitražni senat odločitev izda v 45 dneh od navedenega predloga. Ugodnosti se ne opustijo, dokler arbitražni senat ne izda svoje odločitve.

    9. Opustitev ugodnosti je začasna in jo pritožnik lahko uporablja samo do takrat, dokler se ukrep, za katerega se je izkazalo, da krši ta del Sporazuma, ne umakne ali spremeni, da postane skladen s tem delom Sporazuma, ali dokler pogodbenici ne dosežeta dogovora o razrešitvi spora.

    10. Na predlog katere koli pogodbenice prvotni arbitražni senat odloči glede skladnosti vseh izvedbenih ukrepov, sprejetih po opustitvi ugodnosti s tem delom Sporazuma, in v luči takšne odločitve glede tega, ali je opustitev ugodnosti treba odpovedati ali spremeniti. Odločitev arbitražnega senata se izda v 45 dneh od datuma navedenega zahtevka.

    11. Odločitve, predvidene v tem členu, so dokončne in zavezujoče. Posredujejo se Pridružitvenemu odboru in so javno dostopne.



    Člen 189

    Splošne določbe

    1. Obdobja, omenjena v tem naslovu, lahko pogodbenici sporazumno spremenita.

    2. Če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, postopek pred arbitražnim senatom ureja vzorčni poslovnik, določen v Prilogi XV. Pridružitveni odbor lahko, ko se mu to zdi potrebno, s sklepom spremeni vzorčni poslovnik in etični kodeks, določen v Prilogi XVI.

    3. Zaslišanja pred arbitražnim senatom so zaprta za javnost, razen če se pogodbenici ne odločita drugače.

    4. (a) Če pogodbenica želi popraviti kršitev obveznosti po Sporazumu WTO, uporabi ustrezna pravila in postopke iz Sporazuma WTO, ki se uporabljajo ne glede na določbe tega sporazuma.

    (b) Če pogodbenica želi popraviti kršitev obveznosti po tem delu Sporazuma, uporabi pravila in postopke iz tega naslova.

    (c) Če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, če pogodbenica želi popraviti kršitev obveznosti po tem delu Sporazuma, ki je po vsebini enakovredna obveznosti iz WTO, uporabi ustrezna pravila in postopke iz Sporazuma WTO, ki se uporabljajo ne glede na določbe tega sporazuma.

    (d) Ko se začne postopek reševanja sporov, se uporabi izključno izbrani forum, če ni zavrnil pristojnosti. Vsa vprašanja glede arbitražnih senatov, ustanovljenih po tem naslovu, se začnejo v 10 dneh od ustanovitve arbitražnega senata, in se rešujejo s predhodno odločitvijo arbitražnega senata v 30 dneh od ustanovitve arbitražnega senata.



    Člen 190

    Točke za stike in izmenjava informacij

    1. Zaradi lažje komunikacije med pogodbenicama o trgovinskih zadevah, ki jih zajema ta del Sporazuma, vsaka pogodbenica določi točko za stike. Na predlog katere koli pogodbenice točka za stike druge navede urad ali uradnika, odgovornega za zadevo, in zagotovi potrebno podporo za lažjo komunikacijo s pogodbenico prosilko.

    2. Na predlog druge pogodbenice in do obsega, ki ga omogočajo njena domača zakonodaja in načela, vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi informacije in odgovori na vsa vprašanja druge pogodbenice, povezana z dejanskim ali predlaganim ukrepom, ki bi utegnil znatno vplivati na izvajanje tega dela Sporazuma.

    3. Šteje se, da so informacije, omenjene v tem členu, zagotovljene, ko so informacije z ustreznim uradnim obvestilom pri WTO na voljo, ali ko so informacije na voljo na uradni, javno dostopni in neplačljivi spletni strani pogodbenice.

    Člen 191

    Sodelovanje za dosego večje preglednosti

    Pogodbenici se dogovorita, da bosta sodelovali v dvostranskih in večstranskih forumih, da bi dosegli večjo preglednost v trgovinskih zadevah.

    Člen 192


    Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da se njeni zakoni, predpisi, postopki in upravne odločitve, ki se splošno uporabljajo, povezani s trgovinskimi zadevami, ki jih zajema ta del Sporazuma, nemudoma objavijo ali se zagotovi, da so javno na razpolago.



    Člen 193

    Posebne naloge

    1. Pri opravljanju nalog, ki so mu naložene v tem delu Sporazuma, je Pridružitveni odbor sestavljen iz predstavnikov Skupnosti in Čila, ki so odgovorni za zadeve, povezane s trgovino, običajno na ravni višjih državnih uradnikov.

    2. Ne glede na določbe člena 6 ima Pridružitveni odbor predvsem naslednje naloge:

    (a) nadzorovati izvajanje in pravilno uporabo določb tega dela Sporazuma in drugih instrumentov o zadevah, povezanih s trgovino, o katerih se sporazumeta pogodbenici, v okviru tega sporazuma;

    (b) nadzorovati nadaljnjo podrobno razčlenitev določb tega dela Sporazuma in vrednotiti rezultate, dosežene z njegovo uporabo;

    (c) reševati spore, ki lahko nastopijo v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo tega dela Sporazuma, v skladu z določbami člena 183;

    (d) pomagati Pridružitvenemu svetu pri opravljanju njegovih nalog, zlasti glede zadev, povezanih s trgovino;

    (e) nadzorovati delo vseh posebnih odborov, ustanovljenih na podlagi tega dela Sporazuma;

    (f) opravljati vse druge naloge, ki so mu naložene na podlagi tega dela Sporazuma ali mu jih zaupa Pridružitveni svet, o zadevah, povezanih s trgovino; in

    (g) letno poročati Pridružitvenemu svetu.

    3. Pri opravljanju svojih dolžnosti iz odstavka 2 Pridružitveni odbor lahko:

    (a) ustanovi posebne odbore ali organe, da se ukvarjajo z zadevami, ki so v njegovi pristojnosti, in določi njihovo sestavo in dolžnosti ter njihov poslovnik;

    (b) skliče sestanek ob katerem koli času, glede katerega se sporazumeta pogodbenici;

    (c) razpravlja o vseh zadevah, povezanih s trgovino, in ustrezno ukrepa pri izvajanju svojih nalog; in

    (d) sprejema sklepe ali pripravlja priporočila o zadevah, povezanih s trgovino, v skladu s členom 6.

    4. Na podlagi členov 5 in 6(4) pogodbenici izvajata sklepe, ki izhajajo iz uporabe členov 60(5) in 74 ter člena 38 Priloge III, v skladu s Prilogo XVII.



    Člen 194

    Klavzula nacionalne varnosti

    1. Nobena določba v tem sporazumu:

    (a) od pogodbenice ne zahteva, da zagotovi informacije, katerih razkritje bi bilo po njenem mnenju v nasprotju z njenimi bistvenimi varnostnimi interesi;

    (b) pogodbenici ne preprečuje, da sprejme kakršne koli ukrepe, glede katerih meni, da so potrebni za varovanje njenih bistvenih varnostnih interesov

    (i) v zvezi z materiali za fizijo in fuzijo ali z materiali, iz katerih so pridobljeni;

    (ii) v zvezi s trgovino z orožjem, strelivom in vojnimi pripomočki in s takšno trgovino z drugim blagom in materialom ali v zvezi z zagotavljanjem storitev, ki se opravlja z neposrednim ali posrednim namenom oskrbovanja vojaške ustanove;

    (iii) v zvezi z vladnimi naročili, ki so nepogrešljiva za nacionalno varnost ali za namene nacionalne obrambe; ali

    (iv) sprejetih v času vojne ali drugega izrednega stanja v mednarodnih odnosih; ali

    (c) pogodbenici ne preprečuje, da ukrepa na podlagi svojih obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz Listine Združenih narodov za ohranjanje mednarodnega miru in varnosti.

    2. Pridružitveni odbor se v najširšem možnem obsegu obvešča o ukrepih, sprejetih na podlagi odstavka 1(b) in (c) in o prenehanju njihove veljavnosti.

    Člen 195

    Težave s plačilno bilanco

    1. Če ima pogodbenica resne težave s plačilno bilanco in zunanje finančne težave, ali če grozi, da bodo takšne težave nastopile, lahko sprejme ali ohrani omejevalne ukrepe v zvezi z blagovno menjavo in trgovino s storitvami in v zvezi s plačili in pretoki kapitala, vključno s tistimi, povezanimi z neposrednimi investicijami.

    2. Pogodbenici si prizadevata izogniti uporabi omejevalnih ukrepov, omenjenih v odstavku 1.

    3. Omejevalni ukrepi, sprejeti ali ohranjeni po tem členu, so nediskriminatorni in trajajo omejeno obdobje ter ne presegajo tistega, kar je nujno potrebno za odpravo težav v zvezi s plačilno bilanco in zunanjim finančnim položajem. So v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v Sporazumih WTO, in v skladu s Statutom Mednarodnega denarnega sklada, kot je ustrezno.

    4. Pogodbenica, ki ohrani ali sprejme omejevalne ukrepe ali jih spremeni, o tem takoj obvesti drugo pogodbenico in čimprej navede časovni razpored za odpravo takšnih ukrepov.

    5. Pogodbenica, ki uporabi omejevalne ukrepe, se takoj posvetuje v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora. Takšna posvetovanja ocenijo situacijo glede plačilne bilance pogodbenice in omejitve, ki se sprejmejo ali ohranijo na podlagi tega člena, pri čemer se med drugim upoštevajo dejavniki, kot so:

    (a) narava in obseg težav s plačilno bilanco in zunanjih finančnih težav;

    (b) zunanje gospodarsko in trgovinsko okolje pogodbenice, ki se posvetuje;

    (c) alternativni korektivni ukrepi, ki so mogoče na voljo.

    Na posvetovanjih se preuči skladnost omejevalnih ukrepov z odstavkoma 3 in 4. Sprejmejo se vse ugotovitve glede statističnih in drugih dejstev predloženih s strani Mednarodnega denarnega sklada, povezana z deviznim poslovanjem, denarnimi rezervami in plačilno bilanco, sklepi pa temeljijo na Skladovi oceni plačilne bilance in zunanje finančne situacije pogodbenice, ki se posvetuje.

    Člen 196


    1. Nobena določba tega dela Sporazuma ali dogovorov, sprejetih na njegovi podlagi, pogodbenicama ne preprečuje, da bi pri uporabi ustreznih določb njune davčne zakonodaje razlikovali med davkoplačevalci, ki niso v enakem položaju zlasti glede kraja prebivališča, ali kraja, kjer je investiran njihov kapital.

    2. Nobena določba tega dela Sporazuma ali dogovorov, sprejetih na podlagi tega sporazuma, ne preprečuje sprejemanja ali uveljavljanja ukrepov za preprečevanje izogibanja davkom ali davčnim utajam na podlagi davčnih določb sporazumov, da bi se izognilo dvojnemu obdavčenju ali drugim davčnim dogovorom ali notranji davčni zakonodaji.

    3. Nobena določba tega dela Sporazuma ne vpliva na pravice in obveznosti katere koli pogodbenice po kateri koli davčni konvenciji. V primeru neskladnosti med tem sporazumom in katero koli navedeno konvencijo, v okviru neskladnosti prevlada konvencija.

    DEL V


    Člen 197

    Opredelitev pogodbenic

    V tem sporazumu "pogodbenici" pomeni Skupnost ali njene države članice ali Skupnost in njene države članice v okviru njihovih pristojnosti, opredeljenih v Pogodbi o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti, na eni strani, in Republiko Čile na drugi.

    Člen 198

    Začetek veljavnosti

    1. Ta sporazum začne veljati prvi dan meseca, ki sledi mesecu, ko se pogodbenici uradno obvestita, da so končani postopki, potrebni v ta namen.

    2. Uradna obvestila se pošljejo Generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evropske unije, ki je depozitar tega sporazuma.

    3. Ne glede na odstavek 1 se Skupnost in Čile strinjata, da bosta člene 3 do 11, člen 18, člene 24 do 27, člene 48 do 54, člen 55 (a), (b), (f), (h), (i), člene 56 do 93, člene 136 do 162 in člene 172 do 206 uporabljala od prvega dne meseca, ki sledi dnevu, ko sta se Skupnost in Čile medsebojno uradno obvestili o zaključku postopkov, potrebnih v ta namen.

    4. Če pogodbenici pred začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma uporabita kakšno njegovo določbo, se razume, da se sleherno sklicevanje v takšni določbi na dan začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma nanaša na dan, od katerega sta se pogodbenici sporazumeli, da bosta uporabljali navedene določbe v skladu z odstavkom 3.

    5. Od dne začetka veljavnosti v skladu z odstavkom 1 ta sporazum nadomesti Splošni sporazum o sodelovanju. Kot izjema Protokol o medsebojni pomoči v carinskih zadevah k Okvirnemu sporazumu o sodelovanju z dne 13. junija 2001 velja naprej in postane sestavni del tega sporazuma.

    Člen 199

    Čas veljavnosti

    1. Ta sporazum velja za nedoločen čas.

    2. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko pisno obvesti drugo pogodbenico, da namerava odpovedati ta sporazum.

    3. Odpoved začne veljati šest mesecev po uradnem obvestilu drugi pogodbenici.

    Člen 200

    Izpolnjevanje obveznosti

    1. Pogodbenici sprejmeta vse splošne ali posebne ukrepe, potrebne za izpolnjevanje svojih obveznosti iz tega sporazuma in zagotavljata, da so v skladu s cilji, določenimi v tem sporazumu.

    2. Če katera od pogodbenic meni, da druga ni izpolnila kake obveznosti iz tega sporazuma, lahko sprejme ustrezne ukrepe. Preden to stori, mora v 30 dneh Pridružitvenemu svetu predložiti vse ustrezne informacije, potrebne za temeljito preučitev položaja, z namenom, da se najde za obe pogodbenici sprejemljiva rešitev.

    Pri izbiri ukrepov imajo prednost tisti, ki kar najmanj motijo uresničevanje tega Sporazuma. O teh ukrepih se takoj obvesti Pridružitveni odbor, in o njih se v okviru Odbora organizirajo posvetovanja, če druga pogodbenica to predlaga.

    3. Z odstopanjem od odstavka 2 lahko katera koli pogodbenica nemudoma sprejme ustrezne ukrepe v skladu z mednarodnim pravom v primeru:

    (a) odpovedi tega sporazuma, ki ni sankcionirano s splošnimi pravili mednarodnega prava;

    (b) kršitev bistvenih elementov tega sporazuma, navedenih v členu 1, odstavek 1, s strani druge pogodbenice.

    Druga pogodbenica lahko zaprosi, da se skliče nujni sestanek med pogodbenicama v 15 dneh, na katerem se temeljito preuči položaj, z namenom da se najde za obe pogodbenici sprejemljiva rešitev.

    4. Z odstopanjem od odstavka 2, če ena pogodbenica meni, da druga ni izpolnila obveznosti iz dela IV, ima izključno pravico, da uporabi in spoštuje postopke reševanja sporov, določene v naslovu VIII dela IV.

    Člen 201

    Evolutivna klavzula

    1. Pogodbenici se lahko vzajemno sporazumeta o razširitvi tega sporazuma, da bi razširili in dopolnili področje njegove uporabe v skladu z njuno zakonodajo, s sklenitvijo sporazumov o posebnih sektorjih ali dejavnostih v luči izkušenj, pridobljenih pri izvajanju tega sporazuma.

    2. Kar zadeva izvajanje tega sporazuma lahko katera koli pogodbenica pripravi predloge za razširitev sodelovanja na vseh področjih, pri čemer upošteva izkušnje, pridobljene med izvajanjem tega sporazuma.

    Člen 202

    Varstvo podatkov

    Pogodbenici se dogovorita, da bosta zagotovili visoko raven varstva pri obdelavi osebnih in drugih podatkov, ki bo primerljiva z najvišjimi mednarodnimi standardi.

    Člen 203

    Klavzula nacionalne varnosti

    Določbe člena 194 veljajo za celoten sporazum.

    Člen 204

    Ozemlje uporabe

    Ta sporazum na eni strani velja na ozemljih, na katerih se uporablja Pogodba o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti, pod pogoji, določenimi v navedeni pogodbi, in na drugi na ozemlju Republike Čile.

    Člen 205

    Verodostojna besedila

    Ta sporazum je sestavljen v dveh izvodih v danskem, nizozemskem, angleškem, finskem, francoskem, nemškem, grškem, italijanskem, portugalskem, španskem in švedskem jeziku, pri čemer je vsako od teh besedil enako verodostojno.

    Člen 206

    Priloge, dodatki, protokoli in note

    Priloge, dodatki, protokoli in note k temu sporazumu so njegov sestavni del.

    EN FE DE LO CUAL, los plenipotenciarios abajo firmantes suscriben el presente Acuerdo.TIL BEKRÆFTELSE HERAF har undertegnede befuldmægtigede underskrevet denne aftale.ZU URKUND DESSEN haben die unterzeichneten Bevollmächtigten ihre Unterschrift unter dieses Abkommen gesetzt.ΣΕ ΠΙΣΤΩΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΑΝΩΤΕΡΩ, οι υπογράφοντες πληρεξούσιοι έθεσαν την υπογραφή τους κάτω από την παρούσα συμφωνία.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Agreement.EN FOI DE QUOI les plénipotentiaires soussignés ont signé le présent accord.IN FEDE DI CHE, i sottoscritti plenipotenziari hanno apposto le loro firme in calce al presente accordo.TEN BLIJKE WAARVAN de ondergetekende gevolmachtigden hun handtekening onder deze overeenkomst hebben gesteld.EM FÉ DO QUE, os plenipotenciários abaixo-assinados apuseram as suas assinaturas no presente Acordo.TÄMÄN VAKUUDEKSI allekirjoittaneet täysivaltaiset edustajat ovat allekirjoittaneet tämän sopimuksen.TILL BEVIS HÄRPÅ har undertecknade befullmäktigade undertecknat detta avtal.

    Hecho en Bruselas, el dieciocho de noviembre del dos mil dos.Udfærdiget i Bruxelles den attende november to tusind og to.Geschehen zu Brüssel am achtzehnten November zweitausendundzwei.Έγινε στις Βρυξέλλες, στις δέκα οκτώ Νοεμβρίου δύο χιλιάδες δύο.Done at Brussels on the eighteenth day of November in the year two thousand and two.Fait à Bruxelles, le dix-huit novembre deux mille deux.Fatto a Bruxelles, addì diciotto novembre duemiladue.Gedaan te Brussel, de achttiende november tweeduizendtwee.Feito em Bruxelas, em dezoito de Novembro de dois mil e dois.Tehty Brysselissä kahdeksantenatoista päivänä marraskuuta vuonna kaksituhattakaksi.Som skedde i Bryssel den artonde november tjugohundratvå.

    Pour le Royaume de BelgiqueVoor het Koninkrijk BelgiëFür das Königreich Belgien

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Cette signature engage également la Communauté française, la Communauté flamande, la Communauté germanophone, la Région wallonne, la Région flamande et la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.Deze handtekening verbindt eveneens de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de Franse Gemeenschap, de Duitstalige Gemeenschap, het Vlaamse Gewest, het Waalse Gewest en het Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Gewest.Diese Unterschrift bindet zugleich die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft, die Flämische Gemeinschaft, die Französische Gemeinschaft, die Wallonische Region, die Flämische Region und die Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt.

    På Kongeriget Danmarks vegne

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Για την Ελληνική Δημοκρατία

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Por el Reino de España

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Pour la République française

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Thar cheann Na hÉireann

    For Ireland

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Per la Repubblica italiana

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Pour le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Für die Republik Österreich

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Pela República Portuguesa

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Suomen tasavallan puolestaFör Republiken Finland

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    För Konungariket Sverige

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Por la Comunidad EuropeaFor Det Europæiske FællesskabFür die Europäische GemeinschaftΓια την Ευρωπαϊκή ΚοινότηταFor the European CommunityPour la Communauté européennePer la Comunità europeaVoor de Europese GemeenschapPela Comunidade EuropeiaEuroopan yhteisön puolestaPå Europeiska gemenskapens vägnar

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    Por la República de Chile

    +++++ TIFF +++++

    [1] Sporazum, sestavljen v enajstih uradnih jezikih Evropske unije (španščini, danščini, nemščini, grščini, angleščini, francoščini, italijanščini, nizozemščini, portugalščini, finščini, švedščini), je bil objavljen v UL L 352, 30.12.2002, str. 3.Različice v češkem, estonskem, latvijskem, litovskem, madžarskem, malteškem, poljskem, slovaškem in slovenskem jeziku so objavljene v pričujočem zvezku Posebne izdaje 2004.

    [2] Ex 190220 so "polnjene testenine, ki vsebujejo več kot 20 mas. % rib, školjkarjev, mehkužcev ali drugih vodnih nevretenčarjev".

    [3] Vsi notranji davki ali druge notranje dajatve, ali vsi zakoni, predpisi ali zahteve take vrste, kot je navedeno v odstavku 2, ki se uporabljajo za uvožene proizvode in podobne domače proizvode in se pobirajo ali naložijo za uvoženi izdelek ob času ali točki uvoza, se kljub vsemu obravnavajo kot notranji davki ali druge notranje dajatve, ali zakoni, predpisi ali zahteve take vrste, kot je navedeno v odstavku 2, in zanje torej veljajo določbe tega člena.

    [4] Šteje se, da je davek, ki izpolnjuje zahteve iz prvega stavka, neskladen z določbami drugega stavka samo v primerih, če obstaja konkurenca med obdavčenim proizvodom na eni strani in neposredno konkurenčnim ali zamenljivim proizvodom, ki ni podobno obdavčen, na drugi strani.

    [5] Predpisi, skladni z določbami prvega stavka, se ne štejejo za neskladne z določbami drugega stavka v tistih primerih, če se celotna količina proizvodov, za katere veljajo predpisi, proizvaja doma v velikih količinah. Predpisa ni mogoče šteti za skladnega z določbami drugega stavka na podlagi trditve, da razmerje ali količina vsakega od proizvodov, za katere velja predpis, predstavlja enakovredno razmerje med uvoženimi in domačimi proizvodi.

    [6] Odstavek 2(c) ne zajema ukrepov pogodbenice, ki omeji vnos za zagotavljanje storitev.

    [7] Posebne obveze, sprejete po tem členu, se ne razlagajo kot zahteva za pogodbenici, da zagotovita nadomestilo zaradi inherentnega podrejenega konkurenčnega položaja, ki izhaja iz dejstva, da so ustrezne storitve ali izvajalci storitev tujega izvora.

    [8] Vključitev te določbe v to poglavje ne posega v stališče Čila glede vprašanja, ali naj se elektronsko poslovanje šteje kot zagotavljanje storitve ali ne.

    [9] Radiodifuzija je opredeljena kot neprekinjeno predvajanje, ki je potrebno za prenos signalov televizijskih in radijskih programov do splošne javnosti, ne zajema pa povezav med operaterji.

    [10] Odstavek 2(c) ne zajema ukrepov pogodbenice, ki omeji vnos za zagotavljanje finančnih storitev.

    [11] Posebne obveze, sprejete po tem členu, se ne razlagajo kot zahteva za pogodbenici, da zagotovita nadomestilo zaradi inherentnega podrejenega konkurenčnega položaja, ki izhaja iz dejstva, da so ustrezne finančne storitve ali izvajalci finančnih storitev tujega izvora.

    [12] Pogodbenica lahko zlasti zahteva, da morajo fizične osebe imeti potrebne akademske kvalifikacije in/ali strokovne izkušnje, določene na ozemlju, kjer se zagotavlja storitev ali finančna storitev ali se ustanavlja podjetje, za zadevni sektor dejavnosti.

    [13] V tem naslovu je tehnični predpis dokument, ki določa značilnosti izdelka ali storitve ali z njima povezanih procesov in proizvodnih metod, vključno z veljavnimi upravnimi določbami, skladnost s katerim je obvezna. Lahko tudi vključuje ali se izključno nanaša na zahteve glede terminologije, simbolov, pakiranja, označevanja ali etiketiranja, ki se uporabljajo za izdelek, storitev, proces ali proizvodno metodo.

    [14] V tem naslovu je standard dokument, ki ga odobri priznani organ, ki za splošno in ponovno uporabo predvideva pravila, smernice ali značilnosti za izdelke ali storitve ali z njimi povezane procese in proizvodne metode, skladnost s katerim je obvezna. Lahko tudi vključuje ali se izključno nanaša na zahteve glede terminologije, simbolov, pakiranja, označevanja ali etiketiranja, ki se uporabljajo za izdelek, storitev, proces ali proizvodno metodo.



    PRILOGA I | ČASOVNI RAZPORED TARIFNE ODPRAVE SKUPNOSTI (Omenjena v členih 60, 65, 68 in 71) |

    PRILOGA II | ČASOVNI RAZPORED TARIFNE ODPRAVE ČILA (Omenjena v členih 60, 66, 69 in 72) |



    PRILOGA V | SPORAZUM O TRGOVINI Z VINI (Omenjena v členu 90) |







    PRILOGA XII | OBSEG VLADNIH NAROČIL ČILA (Omenjena v členu 137) |


    PRILOGA XIV | TEKOČA PLAČILA IN PRETOK KAPITALA (V zvezi s členoma 164 in 165) |







    (Omenjena v členih 60, 65, 68 in 71 Pridružitvenega sporazuma)

    Uvodna opomba

    Časovni razpored tarif v tej prilogi vsebuje naslednje štiri stolpce:

    (a) "Tarifna številka HS 2002" : tarifne številke, ki se uporabljajo v nomenklaturi harmoniziranega sistema, omenjenega v členu 62;

    (b) "Poimenovanje" : poimenovanje izdelka iz tarifne številke;

    (c) "Osnova" : osnovna carina, od katere se začne program tarifne odprave, omenjen v členu 60(3);

    (d) "Kategorija" "Year 0" : liberalizacija ob začetku veljavnosti Sporazuma

    "Year 3" : liberalizacija v prehodnem obdobju treh let

    "Year 4" : liberalizacija v prehodnem obdobju štirih let

    "Year 7" : liberalizacija v prehodnem obdobju sedmih let

    "Year 10" : liberalizacija v prehodnem obdobju desetih let

    "R" : tarifna koncesija 50 % osnovne carine

    "EP" : liberalizacija zadeva samo dajatev ad valorem, posebna dajatev, povezana z vhodno ceno, se ohrani

    "SP" : liberalizacija zadeva samo dajatev ad valorem, posebna dajatev se ohrani

    "PN" : ni liberalizacije, ker te izdelke pokrivajo označbe, ki so v Skupnosti zaščitene

    "TQ" : liberalizacija znotraj tarifne kvote (za posebne pogoje glej oddelek 1).

    Ta opis tarifnega časovnega razporeda je namenjen zgolj za lažje razumevanje te priloge in ne nadomešča ali spreminja ustreznih določb naslova II dela IV.



    Omenjene v členih 68(2) in 71(5)

    Naslednje tarifne koncesije veljajo od datuma začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma na letni osnovi pri uvozu izdelkov s poreklom iz Čila v Skupnost:

    Kmetijski proizvodi

    1. Skupnost odobri dajatev prost uvoz naslednjih količin in proizvodov z 10 % letnim povečanjem prvotne količine:

    (a) skupno količino 1000 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifne številke 020120, 02013000, 020220 in 020230, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(1a)";

    (b) skupno količino 3500 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifne številke ex0203, 160100, 160241, 160242 in 160249, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(1b)";

    (c) količino 2000 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifno številko 0204, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(1c)"; in

    (d) skupno količino 7250 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifne številke 020711, 020712, 020713, 020714, 020724, 020725, 020726, 020727, 02073211, 02073215, 02073219, 02073311, 02073319, 02073515, 02073521, 02073553, 02073563, 02073571, 02073615, 02073621, 02073653, 02073663, 02073671, 160231 in 160232, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(1d)".

    2. Skupnost odobri dajatev prost uvoz naslednjih količin in proizvodov in s 5 % letnim povečanjem prvotne količine:

    (a) količino 1500 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifno številko 0406, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(2a)";

    (b) količino 500 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifno številko 07032000, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(2b)";

    (c) količino 1000 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifno številko 1104, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(2c)";

    (d) skupno količino 500 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifni številki 20031020 in 20031030, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(2d)";

    (e) količino 1000 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifno številko 20086019, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(2e)";

    (f) količino 37000 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifno številko 08061010, v obdobju od 1. januarja do 14. julija, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(2f)";

    (g) količino 3000 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifno številko 08061010, v obdobju od 1. novembra do 31. decembra, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(2g)".

    Predelani kmetijski proizvodi

    3. Skupnost odobri dajatev prost uvoz naslednjih količin in proizvodov:

    (a) skupno količino 400 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifne številke 17041011, 17041019, 17041091, 17041099, 17049010, 17049030, 17049051, 17049055, 17049061, 17049065, 17049071, 17049075, 17049081 in 17049099, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(3a)";

    (b) skupno količino 400 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifne številke 18062010, 18062030, 18062050, 18062070, 18062080, 18062095, 18063100, 18063210, 18063290, 18069011, 18069019, 18069031, 18069039, 18069050, 18069060, 18069070 in 18069090, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(3b)"; in

    (c) skupno količino 500 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifne številke 19053111, 19053119, 19053130, 19053191, 19053199, 19053211, 19053219, 19053291, 19053299, 19059040 in 19059045 , naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(3c)".

    Ribiški proizvodi

    4. Skupnost dovoli uvoz naslednjih količin in proizvodov s postopno odpravo carin v desetih enakih stopnjah, pri čemer prva nastopi ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma in preostalih devet 1. januarja vsako zaporedno leto, tako da se carina v celoti odpravi do 1. januarja desetega leta po začetku veljavnosti Sporazuma:

    (a) skupno količino 5000 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifne številke 03026966, 03026967, 03026968 in 03026969, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(4a)"; in

    (b) skupno količino 40 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifni številki 03053030 in 03054100, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(4b)".

    Osnovna carina znotraj kvote, od katere se začne tarifna odprava, je dajatev, ki se dejansko uporablja ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma.

    5. Skupnost dovoli uvoz skupne količine 150 metričnih ton konzerviranih tunov, razen filetov, znanih kot "vlečeni fileti", uvrščenih v tarifne številke 16041411, 16041418, 16041939 in 16042070 in naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(5)" s preferencialno carino, ki znaša eno tretjino MFN dajatve, ki se uporablja v času uvoza.


    Vhodne cene, ki se trenutno uporabljajo za izdelke, naštete v kategoriji "EP" v tej prilogi, so določene v Dodatku.


    Časovni razpored tarifne odprave Skupnosti

    HS Heading 2002 | Description | Base | Category |

    | |

    01 | LIVE ANIMALS | | |

    0101 | Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies: | | | |

    010110 | — Pure-bred breeding animals: | | | |

    01011010 | — — Horses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    01011090 | — — Other | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    010190 | — Other: | | | |

    — — Horses: | | | |

    01019011 | — — — For slaughter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    01019019 | — — — Other | 8,0 | Year 7 | |

    01019030 | — — Asses | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    01019090 | — — Mules and hinnies | 7,4 | Year 7 | |

    0102 | Live bovine animals | | | |

    010210 | — Pure-bred breeding animals | | | |

    01021010 | — — Heifers (female bovines that have never calved) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    01021030 | — — Cows | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    01021090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    010290 | — Other | | | |

    — — Domestic species | | | |

    01029005 | — — — Of a weight not exceeding 80 kg | — | | |

    — — — Of a weight exceeding 80 kg but not exceeding 160 kg | | | |

    01029021 | — — — — For slaughter | — | | |

    01029029 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Of a weight exceeding 160 kg but not exceeding 300 kg | | | |

    01029041 | — — — — For slaughter | — | | |

    01029049 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Of a weight exceeding 300 kg | | | |

    — — — — Heifers (female bovines that have never calved) | | | |

    01029051 | — — — — — For slaughter | — | | |

    01029059 | — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — — Cows | | | |

    01029061 | — — — — — For slaughter | — | | |

    01029069 | — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    01029071 | — — — — — For slaughter | — | | |

    01029079 | — — — — — Other | — | | |

    01029090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0103 | Live swine | | | |

    01031000 | — Pure-bred breeding animals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    010391 | — — Weighing less than 50 kg | | | |

    01039110 | — — — Domestic species | — | | |

    01039190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    010392 | — — Weighing 50 kg or more | | | |

    — — — Domestic species | | | |

    01039211 | — — — — Sows having farrowed at least once, of a weight of not less than 160 kg | — | | |

    01039219 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    01039290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0104 | Live sheep and goats | | | |

    010410 | — Sheep | | | |

    01041010 | — — Pure-bred breeding animals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    01041030 | — — — Lambs (up to a year old) | — | | |

    01041080 | — — — Other | — | | |

    010420 | — Goats | | | |

    01042010 | — — Pure-bred breeding animals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    01042090 | — — Other | — | | |

    0105 | Live poultry, that is to say, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls | | | |

    — Weighing not more than 185 g | | | |

    010511 | — — Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus | | | |

    — — — Grandparent and parent female chicks | | | |

    01051111 | — — — — Laying stocks | — | | |

    01051119 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    01051191 | — — — — Laying stocks | — | | |

    01051199 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    01051200 | — — Turkeys | — | | |

    010519 | — — Other | | | |

    01051920 | — — — Geese | — | | |

    01051990 | — — — Ducks and guinea fowls | — | | |

    — Other | | | |

    01059200 | — — Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus weighing not more than 2000 g | — | | |

    01059300 | — — Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus weighing more than 2000 g | — | | |

    010599 | — — Other | | | |

    01059910 | — — — Ducks | — | | |

    01059920 | — — — Geese | — | | |

    01059930 | — — — Turkeys | — | | |

    01059950 | — — — Guinea fowls | — | | |

    0106 | Other live animals: | | | |

    — Mammals: | | | |

    01061100 | — — Primates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    01061200 | — — Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    010619 | — — Other: | | | |

    01061910 | — — — Domestic rabbits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    01061990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    01062000 | — Reptiles (including snakes and turtles) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Birds: | | | |

    01063100 | — — Birds of prey | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    01063200 | — — Psittaciformes (including parrots, parakeets, macaws and cockatoos) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    010639 | — — Other: | | | |

    01063910 | — — — Pigeons | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    01063990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    01069000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    0201 | Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | | | |

    02011000 | — Carcases and half-carcases | — | | |

    020120 | — Other cuts with bone in | | | |

    02012020 | — — "Compensated" quarters | — | | TQ(1a) |

    02012030 | — — Unseparated or separated forequarters | — | | TQ(1a) |

    02012050 | — — Unseparated or separated hindquarters | — | | TQ(1a) |

    02012090 | — — Other | — | | TQ(1a) |

    02013000 | — Boneless | — | | TQ(1a) |

    0202 | Meat of bovine animals, frozen | | | |

    02021000 | — Carcases and half-carcases | — | | |

    020220 | — Other cuts with bone in | | | |

    02022010 | — — "Compensated" quarters | — | | TQ(1a) |

    02022030 | — — Unseparated or separated forequarters | — | | TQ(1a) |

    02022050 | — — Unseparated or separated hindquarters | — | | TQ(1a) |

    02022090 | — — Other | — | | TQ(1a) |

    020230 | — Boneless | | | |

    02023010 | — — Forequarters, whole or cut into a maximum of five pieces, each quarter being in a single block; "compensated" quarters in two blocks, one of which contains the forequarter, whole or cut into a maximum of five pieces, and the other, the hindquarter, excluding the tenderloin, in one piece | — | | TQ(1a) |

    02023050 | — — Crop, chuck and blade and brisket cuts | — | | TQ(1a) |

    02023090 | — — Other | — | | TQ(1a) |

    0203 | Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen | | | |

    — Fresh or chilled | | | |

    020311 | — — Carcases and half-carcases | | | |

    02031110 | — — — Of domestic swine | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02031190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    020312 | — — Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in | | | |

    — — — Of domestic swine | | | |

    02031211 | — — — — Hams and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02031219 | — — — — Shoulders and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02031290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    020319 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of domestic swine | | | |

    02031911 | — — — — Fore-ends and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02031913 | — — — — Loins and cuts thereof, with bone in | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02031915 | — — — — Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1b) |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    02031955 | — — — — — Boneless | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02031959 | — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02031990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Frozen | | | |

    020321 | — — Carcases and half-carcases | | | |

    02032110 | — — — Of domestic swine | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02032190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    020322 | — — Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in | | | |

    — — — Of domestic swine | | | |

    02032211 | — — — — Hams and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02032219 | — — — — Shoulders and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02032290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    020329 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of domestic swine | | | |

    02032911 | — — — — Fore-ends and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02032913 | — — — — Loins and cuts thereof, with bone in | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02032915 | — — — — Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1b) |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    02032955 | — — — — — Boneless | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02032959 | — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1b) |

    02032990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0204 | Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen | | | |

    02041000 | — Carcases and half-carcases of lamb, fresh or chilled | — | | TQ(1c) |

    — Other meat of sheep, fresh or chilled | | | |

    02042100 | — — Carcases and half-carcases | — | | TQ(1c) |

    020422 | — — Other cuts with bone in | | | |

    02042210 | — — — Short forequarters | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02042230 | — — — Chines and/or best ends | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02042250 | — — — Legs | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02042290 | — — — Other | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02042300 | — — Boneless | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02043000 | — Carcases and half-carcases of lamb, frozen | — | | TQ(1c) |

    — Other meat of sheep, frozen | | | |

    02044100 | — — Carcases and half-carcases | — | | TQ(1c) |

    020442 | — — Other cuts with bone in | | | |

    02044210 | — — — Short forequarters | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02044230 | — — — Chines and/or best ends | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02044250 | — — — Legs | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02044290 | — — — Other | — | | TQ(1c) |

    020443 | — — Boneless | | | |

    02044310 | — — — Of lamb | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02044390 | — — — Other | — | | TQ(1c) |

    020450 | — Meat of goats | | | |

    — — Fresh or chilled | | | |

    02045011 | — — — Carcases and half-carcases | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02045013 | — — — Short forequarters | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02045015 | — — — Chines and/or best ends | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02045019 | — — — Legs | — | | TQ(1c) |

    — — — Other | | | |

    02045031 | — — — — Cuts with bone in | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02045039 | — — — — Boneless cuts | — | | TQ(1c) |

    — — Frozen | | | |

    02045051 | — — — Carcases and half-carcases | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02045053 | — — — Short forequarters | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02045055 | — — — Chines and/or best ends | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02045059 | — — — Legs | — | | TQ(1c) |

    — — — Other | | | |

    02045071 | — — — — Cuts with bone in | — | | TQ(1c) |

    02045079 | — — — — Boneless cuts | — | | TQ(1c) |

    020500 | Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen | | | |

    — Of horses | | | |

    02050011 | — — Fresh or chilled | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    02050019 | — — Frozen | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    02050090 | — Of asses, mules or hinnies | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    0206 | Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen | | | |

    020610 | — Of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | | | |

    02061010 | — — For the manufacture of pharmaceutical products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    02061091 | — — — Livers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02061095 | — — — Thick skirt and thin skirt | — | | |

    02061099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of bovine animals, frozen | | | |

    02062100 | — — Tongues | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02062200 | — — Livers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    020629 | — — Other | | | |

    02062910 | — — — For the manufacture of pharmaceutical products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    02062991 | — — — — Thick skirt and thin skirt | — | | |

    02062999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    020630 | — Of swine, fresh or chilled | | | |

    — — Of domestic swine | | | |

    02063020 | — — — Livers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02063030 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02063080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of swine, frozen | | | |

    020641 | — — Livers | | | |

    02064120 | — — — Of domestic swine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02064180 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    020649 | — — Other | | | |

    02064920 | — — — Of domestic swine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02064980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    020680 | — Other, fresh or chilled | | | |

    02068010 | — — For the manufacture of pharmaceutical products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    02068091 | — — — Of horses, asses, mules and hinnies | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    02068099 | — — — Of sheep and goats | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    020690 | — Other, frozen | | | |

    02069010 | — — For the manufacture of pharmaceutical products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    02069091 | — — — Of horses, asses, mules and hinnies | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    02069099 | — — — Of sheep and goats | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0207 | Meat and edible offal, of the poultry of heading 0105, fresh, chilled or frozen | | | |

    — Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus | | | |

    020711 | — — Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled | | | |

    02071110 | — — — Plucked and gutted, with heads and feet, known as "83 % chickens" | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071130 | — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "70 % chickens" | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071190 | — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "65 % chickens", or otherwise presented | — | | TQ(1d) |

    020712 | — — Not cut in pieces, frozen | | | |

    02071210 | — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "70 % chickens" | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071290 | — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "65 % chickens", or otherwise presented | — | | TQ(1d) |

    020713 | — — Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled | | | |

    — — — Cuts | | | |

    02071310 | — — — — Boneless | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — — With bone in | | | |

    02071320 | — — — — — Halves or quarters | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071330 | — — — — — Whole wings, with or without tips | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071340 | — — — — — Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing tips | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071350 | — — — — — Breasts and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071360 | — — — — — Legs and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071370 | — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — Offal | | | |

    02071391 | — — — — Livers | 6,4 | Year 4 | TQ(1d) |

    02071399 | — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1d) |

    020714 | — — Cuts and offal, frozen | | | |

    — — — Cuts | | | |

    02071410 | — — — — Boneless | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — — With bone in | | | |

    02071420 | — — — — — Halves or quarters | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071430 | — — — — — Whole wings, with or without tips | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071440 | — — — — — Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing tips | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071450 | — — — — — Breasts and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071460 | — — — — — Legs and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02071470 | — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — Offal | | | |

    02071491 | — — — — Livers | 2,9 | Year 4 | TQ(1d) |

    02071499 | — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — Of turkeys | | | |

    020724 | — — Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled | | | |

    02072410 | — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "80 % turkeys" | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02072490 | — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "73 % turkeys", or otherwise presented | — | | TQ(1d) |

    020725 | — — Not cut in pieces, frozen | | | |

    02072510 | — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "80 % turkeys" | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02072590 | — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "73 % turkeys", or otherwise presented | — | | TQ(1d) |

    020726 | — — Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled | | | |

    — — — Cuts | | | |

    02072610 | — — — — Boneless | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — — With bone in | | | |

    02072620 | — — — — — Halves or quarters | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02072630 | — — — — — Whole wings, with or without tips | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02072640 | — — — — — Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing tips | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02072650 | — — — — — Breasts and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — — — Legs and cuts thereof | | | |

    02072660 | — — — — — — Drumsticks and cuts of drumsticks | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02072670 | — — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02072680 | — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — Offal | | | |

    02072691 | — — — — Livers | 6,4 | Year 4 | TQ(1d) |

    02072699 | — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1d) |

    020727 | — — Cuts and offal, frozen | | | |

    — — — Cuts | | | |

    02072710 | — — — — Boneless | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — — With bone in | | | |

    02072720 | — — — — — Halves or quarters | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02072730 | — — — — — Whole wings, with or without tips | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02072740 | — — — — — Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing tips | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02072750 | — — — — — Breasts and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — — — Legs and cuts thereof | | | |

    02072760 | — — — — — — Drumsticks and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02072770 | — — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02072780 | — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — Offal | | | |

    02072791 | — — — — Livers | 2,9 | Year 4 | TQ(1d) |

    02072799 | — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — Of ducks, geese or guinea fowls | | | |

    020732 | — — Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled | | | |

    — — — Of ducks | | | |

    02073211 | — — — — Plucked, bled, gutted but not drawn, with heads and feet, known as "85 % ducks" | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02073215 | — — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "70 % ducks" | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02073219 | — — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "63 % ducks", or otherwise presented | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — Of geese | | | |

    02073251 | — — — — Plucked, bled, not drawn, with heads and feet, known as "82 % geese" | — | | |

    02073259 | — — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet, with or without hearts and gizzards, known as "75 % geese", or otherwise presented | — | | |

    02073290 | — — — Of guinea fowls | — | | |

    020733 | — — Not cut in pieces, frozen | | | |

    — — — Of ducks | | | |

    02073311 | — — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "70 % ducks" | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02073319 | — — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "63 % ducks", or otherwise presented | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — Of geese | | | |

    02073351 | — — — — Plucked, bled, not drawn, with heads and feet, known as "82 % geese" | — | | |

    02073359 | — — — — Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet, with or without hearts and gizzards, known as "75 % geese", or otherwise presented | — | | |

    02073390 | — — — Of guinea fowls | — | | |

    020734 | — — Fatty livers, fresh or chilled | | | |

    02073410 | — — — Of geese | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02073490 | — — — Of ducks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    020735 | — — Other, fresh or chilled | | | |

    — — — Cuts | | | |

    — — — — Boneless | | | |

    02073511 | — — — — — Of geese | — | | |

    02073515 | — — — — — Of ducks and guinea fowls | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — — With bone in | | | |

    — — — — — Halves or quarters | | | |

    02073521 | — — — — — — Of ducks | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02073523 | — — — — — — Of geese | — | | |

    02073525 | — — — — — — Of guinea fowls | — | | |

    02073531 | — — — — — Whole wings, with or without tips | — | | |

    02073541 | — — — — — Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing tips | — | | |

    — — — — — Breasts and cuts thereof | | | |

    02073551 | — — — — — — Of geese | — | | |

    02073553 | — — — — — — Of ducks and guinea fowls | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — — — Legs and cuts thereof | | | |

    02073561 | — — — — — — Of geese | — | | |

    02073563 | — — — — — — Of ducks and guinea fowls | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02073571 | — — — — — Goose or duck paletots | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02073579 | — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Offal | | | |

    02073591 | — — — — Livers, other than fatty livers | 6,4 | Year 4 | |

    02073599 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    020736 | — — Other, frozen | | | |

    — — — Cuts | | | |

    — — — — Boneless | | | |

    02073611 | — — — — — Of geese | — | | |

    02073615 | — — — — — Of ducks and guinea fowls | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — — With bone in | | | |

    — — — — — Halves or quarters | | | |

    02073621 | — — — — — — Of ducks | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02073623 | — — — — — — Of geese | — | | |

    02073625 | — — — — — — Of guinea fowls | — | | |

    02073631 | — — — — — Whole wings, with or without tips | — | | |

    02073641 | — — — — — Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing tips | — | | |

    — — — — — Breasts and cuts thereof | | | |

    02073651 | — — — — — — Of geese | — | | |

    02073653 | — — — — — — Of ducks and guinea fowls | — | | TQ(1d) |

    — — — — — Legs and cuts thereof | | | |

    02073661 | — — — — — — Of geese | — | | |

    02073663 | — — — — — — Of ducks and guinea fowls | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02073671 | — — — — — Goose or duck paletots | — | | TQ(1d) |

    02073679 | — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Offal | | | |

    — — — — Livers | | | |

    02073681 | — — — — — Fatty livers of geese | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02073685 | — — — — — Fatty livers of ducks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02073689 | — — — — — Other | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    02073690 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    0208 | Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh, chilled or frozen: | | | |

    020810 | — Of rabbits or hares: | | | |

    — — Of domestic rabbits: | | | |

    02081011 | — — — Fresh or chilled | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    02081019 | — — — Frozen | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    02081090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02082000 | — Frogs' legs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02083000 | — Of primates | 5,5 | Year 4 | |

    020840 | — Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia): | | | |

    02084010 | — — Of whales meat | 6,4 | Year 4 | |

    02084090 | — — Other | 5,5 | Year 4 | |

    02085000 | — Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) | 5,5 | Year 4 | |

    020890 | — Other: | | | |

    02089010 | — — Of domestic pigeons | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    — — Of game, other than of rabbits or hares: | | | |

    02089020 | — — — Of quails | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02089040 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02089055 | — — Of seal meat | 6,4 | Year 4 | |

    02089060 | — — Of reindeer | 5,5 | Year 4 | |

    02089095 | — — Other | 5,5 | Year 4 | |

    020900 | Pig fat, free of lean meat, and poultry fat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked | | | |

    — Subcutaneous pig fat | | | |

    02090011 | — — Fresh, chilled, frozen, salted or in brine | — | | |

    02090019 | — — Dried or smoked | — | | |

    02090030 | — Pig fat, other than that falling within subheading 02090011 or 02090019 | — | | |

    02090090 | — Poultry fat | — | | |

    0210 | Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal | | | |

    — Meat of swine | | | |

    021011 | — — Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in | | | |

    — — — Of domestic swine | | | |

    — — — — Salted or in brine | | | |

    02101111 | — — — — — Hams and cuts thereof | — | | |

    02101119 | — — — — — Shoulders and cuts thereof | — | | |

    — — — — Dried or smoked | | | |

    02101131 | — — — — — Hams and cuts thereof | — | | |

    02101139 | — — — — — Shoulders and cuts thereof | — | | |

    02101190 | — — — Other | 15,4 | Year 10 | |

    021012 | — — Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof | | | |

    — — — Of domestic swine | | | |

    02101211 | — — — — Salted or in brine | — | | |

    02101219 | — — — — Dried or smoked | — | | |

    02101290 | — — — Other | 15,4 | Year 10 | |

    021019 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of domestic swine | | | |

    — — — — Salted or in brine | | | |

    02101910 | — — — — — Bacon sides or spencers | — | | |

    02101920 | — — — — — Three-quarter sides or middles | — | | |

    02101930 | — — — — — Fore-ends and cuts thereof | — | | |

    02101940 | — — — — — Loins and cuts thereof | — | | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    02101951 | — — — — — — Boneless | — | | |

    02101959 | — — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — — Dried or smoked | | | |

    02101960 | — — — — — Fore-ends and cuts thereof | — | | |

    02101970 | — — — — — Loins and cuts thereof | — | | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    02101981 | — — — — — — Boneless | — | | |

    02101989 | — — — — — — Other | — | | |

    02101990 | — — — Other | 15,4 | Year 10 | |

    021020 | — Meat of bovine animals | | | |

    02102010 | — — With bone in | — | | |

    02102090 | — — Boneless | — | | |

    — Other, including edible flours and meals of meat and meat offal: | | | |

    02109100 | — — Of primates | 15,4 | Year 10 | |

    02109200 | — — Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia) | 15,4 | Year 10 | |

    02109300 | — — Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) | 15,4 | Year 10 | |

    021099 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — Meat: | | | |

    02109910 | — — — — Of horses, salted, in brine or dried | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Of sheep and goats: | | | |

    02109921 | — — — — — With bone in | — | | |

    02109929 | — — — — — Boneless | — | | |

    02109931 | — — — — Of reindeer | 15,4 | Year 10 | |

    02109939 | — — — — Other | 15,4 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Offal: | | | |

    — — — — Of domestic swine: | | | |

    02109941 | — — — — — Livers | — | | |

    02109949 | — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — — Of bovine animals: | | | |

    02109951 | — — — — — Thick skirt and thin skirt | — | | |

    02109959 | — — — — — Other | 8,9 | Year 7 | |

    02109960 | — — — — Of sheep and goats | 10,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    — — — — — Poultry liver: | | | |

    02109971 | — — — — — — Fatty livers of geese or ducks, salted or in brine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    02109979 | — — — — — — Other | 6,4 | Year 4 | |

    02109980 | — — — — — Other | 10,7 | Year 10 | |

    02109990 | — — — Edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal | — | | |


    0301 | Live fish | | | |

    030110 | — Ornamental fish | | | |

    03011010 | — — Freshwater fish | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03011090 | — — Saltwater fish | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other live fish | | | |

    030191 | — — Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | | | |

    03019110 | — — — Of the species Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    03019190 | — — — Other | 8,5 | Year 7 | |

    03019200 | — — Eels (Anguilla spp.) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03019300 | — — Carp | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    030199 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Freshwater fish | | | |

    03019911 | — — — — Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    03019919 | — — — — Other | 8,0 | Year 0 | |

    03019990 | — — — Saltwater fish | | | |

    ex03019990 | — — — — Sharks (Squalus spp); Porbeagles (Lamna cornubica; Isurus nasus); Lesser or Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides); Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) | 5,6 | Year 10 | |

    ex03019990 | — — — — Other | 16,0 | Year 10 | |

    0302 | Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 0304 | | | |

    — Salmonidae, excluding livers and roes | | | |

    030211 | — — Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | | | |

    03021110 | — — — Of the species Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    03021190 | — — — Other | 8,5 | Year 7 | |

    03021200 | — — Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    03021900 | — — Other | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    — Flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae), excluding livers and roes | | | |

    030221 | — — Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) | | | |

    03022110 | — — — Lesser or Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    03022130 | — — — Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    03022190 | — — — Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03022200 | — — Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03022300 | — — Sole (Solea spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    030229 | — — Other | | | |

    03022910 | — — — Megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03022990 | — — — Other | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    — Tunas (of the genus Thunnus), skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis), excluding livers and roes | | | |

    030231 | — — Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) | | | |

    03023110 | — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03023190 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    030232 | — — Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) | | | |

    03023210 | — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03023290 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    030233 | — — Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito | | | |

    03023310 | — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03023390 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    030234 | — — Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus): | | | |

    03023410 | — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03023490 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    030235 | — — Bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus): | | | |

    03023510 | — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03023590 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    030236 | — — Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii): | | | |

    03023610 | — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03023690 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    030239 | — — Other: | | | |

    03023910 | — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03023990 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    03024000 | — Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), excluding livers and roes | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    030250 | — Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), excluding livers and roes | | | |

    03025010 | — — Of the species Gadus morhua | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    03025090 | — — Other | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    — Other fish, excluding livers and roes | | | |

    030261 | — — Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus) | | | |

    03026110 | — — — Sardines of the species Sardina pilchardus | 23,0 | Year 10 | |

    03026130 | — — — Sardines of the genus Sardinops; sardinella (Sardinella spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03026180 | — — — Brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus) | 13,0 | Year 10 | |

    03026200 | — — Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03026300 | — — Coalfish (Pollachius virens) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03026400 | — — Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) | 20,0 | Year 10 | |

    030265 | — — Dogfish and other sharks | | | |

    03026520 | — — — Dogfish of the species Squalus acanthias | 2,5 | Year 4 | |

    03026550 | — — — Dogfish of the species Scyliorhinus spp. | 2,1 | Year 4 | |

    03026590 | — — — Other | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    03026600 | — — Eels (Anguilla spp.) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    030269 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Freshwater fish | | | |

    03026911 | — — — — Carp | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    03026919 | — — — — Other | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Saltwater fish | | | |

    — — — — Fish of the genus Euthynnus, other than the skipjack or stripe-bellied bonitos (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis) mentioned in subheading 030233 | | | |

    03026921 | — — — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03026925 | — — — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — Redfish (Sebastes spp.) | | | |

    03026931 | — — — — — Of the species Sebastes marinus | 7,5 | Year 4 | |

    03026933 | — — — — — Other | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03026935 | — — — — Fish of the species Boreogadus saida | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    03026941 | — — — — Whiting (Merlangius merlangus) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03026945 | — — — — Ling (Molva spp.) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03026951 | — — — — Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) and pollack (Pollachius pollachius) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03026955 | — — — — Anchovies (Engraulis spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03026961 | — — — — Sea bream (Dentex dentex and Pagellus spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) | | | |

    — — — — — Hake of the genus Merluccius | | | |

    03026966 | — — — — — — Cape hake (shallow-water hake) (Merluccius capensis) and deepwater hake (deepwater Cape hake) (Merluccius paradoxus) | — | — | TQ(4a) |

    03026967 | — — — — — — Southern hake (Merluccius australis) | — | — | TQ(4a) |

    03026968 | — — — — — — Other | — | — | TQ(4a) |

    03026969 | — — — — — Hake of the genus Urophycis | — | — | TQ(4a) |

    03026975 | — — — — Ray's bream (Brama spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03026981 | — — — — Monkfish (Lophius spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03026985 | — — — — Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou or Gadus poutassou) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03026986 | — — — — Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03026987 | — — — — Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03026988 | — — — — Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    03026991 | — — — — Horse mackerel (scad) (Caranx trachurus, Trachurus trachurus) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03026992 | — — — — Pink cusk-eel (Genypterus blacodes) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03026994 | — — — — Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03026995 | — — — — Gilt-head seabreams (Sparus aurata) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03026999 | — — — — Other | | | |

    ex03026999 | — — — — — Fish of the species Kathetostoma giganteum | 15,0 | Year 0 | |

    ex03026999 | — — — — — Sturgeons, for processing; Lump fish (Cyclopterus lumpus) with roe, for processing; Red snapper (Lutjanus purpureus), for processing; Sharpsnout bream (Puntazzo puntazzo); Other | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    03027000 | — Livers and roes | 3,5 | Year 4 | |

    0303 | Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 0304 | | | |

    — Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), excluding livers and roes: | | | |

    03031100 | — — Sockeye salmon (red salmon) (Oncorhynchus nerka) | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    03031900 | — — Other | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other salmonidae, excluding livers and roes: | | | |

    030321 | — — Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Onchorhynchus chrysogaster) | | | |

    03032110 | — — — Of the species Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster | 9,0 | Year 4 | |

    03032190 | — — — Other | 8,5 | Year 7 | |

    03032200 | — — Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    03032900 | — — Other | 9,0 | Year 4 | |

    — Flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae), excluding livers and roes | | | |

    030331 | — — Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) | | | |

    03033110 | — — — Lesser or Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03033130 | — — — Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03033190 | — — — Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03033200 | — — Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03033300 | — — Sole (Solea spp.) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    030339 | — — Other | | | |

    03033910 | — — — Flounder (Platichthys flesus) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03033920 | — — — Megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03033930 | — — — Fish of the genus Rhombosolea | 7,5 | Year 4 | |

    03033980 | — — — Other | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    — Tunas (of the genus Thunnus), skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis), excluding livers and roes | | | |

    030341 | — — Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) | | | |

    — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604 | | | |

    03034111 | — — — — Whole | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034113 | — — — — Gilled and gutted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034119 | — — — — Other (for example "heads off") | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034190 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    030342 | — — Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) | | | |

    — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604 | | | |

    — — — — Whole | | | |

    03034212 | — — — — — Weighing more than 10 kg each | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034218 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Gilled and gutted | | | |

    03034232 | — — — — — Weighing more than 10 kg each | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034238 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other (for example "heads off") | | | |

    03034252 | — — — — — Weighing more than 10 kg each | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034258 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034290 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    030343 | — — Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito | | | |

    — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604 | | | |

    03034311 | — — — — Whole | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034313 | — — — — Gilled and gutted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034319 | — — — — Other (for example "heads off") | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034390 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    030344 | — — Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus): | | | |

    — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604: | | | |

    03034411 | — — — — Whole | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034413 | — — — — Gilled and gutted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034419 | — — — — Other (for example "heads off") | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034490 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    030345 | — — Bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus): | | | |

    — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604: | | | |

    03034511 | — — — — Whole | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034513 | — — — — Gilled and gutted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034519 | — — — — Other (for example "heads off") | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034590 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    030346 | — — Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii): | | | |

    — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604: | | | |

    03034611 | — — — — Whole | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034613 | — — — — Gilled and gutted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034619 | — — — — Other (for example "heads off") | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034690 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    030349 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604: | | | |

    03034931 | — — — — Whole | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034933 | — — — — Gilled and gutted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034939 | — — — — Other (for example "heads off") | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03034980 | — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    03035000 | — Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), excluding livers and roes | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    030360 | — Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), excluding livers and roes | | | |

    03036011 | — — Of the species Gadus morhua | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    03036019 | — — Of the species Gadus ogac | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    03036090 | — — Of the species Gadus macrocephalus | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    — Other fish, excluding livers and roes | | | |

    030371 | — — Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus) | | | |

    03037110 | — — — Sardines of the species Sardina pilchardus | 23,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037130 | — — — Sardines of the genus Sardinops; sardinella (Sardinella spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037180 | — — — Brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus) | 13,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037200 | — — Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03037300 | — — Coalfish (Pollachius virens) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    030374 | — — Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) | | | |

    03037430 | — — — Of the species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus | 20,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037490 | — — — Of the species Scomber australasicus | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    030375 | — — Dogfish and other sharks | | | |

    03037520 | — — — Dogfish of the species Squalus acanthias | 2,1 | Year 4 | |

    03037550 | — — — Dogfish of the species Scyliorhinus spp. | 2,1 | Year 4 | |

    03037590 | — — — Other | 2,8 | Year 0 | |

    03037600 | — — Eels (Anguilla spp.) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03037700 | — — Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    030378 | — — Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) | | | |

    — — — Hake of the genus Merluccius | | | |

    03037811 | — — — — Cape hake (shallow-water hake) (Merluccius capensis) and deepwater hake (deepwater Cape hake) (Merluccius paradoxus) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037812 | — — — — Argentine hake (Southwest Atlantic hake) (Merluccius hubbsi) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037813 | — — — — Southern hake (Merluccius australis) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037819 | — — — — Other | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037890 | — — — Hake of the genus Urophycis | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    030379 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Freshwater fish | | | |

    03037911 | — — — — Carp | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    03037919 | — — — — Other | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Saltwater fish | | | |

    — — — — Fish of the genus Euthynnus, other than the skipjack or stripe-bellied bonitos (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis) mentioned in subheading 030343 | | | |

    — — — — — For the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading 1604 | | | |

    03037921 | — — — — — — Whole | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03037923 | — — — — — — Gilled and gutted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03037929 | — — — — — — Other (for example "heads off") | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03037931 | — — — — — Other | 22,0 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — Redfish (Sebastes spp.) | | | |

    03037935 | — — — — — Of the species Sebastes marinus | 7,5 | Year 4 | |

    03037937 | — — — — — Other | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03037941 | — — — — Fish of the species Boreogadus saida | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037945 | — — — — Whiting (Merlangius merlangus) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03037951 | — — — — Ling (Molva spp.) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03037955 | — — — — Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) and pollack (Pollachius pollachius) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037958 | — — — — Fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor | 3,5 | Year 4 | |

    03037965 | — — — — Anchovies (Engraulis spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037971 | — — — — Sea bream (Dentex dentex and Pagellus spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037975 | — — — — Ray's bream (Brama spp.) | 15,0 | Year 4 | |

    03037981 | — — — — Monkfish (Lophius spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037983 | — — — — Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou or Gadus poutassou) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03037985 | — — — — Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03037987 | — — — — Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) | 4,0 | Year 4 | |

    03037988 | — — — — Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) | 5,2 | Year 4 | |

    03037991 | — — — — Horse mackerel (scad) (Caranx trachurus, Trachurus trachurus) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03037992 | — — — — Blue grenadier (Macruronus novaezealandiae) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03037993 | — — — — Pink cusk-eel (Genypterus blacodes) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03037994 | — — — — Fish of the species Pelotreis flavilatus and Peltorhamphus novaezealandiae | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03037998 | — — — — Other | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    030380 | — Livers and roes | | | |

    03038010 | — — Hard and soft roes, for the manufacture of deoxyribonucleic acid or protamine sulphate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03038090 | — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    0304 | Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh, chilled or frozen | | | |

    030410 | — Fresh or chilled | | | |

    — — Fillets | | | |

    — — — Of freshwater fish | | | |

    03041011 | — — — — Of trout of the species Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita and Oncorhynchus gilae | 8,5 | Year 7 | |

    03041013 | — — — — Of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    03041019 | — — — — Of other freshwater fish | 9,0 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    03041031 | — — — — Of cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) and of fish of the species Boreogadus saida | 18,0 | Year 10 | |

    03041033 | — — — — Of coalfish (Pollachius virens) | 18,0 | Year 10 | |

    03041035 | — — — — Of redfish (Sebastes spp.) | 18,0 | Year 10 | |

    03041038 | — — — — Other | 18,0 | Year 10 | |

    — — Other fish meat (whether or not minced) | | | |

    03041091 | — — — Of freshwater fish | 8,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    03041097 | — — — — Flaps of herring | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03041098 | — — — — Other | | | |

    ex03041098 | — — — — — Of dogfish of the species Squalus acanthias; Of other sharks of the genus Squalus; Of lesser or Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides); Of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus); Of porbeagles (Lamna cornubica, Isurus nasus) | 5,2 | Year 10 | |

    ex03041098 | — — — — — Other | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    030420 | — Frozen fillets | | | |

    — — Of freshwater fish | | | |

    03042011 | — — — Of trout of the species Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita and Oncorhynchus gilae | 8,5 | Year 7 | |

    03042013 | — — — Of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    03042019 | — — — Of other freshwater fish | 9,0 | Year 4 | |

    — — Of cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus macrocephalus, Gadus ogac) and of fish of the species Boreogadus saida | | | |

    03042021 | — — — Of cod of the species Gadus macrocephalus | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03042029 | — — — Other | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03042031 | — — Of coalfish (Pollachius virens) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03042033 | — — Of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    — — Of redfish (Sebastes spp.) | | | |

    03042035 | — — — Of the species Sebastes marinus | 7,5 | Year 4 | |

    03042037 | — — — Other | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03042041 | — — Of whiting (Merlangius merlangus) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03042043 | — — Of ling (Molva spp.) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03042045 | — — Of tuna (of the genus Thunnus) and of fish of the genus Euthynnus | 18,0 | Year 10 | |

    — — Of mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) and of fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor | | | |

    03042051 | — — — Of mackerel of the species Scomber australasicus | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03042053 | — — — Other | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    — — Of hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) | | | |

    — — — Of hake of the genus Merluccius | | | |

    03042055 | — — — — Of Cape hake (shallow-water hake) (Merluccius capensis) and of deepwater hake (deepwater Cape hake) (Merluccius paradoxus) | 4,0 | Year 7 | |

    03042056 | — — — — Of argentine hake (Southwest Atlantic hake) (Merluccius hubbsi) | 4,0 | Year 7 | |

    03042058 | — — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 4 | |

    03042059 | — — — Of hake of the genus Urophycis | 4,0 | Year 7 | |

    — — Of dogfish and other sharks | | | |

    03042061 | — — — Of dogfish (Squalus acanthias and Scyliorhinus spp.) | 4,0 | Year 4 | |

    03042069 | — — — Of other sharks | 4,0 | Year 4 | |

    03042071 | — — Of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03042073 | — — Of flounder (Platichthys flesus) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03042075 | — — Of herring (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03042079 | — — Of megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03042081 | — — Of Ray's bream (Brama spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03042083 | — — Of monkfish (Lophius spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03042085 | — — Of Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03042087 | — — Of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03042088 | — — Of toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03042091 | — — Of blue grenadier (Macruronus novaezealandiae) | 4,0 | Year 4 | |

    03042095 | — — Other | | | |

    ex03042095 | — — — Of halibut (Reinhardtius Hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) | 10,5 | Year 10 | |

    ex03042095 | — — — Other | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    030490 | — Other | | | |

    03049005 | — — Surimi | 15,0 | Year 4 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    03049010 | — — — Of freshwater fish | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    03049022 | — — — — Of herring (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03049031 | — — — — Of redfish (Sebastes spp.) | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Of cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) and of fish of the species Boreogadus saida | | | |

    03049035 | — — — — — Of cod of the species Gadus macrocephalus | 7,5 | Year 4 | |

    03049038 | — — — — — Of cod of the species Gadus morhua | 7,5 | Year 4 | |

    03049039 | — — — — — Other | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03049041 | — — — — Of coalfish (Pollachius virens) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03049045 | — — — — Of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Of hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) | | | |

    03049047 | — — — — — Of hake of the genus Merluccius | 4,0 | Year 7 | |

    03049049 | — — — — — Of hake of the genus Urophycis | 4,0 | Year 7 | |

    03049051 | — — — — Of megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03049055 | — — — — Of Ray's bream (Brama spp.) | 15,0 | Year 4 | |

    03049057 | — — — — Of monkfish (Lophius spp.) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03049059 | — — — — Of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou or Gadus poutassou) | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03049061 | — — — — Of Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) | 7,5 | Year 4 | |

    03049065 | — — — — Of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) | 7,5 | Year 4 | |

    03049097 | — — — — Other | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    0305 | Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process; flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption | | | |

    03051000 | — Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption | 13,0 | Year 10 | |

    03052000 | — Livers and roes of fish, dried, smoked, salted or in brine | 11,0 | Year 10 | |

    030530 | — Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked | | | |

    — — Of cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) and of fish of the species Boreogadus saida | | | |

    03053011 | — — — Of cod of the species Gadus macrocephalus | 16,0 | Year 10 | |

    03053019 | — — — Other | 20,0 | Year 10 | |

    03053030 | — — Of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho), salted or in brine | — | — | TQ(4b) |

    03053050 | — — Of lesser or Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), salted or in brine | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03053090 | — — Other | | | |

    ex03053090 | — — — Of fish of the species Clupea ilisha, in brine | 11,2 | Year 10 | |

    ex03053090 | — — — Other | 16,0 | Year 10 | |

    — Smoked fish, including fillets | | | |

    03054100 | — — Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | — | — | TQ(4b) |

    03054200 | — — Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 10,0 | Year 4 | |

    030549 | — — Other | | | |

    03054910 | — — — Lesser or Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    03054920 | — — — Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) | 16,0 | Year 10 | |

    03054930 | — — — Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) | 14,0 | Year 10 | |

    03054945 | — — — Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 14,0 | Year 10 | |

    03054950 | — — — Eels (Anguilla spp.) | 14,0 | Year 10 | |

    03054980 | — — — Other | 14,0 | Year 10 | |

    — Dried fish, whether or not salted but not smoked | | | |

    030551 | — — Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) | | | |

    03055110 | — — — Dried, unsalted | 13,0 | Year 10 | |

    03055190 | — — — Dried, salted | 13,0 | Year 10 | |

    030559 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Fish of the species Boreogadus saida | | | |

    03055911 | — — — — Dried, unsalted | 13,0 | Year 10 | |

    03055919 | — — — — Dried, salted | 13,0 | Year 10 | |

    03055930 | — — — Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    03055950 | — — — Anchovies (Engraulis spp.) | 10,0 | Year 4 | |

    03055960 | — — — Lesser or Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), and Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    03055970 | — — — Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) | 10,5 | Year 4 | |

    03055990 | — — — Other | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    — Fish, salted but not dried or smoked and fish in brine | | | |

    03056100 | — — Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    03056200 | — — Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) | 13,0 | Year 10 | |

    03056300 | — — Anchovies (Engraulis spp.) | 10,0 | Year 0 | |

    030569 | — — Other | | | |

    03056910 | — — — Fish of the species Boreogadus saida | 13,0 | Year 10 | |

    03056920 | — — — Lesser or Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), and Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    03056930 | — — — Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) | 10,5 | Year 4 | |

    03056950 | — — — Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 3,8 | Year 4 | |

    03056990 | — — — Other | | | |

    ex03056990 | — — — — Fish of the species Clupea ilisha, in brine | 8,4 | Year 10 | |

    ex03056990 | — — — — Other | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    0306 | Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; crustaceans, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, whether or not chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption | | | |

    — Frozen | | | |

    030611 | — — Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) | | | |

    03061110 | — — — Crawfish tails | 4,3 | Year 4 | |

    03061190 | — — — Other | 4,3 | Year 4 | |

    030612 | — — Lobsters (Homarus spp.) | | | |

    03061210 | — — — Whole | 2,1 | Year 4 | |

    03061290 | — — — Other | 5,6 | Year 4 | |

    030613 | — — Shrimps and prawns | | | |

    03061310 | — — — Of the family Pandalidae | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    03061330 | — — — Shrimps of the genus Crangon | 18,0 | Year 10 | |

    03061340 | — — — Deepwater rose shrimps (Parapenaeus longirostris) | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    03061350 | — — — Shrimps of the genus Penaeus | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    03061380 | — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    030614 | — — Crabs | | | |

    03061410 | — — — Crabs of the species Paralithodes camchaticus, Chionoecetes spp. and Callinectes sapidus | 2,6 | Year 0 | |

    03061430 | — — — Crabs of the species Cancer pagurus | 2,6 | Year 0 | |

    03061490 | — — — Other | 2,6 | Year 0 | |

    030619 | — — Other, including flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption | | | |

    03061910 | — — — Freshwater crayfish | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03061930 | — — — Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    03061990 | — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    — Not frozen | | | |

    03062100 | — — Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) | 4,3 | Year 4 | |

    030622 | — — Lobsters (Homarus spp.) | | | |

    03062210 | — — — Live | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    03062291 | — — — — Whole | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    03062299 | — — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 4 | |

    030623 | — — Shrimps and prawns | | | |

    03062310 | — — — Of the family Pandalidae | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Shrimps of the genus Crangon | | | |

    03062331 | — — — — Fresh, chilled or cooked by steaming or by boiling in water | 18,0 | Year 10 | |

    03062339 | — — — — Other | 18,0 | Year 10 | |

    03062390 | — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    030624 | — — Crabs | | | |

    03062410 | — — — Crabs of the species Paralithodes camchaticus, Chionoecetes spp. and Callinectes sapidus | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03062430 | — — — Crabs of the species Cancer pagurus | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03062490 | — — — Other | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    030629 | — — Other, including flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption | | | |

    03062910 | — — — Freshwater crayfish | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    03062930 | — — — Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    03062990 | — — — Other | | | |

    ex03062990 | — — — — Peurullus spp | 4,2 | Year 10 | |

    ex03062990 | — — — — Other | 12,0 | Year 10 | |

    0307 | Molluscs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans, fit for human consumption | | | |

    030710 | — Oysters | | | |

    03071010 | — — Flat oysters (of the genus Ostrea), live and weighing (shell included) not more than 40 g each | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03071090 | — — Other | 3,1 | Year 4 | |

    — Scallops, including queen scallops, of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten | | | |

    03072100 | — — Live, fresh or chilled | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    030729 | — — Other | | | |

    03072910 | — — — Coquilles St Jacques (Pecten maximus), frozen | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    03072990 | — — — Other | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    — Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.) | | | |

    030731 | — — Live, fresh or chilled | | | |

    03073110 | — — — Mytilus spp. | 6,5 | Year 4 | |

    03073190 | — — — Perna spp. | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    030739 | — — Other | | | |

    03073910 | — — — Mytilus spp. | 6,5 | Year 4 | |

    03073990 | — — — Perna spp. | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    — Cuttle fish (Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp.) and squid (Ommastrephes spp., Loligo spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.) | | | |

    030741 | — — Live, fresh or chilled | | | |

    03074110 | — — — Cuttle fish (Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp.) | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Squid (Ommastrephes spp., Loligo spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.) | | | |

    03074191 | — — — — Loligo spp., Ommastrephes sagittatus | 2,5 | Year 4 | |

    03074199 | — — — — Other | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    030749 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Frozen | | | |

    — — — — Cuttle fish (Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp.) | | | |

    — — — — — Of the genus Sepiola | | | |

    03074901 | — — — — — — Lesser cuttle fish (Sepiola rondeleti) | 2,1 | Year 0 | |

    03074911 | — — — — — — Other | 2,8 | Year 0 | |

    03074918 | — — — — — Other | 2,8 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Squid (Ommastrephes spp., Loligo spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.) | | | |

    — — — — — Loligo spp. | | | |

    03074931 | — — — — — — Loligo vulgaris | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    03074933 | — — — — — — Loligo pealei | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    03074935 | — — — — — — Loligo patagonica | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    03074938 | — — — — — — Other | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    03074951 | — — — — — Ommastrephes sagittatus | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    03074959 | — — — — — Other | 8,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    03074971 | — — — — Cuttle fish (Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp.) | 2,8 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Squid (Ommastrephes spp., Loligo spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.) | | | |

    03074991 | — — — — — Loligo spp., Ommastrephes sagittatus | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    03074999 | — — — — — Other | 2,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Octopus (Octopus spp.) | | | |

    03075100 | — — Live, fresh or chilled | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    030759 | — — Other | | | |

    03075910 | — — — Frozen | 2,8 | Year 0 | |

    03075990 | — — — Other | 2,8 | Year 0 | |

    03076000 | — Snails, other than sea snails | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, including flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans, fit for human consumption | | | |

    03079100 | — — Live, fresh or chilled | 3,8 | Year 4 | |

    030799 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Frozen | | | |

    03079911 | — — — — Illex spp. | 8,0 | Year 0 | |

    03079913 | — — — — Striped venus and other species of the family Veneridae | 2,8 | Year 0 | |

    03079915 | — — — — Jellyfish (Rhopilema spp.) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    03079918 | — — — — Other aquatic invertebrates | 3,8 | Year 0 | |

    03079990 | — — — Other | 3,8 | Year 0 | |


    0401 | Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | | | |

    040110 | — Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1 % | | | |

    04011010 | — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding two litres | — | | |

    04011090 | — — Other | — | | |

    040120 | — Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1 % but not exceeding 6 % | | | |

    — — Not exceeding 3 % | | | |

    04012011 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding two litres | — | | |

    04012019 | — — — Other | — | | |

    — — Exceeding 3 % | | | |

    04012091 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding two litres | — | | |

    04012099 | — — — Other | — | | |

    040130 | — Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6 % | | | |

    — — Not exceeding 21 % | | | |

    04013011 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding two litres | — | | |

    04013019 | — — — Other | — | | |

    — — Exceeding 21 % but not exceeding 45 % | | | |

    04013031 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding two litres | — | | |

    04013039 | — — — Other | — | | |

    — — Exceeding 45 % | | | |

    04013091 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding two litres | — | | |

    04013099 | — — — Other | — | | |

    0402 | Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | | | |

    040210 | — In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1,5 % | | | |

    — — Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | | | |

    04021011 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    04021019 | — — — Other | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    04021091 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    04021099 | — — — Other | — | | |

    — In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1,5 % | | | |

    040221 | — — Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | | | |

    — — — Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 27 % | | | |

    04022111 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    04022117 | — — — — — Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 11 % | — | | |

    04022119 | — — — — — Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 11 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    — — — Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 27 % | | | |

    04022191 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    04022199 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    040229 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 27 % | | | |

    04022911 | — — — — Special milk, for infants, in hermetically sealed containers of a net content not exceeding 500 g of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 10 % | — | | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    04022915 | — — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    04022919 | — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 27 % | | | |

    04022991 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    04022999 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — Other | | | |

    040291 | — — Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | | | |

    — — — Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 8 % | | | |

    04029111 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    04029119 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 8 % but not exceeding 10 % | | | |

    04029131 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    04029139 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 10 % but not exceeding 45 % | | | |

    04029151 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    04029159 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 45 % | | | |

    04029191 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    04029199 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    040299 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 9,5 % | | | |

    04029911 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    04029919 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 9,5 % but not exceeding 45 % | | | |

    04029931 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    04029939 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 45 % | | | |

    04029991 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2,5 kg | — | | |

    04029999 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    0403 | Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa | | | |

    040310 | — Yoghurt | | | |

    — — Not flavoured nor containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa | | | |

    — — — Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04031011 | — — — — Not exceeding 3 % | — | | |

    04031013 | — — — — Exceeding 3 % but not exceeding 6 % | — | | |

    04031019 | — — — — Exceeding 6 % | — | | |

    — — — Other, of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04031031 | — — — — Not exceeding 3 % | — | | |

    04031033 | — — — — Exceeding 3 % but not exceeding 6 % | — | | |

    04031039 | — — — — Exceeding 6 % | — | | |

    — — Flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa | | | |

    — — — In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a milk fat content, by weight | | | |

    04031051 | — — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | 4.8 + 95.0 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    04031053 | — — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | 4.8 + 130.4 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    04031059 | — — — — Exceeding 27 % | 4.8 + 168.8 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    — — — Other, of a milk fat content, by weight | | | |

    04031091 | — — — — Not exceeding 3 % | 4.8 + 12.4 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    04031093 | — — — — Exceeding 3 % but not exceeding 6 % | 4.8 + 17.1 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    04031099 | — — — — Exceeding 6 % | 4.8 + 26.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    040390 | — Other | | | |

    — — Not flavoured nor containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa | | | |

    — — — In powder, granules or other solid forms | | | |

    — — — — Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04039011 | — — — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | — | | |

    04039013 | — — — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    04039019 | — — — — — Exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    — — — — Other, of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04039031 | — — — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | — | | |

    04039033 | — — — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    04039039 | — — — — — Exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04039051 | — — — — — Not exceeding 3 % | — | | |

    04039053 | — — — — — Exceeding 3 % but not exceeding 6 % | — | | |

    04039059 | — — — — — Exceeding 6 % | — | | |

    — — — — Other, of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04039061 | — — — — — Not exceeding 3 % | — | | |

    04039063 | — — — — — Exceeding 3 % but not exceeding 6 % | — | | |

    04039069 | — — — — — Exceeding 6 % | — | | |

    — — Flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa | | | |

    — — — In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a milkfat content, by weight | | | |

    04039071 | — — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | 4.8 + 95.0 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    04039073 | — — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | 4.8 + 130.4 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    04039079 | — — — — Exceeding 27 % | 4.8 + 168.8 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    — — — Other, of a milkfat content, by weight | | | |

    04039091 | — — — — Not exceeding 3 % | 4.8 + 12.4 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    04039093 | — — — — Exceeding 3 % but not exceeding 6 % | 4.8 + 17.1 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    04039099 | — — — — Exceeding 6 % | 4.8 + 26.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    0404 | Whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter; products consisting of natural milk constituents, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    040410 | — Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | | | |

    — — In powder, granules or other solid forms | | | |

    — — — Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content (nitrogen content × 6,38), by weight | | | |

    — — — — Not exceeding 15 %, and of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04041002 | — — — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | — | | |

    04041004 | — — — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    04041006 | — — — — — Exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    — — — — Exceeding 15 %, and of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04041012 | — — — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | — | | |

    04041014 | — — — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    04041016 | — — — — — Exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    — — — Other, of a protein content (nitrogen content × 6,38), by weight | | | |

    — — — — Not exeeding 15 %, and of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04041026 | — — — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | — | | |

    04041028 | — — — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    04041032 | — — — — — Exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    — — — — Exceeding 15 %, and of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04041034 | — — — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | — | | |

    04041036 | — — — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    04041038 | — — — — — Exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content (nitrogen content × 6,38), by weight | | | |

    — — — — Not exceeding 15 %, and of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04041048 | — — — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | — | | |

    04041052 | — — — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    04041054 | — — — — — Exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    — — — — Exceeding 15 %, and of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04041056 | — — — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | — | | |

    04041058 | — — — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    04041062 | — — — — — Exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    — — — Other, of a protein content (nitrogen content × 6,38), by weight | | | |

    — — — — Not exceeding 15 %, and of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04041072 | — — — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | — | | |

    04041074 | — — — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    04041076 | — — — — — Exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    — — — — Exceeding 15 %, and of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04041078 | — — — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | — | | |

    04041082 | — — — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    04041084 | — — — — — Exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    040490 | — Other | | | |

    — — Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04049021 | — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | — | | |

    04049023 | — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    04049029 | — — — Exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    — — Other, of a fat content, by weight | | | |

    04049081 | — — — Not exceeding 1,5 % | — | | |

    04049083 | — — — Exceeding 1,5 % but not exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    04049089 | — — — Exceeding 27 % | — | | |

    0405 | Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; dairy spreads | | | |

    040510 | — Butter | | | |

    — — Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 85 % | | | |

    — — — Natural butter | | | |

    04051011 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | — | | |

    04051019 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    04051030 | — — — Recombined butter | — | | |

    04051050 | — — — Whey butter | — | | |

    04051090 | — — Other | — | | |

    040520 | — Dairy spreads | | | |

    04052010 | — — Of a fat content, by weight, of 39 % or more but less than 60 % | 5.5 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    04052030 | — — Of a fat content, by weight, of 60 % or more but not exceeding 75 % | 5.5 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    04052090 | — — Of a fat content, by weight, of more than 75 % but less than 80 % | — | | |

    040590 | — Other | | | |

    04059010 | — — Of a fat content, by weight, of 99,3 % or more and of a water content, by weight, not exceeding 0,5 % | — | | |

    04059090 | — — Other | — | | |

    0406 | Cheese and curd | | | |

    040610 | — Fresh (unripened or uncured) cheese, including whey cheese, and curd | | | |

    04061020 | — — Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 40 % | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04061080 | — — Other | — | | TQ(2a) |

    040620 | — Grated or powdered cheese, of all kinds | | | |

    04062010 | — — Glarus herb cheese (known as Schabziger) made from skimmed milk and mixed with finely ground herbs | 7,7 | Year 4 | TQ(2a) |

    04062090 | — — Other | — | | TQ(2a) |

    040630 | — Processed cheese, not grated or powdered | | | |

    04063010 | — — In the manufacture of which no cheeses other than Emmentaler, Gruyère and Appenzell have been used and which may contain, as an addition, Glarus herb cheese (known as Schabziger); put up for retail sale, of a fat content by weight in the dry matter not exceeding 56 % | — | | TQ(2a) |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 36 % and of a fat content, by weight, in the dry matter | | | |

    04063031 | — — — — Not exceeding 48 % | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04063039 | — — — — Exceeding 48 % | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04063090 | — — — Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 36 % | — | | TQ(2a) |

    040640 | — Blue-veined cheese | | | |

    04064010 | — — Roquefort | — | | TQ(2a); PN |

    04064050 | — — Gorgonzola | — | | TQ(2a); PN |

    04064090 | — — Other | — | | TQ(2a) |

    040690 | — Other cheese | | | |

    04069001 | — — For processing | — | | TQ(2a) |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Emmentaler, Gruyère, Sbrinz, Bergkäse and Appenzell | | | |

    04069002 | — — — — Whole cheeses with a free-at-frontier value, per 100 kg net weight exceeding EUR 401,85 but not exceeding EUR 430,62, of a fat content of 45 % or more by weight in the dry matter and matured for three months or more | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069003 | — — — — Whole cheeses with a free-at-frontier value, per 100 kg net weight exceeding EUR 430,62, of a fat content of 45 % or more by weight in the dry matter and matured for three months or more | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069004 | — — — — Pieces packed in vacuum or inert gas, with rind on at least one side, of a net weight of 1 kg or more but less than 5 kg and with a free-at-frontier value exceeding EUR 430,62 but not exceeding EUR 459,39 per 100 kg net weight, of a fat content of 45 % or more by weight in the dry matter and matured for three months or more | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069005 | — — — — Pieces packed in vacuum or inert gas, with rind on at least one side, of a net weight of 1 kg or more and with a free-at-frontier value exceeding EUR 459,39 per 100 kg net weight, of a fat content of 45 % or more by weight in the dry matter and matured for three months or more | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069006 | — — — — Pieces without rind, of a net weight of less than 450 g and with a free-at-frontier value exceeding EUR 499,67 per 100 kg net weight, of a fat content of 45 % or more by weight in the dry matter and matured for three months or more, packed in vacuum or inert gas, in packings bearing at least the description of the cheese, the fat content, the packer responsible and the country of manufacture | — | | TQ(2a) |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    04069013 | — — — — — Emmentaler | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069015 | — — — — — Gruyère, Sbrinz | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069017 | — — — — — Bergkäse, Appenzell | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069018 | — — — Fromage fribourgeois, Vacherin Mont d'Or and Tête de Moine | — | | TQ(2a); PN |

    04069019 | — — — Glarus herb cheese (known as Schabziger) made from skimmed milk and mixed with finely ground herbs | 7,7 | Year 4 | TQ(2a) |

    04069021 | — — — Cheddar | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069023 | — — — Edam | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069025 | — — — Tilsit | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069027 | — — — Butterkäse | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069029 | — — — Kashkaval | — | | TQ(2a) |

    — — — Feta | | | |

    04069031 | — — — — Of sheep's milk or buffalo milk in containers containing brine, or in sheep or goatskin bottles | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069033 | — — — — Other | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069035 | — — — Kefalo-Tyri | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069037 | — — — Finlandia | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069039 | — — — Jarlsberg | — | | TQ(2a) |

    — — — Other | | | |

    04069050 | — — — — Cheese of sheep's milk or buffalo milk in containers containing brine, or in sheep or goatskin bottles | — | | TQ(2a) |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 40 % and a water content, by weight, in the non-fatty matter | | | |

    — — — — — — Not exceeding 47 % | | | |

    04069061 | — — — — — — — Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano | — | | TQ(2a); PN |

    04069063 | — — — — — — — Fiore Sardo, Pecorino | — | | TQ(2a); PN |

    04069069 | — — — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(2a) |

    — — — — — — Exceeding 47 % but not exceeding 72 % | | | |

    04069073 | — — — — — — — Provolone | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069075 | — — — — — — — Asiago, Caciocavallo, Montasio, Ragusano | — | | TQ(2a); PN |

    04069076 | — — — — — — — Danbo, Fontal, Fontina, Fynbo, Havarti, Maribo, Samsø | — | | TQ(2a); PN |

    04069078 | — — — — — — — Gouda | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069079 | — — — — — — — Esrom, Italico, Kernhem, Saint-Nectaire, Saint-Paulin, Taleggio | — | | TQ(2a); PN |

    04069081 | — — — — — — — Cantal, Cheshire, Wensleydale, Lancashire, Double Gloucester, Blarney, Colby, Monterey | — | | TQ(2a); PN |

    04069082 | — — — — — — — Camembert | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069084 | — — — — — — — Brie | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069085 | — — — — — — — Kefalograviera, Kasseri | — | | TQ(2a); PN |

    — — — — — — — Other cheese, of a water content calculated, by weight, in the non-fatty matter | | | |

    04069086 | — — — — — — — — Exceeding 47 % but not exceeding 52 % | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069087 | — — — — — — — — Exceeding 52 % but not exceeding 62 % | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069088 | — — — — — — — — Exceeding 62 % but not exceeding 72 % | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069093 | — — — — — — Exceeding 72 % | — | | TQ(2a) |

    04069099 | — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(2a) |

    040700 | Birds' eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked | | | |

    — Of poultry | | | |

    — — For hatching | | | |

    04070011 | — — — Of turkeys or geese | — | | |

    04070019 | — — — Other | — | | |

    04070030 | — — Other | — | | |

    04070090 | — Other | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    0408 | Birds' eggs, not in shell, and egg yolks, fresh, dried, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, moulded, frozen or otherwise preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | | | |

    — Egg yolks | | | |

    040811 | — — Dried | | | |

    04081120 | — — — Unfit for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    04081180 | — — — Other | — | | |

    040819 | — — Other | | | |

    04081920 | — — — Unfit for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    04081981 | — — — — Liquid | — | | |

    04081989 | — — — — Other, including frozen | — | | |

    — Other | | | |

    040891 | — — Dried | | | |

    04089120 | — — — Unfit for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    04089180 | — — — Other | — | | |

    040899 | — — Other | | | |

    04089920 | — — — Unfit for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    04089980 | — — — Other | — | | |

    04090000 | Natural honey | 17,3 | Year 7 | |

    04100000 | Edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included | 2,6 | Year 4 | |


    05010000 | Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured; waste of human hair | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0502 | Pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair; badger hair and other brush making hair; waste of such bristles or hair | | | |

    05021000 | — Pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair and waste thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    05029000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    05030000 | Horsehair and horsehair waste, whether or not put up as a layer with or without supporting material | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    05040000 | Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0505 | Skins and other parts of birds, with their feathers or down, feathers and parts of feathers (whether or not with trimmed edges) and down, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected or treated for preservation; powder and waste of feathers or parts of feathers | | | |

    050510 | — Feathers of a kind used for stuffing; down | | | |

    05051010 | — — Raw | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    05051090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    05059000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0506 | Bones and horn-cores, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised; powder and waste of these products | | | |

    05061000 | — Ossein and bones treated with acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    05069000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0507 | Ivory, tortoise-shell, whalebone and whalebone hair, horns, antlers, hooves, nails, claws and beaks, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape; powder and waste of these products | | | |

    05071000 | — Ivory; ivory powder and waste | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    05079000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    05080000 | Coral and similar materials, unworked or simply prepared but not otherwise worked; shells of molluscs, crustaceans or echinoderms and cuttle-bone, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape, powder and waste thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    050900 | Natural sponges of animal origin | | | |

    05090010 | — Raw | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    05090090 | — Other | 1,6 | Year 0 | |

    05100000 | Ambergris, castoreum, civet and musk; cantharides; bile, whether or not dried; glands and other animal products used in the preparation of pharmaceutical products, fresh, chilled, frozen or otherwise provisionally preserved | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0511 | Animal products not elsewhere specified or included; dead animals of Chapter 1 or 3, unfit for human consumption | | | |

    05111000 | — Bovine semen | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    051191 | — — Products of fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates; dead animals of Chapter 3 | | | |

    05119110 | — — — Fish waste | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    05119190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    051199 | — — Other | | | |

    05119910 | — — — Sinews or tendons; parings and similar waste of raw hides or skins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    05119990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    0601 | Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, dormant, in growth or in flower; chicory plants and roots other than roots of heading 1212 | | | |

    060110 | — Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, dormant | | | |

    06011010 | — — Hyacinths | 5,1 | Year 0 | |

    06011020 | — — Narcissi | 5,1 | Year 0 | |

    06011030 | — — Tulips | 5,1 | Year 0 | |

    06011040 | — — Gladioli | 5,1 | Year 0 | |

    06011090 | — — Other | 5,1 | Year 0 | |

    060120 | — Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, in growth or in flower; chicory plants and roots | | | |

    06012010 | — — Chicory plants and roots | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    06012030 | — — Orchids, hyacinths, narcissi and tulips | 9,6 | Year 4 | |

    06012090 | — — Other | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    0602 | Other live plants (including their roots), cuttings and slips; mushroom spawn | | | |

    060210 | — Unrooted cuttings and slips | | | |

    06021010 | — — Of vines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    06021090 | — — Other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    060220 | — Trees, shrubs and bushes, grafted or not, of kinds which bear edible fruit or nuts | | | |

    06022010 | — — Vine slips, grafted or rooted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    06022090 | — — Other | 8,3 | Year 4 | |

    06023000 | — Rhododendrons and azaleas, grafted or not | 8,3 | Year 4 | |

    060240 | — Roses, grafted or not | | | |

    06024010 | — — Neither budded nor grafted | 8,3 | Year 4 | |

    06024090 | — — Budded or grafted | 8,3 | Year 4 | |

    060290 | — Other | | | |

    06029010 | — — Mushroom spawn | 8,3 | Year 4 | |

    06029020 | — — Pineapple plants | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    06029030 | — — Vegetable and strawberry plants | 8,3 | Year 4 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Outdoor plants | | | |

    — — — — Trees, shrubs and bushes | | | |

    06029041 | — — — — — Forest trees | 8,3 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    06029045 | — — — — — — Rooted cuttings and young plants | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    06029049 | — — — — — — Other | 8,3 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Other outdoor plants | | | |

    06029051 | — — — — — Perennial plants | 8,3 | Year 4 | |

    06029059 | — — — — — Other | 8,3 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Indoor plants | | | |

    06029070 | — — — — Rooted cuttings and young plants, excluding cacti | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    06029091 | — — — — — Flowering plants with buds or flowers, excluding cacti | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    06029099 | — — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    0603 | Cut flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise prepared | | | |

    060310 | — Fresh | | | |

    06031010 | — — Roses | 8,5 | Year 4 | |

    06031020 | — — Carnations | 8,5 | Year 4 | |

    06031030 | — — Orchids | 8,5 | Year 0 | |

    06031040 | — — Gladioli | 8,5 | Year 4 | |

    06031050 | — — Chrysanthemums | 8,5 | Year 4 | |

    06031080 | — — Other | 8,5 | Year 4 | |

    06039000 | — Other | 10,0 | Year 4 | |

    0604 | Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, without flowers or flower buds, and grasses, mosses and lichens, being goods of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise prepared | | | |

    060410 | — Mosses and lichens | | | |

    06041010 | — — Reindeer moss | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    06041090 | — — Other | 5,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    060491 | — — Fresh | | | |

    — — — Christmas trees | | | |

    06049121 | — — — — Nordmann's firs (Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach) and noble firs (Abies procera Rehd.) | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    06049129 | — — — — Other | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Conifer branches | | | |

    06049141 | — — — — Of Nordmann's firs (Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach) and of noble firs (Abies procera Rehd.) | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    06049149 | — — — — Other | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    06049190 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    060499 | — — Other | | | |

    06049910 | — — — Not further prepared than dried | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    06049990 | — — — Other | 10,9 | Year 4 | |


    0701 | Potatoes, fresh or chilled | | | |

    07011000 | — Seed | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    070190 | — Other | | | |

    07019010 | — — For the manufacture of starch | 5,8 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    07019050 | — — — New, from 1 January to 30 June | 9,6 | Year 4 | |

    07019090 | — — — Other | 11,5 | Year 4 | |

    07020000 | Tomatoes, fresh or chilled | | | |

    From 1 November to 14 May | 8,8 | Year 4 | EP |

    From 15 May to 31 October | 14,4 | Year 7 | EP |

    0703 | Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled | | | |

    070310 | — Onions and shallots | | | |

    — — Onions | | | |

    07031011 | — — — Sets | 9,6 | Year 4 | |

    07031019 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    07031090 | — — Shallots | 9,6 | Year 4 | |

    07032000 | — Garlic | 9.6 + 120 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 4 | TQ(2b); SP |

    07039000 | — Leeks and other alliaceous vegetables | 10,4 | Year 4 | |

    0704 | Cabbages, cauliflowers, kohlrabi, kale and similar edible brassicas, fresh or chilled | | | |

    07041000 | — Cauliflowers and headed broccoli | — | | |

    07042000 | — Brussels sprouts | 12,0 | Year 7 | |

    070490 | — Other | | | |

    07049010 | — — White cabbages and red cabbages | — | | |

    07049090 | — — Other | 12,0 | Year 7 | |

    0705 | Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and chicory (Cichorium spp.), fresh or chilled | | | |

    — Lettuce | | | |

    07051100 | — — Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) | — | | |

    07051900 | — — Other | 10,4 | Year 4 | |

    — Chicory | | | |

    07052100 | — — Witloof chicory (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) | 10,4 | Year 4 | |

    07052900 | — — Other | 10,4 | Year 4 | |

    0706 | Carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, salsify, celeriac, radishes and similar edible roots, fresh or chilled | | | |

    07061000 | — Carrots and turnips | 13,6 | Year 7 | |

    070690 | — Other | | | |

    07069010 | — — Celeriac (rooted celery or German celery) | 13,6 | Year 4 | |

    07069030 | — — Horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia) | 12,0 | Year 7 | |

    07069090 | — — Other | 13,6 | Year 7 | |

    070700 | Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled | | | |

    07070005 | — Cucumbers | | | |

    From 1 November to 15 May | 12,8 | Year 7 | EP |

    From 16 May to 31 October | 16,0 | Year 10 | EP |

    07070090 | — Gherkins | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    0708 | Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled | | | |

    07081000 | — Peas (Pisum sativum) | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    07082000 | — Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) | — | | |

    07089000 | — Other leguminous vegetables | 11,2 | Year 4 | |

    0709 | Other vegetables, fresh or chilled | | | |

    07091000 | — Globe artichokes | 10,4 | Year 4 | EP |

    07092000 | — Asparagus | 10,2 | Year 0 | |

    07093000 | — Aubergines (egg-plants) | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    07094000 | — Celery other than celeriac | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    — Mushrooms and truffles: | | | |

    07095100 | — — Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    07095200 | — — Truffles | 6,4 | Year 4 | |

    070959 | — — Other: | | | |

    07095910 | — — — Chanterelles | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    07095930 | — — — Flap mushrooms | 5,6 | Year 0 | |

    07095990 | — — — Other | 6,4 | Year 4 | |

    070960 | — Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta | | | |

    07096010 | — — Sweet peppers | 7,2 | Year 4 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    07096091 | — — — Of the genus Capsicum, for the manufacture of capsicin or capsicum oleoresin dyes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    07096095 | — — — For the industrial manufacture of essential oils or resinoids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    07096099 | — — — Other | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    07097000 | — Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach) | 10,4 | Year 4 | |

    070990 | — Other | | | |

    07099010 | — — Salad vegetables, other than lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and chicory (Cichorium spp.) | 10,4 | Year 4 | |

    07099020 | — — Chard (or white beet) and cardoons | 10,4 | Year 4 | |

    — — Olives | | | |

    07099031 | — — — For uses other than the production of oil | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    07099039 | — — — Other | — | | |

    07099040 | — — Capers | 5,6 | Year 0 | |

    07099050 | — — Fennel | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    07099060 | — — Sweet corn | — | | |

    07099070 | — — Courgettes | 12,8 | Year 7 | EP |

    07099090 | — — Other | 12,8 | Year 4 | |

    0710 | Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen | | | |

    07101000 | — Potatoes | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    — Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled | | | |

    07102100 | — — Peas (Pisum sativum) | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    07102200 | — — Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    07102900 | — — Other | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    07103000 | — Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach) | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    07104000 | — Sweet corn | — | | |

    071080 | — Other vegetables | | | |

    07108010 | — — Olives | 15,2 | Year 7 | |

    — — Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta | | | |

    07108051 | — — — Sweet peppers | 14,4 | Year 4 | |

    07108059 | — — — Other | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    — — Mushrooms | | | |

    07108061 | — — — Of the genus Agaricus | 14,4 | Year 4 | |

    07108069 | — — — Other | 14,4 | Year 4 | |

    07108070 | — — Tomatoes | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    07108080 | — — Globe artichokes | 14,4 | Year 4 | |

    07108085 | — — Asparagus | 14,4 | Year 4 | |

    07108095 | — — Other | 14,4 | Year 4 | |

    07109000 | — Mixtures of vegetables | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    0711 | Vegetables provisionally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions), but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption | | | |

    071120 | — Olives | | | |

    07112010 | — — For uses other than the production of oil | 6,4 | Year 4 | |

    07112090 | — — Other | — | | |

    07113000 | — Capers | 4,8 | Year 0 | |

    07114000 | — Cucumbers and gherkins | 12,0 | Year 7 | |

    — Mushrooms and truffles: | | | |

    07115100 | — — Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus | — | | |

    07115900 | — — Other | 9,6 | Year 4 | |

    071190 | — Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables: | | | |

    — — Vegetables: | | | |

    07119010 | — — — Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, excluding sweet peppers | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    07119030 | — — — Sweet corn | — | | |

    07119050 | — — — Onions | 7,2 | Year 4 | |

    07119080 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 4 | |

    07119090 | — — Mixtures of vegetables | 12,0 | Year 7 | |

    0712 | Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared | | | |

    07122000 | — Onions | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    — Mushrooms, wood ears (Auricularia spp.), jelly fungi (Tremella spp.) and truffles: | | | |

    07123100 | — — Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    07123200 | — — Wood ears (Auricularia spp.) | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    07123300 | — — Jelly fungi (Tremella spp.) | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    07123900 | — — Other | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    071290 | — Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables | | | |

    07129005 | — — Potatoes whether or not cut or sliced but not further prepared | 10,2 | Year 4 | |

    — — Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | | | |

    07129011 | — — — Hybrids for sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    07129019 | — — — Other | — | | |

    07129030 | — — Tomatoes | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    07129050 | — — Carrots | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    07129090 | — — Other | 12,8 | Year 4 | |

    0713 | Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split | | | |

    071310 | — Peas (Pisum sativum) | | | |

    07131010 | — — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    07131090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    07132000 | — Chickpeas (garbanzos) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) | | | |

    07133100 | — — Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    07133200 | — — Small red (Adzuki) beans (Phaseolus or Vigna angularis) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    071333 | — — Kidney beans, including white pea beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) | | | |

    07133310 | — — — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    07133390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    07133900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    07134000 | — Lentils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    07135000 | — Broad beans (Vicia faba var. major) and horse beans (Vicia faba var. equina, Vicia faba var. minor) | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    071390 | — Other | | | |

    07139010 | — — For sowing | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    07139090 | — — Other | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    0714 | Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets; sago pith | | | |

    071410 | — Manioc (cassava) | | | |

    07141010 | — — Pellets of flour and meal | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    07141091 | — — — Of a kind used for human consumption, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 28 kg, either fresh and whole or without skin and frozen, whether or not sliced | — | | |

    07141099 | — — — Other | — | | |

    071420 | — Sweet potatoes | | | |

    07142010 | — — Fresh, whole, intended for human consumption | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    07142090 | — — Other | — | | |

    071490 | — Other | | | |

    — — Arrowroot, salep and similar roots and tubers with high starch content | | | |

    07149011 | — — — Of a kind used for human consumption, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 28 kg, either fresh and whole or without skin and frozen, whether or not sliced | — | | |

    07149019 | — — — Other | — | | |

    07149090 | — — Other | 3,0 | Year 0 | |


    0801 | Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled | | | |

    — Coconuts | | | |

    08011100 | — — Desiccated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    08011900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Brazil nuts | | | |

    08012100 | — — In shell | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    08012200 | — — Shelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Cashew nuts | | | |

    08013100 | — — In shell | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    08013200 | — — Shelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0802 | Other nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled | | | |

    — Almonds | | | |

    080211 | — — In shell | | | |

    08021110 | — — — Bitter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    08021190 | — — — Other | 5,6 | Year 0 | |

    080212 | — — Shelled | | | |

    08021210 | — — — Bitter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    08021290 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Hazelnuts or filberts (Corylus spp.) | | | |

    08022100 | — — In shell | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    08022200 | — — Shelled | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    — Walnuts | | | |

    08023100 | — — In shell | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    08023200 | — — Shelled | 5,1 | Year 0 | |

    08024000 | — Chestnuts (Castanea spp.) | 5,6 | Year 0 | |

    08025000 | — Pistachios | 1,6 | Year 0 | |

    080290 | — Other | | | |

    08029020 | — — Areca (or betel), cola and pecans | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    08029050 | — — Pine nuts | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    08029060 | — — Macadamia nuts | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    08029085 | — — Other | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    080300 | Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried | | | |

    — Fresh | | | |

    08030011 | — — Plantains | 16,0 | Year 7 | |

    08030019 | — — Other | — | | |

    08030090 | — Dried | 16,0 | Year 7 | |

    0804 | Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried | | | |

    08041000 | — Dates | 7,7 | Year 0 | |

    080420 | — Figs | | | |

    08042010 | — — Fresh | 5,6 | Year 0 | |

    08042090 | — — Dried | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    08043000 | — Pineapples | 5,8 | Year 0 | |

    08044000 | — Avocados | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    08045000 | — Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0805 | Citrus fruit, fresh or dried | | | |

    080510 | — Oranges | | | |

    — — Sweet oranges, fresh | | | |

    08051010 | — — — Sanguines and semi-sanguines | | | |

    From 1 January to 31 March | 16,0 | Year 10 | EP |

    From 1 April to 30 April | 10,4 | Year 7 | EP |

    From 1 May to 15 May | 4,8 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 16 May to 31 May | 3,2 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 June to 15 October | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    From 16 October to 30 November | 16,0 | Year 10 | |

    From 1 December to 31 December | 16,0 | Year 10 | EP |

    — — — Other | | | |

    08051030 | — — — — Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins | | | |

    From 1 January to 31 March | 16,0 | Year 10 | EP |

    From 1 April to 30 April | 10,4 | Year 7 | EP |

    From 1 May to 15 May | 4,8 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 16 May to 31 May | 3,2 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 June to 15 October | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    From 16 October to 30 November | 16,0 | Year 10 | |

    From 1 December to 31 December | 16,0 | Year 10 | EP |

    08051050 | — — — — Other | | | |

    From 1 January to 31 March | 16,0 | Year 10 | EP |

    From 1 April to 30 April | 10,4 | Year 7 | EP |

    From 1 May to 15 May | 4,8 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 16 May to 31 May | 3,2 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 June to 15 October | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    From 16 October to 30 November | 16,0 | Year 10 | |

    From 1 December to 31 December | 16,0 | Year 10 | EP |

    08051080 | — — Other | 16,0 | Year 10 | |

    080520 | — Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids | | | |

    08052010 | — — Clementines | | | |

    From 1 March to 31 October | 16,0 | Year 7 | |

    other | 16,0 | Year 7 | EP |

    08052030 | — — Monreales and satsumas | | | |

    From 1 March to 31 October | 16,0 | Year 7 | |

    other | 16,0 | Year 7 | EP |

    08052050 | — — Mandarins and wilkings | | | |

    From 1 March to 31 October | 16,0 | Year 7 | |

    other | 16,0 | Year 7 | EP |

    08052070 | — — Tangerines | | | |

    From 1 March to 31 October | 16,0 | Year 7 | |

    other | 16,0 | Year 7 | EP |

    08052090 | — — Other | | | |

    From 1 March to 31 October | 16,0 | Year 7 | |

    other | 16,0 | Year 7 | EP |

    08054000 | — Grapefruit | 1,5 | Year 0 | |

    080550 | — Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) and limes (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia): | | | |

    08055010 | — — Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) | 6,4 | Year 4 | EP |

    08055090 | — — Limes (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia) | 12,8 | Year 4 | |

    08059000 | — Other | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    0806 | Grapes, fresh or dried | | | |

    080610 | — Fresh | | | |

    08061010 | — — Table grapes | | | |

    From 1 January to 14 July | 11,5 | Year 4 | TQ(2f) |

    From 15 July to 20 July | 14,1 | Year 7 | |

    From 21 July to 31 October | 14.1 - 17.6 | Year 10 | EP |

    From 1 November to 20 November | 11.5 - 14.4 | Year 4 | TQ(2g); EP |

    From 21 November to 31 December | 11,5 | Year 4 | TQ(2g) |

    08061090 | — — Other | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    080620 | — Dried | | | |

    — — In immediate containers of a net capacity not exceeding 2 kg | | | |

    08062011 | — — — Currants | 2,4 | Year 0 | |

    08062012 | — — — Sultanas | 2,4 | Year 0 | |

    08062018 | — — — Other | 2,4 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    08062091 | — — — Currants | 2,4 | Year 0 | |

    08062092 | — — — Sultanas | 2,4 | Year 0 | |

    08062098 | — — — Other | 2,4 | Year 0 | |

    0807 | Melons (including watermelons) and papaws (papayas), fresh | | | |

    — Melons (including watermelons) | | | |

    08071100 | — — Watermelons | 8,8 | Year 4 | |

    08071900 | — — Other | 8,8 | Year 4 | |

    08072000 | — Papaws (papayas) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0808 | Apples, pears and quinces, fresh | | | |

    080810 | — Apples | | | |

    08081010 | — — Cider apples, in bulk, from 16 September to 15 December | 7.2 MIN 0.36 EUR/100kg/net | Year 4 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    08081020 | — — — Of the variety Golden Delicious | | | |

    From 1 January to 14 February | 4.0 - 6.4 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 15 February to 31 March | 4.0 - 6.4 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 April to 30 June | 0.0 - 3.0 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 July to 15 July | 0.0 - 4.8 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 16 July to 31 July | 0.0 - 4.8 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 August to 31 December | 9.0 - 11.2 | Year 7 | EP |

    08081050 | — — — Of the variety Granny Smith | | | |

    From 1 January to 14 February | 4.0 - 6.4 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 15 February to 31 March | 4.0 - 6.4 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 April to 30 June | 0.0 - 3.0 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 July to 15 July | 0.0 - 4.8 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 16 July to 31 July | 0.0 - 4.8 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 August to 31 December | 9.0 - 11.2 | Year 7 | EP |

    08081090 | — — — Other | | | |

    From 1 January to 14 February | 4.0 - 6.4 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 15 February to 31 March | 4.0 - 6.4 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 April to 30 June | 0.0 - 3.0 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 July to 15 July | 0.0 - 4.8 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 16 July to 31 July | 0.0 - 4.8 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 August to 31 December | 9.0 - 11.2 | Year 7 | EP |

    080820 | — Pears and quinces | | | |

    — — Pears | | | |

    08082010 | — — — Perry pears, in bulk, from 1 August to 31 December | 7.2 MIN 0.36 EUR/100kg/net | Year 4 | EP |

    08082050 | — — — Other | | | |

    From 1 January to 31 January | 8,0 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 February to 31 March | 5.0 - 8.0 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 April to 30 April | 0.0 - 2.5 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 May to 30 June | 2.5 MIN 1 EUR/100kg/net | Year 0 | |

    From 1 July to 15 July | 0.0 - 4.0 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 16 July to 31 July | 5.0 - 8.0 | Year 7 | EP |

    From 1 August to 31 October | 10,4 | Year 7 | EP |

    From 1 November to 31 December | 10,4 | Year 7 | EP |

    08082090 | — — Quinces | 7,2 | Year 4 | |

    0809 | Apricots, cherries, peaches (including nectarines), plums and sloes, fresh | | | |

    08091000 | — Apricots | | | |

    From 1 June to 31 July | 20,0 | Year 7 | EP |

    other | 20,0 | Year 7 | |

    080920 | — Cherries | | | |

    08092005 | — — Sour cherries (Prunus cerasus) | | | |

    From 21 May to 10 August | 12,0 | Year 7 | EP |

    From 1 May to 20 May | 12 MIN 2.4 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 7 | |

    other | 12,0 | Year 7 | |

    08092095 | — — Other | | | |

    From 21 May to 10 August | 6.0 - 12.0 | Year 4 | EP |

    From 1 May to 20 May | 12 MIN 2.4 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 4 | |

    other | 12,0 | Year 4 | |

    080930 | — Peaches, including nectarines | | | |

    08093010 | — — Nectarines | | | |

    From 11 June to 30 September | 17,6 | Year 7 | EP |

    other | 17,6 | Year 7 | |

    08093090 | — — Other | | | |

    From 11 June to 30 September | 17,6 | Year 7 | EP |

    other | 17,6 | Year 7 | |

    080940 | — Plums and sloes | | | |

    08094005 | — — Plums | | | |

    From 1 January to 10 June | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    From 11 June to 30 June | 6,4 | Year 0 | EP |

    From 1 July to 30 September | 12,0 | Year 4 | EP |

    From 1 October to 31 December | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    08094090 | — — Sloes | 12,0 | Year 4 | |

    0810 | Other fruit, fresh | | | |

    08101000 | — Strawberries | 11,2 | Year 4 | |

    081020 | — Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and loganberries | | | |

    08102010 | — — Raspberries | 8,8 | Year 0 | |

    08102090 | — — Other | 9,6 | Year 4 | |

    081030 | — Black-, white-or redcurrants and gooseberries | | | |

    08103010 | — — Blackcurrants | 8,8 | Year 4 | |

    08103030 | — — Redcurrants | 8,8 | Year 4 | |

    08103090 | — — Other | 9,6 | Year 4 | |

    081040 | — Cranberries, bilberries and other fruits of the genus Vaccinium | | | |

    08104010 | — — Cowberries, foxberries or mountain cranberries (fruit of the species Vaccinium vitis-idaea) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    08104030 | — — Fruit of the species Vaccinium myrtillus | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    08104050 | — — Fruit of the species Vaccinium macrocarpon and Vaccinium corymbosum | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    08104090 | — — Other | 9,6 | Year 4 | |

    08105000 | — Kiwifruit | 8,8 | Year 7 | |

    08106000 | — Durians | 8,8 | Year 4 | |

    081090 | — Other | | | |

    08109030 | — — Tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    08109040 | — — Passion fruit, carambola and pitahaya | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    08109095 | — — Other | 8,8 | Year 4 | |

    0811 | Fruit and nuts, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | | | |

    081110 | — Strawberries | | | |

    — — Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | | | |

    08111011 | — — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight | — | | |

    08111019 | — — — Other | 20,8 | Year 4 | |

    08111090 | — — Other | 14,4 | Year 4 | |

    081120 | — Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, loganberries, black-, white-or redcurrants and gooseberries | | | |

    — — Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | | | |

    08112011 | — — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight | — | | |

    08112019 | — — — Other | 20,8 | Year 7 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    08112031 | — — — Raspberries | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    08112039 | — — — Blackcurrants | 14,4 | Year 4 | |

    08112051 | — — — Redcurrants | 12,0 | Year 0 | |

    08112059 | — — — Blackberries and mulberries | 12,0 | Year 4 | |

    08112090 | — — — Other | 14,4 | Year 0 | |

    081190 | — Other | | | |

    — — Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | | | |

    — — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight | | | |

    08119011 | — — — — Tropical fruit and tropical nuts | — | | |

    08119019 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    08119031 | — — — — Tropical fruit and tropical nuts | 13,0 | Year 0 | |

    08119039 | — — — — Other | 20,8 | Year 4 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    08119050 | — — — Fruit of the species Vaccinium myrtillus | 12,0 | Year 0 | |

    08119070 | — — — Fruit of the species Vaccinium myrtilloides and Vaccinium angustifolium | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Cherries | | | |

    08119075 | — — — — Sour cherries (Prunus cerasus) | 14,4 | Year 4 | |

    08119080 | — — — — Other | 14,4 | Year 4 | |

    08119085 | — — — Tropical fruit and tropical nuts | 9,0 | Year 0 | |

    08119095 | — — — Other | 14,4 | Year 0 | |

    0812 | Fruit and nuts, provisionally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions), but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption | | | |

    08121000 | — Cherries | 8,8 | Year 0 | |

    081290 | — Other | | | |

    08129010 | — — Apricots | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    08129020 | — — Oranges | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    08129030 | — — Papaws (papayas) | 2,3 | Year 0 | |

    08129040 | — — Fruit of the species Vaccinium myrtillus | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    08129050 | — — Blackcurrants | 8,8 | Year 4 | |

    08129060 | — — Raspberries | 8,8 | Year 4 | |

    08129070 | — — Guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya and tropical nuts | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    08129099 | — — Other | 8,8 | Year 4 | |

    0813 | Fruit, dried, other than that of headings 0801 to 0806; mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of this chapter | | | |

    08131000 | — Apricots | 5,6 | Year 0 | |

    08132000 | — Prunes | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    08133000 | — Apples | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    081340 | — Other fruit | | | |

    08134010 | — — Peaches, including nectarines | 5,6 | Year 0 | |

    08134030 | — — Pears | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    08134050 | — — Papaws (papayas) | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    08134060 | — — Tamarinds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    08134070 | — — Cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola and pitahaya | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    08134095 | — — Other | 2,4 | Year 0 | |

    081350 | — Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of this chapter | | | |

    — — Mixtures of dried fruit, other than that of headings 0801 to 0806 | | | |

    — — — Not containing prunes | | | |

    08135012 | — — — — Of papaws (papayas), tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola and pitahaya | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    08135015 | — — — — Other | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    08135019 | — — — Containing prunes | 9,6 | Year 4 | |

    — — Mixtures exclusively of dried nuts of headings 0801 and 0802 | | | |

    08135031 | — — — Of tropical nuts | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    08135039 | — — — Other | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other mixtures | | | |

    08135091 | — — — Not containing prunes or figs | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    08135099 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 4 | |

    08140000 | Peel of citrus fruit or melons (including watermelons), fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions | 1,6 | Year 0 | |

    09 | COFFEE, TEA, MATÉ AND SPICES | | | |

    0901 | Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated; coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion | | | |

    — Coffee, not roasted | | | |

    09011100 | — — Not decaffeinated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09011200 | — — Decaffeinated | 4,8 | Year 4 | |

    — Coffee, roasted | | | |

    09012100 | — — Not decaffeinated | 2,6 | Year 4 | |

    09012200 | — — Decaffeinated | 3,1 | Year 4 | |

    090190 | — Other | | | |

    09019010 | — — Coffee husks and skins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09019090 | — — Coffee substitutes containing coffee | 8,0 | Year 7 | |

    0902 | Tea, whether or not flavoured | | | |

    09021000 | — Green tea (not fermented) in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09022000 | — Other green tea (not fermented) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09023000 | — Black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09024000 | — Other black tea (fermented) and other partly fermented tea | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09030000 | Maté | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0904 | Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta | | | |

    — Pepper | | | |

    09041100 | — — Neither crushed nor ground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09041200 | — — Crushed or ground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    090420 | — Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, dried or crushed or ground | | | |

    — — Neither crushed nor ground | | | |

    09042010 | — — — Sweet peppers | 6,1 | Year 0 | |

    09042030 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09042090 | — — Crushed or ground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09050000 | Vanilla | 2,1 | Year 4 | |

    0906 | Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers | | | |

    09061000 | — Neither crushed nor ground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09062000 | — Crushed or ground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09070000 | Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems) | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    0908 | Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms | | | |

    09081000 | — Nutmeg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09082000 | — Mace | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09083000 | — Cardamoms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0909 | Seeds of anise, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin or caraway; juniper berries | | | |

    09091000 | — Seeds of anise or badian | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09092000 | — Seeds of coriander | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09093000 | — Seeds of cumin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09094000 | — Seeds of caraway | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09095000 | — Seeds of fennel; juniper berries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    0910 | Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices | | | |

    09101000 | — Ginger | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    091020 | — Saffron | | | |

    09102010 | — — Neither crushed nor ground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09102090 | — — Crushed or ground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09103000 | — Turmeric (curcuma) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    091040 | — Thyme; bay leaves | | | |

    — — Thyme | | | |

    — — — Neither crushed nor ground | | | |

    09104011 | — — — — Wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09104013 | — — — — Other | 2,4 | Year 4 | |

    09104019 | — — — Crushed or ground | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    09104090 | — — Bay leaves | 2,4 | Year 4 | |

    09105000 | — Curry | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other spices | | | |

    091091 | — — Mixtures referred to in note 1 (b) to this chapter | | | |

    09109110 | — — — Neither crushed nor ground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09109190 | — — — Crushed or ground | 4,3 | Year 7 | |

    091099 | — — Other | | | |

    09109910 | — — — Fenugreek seed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    09109991 | — — — — Neither crushed nor ground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    09109999 | — — — — Crushed or ground | 4,3 | Year 7 | |

    10 | CEREALS | | | |

    1001 | Wheat and meslin | | | |

    10011000 | — Durum wheat | — | | |

    100190 | — Other | | | |

    10019010 | — — Spelt for sowing | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    — — Other spelt, common wheat and meslin | | | |

    10019091 | — — — Common wheat and meslin seed | — | | |

    10019099 | — — — Other | — | | |

    10020000 | Rye | — | | |

    100300 | Barley | | | |

    10030010 | — Seed | — | | |

    10030090 | — Other | — | | |

    10040000 | Oats | — | | |

    1005 | Maize (corn) | | | |

    100510 | — Seed | | | |

    — — Hybrid | | | |

    10051011 | — — — Double hybrids and top cross hybrids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    10051013 | — — — Three-cross hybrids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    10051015 | — — — Simple hybrids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    10051019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    10051090 | — — Other | — | | |

    10059000 | — Other | — | | |

    1006 | Rice | | | |

    100610 | — Rice in the husk (paddy or rough) | | | |

    10061010 | — — For sowing | 7,7 | Year 4 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Parboiled | | | |

    10061021 | — — — — Round grain | — | | |

    10061023 | — — — — Medium grain | — | | |

    — — — — Long grain | | | |

    10061025 | — — — — — Of a length/width ratio greater than 2 but less than 3 | — | | |

    10061027 | — — — — — Of a length/width ratio equal to or greater than 3 | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    10061092 | — — — — Round grain | — | | |

    10061094 | — — — — Medium grain | — | | |

    — — — — Long grain | | | |

    10061096 | — — — — — Of a length/width ratio greater than 2 but less than 3 | — | | |

    10061098 | — — — — — Of a length/width ratio equal to or greater than 3 | — | | |

    100620 | — Husked (brown) rice | | | |

    — — Parboiled | | | |

    10062011 | — — — Round grain | — | | |

    10062013 | — — — Medium grain | — | | |

    — — — Long grain | | | |

    10062015 | — — — — Of a length/width ratio greater than 2 but less than 3 | — | | |

    10062017 | — — — — Of a length/width ratio equal to or greater than 3 | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    10062092 | — — — Round grain | — | | |

    10062094 | — — — Medium grain | — | | |

    — — — Long grain | | | |

    10062096 | — — — — Of a length/width ratio greater than 2 but less than 3 | — | | |

    10062098 | — — — — Of a length/width ratio equal to or greater than 3 | — | | |

    100630 | — Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed | | | |

    — — Semi-milled rice | | | |

    — — — Parboiled | | | |

    10063021 | — — — — Round grain | — | | |

    10063023 | — — — — Medium grain | — | | |

    — — — — Long grain | | | |

    10063025 | — — — — — Of a length/width ratio greater than 2 but less than 3 | — | | |

    10063027 | — — — — — Of a length/width ratio equal to or greater than 3 | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    10063042 | — — — — Round grain | — | | |

    10063044 | — — — — Medium grain | — | | |

    — — — — Long grain | | | |

    10063046 | — — — — — Of a length/width ratio greater than 2 but less than 3 | — | | |

    10063048 | — — — — — Of a length/width ratio equal to or greater than 3 | — | | |

    — — Wholly milled rice | | | |

    — — — Parboiled | | | |

    10063061 | — — — — Round grain | — | | |

    10063063 | — — — — Medium grain | — | | |

    — — — — Long grain | | | |

    10063065 | — — — — — Of a length/width ratio greater than 2 but less than 3 | — | | |

    10063067 | — — — — — Of a length/width ratio equal to or greater than 3 | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    10063092 | — — — — Round grain | — | | |

    10063094 | — — — — Medium grain | — | | |

    — — — — Long grain | | | |

    10063096 | — — — — — Of a length/width ratio greater than 2 but less than 3 | — | | |

    10063098 | — — — — — Of a length/width ratio equal to or greater than 3 | — | | |

    10064000 | — Broken rice | — | | |

    100700 | Grain sorghum | | | |

    10070010 | — Hybrids for sowing | 6,4 | Year 4 | |

    10070090 | — Other | — | | |

    1008 | Buckwheat, millet and canary seed; other cereals | | | |

    10081000 | — Buckwheat | — | | |

    10082000 | — Millet | — | | |

    10083000 | — Canary seed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    100890 | — Other cereals | | | |

    10089010 | — — Triticale | — | | |

    10089090 | — — Other | — | | |


    110100 | Wheat or meslin flour | | | |

    — Wheat flour | | | |

    11010011 | — — Of durum wheat | — | | |

    11010015 | — — Of common wheat and spelt | — | | |

    11010090 | — Meslin flour | — | | |

    1102 | Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin | | | |

    11021000 | — Rye flour | — | | |

    110220 | — Maize (corn) flour | | | |

    11022010 | — — Of a fat content not exceeding 1,5 % by weight | — | | |

    11022090 | — — Other | — | | |

    11023000 | — Rice flour | — | | |

    110290 | — Other | | | |

    11029010 | — — Barley flour | — | | |

    11029030 | — — Oat flour | — | | |

    11029090 | — — Other | — | | |

    1103 | Cereal groats, meal and pellets | | | |

    — Groats and meal | | | |

    110311 | — — Of wheat | | | |

    11031110 | — — — Durum wheat | — | | |

    11031190 | — — — Common wheat and spelt | — | | |

    110313 | — — Of maize (corn) | | | |

    11031310 | — — — Of a fat content not exceeding 1,5 % by weight | — | | |

    11031390 | — — — Other | — | | |

    110319 | — — Of other cereals | | | |

    11031910 | — — — Of rye | — | | |

    11031930 | — — — Of barley | — | | |

    11031940 | — — — Of oats | — | | |

    11031950 | — — — Of rice | — | | |

    11031990 | — — — Other | — | | |

    110320 | — Pellets: | | | |

    11032010 | — — Of rye | — | | |

    11032020 | — — Of barley | — | | |

    11032030 | — — Of oats | — | | |

    11032040 | — — Of maize | — | | |

    11032050 | — — Of rice | — | | |

    11032060 | — — Of wheat | — | | |

    11032090 | — — Other | — | | |

    1104 | Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced or kibbled), except rice of heading 1006; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground | | | |

    — Rolled or flaked grains | | | |

    110412 | — — Of oats | | | |

    11041210 | — — — Rolled | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11041290 | — — — Flaked | — | | TQ(2c) |

    110419 | — — Of other cereals | | | |

    11041910 | — — — Of wheat | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11041930 | — — — Of rye | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11041950 | — — — Of maize | — | | TQ(2c) |

    — — — Of barley: | | | |

    11041961 | — — — — Rolled | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11041969 | — — — — Flaked | — | | TQ(2c) |

    — — — Other | | | |

    11041991 | — — — — Flaked rice | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11041999 | — — — — Other | — | | TQ(2c) |

    — Other worked grains (for example, hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled) | | | |

    110422 | — — Of oats | | | |

    11042220 | — — — Hulled (shelled or husked) | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042230 | — — — Hulled and sliced or kibbled ("Grütze" or "grutten") | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042250 | — — — Pearled | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042290 | — — — Not otherwise worked than kibbled | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042298 | — — — Other | — | | TQ(2c) |

    110423 | — — Of maize (corn) | | | |

    11042310 | — — — Hulled (shelled or husked), whether or not sliced or kibbled | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042330 | — — — Pearled | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042390 | — — — Not otherwise worked than kibbled | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042399 | — — — Other | — | | TQ(2c) |

    110429 | — — Of other cereals | | | |

    — — — Of barley: | | | |

    11042901 | — — — — Hulled (shelled or husked) | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042903 | — — — — Hulled and sliced or kibbled ("Grütze" or "grutten") | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042905 | — — — — Pearled | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042907 | — — — — Not otherwise worked than kibbled | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042909 | — — — — Other | — | | TQ(2c) |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    — — — — Hulled (shelled or husked), whether or not sliced or kibbled | | | |

    11042911 | — — — — — Of wheat | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042915 | — — — — — Of rye | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042919 | — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(2c) |

    — — — — Pearled | | | |

    11042931 | — — — — — Of wheat | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042935 | — — — — — Of rye | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042939 | — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(2c) |

    — — — — Not otherwise worked than kibbled | | | |

    11042951 | — — — — — Of wheat | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042955 | — — — — — Of rye | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042959 | — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(2c) |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    11042981 | — — — — — Of wheat | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042985 | — — — — — Of rye | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11042989 | — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(2c) |

    110430 | — Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground | | | |

    11043010 | — — Of wheat | — | | TQ(2c) |

    11043090 | — — Of other cereals | — | | TQ(2c) |

    1105 | Flour, meal, powder, flakes, granules and pellets of potatoes | | | |

    11051000 | — Flour, meal and powder | 8,5 | Year 7 | |

    11052000 | — Flakes, granules and pellets | 8,5 | Year 7 | |

    1106 | Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713, of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 or of the products of Chapter 8 | | | |

    11061000 | — Of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713 | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    110620 | — Of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 | | | |

    11062010 | — — Denatured | — | | |

    11062090 | — — Other | — | | |

    110630 | — Of the products of Chapter 8 | | | |

    11063010 | — — Of bananas | 7,4 | Year 7 | |

    11063090 | — — Other | 4,8 | Year 4 | |

    1107 | Malt, whether or not roasted | | | |

    110710 | — Not roasted | | | |

    — — Of wheat | | | |

    11071011 | — — — In the form of flour | — | | |

    11071019 | — — — Other | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    11071091 | — — — In the form of flour | — | | |

    11071099 | — — — Other | — | | |

    11072000 | — Roasted | — | | |

    1108 | Starches; inulin | | | |

    — Starches | | | |

    11081100 | — — Wheat starch | — | | |

    11081200 | — — Maize (corn) starch | — | | |

    11081300 | — — Potato starch | — | | |

    11081400 | — — Manioc (cassava) starch | — | | |

    110819 | — — Other starches | | | |

    11081910 | — — — Rice starch | — | | |

    11081990 | — — — Other | — | | |

    11082000 | — Inulin | 15,7 | Year 10 | |

    11090000 | Wheat gluten, whether or not dried | — | | |


    120100 | Soya beans, whether or not broken | | | |

    12010010 | — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12010090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1202 | Ground-nuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, whether or not shelled or broken | | | |

    120210 | — In shell | | | |

    12021010 | — — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12021090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12022000 | — Shelled, whether or not broken | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12030000 | Copra | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120400 | Linseed, whether or not broken | | | |

    12040010 | — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12040090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1205 | Rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken: | | | |

    120510 | — Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds: | | | |

    12051010 | — — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12051090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12059000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120600 | Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken | | | |

    12060010 | — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    12060091 | — — Shelled; in grey and white striped shell | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12060099 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1207 | Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken | | | |

    120710 | — Palm nuts and kernels | | | |

    12071010 | — — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12071090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120720 | — Cotton seeds | | | |

    12072010 | — — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12072090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120730 | — Castor oil seeds | | | |

    12073010 | — — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12073090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120740 | — Sesamum seeds | | | |

    12074010 | — — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12074090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120750 | — Mustard seeds | | | |

    12075010 | — — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12075090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120760 | — Safflower seeds | | | |

    12076010 | — — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12076090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    120791 | — — Poppy seeds | | | |

    12079110 | — — — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12079190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120799 | — — Other: | | | |

    12079920 | — — — For sowing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    12079991 | — — — — Hemp seeds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12079998 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1208 | Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, other than those of mustard | | | |

    12081000 | — Of soya beans | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12089000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1209 | Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing: | | | |

    12091000 | — Sugar beet seed | 4,8 | Year 4 | |

    — Seeds of forage plants: | | | |

    12092100 | — — Lucerne (alfalfa) seed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120922 | — — Clover (Trifolium spp.) seed | | | |

    12092210 | — — — Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12092280 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120923 | — — Fescue seed | | | |

    12092311 | — — — Meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) seed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12092315 | — — — Red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) seed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12092380 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12092400 | — — Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis L.) seed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120925 | — — Rye grass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., Lolium perenne L.) seed | | | |

    12092510 | — — — Italian ryegrass (including westerwolds) (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12092590 | — — — Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12092600 | — — Timothy grass seed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120929 | — — Other: | | | |

    12092910 | — — — Vetch seed; seeds of the genus Poa (Poa palustris L., Poa trivialis L.); cocksfoot grass (Dactylis glomerata L.); bent grass (Agrostis) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12092950 | — — — Lupine seed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12092960 | — — — Beet seed, other than sugar beet seed | 4,8 | Year 4 | |

    12092980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12093000 | — Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated principally for their flowers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    120991 | — — Vegetable seeds | | | |

    12099110 | — — — Kohlrabi seeds (Brassica oleracea, caulorapa and gongylodes L. varieties) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12099190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    120999 | — — Other | | | |

    12099910 | — — — Forest-tree seeds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    12099991 | — — — — Seeds of plants cultivated principally for their flowers, other than those of subheading 12093000 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12099999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1210 | Hop cones, fresh or dried, whether or not ground, powdered or in the form of pellets; lupulin | | | |

    12101000 | — Hop cones, neither ground nor powdered nor in the form of pellets | 2,3 | Year 4 | |

    121020 | — Hop cones, ground, powdered or in the form of pellets; lupulin | | | |

    12102010 | — — Hop cones, ground, powdered or in the form of pellets, with higher lupulin content; lupulin | 2,3 | Year 4 | |

    12102090 | — — Other | 2,3 | Year 4 | |

    1211 | Plants and parts of plants (including seeds and fruits), of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered | | | |

    12111000 | — Liquorice roots | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12112000 | — Ginseng roots | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12113000 | — Coca leaf | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12114000 | — Poppy straw | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    121190 | — Other | | | |

    12119030 | — — Tonquin beans | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12119070 | — — Wild marjoram (Origanum vulgare) (branches, stems and leaves) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12119075 | — — Sage (Salvia officinalis) (leaves and flowers) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12119098 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1212 | Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae, sugar beet and sugar cane, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground; fruit stones and kernels and other vegetable products (including unroasted chicory roots of the variety Cichorium intybus sativum) of a kind used primarily for human consumption, not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    121210 | — Locust beans, including locust bean seeds | | | |

    12121010 | — — Locust beans | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    — — Locust bean seeds | | | |

    12121091 | — — — Not decorticated, crushed or ground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12121099 | — — — Other | 2,3 | Year 4 | |

    12122000 | — Seaweeds and other algae | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12123000 | — Apricot, peach (including nectarine) or plum stones and kernels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    121291 | — — Sugar beet | | | |

    12129120 | — — — Dried, whether or not ground | — | | |

    12129180 | — — — Other | — | | |

    121299 | — — Other: | | | |

    12129920 | — — — Sugar cane | — | | |

    12129980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12130000 | Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pressed or in the form of pellets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1214 | Swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, hay, lucerne (alfalfa), clover, sainfoin, forage kale, lupines, vetches and similar forage products, whether or not in the form of pellets | | | |

    12141000 | — Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    121490 | — Other | | | |

    12149010 | — — Mangolds, swedes and other fodder roots | 2,3 | Year 4 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    12149091 | — — — In the form of pellets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    12149099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    1301 | Lac; natural gums, resins, gum-resins and oleoresins (for example, balsams) | | | |

    13011000 | — Lac | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    13012000 | — Gum Arabic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    130190 | — Other | | | |

    13019010 | — — Chios mastic (mastic of the tree of the species Pistacia lentiscus) | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    13019090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1302 | Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products | | | |

    — Vegetable saps and extracts | | | |

    13021100 | — — Opium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    13021200 | — — Of liquorice | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    13021300 | — — Of hops | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    13021400 | — — Of pyrethrum or of the roots of plants containing rotenone | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    130219 | — — Other | | | |

    13021905 | — — — Vanilla oleoresin | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    13021930 | — — — Intermixtures of vegetable extracts, for the manufacture of beverages or of food preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    13021991 | — — — — Medicinal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    13021998 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    130220 | — Pectic substances, pectinates and pectates | | | |

    13022010 | — — Dry | 19,2 | | R |

    13022090 | — — Other | 11,2 | | R |

    — Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products | | | |

    13023100 | — — Agar-agar | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    130232 | — — Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust beans, locust bean seeds or guar seeds | | | |

    13023210 | — — — Of locust beans or locust bean seeds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    13023290 | — — — Of guar seeds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    13023900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    1401 | Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily for plaiting (for example, bamboos, rattans, reeds, rushes, osier, raffia, cleaned, bleached or dyed cereal straw, and lime bark) | | | |

    14011000 | — Bamboos | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    14012000 | — Rattans | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    14019000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    14020000 | Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily as stuffing or as padding (for example, kapok, vegetable hair and eel-grass), whether or not put up as a layer with or without supporting material | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    14030000 | Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily in brooms or in brushes (for example, broom-corn, piassava, couch-grass and istle), whether or not in hanks or bundles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1404 | Vegetable products not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    14041000 | — Raw vegetable materials of a kind used primarily in dyeing or tanning | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    14042000 | — Cotton linters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    14049000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    150100 | Pig fat (including lard) and poultry fat, other than that of heading 0209 or 1503 | | | |

    — Pig fat (including lard) | | | |

    15010011 | — — For industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15010019 | — — Other | — | | |

    15010090 | — Poultry fat | 8,0 | Year 7 | |

    150200 | Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, other than those of heading 1503 | | | |

    15020010 | — For industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15020090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    150300 | Lard stearin, lard oil, oleostearin, oleo-oil and tallow oil, not emulsified or mixed or otherwise prepared | | | |

    — Lard stearin and oleostearin | | | |

    15030011 | — — For industrial uses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15030019 | — — Other | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    15030030 | — Tallow oil for industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15030090 | — Other | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    1504 | Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish or marine mammals, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified | | | |

    150410 | — Fish-liver oils and their fractions | | | |

    15041010 | — — Of a vitamin A content not exceeding 2500 IU/g | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    15041091 | — — — Of halibut | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15041099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    150420 | — Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish, other than liver oils | | | |

    15042010 | — — Solid fractions | 7,4 | Year 7 | |

    15042090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    150430 | — Fats and oils and their fractions, of marine mammals | | | |

    15043010 | — — Solid fractions | | | |

    ex15043010 | — — — Whale oil and sperm oil | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    ex15043010 | — — — Other | 7,4 | Year 7 | |

    15043090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    150500 | Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom (including lanolin): | | | |

    15050010 | — Wool grease, crude | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15050090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15060000 | Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1507 | Soya-bean oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified | | | |

    150710 | — Crude oil, whether or not degummed | | | |

    15071010 | — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15071090 | — — Other | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    150790 | — Other | | | |

    15079010 | — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    15079090 | — — Other | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    1508 | Ground-nut oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified | | | |

    150810 | — Crude oil | | | |

    15081010 | — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15081090 | — — Other | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    150890 | — Other | | | |

    15089010 | — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    15089090 | — — Other | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    1509 | Olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified | | | |

    150910 | — Virgin | | | |

    15091010 | — — Lampante virgin olive oil | — | | |

    15091090 | — — Other | — | | |

    15099000 | — Other | — | | |

    151000 | Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified, including blends of these oils or fractions with oils or fractions of heading 1509 | | | |

    15100010 | — Crude oils | — | | |

    15100090 | — Other | — | | |

    1511 | Palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified | | | |

    151110 | — Crude oil | | | |

    15111010 | — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15111090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    151190 | — Other | | | |

    — — Solid fractions | | | |

    15119011 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less | 4,4 | Year 7 | |

    15119019 | — — — Other | 3,8 | Year 7 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    15119091 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    15119099 | — — — Other | 3,1 | Year 4 | |

    1512 | Sunflower-seed, safflower or cotton-seed oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified | | | |

    — Sunflower-seed or safflower oil and fractions thereof | | | |

    151211 | — — Crude oil | | | |

    15121110 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    15121191 | — — — — Sunflower-seed oil | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    15121199 | — — — — Safflower oil | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    151219 | — — Other | | | |

    15121910 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    15121991 | — — — — Sunflower-seed oil | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    15121999 | — — — — Safflower oil | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    — Cotton-seed oil and its fractions | | | |

    151221 | — — Crude oil, whether or not gossypol has been removed | | | |

    15122110 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15122190 | — — — Other | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    151229 | — — Other | | | |

    15122910 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    15122990 | — — — Other | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    1513 | Coconut (copra), palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified | | | |

    — Coconut (copra) oil and its fractions | | | |

    151311 | — — Crude oil | | | |

    15131110 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    15131191 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less | 4,4 | Year 7 | |

    15131199 | — — — — Other | 2,2 | Year 4 | |

    151319 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Solid fractions | | | |

    15131911 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less | 8,9 | Year 7 | |

    15131919 | — — — — Other | 7,4 | Year 7 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    15131930 | — — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    15131991 | — — — — — In immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less | 8,9 | Year 7 | |

    15131999 | — — — — — Other | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    — Palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions thereof | | | |

    151321 | — — Crude oil | | | |

    — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | | | |

    15132111 | — — — — Palm kernel oil | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15132119 | — — — — Babassu oil | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    15132130 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less | 4,4 | Year 7 | |

    15132190 | — — — — Other | 2,2 | Year 4 | |

    151329 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Solid fractions | | | |

    15132911 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less | 8,9 | Year 7 | |

    15132919 | — — — — Other | 7,4 | Year 7 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    15132930 | — — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    15132950 | — — — — — In immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less | 8,9 | Year 7 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    15132991 | — — — — — — Palm kernel oil | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    15132999 | — — — — — — Babassu oil | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    1514 | Rape, colza or mustard oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: | | | |

    — Low erucic acid rape or colza oil and its fractions: | | | |

    151411 | — — Crude oil: | | | |

    15141110 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15141190 | — — — Other | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    151419 | — — Other: | | | |

    15141910 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    15141990 | — — — Other | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    151491 | — — Crude oil: | | | |

    15149110 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15149190 | — — — Other | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    151499 | — — Other: | | | |

    15149910 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    15149990 | — — — Other | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    1515 | Other fixed vegetable fats and oils (including jojoba oil) and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified | | | |

    — Linseed oil and its fractions | | | |

    15151100 | — — Crude oil | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    151519 | — — Other | | | |

    15151910 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    15151990 | — — — Other | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    — Maize (corn) oil and its fractions | | | |

    151521 | — — Crude oil | | | |

    15152110 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15152190 | — — — Other | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    151529 | — — Other | | | |

    15152910 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    15152990 | — — — Other | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    151530 | — Castor oil and its fractions | | | |

    15153010 | — — For the production of aminoundecanoic acid for use in the manufacture of synthetic textile fibres or of artificial plastic materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15153090 | — — Other | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    15154000 | — Tung oil and its fractions | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    151550 | — Sesame oil and its fractions | | | |

    — — Crude oil | | | |

    15155011 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15155019 | — — — Other | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    15155091 | — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    15155099 | — — — Other | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    151590 | — Other: | | | |

    15159015 | — — Jojoba and oiticica oils; myrtle wax and Japan wax; their fractions | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Tobacco-seed oil and its fractions | | | |

    — — — Crude oil | | | |

    15159021 | — — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15159029 | — — — — Other | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    15159031 | — — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15159039 | — — — — Other | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    — — Other oils and their fractions | | | |

    — — — Crude oils | | | |

    15159040 | — — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    15159051 | — — — — — Solid, in immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less | 8,9 | Year 7 | |

    15159059 | — — — — — Solid, other; fluid | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    15159060 | — — — — For technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    15159091 | — — — — — Solid, in immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less | 8,9 | Year 7 | |

    15159099 | — — — — — Solid, other; fluid | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    1516 | Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further prepared | | | |

    151610 | — Animal fats and oils and their fractions | | | |

    15161010 | — — In immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less | 8,9 | Year 7 | |

    15161090 | — — Other | 7,4 | Year 7 | |

    151620 | — Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions | | | |

    15162010 | — — Hydrogenated castor oil, so called "opal-wax" | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    15162091 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less | 8,9 | Year 7 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    15162095 | — — — — Colza, linseed, rape seed, sunflower seed, illipe, karite, makore, touloucouna or babassu oils, for technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    15162096 | — — — — — Ground-nut, cotton seed, soya beans or sunflower seed oils; other oils containing less than 50 % by weight of free fatty acids and excluding palm kernel, illipe, coconut, colza, rape seed or copaiba oils | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    15162098 | — — — — — Other | 7,4 | Year 7 | |

    1517 | Margarine; edible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this chapter, other than edible fats or oils or their fractions of heading 1516 | | | |

    151710 | — Margarine, excluding liquid margarine | | | |

    15171010 | — — Containing more than 10 % but not more than 15 % by weight of milk fats | 4.8 + 28.4 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    15171090 | — — Other | 11,2 | Year 10 | |

    151790 | — Other | | | |

    15179010 | — — Containing more than 10 % but not more than 15 % by weight of milk fats | 4.8 + 28.4 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    — — Other | | | |

    15179091 | — — — Fixed vegetable oils, fluid, mixed | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    15179093 | — — — Edible mixtures or preparations of a kind used as mould release preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15179099 | — — — Other | 11,2 | Year 10 | |

    151800 | Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidized, dehydrated, sulphurised, blown, polymerized by heat in vacuum or in inert gas or otherwise chemically modified, excluding those of heading 1516; inedible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this chapter, not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    15180010 | — Linoxyn | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    — Fixed vegetable oils, fluid, mixed, for technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | | | |

    15180031 | — — Crude | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15180039 | — — Other | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    — Other | | | |

    15180091 | — — Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidized, dehydrated, sulphurized, blown, polymerized by heat in vacuum or in inert gas or otherwise chemically modified, excluding those of heading 1516 | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    15180095 | — — — Inedible mixtures or preparations of animal or of animal and vegetable fats and oils and their fractions | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15180099 | — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    15200000 | Glycerol, crude; glycerol waters and glycerol lyes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1521 | Vegetable waxes (other than triglycerides), beeswax, other insect waxes and spermaceti, whether or not refined or coloured | | | |

    15211000 | — Vegetable waxes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    152190 | — Other | | | |

    15219010 | — — Spermaceti, whether or not refined or coloured | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Beeswax and other insect waxes, whether or not refined or coloured | | | |

    15219091 | — — — Raw | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15219099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    152200 | Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes | | | |

    15220010 | — Degras | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes | | | |

    — — Containing oil having the characteristics of olive oil | | | |

    15220031 | — — — Soapstocks | — | | |

    15220039 | — — — Other | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    15220091 | — — — Oil foots and dregs; soapstocks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    15220099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    160100 | Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; food preparations based on these products | | | |

    16010010 | — Of liver | 10,7 | Year 10 | TQ(1b) |

    — Other | | | |

    16010091 | — — Sausages, dry or for spreading, uncooked | — | | TQ(1b) |

    16010099 | — — Other | — | | TQ(1b) |

    1602 | Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood | | | |

    16021000 | — Homogenized preparations | 16,6 | Year 10 | |

    160220 | — Of liver of any animal | | | |

    — — Goose or duck liver | | | |

    16022011 | — — — Containing 75 % or more by weight of fatty livers | 10,2 | Year 7 | |

    16022019 | — — — Other | 10,2 | Year 7 | |

    16022090 | — — Other | 16,0 | Year 10 | |

    — Of poultry of heading 0105 | | | |

    160231 | — — Of turkeys | | | |

    — — — Containing 57 % or more by weight of meat or offal | | | |

    16023111 | — — — — Containing exclusively uncooked turkey meat | 8,5 | Year 4 | TQ(1d) |

    16023119 | — — — — Other | 8,5 | Year 4 | TQ(1d) |

    16023130 | — — — Containing 25 % or more but less than 57 % by weight of meat or offal | 8,5 | Year 4 | TQ(1d) |

    16023190 | — — — Other | 8,5 | Year 4 | TQ(1d) |

    160232 | — — Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus | | | |

    — — — Containing 57 % or more by weight of poultry meat or offal | | | |

    16023211 | — — — — Uncooked | — | | TQ(1d) |

    16023219 | — — — — Other | 10,9 | Year 7 | TQ(1d) |

    16023230 | — — — Containing 25 % or more but less than 57 % by weight of poultry meat or offal | 10,9 | Year 7 | TQ(1d) |

    16023290 | — — — Other | 10,9 | Year 7 | TQ(1d) |

    160239 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Containing 57 % or more by weight of poultry meat or offal | | | |

    16023921 | — — — — Uncooked | — | | |

    16023929 | — — — — Other | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    16023940 | — — — Containing 25 % or more but less than 57 % by weight of poultry meat or offal | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    16023980 | — — — Other | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    — Of swine | | | |

    160241 | — — Hams and cuts thereof | | | |

    16024110 | — — — Of domestic swine | — | | TQ(1b) |

    16024190 | — — — Other | 10,9 | Year 7 | TQ(1b) |

    160242 | — — Shoulders and cuts thereof | | | |

    16024210 | — — — Of domestic swine | — | | TQ(1b) |

    16024290 | — — — Other | 10,9 | Year 7 | TQ(1b) |

    160249 | — — Other, including mixtures | | | |

    — — — Of domestic swine | | | |

    — — — — Containing by weight 80 % or more of meat or meat offal, of any kind, including fats of any kind or origin | | | |

    16024911 | — — — — — Loins (excluding collars) and cuts thereof, including mixtures of loins or hams | — | | TQ(1b) |

    16024913 | — — — — — Collars and cuts thereof, including mixtures of collars and shoulders | — | | TQ(1b) |

    16024915 | — — — — — Other mixtures containing hams (legs), shoulders, loins or collars, and cuts thereof | — | | TQ(1b) |

    16024919 | — — — — — Other | — | | TQ(1b) |

    16024930 | — — — — Containing by weight 40 % or more but less than 80 % of meat or meat offal, of any kind, including fats of any kind or origin | — | | TQ(1b) |

    16024950 | — — — — Containing by weight less than 40 % of meat or meat offal, of any kind, including fats of any kind or origin | — | | TQ(1b) |

    16024990 | — — — Other | 10,9 | Year 7 | TQ(1b) |

    160250 | — Of bovine animals | | | |

    16025010 | — — Uncooked; mixtures of cooked meat or offal and uncooked meat or offal | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — In airtight containers | | | |

    16025031 | — — — — Corned beef | 16,6 | Year 7 | |

    16025039 | — — — — Other | 16,6 | Year 7 | |

    16025080 | — — — Other | 16,6 | Year 7 | |

    160290 | — Other, including preparations of blood of any animal | | | |

    16029010 | — — Preparations of blood of any animal | 16,6 | Year 10 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    16029031 | — — — Of game or rabbit | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    16029041 | — — — Of reindeer | 16,6 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    16029051 | — — — — Containing meat or meat offal of domestic swine | — | | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — Containing bovine meat or offal | | | |

    16029061 | — — — — — — Uncooked; mixtures of cooked meat or offal and uncooked meat or offal | — | | |

    16029069 | — — — — — — Other | 16,6 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — — Of sheep or goats | | | |

    — — — — — — — Uncooked; mixtures of cooked meat or offal and uncooked meat or offal | | | |

    16029072 | — — — — — — — — Of sheep | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    16029074 | — — — — — — — — Of goats | 16,6 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — — — — Other | | | |

    16029076 | — — — — — — — — Of sheep | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    16029078 | — — — — — — — — Of goats | 16,6 | Year 10 | |

    16029098 | — — — — — — Other | 16,6 | Year 10 | |

    160300 | Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates | | | |

    16030010 | — In immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less | 4,4 | Year 7 | |

    16030080 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1604 | Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs | | | |

    — Fish, whole or in pieces, but not minced | | | |

    16041100 | — — Salmon | 2,0 | Year 4 | |

    160412 | — — Herrings | | | |

    16041210 | — — — Fillets, raw, merely coated with batter or breadcrumbs, whether or not prefried in oil, deep frozen | 15,0 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    16041291 | — — — — In airtight containers | 20,0 | Year 10 | |

    16041299 | — — — — Other | 20,0 | Year 10 | |

    160413 | — — Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats | | | |

    — — — Sardines | | | |

    16041311 | — — — — In olive oil | 9,0 | Year 7 | |

    16041319 | — — — — Other | 12,5 | Year 10 | |

    16041390 | — — — Other | 8,7 | Year 4 | |

    160414 | — — Tunas, skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.) | | | |

    — — — Tunas and skipjack | | | |

    16041411 | — — — — In vegetable oil | — | — | TQ(5) |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    16041416 | — — — — — Fillets known as "loins" | — | — | |

    16041418 | — — — — — Other | — | — | TQ(5) |

    16041490 | — — — Bonito (Sarda spp.) | 25,0 | Year 10 | |

    160415 | — — Mackerel | | | |

    — — — Of the species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus | | | |

    16041511 | — — — — Fillets | 17,5 | Year 4 | |

    16041519 | — — — — Other | 17,5 | Year 4 | |

    16041590 | — — — Of the species Scomber australasicus | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    16041600 | — — Anchovies | 25,0 | Year 10 | |

    160419 | — — Other | | | |

    16041910 | — — — Salmonidae, other than salmon | 3,5 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Fish of the genus Euthynnus, other than skipjack (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis) | | | |

    16041931 | — — — — Fillets known as "loins" | — | — | |

    16041939 | — — — — Other | — | — | TQ(5) |

    16041950 | — — — Fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor | 8,7 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    16041991 | — — — — Fillets, raw, merely coated with batter or breadcrumbs, whether or not prefried in oil, deep frozen | 4,0 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    16041992 | — — — — — Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    16041993 | — — — — — Coalfish (Pollachius virens) | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    16041994 | — — — — — Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    16041995 | — — — — — Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) and pollack (Pollachius pollachius) | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    16041998 | — — — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    160420 | — Other prepared or preserved fish | | | |

    16042005 | — — Preparations of surimi | 14,0 | Year 4 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    16042010 | — — — Of salmon | 2,0 | Year 4 | |

    16042030 | — — — Of salmonidae, other than salmon | 3,5 | Year 4 | |

    16042040 | — — — Of anchovies | 25,0 | Year 10 | |

    16042050 | — — — Of sardines, bonito, mackerel of the species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus, fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor | | | |

    ex16042050 | — — — — Of sardines; Of bonito (Sarda s.p.p.) | 25,0 | Year 10 | |

    ex16042050 | — — — — Other | 17,5 | Year 10 | |

    16042070 | — — — Of tunas, skipjack or other fish of the genus Euthynnus | — | — | TQ(5) |

    16042090 | — — — Of other fish | | | |

    ex16042090 | — — — — Preserved smoked coalfish; Brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus); of mackerel (Scomber australasicus); Lamprey | 4,9 | Year 10 | |

    ex16042090 | — — — — Other | 14,0 | Year 10 | |

    160430 | — Caviar and caviar substitutes | | | |

    16043010 | — — Caviar (sturgeon roe) | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    16043090 | — — Caviar substitutes | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    1605 | Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved | | | |

    16051000 | — Crab | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    160520 | — Shrimps and prawns | | | |

    16052010 | — — In airtight containers | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    16052091 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2 kg | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    16052099 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    160530 | — Lobster | | | |

    16053010 | — — Lobster meat, cooked, for the manufacture of lobster butter or of lobster pastes, pâtes, soups or sauces | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    16053090 | — — Other | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    16054000 | — Other crustaceans | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    160590 | — Other | | | |

    — — Molluscs | | | |

    — — — Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.) | | | |

    16059011 | — — — — In airtight containers | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    16059019 | — — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    16059030 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 4 | |

    16059090 | — — Other aquatic invertebrates | 18,2 | Year 4 | |


    1701 | Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form | | | |

    — Raw sugar not containing added flavouring or colouring matter | | | |

    170111 | — — Cane sugar | | | |

    17011110 | — — — For refining | — | | |

    17011190 | — — — Other | — | | |

    170112 | — — Beet sugar | | | |

    17011210 | — — — For refining | — | | |

    17011290 | — — — Other | — | | |

    — Other | | | |

    17019100 | — — Containing added flavouring or colouring matter | — | | |

    170199 | — — Other | | | |

    17019910 | — — — White sugar | — | | |

    17019990 | — — — Other | — | | |

    1702 | Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel | | | |

    — Lactose and lactose syrup | | | |

    17021100 | — — Containing by weight 99 % or more lactose, expressed as anhydrous lactose, calculated on the dry matter | — | | |

    17021900 | — — Other | — | | |

    170220 | — Maple sugar and maple syrup | | | |

    17022010 | — — Maple sugar in solid form, containing added flavouring or colouring matter | — | | |

    17022090 | — — Other | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    170230 | — Glucose and glucose syrup, not containing fructose or containing in the dry state less than 20 % by weight of fructose | | | |

    17023010 | — — Isoglucose | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Containing in the dry state, 99 % or more by weight of glucose | | | |

    17023051 | — — — — In the form of white crystalline powder, whether or not agglomerated | — | | |

    17023059 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    17023091 | — — — — In the form of white crystalline powder, whether or not agglomerated | — | | |

    17023099 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    170240 | — Glucose and glucose syrup, containing in the dry state at least 20 % but less than 50 % by weight of fructose, excluding invert sugar: | | | |

    17024010 | — — Isoglucose | — | | |

    17024090 | — — Other | — | | |

    17025000 | — Chemically pure fructose | — | | |

    170260 | — Other fructose and fructose syrup, containing in the dry state more than 50 % by weight of fructose, excluding invert sugar: | | | |

    17026010 | — — Isoglucose | — | | |

    17026080 | — — Inulin syrup | — | | |

    17026095 | — — Other | — | | |

    170290 | — Other, including invert sugar and other sugar and sugar syrup blends containing in the dry state 50 % by weight of fructose: | | | |

    17029010 | — — Chemically pure maltose | — | | |

    17029030 | — — Isoglucose | — | | |

    17029050 | — — Maltodextrine and maltodextrine syrup | — | | |

    17029060 | — — Artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey | — | | |

    — — Caramel | | | |

    17029071 | — — — Containing 50 % or more by weight of sucrose in the dry matter | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    17029075 | — — — — In the form of powder, whether or not agglomerated | — | | |

    17029079 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    17029080 | — — Inulin syrup | — | | |

    17029099 | — — Other | — | | |

    1703 | Molasses resulting from the extraction or refining of sugar | | | |

    17031000 | — Cane molasses | — | | |

    17039000 | — Other | — | | |

    1704 | Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa | | | |

    170410 | — Chewing gum, whether or not sugar-coated | | | |

    — — Containing less than 60 % by weight of sucrose (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose) | | | |

    17041011 | — — — Gum in strips | 2.7 + 27.1 EUR/100 kg/net MAX 17.9 | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |

    17041019 | — — — Other | 2.7 + 27.1 EUR/100 kg/net MAX 17.9 | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |

    — — Containing 60 % or more by weight of sucrose (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose) | | | |

    17041091 | — — — Gum in strips | 2.8 + 30.9 EUR/100 kg/net MAX 18.2 | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |

    17041099 | — — — Other | 2.8 + 30.9 EUR/100 kg/net MAX 18.2 | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |

    170490 | — Other | | | |

    17049010 | — — Liquorice extract containing more than 10 % by weight of sucrose but not containing other added substances | 9,3 | | TQ(3a); R |

    17049030 | — — White chocolate | 5.6 + 45.1 EUR/100 kg/net MAX 18.9 + 16.5 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |

    — — Other | | | |

    17049051 | — — — Pastes, including marzipan, in immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or more | 5.5 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |

    17049055 | — — — Throat pastilles and cough drops | 5.5 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |

    17049061 | — — — Sugar coated (panned) goods | 5.5 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |

    — — — Other | | | |

    17049065 | — — — — Gum confectionery and jelly confectionery, including fruit pastes in the form of sugar confectionery | 5.5 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |

    17049071 | — — — — Boiled sweets, whether or not filled | 5.5 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |

    17049075 | — — — — Toffees, caramels and similar sweets | 5.5 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    17049081 | — — — — — Compressed tablets | 5.5 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |

    17049099 | — — — — — Other | 5.5 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3a); SP |


    18010000 | Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    18020000 | Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    1803 | Cocoa paste, whether or not defatted | | | |

    18031000 | — Not defatted | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    18032000 | — Wholly or partly defatted | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    18040000 | Cocoa butter, fat and oil | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    18050000 | Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    1806 | Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa | | | |

    180610 | — Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | | | |

    18061015 | — — Containing no sucrose or containing less than 5 % by weight of sucrose (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose) or isoglucose expressed as sucrose | 2,8 | Year 7 | |

    18061020 | — — Containing 5 % or more but less than 65 % by weight of sucrose (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose) or isoglucose expressed as sucrose | 2.8 + 25.2 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    18061030 | — — Containing 65 % or more but less than 80 % by weight of sucrose (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose) or isoglucose expressed as sucrose | 4.5 + 31.4 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    18061090 | — — Containing 80 % or more by weight of sucrose (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose) or isoglucose expressed as sucrose | 4.5 + 41.9 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    180620 | — Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars weighing more than 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or other bulk form in containers or immediate packings, of a content exceeding 2 kg | | | |

    18062010 | — — Containing 31 % or more by weight of cocoa butter or containing a combined weight of 31 % or more of cocoa butter and milk fat | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    18062030 | — — Containing a combined weight of 25 % or more, but less than 31 % of cocoa butter and milk fat | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    — — Other | | | |

    18062050 | — — — Containing 18 % or more by weight of cocoa butter | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    18062070 | — — — Chocolate milk crumb | 10.7 + EA | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    18062080 | — — — Chocolate flavour coating | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    18062095 | — — — Other | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    — Other, in blocks, slabs or bars | | | |

    18063100 | — — Filled | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    180632 | — — Not filled | | | |

    18063210 | — — — With added cereal, fruit or nuts | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    18063290 | — — — Other | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    180690 | — Other | | | |

    — — Chocolate and chocolate products | | | |

    — — — Chocolates, whether or not filled | | | |

    18069011 | — — — — Containing alcohol | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    18069019 | — — — — Other | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    — — — Other | | | |

    18069031 | — — — — Filled | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    18069039 | — — — — Not filled | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    18069050 | — — Sugar confectionery and substitutes therefor made from sugar substitution products, containing cocoa | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    18069060 | — — Spreads containing cocoa | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    18069070 | — — Preparations containing cocoa for making beverages | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |

    18069090 | — — Other | 4.8 + EA MAX 18.7 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3b), SP |


    1901 | Malt extract; food preparations of flour, groats, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing less than 40 % by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included; food preparations of goods of headings 0401 to 0404, not containing cocoa or containing less than 5 % by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included: | | | |

    19011000 | — Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale | 4.1 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    19012000 | — Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers' wares of heading 1905 | 0.0 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    190190 | — Other | | | |

    — — Malt extract | | | |

    19019011 | — — — With a dry extract content of 90 % or more by weight | 1.6 + 18.0 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19019019 | — — — Other | 1.6 + 14.7 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    — — Other | | | |

    19019091 | — — — Containing no milk fats, sucrose, isoglucose, glucose or starch or containing less than 1,5 % milk fat, 5 % sucrose (including invert sugar) or isoglucose, 5 % glucose or starch, excluding food preparations in powder form of goods of headings 0401 to 0404 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    19019099 | — — — Other | 4.1 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    1902 | Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other substances) or otherwise prepared, such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, whether or not prepared | | | |

    — Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared | | | |

    19021100 | — — Containing eggs | 4.2 + 24.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    190219 | — — Other | | | |

    19021910 | — — — Containing no common wheat flour or meal | 4.2 + 24.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19021990 | — — — Other | 4.2 + 21.1 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    190220 | — Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared | | | |

    19022010 | — — Containing more than 20 % by weight of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    19022030 | — — Containing more than 20 % by weight of sausages and the like, of meat and meat offal of any kind, including fats of any kind or origin | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    19022091 | — — — Cooked | 4.8 + 6.1 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19022099 | — — — Other | 4.8 + 17.1 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    190230 | — Other pasta | | | |

    19023010 | — — Dried | 2.9 + 24.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19023090 | — — Other | 2.9 + 9.7 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    190240 | — Couscous | | | |

    19024010 | — — Unprepared | 4.2 + 24.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | |

    19024090 | — — Other | 2.9 + 9.7 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | |

    19030000 | Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or similar forms | 2.9 + 15.1 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    1904 | Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products (for example, corn flakes); cereals (other than maize (corn)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour, groats and meal), pre-cooked or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included: | | | |

    190410 | — Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products | | | |

    19041010 | — — Obtained from maize | 0.0 + 20.0 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19041030 | — — Obtained from rice | 1.6 + 46.0 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19041090 | — — Other | 1.6 + 33.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    190420 | — Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals | | | |

    19042010 | — — Preparation of the Müsli type based on unroasted cereal flakes | 5.5 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    — — Other | | | |

    19042091 | — — — Obtained from maize | 0.0 + 20.0 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19042095 | — — — Obtained from rice | 5.1 + 46 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19042099 | — — — Other | 5.1 + 33.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19043000 | — Bulgur wheat | 4.8 + 25.7 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    190490 | — Other: | | | |

    19049010 | — — Rice | 4.8 + 46.0 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19049080 | — — Other | 4.8 + 25.7 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    1905 | Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products | | | |

    19051000 | — Crispbread | 2.3 + 13.0 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    190520 | — Gingerbread and the like | | | |

    19052010 | — — Containing by weight of sucrose less than 30 % (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose) | 5.9 + 18.3 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19052030 | — — Containing by weight of sucrose 30 % or more but less than 50 % (including invert sugar expessed as sucrose) | 6.3 + 24.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19052090 | — — Containing by weight of sucrose 50 % or more (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose) | 6.6 + 31.4 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    — Sweet biscuits; waffles and wafers: | | | |

    190531 | — — Sweet biscuits: | | | |

    — — — Completely or partially coated or covered with chocolate or other preparations containing cocoa: | | | |

    19053111 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 85 g | 5.5 + EA MAX 24.2 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3c); SP |

    19053119 | — — — — Other | 5.5 + EA MAX 24.2 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3c); SP |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    19053130 | — — — — Containing 8 % or more by weight of milk fats | 5.5 + EA MAX 24.2 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3c); SP |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    19053191 | — — — — — Sandwich biscuits | 5.5 + EA MAX 24.2 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3c); SP |

    19053199 | — — — — — Other | 5.5 + EA MAX 24.2 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3c); SP |

    190532 | — — Waffles and wafers: | | | |

    — — — Completely or partially coated or covered with chocolate or other preparations containing cocoa: | | | |

    19053211 | — — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 85 g | 5.5 + EA MAX 24.2 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3c); SP |

    19053219 | — — — — Other | 5.5 + EA MAX 24.2 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3c); SP |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    19053291 | — — — — Salted, whether or not filled | 5.5 + EA MAX 20.7 + ADF/M | Year 0 | TQ(3c); SP |

    19053299 | — — — — Other | 5.5 + EA MAX 24.2 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | TQ(3c); SP |

    190540 | — Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products | | | |

    19054010 | — — Rusks | 6.2 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    19054090 | — — Other | 6.2 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    190590 | — Other | | | |

    19059010 | — — Matzos | 0.0 + 15.9 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    19059020 | — — Communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products | 0.0 + 60.5 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    — — Other | | | |

    19059030 | — — — Bread, not containing added honey, eggs, cheese or fruit, and containing by weight in the dry matter state not more than 5 % of sugars and not more than 5 % of fat | 6.2 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    19059040 | — — — Waffles and wafers with a water content exceeding 10 % by weight | 5.5 + EA MAX 20.7 + ADF/M | Year 0 | TQ(3c); SP |

    19059045 | — — — Biscuits | 5.5 + EA MAX 20.7 + ADF/M | Year 0 | TQ(3c); SP |

    19059055 | — — — Extruded or expanded products, savoury or salted | 5.5 + EA MAX 20.7 + ADF/M | Year 0 | SP |

    — — — Other | | | |

    19059060 | — — — — With added sweetening matter | 5.5 + EA MAX 24.2 + ADS/Z | Year 0 | SP |

    19059090 | — — — — Other | 5.5 + EA MAX 20.7 + ADF/M | Year 0 | SP |


    2001 | Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid | | | |

    20011000 | — Cucumbers and gherkins | 14,1 | Year 10 | |

    200190 | — Other | | | |

    20019010 | — — Mango chutney | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    20019020 | — — Fruit of the genus Capsicum other than sweet peppers or pimentos | 1,5 | Year 0 | |

    20019030 | — — Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | — | | |

    20019040 | — — Yams, sweet potatoes and similar edible parts of plants containing 5 % or more by weight of starch | 4.8 + 3.8 EUR/100 kg/net eda | Year 0 | SP |

    20019050 | — — Mushrooms | 12,5 | Year 10 | |

    20019060 | — — Palm hearts | 3,5 | Year 4 | |

    20019065 | — — Olives | 12,5 | Year 10 | |

    20019070 | — — Sweet peppers | 11,2 | Year 10 | |

    20019075 | — — Salad beetroot (Beta vulgaris var. conditiva) | 11,2 | Year 10 | |

    20019085 | — — Red cabbages | 11,2 | Year 10 | |

    20019091 | — — Tropical fruit and tropical nuts | 6,5 | Year 4 | |

    20019093 | — — Onions | 12,5 | Year 10 | |

    20019096 | — — Other | 11,2 | Year 10 | |

    2002 | Tomatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid | | | |

    200210 | — Tomatoes, whole or in pieces | | | |

    20021010 | — — Peeled | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    20021090 | — — Other | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    200290 | — Other | | | |

    — — With a dry matter content of less than 12 % by weight | | | |

    20029011 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    20029019 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    — — With a dry matter content of not less than 12 % but not more than 30 % by weight | | | |

    20029031 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | 14,4 | Year 4 | |

    20029039 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    — — With a dry matter content of more than 30 % by weight | | | |

    20029091 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | 14,4 | Year 4 | |

    20029099 | — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | 14,4 | Year 7 | |

    2003 | Mushrooms and truffles, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid: | | | |

    200310 | — Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus: | | | |

    20031020 | — — Provisionally preserved, completely cooked | — | | TQ(2d) |

    20031030 | — — Other | — | | TQ(2d) |

    20032000 | — Truffles | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    20039000 | — Other | 14,9 | Year 10 | |

    2004 | Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, other than products of heading No 2006 | | | |

    200410 | — Potatoes | | | |

    20041010 | — — Cooked, not otherwise prepared | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    20041091 | — — — In the form of flour, meal or flakes | 4.1 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    20041099 | — — — Other | 14,1 | Year 10 | |

    200490 | — Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables | | | |

    20049010 | — — Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | — | | |

    20049030 | — — Sauerkraut, capers and olives | 11,2 | Year 10 | |

    20049050 | — — Peas (Pisum sativum) and immature beans of the species Phaseolus spp., in pod | 15,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — Other, including mixtures | | | |

    20049091 | — — — Onions, cooked, not otherwise prepared | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    20049098 | — — — Other | 14,1 | Year 10 | |

    2005 | Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading No 2006 | | | |

    20051000 | — Homogenized vegetables | 14,1 | Year 10 | |

    200520 | — Potatoes | | | |

    20052010 | — — In the form of flour, meal or flakes | 5.3 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    — — Other | | | |

    20052020 | — — — Thin slices, fried or baked, whether or not salted or flavoured, in airtight packings, suitable for immediate consumption | 10,6 | Year 7 | |

    20052080 | — — — Other | 10,6 | Year 7 | |

    20054000 | — Peas (Pisum sativum) | 15,7 | Year 10 | |

    — Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) | | | |

    20055100 | — — Beans, shelled | 14,1 | Year 10 | |

    20055900 | — — Other | 15,7 | Year 10 | |

    20056000 | — Asparagus | 14,1 | Year 7 | |

    200570 | — Olives | | | |

    20057010 | — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 5 kg | 8,9 | Year 7 | |

    20057090 | — — Other | 8,9 | Year 7 | |

    20058000 | — Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | — | | |

    200590 | — Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables | | | |

    20059010 | — — Fruit of the genus Capsicum other than sweet peppers or pimentos | 2,9 | Year 0 | |

    20059030 | — — Capers | 11,2 | Year 10 | |

    20059050 | — — Globe artichokes | 12,3 | Year 7 | |

    20059060 | — — Carrots | 12,3 | Year 10 | |

    20059070 | — — Mixtures of vegetables | 12,3 | Year 10 | |

    20059075 | — — Sauerkraut | 11,2 | Year 10 | |

    20059080 | — — Other | 12,3 | Year 10 | |

    200600 | Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glacé or crystallized) | | | |

    20060010 | — Ginger | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight | | | |

    20060031 | — — — Cherries | — | | |

    20060035 | — — — Tropical fruit and tropical nuts | — | | |

    20060038 | — — — Other | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    20060091 | — — — Tropical fruit and tropical nuts | 4,3 | Year 7 | |

    20060099 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 10 | |

    2007 | Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut purée and fruit or nut pastes, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter: | | | |

    200710 | — Homogenized preparations | | | |

    20071010 | — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    20071091 | — — — Of tropical fruit | 5,2 | Year 7 | |

    20071099 | — — — Other | 8,4 | Year 10 | |

    — Other | | | |

    200791 | — — Citrus fruit: | | | |

    20079110 | — — — With a sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | — | | |

    20079130 | — — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % but not exceeding 30 % by weight | — | | |

    20079190 | — — — Other | 18,1 | Year 10 | |

    200799 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — With a sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | | | |

    20079910 | — — — — Plum purée and paste and prune purée and paste, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 100 kg, for industrial processing | 22,4 | Year 10 | |

    20079920 | — — — — Chestnut purée and paste | — | | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    20079931 | — — — — — Of cherries | — | | |

    20079933 | — — — — — Of strawberries | — | | |

    20079935 | — — — — — Of raspberries | — | | |

    20079939 | — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % but not exceeding 30 % by weight | | | |

    20079951 | — — — — Chestnut purée and paste | — | | |

    20079955 | — — — — Apple purée, including compotes | — | | |

    20079958 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    20079991 | — — — — Apple purée, including compotes | 24,0 | Year 7 | |

    20079993 | — — — — Of tropical fruit and tropical nuts | 15,0 | Year 7 | |

    20079998 | — — — — Other | 24,0 | Year 7 | |

    2008 | Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    — Nuts, ground-nuts and other seeds, whether or not mixed together | | | |

    200811 | — — Ground-nuts | | | |

    20081110 | — — — Peanut butter | 8,9 | | R |

    — — — Other, in immediate packings of a net content | | | |

    — — — — Exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20081192 | — — — — — Roasted | 7,7 | Year 7 | |

    20081194 | — — — — — Other | 7,7 | Year 7 | |

    — — — — Not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20081196 | — — — — — Roasted | 8,4 | Year 7 | |

    20081198 | — — — — — Other | 8,9 | Year 7 | |

    200819 | — — Other, including mixtures | | | |

    — — — In immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20081911 | — — — — Tropical nuts; mixtures containing 50 % or more by weight of tropical nuts and tropical fruit | 2,4 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    20081913 | — — — — — Roasted almonds and pistachios | 3,1 | Year 4 | |

    20081919 | — — — — — Other | 3,9 | Year 7 | |

    — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    — — — — Tropical nuts; mixtures containing 50 % or more by weight of tropical nuts and tropical fruit | | | |

    20081951 | — — — — — Roasted tropical nuts | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    20081959 | — — — — — Other | 2,8 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — Roasted nuts | | | |

    20081993 | — — — — — — Almonds and pistachios | 3,5 | Year 7 | |

    20081995 | — — — — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 7 | |

    20081999 | — — — — — Other | 4,4 | Year 7 | |

    200820 | — Pineapples | | | |

    — — Containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — In immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20082011 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 17 % by weight | — | | |

    20082019 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20082031 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 19 % by weight | — | | |

    20082039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Not containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20082051 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 17 % by weight | 15,7 | Year 10 | |

    20082059 | — — — — Other | 14,1 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20082071 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 19 % by weight | 17,3 | Year 10 | |

    20082079 | — — — — Other | 15,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content | | | |

    20082091 | — — — — Of 4,5 kg or more | 14,9 | Year 10 | |

    20082099 | — — — — Of less than 4,5 kg | 14,9 | Year 10 | |

    200830 | — Citrus fruit | | | |

    — — Containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — With a sugar content exceeding 9 % by weight | | | |

    20083011 | — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 21,7 | Year 10 | |

    20083019 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    20083031 | — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 20,4 | Year 10 | |

    20083039 | — — — — Other | 21,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — Not containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20083051 | — — — — Grapefruit segments | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    20083055 | — — — — Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and other similar citrus hybrids | 14,9 | Year 10 | |

    20083059 | — — — — Other | 14,1 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20083071 | — — — — Grapefruit segments | 10,6 | Year 10 | |

    20083075 | — — — — Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and other similar citrus hybrids | 14,1 | Year 10 | |

    20083079 | — — — — Other | 17,3 | Year 10 | |

    20083090 | — — — Not containing added sugar | 14,9 | Year 10 | |

    200840 | — Pears | | | |

    — — Containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — In immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight | | | |

    20084011 | — — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 21,7 | Year 10 | |

    20084019 | — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    20084021 | — — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 20,4 | Year 10 | |

    20084029 | — — — — — Other | 21,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20084031 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 15 % by weight | — | | |

    20084039 | — — — — Other | 21,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — Not containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20084051 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight | 17,6 | Year 4 | |

    20084059 | — — — — Other | 16,0 | Year 7 | |

    — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20084071 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 15 % by weight | 19,2 | Year 7 | |

    20084079 | — — — — Other | 17,6 | Year 7 | |

    — — — Not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content | | | |

    20084091 | — — — — Of 4,5 kg or more | 16,8 | Year 4 | |

    20084099 | — — — — Of less than 4,5 kg | 16,8 | Year 7 | |

    200850 | — Apricots | | | |

    — — Containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — In immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight | | | |

    20085011 | — — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 25,6 | Year 10 | |

    20085019 | — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    20085031 | — — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 24,0 | Year 10 | |

    20085039 | — — — — — Other | 25,6 | Year 10 | |

    — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20085051 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 15 % by weight | — | | |

    20085059 | — — — — Other | 25,6 | Year 10 | |

    — — Not containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20085061 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight | 19,2 | Year 4 | |

    20085069 | — — — — Other | 17,6 | Year 7 | |

    — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20085071 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 15 % by weight | 20,8 | Year 7 | |

    20085079 | — — — — Other | 19,2 | Year 7 | |

    — — — Not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content | | | |

    20085092 | — — — — Of 5 kg or more | 13,6 | Year 4 | |

    20085094 | — — — — Of 4,5 kg or more but less than 5 kg | 17,0 | Year 7 | |

    20085099 | — — — — Of less than 4,5 kg | 18,4 | Year 7 | |

    200860 | — Cherries | | | |

    — — Containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — With a sugar content exceeding 9 % by weight | | | |

    20086011 | — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 21,7 | Year 7 | |

    20086019 | — — — — Other | — | | TQ(2e) |

    — — — Other | | | |

    20086031 | — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 20,4 | Year 7 | |

    20086039 | — — — — Other | 21,7 | Year 4 | |

    — — Not containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20086051 | — — — — Sour cherries (Prunus cerasus) | 17,6 | Year 7 | |

    20086059 | — — — — Other | 14,1 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20086061 | — — — — Sour cherries (Prunus cerasus) | 20,8 | Year 7 | |

    20086069 | — — — — Other | 17,3 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content | | | |

    — — — — Of 4,5 kg or more | | | |

    20086071 | — — — — — Sour cherries (Prunus cerasus) | 18,4 | Year 7 | |

    20086079 | — — — — — Other | 14,9 | Year 7 | |

    — — — — Of less than 4,5 kg | | | |

    20086091 | — — — — — Sour cherries (Prunus cerasus) | 18,4 | Year 7 | |

    20086099 | — — — — — Other | 14,9 | Year 7 | |

    200870 | — Peaches, including nectarines: | | | |

    — — Containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — In immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight | | | |

    20087011 | — — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 21,7 | Year 10 | |

    20087019 | — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    20087031 | — — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 20,4 | Year 10 | |

    20087039 | — — — — — Other | 21,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20087051 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 15 % by weight | — | | |

    20087059 | — — — — Other | 21,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — Not containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20087061 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight | 19,2 | Year 7 | |

    20087069 | — — — — Other | 17,6 | Year 7 | |

    — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20087071 | — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 15 % by weight | 19,2 | Year 7 | |

    20087079 | — — — — Other | 17,6 | Year 7 | |

    — — — Not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content | | | |

    20087092 | — — — — Of 5 kg or more | 15,2 | Year 7 | |

    20087094 | — — — — Of 4,5 kg or more but less than 5 kg | 18,4 | Year 7 | |

    20087099 | — — — — Of less than 4,5 kg | 18,4 | Year 7 | |

    200880 | — Strawberries | | | |

    — — Containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — With a sugar content exceeding 9 % by weight | | | |

    20088011 | — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 21,7 | Year 10 | |

    20088019 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    20088031 | — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 20,4 | Year 10 | |

    20088039 | — — — — Other | 21,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — Not containing added spirit | | | |

    20088050 | — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | 14,1 | Year 7 | |

    20088070 | — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | 17,3 | Year 7 | |

    — — — Not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content | | | |

    20088091 | — — — — Of 4,5 kg or more | 14,9 | Year 4 | |

    20088099 | — — — — Of less than 4,5 kg | 14,9 | Year 7 | |

    — Other, including mixtures other than those of subheading 200819 | | | |

    20089100 | — — Palm hearts | 3,5 | Year 7 | |

    200892 | — — Mixtures | | | |

    — — — Containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 9 % by weight | | | |

    — — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | | | |

    20089212 | — — — — — — Of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 % or more by weight of tropical nuts and tropical fruit) | 5,6 | Year 10 | |

    20089214 | — — — — — — Other | 8,9 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    20089216 | — — — — — — Of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 % or more by weight of tropical nuts and tropical fruit) | — | | |

    20089218 | — — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | | | |

    20089232 | — — — — — — Of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 % or more by weight of tropical nuts and tropical fruit) | 5,2 | Year 7 | |

    20089234 | — — — — — — Other | 8,4 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    20089236 | — — — — — — Of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 % or more by weight of tropical nuts and tropical fruit) | 5,6 | Year 10 | |

    20089238 | — — — — — — Other | 8,9 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Not containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — — Containing added sugar | | | |

    — — — — — In immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20089251 | — — — — — — Of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 % or more by weight of tropical nuts and tropical fruit) | 7,5 | Year 7 | |

    20089259 | — — — — — — Other | 12,3 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — — Mixtures of fruit in which no single fruit exceeds 50 % of the total weight of the fruits | | | |

    20089272 | — — — — — — — Of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 % or more by weight of tropical nuts and tropical fruit) | 5,0 | Year 4 | |

    20089274 | — — — — — — — Other | 9,5 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — — — Other | | | |

    20089276 | — — — — — — — Of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 % or more by weight of tropical nuts and tropical fruit) | 8,4 | Year 7 | |

    20089278 | — — — — — — — Other | 13,4 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content | | | |

    — — — — — Of 5 kg or more | | | |

    20089292 | — — — — — — Of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 % or more by weight of tropical nuts and tropical fruit) | 4,0 | Year 7 | |

    20089293 | — — — — — — Other | 6,4 | Year 7 | |

    — — — — — Of 4,5 kg or more but less than 5 kg | | | |

    20089294 | — — — — — — Of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 % or more by weight of tropical nuts and tropical fruit) | 4,0 | Year 7 | |

    20089296 | — — — — — — Other | 6,4 | Year 7 | |

    — — — — — Of less than 4,5 kg | | | |

    20089297 | — — — — — — Of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 % or more by weight of tropical nuts and tropical fruit) | 8,0 | Year 7 | |

    20089298 | — — — — — — Other | 14,9 | Year 7 | |

    200899 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — — Ginger | | | |

    20089911 | — — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | 3,5 | Year 4 | |

    20089919 | — — — — — Other | 5,6 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — Grapes | | | |

    20089921 | — — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight | — | | |

    20089923 | — — — — — Other | 21,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — With a sugar content exceeding 9 % by weight | | | |

    — — — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | | | |

    20089925 | — — — — — — — Passionfruit and guavas | 12,5 | Year 10 | |

    20089926 | — — — — — — — Mangoes, mangosteens, papaws (papayas), tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, carambola and pitahaya | 12,5 | Year 10 | |

    20089928 | — — — — — — — Other | 21,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — — — Other | | | |

    20089932 | — — — — — — — Passionfruit and guavas | — | | |

    20089933 | — — — — — — — Mangoes, mangosteens, papaws (papayas), tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, carambola and pitahaya | — | | |

    20089934 | — — — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 11,85 % mas | | | |

    20089936 | — — — — — — — Tropical fruit | 11,5 | Year 7 | |

    20089937 | — — — — — — — Other | 24,0 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — — — Other | | | |

    20089938 | — — — — — — — Tropical fruit | 5,6 | Year 10 | |

    20089940 | — — — — — — — Other | 8,9 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Not containing added spirit | | | |

    — — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20089941 | — — — — — Ginger | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    20089943 | — — — — — Grapes | 15,7 | Year 4 | |

    20089945 | — — — — — Plums and prunes | 14,1 | Year 7 | |

    20089946 | — — — — — Passionfruit, guavas and tamarinds | 7,5 | Year 7 | |

    20089947 | — — — — — Mangoes, mangosteens, papaws (papayas), cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, carambola and pitahaya | 3,8 | Year 7 | |

    20089949 | — — — — — Other | 6,1 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | | | |

    20089951 | — — — — — Ginger | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    20089953 | — — — — — Grapes | 17,3 | Year 7 | |

    20089955 | — — — — — Plums and prunes | 17,3 | Year 7 | |

    20089961 | — — — — — Passionfruit and guavas | 9,5 | Year 7 | |

    20089962 | — — — — — Mangoes, mangosteens, papaws (papayas), tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, carambola and pitahaya | 9,5 | Year 7 | |

    20089968 | — — — — — Other | 17,3 | Year 7 | |

    — — — — Not containing added sugar | | | |

    — — — — — Plums and prunes, in immediate packings of a net content | | | |

    20089972 | — — — — — — Of 5 kg or more | 11,7 | Year 4 | |

    20089978 | — — — — — — Of less than 5 kg | 14,9 | Year 7 | |

    20089985 | — — — — — Maize (corn), other than sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | 1.6 + 9.4 EUR/100 kg/net eda | Year 0 | SP |

    20089991 | — — — — — Yams, sweet potatoes and similar edible parts of plants, containing 5 % or more by weight of starch | 4.8 + 3.8 EUR/100 kg/net eda | Year 0 | SP |

    20089999 | — — — — — Other | 14,9 | Year 4 | |

    2009 | Fruit juices (including grape must) and vegetable juices, unfermented and not containing added spirit, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter: | | | |

    — Orange juice: | | | |

    200911 | — — Frozen: | | | |

    — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 67: | | | |

    20091111 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight | — | | |

    20091119 | — — — — Other | 28,5 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Of a Brix value not exceeding 67: | | | |

    20091191 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight and with an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | — | | |

    20091199 | — — — — Other | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    20091200 | — — Not frozen, of a Brix value not exceeding 20 | 8,5 | Year 7 | |

    200919 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 67: | | | |

    20091911 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight | — | | |

    20091919 | — — — — Other | 28,5 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 20 but not exceeding 67: | | | |

    20091991 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight and with an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | — | | |

    20091998 | — — — — Other | 8,5 | Year 7 | |

    — Grapefruit juice: | | | |

    20092100 | — — Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 | 8,5 | Year 7 | |

    200929 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 67: | | | |

    20092911 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight | — | | |

    20092919 | — — — — Other | 28,5 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 20 but not exceeding 67: | | | |

    20092991 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight and with an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | — | | |

    20092999 | — — — — Other | 8,5 | Year 7 | |

    — Juice of any other single citrus fruit: | | | |

    200931 | — — Of a Brix value not exceeding 20: | | | |

    — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight: | | | |

    20093111 | — — — — Containing added sugar | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    20093119 | — — — — Not containing added sugar | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight: | | | |

    — — — — Lemon juice: | | | |

    20093151 | — — — — — Containing added sugar | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    20093159 | — — — — — Not containing added sugar | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — Other citrus fruit juices: | | | |

    20093191 | — — — — — Containing added sugar | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    20093199 | — — — — — Not containing added sugar | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    200939 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 67: | | | |

    20093911 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight | — | | |

    20093919 | — — — — Other | 28,5 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 20 but not exceeding 67: | | | |

    — — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight: | | | |

    20093931 | — — — — — Containing added sugar | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    20093939 | — — — — — Not containing added sugar | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight: | | | |

    — — — — — Lemon juice: | | | |

    20093951 | — — — — — — With an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | — | | |

    20093955 | — — — — — — With an added sugar content not exceeding 30 % by weight | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    20093959 | — — — — — — Not containing added sugar | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — — Other citrus fruit juices: | | | |

    20093991 | — — — — — — With an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | — | | |

    20093995 | — — — — — — With an added sugar content not exceeding 30 % by weight | 10,9 | Year 7 | |

    20093999 | — — — — — — Not containing added sugar | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    — Pineapple juice: | | | |

    200941 | — — Of a Brix value not exceeding 20: | | | |

    20094110 | — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight, containing added sugar | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    20094191 | — — — — Containing added sugar | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    20094199 | — — — — Not containing added sugar | 12,5 | Year 10 | |

    200949 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 67: | | | |

    20094911 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight | — | | |

    20094919 | — — — — Other | 28,5 | Year 10 | |

    — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 20 but not exceeding 67: | | | |

    20094930 | — — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight, containing added sugar | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    20094991 | — — — — — With an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | — | | |

    20094993 | — — — — — With an added sugar content not exceeding 30 % by weight | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    20094999 | — — — — — Not containing added sugar | 12,5 | Year 10 | |

    200950 | — Tomato juice: | | | |

    20095010 | — — Containing added sugar | 16,0 | Year 10 | |

    20095090 | — — Other | 16,8 | Year 10 | |

    — Grape juice (including grape must): | | | |

    200961 | — — Of a Brix value not exceeding 30: | | | |

    20096110 | — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 18 per 100 kg net weight | 22,4 | Year 4 | EP |

    20096190 | — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 18 per 100 kg net weight | — | | |

    200969 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 67: | | | |

    20096911 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 22 per 100 kg net weight | — | | |

    20096919 | — — — — Other | 40,0 | Year 4 | EP |

    — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 30 but not exceeding 67: | | | |

    — — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 18 per 100 kg net weight: | | | |

    20096951 | — — — — — Concentrated | 22,4 | Year 4 | EP |

    20096959 | — — — — — Other | 22,4 | Year 4 | EP |

    — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 18 per 100 kg net weight: | | | |

    — — — — — With an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight: | | | |

    20096971 | — — — — — — Concentrated | — | | |

    20096979 | — — — — — — Other | — | | |

    20096990 | — — — — — Other. | — | | |

    — Apple juice: | | | |

    200971 | — — Of a Brix value not exceeding 20: | | | |

    20097110 | — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 18 per 100 kg net weight, containing added sugar | 14,5 | Year 7 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    20097191 | — — — — Containing added sugar | 14,5 | Year 10 | |

    20097199 | — — — — Not containing added sugar | 14,5 | Year 4 | |

    200979 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 67: | | | |

    20097911 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 22 per 100 kg net weight | — | | |

    20097919 | — — — — Other | 25,5 | Year 7 | |

    — — — Of a Brix value exceeding 20 but not exceeding 67: | | | |

    20097930 | — — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 18 per 100 kg net weight, containing added sugar | 14,5 | Year 7 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    20097991 | — — — — — With an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | — | | |

    20097993 | — — — — — With an added sugar content not exceeding 30 % by weight | 14,5 | Year 10 | |

    20097999 | — — — — — Not containing added sugar | 14,5 | Year 4 | |

    200980 | — Juice of any other single fruit or vegetable: | | | |

    — — Of a Brix value exceeding 67: | | | |

    — — — — Pear juice: | | | |

    20098011 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 22 per 100 kg net weight | — | | |

    20098019 | — — — — Other | 28,5 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight | | | |

    20098032 | — — — — — Juices of passionfruit and guavas | — | | |

    20098033 | — — — — — Juices of mangoes, mangosteens, papaws (papayas), tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, carambola and pitahaya | — | | |

    20098035 | — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    20098036 | — — — — — Juices of tropical fruit | 7,3 | Year 10 | |

    20098038 | — — — — — Other | 11,7 | Year 7 | |

    — — Of a Brix value not exceeding 67 | | | |

    — — — Pear juice: | | | |

    20098050 | — — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 18 per 100 kg net weight, containing added sugar | 15,7 | Year 7 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    20098061 | — — — — — With an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | — | | |

    20098063 | — — — — — With an added sugar content not exceeding 30 % by weight | 15,7 | Year 10 | |

    20098069 | — — — — — Not containing added sugar | 16,5 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Of a value exceeding 30 EUR per 100 kg net weight, containing added sugar | | | |

    20098071 | — — — — — Cherry juice | 5,8 | Year 7 | |

    20098073 | — — — — — Juices of tropical fruit | 7,0 | Year 7 | |

    20098079 | — — — — — Other | 16,8 | Year 7 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — With an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | | | |

    20098083 | — — — — — — Juices of passionfruit and guavas | — | | |

    20098084 | — — — — — — Juices of mangoes, mangosteens, papaws (papayas), tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, carambola and pitahaya | — | | |

    20098086 | — — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — — — With an added sugar content not exceeding 30 % by weight | | | |

    20098088 | — — — — — — Juices of tropical fruit | 3,6 | Year 7 | |

    20098089 | — — — — — — Other | 5,8 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — — Not containing added sugar | | | |

    20098095 | — — — — — — Juice of fruit of the species Vaccinium macrocarpon | 9,8 | Year 4 | |

    20098096 | — — — — — — Cherry juice | 6,1 | Year 7 | |

    20098097 | — — — — — — Juices of tropical fruit | 7,5 | Year 7 | |

    20098099 | — — — — — — Other | 14,1 | Year 4 | |

    200990 | — Mixtures of juices: | | | |

    — — Of a Brix value exceeding 67: | | | |

    — — — Mixtures of apple and pear juice | | | |

    20099011 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 22 per 100 kg net weight | — | | |

    20099019 | — — — — Other | 28,5 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    20099021 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight | — | | |

    20099029 | — — — — Other | 28,5 | Year 7 | |

    — — Of a Brix value not exceeding 67 | | | |

    — — — Mixtures of apple and pear juice | | | |

    20099031 | — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 18 per 100 kg net weight and with an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | — | | |

    20099039 | — — — — Other | 16,5 | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight | | | |

    — — — — — Mixtures of citrus fruit juices and pineapple juice | | | |

    20099041 | — — — — — — Containing added sugar | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    20099049 | — — — — — — Other | 12,5 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    20099051 | — — — — — — Containing added sugar | 13,3 | Year 10 | |

    20099059 | — — — — — — Other | 14,1 | Year 7 | |

    — — — — Of a value not exceeding EUR 30 per 100 kg net weight | | | |

    — — — — — Mixtures of citrus fruit juices and pineapple juice | | | |

    20099071 | — — — — — — With an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | — | | |

    20099073 | — — — — — — With an added sugar content not exceeding 30 % by weight | 11,7 | Year 10 | |

    20099079 | — — — — — — Not containing added sugar | 12,5 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — — With an added sugar content exceeding 30 % by weight | | | |

    20099092 | — — — — — — — Mixtures of juices of tropical fruit | — | | |

    20099094 | — — — — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — — — — With an added sugar content not exceeding 30 % by weight | | | |

    20099095 | — — — — — — — Mixtures of juices of tropical fruit | 7,0 | Year 7 | |

    20099096 | — — — — — — — Other | 13,3 | Year 10 | |

    — — — — — — Not containing added sugar | | | |

    20099097 | — — — — — — — Mixtures of juices of tropical fruit | 7,5 | Year 7 | |

    20099098 | — — — — — — — Other | 14,1 | Year 10 | |


    2101 | Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or maté and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or maté; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof | | | |

    — Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee | | | |

    210111 | — — Extracts, essences and concentrates | | | |

    21011111 | — — — With a coffee-based dry matter content of 95 % or more by weight | 3,1 | Year 4 | |

    21011119 | — — — Other | 3,1 | Year 4 | |

    210112 | — — Preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee | | | |

    21011292 | — — — Preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates of coffee | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    21011298 | — — — Other | 5.5 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    210120 | — Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea or maté, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates, or with a basis of tea or maté | | | |

    21012020 | — — Extracts, essences or concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Preparations | | | |

    21012092 | — — — With a basis of extracts, essences or concentrates of tea or maté | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    21012098 | — — — Other | 0.0 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    210130 | — Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof | | | |

    — — Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes | | | |

    21013011 | — — — Roasted chicory | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    21013019 | — — — Other | 1.6 + 12.7 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    — — Extracts, essences and concentrates of roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes | | | |

    21013091 | — — — Of roasted chicory | 9,8 | Year 4 | |

    21013099 | — — — Other | 7.3 + 22.7 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    2102 | Yeasts (active or inactive); other single-cell micro-organisms, dead (but not including vaccines of heading 3002); prepared baking powders | | | |

    210210 | — Active yeasts | | | |

    21021010 | — — Culture yeast | — | | |

    — — Bakers' yeast | | | |

    21021031 | — — — Dried | — | | |

    21021039 | — — — Other | 8,5 | | R |

    21021090 | — — Other | 10,2 | | R |

    210220 | — Inactive yeasts; other single-cell micro-organisms, dead | | | |

    — — Inactive yeasts | | | |

    21022011 | — — — In tablet, cube or similar form, or in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg | 4,8 | | R |

    21022019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    21022090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    21023000 | — Prepared baking powders | 2,1 | Year 4 | |

    2103 | Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard | | | |

    21031000 | — Soya sauce | 4,2 | Year 4 | |

    21032000 | — Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    210330 | — Mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard | | | |

    21033010 | — — Mustard flour | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    21033090 | — — Prepared mustard | 5,5 | Year 4 | |

    210390 | — Other | | | |

    21039010 | — — Mango chutney, liquid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    21039030 | — — Aromatic bitters of an alcoholic strength by volume of 44,2 % to 49,2 % vol containing from 1,5 % to 6 % by weight of gentian, spices and various ingredients and from 4 % to 10 % of sugar, in containers holding 0,5 litre or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    21039090 | — — Other | 4,2 | Year 0 | |

    2104 | Soups and broths and preparations therefor; homogenized composite food preparations | | | |

    210410 | — Soups and broths and preparations therefor | | | |

    21041010 | — — Dried | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    21041090 | — — Other | 8,0 | Year 4 | |

    21042000 | — Homogenized composite food preparations | 9,8 | Year 7 | |

    210500 | Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa | | | |

    21050010 | — Containing no milk fats or containing less than 3 % by weight of such fats | 5.1 + 20.2 EUR/100 kg/net MAX 19.4 + 9.4 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    — Containing by weight of milk fats | | | |

    21050091 | — — 3 % or more but less than 7 % | 4.5 + 38.5 EUR/100 kg/net MAX 18.1 + 7.0 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    21050099 | — — 7 % or more | 4.4 + 54.0 EUR/100 kg/net MAX 17.8 + 6.9 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    2106 | Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    210610 | — Protein concentrates and textured protein substances | | | |

    21061020 | — — Containing no milk fats, sucrose, isoglucose, glucose or starch or containing, by weight, less than 1,5 % milk fat, 5 % sucrose or isoglucose, 5 % glucose or starch | 12,8 | Year 7 | |

    21061080 | — — Other | 9 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    210690 | — Other | | | |

    21069010 | — — Cheese fondues | — | | |

    21069020 | — — Compound alcoholic preparations, other than those based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages | — | | |

    — — Flavoured or coloured sugar syrups | | | |

    21069030 | — — — Isoglucose syrups | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    21069051 | — — — — Lactose syrup | — | | |

    21069055 | — — — — Glucose syrup and maltodextrine syrup | — | | |

    21069059 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    21069092 | — — — Containing no milk fats, sucrose, isoglucose, glucose or starch or containing, by weight, less than 1,5 % milk fat, 5 % sucrose or isoglucose, 5 % glucose or starch | — | | |

    21069098 | — — — Other | — | | |


    2201 | Waters, including natural or artificial mineral waters and aerated waters, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter nor flavoured; ice and snow | | | |

    220110 | — Mineral waters and aerated waters | | | |

    — — Natural mineral waters | | | |

    22011011 | — — — Not carbonated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22011019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22011090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22019000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2202 | Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of heading 2009 | | | |

    22021000 | — Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured | 6,1 | | R |

    220290 | — Other | | | |

    22029010 | — — Not containing products of headings 0401 to 0404 or fat obtained from products of headings 0401 to 0404 | 6,1 | | R |

    — — Other, containing by weight of fat obtained from the products of headings 0401 to 0404 | | | |

    22029091 | — — — Less than 0,2 % | 2.9 + 13.7 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    22029095 | — — — 0,2 % or more but less than 2 % | 2.0 + 12.1 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    22029099 | — — — 2 % or more | 1.9 + 21.2 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 0 | SP |

    220300 | Beer made from malt | | | |

    — In containers holding 10 litres or less | | | |

    22030001 | — — In bottles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22030009 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22030010 | — In containers holding more than 10 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2204 | Wine of fresh grapes, including fortified wines; grape must other than that of heading 2009 | | | |

    220410 | — Sparkling wine | | | |

    — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume of not less than 8,5 % vol | | | |

    22041011 | — — — Champagne | 32 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22041019 | — — — Other | 32 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    22041091 | — — — Asti spumante | 32 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22041099 | — — — Other | 32 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    — Other wine; grape must with fermentation prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol | | | |

    220421 | — — In containers holding 2 litres or less | | | |

    22042110 | — — — Wine other than that referred to in subheading 220410 in bottles with "mushroom" stoppers held in place by ties or fastenings; wine otherwise put up with an excess pressure due to carbon dioxide in solution of not less than 1 bar but less than 3 bars, measured at a temperature of 20 °C | 32 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 13 % vol | | | |

    — — — — — Quality wines produced in specified regions | | | |

    — — — — — — White | | | |

    22042111 | — — — — — — — Alsace | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042112 | — — — — — — — Bordeaux | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042113 | — — — — — — — Bourgogne (Burgundy) | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042117 | — — — — — — — Val de Loire (Loire Valley) | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042118 | — — — — — — — Mosel-Saar-Ruwer | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042119 | — — — — — — — Pfalz | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042122 | — — — — — — — Rheinhessen | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042124 | — — — — — — — Lazio (Latium) | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042126 | — — — — — — — Toscana (Tuscany) | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042127 | — — — — — — — Trentino, Alto Adige and Friuli | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042128 | — — — — — — — Veneto | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042132 | — — — — — — — Vinho Verde | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042134 | — — — — — — — Penedés | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042136 | — — — — — — — Rioja | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042137 | — — — — — — — Valencia | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042138 | — — — — — — — Other | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    — — — — — — Other | | | |

    22042142 | — — — — — — — Bordeaux | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042143 | — — — — — — — Bourgogne (Burgundy) | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042144 | — — — — — — — Beaujolais | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042146 | — — — — — — — Côtes du Rhône | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042147 | — — — — — — — Languedoc-Roussillon | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042148 | — — — — — — — Val de Loire (Loire Valley) | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042162 | — — — — — — — Piemonte (Piedmont) | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042166 | — — — — — — — Toscana (Tuscany) | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042167 | — — — — — — — Trentino and Alto Adige | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042168 | — — — — — — — Veneto | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042169 | — — — — — — — Dão, Bairrada and Douro | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042171 | — — — — — — — Navarra | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042174 | — — — — — — — Penedés | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042176 | — — — — — — — Rioja | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042177 | — — — — — — — Valdepeñas | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042178 | — — — — — — — Other | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    22042179 | — — — — — — White | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    22042180 | — — — — — — Other | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 13 % vol but not exceeding 15 % vol | | | |

    — — — — — Quality wines produced in specified regions | | | |

    22042181 | — — — — — — White | 15.4 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042182 | — — — — — — Other | 15.4 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    22042183 | — — — — — — White | 15.4 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    22042184 | — — — — — — Other | 15.4 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 15 % vol but not exceeding 18 % vol | | | |

    22042187 | — — — — — Marsala | 18.6 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042188 | — — — — — Samos and Muscat de Lemnos | 18.6 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042189 | — — — — — Port | 14.8 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042191 | — — — — — Madeira and Setubal muscatel | 14.8 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042192 | — — — — — Sherry | 14.8 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042193 | — — — — — Tokay (Aszu and Szamorodni) | 14.8 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042194 | — — — — — Other | 18.6 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 18 % vol but not exceeding 22 % vol | | | |

    22042195 | — — — — — Port | 15.8 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042196 | — — — — — Madeira, sherry and Setubal muscatel | 15.8 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042197 | — — — — — Tokay (Aszu and Szamorodni) | 15.8 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042198 | — — — — — Other | 20.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    22042199 | — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 22 % vol | 1.75 EUR/% vol/hl | Year 4 | |

    220429 | — — Other | | | |

    22042910 | — — — Wine other than that referred to in subheading 220410 in bottles with "mushroom" stoppers held in place by ties or fastenings; wine otherwise put up with an excess pressure due to carbon dioxide in solution of not less than 1 bar but less than 3 bars, measured at a temperature of 20 °C | 32 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 13 % vol | | | |

    — — — — — Quality wines produced in specified regions | | | |

    — — — — — — White | | | |

    22042912 | — — — — — — — Bordeaux | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042913 | — — — — — — — Bourgogne (Burgundy) | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042917 | — — — — — — — Val de Loire (Loire Valley) | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042918 | — — — — — — — Other | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    — — — — — — Other | | | |

    22042942 | — — — — — — — Bordeaux | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042943 | — — — — — — — Bourgogne (Burgundy) | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042944 | — — — — — — — Beaujolais | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042946 | — — — — — — — Côtes-du-Rhône | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042947 | — — — — — — — Languedoc-Roussillon | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042948 | — — — — — — — Val de Loire (Loire Valley) | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042958 | — — — — — — — Other | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — — White | | | |

    22042962 | — — — — — — — Sicilia (Sicily) | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042964 | — — — — — — — Veneto | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042965 | — — — — — — — Other | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    — — — — — — Other | | | |

    22042971 | — — — — — — — Puglia (Apuglia) | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042972 | — — — — — — — Sicilia (Sicily) | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042975 | — — — — — — — Other | 9.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 13 % vol but not exceeding 15 % vol | | | |

    — — — — — Quality wines produced in specified regions | | | |

    22042981 | — — — — — — White | 12.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042982 | — — — — — — Other | 12.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    22042983 | — — — — — — White | 12.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    22042984 | — — — — — — Other | 12.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 15 % vol but not exceeding 18 % vol | | | |

    22042987 | — — — — — Marsala | 15.4 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042988 | — — — — — Samos and Muscat de Lemnos | 15.4 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042989 | — — — — — Port | 12.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042991 | — — — — — Madeira and Setubal muscatel | 12.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042992 | — — — — — Sherry | 12.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042993 | — — — — — Tokay (Aszu and Szamorodni) | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042994 | — — — — — Other | 15.4 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 18 % vol but not exceeding 22 % vol | | | |

    22042995 | — — — — — Port | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042996 | — — — — — Madeira, sherry and Setubal muscatel | 13.1 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042997 | — — — — — Tokay (Aszu and Szamorodni) | 14.2 EUR/hl | Year 4 | PN |

    22042998 | — — — — — Other | 20.9 EUR/hl | Year 4 | |

    22042999 | — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 22 % vol | 1.75 EUR/% vol/hl | Year 4 | |

    220430 | — Other grape must | | | |

    22043010 | — — In fermentation or with fermentation arrested otherwise than by the addition of alcohol | 32,0 | Year 10 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of a density of 1,33 g/cm3 or less at 20 °C and of an actual alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 1 % vol | | | |

    22043092 | — — — — Concentrated | 22.4+20.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 10 | EP |

    22043094 | — — — — Other | 22.4+20.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 10 | EP |

    — — — Other | | | |

    22043096 | — — — — Concentrated | 40.0+20.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 10 | EP |

    22043098 | — — — — Other | 40.0+20.6 EUR/100 kg/net | Year 10 | EP |

    2205 | Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances | | | |

    220510 | — In containers holding 2 litres or less | | | |

    22051010 | — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume of 18 % vol or less | — | | |

    22051090 | — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 18 % vol | — | | |

    220590 | — Other | | | |

    22059010 | — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume of 18 % vol or less | — | | |

    22059090 | — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 18 % vol | — | | |

    220600 | Other fermented beverages (for example, cider, perry, mead); mixtures of fermented beverages and mixtures of fermented beverages and non-alcoholic beverages, not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    22060010 | — Piquette | — | | |

    — Other | | | |

    — — Sparkling | | | |

    22060031 | — — — Cider and perry | — | | |

    22060039 | — — — Other | — | | |

    — — Still, in containers holding | | | |

    — — — 2 litres or less | | | |

    22060051 | — — — — Cider and perry | — | | |

    22060059 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — More than 2 litres | | | |

    22060081 | — — — — Cider and perry | — | | |

    22060089 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    2207 | Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80 % vol or higher; ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength | | | |

    22071000 | — Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80 % vol or higher | — | | |

    22072000 | — Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength | — | | |

    2208 | Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80 % vol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages | | | |

    220820 | — Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc | | | |

    — — In containers holding 2 litres or less | | | |

    22082012 | — — — Cognac | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22082014 | — — — Armagnac | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22082026 | — — — Grappa | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22082027 | — — — Brandy de Jerez | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22082029 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — In containers holding more than 2 litres | | | |

    22082040 | — — — Raw distillate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    22082062 | — — — — Cognac | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22082064 | — — — — Armagnac | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22082086 | — — — — Grappa | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22082087 | — — — — Brandy de Jerez | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22082089 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    220830 | — Whiskies | | | |

    — — Bourbon whiskey, in containers holding | | | |

    22083011 | — — — 2 litres or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22083019 | — — — More than 2 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    — — Scotch whisky | | | |

    — — — Malt whisky, in containers holding | | | |

    22083032 | — — — — 2 litres or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22083038 | — — — — More than 2 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    — — — Blended whisky, in containers holding | | | |

    22083052 | — — — — 2 litres or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22083058 | — — — — More than 2 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    — — — Other, in containers holding | | | |

    22083072 | — — — — 2 litres or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22083078 | — — — — More than 2 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    — — Other, in containers holding | | | |

    22083082 | — — — 2 litres or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22083088 | — — — More than 2 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    220840 | — Rum and tafia | | | |

    — — In containers holding 2 litres or less | | | |

    22084011 | — — — Rum with a content of volatile substances other than ethyl and methyl alcohol equal to or exceeding 225 grams per hectolitre of pure alcohol (with a 10 % tolerance) | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    22084031 | — — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 7,9 per litre of pure alcohol | — | | |

    22084039 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — In containers holding more than 2 litres | | | |

    22084051 | — — — Rum with a content of volatile substances other than ethyl and methyl alcohol equal to or exceeding 225 grams per hectolitre of pure alcohol with a 10 % tolerance | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    22084091 | — — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 2 per litre of pure alcohol | — | | |

    22084099 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    220850 | — Gin and Geneva | | | |

    — — Gin, in containers holding | | | |

    22085011 | — — — 2 litres or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22085019 | — — — More than 2 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Geneva, in containers holding | | | |

    22085091 | — — — 2 litres or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22085099 | — — — More than 2 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    220860 | — Vodka | | | |

    — — Of an alcoholic strength by volume of 45,4 % vol or less in containers holding | | | |

    22086011 | — — — 2 litres or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22086019 | — — — More than 2 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of an alcoholic strength by volume of more than 45,4 % vol in containers holding | | | |

    22086091 | — — — 2 litres or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22086099 | — — — More than 2 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    220870 | — Liqueurs and cordials | | | |

    22087010 | — — In containers holding 2 litres or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22087090 | — — In containers holding more than 2 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    220890 | — Other | | | |

    — — Arrack, in containers holding | | | |

    22089011 | — — — 2 litres or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22089019 | — — — More than 2 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Plum, pear or cherry spirit (excluding liqueurs), in containers holding | | | |

    22089033 | — — — 2 litres or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22089038 | — — — More than 2 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other spirits, and other spirituous beverages, in containers holding | | | |

    — — — 2 litres or less | | | |

    22089041 | — — — — Ouzo | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — Spirits (excluding liqueurs) | | | |

    — — — — — — Distilled from fruit | | | |

    22089045 | — — — — — — — Calvados | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22089048 | — — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — Other | | | |

    22089052 | — — — — — — — Korn | 0,0 | Year 0 | PN |

    22089057 | — — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22089069 | — — — — — Other spirituous beverages | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — More than 2 litres | | | |

    — — — — Spirits (excluding liqueurs) | | | |

    22089071 | — — — — — Distilled from fruit | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22089074 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    22089078 | — — — — Other spirituous beverages | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80 % vol, in containers holding | | | |

    22089091 | — — — 2 litres or less | — | | |

    22089099 | — — — More than 2 litres | — | | |

    220900 | Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar obtained from acetic acid | | | |

    — Wine vinegar, in containers holding | | | |

    22090011 | — — 2 litres or less | — | | |

    22090019 | — — More than 2 litres | — | | |

    — Other, in containers holding | | | |

    22090091 | — — 2 litres or less | — | | |

    22090099 | — — More than 2 litres | — | | |


    2301 | Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption; greaves | | | |

    23011000 | — Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal; greaves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23012000 | — Flours, meals and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2302 | Bran, sharps and other residues, whether or not in the form of pellets, derived from the sifting, milling or other working of cereals or of leguminous plants | | | |

    230210 | — Of maize (corn) | | | |

    23021010 | — — With a starch content not exceeding 35 % by weight | — | | |

    23021090 | — — Other | — | | |

    230220 | — Of rice | | | |

    23022010 | — — With a starch content not exceeding 35 % by weight | — | | |

    23022090 | — — Other | — | | |

    230230 | — Of wheat | | | |

    23023010 | — — Of which the starch content does not exceed 28 % by weight, and of which the proportion that passes through a sieve with an aperture of 0,2 mm does not exceed 10 % by weight or alternatively the proportion that passes through the sieve has an ash content, calculated on the dry product, equal to or more than 1,5 % by weight | — | | |

    23023090 | — — Other | — | | |

    230240 | — Of other cereals | | | |

    23024010 | — — Of which the starch content does not exceed 28 % by weight, and of which the proportion that passes through a sieve with an aperture of 0,2 mm does not exceed 10 % by weight or alternatively the proportion that passes through the sieve has an ash content, calculated on the dry product, equal to or more than 1,5 % by weight | — | | |

    23024090 | — — Other | — | | |

    23025000 | — Of leguminous plants | 1,6 | Year 4 | |

    2303 | Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues, beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture, brewing or distilling dregs and waste, whether or not in the form of pellets | | | |

    230310 | — Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues | | | |

    — — Residues from the manufacture of starch from maize (excluding concentrated steeping liquors), of a protein content, calculated on the dry product | | | |

    23031011 | — — — Exceeding 40 % by weight | — | | |

    23031019 | — — — Not exceeding 40 % by weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23031090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    230320 | — Beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture | | | |

    — — Beet-pulp having a dry matter content of | | | |

    23032011 | — — — Not less than 87 % by weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23032018 | — — — Less than 87 % by weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23032090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23033000 | — Brewing or distilling dregs and waste | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23040000 | Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of soya-bean oil | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23050000 | Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of ground-nut oil | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2306 | Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, other than those of heading 2304 or 2305 | | | |

    23061000 | — Of cotton seeds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23062000 | — Of linseed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23063000 | — Of sunflower seeds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of rape or colza seeds: | | | |

    23064100 | — — Of low erucic acid rape or colza seeds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23064900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23065000 | — Of coconut or copra | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23066000 | — Of palm nuts or kernels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23067000 | — Of maize (corn) germ | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    230690 | — Other | | | |

    — — Oil-cake and other residues resulting from the extraction of olive oil | | | |

    23069011 | — — — Containing 3 % or less by weight of olive oil | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23069019 | — — — Containing more than 3 % by weight of olive oil | — | | |

    23069090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    230700 | Wine lees; argol | | | |

    — Wine lees | | | |

    23070011 | — — Having a total alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 7,9 % mas and a dry matter content not less than 25 % by weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23070019 | — — Other | — | | |

    23070090 | — Argol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    230800 | Vegetable materials and vegetable waste, vegetable residues and by-products, whether or not in the form of pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included: | | | |

    — Grape marc: | | | |

    23080011 | — — Having a total alcoholic strength by mass not exceeding 4,3 % mas and a dry matter content not less than 40 % by weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23080019 | — — Other | — | | |

    23080040 | — Acorns and horse-chestnuts; pomace or marc of fruit, other than grapes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23080090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2309 | Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding | | | |

    230910 | — Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale | | | |

    — — Containing starch, glucose, glucose syrup, maltodextrine or maltodextrine syrup falling within subheadings 17023051 to 17023099, 17024090, 17029050 and 21069055 or milk products | | | |

    — — — Containing starch, glucose, glucose syrup, maltodextrine or maltodextrine syrup | | | |

    — — — — Containing no starch or containing 10 % or less by weight of starch | | | |

    23091011 | — — — — — Containing no milk products or containing less than 10 % by weight of such products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23091013 | — — — — — Containing not less than 10 % but less than 50 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    23091015 | — — — — — Containing not less than 50 % but less than 75 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    23091019 | — — — — — Containing not less than 75 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    — — — — Containing more than 10 % but not more than 30 % by weight of starch | | | |

    23091031 | — — — — — Containing no milk products or containing less than 10 % by weight of such products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23091033 | — — — — — Containing not less than 10 % but less than 50 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    23091039 | — — — — — Containing not less than 50 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    — — — — Containing more than 30 % by weight of starch | | | |

    23091051 | — — — — — Containing no milk products or containing less than 10 % by weight of such products | — | | |

    23091053 | — — — — — Containing not less than 10 % but less than 50 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    23091059 | — — — — — Containing not less than 50 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    23091070 | — — — Containing no starch, glucose, glucose syrup, maltodextrine or maltodextrine syrup but containing milk products | — | | |

    23091090 | — — Other | 3,3 | Year 4 | |

    230990 | — Other | | | |

    23099010 | — — Fish or marine mammal solubles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    23099020 | — — Products referred to in additional note 5 to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Containing starch, glucose, glucose syrup, maltodextrine or maltodextrine syrup falling within subheadings 17023051 to 17023099, 17024090, 17029050 and 21069055 or milk products | | | |

    — — — — Containing starch, glucose, glucose syrup, maltodextrine or maltodextrin syrup | | | |

    — — — — — Containing no starch or containing 10 % or less by weight of starch | | | |

    23099031 | — — — — — — Containing no milk products or containing less than 10 % by weight of such products | — | | |

    23099033 | — — — — — — Containing not less than 10 % but less than 50 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    23099035 | — — — — — — Containing not less than 50 % but less than 75 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    23099039 | — — — — — — Containing not less than 75 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    — — — — — Containing more than 10 % but not more than 30 % by weight of starch | | | |

    23099041 | — — — — — — Containing no milk products or containing less than 10 % by weight of such products | — | | |

    23099043 | — — — — — — Containing not less than 10 % but less than 50 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    23099049 | — — — — — — Containing not less than 50 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    — — — — — Containing more than 30 % by weight of starch | | | |

    23099051 | — — — — — — Containing no milk products or containing less than 10 % by weight of such products | — | | |

    23099053 | — — — — — — Containing not less than 10 % but less than 50 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    23099059 | — — — — — — Containing not less than 50 % by weight of milk products | — | | |

    23099070 | — — — — Containing no starch, glucose, glucose syrup, maltodextrine or maltodextrine syrup but containing milk products | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    23099091 | — — — — Beet-pulp with added molasses | 4,2 | Year 7 | |

    23099093 | — — — — Premixtures | 3,3 | Year 4 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    23099095 | — — — — — Containing by weight 49 % or more of choline chloride, on organic or inorganic base | 3,3 | Year 4 | |

    23099097 | — — — — — Other | 3,3 | Year 4 | |


    2401 | Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse | | | |

    240110 | — Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped | | | |

    — — Flue-cured Virginia type and light air-cured Burley type tobacco (including Burley hybrids); light air-cured Maryland type and fire-cured tobacco | | | |

    24011010 | — — — Flue-cured Virginia type | — | | |

    24011020 | — — — Light air-cured Burley type (including Burley hybrids) | — | | |

    24011030 | — — — Light air-cured Maryland type | — | | |

    — — — Fire-cured tobacco | | | |

    24011041 | — — — — Kentucky type | — | | |

    24011049 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    24011050 | — — — Light air-cured tobacco | — | | |

    24011060 | — — — Sun-cured Oriental type tobacco | — | | |

    24011070 | — — — Dark air-cured tobacco | — | | |

    24011080 | — — — Flue-cured tobacco | — | | |

    24011090 | — — — Other tobacco | — | | |

    240120 | — Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped | | | |

    — — Flue-cured Virginia type and light air-cured Burley type tobacco (including Burley hybrids); light air-cured Maryland type and fire-cured tobacco | | | |

    24012010 | — — — Flue-cured Virginia type | — | | |

    24012020 | — — — Light air-cured Burley type (including Burley hybrids) | — | | |

    24012030 | — — — Light air-cured Maryland type | — | | |

    — — — Fire-cured tobacco | | | |

    24012041 | — — — — Kentucky type | — | | |

    24012049 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    24012050 | — — — Light air-cured tobacco | — | | |

    24012060 | — — — Sun-cured Oriental type tobacco | — | | |

    24012070 | — — — Dark air-cured tobacco | — | | |

    24012080 | — — — Flue-cured tobacco | — | | |

    24012090 | — — — Other tobacco | — | | |

    24013000 | — Tobacco refuse | — | | |

    2402 | Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or of tobacco substitutes | | | |

    24021000 | — Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco | 9,1 | Year 7 | |

    240220 | — Cigarettes containing tobacco | | | |

    24022010 | — — Containing cloves | 6,5 | Year 7 | |

    24022090 | — — Other | 40,3 | Year 7 | |

    24029000 | — Other | 40,3 | Year 7 | |

    2403 | Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes; "homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco; tobacco extracts and essences | | | |

    240310 | — Smoking tobacco, whether or not containing tobacco substitutes in any proportion | | | |

    24031010 | — — In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 500 g | 52,4 | Year 7 | |

    24031090 | — — Other | 52,4 | Year 7 | |

    — Other | | | |

    24039100 | — — "Homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco | 11,6 | Year 7 | |

    240399 | — — Other | | | |

    24039910 | — — — Chewing tobacco and snuff | 29,1 | Year 7 | |

    24039990 | — — — Other | 11,6 | Year 7 | |


    250100 | Salt (including table salt and denatured salt) and pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or containing added anti-caking or free-flowing agents; sea water | | | |

    25010010 | — Sea water and salt liquors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Common salt (including table salt and denatured salt) and pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or containing added anti-caking or free-flowing agents | | | |

    25010031 | — — For chemical transformation (separation of Na from Cl) for the manufacture of other products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    25010051 | — — — Denatured or for industrial uses (including refining) other than the preservation or preparation of foodstuffs for human or animal consumption | 1.7 EUR/1000 kg/net | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    25010091 | — — — — Salt suitable for human consumption | 2.6 EUR/1000 kg/net | Year 0 | |

    25010099 | — — — — Other | 2.6 EUR/1000 kg/net | Year 0 | |

    25020000 | Unroasted iron pyrites | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    250300 | Sulphur of all kinds, other than sublimed sulphur, precipitated sulphur and colloidal sulphur | | | |

    25030010 | — Crude or unrefined sulphur | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25030090 | — Other | 1,7 | Year 0 | |

    2504 | Natural graphite | | | |

    25041000 | — In powder or in flakes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25049000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2505 | Natural sands of all kinds, whether or not coloured, other than metal-bearing sands of Chapter 26 | | | |

    25051000 | — Silica sands and quartz sands | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25059000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2506 | Quartz (other than natural sands); quartzite, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape | | | |

    25061000 | — Quartz | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Quartzite | | | |

    25062100 | — — Crude or roughly trimmed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25062900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    250700 | Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined | | | |

    25070020 | — Kaolin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25070080 | — Other kaolinic clays | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2508 | Other clays (not including expanded clays of heading 6806), andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite, whether or not calcined; mullite; chamotte or dinas earths | | | |

    25081000 | — Bentonite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25082000 | — Decolourizing earths and fuller's earth | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25083000 | — Fire-clay | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25084000 | — Other clays | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25085000 | — Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25086000 | — Mullite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    250870 | — Chamotte or dinas earths | | | |

    25087010 | — — Chamotte earth | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25087090 | — — Dinas earth | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25090000 | Chalk | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2510 | Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk | | | |

    25101000 | — Unground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25102000 | — Ground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2511 | Natural barium sulphate (barytes); natural barium carbonate (witherite), whether or not calcined, other than barium oxide of heading 2816 | | | |

    25111000 | — Natural barium sulphate (barytes) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25112000 | — Natural barium carbonate (witherite) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25120000 | Siliceous fossil meals (for example, kieselguhr, tripolite and diatomite) and similar siliceous earths, whether or not calcined, of an apparent specific gravity of 1 or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2513 | Pumice stone; emery; natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives, whether or not heat-treated | | | |

    — Pumice stone | | | |

    25131100 | — — Crude or in irregular pieces, including crushed pumice ("bimskies") | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25131900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25132000 | — Emery, natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25140000 | Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2515 | Marble, travertine, ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone of an apparent specific gravity of 2,5 or more, and alabaster, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape | | | |

    — Marble and travertine | | | |

    25151100 | — — Crude or roughly trimmed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    251512 | — — Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape | | | |

    25151220 | — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 4 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25151250 | — — — Of a thickness exceeding 4 cm but not exceeding 25 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25151290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25152000 | — Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone; alabaster | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2516 | Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other monumental or building stone, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape | | | |

    — Granite | | | |

    25161100 | — — Crude or roughly trimmed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    251612 | — — Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape | | | |

    25161210 | — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 25 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25161290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Sandstone | | | |

    25162100 | — — Crude or roughly trimmed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25162200 | — — Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25169000 | — Other monumental or building stone | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2517 | Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast, shingle and flint, whether or not heat-treated; macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or not incorporating the materials cited in the first part of the heading; tarred macadam; granules, chippings and powder, of stones of heading 2515 or 2516, whether or not heat-treated | | | |

    251710 | — Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast, shingle and flint, whether or not heat-treated | | | |

    25171010 | — — Pebbles, gravel, shingle and flint | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25171020 | — — Limestone, dolomite and other calcareous stone, broken or crushed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25171080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25172000 | — Macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or not incorporating the materials cited in subheading 251710 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25173000 | — Tarred macadam | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Granules, chippings and powder, of stones of heading 2515 or 2516, whether or not heat-treated | | | |

    25174100 | — — Of marble | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25174900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2518 | Dolomite, whether or not calcined or sintered, including dolomite roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape; dolomite ramming mix: | | | |

    25181000 | — Dolomite, not calcined or sintered | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25182000 | — Calcined or sintered dolomite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25183000 | — Dolomite ramming mix | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2519 | Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite); fused magnesia; dead-burned (sintered) magnesia, whether or not containing small quantities of other oxides added before sintering; other magnesium oxide, whether or not pure | | | |

    25191000 | — Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    251990 | — Other | | | |

    25199010 | — — Magnesium oxide, other than calcined natural magnesium carbonate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25199030 | — — Dead-burned (sintered) magnesia | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25199090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2520 | Gypsum; anhydrite; plasters (consisting of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate) whether or not coloured, with or without small quantities of accelerators or retarders | | | |

    25201000 | — Gypsum; anhydrite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    252020 | — Plasters | | | |

    25202010 | — — Building | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25202090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25210000 | Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2522 | Quicklime, slaked lime and hydraulic lime, other than calcium oxide and hydroxide of heading 2825 | | | |

    25221000 | — Quicklime | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25222000 | — Slaked lime | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25223000 | — Hydraulic lime | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2523 | Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement, supersulphate cement and similar hydraulic cements, whether or not coloured or in the form of clinkers | | | |

    25231000 | — Cement clinkers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Portland cement | | | |

    25232100 | — — White cement, whether or not artificially coloured | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25232900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25233000 | — Aluminous cement | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    252390 | — Other hydraulic cements | | | |

    25239010 | — — Blast furnace cement | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25239030 | — — Pozzolanic cement | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25239090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    252400 | Asbestos | | | |

    25240030 | — Fibres, flakes or powder | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25240080 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2525 | Mica, including splittings; mica waste | | | |

    25251000 | — Crude mica and mica rifted into sheets or splittings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25252000 | — Mica powder | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25253000 | — Mica waste | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2526 | Natural steatite, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape; talc | | | |

    25261000 | — Not crushed, not powdered | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25262000 | — Crushed or powdered | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2528 | Natural borates and concentrates thereof (whether or not calcined), but not including borates separated from natural brine; natural boric acid containing not more than 85 % of H3BO3 calculated on the dry weight | | | |

    25281000 | — Natural sodium borates and concentrates thereof (whether or not calcined) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25289000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2529 | Felspar; leucite; nepheline and nepheline syenite; fluorspar | | | |

    25291000 | — Felspar | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Fluorspar | | | |

    25292100 | — — Containing by weight 97 % or less of calcium fluoride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25292200 | — — Containing by weight more than 97 % of calcium fluoride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25293000 | — Leucite; nepheline and nepheline syenite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2530 | Mineral substances not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    253010 | — Vermiculite, perlite and chlorites, unexpanded | | | |

    25301010 | — — Perlite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25301090 | — — Vermiculite and chlorites | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25302000 | — Kieserite, epsomite (natural magnesium sulphates) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    253090 | — Other: | | | |

    25309020 | — — Sepiolite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    25309098 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26 | ORES, SLAG AND ASH | | | |

    2601 | Iron ores and concentrates, including roasted iron pyrites | | | |

    — Iron ores and concentrates, other than roasted iron pyrites | | | |

    26011100 | — — Non-agglomerated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26011200 | — — Agglomerated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26012000 | — Roasted iron pyrites | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26020000 | Manganese ores and concentrates, including ferruginous manganese ores and concentrates with a manganese content of 20 % or more, calculated on the dry weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26030000 | Copper ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26040000 | Nickel ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26050000 | Cobalt ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26060000 | Aluminium ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26070000 | Lead ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26080000 | Zinc ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26090000 | Tin ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26100000 | Chromium ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26110000 | Tungsten ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2612 | Uranium or thorium ores and concentrates | | | |

    261210 | — Uranium ores and concentrates | | | |

    26121010 | — — Uranium ores and pitchblende, and concentrates thereof, with a uranium content of more than 5 % by weight (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26121090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    261220 | — Thorium ores and concentrates | | | |

    26122010 | — — Monazite; urano-thorianite and other thorium ores and concentrates, with a thorium content of more than 20 % by weight (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26122090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2613 | Molybdenum ores and concentrates | | | |

    26131000 | — Roasted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26139000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    261400 | Titanium ores and concentrates | | | |

    26140010 | — Ilmenite and concentrates thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26140090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2615 | Niobium, tantalum, vanadium or zirconium ores and concentrates | | | |

    26151000 | — Zirconium ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    261590 | — Other | | | |

    26159010 | — — Niobium and tantalum ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26159090 | — — Vanadium ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2616 | Precious metal ores and concentrates | | | |

    26161000 | — Silver ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26169000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2617 | Other ores and concentrates | | | |

    26171000 | — Antimony ores and concentrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26179000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26180000 | Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufacture of iron or steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    261900 | Slag, dross (other than granulated slag), scalings and other waste from the manufacture of iron or steel | | | |

    26190010 | — Blast-furnace dust | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    26190091 | — — Waste suitable for the recovery of iron or manganese | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26190093 | — — Slag suitable for the extraction of titanium oxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26190095 | — — Waste suitable for the extraction of vanadium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26190099 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2620 | Ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing arsenic, metals or their compounds | | | |

    — Containing mainly lead | | | |

    26201100 | — — Hard zinc spelter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26201900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26202100 | — — Leaded gasoline sludges and leaded anti-knock compound sludges | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26202900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26203000 | — Containing mainly copper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26204000 | — Containing mainly aluminium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26206000 | — Containing arsenic, mercury, thallium or their mixtures, of a kind used for the extraction of arsenic or those metals or for the manufacture of their chemical compounds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    26209100 | — — Containing antimony, beryllium, cadmium, chromium or their mixtures | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    262099 | — — Other: | | | |

    26209910 | — — — Containing mainly nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26209920 | — — — Containing mainly niobium and tantalum | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26209930 | — — — Containing mainly tungsten | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26209940 | — — — Containing mainly tin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26209950 | — — — Containing mainly molybdenum | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26209960 | — — — Containing mainly titanium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26209970 | — — — Containing mainly cobalt | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26209980 | — — — Containing mainly zirconium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26209990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2621 | Other slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp); ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste: | | | |

    26211000 | — Ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    26219000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2701 | Coal; briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal | | | |

    — Coal, whether or not pulverized, but not agglomerated | | | |

    270111 | — — Anthracite | | | |

    27011110 | — — — Having a volatile matter limit (on a dry, mineral-matter-free basis) not exceeding 10 % | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27011190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    270112 | — — Bituminous coal | | | |

    27011210 | — — — Coking coal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27011290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27011900 | — — Other coal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27012000 | — Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2702 | Lignite, whether or not agglomerated, excluding jet | | | |

    27021000 | — Lignite, whether or not pulverized, but not agglomerated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27022000 | — Agglomerated lignite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27030000 | Peat (including peat litter), whether or not agglomerated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    270400 | Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat, whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon | | | |

    — Coke and semi-coke of coal | | | |

    27040011 | — — For the manufacture of electrodes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27040019 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27040030 | — Coke and semi-coke of lignite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27040090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27050000 | Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases, other than petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27060000 | Tar distilled from coal, from lignite or from peat, and other mineral tars, whether or not dehydrated or partially distilled, including reconstituted tars | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2707 | Oils and other products of the distillation of high temperature coal tar; similar products in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the non-aromatic constituents: | | | |

    270710 | — Benzol (benzene): | | | |

    27071010 | — — For use as a power or heating fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27071090 | — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    270720 | — Toluol (toluene): | | | |

    27072010 | — — For use as a power or heating fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27072090 | — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    270730 | — Xylol (xylenes): | | | |

    27073010 | — — For use as a power or heating fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27073090 | — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27074000 | — Naphthalene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    270750 | — Other aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures of which 65 % or more by volume (including losses) distils at 250 °C by the ASTM D 86 method | | | |

    27075010 | — — For use as power or heating fuels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27075090 | — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27076000 | — Phenols | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    27079100 | — — Creosote oils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    270799 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Crude oils | | | |

    27079911 | — — — — Crude light oils of which 90 % or more by volume distils at temperatures of up to 200 °C | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27079919 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27079930 | — — — Sulphuretted toppings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27079950 | — — — Basic products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27079970 | — — — Anthracene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    27079991 | — — — — For the manufacture of the products of heading 2803 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27079999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2708 | Pitch and pitch coke, obtained from coal tar or from other mineral tars | | | |

    27081000 | — Pitch | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27082000 | — Pitch coke | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    270900 | Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude | | | |

    27090010 | — Natural gas condensates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27090090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2710 | Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70 % or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils: | | | |

    — Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals (other than crude) and preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70 % or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations, other than waste oils: | | | |

    271011 | — — Light oils and preparations: | | | |

    27101111 | — — — For undergoing a specific process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101115 | — — — For undergoing chemical transformation by a process other than those specified in respect of subheading 27101111 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — For other purposes: | | | |

    — — — — Special spirits: | | | |

    27101121 | — — — — — White spirit | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101125 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    — — — — — Motor spirit: | | | |

    27101131 | — — — — — — Aviation spirit | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — Other, with a lead content: | | | |

    — — — — — — — Not exceeding 0,013 g per litre: | | | |

    27101141 | — — — — — — — — With an octane number (RON) of less than 95 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101145 | — — — — — — — — With an octane number (RON) of 95 or more but less than 98 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101149 | — — — — — — — — With an octane number (RON) of 98 or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — — Exceeding 0,013 g per litre: | | | |

    27101151 | — — — — — — — — With an octane number (RON) of less than 98 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101159 | — — — — — — — — With an octane number (RON) of 98 or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101170 | — — — — — Spirit type jet fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101190 | — — — — — Other light oils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    271019 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — Medium oils: | | | |

    27101911 | — — — — For undergoing a specific process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101915 | — — — — For undergoing chemical transformation by a process other than those specified in respect of subheading 27101911 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — For other purposes: | | | |

    — — — — — Kerosene: | | | |

    27101921 | — — — — — — Jet fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101925 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101929 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Heavy oils: | | | |

    — — — — Gas oils: | | | |

    27101931 | — — — — — For undergoing a specific process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101935 | — — — — — For undergoing chemical transformation by a process other than those specified in respect of subheading 27101931 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — For other purposes: | | | |

    27101941 | — — — — — — With a sulphur content not exceeding 0,05 % by weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101945 | — — — — — — With a sulphur content exceeding 0,05 % by weight but not exceeding 0,2 % by weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101949 | — — — — — — With a sulphur content exceeding 0,2 % by weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Fuel oils: | | | |

    27101951 | — — — — — For undergoing a specific process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101955 | — — — — — For undergoing chemical transformation by a process other than those specified in respect of subheading 27101951 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — For other purposes: | | | |

    27101961 | — — — — — — With a sulphur content not exceeding 1 % by weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101963 | — — — — — — With a sulphur content exceeding 1 % by weight but not exceeding 2 % by weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101965 | — — — — — — With a sulphur content exceeding 2 % by weight but not exceeding 2,8 % by weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101969 | — — — — — — With a sulphur content exceeding 2,8 % by weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Lubricating oils; other oils: | | | |

    27101971 | — — — — — For undergoing a specific process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101975 | — — — — — For undergoing chemical transformation by a process other than those specified in respect of subheading 27101971 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — For other purposes: | | | |

    27101981 | — — — — — — Motor oils, compressor lube oils, turbine lube oils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101983 | — — — — — — Liquids for hydraulic purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101985 | — — — — — — White oils, liquid paraffin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101987 | — — — — — — Gear oils and reductor oils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101991 | — — — — — — Metal-working compounds, mould release oils, anti-corrosion oils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101993 | — — — — — — Electrical insulating oils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27101999 | — — — — — — Other lubricating oils and other oils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Waste oils: | | | |

    27109100 | — — Containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27109900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2711 | Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons | | | |

    — Liquefied | | | |

    27111100 | — — Natural gas | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    271112 | — — Propane | | | |

    — — — Propane of a purity not less than 99 % | | | |

    27111211 | — — — — For use as a power or heating fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27111219 | — — — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    27111291 | — — — — For undergoing a specific process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27111293 | — — — — For undergoing chemical transformation by a process other than those specified in respect of subheading 27111291 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — For other purposes | | | |

    27111294 | — — — — — Of a purity exceeding 90 % but less than 99 % | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27111297 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    271113 | — — Butanes | | | |

    27111310 | — — — For undergoing a specific process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27111330 | — — — For undergoing chemical transformation by a process other than those specified in respect of subheading 27111310 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — For other purposes | | | |

    27111391 | — — — — Of a purity exceeding 90 % but less than 95 % | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27111397 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27111400 | — — Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27111900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — In gaseous state | | | |

    27112100 | — — Natural gas | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27112900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2712 | Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, microcrystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite wax, peat wax, other mineral waxes, and similar products obtained by synthesis or by other processes, whether or not coloured | | | |

    271210 | — Petroleum jelly | | | |

    27121010 | — — Crude | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27121090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    271220 | — Paraffin wax containing by weight less than 0,75 % of oil | | | |

    27122010 | — — Synthetic paraffin wax of a molecular weight of 460 or more but not exceeding 1560 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27122090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    271290 | — Other | | | |

    — — Ozokerite, lignite wax or peat wax (natural products) | | | |

    27129011 | — — — Crude | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27129019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Crude | | | |

    27129031 | — — — — For undergoing a specific process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27129033 | — — — — For undergoing chemical transformation by a process other than those specified in respect of subheading 27129031 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27129039 | — — — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    27129091 | — — — — Blend of 1-alkenes containing by weight 80 % or more of 1-alkenes of a chain-length of 24 carbon atoms or more but not exceeding 28 carbon atoms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27129099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2713 | Petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals | | | |

    — Petroleum coke | | | |

    27131100 | — — Not calcined | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27131200 | — — Calcined | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27132000 | — Petroleum bitumen | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    271390 | — Other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals | | | |

    27139010 | — — For the manufacture of the products of heading 2803 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27139090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2714 | Bitumen and asphalt, natural; bituminous or oil shale and tar sands; asphaltites and asphaltic rocks | | | |

    27141000 | — Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27149000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27150000 | Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, on natural bitumen, on petroleum bitumen, on mineral tar or on mineral tar pitch (for example, bituminous mastics, cut-backs) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    27160000 | Electrical energy | 0,0 | Year 0 | |



    2801 | Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine | | | |

    28011000 | — Chlorine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28012000 | — Iodine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    280130 | — Fluorine; bromine | | | |

    28013010 | — — Fluorine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28013090 | — — Bromine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28020000 | Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulphur | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    280300 | Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included) | | | |

    28030010 | — Methane black | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28030080 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2804 | Hydrogen, rare gases and other non-metals | | | |

    28041000 | — Hydrogen | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Rare gases | | | |

    28042100 | — — Argon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    280429 | — — Other | | | |

    28042910 | — — — Helium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28042990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28043000 | — Nitrogen | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28044000 | — Oxygen | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    280450 | — Boron; tellurium | | | |

    28045010 | — — Boron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28045090 | — — Tellurium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Silicon | | | |

    28046100 | — — Containing by weight not less than 99,99 % of silicon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28046900 | — — Other | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    28047000 | — Phosphorus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28048000 | — Arsenic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28049000 | — Selenium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2805 | Alkali or alkaline-earth metals; rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium, whether or not intermixed or interalloyed; mercury: | | | |

    — Alkali or alkaline-earth metals: | | | |

    28051100 | — — Sodium | 5,0 | Year 3 | |

    28051200 | — — Calcium | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    280519 | — — Other: | | | |

    28051910 | — — — Strontium and barium | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    28051990 | — — — Other | 4,1 | Year 3 | |

    280530 | — Rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium, whether or not intermixed or interalloyed | | | |

    28053010 | — — Intermixtures or interalloys | 6,8 | Year 3 | |

    28053090 | — — Other | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    280540 | — Mercury | | | |

    28054010 | — — In flasks of a net content of 34,5 kg (standard weight), of a fob value, per flask, not exceeding EUR 224 | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    28054090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2806 | Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid); chlorosulphuric acid | | | |

    28061000 | — Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28062000 | — Chlorosulphuric acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    280700 | Sulphuric acid; oleum | | | |

    28070010 | — Sulphuric acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28070090 | — Oleum | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28080000 | Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2809 | Diphosphorus pentaoxide; phosphoric acid; polyphosphoric acids, whether or not chemically defined | | | |

    28091000 | — Diphosphorus pentaoxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28092000 | — Phosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    281000 | Oxides of boron; boric acids | | | |

    28100010 | — Diboron trioxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28100090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2811 | Other inorganic acids and other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals | | | |

    — Other inorganic acids | | | |

    28111100 | — — Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    281119 | — — Other | | | |

    28111910 | — — — Hydrogen bromide (hydrobromic acid) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28111920 | — — — Hydrogen cyanide (hydrocyanic acid) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28111980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals | | | |

    28112100 | — — Carbon dioxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28112200 | — — Silicon dioxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28112300 | — — Sulphur dioxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    281129 | — — Other | | | |

    28112910 | — — — Sulphur trioxide (sulphuric anhydride); diarsenic trioxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28112930 | — — — Nitrogen oxides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28112990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2812 | Halides and halide oxides of non-metals | | | |

    281210 | — Chlorides and chloride oxides | | | |

    — — Of phosphorus | | | |

    28121011 | — — — Phosphorus trichloride oxide (phosphoryl trichloride) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28121015 | — — — Phosphorus trichloride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28121016 | — — — Phosphorus pentachloride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28121018 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    28121091 | — — — Disulphur dichloride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28121093 | — — — Sulphur dichloride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28121094 | — — — Phosgene (carbonyl chloride) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28121095 | — — — Thionyl dichloride (thionyl chloride) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28121099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28129000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2813 | Sulphides of non-metals; commercial phosphorus trisulphide | | | |

    28131000 | — Carbon disulphide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    281390 | — Other | | | |

    28139010 | — — Phosphorus sulphides, commercial phosphorus trisulphide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28139090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2814 | Ammonia, anhydrous or in aqueous solution | | | |

    28141000 | — Anhydrous ammonia | 3,1 | Year 3 | |

    28142000 | — Ammonia in aqueous solution | 3,1 | Year 3 | |

    2815 | Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda); potassium hydroxide (caustic potash); peroxides of sodium or potassium | | | |

    — Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) | | | |

    28151100 | — — Solid | 2,6 | Year 3 | |

    28151200 | — — In aqueous solution (soda lye or liquid soda) | 2,6 | Year 3 | |

    281520 | — Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) | | | |

    28152010 | — — Solid | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    28152090 | — — In aqueous solution (potassium lye or liquid potassium) | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    28153000 | — Peroxides of sodium or potassium | 1,9 | Year 3 | |

    2816 | Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium; oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, of strontium or barium | | | |

    28161000 | — Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28164000 | — Oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, of strontium or barium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28170000 | Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide | 3,1 | Year 3 | |

    2818 | Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined; aluminium oxide; aluminium hydroxide | | | |

    281810 | — Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined | | | |

    28181010 | — — White, pink or ruby, with an aluminium oxide content exceeding 97,5 % by weight | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    28181090 | — — Other | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    28182000 | — Aluminium oxide, other than artificial corundum | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    28183000 | — Aluminium hydroxide | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    2819 | Chromium oxides and hydroxides | | | |

    28191000 | — Chromium trioxide | 3,6 | Year 3 | |

    281990 | — Other | | | |

    28199010 | — — Chromium dioxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28199090 | — — Other | 3,6 | Year 3 | |

    2820 | Manganese oxides | | | |

    28201000 | — Manganese dioxide | 1,8 | Year 3 | |

    282090 | — Other | | | |

    28209010 | — — Manganese oxide containing by weight 77 % or more of manganese | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28209090 | — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    2821 | Iron oxides and hydroxides; earth colours containing 70 % or more by weight of combined iron evaluated as Fe2O3 | | | |

    28211000 | — Iron oxides and hydroxides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28212000 | — Earth colours | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28220000 | Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt oxides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28230000 | Titanium oxides | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    2824 | Lead oxides; red lead and orange lead | | | |

    28241000 | — Lead monoxide (litharge, massicot) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28242000 | — Red lead and orange lead | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28249000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2825 | Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts; other inorganic bases; other metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides | | | |

    28251000 | — Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts | 1,9 | Year 3 | |

    28252000 | — Lithium oxide and hydroxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28253000 | — Vanadium oxides and hydroxides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28254000 | — Nickel oxides and hydroxides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28255000 | — Copper oxides and hydroxides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28256000 | — Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28257000 | — Molybdenum oxides and hydroxides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28258000 | — Antimony oxides | 3,1 | Year 3 | |

    282590 | — Other | | | |

    — — Calcium oxide, hydroxide and peroxide | | | |

    28259011 | — — — Calcium hydroxide, of a purity of 98 % or more calculed on the dry weight, in the form of particles of which: -not more than 1 % by weight have a particle-size exceeding 75 micrometres and -not more than 4 % by weight have a particle-size of less than 1,3 micrometres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28259019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28259020 | — — Beryllium oxide and hydroxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28259030 | — — Tin oxides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28259040 | — — Tungsten oxides and hydroxides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28259050 | — — Mercury oxides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28259060 | — — Cadmium oxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28259080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2826 | Fluorides; fluorosilicates, fluoroaluminates and other complex fluorine salts | | | |

    — Fluorides | | | |

    28261100 | — — Of ammonium or of sodium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28261200 | — — Of aluminium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28261900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28262000 | — Fluorosilicates of sodium or of potassium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28263000 | — Sodium hexafluoroaluminate (synthetic cryolite) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    282690 | — Other | | | |

    28269010 | — — Dipotassium hexafluorozirconate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28269090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2827 | Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides; bromides and bromide oxides; iodides and iodide oxides | | | |

    28271000 | — Ammonium chloride | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28272000 | — Calcium chloride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other chlorides | | | |

    28273100 | — — Of magnesium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28273200 | — — Of aluminium | 1,9 | Year 3 | |

    28273300 | — — Of iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28273400 | — — Of cobalt | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28273500 | — — Of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28273600 | — — Of zinc | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    282739 | — — Other | | | |

    28273910 | — — — Of tin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28273980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides | | | |

    28274100 | — — Of copper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    282749 | — — Other | | | |

    28274910 | — — — Of lead | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28274990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Bromides and bromide oxides | | | |

    28275100 | — — Bromides of sodium or of potassium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28275900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28276000 | — Iodides and iodide oxides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2828 | Hypochlorites; commercial calcium hypochlorite; chlorites; hypobromites | | | |

    28281000 | — Commercial calcium hypochlorite and other calcium hypochlorites | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28289000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2829 | Chlorates and perchlorates; bromates and perbromates; iodates and periodates | | | |

    — Chlorates | | | |

    28291100 | — — Of sodium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28291900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    282990 | — Other | | | |

    28299010 | — — Perchlorates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28299040 | — — Bromates of potassium or of sodium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28299080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2830 | Sulphides; polysulphides, whether or not chemically defined: | | | |

    28301000 | — Sodium sulphides | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28302000 | — Zinc sulphide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28303000 | — Cadmium sulphide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    283090 | — Other | | | |

    28309011 | — — Sulphides of calcium, of antimony or of iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28309080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2831 | Dithionites and sulphoxylates | | | |

    28311000 | — Of sodium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28319000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2832 | Sulphites; thiosulphates | | | |

    28321000 | — Sodium sulphites | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28322000 | — Other sulphites | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28323000 | — Thiosulphates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2833 | Sulphates; alums; peroxosulphates (persulphates) | | | |

    — Sodium sulphates | | | |

    28331100 | — — Disodium sulphate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28331900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other sulphates | | | |

    28332100 | — — Of magnesium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28332200 | — — Of aluminium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28332300 | — — Of chromium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28332400 | — — Of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28332500 | — — Of copper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28332600 | — — Of zinc | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28332700 | — — Of barium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    283329 | — — Other | | | |

    28332910 | — — — Of cadmium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28332930 | — — — Of cobalt; of titanium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28332950 | — — — Of iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28332970 | — — — Of mercury; of lead | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28332990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28333000 | — Alums | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28334000 | — Peroxosulphates (persulphates) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2834 | Nitrites; nitrates: | | | |

    28341000 | — Nitrites | 1,9 | Year 3 | |

    — Nitrates: | | | |

    28342100 | — — Of potassium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    283429 | — — Other: | | | |

    28342920 | — — — Of barium; of beryllium; of cadmium; of cobalt; of nickel; of lead | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28342930 | — — — Of copper; of mercury | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28342980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2835 | Phosphinates (hypophosphites), phosphonates (phosphites) and phosphates; polyphosphates, whether or not chemically defined: | | | |

    28351000 | — Phosphinates (hypophosphites) and phosphonates (phosphites) | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Phosphates | | | |

    28352200 | — — Of mono-or disodium | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28352300 | — — Of trisodium | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28352400 | — — Of potassium | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    283525 | — — Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate ("dicalcium phosphate") | | | |

    28352510 | — — — With a fluorine content of less than 0,005 % by weight on the dry anhydrous product | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28352590 | — — — With a fluorine content of 0,005 % or more but less than 0,2 % by weight on the dry anhydrous product | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    283526 | — — Other phosphates of calcium | | | |

    28352610 | — — — With a fluorine content of less than 0,005 % by weight on the dry anhydrous product | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28352690 | — — — With a fluorine content of 0,005 % or more by weight on the dry anhydrous product | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    283529 | — — Other | | | |

    28352910 | — — — Of triammonium | 1,8 | Year 3 | |

    28352990 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Polyphosphates | | | |

    28353100 | — — Sodium triphosphate (sodium tripolyphosphate) | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28353900 | — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    2836 | Carbonates; peroxocarbonates (percarbonates); commercial ammonium carbonate containing ammonium carbamate | | | |

    28361000 | — Commercial ammonium carbonate and other ammonium carbonates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28362000 | — Disodium carbonate | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28363000 | — Sodium hydrogencarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28364000 | — Potassium carbonates | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28365000 | — Calcium carbonate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28366000 | — Barium carbonate | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28367000 | — Lead carbonates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    28369100 | — — Lithium carbonates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28369200 | — — Strontium carbonate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    283699 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Carbonates | | | |

    28369911 | — — — — Of magnesium; of copper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28369918 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28369990 | — — — Peroxocarbonates (percarbonates) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2837 | Cyanides, cyanide oxides and complex cyanides | | | |

    — Cyanides and cyanide oxides | | | |

    28371100 | — — Of sodium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28371900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28372000 | — Complex cyanides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28380000 | Fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2839 | Silicates; commercial alkali metal silicates | | | |

    — Of sodium | | | |

    28391100 | — — Sodium metasilicates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28391900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28392000 | — Of potassium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28399000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2840 | Borates; peroxoborates (perborates) | | | |

    — Disodium tetraborate (refined borax) | | | |

    28401100 | — — Anhydrous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    284019 | — — Other | | | |

    28401910 | — — — Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28401990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    284020 | — Other borates | | | |

    28402010 | — — Borates of sodium, anhydrous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28402090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28403000 | — Peroxoborates (perborates) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2841 | Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids: | | | |

    28411000 | — Aluminates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28412000 | — Chromates of zinc or of lead | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28413000 | — Sodium dichromate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28415000 | — Other chromates and dichromates; peroxochromates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Manganites, manganates and permanganates | | | |

    28416100 | — — Potassium permanganate | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28416900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28417000 | — Molybdates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28418000 | — Tungstates (wolframates) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    284190 | — Other | | | |

    28419010 | — — Antimonates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28419030 | — — Zincates and vanadates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28419090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2842 | Other salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids (including aluminosilicates whether or not chemically defined), other than azides: | | | |

    28421000 | — Double or complex silicates, including aluminosilicates whether or not chemically defined | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    284290 | — Other: | | | |

    28429010 | — — Salts, double salts or complex salts of selenium or tellurium acids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28429090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2843 | Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or organic compounds of precious metals, whether or not chemically defined; amalgams of precious metals | | | |

    284310 | — Colloidal precious metals | | | |

    28431010 | — — Silver | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28431090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Silver compounds | | | |

    28432100 | — — Silver nitrate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28432900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28433000 | — Gold compounds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    284390 | — Other compounds; amalgams | | | |

    28439010 | — — Amalgams | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28439090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2844 | Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes (including the fissile or fertile chemical elements and isotopes) and their compounds; mixtures and residues containing these products | | | |

    284410 | — Natural uranium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing natural uranium or natural uranium compounds | | | |

    — — Natural uranium | | | |

    28441010 | — — — Crude; waste and scrap (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28441030 | — — — Worked (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28441050 | — — Ferro-uranium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28441090 | — — Other (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    284420 | — Uranium enriched in U 235 and its compounds; plutonium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium enriched in U 235, plutonium or compounds of these products | | | |

    — — Uranium enriched in U 235 and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium enriched in U 235 or compounds of these products | | | |

    28442025 | — — — Ferro-uranium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28442035 | — — — Other (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Plutonium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing plutonium or compounds of these products | | | |

    — — — Mixtures of uranium and plutonium | | | |

    28442051 | — — — — Ferro-uranium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28442059 | — — — — Other (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28442099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    284430 | — Uranium depleted in U 235 and its compounds; thorium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium depleted in U 235, thorium or compounds of these products | | | |

    — — Uranium depleted in U 235; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium depleted in U 235 or compounds of this product | | | |

    28443011 | — — — Cermets | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    28443019 | — — — Other | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    — — Thorium; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing thorium or compounds of this product | | | |

    28443051 | — — — Cermets | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    28443055 | — — — — Crude, waste and scrap (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Worked | | | |

    28443061 | — — — — — Bars, rods, angles, shapes and sections, sheets and strips (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28443069 | — — — — — Other (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Compounds of uranium depleted in U 235 or of thorium, whether or not mixed together | | | |

    28443091 | — — — Of thorium or of uranium depleted in U 235, whether or not mixed together (Euratom), other than thorium salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28443099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    284440 | — Radioactive elements and isotopes and compounds other than those of subheading 284410, 284420 or 284430; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing these elements, isotopes or compounds; radioactive residues | | | |

    28444010 | — — Uranium derived from U 233 and its compounds; alloys dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures and compounds derived from U 233 or compounds of this product | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    28444020 | — — — Artificial radioactive isotopes (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28444030 | — — — Compounds of artificial radioactive isotopes (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28444080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28445000 | — Spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2845 | Isotopes other than those of heading 2844; compounds, inorganic or organic, of such isotopes, whether or not chemically defined | | | |

    28451000 | — Heavy water (deuterium oxide) (Euratom) | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    284590 | — Other | | | |

    28459010 | — — Deuterium and compounds thereof; hydrogen and compounds thereof, enriched in deuterium; mixtures and solutions containing these products (Euratom) | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    28459090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2846 | Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals, of yttrium or of scandium or of mixtures of these metals | | | |

    28461000 | — Cerium compounds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28469000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28470000 | Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not solidified with urea | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28480000 | Phosphides, whether or not chemically defined, excluding ferrophosphorus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2849 | Carbides, whether or not chemically defined | | | |

    28491000 | — Of calcium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28492000 | — Of silicon | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    284990 | — Other | | | |

    28499010 | — — Of boron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28499030 | — — Of tungsten | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28499050 | — — Of aluminium; of chromium; of molybdenum; of vanadium; of tantalum; of titanium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28499090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    285000 | Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides, whether or not chemically defined, other than compounds which are also carbides of heading 2849 | | | |

    28500020 | — Hydrides; nitrides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28500050 | — Azides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28500070 | — Silicides | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    28500090 | — Borides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    285100 | Other inorganic compounds (including distilled or conductivity water and water of similar purity); liquid air (whether or not rare gases have been removed); compressed air; amalgams, other than amalgams of precious metals | | | |

    28510010 | — Distilled and conductivity water and water of similar purity | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28510030 | — Liquid air (whether or not rare gases have been removed); compressed air | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28510050 | — Cyanogen chloride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    28510080 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29 | ORGANIC CHEMICALS | | | |


    2901 | Acyclic hydrocarbons | | | |

    290110 | — Saturated | | | |

    29011010 | — — For use as power or heating fuels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29011090 | — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Unsaturated | | | |

    290121 | — — Ethylene | | | |

    29012110 | — — — For use as a power or heating fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29012190 | — — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    290122 | — — Propene (propylene) | | | |

    29012210 | — — — For use as a power or heating fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29012290 | — — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    290123 | — — Butene (butylene) and isomers thereof | | | |

    — — — But-1-ene and but-2-ene | | | |

    29012311 | — — — — For use as power or heating fuels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29012319 | — — — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    29012391 | — — — — For use as power or heating fuels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29012399 | — — — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    290124 | — — Buta-1,3-diene and isoprene | | | |

    — — — Buta-1,3-diene | | | |

    29012411 | — — — — For use as a power or heating fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29012419 | — — — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Isoprene | | | |

    29012491 | — — — — For use as a power or heating fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29012499 | — — — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    290129 | — — Other | | | |

    29012920 | — — — For use as power or heating fuels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29012980 | — — — For other purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2902 | Cyclic hydrocarbons | | | |

    — Cyclanes, cyclenes and cycloterpenes | | | |

    29021100 | — — Cyclohexane | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    290219 | — — Other | | | |

    29021910 | — — — Cycloterpenes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29021930 | — — — Azulene and its alkyl derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29021990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29022000 | — Benzene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    290230 | — Toluene | | | |

    29023000 | — Toluene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Xylenes | | | |

    29024100 | — — o-Xylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29024200 | — — m-Xylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29024300 | — — p-Xylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29024400 | — — Mixed xylene isomers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29025000 | — Styrene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29026000 | — Ethylbenzene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29027000 | — Cumene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    290290 | — Other | | | |

    29029010 | — — Naphthalene and anthracene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29029030 | — — Biphenyl and terphenyls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29029050 | — — Vinyltoluenes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29029060 | — — 1,3-Diisopropylbenzene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29029080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2903 | Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons | | | |

    — Saturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons | | | |

    29031100 | — — Chloromethane (methyl chloride) and chloroethane (ethyl chloride) | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    29031200 | — — Dichloromethane (methylene chloride) | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    29031300 | — — Chloroform (trichloromethane) | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    29031400 | — — Carbon tetrachloride | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    29031500 | — — 1,2-Dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride) | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    290319 | — — Other: | | | |

    29031910 | — — — 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (methylchloroform) | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    29031980 | — — — Other | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    — Unsaturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons | | | |

    29032100 | — — Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene) | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    29032200 | — — Trichloroethylene | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    29032300 | — — Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    29032900 | — — Other | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    290330 | — Fluorinated, brominated or iodinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons | | | |

    — — Bromides | | | |

    29033033 | — — — Bromomethane (methyl bromide) | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29033035 | — — — Dibromomethane | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29033036 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29033080 | — — Fluorides and iodides | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Halogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens | | | |

    29034100 | — — Trichlorofluoromethane | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034200 | — — Dichlorodifluoromethane | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034300 | — — Trichlorotrifluoroethanes | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    290344 | — — Dichlorotetrafluoroethanes and chloropentafluoroethane | | | |

    29034410 | — — — Dichlorotetrafluoroethanes | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034490 | — — — Chloropentafluoroethane | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    290345 | — — Other derivatives perhalogenated only with fluorine and chlorine | | | |

    29034510 | — — — Chlorotrifluoromethane | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034515 | — — — Pentachlorofluoroethane | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034520 | — — — Tetrachlorodifluoroethanes | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034525 | — — — Heptachlorofluoropropanes | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034530 | — — — Hexachlorodifluoropropanes | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034535 | — — — Pentachlorotrifluoropropanes | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034540 | — — — Tetrachlorotetrafluoropropanes | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034545 | — — — Trichloropentafluoropropanes | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034550 | — — — Dichlorohexafluoropropanes | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034555 | — — — Chloroheptafluoropropanes | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034590 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    290346 | — — Bromochlorodifluoromethane, bromotrifluoromethane and dibromotetrafluoroethanes | | | |

    29034610 | — — — Bromochlorodifluoromethane | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034620 | — — — Bromotrifluoromethane | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034690 | — — — Dibromotetrafluoroethanes | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034700 | — — Other perhalogenated derivatives | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    290349 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Halogenated only with fluorine and chlorine | | | |

    29034910 | — — — — Of methane, ethane or propane | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034920 | — — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Halogenated only with fluorine and bromine | | | |

    29034930 | — — — — Of methane, ethane or propane | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034940 | — — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29034980 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Halogenated derivatives of cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic hydrocarbons | | | |

    29035100 | — — 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    290359 | — — Other | | | |

    29035910 | — — — 1,2-Dibromo-4-(1,2-dibromoethyl)cyclohexane | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29035930 | — — — Tetrabromocyclooctanes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29035990 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons | | | |

    29036100 | — — Chlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene and p-dichlorobenzene | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29036200 | — — Hexachlorobenzene and DDT (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane) | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    290369 | — — Other | | | |

    29036910 | — — — 2,3,4,5,6-Pentabromoethylbenzene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29036990 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    2904 | Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated | | | |

    29041000 | — Derivatives containing only sulpho groups, their salts and ethyl esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29042000 | — Derivatives containing only nitro or only nitroso groups | 1,9 | Year 3 | |

    290490 | — Other | | | |

    29049020 | — — Sulphohalogenated derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29049040 | — — Trichloronitromethane (chloropicrin) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29049085 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2905 | Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    — Saturated monohydric alcohols | | | |

    29051100 | — — Methanol (methyl alcohol) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    29051200 | — — Propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) and propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol) | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29051300 | — — Butan-1-ol (n-butyl alcohol) | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    290514 | — — Other butanols | | | |

    29051410 | — — — 2-Methylpropan-2-ol (tert-butyl alcohol) | 1,1 | Year 3 | |

    29051490 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29051500 | — — Pentanol (amyl alcohol) and isomers thereof | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    290516 | — — Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof | | | |

    29051610 | — — — 2-Ethylhexan-1-ol | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29051620 | — — — Octan-2-ol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29051680 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29051700 | — — Dodecan-1-ol (lauryl alcohol), hexadecan-1-ol (cetyl alcohol) and octadecan-1-ol (stearyl alcohol) | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29051900 | — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Unsaturated monohydric alcohols | | | |

    290522 | — — Acyclic terpene alcohols | | | |

    29052210 | — — — Geraniol, citronellol, linalol, rhodinol and nerol | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29052290 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    290529 | — — Other | | | |

    29052910 | — — — Allyl alcohol | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29052990 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Diols | | | |

    29053100 | — — Ethylene glycol (ethanediol) | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    29053200 | — — Propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol) | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    290539 | — — Other | | | |

    29053910 | — — — 2-Methylpentane-2,4-diol (hexylene glycol) | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    29053920 | — — — Butane-1,3-diol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29053930 | — — — 2,4,7,9-Tetramethyldec-5-yne-4,7-diol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29053980 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other polyhydric alcohols | | | |

    29054100 | — — 2-Ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)propane-1,3-diol (trimethylolpropane) | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    29054200 | — — Pentaerythritol | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    29054300 | — — Mannitol | — | | |

    290544 | — — D-glucitol (sorbitol) | | | |

    — — — In aqueous solution | | | |

    29054411 | — — — — Containing 2 % or less by weight of D-mannitol, calculated on the D-glucitol content | — | | |

    29054419 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    29054491 | — — — — Containing 2 % or less by weight of D-mannitol, calculated on the D-glucitol content | — | | |

    29054499 | — — — — Other | — | | |

    29054500 | — — Glycerol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    290549 | — — Other | | | |

    29054910 | — — — Triols; tetrols | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Esters of glycerol formed with acid-function compounds of heading No 2904 | | | |

    29054951 | — — — — — With sulphohalogenated derivatives | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29054959 | — — — — — Other | 3,1 | Year 3 | |

    29054990 | — — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of acyclic alcohols: | | | |

    29055100 | — — Ethchlorvynol (INN) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    290559 | — — Other: | | | |

    29055910 | — — — Of monohydric alcohols | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of polyhydric alcohols: | | | |

    29055991 | — — — — 2,2-Bis(bromomethyl)propanediol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29055999 | — — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    2906 | Cyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    — Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic | | | |

    29061100 | — — Menthol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29061200 | — — Cyclohexanol, methylcyclohexanols and dimethylcyclohexanols | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    290613 | — — Sterols and inositols | | | |

    29061310 | — — — Sterols | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29061390 | — — — Inositols | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29061400 | — — Terpineols | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29061900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Aromatic | | | |

    29062100 | — — Benzyl alcohol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29062900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2907 | Phenols; phenol-alcohols | | | |

    — Monophenols | | | |

    29071100 | — — Phenol (hydroxybenzene) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29071200 | — — Cresols and their salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29071300 | — — Octylphenol, nonylphenol and their isomers; salts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29071400 | — — Xylenols and their salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    290715 | — — Naphthols and their salts | | | |

    29071510 | — — — 1-Naphthol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29071590 | — — — Other | 3,7 | Year 3 | |

    29071900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Polyphenols | | | |

    — Polyphenols; phenol-alcohols: | | | |

    29072100 | — — Resorcinol and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    290722 | — — Hydroquinone (quinol) and its salts | | | |

    29072210 | — — — Hydroquinone (quinol) | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29072290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29072300 | — — 4,4′-Isopropylidenediphenol (bisphenol A, diphenylolpropane) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29072900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2908 | Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols | | | |

    29081000 | — Derivatives containing only halogen substituents and their salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29082000 | — Derivatives containing only sulpho groups, their salts and esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29089000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2909 | Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined), and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    — Acyclic ethers and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    29091100 | — — Diethyl ether | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29091900 | — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29092000 | — Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ethers and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    290930 | — Aromatic ethers and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    29093010 | — — Diphenyl ether | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Brominated derivatives | | | |

    29093031 | — — — Pentabromodiphenylether; 1,2,4,5-tetrabromo-3,6-bis(pentabromophenoxy)benzene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29093035 | — — — 1,2-Bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane, for the manufacture of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29093038 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29093090 | — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Ether-alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    29094100 | — — 2,2′-Oxydiethanol (diethylene glycol, digol) | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29094200 | — — Monomethyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29094300 | — — Monobutyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29094400 | — — Other monoalkylethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    290949 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Acyclic | | | |

    29094911 | — — — — 2-(2-Chloroethoxy)ethanol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29094919 | — — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29094990 | — — — Cyclic | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    290950 | — Ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    29095010 | — — Guaiacol and guaiacolsuphonates of potassium | 3,1 | Year 3 | |

    29095090 | — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29096000 | — Alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    2910 | Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a three-membered ring, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    29101000 | — Oxirane (ethylene oxide) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29102000 | — Methyloxirane (propylene oxide) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29103000 | — 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (epichlorohydrin) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29109000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29110000 | Acetals and hemiacetals, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2912 | Aldehydes, whether or not with other oxygen function; cyclic polymers of aldehydes; paraformaldehyde | | | |

    — Acyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function | | | |

    29121100 | — — Methanal (formaldehyde) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29121200 | — — Ethanal (acetaldehyde) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29121300 | — — Butanal (butyraldehyde, normal isomer) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29121900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Cyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function | | | |

    29122100 | — — Benzaldehyde | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29122900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29123000 | — Aldehyde-alcohols | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Aldehyde-ethers, aldehyde-phenols and aldehydes with other oxygen function | | | |

    29124100 | — — Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29124200 | — — Ethylvanillin (3-ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29124900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29125000 | — Cyclic polymers of aldehydes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29126000 | — Paraformaldehyde | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29130000 | Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of products of heading 2912 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2914 | Ketones and quinones, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    — Acyclic ketones without other oxygen function | | | |

    29141100 | — — Acetone | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29141200 | — — Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29141300 | — — 4-Methylpentan-2-one (methyl isobutyl ketone) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291419 | — — Other | | | |

    29141910 | — — — 5-Methylhexan-2-one | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29141990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ketones without other oxygen function | | | |

    29142100 | — — Camphor | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29142200 | — — Cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanones | 1,9 | Year 3 | |

    29142300 | — — Ionones and methylionones | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29142900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Aromatic ketones without other oxygen function | | | |

    29143100 | — — Phenylacetone (phenylpropan-2-one) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29143900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291440 | — Ketone-alcohols and ketone-aldehydes | | | |

    29144010 | — — 4-Hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-one (diacetone alcohol) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29144090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29145000 | — Ketone-phenols and ketones with other oxygen function | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Quinones | | | |

    29146100 | — — Anthraquinone | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291469 | — — Other | | | |

    29146910 | — — — 1,4-Naphthoquinone | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29146990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291470 | — Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    29147010 | — — 4′-tert-Butyl-2′,6′-dimethyl-3′,5′-dinitroacetophenone (musk ketone) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29147090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2915 | Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    — Formic acid, its salts and esters | | | |

    29151100 | — — Formic acid | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29151200 | — — Salts of formic acid | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29151300 | — — Esters of formic acid | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Acetic acid and its salts; acetic anhydride | | | |

    29152100 | — — Acetic acid | 4,3 | Year 3 | |

    29152200 | — — Sodium acetate | 3,9 | Year 3 | |

    29152300 | — — Cobalt acetates | 3,1 | Year 3 | |

    29152400 | — — Acetic anhydride | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29152900 | — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Esters of acetic acid | | | |

    29153100 | — — Ethyl acetate | 3,2 | Year 3 | |

    29153200 | — — Vinyl acetate | 3,2 | Year 3 | |

    29153300 | — — n-Butyl acetate | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29153400 | — — Isobutyl acetate | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29153500 | — — 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    291539 | — — Other | | | |

    29153910 | — — — Propyl acetate and isopropyl acetate | 3,2 | Year 3 | |

    29153930 | — — — Methyl acetate, pentyl acetate (amyl acetate), isopentyl acetate (isoamyl acetate) and glycerol acetates | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29153950 | — — — p-Tolyl acetate, phenylpropyl acetates, benzyl acetate, rhodinyl acetate, santalyl acetate and the acetates of phenylethane-1,2-diol | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29153990 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29154000 | — Mono-, di-or trichloroacetic acids, their salts and esters | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29155000 | — Propionic acid, its salts and esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291560 | — Butanoic acids, pentanoic acids, their salts and esters | | | |

    — — Butanoic acids and their salts and esters: | | | |

    29156011 | — — — 1-Isopropyl-2,2-dimethyltrimethylene diisobutyrate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29156019 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29156090 | — — Pentanoic acids and their salts and esters | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    291570 | — Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts and esters | | | |

    29157015 | — — Palmitic acid | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29157020 | — — Salts and esters of palmitic acid | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29157025 | — — Stearic acid | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29157030 | — — Salts of stearic acid | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29157080 | — — Esters of stearic acid | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    291590 | — Other | | | |

    29159010 | — — Lauric acid | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29159020 | — — Chloroformates | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    29159080 | — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    2916 | Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    — Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | | | |

    291611 | — — Acrylic acid and its salts | | | |

    29161110 | — — — Acrylic acid | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    29161190 | — — — Salts of acrylic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291612 | — — Esters of acrylic acid | | | |

    29161210 | — — — Methyl acrylate | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29161220 | — — — Ethyl acrylate | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29161290 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29161300 | — — Methacrylic acid and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291614 | — — Esters of methacrylic acid | | | |

    29161410 | — — — Methyl methacrylate | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    29161490 | — — — Other | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    29161500 | — — Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids, their salts and esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291619 | — — Other | | | |

    29161910 | — — — Undecenoic acids and their salts and esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29161930 | — — — Hexa-2,4-dienoic acid (sorbic acid) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29161940 | — — — Crotonic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29161980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29162000 | — Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Aromatic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | | | |

    29163100 | — — Benzoic acid, its salts and esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291632 | — — Benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl chloride | | | |

    29163210 | — — — Benzoyl peroxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29163290 | — — — Benzoyl chloride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29163400 | — — Phenylacetic acid and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29163500 | — — Esters of phenylacetic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29163900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2917 | Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    — Acyclic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | | | |

    29171100 | — — Oxalic acid, its salts and esters | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    291712 | — — Adipic acid, its salts and esters | | | |

    29171210 | — — — Adipic acid and its salts | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    29171290 | — — — Esters of adipic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291713 | — — Azelaic acid, sebacic acid, their salts and esters | | | |

    29171310 | — — — Sebacic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29171390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29171400 | — — Maleic anhydride | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    291719 | — — Other | | | |

    29171910 | — — — Malonic acid, its salts and esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29171990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29172000 | — Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Aromatic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | | | |

    29173100 | — — Dibutyl orthophthalates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29173200 | — — Dioctyl orthophthalates | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    29173300 | — — Dinonyl or didecyl orthophthalates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29173400 | — — Other esters of orthophthalic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29173500 | — — Phthalic anhydride | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    29173600 | — — Terephthalic acid and its salts | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29173700 | — — Dimethyl terephthalate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291739 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Brominated derivatives | | | |

    29173911 | — — — — Ester or anhydride of tetrabromophthalic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29173919 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    29173930 | — — — — Benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29173940 | — — — — Isophthaloyl dichloride, containing by weight 0.8 % or less of terephthaloyl dichloride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29173950 | — — — — Naphthalene-1,4,5,8-tetracarboxylic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29173960 | — — — — Tetrachlorophthalic anhydride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29173970 | — — — — Sodium 3,5-bis(methoxycarbonyl)benzenesulphonate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29173980 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2918 | Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    — Carboxylic acids with alcohol function but without other oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | | | |

    29181100 | — — Lactic acid, its salts and esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29181200 | — — Tartaric acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29181300 | — — Salts and esters of tartaric acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29181400 | — — Citric acid | 4,3 | Year 3 | |

    29181500 | — — Salts and esters of citric acid | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29181600 | — — Gluconic acid, its salts and esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291819 | — — Other | | | |

    29181930 | — — — Cholic acid, 3-alpha,12-alpha-dihydroxy-5-beta-cholan-24-oic acid (deoxycholic acid), their salts and esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29181940 | — — — 2,2-Bis(hydroxymethyl)propionic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29181980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Carboxylic acids with phenol function but without other oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | | | |

    29182100 | — — Salicylic acid and its salts | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    29182200 | — — O-Acetylsalicylic acid, its salts and esters | 4,1 | Year 3 | |

    291823 | — — Other esters of salicylic acid and their salts | | | |

    29182310 | — — — Methyl salicylate and phenyl salicylate (salol) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29182390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291829 | — — Other | | | |

    29182910 | — — — Sulphosalicylic acids, hydroxynaphthoic acids; their salts and esters | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    29182930 | — — — 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid, its salts and esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29182950 | — — — Gallic acid, its salts and esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29182990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29183000 | — Carboxylic acids with aldehyde or ketone function but without other oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    291890 | — Other | | | |

    29189010 | — — 2,6-Dimethoxybenzoic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29189020 | — — Dicamba (ISO) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29189030 | — — Sodium phenoxyacetate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29189090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    291900 | Phosphoric esters and their salts, including lactophosphates; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | | | |

    29190010 | — Tributyl phosphates, triphenyl phosphate, tritolyl phosphates, trixylyl phosphates, and tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29190090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2920 | Esters of other inorganic acids of non-metals (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | | | |

    29201000 | — Thiophosphoric esters (phosphorothioates) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    292090 | — Other | | | |

    29209010 | — — Sulphuric esters and carbonic esters and their salts, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29209020 | — — Dimethyl phosphonate (dimethyl phosphite) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29209030 | — — Trimethyl phosphite (trimethoxyphosphine) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29209040 | — — Triethyl phosphite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29209050 | — — Diethyl phosphonate (diethyl hydrogenphosphite) (diethyl phosphite) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29209085 | — — Other products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2921 | Amine-function compounds | | | |

    — Acyclic monoamines and their derivatives; salts thereof | | | |

    292111 | — — Methylamine, di-or trimethylamine and their salts | | | |

    29211110 | — — — Methylamine, di-or trimethylamine | 4,1 | Year 3 | |

    29211190 | — — — Salts | 4,1 | Year 3 | |

    29211200 | — — Diethylamine and its salts | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    292119 | — — Other | | | |

    29211910 | — — — Triethylamine and its salts | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29211930 | — — — Isopropylamine and its salts | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29211940 | — — — 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutylamine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29211980 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Acyclic polyamines and their derivatives; salts thereof | | | |

    29212100 | — — Ethylenediamine and its salts | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    29212200 | — — Hexamethylenediamine and its salts | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29212900 | — — Other | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    292130 | — Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic mono-or polyamines, and their derivatives; salts thereof | | | |

    29213010 | — — Cyclohexylamine and cyclohexyldimethylamine, and their salts | 2,8 | Year 3 | |

    29213091 | — — Cyclohex-1,3-ylenediamine (1,3-diaminocyclohexane) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29213099 | — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Aromatic monoamines and their derivatives; salts thereof | | | |

    29214100 | — — Aniline and its salts | 4,1 | Year 3 | |

    292142 | — — Aniline derivatives and their salts | | | |

    29214210 | — — — Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated and nitrosated derivatives and their salts | 4,1 | Year 3 | |

    29214290 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29214300 | — — Toluidines and their derivatives; salts thereof | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29214400 | — — Diphenylamine and its derivatives; salts thereof | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29214500 | — — 1-Naphthylamine (alpha-naphthylamine), 2-naphthylamine (beta-naphthylamine) and their derivatives; salts thereof | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29214600 | — — Amfetamine (INN), benzfetamine (INN), dexamfetamine (INN), etilamfetamine (INN), fencamfamin (INN), lefetamine (INN), levamfetamine (INN), mefenorex (INN) and phentermine (INN); salts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    292149 | — — Other: | | | |

    29214910 | — — — Xylidines and their derivatives; salts thereof | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29214980 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Aromatic polyamines and their derivatives; salts thereof | | | |

    292151 | — — o-, m-, p-Phenylenediamine, diaminotoluenes, and their derivatives; salts thereof | | | |

    — — — o-, m-, p-Phenylenediamine, diaminotoluenes and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated and nitrosated derivatives; salts thereof | | | |

    29215111 | — — — — m-Phenylenediamine, of a purity by weight of 99 % or more and containing: -1 % or less by weight of water, -200 mg/kg or less of o-phenylenediamine and -450 mg/kg or less of p-phenylenediamine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29215119 | — — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29215190 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    292159 | — — Other | | | |

    29215910 | — — — m-Phenylenebis(methylamine) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29215920 | — — — 2,2′-Dichloro-4,4′-methylenedianiline | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29215930 | — — — 4,4′-Bi-o-toluidine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29215940 | — — — 1,8-Naphthylenediamine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29215990 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    2922 | Oxygen-function amino-compounds: | | | |

    — Amino-alcohols, other than those containing more than one kind of oxygen function, their ethers and esters; salts thereof: | | | |

    29221100 | — — Monoethanolamine and its salts | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29221200 | — — Diethanolamine and its salts | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    292213 | — — Triethanolamine and its salts | | | |

    29221310 | — — — Triethanolamine | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29221390 | — — — Salts of triethanolamine | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29221400 | — — Dextropropoxyphene (INN) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    292219 | — — Other: | | | |

    29221910 | — — — N-Ethyldiethanolamine | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29221920 | — — — 2,2′-Methyliminodiethanol (N-methyldiethanolamine) | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29221980 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Amino-naphthols and other amino-phenols, other than those containing more than one kind of oxygen function, their ethers and esters; salts thereof: | | | |

    29222100 | — — Aminohydroxynaphthalenesulphonic acids and their salts | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29222200 | — — Anisidines, dianisidines, phenetidines, and their salts | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29222900 | — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Amino-aldehydes, amino-ketones and amino-quinones, other than those containing more than one kind of oxygen function; salts thereof: | | | |

    29223100 | — — Amfepramone (INN), methadone (INN) and normethadone (INN); salts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29223900 | — — Other | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Amino-acids, other than those containing more than one kind of oxygen function, and their esters; salts thereof: | | | |

    29224100 | — — Lysine and its esters; salts thereof | 2,8 | Year 3 | |

    29224200 | — — Glutamic acid and its salts | 4,7 | Year 0 | |

    29224300 | — — Anthranilic acid and its salts | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29224400 | — — Tilidine (INN) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    292249 | — — Other: | | | |

    29224910 | — — — Glycine | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29224920 | — — — ß-Alanine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29224995 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    29225000 | — Amino-alcohol-phenols, amino-acid-phenols and other amino-compounds with oxygen function | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    2923 | Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids, whether or not chemically defined: | | | |

    29231000 | — Choline and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29232000 | — Lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29239000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2924 | Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide-function compounds of carbonic acid: | | | |

    — Acyclic amides (including acyclic carbamates) and their derivatives; salts thereof: | | | |

    29241100 | — — Meprobamate (INN) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29241900 | — — Other | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    — Cyclic amides (including cyclic carbamates) and their derivatives; salts thereof | | | |

    292421 | — — Ureines and their derivatives; salts thereof | | | |

    29242110 | — — — Isoproturon (ISO) | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    29242190 | — — — Other | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    29242300 | — — 2-Acetamidobenzoic acid (N-acetylanthranilic acid) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29242400 | — — Ethinamate (INN) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    292429 | — — Other: | | | |

    29242910 | — — — Lidocaine (INN) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29242930 | — — — Paracetamol (INN) | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29242995 | — — — Other | 2,2 | Year 0 | |

    2925 | Carboxyimide-function compounds (including saccharin and its salts) and imine-function compounds: | | | |

    — Imides and their derivatives; salts thereof: | | | |

    29251100 | — — Saccharin and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29251200 | — — Glutethimide (INN) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    292519 | — — Other: | | | |

    29251910 | — — — 3,3′,4,4′,5,5′,6,6′-Octabromo-N,N′-ethylenediphthalimide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29251930 | — — — N,N′-Ethylenebis(4,5-dibromohexahydro-3,6-methanophthalimide) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29251995 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29252000 | — Imines and their derivatives; salts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2926 | Nitrile-function compounds | | | |

    29261000 | — Acrylonitrile | 4,3 | Year 3 | |

    29262000 | — 1-Cyanoguanidine (dicyandiamide) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29263000 | — Fenproporex (INN) and its salts; methadone (INN) intermediate (4-cyano-2-dimethylamino-4,4-diphenylbutane). | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    292690 | — Other: | | | |

    29269020 | — — Isophthalonitrile | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29269095 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29270000 | Diazo-, azo-or azoxy-compounds | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    292800 | Organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine | | | |

    29280010 | — N,N-Bis(2-methoxyethyl)hydroxylamine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29280090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2929 | Compounds with other nitrogen function | | | |

    292910 | — Isocyanates | | | |

    29291010 | — — Methylphenylene diisocyanates (toluene diisocyanates) | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    29291090 | — — Other | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    29299000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2930 | Organo-sulphur compounds | | | |

    29301000 | — Dithiocarbonates (xanthates) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29302000 | — Thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29303000 | — Thiuram mono-, di-or tetrasulphides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293040 | — Methionine | | | |

    29304010 | — — Methionine (INN) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29304090 | — — Other | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    293090 | — Other | | | |

    29309012 | — — Cysteine | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29309014 | — — Cystine | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29309016 | — — Derivatives of cysteine or cystine | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29309020 | — — Thiodiglycol (INN) (2,2′-thiodiethanol) | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29309030 | — — DL-2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio)butyric acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29309040 | — — 2,2′-Thiodiethylbis[3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate] | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29309050 | — — Mixture of isomers consisting of 4-methyl-2,6-bis(methylthio)-m-phenylenediamine and 2-methyl-4,6-bis(methylthio)-m-phenylenediamine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29309070 | — — Other | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    293100 | Other organo-inorganic compounds | | | |

    29310010 | — Dimethyl methylphosphonate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29310020 | — Methylphosphonoyl difluoride (methylphosphonic difluoride) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29310030 | — Methylphosphonoyl dichloride (methylphosphonic dichloride) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29310095 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2932 | Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only | | | |

    — Compounds containing an unfused furan ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure | | | |

    29321100 | — — Tetrahydrofuran | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29321200 | — — 2-Furaldehyde (furfuraldehyde) | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29321300 | — — Furfuryl alcohol and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    29321900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Lactones | | | |

    29322100 | — — Coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    293229 | — — Other lactones | | | |

    29322910 | — — — Phenolphthalein | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29322920 | — — — 1-Hydroxy-4-[1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxycarbonyl-1-naphthyl)-3-oxo-1H,3H-benzo[de]isochromen-1-yl]-6-octadecyloxy-2-naphthoic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29322930 | — — — 3′-Chloro-6′-cyclohexylaminospiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9′-xanthen]-3-one | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29322940 | — — — 6′-(N-Ethyl-p-toluidino)-2′-methylspiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9′-xanthen]-3-one | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29322950 | — — — Methyl-6-docosyloxy-1-hydroxy-4-[1-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-phenanthryl)-3-oxo-1H,3H-naphtho[1,8-cd]pyran-1-yl]naphthalene-2-carboxylate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29322980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    29329100 | — — Isosafrole | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29329200 | — — 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)propan-2-one | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29329300 | — — Piperonal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29329400 | — — Safrole | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29329500 | — — Tetrahydrocannabinols (all isomers) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293299 | — — Other: | | | |

    29329910 | — — — Benzofuran (coumarone) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29329950 | — — — Epoxides with a four-membered ring | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29329970 | — — — Other cyclic acetals and internal hemiacetals, whether or not with other oxygen functions, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29329995 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2933 | Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only | | | |

    — Compounds containing an unfused pyrazole ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure | | | |

    293311 | — — Phenazone (antipyrin) and its derivatives | | | |

    29331110 | — — — Propyphenazone (INN) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29331190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293319 | — — Other | | | |

    29331910 | — — — Phenylbutazone (INN) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29331990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Compounds containing an unfused imidazole ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure | | | |

    29332100 | — — Hydantoin and its derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293329 | — — Other | | | |

    29332910 | — — — Naphazoline hydrochloride (INNM) and naphazoline nitrate (INNM); phentolamine (INN); tolazoline hydrochloride (INNM) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29332990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Compounds containing an unfused pyridine ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure | | | |

    29333100 | — — Pyridine and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29333200 | — — Piperidine and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29333300 | — — Alfentanil (INN), anileridine (INN), bezitramide (INN), bromazepam (INN), difenoxin (INN), diphenoxylate (INN), dipipanone (INN), fentanyl (INN), ketobemidone (INN), methylphenidate (INN), pentazocine (INN), pethidine (INN), pethidine (INN) intermediate A, phencyclidine (INN) (PCP), phenoperidine (INN), pipradrol (INN), piritramide (INN), propiram (INN) and trimeperidine (INN); salts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293339 | — — Other: | | | |

    29333910 | — — — Iproniazid (INN); ketobemidone hydrochloride (INNM); pyridostigmine bromide (INN) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29333920 | — — — 2,3,5,6-Tetrachloropyridine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29333925 | — — — 3,6-Dichloropyridine-2-carboxylic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29333935 | — — — 2-Hydroxyethylammonium-3,6-dichloropyridine-2-carboxylate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29333940 | — — — 2-Butoxyethyl(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyloxy)acetate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29333945 | — — — 3,5-Dichloro-2,4,6-trifluoropyridine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29333950 | — — — Fluroxypyr (ISO), methyl ester | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29333955 | — — — 4-Methylpyridine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29333999 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Compounds containing in the structure a quinoline or isoquinoline ring-system (whether or not hydrogenated), not further fused: | | | |

    29334100 | — — Levorphanol (INN) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293349 | — — Other: | | | |

    29334910 | — — — Halogen derivatives of quinoline; quinolinecarboxylic acid derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29334930 | — — — Dextromethorphan (INN) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29334990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Compounds containing a pyrimidine ring (whether or not hydrogenated) or piperazine ring in the structure: | | | |

    29335200 | — — Malonylurea (barbituric acid) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293353 | — — Allobarbital (INN), amobarbital (INN), barbital (INN), butalbital (INN), butobarbital, cyclobarbital (INN), methylphenobarbital (INN), pentobarbital (INN), phenobarbital (INN), secbutabarbital (INN), secobarbital (INN) and vinylbital (INN); salts thereof: | | | |

    29335310 | — — — Phenobarbital (INN), barbital (INN), and their salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29335390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29335400 | — — Other derivatives of malonylurea (barbituric acid); salts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29335500 | — — Loprazolam (INN), mecloqualone (INN), methaqualone (INN) and zipeprol (INN); salts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293359 | — — Other: | | | |

    29335910 | — — — Diazinon (ISO) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29335920 | — — — 1,4-Diazabicyclo[2,2,2]octane (triethylenediamine) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29335995 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Compounds containing an unfused triazine ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure | | | |

    29336100 | — — Melamine | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    293369 | — — Other | | | |

    29336910 | — — — Atrazine (ISO); propazine (ISO); simazine (ISO); hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (hexogen, trimethylenetrinitramine) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29336920 | — — — Methenamine (INN) (hexamethylenetetramine) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29336930 | — — — 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-[4,6-bis(octylthio)-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino]phenol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29336980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Lactams: | | | |

    29337100 | — — 6-Hexanelactam (epsilon-caprolactam) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29337200 | — — Clobazam (INN) and methyprylon (INN) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29337900 | — — Other lactams | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    293391 | — — Alprazolam (INN), camazepam (INN), chlordiazepoxide (INN), clonazepam (INN), clorazepate, delorazepam (INN), diazepam (INN), estazolam (INN), ethyl loflazepate (INN), fludiazepam (INN), flunitrazepam (INN), flurazepam (INN), halazepam (INN), lorazepam (INN), lormetazepam (INN), mazindol (INN), medazepam (INN), midazolam (INN), nimetazepam (INN), nitrazepam (INN), nordazepam (INN), oxazepam (INN), pinazepam (INN), prazepam (INN), pyrovalerone (INN), temazepam (INN), tetrazepam (INN) and triazolam (INN); salts thereof: | | | |

    29339110 | — — — Chlordiazepoxide (INN) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29339190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293399 | — — Other: | | | |

    29339910 | — — — Benzimidazole-2-thiol (mercaptobenzimidazole) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29339920 | — — — Indole, 3-methylindole (skatole), 6-allyl-6,7-dihydro-5H-dibenz[c,e]azepine (azapetine), phenindamine (INN) and their salts; imipramine hydrochloride (INNM) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29339930 | — — — Monoazepines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29339940 | — — — Diazepines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29339950 | — — — 2,4-Di-tert-butyl-6-(5-chlorobenzotriazol-2-yl)phenol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29339990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2934 | Nucleic acids and their salts, whether or not chemically defined; other heterocyclic compounds: | | | |

    29341000 | — Compounds containing an unfused thiazole ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293420 | — Compounds containing a benzothiazole ring-system (whether or not hydrogenated), not further fused | | | |

    29342020 | — — Di(benzothiazol-2-yl)disulphide; benzothiazole-2-thiol (mercaptobenzothiazole) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29342080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293430 | — Compounds containing a phenothiazine ring-system (whether or not hydrogenated), not further fused | | | |

    29343010 | — — Thiethylperazine (INN); thioridazine (INN) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29343090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    29349100 | — — Aminorex (INN), brotizolam (INN), clotiazepam (INN), cloxazolam (INN), dextromoramide (INN), haloxazolam (INN), ketazolam (INN), mesocarb (INN), oxazolam (INN), pemoline (INN), phendimetrazine (INN), phenmetrazine (INN) and sufentanil (INN); salts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293499 | — — Other: | | | |

    29349910 | — — — Chlorprothixene (INN); thenalidine (INN) and its tartrates and maleates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29349920 | — — — Furazolidone (INN) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29349930 | — — — 7-Aminocephalosporanic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29349940 | — — — Salts and esters of (6R, 7R)-3-acetoxymethyl-7-[(R)-2-formyloxy-2-phenylacetamido]-8-oxo-5-thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29349950 | — — — 1-[2-(1,3-Dioxan-2-yl)ethyl]-2-methylpyridinium bromide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29349990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293500 | Sulphonamides | | | |

    29350010 | — 3-{1-[7-(Hexadecylsulphonylamino)-1H-indole-3-yl]-3-oxo-1H,3H-naphtho[1,8-cd]pyran-1-yl}-N,N-dimethyl-1H-indole-7-sulphonamide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29350020 | — Metosulam (ISO) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29350090 | — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |


    2936 | Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced by synthesis (including natural concentrates), derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, and intermixtures of the foregoing, whether or not in any solvent | | | |

    29361000 | — Provitamins, unmixed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Vitamins and their derivatives, unmixed | | | |

    29362100 | — — Vitamins A and their derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29362200 | — — Vitamin B1 and its derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29362300 | — — Vitamin B2 and its derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29362400 | — — D-or DL-Pantothenic acid (vitamin B3 or vitamin B5) and its derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29362500 | — — Vitamin B6 and its derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29362600 | — — Vitamin B12 and its derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29362700 | — — Vitamin C and its derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29362800 | — — Vitamin E and its derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293629 | — — Other vitamins and their derivatives | | | |

    29362910 | — — — Vitamin B9 and its derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29362930 | — — — Vitamin H and its derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29362990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293690 | — Other, including natural concentrates | | | |

    — — Natural concentrates of vitamins | | | |

    29369011 | — — — Natural concentrates of vitamins A + D | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29369019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29369090 | — — Intermixtures, whether or not in any solvent | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2937 | Hormones, prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes, natural or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives and structural analogues thereof, including chain modified polypeptides, used primarily as hormones: | | | |

    — Polypeptide hormones, protein hormones and glycoprotein hormones, their derivatives and structural analogues: | | | |

    29371100 | — — Somatotropin, its derivatives and structural analogues | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29371200 | — — Insulin and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29371900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Steroidal hormones, their derivatives and structural analogues: | | | |

    29372100 | — — Cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone (dehydrocortisone) and prednisolone (dehydrohydrocortisone) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29372200 | — — Halogenated derivatives of corticosteroidal hormones | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29372300 | — — Oestrogens and progestogens | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29372900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Catecholamine hormones, their derivatives and structural analogues: | | | |

    29373100 | — — Epinephrine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29373900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29374000 | — Amino-acid derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29375000 | — Prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes, their derivatives and structural analogues | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29379000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    2938 | Glycosides, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives | | | |

    29381000 | — Rutoside (rutin) and its derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293890 | — Other | | | |

    29389010 | — — Digitalis glycosides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29389030 | — — Glycyrrhizic acid and glycyrrhizates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29389090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    2939 | Vegetable alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives: | | | |

    — Alkaloids of opium and their derivatives; salts thereof: | | | |

    29391100 | — — Concentrates of poppy straw; buprenorphine (INN), codeine, dihydrocodeine (INN), ethylmorphine, etorphine (INN), heroin, hydrocodone (INN), hydromorphone (INN), morphine, nicomorphine (INN), oxycodone (INN), oxymorphone (INN), pholcodine (INN), thebacon (INN) and thebaine; salts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29391900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Alkaloids of cinchona and their derivatives; salts thereof | | | |

    293921 | — — Quinine and its salts | | | |

    29392110 | — — — Quinine and quinine sulphate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29392190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29392900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29393000 | — Caffeine and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Ephedrines and their salts: | | | |

    29394100 | — — Ephedrine and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29394200 | — — Pseudoephedrine (INN) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29394300 | — — Cathine (INN) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29394900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Theophylline and aminophylline (theophylline-ethylenediamine) and their derivatives; salts thereof: | | | |

    29395100 | — — Fenetylline (INN) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29395900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Alkaloids of rye ergot and their derivatives; salts thereof | | | |

    29396100 | — — Ergometrine (INN) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29396200 | — — Ergotamine (INN) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29396300 | — — Lysergic acid and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29396900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    293991 | — — Cocaine, ecgonine, levometamfetamine, metamfetamine (INN), metamfetamine racemate; salts, esters and other derivatives thereof: | | | |

    — — — Cocaine and its salts: | | | |

    29399111 | — — — — Crude cocaine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29399119 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29399190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    293999 | — — Other: | | | |

    29399910 | — — — Emetine and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29399990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    294000 | Sugars, chemically pure, other than sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose; sugar ethers, sugar acetals and sugar esters, and their salts, other than products of heading 2937, 2938 or 2939 | | | |

    29400010 | — Rhamnose, raffinose and mannose | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29400090 | — Other | 3,7 | Year 3 | |

    2941 | Antibiotics | | | |

    294110 | — Penicillins and their derivatives with a penicillanic acid structure; salts thereof | | | |

    29411010 | — — Amoxicillin (INN) and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29411020 | — — Ampicillin (INN), metampicillin (INN), pivampicillin (INN), and their salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29411090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    294120 | — Streptomycins and their derivatives; salts thereof | | | |

    29412030 | — — Dihydrostreptomycin, its salts, esters and hydrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29412080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29413000 | — Tetracyclines and their derivatives; salts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29414000 | — Chloramphenicol and its derivatives; salts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29415000 | — Erythromycin and its derivatives; salts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29419000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    29420000 | Other organic compounds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    3001 | Glands and other organs for organo-therapeutic uses, dried, whether or not powdered; extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions for organo-therapeutic uses; heparin and its salts; other human or animal substances prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    300110 | — Glands and other organs, dried, whether or not powdered | | | |

    30011010 | — — Powdered | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30011090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    300120 | — Extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions | | | |

    30012010 | — — Of human origin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30012090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    300190 | — Other | | | |

    30019010 | — — Of human origin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    30019091 | — — — Heparin and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30019099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3002 | Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera and other blood fractions and modified immunological products, whether or not obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products | | | |

    300210 | — Antisera and other blood fractions and modified immunological products, whether or not obtained by means of biotechnological processes | | | |

    30021010 | — — Antisera | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    30021091 | — — — Haemoglobin, blood globulins and serum globulins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    30021095 | — — — — Of human origin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30021099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30022000 | — Vaccines for human medicine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30023000 | — Vaccines for veterinary medicine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    300290 | — Other | | | |

    30029010 | — — Human blood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30029030 | — — Animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30029050 | — — Cultures of micro-organisms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30029090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3003 | Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 3002, 3005 or 3006) consisting of two or more constituents which have been mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale | | | |

    30031000 | — Containing penicillins or derivatives thereof, with a penicillanic acid structure, or streptomycins or their derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30032000 | — Containing other antibiotics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Containing hormones or other products of heading 2937 but not containing antibiotics | | | |

    30033100 | — — Containing insulin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30033900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30034000 | — Containing alkaloids or derivatives thereof but not containing hormones or other products of heading 2937 or antibiotics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    300390 | — Other | | | |

    30039010 | — — Containing iodine or iodine compounds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30039090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3004 | Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 3002, 3005 or 3006) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packings for retail sale: | | | |

    300410 | — Containing penicillins or derivatives thereof, with a penicillanic acid structure, or streptomycins or their derivatives | | | |

    30041010 | — — Containing, as active substances, only penicillins or derivatives thereof with a penicillanic acid structure | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30041090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    300420 | — Containing other antibiotics | | | |

    30042010 | — — Put up in forms or in packings of a kind sold by retail | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30042090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Containing hormones or other products of heading 2937 but not containing antibiotics | | | |

    300431 | — — Containing insulin | | | |

    30043110 | — — — Put up in forms or in packings of a kind sold by retail | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30043190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    300432 | — — Containing corticosteroid hormones, their derivatives and structural analogues: | | | |

    30043210 | — — — Put up in forms or in packings of a kind sold by retail | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30043290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    300439 | — — Other: | | | |

    30043910 | — — — Put up in forms or in packings of a kind sold by retail | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30043990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    300440 | — Containing alkaloids or derivatives thereof but not containing hormones, other products of heading 2937 or antibiotics | | | |

    30044010 | — — Put up in forms or in packings of a kind sold by retail | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30044090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    300450 | — Other medicaments containing vitamins or other products of heading 2936 | | | |

    30045010 | — — Put up in forms or in packings of a kind sold by retail | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30045090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    300490 | — Other | | | |

    — — Put up in forms or in packings of a kind sold by retail | | | |

    30049011 | — — — Containing iodine or iodine compounds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30049019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    30049091 | — — — Containing iodine or iodine compounds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30049099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3005 | Wadding, gauze, bandages and similar articles (for example, dressings, adhesive plasters, poultices), impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical substances or put up in forms or packings for retail sale for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes | | | |

    30051000 | — Adhesive dressings and other articles having an adhesive layer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    300590 | — Other | | | |

    30059010 | — — Wadding and articles of wadding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of textile materials | | | |

    30059031 | — — — — Gauze and articles of gauze | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    30059051 | — — — — — Of non-woven fabrics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30059055 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30059099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3006 | Pharmaceutical goods specified in note 4 to this chapter | | | |

    300610 | — Sterile surgical catgut, similar sterile suture materials and sterile tissue adhesives for surgical wound closure; sterile laminaria and sterile laminaria tents; sterile absorbable surgical or dental haemostatics | | | |

    30061010 | — — Sterile surgical catgut | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30061090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30062000 | — Blood-grouping reagents | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30063000 | — Opacifying preparations for X-ray examinations; diagnostic reagents designed to be administered to the patient | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30064000 | — Dental cements and other dental fillings; bone reconstruction cements | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30065000 | — First-aid boxes and kits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    300660 | — Chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones, on other products of heading 2937 or on spermicides: | | | |

    — — Based on hormones or on other products of heading 2937: | | | |

    30066011 | — — — Put up in forms or in packings of a kind sold by retail | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30066019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30066090 | — — Based on spermicides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30067000 | — Gel preparations designed to be used in human or veterinary medicine as a lubricant for parts of the body for surgical operations or physical examinations or as a coupling agent between the body and medical instruments | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    30068000 | — Waste pharmaceuticals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    31 | FERTILIZERS | | | |

    31010000 | Animal or vegetable fertilizers, whether or not mixed together or chemically treated; fertilizers produced by the mixing or chemical treatment of animal or vegetable products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3102 | Mineral or chemical fertilizers, nitrogenous | | | |

    310210 | — Urea, whether or not in aqueous solution | | | |

    31021010 | — — Urea containing more than 45 % by weight of nitrogen on the dry anhydrous product | 7,4 | Year 0 | |

    31021090 | — — Other | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Ammonium sulphate; double salts and mixtures of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate | | | |

    31022100 | — — Ammonium sulphate | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    31022900 | — — Other | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    310230 | — Ammonium nitrate, whether or not in aqueous solution | | | |

    31023010 | — — In aqueous solution | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    31023090 | — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    310240 | — Mixtures of ammonium nitrate with calcium carbonate or other inorganic non-fertilizing substances | | | |

    31024010 | — — With a nitrogen content not exceeding 28 % by weight | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    31024090 | — — With a nitrogen content exceeding 28 % by weight | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    310250 | — Sodium nitrate | | | |

    31025010 | — — Natural sodium nitrate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    31025090 | — — Other | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    31026000 | — Double salts and mixtures of calcium nitrate and ammonium nitrate | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    31027000 | — Calcium cyanamide | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    31028000 | — Mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate in aqueous or ammoniacal solution | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    31029000 | — Other, including mixtures not specified in the foregoing subheadings | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    3103 | Mineral or chemical fertilizers, phosphatic | | | |

    310310 | — Superphosphates | | | |

    31031010 | — — Containing more than 35 % by weight of diphosphorus pentaoxide | 4,8 | Year 0 | |

    31031090 | — — Other | 4,8 | Year 0 | |

    31032000 | — Basic slag | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    31039000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3104 | Mineral or chemical fertilizers, potassic | | | |

    31041000 | — Carnallite, sylvite and other crude natural potassium salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    310420 | — Potassium chloride | | | |

    31042010 | — — With a potassium content evaluated as K2O, by weight, not exceeding 40 % on the dry anhydrous product | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    31042050 | — — With a potassium content evaluated as K2O, by weight, exceeding 40 % but not exceeding 62 % on the dry anhydrous product | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    31042090 | — — With a potassium content evaluated as K2O, by weight, exceeding 62 % on the dry anhydrous product | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    31043000 | — Potassium sulphate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    31049000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3105 | Mineral or chemical fertilizers containing two or three of the fertilizing elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; other fertilizers; goods of this chapter in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight not exceeding 10 kg | | | |

    31051000 | — Goods of this chapter in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight not exceeding 10 kg | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    310520 | — Mineral or chemical fertilizers containing the three fertilizing elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium | | | |

    31052010 | — — With a nitrogen content exceeding 10 % by weight on the dry anhydrous product | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    31052090 | — — Other | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    31053000 | — Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (diammonium phosphate) | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    31054000 | — Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate (monoammonium phosphate) and mixtures thereof with diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (diammonium phosphate) | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Other mineral or chemical fertilizers containing the two fertilizing elements nitrogen and phosphorus | | | |

    31055100 | — — Containing nitrates and phosphates | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    31055900 | — — Other | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    310560 | — Mineral or chemical fertilizers containing the two fertilizing elements phosphorus and potassium | | | |

    31056010 | — — Potassic superphosphates | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    31056090 | — — Other | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    310590 | — Other | | | |

    31059010 | — — Natural potassic sodium nitrate, consisting of a natural mixture of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate (the proportion of potassium nitrate may be as high as 44 %), of a total nitrogen content not exceeding 16,3 % by weight on the dry anhydrous product | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    31059091 | — — — With a nitrogen content exceeding 10 % by weight on the dry anhydrous product | 6,5 | Year 0 | |

    31059099 | — — — Other | 3,2 | Year 0 | |


    3201 | Tanning extracts of vegetable origin; tannins and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives | | | |

    32011000 | — Quebracho extract | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32012000 | — Wattle extract | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    320190 | — Other | | | |

    32019020 | — — Sumach extract, vallonia extract, oak extract or chestnut extract | 5,8 | Year 3 | |

    32019090 | — — Other | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    3202 | Synthetic organic tanning substances; inorganic tanning substances; tanning preparations, whether or not containing natural tanning substances; enzymatic preparations for pre-tanning | | | |

    32021000 | — Synthetic organic tanning substances | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32029000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    320300 | Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin (including dyeing extracts but excluding animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin | | | |

    — Colouring matter of vegetable origin and preparations based thereon | | | |

    32030011 | — — Black cutch (Acacia catechu) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32030019 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32030090 | — Colouring matter of animal origin and preparations based thereon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3204 | Synthetic organic colouring matter, whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on synthetic organic colouring matter; synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agents or as luminophores, whether or not chemically defined | | | |

    — Synthetic organic colouring matter and preparations based thereon as specified in note 3 to this chapter | | | |

    32041100 | — — Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    32041200 | — — Acid dyes, whether or not premetallized, and preparations based thereon; mordant dyes and preparations based thereon | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    32041300 | — — Basic dyes and preparations based thereon | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    32041400 | — — Direct dyes and preparations based thereon | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    32041500 | — — Vat dyes (including those usable in that state as pigments) and preparations based thereon | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    32041600 | — — Reactive dyes and preparations based thereon | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    32041700 | — — Pigments and preparations based thereon | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    32041900 | — — Other, including mixtures of colouring matter of two or more of the subheadings 320411 to 320419 | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    32042000 | — Synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agents | 2,1 | Year 3 | |

    32049000 | — Other | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    32050000 | Colour lakes; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on colour lakes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3206 | Other colouring matter; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter, other than those of heading 3203, 3204 or 3205; inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores, whether or not chemically defined | | | |

    — Pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide | | | |

    32061100 | — — Containing 80 % or more by weight of titanium dioxide calculated on the dry weight | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    32061900 | — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    32062000 | — Pigments and preparations based on chromium compounds | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    32063000 | — Pigments and preparations based on cadmium compounds | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Other colouring matter and other preparations | | | |

    32064100 | — — Ultramarine and preparations based thereon | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    32064200 | — — Lithopone and other pigments and preparations based on zinc sulphide | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    32064300 | — — Pigments and preparations based on hexacyanoferrates (ferrocyanides and ferricyanides) | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    320649 | — — Other | | | |

    32064910 | — — — Magnetite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32064990 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    32065000 | — Inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores | 1,8 | Year 3 | |

    3207 | Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers and prepared colours, vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips), liquid lustres and similar preparations, of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry; glass frit and other glass, in the form of powder, granules or flakes | | | |

    32071000 | — Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared colours and similar preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    320720 | — Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips) and similar preparations | | | |

    32072010 | — — Engobes (slips) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32072090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32073000 | — Liquid lustres and similar preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    320740 | — Glass frit and other glass, in the form of powder, granules or flakes | | | |

    32074010 | — — Glass of the variety known as "enamel" glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32074020 | — — Glass in the form of flakes of a length of 0,1 mm or more but not exceeding 3,5 mm and of a thickness of 2 micrometres or more but not exceeding 5 micrometres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32074030 | — — Glass in the form of powder or granules, containing by weight 99 % or more of silicon dioxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32074080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3208 | Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in a non-aqueous medium; solutions as defined in note 4 to this chapter | | | |

    320810 | — Based on polyesters | | | |

    32081010 | — — Solutions as defined in note 4 to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32081090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    320820 | — Based on acrylic or vinyl polymers | | | |

    32082010 | — — Solutions as defined in note 4 to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32082090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    320890 | — Other | | | |

    — — Solutions as defined in note 4 to this chapter | | | |

    32089011 | — — — Polyurethane of 2,2′-(tert-butylimino)diethanol and 4,4′-methylenedicyclohexyl diisocyanate, in the form of a solution in N,N-dimethylacetamide, containing by weight 48 % or more of polymer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32089013 | — — — Copolymer of p-cresol and divinylbenzene, in the form of a solution in N,N-dimethylacetamide, containing by weight 48 % or more of polymer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32089019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    32089091 | — — — Based on synthetic polymers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32089099 | — — — Based on chemically modified natural polymers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3209 | Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium | | | |

    32091000 | — Based on acrylic or vinyl polymers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32099000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    321000 | Other paints and varnishes (including enamels, lacquers and distempers); prepared water pigments of a kind used for finishing leather | | | |

    32100010 | — Oil paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32100090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32110000 | Prepared driers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3212 | Pigments (including metallic powders and flakes) dispersed in non-aqueous media, in liquid or paste form, of a kind used in the manufacture of paints (including enamels); stamping foils; dyes and other colouring matter put up in forms or packings for retail sale | | | |

    321210 | — Stamping foils | | | |

    32121010 | — — With a basis of base metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32121090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    321290 | — Other | | | |

    — — Pigments (including metallic powders and flakes) dispersed in non-aqueous media, in liquid or paste form, of a kind used in the manufacture of paints (including enamels) | | | |

    32129010 | — — — Pearl essence | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    32129031 | — — — — With a basis of aluminium powder | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32129039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32129090 | — — Dyes and other colouring matter put up in forms or packings for retail sale | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3213 | Artists', students' or signboard painters' colours, modifying tints, amusement colours and the like, in tablets, tubes, jars, bottles, pans or in similar forms or packings | | | |

    32131000 | — Colours in sets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32139000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3214 | Glaziers' putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other mastics; painters' fillings; non-refractory surfacing preparations for façades, indoor walls, floors, ceilings or the like | | | |

    321410 | — Glaziers' putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other mastics; painters' fillings | | | |

    32141010 | — — Glaziers' putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other mastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32141090 | — — Painters' fillings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32149000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3215 | Printing ink, writing or drawing ink and other inks, whether or not concentrated or solid | | | |

    — Printing ink | | | |

    32151100 | — — Black | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32151900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    321590 | — Other | | | |

    32159010 | — — Writing or drawing ink | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    32159080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    3301 | Essential oils (terpeneless or not), including concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, in fixed oils, in waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deterpenation of essential oils; aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of essential oils | | | |

    — Essential oils of citrus fruit | | | |

    330111 | — — Of bergamot | | | |

    33011110 | — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33011190 | — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330112 | — — Of orange | | | |

    33011210 | — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33011290 | — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330113 | — — Of lemon | | | |

    33011310 | — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33011390 | — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330114 | — — Of lime | | | |

    33011410 | — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33011490 | — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330119 | — — Other | | | |

    33011910 | — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33011990 | — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Essential oils other than those of citrus fruit | | | |

    330121 | — — Of geranium | | | |

    33012110 | — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33012190 | — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330122 | — — Of jasmin | | | |

    33012210 | — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33012290 | — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330123 | — — Of lavender or of lavandin | | | |

    33012310 | — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33012390 | — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330124 | — — Of peppermint (Mentha piperita) | | | |

    33012410 | — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33012490 | — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330125 | — — Of other mints | | | |

    33012510 | — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33012590 | — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330126 | — — Of vetiver | | | |

    33012610 | — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33012690 | — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330129 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of clove, niaouli and ylang-ylang | | | |

    33012911 | — — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33012931 | — — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    33012961 | — — — — Not deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33012991 | — — — — Deterpenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33013000 | — Resinoids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330190 | — Other | | | |

    33019010 | — — Terpenic by-products of the deterpenation of essential oils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Extracted oleoresins | | | |

    33019021 | — — — Of liquorice and hops | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33019030 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33019090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3302 | Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures (including alcoholic solutions) with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages | | | |

    330210 | — Of a kind used in the food or drink industries | | | |

    — — Of a kind used in the drink industries | | | |

    — — — Preparations containing all flavouring agents characterizing a beverage | | | |

    33021010 | — — — — Of an actual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 0,5 % | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    33021021 | — — — — — Containing no milk fats, sucrose, isoglucose, glucose or starch or containing, by weight, less than 1,5 % milk fat, 5 % sucrose or isoglucose, 5 % glucose or starch | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33021029 | — — — — — Other | 0.0 + EA | Year 0 | SP |

    33021040 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33021090 | — — Of a kind used in the food industries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330290 | — Other | | | |

    33029010 | — — Alcoholic solutions | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33029090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330300 | Perfumes and toilet waters | | | |

    33030010 | — Perfumes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33030090 | — Toilet waters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3304 | Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or sun tan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations | | | |

    33041000 | — Lip make-up preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33042000 | — Eye make-up preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33043000 | — Manicure or pedicure preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    33049100 | — — Powders, whether or not compressed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33049900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3305 | Preparations for use on the hair | | | |

    33051000 | — Shampoos | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33052000 | — Preparations for permanent waving or straightening | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33053000 | — Hair lacquers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    330590 | — Other | | | |

    33059010 | — — Hair lotions | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33059090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3306 | Preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages | | | |

    33061000 | — Dentifrices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33062000 | — Yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33069000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3307 | Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations, personal deodorants, bath preparations, depilatories and other perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations, not elsewhere specified or included; prepared room deodorizers, whether or not perfumed or having disinfectant properties | | | |

    33071000 | — Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33072000 | — Personal deodorants and antiperspirants | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33073000 | — Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Preparations for perfuming or deodorizing rooms, including odoriferous preparations used during religious rites | | | |

    33074100 | — — "Agarbatti" and other odoriferous preparations which operate by burning | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33074900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    33079000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    3401 | Soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for use as soap, in the form of bars, cakes, moulded pieces or shapes, whether or not containing soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin, in the form of liquid or cream and put up for retail sale, whether or not containing soap; paper, wadding, felt and nonwovens, impregnated, coated or covered with soap or detergent: | | | |

    — Soap and organic surface-active products and preparations, in the form of bars, cakes, moulded pieces or shapes, and paper, wadding, felt and non-wovens, impregnated, coated or covered with soap or detergent | | | |

    34011100 | — — For toilet use (including medicated products) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34011900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    340120 | — Soap in other forms: | | | |

    34012010 | — — Flakes, wafers, granules or powders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34012090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34013000 | — Organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin, in the form of liquid or cream and put up for retail sale, whether or not containing soap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3402 | Organic surface-active agents (other than soap); surface-active preparations, washing preparations (including auxiliary washing preparations) and cleaning preparations, whether or not containing soap, other than those of heading 3401 | | | |

    — Organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale | | | |

    340211 | — — Anionic | | | |

    34021110 | — — — Aqueous solution containing by weight 30 % or more but not more than 50 % of disodium alkyl [oxydi(benzenesulphonate)] | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34021190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34021200 | — — Cationic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34021300 | — — Non-ionic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34021900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    340220 | — Preparations put up for retail sale | | | |

    34022020 | — — Surface-active preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34022090 | — — Washing preparations and cleaning preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    340290 | — Other | | | |

    34029010 | — — Surface-active preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34029090 | — — Washing preparations and cleaning preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3403 | Lubricating preparations (including cutting-oil preparations, bolt or nut release preparations, anti-rust or anti-corrosion preparations and mould release preparations, based on lubricants) and preparations of a kind used for the oil or grease treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials, but excluding preparations containing, as basic constituents, 70 % or more by weight of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals | | | |

    — Containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals | | | |

    34031100 | — — Preparations for the treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    340319 | — — Other | | | |

    34031910 | — — — Containing 70 % or more by weight of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals but not as the basic constituent | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    34031991 | — — — — Preparations for lubricating machines, appliances and vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34031999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    34039100 | — — Preparations for the treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    340399 | — — Other | | | |

    34039910 | — — — Preparations for lubricating machines, appliances and vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34039990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3404 | Artificial waxes and prepared waxes: | | | |

    34041000 | — Of chemically modified lignite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34042000 | — Of poly(oxyethylene) (polyethylene glycol) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    340490 | — Other | | | |

    34049010 | — — Prepared waxes, including sealing waxes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34049090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3405 | Polishes and creams, for footwear, furniture, floors, coachwork, glass or metal, scouring pastes and powders and similar preparations (whether or not in the form of paper, wadding, felt, non-wovens, cellular plastics or cellular rubber, impregnated, coated or covered with such preparations), excluding waxes of heading 3404 | | | |

    34051000 | — Polishes, creams and similar preparations, for footwear or leather | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34052000 | — Polishes, creams and similar preparations, for the maintenance of wooden furniture, floors or other woodwork | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34053000 | — Polishes and similar preparations for coachwork, other than metal polishes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34054000 | — Scouring pastes and powders and other scouring preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    340590 | — Other | | | |

    34059010 | — — Metal polishes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34059090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    340600 | Candles, tapers and the like | | | |

    — Candles | | | |

    34060011 | — — Plain, not perfumed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34060019 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34060090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    34070000 | Modelling pastes, including those put up for children's amusement; preparations known as "dental wax" or as "dental impression compounds", put up in sets, in packings for retail sale or in plates, horseshoe shapes, sticks or similar forms; other preparations for use in dentistry, with a basis of plaster (of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    3501 | Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives; casein glues | | | |

    350110 | — Casein | | | |

    35011010 | — — For the manufacture of regenerated textile fibres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    35011050 | — — For industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs or fodder | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    35011090 | — — Other | 5,5 | Year 4 | |

    350190 | — Other | | | |

    35019010 | — — Casein glues | 4,8 | Year 4 | |

    35019090 | — — Other | 2,9 | Year 4 | |

    3502 | Albumins (including concentrates of two or more whey proteins, containing by weight more than 80 % whey proteins, calculated on the dry matter), albuminates and other albumin derivatives | | | |

    — Egg albumin | | | |

    350211 | — — Dried | | | |

    35021110 | — — — Unfit, or to be rendered unfit, for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    35021190 | — — — Other | — | | |

    350219 | — — Other | | | |

    35021910 | — — — Unfit, or to be rendered unfit, for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    35021990 | — — — Other | — | | |

    350220 | — Milk albumin, including concentrates of two or more whey proteins | | | |

    35022010 | — — Unfit, or to be rendered unfit, for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    35022091 | — — — Dried (for example, in sheets, scales, flakes, powder) | — | | |

    35022099 | — — — Other | — | | |

    350290 | — Other | | | |

    — — Albumins, other than egg albumin and milk albumin (lactalbumin) | | | |

    35029020 | — — — Unfit, or to be rendered unfit, for human consumption | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    35029070 | — — — Other | 6,4 | Year 4 | |

    35029090 | — — Albuminates and other albumin derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    350300 | Gelatin (including gelatin in rectangular (including square) sheets, whether or not surface-worked or coloured) and gelatin derivatives; isinglass; other glues of animal origin, excluding casein glues of heading 3501 | | | |

    35030010 | — Gelatin and derivatives thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    35030080 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    35040000 | Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives, not elsewhere specified or included; hide powder, whether or not chromed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3505 | Dextrins and other modified starches (for example, pregelatinized or esterified starches); glues based on starches, or on dextrins or other modified starches | | | |

    350510 | — Dextrins and other modified starches | | | |

    35051010 | — — Dextrins | — | | |

    — — Other modified starches | | | |

    35051050 | — — — Starches, esterified or etherified | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    35051090 | — — — Other | — | | |

    350520 | — Glues | | | |

    35052010 | — — Containing, by weight, less than 25 % of starches or dextrins or other modified starches | — | | |

    35052030 | — — Containing, by weight, 25 % or more but less than 55 % of starches or dextrins or other modified starches | — | | |

    35052050 | — — Containing, by weight, 55 % or more but less than 80 % of starches or dextrins or other modified starches | — | | |

    35052090 | — — Containing by weight 80 % or more of starches or dextrins or other modified starches | — | | |

    3506 | Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives, not elsewhere specified or included; products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg | | | |

    35061000 | — Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    35069100 | — — Adhesives based on polymers of headings 3901 to 3913 or on rubber | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    35069900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3507 | Enzymes; prepared enzymes not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    35071000 | — Rennet and concentrates thereof | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    350790 | — Other | | | |

    35079010 | — — Lipoprotein lipase | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    35079020 | — — Aspergillus alkaline protease | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    35079090 | — — Other | 2,2 | Year 3 | |


    36010000 | Propellent powders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    36020000 | Prepared explosives, other than propellent powders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    360300 | Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters; electric detonators | | | |

    36030010 | — Safety fuses; detonating fuses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    36030090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3604 | Fireworks, signalling flares, rain rockets, fog signals and other pyrotechnic articles | | | |

    36041000 | — Fireworks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    36049000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    36050000 | Matches, other than pyrotechnic articles of heading 3604 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3606 | Ferro-cerium and other pyrophoric alloys in all forms; articles of combustible materials as specified in note 2 to this chapter | | | |

    36061000 | — Liquid or liquefied-gas fuels in containers of a kind used for filling or refilling cigarette or similar lighters and of a capacity not exceeding 300 cm3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    360690 | — Other | | | |

    36069010 | — — Ferro-cerium and other pyrophoric alloys in all forms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    36069090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    3701 | Photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, whether or not in packs | | | |

    370110 | — For X-ray | | | |

    37011010 | — — For medical, dental or veterinary use | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37011090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37012000 | — Instant print film | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37013000 | — Other plates and film, with any side exceeding 255 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    37019100 | — — For colour photography (polychrome) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37019900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3702 | Photographic film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed | | | |

    37021000 | — For X-ray | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37022000 | — Instant print film | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other film, without perforations, of a width not exceeding 105 mm | | | |

    370231 | — — For colour photography (polychrome) | | | |

    37023110 | — — — Of a length not exceeding 30 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a length exceeding 30 m | | | |

    37023191 | — — — — Colour negative film of a width of 75 mm or more but not exceeding 105 mm and of a length of 100 m or more, for the manufacture of instant-picture film-packs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37023199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    370232 | — — Other, with silver halide emulsion | | | |

    — — — Of a width not exceeding 35 mm | | | |

    37023211 | — — — — Microfilm; film for the graphic arts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37023219 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a width exceeding 35 mm | | | |

    37023231 | — — — — Microfilm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37023251 | — — — — Film for the graphic arts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37023290 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37023900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other film, without perforations, of a width exceeding 105 mm | | | |

    37024100 | — — Of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length exceeding 200 m, for colour photography (polychrome) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37024200 | — — Of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length exceeding 200 m, other than for colour photography | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37024300 | — — Of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length not exceeding 200 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37024400 | — — Of a width exceeding 105 mm but not exceeding 610 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other film, for colour photography (polychrome) | | | |

    37025100 | — — Of a width not exceeding 16 mm and of a length not exceeding 14 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    370252 | — — Of a width not exceeding 16 mm and of a length exceeding 14 m | | | |

    37025210 | — — — Of a length not exceeding 30 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37025290 | — — — Of a length exceeding 30 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37025300 | — — Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m, for slides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    370254 | — — Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m, other than for slides | | | |

    37025410 | — — — Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 24 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37025490 | — — — Of a width exceeding 24 mm but not exceeding 35 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37025500 | — — Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length exceeding 30 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    370256 | — — Of a width exceeding 35 mm | | | |

    37025610 | — — — Of a length not exceeding 30 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37025690 | — — — Of a length exceeding 30 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    370291 | — — Of a width not exceeding 16 mm: | | | |

    37029120 | — — — Film for the graphic arts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37029180 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    370293 | — — Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m | | | |

    37029310 | — — — Microfilm; film for the graphic arts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37029390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    370294 | — — Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length exceeding 30 m | | | |

    37029410 | — — — Microfilm; film for the graphic arts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37029490 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37029500 | — — Of a width exceeding 35 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3703 | Photographic paper, paperboard and textiles, sensitised, unexposed | | | |

    37031000 | — In rolls of a width exceeding 610 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    370320 | — Other, for colour photography (polychrome) | | | |

    37032010 | — — For photographs obtained from reversal type film | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37032090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    370390 | — Other | | | |

    37039010 | — — Sensitized with silver or platinum salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37039090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    370400 | Photographic plates, film, paper, paperboard and textiles, exposed but not developed | | | |

    37040010 | — Plates and film | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37040090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3705 | Photographic plates and film, exposed and developed, other than cinematographic film | | | |

    37051000 | — For offset reproduction | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37052000 | — Microfilms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37059000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3706 | Cinematographic film, exposed and developed, whether or not incorporating sound track or consisting only of sound track | | | |

    370610 | — Of a width of 35 mm or more | | | |

    37061010 | — — Consisting only of sound track | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    37061091 | — — — Negatives; intermediate positives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37061099 | — — — Other positives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    370690 | — Other | | | |

    37069010 | — — Consisting only of sound track | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    37069031 | — — — Negatives; intermediate positives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other positives | | | |

    37069051 | — — — — Newsreels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other, of a width of | | | |

    37069091 | — — — — — Less than 10 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37069099 | — — — — — 10 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3707 | Chemical preparations for photographic uses (other than varnishes, glues, adhesives and similar preparations); unmixed products for photographic uses, put up in measured portions or put up for retail sale in a form ready for use | | | |

    37071000 | — Sensitising emulsions | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    370790 | — Other | | | |

    — — Developers and fixers | | | |

    — — — For colour photography (polychrome) | | | |

    37079011 | — — — — For photographic film and plates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37079019 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37079030 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    37079090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    3801 | Artificial graphite; colloidal or semi-colloidal graphite; preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes, blocks, plates or other semi-manufactures | | | |

    38011000 | — Artificial graphite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    380120 | — Colloidal or semi-colloidal graphite | | | |

    38012010 | — — Colloidal graphite in suspension in oil; semi-colloidal graphite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38012090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38013000 | — Carbonaceous pastes for electrodes and similar pastes for furnace linings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38019000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3802 | Activated carbon; activated natural mineral products; animal black, including spent animal black | | | |

    38021000 | — Activated carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38029000 | — Other | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    380300 | Tall oil, whether or not refined | | | |

    38030010 | — Crude | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38030090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    380400 | Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp, whether or not concentrated, desugared or chemically treated, including lignin sulphonates, but excluding tall oil of heading 3803 | | | |

    38040010 | — Concentrated sulphite lye | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38040090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3805 | Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine and other terpenic oils produced by the distillation or other treatment of coniferous woods; crude dipentene; sulphite turpentine and other crude para-cymene; pine oil containing alpha-terpineol as the main constituent | | | |

    380510 | — Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine oils | | | |

    38051010 | — — Gum turpentine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38051030 | — — Wood turpentine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38051090 | — — Sulphate turpentine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38052000 | — Pine oil | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38059000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3806 | Rosin and resin acids, and derivatives thereof; rosin spirit and rosin oils; run gums | | | |

    380610 | — Rosin and resin acids | | | |

    38061010 | — — Obtained from fresh oleoresins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38061090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38062000 | — Salts of rosin, of resin acids or of derivatives of rosin or resin acids, other than salts of rosin adducts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38063000 | — Ester gums | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38069000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    380700 | Wood tar; wood tar oils; wood creosote; wood naphtha; vegetable pitch; brewers' pitch and similar preparations based on rosin, resin acids or on vegetable pitch | | | |

    38070010 | — Wood tar | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38070090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3808 | Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers) | | | |

    380810 | — Insecticides | | | |

    38081010 | — — Based on pyrethroids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38081020 | — — Based on chlorinated hydrocarbons | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38081030 | — — Based on carbamates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38081040 | — — Based on organophosphorus compounds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38081090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    380820 | — Fungicides | | | |

    — — Inorganic | | | |

    38082010 | — — — Preparations based on copper compounds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38082015 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    38082030 | — — — Based on dithiocarbamates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38082040 | — — — Based on benzimidazoles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38082050 | — — — Based on diazoles or triazoles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38082060 | — — — Based on diazines or morpholines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38082080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    380830 | — Herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators | | | |

    — — Herbicides | | | |

    38083011 | — — — Based on phenoxy-phytohormones | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38083013 | — — — Based on triazines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38083015 | — — — Based on amides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38083017 | — — — Based on carbamates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38083021 | — — — Based on dinitroaniline derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38083023 | — — — Based on derivatives of urea, of uracil or of sulphonylurea | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38083027 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38083030 | — — Anti-sprouting products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38083090 | — — Plant-growth regulators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    380840 | — Disinfectants | | | |

    38084010 | — — Based on quaternary ammonium salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38084020 | — — Based on halogenated compounds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38084090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    380890 | — Other | | | |

    38089010 | — — Rodenticides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38089090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3809 | Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dyestuffs and other products and preparations (for example, dressings and mordants), of a kind used in the textile, paper, leather or like industries, not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    380910 | — With a basis of amylaceous substances | | | |

    38091010 | — — Containing by weight of such substances less than 55 % | — | | |

    38091030 | — — Containing by weight of such substances 55 % or more but less than 70 % | — | | |

    38091050 | — — Containing by weight of such substances 70 % or more but less than 83 % | — | | |

    38091090 | — — Containing by weight of such substances 83 % or more | — | | |

    — Other | | | |

    38099100 | — — Of a kind used in the textile or like industries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38099200 | — — Of a kind used in the paper or like industries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38099300 | — — Of a kind used in the leather or like industries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3810 | Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; fluxes and other auxiliary preparations for soldering, brazing or welding; soldering, brazing or welding powders and pastes consisting of metal and other materials; preparations of a kind used as cores or coatings for welding electrodes or rods | | | |

    38101000 | — Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; soldering, brazing or welding powders and pastes consisting of metal and other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    381090 | — Other | | | |

    38109010 | — — Preparations of a kind used as cores or coatings for welding electrodes and rods | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38109090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3811 | Anti-knock preparations, oxidation inhibitors, gum inhibitors, viscosity improvers, anti-corrosive preparations and other prepared additives, for mineral oils (including gasoline) or for other liquids used for the same purposes as mineral oils | | | |

    — Anti-knock preparations | | | |

    381111 | — — Based on lead compounds | | | |

    38111110 | — — — Based on tetraethyl-lead | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38111190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38111900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Additives for lubricating oils | | | |

    38112100 | — — Containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38112900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38119000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3812 | Prepared rubber accelerators; compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics, not elsewhere specified or included; anti-oxidizing preparations and other compound stabilizers for rubber or plastics | | | |

    38121000 | — Prepared rubber accelerators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    381220 | — Compound plasticizers for rubber or plastics | | | |

    38122010 | — — Reaction mixture containing benzyl 3-isobutyryloxy-1-isopropyl-2,2-dimethylpropyl phthalate and benzyl 3-isobutyryloxy-2,2,4-trimethylpentyl phthalate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38122090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    381230 | — Anti-oxidizing preparations and other compound stabilizers for rubber or plastics | | | |

    38123020 | — — Anti-oxidizing preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38123080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38130000 | Preparations and charges for fire-extinguishers; charged fire-extinguishing grenades | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    381400 | Organic composite solvents and thinners, not elsewhere specified or included; prepared paint or varnish removers | | | |

    38140010 | — Based on butyl acetate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38140090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3815 | Reaction initiators, reaction accelerators and catalytic preparations, not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    — Supported catalysts | | | |

    38151100 | — — With nickel or nickel compounds as the active substance | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38151200 | — — With precious metal or precious metal compounds as the active substance | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    381519 | — — Other | | | |

    38151910 | — — — Catalyst in the form of grains of which 90 % or more by weight have a particle-size not exceeding 10 micrometres, consisting of a mixture of oxides on a magnesium-silicate support, containing by weight: -20 % or more but not more than 35 % of copper and -2 % or more but not more than 3 % of bismuth, and of an apparent specific gravity of 0,2 or more but not exceeding 1,0 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38151990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    381590 | — Other | | | |

    38159010 | — — Catalyst consisting of ethyltriphenylphosphonium acetate in the form of a solution in methanol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38159090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38160000 | Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions, other than products of heading 3801 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    381700 | Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, other than those of heading 2707 or 2902: | | | |

    38170010 | — Dodecylbenzene | 2,8 | Year 3 | |

    38170050 | — Linear alkylbenzene | 2,8 | Year 3 | |

    38170090 | — Other | 2,8 | Year 3 | |

    381800 | Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, in the form of discs, wafers or similar forms; chemical compounds doped for use in electronics | | | |

    38180010 | — Doped silicon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38180090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38190000 | Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids for hydraulic transmission, not containing or containing less than 70 % by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38200000 | Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38210000 | Prepared culture media for development of micro-organisms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38220000 | Diagnostic or laboratory reagents on a backing, prepared diagnostic or laboratory reagents whether or not on a backing, other than those of heading 3002 or 3006; certified reference materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3823 | Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining; industrial fatty alcohols | | | |

    — Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining | | | |

    38231100 | — — Stearic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38231200 | — — Oleic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38231300 | — — Tall oil fatty acids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    382319 | — — Other | | | |

    38231910 | — — — Distilled fatty acids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38231930 | — — — Fatty acid distillate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38231990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38237000 | — Industrial fatty alcohols | — | | |

    3824 | Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included: | | | |

    38241000 | — Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38242000 | — Naphthenic acids, their water-insoluble salts and their esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38243000 | — Non-agglomerated metal carbides mixed together or with metallic binders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38244000 | — Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    382450 | — Non-refractory mortars and concretes | | | |

    38245010 | — — Concrete ready to pour | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38245090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    382460 | — Sorbitol other than that of subheading 290544 | | | |

    — — In aqueous solution | | | |

    38246011 | — — — Containing 2 % or less by weight of D-mannitol, calculated on the D-glucitol content | — | | |

    38246019 | — — — Other | — | | |

    — — Other | | | |

    38246091 | — — — Containing 2 % or less by weight of D-mannitol, calculated on the D-glucitol content | — | | |

    38246099 | — — — Other | — | | |

    — Mixtures containing perhalogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens | | | |

    38247100 | — — Containing acyclic hydrocarbons perhalogenated only with fluorine and chlorine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38247900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    382490 | — Other | | | |

    38249010 | — — Petroleum sulphonates, excluding petroleum sulphonates of alkali metals, of ammonium or of ethanolamines; thiophenated sulphonic acids of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, and their salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249015 | — — Ion exchangers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249020 | — — Getters for vacuum tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249025 | — — Pyrolignites (for example, of calcium); crude calcium tartrate; crude calcium citrate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249030 | — — Alkaline iron oxide for the purification of gas | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249035 | — — Anti-rust preparations containing amines as active constituents | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249040 | — — Inorganic composite solvents and thinners for varnishes and similar products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    38249045 | — — — Anti-scaling and similar compounds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249050 | — — — Preparations for electroplating | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249055 | — — — Mixtures of mono-, di-and tri-, fatty acid esters of glycerol (emulsifiers for fats) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Products and preparations for pharmaceutical or surgical uses | | | |

    38249061 | — — — — Intermediate products of the antibiotics manufacturing process obtained from the fermentation of Streptomyces tenebrarius, whether or not dried, for use in the manufacture of human medicaments of heading 3004 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249062 | — — — — Intermediate products from the manufacture of monensin salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249064 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249065 | — — — Auxiliary products for foundries (other than those falling within subheading 38241000) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249070 | — — — Fire-proofing, water-proofing and similar protective preparations used in the building industry | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    38249075 | — — — — Lithium niobate wafer, undoped | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249080 | — — — — Mixture of amines derived from dimerized fatty acids, of an average molecular weight of 520 or more but not exceeding 550 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249085 | — — — — 3-(1-Ethyl-1-methylpropyl)isoxazol-5-ylamine, in the form of a solution in toluene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38249099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3825 | Residual products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere specified or included; municipal waste; sewage sludge; other wastes specified in note 6 to this chapter | | | |

    38251000 | — Municipal waste | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38252000 | — Sewage sludge | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38253000 | — Clinical waste | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Waste organic solvents: | | | |

    38254100 | — — Halogenated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38254900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38255000 | — Wastes of metal pickling liquors, hydraulic fluids, brake and anti-freeze fluids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other wastes from chemical or allied industries: | | | |

    38256100 | — — Mainly containing organic constituents | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38256900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    38259000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |



    3901 | Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms | | | |

    390110 | — Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less than 0,94 | | | |

    39011010 | — — Linear polyethylene | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39011090 | — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    390120 | — Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0,94 or more | | | |

    39012010 | — — Polyethylene in one of the forms mentioned in note 6 (b) to this chapter, of a specific gravity of 0,958 or more at 23 °C, containing: 50 mg/kg or less of aluminium, 2 mg/kg or less of calcium, 2 mg/kg or less of chromium, 2 mg/kg or less of iron, 2 mg/gk or less of nickel, 2 mg/kg or less of titanium and 8 mg/kg or less of vanadium, for the manufacture of chlorosulphonated polyethylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39012090 | — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39013000 | — Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    390190 | — Other | | | |

    39019010 | — — Ionomer resin consisting of a salt of a terpolymer of ethylene with isobutyl acrylate and methacrylic acid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39019020 | — — A-B-A block copolymer of polystyrene, ethylene-butylene copolymer and polystyrene, containing by weight 35 % or less of styrene, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(b) to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39019090 | — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    3902 | Polymers of propylene or of other olefins, in primary forms | | | |

    39021000 | — Polypropylene | 4,2 | Year 0 | |

    39022000 | — Polyisobutylene | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39023000 | — Propylene copolymers | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    390290 | — Other | | | |

    39029010 | — — A-B-A block copolymer of polystyrene, ethylene-butylene copolymer and polystyrene, containing by weight 35 % or less of styrene, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6 (b) to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39029020 | — — Polybut-1-ene, a copolymer of but-1-ene with ethylene containing by weight 10 % or less of ethylene, or a blend of polybut-1-ene with polyethylene and/or polypropylene containing by weight 10 % or less of polyethylene and/or 25 % or less of polypropylene, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6 (b) to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39029090 | — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    3903 | Polymers of styrene, in primary forms | | | |

    — Polystyrene | | | |

    39031100 | — — Expansible | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39031900 | — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39032000 | — Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39033000 | — Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    390390 | — Other | | | |

    39039010 | — — Copolymer solely of styrene with allyl alcohol, of an acetyl value of 175 or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39039020 | — — Brominated polystyrene, containing by weight 58 % or more but not more than 71 % of bromine, in one of the forms mentioned in note 6(b) to this Chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39039090 | — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    3904 | Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, in primary forms | | | |

    39041000 | — Poly(vinyl chloride), not mixed with any other substances | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    — Other poly(vinyl chloride): | | | |

    39042100 | — — Non-plasticised | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39042200 | — — Plasticised | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39043000 | — Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39044000 | — Other vinyl chloride copolymers | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    390450 | — Vinylidene chloride polymers | | | |

    39045010 | — — Copolymer of vinylidene chloride with acrylonitrile, in the form of expansible beads of a diameter of 4 micrometers or more but not more than 20 micrometres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39045090 | — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    — Fluoro-polymers | | | |

    39046100 | — — Polytetrafluoroethylene | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    390469 | — — Other | | | |

    39046910 | — — — Polyvinyl fluoride in one of the forms mentioned in note 6 (b) to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39046990 | — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39049000 | — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    3905 | Polymers of vinyl acetate or of other vinyl esters, in primary forms; other vinyl polymers in primary forms | | | |

    — Poly(vinyl acetate): | | | |

    39051200 | — — In aqueous dispersion | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39051900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Vinyl acetate copolymers | | | |

    39052100 | — — In aqueous dispersion | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39052900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39053000 | — Poly(vinyl alcohol), whether or not containing unhydrolysed acetate groups | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    39059100 | — — Copolymers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    390599 | — — Other | | | |

    39059910 | — — — Poly(vinyl formal), in one of the forms mentioned in note 6 (b) to this chapter, of a molecular weight of 10000 or more but not exceeding 40000 and containing by weight: 9,5 % or more but not more than 13 % of acetyl groups evaluated as vinyl acetate and 5 % or more but not more than 6,5 % of hydroxy groups evaluated as vinyl alcohol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39059990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3906 | Acrylic polymers in primary forms | | | |

    39061000 | — Poly(methyl methacrylate) | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    390690 | — Other | | | |

    39069010 | — — Poly[N-(3-hydroxyimino-1,1-dimethylbutyl)acrylamide] | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39069020 | — — Copolymer of 2-diisopropylaminoethyl methacrylate with decyl methacrylate, in the form of a solution in N,N-dimethylacetamide, containing by weight 55 % or more of copolymer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39069030 | — — Copolymer of acrylic acid with 2-ethylhexyl acrylate, containing by weight 10 % or more but not more than 11 % of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39069040 | — — Copolymer of acrylonitrile with methyl acrylate, modified with polybutadiene-acrylonitrile (NBR) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39069050 | — — Polymerisation product of acrylic acid with alkyl methacrylate and small quantities of other monomers, for use as a thickener in the manufacture of textile printing pastes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39069060 | — — Copolymer of methyl acrylate with ethylene and a monomer containing a non-terminal carboxy group as a substituent, containing by weight 50 % or more of methyl acrylate, whether or not compounded with silica | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39069090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3907 | Polyacetals, other polyethers and epoxide resins, in primary forms; polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl esters and other polyesters, in primary forms | | | |

    39071000 | — Polyacetals | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    390720 | — Other polyethers | | | |

    — — Polyether alcohols | | | |

    39072011 | — — — Polyethylene glycols | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    39072021 | — — — — With a hydroxyl number not exceeding 100 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39072029 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    39072091 | — — — Copolymer of 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane with ethylene oxide | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39072099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39073000 | — Epoxide resins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39074000 | — Polycarbonates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39075000 | — Alkyd resins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    390760 | — Poly(ethylene terephthalate): | | | |

    39076020 | — — Having a viscosity number of 183 ml/g or higher | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    39076080 | — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Other polyesters | | | |

    390791 | — — Unsaturated | | | |

    39079110 | — — — Liquid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39079190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    390799 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — With a hydroxyl number not exceeding 100 | | | |

    39079911 | — — — — Poly(ethylene naphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylate) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39079919 | — — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    39079991 | — — — — Poly(ethylene naphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylate) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39079999 | — — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    3908 | Polyamides in primary forms | | | |

    39081000 | — Polyamide -6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6,12 | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    39089000 | — Other | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    3909 | Amino-resins, phenolic resins and polyurethanes, in primary forms | | | |

    39091000 | — Urea resins; thiourea resins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39092000 | — Melamine resins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39093000 | — Other amino-resins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39094000 | — Phenolic resins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    390950 | — Polyurethanes | | | |

    39095010 | — — Polyurethane of 2,2′-(tert-butylimino)diethanol and 4,4′-methylenedicyclohexyl diisocyanate, in the form of a solution in N,N-dimethylacetamide, containing by weight 50 % or more of polymer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39095090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39100000 | Silicones in primary forms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3911 | Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, polysulphones and other products specified in note 3 to this chapter, not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms | | | |

    39111000 | — Petroleum resins, coumarone, indene or coumarone-indene resins and polyterpenes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391190 | — Other | | | |

    — — Condensation or rearrangement polymerisation products whether or not chemically modified | | | |

    39119011 | — — — Poly(oxy-1,4-phenylenesulphonyl-1,4-phenyleneoxy-1,4-phenyleneisopropylidene-1,4-phenylene), in one of the forms mentioned in note 6 (b) to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39119013 | — — — Poly(thio-1,4-phenylene) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39119019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    39119091 | — — — Copolymer of p-cresol and divinylbenzene, in the form of a solution in N,N-dimethylacetamide, containing by weight 50 % or more of polymer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39119093 | — — — Hydrogenated copolymers of vinyltoluene and a-methylstyrene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39119099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3912 | Cellulose and its chemical derivatives, not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms | | | |

    — Cellulose acetates | | | |

    39121100 | — — Non-plasticised | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39121200 | — — Plasticised | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391220 | — Cellulose nitrates (including collodions) | | | |

    — — Non-plasticised | | | |

    39122011 | — — — Collodions and celloidin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39122019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39122090 | — — Plasticised | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Cellulose ethers | | | |

    39123100 | — — Carboxymethylcellulose and its salts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391239 | — — Other | | | |

    39123910 | — — — Ethylcellulose | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39123920 | — — — Hydroxypropylcellulose | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39123980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391290 | — Other | | | |

    39129010 | — — Cellulose esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39129090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3913 | Natural polymers (for example, alginic acid) and modified natural polymers (for example, hardened proteins, chemical derivatives of natural rubber), not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms | | | |

    39131000 | — Alginic acid, its salts and esters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391390 | — Other | | | |

    39139010 | — — Chemical derivatives of natural rubber | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39139020 | — — Amylopectin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39139030 | — — Amylose | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39139080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39140000 | Ion-exchangers based on polymers of headings Nos 3901 to 3913, in primary forms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    3915 | Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics | | | |

    39151000 | — Of polymers of ethylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39152000 | — Of polymers of styrene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39153000 | — Of polymers of vinyl chloride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391590 | — Of other plastics | | | |

    — — Of addition polymerisation products | | | |

    39159011 | — — — Of polymers of propylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39159013 | — — — Of acrylic polymers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39159019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    39159091 | — — — Of epoxide resins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39159093 | — — — Of cellulose and its chemical derivatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39159099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3916 | Monofilament of which any cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm, rods, sticks and profile shapes, whether or not surface-worked but not otherwise worked, of plastics | | | |

    39161000 | — Of polymers of ethylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391620 | — Of polymers of vinyl chloride | | | |

    39162010 | — — Of poly(vinyl chloride) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39162090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391690 | — Of other plastics | | | |

    — — Of condensation or rearrangement polymerisation products, whether or not chemically modified | | | |

    39169011 | — — — Of polyesters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39169013 | — — — Of polyamides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39169015 | — — — Of epoxide resins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39169019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of addition polymerisation products | | | |

    39169051 | — — — Of polymers of propylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39169059 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39169090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3917 | Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor (for example, joints, elbows, flanges), of plastics | | | |

    391710 | — Artificial guts (sausage casings) of hardened protein or of cellulosic materials | | | |

    39171010 | — — Of hardened protein | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39171090 | — — Of cellulosic materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid | | | |

    391721 | — — Of polymers of ethylene | | | |

    39172110 | — — — Seamless and of a length exceeding the maximum cross-sectional dimension, whether or not surface-worked, but not otherwise worked | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    39172191 | — — — — With fittings attached, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39172199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391722 | — — Of polymers of propylene | | | |

    39172210 | — — — Seamless and of a length exceeding the maximum cross-sectional dimension, whether or not surface-worked, but not otherwise worked | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    39172291 | — — — — With fittings attached, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39172299 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391723 | — — Of polymers of vinyl chloride | | | |

    39172310 | — — — Seamless and of a length exceeding the maximum cross-sectional dimension, whether or not surface-worked, but not otherwise worked | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    39172391 | — — — — With fittings attached, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39172399 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391729 | — — Of other plastics | | | |

    — — — Seamless and of a length exceeding the maximum cross-sectional dimension, whether or not surface-worked, but not otherwise worked | | | |

    39172912 | — — — — Of condensation or rearrangement polymerization products, whether or not chemically modified | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39172915 | — — — — Of addition polymerization products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39172919 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    39172991 | — — — — With fittings attached, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39172999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other tubes, pipes and hoses | | | |

    391731 | — — Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, having a minimum burst pressure of 27,6 MPa | | | |

    39173110 | — — — With fittings attached, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39173190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391732 | — — Other, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings | | | |

    — — — Seamless and of a length exceeding the maximum cross-sectional dimension, whether or not surface-worked, but not otherwise worked | | | |

    39173210 | — — — — Of condensation or rearrangement polymerization products, whether or not chemically modified | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Of addition polymerisation products | | | |

    39173231 | — — — — — Of polymers of ethylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39173235 | — — — — — Of polymers of vinyl chloride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39173239 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39173251 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    39173291 | — — — — Artificial sausage casings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39173299 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391733 | — — Other, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, with fittings | | | |

    39173310 | — — — With fittings attached, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39173390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391739 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Seamless and of a length exceeding the maximum cross-sectional dimension, whether or not surface-worked, but not otherwise worked | | | |

    39173912 | — — — — Of condensation or rearrangement polymerization products, whether or not chemically modified | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39173915 | — — — — Of addition polymerization products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39173919 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    39173991 | — — — — With fittings attached, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39173999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391740 | — Fittings | | | |

    39174010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39174090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3918 | Floor coverings of plastics, whether or not self-adhesive, in rolls or in the form of tiles; wall or ceiling coverings of plastics, as defined in note 9 to this chapter | | | |

    391810 | — Of polymers of vinyl chloride | | | |

    39181010 | — — Consisting of a support impregnated, coated or covered with poly(vinyl chloride) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39181090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39189000 | — Of other plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3919 | Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics, whether or not in rolls | | | |

    391910 | — In rolls of a width not exceeding 20 cm | | | |

    — — Strips, the coating of which consists of unvulcanised natural or synthetic rubber | | | |

    39191011 | — — — Of plasticised poly(vinyl chloride) or of polyethylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39191013 | — — — Of non-plasticised poly(vinyl chloride) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39191015 | — — — Of polypropylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39191019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of condensation or rearrangement polymerisation products, whether or not chemically modified | | | |

    39191031 | — — — — Of polyesters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39191038 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of addition polymerisation products | | | |

    39191061 | — — — — Of plasticised poly(vinyl chloride) or of polyethylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39191069 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39191090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    391990 | — Other | | | |

    39199010 | — — Further worked than surface-worked, or cut to shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of condensation or rearrangement polymerisation products, whether or not chemically modified | | | |

    39199031 | — — — — Of polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl esters or other polyesters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39199038 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of addition polymerisation products | | | |

    39199061 | — — — — Of plasticised poly(vinyl chloride) or of polyethylene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39199069 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39199090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3920 | Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials | | | |

    392010 | — Of polymers of ethylene | | | |

    — — Of a thickness not exceeding 0,125 mm | | | |

    — — — Of polyethylene having a specific gravity of | | | |

    — — — — Less than 0,94 | | | |

    39201023 | — — — — — Polyethylene film of a thickness of 20 micrometres or more but not exceeding 40 micrometres, for the production of photo-resist film used in the manufacture of semiconductors or printed circuits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — — Not printed | | | |

    39201024 | — — — — — — — Stretch film | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39201026 | — — — — — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39201027 | — — — — — — Printed | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39201028 | — — — — 0,94 or more | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39201040 | — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    — — Of a thickness exceeding 0,125 mm | | | |

    39201081 | — — — Synthetic paper pulp in the form of moist sheets made from unconnected finely branched polyethylene fibrils, whether or not blended with cellulose fibres in a quantity not exceeding 15 %, containing polyvinyl alcohol dissolved in water as the moistening agent | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39201089 | — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    392020 | — Of polymers of propylene | | | |

    — — Of a thickness not exceeding 0,10 mm | | | |

    39202021 | — — — Biaxially oriented | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39202029 | — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    — — Of a thickness exceeding 0,10 mm | | | |

    — — — Strip of a width exceeding 5 mm but not exceeding 20 mm of the kind used for packaging | | | |

    39202071 | — — — — Decorative strip | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39202079 | — — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39202090 | — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39203000 | — Of polymers of styrene | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    — Of polymers of vinyl chloride: | | | |

    392043 | — — Containing by weight not less than 6 % of plasticisers: | | | |

    39204310 | — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39204390 | — — — Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    392049 | — — Other | | | |

    39204910 | — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39204990 | — — — Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    — Of acrylic polymers: | | | |

    39205100 | — — Of poly(methyl methacrylate) | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    392059 | — — Other | | | |

    39205910 | — — — Copolymer of acrylic and methacrylic esters, in the form of film of a thickness not exceeding 150 micrometres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39205990 | — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    — Of polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl esters or other polyesters | | | |

    39206100 | — — Of polycarbonates | 4,3 | Year 3 | |

    392062 | — — Of poly(ethylene terephthalate): | | | |

    — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 0,35 mm: | | | |

    39206211 | — — — — Poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, of a thickness of 72 micrometres or more but not exceeding 79 micrometres, for the manufacture of flexible magnetic disks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39206213 | — — — — Poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, of a thickness of 100 micrometres or more but not exceeding 150 micrometres, for the manufacture of photopolymer printing plates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39206219 | — — — — Other | 4,3 | Year 3 | |

    39206290 | — — — Of a thickness exceeding 0,35 mm | 4,3 | Year 3 | |

    39206300 | — — Of unsaturated polyesters | 4,3 | Year 3 | |

    39206900 | — — Of other polyesters | 4,3 | Year 3 | |

    — Of cellulose or its chemical derivatives | | | |

    392071 | — — Of regenerated cellulose | | | |

    39207110 | — — — Sheets, film or strip, coiled or not, of a thickness of less than 0,75 mm | 4,3 | Year 3 | |

    39207190 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    39207200 | — — Of vulcanised fibre | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    392073 | — — Of cellulose acetate | | | |

    39207310 | — — — Film in rolls or in strips, for cinematography or photography | 2,8 | Year 3 | |

    39207350 | — — — Sheets, film or strip, coiled or not, of a thickness of less than 0,75 mm | 4,3 | Year 3 | |

    39207390 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    39207900 | — — Of other cellulose derivatives | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Of other plastics | | | |

    39209100 | — — Of poly(vinyl butyral) | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39209200 | — — Of polyamides | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    39209300 | — — Of amino-resins | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    39209400 | — — Of phenolic resins | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    392099 | — — Of other plastics | | | |

    — — — Of condensation or rearrangement polymerisation products, whether or not chemically modified | | | |

    39209921 | — — — — Polyimide sheet and strip, uncoated or coated or covered solely with plastic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39209928 | — — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Of addition polymerisation products | | | |

    39209951 | — — — — Polyvinyl fluoride sheet | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39209953 | — — — — Ion-exchange membranes of fluorinated plastic material, for use in chlor-alkali electrolytic cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39209955 | — — — — Biaxially-orientated poly(vinyl alcohol) film, containing by weight 97 % or more of poly(vinyl alcohol), uncoated, of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39209959 | — — — — Other | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    39209990 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    3921 | Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics | | | |

    — Cellular | | | |

    39211100 | — — Of polymers of styrene | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39211200 | — — Of polymers of vinyl chloride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    392113 | — — Of polyurethanes | | | |

    39211310 | — — — Flexible | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39211390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39211400 | — — Of regenerated cellulose | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39211900 | — — Of other plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    392190 | — Other | | | |

    — — Of condensation or rearrangement polymerisation products, whether or not chemically modified | | | |

    — — — Of polyesters | | | |

    39219011 | — — — — Corrugated sheet and plates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39219019 | — — — — Other | 4,3 | Year 3 | |

    39219030 | — — — Of phenolic resins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of amino-resins | | | |

    — — — — Laminated | | | |

    39219041 | — — — — — High pressure laminates with a decorative surface on one or both sides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39219043 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39219049 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39219055 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39219060 | — — Of addition polymerisation products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39219090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3922 | Baths, shower-baths, sinks, wash-basins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics | | | |

    39221000 | — Baths, shower-baths, sinks and wash-basins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39222000 | — Lavatory seats and covers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39229000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3923 | Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics | | | |

    39231000 | — Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Sacks and bags (including cones) | | | |

    39232100 | — — Of polymers of ethylene | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    392329 | — — Of other plastics | | | |

    39232910 | — — — Of poly(vinyl chloride) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39232990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    392330 | — Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles | | | |

    39233010 | — — Of a capacity not exceeding two litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39233090 | — — Of a capacity exceeding two litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    392340 | — Spools, cops, bobbins and similar supports | | | |

    39234010 | — — Spools, reels and similar supports for photographic and cinematographic film or for tapes, films and the like falling within headings 8523 and 8524 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39234090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    392350 | — Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures | | | |

    39235010 | — — Caps and capsules for bottles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39235090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    392390 | — Other | | | |

    39239010 | — — Netting extruded in tubular form | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39239090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3924 | Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of plastics | | | |

    39241000 | — Tableware and kitchenware | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    392490 | — Other | | | |

    — — Of regenerated cellulose | | | |

    39249011 | — — — Sponges | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39249019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39249090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3925 | Builders' ware of plastics, not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    39251000 | — Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers, of a capacity exceeding 300 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39252000 | — Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39253000 | — Shutters, blinds (including venetian blinds) and similar articles and parts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    392590 | — Other | | | |

    39259010 | — — Fittings and mountings intended for permanent installation in or on doors, windows, staircases, walls or other parts of buildings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39259020 | — — Trunking, ducting and cable trays for electrical circuits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39259080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    3926 | Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of headings 3901 to 3914 | | | |

    39261000 | — Office or school supplies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39262000 | — Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves, mittens and mitts) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39263000 | — Fittings for furniture, coachwork or the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39264000 | — Statuettes and other ornamental articles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    392690 | — Other | | | |

    39269010 | — — For technical uses, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    39269050 | — — — Perforated buckets and similar articles used to filter water at the entrance to drains | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    39269091 | — — — — Made from sheet | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    39269099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    4001 | Natural rubber, balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar natural gums, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip | | | |

    40011000 | — Natural rubber latex, whether or not prevulcanised | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Natural rubber in other forms | | | |

    40012100 | — — Smoked sheets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40012200 | — — Technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40012900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40013000 | — Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar natural gums | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4002 | Synthetic rubber and factice derived from oils, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip; mixtures of any product of heading 4001 with any product of this heading, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip | | | |

    — Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR); carboxylated styrene-butadiene rubber (XSBR) | | | |

    40021100 | — — Latex | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40021900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40022000 | — Butadiene rubber (BR) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) rubber (IIR); halo-isobutene-isoprene rubber (CIIR or BIIR) | | | |

    40023100 | — — Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) rubber (IIR) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40023900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber (CR) | | | |

    40024100 | — — Latex | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40024900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) | | | |

    40025100 | — — Latex | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40025900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40026000 | — Isoprene rubber (IR) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40027000 | — Ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated diene rubber (EPDM) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40028000 | — Mixtures of any product of heading 4001 with any product of this heading | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    40029100 | — — Latex | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    400299 | — — Other | | | |

    40029910 | — — — Products modified by the incorporation of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40029990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40030000 | Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40040000 | Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and powders and granules obtained therefrom | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4005 | Compounded rubber, unvulcanised, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip | | | |

    40051000 | — Compounded with carbon black or silica | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40052000 | — Solutions; dispersions other than those of subheading 400510 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    40059100 | — — Plates, sheets and strip | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40059900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4006 | Other forms (for example, rods, tubes and profile shapes) and articles (for example, discs and rings), of unvulcanised rubber | | | |

    40061000 | — "Camel-back" strips for retreading rubber tyres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40069000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40070000 | Vulcanized rubber thread and cord | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4008 | Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile shapes, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber | | | |

    — Of cellular rubber | | | |

    40081100 | — — Plates, sheets and strip | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40081900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of non-cellular rubber | | | |

    400821 | — — Plates, sheets and strip | | | |

    40082110 | — — — Floor coverings and mats | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40082190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    400829 | — — Other | | | |

    40082910 | — — — Profile shapes, cut to size, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40082990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4009 | Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber, with or without their fittings (for example, joints, elbows, flanges) | | | |

    — Not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials | | | |

    40091100 | — — Without fittings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    400912 | — — With fittings | | | |

    40091210 | — — — Suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40091290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Reinforced or otherwise combined only with metal: | | | |

    40092100 | — — Without fittings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    400922 | — — With fittings | | | |

    40092210 | — — — Suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40092290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Reinforced or otherwise combined only with textile materials | | | |

    40093100 | — — Without fittings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    400932 | — — With fittings | | | |

    40093210 | — — — Suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40093290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials: | | | |

    40094100 | — — Without fittings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    400942 | — — With fittings: | | | |

    40094210 | — — — Suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40094290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4010 | Conveyor or transmission belts or belting, of vulcanised rubber | | | |

    — Conveyor belts or belting | | | |

    40101100 | — — Reinforced only with metal | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    40101200 | — — Reinforced only with textile materials | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    40101300 | — — Reinforced only with plastics | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    40101900 | — — Other | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    — Transmission belts or belting: | | | |

    40103100 | — — Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-section (V-belts), V-ribbed, of an outside circumference exceeding 60 cm but not exceeding 180 cm | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    40103200 | — — Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-section (V-belts), other than V-ribbed, of an outside circumference exceeding 60 cm but not exceeding 180 cm | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    40103300 | — — Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-section (V-belts), V-ribbed, of an outside circumference exceeding 180 cm but not exceeding 240 cm | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    40103400 | — — Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-section (V-belts), other than V-ribbed, of an outside circumference exceeding 180 cm but not exceeding 240 cm | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    40103500 | — — Endless synchronous belts, of an outside circumference exceeding 60 cm but not exceeding 150 cm | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    40103600 | — — Endless synchronous belts, of an outside circumference exceeding 150 cm but not exceeding 198 cm | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    40103900 | — — Other | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    4011 | New pneumatic tyres, of rubber | | | |

    40111000 | — Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    401120 | — Of a kind used on buses or lorries | | | |

    40112010 | — — With a load index not exceeding 121 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40112090 | — — With a load index exceeding 121 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    401130 | — Of a kind used on aircraft | | | |

    40113010 | — — For use on civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40113090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    401140 | — Of a kind used on motorcycles | | | |

    40114020 | — — For rims with a diameter not exceeding 33 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40114080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40115000 | — Of a kind used on bicycles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, having a "herring-bone" or similar tread: | | | |

    40116100 | — — Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry vehicles and machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40116200 | — — Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and machines and having a rim size not exceeding 61 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40116300 | — — Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and machines and having a rim size exceeding 61 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40116900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    40119200 | — — Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry vehicles and machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40119300 | — — Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and machines and having a rim size not exceeding 61 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40119400 | — — Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and machines and having a rim size exceeding 61 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40119900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4012 | Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid orcushion tyres, tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber | | | |

    — Retreaded tyres | | | |

    40121100 | — — Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40121200 | — — Of a kind used on buses or lorries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    401213 | — — Of a kind used on aircraft | | | |

    40121310 | — — — For use on civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40121390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40121900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    401220 | — Used pneumatic tyres | | | |

    40122010 | — — For use on civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40122090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    401290 | — Other: | | | |

    40129020 | — — Solid or cushion tyres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40129030 | — — Tyre treads | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40129090 | — — Tyre flaps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4013 | Inner tubes, of rubber | | | |

    401310 | — Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars), buses or lorries | | | |

    40131010 | — — Of the kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40131090 | — — Of the kind used on buses or lorries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40132000 | — Of a kind used on bicycles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    401390 | — Other | | | |

    40139010 | — — Of a kind used on motorcycles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40139090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4014 | Hygienic or pharmaceutical articles (including teats), of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber, with or without fittings of hard rubber | | | |

    40141000 | — Sheath contraceptives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    401490 | — Other | | | |

    40149010 | — — Teats, nipple shields, and similar articles for babies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40149090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4015 | Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves, mittens and mitts), for all purposes, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber | | | |

    — Gloves, mittens and mitts: | | | |

    40151100 | — — Surgical | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    401519 | — — Other | | | |

    40151910 | — — — Household gloves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40151990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40159000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4016 | Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber | | | |

    401610 | — Of cellular rubber | | | |

    40161010 | — — For technical uses, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40161090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    40169100 | — — Floor coverings and mats | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40169200 | — — Erasers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    401693 | — — Gaskets, washers and other seals | | | |

    40169310 | — — — For technical uses, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40169390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40169400 | — — Boat or dock fenders, whether or not inflatable | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40169500 | — — Other inflatable articles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    401699 | — — Other | | | |

    40169910 | — — — For technical uses, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    40169930 | — — — — Expander sleeves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — For motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 | | | |

    40169952 | — — — — — — Rubber-to-metal bonded parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40169958 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    40169982 | — — — — — — Rubber-to-metal bonded parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40169988 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    401700 | Hard rubber (for example, ebonite) in all forms, including waste and scrap; articles of hard rubber | | | |

    40170010 | — Hard rubber (for example, ebonite) in any form, scrap and waste included | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    40170090 | — Articles of hard rubber | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    4101 | Raw hides and skins of bovine (including buffalo) or equine animals (fresh, or salted, dried, limed, pickled or otherwise preserved, but not tanned, parchment-dressed or further prepared), whether or not dehaired or split: | | | |

    410120 | — Whole hides and skins, of a weight per skin not exceeding 8 kg when simply dried, 10 kg when dry-salted, or 16 kg when fresh, wet-salted or otherwise preserved: | | | |

    41012010 | — — Fresh | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41012030 | — — Wet-salted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41012050 | — — Dried or dry-salted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41012090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    410150 | — Whole hides and skins, of a weight exceeding 16 kg: | | | |

    41015010 | — — Fresh | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41015030 | — — Wet-salted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41015050 | — — Dried or dry-salted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41015090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41019000 | — Other, including butts, bends and bellies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4102 | Raw skins of sheep or lambs (fresh, or salted, dried, limed, pickled or otherwise preserved, but not tanned, parchment-dressed or further prepared), whether or not with wool on or split, other than those excluded by note 1 (c) to this chapter: | | | |

    410210 | — With wool on: | | | |

    41021010 | — — Of lambs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41021090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Without wool on: | | | |

    41022100 | — — Pickled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41022900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4103 | Other raw hides and skins (fresh, or salted, dried, limed, pickled or otherwise preserved, but not tanned, parchment-dressed or further prepared), whether or not dehaired or split, other than those excluded by note 1 (b) or 1 (c) to this chapter: | | | |

    410310 | — Of goats or kids: | | | |

    41031020 | — — Fresh | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41031050 | — — Salted or dried | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41031090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41032000 | — Of reptiles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41033000 | — Of swine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41039000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4104 | Tanned or crust hides and skins of bovine (including buffalo) or equine animals, without hair on, whether or not split, but not further prepared | | | |

    — In the wet state (including wet-blue): | | | |

    410411 | — — Full grains, unsplit; grain splits: | | | |

    41041110 | — — — Whole bovine (including buffalo) hides and skins, of a unit surface area not exceeding 28 square feet (2,6 m2) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    — — — — Of bovine (including buffalo) animals: | | | |

    41041151 | — — — — — Whole hides and skins, of a unit surface area exceeding 28 square feet (2,6 m2) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41041159 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41041190 | — — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    410419 | — — Other: | | | |

    41041910 | — — — Whole bovine (including buffalo) hides and skins, of a unit surface area not exceeding 28 square feet (2,6 m2) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    — — — — Of bovine (including buffalo) animals: | | | |

    41041951 | — — — — — Whole hides and skins, of a unit surface area exceeding 28 square feet (2,6 m2) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41041959 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41041990 | — — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    — In the dry state (crust): | | | |

    410441 | — — Full grains, unsplit; grain splits: | | | |

    — — — Whole bovine (including buffalo) hides and skins, of a unit surface area not exceeding 28 square feet (2,6 m2): | | | |

    41044111 | — — — — East India kip, whole, whether or not the heads and legs have been removed, each of a net weight of not more than 4,5 kg, not further prepared than vegetable tanned, whether or not having undergone certain treatments, but obviously unsuitable for immediate use for the manufacture of leather articles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41044119 | — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    — — — — Of bovine (including buffalo) animals: | | | |

    41044151 | — — — — — Whole hides and skins, of a unit surface area exceeding 28 square feet (2,6 m2) | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    41044159 | — — — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    41044190 | — — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    410449 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — Whole bovine (including buffalo) hides and skins, of a unit surface area not exceeding 28 square feet (2,6 m2): | | | |

    41044911 | — — — — East India kip, whole, whether or not the heads and legs have been removed, each of a net weight of not more than 4,5 kg, not further prepared than vegetable tanned, whether or not having undergone certain treatments, but obviously unsuitable for immediate use for the manufacture of leather articles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41044919 | — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    — — — — Of bovine (including buffalo) animals: | | | |

    41044951 | — — — — — Whole hides and skins, of a unit surface area exceeding 28 square feet (2,6 m2) | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    41044959 | — — — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    41044990 | — — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    4105 | Tanned or crust skins of sheep or lambs, without wool on whether or not split, but not further prepared: | | | |

    410510 | — In the wet state (including wet-blue): | | | |

    41051010 | — — Not split | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    41051090 | — — Split | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    410530 | — In the dry state (crust): | | | |

    41053010 | — — Vegetable pre-tanned Indian hair sheep, whether or not having undergone certain treatments, but obviously unsuitable for immediate use for the manufacture of leather articles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other: | | | |

    41053091 | — — — Not split | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    41053099 | — — — Split | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    4106 | Tanned or crust hides and skins of other animals, without wool or hair on, whether or not split, but not further prepared: | | | |

    — Of goats or kids: | | | |

    410621 | — — In the wet state (including wet-blue): | | | |

    41062110 | — — — Not split | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    41062190 | — — — Split | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    410622 | — — In the dry state (crust): | | | |

    41062210 | — — — Vegetable pre-tanned Indian goat or kid, whether or not having undergone certain treatments, but obviously unsuitable for immediate use for the manufacture of leather articles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41062290 | — — — Other | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of swine: | | | |

    410631 | — — In the wet state (including wet-blue) | | | |

    41063110 | — — — Not split | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    41063190 | — — — Split | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    410632 | — — In the dry state (crust) | | | |

    41063210 | — — — Not split | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41063290 | — — — Split | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    410640 | — Of reptiles: | | | |

    41064010 | — — Vegetable pre-tanned | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41064090 | — — Other | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    41069100 | — — In the wet state (including wet-blue) | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    41069200 | — — In the dry state (crust) | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    4107 | Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of bovine (including buffalo) or equine animals, without hair on, whether or not split, other than leather of heading 4114: | | | |

    — Whole hides and skins: | | | |

    410711 | — — Full grains, unsplit: | | | |

    — — — Bovine (including buffalo) leather, of a unit surface area not exceeding 28 square feet (2,6 m2): | | | |

    41071111 | — — — — Box calf | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    41071119 | — — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    41071190 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    410712 | — — Grain splits: | | | |

    — — — Bovine (including buffalo) leather, of a unit surface area not exceeding 28 square feet (2,6 m2): | | | |

    41071211 | — — — — Box calf | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    41071219 | — — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    41071291 | — — — — Bovine (including buffalo) leather | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    41071299 | — — — — Equine leather | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    410719 | — — Other: | | | |

    41071910 | — — — Bovine (including buffalo) leather, of a unit surface area not exceeding 28 square feet (2,6 m2) | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    41071990 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Other, including sides: | | | |

    410791 | — — Full grains, unsplit: | | | |

    41079110 | — — — Sole leather | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    41079190 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    410792 | — — Grain splits: | | | |

    41079210 | — — — Bovine (including buffalo) leather | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    41079290 | — — — Equine leather | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    410799 | — — Other: | | | |

    41079910 | — — — Bovine (including buffalo) leather | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    41079990 | — — — Equine leather | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    41120000 | Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of sheep or lamb, without wool on, whether or not split, other than leather of heading 4114 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4113 | Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of other animals, without wool or hair on, whether or not split, other than leather of heading 4114: | | | |

    41131000 | — Of goats or kids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41132000 | — Of swine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41133000 | — Of reptiles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41139000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4114 | Chamois (including combination chamois) leather; patent leather and patent laminated leather; metallised leather: | | | |

    411410 | — Chamois (including combination chamois) leather: | | | |

    41141010 | — — Of sheep and lambs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41141090 | — — Of other animals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41142000 | — Patent leather and patent laminated leather; metallised leather | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4115 | Composition leather with a basis of leather or leather fibre, in slabs, sheets or strip, whether or not in rolls; parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles; leather dust, powder and flour: | | | |

    41151000 | — Composition leather with a basis of leather or leather fibre, in slabs, sheets or strip, whether or not in rolls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    41152000 | — Parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles; leather dust, powder and flour | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    42010000 | Saddlery and harness for any animal (including traces, leads, knee pads, muzzles, saddle cloths, saddle bags, dog coats and the like), of any material | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4202 | Trunks, suit-cases, vanity-cases, executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels, spectacle cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers; travelling-bags, insulated food or beverages bags, toilet bags, rucksacks, handbags, shopping bags, wallets, purses, map-cases, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches, tool bags, sports bags, bottle-cases, jewellery boxes, powder-boxes, cutlery cases and similar containers, of leather or of composition leather, of sheeting of plastics, of textile materials, of vulcanised fibre or of paperboard, or wholly or mainly covered with such materials or with paper: | | | |

    — Trunks, suit-cases, vanity cases, executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels and similar containers | | | |

    420211 | — — With outer surface of leather, of composition leather or of patent leather | | | |

    42021110 | — — — Executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels and similar containers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    42021190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    420212 | — — With outer surface of plastics or of textile materials | | | |

    — — — In the form of plastic sheeting | | | |

    42021211 | — — — — Executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels and similar containers | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    42021219 | — — — — Other | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    42021250 | — — — Of moulded plastic material | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Of other materials, including vulcanised fibre | | | |

    42021291 | — — — — Executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels and similar containers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    42021299 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    420219 | — — Other | | | |

    42021910 | — — — Of aluminium | 1,9 | Year 3 | |

    42021990 | — — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Handbags, whether or not with shoulder strap, including those without handle | | | |

    42022100 | — — With outer surface of leather, of composition leather or of patent leather | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    420222 | — — With outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials | | | |

    42022210 | — — — Of plastic sheeting | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    42022290 | — — — Of textile materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    42022900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag | | | |

    42023100 | — — With outer surface of leather, of composition leather or of patent leather | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    420232 | — — With outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials | | | |

    42023210 | — — — Of plastic sheeting | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    42023290 | — — — Of textile materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    42023900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    420291 | — — With outer surface of leather, of composition leather or of patent leather | | | |

    42029110 | — — — Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    42029180 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    420292 | — — With outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials | | | |

    — — — Of plastic sheeting | | | |

    42029211 | — — — — Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    42029215 | — — — — Musical instrument cases | 2,3 | Year 3 | |

    42029219 | — — — — Other | 3,3 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Of textile materials | | | |

    42029291 | — — — — Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    42029298 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    42029900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4203 | Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of leather or of composition leather | | | |

    42031000 | — Articles of apparel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Gloves, mittens and mitts | | | |

    42032100 | — — Specially designed for use in sports | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    420329 | — — Other | | | |

    42032910 | — — — Protective for all trades | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    42032991 | — — — — Men's and boys' | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    42032999 | — — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    42033000 | — Belts and bandoliers | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    42034000 | — Other clothing accessories | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    420400 | Articles of leather, or of composition leather, of a kind used in machinery or mechanical appliances or for other technical uses | | | |

    42040010 | — Conveyor or transmission belts or belting | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    42040090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    42050000 | Other articles of leather or of composition leather | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4206 | Articles of gut (other than silkworm gut), of goldbeater's skin, of bladders or of tendons | | | |

    42061000 | — Catgut | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    42069000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    4301 | Raw furskins (including heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings, suitable for furriers' use), other than raw hides and skins of heading 4101, 4102 or 4103: | | | |

    43011000 | — Of mink, whole, with or without head, tail or paws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43013000 | — Of lamb, the following: Astrakhan, Broadtail, Caracul, Persian and similar lamb, Indian, Chinese, Mongolian or Tibetan lamb, whole, with or without head, tail or paws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43016000 | — Of fox, whole, with or without head, tail or paws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    430170 | — Of seal, whole, with or without head, tail or paws: | | | |

    43017010 | — — Of whitecoat pups of harp seal or of pups of hooded seal (blue-backs) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43017090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    430180 | — Other furskins, whole, with or without head, tail or paws | | | |

    43018010 | — — Of sea-otters or of nutria (coypu) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43018030 | — — Of marmots | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43018050 | — — Of wild felines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43018095 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43019000 | — Heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings, suitable for furriers' use | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4302 | Tanned or dressed furskins (including heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings), unassembled, or assembled (without the addition of other materials) other than those of heading 4303 | | | |

    — Whole skins, with or without head, tail or paws, not assembled | | | |

    43021100 | — — Of mink | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43021300 | — — Of lamb, the following: Astrakhan, Broadtail, Caracul, Persian and similar lamb, Indian, Chinese, Mongolian or Tibetan lamb | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    430219 | — — Other | | | |

    43021910 | — — — Of beaver | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43021920 | — — — Of musk-rat | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43021930 | — — — Of fox | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43021935 | — — — Of rabbit or hare | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of seal | | | |

    43021941 | — — — — Of whitecoat pups of harp seal or of pups of hooded seal (blue-backs) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43021949 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43021950 | — — — Of sea-otters or of nutria (coypu) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43021960 | — — — Of marmots | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43021970 | — — — Of wild felines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43021980 | — — — Of sheep or lambs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43021995 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43022000 | — Heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings, not assembled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    430230 | — Whole skins and pieces or cuttings thereof, assembled | | | |

    43023010 | — — "Dropped" furskins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    43023021 | — — — Of mink | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43023025 | — — — Of rabbit or hare | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43023031 | — — — Of lamb, the following: Astrakhan, Broadtail, Caracul, Persian and similar lamb, Indian, Chinese, Mongolian or Tibetan lamb | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43023035 | — — — Of beaver | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43023041 | — — — Of musk-rat | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43023045 | — — — Of fox | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of seal | | | |

    43023051 | — — — — Of whitecoat pups of harp seal or of pups of hooded seal (blue-backs) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43023055 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43023061 | — — — Of sea-otters or of nutria (coypu) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43023065 | — — — Of marmots | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43023071 | — — — Of wild felines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43023075 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4303 | Articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other articles of furskin | | | |

    430310 | — Articles of apparel and clothing accessories | | | |

    43031010 | — — Of furskins of whitecoat pups of harp seal or of pups of hooded seal (blue-backs) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43031090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43039000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    43040000 | Artificial fur and articles thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    4401 | Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms; wood in chips or particles; sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms | | | |

    44011000 | — Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Wood in chips or particles | | | |

    44012100 | — — Coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44012200 | — — Non-coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    440130 | — Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms | | | |

    44013010 | — — Sawdust | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44013090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44020000 | Wood charcoal (including shell or nut charcoal), whether or not agglomerated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4403 | Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared | | | |

    44031000 | — Treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    440320 | — Other, coniferous | | | |

    — — Spruce of the kind "Picea abies Karst." or silver fir (Abies alba Mill.): | | | |

    44032011 | — — — Sawlogs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44032019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Pine of the kind "Pinus sylvestris L.": | | | |

    44032031 | — — — Sawlogs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44032039 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    44032091 | — — — Sawlogs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44032099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, of tropical wood specified in subheadingte 1 to this chapter | | | |

    44034100 | — — Dark red meranti, light red meranti and meranti bakau | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    440349 | — — Other: | | | |

    44034910 | — — — Sapelli, acajou d'Afrique and iroko | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44034920 | — — — Okoumé | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44034940 | — — — Sipo | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44034995 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    440391 | — — Of oak (Quercus spp.): | | | |

    44039110 | — — — Sawlogs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44039190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    440392 | — — Of beech (Fagus spp.): | | | |

    44039210 | — — — Sawlogs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44039290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    440399 | — — Other | | | |

    44039910 | — — — Of poplar | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44039930 | — — — Of eucalyptus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of birch: | | | |

    44039951 | — — — Sawlogs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44039959 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44039995 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4404 | Hoopwood; split poles; piles, pickets and stakes of wood, pointed but not sawn lengthwise; wooden sticks, roughly trimmed but not turned, bent or otherwise worked, suitable for the manufacture of walking-sticks, umbrellas, tool handles or the like; chipwood and the like | | | |

    44041000 | — Coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44042000 | — Non-coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44050000 | Wood wool; wood flour | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4406 | Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood | | | |

    44061000 | — Not impregnated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44069000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4407 | Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm: | | | |

    440710 | — Coniferous: | | | |

    44071015 | — — Sanded; end-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Planed | | | |

    44071031 | — — — — Spruce of the kind "Picea abies Karst." or silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44071033 | — — — — Pine of the kind "Pinus sylvestris L." | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44071038 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    44071091 | — — — — Spruce of the kind "Picea abies Karst." or silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44071093 | — — — — Pine of the kind "Pinus sylvestris L." | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44071098 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter: | | | |

    440724 | — — Virola, mahogany (Swietenia spp.), imbuia and balsa: | | | |

    44072415 | — — — Sanded; end-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    44072430 | — — — — Planed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44072490 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    440725 | — — Dark red meranti, light red meranti and meranti bakau: | | | |

    44072510 | — — — End-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    44072530 | — — — — Planed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44072550 | — — — — Sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    44072560 | — — — — — Dark red meranti and light red meranti | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44072580 | — — — — — Meranti bakau | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    440726 | — — White lauan, white meranti, white seraya, yellowmeranti and alan: | | | |

    44072610 | — — — End-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    44072630 | — — — — Planed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44072650 | — — — — Sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44072690 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    440729 | — — Other: | | | |

    44072905 | — — — End-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Keruing, ramin, kapur, teak, jongkong, merbau, jelutong, kempas, okoumé, obéché, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'Afrique, makoré, iroko, tiama, mansonia, ilomba, dibétou, limba, azobé, palissandre de Rio, palissandre de Para and palissandre de Rose | | | |

    — — — — — Planed | | | |

    44072920 | — — — — — — Palissandre de Rio, palissandre de Para and palissandre de Rose | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44072930 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44072950 | — — — — — Sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    44072961 | — — — — — — Azobé | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44072969 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    44072983 | — — — — — Planed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44072985 | — — — — — Sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44072995 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    440791 | — — Of oak (Quercus spp.): | | | |

    44079115 | — — — Sanded; end-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Planed | | | |

    44079131 | — — — — — Blocks, strips and friezes for parquet or wood block flooring, not assembled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44079139 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44079190 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44079200 | — — Of beech (Fagus spp.) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    440799 | — — Other: | | | |

    44079910 | — — — End-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    44079930 | — — — — Planed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44079950 | — — — — Sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    44079991 | — — — — — Of poplar | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44079996 | — — — — — Of tropical wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44079997 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4408 | Sheets for veneering (including those obtained by slicing laminated wood), for plywood or for other similar laminated wood and other wood, sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded, spliced or end-jointed, of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm: | | | |

    440810 | — Coniferous: | | | |

    44081015 | — — Planed; sanded; end-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other: | | | |

    44081091 | — — — Small boards for the manufacture of pencils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    44081093 | — — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44081099 | — — — — Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter: | | | |

    440831 | — — Dark red meranti, light red meranti and meranti bakau: | | | |

    44083111 | — — — End-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    44083121 | — — — — Planed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44083125 | — — — — Sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44083130 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    440839 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — White lauan, sipo, limba, okoumé, obeche, acajou d'Afrique, sapelli, virola, mahogany (Swietenia spp.), palissandre de Rio, palissandre de Para and palissandre de Rose: | | | |

    44083915 | — — — — Sanded; end-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    44083921 | — — — — — Planed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other: | | | |

    44083931 | — — — — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44083935 | — — — — — — Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    44083955 | — — — — Planed; sanded; end-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    44083970 | — — — — — Small boards for the manufacture of pencils. | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other: | | | |

    44083985 | — — — — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44083995 | — — — — — — Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    440890 | — Other: | | | |

    44089015 | — — Planed; sanded; end-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other: | | | |

    44089035 | — — — Small boards for the manufacture of pencils. | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    44089085 | — — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44089095 | — — — — Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4409 | Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed, beaded, moulded, rounded or the like) along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed: | | | |

    440910 | — Coniferous | | | |

    44091011 | — — Mouldings for frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44091018 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    440920 | — Non-coniferous | | | |

    44092011 | — — Mouldings for frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    44092091 | — — — Blocks, strips and friezes for parquet or wood block flooring, not assembled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44092098 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4410 | Particle board and similar board (for example, oriented strand board and waferboard) of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not agglomerated with resins or other organic binding substances: | | | |

    — Oriented strand board and waferboard, of wood: | | | |

    44102100 | — — Unworked or not further worked than sanded | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    44102900 | — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, of wood: | | | |

    44103100 | — — Unworked or not further worked than sanded | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    44103200 | — — Surface-covered with melamine-impregnated paper | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    44103300 | — — Surface-covered with decorative laminates of plastics | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    44103900 | — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    44109000 | — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    4411 | Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances | | | |

    — Fibreboard of a density exceeding 0,8 g/cm3 | | | |

    441111 | — — Not mechanically worked or surface covered | | | |

    44111110 | — — — Medium density fibreboard (MDF) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    44111190 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    441119 | — — Other | | | |

    44111910 | — — — Medium density fibreboard (MDF) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    44111990 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Fibreboard of a density exceeding 0,5 g/cm3 but not exceeding 0,8 g/cm3 | | | |

    441121 | — — Not mechanically worked or surface covered | | | |

    44112110 | — — — Medium density fibreboard (MDF) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    44112190 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    441129 | — — Other | | | |

    44112910 | — — — Medium density fibreboard (MDF) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    44112990 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Fibreboard of a density exceeding 0,35 g/cm3 but not exceeding 0,5 g/cm3 | | | |

    441131 | — — Not mechanically worked or surface covered | | | |

    44113110 | — — — Medium density fibreboard (MDF) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    44113190 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    441139 | — — Other | | | |

    44113910 | — — — Medium density fibreboard (MDF) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    44113990 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    44119100 | — — Not mechanically worked or surface covered | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    44119900 | — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    4412 | Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood: | | | |

    — Plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood, each ply not exceeding 6 mm thickness: | | | |

    441213 | — — With at least one outer ply of tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter: | | | |

    44121310 | — — — Of dark red meranti, light red meranti, white lauan, sipo, limba, obeche, okoumé, acajou d'Afrique, sapelli, virola, mahogany (Swietenia spp.), palissandre de Rio, palissandre de Para and palissandre de Rose | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    44121390 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    44121400 | — — Other, with at least one outer ply of non-coniferous wood | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    44121900 | — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, with at least one outer ply of non-coniferous wood: | | | |

    441222 | — — With at least one ply of tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter: | | | |

    44122210 | — — — Containing at least one layer of particle board | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    44122291 | — — — — Blockboard, laminboard and battenboard | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    44122299 | — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    44122300 | — — Other, containing at least one layer of particle board | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    441229 | — — Other: | | | |

    44122920 | — — — Blockboard, laminboard and battenboard | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    44122980 | — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    441292 | — — With at least one ply of tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter: | | | |

    44129210 | — — — Containing at least one layer of particle board | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    44129291 | — — — — Blockboard, laminboard and battenboard | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    44129299 | — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    44129300 | — — Other, containing at least one layer of particle board | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    441299 | — — Other: | | | |

    44129920 | — — — Blockboard, laminboard and battenboard | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    44129980 | — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    44130000 | Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    441400 | Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects | | | |

    44140010 | — Of tropical wood, as specified in additional note 2 to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44140090 | — Of other wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4415 | Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, of wood; cable-drums of wood; pallets, box pallets and other load boards, of wood; pallet collars of wood | | | |

    441510 | — Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings; cable-drums | | | |

    44151010 | — — Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44151090 | — — Cable-drums | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    441520 | — Pallets, box pallets and other load boards; pallet collars | | | |

    44152020 | — — Flat pallets; pallet collars | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44152090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44160000 | Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products and parts thereof, of wood, including staves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44170000 | Tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies and handles, of wood; boot or shoe lasts and trees, of wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4418 | Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, including cellular wood panels, assembled parquet panels, shingles and shakes | | | |

    441810 | — Windows, frenchwindows and their frames | | | |

    44181010 | — — Of tropical wood, as specified in additional note 2 to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44181050 | — — Coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44181090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    441820 | — Doors and their frames and thresholds | | | |

    44182010 | — — Of tropical wood, as specified in additional note 2 to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44182050 | — — Coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44182080 | — — Of other wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    441830 | — Parquet panels | | | |

    44183010 | — — For mosaic floors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    44183091 | — — — Composed of two or more layers of wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44183099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44184000 | — Shuttering for concrete constructional work | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44185000 | — Shingles and shakes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    441890 | — Other | | | |

    44189010 | — — Glue-laminated timber | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44189090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    441900 | Tableware and kitchenware, of wood | | | |

    44190010 | — Of tropical wood, as specified in additional note 2 to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44190090 | — Of other wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4420 | Wood marquetry and inlaid wood; caskets and cases for jewellery or cutlery, and similar articles, of wood; statuettes and other ornaments, of wood; wooden articles of furniture not falling in Chapter 94 | | | |

    442010 | — Statuettes and other ornaments, of wood | | | |

    44201011 | — — Of tropical wood, as specified in additional note 2 to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44201019 | — — Of other wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    442090 | — Other | | | |

    44209010 | — — Wood marquetry and inlaid wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    44209091 | — — — Of tropical wood, as specified in additional note 2 to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44209099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4421 | Other articles of wood | | | |

    44211000 | — Clothes hangers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    442190 | — Other | | | |

    44219091 | — — Of fibreboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    44219098 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    45 | CORK AND ARTICLES OF CORK | | | |

    4501 | Natural cork, raw or simply prepared; waste cork; crushed, granulated or ground cork | | | |

    45011000 | — Natural cork, raw or simply prepared | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    45019000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    45020000 | Natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4503 | Articles of natural cork | | | |

    450310 | — Corks and stoppers | | | |

    45031010 | — — Cylindrical | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    45031090 | — — Other | 1,2 | Year 0 | |

    45039000 | — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    4504 | Agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance) and articles of agglomerated cork | | | |

    450410 | — Blocks, plates, sheets and strip; tiles of any shape; solid cylinders, including discs | | | |

    — — Corks and stoppers | | | |

    45041011 | — — — For sparkling wine, including those with discs of natural cork | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    45041019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    45041091 | — — — With a binding substance | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    45041099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    450490 | — Other | | | |

    45049010 | — — Gaskets, washers and other seals, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    45049091 | — — — Corks and stoppers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    45049099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    4601 | Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, whether or not assembled into strips; plaiting materials, plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, bound together in parallel strands or woven, in sheet form, whether or not being finished articles (for example, mats, matting, screens): | | | |

    460120 | — Mats, matting and screens of vegetable materials: | | | |

    46012010 | — — Of plaits or similar products of plaiting materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    46012090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    460191 | — — Of vegetable materials: | | | |

    46019105 | — — — Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, whether or not assembled into strips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    46019110 | — — — — Of plaits or similar products of plaiting materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    46019190 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    460199 | — — Other: | | | |

    46019905 | — — — Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, whether or not assembled into strips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    46019910 | — — — — Of plaits or similar products of plaiting materials | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    46019990 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4602 | Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from plaiting materials or made-up from goods of heading 4601; articles of loofah | | | |

    460210 | — Of vegetable materials | | | |

    46021010 | — — Straw envelopes for bottles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    46021091 | — — — Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from plaiting materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    46021099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    46029000 | — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |


    470100 | Mechanical wood pulp | | | |

    47010010 | — Thermo-mechanical wood pulp | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47010090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47020000 | Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4703 | Chemical wood pulp, soda or sulphate, other than dissolving grades | | | |

    — Unbleached | | | |

    47031100 | — — Coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47031900 | — — Non-coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Semi-bleached or bleached | | | |

    47032100 | — — Coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47032900 | — — Non-coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4704 | Chemical wood pulp, sulphite, other than dissolving grades | | | |

    — Unbleached | | | |

    47041100 | — — Coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47041900 | — — Non-coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Semi-bleached or bleached | | | |

    47042100 | — — Coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47042900 | — — Non-coniferous | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47050000 | Wood pulp obtained by a combination of mechanical and chemical pulping processes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4706 | Pulps of fibres derived from recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard or of other fibrous cellulosic material | | | |

    47061000 | — Cotton linters pulp | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47062000 | — Pulps of fibres derived from recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    47069100 | — — Mechanical | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47069200 | — — Chemical | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47069300 | — — Semi-chemical | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4707 | Recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard | | | |

    47071000 | — Unbleached kraft paper or paperboard or corrugated paper or paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47072000 | — Other paper or paperboard made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not coloured in the mass. | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    470730 | — Paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (for example, newspapers, journals and similar printed matter) | | | |

    47073010 | — — Old and unsold newspapers and magazines, telephone directories, brochures and printed advertising material | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47073090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    470790 | — Other, including unsorted waste and scrap | | | |

    47079010 | — — Unsorted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    47079090 | — — Sorted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    48010000 | Newsprint, in rolls or sheets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4802 | Uncoated paper and paperboard, of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, and non perforated punch-cards and punch tape paper, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets, of any size, other than paper of heading 4801 or 4803; hand-made paper and paperboard: | | | |

    48021000 | — Hand-made paper and paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48022000 | — Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base for photo-sensitive, heat-sensitive or electro-sensitive paper or paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48023000 | — Carbonising base paper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480240 | — Wallpaper base: | | | |

    48024010 | — — Not containing fibres obtained by a mechanical process or of which not more than 10 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of such fibres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48024090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other paper and paperboard, not containing fibres obtained by a mechanical or chemi-mechanical process or of which not more than 10 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of such fibres: | | | |

    480254 | — — Weighing less than 40 g/m2: | | | |

    48025410 | — — — Paper weighing not more than 15 g/m2, for use in stencil making | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48025490 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48025500 | — — Weighing 40 g/m2 or more but not more than 150 g/m2, in rolls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480256 | — — Weighing 40 g/m2 or more but not more than 150 g/m2, in sheets with one side not exceeding 435 mm and the other side not exceeding 297 mm in the unfolded state: | | | |

    48025610 | — — — With one side measuring 297 mm and the other side measuring 210 mm (A 4 format) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48025690 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48025700 | — — Other, weighing 40 g/m2 or more but not more than 150 g/m2 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480258 | — — Weighing more than 150 g/m2: | | | |

    48025810 | — — — In rolls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48025890 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other paper and paperboard, of which more than 10 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of fibres obtained by a mechanical or chemi-mechanical process: | | | |

    480261 | — — In rolls: | | | |

    48026110 | — — — Newsprint, other than that of heading 4801 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48026150 | — — — Other, weighing less than 72 g/m2 and of which more than 50 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of fibres obtained by a mechanical process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48026190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480262 | — — In sheets with one side not exceeding 435 mm and the other side not exceeding 297 mm in the unfolded state: | | | |

    48026210 | — — — Newsprint, other than that of heading 4801 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48026250 | — — — Other, weighing less than 72 g/m 2 and of which more than 50 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of fibres obtained by a mechanical process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48026290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480269 | — — Other: | | | |

    48026910 | — — — Newsprint, other than that of heading 4801 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48026950 | — — — Weighing less than 72 g/m2 and of which more than 50 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of fibres obtained by a mechanical process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48026990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480300 | Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin stock and similar paper of a kind used for household or sanitary purposes, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, whether or not creped, crinkled, embossed, perforated, surface-coloured, surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or sheets | | | |

    48030010 | — Cellulose wadding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Creped paper and webs of cellulose fibres (tissues), weighing, per ply | | | |

    48030031 | — — Not more than 25 g/m2 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48030039 | — — More than 25 g/m2 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48030090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4804 | Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other than that of heading 4802 or 4803 | | | |

    — Kraftliner | | | |

    480411 | — — Unbleached | | | |

    — — — Of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda process | | | |

    48041111 | — — — — Weighing less than 150 g/m2 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48041115 | — — — — Weighing 150 g/m2 or more but less than 175 g/m2 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48041119 | — — — — Weighing 175 g/m2 or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48041190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480419 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda process | | | |

    — — — — Composed of one or more layers unbleached and an outside layer bleached, semi-bleached or coloured, weighing per m2 | | | |

    48041911 | — — — — — Less than 150 g | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48041915 | — — — — — 150 g or more but less than 175 g | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48041919 | — — — — — 175 g or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other, weighing per m2 | | | |

    48041931 | — — — — — Less than 150 g | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48041938 | — — — — — 150 g or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48041990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Sack kraft paper | | | |

    480421 | — — Unbleached | | | |

    48042110 | — — — Of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48042190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480429 | — — Other | | | |

    48042910 | — — — Of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48042990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing 150 g/m2 or less | | | |

    480431 | — — Unbleached | | | |

    48043110 | — — — For the manufacture of paper yarn of heading 5308 or of paper yarn reinforced with metal of heading 5607 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda process | | | |

    48043151 | — — — — — Kraft electro-technical insulating paper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48043159 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48043190 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480439 | — — Other | | | |

    48043910 | — — — For the manufacture of paper yarn of heading 5308 or of paper yarn reinforced with metal of heading 5607 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda process | | | |

    48043951 | — — — — — Bleached uniformly throughout the mass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48043959 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48043990 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing more than 150 g/m2 but less than 225 g/m2 | | | |

    480441 | — — Unbleached | | | |

    48044110 | — — — Of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    48044191 | — — — — Saturating kraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48044199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480442 | — — Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and of which more than 95 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by a chemical process | | | |

    48044210 | — — — Of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48044290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480449 | — — Other | | | |

    48044910 | — — — Of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48044990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing 225 g/m2 or more | | | |

    480451 | — — Unbleached | | | |

    48045110 | — — — Of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48045190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480452 | — — Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and of which more than 95 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by a chemical process | | | |

    48045210 | — — — Of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48045290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480459 | — — Other | | | |

    48045910 | — — — Of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48045990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4805 | Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, not further worked or processed than as specified in note 3 to this chapter: | | | |

    — Fluting paper: | | | |

    48051100 | — — Semi-chemical fluting paper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48051200 | — — Straw fluting paper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480519 | — — Other: | | | |

    48051910 | — — — Wellenstoff | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48051990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Testliner (recycled liner board): | | | |

    48052400 | — — Weighing 150 g/m2 or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48052500 | — — Weighing more than 150 g/m2 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480530 | — Sulphite wrapping paper: | | | |

    48053010 | — — Weighing less than 30 g/m2 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48053090 | — — Weighing 30 g/m2 or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48054000 | — Filter paper and paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48055000 | — Felt paper and paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    480591 | — — Weighing 150 g/m2 or less: | | | |

    48059110 | — — — Multi-ply paper and paperboard (other than those of subheading 480512, 480519, 480524 or 480525) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — other: | | | |

    48059191 | — — — — Paper and paperboard for corrugated paper and paperboard: | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48059199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480592 | — — Weighing more than 150 g/m2 but less than 225 g/m2: | | | |

    48059210 | — — — Multi-ply paper and paperboard (other than those of subheading 480512, 480519, 480524 or 480525) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — other: | | | |

    48059291 | — — — — Paper and paperboard for corrugated paper and paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48059299 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480593 | — — Weighing 225 g/m2 or more: | | | |

    48059310 | — — — Multi-ply paper and paperboard (other than those of subheading 480512, 480519, 480524 or 480525) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — other: | | | |

    48059391 | — — — — Made from wastepaper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48059399 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4806 | Vegetable parchment, greaseproof papers, tracing papers and glassine and other glazed transparent or translucent papers, in rolls or sheets | | | |

    48061000 | — Vegetable parchment | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48062000 | — Greaseproof papers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48063000 | — Tracing papers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480640 | — Glassine and other glazed transparent or translucent papers | | | |

    48064010 | — — Glassine papers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48064090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480700 | Composite paper and paperboard (made by sticking flat layers of paper or paperboard together with an adhesive), not surface-coated or impregnated, whether or not internally reinforced, in rolls or sheets: | | | |

    48070010 | — Paper and paperboard, laminated internally with bitumen, tar or asphalt | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    48070020 | — — Straw paper and paperboard, whether or not covered with paper other than straw paper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other: | | | |

    48070050 | — — — Made from wastepaper, whether or not covered with paper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48070090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4808 | Paper and paperboard, corrugated (with or without glued flat surface sheets), creped, crinkled, embossed or perforated, in rolls or sheets, other than paper of the kind described in heading 4803 | | | |

    48081000 | — Corrugated paper and paperboard, whether or not perforated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48082000 | — Sack kraft paper, creped or crinkled, whether or not embossed or perforated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48083000 | — Other kraft paper, creped or crinkled, whether or not embossed or perforated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48089000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4809 | Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers (including coated or impregnated paper for duplicator stencils or offset plates), whether or not printed, in rolls or sheets | | | |

    48091000 | — Carbon or similar copying papers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    480920 | — Self-copy paper | | | |

    48092010 | — — In rolls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48092090 | — — In sheets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48099000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4810 | Paper and paperboard, coated on one or both sides with kaolin (China clay) or other inorganic substances, with or without a binder, and with no other coating, whether or not surface-coloured, surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets, of any size: | | | |

    — Paper and paperboard of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, not containing fibres obtained by a mechanical or chemi-mechanical process or of which not more than 10 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of such fibres: | | | |

    481013 | — — In rolls: | | | |

    — — — Of a width exceeding 15 cm: | | | |

    48101311 | — — — — Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base for photo-sensitive, heat-sensitive or electro-sensitive paper or paperboard, weighing not more than 150 g/m2 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48101319 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    48101391 | — — — — Printed, embossed or perforated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48101399 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    481014 | — — In sheets with one side not exceeding 435 mm and the other side not exceeding 297 mm in the unfolded state: | | | |

    — — — With one side exceeding 360 mm and the other side exceeding 150 mm in the unfolded state: | | | |

    48101411 | — — — — Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base for photo-sensitive, heat-sensitive or electro-sensitive paper or paperboard, weighing not more than 150 g/m2 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48101419 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    48101491 | — — — — Printed, embossed or perforated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48101499 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    481019 | — — Other: | | | |

    48101910 | — — — Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base for photo-sensitive, heat-sensitive or electro-sensitive paper or paperboard, weighing not more than 150 g/m2, | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48101990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Paper and paperboard of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, of which more than 10 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of fibres obtained by a mechanical or chemi-mechanical process: | | | |

    481022 | — — Light-weight coated paper: | | | |

    48102210 | — — — In rolls of a width exceeding 15 cm or in sheets with one side exceeding 36 cm and the other side exceeding 15 cm in the unfolded state | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    48102291 | — — — — Printed, embossed or perforated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48102299 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    481029 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — — In rolls of a width exceeding 15 cm or in sheets with one side exceeding 36 cm and the other side exceeding 15 cm in the unfolded state: | | | |

    — — — — In rolls: | | | |

    48102911 | — — — — — Wallpaper base | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48102919 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48102920 | — — — — In sheets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    48102991 | — — — — Printed, embossed or perforated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48102999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Kraft paper and paperboard, other than that of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes: | | | |

    48103100 | — — Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and of which more than 95 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by a chemical process, and weighing 150 g/m2 or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    481032 | — — Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and of which more than 95 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by a chemical process, and weighing more than 150 g/m2: | | | |

    48103210 | — — — Coated with kaolin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48103290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48103900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other paper and paperboard: | | | |

    481092 | — — Multi-ply: | | | |

    48109210 | — — — Each layer bleached | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48109230 | — — — With only one outer layer bleached | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48109290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    481099 | — — Other: | | | |

    48109910 | — — — Bleached paper and paperboard, coated with kaolin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48109930 | — — — Coated with mica powder | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48109990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4811 | Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated, covered, surface-coloured, surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets, of any size, other than goods of the kind described in heading 4803, 4809 or 4810: | | | |

    48111000 | — Tarred, bituminised or asphalted paper and paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Gummed or adhesive paper and paperboard: | | | |

    481141 | — — Self-adhesive: | | | |

    48114110 | — — — In rolls of a width exceeding 15 cm or in sheets with one side exceeding 36 cm and the other side exceeding 15 cm in the unfolded state | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    48114191 | — — — — Of a width not exceeding 10 cm, the coating of which consists of unvulcanised natural or synthetic rubber | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48114199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    481149 | — — Other: | | | |

    48114910 | — — — In rolls of a width exceeding 15 cm or in sheets with one side exceeding 36 cm and the other side exceeding 15 cm in the unfolded state | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48114990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Paper and paperboard, coated, impregnated or covered with plastics (excluding adhesives): | | | |

    48115100 | — — Bleached, weighing more than 150 g/m2 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48115900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48116000 | — Paper and paperboard, coated, impregnated or covered with wax, paraffin wax, stearin, oil or glycerol | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    481190 | — Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres: | | | |

    48119010 | — — Continuous forms, in rolls of a width exceeding 15 cm or in sheets with one side exceeding 36 cm and the other side exceeding 15 cm in the unfolded state | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48119090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48120000 | Filter blocks, slabs and plates, of paper pulp | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4813 | Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes | | | |

    48131000 | — In the form of booklets or tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48132000 | — In rolls of a width not exceeding 5 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48139000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4814 | Wallpaper and similar wall coverings; window transparencies of paper | | | |

    48141000 | — "Ingrain" paper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48142000 | — Wallpaper and similar wall coverings, consisting of paper coated or covered, on the face side, with a grained, embossed, coloured, design-printed or otherwise decorated layer of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48143000 | — Wallpaper and similar wall coverings, consisting of paper covered, on the face side, with plaiting material, whether or not bound together in parallel strands or woven | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    481490 | — Other | | | |

    48149010 | — — Wallpaper and similar wall coverings, consisting of grained, embossed, surface-coloured, design-printed or otherwise surface-decorated paper, coated or covered with transparent protective plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48149090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48150000 | Floor coverings on a base of paper or of paperboard, whether or not cut to size | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4816 | Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers (other than those of heading 4809), duplicator stencils and offset plates, of paper, whether or not put up in boxes | | | |

    48161000 | — Carbon or similar copying papers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48162000 | — Self-copy paper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48163000 | — Duplicator stencils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48169000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4817 | Envelopes, letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards, of paper or paperboard; boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, of paper or paperboard, containing an assortment of paper stationery | | | |

    48171000 | — Envelopes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48172000 | — Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48173000 | — Boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, of paper or paperboard, containing an assortment of paper stationery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4818 | Toilet paper and similar paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres, of a kind used for household or sanitary purposes, in rolls of a width not exceeding 36 cm, or cut to size or shape; handkerchiefs, cleansing tissues, towels, tablecloths, serviettes, napkins for babies, tampons, bed sheets and similar household, sanitary or hospital articles, articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres | | | |

    481810 | — Toilet paper | | | |

    48181010 | — — Weighing, per ply, 25 g/m2 or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48181090 | — — Weighing, per ply, more than 25 g/m2 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    481820 | — Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tissues and towels | | | |

    48182010 | — — Handkerchiefs and cleansing or facial tissues | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Hand towels | | | |

    48182091 | — — — In rolls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48182099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48183000 | — Tablecloths and serviettes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    481840 | — Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin liners for babies and similar sanitary articles | | | |

    — — Sanitary towels, tampons and similar articles | | | |

    48184011 | — — — Sanitary towels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48184013 | — — — Tampons | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48184019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Napkins and napkin liners for babies and similar sanitary articles | | | |

    48184091 | — — — Not put up for retail sale | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48184099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48185000 | — Articles of apparel and clothing accessories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    481890 | — Other | | | |

    48189010 | — — Articles of a kind used for surgical, medical or hygienic purposes, not put up for retail sale | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48189090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4819 | Cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres; box files, letter trays, and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like | | | |

    48191000 | — Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    481920 | — Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of non-corrugated paper or paperboard | | | |

    48192010 | — — With a weight of the paper or the paperboard of less than 600 g/m2 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48192090 | — — With a weight of the paper or the paperboard of 600 g/m2 or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48193000 | — Sacks and bags, having a base of a width of 40 cm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48194000 | — Other sacks and bags, including cones | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48195000 | — Other packing containers, including record sleeves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48196000 | — Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles, of a kind used in offices, shops or the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4820 | Registers, account books, note books, order books, receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and similar articles, exercise books, blotting pads, binders (loose-leaf or other), folders, file covers, manifold business forms, interleaved carbon sets and other articles of stationery, of paper or paperboard; albums for samples or for collections and book covers, of paper or paperboard | | | |

    482010 | — Registers, account books, note books, order books, receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and similar articles | | | |

    48201010 | — — Registers, account books, order books and receipt books | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48201030 | — — Note books, letter pads and memorandum pads | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48201050 | — — Diaries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48201090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48202000 | — Exercise books | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48203000 | — Binders (other than book covers), folders and file covers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    482040 | — Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets | | | |

    48204010 | — — Continuous forms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48204090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48205000 | — Albums for samples or for collections | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48209000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4821 | Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, whether or not printed | | | |

    482110 | — Printed | | | |

    48211010 | — — Self-adhesive | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48211090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    482190 | — Other | | | |

    48219010 | — — Self-adhesive | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48219090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4822 | Bobbins, spools, cops and similar supports of paper pulp, paper or paperboard (whether or not perforated or hardened) | | | |

    48221000 | — Of a kind used for winding textile yarn | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48229000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4823 | Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, cut to size or shape; other articles of paper pulp, paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres: | | | |

    — Gummed or adhesive paper, in strips or rolls: | | | |

    482312 | — — Self-adhesive: | | | |

    48231210 | — — — Of a width not exceeding 10 cm, the coating of which consists of unvulcanised natural or synthetic rubber: | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48231290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48231900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48232000 | — Filter paper and paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48234000 | — Rolls, sheets and dials, printed for self-recording apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    482360 | — Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the like, of paper or paperboard | | | |

    48236010 | — — Trays, dishes and plates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48236090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    482370 | — Moulded or pressed articles of paper pulp | | | |

    48237010 | — — Moulded trays and boxes for packing eggs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48237090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    482390 | — Other: | | | |

    48239010 | — — Gaskets, washers and other seals, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    — — — — Paper and paperboard, of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes: | | | |

    48239012 | — — — — Printed, embossed or perforated: | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48239014 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    48239015 | — — — — Cards, not punched, for punch card machines, whether or not in strips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48239020 | — — — — Perforated paper and paperboard for Jacquard and similar machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48239030 | — — — — Fans and hand screens; frames therefor and parts of such frames | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    48239050 | — — — — — Cut to size or shape | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    48239090 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    4901 | Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets | | | |

    49011000 | — In single sheets, whether or not folded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    49019100 | — — Dictionaries and encyclopaedias, and serial instalments thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49019900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4902 | Newspapers, journals and periodicals, whether or not illustrated or containing advertising material | | | |

    49021000 | — Appearing at least four times a week | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    490290 | — Other | | | |

    49029010 | — — Appearing once a week | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49029030 | — — Appearing once a month | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49029090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49030000 | Children's picture, drawing or colouring books | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49040000 | Music, printed or in manuscript, whether or not bound or illustrated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4905 | Maps and hydrographic or similar charts of all kinds, including atlases, wall maps, topographical plans and globes, printed | | | |

    49051000 | — Globes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    49059100 | — — In book form | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49059900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49060000 | Plans and drawings for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; hand-written texts; photographic reproductions on sensitised paper and carbon copies of the foregoing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    490700 | Unused postage, revenue or similar stamps of current or new issue in the country in which they have, or will have, a recognised face value; stamp-impressed paper; banknotes; cheque forms; stock, share or bond certificates and similar documents of title: | | | |

    49070010 | — Postage, revenue and similar stamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49070030 | — Banknotes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49070090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4908 | Transfers (decalcomanias) | | | |

    49081000 | — Transfers (decalcomanias), vitrifiable | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49089000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    490900 | Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing personal greetings, messages or announcements, whether or not illustrated, with or without envelopes or trimmings | | | |

    49090010 | — Printed or illustrated postcards | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49090090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49100000 | Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    4911 | Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographs | | | |

    491110 | — Trade advertising material, commercial catalogues and the like | | | |

    49111010 | — — Commercial catalogues | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49111090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    491191 | — — Pictures, designs and photographs | | | |

    49119110 | — — — Sheets (not being trade advertising material), not folded, merely with illustrations or pictures not bearing a text or caption, for editions of books or periodicals which are published in different countries in one or more languages | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49119180 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    49119900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    50 | SILK | | | |

    50010000 | Silkworm cocoons suitable for reeling | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    50020000 | Raw silk (not thrown) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    5003 | Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock) | | | |

    50031000 | — Not carded or combed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    50039000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    500400 | Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sale | | | |

    50040010 | — Unbleached, scoured or bleached | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    50040090 | — Other | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    500500 | Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale | | | |

    50050010 | — Unbleached, scoured or bleached | 2,3 | Year 0 | |

    50050090 | — Other | 2,3 | Year 0 | |

    500600 | Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste, put up for retail sale; silkworm gut | | | |

    50060010 | — Silk yarn | 4,1 | Year 0 | |

    50060090 | — Yarn spun from noil or other silk waste; silkworm gut | 2,3 | Year 0 | |

    5007 | Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste | | | |

    50071000 | — Fabrics of noil silk | 2,4 | Year 0 | |

    500720 | — Other fabrics, containing 85 % or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk | | | |

    — — Crêpes | | | |

    50072011 | — — — Unbleached, scoured or bleached | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    50072019 | — — — Other | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — Pongee, habutai, honan, shantung, corah and similar far eastern fabrics, wholly of silk (not mixed with noil or other silk waste or with other textile materials) | | | |

    50072021 | — — — Plain-woven, unbleached or not further processed than scoured | 4,2 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    50072031 | — — — — Plain-woven | 6,0 | Year 0 | |

    50072039 | — — — — Other | 6,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    50072041 | — — — Diaphanous fabrics (open weave) | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    50072051 | — — — — Unbleached, scoured or bleached | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    50072059 | — — — — Dyed | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Of yarns of different colours | | | |

    50072061 | — — — — — Of a width exceeding 57 cm but not exceeding 75 cm | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    50072069 | — — — — — Other | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    50072071 | — — — — Printed | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    500790 | — Other fabrics | | | |

    50079010 | — — Unbleached, scoured or bleached | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    50079030 | — — Dyed | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    50079050 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    50079090 | — — Printed | 5,5 | Year 0 | |


    5101 | Wool, not carded or combed | | | |

    — Greasy, including fleece-washed wool | | | |

    51011100 | — — Shorn wool | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    51011900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Degreased, not carbonized | | | |

    51012100 | — — Shorn wool | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    51012900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    51013000 | — Carbonized | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    5102 | Fine or coarse animal hair, not carded or combed: | | | |

    — Fine animal hair: | | | |

    51021100 | — — Of Kashmir (cashmere) goats | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    510219 | — — Other: | | | |

    51021910 | — — — Of Angora rabbit | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    51021930 | — — — Of alpaca, llama or vicuna | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    51021940 | — — — Of camel or yak, or of Angora, Tibetan or similar goats | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    51021990 | — — — Of rabbit (other than Angora rabbit), hare, beaver, nutria or musk-rat | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    51022000 | — Coarse animal hair | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    5103 | Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock | | | |

    510310 | — Noils of wool or of fine animal hair | | | |

    51031010 | — — Not carbonized | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    51031090 | — — Carbonized | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    510320 | — Other waste of wool or of fine animal hair | | | |

    51032010 | — — Yarn waste | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    51032091 | — — — Not carbonized | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    51032099 | — — — Carbonized | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    51033000 | — Waste of coarse animal hair | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    51040000 | Garnetted stock of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    5105 | Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed (including combed wool in fragments): | | | |

    51051000 | — Carded wool | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Wool tops and other combed wool | | | |

    51052100 | — — Combed wool in fragments | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    51052900 | — — Other | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Fine animal hair, carded or combed: | | | |

    51053100 | — — Of Kashmir (cashmere) goats | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    510539 | — — Other: | | | |

    51053910 | — — Carded | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    51053990 | — — Combed | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    51054000 | — Coarse animal hair, carded or combed | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    5106 | Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail sale | | | |

    510610 | — Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool | | | |

    51061010 | — — Unbleached | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    51061090 | — — Other | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    510620 | — Containing less than 85 % by weight of wool | | | |

    51062010 | — — Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool and fine animal hair | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    51062091 | — — — Unbleached | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    51062099 | — — — Other | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    5107 | Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale | | | |

    510710 | — Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool | | | |

    51071010 | — — Unbleached | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    51071090 | — — Other | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    510720 | — Containing less than 85 % by weight of wool | | | |

    — — Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool and fine animal hair | | | |

    51072010 | — — — Unbleached | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    51072030 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Mixed solely or mainly with synthetic staple fibres | | | |

    51072051 | — — — — Unbleached | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    51072059 | — — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Otherwise mixed | | | |

    51072091 | — — — — Unbleached | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    51072099 | — — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    5108 | Yarn of fine animal hair (carded or combed), not put up for retail sale | | | |

    510810 | — Carded | | | |

    51081010 | — — Unbleached | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    51081090 | — — Other | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    510820 | — Combed | | | |

    51082010 | — — Unbleached | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    51082090 | — — Other | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    5109 | Yarn of wool or of fine animal hair, put up for retail sale | | | |

    510910 | — Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool or of fine animal hair | | | |

    51091010 | — — In balls, hanks or skeins, of a weight exceeding 125 g but not exceeding 500 g | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    51091090 | — — Other | 4,2 | Year 0 | |

    510990 | — Other | | | |

    51099010 | — — In balls, hanks or skeins, of a weight exceeding 125 g but not exceeding 500 g | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    51099090 | — — Other | 4,2 | Year 0 | |

    51100000 | Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair (including gimped horsehair yarn), whether or not put up for retail sale | 2,8 | Year 0 | |

    5111 | Woven fabrics of carded wool or of carded fine animal hair | | | |

    — Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool or of fine animal hair | | | |

    511111 | — — Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m2 | | | |

    — — — Loden fabrics | | | |

    51111111 | — — — — Of a value of EUR 2,50 or more per m2 | 7,2 | Year 0 | |

    51111119 | — — — — Other | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other fabrics | | | |

    51111191 | — — — — Of woollen yarn, of a value of EUR 2,50 or more per m2 | 7,2 | Year 0 | |

    51111199 | — — — — Other | 7,6 | Year 0 | |

    511119 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of a weight exceeding 300 g/m2 but not exceeding 450 g/m2 | | | |

    — — — — Loden fabrics | | | |

    51111911 | — — — — — Of a value of EUR 2,50 or more per m2 | 7,2 | Year 0 | |

    51111919 | — — — — — Other | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other fabrics | | | |

    51111931 | — — — — — Of woollen yarn, of a value of EUR 2,50 or more per m2 | 7,2 | Year 0 | |

    51111939 | — — — — — Other | 7,6 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a weight exceeding 450 g/m2 | | | |

    51111991 | — — — — Of woollen yarn, of a value of EUR 2,50 or more per m2 | 7,2 | Year 0 | |

    51111999 | — — — — Other | 7,6 | Year 0 | |

    51112000 | — Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    511130 | — Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made staple fibres | | | |

    51113010 | — — Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m2 | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    51113030 | — — Of a weight exceeding 300 g/m2 but not exceeding 450 g/m2 | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    51113090 | — — Of a weight exceeding 450 g/m2 | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    511190 | — Other | | | |

    51119010 | — — Containing a total of more than 10 % by weight of textile materials of Chapter 50 | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    51119091 | — — — Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m2 | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    51119093 | — — — Of a weight exceeding 300 g/m2 but not exceeding 450 g/m2 | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    51119099 | — — — Of a weight exceeding 450 g/m2 | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    5112 | Woven fabrics of combed wool or of combed fine animal hair | | | |

    — Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool or of fine animal hair | | | |

    511211 | — — Of a weight not exceeding 200 g/m2 | | | |

    51121110 | — — — Of a value of EUR 3 or more per m2 | 7,2 | Year 0 | |

    51121190 | — — — Other | 7,6 | Year 0 | |

    511219 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of a weight exceeding 200 g/m2 but not exceeding 375 g/m2 | | | |

    51121911 | — — — — Of a value of EUR 3 or more per m2 | 7,2 | Year 0 | |

    51121919 | — — — — Other | 7,6 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a weight exceeding 375 g/m2 | | | |

    51121991 | — — — — Of a value of EUR 3 or more per m2 | 7,2 | Year 0 | |

    51121999 | — — — — Other | 7,6 | Year 0 | |

    51122000 | — Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    511230 | — Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made staple fibres | | | |

    51123010 | — — Of a weight not exceeding 200 g/m2 | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    51123030 | — — Of a weight exceeding 200 g/m2 but not exceeding 375 g/m2 | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    51123090 | — — Of a weight exceeding 375 g/m2 | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    511290 | — Other | | | |

    51129010 | — — Containing a total of more than 10 % by weight of textile materials of Chapter 50 | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    51129091 | — — — Of a weight not exceeding 200 g/m2 | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    51129093 | — — — Of a weight exceeding 200 g/m2 but not exceeding 375 g/m2 | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    51129099 | — — — Of a weight exceeding 375 g/m2 | 7,8 | Year 0 | |

    51130000 | Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair | 4,2 | Year 0 | |

    52 | COTTON | | | |

    520100 | Cotton, not carded or combed | | | |

    52010010 | — Rendered absorbent or bleached | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    52010090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    5202 | Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) | | | |

    52021000 | — Yarn waste (including thread waste) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    52029100 | — — Garnetted stock | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    52029900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    52030000 | Cotton, carded or combed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    5204 | Cotton sewing thread, whether or not put up for retail sale | | | |

    — Not put up for retail sale | | | |

    52041100 | — — Containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52041900 | — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52042000 | — Put up for retail sale | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    5205 | Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale | | | |

    — Single yarn, of uncombed fibres | | | |

    52051100 | — — Measuring 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52051200 | — — Measuring less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52051300 | — — Measuring less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52051400 | — — Measuring less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    520515 | — — Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number) | | | |

    52051510 | — — — Measuring less than 125 decitex but not less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 120 metric number) | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    52051590 | — — — Measuring less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number) | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    — Single yarn, of combed fibres | | | |

    52052100 | — — Measuring 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52052200 | — — Measuring less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52052300 | — — Measuring less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52052400 | — — Measuring less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52052600 | — — Measuring less than 125 decitex but not less than 106,38 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 94 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52052700 | — — Measuring less than 106,38 decitex but not less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 94 metric number but not exceeding 120 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52052800 | — — Measuring less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number) | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    — Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of uncombed fibres | | | |

    52053100 | — — Measuring per single yarn 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52053200 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52053300 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52053400 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52053500 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of combed fibres | | | |

    52054100 | — — Measuring per single yarn 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52054200 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52054300 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52054400 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52054600 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex but not less than 106,38 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 94 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52054700 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 106,38 decitex but not less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 94 metric number but not exceeding 120 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52054800 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    5206 | Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale | | | |

    — Single yarn, of uncombed fibres | | | |

    52061100 | — — Measuring 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52061200 | — — Measuring less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52061300 | — — Measuring less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52061400 | — — Measuring less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    520615 | — — Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number) | | | |

    52061510 | — — — Measuring less than 125 decitex but not less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 120 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52061590 | — — — Measuring less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number) | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    — Single yarn, of combed fibres | | | |

    52062100 | — — Measuring 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52062200 | — — Measuring less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52062300 | — — Measuring less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52062400 | — — Measuring less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    520625 | — — Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number) | | | |

    52062510 | — — — Measuring less than 125 decitex but not less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 120 metric number) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52062590 | — — — Measuring less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number) | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    — Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of uncombed fibres | | | |

    52063100 | — — Measuring per single yarn 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52063200 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52063300 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52063400 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52063500 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of combed fibres | | | |

    52064100 | — — Measuring per single yarn 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52064200 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52064300 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52064400 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    52064500 | — — Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    5207 | Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread) put up for retail sale | | | |

    52071000 | — Containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    52079000 | — Other | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    5208 | Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2 | | | |

    — Unbleached | | | |

    520811 | — — Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2 | | | |

    52081110 | — — — Fabrics for the manufacture of bandages, dressings and medical gauzes | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52081190 | — — — Other | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    520812 | — — Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2 | | | |

    — — — Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2 but not more than 130 g/m2 and of a width | | | |

    52081216 | — — — — Not exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52081219 | — — — — Exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Plain weave, weighing more than 130 g/m2 and of a width | | | |

    52081296 | — — — — Not exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52081299 | — — — — Exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52081300 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52081900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Bleached | | | |

    520821 | — — Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2 | | | |

    52082110 | — — — Fabrics for the manufacture of bandages, dressings and medical gauzes | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52082190 | — — — Other | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    520822 | — — Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2 | | | |

    — — — Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2 but not more than 130 g/m2 and of a width | | | |

    52082216 | — — — — Not exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52082219 | — — — — Exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Plain weave, weighing more than 130 g/m2 and of a width | | | |

    52082296 | — — — — Not exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52082299 | — — — — Exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52082300 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52082900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Dyed | | | |

    52083100 | — — Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2 | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    520832 | — — Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2 | | | |

    — — — Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2 but not more than 130 g/m2 and of a width | | | |

    52083216 | — — — — Not exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52083219 | — — — — Exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Plain weave, weighing more than 130 g/m2 and of a width | | | |

    52083296 | — — — — Not exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52083299 | — — — — Exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52083300 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52083900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Of yarns of different colours | | | |

    52084100 | — — Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2 | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52084200 | — — Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2 | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52084300 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52084900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Printed | | | |

    52085100 | — — Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2 | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    520852 | — — Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2 | | | |

    52085210 | — — — Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2 but not more than 130 g/m2 | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52085290 | — — — Plain weave, weighing more than 130 g/m2 | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52085300 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52085900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    5209 | Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2 | | | |

    — Unbleached | | | |

    52091100 | — — Plain weave | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52091200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52091900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Bleached | | | |

    52092100 | — — Plain weave | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52092200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52092900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Dyed | | | |

    52093100 | — — Plain weave | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52093200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52093900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Of yarns of different colours | | | |

    52094100 | — — Plain weave | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52094200 | — — Denim | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52094300 | — — Other fabrics of 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    520949 | — — Other fabrics | | | |

    52094910 | — — — Jacquard fabrics of a width of more than 115 cm but less than 140 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52094990 | — — — Other | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Printed | | | |

    52095100 | — — Plain weave | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52095200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52095900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    5210 | Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man-made fibres, weighing not more than 200 g/m2 | | | |

    — Unbleached | | | |

    521011 | — — Plain weave | | | |

    52101110 | — — — Of a width not exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52101190 | — — — Of a width exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52101200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52101900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Bleached | | | |

    521021 | — — Plain weave | | | |

    52102110 | — — — Of a width not exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52102190 | — — — Of a width exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52102200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52102900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Dyed | | | |

    521031 | — — Plain weave | | | |

    52103110 | — — — Of a width not exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52103190 | — — — Of a width exceeding 165 cm | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52103200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52103900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Of yarns of different colours | | | |

    52104100 | — — Plain weave | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52104200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52104900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Printed | | | |

    52105100 | — — Plain weave | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52105200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52105900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    5211 | Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man-made fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m2 | | | |

    — Unbleached | | | |

    52111100 | — — Plain weave | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52111200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52111900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Bleached | | | |

    52112100 | — — Plain weave | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52112200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52112900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Dyed | | | |

    52113100 | — — Plain weave | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52113200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52113900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Of yarns of different colours | | | |

    52114100 | — — Plain weave | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52114200 | — — Denim | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52114300 | — — Other fabrics of 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    521149 | — — Other fabrics | | | |

    52114910 | — — — Jacquard fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52114990 | — — — Other | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Printed | | | |

    52115100 | — — Plain weave | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52115200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52115900 | — — Other fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    5212 | Other woven fabrics of cotton | | | |

    — Weighing not more than 200 g/m2 | | | |

    521211 | — — Unbleached | | | |

    52121110 | — — — Mixed mainly or solely with flax | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52121190 | — — — Otherwise mixed | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    521212 | — — Bleached | | | |

    52121210 | — — — Mixed mainly or solely with flax | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52121290 | — — — Otherwise mixed | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    521213 | — — Dyed | | | |

    52121310 | — — — Mixed mainly or solely with flax | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52121390 | — — — Otherwise mixed | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    521214 | — — Of yarns of different colours | | | |

    52121410 | — — — Mixed mainly or solely with flax | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52121490 | — — — Otherwise mixed | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    521215 | — — Printed | | | |

    52121510 | — — — Mixed mainly or solely with flax | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52121590 | — — — Otherwise mixed | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Weighing more than 200 g/m2 | | | |

    521221 | — — Unbleached | | | |

    52122110 | — — — Mixed mainly or solely with flax | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52122190 | — — — Otherwise mixed | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    521222 | — — Bleached | | | |

    52122210 | — — — Mixed mainly or solely with flax | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52122290 | — — — Otherwise mixed | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    521223 | — — Dyed | | | |

    52122310 | — — — Mixed mainly or solely with flax | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52122390 | — — — Otherwise mixed | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    521224 | — — Of yarns of different colours | | | |

    52122410 | — — — Mixed mainly or solely with flax | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52122490 | — — — Otherwise mixed | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    521225 | — — Printed | | | |

    52122510 | — — — Mixed mainly or solely with flax | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    52122590 | — — — Otherwise mixed | 6,7 | Year 0 | |


    5301 | Flax, raw or processed but not spun; flax tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) | | | |

    53011000 | — Flax, raw or retted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Flax, broken, scutched, hackled or otherwise processed, but not spun | | | |

    53012100 | — — Broken or scutched | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    53012900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    530130 | — Flax tow and waste | | | |

    53013010 | — — Tow | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    53013090 | — — Flax waste | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    5302 | True hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of true hemp (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) | | | |

    53021000 | — True hemp, raw or retted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    53029000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    5303 | Jute and other textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie), raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of these fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) | | | |

    53031000 | — Jute and other textile bast fibres, raw or retted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    53039000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    5304 | Sisal and other textile fibres of the genus Agave, raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of these fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) | | | |

    53041000 | — Sisal and other textile fibres of the genus Agave, raw | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    53049000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    5305 | Coconut, abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Neee), ramie and other vegetable textile fibres, not elsewhere specified or included, raw or processed but not spun; tow, noils and waste of these fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) | | | |

    — Of coconut (coir) | | | |

    53051100 | — — Raw | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    53051900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of abaca | | | |

    53052100 | — — Raw | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    53052900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    53059000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    5306 | Flax yarn | | | |

    530610 | — Single | | | |

    — — Not put up for retail sale | | | |

    53061010 | — — — Measuring 833,3 decitex or more (not exceeding 12 metric number) | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    53061030 | — — — Measuring less than 833,3 decitex but not less than 277,8 decitex (exceeding 12 metric number but not exceeding 36 metric number) | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    53061050 | — — — Measuring less than 277,8 decitex (exceeding 36 metric number) | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    53061090 | — — Put up for retail sale | 4,1 | Year 0 | |

    530620 | — Multiple (folded) or cabled | | | |

    53062010 | — — Not put up for retail sale | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    53062090 | — — Put up for retail sale | 4,1 | Year 0 | |

    5307 | Yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading 5303 | | | |

    530710 | — Single | | | |

    53071010 | — — Measuring 1000 decitex or less (10 metric number or more) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    53071090 | — — Measuring more than 1000 decitex (less than 10 metric number) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    53072000 | — Multiple (folded) or cabled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    5308 | Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn | | | |

    53081000 | — Coir yarn | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    530820 | — True hemp yarn | | | |

    53082010 | — — Not put up for retail sale | 2,4 | Year 0 | |

    53082090 | — — Put up for retail sale | 3,9 | Year 0 | |

    530890 | — — Other: | | | |

    — — Ramie yarn: | | | |

    53089012 | — — — Measuring 277,8 decitex or more (not exceeding 36 metric number) | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    53089019 | — — — Measuring less than 277,8 decitex (exceeding 36 metric number) | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    53089050 | — — Paper yarn | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    53089090 | — — Other | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    5309 | Woven fabrics of flax | | | |

    — Containing 85 % or more by weight of flax | | | |

    530911 | — — Unbleached or bleached | | | |

    53091110 | — — — Unbleached | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    53091190 | — — — Bleached | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    53091900 | — — Other | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    — Containing less than 85 % by weight of flax | | | |

    530921 | — — Unbleached or bleached | | | |

    53092110 | — — — Unbleached | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    53092190 | — — — Bleached | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    53092900 | — — Other | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    5310 | Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading 5303 | | | |

    531010 | — Unbleached | | | |

    53101010 | — — Of a width not exceeding 150 cm | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    53101090 | — — Of a width exceeding 150 cm | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    53109000 | — Other | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    531100 | Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres; woven fabrics of paper yarn | | | |

    53110010 | — Of ramie | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    53110090 | — Other | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    54 | MAN-MADE FILAMENTS | | | |

    5401 | Sewing thread of man-made filaments, whether or not put up for retail sale | | | |

    540110 | — Of synthetic filaments | | | |

    — — Not put up for retail sale | | | |

    54011011 | — — — Core yarn | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54011019 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54011090 | — — Put up for retail sale | 4,1 | Year 0 | |

    540120 | — Of artificial filaments | | | |

    54012010 | — — Not put up for retail sale | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54012090 | — — Put up for retail sale | 4,1 | Year 0 | |

    5402 | Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex | | | |

    540210 | — High tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides | | | |

    54021010 | — — Of aramids | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54021090 | — — Other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54022000 | — High tenacity yarn of polyesters | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Textured yarn | | | |

    54023100 | — — Of nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn not more than 50 tex | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54023200 | — — Of nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn more than 50 tex | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54023300 | — — Of polyesters | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    540239 | — — Other | | | |

    54023910 | — — — Of polypropylene | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54023990 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other yarn, single, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 50 turns per metre | | | |

    54024100 | — — Of nylon or other polyamides | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54024200 | — — Of polyesters, partially oriented | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54024300 | — — Of polyesters, other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    540249 | — — Other | | | |

    54024910 | — — — Elastomeric | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    54024991 | — — — — Of polypropylene | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54024999 | — — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other yarn, single, with a twist exceeding 50 turns per metre | | | |

    54025100 | — — Of nylon or other polyamides | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54025200 | — — Of polyesters | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    540259 | — — Other | | | |

    54025910 | — — — Of polypropylene | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54025990 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled | | | |

    54026100 | — — Of nylon or other polyamides | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54026200 | — — Of polyesters | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    540269 | — — Other | | | |

    54026910 | — — — Of polypropylene | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54026990 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    5403 | Artificial filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including artificial monofilament of less than 67 decitex | | | |

    54031000 | — High tenacity yarn of viscose rayon | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    540320 | — Textured yarn | | | |

    54032010 | — — Of cellulose acetate | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54032090 | — — Other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other yarn, single | | | |

    54033100 | — — Of viscose rayon, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 120 turns per metre | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54033200 | — — Of viscose rayon, with a twist exceeding 120 turns per metre | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    540333 | — — Of cellulose acetate | | | |

    54033310 | — — — Single, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 250 turns per metre | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54033390 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54033900 | — — Other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled | | | |

    54034100 | — — Of viscose rayon | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54034200 | — — Of cellulose acetate | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54034900 | — — Other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    5404 | Synthetic monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like (for example, artificial straw) of synthetic textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm | | | |

    540410 | — Monofilament | | | |

    54041010 | — — Elastomeric | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    54041090 | — — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    540490 | — Other | | | |

    — — Of polypropylene | | | |

    54049011 | — — — Decorative strip of the kind used for packaging | 3,6 | Year 0 | |

    54049019 | — — — Other | 3,6 | Year 0 | |

    54049090 | — — Other | 3,6 | Year 0 | |

    54050000 | Artificial monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like (for example, artificial straw) of artificial textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    5406 | Man-made filament yarn (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale | | | |

    54061000 | — Synthetic filament yarn | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    54062000 | — Artificial filament yarn | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    5407 | Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of heading 5404 | | | |

    54071000 | — Woven fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides or of polyesters | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    540720 | — Woven fabrics obtained from strip or the like | | | |

    — — Of polyethylene or polypropylene, of a width of | | | |

    54072011 | — — — Less than 3 m | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54072019 | — — — 3 m or more | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54072090 | — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54073000 | — Fabrics specified in note 9 to Section XI | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Other woven fabrics, containing 85 % or more by weight of filaments of nylon or other polyamides | | | |

    54074100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54074200 | — — Dyed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54074300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54074400 | — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Other woven fabrics, containing 85 % or more by weight of textured polyester filaments | | | |

    54075100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54075200 | — — Dyed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54075300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54075400 | — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Other woven fabrics, containing 85 % or more by weight of polyester filaments | | | |

    540761 | — — Containing 85 % or more by weight of non-textured polyester filaments | | | |

    54076110 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54076130 | — — — Dyed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54076150 | — — — Of yarns of different colours | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54076190 | — — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    540769 | — — Other | | | |

    54076910 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54076990 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Other woven fabrics, containing 85 % or more by weight of synthetic filaments | | | |

    54077100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54077200 | — — Dyed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54077300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54077400 | — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Other woven fabrics, containing less than 85 % by weight of synthetic filaments, mixed mainly or solely with cotton | | | |

    54078100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54078200 | — — Dyed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54078300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54078400 | — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Other woven fabrics | | | |

    54079100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54079200 | — — Dyed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54079300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54079400 | — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    5408 | Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of heading 5405 | | | |

    54081000 | — Woven fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn, of viscose rayon | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Other woven fabrics, containing 85 % or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like | | | |

    54082100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    540822 | — — Dyed | | | |

    54082210 | — — — Of a width exceeding 135 cm but not exceeding 155 cm, plain weave, twill weave, cross twill weave or satin weave | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54082290 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    540823 | — — Of yarns of different colours | | | |

    54082310 | — — — Jacquard fabrics of a width of more than 115 cm but less than 140 cm, of a weight exceeding 250 g/m2 | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54082390 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54082400 | — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Other woven fabrics | | | |

    54083100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54083200 | — — Dyed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54083300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    54083400 | — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55 | MAN-MADE STAPLE FIBRES | | | |

    5501 | Synthetic filament tow | | | |

    55011000 | — Of nylon or other polyamides | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    55012000 | — Of polyesters | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    55013000 | — Acrylic or modacrylic | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    550190 | — Other | | | |

    55019010 | — — Of polypropylene | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    55019090 | — — Other | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    550200 | Artificial filament tow | | | |

    55020010 | — Of viscose rayon | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    55020040 | — Of acetate | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    55020080 | — Other | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    5503 | Synthetic staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning | | | |

    550310 | — Of nylon or other polyamides | | | |

    — — Of aramids | | | |

    55031011 | — — — High tenacity | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    55031019 | — — — Other | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    55031090 | — — Other | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    55032000 | — Of polyesters | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    55033000 | — Acrylic or modacrylic | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    55034000 | — Of polypropylene | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    550390 | — Other | | | |

    55039010 | — — Chlorofibres | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    55039090 | — — Other | 3,7 | Year 0 | |

    5504 | Artificial staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning | | | |

    55041000 | — Of viscose rayon | 3,8 | Year 0 | |

    55049000 | — Other | 3,8 | Year 0 | |

    5505 | Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres | | | |

    550510 | — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    55051010 | — — Of nylon or other polyamides | 3,6 | Year 0 | |

    55051030 | — — Of polyesters | 3,6 | Year 0 | |

    55051050 | — — Acrylic or modacrylic | 3,6 | Year 0 | |

    55051070 | — — Of polypropylene | 3,6 | Year 0 | |

    55051090 | — — Other | 3,6 | Year 0 | |

    55052000 | — Of artificial fibres | 3,8 | Year 0 | |

    5506 | Synthetic staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning | | | |

    55061000 | — Of nylon or other polyamides | 3,8 | Year 0 | |

    55062000 | — Of polyesters | 3,8 | Year 0 | |

    55063000 | — Acrylic or modacrylic | 3,8 | Year 0 | |

    550690 | — Other | | | |

    55069010 | — — Chlorofibres | 3,8 | Year 0 | |

    55069090 | — — Other | 3,8 | Year 0 | |

    55070000 | Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning | 4,1 | Year 0 | |

    5508 | Sewing thread of man-made staple fibres, whether or not put up for retail sale | | | |

    550810 | — Of synthetic staple fibres | | | |

    — — Not put up for retail sale | | | |

    55081011 | — — — Of polyesters | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    55081019 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    55081090 | — — Put up for retail sale | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    550820 | — Of artificial staple fibres | | | |

    55082010 | — — Not put up for retail sale | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    55082090 | — — Put up for retail sale | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    5509 | Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibres, not put up for retail sale | | | |

    — Containing 85 % or more by weight of staple fibres of nylon or other polyamides | | | |

    55091100 | — — Single yarn | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55091200 | — — Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Containing 85 % or more by weight of polyester staple fibres | | | |

    550921 | — — Single yarn | | | |

    55092110 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55092190 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    550922 | — — Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn | | | |

    55092210 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55092290 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Containing 85 % or more by weight of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres | | | |

    550931 | — — Single yarn | | | |

    55093110 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55093190 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    550932 | — — Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn | | | |

    55093210 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55093290 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Other yarn, containing 85 % or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres | | | |

    550941 | — — Single yarn | | | |

    55094110 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55094190 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    550942 | — — Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn | | | |

    55094210 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55094290 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Other yarn, of polyester staple fibres | | | |

    55095100 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with artificial staple fibres | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    550952 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    55095210 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55095290 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55095300 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with cotton | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55095900 | — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Other yarn, of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres | | | |

    550961 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    55096110 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55096190 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55096200 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with cotton | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55096900 | — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Other yarn | | | |

    550991 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    55099110 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55099190 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55099200 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with cotton | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    55099900 | — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    5510 | Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibres, not put up for retail sale | | | |

    — Containing 85 % or more by weight of artificial staple fibres | | | |

    55101100 | — — Single yarn | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    55101200 | — — Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    55102000 | — Other yarn, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    55103000 | — Other yarn, mixed mainly or solely with cotton | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    55109000 | — Other yarn | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    5511 | Yarn (other than sewing thread) of man-made staple fibres, put up for retail sale | | | |

    55111000 | — Of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85 % or more by weight of such fibres | 4,6 | Year 3 | |

    55112000 | — Of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres | 4,6 | Year 3 | |

    55113000 | — Of artificial staple fibres | 4,6 | Year 3 | |

    5512 | Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85 % or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres | | | |

    — Containing 85 % or more by weight of polyester staple fibres | | | |

    55121100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    551219 | — — Other | | | |

    55121910 | — — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55121990 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Containing 85 % or more by weight of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres | | | |

    55122100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    551229 | — — Other | | | |

    55122910 | — — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55122990 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    55129100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    551299 | — — Other | | | |

    55129910 | — — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55129990 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    5513 | Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of a weight not exceeding 170 g/m2 | | | |

    — Unbleached or bleached | | | |

    551311 | — — Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | | | |

    55131120 | — — — Of a width of 165 cm or less | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55131190 | — — — Of a width of more than 165 cm | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55131200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55131300 | — — Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55131900 | — — Other woven fabrics | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Dyed | | | |

    551321 | — — Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | | | |

    55132110 | — — — Of a width of 135 cm or less | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55132130 | — — — Of a width of more than 135 cm but not more than 165 cm | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55132190 | — — — Of a width of more than 165 cm | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55132200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55132300 | — — Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55132900 | — — Other woven fabrics | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Of yarns of different colours | | | |

    55133100 | — — Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55133200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55133300 | — — Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55133900 | — — Other woven fabrics | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Printed | | | |

    55134100 | — — Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55134200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55134300 | — — Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55134900 | — — Other woven fabrics | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    5514 | Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of a weight exceeding 170 g/m2 | | | |

    — Unbleached or bleached | | | |

    55141100 | — — Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55141200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55141300 | — — Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55141900 | — — Other woven fabrics | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Dyed | | | |

    55142100 | — — Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55142200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55142300 | — — Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55142900 | — — Other woven fabrics | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Of yarns of different colours | | | |

    55143100 | — — Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55143200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55143300 | — — Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55143900 | — — Other woven fabrics | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Printed | | | |

    55144100 | — — Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55144200 | — — 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55144300 | — — Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55144900 | — — Other woven fabrics | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    5515 | Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres | | | |

    — Of polyester staple fibres | | | |

    551511 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with viscose rayon staple fibres | | | |

    55151110 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55151130 | — — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55151190 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    551512 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | | | |

    55151210 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55151230 | — — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55151290 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    551513 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    — — — Mixed mainly or solely with carded wool or fine animal hair (woollen) | | | |

    55151311 | — — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55151319 | — — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Mixed mainly or solely with combed wool or fine animal hair (worsted) | | | |

    55151391 | — — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55151399 | — — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    551519 | — — Other | | | |

    55151910 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55151930 | — — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55151990 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres | | | |

    551521 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | | | |

    55152110 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55152130 | — — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55152190 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    551522 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    — — — Mixed mainly or solely with carded wool or fine animal hair (woollen) | | | |

    55152211 | — — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55152219 | — — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Mixed mainly or solely with combed wool or fine animal hair (worsted) | | | |

    55152291 | — — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55152299 | — — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    551529 | — — Other | | | |

    55152910 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55152930 | — — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55152990 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Other woven fabrics | | | |

    551591 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | | | |

    55159110 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55159130 | — — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55159190 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    551592 | — — Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    — — — Mixed mainly or solely with carded wool or fine animal hair (woollen) | | | |

    55159211 | — — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55159219 | — — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Mixed mainly or solely with combed wool or fine animal hair (worsted) | | | |

    55159291 | — — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55159299 | — — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    551599 | — — Other | | | |

    55159910 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55159930 | — — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55159990 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    5516 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres | | | |

    — Containing 85 % or more by weight of artificial staple fibres | | | |

    55161100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55161200 | — — Dyed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55161300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55161400 | — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Containing less than 85 % by weight of artificial staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | | | |

    55162100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55162200 | — — Dyed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    551623 | — — Of yarns of different colours | | | |

    55162310 | — — — Jacquard fabrics of a width of 140 cm or more (mattress tickings) | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55162390 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55162400 | — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Containing less than 85 % by weight of artificial staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    55163100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55163200 | — — Dyed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55163300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55163400 | — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Containing less than 85 % by weight of artificial staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton | | | |

    55164100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55164200 | — — Dyed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55164300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55164400 | — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    55169100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55169200 | — — Dyed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55169300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    55169400 | — — Printed | 6,8 | Year 0 | |


    5601 | Wadding of textile materials and articles thereof; textile fibres, not exceeding 5 mm in length (flock), textile dust and mill neps | | | |

    560110 | — Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin liners for babies and similar sanitary articles, of wadding | | | |

    56011010 | — — Of man-made fibres | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    56011090 | — — Of other textile materials | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Wadding; other articles of wadding | | | |

    560121 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    56012110 | — — — Absorbent | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    56012190 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    560122 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    56012210 | — — — Rolls of a diameter not exceeding 8 mm | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    56012291 | — — — — Of synthetic fibres | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    56012299 | — — — — Of artificial fibres | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    56012900 | — — Other | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    56013000 | — Textile flock and dust and mill neps | 2,5 | Year 0 | |

    5602 | Felt, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated | | | |

    560210 | — Needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fibre fabrics | | | |

    — — Not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated | | | |

    — — — Needleloom felt | | | |

    56021011 | — — — — Of jute or other textile bast fibres of heading 5303 | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    56021019 | — — — — Of other textile materials | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Stitch-bonded fibre fabrics | | | |

    56021031 | — — — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    56021035 | — — — — Of coarse animal hair | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    56021039 | — — — — Of other textile materials | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    56021090 | — — Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    — Other felt, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated | | | |

    56022100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    560229 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    56022910 | — — — Of coarse animal hair | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    56022990 | — — — Of other textile materials | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    56029000 | — Other | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    5603 | Non-wovens, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated | | | |

    — Of man-made filaments | | | |

    560311 | — — Weighing not more than 25 g/m2 | | | |

    56031110 | — — — Coated or covered | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    56031190 | — — — Other | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    560312 | — — Weighing more than 25 g/m2 but not more than 70 g/m2 | | | |

    56031210 | — — — Coated or covered | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    56031290 | — — — Other | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    560313 | — — Weighing more than 70 g/m2 but not more than 150 g/m2 | | | |

    56031310 | — — — Coated or covered | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    56031390 | — — — Other | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    560314 | — — Weighing more than 150 g/m2 | | | |

    56031410 | — — — Coated or covered | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    56031490 | — — — Other | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    560391 | — — Weighing not more than 25 g/m2 | | | |

    56039110 | — — — Coated or covered | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    56039190 | — — — Other | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    560392 | — — Weighing more than 25 g/m2 but not more than 70 g/m2 | | | |

    56039210 | — — — Coated or covered | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    56039290 | — — — Other | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    560393 | — — Weighing more than 70 g/m2 but not more than 150 g/m2 | | | |

    56039310 | — — — Coated or covered | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    56039390 | — — — Other | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    560394 | — — Weighing more than 150 g/m2 | | | |

    56039410 | — — — Coated or covered | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    56039490 | — — — Other | 3,4 | Year 0 | |

    5604 | Rubber thread and cord, textile covered; textile yarn, and strip and the like of heading 5404 or 5405, impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics | | | |

    56041000 | — Rubber thread and cord, textile covered | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    56042000 | — High tenacity yarn of polyesters, of nylon or other polyamides or of viscose rayon, impregnated or coated | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    56049000 | — Other | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    56050000 | Metallised yarn, whether or not gimped, being textile yarn, or strip or the like of heading 5404 or 5405, combined with metal in the form of thread, strip or powder or covered with metal | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    560600 | Gimped yarn, and strip and the like of heading 5404 or 5405, gimped (other than those of heading 5605 and gimped horsehair yarn); chenille yarn (including flock chenille yarn); loop wale-yarn | | | |

    56060010 | — Loop wale-yarn | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    56060091 | — — Gimped yarn | 4,2 | Year 0 | |

    56060099 | — — Other | 4,2 | Year 0 | |

    5607 | Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics | | | |

    56071000 | — Of jute or other textile bast fibres of heading 5303 | 4,8 | Year 0 | |

    — Of sisal or other textile fibres of the genus Agave | | | |

    56072100 | — — Binder or baler twine | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    560729 | — — Other | | | |

    56072910 | — — — Measuring more than 100000 decitex (10 g/m) | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    56072990 | — — — Measuring 100000 decitex (10 g/m) or less | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Of polyethylene or polypropylene | | | |

    56074100 | — — Binder or baler twine | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    560749 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Measuring more than 50000 decitex (5 g/m) | | | |

    56074911 | — — — — Plaited or braided | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    56074919 | — — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    56074990 | — — — Measuring 50000 decitex (5 g/m) or less | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    560750 | — Of other synthetic fibres | | | |

    — — Of nylon or other polyamides or of polyesters | | | |

    — — — Measuring more than 50000 decitex (5 g/m) | | | |

    56075011 | — — — — Plaited or braided | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    56075019 | — — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    56075030 | — — — Measuring 50000 decitex (5 g/m) or less | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    56075090 | — — Of other synthetic fibres | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    560790 | — Other: | | | |

    56079010 | — — Of abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee) or other hard (leaf) fibres | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    56079090 | — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    5608 | Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope; made-up fishing nets and other made-up nets, of textile materials | | | |

    — Of man-made textile materials | | | |

    560811 | — — Made up fishing nets | | | |

    — — — Of nylon or other polyamides | | | |

    56081111 | — — — — Of twine, cordage, rope or cables | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    56081119 | — — — — Of yarn | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    56081191 | — — — — Of twine, cordage, rope or cables | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    56081199 | — — — — Of yarn | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    560819 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Made up nets | | | |

    — — — — Of nylon or other polyamides | | | |

    56081911 | — — — — — Of twine, cordage, rope or cables | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    56081919 | — — — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    56081930 | — — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    56081990 | — — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    56089000 | — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    56090000 | Articles of yarn, strip or the like of heading 5404 or 5405, twine, cordage, rope or cables, not elsewhere specified or included | 4,6 | Year 0 | |


    5701 | Carpets and other textile floor coverings, knotted, whether or not made-up | | | |

    570110 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    57011010 | — — Containing a total of more than 10 % by weight of silk or of waste silk other than noil | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    57011091 | — — — Comprising not more than 350 knots per metre of warp | 6.6 MAX 2.8 EUR/m2 | Year 0 | |

    57011093 | — — — Comprising more than 350 but not more than 500 knots per metre of warp | 6.6 MAX 2.8 EUR/m2 | Year 0 | |

    57011099 | — — — Comprising more than 500 knots per metre of warp | 6.6 MAX 2.8 EUR/m2 | Year 0 | |

    570190 | — Of other textile materials | | | |

    57019010 | — — Of silk, of waste silk other than noil, of synthetic fibres, of yarn falling within heading 5605 or of textile materials containing metal threads | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    57019090 | — — Of other textile materials | 3,3 | Year 0 | |

    5702 | Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made-up, including "Kelem", "Schumacks", "Karamanie" and similar hand-woven rugs | | | |

    57021000 | — "Kelem", "Schumacks", "Karamanie" and similar hand-woven rugs | 2,9 | Year 0 | |

    57022000 | — Floor coverings of coconut fibres (coir) | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, of pile construction, not made-up | | | |

    57023100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    57023200 | — — Of man-made textile materials | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    570239 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    57023910 | — — — Of cotton | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    57023990 | — — — Other | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, of pile construction, made-up | | | |

    57024100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    57024200 | — — Of man-made textile materials | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    570249 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    57024910 | — — — Of cotton | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    57024990 | — — — Other | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, not of pile construction, not made-up | | | |

    57025100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    57025200 | — — Of man-made textile materials | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    57025900 | — — Of other textile materials | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, not of pile construction, made-up | | | |

    57029100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    57029200 | — — Of man-made textile materials | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    57029900 | — — Of other textile materials | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    5703 | Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made-up | | | |

    57031000 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    570320 | — Of nylon or other polyamides | | | |

    — — Printed tufted | | | |

    57032011 | — — — Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3 m2 | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    57032019 | — — — Other | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    57032091 | — — — Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3 m2 | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    57032099 | — — — Other | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    570330 | — Of other man-made textile materials | | | |

    — — Of polypropylene | | | |

    57033011 | — — — Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3 m2 | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    57033019 | — — — Other | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Printed tufted | | | |

    57033051 | — — — — Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3 m2 | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    57033059 | — — — — Other | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    57033091 | — — — — Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3 m2 | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    57033099 | — — — — Other | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    57039000 | — Of other textile materials | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    5704 | Carpets and other textile floor coverings, of felt, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made-up | | | |

    57041000 | — Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3 m2 | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    57049000 | — Other | 5,3 | Year 0 | |

    570500 | Other carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made-up | | | |

    57050010 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    57050030 | — Of man-made textile materials | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    57050090 | — Of other textile materials | 6,4 | Year 0 | |


    5801 | Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806 | | | |

    58011000 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Of cotton | | | |

    58012100 | — — Uncut weft pile fabrics | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    58012200 | — — Cut corduroy | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    58012300 | — — Other weft pile fabrics | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    58012400 | — — Warp pile fabrics, épinglé (uncut) | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    58012500 | — — Warp pile fabrics, cut | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    58012600 | — — Chenille fabrics | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    58013100 | — — Uncut weft pile fabrics | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    58013200 | — — Cut corduroy | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    58013300 | — — Other weft pile fabrics | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    58013400 | — — Warp pile fabrics, épinglé (uncut) | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    58013500 | — — Warp pile fabrics, cut | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    58013600 | — — Chenille fabrics | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    580190 | — Of other textile materials | | | |

    58019010 | — — Of flax | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    58019090 | — — Other | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    5802 | Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, other than narrow fabrics of heading 5806; tufted textile fabrics, other than products of heading 5703 | | | |

    — Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, of cotton | | | |

    58021100 | — — Unbleached | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    58021900 | — — Other | 6,7 | Year 0 | |

    58022000 | — Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, of other textile materials | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    58023000 | — Tufted textile fabrics | 7,5 | Year 0 | |

    5803 | Gauze, other than narrow fabrics of heading 5806 | | | |

    58031000 | — Of cotton | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    580390 | — Of other textile materials | | | |

    58039010 | — — Of silk or silk waste | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    58039030 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    58039050 | — — Of artificial fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    58039090 | — — Other | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    5804 | Tulles and other net fabrics, not including woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics; lace in the piece, in strips or in motifs, other than fabrics of headings 6002 to 6006: | | | |

    580410 | — Tulles and other net fabrics | | | |

    — — Plain | | | |

    58041011 | — — — Knotted net fabrics | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    58041019 | — — — Other | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    58041090 | — — Other | 7,2 | Year 0 | |

    — Mechanically made lace | | | |

    580421 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    58042110 | — — — Made on mechanical bobbin machines | 6,9 | Year 0 | |

    58042190 | — — — Other | 6,9 | Year 0 | |

    580429 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    58042910 | — — — Made on mechanical bobbin machines | 6,9 | Year 0 | |

    58042990 | — — — Other | 6,9 | Year 0 | |

    58043000 | — Hand-made lace | 7,2 | Year 0 | |

    58050000 | Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, Flanders, Aubusson, Beauvais and the like, and needle-worked tapestries (for example, petit point, cross stitch), whether or not made-up | 4,4 | Year 0 | |

    5806 | Narrow woven fabrics, other than goods of heading 5807; narrow fabrics consisting of warp without weft assembled by means of an adhesive (bolducs) | | | |

    58061000 | — Woven pile fabrics (including terry towelling and similar terry fabrics) and chenille fabrics | 5,0 | Year 0 | |

    58062000 | — Other woven fabrics, containing by weight 5 % or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread | 6,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other woven fabrics | | | |

    58063100 | — — Of cotton | 6,0 | Year 0 | |

    580632 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    58063210 | — — — With real selvedges | 6,0 | Year 0 | |

    58063290 | — — — Other | 6,0 | Year 0 | |

    58063900 | — — Of other textile materials | 6,0 | Year 0 | |

    58064000 | — Fabrics consisting of warp without weft assembled by means of an adhesive (bolducs) | 4,9 | Year 0 | |

    5807 | Labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size, not embroidered | | | |

    580710 | — Woven | | | |

    58071010 | — — With woven inscription | 4,9 | Year 0 | |

    58071090 | — — Other | 4,9 | Year 0 | |

    580790 | — Other | | | |

    58079010 | — — Of felt or non-wovens | 5,0 | Year 3 | |

    58079090 | — — Other | 7,0 | Year 3 | |

    5808 | Braids in the piece; ornamental trimmings in the piece, without embroidery, other than knitted or crocheted; tassels, pompons and similar articles | | | |

    58081000 | — Braids, in the piece | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    58089000 | — Other | 4,2 | Year 0 | |

    58090000 | Woven fabrics of metal thread and woven fabrics of metallized yarn of heading 5605, of a kind used in apparel, as furnishing fabrics or for similar purposes, not elsewhere specified or included | 4,4 | Year 0 | |

    5810 | Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs | | | |

    581010 | — Embroidery without visible ground | | | |

    58101010 | — — Of a value exceeding EUR 35/kg (net weight) | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    58101090 | — — Other | 7,2 | Year 0 | |

    — Other embroidery | | | |

    581091 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    58109110 | — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 17,50/kg (net weight) | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    58109190 | — — — Other | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    581092 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    58109210 | — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 17,50/kg (net weight) | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    58109290 | — — — Other | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    581099 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    58109910 | — — — Of a value exceeding EUR 17,50/kg (net weight) | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    58109990 | — — — Other | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    58110000 | Quilted textile products in the piece, composed of one or more layers of textile materials assembled with padding by stitching or otherwise, other than embroidery of heading 5810 | 6,8 | Year 0 | |


    5901 | Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances, of a kind used for the outer covers of books or the like; tracing cloth; prepared painting canvas; buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics of a kind used for hat foundations | | | |

    59011000 | — Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances, of a kind used for the outer covers of books or the like | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    59019000 | — Other | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    5902 | Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides, polyesters or viscose rayon | | | |

    590210 | — Of nylon or other polyamides | | | |

    59021010 | — — Impregnated with rubber | 4,4 | Year 0 | |

    59021090 | — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    590220 | — Of polyesters | | | |

    59022010 | — — Impregnated with rubber | 4,4 | Year 0 | |

    59022090 | — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    590290 | — Other | | | |

    59029010 | — — Impregnated with rubber | 4,4 | Year 0 | |

    59029090 | — — Other | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    5903 | Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, other than those of heading 5902 | | | |

    590310 | — With poly(vinyl chloride): | | | |

    59031010 | — — Impregnated | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    59031090 | — — Coated, covered or laminated | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    590320 | — With polyurethane | | | |

    59032010 | — — Impregnated | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    59032090 | — — Coated, covered or laminated | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    590390 | — Other | | | |

    59039010 | — — Impregnated | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Coated, covered or laminated | | | |

    59039091 | — — — With cellulose derivatives or other plastics, with the fabric forming the right side | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    59039099 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    5904 | Linoleum, whether or not cut to shape; floor coverings consisting of a coating or covering applied on a textile backing, whether or not cut to shape | | | |

    59041000 | — Linoleum | 4,2 | Year 0 | |

    59049000 | — Other | 4,2 | Year 0 | |

    590500 | Textile wall coverings | | | |

    59050010 | — Consisting of parallel yarns, fixed on a backing of any material | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    59050030 | — — Of flax | 7,3 | Year 0 | |

    59050050 | — — Of jute | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    59050070 | — — Of man-made fibres | 6,8 | Year 0 | |

    59050090 | — — Other | 4,8 | Year 0 | |

    5906 | Rubberised textile fabrics, other than those of heading 5902 | | | |

    59061000 | — Adhesive tape of a width not exceeding 20 cm | 3,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    59069100 | — — Knitted or crocheted | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    590699 | — — Other | | | |

    59069910 | — — — Fabrics mentioned in note 4 (c) to this chapter | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    59069990 | — — — Other | 4,4 | Year 0 | |

    590700 | Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered; painted canvas being theatrical scenery, studio back-cloths or the like | | | |

    59070010 | — Oil cloth and other textile fabrics coated with preparations with a basis of drying oil | 3,9 | Year 0 | |

    59070090 | — Other | 3,9 | Year 0 | |

    59080000 | Textile wicks, woven, plaited or knitted, for lamps, stoves, lighters, candles or the like; incandescent gas mantles and tubular knitted gas mantle fabric therefor, whether or not impregnated | 4,4 | Year 0 | |

    590900 | Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing, with or without lining, armour or accessories of other materials | | | |

    59090010 | — Of synthetic fibres | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    59090090 | — Of other textile materials | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    59100000 | Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, of textile material, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, or reinforced with metal or other material | 4,0 | Year 0 | |

    5911 | Textile products and articles, for technical uses, specified in note 7 to this chapter | | | |

    59111000 | — Textile fabrics, felt and felt-lined woven fabrics, coated, covered or laminated with rubber, leather or other material, of a kind used for card clothing, and similar fabrics of a kind used for other technical purposes, including narrow fabrics made of velvet impregnated with rubber, for covering weaving spindles (weaving beams) | 4,2 | Year 0 | |

    59112000 | — Bolting cloth, whether or not made-up | 3,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Textile fabrics and felts, endless or fitted with linking devices, of a kind used in paper-making or similar machines (for example, for pulp or asbestos-cement) | | | |

    591131 | — — Weighing less than 650 g/m2 | | | |

    — — — Of silk or man-made fibres | | | |

    59113111 | — — — — Woven fabrics, felted or not, of synthetic fibres, of a kind used in paper-making machines | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    59113119 | — — — — Other | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    59113190 | — — — Of other textile materials | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    591132 | — — Weighing 650 g/m2 or more | | | |

    59113210 | — — — Of silk or man-made fibres | 4,6 | Year 0 | |

    59113290 | — — — Of other textile materials | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    59114000 | — Straining cloth of a kind used in oil presses or the like, including that of human hair | 4,8 | Year 0 | |

    591190 | — Other | | | |

    59119010 | — — Of felt | 4,8 | Year 0 | |

    59119090 | — — Other | 4,8 | Year 0 | |


    6001 | Pile fabrics, including "long pile" fabrics and terry fabrics, knitted or crocheted | | | |

    60011000 | — "Long pile" fabrics | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Looped pile fabrics | | | |

    60012100 | — — Of cotton | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60012200 | — — Of man-made fibres | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    600129 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    60012910 | — — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60012990 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    600191 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    60019110 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60019130 | — — — Dyed | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60019150 | — — — Of yarns of different colours | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60019190 | — — — Printed | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    600192 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    60019210 | — — — Unbleached or bleached | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60019230 | — — — Dyed | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60019250 | — — — Of yarns of different colours | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60019290 | — — — Printed | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    600199 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    60019910 | — — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60019990 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    6002 | Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width not exceeding 30 cm, containing by weight 5 % or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread, other than those of heading 6001: | | | |

    60024000 | — Containing by weight 5 % or more of elastomeric yarn, but not containing rubber thread | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60029000 | — Other | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    6003 | Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width not exceeding 30 cm, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002: | | | |

    60031000 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60032000 | — Of cotton | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    600330 | — Of synthetic fibres: | | | |

    60033010 | — — Raschel lace | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60033090 | — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60034000 | — Of artificial fibres | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60039000 | — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    6004 | Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width exceeding 30 cm, containing by weight 5 % or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread, other than those of heading 6001: | | | |

    60041000 | — Containing by weight 5 % or more of elastomeric yarn, but not containing rubber thread | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60049000 | — Other | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    6005 | Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines), other than those of headings 6001 to 6004: | | | |

    60051000 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of cotton: | | | |

    60052100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60052200 | — — Dyed | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60052300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60052400 | — — Printed | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of synthetic fibres: | | | |

    600531 | — — Unbleached or bleached: | | | |

    60053110 | — — — For curtains, including net curtain fabric | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60053150 | — — — Raschel lace, other than for curtains or net curtain fabric | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60053190 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    600532 | — — Dyed: | | | |

    60053210 | — — — For curtains, including net curtain fabric | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60053250 | — — — Raschel lace, other than for curtains or net curtain fabric | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60053290 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    600533 | — — Of yarns of different colours: | | | |

    60053310 | — — — For curtains, including net curtain fabric | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60053350 | — — — Raschel lace, other than for curtains or net curtain fabric | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60053390 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    600534 | — — Printed: | | | |

    60053410 | — — — For curtains, including net curtain fabric | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60053450 | — — — Raschel lace, other than for curtains or net curtain fabric | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60053490 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of artificial fibres: | | | |

    60054100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60054200 | — — Dyed | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60054300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60054400 | — — Printed | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60059000 | — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    6006 | Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: | | | |

    60061000 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of cotton: | | | |

    60062100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60062200 | — — Dyed | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60062300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60062400 | — — Printed | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of synthetic fibres: | | | |

    600631 | — — Unbleached or bleached: | | | |

    60063110 | — — — For curtains, including net curtain fabric | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60063190 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    600632 | — — Dyed: | | | |

    60063210 | — — — For curtains, including net curtain fabric | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60063290 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    600633 | — — Of yarns of different colours: | | | |

    60063310 | — — — For curtains, including net curtain fabric | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60063390 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    600634 | — — Printed: | | | |

    60063410 | — — — For curtains, including net curtain fabric | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60063490 | — — — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of artificial fibres: | | | |

    60064100 | — — Unbleached or bleached | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60064200 | — — Dyed | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60064300 | — — Of yarns of different colours | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60064400 | — — Printed | 7,0 | Year 0 | |

    60069000 | — Other | 7,0 | Year 0 | |


    6101 | Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, knitted or crocheted, other than those of heading 6103 | | | |

    610110 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    61011010 | — — Overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61011090 | — — Anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610120 | — Of cotton | | | |

    61012010 | — — Overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61012090 | — — Anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610130 | — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    61013010 | — — Overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61013090 | — — Anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610190 | — Of other textile materials | | | |

    61019010 | — — Overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61019090 | — — Anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6102 | Women's or girls' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, knitted or crocheted, other than those of heading 6104 | | | |

    610210 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    61021010 | — — Overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61021090 | — — Anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610220 | — Of cotton | | | |

    61022010 | — — Overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61022090 | — — Anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610230 | — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    61023010 | — — Overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61023090 | — — Anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610290 | — Of other textile materials | | | |

    61029010 | — — Overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61029090 | — — Anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6103 | Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crocheted | | | |

    — Suits | | | |

    61031100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61031200 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61031900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Ensembles | | | |

    61032100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61032200 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61032300 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61032900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Jackets and blazers | | | |

    61033100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61033200 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61033300 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61033900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts | | | |

    610341 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    61034110 | — — — Trousers and breeches | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61034190 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610342 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    61034210 | — — — Trousers and breeches | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61034290 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610343 | — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    61034310 | — — — Trousers and breeches | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61034390 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610349 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    61034910 | — — — Trousers and breeches | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    61034991 | — — — — Of artificial fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61034999 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6104 | Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crocheted | | | |

    — Suits | | | |

    61041100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61041200 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61041300 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61041900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Ensembles | | | |

    61042100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61042200 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61042300 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61042900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Jackets and blazers | | | |

    61043100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61043200 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61043300 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61043900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Dresses | | | |

    61044100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61044200 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61044300 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61044400 | — — Of artificial fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61044900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Skirts and divided skirts | | | |

    61045100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61045200 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61045300 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61045900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts | | | |

    610461 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    61046110 | — — — Trousers and breeches | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61046190 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610462 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    61046210 | — — — Trousers and breeches | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61046290 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610463 | — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    61046310 | — — — Trousers and breeches | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61046390 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610469 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    61046910 | — — — Trousers and breeches | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    61046991 | — — — — Of artificial fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61046999 | — — — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6105 | Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted | | | |

    61051000 | — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    610520 | — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    61052010 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61052090 | — — Of artificial fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    610590 | — Of other textile materials | | | |

    61059010 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61059090 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    6106 | Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, knitted or crocheted | | | |

    61061000 | — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61062000 | — Of man-made fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610690 | — Of other textile materials | | | |

    61069010 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61069030 | — — Of silk or silk waste | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61069050 | — — Of flax or of ramie | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61069090 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6107 | Men's or boys' underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted | | | |

    — Underpants and briefs | | | |

    61071100 | — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61071200 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61071900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Nightshirts and pyjamas | | | |

    61072100 | — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61072200 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61072900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    610791 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    61079110 | — — — Of terry fabrics | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61079190 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61079200 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61079900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6108 | Women's or girls' slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses, pyjamas, négligés, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted | | | |

    — Slips and petticoats | | | |

    61081100 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61081900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Briefs and panties | | | |

    61082100 | — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61082200 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61082900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Nightdresses and pyjamas | | | |

    610831 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    61083110 | — — — Nightdresses | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61083190 | — — — Pyjamas | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    610832 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    — — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    61083211 | — — — — Nightdresses | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61083219 | — — — — Pyjamas | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61083290 | — — — Of artificial fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61083900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    610891 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    61089110 | — — — Of terry fabrics | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61089190 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61089200 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    610899 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    61089910 | — — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61089990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6109 | T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted | | | |

    61091000 | — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    610990 | — Of other textile materials | | | |

    61099010 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61099030 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61099090 | — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    6110 | Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles, knitted or crocheted: | | | |

    — Of wool or fine animal hair: | | | |

    611011 | — — Of wool: | | | |

    61101110 | — — — Jerseys and pullovers, containing at least 50 % by weight of wool and weighing 600 g or more per article | 8,4 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    61101130 | — — — — Men's or boys' | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61101190 | — — — — Women's or girls' | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    611012 | — — Of Kashmir (cashmere) goats: | | | |

    61101210 | — — — Men's or boys' | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61101290 | — — — Women's or girls' | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    611019 | — — Other: | | | |

    61101910 | — — — Men's or boys' | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61101990 | — — — Women's or girls' | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    611020 | — Of cotton | | | |

    61102010 | — — Lightweight fine knit roll, polo or turtle neck jumpers and pullovers | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    61102091 | — — — Men's or boys' | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61102099 | — — — Women's or girls' | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    611030 | — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    61103010 | — — Lightweight fine knit roll, polo or turtle neck jumpers and pullovers | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    61103091 | — — — Men's or boys' | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61103099 | — — — Women's or girls' | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    611090 | — Of other textile materials | | | |

    61109010 | — — Of flax or ramie | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61109090 | — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6111 | Babies' garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted | | | |

    611110 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    61111010 | — — Gloves, mittens and mitts | 7,1 | Year 0 | |

    61111090 | — — Other | 9,8 | Year 0 | |

    611120 | — Of cotton | | | |

    61112010 | — — Gloves, mittens and mitts | 7,1 | Year 0 | |

    61112090 | — — Other | 9,8 | Year 0 | |

    611130 | — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    61113010 | — — Gloves, mittens and mitts | 7,1 | Year 0 | |

    61113090 | — — Other | 9,8 | Year 0 | |

    61119000 | — Of other textile materials | 9,8 | Year 0 | |

    6112 | Track suits, ski suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted | | | |

    — Track suits | | | |

    61121100 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61121200 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61121900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61122000 | — Ski suits | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Men's or boys' swimwear | | | |

    611231 | — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    61123110 | — — — Containing by weight 5 % or more of rubber thread | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    61123190 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    611239 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    61123910 | — — — Containing by weight 5 % or more of rubber thread | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    61123990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Women's or girls' swimwear | | | |

    611241 | — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    61124110 | — — — Containing by weight 5 % or more of rubber thread | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    61124190 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    611249 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    61124910 | — — — Containing by weight 5 % or more of rubber thread | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    61124990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    611300 | Garments, made-up of knitted or crocheted fabrics of heading 5903, 5906, or 5907 | | | |

    61130010 | — Of knitted or crocheted fabrics of heading 5906 | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    61130090 | — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6114 | Other garments, knitted or crocheted | | | |

    61141000 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61142000 | — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61143000 | — Of man-made fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61149000 | — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6115 | Panty hose, tights, stockings, socks and other hosiery, including stockings for varicose veins and footwear without applied soles, knitted or crocheted | | | |

    — Panty hose and tights | | | |

    61151100 | — — Of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61151200 | — — Of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn 67 decitex or more | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61151900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    611520 | — Women's full-length or knee-length hosiery, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex | | | |

    — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    61152011 | — — — Knee-length stockings | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61152019 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61152090 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    61159100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61159200 | — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    611593 | — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    61159310 | — — — Stockings for varicose veins | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    61159330 | — — — Knee-length stockings (other than stockings for varicose veins) | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    61159391 | — — — — Women's stockings | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61159399 | — — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    61159900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    6116 | Gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted | | | |

    611610 | — Impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or rubber | | | |

    61161020 | — — Gloves impregnated, coated or covered with rubber | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    61161080 | — — Other | 7,1 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    61169100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 7,1 | Year 0 | |

    61169200 | — — Of cotton | 7,1 | Year 0 | |

    61169300 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 7,1 | Year 0 | |

    61169900 | — — Of other textile materials | 7,1 | Year 0 | |

    6117 | Other made-up clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted; knitted or crocheted parts of garments or of clothing accessories | | | |

    61171000 | — Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61172000 | — Ties, bow ties and cravats | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    611780 | — Other accessories | | | |

    61178010 | — — Knitted or crocheted, elasticated or rubberised | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    61178090 | — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    61179000 | — Parts | 9,9 | Year 0 | |


    6201 | Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, other than those of heading 6203 | | | |

    — Overcoats, raincoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles | | | |

    62011100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620112 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    62011210 | — — — Of a weight, per garment, not exceeding 1kg | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62011290 | — — — Of a weight, per garment, exceeding 1kg | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620113 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    62011310 | — — — Of a weight, per garment, not exceeding 1kg | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62011390 | — — — Of a weight, per garment, exceeding 1kg | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62011900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    62019100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62019200 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62019300 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62019900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6202 | Women's or girls' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, other than those of heading 6204 | | | |

    — Overcoats, raincoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles | | | |

    62021100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620212 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    62021210 | — — — Of a weight, per garment, not exceeding 1 kg | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62021290 | — — — Of a weight, per garment, exceeding 1kg | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620213 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    62021310 | — — — Of a weight, per garment, not exceeding 1kg | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62021390 | — — — Of a weight, per garment, exceeding 1kg | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62021900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    62029100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62029200 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62029300 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62029900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6203 | Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) | | | |

    — Suits | | | |

    62031100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62031200 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620319 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    62031910 | — — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62031930 | — — — Of artificial fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62031990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Ensembles | | | |

    62032100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620322 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    62032210 | — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62032280 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620323 | — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    62032310 | — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62032380 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620329 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    — — — Of artificial fibres | | | |

    62032911 | — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62032918 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62032990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Jackets and blazers | | | |

    62033100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620332 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    62033210 | — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62033290 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620333 | — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    62033310 | — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62033390 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620339 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    — — — Of artificial fibres | | | |

    62033911 | — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62033919 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62033990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts | | | |

    620341 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    62034110 | — — — Trousers and breeches | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034130 | — — — Bib and brace overalls | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034190 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620342 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    — — — Trousers and breeches | | | |

    62034211 | — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    62034231 | — — — — — Of denim | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034233 | — — — — — Of cut corduroy | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034235 | — — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Bib and brace overalls | | | |

    62034251 | — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034259 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034290 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620343 | — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    — — — Trousers and breeches | | | |

    62034311 | — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034319 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Bib and brace overalls | | | |

    62034331 | — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034339 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034390 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620349 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    — — — Of artificial fibres | | | |

    — — — — Trousers and breeches | | | |

    62034911 | — — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034919 | — — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Bib and brace overalls | | | |

    62034931 | — — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034939 | — — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034950 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62034990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6204 | Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) | | | |

    — Suits | | | |

    62041100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62041200 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62041300 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620419 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    62041910 | — — — Of artificial fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62041990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Ensembles | | | |

    62042100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620422 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    62042210 | — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62042280 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620423 | — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    62042310 | — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62042380 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620429 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    — — — Of artificial fibres | | | |

    62042911 | — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62042918 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62042990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Jackets and blazers | | | |

    62043100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620432 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    62043210 | — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62043290 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620433 | — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    62043310 | — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62043390 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620439 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    — — — Of artificial fibres | | | |

    62043911 | — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62043919 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62043990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Dresses | | | |

    62044100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62044200 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62044300 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62044400 | — — Of artificial fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620449 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    62044910 | — — — Of silk or silk waste | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62044990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Skirts and divided skirts | | | |

    62045100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62045200 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62045300 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620459 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    62045910 | — — — Of artificial fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62045990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts | | | |

    620461 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | | | |

    62046110 | — — — Trousers and breeches | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046180 | — — — Bib and brace overalls | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046190 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620462 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    — — — Trousers and breeches | | | |

    62046211 | — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    62046231 | — — — — — Of denim | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046233 | — — — — — Of cut corduroy | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046239 | — — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Bib and brace overalls | | | |

    62046251 | — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046259 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046290 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620463 | — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    — — — Trousers and breeches | | | |

    62046311 | — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046318 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Bib and brace overalls | | | |

    62046331 | — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046339 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046390 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620469 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    — — — Of artificial fibres | | | |

    — — — — Trousers and breeches | | | |

    62046911 | — — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046918 | — — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Bib and brace overalls | | | |

    62046931 | — — — — — Industrial and occupational | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046939 | — — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046950 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62046990 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6205 | Men's or boys' shirts | | | |

    62051000 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    62052000 | — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    62053000 | — Of man-made fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    620590 | — Of other textile materials | | | |

    62059010 | — — Of flax or ramie | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    62059090 | — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    6206 | Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses | | | |

    62061000 | — Of silk or silk waste | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62062000 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62063000 | — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62064000 | — Of man-made fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    620690 | — Of other textile materials | | | |

    62069010 | — — Of flax or ramie | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62069090 | — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6207 | Men's or boys' singlets and other vests, underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles | | | |

    — Underpants and briefs | | | |

    62071100 | — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    62071900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Nightshirts and pyjamas | | | |

    62072100 | — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    62072200 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    62072900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    620791 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    62079110 | — — — Bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles of terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62079190 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62079200 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62079900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6208 | Women's or girls' singlets and other vests, slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses, pyjamas, négligés, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles | | | |

    — Slips and petticoats | | | |

    62081100 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    620819 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    62081910 | — — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    62081990 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Nightdresses and pyjamas | | | |

    62082100 | — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    62082200 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    62082900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    620891 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    — — — Negligés, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles | | | |

    62089111 | — — — — Of terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62089119 | — — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62089190 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62089200 | — — Of man-made fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62089900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6209 | Babies' garments and clothing accessories | | | |

    62091000 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | 8,4 | Year 0 | |

    62092000 | — Of cotton | 8,4 | Year 0 | |

    62093000 | — Of synthetic fibres | 8,4 | Year 0 | |

    62099000 | — Of other textile materials | 8,4 | Year 0 | |

    6210 | Garments, made-up of fabrics of heading 5602, 5603, 5903, 5906 or 5907 | | | |

    621010 | — Of fabrics of heading 5602 or 5603 | | | |

    62101010 | — — Of fabrics of heading 5602 | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of fabrics of heading 5603 | | | |

    62101091 | — — — In sterile packs | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62101099 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62102000 | — Other garments, of the type described in subheadings 620111 to 620119 | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62103000 | — Other garments, of the type described in subheadings 620211 to 620219 | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62104000 | — Other men's or boys' garments | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62105000 | — Other women's or girls' garments | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6211 | Track suits, ski suits and swimwear; other garments | | | |

    — Swimwear | | | |

    62111100 | — — Men's or boys' | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62111200 | — — Women's or girls' | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62112000 | — Ski suits | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Other garments, men's or boys' | | | |

    62113100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    621132 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    62113210 | — — — Industrial and occupational clothing | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Track suits with lining | | | |

    62113231 | — — — — With an outer shell of a single identical fabric | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    62113241 | — — — — — Upper parts | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62113242 | — — — — — Lower parts | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62113290 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    621133 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    62113310 | — — — Industrial and occupational clothing | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Track suits with lining | | | |

    62113331 | — — — — With an outer shell of a single identical fabric | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    62113341 | — — — — — Upper parts | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62113342 | — — — — — Lower parts | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62113390 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62113900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Other garments, women's or girls' | | | |

    62114100 | — — Of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    621142 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    62114210 | — — — Aprons, overalls, smock-overalls and other industrial and occupational clothing (whether or not also suitable for domestic use) | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Track suits with lining | | | |

    62114231 | — — — — With an outer shell of a single identical fabric | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    62114241 | — — — — — Upper parts | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62114242 | — — — — — Lower parts | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62114290 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    621143 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    62114310 | — — — Aprons, overalls, smock-overalls and other industrial and occupational clothing (whether or not also suitable for domestic use) | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Track suits with lining | | | |

    62114331 | — — — — With an outer shell of a single identical fabric | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    62114341 | — — — — — Upper parts | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62114342 | — — — — — Lower parts | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62114390 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    62114900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6212 | Brassières, girdles, corsets, braces, suspenders, garters and similar articles and parts thereof, whether or not knitted or crocheted | | | |

    621210 | — Brassières | | | |

    62121010 | — — In a set made-up for retail-sale containing a brassière and a brief | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    62121090 | — — Other | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    62122000 | — Girdles and panty-girdles | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    62123000 | — Corselettes | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    62129000 | — Other | 5,2 | Year 0 | |

    6213 | Handkerchiefs | | | |

    62131000 | — Of silk or silk waste | 8,0 | Year 0 | |

    62132000 | — Of cotton | 8,0 | Year 0 | |

    62139000 | — Of other textile materials | 8,0 | Year 0 | |

    6214 | Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like | | | |

    62141000 | — Of silk or silk waste | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    62142000 | — Of wool or fine animal hair | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    62143000 | — Of synthetic fibres | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    62144000 | — Of artificial fibres | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    621490 | — Of other textile materials | | | |

    62149010 | — — Of cotton | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    62149090 | — — Other | 6,4 | Year 0 | |

    6215 | Ties, bow ties and cravats | | | |

    62151000 | — Of silk or silk waste | 5,0 | Year 0 | |

    62152000 | — Of man-made fibres | 5,0 | Year 0 | |

    62159000 | — Of other textile materials | 5,0 | Year 0 | |

    62160000 | Gloves, mittens and mitts | 6,0 | Year 0 | |

    6217 | Other made-up clothing accessories; parts of garments or of clothing accessories, other than those of heading 6212 | | | |

    62171000 | — Accessories | 5,0 | Year 0 | |

    62179000 | — Parts | 9,9 | Year 0 | |



    6301 | Blankets and travelling rugs | | | |

    63011000 | — Electric blankets | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    630120 | — Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of wool or of fine animal hair | | | |

    63012010 | — — Knitted or crocheted | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    63012091 | — — — Wholly of wool or fine animal hair | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    63012099 | — — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    630130 | — Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of cotton | | | |

    63013010 | — — Knitted or crocheted | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63013090 | — — Other | 6,0 | Year 0 | |

    630140 | — Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of synthetic fibres | | | |

    63014010 | — — Knitted or crocheted | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63014090 | — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    630190 | — Other blankets and travelling rugs | | | |

    63019010 | — — Knitted or crocheted | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63019090 | — — Other | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6302 | Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen | | | |

    630210 | — Bed linen, knitted or crocheted | | | |

    63021010 | — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63021090 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other bed linen, printed | | | |

    63022100 | — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    630222 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    63022210 | — — — Nonwovens | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    63022290 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    630229 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    63022910 | — — — Of flax or ramie | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63022990 | — — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other bed linen | | | |

    630231 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    63023110 | — — — Mixed with flax | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63023190 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    630232 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    63023210 | — — — Nonwovens | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    63023290 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    630239 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    63023910 | — — — Of flax | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63023930 | — — — Of ramie | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63023990 | — — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63024000 | — Table linen, knitted or crocheted | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other table linen | | | |

    630251 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    63025110 | — — — Mixed with flax | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63025190 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63025200 | — — Of flax | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    630253 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    63025310 | — — — Nonwovens | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    63025390 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63025900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63026000 | — Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of terry towelling or similar terry fabrics, of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    630291 | — — Of cotton | | | |

    63029110 | — — — Mixed with flax | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63029190 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63029200 | — — Of flax | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    630293 | — — Of man-made fibres | | | |

    63029310 | — — — Nonwovens | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    63029390 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63029900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    6303 | Curtains (including drapes) and interior blinds; curtain or bed valances | | | |

    — Knitted or crocheted | | | |

    63031100 | — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63031200 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63031900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    63039100 | — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    630392 | — — Of synthetic fibres | | | |

    63039210 | — — — Nonwovens | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    63039290 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    630399 | — — Of other textile materials | | | |

    63039910 | — — — Nonwovens | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    63039990 | — — — Other | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    6304 | Other furnishing articles, excluding those of heading 9404 | | | |

    — Bedspreads | | | |

    63041100 | — — Knitted or crocheted | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    630419 | — — Other | | | |

    63041910 | — — — Of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63041930 | — — — Of flax or ramie | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63041990 | — — — Of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    63049100 | — — Knitted or crocheted | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63049200 | — — Not knitted or crocheted, of cotton | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63049300 | — — Not knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibres | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63049900 | — — Not knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    6305 | Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods | | | |

    630510 | — Of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading 5303 | | | |

    63051010 | — — Used | 1,6 | Year 0 | |

    63051090 | — — Other | 3,2 | Year 0 | |

    63052000 | — Of cotton | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    — Of man-made textile materials | | | |

    630532 | — — Flexible intermediate bulk containers | | | |

    — — — Of polyethylene or polypropylene strip or the like | | | |

    63053211 | — — — — Knitted or crocheted | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    63053281 | — — — — — Of fabric weighing 120 g/m2 or less | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    63053289 | — — — — — Of fabric weighing more than 120 g/m2 | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    63053290 | — — — Other | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    630533 | — — Other, of polyethylene or polypropylene strip or the like | | | |

    63053310 | — — — Knitted or crocheted | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    63053391 | — — — — Of fabric weighing 120 g/m2 or less | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    63053399 | — — — — Of fabric weighing more than 120 g/m2 | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    63053900 | — — Other | 5,7 | Year 0 | |

    63059000 | — Of other textile materials | 4,9 | Year 0 | |

    6306 | Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds; tents; sails for boats, sailboards or landcraft; camping goods | | | |

    — Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds | | | |

    63061100 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    63061200 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    63061900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Tents | | | |

    63062100 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    63062200 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    63062900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Sails | | | |

    63063100 | — — Of synthetic fibres | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    63063900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Pneumatic mattresses | | | |

    63064100 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    63064900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    63069100 | — — Of cotton | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    63069900 | — — Of other textile materials | 9,9 | Year 0 | |

    6307 | Other made-up articles, including dress patterns | | | |

    630710 | — Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths | | | |

    63071010 | — — Knitted or crocheted | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    63071030 | — — Nonwovens | 5,5 | Year 0 | |

    63071090 | — — Other | 6,1 | Year 0 | |

    63072000 | — Life-jackets and life-belts | 5,0 | Year 0 | |

    630790 | — Other | | | |

    63079010 | — — Knitted or crocheted | 9,6 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    63079091 | — — — Of felt | 5,0 | Year 0 | |

    63079099 | — — — Other | 5,0 | Year 0 | |


    63080000 | Sets consisting of woven fabric and yarn, whether or not with accessories, for making up into rugs, tapestries, embroidered table cloths or serviettes, or similar textile articles, put up in packings for retail sale | 9,6 | Year 0 | |


    63090000 | Worn clothing and other worn articles | 4,2 | Year 3 | |

    6310 | Used or new rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables, of textile materials | | | |

    631010 | — Sorted | | | |

    63101010 | — — Of wool or fine or coarse animal hair | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    63101030 | — — Of flax or cotton | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    63101090 | — — Of other textile materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    63109000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    6401 | Waterproof footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or of plastics, the uppers of which are neither fixed to the sole nor assembled by stitching, riveting, nailing, screwing, plugging or similar processes | | | |

    640110 | — Footwear incorporating a protective metal toecap | | | |

    64011010 | — — With uppers of rubber | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64011090 | — — With uppers of plastics | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Other footwear | | | |

    640191 | — — Covering the knee | | | |

    64019110 | — — — With uppers of rubber | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64019190 | — — — With uppers of plastics | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    640192 | — — Covering the ankle but not covering the knee | | | |

    64019210 | — — — With uppers of rubber | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64019290 | — — — With uppers of plastics | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    640199 | — — Other | | | |

    64019910 | — — — With uppers of rubber | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64019990 | — — — With uppers of plastics | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    6402 | Other footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics | | | |

    — Sports footwear | | | |

    640212 | — — Ski-boots, cross-country ski footwear and snowboard boots | | | |

    64021210 | — — — Ski-boots and cross-country ski footwear | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64021290 | — — — Snowboard boots | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64021900 | — — Other | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64022000 | — Footwear with upper straps or thongs assembled to the sole by means of plugs | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64023000 | — Other footwear, incorporating a protective metal toe-cap | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    — Other footwear | | | |

    64029100 | — — Covering the ankle | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    640299 | — — Other | | | |

    64029910 | — — — With uppers of rubber | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — With uppers of plastics | | | |

    — — — — Footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out | | | |

    64029931 | — — — — — With sole and heel combined having a height of more than 3 cm | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64029939 | — — — — — Other | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64029950 | — — — — Slippers and other indoor footwear | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other, with in-soles of a length | | | |

    64029991 | — — — — — Of less than 24 cm | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Of 24 cm or more | | | |

    64029993 | — — — — — — Footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's footwear | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — Other | | | |

    64029996 | — — — — — — — For men | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64029998 | — — — — — — — For women | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    6403 | Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather and uppers of leather | | | |

    — Sports footwear | | | |

    64031200 | — — Ski-boots, cross-country ski footwear and snowboard boots | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64031900 | — — Other | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64032000 | — Footwear with outer soles of leather, and uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64033000 | — Footwear made on a base or platform of wood, not having an inner sole or a protective metal toecap | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64034000 | — Other footwear, incorporating a protective metal toe-cap | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Other footwear with outer soles of leather | | | |

    640351 | — — Covering the ankle | | | |

    — — — Covering the ankle but no part of the calf, with in-soles of a length | | | |

    64035111 | — — — — Of less than 24 cm | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Of 24 cm or more | | | |

    64035115 | — — — — — For men | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64035119 | — — — — — For women | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, with in-soles of a length | | | |

    64035191 | — — — — Of less than 24 cm | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Of 24 cm or more | | | |

    64035195 | — — — — — For men | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64035199 | — — — — — For women | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    640359 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out | | | |

    64035911 | — — — — With sole and heel combined having a height of more than 3 cm | 1,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other, with in-soles of a length | | | |

    64035931 | — — — — — Of less than 24 cm | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Of 24 cm or more | | | |

    64035935 | — — — — — — For men | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64035939 | — — — — — — For women | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64035950 | — — — Slippers and other indoor footwear | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, with in-soles of a length | | | |

    64035991 | — — — — Of less than 24 cm | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Of 24 cm or more | | | |

    64035995 | — — — — — For men | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64035999 | — — — — — For women | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Other footwear | | | |

    640391 | — — Covering the ankle | | | |

    — — — Covering the ankle but no part of the calf, with in-soles of a length | | | |

    64039111 | — — — — Of less than 24 cm | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Of 24 cm or more | | | |

    64039113 | — — — — — Footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's footwear | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    64039116 | — — — — — — For men | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64039118 | — — — — — — For women | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, with in-soles of a length | | | |

    64039191 | — — — — Of less than 24 cm | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Of 24 cm or more | | | |

    64039193 | — — — — — Footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's footwear | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    64039196 | — — — — — — For men | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64039198 | — — — — — — For women | 1,5 | Year 0 | |

    640399 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out | | | |

    64039911 | — — — — With sole and heel combined having a height of more than 3 cm | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other, with in-soles of a length | | | |

    64039931 | — — — — — Of less than 24 cm | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Of 24 cm or more | | | |

    64039933 | — — — — — — Footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's footwear | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — Other | | | |

    64039936 | — — — — — — — For men | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64039938 | — — — — — — — For women | 1,5 | Year 0 | |

    64039950 | — — — Slippers and other indoor footwear | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, with in-soles of a length | | | |

    64039991 | — — — — Of less than 24 cm | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Of 24 cm or more | | | |

    64039993 | — — — — — Footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's footwear | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    64039996 | — — — — — — For men | 4,5 | Year 0 | |

    64039998 | — — — — — — For women | 3,5 | Year 0 | |

    6404 | Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials | | | |

    — Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics | | | |

    64041100 | — — Sports footwear; tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    640419 | — — Other | | | |

    64041910 | — — — Slippers and other indoor footwear | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64041990 | — — — Other | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    640420 | — Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather | | | |

    64042010 | — — Slippers and other indoor footwear | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64042090 | — — Other | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    6405 | Other footwear | | | |

    640510 | — With uppers of leather or composition leather | | | |

    64051010 | — — With outer soles of wood or cork | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    64051090 | — — With outer soles of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    640520 | — With uppers of textile materials | | | |

    64052010 | — — With outer soles of wood or cork | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — With outer soles of other materials | | | |

    64052091 | — — — Slippers and other indoor footwear | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    64052099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    640590 | — Other | | | |

    64059010 | — — With outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather | 11,9 | Year 0 | |

    64059090 | — — With outer soles of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6406 | Parts of footwear (including uppers whether or not attached to soles other than outer soles); removable in-soles, heel cushions and similar articles; gaiters, leggings and similar articles, and parts thereof | | | |

    640610 | — Uppers and parts thereof, other than stiffeners | | | |

    — — Of leather | | | |

    64061011 | — — — Uppers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    64061019 | — — — Parts of uppers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    64061090 | — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    640620 | — Outer soles and heels, of rubber or plastics | | | |

    64062010 | — — Of rubber | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    64062090 | — — Of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    64069100 | — — Of wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    640699 | — — Of other materials | | | |

    64069910 | — — — Gaiters, leggings and similar articles and parts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    64069930 | — — — Assemblies of uppers affixed to inner soles or to other sole components, but without outer soles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    64069950 | — — — Removable in-soles and other removable accessories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    64069960 | — — — Outer soles of leather or composition leather | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    64069980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    65010000 | Hat-forms, hat bodies and hoods of felt, neither blocked to shape nor with made brims; plateaux and manchons (including slit manchons), of felt | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    65020000 | Hat-shapes, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material, neither blocked to shape, nor with made brims, nor lined, nor trimmed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    650300 | Felt hats and other felt headgear, made from the hat bodies, hoods or plateaux of heading 6501, whether or not lined or trimmed | | | |

    65030010 | — Of fur felt or of felt of wool and fur | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    65030090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    65040000 | Hats and other headgear, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6505 | Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made-up from lace, felt or other textile fabric, in the piece (but not in strips), whether or not lined or trimmed; Hair-nets of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed | | | |

    65051000 | — Hair-nets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    650590 | — Other | | | |

    65059010 | — — Berets, bonnets, skull-caps, fezzes, tarbooshes and the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    65059030 | — — Peaked caps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    65059090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6506 | Other headgear, whether or not lined or trimmed | | | |

    650610 | — Safety headgear | | | |

    65061010 | — — Of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    65061080 | — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    65069100 | — — Of rubber or of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    65069200 | — — Of furskin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    65069900 | — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    65070000 | Head-bands, linings, covers, hat foundations, hat frames, peaks and chinstraps, for headgear | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    6601 | Umbrellas and sun umbrellas (including walking-stick umbrellas, garden umbrellas and similar umbrellas) | | | |

    66011000 | — Garden or similar umbrellas | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    — Other | | | |

    66019100 | — — Having a telescopic shaft | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    660199 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — With a cover of woven textile materials | | | |

    66019911 | — — — — Of man-made fibres | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    66019919 | — — — — Of other textile materials | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    66019990 | — — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    66020000 | Walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6603 | Parts, trimmings and accessories of articles of heading 6601 or 6602 | | | |

    66031000 | — Handles and knobs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    66032000 | — Umbrella frames, including frames mounted on shafts (sticks) | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    66039000 | — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |


    67010000 | Skins and other parts of birds with their feathers or down, feathers, parts of feathers, down and articles thereof (other than goods of heading 0505 and worked quills and scapes) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6702 | Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit and parts thereof; articles made of artificial flowers, foliage or fruit | | | |

    67021000 | — Of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    67029000 | — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    67030000 | Human hair, dressed, thinned, bleached or otherwise worked; wool or other animal hair or other textile materials, prepared for use in making wigs or the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6704 | Wigs, false beards, eyebrows and eyelashes, switches and the like, of human or animal hair or of textile materials; articles of human hair not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    — Of synthetic textile materials | | | |

    67041100 | — — Complete wigs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    67041900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    67042000 | — Of human hair | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    67049000 | — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    68010000 | Setts, curbstones and flagstones, of natural stone (except slate) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6802 | Worked monumental or building stone (except slate) and articles thereof, other than goods of heading 6801; mosaic cubes and the like, of natural stone (including slate), whether or not on a backing; artificially coloured granules, chippings and powder, of natural stone (including slate) | | | |

    68021000 | — Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not rectangular (including square), the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm; artificially coloured granules, chippings and powder | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other monumental or building stone and articles thereof, simply cut or sawn, with a flat or even surface | | | |

    68022100 | — — Marble, travertine and alabaster | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68022200 | — — Other calcareous stone | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68022300 | — — Granite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68022900 | — — Other stone | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    680291 | — — Marble, travertine and alabaster | | | |

    68029110 | — — — Polished alabaster, decorated or otherwise worked, but not carved | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68029190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    680292 | — — Other calcareous stone | | | |

    68029210 | — — — Polished, decorated or otherwise worked, but not carved | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68029290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    680293 | — — Granite | | | |

    68029310 | — — — Polished, decorated or otherwise worked, but not carved, of a net weight of 10 kg or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68029390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    680299 | — — Other stone | | | |

    68029910 | — — — Polished, decorated or otherwise worked, but not carved, of a net weight of 10 kg or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68029990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    680300 | Worked slate and articles of slate or of agglomerated slate | | | |

    68030010 | — Roofing and wall slates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68030090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6804 | Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks, for grinding, sharpening, polishing, trueing or cutting, hand sharpening or polishing stones, and parts thereof, of natural stone, of agglomerated natural or artificial abrasives, or of ceramics, with or without parts of other materials | | | |

    68041000 | — Millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like | | | |

    68042100 | — — Of agglomerated synthetic or natural diamond | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    680422 | — — Of other agglomerated abrasives or of ceramics | | | |

    — — — Of artificial abrasives, with binder | | | |

    — — — — Of synthetic or artificial resin | | | |

    68042212 | — — — — — Not reinforced | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68042218 | — — — — — Reinforced | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68042230 | — — — — Of ceramics or silicates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68042250 | — — — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68042290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68042300 | — — Of natural stone | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68043000 | — Hand sharpening or polishing stones | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6805 | Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain, on a base of textile material, of paper, of paperboard or of other materials, whether or not cut to shape or sewn or otherwise made-up | | | |

    68051000 | — On a base of woven textile fabric only | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68052000 | — On a base of paper or paperboard only | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    680530 | — On a base of other materials | | | |

    68053010 | — — On a base of woven textile fabric combined with paper or paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68053020 | — — On a base of vulcanised fibre | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68053080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6806 | Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools; exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, foamed slag and similar expanded mineral materials; mixtures and articles of heat-insulating, sound-insulating or sound-absorbing mineral materials, other than those of heading 6811 or 6812 or of Chapter 69 | | | |

    68061000 | — Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools (including intermixtures thereof), in bulk, sheets or rolls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    680620 | — Exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, foamed slag and similar expanded mineral materials (including intermixtures thereof) | | | |

    68062010 | — — Expanded clays | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68062090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68069000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6807 | Articles of asphalt or of similar material (for example, petroleum bitumen or coal tar pitch) | | | |

    680710 | — In rolls | | | |

    68071010 | — — Roofing and facing products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68071090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68079000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68080000 | Panels, boards, tiles, blocks and similar articles of vegetable fibre, of straw or of shavings, chips, particles, sawdust or other waste of wood, agglomerated with cement, plaster or other mineral binders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6809 | Articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster | | | |

    — Boards, sheets, panels, tiles and similar articles, not ornamented | | | |

    68091100 | — — Faced or reinforced with paper or paperboard only | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68091900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68099000 | — Other articles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6810 | Articles of cement, of concrete or of artificial stone, whether or not reinforced | | | |

    — Tiles, flagstones, bricks and similar articles | | | |

    681011 | — — Building blocks and bricks | | | |

    68101110 | — — — Of light concrete (with a basis of crushed pumice, granulated slag, etc.) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68101190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    681019 | — — Other | | | |

    68101910 | — — — Roofing tiles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other tiles and paving | | | |

    68101931 | — — — — Of concrete | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68101939 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68101990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other articles | | | |

    681091 | — — Prefabricated structural components for building or civil engineering | | | |

    68109110 | — — — Floor components | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68109190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68109900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6811 | Articles of asbestos-cement, of cellulose fibre-cement or the like | | | |

    68111000 | — Corrugated sheets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    681120 | — Other sheets, panels, tiles and similar articles | | | |

    68112011 | — — Sheets for roofing or walls, not exceeding 40 × 60 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68112080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68113000 | — Tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68119000 | — Other articles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6812 | Fabricated asbestos fibres; mixtures with a basis of asbestos or with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate; articles of such mixtures or of asbestos (for example, thread, woven fabric, clothing, headgear, footwear, gaskets), whether or not reinforced, other than goods of heading 6811 or 6813 | | | |

    68125000 | — Clothing, clothing accessories, footwear and headgear | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68126000 | — Paper, millboard and felt | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68127000 | — Compressed asbestos fibre jointing, in sheets or rolls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    681290 | — Other: | | | |

    68129010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other: | | | |

    68129030 | — — — Fabricated asbestos fibres; mixtures with a basis of asbestos or with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68129080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6813 | Friction material and articles thereof (for example, sheets, rolls, strips, segments, discs, washers, pads), not mounted, for brakes, for clutches or the like, with a basis of asbestos, of other mineral substances or of cellulose, whether or not combined with textile or other materials | | | |

    681310 | — Brake linings and pads | | | |

    68131010 | — — With a basis of asbestos or other mineral substances, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68131090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    681390 | — Other | | | |

    68139010 | — — With a basis of asbestos or other mineral substances, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68139090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6814 | Worked mica and articles of mica, including agglomerated or reconstituted mica, whether or not on a support of paper, paperboard or other materials | | | |

    68141000 | — Plates, sheets and strips of agglomerated or reconstituted mica, whether or not on a support | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    681490 | — Other | | | |

    68149010 | — — Sheets or splittings of mica | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68149090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6815 | Articles of stone or of other mineral substances (including carbon fibres, articles of carbon fibres and articles of peat), not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    681510 | — Non-electrical articles of graphite or other carbon | | | |

    68151010 | — — Carbon fibres and articles of carbon fibres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68151090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68152000 | — Articles of peat | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other articles | | | |

    68159100 | — — Containing magnesite, dolomite or chromite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    681599 | — — Other | | | |

    68159910 | — — — Of refractory materials, chemically bonded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    68159990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    69 | CERAMIC PRODUCTS | | | |


    690100 | Bricks, blocks, tiles and other ceramic goods of siliceous fossil meals (for example, kieselguhr, tripolite or diatomite) or of similar siliceous earths | | | |

    69010010 | — Bricks weighing more than 650 kg/m3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    69010090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6902 | Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods, other than those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths | | | |

    69021000 | — Containing, by weight, singly or together, more than 50 % of the elements Mg, Ca or Cr, expressed as MgO, CaO or Cr2O3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    690220 | — Containing, by weight, more than 50 % of alumina (Al2O3), of silica (SiO2) or of a mixture or compound of these products | | | |

    69022010 | — — Containing, by weight, 93 % or more of silica (SiO2) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    69022091 | — — — Containing, by weight, more than 7 % but less than 45 % of alumina (Al2O3) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    69022099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    69029000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6903 | Other refractory ceramic goods (for example, retorts, crucibles, muffles, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths and rods), other than those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths | | | |

    69031000 | — Containing, by weight, more than 50 % of graphite or other carbon or of a mixture of these products | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    690320 | — Containing, by weight, more than 50 % of alumina (Al2O3) or of a mixture or compound of alumina and of silica (SiO2) | | | |

    69032010 | — — Containing, by weight, less than 45 % of alumina (Al2O3) | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    69032090 | — — Containing, by weight, 45 % or more of alumina (Al2O3) | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    690390 | — Other | | | |

    69039010 | — — Containing, by weight, more than 25 % but not more than 50 % of graphite or other carbon or of a mixture of these products | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    69039020 | — — Containing, by weight, singly or together, more than 50 % of the elements Mg, Ca or Cr, expressed as MgO, CaO or Cr2O3 | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    69039080 | — — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |


    6904 | Ceramic building bricks, flooring blocks, support or filler tiles and the like | | | |

    69041000 | — Building bricks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    69049000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6905 | Roofing tiles, chimney-pots, cowls, chimney liners, architectural ornaments and other ceramic constructional goods | | | |

    69051000 | — Roofing tiles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    69059000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    69060000 | Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    6907 | Unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles; unglazed ceramic mosaic cubes and the like, whether or not on a backing | | | |

    69071000 | — Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not rectangular, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    690790 | — Other | | | |

    69079010 | — — Double tiles of the "Spaltplatten" type | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    69079091 | — — — Stoneware | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    69079093 | — — — Earthenware or fine pottery | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    69079099 | — — — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    6908 | Glazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles; glazed ceramic mosaic cubes and the like, whether or not on a backing | | | |

    690810 | — Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not rectangular, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm | | | |

    69081010 | — — Of common pottery | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    69081090 | — — Other | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    690890 | — Other | | | |

    — — Of common pottery | | | |

    69089011 | — — — Double tiles of the "Spaltplatten" type | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other, of a maximum thickness | | | |

    69089021 | — — — — Not exceeding 15 mm | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    69089029 | — — — — Exceeding 15 mm | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    69089031 | — — — Double tiles of the "Spaltplatten" type | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    69089051 | — — — — With a face of not more than 90 cm2 | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    69089091 | — — — — — Stoneware | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    69089093 | — — — — — Earthenware or fine pottery | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    69089099 | — — — — — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    6909 | Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses; ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods | | | |

    — Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses | | | |

    69091100 | — — Of porcelain or china | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    69091200 | — — Articles having a hardness equivalent to 9 or more on the Mohs scale | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    69091900 | — — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    69099000 | — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    6910 | Ceramic sinks, wash basins, wash basin pedestals, baths, bidets, water closet pans, flushing cisterns, urinals and similar sanitary fixtures | | | |

    69101000 | — Of porcelain or china | 2,4 | Year 3 | |

    69109000 | — Other | 2,4 | Year 3 | |

    6911 | Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of porcelain or china | | | |

    69111000 | — Tableware and kitchenware | 8,4 | Year 3 | |

    69119000 | — Other | 8,4 | Year 3 | |

    691200 | Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, other than of porcelain or china | | | |

    69120010 | — Of common pottery | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    69120030 | — Stoneware | 2,0 | Year 3 | |

    69120050 | — Earthenware or fine pottery | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    69120090 | — Other | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    6913 | Statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles | | | |

    69131000 | — Of porcelain or china | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    691390 | — Other | | | |

    69139010 | — — Of common pottery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    69139091 | — — — Stoneware | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    69139093 | — — — Earthenware or fine pottery | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    69139099 | — — — Other | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    6914 | Other ceramic articles | | | |

    69141000 | — Of porcelain or china | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    691490 | — Other | | | |

    69149010 | — — Of common pottery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    69149090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70 | GLASS AND GLASSWARE | | | |

    700100 | Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass; glass in the mass | | | |

    70010010 | — Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Glass in the mass | | | |

    70010091 | — — Optical glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70010099 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7002 | Glass in balls (other than microspheres of heading 7018), rods or tubes, unworked | | | |

    70021000 | — Balls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    700220 | — Rods | | | |

    70022010 | — — Of optical glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70022090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Tubes | | | |

    70023100 | — — Of fused quartz or other fused silica | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70023200 | — — Of other glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 × 10-6 per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0 °C to 300 °C | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70023900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7003 | Cast glass and rolled glass, in sheets or profiles, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked | | | |

    — Non-wired sheets | | | |

    700312 | — — Coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer | | | |

    70031210 | — — — Of optical glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    70031291 | — — — — Having a non-reflecting layer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70031299 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    700319 | — — Other | | | |

    70031910 | — — — Of optical glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70031990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70032000 | — Wired sheets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70033000 | — Profiles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7004 | Drawn glass and blown glass, in sheets, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked | | | |

    700420 | — Glass, coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer | | | |

    70042010 | — — Optical glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    70042091 | — — — Having a non-reflecting layer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70042099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    700490 | — Other glass | | | |

    70049010 | — — Optical glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70049070 | — — Horticultural sheet glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other, of a thickness | | | |

    70049092 | — — — Not exceeding 2,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70049098 | — — — Exceeding 2,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7005 | Float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked | | | |

    700510 | — Non-wired glass, having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer | | | |

    70051005 | — — Having a non-reflecting layer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other, of a thickness | | | |

    70051025 | — — — Not exceeding 3,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70051030 | — — — Exceeding 3,5 mm but not exceeding 4,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70051080 | — — — Exceeding 4,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other non-wired glass | | | |

    700521 | — — Coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or merely surface ground | | | |

    70052125 | — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 3,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70052130 | — — — Of a thickness exceeding 3,5 mm but not exceeding 4,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70052180 | — — — Of a thickness exceeding 4,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    700529 | — — Other | | | |

    70052925 | — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 3,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70052935 | — — — Of a thickness exceeding 3,5 mm but not exceeding 4,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70052980 | — — — Of a thickness exceeding 4,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70053000 | — Wired glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    700600 | Glass of heading 7003, 7004 or 7005, bent, edge-worked, engraved, drilled, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materials | | | |

    70060010 | — Optical glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70060090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7007 | Safety glass, consisting of toughened (tempered) or laminated glass | | | |

    — Toughened (tempered) safety glass | | | |

    700711 | — — Of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels | | | |

    70071110 | — — — Of size and shape suitable for incorporation in motor vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70071190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    700719 | — — Other | | | |

    70071910 | — — — Enamelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70071920 | — — — Coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent or reflecting layer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70071980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Laminated safety glass | | | |

    700721 | — — Of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels | | | |

    70072110 | — — — Windshields, not framed, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    70072191 | — — — — Of size and shape suitable for incorporation in motor vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70072199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70072900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    700800 | Multiple-walled insulating units of glass | | | |

    70080020 | — Coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent or reflecting layer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    70080081 | — — Consisting of two panels of glass sealed around the edges by an airtight joint and separated by a layer of air, other gases or a vacuum | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70080089 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7009 | Glass mirrors, whether or not framed, including rear-view mirrors | | | |

    70091000 | — Rear-view mirrors for vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    70099100 | — — Unframed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70099200 | — — Framed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7010 | Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, ampoules and other containers, of glass, of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods; preserving jars of glass; stoppers, lids and other closures, of glass: | | | |

    70101000 | — Ampoules | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70102000 | — Stoppers, lids and other closures | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    701090 | — Other: | | | |

    70109010 | — — Preserving jars (sterilising jars) | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — Other: | | | |

    70109021 | — — — Made from tubing of glass | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other, of a nominal capacity of: | | | |

    70109031 | — — — — 2,5 lor more | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — Less than 2,5 l: | | | |

    — — — — — For beverages and foodstuffs: | | | |

    — — — — — — Bottles: | | | |

    — — — — — — — Of colourless glass, of a nominal capacity of: | | | |

    70109041 | — — — — — — — — 1 l or more | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    70109043 | — — — — — — — — More than 0,33 l but less than 1 l | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    70109045 | — — — — — — — — 0,15 l or more but not more than 0,33 l | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    70109047 | — — — — — — — — Less than 0,15 l | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — — — — Of coloured glass, of a nominal capacity of: | | | |

    70109051 | — — — — — — — — 1 l or more | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    70109053 | — — — — — — — — More than 0,33 l but less than 1 l | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    70109055 | — — — — — — — — 0,15 l or more but not more than 0,33 l | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    70109057 | — — — — — — — — Less than 0,15 l | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — — — — Other, of a nominal capacity of: | | | |

    70109061 | — — — — — — — — 0,25 l or more | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    70109067 | — — — — — — — — Less than 0,25 l | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — — For pharmaceutical products, of a nominal capacity: | | | |

    70109071 | — — — — — — Exceeding 0,055 l | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    70109079 | — — — — — — Not exceeding 0,055 l | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — — For other products: | | | |

    70109091 | — — — — — — Of colourless glass | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    70109099 | — — — — — — Of coloured glass | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    7011 | Glass envelopes (including bulbs and tubes), open, and glass parts thereof, without fittings, for electric lamps, cathode-ray tubes or the like | | | |

    70111000 | — For electric lighting | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70112000 | — For cathode-ray tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70119000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    701200 | Glass inners for vacuum flasks or for other vacuum vessels | | | |

    70120010 | — Unfinished | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70120090 | — Finished | 2,1 | Year 3 | |

    7013 | Glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen, toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar purposes (other than that of heading 7010 or 7018) | | | |

    70131000 | — Of glass-ceramics | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Drinking glasses other than of glass-ceramics | | | |

    701321 | — — Of lead crystal | | | |

    — — — Gathered by hand | | | |

    70132111 | — — — — Cut or otherwise decorated | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    70132119 | — — — — Other | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Gathered mechanically | | | |

    70132191 | — — — — Cut or otherwise decorated | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    70132199 | — — — — Other | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    701329 | — — Other | | | |

    70132910 | — — — Of toughened glass | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Gathered by hand | | | |

    70132951 | — — — — — Cut or otherwise decorated | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    70132959 | — — — — — Other | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — Gathered mechanically | | | |

    70132991 | — — — — — Cut or otherwise decorated | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    70132999 | — — — — — Other | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Glassware of a kind used for table (other than drinking glasses) or kitchen purposes other than of glass-ceramics | | | |

    701331 | — — Of lead crystal | | | |

    70133110 | — — — Gathered by hand | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    70133190 | — — — Gathered mechanically | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    70133200 | — — Of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 × 10-6 per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0 °C to 300 °C | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    701339 | — — Other | | | |

    70133910 | — — — Of toughened glass | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    70133991 | — — — — Gathered by hand | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    70133999 | — — — — Gathered mechanically | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other glassware | | | |

    701391 | — — Of lead crystal | | | |

    70139110 | — — — Gathered by hand | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    70139190 | — — — Gathered mechanically | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    70139900 | — — Other | 7,5 | Year 3 | |

    70140000 | Signalling glassware and optical elements of glass (other than those of heading 7015), not optically worked | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7015 | Clock or watch glasses and similar glasses, glasses for non-corrective or corrective spectacles, curved, bent, hollowed or the like, not optically worked; hollow glass spheres and their segments, for the manufacture of such glasses | | | |

    70151000 | — Glasses for corrective spectacles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70159000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7016 | Paving blocks, slabs, bricks, squares, tiles and other articles of pressed or moulded glass, whether or not wired, of a kind used for building or construction purposes; glass cubes and other glass smallwares, whether or not on a backing, for mosaics or similar decorative purposes; leaded lights and the like; multicellular or foam glass in blocks, panels, plates, shells or similar forms | | | |

    70161000 | — Glass cubes and other glass smallwares, whether or not on a backing, for mosaics or similar decorative purposes | 2,8 | Year 3 | |

    701690 | — Other | | | |

    70169010 | — — Leaded lights and the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70169080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7017 | Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, whether or not graduated or calibrated | | | |

    70171000 | — Of fused quartz or other fused silica | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70172000 | — Of other glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 × 10-6 per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0 °C to 300 °C | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70179000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7018 | Glass beads, imitation pearls, imitation precious or semi-precious stones and similar glass smallwares, and articles thereof other than imitation jewellery; glass eyes other than prosthetic articles; statuettes and other ornaments of lamp-worked glass, other than imitation jewellery; glass microspheres not exceeding 1 mm in diameter | | | |

    701810 | — Glass beads, imitation pearls, imitation precious or semi-precious stones and similar glass smallwares | | | |

    — — Glass beads | | | |

    70181011 | — — — Cut and mechanically polished | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70181019 | — — — Other | 2,4 | Year 3 | |

    70181030 | — — Imitation pearls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Imitation precious or semi-precious stones | | | |

    70181051 | — — — Cut and mechanically polished | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70181059 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70181090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70182000 | — Glass microspheres not exceeding 1 mm in diameter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    701890 | — Other | | | |

    70189010 | — — Glass eyes; articles of glass smallware | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70189090 | — — Other | 2,1 | Year 3 | |

    7019 | Glass fibres (including glass wool) and articles thereof (for example, yarn, woven fabrics) | | | |

    — Slivers, rovings, yarn and chopped strands | | | |

    70191100 | — — Chopped strands, of a length of not more than 50 mm | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    70191200 | — — Rovings | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    701919 | — — Other | | | |

    70191910 | — — — Of filaments | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    70191990 | — — — Of staple fibres | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Thin sheets (voiles), webs, mats, mattresses, boards and similar non-woven products | | | |

    70193100 | — — Mats | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    70193200 | — — Thin sheets (voiles) | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    70193900 | — — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    70194000 | — Woven fabrics of rovings | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other woven fabrics | | | |

    70195100 | — — Of a width not exceeding 30 cm | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    70195200 | — — Of a width exceeding 30 cm, plain weave, weighing less than 250 g/m2, of filaments measuring per single yarn not more than 136 tex | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    70195900 | — — Other | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    701990 | — Other | | | |

    70199010 | — — Non-textile fibres in bulk or flocks | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    70199030 | — — Pads and casings for insulating tubes and pipes | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    70199091 | — — — Of textile fibres | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    70199099 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    702000 | Other articles of glass | | | |

    70200005 | — Quartz reactor tubes and holders designed for insertion into diffusion and oxidation furnaces for production of semiconductor materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    70200010 | — — Of fused quartz or other fused silica | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70200030 | — — Of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 × 10-6 per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0 °C to 300 °C | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    70200080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |



    7101 | Pearls, natural or cultured, whether or not worked or graded but not strung, mounted or set; pearls, natural or cultured, temporarily strung for convenience of transport | | | |

    71011000 | — Natural pearls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Cultured pearls | | | |

    71012100 | — — Unworked | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71012200 | — — Worked | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7102 | Diamonds, whether or not worked, but not mounted or set | | | |

    71021000 | — Unsorted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Industrial | | | |

    71022100 | — — Unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71022900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Non-industrial | | | |

    71023100 | — — Unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71023900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7103 | Precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones, whether or not worked or graded but not strung, mounted or set; ungraded precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones, temporarily strung for convenience of transport | | | |

    71031000 | — Unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Otherwise worked | | | |

    71039100 | — — Rubies, sapphires and emeralds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71039900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7104 | Synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones, whether or not worked or graded but not strung, mounted or set; ungraded synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones, temporarily strung for convenience of transport | | | |

    71041000 | — Piezo-electric quartz | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71042000 | — Other, unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71049000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7105 | Dust and powder of natural or synthetic precious or semi-precious stones | | | |

    71051000 | — Of diamonds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71059000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    7106 | Silver (including silver plated with gold or platinum), unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form | | | |

    71061000 | — Powder | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    710691 | — — Unwrought | | | |

    71069110 | — — — Of a fineness of not less than 999 parts per 1000 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71069190 | — — — Of a fineness of less than 999 parts per 1000 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    710692 | — — Semi-manufactured | | | |

    71069220 | — — — Of a fineness of not less than 750 parts per 1000 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71069280 | — — — Of a fineness of less than 750 parts per 1000 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71070000 | Base metals clad with silver, not further worked than semi-manufactured | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7108 | Gold (including gold plated with platinum), unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form | | | |

    — Non-monetary | | | |

    71081100 | — — Powder | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71081200 | — — Other unwrought forms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    710813 | — — Other semi-manufactured forms | | | |

    71081310 | — — — Bars, rods, wire and sections; plates; sheets and strips of a thickness, excluding any backing, exceeding 0,15 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71081380 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71082000 | — Monetary | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71090000 | Base metals or silver, clad with gold, not further worked than semi-manufactured | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7110 | Platinum, unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form | | | |

    — Platinum | | | |

    71101100 | — — Unwrought or in powder form | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    711019 | — — Other | | | |

    71101910 | — — — Bars, rods, wire and sections; plates; sheets and strips of a thickness, excluding any backing, exceeding 0,15 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71101980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Palladium | | | |

    71102100 | — — Unwrought or in powder form | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71102900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Rhodium | | | |

    71103100 | — — Unwrought or in powder form | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71103900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Iridium, osmium and ruthenium | | | |

    71104100 | — — Unwrought or in powder form | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71104900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71110000 | Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7112 | Waste and scrap of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal; other waste and scrap containing precious metal or precious metal compounds, of a kind used principally for the recovery of precious metal: | | | |

    71123000 | — Ash containing precious metal or precious metal compounds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    71129100 | — — Of gold, including metal clad with gold but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71129200 | — — Of platinum, including metal clad with platinum but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71129900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    7113 | Articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal | | | |

    — Of precious metal whether or not plated or clad with precious metal | | | |

    71131100 | — — Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71131900 | — — Of other precious metal, whether or not plated or clad with precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71132000 | — Of base metal clad with precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7114 | Articles of goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal | | | |

    — Of precious metal whether or not plated or clad with precious metal | | | |

    71141100 | — — Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71141900 | — — Of other precious metal, whether or not plated or clad with precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71142000 | — Of base metal clad with precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7115 | Other articles of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal | | | |

    71151000 | — Catalysts in the form of wire cloth or grill, of platinum | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    711590 | — Other | | | |

    71159010 | — — Of precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71159090 | — — Of metal clad with precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7116 | Articles of natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) | | | |

    71161000 | — Of natural or cultured pearls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    711620 | — Of precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) | | | |

    — — Made wholly of natural precious or semi-precious stones | | | |

    71162011 | — — — Necklaces, bracelets and other articles of natural precious or semi-precious stones, simply strung without fasteners or other accessories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71162019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71162090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7117 | Imitation jewellery | | | |

    — Of base metal, whether or not plated with precious metal | | | |

    71171100 | — — Cuff-links and studs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    711719 | — — Other | | | |

    71171910 | — — — With parts of glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Without parts of glass | | | |

    71171991 | — — — — Gilt, silvered or platinum plated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71171999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71179000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7118 | Coin | | | |

    711810 | — Coin (other than gold coin), not being legal tender | | | |

    71181010 | — — Of silver | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71181090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    71189000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72 | IRON AND STEEL | | | |


    7201 | Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms | | | |

    720110 | — Non-alloy pig iron containing by weight 0,5 % or less of phosphorus | | | |

    — — Containing by weight not less than 0,4 % of manganese | | | |

    72011011 | — — — Containing by weight 1 % or less of silicon | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    72011019 | — — — Containing by weight more than 1 % of silicon | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    72011030 | — — Containing by weight not less than 0,1 % but less than 0,4 % of manganese | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    72011090 | — — Containing by weight less than 0,1 % of manganese | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72012000 | — Non-alloy pig iron containing by weight more than 0,5 % of phosphorus | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    720150 | — Alloy pig iron; spiegeleisen | | | |

    72015010 | — — Alloy pig iron containing by weight not less than 0,3 % but not more than 1 % of titanium and not less than 0,5 % but not more than 1 % of vanadium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72015090 | — — Other | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    7202 | Ferro-alloys | | | |

    — Ferro-manganese | | | |

    720211 | — — Containing by weight more than 2 % of carbon | | | |

    72021120 | — — — With a granulometry not exceeding 5 mm and a manganese content by weight exceeding 65 % | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72021180 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72021900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Ferro-silicon | | | |

    720221 | — — Containing by weight more than 55 % of silicon | | | |

    72022110 | — — — Containing by weight more than 55 % but not more than 80 % of silicon | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    72022190 | — — — Containing by weight more than 80 % of silicon | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    720229 | — — Other | | | |

    72022910 | — — — Containing by weight 4 % or more but not more than 10 % of magnesium | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    72022990 | — — — Other | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    72023000 | — Ferro-silico-manganese | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Ferro-chromium | | | |

    720241 | — — Containing by weight more than 4 % of carbon | | | |

    72024110 | — — — Containing by weight more than 4 % but not more than 6 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Containing by weight more than 6 % of carbon | | | |

    72024191 | — — — — Containing by weight not more than 60 % of chromium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72024199 | — — — — Containing by weight more than 60 % of chromium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720249 | — — Other | | | |

    72024910 | — — — Containing by weight not more than 0,05 % of carbon | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    72024950 | — — — Containing by weight more than 0,05 % but not more than 0,5 % of carbon | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    72024990 | — — — Containing by weight more than 0,5 % but not more than 4 % of carbon | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    72025000 | — Ferro-silico-chromium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72026000 | — Ferro-nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72027000 | — Ferro-molybdenum | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72028000 | — Ferro-tungsten and ferro-silico-tungsten | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    72029100 | — — Ferro-titanium and ferro-silico-titanium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72029200 | — — Ferro-vanadium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72029300 | — — Ferro-niobium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720299 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Ferro-phosphorus | | | |

    72029911 | — — — — Containing by weight more than 3 % but less than 15 % of phosphorus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72029919 | — — — — Containing by weight 15 % or more of phosphorus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72029930 | — — — Ferro-silico-magnesium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72029980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7203 | Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron ore and other spongy ferrous products, in lumps, pellets or similar forms; iron having a minimum purity by weight of 99,94 %, in lumps, pellets or similar forms | | | |

    72031000 | — Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron ore | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72039000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7204 | Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel | | | |

    72041000 | — Waste and scrap of cast iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Waste and scrap of alloy steel | | | |

    720421 | — — Of stainless steel | | | |

    72042110 | — — — Containing by weight 8 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72042190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72042900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72043000 | — Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other waste and scrap | | | |

    720441 | — — Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles | | | |

    72044110 | — — — Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust and filings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Trimmings and stampings | | | |

    72044191 | — — — — In bundles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72044199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720449 | — — Other | | | |

    72044910 | — — — Fragmentized (shredded) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    72044930 | — — — — In bundles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    72044991 | — — — — — Neither sorted nor graded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72044999 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720450 | — Remelting scrap ingots | | | |

    72045010 | — — Of alloy steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72045090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7205 | Granules and powders, of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel | | | |

    72051000 | — Granules | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Powders | | | |

    72052100 | — — Of alloy steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72052900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    7206 | Iron and non-alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms (excluding iron of heading 7203) | | | |

    72061000 | — Ingots | 0,5 | Year 0 | |

    72069000 | — Other | 0,5 | Year 0 | |

    7207 | Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel | | | |

    — Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon | | | |

    720711 | — — Of rectangular (including square) cross-section, the width measuring less than twice the thickness | | | |

    — — — Rolled or obtained by continuous casting | | | |

    72071111 | — — — — Of free-cutting steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    72071114 | — — — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 130 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72071116 | — — — — — Of a thickness exceeding 130 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72071190 | — — — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720712 | — — Other, of rectangular (other than square) cross-section | | | |

    72071210 | — — — Rolled or obtained by continuous casting | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72071290 | — — — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720719 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of circular or polygonal cross-section | | | |

    — — — — Rolled or obtained by continuous casting | | | |

    72071911 | — — — — — Of free-cutting steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    72071914 | — — — — — — Obtained by continuous casting | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72071916 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72071919 | — — — — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Blanks for angles, shapes and sections | | | |

    72071931 | — — — — Rolled or obtained by continuous casting | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72071939 | — — — — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72071990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720720 | — Containing by weight 0,25 % or more of carbon | | | |

    — — Of rectangular (including square) cross-section, the width measuring less than twice the thickness | | | |

    — — — Rolled or obtained by continuous casting | | | |

    72072011 | — — — — Of free-cutting steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other, containing by weight | | | |

    72072015 | — — — — — 0,25 % or more but less than 0,6 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72072017 | — — — — — 0,6 % or more of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72072019 | — — — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other, of rectangular (other than square) cross-section | | | |

    72072032 | — — — Rolled or obtained by continuous casting | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72072039 | — — — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of circular or polygonal cross-section | | | |

    — — — Rolled or obtained by continuous casting | | | |

    72072051 | — — — — Of free-cutting steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    72072055 | — — — — — Containing by weight 0,25 % or more but less than 0,6 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72072057 | — — — — — Containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72072059 | — — — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Blanks for angles, shapes and sections | | | |

    72072071 | — — — Rolled or obtained by continuous casting | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72072079 | — — — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72072090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7208 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated | | | |

    72081000 | — In coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, with patterns in relief | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, pickled | | | |

    72082500 | — — Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72082600 | — — Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72082700 | — — Of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled | | | |

    72083600 | — — Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720837 | — — Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm | | | |

    72083710 | — — — Intended for re-rolling | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72083790 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720838 | — — Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm | | | |

    72083810 | — — — Intended for re-rolling | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72083890 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720839 | — — Of a thickness of less than 3 mm | | | |

    72083910 | — — — Intended for re-rolling | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72083990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720840 | — Not in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, with patterns in relief | | | |

    72084010 | — — Of a thickness of 2 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72084090 | — — Of a thickness of less than 2 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, not in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled | | | |

    720851 | — — Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm | | | |

    72085110 | — — — Rolled on four faces or in a closed box pass, of a width not exceeding 1250 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, of a thickness | | | |

    72085130 | — — — — Exceeding 20 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72085150 | — — — — Exceeding 15 mm but not exceeding 20 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Exceeding 10 mm but not exceeding 15 mm, of a width of | | | |

    72085191 | — — — — — 2050 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72085199 | — — — — — Less than 2050 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720852 | — — Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm | | | |

    72085210 | — — — Rolled on four faces or in a closed box pass, of a width not exceeding 1250 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, of a width of | | | |

    72085291 | — — — — 2050 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72085299 | — — — — Less than 2050 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720853 | — — Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm | | | |

    72085310 | — — — Rolled on four faces or in a closed box pass, of a width not exceeding 1250 mm and of a thickness of 4 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72085390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720854 | — — Of a thickness of less than 3 mm | | | |

    72085410 | — — — Of a thickness of 2 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72085490 | — — — Of a thickness of less than 2 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720890 | — Other | | | |

    72089010 | — — Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72089090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7209 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, cold-rolled (cold-reduced), not clad, plated or coated | | | |

    — In coils, not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | | | |

    72091500 | — — Of a thickness of 3 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720916 | — — Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than 3 mm | | | |

    72091610 | — — — "Electrical" | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72091690 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720917 | — — Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm | | | |

    72091710 | — — — "Electrical" | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72091790 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720918 | — — Of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm | | | |

    72091810 | — — — "Electrical" | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    72091891 | — — — — Of a thickness of 0,35 mm or more but less than 0,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72091899 | — — — — Of a thickness of less than 0,35 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Not in coils, not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | | | |

    72092500 | — — Of a thickness of 3 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720926 | — — Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than 3 mm | | | |

    72092610 | — — — "Electrical" | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72092690 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720927 | — — Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm | | | |

    72092710 | — — — "Electrical" | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72092790 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720928 | — — Of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm | | | |

    72092810 | — — — "Electrical" | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72092890 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    720990 | — Other | | | |

    72099010 | — — Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72099090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7210 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, clad, plated or coated | | | |

    — Plated or coated with tin | | | |

    721011 | — — Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more | | | |

    72101110 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72101190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721012 | — — Of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm | | | |

    — — — Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | | | |

    72101211 | — — — — Tinplate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72101219 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72101290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721020 | — Plated or coated with lead, including terne-plate | | | |

    72102010 | — — Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72102090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721030 | — Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc | | | |

    72103010 | — — Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72103090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Otherwise plated or coated with zinc | | | |

    721041 | — — Corrugated | | | |

    72104110 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72104190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721049 | — — Other | | | |

    72104910 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72104990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721050 | — Plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chromium and chromium oxides | | | |

    72105010 | — — Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72105090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Plated or coated with aluminium | | | |

    721061 | — — Plated or coated with aluminium-zinc alloys | | | |

    72106110 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72106190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721069 | — — Other | | | |

    72106910 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72106990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721070 | — Painted, varnished or coated with plastics | | | |

    — — Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | | | |

    72107031 | — — — Tinplate and products, plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chromium and chromium oxides, varnished | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72107039 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72107090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721090 | — Other | | | |

    72109010 | — — Silvered, gilded, platinum-plated or enamelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding, or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | | | |

    72109031 | — — — — Clad | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72109033 | — — — — Tinned and printed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72109038 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72109090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7211 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of less than 600 mm, not clad, plated or coated | | | |

    — Not further worked than hot-rolled | | | |

    72111300 | — — Rolled on four faces or in a closed box pass, of a width exceeding 150 mm and a thickness of not less than 4 mm, not in coils and without patterns in relief | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721114 | — — Other, of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more | | | |

    72111410 | — — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72111490 | — — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721119 | — — Other | | | |

    72111920 | — — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72111990 | — — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | | | |

    721123 | — — Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon | | | |

    72112310 | — — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    72112351 | — — — — In coils intended for the manufacture of tinplate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    72112391 | — — — — — "Electrical" | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72112399 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721129 | — — Other | | | |

    72112920 | — — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    72112950 | — — — — Containing by weight 0,25 % or more but less than 0,6 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72112990 | — — — — Containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721190 | — Other | | | |

    — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    72119011 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72119019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72119090 | — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7212 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of less than 600 mm, clad, plated or coated | | | |

    721210 | — Plated or coated with tin | | | |

    72121010 | — — Tinplate, not further worked than surface-treated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    72121091 | — — — — Not further worked than surface-treated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72121093 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72121099 | — — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721220 | — Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc | | | |

    — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    72122011 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72122019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72122090 | — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721230 | — Otherwise plated or coated with zinc | | | |

    — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    72123011 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72123019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72123090 | — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721240 | — Painted, varnished or coated with plastics | | | |

    72124010 | — — Tinplate, not further worked than varnished | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    72124091 | — — — — Not further worked than surface-treated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72124093 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    72124095 | — — — — Plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chromium and chromium oxides, varnished | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72124098 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721250 | — Otherwise plated or coated | | | |

    — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    72125010 | — — — Silvered, gilded, platinum-plated or enamelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Not further worked than surface-treated | | | |

    72125031 | — — — — — Lead-coated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72125051 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72125058 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    72125075 | — — — Plated or coated with copper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72125091 | — — — Plated or coated with chromium or nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Plated or coated with aluminium | | | |

    72125093 | — — — — Plated or coated with aluminium-zinc alloys | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72125097 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72125099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721260 | — Clad | | | |

    — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    72126011 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72126019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    — — — Not further worked than surface-treated | | | |

    72126091 | — — — — Hot-rolled, not further worked than clad | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72126093 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72126099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7213 | Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of iron or non-alloy steel | | | |

    72131000 | — Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72132000 | — Other, of free-cutting steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    721391 | — — Of circular cross-section measuring less than 14 mm in diameter | | | |

    72139110 | — — — Of a type used for concrete reinforcement | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72139120 | — — — Of a type used for tyre cord | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    72139141 | — — — — Containing by weight 0,06 % or less of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72139149 | — — — — Containing by weight more than 0,06 % but less than 0,25 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72139170 | — — — — Containing by weight 0,25 % or more but not more than 0,75 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72139190 | — — — — Containing by weight more than 0,75 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721399 | — — Other | | | |

    72139910 | — — — Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72139990 | — — — Containing by weight 0,25 % or more of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7214 | Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than forged, hot-rolled, hot-drawn or hot-extruded, but including those twisted after rolling | | | |

    72141000 | — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72142000 | — Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process or twisted after rolling | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72143000 | — Other, of free-cutting steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    721491 | — — Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section | | | |

    72149110 | — — — Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72149190 | — — — Containing by weight 0,25 % or more of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721499 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon | | | |

    72149910 | — — — — Of a type used for concrete reinforcement | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other, of circular cross-section measuring in diameter | | | |

    72149931 | — — — — — 80 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72149939 | — — — — — Less than 80 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72149950 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Containing by weight 0,25 % or more but less than 0,6 % of carbon | | | |

    — — — — Of a circular cross-section measuring in diameter | | | |

    72149961 | — — — — — 80 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72149969 | — — — — — Less than 80 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72149980 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72149990 | — — — Containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7215 | Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel | | | |

    72151000 | — Of free-cutting steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721550 | — Other, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | | | |

    — — Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon | | | |

    72155011 | — — — Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72155019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72155030 | — — Containing by weight 0,25 % or more but less than 0,6 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72155090 | — — Containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721590 | — Other | | | |

    72159010 | — — Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72159090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7216 | Angles, shapes and sections of iron or non-alloy steel | | | |

    72161000 | — U, I or H sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of less than 80 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — L or T sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of less than 80 mm | | | |

    72162100 | — — L sections | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72162200 | — — T sections | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — U, I or H sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of 80 mm or more | | | |

    721631 | — — U sections | | | |

    — — — Of a height of 80 mm or more but not exceeding 220 mm | | | |

    72163111 | — — — — With parallel flange faces | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72163119 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a height exceeding 220 mm | | | |

    72163191 | — — — — With parallel flange faces | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72163199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721632 | — — I sections | | | |

    — — — Of a height of 80 mm or more but not exceeding 220 mm | | | |

    72163211 | — — — — With parallel flange faces | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72163219 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a height exceeding 220 mm | | | |

    72163291 | — — — — With parallel flange faces | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72163299 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721633 | — — H sections | | | |

    72163310 | — — — Of a height of 80 mm or more but not exceeding 180 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72163390 | — — — Of a height exceeding 180 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721640 | — L or T sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of 80 mm or more | | | |

    72164010 | — — L sections | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72164090 | — — T sections | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721650 | — Other angles, shapes and sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded | | | |

    72165010 | — — With a cross-section which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is 80 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    72165091 | — — — Bulb flats | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72165099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Angles, shapes and sections, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | | | |

    721661 | — — Obtained from flat-rolled products | | | |

    72166110 | — — — C, L, U, Z, omega or open-ended sections | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72166190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72166900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    721691 | — — Cold-formed or cold-finished from flat-rolled products | | | |

    72169110 | — — — Profiled (ribbed) sheets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Plated or coated with zinc, of a thickness of | | | |

    72169130 | — — — — — Less than 2,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72169150 | — — — — — 2,5 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72169190 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721699 | — — Other | | | |

    72169910 | — — — Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72169990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7217 | Wire of iron or non-alloy steel | | | |

    721710 | — Not plated or coated, whether or not polished | | | |

    — — Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon | | | |

    72171010 | — — — With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of less than 0,8 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 0,8 mm or more | | | |

    72171031 | — — — — Containing identations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72171039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72171050 | — — Containing by weight 0,25 % or more but less than 0,6 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72171090 | — — Containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721720 | — Plated or coated with zinc | | | |

    — — Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon | | | |

    72172010 | — — — With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of less than 0,8 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72172030 | — — — With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 0,8 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72172050 | — — Containing by weight 0,25 % or more but less than 0,6 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72172090 | — — Containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721730 | — Plated or coated with other base metals | | | |

    — — Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon | | | |

    — — — With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of less than 0,8 mm | | | |

    72173011 | — — — — Copper-coated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72173019 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 0,8 mm or more | | | |

    72173031 | — — — — Copper-coated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72173039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72173050 | — — Containing by weight 0,25 % or more but less than 0,6 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72173090 | — — Containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721790 | — Other | | | |

    — — Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon | | | |

    72179010 | — — — With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of less than 0,8 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72179030 | — — — With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 0,8 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72179050 | — — Containing by weight 0,25 % or more but less than 0,6 % of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72179090 | — — Containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    7218 | Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finished products of stainless steel | | | |

    72181000 | — Ingots and other primary forms | 0,5 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    721891 | — — Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section | | | |

    — — — Rolled or obtained by continuous casting | | | |

    72189111 | — — — — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72189119 | — — — — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72189190 | — — — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721899 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of square cross-section | | | |

    72189911 | — — — — Rolled or obtained by continous casting | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72189919 | — — — — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    72189920 | — — — — Rolled or obtained by continuous casting | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Forged | | | |

    72189991 | — — — — — Of circular or polygonal cross-section | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72189999 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7219 | Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of 600 mm or more | | | |

    — Not further worked than hot-rolled, in coils | | | |

    72191100 | — — Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721912 | — — Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm | | | |

    72191210 | — — — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72191290 | — — — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721913 | — — Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm | | | |

    72191310 | — — — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72191390 | — — — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721914 | — — Of a thickness of less than 3 mm | | | |

    72191410 | — — — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72191490 | — — — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Not further worked than hot-rolled, not in coils | | | |

    721921 | — — Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm | | | |

    72192110 | — — — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72192190 | — — — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721922 | — — Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm | | | |

    72192210 | — — — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72192290 | — — — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72192300 | — — Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72192400 | — — Of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | | | |

    72193100 | — — Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721932 | — — Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm | | | |

    72193210 | — — — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72193290 | — — — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721933 | — — Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than 3 mm | | | |

    72193310 | — — — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72193390 | — — — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721934 | — — Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm | | | |

    72193410 | — — — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72193490 | — — — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721935 | — — Of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm | | | |

    72193510 | — — — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72193590 | — — — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    721990 | — Other | | | |

    72199010 | — — Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding, or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72199090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7220 | Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of less than 600 mm | | | |

    — Not further worked than hot-rolled | | | |

    72201100 | — — Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72201200 | — — Of a thickness of less than 4,75 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722020 | — Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | | | |

    72202010 | — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    — — — Of a thickness of 3 mm or more, containing by weight | | | |

    72202031 | — — — — 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72202039 | — — — — Less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a thickness exceeding 0,35 mm but less than 3 mm, containing by weight | | | |

    72202051 | — — — — 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72202059 | — — — — Less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a thickness not exceeding 0,35 mm, containing by weight | | | |

    72202091 | — — — — 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72202099 | — — — — Less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722090 | — Other | | | |

    — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    72209011 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72209019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | | | |

    — — — Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding | | | |

    72209031 | — — — — Hot-rolled, not further worked than clad | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72209039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72209090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722100 | Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of stainless steel | | | |

    72210010 | — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72210090 | — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7222 | Other bars and rods of stainless steel; angles, shapes and sections of stainless steel | | | |

    — Bars and rods, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded (ECSC) | | | |

    722211 | — — Of circular cross-section | | | |

    — — — Of a diameter of 80 mm or more, containing by weight | | | |

    72221111 | — — — — 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72221119 | — — — — Less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a diameter of 25 mm or more, but less than 80 mm, containing by weight | | | |

    72221121 | — — — — 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72221129 | — — — — Less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a diameter of less than 25 mm, containing by weight | | | |

    72221191 | — — — — 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72221199 | — — — — Less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722219 | — — Other | | | |

    72221910 | — — — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72221990 | — — — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722220 | — Bars and rods, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | | | |

    — — Of circular cross-section | | | |

    — — — Of a diameter of 80 mm or more, containing by weight | | | |

    72222011 | — — — — 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72222019 | — — — — Less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a diameter of 25 mm or more, but less than 80 mm, containing by weight | | | |

    72222021 | — — — — 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72222029 | — — — — Less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a diameter of less than 25 mm, containing by weight | | | |

    72222031 | — — — — 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72222039 | — — — — Less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other, containing by weight | | | |

    72222081 | — — — 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72222089 | — — — Less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722230 | — Other bars and rods | | | |

    72223010 | — — Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Forged, containing by weight | | | |

    72223051 | — — — 2,5 % or more of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72223091 | — — — Less than 2,5 % of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72223098 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722240 | — Angles, shapes and sections | | | |

    72224010 | — — Not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    72224030 | — — — Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | | | |

    72224091 | — — — — — Obtained from flat-rolled products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72224093 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72224099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722300 | Wire of stainless steel | | | |

    — Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel | | | |

    72230011 | — — Containing by weight 28 % or more but not more than 31 % of nickel and 20 % or more but not more than 22 % of chromium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72230019 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel | | | |

    72230091 | — — Containing by weight 13 % or more but not more than 25 % of chromium and 3,5 % or more but not more than 6 % of aluminium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72230099 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    7224 | Other alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finished products of other alloy steel | | | |

    72241000 | — Ingots and other primary forms | 0,5 | Year 0 | |

    722490 | — Other | | | |

    — — Of rectangular (including square) cross-section | | | |

    — — — Hot-rolled or obtained by continuous casting | | | |

    — — — — The width measuring less than twice the thickness | | | |

    72249001 | — — — — — Of high-speed steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72249005 | — — — — — Containing by weight not more than 0,7 % of carbon, 0,5 % or more but not more than 1,2 % of manganese and 0,6 % or more but not more than 2,3 % of silicon; containing by weight 0,0008 % or more of boron with any other element less than the minimum content referred to in note 1 (f) to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72249008 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72249015 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72249019 | — — — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Hot-rolled or obtained by continuous casting | | | |

    72249031 | — — — — Containing by weight not less than 0,9 % but not more than 1,15 % of carbon, not less than 0,5 % but not more than 2 % of chromium and, if present, not more than 0,5 % of molybdenum | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72249039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Forged | | | |

    72249091 | — — — — Of circular or polygonal cross-section | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72249099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7225 | Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more | | | |

    — Of silicon-electrical steel | | | |

    72251100 | — — Grain-oriented | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722519 | — — Other | | | |

    72251910 | — — — Hot-rolled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72251990 | — — — Cold-rolled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722520 | — Of high speed steel | | | |

    72252020 | — — Not further worked than rolled; not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72252090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72253000 | — Other, not further worked than hot-rolled, in coils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722540 | — Other, not further worked than hot-rolled, not in coils | | | |

    72254020 | — — Of a thickness exceeding 15 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72254050 | — — Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 15 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72254080 | — — Of a thickness less than 4,75 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72255000 | — Other, not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    722591 | — — Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc | | | |

    72259110 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72259190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722592 | — — Otherwise plated or coated with zinc | | | |

    72259210 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72259290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722599 | — — Other | | | |

    72259910 | — — — Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding or simply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72259990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7226 | Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of less than 600 mm | | | |

    — Of silicon-electrical steel | | | |

    722611 | — — Grain-oriented | | | |

    72261110 | — — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72261190 | — — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722619 | — — Other | | | |

    72261910 | — — — Not further worked than hot-rolled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    72261930 | — — — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72261990 | — — — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722620 | — Of high-speed steel | | | |

    72262020 | — — Not further worked than hot-rolled; of a width not exceeding 500 mm, hot-rolled, not further worked than clad; of a width exceeding 500 mm, not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) or not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72262080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    722691 | — — Not further worked than hot-rolled | | | |

    72269110 | — — — Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72269190 | — — — Of a thickness of less than 4,75 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722692 | — — Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | | | |

    72269210 | — — — Of a width exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72269290 | — — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722693 | — — Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc | | | |

    72269320 | — — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm, hot-rolled, not further worked than clad; of a width exceeding 500 mm, not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72269380 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722694 | — — Otherwise plated or coated with zinc | | | |

    72269420 | — — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm, hot-rolled, not further worked than clad; of a width exceeding 500 mm, not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72269480 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722699 | — — Other | | | |

    72269920 | — — — Of a width not exceeding 500 mm, hot-rolled, not further worked than clad; of a width exceeding 500 mm, not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72269980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7227 | Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of other alloy steel | | | |

    72271000 | — Of high-speed steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72272000 | — Of silico-manganese steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722790 | — Other | | | |

    72279010 | — — Containing by weight 0,0008 % or more of boron with any other element less than the minimum content referred to in note 1 (f) to this chapter | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72279050 | — — Containing by weight 0,9 % or more but not more than 1,15 % of carbon, 0,5 % or more but not more than 2 % of chromium and, if present, not more than 0,5 % of molybdenum | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72279095 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7228 | Other bars and rods of other alloy steel; angles, shapes and sections, of other alloy steel; hollow drill bars and rods, of alloy or non-alloy steel | | | |

    722810 | — Bars and rods, of high-speed steel | | | |

    72281010 | — — Not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    72281030 | — — — Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72281050 | — — — Forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72281090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722820 | — Bars and rods, of silico-manganese steel | | | |

    — — Not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded | | | |

    72282011 | — — — Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section, rolled on four faces | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72282019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    72282030 | — — — Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72282060 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722830 | — Other bars and rods, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded | | | |

    72283020 | — — Of tool steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Containing by weight 0,9 % or more but not more than 1,15 % of carbon, 0,5 % or more but not more than 2 % of chromium and, if present, not more than 0,5 % of molybdenum | | | |

    72283041 | — — — Of circular cross-section of a diameter of 80 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72283049 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of circular cross-section, of a diameter of | | | |

    72283061 | — — — — 80 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72283069 | — — — — Less than 80 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72283070 | — — — Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section, rolled on four faces | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72283089 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722840 | — Other bars and rods, not further worked than forged | | | |

    72284010 | — — Of tool steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72284090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722850 | — Other bars and rods, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | | | |

    72285020 | — — Of tool steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72285040 | — — Containing by weight 0,9 % or more but not more than 1,15 % of carbon, 0,5 % or more but not more than 2 % of chromium and, if present, not more than 0,5 % of molybdenum | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of circular cross-section, of a diameter of | | | |

    72285061 | — — — — 80 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72285069 | — — — — Less than 80 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72285070 | — — — Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section, rolled on four faces | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72285089 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722860 | — Other bars and rods | | | |

    72286010 | — — Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    72286081 | — — — Of tool steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72286089 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722870 | — Angles, shapes and sections | | | |

    72287010 | — — Not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    72287031 | — — — Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    72287091 | — — — — Not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72287099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722880 | — Hollow drill bars and rods | | | |

    72288010 | — — Of alloy steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72288090 | — — Of non-alloy steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7229 | Wire of other alloy steel | | | |

    72291000 | — Of high-speed steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72292000 | — Of silico-manganese steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    722990 | — Other | | | |

    72299050 | — — Containing by weight 0,9 % or more but not more than 1,15 % of carbon, 0,5 % or more but not more than 2 % of chromium and, if present, not more than 0,5 % of molybdenum | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    72299090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73 | ARTICLES OF IRON OR STEEL | | | |

    7301 | Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched or made from assembled elements; welded angles, shapes and sections, of iron or steel | | | |

    73011000 | — Sheet piling | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73012000 | — Angles, shapes and sections | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7302 | Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, the following: rails, check-rails and rack rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-plates, chairs, chair wedges, sole plates (base plates), rail clips, bedplates, ties and other material specialized for jointing or fixing rails | | | |

    730210 | — Rails | | | |

    73021010 | — — Current-conducting, with parts of non-ferrous metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — New | | | |

    73021031 | — — — — Of a weight per m of 20kg or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73021039 | — — — — Of a weight per m of less than 20kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73021090 | — — — Used | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73023000 | — Switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730240 | — Fish-plates and sole plates | | | |

    73024010 | — — Rolled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73024090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730290 | — Other | | | |

    73029020 | — — Check-rails and sleepers (cross-ties) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73029030 | — — Rail clips, bedplates and ties | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73029090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730300 | Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron | | | |

    73030010 | — Tubes and pipes of a kind used in pressure systems | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73030090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7304 | Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless, of iron (other than cast iron) or steel | | | |

    730410 | — Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines | | | |

    73041010 | — — Of an external diameter not exceeding 168,3 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73041030 | — — Of an external diameter exceeding 168,3 mm, but not exceeding 406,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73041090 | — — Of an external diameter exceeding 406,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Casing, tubing and drill pipe, of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas | | | |

    73042100 | — — Drill pipe | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730429 | — — Other | | | |

    73042911 | — — — Of an external diameter not exceeding 406,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73042919 | — — — Of an external diameter exceeding 406,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, of circular cross-section, of iron or non-alloy steel | | | |

    730431 | — — Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | | | |

    73043110 | — — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    73043191 | — — — — Precision tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73043199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730439 | — — Other | | | |

    73043910 | — — — Unworked, straight and of uniform wall-thickness, for use solely in the manufacture of tubes and pipes with other cross-sections and wall-thicknesses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    73043920 | — — — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    73043930 | — — — — — Of an external diameter exceeding 421 mm and of a wall-thickness exceeding 10,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — — Threaded or threadable tubes (gas pipe) | | | |

    73043951 | — — — — — — — Plated or coated with zinc | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73043959 | — — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — Other, of an external diameter | | | |

    73043991 | — — — — — — — Not exceeding 168,3 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73043993 | — — — — — — — Exceeding 168,3 mm, but not exceeding 406,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73043999 | — — — — — — — Exceeding 406,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, of circular cross-section, of stainless steel | | | |

    730441 | — — Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | | | |

    73044110 | — — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73044190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730449 | — — Other | | | |

    73044910 | — — — Unworked, straight and of uniform wall-thickness, for use solely in the manufacture of tubes and pipes with other cross-sections and wall-thicknesses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    73044930 | — — — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    73044991 | — — — — — Of an external diameter not exceeding 406,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73044999 | — — — — — Of an external diameter exceeding 406,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, of circular cross-section, of other alloy steel | | | |

    730451 | — — Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | | | |

    — — — Straight and of uniform wall-thickness, of alloy steel containing by weight not less than 0,9 % but not more than 1,15 % of carbon, not less than 0,5 % but not more than 2 % of chromium and, if present, not more than 0,5 % of molybdenum, of a length | | | |

    73045111 | — — — — Not exceeding 4,5 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73045119 | — — — — Exceeding 4,5 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    73045130 | — — — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    73045191 | — — — — — Precision tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73045199 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730459 | — — Other | | | |

    73045910 | — — — Unworked, straight and of uniform wall-thickness, for use solely in the manufacture of tubes and pipes with other cross-sections and wall-thicknesses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, straight and of uniform wall-thickness, of alloy steel containing by weight not less than 0,9 % but not more than 1,15 % of carbon, not less than 0,5 % but not more than 2 % of chromium and, if present, not more than 0,5 % of molybdenum, of a length | | | |

    73045931 | — — — — Not exceeding 4,5 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73045939 | — — — — Exceeding 4,5 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    73045950 | — — — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    73045991 | — — — — — Of an external diameter not exceeding 168,3 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73045993 | — — — — — Of an external diameter exceeding 168,3 mm, but not exceeding 406,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73045999 | — — — — — Of an external diameter exceeding 406,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730490 | — Other | | | |

    73049010 | — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73049090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7305 | Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular cross-sections, the external diameter of which exceeds 406,4 mm, of iron or steel | | | |

    — Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines | | | |

    73051100 | — — Longitudinally submerged arc welded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73051200 | — — Other, longitudinally welded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73051900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730520 | — Casing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas | | | |

    73052010 | — — Longitudinally welded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73052090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, welded | | | |

    73053100 | — — Longitudinally welded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73053900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73059000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7306 | Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles (for example, open seam or welded, riveted or similarly closed), of iron or steel | | | |

    730610 | — Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines | | | |

    — — Longitudinally welded, of an external diameter of | | | |

    73061011 | — — — Not more than 168,3 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73061019 | — — — More than 168,3 mm, but not more than 406,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73061090 | — — Spirally welded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73062000 | — Casing and tubing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730630 | — Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of iron or non-alloy steel | | | |

    73063010 | — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Precision tubes, with a wall thickness | | | |

    73063021 | — — — — Not exceeding 2 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73063029 | — — — — Exceeding 2 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Threaded or threadable tubes (gas pipe) | | | |

    73063051 | — — — — — Plated or coated with zinc | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73063059 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other, of an external diameter | | | |

    — — — — — Not exceeding 168,3 mm | | | |

    73063071 | — — — — — — Plated or coated with zinc | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73063078 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73063090 | — — — — — Exceeding 168,3 mm, but not exceeding 406,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730640 | — Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of stainless steel | | | |

    73064010 | — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    73064091 | — — — Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73064099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730650 | — Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of other alloy steel | | | |

    73065010 | — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    73065091 | — — — Precision tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73065099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730660 | — Other, welded, of non-circular cross-section | | | |

    73066010 | — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of rectangular (including square) cross-section, with a wall thickness | | | |

    73066031 | — — — — Not exceeding 2 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73066039 | — — — — Exceeding 2 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73066090 | — — — Of other sections | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73069000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7307 | Tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or steel | | | |

    — Cast fittings | | | |

    730711 | — — Of non-malleable cast iron | | | |

    73071110 | — — — Of a kind used in pressure systems | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73071190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730719 | — — Other | | | |

    73071910 | — — — Of malleable cast iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73071990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, of stainless steel | | | |

    73072100 | — — Flanges | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730722 | — — Threaded elbows, bends and sleeves | | | |

    73072210 | — — — Sleeves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73072290 | — — — Elbows and bends | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730723 | — — Butt welding fittings | | | |

    73072310 | — — — Elbows and bends | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73072390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730729 | — — Other | | | |

    73072910 | — — — Threaded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73072930 | — — — For welding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73072990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    73079100 | — — Flanges | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730792 | — — Threaded elbows, bends and sleeves | | | |

    73079210 | — — — Sleeves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73079290 | — — — Elbows and bends | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730793 | — — Butt welding fittings | | | |

    — — — With greatest external diameter not exceeding 609,6 mm | | | |

    73079311 | — — — — Elbows and bends | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73079319 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — With greatest external diameter exceeding 609,6 mm | | | |

    73079391 | — — — — Elbows and bends | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73079399 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730799 | — — Other | | | |

    73079910 | — — — Threaded | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73079930 | — — — For welding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73079990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7308 | Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading 9406) and parts of structures (for example, bridges and bridge-sections, lock-gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, shutters, balustrades, pillars and columns), of iron or steel; plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron or steel | | | |

    73081000 | — Bridges and bridge-sections | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73082000 | — Towers and lattice masts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73083000 | — Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730840 | — Equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping or pit-propping | | | |

    73084010 | — — Mine supports | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73084090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730890 | — Other | | | |

    73089010 | — — Weirs, sluices, lock-gates, landing stages, fixed docks and other maritime and waterway structures | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Solely or principally of sheet | | | |

    73089051 | — — — — Panels comprising two walls of profiled (ribbed) sheet with an insulating core | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73089059 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73089099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    730900 | Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment | | | |

    73090010 | — For gases (other than compressed or liquefied gas) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — For liquids | | | |

    73090030 | — — Lined or heat-insulated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other, of a capacity | | | |

    73090051 | — — — Exceeding 100000 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73090059 | — — — Not exceeding 100000 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73090090 | — For solids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7310 | Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment | | | |

    73101000 | — Of a capacity of 50 litres or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of a capacity of less than 50 l | | | |

    731021 | — — Cans which are to be closed by soldering or crimping | | | |

    73102111 | — — — Cans of a kind used for preserving food | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73102119 | — — — Cans of a kind used for preserving drink | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, with a wall thickness of | | | |

    73102191 | — — — — Less than 0,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73102199 | — — — — 0,5 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    731029 | — — Other | | | |

    73102910 | — — — With a wall thickness of less than 0,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73102990 | — — — With a wall thickness of 0,5 mm or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    731100 | Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel | | | |

    73110010 | — Seamless | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, of a capacity of | | | |

    73110091 | — — Less than 1000 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73110099 | — — 1000 litres or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7312 | Stranded wire, ropes, cables, plaited bands, slings and the like, of iron or steel, not electrically insulated | | | |

    731210 | — Stranded wire, ropes and cables | | | |

    73121010 | — — With fittings attached, or made-up into articles, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    73121030 | — — — Of stainless steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, with a maximum cross-sectional dimension | | | |

    — — — — Not exceeding 3 mm | | | |

    73121051 | — — — — — Plated or coated with copper-zinc alloys (brass) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73121059 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Exceeding 3 mm | | | |

    — — — — — Stranded wire | | | |

    73121071 | — — — — — — Not coated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — Coated | | | |

    73121075 | — — — — — — — Plated or coated with zinc | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73121079 | — — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Ropes and cables (including locked coil ropes) | | | |

    — — — — — — Not coated or only plated or coated with zinc, with a maximum cross-sectional dimension | | | |

    73121082 | — — — — — — — Exceeding 3 mm but not exceeding 12 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73121084 | — — — — — — — Exceeding 12 mm but not exceeding 24 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73121086 | — — — — — — — Exceeding 24 mm but not exceeding 48 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73121088 | — — — — — — — Exceeding 48 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73121099 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    731290 | — Other | | | |

    73129010 | — — With fittings attached, or made-up into articles for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73129090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73130000 | Barbed wire of iron or steel; twisted hoop or single flat wire, barbed or not, and loosely twisted double wire, of a kind used for fencing, of iron or steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7314 | Cloth (including endless bands), grill, netting and fencing, of iron or steel wire; expanded metal of iron or steel | | | |

    — Woven cloth | | | |

    73141200 | — — Endless bands for machinery, of stainless steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73141300 | — — Other endless bands for machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73141400 | — — Other woven cloth, of stainless steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73141900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    731420 | — Grill, netting and fencing, welded at the intersection, of wire with a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 3 mm or more and having a mesh size of 100 cm2 or more | | | |

    73142010 | — — Of ribbed wire | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73142090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other grill, netting and fencing, welded at the intersection | | | |

    73143100 | — — Plated or coated with zinc | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73143900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other cloth, grill, netting and fencing | | | |

    731441 | — — Plated or coated with zinc | | | |

    73144110 | — — — Hexagonal netting | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73144190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    731442 | — — Coated with plastics | | | |

    73144210 | — — — Hexagonal netting | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73144290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73144900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73145000 | — Expanded metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7315 | Chain and parts thereof, of iron or steel | | | |

    — Articulated link chain and parts thereof | | | |

    731511 | — — Roller chain | | | |

    73151110 | — — — Of a kind used for cycles and motor-cycles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73151190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73151200 | — — Other chain | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73151900 | — — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73152000 | — Skid chain | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other chain | | | |

    73158100 | — — Stud-link | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    731582 | — — Other, welded link | | | |

    73158210 | — — — The constituent material of which has a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 16 mm or less | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73158290 | — — — The constituent material of which has a maximum cross-sectional dimension of more than 16 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73158900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73159000 | — Other parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73160000 | Anchors, grapnels and parts thereof, of iron or steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    731700 | Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (other than those of heading 8305) and similar articles, of iron or steel, whether or not with heads of other material, but excluding such articles with heads of copper | | | |

    73170010 | — Drawing pins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    — — Cold-pressed from wire | | | |

    73170020 | — — — Nails in strips or coils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73170040 | — — — Nails of steel containing by weight 0,5 % or more of carbon, hardened | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    73170061 | — — — — Plated or coated with zinc | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73170069 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73170090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7318 | Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of iron or steel | | | |

    — Threaded articles | | | |

    73181100 | — — Coach screws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    731812 | — — Other wood screws | | | |

    73181210 | — — — Of stainless steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73181290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73181300 | — — Screw hooks and screw rings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    731814 | — — Self-tapping screws | | | |

    73181410 | — — — Of stainless steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    73181491 | — — — — Spaced-thread screws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73181499 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    731815 | — — Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers | | | |

    73181510 | — — — Screws, turned from bars, rods, profiles, or wire, of solid section, of a shank thickness not exceeding 6 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    73181520 | — — — — For fixing railway track construction material | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — Without heads | | | |

    73181530 | — — — — — — Of stainless steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — Other, with a tensile strength | | | |

    73181541 | — — — — — — — Of less than 800 MPa | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73181549 | — — — — — — — Of 800 MPa or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — With heads | | | |

    — — — — — — Slotted and cross-recessed screws | | | |

    73181551 | — — — — — — — Of stainless steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73181559 | — — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — Hexagon socket head screws | | | |

    73181561 | — — — — — — — Of stainless steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73181569 | — — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — Hexagon bolts | | | |

    73181570 | — — — — — — — Of stainless steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — — Other, with a tensile strength | | | |

    73181581 | — — — — — — — — Of less than 800 MPa | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73181589 | — — — — — — — — Of 800 MPa or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73181590 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    731816 | — — Nuts | | | |

    73181610 | — — — Turned from bars, rods, profiles, or wire, of solid section, of a hole diameter not exceeding 6 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    73181630 | — — — — Of stainless steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    73181650 | — — — — — Self-locking nuts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other, with an inside diameter | | | |

    73181691 | — — — — — — Not exceeding 12 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73181699 | — — — — — — Exceeding 12 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73181900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Non-threaded articles | | | |

    73182100 | — — Spring washers and other lock washers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73182200 | — — Other washers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73182300 | — — Rivets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73182400 | — — Cotters and cotter-pins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73182900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7319 | Sewing needles, knitting needles, bodkins, crochet hooks, embroidery stilettos and similar articles, for use in the hand, of iron or steel; safety pins and other pins of iron or steel, not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    73191000 | — Sewing, darning or embroidery needles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73192000 | — Safety pins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73193000 | — Other pins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73199000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7320 | Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel | | | |

    732010 | — Leaf-springs and leaves therefor | | | |

    — — Hot-worked | | | |

    73201011 | — — — Laminated springs and leaves therefor | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73201019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73201090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    732020 | — Helical springs | | | |

    73202020 | — — Hot-worked | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    73202081 | — — — Coil compression springs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73202085 | — — — Coil tension springs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73202089 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    732090 | — Other | | | |

    73209010 | — — Flat spiral springs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73209030 | — — Discs springs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73209090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7321 | Stoves, ranges, grates, cookers (including those with subsidiary boilers for central heating), barbecues, braziers, gas-rings, plate warmers and similar non-electric domestic appliances, and parts thereof, of iron or steel | | | |

    — Cooking appliances and plate warmers | | | |

    732111 | — — For gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels | | | |

    73211110 | — — — With oven, including separate ovens | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73211190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73211200 | — — For liquid fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73211300 | — — For solid fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other appliances | | | |

    732181 | — — For gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels | | | |

    73218110 | — — — With exhaust outlet | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73218190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    732182 | — — For liquid fuel | | | |

    73218210 | — — — With exhaust outlet | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73218290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73218300 | — — For solid fuel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73219000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7322 | Radiators for central heating, not electrically heated, and parts thereof, of iron or steel; air heaters and hot air distributors (including distributors which can also distribute fresh or conditioned air), not electrically heated, incorporating a motor-driven fan or blower, and parts thereof, of iron or steel | | | |

    — Radiators and parts thereof | | | |

    73221100 | — — Of cast iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73221900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    732290 | — Other | | | |

    73229010 | — — Air heaters and hot air distributors (excluding parts thereof), for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73229090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7323 | Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of iron or steel; iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of iron or steel | | | |

    73231000 | — Iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    73239100 | — — Of cast iron, not enamelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73239200 | — — Of cast iron, enamelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    732393 | — — Of stainless steel | | | |

    73239310 | — — — Articles for table use | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73239390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    732394 | — — Of iron (other than cast iron) or steel, enamelled | | | |

    73239410 | — — — Articles for table use | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73239490 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    732399 | — — Other | | | |

    73239910 | — — — Articles for table use | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    73239991 | — — — — Varnished or painted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73239999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7324 | Sanitary ware and parts thereof, of iron or steel | | | |

    732410 | — Sinks and wash basins, of stainless steel | | | |

    73241010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73241090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Baths | | | |

    73242100 | — — Of cast iron, whether or not enamelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73242900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    732490 | — Other, including parts | | | |

    73249010 | — — Sanitary ware (excluding parts thereof), for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73249090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7325 | Other cast articles of iron or steel | | | |

    732510 | — Of non-malleable cast iron | | | |

    73251050 | — — Surface and valve boxes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    73251092 | — — — For sewage, water, etc., systems | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73251099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    73259100 | — — Grinding balls and similar articles for mills | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    732599 | — — Other | | | |

    73259910 | — — — Of malleable cast iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73259990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7326 | Other articles of iron or steel | | | |

    — Forged or stamped, but not further worked | | | |

    73261100 | — — Grinding balls and similar articles for mills | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    732619 | — — Other | | | |

    73261910 | — — — Open-die forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73261990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    732620 | — Articles of iron or steel wire | | | |

    73262010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    73262030 | — — — Small cages and aviaries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73262050 | — — — Wire baskets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73262090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    732690 | — Other | | | |

    73269010 | — — Snuff boxes, cigarette cases, cosmetic and powder boxes and cases, and similar pocket articles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73269030 | — — Ladders and steps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73269040 | — — Pallets and similar platforms for handling goods | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73269050 | — — Reels for cables, piping and the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73269060 | — — Non-mechanical ventilators, guttering, hooks and like articles used in the building industry | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73269070 | — — Perforated buckets and similar articles of sheet used to filter water at the entrance to drains | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73269080 | — — Connectors for optical fibre cables | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other articles of iron or steel | | | |

    73269091 | — — — Open-die forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73269093 | — — — Closed-die forged | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73269095 | — — — Sintered | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    73269097 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    7401 | Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper) | | | |

    74011000 | — Copper mattes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74012000 | — Cement copper (precipitated copper) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74020000 | Unrefined copper; copper anodes for electrolytic refining | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7403 | Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought | | | |

    — Refined copper | | | |

    74031100 | — — Cathodes and sections of cathodes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74031200 | — — Wire-bars | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74031300 | — — Billets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74031900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Copper alloys | | | |

    74032100 | — — Copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74032200 | — — Copper-tin base alloys (bronze) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74032300 | — — Copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74032900 | — — Other copper alloys (other than master alloys of heading 7405) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    740400 | Copper waste and scrap | | | |

    74040010 | — Of refined copper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of copper alloys | | | |

    74040091 | — — Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74040099 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74050000 | Master alloys of copper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7406 | Copper powders and flakes | | | |

    74061000 | — Powders of non-lamellar structure | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74062000 | — Powders of lamellar structure; flakes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7407 | Copper bars, rods and profiles | | | |

    74071000 | — Of refined copper | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    — Of copper alloys | | | |

    740721 | — — Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | | | |

    74072110 | — — — Bars and rods | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74072190 | — — — Profiles | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    740722 | — — Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | | | |

    74072210 | — — — Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74072290 | — — — Of copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74072900 | — — Other | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    7408 | Copper wire | | | |

    — Of refined copper | | | |

    74081100 | — — Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 6 mm | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    740819 | — — Other | | | |

    74081910 | — — — Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 0,5 mm | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74081990 | — — — Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension does not exceed 0,5 mm | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    — Of copper alloys | | | |

    74082100 | — — Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74082200 | — — Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74082900 | — — Other | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    7409 | Copper plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0,15 mm | | | |

    — Of refined copper | | | |

    74091100 | — — In coils | 1,3 | Year 0 | |

    74091900 | — — Other | 1,3 | Year 0 | |

    — Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | | | |

    74092100 | — — In coils | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74092900 | — — Other | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    — Of copper-tin base alloys (bronze) | | | |

    74093100 | — — In coils | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74093900 | — — Other | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    740940 | — Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | | | |

    74094010 | — — Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74094090 | — — Of copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74099000 | — Of other copper alloys | 1,3 | Year 0 | |

    7410 | Copper foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0,15 mm | | | |

    — Not backed | | | |

    74101100 | — — Of refined copper | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    74101200 | — — Of copper alloys | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    — Backed | | | |

    74102100 | — — Of refined copper | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    74102200 | — — Of copper alloys | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    7411 | Copper tubes and pipes | | | |

    741110 | — Of refined copper | | | |

    — — Straight, of a wall thickness | | | |

    74111011 | — — — Exceeding 0,6 mm | 1,3 | Year 0 | |

    74111019 | — — — Not exceeding 0,6 mm | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74111090 | — — Other | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    — Of copper alloys | | | |

    741121 | — — Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | | | |

    74112110 | — — — Straight | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74112190 | — — — Other | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74112200 | — — Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    74112900 | — — Other | 1,3 | Year 3 | |

    7412 | Copper tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) | | | |

    74121000 | — Of refined copper | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    74122000 | — Of copper alloys | 1,7 | Year 0 | |

    741300 | Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, of copper, not electrically insulated | | | |

    74130010 | — With fittings attached, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    74130091 | — — Of refined copper | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    74130099 | — — Of copper alloys | 1,7 | Year 3 | |

    7414 | Cloth (including endless bands), grill and netting, of copper wire; expanded metal, of copper | | | |

    74142000 | — Cloth | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74149000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7415 | Nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples (other than those of heading 8305) and similar articles, of copper or of iron or steel with heads of copper; screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of copper | | | |

    74151000 | — Nails and tacks, drawing pins, staples and similar articles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other articles, not threaded | | | |

    74152100 | — — Washers (including spring washers) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74152900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other threaded articles | | | |

    74153300 | — — Screws; bolts and nuts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74153900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74160000 | Copper springs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74170000 | Cooking or heating apparatus of a kind used for domestic purposes, non-electric, and parts thereof, of copper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7418 | Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of copper; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of copper; sanitary ware and parts thereof, of copper | | | |

    — Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like | | | |

    74181100 | — — Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74181900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74182000 | — Sanitary ware and parts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7419 | Other articles of copper | | | |

    74191000 | — Chain and parts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    74199100 | — — Cast, moulded, stamped or forged, but not further worked | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    74199900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    7501 | Nickel mattes, nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate products of nickel metallurgy | | | |

    75011000 | — Nickel mattes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    75012000 | — Nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate products of nickel metallurgy | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7502 | Unwrought nickel | | | |

    75021000 | — Nickel, not alloyed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    75022000 | — Nickel alloys | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    750300 | Nickel waste and scrap | | | |

    75030010 | — Of nickel, not alloyed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    75030090 | — Of nickel alloys | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    75040000 | Nickel powders and flakes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7505 | Nickel bars, rods, profiles and wire | | | |

    — Bars, rods and profiles | | | |

    75051100 | — — Of nickel, not alloyed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    75051200 | — — Of nickel alloys | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Wire | | | |

    75052100 | — — Of nickel, not alloyed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    75052200 | — — Of nickel alloys | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7506 | Nickel plates, sheets, strip and foil | | | |

    75061000 | — Of nickel, not alloyed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    75062000 | — Of nickel alloys | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7507 | Nickel tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) | | | |

    — Tubes and pipes | | | |

    75071100 | — — Of nickel, not alloyed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    75071200 | — — Of nickel alloys | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    75072000 | — Tube or pipe fittings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7508 | Other articles of nickel | | | |

    75081000 | — Cloth, grill and netting, of nickel wire | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    75089000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    7601 | Unwrought aluminium | | | |

    76011000 | — Aluminium, not alloyed | 6,0 | Year 3 | |

    760120 | — Aluminium alloys | | | |

    76012010 | — — Primary | 6,0 | Year 3 | |

    — — Secondary | | | |

    76012091 | — — — In ingots or in liquid state | 6,0 | Year 3 | |

    76012099 | — — — Other | 6,0 | Year 3 | |

    760200 | Aluminium waste and scrap | | | |

    — Waste | | | |

    76020011 | — — Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust and filings; waste of coloured, coated or bonded sheets and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0,2 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    76020019 | — — Other (including factory rejects) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    76020090 | — Scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7603 | Aluminium powders and flakes | | | |

    76031000 | — Powders of non-lamellar structure | 1,6 | Year 3 | |

    76032000 | — Powders of lamellar structure; flakes | 1,8 | Year 3 | |

    7604 | Aluminium bars, rods and profiles | | | |

    760410 | — Of aluminium, not alloyed | | | |

    76041010 | — — Bars and rods | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76041090 | — — Profiles | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Of aluminium alloys | | | |

    76042100 | — — Hollow profiles | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    760429 | — — Other | | | |

    76042910 | — — — Bars and rods | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76042990 | — — — Profiles | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    7605 | Aluminium wire | | | |

    — Of aluminium, not alloyed | | | |

    76051100 | — — Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 7 mm | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76051900 | — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Of aluminium alloys | | | |

    76052100 | — — Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 7 mm | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76052900 | — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    7606 | Aluminium plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0,2 mm | | | |

    — Rectangular (including square) | | | |

    760611 | — — Of aluminium, not alloyed | | | |

    76061110 | — — — Painted, varnished or coated with plastics | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other, of a thickness of | | | |

    76061191 | — — — — Less than 3 mm | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76061193 | — — — — Not less than 3 mm but less than 6 mm | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76061199 | — — — — Not less than 6 mm | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    760612 | — — Of aluminium alloys | | | |

    76061210 | — — — Strip for venetian blinds | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    76061250 | — — — — Painted, varnished or coated with plastics | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — Other, of a thickness of | | | |

    76061291 | — — — — — Less than 3 mm | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76061293 | — — — — — Not less than 3 mm but less than 6 mm | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76061299 | — — — — — Not less than 6 mm | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Other | | | |

    76069100 | — — Of aluminium, not alloyed | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76069200 | — — Of aluminium alloys | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    7607 | Aluminium foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0,2 mm | | | |

    — Not backed | | | |

    760711 | — — Rolled but not further worked | | | |

    76071110 | — — — Of a thickness of less than 0,021 mm | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76071190 | — — — Of a thickness of not less than 0,021 mm but not more than 0,2 mm | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    760719 | — — Other | | | |

    76071910 | — — — Of a thickness of less than 0,021 mm | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Of a thickness of not less than 0,021 mm but not more than 0,2 mm | | | |

    76071991 | — — — — Self-adhesive | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76071999 | — — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    760720 | — Backed | | | |

    76072010 | — — Of a thickness (excluding any backing) of less than 0,021 mm | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — Of a thickness (excluding any backing) of not less than 0,021 mm but not more than 0,2 mm | | | |

    76072091 | — — — Self-adhesive | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76072099 | — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    7608 | Aluminium tubes and pipes | | | |

    760810 | — Of aluminium, not alloyed | | | |

    76081010 | — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    76081090 | — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    760820 | — Of aluminium alloys | | | |

    76082010 | — — With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    76082030 | — — — Welded | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    76082091 | — — — — Not further worked than extruded | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76082099 | — — — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    76090000 | Aluminium tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    7610 | Aluminium structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading 9406) and parts of structures (for example, bridges and bridge-sections, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, balustrades, pillars and columns); aluminium plates, rods, profiles, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures | | | |

    76101000 | — Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    761090 | — Other | | | |

    76109010 | — — Bridges and bridge-sections, towers and lattice masts | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    76109090 | — — Other | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    76110000 | Aluminium reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of a capacity exceeding 300 litres, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    7612 | Aluminium casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers (including rigid or collapsible tubular containers), for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of a capacity not exceeding 300 litres, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment | | | |

    76121000 | — Collapsible tubular containers | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    761290 | — Other | | | |

    76129010 | — — Rigid tubular containers | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    76129020 | — — Containers of a kind used for aerosols | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — Other, with a capacity of | | | |

    76129091 | — — — 50 litres or more | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    76129098 | — — — Less than 50 litres | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    76130000 | Aluminium containers for compressed or liquefied gas | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    7614 | Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, of aluminium, not electrically insulated | | | |

    76141000 | — With steel core | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    76149000 | — Other | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    7615 | Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of aluminium; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of aluminium; sanitary ware and parts thereof, of aluminium | | | |

    — Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like | | | |

    76151100 | — — Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    761519 | — — Other | | | |

    76151910 | — — — Cast | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    76151990 | — — — Other | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    76152000 | — Sanitary ware and parts thereof | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    7616 | Other articles of aluminium | | | |

    76161000 | — Nails, tacks, staples (other than those of heading 8305), screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers and similar articles | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other | | | |

    76169100 | — — Cloth, grill, netting and fencing, of aluminium wire | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    761699 | — — Other | | | |

    76169910 | — — — Cast | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    76169990 | — — — Other | 2,5 | Year 3 | |


    7801 | Unwrought lead | | | |

    78011000 | — Refined lead | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other | | | |

    78019100 | — — Containing by weight antimony as the principal other element | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    780199 | — — Other | | | |

    78019910 | — — — For refining, containing 0,02 % or more by weight of silver (bullion lead) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    78019991 | — — — — Lead alloys | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    78019999 | — — — — Other | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    78020000 | Lead waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    78030000 | Lead bars, rods, profiles and wire | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    7804 | Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead powders and flakes | | | |

    — Plates, sheets, strip and foil | | | |

    78041100 | — — Sheets, strip and foil of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0,2 mm | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    78041900 | — — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    78042000 | — Powders and flakes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    78050000 | Lead tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    780600 | Other articles of lead | | | |

    78060010 | — Containers with an anti-radiation lead covering, for the transport or storage of radioactive materials (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    78060090 | — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |


    7901 | Unwrought zinc | | | |

    — Zinc, not alloyed | | | |

    79011100 | — — Containing by weight 99,99 % or more of zinc | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    790112 | — — Containing by weight less than 99,99 % of zinc | | | |

    79011210 | — — — Containing by weight 99,95 % or more but less than 99,99 % of zinc | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    79011230 | — — — Containing by weight 98,5 % or more but less than 99,95 % of zinc | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    79011290 | — — — Containing by weight 97,5 % or more but less than 98,5 % of zinc | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    79012000 | — Zinc alloys | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    79020000 | Zinc waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    7903 | Zinc dust, powders and flakes | | | |

    79031000 | — Zinc dust | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    79039000 | — Other | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    79040000 | Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    79050000 | Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    79060000 | Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    79070000 | Other articles of zinc | 1,5 | Year 3 | |


    8001 | Unwrought tin | | | |

    80011000 | — Tin, not alloyed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    80012000 | — Tin alloys | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    80020000 | Tin waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    80030000 | Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    80040000 | Tin plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0,2 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    80050000 | Tin foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials), of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0,2 mm; tin powders and flakes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    80060000 | Tin tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    80070000 | Other articles of tin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    8101 | Tungsten (wolfram) and articles thereof, including waste and scrap: | | | |

    81011000 | — Powders | 5,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    81019400 | — — Unwrought tungsten, including bars and rods obtained simply by sintering | 5,0 | Year 3 | |

    81019500 | — — Bars and rods, other than those obtained simply by sintering, profiles, plates, sheets, strip and foil | 2,1 | Year 3 | |

    81019600 | — — Wire | 2,1 | Year 3 | |

    81019700 | — — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81019900 | — — Other | 2,4 | Year 3 | |

    8102 | Molybdenum and articles thereof, including waste and scrap: | | | |

    81021000 | — Powders | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    81029400 | — — Unwrought molybdenum, including bars and rods obtained simply by sintering | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    81029500 | — — Bars and rods, other than those obtained simply by sintering, profiles, plates, sheets, strip and foil | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    81029600 | — — Wire | 4,5 | Year 3 | |

    81029700 | — — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81029900 | — — Other | 2,4 | Year 3 | |

    8103 | Tantalum and articles thereof, including waste and scrap: | | | |

    81032000 | — Unwrought tantalum, including bars and rods obtained simply by sintering; powders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81033000 | — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    810390 | — Other | | | |

    81039010 | — — Bars and rods, other than those obtained simply by sintering, profiles, wire, plates, sheets, strip and foil | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81039090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8104 | Magnesium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap | | | |

    — Unwrought magnesium | | | |

    81041100 | — — Containing at least 99,8 % by weight of magnesium | 5,3 | Year 3 | |

    81041900 | — — Other | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    81042000 | — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81043000 | — Raspings, turnings and granules, graded according to size; powders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81049000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8105 | Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; cobalt and articles thereof, including waste and scrap: | | | |

    81052000 | — Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; powders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81053000 | — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81059000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    810600 | Bismuth and articles thereof, including waste and scrap | | | |

    81060010 | — Unwrought bismuth; waste and scrap; powders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81060090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8107 | Cadmium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap: | | | |

    81072000 | — Unwrought cadmium; powders | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    81073000 | — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81079000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8108 | Titanium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap: | | | |

    81082000 | — Unwrought titanium; powders | 5,0 | Year 3 | |

    81083000 | — Waste and scrap | 5,0 | Year 3 | |

    810890 | — Other: | | | |

    81089010 | — — Tubes and pipes, with attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    81089030 | — — — Bars, rods, profiles and wire | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    81089050 | — — — Plates, sheets, strip and foil | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    81089070 | — — — Tubes and pipes | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    81089090 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    8109 | Zirconium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap: | | | |

    81092000 | — Unwrought zirconium; powders | 5,0 | Year 3 | |

    81093000 | — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81099000 | — Other | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    8110 | Antimony and articles thereof, including waste and scrap: | | | |

    81101000 | — Unwrought antimony; powders | 7,0 | Year 3 | |

    81102000 | — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81109000 | — Other | 2,4 | Year 3 | |

    811100 | Manganese and articles thereof, including waste and scrap: | | | |

    — Unwrought manganese; waste and scrap; powders: | | | |

    81110011 | — — Unwrought manganese; powders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81110019 | — — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81110090 | — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    8112 | Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium (columbium), rhenium and thallium, and articles of these metals, including waste and scrap: | | | |

    — Beryllium: | | | |

    81121200 | — — Unwrought; powders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81121300 | — — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81121900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Chromium: | | | |

    811221 | — — Unwrought; powders: | | | |

    81122110 | — — — Alloys containing more than 10 % by weight of nickel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81122190 | — — — Other | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    81122200 | — — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81122900 | — — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    811230 | — Germanium: | | | |

    81123020 | — — Unwrought; powders | 4,5 | Year 3 | |

    81123040 | — — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81123090 | — — Other | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    811240 | — Vanadium | | | |

    — — Unwrought; waste and scrap; powders | | | |

    81124011 | — — — Unwrought; powders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81124019 | — — — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81124090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Thallium: | | | |

    81125100 | — — Unwrought; powders | 1,5 | Year 0 | |

    81125200 | — — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81125900 | — — Other | 3,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    811292 | — — Unwrought; waste and scrap; powders | | | |

    81129210 | — — — Hafnium (celtium) | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Niobium (columbium); rhenium: | | | |

    81129231 | — — — — Unwrought; powders | 3,0 | Year 3 | |

    81129239 | — — — — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Gallium; indium: | | | |

    81129250 | — — — — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    81129281 | — — — — — Indium | 2,0 | Year 0 | |

    81129289 | — — — — — Gallium | 1,5 | Year 0 | |

    811299 | — — Other: | | | |

    81129910 | — — — Hafnium (celtium) | 2,4 | Year 3 | |

    81129930 | — — — Niobium (columbium); rhenium | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    81129980 | — — — Gallium; indium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    811300 | Cermets and articles thereof, including waste and scrap | | | |

    81130020 | — Unwrought | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    81130040 | — Waste and scrap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    81130090 | — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |


    8201 | Hand tools, the following: spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, forks and rakes; axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools; secateurs and pruners of any kind; scythes, sickles, hay knives, hedge shears, timber wedges and other tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry | | | |

    82011000 | — Spades and shovels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82012000 | — Forks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82013000 | — Mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82014000 | — Axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82015000 | — Secateurs and similar one-handed pruners and shears (including poultry shears) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82016000 | — Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears and similar two-handed shears | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82019000 | — Other hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8202 | Hand saws; blades for saws of all kinds (including slitting, slotting or toothless saw blades) | | | |

    82021000 | — Hand saws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82022000 | — Band saw blades | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Circular saw blades (including slitting or slotting saw blades) | | | |

    82023100 | — — With working part of steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82023900 | — — Other, including parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82024000 | — Chain saw blades | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other saw blades | | | |

    82029100 | — — Straight saw blades, for working metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820299 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — With working part of steel | | | |

    82029911 | — — — — For working metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82029919 | — — — — For working other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82029990 | — — — With working part of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8203 | Files, rasps, pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers, metal cutting shears, pipe-cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches and similar hand tools | | | |

    82031000 | — Files, rasps and similar tools | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820320 | — Pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers and similar tools | | | |

    82032010 | — — Tweezers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82032090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82033000 | — Metal cutting shears and similar tools | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82034000 | — Pipe-cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches and similar tools | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8204 | Hand-operated spanners and wrenches (including torque meter wrenches but not including tap wrenches); interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles | | | |

    — Hand-operated spanners and wrenches | | | |

    82041100 | — — Non-adjustable | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82041200 | — — Adjustable | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82042000 | — Interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8205 | Hand tools (including glaziers' diamonds), not elsewhere specified or included; blow lamps; vices, clamps and the like, other than accessories for and parts of, machine tools; anvils; portable forges; hand or pedal-operated grinding wheels with frameworks | | | |

    82051000 | — Drilling, threading or tapping tools | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82052000 | — Hammers and sledge hammers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82053000 | — Planes, chisels, gouges and similar cutting tools for working wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82054000 | — Screwdrivers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other hand tools (including glaziers' diamonds) | | | |

    82055100 | — — Household tools | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820559 | — — Other | | | |

    82055910 | — — — Tools for masons, moulders, cement workers, plasterers and painters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82055930 | — — — Cartridge operated riveting, wallplugging, etc., tools | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82055990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82056000 | — Blow lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82057000 | — Vices, clamps and the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82058000 | — Anvils; portable forges; hand or pedal-operated grinding wheels with frameworks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82059000 | — Sets of articles of two or more of the foregoing subheadings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82060000 | Tools of two or more of headings 8202 to 8205, put up in sets for retail sale | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8207 | Interchangeable tools for hand tools, whether or not power-operated, or for machine-tools (for example, for pressing, stamping, punching, tapping, threading, drilling, boring, broaching, milling, turning or screw driving), including dies for drawing or extruding metal, and rock drilling or earth boring tools | | | |

    — Rock drilling or earth boring tools | | | |

    82071300 | — — With working part of cermets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820719 | — — Other, including parts | | | |

    82071910 | — — — With working part of diamond or agglomerated diamond | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82071990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820720 | — Dies for drawing or extruding metal | | | |

    82072010 | — — With working part of diamond or agglomerated diamond | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82072090 | — — With working part of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820730 | — Tools for pressing, stamping or punching | | | |

    82073010 | — — For working metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82073090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820740 | — Tools for tapping or threading | | | |

    — — For working metal | | | |

    82074010 | — — — Tools for tapping | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82074030 | — — — Tools for threading | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82074090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820750 | — Tools for drilling, other than for rock drilling | | | |

    82075010 | — — With working part of diamond or agglomerated diamond | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — With working part of other materials | | | |

    82075030 | — — — Masonry drills | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — For working metal, with working part | | | |

    82075050 | — — — — — Of cermets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82075060 | — — — — — Of high speed steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82075070 | — — — — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82075090 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820760 | — Tools for boring or broaching | | | |

    82076010 | — — With working part of diamond or agglomerated diamond | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — With working part of other materials | | | |

    — — — Tools for boring | | | |

    82076030 | — — — — For working metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82076050 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Tools for broaching | | | |

    82076070 | — — — — For working metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82076090 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820770 | — Tools for milling | | | |

    — — For working metal, with working part | | | |

    82077010 | — — — Of cermets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of other materials | | | |

    82077031 | — — — — Shank type | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82077035 | — — — — Hobs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82077038 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82077090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820780 | — Tools for turning | | | |

    — — For working metal, with working part | | | |

    82078011 | — — — Of cermets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82078019 | — — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82078090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820790 | — Other interchangeable tools | | | |

    82079010 | — — With working part of diamond or agglomerated diamond | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — With working part of other materials | | | |

    82079030 | — — — Screwdriver bits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82079050 | — — — Gear-cutting tools | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, with working part | | | |

    — — — — Of cermets | | | |

    82079071 | — — — — — For working metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82079078 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Of other materials | | | |

    82079091 | — — — — — For working metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82079099 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8208 | Knives and cutting blades, for machines or for mechanical appliances | | | |

    82081000 | — For metal working | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82082000 | — For wood working | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820830 | — For kitchen appliances or for machines used by the food industry | | | |

    82083010 | — — Circular knives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82083090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82084000 | — For agricultural, horticultural or forestry machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82089000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    820900 | Plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools, unmounted, of cermets | | | |

    82090020 | — Indexable inserts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82090080 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82100000 | Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing 10 kg or less, used in the preparation, conditioning or serving of food or drink | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8211 | Knives with cutting blades, serrated or not (including pruning knives), other than knives of heading 8208, and blades therefor | | | |

    82111000 | — Sets of assorted articles | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    — Other | | | |

    821191 | — — Table knives having fixed blades | | | |

    82119130 | — — — Table knives with handle and blade of stainless steel | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    82119180 | — — — Other | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    82119200 | — — Other knives having fixed blades | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    82119300 | — — Knives having other than fixed blades | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    82119400 | — — Blades | 2,3 | Year 3 | |

    82119500 | — — Handles of base metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8212 | Razors and razor blades (including razor blade blanks in strips) | | | |

    821210 | — Razors | | | |

    82121010 | — — Safety razors with non-replaceable blades | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82121090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82122000 | — Safety razor blades, including razor blade blanks in strips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82129000 | — Other parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82130000 | Scissors, tailors' shears and similar shears, and blades therefor | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8214 | Other articles of cutlery (for example, hair clippers, butchers' or kitchen cleavers, choppers and mincing knives, paper knives); manicure or pedicure sets and instruments (including nail files) | | | |

    82141000 | — Paper knives, letter openers, erasing knives, pencil sharpeners and blades therefor | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82142000 | — Manicure or pedicure sets and instruments (including nail files) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    82149000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8215 | Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware | | | |

    821510 | — Sets of assorted articles containing at least one article plated with precious metal | | | |

    82151020 | — — Containing only articles plated with precious metal | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    82151030 | — — — Of stainless steel | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    82151080 | — — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    821520 | — Other sets of assorted articles | | | |

    82152010 | — — Of stainless steel | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    82152090 | — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    — Other | | | |

    82159100 | — — Plated with precious metal | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    821599 | — — Other | | | |

    82159910 | — — — Of stainless steel | 2,9 | Year 3 | |

    82159990 | — — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |


    8301 | Padlocks and locks (key, combination or electrically operated), of base metal; clasps and frames with clasps, incorporating locks, of base metal; keys for any of the foregoing articles, of base metal | | | |

    83011000 | — Padlocks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83012000 | — Locks of a kind used for motor vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83013000 | — Locks of a kind used for furniture | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    830140 | — Other locks | | | |

    — — Locks of a kind used for doors of buildings | | | |

    83014011 | — — — Cylinder | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83014019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83014090 | — — Other locks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83015000 | — Clasps and frames with clasps, incorporating locks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83016000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83017000 | — Keys presented separately | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8302 | Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture, doors, staircases, windows, blinds, coachwork, saddlery, trunks, chests, caskets or the like; base metal hat-racks, hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixtures; castors with mountings of base metal; automatic door closers of base metal | | | |

    830210 | — Hinges | | | |

    83021010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83021090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    830220 | — Castors | | | |

    83022010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83022090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83023000 | — Other mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for motor vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other mountings, fittings and similar articles | | | |

    83024100 | — — Suitable for buildings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    830242 | — — Other, suitable for furniture | | | |

    83024210 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83024290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    830249 | — — Other | | | |

    83024910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83024990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83025000 | — Hat-racks, hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixtures | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    830260 | — Automatic door closers | | | |

    83026010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83026090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    830300 | Armoured or reinforced safes, strong-boxes and doors and safe deposit lockers for strong-rooms, cash or deed boxes and the like, of base metal | | | |

    83030010 | — Armoured or reinforced safes and strong-boxes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83030030 | — Armoured or reinforced doors and safe deposit lockers for strong-rooms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83030090 | — Cash or deed boxes and the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83040000 | Filing cabinets, card-index cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen trays, office-stamp stands and similar office or desk equipment, of base metal, other than office furniture of heading 9403 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8305 | Fittings for loose-leaf binders or files, letter clips, letter corners, paper clips, indexing tags and similar office articles, of base metal; staples in strips (for example, for offices, upholstery, packaging), of base metal | | | |

    83051000 | — Fittings for loose-leaf binders or files | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83052000 | — Staples in strips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83059000 | — Other, including parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8306 | Bells, gongs and the like, non-electric, of base metal; statuettes and other ornaments, of base metal; photograph, picture or similar frames, of base metal; mirrors of base metal | | | |

    83061000 | — Bells, gongs and the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Statuettes and other ornaments | | | |

    83062100 | — — Plated with precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    830629 | — — Other | | | |

    83062910 | — — — Of copper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83062990 | — — — Of other base metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83063000 | — Photograph, picture or similar frames; mirrors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8307 | Flexible tubing of base metal, with or without fittings | | | |

    830710 | — Of iron or steel | | | |

    83071010 | — — With fittings attached, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83071090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    830790 | — Of other base metal | | | |

    83079010 | — — With fittings attached, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83079090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8308 | Clasps, frames with clasps, buckles, buckle-clasps, hooks, eyes, eyelets and the like, of base metal, of a kind used for clothing, footwear, awnings, handbags, travel goods or other made-up articles, tubular or bifurcated rivets, of base metal; beads and spangles of base metal | | | |

    83081000 | — Hooks, eyes and eyelets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83082000 | — Tubular or bifurcated rivets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83089000 | — Other, including parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8309 | Stoppers, caps and lids (including crown corks, screw caps and pouring stoppers), capsules for bottles, threaded bungs, bung covers, seals and other packing accessories, of base metal | | | |

    83091000 | — Crown corks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    830990 | — Other | | | |

    83099010 | — — Capsules of lead; capsules of aluminium of a diameter exceeding 21 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83099090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83100000 | Sign-plates, name-plates, address-plates and similar plates, numbers, letters and other symbols, of base metal, excluding those of heading 9405 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8311 | Wire, rods, tubes, plates, electrodes and similar products, of base metal or of metal carbides, coated or cored with flux material, of a kind used for soldering, brazing, welding or deposition of metal or of metal carbides; wire and rods, of agglomerated base metal powder, used for metal spraying | | | |

    831110 | — Coated electrodes of base metal, for electric arc-welding | | | |

    83111010 | — — Welding electrodes cored with iron or steel and coated with refractory material | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83111090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83112000 | — Cored wire of base metal, for electric arc-welding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83113000 | — Coated rods and cored wire, of base metal, for soldering, brazing or welding by flame | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    83119000 | — Other, including parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    8401 | Nuclear reactors; fuel elements (cartridges), non-irradiated, for nuclear reactors; machinery and apparatus for isotopic separation | | | |

    84011000 | — Nuclear reactors (Euratom) | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    84012000 | — Machinery and apparatus for isotopic separation, and parts thereof (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84013000 | — Fuel elements (cartridges), non-irradiated (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84014000 | — Parts of nuclear reactors (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8402 | Steam or other vapour generating boilers (other than central heating hot water boilers capable also of producing low pressure steam); super-heated water boilers | | | |

    — Steam or other vapour generating boilers | | | |

    84021100 | — — Watertube boilers with a steam production exceeding 45 tonnes per hour | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84021200 | — — Watertube boilers with a steam production not exceeding 45 tonnes per hour | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    840219 | — — Other vapour generating boilers, including hybrid boilers | | | |

    84021910 | — — — Firetube boilers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84021990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84022000 | — Super-heated water boilers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84029000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8403 | Central heating boilers other than those of heading 8402 | | | |

    840310 | — Boilers | | | |

    84031010 | — — Of cast iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84031090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    840390 | — Parts | | | |

    84039010 | — — Of cast iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84039090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8404 | Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading 8402 or 8403 (for example, economizers, super-heaters, soot removers, gas recoverers); condensers for steam or other vapour power units | | | |

    84041000 | — Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading 8402 or 8403 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84042000 | — Condensers for steam or other vapour power units | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84049000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8405 | Producer gas or water gas generators, with or without their purifiers; acetylene gas generators and similar water process gas generators, with or without their purifiers | | | |

    84051000 | — Producer gas or water gas generators, with or without their purifiers; acetylene gas generators and similar water process gas generators, with or without their purifiers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84059000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8406 | Steam turbines and other vapour turbines | | | |

    84061000 | — Turbines for marine propulsion | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other turbines | | | |

    840681 | — — Of an output exceeding 40 MW | | | |

    84068110 | — — — Steam turbines for electricity generation | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84068190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    840682 | — — Of an output not exceeding 40 MW | | | |

    — — — Steam turbines for electricity generation, of a power | | | |

    84068211 | — — — — Not exceeding 10 MW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84068219 | — — — — Exceeding 10 MW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84068290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    840690 | — Parts | | | |

    84069010 | — — Stator blades, rotors and their blades | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84069090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8407 | Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines | | | |

    840710 | — Aircraft engines | | | |

    84071010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84071090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Marine propulsion engines | | | |

    840721 | — — Outboard motors | | | |

    84072110 | — — — Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 325 cm3 | 2,1 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 325 cm3 | | | |

    84072191 | — — — — Of a power not exceeding 30 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84072199 | — — — — Of a power exceeding 30 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    840729 | — — Other | | | |

    84072920 | — — — Of a power not exceeding 200 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84072980 | — — — Of a power exceeding 200 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Reciprocating piston engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of Chapter 87 | | | |

    84073100 | — — Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cm3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    840732 | — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cm3 but not exceeding 250 cm3 | | | |

    84073210 | — — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cm3 but not exceeding 125 cm3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84073290 | — — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 125 cm3 but not exceeding 250 cm3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    840733 | — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250 cm3 but not exceeding 1000 cm3 | | | |

    84073310 | — — — For the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 870110; motor vehicles of headings 8703, 8704 and 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84073390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    840734 | — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1000 cm3 | | | |

    84073410 | — — — For the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 870110; motor vehicles of heading 8703; motor vehicles of heading 8704 with an engine of a cylinder capacity of less than 2800 cm3; motor vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84073430 | — — — — Used | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — New, of a cylinder capacity | | | |

    84073491 | — — — — — Not exceeding 1500 cm3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84073499 | — — — — — Exceeding 1500 cm3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    840790 | — Other engines | | | |

    84079010 | — — Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 250 cm3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250 cm3 | | | |

    84079050 | — — — For the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 870110; motor vehicles of heading 8703; motor vehicles of heading 8704 with an engine of a cylinder capacity of less than 2800 cm3; motor vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84079080 | — — — — Of a power not exceeding 10 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84079090 | — — — — Of a power exceeding 10 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8408 | Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines) | | | |

    840810 | — Marine propulsion engines | | | |

    — — Used | | | |

    84081011 | — — — For sea-going vessels of headings 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 89040010 and warships of subheading 89060010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84081019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — New, of a power | | | |

    — — — Not exceeding 15 kW | | | |

    84081022 | — — — — For sea-going vessels of headings 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 89040010 and warships of subheading 89060010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84081024 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Exceeding 15 kW but not exceeding 50 kW | | | |

    84081026 | — — — — For sea-going vessels of headings 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 89040010 and warships of subheading 89060010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84081028 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Exceeding 50 kW but not exceeding 100 kW | | | |

    84081031 | — — — — For sea-going vessels of headings 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 89040010 and warships of subheading 89060010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84081039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Exceeding 100 kW but not exceeding 200 kW | | | |

    84081041 | — — — — For sea-going vessels of headings 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 89040010 and warships of subheading 89060010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84081049 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Exceeding 200 kW but not exceeding 300 kW | | | |

    84081051 | — — — — For sea-going vessels of headings 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 89040010 and warships of subheading 89060010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84081059 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Exceeding 300 kW buut not exceeding 500 kW | | | |

    84081061 | — — — — For sea-going vessels of headings 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 89040010 and warships of subheading 89060010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84081069 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Exceeding 500 kW but not exceeding 1000 kW | | | |

    84081071 | — — — — For sea-going vessels of headings 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 89040010 and warships of subheading 89060010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84081079 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Exceeding 1000 kW but not exceeding 5000 kW | | | |

    84081081 | — — — — For sea-going vessels of headings 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 89040010 and warships of subheading 89060010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84081089 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Exceeding 5000 kW | | | |

    84081091 | — — — — For sea-going vessels of headings 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 89040010 and warships of subheading 89060010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84081099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    840820 | — Engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of Chapter 87 | | | |

    84082010 | — — For the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 870110; motor vehicles of heading 8703; motor vehicles of heading 8704 with an engine of a cylinder capacity of less than 2500 cm3; motor vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — For wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors, of a power | | | |

    84082031 | — — — — Not exceeding 50 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84082035 | — — — — Exceeding 50 kW but not exceeding 100 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84082037 | — — — — Exceeding 100 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — For other vehicles of Chapter 87, of a power | | | |

    84082051 | — — — — Not exceeding 50 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84082055 | — — — — Exceeding 50 kW but not exceeding 100 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84082057 | — — — — Exceeding 100 kW but not exceeding 200 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84082099 | — — — — Exceeding 200 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    840890 | — Other engines | | | |

    84089010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84089021 | — — — For rail traction | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84089029 | — — — — Used | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — New, of a power | | | |

    84089031 | — — — — — Not exceeding 15 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84089033 | — — — — — Exceeding 15 kW but not exceeding 30 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84089036 | — — — — — Exceeding 30 kW but not exceeding 50 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84089037 | — — — — — Exceeding 50 kW but not exceeding 100 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84089051 | — — — — — Exceeding 100 kW but not exceeding 200 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84089055 | — — — — — Exceeding 200 kW but not exceeding 300 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84089057 | — — — — — Exceeding 300 kW but not exceeding 500 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84089071 | — — — — — Exceeding 500 kW but not exceeding 1000 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84089075 | — — — — — Exceeding 1000 kW but not exceeding 5000 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84089099 | — — — — — Exceeding 5000 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8409 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the engines of heading 8407 or 8408 | | | |

    840910 | — For aircraft engines | | | |

    84091010 | — — For engines for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84091090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    84099100 | — — Suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84099900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8410 | Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and regulators therefor | | | |

    — Hydraulic turbines and water wheels | | | |

    84101100 | — — Of a power not exceeding 1000 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84101200 | — — Of a power exceeding 1000 kW but not exceeding 10000 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84101300 | — — Of a power exceeding 10000 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841090 | — Parts, including regulators | | | |

    84109010 | — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84109090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8411 | Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other gas turbines | | | |

    — Turbo-jets | | | |

    841111 | — — Of a thrust not exceeding 25 kN | | | |

    84111110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84111190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841112 | — — Of a thrust exceeding 25 kN | | | |

    — — — For use in civil aircraft | | | |

    84111211 | — — — — Of a thrust exceeding 25 kN but not exceeding 44 kN | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84111213 | — — — — Of a thrust exceeding 44 kN but not exceeding 132 kN | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84111219 | — — — — Of a thrust exceeding 132 kN | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84111290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Turbo-propellers | | | |

    841121 | — — Of a power not exceeding 1100 kW | | | |

    84112110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84112190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841122 | — — Of a power exceeding 1100 kW | | | |

    — — — For use in civil aircraft | | | |

    84112211 | — — — — Of a power exceeding 1100 kW but not exceeding 3730 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84112219 | — — — — Of a power exceeding 3730 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84112290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other gas turbines | | | |

    841181 | — — Of a power not exceeding 5000 kW | | | |

    84118110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84118190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841182 | — — Of a power exceeding 5000 kW | | | |

    84118210 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84118291 | — — — — Of a power exceeding 5000 kW but not exceeding 20000 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84118293 | — — — — Of a power exceeding 20000 kW but not exceeding 50000 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84118299 | — — — — Of a power exceeding 50000 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts | | | |

    841191 | — — Of turbo-jets or turbo-propellers | | | |

    84119110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84119190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841199 | — — Other | | | |

    84119910 | — — — Of gas turbines, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84119990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8412 | Other engines and motors | | | |

    841210 | — Reaction engines other than turbo-jets | | | |

    84121010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84121090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Hydraulic power engines and motors | | | |

    841221 | — — Linear acting (cylinders) | | | |

    84122110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84122191 | — — — — Hydraulic systems | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84122199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841229 | — — Other | | | |

    84122910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84122950 | — — — — Hydraulic systems | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    84122991 | — — — — — Hydraulic fluid power motors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84122999 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Pneumatic power engines and motors | | | |

    841231 | — — Linear acting (cylinders) | | | |

    84123110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84123190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841239 | — — Other | | | |

    84123910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84123990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841280 | — Other | | | |

    84128010 | — — Steam or other vapour power engines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84128091 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84128099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841290 | — Parts | | | |

    84129010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84129030 | — — — Of reaction engines other than turbo-jets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84129050 | — — — Of hydraulic power engines and motors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84129090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8413 | Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators | | | |

    — Pumps fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device | | | |

    84131100 | — — Pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling-stations or in garages | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841319 | — — Other | | | |

    84131910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84131990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841320 | — Hand pumps, other than those of subheading 841311 or 841319 | | | |

    84132010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84132090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841330 | — Fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines | | | |

    84133010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84133091 | — — — Injection pumps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84133099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84134000 | — Concrete pumps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841350 | — Other reciprocating positive displacement pumps | | | |

    84135010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84135030 | — — — Hydraulic units | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84135050 | — — — Dosing and proportioning pumps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Piston pumps | | | |

    84135071 | — — — — — Hydraulic fluid power | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84135079 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84135090 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841360 | — Other rotary positive displacement pumps | | | |

    84136010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84136030 | — — — Hydraulic units | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Gear pumps | | | |

    84136041 | — — — — — Hydraulic fluid power | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84136049 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Vane pumps | | | |

    84136051 | — — — — — Hydraulic fluid power | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84136059 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84136060 | — — — — Screw pumps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84136090 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841370 | — Other centrifugal pumps | | | |

    84137010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Submersible pumps | | | |

    84137021 | — — — — Single-stage | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84137029 | — — — — Multi-stage | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84137030 | — — — Glandless impeller pumps for heating systems and warm water supply | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, with a discharge outlet diameter | | | |

    84137040 | — — — — Not exceeding 15 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Exceeding 15 mm | | | |

    84137050 | — — — — — Channel impeller pumps and side channel pumps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Radial flow pumps | | | |

    — — — — — — Single-stage | | | |

    — — — — — — — With single entry impeller | | | |

    84137061 | — — — — — — — — Monobloc | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84137069 | — — — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84137070 | — — — — — — — With more than one entry impeller | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84137080 | — — — — — — Multi-stage | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other centrifugal pumps | | | |

    84137091 | — — — — — — Single-stage | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84137099 | — — — — — — Multi-stage | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other pumps; liquid elevators | | | |

    841381 | — — Pumps | | | |

    84138110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84138190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84138200 | — — Liquid elevators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts | | | |

    841391 | — — Of pumps | | | |

    84139110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84139190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84139200 | — — Of liquid elevators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8414 | Air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors and fans; ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters | | | |

    841410 | — Vacuum pumps | | | |

    84141010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84141020 | — — For use in semiconductor production | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84141030 | — — — Rotary piston pumps, sliding vane rotary pumps, molecular drag pumps and Roots pumps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84141050 | — — — — Diffusion pumps, cryopumps and adsorption pumps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84141080 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841420 | — Hand-or foot-operated air pumps | | | |

    84142010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84142091 | — — — Hand pumps for cycles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84142099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841430 | — Compressors of a kind used in refrigerating equipment | | | |

    84143010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84143030 | — — — Of a power not exceeding 0,4 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a power exceeding 0,4 kW | | | |

    84143091 | — — — — Hermetic or semi-hermetic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84143099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841440 | — Air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing | | | |

    84144010 | — — Giving a flow per minute not exceeding 2 m3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84144090 | — — Giving a flow per minute exceeding 2 m3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Fans | | | |

    841451 | — — Table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output not exceeding 125 W | | | |

    84145110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84145190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841459 | — — Other | | | |

    84145910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84145930 | — — — — Axial fans | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84145950 | — — — — Centrifugal fans | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84145990 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84146000 | — Hoods having a maximum horizontal side not exceeding 120 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841480 | — Other | | | |

    84148010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Turbo-compressors | | | |

    84148021 | — — — — Single-stage | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84148029 | — — — — Multi-stage | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Reciprocating displacement compressors, having a gauge pressure capacity of | | | |

    — — — — Not exceeding 15 bar, giving a flow per hour | | | |

    84148031 | — — — — — Not exceeding 60 m3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84148039 | — — — — — Exceeding 60 m3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Exceeding 15 bar, giving a flow per hour | | | |

    84148041 | — — — — — Not exceeding 120 m3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84148049 | — — — — — Exceeding 120 m3 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Rotary displacement compressors | | | |

    84148060 | — — — — Single-shaft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Multi-shaft | | | |

    84148071 | — — — — — Screw compressors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84148079 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84148090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841490 | — Parts: | | | |

    84149010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84149090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8415 | Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor-driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated: | | | |

    841510 | — Window or wall types, self-contained or "split-system": | | | |

    84151010 | — — Self-contained | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84151090 | — — Split-system | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84152000 | — Of a kind used for persons, in motor vehicules | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    841581 | — — Incorporating a refrigerating unit and a valve for reversal of the cooling/heat cycle (reversible heat pumps): | | | |

    84158110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84158190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841582 | — — Other, incorporating a refrigerating unit: | | | |

    84158210 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84158280 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841583 | — — Not incorporating a refrigerating unit | | | |

    84158310 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84158390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841590 | — Parts | | | |

    84159010 | — — Of air conditioning machines of subheading 841581, 841582 or 841583, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84159090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8416 | Furnace burners for liquid fuel, for pulverized solid fuel or for gas; mechanical stokers, including their mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances | | | |

    841610 | — Furnace burners for liquid fuel | | | |

    84161010 | — — Incorporating an automatic control device | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84161090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841620 | — Other furnace burners, including combination burners | | | |

    84162010 | — — Only for gas, monobloc, incorporating a ventilator and a control device | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84162090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84163000 | — Mechanical stokers, including their mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84169000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8417 | Industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, including incinerators, non-electric | | | |

    84171000 | — Furnaces and ovens for the roasting, melting or other heat-treatment of ores, pyrites or of metals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841720 | — Bakery ovens, including biscuit ovens | | | |

    84172010 | — — Tunnel ovens | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84172090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841780 | — Other | | | |

    84178010 | — — Furnaces and ovens for the incineration of rubbish | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84178020 | — — Tunnel ovens and muffle furnaces for firing ceramic products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84178080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84179000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8418 | Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 8415 | | | |

    841810 | — Combined refrigerator-freezers, fitted with separate external doors | | | |

    84181010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84181091 | — — — Of a capacity exceeding 340 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84181099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Refrigerators, household type | | | |

    841821 | — — Compression-type | | | |

    84182110 | — — — Of a capacity exceeding 340 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84182151 | — — — — Table model | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84182159 | — — — — Building-in type | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other, of a capacity | | | |

    84182191 | — — — — — Not exceeding 250 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84182199 | — — — — — Exceeding 250 litres but not exceeding 340 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84182200 | — — Absorption-type, electrical | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84182900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841830 | — Freezers of the chest type, not exceeding 800 litres capacity | | | |

    84183010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84183091 | — — — Of a capacity not exceeding 400 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84183099 | — — — Of a capacity exceeding 400 litres but not exceeding 800 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841840 | — Freezers of the upright type, not exceeding 900 litres capacity | | | |

    84184010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84184091 | — — — Of a capacity not exceeding 250 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84184099 | — — — Of a capacity exceeding 250 litres but not exceeding 900 litres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841850 | — Other refrigerating or freezing chests, cabinets, display counters, show-cases and similar refrigerating or freezing furniture | | | |

    — — Refrigerated show-cases and counters (incorporating a refrigerating unit or evaporator) | | | |

    84185011 | — — — For frozen food storage | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84185019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other refrigerating furniture | | | |

    84185091 | — — — For deep-freezing, other than that of subheadings 841830 and 841840 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84185099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other refrigerating or freezing equipment; heat pumps | | | |

    841861 | — — Compression type units whose condensers are heat exchangers | | | |

    84186110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84186190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841869 | — — Other | | | |

    84186910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84186991 | — — — — Absorption heat pumps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84186999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts | | | |

    84189100 | — — Furniture designed to receive refrigerating or freezing equipment | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841899 | — — Other | | | |

    84189910 | — — — Evaporators and condensers, excluding those for refrigerators of the household type | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84189990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8419 | Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated (excluding furnaces, ovens, and other equipment of heading 8514), for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature such as heating, cooking, roasting, distilling, rectifying, sterilizing, pasteurizing, steaming, drying, evaporating, vapourizing, condensing or cooling, other than machinery or plant of a kind used for domestic purposes; instantaneous or storage water heaters, non-electric: | | | |

    — Instantaneous or storage water heaters, non-electric | | | |

    84191100 | — — Instantaneous gas water heaters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84191900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84192000 | — Medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Dryers | | | |

    84193100 | — — For agricultural products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84193200 | — — For wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841939 | — — Other: | | | |

    84193910 | — — — For ceramic articles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84193990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84194000 | — Distilling or rectifying plant | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841950 | — Heat exchange units | | | |

    84195010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84195090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84196000 | — Machinery for liquefying air or other gases | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other machinery, plant and equipment | | | |

    841981 | — — For making hot drinks or for cooking or heating food | | | |

    84198110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84198191 | — — — — Percolators and other appliances for making coffee and other hot drinks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84198199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841989 | — — Other | | | |

    84198910 | — — — Cooling towers and similar plant for direct cooling (without a separating wall) by means of recirculated water | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84198915 | — — — Apparatus for rapid heating of semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84198920 | — — — Apparatus for chemical vapour deposition on semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84198925 | — — — Apparatus for physical vapour deposition by electronic beam or evaporation on semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84198927 | — — — Apparatus for chemical vapour deposition on LCD substrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84198930 | — — — Vacuum-vapour plant for the deposition of metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84198998 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    841990 | — Parts | | | |

    84199010 | — — Of heat exchange units, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84199025 | — — Of sterilizers of subheading 84192000 and of apparatus of subheading 84198915, 84198920 or 84198925 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84199050 | — — Of apparatus of subheading 84198927 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84199080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8420 | Calendering or other rolling machines, other than for metals or glass, and cylinders therefor | | | |

    842010 | — Calendering or other rolling machines | | | |

    84201010 | — — Of a kind used in the textile industry | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84201030 | — — Of a kind used in the paper industry | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84201050 | — — Of a kind used in the rubber or plastics industries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84201090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts | | | |

    842091 | — — Cylinders | | | |

    84209110 | — — — Of cast iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84209180 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84209900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8421 | Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases | | | |

    — Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers | | | |

    84211100 | — — Cream separators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84211200 | — — Clothes-dryers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842119 | — — Other | | | |

    84211910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84211991 | — — — — Centrifuges of a kind used in laboratories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84211994 | — — — — Centrifuges of a kind used in the manufacture of semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84211999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids | | | |

    842121 | — — For filtering or purifying water | | | |

    84212110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84212190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84212200 | — — For filtering or purifying beverages other than water | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842123 | — — Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines | | | |

    84212310 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84212390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842129 | — — Other | | | |

    84212910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84212990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for gases | | | |

    842131 | — — Intake air filters for internal combustion engines | | | |

    84213110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84213190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842139 | — — Other | | | |

    84213910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84213930 | — — — — Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying other gases | | | |

    84213951 | — — — — — By a liquid process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84213971 | — — — — — By a catalytic process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84213998 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts | | | |

    842191 | — — Of centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers | | | |

    84219110 | — — — Of apparatus of subheading 84211994 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84219130 | — — — Of spinners for coating photographic emulsions on LCD substrates of subheading 84211999 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84219190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84219900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8422 | Dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; other packing or wrapping machinery (including heat-shrink wrapping machinery); machinery for aerating beverages | | | |

    — Dish washing machines | | | |

    84221100 | — — Of the household type | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84221900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84222000 | — Machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84223000 | — Machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; machinery for aerating beverages | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84224000 | — Other packing or wrapping machinery (including heat-shrink wrapping machinery) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842290 | — Parts: | | | |

    84229010 | — — Of dish washing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84229090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8423 | Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds | | | |

    842310 | — Personal weighing machines, including baby scales; household scales | | | |

    84231010 | — — Household scales | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84231090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84232000 | — Scales for continuous weighing of goods on conveyors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84233000 | — Constant weight scales and scales for discharging a predetermined weight of material into a bag or container, including hopper scales | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other weighing machinery | | | |

    842381 | — — Having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 30 kg | | | |

    84238110 | — — — Check weighers and automatic control machines operating by reference to a pre-determined weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84238130 | — — — Machinery for weighing and labelling pre-packaged goods | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84238150 | — — — Shop-scales | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84238190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842382 | — — Having a maximum weighing capacity exceeding 30 kg but not exceeding 5000 kg | | | |

    84238210 | — — — Check weighers and automatic control machines operating by reference to a pre-determined weight | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84238290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842389 | — — Other | | | |

    84238910 | — — — Weighbridges | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84238990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84239000 | — Weighing machine weights of all kinds; parts of weighing machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8424 | Mechanical appliances (whether or not hand-operated) for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders; fire extinguishers, whether or not charged; spray guns and similar appliances; steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines | | | |

    842410 | — Fire extinguishers, whether or not charged | | | |

    84241010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84241091 | — — — Of a weight not exceeding 21 kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84241099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84242000 | — Spray guns and similar appliances | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842430 | — Steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines: | | | |

    — — Water cleaning appliances, with built-in motor | | | |

    84243001 | — — — With heating device | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, of an engine power | | | |

    84243005 | — — — — Not exceeding 7,5 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84243009 | — — — — Exceeding 7,5 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other machines | | | |

    84243010 | — — — Compressed air operated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84243090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other appliances | | | |

    842481 | — — Agricultural or horticultural | | | |

    84248110 | — — — Watering appliances | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84248130 | — — — — Portable appliances | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    84248191 | — — — — — Sprayers and powder distributors designed to be mounted on or drawn by [agricultural] tractors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84248199 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842489 | — — Other | | | |

    84248920 | — — — Spraying appliances for etching, stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84248930 | — — — Deflash machines for cleaning the metal leads of semiconductor packages prior to the electroplating process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84248995 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842490 | — Parts | | | |

    84249010 | — — Of appliances of subheading 84248920 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84249030 | — — Of appliances of subheading 84248930 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84249090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8425 | Pulley tackle and hoists other than skip hoists; winches and capstans; jacks | | | |

    — Pulley tackle and hoists other than skip hoists or hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles | | | |

    842511 | — — Powered by electric motor | | | |

    84251110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84251190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842519 | — — Other | | | |

    84251910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84251991 | — — — — Manually operated chain hoists | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84251999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84252000 | — Pit-head winding gear; winches specially designed for use underground | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other winches; capstans | | | |

    842531 | — — Powered by electric motor | | | |

    84253110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84253190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842539 | — — Other | | | |

    84253910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84253991 | — — — — Powered by internal combustion piston engines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84253999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Jacks; hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles | | | |

    84254100 | — — Built-in jacking systems of a type used in garages | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842542 | — — Other jacks and hoists, hydraulic | | | |

    84254210 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84254290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842549 | — — Other | | | |

    84254910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84254990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8426 | Ships' derricks; cranes, including cable cranes; mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers and works trucks fitted with a crane | | | |

    — Overhead travelling cranes, transporter cranes, gantry cranes, bridge cranes, mobile lifting frames and straddle carriers | | | |

    84261100 | — — Overhead travelling cranes on fixed support | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84261200 | — — Mobile lifting frames on tyres and straddle carriers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84261900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84262000 | — Tower cranes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84263000 | — Portal or pedestal jib cranes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other machinery, self-propelled | | | |

    84264100 | — — On tyres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84264900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other machinery | | | |

    842691 | — — Designed for mounting on road vehicles | | | |

    84269110 | — — — Hydraulic cranes designed for the loading and unloading of the vehicle | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84269190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842699 | — — Other | | | |

    84269910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84269990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8427 | Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment | | | |

    842710 | — Self-propelled trucks powered by an electric motor | | | |

    84271010 | — — With a lifting height of 1 m or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84271090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842720 | — Other self-propelled trucks | | | |

    — — With a lifting height of 1 m or more | | | |

    84272011 | — — — Rough terrain fork-lift and other stacking trucks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84272019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84272090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84279000 | — Other trucks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8428 | Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery (for example, lifts, escalators, conveyors, teleferics) | | | |

    842810 | — Lifts and skip hoists | | | |

    84281010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84281091 | — — — Electrically operated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84281099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842820 | — Pneumatic elevators and conveyors | | | |

    84282010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84282030 | — — — Specially designed for use in agriculture | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84282091 | — — — — For bulk materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84282099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other continuous-action elevators and conveyors, for goods or materials | | | |

    84283100 | — — Specially designed for underground use | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84283200 | — — Other, bucket type | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842833 | — — Other, belt type | | | |

    84283310 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84283390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842839 | — — Other | | | |

    84283910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84283991 | — — — — Roller conveyors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84283993 | — — — — Automated material handling machines for transport, handling and storage of semiconductor wafers, wafer cassettes, wafer boxes and other material for semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84283998 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84284000 | — Escalators and moving walkways | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84285000 | — Mine wagon pushers, locomotive or wagon traversers, wagon tippers and similar railway wagon handling equipment | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84286000 | — Teleferics, chair-lifts, ski-draglines; traction mechanisms for funiculars | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842890 | — Other machinery | | | |

    84289010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84289030 | — — — Rolling-mill machinery; roller tables for feeding and removing products; tilters and manipulators for ingots, balls, bars and slabs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Loaders specially designed for use in agriculture | | | |

    84289071 | — — — — — Designed for attachment to agricultural tractors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84289079 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    84289091 | — — — — — Mechanical loaders for bulk material | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84289098 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8429 | Self-propelled bulldozers, angledozers, graders, levellers, scrapers, mechanical shovels, excavators, shovel loaders, tamping machines and road rollers | | | |

    — Bulldozers and angledozers | | | |

    84291100 | — — Track laying | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84291900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84292000 | — Graders and levellers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84293000 | — Scrapers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842940 | — Tamping machines and road rollers | | | |

    — — Road rollers | | | |

    84294010 | — — — Vibratory | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84294030 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84294090 | — — Tamping machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders | | | |

    842951 | — — Front-end shovel loaders | | | |

    84295110 | — — — Loaders specially designed for underground use | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84295191 | — — — — Crawler shovel loaders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84295199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    842952 | — — Machinery with a 360o revolving superstructure | | | |

    84295210 | — — — Track-laying excavators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84295290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84295900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8430 | Other moving, grading, levelling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or boring machinery, for earth, minerals or ores; pile-drivers and pile-extractors; snow-ploughs and snow-blowers | | | |

    84301000 | — Pile-drivers and pile-extractors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84302000 | — Snow-ploughs and snow-blowers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Coal or rock cutters and tunnelling machinery | | | |

    84303100 | — — Self-propelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84303900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other boring or sinking machinery | | | |

    84304100 | — — Self-propelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84304900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84305000 | — Other machinery, self-propelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other machinery, not self-propelled | | | |

    84306100 | — — Tamping or compacting machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84306900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8431 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of headings 8425 to 8430 | | | |

    84311000 | — Of machinery of heading 8425 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84312000 | — Of machinery of heading 8427 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of machinery of heading 8428 | | | |

    84313100 | — — Of lifts, skip hoists or escalators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843139 | — — Other | | | |

    84313910 | — — — Of rolling-mill machinery of subheading 84289030 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84313990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of machinery of heading 8426, 8429 or 8430 | | | |

    84314100 | — — Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84314200 | — — Bulldozer or angledozer blades | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84314300 | — — Parts for boring or sinking machinery of subheading 843041 or 843049 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843149 | — — Other | | | |

    84314920 | — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84314980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8432 | Agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation; lawn or sports-ground rollers | | | |

    843210 | — Ploughs | | | |

    84321010 | — — Mouldboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84321090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Harrows, scarifiers, cultivators, weeders and hoes | | | |

    84322100 | — — Disc harrows | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843229 | — — Other | | | |

    84322910 | — — — Scarifiers and cultivators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84322930 | — — — Harrows | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84322950 | — — — Rotovators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84322990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843230 | — Seeders, planters and transplanters | | | |

    — — Seeders | | | |

    84323011 | — — — Central driven precision spacing seeders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84323019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84323090 | — — Planters and transplanters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843240 | — Manure spreaders and fertilizer distributors | | | |

    84324010 | — — Mineral or chemical fertilizer distribution | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84324090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84328000 | — Other machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84329000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8433 | Harvesting or threshing machinery, including straw or fodder balers; grass or hay mowers; machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce, other than machinery of heading 8437 | | | |

    — Mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds | | | |

    843311 | — — Powered, with the cutting device rotating in a horizontal plane | | | |

    84331110 | — — — Electric | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Self-propelled | | | |

    84331151 | — — — — — With a seat | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84331159 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84331190 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843319 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — With motor | | | |

    84331910 | — — — — Electric | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — Self-propelled | | | |

    84331951 | — — — — — — With a seat | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84331959 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84331970 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84331990 | — — — Without motor | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843320 | — Other mowers, including cutter bars for tractor mounting | | | |

    84332010 | — — With motor | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Designed to be carried on or hauled by a tractor | | | |

    84332051 | — — — — With the cutting device rotating in a horizontal plane | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84332059 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84332090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843330 | — Other haymaking machinery | | | |

    84333010 | — — Turners, side delivery rakes, and tedders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84333090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843340 | — Straw or fodder balers, including pick-up balers | | | |

    84334010 | — — Pick-up balers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84334090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other harvesting machinery; threshing machinery | | | |

    84335100 | — — Combine harvester-threshers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84335200 | — — Other threshing machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843353 | — — Root or tuber harvesting machines | | | |

    84335310 | — — — Potato-diggers and potato harvesters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84335330 | — — — Beet-topping machines and beet harvesters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84335390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843359 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Forage harvesters | | | |

    84335911 | — — — — Self-propelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84335919 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84335930 | — — — Grape harvesters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84335980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84336000 | — Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84339000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8434 | Milking machines and dairy machinery | | | |

    84341000 | — Milking machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84342000 | — Dairy machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84349000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8435 | Presses, crushers and similar machinery used in the manufacture of wine, cider, fruit juices or similar beverages | | | |

    84351000 | — Machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84359000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8436 | Other agricultural, horticultural, forestry, poultry-keeping or bee-keeping machinery, including germination plant fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment; poultry incubators and brooders | | | |

    84361000 | — Machinery for preparing animal feedingstuffs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Poultry-keeping machinery; poultry incubators and brooders | | | |

    84362100 | — — Poultry incubators and brooders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84362900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843680 | — Other machinery | | | |

    84368010 | — — Forestry machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84368091 | — — — Automatic drinking bowls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84368099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts | | | |

    84369100 | — — Of poultry-keeping machinery or poultry incubators and brooders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84369900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8437 | Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables; machinery used in the milling industry or for the working of cereals or dried leguminous vegetables, other than farm-type machinery | | | |

    84371000 | — Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84378000 | — Other machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84379000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8438 | Machinery, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter, for the industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink, other than machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or fixed vegetable fats or oils | | | |

    843810 | — Bakery machinery and machinery for the manufacture of macaroni, spaghetti or similar products | | | |

    84381010 | — — Bakery machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84381090 | — — Machinery for the manufacture of macaroni, spaghetti or similar products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84382000 | — Machinery for the manufacture of confectionery, cocoa or chocolate | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84383000 | — Machinery for sugar manufacture | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84384000 | — Brewery machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84385000 | — Machinery for the preparation of meat or poultry | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84386000 | — Machinery for the preparation of fruits, nuts or vegetables | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843880 | — Other machinery | | | |

    84388010 | — — For the preparation of tea or coffee | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84388091 | — — — For the preparation or manufacture of drink | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84388099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84389000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8439 | Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard | | | |

    84391000 | — Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84392000 | — Machinery for making paper or paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84393000 | — Machinery for finishing paper or paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts | | | |

    843991 | — — Of machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material | | | |

    84399110 | — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84399190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    843999 | — — Other | | | |

    84399910 | — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84399990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8440 | Book-binding machinery, including book-sewing machines | | | |

    844010 | — Machinery | | | |

    84401010 | — — Folding machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84401020 | — — Collating machines and gathering machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84401030 | — — Sewing, wire stitching and stapling machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84401040 | — — Unsewn (perfect) binding machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84401090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84409000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8441 | Other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds | | | |

    844110 | — Cutting machines | | | |

    84411010 | — — Combined reel slitting and re-reeling machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84411020 | — — Other slitting and cross cutting machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84411030 | — — Guillotines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84411040 | — — Three-knife trimmers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84411080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84412000 | — Machines for making bags, sacks or envelopes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84413000 | — Machines for making cartons, boxes, cases, tubes, drums or similar containers, other than by moulding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84414000 | — Machines for moulding articles in paper pulp, paper or paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84418000 | — Other machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    844190 | — Parts | | | |

    84419010 | — — Of cutting machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84419090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8442 | Machinery, apparatus and equipment (other than the machine-tools of headings 8456 to 8465), for type-founding or type-setting, for preparing or making printing blocks, plates, cylinders or other printing components; printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders and other printing components; blocks, plates, cylinders and lithographic stones, prepared for printing purposes (for example, planed, grained or polished) | | | |

    84421000 | — Phototype-setting and composing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    844220 | — Machinery, apparatus and equipment for type-setting or composing by other processes, with or without founding device | | | |

    84422010 | — — For founding and setting (for example, linotypes, monotypes, intertypes) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84422090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84423000 | — Other machinery, apparatus and equipment | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84424000 | — Parts of the foregoing machinery, apparatus or equipment | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    844250 | — Printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders and other printing components; blocks, plates, cylinders and lithographic stones, prepared for printing purposes (for example, planed, grained or polished) | | | |

    — — With printing image | | | |

    84425021 | — — — For relief printing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84425023 | — — — For planographic printing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84425029 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84425080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8443 | Printing machinery used for printing by means of the printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442; ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading 8471; machines for uses ancillary to printing: | | | |

    — Offset printing machinery | | | |

    84431100 | — — Reel fed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84431200 | — — Sheet fed, office type (sheet size not exceeding 22 × 36 cm) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    844319 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — Sheet fed | | | |

    84431910 | — — — — Used | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — New, taking sheets of a size | | | |

    84431931 | — — — — — Not exceeding 52 × 74 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84431935 | — — — — — Exceeding 52 × 74 cm but not exceeding 74 × 107 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84431939 | — — — — — Exceeding 74 × 107 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84431990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Letterpress printing machinery, excluding flexographic printing | | | |

    84432100 | — — Reel fed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84432900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84433000 | — Flexographic printing machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84434000 | — Gravure printing machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other printing machinery | | | |

    84435100 | — — Ink-jet printing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    844359 | — — Other | | | |

    84435920 | — — — For printing textile materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84435940 | — — — — For use in the production of semiconductors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84435970 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84436000 | — Machines for uses ancillary to printing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    844390 | — Parts | | | |

    84439005 | — — For use in the production of semiconductors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84439010 | — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84439080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    844400 | Machines for extruding, drawing, texturing or cutting man-made textile materials | | | |

    84440010 | — Machines for extruding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84440090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8445 | Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weft-winding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 8446 or 8447 | | | |

    — Machines for preparing textile fibres | | | |

    84451100 | — — Carding machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84451200 | — — Combing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84451300 | — — Drawing or roving machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84451900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84452000 | — Textile spinning machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    844530 | — Textile doubling or twisting machines | | | |

    84453010 | — — Textile doubling machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84453090 | — — Textile twisting machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84454000 | — Textile winding (including weft-winding) or reeling machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84459000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8446 | Weaving machines (looms) | | | |

    84461000 | — For weaving fabrics of a width not exceeding 30 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — For weaving fabrics of a width exceeding 30 cm, shuttle type | | | |

    84462100 | — — Power looms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84462900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84463000 | — For weaving fabrics of a width exceeding 30 cm, shuttleless type | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8447 | Knitting machines, stitch-bonding machines and machines for making gimped yarn, tulle, lace, embroidery, trimmings, braid or net and machines for tufting | | | |

    — Circular knitting machines | | | |

    844711 | — — With cylinder diameter not exceeding 165 mm | | | |

    84471110 | — — — Working with latch needles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84471190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    844712 | — — With cylinder diameter exceeding 165 mm | | | |

    84471210 | — — — Working with latch needles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84471290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    844720 | — Flat knitting machines; stitch-bonding machines | | | |

    84472010 | — — Hand operated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84472092 | — — — Warp knitting machines (including Raschel type); stitch-bonding machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84472098 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84479000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8448 | Auxiliary machinery for use with machines of heading 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, dobbies, Jacquards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or of heading 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, spindles and spindle flyers, card clothing, combs, extruding nipples, shuttles, healds and heald-frames, hosiery needles) | | | |

    — Auxiliary machinery for machines of heading 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 | | | |

    84481100 | — — Dobbies and Jacquards; card reducing, copying, punching or assembling machines for use therewith | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84481900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    844820 | — Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8444 or of their auxiliary machinery | | | |

    84482010 | — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84482090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8445 or of their auxiliary machinery | | | |

    84483100 | — — Card clothing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84483200 | — — Of machines for preparing textile fibres, other than card clothing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    844833 | — — Spindles, spindle flyers, spinning rings and ring travellers | | | |

    84483310 | — — — Spindles and spindle flyers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84483390 | — — — Spinning rings and ring travellers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84483900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts and accessories of weaving machines (looms) or of their auxiliary machinery | | | |

    84484100 | — — Shuttles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84484200 | — — Reeds for looms, healds and heald-frames | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84484900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8447 or of their auxiliary machinery | | | |

    844851 | — — Sinkers, needles and other articles used in forming stitches | | | |

    84485110 | — — — Sinkers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84485190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84485900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84490000 | Machinery for the manufacture or finishing of felt or non-wovens in the piece or in shapes, including machinery for making felt hats; blocks for making hats | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8450 | Household or laundry-type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry | | | |

    — Machines, each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10 kg | | | |

    845011 | — — Fully-automatic machines | | | |

    — — — Each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 6 kg | | | |

    84501111 | — — — — Front-loading machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84501119 | — — — — Top-loading machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84501190 | — — — Each of a dry linen capacity exceeding 6kg but not exceeding 10kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84501200 | — — Other machines, with built-in centrifugal drier | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84501900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84502000 | — Machines, each of a dry linen capacity exceeding 10 kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84509000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8451 | Machinery (other than machines of heading 8450) for washing, cleaning, wringing, drying, ironing, pressing (including fusing presses), bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or made-up textile articles and machines for applying the paste to the base fabric or other support used in the manufacture of floor coverings such as linoleum; machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics | | | |

    84511000 | — Dry-cleaning machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Drying machines | | | |

    845121 | — — Each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10 kg | | | |

    84512110 | — — — Each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 6kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84512190 | — — — Each of a dry linen capacity exceeding 6kg but not exceeding 10kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84512900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    845130 | — Ironing machines and presses (including fusing presses) | | | |

    — — Electrically heated, of a power | | | |

    84513010 | — — — Not exceeding 2500 W | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84513030 | — — — Exceeding 2500 W | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84513080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84514000 | — Washing, bleaching or dyeing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84515000 | — Machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    845180 | — Other machinery | | | |

    84518010 | — — Machines used in the manufacture of linoleum or other floor coverings for applying the paste to the base fabric or other support | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84518030 | — — Machines for dressing or finishing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84518080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84519000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8452 | Sewing machines, other than book-sewing machines of heading 8440; furniture, bases and covers specially designed for sewing machines; sewing machine needles | | | |

    845210 | — Sewing machines of the household type | | | |

    — — Sewing machines (lock-stitch only), with heads of a weight not exceeding 16 kg without motor or 17 kg including the motor; sewing machine heads (lock-stitch only), of a weight not exceeding 16 kg without motor or 17 kg including the motor | | | |

    84521011 | — — — Sewing machines having a value (not including frames, tables or furniture) of more than EUR 65 each | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84521019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84521090 | — — Other sewing machines and other sewing machine heads | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other sewing machines | | | |

    84522100 | — — Automatic units | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84522900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    845230 | — Sewing machine needles | | | |

    84523010 | — — With single flat shank | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84523090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84524000 | — Furniture, bases and covers for sewing machines and parts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84529000 | — Other parts of sewing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8453 | Machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather or for making or repairing footwear or other articles of hides, skins or leather, other than sewing machines | | | |

    84531000 | — Machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84532000 | — Machinery for making or repairing footwear | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84538000 | — Other machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84539000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8454 | Converters, ladles, ingot moulds and casting machines, of a kind used in metallurgy or in metal foundries | | | |

    84541000 | — Converters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84542000 | — Ingot moulds and ladles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    845430 | — Casting machines | | | |

    84543010 | — — For casting under pressure | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84543090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84549000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8455 | Metal-rolling mills and rolls therefor | | | |

    84551000 | — Tube mills | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other rolling mills | | | |

    84552100 | — — Hot or combination hot and cold | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84552200 | — — Cold | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    845530 | — Rolls for rolling mills | | | |

    84553010 | — — Of cast iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of open-die forged steel | | | |

    84553031 | — — — Hot-rolling work-rolls; hot-rolling and cold-rolling back-up rolls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84553039 | — — — Cold-rolling work-rolls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84553090 | — — Of cast or wrought steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84559000 | — Other parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8456 | Machine-tools for working any material by removal of material, by laser or other light or photon beam, ultrasonic, electro-discharge, electro-chemical, electron beam, ionic-beam or plasma arc processes | | | |

    845610 | — Operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes | | | |

    84561010 | — — Of a kind used in the manufacture of semiconductor wafers or devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84561090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84562000 | — Operated by ultrasonic processes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    845630 | — Operated by electro-discharge processes | | | |

    — — Numerically controlled | | | |

    84563011 | — — — Wire-cut | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84563019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84563090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    84569100 | — — For dry-etching patterns on semiconductor materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    845699 | — — Other | | | |

    84569910 | — — — Focused ion beam milling machines for producing or repairing masks and reticles for patterns on semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84569930 | — — — Apparatus for stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84569950 | — — — Apparatus for dry-etching patterns on LCD substrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84569980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8457 | Machining centres, unit construction machines (single station) and multi-station transfer machines, for working metal | | | |

    845710 | — Machining centres | | | |

    84571010 | — — Horizontal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84571090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84572000 | — Unit construction machines (single station) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    845730 | — Multi-station transfer machines | | | |

    84573010 | — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84573090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8458 | Lathes (including turning centres) for removing metal | | | |

    — Horizontal lathes | | | |

    845811 | — — Numerically controlled | | | |

    84581120 | — — — Turning centres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Automatic lathes | | | |

    84581141 | — — — — Single spindle | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84581149 | — — — — Multi-spindle | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84581180 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    845819 | — — Other | | | |

    84581920 | — — — Centre lathes (engine or tool-room) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84581940 | — — — Automatic lathes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84581980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other lathes | | | |

    845891 | — — Numerically controlled | | | |

    84589120 | — — — Turning centres | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84589180 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84589900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8459 | Machine-tools (including way-type unit head machines) for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal, other than lathes (including turning centres) of heading 8458 | | | |

    84591000 | — Way-type unit head machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other drilling machines | | | |

    84592100 | — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84592900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other boring-milling machines | | | |

    84593100 | — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84593900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    845940 | — Other boring machines | | | |

    84594010 | — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84594090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Milling machines, knee-type | | | |

    84595100 | — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84595900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other milling machines | | | |

    845961 | — — Numerically controlled | | | |

    84596110 | — — — Tool milling machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84596190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    845969 | — — Other | | | |

    84596910 | — — — Tool milling machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84596990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84597000 | — Other threading or tapping machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8460 | Machine-tools for deburring, sharpening, grinding, honing, lapping, polishing or otherwise finishing metal or cermets by means of grinding stones, abrasives or polishing products, other than gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing machines of heading 8461 | | | |

    — Flat-surface grinding machines, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least 0,01 mm | | | |

    84601100 | — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84601900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other grinding machines, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least 0,01 mm | | | |

    846021 | — — Numerically controlled | | | |

    — — — For cylindrical surfaces | | | |

    84602111 | — — — — Internal cylindrical grinding machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84602115 | — — — — Centreless grinding machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84602119 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84602190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846029 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — For cylindrical surfaces | | | |

    84602911 | — — — — Internal cylindrical grinding machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84602919 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84602990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines | | | |

    84603100 | — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84603900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846040 | — Honing or lapping machines | | | |

    84604010 | — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84604090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846090 | — Other | | | |

    84609010 | — — Fitted with a micrometric adjusting system, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least 0,01 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84609090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8461 | Machine-tools for planing, shaping, slotting, broaching, gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing, sawing, cutting-off and other machine-tools working by removing metal or cermets, not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    84612000 | — Shaping or slotting machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846130 | — Broaching machines | | | |

    84613010 | — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84613090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846140 | — Gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing machines | | | |

    — — Gear cutting machines (including abrasive gear cutting machines) | | | |

    — — — For cutting cylindrical gears | | | |

    84614011 | — — — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84614019 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — For cutting other gears | | | |

    84614031 | — — — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84614039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Gear-finishing machines | | | |

    — — — Fitted with a micrometric adjusting system, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least 0,01 mm | | | |

    84614071 | — — — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84614079 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84614090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846150 | — Sawing or cutting-off machines | | | |

    — — Sawing machines | | | |

    84615011 | — — — Circular saws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84615019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84615090 | — — Cutting-off machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84619000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8462 | Machine-tools (including presses) for working metal by forging, hammering or die-stamping; machine-tools (including presses) for working metal by bending, folding, straightening, flattening, shearing, punching or notching; presses for working metal or metal carbides, not specified above | | | |

    846210 | — Forging or die-stamping machines (including presses) and hammers | | | |

    84621010 | — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84621090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines (including presses) | | | |

    846221 | — — Numerically controlled | | | |

    84622105 | — — — Of a kind used in the manufacture of semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84622110 | — — — — For working flat products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84622180 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846229 | — — Other | | | |

    84622905 | — — — Of a kind used in the manufacture of semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84622910 | — — — — For working flat products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    84622991 | — — — — — Hydraulic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84622998 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Shearing machines (including presses), other than combined punching and shearing machines | | | |

    84623100 | — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846239 | — — Other | | | |

    84623910 | — — — For working flat products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84623991 | — — — — Hydraulic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84623999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Punching or notching machines (including presses), including combined punching and shearing machines | | | |

    846241 | — — Numerically controlled | | | |

    84624110 | — — — For working flat products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84624190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846249 | — — Other | | | |

    84624910 | — — — For working flat products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84624990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    846291 | — — Hydraulic presses | | | |

    84629110 | — — — Presses for moulding metallic powders by sintering or presses for compressing scrap metal into bales | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84629150 | — — — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84629190 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846299 | — — Other | | | |

    84629910 | — — — Presses for moulding metallic powders by sintering or presses for compressing scrap metal into bales | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84629950 | — — — — Numerically controlled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84629990 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8463 | Other machine-tools for working metal or cermets, without removing material | | | |

    846310 | — Draw-benches for bars, tubes, profiles, wire or the like | | | |

    84631010 | — — Draw-benches for wire | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84631090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84632000 | — Thread-rolling machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84633000 | — Machines for working wire | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84639000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8464 | Machine-tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like mineral materials or for cold-working glass | | | |

    846410 | — Sawing machines | | | |

    84641010 | — — For sawing monocrystal semiconductor boules into slices, or wafers into chips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84641090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846420 | — Grinding or polishing machines | | | |

    84642005 | — — For working semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — For working glass | | | |

    84642011 | — — — Optical glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84642019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84642020 | — — For working ceramics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84642095 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846490 | — Other | | | |

    84649010 | — — For scribing or scoring semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84649020 | — — For working ceramics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84649080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8465 | Machine-tools (including machines for nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise assembling) for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials | | | |

    846510 | — Machines which can carry out different types of machining operations without tool change between such operations | | | |

    84651010 | — — With manual transfer of workpiece between each operation | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84651090 | — — With automatic transfer of workpiece between each operation | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    846591 | — — Sawing machines | | | |

    84659110 | — — — Band saws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84659120 | — — — Circular saws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84659190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84659200 | — — Planing, milling or moulding (by cutting) machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84659300 | — — Grinding, sanding or polishing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84659400 | — — Bending or assembling machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84659500 | — — Drilling or morticing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84659600 | — — Splitting, slicing or paring machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846599 | — — Other | | | |

    84659910 | — — — Lathes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84659990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8466 | Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of headings 8456 to 8465, including work or tool holders, self-opening dieheads, dividing heads and other special attachments for machine-tools; tool holders for any type of tool for working in the hand | | | |

    846610 | — Tool holders and self-opening dieheads | | | |

    — — Tool holders | | | |

    84661010 | — — — Arbors, collets and sleeves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84661031 | — — — — For lathes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84661039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84661090 | — — Self-opening dieheads | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846620 | — Work holders | | | |

    84662010 | — — Jigs and fixtures for specific applications; sets of standard jig and fixture components. | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84662091 | — — — For lathes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84662099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84663000 | — Dividing heads and other special attachments for machine-tools | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    846691 | — — For machines of heading 8464 | | | |

    84669115 | — — — For machines of subheading 84641010, 84642005 or 84649010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84669120 | — — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84669195 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846692 | — — For machines of heading 8465 | | | |

    84669220 | — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84669280 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846693 | — — For machines of headings 8456 to 8461 | | | |

    84669315 | — — — For machines and apparatus of subheading 84561010, 84569100, 84569910 or 84569930 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84669317 | — — — For apparatus of subheading 84569950 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84669395 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846694 | — — For machines of heading 8462 or 8463 | | | |

    84669410 | — — — For machines of subheading 84622105 or 84622905 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84669490 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8467 | Tools for working in the hand, pneumatic, hydraulic or with self-contained electric or non-electric motor: | | | |

    — Pneumatic | | | |

    846711 | — — Rotary type (including combined rotary-percussion) | | | |

    84671110 | — — — Metal working | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84671190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84671900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — With self-contained electric motor: | | | |

    846721 | — — Drills of all kinds: | | | |

    84672110 | — — — Capable of operation without an external source of power | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    84672191 | — — — — Electropneumatic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84672199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846722 | — — Saws: | | | |

    84672210 | — — — Chainsaws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84672230 | — — — Circular saws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84672290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    846729 | — — Other: | | | |

    84672910 | — — — Of a kind used for working textile materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    84672930 | — — — — Capable of operation without an external source of power | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    — — — — — Grinders and sanders: | | | |

    84672951 | — — — — — — Angle grinders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84672953 | — — — — — — Belt sanders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84672959 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84672970 | — — — — — Planers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84672980 | — — — — — Hedge trimmers and lawn edge cutters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84672990 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other tools: | | | |

    84678100 | — — Chain saws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84678900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts: | | | |

    84679100 | — — Of chain saws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84679200 | — — Of pneumatic tools | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84679900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8468 | Machinery and apparatus for soldering, brazing or welding, whether or not capable of cutting, other than those of heading 8515; gas-operated surface tempering machines and appliances | | | |

    84681000 | — Hand-held blow pipes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84682000 | — Other gas-operated machinery and apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84688000 | — Other machinery and apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84689000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8469 | Typewriters other than printers of heading 8471; word-processing machines | | | |

    — Automatic typewriters and word-processing machines | | | |

    84691100 | — — Word-processing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84691200 | — — Automatic typewriters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84692000 | — Other typewriters, electric | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84693000 | — Other typewriters, non-electric | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8470 | Calculating machines and pocket-size data recording, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions; accounting machines, postage-franking machines, ticket-issuing machines and similar machines, incorporating a calculating device; cash registers | | | |

    84701000 | — Electronic calculators capable of operation without an external source of electric power and pocket-size data recording, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other electronic calculating machines | | | |

    84702100 | — — Incorporating a printing device | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84702900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84703000 | — Other calculating machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84704000 | — Accounting machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84705000 | — Cash registers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84709000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8471 | Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    847110 | — Analogue or hybrid automatic data processing machines | | | |

    84711010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84711090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84713000 | — Portable digital automatic data processing machines, weighing not more than 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other digital automatic data processing machines | | | |

    847141 | — — Comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit and an input and output unit, whether or not combined | | | |

    84714110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84714190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847149 | — — Other, presented in the form of systems | | | |

    84714910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84714990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847150 | — Digital processing units other than those of subheading 847141 or 847149, whether or not containing in the same housing one or two of the following types of unit: storage units, input units, output units: | | | |

    84715010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84715090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847160 | — Input or output units, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing | | | |

    84716010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84716040 | — — — Printers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84716050 | — — — Keyboards | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84716090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847170 | — Storage units | | | |

    84717010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84717040 | — — — Central storage units | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Disk storage units | | | |

    84717051 | — — — — — Optical, including magneto-optical | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    84717053 | — — — — — — Hard disk drives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84717059 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84717060 | — — — — Magnetic tape storage units | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84717090 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84718000 | — Other units of automatic data processing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84719000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8472 | Other office machines (for example, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines, automatic banknote dispensers, coin-sorting machines, coin-counting or wrapping machines, pencil-sharpening machines, perforating or stapling machines) | | | |

    84721000 | — Duplicating machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84722000 | — Addressing machines and address plate embossing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84723000 | — Machines for sorting or folding mail or for inserting mail in envelopes or bands, machines for opening, closing or sealing mail and machines for affixing or cancelling postage stamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847290 | — Other | | | |

    84729010 | — — Coin-sorting, coin-counting or coin-wrapping machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84729030 | — — Automatic teller machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84729080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8473 | Parts and accessories (other than covers, carrying cases and the like) suitable for use solely or principally with machines of headings 8469 to 8472 | | | |

    847310 | — Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 8469 | | | |

    — — Electronic assemblies | | | |

    84731011 | — — — Of machines of subheading 84691100 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84731019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84731090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 8470 | | | |

    847321 | — — Of the electronic calculating machines of subheading 847010, 847021 or 847029 | | | |

    84732110 | — — — Electronic assemblies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84732190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847329 | — — Other | | | |

    84732910 | — — — Electronic assemblies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84732990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847330 | — Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 8471 | | | |

    84733010 | — — Electronic assemblies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84733090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847340 | — Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 8472 | | | |

    — — Electronic assemblies | | | |

    84734011 | — — — Of machines of subheading 84729030 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84734019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84734090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847350 | — Parts and accessories equally suitable for use with machines of two or more of the headings Nos 8469 to 8472 | | | |

    84735010 | — — Electronic assemblies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84735090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8474 | Machinery for sorting, screening, separating, washing, crushing, grinding, mixing or kneading earth, stone, ores or other mineral substances, in solid (including powder or paste) form; machinery for agglomerating, shaping or moulding solid mineral fuels, ceramic paste, unhardened cements, plastering materials or other mineral products in powder or paste form; machines for forming foundry moulds of sand | | | |

    84741000 | — Sorting, screening, separating or washing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847420 | — Crushing or grinding machines | | | |

    84742010 | — — For mineral substances of a kind used in the ceramics industry | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84742090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Mixing or kneading machines | | | |

    84743100 | — — Concrete or mortar mixers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84743200 | — — Machines for mixing mineral substances with bitumen | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847439 | — — Other | | | |

    84743910 | — — — Machinery for mixing or kneading mineral substances of a kind used in the ceramics industry | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84743990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847480 | — Other machinery | | | |

    84748010 | — — Machinery for agglomerating, shaping or moulding ceramic paste | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84748090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847490 | — Parts | | | |

    84749010 | — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84749090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8475 | Machines for assembling electric or electronic lamps, tubes or valves or flashbulbs, in glass envelopes; machines for manufacturing or hot working glass or glassware | | | |

    84751000 | — Machines for assembling electric or electronic lamps, tubes or valves or flashbulbs, in glass envelopes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Machines for manufacturing or hot working glass or glassware | | | |

    84752100 | — — Machines for making optical fibres and preforms thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84752900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84759000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8476 | Automatic goods-vending machines (for example, postage stamp, cigarette, food or beverage machines), including money-changing machines | | | |

    — Automatic beverage-vending machines | | | |

    84762100 | — — Incorporating heating or refrigerating devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84762900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other machines | | | |

    84768100 | — — Incorporating heating or refrigerating devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84768900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84769000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8477 | Machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter | | | |

    847710 | — Injection-moulding machines | | | |

    84771010 | — — Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84771090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84772000 | — Extruders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84773000 | — Blow-moulding machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84774000 | — Vacuum-moulding machines and other thermoforming machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other machinery for moulding or otherwise forming | | | |

    84775100 | — — For moulding or retreading pneumatic tyres or for moulding or otherwise forming inner tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847759 | — — Other | | | |

    84775905 | — — — Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84775910 | — — — — Presses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84775980 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847780 | — Other machinery | | | |

    — — Machines for the manufacture of foam products | | | |

    84778011 | — — — Machines for processing reactive resins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84778019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other: | | | |

    84778091 | — — — Size reduction equipment | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84778093 | — — — Mixer, kneaders and agitators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84778095 | — — — Cutting, splitting and peeling machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84778099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847790 | — Parts | | | |

    84779005 | — — For machines of subheadings 84771010 and 84775905 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84779010 | — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84779080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8478 | Machinery for preparing or making up tobacco, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter | | | |

    84781000 | — Machinery | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84789000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8479 | Machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter | | | |

    84791000 | — Machinery for public works, building or the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84792000 | — Machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or fixed vegetable fats or oils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847930 | — Presses for the manufacture of particle board or fibre building board of wood or other ligneous materials and other machinery for treating wood or cork | | | |

    84793010 | — — Presses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84793090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84794000 | — Rope or cable-making machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84795000 | — Industrial robots, not elsewhere specified or included | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84796000 | — Evaporative air coolers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other machines and mechanical appliances | | | |

    84798100 | — — For treating metal, including electric wire coil-winders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84798200 | — — Mixing, kneading, crushing, grinding, screening, sifting, homogenizing, emulsifying or stirring machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847989 | — — Other | | | |

    84798910 | — — — The following goods, for use in civil aircraft: Hydropneumatic batteries; Mechanical actuators for thrust reversers; Toilet units specially designed; Air humidifiers and dehumidifiers; Servo-mechanisms, non-electric; Non-electric starter motors; Pneumatic starters for turbo-jets, turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other gas turbines; Windscreen wipers, non-electric; Propeller regulators, non-electric | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84798930 | — — — — Mobile hydraulic powered mine roof supports | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84798960 | — — — — Central greasing systems | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84798965 | — — — — Apparatus for growing or pulling monocrystal semiconductor boules | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84798970 | — — — — Apparatus for epitaxial deposition on semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84798973 | — — — — Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers or flat panel display substrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84798977 | — — — — Die attach apparatus and tape automated bonders for assembly of semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84798979 | — — — — Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84798991 | — — — — Machines for glazing and decorating ceramic products | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84798998 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    847990 | — Parts | | | |

    84799010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84799050 | — — — Of machines of subheading 84798965, 84798970, 84798973, 84798977 or 84798979 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    84799092 | — — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84799097 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8480 | Moulding boxes for metal foundry; mould bases; moulding patterns; moulds for metal (other than ingot moulds), metal carbides, glass, mineral materials, rubber or plastics | | | |

    84801000 | — Moulding boxes for metal foundry | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84802000 | — Mould bases | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848030 | — Moulding patterns | | | |

    84803010 | — — Of wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84803090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Moulds for metal or metal carbides | | | |

    84804100 | — — Injection or compression types | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84804900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84805000 | — Moulds for glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848060 | — Moulds for mineral materials | | | |

    84806010 | — — Compression types | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84806090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Moulds for rubber or plastics | | | |

    848071 | — — Injection or compression types | | | |

    84807110 | — — — Of a kind used in the manufacture of semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84807190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84807900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8481 | Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, including pressure-reducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves | | | |

    848110 | — Pressure-reducing valves | | | |

    84811005 | — — Combined with filters or lubricators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84811019 | — — — Of cast iron or steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84811099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848120 | — Valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions | | | |

    84812010 | — — Valves for the control of oleohydraulic power transmission | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84812090 | — — Valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848130 | — Check non-return valves | | | |

    84813091 | — — Of cast iron or steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84813099 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848140 | — Safety or relief valves | | | |

    84814010 | — — Of cast iron or steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84814090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848180 | — Other appliances | | | |

    — — Taps, cocks and valves for sinks, wash basins, bidets, water cisterns, baths and similar fixtures | | | |

    84818011 | — — — Mixing valves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84818019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Central heating radiator valves | | | |

    84818031 | — — — Thermostatic valves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84818039 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84818040 | — — Valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Process control valves | | | |

    84818051 | — — — — Temperature regulators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84818059 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Gate valves | | | |

    84818061 | — — — — — Of cast iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84818063 | — — — — — Of steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84818069 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Globe valves | | | |

    84818071 | — — — — — Of cast iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84818073 | — — — — — Of steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84818079 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84818081 | — — — — Ball and plug valves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84818085 | — — — — Butterfly valves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84818087 | — — — — Diaphragm valves | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84818099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84819000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8482 | Ball or roller bearings | | | |

    848210 | — Ball bearings | | | |

    84821010 | — — With greatest external diameter not exceeding 30 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84821090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84822000 | — Tapered roller bearings, including cone and tapered roller assemblies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84823000 | — Spherical roller bearings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84824000 | — Needle roller bearings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84825000 | — Other cylindrical roller bearings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84828000 | — Other, including combined ball/roller bearings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts | | | |

    848291 | — — Balls, needles and rollers | | | |

    84829110 | — — — Tapered rollers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84829190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84829900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8483 | Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing; ball or roller screws; gear boxes and other speed changers, including torque converters; flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks; clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints) | | | |

    848310 | — Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts) and cranks | | | |

    84831010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Cranks and crank shafts | | | |

    84831041 | — — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84831051 | — — — — Of open-die forged steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84831057 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84831060 | — — — Articulated shafts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84831080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848320 | — Bearing housings, incorporating ball or roller bearings | | | |

    84832010 | — — Of a kind used in aircraft and spacecraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84832090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848330 | — Bearing housings, not incorporating ball or roller bearings; plain shaft bearings | | | |

    84833010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Bearing housings | | | |

    84833031 | — — — — For ball or roller bearings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84833039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84833090 | — — — Plain shaft bearings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848340 | — Gears and gearing, other than toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately; ball or roller screws; gear boxes and other speed changers, including torque converters | | | |

    84834010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Gears and gearing (other than friction gears) | | | |

    84834082 | — — — — Spur and helical | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84834083 | — — — — Bevel and bevel/spur | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84834084 | — — — — Worm gear | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84834085 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84834092 | — — — Ball or roller screws | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Gear boxes and other speed changers | | | |

    84834094 | — — — — Gear boxes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84834096 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84834098 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848350 | — Flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks | | | |

    84835010 | — — Pulleys for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84835091 | — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84835099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848360 | — Clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints) | | | |

    84836010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    84836091 | — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84836099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848390 | — Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately; parts | | | |

    84839010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other: | | | |

    84839030 | — — — Parts of bearing housings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    84839092 | — — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84839098 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8484 | Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal; sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings; mechanical seals | | | |

    848410 | — Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal | | | |

    84841010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84841090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84842000 | — Mechanical seals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848490 | — Other | | | |

    84849010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84849090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8485 | Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors, insulators, coils, contacts or other electrical features, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter | | | |

    848510 | — Ships' or boats' propellers and blades therefor | | | |

    84851010 | — — Of bronze | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84851090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    848590 | — Other | | | |

    84859010 | — — Of non-malleable cast iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84859030 | — — Of malleable cast iron | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of iron or steel | | | |

    84859051 | — — — Of cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84859053 | — — — Of open-die forged iron or steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84859055 | — — — Of closed-die forged iron or steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84859059 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    84859080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    8501 | Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets) | | | |

    850110 | — Motors of an output not exceeding 37,5 W | | | |

    85011010 | — — Synchronous motors of an output not exceeding 18 W | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85011091 | — — — Universal AC/DC motors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85011093 | — — — AC motors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85011099 | — — — DC motors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850120 | — Universal AC/DC motors of an output exceeding 37,5 W | | | |

    85012010 | — — Of an output exceeding 735 W but not exceeding 150 kW, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85012090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other DC motors; DC generators | | | |

    850131 | — — Of an output not exceeding 750 W | | | |

    85013110 | — — — Motors of an output exceeding 735 W, DC generators, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85013190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850132 | — — Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 75 kW | | | |

    85013210 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85013291 | — — — — Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 7,5 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85013299 | — — — — Of an output exceeding 7,5 kW but not exceeding 75 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850133 | — — Of an output exceeding 75 kW but not exceeding 375 kW | | | |

    85013310 | — — — Motors of an output not exceeding 150 kW and generators, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85013390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850134 | — — Of an output exceeding 375 kW | | | |

    85013410 | — — — Generators for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85013450 | — — — — Traction motors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other, of an output | | | |

    85013491 | — — — — — Exceeding 375 kW but not exceeding 750 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85013499 | — — — — — Exceeding 750 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850140 | — Other AC motors, single-phase | | | |

    85014010 | — — Of an output exceeding 735 W but not exceeding 150 kW, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85014091 | — — — Of an output not exceeding 750 W | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85014099 | — — — Of an output exceeding 750 W | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other AC motors, multi-phase | | | |

    850151 | — — Of an output not exceeding 750 W | | | |

    85015110 | — — — Of an output exceeding 735 W, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85015190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850152 | — — Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 75 kW | | | |

    85015210 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85015291 | — — — — Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 7,5 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85015293 | — — — — Of an output exceeding 7,5 kW but not exceeding 37 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85015299 | — — — — Of an output exceeding 37 kW but not exceeding 75 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850153 | — — Of an output exceeding 75 kW | | | |

    85015310 | — — — Of an output not exceeding 150 kW, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85015350 | — — — — Traction motors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other, of an output | | | |

    85015392 | — — — — — Exceeding 75 kW but not exceeding 375 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85015394 | — — — — — Exceeding 375 kW but not exceeding 750 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85015399 | — — — — — Exceeding 750 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — AC generators (alternators) | | | |

    850161 | — — Of an output not exceeding 75 kVA | | | |

    85016110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85016191 | — — — — Of an output not exceeding 7,5 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85016199 | — — — — Of an output exceeding 7,5 kVA but not exceeding 75 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850162 | — — Of an output exceeding 75 kVA but not exceeding 375 kVA | | | |

    85016210 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85016290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850163 | — — Of an output exceeding 375 kVA but not exceeding 750 kVA | | | |

    85016310 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85016390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85016400 | — — Of an output exceeding 750 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8502 | Electric generating sets and rotary converters | | | |

    — Generating sets with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines) | | | |

    850211 | — — Of an output not exceeding 75 kVA | | | |

    85021110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85021191 | — — — — Of an output not exceeding 7,5 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85021199 | — — — — Of an output exceeding 7,5 kVA but not exceeding 75 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850212 | — — Of an output exceeding 75 kVA but not exceeding 375 kVA | | | |

    85021210 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85021290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850213 | — — Of an output exceeding 375 kVA | | | |

    85021310 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85021391 | — — — — Of an output exceeding 375 kVA but not exceeding 750 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85021393 | — — — — Of an output exceeding 750 kVA but not exceeding 2000 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85021398 | — — — — Of an output exceeding 2000 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850220 | — Generating sets with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines | | | |

    85022010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85022091 | — — — Of an output not exceeding 7,5 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85022092 | — — — Of an output exceeding 7,5 kVA but not exceeding 375 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85022094 | — — — Of an output exceeding 375 kVA but not exceeding 750 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85022098 | — — — Of an output exceeding 750 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other generating sets | | | |

    850231 | — — Wind-powered: | | | |

    85023110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85023190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850239 | — — Other | | | |

    85023910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85023991 | — — — — Turbo-generators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85023999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850240 | — Electric rotary converters | | | |

    85024010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85024090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850300 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of heading 8501 or 8502 | | | |

    85030010 | — Non-magnetic retaining rings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    85030091 | — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85030099 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8504 | Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors | | | |

    850410 | — Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes | | | |

    85041010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85041091 | — — — Inductors, whether or not connected with a capacitor | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85041099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Liquid dielectric transformers | | | |

    85042100 | — — Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 650 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850422 | — — Having a power handling capacity exceeding 650 kVA but not exceeding 10000 kVA | | | |

    85042210 | — — — Exceeding 650 kVA but not exceeding 1600 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85042290 | — — — Exceeding 1600 kVA but not exceeding 10000 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85042300 | — — Having a power handling capacity exceeding 10000 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other transformers | | | |

    850431 | — — Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 1 kVA | | | |

    85043110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Measuring transformers | | | |

    85043131 | — — — — — For voltage measurement | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85043139 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85043190 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850432 | — — Having a power handling capacity exceeding 1 kVA but not exceeding 16 kVA | | | |

    85043210 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85043230 | — — — — Measuring transformers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85043290 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850433 | — — Having a power handling capacity exceeding 16 kVA but not exceeding 500 kVA | | | |

    85043310 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85043390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85043400 | — — Having a power handling capacity exceeding 500 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850440 | — Static converters | | | |

    85044010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85044020 | — — — Of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data processing machines and units thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85044050 | — — — — Polycrystalline semiconductor rectifiers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    85044093 | — — — — — Accumulator chargers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    85044094 | — — — — — — Rectifiers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — Inverters | | | |

    85044096 | — — — — — — — Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 7,5 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85044097 | — — — — — — — Having a power handling capacity exceeding 7,5 kVA | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85044099 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850450 | — Other inductors | | | |

    85045010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85045030 | — — — Of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus and for power supplies for automatic data processing machines and units thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85045080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850490 | — Parts | | | |

    — — Of transformers and inductors | | | |

    85049005 | — — — Electronic assemblies of machines of subheading 85045030 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85049011 | — — — — Ferrite cores | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85049018 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of static converters | | | |

    85049091 | — — — Electronic assemblies of machines of subheading 85044020 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85049099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8505 | Electro-magnets; permanent magnets and articles intended to become permanent magnets after magnetization; electro-magnetic or permanent magnet chucks, clamps and similar holding devices; electro-magnetic couplings, clutches and brakes; electro-magnetic lifting heads | | | |

    — Permanent magnets and articles intended to become permanent magnets after magnetization | | | |

    85051100 | — — Of metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850519 | — — Other | | | |

    85051910 | — — — Permanent magnets of agglomerated ferrite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85051990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85052000 | — Electro-magnetic couplings, clutches and brakes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85053000 | — Electro-magnetic lifting heads | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850590 | — Other, including parts | | | |

    85059010 | — — Electro-magnets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85059030 | — — Electro-magnetic or permanent magnet chucks, clamps and similar holding devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85059090 | — — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8506 | Primary cells and primary batteries | | | |

    850610 | — Manganese dioxide | | | |

    — — Alkaline | | | |

    85061011 | — — — Cylindrical cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85061015 | — — — Button cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85061019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85061091 | — — — Cylindrical cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85061095 | — — — Button cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85061099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850630 | — Mercuric oxide | | | |

    85063010 | — — Cylindrical cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85063030 | — — Button cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85063090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850640 | — Silver oxide | | | |

    85064010 | — — Cylindrical cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85064030 | — — Button cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85064090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850650 | — Lithium | | | |

    85065010 | — — Cylindrical cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85065030 | — — Button cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85065090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850660 | — Air-zinc | | | |

    85066010 | — — Cylindrical cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85066030 | — — Button cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85066090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850680 | — Other primary cells and primary batteries: | | | |

    85068005 | — — Dry zinc-carbon batteries of a voltage of 5,5 V or more but not exceeding 6,5 V | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85068011 | — — — Cylindrical cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85068015 | — — — Button cells | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85068090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85069000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8507 | Electric accumulators, including separators therefor, whether or not rectangular (including square) | | | |

    850710 | — Lead-acid, of a kind used for starting piston engines | | | |

    85071010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of a weight not exceeding 5 kg | | | |

    85071031 | — — — — Working with liquid electrolyte | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85071039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of a weight exceeding 5 kg | | | |

    85071081 | — — — — Working with liquid electrolyte | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85071089 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850720 | — Other lead-acid accumulators | | | |

    85072010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Traction accumulators | | | |

    85072031 | — — — — Working with liquid electrolyte | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85072039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85072081 | — — — — Working with liquid electrolyte | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85072089 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850730 | — Nickel-cadmium | | | |

    85073010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85073091 | — — — Hermetically sealed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85073093 | — — — — Traction accumulators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85073098 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850740 | — Nickel-iron | | | |

    85074010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85074090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850780 | — Other accumulators | | | |

    85078010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85078091 | — — — Nickel-hydride | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85078099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850790 | — Parts | | | |

    85079010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85079091 | — — — Plates for accumulators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85079093 | — — — Separators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85079098 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8509 | Electro-mechanical domestic appliances, with self-contained electric motor | | | |

    850910 | — Vacuum cleaners, including dry and wet vacuum cleaners: | | | |

    85091010 | — — For a voltage of 110 volts or more | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85091090 | — — For a voltage of less than 110 volts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85092000 | — Floor polishers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85093000 | — Kitchen waste disposers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85094000 | — Food grinders and mixers; fruit or vegetable juice extractors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85098000 | — Other appliances | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    850990 | — Parts | | | |

    85099010 | — — Of vacuum cleaners or floor polishers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85099090 | — — Of appliances falling within subheadings 85091010, 85091090 or 85092000 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8510 | Shavers, hair clippers and hair-removing appliances, with self-contained electric motor | | | |

    85101000 | — Shavers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85102000 | — Hair clippers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85103000 | — Hair-removing appliances | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85109000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8511 | Electrical ignition or starting equipment of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (for example, ignition magnetos, magneto-dynamos, ignition coils, sparking plugs and glow plugs, starter motors); generators (for example, dynamos, alternators) and cut-outs of a kind used in conjunction with such engines | | | |

    851110 | — Sparking plugs | | | |

    85111010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85111090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851120 | — Ignition magnetos; magneto-dynamos; magnetic flywheels | | | |

    85112010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85112090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851130 | — Distributors; ignition coils | | | |

    85113010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85113090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851140 | — Starter motors and dual purpose starter-generators | | | |

    85114010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85114090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851150 | — Other generators | | | |

    85115010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85115090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851180 | — Other equipment | | | |

    85118010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85118090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85119000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8512 | Electrical lighting or signalling equipment (excluding articles of heading 8539), windscreen wipers, defrosters and demisters, of a kind used for cycles or motor vehicles | | | |

    85121000 | — Lighting or visual signalling equipment of a kind used on bicycles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85122000 | — Other lighting or visual signalling equipment | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85123000 | — Sound signalling equipment | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85124000 | — Windscreen wipers, defrosters and demisters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85129000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8513 | Portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy (for example, dry batteries, accumulators, magnetos), other than lighting equipment of heading 8512 | | | |

    85131000 | — Lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85139000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8514 | Industrial or laboratory electric furnaces and ovens (including theose functioning by induction or dielectric loss); other industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss | | | |

    851410 | — Resistance heated furnaces and ovens | | | |

    85141005 | — — For the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85141010 | — — — Bakery and biscuit ovens | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85141080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851420 | — Furnaces and ovens functioning by induction or dielectric loss | | | |

    85142005 | — — For the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85142010 | — — — Induction furnaces and ovens | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85142080 | — — — Dielectric furnaces and ovens | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851430 | — Other furnaces and ovens | | | |

    — — Infra-red radiation ovens | | | |

    85143011 | — — — For the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85143019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85143091 | — — — For the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85143099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85144000 | — Other equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851490 | — Parts | | | |

    85149020 | — — Of machines of subheading 85141005, 85142005, 85143011 or 85143091 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85149080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8515 | Electric (including electrically heated gas), laser or other light or photon beam, ultrasonic, electron beam, magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering, brazing or welding machines and apparatus, whether or not capable of cutting; electric machines and apparatus for hot spraying of metals or cermets | | | |

    — Brazing or soldering machines and apparatus | | | |

    85151100 | — — Soldering irons and guns | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85151900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Machines and apparatus for resistance welding of metal | | | |

    85152100 | — — Fully or partly automatic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851529 | — — Other | | | |

    85152910 | — — — For butt welding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85152990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Machines and apparatus for arc (including plasma arc) welding of metals | | | |

    85153100 | — — Fully or partly automatic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851539 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — For manual welding with coated electrodes, complete with welding or cutting devices, and consigned with | | | |

    85153913 | — — — — Transformers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85153918 | — — — — Generators or rotary converters or static converters, rectifiers or rectifying apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85153990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851580 | — Other machines and apparatus | | | |

    85158005 | — — Wire bonders of a kind used for the manufacture of semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — For treating metals | | | |

    85158011 | — — — — For welding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85158019 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85158091 | — — — — For resistance welding of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85158099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851590 | — Parts | | | |

    85159010 | — — For machines of subheading 85158005 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85159090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8516 | Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters; electric space heating apparatus and soil heating apparatus; electro-thermic hair-dressing apparatus (for example, hair dryers, hair curlers, curling tong heaters) and hand dryers; electric smoothing irons; other electro-thermic appliances of a kind used for domestic purposes; electric heating resistors, other than those of heading 8545 | | | |

    851610 | — Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters | | | |

    — — Water heaters | | | |

    85161011 | — — — Instantaneous water heaters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85161019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Immersion heaters | | | |

    85161091 | — — — Of a kind used for domestic purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85161099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Electric space-heating apparatus and electric soil-heating apparatus | | | |

    85162100 | — — Storage heating radiators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851629 | — — Other | | | |

    85162910 | — — — Liquid-filled radiators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85162950 | — — — Convection heaters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85162991 | — — — — With built-in fan | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85162999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Electro-thermic hair-dressing or hand-drying apparatus | | | |

    851631 | — — Hair dryers | | | |

    85163110 | — — — Drying hoods | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85163190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85163200 | — — Other hair-dressing apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85163300 | — — Hand-drying apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851640 | — Electric smoothing irons | | | |

    85164010 | — — Steam smoothing irons | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85164090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85165000 | — Microwave ovens | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    851660 | — Other ovens; cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings; grillers and roasters | | | |

    85166010 | — — Cookers (incorporating at least an oven and a hob) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Cooking plates, boiling rings and hobs | | | |

    85166051 | — — — Hobs for building-in | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85166059 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85166070 | — — Grillers and roasters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85166080 | — — Ovens for building-in | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85166090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other electro-thermic appliances | | | |

    85167100 | — — Coffee or tea makers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85167200 | — — Toasters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851679 | — — Other | | | |

    85167910 | — — — Plate warmers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85167920 | — — — Deep fat fryers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85167980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851680 | — Electric heating resistors | | | |

    85168010 | — — Assembled only with a simple insulated former and electrical connections, used for anti-icing or de-icing, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85168091 | — — — Assembled with an insulated former | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85168099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85169000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8517 | Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems; videophones | | | |

    — Telephone sets; videophones | | | |

    85171100 | — — Line telephone sets with cordless handsets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851719 | — — Other | | | |

    85171910 | — — — Videophones | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85171990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Facsimile machines and teleprinters | | | |

    85172100 | — — Facsimile machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85172200 | — — Teleprinters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85173000 | — Telephonic or telegraphic switching apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851750 | — Other apparatus, for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems | | | |

    85175010 | — — For carrier-current line systems | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85175090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851780 | — Other apparatus | | | |

    85178010 | — — Entry-phone systems | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85178090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851790 | — Parts | | | |

    — — Of apparatus for carrier-current line systems of subheading 85175010 | | | |

    85179011 | — — — Electronic assemblies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85179019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85179082 | — — — Electronic assemblies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85179088 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8518 | Microphones and stands therefor; loudspeakers, whether or not mounted in their enclosures; headphones and earphones, whether or not combined with a microphone, and sets consisting of a microphone and one or more loudspeakers; audio-frequency electric amplifiers; electric sound amplifier sets: | | | |

    851810 | — Microphones and stands therefor | | | |

    85181010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85181020 | — — — Microphones having a frequency range of 300 Hz to 3,4 KHz, of a diameter not exceeding 10 mm and a height not exceeding 3 mm, of a kind used for telecommunications | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85181080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Loudspeakers, whether or not mounted in their enclosures | | | |

    851821 | — — Single loudspeakers, mounted in their enclosures | | | |

    85182110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85182190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851822 | — — Multiple loudspeakers, mounted in the same enclosure | | | |

    85182210 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85182290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851829 | — — Other | | | |

    85182910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85182920 | — — — — Loudspeakers having a frequency range of 300 Hz to 3,4 KHz, of a diameter not exceeding 50 mm, of a kind used for telecommunications | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85182980 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851830 | Headphones and earphones, whether or not combined with microphone, and sets consisting of a microphone and one or more loudspeakers: | | | |

    85183010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85183020 | — — — Line telephone handsets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85183080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851840 | — Audio-frequency electric amplifiers | | | |

    85184010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85184030 | — — — Telephonic and measurement amplifiers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85184091 | — — — — With only one channel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85184099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851850 | — Electric sound amplifier sets | | | |

    85185010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85185090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85189000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8519 | Turntables (record-decks), record-players, cassette-players and other sound reproducing apparatus, not incorporating a sound recording device | | | |

    85191000 | — Coin-or disc-operated record-players | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other record-players | | | |

    85192100 | — — Without loudspeaker | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85192900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Turntables (record-decks) | | | |

    85193100 | — — With automatic record-changing mechanism | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85193900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85194000 | — Transcribing machines | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other sound reproducing apparatus | | | |

    85199200 | — — Pocket-size cassette-players | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851993 | — — Other, cassette-type | | | |

    — — — Of a kind used in motor vehicles | | | |

    85199331 | — — — — With an analogue and digital reading system | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    85199339 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85199381 | — — — — With an analogue and digital reading system | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    85199389 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    851999 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — With laser reading system | | | |

    85199912 | — — — — Of a kind used in motor vehicles, of a type using discs of a diameter not exceeding 6,5 cm | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    85199918 | — — — — Other | 6,0 | Year 3 | |

    85199990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8520 | Magnetic tape recorders and other sound recording apparatus, whether or not incorporating a sound reproducing device | | | |

    85201000 | — Dictating machines not capable of operating without an external source of power | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85202000 | — Telephone answering machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other magnetic tape recorders incorporating sound reproducing apparatus | | | |

    852032 | — — Digital audio type | | | |

    — — — Cassette-type | | | |

    — — — — With built-in amplifier and one or more built-in loudspeakers | | | |

    85203211 | — — — — — Capable of operating without an external source of power | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85203219 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85203230 | — — — — Pocket-size recorders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85203250 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85203291 | — — — — Using magnetic tapes on reels, allowing sound recording or reproduction either at a single speed of 19 cm per second or at several speeds if those comprise only 19 cm per second and lower speeds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85203299 | — — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    852033 | — — Other, cassette-type | | | |

    — — — With built-in amplifier and one or more built-in loudspeakers | | | |

    85203311 | — — — — Capable of operating without an external source of power | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85203319 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85203330 | — — — Pocket-size recorders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85203390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    852039 | — — Other | | | |

    85203910 | — — — Using magnetic tapes on reels, allowing sound recording or reproduction either at a single speed of 19 cm per second or at several speeds if those comprise only 19 cm per second and lower speeds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85203990 | — — — Other | 3,5 | Year 3 | |

    852090 | — Other | | | |

    85209010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85209090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8521 | Video recording or reproducing apparatus, whether or not incorporating a video tuner | | | |

    852110 | — Magnetic tape-type | | | |

    85211010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85211030 | — — — Using tape of a width not exceeding 1,3 cm and allowing recording or reproduction at a tape speed not exceeding 50 mm per second | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85211080 | — — — Other | 4,5 | Year 3 | |

    85219000 | — Other | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    8522 | Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of headings 8519 to 8521 | | | |

    85221000 | — Pick-up cartridges | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    852290 | — Other | | | |

    85229010 | — — Assemblies and sub-assemblies consisting of two or more parts or pieces fastened or joined together, for apparatus falling within subheading 852090, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85229030 | — — — Styli; diamonds, sapphires and other precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) for styli, whether or not mounted | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Electronic assemblies | | | |

    85229051 | — — — — — Of apparatus of subheading 85202000 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85229059 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85229093 | — — — — Single cassette-deck assemblies with a total thickness not exceeding 53 mm, of a kind used in the manufacture of sound recording and reproducing apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85229098 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8523 | Prepared unrecorded media for sound recording or similar recording of other phenomena, other than products of Chapter 37 | | | |

    — Magnetic tapes | | | |

    85231100 | — — Of a width not exceeding 4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85231200 | — — Of a width exceeding 4 mm but not exceeding 6,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85231300 | — — Of a width exceeding 6,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    852320 | — Magnetic discs | | | |

    85232010 | — — Rigid | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85232090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85233000 | — Cards incorporating a magnetic stripe | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85239000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8524 | Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of Chapter 37 | | | |

    85241000 | — Gramophone records | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Discs for laser reading systems | | | |

    85243100 | — — For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    852432 | — — For reproducing sound only: | | | |

    85243210 | — — — Of a diameter not exceeding 6,5 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85243290 | — — — Of a diameter exceeding 6,5 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    852439 | — — Other | | | |

    85243910 | — — — For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data processing machine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    85243920 | — — — — Digital versatile discs (DVD) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85243980 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85244000 | — Magnetic tapes for reproducing phenomena other than sound or image | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other magnetic tapes | | | |

    85245100 | — — Of a width not exceeding 4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85245200 | — — Of a width exceeding 4 mm but not exceeding 6,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85245300 | — — Of a width exceeding 6,5 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85246000 | — Cards incorporating a magnetic stripe | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    85249100 | — — For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    852499 | — — Other | | | |

    85249910 | — — — For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data processing machine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85249990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8525 | Transmission apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy, radio-broadcasting or television, whether or not incorporating reception apparatus or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; television cameras; still image video cameras and other video camera recorders; digital cameras: | | | |

    852510 | — Transmission apparatus | | | |

    85251010 | — — Radio-telegraphic or radio-telephonic apparatus, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85251050 | — — — Radio-telegraphic or radio-telephonic apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85251080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    852520 | — Transmission apparatus incorporating reception apparatus | | | |

    85252010 | — — Radio-telegraphic or radio-telephonic apparatus, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85252091 | — — — For cellular networks (mobile telephones) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85252099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    852530 | — Television cameras | | | |

    85253010 | — — With 3 or more camera tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85253090 | — — Other | 1,4 | Year 3 | |

    852540 | — Still image video cameras and other video camera recorders; digital cameras: | | | |

    — — Still image video cameras; digital cameras: | | | |

    85254011 | — — — Digital | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85254019 | — — — Other | 1,4 | Year 3 | |

    — — Other video camera recorders: | | | |

    85254091 | — — — Only able to record sound and images taken by the television camera | 1,4 | Year 3 | |

    85254099 | — — — Other | 4,9 | Year 3 | |

    8526 | Radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and radio remote control apparatus | | | |

    852610 | — Radar apparatus | | | |

    85261010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85261090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    852691 | — — Radio navigational aid apparatus | | | |

    — — — For use in civil aircraft | | | |

    85269111 | — — — — Radio navigational receivers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85269119 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85269190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    852692 | — — Radio remote control apparatus | | | |

    85269210 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85269290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8527 | Reception apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy or radio-broadcasting, whether or not combined, in the same housing, with sound recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock | | | |

    — Radio-broadcast receivers capable of operating without an external source of power, including apparatus capable of receiving also radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy | | | |

    852712 | — — Pocket-size radio cassette-players | | | |

    85271210 | — — — With an analogue and digital reading system | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85271290 | — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    852713 | — — Other apparatus combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus | | | |

    85271310 | — — — With laser reading system | 8,4 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85271391 | — — — — Of the cassette-type with an analogue and digital reading system | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85271399 | — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    85271900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Radio-broadcast receivers not capable of operating without an external source of power, of a kind used in motor vehicles, including apparatus capable of receiving also radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy | | | |

    852721 | — — Combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus | | | |

    — — — Capable of receiving and decoding digital Radio Data System signals | | | |

    85272120 | — — — — With laser reading system | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    85272152 | — — — — — Of the cassette-type with an analogue and digital reading system | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85272159 | — — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85272170 | — — — — With laser reading system | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    85272192 | — — — — — Of the cassette-type with an analogue and digital reading system | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85272198 | — — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    85272900 | — — Other | 8,4 | Year 3 | |

    — Other radio-broadcast receivers, including apparatus capable of receiving also radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy | | | |

    852731 | — — Combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus | | | |

    — — — With in the same housing one or more loudspeakers | | | |

    85273111 | — — — — Of the cassette-type with an analogue and digital reading system | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85273119 | — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85273191 | — — — — With laser reading system | 8,4 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    85273193 | — — — — — Of the cassette-type with an analogue and digital reading system | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85273198 | — — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    852732 | — — Not combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus but combined with a clock | | | |

    85273210 | — — — Alarm clock radios | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85273290 | — — — Other | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    852739 | — — Other | | | |

    85273920 | — — — Without built-in amplifier | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    85273980 | — — — With built-in amplifier | 5,5 | Year 3 | |

    852790 | — Other apparatus | | | |

    85279010 | — — For radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85279092 | — — — Portable receivers for calling, alerting or paging | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85279098 | — — — Other | 5,8 | Year 3 | |

    8528 | Reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus; video monitors and video projectors | | | |

    — Reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus | | | |

    852812 | — — Colour | | | |

    85281210 | — — — Television projection equipment | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85281220 | — — — Apparatus incorporating a video recorder or reproducer | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — With integral tube | | | |

    — — — — — With a screen width/height ratio less than 1,5, with a diagonal measurement of the screen | | | |

    85281252 | — — — — — — Not exceeding 42 cm | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85281254 | — — — — — — Exceeding 42 cm but not exceeding 52 cm | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85281256 | — — — — — — Exceeding 52 cm but not exceeding 72 cm | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85281258 | — — — — — — Exceeding 72 cm | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — — With scanning parameters not exceeding 625 lines, with a diagonal measurement of the screen | | | |

    85281262 | — — — — — — — Not exceeding 75 cm | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85281266 | — — — — — — — Exceeding 75 cm | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — — — With scanning parameters exceeding 625 lines | | | |

    85281272 | — — — — — — — With a vertical resolution of less than 700 lines | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85281276 | — — — — — — — With a vertical resolution of 700 lines or more | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — — With screen | | | |

    85281281 | — — — — — — With a screen width/height ratio less than 1,5 | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85281289 | — — — — — — Other | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — — Without screen | | | |

    — — — — — — Video tuners | | | |

    85281290 | — — — — — — — Electronic assemblies for incorporation into automatic data processing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85281291 | — — — — — — — Apparatus with a microprocessor-based device incorporating a modem for gaining access to the internet, and having a function of interactive information exchange, capable of receiving television signals ("set-top boxes with communication function") | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — — Other | | | |

    85281294 | — — — — — — — — Digital (including mixed digital and analogue) | 9,8 | Year 0 | |

    85281295 | — — — — — — — — Other | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85281298 | — — — — — — Other | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85281300 | — — Black and white or other monochrome | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Video monitors | | | |

    852821 | — — Colour | | | |

    — — — With cathode-ray tube | | | |

    85282114 | — — — — With a screen width/height ratio less than 1,5 | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    85282116 | — — — — — With scanning parameters not exceeding 625 lines | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85282118 | — — — — — With scanning parameters exceeding 625 lines | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85282190 | — — — Other | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85282200 | — — Black and white or other monochrome | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    852830 | — Video projectors | | | |

    85283005 | — — Operating by means of flat panel display (for example, a liquid crystal device), capable of displaying digital information generated by an automatic data processing machine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85283020 | — — — Colour | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85283090 | — — — Black and white or other monochrome | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8529 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of headings 8525 to 8528 | | | |

    852910 | — Aerials and aerial reflectors of all kinds; parts suitable for use therewith | | | |

    85291010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Aerials | | | |

    85291015 | — — — — Aerials for radio-telegraphic or radio-telephonic apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85291020 | — — — — Telescopic and whip-type aerials for portable apparatus or for apparatus for fitting in motor vehicles | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — Outside aerials for radio or television broadcast receivers | | | |

    85291031 | — — — — — For reception via satellite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85291039 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85291040 | — — — — Inside aerials for radio or television broadcast receivers, including built-in types | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85291045 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85291070 | — — — Aerial filters and separators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85291090 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    852990 | — Other | | | |

    85299010 | — — Assemblies and sub-assemblies consisting of two or more parts or pieces fastened or joined together, for apparatus falling within subheadings 85261010, 85269111, 85269119 and 85269210, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85299040 | — — — Parts of apparatus falling within subheadings 85251050, 85252091, 85252099, 85254011 and 85279092 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — Cabinets and cases | | | |

    85299051 | — — — — — Of wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85299059 | — — — — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85299072 | — — — — Electronic assemblies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    85299081 | — — — — — For television cameras of subheading 852530 and apparatus of headings 8527 and 8528 | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    85299088 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8530 | Electrical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways parking facilities, port installations or airfields (other than those of heading 8608) | | | |

    85301000 | — Equipment for railways or tramways | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85308000 | — Other equipment | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85309000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8531 | Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus (for example, bells, sirens, indicator panels, burglar or fire alarms), other than those of heading 8512 or 8530 | | | |

    853110 | — Burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus | | | |

    85311010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85311020 | — — — Of a kind used for motor vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85311030 | — — — Of a kind used for buildings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85311080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853120 | — Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD) or light emitting diodes (LED) | | | |

    85312010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85312030 | — — — Incorporating light emitting diodes (LED) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD) | | | |

    85312050 | — — — — Incorporating active matrix liquid crystal devices (LCD) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85312080 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853180 | — Other apparatus | | | |

    85318010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85318030 | — — — Flat panel display devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85318080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853190 | — Parts | | | |

    85319020 | — — Of apparatus of subheadings 853120 and 85318030 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85319080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8532 | Electrical capacitors, fixed, variable or adjustable (pre-set) | | | |

    85321000 | — Fixed capacitors designed for use in 50/60 Hz circuits and having a reactive power handling capacity of not less than 0,5 kvar (power capacitors) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other fixed capacitors | | | |

    85322100 | — — Tantalum | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85322200 | — — Aluminium electrolytic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85322300 | — — Ceramic dielectric, single layer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85322400 | — — Ceramic dielectric, multilayer | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85322500 | — — Dielectric of paper or plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85322900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85323000 | — Variable or adjustable (pre-set) capacitors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85329000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8533 | Electrical resistors (including rheostats and potentiometers), other than heating resistors | | | |

    85331000 | — Fixed carbon resistors, composition or film types | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other fixed resistors | | | |

    85332100 | — — For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85332900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Wirewound variable resistors, including rheostats and potentiometers | | | |

    85333100 | — — For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85333900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853340 | — Other variable resistors, including rheostats and potentiometers | | | |

    85334010 | — — For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85334090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85339000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853400 | Printed circuits | | | |

    — Consisting only of conductor elements and contacts | | | |

    85340011 | — — Multilayer circuits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85340019 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85340090 | — With other passive elements | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8535 | Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, fuses, lightning arresters, voltage limiters, surge suppressors, plugs, junction boxes), for a voltage exceeding 1000 V | | | |

    85351000 | — Fuses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Automatic circuit breakers | | | |

    85352100 | — — For a voltage of less than 72,5 kV | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85352900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853530 | — Isolating switches and make-and-break switches | | | |

    85353010 | — — For a voltage of less than 72,5 kV | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85353090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85354000 | — Lightning arresters, voltage limiters and surge suppressors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85359000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8536 | Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets, lamp-holders, junction boxes), for a voltage not exceeding 1000 V | | | |

    853610 | — Fuses | | | |

    85361010 | — — For a current not exceeding 10 A | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85361050 | — — For a current exceeding 10 A but not exceeding 63 A | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85361090 | — — For a current exceeding 63 A | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853620 | — Automatic circuit breakers | | | |

    85362010 | — — For a current not exceeding 63 A | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85362090 | — — For a current exceeding 63 A | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853630 | — Other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits | | | |

    85363010 | — — For a current not exceeding 16 A | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85363030 | — — For a current exceeding 16 A but not exceeding 125 A | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85363090 | — — For a current exceeding 125 A | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Relays | | | |

    853641 | — — For a voltage not exceeding 60 V | | | |

    85364110 | — — — For a current not exceeding 2 A | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85364190 | — — — For a current exceeding 2 A | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85364900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853650 | — Other switches | | | |

    85365003 | — — Electronic AC switches consisting of optically coupled input and output circuits (insulated thyristor AC switches) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85365005 | — — Electronic switches, including temperature protected electronic switches, consisting of a transistor and a logic chip (chip-on-chip technology) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85365007 | — — Electromechanical snap-action switches for a current not exceeding 11 A | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — For a voltage not exceeding 60 V | | | |

    85365011 | — — — — Push-button switches | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85365015 | — — — — Rotary switches | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85365019 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85365080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Lamp-holders, plugs and sockets | | | |

    853661 | — — Lamp-holders | | | |

    85366110 | — — — Edison lamp-holders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85366190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853669 | — — Other | | | |

    85366910 | — — — For co-axial cables | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85366930 | — — — For printed circuits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85366990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853690 | — Other apparatus | | | |

    85369001 | — — Prefabricated elements for electrical circuits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85369010 | — — Connections and contact elements for wire and cables | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85369020 | — — Wafer probers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85369085 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8537 | Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases, equipped with two or more apparatus of heading 8535 or 8536, for electric control or the distribution of electricity, including those incorporating instruments or apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical control apparatus, other than switching apparatus of heading 8517 | | | |

    853710 | — For a voltage not exceeding 1000 V | | | |

    85371010 | — — Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data processing machine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85371091 | — — — Programmable memory controllers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85371099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853720 | — For a voltage exceeding 1000 V | | | |

    85372091 | — — For a voltage exceeding 1000 V but not exceeding 72,5 kV | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85372099 | — — For a voltage exceeding 72,5 kV | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8538 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading 8535, 8536 or 8537 | | | |

    85381000 | — Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases for the goods of heading 8537, not equipped with their apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853890 | — Other | | | |

    — — For wafer probers of subheading 85369020 | | | |

    85389011 | — — — Electronic assemblies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85389019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    85389091 | — — — Electronic assemblies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85389099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8539 | Electric filament or discharge lamps, including sealed-beam lamp units and ultraviolet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps | | | |

    853910 | — Sealed beam lamp units | | | |

    85391010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85391090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other filament lamps, excluding ultraviolet or infra-red lamps | | | |

    853921 | — — Tungsten halogen | | | |

    85392130 | — — — Of a kind used for motor-cycles or other motor vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, for a voltage | | | |

    85392192 | — — — — Exceeding 100 V | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85392198 | — — — — Not exceeding 100 V | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853922 | — — Other, of a power not exceeding 200 W and for a voltage exceeding 100 V | | | |

    85392210 | — — — Reflector lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85392290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853929 | — — Other | | | |

    85392930 | — — — Of a kind used for motor-cycles or other motor vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other, for a voltage | | | |

    85392992 | — — — — Exceeding 100 V | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85392998 | — — — — Not exceeding 100 V | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Discharge lamps, other than ultraviolet lamps | | | |

    853931 | — — Fluorescent, hot cathode | | | |

    85393110 | — — — With double ended cap | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85393190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853932 | — — Mercury or sodium vapour lamps; metal halide lamps | | | |

    85393210 | — — — Mercury vapour lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85393250 | — — — Sodium vapour lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85393290 | — — — Metal halide lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85393900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps | | | |

    85394100 | — — Arc-lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853949 | — — Other | | | |

    85394910 | — — — Ultra-violet lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85394930 | — — — Infra-red lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    853990 | — Parts | | | |

    85399010 | — — Lamp bases | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85399090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8540 | Thermionic, cold cathode or photocathode valves and tubes (for example, vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television camera tubes) | | | |

    — Cathode-ray television picture tubes, including video monitor cathode-ray tubes | | | |

    854011 | — — Colour | | | |

    — — — With a screen width/height ratio less than 1,5, with a diagonal measurement of the screen | | | |

    85401111 | — — — — Not exceeding 42 cm | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85401113 | — — — — Exceeding 42 cm but not exceeding 52 cm | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85401115 | — — — — Exceeding 52 cm but not exceeding 72 cm | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85401119 | — — — — Exceeding 72 cm | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Other, with a diagonal measurement of the screen | | | |

    85401191 | — — — — Not exceeding 75 cm | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85401199 | — — — — Exceeding 75 cm | 9,8 | Year 3 | |

    85401200 | — — Black and white or other monochrome | 4,0 | Year 3 | |

    854020 | — Television camera tubes; image converters and intensifiers; other photo-cathode tubes | | | |

    85402010 | — — Television camera tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85402080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85404000 | — Data/graphic display tubes, colour, with a phosphor dot screen pitch smaller than 0,4 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85405000 | — Data/graphic display tubes, black and white or other monochrome | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85406000 | — Other cathode-ray tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Microwave tubes (for example, magnetrons, klystrons, travelling wave tubes, carcinotrons), excluding grid-controlled tubes | | | |

    85407100 | — — Magnetrons | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85407200 | — — Klystrons | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85407900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other valves and tubes | | | |

    85408100 | — — Receiver or amplifier valves and tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85408900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts | | | |

    85409100 | — — Of cathode-ray tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85409900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8541 | Diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices; photosensitive semiconductor devices, including photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made-up into panels; light-emitting diodes; mounted piezo-electric crystals | | | |

    85411000 | — Diodes, other than photosensitive or light-emitting diodes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Transistors, other than photosensitive transistors | | | |

    85412100 | — — With a dissipation rate of less than 1 W | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85412900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85413000 | — Thyristors, diacs and triacs, other than photosensitive devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854140 | — Photosensitive semiconductor devices, including photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made-up into panels; light-emitting diodes | | | |

    85414010 | — — Light-emitting diodes, including laser diodes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85414090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85415000 | — Other semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85416000 | — Mounted piezo-electric crystals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85419000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8542 | Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies: | | | |

    85421000 | — Cards incorporating an electronic integrated circuit ("smart" cards) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Monolithic integrated circuits: | | | |

    854221 | — — Digital: | | | |

    — — — Metal oxide semiconductors (MOS technology): | | | |

    85422101 | — — — — Wafers not yet cut into chips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422105 | — — — — Chips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    — — — — — Memories: | | | |

    — — — — — — Dynamic random-access memories (D-RAMs): | | | |

    85422111 | — — — — — — — With a storage capacity not exceeding 4 Mbits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422113 | — — — — — — — With a storage capacity exceeding 4 Mbits but not exceeding 16 Mbits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422115 | — — — — — — — With a storage capacity exceeding 16 Mbits but not exceeding 64 Mbits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422117 | — — — — — — — With a storage capacity exceeding 64 Mbits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422120 | — — — — — — Static random-access memories (S-RAMs), including cache random-access memories (cache-RAMs) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422125 | — — — — — — UV erasable, programmable, read only memories (EPROMs) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — — Electrically erasable, programmable, read only memories (E2 PROMs), including FLASH E2 PROMs: | | | |

    — — — — — — — FLASH E2 PROMs: | | | |

    85422131 | — — — — — — — — With a storage capacity not exceeding 4 Mbits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422133 | — — — — — — — — With a storage capacity exceeding 4 Mbits but not exceeding 16 Mbits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422135 | — — — — — — — — With a storage capacity exceeding 16 Mbits but not exceeding 32 Mbits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422137 | — — — — — — — — With a storage capacity exceeding 32 Mbits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422139 | — — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422141 | — — — — — — Other memories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422145 | — — — — — Microprocessors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422150 | — — — — — Microcontrollers and microcomputers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other: | | | |

    85422161 | — — — — — — Microperipherals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422169 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    85422171 | — — — — Wafers not yet cut into chips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422173 | — — — — Chips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other: | | | |

    85422181 | — — — — — Memories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422183 | — — — — — Microprocessors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422185 | — — — — — Microcontrollers and microcomputers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other: | | | |

    85422191 | — — — — — — Microperipherals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422199 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854229 | — — Other: | | | |

    85422910 | — — — Wafers not yet cut into chips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422920 | — — — Chips | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other: | | | |

    85422930 | — — — — Amplifiers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422950 | — — — — Voltage and current regulators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422960 | — — — — Control circuits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422970 | — — — — Interface circuits; interface circuits capable of performing control functions | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85422990 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85426000 | — Hybrid integrated circuits | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85427000 | — Electronic microassemblies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85429000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8543 | Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter | | | |

    — Particle accelerators | | | |

    85431100 | — — Ion implanters for doping semiconductor materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85431900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85432000 | — Signal generators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854330 | — Machines and apparatus for electroplating, electrolysis or electrophoresis | | | |

    85433020 | — — Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers or flat panel display substrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85433080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85434000 | — Electric fence energisers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other machines and apparatus | | | |

    85438100 | — — Proximity cards and tags | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854389 | — — Other | | | |

    85438910 | — — — Flight recorders, electric synchros and transducers, defrosters and demisters with electric resistors, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85438915 | — — — — Electrical machines with translation or dictionary functions | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85438920 | — — — — Aerial amplifiers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment | | | |

    — — — — — For fluorescent tubes using ultraviolet A rays | | | |

    85438951 | — — — — — — With a maximum tube length of 100 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85438955 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85438959 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85438965 | — — — — Apparatus for physical deposition on semiconductor wafers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85438973 | — — — — Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85438975 | — — — — Apparatus for physical deposition by sputtering on LCD substrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85438979 | — — — — Upgrade kits, for automatic data processing machines and units thereof, put up for retail sale, consisting of, at least, speakers and/or microphone, and an electronic assembly that enables the automatic data processing machine and units thereof to process audio signals (sound cards) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85438995 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854390 | — Parts | | | |

    85439010 | — — Assemblies and sub-assemblies consisting of two or more parts or pieces fastened or joined together, for flight recorders, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85439020 | — — Electronic assemblies for incorporation into automatic data processing machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85439030 | — — Of apparatus of subheading 85431100, 85433020, 85438965 or 85438973 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85439040 | — — Of apparatus of subheading 85438975 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85439080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8544 | Insulated (including enamelled or anodised) wire, cable (including coaxial cable) and other insulated electric conductors, whether or not fitted with connectors; optical fibre cables, made-up of individually sheathed fibres, whether or not assembled with electric conductors or fitted with connectors | | | |

    — Winding wire | | | |

    854411 | — — Of copper | | | |

    85441110 | — — — Lacquered or enamelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85441190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854419 | — — Other | | | |

    85441910 | — — — Lacquered or enamelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85441990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85442000 | — Coaxial cable and other coaxial electric conductors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854430 | — Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets of a kind used in vehicles, aircraft or ships | | | |

    85443010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85443090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other electric conductors, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V | | | |

    854441 | — — Fitted with connectors | | | |

    85444110 | — — — Of a kind used for telecommunications | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85444190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854449 | — — Other | | | |

    85444920 | — — — Of a kind used for telecommunications | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85444980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other electric conductors, for a voltage exceeding 80 V but not exceeding 1000 V | | | |

    854451 | — — Fitted with connectors | | | |

    85445110 | — — — Of a kind used for telecommunications | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85445190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854459 | — — Other | | | |

    85445910 | — — — Wire and cables, with individual conductor wires of a diameter exceeding 0,51 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    85445920 | — — — — For a voltage of 1000 V | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85445980 | — — — — For a voltage exceeding 80 V but less than 1000 V | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854460 | — Other electric conductors, for a voltage exceeding 1000 V | | | |

    85446010 | — — With copper conductors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85446090 | — — With other conductors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85447000 | — Optical fibre cables | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8545 | Carbon electrodes, carbon brushes, lamp carbons, battery carbons and other articles of graphite or other carbon, with or without metal, of a kind used for electrical purposes | | | |

    — Electrodes | | | |

    85451100 | — — Of a kind used for furnaces | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854519 | — — Other | | | |

    85451910 | — — — Electrodes for electrolysis installations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85451990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85452000 | — Brushes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854590 | — Other | | | |

    85459010 | — — Heating resistors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85459090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8546 | Electrical insulators of any material | | | |

    85461000 | — Of glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854620 | — Of ceramics | | | |

    85462010 | — — With no metal parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — With metal parts | | | |

    85462091 | — — — For overhead power transmission or traction lines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85462099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854690 | — Other | | | |

    85469010 | — — Of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85469090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8547 | Insulating fittings for electrical machines, appliances or equipment, being fittings wholly of insulating material apart from any minor components of metal (for example, threaded sockets) incorporated during moulding solely for purposes of assembly, other than insulators of heading 8546; electrical conduit tubing and joints therefor, of base metal lined with insulating material | | | |

    854710 | — Insulating fittings of ceramics | | | |

    85471010 | — — Containing 80 % or more by weight of metallic oxides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85471090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85472000 | — Insulating fittings of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85479000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8548 | Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators; spent primary cells, spent primary batteries and spent electric accumulators; electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter | | | |

    854810 | — Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators; spent primary cells, spent primary batteries and spent electric accumulators | | | |

    85481010 | — — Spent primary cells, spent primary batteries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Spent electric accumulators | | | |

    85481021 | — — — Lead-acid accumulators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85481029 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators | | | |

    85481091 | — — — Containing lead | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85481099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    854890 | — Other | | | |

    85489010 | — — Memories in multicombinational forms such as stack D-RAMs and modules | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    85489090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    8601 | Rail locomotives powered from an external source of electricity or by electric accumulators | | | |

    86011000 | — Powered from an external source of electricity | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86012000 | — Powered by electric accumulators | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8602 | Other rail locomotives; locomotive tenders | | | |

    86021000 | — Diesel-electric locomotives | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86029000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8603 | Self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans and trucks, other than those of heading 8604 | | | |

    86031000 | — Powered from an external source of electricity | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86039000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86040000 | Railway or tramway maintenance or service vehicles, whether or not self-propelled (for example, workshops, cranes, ballast tampers, trackliners, testing coaches and track inspection vehicles) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86050000 | Railway or tramway passenger coaches, not self-propelled; luggage vans, post office coaches and other special purpose railway or tramway coaches, not self-propelled (excluding those of heading 8604) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8606 | Railway or tramway goods vans and wagons, not self-propelled | | | |

    86061000 | — Tank wagons and the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86062000 | — Insulated or refrigerated vans and wagons, other than those of subheading 860610 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86063000 | — Self-discharging vans and wagons, other than those of subheading 860610 or 860620 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    860691 | — — Covered and closed | | | |

    86069110 | — — — Specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive materials (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86069190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86069200 | — — Open, with non-removable sides of a height exceeding 60 cm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86069900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8607 | Parts of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock | | | |

    — Bogies, bissel-bogies, axles and wheels, and parts thereof | | | |

    86071100 | — — Driving bogies and bissel-bogies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86071200 | — — Other bogies and bissel-bogies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    860719 | — — Other, including parts | | | |

    — — — Axles, assembled or not; wheels and parts thereof | | | |

    86071901 | — — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86071911 | — — — — Of closed-die forged steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86071918 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Parts of bogies, bissel-bogies and the like | | | |

    86071991 | — — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86071999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Brakes and parts thereof | | | |

    860721 | — — Air brakes and parts thereof | | | |

    86072110 | — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86072190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    860729 | — — Other | | | |

    86072910 | — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86072990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    860730 | — Hooks and other coupling devices, buffers, and parts thereof | | | |

    86073001 | — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86073099 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    860791 | — — Of locomotives | | | |

    86079110 | — — — Axle-boxes and parts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    86079191 | — — — — Of cast iron or cast steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86079199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    860799 | — — Other | | | |

    86079910 | — — — Axle-boxes and parts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86079930 | — — — Bodies and parts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86079950 | — — — Chassis and parts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86079990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    860800 | Railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings; mechanical (including electromechanical) signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields; parts of the foregoing | | | |

    86080010 | — Equipment for railways or tramways | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86080030 | — Other equipment | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86080090 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    860900 | Containers (including containers for the transport of fluids) specially designed and equipped for carriage by one or more modes of transport | | | |

    86090010 | — Containers with an anti-radiation lead covering, for the transport of radioactive materials (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    86090090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    8701 | Tractors (other than tractors of heading 8709) | | | |

    87011000 | — Pedestrian-controlled tractors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870120 | — Road tractors for semi-trailers | | | |

    87012010 | — — New | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87012090 | — — Used | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870130 | — Track-laying tractors | | | |

    87013010 | — — Snowgroomers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87013090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870190 | — Other | | | |

    — — Agricultural tractors (excluding pedestrian-controlled tractors) and forestry tractors, wheeled | | | |

    — — — New, of an engine power | | | |

    87019011 | — — — — Not exceeding 18 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87019020 | — — — — Exceeding 18 kW but not exceeding 37 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87019025 | — — — — Exceeding 37 kW but not exceeding 59 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87019031 | — — — — Exceeding 59 kW but not exceeding 75 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87019035 | — — — — Exceeding 75 kW but not exceeding 90 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87019039 | — — — — Exceeding 90 kW | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87019050 | — — — Used | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87019090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8702 | Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver | | | |

    870210 | — With compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) | | | |

    — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2500 cm3 | | | |

    87021011 | — — — New | 11,2 | Year 3 | |

    87021019 | — — — Used | 11,2 | Year 3 | |

    — — Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 | | | |

    87021091 | — — — New | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87021099 | — — — Used | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    870290 | — Other | | | |

    — — With spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine | | | |

    — — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2800 cm3 | | | |

    87029011 | — — — — New | 11,2 | Year 3 | |

    87029019 | — — — — Used | 11,2 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3 | | | |

    87029031 | — — — — New | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87029039 | — — — — Used | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87029090 | — — With other engines | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    8703 | Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 8702), including station wagons and racing cars | | | |

    870310 | — Vehicles specially designed for travelling on snow; golf cars and similar vehicles | | | |

    87031011 | — — Vehicles specially designed for travelling on snow, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), or with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    87031018 | — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other vehicles, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine | | | |

    870321 | — — Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1000 cm3 | | | |

    87032110 | — — — New | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87032190 | — — — Used | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    870322 | — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1000 cm3 but not exceeding 1500 cm3 | | | |

    87032210 | — — — New | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87032290 | — — — Used | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    870323 | — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cm3 but not exceeding 3000 cm3 | | | |

    — — — New | | | |

    87032311 | — — — — Motor caravans | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87032319 | — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87032390 | — — — Used | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    870324 | — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3000 cm3 | | | |

    87032410 | — — — New | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87032490 | — — — Used | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other vehicles, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) | | | |

    870331 | — — Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1500 cm3 | | | |

    87033110 | — — — New | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87033190 | — — — Used | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    870332 | — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cm3 but not exceeding 2500 cm3 | | | |

    — — — New | | | |

    87033211 | — — — — Motor caravans | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87033219 | — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87033290 | — — — Used | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    870333 | — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2500 cm3 | | | |

    — — — New | | | |

    87033311 | — — — — Motor caravans | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87033319 | — — — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87033390 | — — — Used | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    870390 | — Other | | | |

    87039010 | — — With electric motors | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87039090 | — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    8704 | Motor vehicles for the transport of goods | | | |

    870410 | — Dumpers designed for off-highway use | | | |

    87041010 | — — With compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), or with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87041090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) | | | |

    870421 | — — Of a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tonnes | | | |

    87042110 | — — — Specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive materials (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — With engines of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2500 cm3 | | | |

    87042131 | — — — — — New | 15,4 | Year 3 | |

    87042139 | — — — — — Used | 15,4 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — With engines of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 | | | |

    87042191 | — — — — — New | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87042199 | — — — — — Used | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    870422 | — — Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tonnes but not exceeding 20 tonnes | | | |

    87042210 | — — — Specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive materials (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    87042291 | — — — — New | 15,4 | Year 3 | |

    87042299 | — — — — Used | 15,4 | Year 3 | |

    870423 | — — Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tonnes | | | |

    87042310 | — — — Specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive materials (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    87042391 | — — — — New | 15,4 | Year 3 | |

    87042399 | — — — — Used | 15,4 | Year 3 | |

    — Other, with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine | | | |

    870431 | — — Of a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tonnes | | | |

    87043110 | — — — Specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive materials (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — With engines of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2800 cm3 | | | |

    87043131 | — — — — — New | 15,4 | Year 3 | |

    87043139 | — — — — — Used | 15,4 | Year 3 | |

    — — — — With engines of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3 | | | |

    87043191 | — — — — — New | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    87043199 | — — — — — Used | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    870432 | — — Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tonnes | | | |

    87043210 | — — — Specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive materials (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    87043291 | — — — — New | 15,4 | Year 3 | |

    87043299 | — — — — Used | 15,4 | Year 3 | |

    87049000 | — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    8705 | Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane lorries, fire-fighting vehicles, concrete-mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological units) | | | |

    87051000 | — Crane lorries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87052000 | — Mobile drilling derricks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87053000 | — Fire fighting-vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87054000 | — Concrete-mixer lorries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870590 | — Other | | | |

    87059010 | — — Breakdown lorries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87059030 | — — Concrete-pumping vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87059090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870600 | Chassis fitted with engines, for the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 | | | |

    — Chassis for tractors falling within heading 8701; chassis for motor vehicles falling within heading 8702, 8703 or 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2800 cm3 | | | |

    87060011 | — — For vehicles of heading 8702 or 8704 | 13,3 | Year 3 | |

    87060019 | — — Other | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other | | | |

    87060091 | — — For vehicles of heading 8703 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87060099 | — — Other | 6,5 | Year 3 | |

    8707 | Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 | | | |

    870710 | — For the vehicles of heading 8703 | | | |

    87071010 | — — For industrial assembly purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87071090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870790 | — Other | | | |

    87079010 | — — For the industrial assembly of: Pedestrian-controlled tractors falling within subheading 870110; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Special purpose motor vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87079090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8708 | Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 | | | |

    870810 | — Bumpers and parts thereof | | | |

    87081010 | — — For the industrial assembly of: Vehicles of heading 8702; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87081090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other parts and accessories of bodies (including cabs) | | | |

    870821 | — — Safety seat belts | | | |

    87082110 | — — — For the industrial assembly of: Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87082190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870829 | — — Other | | | |

    87082910 | — — — For the industrial assembly of: Pedestrian-controlled tractors falling within subheading 870110; Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87082990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Brakes and servo-brakes and parts thereof | | | |

    870831 | — — Mounted brake linings | | | |

    87083110 | — — — For the industrial assembly of: Pedestrian-controlled tractors falling within subheading 870110; Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    87083191 | — — — — For disc brakes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87083199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870839 | — — Other | | | |

    87083910 | — — — For the industrial assembly of: Pedestrian-controlled tractors falling within subheading 870110; Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87083990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870840 | — Gear boxes | | | |

    87084010 | — — For the industrial assembly of: Pedestrian-controlled tractors falling within subheading 870110; Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87084090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870850 | — Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components | | | |

    87085010 | — — For the industrial assembly of: Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87085090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870860 | — Non-driving axles and parts thereof | | | |

    87086010 | — — For the industrial assembly of: Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    87086091 | — — — Of closed-die forged steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87086099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870870 | — Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof | | | |

    87087010 | — — For the industrial assembly of: Pedestrian-controlled tractors falling within subheading 870110; Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), with a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine with a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    87087050 | — — — Wheels of aluminium; parts and accessories of wheels, of aluminium | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87087091 | — — — Wheel centres in star form, cast in one piece, of iron or steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87087099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870880 | — Suspension shock-absorbers | | | |

    87088010 | — — For the industrial assembly of: Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87088090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other parts and accessories | | | |

    870891 | — — Radiators | | | |

    87089110 | — — — For the industrial assembly of: Pedestrian-controlled tractors falling within subheading 870110; Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87089190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870892 | — — Silencers and exhaust pipes | | | |

    87089210 | — — — For the industrial assembly of: Pedestrian-controlled tractors falling within subheading 870110; Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87089290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870893 | — — Clutches and parts thereof | | | |

    87089310 | — — — For the industrial assembly of: Pedestrian-controlled tractors falling within subheading 870110; Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87089390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870894 | — — Steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes | | | |

    87089410 | — — — For the industrial assembly of: Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87089490 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870899 | — — Other | | | |

    — — — For the industrial assembly of: Pedestrian-controlled tractors falling within subheading 870110; Vehicles of heading 8703; Vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel), of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2800 cm3; Vehicles of heading 8705 | | | |

    87089911 | — — — — Airbags with inflator system | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87089919 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    87089930 | — — — — Anti roll bars | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87089950 | — — — — Other torsion bars | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    87089992 | — — — — — Of closed-die forged steel | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87089998 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8709 | Works trucks, self-propelled, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports for short distance transport of goods; tractors of the type used on railway station platforms; parts of the foregoing vehicles | | | |

    — Vehicles | | | |

    870911 | — — Electrical | | | |

    87091110 | — — — Specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive materials (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87091190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    870919 | — — Other | | | |

    87091910 | — — — Specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive materials (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87091990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87099000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87100000 | Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, motorized, whether or not fitted with weapons, and parts of such vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8711 | Motor-cycles (including mopeds) and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side-cars | | | |

    87111000 | — With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cm3 | 4,5 | Year 3 | |

    871120 | — With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cm3 but not exceeding 250 cm3 | | | |

    87112010 | — — Scooters | 4,5 | Year 3 | |

    — — Other, of a cylinder capacity | | | |

    87112091 | — — — Exceeding 50 cm3 but not exceeding 80 cm3 | 4,5 | Year 3 | |

    87112093 | — — — Exceeding 80 cm3 but not exceeding 125 cm3 | 4,5 | Year 3 | |

    87112098 | — — — Exceeding 125 cm3 but not exceeding 250 cm3 | 4,5 | Year 3 | |

    871130 | — With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250 cm3 but not exceeding 500 cm3 | | | |

    87113010 | — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250 cm3 but not exceeding 380 cm3 | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    87113090 | — — Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 380 cm3 but not exceeding 500 cm3 | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    87114000 | — With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 500 cm3 but not exceeding 800 cm3 | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    87115000 | — With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 800 cm3 | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    87119000 | — Other | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    871200 | Bicycles and other cycles (including delivery tricycles), not motorized | | | |

    87120010 | — Without ball bearings | 10,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other | | | |

    87120030 | — — Bicycles | 10,5 | Year 3 | |

    87120080 | — — Other | 10,5 | Year 3 | |

    8713 | Carriages for disable persons, whether or not motorized or otherwise mechanically propelled | | | |

    87131000 | — Not mechanically propelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87139000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8714 | Parts and accessories of vehicles of headings 8711 to 8713 | | | |

    — Of motor-cycles (including mopeds) | | | |

    87141100 | — — Saddles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87141900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87142000 | — Carriages for disable persons | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    871491 | — — Frames and forks, and parts thereof | | | |

    87149110 | — — — Frames | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    87149130 | — — — Front forks | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    87149190 | — — — Parts | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    871492 | — — Wheel rims and spokes | | | |

    87149210 | — — — Rims | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    87149290 | — — — Spokes | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    871493 | — — Hubs, other than coaster braking hubs and hub brakes, and free-wheel sprocket-wheels | | | |

    87149310 | — — — Hubs without free-wheel or braking device | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    87149390 | — — — Free-wheel sprocket-wheels | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    871494 | — — Brakes, including coaster braking hubs and hub brakes, and parts thereof | | | |

    87149410 | — — — Coaster braking hubs and hub brakes | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    87149430 | — — — Other brakes | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    87149490 | — — — Parts | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    87149500 | — — Saddles | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    871496 | — — Pedals and crank-gear, and parts thereof | | | |

    87149610 | — — — Pedals | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    87149630 | — — — Crank-gear | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    87149690 | — — — Parts | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    871499 | — — Other | | | |

    87149910 | — — — Handlebars | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    87149930 | — — — Luggage carriers | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    87149950 | — — — Derailleur gears | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    87149990 | — — — Other; parts | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    871500 | Baby carriages and parts thereof | | | |

    87150010 | — Baby carriages | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87150090 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8716 | Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled; parts thereof | | | |

    871610 | — Trailers and semi-trailers of the caravan type, for housing or camping | | | |

    87161010 | — — Folding caravans | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other, of a weight | | | |

    87161091 | — — — Not exceeding 750 kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87161094 | — — — Exceeding 750 kg but not exceeding 1600 kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87161096 | — — — Exceeding 1600 kg but not exceeding 3500 kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87161099 | — — — Exceeding 3500 kg | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87162000 | — Self-loading or self-unloading trailers and semi-trailers for agricultural purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other trailers and semi-trailers for the transport of goods | | | |

    87163100 | — — Tanker trailers and tanker semi-trailers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    871639 | — — Other | | | |

    87163910 | — — — Specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive materials (Euratom) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    — — — — New | | | |

    87163930 | — — — — — Semi-trailers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — — Other | | | |

    87163951 | — — — — — — With a single axle | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87163959 | — — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87163980 | — — — — Used | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87164000 | — Other trailers and semi-trailers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87168000 | — Other vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    871690 | — Parts | | | |

    87169010 | — — Chassis | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87169030 | — — Bodies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87169050 | — — Axles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    87169090 | — — Other parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    8801 | Balloons and dirigibles; gliders, hang gliders and other non-powered aircraft | | | |

    880110 | — Gliders and hang gliders | | | |

    88011010 | — — For civil use | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88011090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    880190 | — Other | | | |

    88019010 | — — For civil use | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    88019091 | — — — Balloons and dirigibles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88019099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8802 | Other aircraft (for example, helicopters, aeroplanes); spacecraft (including satellites) and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles | | | |

    — Helicopters | | | |

    880211 | — — Of an unladen weight not exceeding 2000 kg | | | |

    88021110 | — — — Civil helicopters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88021190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    880212 | — — Of an unladen weight exceeding 2000 kg | | | |

    88021210 | — — — Civil helicopters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88021290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    880220 | — Aeroplanes and other aircraft, of an unladen weight not exceeding 2000 kg | | | |

    88022010 | — — Civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88022090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    880230 | — Aeroplanes and other aircraft, of an unladen weight exceeding 2000 kg but not exceeding 15000 kg | | | |

    88023010 | — — Civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88023090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    880240 | — Aeroplanes and other aircraft, of an unladen weight exceeding 15000 kg | | | |

    88024010 | — — Civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88024090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    880260 | — Spacecraft (including satellites) and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles | | | |

    88026010 | — — Spacecraft (including satellites) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88026090 | — — Suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8803 | Parts of goods of heading 8801 or 8802 | | | |

    880310 | — Propellers and rotors and parts thereof | | | |

    88031010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88031090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    880320 | — Under-carriages and parts thereof | | | |

    88032010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88032090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    880330 | — Other parts of aeroplanes or helicopters | | | |

    88033010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88033090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    880390 | — Other | | | |

    88039010 | — — Of kites | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88039020 | — — Of spacecraft (including satellites) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88039030 | — — Of suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    88039091 | — — — For use in civil aircraft and gliders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88039098 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88040000 | Parachutes (including dirigible parachutes and paragliders) and rotochutes; parts thereof and accessories thereto | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8805 | Aircraft launching gear; deck-arrestor or similar gear; ground flying trainers; parts of the foregoing articles | | | |

    880510 | — Aircraft launching gear and parts thereof; deck-arrestor or similar gear and parts thereof | | | |

    88051010 | — — Aircraft launching gear and parts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88051090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Ground flying trainers and parts thereof: | | | |

    88052100 | — — Air combat simulators and parts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    880529 | — — Other: | | | |

    88052910 | — — — For civil use | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    88052990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    8901 | Cruise ships, excursion boats, ferry-boats, cargo ships, barges and similar vessels for the transport of persons or goods | | | |

    890110 | — Cruise ships, excursion boats and similar vessels principally designed for the transport of persons; ferry-boats of all kinds | | | |

    89011010 | — — Sea-going | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89011090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    890120 | — Tankers | | | |

    89012010 | — — Sea-going | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89012090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    890130 | — Refrigerated vessels, other than those of subheading 890120 | | | |

    89013010 | — — Sea-going | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89013090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    890190 | — Other vessels for the transport of goods and other vessels for the transport of both persons and goods | | | |

    89019010 | — — Sea-going | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    89019091 | — — — Not mechanically propelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89019099 | — — — Mechanically propelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    890200 | Fishing vessels; factory ships and other vessels for processing or preserving fishery products | | | |

    — Sea-going | | | |

    89020012 | — — Of a gross tonnage exceeding 250 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89020018 | — — Of a gross tonnage not exceeding 250 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89020090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8903 | Yachts and other vessels for pleasure or sports; rowing boats and canoes | | | |

    890310 | — Inflatable | | | |

    89031010 | — — Of a weight not exceeding 100 kg each | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89031090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    890391 | — — Sailboats, with or without auxiliary motor | | | |

    89039110 | — — — Sea-going | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    89039191 | — — — — Of a weight not exceeding 100 kg each | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    89039193 | — — — — — Of a length not exceeding 7,5 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89039199 | — — — — — Of a length exceeding 7,5 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    890392 | — — Motor-boats, other than outboard motor-boats | | | |

    89039210 | — — — Sea-going | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    89039291 | — — — — Of a length not exceeding 7,5 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89039299 | — — — — Of a length exceeding 7,5 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    890399 | — — Other | | | |

    89039910 | — — — Of a weight not exceeding 100 kg each | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    89039991 | — — — — Of a length not exceeding 7,5 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89039999 | — — — — Of a length exceeding 7,5 m | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    890400 | Tugs and pusher craft | | | |

    89040010 | — Tugs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Pusher craft | | | |

    89040091 | — — Sea-going | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89040099 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8905 | Light-vessels, fire-floats, dredgers, floating cranes, and other vessels the navigability of which is subsidiary to their main function; floating docks; floating or submersible drilling or production platforms | | | |

    890510 | — Dredgers | | | |

    89051010 | — — Sea-going | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89051090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89052000 | — Floating or submersible drilling or production platforms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    890590 | — Other | | | |

    89059010 | — — Sea-going | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89059090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8906 | Other vessels, including warships and lifeboats other than rowing boats: | | | |

    89061000 | — Warships | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    890690 | — Other: | | | |

    89069010 | — — Sea-going | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other: | | | |

    89069091 | — — — Of a weight not exceeding 100 kg each | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89069099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    8907 | Other floating structures (for example, rafts, tanks, coffer-dams, landing-stages, buoys and beacons) | | | |

    89071000 | — Inflatable rafts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89079000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    89080000 | Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    9001 | Optical fibres and optical fibre bundles; optical fibre cables other than those of heading 8544; sheets and plates of polarizing material; lenses (including contact lenses), prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any material, unmounted, other than such elements of glass not optically worked | | | |

    900110 | — Optical fibres, optical fibre bundles and cables | | | |

    90011010 | — — Image conductor cables | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90011090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90012000 | — Sheets and plates of polarising material | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90013000 | — Contact lenses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    900140 | — Spectacle lenses of glass | | | |

    90014020 | — — Not for the correction of vision | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — For the correction of vision | | | |

    — — — Both sides finished | | | |

    90014041 | — — — — Single focal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90014049 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90014080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    900150 | — Spectacle lenses of other materials | | | |

    90015020 | — — Not for the correction of vision | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — For the correction of vision | | | |

    — — — Both sides finished | | | |

    90015041 | — — — — Single focal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90015049 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90015080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    900190 | — Other | | | |

    90019010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90019090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9002 | Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any material, mounted, being parts of or fittings for instruments or apparatus, other than such elements of glass not optically worked | | | |

    — Objective lenses | | | |

    90021100 | — — For cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers | 2,3 | Year 3 | |

    90021900 | — — Other | 2,3 | Year 3 | |

    90022000 | — Filters | 2,3 | Year 3 | |

    900290 | — Other | | | |

    90029010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90029090 | — — Other | 2,3 | Year 3 | |

    9003 | Frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles or the like, and parts thereof | | | |

    — Frames and mountings | | | |

    90031100 | — — Of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    900319 | — — Of other materials | | | |

    90031910 | — — — Of precious metal or of rolled precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90031930 | — — — Of base metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90031990 | — — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90039000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9004 | Spectacles, goggles and the like, corrective, protective or other | | | |

    900410 | — Sunglasses | | | |

    90041010 | — — With lenses optically worked | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    90041091 | — — — With lenses of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90041099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    900490 | — Other | | | |

    90049010 | — — With lenses of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90049090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9005 | Binoculars, monoculars, other optical telescopes, and mountings therefor; other astronomical instruments and mountings therefor, but not including instruments for radio-astronomy | | | |

    90051000 | — Binoculars | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90058000 | — Other instruments | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90059000 | — Parts and accessories (including mountings) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9006 | Photographic (other than cinematographic) cameras; photographic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs other than discharge lamps of heading 8539 | | | |

    900610 | — Cameras of a kind used for preparing printing plates or cylinders | | | |

    90061010 | — — Pattern generating apparatus of a kind used for producing masks or reticles from photoresist coated substrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90061090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90062000 | — Cameras of a kind used for recording documents on microfilm, microfiche or other microforms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90063000 | — Cameras specially designed for underwater use, for aerial survey or for medical or surgical examination of internal organs; comparison cameras for forensic or criminological purposes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90064000 | — Instant print cameras | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other cameras | | | |

    90065100 | — — With a through-the-lens viewfinder (single lens reflex (SLR)), for roll film of a width not exceeding 35 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90065200 | — — Other, for roll film of a width less than 35 mm | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    900653 | — — Other, for roll film of a width of 35 mm | | | |

    90065310 | — — — Disposable cameras | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90065390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90065900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Photographic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs | | | |

    90066100 | — — Discharge lamp ("electronic") flashlight apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90066200 | — — Flashbulbs, flashcubes and the like | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90066900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts and accessories | | | |

    900691 | — — For cameras | | | |

    90069110 | — — — Of apparatus of subheading 90061010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90069190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90069900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9007 | Cinematographic cameras and projectors, whether or not incorporating sound recording or reproducing apparatus | | | |

    — Cameras | | | |

    90071100 | — — For film of less than 16 mm width or for double-8 mm film | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90071900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90072000 | — Projectors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90079100 | — — For cameras | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90079200 | — — For projectors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9008 | Image projectors, other than cinematographic; photographic (other than cinematographic) enlargers and reducers | | | |

    90081000 | — Slide projectors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90082000 | — Microfilm, microfiche or other microform readers, whether or not capable of producing copies | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90083000 | — Other image projectors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90084000 | — Photographic (other than cinematographic) enlargers and reducers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90089000 | — Parts and accessories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9009 | Photocopying apparatus incorporating an optical system or of the contact type and thermo-copying apparatus | | | |

    — Electrostatic photocopying apparatus | | | |

    90091100 | — — Operating by reproducing the original image directly onto the copy (direct process) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90091200 | — — Operating by reproducing the original image via an intermediate onto the copy (indirect process) | 2,5 | Year 3 | |

    — Other photocopying apparatus | | | |

    90092100 | — — Incorporating an optical system | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90092200 | — — Of the contact type | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90093000 | — Thermo-copying apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts and accessories: | | | |

    90099100 | — — Automatic document feeders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90099200 | — — Paper feeders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90099300 | — — Sorters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90099900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9010 | Apparatus and equipment for photographic (including cinematographic) laboratories (including apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit patterns on sensitised semi-conductor materials), not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; negatoscopes; projection screens | | | |

    90101000 | — Apparatus and equipment for automatically developing photographic (including cinematographic) film or paper in rolls or for automatically exposing developed film to rolls of photographic paper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit patterns on sensitised semiconductor materials | | | |

    90104100 | — — Direct write-on-wafer apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90104200 | — — Step and repeat aligners | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90104900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901050 | — Other apparatus and equipment for photographic (including cinematographic) laboratories; negatoscopes | | | |

    90105010 | — — Apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit patterns on sensitised flat panel display substrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90105090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90106000 | — Projection screens | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901090 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90109010 | — — Of apparatus of subheading 90104110, 90104200, 90104900 or 90105010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90109090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9011 | Compound optical microscopes, including those for photomicrography, cinephotomicrography or microprojection | | | |

    901110 | — Stereoscopic microscopes | | | |

    90111010 | — — Fitted with equipment specifically designed for the handling and transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90111090 | — — Other | 2,3 | Year 3 | |

    901120 | — Other microscopes, for photomicrography, cinephotomicrography or microprojection | | | |

    90112010 | — — Photomicrographic microscopes fitted with equipment specifically designed for the handling and transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90112090 | — — Other | 2,3 | Year 3 | |

    90118000 | — Other microscopes | 2,3 | Year 3 | |

    901190 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90119010 | — — Of apparatus of subheading 90111010 or 90112010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90119090 | — — Other | 2,3 | Year 3 | |

    9012 | Microscopes other than optical microscopes; diffraction apparatus | | | |

    901210 | — Microscopes other than optical microscopes; diffraction apparatus: | | | |

    90121010 | — — Electron microscopes fitted with equipment specifically designed for the handling and transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90121090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901290 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90129010 | — — Of apparatus of subheading 90121010 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90129090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9013 | Liquid crystal devices not constituting articles provided for more specifically in other headings; lasers, other than laser diodes; other optical appliances and instruments, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter | | | |

    90131000 | — Telescopic sights for fitting to arms; periscopes; telescopes designed to form parts of machines, appliances, instruments or apparatus of this chapter or Section XVI | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    90132000 | — Lasers, other than laser diodes | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    901380 | — Other devices, appliances and instruments | | | |

    — — Liquid crystal devices | | | |

    90138020 | — — — Active matrix liquid crystal devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90138030 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90138090 | — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    901390 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90139010 | — — For liquid crystal devices (LCD) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90139090 | — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    9014 | Direction finding compasses; other navigational instruments and appliances | | | |

    901410 | — Direction finding compasses | | | |

    90141010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90141090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901420 | — Instruments and appliances for aeronautical or space navigation (other than compasses) | | | |

    — — For use in civil aircraft | | | |

    90142013 | — — — Inertial navigation systems | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90142018 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90142090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90148000 | — Other instruments and appliances | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901490 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90149010 | — — Of instruments of subheadings 901410 and 901420 for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90149090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9015 | Surveying (including photogrammetrical surveying), hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments and appliances, excluding compasses; rangefinders | | | |

    901510 | — Rangefinders | | | |

    90151010 | — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90151090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901520 | — Theodolites and tachymeters (tacheometers) | | | |

    90152010 | — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90152090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901530 | — Levels | | | |

    90153010 | — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90153090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901540 | — Photogrammetrical, surveying instruments and appliances | | | |

    90154010 | — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90154090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901580 | — Other instruments and appliances | | | |

    — — Electronic | | | |

    90158011 | — — — Meteorological, hydrological and geophysical instruments and apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90158019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    90158091 | — — — Instruments and appliances used in geodesy, topography, surveying or levelling; hydrographic instruments | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90158093 | — — — Meteorological, hydrological and geophysical instruments and apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90158099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90159000 | — Parts and accessories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901600 | Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better, with or without weights | | | |

    90160010 | — Balances | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90160090 | — Parts and accessories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9017 | Drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments (for example, drafting machines, pantographs, protractors, drawing sets, slide rules, disc calculators); instruments for measuring length, for use in the hand (for example, measuring rods and tapes, micrometers, callipers), not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter | | | |

    901710 | — Drafting tables and machines, whether or not automatic | | | |

    90171010 | — — Plotters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90171090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901720 | — Other drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments | | | |

    90172005 | — — Plotters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other drawing instruments | | | |

    90172011 | — — — Drawing sets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90172019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Marking-out instruments | | | |

    90172031 | — — — Pattern generating apparatus of a kind used for producing masks or reticles from photoresist coated substrates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90172039 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90172090 | — — Mathematical calculating instruments (including slide rules, disc calculators and the like) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901730 | — Micrometers, callipers and gauges | | | |

    90173010 | — — Micrometers and callipers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90173090 | — — Other (excluding gauges without adjustable devices of heading 9031) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901780 | — Other instruments | | | |

    90178010 | — — Measuring rods and tapes and divided scales | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90178090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901790 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90179010 | — — For apparatus of subheading 90172031 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90179090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9018 | Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments | | | |

    — Electro-diagnostic apparatus (including apparatus for functional exploratory examination or for checking physiological parameters) | | | |

    90181100 | — — Electro-cardiographs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90181200 | — — Ultrasonic scanning apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90181300 | — — Magnetic resonance imaging apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90181400 | — — Scintigraphic apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901819 | — — Other | | | |

    90181910 | — — — Monitoring apparatus for simultaneous monitoring of two or more parameters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90181990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90182000 | — Ultra-violet or infra-red ray apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Syringes, needles, catheters, cannulae and the like | | | |

    901831 | — — Syringes, with or without needles | | | |

    90183110 | — — — Of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90183190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901832 | — — Tubular metal needles and needles for sutures | | | |

    90183210 | — — — Tubular metal needles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90183290 | — — — Needles for sutures | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90183900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other instruments and appliances, used in dental sciences | | | |

    90184100 | — — Dental drill engines, whether or not combined on a single base with other dental equipment | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901849 | — — Other | | | |

    90184910 | — — — Burrs, discs, drills and brushes, for use in dental drills | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90184990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901850 | — Other ophthalmic instruments and appliances | | | |

    90185010 | — — Non-optical | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90185090 | — — Optical | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    901890 | — Other instruments and appliances | | | |

    90189010 | — — Instruments and apparatus for measuring blood-pressure | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90189020 | — — Endoscopes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90189030 | — — Renal dialysis equipment (artificial kidneys, kidney machines and dialysers) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Diathermic apparatus | | | |

    90189041 | — — — Ultrasonic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90189049 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90189050 | — — Transfusion apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90189060 | — — Anaesthetic apparatus and instruments | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90189070 | — — Ultrasonic lithotripsy instruments | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90189075 | — — Apparatus for nerve stimulation | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90189085 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9019 | Mechano-therapy appliances; massage apparatus; psychological aptitude-testing apparatus; ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, artificial respiration or other therapeutic respiration apparatus | | | |

    901910 | — Mechano-therapy appliances; massage apparatus; psychological aptitude-testing apparatus | | | |

    90191010 | — — Electrical vibratory-massage apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90191090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90192000 | — Ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, artificial respiration or other therapeutic respiration apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902000 | Other breathing appliances and gas masks, excluding protective masks having neither mechanical parts nor replaceable filters | | | |

    90200010 | — Breathing appliances and gas masks (excluding parts thereof), for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90200090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9021 | Orthopaedic appliances, including crutches, surgical belts and trusses; splints and other fracture appliances; artificial parts of the body; hearing aids and other appliances which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability: | | | |

    902110 | — Orthopaedic or fracture appliances: | | | |

    90211010 | — — — Orthopaedic appliances | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90211090 | — — — Splints and other fracture appliances | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Artificial teeth and dental fittings: | | | |

    902121 | — — Artificial teeth: | | | |

    90212110 | — — — Of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90212190 | — — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90212900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other artificial parts of the body: | | | |

    90213100 | — — Artificial joints | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902139 | — — Other: | | | |

    90213910 | — — — Ocular prostheses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90213990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90214000 | — Hearing aids, excluding parts and accessories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90215000 | — Pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles, excluding parts and accessories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902190 | — Other | | | |

    90219010 | — — Parts and accessories of hearing aids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90219090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9022 | Apparatus based on the use of X-rays or of alpha, beta or gamma radiations, whether or not for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses, including radiography or radiotherapy apparatus, X-ray tubes and other X-ray generators, high tension generators, control panels and desks, screens, examination or treatment tables, chairs and the like | | | |

    — Apparatus based on the use of X-rays, whether or not for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses, including radiography or radiotherapy apparatus | | | |

    90221200 | — — Computed tomography apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90221300 | — — Other, for dental uses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90221400 | — — Other, for medical, surgical or veterinary uses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90221900 | — — For other uses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Apparatus based on the use of alpha, beta or gamma radiations, whether or not for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses, including radiography or radiotherapy apparatus | | | |

    90222100 | — — For medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90222900 | — — For other uses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90223000 | — X-ray tubes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902290 | — Other, including parts and accessories | | | |

    90229010 | — — X-ray fluorescent screens and X-ray intensifying screens; anti-scatter shields and grids | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90229090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902300 | Instruments, apparatus and models, designed for demonstrational purposes (for example, in education or exhibitions), unsuitable for other uses | | | |

    90230010 | — Of a type used for teaching physics, chemistry or technical subjects | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90230080 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9024 | Machines and appliances for testing the hardness, strength, compressibility, elasticity or other mechanical properties of materials (for example, metals, wood, textiles, paper, plastics) | | | |

    902410 | — Machines and appliances for testing metals | | | |

    90241010 | — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    90241091 | — — — Universal or for tensile tests | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90241093 | — — — For hardness tests | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90241099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902480 | — Other machines and appliances | | | |

    90248010 | — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    90248091 | — — — For testing textiles, paper or paperboard | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90248099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90249000 | — Parts and accessories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9025 | Hydrometers and similar floating instruments, thermometers, pyrometers, barometers, hygrometers and psychrometers, recording or not, and any combination of these instruments | | | |

    — Thermometers and pyrometers, not combined with other instruments | | | |

    902511 | — — Liquid-filled, for direct reading | | | |

    90251110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    90251191 | — — — — Clinical or veterinary thermometers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90251199 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902519 | — — Other | | | |

    90251910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    90251991 | — — — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90251999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902580 | — Other instruments | | | |

    90258015 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    90258020 | — — — Barometers, not combined with other instruments | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    90258091 | — — — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90258099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902590 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90259010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90259090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9026 | Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases (for example, flow meters, level gauges, manometers, heat meters), excluding instruments and apparatus of heading 9014, 9015, 9028 or 9032 | | | |

    902610 | — For measuring or checking the flow or level of liquids | | | |

    90261010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Electronic | | | |

    90261051 | — — — — Flow meters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90261059 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    90261091 | — — — — Flow meters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90261099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902620 | — For measuring or checking pressure | | | |

    90262010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    90262030 | — — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    90262050 | — — — — Spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90262090 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902680 | — Other instruments or apparatus | | | |

    90268010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    90268091 | — — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90268099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902690 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90269010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90269090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9027 | Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis (for example, polarimeters, refractometers, spectrometers, gas or smoke analysis apparatus); instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking viscosity, porosity, expansion, surface tension or the like; instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking quantities of heat, sound or light (including exposure meters); microtomes | | | |

    902710 | — Gas or smoke analysis apparatus | | | |

    90271010 | — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90271090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90272000 | — Chromatographs and electrophoresis instruments | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90273000 | — Spectrometers, spectrophotometers and spectrographs using optical radiations (UV, visible, IR) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90274000 | — Exposure meters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90275000 | — Other instruments and apparatus using optical radiations (UV, visible, IR) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902780 | — Other instruments and apparatus | | | |

    — — Electronic | | | |

    90278011 | — — — pH meters, rH meters and other apparatus for measuring conductivity | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90278013 | — — — Apparatus for performing measurements of the physical properties of semiconductor materials or of LCD substrates or associated insulating and conducting layers during the semiconductor wafer production process or the LCD production process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90278017 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    90278091 | — — — Viscometers, porosimeters and expansion meters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90278093 | — — — Apparatus for performing measurements of the physical properties of semiconductor materials or of LCD substrates or associated insulating and conducting layers during the semiconductor wafer production process or the LCD production process | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90278097 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902790 | — Microtomes; parts and accessories | | | |

    90279010 | — — Microtomes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90279050 | — — — Of apparatus of subheadings 902720 to 902780 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90279080 | — — — Of microtomes or of gas or smoke analysis apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9028 | Gas, liquid or electricity supply or production meters, including calibrating meters therefor | | | |

    90281000 | — Gas meters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90282000 | — Liquid meters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902830 | — Electricity meters | | | |

    — — For alternating current | | | |

    90283011 | — — — For single-phase | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90283019 | — — — For multi-phase | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90283090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902890 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90289010 | — — For electricity meters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90289090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9029 | Revolution counters, production counters, taximeters, milometers, pedometers and the like; speed indicators and tachometers, other than those of heading 9014 or 9015; stroboscopes | | | |

    902910 | — Revolution counters, production counters, taximeters, milometers, pedometers and the like | | | |

    90291010 | — — Electric or electronic revolution counters, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90291090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902920 | — Speed indicators and tachometers; stroboscopes | | | |

    — — Speed indicators and tachometers | | | |

    90292010 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    90292031 | — — — — Speed indicators for vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90292039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90292090 | — — Stroboscopes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    902990 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90299010 | — — Of revolution counters, speed indicators and tachometers, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90299090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9030 | Oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities, excluding meters of heading 9028; instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other ionizing radiations | | | |

    903010 | — Instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting ionizing radiations | | | |

    90301010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90301090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    903020 | — Cathode-ray oscilloscopes and cathode-ray oscillographs | | | |

    90302010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90302090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other instruments and apparatus, for measuring or checking voltage, current, resistance or power, without a recording device | | | |

    903031 | — — Multimeters | | | |

    90303110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90303190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    903039 | — — Other | | | |

    90303910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    90303930 | — — — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — — Other | | | |

    90303991 | — — — — — Voltmeters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90303999 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    903040 | — Other instruments and apparatus, specially designed for telecommunications (for example, cross-talk meters, gain measuring instruments, distortion factor meters, psophometers) | | | |

    90304010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90304090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other instruments and apparatus | | | |

    90308200 | — — For measuring or checking semiconductor wafers or devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    903083 | — — Other, with a recording device | | | |

    90308310 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90308390 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    903089 | — — Other | | | |

    90308910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    90308992 | — — — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90308999 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    903090 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90309010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    90309020 | — — — For apparatus of subheading 90308200 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90309080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9031 | Measuring or checking instruments, appliances and machines, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; profile projectors | | | |

    90311000 | — Machines for balancing mechanical parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90312000 | — Test benches | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90313000 | — Profile projectors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other optical instruments and appliances | | | |

    90314100 | — — For inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90314900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    903180 | — Other instruments, appliances and machines | | | |

    90318010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Electronic | | | |

    — — — — For measuring or checking geometrical quantities | | | |

    90318032 | — — — — — For inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90318034 | — — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90318039 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    90318091 | — — — — For measuring or checking geometrical quantities | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90318099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    903190 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90319010 | — — Of instruments, appliances and machines of subheading 903180, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    90319020 | — — — For apparatus of subheading 90314100 or for optical instruments and appliances for measuring surface particulate contamination on semiconductor wafers of subheading 90314900 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90319030 | — — — For apparatus of subheading 90318032 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90319080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9032 | Automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus | | | |

    903210 | — Thermostats | | | |

    90321010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    90321030 | — — — Electronic | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    90321091 | — — — — With electrical triggering device | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90321099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    903220 | — Manostats | | | |

    90322010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90322090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other instruments and apparatus | | | |

    903281 | — — Hydraulic or pneumatic | | | |

    90328110 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90328190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    903289 | — — Other | | | |

    90328910 | — — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90328990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    903290 | — Parts and accessories | | | |

    90329010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90329090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    90330000 | Parts and accessories (not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter) for machines, appliances, instruments or apparatus of Chapter 90 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    9101 | Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, including stop-watches, with case of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal | | | |

    — Wrist-watches, electrically operated, whether or not incorporating a stop-watch facility | | | |

    91011100 | — — With mechanical display only | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91011200 | — — With opto-electronic display only | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91011900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other wrist-watches, whether or not incorporating a stop-watch facility | | | |

    91012100 | — — With automatic winding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91012900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    91019100 | — — Electrically operated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91019900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9102 | Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, including stop-watches, other than those of heading 9101 | | | |

    — Wrist-watches, electrically operated, whether or not incorporating a stop-watch facility | | | |

    91021100 | — — With mechanical display only | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91021200 | — — With opto-electronic display only | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91021900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other wrist-watches, whether or not incorporating a stop-watch facility | | | |

    91022100 | — — With automatic winding | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91022900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    91029100 | — — Electrically operated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91029900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9103 | Clocks with watch movements, excluding clocks of heading 9104 | | | |

    91031000 | — Electrically operated | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    91039000 | — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    910400 | Instrument panel clocks and clocks of a similar type for vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels | | | |

    91040010 | — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91040090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9105 | Other clocks | | | |

    — Alarm clocks | | | |

    91051100 | — — Electrically operated | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    91051900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Wall clocks | | | |

    91052100 | — — Electrically operated | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    91052900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    91059100 | — — Electrically operated | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    910599 | — — Other | | | |

    91059910 | — — — Table-top or mantelpiece clocks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91059990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9106 | Time of day recording apparatus and apparatus for measuring, recording or otherwise indicating intervals of time, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor (for example, time-registers, time-recorders) | | | |

    91061000 | — Time-registers; time-recorders | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    91062000 | — Parking meters | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    910690 | — Other | | | |

    91069010 | — — Process-timers, stop-clocks and the like | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    91069090 | — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    91070000 | Time switches, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    9108 | Watch movements, complete and assembled | | | |

    — Electrically operated | | | |

    91081100 | — — With mechanical display only or with a device to which a mechanical display can be incorporated | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    91081200 | — — With opto-electronic display only | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    91081900 | — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    91082000 | — With automatic winding | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    91089000 | — Other | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    9109 | Clock movements, complete and assembled | | | |

    — Electrically operated | | | |

    91091100 | — — Of alarm clocks | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    910919 | — — Other | | | |

    91091910 | — — — Of a width or diameter not exceeding 50 mm, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91091990 | — — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    910990 | — Other | | | |

    91099010 | — — Of a width or diameter not exceeding 50 mm, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91099090 | — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    9110 | Complete watch or clock movements, unassembled or partly assembled (movement sets); incomplete watch or clock movements, assembled; rough watch or clock movements | | | |

    — Of watches | | | |

    911011 | — — Complete movements, unassembled or partly assembled (movement sets) | | | |

    91101110 | — — — With balance-wheel and hairspring | 1,5 | Year 3 | |

    91101190 | — — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    91101200 | — — Incomplete movements, assembled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91101900 | — — Rough movements | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    91109000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9111 | Watch cases and parts thereof | | | |

    91111000 | — Cases of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    911120 | — Cases of base metal, whether or not gold-or silver-plated | | | |

    91112010 | — — Gold-or silver-plated | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91112090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91118000 | — Other cases | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91119000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9112 | Clock cases and cases of a similar type for other goods of this chapter, and parts thereof: | | | |

    91122000 | — Cases | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91129000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9113 | Watch straps, watch bands and watch bracelets, and parts thereof | | | |

    911310 | — Of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal | | | |

    91131010 | — — Of precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91131090 | — — Of metal clad with precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91132000 | — Of base metal, whether or not gold-or silver-plated | 2,1 | Year 3 | |

    911390 | — Other | | | |

    91139010 | — — Of leather or of composition leather | 2,1 | Year 3 | |

    91139030 | — — Of plastic materials | 2,1 | Year 3 | |

    91139090 | — — Other | 2,1 | Year 3 | |

    9114 | Other clock or watch parts | | | |

    91141000 | — Springs, including hair-springs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91142000 | — Jewels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91143000 | — Dials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91144000 | — Plates and bridges | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    91149000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    9201 | Pianos, including automatic pianos; harpsichords and other keyboard stringed instruments | | | |

    920110 | — Upright pianos | | | |

    92011010 | — — New | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92011090 | — — Used | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92012000 | — Grand pianos | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92019000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9202 | Other string musical instruments (for example, guitars, violins, harps) | | | |

    920210 | — Played with a bow | | | |

    92021010 | — — Violins | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92021090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    920290 | — Other | | | |

    92029010 | — — Harps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92029030 | — — Guitars | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92029090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    920300 | Keyboard pipe organs; harmoniums and similar keyboard instruments with free metal reeds | | | |

    92030010 | — Keyboard pipe organs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92030090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9204 | Accordions and similar instruments; mouth organs | | | |

    92041000 | — Accordions and similar instruments | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92042000 | — Mouth organs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9205 | Other wind musical instruments (for example, clarinets, trumpets, bagpipes) | | | |

    92051000 | — Brass-wind instruments | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92059000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92060000 | Percussion musical instruments (for example, drums, xylophones, cymbals, castanets, maracas) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9207 | Musical instruments, the sound of which is produced, or must be amplified, electrically (for example, organs, guitars, accordions) | | | |

    920710 | — Keyboard instruments, other than accordions | | | |

    92071010 | — — Organs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92071030 | — — Digital-pianos | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92071050 | — — Synthesizers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92071080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    920790 | — Other | | | |

    92079010 | — — Guitars | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92079090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9208 | Musical boxes, fairground organs, mechanical street organs, mechanical singing birds, musical saws and other musical instruments not falling within any other heading of this chapter; decoy calls of all kinds; whistles, call horns and other mouth-blown sound signalling instruments | | | |

    92081000 | — Musical boxes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92089000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9209 | Parts (for example, mechanisms for musical boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds | | | |

    92091000 | — Metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92092000 | — Mechanisms for musical boxes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92093000 | — Musical instrument strings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    92099100 | — — Parts and accessories for pianos | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92099200 | — — Parts and accessories for the musical instruments of heading 9202 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92099300 | — — Parts and accessories for the musical instruments of heading 9203 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92099400 | — — Parts and accessories for the musical instruments of heading 9207 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    920999 | — — Other | | | |

    92099930 | — — — Parts and accessories for the musical instruments of heading 9205 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    92099970 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    9301 | Military weapons, other than revolvers, pistols and the arms of heading 9307: | | | |

    — Artillery weapons (for example, guns, howitzers and mortars): | | | |

    93011100 | — — Self-propelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    93011900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    93012000 | — Rocket launchers; flame-throwers; grenade launchers; torpedo tubes and similar projectors | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    93019000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    930200 | Revolvers and pistols, other than those of heading 9303 or 9304 | | | |

    93020010 | — 9 mm calibre and higher | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    93020090 | — Other | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    9303 | Other firearms and similar devices which operate by the firing of an explosive charge (for example, sporting shotguns and rifles, muzzle-loading firearms, Very pistols and other devices designed to project only signal flares, pistols and revolvers for firing blank ammunition, captive-bolt humane killers, line-throwing guns) | | | |

    93031000 | — Muzzle-loading firearms | 3,2 | Year 3 | |

    930320 | — Other sporting, hunting or target-shooting shotguns, including combination shotgun-rifles | | | |

    93032010 | — — Single-barrelled, smooth bore | 3,2 | Year 3 | |

    93032095 | — — Other | 3,2 | Year 3 | |

    93033000 | — Other sporting, hunting or target-shooting rifles | 3,2 | Year 3 | |

    93039000 | — Other | 3,2 | Year 3 | |

    93040000 | Other arms (for example, spring, air or gas guns and pistols, truncheons), excluding those of heading 9307 | 3,2 | Year 3 | |

    9305 | Parts and accessories of articles of headings 9301 to 9304 | | | |

    93051000 | — Of revolvers or pistols | 3,2 | Year 3 | |

    — Of shotguns or rifles of heading 9303 | | | |

    93052100 | — — Shotgun barrels | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    930529 | — — Other | | | |

    93052930 | — — — Roughly shaped gun stock blocks | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    93052995 | — — — Other | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    — Other: | | | |

    93059100 | — — Of military weapons of heading 9301 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    93059900 | — — Other | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    9306 | Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles and similar munitions of war and parts thereof; cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles and parts thereof, including shot and cartridge wads | | | |

    93061000 | — Cartridges for riveting or similar tools or for captive-bolt humane killers and parts thereof | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    — Shotgun cartridges and parts thereof; air gun pellets | | | |

    93062100 | — — Cartridges | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    930629 | — — Other | | | |

    93062940 | — — — Cases | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    93062970 | — — — Other | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    930630 | — Other cartridges and parts thereof | | | |

    93063010 | — — For revolvers and pistols falling within heading 9302 and for sub-machine-guns falling within heading 9301 | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    93063030 | — — — For military weapons | 1,7 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    93063091 | — — — — Centrefire cartridges | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    93063093 | — — — — Rimfire cartridges | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    93063098 | — — — — Other | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    930690 | — Other | | | |

    93069010 | — — For military purposes | 1,7 | Year 0 | |

    93069090 | — — Other | 2,7 | Year 3 | |

    93070000 | Swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lances and similar arms and parts thereof and scabbards and sheaths therefor | 1,7 | Year 0 | |


    9401 | Seats (other than those of heading 9402), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof | | | |

    940110 | — Seats of a kind used for aircraft | | | |

    94011010 | — — Not leather covered, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94011090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94012000 | — Seats of a kind used for motor vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940130 | — Swivel seats with variable height adjustment | | | |

    94013010 | — — Upholstered, with backrest and fitted with castors or glides | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94013090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94014000 | — Seats other than garden seats or camping equipment, convertible into beds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94015000 | — Seats of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other seats, with wooden frames | | | |

    94016100 | — — Upholstered | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94016900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other seats, with metal frames | | | |

    94017100 | — — Upholstered | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94017900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94018000 | — Other seats | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940190 | — Parts | | | |

    94019010 | — — Of seats of a kind used for aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    94019030 | — — — Of wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94019080 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9402 | Medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture (for example, operating tables, examination tables, hospital beds with mechanical fittings, dentists' chairs); barbers' chairs and similar chairs, having rotating as well as both reclining and elevating movements; parts of the foregoing articles | | | |

    94021000 | — Dentists', barbers' or similar chairs and parts thereof | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94029000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9403 | Other furniture and parts thereof | | | |

    940310 | — Metal furniture of a kind used in offices | | | |

    94031010 | — — Drawing tables (other than those of heading 9017) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Not exceeding 80 cm in height | | | |

    94031051 | — — — — Desks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94031059 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Exceeding 80 cm in height | | | |

    94031091 | — — — — Cupboards with doors, shutters or flaps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94031093 | — — — — Filing, card-index and other cabinets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94031099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940320 | — Other metal furniture | | | |

    94032010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    94032091 | — — — Beds | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94032099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940330 | — Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices | | | |

    — — Not exceeding 80 cm in height | | | |

    94033011 | — — — Desks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94033019 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Exceeding 80 cm in height | | | |

    94033091 | — — — Cupboards with doors, shutters or flaps; filing, card-index and other cabinets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94033099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940340 | — Wooden furniture of a kind used in the kitchen | | | |

    94034010 | — — Fitted kitchen units | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94034090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94035000 | — Wooden furniture of a kind used in the bedroom | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940360 | — Other wooden furniture | | | |

    94036010 | — — Wooden furniture of a kind used in the dining room and the living room | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94036030 | — — Wooden furniture of a kind used in shops | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94036090 | — — Other wooden furniture | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940370 | — Furniture of plastics | | | |

    94037010 | — — For use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94037090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94038000 | — Furniture of other materials, including cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940390 | — Parts | | | |

    94039010 | — — Of metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94039030 | — — Of wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94039090 | — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9404 | Mattress supports; articles of bedding and similar furnishing (for example, mattresses, quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, pouffes and pillows) fitted with springs or stuffed or internally fitted with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered | | | |

    94041000 | — Mattress supports | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Mattresses | | | |

    940421 | — — Of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered | | | |

    94042110 | — — — Of rubber | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94042190 | — — — Of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940429 | — — Of other materials | | | |

    94042910 | — — — Spring interior | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94042990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94043000 | — Sleeping bags | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940490 | — Other | | | |

    94049010 | — — Filled with feathers or down | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94049090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9405 | Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights and spotlights and parts thereof, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like, having a permanently fixed light source, and parts thereof not elsewhere specified or included | | | |

    940510 | — Chandeliers and other electric ceiling or wall lighting fittings, excluding those of a kind used for lighting public open spaces or thoroughfares | | | |

    94051010 | — — Of base metal or of plastics, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of plastics | | | |

    94051021 | — — — — Of a kind used with filament lamps | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    94051029 | — — — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    94051030 | — — — Of ceramic materials | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    94051050 | — — — Of glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of other materials | | | |

    94051091 | — — — — Of a kind used with filament lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94051099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940520 | — Electric table, desk, bedside or floor-standing lamps | | | |

    — — Of plastics | | | |

    94052011 | — — — Of a kind used for filament lamps | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    94052019 | — — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    94052030 | — — Of ceramic materials | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    94052050 | — — Of glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Of other materials | | | |

    94052091 | — — — Of a kind used for filament lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94052099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94053000 | — Lighting sets of a kind used for Christmas trees | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940540 | — Other electric lamps and lighting fittings | | | |

    94054010 | — — Searchlights and spotlights | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of plastics | | | |

    94054031 | — — — — Of a kind used for filament lamps | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    94054035 | — — — — Of a kind used for tubular fluorescent lamps | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    94054039 | — — — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    — — — Of other materials | | | |

    94054091 | — — — — Of a kind used for filament lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94054095 | — — — — Of a kind used for tubular fluorescent lamps | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94054099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94055000 | — Non-electrical lamps and lighting fittings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940560 | — Illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like | | | |

    94056010 | — — Illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like, of base metal or of plastics, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    94056091 | — — — Of plastics | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    94056099 | — — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts | | | |

    940591 | — — Of glass | | | |

    — — — Articles for electrical lighting fittings (excluding searchlights and spotlights) | | | |

    94059111 | — — — — Facetted glass, plates, balls, pear-shaped drops, flower-shaped pieces, pendants and similar articles for trimming chandeliers | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    94059119 | — — — — Other (for example, diffusers, ceiling lights, bowls, cups, lamp-shades, globes, tulip-shaped pieces) | 2,2 | Year 3 | |

    94059190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940592 | — — Of plastics | | | |

    94059210 | — — — Parts of the articles of subheading 940510 or 940560, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94059290 | — — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    940599 | — — Other | | | |

    94059910 | — — — Parts of the articles of subheading940510 or 940560, of base metal, for use in civil aircraft | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94059990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    940600 | Prefabricated buildings | | | |

    94060010 | — Of wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Of iron or steel | | | |

    94060031 | — — Greenhouses | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94060039 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    94060090 | — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    950100 | Wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children (for example, tricycles, scooters, pedal cars); dolls' carriages | | | |

    95010010 | — Dolls' carriages | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95010090 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9502 | Dolls representing only human beings | | | |

    950210 | — Dolls, whether or not dressed | | | |

    95021010 | — — Of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95021090 | — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Parts and accessories | | | |

    95029100 | — — Garments and accessories therefor, footwear and headgear | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95029900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9503 | Other toys; reduced-size ("scale") models and similar recreational models, working or not; puzzles of all kinds | | | |

    950310 | — Electric trains, including tracks, signals and other accessories therefor | | | |

    95031010 | — — Reduced size ("scale") models | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95031090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950320 | — Reduced-size ("scale") model assembly kits, whether or not working models, excluding those of subheading 950310 | | | |

    95032010 | — — Of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95032090 | — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950330 | — Other construction sets and constructional toys | | | |

    95033010 | — — Of wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95033030 | — — Of plastics | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    95033090 | — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Toys representing animals or non-human creatures | | | |

    95034100 | — — Stuffed | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    950349 | — — Other | | | |

    95034910 | — — — Of wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95034930 | — — — Of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95034990 | — — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95035000 | — Toy musical instruments and apparatus | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950360 | — Puzzles | | | |

    95036010 | — — Of wood | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95036090 | — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    95037000 | — Other toys, put up in sets or outfits | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    950380 | — Other toys and models, incorporating a motor | | | |

    95038010 | — — Of plastics | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    95038090 | — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950390 | — Other | | | |

    95039010 | — — Toy weapons | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    — — — Of plastics | | | |

    95039032 | — — — — Not mechanically operated | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    95039034 | — — — — Other | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    95039035 | — — — Of rubber | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95039037 | — — — Of textile materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Of metal | | | |

    95039051 | — — — — Die-cast miniature models | 1,2 | Year 3 | |

    95039055 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95039099 | — — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9504 | Articles for funfair, table or parlour games, including pintables, billiards, special tables for casino games and automatic bowling alley equipment | | | |

    95041000 | — Video games of a kind used with a television receiver | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950420 | — Articles and accessories for billiards | | | |

    95042010 | — — Billiard tables (with or without legs) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95042090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950430 | Other games, operated by coins, banknotes (paper currency), discs or other similar articles, other than bowling alley equipment: | | | |

    95043010 | — — Games with screen | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other games | | | |

    95043030 | — — — Flipper | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95043050 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95043090 | — — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95044000 | — Playing cards | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950490 | — Other | | | |

    95049010 | — — Electric car racing sets, having the character of competitive games | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95049090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9505 | Festive, carnival or other entertainment articles, including conjuring tricks and novelty jokes | | | |

    950510 | — Articles for Christmas festivities | | | |

    95051010 | — — Of glass | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95051090 | — — Of other materials | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95059000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9506 | Articles and equipment for general physical exercise, gymnastics, athletics, other sports (including table-tennis) or outdoor games, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; swimming pools and paddling pools | | | |

    — Snow-skis and other snow-ski equipment | | | |

    950611 | — — Skis | | | |

    95061110 | — — — Cross-country skis | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Downhill skis | | | |

    95061121 | — — — — Monoskis and snowboards | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95061129 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95061180 | — — — Other skis | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95061200 | — — Ski-fastenings (ski-bindings) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95061900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Water-skis, surfboards, sailboards and other water-sport equipment | | | |

    95062100 | — — Sailboards | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95062900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Golf clubs and other golf equipment | | | |

    95063100 | — — Clubs, complete | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95063200 | — — Balls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950639 | — — Other | | | |

    95063910 | — — — Parts of golf clubs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95063990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950640 | — Articles and equipment for table-tennis | | | |

    95064010 | — — Bats, balls and nets | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95064090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Tennis, badminton or similar rackets, whether or not strung | | | |

    95065100 | — — Lawn-tennis rackets, whether or not strung | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95065900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Balls, other than golf balls and table-tennis balls | | | |

    95066100 | — — Lawn-tennis balls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950662 | — — Inflatable | | | |

    95066210 | — — — Of leather | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95066290 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950669 | — — Other | | | |

    95066910 | — — — Cricket and polo balls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95066990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950670 | — Ice skates and roller skates, including skating boots with skates attached | | | |

    95067010 | — — Ice skates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95067030 | — — Roller skates | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95067090 | — — Parts and accessories | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    950691 | — — Articles and equipment for general physical exercise, gymnastics or athletics | | | |

    95069110 | — — — Exercising apparatus with adjustable resistance mechanisms | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95069190 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950699 | — — Other | | | |

    95069910 | — — — Cricket and polo equipment, other than balls | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95069990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9507 | Fishing rods, fish-hooks and other line fishing tackle; fish landing nets, butterfly nets and similar nets; decoy "birds" (other than those of heading 9208 or 9705) and similar hunting or shooting requisites | | | |

    95071000 | — Fishing rods | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    950720 | — Fish-hooks, whether or not snelled | | | |

    95072010 | — — Fish-hooks, not snelled | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95072090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95073000 | — Fishing reels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95079000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9508 | Roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements; travelling circuses and travelling menageries; travelling theatres: | | | |

    95081000 | — Travelling circuses and travelling menageries | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    95089000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    9601 | Worked ivory, bone, tortoise-shell, horn, antlers, coral, mother-of-pearl and other animal carving material, and articles of these materials (including articles obtained by moulding) | | | |

    96011000 | — Worked ivory and articles of ivory | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    960190 | — Other | | | |

    96019010 | — — Worked coral (natural or agglomerated), and articles of coral | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96019090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96020000 | Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials; moulded or carved articles of wax, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles, not elsewhere specified or included; worked, unhardened gelatin (except gelatin of heading 3503) and articles of unhardened gelatin | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9603 | Brooms, brushes (including brushes constituting parts of machines, appliances or vehicles), hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, not motorized, mops and feather dusters; prepared knots and tufts for broom or brush making; paint pads and rollers; squeegees (other than roller squeegees) | | | |

    96031000 | — Brooms and brushes, consisting of twigs or other vegetable materials bound together, with or without handles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Tooth brushes, shaving brushes, hair brushes, nail brushes, eyelash brushes and other toilet brushes for use on the person, including such brushes constituting parts of appliances | | | |

    96032100 | — — Tooth brushes, including dental-plate brushes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    960329 | — — Other | | | |

    96032930 | — — — Hair brushes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96032980 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    960330 | — Artists' brushes, writing brushes and similar brushes for the application of cosmetics | | | |

    96033010 | — — Artists' and writing brushes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96033090 | — — Brushes for the application of cosmetics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    960340 | — Paint, distemper, varnish or similar brushes (other than brushes of subheading 960330); paint pads and rollers | | | |

    96034010 | — — Paint, distemper, varnish or similar brushes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96034090 | — — Paint pads and rollers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96035000 | — Other brushes constituting parts of machines, appliances or vehicles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    960390 | — Other | | | |

    96039010 | — — Hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, not motorized | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    96039091 | — — — Road-sweeping brushes; household type brooms and brushes, including shoe brushes and clothes brushes; brushes for grooming animals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96039099 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96040000 | Hand sieves and hand riddles | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96050000 | Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes cleaning | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9606 | Buttons, press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs, button moulds and other parts of these articles; button blanks | | | |

    96061000 | — Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs and parts therefor | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Buttons | | | |

    96062100 | — — Of plastics, not covered with textile material | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96062200 | — — Of base metal, not covered with textile material | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96062900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96063000 | — Button moulds and other parts of buttons; button blanks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9607 | Slide fasteners and parts thereof | | | |

    — Slide fasteners | | | |

    96071100 | — — Fitted with chain scoops of base metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96071900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    960720 | — Parts | | | |

    96072010 | — — Of base metal, including narrow strips mounted with chain scoops of base metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96072090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9608 | Ball point pens; felt-tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers; fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens; duplicating stylos; propelling or sliding pencils; pen-holders, pencil-holders and similar holders; parts (including caps and clips) of the foregoing articles, other than those of heading 9609 | | | |

    960810 | — Ball point pens | | | |

    96081010 | — — With liquid ink (rolling ball pens) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — Other | | | |

    96081030 | — — — With body or cap of precious metal or rolled precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    96081091 | — — — — With replaceable refill | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96081099 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96082000 | — Felt-tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens | | | |

    96083100 | — — Indian ink drawing pens | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    960839 | — — Other | | | |

    96083910 | — — — With body or cap of precious metal or rolled precious metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96083990 | — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96084000 | — Propelling or sliding pencils | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96085000 | — Sets of articles from two or more of the foregoing subheadings | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    960860 | — Refills for ball-point pens, comprising the ball point and ink-reservoir | | | |

    96086010 | — — With liquid ink (for rolling-ball pens) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96086090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — Other | | | |

    96089100 | — — Pen nibs and nib points | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    960899 | — — Other | | | |

    96089910 | — — — Pen-holders, pencil-holders and similar holders | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    — — — Other | | | |

    96089992 | — — — — Of metal | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96089998 | — — — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9609 | Pencils (other than pencils of heading 9608), crayons, pencil leads, pastels, drawing charcoals, writing or drawing chalks and tailors' chalks | | | |

    960910 | — Pencils and crayons, with leads encased in a rigid sheath | | | |

    96091010 | — — With "leads" of graphite | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96091090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96092000 | — Pencil leads, black or coloured | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    960990 | — Other | | | |

    96099010 | — — Pastels and drawing charcoals | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96099090 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96100000 | Slates and boards, with writing or drawing surfaces, whether or not framed | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96110000 | Date, sealing or numbering stamps, and the like (including devices for printing or embossing labels), designed for operating in the hand; hand-operated composing sticks and hand printing sets incorporating such composing sticks | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9612 | Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not on spools or in cartridges; ink-pads, whether or not inked, with or without boxes | | | |

    961210 | — Ribbons | | | |

    96121010 | — — Of plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96121020 | — — Of man-made fibres, measuring less than 30 mm in width, permanently put in plastic or metal cartridges of a kind used in automatic typewriters, automatic data processing equipment and other machines | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96121080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96122000 | — Ink-pads | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9613 | Cigarette lighters and other lighters, whether or not mechanical or electrical, and parts thereof other than flints and wicks | | | |

    96131000 | — Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, non-refillable | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    961320 | — Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, refillable | | | |

    96132010 | — — With electrical ignition system | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96132090 | — — With other ignition system | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96138000 | — Other lighters | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96139000 | — Parts | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9614 | Smoking pipes (including pipe bowls) and cigar or cigarette holders, and parts thereof | | | |

    961420 | — Pipes and pipe bowls | | | |

    96142020 | — — Roughly shaped blocks of wood or root, for the manufacture of pipes | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96142080 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96149000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9615 | Combs, hair-slides and the like; hairpins, curling pins, curling grips, hair-curlers and the like, other than those of heading 8516, and parts thereof | | | |

    — Combs, hair-slides and the like | | | |

    96151100 | — — Of hard rubber or plastics | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96151900 | — — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96159000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    9616 | Scent sprays and similar toilet sprays, and mounts and heads therefor; powder-puffs and pads for the application of cosmetics or toilet preparations | | | |

    961610 | — Scent sprays and similar toilet sprays, and mounts and heads therefor | | | |

    96161010 | — — Toilet sprays | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96161090 | — — Mounts and heads | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96162000 | — Powder-puffs and pads for the application of cosmetics or toilet preparations | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    961700 | Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels, complete with cases; parts thereof other than glass inners | | | |

    — Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels, complete with cases, having a capacity | | | |

    96170011 | — — Not exceeding 0,75 litre | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96170019 | — — Exceeding 0,75 litre | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96170090 | — Parts (other than glass inners) | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    96180000 | Tailors' dummies and other lay figures; automata and other animated displays used for shop window dressing | 0,0 | Year 0 | |


    9701 | Paintings, drawings and pastels, executed entirely by hand, other than drawings of heading 4906 and other than hand-painted or hand-decorated manufactured articles; collages and similar decorative plaques | | | |

    97011000 | — Paintings, drawings and pastels | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    97019000 | — Other | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    97020000 | Original engravings, prints and lithographs | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    97030000 | Original sculptures and statuary, in any material | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    97040000 | Postage or revenue stamps, stamp-postmarks, first-day covers, postal stationery (stamped paper), and the like, used or unused, other than those of heading 4907 | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    97050000 | Collections and collectors' pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical, historical, archaeological, palaeontological, ethnographic or numismatic interest | 0,0 | Year 0 | |

    97060000 | Antiques of an age exceeding 100 years | 0,0 | Year 0 | |



    (Omenjen v oddelku 2)

    Oznaka KN | Poimenovanje | Konvencionalna stopnja dajatve (avtonomna) |

    07020000 | Paradižnik, svež ali ohlajen: | |

    — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 31. marca: | |

    — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — Ne manj kot 84,6 EUR | 8,8 |

    — — — Ne manj kot 82,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 84,6 EUR | 8,8 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 81,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 82,9 EUR | 8,8 + 3,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 79,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 81,2 EUR | 8,8 + 5,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 77,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 79,5 EUR | 8,8 + 6,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Manj kot 77,8 EUR | 8,8 + 29,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — Od dne 1. aprila do dne 30. aprila: | |

    — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — Ne manj kot 112,6 EUR | 8,8 |

    — — — Ne manj kot 110,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 112,6 EUR | 8,8 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 108,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 110,3 EUR | 8,8 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 105,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 108,1 EUR | 8,8 + 6,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 103,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 105,8 EUR | 8,8 + 9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Manj kot 103,6 EUR | 8,8 + 29,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — Od dne 1. maja do dne 14. maja: | |

    — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — Ne manj kot 72,6 EUR | 8,8 |

    — — — Ne manj kot 71,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 72,6 EUR | 8,8 + 1,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 69,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 71,1 EUR | 8,8 + 2,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 68,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 69,7 EUR | 8,8 + 4,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 66,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 68,2 EUR | 8,8 + 5,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Manj kot 66,8 EUR | 8,8 + 29,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — Od dne 15. maja do dne 31. maja: | |

    — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — Ne manj kot 72,6 EUR | 14,4 |

    — — — Ne manj kot 71,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 72,6 EUR | 14,4 + 1,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 69,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 71,1 EUR | 14,4 + 2,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 68,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 69,7 EUR | 14,4 + 4,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 66,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 68,2 EUR | 14,4 + 5,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Manj kot 66,8 EUR | 14,4 + 29,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — Od dne 1. junija do dne 30. septembra: | |

    — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — Ne manj kot 52,6 EUR | 14,4 |

    — — — Ne manj kot 51,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 52,6 EUR | 14,4 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 50,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 51,5 EUR | 14,4 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 49,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 50,5 EUR | 14,4 + 3,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 48,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 49,4 EUR | 14,4 + 4,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Manj kot 48,4 EUR | 14,4 + 29,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — Od dne 1. oktobra do dne 31. oktobra: | |

    — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — Ne manj kot 62,6 EUR | 14,4 |

    — — — Ne manj kot 61,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 62,6 EUR | 14,4 + 1,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 60,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 61,3 EUR | 14,4 + 2,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 58,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 60,1 EUR | 14,4 + 3,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 57,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 58,8 EUR | 14,4 + 5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Manj kot 57,6 EUR | 14,4 + 29,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — Od dne 1. novembra do dne 20. decembra: | |

    — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — Ne manj kot 62,6 EUR | 8,8 |

    — — — Ne manj kot 61,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 62,6 EUR | 8,8 + 1,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 60,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 61,3 EUR | 8,8 + 2,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 58,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 60,1 EUR | 8,8 + 3,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 57,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 58,8 EUR | 8,8 + 5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Manj kot 57,6 EUR | 8,8 + 29,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — Od dne 21. decembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — Ne manj kot 67,6 EUR | 8,8 |

    — — — Ne manj kot 66,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 67,6 EUR | 8,8 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 64,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 66,2 EUR | 8,8 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 63,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 64,9 EUR | 8,8 + 4,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Ne manj kot 62,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 63,5 EUR | 8,8 + 5,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Manj kot 62,2 EUR | 8,8 + 29,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    07070005 | Kumare, sveže ali ohlajene: | |

    — — Od dne 1. januarja do konca februarja: | |

    — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 67,5 EUR | 12,8 |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 66,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 67,5 EUR | 12,8 + 1,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 64,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 66,2 EUR | 12,8 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 63,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 64,8 EUR | 12,8 + 4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 62,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 63,5 EUR | 12,8 + 5,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Manj kot 62,1 EUR | 12,8 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — Od dne 1. marca do dne 30. aprila: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 110,5 EUR | 12,8 |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 108,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 110,5 EUR | 12,8 + 2,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 106,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 108,3 EUR | 12,8 + 4,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 103,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 106,1 EUR | 12,8 + 6,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 101,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 103,9 EUR | 12,8 + 8,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Manj kot 101,7 EUR | 12,8 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — Od dne 1. maja do dne 15. maja: | |

    — — — Za predelavo: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 48,1 EUR | 12,8 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 48,1 EUR | 12,8 + 1 EUR/100 kg/neto (12,8) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,1 EUR | 12,8 + 1,9 EUR/100 kg/neto (12,8) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,2 EUR | 12,8 + 2,9 EUR/100 kg/neto (12,8) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,2 EUR | 12,8 + 3,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (12,8) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 35 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,3 EUR | 12,8 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (12,8) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 35 EUR | 12,8 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (12,8 + 0,7 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,3 EUR | 12,8 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (12,8 + 1,4 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,6 EUR | 12,8 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (12,8 + 2,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 32,9 EUR | 12,8 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (12,8 + 2,8 EUR) |

    — — — — — Manj kot 32,2 EUR | 12,8 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Drugo: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 48,1 EUR | 12,8 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 48,1 EUR | 12,8 + 1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,1 EUR | 12,8 + 1,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,2 EUR | 12,8 + 2,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,2 EUR | 12,8 + 3,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 44,3 EUR | 12,8 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — Od dne 16. maja do dne 30. septembra: | |

    — — — Za predelavo: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 48,1 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 48,1 EUR | 16 + 1 EUR/100 kg/neto (16) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,1 EUR | 16 + 1,9 EUR/100 kg/neto (16) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,2 EUR | 16 + 2,9 EUR/100 kg/neto (16) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,2 EUR | 16 + 3,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (16) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 35 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,3 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (16) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 35 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (16 + 0,7 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,3 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (16 + 1,4 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,6 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (16 + 2,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 32,9 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (16 + 2,8 EUR) |

    — — — — — Manj kot 32,2 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Drugo: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 48,1 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 48,1 EUR | 16 + 1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,1 EUR | 16 + 1,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,2 EUR | 16 + 2,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,2 EUR | 16 + 3,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 44,3 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — Od dne 1. oktobra do dne 31. oktobra: | |

    — — — Za predelavo: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 68,3 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 66,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 68,3 EUR | 16 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (16) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 65,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 66,9 EUR | 16 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto (16) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 64,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 65,6 EUR | 16 + 4,1 EUR/100 kg/neto (16) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 62,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 64,2 EUR | 16 + 5,5 EUR/100 kg/neto (16) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 35 EUR, vendar manj kot 62,8 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (16) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 35 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (16 + 0,7 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,3 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (16 + 1,4 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,6 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (16 + 2,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 32,9 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (16 + 2,8 EUR) |

    — — — — — Manj kot 32,2 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Drugo: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 68,3 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 66,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 68,3 EUR | 16 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 65,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 66,9 EUR | 16 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 64,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 65,6 EUR | 16 + 4,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 62,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 64,2 EUR | 16 + 5,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 62,8 EUR | 16 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — Od dne 1. novembra do dne 10. novembra: | |

    — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 68,3 EUR | 12,8 |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 66,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 68,3 EUR | 12,8 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 65,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 66,9 EUR | 12,8 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 64,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 65,6 EUR | 12,8 + 4,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 62,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 64,2 EUR | 12,8 + 5, 5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Manj kot 62,8 EUR | 12,8 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — Od dne 11. novembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 60,5 EUR | 12,8 |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 59,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 60,5 EUR | 12,8 + 1,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 58,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 59,3 EUR | 12,8 + 2,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 56,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 58,1 EUR | 12,8 + 3,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 55,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 56,9 EUR | 12,8 + 4,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Manj kot 55,7 EUR | 12,8 + 37,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    07091000 | — Okrogle artičoke, sveže ali ohlajene: | |

    — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 31. maja: | |

    — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 82,6 EUR | 10,4 |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 80,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 82,6 EUR | 10,4 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 79,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 80,9 EUR | 10,4 + 3,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 77,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 79,3 EUR | 10,4 + 5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 76 EUR, vendar manj kot 77,6 EUR | 10,4 + 6,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Manj kot 76 EUR | 10,4 + 22,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — Od dne 1. junija do dne 30. junija: | |

    — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 65,4 EUR | 10,4 |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 64,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 65,4 EUR | 10,4 + 1,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 62,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 64,1 EUR | 10,4 + 2,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 61,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 62,8 EUR | 10,4 + 3,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 60,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 61,5 EUR | 10,4 + 5,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Manj kot 60,2 EUR | 10,4 + 22,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — Od dne 1. julija do dne 31. oktobra: | 10,4 |

    — — Od dne 1. novembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 94,3 EUR | 10,4 |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 92,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 94,3 EUR | 10,4 + 1,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 90,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 92,4 EUR | 10,4 + 3,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 88,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 90,5 EUR | 10,4 + 5,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 86,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 88,6 EUR | 10,4 + 7,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Manj kot 86,8 EUR | 10,4 + 22,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    07099070 | — — Bučke, sveže ali ohlajene: | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 31. januarja: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 48,8 EUR | 12,8 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 48,8 EUR | 12,8 + 1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,8 EUR | 12,8 + 2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,8 EUR | 12,8 + 2,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,9 EUR | 12,8 + 3,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 44,9 EUR | 12,8 + 15,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. februarja do dne 31. marca: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 41,3 EUR | 12,8 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 40,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 41,3 EUR | 12,8 + 0,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 39,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 40,5 EUR | 12,8 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 38,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 39,6 EUR | 12,8 + 2,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 38 EUR, vendar manj kot 38,8 EUR | 12,8 + 3, 3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 38 EUR | 12,8 + 15,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. aprila do dne 31. maja: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 69,2 EUR | 12,8 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 67,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 69,2 EUR | 12,8 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 66,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 67,8 EUR | 12,8 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 65 EUR, vendar manj kot 66,4 EUR | 12,8 + 4,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 63,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 65 EUR | 12,8 + 5,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 63,7 EUR | 12,8 + 15,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. junija do dne 31. julija: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 41,3 EUR | 12,8 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 40,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 41,3 EUR | 12,8 + 0,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 39,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 40,5 EUR | 12,8 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 38,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 39,6 EUR | 12,8 + 2,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 38 EUR, vendar manj kot 38,8 EUR | 12,8 + 3,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 38 EUR | 12,8 + 15,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. avgusta do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 48,8 EUR | 12,8 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 48,8 EUR | 12,8 + 1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,8 EUR | 12,8 + 2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,8 EUR | 12,8 + 2,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,9 EUR | 12,8 + 3,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 44,9 EUR | 12,8 + 15,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    080510 | — — Sladke pomaranče, sveže: | |

    08051010 | — — — Rdeče in polrdeče: | |

    — — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 31. marca: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 16 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 16 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 16 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 16 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 16 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. aprila do dne 30. aprila: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 10,4 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 10,4 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 10,4 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 10,4 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 10,4 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 10,4 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. maja do dne 15. maja: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 4,8 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 4,8 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 4,8 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot EUR, 33,3 vendar manj kot EUR 34 | 4,8 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 4,8 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 4,8 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 16. maja do dne 31. maja: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 3,2 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 3,2 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 3,2 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 3,2 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 3,2 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 3,2 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. junija do dne 15. oktobra | 3,2 |

    — — — — Od dne 16. oktobra do dne 30. novembra | 16 |

    — — — — Od dne 1. decembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 16 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 16 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 16 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 16 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 16 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    08051030 | — — — — Vrste Navel, Naveline, Navelate, Salustiana, Vernas, Valencia late, Maltese, Schamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita in Hamlin: | |

    — — — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 31. marca: | |

    — — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 16 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 16 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 16 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 16 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 16 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Od dne 1. aprila do dne 30. aprila: | |

    — — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 10,4 |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 10,4 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 10,4 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 10,4 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 10,4 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 10,4 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Od dne 1. maja do dne 15. maja: | |

    — — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 4,8 |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 4,8 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 4,8 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 4,8 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 4,8 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 4,8 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Od dne 16. maja do dne 31. maja: | |

    — — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 3,2 |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 3,2 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 3,2 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 3,2 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 3,2 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 3,2 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Od dne 1. junija do dne 15. oktobra | 3,2 |

    — — — — — Od dne 16. oktobra do dne 30. novembra | 16 |

    — — — — — Od dne 1. decembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 16 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 16 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 16 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 16 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 16 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    08051050 | — — — — Drugo: | |

    — — — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 31. marca: | |

    — — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 16 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 16 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 16 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 16 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 16 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Od dne 1. aprila do dne 30. aprila: | |

    — — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 10,4 |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 10,4 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 10,4 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 10,4 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 10,4 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 10,4 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Od dne 1. maja do dne 15. maja: | |

    — — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 4,8 |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 4,8 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 4,8 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 4,8 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 4,8 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 4,8 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Od dne 16. maja do dne 31. maja: | |

    — — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 3,2 |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 3,2 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 3,2 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 3,2 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 3,2 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 3,2 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Od dne 1. junija do dne 15. oktobra | 3,2 |

    — — — — — Od dne 16. oktobra do dne 30. novembra | 16 |

    — — — — — Od dne 1. decembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,4 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 35,4 EUR | 16 + 0,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 34 EUR, vendar manj kot 34,7 EUR | 16 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 33,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 34 EUR | 16 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 32,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 33,3 EUR | 16 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — — Manj kot 32,6 EUR | 16 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    080520 | — Mandarine (vključno tangerine in satsuma mandarine); klementine, wilking mandarine in podobni hibridi agrumov: | |

    08052010 | — — Klementine | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do konca februarja: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 64,9 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 63,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 64,9 EUR | 16 + 1,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 62,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 63,6 EUR | 16 + 2,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 61 EUR, vendar manj kot 62,3 EUR | 16 + 3,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 59,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 61 EUR | 16 + 5,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 59,7 EUR | 16 + 10,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. marca do dne 31. oktobra | 16 |

    — — — Od dne 1. novembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 64,9 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 63,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 64,9 EUR | 16 + 1,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 62,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 63,6 EUR | 16 + 2,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 61 EUR, vendar manj kot 62,3 EUR | 16 + 3,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 59,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 61 EUR | 16 + 5,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 59,7 EUR | 16 + 10,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    08052030 | — — Monrealke in satsuma mandarine: | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do konca februarja: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28 EUR, vendar manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 + 0,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 27,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 28 EUR | 16 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 27,5 EUR | 16 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 26,9 EUR | 16 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 26,3 EUR | 16 + 10,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. marca do dne 31. oktobra | 16 |

    — — — Od dne 1. novembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28 EUR, vendar manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 + 0,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 27,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 28 EUR | 16 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 27,5 EUR | 16 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 26,9 EUR | 16 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 26,3 EUR | 16 + 10,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    08052050 | — — Mandarine in wilking mandarine: | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do konca februarja: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28 EUR, vendar manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 + 0,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 27,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 28 EUR | 16 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 27,5 EUR | 16 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 26,9 EUR | 16 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 26,3 EUR | 16 + 10,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. marca do dne 31. oktobra | 16 |

    — — — Od dne 1. novembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28 EUR, vendar manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 + 0,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 27,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 28 EUR | 16 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 27,5 EUR | 16 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 26,9 EUR | 16 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 26,3 EUR | 16 + 10,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    08052070 | — — Tangerine: | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do konca februarja: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28 EUR, vendar manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 + 0,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 27,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 28 EUR | 16 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 27,5 EUR | 16 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 26,9 EUR | 16 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 26,3 EUR | 16 + 10,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. marca do dne 31. oktobra | 16 |

    — — — Od dne 1. novembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28 EUR, vendar manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 + 0,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 27,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 28 EUR | 16 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 27,5 EUR | 16 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 26,9 EUR | 16 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 26,3 EUR | 16 + 10,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    08052090 | — — Drugo: | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do konca februarja: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28 EUR, vendar manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 + 0,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 27,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 28 EUR | 16 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 27,5 EUR | 16 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 26,9 EUR | 16 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 26,3 EUR | 16 + 10,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. marca do dne 31. oktobra | 16 |

    — — — Od dne 1. novembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 28 EUR, vendar manj kot 28,6 EUR | 16 + 0,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 27,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 28 EUR | 16 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 27,5 EUR | 16 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 26,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 26,9 EUR | 16 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 26,3 EUR | 16 + 10,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    08055010 | — — Limone (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum): | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 30. aprila: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,2 EUR | 6,4 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,2 EUR | 6,4 + 0,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,3 EUR | 6,4 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,4 EUR | 6,4 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 42,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,4 EUR | 6,4 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 42,5 EUR | 6,4 + 25,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. maja do dne 31. maja: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,2 EUR | 6,4 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,2 EUR | 6,4 + 0,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,3 EUR | 6,4 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,4 EUR | 6,4 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 42,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,4 EUR | 6,4 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 41,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 42,5 EUR | 6,4 + 4,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 40,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 41,6 EUR | 6,4 + 5,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 39,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 40,7 EUR | 6,4 + 6,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 38,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 39,7 EUR | 6,4 + 7,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 38,8 EUR | 6,4 + 25,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. junija do dne 31. julija: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,8 EUR | 6,4 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 55,8 EUR | 6,4 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,7 EUR | 6,4 + 2,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,6 EUR | 6,4 + 3,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 51,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 52,5 EUR | 6,4 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 50,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 51,3 EUR | 6,4 + 5,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 49,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 50,2 EUR | 6,4 + 6,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 48 EUR, vendar manj kot 49,1 EUR | 6,4 + 7,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 48 EUR | 6,4 + 8,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 46,9 EUR | 6,4 + 25,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. avgusta do dne 15. avgusta: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,8 EUR | 6,4 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 55,8 EUR | 6,4 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,7 EUR | 6,4 + 2,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,6 EUR | 6,4 + 3,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 51,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 52,5 EUR | 6,4 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 50,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 51,3 EUR | 6,4 + 5,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 49,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 50,2 EUR | 6,4 + 6,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 48 EUR, vendar manj kot 49,1 EUR | 6,4 + 7,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 48 EUR | 6,4 + 25,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 16. avgusta do dne 31. oktobra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,8 EUR | 6,4 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 55,8 EUR | 6,4 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,7 EUR | 6,4 + 2,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,6 EUR | 6,4 + 3,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 51,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 52,5 EUR | 6,4 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 51,3 EUR | 6,4 + 25,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. novembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,2 EUR | 6,4 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,2 EUR | 6,4 + 0,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,3 EUR | 6,4 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,4 EUR | 6,4 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 42,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,4 EUR | 6,4 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 42,5 EUR | 6,4 + 25,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    08061010 | — — Namizno grozdje, sveže: | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 14. julija: | |

    — — — — Sorte Emperor (Vitis vinifera cv.) od dne 1. januarja do dne 31. januarja | 8 |

    — — — — Drugo | 11,5 |

    — — — Od dne 15. julija do dne 20. julija | 14,1 |

    — — — Od dne 21 julija do dne 31. oktobra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,6 EUR | 14,1 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,6 EUR | 17,6 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,5 EUR | 17,6 + 2,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 51,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 52,4 EUR | 17,6 + 3,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 50,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 51,3 EUR | 17,6 + 4,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 50,2 EUR | 17,6 + 9,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. novembra do dne 20. novembra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,6 EUR | 11,5 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,6 EUR | 14,4 + 1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,6 EUR | 14,4 + 1,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,7 EUR | 14,4 + 2,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,7 EUR | 14,4 + 3,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 43,8 EUR | 14,4 + 9,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 21. novembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — Sorte Emperor (vitis vinifera cv.) od dne 1. decembra do dne 31. decembra | 8 |

    — — — — Drugo | 11,5 |

    080810 | — Jabolka: | |

    08081010 | — — Jabolka za predelavo v mošt, razsuta | 7,2 MIN 0,36 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 16. septembra do dne 15. decembra | |

    — — Drugo: | |

    08081020 | — — — Sorte zlati delišes: | |

    — — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 14. februarja: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 56,8 EUR | 4 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 56,8 EUR | 6,4 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 55,7 EUR | 6,4 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,5 EUR | 6,4 + 3,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,4 EUR | 6,4 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 52,3 EUR | 6,4 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 15. februarja do dne 31. marca: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 56,8 EUR | 4 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 56,8 EUR | 6,4 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 55,7 EUR | 6,4 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,5 EUR | 6,4 + 3,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,4 EUR | 6,4 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 51,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 52,3 EUR | 6,4 + 5,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 50 EUR, vendar manj kot 51,1 EUR | 6,4 + 6,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 50 EUR | 6,4 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. aprila do dne 30. junija: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 56,8 EUR | prosto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 56,8 EUR | 4,8 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 1,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 55,7 EUR | 4,8 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 2,3 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,5 EUR | 4,8 + 3,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 3,4 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,4 EUR | 4,8 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 4,5 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 51,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 52,3 EUR | 4,8 + 5,7 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 5,7 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 50 EUR, vendar manj kot 51,1 EUR | 4,8 + 6,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 6,8 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 48,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 50 EUR | 4,8 + 8 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 8 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 48,8 EUR | 4,8 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 23,8 EUR) |

    — — — — Od dne 1. julija do dne 15. julija: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,7 EUR | prosto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,7 EUR | 4,8 + 0,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,8 EUR, | 4,8 + 1,8 EUR,/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,9 EUR, | 4,8 + 2,7 EUR,/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42 EUR, vendar manj kot 43 EUR, | 4,8 + 3,7 EUR,/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 41,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 42 EUR | 4,8 + 4,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 40,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 41,1 EUR, | 4,8 + 5,5 EUR,/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 39,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 40,2 EUR | 4,8 + 6,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 39,3 EUR | 4,8 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 16. julija do dne 31. julija: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,7 EUR | prosto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,7 EUR, | 4,8 + 0,9 EUR,/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,8 EUR | 4,8 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,9 EUR | 4,8 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42 EUR, vendar manj kot 43 EUR | 4,8 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 42 EUR | 4,8 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. avgusta do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,7 EUR | 9 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,7 EUR | 11,2 + 0,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,8 EUR | 11,2 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,9 EUR | 11,2 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42 EUR, vendar manj kot 43 EUR | 11,2 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 42 EUR | 11,2 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    08081050 | — — — Sorte Granny Smith: | |

    — — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 14. februarja: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 56,8 EUR | 4 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 56,8 EUR | 6,4 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 55,7 EUR | 6,4 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,5 EUR | 6,4 + 3,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,4 EUR | 6,4 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 52,3 EUR | 6,4 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 15. februarja do dne 31. marca: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 56,8 EUR | 4 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 56,8 EUR | 6,4 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 55,7 EUR | 6,4 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,5 EUR | 6,4 + 3,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,4 EUR | 6,4 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 51,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 52,3 EUR | 6,4 + 5,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 50 EUR, vendar manj kot 51,1 EUR | 6,4 + 6,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 50 EUR | 6,4 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. aprila do dne 30. junija: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 56,8 EUR | prosto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 56,8 EUR | 4,8 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 1,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 55,7 EUR | 4,8 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 2,3 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,5 EUR | 4,8 + 3,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 3,4 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,4 EUR | 4,8 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 4,5 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 51,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 52,3 EUR | 4,8 + 5,7 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 5,7 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 50 EUR, vendar manj kot 51,1 EUR | 4,8 + 6,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 6,8 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 48,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 50 EUR | 4,8 + 8 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 8 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 48,8 EUR | 4,8 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 23,8 EUR) |

    — — — — Od dne 1. julija do dne 15. julija: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,7 EUR | prosto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,7 EUR, | 4,8 + 0,9 EUR,/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,9 EUR,, vendar manj kot 44,8 EUR | 4,8 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,9 EUR | 4,8 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42 EUR, vendar manj kot 43 EUR | 4,8 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 41,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 42 EUR | 4,8 + 4,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 40,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 41,1 EUR | 4,8 + 5,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 39,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 40,2 EUR | 4,8 + 6,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 39,3 EUR | 4,8 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 16. julija do dne 31. julija: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,7 EUR | prosto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,7 EUR, | 4,8 + 0,9 EUR,/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,8 EUR | 4,8 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,9 EUR | 4,8 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42 EUR, vendar manj kot 43 EUR | 4,8 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 42 EUR | 4,8 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. avgusta do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,7 EUR | 9 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,7 EUR | 11,2 + 0,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,8 EUR | 11,2 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,9 EUR | 11,2 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42 EUR, vendar manj kot 43 EUR | 11,2 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 42 EUR | 11,2 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    08081090 | — — — Drugo: | |

    — — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 14. februarja: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 56,8 EUR | 4 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 56,8 EUR | 6,4 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 55,7 EUR | 6,4 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,5 EUR | 6,4 + 3,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,4 EUR | 6,4 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 52,3 EUR | 6,4 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 15. februarja do dne 31. marca: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 56,8 EUR | 4 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 56,8 EUR | 6,4 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 55,7 EUR | 6,4 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,5 EUR | 6,4 + 3,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,4 EUR | 6,4 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 51,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 52,3 EUR | 6,4 + 5,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 50 EUR, vendar manj kot 51,1 EUR | 6,4 + 6,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 50 EUR | 6,4 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. aprila do dne 30. junija: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 56,8 EUR | prosto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 56,8 EUR | 4,8 + 1,1 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 1,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 54,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 55,7 EUR | 4,8 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 2,3 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 53,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 54,5 EUR | 4,8 + 3,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 3,4 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 52,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 53,4 EUR | 4,8 + 4,5 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 4,5 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 51,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 52,3 EUR | 4,8 + 5,7 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 5,7 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 50 EUR, vendar manj kot 51,1 EUR | 4,8 + 6,8 EUR/100 kg/neto(3 + 6,8 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 48,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 50 EUR | 4,8 + 8 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 8 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 48,8 EUR | 4,8 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (3 + 23,8 EUR) |

    — — — — Od dne 1. julija do dne 15. julija: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,7 EUR | prosto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,7 EUR | 4,8 + 0,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,8 EUR | 4,8 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,9 EUR | 4,8 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42 EUR, vendar manj kot 43 EUR | 4,8 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 41,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 42 EUR | 4,8 + 4,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 40,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 41,1 EUR | 4,8 + 5,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 39,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 40,2 EUR | 4,8 + 6,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 39,3 EUR | 4,8 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 16. julija do dne 31. julija: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,7 EUR | prosto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,7 EUR | 4,8 + 0,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,8 EUR | 4,8 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,9 EUR | 4,8 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42 EUR, vendar manj kot 43 EUR | 4,8 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 42 EUR | 4,8 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. avgusta do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,7 EUR | 9 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,7 EUR | 11,2 + 0,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,8 EUR | 11,2 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,9 EUR | 11,2 + 2,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42 EUR, vendar manj kot 43 EUR | 11,2 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 42 EUR | 11,2 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    080820 | — — Hruške | |

    08082010 | — — — Hruške za predelavo v mošt, razsute | 7,2 MIN 0,36 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. avgusta do dne 31. decembra | |

    08082050 | — — — Drugo: | |

    — — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 31. januarja: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 51 EUR | 8 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 50 EUR, vendar manj kot 51 EUR | 8 + 1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 49 EUR, vendar manj kot 50 EUR | 8 + 2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 49 EUR | 8 + 3,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,9 EUR | 8 + 4,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 46,9 EUR | 8 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. februarja do dne 31. marca: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 51 EUR | 5 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 50 EUR, vendar manj kot 51 EUR | 8 + 1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 49 EUR, vendar manj kot 50 EUR | 8 + 2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 49 EUR | 8 + 3,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,9 EUR | 8 + 4,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 46,9 EUR | 8 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. aprila do dne 30. aprila: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 51 EUR | prosto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 50 EUR, vendar manj kot 51 EUR | 4 + 1 EUR/100 kg/neto (2,5 + 1 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 49 EUR, vendar manj kot 50 EUR | 4 + 2 EUR/100 kg/neto (2,5 + 2 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 49 EUR | 4 + 3,1 EUR/100 kg/neto (2,5 + 3,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,9 EUR | 4 + 4,1 EUR/100 kg/neto (2,5 + 4,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,9 EUR | 4 + 5,1 EUR/100 kg/neto (2,5 + 5,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,9 EUR | 4 + 6,1 EUR/100 kg/neto (2,5 + 6,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,9 EUR | 4 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto (2,5 + 7,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 43,9 EUR | 4 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (2,5 + 23,8 EUR) |

    — — — — Od dne 1. maja do dne 30. junija | 2,5 MIN 1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. julija do dne 15. julija: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,5 EUR | prosto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,5 EUR | 4 + 0,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,6 EUR | 4 + 1,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,6 EUR | 4 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,7 EUR | 4 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 41,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 42,8 EUR | 4 + 4,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 40,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 41,9 EUR | 4 + 5,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 40 EUR, vendar manj kot 40,9 EUR | 4 + 6,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 40 EUR | 4 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 16. julija do dne 31. julija: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,5 EUR | 5 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 46,5 EUR | 8 + 0,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,6 EUR | 8 + 1,9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,6 EUR | 8 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,7 EUR | 8 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 42,8 EUR | 8 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. avgusta do dne 31. oktobra: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 38,8 EUR | 10,4 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 38 EUR, vendar manj kot 38,8 EUR | 10,4 + 0,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 37,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 38 EUR | 10,4 + 1,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 36,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 37,2 EUR | 10,4 + 2,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 35,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 36,5 EUR | 10,4 + 3,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 35,7 EUR | 10,4 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Od dne 1. novembra do dne 31. decembra: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 51 EUR | 10,4 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 50 EUR, vendar manj kot 51 EUR | 10,4 + 1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 49 EUR, vendar manj kot 50 EUR | 10,4 + 2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 49 EUR | 10,4 + 3,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,9 EUR | 10,4 + 4,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 46,9 EUR | 10,4 + 23,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    0809 | Marelice, češnje in višnje, breskve (vključno z nektarinami), slive, trnulje, sveže: | |

    08091000 | — Marelice: | |

    — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 31. maja | 20 |

    — — Od dne 1. junija do dne 20. junija: | |

    — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 107,1 EUR | 20 |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 105 EUR, vendar manj kot 107,1 EUR | 20 + 2,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 102,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 105 EUR | 20 + 4,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 100,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 102,8 EUR | 20 + 6,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 98,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 100,7 EUR | 20 + 8,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Manj kot 98,5 EUR | 20 + 22,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — Od dne 21. junija do dne 30. junija: | |

    — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 87,3 EUR | 20 |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 85,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 87,3 EUR | 20 + 1,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 83,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 85,6 EUR | 20 + 3,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 82,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 83,8 EUR | 20 + 5,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 80,3 EUR, vendar manj kot 82,1 EUR | 20 + 7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Manj kot 80,3 EUR | 20 + 22,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — Od dne 1. julija do dne 31. julija: | |

    — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 77,1 EUR | 20 |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 75,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 77,1 EUR | 20 + 1,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 74 EUR, vendar manj kot 75,6 EUR | 20 + 3,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 72,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 74 EUR | 20 + 4,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Ne manj kot 70,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 72,5 EUR | 20 + 6,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — Manj kot 70,9 EUR | 20 + 22,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — Od dne 1. avgusta do dne 31. decembra | 20 |

    08092005 | — — Višnje, sveže (Prunus cerasus): | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 30. aprila | 12 |

    — — — Od dne 1. maja do dne 20. maja | 12 MIN 2,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 21. maja do dne 31. maja: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 149,4 EUR | 12 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 146,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 149,4 EUR | 12 + 3 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 143,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 146,4 EUR | 12 + 6 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 140,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 143,4 EUR | 12 + 9 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 137,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 140,4 EUR | 12 + 12 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 50,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 137,4 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 49,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 50,7 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 1 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 48,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 49,7 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 2 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 48,7 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 3 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,7 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 4,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — Manj kot 46,6 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. junija do dne 15. julija: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 125,4 EUR | 12 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 122,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 125,4 EUR | 12 + 2,5 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 120,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 122,9 EUR | 12 + 5 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 117,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 120,4 EUR | 12 + 7,5 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 115,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 117,9 EUR | 12 + 10 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 50,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 115,4 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 49,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 50,7 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 1 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 48,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 49,7 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 2 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 47,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 48,7 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 3 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 46,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 47,7 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 4,1 EUR) |

    — — — — — Manj kot 46,6 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 16. julija do dne 31. julija: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 125,4 EUR | 12 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 122,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 125,4 EUR | 12 + 2,5 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 120,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 122,9 EUR | 12 + 5 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 117,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 120,4 EUR | 12 + 7,5 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 115,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 117,9 EUR | 12 + 10 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 115,4 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,9 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 0,9 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 45 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 1,8 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,1 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 2,8 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 42,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,1 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto(12 + 3,7 EUR) |

    — — — — — Manj kot 42,2 EUR | 12,5 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. avgusta do dne 10. avgusta: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 91,6 EUR | 12 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 89,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 91,6 EUR | 12 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 87,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 89,8 EUR | 12 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 86,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 87,9 EUR | 12 + 5,5 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 84,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 86,1 EUR | 12 + 7,3 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 84,1 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 45 EUR, vendar manj kot 45,9 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 0,9 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 44,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 45 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 1,8 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 43,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 44,1 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 2,7 EUR) |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 42,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 43,1 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto (12 + 3,6 EUR) |

    — — — — — Manj kot 42,2 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 11. avgusta do dne 31. decembra | 12 |

    08092095 | — — Druge višnje: | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 30. aprila | 12 |

    — — — Od dne 1. maja do dne 20. maja | 12 MIN 2,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 21. maja do dne 31. maja: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 149,4 EUR | 12 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 146,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 149,4 EUR | 12 + 3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 143,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 146,4 EUR | 12 + 6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 140,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 143,4 EUR | 12 + 9 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 137,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 140,4 EUR | 12 + 12 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 137,4 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. junija do dne 15. junija: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 125,4 EUR | 12 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 122,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 125,4 EUR | 12 + 2,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 120,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 122,9 EUR | 12 + 5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 117,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 120,4 EUR | 12 + 7,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 115,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 117,9 EUR | 12 + 10 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 115,4 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 16. junija do dne 15. julija: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 125,4 EUR | 6 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 122,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 125,4 EUR | 12 + 2,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 120,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 122,9 EUR | 12 + 5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 117,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 120,4 EUR | 12 + 7,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 115,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 117,9 EUR | 12 + 10 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 115,4 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 16. julija do dne 31. julija: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 125,4 EUR | 12 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 122,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 125,4 EUR | 12 + 2,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 120,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 122,9 EUR | 12 + 5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 117,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 120,4 EUR | 12 + 7,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 115,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 117,9 EUR | 12 + 10 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 115,4 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. avgusta do dne 10. avgusta: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 91,6 EUR | 12 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 89,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 91,6 EUR | 12 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 87,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 89,8 EUR | 12 + 3,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 86,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 87,9 EUR | 12 + 5,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 84,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 86,1 EUR | 12 + 7,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 84,1 EUR | 12 + 27,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 11. avgusta do dne 31. decembra | 12 |

    080930 | — Breskve, vključno z nektarinami: | |

    08093010 | — — Nektarine: | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 10. junija | 17,6 |

    — — — Od dne 11. junija do dne 20. junija: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 88,3 EUR | 17,6 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 86,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 88,3 EUR | 17,6 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 84,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 86,5 EUR | 17,6 + 3,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 83 EUR, vendar manj kot 84,8 EUR | 17,6 + 5,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 81,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 83 EUR | 17,6 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 81,2 EUR | 17,6 + 13 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 21. junija do dne 31. julija: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 77,6 EUR | 17,6 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 76 EUR, vendar manj kot 77,6 EUR | 17,6 + 1,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 74,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 76 EUR | 17,6 + 3,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 72,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 74,5 EUR | 17,6 + 4,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 71,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 72,9 EUR | 17,6 + 6,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 71,4 EUR | 17,6 + 13 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. avgusta do dne 30. septembra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 60 EUR | 17,6 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 58,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 60 EUR | 17,6 + 1,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 57,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 58,8 EUR | 17,6 + 2,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 56,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 57,6 EUR | 17,6 + 3,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 56,4 EUR | 17,6 + 4,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 55,2 EUR | 17,6 + 13 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. oktobra do dne 31. decembra | 17,6 |

    08093090 | — — Drugo: | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 10. junija | 17,6 |

    — — — Od dne 11. junija do dne 20. junija: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 88,3 EUR | 17,6 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 86,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 88,3 EUR | 17,6 + 1,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 84,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 86,5 EUR | 17,6 + 3,5 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 83 EUR, vendar manj kot 84,8 EUR | 17,6 + 5,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 81,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 83 EUR | 17,6 + 7,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 81,2 EUR | 17,6 + 13 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 21. junija do dne 31. julija: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 77,6 EUR | 17,6 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 76 EUR, vendar manj kot 77,6 EUR | 17,6 + 1,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 74,5 EUR, vendar manj kot 76 EUR | 17,6 + 3,1 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 72,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 74,5 EUR | 17,6 + 4,7 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 71,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 72,9 EUR | 17,6 + 6,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 71,4 EUR | 17,6 + 13 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. avgusta do dne 30. septembra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 60 EUR | 17,6 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 58,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 60 EUR | 17,6 + 1,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 57,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 58,8 EUR | 17,6 + 2,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 56,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 57,6 EUR | 17,6 + 3, 6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 55,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 56,4 EUR | 17,6 + 4,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 55,2 EUR | 17,6 + 13 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. oktobra do dne 31. decembra | 17,6 |

    08094005 | — — Slive: | |

    — — — Od dne 1. januarja do dne 10. junija | 6,4 |

    — — — Od dne 11. junija do dne 30. junija: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 69,6 EUR | 6,4 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 68,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 69,6 EUR | 6,4 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 66,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 68,2 EUR | 6,4 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 65,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 66,8 EUR | 6,4 + 4,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 64 EUR, vendar manj kot 65,4 EUR | 6,4 + 5,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 64 EUR | 6,4 + 10,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. julija do dne 30. septembra: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 69,6 EUR | 12 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 68,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 69,6 EUR | 12 + 1,4 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 66,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 68,2 EUR | 12 + 2,8 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 65,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 66,8 EUR | 12 + 4,2 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 64 EUR, vendar manj kot 65,4 EUR | 12 + 5,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — Manj kot 64 EUR | 12 + 10,3 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Od dne 1. oktobra do dne 31. decembra | 6,4 |

    — Grozdni sok (vključno grozdni mošt): | |

    200961 | — — Z vrednostjo Brix več kot 30: | |

    20096110 | — — — Vrednost več kot 18 EUR, za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    — — — — Z vhodno ceno za hl: | |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 42,5 EUR | 22,4 |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 41,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 42,5 EUR | 22,4 + 0,8 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 40,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 41,7 EUR | 22,4 + 1,7 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 40 EUR, vendar manj kot 40,8 EUR | 22,4 + 2,5 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — Ne manj kot 39,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 40 EUR | 22,4 + 3,4 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — Manj kot 39,1 EUR | 22,4 + 27 EUR/hl |

    200969 | — — Drugo: | |

    — — — Z vrednostjo Brix več kot 67: | |

    20096919 | — — — — Drugo: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za hl: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 212,4 EUR | 40 |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 208,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 212,4 EUR | 40 + 4,2 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 203,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 208,2 EUR | 40 + 8,5 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 199,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 203,9 EUR | 40 + 12,7 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 195,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 199,7 EUR | 40 + 17 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 195,4 EUR | 40 + 121 EUR/hl |

    — — — Z vrednostjo Brix več kot 30, vendar ne več kot 67: | |

    — — — — Vrednost več kot 18 EUR, za 100 kg neto mase: | |

    20096951 | — — — — — Koncentriran: | |

    — — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za hl: | |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 209,4 EUR | 22,4 |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 205,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 209,4 EUR | 22,4 + 4,2 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 201 EUR, vendar manj kot 205,2 EUR | 22,4 + 8,4 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 196,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 201 EUR | 22,4 + 12,6 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 192,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 196,8 EUR | 22,4 + 16,8 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — — — Manj kot 192,6 EUR | 22,4 + 131 EUR/hl |

    20096959 | — — — — — Drugo: | |

    — — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za hl: | |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42,5 EUR | 22,4 |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 41,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 42,5 EUR | 22,4 + 0,8 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 40,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 41,7 EUR | 22,4 + 1,7 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 40 EUR, vendar manj kot 40,8 EUR | 22,4 + 2,5 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — — — Ne manj kot 39,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 40 EUR | 22,4 + 3,4 EUR/hl |

    — — — — — — — Manj kot 39,1 EUR | |

    2204 | Vino iz svežega grozdja, vključno ojačena vina; grozdni mošt, razen tistega iz tar. št. 2009: | |

    220430 | — Drug grozdni mošt: | |

    — — Drugo: | |

    — — — Z gostoto 1,33 g/cm3 ali manj pri 20 °C in z dejansko vsebnostjo alkohola do vključno 1 vol. %: | |

    22043092 | — — — — Koncentrirani: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za hl: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 209,4 EUR | 22,4 + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 205,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 209,4 EUR | 22,4 + 4,2 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 201 EUR, vendar manj kot 205,2 EUR | 22,4 + 8,4 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 196,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 201 EUR | 22,4 + 12,6 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 192,6 EUR, vendar manj kot 196,8 EUR | 22,4 + 16,8 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 192,6 EUR | 22,4 + 131 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    22043094 | — — — — Drugo: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za hl: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42,5 EUR | 22,4 + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 41,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 42,5 EUR | 22,4 + 0,8 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 40,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 41,7 EUR | 22,4 + 1,7 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 40 EUR, vendar manj kot 40,8 EUR | 22,4 + 2,5 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 39,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 40 EUR | 22,4 + 3,4 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot EUR 39,1 | 22,4 + 27 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — Drugo: | |

    22043096 | — — — — Koncentrirani: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za hl: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 212,4 EUR | 40 + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 208,2 EUR, vendar manj kot 212,4 EUR | 40 + 4,2 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 203,9 EUR, vendar manj kot 208,2 EUR | 40 + 8,5 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 199,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 203,9 EUR | 40 + 12,7 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 195,4 EUR, vendar manj kot 199,7 EUR | 40 + 17 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 195,4 EUR | 40 + 121 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    22043098 | — — — Drugo: | |

    — — — — — Z vhodno ceno za hl: | |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 42,5 EUR | 40 + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 41,7 EUR, vendar manj kot 42,5 EUR | 40 + 0,8 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 40,8 EUR, vendar manj kot 41,7 EUR | 40 + 1,7 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 40 EUR, vendar manj kot 40,8 EUR | 40 + 2,5 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Ne manj kot 39,1 EUR, vendar manj kot 40 EUR | 40 + 3,4 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |

    — — — — — — Manj kot 39,1 EUR | 40 + 27 EUR/hl + 20,6 EUR/100 kg/neto |




    (Omenjena v členih 60, 66 in 69 Pridružitvenega sporazuma)

    Uvodna opomba

    Časovni razpored tarif v tej prilogi vsebuje naslednje štiri stolpce:

    (a) "Tarifna številka HS 2002" : tarifne številke, ki se uporabljajo v nomenklaturi harmoniziranega sistema, omenjenega v členu 62;

    (b) "Poimenovanje" : poimenovanje izdelka iz oznake;

    (c) "Osnova" : osnovna carina, od katere se začne program tarifne odprave, omenjen v členu 60(3);

    (d) "Kategorija" "Year 0" : liberalizacija ob začetku veljavnosti Sporazuma

    "Year 5" : liberalizacija v prehodnem obdobju petih let

    "Year 7" : liberalizacija v prehodnem obdobju sedmih let

    "Year 10" : liberalizacija v prehodnem obdobju desetih let

    "TQ" : liberalizacija znotraj tarifne kvote (za posebne pogoje glej oddelek 1).

    Ta opis časovnega razporeda tarif je namenjen zgolj za lažje razumevanje te priloge in ne nadomešča ali spreminja ustreznih določb naslova II dela IV.

    * V Čilu ali drugih špansko govorečih deželah se navadno uporablja sinonim.



    (Omenjene v členih 69(2) in 72(2))

    Naslednje tarifne koncesije veljajo od datuma začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma na letni osnovi pri uvozu izdelkov s poreklom iz Skupnosti v Čile:

    Kmetijski proizvodi

    1. Čile odobri dajatev prost uvoz 1500 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifno številko 0406, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(1)(a)", s 5 % letnim povečanjem prvotne količine.

    2. Čile odobri dajatev prost uvoz skupne količine 3000 metričnih ton proizvodov, vključenih v tarifne številke 15091000, 15099000 in 15100000, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(2)(a)", s 5 % letnim povečanjem prvotne količine.

    Ribiški proizvodi

    3. Čile dovoli uvoz naslednjih količin in proizvodov s postopno odpravo carin v desetih enakih stopnjah, pri čemer prva nastopi ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma in preostale 1. januarja vsako zaporedno leto, tako da se carina v celoti odpravi do 1. januarja desetega leta po začetku veljavnosti Sporazuma:

    (a) skupno količino 5000 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifne številke 03026921, 03026922, 03026923, 03026924 in 03026929, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(3)(a)"; in

    (b) skupno količino 40 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifne številke 03053010, 03054110, 03054120, 03054130, 03054140, 03054150, 03054160 in 03054190, naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(3)(b)".

    4. Čile dovoli uvoz skupne količine 150 metričnih ton proizvodov, uvrščenih v tarifne številke ex16041410, ex16041420, ex16041990, ex16042010 in ex16042090, razen filetov, znanih kot "vlečeni fileti", naštetih v tej prilogi kot "TQ(4)" s preferencialno carino, ki znaša eno tretjino MFN dajatve, ki se uporablja v času uvoza.



    Partida SA 2002 | Descripción | Base | Categoría |

    01 | Animales vivos | | |

    0101 | Caballos, asnos, mulos y burdéganos, vivos. | | |

    0101.10.00 | — Reproductores de raza pura | 6 | Year 0 |

    0101.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    — — Caballos: | | |

    0101.90.11 | — — — de carrera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0101.90.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0101.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0102 | Animales vivos de la especie bovina. | | |

    0102.10.00 | — Reproductores de raza pura | 6 | Year 0 |

    0102.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0103 | Animales vivos de la especie porcina. | | |

    0103.10.00 | — Reproductores de raza pura | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    0103.91.00 | — — De peso inferior a 50 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    0103.92.00 | — — De peso superior o igual a 50 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    0104 | Animales vivos de las especies ovina o caprina. | | |

    0104.10 | — De la especie ovina: | | |

    0104.10.10 | — — Reproductores de raza pura | 6 | Year 0 |

    0104.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0104.20.00 | — de la especie caprina | 6 | Year 0 |

    0105 | Gallos, gallinas, patos, gansos, pavos (gallipavos) y pintadas, de las especies domésticas, vivos. | | |

    — De peso inferior o igual a 185 g: | | |

    0105.11 | — — Gallos y gallinas: | | |

    0105.11.10 | — — — Reproductores | 6 | Year 0 |

    0105.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0105.12.00 | — — Pavos (gallipavos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0105.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    0105.92.00 | — — Gallos y gallinas de peso inferior o igual a 2000 g | 6 | Year 0 |

    0105.93.00 | — — Gallos y gallinas de peso superior a 2000 g | 6 | Year 0 |

    0105.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0106 | Los demás animales vivos. | | |

    — Mamíferos: | | |

    0106.11.00 | — — Primates | 6 | Year 0 |

    0106.12.00 | — — Ballenas, delfines y marsopas (mamíferos del orden Cetáceos); manatíes y dugones o dugongos (mamíferos del orden Sirenios) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0106.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    0106.19.10 | — — — Camélidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0106.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0106.20.00 | — Reptiles (incluidas las serpientes y tortugas de mar) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aves: | | |

    0106.31.00 | — — Aves de rapiña | 6 | Year 0 |

    0106.32.00 | — — Psitaciformes (incluidos los loros, guacamayos, cacatúas y demás papagayos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0106.39.00 | — — las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0106.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    02 | Carne y despojos comestibles | | |

    0201 | Carne de animales de la especie bovina, fresca o refrigerada. | | |

    0201.10.00 | — En canales o medias canales | 6 | Year 10 |

    0201.20.00 | — Los demás cortes (trozos) sin deshuesar | 6 | Year 10 |

    0201.30 | — Deshuesada: | | |

    0201.30.10 | — — Cuartos delanteros | 6 | Year 10 |

    0201.30.20 | — — Cuartos traseros | 6 | Year 10 |

    0201.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    0202 | Carne de animales de la especie bovina, congelada. | | |

    0202.10.00 | — En canales o medias canales | 6 | Year 10 |

    0202.20.00 | — Los demás cortes (trozos) sin deshuesar | 6 | Year 10 |

    0202.30 | — Deshuesada: | | |

    0202.30.10 | — — Cuartos delanteros | 6 | Year 10 |

    0202.30.20 | — — Cuartos traseros | 6 | Year 10 |

    0202.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    0203 | Carne de animales de la especie porcina, fresca, refrigerada o congelada. | | |

    — Fresca o refrigerada: | | |

    0203.11.00 | — — En canales o medias canales | 6 | Year 0 |

    0203.12.00 | — — Piernas, paletas, y sus trozos, sin deshuesar | 6 | Year 0 |

    0203.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Congelada: | | |

    0203.21.00 | — — En canales o medias canales | 6 | Year 0 |

    0203.22 | — — Piernas, paletas, y sus trozos, sin deshuesar: | | |

    0203.22.10 | — — — Chuletas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0203.22.20 | — — — Costillar | 6 | Year 0 |

    0203.22.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0203.29 | — — Las demás: | | |

    0203.29.10 | — — — Tocino con capa de carne adherida | 6 | Year 0 |

    0203.29.20 | — — — Tocino entreverado de panza (panceta) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0203.29.30 | — — — Deshuesada | 6 | Year 0 |

    0203.29.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0204 | Carne de animales de las especies ovina o caprina, fresca, refrigerada o congelada. | | |

    0204.10.00 | — Canales o medias canales de cordero, frescas o refrigeradas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás carnes de animales de la especie ovina, frescas o refrigeradas: | | |

    0204.21.00 | — — En canales o medias canales | 6 | Year 0 |

    0204.22.00 | — — Los demás cortes (trozos) sin deshuesar | 6 | Year 0 |

    0204.23.00 | — — Deshuesadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0204.30.00 | — Canales o medias canales de cordero, congeladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás carnes de animales de la especie ovina, congeladas: | | |

    0204.41.00 | — — En canales o medias canales | 6 | Year 0 |

    0204.42 | — — Los demás cortes (trozos) sin deshuesar: | | |

    0204.42.10 | — — — Paleta | 6 | Year 0 |

    0204.42.20 | — — — Pierna | 6 | Year 0 |

    0204.42.30 | — — — Silla | 6 | Year 0 |

    0204.42.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0204.43 | — — Deshuesadas: | | |

    0204.43.10 | — — — Filete | 6 | Year 0 |

    0204.43.20 | — — — Lomo | 6 | Year 0 |

    0204.43.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0204.50.00 | — Carne de animales de la especie caprina | 6 | Year 0 |

    0205.00.00 | Carne de animales de las especies caballar, asnal o mular, fresca, refrigerada o congelada. | 6 | Year 0 |

    0206 | Despojos comestibles de animales de las especies bovina, porcina, ovina, caprina, caballar, asnal o mular, frescos, refrigerados o congelados. | | |

    0206.10.00 | — De la especie bovina, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 10 |

    — De la especie bovina, congelados: | | |

    0206.21.00 | — — Lenguas | 6 | Year 10 |

    0206.22.00 | — — Hígados | 6 | Year 10 |

    0206.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    0206.30.00 | — De la especie porcina, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De la especie porcina, congelados: | | |

    0206.41.00 | — — Hígados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0206.49 | — — Los demás: | | |

    0206.49.10 | — — — Manos y patas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0206.49.20 | — — — Orejas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0206.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0206.80.00 | — Los demás, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0206.90.00 | — Los demás, congelados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207 | Carne y despojos comestibles, de aves de la partida 0105, frescos, refrigerados o congelados. | | |

    — De gallo o gallina: | | |

    0207.11.00 | — — Sin trocear, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.12 | — — Sin trocear, congelados: | | |

    0207.12.10 | — — — Con un peso inferior a 2 kilos neto | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.12.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.13.00 | — — Trozos y despojos, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.14 | — — Trozos y despojos, congelados: | | |

    0207.14.10 | — — — Trozos deshuesados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Trozos sin deshuesar: | | |

    0207.14.21 | — — — — Mitades o cuartos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.14.22 | — — — — Pechugas y sus trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.14.23 | — — — — Muslos y sus trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.14.24 | — — — — Alas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.14.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.14.30 | — — — Despojos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De pavo (gallipavo): | | |

    0207.24.00 | — — Sin trocear, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.25.00 | — — Sin trocear, congelados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.26.00 | — — Trozos y despojos, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.27 | — — Trozos y despojos, congelados: | | |

    0207.27.10 | — — — Pechugas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.27.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De pato, ganso o pintada: | | |

    0207.32.00 | — — Sin trocear, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.33.00 | — — Sin trocear, congelados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.34.00 | — — Hígados grasos, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.35.00 | — — Los demás, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0207.36.00 | — — Los demás, congelados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0208 | Las demás carnes y despojos comestibles, frescos, refrigerados o congelados. | | |

    0208.10.00 | — De conejo o liebre | 6 | Year 0 |

    0208.20.00 | — Ancas (patas) de rana | 6 | Year 0 |

    0208.30.00 | — De primates | 6 | Year 0 |

    0208.40.00 | — De ballenas, delfines y marsopas (mamíferos del orden Cetáceos); de manatíes y dugones o dugongos (mamíferos del orden Sirenios) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0208.50.00 | — De reptiles (incluidas las serpientes y tortugas de mar) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0208.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0209 | Tocino sin partes magras y grasa de cerdo o de ave sin fundir ni extraer de otro modo, frescos, refrigerados, congelados, salados o en salmuera, secos o ahumados | | |

    0209.00.10 | — Frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0209.00.20 | — Congelados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0209.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0210 | Carne y despojos comestibles, salados o en salmuera, secos o ahumados; harina y polvo comestibles, de carne o de despojos | | |

    — Carne de la especie porcina: | | |

    0210.11.00 | — — Jamones, paletas, y sus trozos, sin deshuesar | 6 | Year 0 |

    0210.12.00 | — — Tocino entreverado de panza (panceta) y sus trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0210.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0210.20.00 | — Carne de la especie bovina | 6 | Year 10 |

    — Los demás, incluidos la harina y polvo comestibles, de carne o de despojos: | | |

    0210.91.00 | — — De primates | 6 | Year 10 |

    0210.92.00 | — — De ballenas, delfines y marsopas (mamíferos del orden Cetáceos); de manatíes y dugones o dugongos (mamíferos del orden Sirénios) | 6 | Year 10 |

    0210.93.00 | — — De reptiles (incluidas las serpientes y tortugas de mar) | 6 | Year 10 |

    0210.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    03 | Pescados y crustáceos, moluscos y demás invertebrados acuáticos | | |

    0301 | Peces vivos | | |

    0301.10.00 | — Peces ornamentales | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás peces vivos: | | |

    0301.91 | — — Truchas (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache y Oncorhynchus chrysogaster): | | |

    0301.91.10 | — — — Para reproducción o cría industrial | 6 | Year 0 |

    0301.91.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0301.92 | — — Anguilas (Anguilla spp.): | | |

    0301.92.10 | — — — Para reproducción o cría industrial | 6 | Year 0 |

    0301.92.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0301.93 | — — Carpas: | | |

    0301.93.10 | — — — Para reproducción o cría industrial | 6 | Year 0 |

    0301.93.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0301.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    0301.99.10 | — — — Para reproducción o cría industrial | 6 | Year 0 |

    0301.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302 | Pescado fresco o refrigerado, excepto los filetes y demás carne de pescado de la partida 0304 | | |

    — Salmónidos, excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas: | | |

    0302.11 | — — Truchas (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache y Oncorhynchus chrysogaster): | | |

    0302.11.10 | — — — Enteras | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.11.20 | — — — Descabezadas y evisceradas ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.11.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.12 | — — Salmones del Pacífico ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou y Orcorhynchus rhodurus), salmones del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y salmones del Danubio (Hucho hucho): | | |

    — — — Salmones del Pacífico: | | |

    0302.12.11 | — — — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.12.12 | — — — — Descabezados y eviscerados ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.12.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Salmones del Atlántico y salmones del Danubio: | | |

    0302.12.21 | — — — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.12.22 | — — — — Descabezados y eviscerados ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.12.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Pescados planos (Pleuronéctidos, Bótidos, Cynoglósidos, Soleidos, Escoftálmidos y Citáridos), excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas: | | |

    0302.21.00 | — — Halibut (fletán) (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.22.00 | — — Sollas (Pleuronectes platessa) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.23.00 | — — Lenguados (Solea spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus): | | |

    0302.29.11 | — — — — Entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.29.12 | — — — — Descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.29.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Hirame (Paralichtys olivaceus): | | |

    0302.29.21 | — — — — Entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.29.22 | — — — — Descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.29.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Atunes (del género Thunnus), listados o bonitos de vientre rayado (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis), excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas: | | |

    0302.31 | — — Albacoras o atunes blancos (Thunnus alalunga): | | |

    0302.31.10 | — — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.31.20 | — — — Descabezados y eviscerados ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.31.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.32.00 | — — Atunes de aleta amarilla (rabiles) (Thunnus albacares) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.33.00 | — — Listados o bonitos de vientre rayado | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.34.00 | — — Patudos o atunes ojo grande (Thunnus obesus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.35.00 | — — Atunes comunes o de aleta azul (Thunnus thynnus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.36.00 | — — Atunes del sur (Thunnus maccoyii) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.40.00 | — Arenques (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.50.00 | — Bacalaos (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás pescados, excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas: | | |

    0302.61 | — — Sardinas (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinelas ( Sardinella spp.) y espadines (Sprattus sprattus): | | |

    — — — Sardina (sardinops sagax): | | |

    0302.61.11 | — — — — Entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.61.12 | — — — — Descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.61.19 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.61.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.62.00 | — — Eglefinos (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.63.00 | — — Carboneros (Pollachius virens) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.64.00 | — — Caballas (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.65 | — — Escualos: | | |

    0302.65.10 | — — — Tiburón (Marrajo)(Isurus oxyrinchus) y azulejo (Prionace glauca) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.65.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.66.00 | — — Anguilas (Anguilla spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Mero (Bacalao de profundidad) (Dissostichus eleginoides): | | |

    0302.69.11 | — — — — Entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.12 | — — — — Descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Merluza (Merluccius spp.): | | |

    0302.69.21 | — — — — Merluza común (Merluccius gayi gayi), entera | — | TQ(3)(a) |

    0302.69.22 | — — — — Merluza común (Merluccius gayi gayi), descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | — | TQ(3)(a) |

    0302.69.23 | — — — — Merluza del sur (Merluccius australis), entera | — | TQ(3)(a) |

    0302.69.24 | — — — — Merluza del sur (Merluccius australis), descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | — | TQ(3)(a) |

    0302.69.29 | — — — — Las demás | — | TQ(3)(a) |

    — — — Jurel (Trachurus murphyi): | | |

    0302.69.31 | — — — — Entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.32 | — — — — Descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.39 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.40 | — — — Corvina (Cilus gilberti) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Reineta (Brama australis): | | |

    0302.69.51 | — — — — Entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.52 | — — — — Descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.59 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Sardina común (Clupea bentincki): | | |

    0302.69.61 | — — — — Entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.62 | — — — — Descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.69 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Albacora o pez espada (Xiphias gladius): | | |

    0302.69.71 | — — — — Entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.72 | — — — — Descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.79 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Congrio (Genypterus chilensis) (Genypterus blacodes) (Genypterus maculatus), cojinova (Seriolella violacea) (Seriolella caerulea) (Seriolella punctata), brótula (Salilota australis) y pejerrey de mar (Odonthetes regia): | | |

    0302.69.81 | — — — — Congrio dorado (Genypterus blacodes), entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.82 | — — — — Congrio dorado (Genypterus blacodes), descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.83 | — — — — Los demás congrios (Genypterus chilensis) (Genypterus maculatus), enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.84 | — — — — Los demás congrios (Genypterus chilensis) (Genypterus maculatus), descabezados y eviscerados ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.89 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás | | |

    0302.69.91 | — — — — Esturión blanco (Acipenser transmontanus) y esturión de Siberia (Acipenser baeri), entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.92 | — — — — Esturión blanco (Acipenser transmontanus) y esturión de Siberia (Acipenser baeri), descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.93 | — — — — Merluza de cola (Macruronus magellanicus), entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.94 | — — — — Merluza de cola (Macruronus magellanicus), descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.95 | — — — — Merluza de tres aletas (Micromesistius australis), entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.96 | — — — — Merluza de tres aletas (Micromesistius australis), descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.69.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0302.70.00 | — Hígados, huevas y lechas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303 | Pescado congelado, excepto los filetes y demás carne de pescado de la partida 0304 | | |

    — Salmones del Pacífico (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou y Oncorhynchus rhodurus), excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas: | | |

    0303.11 | — — Salmones rojos (Oncorhynchus nerka): | | |

    0303.11.10 | — — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.11.20 | — — — Descabezados y eviscerados ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    0303.19.10 | — — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.19.20 | — — — Descabezados y eviscerados ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás salmónidos, excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas: | | |

    0303.21 | — — Truchas (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache y Oncorhynchus chrysogaster): | | |

    0303.21.10 | — — — Enteras | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.21.20 | — — — Descabezadas y evisceradas ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.21.30 | — — — Trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.22 | — — Salmones del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y salmones del Danubio (Hucho hucho): | | |

    0303.22.10 | — — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.22.20 | — — — Descabezados y eviscerados ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.22.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Pescados planos (Pleuronéctidos, Bótidos, Cynoglósidos, Soleidos, Escoftálmidos y Citáridos), excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas: | | |

    0303.31.00 | — — Halibut (fletán) (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.32.00 | — — Sollas (Pleuronectes platessa) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.33.00 | — — Lenguados (Solea spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus): | | |

    0303.39.11 | — — — — Entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.39.12 | — — — — Descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.39.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Hirame (Paralichtys olivaceus): | | |

    0303.39.21 | — — — — Entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.39.22 | — — — — Descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.39.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Atunes (del género Thunnus), listados o bonitos de vientre rayado (Euthynnus [Katsuwonus] pelamis), excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas: | | |

    0303.41 | — — Albacoras o atunes blancos (Thunnus alalunga): | | |

    0303.41.10 | — — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.41.20 | — — — Descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.41.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.42.00 | — — Atunes de aleta amarilla (rabiles) (Thunnus albacares) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.43.00 | — — Listados o bonitos de vientre rayado | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.44.00 | — — Patudos o atunes ojo grande (Thunnus obesus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.45.00 | — — Atunes comunes o de aleta azul (Thunnus thynnus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.46.00 | — — Atunes del sur (Thunnus maccoyii) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.50.00 | — Arenques (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.60.00 | — Bacalaos (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás pescados, excepto los hígados, huevas y lechas: | | |

    0303.71 | — — Sardinas (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinelas (Sardinella spp.) y espadines (Sprattus sprattus): | | |

    — — — Sardinas (Sardinops sagax): | | |

    0303.71.11 | — — — — Entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.71.12 | — — — — Descabezadas y evisceradas ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.71.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.71.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.72.00 | — — Eglefinos (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.73.00 | — — Carboneros (Pollachius virens) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.74 | — — Caballas (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, | | |

    Scomber japonicus): | | |

    — — — Scomber japonicus peruanus: | | |

    0303.74.11 | — — — — Entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.74.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.74.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.75 | — — Escualos: | | |

    0303.75.10 | — — — Tiburón (Marrajo) (Isurus oxyrinchus) y azulejo | 6 | Year 0 |

    (Prionace glauca) | | |

    0303.75.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.76.00 | — — Anguilas (Anguilla spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.77.00 | — — Róbalos (Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.78 | — — Merluzas (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.): | | |

    — — — Merluza común (Merluccius gayi gayi): | | |

    0303.78.11 | — — — — Entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.78.12 | — — — — Descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.78.19 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Merluza del sur (Merluccius australis): | | |

    0303.78.21 | — — — — Entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.78.22 | — — — — Descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.78.29 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.78.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Mero (Bacalao de profundidad) (Dissostichus eleginoides): | | |

    0303.79.11 | — — — — Entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.12 | — — — — Descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Jurel (Trachurus murphyi): | | |

    0303.79.21 | — — — — Entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.22 | — — — — Descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Congrio (Genypterus chilensis) (Genypterus blacodes) (Genypterus maculatus), Cojinova (Seriolella violacea) (Seriolella caerulea) (Seriolella punctata), Brótula (Salilota australis) y Pejerrey de mar (Odonthestes regia): | | |

    0303.79.31 | — — — — Congrio dorado (Genypterus blacodes), entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.32 | — — — — Congrio dorado (Genypterus blacodes), descabezado y eviscerado ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.33 | — — — — Los demás congrios enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.34 | — — — — Los demás congrios, descabezados y eviscerados ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.35 | — — — — Cojinova (Seriorella violacea), (Seriorella caerulea), (Seriorella punctata), entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.36 | — — — — Cojinova (Seriorella violacea), (Seriorella caerulea), (Seriorella punctata), descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.37 | — — — — Brótula (Salilota australis), entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.38 | — — — — Brótula (Salilota australis), descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.39 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.40 | — — — Corvina (Cilus gilberti) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Reineta (Brama australis): | | |

    0303.79.51 | — — — — Entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.52 | — — — — Descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.59 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.60 | — — — Mantarraya (Raja spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Sardina común (Clupea bentincki): | | |

    0303.79.71 | — — — — Entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.72 | — — — — Descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.79 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Albacora o pez espada (Xiphias gladius): | | |

    0303.79.81 | — — — — Entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.82 | — — — — Descabezada y eviscerada ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.83 | — — — — Tronco | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.89 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    0303.79.91 | — — — — Alfonsino (Beryx splendens), entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.92 | — — — — Orange roughy (Hoplothethus atlanticus), entero | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.93 | — — — — Merluza de cola (Macruronus magellanicus), entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.94 | — — — — Merluza de tres aletas (Micromesistius australis), entera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.95 | — — — — Merluza de tres aletas (Micromesistius australis), descabezada y eviscerada "HG" | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.79.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.80 | — Hígados, huevas y lechas: | | |

    0303.80.10 | — — De salmones del Pacífico, del Atlántico y del Danubio | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.80.20 | — — De truchas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.80.30 | — — De merluza (Merluccius spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0303.80.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304 | Filetes y demás carne de pescado (incluso picada), frescos, refrigerados o congelados. | | |

    0304.10 | — Frescos o refrigerados: | | |

    — — Albacora (Xiphias gladius): | | |

    0304.10.11 | — — — Filetes | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.20 | — — Tiburón (Marrajo) (Isurus oxyrinchus) y azulejo (Prionace glauca) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Mero (Bacalao de profundidad) (Dissostichus eleginoides) y bacalao (Polyprion oxygeneios): | | |

    0304.10.31 | — — — Filete de mero (Bacalao de profundidad) (Dissostichus eleginoides) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.32 | — — — Filete de bacalao (Polyprion oxygeneios) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.39 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Merluza (Merluccius spp.): | | |

    0304.10.41 | — — — Filetes de merluza común (Merluccius gayi gayi) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.42 | — — — Filetes de merluza del sur (Merluccius australis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.49 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Salmones del Pacífico (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou y Orcorhynchus rhodurus), salmones del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y salmones del Danubio (Hucho hucho): | | |

    0304.10.51 | — — — Filetes de salmones del Pacífico (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou y Oncorhynchus rhodurus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.52 | — — — Filetes de salmones del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y salmones del Danubio (Hucho hucho) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.59 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Truchas (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache y Oncorhynchus chrysogaster): | | |

    0304.10.61 | — — — Filetes | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.69 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Sardina (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), Jurel (Trachurus murphyi) y Caballa (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus): | | |

    0304.10.71 | — — — Filetes de sardina (Sardinops sagax) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.72 | — — — Filetes de jurel (Trachurus murphyi) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.73 | — — — Filetes de caballa (Scomber japonicus peruana) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.79 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Sardina común (Clupea bentincki): | | |

    0304.10.81 | — — — Filetes | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.89 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    0304.10.91 | — — — Filetes de merluza de cola (Macruronus magallanicus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.92 | — — — Filetes de merluza de tres aletas (Micromesistius australis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.10.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20 | — Filetes congelados: | | |

    0304.20.10 | — — Albacora (Xiphias gladius) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.20 | — — Tiburón (Marrajo) (Isurus oxyrinchus) y azulejo (Prionace glauca) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Mero (Bacalao de profundidad) (Dissostichus eleginoides) y bacalao (Polyprion oxygeneios): | | |

    0304.20.31 | — — — Bacalao de profundidad (Dissostichus eleginoides) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.32 | — — — Bacalao de Juan Fernández (Polyprion oxygeneios) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Merluza (Merluccius spp.): | | |

    0304.20.41 | — — — Merluza común (Merluccius gayi gayi) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.42 | — — — Merluza del sur (Merluccius australis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.49 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Salmones del Pacífico ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou y Orcorhynchus rhodurus), salmones del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y salmones del Danubio (Hucho hucho): | | |

    0304.20.51 | — — — Salmones del Pacífico | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.52 | — — — Salmones del Atlántico y salmones del Danubio | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.60 | — — Truchas (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache y Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Sardina (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), Jurel (Trachurus murphyi) y Caballa (Scomber scrombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus): | | |

    0304.20.71 | — — — Sardina (Sardinops sagax) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.72 | — — — Jurel (Trachurus murphyi) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.73 | — — — Caballa (Scomber japonicus peruanus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.79 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.80 | — — Congrio (Genypterus chilensis) (Genypterus blacodes) (Genyreptus maculatus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    0304.20.91 | — — — Sardina común (Clupea bentincki) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.92 | — — — Merluza de cola (Macruronus magallanicus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.93 | — — — Merluza de tres aletas (Micromesistius australis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.20.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    0304.90.10 | — — Albacora (Xiphias gladius) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.20 | — — Tiburón (Marrajo) (Isurus oxyrinchus) y azulejo (Prionace glauca) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Mero (Bacalao de profundidad) (Dissostichus eleginoides) y bacalao (Polyprion oxygeneios): | | |

    0304.90.31 | — — — Trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.32 | — — — Cocochas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.33 | — — — Las demás carnes de mero (Bacalao de profundidad) (Dissostichus eleginoides) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.34 | — — — Las demás carnes de bacalao de Juan Fernández (Polyprion oxygeneios) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Merluza (Merluccius spp.): | | |

    0304.90.41 | — — — Surimi de merluza común (Merluccius gayi gayi) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.42 | — — — Trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.43 | — — — Cocochas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.44 | — — — Las demás carnes de merluza común (Merluccius gayi gayi) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.45 | — — — Las demás carnes de merluza del sur (Merluccius australis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.49 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Salmones del Pacífico ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou y Orcorhynchus rhodurus), salmones del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y salmones del Danubio (Hucho hucho): | | |

    0304.90.51 | — — — Trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.52 | — — — Las demás carnes de salmones del Pacífico | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.53 | — — — Las demás carnes de salmones del Atlántico y salmones del Danubio | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Truchas (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache y Oncorhynchus chrysogaster): | | |

    0304.90.61 | — — — Trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.62 | — — — Las demás carnes de truchas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Sardinas (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), Jurel (Trachurus murphyi) y Caballa (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus): | | |

    0304.90.71 | — — — Surimi de jurel (Trachurus murphyi) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.72 | — — — Las demás carnes de sardina (Sardinops sagax) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.73 | — — — Las demás carnes de jurel (Trachurus murphyi) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.79 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Congrio (Genypterus chilensis) (Genypterus blacodes) Genypterus maculatus): | | |

    0304.90.81 | — — — Trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.89 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    0304.90.91 | — — — Las demás carnes de sardina común (Clupea bentincki) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.92 | — — — Las demás carnes de merluza de cola (Macruronus magallanicus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.93 | — — — Las demás carnes de merluza de tres aletas (Micromesistius australis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0304.90.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305 | Pescado seco, salado o en salmuera; pescado ahumado, incluso cocido antes o durante el ahumado; harina, polvo y "pellets" de pescado, aptos para la alimentación humana. | | |

    0305.10.00 | — Harina, polvo y "pellets" de pescado, aptos para la alimentación humana | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.20 | — Hígados, huevas y lechas, de pescado, secos, ahumados, salados o en salmuera | | |

    0305.20.10 | — — Salmones del Pacífico ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou y Orcorhynchus rhodurus), salmones del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y salmones del Danubio (Hucho hucho): | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.20.20 | — — Truchas (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache y Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.30 | — Filetes de pescado, secos, salados o en salmuera, sin ahumar: | | |

    0305.30.10 | — — Salmones del Pacífico ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou y Orcorhynchus rhodurus), salmones del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y salmones del Danubio (Hucho hucho) | — | TQ(3)(b) |

    0305.30.20 | — — Truchas (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache y Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.30.30 | — — Jurel (Trachurus murphyi) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.30.40 | — — Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.30.50 | — — Mero (Bacalao de profundidad) (Dissostichus eleginoides) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.30.60 | — — Bacalao de Juan Fernández (Polyprion oxygeneios) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Pescado ahumado, incluidos los filetes: | | |

    0305.41 | — — Salmones del Pacífico (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou y Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Salmones del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y salmones del Danubio (Hucho hucho): | | |

    0305.41.10 | — — — Salmones del Pacífico enteros | — | TQ(3)(b) |

    0305.41.20 | — — — Salmones del Pacífico, descabezados y eviscerados ("HG") | — | TQ(3)(b) |

    0305.41.30 | — — — Filetes de salmones del Pacífico | — | TQ(3)(b) |

    0305.41.40 | — — — Salmones del Atlántico y salmones del Danubio enteros | — | TQ(3)(b) |

    0305.41.50 | — — — Salmones del Atlántico y salmones del Danubio, descabezados y eviscerados ("HG") | — | TQ(3)(b) |

    0305.41.60 | — — — Filetes de salmones del Atlántico y salmones del Danubio | — | TQ(3)(b) |

    0305.41.90 | — — — Los demás | — | TQ(3)(b) |

    0305.42.00 | — — Arenques (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.49 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Truchas (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gílae, Oncorhynchus apache y Oncorhynchus chrysogaster): | | |

    0305.49.11 | — — — — Enteras | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.49.12 | — — — — Descabezadas y evisceradas ("HG") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.49.13 | — — — — Filetes | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.49.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Pescado seco, incluso salado, sin ahumar: | | |

    0305.51.00 | — — Bacalaos (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.59 | — — Los demás: | | |

    0305.59.10 | — — — Aletas de tiburón | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.59.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Pescado salado sin secar ni ahumar y pescado en salmuera: | | |

    0305.61.00 | — — Arenques (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.62.00 | — — Bacalaos (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.63.00 | — — Anchoas (Engraulis spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.69 | — — Los demás: | | |

    0305.69.10 | — — — Salmón del Pacífico, Salmón del Atlántico y Salmón del Danubio | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.69.20 | — — — Truchas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0305.69.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306 | Crustáceos, incluso pelados, vivos, frescos, refrigerados, congelados, secos, salados o en salmuera; crustáceos sin pelar, cocidos en agua o vapor, incluso refrigerados, congelados, secos, salados o en salmuera; harina, polvo y "pellets" de crustáceos, aptos para la alimentación humana. | | |

    — Congelados: | | |

    0306.11 | — — Langostas (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.): | | |

    0306.11.10 | — — — Langosta de Isla de Pascua (Panulirus pascuensis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.11.20 | — — — Langosta de Juan Fernández (Jasus frontalis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.11.30 | — — — Langosta enana (Projasus bahamondei) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.11.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.12.00 | — — Bogavantes (Homarus spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.13 | — — Camarones, langostinos y demás Decápodos natantia: | | |

    — — — Camarones: | | |

    0306.13.11 | — — — — Camarón nailon (Heterocarpus reedi) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.13.12 | — — — — Camarón ecuatoriano (Penaeus vannamei) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.13.13 | — — — — Camarón de río (Cryphiops caementarius) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.13.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Langostinos: | | |

    0306.13.21 | — — — — Langostino amarillo (Cervimunida johni) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.13.22 | — — — — Langostino colorado (Pleuroncodes monodon) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.13.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás Decápodos natantia: | | |

    0306.13.91 | — — — — Gambas (Haliporoides diomedeae) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.13.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.14 | — — Cangrejos (excepto macruros): | | |

    0306.14.10 | — — — Jaibas (Cancer spp., Cancer porteri, Cancer edwardsi, Homalaspis plana, Taliepus dentatus, Cancer setosus, Cancer coronatus, Ovalipes trimaculatus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Centolla (Lithodes spp.) y centollón (Paralomis spp.): | | |

    0306.14.21 | — — — — Centolla (Lithodes anttarcticus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.14.22 | — — — — Centolla del norte (Lithodes spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.14.23 | — — — — Centollón (Paralomis granulosa) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.14.24 | — — — — Centollón del norte (Paralomis spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.14.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.14.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.19 | — — Los demás, incluidos la harina, polvo y "pellets" de crustáceos, aptos para la alimentación humana: | | |

    0306.19.10 | — — — Harina, polvo y "pellets" de caparazón de crustáceos, aptos para la alimentación humana | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.19.20 | — — — Los demás crustáceos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Sin congelar: | | |

    0306.21 | — — Langostas (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) | | |

    0306.21.10 | — — — Langosta de Isla de Pascua (Panulirus pascuensis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.21.20 | — — — Langosta de Juan Fernández (Jasus frontalis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.21.30 | — — — Langosta enana (Projasus bahamondei) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.21.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.22.00 | — — Bogavantes (Homarus spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.23 | — — Camarones, langostinos y demás Decápodos natantia: | | |

    — — — Camarones: | | |

    0306.23.11 | — — — — Camarón nailon (Heterocarpus reedi) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.23.12 | — — — — Camarón ecuatoriano (Penaeus vannamei) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.23.13 | — — — — Camarón de río (Cryphiops caementarius) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.23.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Langostinos: | | |

    0306.23.21 | — — — — Langostino amarillo (Cervimunida johni) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.23.22 | — — — — Langostino colorado (Pleuroncodes monodon) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.23.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás Decápodos natantia: | | |

    0306.23.91 | — — — — Gambas (Haliporoides diomedeae) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.23.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.24 | — — Cangrejos (excepto macruros): | | |

    0306.24.10 | — — — Jaibas (Cancer spp., Cancer porteri, Cancer edwardsi, Homalaspis plana, Taliepus dentatus, Cancer setosus, Cancer coronatus, Ovalipes trimaculatus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Centolla (Lithodes spp.) y centollón (Paralomis spp.): | | |

    0306.24.21 | — — — — Centolla (Lithodes anttarcticus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.24.22 | — — — — Centolla del norte (Lithodes spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.24.23 | — — — — Centollón (Paralomis granulosa) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.24.24 | — — — — Centollón del norte (Paralomis spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.24.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.24.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.29 | — — Los demás, incluidos la harina, polvo y "pellets" de crustáceos, aptos para la alimentación humana: | | |

    0306.29.10 | — — — Harina, polvo y "pellets" de caparazón de crustáceos, aptos para la alimentación humana | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.29.20 | — — — Los demás crustáceos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0306.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307 | Moluscos, incluso separados de sus valvas, vivos, frescos, refrigerados, congelados, secos, salados o en salmuera; invertebrados acuáticos, excepto los crustáceos y moluscos, vivos, frescos, refrigerados, congelados, secos, salados o en salmuera; harina, polvo y "pellets" de invertebrados acuáticos, excepto los crustáceos, aptos para la alimentación humana. | | |

    0307.10 | — Ostras: | | |

    — — Ostra chilena (Ostrea chilensis): | | |

    0307.10.11 | — — — Vivas, frescas o refrigeradas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.10.12 | — — — Congeladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.10.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Ostra del Pacífico (Cassostrea gigas): | | |

    0307.10.21 | — — — Vivas, frescas o refrigeradas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.10.22 | — — — Congeladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.10.29 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Las demás: | | |

    0307.10.91 | — — — Vivas, frescas o refrigeradas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.10.92 | — — — Congeladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.10.99 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Veneras (Vieiras), volandeiras y demás moluscos de los géneros Pecten, Chlamys o Placopecten: | | |

    0307.21 | — — Vivos, frescos o refrigerados: | | |

    0307.21.10 | — — — Ostión del Norte (Argopecten purpuratus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.21.20 | — — — Ostión del Sur (Chlamys patagónica) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.29 | — — Los demás | | |

    — — — Ostión del Norte (Argopecten purpuratus): | | |

    0307.29.11 | — — — — Congelados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.29.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Ostión del Sur (Chlamys patagónica): | | |

    0307.29.21 | — — — — Congelados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.29.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Mejillones (Mytilus spp., Perna spp): | | |

    0307.31.00 | — — Vivos, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Jibias (Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma) y globitos (Sepiola spp.); calamares y potas (Ommastrephes spp., Loligo spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.): | | |

    0307.41.00 | — — Vivos, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.49 | — — Los demás: | | |

    0307.49.10 | — — — Calamares congelados (Ommastrephes spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Pulpos (Octopus spp.): | | |

    0307.51.00 | — — Vivos, frescos o refrigerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.59 | — — Los demás: | | |

    0307.59.10 | — — — Congelados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.59.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.60.00 | — Caracoles, excepto los de mar | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, incluidos la harina, polvo y "pellets" de invertebrados acuáticos, excepto los crustáceos, aptos para la alimentación humana: | | |

    0307.91 | — — Vivos, frescos o refrigerados: | | |

    0307.91.10 | — — — Almejas (Protothaca thaca) (Ameghinomya antiqua) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.91.20 | — — — Machas (Mesodesma donacium) (Solen macha) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.91.30 | — — — Loco (Concholepas concholepas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.91.40 | — — — Caracoles | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.91.60 | — — — Lenguas (gónadas) de erizo de mar (Loxechinus albus) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.91.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    0307.99.10 | — — — Almejas (Protothaca thaca) (Ameghinomya antiqua) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.99.20 | — — — Machas (Mesodesma donacium) (Solen macha) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Loco (Concholepas concholepas): | | |

    0307.99.31 | — — — — Congelados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.99.39 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.99.40 | — — — Caracoles | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.99.50 | — — — Lapas (Fissurella spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Lenguas (gónadas) de erizo de mar (Loxechinus albus): | | |

    0307.99.61 | — — — — Congeladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.99.69 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.99.70 | — — — Tumbao (Semele solida) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.99.80 | — — — Abalón (Haliotis rufescens) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0307.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    04 | Leche y productos lácteos; huevos de ave; miel natural; productos comestibles de origen animal, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte | | |

    0401 | Leche y nata (crema), sin concentrar, sin adición de azúcar ni otro edulcorante. | | |

    0401.10.00 | — Con un contenido de materias grasas inferior o igual al 1 % en peso | — | |

    0401.20.00 | — Con un contenido de materias grasas superior al 1 % pero inferior o igual al 6 %, en peso | — | |

    0401.30 | — Con un contenido de materias grasas superior al 6 % en peso: | | |

    0401.30.10 | — — Con un contenido de materias grasas superior al 6 % pero inferior al 12 %, en peso | — | |

    0401.30.20 | — — Con un contenido de materias grasas del 12 % en peso | — | |

    0401.30.30 | — — Con un contenido de materias grasas superior al 12 % pero inferior al 26 %, en peso | — | |

    0401.30.40 | — — Con un contenido de materias grasas de 26 % en peso | — | |

    0401.30.90 | — — Las demás | — | |

    0402 | Leche y nata (crema), concentradas o con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante. | | |

    0402.10.00 | — En polvo, gránulos o demás formas sólidas, con un contenido de materias grasas inferior o igual al 1,5 % en peso | — | |

    — En polvo, gránulos o demás formas sólidas, con un contenido de materias grasas superior al 1,5 % en peso: | | |

    0402.21 | — — Sin adición de azúcar ni otro edulcorante: | | |

    — — — Leche: | | |

    0402.21.11 | — — — — Con más de 1,5 % y menos de 6 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.21.12 | — — — — Con 6 % o más y menos de 12 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.21.13 | — — — — Con 12 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.21.14 | — — — — Con más de 12 % y menos de 18 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.21.15 | — — — — Con 18 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.21.16 | — — — — Con más de 18 % y menos de 24 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.21.17 | — — — — Con 24 % y hasta menos de 26 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.21.18 | — — — — Con 26 % o más de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.21.20 | — — — Nata | — | |

    0402.29 | — — Las demás: | | |

    — — — Leche: | | |

    0402.29.11 | — — — — Con más de 1,5 % y menos de 6 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.29.12 | — — — — Con 6 % o más y menos de 12 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.29.13 | — — — — Con 12 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.29.14 | — — — — Con más de 12 % y menos de 18 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.29.15 | — — — — Con 18 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.29.16 | — — — — Con más de 18 % y menos de 24 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.29.17 | — — — — Con 24 % y hasta menos de 26 % de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.29.18 | — — — — Con 26 % o más de materia grasa | — | |

    0402.29.20 | — — — Nata | — | |

    — Las demás: | | |

    0402.91 | — — Sin adición de azúcar ni otro edulcorante: | | |

    0402.91.10 | — — — Leche en estado líquido o semi sólido | — | |

    0402.91.20 | — — — Nata | — | |

    0402.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    0402.99.10 | — — — Leche condensada | — | |

    0402.99.90 | — — — Las demás | — | |

    0403 | Suero de mantequilla (de manteca)*, leche y nata (crema) cuajadas, yogur, kefir y demás leches y natas (cremas), fermentadas o acidificadas, incluso concentrados, con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante, aromatizados o con frutas u otros frutos o cacao. | | |

    0403.10 | — Yogur: | | |

    0403.10.10 | — — Con frutas | — | |

    0403.10.20 | — — Con cereales | — | |

    0403.10.90 | — — Los demás | — | |

    0403.90.00 | — Los demás | — | |

    0404 | Lactosuero, incluso concentrado o con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante; productos constituidos por los componentes naturales de la leche, incluso con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | | |

    0404.10.00 | — Lactosuero, aunque esté modificado, incluso concentrado o con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante | — | |

    0404.90.00 | — Los demás | — | |

    0405 | Mantequilla (manteca)* y demás materias grasas de la leche; pastas lácteas para untar. | | |

    0405.10.00 | — Mantequilla (manteca)* | — | |

    0405.20.00 | — Pastas lácteas para untar | — | |

    0405.90.00 | — Las demás | — | |

    0406 | Quesos y requesón. | | |

    0406.10 | — Queso fresco (sin madurar), incluido el del lactosuero, y requesón: | | |

    0406.10.10 | — — Queso fresco | — | TQ(1)(a) |

    0406.10.20 | — — Queso de crema | — | TQ(1)(a) |

    0406.10.30 | — — Mozarella | — | TQ(1)(a) |

    0406.10.90 | — — Los demás | — | TQ(1)(a) |

    0406.20.00 | — Queso de cualquier tipo, rallado o en polvo | — | TQ(1)(a) |

    0406.30.00 | — Queso fundido, excepto el rallado o en polvo | — | TQ(1)(a) |

    0406.40.00 | — Queso de pasta azul | — | TQ(1)(a) |

    0406.90 | — Los demás quesos: | | |

    0406.90.10 | — — Gouda y del tipo gouda | — | TQ(1)(a) |

    0406.90.20 | — — Cheddar y del tipo cheddar | — | TQ(1)(a) |

    0406.90.30 | — — Edam y del tipo edam | — | TQ(1)(a) |

    0406.90.40 | — — Parmesano y del tipo parmesano | — | TQ(1)(a) |

    0406.90.90 | — — Los demás | — | TQ(1)(a) |

    0407 | Huevos de ave con cáscara (cascarón), frescos, conservados o cocidos. | | |

    0407.00.10 | — Para consumo | 6 | Year 0 |

    0407.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0408 | Huevos de ave sin cáscara (cascarón) y yemas de huevo, frescos, secos, cocidos en agua o vapor, moldeados, congelados o conservados de otro modo, incluso con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante. | | |

    — Yemas de huevo: | | |

    0408.11.00 | — — Secas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0408.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    0408.91.00 | — — Secos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0408.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0409.00.00 | Miel natural. | 6 | Year 0 |

    0410.00.00 | Productos comestibles de origen animal no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | 6 | Year 0 |

    05 | Los demás productos de origen animal no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte | | |

    0501.00.00 | Cabello en bruto, incluso lavado o desgrasado; desperdicios de cabello. | 6 | Year 0 |

    0502 | Cerdas de cerdo o de jabalí; pelo de tejón y demás pelos para cepillería; desperdicios de dichas cerdas o pelos. | | |

    0502.10.00 | — Cerdas de cerdo o de jabalí y sus desperdicios | 6 | Year 0 |

    0502.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0503.00.00 | Crin y sus desperdicios, incluso en capas con soporte o sin él. | 6 | Year 0 |

    0504 | Tripas, vejigas y estómagos de animales, excepto los de pescado, enteros o en trozos, frescos, refrigerados, congelados, salados o en salmuera, secos o ahumados. | | |

    0504.00.10 | — Tripas saladas o en salmuera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0504.00.20 | — Estómagos congelados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0504.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0505 | Pieles y demás partes de ave, con sus plumas o plumón, plumas y partes de plumas (incluso recortadas) y plumón, en bruto o simplemente limpiados, desinfectados o preparados para su conservación; polvo y desperdicios de plumas o de partes de plumas. | | |

    0505.10.00 | — Plumas de las utilizadas para relleno; plumón | 6 | Year 0 |

    0505.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0506 | Huesos y núcleos córneos, en bruto, desgrasados, simplemente preparados (pero sin cortar en forma determinada), acidulados o desgelatinizados; polvo y desperdicios de estas materias. | | |

    0506.10.00 | — Oseína y huesos acidulados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0506.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0507 | Marfil, concha (caparazón) de tortuga, ballenas de mamíferos marinos (incluidas las barbas), cuernos, astas, cascos, pezuñas, uñas, garras y picos, en bruto o simplemente preparados, pero sin cortar en forma determinada; polvo y desperdicios de estas materias. | | |

    0507.10.00 | — Marfil; polvo y desperdicios de marfil | 6 | Year 0 |

    0507.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    0507.90.10 | — — Garras de gallo o gallina | 6 | Year 0 |

    0507.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0508.00.00 | Coral y materias similares, en bruto o simplemente preparados, pero sin otro trabajo; valvas y caparazones de moluscos, crustáceos o equinodermos, y jibiones, en bruto o simplemente preparados, pero sin cortar en forma determinada, incluso en polvo y desperdicios. | 6 | Year 0 |

    0509.00.00 | Esponjas naturales de origen animal | 6 | Year 0 |

    0510.00.00 | Ámbar gris, castóreo, algalia y almizcle; cantáridas; bilis, incluso desecada; glándulas y demás sustancias de origen animal utilizadas para la preparación de productos farmacéuticos, frescas, refrigeradas, congeladas o conservadas provisionalmente de otra forma. | 6 | Year 0 |

    0511 | Productos de origen animal no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte; animales muertos de los Capítulos 1 ó 3, impropios para la alimentación humana. | | |

    0511.10.00 | — Semen de bovino | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    0511.91 | — — Productos de pescado o de crustáceos, moluscos o demás invertebrados acuáticos; animales muertos del Capítulo 3: | | |

    — — — Huevas y lechas de pescado: | | |

    0511.91.11 | — — — — De salmones del Pacífico, del Atlántico y del Danubio, para la reproducción | 6 | Year 0 |

    0511.91.12 | — — — — De truchas, para la reproducción | 6 | Year 0 |

    0511.91.19 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0511.91.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0511.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    0511.99.10 | — — — Semen de otros animales | 6 | Year 0 |

    0511.99.20 | — — — Cochinilla del carmín | 6 | Year 0 |

    0511.99.30 | — — — Despojos de animales | 6 | Year 0 |

    0511.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    06 | Plantas vivas y productos de la floricultura | | |

    0601 | Bulbos, cebollas, tubérculos, raíces y bulbos tuberosos, turiones y rizomas, en reposo vegetativo, en vegetación o en flor; plantas y raíces de achicoria, excepto las raíces de la partida 1212. | | |

    0601.10 | — Bulbos, cebollas, tubérculos, raíces y bulbos tuberosos, turiones y rizomas, en reposo vegetativo: | | |

    — — Bulbos de flores: | | |

    0601.10.11 | — — — De lilium | 6 | Year 0 |

    0601.10.12 | — — — De tulipán | 6 | Year 0 |

    0601.10.13 | — — — De cala | 6 | Year 0 |

    0601.10.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0601.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0601.20 | — Bulbos, cebollas, tubérculos, raíces y bulbos tuberosos, turiones y rizomas, en vegetación o en flor; plantas y raíces de achicoria | | |

    — — Bulbos de flores: | | |

    0601.20.11 | — — — De lilium | 6 | Year 0 |

    0601.20.12 | — — — De tulipán | 6 | Year 0 |

    0601.20.13 | — — — De cala | 6 | Year 0 |

    0601.20.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0601.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0602 | Las demás plantas vivas (incluidas sus raíces), esquejes e injertos; micelios. | | |

    0602.10.00 | — Esquejes sin enraizar e injertos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0602.20.00 | — Árboles, arbustos y matas, de frutas o de otros frutos comestibles, incluso injertados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0602.30.00 | — Rododendros y azaleas, incluso injertados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0602.40.00 | — Rosales, incluso injertados | 6 | Year 0 |

    0602.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0603 | Flores y capullos, cortados para ramos o adornos, frescos, secos, blanqueados, teñidos, impregnados o preparados de otra forma. | | |

    0603.10 | — Frescos: | | |

    0603.10.10 | — — De lilium | 6 | Year 0 |

    0603.10.20 | — — De tulipán | 6 | Year 0 |

    0603.10.30 | — — De peonía | 6 | Year 0 |

    0603.10.40 | — — De clavel | 6 | Year 0 |

    0603.10.50 | — — De rosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    0603.10.60 | — — De leatris | 6 | Year 0 |

    0603.10.70 | — — De limonium | 6 | Year 0 |

    0603.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0603.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0604 | Follaje, hojas, ramas y demás partes de plantas, sin flores ni capullos, y hierbas, musgos y líquenes, para ramos o adornos, frescos, secos, blanqueados, teñidos, impregnados o preparados de otra forma. | | |

    0604.10.00 | — Musgos y líquenes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    0604.91.00 | — — Frescos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0604.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    07 | Hortalizas, plantas, raíces y tubérculos alimenticios | | |

    0701 | Patatas (papas)* frescas o refrigeradas. | | |

    0701.10.00 | — Para siembra | 6 | Year 0 |

    0701.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    0702.00.00 | Tomates frescos o refrigerados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    0703 | Cebollas, chalotes, ajos, puerros y demás hortalizas (incluso "silvestres") aliáceas, frescos o refrigerados. | | |

    0703.10 | — Cebollas y chalotes | | |

    0703.10.10 | — — Cebollas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0703.10.20 | — — Chalotes | 6 | Year 0 |

    0703.20.00 | — Ajos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0703.90.00 | — Puerros y demás hortalizas aliáceas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0704 | Coles, incluidos los repollos, coliflores, coles rizadas, colinabos y productos comestibles similares del género Brassica, frescos o refrigerados | | |

    0704.10.00 | — Coliflores y brécoles ("broccoli") | 6 | Year 0 |

    0704.20.00 | — Coles (repollitos) de Bruselas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0704.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0705 | Lechugas (Lactuca sativa) y achicorias, comprendidas la escarola y la endibia (Cichorium spp.), frescas o refrigeradas. | | |

    — Lechugas: | | |

    0705.11.00 | — — Repolladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0705.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Achicorias, comprendidas la escarola y la endibia: | | |

    0705.21.00 | — — Endibia "witloof" (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0705.29 | — — Las demás: | | |

    0705.29.10 | — — — Radicchios (Cicchorium spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0705.29.20 | — — — Achicorias (Cicchorium endivia) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0705.29.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0706 | Zanahorias, nabos, remolachas para ensalada, salsifíes, apionabos, rábanos y raíces comestibles similares, frescos o refrigerados. | | |

    0706.10.00 | — Zanahorias y nabos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0706.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0707.00.00 | Pepinos y pepinillos, frescos o refrigerados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    0708 | Hortalizas (incluso "silvestres") de vaina, aunque estén desvainadas, frescas o refrigeradas. | | |

    0708.10.00 | — Guisantes (arvejas, chícharos)* (Pisum sativum) | 6 | Year 10 |

    0708.20.00 | — Judías (porotos, alubias, frijoles, fréjoles)* (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) | 6 | Year 10 |

    0708.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    0709 | Las demás hortalizas (incluso "silvestres"), frescas o refrigeradas. | | |

    0709.10.00 | — Alcachofas (alcauciles) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0709.20.00 | — Espárragos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0709.30.00 | — Berenjenas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0709.40.00 | — Apio, excepto el apionabo | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hongos y trufas: | | |

    0709.51.00 | — — Hongos del género Agaricus | 6 | Year 0 |

    0709.52.00 | — — Trufas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0709.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0709.60 | — Frutos de los géneros Capsicum o Pimenta: | | |

    0709.60.10 | — — Pimiento | 6 | Year 0 |

    0709.60.20 | — — Ají | 6 | Year 0 |

    0709.60.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0709.70.00 | — Espinacas (incluida la de Nueva Zelanda) y armuelles | 6 | Year 0 |

    0709.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0710 | Hortalizas (incluso "silvestres"), aunque estén cocidas en agua o vapor, congeladas. | | |

    0710.10.00 | — Patatas (papas)* | 6 | Year 10 |

    — Hortalizas (incluso "silvestres") de vaina, incluso desvainadas: | | |

    0710.21.00 | — — Guisantes (arvejas, chícharos)* (Pisum sativum) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0710.22.00 | — — Judías (porotos, alubias, frijoles, fréjoles)* (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) | 6 | Year 10 |

    0710.29 | — — Las demás: | | |

    0710.29.10 | — — — Habas (Vicia faba) | 6 | Year 10 |

    0710.29.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    0710.30.00 | — Espinacas (incluida la de Nueva Zelanda) y armuelles | 6 | Year 0 |

    0710.40.00 | — Maíz dulce | 6 | Year 10 |

    0710.80 | — Las demás hortalizas: | | |

    0710.80.10 | — — Coliflor (Brassica oleracea var.Botrytis L.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0710.80.20 | — — Brócoli (Brassica olaracea var.Botrytis L. Var. Symosa) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0710.80.30 | — — Setas y demás hongos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0710.80.40 | — — Espárragos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0710.80.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0710.90.00 | — Mezclas de hortalizas | 6 | Year 10 |

    0711 | Hortalizas (incluso "silvestres") conservadas provisionalmente (por ejemplo: con gas sulfuroso o con agua salada, sulfurosa o adicionada de otras sustancias para asegurar dicha conservación), pero todavía impropias para consumo inmediato. | | |

    0711.20 | — Aceitunas: | | |

    0711.20.10 | — — En salmuera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0711.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0711.30.00 | — Alcaparras | 6 | Year 0 |

    0711.40 | — Pepinos y pepinillos: | | |

    0711.40.10 | — — En salmuera | 6 | Year 0 |

    0711.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hongos y trufas: | | |

    0711.51.00 | — — Hongos del género Agaricus | 6 | Year 0 |

    0711.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0711.90.00 | — Las demás hortalizas; mezclas de hortalizas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712 | Hortalizas (incluso "silvestres") secas, incluidas las cortadas en trozos o en rodajas o las trituradas o pulverizadas, pero sin otra preparación. | | |

    0712.20.00 | — Cebollas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Orejas de Judas (Auricularia spp.), hongos gelatinosos (Tremella spp.) y demás hongos; trufas: | | |

    0712.31 | — — Hongos del género Agaricus: | | |

    0712.31.10 | — — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.31.20 | — — — En trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.31.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.32 | — — Orejas de Judas (Auricularia spp.): | | |

    0712.32.10 | — — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.32.20 | — — — En trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.32.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.33 | — — Hongos gelatinosos (Tremella spp.): | | |

    0712.33.10 | — — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.33.20 | — — — En trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.33.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    0712.39.10 | — — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.39.20 | — — — En trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.90 | — Las demás hortalizas; mezclas de hortalizas: | | |

    0712.90.10 | — — Puerros | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.90.20 | — — Ají (Capsicum frutescens) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.90.30 | — — Tomates | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.90.40 | — — Apio | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.90.50 | — — Ajo | 6 | Year 0 |

    0712.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0713 | Hortalizas (incluso "silvestres") de vaina secas desvainadas, aunque estén mondadas o partidas. | | |

    0713.10.00 | — Guisantes (arvejas, chícharos)* (Pisum sativum) | 6 | Year 10 |

    0713.20.00 | — Garbanzos | 6 | Year 10 |

    — Judías (porotos, alubias, frijoles, fréjoles)* (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.): | | |

    0713.31 | — — Judías (porotos, alubias, frijoles, fréjoles)* de las especies: | | |

    Vigna mungo (L) Hepper o Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek | | |

    0713.31.10 | — — — Para siembra | 6 | Year 0 |

    0713.31.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    0713.32 | — — Judías (porotos, alubias, frijoles, fréjoles)* Adzuki (Phaseolus o Vigna angularis): | | |

    0713.32.10 | — — — Para siembra | 6 | Year 0 |

    0713.32.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    0713.33 | — — Judía (poroto, alubia, frijol, fréjol)* común (Phaseolus vulgaris): | | |

    0713.33.10 | — — — Para siembra | 6 | Year 0 |

    0713.33.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    0713.39 | — — Las demás: | | |

    0713.39.10 | — — — Para siembra | 6 | Year 0 |

    0713.39.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    0713.40.00 | — Lentejas | 6 | Year 5 |

    0713.50.00 | — Habas (Vicia faba var. major), haba caballar (Vicia faba var. equina) y haba menor (Vicia faba var. minor) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0713.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    0714 | Raíces de mandioca (yuca)*, arrurruz o salep, aguaturmas (patacas)*, batatas (boniatos, camotes)* y raíces y tubérculos similares ricos en fécula o inulina, frescos, refrigerados, congelados o secos, incluso troceados o en "pellets"; médula de sagú. | | |

    0714.10.00 | — Raíces de mandioca (yuca)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    0714.20.00 | — Batatas (boniatos, camotes)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    0714.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    08 | Frutas y frutos comestibles; cortezas de agrios (cítricos), melones o sandías | | |

    0801 | Cocos, nueces del Brasil y nueces de marañón (merey, cajuil, anacardo, "cajú")*, frescos o secos, incluso sin cáscara o mondados. | | |

    — Cocos: | | |

    0801.11.00 | — — Secos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0801.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Nueces del Brasil: | | |

    0801.21.00 | — — Con cáscara | 6 | Year 0 |

    0801.22.00 | — — Sin cáscara | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Nueces de marañón (merey, cajuil, anacardo, "cajú")*: | | |

    0801.31.00 | — — Con cáscara | 6 | Year 0 |

    0801.32.00 | — — Sin cáscara | 6 | Year 0 |

    0802 | Los demás frutos de cáscara frescos o secos, incluso sin cáscara o mondados. | | |

    — Almendras: | | |

    0802.11.00 | — — Con cáscara | 6 | Year 0 |

    0802.12 | — — Sin cáscara: | | |

    0802.12.10 | — — — Enteras | 6 | Year 0 |

    0802.12.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Avellanas (Corylus spp.): | | |

    0802.21.00 | — — Con cáscara | 6 | Year 0 |

    0802.22.00 | — — Sin cáscara | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Nueces de nogal: | | |

    0802.31.00 | — — Con cáscara | 6 | Year 0 |

    0802.32 | — — Sin cáscara: | | |

    0802.32.10 | — — — Enteras | 6 | Year 0 |

    0802.32.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0802.40.00 | — Castañas (Castanea spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0802.50.00 | — Pistachos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0802.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0803.00.00 | Bananas o plátanos, frescos o secos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    0804 | Dátiles, higos, piñas (ananás), aguacates (paltas)*, guayabas, mangos y mangostanes, frescos o secos. | | |

    0804.10.00 | — Dátiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    0804.20.00 | — Higos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0804.30.00 | — Piñas (ananás) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0804.40 | — Aguacates (paltas)*: | | |

    0804.40.10 | — — Variedad Hass | 6 | Year 0 |

    0804.40.20 | — — Variedad Fuerte | 6 | Year 0 |

    0804.40.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0804.50.00 | — Guayabas, mangos y mangostanes | 6 | Year 0 |

    0805 | Agrios (cítricos) frescos o secos. | | |

    0805.10.00 | — Naranjas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0805.20 | — Mandarinas (incluidas las tangerinas y satsumas); clementinas, wilkings e híbridos similares de agrios (cítricos): | | |

    0805.20.10 | — — Mandarinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0805.20.20 | — — Clementinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0805.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0805.40.00 | — Toronjas o pomelos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0805.50 | — Limones (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) y limas (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia) | | |

    0805.50.10 | — — Limones (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0805.50.20 | — — Lima agria (Citrus aurantifolia) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0805.50.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0805.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0806 | Uvas, frescas o secas, incluidas las pasas. | | |

    0806.10 | — Frescas: | | |

    0806.10.10 | — — Variedad Thompson seedless (Sultanina) | 6 | Year 0 |

    0806.10.20 | — — Variedad Flame seedless | 6 | Year 0 |

    0806.10.30 | — — Variedad Red globe | 6 | Year 0 |

    0806.10.40 | — — Variedad Ribier | 6 | Year 0 |

    0806.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0806.20 | — Secas, incluidas las pasas: | | |

    0806.20.10 | — — Morenas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0806.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0807 | Melones, sandías y papayas, frescos. | | |

    — Melones y sandías: | | |

    0807.11.00 | — — Sandías | 6 | Year 0 |

    0807.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0807.20.00 | — Papayas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0808 | Manzanas, peras y membrillos, frescos. | | |

    0808.10 | — Manzanas: | | |

    0808.10.10 | — — Variedad Richared delicius | 6 | Year 0 |

    0808.10.20 | — — Variedad Royal gala | 6 | Year 0 |

    0808.10.30 | — — Variedad Red starking | 6 | Year 0 |

    0808.10.40 | — — Variedad Fuji | 6 | Year 0 |

    0808.10.50 | — — Variedad Braeburn | 6 | Year 0 |

    0808.10.60 | — — Variedad Granny smith | 6 | Year 0 |

    0808.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0808.20 | — Peras y membrillos | | |

    — — Peras: | | |

    0808.20.11 | — — — Packham's triumph | 6 | Year 0 |

    0808.20.12 | — — — Bartlett bosc | 6 | Year 0 |

    0808.20.13 | — — — Asiáticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0808.20.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0808.20.20 | — — Membrillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0809 | Albaricoques (damascos, chabacanos)*, cerezas, melocotones (duraznos)* (incluidos los griñones y nectarinas), ciruelas y endrinas, frescos. | | |

    0809.10.00 | — Albaricoques (damascos, chabacanos)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    0809.20.00 | — Cerezas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0809.30 | — Melocotones (duraznos)*, incluidos los griñones y nectarinas: | | |

    0809.30.10 | — — Nectarines | 6 | Year 0 |

    0809.30.20 | — — Melocotones (duraznos)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    0809.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0809.40 | — Ciruelas y endrinas: | | |

    0809.40.10 | — — Ciruelas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0809.40.20 | — — Endrinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810 | Las demás frutas u otros frutos, frescos. | | |

    0810.10.00 | — Fresas (frutillas)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.20 | — Frambuesas, zarzamoras, moras y moras-frambuesa: | | |

    0810.20.10 | — — Moras | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.20.20 | — — Frambuesas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.30.00 | — Grosellas, incluido el casis | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.40 | — Arándanos rojos, mirtilos y demás frutos del género Vaccinium: | | |

    0810.40.10 | — — Arándanos rojos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.50.00 | — Kiwis | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.60.00 | — Duriones | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    0810.90.10 | — — Caquis | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.90.20 | — — Chirimoyas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.90.30 | — — Pepinos dulces | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.90.40 | — — Nísperos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.90.50 | — — Plumcots | 6 | Year 0 |

    0810.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0811 | Frutas y otros frutos, sin cocer o cocidos en agua o vapor, congelados, incluso con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante. | | |

    0811.10.00 | — Fresas (frutillas)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    0811.20 | — Frambuesas, zarzamoras, moras, moras-frambuesa y grosellas: | | |

    0811.20.10 | — — Moras | 6 | Year 0 |

    0811.20.20 | — — Frambuesas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0811.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0811.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    0811.90.10 | — — Arándanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0811.90.20 | — — Albaricoques (damascos, chabacanos)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    0811.90.30 | — — Melocotones (duraznos)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    0811.90.40 | — — Kiwis | 6 | Year 0 |

    0811.90.50 | — — Manzanas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0811.90.60 | — — Uvas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0811.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0812 | Frutas y otros frutos, conservados provisionalmente (por ejemplo: con gas sulfuroso o con agua salada, sulfurosa o adicionada de otras sustancias para dicha conservación), pero todavía impropios para consumo inmediato. | | |

    0812.10.00 | — Cerezas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0812.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    0812.90.10 | — — Duraznos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0812.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0813 | Frutas y otros frutos, secos, excepto los de las partidas 0801 a 0806; mezclas de frutas u otros frutos, secos, o de frutos de cáscara de este Capítulo. | | |

    0813.10.00 | — Albaricoques (damascos, chabacanos)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    0813.20.00 | — Ciruelas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0813.30.00 | — Manzanas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0813.40 | — Las demás frutas u otros frutos: | | |

    0813.40.10 | — — Duraznos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0813.40.20 | — — Mosqueta | 6 | Year 0 |

    0813.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0813.50.00 | — Mezclas de frutas u otros frutos, secos, o de frutos de cáscara de este Capítulo | 6 | Year 0 |

    0814.00.00 | Cortezas de agrios (cítricos), melones o sandías, frescas, congeladas, secas o presentadas en agua salada, sulfurosa o adicionada de otras sustancias para su conservación provisional. | 6 | Year 0 |

    09 | Café, té, yerba mate y especias | | |

    0901 | Café, incluso tostado o descafeinado; cáscara y cascarilla de café; sucedáneos del café que contengan café en cualquier proporción. | | |

    — Café sin tostar: | | |

    0901.11.00 | — — Sin descafeinar | 6 | Year 0 |

    0901.12.00 | — — Descafeinado | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Café tostado: | | |

    0901.21.00 | — — Sin descafeinar | 6 | Year 0 |

    0901.22.00 | — — Descafeinado | 6 | Year 0 |

    0901.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0902 | Té, incluso aromatizado. | | |

    0902.10.00 | — Té verde (sin fermentar) presentado en envases inmediatos con un contenido inferior o igual a 3 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    0902.20.00 | — Té verde (sin fermentar) presentado de otra forma | 6 | Year 0 |

    0902.30.00 | — Té negro (fermentado) y té parcialmente fermentado, presentados en envases inmediatos con un contenido inferior o igual a 3 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    0902.40.00 | — Té negro (fermentado) y té parcialmente fermentado, presentados de otra forma | 6 | Year 0 |

    0903.00.00 | Yerba mate. | 6 | Year 0 |

    0904 | Pimienta del género Piper; frutos de los géneros Capsicum o Pimenta, secos, triturados o pulverizados. | | |

    — Pimienta: | | |

    0904.11.00 | — — Sin triturar ni pulverizar | 6 | Year 0 |

    0904.12.00 | — — Triturada o pulverizada | 6 | Year 0 |

    0904.20 | — Frutos de los géneros Capsicum o Pimenta, secos, triturados o pulverizados: | | |

    0904.20.10 | — — Pimentón | 6 | Year 0 |

    0904.20.20 | — — Ají | 6 | Year 0 |

    0904.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    0905.00.00 | Vainilla. | 6 | Year 0 |

    0906 | Canela y flores de canelero. | | |

    0906.10.00 | — Sin triturar ni pulverizar | 6 | Year 0 |

    0906.20.00 | — Trituradas o pulverizadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    0907.00.00 | Clavo (frutos, clavillos y pedúnculos). | 6 | Year 0 |

    0908 | Nuez moscada, macis, amomos y cardamomos. | | |

    0908.10.00 | — Nuez moscada | 6 | Year 0 |

    0908.20.00 | — Macis | 6 | Year 0 |

    0908.30.00 | — Amomos y cardamomos | 6 | Year 0 |

    0909 | Semillas de anís, badiana, hinojo, cilantro, comino o alcaravea; bayas de enebro. | | |

    0909.10.00 | — Semillas de anís o de badiana | 6 | Year 0 |

    0909.20.00 | — Semillas de cilantro | 6 | Year 0 |

    0909.30.00 | — Semillas de comino | 6 | Year 0 |

    0909.40.00 | — Semillas de alcaravea | 6 | Year 0 |

    0909.50.00 | — Semillas de hinojo; bayas de enebro | 6 | Year 0 |

    0910 | Jengibre, azafrán, cúrcuma, tomillo, hojas de laurel, "curry" y demás especias. | | |

    0910.10.00 | — Jengibre | 6 | Year 0 |

    0910.20.00 | — Azafrán | 6 | Year 0 |

    0910.30.00 | — Cúrcuma | 6 | Year 0 |

    0910.40.00 | — Tomillo; hojas de laurel | 6 | Year 0 |

    0910.50.00 | — "Curry" | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás especias: | | |

    0910.91.00 | — — Mezclas previstas en la Nota 1 b) de este Capítulo | 6 | Year 0 |

    0910.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    10 | Cereales | | |

    1001 | Trigo y morcajo (tranquillón). | | |

    1001.10.00 | — Trigo duro | 6 | Year 10 |

    1001.90.00 | — Los demás | — | |

    1002.00.00 | Centeno. | 6 | Year 10 |

    1003.00.00 | Cebada. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1004.00.00 | Avena. | 6 | Year 10 |

    1005 | Maíz. | | |

    1005.10 | — Para siembra: | | |

    1005.10.10 | — — Híbridos | 6 | Year 0 |

    1005.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1005.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    1006 | Arroz. | | |

    1006.10.00 | — Arroz con cáscara (arroz "paddy") | 6 | Year 10 |

    1006.20.00 | — Arroz descascarillado (arroz cargo o arroz pardo) | 6 | Year 10 |

    1006.30 | — Arroz semiblanqueado o blanqueado, incluso pulido o glaseado: | | |

    1006.30.10 | — — Con un contenido de grano partido inferior o igual al 5 % en peso | 6 | Year 10 |

    1006.30.20 | — — Con un contenido de grano partido superior al 5 % pero inferior o igual al 15 %, en peso | 6 | Year 10 |

    1006.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    1006.40.00 | — Arroz partido | 6 | Year 10 |

    1007 | Sorgo de grano (granífero). | | |

    1007.00.10 | — Para siembra | 6 | Year 0 |

    1007.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1008 | Alforfón, mijo y alpiste; los demás cereales. | | |

    1008.10.00 | — Alforfón | 6 | Year 0 |

    1008.20.00 | — Mijo | 6 | Year 0 |

    1008.30.00 | — Alpiste | 6 | Year 0 |

    1008.90.00 | — Los demás cereales | 6 | Year 0 |

    11 | Productos de la molinería; malta; almidón y fécula; inulina; gluten de trigo | | |

    1101.00.00 | Harina de trigo o de morcajo (tranquillón). | — | |

    1102 | Harina de cereales, excepto de trigo o de morcajo (tranquillón). | | |

    1102.10.00 | — Harina de centeno | 6 | Year 10 |

    1102.20.00 | — Harina de maíz | 6 | Year 5 |

    1102.30.00 | — Harina de arroz | 6 | Year 10 |

    1102.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    1103 | Grañones, sémola y "pellets", de cereales. | | |

    — Grañones y sémola: | | |

    1103.11.00 | — — De trigo | — | |

    1103.13.00 | — — De maíz | 6 | Year 5 |

    1103.19.00 | — — De los demás cereales | 6 | Year 10 |

    1103.20.00 | — "Pellets" | — | |

    1104 | Granos de cereales trabajados de otro modo (por ejemplo: mondados, aplastados, en copos, perlados, troceados o quebrantados), excepto el arroz de la partida 1006; germen de cereales entero, aplastado, en copos o molido. | | |

    — Granos aplastados o en copos: | | |

    1104.12.00 | — — De avena | 6 | Year 10 |

    1104.19.00 | — — De los demás cereales | 6 | Year 10 |

    — Los demás granos trabajados (por ejemplo: mondados, perlados, troceados o quebrantados): | | |

    1104.22 | — — De avena: | | |

    1104.22.10 | — — — Mondados | 6 | Year 10 |

    1104.22.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    1104.23.00 | — — De maíz | 6 | Year 5 |

    1104.29.00 | — — De los demás cereales | 6 | Year 10 |

    1104.30.00 | — Germen de cereales entero, aplastado, en copos o molido | 6 | Year 10 |

    1105 | Harina, sémola, polvo, copos, gránulos y "pellets", de patata (papa)*. | | |

    1105.10.00 | — Harina, sémola y polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    1105.20.00 | — Copos, gránulos y "pellets" | 6 | Year 0 |

    1106 | Harina, sémola y polvo de las hortalizas de la partida 0713, de sagú o de las raíces o tubérculos de la partida 0714 o de los productos del Capítulo 8. | | |

    1106.10.00 | — De las hortalizas de la partida 0713 | 6 | Year 0 |

    1106.20.00 | — De sagú o de las raíces o tubérculos de la partida 0714 | 6 | Year 0 |

    1106.30.00 | — De los productos del Capítulo 8 | 6 | Year 0 |

    1107 | Malta (de cebada u otros cereales), incluso tostada. | | |

    1107.10.00 | — Sin tostar | 6 | Year 0 |

    1107.20.00 | — Tostada | 6 | Year 0 |

    1108 | Almidón y fécula; inulina. | | |

    — Almidón y fécula: | | |

    1108.11.00 | — — Almidón de trigo | 6 | Year 0 |

    1108.12.00 | — — Almidón de maíz | 6 | Year 0 |

    1108.13.00 | — — Fécula de patata (papa)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    1108.14.00 | — — Fécula de mandioca (yuca)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    1108.19.00 | — — Los demás almidones y féculas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1108.20.00 | — Inulina | 6 | Year 0 |

    1109.00.00 | Gluten de trigo, incluso seco. | 6 | Year 0 |

    12 | Semillas y frutos oleaginosos; semillas y frutos diversos; plantas industriales o medicinales; paja y forraje | | |

    1201 | Habas (porotos, frijoles, fréjoles)* de soja (soya), incluso quebrantadas. | | |

    1201.00.10 | — Para la siembra | 6 | Year 10 |

    1201.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    1202 | Cacahuates (cacahuetes, maníes)* sin tostar ni cocer de otro modo, incluso sin cáscara o quebrantados. | | |

    1202.10.00 | — Con cáscara | 6 | Year 0 |

    1202.20.00 | — Sin cáscara, incluso quebrantados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1203.00.00 | Copra. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1204.00.00 | Semilla de lino, incluso quebrantada. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1205 | Semillas de nabo (nabina) o de colza, incluso quebrantadas. | | |

    1205.10.00 | — Semillas de nabo (nabina) o de colza con bajo contenido de ácido erúcico | 6 | Year 0 |

    1205.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1206.00.00 | Semilla de girasol, incluso quebrantada. | 6 | Year 10 |

    1207 | Las demás semillas y frutos oleaginosos, incluso quebrantados. | | |

    1207.10.00 | — Nuez y almendra de palma | 6 | Year 0 |

    1207.20.00 | — Semilla de algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    1207.30.00 | — Semilla de ricino | 6 | Year 0 |

    1207.40.00 | — Semilla de sésamo (ajonjolí) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1207.50.00 | — Semilla de mostaza | 6 | Year 0 |

    1207.60.00 | — Semilla de cártamo | 6 | Year 10 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    1207.91.00 | — — Semilla de amapola (adormidera) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1207.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1208 | Harina de semillas o de frutos oleaginosos, excepto la harina de mostaza. | | |

    1208.10.00 | — De habas (porotos, frijoles, fréjoles)* de soja (soya) | 6 | Year 5 |

    1208.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    1209 | Semillas, frutos y esporas, para siembra. | | |

    1209.10.00 | — Semilla de remolacha azucarera | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Semillas forrajeras: | | |

    1209.21.00 | — — De alfalfa | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.22.00 | — — De trébol (Trifolium spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.23.00 | — — De festucas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.24.00 | — — De pasto azul de Kentucky (Poa pratensis L.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.25.00 | — — De ballico (Lolium multiflorum Lam., Lolium perenne L.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.26.00 | — — De fleo de los prados (Phleum pratensis) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.30.00 | — Semillas de plantas herbáceas utilizadas principalmente por sus flores | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    1209.91 | — — Semillas de hortalizas: | | |

    1209.91.10 | — — — De tomates | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.91.20 | — — — De lechuga | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.91.30 | — — — De cebolla | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.91.40 | — — — De pimiento | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.91.50 | — — — De zapallo | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.91.60 | — — — De coliflor | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.91.70 | — — — De brócoli | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.91.80 | — — — De pepino | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.91.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    1209.99.20 | — — — De melón | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.99.30 | — — — De sandía | 6 | Year 0 |

    1209.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1210 | Conos de lúpulo frescos o secos, incluso triturados, molidos o en "pellets"; lupulino. | | |

    1210.10.00 | — Conos de lúpulo sin triturar ni moler ni en "pellets" | 6 | Year 0 |

    1210.20.00 | — Conos de lúpulo triturados, molidos o en "pellets"; lupulino | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211 | Plantas, partes de plantas, semillas y frutos de las especies utilizadas principalmente en perfumería, medicina o para usos insecticidas, parasiticidas o similares, frescos o secos, incluso cortados, quebrantados o pulverizados. | | |

    1211.10.00 | — Raíces de regaliz | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211.20.00 | — Raíces de "ginseng" | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211.30.00 | — Hojas de coca | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211.40.00 | — Paja de adormidera | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    1211.90.10 | — — Boldo | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211.90.20 | — — Orégano | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211.90.30 | — — Cornezuelo de centeno | 6 | Year 10 |

    — — Mosqueta: | | |

    1211.90.41 | — — — Pepa y pepa vana | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211.90.42 | — — — Cascarilla | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211.90.43 | — — — Flor y hojas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211.90.49 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211.90.50 | — — Hierba de San Juan (Hipericum perforatum) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211.90.60 | — — Manzanilla | 6 | Year 0 |

    1211.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1212 | Algarrobas, algas, remolacha azucarera y caña de azucar, frescas, refrigeradas, congeladas o secas, incluso pulverizadas; huesos (carozos)* y almendras de frutos y demás productos vegetales (incluidas las raíces de achicoria sin tostar de la variedad Cichorium intybus sativum) empleados principalmente en la alimentación humana, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | | |

    1212.10.00 | — Algarrobas y sus semillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1212.20 | — Algas: | | |

    1212.20.20 | — — Gelidium | 6 | Year 0 |

    1212.20.30 | — — Pelillo (Gracilaria spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1212.20.40 | — — Chascón (Lessonia spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1212.20.50 | — — Luga luga (Iridaea spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1212.20.60 | — — Chicorea de mar (Gigartina spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1212.20.70 | — — Huiro (Macrocystis spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1212.20.80 | — — Durvillaea antarctica | 6 | Year 0 |

    1212.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1212.30.00 | — Huesos (carozos)* y almendras de albaricoque (damasco, chabacano)*, de melocotón (durazno)* (incluidos los griñones y nectarinas) o de ciruela | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    1212.91.00 | — — Remolacha azucarera | — | |

    1212.99.00 | — — Los demás | — | |

    1213.00.00 | Paja y cascabillo de cereales, en bruto, incluso picados, molidos, prensados o en "pellets". | 6 | Year 0 |

    1214 | Nabos forrajeros, remolachas forrajeras, raíces forrajeras, heno, alfalfa, trébol, esparceta, coles forrajeras, altramuces, vezas y productos forrajeros similares, incluso en "pellets". | | |

    1214.10.00 | — Harina y "pellets" de alfalfa | 6 | Year 0 |

    1214.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    1214.90.10 | — — Altramuces o lupinos (Lupinus spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1214.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    13 | Gomas, resinas y demás jugos y extractos vegetales | | |

    1301 | Goma laca; gomas, resinas, gomorresinas y oleorresinas (por ejemplo: bálsamos), naturales. | | |

    1301.10.00 | — Goma laca | 6 | Year 0 |

    1301.20.00 | — Goma arábiga | 6 | Year 0 |

    1301.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1302 | Jugos y extractos vegetales; materias pécticas, pectinatos y pectatos; agar-agar y demás mucílagos y espesativos derivados de los vegetales, incluso modificados. | | |

    — Jugos y extractos vegetales: | | |

    1302.11.00 | — — Opio | 6 | Year 0 |

    1302.12.00 | — — De regaliz | 6 | Year 0 |

    1302.13.00 | — — De lúpulo | 6 | Year 0 |

    1302.14.00 | — — De piretro (pelitre)* o de raíces que contengan rotenona | 6 | Year 0 |

    1302.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    1302.19.10 | — — — Extracto de quillay | 6 | Year 0 |

    1302.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1302.20.00 | — Materias pécticas, pectinatos y pectatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Mucílagos y espesativos derivados de los vegetales, incluso modificados: | | |

    1302.31.00 | — — Agar-agar | 6 | Year 0 |

    1302.32.00 | — — Mucílagos y espesativos de la algarroba o de su semilla o de las semillas de guar, incluso modificados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1302.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    1302.39.10 | — — — Carraghenina | 6 | Year 0 |

    1302.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    14 | Materias trenzables y demás productos de origen vegetal, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte | | |

    1401 | Materias vegetales de las especies utilizadas principalmente en cestería o espartería (por ejemplo: bambú, roten [ratán]*, caña, junco, mimbre, rafia, paja de cereales limpiada, blanqueada o teñida, corteza de tilo). | | |

    1401.10.00 | — Bambú | 6 | Year 0 |

    1401.20.00 | — Roten (ratán)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    1401.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1402.00.00 | Materias vegetales de las especies utilizadas principalmente para relleno (por ejemplo: "kapok" [miraguano de bombacáceas], crin vegetal, crin marina), incluso en capas aun con soporte de otras materias. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1403.00.00 | Materias vegetales de las especies utilizadas principalmente en la fabricación de escobas, cepillos o brochas (por ejemplo: sorgo, piasava, grama, ixtle [tampico]), incluso en torcidas o en haces. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1404 | Productos vegetales no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | | |

    1404.10.00 | — Materias primas vegetales de las especies utilizadas principalmente para teñir o curtir | 6 | Year 0 |

    1404.20.00 | — Línteres de algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    1404.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    1404.90.10 | — — Cortezas de quillay | 6 | Year 0 |

    1404.90.20 | — — Musgos secos, distintos de los utilizados para ramos o adornos y de los medicinales | 6 | Year 0 |

    1404.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    15 | Grasas y aceites animales o vegetales; productos de su desdoblamiento; grasas alimenticias elaboradas; ceras de origen animal o vegetal | | |

    1501 | Grasa de cerdo (incluida la manteca de cerdo) y grasa de ave, excepto las de las partidas 0209 ó 1503. | | |

    1501.00.10 | — Grasa de cerdo (incluida la manteca de cerdo), refinadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1501.00.90 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1502 | Grasa de animales de las especies bovina, ovina o caprina, excepto las de la partida 1503. | | |

    1502.00.10 | — Fundidos (incluidos los "primeros jugos") | 6 | Year 0 |

    1502.00.90 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1503.00.00 | Estearina solar, aceite de manteca de cerdo, oleoestearina, oleomargarina y aceite de sebo, sin emulsionar, mezclar ni preparar de otro modo. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1504 | Grasas y aceites, y sus fracciones, de pescado o de mamíferos marinos, incluso refinados, pero sin modificar químicamente. | | |

    1504.10.00 | — Aceites de hígado de pescado y sus fracciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    1504.20 | — Grasas y aceites de pescado y sus fracciones, excepto los aceites de hígado: | | |

    1504.20.10 | — — Aceite de pescado, crudo | 6 | Year 0 |

    1504.20.20 | — — Aceite de pescado, semirefinado y refinado | 6 | Year 0 |

    1504.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1504.30.00 | — Grasas y aceites de mamíferos marinos y sus fracciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    1505.00.00 | Grasa de lana y sustancias grasas derivadas, incluida la lanolina. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1506.00.00 | Las demás grasas y aceites animales, y sus fracciones, incluso refinados, pero sin modificar químicamente. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1507 | Aceite de soja (soya) y sus fracciones, incluso refinado, pero sin modificar químicamente. | | |

    1507.10.00 | — Aceite en bruto, incluso desgomado | — | |

    1507.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    1507.90.10 | — — A granel | — | |

    1507.90.90 | — — Los demás | — | |

    1508 | Aceite de cacahuate (cacahuete, maní)* y sus fracciones, incluso refinado, pero sin modificar químicamente. | | |

    1508.10.00 | — Aceite en bruto | — | |

    1508.90.00 | — Los demás | — | |

    1509 | Aceite de oliva y sus fracciones, incluso refinado, pero sin modificar químicamente. | | |

    1509.10.00 | — Virgen | — | Year 10 TQ(2)(a) |

    1509.90.00 | — Los demás | — | Year 10 TQ(2)(a) |

    1510.00.00 | Los demás aceites y sus fracciones obtenidos exclusivamente de aceituna, incluso refinados, pero sin modificar químicamente, y mezclas de estos aceites o fracciones con los aceites o fracciones de la partida 1509. | — | Year 10 TQ(2)(a) |

    1511 | Aceite de palma y sus fracciones, incluso refinado, pero sin modificar químicamente. | | |

    1511.10.00 | — Aceite en bruto | — | |

    1511.90.00 | — Los demás | — | |

    1512 | Aceites de girasol, cártamo o algodón, y sus fracciones, incluso refinados, pero sin modificar químicamente. | | |

    — Aceites de girasol o cártamo, y sus fracciones: | | |

    1512.11 | — — Aceites en bruto: | | |

    1512.11.10 | — — — De girasol | 6 | Year 0 |

    1512.11.20 | — — — De cártamo | 6 | Year 0 |

    1512.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — De girasol: | | |

    1512.19.11 | — — — — A granel | 6 | Year 0 |

    1512.19.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1512.19.20 | — — — De cártamo | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aceite de algodón y sus fracciones: | | |

    1512.21.00 | — — Aceite en bruto, incluso sin gosipol | — | |

    1512.29.00 | — — Los demás | — | |

    1513 | Aceites de coco (de copra), de almendra de palma o de babasú, y sus fracciones, incluso refinados, pero sin modificar químicamente. | | |

    — Aceite de coco (de copra) y sus fracciones: | | |

    1513.11.00 | — — Aceite en bruto | — | |

    1513.19.00 | — — Los demás | — | |

    — Aceites de almendra de palma o de babasú, y sus fracciones: | | |

    1513.21.00 | — — Aceites en bruto | — | |

    1513.29.00 | — — Los demás | — | |

    1514 | Aceites de nabo (de nabina), colza o mostaza, y sus fracciones, incluso refinados, pero sin modificar químicamente. | | |

    — Aceites de nabo (de nabina) o de colza con bajo contenido de ácido erúcico y sus fracciones: | | |

    1514.11.00 | — — Aceites en bruto | — | |

    1514.19.00 | — — Los demás | — | |

    — Los demás: | | |

    1514.91.00 | — — Aceites en bruto | — | |

    1514.99.00 | — — Los demás | — | |

    1515 | Las demás grasas y aceites vegetales fijos (incluido el aceite de jojoba), y sus fracciones, incluso refinados, pero sin modificar químicamente. | | |

    — Aceite de lino (de linaza) y sus fracciones: | | |

    1515.11.00 | — — Aceite en bruto | 6 | Year 0 |

    1515.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aceite de maíz y sus fracciones: | | |

    1515.21.00 | — — Aceite en bruto | 6 | Year 0 |

    1515.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1515.30.00 | — Aceite de ricino y sus fracciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    1515.40.00 | — Aceite de tung y sus fracciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    1515.50.00 | — Aceite de sésamo (ajonjolí) y sus fracciones | — | |

    1515.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    1515.90.10 | — — Aceite de rosa mosqueta | — | |

    1515.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1516 | Grasas y aceites, animales o vegetales, y sus fracciones, parcial o totalmente hidrogenados, interesterificados, reesterificados o elaidinizados, incluso refinados, pero sin preparar de otro modo. | | |

    1516.10 | — Grasas y aceites, animales, y sus fracciones: | | |

    — — De pescado o de mamíferos marinos: | | |

    1516.10.11 | — — — De pescado | 6 | Year 0 |

    1516.10.12 | — — — De mamíferos marinos | 6 | Year 0 |

    1516.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1516.20 | — Grasas y aceites, vegetales, y sus fracciones: | | |

    1516.20.10 | — — Grasas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1516.20.20 | — — Manteca | 6 | Year 0 |

    1516.20.30 | — — Aceites parcial o totalmente refinados para uso en la industria alimenticia | 6 | Year 0 |

    1516.20.40 | — — Aceites parcial o totalmente refinados para otros usos | 6 | Year 0 |

    1516.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1517 | Margarina; mezclas o preparaciones alimenticias de grasas o aceites, animales o vegetales, o de fracciones de diferentes grasas o aceites, de este Capítulo, excepto las grasas y aceites alimenticios y sus fracciones, de la partida 1516. | | |

    1517.10 | — Margarina, excepto la margarina líquida: | | |

    1517.10.10 | — — Presentada en envases inmediatos con un contenido inferior o igual a 1 KN | 6 | Year 10 |

    1517.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    1517.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    1517.90.10 | — — Mezclas de aceites vegetales, en bruto | — | |

    1517.90.20 | — — Mezclas de aceites vegetales, refinados | — | |

    1517.90.90 | — — Las demás | — | |

    1518 | Grasas y aceites, animales o vegetales, y sus fracciones, cocidos, oxidados, deshidratados, sulfurados, soplados, polimerizados por calor en vacío o atmósfera inerte ("estandolizados"), o modificados químicamente de otra forma, excepto los de la partida 1516; mezclas o preparaciones no alimenticias de grasas o de aceites, animales o vegetales, o de fracciones de diferentes grasas o aceites de este Capítulo, no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte. | | |

    1518.00.10 | — Aceite de pescado no apto para el consumo humano | 6 | Year 10 |

    1518.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    1520.00.00 | Glicerol en bruto; aguas y lejías glicerinosas. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1521 | Ceras vegetales (excepto los triglicéridos),cera de abejas o de otros insectos y esperma de ballena o de otros cetáceos (espermaceti), incluso refinadas o coloreadas. | | |

    1521.10.00 | — Ceras vegetales | 6 | Year 0 |

    1521.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1522.00.00 | Degrás; residuos procedentes del tratamiento de grasas o ceras, animales o vegetales. | 6 | Year 0 |

    16 | Preparaciones de carne, pescado o de crustáceos, moluscos o demás invertebrados acuáticos | | |

    1601.00.00 | Embutidos y productos similares de carne, despojos o sangre; preparaciones alimenticias a base de estos productos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602 | Las demás preparaciones y conservas de carne, despojos o sangre. | | |

    1602.10.00 | — Preparaciones homogeneizadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602.20.00 | — De hígado de cualquier animal | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De aves de la partida 0105: | | |

    1602.31 | — — De pavo (gallipavo): | | |

    1602.31.10 | — — — Trozos preparados, sazonados o condimentados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602.31.20 | — — — Paté y pastas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602.31.30 | — — — Jamón | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602.31.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602.32 | — — De gallo o gallina: | | |

    1602.32.10 | — — — Trozos preparados, sazonados o condimentados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602.32.20 | — — — Paté y pastas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602.32.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602.39.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De la especie porcina: | | |

    1602.41.00 | — — Jamones y trozos de jamón | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602.42.00 | — — Paletas y trozos de paleta | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602.49.00 | — — Las demás, incluidas las mezclas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602.50.00 | — De la especie bovina | 6 | Year 0 |

    1602.90.00 | — Las demás, incluidas las preparaciones de sangre de cualquier animal | 6 | Year 0 |

    1603 | Extractos y jugos de carne, pescado o de crustáceos, moluscos o demás invertebrados acuáticos. | | |

    1603.00.10 | — De carne | 6 | Year 0 |

    1603.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604 | Preparaciones y conservas de pescado; caviar y sus sucedáneos preparados con huevas de pescado. | | |

    — Pescado entero o en trozos, excepto el pescado picado: | | |

    1604.11 | — — Salmones: | | |

    1604.11.10 | — — — Ahumados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.12.00 | — — Arenques | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.13 | — — Sardinas, sardinelas y espadines: | | |

    — — — Sardinas: | | |

    1604.13.11 | — — — — Al natural | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.13.12 | — — — — Con salsa de tomate | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.13.19 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.13.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.14 | — — Atunes, listados y bonitos (Sarda spp.): | | |

    1604.14.10 | — — — Atunes | | |

    ex16041410 | — — — — Filetes llamados <loins> | — | |

    ex16041410 | — — — — Los demás | — | TQ (4) |

    1604.14.20 | — — — Listados | | |

    ex16041420 | — — — — Filetes llamados <loins> | — | |

    ex16041420 | — — — — Los demás | — | TQ (4) |

    1604.14.30 | — — — Bonitos | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.15.00 | — — Caballas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.16 | — — Anchoas: | | |

    1604.16.10 | — — — En aceite | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.16.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Jurel: | | |

    1604.19.11 | — — — — Al natural | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.19.12 | — — — — Con salsa de tomate | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.19.13 | — — — — En aceite | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.19.19 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.19.20 | — — — Congrio | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.19.30 | — — — Trucha | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.19.40 | — — — Merluza | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.19.90 | — — — Los demás | | |

    ex16041990 | — — — — Filetes llamados <loins> | — | |

    ex16041990 | — — — — Pescados del género Euthynnus [excepto los listados (Euthynnus - Katsuwonus - pelamis)] | | |

    ex16041990 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.20 | — Las demás preparaciones y conservas de pescado: | | |

    1604.20.10 | — — De atún | | |

    ex16042010 | — — — Filetes llamados <loins> | — | |

    ex16042010 | — — — Los demás | — | TQ (4) |

    1604.20.20 | — — De bonito | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.20.30 | — — De salmón | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.20.40 | — — De sardina y jurel | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.20.50 | — — De caballa | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.20.60 | — — De anchoas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.20.70 | — — De merluza | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.20.90 | — — Las demás | | |

    ex16042090 | — — — Listados y los demás pescados del género Euthynnus | — | TQ (4) |

    ex16042090 | — — — Filetes llamados <loins> | — | |

    ex16042090 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1604.30.00 | — Caviar y sus sucedáneos | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605 | Crustáceos, moluscos y demás invertebrados acuáticos, preparados o conservados. | | |

    1605.10 | — Cangrejos (excepto macruros): | | |

    — — Jaibas: | | |

    1605.10.11 | — — — Conservadas en recipientes herméticos cerrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.10.12 | — — — Conservadas congeladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.10.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Centollas y centollón: | | |

    1605.10.21 | — — — Centolla del norte (Lithodes spp.), conservada en recipientes herméticos cerrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.10.22 | — — — Centolla (Lithodes santolla), conservada en recipientes herméticos cerrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.10.23 | — — — Centollón (Paralomis granulosa), conservado en recipientes herméticos cerrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.10.24 | — — — Centollón del norte (Paralomis spp.), conservados en recipientes herméticos cerrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.10.25 | — — — Centolla del norte (Lithodes spp.) congelada | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.10.26 | — — — Centolla (Lithodes santolla), congelada | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.10.27 | — — — Centollón (Paralomis granulosa), congelado | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.10.28 | — — — Centollón del norte (Paralomis spp.), congelado | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.10.29 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.20 | — Camarones, langostinos y demás Decápodos natantia: | | |

    — — Camarones: | | |

    1605.20.11 | — — — Camarón nailon (Heterocarpus reedi), conservado en recipientes herméticos cerrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.20.12 | — — — Camarón ecuatoriano (Penaeus vannamei), conservados en recipientes herméticos cerrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.20.13 | — — — Camarón de río (Cryphiops caementarius) conservados en recipientes herméticos cerrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.20.14 | — — — Camarón nailon (Heterocarpus reedi), congelado | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.20.15 | — — — Camarón ecuatoriano (Penaeus vannamei), congelado | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.20.16 | — — — Camarón de río (Cryphiops caementarius) congelado | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.20.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Langostinos: | | |

    1605.20.21 | — — — Langostino amarillo (Cervimunida johni), conservado en recipientes herméticos cerrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.20.22 | — — — Langostino colorado (Pleuroncodes monodon) conservado en recipientes herméticos cerrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.20.29 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás decápodos natantia: | | |

    1605.20.91 | — — — Gambas (Haliporoides diomedeae) conservadas en recipientes herméticos cerrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.20.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.30.00 | — Bogavantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.40.00 | — Los demás crustáceos | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    1605.90.10 | — — Erizos de mar | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.90.20 | — — Almejas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.90.30 | — — Machas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.90.40 | — — Locos | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.90.50 | — — Caracoles | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.90.60 | — — Ostiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.90.70 | — — Cholgas, choritos y choros | 6 | Year 0 |

    1605.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    17 | Azúcares y artículos de confitería | | |

    1701 | Azúcar de caña o de remolacha y sacarosa químicamente pura, en estado sólido. | | |

    — Azúcar en bruto sin adición de aromatizante ni colorante: | | |

    1701.11.00 | — — De caña | — | |

    1701.12.00 | — — De remolacha | — | |

    — Los demás: | | |

    1701.91.00 | — — Con adición de aromatizante o colorante | — | |

    1701.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    1701.99.10 | — — — De caña, refinada | — | |

    1701.99.20 | — — — De remolacha, refinada | — | |

    1701.99.90 | — — — Los demás | — | |

    1702 | Los demás azúcares, incluidas la lactosa, maltosa, glucosa y fructosa (levulosa) químicamente puras, en estado sólido; jarabe de azúcar sin adición de aromatizante ni colorante; sucedáneos de la miel, incluso mezclados con miel natural; azúcar y melaza caramelizados. | | |

    — Lactosa y jarabe de lactosa: | | |

    1702.11.00 | — — Con un contenido de lactosa superior o igual al 99 % en peso, expresado en lactosa anhidra, calculado sobre producto seco | — | |

    1702.19.00 | — — Los demás | — | |

    1702.20.00 | — Azúcar y jarabe de arce ("maple") | — | |

    1702.30.00 | — Glucosa y jarabe de glucosa, sin fructosa o con un contenido de fructosa, sobre producto seco inferior al 20 % en peso | — | |

    1702.40.00 | — Glucosa y jarabe de glucosa con un contenido de fructosa sobre producto seco superior o igual al 20 % pero inferior al 50 %, en peso, excepto el azúcar invertido | — | |

    1702.50.00 | — Fructosa químicamente pura | — | |

    1702.60 | — Las demás fructosas y jarabe de fructosa, con un contenido de fructosa sobre producto seco superior al 50 % en peso, excepto el azúcar invertido: | | |

    1702.60.10 | — — De pera | — | |

    1702.60.20 | — — De manzana | — | |

    1702.60.90 | — — Los demás | — | |

    1702.90 | — Los demás, incluido el azúcar invertido y demás azúcares y jarabes de azúcar, con un contenido de fructosa sobre producto seco de 50 % en peso: | | |

    1702.90.10 | — — Caramelo colorante | — | |

    1702.90.90 | — — Los demás | — | |

    1703 | Melaza procedente de la extracción o del refinado del azúcar. | | |

    1703.10.00 | — Melaza de caña | — | |

    1703.90.00 | — Las demás | — | |

    1704 | Artículos de confitería sin cacao (incluido el chocolate blanco). | | |

    1704.10 | — Chicles y demás gomas de mascar, incluso recubiertos de azúcar: | | |

    1704.10.10 | — — Recubiertos de azúcar | 6 | Year 0 |

    1704.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1704.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    1704.90.20 | — — Bombones | 6 | Year 0 |

    1704.90.30 | — — Caramelos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Confites: | | |

    1704.90.41 | — — — A base de dulce de leche | 6 | Year 0 |

    1704.90.49 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1704.90.50 | — — Pastillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1704.90.60 | — — Gomas azucaradas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1704.90.70 | — — Turrón | 6 | Year 0 |

    1704.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    18 | Cacao y sus preparaciones | | |

    1801 | Cacao en grano, entero o partido, crudo o tostado. | | |

    1801.00.10 | — Crudo | 6 | Year 0 |

    1801.00.20 | — Tostado | 6 | Year 0 |

    1802.00.00 | Cáscara, películas y demás residuos de cacao. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1803 | Pasta de cacao, incluso desgrasada. | | |

    1803.10.00 | — Sin desgrasar | 6 | Year 0 |

    1803.20.00 | — Desgrasada total o parcialmente | 6 | Year 0 |

    1804.00.00 | Manteca, grasa y aceite de cacao. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1805.00.00 | Cacao en polvo sin adición de azúcar ni otro edulcorante. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806 | Chocolate y demás preparaciones alimenticias que contengan cacao. | | |

    1806.10 | — Cacao en polvo con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante: | | |

    1806.10.10 | — — Con un contenido de azúcar superior o igual al 90 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806.20.00 | — Las demás preparaciones en bloques o barras con peso superior a 2 kg o en forma líquida, pastosa, en polvo, gránulos o formas similares, en recipientes o envases inmediatos con un contenido superior a 2 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, en bloques, tabletas o barras: | | |

    1806.31 | — — Rellenos: | | |

    1806.31.10 | — — — Con pastas blandas o licor | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806.31.20 | — — — Con frutos o cereales | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806.31.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806.32 | — — Sin rellenar: | | |

    1806.32.10 | — — — Coberturas | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806.32.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    1806.90.10 | — — Chocolates, en formas distintas de los bloques, tabletas o barras, rellenos | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806.90.20 | — — Chocolates, en formas distintas de los bloques, tabletas o barras, sin rellenar | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806.90.30 | — — Caramelos recubiertos de chocolate | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806.90.40 | — — Frutos recubiertos de chocolate | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806.90.50 | — — Pastas recubiertas de chocolate | 6 | Year 0 |

    1806.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    19 | Preparaciones a base de cereales, harina, almidón, fécula o leche; productos de pastelería | | |

    1901 | Extracto de malta; preparaciones alimenticias de harina, grañones, sémola, almidón, fécula o extracto de malta, que no contengan cacao o con un contenido de cacao inferior al 40 % en peso calculado sobre una base totalmente desgrasada, no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte; preparaciones alimenticias de productos de las partidas 0401 a 0404 que no contengan cacao o con un contenido de cacao inferior al 5 % en peso calculado sobre una base totalmente desgrasada, no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte. | | |

    1901.10 | — Preparaciones para la alimentación infantil acondicionadas para la venta al por menor: | | |

    1901.10.10 | — — Con un contenido de sólidos lácteos superior al 10 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    1901.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1901.20 | — Mezclas y pastas para la preparación de productos de panadería, pastelería o galletería, de la partida 1905: | | |

    1901.20.10 | — — Con un contenido de grasa butírica superior al 25 % en peso, sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor | — | |

    1901.20.90 | — — Las demás | — | |

    1901.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    — — Preparaciones a base de productos lácteos con un contenido de sólidos lácteos superior al 10 % en peso: | | |

    1901.90.11 | — — — Dulce de leche (manjar) | 6 | Year 0 |

    1901.90.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1901.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    1902 | Pastas alimenticias, incluso cocidas o rellenas (de carne u otras sustancias) o preparadas de otra forma, tales como espaguetis, fideos, macarrones, tallarines, lasañas, ñoquis, ravioles, canelones; cuscús, incluso preparado. | | |

    — Pastas alimenticias sin cocer, rellenar ni preparar de otra forma: | | |

    1902.11.00 | — — Que contengan huevo | 6 | Year 5 |

    1902.19 | — — Las demás: | | |

    1902.19.10 | — — — Espaguetis | 6 | Year 5 |

    1902.19.20 | — — — Pastas para sopa | 6 | Year 5 |

    1902.19.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    1902.20.00 | — Pastas alimenticias rellenas, incluso cocidas o preparadas de otra forma | 6 | Year 0 |

    1902.30.00 | — Las demás pastas alimenticias | 6 | Year 5 |

    1902.40.00 | — Cuscús | 6 | Year 0 |

    1903.00.00 | Tapioca y sus sucedáneos preparados con fécula, en copos, grumos, granos perlados, cerniduras o formas similares. | 6 | Year 0 |

    1904 | Productos a base de cereales obtenidos por inflado o tostado (por ejemplo: hojuelas o copos de maíz); cereales (excepto el maíz) en grano o en forma de copos u otro grano trabajado (excepto la harina, grañones y sémola), precocidos o preparados de otro modo, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | | |

    1904.10.00 | — Productos a base de cereales obtenidos por inflado o tostado | 6 | Year 5 |

    1904.20.00 | — Preparaciones alimenticias obtenidas con copos de cereales sin tostar o con mezclas de copos de cereales sin tostar y copos de cereales tostados o cereales inflados | 6 | Year 10 |

    1904.30.00 | — Trigo bulgur | 6 | Year 5 |

    1904.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    1905 | Productos de panadería, pastelería o galletería, incluso con adición de cacao; hostias, sellos vacíos de los tipos utilizados para medicamentos, obleas para sellar, pastas secas de harina, almidón o fécula, en hojas, y productos similares. | | |

    1905.10.00 | — Pan crujiente llamado "Knäckebrot" | 6 | Year 5 |

    1905.20.00 | — Pan de especias | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Galletas dulces (con adición de edulcorante); barquillos y obleas, incluso rellenos ("gaufrettes", "wafers") y "waffles" ("gaufres")*: | | |

    1905.31.00 | — — Galletas dulces (con adición de edulcorante) | 6 | Year 5 |

    1905.32.00 | — — Barquillos y obleas, incluso rellenos ("gaufrettes", "wafers") y "waffles" ("gaufres")* | 6 | Year 5 |

    1905.40.00 | — Pan tostado y productos similares tostados | 6 | Year 5 |

    1905.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    1905.90.10 | — — Alfajores | 6 | Year 5 |

    1905.90.20 | — — Bizcochos | 6 | Year 5 |

    1905.90.30 | — — Galletas saladas | 6 | Year 5 |

    1905.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    20 | Preparaciones de hortalizas, frutas u otros frutos o demás partes de plantas | | |

    2001 | Hortalizas (incluso "silvestres"), frutas u otros frutos y demás partes comestibles de plantas, preparados o conservados en vinagre o en ácido acético. | | |

    2001.10.00 | — Pepinos y pepinillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2001.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2001.90.10 | — — Alcachofas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2001.90.20 | — — Alcaparras | 6 | Year 0 |

    2001.90.30 | — — Mezclas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2001.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2002 | Tomates preparados o conservados (excepto en vinagre o en ácido acético). | | |

    2002.10 | — Tomates enteros o en trozos: | | |

    2002.10.10 | — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    2002.10.20 | — — En trozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2002.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    — — Purés y jugos de tomate, cuyo contenido en peso, de extracto seco, sea igual o superior al 7 %: | | |

    2002.90.11 | — — — De valor Brix inferior a 30 | 6 | Year 0 |

    2002.90.12 | — — — De valor Brix superior o igual a 30 pero inferior o igual a 32 | 6 | Year 0 |

    2002.90.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2002.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2003 | Hongos y trufas, preparados o conservados (excepto en vinagre o en ácido acético). | | |

    2003.10 | — Hongos del género Agaricus: | | |

    2003.10.10 | — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    2003.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2003.20 | — Trufas: | | |

    2003.20.10 | — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    2003.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2003.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2003.90.10 | — — Enteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    2003.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2004 | Las demás hortalizas (incluso "silvestres") preparadas o conservadas (excepto en vinagre o en ácido acético), congeladas, excepto los productos de la partida 2006. | | |

    2004.10.00 | — Patatas (papas)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2004.90 | — Las demás hortalizas y las mezclas de hortalizas: | | |

    2004.90.10 | — — Espárragos | 6 | Year 10 |

    2004.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    2005 | Las demás hortalizas (incluso "silvestres") preparadas o conservadas (excepto en vinagre o en ácido acético), sin congelar, excepto los productos de la partida 2006. | | |

    2005.10.00 | — Hortalizas homogeneizadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2005.20.00 | — Patatas (papas)* | 6 | Year 10 |

    2005.40.00 | — Guisantes (arvejas, chícharos)* (Pisum sativum) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Judías (porotos, alubias, frijoles, fréjoles)* (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.): | | |

    2005.51.00 | — — Desvainadas | 6 | Year 10 |

    2005.59.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    2005.60.00 | — Espárragos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2005.70.00 | — Aceitunas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2005.80.00 | — Maíz dulce (Zea mays var. saccharata) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2005.90 | — Las demás hortalizas y las mezclas de hortalizas: | | |

    2005.90.10 | — — Pimiento | 6 | Year 0 |

    2005.90.20 | — — Ají | 6 | Year 0 |

    2005.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2006 | Hortalizas (incluso "silvestres"), frutas u otros frutos o sus cortezas y demás partes de plantas, confitados con azúcar (almibarados, glaseados o escarchados). | | |

    2006.00.10 | — Cerezas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2006.00.20 | — Mezclas de frutas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2006.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2007 | Confituras, jaleas y mermeladas, purés y pastas de frutas u otros frutos, obtenidos por cocción, incluso con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante. | | |

    2007.10.00 | — Preparaciones homogeneizadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    2007.91.00 | — — De agrios (cítricos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2007.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — De melocotón (durazno)*: | | |

    2007.99.11 | — — — — Pulpa | 6 | Year 0 |

    2007.99.12 | — — — — Mermeladas y jaleas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2007.99.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — De albaricoque (damasco, chabacanos)*: | | |

    2007.99.21 | — — — — Pulpa | 6 | Year 0 |

    2007.99.22 | — — — — Mermeladas y jaleas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2007.99.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2007.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008 | Frutas u otros frutos y demás partes comestibles de plantas, preparados o conservados de otro modo, incluso con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante o alcohol, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | | |

    — Frutos de cáscara, cacahuates (cacahuetes, maníes)* y demás semillas, incluso mezclados entre sí: | | |

    2008.11 | — — Cacahuates (cacahuetes, maníes)*: | | |

    2008.11.10 | — — — Sin cáscara | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.19.00 | — — Los demás, incluidas las mezclas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.20 | — Piñas (ananás) | | |

    — — Conservadas al natural o en almíbar: | | |

    2008.20.11 | — — — En rodajas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.20.12 | — — — En cubos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.20.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.30.00 | — Agrios (cítricos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.40 | — Peras: | | |

    2008.40.10 | — — Conservadas al natural o en almíbar | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.40.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.50.00 | — Albaricoques (damascos, chabacanos)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.60 | — Cerezas | | |

    — — Conservadas al natural o en almíbar: | | |

    2008.60.11 | — — — Marrasquino o tipo marrasquino | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.60.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.60.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.70 | — Melocotones (duraznos)*, incluidos los griñones y nectarinas | | |

    — — Conservados al natural o en almíbar: | | |

    2008.70.11 | — — — En mitades | 6 | Year 10 |

    2008.70.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    2008.70.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    2008.80.00 | — Fresas (frutillas)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, incluidas las mezclas, excepto las mezclas de la subpartida 200819: | | |

    2008.91.00 | — — Palmitos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.92.00 | — — Mezclas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2008.99.10 | — — — Uva | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.99.20 | — — — Ciruelas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.99.30 | — — — Kiwis | 6 | Year 0 |

    2008.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009 | Jugos de frutas u otros frutos (incluido el mosto de uva) o de hortalizas (incluso "silvestres"), sin fermentar y sin adición de alcohol, incluso con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante. | | |

    — Jugo de naranja: | | |

    2009.11.00 | — — Congelado | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.12.00 | — — Sin congelar, de valor Brix inferior o igual a 20 | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Jugo de toronja o pomelo: | | |

    2009.21.00 | — — De valor Brix inferior o igual a 20 | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Jugo de cualquier otro agrio (cítrico): | | |

    2009.31.00 | — — De valor Brix inferior o igual a 20 | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Jugo de piña (ananá): | | |

    2009.41.00 | — — De valor Brix inferior o igual a 20 | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.50.00 | — Jugo de tomate | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Jugo de uva (incluido el mosto): | | |

    2009.61 | — — De valor Brix inferior o igual a 30: | | |

    2009.61.10 | — — — Jugo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.61.20 | — — — Mosto | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.69 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2009.69.10 | — — — Jugo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.69.20 | — — — Mosto | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Jugo de manzana: | | |

    2009.71.00 | — — De valor Brix inferior o igual a 20 | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.79 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2009.79.10 | — — — De valor Brix superior a 20 pero inferior a 70 | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.79.20 | — — — De valor Brix superior o igual a 70 | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.80 | — Jugo de cualquier otra fruta o fruto, u hortaliza: | | |

    2009.80.10 | — — De mora | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.80.20 | — — De frambuesa | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.80.30 | — — De melocotón (durazno)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.80.40 | — — De kiwi | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.80.50 | — — De pera | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.80.60 | — — De ciruela | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.80.70 | — — De pimiento rojo de los géneros Capsicum o Pimenta | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.80.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2009.90.00 | — Mezclas de jugos | 6 | Year 0 |

    21 | Preparaciones alimenticias diversas | | |

    2101 | Extractos, esencias y concentrados de café, té o yerba mate y preparaciones a base de estos productos o a base de café, té o yerba mate; achicoria tostada y demás sucedáneos del café tostados y sus extractos, esencias y concentrados. | | |

    — Extractos, esencias y concentrados de café y preparaciones a base de estos extractos, esencias o concentrados o a base de café: | | |

    2101.11 | — — Extractos, esencias y concentrados: | | |

    2101.11.10 | — — — Café instantáneo, sin aromatizar | 6 | Year 0 |

    2101.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2101.12.00 | — — Preparaciones a base de extractos, esencias o concentrados o a base de café | 6 | Year 0 |

    2101.20 | — Extractos, esencias y concentrados de té o de yerba mate y preparaciones a base de estos extractos, esencias o concentrados o a base de té o de yerba mate: | | |

    2101.20.10 | — — A base de té | 6 | Year 0 |

    2101.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2101.30.00 | — Achicoria tostada y demás sucedáneos del café tostados y sus extractos, esencias y concentrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2102 | Levaduras (vivas o muertas); los demás microorganismos monocelulares muertos (excepto las vacunas de la partida 3002); polvos de levantar preparados. | | |

    2102.10.00 | — Levaduras vivas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2102.20.00 | — Levaduras muertas; los demás microorganismos monocelulares muertos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2102.30.00 | — Polvos de levantar preparados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2103 | Preparaciones para salsas y salsas preparadas; condimentos y sazonadores, compuestos; harina de mostaza y mostaza preparada. | | |

    2103.10.00 | — Salsa de soja (soya) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2103.20 | — "Ketchup" y demás salsas de tomate: | | |

    2103.20.10 | — — Salsa catsup ("ketchup", "catchup")* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2103.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2103.30.00 | — Harina de mostaza y mostaza preparada | 6 | Year 0 |

    2103.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2103.90.10 | — — Condimentos y sazonadores compuestos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2103.90.20 | — — Mayonesa | 6 | Year 0 |

    2103.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2104 | Preparaciones para sopas, potajes o caldos; sopas, potajes o caldos, preparados; preparaciones alimenticias compuestas homogeneizadas. | | |

    2104.10 | — Preparaciones para sopas, potajes o caldos; sopas, potajes o caldos, preparados: | | |

    2104.10.10 | — — Cremas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2104.10.20 | — — Sopas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2104.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2104.20 | — Preparaciones alimenticias compuestas homogeneizadas: | | |

    2104.20.10 | — — Alimentos infantiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    2104.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2105 | Helados, incluso con cacao. | | |

    2105.00.10 | — A base de agua | 6 | Year 0 |

    2105.00.20 | — A base de leche o crema | 6 | Year 0 |

    2105.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2106 | Preparaciones alimenticias no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte. | | |

    2106.10 | — Concentrados de proteínas y sustancias proteicas texturadas: | | |

    2106.10.10 | — — Concentrados de proteínas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2106.10.20 | — — Sustancias proteicas texturadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2106.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    2106.90.10 | — — Polvos para la fabricación de budines, cremas, gelatinas y similares | — | |

    — — Preparaciones compuestas no alcohólicas para la fabricación de bebidas: | | |

    2106.90.21 | — — — Con sabor a frutas | — | |

    2106.90.29 | — — — Las demás | — | |

    2106.90.30 | — — Concentrados de jugos de una sola fruta, legumbre u hortaliza, enriquecidos con minerales o vitaminas | — | |

    — — Mezclas de concentrados: | | |

    2106.90.41 | — — — Mezclas de concentrados de jugo de frutas, legumbres u hortalizas, enriquecidos con minerales o vitaminas | — | |

    2106.90.49 | — — — Las demás | — | |

    2106.90.50 | — — Preparaciones con un contenido de sólidos lácteos superior al 10 % en peso | — | |

    2106.90.60 | — — Preparaciones alcohólicas compuestas no basadas en una o más sustancias odoríferas con un grado alcohólico superior al 0,5 % por volumen, y del tipo utilizado para la fabricación de bebidas | — | |

    2106.90.90 | — — Las demás | — | |

    22 | Bebidas, líquidos alcohólicos y vinagre | | |

    2201 | Agua, incluidas el agua mineral natural o artificial y la gaseada, sin adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante ni aromatizada; hielo y nieve. | | |

    2201.10.00 | — Agua mineral y agua gaseada | 6 | Year 0 |

    2201.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2202 | Agua, incluidas el agua mineral y la gaseada, con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante o aromatizada, y demás bebidas no alcohólicas, excepto los jugos de frutas u otros frutos o de hortalizas de la partida 2009. | | |

    2202.10.00 | — Agua, incluidas el agua mineral y la gaseada, con adición de azúcar u otro edulcorante o aromatizada | 6 | Year 0 |

    2202.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    2202.90.10 | — — Bebidas a base de jugos de una sola fruta, legumbre u hortaliza, enriquecidos con minerales y vitaminas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2202.90.20 | — — Bebidas a base de mezclas de jugos de frutas, legumbres u hortalizas, enriquecidos con minerales o vitaminas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Bebidas que contengan leche: | | |

    2202.90.31 | — — — Con contenido lácteo superior al 50 % | 6 | Year 0 |

    2202.90.32 | — — — Con contenido lácteo inferior o igual al 50 % | 6 | Year 0 |

    2202.90.40 | — — Bebidas de fantasía gasificadas, con azúcar | 6 | Year 0 |

    2202.90.50 | — — Bebidas de fantasía gasificadas, sin azúcar | 6 | Year 0 |

    2202.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2203.00.00 | Cerveza de malta. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2204 | Vino de uvas frescas, incluso encabezado, mosto de uva, excepto el de la partida 2009. | | |

    2204.10.00 | — Vino espumoso | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Los demás vinos; mosto de uva en el que la fermentación se ha impedido o cortado añadiendo alcohol: | | |

    2204.21 | — — En recipientes con capacidad inferior o igual a 2 l: | | |

    — — — Vinos blancos con denominación de origen: | | |

    2204.21.11 | — — — — Sauvignon blanc | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.21.12 | — — — — Chardonnay | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.21.13 | — — — — Mezclas | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.21.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — — — Vinos tintos con denominación de origen: | | |

    2204.21.21 | — — — — Cabernet sauvignon | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.21.22 | — — — — Merlot | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.21.23 | — — — — Mezclas | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.21.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.21.30 | — — — Los demás vinos con denominación de origen | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Mosto de uva fermentado parcialmente y, apagado con alcohol (incluidas las mistelas): | | |

    2204.29.11 | — — — — Tintos | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.29.12 | — — — — Blancos | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.29.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    2204.29.91 | — — — — Tintos | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.29.92 | — — — — Blancos | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.29.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2204.30 | — Los demás mostos de uva: | | |

    — — Tintos: | | |

    2204.30.11 | — — — Mostos concentrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2204.30.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Blancos: | | |

    2204.30.21 | — — — Mostos concentrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2204.30.29 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2204.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2205 | Vermut y demás vinos de uvas frescas preparados con plantas o sustancias aromáticas. | | |

    2205.10 | — En recipientes con capacidad inferior o igual a 2 l: | | |

    2205.10.10 | — — Vinos con pulpa de fruta | 6 | Year 10 |

    2205.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    2205.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 10 |

    2206.00.00 | Las demás bebidas fermentadas (por ejemplo: sidra, perada, aguamiel); mezclas de bebidas fermentadas y mezclas de bebidas fermentadas y bebidas no alcohólicas, no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte. | 6 | Year 10 |

    2207 | Alcohol etílico sin desnaturalizar con grado alcohólico volumétrico superior o igual al 80 % vol; alcohol etílico y aguardiente desnaturalizados, de cualquier graduación. | | |

    2207.10.00 | — Alcohol etílico sin desnaturalizar con grado alcohólico volumétrico superior o igual al 80 % vol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2207.20.00 | — Alcohol etílico y aguardiente desnaturalizados, de cualquier graduación | 6 | Year 10 |

    2208 | Alcohol etílico sin desnaturalizar con grado alcohólico volumétrico inferior al 80 % vol; aguardientes, licores y demás bebidas espirituosas. | | |

    2208.20 | — Aguardiente de vino o de orujo de uvas: | | |

    2208.20.10 | — — De uva (pisco y similares) | | |

    ex22082010 | — — — Cognac, Amagnac, Grappa y Brandy de jerez | 6 | Year 10 |

    ex22082010 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2208.20.90 | — — Los demás | | |

    ex22082090 | — — — Cognac, Amagnac, Grappa y Brandy de jerez | 6 | Year 10 |

    ex22082090 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2208.30 | — Whisky: | | |

    2208.30.10 | — — De envejecimiento inferior o igual a 6 años | 6 | Year 5 |

    2208.30.20 | — — De envejecimiento superior a 6 años pero inferior o igual a 12 años | 6 | Year 5 |

    2208.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2208.40 | — Ron y demás aguardientes de caña: | | |

    2208.40.10 | — — Ron | 6 | Year 5 |

    2208.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2208.50 | — "Gin" y ginebra: | | |

    2208.50.10 | — — "Gin" | 6 | Year 5 |

    2208.50.20 | — — Ginebra | 6 | Year 5 |

    2208.60.00 | — Vodka | 6 | Year 5 |

    2208.70.00 | — Licores | 6 | Year 5 |

    2208.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2208.90.10 | — — Tequila | 6 | Year 5 |

    2208.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2209.00.00 | Vinagre y sucedáneos del vinagre obtenidos a partir del ácido acético. | 6 | Year 0 |

    23 | Residuos y desperdicios de las industrias alimentarias; alimentos preparados para animales | | |

    2301 | Harina, polvo y "pellets", de carne, despojos, pescado o de crustáceos, moluscos o demás invertebrados acuáticos, impropios para la alimentación humana; chicharrones. | | |

    2301.10.00 | — Harina, polvo y "pellets", de carne o despojos; chicharrones | 6 | Year 0 |

    2301.20 | — Harina, polvo y "pellets", de pescado o de crustáceos, moluscos o demás invertebrados acuáticos: | | |

    — — Harina de pescado: | | |

    2301.20.11 | — — — Con un contenido de proteínas inferior al 66 % en peso (standard) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2301.20.12 | — — — Con un contenido de proteínas superior o igual al 66 % pero inferior o igual al 68 %, en peso (prime) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2301.20.13 | — — — Con un contenido de proteínas superior al 68 % en peso (super prime) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Harina de crustáceos: | | |

    2301.20.21 | — — — De langostinos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2301.20.22 | — — — De caparazón de crustáceos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2301.20.29 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2301.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2302 | Salvados, moyuelos y demás residuos del cernido, de la molienda o de otros tratamientos de los cereales o de las leguminosas, incluso en "pellets". | | |

    2302.10 | — De maíz: | | |

    2302.10.10 | — — Salvados | 6 | Year 5 |

    2302.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2302.20.00 | — De arroz | 6 | Year 10 |

    2302.30.00 | — De trigo | — | |

    2302.40.00 | — De los demás cereales | — | |

    2302.50.00 | — De leguminosas | 6 | Year 10 |

    2303 | Residuos de la industria del almidón y residuos similares, pulpa de remolacha, bagazo de caña de azúcar y demás desperdicios de la industria azucarera, heces y desperdicios de cervecería o de destilería, incluso en "pellets". | | |

    2303.10.00 | — Residuos de la industria del almidón y residuos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    2303.20 | — Pulpa de remolacha, bagazo de caña de azúcar y demás desperdicios de la industria azucarera: | | |

    2303.20.10 | — — Coseta de remolacha | — | |

    2303.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2303.30.00 | — Heces y desperdicios de cervecería o de destilería | 6 | Year 0 |

    2304 | Tortas y demás residuos sólidos de la extracción del aceite de soja (soya), incluso molidos o en "pellets". | | |

    2304.00.10 | — Tortas | 6 | Year 5 |

    2304.00.20 | — Harinas de tortas | 6 | Year 5 |

    2304.00.30 | — "Pellets" | 6 | Year 5 |

    2304.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2305.00.00 | Tortas y demás residuos sólidos de la extracción del aceite de cacahuate (cacahuete, maní)*, incluso molidos o en "pellets". | 6 | Year 5 |

    2306 | Tortas y demás residuos sólidos de la extracción de grasas o aceites vegetales, incluso molidos o en "pellets", excepto los de las partidas 2304 ó 2305. | | |

    2306.10.00 | — De semillas de algodón | 6 | Year 5 |

    2306.20.00 | — De semillas de lino | 6 | Year 5 |

    2306.30 | — De semillas de girasol: | | |

    2306.30.10 | — — Tortas | 6 | Year 5 |

    2306.30.20 | — — Harinas de tortas | 6 | Year 5 |

    2306.30.30 | — — "Pellets" | 6 | Year 5 |

    2306.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — De semillas de nabo (nabina) o de colza: | | |

    2306.41.00 | — — Con bajo contenido de ácido erúcico | 6 | Year 5 |

    2306.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2306.50.00 | — De coco o de copra | 6 | Year 5 |

    2306.60.00 | — De nuez o de almendra de palma | 6 | Year 5 |

    2306.70.00 | — De germen de maíz | 6 | Year 5 |

    2306.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2307.00.00 | Lías o heces de vino; tártaro bruto. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2308.00.00 | Materias vegetales y desperdicios vegetales, residuos y subproductos vegetales, incluso en "pellets", de los tipos utilizados para la alimentación de los animales, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2309 | Preparaciones de los tipos utilizados para la alimentación de los animales. | | |

    2309.10 | — Alimentos para perros o gatos, acondicionados para la venta al por menor: | | |

    2309.10.10 | — — En bolsas o sacos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2309.10.20 | — — En latas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2309.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2309.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    2309.90.10 | — — Sustitutos lácteos para la alimentación de terneros | 6 | Year 0 |

    2309.90.20 | — — Con un contenido de sólidos lácteos superior al 10 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    2309.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    24 | Tabaco y sucedáneos del tabaco elaborados | | |

    2401 | Tabaco en rama o sin elaborar; desperdicios de tabaco. | | |

    2401.10 | — Tabaco sin desvenar o desnervar: | | |

    2401.10.10 | — — Tabaco para envoltura | 6 | Year 0 |

    2401.10.20 | — — Para la fabricación de cigarros | 6 | Year 0 |

    2401.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2401.20 | — Tabaco total o parcialmente desvenado o desnervado: | | |

    2401.20.10 | — — Tabaco para envoltura | 6 | Year 0 |

    2401.20.20 | — — Para la fabricación de cigarros | 6 | Year 0 |

    2401.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2401.30.00 | — Desperdicios de tabaco | 6 | Year 0 |

    2402 | Cigarros (puros) (incluso despuntados), cigarritos (puritos) y cigarrillos, de tabaco o de sucedáneos del tabaco. | | |

    2402.10.00 | — Cigarros (puros) (incluso despuntados) y cigarritos (puritos), que contengan tabaco | 6 | Year 0 |

    2402.20.00 | — Cigarrillos que contengan tabaco | 6 | Year 0 |

    2402.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2403 | Los demás tabacos y sucedáneos del tabaco, elaborados; tabaco "homogeneizado" o "reconstituido"; extractos y jugos de tabaco. | | |

    2403.10.00 | — Tabaco para fumar, incluso con sucedáneos de tabaco en cualquier proporción | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    2403.91 | — — Tabaco "homogeneizado" o "reconstituido": | | |

    2403.91.10 | — — — Del tipo utilizado para envolturas de tabaco | 6 | Year 0 |

    2403.91.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2403.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    25 | Sal; azufre; tierras y piedras; yesos, cales y cementos | | |

    2501 | Sal (incluidas la de mesa y la desnaturalizada) y cloruro de sodio puro, incluso en disolución acuosa o con adición de antiaglomerantes o de agentes que garanticen una buena fluidez; agua de mar. | | |

    2501.00.20 | — Sal gema, sal de salinas, sal marina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2501.00.30 | — Sal de mesa | 6 | Year 0 |

    2501.00.40 | — Cloruro de sodio puro | 6 | Year 0 |

    2501.00.90 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2502.00.00 | Piritas de hierro sin tostar. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2503.00.00 | Azufre de cualquier clase, excepto el sublimado, el precipitado y el coloidal. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2504 | Grafito natural. | | |

    2504.10.00 | — En polvo o en escamas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2504.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2505 | Arenas naturales de cualquier clase, incluso coloreadas, excepto las arenas metalíferas del Capítulo 26. | | |

    2505.10.00 | — Arenas silíceas y arenas cuarzosas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2505.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2506 | Cuarzo (excepto las arenas naturales); cuarcita, incluso desbastada o simplemente troceada, por aserrado o de otro modo, en bloques o en placas cuadradas o rectangulares. | | |

    2506.10.00 | — Cuarzo | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Cuarcita: | | |

    2506.21.00 | — — En bruto o desbastada | 6 | Year 0 |

    2506.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2507.00.00 | Caolín y demás arcillas caolínicas, incluso calcinados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2508 | Las demás arcillas (excepto las arcillas dilatadas de la partida 6806), andalucita, cianita y silimanita, incluso calcinadas; mullita; tierras de chamota o de dinas. | | |

    2508.10.00 | — Bentonita | 6 | Year 0 |

    2508.20.00 | — Tierras decolorantes y tierras de batán | 6 | Year 0 |

    2508.30.00 | — Arcillas refractarias | 6 | Year 0 |

    2508.40.00 | — Las demás arcillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2508.50.00 | — Andalucita, cianita y silimanita | 6 | Year 0 |

    2508.60.00 | — Mullita | 6 | Year 0 |

    2508.70.00 | — Tierras de chamota o de dinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2509.00.00 | Creta. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2510 | Fosfatos de calcio naturales, fosfatos aluminocálcicos naturales y cretas fosfatadas. | | |

    2510.10.00 | — Sin moler | 6 | Year 0 |

    2510.20.00 | — Molidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2511 | Sulfato de bario natural (baritina); carbonato de bario natural (witherita), incluso calcinado, excepto el óxido de bario de la partida 2816. | | |

    2511.10.00 | — Sulfato de bario natural (baritina) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2511.20.00 | — Carbonato de bario natural (witherita) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2512.00.00 | Harinas silíceas fósiles (por ejemplo: "kieselguhr", tripolita, diatomita) y demás tierras silíceas análogas, de densidad aparente inferior o igual a 1, incluso calcinadas. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2513 | Piedra pómez; esmeril; corindón natural, granate natural y demás abrasivos naturales, incluso tratados térmicamente. | | |

    — Piedra pómez: | | |

    2513.11.00 | — — En bruto o en trozos irregulares, incluida la quebrantada (grava de piedra pómez o "bimskies") | 6 | Year 0 |

    2513.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2513.20.00 | — Esmeril, corindón natural, granate natural y demás abrasivos naturales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2514.00.00 | Pizarra, incluso desbastada o simplemente troceada, por aserrado o de otro modo, en bloques o en placas cuadradas o rectangulares. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2515 | Mármol, travertinos, "ecaussines" y demás piedras calizas de talla o de construcción de densidad aparente superior o igual a 2,5, y alabastro, incluso desbastados o simplemente troceados, por aserrado o de otro modo, en bloques o en placas cuadradas o rectangulares. | | |

    — Mármol y travertinos: | | |

    2515.11.00 | — — En bruto o desbastados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2515.12.00 | — — Simplemente troceados, por aserrado o de otro modo, en bloques o en placas cuadradas o rectangulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    2515.20.00 | — "Ecaussines" y demás piedras calizas de talla o de construcción; alabastro | 6 | Year 0 |

    2516 | Granito, pórfido, basalto, arenisca y demás piedras de talla o de construcción, incluso desbastados o simplemente troceados, por aserrado o de otro modo, en bloques o en placas cuadradas o rectangulares. | | |

    — Granito: | | |

    2516.11.00 | — — En bruto o desbastado | 6 | Year 0 |

    2516.12.00 | — — Simplemente troceado, por aserrado o de otro modo, en bloques o en placas cuadradas o rectangulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Arenisca: | | |

    2516.21.00 | — — En bruto o desbastada | 6 | Year 0 |

    2516.22.00 | — — Simplemente troceada, por aserrado o de otro modo, en bloques o en placas cuadradas o rectangulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    2516.90.00 | — Las demás piedras de talla o de construcción | 6 | Year 0 |

    2517 | Cantos, grava, piedras machacadas, de los tipos generalmente utilizados para hacer hormigón, o para firmes de carreteras, vías férreas u otros balastos, guijarros y pedernal, incluso tratados térmicamente; macadán de escorias o de desechos industriales similares, incluso con materiales comprendidos en la primera parte de la partida; macadán alquitranado; gránulos, tasquiles (fragmentos) y polvo de piedras de las partidas 2515 ó 2516, incluso tratados térmicamente. | | |

    2517.10.00 | — Cantos, grava, piedras machacadas, de los tipos generalmente utilizados para hacer hormigón, o para firmes de carreteras, vías férreas u otros balastos, guijarros y pedernal, incluso tratados térmicamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    2517.20.00 | — Macadán de escorias o de desechos industriales similares, incluso con materiales citados en la subpartida 251710 | 6 | Year 0 |

    2517.30.00 | — Macadán alquitranado | | Year 0 |

    — Gránulos, tasquiles (fragmentos) y polvo de piedras de las partidas 2515 ó 2516, incluso tratados térmicamente: | 6 | |

    2517.41.00 | — — De mármol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2517.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2518 | Dolomita, incluso sinterizada o calcinada, incluida la dolomita desbastada o simplemente troceada, por aserrado o de otro modo, en bloques o en placas cuadradas o rectangulares; aglomerado de dolomita. | | |

    2518.10.00 | — Dolomita sin calcinar ni sinterizar, llamada "cruda" | 6 | Year 0 |

    2518.20.00 | — Dolomita calcinada o sinterizada | 6 | Year 0 |

    2518.30.00 | — Aglomerado de dolomita | 6 | Year 0 |

    2519 | Carbonato de magnesio natural (magnesita); magnesia electrofundida; magnesia calcinada a muerte (sinterizada), incluso con pequeñas cantidades de otros óxidos añadidos antes de la sinterización; otro óxido de magnesio, incluso puro. | | |

    2519.10.00 | — Carbonato de magnesio natural (magnesita) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2519.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2519.90.10 | — — Óxido de magnesio, químicamente puro | 6 | Year 0 |

    2519.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2520 | Yeso natural; anhidrita; yeso fraguable (consistente en yeso natural calcinado o en sulfato de calcio), incluso coloreado o con pequeñas cantidades de aceleradores o retardadores. | | |

    2520.10.00 | — Yeso natural; anhidrita | 6 | Year 0 |

    2520.20.00 | — Yeso fraguable | 6 | Year 0 |

    2521.00.00 | Castinas; piedras para la fabricación de cal o de cemento. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2522 | Cal viva, cal apagada y cal hidráulica, excepto el óxido y el hidróxido de calcio de la partida 2825. | | |

    2522.10.00 | — Cal viva | 6 | Year 0 |

    2522.20.00 | — Cal apagada | 6 | Year 0 |

    2522.30.00 | — Cal hidráulica | 6 | Year 0 |

    2523 | Cementos hidráulicos (comprendidos los cementos sin pulverizar o "clinker"), incluso coloreados. | | |

    2523.10.00 | — Cementos sin pulverizar ("clinker") | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Cemento Portland: | | |

    2523.21.00 | — — Cemento blanco, incluso coloreado artificialmente | 6 | Year 0 |

    2523.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    2523.30.00 | — Cementos aluminosos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2523.90.00 | — Los demás cementos hidráulicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2524 | Amianto (asbesto). | | |

    2524.00.10 | — En fibras, copos o polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2524.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2525 | Mica, incluida la exfoliada en laminillas irregulares ("splittings"); desperdicios de mica. | | |

    2525.10.00 | — Mica en bruto o exfoliada en hojas o en laminillas irregulares ("splittings") | 6 | Year 0 |

    2525.20.00 | — Mica en polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2525.30.00 | — Desperdicios de mica | 6 | Year 0 |

    2526 | Esteatita natural, incluso desbastada o simplemente troceada, por aserrado o de otro modo, en bloques o en placas cuadradas o rectangulares; talco. | | |

    2526.10.00 | — Sin triturar ni pulverizar | 6 | Year 0 |

    2526.20.00 | — Triturados o pulverizados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2528 | Boratos naturales y sus concentrados (incluso calcinados), excepto los boratos extraidos de las salmueras naturales; ácido bórico natural con un contenido de H3BO3 inferior o igual al 85 %, calculado sobre producto seco. | | |

    2528.10.00 | — Boratos de sodio naturales y sus concentrados (incluso calcinados) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2528.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2528.90.10 | — — Ulexita natural | 6 | Year 0 |

    2528.90.20 | — — Boratos de sodio calcio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2528.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2529 | Feldespato; leucita; nefelina y nefelina sienita; espato flúor. | | |

    2529.10.00 | — Feldespato | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Espato flúor: | | |

    2529.21.00 | — — Con un contenido de fluoruro de calcio inferior o igual al 97 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    2529.22.00 | — — Con un contenido de fluoruro de calcio superior al 97 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    2529.30.00 | — Leucita; nefelina y nefelina sienita | 6 | Year 0 |

    2530 | Materias minerales no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte. | | |

    2530.10.00 | — Vermiculita, perlita y cloritas, sin dilatar | 6 | Year 0 |

    2530.20.00 | — Kieserita y epsomita (sulfatos de magnesio naturales) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2530.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    26 | Minerales metalíferos, escorias y cenizas | | |

    2601 | Minerales de hierro y sus concentrados, incluidas las piritas de hierro tostadas (cenizas de piritas). | | |

    — Minerales de hierro y sus concentrados, excepto las piritas de hierro tostadas (cenizas de piritas): | | |

    2601.11 | — — Sin aglomerar: | | |

    — — — Finos, granzas y run of mine: | | |

    2601.11.11 | — — — — Finos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2601.11.12 | — — — — Granzas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2601.11.13 | — — — — Run of mine | 6 | Year 0 |

    2601.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2601.12 | — — Aglomerados: | | |

    2601.12.10 | — — — "Pellets" | 6 | Year 0 |

    2601.12.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2601.20.00 | — Piritas de hierro tostadas (cenizas de piritas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2602.00.00 | Minerales de manganeso y sus concentrados, incluidos los minerales de manganeso ferruginosos y sus concentrados con un contenido de manganeso superior o igual al 20 % en peso, sobre producto seco. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2603.00.00 | Minerales de cobre y sus concentrados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2604.00.00 | Minerales de níquel y sus concentrados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2605.00.00 | Minerales de cobalto y sus concentrados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2606.00.00 | Minerales de aluminio y sus concentrados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2607.00.00 | Minerales de plomo y sus concentrados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2608.00.00 | Minerales de cinc y sus concentrados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2609.00.00 | Minerales de estaño y sus concentrados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2610.00.00 | Minerales de cromo y sus concentrados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2611.00.00 | Minerales de volframio (tungsteno) y sus concentrados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2612 | Minerales de uranio o torio, y sus concentrados. | | |

    2612.10.00 | — Minerales de uranio y sus concentrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2612.20.00 | — Minerales de torio y sus concentrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2613 | Minerales de molibdeno y sus concentrados. | | |

    2613.10 | — Tostados: | | |

    2613.10.10 | — — Concentrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2613.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2613.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2613.90.10 | — — Concentrados sin tostar | 6 | Year 0 |

    2613.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2614.00.00 | Minerales de titanio y sus concentrados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2615 | Minerales de niobio, tantalio, vanadio o circonio, y sus concentrados. | | |

    2615.10.00 | — Minerales de circonio y sus concentrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2615.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2616 | Minerales de los metales preciosos y sus concentrados. | | |

    2616.10.00 | — Minerales de plata y sus concentrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2616.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2616.90.10 | — — De oro | 6 | Year 0 |

    2616.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2617 | Los demás minerales y sus concentrados. | | |

    2617.10.00 | — Minerales de antimonio y sus concentrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2617.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2618.00.00 | Escorias granuladas (arena de escorias) de la siderurgia. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2619.00.00 | Escorias (excepto las granuladas), batiduras y demás desperdicios de la siderurgia. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2620 | Cenizas y residuos (excepto los de la siderurgia), que contengan arsénico, metal o compuestos metálicos. | | |

    — Que contengan principalmente cinc: | | |

    2620.11.00 | — — Matas de galvanización | 6 | Year 0 |

    2620.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Que contengan principalmente plomo: | | |

    2620.21.00 | — — Lodos de gasolina con plomo y lodos de compuestos antidetonantes con plomo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2620.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2620.30.00 | — Que contengan principalmente cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    2620.40.00 | — Que contengan principalmente aluminio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2620.60.00 | — Que contengan arsénico, mercurio, talio o sus mezclas, de los tipos utilizados para la extracción de arsénico o de estos metales o para la elaboración de sus compuestos químicos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    2620.91.00 | — — Que contengan antimonio, berilio, cadmio, cromo o sus mezclas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2620.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2620.99.10 | — — — Que contengan principalmente oro | 6 | Year 0 |

    2620.99.20 | — — — Que contengan principalmente plata | 6 | Year 0 |

    2620.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2621 | Las demás escorias y cenizas, incluidas las cenizas de algas; cenizas y residuos procedentes de la incineración de desechos y desperdicios municipales. | | |

    2621.10.00 | — Cenizas y residuos procedentes de la incineración de desechos y desperdicios municipales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2621.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    2621.90.10 | — — Cenizas de hueso | 6 | Year 0 |

    2621.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    27 | Combustibles minerales, aceites minerales y productos de su destilación; materias bituminosas; ceras minerales | | |

    2701 | Hullas; briquetas, ovoides y combustibles sólidos similares, obtenidos de la hulla. | | |

    — Hullas, incluso pulverizadas, pero sin aglomerar: | | |

    2701.11.00 | — — Antracitas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2701.12 | — — Hulla bituminosa: | | |

    2701.12.10 | — — — Para uso metalúrgico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2701.12.20 | — — — Para uso térmico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2701.12.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2701.19.00 | — — Las demás hullas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2701.20.00 | — Briquetas, ovoides y combustibles sólidos similares, obtenidos de la hulla | 6 | Year 0 |

    2702 | Lignitos, incluso aglomerados, excepto el azabache. | | |

    2702.10.00 | — Lignitos, incluso pulverizados, pero sin aglomerar | 6 | Year 0 |

    2702.20.00 | — Lignitos aglomerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2703.00.00 | Turba (comprendida la utilizada para cama de animales), incluso aglomerada. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2704.00.00 | Coques y semicoques de hulla, lignito o turba, incluso aglomerados; carbón de retorta. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2705.00.00 | Gas de hulla, gas de agua, gas pobre y gases similares, excepto el gas de petróleo y demás hidrocarburos gaseosos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2706.00.00 | Alquitranes de hulla, lignito o turba y demás alquitranes minerales, aunque estén deshidratados o descabezados, incluidos los alquitranes reconstituidos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2707 | Aceites y demás productos de la destilación de los alquitranes de hulla de alta temperatura; productos análogos en los que los constituyentes aromáticos predominen en peso sobre los no aromáticos. | | |

    2707.10.00 | — Benzol (benceno) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2707.20.00 | — Toluol (tolueno) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2707.30.00 | — Xilol (xilenos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2707.40.00 | — Naftaleno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2707.50.00 | — Las demás mezclas de hidrocarburos aromáticos que destilen, incluidas las pérdidas, una proporción superior o igual al 65 % en volúmen a 250 °C, según la norma ASTM D 86 | 6 | Year 0 |

    2707.60.00 | — Fenoles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    2707.91.00 | — — Aceites de creosota | 6 | Year 0 |

    2707.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2708 | Brea y coque de brea de alquitrán de hulla o de otros alquitranes minerales. | | |

    2708.10.00 | — Brea | 6 | Year 0 |

    2708.20.00 | — Coque de brea | 6 | Year 0 |

    2709 | Aceites crudos de petróleo o de mineral bituminoso. | | |

    2709.00.10 | — Con grados API inferior a 25 | 6 | Year 5 |

    2709.00.20 | — Con grados API superior o igual a 25 | 6 | Year 5 |

    2710 | Aceites de petróleo o de mineral bituminoso, excepto los aceites crudos; preparaciones no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte, con un contenido de aceites de petróleo o de mineral bituminoso superior o igual al 70 % en peso, en las que estos aceites constituyan el elemento base; desechos de aceites. | | |

    — Aceites de petróleo o de mineral bituminoso (excepto los aceites crudos) y preparaciones no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte, con un contenido de aceites de petróleo o de mineral bituminoso superior o igual al 70 % en peso, en las que estos aceites constituyan el elemento base, excepto los desechos de aceites: | | |

    2710.11 | — — Aceites livianos (ligeros)* y preparaciones: | | |

    2710.11.10 | — — — Eter de petróleo (nafta solvente, bencina de extracción) | 6 | Year 5 |

    — — — Gasolina, excepto para aviación: | | |

    2710.11.21 | — — — — Para vehículos terrestres, con plomo | 6 | Year 5 |

    2710.11.22 | — — — — Para vehículos terrestres, sin plomo, de 93 octanos | 6 | Year 5 |

    2710.11.23 | — — — — Para vehículos terrestres, sin plomo, de 97 octanos | 6 | Year 5 |

    2710.11.29 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    2710.11.30 | — — — Espíritu de petróleo (White spirits) | 6 | Year 5 |

    2710.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2710.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2710.19.10 | — — — Gasolina para aviación | 6 | Year 5 |

    2710.19.20 | — — — Kerosene | 6 | Year 5 |

    2710.19.30 | — — — Combustibles para motores a reacción | 6 | Year 5 |

    2710.19.40 | — — — Aceites combustibles destilados (gasoil, diesel oil) | 6 | Year 5 |

    — — — Aceites combustibles residuales pesados: | | |

    2710.19.51 | — — — — Fuel oil 6 | 6 | Year 5 |

    2710.19.59 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — — — Aceites y grasas lubricantes: | | |

    2710.19.61 | — — — — Aceites básicos | 6 | Year 5 |

    2710.19.62 | — — — — Aceites blancos (de vaselina, de parafina) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2710.19.63 | — — — — Aceites lubricantes terminados | 6 | Year 5 |

    2710.19.64 | — — — — Grasas lubricantes | 6 | Year 5 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    2710.19.91 | — — — — Aceites aislantes para uso eléctrico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2710.19.92 | — — — — Solventes a base de mezclas de hidrocarburos parafínicos aromáticos y nafténicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2710.19.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Desechos de aceites: | | |

    2710.91.00 | — — Que contengan difenilos policlorados (PCB), terfenilos policlorados (PCT) o difenilos polibromados (PBB) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2710.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2711 | Gas de petróleo y demás hidrocarburos gaseosos. | | |

    — Licuados: | | |

    2711.11.00 | — — Gas natural | 6 | Year 5 |

    2711.12.00 | — — Propano | 6 | Year 5 |

    2711.13.00 | — — Butanos | 6 | Year 5 |

    2711.14.00 | — — Etileno, propileno, butileno y butadieno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2711.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — En estado gaseoso: | | |

    2711.21.00 | — — Gas natural | 6 | Year 0 |

    2711.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2712 | Vaselina; parafina, cera de petróleo microcristalina, "slack wax", ozoquerita, cera de lignito, cera de turba, demás ceras minerales y productos similares obtenidos por síntesis o por otros procedimientos, incluso coloreados. | | |

    2712.10.00 | — Vaselina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2712.20.00 | — Parafina con un contenido de aceite inferior al 0,75 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    2712.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2712.90.10 | — — Parafina que contenga en peso 0,75 % o más de aceite | 6 | Year 0 |

    2712.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2713 | Coque de petróleo, betún de petróleo y demás residuos de los aceites de petróleo o de mineral bituminoso. | | |

    — Coque de petróleo: | | |

    2713.11.00 | — — Sin calcinar | 6 | Year 0 |

    2713.12.00 | — — Calcinado | 6 | Year 0 |

    2713.20.00 | — Betún de petróleo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2713.90.00 | — Los demás residuos de los aceites de petróleo o de mineral bituminoso | 6 | Year 0 |

    2714 | Betunes y asfaltos naturales; pizarras y arenas bituminosas; asfaltitas y rocas asfálticas. | | |

    2714.10.00 | — Pizarras y arenas bituminosas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2714.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2715.00.00 | Mezclas bituminosas a base de asfalto o de betún naturales, de betún de petróleo, de alquitrán mineral o de brea de alquitrán mineral (por ejemplo: mástiques bituminosos, "cut backs"). | 6 | Year 0 |

    2716.00.00 | Energía eléctrica (partida discrecional). | 6 | Year 0 |

    28 | Productos químicos inorgánicos; compuestos inorgánicos u orgánicos de metal precioso, de elementos radiactivos, de metales de las tierras raras o de isótopos | | |

    2801 | Flúor, cloro, bromo y yodo. | | |

    2801.10.00 | — Cloro | 6 | Year 7 |

    2801.20.00 | — Yodo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2801.30.00 | — Flúor; bromo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2802.00.00 | Azufre sublimado o precipitado; azufre coloidal. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2803.00.00 | Carbono (negros de humo y otras formas de carbono no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte). | 6 | Year 0 |

    2804 | Hidrógeno, gases nobles y demás elementos no metálicos. | | |

    2804.10.00 | — Hidrógeno | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Gases nobles: | | |

    2804.21.00 | — — Argón | 6 | Year 0 |

    2804.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2804.30.00 | — Nitrógeno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2804.40.00 | — Oxígeno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2804.50.00 | — Boro; telurio | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Silicio: | | |

    2804.61.00 | — — Con un contenido de silicio superior o igual al 99,99 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    2804.69.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2804.70.00 | — Fósforo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2804.80.00 | — Arsénico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2804.90.00 | — Selenio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2805 | Metales alcalinos o alcalinotérreos; metales de las tierras raras, escandio e itrio, incluso mezclados o aleados entre sí; mercurio. | | |

    — Metales alcalinos o alcalinotérreos: | | |

    2805.11.00 | — — Sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2805.12.00 | — — Calcio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2805.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2805.30.00 | — Metales de las tierras raras, escandio e itrio, incluso mezclados o aleados entre sí | 6 | Year 0 |

    2805.40.00 | — Mercurio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2806 | Cloruro de hidrógeno (ácido clorhídrico); ácido clorosulfúrico. | | |

    2806.10.00 | — Cloruro de hidrógeno (ácido clorhídrico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2806.20.00 | — Ácido clorosulfúrico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2807.00.00 | Ácido sulfúrico; oleum. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2808.00.00 | Ácido nítrico; ácidos sulfonítricos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2809 | Pentóxido de difósforo; ácido fosfórico; ácidos polifosfóricos, aunque no sean de constitución química definida. | | |

    2809.10.00 | — Pentóxido de difósforo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2809.20 | — Ácido fosfórico y ácidos polifosfóricos: | | |

    2809.20.10 | — — Ácido ortofosfórico o fosfórico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2809.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2810 | Óxidos de boro; ácidos bóricos. | | |

    2810.00.10 | — Óxidos de boro | 6 | Year 0 |

    2810.00.20 | — Ácidos bóricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2811 | Los demás ácidos inorgánicos y los demás compuestos oxigenados inorgánicos de los elementos no metálicos. | | |

    — Los demás ácidos inorgánicos: | | |

    2811.11.00 | — — Fluoruro de hidrógeno (ácido fluorhídrico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2811.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2811.19.10 | — — — Cianuro de hidrógeno (CAS 74-90-8) (Formonitrilo, Evercin, Ácido prúsico, Ácido hidrociánico)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2811.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás compuestos oxigenados inorgánicos de los elementos no metálicos: | | |

    2811.21.00 | — — Dióxido de carbono | 6 | Year 0 |

    2811.22.00 | — — Dióxido de silicio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2811.23.00 | — — Dióxido de azufre | 6 | Year 0 |

    2811.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2811.29.10 | — — — Anhídrido arsenioso (Trióxido de arsénico, Óxido arsenioso, Arsénico blanco) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2811.29.20 | — — — Anhídrido sulfúrico (Trióxido de S) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2811.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2812 | Halogenuros y oxihalogenuros de los elementos no metálicos. | | |

    2812.10 | — Cloruros y oxicloruros: | | |

    2812.10.10 | — — Tricloruro de arsénico (CAS 7784-34-1) (Cloruro arsénico (III), | 6 | Year 0 |

    Cloruro arsenioso, Arsénico líquido fumante, Tricloroarsina)* | | |

    2812.10.20 | — — Tricloruro de fósforo (CAS 7719-12-2) (Triclorofosforano, | 6 | Year 0 |

    Clorurofosforoso)* | | |

    2812.10.30 | — — Pentacloruro de fósforo (CAS 10026-13-8) (Cloruro fosfórico, | 6 | Year 0 |

    Percloruro de fósforo, Pentaclorofosforano)* | | |

    2812.10.40 | — — Monocloruro de azufre (CAS 10025-67-9) (Cloruro de azufre)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2812.10.50 | — — Dicloruro de azufre (CAS 10545-99-0) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2812.10.60 | — — Dicloruro de carbonilo (CAS 75-44-5) (Fosgeno, CG, Dicloroformaldehido, Oxicloruro de carbono)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2812.10.70 | — — Oxicloruro de fósforo (CAS 10025-87-3) (Cloruro de fosfonilo)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2812.10.80 | — — Cloruro de tionilo (CAS 7719-09-7) (Oxicloruro sulfuroso)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2812.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2812.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2813 | Sulfuros de los elementos no metálicos; trisulfuro de fósforo comercial. | | |

    2813.10.00 | — Disulfuro de carbono | 6 | Year 0 |

    2813.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2813.90.10 | — — Pentasulfuro de fósforo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2813.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2814 | Amoníaco anhidro o en disolución acuosa. | | |

    2814.10.00 | — Amoníaco anhidro | 6 | Year 0 |

    2814.20.00 | — Amoníaco en disolución acuosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    2815 | Hidróxido de sodio (sosa o soda cáustica); hidróxido de potasio (potasa cáustica); peróxidos de sodio o de potasio. | | |

    — Hidróxido de sodio (sosa o soda cáustica): | | |

    2815.11.00 | — — Sólido | 6 | Year 0 |

    2815.12.00 | — — En disolución acuosa (lejía de sosa o soda cáustica) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2815.20.00 | — Hidróxido de potasio (potasa cáustica) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2815.30.00 | — Peróxidos de sodio o de potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2816 | Hidróxido y peróxido de magnesio; óxidos, hidróxidos y peróxidos, de estroncio o de bario. | | |

    2816.10.00 | — Hidróxido y peróxido de magnesio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2816.40.00 | — Óxidos, hidróxidos y peróxidos, de estroncio o de bario | 6 | Year 0 |

    2817.00.00 | Óxido de cinc; peróxido de cinc. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2818 | Corindón artificial, aunque no sea químicamente definido; óxido de aluminio, hidróxido de aluminio. | | |

    2818.10.00 | — Corindón artificial, aunque no sea de constitución química definida | 6 | Year 0 |

    2818.20.00 | — Óxido de aluminio, excepto el corindón artificial | 6 | Year 0 |

    2818.30.00 | — Hidróxido de aluminio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2819 | Óxidos e hidróxidos de cromo. | | |

    2819.10.00 | — Trióxido de cromo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2819.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2820 | Óxidos de manganeso. | | |

    2820.10.00 | — Dióxido de manganeso | 6 | Year 0 |

    2820.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2821 | Óxidos e hidróxidos de hierro; tierras colorantes con un contenido de hierro combinado, expresado en Fe2O3, superior o igual al 70 % en peso. | | |

    2821.10.00 | — Óxidos e hidróxidos de hierro | 6 | Year 0 |

    2821.20.00 | — Tierras colorantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    2822.00.00 | Óxidos e hidróxidos de cobalto; óxidos de cobalto comerciales. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2823.00.00 | Óxidos de titanio. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2824 | Óxidos de plomo; minio y minio anaranjado. | | |

    2824.10.00 | — Monóxido de plomo (litargirio, masicote) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2824.20.00 | — Minio y minio anaranjado | 6 | Year 0 |

    2824.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2825 | Hidrazina e hidroxilamina y sus sales inorgánicas; las demás bases inorgánicas; los demás óxidos, hidróxidos y peróxidos de metales. | | |

    2825.10 | — Hidrazina e hidroxilamina y sus sales inorgánicas: | | |

    2825.10.10 | — — Cloruro de hidroxilamonio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2825.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2825.20.00 | — Óxido e hidróxido de litio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2825.30.00 | — Óxidos e hidróxidos de vanadio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2825.40.00 | — Óxidos e hidróxidos de níquel | 6 | Year 0 |

    2825.50.00 | — Óxidos e hidróxidos de cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    2825.60.00 | — Óxidos de germanio y dióxido de circonio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2825.70 | — Óxidos e hidróxidos de molibdeno: | | |

    2825.70.10 | — — Trióxido de molibdeno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2825.70.20 | — — Los demás óxidos de molibdeno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2825.70.30 | — — Hidróxidos de molibdeno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2825.80.00 | — Óxidos de antimonio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2825.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2826 | Fluoruros; fluorosilicatos, fluoroaluminatos y demás sales complejas de flúor. | | |

    — Fluoruros: | | |

    2826.11.00 | — — De amonio o sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2826.12.00 | — — De aluminio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2826.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2826.20.00 | — Fluorosilicatos de sodio o potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2826.30.00 | — Hexafluoroaluminato de sodio (criolita sintética) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2826.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827 | Cloruros, oxicloruros e hidroxicloruros; bromuros y oxibromuros; yoduros y oxiyoduros. | | |

    2827.10.00 | — Cloruro de amonio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.20.00 | — Cloruro de calcio | 6 | Year 7 |

    — Los demás cloruros: | | |

    2827.31.00 | — — De magnesio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.32.00 | — — De aluminio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.33.00 | — — De hierro | 6 | Year 7 |

    2827.34.00 | — — De cobalto | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.35.00 | — — De níquel | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.36.00 | — — De cinc | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2827.39.10 | — — — De estaño | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.39.20 | — — — De cobre (cuproso) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.39.30 | — — — De litio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Oxicloruros e hidroxicloruros: | | |

    2827.41.00 | — — De cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Bromuros y oxibromuros: | | |

    2827.51.00 | — — Bromuros de sodio o potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.60 | — Yoduros y oxiyoduros: | | |

    2827.60.10 | — — Yoduro de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.60.20 | — — Yoduro de potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2827.60.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2828 | Hipocloritos; hipoclorito de calcio comercial; cloritos; hipobromitos. | | |

    2828.10.00 | — Hipoclorito de calcio comercial y demás hipocloritos de calcio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2828.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2829 | Cloratos y percloratos; bromatos y perbromatos; yodatos y peryodatos. | | |

    — Cloratos: | | |

    2829.11.00 | — — De sodio | 6 | Year 7 |

    2829.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2829.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2829.90.10 | — — Yodato de potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2829.90.20 | — — Yodato de calcio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2829.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2830 | Sulfuros; polisulfuros, aunque no sean de constitución química definida. | | |

    2830.10 | — Sulfuros de sodio: | | |

    2830.10.10 | — — Neutro | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Ácido (Sulfhidrato): | | |

    2830.10.21 | — — — En forma sólida | 6 | Year 7 |

    2830.10.22 | — — — En disolución acuosa | 6 | Year 7 |

    2830.10.29 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    2830.20.00 | — Sulfuro de cinc | 6 | Year 0 |

    2830.30.00 | — Sulfuro de cadmio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2830.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2831 | Ditionitos y sulfoxilatos. | | |

    2831.10.00 | — De sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2831.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2832 | Sulfitos; tiosulfatos. | | |

    2832.10.00 | — Sulfitos de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2832.20.00 | — Los demás sulfitos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2832.30.00 | — Tiosulfatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2833 | Sulfatos; alumbres; peroxosulfatos (persulfatos). | | |

    — Sulfatos de sodio: | | |

    2833.11.00 | — — Sulfato de disodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2833.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás sulfatos: | | |

    2833.21.00 | — — De magnesio | 6 | Year 7 |

    2833.22.00 | — — De aluminio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2833.23.00 | — — De cromo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2833.24.00 | — — De níquel | 6 | Year 0 |

    2833.25.00 | — — De cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    2833.26.00 | — — De cinc | 6 | Year 0 |

    2833.27.00 | — — De bario | 6 | Year 0 |

    2833.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2833.29.10 | — — — De cobalto | 6 | Year 0 |

    2833.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2833.30.00 | — Alumbres | 6 | Year 0 |

    2833.40.00 | — Peroxosulfatos (persulfatos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2834 | Nitritos; nitratos. | | |

    2834.10.00 | — Nitritos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Nitratos: | | |

    2834.21.00 | — — De potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2834.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2835 | Fosfinatos (hipofosfitos), fosfonatos (fosfitos) y fosfatos; polifosfatos, aunque no sean de constitución química definida. | | |

    2835.10.00 | — Fosfinatos (hipofosfitos) y fosfonatos (fosfitos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Fosfatos: | | |

    2835.22.00 | — — De monosodio o disodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2835.23.00 | — — De trisodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2835.24.00 | — — De potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2835.25.00 | — — Hidrogenoortofosfato de calcio ("fosfato dicálcico") | 6 | Year 0 |

    2835.26.00 | — — Los demás fosfatos de calcio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2835.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Polifosfatos: | | |

    2835.31.00 | — — Trifosfato de sodio (tripolifosfato de sodio) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2835.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2836 | Carbonatos; peroxocarbonatos (percarbonatos); carbonato de amonio comercial que contenga carbamato de amonio. | | |

    2836.10.00 | — Carbonato de amonio comercial y demás carbonatos de amonio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2836.20 | — Carbonato de disodio: | | |

    2836.20.10 | — — Ceniza de soda liviana | 6 | Year 0 |

    2836.20.20 | — — Ceniza de soda pesada | 6 | Year 0 |

    2836.20.30 | — — Carbonato de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2836.30.00 | — Hidrogenocarbonato (bicarbonato) de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2836.40.00 | — Carbonatos de potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2836.50.00 | — Carbonato de calcio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2836.60.00 | — Carbonato de bario | 6 | Year 0 |

    2836.70.00 | — Carbonatos de plomo | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    2836.91.00 | — — Carbonatos de litio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2836.92.00 | — — Carbonato de estroncio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2836.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2836.99.10 | — — — Peroxocarbonatos (Percarbonatos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2836.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2837 | Cianuros, oxicianuros y cianuros complejos. | | |

    — Cianuros y oxicianuros: | | |

    2837.11 | — — De sodio: | | |

    2837.11.10 | — — — Cianuros | 6 | Year 0 |

    2837.11.20 | — — — Oxicianuros | 6 | Year 0 |

    2837.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2837.20.00 | — Cianuros complejos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2838.00.00 | Fulminatos, cianatos y tiocianatos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2839 | Silicatos; silicatos comerciales de los metales alcalinos. | | |

    — De sodio: | | |

    2839.11.00 | — — Metasilicatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2839.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2839.20.00 | — De potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2839.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2840 | Boratos; peroxoboratos (perboratos). | | |

    — Tetraborato de disodio (bórax refinado): | | |

    2840.11.00 | — — Anhidro | 6 | Year 7 |

    2840.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2840.20.00 | — Los demás boratos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2840.30.00 | — Peroxoboratos (perboratos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2841 | Sales de los ácidos oxometálicos o peroxometálicos. | | |

    2841.10.00 | — Aluminatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2841.20.00 | — Cromatos de cinc o plomo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2841.30.00 | — Dicromato de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2841.50.00 | — Los demás cromatos y dicromatos; peroxocromatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Manganitos, manganatos y permanganatos: | | |

    2841.61.00 | — — Permanganato de potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2841.69.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2841.70 | — Molibdatos: | | |

    2841.70.10 | — — De amonio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2841.70.20 | — — De sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2841.70.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2841.80.00 | — Volframatos (tungstatos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2841.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2841.90.10 | — — Perrenato de amonio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2841.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2842 | Las demás sales de los ácidos o peroxoácidos inorgánicos (incluidos los aluminosilicatos aunque no sean de constitución química definida), excepto los aziduros (azidas). | | |

    2842.10.00 | — Silicatos dobles o complejos, incluidos los aluminosilicatos aunque no sean de constitución química definida | 6 | Year 0 |

    2842.90.00 | — Las demás VI.- VARIOS | 6 | Year 0 |

    2843 | Metal precioso en estado coloidal; compuestos inorgánicos u orgánicos de metal precioso, aunque no sean de constitución química definida; amalgamas de metal precioso. | | |

    2843.10.00 | — Metal precioso en estado coloidal | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Compuestos de plata: | | |

    2843.21.00 | — — Nitrato de plata | 6 | Year 0 |

    2843.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2843.30.00 | — Compuestos de oro | 6 | Year 0 |

    2843.90.00 | — Los demás compuestos; amalgamas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2844 | Elementos químicos radiactivos e isótopos radiactivos (incluidos los elementos químicos e isótopos fisionables o fértiles) y sus compuestos; mezclas y residuos que contengan estos productos. | | |

    2844.10.00 | — Uranio natural y sus compuestos; aleaciones, dispersiones (incluido el cermet), productos cerámicos y mezclas, que contengan uranio natural o compuestos de uranio natural | 6 | Year 0 |

    2844.20.00 | — Uranio enriquecido en U 235 y sus compuestos; plutonio y sus compuestos; aleaciones, dispersiones (incluido el cermet), productos cerámicos y mezclas, que contengan uranio enriquecido en U 235, plutonio o compuestos de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2844.30.00 | — Uranio empobrecido en U 235 y sus compuestos; torio y sus compuestos; aleaciones, dispersiones (incluido el cermet), productos cerámicos y mezclas, que contengan uranio empobrecido en U 235, torio o compuestos de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2844.40.00 | — Elementos e isótopos y compuestos, radiactivos, excepto los de las subpartidas 284410, 284420 ó 284430; aleaciones, dispersiones (incluido el cermet), productos cerámicos y mezclas, que contengan estos elementos, isótopos o compuestos; residuos radiactivos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2844.50.00 | — Elementos combustibles (cartuchos) agotados (irradiados) de reactores nucleares | 6 | Year 0 |

    2845 | Isótopos, excepto los de la partida 2844; sus compuestos inorgánicos u orgánicos, aunque no sean de constitución química definida. | | |

    2845.10.00 | — Agua pesada (óxido de deuterio) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2845.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2846 | Compuestos inorgánicos u orgánicos, de metales de las tierras raras, del itrio, del escandio o de las mezclas de estos metales. | | |

    2846.10.00 | — Compuestos de cerio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2846.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2847.00.00 | Peróxido de hidrógeno (agua oxigenada), incluso solidificado con urea. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2848 | Fosfuros, aunque no sean de constitución química definida, excepto los ferrofósforos | | |

    2848.00.10 | — De magnesio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2848.00.20 | — De aluminio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2848.00.30 | — De cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    2848.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2849 | Carburos, aunque no sean de constitución química definida. | | |

    2849.10.00 | — De calcio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2849.20.00 | — De silicio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2849.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2850.00.00 | Hidruros, nitruros, aziduros (azidas), siliciuros y boruros, aunque no sean de constitución química definida, excepto los compuestos que consistan igualmente en carburos de la partida 2849. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2851 | Los demás compuestos inorgánicos (incluida el agua destilada, de conductibilidad o del mismo grado de pureza); aire liquido, aunque se le hayan eliminado los gases nobles; aire comprimido; amalgamas, excepto las de metal precioso. | | |

    2851.00.10 | — Cloruro de cianógeno (CAS 506-77-4) (Clorocian, Clorocianuro, Clorocianógeno, Cianocloruro, Cianuro de cloro)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2851.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    29 | Productos químicos orgánicos | | |

    2901 | Hidrocarburos acíclicos. | | |

    2901.10.00 | — Saturados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — No saturados: | | |

    2901.21.00 | — — Etileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2901.22.00 | — — Propeno (propileno) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2901.23.00 | — — Buteno (butileno) y sus isómeros | 6 | Year 0 |

    2901.24.00 | — — Buta-1,3-dieno e isopreno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2901.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2901.29.10 | — — — 7-metil-3-metilene-1,6-octadieno(Mirceno) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2901.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902 | Hidrocarburos cíclicos. | | |

    — Ciclánicos, ciclénicos o cicloterpénicos: | | |

    2902.11.00 | — — Ciclohexano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902.20.00 | — Benceno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902.30.00 | — Tolueno | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Xilenos: | | |

    2902.41.00 | — — o-Xileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902.42.00 | — — m-Xileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902.43.00 | — — p-Xileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902.44.00 | — — Mezclas de isómeros del xileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902.50.00 | — Estireno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902.60.00 | — Etilbenceno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902.70.00 | — Cumeno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2902.90.10 | — — Trans-B-metilestireno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902.90.20 | — — Alilbenceno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2902.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903 | Derivados halogenados de los hidrocarburos. | | |

    — Derivados clorados saturados de los hidrocarburos acíclicos: | | |

    2903.11.00 | — — Clorometano (cloruro de metilo) y cloroetano (cloruro de etilo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.12.00 | — — Diclorometano (cloruro de metileno) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.13.00 | — — Cloroformo (triclorometano) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.14.00 | — — Tetracloruro de carbono | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.15.00 | — — 1,2-Dicloroetano (dicloruro de etileno) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2903.19.10 | — — — 1,1,1 Tricloroetano (Metil-cloroformo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Derivados clorados no saturados de los hidrocarburos acíclicos: | | |

    2903.21.00 | — — Cloruro de vinilo (cloroetileno) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.22.00 | — — Tricloroetileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.23.00 | — — Tetracloroetileno (percloroetileno) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30 | — Derivados fluorados, derivados bromados y derivados yodados, de los hidrocarburos acíclicos: | | |

    — — Derivados fluorados, derivados bromados y derivados yodados del metano: | | |

    2903.30.11 | — — — Bromuro de metilo (bromometano)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30.12 | — — — Trifluorometano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30.13 | — — — Tetrafluormetano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Derivados fluorados, derivados bromados y derivados yodados del etano: | | |

    2903.30.21 | — — — Difluoretano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30.22 | — — — Tetrafluoretano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30.23 | — — — Pentafluoretano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30.24 | — — — Hexafluoretano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30.29 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Derivados fluorados, derivados bromados y derivados yodados del propano: | | |

    2903.30.31 | — — — Hexafluorpropano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30.32 | — — — Octafluorpropano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30.39 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Derivados fluorados, derivados bromados y derivados yodados del butano: | | |

    2903.30.41 | — — — Decafluorbutano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30.49 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Derivados fluorados, derivados bromados y derivados yodados del hexano: | | |

    2903.30.51 | — — — Perfluorhexano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30.59 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    2903.30.91 | — — — PFIB (CAS 382-21-8) (1,1,3,3,3-Pentafluoro-2-(trifluorometil) propeno, Octafluoroisobutileno, Perfluoroisobutileno, Perfluoroisobuteno, 1,1,3,3,3-Pentafluoro-2-(trifluorometil)-1-propeno)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.30.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Derivados halogenados de los hidrocarburos acíclicos con dos halógenos diferentes, por lo menos: | | |

    2903.41.00 | — — Triclorofluorometano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.42.00 | — — Diclorodifluorometano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.43.00 | — — Triclorotrifluoroetanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.44 | — — Diclorotetrafluoroetanos y cloropentafluoretano: | | |

    2903.44.10 | — — — Diclorotetrafluoroetanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.44.20 | — — — Cloropentafluoretano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.45 | — — Los demás derivados perhalogenados únicamente con flúor y cloro: | | |

    2903.45.10 | — — — Clorotrifluorometano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.45.20 | — — — Pentaclorofluoroetano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.45.30 | — — — Tetraclorodifluoroetanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.45.40 | — — — Heptaclorofluoropropanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.45.50 | — — — Hexaclorodifluoropropanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.45.60 | — — — Pentaclorotrifluoropropanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.45.70 | — — — Tetraclorotetrafluoropropanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.45.80 | — — — Tricloropentafluoropropanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    2903.45.91 | — — — — Diclorohexafluoropropanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.45.92 | — — — — Cloroheptafluoropropanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.45.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.46 | — — Bromoclorodifluorometano, bromotrifluorometano y dibromo-tetrafluoroetanos: | | |

    2903.46.10 | — — — Bromoclorodifluorometano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.46.20 | — — — Bromotrifluorometano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.46.30 | — — — Dibromo-tetrafluoroetanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.47.00 | — — Los demás derivados perhalogenados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.49 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2903.49.10 | — — — Clorodifluorometano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.49.20 | — — — Diclorotrifluoroetanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.49.30 | — — — Clorotetrafluoroetanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.49.40 | — — — Diclorofluoroetanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.49.50 | — — — Clorodifluoroetanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.49.60 | — — — Dicloropentafluoropropanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    2903.49.91 | — — — — Otros derivados del metano, del etano o del propano, halogenados únicamente con flúor y cloro | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.49.92 | — — — — Otros derivados del metano, del etano o del propano, halogenados únicamente con flúor y bromo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.49.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Derivados halogenados de los hidrocarburos ciclánicos, ciclénicos o cicloterpénicos: | | |

    2903.51.00 | — — 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexaclorociclohexano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.59 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2903.59.10 | — — — Hexaclorociclohexano isómero gamma con un mínimo de 99 % de pureza (lindano) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.59.20 | — — — Hexaclorohexahidrodimetanonaftaleno (Aldrín y sus sinónimos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.59.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Derivados halogenados de los hidrocarburos aromáticos: | | |

    2903.61.00 | — — Clorobenceno, o-diclorobenceno y p-diclorobenceno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.62.00 | — — Hexaclorobenceno y DDT [1,1,1-tricloro-2,2-bis (p-clorofenil)etano] | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.69 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2903.69.10 | — — — Cloruro de bencilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.69.20 | — — — Bromobenceno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2903.69.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2904 | Derivados sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados de los hidrocarburos, incluso halogenados. | | |

    2904.10.00 | — Derivados solamente sulfonados, sus sales y sus ésteres etílicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2904.20 | — Derivados solamente nitrados o solamente nitrosados: | | |

    2904.20.10 | — — Nitropropano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2904.20.20 | — — Trinitrotolueno (TNT) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2904.20.30 | — — Nitroetano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2904.20.40 | — — O-nitrotolueno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2904.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2904.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2904.90.10 | — — Cloropicrina (CAS 76-06-2) (Tricloronitrometano, Nitrocloroformo, Nicrolisina o Nitrotriclorometano)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2904.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905 | Alcoholes acíclicos y sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados. | | |

    — Monoalcoholes saturados: | | |

    2905.11.00 | — — Metanol (alcohol metílico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.12 | — — Propan-1-ol (alcohol propílico) y propan-2-ol (alcohol isopropílico): | | |

    2905.12.10 | — — — Propílico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.12.20 | — — — Isopropílico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.13.00 | — — Butan-1-ol (alcohol n-butílico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.14.00 | — — Los demás butanoles | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.15.00 | — — Pentanol (alcohol amílico) y sus isómeros | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.16 | — — Octanol (alcohol octílico) y sus isómeros: | | |

    2905.16.10 | — — — 2 etil hexanol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.16.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.17.00 | — — Dodecan-1-ol (alcohol laurílico), hexadecan-1-ol (alcohol cetílico) y octadecan-1-ol (alcohol estearílico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2905.19.10 | — — — Metil isobutil carbinol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.19.20 | — — — Decílicos (decanoles) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    2905.19.91 | — — — — Alcohol pinacolílico (CAS 464-07-3) (3,3-Dimetilbutano-2-ol, 3,3-Dimetil-2 butanol)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.19.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Monoalcoholes no saturados: | | |

    2905.22.00 | — — Alcoholes terpénicos acíclicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Dioles: | | |

    2905.31.00 | — — Etilenglicol (etanodiol) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.32.00 | — — Propilenglicol (propano-1,2-diol) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás polialcoholes: | | |

    2905.41.00 | — — 2-Etil-2-(hidroximetil) propano-1,3-diol (trimetilolpropano) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.42.00 | — — Pentaeritritol (pentaeritrita) | 6 | Year 7 |

    2905.43.00 | — — Manitol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.44.00 | — — D-glucitol (sorbitol) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.45.00 | — — Glicerol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados de los alcoholes acíclicos: | | |

    2905.51.00 | — — Etclorvinol (DCI) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.59 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2905.59.10 | — — — Alfa-Monoclorhidrina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2905.59.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2906 | Alcoholes cíclicos y sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados. | | |

    — Ciclánicos, ciclénicos o cicloterpénicos: | | |

    2906.11.00 | — — Mentol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2906.12.00 | — — Ciclohexanol, metilciclohexanoles y dimetilciclohexanoles | 6 | Year 0 |

    2906.13.00 | — — Esteroles e inositoles | 6 | Year 0 |

    2906.14.00 | — — Terpineoles | 6 | Year 0 |

    2906.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aromáticos: | | |

    2906.21.00 | — — Alcohol bencílico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2906.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2907 | Fenoles; fenoles-alcoholes. | | |

    — Monofenoles: | | |

    2907.11.00 | — — Fenol (hidroxibenceno) y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2907.12.00 | — — Cresoles y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2907.13.00 | — — Octilfenol, nonilfenol y sus isómeros; sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2907.14.00 | — — Xilenoles y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2907.15.00 | — — Naftoles y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2907.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Polifenoles; fenoles-alcoholes: | | |

    2907.21.00 | — — Resorcinol y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2907.22.00 | — — Hidroquinona y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2907.23.00 | — — 4,4′-Isopropilidendifenol (bisfenol A, difenilolpropano) y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2907.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2908 | Derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados, de los fenoles o de los fenoles-alcoholes. | | |

    2908.10 | — Derivados solamente halogenados y sus sales: | | |

    2908.10.10 | — — Pentaclorofenato de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2908.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2908.20.00 | — Derivados solamente sulfonados, sus sales y sus ésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    2908.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2909 | Éteres, éteres-alcoholes, éteres-fenoles, éteres-alcoholes-fenoles, peróxidos de alcoholes, peróxidos de éteres, peróxidos de cetonas (aunque no sean de constitución química definida), y sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados. | | |

    — Éteres acíclicos y sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados: | | |

    2909.11.00 | — — Éter dietílico (óxido de dietilo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2909.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2909.19.10 | — — — Metil terbutil éter (MTBE) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2909.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2909.20.00 | — Éteres ciclánicos, ciclénicos, cicloterpénicos, y sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2909.30.00 | — Éteres aromáticos y sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Éteres-alcoholes y sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados: | | |

    2909.41.00 | — — 2,2′-Oxidietanol (dietilenglicol) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2909.42.00 | — — Éteres monometílicos del etilenglicol o del dietilenglicol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2909.43.00 | — — Éteres monobutílicos del etilenglicol o del dietilenglicol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2909.44.00 | — — Los demás éteres monoalquílicos del etilenglicol o del dietilenglicol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2909.49 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2909.49.10 | — — — Alcohol 3,4,5 trimetoxibencílico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2909.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2909.50.00 | — Éteres-fenoles, éteres-alcoholes-fenoles, y sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2909.60.00 | — Peróxidos de alcoholes, peróxidos de éteres, peróxidos de cetonas, y sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2910 | Epóxidos, epoxialcoholes, epoxifenoles y epoxiéteres, con tres átomos en el ciclo, y sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados. | | |

    2910.10.00 | — Oxirano (óxido de etileno) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2910.20.00 | — Metiloxirano (óxido de propileno) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2910.30.00 | — 1-Cloro-2,3-epoxipropano (epiclorhidrina) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2910.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2911.00.00 | Acetales y semiacetales, incluso con otras funciones oxigenadas, y sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2912 | Aldehídos, incluso con otras funciones oxigenadas; polímeros cíclicos de los aldehídos; paraformaldehído. | | |

    — Aldehídos acíclicos sin otras funciones oxigenadas: | | |

    2912.11.00 | — — Metanal (formaldehído) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2912.12.00 | — — Etanal (acetaldehído) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2912.13.00 | — — Butanal (butiraldehído, isómero normal) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2912.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aldehídos cíclicos sin otras funciones oxigenadas: | | |

    2912.21.00 | — — Benzaldehído (aldehído benzoico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2912.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2912.30.00 | — Aldehídos-alcoholes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aldehídos-éteres, aldehídos-fenoles y aldehídos con otras funciones oxigenadas: | | |

    2912.41.00 | — — Vainillina (aldehído metilprotocatéquico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2912.42.00 | — — Etilvainillina (aldehído etilprotocatéquico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2912.49 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2912.49.10 | — — — 3,4,5 Trimetoxibenzaldehido | 6 | Year 0 |

    2912.49.20 | — — — Ter-butil-alfa-metilhidroxinamaldehido | 6 | Year 0 |

    2912.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2912.50.00 | — Polímeros cíclicos de los aldehídos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2912.60.00 | — Paraformaldehído | 6 | Year 0 |

    2913.00.00 | Derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados de los productos de la partida 2912. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2914 | Cetonas y quinonas, incluso con otras funciones oxigenadas, y sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados. | | |

    — Cetonas acíclicas sin otras funciones oxigenadas: | | |

    2914.11.00 | — — Acetona | 6 | Year 0 |

    2914.12.00 | — — Butanona (metiletilcetona) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2914.13.00 | — — 4-Metilpentan-2-ona (metilisobutilcetona) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2914.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Cetonas ciclánicas, ciclénicas o cicloterpénicas, sin otras funciones oxigenadas: | | |

    2914.21.00 | — — Alcanfor | 6 | Year 0 |

    2914.22.00 | — — Ciclohexanona y metilciclohexanonas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2914.23.00 | — — Iononas y metiliononas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2914.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Cetonas aromáticas sin otras funciones oxigenadas: | | |

    2914.31.00 | — — Fenilacetona (fenilpropan-2-ona) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2914.39.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2914.40.00 | — Cetonas-alcoholes y cetonas-aldehídos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2914.50.00 | — Cetonas-fenoles y cetonas con otras funciones oxigenadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Quinonas: | | |

    2914.61.00 | — — Antraquinona | 6 | Year 0 |

    2914.69.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2914.70.00 | — Derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915 | Ácidos monocarboxílicos acíclicos saturados y sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos y peroxiácidos; sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados. | | |

    — Ácido fórmico, sus sales y sus ésteres: | | |

    2915.11.00 | — — Ácido fórmico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.12 | — — Sales del ácido fórmico: | | |

    2915.12.10 | — — — Formiato de sodio | 6 | Year 7 |

    2915.12.20 | — — — Formiato de amonio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.12.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.13.00 | — — Ésteres del ácido fórmico | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Ácido acético y sus sales; anhídrido acético: | | |

    2915.21.00 | — — Ácido acético | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.22.00 | — — Acetato de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.23.00 | — — Acetatos de cobalto | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.24.00 | — — Anhídrido acético | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Ésteres del ácido acético: | | |

    2915.31.00 | — — Acetato de etilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.32.00 | — — Acetato de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.33.00 | — — Acetato de n-butilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.34.00 | — — Acetato de isobutilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.35.00 | — — Acetato de 2-etoxietilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2915.39.10 | — — — Diacetato de etilideno | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.40.00 | — Ácidos mono-, di- o tricloroacéticos, sus sales y sus ésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.50.00 | — Ácido propiónico, sus sales y sus ésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.60.00 | — Acidos butanoicos, ácidos pentanoicos, sus sales y sus ésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.70.00 | — Ácido palmítico, ácido esteárico, sus sales y sus ésteres | 6 | Year 7 |

    2915.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2915.90.10 | — — Cloroformiato de etilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.90.20 | — — Cloruro de acetilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2915.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916 | Ácidos monocarboxílicos acíclicos no saturados y Ácidos monocarboxílicos cíclicos, sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos y peroxiácidos; sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados. | | |

    — Ácidos monocarboxílicos acíclicos no saturados, sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos, peroxiácidos y sus derivados: | | |

    2916.11.00 | — — Ácido acrílico y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.12 | — — Ésteres del ácido acrílico: | | |

    2916.12.10 | — — — Acrilato de butilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.12.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.13.00 | — — Ácido metacrílico y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.14 | — — Ésteres del ácido metacrílico: | | |

    2916.14.10 | — — — Metacrilato de metilo monómero | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.14.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.15.00 | — — Ácidos oleico, linoleico o linolénico, sus sales y sus ésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.20.00 | — Ácidos monocarboxílicos ciclánicos, ciclénicos o cicloterpénicos, sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos, peroxiácidos y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Ácidos monocarboxílicos aromáticos, sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos, peroxiácidos y sus derivados: | | |

    2916.31 | — — Ácido benzoico, sus sales y sus ésteres: | | |

    2916.31.10 | — — — Benzoato de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.31.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.32.00 | — — Peróxido de benzoilo y cloruro de benzoilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.34.00 | — — Ácido fenilacético y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.35.00 | — — Ésteres del ácido fenilacético | 6 | Year 0 |

    2916.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2917 | Ácidos policarboxílicos, sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos y peroxiácidos; sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados. | | |

    — Ácidos policarboxílicos acíclicos, sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos, peroxiácidos y sus derivados: | | |

    2917.11.00 | — — Ácido oxálico, sus sales y sus ésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    2917.12.00 | — — Ácido adípico, sus sales y sus ésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    2917.13.00 | — — Ácido azelaico,ácido sebácico, sus sales y sus ésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    2917.14.00 | — — Anhídrido maleico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2917.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2917.20.00 | — Ácidos policarboxílicos ciclánicos, ciclénicos o cicloterpénicos, sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos, peroxiácidos y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Ácidos policarboxílicos aromáticos, sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos, peroxiácidos y sus derivados: | | |

    2917.31.00 | — — Ortoftalatos de dibutilo | 6 | Year 7 |

    2917.32.00 | — — Ortoftalatos de dioctilo | 6 | Year 7 |

    2917.33.00 | — — Ortoftalatos de dinonilo o de didecilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2917.34.00 | — — Los demás ésteres del ácido ortoftálico | 6 | Year 7 |

    2917.35.00 | — — Anhídrido ftálico | 6 | Year 7 |

    2917.36.00 | — — Ácido tereftálico y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2917.37.00 | — — Tereftalato de dimetilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2917.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    2918 | Ácidos carboxílicos con funciones oxigenadas suplementarias y sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos y peroxiácidos; sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados. | | |

    — Ácidos carboxílicos con función alcohol, pero sin otra función oxigenada, sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos, peroxiácidos y sus derivados: | | |

    2918.11.00 | — — Ácido láctico, sus sales y sus ésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.12.00 | — — Ácido tartárico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.13 | — — Sales y ésteres del ácido tartárico: | | |

    2918.13.10 | — — — Tartrato de calcio | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.13.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.14.00 | — — Ácido cítrico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.15.00 | — — Sales y ésteres del ácido cítrico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.16.00 | — — Ácido glucónico, sus sales y sus ésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2918.19.10 | — — — Ácido 2,2-difenil-2-hidroxiacético (CAS 76-93-7) (Ácido bencenoacético, alfa-hidroxi-alfa-fenilo, Ácido hidroxidifenilacético, Ácido bencílico, Ácido difenilglicólico, Ácido alfa,alfa-difenilglicólico, Ácido difenilhidroxi acético)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Ácidos carboxílicos con función fenol, pero sin otra función oxigenada, sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos, peroxiácidos y sus derivados: | | |

    2918.21.00 | — — Ácido salicílico y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.22 | — — Ácido O-acetilsalicílico, sus sales y sus ésteres: | | |

    2918.22.10 | — — — Ácido acetilsalicílico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.22.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.23.00 | — — Los demás ésteres del ácido salicílico y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.30.00 | — Ácidos carboxílicos con función aldehído o cetona, pero sin otra función oxigenada, sus anhídridos, halogenuros, peróxidos, peroxiácidos y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2918.90.10 | — — Ácido 3,4,5 trimetoxibenzoico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.90.20 | — — Cloruro de 3,4,5 trimetoxibenzoilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2918.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2919.00.00 | Ésteres fosfóricos y sus sales, incluidos los lactofosfatos; sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2920 | Ésteres de los demás ácidos inorgánicos de los no metales (excepto los ésteres de halogenuros de hidrógeno) y sus sales; sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados | | |

    2920.10.00 | — Ésteres tiofosfóricos (fósforotioatos) y sus sales; sus derivados halogenados, sulfonados, nitrados o nitrosados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2920.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2920.90.10 | — — Dietil fosfito (CAS 762-04-9) (Ácido fosfónico, éster dietílico)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2920.90.20 | — — Dimetil fosfito (CAS 868-85-9) (Ácido fosfónico, éster dimetílico)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2920.90.30 | — — Trietil fosfito (CAS 122-52-1) (Ácido fosforoso, éster trietílico)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2920.90.40 | — — Trimetil fosfito (CAS 121-45-9) (Ácido fosforoso, éster trimetílico)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2920.90.50 | — — Tetranitropentaeritritol (Pentrita) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2920.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921 | Compuestos con función amina. | | |

    — Monoaminas acíclicas y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2921.11 | — — Mono-, di- o trimetilamina y sus sales: | | |

    2921.11.10 | — — — Metil amina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.12.00 | — — Dietilamina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2921.19.10 | — — — HN1 (CAS 538-07-8) (Bis(2-cloroetil)etilamina, Etilbis(2-cloroetil) amina, N-Etilbis(2-cloroetil)amina, 2,2′-dicloro-trietilamina, 2-cloro-N- (2-chloroetil)-N-etil, etanoamina)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.19.20 | — — — HN2 (CAS 51-75-2) (Bis(2-cloroetil)metilamina, MBA, Cloroetasina, N,N-Bis(2-cloroetil)metilamina, Clormetina, Cloramín, N-Metilbis (2-cloroetil)amina, N-Metilbis(beta-cloroetil)amina, Metilbis (2-cloroetil)amina, Mustina, Mustargen, Mecloroetamina, 2-cloro-N-(2-cloroetil)-N-etil, etanoamina)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.19.30 | — — — HN3 (CAS 555-77-1) (Tris(2-cloroetil)amina, Triclorometina, Tri-2-cloroetilamina, 2-cloro-N,N-bis(2-cloroetil), etanoamina)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — N,N-Dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) 2-cloroetilaminas y sus sales protonadas: | | |

    2921.19.41 | — — — — 2-cloro-N,N-dietil-etanamina (CAS 100-35-6) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.19.49 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Poliaminas acíclicas y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2921.21.00 | — — Etilendiamina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.22.00 | — — Hexametilendiamina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.30.00 | — Monoaminas y poliaminas, ciclánicas, ciclénicas o cicloterpénicas, y sus derivados; sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Monoaminas aromáticas y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2921.41.00 | — — Anilina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.42.00 | — — Derivados de la anilina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.43 | — — Toluidinas y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2921.43.10 | — — — O-toluidina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.43.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.44.00 | — — Difenilamina y sus derivados; sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.45.00 | — — 1-Naftilamina (alfa-naftilamina), 2-naftilamina (beta-naftilamina), y sus derivados; sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.46.00 | — — Anfetamina (DCI), benzfetamina (DCI), dexanfetamina (DCI), etilanfetamina (DCI), fencanfamina (DCI), fentermina (DCI), lefetamina (DCI), levanfetamina (DCI) y mefenorex (DCI); sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Poliaminas aromáticas y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2921.51.00 | — — o-, m- y p-Fenilendiamina, diaminotoluenos, y sus derivados; sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2921.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922 | Compuestos aminados con funciones oxigenadas. | | |

    — Amino-alcoholes, excepto los que contengan funciones oxigenadas diferentes, sus éteres y sus ésteres; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2922.11.00 | — — Monoetanolamina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.12.00 | — — Dietanolamina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.13 | — — Trietanolamina y sus sales: | | |

    2922.13.10 | — — — Trietanolamina (CAS 102-71-6) (Trihidroxitrietilamina, TEA, Trietilolamina, Trolamina, 2,2′,2″-nitrilotris-etanol)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.13.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.14.00 | — — Dextropropoxifeno (DCI) y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2922.19.10 | — — — Fenilpropanolamina | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — N,N-Dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil)-2-aminoetanoles y sus sales protonadas: | | |

    2922.19.21 | — — — — N,N-Dimetil,2-aminoetanol y sus sales protonadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.19.22 | — — — — N,N-Dietil-2-aminoetanol y sus sales protonadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.19.23 | — — — — Picrato de 2-(etilisopropilamino)etanol (CAS 2893-62-1) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.19.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.19.30 | — — — Etildietanolamina (CAS 139-87-7) (2,2′-(etilimino)bis-etanol)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.19.40 | — — — Metildietanolamina (CAS 105-59-9) (2,2′-(metilimino)bis-etanol)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Amino-naftoles y demás amino-fenoles, excepto los que contengan funciones oxigenadas diferentes, sus éteres y sus ésteres; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2922.21.00 | — — Ácidos aminonaftolsulfónicos y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.22.00 | — — Anisidinas, dianisidinas, fenetidinas, y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2922.29.10 | — — — Amino-naftoles, sus sales y derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.29.20 | — — — Amino-fenoles, sus sales y derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Amino-aldehídos, amino-cetonas y amino-quinonas, excepto los que contengan funciones oxigenadas diferentes; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2922.31.00 | — — Anfepramona (DCI), metadona (DCI) y normetadona (DCI); sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aminoácidos, excepto los que contengan funciones oxigenadas diferentes, y sus ésteres; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2922.41.00 | — — Lisina y sus ésteres; sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.42 | — — Ácido glutámico y sus sales: | | |

    2922.42.10 | — — — Glutamato monosódico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.42.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.43.00 | — — Ácido antranílico y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.44.00 | — — Tilidina (DCI) y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.49 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2922.49.20 | — — — Ácido acetilantranílico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2922.50.00 | — Amino-alcoholes-fenoles, aminoácidos-fenoles y demás compuestos aminados con funciones oxigenadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2923 | Sales e hidróxidos de amonio cuaternario; lecitinas y demás fosfoaminolípidos, aunque no sean de constitución química definida | | |

    2923.10.00 | — Colina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2923.20 | — Lecitinas y demás fosfoaminolípidos: | | |

    2923.20.10 | — — Lecitinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2923.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2923.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2924 | Compuestos con función carboxiamida; compuestos con función amida del ácido carbónico. | | |

    — Amidas acíclicas (incluidos los carbamatos) y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2924.11.00 | — — Meprobamato (DCI) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2924.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2924.19.10 | — — — Formamida | 6 | Year 0 |

    2924.19.20 | — — — N-metilformamida | 6 | Year 0 |

    2924.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Amidas cíclicas (incluidos los carbamatos) y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2924.21.00 | — — Ureínas y sus derivados; sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2924.23.00 | — — Ácido 2-acetamidobenzoico (ácido N-acetilantranílico) y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2924.24.00 | — — Etinamato (DCI) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2924.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2924.29.10 | — — — Aspartame; (N-L-Alfa-aspartil-L-fenilalanina 1-metil éster) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2924.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2925 | Compuestos con función carboxiimida (incluida la sacarina y sus sales) o con función imina. | | |

    — Imidas y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2925.11.00 | — — Sacarina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2925.12.00 | — — Glutetimida (DCI) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2925.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2925.20.00 | — Iminas y sus derivados; sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2926 | Compuestos con función nitrilo. | | |

    2926.10.00 | — Acrilonitrilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    2926.20.00 | — 1-Cianoguanidina (diciandiamida) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2926.30.00 | — Fenproporex (DCI) y sus sales; intermedio de la metadona (DCI) (4-ciano-2-dimetilamino-4,4-difenilbutano) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2926.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2927.00.00 | Compuestos diazoicos, azoicos o azoxi. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2928.00.00 | Derivados orgánicos de la hidrazina o de la hidroxilamina. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2929 | Compuestos con otras funciones nitrogenadas. | | |

    2929.10 | — Isocianatos: | | |

    2929.10.10 | — — 2,4-Diisocianato de tolueno (TDI) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2929.10.20 | — — Diisocianato de 4,4-difenilmetano (MDI) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2929.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2929.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    — — Dihalogenuros de N,N-Dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosforamidatos: | | |

    2929.90.11 | — — — Cloruro fluoruro dimetil fosforamidico (CAS 36598-84-2) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2929.90.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — N,N-Dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosforamidatos de dialquilo (metilo, etilo, n-propilo o isopropilo): | | |

    2929.90.21 | — — — Ácido etilmetil fosforamidico éster dietílico (CAS 170082-64-1) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2929.90.29 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2930 | Tiocompuestos orgánicos. | | |

    2930.10 | — Ditiocarbonatos (xantatos y xantogenatos): | | |

    2930.10.10 | — — Xantato isopropílico de sodio | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.10.20 | — — Xantato isobutílico de sodio | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.20 | — Tiocarbamatos y ditiocarbamatos: | | |

    2930.20.10 | — — Isopropil etil tiocarbamato | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.30.00 | — Mono-, di- o tetrasulfuros de tiourama | 6 | Year 0 |

    2930.40.00 | — Metionina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2930.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    — — Tioéteres: | | |

    2930.90.11 | — — — Clorometilsulfuro de 2-cloroetil (CAS 2625-76-5), (2-cloroetil clorometil sulfuro, 2-((clorometil)tio)-1-cloro, etano)* | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.90.12 | — — — Gas mostaza (CAS 505-60-2) (Sulfuro de bis (2-cloroetilo), 1-Cloro-2-(beta.-cloroetiltio) etano, Sulfuro de Bis (beta.-cloroetil), Iperita, Mostaza, 1,1′-tiobis (2-cloro), etano)* Mostaza O (CAS 63918-89-8) (1,1′-oxibis(2-((2-cloroetil)tio)-etano, Bis(2-cloroetiltioetil)éter)* Sesquimostaza (CAS 3563-36-8) (1,2-bis(2-cloroetiltio)etano, Bis(2-cloroetiltio)etano, 1,8-Dicloro-3,6-ditiaoctano, Agente Q, Sesquimostaza Q, 1,2-bis ((2-cloroetil)tio)etano)* Bis(2-cloroetiltiometil)éter (CAS 63918-90-1) (1,1′-(oxibis(metilentio)) bis(2-cloroetano)* | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.90.13 | — — — Bis(2-cloroetiltio)metano (CAS 63869-13-6) (1,1′-(metilenbis(tio)) bis (2-cloro), etano)* | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.90.14 | — — — 1,3-Bis((2-cloroetil)tio)propano normal (CAS 63905-10-2) (1,3-Bis((2-cloroetil)tio)propano)* | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.90.15 | — — — 1,4-bis((2-cloroetil)tio)butano normal (CAS 142868-93-7) (1,4 bis((2-cloroetil)tio)butano)* | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.90.16 | — — — 1,5-bis((2-cloroetil)tio)pentano normal (CAS 142868-94-8) | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.90.17 | — — — Tiodiglicol (CAS 111-48-8) (Sulfuro de bis (2-hidroxietilo), Tedegyl, tiodietilenglicol, Sulfuro de dietanol, Sulfuro de beta,beta' (dihidroxietilo), Etanol,2,2′-tiobis-,1,5-diol-3-tiapentano, Solvente Kromfax)* | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.90.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    — — N,N-Dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) aminoetano-2 tioles y sus sales protonadas: | | |

    2930.90.21 | — — — 2-(bis(1-metiletil)amino) etanetiol (CAS 5842-07-9) | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.90.29 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    — — Fosforotioato de O,O-dietilo y S-[2-(dietilamino)etilo]; sus sales alquiladas o protonadas: | | |

    2930.90.31 | — — — Amitón (CAS 78-53-5) (Fosforotiolato de O,O-dietil-S-(2-(dietilamino) etil), Inferno, DSDP, Ácido fosforotioico, éster S-(2-(dietilamino)etil) O,O-dietilo)* | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.90.39 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.90.40 | — — Etilditiofosfonato de O-etilo y de S-fenilo (fonofós) | 6 | Year 7 |

    — — Hidrogenoalquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosfonotioatos de [S-2-(dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil)amino) etilo]; sus ésteres de O-alquilo (<C10, incluso cicloalquilos); sus sales alquiladas o protonadas: | | |

    2930.90.51 | — — — VX (CAS 50782-69-9) (S-2-diisopropilamino metil etilfosfonotiolato de O-etilo, Metilfosfonotiolato de S-(-2(diisopropiolamino)etilo), MFT, S-(2-diisopropilaminoetilmetiltiofosfonato) de O-etilo, Ácido metilfosfonotioico,-S-(2-(bis(1-metiletil)amino)etil) éster O-etílico)* | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.90.59 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    2930.90.91 | — — — Que contengan un átomo de fósforo al cual se encuentre unido un grupo metilo, etilo, n-propilo o isopropilo, sin otros átomos de carbono unidos al fósforo | 6 | Year 7 |

    2930.90.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    2931 | Los demás compuestos órgano-inorgánicos. | | |

    2931.00.10 | — Plomo tetraetilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Alquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosfonofluoridatos de O-alquilo (<C10, incluidos los cicloalquilos): | | |

    2931.00.21 | — — Sarín (CAS 107-44-8) (Metilfosfonofluoridato de O-isopropilo, Fluoruro de isopropoximetilfosforilo, Metilfluorofosfonato de isopropilo, Ácido metilfosfonofluorídico, éster isopropílico, IMFF, GB, Ácido metilfosfonofluorídico, éster 1-metiletílico)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.22 | — — Somán (CAS 96-64-0) (Metilfosfonofluoridato de O-pinacolilo, Fosnonofluoridato de metil pinacolilo, Fluoruro de pinacoloximetilfosforilo, Metilfluorofosfonato de pinacolilo, GD, PMFF, Ácido metilfosfonofluorídico, éster 1,2,2-trimetilpropílico)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.29 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — N,N-Dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosforoamidocianatos de O-alquilo (<C10, incluidos los cicloalquilos): | | |

    2931.00.31 | — — Tabún (CAS 77-81-6) (N,N-Dimetilfosforamidocianidato de O-etilo, Cianuro de dimetilamidoetoxifosforilo, Dimetilamidocianofosfato de etilo, Dimetilfosforoamidocianidato de etilo, Ácido dimetilfosforamidocianídico, éster etílico, GA (agente químico de guerra)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.39 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Compuestos órgano-arseniados: | | |

    2931.00.41 | — — Lewisita 1 (CAS 541-25-3) (2-clorovinildicloroarsina, Dicloruro arsenioso de 2-cloroetenil, Dicloro(2-clorovinil)arsina, Arsina, dicloro(2-clorovinil)- Dicloruro de clorovinilarsina)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.42 | — — Lewisita 2 (CAS 40334-69-8) (Bis(2-clorovinil) cloroarsina, Clorobis (2-clorovinil)-arsina, Cloruro arsinoso de bis(2-cloroetilo)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.43 | — — Lewisita 3 (CAS 40334-70-1) (Tris (2-clorovinil)arsina, Tris (2-cloroetenil)arsina)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.49 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Metilfosfonocloridatos de O-alquilos: | | |

    2931.00.51 | — — Clorosarín (CAS 1445-76-7) (Metilfosfonoclorhidato de O-isopropilo, Ácido fosfonoclorídico, 1-metiletilester)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.52 | — — Clorosomán (CAS 7040-57-5) (Metilfosfonocloridato de O-pinacolilo, Ácido metilfosfonocloridico, éster 1,2,2-trimetil propílico)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.59 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hidrogenoalquil (metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosfonitos de [O-2-(dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) amino) etilo]; sus ésteres de O-alquilo (<C10, incluidos los cicloalquilos); sus sales alquiladas o protonadas: | | |

    2931.00.61 | — — O-2-diisopropilaminoetilmetilfosfonito de O-etilo (CAS 57856-11-8), Ácido metilfosfonoso, éster 2(bis(1-metiletetil)amino)etietilíco, QL)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.69 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Difluoruros de alquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosfonilo: | | |

    2931.00.71 | — — Metilfosfonildifluoruro (CAS 676-99-3) (DF)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.79 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Que contengan un átomo de fósforo al cual se encuentre unido un grupo metilo, etilo, n-propilo o isopropilo, sin otros átomos de carbono unidos al fósforo: | | |

    2931.00.81 | — — Dicloruro de metilfosfonilo (CAS 676-97-1) (DC)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.82 | — — Metilfosfonato de difenilo (CAS 7526-26-3) (Ácido metilfosfonico, éster difenilico, Metanofosfonato de dimetilo)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.83 | — — Metilfosfonato de dimetilo (CAS 756-79-6) (DMMP, Ácido fosfónico, éster dimetilmetilo)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.89 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2931.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932 | Compuestos heterocíclicos con heteroátomo(s) de oxígeno exclusivamente. | | |

    — Compuestos cuya estructura contenga ciclo furano (incluso hidrogenado), sin condensar: | | |

    2932.11.00 | — — Tetrahidrofurano | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.12.00 | — — 2-Furaldehído (furfural) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.13.00 | — — Alcohol furfurílico y alcohol tetrahidrofurfurílico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Lactonas: | | |

    2932.21.00 | — — Cumarina, metilcumarinas y etilcumarinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.29.00 | — — Las demás lactonas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    2932.91.00 | — — Isosafrol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.92.00 | — — 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-il)propan-2-ona | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.93.00 | — — Piperonal | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.94.00 | — — Safrol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.95.00 | — — Tetrahidrocannabinoles (todos los isómeros) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2932.99.10 | — — — 3,4-metilen dioxifenil 3 propanona | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.99.20 | — — — Eucaliptol; (1,8-Epoxi-p-mentano) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.99.30 | — — — Dioxano; (1,4-Dioxano) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.99.40 | — — — Glucosamina (2-Amino-2-deoxi-D-glucosa) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2932.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933 | Compuestos heterocíclicos con heteroátomo(s) de nitrógeno exclusivamente. | | |

    — Compuestos cuya estructura contenga ciclo pirazol (incluso hidrogenado), sin condensar: | | |

    2933.11.00 | — — Fenazona (antipirina) y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Compuestos cuya estructura contenga ciclo imidazol (incluso hidrogenado), sin condensar: | | |

    2933.21.00 | — — Hidantoína y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Compuestos cuya estructura contenga ciclo piridina (incluso hidrogenado), sin condensar: | | |

    2933.31.00 | — — Piridina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.32.00 | — — Piperidina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.33.00 | — — Alfentanilo (DCI), anileridina (DCI), bezitramida (DCI), bromazepam (DCI), cetobemidona (DCI), difenoxilato (DCI), difenoxina (DCI), dipipanona (DCI), fenciclidina (DCI) (PCP), fenoperidina (DCI), fentanilo (DCI), metilfenidato (DCI), pentazocina (DCI), petidina (DCI), intermedio A de la petidina (DCI), pipradrol (DCI), piritramida (DCI), propiram (DCI) y trimeperidina (DCI); sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.39 | — — Los demás | | |

    2933.39.10 | — — — Metil-6 metilnicotinato | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    2933.39.91 | — — — — Quinuclinidol-3 (CAS 1619-34-7) (Quinuclidin-3-ol, 3-Hidroxiquinuclidina, 1-Azabiciclo(2,2,2)octano-3-ol)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.39.92 | — — — — BZ (CAS 6581-06-2) (Bencilato de 3-quinuclidinilo, BQN, Ácido bencílico, éster-3quiniclidinilo, Ácido bencenacético, éster-1-azabiciclo(2,2,2)oct-3-il-alfa-hidróxi-alfa-fenilo)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.39.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Compuestos cuya estructura contenga ciclos quinoleína o isoquinoleína (incluso hidrogenados), sin otras condensaciones: | | |

    2933.41.00 | — — Levorfanol (DCI) y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Compuestos cuya estructura contenga ciclo pirimidina (incluso hidrogenado) o piperazina: | | |

    2933.52.00 | — — Malonilurea (ácido barbitúrico) y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.53.00 | — — Alobarbital (DCI), amobarbital (DCI), barbital (DCI), butalbital (DCI), butobarbital, ciclobarbital (DCI), fenobarbital (DCI), metilfenobarbital (DCI), pentobarbital (DCI), secbutabarbital (DCI), secobarbital (DCI) y vinilbital (DCI); sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.54.00 | — — Los demás derivados de la malonilurea (ácido barbitúrico); sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.55.00 | — — Loprazolam (DCI), meclocualona (DCI), metacualona (DCI) y zipeprol (DCI); sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Compuestos cuya estructura contenga ciclo triazina (incluso hidrogenado), sin condensar: | | |

    2933.61.00 | — — Melamina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.69.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Lactamas: | | |

    2933.71.00 | — — 6-Hexanolactama (épsilon-caprolactama) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.72.00 | — — Clobazam (DCI) y metiprilona (DCI) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.79.00 | — — Las demás lactamas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás | | |

    2933.91.00 | — — Alprazolam (DCI), camazepam (DCI), clonazepam (DCI), clorazepato, clordiazepóxido (DCI), delorazepam (DCI), diazepam (DCI), estazolam (DCI), fludiazepam (DCI), flunitrazepam (DCI), flurazepam (DCI), halazepam (DCI), loflazepato de etilo (DCI), lorazepam (DCI), lormetazepam (DCI), mazindol (DCI), medazepam (DCI), midazolam (DCI), nimetazepam (DCI), nitrazepam (DCI), nordazepam (DCI), oxazepam (DCI), pinazepam (DCI), pirovalerona (DCI), prazepam (DCI), temazepam (DCI), tetrazepam (DCI) y triazolam (DCI); sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2933.99.10 | — — — Lisinopril; ((s)-1-(N2-(1-Carboxi-3-fenilpropil)-L-lisil)-L-prolina dihidrato | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.99.20 | — — — Enalaprila maleato; ((s)-1-(N-(1-(Etoxicarbonil)-3-fenilpropil)-L-alanil)-L-prolina maleato) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2933.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2934 | Ácidos nucleicos y sus sales, aunque no sean de constitución química definida; los demás compuestos heterocíclicos. | | |

    2934.10.00 | — Compuestos cuya estructura contenga ciclo tiazol (incluso hidrogenado), sin condensar | 6 | Year 0 |

    2934.20.00 | — Compuestos cuya estructura contenga ciclos benzotiazol (incluso hidrogenados), sin otras condensaciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    2934.30.00 | — Compuestos cuya estructura contenga ciclos fenotiazina (incluso hidrogenados), sin otras condensaciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    2934.91.00 | — — Aminorex (DCI), brotizolam (DCI), clotiazepam (DCI), cloxazolam (DCI), dextromoramida (DCI), fendimetrazina (DCI), fenmetrazina (DCI), haloxazolam (DCI), ketazolam (DCI), mesocarb (DCI), oxazolam (DCI), pemolina (DCI) y sufentanil (DCI); sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2934.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2934.99.10 | — — — 2-metil-benz-1,3-oxazol | 6 | Year 0 |

    2934.99.20 | — — — Derivados de ácidos nucleicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2934.99.30 | — — — Morclofona; (4′-cloro-3,5-dimetoxi-4-(2-morfolinoetoxi)benzofenona | 6 | Year 0 |

    2934.99.40 | — — — Ácido oxolínico | 6 | Year 0 |

    2934.99.50 | — — — Hymexazole; (5-Metil-3(2H)-isoxazolona) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2934.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2935.00.00 | Sulfonamidas. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2936 | Provitaminas y vitaminas, naturales o reproducidas por síntesis (incluidos los concentrados naturales) y sus derivados utilizados principalmente como vitaminas, mezclados o no entre sí o en disoluciones de cualquier clase. | | |

    2936.10.00 | — Provitaminas sin mezclar | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Vitaminas y sus derivados, sin mezclar: | | |

    2936.21.00 | — — Vitaminas A y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2936.22.00 | — — Vitamina B1 y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2936.23.00 | — — Vitamina B2 y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2936.24.00 | — — Ácido D- o DL-pantoténico (vitamina B3 o vitamina B5) y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2936.25.00 | — — Vitamina B6 y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2936.26.00 | — — Vitamina B12 y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2936.27.00 | — — Vitamina C y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2936.28.00 | — — Vitamina E y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2936.29.00 | — — Las demás vitaminas y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2936.90.00 | — Los demás, incluidos los concentrados naturales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2937 | Hormonas, prostaglandinas, tromboxanos y leucotrienos, naturales o reproducidos por síntesis; sus derivados y análogos estructurales, incluidos los polipéptidos de cadena modificada, utilizados principalmente como hormonas. | | |

    — Hormonas polipeptídicas, hormonas proteicas y hormonas glucoproteicas, sus derivados y análogos estructurales: | | |

    2937.11.00 | — — Somatotropina, sus derivados y análogos estructurales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2937.12.00 | — — Insulina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2937.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hormonas esteroideas, sus derivados y análogos estructurales: | | |

    2937.21.00 | — — Cortisona, hidrocortisona, prednisona (dehidrocortisona) y prednisolona (dehidrohidrocortisona) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2937.22.00 | — — Derivados halogenados de las hormonas corticosteroides | 6 | Year 0 |

    2937.23.00 | — — Estrógenos y progestógenos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2937.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hormonas de la catecolamina, sus derivados y análogosestructurales: | | |

    2937.31.00 | — — Epinefrina (adrenalina)* | 6 | Year 0 |

    2937.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2937.40.00 | — Derivados de los aminoácidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2937.50.00 | — Prostaglandinas, tromboxanos y leucotrienos, sus derivados y análogos estructurales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2937.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2938 | Heterósidos, naturales o reproducidos por síntesis, sus sales, éteres, ésteres y demás derivados. | | |

    2938.10.00 | — Rutósido (rutina) y sus derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2938.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939 | Alcaloides vegetales, naturales o reproducidos por síntesis, sus sales, éteres, ésteres y demás derivados. | | |

    — Alcaloides del opio y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2939.11 | — — Concentrados de paja de adormidera; buprenorfina (DCI), codeína, dihidrocodeína (DCI), etilmorfina, etorfina (DCI), folcodina (DCI), heroína, hidrocodona (DCI), hidromorfona (DCI), morfina, nicomorfina (DCI), oxicodona (DCI), oximorfona (DCI), tebacona (DCI) y tebaína; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2939.11.10 | — — — Metilmorfina (codeina y sus sales) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.11.20 | — — — Morfina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Alcaloides de la quina (chinchona) y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2939.21.00 | — — Quinina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.30.00 | — Cafeína y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Efedrinas y sus sales: | | |

    2939.41.00 | — — Efedrina y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.42.00 | — — Seudoefedrina (DCI) y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.43.00 | — — Catina (DCI) y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.49.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Teofilina y aminofilina (teofilina-etilendiamina) y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2939.51.00 | — — Fenetilina (DCI) y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Alcaloides del cornezuelo del centeno y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2939.61.00 | — — Ergometrina (DCI) y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.62.00 | — — Ergotamina (DCI) y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.63.00 | — — Ácido lisérgico y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.69 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2939.69.10 | — — — Ergonovina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.69.20 | — — — Lisergamida | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.69.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    2939.91.00 | — — Cocaína, ecgonina, levometanfetamina, metanfetamina (DCI), racemato de metanfetamina; sales, ésteres y demás derivados de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    2939.99.10 | — — — Escopolamina, sus sales y derivados | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.99.20 | — — — Derivados de la cafeína | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.99.30 | — — — Derivados de la efedrina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2939.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2940.00.00 | Azúcares químicamente puros, excepto la sacarosa, lactosa, maltosa, glucosa y fructosa (levulosa), éteres, acetales y ésteres de azúcares y sus sales, excepto los productos de las partidas 2937, 2938 ó 2939. | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941 | Antibióticos. | | |

    2941.10.00 | — Penicilinas y sus derivados con la estructura del ácido penicilánico; sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.20.00 | — Estreptomicinas y sus derivados; sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.30 | — Tetraciclinas y sus derivados; sales de estos productos: | | |

    2941.30.10 | — — Tetraciclina clorhidrato | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.30.20 | — — Oxitetraciclina (Terramicina y sinónimos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.30.30 | — — Clorotetraciclina (Aureomicina y sinónimos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.40.00 | — Cloranfenicol y sus derivados; sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.50.00 | — Eritromicina y sus derivados; sales de estos productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    2941.90.10 | — — Gentamicina, sus sales, derivados y compuestos | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.90.20 | — — Rifampina (Rifampicina y sus sinónimos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.90.30 | — — Griseofulvina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.90.40 | — — Clindamicina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.90.50 | — — Lincomicina | 6 | Year 0 |

    2941.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    2942.00.00 | Los demás compuestos orgánicos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    30 | Productos farmacéuticos | | |

    3001 | Glándulas y demás órganos para usos opoterápicos, desecados, incluso pulverizados; extractos de glándulaso de otros órganos o de sus secreciones, para usos opoterápicos; heparina y sus sales; las demás sustancias humanas o animales preparadas para usos terapéuticos o profilácticos, no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte. | | |

    3001.10.00 | — Glándulas y demás órganos, desecados, incluso pulverizados | 6 | Year 0 |

    3001.20.00 | — Extractos de glándulas o de otros órganos o de sus secreciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    3001.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3002 | Sangre humana; sangre animal preparada para usos terapéuticos, profilácticos o de diagnóstico; antisueros (sueros con anticuerpos), demás fracciones de la sangre y productos inmunológicos modificados, incluso obtenidos por proceso biotecnológico; vacunas, toxinas, cultivos de microorganismos (excepto las levaduras) y productos similares. | | |

    3002.10 | — Antisueros (sueros con anticuerpos), demás fracciones de la sangre y productos inmunológicos modificados, incluso obtenidos por proceso biotecnológico: | | |

    3002.10.10 | — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3002.10.20 | — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3002.20.00 | — Vacunas para la medicina humana | 6 | Year 0 |

    3002.30.00 | — Vacunas para la medicina veterinaria | 6 | Year 0 |

    3002.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    — — Saxitoxina: | | |

    3002.90.11 | — — — Saxitoxina hidrato (CAS 35523-89-8) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3002.90.12 | — — — Saxitoxina dihidroclorada (CAS 35554-08-6) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3002.90.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3002.90.20 | — — Ricina (CAS 9009-86-3) (Ricinas, proteínas, específicas o clases) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3002.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3003 | Medicamentos (excepto los productos de las partidas 3002, 3005 ó 3006) constituidos por productos mezclados entre sí, preparados para usos terapéuticos o profilácticos, sin dosificar ni acondicionar para la venta al por menor. | | |

    3003.10 | — Que contengan penicilinas o derivados de estos productos con la estructura del ácido penicilánico, o estreptomicinas o derivados de estos productos: | | |

    3003.10.10 | — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3003.10.20 | — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3003.20 | — Que contengan otros antibióticos: | | |

    3003.20.10 | — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3003.20.20 | — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Que contengan hormonas u otros productos de la partida 2937, sin antibióticos: | | |

    3003.31 | — — Que contengan insulina: | | |

    3003.31.10 | — — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3003.31.20 | — — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3003.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    3003.39.10 | — — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3003.39.20 | — — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3003.40 | — Que contengan alcaloides o sus derivados, sin hormonas ni otros productos de la partida 2937, ni antibióticos: | | |

    3003.40.10 | — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3003.40.20 | — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3003.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3003.90.10 | — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3003.90.20 | — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004 | Medicamentos (excepto los productos de las partidas 3002, 3005 ó 3006) constituidos por productos mezclados o sin mezclar, preparados para usos terapéuticos o profilácticos, dosificados (incluidos los destinados a ser administrados por vía transdérmica) o acondicionados para la venta al por menor. | | |

    3004.10 | — Que contengan penicilinas o derivados de estos productos con la estructura del ácido penicilánico, o estreptomicinas o derivados de estos productos: | | |

    3004.10.10 | — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.10.20 | — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.20 | — Que contengan otros antibióticos: | | |

    3004.20.10 | — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.20.20 | — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Que contengan hormonas u otros productos de la partida 2937, sin antibióticos: | | |

    3004.31 | — — Que contengan insulina: | | |

    3004.31.10 | — — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.31.20 | — — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.32 | — — Que contengan hormonas corticosteroides, sus derivados yanálogos estructurales: | | |

    3004.32.10 | — — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.32.20 | — — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    3004.39.10 | — — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.39.20 | — — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.40 | — Que contengan alcaloides o sus derivados, sin hormonas ni otros productos de la partida 2937, ni antibióticos: | | |

    3004.40.10 | — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.40.20 | — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.50 | — Los demás medicamentos que contengan vitaminas u otros productos de la partida 2936: | | |

    3004.50.10 | — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.50.20 | — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3004.90.10 | — — Para uso humano | 6 | Year 0 |

    3004.90.20 | — — Para uso veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    3005 | Guatas, gasas, vendas y artículos análogos (por ejemplo: apósitos, esparadrapos, sinapismos), impregnados o recubiertos de sustancias farmacéuticas o acondicionados para la venta al por menor con fines médicos, quirúrgicos, odontológicos o veterinarios. | | |

    3005.10 | — Apósitos y demás artículos, con una capa adhesiva: | | |

    3005.10.10 | — — Apósitos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3005.10.20 | — — Esparadrapos (cintas adhesivas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3005.10.30 | — — Venditas adhesivas (curitas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3005.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3005.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3005.90.10 | — — Gasas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3005.90.20 | — — Vendas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3005.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3006 | Preparaciones y artículos farmacéuticos a que se refiere la Nota 4 de este Capítulo. | | |

    3006.10.00 | — Catguts estériles y ligaduras estériles similares, para suturas quirúrgicas y adhesivos estériles para tejidos orgánicos utilizados en cirugía para cerrar heridas; laminarias estériles; hemostáticos reabsorbibles estériles para cirugía u odontología | 6 | Year 0 |

    3006.20.00 | — Reactivos para la determinación de los grupos o de los factores sanguíneos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3006.30.00 | — Preparaciones opacificantes para exámenes radiológicos; reactivos de diagnóstico concebidos para usar en el paciente | 6 | Year 0 |

    3006.40 | — Cementos y demás productos de obturación dental; cementos para la refección de los huesos: | | |

    3006.40.10 | — — Para obturación dental | 6 | Year 0 |

    3006.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3006.50.00 | — Botiquines equipados para primeros auxilios | 6 | Year 0 |

    3006.60.00 | — Preparaciones químicas anticonceptivas a base de hormonas, de otros productos de la partida 2937 o de espermicidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3006.70.00 | — Preparaciones en forma de gel, concebidas para ser utilizadas en medicina o veterinaria como lubricante para ciertas partes del cuerpo en operaciones quirúrgicas o exámenes médicos o como nexo entre el cuerpo y los instrumentos médicos. | 6 | Year 7 |

    3006.80.00 | — Desechos farmacéuticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    31 | Abonos | | |

    3101.00.00 | Abonos de origen animal o vegetal, incluso mezclados entre sí o tratados químicamente; abonos procedentes de la mezcla o del tratamiento químico de productos de origen animal o vegetal. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3102 | Abonos minerales o químicos nitrogenados. | | |

    3102.10.00 | — Urea, incluso en disolución acuosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Sulfato de amonio; sales dobles y mezclas entre sí de sulfato de amonio y nitrato de amonio: | | |

    3102.21.00 | — — Sulfato de amonio | 6 | Year 0 |

    3102.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3102.30.00 | — Nitrato de amonio, incluso en disolución acuosa | 6 | Year 7 |

    3102.40.00 | — Mezclas de nitrato de amonio con carbonato de calcio u otras materias inorgánicas sin poder fertilizante | 6 | Year 0 |

    3102.50.00 | — Nitrato de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    3102.60.00 | — Sales dobles y mezclas entre sí de nitrato de calcio y nitrato de amonio | 6 | Year 0 |

    3102.70.00 | — Cianamida cálcica | 6 | Year 0 |

    3102.80.00 | — Mezclas de urea con nitrato de amonio en disolución acuosa o amoniacal | 6 | Year 0 |

    3102.90 | — Los demás, incluidas las mezclas no comprendidas en las subpartidas precedentes: | | |

    3102.90.10 | — — Mezclas de nitrato de sodio agrícola y silicato de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    3102.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3103 | Abonos minerales o químicos fosfatados. | | |

    3103.10 | — Superfosfatos: | | |

    3103.10.10 | — — Simples | 6 | Year 0 |

    3103.10.20 | — — Dobles | 6 | Year 0 |

    3103.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3103.20.00 | — Escorias de desfosforación | 6 | Year 0 |

    3103.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3104 | Abonos minerales o químicos potásicos. | | |

    3104.10.00 | — Carnalita, silvinita y demás sales de potasio naturales, en bruto | 6 | Year 0 |

    3104.20.00 | — Cloruro de potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    3104.30.00 | — Sulfato de potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    3104.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3104.90.10 | — — Sulfato doble de potasio y magnesio | 6 | Year 0 |

    3104.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3105 | Abonos minerales o químicos, con dos o tres de los elementos fertilizantes: nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio; los demás abonos; productos de este Capítulo en tabletas o formas similares o en envases de un peso bruto inferior o igual a 10 kg. | | |

    3105.10 | — Productos de este Capítulo en tabletas o formas similares o en envases de un peso bruto inferior o igual a 10 kg: | | |

    3105.10.10 | — — Nitrato sódico-potásico (salitre) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3105.10.20 | — — Ortofosfatos mono y diamónicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3105.10.30 | — — Abonos compuestos y los complejos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3105.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3105.20.00 | — Abonos minerales o químicos con los tres elementos fertilizantes: nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    3105.30.00 | — Hidrogenoortofosfato de diamonio (fosfato diamónico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3105.40.00 | — Dihidrogenoortofosfato de amonio (fosfato monoamónico), incluso mezclado con hidrogenoortofosfato de diamonio (fosfato diamónico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás abonos minerales o químicos con los dos elementos fertilizantes: nitrógeno y fósforo: | | |

    3105.51.00 | — — Que contengan nitratos y fosfatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3105.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3105.60.00 | — Abonos minerales o químicos con los dos elementos fertilizantes: fósforo y potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    3105.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3105.90.10 | — — Nitrato sódico potásico (salitre) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3105.90.20 | — — Abonos minerales o químicos con los 3 elementos fertilizantes: nitrógeno, potasio y azufre; (NKS) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3105.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    32 | Extractos curtientes o tintóreos; taninos y sus derivados; pigmentos y demás materias colorantes; pinturas y barnices; mástiques; tintas | | |

    3201 | Extractos curtientes de origen vegetal; taninos y sus sales, éteres, ésteres y demás derivados. | | |

    3201.10.00 | — Extracto de quebracho | 6 | Year 0 |

    3201.20.00 | — Extracto de mimosa (acacia) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3201.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3202 | Productos curtientes orgánicos sintéticos; productos curtientes inorgánicos; preparaciones curtientes, incluso con productos curtientes naturales; preparaciones enzimáticas para precurtido. | | |

    3202.10.00 | — Productos curtientes orgánicos sintéticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3202.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3202.90.10 | — — Productos y preparaciones curtientes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3202.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3203 | Materias colorantes de origen vegetal o animal (incluidos los extractos tintóreos, excepto los negros de origen animal), aunque sean de constitución química definida; preparaciones a que se refiere la Nota 3 de este Capítulo a base de materias colorantes de origen vegetal o animal. | | |

    3203.00.10 | — Carmín de cochinilla | 6 | Year 0 |

    3203.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3204 | Materias colorantes orgánicas sintéticas, aunque sean de constitución química definida; preparaciones a que se refiere la Nota 3 de este Capítulo a base de materias colorantes orgánicas sintéticas; productos orgánicos sintéticos de los tipos utilizados para el avivado fluorescente o como luminóforos, aunque sean de constitución química definida. | | |

    — Materias colorantes orgánicas sintéticas y preparaciones a que se refiere la Nota 3 de este Capítulo a base de dichas materias colorantes: | | |

    3204.11.00 | — — Colorantes dispersos y preparaciones a base de estos colorantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3204.12.00 | — — Colorantes ácidos, incluso metalizados, y preparaciones a base de estos colorantes; colorantes para mordiente y preparaciones a base de estos colorantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3204.13.00 | — — Colorantes básicos y preparaciones a base de estos colorantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3204.14.00 | — — Colorantes directos y preparaciones a base de estos colorantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3204.15.00 | — — Colorantes a la tina o a la cuba (incluidos los utilizables directamente como colorantes pigmentarios) y preparaciones a base de estos colorantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3204.16.00 | — — Colorantes reactivos y preparaciones a base de estos colorantes | 6 | Year 5 |

    3204.17.00 | — — Colorantes pigmentarios y preparaciones a base de estos colorantes | 6 | Year 5 |

    3204.19 | — — Las demás, incluidas las mezclas de materias colorantes de dos o más de las subpartidas 320411 a 320419: | | |

    3204.19.10 | — — — Beta-caroteno y otras materias colorantes carotenoides (astaxantina, betacaroteno, cantaxantina y similares) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3204.19.20 | — — — Colorantes al azufre y preparaciones a base de estos colorantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3204.19.30 | — — — Colorantes solventes y preparaciones a base de estos colorantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3204.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3204.20.00 | — Productos orgánicos sintéticos de los tipos utilizados para el avivado fluorescente | 6 | Year 0 |

    3204.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3205.00.00 | Lacas colorantes; preparaciones a que se refiere la Nota 3 de este Capítulo a base de lacas colorantes. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3206 | Las demás materias colorantes; preparaciones a que se refiere la Nota 3 de este Capítulo, excepto las de las partidas 3203, 3204 ó 3205; productos inorgánicos de los tipos utilizados como luminóforos, aunque sean de constitución química definida. | | |

    — Pigmentos y preparaciones a base de dióxido de titanio: | | |

    3206.11 | — — Con un contenido de dióxido de titanio superior o igual al 80 % en peso, calculado sobre materia seca: | | |

    3206.11.10 | — — — Pigmentos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3206.11.20 | — — — Preparaciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    3206.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    3206.19.10 | — — — Pigmentos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3206.19.20 | — — — Preparaciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    3206.20 | — Pigmentos y preparaciones a base de compuestos de cromo: | | |

    3206.20.10 | — — Pigmentos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3206.20.20 | — — Preparaciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    3206.30.00 | — Pigmentos y preparaciones a base de compuestos de cadmio | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás materias colorantes y las demás preparaciones: | | |

    3206.41.00 | — — Ultramar y sus preparaciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    3206.42.00 | — — Litopón y demás pigmentos y preparaciones a base de sulfuro de cinc | 6 | Year 0 |

    3206.43.00 | — — Pigmentos y preparaciones a base de hexacianoferratos (ferrocianuros o ferricianuros) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3206.49.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3206.50.00 | — Productos inorgánicos de los tipos utilizados como luminóforos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3207 | Pigmentos, opacificantes y colores preparados, composiciones vitrificables, engobes, abrillantadores (lustres) líquidos y preparaciones similares, de los tipos utilizados en cerámica, esmaltado o en la industria del vidrio; frita de vidrio y demás vidrios, en polvo, gránulos, copos o escamillas. | | |

    3207.10.00 | — Pigmentos, opacificantes y colores preparados y preparaciones similares | 6 | Year 7 |

    3207.20.00 | — Composiciones vitrificables, engobes y preparaciones similares | 6 | Year 7 |

    3207.30.00 | — Abrillantadores (lustres) líquidos y preparaciones similares | 6 | Year 7 |

    3207.40 | — Frita de vidrio y demás vidrios, en polvo, gránulos, copos o escamillas: | | |

    3207.40.10 | — — Frita de vidrio | 6 | Year 7 |

    3207.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3208 | Pinturas y barnices a base de polímeros sintéticos o naturales modificados, dispersos o disueltos en un medio no acuoso; disoluciones definidas en la Nota 4 de este Capítulo. | | |

    3208.10 | — A base de poliésteres: | | |

    3208.10.10 | — — Pinturas | 6 | Year 5 |

    3208.10.20 | — — Barnices | 6 | Year 5 |

    3208.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    3208.20 | — A base de polímeros acrílicos o vinílicos: | | |

    3208.20.10 | — — Pinturas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3208.20.20 | — — Barnices | 6 | Year 7 |

    3208.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    3208.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3208.90.10 | — — Pinturas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3208.90.20 | — — Barnices | 6 | Year 7 |

    3208.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    3209 | Pinturas y barnices a base de polímeros sintéticos o naturales modificados, dispersos o disueltos en un medio acuoso. | | |

    3209.10 | — A base de polímeros acrílicos o vinílicos: | | |

    3209.10.10 | — — Pinturas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3209.10.20 | — — Barnices | 6 | Year 7 |

    3209.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3209.90.10 | — — Pinturas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3209.90.20 | — — Barnices | 6 | Year 7 |

    3210 | Las demás pinturas y barnices; pigmentos al agua preparados de los tipos utilizados para el acabado del cuero. | | |

    3210.00.10 | — Pinturas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3210.00.20 | — Barnices | 6 | Year 0 |

    3210.00.30 | — Pigmentos al agua | 6 | Year 0 |

    3211.00.00 | Secativos preparados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3212 | Pigmentos (incluidos el polvo y escamillas metálicos) dispersos en medios no acuosos, líquidos o en pasta, de los tipos utilizados para la fabricación de pinturas; hojas para el marcado a fuego; tintes y demás materias colorantes presentados en formas o envases para la venta al por menor. | | |

    3212.10.00 | — Hojas para el marcado a fuego | 6 | Year 0 |

    3212.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3212.90.10 | — — Pigmentos molidos utilizados para la fabricación de pinturas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3212.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3213 | Colores para la pintura artística, la enseñanza, la pintura de carteles, para matizar o para entretenimiento y colores similares, en pastillas, tubos, botes, frascos o en formas o envases similares. | | |

    3213.10.00 | — Colores en surtidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3213.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3214 | Masilla, cementos de resina y demás mástiques; plastes (enduidos) utilizados en pintura; plastes (enduidos) no refractarios de los tipos utilizados en albañilería. | | |

    3214.10 | — Masilla, cementos de resina y demás mástiques; plastes (enduidos) utilizados en pintura: | | |

    3214.10.10 | — — Selladores | 6 | Year 7 |

    3214.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3214.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215 | Tintas de imprimir, tintas de escribir o dibujar y demás tintas, incluso concentradas o sólidas. | | |

    — Tintas de imprimir: | | |

    3215.11 | — — Negras: | | |

    3215.11.10 | — — — Flexográficas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.11.20 | — — — Huecograbado | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.11.30 | — — — Tipográficas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.11.40 | — — — Litográficas offset | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.11.50 | — — — Serigráficas | 6 | Year 7 |

    — — — Las demás: | | |

    3215.11.91 | — — — — Para impresoras de computación | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.11.99 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.19 | — — Las demás: | | |

    3215.19.10 | — — — Flexográficas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.19.20 | — — — Huecograbado | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.19.30 | — — — Tipográficas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.19.40 | — — — Litográficas offset | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.19.50 | — — — Serigráficas | 6 | Year 7 |

    — — — Las demás: | | |

    3215.19.91 | — — — — Para impresoras de computación | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.19.99 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    3215.90.10 | — — Para escribir o dibujar | 6 | Year 7 |

    3215.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    33 | Aceites esenciales y resinoides; preparaciones de perfumería, de tocador o de cosmética | | |

    3301 | Aceites esenciales (desterpenados o no), incluidos los "concretos" o "absolutos"; resinoides; oleorresinas de extracción; disoluciones concentradas de aceites esenciales en grasas, aceites fijos, ceras o materias análogas, obtenidas por enflorado o maceración; subproductos terpénicos residuales de la desterpenación de los aceites esenciales; destilados acuosos aromáticos y disoluciones acuosas de aceites esenciales. | | |

    — Aceites esenciales de agrios (cítricos): | | |

    3301.11.00 | — — De bergamota | 6 | Year 0 |

    3301.12.00 | — — De naranja | 6 | Year 0 |

    3301.13.00 | — — De limón | 6 | Year 0 |

    3301.14.00 | — — De lima | 6 | Year 0 |

    3301.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aceites esenciales, excepto los de agrios (cítricos): | | |

    3301.21.00 | — — De geranio | 6 | Year 0 |

    3301.22.00 | — — De jazmín | 6 | Year 0 |

    3301.23.00 | — — De lavanda (espliego) o lavandín | 6 | Year 0 |

    3301.24.00 | — — De menta piperita (Mentha piperita) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3301.25.00 | — — De las demás mentas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3301.26.00 | — — De espicanardo ("vetiver") | 6 | Year 0 |

    3301.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3301.30.00 | — Resinoides | 6 | Year 0 |

    3301.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3302 | Mezclas de sustancias odoríferas y mezclas (incluidas las disoluciones alcohólicas) a base de una o varias de estas sustancias, de los tipos utilizados como materias básicas para la industria; las demás preparaciones a base de sustancias odoríferas, de los tipos utilizados para la elaboración de bebidas. | | |

    3302.10.00 | — De los tipos utilizados en las industrias alimentarias o de bebidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3302.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    3302.90.10 | — — De los tipos utilizados en las industrias de perfumería y aguas de tocador | 6 | Year 0 |

    3302.90.20 | — — De los tipos utilizados en las industrias de cosméticos y artículos de tocador | 6 | Year 0 |

    3302.90.30 | — — De los tipos utilizados en la industria del tabaco | 6 | Year 0 |

    3302.90.40 | — — De los tipos utilizados en las industrias de detergentes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3302.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3303.00.00 | Perfumes y aguas de tocador. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3304 | Preparaciones de belleza, maquillaje y para el cuidado de la piel, excepto los medicamentos, incluidas las preparaciones antisolares y las bronceadoras; preparaciones para manicuras o pedicuros. | | |

    3304.10.00 | — Preparaciones para el maquillaje de los labios | 6 | Year 0 |

    3304.20.00 | — Preparaciones para el maquillaje de los ojos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3304.30.00 | — Preparaciones para manicuras o pedicuros | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    3304.91.00 | — — Polvos, incluidos los compactos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3304.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    3304.99.10 | — — — Cremas para el cuidado de la piel | 6 | Year 0 |

    3304.99.20 | — — — Bases de maquillaje | 6 | Year 0 |

    3304.99.30 | — — — Aceites emulsionados | 6 | Year 0 |

    3304.99.40 | — — — Bronceadores y bloqueadores solares | 6 | Year 0 |

    3304.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3305 | Preparaciones capilares. | | |

    3305.10.00 | — Champúes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3305.20.00 | — Preparaciones para ondulación o desrizado permanentes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3305.30.00 | — Lacas para el cabello | 6 | Year 0 |

    3305.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    3305.90.10 | — — Tinturas capilares | 6 | Year 0 |

    3305.90.20 | — — Acondicionadores (bálsamos) para el cabello | 6 | Year 0 |

    3305.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3306 | Preparaciones para higiene bucal o dental, incluidos los polvos y cremas para la adherencia de las dentaduras; hilo utilizado para limpieza de los espacios interdentales (hilo dental), en envases individuales para la venta al por menor. | | |

    3306.10.00 | — Dentífricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3306.20.00 | — Hilo utilizado para limpieza de los espacios interdentales (hilo dental) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3306.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3307 | Preparaciones de afeitar o para antes o después del afeitado, desodorantes corporales, preparaciones para el baño, depilatorios y demás preparaciones de perfumería, tocador o cosmética, no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte; preparaciones desodorantes para locales, incluso sin perfumar, aunque tengan propiedades desinfectantes. | | |

    3307.10.00 | — Preparaciones de afeitar o para antes o después del afeitado | 6 | Year 0 |

    3307.20.00 | — Desodorantes corporales y antitranspirantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3307.30.00 | — Sales perfumadas y demás preparaciones para el baño | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Preparaciones de perfumar o desodorizar locales, incluidas las preparaciones odoríferas para ceremonias religiosas: | | |

    3307.41.00 | — — "Agarbatti" y demás preparaciones odoríferas que actúan por combustión | 6 | Year 0 |

    3307.49.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3307.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    34 | Jabón, agentes de superficie orgánicos, preparaciones para lavar, preparaciones lubricantes, ceras artificiales, ceras preparadas, productos de limpieza, velas y artículos similares, pastas para modelar, "ceras para odontología" y preparaciones para odontología a base de yeso fraguable | | |

    3401 | Jabón; productos y preparaciones orgánicos tensoactivos usados como jabón, en barras, panes, trozos o piezas troqueladas o moldeadas, aunque contengan jabón; productos y preparaciones orgánicos tensoactivos para el lavado de la piel, líquidos o en crema, acondicionados para la venta al por menor, aunque contengan jabón; papel, guata, fieltro y tela sin tejer, impregnados, recubiertos o revestidos de jabón o de detergentes. | | |

    — Jabón, productos y preparaciones orgánicos tensoactivos, en barras, panes, trozos o piezas troqueladas o moldeadas, y papel, guatas, fieltro y tela sin tejer, impregnados, recubiertos o revestidos de jabón o de detergentes: | | |

    3401.11.00 | — — De tocador (incluso los medicinales) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3401.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3401.20 | — Jabón en otras formas: | | |

    3401.20.10 | — — En gránulos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3401.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3401.30.00 | — Productos y preparaciones orgánicos tensoactivos para el lavado de la piel, líquidos o en crema, acondicionados para la venta al por menor, aunque contengan jabón | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402 | Agentes de superficie orgánicos (excepto el jabón); preparaciones tensoactivas, preparaciones de lavar (incluidas las preparaciones auxiliares para lavado) y preparaciones para limpieza, aunque contengan jabón, excepto las de la partida 3401. | | |

    — Agentes de superficie orgánicos, incluso acondicionados para la venta al por menor: | | |

    3402.11 | — — Aniónicos: | | |

    3402.11.10 | — — — Lauril sulfato de sodio | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.11.20 | — — — Lauril éter sulfato de sodio | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.11.30 | — — — Naftalen sulfonato de sodio | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.11.40 | — — — Alquil naftalen sulfonato de sodio | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.11.50 | — — — Alquil benceno sulfonato de sodio lineal (LAS) | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.12 | — — Catiónicos: | | |

    3402.12.10 | — — — Bases de amonio cuaternario | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.12.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.13 | — — No iónicos: | | |

    3402.13.10 | — — — Nonilfenol etoxilado | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.13.20 | — — — Etanolamidas de ácidos grasos | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.13.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    3402.19.10 | — — — Proteínas alquilbetaínicas o sulfobetaínicas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.20 | — Preparaciones acondicionadas para la venta al por menor: | | |

    3402.20.10 | — — Preparaciones tensoactivas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.20.20 | — — Preparaciones de lavar (incluidas las preparaciones auxiliares para lavado) y preparaciones para limpieza, a base de jabón u otros agentes de superficie orgánicos | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    3402.90.10 | — — Preparaciones tensoactivas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.90.20 | — — Preparaciones de lavar (incluidas las preparaciones auxiliares para lavado) y preparaciones para limpieza, a base de jabón u otros agentes de superficie orgánicos | 6 | Year 7 |

    3402.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3403 | Preparaciones lubricantes (incluidos los aceites para corte, las preparaciones de aflojar tuercas, las preparaciones antiherrumbre o anticorrosión y las preparaciones para el desmoldeo, a base de lubricantes) y preparaciones de los tipos utilizados para el ensimado de materias textiles o el aceitado o engrasado de cueros y pieles, peletería u otras materias, excepto las que contengan como componente básico una proporción de aceites de petróleo o de mineral bituminoso superior o igual al 70 % peso. | | |

    — Que contengan aceites de petróleo o de mineral bituminoso: | | |

    3403.11.00 | — — Preparaciones para el tratamiento de materias textiles, cueros y pieles, peletería u otras materias | 6 | Year 0 |

    3403.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    3403.91.00 | — — Preparaciones para el tratamiento de materias textiles, cueros y pieles, peletería u otras materias | 6 | Year 0 |

    3403.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3404 | Ceras artificiales y ceras preparadas. | | |

    3404.10.00 | — De lignito modificado químicamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    3404.20.00 | — De poli(oxietileno) (polietilenglicol) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3404.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    3404.90.10 | — — Artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    3404.90.20 | — — Preparadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3405 | Betunes y cremas para el calzado, encáusticos, abrillantadores (lustres) para carrocerías, vidrio o metal, pastas y polvos de fregar y preparaciones similares (incluso papel, guata, fieltro, tela sin tejer, plástico o caucho celulares, impregnados, recubiertos o revestidos de estas preparaciones), excepto las ceras de la partida 3404. | | |

    3405.10 | — Betunes, cremas y preparaciones similares para el calzado o para cueros y pieles: | | |

    3405.10.10 | — — Betunes y cremas para el calzado | 6 | Year 0 |

    3405.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3405.20.00 | — Encáusticos y preparaciones similares para la conservación de muebles de madera, parqués u otras manufacturas de madera | 6 | Year 0 |

    3405.30.00 | — Abrillantadores (lustres) y preparaciones similares para carrocerías, excepto las preparaciones de lustrar metal | 6 | Year 0 |

    3405.40.00 | — Pastas, polvos y demás preparaciones de fregar | 6 | Year 0 |

    3405.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3406.00.00 | Velas, cirios y artículos similares. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3407.00.00 | Pastas de modelar, incluidas las presentadas para entretenimiento de los niños; preparaciones llamadas "ceras para odontología" o "compuestos para impresión dental", presentadas en juegos o surtidos, en envases para la venta al por menor o en plaquitas, herraduras, barritas o formas similares; las demás preparaciones para odontología a base de yeso fraguable. | 6 | Year 0 |

    35 | Materias albuminoideas; productos a base de almidón o fécula modificados; colas; enzimas | | |

    3501 | Caseína, caseinatos y demás derivados de la caseína; colas de caseína. | | |

    3501.10.00 | — Caseína | 6 | Year 0 |

    3501.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3501.90.10 | — — Caseinatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3501.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3502 | Albúminas (incluidos los concentrados de varias proteínas del lactosuero, con un contenido de proteínas del lactosuero superior al 80 % en peso, calculado sobre materia seca), albuminatos y demás derivados de las albúminas. | | |

    — Ovoalbúmina: | | |

    3502.11.00 | — — Seca | 6 | Year 0 |

    3502.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3502.20.00 | — Lactoalbúmina, incluidos los concentrados de dos o más proteínas del lactosuero | 6 | Year 0 |

    3502.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3503 | Gelatinas (aunque se presenten en hojas cuadradas o rectangulares, incluso trabajadas en la superficie o coloreadas) y sus derivados; ictiocola; las demás colas de origen animal, excepto las colas de caseína de la partida 3501. | | |

    3503.00.10 | — Gelatinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3503.00.90 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3504 | Peptonas y sus derivados; las demás materias proteicas y sus derivados, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte; polvo de cueros y pieles, incluso tratado al cromo. | | |

    3504.00.10 | — Proteína aislada de soja (soya) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3504.00.90 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3505 | Dextrina y demás almidones y féculas modificados (por ejemplo: almidones y féculas pregelatinizados o esterificados); colas a base de almidón, fécula, dextrina o demás almidones o féculas modificados. | | |

    3505.10.00 | — Dextrina y demás almidones y féculas modificados | 6 | Year 0 |

    3505.20.00 | — Colas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3506 | Colas y demás adhesivos preparados, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte; productos de cualquier clase utilizados como colas o adhesivos, acondicionados para la venta al por menor como colas o adhesivos, de de peso neto inferior o igual a 1 kg. | | |

    3506.10 | — Productos de cualquier clase utilizados como colas o adhesivos, acondicionados para la venta al por menor como colas o adhesivos, de peso neto inferior o igual a 1 kg: | | |

    3506.10.10 | — — A base de caucho | 6 | Year 7 |

    3506.10.20 | — — A base de plástico | 6 | Year 7 |

    3506.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    3506.91 | — — Adhesivos a base de polímeros de las partidas 3901 a 3913 o de caucho: | | |

    3506.91.10 | — — — A base de caucho | 6 | Year 7 |

    3506.91.20 | — — — A base de polímeros de las partidas 3901 a 3913 | 6 | Year 7 |

    3506.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3507 | Enzimas; preparaciones enzimáticas no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte. | | |

    3507.10 | — Cuajo y sus concentrados: | | |

    3507.10.10 | — — Cuajo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3507.10.20 | — — Concentrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    3507.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    3507.90.10 | — — Pancreáticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3507.90.20 | — — Enzimas utilizadas en la industria vitivinícola | 6 | Year 0 |

    3507.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    36 | Pólvora y explosivos; artículos de pirotecnia; fósforos (cerillas); aleaciones pirofóricas; materias inflamables | | |

    3601.00.00 | Pólvora. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3602 | Explosivos preparados, excepto la pólvora. | | |

    3602.00.10 | — Tetranitrato de pentaeritritol (Pentrita o PETN) | 6 | Year 7 |

    3602.00.20 | — Mezclas a base de TNT y pentrita (pentolita) | 6 | Year 7 |

    3602.00.30 | — Mezclas a base de derivados nitrados de glicerol y etilenglicol (dinamita) | 6 | Year 7 |

    3602.00.40 | — Mezclas a base de nitrato de amonio y fuel-oil (ANFO) | 6 | Year 7 |

    3602.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3603 | Mechas de seguridad; cordones detonantes; cebos y cápsulas fulminantes; inflamadores; detonadores eléctricos. | | |

    3603.00.10 | — Mechas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3603.00.20 | — Cordones detonantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3603.00.30 | — Cebos y cápsulas fulminantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3603.00.40 | — Detonadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    3603.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3604 | Artículos para fuegos artificiales, cohetes de señales o granífugos y similares, petardos y demás artículos de pirotecnia. | | |

    3604.10.00 | — Artículos para fuegos artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    3604.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3605.00.00 | Fósforos (cerillas), excepto los artículos de pirotecnia de la partida 3604. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3606 | Ferrocerio y demás aleaciones pirofóricas en cualquier forma; artículos de materias inflamables a que se refiere la Nota 2 de este Capítulo. | | |

    3606.10.00 | — Combustibles líquidos y gases combustibles licuados en recipientes de los tipos utilizados para cargar o recargar encendedores o mecheros, de capacidad inferior o igual a 300 cm3 | 6 | Year 0 |

    3606.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    37 | Productos fotográficos o cinematográficos | | |

    3701 | Placas y películas planas, fotográficas, sensibilizadas, sin impresionar, excepto las de papel, cartón o textiles; películas fotográficas planas autorrevelables, sensibilizadas, sin impresionar, incluso en cargadores. | | |

    3701.10.00 | — Para rayos X | 6 | Year 0 |

    3701.20.00 | — Películas autorrevelables | 6 | Year 0 |

    3701.30.00 | — Las demás placas y películas planas en las que por lo menos un lado sea superior a 255 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    3701.91.00 | — — Para fotografía en colores (policroma) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3701.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    3701.99.10 | — — — Placas metálicas para la preparación de clisés | 6 | Year 0 |

    3701.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702 | Películas fotográficas en rollos, sensibilizadas, sin impresionar, excepto las de papel, cartón o textiles; películas fotográficas autorrevelables en rollos, sensibilizadas, sin impresionar. | | |

    3702.10.00 | — Para rayos X | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.20.00 | — Películas autorrevelables | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás películas, sin perforar, de anchura inferior o igual a 105 mm: | | |

    3702.31.00 | — — Para fotografía en colores (policroma) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.32.00 | — — Las demás, con emulsión de halogenuros de plata | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.39.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás películas, sin perforar, de anchura superior a 105 mm: | | |

    3702.41.00 | — — De anchura superior a 610 mm y longitud superior a 200 m, para fotografía en colores (policroma) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.42.00 | — — De anchura superior a 610 mm y longitud superior a 200 m, excepto para fotografía en colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.43.00 | — — De anchura superior a 610 mm y longitud inferior o igual a 200 m | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.44.00 | — — De anchura superior a 105 mm pero inferior o igual a 610 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás películas para fotografía en colores (policroma): | | |

    3702.51.00 | — — De anchura inferior o igual a 16 mm y longitud inferior o igual a 14 m | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.52.00 | — — De anchura inferior o igual a 16 mm y longitud superior a 14 m | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.53.00 | — — De anchura superior a 16 mm pero inferior o igual a 35 mm y longitud inferior o igual a 30 m, para diapositivas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.54 | — — De anchura superior a 16 mm pero inferior o igual a 35 mm y longitud inferior o igual a 30 m, excepto para diapositivas: | | |

    3702.54.10 | — — — De anchura igual a 35 mm y longitud inferior o igual a 30 m | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.54.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.55.00 | — — De anchura superior a 16 mm pero inferior o igual a 35 mm y longitud superior a 30 m | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.56.00 | — — De anchura superior a 35 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    3702.91.00 | — — De anchura inferior o igual a 16 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.93.00 | — — De anchura superior a 16 mm pero inferior o igual a 35 mm y longitud inferior o igual a 30 m | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.94.00 | — — De anchura superior a 16 mm pero inferior o igual a 35 mm y longitud superior a 30 m | 6 | Year 0 |

    3702.95.00 | — — De anchura superior a 35 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    3703 | Papel, cartón y textiles, fotográficos, sensibilizados, sin impresionar. | | |

    3703.10 | — En rollos de anchura superior a 610 mm: | | |

    3703.10.10 | — — Para aparatos fotocopiadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    3703.10.20 | — — Para fotografías | 6 | Year 0 |

    3703.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3703.20.00 | — Los demás, para fotografía en colores (policroma) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3703.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3703.90.10 | — — Para aparatos fotocopiadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    3703.90.20 | — — Para fotografías | 6 | Year 0 |

    3703.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3704 | Placas, películas, papel, cartón y textiles, fotográficos, impresionados pero sin revelar. | | |

    3704.00.10 | — Papel, cartón y textiles para aparatos fotocopiadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    3704.00.20 | — Papel, cartón y textiles para fotografía | 6 | Year 0 |

    3704.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3705 | Placas y películas, fotográficas, impresionadas y reveladas, excepto las cinematográficas (filmes). | | |

    3705.10.00 | — Para la reproducción offset | 6 | Year 0 |

    3705.20.00 | — Microfilmes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3705.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3706 | Películas cinematográficas (filmes), impresionadas y reveladas, con registro de sonido o sin él, o con registro de sonido solamente. | | |

    3706.10.00 | — De anchura superior o igual a 35 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    3706.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3707 | Preparaciones químicas para uso fotográfico, excepto los barnices, colas, adhesivos y preparaciones similares; productos sin mezclar para uso fotográfico, dosificados o acondicionados para la venta al por menor listos para su empleo. | | |

    3707.10.00 | — Emulsiones para sensibilizar superficies | 6 | Year 0 |

    3707.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3707.90.10 | — — Polvo impresor para fotocopiadoras (toner) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3707.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    38 | Productos diversos de las industrias químicas | | |

    3801 | Grafito artificial; grafito coloidal o semicoloidal; preparaciones a base de grafito u otros carbonos, en pasta, bloques, plaquitas u otras semimanufacturas. | | |

    3801.10.00 | — Grafito artificial | 6 | Year 0 |

    3801.20.00 | — Grafito coloidal o semicoloidal | 6 | Year 0 |

    3801.30.00 | — Pastas carbonosas para electrodos y pastas similares para el revestimiento interior de hornos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3801.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3802 | Carbón activado; materias minerales naturales activadas; negro de origen animal, incluido el agotado. | | |

    3802.10.00 | — Carbón activado | 6 | Year 0 |

    3802.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3802.90.10 | — — Materias minerales naturales activadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3802.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3803.00.00 | "Tall oil", incluso refinado. | 6 | Year 7 |

    3804.00.00 | Lejías residuales de la fabricación de pastas de celulosa, aunque estén concentradas, desazucaradas o tratadas químicamente, incluidos los lignosulfonatos, excepto el "tall oil" de la partida 3803. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3805 | Esencias de trementina, madera de pino o pasta celulósica al sulfato (sulfato de trementina) y demás esencias terpénicas procedentes de la destilación o de otros tratamientos de la madera de coníferas; dipenteno en bruto; esencia de pasta celulósica al bisulfito (bisulfito de trementina) y demás paracimenos en bruto; aceite de pino con alfa-terpineol como componente principal. | | |

    3805.10.00 | — Esencias de trementina, madera de pino o pasta celulósica al sulfato (sulfato de trementina) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3805.20.00 | — Aceite de pino | 6 | Year 0 |

    3805.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3806 | Colofonias y ácidos resínicos, y sus derivados; esencia y aceites de colofonia; gomas fundidas. | | |

    3806.10.00 | — Colofonias y ácidos resínicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3806.20.00 | — Sales de colofonias, de ácidos resínicos o de derivados de colofonias o de ácidos resínicos, excepto las sales de aductos de colofonias | 6 | Year 0 |

    3806.30.00 | — Gomas éster | 6 | Year 0 |

    3806.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3807.00.00 | Alquitranes de madera; aceites de alquitrán de madera; creosota de madera; metileno (nafta de madera); pez vegetal; pez de cervecería y preparaciones similares a base de colofonia, de ácidos resínicos o de pez vegetal. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3808 | Insecticidas, raticidas y demás antirroedores, fungicidas, herbicidas, inhibidores de germinación y reguladores del crecimiento de las plantas, desinfectantes y productos similares, presentados en formas o envases para la venta al por menor, o como preparaciones o artículos tales como cintas, mechas y velas, azufradas, y papeles matamoscas. | | |

    3808.10 | — Insecticidas: | | |

    3808.10.10 | — — Acondicionados para la venta al por menor, en envases de contenido neto de hasta 5KN o 5 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    3808.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3808.20 | — Fungicidas: | | |

    3808.20.10 | — — Acondicionados para la venta al por menor, en envases de contenido neto de hasta 5KN o 5 l | 6 | Year 5 |

    3808.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    3808.30 | — Herbicidas, inhibidores de germinación y reguladores del crecimiento de las plantas: | | |

    — — Acondicionados para la venta al por menor, en envases de contenido neto de hasta 5KN o 5 l: | | |

    3808.30.11 | — — — Herbicidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3808.30.12 | — — — Inhibidores de germinación | 6 | Year 0 |

    3808.30.13 | — — — Reguladores del crecimiento de las plantas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    3808.30.91 | — — — Herbicidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3808.30.92 | — — — Inhibidores de germinación | 6 | Year 0 |

    3808.30.93 | — — — Reguladores del crecimiento de las plantas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3808.40 | — Desinfectantes: | | |

    3808.40.10 | — — Acondicionados para la venta al por menor, en envases de contenido neto de hasta 5KN o 5 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    3808.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3808.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3808.90.10 | — — Acondicionados para la venta al por menor, en envases de contenido neto de hasta 5KN o 5 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    3808.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    3809 | Aprestos y productos de acabado, aceleradores de tintura o de fijación de materias colorantes y demás productos y preparaciones (por ejemplo: aprestos y mordientes), de los tipos utilizados en la industria textil, del papel, cuero o industrias similares, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | | |

    3809.10.00 | — A base de materias amiláceas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    3809.91 | — — De los tipos utilizados en la industria textil o industrias similares: | | |

    3809.91.10 | — — — Aderezos y aprestos preparados | 6 | Year 0 |

    3809.91.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3809.92 | — — De los tipos utilizados en la industria del papel o industrias similares: | | |

    3809.92.10 | — — — Aderezos y aprestos preparados | 6 | Year 7 |

    3809.92.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3809.93 | — — De los tipos utilizados en la industria del cuero o industrias similares: | | |

    3809.93.10 | — — — Aderezos y aprestos preparados | 6 | Year 0 |

    3809.93.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3810 | Preparaciones para el decapado de metal; flujos y demás preparaciones auxiliares de soldar metal; pastas y polvos de soldar, constituidos por metal y otros productos; preparaciones de los tipos utilizados para recubrir o rellenar electrodos o varillas de soldadura. | | |

    3810.10.00 | — Preparaciones para el decapado de metal; pastas y polvos de soldar, constituidos por metal y otros productos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3810.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3810.90.10 | — — Preparados para recubrir o rellenar electrodos o varillas de soldadura | 6 | Year 0 |

    3810.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3811 | Preparaciones antidetonantes, inhibidores de oxidación, aditivos peptizantes, mejoradores de viscosidad, anticorrosivos y demás aditivos preparados para aceites minerales (incluida la gasolina) u otros líquidos utilizados para los mismos fines que los aceites minerales. | | |

    — Preparaciones antidetonantes: | | |

    3811.11.00 | — — A base de compuestos de plomo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3811.19 | — — Las demás: | | |

    3811.19.10 | — — — No acondicionadas para la venta al por menor | 6 | Year 0 |

    3811.19.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aditivos para aceites lubricantes: | | |

    3811.21 | — — Que contengan aceites de petróleo o de mineral bituminoso: | | |

    3811.21.10 | — — — No acondicionados para la venta al por menor | 6 | Year 0 |

    3811.21.20 | — — — Acondicionados para la venta al por menor en envases de un peso neto inferior o igual a 1 kg. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3811.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    3811.29.10 | — — — No acondicionados para la venta al por menor | 6 | Year 0 |

    3811.29.20 | — — — Acondicionados para la venta al por menor en envases de un peso neto inferior o igual a 1 kg. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3811.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3811.90.10 | — — No acondicionados para la venta al por menor | 6 | Year 0 |

    3811.90.20 | — — Acondicionados para la venta al por menor en envases de un peso neto inferior o igual a 1 kg. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3812 | Aceleradores de vulcanización preparados; plastificantes compuestos para caucho o plástico, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte; preparaciones antioxidantes y demás estabilizantes compuestos para caucho o plástico. | | |

    3812.10.00 | — Aceleradores de vulcanización preparados | 6 | Year 0 |

    3812.20.00 | — Plastificantes compuestos para caucho o plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    3812.30.00 | — Preparaciones antioxidantes y demás estabilizantes compuestos para caucho o plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    3813.00.00 | Preparaciones y cargas para aparatos extintores; granadas y bombas extintoras. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3814.00.00 | Disolventes y diluyentes orgánicos compuestos, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte; preparaciones para quitar pinturas o barnices. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3815 | Iniciadores y aceleradores de reacción y preparaciones catalíticas, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | | |

    — Catalizadores sobre soporte: | | |

    3815.11.00 | — — Con níquel o sus compuestos como sustancia activa | 6 | Year 0 |

    3815.12.00 | — — Con metal precioso o sus compuestos como sustancia activa | 6 | Year 0 |

    3815.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3815.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3816 | Cementos, morteros, hormigones y preparaciones similares, refractarios, excepto los productos de la partida 3801. | | |

    3816.00.10 | — Cementos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3816.00.20 | — Morteros | 6 | Year 0 |

    3816.00.30 | — Hormigones | 6 | Year 0 |

    3816.00.90 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3817 | Mezclas de alquilbencenos y mezclas de alquilnaftalenos, excepto las de las partidas 2707 ó 2902. | | |

    — Mezclas de alquilbencenos: | | |

    3817.00.11 | — — Dodecilbencenos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3817.00.19 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3817.00.20 | — Mezclas de alquilnaftalenos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3818.00.00 | Elementos químicos dopados para uso en electrónica, en discos, obleas ("wafers") o formas análogas; compuestos químicos dopados para uso en electrónica. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3819.00.00 | Líquidos para frenos hidráulicos y demás líquidos preparados para transmisiones hidráulicas, sin aceites de petróleo ni de mineral bituminoso o con un contenido inferior al 70 % en peso de dichos aceites. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3820.00.00 | Preparaciones anticongelantes y líquidos preparados para descongelar. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3821.00.00 | Medios de cultivo preparados para el desarrollo de microorganismos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3822.00.00 | Reactivos para diagnóstico o laboratorio sobre cualquier soporte y reactivos para diagnóstico o laboratorio preparados, incluso sobre soporte, excepto los de las partidas 3002 ó 3006; materiales de referencia certificados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    3823 | Ácidos grasos monocarboxílicos industriales; aceites ácidos del refinado; alcoholes grasos industriales. | | |

    — Ácidos grasos monocarboxílicos industriales; aceites ácidos del refinado: | | |

    3823.11.00 | — — Ácido esteárico | 6 | Year 10 |

    3823.12.00 | — — Ácido oleico | 6 | Year 0 |

    3823.13.00 | — — Ácidos grasos del "tall oil" | 6 | Year 0 |

    3823.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3823.70.00 | — Alcoholes grasos industriales | 6 | Year 0 |

    3824 | Preparaciones aglutinantes para moldes o núcleos de fundición; productos químicos y preparaciones de la industria química o de las industrias conexas (incluidas las mezclas de productos naturales), no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | | |

    3824.10.00 | — Preparaciones aglutinantes para moldes o núcleos de fundición | 6 | Year 0 |

    3824.20.00 | — Ácidos nafténicos, sus sales insolubles en agua y sus ésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    3824.30.00 | — Carburos metálicos sin aglomerar mezclados entre sí o con aglutinantes metálicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3824.40.00 | — Aditivos preparados para cementos, morteros u hormigones | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.50.00 | — Morteros y hormigones, no refractarios | 6 | Year 0 |

    3824.60.00 | — Sorbitol, excepto el de la subpartida 290544 | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Mezclas que contengan derivados perhalogenados de hidrocarburos acíclicos con dos halógenos diferentes, por lo menos: | | |

    3824.71.00 | — — Que contengan hidrocarburos acíclicos perhalogenados únicamente con flúor y cloro | 6 | Year 0 |

    3824.79.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3824.90 | — Los demás | | |

    3824.90.10 | — — Endurecedores compuestos para resinas, barnices o colas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3824.90.20 | — — Productos para la corrección de escritos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3824.90.30 | — — Parafinas cloradas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Preparaciones para la concentración de minerales: | | |

    3824.90.41 | — — — Preparaciones extractantes de metales para aplicación en minerales | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.90.49 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.90.50 | — — Goma base para la fabricación de goma de mascar (chicle) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Mezclas constituidas esencialmente por los productos químicos siguientes: | | |

    3824.90.61 | — — — Alquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosfonofluoridatos de O-alquilo (<C10, incluidos los cicloalquilos) | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.90.62 | — — — N,N-Dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosforoamidocianidatos de O-alquilo (<C10, incluidos los cicloalquilos) | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.90.63 | — — — Hidrogenoalquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosfonotioatos de [S-2-(dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) amino)etilo]; sus ésteres de O-alquilo (<C10, incluidos los cicloalquilos); mezclas constituidas esencialmente de sus sales alquiladas o protonadas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.90.64 | — — — Difluoruros de alquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosfonilo | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.90.65 | — — — Hidrogenoalquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosfonitos de [O-2-(dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil)amino)etilo]; sus ésteres de O-alquilo (<C10, incluidos los cicloalquilos); mezclas constituidas esencialmente de sus sales alquiladas o protonadas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.90.66 | — — — Dihalogenuros de N,N-dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) Fosforoamídicos | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.90.67 | — — — N,N-Dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil) fosforoamidatos de dialquilo(metilo, etilo, n-propilo o isopropilo) | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.90.68 | — — — N,N-Dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil)-2-cloroetilaminas o sus sales protonadas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.90.69 | — — — N,N-Dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil)aminoetano-2-tioles o sus sales protonadas | 6 | Year 7 |

    — — Mezclas constituidas esencialmente por N,N-dialquil(metil, etil, n-propil o isopropil)-2-aminoetanoles o sus sales protonadas: | | |

    3824.90.71 | — — — N,N-Dimetil-2-aminoetanol o N,N-dietil-2-aminoetanol o sus sales protonadas | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.90.79 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    3824.90.91 | — — — Mezclas constituidas esencialmente por productos químicos que contengan un átomo de fósforo unido a un grupo metilo, etilo, n-propilo o isopropilo, sin otros átomos de carbono | 6 | Year 7 |

    3824.90.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3825 | Productos residuales de la industria química o de las industrias conexas, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte; desechos y desperdicios municipales; lodos de depuración; los demás desechos citados en la Nota 6 del presente Capítulo. | | |

    3825.10.00 | — Desechos y desperdicios municipales | 6 | Year 7 |

    3825.20.00 | — Lodos de depuración | 6 | Year 7 |

    3825.30.00 | — Desechos clínicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Desechos de disolventes orgánicos: | | |

    3825.41.00 | — — Halogenados | 6 | Year 7 |

    3825.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3825.50.00 | — Desechos de soluciones decapantes, fluidos hidráulicos, líquidos para frenos y líquidos anticongelantes. | 6 | Year 7 |

    — Los demás desechos de la industria química o de las industrias conexas: | | |

    3825.61.00 | — — Que contengan principalmente componentes orgánicos | 6 | Year 7 |

    3825.69.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3825.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    39 | Plástico y sus manufacturas | | |

    3901 | Polímeros de etileno en formas primarias. | | |

    3901.10 | — Polietileno de densidad inferior a 0,94: | | |

    3901.10.10 | — — De alta presión (convencional) | 6 | Year 5 |

    3901.10.20 | — — Lineal | 6 | Year 5 |

    3901.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    3901.20.00 | — Polietileno de densidad superior o igual a 0,94 | 6 | Year 5 |

    3901.30.00 | — Copolímeros de etileno y acetato de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3901.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3902 | Polímeros de propileno o de otras olefinas, en formas primarias. | | |

    3902.10.00 | — Polipropileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3902.20.00 | — Poliisobutileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3902.30.00 | — Copolímeros de propileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3902.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3903 | Polímeros de estireno en formas primarias. | | |

    — Poliestireno: | | |

    3903.11.00 | — — Expandible | 6 | Year 5 |

    3903.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    3903.19.10 | — — — De uso general (cristal) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3903.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3903.20.00 | — Copolímeros de estireno-acrilonitrilo (SAN) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3903.30.00 | — Copolímeros de acrilonitrilo-butadieno-estireno (ABS) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3903.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3903.90.10 | — — Poliestireno de alto impacto | 6 | Year 0 |

    3903.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3904 | Polímeros de cloruro de vinilo o de otras olefinas halogenadas, en formas primarias. | | |

    3904.10 | — Poli(cloruro de vinilo) sin mezclar con otras sustancias: | | |

    3904.10.10 | — — Grado de emulsión | 6 | Year 0 |

    3904.10.20 | — — Grado de suspensión | 6 | Year 0 |

    3904.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás poli(cloruro de vinilo): | | |

    3904.21.00 | — — Sin plastificar | 6 | Year 0 |

    3904.22.00 | — — Plastificados | 6 | Year 0 |

    3904.30.00 | — Copolímeros de cloruro de vinilo y acetato de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3904.40.00 | — Los demás copolímeros de cloruro de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3904.50.00 | — Polímeros de cloruro de vinilideno | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Polímeros fluorados: | | |

    3904.61.00 | — — Politetrafluoroetileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3904.69.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3904.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3905 | Polímeros de acetato de vinilo o de otros ésteres vinílicos, en formas primarias; los demás polímeros vinílicos en formas primarias. | | |

    — Poli(acetato de vinilo): | | |

    3905.12.00 | — — En dispersión acuosa | 6 | Year 5 |

    3905.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Copolímeros de acetato de vinilo: | | |

    3905.21.00 | — — En dispersión acuosa | 6 | Year 5 |

    3905.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    3905.30.00 | — Poli(alcohol vinílico), incluso con grupos acetato sin hidrolizar | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    3905.91.00 | — — Copolímeros | 6 | Year 0 |

    3905.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    3906 | Polímeros acrílicos en formas primarias. | | |

    3906.10.00 | — Poli(metacrilato de metilo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3906.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    3907 | Poliacetales, los demás poliéteres y resinas epoxi, en formas primarias; policarbonatos, resinas alcídicas, poliésteres alílicos y demás poliésteres, en formas primarias. | | |

    3907.10.00 | — Poliacetales | 6 | Year 0 |

    3907.20 | — Los demás poliéteres: | | |

    3907.20.10 | — — Polipropilenglicoles | 6 | Year 0 |

    3907.20.20 | — — Poliéter-polioles | 6 | Year 0 |

    3907.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3907.30 | — Resinas epoxi: | | |

    3907.30.10 | — — En estado sólido | 6 | Year 0 |

    3907.30.20 | — — En estado líquido o pastoso | 6 | Year 0 |

    3907.40.00 | — Policarbonatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3907.50.00 | — Resinas alcídicas | 6 | Year 5 |

    3907.60.00 | — Poli(tereftalato de etileno) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás poliésteres: | | |

    3907.91.00 | — — No saturados | 6 | Year 5 |

    3907.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    3908 | Poliamidas en formas primarias. | | |

    3908.10.00 | — Poliamidas-6,-11,-12,-6,6,-6,9,-6,10 ó -6,12 | 6 | Year 0 |

    3908.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3909 | Resinas amínicas, resinas fenólicas y poliuretanos, en formas primarias. | | |

    3909.10 | — Resinas ureicas; resinas de tiourea: | | |

    — — Resinas ureicas: | | |

    3909.10.11 | — — — En estado sólido | 6 | Year 5 |

    3909.10.12 | — — — En estado líquido o pastoso | 6 | Year 5 |

    3909.10.20 | — — Resinas de tiourea | 6 | Year 0 |

    3909.20.00 | — Resinas melamínicas | 6 | Year 5 |

    3909.30.00 | — Las demás resinas amínicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3909.40.00 | — Resinas fenólicas | 6 | Year 5 |

    3909.50.00 | — Poliuretanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3910 | Siliconas en formas primarias. | | |

    3910.00.10 | — Aceites de silicona | 6 | Year 0 |

    3910.00.20 | — Grasas de silicona | 6 | Year 0 |

    3910.00.30 | — Elastómeros de silicona | 6 | Year 0 |

    3910.00.90 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3911 | Resinas de petróleo, resinas de cumarona-indeno, politerpenos, polisulfuros, polisulfonas y demás productos previstos en la Nota 3 de este Capítulo, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte, en formas primarias. | | |

    3911.10.00 | — Resinas de petróleo, resinas de cumarona, resinas de indeno, resinas de cumarona-indeno y politerpenos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3911.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3912 | Celulosa y sus derivados químicos, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte, en formas primarias. | | |

    — Acetatos de celulosa: | | |

    3912.11.00 | — — Sin plastificar | 6 | Year 0 |

    3912.12.00 | — — Plastificados | 6 | Year 0 |

    3912.20.00 | — Nitratos de celulosa (incluidos los colodiones) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Éteres de celulosa: | | |

    3912.31.00 | — — Carboximetilcelulosa y sus sales | 6 | Year 0 |

    3912.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    3912.39.10 | — — — Metilhidroxietilcelulosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    3912.39.20 | — — — Metilcelulosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    3912.39.30 | — — — Hidroxietilcelulosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    3912.39.40 | — — — Etilhidroxietilcelulosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    3912.39.50 | — — — Hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    3912.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3912.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3913 | Polímeros naturales (por ejemplo: ácido algínico) y polímeros naturales modificados (por ejemplo: proteínas endurecidas, derivados químicos del caucho natural), no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte, en formas primarias. | | |

    3913.10 | — Ácido algínico, sus sales y sus ésteres: | | |

    3913.10.10 | — — Ácido algínico | 6 | Year 0 |

    3913.10.20 | — — Alginato de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    3913.10.30 | — — Alginato de potasio | 6 | Year 0 |

    3913.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3913.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3914 | Intercambiadores de iones a base de polímeros de las partidas 3901 a 3913, en formas primarias. | | |

    3914.00.10 | — De condensación, de policondensación y de poliadición | 6 | Year 0 |

    3914.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3915 | Desechos, desperdicios y recortes, de plástico. | | |

    3915.10.00 | — De polímeros de etileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3915.20.00 | — De polímeros de estireno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3915.30.00 | — De polímeros de cloruro de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3915.90.00 | — De los demás plásticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3916 | Monofilamentos cuya mayor dimensión del corte transversal sea superior a 1 mm, barras, varillas y perfiles, incluso trabajados en la superficie pero sin otra labor, de plástico. | | |

    3916.10.00 | — De polímeros de etileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3916.20.00 | — De polímeros de cloruro de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3916.90.00 | — De los demás plásticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917 | Tubos y accesorios para tubería (por ejemplo: juntas, codos, empalmes [racores]), de plástico. | | |

    3917.10 | — Tripas artificiales de proteínas endurecidas o de plásticos celulósicos: | | |

    3917.10.10 | — — De celulosa regenerada (celofán) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Tubos rígidos: | | |

    3917.21.00 | — — De polímeros de etileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.22.00 | — — De polímeros de propileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.23.00 | — — De polímeros de cloruro de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.29.00 | — — De los demás plásticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tubos: | | |

    3917.31.00 | — — Tubos flexibles para una presión superior o igual a 27,6 MPa | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.32 | — — Los demás, sin reforzar ni combinar con otras materias, sin accesorios: | | |

    3917.32.10 | — — — De polímeros de etileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.32.20 | — — — De polímeros de propileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.32.30 | — — — De polímeros de cloruro de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.32.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.33.00 | — — Los demás, sin reforzar ni combinar con otras materias, con accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    3917.39.10 | — — — De polímeros de etileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.39.20 | — — — De polímeros de propileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.39.30 | — — — De polímeros de cloruro de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.40 | — Accesorios: | | |

    3917.40.10 | — — — De polímeros de etileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.40.20 | — — — De polímeros de propileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.40.30 | — — — De polímeros de cloruro de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3917.40.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3918 | Revestimientos de plástico para suelos, incluso autoadhesivos, en rollos o losetas; revestimientos de plástico para paredes o techos, definidos en la nota 9 de este Capítulo. | | |

    3918.10.00 | — De polímeros de cloruro de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3918.90.00 | — De los demás plásticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3919 | Placas, láminas, hojas, cintas, tiras y demás formas planas, autoadhesivas, de plástico, incluso en rollos. | | |

    3919.10 | — En rollos de anchura inferior o igual a 20 cm: | | |

    3919.10.10 | — — De polímeros de etileno | | |

    ex39191010 | — — — Para vehiculos automoviles | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex39191010 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3919.10.20 | — — De polímeros de propileno | | |

    ex39191020 | — — — Para vehiculos automoviles | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex39191020 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3919.10.30 | — — De polímeros de cloruro de vinilo | | |

    ex39191030 | — — — Para vehiculos automoviles | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex39191030 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3919.10.40 | — — De poliéster | | |

    ex39191040 | — — — Para vehiculos automoviles | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex39191040 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3919.10.90 | — — Los demás | | |

    ex39191090 | — — — Para vehiculos automoviles | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex39191090 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3919.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    3919.90.10 | — — De polímeros de etileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3919.90.20 | — — De polímeros de propileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3919.90.30 | — — De polímeros de cloruro de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3919.90.40 | — — De poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    3919.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920 | Las demás placas, láminas, hojas y tiras, de plástico no celular y sin refuerzo, estratificación ni soporte o combinación similar con otras materias. | | |

    3920.10 | — De polímeros de etileno: | | |

    3920.10.10 | — — De densidad inferior a 0,94 | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.10.20 | — — De densidad superior o igual a 0,94 | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.20 | — De polímeros de propileno: | | |

    3920.20.10 | — — De espesor inferior o igual a 0,10 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.20.20 | — — De espesor superior a 0,10 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.30.00 | — De polímeros de estireno | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De polímeros de cloruro de vinilo: | | |

    3920.43.00 | — — Con un contenido de plastificantes superior o igual al 6 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.49.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De polímeros acrílicos: | | |

    3920.51.00 | — — De poli(metracrilato de metilo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.59.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De policarbonatos, resinas alcídicas, poliésteres alílicos o demás poliésteres: | | |

    3920.61.00 | — — De policarbonatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.62 | — — De poli(tereftalato de etileno): | | |

    3920.62.10 | — — — Láminas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.62.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.63 | — — De poliésteres no saturados: | | |

    3920.63.10 | — — — Láminas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.63.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.69 | — — De los demás poliésteres: | | |

    3920.69.10 | — — — Láminas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.69.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De celulosa o de sus derivados químicos: | | |

    3920.71 | — — De celulosa regenerada: | | |

    3920.71.10 | — — — De celofán | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.71.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.72.00 | — — De fibra vulcanizada | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.73.00 | — — De acetato de celulosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.79.00 | — — De los demás derivados de la celulosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De los demás plásticos: | | |

    3920.91.00 | — — De poli(vinilbutiral) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.92.00 | — — De poliamidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.93.00 | — — De resinas amínicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.94.00 | — — De resinas fenólicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3920.99.00 | — — De los demás plásticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3921 | Las demás placas, láminas, hojas y tiras, de plástico. | | |

    — Productos celulares: | | |

    3921.11.00 | — — De polímeros de estireno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3921.12.00 | — — De polímeros de cloruro de vinilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    3921.13.00 | — — De poliuretanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3921.14.00 | — — De celulosa regenerada | 6 | Year 0 |

    3921.19.00 | — — De los demás plásticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3921.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    3921.90.10 | — — Laminados plásticos compuestos de papel Kraft impregnado y prensado con resinas fenólicas y revestido de una delgada capa de melamina (formalita y similares) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3921.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3922 | Bañeras, duchas, fregaderos, lavabos, bidés, inodoros y sus asientos y tapas, cisternas (depósitos de agua) para inodoros y artículos sanitarios e higiénicos similares, de plástico | | |

    3922.10.00 | — Bañeras, duchas, fregaderos y lavabos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3922.20.00 | — Asientos y tapas para inodoros | 6 | Year 0 |

    3922.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923 | Artículos para el transporte o envasado, de plástico; tapones, tapas, cápsulas y demás dispositivos de cierre, de plástico. | | |

    3923.10 | — Cajas, cajones, jaulas y artículos similares: | | |

    3923.10.10 | — — Cajas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Sacos (bolsas), bolsitas y cucuruchos: | | |

    3923.21 | — — De polímeros de etileno: | | |

    3923.21.10 | — — — Bolsas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.29 | — — De los demás plásticos: | | |

    3923.29.10 | — — — Bolsas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.30 | — Bombonas (damajuanas), botellas, frascos y artículos similares: | | |

    3923.30.10 | — — Bombonas (damajuanas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.30.20 | — — Botellas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.30.30 | — — Frascos | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.30.40 | — — Preformas de politereftalato de etileno (PET) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.40.00 | — Bobinas, carretes, canillas y soportes similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.50 | — Tapones, tapas, cápsulas y demás dispositivos de cierre: | | |

    3923.50.10 | — — Tapas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.50.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    3923.90.10 | — — Bidones | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.90.20 | — — Tambores | 6 | Year 0 |

    3923.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3924 | Vajilla y demás artículos para uso doméstico y artículos para higiene o tocador, de plástico. | | |

    3924.10.00 | — Vajilla y demás artículos para el servicio de mesa o cocina | 6 | Year 0 |

    3924.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3925 | Artículos para la construcción, de plástico, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | | |

    3925.10.00 | — Depósitos, cisternas, cubas y recipientes análogos, de capacidad superior a 300 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    3925.20.00 | — Puertas, ventanas, y sus marcos, contramarcos y umbrales | 6 | Year 0 |

    3925.30.00 | — Contraventanas, persianas (incluidas las venecianas) y artículos similares, y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    3925.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    3926 | Las demás manufacturas de plástico y manufacturas de las demás materias de las partidas 3901 a 3914. | | |

    3926.10.00 | — Artículos para oficina y artículos escolares | 6 | Year 0 |

    3926.20.00 | — Prendas y complementos (accesorios), de vestir, incluidos los guantes, mitones y manoplas | 6 | Year 0 |

    3926.30.00 | — Guarniciones para muebles, carrocerías o similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    3926.40.00 | — Estatuillas y demás artículos para adorno | 6 | Year 0 |

    3926.90 | — Las demás | | |

    3926.90.10 | — — Juntas (empaquetaduras) | 6 | Year 0 |

    3926.90.20 | — — Boyas y flotadores para redes de pesca | 6 | Year 0 |

    3926.90.30 | — — Correas transportadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    3926.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    40 | Caucho y sus manufacturas | | |

    4001 | Caucho natural, balata, gutapercha, guayule, chicle y gomas naturales análogas, en formas primarias o en placas, hojas o tiras. | | |

    4001.10.00 | — Látex de caucho natural, incluso prevulcanizado | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Caucho natural en otras formas: | | |

    4001.21.00 | — — Hojas ahumadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4001.22.00 | — — Cauchos técnicamente especificados (TSNR) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4001.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4001.30.00 | — Balata, gutapercha, guayule, chicle y gomas naturales análogas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002 | Caucho sintético y caucho facticio derivado de los aceites, en formas primarias o en placas, hojas o tiras; mezclas de productos de la partida 4001 con los de esta partida, en formas primarias o en placas, hojas o tiras. | | |

    — Caucho estireno-butadieno (SBR); caucho estireno-butadieno carboxilado (XSBR): | | |

    4002.11.00 | — — Látex | 6 | Year 5 |

    4002.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4002.19.10 | — — — Caucho polibutadieno-estireno (SBR) | 6 | Year 7 |

    4002.19.20 | — — — Caucho estireno-butadieno carboxilado (XSBR) | 6 | Year 7 |

    4002.20 | — Caucho butadieno (BR): | | |

    4002.20.10 | — — Látex | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Caucho isobuteno-isopreno (butilo) (IIR); caucho isobuteno-isopreno halogenado (CIIR o BIIR): | | |

    4002.31 | — — Caucho isobuteno-isopreno (butilo) (IIR): | | |

    4002.31.10 | — — — Látex | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.31.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4002.39.10 | — — — Látex | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Caucho cloropreno (clorobutadieno) (CR): | | |

    4002.41.00 | — — Látex | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.49.00 | — — Los demás: | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Caucho acrilonitrilo-butadieno (NBR): | | |

    4002.51.00 | — — Látex | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.59.00 | — — Los demás: | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.60 | — Caucho isopreno (IR): | | |

    4002.60.10 | — — Látex | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.60.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.70 | — Caucho etileno-propileno-dieno no conjugado (EPDM): | | |

    4002.70.10 | — — Látex | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.70.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.80 | — Mezclas de los productos de la partida 4001 con los de esta partida: | | |

    4002.80.10 | — — Látex | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.80.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    4002.91.00 | — — Látex | 6 | Year 0 |

    4002.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4003.00.00 | Caucho regenerado en formas primarias o en placas, hojas o tiras. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4004.00.00 | Desechos, desperdicios y recortes, de caucho sin endurecer, incluso en polvo o gránulos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4005 | Caucho mezclado sin vulcanizar, en formas primarias o en placas, hojas o tiras. | | |

    4005.10 | — Caucho con adición de negro de humo o de sílice: | | |

    4005.10.10 | — — Granulados | 6 | Year 0 |

    4005.10.20 | — — Mezclas maestras | 6 | Year 0 |

    4005.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4005.20.00 | — Disoluciones; dispersiones, excepto las de la subpartida 400510 | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    4005.91.00 | — — Placas, hojas y tiras | 6 | Year 0 |

    4005.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4005.99.10 | — — — Granulados | 6 | Year 0 |

    4005.99.20 | — — — Mezclas maestras distintas de las de la subpartida 400510 | 6 | Year 0 |

    4005.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4006 | Las demás formas (por ejemplo: varillas, tubos, perfiles) y artículos (por ejemplo: discos, arandelas), de caucho sin vulcanizar. | | |

    4006.10.00 | — Perfiles para recauchutar | 6 | Year 0 |

    4006.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    4006.90.10 | — — Tubos y varillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4006.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4007.00.00 | Hilos y cuerdas, de caucho vulcanizado. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4008 | Placas, hojas, tiras, varillas y perfiles, de caucho vulcanizado sin endurecer. | | |

    — De caucho celular: | | |

    4008.11 | — — Placas, hojas y tiras: | | |

    4008.11.10 | — — — Sin combinar con otras materias | 6 | Year 0 |

    4008.11.20 | — — — Combinadas con otras materias | 6 | Year 0 |

    4008.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Sin combinar con otras materias: | | |

    4008.19.11 | — — — — Perfiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    4008.19.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Combinados con otras materias: | | |

    4008.19.21 | — — — — Perfiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    4008.19.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De caucho no celular: | | |

    4008.21 | — — Placas, hojas y tiras: | | |

    4008.21.10 | — — — Sin combinar con otras materias | 6 | Year 0 |

    4008.21.20 | — — — Combinadas con otras materias | 6 | Year 0 |

    4008.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Sin combinar con otra materias: | | |

    4008.29.11 | — — — — Perfiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    4008.29.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Combinados con otras materias: | | |

    4008.29.21 | — — — — Perfiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    4008.29.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4009 | Tubos de caucho vulcanizado sin endurecer, incluso con sus accesorios (por ejemplo: juntas, codos, empalmes [racores]). | | |

    — Sin reforzar ni combinar de otro modo con otras materias: | | |

    4009.11.00 | — — Sin accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    4009.12.00 | — — Con accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Reforzados o combinados de otro modo solamente con metal: | | |

    4009.21.00 | — — Sin accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    4009.22.00 | — — Con accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Reforzados o combinados de otro modo solamente con materia textil: | | |

    4009.31.00 | — — Sin accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    4009.32.00 | — — Con accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Reforzados o combinados de otro modo con otras materias: | | |

    4009.41.00 | — — Sin accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    4009.42.00 | — — Con accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    4010 | Correas transportadoras o para transmisión, de caucho vulcanizado. | | |

    — Correas transportadoras: | | |

    4010.11.00 | — — Reforzadas solamente con metal | 6 | Year 5 |

    4010.12.00 | — — Reforzadas solamente con materia textil | 6 | Year 5 |

    4010.13.00 | — — Reforzadas solamente con plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    4010.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Correas para transmisión: | | |

    4010.31.00 | — — Correas para transmisión sin fin, estriadas, de sección trapezoidal, de circunferencia exterior superior a 60 cm pero inferior o igual a 180 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4010.32.00 | — — Correas para transmisión sin fin, sin estriar, de sección trapezoidal, de circunferencia exterior superior a 60 cm pero inferior o igual a 180 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4010.33.00 | — — Correas para transmisión sin fin, estriadas, de sección trapezoidal, de circunferencia exterior superior a 180 cm pero inferior o igual a 240 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4010.34.00 | — — Correas para transmisión sin fin, sin estriar, de sección trapezoidal, de circunferencia exterior superior a 180 cm pero inferior o igual a 240 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4010.35.00 | — — Correas para transmisión sin fin, con muescas (sincrónicas), de circunferencia exterior superior a 60 cm pero inferior o igual a 150 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4010.36.00 | — — Correas para transmisión sin fin, con muescas (sincrónicas), de circunferencia exterior superior a 150 cm pero inferior o igual a 198 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4010.39.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011 | Neumáticos (llantas neumáticas) nuevos de caucho. | | |

    4011.10.00 | — De los tipos utilizados en automóviles de turismo (incluidos los del tipo familiar ["break" o "station wagon"] y los de carreras) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011.20.00 | — De los tipos utilizados en autobuses o camiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011.30.00 | — De los tipos utilizados en aeronaves | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011.40.00 | — De los tipos utilizados en motocicletas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011.50.00 | — De los tipos utilizados en bicicletas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, con altos relieves en forma de taco, ángulo o similares: | | |

    4011.61.00 | — — De los tipos utilizados en vehículos y máquinas agrícolas o forestales | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011.62.00 | — — De los tipos utilizados en vehículos y máquinas para la construcción o mantenimiento industrial, para llantas de diámetro inferior o igual a 61 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011.63.00 | — — De los tipos utilizados en vehículos y máquinas para la construcción o mantenimiento industrial, para llantas dediámetro superior a 61 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011.69 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4011.69.10 | — — — De los tipos utilizados en volquetes automotores y en otros vehículos para la minería | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011.69.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    4011.92.00 | — — De los tipos utilizados en vehículos y máquinas agrícolas o forestales | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011.93.00 | — — De los tipos utilizados en vehículos y máquinas para la construcción o mantenimiento industrial, para llantas de diámetro inferior o igual a 61 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011.94.00 | — — De los tipos utilizados en vehículos y máquinas para la construcción o mantenimiento industrial, para llantas de diámetro superior a 61 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4011.99.10 | — — — De los tipos utilizados en camionetas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4011.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4012 | Neumáticos (llantas neumáticas) recauchutados o usados, de caucho; bandajes (llantas macizas o huecas), bandas de rodadura para neumáticos (llantas neumáticas) y protectores ("flaps"), de caucho. | | |

    — Neumáticos (llantas neumáticas) recauchutados: | | |

    4012.11.00 | — — De los tipos utilizados en automóviles de turismo (incluidos los del tipo familiar ["break" o "station wagon"] y los de carreras) | 6 | Year 7 |

    4012.12.00 | — — De los tipos utilizados en autobuses o camiones | | |

    ex40121200 | — — — Neumáticos recauchutados para camiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    ex40121200 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    4012.13.00 | — — De los tipos utilizados en aeronaves | 6 | Year 7 |

    4012.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    4012.20 | — Neumáticos (llantas neumáticas) usados: | | |

    4012.20.10 | — — Del tipo utilizado en vehículos para el transporte en carreteras de pasajeros o mercancías, incluyendo tractores, o en vehículos de la partida 8705 | 6 | Year 7 |

    4012.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    4012.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    4012.90.10 | — — Protectores ("flaps") | 6 | Year 7 |

    4012.90.20 | — — Bandajes (llantas macizas o huecas) | 6 | Year 7 |

    4012.90.30 | — — Bandas de rodadura | 6 | Year 7 |

    4012.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    4013 | Cámaras de caucho para neumáticos (llantas neumáticas). | | |

    4013.10 | — De los tipos utilizados en automóviles de turismo (incluidos los del tipo familiar ["break" o "station wagon"] y los de carreras), en autobuses o camiones: | | |

    4013.10.10 | — — De los tipos utilizados en automóviles de turismo | 6 | Year 0 |

    4013.10.20 | — — De los tipos utilizados en autobuses y camiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4013.20.00 | — De los tipos utilizados en bicicletas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4013.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4014 | Artículos de higiene o de farmacia (comprendidas las tetinas), de caucho vulcanizado sin endurecer, incluso con partes de caucho endurecido. | | |

    4014.10.00 | — Preservativos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4014.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4015 | Prendas de vestir, guantes, mitones y manoplas y demás complementos (accesorios), de vestir, para cualquier uso, de caucho vulcanizado sin endurecer. | | |

    — Guantes, mitones y manoplas: | | |

    4015.11.00 | — — Para cirugía | 6 | Year 0 |

    4015.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4015.19.10 | — — — Para examinación médica o veterinaria | 6 | Year 0 |

    4015.19.20 | — — — Dieléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4015.19.30 | — — — Para uso doméstico | 6 | Year 0 |

    4015.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4015.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4016 | Las demás manufacturas de caucho vulcanizado sin endurecer. | | |

    4016.10 | — De caucho celular: | | |

    4016.10.10 | — — Artículos para usos técnicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4016.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    4016.91.00 | — — Revestimientos para el suelo y alfombras | 6 | Year 0 |

    4016.92.00 | — — Gomas de borrar | 6 | Year 0 |

    4016.93 | — — Juntas o empaquetaduras: | | |

    4016.93.10 | — — — De los tipos utilizados en los vehículos del Capítulo 87 | 6 | Year 0 |

    4016.93.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4016.94.00 | — — Defensas, incluso inflables, para el atraque de los barcos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4016.95.00 | — — Los demás artículos inflables | 6 | Year 0 |

    4016.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    4016.99.10 | — — — Artículos para usos técnicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4016.99.20 | — — — Elementos para control de vibración, del tipo utilizado en los vehículos de las partidas 8701 a 8705 | | |

    ex40169920 | — — — — Partes y accesorios para material de transporte de la Seccción XVII | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex40169920 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4016.99.90 | — — — Las demás | | |

    ex40169990 | — — — — Partes y accesorios para material de transporte de la Seccción XVII | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex40169990 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4017.00.00 | Caucho endurecido (por ejemplo: ebonita) en cualquier forma, incluidos los desechos y desperdicios; manufacturas de caucho endurecido. | 6 | Year 0 |

    41 | Pieles (excepto la peletería) y cueros | | |

    4101 | Cueros y pieles en bruto, de bovino (incluido el búfalo) o equino (frescos o salados, secos, encalados, piquelados o conservados de otro modo, pero sin curtir, apergaminar ni preparar de otra forma), incluso depilados o divididos. | | |

    4101.20.00 | — Cueros y pieles enteros, de peso unitario inferior o igual a 8 kg para los secos, a 10 kg para los salados secos y a 16 kg para los frescos, salados verdes (húmedos) o conservados de otro modo. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4101.50.00 | — Cueros y pieles enteros, de peso unitario superior a 16 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    4101.90.00 | — Los demás, incluidos los crupones, medios crupones y faldas. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4102 | Cueros y pieles en bruto, de ovino (frescos o salados, secos, encalados, piquelados o conservados de otro modo, pero sin curtir, apergaminar ni preparar de otra forma), incluso depilados o divididos, excepto los excluidos por la Nota 1 c) de este Capítulo. | | |

    4102.10.00 | — Con lana | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Sin lana (depilados): | | |

    4102.21.00 | — — Piquelados | 6 | Year 0 |

    4102.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4103 | Los demás cueros y pieles en bruto (frescos o salados, secos, encalados, piquelados o conservados de otro modo, pero sin curtir, apergaminar ni preparar de otra forma), incluso depilados o divididos, excepto los excluidos por las Notas 1 b) ó 1 c) de este Capítulo. | | |

    4103.10.00 | — De caprino | 6 | Year 0 |

    4103.20.00 | — De reptil | 6 | Year 0 |

    4103.30.00 | — De porcino | 6 | Year 0 |

    4103.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4104 | Cueros y pieles curtidos o "crust", de bovino (incluido el búfalo) o equino, depilados, incluso divididos pero sin otra preparación. | | |

    — En estado húmedo (incluido el "wet-blue"): | | |

    4104.11.00 | — — Plena flor sin dividir; divididos con la flor | 6 | Year 0 |

    4104.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — En estado seco ("crust"): | | |

    4104.41.00 | — — Plena flor sin dividir; divididos con la flor | 6 | Year 0 |

    4104.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4105 | Pieles curtidas o "crust", de ovino, depiladas, incluso divididas pero sin otra preparación. | | |

    4105.10 | — En estado húmedo (incluido el "wet-blue"): | | |

    4105.10.10 | — — Preparadas al cromo (húmedas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4105.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4105.30.00 | — En estado seco ("crust") | 6 | Year 0 |

    4106 | Cueros y pieles depilados de los demás animales y pieles de animales sin pelo, curtidos o "crust", incluso divididos pero sin otra preparación. | | |

    — De caprino: | | |

    4106.21 | — — En estado húmedo (incluido el "wet-blue"): | | |

    4106.21.10 | — — — Preparadas al cromo (húmedas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4106.21.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4106.22.00 | — — En estado seco ("crust") | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De porcino: | | |

    4106.31 | — — En estado húmedo (incluido el "wet-blue"): | | |

    4106.31.10 | — — — Preparados al cromo (húmedos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4106.31.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4106.32.00 | — — En estado seco ("crust") | 6 | Year 0 |

    4106.40.00 | — De reptil | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    4106.91.00 | — — En estado húmedo (incluido el "wet-blue") | 6 | Year 0 |

    4106.92.00 | — — En estado seco ("crust") | 6 | Year 0 |

    4107 | Cueros preparados después del curtido o secado y cueros y pieles apergaminados, de bovino (incluido el búfalo) o equino, depilados, incluso divididos, excepto los de la partida 4114. | | |

    — Cueros y pieles enteros: | | |

    4107.11.00 | — — Plena flor sin dividir | 6 | Year 0 |

    4107.12.00 | — — Divididos con la flor | 6 | Year 0 |

    4107.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, incluidas las hojas: | | |

    4107.91.00 | — — Plena flor sin dividir | 6 | Year 0 |

    4107.92.00 | — — Divididos con la flor | 6 | Year 0 |

    4107.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4112.00.00 | Cueros preparados después del curtido o secado y cueros y pieles apergaminados, de ovino, depilados, incluso divididos, excepto los de la partida 4114. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4113 | Cueros preparados después del curtido o secado y cueros y pieles apergaminados, de los demás animales, depilados; cueros preparados después del curtido y cueros y pieles apergaminados, de animales sin pelo, incluso los divididos, excepto los de la partida 4114. | | |

    4113.10.00 | — De caprino | 6 | Year 0 |

    4113.20.00 | — De porcino | 6 | Year 0 |

    4113.30.00 | — De reptil | 6 | Year 0 |

    4113.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4114 | Cueros y pieles agamuzados (incluido el agamuzado combinado al aceite); cueros y pieles charolados y sus imitaciones de cueros o pieles chapados; cueros y pieles metalizados. | | |

    4114.10.00 | — Cueros y pieles agamuzados (incluido el agamuzado combinado al aceite) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4114.20.00 | — Cueros y pieles charolados y sus imitaciones de cueros o pieles chapados; cueros y pieles metalizados | 6 | Year 0 |

    4115 | Cuero regenerado a base de cuero o fibras de cuero, en placas, hojas o tiras, incluso enrolladas; recortes y demás desperdicios de cuero o piel, preparados, o de cuero regenerado, no utilizables para la fabricación de manufacturas de cuero; aserrín, polvo y harina de cuero. | | |

    4115.10.00 | — Cuero regenerado a base de cuero o fibras de cuero, en placas, hojas o tiras, incluso enrolladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4115.20.00 | — Recortes y demás desperdicios de cuero o piel, preparados, o de cuero regenerado, no utilizables para la fabricación de manufacturas de cuero; aserrín, polvo y harina de cuero. | 6 | Year 0 |

    42 | Manufacturas de cuero; artículos de talabartería o guarnicionería; artículos de viaje, bolsos de mano (carteras) y continentes similares; manufacturas de tripa | | |

    4201.00.00 | Artículos de talabartería o guarnicionería para todos los animales (incluidos los tiros, traíllas, rodilleras, bozales, sudaderos, alforjas, abrigos para perros y artículos similares), de cualquier materia. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202 | Baúles, maletas (valijas), maletines, incluidos los de aseo y los portadocumentos, portafolios (carteras de mano), cartapacios, fundas y estuches para gafas (anteojos), binoculares, cámaras fotográficas o cinematográficas, instrumentos musicales o armas y continentes similares; sacos de viaje, sacos (bolsas)* aislantes para alimentos y bebidas, bolsas de aseo, mochilas, bolsos de mano (carteras), bolsas para la compra, billeteras, portamonedas, portamapas, petacas, pitilleras y bolsas para tabaco, bolsas para herramientas y para artículos de deporte, estuches para frascos y botellas, estuches para joyas, polveras, estuches para orfebrería y continentes similares, de cuero natural o regenerado, hojas de plástico, materia textil, fibra vulcanizada o cartón, o recubiertos totalmente o en su mayor parte con esas materias o papel. | | |

    — Baúles, maletas (valijas) y maletines, incluidos los de aseo y los portadocumentos, portafolios (carteras de mano), cartapacios y continentes similares: | | |

    4202.11.00 | — — Con la superficie exterior de cuero natural, cuero regenerado o cuero charolado | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202.12 | — — Con la superficie exterior de plástico o materia textil: | | |

    4202.12.10 | — — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202.12.20 | — — — De materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Bolsos de mano (carteras), incluso con bandolera o sin asas: | | |

    4202.21.00 | — — Con la superficie exterior de cuero natural, cuero regenerado o cuero charolado | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202.22 | — — Con la superficie exterior de hojas de plástico o materia textil: | | |

    4202.22.10 | — — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202.22.20 | — — — De materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Artículos de bolsillo o de bolsos de mano (cartera): | | |

    4202.31.00 | — — Con la superficie exterior de cuero natural, cuero regenerado o cuero charolado | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202.32 | — — Con la superficie exterior de hojas de plástico o materia textil: | | |

    4202.32.10 | — — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202.32.20 | — — — De materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    4202.91.00 | — — Con la superficie exterior de cuero natural, cuero regenerado o cuero charolado | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202.92 | — — Con la superficie exterior de hojas de plástico o materia textil: | | |

    4202.92.10 | — — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202.92.20 | — — — De materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    4202.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4203 | Prendas y complementos (accesorios), de vestir, de cuero natural o cuero regenerado. | | |

    4203.10 | — Prendas de vestir: | | |

    4203.10.10 | — — Chaquetas, chaquetones y casacas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4203.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Guantes, mitones y manoplas: | | |

    4203.21.00 | — — Diseñados especialmente para la práctica del deporte | 6 | Year 0 |

    4203.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4203.30.00 | — Cintos, cinturones y bandoleras | 6 | Year 0 |

    4203.40.00 | — Los demás complementos (accesorios) de vestir | 6 | Year 0 |

    4204.00.00 | Artículos para usos técnicos de cuero natural o cuero regenerado. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4205.00.00 | Las demás manufacturas de cuero natural o cuero regenerado. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4206 | Manufacturas de tripa, vejigas o tendones. | | |

    4206.10.00 | — Cuerdas de tripa | 6 | Year 0 |

    4206.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    43 | Peletería y confecciones de peletería; peletería facticia o artificial | | |

    4301 | Peletería en bruto (incluidas las cabezas, colas, patas y demás trozos utilizables en peletería), excepto las pieles en bruto de las partidas 4101, 4102 ó 4103. | | |

    4301.10.00 | — De visón, enteras, incluso sin la cabeza, cola o patas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4301.30.00 | — De cordero llamadas "astracán", "Breitschwanz", "caracul", "persa" o similares, de cordero de Indias, de China, de Mongolia o del Tíbet, enteras, incluso sin la cabeza, cola o patas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4301.60.00 | — De zorro, enteras, incluso sin la cabeza, cola o patas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4301.70.00 | — De foca u otaria, enteras, incluso sin la cabeza, cola o patas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4301.80.00 | — Las demás pieles, enteras, incluso sin la cabeza, cola o patas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4301.90.00 | — Cabezas, colas, patas y demás trozos utilizables en peletería | 6 | Year 0 |

    4302 | Peletería curtida o adobada (incluidas las cabezas, colas, patas y demás trozos, desechos y recortes), incluso ensamblada (sin otras materias), excepto la de la partida 4303. | | |

    — Pieles enteras, incluso sin la cabeza, cola o patas, sin ensamblar: | | |

    4302.11.00 | — — De visón | 6 | Year 0 |

    4302.13.00 | — — De cordero llamadas "astracán", "Breitschwanz", "caracul", "persa" o similares, de cordero de Indias, de China, de Mongolia o del Tíbet | 6 | Year 0 |

    4302.19 | — — Las demás: | | |

    4302.19.10 | — — — De oveja con su piel | 6 | Year 0 |

    4302.19.20 | — — — De oveja sin su piel | 6 | Year 0 |

    4302.19.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4302.20.00 | — Cabezas, colas, patas y demás trozos, desechos y recortes, sin ensamblar | 6 | Year 0 |

    4302.30.00 | — Pieles enteras y trozos y recortes de pieles, ensamblados | 6 | Year 0 |

    4303 | Prendas y complementos (accesorios), de vestir, y demás artículos de peletería. | | |

    4303.10 | — Prendas y complementos (accesorios), de vestir: | | |

    4303.10.10 | — — Chaquetas, chaquetones y casacas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4303.10.20 | — — Complementos (accesorios) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4303.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4303.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4304.00.00 | Peletería facticia o artificial y artículos de peletería facticia o artificial. | 6 | Year 0 |

    44 | Madera, carbón vegetal y manufacturas de madera | | |

    4401 | Leña; madera en plaquitas o partículas; aserrín, desperdicios y desechos, de madera, incluso aglomerados en leños, briquetas, bolitas o formas similares. | | |

    4401.10.00 | — Leña | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Madera en plaquitas o partículas: | | |

    4401.21 | — — De coníferas: | | |

    4401.21.10 | — — — De pino radiata | 6 | Year 0 |

    4401.21.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4401.22 | — — Distinta de la de coníferas: | | |

    — — — De eucaliptus: | | |

    4401.22.11 | — — — — De eucaliptus globulus | 6 | Year 0 |

    4401.22.12 | — — — — De eucaliptus nitens | 6 | Year 0 |

    4401.22.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4401.22.20 | — — — De madera nativa | 6 | Year 0 |

    4401.22.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4401.30.00 | — Aserrín, desperdicios y desechos, de madera, incluso aglomerados en leños, briquetas, bolitas o formas similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    4402.00.00 | Carbón vegetal (comprendido el de cáscaras o de huesos [carozos]* de frutos), incluso aglomerado. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403 | Madera en bruto, incluso descortezada, desalburada o escuadrada. | | |

    4403.10 | — Tratada con pintura, creosota u otros agentes de conservación: | | |

    4403.10.10 | — — Postes | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.10.20 | — — Rodrigones o tutores | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.20 | — Las demás, de coníferas: | | |

    — — Madera para pulpa: | | |

    4403.20.11 | — — — De pino radiata | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.20.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.20.20 | — — Troncos para aserrar y hacer chapas, de pino insigne | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.20.30 | — — Simplemente escuadradas de pino insigne | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.20.40 | — — Postes de pino radiata sin tratar | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás, de las maderas tropicales citadas en la Nota de subpartida 1 de este Capítulo: | | |

    4403.41.00 | — — Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti y Meranti Bakau | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.49.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    4403.91.00 | — — De encina, roble, alcornoque y demás belloteros (Quercus spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.92.00 | — — De haya (Fagus spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    — — — Troncos para aserrar y hacer chapas: | | |

    4403.99.11 | — — — — De eucaliptus | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.99.12 | — — — — De coigüe | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.99.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Simplemente escuadradas: | | |

    4403.99.21 | — — — — De eucaliptus | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.99.22 | — — — — De coigüe | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.99.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Madera para pulpa: | | |

    4403.99.31 | — — — — De eucaliptus globulus | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.99.32 | — — — — De eucaliptus nitens | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.99.39 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Las demás: | | |

    4403.99.91 | — — — — De eucaliptus | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.99.92 | — — — — De coigüe | 6 | Year 0 |

    4403.99.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4404 | Flejes de madera; rodrigones hendidos; estacas y estaquillas de madera, apuntadas, sin aserrar longitudinalmente; madera simplemente desbastada o redondeada, pero sin tornear, curvar ni trabajar de otro modo, para bastones, paraguas, mangos de herramientas o similares; madera en tablillas, láminas, cintas o similares. | | |

    4404.10 | — De coníferas: | | |

    4404.10.10 | — — De pino radiata | 6 | Year 0 |

    4404.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4404.20.00 | — Distinta de la de coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4405.00.00 | Lana de madera; harina de madera. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4406 | Traviesas (durmientes) de madera para vías férreas o similares. | | |

    4406.10.00 | — Sin impregnar | 6 | Year 0 |

    4406.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4407 | Madera aserrada o desbastada longitudinalmente, cortada o desenrollada, incluso cepillada, lijada o unida por los extremos, de espesor superior a 6 mm. | | |

    4407.10 | — De coníferas: | | |

    — — De pino insigne: | | |

    4407.10.11 | — — — Tablas aserradas denominadas "Schaall Board", de espesor máximo de 25 mm; ancho de 100 a 150 mm; largo de 2,00 a 4,00 metros, con una cara totalmente limpia | 6 | Year 0 |

    4407.10.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4407.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De las maderas tropicales citadas en la Nota de subpartida 1 de este Capítulo: | | |

    4407.24.00 | — — Virola, Mahogany (Swietenia spp.), Imbuia y Balsa | 6 | Year 0 |

    4407.25.00 | — — Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti y Meranti Bakau | 6 | Year 0 |

    4407.26.00 | — — White Lauan, White Meranti, White Seraya, Yellow Meranti y Alan | 6 | Year 0 |

    4407.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    4407.91 | — — De encina, roble, alcornoque y demás belloteros (Quercus spp.): | | |

    4407.91.10 | — — — De roble | 6 | Year 0 |

    4407.91.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4407.92.00 | — — De haya (Fagus spp.) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4407.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    4407.99.10 | — — — De raulí | 6 | Year 0 |

    4407.99.20 | — — — De lenga | 6 | Year 0 |

    4407.99.30 | — — — De coigüe | 6 | Year 0 |

    4407.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4408 | Hojas para chapado (incluidas las obtenidas por cortado de madera estratificada), para contrachapado o para otras maderas estratificadas similares y demás maderas, aserradas longitudinalmente, cortadas o desenrolladas, incluso cepilladas, lijadas, unidas longitudinalmente o por los extremos, de espesor inferior o igual a 6 mm. | | |

    4408.10 | — De coníferas: | | |

    4408.10.10 | — — De pino insigne | 6 | Year 0 |

    4408.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De las maderas tropicales citadas en la Nota de subpartida 1 de este Capítulo: | | |

    4408.31.00 | — — Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti y Meranti Bakau | 6 | Year 0 |

    4408.39.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4408.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    4408.90.10 | — — De raulí | 6 | Year 0 |

    4408.90.20 | — — De tepa | 6 | Year 0 |

    4408.90.30 | — — De coigüe | 6 | Year 0 |

    4408.90.40 | — — De álamo | 6 | Year 0 |

    4408.90.50 | — — De encina | 6 | Year 0 |

    4408.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4409 | Madera (incluidas las tablillas y frisos para parqués, sin ensamblar) perfilada longitudinalmente (con lengüetas, ranuras, rebajes, acanalados, biselados, con juntas en v, moldurados, redondeados o similares) en una o varias caras, cantos o extremos, incluso cepillada, lijada o unida por los extremos. | | |

    4409.10 | — De coníferas: | | |

    4409.10.10 | — — Madera hilada de pino radiata | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Listones y molduras de madera para muebles, marcos, decorados interiores, conducciones eléctricas y análogos: | | |

    4409.10.21 | — — — Tablillas y frisos para parqués | 6 | Year 0 |

    4409.10.22 | — — — Perfiles y molduras | 6 | Year 0 |

    4409.10.29 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4409.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4409.20.00 | — Distinta de la de coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4410 | Tableros de partículas y tableros similares (por ejemplo: los llamados "oriented strand board" y "waferboard"), de madera u otras materias leñosas, incluso aglomeradas con resinas o demás aglutinantes orgánicos. | | |

    — Tableros llamados "oriented strand board" y "waferboard", de madera: | | |

    4410.21.00 | — — En bruto o simplemente lijados | 6 | Year 0 |

    4410.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, de madera: | | |

    4410.31.00 | — — En bruto o simplemente lijados | 6 | Year 0 |

    4410.32.00 | — — Recubiertos en la superficie con papel impregnado con melamina | 6 | Year 0 |

    4410.33.00 | — — Recubiertos en la superficie con placas u hojas decorativas estratificadas de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    4410.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4410.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4411 | Tableros de fibra de madera u otras materias leñosas, incluso aglomeradas con resinas o demás aglutinantes orgánicos. | | |

    — Tableros de fibra de densidad superior a 0,8 g/cm3 | | |

    4411.11.00 | — — Sin trabajo mecánico ni recubrimiento de superficie | 6 | Year 0 |

    4411.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4411.19.10 | — — — Con trabajo mecánico y recubrimiento superficial | 6 | Year 0 |

    4411.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Tableros de fibra de densidad superior a 0,5 g/cm3 pero inferior o igual a 0,8 g/cm3: | | |

    4411.21.00 | — — Sin trabajo mecánico ni recubrimiento de superficie | 6 | Year 0 |

    4411.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4411.29.10 | — — — Con trabajo mecánico y recubrimiento superficial | 6 | Year 0 |

    4411.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Tableros de fibra de densidad superior a 0,35 g/cm3 pero inferior o igual a 0,5 g/cm3: | | |

    4411.31.00 | — — Sin trabajo mecánico ni recubrimiento de superficie | 6 | Year 0 |

    4411.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4411.39.10 | — — — Con trabajo mecánico y recubrimiento superficial | 6 | Year 0 |

    4411.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    4411.91.00 | — — Sin trabajo mecánico ni recubrimiento de superficie | 6 | Year 0 |

    4411.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4412 | Madera contrachapada, madera chapada y madera estratificada similar. | | |

    — Madera contrachapada constituida exclusivamente por hojas de madera de espesor unitario inferior o igual a 6 mm: | | |

    4412.13.00 | — — Que tenga, por lo menos, una hoja externa de las maderas tropicales citadas en la Nota de subpartida 1 de este Capítulo | 6 | Year 0 |

    4412.14.00 | — — Las demás, que tengan, por lo menos, una hoja externa de madera distinta de la de coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4412.19 | — — Las demás: | | |

    4412.19.10 | — — — De coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4412.19.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás, que tengan, por lo menos, una hoja externa de madera distinta de la de coníferas: | | |

    4412.22.00 | — — Que tengan, por lo menos, una hoja de las maderas tropicales citadas en la Nota de subpartida 1 de este Capítulo | 6 | Year 0 |

    4412.23.00 | — — Las demás, que contengan, por lo menos, un tablero de partículas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4412.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    4412.92.00 | — — Que tengan, por lo menos, una hoja de las maderas tropicales citadas en la Nota de subpartida 1 de este Capítulo | 6 | Year 0 |

    4412.93 | — — Las demás, que contengan, por lo menos, un tablero de partículas: | | |

    4412.93.10 | — — — De coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4412.93.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4412.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    4412.99.10 | — — — De coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4412.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4413.00.00 | Madera densificada en bloques, tablas, tiras o perfiles. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4414.00.00 | Marcos de madera para cuadros, fotografías, espejos u objetos similares. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4415 | Cajones, cajas, jaulas, tambores y envases similares, de madera; carretes para cables, de madera; paletas, paletas caja y demás plataformas para carga, de madera; collarines para paletas, de madera. | | |

    4415.10 | — Cajones, cajas, jaulas, tambores y envases similares; carretes para cables: | | |

    4415.10.10 | — — Cajas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4415.10.20 | — — Cajones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4415.10.30 | — — Carretes para cables | 6 | Year 0 |

    4415.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4415.20 | — Paletas, paletas caja y demás plataformas para carga; collarines para paletas: | | |

    4415.20.10 | — — Paletas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4415.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4416 | Barriles, cubas, tinas y demás manufacturas de tonelería y sus partes, de madera, incluidas las duelas. | | |

    4416.00.10 | — Barriles, cubas, tinas y tinajas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4416.00.20 | — Duelas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4416.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4417 | Herramientas, monturas y mangos para herramientas, monturas y mangos para cepillos, brochas o escobas, de madera; hormas, ensanchadores y tensores para el calzado, de madera. | | |

    4417.00.10 | — Herramientas de madera | 6 | Year 0 |

    4417.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4418 | Obras y piezas de carpintería para construcciones, incluidos los tableros celulares, los tableros para parqués y tablillas para cubierta de tejados o fachadas ("shingles" y "shakes"), de madera. | | |

    4418.10.00 | — Ventanas, puertas vidriera, y sus marcos y contramarcos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4418.20 | — Puertas y sus marcos, contramarcos y umbrales: | | |

    4418.20.10 | — — Puertas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4418.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4418.30.00 | — Tableros para parqués | 6 | Year 0 |

    4418.40.00 | — Encofrados para hormigón | 6 | Year 0 |

    4418.50.00 | — Tablillas para cubierta de tejados o fachadas ("shingles" y "shakes") | 6 | Year 0 |

    4418.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    4418.90.10 | — — Piezas de carpintería | 6 | Year 0 |

    4418.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4419.00.00 | Artículos de mesa o cocina, de madera. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4420 | Marquetería y taracea; cofrecillos y estuches para joyería u orfebrería y manufacturas similares, de madera; estatuillas y demás objetos para adorno, de madera; artículos de mobiliario, de madera, no comprendidos en el Capítulo 94. | | |

    4420.10.00 | — Estatuillas y demás objetos para adorno, de madera | 6 | Year 0 |

    4420.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4421 | Las demás manufacturas de madera. | | |

    4421.10.00 | — Perchas para prendas de vestir | 6 | Year 0 |

    4421.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    4421.90.10 | — — Palitos para dulces y helados | 6 | Year 0 |

    4421.90.20 | — — Palitos para fósforos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4421.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    45 | Corcho y sus manufacturas | | |

    4501 | Corcho natural en bruto o simplemente preparado; desperdicios de corcho; corcho triturado, granulado o pulverizado. | | |

    4501.10.00 | — Corcho natural en bruto o simplemente preparado | 6 | Year 0 |

    4501.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4502.00.00 | Corcho natural, descortezado o simplemente escuadrado o en bloques, placas, hojas o tiras, cuadradas o rectangulares (incluidos los esbozos con aristas vivas para tapones). | 6 | Year 0 |

    4503 | Manufacturas de corcho natural. | | |

    4503.10.00 | — Tapones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4503.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4504 | Corcho aglomerado (incluso con aglutinante) y manufacturas de corcho aglomerado. | | |

    4504.10.00 | — Bloques, placas, hojas y tiras; baldosas y revestimientos similares para pared, de cualquier forma; cilindros macizos, incluidos los discos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4504.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    4504.90.10 | — — Tapones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4504.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    46 | Manufacturas de espartería o cestería | | |

    4601 | Trenzas y artículos similares, de materia trenzable, incluso ensamblados en tiras; materia trenzable, trenzas y artículos similares de materia trenzable, tejidos o paralelizados, en forma plana, incluso terminados (por ejemplo: esterillas, esteras, cañizos). | | |

    4601.20.00 | — Esterillas, esteras y cañizos, de materia vegetal | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    4601.91.00 | — — De materia vegetal | 6 | Year 0 |

    4601.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4602 | Artículos de cestería obtenidos directamente en su forma con materia trenzable o confeccionados con artículos de la partida 4601; manufacturas de esponja vegetal (paste o "lufa"). | | |

    4602.10.00 | — De materia vegetal | 6 | Year 0 |

    4602.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    47 | Pasta de madera o de las demás materias fibrosas celulósicas; papel o cartón para reciclar (desperdicios y desechos) | | |

    4701.00.00 | Pasta mecánica de madera. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4702.00.00 | Pasta química de madera para disolver. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4703 | Pasta química de madera a la sosa (soda) o al sulfato, excepto la pasta para disolver. | | |

    — Cruda: | | |

    4703.11.00 | — — De coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4703.19.00 | — — Distinta de la de coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Semiblanqueada o blanqueada: | | |

    4703.21.00 | — — De coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4703.29.00 | — — Distinta de la de coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4704 | Pasta química de madera al sulfito, excepto la pasta para disolver. | | |

    — Cruda: | | |

    4704.11.00 | — — De coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4704.19.00 | — — Distinta de la de coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Semiblanqueada o blanqueada: | | |

    4704.21.00 | — — De coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4704.29.00 | — — Distinta de la de coníferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4705.00.00 | Pasta de madera obtenida por la combinación de tratamientos mecánico y químico | 6 | Year 0 |

    4706 | Pasta de fibras obtenidas de papel o cartón reciclado (desperdicios y desechos) o de las demás materias fibrosas celulósicas. | | |

    4706.10.00 | — Pasta de línter de algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    4706.20.00 | — Pasta de fibras obtenidas de papel o cartón reciclado (desperdicios y desechos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    4706.91.00 | — — Mecánicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4706.92.00 | — — Químicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4706.93.00 | — — Semiquímicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4707 | Papel o cartón para reciclar (desperdicios y desechos). | | |

    4707.10 | — Papel o cartón Kraft crudo o papel o cartón corrugado: | | |

    4707.10.10 | — — Papel Kraft crudo | 6 | Year 0 |

    4707.10.20 | — — Cartón Kraft crudo | 6 | Year 0 |

    4707.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4707.20.00 | — Los demás papeles o cartones obtenidos principalmente a partir de pasta química blanqueada sin colorear en la masa | 6 | Year 0 |

    4707.30.00 | — Papel o cartón obtenido principalmente a partir de pasta mecánica (por ejemplo: diarios, periódicos e impresos similares) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4707.90 | — Los demás, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos sin clasificar: | | |

    4707.90.10 | — — De papel | 6 | Year 0 |

    4707.90.20 | — — De cartón | 6 | Year 0 |

    4707.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    48 | Papel y cartón; manufacturas de pasta de celulosa, papel o cartón | | |

    4801 | Papel prensa en bobinas (rollos) o en hojas. | | |

    4801.00.10 | — En bobinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4801.00.20 | — En hojas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802 | Papel y cartón, sin estucar ni recubrir, de los tipos utilizados para escribir, imprimir u otros fines gráficos y papel y cartón para tarjetas o cintas para perforar (sin perforar), en bobinas (rollos) o en hojas de forma cuadrada o rectangular, de cualquier tamaño, excepto el papel de las partidas 4801 ó 4803; papel y cartón hechos a mano (hoja a hoja). | | |

    4802.10.00 | — Papel y cartón hechos a mano (hoja a hoja) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.20.00 | — Papel y cartón soporte para papel o cartón fotosensible, termosensible o electrosensible | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.30.00 | — Papel soporte para papel carbón (carbónico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.40.00 | — Papel soporte para papeles de decorar paredes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás papeles y cartones, sin fibras obtenidas por procedimiento mecánico o químico-mecánico o con un contenido total de estas fibras inferior o igual al 10 % en peso del contenido total de fibra: | | |

    4802.54 | — — De peso inferior a 40 g/m2: | | |

    — — — Papeles para escritura, dibujo o impresiones: | | |

    4802.54.11 | — — — — Para escritura | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.54.12 | — — — — Para impresiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.54.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.54.20 | — — — Papeles de seguridad | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.54.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.55 | — — De peso superior o igual a 40 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 150 g/m2, en bobinas (rollos): | | |

    4802.55.10 | — — — Papeles para escritura, dibujo o impresiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.55.20 | — — — Papeles de seguridad | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.55.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.56 | — — De peso superior o igual a 40 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 150 g/m2, en hojas en las que un lado sea inferior o igual a 435 mm y el otro sea inferior o igual a 297 mm, medidos sin plegar: | | |

    4802.56.10 | — — — Papeles para escritura, dibujo o impresiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.56.20 | — — — Papeles de seguridad | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.56.30 | — — — Para fabricación de tarjetas perforables para máquinas de estadísticas, contabilidad y semejantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.56.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.57 | — — Los demás, de peso superior o igual a 40 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 150 g/m2: | | |

    4802.57.10 | — — — Papeles para escritura, dibujo o impresiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.57.20 | — — — Papeles de seguridad | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.57.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.58 | — — De peso superior a 150 g/m2: | | |

    4802.58.10 | — — — Papeles para escritura, dibujo o impresiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.58.20 | — — — Papeles de seguridad | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.58.30 | — — — Para fabricación de tarjetas perforables para máquinas de estadísticas, contabilidad y semejantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.58.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás papeles y cartones, con un contenido total de fibras obtenidas por procedimiento mecánico o químico-mecánico superior al 10 % en peso del contenido total de fibra: | | |

    4802.61 | — — En bobinas (rollos): | | |

    — — — Papeles para escritura, dibujo o impresiones: | | |

    4802.61.11 | — — — — Para escritura | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.61.12 | — — — — Para impresiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.61.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.61.20 | — — — Papeles de seguridad | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.61.30 | — — — Para fabricación de tarjetas perforables para máquinas de estadísticas, contabilidad y semejantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.61.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.62 | — — En hojas en las que un lado sea inferior o igual a 435 mm y el otro sea inferior o igual a 297 mm, medidos sin plegar: | | |

    4802.62.10 | — — — Papeles para escritura, dibujo o impresiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.62.20 | — — — Papeles de seguridad | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.62.30 | — — — Para fabricación de tarjetas perforables para máquinas de estadísticas, contabilidad y semejantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.62.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.69 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4802.69.10 | — — — Papeles para escritura, dibujo o impresiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.69.20 | — — — Papeles de seguridad | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.69.30 | — — — Para fabricación de tarjetas perforables para máquinas de estadísticas, contabilidad y semejantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    4802.69.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4803 | Papel del tipo utilizado para papel higiénico, toallitas de desmaquillar, toallas, servilletas o papeles similares para uso doméstico, para higiene o tocador, guata de celulosa y napa de fibras de celulosa, incluso rizados ("crepés"), plisados, gofrados, estampados, perforados, coloreados o decorados en la superficie o impresos, en bobinas (rollos) o en hojas. | | |

    4803.00.10 | — Papel de tipo utilizado para papel higiénico | 6 | Year 0 |

    4803.00.20 | — Papel gofrado | 6 | Year 0 |

    4803.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4804 | Papel y cartón Kraft, sin estucar ni recubrir, en bobinas (rollos) o en hojas, excepto el de las partidas 4802 ó 4803. | | |

    — Papel y cartón para caras (cubiertas) ("Kraftliner"): | | |

    4804.11 | — — Crudos: | | |

    4804.11.10 | — — — Papel | 6 | Year 0 |

    4804.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4804.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4804.19.10 | — — — Papel | 6 | Year 0 |

    4804.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Papel Kraft para sacos (bolsas): | | |

    4804.21.00 | — — Crudo | 6 | Year 0 |

    4804.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás papeles y cartones Kraft, de peso inferior o igual a 150 g/m2: | | |

    4804.31.00 | — — Crudos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4804.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás papeles y cartones Kraft, de peso superior a 150 g/m2 pero inferior a 225 g/m2 | | |

    4804.41.00 | — — Crudos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4804.42.00 | — — Blanqueados uniformemente en la masa y con un contenido fibras de madera obtenidas por procedimiento químico superior al 95 % en peso del contenido total de fibra. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4804.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás papeles y cartones Kraft, de peso superior o igual a 225 g/m2: | | |

    4804.51.00 | — — Crudos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4804.52.00 | — — Blanqueados uniformemente en la masa y con un contenido de fibras de madera obtenidas por procedimiento químico superior al 95 % en peso del contenido total de fibra. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4804.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4805 | Los demás papeles y cartones, sin estucar ni recubrir, en bobinas (rollos) o en hojas, que no hayan sido sometidos a trabajos complementarios o tratamientos distintos de los especificados en la Nota 3 de este Capítulo. | | |

    — Papel para acanalar: | | |

    4805.11.00 | — — Papel semiquímico para acanalar | 6 | Year 0 |

    4805.12.00 | — — Papel paja para acanalar | 6 | Year 0 |

    4805.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — "Testliner" (de fibras recicladas): | | |

    4805.24.00 | — — De peso inferior o igual a 150 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    4805.25.00 | — — De peso superior a 150 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    4805.30.00 | — Papel sulfito para envolver | 6 | Year 0 |

    4805.40.00 | — Papel y cartón filtro | 6 | Year 0 |

    4805.50.00 | — Papel y cartón fieltro, papel y cartón lana | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    4805.91.00 | — — De peso inferior o igual a 150 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    4805.92.00 | — — De peso superior a 150 g/m2 pero inferior a 225 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    4805.93.00 | — — De peso superior o igual a 225 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    4806 | Papel y cartón sulfurizados, papel resistente a las grasas, papel vegetal, papel cristal y demás papeles calandrados transparentes o traslúcidos, en bobinas (rollos) o en hojas. | | |

    4806.10.00 | — Papel y cartón sulfurizados (pergamino vegetal) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4806.20.00 | — Papel resistente a las grasas ("greaseproof") | 6 | Year 0 |

    4806.30.00 | — Papel vegetal (papel calco) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4806.40.00 | — Papel cristal y demás papeles calandrados transparentes o traslúcidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4807.00.00 | Papel y cartón obtenidos por pegado de hojas planas, sin estucar ni recubrir en la superficie y sin impregnar, incluso reforzados interiormente, en bobinas (rollos) o en hojas. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4808 | Papel y cartón corrugados (incluso revestidos por encolado), rizados ("crepés"), plisados, gofrados, estampados o perforados, en bobinas (rollos) o en hojas, excepto el papel de los tipos descritos en el texto de la partida 4803. | | |

    4808.10.00 | — Papel y cartón corrugados, incluso perforados | 6 | Year 0 |

    4808.20.00 | — Papel Kraft para sacos (bolsas), rizado ("crepé") o plisado, incluso gofrado, estampado o perforado | 6 | Year 0 |

    4808.30.00 | — Los demás papeles Kraft, rizados ("crepés") o plisados, incluso gofrados, estampados o perforados | 6 | Year 0 |

    4808.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4809 | Papel carbón (carbónico), papel autocopia y demás papeles de copiar o transferir (incluido el estucado o cuché, recubierto o impregnado, para clisés de mimeógrafo ["stencils"] o para planchas offset), incluso impresos, en bobinas (rollos) o en hojas. | | |

    4809.10.00 | — Papel carbón (carbónico) y papeles similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    4809.20 | — Papel autocopia: | | |

    4809.20.10 | — — Receptor y emisor | 6 | Year 0 |

    4809.20.20 | — — Receptor | 6 | Year 0 |

    4809.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4809.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810 | Papel y cartón estucados por una o las dos caras con caolín u otras sustancias inorgánicas, con aglutinante o sin él, con exclusión de cualquier otro estucado o recubrimiento, incluso coloreados o decorados en la superficie o impresos, en bobinas (rollos) o en hojas de forma cuadrada o rectangular, de cualquier tamaño. | | |

    — Papel y cartón de los tipos utilizados para escribir, imprimir u otros fines gráficos, sin fibras obtenidas por procedimiento mecánico o químico-mecánico o con un contenido total de estas fibras inferior o igual al 10 % en peso del contenido total de fibra: | | |

    4810.13 | — — En bobinas (rollos): | | |

    4810.13.10 | — — — Papel | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810.13.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810.14 | — — En hojas en las que un lado sea inferior o igual a 435 mm y el otro sea inferior o igual a 297 mm, medidos sin plegar: | | |

    4810.14.10 | — — — Papel | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810.14.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4810.19.10 | — — — Papel | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Papel y cartón de los tipos utilizados para escribir, imprimir u otros fines gráficos, con un contenido total de fibras obtenidas por procedimiento mecánico o químico-mecánico superior al 10 % en peso del contenido total de fibra: | | |

    4810.22 | — — Papel estucado o cuché ligero (liviano)* ("L.W.C."): | | |

    4810.22.10 | — — — Papel para la impresión | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810.22.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    4810.29.10 | — — — Papel para la impresión | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Papel y cartón Kraft, excepto los de los tipos utilizados para escribir, imprimir u otros fines gráficos: | | |

    4810.31.00 | — — Blanqueados uniformemente en la masa y con un contenido de fibras de madera obtenidas por procedimiento químico superior al 95 % en peso del contenido total de fibra, de peso inferior o igual a 150 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810.32.00 | — — Blanqueados uniformemente en la masa y con un contenido de fibras de madera obtenidas por procedimiento químico superior al 95 % en peso del contenido total de fibra, de peso superior a 150 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás papeles y cartones: | | |

    4810.92 | — — Multicapas: | | |

    4810.92.10 | — — — Cartulinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810.92.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4810.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4811 | Papel, cartón, guata de celulosa y napa de fibras de celulosa, estucados, recubiertos, impregnados o revestidos, coloreados o decorados en la superficie o impresos, en bobinas (rollos) o en hojas de forma cuadrada o rectangular, de cualquier tamaño, excepto los productos de los tipos descritos en el texto de las partidas 4803, 4809 ó 4810. | | |

    4811.10.00 | — Papel y cartón alquitranados, embetunados o asfaltados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Papel y cartón engomados o adhesivos: | | |

    4811.41 | — — Autoadhesivos: | | |

    4811.41.10 | — — — Papel autoadhesivo en rollos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4811.41.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4811.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Papel y cartón recubiertos, impregnados o revestidos de plástico (excepto los adhesivos): | | |

    4811.51.00 | — — Blanqueados, de peso superior a 150 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    4811.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4811.60.00 | — Papel y cartón recubiertos, impregnados o revestidos de cera, parafina, estearina, aceite o glicerol | 6 | Year 0 |

    4811.90 | — Los demás papeles, cartones, guata de celulosa y napa de fibras de celulosa: | | |

    — — Coloreados o impresos: | | |

    4811.90.11 | — — — Papel coloreado | 6 | Year 0 |

    4811.90.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4811.90.20 | — — Aislantes eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    4811.90.91 | — — — Papel sensibilizado | 6 | Year 0 |

    4811.90.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4812.00.00 | Bloques y placas, filtrantes, de pasta de papel. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4813 | Papel de fumar, incluso cortado al tamaño adecuado, en librillos o en tubos. | | |

    4813.10.00 | — En librillos o en tubos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4813.20.00 | — En bobinas (rollos) de anchura inferior o igual a 5 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4813.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4814 | Papel de decorar y revestimientos similares para paredes; papel para vidrieras. | | |

    4814.10.00 | — Papel granito ("ingrain") | 6 | Year 0 |

    4814.20.00 | — Papel de decorar y revestimientos similares para paredes, constituidos por papel recubierto o revestido, en la cara vista, con una capa de plástico graneada, gofrada, coloreada, impresa con motivos o decorada de otro modo | 6 | Year 0 |

    4814.30.00 | — Papel de decorar y revestimientos similares para paredes, constituidos por papel revestido en la cara vista con materia trenzable, incluso tejida en forma plana o paralelizada | 6 | Year 0 |

    4814.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4815.00.00 | Cubresuelos con soporte de papel o cartón, incluso recortados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4816 | Papel carbón (carbónico), papel autocopia y demás papeles de copiar o transferir (excepto los de la partida 4809), clisés de mimeógrafo ("stencils") completos y planchas offset, de papel, incluso acondicionados en cajas. | | |

    4816.10.00 | — Papel carbón (carbónico) y papeles similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    4816.20 | — Papel autocopia: | | |

    4816.20.10 | — — Receptor y emisor | 6 | Year 0 |

    4816.20.20 | — — Receptor | 6 | Year 0 |

    4816.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4816.30.00 | — Clisés de mimeógrafo ("stencils") completos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4816.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4817 | Sobres, sobres carta, tarjetas postales sin ilustrar y tarjetas para correspondencia, de papel o cartón; cajas, bolsas y presentaciones similares, de papel o cartón, con un surtido de artículos para correspondencia. | | |

    4817.10.00 | — Sobres | 6 | Year 0 |

    4817.20.00 | — Sobres carta, tarjetas postales sin ilustrar y tarjetas para correspondencia | 6 | Year 0 |

    4817.30.00 | — Cajas, bolsas y presentaciones similares, de papel o cartón, con un surtido de artículos para correspondencia | 6 | Year 0 |

    4818 | Papel del tipo utilizado para papel higiénico y papeles similares, guata de celulosa o napa de fibras de celulosa, de los tipos utilizados para fines domésticos o sanitarios, en bobinas (rollos) de una anchura inferior o igual a 36 cm o cortados en formato; pañuelos, toallitas de desmaquillar, toallas, manteles, servilletas, pañales para bebés, compresas y tampones higiénicos, sábanas y artículos similares para uso doméstico, de tocador, higiénico o de hospital, prendas y complementos (accesorios), de vestir, de pasta de papel, papel, guata de celulosa o napa de fibras de celulosa. | | |

    4818.10 | — Papel higiénico: | | |

    4818.10.10 | — — Acondicionado para la venta al por menor | 6 | Year 0 |

    4818.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4818.20 | — Pañuelos, toallitas de desmaquillar y toallas: | | |

    4818.20.10 | — — Pañuelos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4818.20.20 | — — Toallitas de desmaquillar | 6 | Year 0 |

    4818.20.30 | — — Toallas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4818.30 | — Manteles y servilletas: | | |

    4818.30.10 | — — Manteles | 6 | Year 0 |

    4818.30.20 | — — Servilletas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4818.40 | — Compresas y tampones higiénicos, pañales para bebés y artículos higiénicos similares: | | |

    4818.40.10 | — — Toallas higiénicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4818.40.20 | — — Pañales para bebés | 6 | Year 0 |

    4818.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4818.50.00 | — Prendas y complementos (accesorios), de vestir | 6 | Year 0 |

    4818.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4819 | Cajas, sacos (bolsas), bolsitas, cucuruchos y demás envases de papel, cartón, guata de celulosa o napa de fibras de celulosa; cartonajes para oficina, tienda o similares. | | |

    4819.10 | — Cajas de papel o cartón corrugado: | | |

    4819.10.10 | — — Cajas de cartón corrugado | 6 | Year 0 |

    4819.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4819.20 | — Cajas y cartonajes, plegables, de papel o cartón, sin corrugar: | | |

    4819.20.10 | — — Cajas plegables de cartón sin corrugar | 6 | Year 0 |

    4819.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4819.30 | — Sacos (bolsas) con una anchura en la base superior o igual a 40 cm: | | |

    4819.30.10 | — — Sacos (bolsas) con una anchura en la base superior a 40 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4819.30.20 | — — Sacos (bolsas) con una anchura en la base igual a 40 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4819.40.00 | — Los demás sacos (bolsas); bolsitas y cucuruchos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4819.50.00 | — Los demás envases, incluidas las fundas para discos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4819.60.00 | — Cartonajes para oficina, tienda o similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    4820 | Libros registro, libros de contabilidad, talonarios (de notas, pedidos o recibos), agendas, bloques memorandos, bloques de papel de cartas y artículos similares, cuadernos, carpetas de mesa, clasificadores, encuadernaciones (de hojas móviles u otras), carpetas y cubiertas para documentos y demás artículos escolares, de oficina o de papelería, incluso los formularios en paquetes o plegados ("manifold"), aunque lleven papel carbón (carbónico), de papel o cartón; álbumes para muestras o colecciones y cubiertas para libros, de papel o cartón. | | |

    4820.10 | — Libros registro, libros de contabilidad, talonarios (de notas, pedidos o recibos), bloques memorandos, bloques de papel de cartas, agendas y artículos similares: | | |

    4820.10.10 | — — Agendas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4820.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4820.20 | — Cuadernos: | | |

    4820.20.10 | — — De forma cuadrada o rectangular con un lado superior a 25 cm y el otro superior a 20 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    4820.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4820.30 | — Clasificadores, encuadernaciones (excepto las cubiertas para libros), carpetas y cubiertas para documentos: | | |

    4820.30.10 | — — Archivadores clasificadores de cartón | 6 | Year 0 |

    4820.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4820.40.00 | — Formularios en paquetes o plegados ("manifold"), aunque lleven papel carbón (carbónico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    4820.50.00 | — Álbumes para muestras o colecciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    4820.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4821 | Etiquetas de todas clases, de papel o cartón, incluso impresas. | | |

    4821.10 | — Impresas: | | |

    4821.10.10 | — — Autoadhesivas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4821.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4821.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4822 | Carretes, bobinas, canillas y soportes similares, de pasta de papel, papel o cartón, incluso perforados o endurecidos. | | |

    4822.10.00 | — De los tipos utilizados para el bobinado de hilados textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    4822.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4823 | Los demás papeles, cartones, guata de celulosa y napa de fibras de celulosa, cortados en formato; los demás artículos de pasta de papel, papel, cartón, guata de celulosa o napa de fibras de celulosa. | | |

    — Papel engomado o adhesivo, en tiras o en bobinas (rollos): | | |

    4823.12 | — — Autoadhesivo: | | |

    4823.12.10 | — — — En rollos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4823.12.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4823.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4823.20.00 | — Papel y cartón filtro | 6 | Year 0 |

    4823.40.00 | — Papel diagrama para aparatos registradores, en bobinas (rollos), hojas o discos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4823.60 | — Bandejas, fuentes, platos, tazas, vasos y artículos similares, de papel o cartón: | | |

    4823.60.10 | — — Vasos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4823.60.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4823.70.00 | — Artículos moldeados o prensados, de pasta de papel | 6 | Year 0 |

    4823.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    4823.90.10 | — — Papel para impresión | 6 | Year 0 |

    4823.90.20 | — — Tripas artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    4823.90.91 | — — — Exhibidores publicitarios de cartón | 6 | Year 0 |

    4823.90.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    49 | Productos editoriales de la prensa y de las demás industrias gráficas; textos manuscritos o mecanografiados y planos | | |

    4901 | Libros, folletos e impresos similares, incluso en hojas sueltas. | | |

    4901.10 | — En hojas sueltas, incluso plegadas: | | |

    4901.10.10 | — — Libros | 6 | Year 0 |

    4901.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    4901.91 | — — Diccionarios y enciclopedias, incluso en fascículos: | | |

    4901.91.10 | — — — Enciclopedias | 6 | Year 0 |

    4901.91.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4901.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Libros escolares (enseñanza básica, media y técnico profesional): | | |

    4901.99.11 | — — — — Para enseñanza básica y media | 6 | Year 0 |

    4901.99.12 | — — — — Para enseñanza técnico profesional | 6 | Year 0 |

    4901.99.20 | — — — Libros académicos, científicos técnicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Libros de literatura en general: | | |

    4901.99.31 | — — — — De literatura infantil | 6 | Year 0 |

    4901.99.39 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4901.99.40 | — — — Documentación consignada a las Cías. navieras o a sus agentes relativa a los pasajeros y/o a la carga transportada en sus naves | 0 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    4901.99.91 | — — — — Manuales técnicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4901.99.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4902 | Diarios y publicaciones periódicas, impresos, incluso ilustrados o con publicidad. | | |

    4902.10.00 | — Que se publiquen cuatro veces por semana como mínimo | 6 | Year 0 |

    4902.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    4902.90.10 | — — Revistas de deportes | 6 | Year 0 |

    4902.90.20 | — — Revistas de modas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4902.90.30 | — — Revistas infantiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    4902.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4903.00.00 | Álbumes o libros de estampas y cuadernos para dibujar o colorear, para niños. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4904.00.00 | Música manuscrita o impresa, incluso con ilustraciones o encuadernada. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4905 | Manufacturas cartográficas de todas clases, incluidos los mapas murales, planos topográficos y esferas, impresos. | | |

    4905.10.00 | — Esferas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    4905.91.00 | — — En forma de libros o folletos | 6 | Year 0 |

    4905.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4906 | Planos y dibujos originales hechos a mano, de arquitectura, ingeniería, industriales, comerciales, topográficos o similares; textos manuscritos; reproducciones fotográficas sobre papel sensibilizado y copias con papel carbón (carbónico), de los planos, dibujos o textos antes mencionados. | | |

    4906.00.10 | — Sin carácter comercial | 0 | Year 0 |

    4906.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4907 | Sellos (estampillas) de correos, timbres fiscales y análogos, sin obliterar, que tengan o estén destinados a tener curso legal en el país en el que su valor facial sea reconocido; papel timbrado; billetes de banco; cheques; títulos de acciones u obligaciones y títulos similares. | | |

    4907.00.10 | — Billetes de banco | 0 | Year 0 |

    4907.00.20 | — Talonarios de cheques de viajeros de establecimientos de crédito extranjero | 0 | Year 0 |

    4907.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4908 | Calcomanías de cualquier clase. | | |

    4908.10.00 | — Calcomanías vitrificables | 6 | Year 0 |

    4908.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4909 | Tarjetas postales impresas o ilustradas; tarjetas impresas con felicitaciones o comunicaciones personales, incluso con ilustraciones, adornos o aplicaciones, o con sobres. | | |

    4909.00.10 | — Tarjetas postales impresas o ilustradas | 6 | Year 0 |

    4909.00.90 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    4910.00.00 | Calendarios de cualquier clase impresos, incluidos los tacos de calendario. | 6 | Year 0 |

    4911 | Los demás impresos, incluidas las estampas, grabados y fotografías. | | |

    4911.10 | — Impresos publicitarios, catálogos comerciales y similares: | | |

    4911.10.10 | — — Catálogos comerciales | 6 | Year 0 |

    4911.10.20 | — — Impresos publicitarios | 6 | Year 0 |

    4911.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    4911.91.00 | — — Estampas, grabados y fotografías | 6 | Year 0 |

    4911.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    50 | Seda | | |

    5001.00.00 | Capullos de seda aptos para el devanado. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5002.00.00 | Seda cruda (sin torcer). | 6 | Year 0 |

    5003 | Desperdicios de seda (incluidos los capullos no aptos para el devanado, desperdicios de hilados e hilachas). | | |

    5003.10.00 | — Sin cardar ni peinar | 6 | Year 0 |

    5003.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5004.00.00 | Hilados de seda (excepto los hilados de desperdicios de seda) sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5005.00.00 | Hilados de desperdicios de seda sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5006.00.00 | Hilados de seda o de desperdicios de seda, acondicionados para la venta al por menor; "pelo de Mesina" ("crin de Florencia"). | 6 | Year 0 |

    5007 | Tejidos de seda o de desperdicios de seda. | | |

    5007.10.00 | — Tejidos de borrilla | 6 | Year 0 |

    5007.20.00 | — Los demás tejidos con un contenido de seda o desperdicios de seda, distintos de la borrilla, superior o igual al 85 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    5007.90.00 | — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    51 | Lana y pelo fino u ordinario; hilados y tejidos de crin | | |

    5101 | Lana sin cardar ni peinar. | | |

    — Lana sucia, incluida la lavada en vivo: | | |

    5101.11.00 | — — Lana esquilada | 6 | Year 0 |

    5101.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Desgrasada, sin carbonizar: | | |

    5101.21.00 | — — Lana esquilada | 6 | Year 0 |

    5101.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5101.30.00 | — Carbonizada | 6 | Year 0 |

    5102 | Pelo fino u ordinario, sin cardar ni peinar. | | |

    — Pelo fino: | | |

    5102.11.00 | — — De cabra de Cachemira | 6 | Year 0 |

    5102.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    5102.19.10 | — — — De conejo o liebre | 6 | Year 0 |

    5102.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5102.20.00 | — Pelo ordinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    5103 | Desperdicios de lana o pelo fino u ordinario, incluidos los desperdicios de hilados, excepto las hilachas. | | |

    5103.10.00 | — Borras del peinado de lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5103.20.00 | — Los demás desperdicios de lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5103.30.00 | — Desperdicios de pelo ordinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    5104.00.00 | Hilachas de lana o pelo fino u ordinario. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5105 | Lana y pelo fino u ordinario, cardados o peinados (incluida la "lana peinada a granel"). | | |

    5105.10.00 | — Lana cardada | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Lana peinada: | | |

    5105.21.00 | — — "Lana peinada a granel" | 6 | Year 0 |

    5105.29 | — — Las demás: | | |

    5105.29.10 | — — — Tops | 6 | Year 0 |

    5105.29.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Pelo fino cardado o peinado: | | |

    5105.31.00 | — — De cabra de Cachemira | 6 | Year 0 |

    5105.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5105.40.00 | — Pelo ordinario cardado o peinado | 6 | Year 0 |

    5106 | Hilados de lana cardada sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor. | | |

    5106.10.00 | — Con un contenido de lana superior o igual al 85 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    5106.20.00 | — Con un contenido de lana inferior al 85 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    5107 | Hilados de lana peinada sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor. | | |

    5107.10.00 | — Con un contenido de lana superior o igual al 85 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    5107.20.00 | — Con un contenido de lana inferior al 85 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    5108 | Hilados de pelo fino cardado o peinado, sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor. | | |

    5108.10.00 | — Cardado | 6 | Year 0 |

    5108.20.00 | — Peinado | 6 | Year 0 |

    5109 | Hilados de lana o pelo fino, acondicionados para la venta al por menor. | | |

    5109.10.00 | — Con un contenido de lana o pelo fino superior o igual al 85 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    5109.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5110.00.00 | Hilados de pelo ordinario o crin (incluidos los hilados de crin entorchados), aunque estén acondicionados para la venta al por menor. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111 | Tejidos de lana cardada o pelo fino cardado. | | |

    — Con un contenido de lana o pelo fino superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5111.11 | — — De peso inferior o igual a 300 g/m2: | | |

    5111.11.10 | — — — De lana | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111.11.20 | — — — De pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — De lana: | | |

    5111.19.11 | — — — — De peso superior a 300 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 400 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111.19.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111.19.20 | — — — De pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111.20 | — Los demás, mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con filamentos sintéticos o artificiales: | | |

    5111.20.10 | — — De lana | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111.20.20 | — — De pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111.30 | — Los demás, mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con fibras sintéticas o artificiales discontinuas: | | |

    — — De lana: | | |

    5111.30.11 | — — — Mezclados con fibras discontinuas de poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111.30.12 | — — — Mezclados con fibras discontinuas de acrílico | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111.30.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111.30.20 | — — De pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    5111.90.10 | — — De lana | 6 | Year 0 |

    5111.90.20 | — — De pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5112 | Tejidos de lana peinada o pelo fino peinado. | | |

    — Con un contenido de lana o pelo fino superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5112.11 | — — De peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2: | | |

    5112.11.10 | — — — De lana | 6 | Year 0 |

    5112.11.20 | — — — De pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5112.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — De lana: | | |

    5112.19.11 | — — — — De peso superior a 200 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 300 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5112.19.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5112.19.20 | — — — De pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5112.20 | — Los demás, mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con filamentos sintéticos o artificiales: | | |

    5112.20.10 | — — De lana | 6 | Year 0 |

    5112.20.20 | — — De pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5112.30 | — Los demás, mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con fibras sintéticas o artificiales discontinuas: | | |

    5112.30.10 | — — De lana | 6 | Year 0 |

    5112.30.20 | — — De pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5112.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    5112.90.10 | — — De lana | 6 | Year 0 |

    5112.90.20 | — — De pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5113.00.00 | Tejidos de pelo ordinario o crin. | 6 | Year 0 |

    52 | Algodón | | |

    5201.00.00 | Algodón sin cardar ni peinar | 6 | Year 0 |

    5202 | Desperdicios de algodón (incluidos los desperdicios de hilados y las hilachas). | | |

    5202.10.00 | — Desperdicios de hilados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    5202.91.00 | — — Hilachas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5202.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5203.00.00 | Algodón cardado o peinado. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5204 | Hilo de coser de algodón, incluso acondicionado para la venta al por menor. | | |

    — Sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor: | | |

    5204.11.00 | — — Con un contenido de algodón superior o igual al 85 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    5204.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5204.20.00 | — Acondicionado para la venta al por menor | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205 | Hilados de algodón (excepto el hilo de coser) con un contenido de algodón superior o igual al 85 % en peso, sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor. | | |

    — Hilados sencillos de fibras sin peinar: | | |

    5205.11.00 | — — De título superior o igual a 714,29 decitex (inferior o igual al número métrico 14) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.12.00 | — — De título inferior a 714,29 decitex pero superior o igual a 232,56 decitex (superior al número métrico 14 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 43) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.13.00 | — — De título inferior a 232,56 decitex pero superior o igual a 192,31 decitex (superior al número métrico 43 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 52) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.14.00 | — — De título inferior a 192,31 decitex pero superior o igual a 125 decitex (superior al número métrico 52 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 80) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.15.00 | — — De título inferior a 125 decitex (superior al número métrico 80) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hilados sencillos de fibras peinadas: | | |

    5205.21.00 | — — De título superior o igual a 714,29 decitex (inferior o igual al número métrico 14) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.22.00 | — — De título inferior a 714,29 decitex pero superior o igual a 232,56 decitex (superior al número métrico 14 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 43) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.23.00 | — — De título inferior a 232,56 decitex pero superior o igual a 192,31 decitex (superior al número métrico 43 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 52) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.24.00 | — — De título inferior a 192,31 decitex pero superior o igual a 125 decitex (superior al número métrico 52 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 80) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.26.00 | — — De título inferior a 125 decitex pero superior o igual a 106,38 decitex (superior al número métrico 80 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 94) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.27.00 | — — De título inferior a 106,38 decitex pero superior o igual a 83,33 decitex (superior al número métrico 94 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 120) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.28.00 | — — De título inferior a 83,33 decitex (superior al número métrico 120) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hilados retorcidos o cableados, de fibras sin peinar: | | |

    5205.31.00 | — — De título superior o igual a 714,29 decitex por hilo sencillo (inferior o igual al número métrico 14 por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.32.00 | — — De título inferior a 714,29 decitex pero superior o igual a 232,56 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 14 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 43, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.33.00 | — — De título inferior a 232,56 decitex pero superior o igual a 192,31 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 43 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 52, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.34.00 | — — De título inferior a 192,31 decitex pero superior o igual a 125 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 52 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 80, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.35.00 | — — De título inferior a 125 decitex por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 80 por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hilados retorcidos o cableados, de fibras peinadas: | | |

    5205.41.00 | — — De título superior o igual a 714,29 decitex por hilo sencillo (inferior o igual al número métrico 14 por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.42.00 | — — De título inferior a 714,29 decitex pero superior o igual a 232,56 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 14 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 43, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.43.00 | — — De título inferior a 232,56 decitex pero superior o igual a 192,31 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 43 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 52, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.44.00 | — — De título inferior a 192,31 decitex pero superior o igual a 125 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 52 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 80, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.46.00 | — — De título inferior a 125 decitex pero superior o igual a 106,38 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 80 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 94, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.47.00 | — — De título inferior a 106,38 decitex pero superior o igual a 83,33 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 94 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 120, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5205.48.00 | — — De título inferior a 83,33 decitex por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 120 por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206 | Hilados de algodón (excepto el hilo de coser) con un contenido de algodón inferior al 85 % en peso, sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor. | | |

    — Hilados sencillos de fibras sin peinar: | | |

    5206.11.00 | — — De título superior o igual a 714,29 decitex (inferior o igual al número métrico 14) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.12.00 | — — De título inferior a 714,29 decitex pero superior o igual a 232,56 decitex (superior al número métrico 14 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 43) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.13.00 | — — De título inferior a 232,56 decitex pero superior o igual a 192,31 decitex (superior al número métrico 43 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 52) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.14.00 | — — De título inferior a 192,31 decitex pero superior o igual a 125 decitex (superior al número métrico 52 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 80) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.15.00 | — — De título inferior a 125 decitex (superior al número métrico 80) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hilados sencillos de fibras peinadas: | | |

    5206.21.00 | — — De título superior o igual a 714,29 decitex (inferior o igual al número métrico 14) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.22.00 | — — De título inferior a 714,29 decitex pero superior o igual a 232,56 decitex (superior al número métrico 14 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 43) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.23.00 | — — De título inferior a 232,56 decitex pero superior o igual a 192,31 decitex (superior al número métrico 43 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 52) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.24.00 | — — De título inferior a 192,31 decitex pero superior o igual a 125 decitex (superior al número métrico 52 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 80) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.25.00 | — — De título inferior a 125 decitex (superior al número métrico 80) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hilados retorcidos o cableados, de fibras sin peinar: | | |

    5206.31.00 | — — De título superior o igual a 714,29 decitex por hilo sencillo (inferior o igual al número métrico 14 por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.32.00 | — — De título inferior a 714,29 decitex pero superior o igual a 232,56 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 14 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 43, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.33.00 | — — De título inferior a 232,56 decitex pero superior o igual a 192,31 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 43 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 52, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.34.00 | — — De título inferior a 192,31 decitex pero superior o igual a 125 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 52 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 80, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.35.00 | — — De título inferior a 125 decitex por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 80 por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hilados retorcidos o cableados, de fibras peinadas: | | |

    5206.41.00 | — — De título superior o igual a 714,29 decitex por hilo sencillo (inferior o igual al número métrico 14 por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.42.00 | — — De título inferior a 714,29 decitex pero superior o igual a 232,56 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 14 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 43, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.43.00 | — — De título inferior a 232,56 decitex pero superior o igual a 192,31 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 43 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 52, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.44.00 | — — De título inferior a 192,31 decitex pero superior o igual a 125 decitex, por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 52 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 80, por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5206.45.00 | — — De título inferior a 125 decitex por hilo sencillo (superior al número métrico 80 por hilo sencillo) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5207 | Hilados de algodón (excepto el hilo de coser) acondicionados para la venta al por menor. | | |

    5207.10.00 | — Con un contenido de algodón superior o igual al 85 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    5207.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208 | Tejidos de algodón con un contenido de algodón superior o igual al 85 % en peso, de peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2. | | |

    — Crudos: | | |

    5208.11.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán, de peso inferior o igual a 100 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.12.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán, de peso superior a 100 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.13.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.19.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Blanqueados: | | |

    5208.21.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán, de peso inferior o igual a 100 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.22.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán, de peso superior a 100 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.23.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.29.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Teñidos: | | |

    5208.31.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán, de peso inferior o igual a 100 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.32.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán, de peso superior a 100 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.33.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.39.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con hilados de distintos colores: | | |

    5208.41.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán, de peso inferior o igual a 100 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.42.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán, de peso superior a 100 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.43.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.49.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Estampados: | | |

    5208.51.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán, de peso inferior o igual a 100 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.52.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán, de peso superior a 100 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.53.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5208.59.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209 | Tejidos de algodón con un contenido de algodón superior o igual al 85 % en peso, de peso superior a 200 g/m2. | | |

    — Crudos: | | |

    5209.11.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209.12.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209.19.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Blanqueados: | | |

    5209.21.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209.22.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209.29.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Teñidos: | | |

    5209.31.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209.32.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209.39.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con hilados de distintos colores: | | |

    5209.41.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209.42 | — — Tejidos de mezclilla ("denim"): | | |

    5209.42.10 | — — — De peso superior a 200 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 400 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209.42.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209.43.00 | — — Los demás tejidos de ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209.49.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Estampados: | | |

    5209.51.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209.52.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5209.59.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5210 | Tejidos de algodón con un contenido de algodón inferior al 85 % en peso, mezclado exclusiva o principalmente con fibras sintéticas o artificiales, de peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2. | | |

    — Crudos: | | |

    5210.11.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5210.12.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5210.19.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Blanqueados: | | |

    5210.21.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5210.22.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5210.29.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Teñidos: | | |

    5210.31.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5210.32.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5210.39.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con hilados de distintos colores: | | |

    5210.41.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5210.42.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5210.49.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Estampados: | | |

    5210.51.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5210.52.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5210.59.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5211 | Tejidos de algodón con un contenido de algodón inferior al 85 % en peso, mezclado exclusiva o principalmente con fibras sintéticas o artificiales, de peso superior a 200 g/m2. | | |

    — Crudos: | | |

    5211.11.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5211.12.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5211.19.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Blanqueados: | | |

    5211.21.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5211.22.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5211.29.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Teñidos: | | |

    5211.31.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5211.32.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5211.39.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con hilados de distintos colores: | | |

    5211.41.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5211.42.00 | — — Tejidos de mezclilla ("denim") | 6 | Year 0 |

    5211.43.00 | — — Los demás tejidos de ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5211.49.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Estampados: | | |

    5211.51.00 | — — De ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5211.52.00 | — — De ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5211.59.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5212 | Los demás tejidos de algodón. | | |

    — De peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2: | | |

    5212.11.00 | — — Crudos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5212.12.00 | — — Blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5212.13.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5212.14.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5212.15.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De peso superior a 200 g/m2: | | |

    5212.21.00 | — — Crudos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5212.22.00 | — — Blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5212.23.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5212.24.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5212.25.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    53 | Las demás fibras textiles vegetales; hilados de papel y tejidos de hilados de papel | | |

    5301 | Lino en bruto o trabajado, pero sin hilar; estopas y desperdicios de lino (incluidos los desperdicios de hilados y las hilachas). | | |

    5301.10.00 | — Lino en bruto o enriado | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Lino agramado, espadado, peinado o trabajado de otro modo, pero sin hilar: | | |

    5301.21.00 | — — Agramado o espadado | 6 | Year 0 |

    5301.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5301.30.00 | — Estopas y desperdicios de lino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5302 | Cáñamo (Cannabis sativa l.) en bruto o trabajado, pero sin hilar; estopas y desperdicios de cáñamo (incluidos los desperdicios de hilados y las hilachas). | | |

    5302.10.00 | — Cáñamo en bruto o enriado | 6 | Year 0 |

    5302.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5303 | Yute y demás fibras textiles del líber (excepto el lino, cáñamo y ramio), en bruto o trabajados, pero sin hilar; estopas y desperdicios de estas fibras (incluidos los desperdicios de hilados y las hilachas). | | |

    5303.10.00 | — Yute y demás fibras textiles del líber, en bruto o enriados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5303.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5304 | Sisal y demás fibras textiles del género Agave, en bruto o trabajados, pero sin hilar; estopas y desperdicios de estas fibras (incluidos los desperdicios de hilados y las hilachas). | | |

    5304.10.00 | — Sisal y demás fibras textiles del género Agave, en bruto | 6 | Year 0 |

    5304.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5305 | Coco, abacá (cáñamo de Manila [Musa textilis Nee]), ramio y demás fibras textiles vegetales no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte, en bruto o trabajados, pero sin hilar; estopas y desperdicios de estas fibras (incluidos los desperdicios de hilados y las hilachas). | | |

    — De coco: | | |

    5305.11.00 | — — En bruto | 6 | Year 0 |

    5305.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De abacá: | | |

    5305.21.00 | — — En bruto | 6 | Year 0 |

    5305.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5305.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5306 | Hilados de lino. | | |

    5306.10.00 | — Sencillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5306.20.00 | — Retorcidos o cableados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5307 | Hilados de yute o demás fibras textiles del líber de la partida 5303. | | |

    5307.10.00 | — Sencillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5307.20.00 | — Retorcidos o cableados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5308 | Hilados de las demás fibras textiles vegetales; hilados de papel. | | |

    5308.10.00 | — Hilados de coco | 6 | Year 0 |

    5308.20.00 | — Hilados de cáñamo | 6 | Year 0 |

    5308.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309 | Tejidos de lino. | | |

    — Con un contenido de lino superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5309.11.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    5309.19.10 | — — — Teñidos, de peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309.19.20 | — — — Teñidos, de peso superior a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309.19.30 | — — — Con hilados de distintos colores, de peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309.19.40 | — — — Con hilados de distintos colores, de peso superior a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309.19.50 | — — — Estampados, de peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309.19.60 | — — — Estampados, de peso superior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con un contenido de lino inferior al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5309.21.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    5309.29.10 | — — — Teñidos, de peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309.29.20 | — — — Teñidos, de peso superior a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309.29.30 | — — — Con hilados de distintos colores, de peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309.29.40 | — — — Con hilados de distintos colores, de peso superior a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309.29.50 | — — — Estampados, de peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5309.29.60 | — — — Estampados, de peso superior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5310 | Tejidos de yute o demás fibras textiles del líber de la partida 5303. | | |

    5310.10.00 | — Crudos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5310.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5311.00.00 | Tejidos de las demás fibras textiles vegetales; tejidos de hilados de papel. | 6 | Year 0 |

    54 | Filamentos sintéticos o artificiales | | |

    5401 | Hilo de coser de filamentos sintéticos o artificiales, incluso acondicionado para la venta al por menor. | | |

    5401.10 | — De filamentos sintéticos: | | |

    5401.10.10 | — — De poliamidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5401.10.20 | — — De poliuretanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5401.10.30 | — — De poliésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    5401.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5401.20 | — De filamentos artificiales: | | |

    5401.20.10 | — — De rayón viscosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    5401.20.20 | — — De rayón acetato | 6 | Year 0 |

    5401.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402 | Hilados de filamentos sintéticos (excepto el hilo de de coser) sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor, incluidos los monofilamentos sintéticos de título inferior a 67 decitex. | | |

    5402.10.00 | — Hilados de alta tenacidad de nailon o demás poliamidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.20.00 | — Hilados de alta tenacidad de poliésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hilados texturados: | | |

    5402.31.00 | — — De nailon o demás poliamidas, de título inferior o igual a 50 tex por hilo sencillo | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.32.00 | — — De nailon o demás poliamidas, de título superior a 50 tex por hilo sencillo | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.33.00 | — — De poliésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    5402.39.10 | — — — De poliuretanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás hilados sencillos sin torsión o con una torsión inferior o igual a 50 vueltas por metro: | | |

    5402.41.00 | — — De nailon o demás poliamidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.42.00 | — — De poliésteres parcialmente orientados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.43 | — — De los demás poliésteres: | | |

    5402.43.10 | — — — Totalmente de poliéster, de título superior o igual a 75 pero inferior o igual a 80 decitex, y 24 filamentos por hilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.43.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.49 | — — Los demás: | | |

    5402.49.10 | — — — De polipropileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.49.20 | — — — De poliuretanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás hilados sencillos con una torsión superior a 50 vueltas por metro: | | |

    5402.51.00 | — — De nailon o demás poliamidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.52 | — — De poliésteres: | | |

    5402.52.10 | — — — Totalmente de poliéster, de título superior o igual a 75 pero inferior o igual a 80 decitex, y 24 filamentos por hilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.52.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.59 | — — Los demás: | | |

    5402.59.10 | — — — De poliuretanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.59.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás hilados retorcidos o cableados: | | |

    5402.61.00 | — — De nailon o demás poliamidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.62.00 | — — De poliésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.69 | — — Los demás: | | |

    5402.69.10 | — — — De poliuretanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5402.69.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5403 | Hilados de filamentos artificiales (excepto el hilo de coser) sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor, incluidos los monofilamentos artificiales de título inferior a 67 decitex. | | |

    5403.10.00 | — Hilados de alta tenacidad de rayón viscosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    5403.20 | — Hilados texturados: | | |

    5403.20.10 | — — De rayón viscosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    5403.20.20 | — — De acetato de celulosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    5403.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás hilados sencillos: | | |

    5403.31.00 | — — De rayón viscosa, sin torsión o con una torsión inferior o igual a 120 vueltas por metro | 6 | Year 0 |

    5403.32.00 | — — De rayón viscosa, con una torsión superior a 120 vueltas por metro | 6 | Year 0 |

    5403.33.00 | — — De acetato de celulosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    5403.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás hilados retorcidos o cableados: | | |

    5403.41.00 | — — De rayón viscosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    5403.42.00 | — — De acetato de celulosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    5403.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5404 | Monofilamentos sintéticos de título superior o igual a 67 decitex y cuya mayor dimensión de la sección transversal sea inferior o igual a 1 mm; tiras y formas similares (por ejemplo: paja artificial) de materia textil sintética, de anchura aparente inferior o igual a 5 mm. | | |

    5404.10.00 | — Monofilamentos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5404.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5405.00.00 | Monofilamentos artificiales de título superior o igual a 67 decitex y cuya mayor dimensión de la sección transversal sea inferior o igual a 1 mm; tiras y formas similares (por ejemplo: paja artificial) de materia textil artificial, de anchura aparente inferior o igual a 5 mm. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5406 | Hilados de filamentos sintéticos o artificiales (excepto el hilo de coser), acondicionados para la venta al por menor. | | |

    5406.10.00 | — Hilados de filamentos sintéticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5406.20.00 | — Hilados de filamentos artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407 | Tejidos de hilados de filamentos sintéticos, incluidos los tejidos fabricados con los productos de la partida 5404. | | |

    5407.10.00 | — Tejidos fabricados con hilados de alta tenacidad de nailon o demás poliamidas o de poliésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.20.00 | — Tejidos fabricados con tiras o formas similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.30.00 | — Productos citados en la Nota 9 de la Sección XI | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tejidos con un contenido de filamentos de nailon o demás poliamidas superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5407.41.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.42.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.43.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.44.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tejidos con un contenido de filamentos de poliéster texturados superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5407.51.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.52 | — — Teñidos: | | |

    5407.52.10 | — — — De peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.52.20 | — — — De peso superior a 200 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 300 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.52.30 | — — — De peso superior a 300 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.53.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.54 | — — Estampados: | | |

    5407.54.10 | — — — De peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.54.20 | — — — De peso superior a 200 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 300 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.54.30 | — — — De peso superior a 300 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tejidos con un contenido de filamentos de poliéster superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5407.61 | — — Con un contenido de filamentos de poliéster sin texturar superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    — — — Totalmente de poliéster, de hilados sencillos, de título superior o igual a 75 pero inferior o igual a 80 decitex, y 24 filamentos por hilo, y una torsión superior o igual a 900 vueltas por metro: | | |

    5407.61.11 | — — — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.61.12 | — — — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.61.13 | — — — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.61.14 | — — — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    5407.61.91 | — — — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.61.92 | — — — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.61.93 | — — — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.61.94 | — — — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.69.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tejidos con un contenido de filamentos sintéticos superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5407.71.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.72.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.73.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.74.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tejidos con un contenido de filamentos sintéticos inferior al 85 % en peso, mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con algodón: | | |

    5407.81.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.82.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.83.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.84.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tejidos: | | |

    5407.91.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.92.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.93.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5407.94.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408 | Tejidos de hilados de filamentos artificiales, incluidos los fabricados con productos de la partida 5405. | | |

    5408.10.00 | — Tejidos fabricados con hilados de alta tenacidad de rayón viscosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tejidos con un contenido de filamentos o de tiras o formas similares, artificiales, superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5408.21.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408.22 | — — Teñidos: | | |

    — — — De rayón cupramonio: | | |

    5408.22.11 | — — — — De peso inferior o igual a 100 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408.22.12 | — — — — De peso superior a 100 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408.22.13 | — — — — De peso superior a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    5408.22.91 | — — — — De peso inferior o igual a 100 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408.22.92 | — — — — De peso superior a 100 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408.22.93 | — — — — De peso superior a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408.23 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores: | | |

    5408.23.10 | — — — De rayón cupramonio | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408.23.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408.24 | — — Estampados: | | |

    5408.24.10 | — — — De rayón cupramonio | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408.24.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tejidos: | | |

    5408.31.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408.32.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408.33.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5408.34.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    55 | Fibras sintéticas o artificiales discontinuas | | |

    5501 | Cables de filamentos sintéticos. | | |

    5501.10.00 | — De nailon o demás poliamidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5501.20.00 | — De poliésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    5501.30.00 | — Acrílicos o modacrílicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5501.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5502 | Cables de filamentos artificiales. | | |

    — De rayón acetato: | | |

    5502.00.11 | — — Mechas para fabricar filtros de cigarrillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5502.00.19 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5502.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5503 | Fibras sintéticas discontinuas, sin cardar, peinar ni transformar de otro modo para la hilatura. | | |

    5503.10.00 | — De nailon o demás poliamidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5503.20.00 | — De poliésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    5503.30.00 | — Acrílicas o modacrílicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5503.40.00 | — De polipropileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    5503.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5504 | Fibras artificiales discontinuas, sin cardar, peinar ni transformar de otro modo para la hilatura. | | |

    5504.10.00 | — De rayón viscosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    5504.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5505 | Desperdicios de fibras sintéticas o artificiales (incluidas las borras, los desperdicios de hilados y las hilachas). | | |

    5505.10.00 | — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5505.20.00 | — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    5506 | Fibras sintéticas discontinuas, cardadas, peinadas o transformadas de otro modo para la hilatura. | | |

    5506.10.00 | — De nailon o demás poliamidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5506.20.00 | — De poliésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    5506.30.00 | — Acrílicas o modacrílicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5506.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5507.00.00 | Fibras artificiales discontinuas, cardadas, peinadas o transformadas de otro modo para la hilatura. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5508 | Hilo de coser de fibras sintéticas o artificiales, discontinuas, incluso acondicionado para la venta al por menor. | | |

    5508.10 | — De fibras sintéticas discontinuas: | | |

    5508.10.10 | — — De poliésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    5508.10.20 | — — Acrílicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5508.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5508.20.00 | — De fibras artificiales discontinuas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509 | Hilados de fibras sintéticas discontinuas (excepto el hilo de coser) sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor. | | |

    — Con un contenido de fibras discontinuas de nailon o demás poliamidas superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5509.11.00 | — — Sencillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.12.00 | — — Retorcidos o cableados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con un contenido de fibras discontinuas de poliéster superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5509.21.00 | — — Sencillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.22.00 | — — Retorcidos o cableados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con un contenido de fibras discontinuas acrílicas o modacrílicas superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5509.31.00 | — — Sencillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.32.00 | — — Retorcidos o cableados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás hilados con un contenido de fibras sintéticas discontinuas superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5509.41.00 | — — Sencillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.42.00 | — — Retorcidos o cableados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás hilados de fibras discontinuas de poliéster: | | |

    5509.51.00 | — — Mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con fibras artificiales discontinuas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.52.00 | — — Mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.53 | — — Mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con algodón: | | |

    5509.53.10 | — — — De título superior o igual a 416,67 decitex (inferior o igual al número métrico 24) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.53.20 | — — — De título inferior a 416,67 decitex pero superior o igual a 333,33 decitex (superior al número métrico 24 pero inferior o igual al número métrico 30) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.53.30 | — — — De título inferior a 333,33 decitex (superior al número métrico 30) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás hilados de fibras discontinuas acrílicas o modacrílicas: | | |

    5509.61.00 | — — Mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.62.00 | — — Mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.69 | — — Los demás: | | |

    5509.69.10 | — — — Sencillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.69.20 | — — — Retorcidos o cableados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás hilados: | | |

    5509.91.00 | — — Mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.92.00 | — — Mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    5509.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5510 | Hilados de fibras artificiales discontinuas (excepto el hilo de coser) sin acondicionar para la venta al por menor. | | |

    — Con un contenido de fibras artificiales discontinuas superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5510.11.00 | — — Sencillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5510.12.00 | — — Retorcidos o cableados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5510.20.00 | — Los demás hilados mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5510.30.00 | — Los demás hilados mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    5510.90.00 | — Los demás hilados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5511 | Hilados de fibras sintéticas o artificiales, discontinuas (excepto el hilo de coser), acondicionados para la venta al por menor. | | |

    5511.10 | — De fibras sintéticas discontinuas con un contenido de estas fibras superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5511.10.10 | — — De poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    5511.10.20 | — — De fibras acrílicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5511.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5511.20 | — De fibras sintéticas discontinuas con un contenido de estas fibras inferior al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5511.20.10 | — — De poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    5511.20.20 | — — De fibras acrílicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5511.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5511.30.00 | — De fibras artificiales discontinuas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5512 | Tejidos de fibras sintéticas discontinuas con un contenido de fibras sintéticas discontinuas superior o igual al 85 % en peso. | | |

    — Con un contenido de fibras discontinuas de poliéster superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5512.11.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5512.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    5512.19.10 | — — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5512.19.20 | — — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5512.19.30 | — — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con un contenido de fibras discontinuas acrílicas o modacrílicas superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5512.21.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5512.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    5512.91.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5512.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513 | Tejidos de fibras sintéticas discontinuas con un contenido de estas fibras inferior al 85 % en peso, mezcladas exclusiva o principalmente con algodón, de peso inferior o igual a 170 g/m2. | | |

    — Crudos o blanqueados: | | |

    5513.11.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513.12.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513.13.00 | — — Los demás tejidos de fibras discontinuas de poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513.19.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Teñidos: | | |

    5513.21.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513.22.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513.23.00 | — — Los demás tejidos de fibras discontinuas de poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513.29.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con hilados de distintos colores: | | |

    5513.31.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513.32.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513.33.00 | — — Los demás tejidos de fibras discontinuas de poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513.39.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Estampados: | | |

    5513.41.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513.42.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513.43.00 | — — Los demás tejidos de fibras discontinuas de poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    5513.49.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514 | Tejidos de fibras sintéticas discontinuas con un contenido de estas fibras inferior al 85 % en peso, mezcladas exclusiva o principalmente con algodón, de peso superior a 170 g/m2. | | |

    — Crudos o blanqueados: | | |

    5514.11.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514.12.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514.13.00 | — — Los demás tejidos de fibras discontinuas de poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514.19.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Teñidos: | | |

    5514.21.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514.22.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514.23.00 | — — Los demás tejidos de fibras discontinuas de poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514.29.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con hilados de distintos colores: | | |

    5514.31.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514.32.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514.33.00 | — — Los demás tejidos de fibras discontinuas de poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514.39.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Estampados: | | |

    5514.41.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento tafetán | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514.42.00 | — — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster, de ligamento sarga, incluido el cruzado, de curso inferior o igual a 4 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514.43.00 | — — Los demás tejidos de fibras discontinuas de poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    5514.49.00 | — — Los demás tejidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515 | Los demás tejidos de fibras sintéticas discontinuas. | | |

    — De fibras discontinuas de poliéster: | | |

    5515.11 | — — Mezcladas exclusiva o principalmente con fibras discontinuas de rayón viscosa: | | |

    5515.11.10 | — — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515.11.20 | — — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515.11.30 | — — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515.11.40 | — — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515.12.00 | — — Mezcladas exclusiva o principalmente con filamentos sintéticos o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515.13 | — — Mezcladas exclusiva o principalmente con lana o pelo fino: | | |

    5515.13.10 | — — — De peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515.13.20 | — — — De peso superior a 200 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 300 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515.13.30 | — — — De peso superior a 300 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De fibras discontinuas acrílicas o modacrílicas: | | |

    5515.21.00 | — — Mezcladas exclusiva o principalmente con filamentos sintéticos o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515.22.00 | — — Mezcladas exclusiva o principalmente con lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tejidos: | | |

    5515.91.00 | — — Mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con filamentos sintéticos o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515.92.00 | — — Mezclados exclusiva o principalmente con lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5515.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516 | Tejidos de fibras artificiales discontinuas. | | |

    — Con un contenido de fibras artificiales discontinuas superior o igual al 85 % en peso: | | |

    5516.11.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.12.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.13.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.14.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con un contenido de fibras artificiales discontinuas inferior al 85 % en peso, mezcladas exclusiva o principalmente con filamentos sintéticos o artificiales: | | |

    5516.21.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.22.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.23.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.24.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con un contenido de fibras artificiales discontinuas inferior al 85 % en peso, mezcladas exclusiva o principalmente con lana o pelo fino: | | |

    5516.31.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.32.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.33.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.34.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con un contenido de fibras artificiales discontinuas inferior al 85 % en peso, mezcladas exclusiva o principalmente con algodón: | | |

    5516.41.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.42.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.43.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.44.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    5516.91.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.92.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.93.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    5516.94.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    56 | Guata, fieltro y tela sin tejer; hilados especiales; cordeles, cuerdas y cordajes; artículos de cordelería | | |

    5601 | Guata de materia textil y artículos de esta guata; fibras textiles de longitud inferior o igual a 5 mm (tundizno), nudos y motas de materia textil. | | |

    5601.10.00 | — Compresas y tampones higiénicos, pañales para bebés y artículos higiénicos similares, de guata | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Guata; los demás artículos de guata: | | |

    5601.21.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    5601.22.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    5601.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5601.30.00 | — Tundizno, nudos y motas de materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    5602 | Fieltro, incluso impregnado, recubierto, revestido o estratificado. | | |

    5602.10.00 | — Fieltro punzonado y productos obtenidos mediante costura por cadeneta | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás fieltros sin impregnar, recubrir, revestir ni estratificar: | | |

    5602.21.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5602.29.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    5602.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603 | Tela sin tejer, incluso impregnada, recubierta, revestida o estratificada. | | |

    — De filamentos sintéticos o artificiales: | | |

    5603.11 | — — De peso inferior o igual a 25 g/m2: | | |

    5603.11.10 | — — — Impregnadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.11.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.12 | — — De peso superior a 25 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 70 g/m2: | | |

    5603.12.10 | — — — Impregnadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.12.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.13 | — — De peso superior a 70 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 150 g/m2: | | |

    5603.13.10 | — — — Impregnadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.13.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.14 | — — De peso superior a 150 g/m2: | | |

    5603.14.10 | — — — Impregnadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.14.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    5603.91 | — — De peso inferior o igual a 25 g/m2: | | |

    5603.91.10 | — — — Impregnadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.91.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.92 | — — De peso superior a 25 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 70 g/m2: | | |

    5603.92.10 | — — — Impregnadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.92.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.93 | — — De peso superior a 70 g/m2 pero inferior o igual a 150 g/m2: | | |

    5603.93.10 | — — — Impregnadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.93.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.94 | — — De peso superior a 150 g/m2: | | |

    5603.94.10 | — — — Impregnadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5603.94.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5604 | Hilos y cuerdas de caucho revestidos de textiles; hilados textiles, tiras y formas similares de las partidas 5404 ó 5405, impregnados, recubiertos, revestidos o enfundados con caucho o plástico. | | |

    5604.10.00 | — Hilos y cuerdas de caucho revestidos de textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    5604.20.00 | — Hilados de alta tenacidad de poliésteres, de nailon o demás poliamidas o de rayón viscosa, impregnados o recubiertos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5604.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5605.00.00 | Hilados metálicos e hilados metalizados, incluso entorchados, constituidos por hilados textiles, tiras o formas similares de las partidas 5404 ó 5405, combinados con metal en forma de hilos, tiras o polvo, o revestidos de metal. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5606 | Hilados entorchados, tiras y formas similares de las partidas 5404 ó 5405, entorchadas (excepto los de la partida 5605 y los hilados de crin entorchados); hilados de chenilla; hilados "de cadeneta". | | |

    5606.00.10 | — Hilados entorchados, tiras y formas similares de las partidas 5404 ó 5405, entorchados (excepto los de la partida 5605 y los hilados de crin entorchadas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5606.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5607 | Cordeles, cuerdas y cordajes, estén o no trenzados, incluso impregnados, recubiertos, revestidos o enfundados con caucho o plástico. | | |

    5607.10.00 | — De yute o demás fibras textiles del líber de la partida 5303 | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De sisal o demás fibras textiles del género Agave: | | |

    5607.21.00 | — — Cordeles para atar o engavillar | 6 | Year 0 |

    5607.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De polietileno o polipropileno: | | |

    5607.41.00 | — — Cordeles para atar o engavillar | 6 | Year 0 |

    5607.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5607.50 | — De las demás fibras sintéticas: | | |

    5607.50.10 | — — Sin trenzar | 6 | Year 0 |

    5607.50.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5607.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5608 | Redes de mallas anudadas, en paño o en pieza, fabricadas con cordeles, cuerdas o cordajes; redes confeccionadas para la pesca y demás redes confeccionadas, de materia textil. | | |

    — De materia textil sintética o artificial: | | |

    5608.11 | — — Redes confeccionadas para la pesca: | | |

    5608.11.10 | — — — De materia textil sintética | 6 | Year 0 |

    5608.11.20 | — — — De materia textil artificial | 6 | Year 0 |

    5608.19 | — — Las demás: | | |

    — — — De materia textil sintética: | | |

    5608.19.11 | — — — — De nailon | 6 | Year 0 |

    5608.19.12 | — — — — De polietileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    5608.19.19 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5608.19.20 | — — — De materia textil artificial | 6 | Year 0 |

    5608.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5609.00.00 | Artículos de hilados, tiras o formas similares de las partidas 5404 ó 5405, cordeles, cuerdas o cordajes, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | 6 | Year 0 |

    57 | Alfombras y demás revestimientos para el suelo, de materia textil | | |

    5701 | Alfombras de nudo de materia textil, incluso confeccionadas. | | |

    5701.10.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5701.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    5702 | Alfombras y demás revestimientos para el suelo, de materia textil, tejidos, excepto los de mechón insertado y los flocados, aunque estén confeccionados, incluidas las alfombras llamadas "Kelim" o "Kilim", "Schumacks" o "Soumak", "Karamanie" y alfombras similares tejidas a mano. | | |

    5702.10.00 | — Alfombras llamadas "Kelim" o "Kilim", "Schumacks" o "Soumak", "Karamanie" y alfombras similares tejidas a mano | 6 | Year 0 |

    5702.20.00 | — Revestimientos para el suelo de fibras de coco | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, aterciopelados, sin confeccionar: | | |

    5702.31.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5702.32.00 | — — De materia textil sintética o artificial | 6 | Year 0 |

    5702.39.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, aterciopelados, confeccionados: | | |

    5702.41.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5702.42 | — — De materia textil sintética o artificial: | | |

    5702.42.10 | — — — De polipropileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    5702.42.20 | — — — De poliamida | 6 | Year 0 |

    5702.42.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5702.49.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, sin aterciopelar ni confeccionar: | | |

    5702.51.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5702.52.00 | — — De materia textil sintética o artificial | 6 | Year 0 |

    5702.59.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, sin aterciopelar, confeccionados: | | |

    5702.91.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5702.92.00 | — — De materia textil sintética o artificial | 6 | Year 0 |

    5702.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    5703 | Alfombras y demás revestimientos para el suelo, de materia textil, con mechón insertado, incluso confeccionados. | | |

    5703.10.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    5703.20.00 | — De nailon o demás poliamidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5703.30 | — De las demás materias textiles sintéticas o de materia textil artificial: | | |

    — — Confeccionadas: | | |

    5703.30.11 | — — — De polipropileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    5703.30.12 | — — — De otras fibras olefínicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5703.30.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Sin confeccionar: | | |

    5703.30.21 | — — — De polipropileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    5703.30.22 | — — — De otras fibras olefínicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5703.30.29 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5703.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    5704 | Alfombras y demás revestimientos para el suelo, de fieltro, excepto los de mechón insertado y los flocados, incluso confeccionados. | | |

    5704.10.00 | — De superficie inferior o igual a 0,3 m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5704.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5705.00.00 | Las demás alfombras y revestimientos para el suelo, de materia textil, incluso confeccionados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    58 | Tejidos especiales; superficies textiles con mechón insertado; encajes; tapicería; pasamanería; bordados | | |

    5801 | Terciopelo y felpa, excepto los de punto, y tejidos de chenilla, excepto los productos de las partidas 5802 ó 5806 | | |

    5801.10.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De algodón: | | |

    5801.21.00 | — — Terciopelo y felpa por trama, sin cortar | 6 | Year 0 |

    5801.22.00 | — — Terciopelo y felpa por trama, cortados, rayados (pana rayada, "corduroy") | 6 | Year 0 |

    5801.23.00 | — — Los demás terciopelos y felpas por trama | 6 | Year 0 |

    5801.24.00 | — — Terciopelo y felpa por urdimbre, sin cortar (rizados) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5801.25.00 | — — Terciopelo y felpa por urdimbre, cortados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5801.26.00 | — — Tejidos de chenilla | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    5801.31.00 | — — Terciopelo y felpa por trama, sin cortar | 6 | Year 0 |

    5801.32.00 | — — Terciopelo y felpa por trama, cortados, rayados (pana rayada, "corduroy") | 6 | Year 0 |

    5801.33.00 | — — Los demás terciopelos y felpas por trama | 6 | Year 0 |

    5801.34.00 | — — Terciopelo y felpa por urdimbre, sin cortar (rizados) | 6 | Year 0 |

    5801.35.00 | — — Terciopelo y felpa por urdimbre, cortados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5801.36.00 | — — Tejidos de chenilla | 6 | Year 0 |

    5801.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    5802 | Tejidos con bucles del tipo toalla, excepto los productos de la partida 5806; superficies textiles con mechón insertado, excepto los productos de la partida 5703. | | |

    — Tejidos con bucles del tipo toalla, de algodón: | | |

    5802.11.00 | — — Crudos | 6 | Year 0 |

    5802.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5802.20.00 | — Tejidos con bucles del tipo toalla, de las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    5802.30.00 | — Superficies textiles con mechón insertado | 6 | Year 0 |

    5803 | Tejidos de gasa de vuelta, excepto los productos de la partida 5806. | | |

    5803.10.00 | — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    5803.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    5804 | Tul, tul-bobinot y tejidos de mallas anudadas; encajes en pieza, tiras o motivos, excepto los productos de las partidas 6002 a 6006 | | |

    5804.10.00 | — Tul, tul-bobinot y tejidos de mallas anudadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Encajes fabricados a máquina: | | |

    5804.21.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    5804.29.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    5804.30.00 | — Encajes hechos a mano | 6 | Year 0 |

    5805.00.00 | Tapicería tejida a mano (gobelinos, Flandes, Aubusson, | 6 | Year 0 |

    Beauvais y similares) y tapicería de aguja (por ejemplo: de "petit point", de punto de cruz), incluso confeccionadas. | | |

    5806 | Cintas, excepto los artículos de la partida 5807; cintas sin trama, de hilados o fibras paralelizados y aglutinados. | | |

    5806.10.00 | — Cintas de terciopelo, de felpa, de tejidos de chenilla o de tejidos con bucles del tipo toalla | 6 | Year 0 |

    5806.20.00 | — Las demás cintas, con un contenido de hilos de elastómeros o de hilos de caucho superior o igual al 5 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás cintas: | | |

    5806.31.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    5806.32.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    5806.39.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    5806.40.00 | — Cintas sin trama, de hilados o fibras paralelizados y aglutinados | 6 | Year 0 |

    5807 | Etiquetas, escudos y artículos similares, de materia textil, en pieza, cintas o recortados, sin bordar. | | |

    5807.10 | — Tejidos: | | |

    5807.10.10 | — — Etiquetas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5807.10.20 | — — Escudos y artículos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    5807.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5808 | Trenzas en pieza; artículos de pasamanería y artículos ornamentales análogos, en pieza, sin bordar, excepto los de punto; bellotas, madroños, pompones, borlas y artículos similares. | | |

    5808.10.00 | — Trenzas en pieza | 6 | Year 0 |

    5808.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5809.00.00 | Tejidos de hilos de metal y tejidos de hilados metálicos o de hilados textiles metalizados de la partida 5605, de los tipos utilizados en prendas de vestir, tapicería o usos similares, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5810 | Bordados en pieza, tiras o motivos. | | |

    5810.10.00 | — Bordados químicos o aéreos y bordados con fondo recortado | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás bordados: | | |

    5810.91.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    5810.92.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    5810.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    5811.00.00 | Productos textiles acolchados en pieza, constituidos por una o varias capas de materia textil combinadas con una materia de relleno y mantenidas mediante puntadas u otro modo de sujeción, excepto los bordados de la partida 5810. | 6 | Year 0 |

    59 | Telas impregnadas, recubiertas, revestidas o estratificadas; artículos técnicos de materia textil | | |

    5901 | Telas recubiertas de cola o materias amiláceas, de los tipos utilizados para encuadernación, cartonaje, estuchería o usos similares; transparentes textiles para calcar o dibujar; lienzos preparados para pintar; bucarán y telas rígidas similares de los tipos utilizados en sombrerería. | | |

    5901.10.00 | — Telas recubiertas de cola o materias amiláceas, de los tipos utilizados para encuadernación, cartonaje, estuchería o usos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    5901.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5902 | Napas tramadas para neumáticos fabricadas con hilados de alta tenacidad de nailon o demás poliamidas, de poliésteres o rayón viscosa. | | |

    5902.10.00 | — De nailon o demás poliamidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5902.20.00 | — De poliésteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    5902.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5903 | Telas impregnadas, recubiertas, revestidas o estratificadas con plástico, excepto las de la partida 5902. | | |

    5903.10 | — Con poli(cloruro de vinilo): | | |

    — — Impregnadas: | | |

    5903.10.11 | — — — De fibras artificiales o sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5903.10.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Las demás: | | |

    5903.10.91 | — — — De fibras artificiales o sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5903.10.92 | — — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    5903.10.99 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5903.20 | — Con poliuretano: | | |

    — — Impregnadas: | | |

    5903.20.11 | — — — De fibras artificiales o sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5903.20.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Las demás: | | |

    5903.20.91 | — — — De fibras artificiales o sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5903.20.99 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5903.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    — — Impregnadas: | | |

    5903.90.11 | — — — De fibras artificiales o sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5903.90.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Las demás: | | |

    5903.90.91 | — — — De fibras artificiales o sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5903.90.99 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5904 | Linóleo, incluso cortado; revestimientos para el suelo formados por un recubrimiento o revestimiento aplicado sobre un soporte textil, incluso cortados. | | |

    5904.10.00 | — Linóleo | 6 | Year 0 |

    5904.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5905.00.00 | Revestimientos de materia textil para paredes. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5906 | Telas cauchutadas, excepto las de la partida 5902. | | |

    5906.10.00 | — Cintas adhesivas de anchura inferior o igual a 20 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    5906.91.00 | — — De punto | 6 | Year 0 |

    5906.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    5906.99.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales o sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5906.99.20 | — — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    5906.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5907 | Las demás telas impregnadas, recubiertas o revestidas; lienzos pintados para decoraciones de teatro, fondos de estudio o usos análogos. | | |

    — Recubiertas con tundiznos (imitación gamuza, floqueados, etc.), de peso inferior o igual a 200 g/m2: | | |

    5907.00.11 | — — De fibras artificiales o sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5907.00.19 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    5907.00.91 | — — De fibras artificiales o sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    5907.00.99 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    5908.00.00 | Mechas de materia textil tejida, trenzada o de punto, para lámparas, hornillos, mecheros, velas o similares; manguitos de incandescencia y tejidos de punto tubulares utilizados para su fabricación, incluso impregnados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5909.00.00 | Mangueras para bombas y tubos similares, de materia textil, incluso con armadura o accesorios de otras materias. | 6 | Year 0 |

    5910 | Correas transportadoras o para transmisión, de materia textil, incluso impregnadas, recubiertas, revestidas o estratificadas con plástico o reforzadas con metal u otra materia. | | |

    5910.00.10 | — Transportadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    5910.00.20 | — De transmisión | 6 | Year 0 |

    5911 | Productos y artículos textiles para usos técnicos mencionados en la Nota 7 de este Capítulo. | | |

    5911.10.00 | — Telas, fieltro y tejidos forrados de fieltro, combinados con una o varias capas de caucho, cuero u otra materia, de los tipos utilizados para la fabricación de guarniciones de cardas y productos análogos para otros usos técnicos, incluidas las cintas de terciopelo impregnadas de caucho para forrar enjulios | 6 | Year 0 |

    5911.20.00 | — Gasas y telas para cerner, incluso confeccionadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Telas y fieltros sin fin o con dispositivos de unión, de los tipos utilizados en las máquinas de fabricar papel o máquinas similares (por ejemplo: para pasta o amiantocemento): | | |

    5911.31.00 | — — De peso inferior a 650 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5911.32.00 | — — De peso superior o igual a 650 g/m2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    5911.40.00 | — Capachos y telas gruesas de los tipos utilizados en las prensas de aceite o para usos técnicos análogos, incluidos los de cabello | 6 | Year 0 |

    5911.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    60 | Tejidos de punto | | |

    6001 | Terciopelo, felpa (incluidos los tejidos de punto "de pelo largo") y tejidos con bucles, de punto. | | |

    6001.10.00 | — Tejidos "de pelo largo" | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Tejidos con bucles: | | |

    6001.21.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6001.22.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6001.29.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6001.91.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6001.92.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6001.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6002 | Tejidos de punto de anchura inferior o igual a 30 cm, con un contenido de hilados de elastómeros o de hilos de caucho superior o igual al 5 % en peso, excepto los de la partida 6001. | | |

    6002.40.00 | — Con un contenido de hilados de elastómeros superior o igual al 5 % en peso, sin hilos de caucho | 6 | Year 0 |

    6002.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6003 | Tejidos de punto de anchura inferior o igual a 30 cm, excepto los de las partidas 6001 ó 6002 | | |

    6003.10.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6003.20.00 | — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6003.30.00 | — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6003.40.00 | — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6003.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6004 | Tejidos de punto de anchura superior a 30 cm, con un contenido de hilados de elastómeros o de hilos de caucho superior o igual al 5 % en peso, excepto los de la partida 6001 | | |

    6004.10.00 | — Con un contenido de hilados de elastómeros superior o igual al 5 % en peso, sin hilos de caucho | 6 | Year 0 |

    6004.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005 | Tejidos de punto por urdimbre (incluidos los obtenidos en telares de pasamanería), excepto los de las partidas 6001 a 6004. | | |

    6005.10.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De algodón: | | |

    6005.21.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005.22.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005.23.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005.24.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De fibras sintéticas: | | |

    6005.31.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005.32 | — — Teñidos: | | |

    6005.32.10 | — — — Mallas de tejido (sombreadoras) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005.32.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005.33 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores: | | |

    6005.33.10 | — — — Mallas de tejido (sombreadoras) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005.33.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005.34.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De fibras artificiales: | | |

    6005.41.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005.42.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005.43.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005.44.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    6005.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006 | Los demás tejidos de punto. | | |

    6006.10.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De algodón: | | |

    6006.21 | — — Crudos o blanqueados: | | |

    6006.21.10 | — — — Tejido circular, totalmente de hilados de algodón con título superior a 100 número métrico por hilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.22 | — — Teñidos: | | |

    6006.22.10 | — — — Tejido circular, totalmente de hilados de algodón con título superior a 100 número métrico por hilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.22.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.23 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores: | | |

    6006.23.10 | — — — Tejido circular, totalmente de hilados de algodón con título superior a 100 número métrico por hilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.23.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.24 | — — Estampados: | | |

    6006.24.10 | — — — Tejido circular, totalmente de hilados de algodón con título superior a 100 número métrico por hilo | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.24.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De fibras sintéticas: | | |

    6006.31.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.32.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.33.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.34.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De fibras artificiales: | | |

    6006.41.00 | — — Crudos o blanqueados | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.42.00 | — — Teñidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.43.00 | — — Con hilados de distintos colores | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.44.00 | — — Estampados | 6 | Year 0 |

    6006.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    61 | Prendas y complementos (accesorios), de vestir, de punto | | |

    6101 | Abrigos, chaquetones, capas, anoraks, cazadoras y artículos similares, de punto, para hombres o niños, excepto los artículos de la partida 6103. | | |

    6101.10.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6101.20.00 | — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6101.30.00 | — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6101.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6102 | Abrigos, chaquetones, capas, anoraks, cazadoras y artículos similares, de punto, para mujeres o niñas, excepto los artículos de la partida 6104. | | |

    6102.10.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6102.20.00 | — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6102.30.00 | — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6102.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103 | Trajes (ambos o ternos), conjuntos, chaquetas (sacos), pantalones largos, pantalones con peto, pantalones cortos (calzones) y "shorts" (excepto de baño), de punto, para hombres o niños. | | |

    — Trajes (ambos o ternos): | | |

    6103.11.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.12.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.19 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6103.19.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.19.20 | — — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Conjuntos: | | |

    6103.21.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.22.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.23.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.29 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6103.29.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Chaquetas (sacos): | | |

    6103.31.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.32.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.33.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.39 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6103.39.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Pantalones largos, pantalones con peto, pantalones cortos (calzones) y "shorts": | | |

    6103.41.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.42 | — — De algodón: | | |

    — — — Para hombres: | | |

    6103.42.11 | — — — — Pantalones largos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.42.12 | — — — — Pantalones con peto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.42.13 | — — — — Pantalones cortos (calzones) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.42.14 | — — — — "Shorts" | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Para niños: | | |

    6103.42.21 | — — — — Pantalones largos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.42.22 | — — — — Pantalones con peto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.42.23 | — — — — Pantalones cortos (calzones) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.42.24 | — — — — "Shorts" | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.43.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.49 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6103.49.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6103.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104 | Trajes sastre, conjuntos, chaquetas (sacos), vestidos, faldas, faldas pantalón, pantalones largos, pantalones con peto, pantalones cortos (calzones) y "shorts" (excepto de baño), de punto, para mujeres o niñas. | | |

    — Trajes sastre: | | |

    6104.11.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.12.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.13.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.19 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6104.19.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Conjuntos: | | |

    6104.21.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.22.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.23.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.29 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6104.29.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Chaquetas (sacos): | | |

    6104.31.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.32.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.33.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.39 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6104.39.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.39.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Vestidos: | | |

    6104.41.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.42.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.43.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.44.00 | — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.49.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Faldas y faldas pantalón: | | |

    6104.51.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.52.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.53.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.59 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6104.59.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.59.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Pantalones largos, pantalones con peto, pantalones cortos (calzones) y "shorts": | | |

    6104.61.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.62 | — — De algodón: | | |

    — — — Para mujeres: | | |

    6104.62.11 | — — — — Pantalones largos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.62.12 | — — — — Pantalones con peto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.62.13 | — — — — Pantalones cortos (calzones) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.62.14 | — — — — "Shorts" | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Para niñas: | | |

    6104.62.21 | — — — — Pantalones largos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.62.22 | — — — — Pantalones con peto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.62.23 | — — — — Pantalones cortos (calzones) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.62.24 | — — — — "Shorts" | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.63.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6104.69.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6105 | Camisas de punto para hombres o niños. | | |

    6105.10 | — De algodón: | | |

    — — Con un contenido de algodón superior o igual al 75 % en peso: | | |

    6105.10.11 | — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6105.10.12 | — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Las demás: | | |

    6105.10.91 | — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6105.10.92 | — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    6105.20 | — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    6105.20.10 | — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6105.20.20 | — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    6105.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6106 | Camisas, blusas y blusas camiseras, de punto, para mujeres o niñas. | | |

    6106.10.00 | — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6106.20.00 | — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6106.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6107 | Calzoncillos (incluidos los largos y los "slips"), camisones, pijamas, albornoces de baño, batas de casa y artículos similares, de punto, para hombres o niños. | | |

    — Calzoncillos (incluidos los largos y los "slips"): | | |

    6107.11.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6107.12.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6107.19.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Camisones y pijamas: | | |

    6107.21 | — — De algodón: | | |

    6107.21.10 | — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6107.21.20 | — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    6107.22.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6107.29.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6107.91.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6107.92.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6107.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108 | Combinaciones, enaguas, bragas (bombachas, calzones) (incluso las que no llegan hasta la cintura), camisones, pijamas, saltos de cama, albornoces de baño, batas de casa y artículos similares, de punto, para mujeres o niñas. | | |

    — Combinaciones y enaguas: | | |

    6108.11.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108.19.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Bragas (bombachas, calzones) (incluso las que no llegan hasta la cintura): | | |

    6108.21 | — — De algodón: | | |

    6108.21.10 | — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108.21.20 | — — — Para niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108.22 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    — — — De nailon o demás poliamidas mezcladas exclusiva o principalmente con spandex: | | |

    6108.22.11 | — — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108.22.12 | — — — — Para niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — De las demás fibras sintéticas: | | |

    6108.22.21 | — — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108.22.22 | — — — — Para niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — De fibras artificiales: | | |

    6108.22.31 | — — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108.22.32 | — — — — Para niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108.29.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Camisones y pijamas: | | |

    6108.31 | — — De algodón: | | |

    6108.31.10 | — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108.31.20 | — — — Para niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108.32.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108.39.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6108.91.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108.92.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6108.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6109 | "T-shirts" y camisetas interiores, de punto. | | |

    6109.10 | — De algodón: | | |

    — — Con un contenido de algodón superior o igual al 75 % en peso: | | |

    6109.10.11 | — — — Para hombres y mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6109.10.12 | — — — Para niños y niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Las demás: | | |

    6109.10.91 | — — — Para hombres y mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6109.10.92 | — — — Para niños y niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6109.90 | — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    — — De lana: | | |

    6109.90.11 | — — — Para hombres y mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6109.90.12 | — — — Para niños y niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — De fibras sintéticas: | | |

    6109.90.21 | — — — Para hombres y mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6109.90.22 | — — — Para niños y niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — De fibras artificiales: | | |

    6109.90.31 | — — — Para hombres y mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6109.90.32 | — — — Para niños y niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Las demás: | | |

    6109.90.91 | — — — Para hombres y mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6109.90.92 | — — — Para niños y niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6110 | Suéteres (jerseys), "pullovers", cardiganes, chalecos y artículos similares, de punto. | | |

    — De lana o pelo fino: | | |

    6110.11.00 | — — De lana | 6 | Year 0 |

    6110.12.00 | — — De cabra de Cachemira | 6 | Year 0 |

    6110.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6110.20.00 | — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6110.30 | — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    6110.30.10 | — — Suéteres (jerseys) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6110.30.20 | — — "Pullovers" | 6 | Year 0 |

    6110.30.30 | — — Chalecos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6110.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6110.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6111 | Prendas y complementos (accesorios), de vestir, de punto, para bebés. | | |

    6111.10.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6111.20.00 | — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6111.30.00 | — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6111.90 | — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6111.90.10 | — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6111.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6112 | Conjuntos de abrigo para entrenamiento o deporte, monos (overoles) y conjuntos de esquí y bañadores, de punto. | | |

    — Conjuntos de abrigo para entrenamiento o deporte: | | |

    6112.11.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6112.12.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6112.19 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6112.19.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6112.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6112.20.00 | — Monos (overoles) y conjuntos de esquí | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Bañadores para hombres o niños: | | |

    6112.31.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6112.39 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6112.39.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6112.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Bañadores para mujeres o niñas: | | |

    6112.41 | — — De fibras sintéticas: | | |

    — — — De nailon o demás poliamidas mezcladas exclusiva o principalmente con spandex: | | |

    6112.41.11 | — — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6112.41.12 | — — — — Para niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    6112.41.91 | — — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6112.41.92 | — — — — Para niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6112.49 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6112.49.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6112.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6113.00.00 | Prendas de vestir confeccionadas con tejidos de punto de las partidas 5903, 5906 ó 5907. | 6 | Year 0 |

    6114 | Las demás prendas de vestir, de punto. | | |

    6114.10.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6114.20.00 | — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6114.30 | — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    6114.30.10 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6114.30.20 | — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6114.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115 | Calzas, "panty-medias", leotardos, medias, calcetines y demás artículos de calcetería, incluso para várices, de punto. | | |

    — Calzas, "panty-medias" y leotardos: | | |

    6115.11 | — — De fibras sintéticas de título inferior a 67 decitex, por hilo sencillo: | | |

    6115.11.10 | — — — De nailon | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.11.20 | — — — De fibras acrílicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.11.30 | — — — De poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.11.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.12.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas de título superior o igual a 67 decitex, por hilo sencillo | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.19.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.20.00 | — Medias de mujer de título inferior a 67 decitex, por hilo sencillo | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6115.91.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.92 | — — De algodón: | | |

    6115.92.10 | — — — Para deporte | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.92.20 | — — — Medias para várices | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.92.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.93 | — — De fibras sintéticas: | | |

    6115.93.10 | — — — De nailon | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.93.20 | — — — De fibras acrílicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.93.30 | — — — De poliéster | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.93.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.99 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6115.99.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6115.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6116 | Guantes, mitones y manoplas, de punto. | | |

    6116.10.00 | — Impregnados, recubiertos o revestidos con plástico o caucho | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6116.91.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6116.92.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6116.93.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6116.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117 | Los demás complementos (accesorios) de vestir confeccionados, de punto; partes de prendas o de complementos (accesorios), de vestir, de punto. | | |

    6117.10 | — Chales, pañuelos de cuello, bufandas, mantillas, velos y artículos similares: | | |

    6117.10.10 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.10.20 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.10.30 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.20 | — Corbatas y lazos similares: | | |

    6117.20.10 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.20.20 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.20.30 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.80 | — Los demás complementos (accesorios) de vestir: | | |

    6117.80.10 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.80.20 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.80.30 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.80.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.90 | — Partes: | | |

    6117.90.10 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.90.20 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.90.30 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6117.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    62 | Prendas y complementos (accesorios), de vestir, excepto los de punto | | |

    6201 | Abrigos, chaquetones, capas, anoraks, cazadoras y artículos similares, para hombres o niños, excepto los artículos de la partida 6203. | | |

    — Abrigos, impermeables, chaquetones, capas y artículos similares: | | |

    6201.11.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.12.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.13 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    — — — Para hombres: | | |

    6201.13.11 | — — — — Abrigos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.13.12 | — — — — Chaquetones | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.13.13 | — — — — Impermeables | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.13.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Para niños: | | |

    6201.13.21 | — — — — Abrigos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.13.22 | — — — — Chaquetones | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.13.23 | — — — — Impermeables | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.13.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.19.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6201.91.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.92 | — — De algodón: | | |

    — — — Casacas: | | |

    6201.92.11 | — — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.92.12 | — — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Parcas: | | |

    6201.92.21 | — — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.92.22 | — — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    6201.92.91 | — — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.92.92 | — — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.93 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    — — — Casacas: | | |

    6201.93.11 | — — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.93.12 | — — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Parcas: | | |

    6201.93.21 | — — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.93.22 | — — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    6201.93.91 | — — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.93.92 | — — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    6201.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202 | Abrigos, chaquetones, capas, anoraks, cazadoras y artículos similares, para mujeres o niñas, excepto los artículos de la partida 6204. | | |

    — Abrigos, impermeables, chaquetones, capas y artículos similares: | | |

    6202.11 | — — De lana o pelo fino: | | |

    — — — Para mujeres: | | |

    6202.11.11 | — — — — Abrigos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.11.12 | — — — — Chaquetones | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.11.13 | — — — — Impermeables | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.11.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Para niñas: | | |

    6202.11.21 | — — — — Abrigos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.11.22 | — — — — Chaquetones | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.11.23 | — — — — Impermeables | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.11.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.12.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.13 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    — — — Para mujeres: | | |

    6202.13.11 | — — — — Abrigos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.13.12 | — — — — Chaquetones | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.13.13 | — — — — Impermeables | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.13.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Para niñas: | | |

    6202.13.21 | — — — — Abrigos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.13.22 | — — — — Chaquetones | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.13.23 | — — — — Impermeables | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.13.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.19.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6202.91.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.92.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.93 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    6202.93.10 | — — — Casacas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.93.20 | — — — Parcas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.93.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6202.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203 | Trajes (ambos o ternos), conjuntos, chaquetas (sacos), pantalones largos, pantalones con peto, pantalones cortos (calzones) y "shorts" (excepto de baño), para hombres o niños. | | |

    — Trajes (ambos o ternos): | | |

    6203.11 | — — De lana o pelo fino: | | |

    6203.11.10 | — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.11.20 | — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.12.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.19 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6203.19.10 | — — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.19.20 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.19.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Conjuntos: | | |

    6203.21.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.22.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.23.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.29 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6203.29.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.29.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Chaquetas (sacos): | | |

    6203.31.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.32.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.33.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.39 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6203.39.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.39.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Pantalones largos, pantalones con peto, pantalones cortos (calzones) y "shorts": | | |

    6203.41.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.42 | — — De algodón: | | |

    6203.42.10 | — — — Pantalones de mezclilla (Denim) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    6203.42.91 | — — — — Pantalones largos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.42.92 | — — — — Pantalones con peto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.42.93 | — — — — Pantalones cortos (calzones) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.42.99 | — — — — "Shorts" | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.43 | — — De fibras sintéticas: | | |

    — — — Para hombres: | | |

    6203.43.11 | — — — — Pantalones largos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.43.12 | — — — — Pantalones con peto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.43.13 | — — — — Pantalones cortos (calzones) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.43.14 | — — — — "Shorts" | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Para niños: | | |

    6203.43.21 | — — — — Pantalones largos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.43.22 | — — — — Pantalones con peto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.43.23 | — — — — Pantalones cortos (calzones) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.43.24 | — — — — "Shorts" | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.49 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6203.49.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6203.49.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204 | Trajes sastre, conjuntos, chaquetas (sacos), vestidos, faldas, faldas pantalón, pantalones largos, pantalones con peto, pantalones cortos (calzones) y "shorts" (excepto de baño), para mujeres o niñas. | | |

    — Trajes sastre: | | |

    6204.11.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.12.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.13.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.19 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6204.19.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.19.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Conjuntos: | | |

    6204.21.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.22.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.23.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.29 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6204.29.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.29.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Chaquetas (sacos): | | |

    6204.31.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.32.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.33.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.39 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6204.39.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.39.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Vestidos: | | |

    6204.41.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.42.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.43.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.44.00 | — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.49.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Faldas y faldas pantalón: | | |

    6204.51.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.52.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.53.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.59 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6204.59.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.59.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Pantalones largos, pantalones con peto, pantalones cortos (calzones) y "shorts": | | |

    6204.61.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.62 | — — De algodón: | | |

    6204.62.10 | — — — Pantalones de mezclilla (Denim) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    6204.62.91 | — — — — Pantalones largos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.62.92 | — — — — Pantalones con peto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.62.93 | — — — — Pantalones cortos (calzones) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.62.94 | — — — — "Shorts" | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.63 | — — De fibras sintéticas: | | |

    — — — Para mujeres: | | |

    6204.63.11 | — — — — Pantalones largos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.63.12 | — — — — Pantalones con peto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.63.13 | — — — — Pantalones cortos (calzones) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.63.14 | — — — — "Shorts" | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Para niñas: | | |

    6204.63.21 | — — — — Pantalones largos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.63.22 | — — — — Pantalones con peto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.63.23 | — — — — Pantalones cortos (calzones) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.63.24 | — — — — "Shorts" | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.69 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6204.69.10 | — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6204.69.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6205 | Camisas para hombres o niños. | | |

    6205.10.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6205.20 | — De algodón: | | |

    6205.20.10 | — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6205.20.20 | — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    6205.30 | — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    — — De fibras sintéticas de poliéster, mezcladas principalmente con algodón: | | |

    6205.30.11 | — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6205.30.12 | — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — De las demás fibras sintéticas: | | |

    6205.30.21 | — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6205.30.22 | — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — De fibras artificiales: | | |

    6205.30.31 | — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6205.30.32 | — — — Para niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    6205.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6206 | Camisas, blusas y blusas camiseras, para mujeres o niñas. | | |

    6206.10.00 | — De seda o desperdicios de seda | 6 | Year 0 |

    6206.20.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6206.30.00 | — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6206.40 | — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    — — De fibras sintéticas: | | |

    6206.40.11 | — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6206.40.12 | — — — Para niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — De fibras artificiales: | | |

    6206.40.21 | — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6206.40.22 | — — — Para niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6206.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6207 | Camisetas interiores, calzoncillos (incluidos los largos y los "slips"), camisones, pijamas, albornoces de baño, batas de casa y artículos similares, para hombres o niños. | | |

    — Calzoncillos (incluidos los largos y los "slips"): | | |

    6207.11.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6207.19 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6207.19.10 | — — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6207.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Camisones y pijamas: | | |

    6207.21.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6207.22.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6207.29.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6207.91.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6207.92.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6207.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6208 | Camisetas interiores, combinaciones, enaguas, bragas (bombachas, calzones) (incluso las que no llegan hasta la cintura), camisones, pijamas, saltos de cama, albornoces de baño, batas de casa y artículos similares, para mujeres o niñas. | | |

    — Combinaciones y enaguas: | | |

    6208.11.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6208.19 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6208.19.10 | — — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6208.19.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Camisones y pijamas: | | |

    6208.21.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6208.22.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6208.29.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6208.91.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6208.92.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6208.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6209 | Prendas y complementos (accesorios), de vestir, para bebés. | | |

    6209.10.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6209.20.00 | — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6209.30.00 | — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6209.90 | — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6209.90.10 | — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6209.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6210 | Prendas de vestir confeccionadas con productos de las partidas 5602, 5603, 5903, 5906 ó 5907. | | |

    6210.10 | — Con productos de las partidas 5602 ó 5603: | | |

    6210.10.10 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6210.10.20 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6210.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6210.20.00 | — Las demás prendas de vestir del tipo de las citadas en las subpartidas 620111 a 620119 | 6 | Year 0 |

    6210.30.00 | — Las demás prendas de vestir del tipo de las citadas en las subpartidas 620211 a 620219 | 6 | Year 0 |

    6210.40.00 | — Las demás prendas de vestir para hombres o niños | 6 | Year 0 |

    6210.50.00 | — Las demás prendas de vestir para mujeres o niñas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211 | Conjuntos de abrigo para entrenamiento o deporte, monos (overoles) y conjuntos de esquí y bañadores; las demás prendas de vestir. | | |

    — Bañadores: | | |

    6211.11 | — — Para hombres o niños: | | |

    6211.11.10 | — — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    6211.11.21 | — — — — De fibra sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.11.22 | — — — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.11.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.12 | — — Para mujeres o niñas: | | |

    6211.12.10 | — — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.12.20 | — — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.12.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.20 | — Monos (overoles) y conjuntos de esquí: | | |

    6211.20.10 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.20.20 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás prendas de vestir para hombres o niños: | | |

    6211.31.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.32.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.33.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.39.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás prendas de vestir para mujeres o niñas: | | |

    6211.41.00 | — — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.42.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.43.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6211.49.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6212 | Sostenes (corpiños), fajas, corsés, tirantes (tiradores), ligas y artículos similares, y sus partes, incluso de punto. | | |

    6212.10 | — Sostenes (corpiños): | | |

    6212.10.10 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6212.10.20 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6212.10.90 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6212.20 | — Fajas y fajas braga (fajas bombacha): | | |

    6212.20.10 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6212.20.20 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6212.20.30 | — — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6212.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6212.30.00 | — Fajas sostén (fajas corpiño) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6212.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6213 | Pañuelos de bolsillo. | | |

    6213.10.00 | — De seda o desperdicios de seda | 6 | Year 0 |

    6213.20.00 | — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6213.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6214 | Chales, pañuelos de cuello, bufandas, mantillas, velos y artículos similares. | | |

    6214.10.00 | — De seda o desperdicios de seda | 6 | Year 0 |

    6214.20.00 | — De lana o pelo fino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6214.30.00 | — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6214.40.00 | — De fibras artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6214.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6215 | Corbatas y lazos similares. | | |

    6215.10.00 | — De seda o desperdicios de seda | 6 | Year 0 |

    6215.20.00 | — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6215.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6216.00.00 | Guantes, mitones y manoplas. | 6 | Year 0 |

    6217 | Los demás complementos (accesorios) de vestir confeccionados; partes de prendas o de complementos (accesorios), de vestir, excepto las de la partida 6212. | | |

    6217.10.00 | — Complementos (accesorios) de vestir | 6 | Year 0 |

    6217.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    63 | Los demás artículos textiles confeccionados; juegos; prendería y trapos | | |

    6301 | Mantas. | | |

    6301.10.00 | — Mantas eléctricas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6301.20.00 | — Mantas de lana o pelo fino (excepto las eléctricas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6301.30.00 | — Mantas de algodón (excepto las eléctricas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6301.40.00 | — Mantas de fibras sintéticas (excepto las eléctricas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6301.90.00 | — Las demás mantas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302 | Ropa de cama, mesa, tocador o cocina. | | |

    6302.10.00 | — Ropa de cama, de punto | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás ropas de cama, estampadas: | | |

    6302.21 | — — De algodón: | | |

    6302.21.10 | — — — Sábanas y fundas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.21.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.22 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    6302.22.10 | — — — Sábanas y fundas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.22.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.29 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6302.29.10 | — — — Sábanas y fundas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.29.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás ropas de cama: | | |

    6302.31 | — — De algodón: | | |

    6302.31.10 | — — — Sábanas y fundas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.31.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.32 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    6302.32.10 | — — — Sábanas y fundas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.32.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.39 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6302.39.10 | — — — Sábanas y fundas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.39.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.40.00 | — Ropa de mesa, de punto | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás ropas de mesa: | | |

    6302.51.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.52.00 | — — De lino | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.53.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.59.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.60 | — Ropa de tocador o cocina, de tejido con bucles del tipo toalla, de algodón: | | |

    — — Toallas: | | |

    6302.60.11 | — — Juegos o surtidos de toallas de diferentes dimensiones, acondicionados para la venta al por menor | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.60.12 | — — — Toallas cuya mayor dimensión sea inferior o igual a 50 cms | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.60.13 | — — — Toallas cuya mayor dimensión sea superior a 50 cms pero inferior o igual a 60 cms | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.60.14 | — — — Toallas cuya mayor dimensión sea superior a 60 cms pero inferior o igual a 160 cms | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.60.19 | — — — Las demás toallas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Las demás: | | |

    6302.60.91 | — — — Ropa de cocina | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.60.99 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    6302.91 | — — De algodón: | | |

    6302.91.10 | — — — Ropa de cocina | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.91.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.92 | — — De lino: | | |

    6302.92.10 | — — — Toallas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.92.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.93 | — — De fibras sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    6302.93.10 | — — — Toallas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.93.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.99 | — — De las demás materias textiles: | | |

    6302.99.10 | — — — Toallas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6302.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6303 | Visillos y cortinas; guardamalletas y rodapiés de cama. | | |

    — De punto: | | |

    6303.11.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6303.12.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6303.19.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6303.91.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6303.92 | — — De fibras sintéticas: | | |

    6303.92.10 | — — — Confeccionadas con telas de los ítemes 54076111; 54076112; 54076113 o 54076114 | 6 | Year 0 |

    6303.92.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6303.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6304 | Los demás artículos de tapicería, excepto los de la partida 9404. | | |

    — Colchas: | | |

    6304.11.00 | — — De punto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6304.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6304.91.00 | — — De punto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6304.92.00 | — — De algodón, excepto de punto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6304.93.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas, excepto de punto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6304.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles, excepto de punto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6305 | Sacos (bolsas) y talegas, para envasar. | | |

    6305.10.00 | — De yute o demás fibras textiles del líber de la partida 5303 | 6 | Year 0 |

    6305.20.00 | — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De materias textiles sintéticas o artificiales: | | |

    6305.32.00 | — — Continentes intermedios flexibles para productos a granel | 6 | Year 0 |

    6305.33 | — — Los demás, de tiras o formas similares, de polietileno o polipropileno: | | |

    6305.33.10 | — — — De polietileno | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — De polipropileno: | | |

    6305.33.21 | — — — — Con capacidad de carga inferior o igual a 50 kilos neto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6305.33.22 | — — — — Con capacidad de carga superior a 50 kilos neto pero inferior o igual a 1000 kilos neto | 6 | Year 0 |

    6305.33.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6305.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6305.90.00 | — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6306 | Toldos de cualquier clase; tiendas (carpas); velas para embarcaciones, deslizadores o vehículos terrestres; artículos de acampar. | | |

    — Toldos de cualquier clase: | | |

    6306.11.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6306.12.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6306.19.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Tiendas (carpas): | | |

    6306.21.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6306.22 | — — De fibras sintéticas: | | |

    6306.22.10 | — — — De nailon | 6 | Year 0 |

    6306.22.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6306.29.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Velas: | | |

    6306.31.00 | — — De fibras sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6306.39.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Colchones neumáticos: | | |

    6306.41.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6306.49.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6306.91.00 | — — De algodón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6306.99.00 | — — De las demás materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6307 | Los demás artículos confeccionados, incluidos los patrones para prendas de vestir. | | |

    6307.10.00 | — Paños de fregar o lavar (bayetas, paños rejilla), franelas y articulos similares para limpieza | 6 | Year 0 |

    6307.20.00 | — Cinturones y chalecos salvavidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6307.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6308.00.00 | Juegos constituidos por piezas de tejido e hilados, incluso con accesorios, para la confección de alfombras, tapicería, manteles o servilletas bordados o de artículos textiles similares, en envases para la venta al por menor. | 6 | Year 0 |

    6309 | Artículos de prendería. | | |

    6309.00.10 | — Abrigos, chaquetones e impermeables | 6 | Year 7 |

    6309.00.20 | — Chaquetas y parkas | 6 | Year 7 |

    6309.00.30 | — Trajes (ternos) y trajes sastre | 6 | Year 7 |

    6309.00.40 | — Pantalones | 6 | Year 7 |

    6309.00.50 | — Faldas y vestidos | 6 | Year 7 |

    6309.00.60 | — Conjuntos incluso los de deporte y recreación | 6 | Year 7 |

    6309.00.70 | — Camisas y blusas | 6 | Year 7 |

    6309.00.80 | — Ropa interior | 6 | Year 7 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    6309.00.91 | — — Ropa de cama | 6 | Year 7 |

    6309.00.92 | — — Calzado | 6 | Year 7 |

    6309.00.93 | — — Medias, calcetines y similares | 6 | Year 7 |

    6309.00.94 | — — Suéteres, jerseys, pullovers | 6 | Year 7 |

    6309.00.99 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    6310 | Trapos; cordeles, cuerdas y cordajes, de materia textil, en desperdicios o en artículos inservibles. | | |

    6310.10.00 | — Clasificados | 6 | Year 0 |

    6310.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    64 | Calzado, polainas y artículos análogos; partes de estos artículos | | |

    6401 | Calzado impermeable con suela y parte superior de caucho o plástico, cuya parte superior no se haya unido a la suela por costura o por medio de remaches, clavos, tornillos, espigas o dispositivos similares, ni se haya formado con diferentes partes unidas de la misma manera. | | |

    6401.10.00 | — Calzado con puntera metálica para protección | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás calzados: | | |

    6401.91.00 | — — Que cubran la rodilla | 6 | Year 0 |

    6401.92.00 | — — Que cubran el tobillo sin cubrir la rodilla | 6 | Year 0 |

    6401.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    6401.99.10 | — — — Utilizado sobre otro calzado | 6 | Year 0 |

    6401.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402 | Los demás calzados con suela y parte superior de caucho o plástico. | | |

    — Calzado de deporte: | | |

    6402.12 | — — Calzado de esquí y calzado para la práctica de "snowboard" (tabla para nieve): | | |

    6402.12.10 | — — — Calzado de esquí | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.12.20 | — — — Calzado para la práctica de "snowboard" (tabla para nieve) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    6402.19.10 | — — — Para golf, caminata, trote o curling | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.19.20 | — — — Para soccer, otro tipo de football, baseball o bowling | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.20 | — Calzado con la parte superior de tiras o bridas fijas a la suela por tetones (espigas): | | |

    6402.20.10 | — — Con parte superior y suela de caucho | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.20.20 | — — Con parte superior y suela de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.20.30 | — — Con parte superior de caucho y suela de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.30.00 | — Los demás calzados, con puntera metálica para protección | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás calzados: | | |

    6402.91 | — — Que cubran el tobillo: | | |

    6402.91.10 | — — — Con parte superior y suela de caucho | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.91.20 | — — — Con parte superior y suela de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.91.30 | — — — Con parte superior de caucho y suela de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.91.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Calzado asegurado al pie por correas o cintas (calzado abierto): | | |

    6402.99.11 | — — — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.99.12 | — — — — Para hombres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.99.13 | — — — — Para mujeres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    6402.99.91 | — — — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.99.92 | — — — — Para hombres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6402.99.93 | — — — — Para mujeres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403 | Calzado con suela de caucho, plástico, cuero natural o regenerado y parte superior de cuero natural. | | |

    — Calzado de deporte: | | |

    6403.12.00 | — — Calzado de esquí y calzado para la práctica de "snowboard" (tabla para nieve) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    6403.19.10 | — — — Para cabalgata, golf, caminata, montañismo, curling, bowling, skating o training | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.19.20 | — — — Para soccer, otro tipo de football o baseball | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.20.00 | — Calzado con suela de cuero natural y parte superior de tiras de cuero natural que pasan por el empeine y rodean el dedo gordo | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.30.00 | — Calzado con palmilla o plataforma de madera, sin plantillas ni puntera metálica para protección | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.40.00 | — Los demás calzados, con puntera metálica para protección | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás calzados, con suela de cuero natural: | | |

    6403.51 | — — Que cubran el tobillo: | | |

    6403.51.10 | — — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm: | | |

    6403.51.21 | — — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.51.22 | — — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.59 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Calzado asegurado al pie por correas o cintas (calzado abierto): | | |

    6403.59.11 | — — — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.59.12 | — — — — Para hombres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.59.13 | — — — — Para mujeres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    6403.59.91 | — — — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.59.92 | — — — — Para hombres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.59.93 | — — — — Para mujeres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás calzados: | | |

    6403.91 | — — Que cubran el tobillo: | | |

    — — — Botín: | | |

    6403.91.11 | — — — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.91.12 | — — — — Para hombres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.91.13 | — — — — Para mujeres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Bota media caña: | | |

    6403.91.21 | — — — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.91.22 | — — — — Para hombres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.91.23 | — — — — Para mujeres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    6403.91.91 | — — — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.91.92 | — — — — Para hombres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.91.93 | — — — — Para mujeres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Calzado asegurado al pie por correas o cintas (calzado abierto): | | |

    6403.99.11 | — — — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.99.12 | — — — — Para hombres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.99.13 | — — — — Para mujeres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    6403.99.91 | — — — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.99.92 | — — — — Para hombres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6403.99.93 | — — — — Para mujeres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404 | Calzado con suela de caucho, plástico, cuero natural o regenerado y parte superior de materia textil. | | |

    — Calzado con suela de caucho o plástico: | | |

    6404.11 | — — Calzado de deporte; calzado de tenis, baloncesto, gimnasia, entrenamiento y calzados similares: | | |

    6404.11.10 | — — — Para caminata, con suela de caucho y parte superior de materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404.11.20 | — — — Para caminata, con suela de plástico y parte superior de materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404.11.30 | — — — Para soccer, training o tenis, con suela de caucho y parte superior de materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404.11.40 | — — — Para soccer, training o tenis, con suela de plástico y parte superior de materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    6404.19.10 | — — — Zapatos y sandalias con suela de plástico y parte superior de materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404.19.20 | — — — Zapatos y sandalias con suela de caucho y parte superior de materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404.20 | — Calzado con suela de cuero natural o regenerado: | | |

    — — Calzado asegurado al pie por correas o cintas (calzado abierto): | | |

    6404.20.11 | — — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404.20.12 | — — — Para hombres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404.20.13 | — — — Para mujeres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    6404.20.91 | — — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404.20.92 | — — — Para hombres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6404.20.93 | — — — Para mujeres, con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6405 | Los demás calzados. | | |

    6405.10 | — Con la parte superior de cuero natural o regenerado: | | |

    6405.10.10 | — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm: | | |

    6405.10.21 | — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6405.10.22 | — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6405.20 | — Con la parte superior de materia textil: | | |

    6405.20.10 | — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm: | | |

    6405.20.21 | — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6405.20.22 | — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6405.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    6405.90.10 | — — Con plantilla de longitud inferior a 24 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Con plantilla de longitud superior o igual a 24 cm: | | |

    6405.90.21 | — — — Para hombres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6405.90.22 | — — — Para mujeres | 6 | Year 0 |

    6406 | Partes de calzado (incluidas las partes superiores fijadas a las palmillas distintas de la suela); plantillas, taloneras y artículos similares, amovibles; polainas y artículos similares, y sus partes. | | |

    6406.10.00 | — Partes superiores de calzado y sus partes, excepto los contrafuertes y punteras duras | 6 | Year 0 |

    6406.20 | — Suelas y tacones (tacos)*, de caucho o plástico: | | |

    6406.20.10 | — — Suelas de caucho | 6 | Year 0 |

    6406.20.20 | — — Suelas de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    6406.20.30 | — — Tacones (tacos)*, de caucho | 6 | Year 0 |

    6406.20.40 | — — Tacones (tacos)*, de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6406.91.00 | — — De madera | 6 | Year 0 |

    6406.99.00 | — — De las demás materias | 6 | Year 0 |

    65 | Sombreros, demás tocados y sus partes | | |

    6501.00.00 | Cascos sin forma ni acabado, platos (discos) y cilindros aunque estén cortados en el sentido de la altura, de fieltro, para sombreros. | 6 | Year 0 |

    6502.00.00 | Cascos para sombreros, trenzados o fabricados por unión de tiras de cualquier materia, sin formar, acabar ni guarnecer. | 6 | Year 0 |

    6503.00.00 | Sombreros y demás tocados de fieltro, fabricados con cascos o platos de la partida 6501, incluso guarnecidos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    6504.00.00 | Sombreros y demás tocados, trenzados o fabricados por unión de tiras de cualquier materia, incluso guarnecidos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    6505 | Sombreros y demás tocados, de punto o confeccionados con encaje, fieltro u otro producto textil, en pieza (pero no en tiras), incluso guarnecidos; redecillas para el cabello, de cualquier materia, incluso guarnecidas. | | |

    6505.10.00 | — Redecillas para el cabello | 6 | Year 0 |

    6505.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6506 | Los demás sombreros y tocados, incluso guarnecidos. | | |

    6506.10.00 | — Cascos de seguridad | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6506.91.00 | — — De caucho o plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    6506.92.00 | — — De peletería natural | 6 | Year 0 |

    6506.99.00 | — — De las demás materias | 6 | Year 0 |

    6507.00.00 | Desudadores, forros, fundas, armaduras, viseras y barboquejos (barbijos), para sombreros y demás tocados. | 6 | Year 0 |

    66 | Paraguas, sombrillas, quitasoles, bastones, bastones asiento, látigos, fustas, y sus partes | | |

    6601 | Paraguas, sombrillas y quitasoles (incluidos los paraguas bastón, los quitasoles toldo y artículos similares). | | |

    6601.10.00 | — Quitasoles toldo y artículos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6601.91 | — — Con astil o mango telescópico: | | |

    6601.91.10 | — — — Paraguas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6601.91.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6601.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    6601.99.10 | — — — Paraguas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6601.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6602.00.00 | Bastones, bastones asiento, látigos, fustas y artículos similares. | 6 | Year 0 |

    6603 | Partes, guarniciones y accesorios para los artículos de las partidas 6601 ó 6602. | | |

    6603.10.00 | — Puños y pomos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6603.20.00 | — Monturas ensambladas, incluso con el astil o mango, para paraguas, sombrillas o quitasoles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6603.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    67 | Plumas y plumón preparados y artículos de plumas o plumón; flores artificiales; manufacturas de cabello | | |

    6701 | Pieles y demás partes de ave con sus plumas o plumón; plumas, partes de plumas, plumón y artículos de estas materias, excepto los productos de la partida 0505 y los cañones y astiles de plumas, trabajados. | | |

    6701.00.10 | — Artículos de pluma o plumón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6701.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6702 | Flores, follaje y frutos, artificiales, y sus partes; artículos confeccionados con flores, follaje o frutos, artificiales. | | |

    6702.10.00 | — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    6702.90.00 | — De las demás materias | 6 | Year 0 |

    6703.00.00 | Cabello peinado, afinado, blanqueado o preparado de otra forma; lana, pelo u otra materia textil, preparados para la fabricación de pelucas o artículos similares. | 6 | Year 0 |

    6704 | Pelucas, barbas, cejas, pestañas, mechones y artículos análogos, de cabello, pelo o materia textil; manufacturas de cabello no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte. | | |

    — De materias textiles sintéticas: | | |

    6704.11.00 | — — Pelucas que cubran toda la cabeza | 6 | Year 0 |

    6704.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6704.20.00 | — De cabello | 6 | Year 0 |

    6704.90.00 | — De las demás materias | 6 | Year 0 |

    68 | Manufacturas de piedra, yeso fraguable, cemento, amianto (asbesto), mica o materias análogas | | |

    6801.00.00 | Adoquines, encintados (bordillos)* y losas para pavimentos, de piedra natural (excepto la pizarra). | 6 | Year 0 |

    6802 | Piedras de talla o de construcción trabajadas (excluida la pizarra) y sus manufacturas, excepto las de la partida 6801; cubos, dados y artículos similares para mosaicos, de piedra natural (incluida la pizarra), aunque estén sobre soporte; gránulos, tasquiles (fragmentos) y polvo de piedra natural (incluida la pizarra), coloreados artificialmente. | | |

    6802.10.00 | — Losetas, cubos, dados y artículos similares, incluso de forma distinta a la cuadrada o rectangular, en los que la superficie mayor pueda inscribirse en un cuadrado de lado inferior a 7 cm; gránulos, tasquiles (fragmentos) y polvo, coloreados artificialmente | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás piedras de talla o de construcción y sus manufacturas, simplemente talladas o aserradas, con superficie plana o lisa: | | |

    6802.21.00 | — — Mármol, travertinos y alabastro | 6 | Year 0 |

    6802.22.00 | — — Las demás piedras calizas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6802.23.00 | — — Granito | 6 | Year 0 |

    6802.29.00 | — — Las demás piedras | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    6802.91.00 | — — Mármol, travertinos y alabastro | 6 | Year 0 |

    6802.92.00 | — — Las demás piedras calizas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6802.93.00 | — — Granito | 6 | Year 0 |

    6802.99.00 | — — Las demás piedras | 6 | Year 0 |

    6803.00.00 | Pizarra natural trabajada y manufacturas de pizarra natural o aglomerada. | 6 | Year 0 |

    6804 | Muelas y artículos similares, sin bastidor, de moler, desfibrar, triturar, afilar, pulir, rectificar, cortar o trocear, piedras de afilar o pulir a mano, y sus partes, de piedra natural, de abrasivos naturales o artificiales aglomerados o de cerámica, incluso con partes de otras materias. | | |

    6804.10 | — Muelas de moler o desfibrar: | | |

    6804.10.10 | — — De piedras naturales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6804.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás muelas y artículos similares: | | |

    6804.21.00 | — — De diamante natural o sintético, aglomerado | 6 | Year 0 |

    6804.22 | — — De los demás abrasivos aglomerados o de cerámica: | | |

    6804.22.10 | — — — Obtenidos por aglomerado con resinas sintéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6804.22.20 | — — — Muelas de abrasivos naturales o artificiales aglomerados | 6 | Year 0 |

    6804.22.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6804.23.00 | — — De piedras naturales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6804.30 | — Piedras de afilar o pulir a mano: | | |

    6804.30.10 | — — De piedras naturales | 6 | Year 0 |

    6804.30.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6805 | Abrasivos naturales o artificiales en polvo o gránulos con soporte de materia textil, papel, cartón u otras materias, incluso recortados, cosidos o unidos de otra forma. | | |

    6805.10.00 | — Con soporte constituido solamente por tejido de materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    6805.20.00 | — Con soporte constituido solamente por papel o cartón | 6 | Year 0 |

    6805.30.00 | — Con soporte de otras materias | 6 | Year 0 |

    6806 | Lana de escoria, de roca y lanas minerales similares; vermiculita dilatada, arcilla dilatada, espuma de escoria y productos minerales similares dilatados; mezclas y manufacturas de materias minerales para aislamiento térmico o acústico o para la absorción del sonido, excepto las de las partidas 6811, 6812 ó del Capítulo 69. | | |

    6806.10.00 | — Lana de escoria, de roca y lanas minerales similares, incluso mezcladas entre sí, en masa, hojas o enrolladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6806.20.00 | — Vermiculita dilatada, arcilla dilatada, espuma de escoria y productos minerales similares dilatados, incluso mezclados entre sí | 6 | Year 0 |

    6806.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    6806.90.10 | — — Manufacturas de fibras refractarias de aluminosilicatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6806.90.20 | — — Hojas que contengan fibras vegetales, en rollos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6806.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6807 | Manufacturas de asfalto o de productos similares (por ejemplo: pez de petróleo, brea). | | |

    6807.10.00 | — En rollos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6807.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6808.00.00 | Paneles, placas, losetas, bloques y artículos similares, de fibra vegetal, paja o viruta, de plaquitas o partículas, o de aserrín o demás desperdicios de madera, aglomerados con cemento, yeso fraguable o demás aglutinantes minerales. | 6 | Year 0 |

    6809 | Manufacturas de yeso fraguable o de preparaciones a base de yeso fraguable. | | |

    — Placas, hojas, paneles, losetas y artículos similares, sin adornos: | | |

    6809.11 | — — Revestidos o reforzados exclusivamente con papel o cartón: | | |

    6809.11.10 | — — — Placas revestidas o reforzadas con papel | 6 | Year 0 |

    6809.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6809.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6809.90.00 | — Las demás manufacturas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6810 | Manufacturas de cemento, hormigón o piedra artificial, incluso armadas. | | |

    — Tejas, losetas, losas, ladrillos y artículos similares: | | |

    6810.11.00 | — — Bloques y ladrillos para la construcción | 6 | Year 0 |

    6810.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás manufacturas: | | |

    6810.91.00 | — — Elementos prefabricados para la construcción o ingeniería civil | 6 | Year 0 |

    6810.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6811 | Manufacturas de amiantocemento, celulosacemento o similares. | | |

    6811.10.00 | — Placas onduladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6811.20.00 | — Las demás placas, paneles, losetas, tejas y artículos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    6811.30.00 | — Tubos, fundas y accesorios para tubería | 6 | Year 0 |

    6811.90.00 | — Las demás manufacturas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6812 | Amianto (asbesto) en fibras trabajado; mezclas a base de amianto o a base de amianto y carbonato de magnesio; manufacturas de estas mezclas o de amianto (por ejemplo: hilados, tejidos, prendas de vestir, sombreros y demás tocados, calzado, juntas), incluso armadas, excepto las de las partidas 6811 ó 6813. | | |

    6812.50.00 | — Prendas y complementos (accesorios), de vestir, calzado y sombreros y demás tocados | 6 | Year 0 |

    6812.60.00 | — Papel, cartón y fieltro | 6 | Year 0 |

    6812.70.00 | — Hojas de amianto y elastómeros, comprimidos, para juntas o empaquetaduras, incluso en rollos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6812.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6813 | Guarniciones de fricción (por ejemplo: hojas, rollos, tiras, segmentos, discos, arandelas, plaquitas) sin montar, para frenos, embragues o cualquier órgano de frotamiento, a base de amianto (asbesto), de otras sustancias minerales o de celulosa, incluso combinados con textiles u otras materias. | | |

    6813.10 | — Guarniciones para frenos: | | |

    6813.10.10 | — — En rollos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6813.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6813.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6814 | Mica trabajada y manufacturas de mica, incluida la aglomerada o reconstituida, incluso con soporte de papel, cartón u otras materias. | | |

    6814.10.00 | — Placas, hojas y tiras de mica aglomerada o reconstituida, incluso con soporte | 6 | Year 0 |

    6814.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6815 | Manufacturas de piedra o demás materias minerales (incluidas las fibras de carbono y sus manufacturas y las manufacturas de turba), no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte. | | |

    6815.10.00 | — Manufacturas de grafito o de otros carbonos, para usos distintos de los eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    6815.20.00 | — Manufacturas de turba | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás manufacturas: | | |

    6815.91.00 | — — Que contengan magnesita, dolomita o cromita | 6 | Year 0 |

    6815.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    6815.99.10 | — — — De materias refractarias, aglomeradas químicamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    6815.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    69 | Productos cerámicos | | |

    6901.00.00 | Ladrillos, placas, baldosas y demás piezas cerámicas de harinas silíceas fósiles (por ejemplo: "Kieselguhr", tripolita, diatomita) o de tierras silíceas análogas. | 6 | Year 5 |

    6902 | Ladrillos, placas, baldosas y piezas cerámicas análogas para construcción, refractarios, excepto los de harinas silíceas fósiles o de tierras silíceas análogas. | | |

    6902.10.00 | — Con un contenido de los elementos Mg (magnesio), Ca (calcio) o Cr (cromo), considerados aislada o conjuntamente, superior al 50 % en peso, expresados en MgO (óxido de magnesio), CaO (óxido de calcio) u Cr2 O3 (óxido crómico) | 6 | Year 0 |

    6902.20.00 | — Con un contenido de alúmina (Al2 O3 ), de sílice (SiO2) o de una mezcla o combinación de estos productos, superior al 50 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    6902.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6903 | Los demás artículos cerámicos refractarios (por ejemplo: retortas, crisoles, muflas, toberas, tapones, soportes, copelas, tubos, fundas, varillas), excepto los de harinas siliceas fósiles o de tierras silíceas análogas. | | |

    6903.10 | — Con un contenido de grafito u otro carbono o de una mezcla de estos productos, superior al 50 % en peso: | | |

    6903.10.10 | — — Retortas y crisoles | 6 | Year 5 |

    6903.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    6903.20 | — Con un contenido de alúmina (Al2 O3) o de una mezcla o combinación de alúmina y de sílice (SiO2), superior al 50 % en peso: | | |

    6903.20.10 | — — Retortas y crisoles | 6 | Year 0 |

    6903.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    6903.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    6903.90.10 | — — Retortas y crisoles | 6 | Year 5 |

    6903.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    6904 | Ladrillos para construcción, bovedillas, cubrevigas y artículos similares, de cerámica. | | |

    6904.10.00 | — Ladrillos para construcción | 6 | Year 0 |

    6904.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6905 | Tejas, elementos de chimenea, conductos de humo, ornamentos arquitectónicos y demás artículos cerámicos para construcción. | | |

    6905.10.00 | — Tejas | 6 | Year 0 |

    6905.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6906.00.00 | Tubos, canalones y accesorios para tubería, de cerámica. | 6 | Year 0 |

    6907 | Placas y baldosas, de cerámica, sin barnizar ni esmaltar, para pavimentación o revestimiento; cubos, dados y artículos similares, de cerámica, para mosaicos, sin barnizar ni esmaltar, incluso con soporte. | | |

    6907.10.00 | — Plaquitas, cubos, dados y artículos similares, incluso de forma distinta de la cuadrada o rectangular, en los que la superficie mayor pueda inscribirse en un cuadrado de lado inferior a 7 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6907.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6908 | Placas y baldosas, de cerámica, barnizadas o esmaltadas, para pavimentacion o revestimiento; cubos, dados y artículos similares, de cerámica, para mosaicos, barnizados o esmaltados, incluso con soporte. | | |

    6908.10.00 | — Plaquitas, cubos, dados y artículos similares, incluso de forma distinta de la cuadrada o rectangular, en los que la superficie mayor pueda inscribirse en un cuadrado de lado inferior a 7 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6908.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    — — De gres: | | |

    6908.90.11 | — — — Baldosas, incluso de forma distinta de la cuadrada o rectangular, en las que la superficie mayor pueda inscribirse en un cuadrado de lado superior o igual a 7cm pero inferior a 15 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6908.90.12 | — — — Baldosas, incluso de forma distinta de la cuadrada o rectangular, en las que la superficie mayor pueda inscribirse en un cuadrado de lado superior o igual a 15cm pero inferior a 30 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6908.90.13 | — — — Baldosas, incluso de forma distinta de la cuadrada o rectangular, en las que la superficie mayor pueda inscribirse en un cuadrado de lado superior o igual a 30 cm pero inferior a 50 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6908.90.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — De loza o barro: | | |

    6908.90.21 | — — — Baldosas, incluso de forma distinta de la cuadrada o rectangular, en las que la superficie mayor pueda inscribirse en un cuadrado de lado superior o igual a 7 cm pero inferior a 20 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    6908.90.29 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6908.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6909 | Aparatos y artículos, de cerámica, para usos químicos o demás usos técnicos; abrevaderos, pilas y recipientes similares, de cerámica, para uso rural; cántaros y recipientes similares, de cerámica, para transporte o envasado. | | |

    — Aparatos y artículos para usos químicos o demás usos técnicos: | | |

    6909.11.00 | — — De porcelana | 6 | Year 0 |

    6909.12.00 | — — Artículos con una dureza equivalente a 9 o superior en la escala de Mohs | 6 | Year 0 |

    6909.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    6909.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    6910 | Fregaderos (piletas de lavar), lavabos, pedestales de lavabo, bañeras, bidés, inodoros, cisternas (depósitos de agua) para inodoros, urinarios y aparatos fijos similares, de cerámica, para usos sanitarios. | | |

    6910.10.00 | — De porcelana | 6 | Year 5 |

    6910.90 | — Los demás | | |

    6910.90.30 | — — Tazas de retretes | 6 | Year 5 |

    6910.90.40 | — — Estanques | 6 | Year 5 |

    6910.90.50 | — — Fregaderos, lavabos y pedestales | 6 | Year 5 |

    6910.90.60 | — — Bañeras | 6 | Year 5 |

    6910.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    6911 | Vajilla y demás artículos para uso doméstico, higiene o tocador, de porcelana. | | |

    6911.10 | — Artículos para el servicio de mesa o cocina: | | |

    6911.10.10 | — — De porcelana de huesos | 6 | Year 5 |

    6911.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    6911.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    6912 | Vajilla y demás artículos para uso doméstico, higiene o tocador, de cerámica, excepto porcelana. | | |

    6912.00.10 | — De gres | 6 | Year 5 |

    6912.00.20 | — De loza o barro | 6 | Year 5 |

    6912.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    6913 | Estatuillas y demás artículos para adorno, de cerámica. | | |

    6913.10.00 | — De porcelana | 6 | Year 5 |

    6913.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    6914 | Las demás manufacturas de cerámica. | | |

    6914.10.00 | — De porcelana | 6 | Year 0 |

    6914.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    70 | Vidrio y sus manufacturas | | |

    7001.00.00 | Desperdicios y desechos de vidrio; vidrio en masa. | 6 | Year 5 |

    7002 | Vidrio en bolas (excepto las microesferas de la partida 7018), barras, varillas o tubos, sin trabajar. | | |

    7002.10.00 | — Bolas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7002.20.00 | — Barras o varillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Tubos: | | |

    7002.31.00 | — — De cuarzo o demás sílices fundidos | 6 | Year 5 |

    7002.32.00 | — — De otro vidrio con un coeficiente de dilatación lineal inferior o igual a 5 × 10−6 por Kelvin, entre 0 °C y 300 °C | 6 | Year 5 |

    7002.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7003 | Vidrio colado o laminado, en placas, hojas o perfiles, incluso con capa absorbente, reflectante o antirreflectante, pero sin trabajar de otro modo. | | |

    — Placas y hojas, sin armar: | | |

    7003.12.00 | — — Coloreadas en la masa, opacificadas, chapadas o con capa absorbente, reflectante o antirreflectante | 6 | Year 0 |

    7003.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    7003.20.00 | — Placas y hojas, armadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7003.30.00 | — Perfiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    7004 | Vidrio estirado o soplado, en hojas, incluso con capa absorbente, reflectante o antirreflectante, pero sin trabajar de otro modo. | | |

    7004.20.00 | — Vidrio coloreado en la masa, opacificado, chapado o con capa absorbente, reflectante o antirreflectante | 6 | Year 0 |

    7004.90.00 | — Los demás vidrios | 6 | Year 0 |

    7005 | Vidrio flotado y vidrio desbastado o pulido por una o las dos caras, en placas u hojas, incluso con capa absorbente, reflectante o antirreflectante, pero sin trabajar de otro modo. | | |

    7005.10.00 | — Vidrio sin armar con capa absorbente, reflectante o antirreflectante | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Los demás vidrios sin armar: | | |

    7005.21 | — — Coloreados en la masa, opacificados, chapados o simplemente desbastados: | | |

    7005.21.10 | — — — De espesor inferior o igual a 3,5 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7005.21.20 | — — — De espesor superior a 3,5 mm pero inferior o igual a 4,5 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7005.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7005.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    7005.29.10 | — — — Flotado, de espesor inferior o igual a 3,5 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7005.29.20 | — — — Flotado, de espesor superior a 3,5 mm pero inferior o igual a 4,5 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7005.29.30 | — — — Flotado de espesor superior a 4,5 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7005.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7005.30.00 | — Vidrio armado | 6 | Year 0 |

    7006.00.00 | Vidrio de las partidas 7003, 7004 ó 7005, curvado, biselado, grabado, taladrado, esmaltado o trabajado de otro modo, pero sin enmarcar ni combinar con otras materias. | 6 | Year 5 |

    7007 | Vidrio de seguridad constituido por vidrio templado o contrachapado. | | |

    — Vidrio templado: | | |

    7007.11.00 | — — De dimensiones y formatos que permitan su empleo en automóviles, aeronaves, barcos u otros vehículos | 6 | Year 5 |

    7007.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Vidrio contrachapado: | | |

    7007.21.00 | — — De dimensiones y formatos que permitan su empleo en automóviles, aeronaves, barcos u otros vehículos | 6 | Year 5 |

    7007.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    7008.00.00 | Vidrieras aislantes de paredes múltiples. | 6 | Year 5 |

    7009 | Espejos de vidrio, enmarcados o no, incluidos los espejos retrovisores. | | |

    7009.10.00 | — Espejos retrovisores para vehículos | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    7009.91 | — — Sin enmarcar: | | |

    7009.91.10 | — — — Con superficie reflectora inferior o igual a 1000 cm2 | 6 | Year 5 |

    7009.91.20 | — — — Con superficie reflectora superior a 1000 cm2 | 6 | Year 5 |

    7009.92.00 | — — Enmarcados | 6 | Year 5 |

    7010 | Bombonas (damajuanas), botellas, frascos, bocales, tarros, envases tubulares, ampollas y demás recipientes para el transporte o envasado, de vidrio; bocales para conservas, de vidrio; tapones, tapas y demás dispositivos de cierre, de vidrio. | | |

    7010.10.00 | — Ampollas | 6 | Year 5 |

    7010.20.00 | — Tapones, tapas y demás dispositivos de cierre | 6 | Year 5 |

    7010.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    7010.90.10 | — — Botellas para bebidas, de capacidad superior a 1 l | 6 | Year 5 |

    7010.90.20 | — — Botellas para bebidas, de capacidad superior a 0,33 l pero inferior o igual a 1 l | 6 | Year 5 |

    7010.90.30 | — — Botellas para bebidas, de capacidad superior a 0,15 l pero inferior o igual a 0,33 l | 6 | Year 5 |

    7010.90.40 | — — Botellas para bebidas de capacidad inferior o igual a 0,15 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    7010.90.50 | — — Frascos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7010.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7011 | Ampollas y envolturas tubulares, abiertas, y sus partes, de vidrio, sin guarniciones, para lámparas eléctricas, tubos catódicos o similares. | | |

    7011.10.00 | — Para alumbrado eléctrico | 6 | Year 5 |

    7011.20 | — Para tubos catódicos: | | |

    7011.20.10 | — — Conos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7011.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7011.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7012.00.00 | Ampollas de vidrio para termos o demás recipientes isotérmicos aislados por vacío. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7013 | Artículos de vidrio para servicio de mesa, cocina, tocador, oficina, para adorno de interiores o usos similares, excepto los de las partidas 7010 ó 7018. | | |

    7013.10.00 | — Artículos de vitrocerámica | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Recipientes para beber (por ejemplo: vasos, jarros), excepto los de vitrocerámica: | | |

    7013.21.00 | — — De cristal al plomo | 6 | Year 5 |

    7013.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    7013.29.10 | — — — De vidrio templado | 6 | Year 5 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    7013.29.91 | — — — — Hechos a mano, tallados o decorados de otro modo | 6 | Year 5 |

    7013.29.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Artículos para servicio de mesa (excluidos los recipientes para beber) o cocina, excepto los de vitrocerámica: | | |

    7013.31.00 | — — De cristal al plomo | 6 | Year 5 |

    7013.32.00 | — — De vidrio con un coeficiente de dilatación lineal inferior o igual 5 × 10−6 por Kelvin, entre 0 °C y 300 °C | 6 | Year 0 |

    7013.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    7013.39.10 | — — — De vidrio templado | 6 | Year 0 |

    7013.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás artículos: | | |

    7013.91.00 | — — De cristal al plomo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7013.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7014.00.00 | Vidrio para señalización y elementos de óptica de vidrio (excepto los de la partida 7015), sin trabajar ópticamente. | 6 | Year 5 |

    7015 | Cristales para relojes y cristales análogos, cristales para gafas (anteojos), incluso correctores, abombados, curvados, ahuecados o similares, sin trabajar ópticamente; esferas huecas y sus segmentos (casquetes esféricos), de vidrio, para la fabricación de estos cristales. | | |

    7015.10.00 | — Cristales correctores para gafas (anteojos) | 6 | Year 5 |

    7015.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    7016 | Adoquines, baldosas, ladrillos, placas, tejas y demás artículos, de vidrio prensado o moldeado, incluso armado, para la construccion; cubos, dados y demás artículos similares, de vidrio, incluso con soporte, para mosaicos o decoraciones similares; vidrieras artísticas (vitrales, incluso de vidrios incoloros); vidrio multicelular o vidrio "espuma", en bloques, paneles, placas, coquillas o formas similares. | | |

    7016.10.00 | — Cubos, dados y demás artículos similares, de vidrio, incluso con soporte, para mosaicos o decoraciones similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    7016.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    7017 | Artículos de vidrio para laboratorio, higiene o farmacia, incluso graduados o calibrados. | | |

    7017.10.00 | — De cuarzo o demás sílices fundidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7017.20.00 | — De otro vidrio con un coeficiente de dilatación lineal inferior o igual a 5 × 10−6 por Kelvin, entre 0 °C y 300 °C | 6 | Year 0 |

    7017.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7018 | Cuentas de vidrio, imitaciones de perlas, de piedras preciosas o semipreciosas y artículos similares de abalorio, y sus manufacturas, excepto la bisutería; ojos de vidrio, excepto los de prótesis; estatuillas y demás artículos para adorno, de vidrio trabajado al soplete (vidrio ahilado), excepto la bisutería; microesferas de vidrio con un diámetro inferior o igual a 1 mm. | | |

    7018.10.00 | — Cuentas de vidrio, imitaciones de perlas, de piedras preciosas o semipreciosas y artículos similares de abalorio | 6 | Year 0 |

    7018.20.00 | — Microesferas de vidrio con un diámetro inferior o igual a 1 mm | 6 | Year 5 |

    7018.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    7019 | Fibra de vidrio (incluida la lana de vidrio) y manufacturas de esta materia (por ejemplo: hilados, tejidos). | | |

    — Mechas, "rovings" e hilados, aunque estén cortados: | | |

    7019.11.00 | — — Hilados cortados ("chopped strands"), de longitud inferior o igual a 50 mm | 6 | Year 5 |

    7019.12.00 | — — "Rovings" | 6 | Year 5 |

    7019.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Velos, napas, "mats", colchones, paneles y productos similares sin tejer: | | |

    7019.31.00 | — — "Mats" | 6 | Year 5 |

    7019.32.00 | — — Velos | 6 | Year 5 |

    7019.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    7019.40.00 | — Tejidos de "rovings" | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Los demás tejidos: | | |

    7019.51.00 | — — De anchura inferior o igual a 30 cm | 6 | Year 5 |

    7019.52.00 | — — De anchura superior a 30 cm, de ligamento tafetán, con peso inferior a 250 g/m2, de filamentos de título inferior o igual a 136 tex por hilo sencillo | 6 | Year 5 |

    7019.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    7019.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    7020.00.00 | Las demás manufacturas de vidrio. | 6 | Year 5 |

    71 | Perlas finas (naturales)* o cultivadas, piedras preciosas o semipreciosas, metales preciosos, chapados de metal precioso (plaqué) y manufacturas de estas materias; bisutería; monedas | | |

    7101 | Perlas finas (naturales)* o cultivadas, incluso trabajadas o clasificadas, pero sin ensartar, montar ni engarzar; perlas finas (naturales)* o cultivadas, ensartadas temporalmente para facilitar el transporte. | | |

    7101.10 | — Perlas finas (naturales)*: | | |

    7101.10.10 | — — Enfiladas temporalmente para facilitar el transporte | 6 | Year 0 |

    7101.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Perlas cultivadas: | | |

    7101.21.00 | — — En bruto: | 6 | Year 0 |

    7101.22 | — — Trabajadas: | | |

    7101.22.10 | — — — Enfiladas temporalmente para facilitar el transporte | 6 | Year 0 |

    7101.22.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7102 | Diamantes, incluso trabajados, sin montar ni engarzar. | | |

    7102.10.00 | — Sin clasificar | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Industriales: | | |

    7102.21.00 | — — En bruto o simplemente aserrados, exfoliados o desbastados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7102.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — No industriales: | | |

    7102.31.00 | — — En bruto o simplemente aserrados, exfoliados o desbastados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7102.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7103 | Piedras preciosas (excepto los diamantes) o semipreciosas, naturales, incluso trabajadas o clasificadas, sin ensartar, montar ni engarzar; piedras preciosas (excepto los diamantes) o semipreciosas, naturales, sin clasificar, ensartadas temporalmente para facilitar el transporte. | | |

    7103.10 | — En bruto o simplemente aserradas o desbastadas: | | |

    7103.10.10 | — — Lapizlázuli | 6 | Year 0 |

    7103.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Trabajadas de otro modo: | | |

    7103.91.00 | — — Rubíes, zafiros y esmeraldas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7103.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7104 | Piedras preciosas o semipreciosas, sintéticas o reconstituidas, incluso trabajadas o clasificadas, sin ensartar, montar ni engarzar; piedras preciosas o semipreciosas, sintéticas o reconstituidas, sin clasificar, ensartadas temporalmente para facilitar el transporte. | | |

    7104.10.00 | — Cuarzo piezoeléctrico | 6 | Year 0 |

    7104.20.00 | — Las demás, en bruto o simplemente aserradas o desbastadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7104.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7105 | Polvo de piedras preciosas o semipreciosas, naturales o sintéticas. | | |

    7105.10.00 | — De diamante | 6 | Year 0 |

    7105.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7106 | Plata (incluida la plata dorada y la platinada) en bruto, semilabrada o en polvo. | | |

    7106.10.00 | — Polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    7106.91 | — — En bruto: | | |

    7106.91.10 | — — — Sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    7106.91.20 | — — — Aleada | 6 | Year 0 |

    7106.92.00 | — — Semilabrada | 6 | Year 0 |

    7107.00.00 | Chapado (plaqué) de plata sobre metal común, en bruto o semilabrado. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7108 | Oro (incluido el oro platinado) en bruto, semilabrado o en polvo. | | |

    — Para uso no monetario: | | |

    7108.11.00 | — — Polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7108.12.00 | — — Las demás formas en bruto | 6 | Year 0 |

    7108.13.00 | — — Las demás formas semilabradas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7108.20.00 | — Para uso monetario | 6 | Year 0 |

    7109.00.00 | Chapado (plaqué) de oro sobre metal común o sobre plata, en bruto o semilabrado. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7110 | Platino en bruto, semilabrado o en polvo. | | |

    — Platino: | | |

    7110.11.00 | — — En bruto o en polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7110.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Paladio: | | |

    7110.21.00 | — — En bruto o en polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7110.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Rodio: | | |

    7110.31.00 | — — En bruto o en polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7110.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Iridio, osmio y rutenio: | | |

    7110.41.00 | — — En bruto o en polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7110.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7111.00.00 | Chapado (plaqué) de platino sobre metal común, plata u oro, en bruto o semilabrado. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7112 | Desperdicios y desechos, de metal precioso o de chapado de metal precioso (plaqué); demás desperdicios y desechos que contengan metal precioso o compuestos de metal precioso, de los tipos utilizados principalmente para la recuperación del metal precioso. | | |

    7112.30.00 | — Cenizas que contengan metal precioso o compuestos de metal precioso | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    7112.91.00 | — — De oro o de chapado (plaqué) de oro, excepto las barreduras que contengan otro metal precioso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7112.92.00 | — — De platino o de chapado (plaqué) de platino, excepto las barreduras que contengan otro metal precioso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7112.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7113 | Artículos de joyería y sus partes, de metal precioso o de chapado de metal precioso (plaqué). | | |

    — De metal precioso, incluso revestido o chapado de metal precioso (plaqué): | | |

    7113.11.00 | — — De plata, incluso revestida o chapada de otro metal precioso (plaqué) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7113.19.00 | — — De los demás metales preciosos, incluso revestidos o chapados de metal precioso (plaqué) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7113.20.00 | — De chapado de metal precioso (plaqué) sobre metal común | 6 | Year 0 |

    7114 | Artículos de orfebrería y sus partes, de metal precioso o de chapado de metal precioso (plaqué). | | |

    — De metal precioso, incluso revestido o chapado de metal precioso (plaqué): | | |

    7114.11.00 | — — De plata, incluso revestida o chapada de otro metal precioso (plaqué) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7114.19.00 | — — De los demás metales preciosos, incluso revestidos o chapados de metal precioso (plaqué) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7114.20.00 | — De chapado de metal precioso (plaqué) sobre metal común | 6 | Year 0 |

    7115 | Las demás manufacturas de metal precioso o de chapado de metal precioso (plaqué). | | |

    7115.10.00 | — Catalizadores de platino en forma de tela o enrejado | 6 | Year 0 |

    7115.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7116 | Manufacturas de perlas finas (naturales)* o cultivadas, de piedras preciosas o semipreciosas (naturales, sintéticas o reconstituidas). | | |

    7116.10.00 | — De perlas finas (naturales)* o cultivadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7116.20.00 | — De piedras preciosas o semipreciosas (naturales, sintéticas o reconstituidas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7117 | Bisutería. | | |

    — De metal común, incluso plateado, dorado o platinado: | | |

    7117.11.00 | — — Gemelos y pasadores similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    7117.19 | — — Las demás: | | |

    7117.19.10 | — — — Dorados o platinados con partes de vidrio | 6 | Year 0 |

    7117.19.20 | — — — Dorados o platinados sin partes de vidrio | 6 | Year 0 |

    7117.19.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7117.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7118 | Monedas. | | |

    7118.10.00 | — Monedas sin curso legal, excepto las de oro | 6 | Year 0 |

    7118.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    72 | Fundición, hierro y acero | | |

    7201 | Fundición en bruto y fundición especular, en lingotes, bloques u otras formas primarias. | | |

    7201.10.00 | — Fundición en bruto sin alear con un contenido de fósforo inferior o igual al 0,5 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7201.20.00 | — Fundición en bruto sin alear con un contenido de fósforo superior al 0,5 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7201.50.00 | — Fundición en bruto aleada; fundición especular | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202 | Ferroaleaciones. | | |

    — Ferromanganeso: | | |

    7202.11.00 | — — Con un contenido de carbono superior al 2 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Ferrosilicio: | | |

    7202.21 | — — Con un contenido de silicio superior al 55 % en peso: | | |

    7202.21.10 | — — — Con un contenido de silicio superior al 55 % pero inferior o igual al 80 %, en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202.21.20 | — — — Con un contenido de silicio superior a 80 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202.30.00 | — Ferro-sílico-manganeso | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Ferrocromo: | | |

    7202.41.00 | — — Con un contenido de carbono superior al 4 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202.50.00 | — Ferro-sílico-cromo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202.60.00 | — Ferroníquel | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202.70.00 | — Ferromolibdeno | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202.80.00 | — Ferrovolframio y ferro-sílico-volframio | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    7202.91.00 | — — Ferrotitanio y ferro-sílico-titanio | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202.92.00 | — — Ferrovanadio | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202.93.00 | — — Ferroniobio | 6 | Year 0 |

    7202.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7203 | Productos férreos obtenidos por reducción directa de minerales de hierro y demás productos férreos esponjosos, en trozos, "pellets" o formas similares; hierro con una pureza superior o igual al 99,94 % en peso, en trozos, "pellets" o formas similares. | | |

    7203.10.00 | — Productos férreos obtenidos por reducción directa de minerales de hierro | 6 | Year 0 |

    7203.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7204 | Desperdicios y desechos (chatarra), de fundición, hierro o acero; lingotes de chatarra de hierro o acero. | | |

    7204.10.00 | — Desperdicios y desechos, de fundición | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Desperdicios y desechos, de aceros aleados: | | |

    7204.21.00 | — — De acero inoxidable | 6 | Year 0 |

    7204.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7204.30.00 | — Desperdicios y desechos, de hierro o acero estañados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás desperdicios y desechos: | | |

    7204.41.00 | — — Torneaduras, virutas, esquirlas, limaduras (de amolado, aserrado, limado) y recortes de estampado o de corte, incluso en paquetes | 6 | Year 0 |

    7204.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7204.50.00 | — Lingotes de chatarra | 6 | Year 0 |

    7205 | Granallas y polvo, de fundición en bruto, de fundición especular, de hierro o acero. | | |

    7205.10.00 | — Granallas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Polvo: | | |

    7205.21.00 | — — De aceros aleados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7205.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7206 | Hierro y acero sin alear, en lingotes o demás formas primarias, excepto el hierro de la partida 7203. | | |

    7206.10.00 | — Lingotes | 6 | Year 0 |

    7206.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7207 | Productos intermedios de hierro o acero sin alear. | | |

    — Con un contenido de carbono inferior al 0,25 % en peso: | | |

    7207.11.00 | — — De sección transversal cuadrada o rectangular, cuya anchura sea inferior al doble del espesor | 6 | Year 0 |

    7207.12.00 | — — Los demás, de sección transversal rectangular | 6 | Year 0 |

    7207.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7207.20.00 | — Con un contenido de carbono superior o igual al 0,25 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7208 | Productos laminados planos de hierro o acero sin alear, de anchura superior o igual a 600 mm, laminados en caliente, sin chapar ni revestir. | | |

    7208.10.00 | — Enrollados, simplemente laminados en caliente, con motivos en relieve | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, enrollados, simplemente laminados en caliente, decapados: | | |

    7208.25.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 4,75 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7208.26.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 3 mm pero inferior a 4,75 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7208.27.00 | — — De espesor inferior a 3 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, enrollados, simplemente laminados en caliente: | | |

    7208.36.00 | — — De espesor superior a 10 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7208.37.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 4,75 mm pero inferior o igual a 10 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7208.38.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 3 mm pero inferior a 4,75 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7208.39.00 | — — De espesor inferior a 3 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7208.40.00 | — Sin enrollar, simplemente laminados en caliente, con motivos en relieve | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, sin enrollar, simplemente laminados en caliente: | | |

    7208.51.00 | — — De espesor superior a 10 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7208.52.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 4,75 mm pero inferior o igual a 10 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7208.53.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 3 mm pero inferior a 4,75 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7208.54.00 | — — De espesor inferior a 3 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7208.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7209 | Productos laminados planos de hierro o acero sin alear, de anchura superior o igual a 600 mm, laminados en frío, sin chapar ni revestir. | | |

    — Enrollados, simplemente laminados en frío: | | |

    7209.15.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 3 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7209.16.00 | — — De espesor superior a 1 mm pero inferior a 3 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7209.17.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 0,5 mm pero inferior o igual a 1 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7209.18.00 | — — De espesor inferior a 0,5 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Sin enrollar, simplemente laminados en frío: | | |

    7209.25.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 3 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7209.26.00 | — — De espesor superior a 1 mm pero inferior a 3 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7209.27.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 0,5 mm pero inferior o igual a 1 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7209.28.00 | — — De espesor inferior a 0,5 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7209.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7210 | Productos laminados planos de hierro o acero sin alear, de anchura superior o igual a 600 mm, chapados o revestidos. | | |

    — Estañados: | | |

    7210.11 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 0,5 mm: | | |

    7210.11.10 | — — — De hasta 1mm (hojalata) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7210.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7210.12.00 | — — De espesor inferior a 0,5 mm | 6 | Year 7 |

    7210.20.00 | — Emplomados, incluidos los revestidos con una aleación de plomo y estaño | 6 | Year 0 |

    7210.30.00 | — Cincados electrolíticamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Cincados de otro modo: | | |

    7210.41.00 | — — Ondulados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7210.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7210.50.00 | — Revestidos de óxidos de cromo o de cromo y óxidos de cromo | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Revestidos de aluminio: | | |

    7210.61.00 | — — Revestidos de aleaciones de aluminio y cinc | 6 | Year 7 |

    7210.69.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7210.70.00 | — Pintados, barnizados o revestidos de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    7210.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7211 | Productos laminados planos de hierro o acero sin alear, de anchura inferior a 600 mm, sin chapar ni revestir. | | |

    — Simplemente laminados en caliente: | | |

    7211.13.00 | — — Laminados en las cuatro caras o en acanaladuras cerradas, de anchura superior a 150 mm y espesor superior o igual a 4 mm, sin enrollar y sin motivos en relieve | 6 | Year 0 |

    7211.14.00 | — — Los demás, de espesor superior o igual a 4,75 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7211.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Simplemente laminados en frío: | | |

    7211.23.00 | — — Con un contenido de carbono inferior al 0,25 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7211.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    7211.29.10 | — — — Con un contenido de carbono, en peso, superior o igual a 0,60 % | 6 | Year 0 |

    7211.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7211.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7212 | Productos laminados planos de hierro o acero sin alear, de anchura inferior a 600 mm, chapados o revestidos. | | |

    7212.10 | — Estañados: | | |

    7212.10.10 | — — De hasta 1mm de espesor (hojalata) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7212.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7212.20.00 | — Cincados electrolíticamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    7212.30.00 | — Cincados de otro modo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7212.40.00 | — Pintados, barnizados o revestidos de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    7212.50.00 | — Revestidos de otro modo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7212.60.00 | — Chapados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7213 | Alambrón de hierro o acero sin alear. | | |

    7213.10.00 | — Con muescas, cordones, surcos o relieves, producidos en el laminado | 6 | Year 0 |

    7213.20.00 | — Los demás, de acero de fácil mecanización | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    7213.91 | — — De sección circular con diámetro inferior a 14 mm: | | |

    7213.91.10 | — — — Con diámetro inferior a 14 mm pero superior o igual a 10 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7213.91.20 | — — — Con diámetro inferior a 10 mm pero superior o igual a 7 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7213.91.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7213.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7214 | Barras de hierro o acero sin alear, simplemente forjadas, laminadas o extrudidas, en caliente, así como las sometidas a torsión después del laminado. | | |

    7214.10.00 | — Forjadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7214.20.00 | — Con muescas, cordones, surcos o relieves, producidos en el laminado o sometidas a torsión después del laminado | 6 | Year 0 |

    7214.30.00 | — Las demás, de acero de fácil mecanización | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    7214.91.00 | — — De sección transversal rectangular | 6 | Year 0 |

    7214.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7215 | Las demás barras de hierro o acero sin alear. | | |

    7215.10.00 | — De acero de fácil mecanización, simplemente obtenidas o acabadas en frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    7215.50.00 | — Las demás, simplemente obtenidas o acabadas en frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    7215.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7216 | Perfiles de hierro o acero sin alear. | | |

    7216.10.00 | — Perfiles en U, en I o en H, simplemente laminados o extrudidos en caliente, de altura inferior a 80 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Perfiles en L o en T, simplemente laminados o extrudidos en caliente, de altura inferior a 80 mm: | | |

    7216.21.00 | — — Perfiles en L | 6 | Year 0 |

    7216.22.00 | — — Perfiles en T | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Perfiles en U, en I o en H, simplemente laminados o extrudidos en caliente, de altura superior o igual a 80 mm: | | |

    7216.31.00 | — — Perfiles en U | 6 | Year 0 |

    7216.32.00 | — — Perfiles en I | 6 | Year 0 |

    7216.33.00 | — — Perfiles en H | 6 | Year 0 |

    7216.40.00 | — Perfiles en L o en T, simplemente laminados o extrudidos en caliente, de altura superior o igual a 80 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7216.50.00 | — Los demás perfiles, simplemente laminados o extrudidos en caliente | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Perfiles simplemente obtenidos o acabados en frío: | | |

    7216.61.00 | — — Obtenidos a partir de productos laminados planos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7216.69.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    7216.91.00 | — — Obtenidos o acabados en frío, a partir de productos laminados planos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7216.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7217 | Alambre de hierro o acero sin alear. | | |

    7217.10.00 | — Sin revestir, incluso pulido | 6 | Year 0 |

    7217.20.00 | — Cincado | 6 | Year 0 |

    7217.30.00 | — Revestido de otro metal común | 6 | Year 0 |

    7217.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7218 | Acero inoxidable en lingotes o demás formas primarias; productos intermedios de acero inoxidable. | | |

    7218.10.00 | — Lingotes o demás formas primarias | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    7218.91.00 | — — De sección tranversal rectangular | 6 | Year 0 |

    7218.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7219 | Productos laminados planos de acero inoxidable, de anchura superior o igual a 600 mm. | | |

    — Simplemente laminados en caliente, enrollados: | | |

    7219.11.00 | — — De espesor superior a 10 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7219.12.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 4,75 mm pero inferior o igual a 10 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7219.13.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 3 mm pero inferior a 4,75 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7219.14.00 | — — De espesor inferior a 3 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Simplemente laminados en caliente, sin enrollar: | | |

    7219.21.00 | — — De espesor superior a 10 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7219.22.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 4,75 mm pero inferior o igual a 10 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7219.23.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 3 mm pero inferior a 4,75 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7219.24.00 | — — De espesor inferior a 3 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Simplemente laminados en frío: | | |

    7219.31.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 4,75 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7219.32.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 3 mm pero inferior a 4,75 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7219.33.00 | — — De espesor superior a 1 mm pero inferior a 3 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7219.34.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 0,5 mm pero inferior o igual a 1 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7219.35.00 | — — De espesor inferior a 0,5 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7219.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7220 | Productos laminados planos de acero inoxidable, de anchura inferior a 600 mm. | | |

    — Simplemente laminados en caliente: | | |

    7220.11.00 | — — De espesor superior o igual a 4,75 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7220.12.00 | — — De espesor inferior a 4,75 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7220.20.00 | — Simplemente laminados en frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    7220.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7221.00.00 | Alambrón de acero inoxidable. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7222 | Barras y perfiles, de acero inoxidable. | | |

    — Barras simplemente laminadas o extrudidas en caliente: | | |

    7222.11.00 | — — De sección circular | 6 | Year 0 |

    7222.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7222.20.00 | — Barras simplemente obtenidas o acabadas en frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    7222.30.00 | — Las demás barras | 6 | Year 0 |

    7222.40.00 | — Perfiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    7223.00.00 | Alambre de acero inoxidable. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7224 | Los demás aceros aleados en lingotes o demás formas primarias; productos intermedios de los demás aceros aleados. | | |

    7224.10.00 | — Lingotes o demás formas primarias | 6 | Year 0 |

    7224.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7225 | Productos laminados planos de los demás aceros aleados, de anchura superior o igual a 600 mm. | | |

    — De acero al silicio llamado "magnético" (acero magnético al silicio)*: | | |

    7225.11.00 | — — De grano orientado | 6 | Year 0 |

    7225.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7225.20.00 | — De acero rápido | 6 | Year 0 |

    7225.30.00 | — Los demás, simplemente laminados en caliente, enrollados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7225.40.00 | — Los demás, simplemente laminados en caliente, sin enrollar | 6 | Year 0 |

    7225.50.00 | — Los demás, simplemente laminados en frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    7225.91.00 | — — Cincados electrolíticamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    7225.92.00 | — — Cincados de otro modo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7225.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7226 | Productos laminados planos de los demás aceros aleados, de anchura inferior a 600 mm. | | |

    — De acero al silicio llamado "magnético" (acero magnético al silicio)*: | | |

    7226.11.00 | — — De grano orientado | 6 | Year 0 |

    7226.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7226.20.00 | — De acero rápido | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    7226.91.00 | — — Simplemente laminados en caliente | 6 | Year 0 |

    7226.92.00 | — — Simplemente laminados en frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    7226.93.00 | — — Cincados electrolíticamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    7226.94.00 | — — Cincados de otro modo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7226.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7227 | Alambrón de los demás aceros aleados. | | |

    7227.10.00 | — De acero rápido | 6 | Year 0 |

    7227.20.00 | — De acero silicomanganeso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7227.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7228 | Barras y perfiles, de los demás aceros aleados; barras huecas para perforación, de aceros aleados o sin alear. | | |

    7228.10.00 | — Barras de acero rápido | 6 | Year 0 |

    7228.20.00 | — Barras de acero silicomanganeso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7228.30.00 | — Las demás barras, simplemente laminadas o extrudidas en caliente | 6 | Year 0 |

    7228.40.00 | — Las demás barras, simplemente forjadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7228.50.00 | — Las demás barras, simplemente obtenidas o acabadas en frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    7228.60.00 | — Las demás barras | 6 | Year 0 |

    7228.70.00 | — Perfiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    7228.80 | — Barras huecas para perforación: | | |

    7228.80.10 | — — De aceros aleados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7228.80.20 | — — De aceros sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    7229 | Alambre de los demás aceros aleados. | | |

    7229.10.00 | — De acero rápido | 6 | Year 0 |

    7229.20.00 | — De acero silicomanganeso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7229.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    73 | Manufacturas de fundición, hierro o acero | | |

    7301 | Tablestacas de hierro o acero, incluso perforadas o hechas con elementos ensamblados; perfiles de hierro o acero obtenidos por soldadura. | | |

    7301.10.00 | — Tablestacas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7301.20.00 | — Perfiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    7302 | Elementos para vías férreas, de fundición, hierro o acero: carriles (rieles), contracarriles (contrarrieles) y cremalleras, agujas, puntas de corazón, varillas para mando de agujas y otros elementos para cruce o cambio de vías, traviesas (durmientes), bridas, cojinetes, cuñas, placas de asiento, placas de unión, placas y tirantes de separación y demás piezas concebidas especialmente para la colocación, unión o fijación de carriles (rieles). | | |

    7302.10.00 | — Carriles (rieles) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7302.30.00 | — Agujas, puntas de corazón, varillas para mando de agujas y otros elementos para cruce o cambio de vías | 6 | Year 0 |

    7302.40.00 | — Bridas y placas de asiento | 6 | Year 0 |

    7302.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7303.00.00 | Tubos y perfiles huecos, de fundición. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7304 | Tubos y perfiles huecos, sin soldadura (sin costura)*, de hierro o acero. | | |

    7304.10.00 | — Tubos de los tipos utilizados en oleoductos o gasoductos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Tubos para entubación ("casing") o producción ("tubing") y tubos para perforación, de los tipos utilizados para la extracción de petróleo o gas: | | |

    7304.21.00 | — — Tubos para perforación | 6 | Year 0 |

    7304.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, de sección circular, de hierro o acero sin alear: | | |

    7304.31.00 | — — Estirados o laminados en frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    7304.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, de sección circular, de acero inoxidable: | | |

    7304.41 | — — Estirados o laminados en frío: | | |

    7304.41.10 | — — — De diámetro exterior inferior a 19 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7304.41.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7304.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, de sección circular, de los demás aceros aleados: | | |

    7304.51.00 | — — Estirados o laminados en frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    7304.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7304.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7305 | Los demás tubos (por ejemplo: soldados o remachados) de sección circular con diámetro exterior superior a 406,4 mm, de hierro o acero. | | |

    — Tubos de los tipos utilizados en oleoductos o gasoductos: | | |

    7305.11.00 | — — Soldados longitudinalmente con arco sumergido | 6 | Year 0 |

    7305.12.00 | — — Los demás, soldados longitudinalmente | 6 | Year 0 |

    7305.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7305.20.00 | — Tubos para entubación ("casing") de los tipos utilizados en la extracción de petróleo o gas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, soldados: | | |

    7305.31.00 | — — Soldados longitudinalmente | 6 | Year 0 |

    7305.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7305.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7306 | Los demás tubos y perfiles huecos (por ejemplo: soldados, remachados, grapados o con los bordes simplemente aproximados), de hierro o acero. | | |

    7306.10.00 | — Tubos de los tipos utilizados en oleoductos o gasoductos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7306.20.00 | — Tubos para entubación ("casing") o producción ("tubing"), de los tipos utilizados para la extracción de petróleo o gas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7306.30.00 | — Los demás, soldados, de sección circular, de hierro o acero sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    7306.40.00 | — Los demás, soldados, de sección circular, de acero inoxidable | 6 | Year 0 |

    7306.50.00 | — Los demás, soldados, de sección circular, de los demás aceros aleados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7306.60.00 | — Los demás, soldados, excepto los de sección circular | 6 | Year 0 |

    7306.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7307 | Accesorios de tubería (por ejemplo: empalmes (racores), codos, manguitos), de fundición, hierro o acero. | | |

    — Moldeados: | | |

    7307.11.00 | — — De fundición no maleable | 6 | Year 0 |

    7307.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, de acero inoxidable: | | |

    7307.21.00 | — — Bridas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7307.22.00 | — — Codos, curvas y manguitos, roscados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7307.23.00 | — — Accesorios de soldar a tope | 6 | Year 0 |

    7307.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    7307.91.00 | — — Bridas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7307.92.00 | — — Codos, curvas y manguitos, roscados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7307.93.00 | — — Accesorios de soldar a tope | 6 | Year 0 |

    7307.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7308 | Construcciones y sus partes (por ejemplo: puentes y sus partes, compuertas de esclusas, torres, castilletes, pilares, columnas, armazones para techumbre, techados, puertas y ventanas y sus marcos, contramarcos y umbrales, cortinas de cierre, barandillas), de fundición, hierro o acero, excepto las construcciones prefabricadas de la partida 9406; chapas, barras, perfiles, tubos y similares, de fundición, hierro o acero, preparados para la construcción. | | |

    7308.10.00 | — Puentes y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    7308.20.00 | — Torres y castilletes | 6 | Year 0 |

    7308.30.00 | — Puertas, ventanas, y sus marcos, contramarcos y umbrales | 6 | Year 0 |

    7308.40.00 | — Material para andamiaje, encofrado, apeo o apuntalamiento | 6 | Year 0 |

    7308.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    7309 | Depósitos, cisternas, cubas y recipientes similares para cualquier materia (excepto gas comprimido o licuado), de fundición, hierro o acero, de capacidad superior a 300 l, sin dispositivos mecánicos ni térmicos, incluso con revestimiento interior o calorífugo. | | |

    7309.00.10 | — Para gases, excluidos los gases comprimidos o licuados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Para líquidos: | | |

    7309.00.21 | — — Con revestimiento interior o calorífugo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7309.00.22 | — — Sin revestimiento interior o calorífugo, con capacidad superior a 100000 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    7309.00.23 | — — Sin revestimiento interior o calorífugo, con capacidad inferior o igual a 100000 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    7309.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7310 | Depósitos, barriles, tambores, bidones, latas o botes, cajas y recipientes similares, para cualquier materia (excepto gas comprimido o licuado), de fundición, hierro o acero, de capacidad inferior o igual a 300 I, sin dispositivos mecánicos ni térmicos, incluso con revestimiento interior o calorífugo. | | |

    7310.10 | — De capacidad superior o igual a 50 l: | | |

    7310.10.10 | — — Barriles, tambores y bidones | 6 | Year 0 |

    7310.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De capacidad inferior a 50 l: | | |

    7310.21.00 | — — Latas o botes para ser cerrados por soldadura o rebordeado | 6 | Year 0 |

    7310.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    7310.29.10 | — — — Barriles, tambores y bidones | 6 | Year 0 |

    7310.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7311 | Recipientes para gas comprimido o licuado, de fundición, hierro o acero. | | |

    7311.00.10 | — De capacidad inferior o igual a 100 litros | 6 | Year 0 |

    7311.00.20 | — De capacidad superior a 100 litros pero inferior o igual a 500 litros | 6 | Year 0 |

    7311.00.30 | — De capacidad superior a 500 litros pero inferior o igual a 1000 litros | 6 | Year 0 |

    7311.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7312 | Cables, trenzas, eslingas y artículos similares, de hierro o acero, sin aislar para electricidad. | | |

    7312.10 | — Cables: | | |

    7312.10.10 | — — De 1 mm hasta 80 mm de diámetro, de alambre de sección circular | 6 | Year 0 |

    7312.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7312.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7313.00.00 | Alambre de púas, de hierro o acero; alambre (simple o doble) y tiras, torcidos, incluso con púas, de hierro o acero, de los tipos utilizados para cercar. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7314 | Telas metálicas (incluidas las continuas o sin fin), redes y rejas, de alambre de hierro o acero; chapas y tiras, extendidas (desplegadas), de hierro o acero. | | |

    — Telas metálicas tejidas: | | |

    7314.12.00 | — — Telas metálicas continuas o sin fin, de acero inoxidable, para máquinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7314.13.00 | — — Las demás telas metálicas continuas o sin fin, para máquinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7314.14.00 | — — Las demás telas metálicas tejidas, de acero inoxidable | 6 | Year 0 |

    7314.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7314.20.00 | — Redes y rejas, soldadas en los puntos de cruce, de alambre cuya mayor dimensión de la sección transversal sea superior o igual a 3 mm y con malla de superficie superior o igual a 100 cm2 | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás redes y rejas, soldadas en los puntos de cruce: | | |

    7314.31.00 | — — Cincadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7314.39.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás telas metálicas, redes y rejas: | | |

    7314.41 | — — Cincadas: | | |

    7314.41.10 | — — — Gaviones de alambre de acero galvanizado, incluso recubiertos con materiales plásticos artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    7314.41.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7314.42.00 | — — Revestidas de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    7314.49.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7314.50.00 | — Chapas y tiras, extendidas (desplegadas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7315 | Cadenas y sus partes, de fundición, hierro o acero. | | |

    — Cadenas de eslabones articulados y sus partes: | | |

    7315.11.00 | — — Cadenas de rodillo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7315.12.00 | — — Las demás cadenas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7315.19.00 | — — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    7315.20.00 | — Cadenas antideslizantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás cadenas: | | |

    7315.81.00 | — — Cadenas de eslabones con contrete (travesaño) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7315.82.00 | — — Las demás cadenas, de eslabones soldados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7315.89 | — — Las demás: | | |

    7315.89.10 | — — — Para transmisión | 6 | Year 0 |

    7315.89.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7315.90.00 | — Las demás partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    7316.00.00 | Anclas, rezones y sus partes, de fundición, hierro o acero. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7317 | Puntas, clavos, chinchetas (chinches), grapas apuntadas, onduladas o biseladas, y artículos similares, de fundición, hierro o acero, incluso con cabeza de otras materias, excepto de cabeza de cobre. | | |

    7317.00.10 | — Puntas y clavos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7317.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7318 | Tornillos, pernos, tuercas, tirafondos, escarpias roscadas, remaches, pasadores, clavijas, chavetas, arandelas (incluidas las arandelas de muelle [resorte]) y artículos similares, de fundición, hierro o acero. | | |

    — Artículos roscados: | | |

    7318.11.00 | — — Tirafondos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7318.12.00 | — — Los demás tornillos para madera | 6 | Year 0 |

    7318.13.00 | — — Escarpias y armellas, roscadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7318.14.00 | — — Tornillos taladradores | 6 | Year 0 |

    7318.15.00 | — — Los demás tornillos y pernos, incluso con sus tuercas y arandelas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7318.16.00 | — — Tuercas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7318.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Artículos sin rosca: | | |

    7318.21.00 | — — Arandelas de muelle (resorte) y las demás de seguridad | 6 | Year 0 |

    7318.22.00 | — — Las demás arandelas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7318.23.00 | — — Remaches | 6 | Year 0 |

    7318.24.00 | — — Pasadores, clavijas y chavetas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7318.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7319 | Agujas de coser, tejer, pasacintas, agujas de ganchillo (croché), punzones de bordar y artículos similares, para uso manual, de hierro o acero; alfileres de gancho (imperdibles) y demás alfileres de hierro o acero, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | | |

    7319.10.00 | — Agujas de coser, zurcir o bordar | 6 | Year 0 |

    7319.20.00 | — Alfileres de gancho (imperdibles) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7319.30.00 | — Los demás alfileres | 6 | Year 0 |

    7319.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7320 | Muelles (resortes), ballestas y sus hojas, de hierro o acero. | | |

    7320.10.00 | — Ballestas y sus hojas | | |

    ex73201000 | — — Balletas, de hierro o acero, para sistemas de suspensión de vehiculos del Cap. 87, excepto hojas | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex73201000 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7320.20.00 | — Muelles (resortes) helicoidales | | |

    ex73202000 | — — Muelles helicoidales, de hierro o acero, para sistemas de suspensión de los vehiculos | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex73202000 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7320.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321 | Estufas, calderas con hogar, cocinas (incluidas las que puedan utilizarse accesoriamente para calefacción central), barbacoas (parrillas)*, braseros, hornillos de gas, calientaplatos y aparatos no eléctricos similares, para uso doméstico, y sus partes, de fundición, hierro o acero. | | |

    — Aparatos para cocción y calientaplatos: | | |

    7321.11 | — — De combustibles gaseosos, o de gas y otros combustibles: | | |

    7321.11.10 | — — — Cocinas (excepto las portátiles) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.11.20 | — — — Estufas (excepto las portátiles) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.12 | — — De combustibles líquidos: | | |

    7321.12.10 | — — — Cocinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.12.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.13 | — — De combustibles sólidos: | | |

    7321.13.10 | — — — Cocinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.13.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás aparatos: | | |

    7321.81 | — — De combustibles gaseosos, o de gas y otros combustibles: | | |

    7321.81.10 | — — — De combustibles gaseosos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.81.20 | — — — De gas y otros combustibles | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.82.00 | — — De combustibles líquidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.83.00 | — — De combustibles sólidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.90 | — Partes: | | |

    7321.90.10 | — — Cámara de cocción, incluso sin ensamblar, para estufas o cocinas (excepto las portátiles) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.90.20 | — — Panel superior con o sin controles, con o sin quemadores, para estufas o cocinas (excepto las portátiles) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.90.30 | — — Ensambles de puertas, para estufas o cocinas (excepto las portátiles), que incluyan más de uno de los siguientes componentes: paredes interiores, paredes exteriores, ventana, aislamiento. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7321.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7322 | Radiadores para calefacción central, de calentamiento no eléctrico, y sus partes, de fundición, hierro o acero; generadores y distribuidores de aire caliente (incluidos los distribuidores que puedan funcionar también como distribuidores de aire fresco o acondicionado), de calentamiento no eléctrico, que lleven un ventilador o un soplador con motor, y sus partes, de fundición, hierro o acero. | | |

    — Radiadores y sus partes: | | |

    7322.11.00 | — — De fundición | 6 | Year 0 |

    7322.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7322.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7323 | Artículos para uso doméstico y sus partes, de fundición, hierro o acero; lana de hierro o acero; esponjas, estropajos, guantes y artículos similares de fregar, lustrar o usos análogos, de hierro o acero. | | |

    7323.10.00 | — Lana de hierro o acero; esponjas, estropajos, guantes y artículos similares de fregar, lustrar o usos análogos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    7323.91.00 | — — De fundición, sin esmaltar | 6 | Year 0 |

    7323.92.00 | — — De fundición, esmaltados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7323.93.00 | — — De acero inoxidable | 6 | Year 0 |

    7323.94.00 | — — De hierro o acero, esmaltados | 6 | Year 0 |

    7323.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7324 | Artículos para higiene o tocador, y sus partes, de fundición, hierro o acero. | | |

    7324.10.00 | — Fregaderos (piletas de lavar) y lavabos, de acero inoxidable | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Bañeras: | | |

    7324.21.00 | — — De fundición, incluso esmaltadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7324.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7324.90.00 | — Los demás, incluidas las partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    7325 | Las demás manufacturas moldeadas de fundición, hierro o acero. | | |

    7325.10.00 | — De fundición no maleable | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    7325.91 | — — Bolas y artículos similares para molinos: | | |

    7325.91.10 | — — — Para molienda de minerales | 6 | Year 0 |

    7325.91.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7325.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7326 | Las demás manufacturas de hierro o acero. | | |

    — Forjadas o estampadas pero sin trabajar de otro modo: | | |

    7326.11 | — — Bolas y artículos similares para molinos: | | |

    7326.11.10 | — — — Para molienda de minerales | 6 | Year 0 |

    7326.11.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7326.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7326.20.00 | — Manufacturas de alambre de hierro o acero | 6 | Year 0 |

    7326.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    74 | Cobre y sus manufacturas | | |

    7401 | Matas de cobre; cobre de cementación (cobre precipitado). | | |

    7401.10.00 | — Matas de cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    7401.20.00 | — Cobre de cementación (cobre precipitado) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7402 | Cobre sin refinar; ánodos de cobre para refinado electrolítico. | | |

    7402.00.10 | — Cobre para el afino | 6 | Year 0 |

    7402.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7403 | Cobre refinado y aleaciones de cobre, en bruto. | | |

    — Cobre refinado: | | |

    7403.11.00 | — — Cátodos y secciones de cátodos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7403.12.00 | — — Barras para alambrón ("wire-bars") | 6 | Year 0 |

    7403.13.00 | — — Tochos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7403.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aleaciones de cobre: | | |

    7403.21.00 | — — A base de cobre-cinc (latón) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7403.22.00 | — — A base de cobre-estaño (bronce) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7403.23.00 | — — A base de cobre-níquel (cuproníquel) o de cobre-níquel-cinc (alpaca) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7403.29.00 | — — Las demás aleaciones de cobre (excepto las aleaciones madre de la partida 7405) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7404 | Desperdicios y desechos, de cobre. | | |

    — De cobre refinado: | | |

    7404.00.11 | — Anodos gastados; desperdicios y desechos con contenido de cobre inferior al 94 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7404.00.19 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De aleaciones de cobre: | | |

    7404.00.21 | — — A base de cobre-cinc (latón) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7404.00.29 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7404.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7405.00.00 | Aleaciones madre de cobre. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7406 | Polvo y escamillas, de cobre. | | |

    7406.10.00 | — Polvo de estructura no laminar | 6 | Year 0 |

    7406.20.00 | — Polvo de estructura laminar; escamillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7407 | Barras y perfiles, de cobre. | | |

    7407.10 | — De cobre refinado: | | |

    7407.10.10 | — — Perfiles huecos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7407.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De aleaciones de cobre: | | |

    7407.21 | — — A base de cobre-cinc (latón): | | |

    7407.21.10 | — — — Perfiles huecos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7407.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7407.22 | — — A base de cobre-níquel (cuproníquel) o de cobre-níquel-cinc (alpaca): | | |

    7407.22.10 | — — — Perfiles huecos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7407.22.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7407.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    7407.29.10 | — — — Perfiles huecos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7407.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7408 | Alambre de cobre. | | |

    — De cobre refinado: | | |

    7408.11 | — — Con la mayor dimensión de la sección transversal superior a 6 mm: | | |

    7408.11.10 | — — — De sección transversal inferior o igual a 9,5 mm | 6 | Year 5 |

    7408.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    7408.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De aleaciones de cobre: | | |

    7408.21 | — — A base de cobre-cinc (latón): | | |

    7408.21.10 | — — — En la que la mayor sección transversal sea superior a 6 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7408.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7408.22 | — — A base de cobre-níquel (cuproníquel) o de cobre-níquel-cinc (alpaca): | | |

    7408.22.10 | — — — En la que la mayor sección transversal sea superior a 6 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7408.22.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7408.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    7408.29.10 | — — — En la que la mayor sección transversal sea superior a 6 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7408.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7409 | Chapas y tiras, de cobre, de espesor superior a 0,15 mm. | | |

    — De cobre refinado: | | |

    7409.11.00 | — — Enrolladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7409.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De aleaciones a base de cobre-cinc (latón): | | |

    7409.21.00 | — — Enrolladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7409.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De aleaciones a base de cobre-estaño (bronce): | | |

    7409.31.00 | — — Enrolladas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7409.39.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7409.40.00 | — De aleaciones a base de cobre-níquel (cuproníquel) o de cobre-níquel-cinc (alpaca) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7409.90.00 | — De las demás aleaciones de cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    7410 | Hojas y tiras, delgadas, de cobre (incluso impresas o fijadas sobre papel, cartón, plástico o soportes similares), de espesor inferior o igual a 0,15 mm (sin incluir el soporte). | | |

    — Sin soporte: | | |

    7410.11.00 | — — De cobre refinado | 6 | Year 0 |

    7410.12.00 | — — De aleaciones de cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con soporte: | | |

    7410.21.00 | — — De cobre refinado | 6 | Year 0 |

    7410.22.00 | — — De aleaciones de cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    7411 | Tubos de cobre. | | |

    7411.10.00 | — De cobre refinado | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De aleaciones de cobre: | | |

    7411.21.00 | — — A base de cobre-cinc (latón) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7411.22.00 | — — A base de cobre-níquel (cuproníquel) o de cobre-níquel-cinc (alpaca) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7411.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7412 | Accesorios de tubería (por ejemplo: empalmes [racores], codos, manguitos) de cobre. | | |

    7412.10.00 | — De cobre refinado | 6 | Year 0 |

    7412.20.00 | — De aleaciones de cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    7413.00.00 | Cables, trenzas y artículos similares, de cobre, sin aislar para electricidad. | 6 | Year 5 |

    7414 | Telas metálicas (incluidas las continuas o sin fin), redes y rejas, de alambre de cobre; chapas y tiras, extendidas (desplegadas), de cobre. | | |

    7414.20.00 | — Telas metálicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7414.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7415 | Puntas, clavos, chinchetas (chinches), grapas apuntadas y artículos similares, de cobre, o con espiga de hierro o acero y cabeza de cobre; tornillos, pernos, tuercas, escarpias roscadas, remaches, pasadores, clavijas, chavetas y arandelas (incluidas las arandelas de muelle [resorte]) y artículos similares, de cobre. | | |

    7415.10.00 | — Puntas y clavos, chinchetas (chinches), grapas apuntadas y artículos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás artículos sin rosca: | | |

    7415.21.00 | — — Arandelas (incluidas las arandelas de muelle [resorte]) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7415.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás artículos roscados: | | |

    7415.33.00 | — — Tornillos; pernos y tuercas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7415.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7416.00.00 | Muelles (resortes) de cobre. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7417.00.00 | Aparatos no eléctricos de cocción o calefacción, para uso doméstico, y sus partes, de cobre. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7418 | Artículos para uso doméstico, higiene o tocador, y sus partes, de cobre; esponjas, estropajos, guantes y artículos similares de fregar, lustrar o usos análogos, de cobre. | | |

    — Artículos para uso doméstico y sus partes; esponjas, estropajos, guantes y artículos similares de fregar, lustrar o usos análogos: | | |

    7418.11.00 | — — Esponjas, estropajos, guantes y artículos similares de fregar, lustrar o usos análogos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7418.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7418.20.00 | — Artículos para higiene o tocador, y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    7419 | Las demás manufacturas de cobre. | | |

    7419.10.00 | — Cadenas y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    7419.91.00 | — — Coladas, moldeadas, estampadas o forjadas, pero sin trabajar de otro modo | 6 | Year 0 |

    7419.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    — — — Cospeles | | |

    7419.99.11 | — — — — De aleaciones a base de cobre, aluminio, níquel | 6 | Year 0 |

    7419.99.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7419.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    75 | Níquel y sus manufacturas | | |

    7501 | Matas de níquel, "sinters" de óxidos de níquel y demás productos intermedios de la metalurgia del níquel. | | |

    7501.10.00 | — Matas de níquel | 6 | Year 0 |

    7501.20.00 | — "Sinters" de óxidos de níquel y demás productos intermedios de la metalurgia del níquel | 6 | Year 0 |

    7502 | Níquel en bruto. | | |

    7502.10.00 | — Níquel sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    7502.20.00 | — Aleaciones de níquel | 6 | Year 0 |

    7503.00.00 | Desperdicios y desechos, de níquel. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7504.00.00 | Polvo y escamillas, de níquel. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7505 | Barras, perfiles y alambre, de níquel. | | |

    — Barras y perfiles: | | |

    7505.11.00 | — — De níquel sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    7505.12.00 | — — De aleaciones de níquel | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Alambre: | | |

    7505.21.00 | — — De níquel sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    7505.22.00 | — — De aleaciones de níquel | 6 | Year 0 |

    7506 | Chapas, hojas y tiras, de níquel. | | |

    7506.10 | — De níquel sin alear: | | |

    7506.10.10 | — — Hojas con espesor inferior o igual a 0,15 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7506.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7506.20 | — De aleaciones de níquel: | | |

    7506.20.10 | — — Hojas con espesor inferior o igual a 0,15 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7506.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7507 | Tubos y accesorios para tubería (por ejemplo: empalmes [racores], codos, manguitos), de níquel. | | |

    — Tubos: | | |

    7507.11.00 | — — De níquel sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    7507.12.00 | — — De aleaciones de níquel | 6 | Year 0 |

    7507.20.00 | — Accesorios para tubería | 6 | Year 0 |

    7508 | Las demás manufacturas de níquel. | | |

    7508.10.00 | — Telas metálicas, redes y rejas, de alambre de níquel | 6 | Year 0 |

    7508.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    76 | Aluminio y sus manufacturas | | |

    7601 | Aluminio en bruto. | | |

    7601.10.00 | — Aluminio sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    7601.20.00 | — Aleaciones de aluminio | 6 | Year 0 |

    7602.00.00 | Desperdicios y desechos, de aluminio. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7603 | Polvo y escamillas, de aluminio. | | |

    7603.10.00 | — Polvo de estructura no laminar | 6 | Year 0 |

    7603.20.00 | — Polvo de estructura laminar; escamillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7604 | Barras y perfiles, de aluminio. | | |

    7604.10.00 | — De aluminio sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De aleaciones de aluminio: | | |

    7604.21.00 | — — Perfiles huecos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7604.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7605 | Alambre de aluminio. | | |

    — De aluminio sin alear: | | |

    7605.11.00 | — — Con la mayor dimensión de la sección transversal superior a 7 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7605.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De aleaciones de aluminio: | | |

    7605.21.00 | — — Con la mayor dimensión de la sección transversal superior a 7 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    7605.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7606 | Chapas y tiras, de aluminio, de espesor superior a 0,2 mm. | | |

    — Cuadradas o rectangulares: | | |

    7606.11.00 | — — De aluminio sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    7606.12.00 | — — De aleaciones de aluminio | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás | | |

    7606.91.00 | — — De aluminio sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    7606.92.00 | — — De aleaciones de aluminio | 6 | Year 0 |

    7607 | Hojas y tiras, delgadas, de aluminio (incluso impresas o fijadas sobre papel, cartón, plástico o soportes similares), de espesor inferior o igual a 0,2 mm (sin incluir el soporte). | | |

    — Sin soporte: | | |

    7607.11.00 | — — Simplemente laminadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7607.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7607.20 | — Con soporte: | | |

    7607.20.10 | — — Complejo de aluminio, impreso,fijado sobre papel couché y soportes de materias plásticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7607.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7608 | Tubos de aluminio. | | |

    7608.10.00 | — De aluminio sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    7608.20.00 | — De aleaciones de aluminio | 6 | Year 0 |

    7609.00.00 | Accesorios para tubería (por ejemplo: empalmes [racores], codos, manguitos) de aluminio. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7610 | Construcciones y sus partes (por ejemplo: puentes y sus partes, torres, castilletes, pilares, columnas, armazones para techumbre, techados, puertas y ventanas y sus marcos, contramarcos y umbrales, barandillas), de aluminio, excepto las construcciones prefabricadas de la partida 9406; chapas, barras, perfiles, tubos y similares, de aluminio, preparados para la construcción. | | |

    7610.10.00 | — Puertas, ventanas, y sus marcos, contramarcos y umbrales | 6 | Year 0 |

    7610.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7611.00.00 | Depósitos, cisternas, cubas y recipientes similares para cualquier materia (excepto gas comprimido o licuado), de aluminio, de capacidad superior a 300 l, sin dispositivos mecánicos ni térmicos, incluso con revestimiento interior o calorífugo. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7612 | Depósitos, barriles, tambores, bidones, botes, cajas y recipientes similares, de aluminio (incluidos los envases tubulares rígidos o flexibles), para cualquier materia (excepto gas comprimido o licuado), de capacidad inferior o igual a 300 l, sin dispositivos mecánicos ni térmicos, incluso con revestimiento interior o calorífugo. | | |

    7612.10.00 | — Envases tubulares flexibles | 6 | Year 0 |

    7612.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7613.00.00 | Recipientes para gas comprimido o licuado, de aluminio. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7614 | Cables, trenzas y similares, de aluminio, sin aislar para electricidad. | | |

    7614.10.00 | — Con alma de acero | 6 | Year 0 |

    7614.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7615 | Artículos para uso doméstico, higiene o tocador, y sus partes, de aluminio; esponjas, estropajos, guantes y artículos similares de fregar, lustrar o usos análogos, de aluminio. | | |

    — Artículos para uso doméstico y sus partes; esponjas, estropajos, guantes y artículos similares de fregar, lustrar o usos análogos: | | |

    7615.11.00 | — — Esponjas, estropajos, guantes y artículos similares de fregar, lustrar o usos análogos | 6 | Year 0 |

    7615.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7615.20.00 | — Artículos para higiene o tocador, y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    7616 | Las demás manufacturas de aluminio. | | |

    7616.10.00 | — Puntas, clavos, grapas apuntadas, tornillos, pernos, tuercas, escarpias roscadas, remaches, pasadores, clavijas, chavetas, arandelas y artículos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    7616.91.00 | — — Telas metálicas, redes y rejas, de alambre de aluminio | 6 | Year 0 |

    7616.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    7616.99.10 | — — — Discos para la fabricación de tubos colapsibles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Las demás: | | |

    7616.99.91 | — — — — Agujas de coser | 6 | Year 0 |

    7616.99.92 | — — — — Punzones para bordar | 6 | Year 0 |

    7616.99.93 | — — — — Imperdibles | 6 | Year 0 |

    7616.99.99 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    78 | Plomo y sus manufacturas | | |

    7801 | Plomo en bruto. | | |

    7801.10.00 | — Plomo refinado | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    7801.91.00 | — — Con antimonio como el otro elemento predominante en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7801.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7802.00.00 | Desperdicios y desechos, de plomo. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7803.00.00 | Barras, perfiles y alambre, de plomo. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7804 | Chapas, hojas y tiras, de plomo; polvo y escamillas, de plomo. | | |

    — Chapas, hojas y tiras: | | |

    7804.11.00 | — — Hojas y tiras, de espesor inferior o igual a 0,2 mm (sin incluir el soporte) | 6 | Year 0 |

    7804.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7804.20.00 | — Polvo y escamillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    7805.00.00 | Tubos y accesorios de tubería (por ejemplo: empalmes [racores], codos, manguitos), de plomo. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7806.00.00 | Las demás manufacturas de plomo. | 6 | Year 0 |

    79 | Cinc y sus manufacturas | | |

    7901 | Cinc en bruto. | | |

    — Cinc sin alear: | | |

    7901.11.00 | — — Con un contenido de cinc superior o igual al 99,99 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7901.12.00 | — — Con un contenido de cinc inferior al 99,99 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    7901.20.00 | — Aleaciones de cinc | 6 | Year 0 |

    7902.00.00 | Desperdicios y desechos, de cinc. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7903 | Polvo y escamillas, de cinc. | | |

    7903.10.00 | — Polvo de condensación | 6 | Year 0 |

    7903.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    7904.00.00 | Barras, perfiles y alambre, de cinc. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7905.00.00 | Chapas, hojas y tiras, de cinc. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7906.00.00 | Tubos y accesorios de tubería (por ejemplo: empalmes [racores], codos, manguitos), de cinc. | 6 | Year 0 |

    7907.00.00 | Las demás manufacturas de cinc. | 6 | Year 0 |

    80 | Estaño y sus manufacturas | | |

    8001 | Estaño en bruto. | | |

    8001.10.00 | — Estaño sin alear | 6 | Year 0 |

    8001.20.00 | — Aleaciones de estaño | 6 | Year 0 |

    8002.00.00 | Desperdicios y desechos, de estaño. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8003.00.00 | Barras, perfiles y alambre, de estaño | 6 | Year 0 |

    8004.00.00 | Chapas, hojas y tiras, de estaño, de espesor superior a 0,2 mm. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8005.00.00 | Hojas y tiras, delgadas, de estaño (incluso impresas o fijadas sobre papel, cartón, plástico o soportes similares), de espesor inferior o igual a 0,2 mm (sin incluir el soporte); polvo y escamillas, de estaño. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8006.00.00 | Tubos y accesorios de tubería (por ejemplo: empalmes [racores], codos, manguitos), de estaño. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8007.00.00 | Las demás manufacturas de estaño. | 6 | Year 0 |

    81 | Los demás metales comunes; cermets; manufacturas de estas materias | | |

    8101 | Volframio (tungsteno) y sus manufacturas, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | | |

    8101.10.00 | — Polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    8101.94.00 | — — Volframio (tungsteno) en bruto, incluidas las barras simplemente obtenidas por sinterizado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8101.95.00 | — — Barras, excepto las simplemente obtenidas por sinterizado, perfiles, chapas, hojas y tiras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8101.96.00 | — — Alambre | 6 | Year 0 |

    8101.97.00 | — — Desperdicios y desechos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8101.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8102 | Molibdeno y sus manufacturas, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | | |

    8102.10.00 | — Polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    8102.94.00 | — — Molibdeno en bruto, incluidas las barras simplemente obtenidas por sinterizado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8102.95 | — — Barras, excepto las simplemente obtenidas por sinterizado, perfiles, chapas, hojas y tiras: | | |

    8102.95.10 | — — — Barras y varillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8102.95.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8102.96.00 | — — Alambre | 6 | Year 0 |

    8102.97.00 | — — Desperdicios y desechos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8102.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8103 | Tantalio y sus manufacturas, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | | |

    8103.20.00 | — Tantalio en bruto, incluidas las barras simplemente obtenidas por sinterizado; polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8103.30.00 | — Desperdicios y desechos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8103.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8104 | Magnesio y sus manufacturas, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | | |

    — Magnesio en bruto: | | |

    8104.11.00 | — — Con un contenido de magnesio superior o igual al 99,8 % en peso | 6 | Year 0 |

    8104.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8104.20.00 | — Desperdicios y desechos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8104.30.00 | — Torneaduras y gránulos calibrados; polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8104.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8105 | Matas de cobalto y demás productos intermedios de la metalurgia del cobalto; cobalto y sus manufacturas, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | | |

    8105.20.00 | — Matas de cobalto y demás productos intermedios de la metalurgia del cobalto; cobalto en bruto; polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8105.30.00 | — Desperdicios y desechos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8105.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8106.00.00 | Bismuto y sus manufacturas, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8107 | Cadmio y sus manufacturas, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | | |

    8107.20.00 | — Cadmio en bruto; polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8107.30.00 | — Desperdicios y desechos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8107.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8108 | Titanio y sus manufacturas, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | | |

    8108.20.00 | — Titanio en bruto; polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8108.30.00 | — Desperdicios y desechos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8108.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8109 | Circonio y sus manufacturas, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | | |

    8109.20.00 | — Circonio en bruto; polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8109.30.00 | — Desperdicios y desechos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8109.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8110 | Antimonio y sus manufacturas, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | | |

    8110.10.00 | — Antimonio en bruto; polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8110.20.00 | — Desperdicios y desechos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8110.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8111 | Manganeso y sus manufacturas, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | | |

    8111.00.10 | — Polvos de manganeso y manufacturas de manganeso | 6 | Year 0 |

    8111.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8112 | Berilio, cromo, germanio, vanadio, galio, hafnio (celtio), indio, niobio (colombio), renio y talio, así como las manufacturas de estos metales, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | | |

    — Berilio: | | |

    8112.12.00 | — — En bruto; polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8112.13.00 | — — Desperdicios y desechos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8112.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Cromo: | | |

    8112.21.00 | — — En bruto; polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8112.22.00 | — — Desperdicios y desechos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8112.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8112.30.00 | — Germanio | 6 | Year 0 |

    8112.40.00 | — Vanadio | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Talio: | | |

    8112.51.00 | — — En bruto; polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8112.52.00 | — — Desperdicios y desechos | 6 | Year 0 |

    81125900 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    8112.92.00 | — — En bruto; desperdicios y desechos; polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8112.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8113.00.00 | Cermet y sus manufacturas, incluidos los desperdicios y desechos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    82 | Herramientas y útiles, artículos de cuchillería y cubiertos de mesa, de metal común; partes de estos artículos, de metal común | | |

    8201 | Layas, palas, azadas, picos, binaderas, horcas de labranza, rastrillos y raederas; hachas, hocinos y herramientas similares con filo; tijeras de podar de cualquier tipo; hoces y guadañas, cuchillos para heno o paja, cizallas para setos, cuñas y demás herramientas de mano, agrícolas, hortícolas o forestales. | | |

    8201.10.00 | — Layas y palas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8201.20.00 | — Horcas de labranza | 6 | Year 0 |

    8201.30.00 | — Azadas, picos, binaderas, rastrillos y raederas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8201.40.00 | — Hachas, hocinos y herramientas similares con filo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8201.50.00 | — Tijeras de podar (incluidas las de trinchar aves) para usar con una sola mano | 6 | Year 0 |

    8201.60.00 | — Cizallas para setos, tijeras de podar y herramientas similares, para usar con las dos manos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8201.90.00 | — Las demás herramientas de mano, agrícolas, hortícolas o forestales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8202 | Sierras de mano; hojas de sierra de cualquier clase (incluidas las fresas sierra y las hojas sin dentar). | | |

    8202.10.00 | — Sierras de mano | 6 | Year 0 |

    8202.20.00 | — Hojas de sierra de cinta | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Hojas de sierra circulares (incluidas las fresas sierra): | | |

    8202.31.00 | — — Con parte operante de acero | 6 | Year 0 |

    8202.39.00 | — — Las demás, incluidas las partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8202.40.00 | — Cadenas cortantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás hojas de sierra: | | |

    8202.91.00 | — — Hojas de sierra rectas para trabajar metal | 6 | Year 0 |

    8202.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8203 | Limas, escofinas, alicates (incluso cortantes), tenazas, pinzas, cizallas para metales, cortatubos, cortapernos, sacabocados y herramientas similares, de mano. | | |

    8203.10 | — Limas, escofinas y herramientas similares: | | |

    8203.10.10 | — — Limas y escofinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8203.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8203.20.00 | — Alicates (incluso cortantes), tenazas, pinzas y herramientas similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8203.30.00 | — Cizallas para metales y herramientas similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8203.40.00 | — Cortatubos, cortapernos, sacabocados y herramientas similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8204 | Llaves de ajuste de mano (incluidas las llaves dinamométricas); cubos de ajuste intercambiables, incluso con mango. | | |

    — Llaves de ajuste de mano: | | |

    8204.11.00 | — — De boca fija | 6 | Year 0 |

    8204.12.00 | — — De boca variable | 6 | Year 0 |

    8204.20.00 | — Cubos de ajuste intercambiables, incluso con mango | 6 | Year 0 |

    8205 | Herramientas de mano (incluidos los diamantes para vidriero) no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte; lámparas de soldar y similares; tornillos de banco, prensas de carpintero y similares, excepto los que sean accesorios o partes de máquinas herramienta; yunques; fraguas portátiles; muelas de mano o pedal, con bastidor. | | |

    8205.10.00 | — Herramientas de taladrar o roscar (incluidas las terrajas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8205.20.00 | — Martillos y mazas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8205.30.00 | — Cepillos, formones, gubias y herramientas cortantes similares para trabajar madera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8205.40.00 | — Destornilladores | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás herramientas de mano (incluidos los diamantes para vidriero): | | |

    8205.51.00 | — — Para uso doméstico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8205.59 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8205.59.10 | — — — Herramientas extractoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8205.59.20 | — — — Herramientas aplicadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8205.59.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8205.60.00 | — Lámparas de soldar y similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8205.70.00 | — Tornillos de banco, prensas de carpintero y similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8205.80.00 | — Yunques; fraguas portátiles; muelas de mano o pedal, con bastidor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8205.90.00 | — Juegos de artículos de dos o más de las subpartidas anteriores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8206.00.00 | Herramientas de dos o más de las partidas 8202 a 8205, acondicionadas en juegos para la venta al por menor. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207 | Útiles intercambiables para herramientas de mano, incluso mecánicas, o para máquinas herramienta (por ejemplo: de embutir, estampar, punzonar, roscar [incluso aterrajar], taladrar, escariar, brochar, fresar, tornear, atornillar), incluidas las hileras de extrudir metal, así como los útiles para perforación o sondeo. | | |

    — Útiles para perforación o sondeo: | | |

    8207.13 | — — Con parte operante de cermet: | | |

    8207.13.10 | — — — Trépanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.13.20 | — — — Coronas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.13.30 | — — — Barrenas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.13.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.19 | — — Los demás, incluidas las partes: | | |

    8207.19.10 | — — — Trépanos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.19.20 | — — — Coronas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.19.30 | — — — Barrenas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.20.00 | — Hileras de extrudir metal | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.30.00 | — Útiles de embutir, estampar o punzonar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.40.00 | — Útiles de roscar (incluso aterrajar) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.50 | — Útiles de taladrar: | | |

    8207.50.10 | — — Brocas para metales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.50.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.60.00 | — Útiles de escariar o brochar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.70.00 | — Útiles de fresar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.80.00 | — Útiles de tornear | 6 | Year 0 |

    8207.90.00 | — Los demás útiles intercambiables | 6 | Year 0 |

    8208 | Cuchillas y hojas cortantes, para máquinas o aparatos mecánicos. | | |

    8208.10.00 | — Para trabajar metal | 6 | Year 0 |

    8208.20.00 | — Para trabajar madera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8208.30.00 | — Para aparatos de cocina o máquinas de la industria alimentaria | 6 | Year 0 |

    8208.40.00 | — Para máquinas agrícolas, hortícolas o forestales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8208.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8209.00.00 | Plaquitas, varillas, puntas y artículos similares para útiles, sin montar, de cermet. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8210.00.00 | Aparatos mecánicos accionados a mano, de peso inferior o igual a 10 kg, utilizados para preparar, acondicionar o servir alimentos o bebidas. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8211 | Cuchillos con hoja cortante o dentada, incluidas las navajas de podar, y sus hojas (excepto los de la partida 8208). | | |

    8211.10.00 | — Surtidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    8211.91.00 | — — Cuchillos de mesa de hoja fija | 6 | Year 0 |

    8211.92.00 | — — Los demás cuchillos de hoja fija | 6 | Year 0 |

    8211.93.00 | — — Cuchillos, excepto los de hoja fija, incluidas las navajas de podar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8211.94.00 | — — Hojas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8211.95.00 | — — Mangos de metal común | 6 | Year 0 |

    8212 | Navajas y máquinas de afeitar y sus hojas (incluidos los esbozos en tiras). | | |

    8212.10 | — Navajas y máquinas de afeitar: | | |

    8212.10.10 | — — Máquinas de afeitar desechables | 6 | Year 0 |

    8212.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8212.20 | — Hojas para maquinillas de afeitar, incluidos los esbozos en tiras: | | |

    8212.20.10 | — — Hojas de afeitar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8212.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8212.90.00 | — Las demás partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8213.00.00 | Tijeras y sus hojas. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8214 | Los demás artículos de cuchillería (por ejemplo: máquinas de cortar el pelo o esquilar, cuchillas de picar carne, tajaderas de carnicería o cocina y cortapapeles); herramientas y juegos de herramientas para manicura o pedicuro (incluidas las limas para uñas). | | |

    8214.10.00 | — Cortapapeles, abrecartas, raspadores, sacapuntas y sus cuchillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8214.20.00 | — Herramientas y juegos de herramientas para manicura o pedicuro (incluidas las limas para uñas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8214.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8215 | Cucharas, tenedores, cucharones, espumaderas, palas para tarta, cuchillos para pescado o mantequilla (manteca)*, pinzas para azúcar y artículos similares. | | |

    8215.10.00 | — Surtidos que contengan por lo menos un objeto plateado, dorado o platinado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8215.20.00 | — Los demás surtidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    8215.91.00 | — — Plateados, dorados o platinados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8215.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    83 | Manufacturas diversas de metal común | | |

    8301 | Candados, cerraduras y cerrojos (de llave, combinación o eléctricos), de metal común; cierres y monturas cierre, con cerradura incorporada, de metal común; llaves de metal común para estos artículos. | | |

    8301.10.00 | — Candados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8301.20.00 | — Cerraduras de los tipos utilizados en vehículos automóviles | 6 | Year 5 |

    8301.30.00 | — Cerraduras de los tipos utilizados en muebles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8301.40 | — Las demás cerraduras; cerrojos: | | |

    8301.40.10 | — — Cerraduras de los tipos utilizados en puertas de edificios | 6 | Year 0 |

    8301.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8301.50.00 | — Cierres y monturas cierre, con cerradura incorporada | 6 | Year 0 |

    8301.60.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8301.70.00 | — Llaves presentadas aisladamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    8302 | Guarniciones, herrajes y artículos similares, de metal común, para muebles, puertas, escaleras, ventanas, persianas, carrocerías, artículos de guarnicionería, baúles, arcas, cofres y demás manufacturas de esta clase; colgadores, perchas, soportes y artículos similares, de metal común; ruedas con montura de metal común; cierrapuertas automáticos de metal común. | | |

    8302.10.00 | — Bisagras de cualquier clase (incluidos los pernios y demás goznes) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8302.20.00 | — Ruedas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8302.30.00 | — Las demás guarniciones, herrajes y artículos similares, para vehículos automóviles | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Las demás guarniciones, herrajes y artículos similares: | | |

    8302.41.00 | — — Para edificios | 6 | Year 0 |

    8302.42 | — — Los demás, para muebles: | | |

    8302.42.10 | — — — Empuñaduras, manijas (manillas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8302.42.20 | — — — Tiradores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8302.42.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8302.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8302.50.00 | — Colgadores, perchas, soportes y artículos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8302.60.00 | — Cierrapuertas automáticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8303.00.00 | Cajas de caudales, puertas blindadas y compartimientos para cámaras acorazadas, cofres y cajas de seguridad y articulos similares, de metal común. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8304.00.00 | Clasificadores, ficheros, cajas para clasificación, bandejas para correspondencia, plumeros (vasos o cajas para plumas de escribir), portasellos y material similar para oficina, de metal común, excepto los muebles para oficina de la partida 9403. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8305 | Mecanismos para encuadernación de hojas intercambiables o para clasificadores, sujetadores, cantoneras, clips, índices de señal y artículos similares para oficina, de metal común; grapas en tiras (por ejemplo: para oficina, tapicería o envase), de metal común. | | |

    8305.10.00 | — Mecanismos para encuadernación de hojas intercambiables o para clasificadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8305.20.00 | — Grapas en tiras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8305.90.00 | — Los demás, incluidas las partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8306 | Campanas, campanillas, gongos y artículos similares, que no sean eléctricos, de metal común; estatuillas y demás artículos para adorno, de metal común; marcos para fotografías, grabados o similares, de metal común; espejos de metal común. | | |

    8306.10.00 | — Campanas, campanillas, gongos y artículos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Estatuillas y demás artículos para adorno: | | |

    8306.21.00 | — — Plateados, dorados o platinados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8306.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8306.30.00 | — Marcos para fotografías, grabados o similares; espejos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8307 | Tubos flexibles de metal común, incluso con sus accesorios. | | |

    8307.10.00 | — De hierro o acero | 6 | Year 0 |

    8307.90.00 | — De los demás metales comunes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8308 | Cierres, monturas cierre, hebillas, hebillas cierre, corchetes, ganchos, anillos para ojetes y artículos similares, de metal común, para prendas de vestir, calzado, toldos, marroquinería o demás artículos confeccionados; remaches tubulares o con espiga hendida de metal común; cuentas y lentejuelas, de metal común. | | |

    8308.10.00 | — Corchetes, ganchos y anillos para ojetes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8308.20.00 | — Remaches tubulares o con espiga hendida | 6 | Year 0 |

    8308.90.00 | — Los demás, incluidas las partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8309 | Tapones y tapas (incluidas las tapas corona, tapas roscadas y tapones vertedores), cápsulas para botellas, tapones roscados, sobretapas, precintos y demás accesorios para envases, de metal común. | | |

    8309.10.00 | — Tapas corona | 6 | Year 0 |

    8309.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    8309.90.10 | — — Cápsulas para botellas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8309.90.20 | — — Tapas roscadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8309.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8310.00.00 | Placas indicadoras, placas rótulo, placas de direcciones y placas similares, cifras, letras y signos diversos, de metal común, excepto los de la partida 9405. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8311 | Alambre, varillas, tubos, placas, electrodos y artículos similares, de metal común o de carburo metálico, recubiertos o rellenos de decapantes o de fundentes, para soldadura o depósito de metal o de carburo metálico; alambre y varillas, de polvo de metal común aglomerado, para metalización por proyección. | | |

    8311.10 | — Electrodos recubiertos para soldadura de arco, de metal común: | | |

    8311.10.10 | — — Electrodos con alma de hierro o acero, recubiertos con material refractario | 6 | Year 0 |

    8311.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8311.20.00 | — Alambre "relleno" para soldadura de arco, de metal común | 6 | Year 0 |

    8311.30.00 | — Varillas recubiertas y alambre "relleno" de soldar al soplete, de metal común | 6 | Year 0 |

    8311.90.00 | — Los demás, incluidas las partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    84 | Reactores nucleares, calderas, máquinas, aparatos y artefactos mecánicos; partes de estas máquinas o aparatos | | |

    8401 | Reactores nucleares; elementos combustibles (cartuchos) sin irradiar para reactores nucleares; máquinas y aparatos para la separación isotópica. | | |

    8401.10.00 | — Reactores nucleares | 0 | Year 0 |

    8401.20.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para la separación isotópica, y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8401.30.00 | — Elementos combustibles (cartuchos) sin irradiar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8401.40.00 | — Partes de reactores nucleares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8402 | Calderas de vapor (generadores de vapor), excepto las de calefacción central concebidas para producir agua caliente y también vapor a baja presión; calderas denominadas "de agua sobrecalentada". | | |

    — Calderas de vapor: | | |

    8402.11 | — — Calderas acuotubulares con una producción de vapor superior a 45 t por hora: | | |

    8402.11.10 | — — — Con una producción de vapor superior a 45 t por hora pero inferior o igual a 100 t por hora | 6 | Year 0 |

    8402.11.20 | — — — Con una producción de vapor superior a 100 t pero inferior o igual a 200 t por hora | 6 | Year 0 |

    8402.11.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8402.12.00 | — — Calderas acuotubulares con una producción de vapor inferior o igual a 45 t por hora | 6 | Year 0 |

    8402.19.00 | — — Las demás calderas de vapor, incluidas las calderas mixtas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8402.20.00 | — Calderas denominadas "de agua sobrecalentada" | 6 | Year 0 |

    8402.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8403 | Calderas para calefacción central, excepto las de la partida 8402. | | |

    8403.10.00 | — Calderas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8403.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8404 | Aparatos auxiliares para las calderas de las partidas 8402 u 8403 (por ejemplo: economizadores, recalentadores, deshollinadores o recuperadores de gas); condensadores para máquinas de vapor. | | |

    8404.10.00 | — Aparatos auxiliares para las calderas de las partidas 8402 u 8403 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8404.20.00 | — Condensadores para máquinas de vapor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8404.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8405 | Generadores de gas pobre (gas de aire) o de gas de agua, incluso con sus depuradores; generadores de acetileno y generadores similares de gases, por vía húmeda, incluso con sus depuradores. | | |

    8405.10.00 | — Generadores de gas pobre (gas de aire) o de gas de agua, incluso con sus depuradores; generadores de acetileno y generadores similares de gases, por vía húmeda, incluso con sus depuradores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8405.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8406 | Turbinas de vapor. | | |

    8406.10.00 | — Turbinas para la propulsión de barcos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás turbinas: | | |

    8406.81 | — — De potencia superior a 40 MW: | | |

    8406.81.10 | — — — Para la fabricación de grupos electrógenos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8406.81.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8406.82.00 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 40 MW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8406.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8406.90.10 | — — Rotores terminados para su ensamble final | 6 | Year 0 |

    8406.90.20 | — — Aspas rotativas o estacionarias | 6 | Year 0 |

    8406.90.30 | — — Rotores sin terminar, simplemente limpiados o maquinados para remover aletas, bordes, rebabas y resaltes, o para su colocación en maquinaria de terminado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8406.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8407 | Motores de émbolo (pistón) alternativo y motores rotativos, de encendido por chispa (motores de explosión). | | |

    8407.10.00 | — Motores de aviación | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Motores para la propulsión de barcos: | | |

    8407.21.00 | — — Del tipo fueraborda | 6 | Year 0 |

    8407.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Motores de émbolo (pistón) alternativo de los tipos utilizados para la propulsión de vehículos del Capítulo 87: | | |

    8407.31.00 | — — De cilindrada inferior o igual a 50 cm3 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8407.32.00 | — — De cilindrada superior a 50 cm3 pero inferior o igual a 250 cm3 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8407.33.00 | — — De cilindrada superior a 250 cm3 pero inferior o igual a 1000 cm3 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8407.34.00 | — — De cilindrada superior a 1000 cm3 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8407.90 | — Los demás motores: | | |

    8407.90.10 | — — Estacionarios | 6 | Year 0 |

    8407.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8408 | Motores de émbolo (pistón) de encendido por compresión (motores Diesel o semi-Diesel). | | |

    8408.10 | — Motores para la propulsión de barcos: | | |

    8408.10.10 | — — Del tipo fuera borda | 6 | Year 0 |

    8408.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8408.20 | — Motores de los tipos utilizados para la propulsión de vehículos del Capítulo 87: | | |

    8408.20.10 | — — Para vehículos de la partida 8701 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8408.20.20 | — — Para vehículos de la partida 8702 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8408.20.30 | — — Para vehículos de la partida 8703 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8408.20.40 | — — Para vehículos de la partida 8704 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8408.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8408.90 | — Los demás motores: | | |

    8408.90.10 | — — Estacionarios | 6 | Year 0 |

    8408.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8409 | Partes identificables como destinadas, exclusiva o principalmente, a los motores de las partidas 8407 u 8408. | | |

    8409.10.00 | — De motores de aviación | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    8409.91 | — — Identificables como destinadas, exclusiva o principalmente, a los motores de émbolo (pistón) de encendido por chispa: | | |

    8409.91.10 | — — — Pistones | 6 | Year 5 |

    8409.91.20 | — — — Válvulas | 6 | Year 5 |

    8409.91.30 | — — — Anillos | 6 | Year 5 |

    8409.91.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8409.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8409.99.10 | — — — Pistones | 6 | Year 5 |

    8409.99.20 | — — — Válvulas | 6 | Year 5 |

    8409.99.30 | — — — Anillos | 6 | Year 5 |

    8409.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8410 | Turbinas hidráulicas, ruedas hidráulicas y sus reguladores. | | |

    — Turbinas y ruedas hidráulicas: | | |

    8410.11 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 1000 kW: | | |

    8410.11.10 | — — — Turbinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8410.11.20 | — — — Ruedas hidraúlicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8410.12 | — — De potencia superior a 1000 kW pero inferior o igual a 10000 kW: | | |

    8410.12.10 | — — — Turbinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8410.12.20 | — — — Ruedas hidraúlicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8410.13 | — — De potencia superior a 10000 kW: | | |

    8410.13.10 | — — — Turbinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8410.13.20 | — — — Ruedas hidraúlicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8410.90.00 | — Partes, incluidos los reguladores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8411 | Turborreactores, turbopropulsores y demás turbinas de gas. | | |

    — Turborreactores: | | |

    8411.11.00 | — — De empuje inferior o igual a 25 kN | 6 | Year 0 |

    8411.12.00 | — — De empuje superior a 25 kN | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Turbopropulsores: | | |

    8411.21.00 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 1100 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8411.22.00 | — — De potencia superior a 1100 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás turbinas de gas: | | |

    8411.81.00 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 5000 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8411.82 | — — De potencia superior a 5000 kW: | | |

    8411.82.10 | — — — Para la fabricación de grupos electrógenos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8411.82.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes: | | |

    8411.91.00 | — — De turborreactores o de turbopropulsores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8411.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8412 | Los demás motores y máquinas motrices. | | |

    8412.10.00 | — Propulsores a reacción, excepto los turborreactores | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Motores hidráulicos: | | |

    8412.21.00 | — — Con movimiento rectilíneo (cilindros) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8412.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Motores neumáticos: | | |

    8412.31.00 | — — Con movimiento rectilíneo (cilindros) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8412.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8412.80.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8412.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8413 | Bombas para líquidos, incluso con dispositivo medidor incorporado; elevadores de líquidos. | | |

    — Bombas con dispositivo medidor incorporado o concebidas para llevarlo: | | |

    8413.11.00 | — — Bombas para distribución de carburantes o lubricantes, de los tipos utilizados en gasolineras, estaciones de servicio o garajes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8413.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8413.20.00 | — Bombas manuales, excepto las de las subpartidas 841311 u 841319 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8413.30 | — Bombas de carburante, aceite o refrigerante, para motores de encendido por chispa o compresión: | | |

    8413.30.10 | — — Bombas de bencina para motores de encendido por chispa | 6 | Year 5 |

    8413.30.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8413.40.00 | — Bombas para hormigón | 6 | Year 0 |

    8413.50.00 | — Las demás bombas volumétricas alternativas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8413.60.00 | — Las demás bombas volumétricas rotativas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8413.70.00 | — Las demás bombas centrífugas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás bombas; elevadores de líquidos: | | |

    8413.81.00 | — — Bombas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8413.82.00 | — — Elevadores de líquidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes: | | |

    8413.91.00 | — — De bombas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8413.92.00 | — — De elevadores de líquidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8414 | Bombas de aire o de vacío, compresores de aire u otros gases y ventiladores; campanas aspirantes para extracción o reciclado, con ventilador incorporado, incluso con filtro. | | |

    8414.10.00 | — Bombas de vacío | 6 | Year 0 |

    8414.20.00 | — Bombas de aire, de mano o pedal | 6 | Year 0 |

    8414.30 | — Compresores de los tipos utilizados en los equipos frigoríficos: | | |

    8414.30.10 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 0,4 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8414.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8414.40 | — Compresores de aire montados en chasis remolcable con ruedas: | | |

    8414.40.10 | — — Con caudal inferior a 2 m3 por minuto | 6 | Year 0 |

    8414.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Ventiladores: | | |

    8414.51.00 | — — Ventiladores de mesa, pie, pared, cielo raso, techo o ventana, con motor eléctrico incorporado de potencia inferior o igual a 125 W | 6 | Year 0 |

    8414.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8414.60.00 | — Campanas aspirantes en las que el mayor lado horizontal sea inferior o igual a 120 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    8414.80 | — Los demás: | | |

    8414.80.10 | — — Turbocargadores y supercargadores para vehículos automotores | | |

    ex84148010 | — — — Los demás compresores, excepto para refrigeración, para automotores | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84148010 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8414.80.90 | — — Los demás | | |

    ex84148090 | — — — Los demás compresores, excepto para refrigeración, para automotores | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84148090 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8414.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8414.90.10 | — — Rotores y estatores para los bienes de la subpartida 841430 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8414.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8415 | Máquinas y aparatos para acondicionamiento de aire que comprendan un ventilador con motor y los dispositivos adecuados para modificar la temperatura y la humedad, aunque no regulen separadamente el grado higrométrico. | | |

    8415.10.00 | — De pared o para ventanas, formando un solo cuerpo o del tipo sistema de elementos separados ("split-system") | 6 | Year 0 |

    8415.20.00 | — De los tipos utilizados en vehículos automóviles para sus ocupantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    8415.81.00 | — — Con equipo de enfriamiento y válvula de inversión del ciclo térmico (bombas de calor reversibles) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8415.82.00 | — — Los demás, con equipo de enfriamiento | | |

    ex84158200 | — — — Los demás acondicionares de aire, con equipo de enfriamiento, para vehiculos con motor | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84158200 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8415.83.00 | — — Sin equipo de enfriamiento | | |

    ex84158300 | — — — Los demás acondicionares de aire, con equipo de enfriamiento, para vehiculos con motor | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84158300 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8415.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8415.90.10 | — — Chasis, bases de chasis y gabinetes exteriores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8415.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8416 | Quemadores para la alimentación de hogares, de combustibles líquidos o sólidos pulverizados o de gases; alimentadores mecánicos de hogares, parrillas mecánicas, descargadores mecánicos de cenizas y demás dispositivos mecánicos auxiliares empleados en hogares. | | |

    8416.10.00 | — Quemadores de combustibles líquidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8416.20.00 | — Los demás quemadores, incluidos los mixtos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8416.30.00 | — Alimentadores mecánicos de hogares, parrillas mecánicas, descargadores mecánicos de cenizas y demás dispositivos mecánicos auxiliares empleados en hogares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8416.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8417 | Hornos industriales o de laboratorio, incluidos los incineradores, que no sean eléctricos. | | |

    8417.10.00 | — Hornos para tostación, fusión u otros tratamientos térmicos de los minerales metalíferos (incluidas las piritas) o de los metales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8417.20.00 | — Hornos de panadería, pastelería o galletería | 6 | Year 0 |

    8417.80.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8417.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418 | Refrigeradores, congeladores y demás material, máquinas y aparatos para producción de frío, aunque no sean eléctricos; bombas de calor, excepto las máquinas y aparatos para acondicionamiento de aire de la partida 8415. | | |

    8418.10 | — Combinaciones de refrigerador y congelador con puertas exteriores separadas: | | |

    — — De compresión, de uso doméstico: | | |

    8418.10.11 | — — — De capacidad superior a 100 l pero inferior o igual a 200 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.10.12 | — — — De capacidad superior a 200 l pero inferior o igual a 300 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.10.13 | — — — De capacidad superior a 300 l pero inferior o igual a 400 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.10.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Refrigeradores domésticos: | | |

    8418.21 | — — De compresión: | | |

    8418.21.10 | — — — De capacidad inferior o igual a 100 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.21.20 | — — — De capacidad superior a 100 l pero inferior o igual a 200 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.21.30 | — — — De capacidad superior a 200 l pero inferior o igual a 300 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.22.00 | — — De absorción, eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.30.00 | — Congeladores horizontales del tipo arcón (cofre), de capacidad inferior o igual a 800 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.40.00 | — Congeladores verticales del tipo armario, de capacidad inferior o igual a 900 l | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.50.00 | — Los demás armarios, arcones (cofres), vitrinas, mostradores y muebles similares para la producción de frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás materiales, máquinas y aparatos para producción de frío; bombas de calor: | | |

    8418.61.00 | — — Grupos frigoríficos de compresión en los que el condensador esté constituido por un intercambiador de calor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.69 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8418.69.10 | — — — Instalaciones frigoríficas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.69.20 | — — — Unidades de refrigeración | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.69.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes: | | |

    8418.91.00 | — — Muebles concebidos para incorporarles un equipo de producción de frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8418.99.10 | — — — Ensambles de puertas que incorporen más de uno de los siguientes componentes: panel interior, panel exterior, aislamiento, bisagras, agarraderas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8418.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419 | Aparatos y dispositivos, aunque se calienten eléctricamente (excepto los hornos y demás aparatos de la partida 8514), para el tratamiento de materias mediante operaciones que impliquen un cambio de temperatura, tales como calentamiento, cocción, torrefacción, destilación, rectificación, esterilización, pasteurización, baño de vapor de agua, secado, evaporación, vaporización, condensación o enfriamiento, excepto los aparatos domésticos; calentadores de agua de calentamiento instantáneo o de acumulación, excepto los eléctricos. | | |

    — Calentadores de agua de calentamiento instantáneo o de acumulación, excepto los eléctricos: | | |

    8419.11.00 | — — De calentamiento instantáneo, de gas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419.20.00 | — Esterilizadores médicos, quirúrgicos o de laboratorio | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Secadores: | | |

    8419.31.00 | — — Para productos agrícolas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419.32 | — — Para madera, pasta para papel, papel o cartón: | | |

    8419.32.10 | — — — Para madera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419.32.20 | — — — Para pasta para papel, papel o cartón | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419.40.00 | — Aparatos de destilación o rectificación | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419.50.00 | — Intercambiadores de calor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419.60.00 | — Aparatos y dispositivos para licuefacción de aire u otros gases | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás aparatos y dispositivos: | | |

    8419.81.00 | — — Para la preparación de bebidas calientes o la cocción o calentamiento de alimentos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419.89 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8419.89.10 | — — — Autoclaves | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419.89.20 | — — — Evaporadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419.89.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8419.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8420 | Calandrias y laminadores, excepto para metal o vidrio, y cilindros para estas máquinas. | | |

    8420.10.00 | — Calandrias y laminadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes: | | |

    8420.91.00 | — — Cilindros | 6 | Year 0 |

    8420.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421 | Centrifugadoras, incluidas las secadoras centrífugas; aparatos de filtrar o depurar líquidos o gases. | | |

    — Centrifugadoras, incluidas las secadoras centrífugas: | | |

    8421.11.00 | — — Desnatadoras (descremadoras) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.12.00 | — — Secadoras de ropa | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aparatos de filtrar o depurar líquidos: | | |

    8421.21 | — — De filtrar o depurar agua: | | |

    8421.21.10 | — — — Filtros prensa | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    8421.21.91 | — — — — Filtros depuradores de agua domésticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.21.92 | — — — — Filtros depuradores de agua para calderas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.21.93 | — — — — Depuradores de agua de acción química | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.21.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.22 | — — De filtrar o depurar las demás bebidas: | | |

    8421.22.10 | — — — Filtros prensa | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.22.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.23.00 | — — De filtrar lubricantes o carburantes en los motores de encendido por chispa o compresión | 6 | Year 5 |

    8421.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8421.29.10 | — — — Aparatos filtrantes de membrana | | |

    ex84212910 | — — — — Los demás aparatos para filtrar o depurar líquidos, utilizados en vehiculos automotores | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84212910 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.29.20 | — — — Filtros de vacío rotativos | | |

    ex84212920 | — — — — Los demás aparatos para filtrar o depurar líquidos, utilizados en vehiculos automotores | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84212920 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.29.90 | — — — Los demás | | |

    ex84212990 | — — — — Los demás aparatos para filtrar o depurar líquidos, utilizados en vehiculos automotores | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84212990 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aparatos de filtrar o depurar gases: | | |

    8421.31 | — — Filtros de entrada de aire para motores de encendido por | | |

    chispa o compresión: | | |

    8421.31.10 | — — — Filtros de aire para motores para vehículos | 6 | Year 5 |

    8421.31.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8421.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8421.39.10 | — — — Convertidores catalíticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes: | | |

    8421.91 | — — De centrifugadoras, incluidas las de secadoras centrífugas: | | |

    8421.91.10 | — — — Cámaras de secado para los bienes de la subpartida 842112 y otras partes de secadoras de ropa que incorporen las cámaras de secado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.91.20 | — — — Muebles concebidos para los bienes de la subpartida 842112 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.91.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8421.99.00 | — — Las demás | | |

    ex84219900 | — — — Los demás elementos filtrantes para filtros de motores | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84219900 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8422 | Máquinas de lavar vajilla; máquinas y aparatos de limpiar o secar botellas o demás recipientes; máquinas y aparatos de llenar, cerrar, tapar, taponar o etiquetar botellas, botes o latas, cajas, sacos (bolsas) o demás continentes; máquinas y aparatos de capsular botellas, tarros, tubos y continentes análogos; las demás máquinas y aparatos de empaquetar o envolver mercancías (incluidas las de envolver con película termorretráctil); máquinas y aparatos de gasear bebidas. | | |

    — Máquinas de lavar vajilla: | | |

    8422.11.00 | — — De tipo doméstico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8422.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8422.20.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos de limpiar o secar botellas o demás recipientes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8422.30 | — Máquinas y aparatos de llenar, cerrar, tapar, taponar o etiquetar botellas, botes o latas, cajas, sacos (bolsas) o demás continentes; máquinas y aparatos de capsular botellas, tarros, tubos y continentes análogos; máquinas y aparatos de gasear bebidas: | | |

    8422.30.10 | — — De llenar, cerrar, tapar, taponar o etiquetar botellas, botes o latas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8422.30.20 | — — De capsular botellas o tarros | 6 | Year 0 |

    8422.30.30 | — — De gasear bebidas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8422.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8422.40.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos de empaquetar o envolver mercancías (incluidas las de envolver con película termorretráctil) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8422.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8422.90.10 | — — Depósitos de agua para los bienes comprendidos en la subpartida 842211 y otras partes de máquinas lavadoras de platos domésticas que incorporen depósitos de agua | 6 | Year 0 |

    8422.90.20 | — — Ensambles de puertas para los bienes de la subpartida 842211 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8422.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8423 | Aparatos e instrumentos de pesar, incluidas las básculas y balanzas de comprobar o contar piezas fabricadas, excepto las balanzas sensibles a un peso inferior o igual a 5 cg; pesas para toda clase de básculas o balanzas. | | |

    8423.10.00 | — De pesar personas, incluidos los pesabebés; balanzas domésticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8423.20.00 | — Básculas y balanzas para pesada continua sobre transportador | 6 | Year 0 |

    8423.30.00 | — Básculas y balanzas para pesada constante, incluidas las de descargar pesos determinados en sacos (bolsas) u otros recipientes, así como las dosificadoras de tolva | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás aparatos e instrumentos de pesar: | | |

    8423.81.00 | — — Con capacidad inferior o igual a 30 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    8423.82.00 | — — Con capacidad superior a 30 kg pero inferior o igual a 5000 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    8423.89.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8423.90.00 | — Pesas para toda clase de básculas o balanzas; partes de aparatos o instrumentos de pesar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8424 | Aparatos mecánicos (incluso manuales) de proyectar, dispersar o pulverizar materias líquidas o en polvo; extintores, incluso cargados; pistolas aerográficas y aparatos similares; máquinas y aparatos de chorro de arena o de vapor y aparatos de chorro similares. | | |

    8424.10.00 | — Extintores, incluso cargados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8424.20.00 | — Pistolas aerográficas y aparatos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8424.30.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos de chorro de arena o de vapor y aparatos de chorro similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás aparatos: | | |

    8424.81 | — — Para agricultura u horticultura: | | |

    8424.81.10 | — — — Sistemas de riego | 6 | Year 0 |

    8424.81.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8424.89.00 | — — Los demás | | |

    ex84248900 | — — — Lavaparabrisas | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84248900 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8424.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8425 | Polipastos; tornos y cabrestantes; gatos. | | |

    — Polipastos: | | |

    8425.11.00 | — — Con motor eléctrico | 6 | Year 5 |

    8425.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8425.20.00 | — Tornos para el ascenso y descenso de jaulas o montacargas en pozos de minas; tornos especialmente concebidos para el interior de minas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tornos; cabrestantes: | | |

    8425.31.00 | — — Con motor eléctrico | 6 | Year 5 |

    8425.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8425.39.10 | — — — Cabrestantes para automóviles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8425.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Gatos: | | |

    8425.41.00 | — — Elevadores fijos para vehículos automóviles, de los tipos utilizados en talleres | 6 | Year 0 |

    8425.42.00 | — — Los demás gatos hidráulicos | | |

    ex84254200 | — — — Los demás gatos hidráulicos portátiles para vehículos | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84254200 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8425.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8426 | Grúas y aparatos de elevación sobre cable aéreo; puentes rodantes, pórticos de descarga o manipulación, puentes grúa, carretillas puente y carretillas grúa. | | |

    — Puentes (incluidas las vigas) rodantes, pórticos, puentes grúa y carretillas puente: | | |

    8426.11.00 | — — Puentes (incluidas las vigas) rodantes, sobre soporte fijo | 6 | Year 5 |

    8426.12.00 | — — Pórticos móviles sobre neumáticos y carretillas puente | 6 | Year 0 |

    8426.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8426.20.00 | — Grúas de torre | 6 | Year 0 |

    8426.30.00 | — Grúas de pórtico | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Las demás máquinas y aparatos, autopropulsados: | | |

    8426.41.00 | — — Sobre neumáticos | 6 | Year 5 |

    8426.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas y aparatos: | | |

    8426.91.00 | — — Concebidos para montarlos sobre vehículos de carretera | 6 | Year 5 |

    8426.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8427 | Carretillas apiladoras; las demás carretillas de manipulación con dispositivo de elevación incorporado. | | |

    8427.10 | — Carretillas autopropulsadas con motor eléctrico: | | |

    — — Montacargas de carga frontal y unidad motriz trasera (denominado counterbalance): | | |

    8427.10.11 | — — — Con capacidad de levante inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8427.10.12 | — — — Con capacidad de levante superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8427.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8427.20 | — Las demás carretillas autopropulsadas: | | |

    — — Montacargas de carga frontal y unidad motriz trasera (denominado counterbalance): | | |

    8427.20.11 | — — — Con motor a gas, con capacidad de levante inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8427.20.12 | — — — Con motor a gas, con capacidad de levante superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8427.20.13 | — — — Con motor a gasolina, con capacidad de levante inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8427.20.14 | — — — Con motor a gasolina, con capacidad de levante superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8427.20.15 | — — — Con motor diesel, con capacidad de levante inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8427.20.16 | — — — Con motor diesel, con capacidad de levante superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8427.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8427.90.00 | — Las demás carretillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428 | Las demás máquinas y aparatos de elevación, carga, descarga o manipulación (por ejemplo: ascensores, escaleras mecánicas, transportadores, teleféricos). | | |

    8428.10 | — Ascensores y montacargas: | | |

    8428.10.10 | — — Ascensores sin cabina ni contrapeso | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    8428.10.91 | — — — Ascensores con cabina y contrapeso | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428.10.92 | — — — Montacargas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428.10.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428.20.00 | — Aparatos elevadores o transportadores, neumáticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás aparatos elevadores o transportadores, de acción continua, para mercancías: | | |

    8428.31.00 | — — Especialmente concebidos para el interior de minas u otros trabajos subterráneos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428.32.00 | — — Los demás, de cangilones | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428.33 | — — Los demás, de banda o correa: | | |

    8428.33.10 | — — — Para minería | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428.33.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428.40 | — Escaleras mecánicas y pasillos móviles: | | |

    8428.40.10 | — — Escaleras mecánicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428.40.20 | — — Pasillos móviles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428.50.00 | — Empujadores de vagonetas de minas, carros transbordadores, basculadores y volteadores, de vagones, de vagonetas, etc. e instalaciones similares para la manipulación de material móvil sobre carriles (rieles) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428.60.00 | — Teleféricos (incluidos las telesillas y los telesquís); mecanismos de tracción para funiculares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8428.90.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429 | Topadoras frontales ("bulldozers"), topadoras angulares ("angledozers"), niveladoras, traíllas ("scrapers"), palas mecánicas, excavadoras, cargadoras, palas cargadoras, compactadoras y apisonadoras (aplanadoras), autopropulsadas. | | |

    — Topadoras frontales ("bulldozers") y topadoras angulares ("angledozers"): | | |

    8429.11 | — — De orugas: | | |

    8429.11.10 | — — — Topadoras frontales ("bulldozers") | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.11.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.19 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8429.19.10 | — — — De ruedas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.19.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.20 | — Niveladoras: | | |

    8429.20.10 | — — Motoniveladoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.30.00 | — Traíllas ("scrapers") | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.40 | — Compactadoras y apisonadoras (aplanadoras): | | |

    8429.40.10 | — — Rodillos compactadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.40.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Palas mecánicas, excavadoras, cargadoras y palas cargadoras: | | |

    8429.51 | — — Cargadoras y palas cargadoras de carga frontal: | | |

    8429.51.10 | — — — Cargadores frontales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.51.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.52 | — — Máquinas cuya superestructura pueda girar 360o: | | |

    8429.52.10 | — — — Excavadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.52.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.59 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8429.59.10 | — — — Palas mecánicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.59.20 | — — — Excavadoras de cangilones suspendidos (dragalinas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.59.30 | — — — Excavadoras continuas de cuchara, garras o cangilones excavadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8429.59.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8430 | Las demás máquinas y aparatos de explanar, nivelar, traillar ("scraping"), excavar, compactar, apisonar (aplanar), extraer o perforar tierra o minerales; martinetes y máquinas de arrancar pilotes, estacas o similares; quitanieves. | | |

    8430.10.00 | — Martinetes y máquinas de arrancar pilotes, estacas o similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8430.20.00 | — Quitanieves | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Cortadoras y arrancadoras, de carbón o rocas, y máquinas de hacer túneles o galerías: | | |

    8430.31.00 | — — Autopropulsadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8430.39.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas de sondeo o perforación: | | |

    8430.41 | — — Autopropulsadas: | | |

    8430.41.10 | — — — De orugas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8430.41.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8430.49 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8430.49.10 | — — — Estacionarias | 6 | Year 0 |

    8430.49.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8430.50.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos, autopropulsados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas y aparatos, sin propulsión: | | |

    8430.61.00 | — — Máquinas y aparatos de compactar o apisonar (aplanar) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8430.69.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431 | Partes identificables como destinadas, exclusiva o principalmente, a las máquinas o aparatos de las partidas 8425 a 8430. | | |

    8431.10 | — Para máquinas o aparatos de la partida 8425: | | |

    8431.10.10 | — — Para máquinas de la partida 8425 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.10.20 | — — Para gatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.20.00 | — Para máquinas o aparatos de la partida 8427 | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Para máquinas o aparatos de la partida 8428: | | |

    8431.31.00 | — — De ascensores, montacargas o escaleras mecánicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.39 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8431.39.10 | — — — De aparatos elevadores o transportadores de acción continua, para mercancías | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.39.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Para máquinas o aparatos de las partidas 8426, 8429 u 8430: | | |

    8431.41 | — — Cangilones, cucharas, cucharas de almeja, palas y garras o pinzas: | | |

    8431.41.10 | — — — Palas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.41.20 | — — — Cucharas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.41.30 | — — — Garras o pinzas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.41.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.42.00 | — — Hojas de topadoras frontales ("bulldozers") o de topadoras angulares ("angledozers") | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.43 | — — Para máquinas de sondeo o perforación de las subpartidas 843041 u 843049: | | |

    8431.43.10 | — — — Para trenes de perforación o de sondeo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.43.20 | — — — Para unidad de perforación o de sondeo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.43.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.49 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8431.49.10 | — — — De grúas de las subpartidas 842620 y 842630 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8431.49.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8432 | Máquinas, aparatos y artefactos agrícolas, hortícolas o silvícolas, para la preparación o el trabajo del suelo o para el cultivo; rodillos para césped o terrenos de deporte. | | |

    8432.10.00 | — Arados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Gradas (rastras), escarificadores, cultivadores, extirpadores, azadas rotativas (rotocultores), escardadoras y binadoras: | | |

    8432.21.00 | — — Gradas (rastras) de discos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8432.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8432.30.00 | — Sembradoras, plantadoras y trasplantadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8432.40.00 | — Esparcidores de estiércol y distribuidores de abonos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8432.80.00 | — Las demás máquinas, aparatos y artefactos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8432.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433 | Máquinas, aparatos y artefactos de cosechar o trillar, incluidas las prensas para paja o forraje; cortadoras de césped y guadañadoras; máquinas para limpieza o clasificación de huevos, frutos o demás productos agrícolas, excepto las de la partida 8437. | | |

    — Cortadoras de césped: | | |

    8433.11.00 | — — Con motor, en las que el dispositivo de corte gire en un plano horizontal | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.20.00 | — Guadañadoras, incluidas las barras de corte para montar sobre un tractor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.30.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos de henificar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.40.00 | — Prensas para paja o forraje, incluidas las prensas recogedoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas y aparatos de cosechar; máquinas y aparatos de trillar: | | |

    8433.51.00 | — — Cosechadoras-trilladoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.52.00 | — — Las demás máquinas y aparatos de trillar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.53.00 | — — Máquinas de cosechar raíces o tubérculos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.59 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8433.59.10 | — — — Máquinas sacudidoras y vibradoras de árboles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.59.20 | — — — Máquinas para la recolección de oleaginosas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.59.30 | — — — Máquinas para vendimiar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.59.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.60 | — Máquinas para limpieza o clasificación de huevos, frutos o demás productos agrícolas: | | |

    8433.60.10 | — — Máquinas para limpieza o clasificación de frutas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.60.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8433.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8434 | Máquinas de ordeñar y máquinas y aparatos para la industria lechera. | | |

    8434.10.00 | — Máquinas de ordeñar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8434.20.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para la industria lechera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8434.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8435 | Prensas, estrujadoras y máquinas y aparatos análogos para la producción de vino, sidra, jugos de frutos o bebidas similares. | | |

    8435.10 | — Máquinas y aparatos: | | |

    8435.10.10 | — — Empleados en la vinicultura | 6 | Year 0 |

    8435.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8435.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8436 | Las demás máquinas y aparatos para la agricultura, horticultura, silvicultura, avicultura o apicultura, incluidos los germinadores con dispositivos mecánicos o térmicos incorporados y las incubadoras y criadoras avícolas. | | |

    8436.10.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos de preparar alimentos o piensos para animales | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máquinas y aparatos para la avicultura, incluidas las incubadoras y criadoras: | | |

    8436.21.00 | — — Incubadoras y criadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8436.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8436.80.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos | | |

    ex84368000 | — — Maquinaria forestal | 6 | Year 5 |

    ex84368000 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes: | | |

    8436.91.00 | — — Para máquinas o aparatos para la avicultura | 6 | Year 0 |

    8436.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8437 | Máquinas para limpieza, clasificación o cribado de semillas, granos u hortalizas de vaina secas; máquinas y aparatos para molienda o tratamiento de cereales u hortalizas de vaina secas, excepto las de tipo rural. | | |

    8437.10.00 | — Máquinas para limpieza, clasificación o cribado de semillas, granos u hortalizas de vaina secas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8437.80.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8437.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8438 | Máquinas y aparatos, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte de este Capítulo, para la preparación o fabricación industrial de alimentos o bebidas, excepto las máquinas y aparatos para extracción o preparación de aceites o grasas, animales o vegetales fijos. | | |

    8438.10 | — Máquinas y aparatos para panadería, pastelería, galletería o la fabricación de pastas alimenticias: | | |

    8438.10.10 | — — Para panadería, pastelería, galletería | 6 | Year 0 |

    8438.10.20 | — — Para la fabricación de pastas alimenticias | 6 | Year 0 |

    8438.20.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para confitería, elaboración de cacao o la fabricación de chocolate | 6 | Year 0 |

    8438.30.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para la industria azucarera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8438.40.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para la industria cervecera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8438.50.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para la preparación de carne | 6 | Year 0 |

    8438.60.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para la preparación de frutos u hortalizas (incluso "silvestres") | 6 | Year 0 |

    8438.80 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos: | | |

    8438.80.10 | — — Para la preparación de pescados, crustáceos y moluscos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8438.80.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8438.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8439 | Máquinas y aparatos para la fabricación de pasta de materias fibrosas celulósicas o para la fabricación o acabado de papel o cartón. | | |

    8439.10.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para la fabricación de pasta de materias fibrosas celulósicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8439.20.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para la fabricación de papel o cartón | 6 | Year 0 |

    8439.30.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para el acabado de papel o cartón | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes: | | |

    8439.91.00 | — — Para máquinas o aparatos para la fabricación de pasta de materias fibrosas celulósicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8439.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8440 | Máquinas y aparatos para encuadernación, incluidas las máquinas de coser pliegos. | | |

    8440.10.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8440.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8441 | Las demás máquinas y aparatos para el trabajo de la pasta de papel, del papel o cartón, incluidas las cortadoras de cualquier tipo. | | |

    8441.10 | — Cortadoras: | | |

    8441.10.10 | — — Cortadoras-bobinadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8441.10.20 | — — Guillotinas de una sola hoja | 6 | Year 0 |

    8441.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8441.20.00 | — Máquinas para la fabricación de sacos (bolsas), bolsitas o sobres | 6 | Year 0 |

    8441.30.00 | — Máquinas para la fabricación de cajas, tubos, tambores o continentes similares, excepto por moldeado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8441.40.00 | — Máquinas de moldear artículos de pasta de papel, de papel o cartón | 6 | Year 0 |

    8441.80.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8441.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8442 | Máquinas, aparatos y material (excepto las máquinas herramienta de las partidas 8456 a 8465) de fundir o componer caracteres o para preparar o fabricar clisés, planchas, cilindros o demás elementos impresores; caracteres de imprenta, clisés, planchas, cilindros y demás elementos impresores; piedras litográficas, planchas, placas y cilindros, preparados para la impresión (por ejemplo: aplanados, graneados, pulidos). | | |

    8442.10.00 | — Máquinas de componer por procedimiento fotográfico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8442.20.00 | — Máquinas, aparatos y material de componer caracteres por otros procedimientos, incluso con dispositivos para fundir | 6 | Year 0 |

    8442.30.00 | — Las demás máquinas, aparatos y material | 6 | Year 0 |

    8442.40.00 | — Partes de estas máquinas, aparatos o material | 6 | Year 0 |

    8442.50.00 | — Caracteres de imprenta, clisés, planchas, cilindros y demás elementos impresores; piedras litográficas, planchas, placas y cilindros, preparados para la impresión (por ejemplo: aplanados, graneados, pulidos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8443 | Máquinas y aparatos de imprimir mediante caracteres de imprenta, clisés, planchas, cilindros y demás elementos impresores de la partida 8442; máquinas de imprimir por chorro de tinta, excepto las de la partida 8471; máquinas auxiliares para la impresión. | | |

    — Máquinas y aparatos de imprimir, offset: | | |

    8443.11.00 | — — Alimentados con bobinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8443.12.00 | — — Alimentados con hojas de formato inferior o igual a 22 cm × 36 cm (offset de oficina) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8443.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8443.19.10 | — — — Alimentados con hojas de formato superior a 22 cm × 36 cm, pero inferior o igual a 52 cm × 74 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    8443.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máquinas y aparatos de imprimir, tipográficos, excepto las máquinas y aparatos, flexográficos: | | |

    8443.21.00 | — — Alimentados con bobinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8443.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8443.30.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos de imprimir, flexográficos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8443.40.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos de imprimir, heliográficos (huecograbado) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas y aparatos de imprimir: | | |

    8443.51.00 | — — Máquinas de imprimir por chorro de tinta | 6 | Year 0 |

    8443.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8443.60.00 | — Máquinas auxiliares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8443.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8444.00.00 | Máquinas de extrudir, estirar, texturar o cortar materia textil sintética o artificial. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8445 | Máquinas para la preparación de materia textil; máquinas de hilar, doblar o retorcer materia textil y demás máquinas y aparatos para la fabricación de hilados textiles; máquinas de bobinar (incluidas las canilleras) o devanar materia textil y máquinas para la preparación de hilados textiles para su utilización en las máquinas de las partidas 8446 u 8447. | | |

    — Máquinas para la preparación de materia textil: | | |

    8445.11.00 | — — Cardas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8445.12.00 | — — Peinadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8445.13.00 | — — Mecheras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8445.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8445.20.00 | — Máquinas de hilar materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    8445.30.00 | — Máquinas de doblar o retorcer materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    8445.40.00 | — Máquinas de bobinar (incluidas las canilleras) o devanar materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    8445.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8446 | Telares. | | |

    8446.10.00 | — Para tejidos de anchura inferior o igual a 30 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Para tejidos de anchura superior a 30 cm, de lanzadera: | | |

    8446.21.00 | — — De motor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8446.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8446.30.00 | — Para tejidos de anchura superior a 30 cm, sin lanzadera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8447 | Máquinas de tricotar, de coser por cadeneta, de entorchar, de fabricar tul, encaje, bordados, pasamanería, trenzas, redes o de insertar mechones. | | |

    — Maquinas circulares de tricotar: | | |

    8447.11.00 | — — Con cilindro de diámetro inferior o igual a 165 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    8447.12.00 | — — Con cilindro de diámetro superior a 165 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    8447.20 | — Máquinas rectilíneas de tricotar; máquinas de coser por cadeneta: | | |

    8447.20.10 | — — Máquinas rectilíneas de tricotar, de uso doméstico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8447.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8447.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8448 | Máquinas y aparatos auxiliares para las máquinas de las | | |

    partidas 8444, 8445, 8446 u 8447 (por ejemplo: maquinitas para lizos, mecanismos Jacquard, paraurdimbres y paratramas, mecanismos de cambio de lanzadera); partes y accesorios identificables como destinados, exclusiva o principalmente, a las máquinas de esta partida o de las partidas 8444, 8445, 8446 u 8447 (por ejemplo: husos, aletas, guarniciones de cardas, peines, barretas, hileras, lanzaderas, lizos y cuadros de lizos, agujas, platinas, ganchos). | | |

    — Máquinas y aparatos auxiliares para las máquinas de las partidas 8444, 8445, 8446 u 8447: | | |

    8448.11.00 | — — Maquinitas para lizos y mecanismos Jacquard; reductoras, perforadoras y copiadoras de cartones; máquinas para unir cartones después de perforados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8448.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8448.20.00 | — Partes y accesorios de las máquinas de la partida 8444 o de sus máquinas o aparatos auxiliares | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes y accesorios de las máquinas de la partida 8445 o de sus máquinas o aparatos auxiliares: | | |

    8448.31.00 | — — Guarniciones de cardas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8448.32.00 | — — De máquinas para la preparación de materia textil, excepto las guarniciones de cardas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8448.33.00 | — — Husos y sus aletas, anillos y cursores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8448.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes y accesorios de telares o de sus máquinas o aparatos auxiliares: | | |

    8448.41.00 | — — Lanzaderas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8448.42.00 | — — Peines, lizos y cuadros de lizos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8448.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes y accesorios de máquinas o aparatos de la partida 8447 o de sus máquinas o aparatos auxiliares: | | |

    8448.51.00 | — — Platinas, agujas y demás artículos que participen en la formación de mallas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8448.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8449.00.00 | Máquinas y aparatos para la fabricación o acabado del fieltro o tela sin tejer, en pieza o con forma, incluidas las máquinas y aparatos para la fabricación de sombreros de fieltro; hormas de sombrerería. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450 | Máquinas de lavar ropa, incluso con dispositivo de secado. | | |

    — Máquinas de capacidad unitaria, expresada en peso de ropa seca, inferior o igual a 10 kg: | | |

    8450.11 | — — Máquinas totalmente automáticas: | | |

    — — — De carga superior, con tambor de acero inoxidable: | | |

    8450.11.11 | — — — — De capacidad superior a 5 kg pero inferior o igual a 7,5 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.11.12 | — — — — De capacidad superior a 7,5 kg pero inferior o igual a 10 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.11.19 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — De carga superior, con tambor de plástico: | | |

    8450.11.21 | — — — — De capacidad superior a 5 kg pero inferior o igual a 7,5 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.11.22 | — — — — De capacidad superior a 7,5 kg pero inferior o igual a 10 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.11.29 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — De carga frontal: | | |

    8450.11.31 | — — — — De capacidad superior a 5 kg pero inferior o igual a 7,5 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.11.32 | — — — — De capacidad superior a 7,5 kg pero inferior o igual a 10 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.11.39 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.11.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.12.00 | — — Las demás máquinas, con secadora centrífuga incorporada | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.20.00 | — Máquinas de capacidad unitaria, expresada en peso de ropa seca, superior a 10 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8450.90.10 | — — Tinas y ensambles de tinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.90.20 | — — Muebles concebidos para los bienes de la subpartida 845011 a 845020 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8450.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8451 | Máquinas y aparatos (excepto las máquinas de la partida 8450) de lavar, limpiar, escurrir, secar, planchar, prensar (incluidas las prensas de fijar), blanquear, teñir, aprestar, acabar, recubrir o impregnar hilados, telas o manufacturas textiles y máquinas para el revestimiento de telas u otros soportes utilizados en la fabricación de cubresuelos, tales como linóleo; máquinas de enrollar, desenrollar, plegar, cortar o dentar telas. | | |

    8451.10.00 | — Máquinas para limpieza en seco | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máquinas de secar: | | |

    8451.21.00 | — — De capacidad unitaria, expresada en peso de ropa seca, inferior o igual a 10 kg | 6 | Year 0 |

    8451.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8451.30.00 | — Máquinas y prensas de planchar, incluidas las prensas para fijar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8451.40 | — Máquinas de lavar, blanquear o teñir: | | |

    8451.40.10 | — — Para lavar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8451.40.20 | — — Para blanquear o teñir | 6 | Year 0 |

    8451.50.00 | — Máquinas de enrollar, desenrollar, plegar, cortar o dentar telas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8451.80 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos: | | |

    8451.80.10 | — — Para el apresto y el acabado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8451.80.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8451.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8451.90.10 | — — Cámaras de secado para los bienes de las subpartidas 845121 u 845129 y otras partes de máquinas de secado que incorporen las cámaras de secado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8451.90.20 | — — Muebles concebidos para las máquinas de las subpartidas 845121 u 845129 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8451.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8452 | Máquinas de coser, excepto las de coser pliegos de la partida 8440; muebles, basamentos y tapas o cubiertas especialmente concebidos para máquinas de coser; agujas para máquinas de coser. | | |

    8452.10.00 | — Máquinas de coser domésticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas de coser: | | |

    8452.21.00 | — — Unidades automáticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8452.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8452.30.00 | — Agujas para máquinas de coser | 6 | Year 0 |

    8452.40.00 | — Muebles, basamentos y tapas o cubiertas para máquinas de coser, y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8452.90.00 | — Las demás partes para máquinas de coser | 6 | Year 0 |

    8453 | Máquinas y aparatos para la preparación, curtido o trabajo de cuero o piel o para la fabricación o reparación de calzado u otras manufacturas de cuero o piel, excepto las máquinas de coser. | | |

    8453.10.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para la preparación, curtido o trabajo de cuero o piel | 6 | Year 0 |

    8453.20.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para la fabricación o reparación de calzado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8453.80.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8453.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8454 | Convertidores, cucharas de colada, lingoteras y máquinas de colar (moldear), para metalurgia, acerías o fundiciones. | | |

    8454.10.00 | — Convertidores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8454.20.00 | — Lingoteras y cucharas de colada | 6 | Year 0 |

    8454.30 | — Máquinas de colar (moldear): | | |

    8454.30.10 | — — Máquinas de moldear a presión | 6 | Year 0 |

    8454.30.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8454.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8455 | Laminadores para metal y sus cilindros. | | |

    8455.10.00 | — Laminadores de tubos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás laminadores: | | |

    8455.21.00 | — — Para laminar en caliente o combinados de laminar en caliente y en frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    8455.22.00 | — — De laminar en frío | 6 | Year 0 |

    8455.30.00 | — Cilindros de laminadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8455.90 | — Las demás partes: | | |

    8455.90.10 | — — Obtenidas por fundición o por soldadura, con un peso individual inferior a 90 ton | 6 | Year 0 |

    8455.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8456 | Máquinas herramienta que trabajen por arranque de cualquier materia mediante láser u otros haces de luz o de fotones, por ultrasonido, electroerosión, procesos electroquímicos, haces de electrones, haces iónicos o chorro de plasma. | | |

    8456.10.00 | — Que operen mediante láser u otros haces de luz o de fotones | 6 | Year 0 |

    8456.20.00 | — Que operen por ultrasonido | 6 | Year 0 |

    8456.30.00 | — Que operen por electroerosión | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    8456.91.00 | — — De grabar en seco esquemas (trazas) sobre material semiconductor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8456.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8457 | Centros de mecanizado, máquinas de puesto fijo y máquinas de puestos múltiples, de trabajar metal. | | |

    8457.10.00 | — Centros de mecanizado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8457.20.00 | — Máquinas de puesto fijo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8457.30.00 | — Máquinas de puestos múltiples | 6 | Year 0 |

    8458 | Tornos (incluidos los centros de torneado) que trabajen por arranque de metal. | | |

    — Tornos horizontales: | | |

    8458.11 | — — De control numérico: | | |

    8458.11.10 | — — — Paralelos universales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8458.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8458.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8458.19.10 | — — — Paralelos universales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8458.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tornos: | | |

    8458.91.00 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8458.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8459 | Máquinas (incluidas las unidades de mecanizado de correderas) de taladrar, escariar, fresar o roscar (incluso aterrajar), metal por arranque de materia, excepto los tornos (incluidos los centros de torneado) de la partida 8458. | | |

    8459.10.00 | — Unidades de mecanizado de correderas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas de taladrar: | | |

    8459.21.00 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8459.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás escariadoras-fresadoras: | | |

    8459.31.00 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8459.39.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8459.40.00 | — Las demás escariadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máquinas de fresar de consola: | | |

    8459.51.00 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8459.59.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas de fresar: | | |

    8459.61.00 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8459.69.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8459.70 | — Las demás máquinas de roscar (incluso aterrajar): | | |

    8459.70.10 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8459.70.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8460 | Máquinas de desbarbar, afilar, amolar, rectificar, lapear (bruñir), pulir o hacer otras operaciones de acabado, para metal o cermet, mediante muelas, abrasivos o productos para pulir, excepto las máquinas para tallar o acabar engranajes de la partida 8461. | | |

    — Máquinas de rectificar superficies planas en las que la posición de la pieza pueda regularse en uno de los ejes con una precisión superior o igual a 0,01 mm: | | |

    8460.11.00 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8460.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas de rectificar, en las que la posición de la pieza pueda regularse en uno de los ejes con una precisión superior o igual a 0,01 mm: | | |

    8460.21.00 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8460.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máquinas de afilar: | | |

    8460.31.00 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8460.39.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8460.40 | — Máquinas de lapear (bruñir): | | |

    8460.40.10 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8460.40.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8460.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    — — Amoladoras, esmeriladoras y similares: | | |

    8460.90.11 | — — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8460.90.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Las demás: | | |

    8460.90.91 | — — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8460.90.99 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8461 | Máquinas de cepillar, limar, mortajar, brochar, tallar o acabar engranajes, aserrar, troncear y demás máquinas herramienta que trabajen por arranque de metal o cermet, no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte. | | |

    8461.20 | — Máquinas de limar o mortajar: | | |

    8461.20.10 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8461.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8461.30 | — Máquinas de brochar: | | |

    8461.30.10 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8461.30.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8461.40.00 | — Máquinas de tallar o acabar engranajes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8461.50 | — Máquinas de aserrar o trocear: | | |

    8461.50.10 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8461.50.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8461.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    8461.90.10 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8461.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462 | Máquinas (incluidas las prensas) de forjar o estampar, martillos pilón y otras máquinas de martillar, para trabajar metal; máquinas (incluidas las prensas) de enrollar, curvar, plegar, enderezar, aplanar, cizallar, punzonar o entallar, metal; prensas de trabajar metal o carburos metálicos, no expresadas anteriormente. | | |

    8462.10 | — Máquinas (incluidas las prensas) de forjar o estampar, martillos pilón y otras máquinas de martillar: | | |

    8462.10.10 | — — Prensas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máquinas (incluidas las prensas) de enrollar, curvar, plegar, enderezar o aplanar: | | |

    8462.21 | — — De control numérico: | | |

    8462.21.10 | — — — Prensas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.21.20 | — — — Plegadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.21.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.29 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8462.29.10 | — — — Prensas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.29.20 | — — — Plegadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.29.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máquinas (incluidas las prensas) de cizallar, excepto las combinadas de cizallar y punzonar: | | |

    8462.31 | — — De control numérico: | | |

    8462.31.10 | — — — Prensas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.31.20 | — — — Guillotinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.31.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.39 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8462.39.10 | — — — Prensas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.39.20 | — — — Guillotinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.39.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máquinas (incluidas las prensas) de punzonar o entallar, incluso las combinadas de cizallar y punzonar: | | |

    8462.41.00 | — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.49.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    8462.91 | — — Prensas hidráulicas: | | |

    8462.91.10 | — — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.91.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8462.99.10 | — — — De control numérico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8462.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8463 | Las demás máquinas herramienta para trabajar metal o cermet, que no trabajen por arranque de materia. | | |

    8463.10.00 | — Bancos de estirar barras, tubos, perfiles, alambres o similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8463.20.00 | — Máquinas laminadoras de hacer roscas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8463.30.00 | — Máquinas de trabajar alambre | 6 | Year 0 |

    8463.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    8463.90.10 | — — Máquinas para la fabricación de envases | 6 | Year 0 |

    8463.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8464 | Máquinas herramienta de trabajar piedra, cerámica, hormigón, amiantocemento o materias minerales similares, o de trabajar el vidrio en frío. | | |

    8464.10.00 | — Máquinas de aserrar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8464.20.00 | — Máquinas de amolar o pulir | 6 | Year 0 |

    8464.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8465 | Máquinas herramienta (incluidas las de clavar, grapar, encolar o ensamblar de otro modo) para trabajar madera, corcho, hueso, caucho endurecido, plástico rígido o materias duras similares. | | |

    8465.10.00 | — Máquinas que efectúen distintas operaciones de mecanizado sin cambio de útil entre dichas operaciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    8465.91 | — — Máquinas de aserrar: | | |

    8465.91.10 | — — — Sierras de cinta | 6 | Year 0 |

    8465.91.20 | — — — Sierras circulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8465.91.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8465.92.00 | — — Máquinas de cepillar; máquinas de fresar o moldurar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8465.93.00 | — — Máquinas de amolar, lijar o pulir | 6 | Year 0 |

    8465.94.00 | — — Máquinas de curvar o ensamblar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8465.95.00 | — — Máquinas de taladrar o mortajar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8465.96.00 | — — Máquinas de hendir, rebanar o desenrollar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8465.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8465.99.10 | — — — Tornos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8465.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8466 | Partes y accesorios identificables como destinados, exclusiva o principalmente, a las máquinas de las partidas 8456 a 8465, incluidos los portapiezas y portaútiles, dispositivos de roscar de apertura automática, divisores y demás dispositivos especiales para montar en máquinas herramienta; portaútiles para herramientas de mano de cualquier tipo. | | |

    8466.10.00 | — Portaútiles y dispositivos de roscar de apertura automática | 6 | Year 0 |

    8466.20.00 | — Portapiezas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8466.30.00 | — Divisores y demás dispositivos especiales para montar en máquinas herramienta | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    8466.91.00 | — — Para máquinas de la partida 8464 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8466.92.00 | — — Para máquinas de la partida 8465 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8466.93 | — — Para máquinas de las partidas 8456 a 8461: | | |

    8466.93.10 | — — — Cama, base, mesa, cabezal, contrapunto, arnés, cunas, carros deslizantes, columna, brazo, brazo de sierra, cabezal de rueda, "carnero", armazón montante, lunetas, husillo, bastidor, obtenidos por fundición, soldadura o forjado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8466.93.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8466.94 | — — Para máquinas de las partidas 8462 u 8463: | | |

    8466.94.10 | — — — Cama, base, mesa, columna, cuna, armazón, corona, carro deslizante, flecha, bastidor, obtenidos por fundición, soldadura o forjado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8466.94.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467 | Herramientas neumáticas, hidráulicas o con motor incorporado, incluso eléctrico, de uso manual. | | |

    — Neumáticas: | | |

    8467.11 | — — Rotativas (incluso de percusión): | | |

    8467.11.10 | — — — Taladradoras, perforadoras y similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.11.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Con motor eléctrico incorporado: | | |

    8467.21 | — — Taladros de toda clase, incluidas las perforadoras rotativas: | | |

    8467.21.10 | — — Taladros | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.21.20 | — — Perforadoras rotativas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.22 | — — Sierras, incluidas las tronzadoras: | | |

    8467.22.10 | — — — Tronzadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.22.20 | — — — Sierras circulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.22.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.29 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8467.29.10 | — — — De los tipos utilizados para materias textiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.29.20 | — — — Amoladoras angulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.29.30 | — — — Lijadoras de banda | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Las demás: | | |

    8467.29.91 | — — — — Que funcionen sin fuente de energía externa | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.29.99 | — — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás herramientas: | | |

    8467.81.00 | — — Sierras o tronzadoras, de cadena | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.89.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes: | | |

    8467.91.00 | — — De sierras o tronzadoras, de cadena | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.92.00 | — — De herramientas neumáticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8467.99.10 | — — — Carcasas para herramientas electromecánicas con motor eléctrico incorporado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8467.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8468 | Máquinas y aparatos de soldar, aunque puedan cortar, excepto los de la partida 8515; máquinas y aparatos de gas para temple superficial. | | |

    8468.10.00 | — Sopletes manuales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8468.20.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos de gas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8468.80.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8468.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8469 | Máquinas de escribir, excepto las impresoras de la partida 8471; máquinas para tratamiento o procesamiento de textos. | | |

    — Máquinas de escribir automáticas y máquinas para tratamiento o procesamiento de textos: | | |

    8469.11.00 | — — Máquinas para tratamiento o procesamiento de textos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8469.12.00 | — — Máquinas de escribir automáticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8469.20.00 | — Las demás máquinas de escribir, eléctricas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8469.30.00 | — Las demás máquinas de escribir, que no sean eléctricas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8470 | Máquinas de calcular y máquinas de bolsillo registradoras, reproductoras y visualizadoras de datos, con función de cálculo; máquinas de contabilidad, de franquear, expedir boletos (tiques) y máquinas similares, con dispositivo de cálculo incorporado; cajas registradoras. | | |

    8470.10 | — Calculadoras electrónicas que puedan funcionar sin fuente de energía eléctrica exterior y máquinas de bolsillo registradoras, reproductoras y visualizadoras de datos, con función de cálculo: | | |

    8470.10.10 | — — Calculadoras electrónicas que puedan funcionar sin fuente de energía eléctrica exterior | 6 | Year 0 |

    8470.10.20 | — — Máquinas de bolsillo registradoras, reproductoras y visualizadoras de datos, con función de cálculo | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas de calcular electrónicas: | | |

    8470.21.00 | — — Con dispositivo de impresión incorporado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8470.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8470.30.00 | — Las demás máquinas de calcular | 6 | Year 0 |

    8470.40.00 | — Máquinas de contabilidad | 6 | Year 0 |

    8470.50.00 | — Cajas registradoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8470.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471 | Máquinas automáticas para tratamiento o procesamiento de datos y sus unidades; lectores magnéticos u ópticos, máquinas para registro de datos sobre soporte en forma codificada y máquinas para tratamiento o procesamiento de estos datos, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte. | | |

    8471.10.00 | — Máquinas automáticas para tratamiento o procesamiento de datos, analógicas o híbridas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.30.00 | — Máquinas automáticas para tratamiento o procesamiento de datos, digitales, portátiles, de peso inferior o igual a 10 kg, que estén constituidas, al menos, por una unidad central de proceso, un teclado y un visualizador | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas automáticas para tratamiento o procesamiento de datos, digitales: | | |

    8471.41 | — — Que incluyan en la misma envoltura, al menos, una unidad central de proceso y, aunque estén combinadas, una unidad de entrada y una de salida: | | |

    8471.41.10 | — — — Que puedan recibir y tratar señales de televisión, telecomunicación, audio y video | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.41.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.49 | — — Las demás presentadas en forma de sistemas: | | |

    8471.49.10 | — — — Que puedan recibir y tratar señales de televisión, telecomunicación, audio y video | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.49.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.50.00 | — Unidades de proceso digitales, excepto las de las subpartidas 847141 u 847149, aunque incluyan en la misma envoltura uno o dos de los tipos siguientes de unidades: unidad de memoria, unidad de entrada y unidad de salida | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.60 | — Unidades de entrada o salida, aunque incluyan unidades de memoria en la misma envoltura: | | |

    8471.60.10 | — — Unidades combinadas de entrada o de salida | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Impresoras: | | |

    8471.60.21 | — — — Impresoras láser, de producción superior a 20 páginas por minuto | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.60.22 | — — — Las demás impresoras láser | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.60.23 | — — — Impresoras electrónicas, del tipo de barra luminosa | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.60.24 | — — — Impresoras por inyección (chorro) de tinta | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.60.25 | — — — Impresoras por transferencia térmica | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.60.26 | — — — Impresoras ionográficas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.60.29 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Unidades de representación visual (monitores): | | |

    8471.60.31 | — — — Unidades de representación visual con tubos de rayos catódicos en color | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.60.32 | — — — Unidades de representación visual de cristal líquido en color (LCD) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.60.39 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.60.40 | — — Teclados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.60.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.70 | — Unidades de memoria: | | |

    8471.70.10 | — — De disco | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.70.20 | — — De cinta | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.70.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.80 | — Las demás unidades de máquinas automáticas para tratamiento o procesamiento de datos: | | |

    8471.80.10 | — — Unidades de control o adaptadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.80.20 | — — Las demás unidades de adaptación para su incorporación física en máquinas automáticas para el tratamiento de la información o unidades de las mismas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.80.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    8471.90.10 | — — Lectores magnéticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.90.20 | — — Lectores ópticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8471.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8472 | Las demás máquinas y aparatos de oficina (por ejemplo: copiadoras hectográficas, mimeógrafos, máquinas de imprimir direcciones, distribuidores automáticos de billetes de banco, máquinas de clasificar, contar o encartuchar monedas, sacapuntas, perforadoras, grapadoras). | | |

    8472.10.00 | — Copiadoras incluidos los mimeógrafos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8472.20.00 | — Máquinas de imprimir direcciones o estampar placas de direcciones | 6 | Year 0 |

    8472.30.00 | — Máquinas de clasificar, plegar, meter en sobres o colocar en fajas, correspondencia, máquinas de abrir, cerrar o precintar correspondencia y máquinas de colocar u obliterar sellos (estampillas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8472.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    8472.90.10 | — — Distribuidores automáticos de billetes de banco y demás dispositivos para tratar monedas o billetes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8472.90.20 | — — Máquinas sacapuntas, incluidas las accionadas a mano | 6 | Year 0 |

    8472.90.30 | — — Numeradores, fechadores y autentificadores de cheques | 6 | Year 0 |

    8472.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8473 | Partes y accesorios (excepto los estuches, fundas y similares) identificables como destinados, exclusiva o principalmente, a las máquinas o aparatos de las partidas 8469 a 8472. | | |

    8473.10 | — Partes y accesorios de máquinas de la partida 8469: | | |

    8473.10.10 | — — Para máquinas para procesamiento de textos de la partida 8469 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8473.10.20 | — — Partes para otras máquinas de la partida 8469 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8473.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes y accesorios de máquinas de la partida 8470: | | |

    8473.21.00 | — — Para máquinas de calcular electrónicas de las subpartidas 847010, 847021 u 847029 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8473.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8473.30 | — Partes y accesorios de máquinas de la partida 8471: | | |

    8473.30.10 | — — Circuitos modulares, excepto para fuentes de poder, para máquinas automáticas de procesamiento de datos de la partida 8471 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8473.30.20 | — — Partes y accesorios, incluidas las placas frontales y los dispositivos de ajuste o seguridad, para los circuitos modulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8473.30.30 | — — Otras partes para las impresoras del ítem 84716024, especificadas en la nota 2 del capítulo 84 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8473.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8473.40.00 | — Partes y accesorios de máquinas de la partida 8472 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8473.50 | — Partes y accesorios que puedan utilizarse indistintamente con máquinas o aparatos de varias de las partidas 8469 a 8472: | | |

    8473.50.10 | — — Circuitos modulares, excepto para fuentes de poder | 6 | Year 0 |

    8473.50.20 | — — Partes y accesorios, incluidas las placas frontales y los dispositivos de ajuste o seguridad, para los circuitos modulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8473.50.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8474 | Máquinas y aparatos de clasificar, cribar, separar, lavar, quebrantar, triturar, pulverizar, mezclar, amasar o sobar, tierra, piedra u otra materia mineral sólida (incluidos el polvo y la pasta); máquinas de aglomerar, formar o moldear combustibles minerales sólidos, pastas cerámicas, cemento, yeso o demás materias minerales en polvo o pasta; máquinas de hacer moldes de arena para fundición. | | |

    8474.10 | — Máquinas y aparatos de clasificar, cribar, separar o lavar: | | |

    8474.10.10 | — — Clasificadoras de rodillos acanalados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8474.10.20 | — — Cribas y clasificadores de rastrillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8474.10.30 | — — Separadores de flotación | 6 | Year 0 |

    8474.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8474.20.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos de quebrantar, triturar o pulverizar | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máquinas y aparatos de mezclar, amasar o sobar: | | |

    8474.31.00 | — — Hormigoneras y aparatos de amasar mortero | 6 | Year 0 |

    8474.32.00 | — — Máquinas de mezclar materia mineral con asfalto | 6 | Year 0 |

    8474.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8474.80.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos | 6 | Year 5 |

    8474.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8474.90.10 | — — Coladas o moldeadas, de fundición, hierro o acero | 6 | Year 0 |

    8474.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8475 | Máquinas de montar lámparas, tubos o válvulas eléctricos o electrónicos o lámparas de destello, que tengan envoltura de vidrio; máquinas de fabricar o trabajar en caliente el vidrio o sus manufacturas. | | |

    8475.10.00 | — Máquinas de montar lámparas, tubos o válvulas eléctricos o electrónicos o lámparas de destello, que tengan envoltura de vidrio | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máquinas de fabricar o trabajar en caliente el vidrio o sus manufacturas: | | |

    8475.21.00 | — — Máquinas de fabricar fibras ópticas y sus esbozos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8475.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8475.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8476 | Máquinas automáticas para la venta de productos (por ejemplo: sellos [estampillas], cigarrillos, alimentos, bebidas), incluidas las máquinas para cambiar moneda. | | |

    — Máquinas automáticas para venta de bebidas: | | |

    8476.21.00 | — — Con dispositivo de calentamiento o refrigeración, incorporado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8476.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    8476.81.00 | — — Con dispositivo de calentamiento o refrigeración, incorporado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8476.89.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8476.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8477 | Máquinas y aparatos para trabajar caucho o plástico o para fabricar productos de estas materias, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte de este Capítulo. | | |

    8477.10.00 | — Máquinas de moldear por inyección | 6 | Year 0 |

    8477.20.00 | — Extrusoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8477.30.00 | — Máquinas de moldear por soplado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8477.40.00 | — Máquinas de moldear en vacío y demás máquinas para termoformado | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas y aparatos de moldear o formar: | | |

    8477.51.00 | — — De moldear o recauchutar neumáticos (llantas neumáticas) o moldear o formar cámaras para neumáticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8477.59.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8477.80.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8477.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8477.90.10 | — — Base, cama, platinas, cilindro de bloqueo, "carnero" e inyectores, obtenidos por fundición, soldadura o forjado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8477.90.20 | — — Tornillos de inyección | 6 | Year 0 |

    8477.90.30 | — — Ensambles hidráulicos que incorporen más de uno de los siguientes componentes: múltiple, válvulas, bomba y enfriador de aceite | 6 | Year 0 |

    8477.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8478 | Máquinas y aparatos para preparar o elaborar tabaco, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte de este Capítulo. | | |

    8478.10.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8478.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479 | Máquinas y aparatos mecánicos con función propia, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte de este Capítulo. | | |

    8479.10.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para obras públicas, la construcción o trabajos análogos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.20.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para extracción o preparación de grasas o aceites vegetales fijos o animales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.30 | — Prensas de fabricar tableros de partículas, fibra de madera u otras materias leñosas y demás máquinas y aparatos de trabajar madera o corcho: | | |

    8479.30.10 | — — Prensas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.30.20 | — — Descortezadoras de troncos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.30.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.40.00 | — Máquinas de cordelería o cablería | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.50.00 | — Robotes industriales, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.60.00 | — Aparatos de evaporación para refrigerar el aire | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas y aparatos: | | |

    8479.81.00 | — — De trabajar metal, incluidas las bobinadoras de hilos eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.82.00 | — — De mezclar, amasar o sobar, quebrantar, triturar, pulverizar, cribar, tamizar, homogeneizar, emulsionar o agitar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.89 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8479.89.10 | — — — Para la industria química y farmaceútica | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.89.20 | — — — Para la industria del jabón | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.89.30 | — — — Compactadores de basura | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.89.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8479.90.10 | — — Partes para compactadores de basura: ensambles de bastidor que contengan más de uno de los siguientes componentes: placa de base, estructura lateral, tornillos sinfín, placa frontal | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.90.20 | — — Partes para compactadores de basura: ensambles de "carnero" que contengan su carcasa o cubierta | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.90.30 | — — Partes para compactadores de basura: ensambles de depósitos que contengan más de uno de los siguientes componentes: panel lateral, inferior o frontal o correderas laterales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.90.40 | — — Partes para compactadores de basura: gabinetes o cubiertas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8479.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8480 | Cajas de fundición; placas de fondo para moldes; modelos para moldes; moldes para metal (excepto las lingoteras), carburos metálicos, vidrio, materia mineral, caucho o plástico. | | |

    8480.10.00 | — Cajas de fundición | 6 | Year 0 |

    8480.20.00 | — Placas de fondo para moldes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8480.30.00 | — Modelos para moldes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Moldes para metales o carburos metálicos: | | |

    8480.41.00 | — — Para el moldeo por inyección o compresión | 6 | Year 0 |

    8480.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8480.50.00 | — Moldes para vidrio | 6 | Year 0 |

    8480.60.00 | — Moldes para materia mineral | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Moldes para caucho o plástico: | | |

    8480.71.00 | — — Para moldeo por inyección o compresión | 6 | Year 0 |

    8480.79.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8481 | Artículos de grifería y órganos similares para tuberías, calderas, depósitos, cubas o continentes similares, incluidas las válvulas reductoras de presión y las válvulas termostáticas. | | |

    8481.10.00 | — Válvulas reductoras de presión | 6 | Year 0 |

    8481.20 | — Válvulas para transmisiones oleohidráulicas o neumáticas: | | |

    8481.20.10 | — — Válvulas para transmisiones oleohidráulicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8481.20.20 | — — Válvulas para transmisiones neumáticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8481.30 | — Válvulas de retención: | | |

    8481.30.10 | — — Para uso automotriz | 6 | Year 0 |

    8481.30.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8481.40.00 | — Válvulas de alivio o seguridad | 6 | Year 0 |

    8481.80 | — Los demás artículos de grifería y órganos similares: | | |

    8481.80.10 | — — Para uso doméstico | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    8481.80.91 | — — — Para uso automotriz | 6 | Year 0 |

    8481.80.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8481.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482 | Rodamientos de bolas, de rodillos o de agujas. | | |

    8482.10 | — Rodamientos de bolas: | | |

    8482.10.10 | — — Radiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.10.20 | — — Axiales o de empuje | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.20 | — Rodamientos de rodillos cónicos, incluidos los ensamblados de conos y rodillos cónicos: | | |

    8482.20.10 | — — Rodamientos de rodillos cónicos de una sola fila | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.30.00 | — Rodamientos de rodillos en forma de tonel | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.40.00 | — Rodamientos de agujas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.50.00 | — Rodamientos de rodillos cilíndricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.80 | — Los demás, incluidos los rodamientos combinados: | | |

    8482.80.10 | — — Para bomba de agua, para uso en vehículos del Capítulo 87 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.80.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes: | | |

    8482.91.00 | — — Bolas, rodillos y agujas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8482.99.10 | — — — Pistas o tazas internas o externas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.99.20 | — — — Conos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.99.30 | — — — Cubetas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.99.40 | — — — Manguitos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8482.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483 | Árboles de transmisión (incluidos los de levas y los cigüeñales) y manivelas; cajas de cojinetes y cojinetes; engranajes y ruedas de fricción; husillos fileteados de bolas o rodillos; reductores, multiplicadores y variadores de velocidad, incluidos los convertidores de par; volantes y poleas, incluidos los motones; embragues y órganos de acoplamiento, incluidas las juntas de articulación. | | |

    8483.10 | — Árboles de transmisión (incluidos los de levas y los cigüeñales) y manivelas: | | |

    8483.10.10 | — — Árboles de levas | | |

    ex84831010 | — — — Árboles de levas de los demas motores de partidas 8407 y 8408 | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84831010 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.10.20 | — — Cigüeñales | | |

    ex84831020 | — — — Cigueñales de los demás motores de partidas 8407 y 8408 | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84831020 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.10.90 | — — Los demás | | |

    ex84831090 | — — — Árboles flexibles utilizados en vehic.automotores | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84831090 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.20.00 | — Cajas de cojinetes con rodamientos incorporados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.30 | — Cajas de cojinetes sin rodamientos incorporados; cojinetes: | | |

    8483.30.10 | — — Cojinetes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.30.20 | — — Bujes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.40 | — Engranajes y ruedas de fricción, excepto las ruedas dentadas y demás órganos elementales de transmisión presentados aisladamente; husillos fileteados de bolas o rodillos; reductores, multiplicadores y variadores de velocidad, incluidos los convertidores de par: | | |

    — — Engranajes y ruedas de fricción: | | |

    8483.40.11 | — — — Engranajes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.40.12 | — — — Ruedas de fricción | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Reductores, multiplicadores y variadores de velocidad: | | |

    8483.40.21 | — — — Variadores de velocidad | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.40.22 | — — — Reductores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.40.29 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.50 | — Volantes y poleas, incluidos los motones: | | |

    8483.50.10 | — — Volantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.50.20 | — — Motones fijos y motones móviles, que se utilicen con las máquinas para la exploración, descubrimiento, explotación, mantenimiento, ensayo, agotamiento o preparación de pozos de petróleo o de gas natural o con las máquinas de perforación utilizadas para la exploración, descubrimiento, explotación o preparación de los yacimientos de potasa o sal gema; para la escalada o el alpinismo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.50.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.60 | — Embragues y órganos de acoplamiento, incluidas las juntas de articulación: | | |

    8483.60.10 | — — Embragues neumáticos en seco y embragues mecánicos que hayan de utilizarse en la exploración, descubrimiento, explotación, conservación, ensayo, agotamiento o preparación de pozos de petróleo, de gas natural o de yacimientos de potasa o de sal gema | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.60.20 | — — Órganos de acoplamiento hidráulico de transmisión, que hayan de utilizarse en la exploración, descubrimiento, explotación, conservación, ensayo, agotamiento o preparación de pozos de agua, de petróleo o de gas natural, en las minas o en las canteras o en la destilación o recuperación de los productos del gas natural | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.60.30 | — — Los demás embragues; órganos de acoplamiento, placas de unión y juntas de articulación que hayan de utilizarse en la fabricación de cargadores de dirección diferencial de la partida 8429 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.60.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8483.90.00 | — Ruedas dentadas y demás órganos elementales de transmisión presentados aisladamente; partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8484 | Juntas o empaquetaduras metaloplásticas; surtidos de juntas o empaquetaduras de distinta composición presentados en bolsitas, sobres o envases análogos; juntas o empaquetaduras mecánicas de estanqueidad. | | |

    8484.10.00 | — Juntas o empaquetaduras metaloplásticas | | |

    ex84841000 | — — Juntas metanoplásticas, utilizadas en vehículos automotores | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84841000 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8484.20 | — Juntas o empaquetaduras mecánicas de estanqueidad: | | |

    8484.20.10 | — — Juntas de anillos deslizantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8484.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8484.90.00 | — Los demás | | |

    ex84849000 | — — Juegos o surtidos de juntas de distinta composición presentados en bolsitas,sobre o envases analogos,utilizados en vehic.automotores | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex84849000 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8485 | Partes de máquinas o aparatos, no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte de este Capítulo, sin conexiones eléctricas, partes aisladas eléctricamente, bobinados, contactos ni otras características eléctricas. | | |

    8485.10.00 | — Hélices para barcos y sus paletas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8485.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    8485.90.10 | — — Aros de obturación (retenes) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8485.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    85 | Máquinas, aparatos y material eléctrico, y sus partes; aparatos de grabación o reproducción de sonido, aparatos de grabación o reproducción de imagen y sonido en televisión, y las partes y accesorios de estos aparatos | | |

    8501 | Motores y generadores, eléctricos, excepto los grupos electrógenos. | | |

    8501.10.00 | — Motores de potencia inferior o igual a 37,5 W | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.20.00 | — Motores universales de potencia superior a 37,5 W | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás motores de corriente continua; generadores de corriente continua: | | |

    8501.31.00 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 750 W | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.32 | — — De potencia superior a 750 W pero inferior o igual a 75 kW: | | |

    8501.32.10 | — — — De potencia superior a 750 W pero inferior o igual a 7,5 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.32.20 | — — — De potencia superior a 7,5 kW pero inferior o igual a 37 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.32.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.33.00 | — — De potencia superior a 75 kW pero inferior o igual a 375 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.34.00 | — — De potencia superior a 375 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.40.00 | — Los demás motores de corriente alterna, monofásicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás motores de corriente alterna, polifásicos: | | |

    8501.51.00 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 750 W | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.52 | — — De potencia superior a 750 W pero inferior o igual a 75 kW: | | |

    8501.52.10 | — — — De potencia superior a 750 W pero inferior o igual a 7,5 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.52.20 | — — — De potencia superior a 7,5 kW pero inferior o igual a 37 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.52.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.53 | — — De potencia superior a 75 kW: | | |

    8501.53.10 | — — — Motores de tracción | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    8501.53.91 | — — — — De potencia superior a 75 kW pero inferior o igual a 150 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.53.92 | — — — — De potencia superior a 150 kW pero inferior o igual a 375 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.53.93 | — — — — De potencia superior a 375 kW pero inferior o igual a 750 kW | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.53.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Generadores de corriente alterna (alternadores): | | |

    8501.61.00 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 75 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.62.00 | — — De potencia superior a 75 kVA pero inferior o igual a 375 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.63.00 | — — De potencia superior a 375 kVA pero inferior o igual a 750 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.64 | — — De potencia superior a 750 kVA: | | |

    8501.64.10 | — — — De potencia superior a 750 kVA pero inferior o igual a 1500 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.64.20 | — — — De potencia superior a 1500 kVA pero inferior o igual a 7500 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.64.30 | — — — De potencia superior a 7500 kVA pero inferior o igual a 37500 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.64.40 | — — — De potencia superior a 37500 kVA pero inferior o igual a 122500 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8501.64.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502 | Grupos electrógenos y convertidores rotativos eléctricos. | | |

    — Grupos electrógenos con motor de émbolo (pistón) de encendido por compresión (motores Diesel o semi-Diesel): | | |

    8502.11 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 75 kVA: | | |

    8502.11.10 | — — — De potencia inferior o igual a 15 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.11.20 | — — — De potencia superior a 15 kVA pero inferior o igual a 37,5 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.12 | — — De potencia superior a 75 kVA pero inferior o igual a 375 kVA: | | |

    8502.12.10 | — — — De potencia superior a 75 kVA pero inferior o igual a 150 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.12.20 | — — — De potencia superior a 150 kVA pero inferior o igual a 225 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.12.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.13 | — — De potencia superior a 375 kVA: | | |

    8502.13.10 | — — — De potencia superior a 375 kVA pero inferior o igual a 750 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.13.20 | — — — De potencia superior a 750 kVA pero inferior o igual a 1500 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.13.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.20.00 | — Grupos electrógenos con motor de émbolo (pistón) de encendido por chispa (motor de explosión) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás grupos electrógenos: | | |

    8502.31.00 | — — De energía eólica | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8502.39.10 | — — — Accionados por turbinas de gas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.39.20 | — — — Accionados por turbinas hidráulicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.39.30 | — — — Accionados por turbinas de vapor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8502.40.00 | — Convertidores rotativos eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8503 | Partes identificables como destinadas, exclusiva o principalmente, a las máquinas de las partidas 8501 u 8502. | | |

    8503.00.10 | — Estatores y rotores para los bienes de la partida 8501 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8503.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504 | Transformadores eléctricos, convertidores eléctricos estáticos (por ejemplo: rectificadores) y bobinas de reactancia (autoinducción). | | |

    8504.10.00 | — Balastos (reactancias) para lámparas o tubos de descarga | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Transformadores de dieléctrico líquido: | | |

    8504.21 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 650 kVA: | | |

    8504.21.10 | — — — De potencia inferior o igual a 15 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.21.20 | — — — De potencia superior a 15 kVA pero inferior o igual a 75 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.21.30 | — — — De potencia superior a 75 kVA pero inferior o igual a 150 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.21.40 | — — — De potencia superior a 150 kVA pero inferior o igual a 300 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.22 | — — De potencia superior a 650 kVA pero inferior o igual a 10000 kVA: | | |

    8504.22.10 | — — — De potencia superior a 650 kVA pero inferior o igual a 1500 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.22.20 | — — — De potencia superior a 1500 kVA pero inferior o igual a 3700 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.22.30 | — — — De potencia superior a 3700 kVA pero inferior o igual a 7500 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.22.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.23 | — — De potencia superior a 10000 kVA: | | |

    8504.23.10 | — — — De potencia superior a 10000 kVA pero inferior o igual a 37500 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.23.20 | — — — De potencia superior a 37500 kVA pero inferior o igual a 75000 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.23.30 | — — — De potencia superior a 75000 kVA pero inferior o igual a 150000 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.23.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás transformadores: | | |

    8504.31.00 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 1 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.32.00 | — — De potencia superior a 1 kVA pero inferior o igual a 16 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.33.00 | — — De potencia superior a 16 kVA pero inferior o igual a 500 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.34.00 | — — De potencia superior a 500 kVA | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.40 | — Convertidores estáticos: | | |

    8504.40.10 | — — Fuentes de poder para las máquinas automáticas de procesamiento de datos de la partida 8471 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.40.20 | — — Controladores de velocidad para motores eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.40.30 | — — Fuentes de alimentación estabilizada | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.40.40 | — — Cargadores de acumuladores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.40.50 | — — Unidades de alimentación eléctrica utilizadas con los instrumentos para cirugía, odontología, veterinaria o para diagnóstico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.50.00 | — Las demás bobinas de reactancia (autoinducción) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8504.90.10 | — — Circuitos modulares para bienes de las subpartidas 850440 y 850490 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.90.20 | — — Otras partes de fuentes de poder para las máquinas automáticas de procesamiento de datos de la partida 8471 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8504.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8505 | Electroimanes; imanes permanentes y artículos destinados a ser imantados permanentemente; platos, mandriles y dispositivos magnéticos o electromagnéticos similares, de sujeción; acoplamientos, embragues, variadores de velocidad y frenos, electromagnéticos; cabezas elevadoras electromagnéticas. | | |

    — Imanes permanentes y artículos destinados a ser imantados permanentemente: | | |

    8505.11.00 | — — De metal | 6 | Year 0 |

    8505.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8505.20.00 | — Acoplamientos, embragues, variadores de velocidad y frenos, electromagnéticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8505.30.00 | — Cabezas elevadoras electromagnéticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8505.90 | — Los demás, incluidas las partes: | | |

    8505.90.10 | — — Electroimanes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8505.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506 | Pilas y baterías de pilas, eléctricas. | | |

    8506.10 | — De dióxido de manganeso: | | |

    8506.10.10 | — — Pilas secas de tensión nominal de 1,5 volts | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506.30 | — De óxido de mercurio: | | |

    8506.30.10 | — — Pilas secas de tensión nominal de 1,5 volts | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506.30.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506.40 | — De óxido de plata: | | |

    8506.40.10 | — — Pilas secas de tensión nominal de 1,5 volts | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506.40.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506.50 | — De litio: | | |

    8506.50.10 | — — Pilas secas de tensión nominal de 1,5 volts | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506.50.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506.60 | — De aire-cinc: | | |

    8506.60.10 | — — Pilas secas de tensión nominal de 1,5 volts | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506.60.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506.80 | — Las demás pilas y baterías de pilas: | | |

    8506.80.10 | — — Pilas secas de tensión nominal de 1,5 volts | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506.80.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8506.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8507 | Acumuladores eléctricos, incluidos sus separadores, aunque sean cuadrados o rectangulares. | | |

    8507.10 | — De plomo, de los tipos utilizados para arranque de motores de émbolo (pistón): | | |

    8507.10.10 | — — Que funcionen con electrólito líquido | 6 | Year 5 |

    8507.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8507.20.00 | — Los demás acumuladores de plomo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8507.30 | — De níquel-cadmio: | | |

    8507.30.10 | — — Que hayan de utilizarse en lámparas de seguridad para mineros | 6 | Year 0 |

    8507.30.20 | — — Del tipo utilizado con los aparatos de telecomunicación, con máquinas automáticas para el tratamiento o procesamiento de datos y sus unidades | 6 | Year 0 |

    8507.30.30 | — — Del tipo utilizado como fuente principal de alimentación eléctrica de los vehículos con motor eléctrico de la subpartida 870390 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8507.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8507.40.00 | — De níquel-hierro | 6 | Year 0 |

    8507.80.00 | — Los demás acumuladores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8507.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8509 | Aparatos electromecánicos con motor eléctrico incorporado, de uso doméstico. | | |

    8509.10 | — Aspiradoras, incluidas las de materias secas y líquidas: | | |

    8509.10.10 | — — De polvo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8509.10.20 | — — De polvo y líquidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8509.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8509.20.00 | — Enceradoras (lustradoras) de pisos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8509.30.00 | — Trituradoras de desperdicios de cocina | 6 | Year 0 |

    8509.40 | — Trituradoras y mezcladoras de alimentos; extractoras de jugo de frutos u hortalizas: | | |

    — — Trituradoras y mezcladoras de alimentos: | | |

    8509.40.11 | — — — Licuadoras (blender) de 1 o varias velocidades | 6 | Year 0 |

    8509.40.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8509.40.20 | — — Extractoras de jugo de frutos u hortalizas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8509.80.00 | — Los demás aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8509.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8509.90.10 | — — Carcasas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8509.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8510 | Afeitadoras, máquinas de cortar el pelo o esquilar y aparatos de depilar, con motor eléctrico incorporado. | | |

    8510.10.00 | — Afeitadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8510.20.00 | — Máquinas de cortar el pelo o esquilar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8510.30.00 | — Aparatos de depilar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8510.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8511 | Aparatos y dispositivos eléctricos de encendido o de arranque, para motores de encendido por chispa o por compresión (por ejemplo: magnetos, dinamomagnetos, bobinas de encendido, bujías de encendido o calentamiento, motores de arranque); generadores (por ejemplo: dínamos, alternadores) y reguladores disyuntores utilizados con estos motores. | | |

    8511.10.00 | — Bujías de encendido | | |

    ex85111000 | — — Las demás buías de encendido para motores de encendido por chispa o por compresion | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex85111000 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8511.20 | — Magnetos; dinamomagnetos; volantes magnéticos: | | |

    8511.20.10 | — — Destinados a aeronaves civiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8511.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8511.30.00 | — Distribuidores; bobinas de encendido | | |

    ex85113000 | — — 1) los distribuidores,para motores de encendido por chispa o por compresion; 2) las demas bobinas de encendido con peso igual o inferior a 20 kg.para motores de encendido por chispa o por comprension | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex85113000 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8511.40.00 | — Motores de arranque, aunque funcionen también como generadores | | |

    ex85114000 | — — Los demás motores de arranque, aunque funcionen también como generadores para motores de encendido por chispa o por compresion | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex85114000 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8511.50.00 | — Los demás generadores | | |

    ex85115000 | — — Los demás alternadores, con peso igual o inferior a 12 kg, para motores de arranque, aunque funcionen tambien como generadores | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex85115000 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8511.80.00 | — Los demás aparatos y dispositivos | 6 | Year 5 |

    8511.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8512 | Aparatos eléctricos de alumbrado o señalización (excepto los artículos de la partida 8539), limpiaparabrisas, eliminadores de escarcha o vaho, eléctricos, de los tipos utilizados en velocípedos o vehículos automóviles. | | |

    8512.10.00 | — Aparatos de alumbrado o señalización visual de los tipos utilizados en bicicletas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8512.20 | — Los demás aparatos de alumbrado o señalización visual: | | |

    8512.20.10 | — — Para vehículos de la partida 8701 | 6 | Year 5 |

    8512.20.20 | — — Para vehículos de la partida 8702 | 6 | Year 5 |

    8512.20.30 | — — Para vehículos de la partida 8703 | 6 | Year 5 |

    8512.20.40 | — — Para vehículos de la partida 8704 | 6 | Year 5 |

    8512.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8512.30.00 | — Aparatos de señalización acústica | 6 | Year 5 |

    8512.40.00 | — Limpiaparabrisas y eliminadores de escarcha o vaho | | |

    ex85124000 | — — 1) limpiaparabrisas eléctricos del tipo de los utilizados en automóviles 2) eliminadores de escarcha y vaho, electricos, del tipo de los utilizados en automotores | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex85124000 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8512.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8513 | Lámparas eléctricas portátiles concebidas para funcionar con su propia fuente de energía (por ejemplo: de pilas, acumuladores, electromagnéticas), excepto los aparatos de alumbrado de la partida 8512. | | |

    8513.10 | — Lámparas: | | |

    8513.10.10 | — — Lámparas de seguridad (para mineros y similares) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8513.10.20 | — — Linternas de pilas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8513.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8513.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8514 | Hornos eléctricos industriales o de laboratorio, incluidos los que funcionen por inducción o pérdidas dieléctricas; los demás aparatos industriales o de laboratorio para tratamiento térmico de materias por inducción o pérdidas dieléctricas. | | |

    8514.10.00 | — Hornos de resistencia (de calentamiento indirecto) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8514.20.00 | — Hornos que funcionen por inducción o pérdidas dieléctricas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8514.30.00 | — Los demás hornos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8514.40.00 | — Los demás aparatos para tratamiento térmico de materias por inducción o pérdidas dieléctricas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8514.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8515 | Máquinas y aparatos de soldar (aunque puedan cortar), eléctricos (incluidos los de gas calentado eléctricamente), de láser u otros haces de luz o de fotones, ultrasonido, haces de electrones, impulsos magnéticos o chorro de plasma; máquinas y aparatos eléctricos de proyectar en caliente metal o cermet. | | |

    — Máquinas y aparatos para soldadura fuerte o para soldadura blanda: | | |

    8515.11.00 | — — Soldadores y pistolas de soldar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8515.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máquinas y aparatos de soldar metal por resistencia: | | |

    8515.21.00 | — — Total o parcialmente automáticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8515.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máquinas y aparatos de soldar metal, de arco o chorro de plasma: | | |

    8515.31.00 | — — Total o parcialmente automáticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8515.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8515.39.10 | — — — Manuales, con electrodos recubiertos, constituidos por los dispositivos de soldadura y un transformador | 6 | Year 0 |

    8515.39.20 | — — — Manuales, con electrodos recubiertos, constituidos por los dispositivos de soldadura y un generador o un convertidor rotativo o un convertidor estático | 6 | Year 0 |

    8515.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8515.80.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8515.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516 | Calentadores eléctricos de agua de calentamiento instantáneo o acumulación y calentadores eléctricos de inmersión; aparatos eléctricos para calefacción de espacios o suelos; aparatos electrotérmicos para el cuidado del cabello (por ejemplo: secadores, rizadores, calientatenacillas) o de secar las manos; planchas eléctricas; los demás aparatos electrotérmicos de uso doméstico; resistencias calentadoras, excepto las de la partida 8545. | | |

    8516.10 | — Calentadores eléctricos de agua de calentamiento instantáneo o acumulación y calentadores eléctricos de inmersión: | | |

    8516.10.10 | — — Calentadores eléctricos de agua | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.10.20 | — — Calentadores de inmersión de uso doméstico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aparatos eléctricos para calefacción de espacios o suelos: | | |

    8516.21.00 | — — Radiadores de acumulación | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aparatos electrotérmicos para el cuidado del cabello o de secar las manos: | | |

    8516.31.00 | — — Secadores para el cabello | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.32.00 | — — Los demás aparatos para el cuidado del cabello | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.33.00 | — — Aparatos de secar las manos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.40 | — Planchas eléctricas: | | |

    8516.40.10 | — — De vapor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.40.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.50 | — Hornos de microondas: | | |

    8516.50.10 | — — De uso doméstico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.50.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.60 | — Los demás hornos; cocinas, calentadores (incluidas las mesas de cocción), parrillas y asadores: | | |

    8516.60.10 | — — Hornos, estufas, cocinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.60.20 | — — Calentadores para empotrar, incluidas las mesas de cocción | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.60.30 | — — Parrillas y asadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.60.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás aparatos electrotérmicos: | | |

    8516.71.00 | — — Aparatos para la preparación de café o té | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.72.00 | — — Tostadoras de pan | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.79.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.80.00 | — Resistencias calentadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8516.90.10 | — — Carcasas para los bienes de la subpartida 851633 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.90.20 | — — Carcasas y bases metálicas para los bienes de la subpartida 851640 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.90.30 | — — Ensambles de los bienes de la subpartida 851650 que incluyan más de uno de los siguientes componentes: cámara de cocción, chasis del soporte estructural, puerta, gabinete exterior | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.90.40 | — — Circuitos modulares para los bienes de la subpartida 851650 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.90.50 | — — Cámaras de cocción, ensambladas o no, para los bienes del ítem 85166010 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.90.60 | — — Panel superior con o sin elementos de calentamiento o control, para los bienes del ítem 85166010 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.90.70 | — — Ensambles de puerta que contengan más de uno de los siguientes componentes: panel interior, panel exterior, ventana, aislamiento, para los bienes del ítem 85166010 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.90.80 | — — Carcasas para tostadoras de pan | 6 | Year 0 |

    8516.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517 | Aparatos eléctricos de telefonía o telegrafía con hilos, incluidos los teléfonos de usuario de auricular inalámbrico combinado con micrófono y los aparatos de telecomunicación por corriente portadora o telecomunicación digital; videófonos. | | |

    — Teléfonos de usuario; videófonos: | | |

    8517.11.00 | — — Teléfonos de usuario de auricular inalámbrico combinado con micrófono | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8517.19.10 | — — — Videófonos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Telefax y teletipos: | | |

    8517.21.00 | — — Telefax | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.22.00 | — — Teletipos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.30 | — Aparatos de conmutación para telefonía o telegrafía: | | |

    8517.30.10 | — — Centrales de conmutación automática | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.50 | — Los demás aparatos de telecomunicación por corriente portadora o telecomunicación digital: | | |

    8517.50.10 | — — Modems, de los tipos utilizados en las máquinas procesadoras de datos de la partida 8471 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.50.20 | — — Los demás aparatos telefónicos por corriente portadora | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.50.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.80 | — Los demás aparatos: | | |

    8517.80.10 | — — Aparatos telefónicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.80.20 | — — Los demás aparatos para telegrafía | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.80.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8517.90.10 | — — Para máquinas de facsimilado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.90.20 | — — Para equipos telefónicos que incorporan circuitos modulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.90.30 | — — Las demás, que incorporan circuitos modulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.90.40 | — — Circuitos modulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.90.50 | — — Las demás partes, incluidas las placas frontales y los dispositivos de ajuste o seguridad, para circuitos modulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8517.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8518 | Micrófonos y sus soportes; altavoces (altoparlantes), incluso montados en sus cajas; auriculares, incluidos los de casco, incluso combinados con micrófono, y juegos o conjuntos constituidos por un micrófono y uno o varios altavoces (altoparlantes); amplificadores eléctricos de audiofrecuencia; equipos eléctricos para amplificación de sonido. | | |

    8518.10.00 | — Micrófonos y sus soportes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Altavoces (altoparlantes), incluso montados en sus cajas: | | |

    8518.21.00 | — — Un altavoz (altoparlante) montado en su caja | 6 | Year 0 |

    8518.22.00 | — — Varios altavoces (altoparlantes) montados en una misma caja | 6 | Year 0 |

    8518.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8518.30 | — Auriculares, incluidos los de casco, incluso combinados con micrófono, y juegos o conjuntos constituidos por un micrófono y uno o varios altavoces (altoparlantes): | | |

    8518.30.10 | — — Microteléfono | 6 | Year 0 |

    8518.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8518.40.00 | — Amplificadores eléctricos de audiofrecuencia | 6 | Year 0 |

    8518.50.00 | — Equipos eléctricos para amplificación de sonido | 6 | Year 0 |

    8518.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8519 | Giradiscos, tocadiscos, reproductores de casetes (tocacasetes) y demás reproductores de sonido, sin dispositivo de grabación de sonido incorporado. | | |

    8519.10.00 | — Tocadiscos que funcionen por ficha o moneda | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás tocadiscos: | | |

    8519.21.00 | — — Sin altavoces (altoparlantes) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8519.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Giradiscos: | | |

    8519.31.00 | — — Con cambiador automático de discos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8519.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8519.40.00 | — Aparatos para reproducir dictados | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás reproductores de sonido: | | |

    8519.92.00 | — — Reproductores de casetes (tocacasetes) de bolsillo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8519.93.00 | — — Los demás reproductores de casetes (tocacasetes) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8519.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8519.99.10 | — — — Lectores de discos compactos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8519.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8520 | Magnetófonos y demás aparatos de grabación de sonido, incluso con dispositivo de reproducción de sonido incorporado. | | |

    8520.10.00 | — Aparatos para dictar que sólo funcionen con fuente de energía exterior | 6 | Year 0 |

    8520.20.00 | — Contestadores telefónicos | | Year 0 |

    — Los demás aparatos de grabación y reproducción de sonido, en cinta magnética: | 6 | |

    8520.32.00 | — — Digitales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8520.33.00 | — — Los demás, de casete | 6 | Year 0 |

    8520.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8520.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8521 | Aparatos de grabación o reproducción de imagen y sonido (videos), incluso con receptor de señales de imagen y sonido incorporado. | | |

    8521.10 | — De cinta magnética: | | |

    8521.10.10 | — — En color, del tipo de cartucho o de casete que no permitan la grabación | 6 | Year 0 |

    8521.10.20 | — — Los demás en color, del tipo de cartucho o de casete | 6 | Year 0 |

    8521.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8521.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8522 | Partes y accesorios identificables como destinados, exclusiva o principalmente, a los aparatos de las partidas 8519 a 8521. | | |

    8522.10.00 | — Cápsulas fonocaptoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8522.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    8522.90.10 | — — Circuitos modulares para los aparatos de las partidas 8519; 8520 u 8521 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8522.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8523 | Soportes preparados para grabar sonido o grabaciones análogas, sin grabar, excepto los productos del Capítulo 37. | | |

    — Cintas magnéticas: | | |

    8523.11 | — — De anchura inferior o igual a 4 mm: | | |

    8523.11.10 | — — — Casetes de audio | 6 | Year 0 |

    8523.11.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8523.12.00 | — — De anchura superior a 4 mm pero inferior o igual a 6,5 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    8523.13.00 | — — De anchura superior a 6,5 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    8523.20 | — Discos magnéticos: | | |

    — — Rígidos: | | |

    8523.20.11 | — — — Con revestimiento metálico delgado, una coercitividad superior a 600 oersted y un diámetro externo inferior o igual a 231 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    8523.20.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8523.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8523.30.00 | — Tarjetas con tira magnética incorporada | 6 | Year 0 |

    8523.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524 | Discos, cintas y demás soportes para grabar sonido o grabaciones análogas, grabados, incluso las matrices y moldes galvánicos para fabricación de discos, excepto los productos del Capítulo 37. | | |

    8524.10.00 | — Discos para tocadiscos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Discos para sistemas de lectura por rayos láser: | | |

    8524.31 | — — Para reproducir fenómenos distintos del sonido o imagen: | | |

    8524.31.10 | — — — Para datos, destinados a las máquinas automáticas de procesamiento de datos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.31.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.32.00 | — — Para reproducir únicamente sonido | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8524.39.10 | — — — Para reproducir representaciones de instrucciones, datos, sonidos e imágenes grabadas en forma binaria legible por una máquina, que puedan ser manipulados o permitan interactuar al usuario mediante una máquina automática de tratamiento o procesamiento de datos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.40 | — Cintas magnéticas para reproducir fenómenos distintos del sonido o imagen: | | |

    8524.40.10 | — — Que contengan datos o instrucciones de los tipos utilizados en máquinas automáticas de tratamiento o procesamiento de datos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.40.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás cintas magnéticas: | | |

    8524.51 | — — De anchura inferior o igual a 4 mm: | | |

    8524.51.10 | — — — De carácter educativo, científico o cultural | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.51.20 | — — — De carácter musical, incluidas las grabaciones de óperas, operetas, comedias musicales y demás grabaciones en las que la música desempeñe un papel importante | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.51.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.52 | — — De anchura superior a 4 mm pero inferior o igual a 6,5 mm: | | |

    8524.52.10 | — — — De carácter educativo, científico o cultural | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.52.20 | — — — De carácter musical, incluidas las grabaciones de óperas, operetas, comedias musicales y demás grabaciones en las que la música desempeñe un papel importante | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.52.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.53 | — — De anchura superior a 6,5 mm: | | |

    8524.53.10 | — — — De carácter educativo, científico o cultural | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.53.20 | — — — De carácter musical, incluidas las grabaciones de óperas, operetas, comedias musicales y demás grabaciones en lasque la música desempeñe un papel importante | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.53.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.60.00 | — Tarjetas con tira magnética incorporada | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás | | |

    8524.91 | — — Para reproducir fenómenos distintos del sonido o imagen: | | |

    8524.91.10 | — — — Que contengan datos o instrucciones de los tipos utilizados en máquinas automáticas de tratamiento o procesamiento de datos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.91.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8524.99.10 | — — — Para reproducir representaciones de instrucciones, datos, sonidos e imágenes grabadas en forma binaria legible por una máquina, que puedan ser manipulados o permitan interactuar al usuario mediante una máquina automática de tratamiento o procesamiento de datos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8524.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525 | Aparatos emisores de radiotelefonía, radiotelegrafía, radiodifusión o televisión, incluso con aparato receptor o de grabación o reproducción de sonido incorporado; cámaras de televisión; videocámaras, incluidas las de imagen fija; cámaras digitales. | | |

    8525.10 | — Aparatos emisores: | | |

    — — Para radiotelefonía y radiotelegrafía: | | |

    8525.10.11 | — — — Para radiotelefonía | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.10.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Para radiodifusión y televisión: | | |

    8525.10.21 | — — — Para radiodifusión | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.10.29 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.20 | — Aparatos emisores con aparato receptor incorporado: | | |

    8525.20.10 | — — Para radiodifusión y televisión | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.20.20 | — — Radioreceptores (transceptores) UHF y VHF | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.20.30 | — — Teléfonos celulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.30 | — Cámaras de televisión: | | |

    — — Giroestabilizadas: | | |

    8525.30.11 | — — — En color | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.30.12 | — — — En blanco y negro u otras monocromas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.30.20 | — — Cámaras tomavistas para estudios de televisión, excepto las que se apoyan en el hombro y las portátiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.30.30 | — — Cámaras portátiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.30.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.40 | — Videocámaras, incluidas las de imagen fija; cámaras digitales: | | |

    8525.40.10 | — — Videocámaras, incluidas las de imagen fija | 6 | Year 0 |

    8525.40.20 | — — Cámaras digitales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8526 | Aparatos de radar, radionavegación o radiotelemando. | | |

    8526.10.00 | — Aparatos de radar | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    8526.91.00 | — — Aparatos de radionavegación | 6 | Year 0 |

    8526.92.00 | — — Aparatos de radiotelemando | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527 | Aparatos receptores de radiotelefonía, radiotelegrafía o radiodifusión, incluso combinados en la misma envoltura con grabador o reproductor de sonido o con reloj. | | |

    — Aparatos receptores de radiodifusión que puedan funcionar sin fuente de energía exterior, incluso los que puedan recibir señales de radiotelefonía o radiotelegrafía: | | |

    8527.12.00 | — — Radiocasetes de bolsillo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.13.00 | — — Los demás aparatos combinados con grabador o reproductor de sonido | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aparatos receptores de radiodifusión que solo funcionen con fuente de energía exterior, de los tipos utilizados en vehículos automóviles, incluso los que puedan recibir señales de radiotelefonía o radiotelegrafía: | | |

    8527.21 | — — Combinados con grabador o reproductor de sonido: | | |

    8527.21.10 | — — — De sistema de lectura por rayo láser | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.21.20 | — — — De casete | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.21.30 | — — — De sistema de lectura analógico/digital | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás aparatos receptores de radiodifusión, incluso los que puedan recibir señales de radiotelefonía o radiotelegrafía: | | |

    8527.31 | — — Combinados con grabador o reproductor de sonido: | | |

    8527.31.10 | — — — De sistema de lectura por rayo láser | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.31.20 | — — — De casete | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.31.30 | — — — De sistema de lectura analógico/digital | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.31.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.32.00 | — — Sin combinar con grabador o reproductor de sonido, pero combinados con reloj | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.90 | — Los demás aparatos: | | |

    8527.90.10 | — — Aparatos buscapersonas ("beepers)" | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.90.20 | — — Aparatos de facsímil | 6 | Year 0 |

    8527.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528 | Aparatos receptores de televisión, incluso con aparato receptor de radiodifusión o de grabación o reproducción de sonido o imagen incorporado; videomonitores y videoproyectores. | | |

    — Aparatos receptores de televisión, incluso con aparato receptor de radiodifusión o de grabación o reproducción de sonido o imagen incorporado: | | |

    8528.12 | — — En colores: | | |

    8528.12.10 | — — — Con pantalla inferior o igual a 35,56 cm (14″), excepto los de alta definición y los de proyección | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.12.20 | — — — Con pantalla superior a 35,56 cm (14″), excepto los de alta definición y los de proyección | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.12.30 | — — — De proyección por tubos de rayos catódicos, excepto los de alta definición | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.12.40 | — — — De alta definición por tubos de rayos catódicos, excepto los de proyección | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.12.50 | — — — De alta definición, de proyección por tubos de rayos catódicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.12.60 | — — — Con pantalla plana | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.12.70 | — — — Incompletos o sin terminar (incluidos los ensambles para receptores de televisión compuestos de todas las partes especificadas en la nota 4 del Capítulo 85 más una fuente de poder), sin incorporar tubo de rayos catódicos, pantalla plana o pantalla similar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.12.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.13.00 | — — En blanco y negro o demás monocromos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Videomonitores: | | |

    8528.21 | — — En colores: | | |

    8528.21.10 | — — — Con pantalla inferior o igual a 35,56 cm (14″), excepto los de alta definición y los de proyección | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.21.20 | — — — Con pantalla superior a 35,56 cm (14″), excepto los de alta definición y los de proyección | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.21.30 | — — — De proyección por tubos de rayos catódicos, excepto los de alta definición | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.21.40 | — — — De alta definición, por tubos de rayos catódicos, excepto los de proyección | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.21.50 | — — — De alta definición, de proyección por tubos de rayos catódicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.21.60 | — — — Con pantalla plana | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.21.70 | — — — Incompletos o sin terminar, sin incorporar tubo de rayos catódicos, pantalla plana o pantalla similar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.22.00 | — — En blanco y negro o demás monocromos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.30 | — Videoproyectores: | | |

    8528.30.10 | — — De alta definición, con tubos de rayos catódicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.30.20 | — — Que no sean de alta definición, con tubo de rayos catódicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.30.30 | — — Con pantalla plana | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.30.40 | — — Incompletos o sin terminar, sin incorporar tubo de rayos catódicos, pantalla plana o pantalla similar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8528.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8529 | Partes identificables como destinadas, exclusiva o principalmente, a los aparatos de las partidas 8525 a 8528. | | |

    8529.10 | — Antenas y reflectores de antena de cualquier tipo; partes apropiadas para su utilización con dichos artículos: | | |

    8529.10.10 | — — Antenas para aparatos de televisión | 6 | Year 0 |

    8529.10.20 | — — Antenas para aparatos de radiotelefonía | 6 | Year 0 |

    8529.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8529.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    8529.90.10 | — — Circuitos modulares para los bienes de las partidas 8525 a 8528 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8529.90.20 | — — Ensambles de transceptores para aparatos de la subpartida 852610, no especificados en otra parte | 6 | Year 0 |

    8529.90.30 | — — Partes especificadas en la nota 4 del Capítulo 85, excepto los circuitos modulares clasificados en el ítem 85299010 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8529.90.40 | — — Combinaciones de las partes especificadas en la nota 4 del Capítulo 85 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8529.90.50 | — — Ensambles de pantalla plana para los bienes de los ítems 85281260, 85282160 y 85283030 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8529.90.60 | — — Partes, incluidas las placas frontales y los dispositivos de ajuste o seguridad para los circuitos modulares, no especificados en otra parte | 6 | Year 0 |

    8529.90.70 | — — Las demás partes para los bienes de las partidas 8525 y 8527 (excepto las partes de los teléfonos celulares) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8529.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8530 | Aparatos eléctricos de señalización (excepto los de transmisión de mensajes), seguridad, control o mando, para vías férreas o similares, carreteras, vías fluviales, áreas o parques de estacionamiento, instalaciones portuarias o aeropuertos (excepto los de la partida 8608). | | |

    8530.10.00 | — Aparatos para vías férreas o similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8530.80.00 | — Los demás aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8530.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8531 | Aparatos eléctricos de señalización acústica o visual (por ejemplo: timbres, sirenas, tableros indicadores, avisadores de protección contra robo o incendio), excepto los de las partidas 8512 u 8530. | | |

    8531.10 | — Avisadores eléctricos de protección contra robo o incendio y aparatos similares: | | |

    8531.10.10 | — — Detectores de humo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8531.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8531.20.00 | — Tableros indicadores con dispositivos de cristal líquido (LCD) o diodos emisores de luz (LED), incorporados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8531.80.00 | — Los demás aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8531.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8531.90.10 | — — Circuitos modulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8531.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8532 | Condensadores eléctricos fijos, variables o ajustables. | | |

    8532.10.00 | — Condensadores fijos concebidos para redes eléctricas de 50/60 Hz, para una potencia reactiva superior o igual a 0,5 kvar (condensadores de potencia) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás condensadores fijos: | | |

    8532.21.00 | — — De tantalio | 6 | Year 0 |

    8532.22.00 | — — Electrolíticos de aluminio | 6 | Year 0 |

    8532.23.00 | — — Con dieléctrico de cerámica de una sola capa | 6 | Year 0 |

    8532.24.00 | — — Con dieléctrico de cerámica, multicapas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8532.25.00 | — — Con dieléctrico de papel o plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8532.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8532.30.00 | — Condensadores variables o ajustables | 6 | Year 0 |

    8532.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533 | Resistencias eléctricas, excepto las de calentamiento (incluidos reóstatos y potenciómetros). | | |

    8533.10.00 | — Resistencias fijas de carbono, aglomeradas o de capa | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás resistencias fijas: | | |

    8533.21.00 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 20 W | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533.29.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Resistencias variables bobinadas (incluidos reóstatos y potenciómetros): | | |

    8533.31 | — — De potencia inferior o igual a 20 W: | | |

    8533.31.10 | — — — Resistencias | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533.31.20 | — — — Reóstatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533.31.30 | — — — Potenciómetros | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533.39 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8533.39.10 | — — — Resistencias | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533.39.20 | — — — Reóstatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533.39.30 | — — — Potenciómetros | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533.40 | — Las demás resistencias variables (incluidos reóstatos y potenciómetros): | | |

    — — Resistencias: | | |

    8533.40.11 | — — — Varistores de óxidos metálicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533.40.19 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533.40.20 | — — Reóstatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533.40.30 | — — Potenciómetros | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8533.90.10 | — — Para lo comprendido en la subpartida 853340, de materiales metálicos o cerámicos, termosensibles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8533.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8534.00.00 | Circuitos impresos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8535 | Aparatos para corte, seccionamiento, protección, derivación, empalme o conexión de circuitos eléctricos (por ejemplo: interruptores, conmutadores, cortacircuitos, pararrayos, limitadores de tensión, supresores de sobretensión transitoria, tomas de corriente, cajas de empalme), para una tensión superior a 1000 voltios. | | |

    8535.10 | — Fusibles y cortacircuitos de fusible: | | |

    8535.10.10 | — — Fusibles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8535.10.20 | — — Cortacircuitos de fusible | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Disyuntores: | | |

    8535.21.00 | — — Para una tensión inferior a 72,5 kV | 6 | Year 0 |

    8535.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8535.30 | — Seccionadores e interruptores: | | |

    8535.30.10 | — — Seccionadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Interruptores: | | |

    8535.30.21 | — — — Para una tensión inferior a 72,5 kV | 6 | Year 0 |

    8535.30.29 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8535.40.00 | — Pararrayos, limitadores de tensión y supresores de sobretensión transitoria | 6 | Year 0 |

    8535.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    8535.90.10 | — — Aparatos de empalme y conexión | 6 | Year 0 |

    8535.90.20 | — — Arrancadores de motor y protectores de sobrecarga para motores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8535.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536 | Aparatos para corte, seccionamiento, protección, derivación, empalme o conexión de circuitos eléctricos (por ejemplo: interruptores, conmutadores, relés, cortacircuitos, supresores de sobretensión transitoria, clavijas y tomas de corriente (enchufes), portalámparas, cajas de empalme), para una tensión inferior o igual a 1000 voltios. | | |

    8536.10 | — Fusibles y cortacircuitos de fusible: | | |

    8536.10.10 | — — Fusibles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.10.20 | — — Cortacircuitos de fusible | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.20.00 | — Disyuntores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.30 | — Los demás aparatos para protección de circuitos eléctricos: | | |

    8536.30.10 | — — Protectores de sobrecarga para motores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Relés: | | |

    8536.41 | — — Para una tensión inferior o igual a 60 V: | | |

    8536.41.10 | — — — Para una tensión inferior o igual a 12 V | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.41.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.49 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8536.49.10 | — — — Para una tensión superior a 60 V pero inferior o igual a 130 V | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.50 | — Los demás interruptores, seccionadores y conmutadores: | | |

    — — Interruptores: | | |

    8536.50.11 | — — — Para uso automotriz | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.50.12 | — — — Arrancadores de motor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.50.13 | — — — Interruptores termomagnéticos unipolares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.50.14 | — — — Interruptores termomagnéticos bipolares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.50.15 | — — — Interruptores termomagnéticos tripolares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.50.16 | — — — Interruptores de tecla para instalaciones eléctricas de alumbrado | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.50.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    8536.50.91 | — — — Para uso automotriz | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.50.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Portalámparas, clavijas y tomas de corriente (enchufes): | | |

    8536.61.00 | — — Portalámparas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.69.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.90 | — Los demás aparatos: | | |

    — — Aparatos de empalme y conexión: | | |

    8536.90.11 | — — — Cajas de conexión | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.90.12 | — — — Bandejas y molduras portaconductores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.90.13 | — — — Conectores, bornes y terminales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.90.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8536.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8537 | Cuadros, paneles, consolas, armarios y demás soportes equipados con varios aparatos de las partidas 8535 u 8536, para control o distribución de electricidad, incluidos los que incorporen instrumentos o aparatos del Capítulo 90, así como los aparatos de control numérico, excepto los aparatos de conmutación de la partida 8517. | | |

    8537.10 | — Para una tensión inferior o igual a 1000 V: | | |

    8537.10.10 | — — Ensambles con la carcasa exterior o soporte, para los bienes de las partidas 8421, 8422, 8450 u 8516 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8537.10.20 | — — Panel de central de indicación para vehículos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8537.10.30 | — — Controles numéricos que incorporen una máquina automática de procesamiento de datos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8537.10.40 | — — Aparatos de mando con memoria programable | 6 | Year 0 |

    8537.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8537.20 | — Para una tensión superior a 1000 V: | | |

    8537.20.10 | — — Para una tensión superior a 1000 V pero inferior o igual a 72,5 kV | 6 | Year 0 |

    8537.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8538 | Partes identificables como destinadas, exclusiva o principalmente, a los aparatos de las partidas 8535, 8536 u 8537. | | |

    8538.10 | — Cuadros, paneles, consolas, armarios y demás soportes de la partida 8537, sin sus aparatos: | | |

    8538.10.10 | — — Para los bienes del ítem 85371010 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8538.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8538.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    8538.90.10 | — — Para los bienes de los ítemes 85359010, 85363010, 85365011, de materiales cerámicos o metálicos, termosensibles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8538.90.20 | — — Circuitos modulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8538.90.30 | — — Partes moldeadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8538.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539 | Lámparas y tubos eléctricos de incandescencia o de descarga, incluidos los faros o unidades "sellados" y las lámparas y tubos de rayos ultravioletas o infrarrojos; lámparas de arco. | | |

    8539.10 | — Faros o unidades "sellados": | | |

    8539.10.10 | — — Para vehículos motorizados del capítulo 87 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás lámparas y tubos de incandescencia, excepto las de rayos ultravioletas o infrarrojos: | | |

    8539.21 | — — Halógenos, de volframio (tungsteno): | | |

    8539.21.10 | — — — Para uso automotriz | | |

    ex85392110 | — — — — Faros sellados para vehículos automóviles | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex85392110 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.22 | — — Los demás de potencia inferior o igual a 200 W y para una tensión superior a 100 V: | | |

    8539.22.10 | — — — Destinados a la fabricación de juegos de luces para decoraciones de Navidad o para juegos de luces para patio | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.22.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    — — — Para vehículos: | | |

    8539.29.11 | — — — — Lámparas y tubos eléctricos de incandescencia | 6 | Year 5 |

    8539.29.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    8539.29.91 | — — — — Lámparas y tubos eléctricos de incandescencia | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.29.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Lámparas y tubos de descarga, excepto los de rayos ultravioletas: | | |

    8539.31.00 | — — Fluorescentes, de cátodo caliente | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.32 | — — Lámparas de vapor de mercurio o sodio; lámparas de halogenuro metálico: | | |

    8539.32.10 | — — — De vapor de mercurio | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.32.20 | — — — De vapor de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.32.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8539.39.10 | — — — De vapor de mercurio o de sodio | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Lámparas y tubos de rayos ultravioletas o infrarrojos; lámparas de arco: | | |

    8539.41.00 | — — Lámparas de arco | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8539.90.10 | — — Casquillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8539.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540 | Lámparas, tubos y válvulas electrónicos, de cátodo caliente, cátodo frío o fotocátodo (por ejemplo: lámparas, tubos y válvulas, de vacío, de vapor o gas, tubos rectificadores de vapor de mercurio, tubos catódicos, tubos y válvulas para cámaras de televisión), excepto los de la partida 8539. | | |

    — Tubos catódicos para aparatos receptores de televisión, incluso para videomonitores: | | |

    8540.11 | — — En colores: | | |

    8540.11.10 | — — — Con pantalla superior a 35,56 cm (14″), excepto los de alta definición y los de proyección | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.11.20 | — — — Con pantalla inferior o igual a 35, 56 cm (14″), excepto los de alta definición y los de proyección | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.11.30 | — — — De alta definición, con pantalla superior a 35,56 cm (14″) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.11.40 | — — — De alta definición, con pantalla inferior o igual a 35,56 cm (14″) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.12 | — — En blanco y negro o demás monocromos: | | |

    8540.12.10 | — — — De alta definición | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.12.20 | — — — No de alta definición | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.12.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.20.00 | — Tubos para cámaras de televisión; tubos convertidores o intensificadores de imagen; los demás tubos de fotocátodo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.40.00 | — Tubos para visualizar datos gráficos en colores, con pantalla fosfórica de separación de puntos inferior a 0,4 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.50.00 | — Tubos para visualizar datos gráficos en blanco y negro o demás monocromos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.60.00 | — Los demás tubos catódicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Tubos para hiperfrecuencias (por ejemplo: magnetrones, klistrones, tubos de ondas progresivas, carcinotrones), excepto los controlados por rejilla: | | |

    8540.71.00 | — — Magnetrones | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.72.00 | — — Klistrones | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.79.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás lámparas, tubos y válvulas: | | |

    8540.81.00 | — — Tubos receptores o amplificadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.89.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes: | | |

    8540.91 | — — De tubos catódicos: | | |

    8540.91.10 | — — — Ensambles de panel frontal | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.91.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8540.99.10 | — — — Cañones de electrones; estructuras de radiofrecuencia (RF) para los tubos de microondas de las subpartidas 854071 a 854079 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8540.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8541 | Diodos, transistores y dispositivos semiconductores similares; dispositivos semiconductores fotosensibles, incluidas las células fotovoltaicas, aunque estén ensambladas en módulos o paneles; diodos emisores de luz; cristales piezoeléctricos montados. | | |

    8541.10.00 | — Diodos, excepto los fotodiodos y los diodos emisores de luz | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Transistores, excepto los fototransistores: | | |

    8541.21.00 | — — De capacidad de disipación inferior a 1 W | 6 | Year 0 |

    8541.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8541.30.00 | — Tiristores, diacs y triacs, excepto los dispositivos fotosensibles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8541.40.00 | — Dispositivos semiconductores fotosensibles, incluidas las células fotovoltaicas, aunque estén ensambladas en módulos o paneles; diodos emisores de luz | 6 | Year 0 |

    8541.50.00 | — Los demás dispositivos semiconductores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8541.60.00 | — Cristales piezoeléctricos montados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8541.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8542 | Circuitos integrados y microestructuras electrónicas. | | |

    8542.10.00 | — Tarjetas provistas de un circuito integrado electrónico (tarjetas inteligentes ["smart cards"]) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Circuitos integrados monolíticos: | | |

    8542.21 | — — Digitales: | | |

    8542.21.10 | — — — Semiconductores de óxido metálico (tecnología MOS), para televisores de alta definición que tengan más de 100000 puertas (haces) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8542.21.20 | — — — Circuitos de tecnología bipolar para televisores de alta definición que tengan más de 100000 puertas (haces) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8542.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8542.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8542.60.00 | — Circuitos integrados híbridos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8542.70.00 | — Microestructurales electrónicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8542.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8543 | Máquinas y aparatos eléctricos con función propia, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte de este Capítulo. | | |

    — Aceleradores de partículas: | | |

    8543.11.00 | — — Aparatos de implantación iónica para dopar material semiconductor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8543.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8543.19.10 | — — — Nucleares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8543.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8543.20.00 | — Generadores de señales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8543.30 | — Máquinas y aparatos de galvanotecnia, electrólisis o electroforesis: | | |

    8543.30.10 | — — Aparatos para atacar con ácido, revelar, desnudar o limpiar los discos (obleas) semiconductores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8543.30.20 | — — Aparatos para ataque químico por vía húmeda, revelado, decapado o limpieza de substratos de los visualizadores de cristal líquido | 6 | Year 0 |

    8543.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8543.40.00 | — Electrificadores de cercas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás máquinas y aparatos: | | |

    8543.81.00 | — — Tarjetas y etiquetas de activación por proximidad | 6 | Year 0 |

    8543.89 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8543.89.10 | — — — Amplificadores de microondas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8543.89.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8543.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8543.90.10 | — — Circuitos modulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8543.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544 | Hilos, cables (incluidos los coaxiales) y demás conductores aislados para electricidad, aunque estén laqueados, anodizados o provistos de piezas de conexión; cables de fibras ópticas constituidos por fibras enfundadas individualmente, incluso con conductores eléctricos incorporados o provistos de piezas de conexión. | | |

    — Alambre para bobinar: | | |

    8544.11.00 | — — De cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.20 | — Cables y demás conductores eléctricos, coaxiales: | | |

    8544.20.10 | — — Telefónicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.20.20 | — — Otros de cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.30 | — Juegos de cables para bujías de encendido y demás juegos de cables de los tipos utilizados en los medios de transporte: | | |

    8544.30.10 | — — De cobre | 6 | Year 5 |

    8544.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Los demás conductores eléctricos para una tensión inferior o igual a 80 V: | | |

    8544.41 | — — Provistos de piezas de conexión: | | |

    8544.41.10 | — — — Telefónicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.41.20 | — — — Otros de cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.41.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.49 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8544.49.10 | — — — Telefónicos | 6 | Year 5 |

    8544.49.20 | — — — Otros de cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás conductores eléctricos para una tensión superior a 80 V pero inferior o igual a 1000 V: | | |

    8544.51 | — — Provistos de piezas de conexión: | | |

    8544.51.10 | — — — De cobre | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.51.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.59 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8544.59.10 | — — — De cobre | 6 | Year 5 |

    8544.59.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.60 | — Los demás conductores eléctricos para una tensión superior a 1000 V: | | |

    8544.60.10 | — — De cobre | 6 | Year 5 |

    8544.60.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8544.70.00 | — Cables de fibras ópticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8545 | Electrodos y escobillas de carbón, carbón para lámparas o pilas y demás artículos de grafito u otros carbonos, incluso con metal, para usos eléctricos. | | |

    — Electrodos: | | |

    8545.11.00 | — — De los tipos utilizados en hornos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8545.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8545.20.00 | — Escobillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8545.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8546 | Aisladores eléctricos de cualquier materia. | | |

    8546.10.00 | — De vidrio | 6 | Year 0 |

    8546.20 | — De cerámica: | | |

    8546.20.10 | — — Sin partes metálicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8546.20.20 | — — Con partes metálicas para líneas aéreas de transporte de energía eléctrica o para líneas de tracción | 6 | Year 0 |

    8546.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8546.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    8546.90.10 | — — De materias plásticas artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8546.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8547 | Piezas aislantes totalmente de materia aislante o con simples piezas metálicas de ensamblado (por ejemplo: casquillos roscados) embutidas en la masa, para máquinas, aparatos o instalaciones eléctricas, excepto los aisladores de la partida 8546; tubos aisladores y sus piezas de unión, de metal común, aislados interiormente. | | |

    8547.10.00 | — Piezas aislantes de cerámica | 6 | Year 0 |

    8547.20.00 | — Piezas aislantes de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8547.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8548 | Desperdicios y desechos de pilas, baterías de pilas o acumuladores, eléctricos; pilas, baterías de pilas y acumuladores, eléctricos, inservibles; partes eléctricas de máquinas o aparatos, no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte de este Capítulo. | | |

    8548.10 | — Desperdicios y desechos de pilas, baterías de pilas o acumuladores, eléctricos; pilas, baterías de pilas y acumuladores, eléctricos, inservibles: | | |

    8548.10.10 | — — Desechos de células y baterías primarias y desechos de acumuladores eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8548.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8548.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    86 | Vehículos y material para vías férreas o similares, y sus partes; aparatos mecánicos (incluso electromecánicos) de señalización para vías de comunicación | | |

    8601 | Locomotoras y locotractores, de fuente externa de electricidad o acumuladores eléctricos. | | |

    8601.10.00 | — De fuente externa de electricidad | 6 | Year 0 |

    8601.20.00 | — De acumuladores eléctrico | 6 | Year 0 |

    8602 | Las demás locomotoras y locotractores; ténderes. | | |

    8602.10.00 | — Locomotoras Diesel-eléctricas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8602.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8603 | Automotores para vías férreas y tranvías autopropulsados, excepto los de la partida 8604. | | |

    8603.10 | — De fuente externa de electricidad: | | |

    8603.10.10 | — — Automotores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8603.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8603.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8604.00.00 | Vehículos para mantenimiento o servicio de vías férreas o similares, incluso autopropulsados (por ejemplo: vagones taller, vagones grúa, vagones equipados para apisonar balasto, alinear vías, coches para ensayos y vagonetas de inspección de vías). | 6 | Year 0 |

    8605.00.00 | Coches de viajeros, furgones de equipajes, coches correo y demás coches especiales, para vías férreas o similares (excepto los coches de la partida 8604). | 6 | Year 0 |

    8606 | Vagones para transporte de mercancías sobre carriles (rieles). | | |

    8606.10.00 | — Vagones cisterna y similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    8606.20.00 | — Vagones isotérmicos, refrigerantes o frigoríficos, excepto los de la subpartida 860610 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8606.30.00 | — Vagones de descarga automática, excepto los de las subpartidas 860610 u 860620 | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    8606.91.00 | — — Cubiertos y cerrados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8606.92.00 | — — Abiertos, con pared fija de altura superior a 60 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    8606.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8606.99.10 | — — — De plataforma baja | 6 | Year 0 |

    8606.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8607 | Partes de vehículos para vías férreas o similares. | | |

    — Bojes, "bissels", ejes y ruedas, y sus partes: | | |

    8607.11.00 | — — Bojes y "bissels", de tracción | 6 | Year 0 |

    8607.12.00 | — — Los demás bojes y "bissels" | 6 | Year 0 |

    8607.19 | — — Los demás, incluidas las partes: | | |

    8607.19.10 | — — — Ejes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8607.19.20 | — — — Partes de ejes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8607.19.30 | — — — Ruedas, ensambladas con ejes o no | 6 | Year 0 |

    8607.19.40 | — — — Partes de ruedas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8607.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Frenos y sus partes: | | |

    8607.21.00 | — — Frenos de aire comprimido y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8607.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8607.30.00 | — Ganchos y demás sistemas de enganche, topes, y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás: | | |

    8607.91.00 | — — De locomotoras o locotractores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8607.99 | — — Las demás: | | |

    8607.99.10 | — — — Amortiguadores y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8607.99.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8608.00.00 | Material fijo de vías férreas o similares; aparatos mecánicos (incluso electromecánicos) de señalización, seguridad, control o mando para vías férreas o similares, carreteras o vías fluviales, áreas o parques de estacionamiento, instalaciones portuarias o aeropuertos; sus partes. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8609.00.00 | Contenedores (incluidos los contenedores cisterna y los contenedores depósito) especialmente concebidos y equipados para uno o varios medios de transporte. | 6 | Year 0 |

    87 | Vehículos automóviles, tractores, velocípedos y demás vehículos terrestres; sus partes y accesorios | | |

    8701 | Tractores (excepto las carretillas tractor de la partida 8709). | | |

    8701.10.00 | — Motocultores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8701.20 | — Tractores de carretera para semirremolques: | | |

    8701.20.10 | — — Con motor diesel de potencia inferior o igual a 200 HP | 6 | Year 0 |

    8701.20.20 | — — Con motor diesel de potencia superior a 200 HP | 6 | Year 0 |

    8701.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8701.30.00 | — Tractores de orugas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8701.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    — — Tractores de ruedas: | | |

    8701.90.11 | — — — Agrícolas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8701.90.12 | — — — Forestales | 6 | Year 0 |

    8701.90.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8701.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8702 | Vehículos automóviles para transporte de diez o más personas, incluido el conductor. | | |

    8702.10 | — Con motor de émbolo (pistón), de encendido por compresión (Diesel o semi-Diesel): | | |

    — — Con capacidad superior o igual a 10 asientos pero inferior o igual a 15 asientos incluido el del conductor: | | |

    8702.10.11 | — — — De cilindrada superior a 2500 cm3 | 6 | Year 7 |

    8702.10.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    8702.10.91 | — — — De cilindrada superior a 2500 cm3 | 6 | Year 7 |

    8702.10.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    8702.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    — — Con capacidad superior o igual a 10 asientos pero inferior o igual a 15 asientos incluido el del conductor: | | |

    8702.90.11 | — — — De cilindrada superior a 2800 cm3 | 6 | Year 7 |

    8702.90.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    8702.90.20 | — — Con capacidad superior a 15 asientos incluido el del conductor, de tracción eléctrica o que utilicen gas como combustible | 6 | Year 7 |

    8702.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    8703 | Automóviles de turismo y demás vehículos automóviles concebidos principalmente para el transporte de personas (excepto los de la partida 8702), incluidos los del tipo familiar ("break" o "station wagon") y los de carreras. | | |

    8703.10.00 | — Vehículos especialmente concebidos para desplazarse sobre nieve; vehículos especiales para transporte de personas en campos de golf y vehículos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás vehículos con motor de émbolo (pistón) alternativo, de encendido por chispa: | | |

    8703.21 | — — De cilindrada inferior o igual a 1000 cm3: | | |

    8703.21.10 | — — — Tipo jeep y similares con tracción en las cuatro ruedas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.21.20 | — — — Vehículos casa-rodante | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.21.30 | — — — Coches ambulancia, celulares y mortuorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    8703.21.91 | — — — — Automóviles de turismo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.21.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.22 | — — De cilindrada superior a 1000 cm3 pero inferior o igual a 1500 cm3: | | |

    — — — Tipo jeep y similares con tracción en las cuatro ruedas: | | |

    8703.22.11 | — — — — Con motor a gas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.22.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.22.20 | — — — Vehículos casa-rodante | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.22.30 | — — — Coches ambulancia, celulares y mortuorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    8703.22.91 | — — — — Automóviles de turismo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.22.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.23 | — — De cilindrada superior a 1500 cm3 pero inferior o igual a 3000 cm3: | | |

    — — — Tipo jeep y similares con tracción en las cuatro ruedas: | | |

    8703.23.11 | — — — — Con motor a gas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.23.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.23.20 | — — — Vehículos casa-rodante | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.23.30 | — — — Coches ambulancia, celulares y mortuorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    8703.23.91 | — — — — Automóviles de turismo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.23.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.24 | — — De cilindrada superior a 3000 cm3: | | |

    — — — Tipo jeep y similares con tracción en las cuatro ruedas: | | |

    8703.24.11 | — — — — Con motor a gas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.24.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.24.20 | — — — Vehículos casa-rodante | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.24.30 | — — — Coches ambulancia, celulares y mortuorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    8703.24.91 | — — — — Automóviles de turismo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.24.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás vehículos con motor de émbolo (pistón), de encendido por compresión (Diesel o semi-Diesel): | | |

    8703.31 | — — De cilindrada inferior o igual a 1500 cm3: | | |

    8703.31.10 | — — — Tipo jeep y similares con tracción en las cuatro ruedas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.31.20 | — — — Vehículos casa-rodante | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.31.30 | — — — Coches ambulancia, celulares y mortuorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.31.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.32 | — — De cilindrada superior a 1500 cm3 pero inferior o igual a 2500 cm3: | | |

    — — — Tipo jeep y similares con tracción en las cuatro ruedas: | | |

    8703.32.11 | — — — — De cilindrada superior a 1500 cm3 pero inferior o igual a a 2000 cm3 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.32.12 | — — — — De cilindrada superior a 2000 cm3 pero inferior o igual a a 2500 cm3 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.32.20 | — — — Vehículos casa-rodante | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.32.30 | — — — Coches ambulancia, celulares y mortuorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás: | | |

    8703.32.91 | — — — — Automóviles de turismo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.32.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.33 | — — De cilindrada superior a 2500 cm3: | | |

    8703.33.10 | — — — Tipo jeep y similares con tracción en las cuatro ruedas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.33.20 | — — — Vehículos casa-rodante | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.33.30 | — — — Coches ambulancia, celulares y mortuorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.33.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    8703.90.10 | — — Tipo jeep y similares con tracción en las cuatro ruedas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.90.20 | — — Vehículos casa-rodante | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.90.30 | — — Coches ambulancia, celulares y mortuorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    8703.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704 | Vehículos automóviles para transporte de mercancías. | | |

    8704.10 | — Volquetes automotores concebidos para utilizarlos fuera de la red de carreteras: | | |

    8704.10.10 | — — Con capacidad de carga útil inferior o igual a 30 t | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, con motor de émbolo (pistón), de encendido por compresión (Diesel o semi-Diesel): | | |

    8704.21 | — — De peso total con carga máxima inferior o igual a 5 t: | | |

    — — — Furgones: | | |

    8704.21.11 | — — — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.21.12 | — — — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.21.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos: | | |

    8704.21.21 | — — — — Camionetas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.21.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.21.30 | — — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.21.40 | — — — Vehículos para el transporte fuera de carretera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.21.50 | — — — Coches blindados para el transporte de valores | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Chasis cabinados de vehículos para el transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos: | | |

    8704.21.61 | — — — — Para camionetas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.21.69 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.21.70 | — — — Chasis cabinados de vehículos para el transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.21.80 | — — — Los demás chasis cabinados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.22 | — — De peso total con carga máxima superior a 5 t pero inferior o igual a 20 t: | | |

    8704.22.10 | — — — Furgones | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.22.20 | — — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.22.30 | — — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.22.40 | — — — Vehículos para el transporte fuera de carretera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.22.50 | — — — Coches blindados para el transporte de valores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.22.60 | — — — Chasis cabinados de vehículos para el transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Chasis cabinados de vehículos para el transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos: | | |

    8704.22.71 | — — — — Para camiones de carretera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.22.79 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.22.80 | — — — Los demás chasis cabinados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.22.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.23 | — — De peso total con carga máxima superior a 20 t: | | |

    — — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos: | | |

    8704.23.11 | — — — — Camiones | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.23.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Vehículos para el transporte fuera de carretera: | | |

    8704.23.21 | — — — — Camiones para minería | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.23.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.23.30 | — — — Coches blindados para el transporte de valores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.23.40 | — — — Chasis cabinados de vehículos para el transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Chasis cabinados de vehículos para el transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos: | | |

    8704.23.51 | — — — — Para camiones de carretera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.23.59 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.23.60 | — — — Los demás chasis cabinados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.23.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás, con motor de émbolo (pistón), de encendido por chispa: | | |

    8704.31 | — — De peso total con carga máxima inferior o igual a 5 t: | | |

    — — — Furgones: | | |

    8704.31.11 | — — — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.31.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos: | | |

    8704.31.21 | — — — — Camionetas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.31.29 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.31.30 | — — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.31.40 | — — — Vehículos para el transporte fuera de carretera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.31.50 | — — — Coches blindados para el transporte de valores | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Chasis cabinados de vehículos para el transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos: | | |

    8704.31.61 | — — — — Para camionetas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.31.69 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.31.70 | — — — Chasis cabinados de vehículos para el transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.31.80 | — — — Los demás chasis cabinados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.31.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.32 | — — De peso total con carga máxima superior a 5 t: | | |

    8704.32.10 | — — — Furgones | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.32.20 | — — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.32.30 | — — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.32.40 | — — — Vehículos para el transporte fuera de carretera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.32.50 | — — — Coches blindados para el transporte de valores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.32.60 | — — — Chasis cabinados de vehículos para el transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.32.70 | — — — Chasis cabinados de vehículos para el transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.32.80 | — — — Los demás chasis cabinados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.32.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    8704.90.10 | — — Furgones | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.90.20 | — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.90.30 | — — Con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.90.40 | — — Vehículos para el transporte fuera de carretera | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.90.50 | — — Coches blindados para el transporte de valores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.90.60 | — — Chasis cabinados de vehículos para el transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.90.70 | — — Chasis cabinados de vehículos para el transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.90.80 | — — Los demás chasis cabinados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8704.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8705 | Vehículos automóviles para usos especiales, excepto los concebidos principalmente para transporte de personas o mercancías (por ejemplo: coches para reparaciones [auxilio mecánico], camiones grúa, camiones de bomberos, camiones hormigonera, coches barredera, coches esparcidores, coches taller, coches radiológicos). | | |

    8705.10 | — Camiones grúa: | | |

    8705.10.10 | — — Con capacidad de levante inferior o igual a 1500 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8705.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8705.20 | — Camiones automóviles para sondeo o perforación: | | |

    8705.20.10 | — — Con capacidad de perforar inferior o igual a 100 metros | 6 | Year 0 |

    8705.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8705.30 | — Camiones de bomberos: | | |

    8705.30.10 | — — Coches escala | 0 | Year 0 |

    8705.30.20 | — — Coches agua | 0 | Year 0 |

    8705.30.90 | — — Los demás | 0 | Year 0 |

    8705.40 | — Camiones hormigonera: | | |

    8705.40.10 | — — Con capacidad máxima inferior o igual a 6 m3 de hormigón | 6 | Year 0 |

    8705.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8705.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    8705.90.10 | — — Camiones limpiafosas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8705.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8706 | Chasis de vehículos automóviles de las partidas 8701 a 8705, equipados con su motor. | | |

    — De los vehículos de la partida 8703: | | |

    8706.00.11 | — — De coches ambulancia, celulares y mortuorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    8706.00.12 | — — De vehículos de los ítemes 87032191; 87032199; 87032291; 87032299; 87032391; 87032399; 87032491; 87032499; 87033190; 87033291; 87033299; 87033390 y 87039090 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8706.00.19 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De los vehículos destinados al transporte de mercancías: | | |

    8706.00.21 | — — De vehículos con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 Kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8706.00.22 | — — De vehículos con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8706.00.29 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Otros: | | |

    8706.00.91 | — — De vehículos con capacidad superior o igual a 10 asientos pero inferior o igual a 15 asientos incluido el del conductor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8706.00.92 | — — De vehículos con capacidad superior o igual a 16 asientos pero inferior o igual a 30 asientos incluido el del conductor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8706.00.93 | — — De vehículos con capacidad superior o igual a 31 asientos pero inferior o igual a 45 asientos incluido el del conductor | 6 | Year 0 |

    8706.00.99 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8707 | Carrocerías de vehículos automóviles de las partidas 8701 a 8705, incluidas las cabinas. | | |

    8707.10 | — De vehículos de la partida 8703: | | |

    8707.10.11 | — — De coches ambulancia, celulares y mortuorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    8707.10.12 | — — De vehículos de los ítemes 87032191; 87032199; 87032291; 87032299; 87032391; 87032399; 87032491; 87032499; 87033190; 87033291; 87033299; 87033390 y 87039090 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8707.10.19 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8707.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    — — De vehículos de la partida 8702: | | |

    8707.90.11 | — — — De vehículos con capacidad superior o igual a 10 asientos pero inferior o igual a 15 asientos incluido el del conductor | 6 | Year 7 |

    8707.90.19 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 7 |

    — — Otros: | | |

    8707.90.91 | — — — De vehículos destinados al transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 500 kilos pero inferior o igual a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 5 |

    8707.90.92 | — — — De vehículos destinados al transporte de mercancías, con capacidad de carga útil superior a 2000 kilos | 6 | Year 5 |

    8707.90.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708 | Partes y accesorios de vehículos automóviles de las partidas 8701 a 8705. | | |

    8708.10 | — Parachoques (paragolpes, defensas) y sus partes: | | |

    8708.10.10 | — — Defensas, sin incluir sus partes | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Las demás partes y accesorios de carrocería (incluidas las de cabina): | | |

    8708.21.00 | — — Cinturones de seguridad | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.29 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8708.29.10 | — — — Partes troqueladas para carrocería | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.29.20 | — — — Módulos de seguridad por bolsa de aire | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.29.30 | — — — Ensambles de puerta | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.29.40 | — — — Bolsas de aire usadas en vehículos automotores ("airbags") | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.29.50 | — — — Capó del motor | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.29.60 | — — — Guardafangos | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.29.70 | — — — Máscaras frontales | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.29.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Frenos y servofrenos, y sus partes: | | |

    8708.31 | — — Guarniciones de frenos montadas: | | |

    8708.31.10 | — — — Pastillas de freno montadas | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.31.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8708.39.10 | — — — Discos de frenos | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.40 | — Cajas de cambio: | | |

    8708.40.10 | — — Para vehículos de la partida 8701 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8708.40.20 | — — Para vehículos de la partida 8702 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8708.40.30 | — — Para vehículos de la partida 8703 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8708.40.40 | — — Para vehículos de la partida 8704 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8708.40.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8708.50.00 | — Ejes con diferencial, incluso provistos con otros órganos de trasmisión | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.60.00 | — Ejes portadores y sus partes | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.70 | — Ruedas, sus partes y accesorios: | | |

    8708.70.10 | — — Ruedas, sin incluir sus partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.70.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.80 | — Amortiguadores de suspensión: | | |

    8708.80.10 | — — Cartuchos para amortiguadores (McPherson) | 6 | Year 5 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    8708.80.91 | — — — Para vehículos de la partida 8701 | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.80.92 | — — — Para vehículos de la partida 8702 | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.80.93 | — — — Para vehículos de la partida 8703 | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.80.94 | — — — Para vehículos de la partida 8704 | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.80.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    — Las demás partes y accesorios: | | |

    8708.91.00 | — — Radiadores | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.92.00 | — — Silenciadores y tubos (caños) de escape | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.93 | — — Embragues y sus partes: | | |

    — — — Embragues: | | |

    8708.93.11 | — — — — Para vehículos de la partida 8701 | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.93.12 | — — — — Para vehículos de la partida 8702 | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.93.13 | — — — — Para vehículos de la partida 8703 | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.93.14 | — — — — Para vehículos de la partida 8704 | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.93.19 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.93.90 | — — — Partes | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.94.00 | — — Volantes, columnas y cajas de dirección | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8708.99.10 | — — — Elementos para el control de vibración que incorporen partes de hule | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.99.20 | — — — Ejes de rueda de doble pestaña que incorporen rodamientos de bolas | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.99.30 | — — — Semiejes y ejes de dirección | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.99.40 | — — — Otras partes de semiejes y ejes de dirección | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.99.50 | — — — Partes para sistema de suspensión | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.99.60 | — — — Partes para sistema de dirección | 6 | Year 5 |

    8708.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 5 |

    8709 | Carretillas automóvil sin dispositivo de elevación del tipo de las utilizadas en fábricas, almacenes, puertos o aeropuertos, para transporte de mercancías a corta distancia; carretillas tractor del tipo de los utilizados en estaciones ferroviarias; sus partes. | | |

    — Carretillas: | | |

    8709.11.00 | — — Eléctricas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8709.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8709.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8710.00.00 | Tanques y demás vehículos automóviles blindados de combate, incluso con su armamento; sus partes. | 0 | Year 0 |

    8711 | Motocicletas (incluidos los ciclomotores) y velocípedos equipados con motor auxiliar, con sidecar o sin él; sidecares. | | |

    8711.10.00 | — Con motor de émbolo (pistón) alternativo de cilindrada inferior o igual a 50 cm3 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8711.20 | — Con motor de émbolo (pistón) alternativo de cilindrada superior a 50 cm3 pero inferior o igual a 250 cm3: | | |

    8711.20.10 | — — De turismo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8711.20.20 | — — De todo terreno | 6 | Year 0 |

    8711.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8711.30.00 | — Con motor de émbolo (pistón) alternativo de cilindrada superior a 250 cm3 pero inferior o igual a 500 cm3 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8711.40.00 | — Con motor de émbolo (pistón) alternativo de cilindrada superior a 500 cm3 pero inferior o igual a 800 cm3 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8711.50.00 | — Con motor de émbolo (pistón) alternativo de cilindrada superior a 800 cm3 | 6 | Year 0 |

    8711.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8712 | Bicicletas y demás velocípedos (incluidos los triciclos de reparto), sin motor. | | |

    8712.00.10 | — Bicicletas de aro inferior o igual a 12″ | 6 | Year 0 |

    8712.00.20 | — Bicicletas de aro superior a 12″ pero inferior o igual a 26″ | 6 | Year 0 |

    8712.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8713 | Sillones de ruedas y demás vehículos para inválidos, incluso con motor u otro mecanismo de propulsión. | | |

    8713.10 | — Sin mecanismo de propulsión: | | |

    8713.10.10 | — — Sillas plegables para inválidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8713.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8713.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8714 | Partes y accesorios de vehículos de las partidas 8711 a 8713. | | |

    — De motocicletas (incluidos los ciclomotores): | | |

    8714.11.00 | — — Sillines (asientos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8714.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8714.20.00 | — De sillones de ruedas y demás vehículos para inválidos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    8714.91.00 | — — Cuadros y horquillas, y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8714.92.00 | — — Llantas y radios | 6 | Year 0 |

    8714.93.00 | — — Bujes sin freno y piñones libres | 6 | Year 0 |

    8714.94.00 | — — Frenos, incluidos los bujes con freno, y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8714.95.00 | — — Sillines (asientos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    8714.96.00 | — — Pedales y mecanismos de pedal, y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8714.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8714.99.10 | — — — Cambios y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8714.99.20 | — — — Manubrios y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8714.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8715 | Coches, sillas y vehículos similares para transporte de niños, y sus partes. | | |

    8715.00.10 | — Coches para paseo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8715.00.20 | — Sillas para paseo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8715.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716 | Remolques y semirremolques para cualquier vehículo; los demás vehículos no automóviles; sus partes. | | |

    8716.10.00 | — Remolques y semirremolques para vivienda o acampar, del tipo caravana | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.20.00 | — Remolques y semirremolques, autocargadores o autodescargadores, para uso agrícola | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás remolques y semirremolques para transporte de mercancías: | | |

    8716.31 | — — Cisternas: | | |

    8716.31.10 | — — — Semirremolques | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.31.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8716.39.10 | — — — Semirremolques frigoríficos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.39.20 | — — — Semirremolques isotérmicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.39.30 | — — — Semirremolques planos | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.39.40 | — — — Semirremolques tolvas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.40.00 | — Los demás remolques y semirremolques | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.80 | — Los demás vehículos: | | |

    8716.80.10 | — — Carros para supermercados | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.80.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.90 | — Partes: | | |

    8716.90.10 | — — Dispositivos de frenos y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.90.20 | — — Sistemas de enganche y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.90.30 | — — Órganos de suspensión y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.90.40 | — — Ruedas y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.90.50 | — — Carrocerías y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8716.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    88 | Aeronaves, vehículos espaciales y sus partes | | |

    8801 | Globos y dirigibles; planeadores, alas planeadoras y demás aeronaves no concebidas para la propulsión con motor. | | |

    8801.10.00 | — Planeadores y alas planeadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    8801.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8802 | Las demás aeronaves (por ejemplo: helicópteros, aviones); vehículos espaciales (incluidos los satélites) y sus vehículos de lanzamiento y vehículos suborbitales. | | |

    — Helicópteros: | | |

    8802.11 | — — De peso en vacío inferior o igual a 2000 kg: | | |

    8802.11.10 | — — — Para pasajeros, con capacidad inferior o igual a 4 plazas | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.11.20 | — — — Para pasajeros, con capacidad superior a 4 plazas | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.11.90 | — — — Los demás | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.12 | — — De peso en vacío superior a 2000 kg: | | |

    8802.12.10 | — — — Para pasajeros, con capacidad inferior o igual a 8 plazas | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.12.20 | — — — Para pasajeros, con capacidad superior a 8 plazas | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.12.90 | — — — Los demás | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.20 | — Aviones y demás aeronaves, de peso en vacío inferior o igual a 2000 kg: | | |

    8802.20.10 | — — Aviones para pasajeros, con capacidad inferior o igual a 4 plazas | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.20.20 | — — Aviones para pasajeros, con capacidad superior a 4 plazas | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.20.90 | — — Los demás | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.30 | — Aviones y demás aeronaves, de peso en vacío superior a 2000 kg pero inferior o igual a 15000 kg: | | |

    8802.30.10 | — — Aviones para pasajeros, con capacidad inferior o igual a 8 plazas | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.30.20 | — — Aviones para pasajeros, con capacidad superior a 8 plazas | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.30.90 | — — Los demás | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.40.00 | — Aviones y demás aeronaves, de peso en vacío superior a 15000 kg | 0 | Year 0 |

    8802.60.00 | — Vehículos espaciales (incluidos los satélites) y sus vehículos de lanzamiento y vehículos suborbitales | 0 | Year 0 |

    8803 | Partes de los aparatos de las partidas 8801 u 8802. | | |

    8803.10.00 | — Hélices y rotores, y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8803.20.00 | — Trenes de aterrizaje y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8803.30 | — Las demás partes de aviones o helicópteros: | | |

    8803.30.10 | — — Fuselajes para aviones y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8803.30.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8803.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8804.00.00 | Paracaídas, incluidos los dirigibles, planeadores ("parapentes") o de aspas giratorias; sus partes y accesorios. | 6 | Year 0 |

    8805 | Aparatos y dispositivos para lanzamiento de aeronaves; aparatos y dispositivos para aterrizaje en portaaviones y aparatos y dispositivos similares; aparatos de entrenamiento de vuelo en tierra; sus partes. | | |

    8805.10.00 | — Aparatos y dispositivos para lanzamiento de aeronaves y sus partes; aparatos y dispositivos para aterrizaje en portaaviones y aparatos y dispositivos similares, y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aparatos de entrenamiento de vuelo en tierra y sus partes: | | |

    8805.21.00 | — — Simuladores de combate aéreo y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    8805.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    89 | Barcos y demás artefactos flotantes | | |

    8901 | Transatlánticos, barcos para excursiones (de cruceros), transbordadores, cargueros, gabarras (barcazas) y barcos similares para transporte de personas o mercancías. | | |

    8901.10 | — Transatlánticos, barcos para excursiones (de cruceros) y barcos similares concebidos principalmente para transporte de personas; transbordadores: | | |

    8901.10.10 | — — De tonelaje bruto superior a 3500 toneladas y/o 120 metros o más de eslora | 0 | Year 0 |

    8901.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8901.20 | — Barcos cisterna: | | |

    — — De tonelaje bruto superior a 3500 toneladas y/o 120 metros o más de eslora: | | |

    8901.20.11 | — — — Para productos químicos | 0 | Year 0 |

    8901.20.19 | — — — Los demás | 0 | Year 0 |

    8901.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8901.30 | — Barcos frigorífico, excepto los de la subpartida 890120: | | |

    8901.30.10 | — — De tonelaje bruto superior a 3500 toneladas y/o 120 metros o más de eslora | 0 | Year 0 |

    8901.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8901.90 | — Los demás barcos para transporte de mercancías y demás barcos concebidos para transporte mixto de personas y mercancías: | | |

    — — De tonelaje bruto superior a 3500 toneladas y/o 120 metros o más de eslora: | | |

    8901.90.11 | — — — Barcos portacontenedores | 0 | Year 0 |

    8901.90.12 | — — — Barcos graneleros | 0 | Year 0 |

    8901.90.19 | — — — Los demás | 0 | Year 0 |

    — — Los demás: | | |

    8901.90.91 | — — — Barcos portacontenedores | 6 | Year 0 |

    8901.90.92 | — — — Barcos graneleros | 6 | Year 0 |

    8901.90.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8902 | Barcos de pesca; barcos factoría y demás barcos para tratamiento o preparación de productos de la pesca | | |

    — Barcos de pesca: | | |

    8902.00.11 | — — Con capacidad de bodega inferior o igual a 500 t | 6 | Year 0 |

    8902.00.12 | — — Con capacidad de bodega superior a 500 t pero inferior o igual a 1000 t | 6 | Year 0 |

    8902.00.19 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    8902.00.91 | — — Barcos factoría, de tonelaje bruto superior a 3500 toneladas y/o 120 metros o más de eslora | 0 | Year 0 |

    8902.00.92 | — — Los demás barcos, de tonelaje bruto superior a 3500 toneladas y/o 120 metros o más de eslora | 0 | Year 0 |

    8902.00.99 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8903 | Yates y demás barcos y embarcaciones de recreo o deporte; barcas (botes) de remo y canoas. | | |

    8903.10.00 | — Embarcaciones inflables | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    8903.91.00 | — — Barcos de vela, incluso con motor auxiliar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8903.92 | — — Barcos de motor, excepto los de motor fueraborda: | | |

    8903.92.10 | — — — Para recreo | 6 | Year 0 |

    8903.92.20 | — — — Para deporte | 6 | Year 0 |

    8903.92.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8903.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    8903.99.10 | — — — Motos acuáticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8903.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8904 | Remolcadores y barcos empujadores. | | |

    8904.00.10 | — Remolcadores de alta mar | 6 | Year 0 |

    8904.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8905 | Barcos faro, barcos bomba, dragas, pontones grúa y demás barcos en los que la navegación sea accesoria en relación con la función principal; diques flotantes; plataformas de perforación o explotación, flotantes o sumergibles. | | |

    8905.10.00 | — Dragas | 6 | Year 0 |

    8905.20.00 | — Plataformas de perforación o explotación, flotantes o sumergibles | 6 | Year 0 |

    8905.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8906 | Los demás barcos, incluidos los navíos de guerra y barcos de salvamento excepto los de remo. | | |

    8906.10.00 | — Navíos de guerra | 0 | Year 0 |

    8906.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    8906.90.10 | — — De tonelaje bruto superior a 3500 toneladas y/o 120 metros o más de eslora | 0 | Year 0 |

    8906.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8907 | Los demás artefactos flotantes (por ejemplo: balsas, depósitos, cajones, incluso de amarre, boyas y balizas). | | |

    8907.10.00 | — Balsas inflables | 6 | Year 0 |

    8907.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    8908.00.00 | Barcos y demás artefactos flotantes para desguace. | 6 | Year 0 |

    90 | Instrumentos y aparatos de óptica, fotografía o cinematografía, de medida, control o precisión; instrumentos y aparatos medicoquirúrgicos; partes y accesorios de estos instrumentos o aparatos | | |

    9001 | Fibras ópticas y haces de fibras ópticas; cables de fibras ópticas, excepto los de la partida 8544; hojas y placas de materia polarizante; lentes (incluso de contacto), prismas, espejos y demás elementos de óptica de cualquier materia, sin montar, excepto los de vidrio sin trabajar ópticamente. | | |

    9001.10.00 | — Fibras ópticas, haces y cables de fibras ópticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9001.20.00 | — Hojas y placas de materia polarizante | 6 | Year 0 |

    9001.30.00 | — Lentes de contacto | 6 | Year 0 |

    9001.40.00 | — Lentes de vidrio para gafas (anteojos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    9001.50.00 | — Lentes de otras materias para gafas (anteojos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    9001.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9002 | Lentes, prismas, espejos y demás elementos de óptica de cualquier materia, montados, para instrumentos o aparatos, excepto los de vidrio sin trabajar ópticamente. | | |

    — Objetivos: | | |

    9002.11.00 | — — Para cámaras, proyectores o ampliadoras o reductoras fotográficos o cinematográficos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9002.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9002.20.00 | — Filtros | 6 | Year 0 |

    9002.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9003 | Monturas (armazones) de gafas (anteojos) o artículos similares y sus partes. | | |

    — Monturas (armazones): | | |

    9003.11.00 | — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9003.19 | — — De otras materias: | | |

    9003.19.10 | — — — De metales preciosos o de chapados de metal precioso | 6 | Year 0 |

    9003.19.20 | — — — De metales comunes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9003.19.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9003.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9004 | Gafas (anteojos) correctoras, protectoras u otras, y artículos similares. | | |

    9004.10 | — Gafas (anteojos) de sol: | | |

    9004.10.10 | — — Con cristales trabajados ópticamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    9004.10.20 | — — Con cristales plásticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9004.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9004.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    9004.90.10 | — — Protectoras para el trabajo | 6 | Year 0 |

    9004.90.80 | — — Las demás gafas y artículos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    9004.90.90 | — — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9005 | Binoculares (incluidos los prismáticos), catalejos, anteojos astronómicos, telescopios ópticos y sus armazones; los demás instrumentos de astronomía y sus armazones, excepto los aparatos de radioastronomía. | | |

    9005.10.00 | — Binoculares (incluidos los prismáticos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    9005.80.00 | — Los demás instrumentos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9005.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios (incluidas las armazones) | 6 | Year 0 |

    9006 | Cámaras fotográficas; aparatos y dispositivos, incluidos las lámparas y tubos, para la producción de destellos en fotografía, excepto las lámparas y tubos de descarga de la partida 8539. | | |

    9006.10.00 | — Cámaras fotográficas de los tipos utilizados para preparar clisés o cilindros de imprenta | 6 | Year 0 |

    9006.20.00 | — Cámaras fotográficas de los tipos utilizados para registrar documentos en microfilmes, microfichas u otros microformatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9006.30.00 | — Cámaras especiales para fotografía submarina o aérea, examen médico de órganos internos o para laboratorios de medicina legal o identificación judicial | 6 | Year 0 |

    9006.40.00 | — Cámaras fotográficas de autorrevelado | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Las demás cámaras fotográficas: | | |

    9006.51.00 | — — Con visor de reflexión a través del objetivo, para películas en rollo de anchura inferior o igual a 35 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    9006.52.00 | — — Las demás, para películas en rollo de anchura inferior a 35 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    9006.53 | — — Las demás, para películas en rollo de anchura igual a 35 mm: | | |

    9006.53.10 | — — — Aparatos fotográficos desechables | 6 | Year 0 |

    9006.53.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9006.59.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aparatos y dispositivos, incluidos lámparas y tubos, para producir destellos para fotografía: | | |

    9006.61.00 | — — Aparatos de tubo de descarga para producir destellos ("flashes electrónicos") | 6 | Year 0 |

    9006.62.00 | — — Lámparas y cubos, de destello, y similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    9006.69.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes y accesorios: | | |

    9006.91.00 | — — De cámaras fotográficas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9006.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9007 | Cámaras y proyectores cinematográficos, incluso con grabador o reproductor de sonido incorporados. | | |

    — Cámaras: | | |

    9007.11.00 | — — Para película cinematográfica (filme) de anchura inferior a 16 mm o para la doble-8 mm | 6 | Year 0 |

    9007.19 | — — Las demás: | | |

    9007.19.10 | — — — Cámaras giroestabilizadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9007.19.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9007.20.00 | — Proyectores | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes y accesorios: | | |

    9007.91.00 | — — De cámaras | 6 | Year 0 |

    9007.92.00 | — — De proyectores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9008 | Proyectores de imagen fija; ampliadoras o reductoras, fotográficas. | | |

    9008.10.00 | — Proyectores de diapositivas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9008.20.00 | — Lectores de microfilmes, microfichas u otros microformatos, incluso copiadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9008.30.00 | — Los demás proyectores de imagen fija | 6 | Year 0 |

    9008.40.00 | — Ampliadoras o reductoras, fotográficas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9008.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9009 | Aparatos de fotocopia por sistema óptico o de contacto y aparatos de termocopia. | | |

    — Aparatos de fotocopia electrostáticos: | | |

    9009.11.00 | — — Por procedimiento directo (reproducción directa del original) | 6 | Year 0 |

    9009.12.00 | — — Por procedimiento indirecto (reproducción del original mediante soporte intermedio) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás aparatos de fotocopia: | | |

    9009.21.00 | — — Por sistema óptico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9009.22.00 | — — De contacto | 6 | Year 0 |

    9009.30.00 | — Aparatos de termocopia | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes y accesorios: | | |

    9009.91 | — — Alimentadores automáticos de documentos: | | |

    9009.91.10 | — — — Para fotocopiadoras de la subpartida 900912, especificadas en la nota 3 del capítulo 90 | 6 | Year 0 |

    9009.91.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9009.92 | — — Alimentadores de papel: | | |

    9009.92.10 | — — — Para fotocopiadoras de la subpartida 900912, especificadas en la nota 3 del capítulo 90 | 6 | Year 0 |

    9009.92.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9009.93 | — — Clasificadores: | | |

    9009.93.10 | — — — Para fotocopiadoras de la subpartida 900912, especificadas en la nota 3 del capítulo 90 | 6 | Year 0 |

    9009.93.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9009.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    9009.99.10 | — — — Para fotocopiadoras de la subpartida 900912, especificadas en la nota 3 del capítulo 90 | 6 | Year 0 |

    9009.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9010 | Aparatos y material para laboratorio fotográfico o cinematográfico (incluidos los aparatos de proyectar o realizar esquemas [trazas] de circuitos sobre superficies sensibilizadas de material semiconductor), no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte de este Capítulo; negatoscopios; pantallas de proyección. | | |

    9010.10.00 | — Aparatos y material para revelado automático de película fotográfica, película cinematográfica (filme) o papel fotográfico en rollo o para impresión automática de películas reveladas en rollos de papel fotográfico | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aparatos de proyectar o realizar esquemas (trazas) de circuitos sobre material semiconductor sensibilizado: | | |

    9010.41.00 | — — Aparatos para trazado directo sobre obleas ("wafers") | 6 | Year 0 |

    9010.42.00 | — — Fotorrepetidores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9010.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9010.50.00 | — Los demás aparatos y material para laboratorio fotográfico o cinematográfico; negatoscopios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9010.60.00 | — Pantallas de proyección | 6 | Year 0 |

    9010.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9011 | Microscopios ópticos, incluso para fotomicrografía, cinefotomicrografía o microproyección. | | |

    9011.10.00 | — Microscopios estereoscópicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9011.20.00 | — Los demás microscopios para fotomicrografía, cinefotomicrografía o microproyección | 6 | Year 0 |

    9011.80.00 | — Los demás microscopios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9011.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9012 | Microscopios, excepto los ópticos; difractógrafos. | | |

    9012.10.00 | — Microscopios, excepto los ópticos; difractógrafos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9012.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9013 | Dispositivos de cristal líquido que no constituyan artículos comprendidos más específicamente en otra parte; láseres, excepto los diodos láser; los demás aparatos e instrumentos de óptica, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte de este Capítulo. | | |

    9013.10.00 | — Miras telescópicas para armas; periscopios; visores para máquinas, aparatos o instrumentos de este Capítulo o de la Sección XVI | 6 | Year 0 |

    9013.20.00 | — Láseres, excepto los diodos láser | 6 | Year 0 |

    9013.80.00 | — Los demás dispositivos, aparatos e instrumentos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9013.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9014 | Brújulas, incluidos los compases de navegación; los demás instrumentos y aparatos de navegación. | | |

    9014.10.00 | — Brújulas, incluidos los compases de navegación | 6 | Year 0 |

    9014.20.00 | — Instrumentos y aparatos para navegación aérea o espacial (excepto las brújulas) | 6 | Year 0 |

    9014.80.00 | — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9014.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9015 | Instrumentos y aparatos de geodesia, topografía, agrimensura, nivelación, fotogrametría, hidrografía, oceanografía, hidrología, meteorología o geofísica, excepto las brújulas; telémetros. | | |

    9015.10.00 | — Telémetros | 6 | Year 0 |

    9015.20.00 | — Teodolitos y taquímetros | 6 | Year 0 |

    9015.30.00 | — Niveles | 6 | Year 0 |

    9015.40.00 | — Instrumentos y aparatos de fotogrametría | 6 | Year 0 |

    9015.80.00 | — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9015.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9016.00.00 | Balanzas sensibles a un peso inferior o igual a 5 cg, incluso con pesas. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9017 | Instrumentos de dibujo, trazado o cálculo (por ejemplo: máquinas de dibujar, pantógrafos, transportadores, estuches de dibujo, reglas y círculos, de cálculo); instrumentos manuales de medida de longitud (por ejemplo: metros, micrómetros, calibradores), no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte de este Capítulo. | | |

    9017.10.00 | — Mesas y máquinas de dibujar, incluso automáticas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9017.20.00 | — Los demás instrumentos de dibujo, trazado o cálculo | 6 | Year 0 |

    9017.30.00 | — Micrómetros, pies de rey, calibradores y galgas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9017.80.00 | — Los demás instrumentos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9017.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018 | Instrumentos y aparatos de medicina, cirugía, odontología o veterinaria, incluidos los de centellografía y demás aparatos electromédicos, así como los aparatos para pruebas visuales. | | |

    — Aparatos de electrodiagnóstico (incluidos los aparatos de exploración funcional o de vigilancia de parámetros fisiológicos): | | |

    9018.11 | — — Electrocardiógrafos: | | |

    9018.11.10 | — — — Electrocardiógrafos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Partes y accesorios: | | |

    9018.11.91 | — — — — Estructuras de circuitos impresos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.11.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.12.00 | — — Aparatos de diagnóstico por exploración ultrasónica | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.13.00 | — — Aparatos de diagnóstico de visualización por resonancia magnética | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.14.00 | — — Aparatos de centellografía | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.19 | — — Los demás: | | |

    9018.19.10 | — — — Sistema de monitoreo de pacientes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — — Los demás aparatos, y sus partes y accesorios: | | |

    9018.19.91 | — — — — Circuitos modulares para módulos de parámetros | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.19.99 | — — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.20.00 | — Aparatos de rayos ultravioletas o infrarrojos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Jeringas, agujas, catéteres, cánulas e instrumentos similares: | | |

    9018.31 | — — Jeringas, incluso con aguja: | | |

    9018.31.10 | — — — De plástico, desechables | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.31.20 | — — — Las demás de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.31.90 | — — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.32.00 | — — Agujas tubulares de metal y agujas de sutura | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    9018.39.10 | — — — Catéteres | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.39.20 | — — — Bolsas recolectoras de sangre | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.39.30 | — — — Sondas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos de odontología: | | |

    9018.41.00 | — — Tornos dentales, incluso combinados con otros equipos dentales sobre basamento común | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.49.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.50.00 | — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos de oftalmología | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.90 | — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos: | | |

    9018.90.10 | — — Desfibriladores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.90.20 | — — Incubadoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.90.30 | — — Monitores cardíacos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.90.40 | — — Aparatos para diálisis | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.90.50 | — — Aparatos para anestesia | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.90.80 | — — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — — Partes y accesorios: | | |

    9018.90.91 | — — — Circuitos modulares para desfibriladores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9018.90.99 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9019 | Aparatos de mecanoterapia; aparatos para masajes; aparatos de sicotecnia; aparatos de ozonoterapia, oxigenoterapia o aerosolterapia, aparatos respiratorios de reanimación y demás aparatos de terapia respiratoria. | | |

    9019.10.00 | — Aparatos de mecanoterapia; aparatos para masajes; aparatos de sicotecnia | 6 | Year 0 |

    9019.20 | — Aparatos de ozonoterapia, oxigenoterapia o aerosolterapia, aparatos respiratorios de reanimación y demás aparatos de terapia respiratoria: | | |

    9019.20.10 | — — Nebulizadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9019.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9020 | Los demás aparatos respiratorios y máscaras antigás, excepto las máscaras de protección sin mecanismo ni elemento filtrante amovible. | | |

    — Aparatos respiratorios: | | |

    9020.00.11 | — — Autónomos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9020.00.12 | — — Con fuente de aire comprimido exterior | 6 | Year 0 |

    9020.00.19 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Máscaras antigas: | | |

    9020.00.21 | — — Con dispositivo para la visión, armadura metálica con válvulas de expiración e inspiración y cartucho filtrante | 6 | Year 0 |

    9020.00.22 | — — Para la protección de la boca y nariz solamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    9020.00.29 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9020.00.90 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9021 | Artículos y aparatos para ortopedia, incluidas las fajas y vendajes medicoquirúrgicos y las muletas; tablillas, férulas u otros artículos y aparatos para fracturas; artículos y aparatos para prótesis; audífonos y demás aparatos que lleve la propia persona o se le implanten para compensar un defecto o incapacidad. | | |

    9021.10.00 | — Artículos y aparatos para ortopedia o para fracturas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Artículos y aparatos para prótesis dental: | | |

    9021.21.00 | — — Dientes artificiales | 6 | Year 0 |

    9021.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás artículos y aparatos para prótesis: | | |

    9021.31.00 | — — Prótesis articulares | 6 | Year 0 |

    9021.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9021.40.00 | — Audífonos, excepto sus partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9021.50.00 | — Estimuladores cardíacos, excepto sus partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9021.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9022 | Aparatos de rayos X y aparatos que utilicen radiaciones alfa, beta o gamma, incluso para uso médico, quirúrgico, odontológico o veterinario, incluidos los aparatos de radiografía o radioterapia, tubos de rayos X y demás dispositivos generadores de rayos X, generadores de tensión, consolas de mando, pantallas, mesas, sillones y soportes similares para examen o tratamiento. | | |

    — Aparatos de rayos X, incluso para uso médico, quirúrgico, odontológico o veterinario, incluidos los aparatos de radiografía o radioterapia: | | |

    9022.12.00 | — — Aparatos de tomografía regidos por una máquina automática de tratamiento o procesamiento de datos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9022.13.00 | — — Los demás, para uso odontológico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9022.14 | — — Los demás, para uso médico, quirúrgico o veterinario: | | |

    9022.14.10 | — — — Para uso médico o quirúrgico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9022.14.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9022.19.00 | — — Para otros usos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Aparatos que utilicen radiaciones alfa, beta o gamma, incluso para uso médico, quirúrgico, odontológico o veterinario, incluidos los aparatos de radiografía o radioterapia: | | |

    9022.21.00 | — — Para uso médico, quirúrgico, odontológico o veterinario | 6 | Year 0 |

    9022.29.00 | — — Para otros usos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9022.30.00 | — Tubos de rayos X | 6 | Year 0 |

    9022.90 | — Los demás, incluidas las partes y accesorios: | | |

    9022.90.10 | — — Unidades generadoras de radiación | 6 | Year 0 |

    9022.90.20 | — — Cañones para emisión de radiación | 6 | Year 0 |

    9022.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9023.00.00 | Instrumentos, aparatos y modelos concebidos para demostraciones (por ejemplo: en la enseñanza o exposiciones), no susceptibles de otros usos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9024 | Máquinas y aparatos para ensayos de dureza, tracción, compresión, elasticidad u otras propiedades mecánicas de materiales (por ejemplo: metal, madera, textil, papel, plástico). | | |

    9024.10.00 | — Máquinas y aparatos para ensayos de metal | 6 | Year 0 |

    9024.80.00 | — Las demás máquinas y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9024.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9025 | Densímetros, areómetros, pesalíquidos e instrumentos flotantes similares, termómetros, pirómetros, barómetros, higrómetros y sicrómetros, aunque sean registradores, incluso combinados entre sí. | | |

    — Termómetros y pirómetros, sin combinar con otros instrumentos: | | |

    9025.11.00 | — — De líquido, con lectura directa | 6 | Year 0 |

    9025.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9025.80.00 | — Los demás instrumentos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9025.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9026 | Instrumentos y aparatos para medida o control del caudal, nivel, presión u otras características variables de líquidos o gases (por ejemplo: caudalímetros, indicadores de nivel, manómetros, contadores de calor), excepto los instrumentos y aparatos de las partidas 9014, 9015, 9028 ó 9032. | | |

    9026.10 | — Para medida o control del caudal o nivel de líquidos: | | |

    9026.10.10 | — — Caudalímetros electrónicos | | |

    ex90261010 | — — — 1) medidores de combustible para automotores, eléctricos o electrónicos 2) los demas medidores de combustibles para automoviles | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex90261010 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9026.10.90 | — — Los demás | | |

    ex90261090 | — — — 1) medidores de combustible para automotores, eléctricos o electrónicos 2) los demas medidores de combustibles para automoviles | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex90261090 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9026.20 | — Para medida o control de presión: | | |

    9026.20.10 | — — Manómetros | 6 | Year 0 |

    9026.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9026.80.00 | — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9026.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9027 | Instrumentos y aparatos para análisis físicos o químicos (por ejemplo: polarímetros, refractómetros, espectrómetros, analizadores de gases o humos); instrumentos y aparatos para ensayos de viscosidad, porosidad, dilatación, tensión superficial o similares o para medidas calorimétricas, acústicas o fotométricas (incluidos los exposímetros); micrótomos. | | |

    9027.10 | — Analizadores de gases o humos: | | |

    9027.10.10 | — — Electrónicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9027.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9027.20.00 | — Cromatógrafos e instrumentos de electroforesis | 6 | Year 0 |

    9027.30.00 | — Espectrómetros, espectrofotómetros y espectrógrafos que utilicen radiaciones ópticas (UV, visibles, IR) | 6 | Year 0 |

    9027.40.00 | — Exposímetros | 6 | Year 0 |

    9027.50.00 | — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos que utilicen radiaciones ópticas (UV, visibles, IR) | 6 | Year 0 |

    9027.80 | — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos: | | |

    9027.80.10 | — — Instrumentos nucleares de resonancia magnética | 6 | Year 0 |

    9027.80.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9027.90 | — Micrótomos; partes y accesorios: | | |

    9027.90.10 | — — Circuitos modulares para máquinas de la subpartida 90278010 | 6 | Year 0 |

    9027.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9028 | Contadores de gas, líquido o electricidad, incluidos los de calibración. | | |

    9028.10 | — Contadores de gas: | | |

    9028.10.10 | — — Contadores de gas licuado | 6 | Year 0 |

    9028.10.20 | — — Contadores de gas natural | 6 | Year 0 |

    9028.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9028.20 | — Contadores de líquido: | | |

    9028.20.10 | — — De agua | 6 | Year 0 |

    9028.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9028.30 | — Contadores de electricidad: | | |

    9028.30.10 | — — Monofásicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9028.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9028.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9029 | Los demás contadores (por ejemplo: cuentarrevoluciones, contadores de producción, taxímetros, cuentakilómetros, podómetros); velocímetros y tacómetros, excepto los de las partidas 9014 ó 9015; estroboscopios. | | |

    9029.10.00 | — Cuentarrevoluciones, contadores de producción, taxímetros, cuentakilómetros, podómetros y contadores similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    9029.20.00 | — Velocímetros y tacómetros; estroboscopios | | |

    ex90292000 | — — Velocímetros, excepto eléctricos o electrónicos | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex90292000 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9029.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9030 | Osciloscopios, analizadores de espectro y demás instrumentos y aparatos para medida o control de magnitudes eléctricas; instrumentos y aparatos para medida o detección de radiaciones alfa, beta, gamma, X, cósmicas o demás radiaciones ionizantes. | | |

    9030.10.00 | — Instrumentos y aparatos para medida o detección de radiaciones ionizantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9030.20.00 | — Osciloscopios y oscilógrafos, catódicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos para medida o control de tensión, intensidad, resistencia o potencia, sin dispositivo registrador: | | |

    9030.31.00 | — — Multímetros | 6 | Year 0 |

    9030.39 | — — Los demás: | | |

    9030.39.10 | — — — Instrumentos indicadores eléctricos de cuadros de mando, con exclusión de los utilizados en vehículos automóviles, aeronaves o embarcaciones; puentes de capacidades de alta tensión; instrumentos, excepto los puentes para medir las impedancias; instrumentos para medir la resistividad; indicadores de cero; comprobadores portátiles de relés de los tipos utilizados para comprobar los relés protectores, los cortocircuitos y los dispositivos de arranque en las redes de distribución de electricidad de alta tensión; controladores de tacómetros, portátiles, concebidos para comprobar los tacómetros de los vehículos automóviles; puentes de resistencia; voltímetros del tipo cuadro de mando; vatímetros | 6 | Year 0 |

    9030.39.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9030.40.00 | — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos, especialmente concebidos para técnicas de telecomunicación (por ejemplo: hipsómetros, kerdómetros, distorsiómetros, sofómetros) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos: | | |

    9030.82.00 | — — Para medida o control de obleas ("wafers") o dispositivos, semiconductores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9030.83.00 | — — Los demás, con dispositivo registrador | 6 | Year 0 |

    9030.89.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9030.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9031 | Instrumentos, aparatos y máquinas para medida o control, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte de este Capítulo; proyectores de perfiles. | | |

    9031.10.00 | — Máquinas para equilibrar piezas mecánicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9031.20.00 | — Bancos de pruebas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9031.30.00 | — Proyectores de perfiles | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos, ópticos: | | |

    9031.41.00 | — — Para control de obleas ("wafers") o dispositivos, semiconductores, o para control de máscaras o retículas utilizadas en la fabricación de dispositivos semiconductores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9031.49 | — — Los demás: | | |

    9031.49.10 | — — — Instrumentos de medición de coordenadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9031.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9031.80 | — Los demás instrumentos, aparatos y máquinas: | | |

    9031.80.10 | — — Calibradores que no lleven un dispositivo medidor ajustable; células dinamométricas, de potencia inferior o igual a 1 tonelada métrica, que se destinen a la fabricación de balanzas; aparatos de control de presión para determinar la madurez de las frutas; los demás instrumentos, aparatos y máquinas, eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9031.80.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9031.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9032 | Instrumentos y aparatos para regulación o control automáticos. | | |

    9032.10.00 | — Termostatos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9032.20.00 | — Manostatos (presostatos) | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás instrumentos y aparatos: | | |

    9032.81.00 | — — Hidráulicos o neumáticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9032.89 | — — Los demás: | | |

    9032.89.10 | — — — Que se destinen a la fabricación de máquinas y aparatos, con exclusión de las que se utilicen para comprobar la composición de las soluciones utilizadas con fines de esterilización y limpieza por los fabricantes de artículos alimenticios o de bebidas o por hospitales | 6 | Year 0 |

    9032.89.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9032.90.00 | — Partes y accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9033.00.00 | Partes y accesorios, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte de este Capítulo, para máquinas, aparatos, instrumentos o artículos del Capítulo 90. | 6 | Year 0 |

    91 | Aparatos de relojería y sus partes | | |

    9101 | Relojes de pulsera, bolsillo y similares (incluidos los contadores de tiempo de los mismos tipos), con caja de metal precioso o chapado de metal precioso (plaqué). | | |

    — Relojes de pulsera, eléctricos, incluso con contador de tiempo incorporado: | | |

    9101.11.00 | — — Con indicador mecánico solamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    9101.12.00 | — — Con indicador optoelectrónico solamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    9101.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás relojes de pulsera, incluso con contador de tiempo incorporado: | | |

    9101.21.00 | — — Automáticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9101.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    9101.91.00 | — — Eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9101.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9102 | Relojes de pulsera, bolsillo y similares (incluidos los contadores de tiempo de los mismos tipos), excepto los de la partida 9101. | | |

    — Relojes de pulsera, eléctricos, incluso con contador de tiempo incorporado: | | |

    9102.11.00 | — — Con indicador mecánico solamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    9102.12.00 | — — Con indicador optoelectrónico solamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    9102.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás relojes de pulsera, incluso con contador de tiempo incorporado: | | |

    9102.21.00 | — — Automáticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9102.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    9102.91.00 | — — Eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9102.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9103 | Despertadores y demás relojes de pequeño mecanismo de relojería. | | |

    9103.10.00 | — Eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9103.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9104.00.00 | Relojes de tablero de instrumentos y relojes similares, para automóviles, aeronaves, barcos o demás vehículos. | | |

    ex91040000 | — Relojes de tablero de instrumentos y relojes similares para automóviles | 6 | Year 7 |

    ex91040000 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9105 | Los demás relojes. | | |

    — Despertadores: | | |

    9105.11.00 | — — Eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9105.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Relojes de pared: | | |

    9105.21.00 | — — Eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9105.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    9105.91.00 | — — Eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9105.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9106 | Aparatos de control de tiempo y contadores de tiempo, con mecanismo de relojería o motor sincrónico (por ejemplo: registradores de asistencia, registradores fechadores, registradores contadores). | | |

    9106.10.00 | — Registradores de asistencia; registradores fechadores y registradores contadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9106.20.00 | — Parquímetros | 6 | Year 0 |

    9106.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9107.00.00 | Interruptores horarios y demás aparatos que permitan accionar un dispositivo en un momento dado, con mecanismo de relojería o motor sincrónico. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9108 | Pequeños mecanismos de relojería completos y montados. | | |

    — Eléctricos: | | |

    9108.11.00 | — — Con indicador mecánico solamente o con dispositivo que permita incorporarlo | 6 | Year 0 |

    9108.12.00 | — — Con indicador optoelectrónico solamente | 6 | Year 0 |

    9108.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9108.20.00 | — Automáticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9108.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9109 | Los demás mecanismos de relojería completos y montados. | | |

    — Eléctricos: | | |

    9109.11.00 | — — De despertadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9109.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9109.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9110 | Mecanismos de relojería completos, sin montar o parcialmente montados ("chablons"); mecanismos de relojería incompletos, montados; mecanismos de relojería "en blanco" ("ébauches"). | | |

    — Pequeños mecanismos: | | |

    9110.11.00 | — — Mecanismos completos, sin montar o parcialmente montados ("chablons") | 6 | Year 0 |

    9110.12.00 | — — Mecanismos incompletos, montados | 6 | Year 0 |

    9110.19.00 | — — Mecanismos "en blanco" ("ébauches") | 6 | Year 0 |

    9110.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9111 | Cajas de los relojes de las partidas 9101 ó 9102 y sus partes. | | |

    9111.10.00 | — Cajas de metal precioso o chapado de metal precioso (plaqué) | 6 | Year 0 |

    9111.20.00 | — Cajas de metal común, incluso dorado o plateado | 6 | Year 0 |

    9111.80.00 | — Las demás cajas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9111.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9112 | Cajas y envolturas similares para los demás aparatos de relojería y sus partes. | | |

    9112.20.00 | — Cajas y envolturas similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    9112.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9113 | Pulseras para reloj y sus partes. | | |

    9113.10.00 | — De metal precioso o chapado de metal precioso (plaqué) | 6 | Year 0 |

    9113.20.00 | — De metal común, incluso dorado o plateado | 6 | Year 0 |

    9113.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9114 | Las demás partes de aparatos de relojería. | | |

    9114.10.00 | — Muelles (resortes), incluidas las espirales | 6 | Year 0 |

    9114.20.00 | — Piedras | 6 | Year 0 |

    9114.30.00 | — Esferas o cuadrantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9114.40.00 | — Platinas y puente | 6 | Year 0 |

    9114.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    92 | Instrumentos musicales; sus partes y accesorios | | |

    9201 | Pianos, incluso automáticos; clavecines y demás instrumentos de cuerda con teclado. | | |

    9201.10.00 | — Pianos verticales | 6 | Year 0 |

    9201.20.00 | — Pianos de cola | 6 | Year 0 |

    9201.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9202 | Los demás instrumentos musicales de cuerda (por ejemplo: guitarras, violines, arpas). | | |

    9202.10.00 | — De arco | 6 | Year 0 |

    9202.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9203.00.00 | Órganos de tubos y teclado; armonios e instrumentos similares de teclado y lengüetas metálicas libres. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9204 | Acordeones e instrumentos similares; armónicas. | | |

    9204.10.00 | — Acordeones e instrumentos similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    9204.20.00 | — Armónicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9205 | Los demás instrumentos musicales de viento (por ejemplo: clarinetes, trompetas, gaitas). | | |

    9205.10.00 | — Instrumentos llamados "metales" | 6 | Year 0 |

    9205.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9206.00.00 | Instrumentos musicales de percusión (por ejemplo: tambores, cajas, xilófonos, platillos, castañuelas, maracas). | 6 | Year 0 |

    9207 | Instrumentos musicales en los que el sonido se produzca o tenga que amplificarse eléctricamente (por ejemplo: órganos, guitarras, acordeones). | | |

    9207.10.00 | — Instrumentos de teclado, excepto los acordeones | 6 | Year 0 |

    9207.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9208 | Cajas de música, orquestriones, organillos, pájaros cantores, sierras musicales y demás instrumentos musicales no comprendidos en otra partida de este Capítulo; reclamos de cualquier clase; silbatos, cuernos y demás instrumentos de boca, de llamada o aviso. | | |

    9208.10.00 | — Cajas de música | 6 | Year 0 |

    9208.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9209 | Partes (por ejemplo: mecanismos de cajas de música) y accesorios (por ejemplo: tarjetas, discos y rollos para aparatos mecánicos) de instrumentos musicales; metrónomos y diapasones de cualquier tipo. | | |

    9209.10.00 | — Metrónomos y diapasones | 6 | Year 0 |

    9209.20.00 | — Mecanismos de cajas de música | 6 | Year 0 |

    9209.30.00 | — Cuerdas armónicas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    9209.91.00 | — — Partes y accesorios de pianos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9209.92.00 | — — Partes y accesorios de instrumentos musicales de la partida 9202 | 6 | Year 0 |

    9209.93.00 | — — Partes y accesorios de instrumentos musicales de la partida 9203 | 6 | Year 0 |

    9209.94.00 | — — Partes y accesorios de instrumentos musicales de la partida 9207 | 6 | Year 0 |

    9209.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    93 | Armas, municiones, y sus partes y accesorios | | |

    9301 | Armas de guerra, excepto los revólveres, pistolas y armas blancas. | | |

    — Piezas de artillería (por ejemplo: cañones, obuses y morteros): | | |

    9301.11.00 | — — Autopropulsadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9301.19.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9301.20.00 | — Lanzacohetes; lanzallamas; lanzagranadas; lanzatorpedos y lanzadores similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    9301.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9302.00.00 | Revólveres y pistolas, excepto los de las partidas 9303 ó 9304. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9303 | Las demás armas de fuego y artefactos similares que utilicen la deflagración de pólvora (por ejemplo: armas de caza, armas de avancarga, pistolas lanzacohete y demás artefactos concebidos únicamente para lanzar cohetes de señal, pistolas y revólveres de fogueo, pistolas de matarife, cañones lanzacabo). | | |

    9303.10.00 | — Armas de avancarga | 6 | Year 0 |

    9303.20.00 | — Las demás armas largas de caza o tiro deportivo que tengan, por lo menos, un cañón de ánima lisa | 6 | Year 0 |

    9303.30.00 | — Las demás armas largas de caza o tiro deportivo | 6 | Year 0 |

    9303.90.00 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9304.00.00 | Las demás armas (por ejemplo: armas largas y pistolas de muelle [resorte], aire comprimido o gas, porras), excepto las de la partida 9307. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9305 | Partes y accesorios de los artículos de las partidas 9301 a 9304. | | |

    9305.10.00 | — De revólveres o pistolas | 6 | Year 0 |

    — De armas largas de la partida 9303: | | |

    9305.21.00 | — — Cañones de ánima lisa | 6 | Year 0 |

    9305.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    9305.91.00 | — — De armas de guerra de la partida 9301 | 6 | Year 0 |

    9305.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9306 | Bombas, granadas, torpedos, minas, misiles, cartuchos y demás municiones y proyectiles, y sus partes, incluidas las postas, perdigones y tacos para cartuchos. | | |

    9306.10.00 | — Cartuchos para "pistolas" de remachar o usos similares, para pistolas de matarife, y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Cartuchos para armas largas con cañón de ánima lisa y sus partes; balines para armas de aire comprimido: | | |

    9306.21 | — — Cartuchos: | | |

    9306.21.10 | — — — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9306.21.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9306.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9306.30.00 | — Los demás cartuchos y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9306.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    9306.90.10 | — — Para armas de guerra | 6 | Year 0 |

    9306.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9307.00.00 | Sables, espadas, bayonetas, lanzas y demás armas blancas, sus partes y fundas. | 6 | Year 0 |

    94 | Muebles; mobiliario medicoquirúrgico; artículos de cama y similares; aparatos de alumbrado no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte; anuncios, letreros y placas indicadoras luminosos y artículos similares; construcciones prefabricadas | | |

    9401 | Asientos (excepto los de la partida 9402), incluso los transformables en cama, y sus partes. | | |

    9401.10.00 | — Asientos de los tipos utilizados en aeronaves | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.20.00 | — Asientos de los tipos utilizados en vehículos automóviles | 6 | Year 5 |

    9401.30.00 | — Asientos giratorios de altura ajustable | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.40.00 | — Asientos transformables en cama, excepto el material de acampar o de jardín | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.50.00 | — Asientos de roten (ratán)*, mimbre, bambú o materias similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás asientos, con armazón de madera: | | |

    9401.61 | — — Con relleno: | | |

    9401.61.10 | — — — Sillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.61.20 | — — — Sillones | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.61.30 | — — — Sofás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.61.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.69 | — — Los demás: | | |

    9401.69.10 | — — — Sillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.69.20 | — — — Sillones | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.69.30 | — — — Sofás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.69.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás asientos, con armazón de metal: | | |

    9401.71 | — — Con relleno: | | |

    9401.71.10 | — — — Sillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.71.20 | — — — Sillones | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.71.30 | — — — Sofás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.71.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.79 | — — Los demás: | | |

    9401.79.10 | — — — Sillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.79.20 | — — — Sillones | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.79.30 | — — — Sofás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.79.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.80 | — Los demás asientos: | | |

    9401.80.10 | — — Sillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.80.20 | — — Sillones | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.80.30 | — — Sofás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.80.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.90 | — Partes: | | |

    9401.90.10 | — — Para asientos con armazón de madera | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.90.20 | — — Para asientos con armazón de metal | 6 | Year 0 |

    9401.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9402 | Mobiliario para medicina, cirugía, odontología o veterinaria (por ejemplo: mesas de operaciones o de reconocimiento, camas con mecanismo para uso clínico, sillones de dentista); sillones de peluquería y sillones similares, con dispositivos de orientación y elevación; partes de estos artículos. | | |

    9402.10 | — Sillones de dentista, de peluquería y sillones similares, y sus partes: | | |

    9402.10.10 | — — Sillones de dentista | 6 | Year 0 |

    9402.10.20 | — — Sillones de peluquería y similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    9402.10.90 | — — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9402.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    9402.90.10 | — — Mobiliario médico-quirúrgico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9402.90.80 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9402.90.90 | — — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403 | Los demás muebles y sus partes. | | |

    9403.10.00 | — Muebles de metal de los tipos utilizados en oficinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.20 | — Los demás muebles de metal: | | |

    9403.20.10 | — — Mesas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.20.20 | — — Estanterías | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.20.30 | — — Camas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.30 | — Muebles de madera de los tipos utilizados en oficinas: | | |

    9403.30.10 | — — Escritorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.30.20 | — — Estanterías | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.30.30 | — — Estaciones para trabajo | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.30.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.40.00 | — Muebles de madera de los tipos utilizados en cocinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.50 | — Muebles de madera de los tipos utilizados en dormitorios: | | |

    9403.50.10 | — — Camas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.50.20 | — — Veladores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.50.30 | — — Cómodas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.50.40 | — — Roperos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.50.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.60 | — Los demás muebles de madera: | | |

    9403.60.10 | — — Mesas para comedor | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.60.20 | — — Vitrinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.60.30 | — — Estantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.60.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.70 | — Muebles de plástico: | | |

    9403.70.10 | — — Mesas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.70.20 | — — Estantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.70.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.80.00 | — Muebles de otras materias, incluidos el roten (ratán)*, mimbre, bambú o materias similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.90 | — Partes: | | |

    9403.90.10 | — — Cubiertas para escritorio | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.90.20 | — — Respaldos para camas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9403.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9404 | Somieres; artículos de cama y artículos similares (por ejemplo: colchones, cubrepiés, edredones, cojines, pufes, almohadas), bien con muelles (resortes), bien rellenos o guarnecidos interiormente con cualquier materia, incluidos los de caucho o plástico celulares, recubiertos o no. | | |

    9404.10 | — Somieres: | | |

    9404.10.10 | — — De una plaza | 6 | Year 0 |

    9404.10.20 | — — De dos plazas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9404.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Colchones: | | |

    9404.21.00 | — — De caucho o plástico celulares, recubiertos o no | 6 | Year 0 |

    9404.29 | — — De otras materias: | | |

    9404.29.10 | — — — De una plaza | 6 | Year 0 |

    9404.29.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9404.30.00 | — Sacos (bolsas) de dormir | 6 | Year 0 |

    9404.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    9404.90.10 | — — Edredones | 6 | Year 0 |

    9404.90.20 | — — Cojines y almohadas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9404.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405 | Aparatos de alumbrado (incluidos los proyectores) y sus partes, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte; anuncios, letreros y placas indicadoras luminosos y artículos similares, con fuente de luz inseparable, y sus partes no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte. | | |

    9405.10 | — Lámparas y demás aparatos eléctricos de alumbrado, para colgar o fijar al techo o a la pared, excepto los de los tipos utilizados para el alumbrado de espacios o vías públicos: | | |

    9405.10.10 | — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.10.20 | — — De cerámica | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.10.30 | — — De vidrio | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.20 | — Lámparas eléctricas de cabecera, mesa, oficina o de pie: | | |

    9405.20.10 | — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.20.20 | — — De cerámica | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.20.30 | — — De vidrio | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.20.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.30.00 | — Guirnaldas eléctricas del tipo de las utilizadas en árboles de Navidad | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.40 | — Los demás aparatos eléctricos de alumbrado: | | |

    9405.40.10 | — — Del tipo xenón | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.40.20 | — — Proyectores de luz para cines o teatros | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.40.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.50.00 | — Aparatos de alumbrado no eléctricos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.60 | — Anuncios, letreros y placas indicadoras, luminosos y artículos similares: | | |

    9405.60.10 | — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.60.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes: | | |

    9405.91.00 | — — De vidrio | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.92.00 | — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9405.99.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9406 | Construcciones prefabricadas. | | |

    9406.00.10 | — Casas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9406.00.20 | — Galpones | 6 | Year 0 |

    9406.00.30 | — Oficinas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9406.00.90 | — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    95 | Juguetes, juegos y artículos para recreo o deporte; sus partes y accesorios | | |

    9501.00.00 | Juguetes de ruedas concebidos para que se monten los niños (por ejemplo: triciclos, patinetes, coches de pedal); coches y sillas de ruedas para muñecas o muñecos. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9502 | Muñecas y muñecos que representen solamente seres humanos. | | |

    9502.10 | — Muñecas y muñecos, incluso vestidos: | | |

    9502.10.10 | — — Muñecas y muñecos con mecanismos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9502.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Partes y accesorios: | | |

    9502.91.00 | — — Prendas y sus complementos (accesorios), de vestir, calzado, y sombreros y demás tocados | 6 | Year 0 |

    9502.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503 | Los demás juguetes; modelos reducidos y modelos similares, para entretenimiento, incluso animados; rompecabezas de cualquier clase. | | |

    9503.10.00 | — Trenes eléctricos, incluidos los carriles (rieles), señales y demás accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.20.00 | — Modelos reducidos para ensamblar, incluso animados, excepto los de la subpartida 950310 | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.30.00 | — Los demás juegos o surtidos y juguetes de construcción | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Juguetes que representen animales o seres no humanos: | | |

    9503.41 | — — Rellenos: | | |

    9503.41.10 | — — — De altura inferior o igual a 15 cm | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.41.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.49 | — — Los demás: | | |

    9503.49.10 | — — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.49.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.50.00 | — Instrumentos y aparatos, de música, de juguete | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.60.00 | — Rompecabezas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.70 | — Los demás juguetes presentados en juegos o surtidos o en panoplias: | | |

    9503.70.10 | — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.70.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.80 | — Los demás juguetes y modelos, con motor: | | |

    9503.80.10 | — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.80.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    9503.90.10 | — — De plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9503.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9504 | Artículos para juegos de sociedad, incluidos los juegos con motor o mecanismo, billares, mesas especiales para juegos de casino y juegos de bolos automáticos ("bowlings"). | | |

    9504.10.00 | — Videojuegos de los tipos utilizados con receptor de televisión | 6 | Year 0 |

    9504.20 | — Billares y sus accesorios: | | |

    9504.20.10 | — — Billares | 6 | Year 0 |

    9504.20.20 | — — Accesorios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9504.30.00 | — Los demás juegos activados con monedas, billetes de banco, fichas o demás artículos similares, excepto los juegos de bolos automáticos ("bowlings") | 6 | Year 0 |

    9504.40.00 | — Naipes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9504.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9505 | Artículos para fiestas, carnaval u otras diversiones, incluidos los de magia y artículos sorpresa. | | |

    9505.10 | — Artículos para fiestas de Navidad: | | |

    9505.10.10 | — — Objetos para decoración de árboles de Navidad | 6 | Year 0 |

    9505.10.20 | — — Adornos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9505.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9505.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506 | Artículos y material para cultura física, gimnasia, atletismo, demás deportes (incluido el tenis de mesa) o para juegos al aire libre, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte de este Capítulo; piscinas, incluso infantiles. | | |

    — Esquís para nieve y demás artículos para práctica del esquí de nieve: | | |

    9506.11.00 | — — Esquís | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.12.00 | — — Fijadores de esquí | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Esquís acuáticos, tablas, deslizadores de vela y demás artículos para práctica de deportes acuáticos: | | |

    9506.21.00 | — — Deslizadores de vela | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Palos de golf ("clubs") y demás artículos para golf: | | |

    9506.31.00 | — — Palos de golf ("clubs") completos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.32.00 | — — Pelotas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.39.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.40.00 | — Artículos y material para tenis de mesa | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Raquetas de tenis, "badminton" o similares, incluso sin cordaje: | | |

    9506.51.00 | — — Raquetas de tenis, incluso sin cordaje | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.59.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Balones y pelotas, excepto las de golf o tenis de mesa: | | |

    9506.61.00 | — — Pelotas de tenis | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.62 | — — Inflables: | | |

    9506.62.10 | — — — Para fútbol | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.62.20 | — — — Para baloncesto | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.62.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.69.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.70.00 | — Patines para hielo y patines de ruedas, incluido el calzado con patines fijos | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    9506.91 | — — Artículos y material para cultura física, gimnasia o atletismo: | | |

    9506.91.10 | — — — Para cultura física | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.91.20 | — — — Para gimnasia | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.91.30 | — — — Para atletismo | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.99 | — — Los demás: | | |

    9506.99.10 | — — — Artículos para protección para deportes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9506.99.90 | — — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9507 | Cañas de pescar, anzuelos y demás artículos para la pesca con caña; salabardos, cazamariposas y redes similares; señuelos (excepto los de las partidas 9208 ó 9705) y artículos de caza similares. | | |

    9507.10.00 | — Cañas de pescar | 6 | Year 0 |

    9507.20.00 | — Anzuelos, incluso montados en sedal (tanza) | 6 | Year 0 |

    9507.30.00 | — Carretes de pesca | 6 | Year 0 |

    9507.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9508 | Tiovivos, columpios, casetas de tiro y demás atracciones de feria; circos, zoológicos y teatros, ambulantes. | | |

    9508.10.00 | — Circos y zoológicos ambulantes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9508.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    9508.90.10 | — — Columpios | 6 | Year 0 |

    9508.90.20 | — — Laberintos de plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9508.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    96 | Manufacturas diversas | | |

    9601 | Marfil, hueso, concha (caparazón) de tortuga, cuerno, asta, coral, nácar y demás materias animales para tallar, trabajadas, y manufacturas de estas materias (incluso las obtenidas por moldeo). | | |

    9601.10.00 | — Marfil trabajado y sus manufacturas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9601.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9602.00.00 | Materias vegetales o minerales para tallar, trabajadas, y manufacturas de estas materias; manufacturas moldeadas o talladas de cera, parafina, estearina, gomas o resinas naturales o pasta para modelar y demás manufacturas moldeadas o talladas no expresadas ni comprendidas en otra parte; gelatina sin endurecer trabajada, excepto la de la partida 3503, y manufacturas de gelatina sin endurecer. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9603 | Escobas, cepillos y brochas, aunque sean partes de máquinas, aparatos o vehículos, escobas mecánicas de uso manual, excepto las de motor, pinceles y plumeros; cabezas preparadas para artículos de cepillería; almohadillas y rodillos, para pintar; rasquetas de caucho o materia flexible análoga. | | |

    9603.10.00 | — Escobas y escobillas de ramitas u otra materia vegetal atada en haces, incluso con mango | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Cepillos de dientes, brochas de afeitar, cepillos para cabello, pestañas o uñas y demás cepillos para aseo personal, incluidos los que sean partes de aparatos: | | |

    9603.21.00 | — — Cepillos de dientes, incluidos los cepillos para dentaduras postizas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9603.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9603.30.00 | — Pinceles y brochas para pintura artística, pinceles para escribir y pinceles similares para aplicación de cosméticos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9603.40.00 | — Pinceles y brochas para pintar, enlucir, barnizar o similares (excepto los de la subpartida 960330); almohadillas y rodillos, para pintar | 6 | Year 0 |

    9603.50.00 | — Los demás cepillos que constituyan partes de máquinas, aparatos o vehículos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9603.90 | — Los demás: | | |

    9603.90.10 | — — Rasquetas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9603.90.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9604.00.00 | Tamices, cedazos y cribas, de mano. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9605.00.00 | Juegos o surtidos de viaje para aseo personal, costura o limpieza del calzado o de prendas de vestir. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9606 | Botones y botones de presión; formas para botones y demás partes de botones o de botones de presión; esbozos de botones. | | |

    9606.10.00 | — Botones de presión y sus partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Botones: | | |

    9606.21.00 | — — De plástico, sin forrar con materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    9606.22.00 | — — De metal común, sin forrar con materia textil | 6 | Year 0 |

    9606.29.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9606.30.00 | — Formas para botones y demás partes de botones; esbozos de botones | 6 | Year 0 |

    9607 | Cierres de cremallera (cierres relámpago) y sus partes. | | |

    — Cierres de cremallera (cierres relámpago): | | |

    9607.11.00 | — — Con dientes de metal común | 6 | Year 0 |

    9607.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9607.20.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9608 | Bolígrafos; rotuladores y marcadores con punta de fieltro u otra punta porosa; estilográficas y demás plumas; estiletes o punzones para clisés de mimeógrafo ("stencils"); portaminas; portaplumas, portalápices y artículos similares; partes de estos artículos (incluidos los capuchones y sujetadores), excepto las de la partida 9609. | | |

    9608.10 | — Bolígrafos: | | |

    9608.10.10 | — — Desechables | 6 | Year 0 |

    9608.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9608.20 | — Rotuladores y marcadores con punta de fieltro u otra punta porosa: | | |

    9608.20.10 | — — Rotuladores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9608.20.20 | — — Marcadores | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Estilográficas y demás plumas: | | |

    9608.31.00 | — — Para dibujar con tinta china | 6 | Year 0 |

    9608.39.00 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9608.40.00 | — Portaminas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9608.50.00 | — Juegos de artículos pertenecientes, por lo menos, a dos de las subpartidas anteriores | 6 | Year 0 |

    9608.60.00 | — Cartuchos de repuesto con su punta para bolígrafo | 6 | Year 0 |

    — Los demás: | | |

    9608.91.00 | — — Plumillas y puntos para plumillas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9608.99.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9609 | Lápices, minas, pasteles, carboncillos, tizas para escribir o dibujar y jaboncillos (tizas) de sastre. | | |

    9609.10 | — Lápices: | | |

    9609.10.10 | — — De colores para pintar | 6 | Year 0 |

    9609.10.20 | — — Para escribir | 6 | Year 0 |

    9609.10.90 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9609.20.00 | — Minas para lápices o portaminas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9609.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9610 | Pizarras y tableros para escribir o dibujar, incluso enmarcados. | | |

    9610.00.10 | — Pizarras y tableros acrílicos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9610.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9611.00.00 | Fechadores, sellos, numeradores, timbradores y artículos similares (incluidos los aparatos para imprimir etiquetas), de mano; componedores e imprentillas con componedor, de mano. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9612 | Cintas para máquinas de escribir y cintas similares, entintadas o preparadas de otro modo para imprimir, incluso en carretes o cartuchos; tampones, incluso impregnados o con caja. | | |

    9612.10 | — Cintas: | | |

    9612.10.10 | — — Para máquinas impresoras | 6 | Year 0 |

    9612.10.20 | — — Para máquinas de escribir | 6 | Year 0 |

    9612.10.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9612.20.00 | — Tampones | 6 | Year 0 |

    9613 | Encendedores y mecheros, incluso mecánicos o eléctricos, y sus partes, excepto las piedras y mechas. | | |

    9613.10.00 | — Encendedores de gas no recargables, de bolsillo | 6 | Year 0 |

    9613.20.00 | — Encendedores de gas recargables, de bolsillo | 6 | Year 0 |

    9613.80.00 | — Los demás encendedores y mecheros | 6 | Year 0 |

    9613.90.00 | — Partes | 6 | Year 0 |

    9614 | Pipas (incluidas las cazoletas), boquillas para cigarros (puros) o cigarrillos, y sus partes. | | |

    9614.20 | — Pipas y cazoletas: | | |

    9614.20.10 | — — Pipas de madera o de raíces | 6 | Year 0 |

    9614.20.20 | — — Esbozos para pipas, de madera o de raíces | 6 | Year 0 |

    9614.20.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9614.90 | — Las demás: | | |

    9614.90.10 | — — Boquillas para cigarros y cigarrillos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9614.90.90 | — — Las demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9615 | Peines, peinetas, pasadores y artículos similares; horquillas; rizadores, bigudíes y artículos similares para el peinado, excepto los de la partida 8516, y sus partes. | | |

    — Peines, peinetas, pasadores y artículos similares: | | |

    9615.11.00 | — — De caucho endurecido o plástico | 6 | Year 0 |

    9615.19.00 | — — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9615.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9616 | Pulverizadores de tocador, sus monturas y cabezas de monturas; borlas y similares para aplicación de polvos, otros cosméticos o productos de tocador. | | |

    9616.10.00 | — Pulverizadores de tocador, sus monturas y cabezas de monturas | 6 | Year 0 |

    9616.20.00 | — Borlas y similares para aplicación de polvos, otros cosméticos o productos de tocador | 6 | Year 0 |

    9617 | Termos y demás recipientes isotérmicos, montados y aislados por vacío, así como sus partes (excepto las ampollas de vidrio). | | |

    9617.00.10 | — Termos y similares | 6 | Year 0 |

    9617.00.90 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9618.00.00 | Maniquíes y artículos similares; autómatas y escenas animadas para escaparates. | 6 | Year 0 |

    97 | Objetos de arte o colección y antigüedades | | |

    9701 | Pinturas y dibujos, hechos totalmente a mano, excepto los dibujos de la partida 4906 y artículos manufacturados decorados a mano; "collages" y cuadros similares. | | |

    9701.10.00 | — Pinturas y dibujos | 6 | Year 0 |

    9701.90.00 | — Los demás | 6 | Year 0 |

    9702.00.00 | Grabados, estampas y litografías originales. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9703.00.00 | Obras originales de estatuaria o escultura, de cualquier materia. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9704.00.00 | Sellos (estampillas) de correo, timbres fiscales, marcas postales, sobres primer día, enteros postales, demás artículos franqueados y análogos, incluso obliterados, excepto los artículos de la partida 4907. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9705.00.00 | Colecciones y especímenes para colecciones de zoología, botánica, mineralogía o anatomía o que tengan interés histórico, arqueológico, paleontológico, etnográfico o numismático. | 6 | Year 0 |

    9706.00.00 | Antigüedades de más de cien años. | 6 | Year 0 |

    0031.00.00 | Partes o piezas o conjuntos detinados a la armaduria o emsamblaje de vehículos motorizados que se importen por las industrias terminales de conformidad a la ley No 18.483, de 1985 | | Year 0 |

    0032.00.00 | Conjuntos de partes o piezas que se importen por la industrias terminales para la armaduria en el país de vehículos automóviles para el transporte de mercancías con capacidad de carga útil de hasta 1672 kilogramos y con un motor de sobre 850 centrimetros cubicos de cilindrada conforme al articulo 7o transitorio de la ley No 18.483, de 1985 | | Year 0 |




    (Omenjena v členu 58 Pridružitvenega sporazuma)



    Člen 1

    Opredelitve pojmov

    Za namene te priloge:

    (a) "izdelava" pomeni katero koli vrsto obdelave ali predelave, vključno s sestavljanjem ali posebnimi postopki;

    (b) "material" pomeni vsako sestavino, surovino, sestavni del ali del itn., ki se uporablja pri izdelavi izdelka;

    (c) "izdelek" pomeni izdelek, ki se izdeluje, četudi je namenjen kasnejši uporabi pri drugem postopku izdelave;

    (d) "blago" pomeni tako materiale kot izdelke;

    (e) "carinska vrednost" pomeni vrednost, kot je določena v skladu s Sporazumom o izvajanju člena VII Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini iz leta 1994 (Sporazum STO o določanju carinske vrednosti);

    (f) "cena franko tovarna" pomeni ceno, ki se za izdelek franko tovarna v Skupnosti ali v Čilu plača proizvajalcu, pri katerem se opravi zadnja obdelava ali predelava, če cena vključuje vsaj vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov, zmanjšano za vse notranje davke, ki se, ali se lahko povrnejo ob izvozu pridobljenega izdelka;

    (g) "vrednost materialov" pomeni carinsko vrednost pri uvozu uporabljenih materialov brez porekla, ali če ta ni znana in je ni mogoče ugotoviti, prvo preverljivo ceno, plačano za materiale v Skupnosti ali v Čilu;

    (h) "vrednost materialov s poreklom" pomeni vrednost takšnih materialov, kot so opredeljeni v pododstavku (g), ki se uporablja smiselno;

    (i) "poglavja" in "tarifne številke" pomenijo poglavja (dvoštevilčne oznake) in tarifne številke (štirištevilčne oznake), uporabljene v nomenklaturi, ki sestavlja harmonizirani sistem poimenovanj in šifrskih oznak blaga, ki ga ta priloga omenja kot "harmonizirani sistem" ali "HS";

    (j) "uvrščen" se nanaša na uvrstitev izdelka ali materiala v določeno tarifno številko;

    (k) "pošiljka" pomeni izdelke, ki jih izvoznik pošilja enemu prejemniku bodisi hkrati ali so zajeti v enem samem prevoznem dokumentu, s katerim izvoznik dobavlja te izdelke prejemniku, ali če ni takega dokumenta, izdelke, ki so zajeti na enem računu;

    (l) "preferencialno tarifno obravnavanje" se nanaša na carino, ki se uporablja za blago s poreklom, kot je določeno v delu IV, naslov II tega sporazuma;

    (m) "carinski organ ali pristojni državni organ" se nanaša na carinski organ v Skupnosti in na "Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales" (DIRECON) Ministrstva za zunanje odnose v Čilu.



    Člen 2

    Splošne zahteve

    1. Za namene izvajanja dela IV, naslov II tega sporazuma, se za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti štejejo:

    (a) izdelki, v celoti pridobljeni v Skupnosti v smislu člena 4;

    (b) izdelki, pridobljeni v Skupnosti, ki vsebujejo materiale, ki v njej niso bili v celoti pridobljeni, pod pogojem, da so bili takšni materiali zadosti obdelani ali predelani v Skupnosti v smislu člena 5.

    2. Za namene izvajanja dela IV, naslov II tega sporazuma, se za izdelke s poreklom iz Čila štejejo:

    (a) izdelki, v celoti pridobljeni v Čilu v smislu člena 4;

    (b) izdelki, pridobljeni v Čilu, ki vsebujejo materiale, ki v njem niso bili v celoti pridobljeni, pod pogojem, da so bili takšni materiali zadosti obdelani ali predelani v Čilu v smislu člena 5.

    Člen 3

    Dvostranska kumulacija porekla

    1. Materiali s poreklom iz Skupnosti se štejejo za materiale s poreklom iz Čila, če so vključeni v tam pridobljeni izdelek. Ni treba, da bi bili takšni materiali zadosti obdelani ali predelani, če so bili obdelani ali predelani bolj, kakor je navedeno v členu 6.

    2. Materiali s poreklom iz Čila se štejejo za materiale s poreklom iz Skupnosti, če so vključeni v tam pridobljeni izdelek. Ni treba, da bi bili takšni materiali zadosti obdelani ali predelani, če so bili obdelani ali predelani bolj, kakor je navedeno v členu 6.

    Člen 4

    V celoti pridobljeni izdelki

    1. Za v celoti pridobljene v Skupnosti ali Čilu se štejejo:

    (a) mineralni izdelki, tam pridobljeni iz zemlje ali morskega dna;

    (b) rastlinski izdelki, pridelani tam;

    (c) žive živali, tam skotene ali izvaljene in vzrejene;

    (d) izdelki, pridobljeni iz živih, tam vzrejenih živali;

    (e) izdelki, tam pridobljeni z lovom;

    (f) izdelki morskega ribolova, lova in drugi izdelki iz morja, pridobljeni z njunimi plovili [1];

    (g) izdelki, izdelani na njunih predelovalnih ladjah izključno iz izdelkov, navedenih v (f);

    (h) tam zbrani rabljeni predmeti, primerni zgolj za obnavljanje surovin ali za uporabo kot odpadki;

    (i) odpadki in ostanki pri postopkih izdelave, ki tam potekajo;

    (j) izdelki, pridobljeni iz morskega dna ali podzemlja zunaj njunega teritorialnega morja, pod pogojem, da imata izključno pravico do obdelave morskega dna ali podzemlja;

    (k) blago, tam izdelano izključno iz izdelkov, navedenih v (a) do (j).

    2. Izraza "njuna plovila" in "njune predelovalne ladje" iz odstavka 1(f) in (g) se uporabljata samo za plovila in predelovalne ladje:

    (a) ki so registrirane ali so vpisane v seznam v državi članici Skupnosti ali v Čilu;

    (b) ki plujejo pod zastavo države članice Skupnosti ali Čila.

    3. Poleg zahtev, določenih v odstavku 2, se za proizvode, pridobljene po odstavku l(f) in (g), šteje, da so v celoti pridobljeni v Skupnosti ali Čilu, če so "njuna plovila" in "njune predelovalne ladje":

    (a) v lasti:

    (i) državljanov držav članic Skupnosti ali Čila do obsega vsaj 50 odstotkov; ali

    (ii) osebne ali kapitalske družbe s sedežem v eni od držav članic Skupnosti ali v Čilu, katere direktor ali direktorji, predsednik upravnega odbora ali nadzornega sveta in večina članov takih odborov so državljani držav članic Skupnosti ali Čila, in v kateri vsaj polovica kapitala pripada tem državam ali javnim organom ali državljanom omenjenih držav; ali

    (iii) podjetja, razen tistih, omenjenih v (ii), s sedežem v eni od držav članic Skupnosti ali v Čilu, katerega direktor ali direktorji, predsednik upravnega odbora ali nadzornega sveta ter večina članov takih odborov so državljani držav članic Skupnosti ali Čila;


    (b) katerih kapitan in vsaj 75 % članov posadke, vključno s častniki, so državljani držav članic Skupnosti ali Čila.

    Člen 5

    Zadosti obdelani ali predelani izdelki

    1. Za namene člena 2 se šteje, da so izdelki, ki niso v celoti pridobljeni, zadosti obdelani ali predelani, če so izpolnjeni pogoji iz seznama v Dodatku II.

    Zgoraj navedeni pogoji navajajo za vse izdelke, za katere velja ta sporazum, postopke obdelave ali predelave, ki morajo biti opravljeni na materialih brez porekla, uporabljenih pri izdelavi teh izdelkov, in se nanašajo samo na take materiale.

    Iz tega sledi, da če se izdelek, ki je pridobil poreklo z izpolnitvijo pogojev iz Dodatka II, uporablja pri izdelavi drugega izdelka, se pogoji, ki se uporabljajo za pridobljeni izdelek, ne uporabljajo za vgrajeni izdelek, in se ne upoštevajo materiali brez porekla, ki so se morda uporabili pri njegovi izdelavi.

    2. Ne glede na odstavek 1 se izdelki, ki niso v celoti pridobljeni in so našteti v Dodatku II(a), štejejo za zadosti obdelane ali predelane, če so izpolnjeni pogoji iz seznama v Dodatku II(a). Določbe tega odstavka se uporabljajo tri leta po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma.

    3. Ne glede na odstavka 1 in 2 se materiali brez porekla, ki se v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v Dodatku II ali Dodatku II(a), ne bi smeli uporabljati pri izdelavi izdelka, lahko vseeno uporabljajo, če:

    (a) njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 10 odstotkov cene izdelka franko tovarna;

    (b) kateri koli odstotek, naveden v Dodatku II ali Dodatku II(a), kot zgornja vrednost materialov brez porekla, ni presežen z uporabo tega odstavka.

    Brez poseganja v opombi 5 in 6 Dodatka I se ta odstavek ne uporablja za izdelke iz poglavij 50 do 63 harmoniziranega sistema.

    4. Odstavki 1, 2 in 3 se uporabljajo, razen kot je določeno v členu 6.

    Člen 6

    Nezadostni postopki obdelave ali predelave

    1. Brez poseganja v odstavek 2 se ti postopki štejejo za nezadostno obdelavo ali predelavo, da bi izdelek pridobil status izdelka s poreklom, ne glede na to, ali je zadoščeno zahtevam iz člena 5:

    (a) postopki za ohranitev blaga v dobrem stanju med prevozom in skladiščenjem;

    (b) razstavljanje in sestavljanje tovorkov;

    (c) pranje, čiščenje, odstranjevanje prahu, oksidov, olja, barve ali drugih snovi za prekrivanje;

    (d) likanje tekstila;

    (e) preprosti postopki barvanja in loščenja;

    (f) luščenje, delno ali popolno beljenje, loščenje ter glaziranje žit in riža;

    (g) postopki barvanja sladkorja ali oblikovanje sladkornih kock;

    (h) lupljenje, razkoščičevanje in luščenje sadja, oreškov in zelenjave;

    (i) ostrenje, preprosto brušenje ali preprosto rezanje;

    (j) sejanje, prebiranje, sortiranje, razvrščanje v skupine, razvrščanje po stopnjah, usklajevanje (vključno s sestavljanjem garnitur izdelkov);

    (k) preprosto pakiranje v steklenice, konzerve, čutare, vrečke, zaboje, škatle, pritrjevanje na kartone ali plošče ter vsi drugi preprosti postopki pakiranja;

    (l) pritrjevanje ali tiskanje oznak, nalepk, logotipov in drugih podobnih znakov za razlikovanje na izdelke ali njihovo embalažo;

    (m) preprosto mešanje izdelkov, različnih vrst ali ne;

    (n) enostavno sestavljanje delov izdelkov v popoln izdelek ali razstavljanje izdelkov na dele;

    (o) postopki, katerih edini namen je olajšati nakladanje;

    (p) kombinacija dveh ali več postopkov, določenih v pododstavkih (a) do (o);

    (q) zakol živali.

    2. Pri ugotavljanju, ali se obdelava ali predelava, opravljena na posameznem izdelku, šteje za nezadostno v smislu odstavka 1, se upoštevajo vsi postopki, opravljeni v Skupnosti ali v Čilu na tem izdelku.

    Člen 7

    Enota kvalifikacije

    1. Enota kvalifikacije za uporabo določb te priloge je določen izdelek, ki šteje za osnovno enoto, kadar se določa uvrstitev ob uporabi nomenklature harmoniziranega sistema.

    Iz tega torej sledi:

    (a) kadar se izdelek, ki ga sestavlja skupina predmetov ali je sestavljen iz izdelkov, uvršča po pogojih harmoniziranega sistema v eno tarifno številko, potem celota pomeni enoto kvalifikacije;

    (b) kadar je pošiljka sestavljena iz določenega števila enakih izdelkov, ki se uvrščajo v enako tarifno številko harmoniziranega sistema, je treba pri uporabi določb te priloge vsak izdelek obravnavati posebej.

    2. Če je po splošnem pravilu 5 harmoniziranega sistema embalaža vključena v izdelek zaradi uvrščanja, mora biti vključena tudi pri določanju porekla. Druga embalaža se ne vključi za namene določanja porekla.

    Člen 8

    Dodatki, nadomestni deli in orodje

    Dodatki, nadomestni deli in orodje, poslani skupaj z delom opreme, stroja, naprave ali vozila:

    - ki so del običajne opreme in vključeni v njeno ceno, ali

    - ki niso posebej zaračunani,

    se štejejo za del te opreme, stroja, naprave ali vozila.

    Člen 9


    Garniture se v skladu s splošnim pravilom 3 harmoniziranega sistema, štejejo za garniture s poreklom, kadar imajo poreklo vsi njihovi sestavni deli. Kljub temu pa se takrat, kadar je garnitura sestavljena iz izdelkov s poreklom in brez njega, šteje, da ima garnitura kot celota poreklo, če vrednost izdelkov brez porekla ne presega 15 odstotkov cene garniture franko tovarna.

    Člen 10

    Nevtralne sestavine

    Da bi določili, ali ima izdelek poreklo, ni treba ugotavljati porekla za navedeno, kar bi se lahko uporabljalo pri izdelavi izdelka:

    (a) energija in gorivo;

    (b) naprave in oprema;

    (c) stroji in orodje;

    (d) blago, ki ni vključeno ali ni namenjeno za vključitev v končno sestavo izdelka.



    Člen 11

    Načelo teritorialnosti

    1. Pogoji iz naslova II v zvezi s pridobivanjem statusa blaga s poreklom morajo biti izpolnjeni brez prekinitve v Skupnosti ali v Čilu.

    2. Če se blago s poreklom, izvoženo iz Skupnosti ali iz Čila v drugo državo, vrne, ga je treba šteti kot blago brez porekla, razen če se carinskim organom lahko zadovoljivo dokaže, da:

    (a) je vrnjeno blago isto blago, kot je bilo izvoženo; in

    (b) da na njem, medtem ko je bilo v tisti državi ali med izvozom, niso bili opravljeni nikakršni postopki, razen tistih, ki so potrebni, da se ohrani v dobrem stanju.

    Člen 12

    Neposredni prevoz

    1. Preferencialna obravnava, ki jo predvideva ta sporazum, se uporablja samo za izdelke, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve iz te priloge in se prevažajo neposredno med Skupnostjo in Čilom. Vendar se izdelki, ki sestavljajo eno pošiljko, lahko prevažajo čez druga ozemlja, če do tega pride, s pretovarjanjem ali začasnim skladiščenjem na takšnih ozemljih, pod pogojem, da je blago v državi tranzita ali skladiščenja ostalo pod nadzorom carinskih organov in da na njem niso bili opravljeni drugi postopki razen raztovarjanja, ponovnega natovarjanja ali kakršni koli postopki za ohranitev blaga v dobrem stanju.

    2. Kot dokazilo, da so pogoji iz odstavka 1 izpolnjeni, je treba predložiti carinskim organom države uvoznice:

    (a) en sam prevozni dokument, ki pokriva prevoz iz države izvoznice čez državo tranzita; ali

    (b) potrdilo, ki ga izdajo carinski organi države tranzita, ki:

    (i) vsebuje natančen opis izdelkov;

    (ii) navaja datume raztovarjanja in ponovnega natovarjanja izdelkov in, če je ustrezno, imena ladij ali drugih uporabljenih prevoznih sredstev; in

    (iii) potrjuje pogoje, pod katerimi so bili izdelki zadržani v državi tranzita; ali

    (c) če teh ni, katere koli dokumente, ki to dokazujejo.

    Člen 13


    1. Za izdelke s poreklom, ki se pošiljajo na razstavo v drugo državo razen Skupnosti ali Čila in se po razstavi prodajo za uvoz v Skupnost ali Čile, veljajo pri uvozu ugodnosti po določbah tega sporazuma, če se carinskim organom države uvoznice zadovoljivo dokaže, da:

    (a) je izvoznik te izdelke poslal iz Skupnosti ali Čila v državo, v kateri je razstava, in jih je tam razstavljal;

    (b) je ta izvoznik izdelke prodal ali jih kako drugače dal na razpolago osebi v Skupnosti ali Čilu;

    (c) so bili izdelki med razstavo ali takoj po njej poslani v enakem stanju, kot so bili poslani na razstavo;

    (d) izdelki od tedaj, ko so bili poslani na razstavo, niso bili uporabljeni za noben drug namen kot za predstavitev na razstavi; in

    (e) so izdelki med razstavo ostali pod carinskim nadzorom.

    2. Dokazilo o poreklu mora biti izdano ali izdelano v skladu z določbami iz naslova V in predloženo carinskim organom države uvoznice na običajen način. Na njem morata biti navedena ime in naslov razstave. Po potrebi se lahko zahtevajo dodatna dokumentarna dokazila o pogojih, pod katerimi so bili razstavljeni.

    3. Odstavek 1 se uporablja za vse trgovinske, industrijske, kmetijske ali obrtne razstave, sejme ali podobne javne prireditve ali prikaze, ki se ne organizirajo v zasebne namene v trgovinah ali poslovnih prostorih z namenom prodaje tujih izdelkov.



    Člen 14

    Prepoved povračila ali izvzetja od carin

    1. Za materiale brez porekla, ki se uporabljajo pri izdelavi izdelkov s poreklom iz Skupnosti ali Čila, za katere se izda ali izdela dokazilo o poreklu v skladu z določbami iz naslova V, se v Skupnosti ali Čilu ne more uveljavljati kakršno koli povračilo ali izvzetje od carin.

    2. Prepoved iz odstavka 1 se nanaša na kakršno koli delno ali celotno povračilo, odpust ali neplačilo carin, kot so opredeljene v členu 59 tega sporazuma, ki se uporablja v Skupnosti ali v Čilu izrecno ali posledično, za materiale, uporabljene pri izdelavi takrat, ko se izdelki, pridobljeni iz omenjenih materialov, izvozijo, in ne, če tam ostanejo za domačo porabo.

    3. Izvoznik izdelkov, na katere se nanaša dokazilo o poreklu, mora biti na zahtevo carinskih organov pripravljen kadar koli predložiti vse ustrezne dokumente, ki dokazujejo, da za materiale brez porekla, uporabljene pri izdelavi teh izdelkov, ni bilo prejeto povračilo carine in da so bile vse carine, ki se uporabljajo za take materiale, dejansko plačane.

    4. Določbe iz odstavkov 1 do 3 se prav tako uporabljajo za embalažo v smislu člena 7(2), za dodatke, nadomestne dele in orodje v smislu člena 8 ter za izdelke v garniturah v smislu člena 9, če so takšni predmeti brez porekla.

    5. Določbe iz odstavkov 1 do 4 se uporabljajo samo za materiale, za katere se uporablja ta sporazum. Poleg tega ne preprečujejo uporabe sistema izvoznih nadomestil, ki se uporabljajo pri izvozu kmetijskih izdelkov v skladu z določbami Sporazuma.

    6. Določbe tega člena se uporabljajo od 1. januarja 2007.



    Člen 15

    Splošne zahteve

    1. Za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti pri uvozu v Čile in za izdelke s poreklom iz Čila pri uvozu v Skupnost veljajo ugodnosti iz tega sporazuma ob predložitvi naslednjih dokazil o poreklu:

    (a) potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1, katerega vzorec je v Dodatku III;


    (b) v primerih iz člena 20(1), izjave izvoznika, v nadaljevanju "izjava na računu", na računu, dobavnici ali na drugem trgovinskem dokumentu, ki dovolj natančno opisuje te izdelke, da jih je mogoče prepoznati. Besedilo izjave na računu je v Dodatku IV.

    2. Ne glede na odstavek 1 za izdelke s poreklom v smislu te priloge v primerih, kot jih določa člen 25, veljajo ugodnosti iz tega sporazuma, ne da bi bilo treba predložiti katere koli zgoraj navedene dokumente.

    Člen 16

    Postopek izdaje potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1

    1. Potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1 izdajo carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi države izvoznice na podlagi pisnega zahtevka izvoznika ali njegovega pooblaščenega zastopnika na izvoznikovo odgovornost.

    2. Postopek za izpolnjevanje potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.l in zahtevka je določen v Dodatku III.

    3. Izvoznik, ki vlaga zahtevek za izdajo potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1, mora biti pripravljen, da na zahtevo carinskih organov ali pristojnih državnih organov države izvoznice, v kateri se izda potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1, kadar koli predloži vse ustrezne dokumente, ki dokazujejo status izdelkov s poreklom kot tudi izpolnitev drugih zahtev iz te priloge.

    4. Potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1 izdajo carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi države članice Skupnosti ali Čila, če se zadevni izdelki lahko štejejo za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti ali Čila in izpolnjujejo druge zahteve iz te priloge.

    5. Carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi izdaje ukrenejo vse potrebno za preverjanje porekla blaga in izpolnjevanje drugih zahtev iz te priloge. V ta namen imajo pravico zahtevati katero koli dokazilo in opraviti kakršen koli pregled izvoznikovega knjigovodstva ali kateri koli drug pregled, ki se jim zdi potreben. Carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi izdaje tudi zagotovijo, da so obrazci iz odstavka 2 pravilno izpolnjeni. Zlasti morajo preveriti, ali je prostor, namenjen poimenovanju izdelkov, izpolnjen tako, da izključuje vse možnosti pripisov z namenom goljufije.

    6. Datum izdaje potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 mora biti naveden v polju 11 potrdila.

    7. Carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi izdajo potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in ga dajo izvozniku na razpolago takoj, ko je dejanski izvoz opravljen ali zagotovljen.

    Člen 17

    Naknadno izdano potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.l

    1. Ne glede na člen 16(7) se potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1 lahko izjemoma izda tudi po izvozu izdelkov, na katere se nanaša:

    (a) če ni bilo izdano ob izvozu zaradi napak ali nenamernih opustitev ali posebnih okoliščin;


    (b) če se carinskim organom ali pristojnim državnim organom zadovoljivo dokaže, da je bilo potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1 izdano, vendar ob uvozu ni bilo sprejeto iz tehničnih razlogov.

    2. Za izvajanje odstavka 1 mora izvoznik v svojem zahtevku navesti kraj in datum izvoza izdelkov, na katere se nanaša potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1, ter navesti razloge za svoj zahtevek.

    3. Carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi lahko izdajo potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1 naknadno le potem, ko preverijo, če se informacije v izvoznikovem zahtevku ujemajo z informacijami v ustreznem spisu.

    4. Naknadno izdana potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 morajo vsebovati enega od teh zaznamkov:


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    5. Zaznamek iz odstavka 4 mora biti vpisan v polje "Opombe" na potrdilu o gibanju blaga EUR.1.

    Člen 18

    Izdaja dvojnika potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.l

    1. V primeru kraje, izgube ali uničenja potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 lahko izvoznik ob navedbi razlogov za svoj zahtevek zaprosi carinske organe ali pristojne državne organe, ki so ga izdali, za dvojnik, sestavljen na podlagi izvoznih dokumentov, ki jih imajo.

    2. Na ta način izdani dvojnik mora vsebovati enega od naslednjih zaznamkov:


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    3. Zaznamek iz odstavka 2 mora biti vpisan v polje "Opombe" dvojnika potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1.

    4. Dvojnik, na katerem mora biti datum izdaje izvirnega potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1, začne veljati s tem datumom.

    Člen 19

    Izdaja potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 na podlagi predhodno izdanega ali izdelanega dokazila o poreklu

    Kadar so izdelki s poreklom dani pod nadzor carinskega urada v Skupnosti ali v Čilu, je mogoče nadomestiti izvirno dokazilo o poreklu z enim ali več potrdili o gibanju blaga EUR.1 zaradi pošiljanja vseh ali nekaterih izdelkov drugam znotraj Skupnosti ali Čila. Nadomestno potrdilo ali nadomestna potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 izda carinski urad prvega vnosa v Skupnost ali v Čile, pod katerega nadzor so bili dani izdelki.

    Člen 20

    Pogoji za izjavo na računu

    1. Izjavo na računu iz člena 15(1)(b) lahko da:

    (a) pooblaščeni izvoznik v smislu člena 21;


    (b) kateri koli izvoznik za vsako pošiljko, sestavljeno iz enega ali več tovorkov, ki vsebujejo izdelke s poreklom, katerih skupna vrednost ne presega 6000 EUR.

    2. Izjavo na računu se lahko da, če se izdelki, na katere se nanaša, lahko štejejo za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti ali iz Čila in če izpolnjujejo druge zahteve iz te priloge.

    3. Izvoznik, ki daje izjavo na računu, mora biti kadar koli pripravljen, da na zahtevo carinskih organov ali pristojnih državnih organov države izvoznice predloži vse ustrezne dokumente, ki dokazujejo status porekla blaga kot tudi izpolnitev drugih zahtev iz te priloge.

    4. Izjavo na računu, katere besedilo je v Dodatku IV, mora izvoznik natipkati, odtisniti ali natisniti na račun, dobavnico ali kateri koli drug trgovinski dokument. Posebne zahteve za izdelavo izjave na računu so določene v Dodatku IV.

    5. Izjave na računu morajo imeti izvirni lastnoročni podpis izvoznika. Vendar pa se ne zahteva, da pooblaščeni izvoznik v smislu člena 21 podpisuje takšne izjave, če se carinskim organom ali pristojnim državnim organom države izvoznice pisno zaveže, da sprejema polno odgovornost za vsako izjavo na računu, po kateri ga je mogoče prepoznati, kot da jo je lastnoročno podpisal.

    6. Izvoznik lahko da izjavo na računu ob izvozu izdelkov, na katere se nanaša, ali po izvozu, če se predloži carinskim organom države uvoznice najpozneje v dveh letih po uvozu izdelkov, na katere se nanaša.

    Člen 21

    Pooblaščeni izvoznik

    1. Carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi države izvoznice lahko pooblastijo katerega koli izvoznika, v nadaljnjem besedilu "pooblaščenega izvoznika", ki pogosto pošilja izdelke s poreklom na podlagi tega sporazuma, da daje izjave na računu ne glede na vrednost izdelkov, na katere se nanaša. Izvoznik, ki prosi za takšno pooblastilo, mora carinskim organom ali pristojnim državnim organom ponuditi vsa jamstva, potrebna za preverjanje statusa porekla teh izdelkov, kot tudi izpolnjevanja vseh drugih zahtev iz te priloge.

    2. Carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi lahko odobrijo status pooblaščenega izvoznika na podlagi pogojev, za katere menijo, da so primerni.

    3. Carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi pooblaščenemu izvozniku dodelijo številko carinskega pooblastila, ki mora biti na izjavi na računu.

    4. Carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi spremljajo in nadzirajo, kako pooblaščeni izvoznik uporablja pooblastilo.

    5. Carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi lahko kadar koli umaknejo pooblastilo. To morajo storiti, kadar pooblaščeni izvoznik ne nudi več jamstev iz odstavka 1, če ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz odstavka 2 ali če drugače nepravilno uporablja pooblastilo.

    Člen 22

    Veljavnost dokazila o poreklu

    1. Dokazilo o poreklu, omenjeno v členu 15(1), je veljavno deset mesecev od datuma izdaje v državi izvoznici in se mora v tem roku predložiti carinskim organom države uvoznice.

    2. Dokazila o poreklu, ki se predložijo carinskim organom države uvoznice po poteku roka za predložitev iz odstavka 1, se lahko sprejmejo zaradi uporabe preferencialnega obravnavanja, kadar jih zaradi izjemnih okoliščin ni bilo mogoče predložiti do določenega končnega datuma.

    3. V drugih primerih zamude pri predložitvi lahko carinski organi države uvoznice dokazila o poreklu sprejmejo, če so jim bili izdelki predloženi pred tem končnim datumom.

    4. V skladu z notranjo zakonodajo države uvoznice se lahko odobri tudi preferencialno obravnavanje, kjer je ustrezno s povračilom dajatev, v obdobju vsaj dveh let od datuma prejema uvozne deklaracije, če se predloži dokazilo o poreklu, ki navaja, da je bilo uvoženo blago na navedeni datum upravičeno do preferencialnega tarifnega obravnavanja.

    Člen 23

    Predložitev dokazila o poreklu

    1. Dokazila o poreklu se predložijo carinskim organom države uvoznice v skladu s postopki, ki se uporabljajo v navedeni državi. Navedeni organi lahko zahtevajo prevod dokazila o poreklu, ki ga lahko pripravi uvoznik. Zahtevajo lahko tudi, da uvozno deklaracijo spremlja izjava, s katero uvoznik potrjuje, da izdelki dejansko izpolnjujejo pogoje, potrebne za izvajanje Sporazuma.

    2. Zahteve, omenjene v odstavku 1, povezane s prevodom in izjavo uvoznika, niso sistematične in se uvedejo samo zato, da se pojasnijo predložene informacije ali se zagotovi, da uvoznik prevzema polno odgovornost za deklarirano poreklo.

    Člen 24

    Uvoz po delih

    Če se na zahtevo uvoznika in pod pogoji, ki jih določijo carinski organi države uvoznice, razstavljeni ali nesestavljeni izdelki v smislu splošnega pravila 2(a) harmoniziranega sistema iz oddelkov XVI in XVII ali tarifnih številk 7308 in 9406 harmoniziranega sistema uvažajo po delih, se carinskim organom pri prvem delnem uvozu za take izdelke predloži eno samo dokazilo o poreklu.

    Člen 25

    Izjeme pri dokazilu o poreklu

    1. Izdelki, ki jih posamezniki pošiljajo drugim posameznikom ali so del osebne prtljage potnikov, se priznavajo za izdelke s poreklom, ne da bi bilo treba predložiti dokazilo o poreklu, če se ti izdelki ne uvažajo v trgovinske namene in je bila dana izjava, da izpolnjujejo zahteve iz te priloge, in če ni dvoma o resničnosti takšne izjave. Če se izdelki pošiljajo po pošti, se ta izjava lahko napiše na carinsko deklaracijo CN22/CN23 ali na druga potrdila, ki jih določa Svetovna poštna zveza, ali na list papirja, ki se priloži temu dokumentu.

    2. Občasni uvozi, pri katerih gre le za izdelke za osebno uporabo prejemnikov ali potnikov ali njihovih družin, se ne štejejo za uvoz v trgovinske namene, če je iz narave in količine izdelkov razvidno, da niso predvideni za komercialne namene.

    3. Poleg tega skupna vrednost teh izdelkov ne sme presegati 500 EUR pri izdelkih, ki jih posamezniki pošiljajo posameznikom, ali 1200 EUR pri izdelkih, ko so del osebne prtljage potnikov.

    Člen 26

    Dokazilne listine

    Listine iz členov 16(3) in 20(3), ki se uporabljajo za dokazovanje, da se izdelki, na katere se nanaša potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjava na računu, lahko štejejo za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti ali iz Čila, in da izpolnjujejo druge zahteve iz te priloge, so med drugim lahko tudi:

    (a) neposredno dokazilo o postopkih, ki jih je opravil izvoznik ali dobavitelj za pridobitev tega blaga, kot je na primer vsebovano v njegovih poslovnih knjigah ali notranjem knjigovodstvu;

    (b) dokumenti, ki dokazujejo status porekla uporabljenih materialov, izdani ali izdelani v Skupnosti ali v Čilu, če se takšni dokumenti uporabljajo v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo;

    (c) dokumenti, ki dokazujejo obdelavo ali predelavo materialov v Skupnosti ali Čilu, izdani ali izdelani v Skupnosti ali Čilu, če se takšni dokumenti uporabljajo v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo;

    (d) potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjave na računu, ki dokazujejo status porekla uporabljenih materialov, izdani ali izdelani v Skupnosti ali Čilu v skladu s to prilogo.

    Člen 27

    Shranjevanje dokazil o poreklu in dokazilnih listin

    1. Izvoznik, ki vlaga zahtevek za izdajo potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1, mora vsaj tri leta hraniti dokumente, navedene v členu 16(3).

    2. Izvoznik, ki daje izjavo na računu, mora vsaj tri leta hraniti kopijo izjave na računu kot tudi dokumente, navedene v členu 20(3).

    3. Carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi države izvoznice, ki izdajo potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1, morajo vsaj tri leta hraniti zahtevke iz člena 16(2).

    4. Carinski organi v Skupnosti morajo vsaj tri leta hraniti potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in izjave na računu, ki so jim bila predložena ob uvozu. Carinski organi Čila morajo pet let imeti na razpolago potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in izjave na računu, ki so jim bila predložena ob uvozu.

    Člen 28

    Razlike in oblikovne napake

    1. Če so ugotovljene manjše razlike med navedbami na dokazilu o poreklu in tistimi na dokumentih, ki so bili predloženi carinskemu uradu zaradi izpolnjevanja uvoznih formalnosti za izdelke, to še ne pomeni ničnosti omenjenega dokazila o poreklu, če se pravilno ugotovi, da ta dokument ustreza predloženim izdelkom.

    2. Očitne oblikovne napake, kakršne so tipkarske, na dokazilu o poreklu ne morejo biti razlog za zavrnitev, če te napake ne ustvarjajo dvomov o pravilnosti navedb v tem dokumentu.

    Člen 29

    Zneski, izraženi v eurih

    1. Za uporabo določb člena 20(1)(b) in člena 25(3) v primerih, če so izdelki fakturirani v drugi valuti kot v eurih, zneske v nacionalnih valutah držav članic Skupnosti ali Čila, ki ustrezajo zneskom, izraženim v eurih, vsaka od teh držav določi letno.

    2. Za pošiljko se lahko uveljavljajo ugodnosti določb člena 20(1)(b) ali člena 25(3) s sklicevanjem na valuto, v kateri je izdan račun, glede na znesek, ki ga je določila ta država.

    3. Zneski, ki jih je treba uporabiti v kateri koli dani nacionalni valuti, so protivrednosti v tisti nacionalni valuti zneskov, izraženih v eurih, po tečaju na prvi delovni dan oktobra. Zneske se Komisiji Evropskih skupnosti sporoči do 15. oktobra in se uporabljajo od 1. januarja naslednje leto. Komisija Evropskih skupnosti o ustreznih zneskih uradno obvesti vse te države.

    4. Država lahko navzgor ali navzdol zaokroži znesek, ki ga dobi pri preračunavanju zneska, izraženega v eurih, v njeno nacionalno valuto. Zaokroženi znesek se od zneska, ki se dobi pri preračunu, ne sme razlikovati za več kot 5 odstotkov. Država lahko protivrednost v nacionalni valuti zneska, izraženega v eurih, ohrani nespremenjeno, če je v času letne prilagoditve, predvidene v odstavku 3, preračun tega zneska pred kakršno koli zaokrožitvijo večji za manj kot 15 odstotkov protivrednosti v nacionalni valuti. Protivrednost v nacionalni valuti se lahko ohrani nespremenjena, če bi preračun povzročil zmanjšanje te protivrednosti.

    5. Zneske, izražene v eurih, na zahtevo Skupnosti ali Čila pregleda Pridružitveni odbor. Pri izvajanju pregleda Pridružitveni odbor upošteva zaželeno ohranjanje realnih učinkov zadevnih omejitev. V ta namen lahko sklene, da bo spremenil zneske, izražene v eurih.



    Člen 30

    Medsebojna pomoč

    1. Carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi držav članic Skupnosti in Čila si prek Komisije Evropskih skupnosti medsebojno izmenjajo vzorčne odtise žigov, ki jih uporabljajo njihovi carinski uradi ali pristojni državni organi za izdajo potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in naslove carinskih organov ali pristojnih državnih organov, ki so odgovorni za preverjanje teh potrdil in izjav na računu.

    2. Da bi zagotovila pravilno izvajanje te priloge, si Skupnost in Čile prek svojih uprav medsebojno pomagata pri preverjanju pristnosti potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjav na računu ter točnosti informacij, navedenih v teh dokumentih.

    Člen 31

    Preverjanje dokazil o poreklu

    1. Naknadno preverjanje dokazil o poreklu se opravi naključno, ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice upravičeno dvomijo o pristnosti teh dokumentov, statusu porekla teh izdelkov ali o izpolnjevanju drugih zahtev iz te priloge.

    2. Za namene izvajanja določb odstavka 1 morajo carinski organi države uvoznice vrniti potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in račun, če je bil predložen, izjavo na računu ali kopijo teh listin, carinskim organom ali pristojnim državnim organom države izvoznice z navedbo razlogov za poizvedbo, če je ustrezno. Pridobljeni dokumenti in informacije, ki kažejo, da so podatki, navedeni na dokazilu o poreklu, napačni, se posredujejo v podporo zahtevku za preverjanje.

    3. Preverjanje opravijo carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi države izvoznice. V ta namen imajo pravico zahtevati kakršna koli dokazila in opraviti kakršen koli pregled izvoznikovega knjigovodstva ali kateri koli drug pregled, ki se jim zdi ustrezen.

    4. Če se carinski organi države uvoznice odločijo, da bodo začasno prenehali priznavati preferencialno obravnavo za te izdelke, medtem ko čakajo na izide preverjanja, morajo uvozniku ponuditi sprostitev izdelkov ob upoštevanju potrebnih previdnostnih ukrepov.

    5. Carinski organi, ki so zahtevali preverjanje, morajo biti o izidih takega preverjanja obveščeni čim prej. Ti izidi morajo jasno pokazati, ali so dokumenti pristni in ali se izdelki, na katere se nanašajo, lahko štejejo za izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti ali iz Čila ter izpolnjujejo druge zahteve iz te priloge.

    6. Če v primerih upravičenega dvoma ni odgovora v desetih mesecih od datuma zahtevka za preverjanje ali če odgovor ne vsebuje zadostnih informacij za določitev pristnosti obravnavanega dokumenta ali pravega porekla izdelkov, carinski organi, ki so preverjanje zahtevali, razen v izjemnih primerih, odklonijo upravičenost do preferencialov.

    Člen 32

    Reševanje sporov

    Če nastopijo spori v zvezi s postopki preverjanja iz člena 31, ki jih ni mogoče rešiti med carinskimi organi, ki so zahtevali preverjanje, in carinskimi organi ali pristojnimi državnimi organi, ki so odgovorni za izvedbo tega preverjanja, ali če se pojavijo vprašanja glede tolmačenja te priloge, jih je treba predložiti Posebnemu odboru za carinsko sodelovanje in pravila o poreklu.

    V vseh primerih reševanje sporov med uvoznikom in carinskimi organi države uvoznice poteka v skladu z zakonodajo te države.

    Člen 33


    Za kršitve določb te priloge se lahko naložijo kazni v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo. Zlasti se kaznuje osebo, ki sestavi, ali povzroči, da se sestavi dokument, ki vsebuje nepravilne informacije z namenom pridobitve preferencialnega obravnavanja za izdelke.

    Člen 34


    V skladu z veljavno notranjo zakonodajo vsaka pogodbenica informacije, ki jih po določbah te priloge predloži oseba ali organ druge pogodbenice, obravnava kot zaupne, če navedena pogodbenica take informacije označi kot zaupne. V skladu s tem se lahko zavrne dostop do navedenih informacij, če bi njihovo razkritje ogrozilo varovanje komercialnih interesov osebe, ki je informacije predložila.

    Člen 35

    Proste cone

    1. Skupnost in Čile sprejmeta vse potrebne ukrepe, da zagotovita, da se izdelki, s katerimi se trguje na podlagi dokazila o poreklu in za katere med prevozom uporabljata prosto cono na svojem ozemlju, ne nadomestijo z drugim blagom ter da na njih niso opravljeni drugi postopki, razen običajnih, potrebnih za preprečitev njihovega poslabšanja.

    2. Kadar se kot izjema od določb odstavka 1 izdelki s poreklom iz Skupnosti ali Čila, ki imajo dokazilo o poreklu, uvozijo v prosto cono države izvoznice in se na njih opravijo predelave ali obdelave, zadevni organi na izvoznikovo zahtevo izdajo novo potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1, če je opravljena obdelava ali predelava skladna z določbami te priloge.



    Člen 36

    Uporaba te priloge

    1. Izraz "Skupnost" iz člena 2 ne zajema Ceute in Melille.

    2. Za izdelke s poreklom iz Čila ob uvozu v Ceuto ali Melillo velja v vseh pogledih enak carinski režim, kot je tisti, ki se uporablja za izdelke s poreklom iz carinskega območja Skupnosti na podlagi Protokola 2 k "Aktu o pristopu Kraljevine Španije in Portugalske republike k Evropskim skupnostim". Čile odobri za uvoz izdelkov iz tega sporazuma in s poreklom iz Ceute in Melille enak carinski režim, kot velja za izdelke, uvožene iz Skupnosti in s poreklom iz Skupnosti.

    3. Za uporabo odstavka 2 v zvezi z izdelki s poreklom iz Ceute in Melille se ta priloga uporablja s potrebnimi spremembami ob upoštevanju posebnih pogojev, določenih v členu 37.

    Člen 37

    Posebni pogoji

    1. Pod pogojem, da se prevažajo neposredno v skladu z določbami iz člena 12, se štejejo kot:

    (1) izdelki s poreklom iz Ceute in Melille:

    (a) izdelki, v celoti pridobljeni v Ceuti in Melilli;

    (b) izdelki, pridobljeni v Ceuti in Melilli, pri izdelavi katerih so bili uporabljeni izdelki, ki niso vključeni v točko (a), če:

    (i) so bili ti izdelki zadosti obdelani ali predelani v smislu člena 5; ali če

    (ii) gre za izdelke s poreklom iz Čila ali iz Skupnosti v smislu te priloge, pod pogojem, da so bili obdelani ali predelani bolj, kot so nezadostni postopki obdelave ali predelave iz člena 6;

    (2) izdelki s poreklom iz Čila:

    (a) izdelki, v celoti pridobljeni v Čilu;

    (b) izdelki, pridobljeni v Čilu, pri izdelavi katerih so bili uporabljeni izdelki, ki niso vključeni v točki (a), če:

    (i) so bili ti izdelki zadosti obdelani ali predelani v smislu člena 5; ali če

    (ii) gre za izdelke s poreklom iz Ceute in Melille ali iz Skupnosti v smislu te priloge, pod pogojem, da so bili obdelani ali predelani bolj, kot so nezadostni postopki obdelave ali predelave iz člena 6.

    2. Ceuta in Melilla se štejeta za enotno ozemlje.

    3. Izvoznik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik vpiše "Čile" in "Ceuta in Melilla" v polje 2 potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali na izjave na računu. Poleg tega je, če gre za izdelke s poreklom iz Ceute in Melille, to treba označiti v polju 4 potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali na izjavi na računu.

    4. Španski carinski organi so odgovorni za uporabo te priloge v Ceuti in Melilli.



    Člen 38

    Spremembe te priloge

    Pridružitveni odbor lahko sklene, da bo spremenil določbe iz te priloge.

    Člen 39

    Pojasnjevalne opombe

    Pogodbenici se o "Pojasnjevalnih opombah" v zvezi z razlago, uporabo in upravljanjem te priloge sporazumeta v okviru Posebnega odbora za carinsko sodelovanje in pravila o poreklu.

    Člen 40

    Prehodna določba za blago na poti ali v hrambi

    Določbe tega sporazuma se lahko uporabljajo za blago, ki izpolnjuje določbe te priloge in ki je na datum začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma bodisi na poti ali je v Skupnosti ali v Čilu v začasni hrambi, v carinskih skladiščih ali v prostih conah, pod pogojem, da se carinskim organom države uvoznice v štirih mesecih od navedenega datuma predloži potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1, ki so ga naknadno izdali carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi države izvoznice skupaj z dokumenti, ki dokazujejo, da se je blago prevažalo neposredno v skladu z določbami člena 12.

    [1] Če je prenos suverenih pravic med pogodbenicama, kot je opredeljeno z mednarodnimi pravili, odvisen od pogajanj, se ta določba ne bo uporabljala za proizvode morskega ribolova in druge proizvode, ki jih iz morja pridobijo plovila Skupnosti v izključni gospodarski coni Čila, ali za proizvode morskega ribolova in druge proizvode, ki jih iz morja pridobijo plovila Čila v izključni gospodarski coni držav članic Skupnosti.


    Dodatek I


    Opomba 1:

    Seznam določa pogoje, ki se zahtevajo za vse izdelke, da bi se lahko šteli za zadosti obdelane ali predelane v smislu člena 5 te priloge.

    Opomba 2:

    2.1 Prava dva stolpca na seznamu opisujeta pridobljeni izdelek. V prvem stolpcu je navedena tarifna številka ali številka poglavja, ki se uporablja v harmoniziranem sistemu, v drugem stolpcu pa je poimenovanje blaga, ki se uporablja v tem sistemu za to številko ali poglavje. Za vsak vpis v prvih dveh stolpcih je v stolpcu 3 ali 4 določeno pravilo. Kjer je, v nekaterih primerih, pred vpisom v prvi stolpec navedeno "ex", to pomeni, da se pravila iz stolpca 3 ali 4 uporablja le za tisti del tarifne številke, kot je poimenovana v stolpcu 2.

    2.2 Če je v stolpcu 1 združenih več tarifnih številk ali pa je navedena številka poglavja in je zato poimenovanje izdelkov v stolpcu 2 splošno, se zraven navedena pravila v stolpcu 3 ali 4 uporabljajo za vse izdelke, ki se v harmoniziranem sistemu uvrščajo v tarifne številke tega poglavja ali v katere koli tarifne številke, združene v stolpcu 1.

    2.3 Če so v seznamu navedena različna pravila, ki se uporabljajo za različne izdelke v okviru ene tarifne številke, je v vsakem novem odstavku poimenovanje tega dela tarifne številke, za katerega se uporabljajo zraven navedena pravila v stolpcu 3 ali 4.

    2.4 Če je za vpis v prvih dveh stolpcih pravilo določeno tako v stolpcu 3 kot 4, ima izvoznik možnost izbire, da uporabi bodisi pravilo, določeno v stolpcu 3, ali tisto iz stolpca 4. Če v stolpcu 4 ni pravila o poreklu, je treba uporabiti pravilo, določeno v stolpcu 3.

    Opomba 3:

    3.1 Določbe člena 5 te priloge v zvezi z izdelki, ki so pridobili status blaga s poreklom in so uporabljeni pri izdelavi drugih izdelkov, se uporabljajo ne glede na to, ali je bil ta status pridobljen znotraj tovarne, v kateri se izdelki uporabljajo, ali v drugi tovarni v Skupnosti ali v Čilu.


    Motor iz tarifne številke 8407, za katerega pravilo določa, da vrednost materialov brez porekla, ki se lahko vgradijo, ne sme presegati 40 % cene franko tovarna, je izdelan iz "drugih legiranih jekel, grobo oblikovanih s kovanjem" iz tarifne številke ex7224.

    Če je bilo to kovanje opravljeno v Skupnosti iz ingota brez porekla, potem je že pridobil poreklo na podlagi pravila za tarifno številko ex7224 na seznamu. Zato se pri izračunu vrednosti motorja šteje, da ima poreklo, ne glede na to, ali je bil izdelan v isti ali v drugi tovarni v Skupnosti. Vrednost ingota brez porekla se tako ne upošteva, ko se sešteva vrednost uporabljenih materialov brez porekla.

    3.2 Pravilo v seznamu pomeni najmanjši del zahtevane obdelave ali predelave in več obdelave ali predelave prav tako dodeli status porekla, medtem ko manj obdelave ali predelave statusa porekla ne more dodeliti. Če torej pravilo določa, da je možno na določeni stopnji izdelave uporabiti material brez porekla, je uporaba tega materiala na zgodnejši stopnji izdelave dovoljena, uporaba takega materiala na kasnejši stopnji pa ni.

    3.3 Brez poseganja v opombo 3.2, če pravilo uporablja določbe "Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke", se lahko uporabijo materiali iz katere koli tarifne številke (tudi materiali istega poimenovanja in iz istega poglavja kot izdelek), pri čemer je treba upoštevati kakršne koli posebne omejitve, ki jih pravilo tudi lahko vsebuje.

    Vendar pa izraz "Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, vključno z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke …" ali "Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, vključno z drugimi materiali iz iste tarifne številke kot izdelek" pomeni, da se lahko uporabijo materiali iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih z istim poimenovanjem kot izdelek, naveden v stolpcu 2 na seznamu.

    3.4 Kadar pravilo na seznamu določa, da se izdelek lahko izdela iz več kot enega materiala, to pomeni, da se lahko uporabi kateri koli material ali več materialov. Ne zahteva pa uporabe vseh.


    Pravilo za tkanine iz tarifnih številk 5208 do 5212 določa, da se lahko uporabijo naravna vlakna, prav tako pa se lahko med drugimi materiali uporabijo tudi kemični materiali. To ne pomeni, da je treba uporabiti oboje, uporabi se lahko eno ali drugo ali pa oboje.

    3.5 Kadar pravilo v seznamu določa, da mora biti izdelek izdelan iz določenega materiala, ta pogoj očitno ne preprečuje uporabe drugih materialov, ki zaradi svoje narave ne morejo zadostiti pravilu. (Glej tudi opombo 6.2 v zvezi s tekstilom.)


    Pravilo za pripravljena živila iz tarifne številke 1904, ki posebej izključuje uporabo žit in njihovih izdelkov, ne preprečuje uporabe mineralnih soli, kemikalij in drugih dodatkov, ki niso izdelki iz žit.

    Vendar to ne velja za izdelke, ki so, čeprav ne morejo biti izdelani iz posameznih materialov, določenih na seznamu, lahko izdelani iz materiala enake narave na zgodnejši stopnji izdelave.


    V primeru oblačila iz ex poglavja 62, narejenega iz netkanih materialov, če je za to vrsto izdelkov dovoljena samo uporaba preje brez porekla, ni možno začeti pri netkanem blagu – čeprav netkano blago običajno ne more biti izdelano iz preje. V takih primerih je začetni material običajno na stopnji pred prejo, to je na stopnji vlaken.

    3.6 Če pravilo na seznamu za največjo vrednost materialov brez porekla, ki se lahko uporabijo, navaja dve odstotni postavki, potem se ti odstotki ne smejo seštevati. Največja vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla torej nikoli ne sme preseči najvišje od navedenih odstotnih postavk. Poleg tega posamezne odstotne postavke, ki se nanašajo na določene materiale, ne smejo biti presežene.

    Opomba 4:

    4.1 Izraz "naravna vlakna" se v seznamu uporablja za vlakna, ki niso umetna ali sintetična. Omejen je na stopnje pred predenjem, vključno z odpadki, in, razen če ni drugače določeno, izraz zajema vlakna, ki so bila mikana, česana ali drugače obdelana, vendar ne predena.

    4.2 Izraz "naravna vlakna" vključuje konjsko žimo iz tarifne številke 0503, svilo iz tarifnih številk 5002 in 5003, kakor tudi volnena vlakna in fino ali grobo živalsko dlako iz tarifnih številk 5101 do 5105, bombažna vlakna iz tarifnih številk 5201 do 5203 in druga rastlinska vlakna iz tarifnih številk 5301 do 5305.

    4.3 Izrazi "tekstilna kaša", "kemični materiali" in "materiali za izdelavo papirja" so v seznamu uporabljeni za opis materialov, ki se ne uvrščajo v poglavja 50 do 63 in ki se lahko uporabijo za izdelavo umetnih, sintetičnih ali papirnih vlaken ali prej.

    4.4 Izraz "umetna ali sintetična rezana vlakna" se v seznamu uporablja za sintetične ali umetne pramene iz filamentov, rezana vlakna ali odpadke iz tarifnih številk 5501 do 5507.

    Opomba 5:

    5.1 Če se za izdelke na seznamu navaja ta opomba, se za katerekoli osnovne tekstilne materiale, uporabljene pri njihovi izdelavi, ki, če se upoštevajo skupaj, ne presegajo 10 % skupne mase vseh uporabljenih osnovnih tekstilnih materialov, ne uporabljajo pogoji, določeni v stolpcu 3 seznama. (Glej tudi opombi 5.3 in 5.4)

    5.2 Vendar pa se odstopanje iz opombe 5.1 lahko uporabi le za mešane izdelke, ki so narejeni iz dveh ali več osnovnih tekstilnih materialov.

    Osnovni tekstilni materiali so:

    - svila,

    - volna,

    - groba živalska dlaka,

    - fina živalska dlaka,

    - konjska žima,

    - bombaž,

    - materiali za izdelavo papirja in papir,

    - lan,

    - konoplja,

    - juta in druga tekstilna vlakna iz ličja,

    - sisal in druga tekstilna vlakna iz rodu agav,

    - kokosova vlakna, abaka, ramija in druga rastlinska tekstilna vlakna,

    - sintetični filamenti,

    - umetni filamenti,

    - prevodni filamenti,

    - sintetična rezana vlakna iz polipropilena,

    - sintetična rezana vlakna iz poliestra,

    - sintetična rezana vlakna iz poliamida,

    - sintetična rezana vlakna iz poliakrilonitrila,

    - sintetična rezana vlakna iz poliimida,

    - sintetična rezana vlakna iz politetrafluoroetilena,

    - sintetična rezana vlakna iz poli(fenilen sulfida),

    - sintetična rezana vlakna iz poli(vinil klorida),

    - druga sintetična rezana vlakna,

    - umetna rezana vlakna iz viskoze,

    - druga umetna rezana vlakna,

    - preja iz poliuretana, laminirana s fleksibilnimi segmenti polietra, povezane ali ne,

    - preja iz poliuretana, laminirana s fleksibilnimi segmenti poliestra, povezane ali ne,

    - izdelki iz tarifne številke 5605 (metalizirana preja), ki vsebujejo trak z jedrom iz aluminijaste folije ali z jedrom iz plastičnega sloja, prevlečenega ali ne z aluminijastim prahom, širine, ki ne presega 5 mm, kjer so plasti zlepljene s prozornim ali barvnim lepilom med dvema plastičnima slojema,

    - drugi izdelki iz tar. št. 5605.


    Preja iz tarifne številke 5205, izdelana iz bombažnih vlaken iz tarifne številke 5203 in sintetičnih rezanih vlaken iz tarifne številke 5506, je mešana preja. Zato se lahko uporabljajo sintetična rezana vlakna brez porekla, ki ne izpolnjujejo pravil o poreklu (ki zahtevajo izdelavo iz kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše) pod pogojem, da njihova skupna teža ne presega 10 % teže preje.


    Volnena tkanina iz tarifne številke 5112, izdelana iz volnene preje iz tarifne številke 5107 in sintetične preje iz rezanih vlaken iz tarifne številke 5509, je mešana tkanina. Zato se lahko sintetična preja, ki ne izpolnjuje pravil o poreklu (ki zahtevajo izdelavo iz kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše) ali volnena preja, ki ne izpolnjuje pravil o poreklu (ki zahtevajo izdelavo iz naravnih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače pripravljenih za predenje), ali kombinacija obeh prej uporabi pod pogojem, da njihova skupna teža ne presega 10 % teže tkanine.


    Taftana tekstilna tkanina iz tarifne številke 5802, izdelana iz bombažne preje iz tarifne številke 5205 in iz bombažne tkanine iz tarifne številke 5210, je mešan izdelek le, če je bombažna tkanina sama mešana tkanina, izdelana iz prej, uvrščenih v dve različni tarifni številki, ali če so uporabljene bombažne preje same mešanice.


    Če bi bila ta taftana tekstilna tkanina izdelana iz bombažne preje iz tarifne številke 5205 in iz sintetične tkanine iz tarifne številke 5407, bi očitno bila uporabljena preja iz dveh različnih osnovnih tekstilnih materialov in je v skladu s tem taftana tekstilna tkanina tudi mešan izdelek.

    5.3 Za izdelke, ki vsebujejo "prejo iz poliuretana, laminirano s fleksibilnimi segmenti polietra, povezano ali ne", je to odstopanje pri preji 20 %.

    5.4 Za izdelke, ki vsebujejo "trak z jedrom iz aluminijaste folije ali z jedrom iz plastičnega sloja, prevlečenega ali ne z aluminijastim prahom, širine, ki ne presega 5 mm, kjer so plasti zlepljene z lepilom med dvema plastičnima slojema", je to odstopanje pri traku 30 %.

    Opomba 6:

    6.1 Če se v seznamu sklicuje na to opombo, se tekstilni materiali (z izjemo vlog in medvlog), ki ne ustrezajo pravilu za ta izdelani izdelek, določenem v seznamu v stolpcu 3, lahko uporabijo pod pogojem, da se uvrščajo v tarifno številko, ki je drugačna od tarifne številke izdelka, ter da njihova vrednost ne presega 8 % cene izdelka franko tovarna.

    6.2 Brez poseganja v opombo 6.3 se materiali, ki se ne uvrščajo v poglavja 50 do 63, lahko prosto uporabljajo pri izdelavi tekstilnih izdelkov, ne glede na to, ali vsebujejo tekstil ali ne.


    Če pravilo iz seznama določa, da mora biti za določen tekstilni izdelek (na primer hlače), uporabljena preja, to ne preprečuje uporabe kovinskih predmetov, kakor so gumbi, ker gumbi niso uvrščeni v poglavja 50 do 63. Iz istega razloga to ne preprečuje uporabe zadrg, četudi zadrge običajno vsebujejo tekstil.

    6.3 Kadar se uporablja odstotno pravilo, je treba pri izračunu vrednosti vključenih materialov brez porekla upoštevati vrednost materialov, ki niso uvrščeni v poglavja 50 do 63.

    Opomba 7:

    7.1 Za namene tarifnih številk ex2707, 2713 do 2715, ex2901, ex2902 in ex3403 so "specifični postopki" naslednji:

    (a) vakuumska destilacija;

    (b) ponovna destilacija z zelo natančnim procesom frakcioniranja [1];

    (c) razbijanje (kreking);

    (d) preoblikovanje (reforming);

    (e) ekstrakcija s pomočjo izbranih topil;

    (f) proces, ki vsebuje vse naslednje postopke: obdelavo s koncentrirano žveplovo kislino, oleumom ali žveplovim anhidridom; nevtralizacijo z alkalnimi sredstvi, razbarvanje in očiščevanje z naravno aktivno prstjo, aktivirano prstjo, aktiviranim ogljem ali boksitom;

    (g) polimerizacija;

    (h) alkilizacija;

    (i) izomerizacija.

    7.2 Za namene tarifnih številk 2710, 2711 in 2712, so "specifični procesi" naslednji:

    (a) vakuumska destilacija;

    (b) ponovna destilacija z zelo natančnim procesom frakcioniranja [2];

    (c) razbijanje (kreking);

    (d) preoblikovanje (reforming);

    (e) ekstrakcija s pomočjo izbranih topil;

    (f) proces, ki vsebuje vse naslednje postopke: obdelavo s koncentrirano žveplovo kislino, oleumom ali žveplovim anhidridom; nevtralizacijo z alkalnimi sredstvi, razbarvanje in očiščevanje z naravno aktivno prstjo, aktivirano prstjo, aktiviranim ogljem ali boksitom;

    (g) polimerizacija;

    (h) alkilizacija;

    (ij) izomerizacija;

    (k) samo v zvezi s težkimi olji iz tarifne številke ex2710, razžveplanje z vodikom, ki povzroči redukcijo vsaj 85 % vsebine žvepla pri obdelanih izdelkih (metoda ASTM D 1266-59 T);

    (l) samo za izdelke iz tarifne številke 2710, deparafinizacija s postopkom, ki ni filtriranje;

    (m) samo za težka olja iz tarifne številke ex2710, obdelava z vodikom pri tlaku nad 20 barov in temperaturi nad 250 °C, z uporabo katalizatorja, razen obdelave za razžveplanje, kadar je vodik aktivni element v kemični reakciji. Vendar se nadaljnja obdelava olj za mazanje iz tarifne številke ex2710 (npr. končna obdelava z vodikom ali razbarvanje), še posebno takrat, kadar se želi izboljšati barva ali obstojnost, ne obravnava kot specifični proces;

    (n) samo za goriva iz tarifne številke ex2710, atmosferska destilacija, če se manj kot 30 vol. % teh izdelkov, vključno z izgubami, destilira pri 300 °C po metodi ASTM D 86;

    (o) samo za težka olja, razen plinskih olj in kurilnih olj iz tarifne številke ex2710, obdelava z visokofrekvenčno razelektritvijo skozi krtačke;

    (p) samo za surove izdelke (razen vazelina, ozokerita, voska iz rjavega premoga ali lignita ali voska iz šote, parafinskega voska, ki vsebujejo manj kot 0,75 mas. % olja) iz tarifne številke ex2712, razoljevanje s frakcijsko kristalizacijo.

    7.3. Za namene tarifnih številk ex2707, 2713 do 2715, ex2901, ex2902 in ex3403, porekla ne podelijo enostavne operacije, kot so čiščenje, dekantiranje, razsoljevanje, vodna separacija, filtriranje, barvanje, označevanje, ohranjanje vsebine žvepla kot rezultat mešanja izdelkov z različno vsebino žvepla, katerakoli kombinacija teh operacij ali podobne operacije.

    7.4 Ponovna destilacija z zelo natančnim procesom frakcioniranja je destilacija (razen primarne destilacije) z neprekinjenim ali šaržnim procesom, ki se uporablja v industrijskih obratih z uporabo destilatov iz podštevilk 271011 do 271099, 271111, 271112 do 271119, 271121 in 271129 (razen propana čistosti 99 % ali več) za pridobivanje:

    1. izoliranih ogljikovodikov visoke čistosti (90 % ali več v primeru olefinov in 95 % ali več v primeru drugih ogljikovodikov), mešanic izomerov z enako organsko sestavo, da se lahko štejejo kot izolirani ogljikovodiki;

    dopustni so samo navedeni procesi, s pomočjo katerih se pridobijo vsaj trije različni izdelki, toda ta omejitev ne velja v primerih, če je proces ločevanje izomerov. To zadeva ksilene, etilbenzen je vključen z izomeri ksilena;

    2. izdelkov iz podštevilk 270710 do 270730, 270750 in 271011 do 271099,

    (a) brez prekrivanja končnega vrelišča ene frakcije in začetnega vrelišča naslednje frakcije in z razliko največ 60 °C med temperaturami, pri katerih med 5 in 90 vol. % (vključno z izgubami) destilira po metodi ASTM D 86–67 (ponovno odobrena leta 1972);

    (b) s prekrivanjem končnega vrelišča ene frakcije in začetnega vrelišča naslednje frakcije in z razliko največ 30 °C med temperaturami, pri katerih med 5 in 90 vol. % (vključno z izgubami) destilira po metodi ASTM D 86–67 (ponovno odobrena leta 1972).

    [1] Glej uvodno opombo 7.4.

    [2] Glej uvodno opombo 7.4.


    Dodatek II


    Tarifna številka HS | Poimenovanje izdelka | Obdelava ali predelava, opravljena na materialih brez porekla, ki jim da status blaga s poreklom |

    | |

    (1) | (2) | (3) ali (4) | (3) ali (4) |

    Poglavje 1 | Žive živali | Vse živali iz poglavja 1 so v celoti pridobljene | |

    Poglavje 2 | Meso in užitni klavnični odpadki | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavij 1 in 2 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    Poglavje 3 | Ribe in raki, mehkužci in drugi vodni nevretenčarji | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 3 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    ex poglavje 4 | Mlečni izdelki; ptičja jajca; naravni med; užitni proizvodi živalskega izvora, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu; razen za: | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 4 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    0403 | Pinjenec, kislo mleko in kisla smetana, jogurt, kefir in drugo fermentirano ali skisano mleko in smetana, koncentrirano ali ne ali ki vsebuje dodan sladkor ali drugo sladilo ali aromatizirano ali ki vsebuje dodano sadje, oreške ali kakav | Izdelava, pri kateri: so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 4 v celoti pridobljeni,je ves uporabljen sadni sok (razen ananasovega, limetinega ali grenivkinega soka) iz tarifne številke 2009 s poreklom, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 5 | Proizvodi živalskega izvora, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu; razen za: | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 5 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    ex0502 | Pripravljene ščetine in dlaka domačih ali divjih prašičev | Čiščenje, razkuževanje, razvrščanje in izravnavanje ščetin in dlak | |

    Poglavje 6 | Živo drevje in druge rastline; čebulice, korenine in podobno; rezano cvetje in okrasno listje | Izdelava, pri kateri: so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 6 v celoti pridobljeni, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    Poglavje 7 | Užitne vrtnine in nekateri koreni in gomolji | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 7 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    Poglavje 8 | Užitno sadje in oreški; lupine agrumov ali melon | Izdelava, pri kateri: so vse uporabljeno sadje in oreščki v celoti pridobljeni, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 9 | Kava, pravi čaj, mate čaj in začimbe; razen za: | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 9 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    0901 | Kava, pražena ali nepražena, z ali brez kofeina; lupine in kožice kave; kavni nadomestki, ki vsebujejo kakršen koli odstotek kave | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke | |

    0902 | Pravi čaj, aromatiziran ali ne | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke | |

    ex0910 | Mešanice začimb | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke | |

    Poglavje 10 | Žita | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 10 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    ex poglavje 11 | Proizvodi mlinske industrije; slad; škrob, inulin; pšenični gluten, razen: | Izdelava, pri kateri so vse uporabljene žitarice, užitne vrtnine, koreni in gomolji iz tarifne številke 0714 ali sadje v celoti pridobljeni | |

    ex1106 | Moka, zdrob in prah iz suhih, oluščenih stročnic iz tarifne številke 0713 | Sušenje in mletje stročnic iz tar. št. 0708 | |

    Poglavje 12 | Oljna semena in oljni plodovi; razno zrnje, semena in plodovi; industrijske ali zdravilne rastline; slama in krma | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 12 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    1301 | Šelak; naravne gume, smole, gumijeve smole in oljne smole (na primer balzami) | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 1301 ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    1302 | Rastlinski sokovi in ekstrakti; pektinske snovi, pektinati in pektati; agar-agar in druge sluzi ter sredstva za zgoščevanje, dobljeni iz rastlinskih proizvodov, modificirani ali nemodificirani: | | |

    — Sluzi in sredstva za zgoščevanje, dobljene iz rastlinskih proizvodov, modificirani | Izdelava iz nemodificiranih sluzi in sredstev za zgoščevanje | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    Poglavje 14 | Rastlinski materiali za pletarstvo; rastlinski proizvodi, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 14 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    ex poglavje 15 | Masti in olja živalskega ali rastlinskega izvora in proizvodi njihove razcepitve; predelane užitne masti; voski živalskega ali rastlinskega izvora; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    1501 | Prašičja maščoba (vključno z mastjo) in piščančja maščoba, razen tistih iz tarifnih številk 0209 ali 1503: | | |

    — Maščobe iz kosti ali odpadkov | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifnih številk 0203, 0206 ali 0207 ali kosti iz tarifne številke 0506 | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz mesa ali užitnih klavničnih odpadkov prašičev iz tarifne številke 0203 ali 0206 ali iz mesa in užitnih klavničnih odpadkov perutnine iz tarifne številke 0207 | |

    1502 | Maščobe goved, ovac ali koz, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 1503: | | |

    — Maščobe iz kosti ali odpadkov | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifnih številk 0201, 0202, 0204 ali 0206 ali kosti iz tarifne številke 0506 | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 2 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    1504 | Masti in olja rib ali morskih sesalcev ter njihove frakcije, rafinirani ali nerafinirani, toda kemično nemodificirani: | | |

    — Trdne frakcije | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, skupaj z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 1504 | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavij 2 in 3 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    ex1505 | Rafinirani lanolin | Izdelava iz surove maščobe iz volne iz tar. št. 1505 | |

    1506 | Druge masti in olja živalskega izvora in njihove frakcije, rafinirane ali nerafinirane, toda kemično nemodificirane: | | |

    — Trdne frakcije | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, skupaj z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 1506 | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 2 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    1507 do 1515 | — Druga rastlinska olja in njihove frakcije: | | |

    — Sojino olje, olje iz arašidov, palmovo olje, olje iz kopre, olj iz palmovih jedrc, olje iz orehov palme babassu, tungovo olje in oiticica olje, mirtin vosek in japonski vosek, frakcije jojoba olja in olja za tehnične ali industrijske namene, razen za proizvodnjo hrane za človeško prehrano | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    — Trdne frakcije, razen frakcij jojoba olja | Izdelava iz drugih materialov iz tarifnih številk 1507 do 1515 | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni rastlinski materiali v celoti pridobljeni | |

    1516 | Masti in olja živalskega ali rastlinska izvora in njihove frakcije, deloma ali v celoti hidrogenirani, interesterificirani, reesterificirani ali elaidinizirane, rafinirani ali nerafinirani, toda nadalje nepredelane | Izdelava, pri kateri: so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 2 v celoti pridobljeni, inso vsi uporabljeni rastlinski materiali v celoti pridobljeni. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz tarifnih številk 1507, 1508, 1511 in 1513 | |

    1517 | Margarina; užitne mešanice ali preparati iz masti ali olj živalskega ali rastlinskega izvora ali frakcij različnih masti ali olj iz tega poglavja, razen užitnih masti ali olj ali njihovih frakcij iz tar. št. 1516 | Izdelava, pri kateri: so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavij 2 in 4 v celoti pridobljeni, inso vsi uporabljeni rastlinski materiali v celoti pridobljeni. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz tarifnih številk 1507, 1508, 1511 in 1513 | |

    Poglavje 16 | Izdelki iz mesa, rib ali rakov, mehkužcev ali drugih vodnih nevretenčarjev | Izdelava: iz živali iz poglavja 1, in/alipri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 3 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    ex poglavje 17 | Sladkorji in sladkorni proizvodi; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex1701 | Sladkor iz sladkornega trsa ali sladkorne pese in kemično čista saharoza v trdnem stanju, ki vsebuje dodane snovi za aromatiziranje ali barvila | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    1702 | Drugi sladkorji, vključno s kemično čisto laktozo, maltozo, glukozo in fruktozo, v trdnem stanju; sladkorni sirupi, ki ne vsebuje dodanih snovi za aromatiziranje ali barvil; umetni med mešanic ali ne z naravnim medom; karamel: | | |

    — Kemično čista maltoza in fruktoza | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, skupaj z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 1702 | |

    — Drugi sladkorji v trdnem stanju ki vsebujejo dodane snovi za aromatiziranje ali barvila | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali že materiali s poreklom | |

    ex1703 | Melase, dobljene pri ekstrakciji ali rafiniranju sladkorja, ki vsebujejo dodane snovi za aromatiziranje ali barvila | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    1704 | Sladkorni proizvodi (vključno z belo čokolado), ki ne vsebujejo kakava | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    Poglavje 18 | Kakav in kakavovi izdelki | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    1901 | Sladni ekstrakt; živila iz moke, drobljencev, škroba ali sladnega ekstrakta, ki ne vsebujejo kakava ali z vsebnostjo manj kot 40 mas. % kakava, preračunano na popolnoma odmaščeno osnovo, ki niso navedena ali zajeta na drugem mestu; živila iz izdelkov iz tarifnih številk 0401 do 0404, ki ne vsebujejo kakava ali ga vsebujejo manj kot 5 mas. %, preračunano na popolnoma odmaščeno osnovo, ki niso navedena ali zajeta na drugem mestu: | | |

    — Ekstrakt slada | Izdelava iz žit iz poglavja 10 | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    1902 | Testenine, kuhane ali nekuhane ali polnjene (z mesom ali drugimi snovmi) ali drugače pripravljene, kot so: špageti, makaroni, rezanci, lazanje, njoki, ravioli, kaneloni; kuskus, pripravljen ali nepripravljen: | | |

    — Ki vsebujejo 20 mas. % ali manj mesa, klavničnih odpadkov, rib, rakov ali mehkužcev | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsa uporabljena žita in žitni izdelki (razen pšenice vrste "durum" in njenih izdelkov) v celoti pridobljeni | |

    — Ki vsebujejo več kot 20 mas. % mesa, klavničnih odpadkov, rib, rakov ali mehkužcev | Izdelava, pri kateri: so vsa uporabljena žita in izdelki iz njih (razen pšenice vrste "durum" in njenih izdelkov ) v celoti pridobljeni, inso vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavij 2 in 3 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    1903 | Tapioka in njeni nadomestki, pripravljeni iz škroba, v obliki kosmičev, zrnc, perl, kaše ali v podobnih oblikah | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz krompirjevega škroba iz tarifne številke 1108 | |

    1904 | Pripravljena živila, dobljena z nabrekanjem ali praženjem žit ali žitnih izdelkov (na primer koruzni kosmiči); žita (razen koruze), v obliki zrnc ali v obliki kosmičev ali drugače obdelana zrna (razen moke, drobljencev in zdroba), predkuhana ali kako drugače pripravljena, ki niso navedena ali ne zajeta na drugem mestu | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 1806,pri kateri so vsa uporabljena žita in moka (razen pšenice vrste "durum" ter koruze vrste Zea indurata in izdelkov iz njih) v celoti pridobljeni, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    1905 | Kruh, peciva, sladice, piškoti in drugi pekovski izdelki, ki vsebujejo kakav ali ne; hostije, prazne kapsule primerne za farmacevtsko uporabo proizvode, oblati za pečatenje, rižev papir in podobni izdelki | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz poglavja 11 | |

    ex poglavje 20 | Proizvodi iz vrtnin, sadja, oreškov ali drugih delov rastlin; razen: | Izdelava, pri kateri so vse uporabljeno sadje, oreški ali vrtnine v celoti pridobljeni | |

    ex2001 | Jam, sladek krompir in podobni užitni deli rastlin, ki vsebujejo 5 mas. % ali več škroba, pripravljeni ali konzervirani v kisu ali ocetni kislini | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex2004 in ex2005 | Krompir v obliki moke, zdroba ali kosmičev, pripravljen ali konzerviran drugače kot v kisu ali ocetni kislini | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    2006 | Vrtnine, sadje, oreški, sadne lupine in drugi deli rastlin, konzervirani v sladkorju (odcejeni, glazirani ali kristalizirani) | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    2007 | Džemi, sadni želeji, marmelade, sadni pireji ali pireji iz oreškov in sadne paste ali paste iz oreškov, dobljeni s toplotno obdelavo, ki vsebujejo dodan sladkor ali druga sladila ali ne | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex2008 | — Oreški, ki ne vsebujejo dodanega sladkorja ali alkohola | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih oreškov in oljnih semen s poreklom iz tarifnih številk 0801, 0802 in 1202 do 1207 presega 60 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Arašidno maslo; mešanice na osnovi žit; palmovi srčki; koruza | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    — Drugo, razen sadja in oreškov, kuhano drugače kot v sopari ali vodi, ki ne vsebujejo dodanega sladkorja, zamrznjeno | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    2009 | Sadni sokovi (vključno grozdni mošt) in zelenjavni sokovi, nefermentirani in ki ne vsebujejo dodanega alkohola, ki vsebujejo ali ne dodan sladkor ali drugo sladilo | | |

    — Sokovi iz agrumov | Izdelava, pri kateri: morajo vsi uporabljeni agrumi biti v celoti pridobljenivrednost katerih koli uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri: se vsi uporabljeni materiali uvrščajo v drugo tarifno številko, kot je tarifna številka izdelka,vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 21 | Razna živila; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    2101 | Ekstrakti, esence in koncentrati kave, pravega čaja ali maté čaja in pripravki na njihovi osnovi ali na osnovi kave, pravega čaja ali maté čaja; pražena cikorija in drugi praženi kavni nadomestki ter njihovi ekstrakti, esence in koncentrati | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri je vsa uporabljena cikorija v celoti pridobljena | |

    2103 | Omake in pripravki za omake ; kombinirane začimbe in kombinirane mešanice začimbnih sredstev; gorčična moka in zdrob in pripravljena gorčica: | | |

    — Omake in pripravki za omake, kombinirane začimbe in kombinirane mešanice začimbnih sredstev | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporablja gorčična moka ali zdrob ali pripravljena gorčica. | |

    — Gorčična moka in zdrob in pripravljena gorčica | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke | |

    ex2104 | Juhe in mesne juhe in pripravki za te juhe | Izdelava iz materialov iz katerekoli tarifne številke, razen pripravljenih ali konzerviranih vrtnin iz tarifnih številk 2002 do 2005 | |

    2106 | Živila, ki niso navedena ali zajeta na drugem mestu | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 22 | Pijače, alkoholne tekočine in kis; razen: | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri je vse uporabljeno grozdje ali materiali, pridobljeni iz grozdja, v celoti pridobljeno | |

    2202 | Vode, vključno mineralne vode in sodavice, ki vsebujejo dodan sladkor ali drugo sladilo ali arome, ter druge brezalkoholne pijače, razen sadnih ali zelenjavnih sokov, ki se uvrščajo v tarifno številko 2009 | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka,pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 17 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inpri kateri je ves uporabljen sadni sok (razen ananasovega, limetinega ali grenivkinega soka) s poreklom | |

    2207 | Nedenaturirani etilni alkohol z vsebnostjo alkohola 80 vol. % ali več; etilni alkohol in druge alkoholne tekočine, denaturirane, s katero koli vsebnostjo alkohola | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 2207 ali 2208, inpri kateri je vse uporabljeno grozdje ali material, dobljen iz grozdja, v celoti pridobljen, ali, če so vsi drugi uporabljeni materiali že s poreklom, se lahko uporabi arak do višine 5 vol. % | |

    2208 | Nedenaturiran etilni alkohol, z vsebnostjo alkohola manj kot 80 vol. %; žganja, likerji in druge alkoholne pijače | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 2207 ali 2208, inpri kateri je vse uporabljeno grozdje ali material, dobljen iz grozdja, v celoti pridobljen, ali, če so vsi drugi uporabljeni materiali že s poreklom, se lahko uporabi arak do višine 5 vol. % | |

    ex poglavje 23 | Ostanki in odpadki živilske industrije; pripravljena krma za živali; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex2301 | Kitova moka; zdrobi, moke in peleti iz rib ali rakov, mehkužcev ali drugih vodnih nevretenčarjev, neustrezni za prehrano ljudi | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavij 2 in 3 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    ex2303 | Ostanki pri proizvodnji škroba iz koruze (razen zgoščenih tekočin za namakanje), z vsebnostjo beljakovin, računano na suh proizvod, več kot 40 mas. % | Izdelava, pri kateri je vsa uporabljena koruza v celoti pridobljena | |

    ex2306 | Oljne pogače in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakciji oljčnega olja, ki vsebujejo več kot 3 % oljčnega olja | Izdelava, pri kateri so vse uporabljene olive v celoti pridobljene | |

    2309 | Izdelki, ki se uporabljajo kot krma za živali | Izdelava, pri kateri: so vsa uporabljena žita, sladkor ali melase, meso ali mleko že s poreklom, inso vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 3 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    ex poglavje 24 | Tobak in predelani tobačni nadomestki; razen: | Izdelava, pri kateri so vsi uporabljeni materiali iz poglavja 24 v celoti pridobljeni | |

    2402 | Cigare, cigarilosi in cigarete iz tobaka ali tobačnih nadomestkov | Izdelava, pri kateri je vsaj 70 mas. % uporabljenega nepredelanega tobaka ali tobačnih odpadkov iz tarifne številke 2401 s poreklom | |

    ex2403 | Tobak za kajenje | Izdelava, pri kateri je vsaj 70 mas. % uporabljenega nepredelanega tobaka ali tobačnih odpadkov iz tarifne številke 2401 s poreklom | |

    ex poglavje 25 | Sol; žveplo; zemljine in kamen; sadra, apno in cement; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex2504 | Naravni kristalnični grafit, z obogateno vsebnostjo ogljika, očiščen in zmlet | Bogatenje vsebine ogljika, prečiščevanje in mletje surovega kristalnega grafita | |

    ex2515 | Marmor, samo razžagan ali kako drugače razrezan v pravokotne (vključno kvadratne) bloke ali plošče, debeline do vključno 25 cm | Rezanje, z žaganjem ali kako drugače, marmorja (tudi če je že razžagan) debeline nad 25 cm | |

    ex2516 | Granit, porfir, bazalt, peščenec in drug kamen za spomenike ali gradbeništvo, samo razžagani ali kako drugače razrezani v pravokotne, vključno kvadratne bloke ali plošče, debeline do vključno 25 cm | Rezanje, z žaganjem ali kako drugače, kamna (tudi če je že razžagan) debeline nad 25 cm | |

    ex2518 | Žgan dolomit | Žganje nežganega dolomita | |

    ex2519 | Zdrobljen naravni magnezijev karbonat (magnezit), v hermetično zaprtih zabojnikih, ter magnezijev oksid, čisti ali nečisti, razen taljenega magnezijevega oksida ali mrtvopečenega (sintranega) magnezijevega oksida | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporablja naravni magnezijev karbonat (magnezit) | |

    ex2520 | Sadra, posebej pripravljena za zobozdravstvo | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex2524 | Naravna azbestna vlakna | Izdelava iz azbestnega koncentrata | |

    ex2525 | Sljuda v prahu | Mletje sljude ali odpadkov sljude | |

    ex2530 | Zemeljske barve, žgane ali v prahu | Žganje ali mletje zemeljskih barv | |

    Poglavje 26 | Rude, žlindri in pepeli | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex poglavje 27 | Mineralna goriva, mineralna olja in proizvodi njihove destilacije; bituminozne snovi; mineralni voski; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex 2707 | Olja, pri katerih masa aromatskih sestavin presega maso nearomatskih sestavin, ki so podobna mineralnim oljem, dobljenim z destilacijo katrana iz črnega premoga pri visoki temperaturi, pri katerih se 65 vol. % ali več destilira pri temperaturi do 250 °C (vključno mešanice naftnih olj in benzena), za uporabo kot pogonska goriva ali kurjavo | Postopki rafiniranja in/ali eden ali več specifičnih procesov [1] ali Drugi postopki, pri katerih se vsi uporabljeni materiali uvrščajo v drugo tarifno številko, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex2709 | Surova nafta, dobljena iz bituminoznih mineralov | Destruktivna destilacija bituminoznih mineralov | |

    2710 | Olja, dobljena iz nafte, in olja, dobljena iz bituminoznih mineralov, razen surovih; proizvodi, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu, ki vsebujejo po masi 70 % ali več olj iz nafte ali olj, dobljenih iz bituminoznih mineralov, če so ta olja osnovne sestavine teh proizvodov; odpadna olja | Postopki rafiniranja in/ali eden ali več specifičnih procesov [2] ali Drugi postopki, pri katerih se vsi uporabljeni materiali uvrščajo v drugo tarifno številko, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    2711 | Naftni plini in drugi plinasti ogljikovodiki | Postopki rafiniranja in/ali eden ali več specifičnih procesov [2] ali Drugi postopki, pri katerih se vsi uporabljeni materiali uvrščajo v drugo tarifno številko, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    2712 | Vazelin; parafinski vosek, mikrokristalni vosek iz nafte, stiskani parafini, ozokerit, vosek iz lignita, vosek iz šote, drugi mineralni voski in podobni proizvodi, dobljeni s sintezo ali drugimi postopki, obarvani ali neobarvani | Postopki rafiniranja in/ali eden ali več specifičnih procesov [2] ali Drugi postopki, pri katerih se vsi uporabljeni materiali uvrščajo v drugo tarifno številko, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna. | |

    2713 | Naftni koks, bitumen in drugi ostanki iz nafte ali olj iz bituminoznih mineralov | Postopki rafiniranja in/ali eden ali več specifičnih procesov [1] ali Drugi postopki, pri katerih se vsi uporabljeni materiali uvrščajo v drugo tarifno številko, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    2714 | Bitumen in asfalt, naravni; bituminozni ali oljni skrilavci in katranski pesek; asfaltiti in asfaltne kamnine | Postopki rafiniranja in/ali eden ali več specifičnih procesov [1] ali Drugi postopki, pri katerih se vsi uporabljeni materiali uvrščajo v drugo tarifno številko, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    2715 | Bitumenske mešanice na osnovi naravnega asfalta, naravnega bitumna, bitumna iz nafte, mineralnega katrana ali mineralne katranske smole (na primer, bituminozni kit, "cutback") | Postopki rafiniranja in/ali eden ali več specifičnih procesov [1] ali Drugi postopki, pri katerih se vsi uporabljeni materiali uvrščajo v drugo tarifno številko, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 28 | Anorganski kemični proizvodi; organske ali anorganske spojine plemenitih kovin, redkih zemeljskih kovin, radioaktivnih elementov ali izotopov; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex2805 | "Mischmetall" | Izdelava z elektrolitsko ali toplotno obdelavo, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex2811 | Žveplov trioksid | Izdelava iz žveplovega dioksida | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex2833 | Aluminijev sulfat | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex2840 | Natrijev perborat | Izdelava iz dinatrijevega tetraboratnega pentahidrata | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex poglavje 29 | Organski kemijski proizvodi; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex2901 | Aciklični ogljikovodiki za uporabo kot pogonsko gorivo ali kurjavo | Postopki rafiniranja in/ali eden ali več specifičnih procesov [1] ali Drugi postopki, pri katerih se vsi uporabljeni materiali uvrščajo v drugo tarifno številko, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex2902 | Cikloalkani in cikloalkeni (razen azulenov), benzen, toluen, ksileni, za uporabo kot pogonsko gorivo ali kurjavo | Postopki rafiniranja in/ali eden ali več specifičnih procesov [1] ali Drugi postopki, pri katerih se vsi uporabljeni materiali uvrščajo v drugo tarifno številko, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex2905 | Alkoholati kovin iz alkoholov te tarifne številke in iz etanola | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, vključno z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 2905. Kovinski alkoholati iz te tarifne številke pa se lahko uporabljajo, če njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    2915 | Nasičene aciklične monokarboksilne kisline in njihovi anhidridi, halogenidi, peroksidi in peroksikisline, njihovi halogenski, sulfo-, nitro- ali nitrozo derivati | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke. Vendar vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifnih številk 2915 in 2916 ne sme presegati 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex2932 | — Notranji etri in njihovi halogenski, sulfo-, nitro- ali nitrozo derivati | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke. Vendar vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 2909 ne sme presegati 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — Ciklični acetali in interni hemiacetali in njihovi halogeni, sulfo-, nitro- ali nitrozo derivati | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    2933 | Heterociklične spojine samo s heteroatomom ali heteroatomi dušika | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke. Vendar vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifnih številk 2932 in 2933 ne sme presegati 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    2934 | Nukleinske kisline in njihove soli, kemično določene ali nedoločene; druge heterociklične spojine | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke. Vendar vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifnih številk 2932, 2933 in 2934 ne sme presegati 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex2939 | Koncentrati makove slame, ki vsebujejo ne manj kot 50 mas. % alkaloidov | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 30 | Farmacevtski proizvodi; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3002 | Človeška kri; živalska kri, pripravljena za uporabo v terapevtske, profilaktične ali diagnostične namene; antiserumi in druge frakcije krvi ter modificirani imunološki proizvodi, dobljeni po biotehničnih postopkih ali kako drugače; cepiva, toksini, kulture mikroorganizmov (razen kvasovk) in podobni proizvodi: | | |

    — Proizvodi, sestavljeni iz dveh ali več sestavin, ki so pomešana za terapevtsko ali profilaktično uporabo ali nepomešani proizvodi za te namene, pripravljeni v odmerjenih dozah ali v oblikah ali pakiranjih za prodajo na drobno | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, vključno z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 3002. Lahko pa se uporabljajo materiali z enakim poimenovanjem, kot je izdelek, če njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo: | | |

    — — Človeška kri | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, vključno z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 3002. Lahko pa se uporabljajo materiali z enakim poimenovanjem, kot je izdelek, če njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — — Živalska kri, pripravljena za terapevtsko ali profilaktično rabo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, vključno z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 3002. Lahko pa se uporabljajo materiali z enakim poimenovanjem, kot je izdelek, če njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — — Frakcije krvi razen antiserumov, hemoglobina, krvnih globulinov in serumskih globulinov | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, vključno z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 3002. Lahko pa se uporabljajo materiali z enakim poimenovanjem, kot je izdelek, če njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — — Hemoglobin, krvni globulin in serumski globulini | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, vključno z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 3002. Lahko pa se uporabljajo materiali z enakim poimenovanjem, kot je izdelek, če njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — — Drugo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, vključno z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 3002. Lahko pa se uporabljajo materiali z enakim poimenovanjem, kot je izdelek, če njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3003 in 3004 | Zdravila (razen proizvodov iz tarifnih številk 3002, 3005 ali 3006): | | |

    — Pridobljena iz amikacina iz tarifne številke 2941 | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz tarifne številke 3003 ali 3004, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz tarifne številke 3003 ali 3004, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex3006 | Odpadni farmacevtski proizvodi, navedeni v opombi 4(k) k temu poglavju | Ohrani se poreklo izdelka v njegovi izvirni uvrstitvi | |

    ex poglavje 31 | Gnojila; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex3105 | Mineralna ali kemična gnojila, ki vsebujejo dva ali tri gnojilne elemente – dušik, fosfor in kalij; druga gnojila; proizvodi iz tega poglavja v tabletah ali podobnih oblikah ali pakiranjih do vključno 10 kg bruto mase, razen: natrijev nitratkalcijev cianamidkalijev sulfatmagnezijev kalijev sulfat | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex poglavje 32 | Ekstrakti za strojenje ali barvanje; tanini in njihovi derivati; barve, pigmenti in druga barvila; premazna sredstva in laki; kiti in druge tesnilne mase; črnila; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna. | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex3201 | Tanini in njihove soli, etri, estri in drugi derivati | Izdelava iz ekstraktov za strojenje rastlinskega izvora | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    3205 | Lak barve; preparati, predvideni v opombi 3 v tem poglavju, na osnovi "lak barv" [3] | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen materialov iz tarifnih številk 3203, 3204 in 3205. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz tarifne številke 3205 pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex poglavje 33 | Eterična olja in rezinoidi; parfumerijski, kozmetični ali toaletni izdelki; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    3301 | Eterična olja (brez terpenov ali s terpeni), vključno zgoščena (trda) olja (concretes) in čista olja; rezinoidi; izvlečki oleosmol; koncentrati eteričnih olj in maščob v masteh, neeteričnih oljih, voskih ali podobnem, dobljeni z ekstrakcijo eteričnih olj z mastjo ali maceracijo; stranski terpenski proizvodi, dobljeni z deterpenacijo eteričnih olj; vodni destilati in vodne raztopine eteričnih olj | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, vključno z materiali iz druge "skupine" [4] v tej tarifni številki. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste skupine, kot je skupina izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex poglavje 34 | Mila, organska površinsko aktivna sredstva, pralni preparati, mazalni preparati, umetni voski, pripravljeni voski, preparati za loščenje ali čiščenje, sveče in podobni proizvodi, paste za modeliranje, "zobarski voski" ter zobarski preparati na osnovi sadre; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna. | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex3403 | Mazalni preparati, ki vsebujejo manj kot 70 mas. % naftnih olj ali olj, dobljenih iz bituminoznih mineralov | Postopki rafiniranja in/ali eden ali več specifičnih procesov [1] ali Drugi postopki, pri katerih se vsi uporabljeni materiali uvrščajo v drugo tarifno številko, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3404 | Umetni voski in pripravljeni voski: | | |

    — Na osnovi parafina, voskov iz nafte, voskov, dobljenih iz bituminoznih mineralov, stisnjenega parafina ali parafina z odstranjenim oljem | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna. | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen: hidrogeniziranih olj, ki imajo lastnosti voskov iz tarifne številke 1516,maščobnih kislin, ki niso kemično definirane ali maščobnih industrijskih alkoholov, ki imajo lastnost voskov iz tar. št. 3823, inmaterialov iz tar. št. 3404.Ti materiali pa se lahko uporabljajo, če njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex poglavje 35 | Beljakovinske snovi; modificirani škrobi; lepila; encimi; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    3505 | Dekstrini in drugi modificirani škrobi (npr. preželatinizirani in estrificirani škrobi); lepila na osnovi škrobov ali na osnovi dekstrinov ali drugih modificiranih škrobov: | | |

    — Škrobni etri in estri | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, skupaj z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 3505 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 1108 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex3507 | Pripravljeni encimi, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    Poglavje 36 | Razstreliva; pirotehnični proizvodi; vžigalice; piroforne zlitine; nekateri vnetljivi preparati | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    e poglavje 37 | Proizvodi za fotografske ali kinematografske namene; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    3701 | Fotografske plošče in plan filmi, občutljivi za svetlobo, neosvetljeni, iz kakršnega koli materiala, razen iz papirja, kartona ali tekstila; plan filmi za trenutno (hitro) fotografijo, občutljivi na svetlobo, neosvetljeni, v kasetah ali ne: | | |

    — Plan filmi za trenutne (hitre) barvne fotografije, v kasetah | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifnih številk 3701 ali 3702. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz tarifne številke 3702 pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifnih številk 3701 ali 3702. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz tarifnih številk 3701 in 3702 pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    3702 | Fotografski filmi v zvitkih, občutljivi na svetlobo, neosvetljeni, iz kakršnega koli materiala, razen iz papirja, kartona ali tekstila; filmi v zvitkih za trenutne (hitre) fotografije, občutljivi na svetlobo, neosvetljeni | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 3701 ali 3702 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    3704 | Fotografske plošče, filmi, papir, karton in tekstil, osvetljeni, toda nerazviti | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz tarifnih številk 3701 do 3704 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex poglavje 38 | Razni kemični proizvodi, razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna. | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex3801 | — Koloidni grafit v oljni suspenziji in polkoloidni grafit; ogljikove paste za elektrode | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Grafit v obliki paste kot mešanica z mineralnimi olji z več kot 30 mas. % grafita | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 3403 ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex3803 | Rafinirano tal-olje | Rafiniranje surovega tal-olja | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex3805 | Sulfatna terpentova olja, prečiščena | Prečiščevanje z destilacijo ali rafiniranjem surovega sulfatnega terpentinskega olja | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex3806 | Smolni estri | Izdelava iz smolnih kislin | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex3807 | Lesna smola (lesna katranska smola) | Destilacija lesnega katrana | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    3808 | Insekticidi, rodenticidi, fungicidi, herbicidi, sredstva zoper klitje, sredstva za urejanje rasti rastlin, dezinfektanti in podobni proizvodi, pripravljeni v oblikah in pakiranjih za prodajo na drobno ali kot preparati ali proizvodi (npr.: žveplani trakovi, stenji in sveče, in muholovke) | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3809 | Sredstva za dodelavo, nosilci barv, sredstva za pospeševanje barvanja ali fiksiranje barvil ter drugi proizvodi in preparati (npr.: sredstva za apreturo in jedkanje), ki se uporabljajo v tekstilni, papirni, usnjarski in podobnih industrijah, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3810 | Preparati za dekapiranje kovinskih površin; talila in drugi pomožni preparati za spajkanje ali varjenje; praški in paste za spajkanje ali varjenje, ki so sestavljeni iz kovin in drugih materialov; preparati, ki se uporabljajo kot jedra ali obloge za elektrode ali varilne palice | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3811 | Preparati zoper detonacijo, antioksidanti, preparati za preprečevanje kopičenja smole, preparati za izboljšanje viskoznosti, preparati za preprečevanje korozije in drugi pripravljeni aditivi, za mineralna olja (vključno bencin) ali za druge tekočine, ki se uporabljajo za iste namene kot mineralna olja: | | |

    — Pripravljeni aditivi za mazalna olja, ki vsebujejo naftna olja ali olja dobljena iz bituminoznih mineralov | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 3811 ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3812 | Pripravljeni pospeševalci vulkanizacije; sestavljeni plastifikatorji za gumo ali plastične mase, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu; antioksidanti in drugi sestavljeni stabilizatorji za gumo ali plastične mase | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3813 | Preparati in polnila za aparate za gašenje požara; napolnjene granate za gašenje požara | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3814 | Sestavljena organska topila in razredčila, ki niso navedena ali zajeta na drugem mestu; pripravljena sredstva za odstranjevanje premazov ali lakov | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3818 | Kemični elementi, dopirani za uporabo v elektroniki, v obliki kolutov, ploščic ali v podobnih oblikah; kemične spojine, dopirane za uporabo v elektroniki | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3819 | Tekočine za hidravlične zavore in druge pripravljene tekočine za hidravlični prenos, ki ne vsebujejo ali ki vsebujejo manj kot 70 mas. % naftnih olj ali olj, dobljenih iz bituminoznih mineralov | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3820 | Preparati zoper zmrzovanje in pripravljene tekočine za odtajanje | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3822 | Diagnostični ali laboratorijski reagenti na podlogi (nosilcu), pripravljeni diagnostični ali laboratorijski reagenti na nosilcu ali brez njega, razen tistih iz tar. št. 3002 ali 3006; standardni referenčni materiali | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3823 | Industrijske maščobne monokarboksilne kisline; kisla olja iz rafinacije; industrijski maščobni alkoholi: | | |

    — Industrijske maščobne monokarbonske kisline; kisla olja iz rafinacije | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    — Industrijski maščobni alkoholi | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, skupaj z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 3823 | |

    3824 | Pripravljena vezivna sredstva za livarske modele ali livarska jedra; kemični proizvodi in preparati kemijske industrije ali sorodnih industrij (vključno tudi tisti, ki so sestavljeni iz mešanic naravnih proizvodov), ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu: | | |

    Naslednje iz tega poglavja:— —Pripravljena vezivna sredstva za livarske modele ali livarska jedra na osnovi proizvodov iz naravnih smol— —Naftenske kisline, njihove v vodi netopne soli in njihovi estri— —Sorbitol, razen sorbitola iz tar. št. 2905— —Petrolejevi sulfonati, razen petrolejevih sulfonatov alkalnih kovin, amonijaka ali etanolaminov; tiofenirane sulfonske kisline, iz olj pridobljenih iz bituminoznih mineralov in njihovih soli— —Ionski izmenjalci— —Sušilci (getterji) za vakuumske cevi— —Alkalni železovi oksidi za prečiščevanje plina— —Amonijakova voda in izkoriščeni oksid, dobljen s prečiščevanjem plina iz premoga— —Sulfonaftenske kisline, njihove v vodi netopne soli in njihovi estri— —Fuzelno in Dippelovo olje— —Mešanice soli, ki vsebujejo različne anione— —Paste za kopiranje na osnovi želatine, s podlago iz papirja ali tekstila ali brez nje | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3901 do 3915 | Plastične mase v primarnih oblikah, odpadki, ostružki in ostanki iz plastičnih mas; razen tar. št. ex3907 in 3912, za kateri so pravila določena v nadaljevanju: | | |

    — Izdelki iz adicijske homopolimerizacije, pri kateri enojni monomer prispeva več kot 99 mas. % celotne vsebine polimerov | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgornjih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 39 ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna [5] | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 39 ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna [5] | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex3907 | — Kopolimeri, izdelani iz polikarbonata in akrilonitril-butadien-stiren kopolimera (ABS) | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo materiali iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna [5] | |

    — Poliester | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 39 ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, in/ali izdelava iz tetrabrom-(bisfenol A) polikarbonata | |

    3912 | Celuloza in njeni kemični derivati, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu, v primarnih oblikah | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    3916 do 3921 | Polizdelki in izdelki iz plastičnih mas; razen iz tarifnih številk ex3916, ex3917, ex3920 in ex3921, za katere so pravila določena v nadaljevanju: | | |

    — Ploščati izdelki, nadalje obdelani bolj kot samo površinsko obdelani ali rezani v druge oblike, razen pravokotnih (vključno s kvadratnimi); drugi izdelki, nadalje bolj obdelani kot samo površinsko obdelani | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 39 ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — Drugo: | | |

    — — Izdelki iz adicijske homopolimerizacije, pri kateri posamezni monomer prispeva več kot 99 mas. % celotne vsebine polimerov | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgornjih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 39 ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna [5] | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz poglavja 39 ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna [5] | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex3916 in ex3917 | Profilni izdelki in cevi | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex3920 | — Folije ali filmi iz ionomerov | Izdelava iz delne termoplastične soli, ki je kopolimer etilena in metakrilne kisline in je delno nevtralizirana z ioni kovine, predvsem cinka in natrija | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — Folije iz regenerirane celuloze, poliamida ali poletilena | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex3921 | Folije iz plastičnih mas, metalizirane | Izdelava iz visoko prosojnih poliestrskih folij debeline manj kot 23 mikronov [6] | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    3922 do 3926 | Proizvodi iz plastičnih mas | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 40 | Kavčuk in proizvodi iz kavčuka in gume; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex4001 | Laminirane plošče iz surove gume za čevlje | Laminacija folij iz naravnega kavčuka | |

    4005 | Mešanice kavčuka, nevulkanizirane, v primarnih oblikah ali ploščah, v listih ali trakovih | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov, razen naravnega kavčuka, ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    4012 | Protektirane ali rabljene zunanje gume (plašči); polne gume ali gume z zračnimi komorami, protektorji (plasti) in ščitniki iz vulkaniziranega kavčuka (gume): | | |

    — Protektirane pnevmatike, polne gume ali gume z zračnimi komorami, iz vulkaniziranega kavčuka (gume) | Protektiranje rabljenih zunanjih gum | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifnih številk 4011 in 4012 | |

    ex4017 | Izdelki iz trde gume | Izdelava iz kavčuka | |

    ex poglavje 41 | Surove težke kože in kože (razen krzna) in usnje; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex4102 | Surove kože ovac ali jagnjet, brez volne | Odstranjevanje volne s kože ovac ali jagnjet, z volno | |

    4104 do 4106 | Strojene ali "crust" kože, brez volne ali dlake, cepljene ali necepljene, toda nadalje neobdelane | Ponovno strojenje predhodno strojenih kož ali Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    4107, 4112 in 4113 | Usnje, naprej obdelano po strojenju ali "crust" obdelavi, vključno pergamentno obdelano, brez volne ali dlake, cepljeno ali necepljeno, razen usnja iz tar. št. 4114 | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz tarifnih številk 4104 do 4113 | |

    ex4114 | Lakasto usnje in lakasto plastovito usnje; metalizirano usnje | Izdelava iz materialov iz tarifnih številk 4104 do 4107, 4112 ali 4113 pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    Poglavje 42 | Izdelki iz usnja; sedlarski in jermenarski izdelki; predmeti za potovanje, ročne torbe in podobni izdelki; izdelki iz živalskih črev (razen iz sviloprejkine niti) | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex poglavje 43 | Naravno in umetno krzno; krzneni izdelki; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex4302 | Strojeno ali obdelano krzno, sestavljeno: | | |

    — Plošče, križi in podobne oblike | Beljenje ali barvanje, poleg rezanja in sestavljanja nesestavljenega strojenega ali obdelanega krzna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz nesestavljenega, strojenega ali obdelanega krzna | |

    4303 | Oblačila, pribor za oblačila in drugi krzneni izdelki | Izdelava iz nesestavljenega, strojenega ali obdelanega krzna iz tarifne številke 4302 | |

    ex poglavje 44 | Les in lesni izdelki; lesno oglje; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex4403 | Les, grobo obdelan (obtesan) | Izdelava iz grobo obdelanega lesa, olubljenega ali ne, ali samo grobo tesanega | |

    ex4407 | Les, vzdolžno žagan ali rezan, cepljen ali luščen, debeline nad 6 mm, skobljan, brušen ali na koncih spojen | Skobljanje, brušenje ali lepljenje s spajanjem na koncih | |

    ex4408 | Listi za furniranje (vključno s tistimi, ki so pridobljeni z rezanjem laminiranega lesa) in za vezan les, debeline do vključno 6 mm, spojeni, in drugi vzdolžno žagan les, rezan ali luščen,debeline do vključno 6 mm, skobljan, brušen ali na koncih spojen | Spajanje, skobljanje, brušenje ali lepljenje s spajanjem na koncih | |

    ex4409 | Les, profiliran vzdolž katerega koli roba, konca ali strani, vključno skobljan, brušen ali na koncih spojen: | | |

    — Brušen ali na koncu spojen | Brušenje ali spajanje na koncih | |

    — Okrasne palice in oblikovane letve | Predelava v profiliran les (pero in utor) ali okrasne letve | |

    ex4410 do ex4413 | Okraski in ornamenti, skupaj z oblikovanimi robovi in drugimi oblikovanimi deskami | Predelava v profiliran les (pero in utor) ali okrasne letve | |

    ex4415 | Zaboji za pakiranje, škatle, gajbe, sodi in podobna embalaža za pakiranje, iz lesa | Izdelava iz desk, ki niso razrezane na določeno velikost | |

    ex4416 | Sodi, kadi, vedra in drugi kletarski proizvodi in njihovi deli, iz lesa | Izdelava iz klanih dog, nadalje neobdelanih, razen razžaganih na dveh glavnih površinah | |

    ex4418 | — Stavbno pohištvo in drugi leseni proizvodi za gradbeništvo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabijo celičaste lesene plošče, skodle in opaži | |

    — Okrasne palice in okrasne letve | Predelava v profiliran les (pero in utor) ali okrasne letve | |

    ex4421 | Trščice za vžigalice; lesene kljukice ali zatiči za obutev | Izdelava iz lesa iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen lesene žice iz tarifne številke 4409 | |

    ex poglavje 45 | Pluta in izdelki iz plute; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    4503 | Izdelki iz naravne plute | Izdelava iz plute iz tar. št. 4501 | |

    Poglavje 46 | Izdelki iz slame, esparta ali drugih pletarskih materialov; košarski in pletarski izdelki | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    Poglavje 47 | Lesna pulpa ali iz drugih vlaknastih celuloznih materialov; papirni ali kartonski odpadki in ostanki | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex poglavje 48 | Papir in karton; izdelki iz papirne mase, papirja ali kartona; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex4811 | Papir in karton, samo s črtami ali kvadrati | Izdelava iz materialov za proizvodnjo papirja iz poglavja 47 | |

    4816 | Karbon papir, samokopirni papir in drug papir za kopiranje ali prenašanje, (razen tistih iz tar. št. 4809); matrice za razmnoževanje in ofsetne plošče, iz papirja, v škatlah ali ne | Izdelava iz materialov za proizvodnjo papirja iz poglavja 47 | |

    4817 | Pisemski ovitki, pisemske kartice, dopisnice in karte za dopisovanje brez slike, iz papirja ali kartona; kompleti za dopisovanje v škatlah, vrečkah, notesih in podobnih pakiranjih iz papirja ali kartona | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex4818 | Toaletni papir | Izdelava iz materialov za proizvodnjo papirja iz poglavja 47 | |

    ex4819 | Škatle, zaboji, vreče in drugi izdelki za pakiranje, iz papirja, kartona, celulozne vate ali listov iz celuloznih vlaken | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex4820 | Bloki s pisemskim papirjem | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex4823 | Drug papir, karton, celulozna vata in listi iz celuloznih vlaken, razrezani v določene velikosti ali oblike | Izdelava iz materialov za proizvodnjo papirja iz poglavja 47 | |

    ex poglavje 49 | Tiskane knjige, časopisi, slike in drugi proizvodi grafične industrije; rokopisi, tipkana besedila in načrti; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    4909 | Tiskane ali ilustrirane razglednice, tiskane karte z osebnimi čestitkami, ali ilustrirane ali ne, z ovitki ali okraski ali brez njih | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 4909 ali 4911 | |

    4910 | Koledarji vseh vrst, tiskani, vključno s koledarskimi bloki: | | |

    — Koledarji vrste "večni" ali z zamenljivimi bloki na podlagah, ki niso iz papirja ali kartona | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 4909 ali 4911 | |

    ex poglavje 50 | Svila; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex5003 | Svileni odpadki (vključno zapredki neprimerni za odvijanje, odpadki preje in raztrgani tekstilni materiali), mikani ali česani | Mikanje ali česanje svilenih odpadkov | |

    5004 do ex5006 | Svilena preja in preja iz svilenih odpadkov | Izdelava iz [7]: surove svile ali odpadkov svile, mikanih ali česanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,drugih naravnih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alimaterialov za proizvodnjo papirja | |

    5007 | Tkanine iz svile ali svilenih odpadkov: | | |

    — Z vtkanimi gumijastimi nitmi | Izdelava iz enojne preje [7] | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: preje iz kokosovega vlakna,naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alipapirjaali Tiskanje, ki ga spremljata vsaj dva pripravljalna ali končna postopka (kot so razmaščevanje, beljenje, merceriziranje, termostabiliziranje, dviganje, kalandiranje, obdelava za odpornost proti krčenju, trajna končna obdelava, obogatitev, impregnacija, popravljanje in odstranjevanje vozlov), če vrednost uporabljene netiskane tkanine ne presega 47,5 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 51 | Volna, fina ali groba živalska dlaka; preja in tkanine iz konjske žime; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    5106 do 5110 | Preja iz volne, iz fine ali grobe živalske dlake ali iz konjske žime | Izdelava iz [7]: surove svile ali odpadkov svile, mikanih ali česanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,naravnih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alimaterialov za proizvodnjo papirja | |

    5111 do 5113 | Tkanine iz volne, iz fine ali grobe živalske dlake ali iz konjske žime: | | |

    — Z vtkanimi gumijastimi nitmi | Izdelava iz enojne preje [7] | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: preje iz kokosovega vlakna,naravnih vlaken,umetnih in sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alipapirjaali Tiskanje, ki ga spremljata vsaj dva pripravljalna ali končna postopka (kot so razmaščevanje, beljenje, merceriziranje, termostabiliziranje, dviganje, kalandiranje, obdelava za odpornost proti krčenju, trajna končna obdelava, obogatitev, impregnacija, popravljanje in odstranjevanje vozlov), če vrednost uporabljene netiskane tkanine ne presega 47,5 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 52 | Bombaž; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    5204 do 5207 | Bombažna preja in sukanec | Izdelava iz [7]: surove svile ali odpadkov svile, mikanih ali česanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,naravnih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alimaterialov za proizvodnjo papirja | |

    5208 do 5212 | Bombažne tkanine: | | |

    — Z vtkanimi gumijastimi nitmi | Izdelava iz enojne preje [7] | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: preje iz kokosovega vlakna,naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alipapirjaali Tiskanje, ki ga spremljata vsaj dva pripravljalna ali končna postopka (kot so razmaščevanje, beljenje, merceriziranje, termostabiliziranje, dviganje, kalandiranje, obdelava za odpornost proti krčenju, trajna končna obdelava, obogatitev, impregnacija, popravljanje in odstranjevanje vozlov), če vrednost uporabljene netiskane tkanine ne presega 47,5 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 53 | Druga rastlinska tekstilna vlakna; papirna preja in tkanine iz papirne preje; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    5306 do 5308 | Preja iz drugih rastlinskih tekstilnih vlaken; papirna preja | Izdelava iz [7]: surove svile ali odpadkov svile, mikanih ali česanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,naravnih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alimaterialov za proizvodnjo papirja | |

    5309 do 5311 | Tkanine iz drugih rastlinskih tekstilnih vlaken; tkanine iz papirne preje: | | |

    — Z vtkanimi gumijastimi nitmi | Izdelava iz enojne preje [7] | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: preje iz kokosovega vlakna,preje iz jute,naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alipapirjaali Tiskanje, ki ga spremljata vsaj dva pripravljalna ali končna postopka (kot so razmaščevanje, beljenje, merceriziranje, termostabiliziranje, dviganje, kalandiranje, obdelava za odpornost proti krčenju, trajna končna obdelava, obogatitev, impregnacija, popravljanje in odstranjevanje vozlov), če vrednost uporabljene netiskane tkanine ne presega 47,5 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    5401 do 5406 | Preja, monofilamenti in sukanec iz umetnih filamentov | Izdelava iz [7]: surove svile ali odpadkov svile, mikanih ali česanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,naravnih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alimaterialov za proizvodnjo papirja | |

    5407 in 5408 | Tkanine iz preje iz umetnih in sintetičnih filamentov: | | |

    — Z vtkanimi gumijastimi nitmi | Izdelava iz enojne preje [7] | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: preje iz kokosovega vlakna,naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alipapirjaali Tiskanje, ki ga spremljata vsaj dva pripravljalna ali končna postopka (kot so razmaščevanje, beljenje, merceriziranje, termostabiliziranje, dviganje, kalandiranje, obdelava za odpornost proti krčenju, trajna končna obdelava, obogatitev, impregnacija, popravljanje in odstranjevanje vozlov), če vrednost uporabljene netiskane tkanine ne presega 47,5 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    5501 do 5507 | Umetna ali sintetična rezana vlakna | Izdelava iz kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše | |

    5508 do 5511 | Preja in sukanec za šivanje iz umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken | Izdelava iz [7]: surove svile ali odpadkov svile, mikanih ali česanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,naravnih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alimaterialov za proizvodnjo papirja | |

    5512 do 5516 | Tkanine iz umetnih in sintetičnih rezanih vlaken: | | |

    — Z vtkanimi gumijastimi nitmi | Izdelava iz enojne preje [7] | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: preje iz kokosovega vlakna,naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alipapirjaali Tiskanje, ki ga spremljata vsaj dva pripravljalna ali končna postopka (kot so razmaščevanje, beljenje, merceriziranje, termostabiliziranje, dviganje, kalandiranje, obdelava za odpornost proti krčenju, trajna končna obdelava, obogatitev, impregnacija, popravljanje in odstranjevanje vozlov), če vrednost uporabljene netiskane tkanine ne presega 47,5 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 56 | Vata, klobučevina in netkani tekstil; specialne preje; dvonitne vrvi, vrvje, motvozi, konopci in kabli ter proizvodi iz njih; razen: | Izdelava iz [7]: preje iz kokosovega vlakna,naravnih vlaken,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alimaterialov za proizvodnjo papirja | |

    5602 | Klobučevina, vključno z impregnirano, prevlečeno, prekrito ali laminirano: | | |

    — Iglana klobučevina | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kašeLahko se uporabijo: polipropilenski filamenti iz tarifne številke 5402,polipropilenska vlakna iz tarifnih številk 5503 ali 5506 aliprameni iz filamentov polipropilena iz tarifne številke 5501,pri katerih je v vseh primerih denominacija vsakega filamenta ali vlakna manjša od 9 deciteksov, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, pridobljenih iz kazeina, alikemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše | |

    5604 | Niti in kord iz gume, prekriti s tekstilnim materialom; tekstilna preja in trakovi in podobno iz tar. št. 5404 ali 5405, impregnirani, prevlečeni, prekriti ali obloženi z gumo ali plastično maso: | | |

    — Niti in kord iz gume, prekriti s tekstilnim materialom | Izdelava iz gumijastih niti in vrvi, ki niso prekrite s tekstilom | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače predelanih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alimaterialov za proizvodnjo papirja | |

    5605 | Metalizirana preja, vključno s posukano prejo, ki je sestavljena iz tekstilne preje ali trakov ali podobnih oblik iz tar. št. 5404 ali 5405, kombiniranih s kovino v obliki niti, trakov ali prahu ali prevlečenih s kovino | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken,umetnih in sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alimaterialov za proizvodnjo papirja | |

    5606 | Posukana preja in zviti trakovi in podobne oblike iz tar. št. 5404 ali 5405, razen proizvodov iz tar. št. 5605 in posukane preje iz konjske žime; ženiljska preja (vključno kosmičena ženiljska preja); efektno vozličasta preja | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alimaterialov za proizvodnjo papirja | |

    Poglavje 57 | Preproge in druga tekstilna talna prekrivala: | | |

    — Iz iglane klobučevine | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kašeLahko se uporabijo: polipropilenski filamenti iz tarifne številke 5402,polipropilenska vlakna iz tarifnih številk 5503 ali 5506 aliprameni iz filamentov polipropilena iz tarifne številke 5501,pri katerih je v vseh primerih denominacija vsakega filamenta ali vlakna manjša od 9 deciteksov, pod pogojem, da njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna Tkanina iz jute se lahko uporablja kot podloga | |

    — Iz druge klobučevine | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali drugače predelanih za predenje, alikemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: preje iz kokosovega vlakna ali jute,preje iz sintetičnih ali umetnih filamentov,naravnih vlaken, aliumetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače predelanih za predenjeTkanina iz jute se lahko uporablja kot podloga | |

    ex poglavje 58 | Specialne tkanine; taftani tekstilni materiali; čipke; tapiserije; pozamenterija; vezenine; razen: | | |

    — Z vtkanimi gumijastimi nitmi | Izdelava iz enojne preje [7] | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače predelanih za predenje, alikemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kašeali Tiskanje, ki ga spremljata vsaj dva pripravljalna ali končna postopka (kot so razmaščevanje, beljenje, merceriziranje, termostabiliziranje, dviganje, kalandiranje, obdelava za odpornost proti krčenju, trajna končna obdelava, obogatitev, impregnacija, popravljanje in odstranjevanje vozlov), če vrednost uporabljene netiskane tkanine ne presega 47,5 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    5805 | Ročno tkane tapiserije vrste gobelin, flandrijske, aubusson, beauvais in podobne, ter ročno izdelane tapiserije (na primer z majhnim vbodom in križnim vbodom), vključno konfekcionirane | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    5810 | Vezenine v metraži, trakovih ali motivih | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    5901 | Tekstilni materiali, prevlečeni z lepilom ali škrobnimi snovmi, ki se uporabljajo za zunanjo vezavo knjig ali podobne namene; tkanine za prerisovanje; pripravljeno slikarsko platno; škrobljeno platno in podobni togi tekstilni materiali, ki se uporabljajo za izdelavo klobukov | Izdelava iz preje | |

    5902 | Kord tkanine za avtomobilske plašče iz preje visoke trdnosti iz najlona ali drugega poliamida, poliestra ali viskoznega rajona: | | |

    — Ki vsebuje ne več kot 90 mas. % tekstilnih materialov | Izdelava iz preje | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše | |

    5903 | Tekstilni materiali, impregnirani, premazani, prevlečeni ali prekriti ali laminirani s plastičnimi masami, razen tistih iz tar. št. 5902 | Izdelava iz preje ali Tiskanje, ki ga spremljata vsaj dva pripravljalna ali končna postopka (kot so razmaščevanje, beljenje, merceriziranje, termostabiliziranje, dviganje, kalandiranje, obdelava za odpornost proti krčenju, trajna končna obdelava, obogatitev, impregnacija, popravljanje in odstranjevanje vozlov), če vrednost uporabljene netiskane tkanine ne presega 47,5 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    5904 | Linolej, vključno rezan v oblike; talna prekrivala na tekstilni podlagi, premazani, prevlečeni ali prekriti, vključno z razrezanimi v oblike | Izdelava iz preje [7] | |

    5905 | Zidne tapete iz tekstilnih materialov: | | |

    — Impregnirane, prekrite ali laminirane z gumo, plastičnimi masami ali drugimi materiali | Izdelava iz preje | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: preje iz kokosovega vlakna,naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače predelanih za predenje, alikemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše,ali Tiskanje, ki ga spremljata vsaj dva pripravljalna ali končna postopka (kot so razmaščevanje, beljenje, merceriziranje, termostabiliziranje, dviganje, kalandiranje, obdelava za odpornost proti krčenju, trajna končna obdelava, obogatitev, impregnacija, popravljanje in odstranjevanje vozlov), če vrednost uporabljene netiskane tkanine ne presega 47,5 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    5906 | Gumirani tekstilni materiali, razen tistih iz tar. št. 5902: | | |

    — Pleteni ali kvačkani materiali | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače predelanih za predenje, alikemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše | |

    — Drugi materiali, izdelani iz sintetične filamentne preje, ki vsebujejo več kot 90 mas. % tekstilnih materialov | Izdelava iz kemičnih materialov | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz preje | |

    5907 | Tekstilni materiali, drugače impregnirani, premazani, prevlečeni ali prekriti; platna, slikana za odrske kulise, tkanine za ateljeje in podobne namene | Izdelava iz preje ali Tiskanje, ki ga spremljata vsaj dva pripravljalna ali končna postopka (kot so razmaščevanje, beljenje, merceriziranje, termostabiliziranje, dviganje, kalandiranje, obdelava za odpornost proti krčenju, trajna končna obdelava, obogatitev, impregnacija, popravljanje in odstranjevanje vozlov), če vrednost uporabljene netiskane tkanine ne presega 47,5 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    5908 | Stenji iz tekstila, tkani, prepleteni ali pleteni, za svetilke, peči, vžigalnike, sveče in podobno; žarilne mrežice za plinsko razsvetljavo in cevasto pleteni materiali za plinske svetilke, impregnirani ali neimpregnirani: | | |

    — Žarilne mrežice za plinsko razsvetljavo, impregnirane | Izdelava iz cevasto pletenih plinskih mrežic | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    5909 do 5911 | Tekstilni izdelki za industrijsko uporabo: | | |

    — Diski ali obroči za poliranje, razen iz klobučevine iz tarifne številke 5911 | Izdelava iz preje ali odpadkov tkanin ali krp iz tarifne številke 6310 | |

    — Tkanine, ki se uporabljajo pri izdelavi papirja ali v druge tehnične namene, podložene ali nepodložene s klobučevino, prevlečene ali prekrite ali ne, cevaste ali neskončne, z eno ali več osnovami in/ali votki ali ravno tkane z več osnovami in/ali votki iz tar. št. 5911 | Izdelava iz [7]: preje iz kokosovega vlakna,naslednjih materialov:— —preje iz politetrafluoroetilena [8],— —preje, večnitne, iz poliamida, prekrite, impregnirane ali prevlečene s fenolno smolo,— —preje iz sintetičnih tekstilnih vlaken iz aromatičnih poliamidov, dobljenih z polikondenzacijo m- fenilendiamina in izoftalne kisline,— —monofilamenta iz politetrafluoroetilena [8],— —preje iz sintetičnih tekstilnih vlaken iz poli-p-fenilen tereftalamida,— —preje iz steklenih vlaken, prevlečene s fenolno smolo in posukane z akrilno prejo [8],— —kopoliestrskih monofilamentov iz poliestra in smole iz tereftalne kisline in 1,4-cikloheksandietanola in izoftalne kisline,— —naravnih vlaken,— —umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače predelanih za predenje, ali— —kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: preje iz kokosovega vlakna,naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače predelanih za predenje, alikemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše | |

    Poglavje 60 | Pleteni ali kvačkani tekstilni materiali | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače predelanih za predenje, alikemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše | |

    Poglavje 61 | Oblačilni izdelki in oblačilni dodatki, pleteni ali kvačkani: | | |

    — Dobljeni z medsebojnim šivanjem ali drugačnim sestavljanjem, iz dveh ali več kosov pletenega ali kvačkanega tekstilnega materiala, ki je bil urezan v določeno obliko ali neposredno pridobljen v določeno obliko | Izdelava iz preje [7] [9] | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken,umetnih in sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače predelanih za predenje, alikemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše | |

    ex poglavje 62 | Oblačilni izdelki in oblačilni dodatki, nepleteni ali nekvačkani; razen: | Izdelava iz preje [7] [9] | |

    ex6202, ex6204, ex6206, ex6209 in ex6211 | Oblačila in pribor za oblačila, za ženske, deklice in dojenčke, in oblačilni dodatki za dojenčke,vezeni | Izdelava iz preje [9] ali Izdelava iz nevezenih tkanin, če vrednost uporabljenih nevezenih tkanin ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna [9] | |

    ex6210 in ex6216 | Ognjevarna oprema iz tkanin, prevlečenih s folijo iz aluminiziranega poliestra | Izdelava iz preje [9] ali Izdelava iz neprevlečenih tkanin, če vrednost uporabljenih neprevlečenih tkanin ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna [9] | |

    6213 in 6214 | Robčki, šali, ogrinjala, rute, naglavne rute, tančice in podobni izdelki: | | |

    — Vezeni | Izdelava iz nebeljene enojne preje [7] [9] ali Izdelava iz nevezenih tkanin, če vrednost uporabljenih nevezenih tkanin ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna [9] | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz nebeljene enojne preje [7] [9] ali Izdelava, ki ji sledi tiskanje, ki ga spremljata vsaj dva pripravljalna ali končna postopka (kot so razmaščevanje, beljenje, merceriziranje, termostabiliziranje, dviganje, kalandiranje, obdelava za odpornost na krčenje, trajna končna obdelava, obogatitev, impregnacija, popravljanje in odstranjevanje vozlov), če vrednost vse uporabljene netiskane tkanine iz tar. št. 6213 in 6214 ne presega 47,5 cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    6217 | Drugi gotovi oblačilni dodatki; deli oblačil ali oblačilnih dodatkov, razen tistih iz tar. št. 6212: | | |

    — Vezeni | Izdelava iz preje [9] ali Izdelava iz nevezenih tkanin, če vrednost uporabljenih nevezenih tkanin ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna [9] | |

    — Ognjevarna oprema iz tkanin, prevlečenih s folijo iz aluminiziranega poliestra | Izdelava iz preje [9] ali Izdelava iz neprevlečenih tkanin, če vrednost uporabljenih neprevlečenih tkanin ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna [9] | |

    — Medvloge za ovratnike in manšete, urezane | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz preje [9] | |

    ex poglavje 63 | Drugi gotovi tekstilni izdelki; kompleti; ponošena-izrabljena oblačila in izrabljeni tekstilni izdelki; krpe; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    6301 do 6304 | Odeje, potovalne odeje, posteljno perilo, itn.; zavese, itn.; drugi izdelki za notranjo opremo: | | |

    — Iz klobučevine ali netkanega tekstila | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken, alikemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše | |

    — Drugo: | | |

    — — Vezeni | Izdelava iz nebeljene enojne preje [9] [10] ali Izdelava iz nevezenih tkanin (razen pletenih ali kvačkanih), če vrednost uporabljenih nevezenih tkanin ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — — Drugo | Izdelava iz nebeljene enojne preje [9] [10] | |

    6305 | Vreče in vrečke za pakiranje blaga | Izdelava iz [7]: naravnih vlaken,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače predelanih za predenje, alikemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše | |

    6306 | Ponjave, platnene strehe in zunanje platnene navojnice (tende); šotori; jadra za plovila, jadralne deske ali suhozemna vozila; izdelki za taborjenje: | | |

    — Netkani | Izdelava iz [7] [9]: naravnih vlaken, alikemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz nebeljene enojne preje [7] [9] | |

    6307 | Drugi gotovi tekstilni izdelki, vključno z modnimi kroji za oblačila | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    6308 | Garniture, ki so sestavljene iz tkanin in preje, s priborom ali brez njega, za izdelavo preprog in pregrinjal, tapiserij, vezenih namiznih prtov ali serviet ali podobnih tekstilnih izdelkov, pripravljene v zavitkih za prodajo na drobno | Vsak sestavni del ali izdelek v garnituri mora izpolnjevati pravilo, ki bi zanj veljalo, če ne bi bil v garnituri. Sestavni deli ali izdelki brez porekla pa se lahko vključijo, če njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 15 % cene garniture franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 64 | Obutev, gamaše in podobni izdelki; deli teh izdelkov; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz spojenih gornjih delov, pritrjenih na notranje podplate ali druge komponente podplatov iz tarifne številke 6406 | |

    6406 | Deli obutve (vključno zgornji deli, ki so pritrjeni na podplat ali ne, razen na zunanji podplat); zamenljivi vložki, petne blazinice in podobni izdelki; gamaše, dokolenice in podobni izdelki in njihovi deli: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex poglavje 65 | Pokrivala in njihovi deli; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    6503 | Klobuki in druga pokrivala, iz klobučevine, izdelane iz tulcev, stožcev in drugih izdelkov iz tar. št. 6501, vključno tudi podloženi ali okrašeni | Izdelava iz preje ali tekstilnih vlaken [9] | |

    6505 | Klobuki in druga pokrivala, pleteni ali kvačkani ali izdelani iz čipke, klobučevine ali drugih tekstilnih metražnih materialov (razen iz trakov), vključno s podloženimi ali okrašenimi; mrežice za lase iz kakršnega koli materiala, vključno podložene ali okrašene | Izdelava iz preje ali tekstilnih vlaken [9] | |

    ex poglavje 66 | Dežniki, sončniki, sprehajalne palice, palice-stolčki, biči, korobači in njihovi deli; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    6601 | Dežniki in sončniki (vključno palice-dežniki, vrtni dežniki in podobni dežniki) | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    Poglavje 67 | Preparirano perje in puh in izdelki iz perja ali puha; umetno cvetje; izdelki iz človeških las | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex poglavje 68 | Izdelki iz kamna, mavca, cementa, azbesta, sljude ali podobnih materialov; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex6803 | Izdelki iz skrilavca ali iz aglomeriranega skrilavca | Izdelava iz obdelanega skrilavca | |

    ex6812 | Izdelki iz azbesta; izdelki iz mešanic na osnovi azbesta ali iz mešanice na osnovi azbesta in magnezijevega karbonata | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke | |

    ex6814 | Izdelki iz sljude, vključno z aglomerirano ali rekonstruirano sljudo, na podlagi iz papirja, kartona ali iz drugih materialov | Izdelava iz obdelane sljude (vključno z aglomerirano ali rekonstruirano sljudo) | |

    Poglavje 69 | Keramični izdelki | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex poglavje 70 | Steklo in stekleni izdelki; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex7003, ex7004 in ex7005 | Steklo s plastjo proti refleksiji | Izdelava iz materialov iz tarifne številke 7001 | |

    7006 | Steklo iz tar. št. 7003, 7004 ali 7005, upognjeno, z obdelanimi robovi, gravirano, luknjano, emajlirano ali drugače obdelano, neuokvirjeno ali spojeno z drugimi materiali: | | |

    — Osnova za steklene plošče, prevlečena s tanko izolacijsko plastjo, in polprevodno stopnjo, ki je v skladu s standardi SEMII [11] | Proizvodnja iz neprevlečenih podlag iz steklene plošče iz tarifne številke 7006 | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz materialov iz tarifne številke 7001 | |

    7007 | Varnostno steklo iz kaljenega ali plastnega stekla | Izdelava iz materialov iz tarifne številke 7001 | |

    7008 | Večplastni panelni elementi za izolacijo, iz stekla | Izdelava iz materialov iz tarifne številke 7001 | |

    7009 | Steklena ogledala, z okvirjem ali brez njega, vključno tudi vzvratna ogledala | Izdelava iz materialov iz tarifne številke 7001 | |

    7010 | Baloni, steklenice, kozarci, lonci, fiole, ampule in druge posode iz stekla, ki se uporabljajo za transport ali pakiranje blaga; stekleni kozarci za vlaganje, čepi, pokrovi in druga zapirala, iz stekla | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka ali Rezanje steklenih izdelkov, če skupna vrednost uporabljenih nerazrezanih steklenih izdelkov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    7013 | Stekleni izdelki, ki se uporabljajo za mizo, v kuhinji, za toaletne namene, v pisarnah, izdelki za notranjo dekoracijo ali podobne namene (razen tistih iz tar. št. 7010 ali 7018) | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka ali Rezanje steklenih izdelkov, če skupna vrednost uporabljenih nerazrezanih steklovih izdelkov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna ali Ročno okraševanje (razen sitotiska) ročno pihanih steklenih izdelkov pod pogojem, da skupna vrednost uporabljenih ročno pihanih steklenih izdelkov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex7019 | Izdelki iz steklenih vlaken (razen preje) | Izdelava iz: nebarvanih trakov steklenih vlaken, rovinga, preje ali rezanih niti, alisteklene volne | |

    ex poglavje 71 | Naravni ali kultivirani biseri, dragi ali poldragi kamni, plemenite kovine, kovine, platirane s plemenitimi kovinami, in izdelki iz njih; imitacije nakita; kovanci; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex7101 | Naravni ali kultivirani biseri, sortirani in začasno nanizani zaradi lažjega prevoza | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex7102, ex7103 in ex7104 | Obdelani dragi ali poldragi kamni (naravni, sintetični ali rekonstruirani) | Izdelava iz neobdelanih dragih ali poldragih kamnov | |

    7106, 7108 in 7110 | Plemenite kovine: | | |

    — Neobdelane | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz tarifne številke 7106, 7108 ali 7110 ali Elektrolitska, toplotna ali kemična separacija plemenitih kovin iz tarifne številke 7106, 7108 ali 7110 ali Legiranje plemenitih kovin iz tarifne številke 7106, 7108 ali 7110 med seboj ali z navadnimi kovinami | |

    — Polizdelki ali v obliki prahu | Izdelava iz neobdelanih plemenitih kovin | |

    ex7107, ex7109 in ex7111 | Kovine, platirane s plemenitimi kovinami, kot polizdelki | Izdelava iz kovin, platiranih z neobdelanimi plemenitimi kovinami | |

    7116 | Predmeti iz naravnih ali kultiviranih biserov, dragih ali poldragih kamnov (naravnih, sintetičnih ali rekonstruiranih) | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    7117 | Imitacije nakita | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka ali Izdelava iz delov iz navadnih kovin, neprekritih ali neprevlečenih s plemenitimi kovinami, pod pogojem, da vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 72 | Železo in jeklo; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    7207 | Polizdelki iz železa ali nelegiranega jekla | Izdelava iz materialov iz tarifne številke 7201, 7202, 7203, 7204 ali 7205 | |

    7208 do 7216 | Ploščati valjani izdelki, palice in žice, kotni profili in drugi profili iz železa ali nelegiranega jekla | Izdelava iz ingotov ali drugih primarnih oblik iz tarifne številke 7206 | |

    7217 | Žica iz železa ali nelegiranega jekla | Izdelava iz polizdelkov iz tarifne številke 7207 | |

    ex7218, 7219 do 7222 | Polizdelki, ploščato valjani izdelki, palice in žice, kotni profili in drugi profili iz nerjavnega jekla | Izdelava iz ingotov ali drugih primarnih oblik iz tarifne številke 7218 | |

    7223 | Žica iz nerjavnega jekla | Izdelava iz polizdelkov iz tarifne številke 7218 | |

    ex7224, 7225 do 7228 | Polizdelki, ploščato valjani izdelki, toplo valjane žice v ohlapno navitih kolobarjih; kotni profili in drugi profili iz drugih legiranih jekel; votle palice za svedre iz legiranih ali nelegiranih jekel | Izdelava iz ingotov ali drugih primarnih oblik iz tarifne številke 7206, 7218 ali 7224 | |

    7229 | Žica iz drugih legiranih jekel | Izdelava iz polizdelkov iz tarifne številke 7224 | |

    ex poglavje 73 | Izdelki iz železa ali jekla; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex7301 | Piloti | Izdelava iz materialov iz tarifne številke 7206 | |

    7302 | Deli za železniške in tramvajske tire, iz železa ali jekla, kot sledi: tirnice, vodila in zobate tirnice, kretniški jezički, križišča, spojne palice in drugi deli kretnic, pragovi, tirne veznice, tirna ležišča, klini za tirna ležišča, podložne plošče, pričvrščevalne ploščice, distančne palice, drugi deli, posebej konstruirani za postavljanje, spajanje ali pritrjevanje tirnic | Izdelava iz materialov iz tarifne številke 7206 | |

    7304, 7305 in 7306 | Cevi in votli profili iz železa ali jekla (razen iz litega železa) | Izdelava iz materialov iz tarifne številke 7206, 7207, 7218 ali 7224 | |

    ex7307 | Pribor (fitingi) za cevi iz nerjavnega jekla (ISO št. X5CrNiMo 1712), sestavljen iz več delov | Struženje, vrtanje, širitev lukenj, izrezovanje navojev, urezovanje in peskanje kovanih polizdelkov, pod pogojem, da skupna vrednost uporabljenih kovanih izdelkov ne presega 35 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    7308 | Konstrukcije (razen montažnih zgradb iz tar. št. 9406) in deli konstrukcij (npr. mostovi in mostne sekcije, vrata za zapornice, stolpi, predalčni stebri, strehe, strešna ogrodja, vrata in okna ter okviri zanje, pragovi za vrata, roloji, ograje in stebri), iz železa ali jekla; pločevine, palice, profili, kotniki, cevi in podobno, pripravljeni za uporabo v konstrukcijah, iz železa ali jekla | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Zvarjeni kotniki in profili iz tarifne številke 7301 se ne smejo uporabljati | |

    ex7315 | Verige zoper drsenje | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 7315 ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex7321 | Aparati za kuhanje in grelniki krožnikov: | | |

    —Na plinsko gorivo ali kombinirani na plinsko gorivo in na druga goriva | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex poglavje 74 | Baker in bakreni izdelki; razen: | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    7401 | Bakrov kamen; cementni baker (precipitat-oborina bakra) | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    7402 | Nerafiniran baker; bakrove anode za elektrolitsko rafinacijo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    7403 | Rafiniran baker in bakrove zlitine, surovi: | | |

    — Rafiniran baker | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    — Bakrove zlitine in rafinirani baker, ki vsebuje druge elemente | Izdelava iz rafiniranega surovega bakra, ali iz odpadkov in ostankov bakra | |

    7404 | Bakrvi odpadki in ostanki | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    7405 | Predzlitine bakra | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex poglavje 75 | Nikelj in nikljevi izdelki; razen: | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    7501 do 7503 | Nikljev kamen, sintrani oksidi niklja in drugi vmesni proizvodi metalurgije niklja; surovi nikelj; nikljevi odpadki in ostanki | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex poglavje 76 | Aluminij in aluminijasti izdelki; razen: | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    7601 | Aluminij, surov | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarnaali Izdelava s toplotno ali elektrolitsko obdelavo iz nelegiranega aluminija ali iz aluminijevih odpadkov in ostankov | |

    7602 | Aluminijevi odpadki in ostanki | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex7616 | Izdelki iz aluminija razen gaze, tkanin, rešetk, mrež, ograj ali tkanin za ojačanje in podobnih materialov (vključno z neskončnimi trakovi) iz aluminijaste žice in ekspandirane kovine iz aluminija | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabljajo gaza, tkanine, rešetke, mreže, ograje, tkanine za ojačanje in podobni materiali (vštevši tudi neskončne trakove) iz aluminijaste žice ali ekspandirane kovine iz aluminija; inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    Poglavje 77 | Rezervirano za morebitno prihodnjo uporabo HS | | |

    ex poglavje 78 | Svinec in svinčeni izdelki; razen: | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    7801 | Surovi svinec: | | |

    — Rafiniran svinec | Izdelava iz obdelanega svinca ("bullion" ali "work") | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Ne smejo se uporabljati odpadki in ostanki iz tarifne številke 7802 | |

    7802 | Svinčeni odpadki in ostanki | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex poglavje 79 | Cink in cinkovi izdelki; razen: | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    7901 | Surovi cink | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Ne smejo se uporabljati odpadki in ostanki iz tarifne številke 7902 | |

    7902 | Cinkovi odpadki in ostanki | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex poglavje 80 | Kositer in kositrni izdelki; razen: | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8001 | Surovi kositer | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Ne smejo se uporabljati odpadki in ostanki iz tarifne številke 8002 | |

    8002 in 8007 | Kositrni odpadki in ostanki; drugi kositrni izdelki | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    Poglavje 81 | Druge navadne kovine; kermeti; njihovi izdelki: | | |

    — Druge navadne kovine; obdelane; izdelki iz njih | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex poglavje 82 | Orodje, nožarski proizvodi, žlice in vilice, iz navadnih kovin; njihovi deli iz navadnih kovin; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    8206 | Orodje iz dveh ali več tarifnih številk 8202 do 8205, v garniturah za prodajo na drobno | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tar. številk 8202 do 8205. Orodje iz tarifnih številk 8202 do 8205 se lahko vstavi v garniture, če njegova vrednost ne presega 15 % cene garniture franko tovarna | |

    8207 | Izmenljiva orodja za ročne obdelovalne priprave na mehanični pogon ali brez njega ali za obdelovalne stroje (npr. za stiskanje, kovanje, vtiskovanje, prerezovanje, narezovanje in vrezovanje navojev, vrtanje, povečanje odprtine s struganjem, prevlačenje, rezkanje, vključno z matricami za izvlačenje ali iztiskanje kovine in orodje za vrtanje kamna in zemlje | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8208 | Noži in rezila, za stroje ali mehanične priprave | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex8211 | Noži z rezili, nazobljenimi ali nenazobljenimi (vključno z vrtnarskimi noži), razen nožev iz tarifne številke 8208 | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabljajo ročaji in rezila iz navadnih kovin | |

    8214 | Drugi nožarski izdelki (npr. stroji za striženje, mesarske ali kuhinjske sekače, mesarske sekire in noži za sekljanje mesa, noži za papir); garniture in priprave za manikiranje ali pedikiranje (vključno pilice za nohte) | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabljajo ročaji iz navadnih kovin | |

    8215 | Žlice, vilice, zajemalke, žlice za peno, lopatice za serviranje kolačev, noži za ribe, noži za maslo, prijemalke za sladkor in podoben kuhinjski ali namizni pribor | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabljajo ročaji iz navadnih kovin | |

    ex poglavje 83 | Razni izdelki iz navadnih kovin; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex8302 | Drugo okovje, pribor (fitingi) in podobni izdelki, primerni za stavbarstvo, in avtomatična zapirala za vrata | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabljajo tudi drugi materiali iz tarifne številke 8302, če njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex8306 | Kipci in drugi okraski iz navadnih kovin | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Lahko pa se uporabljajo tudi drugi materiali iz tarifne številke 8306, če njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 84 | Jedrski reaktorji, kotli, stroji in mehanske naprave; njihovi deli; razen: | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex8401 | Gorilni elementi za jedrske reaktorje | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka [12] | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8402 | Kotli za pridobivanje vodne ali druge pare (razen kotlov za centralno kurjavo s toplo vodo, ki lahko proizvajajo paro z nizkim tlakom); kotli za pregreto paro: | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8403 in ex8404 | Kotli za centralno kurjavo, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 8402, in pomožne naprave za kotle za centralno kurjavo | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 8403 in 8404 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8406 | Turbine na vodno in drugo paro | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8407 | Batni motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem, na vžig s svečkami, z izmeničnim ali vrtilnim gibanjem bata | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8408 | Batni motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem, na vžig s kompresijo (dieselski ali poldieselski motorji) | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8409 | Deli, ki so primerni izključno ali pretežno za motorje iz tarifnih številk 8407 ali 8408 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8411 | Turboreaktivni motorji, turbopropelerski motorji in druge plinske turbine | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8412 | Drugi motorji in pogonski stroji | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex8413 | Tlačne črpalke z rotacijskim gibanjem | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex8414 | Industrijski ventilatorji in podobno | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8415 | Klimatske naprave z ventilatorjem na motorni pogon in elementi za spreminjanje temperature in vlažnosti, vključno s stroji, pri katerih vlažnosti ni mogoče posebej regulirati | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8418 | Hladilniki, zamrzovalniki in druge naprave za hlajenje ali zamrzovanje, električni ali drugi; toplotne črpalke, razen klimatizacijskih naprav iz tarifne številke 8415: | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka,pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — Kombinirani opremljeni hladilniki in zamrzovalniki z ločenimi vrati, hladilniki za gospodinjstva, hladilne ali zamrzovalne vitrine, omare, pulti in podobno pohištvo, drugi hladilniki, zamrzovalniki in druga oprema za hlajenje ali zamrzovanje | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Zamrzovalniki in kompresorske enote, katerih kondenzatorji so toplotni izmenjalniki | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka,pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — Pohištvo za vgraditev naprav za hlajenje ali zamrzovanje | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugi deli hladilnikov | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 35 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex8419 | Stroji za les industrijo, za proizvodnjo papirne pulpe, papirja in kartona | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8420 | Kalandri in drugi stroji za valjanje, razen za kovine ali steklo, in valji zanje | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8423 | Tehtnice – tehtalne naprave (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo do vključno 5 centigramov (0,05 g)), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase; uteži za tehtnice vseh vrst | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8425 do 8428 | Stroji za dviganje, manipulacijo, nakladanje ali razkladanje | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 8431 ne presega 10 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8429 | Samovozni buldožerji, angledozerji, grejderji, ravnalniki, skreperji, bagri, nakladalniki z lopato, stroji za nabijanje in cestni valjarji | | |

    — Cestni valjarji | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 8431 ne presega 10 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8430 | Drugi stroji za ravnanje, strganje, izkopavanje, nabijanje, kopanje ali vrtanje zemlje, mineralov ali rud; ovni in stroji za izdiranje pilotov; snežni plugi in snežni odmetalniki | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 8431 ne presega 10 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex8431 | Deli, primerni za uporabo izključno ali pretežno s cestnimi valjarji | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8439 | Stroji za pridelavo pulpe iz vlaknastih celuloznih materialov ali za proizvodnjo ali dodelavo papirja ali kartona | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8441 | Drugi stroji za predelavo papirne pulpe, papirja ali kartona, vključno s stroji za rezanje vseh vrst | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8444 do 8447 | Stroji iz teh tarifnih številk, ki se uporabljajo v tekstilni industriji | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex8448 | Pomožni stroji za uporabo s stroji iz tarifnih številk 8444 ali 8445 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8452 | Šivalni stroji, razen strojev za šivanje knjig iz tarifne številke 8440; omarice, stojala in pokrovi, posebno oblikovani za šivalne stroje; igle za šivalne stroje: | | |

    — Šivalni stroji (samo lock-stitch), z glavami, z maso do vključno 16 kg brez motorja alido 17 kg z motorjem | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna,vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla pri sestavljanju glave (brez motorja) ne presega vrednosti vsega uporabljenega materiala s poreklom, inso uporabljeni mehanizmi za zategovanje niti, kvačkanje in cik-cak s poreklom | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8456 do 8466 | Obdelovalni stroji in naprave ter njihovi deli in pribor iz tar. št. 8456 do 8466 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8469 do 8473 | Pisarniški stroji (npr.: pisalni stroji, računski stroji, stroji za avtomatsko obdelavo podatkov, razmnoževalni stroji, stroji za spajanje) in njihovi deli in pribor | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8480 | Livarski okvirji za livarne kovin; modelne plošče; modeli za kalupe, kalupi za kovino (razen kalupov za ingote), kovinske karbide, steklo, mineralne materiale, gumo ali plastične mase | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex8481 | Pipe, ventili in podobne naprave za cevovode, kotle, rezervoarje, velike posode in podobno, vključno z redukcijskimi ventili in termostatsko krmiljenimi ventili: | | |

    —Druge naprave | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8482 | Kroglični ali kotalni ležaji | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8484 | Tesnila iz kovinskih listov, kombinirana z drugim materialom, ali iz dveh ali več plasti kovine; garniture tesnil, različne po sestavi materiala, v vrečkah, ovitkih ali podobnih pakiranjih; mehanska tesnila | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8485 | Deli strojev brez električnih priključkov, izolatorjev, tuljav, kontaktov ali drugih električnih delov, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu v tem poglavju | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 85 | Električni stroji in oprema ter njihovi deli; aparati za snemanje ali reprodukcijo slike in zvoka ter deli in pribor za te izdelke; razen: | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8501 | Elektromotorji in električni generatorji (razen generatorskih agregatov) | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 8503 ne presega 10 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8502 | Električni generatorski agregati in rotacijski pretvorniki | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 8501 ali 8503 ne presega 10 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex8504 | Napajalniki strojev za avtomatično obdelavo podatkov | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex8509 | Vakuumski sesalniki, vključno sesalniki za suho in mokro vakuumsko sesanje; loščilniki za tla | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8517 | Električni aparati za žično telefonijo in telegrafijo, vključno telefonski aparati z brezžično slušalko ter telekomunikacijski aparati za žične sisteme z nosilnim tokom ali za digitalne žične sisteme; videofoni | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex8518 | Mikrofoni in njihova stojala; zvočniki, vključno z zvočniki v zvočnih omaricah; avdiofrekvenčni električni ojačevalniki; električni sestavi za ojačevanje zvoka | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8519 | Gramofoni z vgrajenim ojačevalnikom ali brez njega, glasbeni avtomati na plošče, kasetni magnetofoni in drugi aparati za reprodukcijo zvoka, ki nimajo vgrajene naprave za snemanje zvoka | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8520 | Magnetofoni in drugi aparati za snemanje zvoka, z vgrajenimi enotami za reprodukcijo zvoka ali brez njih | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8521 | Aparati za snemanje ali reprodukcijo slike, ki imajo vgrajen videotuner ali ne | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8522 | Deli in pribor, ki so uporabni predvsem ali v glavnem z aparati iz tarifnih številk 8519 do 8521 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8523 | Pripravljeni neposneti nosilci za zvočna snemanja ali podobna snemanja drugih fenomenov, razen izdelkov iz poglavja 37 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8524 | Plošče, trakovi in drugi posneti nosilci z zvočnimi in drugimi podobnimi fenomeni, vključno z matricami in galvanskimi odtisi za proizvodnjo plošč, razen izdelkov iz poglavja 37: | | |

    — Matrice in galvanski odtisi za proizvodnjo plošč | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 8523 ne presega 10 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8525 | — Oddajniki za radiotelefonijo, radiotelegrafijo, radiodifuzijo ali televizijo, vključno z oddajniki z vgrajenim sprejemnikom ali aparatom za snemanje ali reprodukcijo zvoka | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Televizijske kamere; video kamere za snemanje posamičnih slik in druge video snemalne kamere; digitalni fotoaparati | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8526 | Radarji, naprave za radio navigacijo in radijsko daljinsko krmiljenje | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8527 | Sprejemniki za radiotelefonijo, radiotelegrafijo ali radiodifuzijo, vključno s sprejemniki, kombiniranimi v istem ohišju z aparatom za snemanje ali reprodukcijo zvoka ali z uro | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8528 | Televizijski sprejemniki, kombinirani ali nekombinirani v istem ohišju z radijskimi sprejemniki ali aparati za snemanje ali reprodukcijo zvoka ali slike; videomonitorji in videoprojektorji | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8529 | Deli, ki so namenjeni izključno ali pretežno namenjeni za uporabo z aparati ali pretežno za aparate iz tarifnih številk 8525 do 8528: | | |

    — Uporabni izključno ali pretežno z aparati za snemanje ali reprodukcijo slike | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8535 in 8536 | Električni aparati za vklapljanje in izklapljanje ali zaščito električnih tokokrogov ali za povezavo z električnimi tokokrogi ali znotraj njih | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 8538 ne presega 10 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8537 | Table, plošče, pulti, mize, omare in druge osnove, opremljene z dvema ali več izdelki iz tarifnih številk 8535 ali 8536, za električno krmiljenje ali razdeljevanje električnega toka, vključno s tistimi z vgrajenimi instrumenti in aparati iz poglavja 90 in aparati za numerično krmiljenje, razen telefonskih central iz tarifne številke 8517 | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 8538 ne presega 10 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex8541 | Diode, tranzistorji in podobni polprevodniški elementi, razen silicijevih rezin, ki še niso razrezane v čipe | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8542 | Elektronska integrirana vezja in mikrosestavi | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifnih številk 8541 in 8542 ne presega 10 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8544 | Izolirana žica (vključno z lakirano žico ali elektrolitsko oksidirano žico), kabli (vključno s koaksialnimi kabli) in drugi izolirani električni vodniki, s konektorjem ali brez njega; kabli iz optičnih vlaken, izdelani iz posamično oplaščenih vlaken, kombinirani z električnimi vodniki ali ne, s konektorjem ali brez njega | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8545 | Ogljene elektrode, ogljene ščetke, oglje za žarnice, oglje za baterije in drugi izdelki iz grafita ali drugega oglja, s kovino ali brez nje, za električne namene | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8546 | Električni izolatorji iz kakršnega koli materiala | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8547 | Izolirni deli za električne stroje, naprave ali opremo, izdelani v celoti iz izolirnega materiala ali samo z manjšimi kovinskimi komponentami (npr. tulci z navojem), vdelanimi med stiskanjem izključno zaradi vezave, razen izolatorjev iz tar. št. 8546; cevi za električne vodnike in spojke zanje, iz navadnih kovin, obložene z izolirnim materialom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8548 | Odpadki in ostanki primarnih celic, primarnih baterij in električnih akumulatorjev; iztrošene primarne celice, iztrošene primarne baterije in iztrošeni električni akumulatorji; električni deli strojev ali aparatov, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu v tem poglavju | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 86 | Tirna vozila in njihovi deli; železniški in tramvajski tirni sklopi in pribor ter njihovi deli; mehanična (vključno elektromehanska) oprema za signalizacijo prometa vseh vrst; razen: | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8608 | Železniški in tramvajski tirni sklopi in pribor; mehanska (vključno elektromehansko) oprema za signalizacijo, varnost, nadzor ali upravljanje prometa v železniškem, tramvajskem in cestnem prometu, prometu na notranjih vodnih poteh, parkiriščih, lukah ali letališčih; njihovi deli | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex poglavje 87 | Vozila, razen železniških in tramvajskih tirnih vozil, ter njihovi deli in pribor; razen: | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    8709 | Samovozni delovni vozički, brez naprav za dviganje ali manipuliranje, ki se uporabljajo v tovarnah, skladiščih, lukah ali na letališčih za prevoz blaga na kratkih razdaljah; vlečna vozila, ki se uporabljajo na peronih železniških postaj; deli navedenih vozil | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8710 | Tanki in druga oklepna bojna motorna vozila, vključno tista, ki so opremljena z oborožitvenimi sredstvi, in njihovi deli | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8711 | Motorna kolesa (tudi mopedi), kolesa in podobna vozila s pomožnim motorjem, z bočno prikolico ali brez nje; bočne prikolice: | | |

    — Z batnim motorjem z notranjim zgorevanjem in prostornino cilindrov: | | |

    — — Do vključno 50 cm3 | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 20 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — — Več kot 50 cm3 | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex8712 | Kolesa brez krogličnih ležajev | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 8714 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8715 | Otroški vozički in deli zanje | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8716 | Priklopniki in polpriklopniki; druga vozila, vozila brez lastnega pogona; njihovi deli | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex poglavje 88 | Zrakoplovi, vesoljska vozila in njihovi deli; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex8804 | Rotošuti | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, skupaj z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 8804 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    8805 | Oprema za lansiranje letal; krovna prestrezala letal in podobne naprave; naprave za treniranje letenja na tleh; deli navedenih izdelkov | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    Poglavje 89 | Ladje, čolni in plavajoče konstrukcije | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Ne smejo se uporabljati ladijski trupi iz tarifne številke 8906 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex poglavje 90 | Optični, fotografski, kinematografski, merilni, kontrolni, precizni, medicinski ali kirurški instrumenti in aparati; njihovi deli in pribor; razen: | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9001 | Optična vlakna in snopi optičnih vlaken; kabli iz optičnih vlaken, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 8544; listi in plošče iz polarizirajočega materiala; leče (vključno kontaktne leče), prizme, zrcala in drugi optični elementi iz kakršnega koli materiala, nemontirani, razen takih optično neobdelanih steklenih elementov | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9002 | Leče, prizme, zrcala in drugi optični elementi, iz kakršnega koli materiala, montirani, ki so deli ali pribor instrumentov ali aparatov, razen takih optičnih neobdelanih steklenih elementov | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9004 | Očala, naočniki in podobni izdelki korektivni, zaščitni ali drugi | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex9005 | Daljnogledi (z enim ali dvema objektivoma), drugi optični teleskopi in njihova stojala, razen astronomskih refrakcijskih teleskopov in njihovih stojal | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka,pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex9006 | Fotografski aparati (razen kinematografskih); fotografski bliskovni aparati in bliskovne žarnice, razen žarnic na razelektrenje | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka,pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9007 | Kinematografske kamere in projektorji, vključno s tistimi z vdelanimi aparati za snemanje ali reprodukcijo zvoka | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka,pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9011 | Sestavljeni optični mikroskopi, vključno tisti za mikrofotografijo, mikrokinematografijo ali mikroprojekcijo | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka,pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex9014 | Drugi navigacijski instrumenti in aparati | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9015 | Geodetski (vključno fotogrametrijski), hidrografski, oceanografski, hidrološki, meteorološki ali geofizikalni instrumenti in aparati, razen kompasov; daljinomeri | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9016 | Tehtnice z občutljivostjo 5 centigramov ali več, z utežmi ali brez njih | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9017 | Instrumenti in aparati za risanje, označevanje ali matematično računanje (npr. risalni aparati, pantografi, kotomeri, risalni pribori v kompletu, logaritemska računala, računala v obliki okrogle plošče); ročni instrumenti za merjenje dolžine (npr. merilne palice in trakovi, mikrometrska merila, merila z nonijem), ki niso navedeni in ne zajeti na drugem mestu v tem poglavju | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9018 | Medicinski, kirurški, zobozdravniški in veterinarski instrumenti in aparati, vključno z scintigrafskimi, elektromedicinski aparati in aparati za preiskavo vida: | | |

    — Zobozdravniški stoli, kombinirani z drugo zobozdravniško opremo na skupnem stojalu | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, skupaj z drugimi materiali iz tarifne številke 9018 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    — Drugo | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9019 | Aparati za mehanoterapijo; aparati za masažo; aparati za psihološka testiranja; aparati za ozonoterapijo, kisikoterapijo, aerosolno terapijo, umetno dihanje ali drugi terapevtski dihalni aparati | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9020 | Drugi dihalni aparati in plinske maske, razen varovalnih mask brez mehanskih delov in zamenljivih filtrov | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9024 | Stroji in aparati za preskušanje trdote, natezne tlačne trdnosti, elastičnosti ali drugih mehanskih lastnosti materiala (npr. kovin, lesa, tekstilnega materiala, papirja, plastične mase) | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9025 | Hidrometri in podobni merilniki, termometri, pirometri, barometri, higrometri in psihrometri, tudi kombinacije teh instrumentov, z možnostjo registriranja ali brez nje | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9026 | Instrumenti in aparati za merjenje ali kontrolo pretoka, nivoja tlaka ali drugih spremenljivih veličin pri tekočinah ali plinih (npr. merilniki pretoka, kazalniki nivoja, manometri, merilniki količine toplote), razen instrumentov in aparatov iz tarifnih številk 9014, 9015, 9028 ali 9032 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9027 | Instrumenti in aparati za fizikalne ali kemične analize (npr. polarimetri, refraktometri, spektrometri, aparati za analizo plina ali dima); instrumenti in aparati za merjenje ali kontrolo viskoznosti, poroznosti, raztezanja, površinske napetosti in podobno; instrumenti in aparati za merjenje ali kontroliranje toplote, zvoka ali svetlobe (vključno z ekspozimetri); mikrotomi | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9028 | Merilniki porabe ali proizvodnje plinov, tekočin ali električne energije, vključno z merilniki za njihovo umerjanje: | | |

    — Deli in pribor | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9029 | Števci vrtljajev, števci proizvodnje, taksimetri, kilometrski števci, števci korakov in podobno; kazalniki hitrosti in tahometri, razen tistih, ki se uvrščajo v tarifni številki 9014 ali 9015; stroboskopi | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9030 | Osciloskopi, spektralni analizatorji in drugi instrumenti in aparati za merjenje ali kontrolo električnih veličin, razen merilnikov iz tarifne številke 9028; instrumenti in aparati za merjenje ali odkrivanje alfa, beta, gama, rentgenskih, kozmičnih ali drugih ionizirajočih sevanj | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9031 | Instrumenti, aparati in stroji za merjenje ali kontrolo, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu v tem poglavju; projektorji profilov | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9032 | Instrumenti in aparati za avtomatsko regulacijo ali krmiljenje | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9033 | Deli in pribor (ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu v tem poglavju) za stroje, naprave, aparate ali instrumente iz Poglavja 90 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 91 | Ure in ročne ure ter njihovi deli; razen: | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9105 | Druge ure | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9109 | Urni mehanizmi, kompletni in sestavljeni | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, invrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ne presega vrednosti vseh uporabljenih materialov s poreklom | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9110 | Kompletni urni mehanizmi za ročne ali druge ure, nesestavljeni ali delno sestavljeni (mehanizmi v kompletih); nekompletni urni mehanizmi za ročne ali druge ure, sestavljeni, grobi urni mehanizmi za ročne ali druge ure | Izdelava, pri kateri: vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inv zgoraj navedenih mejah vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 9114 ne presega 10 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9111 | Ohišja za ročne ure in njihovi deli | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9112 | Ohišja za ure in ohišja podobne vrste za druge proizvode iz tega poglavja, in njihovi deli | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9113 | Jermenčki in zapestnice za ročne ure in njihovi deli: | | |

    — Iz navadnih kovin, vključno pozlačene ali posrebrene ali platirane s plemenito kovino | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    — Drugo | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    Poglavje 92 | Glasbeni inštrumenti, njihovi deli in pribor | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    Poglavje 93 | Orožje in strelivo; njihovi deli in pribor | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 94 | Pohištvo; posteljnina, žimnice, nosilci za žimnice, blazine in podobni polnjeni izdelki; svetilke in pribor zanje, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu; osvetljeni znaki, osvetljeni znaki z imeni in podobno; montažne zgradbe; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    ex9401 in ex9403 | Pohištvo iz navadnih kovin, z vdelano nenapolnjeno bombažno tkanino, z maso 300 g/m2 ali manj | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka ali Izdelava iz bombažne tkanine, ki je že pripravljena za uporabo z materiali iz tarifne številke 9401 ali 9403, pod pogojem, da: njena vrednost ne presega 25 % cene izdelka franko tovarna, inso vsi drugi uporabljeni materiali s poreklom in se uvrščajo v vse druge tarifne številke, razen v tarifno številko 9401 ali 9403 | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 40 % cene izdelka franko tovarna |

    9405 | Svetilke in pribor zanje, vključno z reflektorji in njihovimi deli, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu; osvetljeni znaki, osvetljene ploščice z imeni in podobno, s fiksiranim svetlobnim virom, in njihovi deli, ki niso navedeni ali zajeti na drugem mestu | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9406 | Montažne zgradbe | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex poglavje 95 | Igrače, družabne igre in rekviziti za šport; njihovi deli in pribor; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    9503 | Druge igrače; zmanjšani modeli in podobni modeli za igro, tudi s pogonom; sestavljanke vseh vrst | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex9506 | Palice za golf in njihovi deli | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Za izdelavo glav za palice za golf pa se lahko uporabijo grobo obdelani kosi | |

    ex poglavje 96 | Razni proizvodi; razen: | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    ex9601 in ex9602 | Izdelki iz materialov živalskega, rastlinskega ali mineralnega izvora za rezbarjenje | Izdelava iz obdelanih materialov za rezljanje iz iste tarifne številke kot izdelek | |

    ex9603 | Metle in ščetke (razen metel iz protja ter ščetk izdelave iz veveričje ali kunje dlake), mehanične priprave za čiščenje podov, ročne, brez motorja, soboslikarski vložki in valji, brisalniki za pod in omela | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9605 | Potovalni kompleti za osebna toaletna sredstva, šivanje ali čiščenje obutve ali obleke | Vsak sestavni del ali izdelek v garnituri mora izpolnjevati pravilo, ki bi zanj veljalo, če ne bi bil vključen v garnituro. Lahko pa se vključijo sestavni deli ali izdelki brez porekla, če njihova skupna vrednost ne presega 15 % cene garniture franko tovarna | |

    9606 | Gumbi, gumbi pritiskači, zaklopni gumbi in gumbi za srajce, gumbi, ki se še oblačijo (prekrijejo), in drugi deli teh izdelkov; nedokončani gumbi | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    9608 | Svinčniki s kroglico; flomastri in drugi označevalci z vrhom iz polsti ali drugega poroznega materiala; nalivna peresa in podobna peresa; peresa za kopiranje; patentni svinčniki; peresniki, držala za svinčnike in podobna držala; deli (vključno kapice in ščipalke) navedenih izdelkov, razen tistih iz tarifne številke 9609 | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka. Vendar se lahko uporabljajo peresa ali konice peres iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    9612 | Trakovi za pisalne stroje in podobni trakovi, prepojeni s tiskarsko barvo ali drugače pripravljeni za odtiskovanje, vključno s trakovi na kolesih ali v kasetah; blazinice za žige, prepojene s črnilom, ali ne, s škatlo ali brez nje | Izdelava: iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka, inpri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex9613 | Piezo keramični vžigalniki | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov iz tarifne številke 9613 ne presega 30 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex9614 | Tobačne pipe in glave za pipe | Izdelava iz grobo obdelanih kosov | |

    Poglavje 97 | Umetniški predmeti, zbirke in starine | Izdelava iz materialov iz katere koli tarifne številke, razen iz iste tarifne številke, kot je tarifna številka izdelka | |

    [1] Za posebne pogoje v zvezi s "specifičnimi procesi" glej uvodni opombi 7.1 in 7.3.

    [2] Za posebne pogoje v zvezi s "specifičnimi procesi" glej uvodno opombo 7.2.

    [3] Opomba 3 k poglavju 32 določa, da gre za preparate, ki se uporabljajo za barvanje katerega koli materiala ali ki se uporabljajo kot sestavine pri proizvodnji barvnih preparatov, pod pogojem, da niso uvrščeni v drugo tarifno številko v poglavju 32.

    [4] Izraz "skupina" pomeni kateri koli del besedila te tarifne številke med dvema podpičjema.

    [5] Za izdelke, sestavljene iz materialov, ki so uvrščeni v obeh tar. št. 3901 do 3906 na eni strani, in v tar. št. 3907 do 3911 po drugi strani, se ta omejitev uporablja samo za tisto skupino materialov, ki v izdelku prevladujejo po teži.

    [6] Naslednje folije se štejejo kot visoko prosojne: folije, katerih zatemnitev (merjeno z Gardner Hazemetrom v skladu z ASTM-D 1003-16, t. i. Hazefactor) je manjša od 2 %.

    [7] Posebni pogoji, ki veljajo za izdelke iz mešanic tekstilnih materialov, so navedeni v uvodni opombi 5.

    [8] Uporaba tega materiala je omejena na izdelavo tkanih tkanin, ki se uporabljajo za proizvodnjo papirja.

    [9] Glej uvodno opombo 6.

    [10] Za pletene ali kvačkane izdelke, brez dodatka elastike ali gume, dobljene s šivanjem ali sestavljanjem kosov pletenih ali kvačkanih tkanin (rezanih ali pletenih direktno v oblike) glej uvodno opombo 6.

    [11] SEMII – Registrirani inštitut za polprevodniško opremo in materiale.

    [12] To pravilo se uporablja do 31. 12. 2005.


    Dodatek II(a)


    Tarifna številka HS | Poimenovanje proizvoda | Obdelava ali predelava, opravljena na materialih brez porekla, ki jim da status blaga s poreklom |

    | |

    (1) | (2) | (3) ali (4) | (3) ali (4) |

    5509 in 5511 | Preja (razen sukanca za šivanje) iz rezanih sintetičnih vlaken, nepripravljena za prodajo na drobno; preja (razen sukanca za šivanje) iz rezanih umetnih ali sintetičnih vlaken, pripravljena za prodajo na drobno | Izdelava iz [1]: surove svile ali odpadkov svile, mikanih ali česanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,naravnih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali drugače pripravljenih za predenje,umetnih ali sintetičnih rezanih vlaken, nemikanih ali nečesanih ali kako drugače pripravljenih za predenje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alimaterialov za izdelavo papirja | |

    ex5807 | Netkane etikete, značke in podobni izdelki iz tekstilnih materialov, v metraži, trakovih ali razrezani v določene oblike ali velikosti, nevezeni | Izdelava iz [1]: preje,kemičnih materialov ali tekstilne kaše, alipapirjaali Tiskanje, ki ga spremljata vsaj dva pripravljalna ali končna postopka (kot so razmaščevanje, beljenje, merceriziranje, termostabiliziranje, dviganje, kalandiranje, obdelava za odpornost proti krčenju, trajna končna obdelava, obogatitev, impregnacija, popravljanje in odstranjevanje vozlov), če vrednost uporabljene netiskane tkanine ne presega 47,5 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    6503 | Klobuki in druga pokrivala, iz klobučevine, izdelane iz tulcev, stožcev in drugih izdelkov iz tar. št. 6501, vključno tudi podloženi ali okrašeni | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    ex8712 | — Kolesa brez krogličnih ležajev | | |

    — Drugo | | |

    — — Kolesa | Izdelava, pri kateri vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov ne presega 50 % cene izdelka franko tovarna | |

    [1] Posebni pogoji, ki veljajo za izdelke iz mešanic tekstilnih materialov, so navedeni v uvodni opombi 5.


    Dodatek III


    Navodila za tiskanje

    1. Vsako potrdilo meri 210 × 297 mm; dovoljeno odstopanje po dolžini je do minus 5 mm ali plus 8 mm. Uporabljati je treba bel papir, oblikovan za pisanje, brez mehanskih ostankov lesa, z najmanjšo težo 25 g/m2. Imeti mora ozadje s tiskanim zelenim vzorcem "guilloche" tako, da je vsako ponarejanje z mehanskimi ali kemičnimi sredstvi opazno že na prvi pogled.

    2. Carinski organi ali pristojni državni organi držav članic Skupnosti in Čila si lahko pridržijo pravico, da sami tiskajo potrdila ali pa jih dajo tiskati pooblaščenim tiskarjem. V slednjem primeru se mora vsako potrdilo sklicevati na tako pooblastilo. Vsako potrdilo mora vsebovati ime in naslov tiskarja ali oznako, ki omogoča njegovo identifikacijo. Vsebovati mora tudi zaporedno številko, tiskano ali ne, ki omogoča njegovo identifikacijo.

    Postopek izpolnjevanja obrazcev

    Izvoznik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik izpolni obrazca potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in zahtevek za potrdilo o gibanju. Obrazci se izpolnijo v enem od jezikov, v katerih je sestavljen ta sporazum, in v skladu z določbami notranjega prava države izvoznice. Če so napisani z roko, se izpolnijo s črnilom in s tiskanimi črkami. Poimenovanje izdelkov mora biti podano v polju, predvidenem v ta namen, brez praznih vmesnih vrstic. Če to polje ni v celoti zapolnjeno, je pod zadnjo vrstico poimenovanja treba potegniti vodoravno črto, prazen prostor pod njo pa prečrtati.

    +++++ TIFF +++++

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    Dodatek IV

    +++++ TIFF +++++

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    (Navedena v členu 89(2) Pridružitvenega sporazuma)


    POGODBENICI, kakor sta opredeljeni v členu 197 Pridružitvenega sporazuma, STA SE –

    V ŽELJI, da bi olajšali trgovanje z živalmi in živalskimi proizvodi, rastlinami, rastlinskimi proizvodi in drugim blagom med Skupnostjo in Čilom, ob tem pa varovali zdravje ljudi, živali in rastlin;

    UPOŠTEVAJOČ, da naj izvajanje tega sporazuma poteka v skladu z nacionalnimi procedurami in zakonodajnimi postopki pogodbenic;

    UPOŠTEVAJOČ, da bo priznavanje enakovrednosti postopno in vse večje ter naj bi veljalo za prednostne sektorje;

    UPOŠTEVAJOČ, da je eden od ciljev naslova I dela IV Sporazuma o pridruževanju postopna in vzajemna liberalizacija blagovne menjave v skladu z GATT 1994;

    KER je zaradi pomena dobrega počutja živali, s ciljem oblikovanja standardov dobrega počutja živali, in zaradi njegove povezave z veterinarskimi zadevami primerno to temo vključiti v ta sporazum in preučiti standarde dobrega počutja živali ob upoštevanju napredka v pristojnih mednarodnih standardizacijskih ustanovah –

    S PONOVNO POTRDITVIJO svojih pravic in obveznosti po Sporazumu STO in njegovih prilogah, zlasti Sporazuma SPS;

    V ŽELJI, da bi zagotovili popolno preglednost, kar zadeva sanitarne in fitosanitarne ukrepe, ki se uporabljajo v trgovanju, da bi dosegli skupno razlago Sporazuma SPS STO in da bi izvajali njegova načela in določbe;

    ODLOČENI, da bosta popolnoma upoštevali tveganje širitve živalskih okužb, bolezni in škodljivih organizmov ter ukrepe za nadzor in izkoreninjenje takih okužb, bolezni in škodljivih organizmov, da bosta zavarovali zdravje ljudi, živali in rastlin, hkrati pa se izognili nepotrebnim motnjam v blagovni menjavi;

    UPOŠTEVAJOČ, da naj izvajanje tega sporazuma poteka v skladu z nacionalnimi procedurami in zakonodajnimi postopki pogodbenic;

    UPOŠTEVAJOČ, da bo priznavanje enakovrednosti postopno in vse večje ter naj bi veljalo za prednostne sektorje;

    UPOŠTEVAJOČ, da je eden od ciljev naslova I dela IV Sporazuma o pridruževanju postopna in vzajemna liberalizacija blagovne menjave v skladu z GATT 1994;

    KER je zaradi pomena dobrega počutja živali, s ciljem oblikovanja standardov dobrega počutja živali, in zaradi njegove povezave z veterinarskimi zadevami primerno to temo vključiti v ta sporazum in preučiti standarde dobrega počutja živali ob upoštevanju napredka v pristojnih mednarodnih standardizacijskih ustanovah –


    Člen 1


    1. Cilj tega sporazuma je olajšati trgovanje z živalmi in živalskimi proizvodi, rastlinami, rastlinskimi proizvodi in drugim blagom med pogodbenicama, ob tem pa varovati zdravje ljudi, živali in rastlin:

    (a) zagotovitev popolne preglednosti, kar zadeva sanitarne in fitosanitarne ukrepe, ki se uporabljajo v blagovni menjavi;

    (b) oblikovanje mehanizma za priznavanje enakovrednosti takih ukrepov, ki jih izvaja pogodbenica v skladu z varovanjem zdravja ljudi, živali in rastlin;

    (c) priznavanje zdravstvenega stanja pogodbenic in izvajanje načela regionalizacije;

    (d) nadaljnje uresničevanje načel Sporazuma SPS STO;

    (e) oblikovanje mehanizmov in postopkov za olajšanje blagovne menjave; in

    (f) izboljšanje komunikacije in sodelovanja med pogodbenicama o zdravstvenih in fitosanitarnih ukrepih.

    2. Poleg tega je cilj tega sporazuma doseganje skupnega stališča pogodbenic o standardih dobrega počutja živali.

    Člen 2

    Večstranske obveznosti

    Pogodbenici potrjujeta svoje pravice in obveznosti po Sporazumu STO in zlasti Sporazumu SPS STO; dejavnosti pogodbenic po tem sporazumu izhajajo iz teh pravic in obveznosti.

    Člen 3

    Področje veljavnosti

    1. Ta sporazum se uporablja za naslednje ukrepe, kolikor vplivajo na trgovanje med pogodbenicama:

    (a) sanitarne ukrepe, ki jih katera koli pogodbenica izvaja za živali in živalske izdelke, navedene v Dodatku I.A; in

    (b) fitosanitarne ukrepe, ki jih katera koli pogodbenica izvaja za rastline in rastlinske proizvode in drugo blago, navedene v Dodatku I.B.

    2. Poleg tega se ta sporazum uporablja za oblikovanje standardov dobrega počutja živali, kakor so navedeni v Dodatku I.C.

    3. Brez poseganja v odstavek 4 se ta sporazum prvotno ne uporablja za zadeve, naštete v Dodatku I.D.

    4. Odbor, omenjen v členu 16, lahko ta sporazum spremeni s sklepom o razširitvi področja veljavnosti na druge sanitarne in fitosanitarne ukrepe, ki vplivajo na trgovanje med pogodbenicama.

    5. Odbor, omenjen v členu 16, lahko ta sporazum spremeni s sklepom o razširitvi področja veljavnosti na druge standarde dobrega počutja živali.

    Člen 4

    Opredelitve pojmov

    V tem sporazumu se uporabljajo naslednje opredelitve:

    (a) "živali in živalski proizvodi" so žive živali, skupaj z živimi ribami in školjkami, semenom, jajčeci, zarodki in jajci za inkubacijo ter izdelki živalskega izvora skupaj z ribjimi proizvodi, kakor so opredeljeni v mednarodnem zoosanitarnem kodeksu in mednarodnem zoosanitarnem kodeksu za vodne živali Mednarodnega urada za živalske kužne bolezni (OIE);

    (b) "rastline" so žive rastline in njihovi živi deli, skupaj s semeni, kakor so opredeljene v Dodatku I.B. Živi deli rastlin vključujejo:

    (i) plodove v botaničnem smislu, razen shranjenih z globokim zamrzovanjem;

    (ii) zelenjavo, razen shranjene z globokim zamrzovanjem;

    (iii) gomolje, stebelne gomolje, čebulice, korenike;

    (iv) rezano cvetje;

    (v) veje z listi;

    (vi) posekano drevje z listi; in

    (vii) kulture rastlinskih tkiv;

    (c) "rastlinski proizvodi" so proizvodi rastlinskega porekla, nepredelani ali obdelani s preprostim postopkom, če to niso rastline, opredeljene v Dodatku I.B;

    (d) "semena" so semena v botaničnem smislu, namenjena za sejanje;

    (e) "drugo blago" je embalaža, transportno sredstvo, vsebnik, uporabljena kmetijska mehanizacija, zemlja, rastni substrat in vsak drug organizem, predmet ali snov, v katerem se lahko prenašajo ali razširjajo škodljivi organizmi, kakor so opredeljeni v Dodatku I.B;

    (f) "škodljivi organizmi" so vsaka vrsta, sev ali biotip rastline, živali ali povzročitelja bolezni, ki je škodljiv za rastline ali rastlinske proizvode;

    (g) "bolezen živali" je klinični ali patološki pojav okužbe pri živalih;

    (h) "ribja bolezen" je klinična ali neklinična okužba z enim ali več etiološkim povzročiteljem bolezni, ki prizadenejo vodne živali;

    (i) "okužba pri živalih" je situacija, pri kateri je pri živalih prisoten kužen povzročitelj bolezni, s prisotnostjo ali odsotnostjo kliničnega ali patološkega pojava okužbe;

    (j) "zdravstveni in fitosanitarni ukrepi" so ukrepi, kakor so opredeljeni v odstavku 1 Priloge A k Sporazumu SPS STO, ki sodijo v področje veljavnosti tega sporazuma;

    (k) "standardi dobrega počutja živali" so standardi za zaščito živali, kakršne so oblikovale in jih uporabljajo pogodbenice in so v skladu s standardi OIE in na področju veljavnosti tega sporazuma;

    (l) "primerna raven zdravstvene in fitosanitarne zaščite" je primerna raven zdravstvene in fitosanitarne zaščite, kakor je opredeljena v odstavku 5 Priloge A k Sporazumu STO SPS;

    (m) "regija" je:

    (i) kar zadeva zdravje živali, območja ali regije, kakor so opredeljeni v mednarodnem zoosanitarnem kodeksu OIE, in za ribogojstvo, kakor so opredeljeni v mednarodnem zoosanitarnem kodeksu OIE za vodne živali, ob dogovoru, da se, kar zadeva ozemlje Skupnosti, upošteva njegova specifičnost in se obravnava kot mednarodni subjekt;

    (ii) kar zadeva zdravje rastlin, območje, na katero se nanaša Mednarodni standard za fitosanitarne ukrepe FAO "Glosar fitosanitarnih izrazov", tj. uradno opredeljen del ali vsi deli katere koli od pogodbenic, katerega status je priznan v skladu s členom 6(6)(a), kar zadeva razširjenost navedenega škodljivega organizma;

    (n) "regionalizacija" je koncept regionalizacije, kakor je opisan v členu 6 Sporazuma SPS STO;

    (o) "pošiljka" je količina proizvodov iste vrste, zajetih v istem potrdilu ali dokumentu, prevažanih z istim prevoznim sredstvom, ki jih prejme isti prejemnik in izvirajo iz iste države izvoznice ali dela take države. Pošiljko lahko sestavlja ena ali več partij;

    (p) "enakovrednost za namen trgovanja" (v tem besedilu "enakovrednost") je stanje, v katerem ukrepi, ki se uporabljajo v pogodbenici izvoznici, ne glede na to ali se razlikujejo od uporabljenih ukrepov v pogodbenici uvoznici ali ne, objektivno dosegajo primerno raven zaščite pogodbenice uvoznice ali sprejemljivo raven tveganja;

    (q) "sektor" je proizvodna in trgovinska struktura za izdelek ali kategorijo izdelkov v pogodbenici;

    (r) "podsektor" je dobro opredeljen in nadzorovan del sektorja;

    (s) "proizvodi" so živali in rastline ali njihove kategorije, ali specifični proizvodi, skupaj z drugim blagom, na katere se nanašajo odstavki (a), (b), (c) in (d);

    (t) "posebno uvozno dovoljenje" je uradna vnaprejšnja odobritev pristojnih organov pogodbenice uvoznice, naslovljena na posameznega uvoznika kot pogoj za uvoz ene same ali več pošiljk proizvoda iz pogodbenice izvoznice, na področju delovanja tega sporazuma;

    (u) "ukrepi" zajemajo kateri koli zakon, uredbo, postopek, zahtevo ali prakso;

    (v) "delovni dnevi" so delovni dnevi, v katerih morajo organi sprejeti zahtevane ukrepe;

    (w) "Sporazum" je celotno besedilo tega sporazuma z vsemi dodatki; in

    (x) "Pridružitveni sporazum" je Sporazum o pridružitvi med pogodbenicama, kateremu je priložen ta sporazum.

    Člen 5

    Pristojni organi

    1. Pristojni organi pogodbenic so organi, pristojni za izvajanje ukrepov, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum, kakor določa Dodatek II.

    2. V skladu s členom 12 pogodbenici druga drugo obvestita o morebitnih pomembnih spremembah v strukturi, organizaciji in razdelitvi pristojnosti njunih pristojnih organov.

    Člen 6

    Priznavanje statusa zdravja živali in škodljivih organizmov ter regionalnih razmer

    A. Priznavanje statusa za živalske bolezni, infekcije pri živalih ali škodljive organizme

    1. Za živalske bolezni in infekcije pri živalih (skupaj z zoonozami) velja:

    (a) Pogodbenica uvoznica za trgovanje pogodbenici izvoznici ali njenim regijam prizna status, kakor ga pogodbenica izvoznica določi v skladu z Dodatkom IV.A za živalske bolezni, opredeljene v Dodatku III.A.

    (b) Kadar pogodbenica meni, da ima za svoje ozemlje ali regijo poseben status za določeno živalsko bolezen razen tistih iz Dodatka III.A, lahko zahteva priznanje tega statusa v skladu s kriteriji, določenimi v Dodatku IV.C. Pogodbenica uvoznica lahko zahteva jamstva za uvoz živih živali in živalskih proizvodov, ki so primerna za dogovorjeni status pogodbenic.

    (c) Status ozemelj ali regij ali status v sektorju ali podsektorju pogodbenic, povezan z razširjenostjo ali posledicami živalske bolezni razen tistih iz Dodatka III.A ali infekcij pri živalih in/ali s tem povezanimi tveganji, kot so ga opredelile mednarodne standardizacijske ustanove, priznane s Sporazumom SPS STO, pogodbenici priznavata kot osnovo za trgovanje med njima. Pogodbenica uvoznica lahko zahteva jamstva za uvoz živih živali in živalskih proizvodov, ki so primerna za opredeljeni status v skladu s priporočili stanardizacijskih ustanov.

    (d) Brez poseganja v člena 8 in 14, in če pogodbenica uvoznica izrecno ne nasprotuje in ne zahteva podpornih ali dodatnih informacij ali posvetov in/ali kontrole, vsaka pogodbenica brez nepotrebnega odlašanja sprejme potrebne zakonodajne in administrativne ukrepe, s katerimi omogoči trgovanje na podlagi določb pododstavkov (a), (b) in (c).

    2. Za škodljive organizme velja:

    (a) Pogodbenici za trgovine priznavata svoj status na področju škodljivih organizmov v zvezi s škodljivimi organizmi iz Dodatka III.B.

    (d) Brez poseganja v člena 8 in 14, in če pogodbenica uvoznica izrecno ne nasprotuje in ne zahteva podpornih ali dodatnih informacij ali posvetov in/ali kontrole, vsaka pogodbenica brez nepotrebnega odlašanja sprejme potrebne zakonodajne in administrativne ukrepe, s katerimi omogoči trgovanje na podlagi določbe pododstavka (a).

    B. Priznavanje regionalizacije

    3. Pogodbenici priznavata koncept regionalizacije, ki ga uporabljata v medsebojni trgovini.

    4. Pogodbenici se strinjata, da morajo biti sklepi o regionalizaciji živalskih in ribjih bolezni iz Dodatka III.A in za škodljive organizme iz Dodatka III.B sprejeti v skladu z določbami Dodatka IV.A oziroma Dodatka IV.B.

    5. (a) Glede živalskih bolezni in v skladu z določbami člena 13 pogodbenica izvoznica, ki od pogodbenice uvoznice zahteva priznanje sklepa o regionalizaciji, jo obvesti o svojih ukrepih s popolnimi pojasnili in podpornimi podatki za svoje namene in odločitve. Brez poseganja v člen 14, in če pogodbenica uvoznica izrecno ne nasprotuje in ne zahteva podpornih ali dodatnih informacij ali posvetov in/ali kontrole v 15 delovnih dneh po prejetju uradnega obvestila, tako sporočen sklep o regionalizaciji velja za sprejet.

    (b) Posvetovanja, omenjena v pododstavku (a), potekajo v skladu s členom 13(3). Pogodbenica uvoznica dodatne informacije oceni v 15 delovnih dneh po prejetju. Kontrola, omenjena v pododstavku (a), se izvaja v skladu s členom 10 in v 25 delovnih dneh po prejetju zahtevka za kontrolo.

    6. (a) Glede škodljivih organizmov vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da se pri trgovini z rastlinami, rastlinskimi proizvodi in drugim blagom upošteva status škodljivih organizmov v regiji, ki ga prizna druga pogodbenica. Pogodbenica, ki od druge pogodbenice zahteva priznanje sklepa o regionalizaciji, jo obvesti o svojih ukrepih s popolnimi pojasnili in podpornimi podatki za svoje namene in odločitve na podlagi smernic iz Mednarodnih standardov za fitosanitarne ukrepe FAO, skupaj s četrtim, "Zahteve za vzpostavitev območij brez škodljivih organizmov", osmim "Določanje statusa škodljivih organizmov na območju" in drugimi Mednarodnimi standardi za fitosanitarne ukrepe, kakor se pogodbenicama zdijo potrebni. Brez poseganja v člen 14, in če pogodbenica izrecno ne nasprotuje in ne zahteva podpornih ali dodatnih informacij ali posvetov in/ali kontrole v treh mesecih po uradnem obvestilu, tako sporočen sklep o regionalizaciji velja kot sprejet.

    (b) Posvetovanja, omenjena v pododstavku (a), potekajo v skladu s členom 13(3). Pogodbenica uvoznica dodatne informacije oceni v treh mesecih po prejetju. Kontrola, omenjena v pododstavku (a), se izvaja v skladu s členom 10 in v 12 mesecih po prejetju zahtevka za kontrolo, ob upoštevanju biologije škodljivega organizma in zadevnega posevka.

    7. Po dokončanju postopkov iz odstavkov 4, 5 in 6 in brez poseganja v člen 14 vsaka pogodbenica brez nepotrebnega odlašanja sprejme potrebne zakonodajne in administrativne ukrepe, s katerimi omogoči trgovanje.

    Člen 7

    Določanje enakovrednosti

    1. Enakovrednost se lahko prizna za posamezen ukrep in/ali skupine ukrepov in/ali sisteme, ki veljajo za sektor ali podsektor.

    2. Pri določanju enakovrednosti pogodbenici sledita posvetovalnemu postopku iz odstavka 3. Ta postopek vključuje objektiven dokaz enakovrednosti pogodbenice izvoznice in objektivno presojo pogodbenice uvoznice z namenom morebitnega priznanja enakovrednosti.

    3. Po zahtevku pogodbenice izvoznice za ukrep ali ukrepe, ki prizadevajo enega ali več sektorjev ali podsektorjev, pogodbenici v treh mesecih po tem, ko pogodbenica uvoznica prejme tak zahtevek, začneta posvetovalni postopek, ki vključuje korake iz Dodatka VI. Če pa država izvoznica vloži več zahtevkov, se pogodbenici na zahtevo pogodbenice uvoznice v okviru Odbora iz člena 16 dogovorita o časovnem razporedu, po katerem začneta postopek iz tega odstavka.

    4. Razen če se ne dogovorita drugače, pogodbenica uvoznica dokonča oceno enakovrednosti v 180 dneh po tem, ko je od pogodbenice izvoznice prejela dokaz o enakovrednosti, razen pri sezonskih posevkih, ko je upravičeno z oceno počakati, da se omogoči kontrola fitosanitarnih ukrepov v primernem obdobju rasti posevka.

    Prednostni sektorji ali podsektorji vsake pogodbenice, za katere se lahko začne ta postopek, se po prednostnem vrstnem redu navedejo v Dodatku V.A. Odbor iz člena 16 lahko s sklepom spremeni ta seznam in prednostni vrstni red.

    5. Pogodbenica uvoznica lahko umakne ali začasno opusti enakovrednost, če ena od pogodbenic spremeni ukrepe, ki vplivajo na enakovrednost, pod pogojem, da so upoštevani ti postopki:

    (a) V skladu z določbami iz člena 12 država izvoznica državo uvoznico obvesti o vsakem predlogu spremembe svojih ukrepov, za katere se priznava enakovrednost ukrepov, in verjetnem učinku predlaganih ukrepov na priznano enakovrednost. V 30 delovnih dneh po prejetju teh informacij pogodbenica uvoznica pogodbenico izvoznico obvesti, ali se na podlagi predlaganih ukrepov enakovrednost priznava še naprej ali ne.

    (b) V skladu z določbami iz člena 12 država uvoznica državo izvoznico obvesti o vsakem predlogu spremembe svojih ukrepov, na katerih je temeljilo priznavanje enakovrednosti, in verjetnem učinku predlaganih ukrepov na priznano enakovrednost. Če država uvoznica enakovrednosti ne prizna več, se lahko pogodbenici dogovorita o pogojih za vnovičen začetek postopka iz odstavka 3 na podlagi predlaganih ukrepov.

    6. Brez poseganja v člen 14 pogodbenica uvoznica ne sme umakniti ali začasno opustiti enakovrednosti, preden začnejo veljati predlagani novi ukrepi katere koli pogodbenice.

    7. Priznavanje ali umik ali začasna opustitev enakovrednosti je zgolj na strani pogodbenice uvoznice, ki deluje v skladu s svojim administrativnim in zakonodajnim okvirom, kar zadeva rastline, rastlinske proizvode in drugo blago, ustrezne komunikacije v skladu s trinajstim Mednarodnim standardom za fitosanitarne ukrepe "Smernice za obveščanje o neustreznosti in dejanja v njunih primerih" in drugimi ustreznimi Mednarodnimi standardi za fitosanitarne ukrepe. Navedena pogodbenica pogodbenici izvoznici predloži popolno pojasnilo v pisni obliki in podporne podatke, uporabljene za namere in odločitve, ki jih zajema ta člen. V primeru nepriznavanja, umika ali začasne opustitve enakovrednosti pogodbenica uvoznica pogodbenici izvoznici navede zahtevane pogoje, pod katerimi se lahko znova začnejo postopki iz odstavka 3. Kadar je to potrebno, pogodbenica uvoznica lahko pogodbenici izvoznici zagotovi strokovno pomoč v skladu z določbami člena 24 Pridružitvenega sporazuma.

    Člen 8

    Preglednost in pogoji trgovanja

    1. Pogodbenici se strinjata, da se za izdelke iz dodatkov I.A in I.B uporabljajo splošni uvozni pogoji. Brez poseganja v sklepe, sprejete na podlagi člena 6, uvozni pogoji pogodbenice uvoznice veljajo za celotno ozemlje pogodbenice izvoznice. Ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma in v skladu z določbami iz člena 12 pogodbenica uvoznica pogodbenico izvoznico obvesti o svojih zdravstvenih in fitosanitarnih uvoznih zahtevah za izdelke iz dodatkov I.A in I.B. Te informacije vključujejo tudi ustrezne obrazce uradnih spričeval in potrdil, kakor jih določa pogodbenica uvoznica.

    2. (a) Pri obveščanju pogodbenic o spremembah ali predlogih za spremembe pogojev iz odstavka 1 izpolnjujejo določbe Sporazuma SPS in poznejših sklepov, kar zadeva obveščanje o ukrepih. Brez poseganja v določbe člena 14 pogodbenica uvoznica pri določanju začetka veljavnosti spremenjenih pogojev iz odstavka 1 upošteva prevozni čas med pogodbenicama.

    (b) Če pogodbenica uvoznica ne izpolni teh zahtev za obveščanje, 30 dni po začetku veljavnosti spremenjenih uvoznih pogojev še naprej sprejema spričevalo ali potrdilo, ki jamči prej veljavne pogoje.

    3. (a) V 90 dneh po priznanju enakovrednosti pogodbenici sprejmeta potrebne zakonodajne in administrativne ukrepe za izvajanje priznavanja enakovrednosti, da na tej podlagi omogočita medsebojno trgovanje z izdelki iz dodatkov I.A in I.B v sektorjih in podsektorjih, za katere pogodbenica uvoznica priznava enakovrednost vseh posameznih zdravstvenih in fitosanitarnih ukrepov pogodbenice izvoznice. Za te izdelke lahko vzorec uradnega spričevala ali uradnega dokumenta, ki ga zahteva pogodbenica uvoznica, takrat zamenja spričevalo, sestavljeno, kakor določa Dodatek IX.B.

    (b) Trgovina z izdelki v sektorjih ali podsektorjih, v katerih so kot enakovredni priznani nekateri, toda ne vsi ukrepi, se nadaljuje na podlagi izpolnjevanja pogojev iz odstavka 1. Na zahtevo pogodbenice izvoznice se uporabljajo določbe iz odstavka 5.

    4. Za uvoz izdelkov iz dodatkov I.A in I.B niso potrebna posebna izvozna dovoljenja.

    5. Glede pogojev, ki vplivajo na trgovanje z izdelki iz odstavka 1, pogodbenici na zahtevo pogodbenice izvoznice začneta posvetovanja v skladu z določbami iz člena 16, da bi se dogovorili o alternativnih ali dodatnih uvoznih pogojih pogodbenice uvoznice. Taki alternativni ali dodatni uvozni pogojih lahko temeljijo na ukrepih pogodbenice izvoznice, ki jih je pogodbenica uvoznica priznala kot enakovredne. Če se tako dogovorita, pogodbenica uvoznica v 90 dneh sprejme potrebne zakonodajne in/ali administrativne ukrepe, s katerimi omogoči uvoz na tej podlagi.

    6. (a) Glede uvoza živalskih proizvodov iz Dodatka I.A pogodbenica uvoznica na zahtevo pogodbenice izvoznice, ki jo spremljajo ustrezna jamstva, začasno odobri predelovalne obrate iz Dodatka V.B(2), ki ležijo na ozemlju pogodbenice izvoznice, brez poprejšnjega pregleda posameznih obratov. Taka odobritev je skladna s pogoji in določbami iz Dodatka V.B. Če se ne zahtevajo dodatne informacije, pogodbenica uvoznica v 30 delovnih dneh po prejetju zahtevka in jamstev sprejme potrebne zakonodajne in/ali administrativne ukrepe, da dovoli uvoz na tej podlagi.

    Začetni seznam obratov se odobri v skladu z določbami iz Dodatka V.B.

    (b) Glede uvoza živalskih proizvodov iz odstavka 3(a) pogodbenica izvoznica pogodbenico uvoznico obvesti o svojem seznamu obratov, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve pogodbenice izvoznice.

    7. Na zahtevo ene od pogodbenic druga pogodbenica predloži popolno pojasnilo v pisni obliki in podporne podatke, uporabljene za namere in odločitve, ki jih zajema ta člen.

    Člen 9

    Postopki izdaje spričeval

    1. Za namen postopkov izdaje spričeval pogodbenici izpolnjujeta načela in kriterije iz Dodatka IX.A.

    2. Spričevala ali uradni dokumenti iz člena 8(1) in (3) se izdajajo, kakor določa Dodatek IX.C.

    3. Odbor iz člena 16 se lahko dogovori o pravilih za elektronsko izdajanje, umik ali zamenjavo spričeval.

    Člen 10


    1. Da ohrani zaupanje v učinkovito izvajanje določb tega sporazuma, ima vsaka pogodbenica v okviru področja delovanja tega sporazuma pravico:

    (a) da v skladu s smernicami iz Dodatka VII izvaja kontrolo vsega ali dela skupnega nadzornega programa oblasti druge pogodbenice. Stroški take kontrole bremenijo pogodbenico, ki kontrolo izvaja;

    (b) da od dne, ki ga določita pogodbenici, na svojo zahtevo od druge pogodbenice prejema ves ali del skupnega nadzornega programa te pogodbenice in poročilo o izsledkih nadzora, izvajanega po tem programu;

    (c) da glede laboratorijskih testov v zvezi s proizvodi iz Dodatka I.A na zahtevo ene pogodbenice druga pogodbenica sodeluje v periodičnem primerjalnem programu testiranja pri posameznih testih, ki jih organizira referenčni laboratorij pogodbenice, ki izda zahtevo. Stroške takega sodelovanja nosi sodelujoča pogodbenica.

    2. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko svoje izsledke in ugotovitve deli s tretjimi državi in jih da na voljo javnosti.

    3. Odbor iz člena 16 lahko s sklepom spremeni Dodatek VII, pri tem pa upošteva delo, ki ga izvajajo mednarodne ustanove.

    4. Rezultati kontrol lahko prispevajo k ukrepom obeh pogodbenic ali ene od pogodbenic iz členov 6, 7, 8 in 11.

    Člen 11

    Pregledi ob uvozu in inšpekcijske takse

    1. Pogodbenici sta se dogovorili, da se pri pregledih pošiljk iz države uvoznice ob uvozu v državo uvoznico spoštujejo načela iz Dodatka VIII.A. Rezultati teh pregledov lahko prispevajo h kontrolnemu postopku iz člena 10.

    2. Pogostnost fizičnih pregledov rejenih živali ob uvozu, ki jih izvaja vsaka pogodbenica, je določena v Dodatku VIII.B. Pogodbenica lahko to pogostnost spremeni v okviru svojih pristojnosti in v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo, na podlagi napredka v skladu s členoma 7 in 8 ali na podlagi kontrol, posvetov ali drugih ukrepov, določenih s tem sporazumom. V skladu s tem Odbor iz člena 16 s sklepom spremeni Dodatek VIII.B.

    3. Inšpekcijske takse lahko krijejo zgolj stroške, ki jih ima pristojni organ z izvajanjem pregledov ob uvozu. V primerjavi s pristojbinami za inšpekcije podobnih domačih proizvodov so nepristranske.

    4. Pogodbenica uvoznica pogodbenico izvoznico obvesti o vsaki spremembi ukrepov, ki vplivajo na preglede ob uvozu in inšpekcijske pristojbine, skupaj z razlogi zanje, ter o vseh pomembnih spremembah upravne obravnave takih pregledov.

    5. Pri izdelkih iz člena 8(3)(a) se lahko pogodbenici dogovorita za vzajemno zmanjšanje pogostnosti fizičnih pregledov rejenih živali ob uvozu.

    6. Od datuma, ki ga določi Odbor iz člena 16, se lahko pogodbenici dogovorita o pogojih za odobritev nazora druga druge, omenjenega v členu 10(b), za prilagoditev pogostnosti pregledov ob uvozu ali njihovo zamenjavo. Ti pogoji se vključijo v Dodatek VII s sklepom Odbora iz člena 16. Od navedenega datuma lahko pogodbenici vzajemno odobrita nadzor nekaterih proizvodov in v skladu s tem zmanjšata ali nadomestita preglede ob uvozu za te proizvode.

    Člen 12

    Izmenjava informacij

    1. Pogodbenici si sistematično izmenjavata informacije, ki so pomembne za izvajanje tega sporazuma, za razvoj standardov, za dajanje zagotovil, za vzbujanje medsebojnega zaupanja in za dokaz učinkovitosti nadziranih programov. Kjer je to primerno, lahko ta izmenjava informacij vključuje izmenjave uradnikov.

    2. Pogodbenici si izmenjavata tudi informacije o drugih pomembnih temah, med katerimi so:

    (a) pomembni dogodki v zvezi s proizvodi, ki jih zajema ta sporazum, skupaj z izmenjavo informacij, predvideno v členih 7 in 8;

    (b) rezultati kontrolnih postopkov iz člena 10;

    (c) rezultati pregledov ob uvozu iz člena 11 v primeru zavrnjenih ali neskladnih pošiljk živali in živalskih proizvodov;

    (d) znanstvena mnenja, pomembna za ta sporazum in izdelana pod okriljem pogodbenice;

    (e) napredek pri oblikovanju standardov dobrega počutja živali; in

    (f) hitro obveščanje, pomembno za trgovanje na področju delovanja tega sporazuma.

    3. Pogodbenici poskrbita za posredovanje znanstvenih razprav ali podatkov ustreznim znanstvenim forumom v potrditev stališč ali trditev v zvezi z zadevo, ki se pojavi na podlagi tega sporazuma. Take informacije ustrezni znanstveni forumi pravočasno ocenijo, izsledki njihovega preučevanja pa so na voljo obema pogodbenicama.

    4. Šteje se, da so informacije izmenjane, ko so informacije iz tega člena na voljo STO z ustreznim uradnim obvestilom v skladu z ustreznimi pravili, ali ko so zgornje informacije na voljo na uradni, javno dostopni in neplačljivi spletni strani pogodbenic, katerih naslovi so navedeni v Dodatku XI.B.

    Poleg tega se obvestilo o škodljivih organizmih, ki pomenijo znano in takojšnjo nevarnost za drugo pogodbenico, pošlje z neposrednim sporočilom po pošti ali elektronski pošti. Upoštevajo se smernice iz 17. Mednarodnega standarda za fitosanitarne ukrepe FAO "Poročanje o škodljivih organizmih".

    5. Kontaktne točke za izmenjavo informacij iz tega člena so navedene v Dodatku XI.A. Informacije se pošiljajo po pošti, prek telefaksa ali elektronske pošte. Informacije po elektronski pošti so opremljene z elektronskim podpisom in se pošiljajo samo med kontaktnimi točkami.

    Člen 13

    Uradna obvestila in posveti

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica v dveh delovnih dneh pisno obvesti drugo pogodbenico o vsaki hudi ali utemeljeni nevarnosti za zdravje ljudi, živali ali rastlin, skupaj z nujnimi primeri nadzora nad živili ali okoliščinami, ko obstaja jasna nevarnost hudih zdravstvenih posledic, povezanih z uživanjem živalskih ali rastlinskih proizvodov in zlasti o:

    (a) vsakršnih ukrepih, ki vplivajo na sklepe o regionalizaciji iz člena 6;

    (b) prisotnosti ali razvoju katere koli živalske bolezni ali škodljivega organizma, naštetih v dodatkih III.A in III.B;

    (c) izsledki epidemiološkega pomena ali pomembnih povezanih tveganjih glede živalskih bolezni in škodljivih organizmov, ki niso na seznamu v dodatkih III.A in III.B ali ki so nove živalske bolezni ali škodljivi organizmi; in

    (d) vsakršnih dodatnih ukrepih poleg osnovnih zahtev iz njunih siceršnjih ukrepov, sprejetih za nadzor ali izkoreninjenje živalskih bolezni ali škodljivih organizmov ali varovanje javnega zdravja ter vsakršnih spremembah profilaktičnih ukrepov, skupaj s cepljenjem.

    2. (a) Uradna obvestila se pošljejo kontaktnim točkam iz Dodatka XI.A.

    (b) Pisno obvestilo pomeni obvestilo po pošti, prek telefaksa ali elektronske pošte. Obvestila po elektronski pošti so opremljena z elektronskim podpisom in se pošiljajo samo med kontaktnimi točkami iz Dodatka XI.A.

    3. Kadar pogodbenica izrazi resno zaskrbljenost zaradi nevarnosti za zdravje ljudi, živali ali rastlin, se na zahtevo čim prej skliče posvet, v vsakem primeru pa v 13 delovnih dneh. Vsaka pogodbenica si prizadeva v takih okoliščinah zagotoviti potrebne informacije, da se izogne motnjam v trgovanju, in doseči vzajemno sprejemljivo rešitev, skladno z zaščito zdravja ljudi živali ali rastlin.

    4. Na zahtevo pogodbenice se čim prej skliče posvet o dobrem počutju živali, v vsakem primeru pa v 20 delovnih dneh. Vsaka pogodbenica si v takih okoliščinah prizadeva zagotoviti vse zahtevane informacije.

    5. Na zahtevo pogodbenice posvetovanja iz odstavkov 3 in 4 potekajo prek video ali avdio konference. Pogodbenica, ki to zahteva, poskrbi za pripravo zapisnika posveta, ki ga pogodbenici uradno odobrita. Za namen te odobritve se uporabljajo določbe člena 12(5).

    Člen 14

    Zaščitna klavzula

    1. Če bi pogodbenica izvoznica sprejela domače ukrepe za nadzor vsakršnega vzroka, ki bi utegnil pomeniti resno nevarnost za zdravje ljudi, živali in rastlin, pogodbenica izvoznica brez poseganja v določbe odstavka 2 sprejme enakovredne ukrepe, da prepreči širjenje nevarnosti na ozemlje pogodbenice uvoznice.

    2. Pogodbenica uvoznica lahko iz razlogov resne nevarnosti za zdravje ljudi, živali ali rastlin sprejme začasne prehodne ukrepe, ki so potrebni za varovanje zdravja ljudi, živali ali rastlin. Za pošiljke, ki se prevažajo med pogodbenicama, pogodbenica uvoznica preuči najprimernejšo in najbolj sorazmerno rešitev, da se izogne neposrednim motnjam trgovine.

    3. Pogodbenica, ki sprejme ukrepe, o njih obvesti drugo pogodbenico v enem delovnem dnevu po sklepu o njihovem izvajanju. Na prošnjo ene od pogodbenic in v skladu z določbami člena 13(3) se pogodbenici posvetujeta o nastalih razmerah v 12 delovnih dneh po uradnem obvestilu. Pogodbenici upoštevata vse informacije, posredovane na takem posvetu, in se prizadevata izogniti nepotrebnim motnjam trgovanja, ob upoštevanju posledic določb iz člena 13(3).

    Člen 15

    Sporna vprašanja

    Pri reševanju spornih vprašanj iz področja delovanja tega sporazuma, ki so našteta v Dodatku X, se uporabijo načela tega sporazuma. Odbor iz člena 16 lahko s sklepom spremeni Dodatek X in ustrezne druge dodatke, da se upoštevajo doseženi napredek in nova sporna vprašanja.

    Člen 16

    Skupni upravljalni odbor

    1. Skupni upravljalni odbor, v nadaljnjem besedilu Odbor, ustanovljen v členu 89(3) Pridružitvenega sporazuma, se sestane v prvem letu po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma in po tem na zahtevo ene od pogodbenic, vendar pa načeloma ne več kot enkrat na leto. Če se pogodbenici tako dogovorita, lahko sestanek Odbora poteka prek video ali avdio konference. Odbor lahko vprašanja obravnava tudi zunaj seje, in sicer prek korespondence.

    2. Naloge odbora so:

    (a) spremljati izvajanje tega sporazuma in obravnavati vse zadeve, povezane s tem sporazumom, ter preučiti vse zadeve, ki se lahko pojavijo v zvezi z njegovim izvajanjem;

    (b) revidirati dodatke k temu sporazumu, zlasti ob upoštevanju napredka, doseženega na posvetih in po postopkih, določenih s tem sporazumom;

    (c) v luči revizije, določene v odstavku (b), ali kakor določa ta sporazum, s sklepom spremeniti dodatke od I do XII; in

    (d) na podlagi revizije, določene v odstavku (b), priporočiti spremembe tega sporazuma.

    3. Pogodbenici se strinjata, da bosta po potrebi oblikovali tehnične delovne skupine, ki jih sestavljajo strokovno usposobljeni predstavniki pogodbenic, ki opredelijo in preučijo tehnična in znanstvena vprašanja, ki izhajajo iz izvajanja tega sporazuma. Kadar je potrebno dodatno strokovno znanje, lahko pogodbenici oblikujeta priložnostne skupine, z znanstvenimi vred. Članstvo v takih priložnostnih skupinah ni nujno omejeno na predstavnike pogodbenic.

    4. Odbor poroča Pridružitvenemu svetu, ustanovljenemu po členu 3 Pridružitvenega sporazuma.

    5. Odbor na svojem prvem sestanku sprejme svoje delovne postopke.

    Člen 17

    Olajšanje komunikacije

    Brez poseganja v določbe členov 12, 13, 14 in 16 se lahko Odbor iz člena 16 dogovori o ureditvi, s katero olajša korespondenco, izmenjavo informacij in povezanih dokumentov in postopkov ter delovanje Odbora.

    Člen 18

    Ozemlje uporabe

    Ta sporazum velja na eni strani, kar zadeva živali in živalske proizvode, rastline in rastlinske proizvode ter drugo blago, za ozemlja držav članic Evropske skupnosti in na drugi strani za ozemlje Republike Čile, kakor je določeno v Dodatku XII.

    Dodatek I


    Dodatek IA



    I. Kopitarji [1]

    II. Govedo (skupaj z vrstama Bubalus bubalis in Bison bison)

    III. Ovce in koze

    IV. Prašiči

    V. Perutnina [2]

    VI. Žive ribe

    VII. Raki

    VIII. Mehkužci

    IX. Jajčeca in gamete živih rib

    X. Valilna jajca

    XI. Seme, jajčeca, zarodki

    XII. Drugi sesalci

    XIII. Drugi ptiči

    XIV. Plazilci

    XV. Dvoživke

    XVI. Drugi vretenčarji

    XVII. Čebele


    Glavne kategorije izdelkov

    I. Sveže meso domačih živali [3] in divjadi [4], skupaj z stranskimi proizvodi klanja in krvjo za človeško prehrano

    II. Mesni izdelki, pripravljeni iz mesa, kako je opredeljeno pod I, in drugi proizvodi živalskega izvora za človeško prehrano (mleto meso, mesni pripravki, čreva)

    III. Tekoče mleko in mleko v prahu namenjeno za prehrano ljudi in tekoče mleko in mleko v prahu, ki ni namenjeno prehrani ljudi

    IV. Mlečni izdelki namenjeni prehrani ljudi in mlečni izdelki, ki niso namenjeni prehrani ljudi (vključno z mlezivom)

    V. Ribiški proizvodi namenjeni prehrani ljudi, vključno s školjkami in raki

    VI. Jajca namenjena prehrani ljudi, proizvodi iz jajc

    VII. Čebelji izdelki

    VIII. Polži in žabji kraki namenjeni prehrani ljudi

    IX. Kože kopitarjev, volna, dlaka, ščetine, perje, puh ali deli perja, lovske trofeje

    X. Kosti, rogovi, kopita in njihovi stranski proizvodi razen moke

    XI. Želatina namenjena prehrani ljudi, surovine za proizvodnjo želatine, ki je namenjena prehrani ljudi

    XII. Predelane živalske beljakovine (moka in ocvirki), mast in topljene masti, vključno z ribjo moko in ribjim oljem

    XIII. Kri in izdelki iz krvi kopitarjev in perutnine (vključno s serumom kopitarjev), amnijska tekočina za uporabo v farmacevtski industriji ali za tehnično uporabo, razen za živalsko krmo

    XIV. Povzročitelji bolezni

    XV. Drugi živalski odpadki: surovine z nizkim tveganjem za farmacevtsko industrijo ali tehnično uporabo ali za uporabo v krmilih (skupaj s hrano za hišne živali)

    XVI. Hrana za hišne živali

    XVII. Predelan in nepredelan gnoj

    Dodatek IB

    - Rastline in rastlinski proizvodi, ki so potencialni prenašalci škodljivih organizmov

    - Embalaža, transportna sredstva, vsebniki, zemlja in rastni substrat ter vsak drug organizem, predmet ali snov, v katerem se lahko prenašajo ali razširjajo škodljivi organizmi

    Dodatek IC [1]

    Standardi dobrega počutja živali

    Standardi o:

    - omamljanju in zakolu živali

    Dodatek ID

    Zadeve, za katere se ta sporazum v osnovi ne uporablja

    Zdravstveni ukrepi, povezani z:

    1. Živilskimi dodatki (vsemi živilskimi dodatki in barvili)

    2. Pripomočki za predelavo

    3. Aromami

    4. Obsevanjem (ionizacijo)

    5. Kemikalijami, ki izvirajo iz migracije snovi iz embalaže

    6. Označevanjem živil

    7. Označevanjem hranilne vrednosti

    8. Dodatki krmi

    9. Živalsko krmo

    10. Medicirano krmo in premiksi

    11. Genetsko spremenjenimi organizmi (GSO)

    Dodatek II


    A. Pristojni organi Skupnosti

    Nadzor je razdeljen med nacionalne službe držav članic in Evropsko komisijo. V zvezi s tem velja:

    - kar zadeva izvoz v Čile, so države članice odgovorne za nadziranje proizvajalnih okoliščin in zahtev, skupaj z obveznimi inšpekcijami in izdajanjem zdravstvenih spričeval (ali spričeval o dobrem počutju živali), ki potrjujejo dogovorjene standarde in zahteve,

    - kar zadeva uvoz iz Čila, so države članice odgovorne za nadzor skladnosti uvoza z uvoznimi pogoji Skupnosti,

    - Evropska komisija je pristojna za splošno koordinacijo, inšpekcijo/revizijo inšpekcijskih sistemov in potrebne zakonodajne ukrepe, s katerimi se zagotovi enotna uporaba standardov in zahtev na evropskem notranjem trgu.

    B. Pristojni organi Čila

    Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo je prek "Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero" pristojni organ za upravljanje vseh zahtev v zvezi z:

    - zdravstvenimi (zdravje živali) in fitosanitarnimi (zdravje rastlin) ukrepi, ki se uporabljajo za uvoz in izvoz živali, rastlin in proizvodov iz njih,

    - zdravstvenimi in fitosanitarnimi ukrepi, uvedenimi za zmanjšanje nevarnosti vstopa živalskih bolezni, rastlinskih škodljivcev ter za nadzor njihovega izkoreninjenja ali širjenja, in

    - izdajanjem zdravstvenih in fitosanitarnih izvoznih spričeval za živalske in rastlinske proizvode.

    Ministrstvo za zdravje je pristojni organ za zdravstveni nadzor vseh živil namenjenih za prehrano ljudi, tako domače proizvodnje in iz uvoza, ter za izdajanje zdravstvenih spričeval za predelana živila za izvoz, razen za vodne živali.

    "Servicio Nacional de Pesca", ki sodi pod okrilje Ministrstva za ekonomijo, je pristojni organ za nadzorovanje zdravstvene kakovosti rib in morskih sadežev za izvoz in za izdajanje ustreznih uradnih spričeval. Pristojno je tudi za zaščito zdravstvenega stanja vodnih živali, izdajanje zdravstvenih spričeval vodnih živali za izvoz ter nadzor uvoza vodnih živali, vabe in hrane, ki se uporablja v ribogojstvu.

    Dodatek III


    Dodatek IIIA

    Bolezni živali in rib, ki jih je treba uradno prijaviti, za katere je priznan status pogodbenic in za katere se lahko sprejmejo sklepi o regionalizaciji

    Bolezni | Pravna podlaga Skupnosti | Pravna podlaga Čila |

    Splošno | Specifično |

    Slinavka in parkljevka | Direktive 85/511, 64/432, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/634.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio de Agricultura No 46/785.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/ 997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1487/92, 1692/92, 2404/96, 1447/95, 1042/99, 2738/99, 2405/96, 624/99, 1483/92, 1260/96, 1995/97, 487/00, 1446/95, 685/94, 1994/94, 1066/97, 937/95, 431/98, 2935/98, 938/91 |

    Vezilukarna bolezen prašičev | Direktive 92/119, 64/432, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 685/94, 1066/97, 25/00, 3397/98, 2379/97, 24/00 |

    Vesikularni stomatitis | Direktivi 92/119, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1487/92, 1692/92, 2404/96, 1447/95, 1042/99, 2738/99, 2405/96, 624/99, 1483/92, 1260/96, 1995/97, 487/00, 1446/95, 685/94, 1994/94, 1066/97, 937/95,431/98, 2935/98, 938/91 |

    Konjska kuga | Direktive 90/426, 92/35, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1486/92, 1258/96, 1808/90, 3274/94, 2854/95, 3393/96, 2496/94, 1806/90, 431/98 |

    Afriška prašičja kuga | Direktivi 64/432, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 685/94, 1066/97, 25/00, 3397/98, 2379/97, 24/00 |

    Bolezen modrikastega jezika | Direktivi 92/119, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1487/92, 1692/92, 2404/96, 1447/95, 1042/99, 2738/99, 2405/96, 624/99, 1483/92, 1260/96, 1995/97, 487/00, 1446/95, 685/94, 1994/94, 1066/97, 937/95,431/98, 2935/98, 938/91 |

    Zelo patogena oblika aviarne influence | Direktive 92/40, 90/539, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 4019/97, 1550/98, 2809/96, 3601/96, 1654/95, 685/93, 1597/97, 431/98 |

    Atipična kokošja kuga | Direktive 92/66, 90/539, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 4019/97, 1550/98, 2809/96, 3601/96, 1654/95, 685/93, 1597/97, 431/98 |

    Kuga drobnice | Direktiva 92/119 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1483/92, 1260/96, 1995/97, 1446/95, 35/01, 55/9, 1725/90 |

    Goveja kuga | Direktive 92/119, 64/432, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1487/92, 1692/92, 2404/96, 1447/95, 1042/99, 2738/99, 2405/96, 624/99, 1483/92, 1260/96, 1995/97, 487/00, 1446/95, 685/94, 1994/94, 1066/97, 937/95,431/98, 2935/98, 938/91 |

    Klasična prašičja kuga | Direktive 80/217, 82/894, 64/432, 2001/89 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 685/94, 1066/97, 25/00, 3397/98, 2379/97, 24/00 |

    Pljučna kuga govedi | Direktivi 64/432, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1487/92, 1692/92, 2404/96, 1447/95, 2738/99, 2405/96, 624/99, 2374/97, 1259/96, 1720/95, 1688/92, 1465/95, 2434/94 |

    Osepnice ovac in koz | Direktivi 92/119, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1483/92, 1260/96, 1446/95, 1995/97, 35/01, 55/99 |

    Mrzlica doline Rift | Direktivi 92/119, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1487/92, 1692/92, 2404/96, 1447/95, 2738/99, 2405/96, 624/99, 1483/92, 1260/96, 1995/97, 1446/95, 2374/97, 1259/96, 1720/95, 1688/92, 1465/95, 2434/94 |

    Vozličasti dermatitis | Direktivi 92/119, 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1487/92, 1692/92, 2404/96, 1447/95, 1042/99, 2738/99, 2405/96, 624/99, 1483/92, 1260/96, 1995/97, 487/00, 1446/95, 685/94, 1994/94, 1066/97, 937/95,431/98, 2935/98, 938/91 |

    Venezuelski encefalomielitis kopitarjev | Direktiva 90/426 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1486/92, 1258/96, 1808/90, 3274/94, 2854/95, 3393/96, 2496/94 |

    Smrkavost | Direktiva 90/426 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1486/92, 1258/96, 1808/90, 3274/94, 2854/95, 3393/96, 2496/94, 1806/90, 431/98 |

    Spolna kuga konj | Direktiva 90/426 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 1486/92, 1258/96, 1808/90, 3274/94, 2854/95, 3393/96, 2496/94, 1806/90, 431/98 |

    Nalezljiva ohromelost prašičev | Direktiva 82/894 | 1.Decreto Ley No 176/242.Decreto Supremo del Ministerio Agricultura, Industria y Colonización No 318/253.Decreto con Fuerza de Ley Reglamento Reforma Agraria del Ministerio de Hacienda No 16/635.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 1254/916.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, No 3138/997.Resolución del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero No 1150/2000 | Resoluciones del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero: No 685/94, 1066/97, 25/00, 3397/98, 2379/97, 24/00 |

    Infekciozna hematopoetska nekroza (IHN) | Direktivi 91/67, 82/894 | Decreto Supremo del Ministerio de Economía No 430/91 | |

    Virusna hemoragična septikemija (VHS) | Direktiva 91/67 | Decreto Supremo del Ministerio de Economía No 430/91 | |

    Infekciozna anemija lososov (IAL) | Direktivi 91/67, 82/894 | Decreto Supremo del Ministerio de Economía No 430/91 | |

    Bonamioza | Direktivi 91/67 in 95/70 | Decreto Supremo del Ministerio de Economía No 430/91 | |

    Martelioza | Direktivi 91/67 in 95/70 | Decreto Supremo del Ministerio de Economía No 430/91 | |

    Dodatek IIΙΒ

    Škodljivi organizmi, ki jih je treba uradno prijaviti, za katere je priznan status pogodbenic in za katere se lahko sprejmejo sklepi o regionalizaciji [1]

    Kar zadeva situacijo v Čilu:

    1. Škodljivi organizmi, za katere ni znano, da se pojavljajo v katerem koli delu Čila.

    2. Škodljivi organizmi, za katere je znano, da se pojavljajo v Čilu in pod uradnim nadzorom.

    3. Škodljivi organizmi, za katere je znano, da se pojavljajo v Čilu, pod uradnim nadzorom in za katere so vzpostavila območja brez škodljivih organizmov.

    Kar zadeva situacijo v Evropski skupnosti:

    1. Škodljivi organizmi, za katere ni znano, da se pojavljajo v katerem koli delu Skupnosti in so relevantni za celotno Skupnost ali njen del.

    2. Škodljivi organizmi, za katere je znano, da se pojavljajo v Skupnosti in so relevantni za celotno Skupnost.

    3. Škodljivi organizmi, za katere je znano, da se pojavljajo v Skupnosti, in za katere so vzpostavljena območja brez škodljivih organizmov.

    Dodatek IV


    A. Bolezni živali in rib

    1. Bolezni živali

    Podlaga za priznavanje statusa živalskih bolezni pogodbenice ali njene regije je mednarodni zoosanitarni kodeks OIE: "Priznavanje statusa brez bolezni/okužbe za državo območje in sistemi epidemiološkega nadzora".

    Podlaga za sklepe o regionalizaciji za živalsko bolezen je mednarodni zoosanitarni kodeks OIE: "Razdelitev območij in regionalizacija".

    2. Bolezni vodnih živali

    Podlaga za sklepe o regionalizaciji za bolezni živali iz ribogojstva je mednarodni zoosanitarni kodeks za vodne živali OIE.

    B. Škodljivi organizmi

    Kriteriji za oblikovanje regije, proste določenih škodljivih organizmov, so skladni z določbami:

    - s 4. Mednarodnim standardom FAO za fitosanitarne ukrepe o "zahtevah za vzpostavitev območij, prostih škodljivih organizmov" in ustreznimi opredelitvami 5. Mednarodnega standarda FAO za fitosanitarne ukrepe o "Glosarju fitosanitarnih izrazov", ali

    - člena 2(1)(h) Direktive Sveta 2000/29/ES.

    C. Kriteriji za priznavanje posebnega statusa za živalske bolezni na ozemlju ali v regiji pogodbenice

    1. Kadar pogodbenica uvoznica meni, da je njeno ozemlje ali del ozemlja prosto živalske bolezni razen tistih, navedenih v Dodatku III A, pogodbenici izvoznici predloži ustrezno dodatno dokumentacijo, ki navaja zlasti naslednje kriterije:

    - naravo bolezni in zgodovino njenega pojavljanja na njenem ozemlju,

    - rezultate nadzornega testiranja na podlagi seroloških, mikrobioloških, patoloških ali epidemioloških preiskav ter dejstva, da je treba bolezen v skladu z zakonom priglasiti pristojnim organom,

    - obdobje, v katerem se je izvajal nadzor,

    - kjer je to ustrezno, obdobje, v katerem je bilo prepovedano cepljenje proti bolezni, in zemljepisno območje, ki ga je prepoved zadevala,

    - režim za preverjanje odsotnosti bolezni.

    2. Dodatna jamstva, splošna ali posebna, ki jih lahko zahteva pogodbenica uvoznica, ne smejo presegati jamstev, ki jih pogodbenica uvoznica izvaja na domačem trgu.

    3. Pogodbenici se medsebojno obvestita o vseh spremembah kriterijev iz odstavka 1, ki se nanašajo na bolezen. Dodatna jamstva, opredeljena v skladu z odstavkom 2, lahko zaradi take priglasitve Odbor iz člena 16 tega sporazuma spremeni ali umakne.

    Dodatek V


    A. Prednostni sektorji ali podsektorji v prednostnem vrstnem redu, za katere se lahko prizna enakovrednost.

    Seznam prednosti iz člena 7(4), ki ga dopolni Odbor iz člena 16.

    B. Pogoji in določila za začasno odobritev obratov

    1. Začasna odobritev obratov pomeni, da pogodbenica uvoznica za namen uvoza začasno odobri obrate v pogodbenici izvoznici na podlagi ustreznih jamstev, ki jih zagotovi ta pogodbenica, ne da bi pogodbenica uvoznica pred tem izvedla inšpekcije posameznih obratov v skladu z določbami odstavka 4. Z enakim postopkom in pod enakimi pogoji pogodbenici spremenita ali dopolnita sezname v odstavku 2, da se upoštevajo novi načini uporabe in prejeta jamstva. Samo kar zadeva izhodiščni seznam obratov, je lahko preverjanje del postopka v skladu z določbami odstavka 4(d).

    Začasna odobritev je na začetku omejena na naslednje kategorije obratov:

    2. Začasna odobritev je na začetku omejena na naslednje kategorije obratov:

    Klavnice za sveže meso domačih živali (Dodatek IA.2.I)

    Vse obrate razen klavnic za sveže meso domačih živali

    Vse obrate za sveže meso prostoživeče ali v oborah vzrejene divjadi

    Vse obrate za perutninsko meso

    Vse obrate za mesne izdelke vseh vrst

    Vse obrate za druge proizvode živalskega izvora namenjene za prehrano ljudi (npr. čreva, mesne pripravke, mleto meso)

    Vse obrate za mleko in mlečne izdelke namenjene za prehrano ljudi

    Predelovalne obrate in predelovalne ladje za ribiške proizvode namenjene za prehrano ljudi, vključno s školjkami in raki

    Predelovalne obrate za ribjo moko in ribje olje

    Predelovalne obrate za želatino

    Vse obrate za jajca in jajčne proizvode

    3. Pogodbenica uvoznica sestavi sezname začasno odobrenih obratov in poskrbi, da so dostopni javnosti.

    4. Pogoji in postopki za začasno odobritev:

    (a) Če je pogodbenica uvoznica odobrila uvoz zadevnega živalskega proizvoda iz države izvoznice in so bili vzpostavljeni ustrezni uvozni pogoji in zahteve za izdajanje spričeval.

    (b) Če je pristojni organ pogodbenice izvoznice pogodbenici uvoznici predložil zadovoljiva jamstva, da obrati na njegovem seznamu ali seznamih izpolnjujejo ustrezne zdravstvene zahteve pogodbenice uvoznice in je uradno odobril obrat, ki se pojavlja na seznamih ta izvoz v pogodbenico uvoznico.

    (c) Pristojni organ pogodbenice izvoznice mora imeti resnična pooblastila, da ob neizpolnjevanju jamstev začasno prekine vse dejavnosti za izvoz v pogodbenico uvoznico iz obrata, za katerega je zagotovil jamstva.

    (d) Kontrola pogodbenice uvoznice v skladu z določbami člena 10 Sporazuma je lahko del postopka za začasno odobritev. Ta kontrola zadeva sestavo in organiziranost pristojnega organa, odgovornega za odobritev obrata, ter pooblastila, ki jih ima ta pristojni organ na voljo, in jamstva, ki jih lahko zagotovi v zvezi z izvajanjem pravil pogodbenice uvoznice. Ta kontrola lahko vključuje inšpekcije določenega reprezentativnega števila obratov s seznama ali seznamov, ki jih predloži pogodbenica izvoznica, na kraju samem.

    Ob upoštevanju specifične sestave in porazdelitve pristojnosti znotraj Skupnosti lahko taka kontrola v Skupnosti zadeva posamezne države članice.

    (e) Na podlagi rezultatov kontrole iz (d) lahko pogodbenica uvoznica spremeni obstoječi seznam obratov.

    Dodatek VI


    1. Načela

    (a) Enakovrednost se lahko določi za posamezen ukrep in/ali skupine ukrepov in/ali sisteme, povezane z določenim proizvodom ali kategorijami proizvodov.

    (b) Ocena pogodbenice uvoznice o enakovrednosti zahteve pogodbenice izvoznice za priznanje njenih ukrepov v zvezi z določenim proizvodom ni razlog za oviranje trgovine ali ustavitev tekočega uvoza zadevnega proizvoda iz pogodbenice izvoznice.

    (c) Določitev enakovrednosti ukrepov je interaktivni proces med pogodbenico izvoznico in pogodbenico uvoznico. Ta postopek vključuje objektiven dokaz enakovrednosti posameznih ukrepov pogodbenice izvoznice in objektivno presojo tega dokaza z namenom morebitnega priznanja enakovrednosti v pogodbenici uvoznici.

    (d) Končno priznanje enakovrednosti ustreznih ukrepov pogodbenice izvoznice je v izključni pristojnosti pogodbenice uvoznice.

    2. Predpogoji

    (a) Pogodbenica izvoznica lahko postopek določanja enakovrednosti začne šele, kadar jo pogodbenica uvoznica prizna na seznamu dogovorjenih držav za uvoz proizvoda, za katerega se zahteva enakovrednost. Uvrstitev na seznam je odvisna od zdravstvenega stanja ali stanja škodljivih organizmov, zakonodaje ter učinkovitosti sistema inšpekcij in nadzora, povezanega s proizvodom v pogodbenici izvoznici. V ta namen se upošteva zakonodaja v zadevnem sektorju in tudi sestava pristojnega organa države izvoznice, njena struktura odgovornosti, njena pristojnost, njeni operativni postopki in viri ter delovanje pristojnih organov, kar zadeva inšpekcije in nadzorne sisteme, vključno z njeno stopnjo izvrševanja, povezano s proizvodom, ter regularnosti in hitrosti informacij pogodbenici uvoznici ob odkritih tveganjih. To priznanje se lahko izpriča z dokumentacijo, inšpekcijo in prej dokumentiranimi izkušnjami.

    (b) Pogodbenici začneta proces določanja enakovrednosti na podlagi prednosti iz Dodatka V.A.

    (c) Pogodbenica izvoznica postopek začne šele, ko se za proizvod ne uporabljajo varovalke pogodbenice uvoznice glede pogodbenice izvoznice.

    3. Postopek

    (a) Pogodbenica izvoznica postopek začne tako, da pogodbenici uvoznici predloži zahtevek za priznanje enakovrednosti posameznega ukrepa in/ali skupin ukrepov in/ali sistemov za proizvod ali kategorijo proizvodov v sektorju ali podsektorju.

    (b) Kadar je to primerno, ta zahtevek vključuje tudi zahtevek in potrebno dokumentacijo za odobritev v pogodbenici uvoznici na podlagi enakovrednosti kakšnega koli programa ali načrta pogodbenice izvoznice, ki ga pogodbenica uvoznica zahteva kot pogoj za odobritev uvoza tega proizvoda (npr. program nadzora nad ostanki škodljivih snovi).

    (c) S tem zahtevkom pogodbenica izvoznica:

    (i) pojasni pomen tega proizvoda za trgovanje;

    (ii) opredeli posamezne ukrepe, ki jih lahko izpolni, med skupnimi ukrepi, izraženimi v uvoznih pogojih pogodbenice uvoznice, ki se uporabljajo za navedeni proizvod;

    (iii) opredeli posamezne ukrepe, za katere zahteva enakovrednost, med skupnimi ukrepi, izraženimi v uvoznih pogojih pogodbenice uvoznice, ki se uporabljajo za navedeni proizvod.

    (d) V odgovor na ta zahtevek pogodbenica uvoznica pojasni skupni in posamični cilj in načela v ozadju njenih sklepov, skupaj z opredelitvijo tveganja.

    (e) S tem pojasnilom pogodbenica uvoznica pogodbenico izvoznico obvesti o povezavi med svojimi domačimi ukrepi in izvoznimi pogoji za navedeni proizvod.

    (f) Pogodbenica izvoznica pogodbenici uvoznici objektivno dokaže, da so opredeljeni ukrepi enakovredni z uvoznimi pogoji za navedeni proizvod.

    (g) Pogodbenica uvoznica objektivno oceni dokazilo pogodbenice izvoznice o enakovrednosti.

    (h) Pogodbenica uvoznica sklene, ali je dosežena enakovrednost ali ne.

    (i) Pogodbenica uvoznica pogodbenici izvoznici predloži popolno pojasnilo in podporne podatke za svoje namere in odločitve, če to pogodbenica izvoznica zahteva.

    4. Dokazilo pogodbenice izvoznice o enakovrednosti ukrepov in ocena pogodbenice uvoznice o tem dokazilu

    (a) Pogodbenica izvoznica objektivno dokaže enakovrednost za vsakega od opredeljenih ukrepov pogodbenice uvoznice, izraženih v njenih uvoznih pogojih. Kadar je to ustrezno, se enakovrednost objektivno dokaže za vsakršen načrt ali program, ki ga pogodbenica uvoznica zahteva za odobritev uvoza (npr. program nadzora nad ostanki škodljivih snovi).

    (b) Objektiven dokaz in ocena v tem kontekstu naj temeljita, kolikor je to mogoče, na:

    - mednarodno priznanih standardih, in/ali

    - standardih, ki temeljijo na ustreznih znanstvenih dokazih, in/ali

    - oceni tveganja, in/ali

    - objektivnih, prej dokumentiranih izkušnjah, in

    - pravnem statusu ali stopnji upravnega statusa ukrepov, in

    - stopnji izvajanja in izvrševanja zlasti na podlagi:

    - ustreznih izsledkov v programih spremljanja in nadzora,

    - izsledkov inšpekcije pogodbenice izvoznice,

    - izsledkov analize s priznanimi analitskimi metodami,

    - izsledkov kontrol in uvoznih pregledov v državi uvoznici,

    - učinkovitosti pristojnih organov države izvoznice, in

    - prejšnjih izkušenj.

    5. Razsodba pogodbenice uvoznice

    Če pogodbenica uvoznica sprejme negativen sklep, pogodbenici izvoznici predloži utemeljitev.

    Dodatek VII


    Kontrole se lahko izvajajo na podlagi revizij in/ali pregledov na terenu.

    Za namen tega dodatka:

    (a) "revidiranec" je pogodbenica, ki je predmet kontrole;

    (b) "revizor" je pogodbenica, ki izvaja kontrolo

    1. Splošna načela kontrole

    1.1 Kontrola naj se izvaja v sodelovanju med "revizorjem" in "revidirancem" v skladu z določbami iz tega dodatka.

    1.2 Kontrole naj bodo namenjene za preverjanje učinkovitosti pregledov revidiranca, ne pa za zavračanje posameznih živali, skupin živali, pošiljk hrane, obratov ali posameznih serij rastlin ali rastlinskih proizvodov. Kadar kontrola pokaže resno nevarnost za zdravje živali, rastlin ali človeka, revidiranec sprejme takojšnje korektivne ukrepe. Postopek lahko vključuje preučitev ustreznih predpisov, načina izvajanja, oceno končnega rezultata, stopnje skladnosti in poznejše korektivne ukrepe.

    1.3 Pogostost kontrol naj bo odvisna od učinkovitosti. Če je ta skromna, naj bo kontrol več; nezadovoljivo učinkovitost mora revidiranec izboljšati tako, kot zahteva revizor.

    1.4 Kontrole in sklepi, sprejeti na njihovi osnovi, se izvajajo pregledno in dosledno.

    2. Načela v zvezi z revizorjem

    Revizorji naj pripravijo načrt, po možnosti v skladu s priznanimi mednarodnimi standardi, ki zajema naslednje točke:

    2.1 predmet, poglobljenost in namen kontrole;

    2.2 datum in kraj kontrole, skupaj s časovnim razporedom do vključno izdaje končnega poročila;

    2.3 jezik ali jezike, v katerih bo potekala kontrola in napisano poročilo;

    2.4 imena revizorjev skupaj z vodjo, če se uporablja skupinski pristop. Za izvajanje kontrole specializiranih sistemov in programov so lahko potrebna posebna poklicna znanja;

    2.5 razpored sestankov z uslužbenci in obiskov obratov ali objektov. Imen obiskanih obratov ali objektov ni treba navesti vnaprej;

    2.6 ob upoštevanju določil o svobodi informiranja revizor spoštuje poslovno tajnost. Izogibati se je treba navzkrižjem interesov;

    2.7 spoštovanje pravil o zdravju in varnosti pri delu ter pravice gospodarskega subjekta. Ta načrt se pregleda vnaprej s predstavniki revidiranca.

    3. Načela v zvezi z revidirancem

    Za ukrepe, ki jih revidiranec sprejme za olajšanje kontrol, veljajo naslednja načela:

    3.1 Revidiranec mora v celoti sodelovati z revizorjem in imenovati osebje, pristojno za to nalogo. Sodelovanje lahko vključuje na primer:

    - dostop do vseh ustreznih uredb in standardov,

    - dostop do programov skladnosti ter ustreznih evidenc in dokumentov,

    - dostop do revizorskih in inšpekcijskih poročil,

    - dokumentacijo o korektivnih ukrepih in sankcijah,

    - olajšanje vstopa v obrate.

    3.2 Revidiranec mora voditi dokumentiran program, s katerim revizorju dokaže, da se standardi izpolnjujejo usklajeno in poenoteno.

    4. Postopki

    4.1 Uvodno srečanje

    Priredi se uvodno srečanje med predstavniki pogodbenic. Na tem srečanju je revizor dolžen pregledati načrt kontrol in potrditi, da so na voljo zadostni viri, dokumentacija in vsa druga potrebna sredstva za izvedbo kontrole.

    4.2 Pregled dokumentacije

    Pregled dokumentacije je lahko sestavljen iz pregleda dokumentov in evidenc iz odstavka 3.1, struktur in pooblastil revidiranca ter vseh pomembnih sprememb sistemov inšpekcije in certificiranja od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma ali od prejšnje kontrole, s poudarkom na izvajanju elementov sistema inšpekcije in certificiranja za pomembne živali, živalske proizvode, rastline ali rastlinske proizvode. To lahko vključuje pregled ustreznih inšpekcijskih in certifikacijskih evidenc in dokumentov.

    4.3 Pregledi na kraju samem

    4.3.1 Sklep o vključitvi tega koraka naj temelji na oceni tveganja, pri čemer se upoštevajo dejavniki, kot so zadevne živali, živalski proizvodi, rastline ali rastlinski proizvodi, zgodovina skladnosti z zahtevami v gospodarskem sektorju ali državi izvoznici, obseg proizvedenega ter uvoženega ali izvoženega proizvoda, spremembe v infrastrukturi in nacionalni sistemi inšpekcije in certificiranja.

    4.3.2 Pregledi na kraju samem lahko vključujejo obiske proizvodnih in predelovalnih zmogljivosti, območij za ravnanje s hrano ali skladiščenje in kontrolnih laboratorijev, da se preveri skladnost z informacijami v dokumentacijskem gradivu iz 4.2.

    4.4 Nadaljnja kontrola

    Kadar se izvede nadaljnja kontrola, s katero naj bi se preverila odprava pomanjkljivosti, je dovolj, če se pregledajo samo točke, v katerih so bile potrebne izboljšave.

    5. Delovni dokumenti

    Obrazci za poročanje o izsledkih in sklepih revizije bi morali biti čim bolj standardizirani, da bi bil pristop do kontrole bolj poenoten, pregleden in učinkovit. Delovni dokumenti lahko vključujejo vsakršne kontrolne sezname elementov, ki jih je treba oceniti. Taki kontrolni seznami lahko zajemajo:

    - zakonodajo,

    - sestavo in delovanje inšpekcijskih in certifikacijskih služb,

    - podrobnosti o obratu in delovne postopke,

    - zdravstvene statistike, načrte in rezultate vzorčenja,

    - ukrepe in postopke za skladnost,

    - postopke poročanja in pritožbene postopke, in

    - programe usposabljanja.

    6. Sklepno srečanje

    Priredi se sklepno srečanje med predstavniki pogodbenic, vključno z uslužbenci, pristojnimi za nacionalne inšpekcijske in certifikacijske programe. Na tem srečanju revizor predstavi izsledke kontrole. Informacije se predstavijo v jasni in strnjeni obliki, tako da je mogoče jasno razbrati ugotovitve revizije. Revidiranec sestavi delovni načrt za odpravo morebitnih opaženih pomanjkljivosti, zlasti s ciljnimi datumi za dokončanje.

    7. Poročilo

    Osnutek poročila o kontroli se revidirancu pošlje v 20 delovnih dneh. Revidiranec ima na voljo 25 delovnih dni za komentar na osnutek poročila. Pripombe revidiranca se priložijo, in kadar je to ustrezno, vključijo v končno poročilo. Kjer pa je bila med kontrolo ugotovljena resna nevarnost za zdravje ljudi, živali ali rastlin, se revidiranec čim prej obvesti, vsekakor pa v 10 delovnih dneh po koncu kontrole.

    Dodatek VIII


    A. Načela pregledov ob uvozu

    Preglede ob uvozu sestavljajo pregledi dokumentacije, pregledi istovetnosti in fizični pregledi.

    Kar zadeva živali in živalske izdelke, so fizični pregledi in njihova pogostnost odvisni od nevarnosti, povezane s takim uvozom.

    Pri izvajanju pregledov za namen zdravja rastlin pogodbenica uvoznica zagotovi, da se rastline, rastlinski proizvodi in drugo blago podrobno pregledajo na uradni osnovi, bodisi v celoti bodisi reprezentativen vzorec, in da se po potrebi na uradni osnovi podrobno pregledajo vozila, ki jih prevažajo, z namenom da bi zagotovili, da niso okužene s škodljivimi organizmi.

    Če pregledi pokažejo neskladnost z ustreznimi standardi in/ali zahtevami, pogodbenica uvoznica sprejme uradne ukrepe, sorazmerne z vpleteno nevarnostjo. Kadar je to mogoče, dobi uvoznik ali njegov predstavnik dostop do pošiljke in priložnost, da prispeva kakršno koli pomembno informacijo, s katero pogodbenici uvoznici pomaga pri končni odločitvi v zvezi s pošiljko. Taka odločitev je nevarnosti primerna.

    B. Pogostnost fizičnih pregledov

    B.1 Živali in živalski proizvodi

    (a) Uvoz v Skupnost

    Vrsta mejne kontrole | Stopnja pogostnosti |

    1. Kontrola dokumentacije | 100 % |

    2. Kontrola istovetnosti | 100 % |

    3. Fizični pregled |

    Žive živali | 100 % |

    Proizvodi iz kategorije I

    Sveže meso skupaj z stranskimi proizvodi klanja in proizvodi iz govedi, ovc, koz, prašičev in kopitarjev, opredeljeni v Direktivi Sveta 92/5/EGS. | 20 % |

    Ribji proizvodi v hermetično zaprtih posodah, namenjenih za njihovo stabilizacijo pri temperaturi okolja, sveže in zamrznjene ribe ter sušeni in/ali nasoljeni ribiški proizvodi. |

    Cela jajca |

    Mast in topljene masti |

    Živalska čreva |

    Valilna jajca |

    Proizvodi iz kategorije II

    Perutnina in perutninski proizvodi | 50 % |

    Kunčje meso, meso divjadi (prostoživeče/vzrejene v oborah) in njihovi proizvodi |

    Mleko in mlečni izdelki namenjeni za prehrano ljudi |

    Jajčni proizvodi |

    Predelane živalske beljakovine namenjene za prehrano ljudi |

    Drugi ribiški proizvodi razen omenjenih pod 20 % |

    Školjke |

    Med |

    Proizvodi iz kategorije III

    Seme | Najmanj 1 % Največ 10 % |

    Zarodki |

    Gnoj |

    Mleko in mlečni izdelki (ki niso namenjeni za prehrano ljudi ) |

    Želatina |

    Žabji kraki in polži |

    Kosti in proizvodi iz kosti |

    Kože |

    Ščetine, volna, dlaka in perje |

    Rogovi, proizvodi iz rogov, kopita in proizvodi iz kopit |

    Čebelji izdelki |

    Lovske trofeje |

    Predelana hrana za hišne živali |

    Surovine za proizvodnjo hrane za hišne živali |

    Surovine, kri, proizvodi iz krvi, žleze in organi za farmacevtsko ali tehnično uporabo |

    Seno in slama |

    Patogeni |

    Predelane živalske beljakovine (pakirane) |

    Predelane živalske beljakovine, ki niso namenjene za prehrano ljudi | 100 % za prvih šest pošiljk (Direktiva Sveta 92/118/EGS), nato 20 % |

    (b) Uvoz v Čile

    Vrsta mejne kontrole | Stopnja pogostnosti |

    Kontrola dokumentacije Kontrola vseh dokumentov, povezanih s pošiljko, vključno s certificiranjem, ki zagotavlja skladnost zdravstvenih zahtev. | |

    Zdravstveni pregled Pregled živali, proizvodov živalskega izvora in proizvodov namenjenih za prehrano živali. Vključuje vse ukrepe za ocenjevanje zdravstvenega stanja živali in živalskih proizvodov ter kontrolo, da so bili predelani v skladu s zdravstvenimi zahtevami. | |

    Žive živali | Kontrola dokumentacije – 100 % |

    Zdravstvena inšpekcija – 100 % |

    Seme in zarodki | Kontrola dokumentacije – 100 % |

    Zdravstvena inšpekcija – 100 % |

    Živalski izdelki namenjeni za prehrano ljudi | Kontrola dokumentacije – 100 % |

    Zdravstvena inšpekcija – 100 % |

    Živalski izdelki, ki niso namenjeni za prehrano ljudi | Kontrola dokumentacije – 100 % |

    Zdravstvena inšpekcija – 100 % |

    Predelane živalske beljakovine, ki niso namenjene za prehrano ljudi | Kontrola dokumentacije – 100 % |

    Zdravstvena inšpekcija – 100 % |

    Hrana, uporabljana v ribogojstvu | Kontrola dokumentacije 100 % |

    Kontrola istovetnosti 5 % |

    Fizični pregled 0 % |

    Vodne živali | Kontrola dokumentacije 100 % |

    Kontrola istovetnosti 20 % |

    Fizični pregled: glede na državo porekla (Uredba št. 626, 2001); 100 % uradni organ ni priznan (karantena); 0 % uradni organ priznan |

    Surovine za ponovno predelavo | Kontrola dokumentacije 100 % |

    Kontrola istovetnosti 10 % |

    Fizični pregled: 100 % morski toksini za lupinarje in druge dovzetne vrste |

    Vabe | Kontrola dokumentacije 100 % |

    Kontrola istovetnosti 10 % |

    Fizični pregled 0 % |

    B.2 Rastline in rastlinski proizvodi

    (a) Uvoz v Skupnost

    Za rastline, rastlinske proizvode in drugo blago, navedene v delu B Priloge V k Direktivi Sveta 2000/29/ES:

    Vrsta mejne kontrole | Stopnja pogostnosti |

    1. Pregled dokumentacije | Kontrola dokumentacije se izvaja za 100 % |

    2. Pregled istovetnosti | Kontrola istovetnosti se izvaja za 100 % |

    3. Zdravstveni pregled | Rastline, rastlinski proizvodi in drugo blago ter njihova embalaža se podrobno uradno pregledajo, bodisi v celoti bodisi reprezentativen vzorec, in da se po potrebi podrobno uradno pregledajo vozila, ki jih prevažajo, z namenom da bi zagotovili, da niso okuženi s škodljivimi organizmi. |

    Za rastline, rastlinske proizvode in drugo blago, ki niso navedeni v delu B Priloge V k Direktivi Sveta 2000/29/ES:

    Pogodbenica uvoznica lahko naključno izvaja zdravstvene preglede, s katerimi, kolikor je mogoče, zagotovi, da niso okuženimi s škodljivimi organizmi.

    (b) Uvoz v Čile

    Vrsta mejne kontrole

    Pregled dokumentacije je kontrola vseh dokumentov, povezanih z vsako pošiljko, za določitev skladnosti s fitosanitarnim spričevalom.

    Kontrola je pregled pošiljk za določitev stopnje industrializacije ali preoblikovanja (na primer preverjanje, ali je proizvod zamrznjen, sušen, pečen itd.).

    Fitosanitarni pregled je niz ukrepov za določanje skladnosti fitosanitarnih zahtev.

    Sprejem je določanje fitosanitarnega statusa za mednarodna prevozna sredstva.

    Rastline, rastlinski proizvodi in drugo blago, ki pomeni fitosanitarno nevarnost | Vrsta mejne kontrole | Stopnja |

    Seme, rastline in deli rastlin, namenjenih za razmnoževanje ali sajenje | Pregled dokumentacije | 100 % |

    Fitosanitarni pregled | 100 % |

    Organizmi in mikroorganizmi, uporabljani pri biološkem nadzoru, opraševanju, pridelovanju določenih snovi ali preiskavah | Pregled dokumentacije | 100 % |

    Fitosanitarni pregled | 100 % |

    Rastlinski proizvodi

    Rastlinski material, ki je bil izpostavljen enemu ali več postopkom obdelave ali industrializacije, ki vključuje spremembo izvirnih značilnosti, in nanj zato ne morejo neposredno učinkovati škodljivi organizmi, vendar jih lahko prenaša ali se z njimi okuži zaradi pogojev skladiščenja | Pregled dokumentacije | 100 % |

    Kontrola | Spremenljiv % (< 100 %) |

    Rastlinski material, ki ga lahko kljub izpostavljenosti postopku ali industrializaciji okuži škodljivi organizem ali ga prenaša | Pregled dokumentacije | 100 % |

    Fitosanitarni pregled | 100 % |

    Sveži rastlinski proizvodi za prehranske namene z neposredno uporabo ali predelavo, ki se lahko okužijo s škodljivimi organizmi ali jih prenašajo | Pregled dokumentacije | 100 % |

    Fitosanitarni pregled | 100 % |

    Drugo blago, ki pomeni fitosanitarno nevarnost:

    Rastni substrati | Pregled dokumentacije | 100 % |

    Fitosanitarni pregled | 100 % |

    Biološka gnojila | Pregled dokumentacije | 100 % |

    Fitosanitarni pregled | 100 % |

    Prevozna sredstva | Sprejem | 100 % |

    Lesena embalaža | Fitosanitarni pregled | Spremenljiv odstotek |

    Embalaža | Fitosanitarni pregled | Spremenljiv odstotek |

    Rabljena kmetijska mehanizacija | Fitosanitarni pregled | 100 % |

    Dodatek IX


    A. Načela certificiranja

    Rastline in rastlinski proizvodi ter drugo blago:

    V zvezi s certificiranjem rastlin in rastlinskih proizvodov ter drugega blaga pristojni organi uporabljajo načela, določena v Mednarodnih standardih FAO za fitosanitarne ukrepe št. 7 "Sistem izdajanja izvoznih spričeval" in št. 12 "Smernice za fitosanitarna spričevala".

    Živali in živalski proizvodi:

    1. Pristojni organi pogodbenic zagotovijo, da uradniki, pristojni za izdajanje spričeval, zadovoljivo poznajo veterinarsko zakonodajo, kar zadeva živali ali živalske proizvode, za katere je treba izdati spričevalo, in so na splošno obveščeni o pravilih za sestavljanje in izdajanje spričeval in – če je to potrebno – o značaju in obsegu poizvedb, testov ali pregledov, ki naj bi se izvedli pred izdajo spričeval.

    2. Uradniki, pristojni za izdajanje spričeval, ne smejo potrditi podatkov, s katerimi niso seznanjeni ali ki jih ne morejo preveriti.

    3. Uradniki, pristojni za izdajanje spričeval, ne smejo podpisovati praznih ali nepopolnih spričeval ali spričeval za živali ali živalske proizvode, ki jih niso pregledati ali ki niso več pod njihovo pristojnostjo. Kadar se spričevalo podpiše na podlagi drugega spričevala ali potrdila, mora imeti uradnik, pristojen za izdajo spričevala, pred podpisom na voljo ta dokument.

    4. Uradnik, pristojen za izdajo spričevala, lahko potrdi podatke:

    (a) ki jih je na podlagi odstavkov 1 do 3 preverila druga oseba, ki jo je za to pooblastil pristojni organ in ki je delovala pod nazorom tega organa, če lahko organ, pristojen za izdajo spričeval, preveri točnost podatkov; ali

    (b) ki so bili pridobljeni v okviru programov spremljanja v povezavi z uradno priznanimi sistemi zagotavljanja kakovosti ali prek sistema epidemiološkega nadzora, ko je to odobreno po veterinarski zakonodaji.

    5. Pristojni organi pogodbenic sprejmejo vse potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi zagotovijo poštenost pri izdajanju spričeval. Zlasti poskrbijo, da uradniki, pristojni za izdajanje spričeval, ki jih imenujejo:

    (a) imajo status, ki zagotavlja njihovo nepristranskost, in nimajo neposrednega komercialnega interesa za živali ali izdelke, za katere izdajajo spričevala, ali obrate ali objekte, iz katerih izhajajo; in

    (b) se v celoti zavedajo pomena vsebine vsakega spričevala, ki ga podpišejo.

    6. Spričevala so sestavljena tako, da zagotovijo vez med spričevalom in pošiljko, vsaj v jeziku, ki ga razume uradnik, pristojen za izdajo spričevala, in vsaj v enem od uradnih jezikov pogodbenice uvoznice, kakor je opredeljeno v C.

    7. Vsak pristojni organ mora biti sposoben povezati spričevala z ustreznim uradnikom, pristojnim za izdajanje spričeval, in zagotoviti, da je izvod vseh izdanih spričeval na voljo za obdobje, ki ga določi.

    8. Vsako podjetje uvede take preglede in sprejme take nadzorne ukrepe, kakršni so potrebni za preprečevanje izdajanja ali uporabe lažnih ali zavajajočih spričeval, ki so dozdevno izdana za namen veterinarske zakonodaje.

    9. Brez poseganja v kakršne koli sodne postopke ali kazni pristojni organi izvajajo preiskave ali preglede in sprejemajo ustrezne ukrepe za kaznovanje vseh primerov lažnega ali zavajajočega izdajanja spričeval, na katere so opozorjeni. Med takimi ukrepi je lahko začasno suspendiranje uradnikov, ki so pristojni za izdajanje spričeval, do konca preiskave. Zlasti:

    (a) če se med pregledi ugotovi, da je uradnik, pristojen za izdajanje spričeval, zavestno izdal lažno spričevalo, pristojni organ sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi v največji meri zagotovi, da zadevna oseba ne more ponoviti prekrška;

    (b) če se med pregledi ugotovi, da je posameznik ali podjetje goljufivo uporabilo ali spremenilo uradno spričevalo, pristojni organ sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi v največji meri zagotovi, da posameznik ali podjetje ne more ponoviti prekrška. Taki ukrepi lahko vključujejo poznejšo zavrnitev izdaje uradnega spričevala zadevni osebi ali podjetju.

    B. Spričevalo iz člena 8(3)

    Potrditev zdravstveno ustreznosti v spričevalu izraža status enakovrednosti zadevnega proizvoda. Potrditev zdravstveno ustreznosti navaja skladnost s proizvodnimi standardi pogodbenice izvoznice, ki jih je pogodbenica uvoznica priznala kot enakovredne.

    C. Uradni jeziki za izdajanje spričeval

    Uvoz v Skupnost

    Rastline, rastlinski proizvodi in drugo blago:

    Spričevalo mora biti sestavljeno v vsaj enem od uradnih jezikov Skupnosti in po možnosti v enem od uradnih jezikov namembne države članice.

    Živali in živalski proizvodi:

    Zdravstveno spričevalo mora biti sestavljeno v vsaj enem od uradnih jezikov namembne države članice in v enem od uradnih jezikov države članice, v kateri se izvaja kontrola pri uvozu iz člena 11.

    Uvoz v Čile

    Zdravstveno spričevalo mora biti sestavljeno v španščini ali v drugem jeziku, pri čemer mora biti zagotovljen prevod v španščino.

    Dodatek X


    Obravnava jih Odbor iz člena 16, da bi jih rešil.

    Dodatek XI


    A. Kontaktne točke

    Za Čile:

    Departamento Acceso a Mercados

    Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales (DIRECON)

    Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

    Teatinos 20, piso 2



    Tel. (56-2) 5 65 90 09

    Faks (56-2) 6 96 06 39

    Drugi pomembni kontaktni naslovi:

    Departamento de Asuntos Económicos con Europa

    Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales (DIRECON)

    Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

    Teatinos 20, piso 3



    Tel. (56-2) 5 65 93 67

    Faks (56-2) 5 65 93 66

    Jefe Departamento de Protección Pecuaria

    Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG)

    Ministerio de Agricultura

    Av. Bulnes 140, piso 7



    Tel. (56-2) 6 88 61 83

    Faks (56-2) 6 71 61 84

    Jefe Departamento de Protección Agrícola

    Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG)

    Ministerio de Agricultura

    Av. Bulnes 140, piso 3



    Tel. (56-2) 6 96 85 00

    Faks (56-2) 6 96 64 80

    Departamento Asuntos Internacionales

    Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG)

    Ministerio de Agricultura

    Av. Bulnes 140, piso 6



    Tel. (56-2) 6 88 38 11

    Faks (56-2) 6 71 74 19

    Jefe Departamento Sanidad Pesquera

    Servicio Nacional de Pesca (SERNAPESCA)

    Ministerio de Economía

    Victoria 2832



    Tel. (56-32) 81 92 03

    Faks (56-32) 81 92 00

    Jefe División de Rectoría y Regulación Sanitaria

    Ministerio de Salud

    Estado 360 piso 8



    Tel. (56-2) 6 30 04 88 – 6 30 04 89

    Faks (56-2) 6 38 35 62

    Za Skupnost:

    The Director

    DG SANCO Directorate E

    Food safety: plant health, animal health and welfare, International questions

    European Commission

    Mail: Rue de la Loi 200

    B-1049 Brussels Belgium

    Office: Rue Froissart 101

    B-1040 Brussels Belgium

    Tel. (32) 22 96 33 14

    Faks (32) 22 96 42 86

    Drugi pomembni kontaktni naslovi:

    The Director

    DG SANCO Directorate D

    Food safety: production and distribution chain

    European Commission

    Mail: Rue de la Loi 200

    B-1049 Brussels Belgium

    Office: Rue Belliard 232

    B-1040 Brussels Belgium

    Tel. (32) 22 95 34 30

    Faks (32) 22 95 02 85

    The Director

    DG SANCO Directorate F

    Food and Veterinary Office

    Grange Dunsany

    Co Meath


    Tel. (353) 4 66 17 58

    Faks (353) 4 66 18 97

    B. Kontaktne točke za e-pošto

    Za Čile:

    Za Skupnost:

    C. Brezplačna spletna mesta

    Za Čile:

    Za Skupnost:

    Dodatek XII


    Za Skupnost

    Ozemlja držav članic Skupnosti, kot so opredeljena v Prilogi I k Direktivi Sveta 97/78/ES, in kar zadeva rastline, rastlinske proizvode in drugo blago, v členu 1 Direktive Sveta 2000/29/ES.

    Za Čile

    Kakor določa člen 204 Pridružitvenega sporazuma.

    [1] Kopitarji (vključno z zebrami) ali osli ali križanci teh vrst.

    [2] Kokoši, purani, pegatke, race, gosi.

    [3] Goveda, prašičev, kopitarjev, koz, ovc, perutnine.

    [4] V oborah vzrejene divjadi, prostoživeče divjadi kategorij leporidae, kopitarji, pernata divjad, drugi sesalci.

    [1] Odbor iz člena 16 v enem letu po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma sprejme delovni načrt o oblikovanju drugih standardov dobrega počutja živali, ki so pomembni za pogodbenici.

    [1] Odbor iz člena 16 te sezname dopolni s sklepom.




    (iz člena 90 Pridružitvenega sporazuma)

    Člen 1


    Pogodbenici na podlagi nediskriminacije in vzajemnosti olajšata in spodbujata trgovanje z vinom, proizvedenim v Čilu in v Skupnosti, v skladu s pogoji, predvidenimi v tem sporazumu.

    Člen 2

    Področje in obseg uporabe

    Ta sporazum se uporablja za vina iz tarifne številke 22.04 Harmoniziranega sistema poimenovanj in šifrskih oznak blaga ("HS"), ki so proizvedena v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo, ki ureja proizvodnjo določene vrste vina v pogodbenici.

    Člen 3


    Za namen tega sporazuma, razen kadar je drugače določeno, velja naslednje:

    (a) "s poreklom", ki se uporablja v zvezi z imenom ene od pogodbenic, pomeni, da je vino v celoti proizvedeno v zadevni pogodbenici izključno iz grozdja, v celoti potrganega v tej pogodbenici;

    (b) "geografska označba" je označba, opredeljena v členu 22(1) Sporazuma TRIPs STO, ki je zaščitena z zakoni in predpisi pogodbenice za namen prepoznavanja vina s poreklom iz regije ali kraja v tej pogodbenici;

    (c) "tradicionalni izraz" je ime, ki se tradicionalno uporablja predvsem za način proizvodnje ali staranja oziroma za kakovost, barvo, vrsto kraja ali določen dogodek, povezan z zgodovino zadevnega proizvoda, vina, ki ga priznavajo zakoni in drugi predpisi pogodbenice za namen opisovanja in predstavitve proizvoda s poreklom iz navedene pogodbenice;

    (d) "dodatne omembe kakovosti" so izrazi, ki so v čilski zakonodaji poimenovani kot dodatne omembe kakovosti;

    (e) "enakozvočnica" je ista geografska označba ali isti tradicionalni izraz in dodatna omemba kakovosti ali izraz, ki je tako podoben, da bi lahko privedel do zmešnjave, in ki označuje različne kraje, postopke ali stvari;

    (f) "opis" so besede, s katerimi se opiše vino na etiketi ali na dokumentih, ki spremljajo prevoz vina, na komercialnih dokumentih, predvsem na računih in dobavnicah, in oglaševalskem gradivu, in "opisati" ima podoben pomen;

    (g) "oznake" so vsi opisi in druge opombe, znaki, vzorci, geografske označbe ali blagovne znamke, ki so prepoznavni za vina in se pojavljajo na vsebnikih, vključno s sistemi zapiranja ali pritrjeno etiketo ter ovojem, ki prekriva grlo steklenic;

    (h) "država članica" je država članica Skupnosti;

    (i) "predstavitev" so besede ali znaki, ki se uporabljajo na vsebnikih, vključno s sistemi zapiranja, na etiketah in embalaži;

    (j) "embalaža" je zaščitni ovoj, kot so papir, slamnati ovoji vseh vrst, karton in škatle, ki se uporabljajo za prevoz enega ali več vsebnikov ali za prodajo končnemu porabniku;

    (k) "proizveden" označuje celoten postopek vinarstva;

    (l) "postopek vinarstva" je postopek preobrazbe mošta z uporabo kvasovk, dokler ni več prisotnega sladkorja ali dokler se ne pridobi zahtevana količina sladkorja v skladu z naravo končnega proizvoda;

    (m) "vinske sorte" so sorte vinske trte (Vitis Vinifera) ne glede na kakršno koli zakonodajo, ki jo lahko ima pogodbenica za uporabo različnih vinskih sort za vino, proizvedeno v tej pogodbenici;

    (n) "identifikacija", ko se uporablja v zvezi z geografskimi označbami, je uporaba geografskih označb za opis ali predstavitev vina;

    (o) "vino" je samo pijača, ki je produkt popolnega ali delnega alkoholnega vrenja svežega grozdja vinskih sort, omenjenih v tem sporazumu, stisnjenega ali ne, ali njegovega mošta;

    (p) "Sporazum" je ta sporazum z vsemi dodatki;

    (q) "Pridružitveni sporazum" je Sporazum o pridružitvi med pogodbenicama, kateremu je priložen ta sporazum; in

    (r) "Pridružitveni odbor" je odbor iz člena 19(3) Pridružitvenega sporazuma.

    Člen 4

    Splošna pravila pri uvozu in trženju

    1. Če ta sporazum ne predvideva drugače, se trgovina z vinom in njegovo trženje izvajata v skladu z zakoni in predpisi zadevne pogodbenice.

    2. Ta sporazum ne posega v predpise o obdavčevanju v nobeni od pogodbenic ali v druge ustrezne nadzorne ukrepe.



    Člen 5

    Zaščita geografskih označb

    1. Pogodbenici sprejmeta vse potrebne ukrepe v skladu s tem sporazumom, da zagotovita vzajemno zaščito imen iz člena 6, ki se uporabljajo za opisovanje in predstavitev vin, ki so v smislu člena 3 s poreklom iz pogodbenic. V ta namen vsaka pogodbenica uporabi ustrezna pravna sredstva iz člena 23 Sporazuma TRIPs STO, da zagotovi učinkovito zaščito in prepreči, da bi se geografske označbe uporabljale za opisovanje vin, ki jih ne zajemajo zadevne označbe oziroma opisi.

    2. Imena iz člena 6 so rezervirana izključno za proizvode s poreklom iz pogodbenice, za katere se uporabljajo, in se smejo uporabljati samo pod pogoji, določenimi v zakonih in predpisih te pogodbenice.

    3. Zaščita, omenjena v odstavkih 1 in 2, poskrbi zlasti za izključitev vsakršne uporabe imen iz člena 6 za vina, ki po poreklu ne izhajajo z zadevnega geografskega območja, tudi če:

    (a) je navedeno dejansko poreklo proizvoda;

    (b) se zadevno ime uporablja v prevodu;

    (c) ime spremljajo izrazi, kakor so "vrsta", "tip", "slog", "imitacija", "metoda" ali drugi tovrstni izrazi.

    4. V primeru enakozvočnih geografskih označb:

    (a) kadar sta dve geografski označbi, zaščiteni po tem sporazumu, enakozvočnici, se zaščita prizna obema; potrošnikov se ne zavaja glede pravega porekla vina;

    (b) kadar je geografska označba, zaščitena po tem sporazumu, enakozvočna z imenom geografskega območja zunaj pogodbenic, se slednje ime lahko uporabi za opisovanje in predstavitev vina z geografskega območja, na katero se nanaša ime, če se uporablja po tradiciji in dosledno, če njegovo uporabo v ta namen ureja država porekla in če potrošnikov ne zavaja v tem smislu, da ima vino poreklo v zadevni pogodbenici.

    5. Pogodbenici lahko po potrebi določita praktične pogoje uporabe, ki omogočajo razlikovanje med enakozvočnima geografskima označbama iz odstavka 4, pri čemer upoštevata enakovredno obravnavanje proizvajalcev in preprečevanje zavajanja potrošnikov.

    6. Določbe tega člena ne posegajo v pravico pravnih ali fizičnih oseb, da pri trgovanju uporabljajo svoje ime ali ime svojih poslovnih predhodnikov, razen kadar se takšno ime uporablja tako, da zavaja potrošnike. Poleg tega člen 7(1) ne velja za taka imena, ki so ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma registrirane blagovne znamke.

    7. Kadar pogodbenica v okviru pogajanj s tretjo državo predlaga zaščito geografske označbe za vino iz te tretje države in je to ime enakozvočnica geografske označbe druge pogodbenice, se slednja obvesti in dobi priložnost komentarja, preden se ime zaščiti.

    Člen 6

    Geografske označbe

    Naslednja imena so imena, na katera se nanaša člen 5:

    (a) kar zadeva vino s poreklom iz Skupnosti:

    (i) izrazi, ki se nanašajo na ime države članice, v kateri ima proizvod poreklo;

    (ii) geografske označbe, naštete v Dodatku I;

    (b) kar zadeva vino s poreklom iz Čila:

    (i) izrazi, ki se nanašajo na Čile;

    (ii) geografske označbe, naštete v Dodatku II.

    Člen 7

    Geografske označbe in blagovne znamke

    1. Zavrne se registracija blagovne znamke za vino v smislu člena 3, ki je identično, podobno ali vsebuje geografsko označbo, zaščiteno po členu 5.

    2. Na podlagi čilskega registra blagovnih znamk, kakor je bil ustanovljen dne 10. junija 2002, se blagovne znamke, naštete v Dodatku VI, razveljavijo v 12 letih po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma za uporabo na notranjem trgu in v petih letih za uporabo za izvoz.

    3. Blagovne znamke, naštete v Dodatku VI, za vino, ki se je v obdobju 1999–2001 povprečno izvažalo v manj kot 1000 škatlah z 9 litri, se razveljavijo z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma.

    Člen 8

    Zaščita tradicionalnih izrazov ali dodatnih omemb kakovosti

    1. Pogodbenici sprejmeta vse potrebne ukrepe v skladu s tem sporazumom, da zagotovita vzajemno zaščito tradicionalnih izrazov ali dodatnih omemb kakovosti iz člena 9, ki se uporabljajo za opisovanje in predstavitev vin, ki so v smislu člena 3 s poreklom iz pogodbenic. V ta namen vsaka pogodbenica uporabi ustrezna pravna sredstva za zagotovitev učinkovite zaščite in za preprečevanje, da bi se tradicionalni izrazi ali dodatne omembe kakovosti uporabljali za označevanje vin, za katera zadevne označbe oziroma opisi ne veljajo.

    2. Tradicionalni izrazi ali dodatne omembe kakovosti iz člena 9 so rezervirani izključno za proizvode s poreklom iz pogodbenice, za katero se uporabljajo, in se smejo uporabljati samo pod pogoji, določenimi v zakonih in predpisih te pogodbenice, ob upoštevanju odstavkov 3, 4 in 5.

    3. Zaščita tradicionalnega izraza ali dodatne omembe kakovosti velja samo za jezik ali jezike, v katerih se pojavlja v dodatkih III ali IV.

    4. Zaščita vsakega tradicionalnega izraza ali dodatne omembe kakovosti velja samo za njegovo uporabo pri opisovanju in predstavitvi kategorije ali kategorij vina, za katere je navedena v Dodatku III ali IV.

    5. V primeru enakozvočnih tradicionalnih izrazov in dodatnih omemb kakovosti:

    (a) kadar sta tradicionalni izraz in dodatna omemba kakovosti, zaščitena po tem sporazumu, enakozvočnici, se zaščita prizna obema pod pogojem, da potrošnikov ne zavajata glede pravega porekla vina;

    (b) kadar sta tradicionalni izraz ali dodatna omemba kakovosti, navedena na Seznamu A v Dodatku III ali IV, enakozvočna z imenom vina, ki je po poreklu zunaj pogodbenic, se slednje ime lahko uporablja zgolj za opisovanje in predstavitev vina pod pogojem, da je taka uporaba priznana v nacionalni zakonodaji države porekla in da ne pomeni nelojalne konkurence ter potrošnikov ne zavaja glede porekla, značaja ali kakovosti vina;

    (c) kadar sta tradicionalni izraz ali dodatna omemba kakovosti, navedena na Seznamu B v Dodatku III ali IV, enakozvočna z imenom vina, ki je po poreklu zunaj pogodbenic, se slednje ime lahko uporablja zgolj za opisovanje in predstavitev vina pod pogojem, da se ta geografska označba uporablja po tradiciji in dosledno, če njeno uporabo v ta namen ureja država porekla in če potrošnikov ne zavaja v tem smislu, da ima vino poreklo v zadevni pogodbenici.

    6. Pogodbenici lahko po potrebi določita praktične pogoje uporabe, ki omogočajo razlikovanje med enakozvočnima tradicionalnima izrazoma in dodatnima omembama kakovosti iz odstavka 5, pri čemer upoštevata enakovredno obravnavanje proizvajalcev in preprečevanje zavajanja potrošnikov.

    Člen 9

    Tradicionalni izrazi ali dodatne omembe kakovosti

    Za namen tega člena so zaščiteni naslednji tradicionalni izrazi ali dodatne omembe kakovosti:

    (a) kar zadeva vino s poreklom iz Skupnosti, izrazi navedeni v Dodatku III, Seznam A in Seznam B;

    (b) kar zadeva vino s poreklom iz Čila, izrazi navedeni v Dodatku IV, Seznam A in Seznam B.

    Člen 10

    Tradicionalni izrazi ali dodatne omembe kakovosti in blagovne znamke

    1. Registracija blagovne znamke vina v pogodbenici, ki je identična, podobna ali vsebuje tradicionalni izraz ali dodatno omembo kakovosti druge pogodbenice, navedeno na Seznamu A Dodatka III ali IV, se zavrne, kolikor registracija zadeva uporabo tega tradicionalnega izraza ali dodatne omembe kakovosti za opisovanje ali predstavitev kategorije ali kategorij vina, za katera sta ta tradicionalni izraz ali dodatna omemba kakovosti navedena v Dodatku III ali IV.

    2. Z odstopanjem od odstavka 1 registracija blagovne znamke vina v pogodbenici, ki je prav tako identična, podobna ali vsebuje tradicionalni izraz ali dodatno omembo kakovosti te pogodbenice, navedeno na Seznamu A Dodatka III ali IV, ni potrebna, kolikor ta registracija zadeva uporabo tega tradicionalnega izraza ali dodatne omembe kakovosti za opisovanje ali predstavitev kategorije ali kategorij vina, za katera sta ta tradicionalni izraz ali dodatna omemba kakovosti navedena v Dodatku III ali IV.

    3. Registracija blagovne znamke vina v smislu člena 3, ki je identična, podobna ali vsebuje tradicionalni izraz ali dodatno omembo kakovosti druge pogodbenice, navedeno na Seznamu B Dodatka III ali IV, se zavrne, kolikor registracija zadeva uporabo tega tradicionalnega izraza ali dodatne omembe kakovosti za opisovanje ali predstavitev kategorije ali kategorij vina, za katera sta ta tradicionalni izraz ali dodatna omemba kakovosti navedena v Dodatku III ali IV.

    4. Na podlagi čilskega registra blagovnih znamk, kakor je bil ustanovljen dne 10. junija 2002, se blagovne znamke, naštete v Dodatku VII, razveljavijo z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma.

    5. V trgovini z vinom med pogodbenicama je lahko vino s poreklom iz Čila opisano ali predstavljeno z naslednjimi elementi v Skupnosti, ne glede na to ali pogoje za njihovo uporabo določa Čile ali ne:

    (a) imenom(-i), nazivom(-i) in naslovom(-i) pravne ali fizične osebe (oseb), ki je (so) sodelovala(-e) pri trženju;

    (b) vrsto proizvoda;

    (c) določeno barvo;

    (d) letom proizvodnje;

    (e) imenom ene ali več vinskih sort;

    (f) označbami v zvezi s sredstvi, uporabljenimi pri pridobivanju, ali izdelovalno metodo proizvoda;

    (g) imenom vinograda;

    (h) izrazom, ki označuje, da je bilo vino ustekleničeno na posesti, ali skupini vinogradov, ali v vinogradu v pridelovalnem območju, ali v pridelovalnem območju.

    Za te elemente se sicer uporablja člen 4(1).

    Za vino s poreklom iz pogodbenice se vsako ime, ki ni navedeno v dodatkih I, II, III in IV, lahko prosto uporablja za opisovanje in predstavitev vina brez potrebe za kakršno koli uredbo na notranjem trgu te pogodbenice, ob upoštevanju vsakršne veljavne zakonodaje v navedeni pogodbenici ali pa v izvozu v tretje države ter na notranjem trgu tretjih držav, ob upoštevanju vsakršne veljavne zakonodaje v navedeni tretji državi.

    Člen 11

    Zaščitene blagovne znamke

    1. Pogodbenici, na podlagi čilskega registra blagovnih znamk, kakor je bil ustanovljen dne 10. junija 2002, ne vesta za nobeno blagovno znamko razen tistih iz člena 7(2) in člena 10(4), ki je enaka, podobna ali vsebuje geografske označbe ali tradicionalne izraze ali dodatne omembe kakovosti iz členov 6 oziroma 10.

    2. Na podlagi odstavka 1 nobena pogodbenica ne odreče pravice do uporabe blagovne znamke, ki je vsebovana v čilskem registru blagovnih znamk na dan 10. junija 2002, razen tistih iz členov 7(2) in 10(4), na podlagi tega, da je taka blagovna znamka identična ali podobna, ali vsebuje geografsko označbo iz Dodatka I ali II ali tradicionalni izraz ali dodatno omembo kakovosti, navedeno v Dodatku III ali IV.

    3. Imetniki blagovnih znamk razen tistih, ki so navedene v členih 7(2) in 10(4), registriranih samo v eni od pogodbenic, lahko v dveh letih po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma zahtevajo registracijo takih blagovnih znamk v drugi pogodbenici. V tem primeru navedena pogodbenica takega zahtevka ne zavrne na podlagi tega, da je vsakršna taka blagovna znamka identična ali podobna ali vsebuje geografsko označbo iz Dodatka I ali II ali tradicionalnemu izrazu ali dodatni omembi kakovosti iz Dodatka III ali IV.

    4. Na blagovne znamke, ki so identične ali podobne, ali pa vsebujejo geografske označbe ali tradicionalne izraze ali dodatne omembe kakovosti iz členov 7 in 10, se ni mogoče sklicevati proti uporabi geografskih označb ali tradicionalnih izrazov ali dodatnih omemb kakovosti, ki se uporabljajo za opisovanje ali predstavitev tistih vin, ki so upravičena do uporabe teh geografskih označb ali tradicionalnih izrazov ali dodatnih omemb kakovosti.

    Člen 12

    Vina s poreklom

    Pogodbenici sprejmeta vse potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi zagotovita, da se v primerih, kadar se vina s poreklom iz pogodbenice izvažajo in tržijo zunaj te pogodbenice, zaščitena imena iz člena 6 in tradicionalni izrazi te pogodbenice iz člena 9 ne uporabljajo za opisovanje in predstavitev takih proizvodov s poreklom iz druge pogodbenice.

    Člen 13


    Nobena od pogodbenic ne dopusti, da bi bil proizvod označen kot proizvod s poreklom iz druge pogodbenice, kadar tak proizvod izhaja iz mešanja vin s poreklom iz druge pogodbenice in vin s poreklom iz navedene pogodbenice ali tretje države.

    Člen 14

    Širša zaščita

    Če zadevna zakonodaja vsake pogodbenice to dovoljuje, se ugodnosti zaščite, ki jo dodeljuje ta sporazum, razširijo na pravne in fizične osebe, podjetja, federacije, zveze in organizacije proizvajalcev, trgovcev in potrošnikov, katerih sedež je na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.

    Člen 15

    Geografske označbe, ki v državi porekla niso zaščitene

    Nič v tem sporazumu pogodbenice ne zavezuje, da zaščiti geografsko označbo druge pogodbenice, ki v državi porekla ni zaščitena.

    Člen 16


    1. Če pristojni organ, ki se imenuje v skladu s členom 27, ugotovi, da opis ali predstavitev vina, predvsem pri označevanju na etiketah, na uradnih ali komercialnih dokumentih ali v propagandnem gradivu, krši zaščito, ki jo podeljuje ta sporazum, pogodbenici sprejmeta vse potrebne upravne ukrepe in/ali sprožita ustrezen pravni postopek za boj proti nelojalni konkurenci ali za preprečitev napačne uporabe imena iz člena 6 ali 9 tudi na druge načine.

    2. Ukrepi in postopki iz odstavka 1 se sprejmejo predvsem v naslednjih primerih:

    (a) kadar prevod opisov, predvidenih po zakonodaji ene od pogodbenic, v jezik oziroma jezike druge pogodbenice privede do besede, ki je lahko zavajajoča glede porekla, značaja ali kakovosti tako opisanega ali predstavljenega vina;

    (b) kadar se opisi, blagovne znamke, imena, napisi ali slike, ki neposredno ali posredno dajejo napačne ali zavajajoče informacije glede izvora, porekla, značaja, vinske sorte ali bistvenih lastnosti vina, pojavijo na vsebnikih ali embalaži, propagandnem gradivu ali na uradnih oziroma komercialnih dokumentih, ki se nanašajo na vina, katerih ime je zaščiteno na podlagi tega sporazuma;

    (c) kadar se za embalažo uporabljajo vsebniki, ki so zavajajoči glede porekla vina.

    3. Uporaba odstavkov 1 in 2 oblasti in organov, na katere se nanaša člen 27, ne ovira pri sprejemanju ustreznih ukrepov v pogodbenicah, vključno s sodiščem.



    Člen 17

    Priznavanje enoloških praks

    1. Skupnost dovoli uvoz in trženje, za neposredno prehrano za ljudi, vseh vin s poreklom iz Čila in proizvedenih v skladu z eno ali več enološkimi praksami ali postopki in specifikacijami proizvodov, določenimi v odstavku 1 Dodatka V in v Dodatku VIII (Protokol).

    2. Čile dovoli uvoz in trženje, za neposredno prehrano za ljudi, vseh vin s poreklom iz Skupnosti in proizvedenih v skladu z eno ali več enološkimi praksami ali postopki in specifikacijami proizvodov, določenimi v odstavku 2 Dodatka V in v Dodatku VIII (Protokol).

    Člen 18

    Nove enološke prakse

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica si prizadeva, da drugo pogodbenico po postopkih iz člena 29 ob prvi priložnosti obvesti o dogodkih, ki bi v povezavi z vinom, proizvedenim v tej pogodbenici, lahko privedli do odobritve enološke prakse ali postopka, ki za to pogodbenico ni naveden v Dodatku V, z namenom dogovora o skupnem pristopu.

    2. Pogodbenica drugo pogodbenico obvesti, kadar je v zvezi z vinom, proizvedenim v navedeni pogodbenici, odobrila enološko prakso ali postopek, ki za to pogodbenico ni naveden v Dodatku V.

    3. Obvestilo zajema:

    (a) opis enološke prakse ali postopka, ki za navedeno pogodbenico ni naveden v Dodatku V; in

    (b) tehnično dokumentacijo, ki upravičuje odobritev enološke prakse ali postopka zlasti v zvezi z zahtevami iz člena 19.

    4. V 12-mesečnem obdobju, ki se začne mesec dni po obvestilu iz odstavka 2, in ob upoštevanju členov 20(3) in 21(2)(b) druga pogodbenica začasno odobri uvoz in trženje vin s poreklom iz pogodbenice priglasiteljice, ki so proizvedena v skladu z zadevno enološko prakso ali procesom.

    Člen 19

    Standardi kakovosti

    Enološke prakse in postopki za proizvodnjo vina, razen tistih, ki so ob začetku veljavnosti sporazuma navedeni v Dodatku V, izpolnjujejo te zahteve:

    (a) varovanje zdravja ljudi, ki temelji na znanstvenih načelih in se ne vzdržuje brez zadostnih znanstvenih dokazov;

    (b) varstvo potrošnikov pred zavajajočimi praksami; in

    (c) spoštovanje dobre enološke prakse, zlasti da postopki vinarstva, obdelave in tehnike, ki so odobrene z zakoni in drugimi predpisi vsake pogodbenice, ne vključujejo nedopustnih sprememb v sestavi obdelanega proizvoda in zagotavljajo ohranitev naravnih in bistvenih značilnosti vina, ob tem pa izboljšajo njegovo kakovost.

    Člen 20

    Zaščitni ukrepi

    1. V obdobju 12 mesecev po obvestilu pogodbenice iz člena 18(2) lahko druga pogodbenica nasprotuje sprejemljivosti priglašene enološke prakse ali procesa iz razloga, ker ne izpolnjuje ene ali več zahtev iz člena 19. Uporabi lahko arbitražni postopek, predviden v členu 23.

    2. Arbitri iz člena 23 odločijo, ali priglašena enološka praksa ali postopek izpolnjuje zahteve iz člena 19.

    3. Pogodbenici zagotovita, da se odločitev o tem, ali priglašena enološka praksa ali postopek izpolnjuje zahteve iz člena 19, sprejme zato ali tako, da ne ustvari nepotrebnih ovir za trgovanje z vini.

    4. Brez poseganja v člen 21(2)(a) začasna odobritev uvoza in trženja vin s poreklom iz pogodbenice priglasiteljice, proizvedenih v skladu z zadevno enološko prakso ali postopkom, traja do sprejetja odločitve iz odstavka 2.

    Člen 21

    Sprememba Dodatka V

    1. Pogodbenici spremenita ustrezni odstavek Dodatka V, tako da dodata enološko prakso ali postopek pred iztekom obdobja iz člena 18(4).

    2. Z odstopanjem od odstavka 1, kadar pogodbenica uporabi nadzorni ukrep iz člena 20:

    (a) če arbitri odločijo, da priglašena enološka praksa ali postopek izpolnjuje zahteve iz člena 19, pogodbenici spremenita ustrezni odstavek Dodatka V in dodata enološko prakso ali postopek v treh mesecih po taki odločitvi. Začasna odobritev uvoza in trženja vin s poreklom iz pogodbenice priglasiteljice, proizvedenih v skladu z zadevno enološko prakso ali postopkom, traja do take spremembe;

    (b) če pa arbitri odločijo, da odobrena ali spremenjena enološka praksa ali postopek ne izpolnjuje zahtev iz člena 19, začasna odobritev uvoza in trženja vin s poreklom iz pogodbenice priglasiteljice, proizvedenih v skladu z zadevno enološko prakso ali postopkom, kakor opredeljuje člen 18(4), preneha veljati 14 dni po taki odločitvi. Tako prenehanje veljavnosti ne vpliva na veljavnost člena 17(1) in (2) v zvezi z vinom, uvoženim v pogodbenici pred datumom take odločitve.

    Člen 22

    Sprememba enoloških praks in postopkov

    Členi od 18 do 21 se uporabljajo tudi v primeru, kadar pogodbenica odobri spremembo enološke prakse ali postopka, navedenega v ustreznem odstavku Dodatka V.

    Člen 23

    Arbitražni postopek o enoloških praksah in postopkih

    1. Vsi spori v zvezi s tolmačenjem in uporabo določb iz tega naslova se poravnavajo v skladu z določbami naslova VIII Pridružitvenega sporazuma, razen kadar je v tem členu določeno drugače.

    2. Pridružitveni odbor največ šest mesecev po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma določi seznam vsaj 15 posameznikov, ki so pripravljeni in sposobni biti enološki arbitri, katerih tretjina ne smejo biti državljani nobene od pogodbenic, in ki so lahko imenovani za predsedujočega razsodišč. Pridružitveni odbor zagotovi, da seznam vedno in v vsakem trenutku vsebuje 15 posameznikov. Posamezniki, izbrani za predsedujoče razsodišč, imajo strokovno znanje ali izkušnje iz prava, mednarodne trgovine ali reševanja sporov, ki izhajajo iz mednarodnih trgovinskih sporazumov. Deset od teh posameznikov ima znanje in izkušnje v zvezi z enološkimi praksami, so samostojni, delujejo v svoji individualni pristojnosti in niso povezani z nobeno pogodbenico ali organizacijo ter od njih ne dobivajo navodil, in ravnajo v skladu z etičnim kodeksom, določenim v Prilogi XVI Pridružitvenega sporazuma. Seznam se lahko spremeni vsaka tri leta.

    3. V treh dneh od zahtevka za enološki arbitražni postopek po členu 20(1) tri razsodnike z žrebom izbere predsedujoči Pridružitvenega odbora s seznama, omenjenega v odstavku 2, prvega izmed tistih posameznikov, ki jih je Pridružitvenemu odboru priporočila pogodbenica priglasiteljica, drugega izmed tistih, ki jih je Pridružitvenemu odboru priporočila druga pogodbenica, in predsedujočega izmed posameznikov, ki so v ta namen navedeni v odstavku 2.

    4. Mandat enološkega razsodišča je določiti, ali nova enološka praksa ali postopek, ki je bil nanj napoten v zahtevku na podlagi odstavka 2 člena 20, izpolnuje zahteve iz člena 19.

    5. Odločitev razsodišča se poda najpozneje v treh mesecih od datuma zahtevka na podlagi člena 20(1). Odločitev je dokončna in javno dostopna.



    Člen 24

    Potrdila in poročilo o analizi

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica dovoli uvoz vin v skladu s predpisi v zvezi z uvozno dokumentacijo in poročili o analizi, ki so predvideni v Dodatku VIII (Protokolu).

    2. Na podlagi določb člena 25 obe pogodbenici soglašata, da za uvoz vina s poreklom iz druge pogodbenice ne bosta uvedli bolj omejujočih zahtev za uvozna potrdila, kakor jih določa ta sporazum.

    Člen 25

    Zaščitna določba

    1. Pogodbenici si pridržujeta pravice, da v odgovor na upravičeno zaskrbljenost na področju varstva zdravja ali potrošnikov ali boju proti goljufijam uvedeta dodatne začasne zahteve za uvozna potrdila. V tem primeru se drugi pogodbenici v doglednem času posredujejo ustrezne informacije, ki omogočajo izpolnjevanje dodatnih zahtev.

    2. Pogodbenici se strinjata, da takšne zahteve ne veljajo dlje, kot je potrebno, da se spopadejo s posebnimi razmerami, zaradi katerih so bile uvedene.



    Člen 26

    Sanitarni in fitosanitarni ukrepi

    1. Določbe tega sporazuma ne posegajo v pravico pogodbenic do uvedbe zdravstvenih in fitosanitarnih ukrepov, ki so potrebni za varovanje življenja ali zdravja ljudi, živali ali rastlin, pod pogojem da so taki ukrepi skladni z določbami Sporazuma STO SPS in Sporazuma o zdravstvenih in fitosanitarnih ukrepih, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini z živalmi in živalskimi proizvodi, rastlinami in rastlinskimi proizvodi ter drugim blagom, in o dobrem počutju živali, določenega v Prilogi IV Pridružitvenega sporazuma.

    2. Brez poseganja v odstavek 1 si vsaka pogodbenica prizadeva, da drugo pogodbenico po postopkih iz člena 29 ob prvi priložnosti obvesti o dogodkih, ki bi v povezavi z vinom, trženim v tej pogodbenici, lahko privedli do sprejetja takih ukrepov, zlasti ukrepov o določitvi posebnih omejitev kontaminantov in ostankov, z namenom dogovora o skupnem pristopu.



    Člen 27

    Organi, zadolženi za uveljavitev

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica imenuje odgovorne organe za izvajanje tega sporazuma. Kadar pogodbenica imenuje več kot en pristojni organ, poskrbi za koordinacijo dela teh organov. V ta namen se imenuje en sam organ za zvezo.

    2. Pogodbenici se medsebojno obvestita o imenih in naslovih organov in teles iz odstavka 1 v dveh mesecih po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma. Med temi organi poteka tesno in neposredno sodelovanje.

    3. Organi in telesa iz odstavka 1 iščejo načine, kako bi se izboljšala medsebojna pomoč pri izvajanju tega sporazuma in boju proti goljufiji v skladu z zakonodajo pogodbenic.

    Člen 28

    Dejavnosti pri uveljavljanju

    1. Če eden od organov, imenovanih v skladu s členom 27, upravičeno sumi:

    (a) da vino, s katerim se trguje ali se je trgovalo med pogodbenicama, ni v skladu s tem sporazumom ali z določbami zakonov in drugih predpisov pogodbenic; in

    (b) je ta neskladnost še zlasti v interesu druge pogodbenice in bi lahko imela za posledico sprejetje upravnih ukrepov ali pravne postopke,

    nemudoma obvesti pristojne organe in organe za zvezo druge pogodbenice.

    2. Informacije, ki jih je treba predložiti v skladu z odstavkom 1, spremljajo uradni, komercialni ali drugi ustrezni dokumenti, skupaj z navedbo upravnih ukrepov ali pravnih postopkov, ki bi se po potrebi lahko uvedli. Informacije vključujejo predvsem naslednje podatke o zadevnem vinu:

    (a) proizvajalca in pravno ali fizično osebo, ki razpolaga s tem vinom;

    (b) sestavo in organoleptične značilnosti vina;

    (c) opis in predstavitev tega vina; in

    (d) podatke o neskladju s predpisi o proizvodnji in trženju.



    Člen 29

    Naloge pogodbenic

    1. Pogodbenici bodisi neposredno bodisi prek Skupnega odbora, ustanovljenega na podlagi člena 30, vzdržujeta stike v zvezi z vsemi zadevami, ki so povezane z izvajanjem in delovanjem tega sporazuma.

    2. Pogodbenici opravljata predvsem naslednje naloge:

    (a) spreminjata dodatke, tako da se upošteva kakršna koli sprememba zakonov in predpisov pogodbenic;

    (b) določita praktične pogoje, omenjene v členih 5(5) in 8(6);

    (c) spreminjata dodatka I ali VIII v skladu z določbami iz naslova II;

    (d) v Dodatku VIII (Protokolu) določita specifične modalitete, na katere se nanaša člen 17;

    (e) spreminjata Dodatek VIII (Protokol), tako da določita zahteve glede sestave in druge zahteve za proizvode, na katere se nanaša člen 17;

    (f) se medsebojno obveščata, če imata namen uvesti nove uredbe ali spremembe obstoječih uredb, ki zadevajo vinski sektor, kot sta zdravstveno varstvo in varstvo potrošnikov, ki lahko vplivajo na trg z vinom; in

    (g) se medsebojno obveščata o zakonodajnih, upravnih in sodnih odločitvah v zvezi z uporabo tega sporazuma in o ukrepih, sprejetih na podlagi takšnih odločitev.

    Člen 30

    Skupni odbor

    1. Ustanovi se Skupni odbor, sestavljen iz predstavnikov pogodbenic. Odbor se sestaja na zahtevo pogodbenice in v skladu z zahtevami za uporabo tega sporazuma. Odbor se izmenoma srečuje v Skupnosti in v Čilu, o datumu in kraju pa se pogodbenici medsebojno dogovorita.

    2. Skupni odbor poskrbi za ustrezno delovanje tega sporazuma in prouči vsa vprašanja, ki se lahko pojavijo pri njegovem izvajanju.

    3. Skupni odbor lahko daje predvsem priporočila, ki bi lahko prispevala k doseganju ciljev tega sporazuma.

    4. Olajša stike in izmenjavo informacij, da se ta sporazum uresničuje na čimbolj optimalen način.

    5. Izdaja predloge o vprašanjih, ki so v vinskem sektorju v skupnem interesu.



    Člen 31

    Tranzit – manjše količine

    Naslovi I, II in III se ne uporabljajo za vina:

    (a) ki so v tranzitu skozi pogodbenico; ali

    (b) ki imajo poreklo v eni od pogodbenic in ki se dobavljajo v manjših količinah med pogodbenicama pod pogoji in v skladu s postopki, ki jih predvideva Dodatek VIII (Protokol).

    Člen 32


    1. Če pogodbenica meni, da druga pogodbenica ni izpolnila obveznosti iz tega sporazuma, ji v ta namen predloži pisno obvestilo. S takšnim obvestilom lahko zahteva, da se pogodbenica v določenem času posvetuje.

    2. Pogodbenica, ki zahteva posvetovanja, priskrbi drugi pogodbenici vse potrebne informacije za podrobno proučitev zadevnega primera.

    3. Kadar bi zamuda lahko ogrozila zdravje ljudi ali škodovala učinkovitosti ukrepov za nadzor nad goljufijami, se lahko brez predhodnega posvetovanja sprejmejo začasni zaščitni ukrepi, če se posvetovanja začnejo takoj po sprejetju teh ukrepov.

    4. Če pogodbenici po posvetovanjih iz odstavkov 1 in 3 nista dosegli soglasja:

    (a) lahko pogodbenica, ki je zahtevala posvetovanja ali ki je sprejela ukrepe iz odstavka 3, sprejme ustrezne zaščitne ukrepe, s katerimi omogoči ustrezno izvajanje tega sporazuma;

    (b) lahko vsaka pogodbenica uporabi mehanizem za reševanje sporov, ki je določen v členu 33.

    Člen 33

    Reševanje sporov

    1. Vsak spor, povezan z izvajanjem ali tolmačenjem tega sporazuma, razen spora, ki se rešuje na podlagi naslova II, kot je določeno v členu 23, se rešuje z uporabo mehanizma za reševanje sporov, predvidenega v delu IV Pridružitvenega sporazuma.

    2. Z odstopanjem od člena 184 Pridružitvenega sporazuma lahko, kadar sta se pogodbenici posvetovali na podlagi člena 23, pogodbenica, ki se pritoži, neposredno zahteva vzpostavitev razsodišča.

    Člen 34

    Trženje predhodnih zalog

    1. Vina, ki so bila ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma ali pred tem proizvedena, opisana in predstavljena v skladu z nacionalnimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi pogodbenic, vendar na način, ki ga ta sporazum prepoveduje, se lahko tržijo pod naslednjimi pogoji:

    (a) če je vino proizvedeno z uporabo ene ali več enoloških praks ali postopkov, ki niso navedeni v dodatkih V ali VIII (Protokolu), se lahko trži do odprodaje zalog;

    (b) če so proizvodi opisani in označeni z geografskimi označbami, ki so zaščitene s tem sporazumom, jih lahko še naprej tržijo:

    (i) grosisti in proizvajalci, v obdobju treh let;

    (ii) trgovci na drobno, do odprodaje zalog.

    2. Vina, ki so proizvedena, opisana in predstavljena v skladu s tem sporazumom, katerih opis in predstavitev zaradi spremembe Sporazuma nista več v skladu z njim, se lahko tržijo še naprej do odprodaje zalog, razen če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače.

    Člen 35


    Dodatki k temu sporazumu so sestavni del Sporazuma.

    Dodatek I

    (Omenjen v členu 6)



    1. Kakovostna vina, pridelana na določenih pridelovalnih območjih ("


    1.1 Imena določenih pridelovalnih območij

    - Ahr

    - Baden

    - Franken

    - Hessische Bergstraße

    - Mittelrhein

    - Mosel-Saar-Ruwer

    - Nahe

    - Pfalz

    - Rheingau

    - Rheinhessen

    - Saale-Unstrut

    - Sachsen

    - Württemberg

    1.2 Imena podobmočij, občin, delov občin

    1.2.1 Določeno pridelovalno območje Ahr

    (a) Podobmočje:

    Bereich Walporzheim/Ahrtal

    (b) Großlage:


    (c) Einzellagen:












    (d) Občine ali deli občin:





    Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler













    1.2.2 Določeno pridelovalno območje Hessische Bergstraße

    (a) Podobmočji:

    Bereich Starkenburg

    Bereich Umstadt

    (b) Großlagen:




    (c) Einzellagen:















    (d) Občine ali deli občin:














    1.2.3 Določeno pridelovalno območje Mittelrhein (Srednje Porenje)

    (a) Podobmočja:

    Bereich Loreley

    Bereich Siebengebirge

    (b) Großlagen:


    Burg Rheinfels







    Schloss Reichenstein

    Schloss Schönburg

    Schloss Stahleck

    (c) Einzellagen:






    Schloß Stahlberg


    St. Martinsberg



    (d) Občine ali deli občin:




    Bad Ems

    Bad Hönningen



























































    Schloss Fürstenberg











    1.2.4 Določeno pridelovalno območje Mosel-Saar-Ruwer

    (a) Splošno:





    (b) Podobmočja:

    Bereich Bernkastei

    Bereich Mosel tor

    Bereich Obermosel

    Bereich Zeli

    Bereich Saar

    Bereich Ruwertal

    (c) Großlagen:













    Sankt Michael



    Schwarze Katz

    Vom heissem Stein


    (d) Einzellagen:








    Auf der Wiltingerkupp







    Burg Warsberg



























    Grafschafter Sonnenberg

    Großer Herrgott

















































    Maximiner Burgberg




































    Schloß Thorner Kupp





    St. Georgshof

    St. Martin

    St. Matheiser










    (e) Občine ali deli občin:









































































































    Maximin Grünhaus





































































    St. Aldegund































    1.2.5 Določeno pridelovalno območje Nahe

    (a) Podobmočje:

    Bereich Nahetal

    (b) Großlagen:








    (c) Einzellagen:


    Alte Römerstraße









































    Löhrer Berg


























    St. Antoniusweg

    St. Martin








    (d) Občine ali deli občin:




    Bad Kreuznach

    Bad Münster-Ebernburg








    Burg Layen

























































    St. Katharinen







    Wald Erbach











    1.2.6 Določeno pridelovalno območje Rheingau

    (a) Podobmočje:

    Bereich Johannisberg

    (b) Großlagen:











    (c) Einzellagen:






























    St. Nikolaus



    (d) Občine ali deli občin:


































    1.2.7 Določeno pridelovalno območje Rheinhessen

    (a) Podobmočja:

    Bereich Bingen

    Bereich Nierstein

    Bereich Wonnegau

    (b) Großlagen:





    Burg Rodenstein





    Gutes Domtal










    Sankt Rochuskapelle

    Sankt Alban




    (c) Einzellagen:



    Alte Römerstraße





    Binger Berg











    Edle Weingärten

    Eiserne Hand
















    Goldenes Horn





























































































    Rotes Kreuz



    Sankt Georgen













    Schloß Hammerstein




    Sioner Klosterberg







    St. Annaberg

    St. Julianenbrunnen

    St. Georgenberg

    St. Jakobsberg













    Zellerweg am schwarzen Herrgott

    (d) Občine ali deli občin:













    Bermersheim vor der Höhe


















































































































































    1.2.8 Določeno pridelovalno območje Pfalz

    (a) Podobmočja:

    Bereich Mittelhaardt Deutsche Weinstraße

    Bereich südliche Weinstraße

    (b) Großlagen:





















    Schloss Ludwigshöhe

    Schnepfenpflug vom Zellertal

    Schnepfenpflug an der Weinstraße



    (c) Einzellagen:



    Altes Löhl
































    Heilig Kreuz













    Im Sonnenschein
































    Maria Magdalena




























    Roter Berg





    Schwarzes Kreuz




    St. Stephan











    (d) Občine ali deli občin:









    Bad Dürkheim

    Bad Bergzabern











    Bobenheim am Berg


























































    Herxheim am Berg

    Herxheim bei Landau




    Heuchelheim bei Frankental















    Kirchheim an der Weinstraße










    Königsbach an der Weinstraße



    Landau in der Pfalz

















    Mussbach an der Weinstraße


    Neustadt an der Weinstraße


































    St. Johann

    St. Martin










    Weisenheim am Berg

    Weyher in der Pfalz





    1.2.9 Določeno pridelovalno območje Frankovska

    (a) Podobmočja:

    Bereich Bayerischer Bodensee

    Bereich Maindreieck

    Bereich Mainviereck

    Bereich Steigerwald

    (b) Großlagen:


    Ewig Leben







    Markgraf Babenberg









    (c) Einzellagen:








    Burg Hoheneck


























    Kaiser Karl



































    St. Klausen
















    (d) Občine ali deli občin:













    Aura an der Saale

    Bad Windsheim























    Eherieder Mühle












    Erlenbach bei Marktheidenfeld

    Erlenbach am Main















































    Homburg am Main


























    Königsberg in Bayern




















    Markt Nordheim

    Markt Einersheim

    Markt Erlbach














    Neuses am Berg


    Nordheim am Main






























    Rothenburg ob der Tauber









    Sand am Main





































































    Wörth am Main




    Zeil am Main


    Zell am Ebersberg

    Zell am Main



    1.2.10 Določeno pridelovalno območje Württemberg

    (a) Podobmočja:

    Bereich Württembergischer Bodensee

    Bereich Kocher-Jagst-Tauber

    Bereich Oberer Neckar

    Bereich Remstal-Stuttgart

    Bereich Württembergisch Unterland

    (b) Großlagen:






    Lindauer Seegarten












    (c) Einzellagen:






















    Hoher Berg



























    Sankt Johännser
























    (d) Občine ali deli občin:












    Bad Mergentheim

    Bad Friedrichshall

    Bad Cannstatt





















































    Freiberg am Neckar

























    Hausen an der Zaber








    Hof und Lembach


















































    Michelbach am Wald



    Mühlhausen an der Enz










    Neuenstadt am Kocher





















































    Stetten im Remstal

    Stetten am Heuchelberg

























    Weiler bei Weinsberg

    Weiler an der Zaber


















    1.2.11 Določeno pridelovalno območje Baden

    (a) Podobmočja:

    Bereich Badische Bergstraße

    Bereich Badisches Frankenland

    Bereich Bodensee

    Bereich Breisgau

    Bereich Kaiserstuhl

    Bereich Kraichgau

    Bereich Tuniberg

    Bereich Markgräflerland

    Bereich Ortenau

    (b) Großlagen:


    Burg Lichteneck

    Burg Neuenfels

    Burg Zähringen






    Schloss Rodeck




    Vogtei Rötteln


    (c) Einzellagen:


    Alte Burg


    Alter Gott

























    Hex von Dasenstein































    Roter Berg














    St. Michaelsberg













    (d) Občine ali deli občin:







    Bad Bellingen

    Bad Rappenau

    Bad Krozingen

    Bad Mingolsheim

    Bad Mergentheim


















































































































































































































































    Rohrbach am Gisshübel














































































    (e) Drugo:


    Badisch Rotgold


    1.2.12 Določeno pridelovalno območje Saale-Unstrut

    (a) Podobmočja:

    Bereich Schloß Neuenburg

    Bereich Thüringen

    (b) Großlagen:





    (c) Einzellagen:




    (d) Občine ali deli občin:

    Bad Sulza

    Bad Kösen







































    1.2.13 Določeno pridelovalno območje Saška

    (a) Podobmočja:

    Bereich Dresden

    Bereich Elstertal

    Bereich Meißen

    (b) Großlagen:





    (c) Einzellagen:



    (d) Občine ali deli občin:














    1.2.14 Druga imena



    2. Namizna vina z geografsko označbo

    Ahrtaler Landwein

    Altrheingauer Landwein

    Bayerischer Bodensee-Landwein

    Fränkischer Landwein

    Landwein der Ruwer

    Landwein der Saar

    Landwein der Mosel

    Mitteldeutscher Landwein

    Nahegauer Landwein

    Pfälzer Landwein

    Regensburger Landwein


    Rheingauer Landwein

    Rheinischer Landwein

    Saarländischer Landwein der Mosel

    Sächsischer Landwein

    Schwäbischer Landwein

    Starkenburger Landwein

    Südbadischer Landwein

    Taubertäler Landwein

    Unterbadischer Landwein


    1. Kakovostna vina, pridelana na določenih pridelovalnih območjih ("


    1.1 Imena določenih pridelovalnih območij

    1.1.1 Alzacija in druga vzhodna območja Appellations d'origine contrôlées


    Alsace, ki mu sledi ime vinograda ("lieu-dit"):

    - Altenberg de Bergbieten

    - Altenberg de Bergheim

    - Altenberg de Wolxheim

    - Brand

    - Bruderthal

    - Eichberg

    - Engelberg

    - Florimont

    - Frankstein

    - Froehn

    - Furstentum

    - Geisberg

    - Gloeckelberg

    - Goldert

    - Hatschbourg

    - Hengst

    - Kanzlerberg

    - Kastelberg

    - Kessler

    - Kirchberg de Barr

    - Kirchberg de Ribeauvillé

    - Kitterlé

    - Mambourg

    - Mandelberg

    - Marckrain

    - Moenchberg

    - Muenchberg

    - Ollwiller

    - Osterberg

    - Pfersigberg

    - Pfingstberg

    - Praelatenberg

    - Rangen

    - Rosacker

    - Saering

    - Schlossberg

    - Schoenenbourg

    - Sommerberg

    - Sonnenglanz

    - Spiegel

    - Sporen

    - Steingrubler

    - Steinert

    - Steinklotz

    - Vorbourg

    - Wiebelsberg

    - Wineck-Schlossberg

    - Winzenberg

    - Zinnkoepflé

    - Zotzenberg

    Côtes de Toul Vins délimités de qualité supérieure


    1.1.2 Območje Šampanje Appellations d'origine contrôlées


    Coteaux Champenois


    1.1.3 Območje Burgundije Appellations d'origine contrôlées





    Beaujolais, ki mu sledi občina porekla:

    - Arbuisonnas

    - Beaujeu

    - Blacé

    - Cercié

    - Chânes

    - Charentay

    - Chenas

    - Chiroubles

    - Denicé

    - Durette

    - Emeringes

    - Fleurie

    - Juliénas

    - Jullié

    - La Chapelle-de-Guinchay

    - Lancié

    - Lantignié

    - Le Perréon

    - Les Ardillats

    - Leynes

    - Marchampt

    - Montmelas

    - Odenas

    - Pruzilly

    - Quincié

    - Regnié

    - Rivolet

    - Romanèche

    - Saint-Amour-Bellevue

    - Saint-Etienne-des-Ouillères

    - Saint-Etienne-la-Varenne

    - Saint-Julien

    - Saint-Lager

    - Saint-Symphorien-d'Ancelles

    - Saint-Vérand

    - Salles

    - Vaux

    - Vauxrenard

    - Villié Morgon



    Bienvenues Bâtard-Montrachet


    Bonnes Mares


    Bourgogne Aligoté

    Bourgogne ali Bourgogne Clairet, ki mu sledi ime pridelovalnega podobmočja ali ne:

    - Côte Chalonnaise

    - Côtes d'Auxerre

    - Hautes-Côtes de Beaune

    - Hautes-Côtes de Nuits

    - Vézélay

    Bourgogne ali Bourgogne Clairet, ki mu sledi ime občine porekla ali ne:

    - Chitry

    - Coulanges-la-Vineuse

    - Epineuil

    - Irancy

    Bourgogne ali Bourgogne Clairet, ki mu sledi ali ne:

    - Côte Saint-Jacques

    - En Montre-Cul

    - La Chapelle Notre-Dame

    - Le Chapitre

    - Montrecul

    - Montre-cul




    Chablis, ki mu sledi "Climat d'origine" ali ne:

    - Blanchot

    - Bougros

    - Les Clos

    - Grenouilles

    - Preuses

    - Valmur

    - Vaudésir

    Chablis, ki mu sledi "Climat d'origine" ali eden od naslednjih izrazov ali ne:

    - Mont de Milieu

    - Montée de Tonnerre

    - Chapelot

    - Pied d'Aloup

    - Côte de Bréchain

    - Fourchaume

    - Côte de Fontenay

    - L'Homme mort

    - Vaulorent

    - Vaillons

    - Chatains

    - Séchers

    - Beugnons

    - Les Lys

    - Mélinots

    - Roncières

    - Les Epinottes

    - Montmains

    - Forêts

    - Butteaux

    - Côte de Léchet

    - Beauroy

    - Troesmes

    - Côte de Savant

    - Vau Ligneau

    - Vau de Vey

    - Vaux Ragons

    - Vaucoupin

    - Vosgros

    - Vaugiraut

    - Les Fourneaux

    - Morein

    - Côte des Près-Girots

    - Côte de Vaubarousse

    - Berdiot

    - Chaume de Talvat

    - Côte de Jouan

    - Les Beauregards

    - Côte de Cuissy


    Chambertin Clos de Bèze






    Chassagne-Montrachet Côte de Beaune





    Chorey-lès-Beaune Côte de Beaune

    Clos de la Roche

    Clos des Lambrays

    Clos de Tart

    Clos de Vougeot

    Clos Saint-Denis



    Côte de Beaune

    Côte de Beaune-Villages

    Côte de Brouilly

    Côte de Nuits-Villages

    Côte Roannaise

    Criots Bâtard-Montrachet






    Grands Echezeaux



    La Grande Rue


    Ladoix Côte de Beaune




    Maçon, ki mu sledi občina porekla:

    - Azé

    - Berzé-la-Ville

    - Berzé-le-Chatel

    - Bissy-la-Mâconnaise

    - Burgy

    - Bussières

    - Chaintres

    - Chânes

    - Chardonnay

    - Charnay-lès-Mâcon

    - Chasselas

    - Chevagny-lès-Chevrières

    - Clessé

    - Crèches-sur-Saône

    - Cruzilles

    - Davayé

    - Fuissé

    - Grévilly

    - Hurigny

    - Igé

    - La Chapelle-de-Guinchay

    - La Roche Vineuse

    - Leynes

    - Loché

    - Lugny

    - Milly-Lamartine

    - Montbellet

    - Peronne

    - Pierreclos

    - Prissé

    - Pruzilly

    - Romanèche-Thorins

    - Saint-Amour-Bellevue

    - Saint-Gengoux-de-Scissé

    - Saint-Symphorien-d'Ancelles

    - Saint-Vérand

    - Sologny

    - Solutré-Pouilly

    - Uchizy

    - Vergisson

    - Verzé

    - Vinzelles

    - Viré

    Maranges, ki mu sledi "climat d'origine" ali eden od naslednjih izrazov ali ne:

    - Clos de la Boutière

    - La Croix Moines

    - La Fussière

    - Le Clos des Loyères

    - Le Clos des Rois

    - Les Clos Roussots

    Maranges Côte de Beaune






    Meursault Côte de Beaune



    Monthélie Côte de Beaune









    Pernand-Vergelesses Côte de Beaune

    Petit Chablis, ki mu sledi občina porekla ali ne:

    - Beine

    - Béru

    - Chablis

    - La Chapelle-Vaupelteigne

    - Chemilly-sur-Serein

    - Chichée

    - Collan

    - Courgis

    - Fleys

    - Fontenay

    - Lignorelles

    - Ligny-le-Châtel

    - Maligny

    - Poilly-sur-Serein

    - Préhy

    - Saint-Cyr-les-Colons

    - Villy

    - Viviers






    Puligny-Montrachet Côte de Beaune



    Romanee (La)

    Romanee Conti

    Romanee Saint-Vivant





    Saint-Aubin Côte de Beaune


    Saint-Romain Côte de Beaune



    Santenay Côte de Beaune


    Savigny-lès-Beaune Côte de Beaune

    Tâche (La)


    Vin Fin de la Côte de Nuits


    Volnay Santenots


    Vougeot Vins délimités de qualité supérieure

    Côtes du Forez

    Saint Bris

    1.1.4 Območji Jure in Savoje Appellations d'origine contrôlées


    Arbois Pupillin

    Château Chalón

    Côtes du Jura

    Coteaux du Lyonnais




    Macvin du Jura

    Savoie, ki mu sledi izraz:

    - Abymes

    - Apremont

    - Arbin

    - Ayze

    - Bergeron

    - Chautagne

    - Chignin

    - Chignin Bergeron

    - Cruet

    - Frangy

    - Jongieux

    - Marignan

    - Marestel

    - Marin

    - Monterminod

    - Monthoux

    - Montmélian

    - Ripaille

    - St-Jean de la Porte

    - St-Jeoire Prieuré

    Seyssel Vins délimités de qualité supérieure


    Bugey, ki mu sledi ime enega od naslednjih "cru":

    - Anglefort

    - Arbignieu

    - Cerdon

    - Chanay

    - Lagnieu

    - Machuraz

    - Manicle

    - Montagnieu

    - Virieu-le-Grand

    1.1.5 Območje Côtes du Rhône Appellations d'origine contrôlées


    Château Grillet





    Côte Rôtie

    Coteaux de Die

    Coteaux de Pierrevert

    Coteaux du Tricastin

    Côtes du Lubéron

    Côtes du Rhône

    Côtes du Rhône Villages

    Côtes du Rhône Villages, ki mu sledi občina porekla:

    - Beaumes de Venise

    - Cairanne

    - Chusclan

    - Laudun

    - Rasteau

    - Roaix

    - Rochegude

    - Rousset-les-Vignes

    - Sablet

    - Saint-Gervais

    - Saint-Maurice

    - Saint-Pantaléon-les-Vignes

    - Séguret

    - Valréas

    - Vinsobres

    - Visan

    Côtes du Ventoux


    Crozes Ermitage









    Vacqueyras Vins délimités de qualité supérieure

    Côtes du Vivarais

    Côtes du Vivarais, ki mu sledi ime enega od naslednjih "cru":

    - Orgnac-l'Aven

    - Saint-Montant

    - Saint-Remèze

    1.1.6 Območji Provanse in Korzike Appellations d'origine contrôlées




    Cap Corse


    Corse, ki mu sledi ali mu ne sledi izraz:

    - Calvi

    - Coteaux du Cap-Corse

    - Figari

    - Sartène

    - Porto Vecchio

    Coteaux d'Aix-en-Provence


    Coteaux Varois

    Côtes de Provence




    1.1.7 Območje Languedoc-Roussillon Appellations d'origine contrôlées






    Costières de Nîmes

    Coteaux du Languedoc

    Coteaux du Languedoc Picpoul de Pinet

    Coteaux du Languedoc, ki ga spremlja eno od naslednjih imen ali pa ne:

    - Cabrières

    - Coteaux de La Méjanelle

    - Coteaux de Saint-Christol

    - Coteaux de Vérargues

    - La Clape

    - La Méjanelle

    - Montpeyroux

    - Pic-Saint-Loup

    - Quatourze

    - Saint-Christol

    - Saint-Drézéry

    - Saint-Georges-d'Orques

    - Saint-Saturnin

    - Vérargues

    Côtes du Roussillon

    Côtes du Roussillon Villages

    Côtes du Roussillon Villages Caramany

    Côtes du Roussillon Villages Latour de France

    Côtes du Roussillon Villages Lesquerde

    Côtes du Roussillon Villages Tautavel




    Languedoc, ki mu sledi občina porekla ali ne:

    - Adissan

    - Aspiran

    - Le Bosc

    - Cabrières

    - Ceyras

    - Fontes

    - Grand Roussillon

    - Lieuran-Cabrières

    - Nizas

    - Paulhan

    - Péret

    - Saint-André-de-Sangonis










    Saint-Chinian Vins délimités de qualité supérieure

    Côtes de la Malepčre

    1.1.8 Jugozahodno območje Appellations d'origine contrôlées






    Côtes de Bergerac

    Côtes de Duras

    Côtes du Frontonnais

    Côtes du Frontonnais Fronton

    Côtes du Frontonnais Villaudric

    Côtes du Marmandais

    Côtes de Montravel

    Floc de Gascogne


    Gaillac Premières Côtes








    Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh



    Saussignac Vins délimités de qualité supérieure

    Côtes de Brulhois

    Côtes de Millau

    Côtes de Saint-Mont






    1.1.9 Območje Bordeauxa Appellations d'origine contrôlées




    Bordeaux Clairet

    Bordeaux Côtes de Francs

    Bordeaux Haut-Benauge



    Côtes de Bourg



    Côtes Canon-Fronsac


    Côtes de Blaye

    Côtes de Bordeaux Saint-Macaire

    Côtes de Castillon


    Entre-Deux-Mers Haut-Benauge



    Graves de Vayres


    Lalande de Pomerol



    Lussac Saint-Ernilion



    Montagne Saint-Emilion







    Premičres Côtes de Blaye

    Premières Côtes de Bordeaux

    Premieres Côtes de Bordeaux, ki mu sledi občina porekla:

    - Bassens

    - Baurech

    - Béguey

    - Bouliac

    - Cadillac

    - Cambes

    - Camblanes

    - Capian

    - Carbon blanc

    - Cardan

    - Carignan

    - Cenac

    - Cenon

    - Donzac

    - Floirac

    - Gabarnac

    - Haux

    - Latresne

    - Langoiran

    - Laroque

    - Le Tourne

    - Lestiac

    - Lormont

    - Monprimblanc

    - Omet

    - Paillet

    - Quinsac

    - Rions

    - Saint-Caprais-de-Bordeaux

    - Sainte-Eulalie

    - Saint-Germain-de-Graves

    - Saint-Maixant

    - Semens

    - Tabanac

    - Verdelais

    - Villenave de Rions

    - Yvrac

    Puisseguin Saint-Emilion




    Sainte-Foy Bordeaux

    Saint-Georges Saint-Emilion



    1.1.10 Območje doline Loare Appellations d'origine contrôlées


    Anjou Coteaux de la Loire


    Anjou-Villages Brissac

    Blanc Fumé de Pouilly





    Coteaux de l'Aubance

    Coteaux du Giennois

    Coteaux du Layon

    Coteaux du Layon, ki mu sledi občina porekla:

    - Beaulieu-sur Layon

    - Faye-d'Anjou

    - Rablay-sur-Layon

    - Rochefort-sur-Loire

    - Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné

    - Saint-Lambert-du-Lattay

    Coteaux du Layon Chaume

    Coteaux du Loir

    Coteaux de Saumur




    Menetou Salon, ki mu sledi občina porekla ali ne:

    - Aubinges

    - Menetou-Salon

    - Morogues

    - Parassy

    - Pigny

    - Quantilly

    - Saint-Céols

    - Soulangis

    - Vignoux-sous-les-Aix

    - Humbligny



    Muscadet Coteaux de la Loire

    Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine

    Muscadet Côtes de Grandlieu


    Pouilly Fumé







    Saumur Champigny





    Touraine Azay-le-Rideau

    Touraine Amboise

    Touraine Mesland

    Val de Loire

    Vouvray Vins délimités de qualité supérieure:


    Coteaux d'Ancenis

    Coteaux du Vendômois

    Côtes d'Auvergne, ki mu sledi občina porekla ali ne:

    - Boudes

    - Chanturgue

    - Châteaugay

    - Corent

    - Madargue

    Fiefs-Vendéens, ki mu mora slediti eno od naslednjih imen:

    - Brem

    - Mareuil

    - Pissotte

    - Vix

    Gros Plant du Pays Nantais

    Haut Poitou





    1.1.11 Območje Cognac Appellation d'origine contrôlée


    2. "Vins de pays", opisano z imenom proizvodnega območja

    Vin de pays de l'Agenais

    Vin de pays d'Aiguës

    Vin de pays de l'Ain

    Vin de pays de l'Allier

    Vin de pays d'Allobrogie

    Vin de pays des Alpes de Haute-Provence

    Vin de pays des Alpes Maritimes

    Vin de pays de l'Ardailhou

    Vin de pays de l'Ardèche

    Vin de pays d'Argens

    Vin de pays de l'Ariège

    Vin de pays de l'Aude

    Vin de pays de l'Aveyron

    Vin de pays des Balmes dauphinoises

    Vin de pays de la Bénovie

    Vin de pays du Bérange

    Vin de pays de Bessan

    Vin de pays de Bigorre

    Vin de pays des Bouches du Rhône

    Vin de pays du Bourbonnais

    Vin de pays de Cassan

    Vin de pays Catalan

    Vin de pays de Caux

    Vin de pays de Cessenon

    Vin de pays des Cévennes

    Vin de pays des Cévennes "Mont Bouquet"

    Vin de pays Charentais

    Vin de pays Charentais "Ile de Ré"

    Vin de pays Charentais "Ile d'Oléron"

    Vin de pays Charentais "Saint-Sornin"

    Vin de pays de la Charente

    Vin de pays des Charentes-Maritimes

    Vin de pays du Cher

    Vin de pays de la Cité de Carcassonne

    Vin de pays des Collines de la Moure

    Vin de pays des Collines rhodaniennes

    Vin de pays du Comté de Grignan

    Vin de pays du Comté tolosan

    Vin de pays des Comtés rhodaniens

    Vin de pays de Corrèze

    Vin de pays de la côte Vermeille

    Vin de pays des coteaux charitois

    Vin de pays des coteaux d'Enserune

    Vin de pays des coteaux de Besilles

    Vin de pays des coteaux de Cèze

    Vin de pays des coteaux de Coiffy

    Vin de pays des coteaux Flaviens

    Vin de pays des coteaux de Fontcaude

    Vin de pays des coteaux de Glanes

    Vin de pays des coteaux de l'Ardèche

    Vin de pays des coteaux de l'Auxois

    Vin de pays des coteaux de la Cabrerisse

    Vin de pays des coteaux de Laurens

    Vin de pays des coteaux de Miramont

    Vin de pays des coteaux de Murviel

    Vin de pays des coteaux de Narbonne

    Vin de pays des coteaux de Peyriac

    Vin de pays des coteaux des Baronnies

    Vin de pays des coteaux des Fenouillèdes

    Vin de pays des coteaux du Cher et de l'Arnon

    Vin de pays des coteaux du Grésivaudan

    Vin de pays des coteaux du Libron

    Vin de pays des coteaux du Littoral Audois

    Vin de pays des coteaux du Pont du Gard

    Vin de pays des coteaux du Quercy

    Vin de pays des coteaux du Salagou

    Vin de pays des coteaux du Verdón

    Vin de pays des coteaux et terrasses de Montauban

    Vin de pays des côtes catalanes

    Vin de pays des côtes de Gascogne

    Vin de pays des côtes de Lastours

    Vin de pays des côtes de Montestruc

    Vin de pays des côtes de Pérignan

    Vin de pays des côtes de Prouilhe

    Vin de pays des côtes de Thau

    Vin de pays des côtes de Thongue

    Vin de pays des côtes du Brian

    Vin de pays des côtes de Ceressou

    Vin de pays des côtes du Condomois

    Vin de pays des côtes du Tarn

    Vin de pays des côtes du Vidourle

    Vin de pays de la Creuse

    Vin de pays de Cucugnan

    Vin de pays des Deux-Sèvres

    Vin de pays de la Dordogne

    Vin de pays du Doubs

    Vin de pays de la Drôme

    Vin de pays du Duché d'Uzès

    Vin de pays de Franche-Comté

    Vin de pays de Franche-Comté "Coteaux de Champlitte"

    Vin de pays du Gard

    Vin de pays du Gers

    Vin de pays des Gorges de l'Hérault

    Vin de pays des Hautes-Alpes

    Vin de pays de la Haute-Garonne

    Vin de pays de la Haute-Marne

    Vin de pays des Hautes-Pyrénées

    Vin de pays d'Hauterive

    Vin de pays d'Hauterive "Val d'Orbieu"

    Vin de pays d'Hauterive "Coteaux du Termenès"

    Vin de pays d'Hauterive "Côtes de Lézignan"

    Vin de pays de la Haute-Saône

    Vin de pays de la Haute-Vienne

    Vin de pays de la Haute vallée de l'Aude

    Vin de pays de la Haute vallée de l'Orb

    Vin de pays des Hauts de Badens

    Vin de pays de l'Hérault

    Vin de pays de l'Ile de Beauté

    Vin de pays de l'Indre et Loire

    Vin de pays de l'Indre

    Vin de pays de l'Isère

    Vin de pays du Jardin de la France

    Vin de pays du Jardin de la France "Marches de Bretagne"

    Vin de pays du Jardin de la France "Pays de Retz"

    Vin de pays des Landes

    Vin de pays de Loire-Atlantique

    Vin de pays du Loir et Cher

    Vin de pays du Loiret

    Vin de pays du Lot

    Vin de pays du Lot et Garonne

    Vin de pays des Maures

    Vin de pays de Maine et Loire

    Vin de pays de la Meuse

    Vin de pays du Mont Baudile

    Vin de pays du Mont Caume

    Vin de pays des Monts de la Grage

    Vin de pays de la Nièvre

    Vin de pays d'Oc

    Vin de pays du Périgord

    Vin de pays du Périgord "Vin de Domme"

    Vin de pays de la Petite Crau

    Vin de pays de Pézenas

    Vin de pays de la Principauté d'Orange

    Vin de pays du Puy de Dôme

    Vin de pays des Pyrénées-Atlantiques

    Vin de pays des Pyrénées-Orientales

    Vin de pays des Sables du Golfe du Lion

    Vin de pays de Saint-Sardos

    Vin de pays de Sainte Marie la Blanche

    Vin de pays de Saône et Loire

    Vin de pays de la Sarthe

    Vin de pays de Seine et Marne

    Vin de pays du Tarn

    Vin de pays du Tarn et Garonne

    Vin de pays des Terroirs landais

    Vin de pays des Terroirs landais "Coteaux de Chalosse"

    Vin de pays des Terroirs landais "Côtes de L'Adour"

    Vin de pays des Terroirs landais "Sables Fauves"

    Vin de pays des Terroirs landais "Sables de l'Océan"

    Vin de pays de Thézac-Perricard

    Vin de pays du Torgan

    Vin de pays d'Urfé

    Vin de pays du Val de Cesse

    Vin de pays du Val de Dagne

    Vin de pays du Val de Montferrand

    Vin de pays de la Vallée du Paradis

    Vin de pays des Vals d'Agly

    Vin de pays du Var

    Vin de pays du Vaucluse

    Vin de pays de la Vaunage

    Vin de pays de la Vendée

    Vin de pays de la Vicomté d'Aumelas

    Vin de pays de la Vienne

    Vin de pays de la Vistrenque

    Vin de pays de l'Yonne


    1. Kakovostna vina, pridelana na določenih pridelovalnih območjih ("


    1.1 Imena določenih pridelovalnih območij





    Ampurdán-Costa Brava





    Campo de Borja




    Conca de Barberá

    Condado de Huelva

    Costers del Segre

    Chacolí de Bizkaia-Bizkaiko Txakolina

    Chacolí de Getaria-Getariako Txakolina

    Hierro, El





    Mancha, La


    Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda






    Palma, La


    Pla de Bages


    Rías Baixas

    Ribeira Sacra


    Ribera del Duero

    Ribera del Guadiana






    Terra Alta






    Valle de Güímar

    Valle de la Orotava

    Vinos de Madrid



    1.2 Imena podobmočij in občin

    1.2.1 Določeno pridelovalno območje Abona




    San Miguel de Abona

    Granadilla de Abona

    Villa de Arico


    1.2.2 Določeno pridelovalno območje Alella





    Masnou, El


    Montornés del Vallés


    Premiá de Dalt

    Premiá de Mar

    Roca del Vallés, La

    Sant Fost de Campcentelles

    Santa María de Martorelles




    Vilanova del Vallés

    Vilassar de Dalt

    1.2.3 Določeno pridelovalno območje Alicante

    (a) Podobmočje Alicante






    Campo de Mirra




    Hondón de los Frailes

    Hondón de las Nieves







    Romana, La





    (b) Podobmočje La Marina









    Castell de Castells


    Gata de Gorgos










    Sanet y Negrals


    Setla y Mirarrosa



    Vall de Laguart



    1.2.4 Določeno pridelovalno območje Almansa




    Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón



    Hoya Gonzalo


    Villar de Chinchilla

    1.2.5 Določeno pridelovalno območje Ampurdán-Costa Brava


    Avinyonet de Puigventós











    Jonquera, La




    Mollet de Peralada



    Pedret i Marsá


    Pont de Molins


    Port de la Selva, El




    Sant Climent Sescebes

    Selva de Mar, La







    1.2.6 Določeno pridelovalno območje Bierzo




    Cabañas Raras








    Cubillos del Sil






    Puente de Domingo Flórez


    Vega de Espinareda


    Toral de los Vados

    Villafranca del Bierzo

    1.2.7 Določeno pridelovalno območje Binissalem-Mallorca



    Santa María del Camí


    Santa Eugenia

    1.2.8 Določeno pridelovalno območje Bullas









    1.2.9 Določeno pridelovalno območje Calatayud




    Alhama de Aragón



    Belmonte de Gracian




    Castejón de las Armas

    Castejón de Alarba

    Cervera de la Cañada

    Clarés de Ribota


    Fuentes de Jiloca








    Morata de Jiloca






    Paracuellos de Jiloca




    Torralba de Ribota

    Torrijo de la Cañada


    Villalba del Perejil


    Villarroya de la Sierra

    Viñuela, La

    1.2.10 Določeno pridelovalno območje Campo de Borja



    Alberite de San Juan







    Buste, El




    Pozuelo de Aragón


    Vera de Moncayo

    1.2.11 Določeno pridelovalno območje Carińena




    Almonacid de la Sierra










    Villanueva de Huerva

    1.2.12 Določeno pridelovalno območje Cigales

    Cabezón de Pisuerga


    Corcos del Valle

    Cubillas de Santa Marta



    Quintanilla de Trigueros

    San Martín de Valvení

    Santovenia de Pisuerga

    Trigueros del Valle

    Valoria la Buena


    1.2.13 Določeno pridelovalno območje Conca de Barbera

    Barberá de la Conca



    L'Espluga de Francolí




    Rocafort de Queralt







    1.2.14 Določeno pridelovalno območje Condado de Huelva



    Bollullos del Condado




    Lucena del Puerto




    Palma del Condado, La

    Palos de la Frontera

    Rociana del Condado

    San Juan del Puerto


    Villalba del Alcor


    1.2.15 Določeno pridelovalno območje Costers del Segre

    (a) Podobmočje Raimat


    (b) Podobmočje Artesa

    Alós de Balaguer

    Artesa de Segre




    (c) Podobmočje Valle del Río Corb



    Els Omells de na Gaia


    Granyena de Segarra



    Montoliu de Segarra

    Montornés de Segarra



    Sant Martí de Riucorb


    Vallbona de les Monges

    Vallfogona de Riucorb


    (d) Podobmočje Les Garrigues



    Cerviá de les Garrigues

    Els Omellons

    Floresta, La



    L'Espluga Calba

    La Pobla de Cérvoles


    Vilosell, El


    1.2.16 Določeno pridelovalno območje Chacolí de Bizkaia-Bizkaiko Txakolina
































    1.2.17 Določeno pridelovalno območje Chacolí de Getaria-Getariako Txakolina




    1.2.18 Določeno pridelovalno območje El Hierro



    1.2.19 Določena pridelovalna območja Jerez-Xéres-Sherry, Manzanilla in Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda

    Chiclana de la Frontera


    Jerez de la Frontera

    Puerto de Santa María, El

    Puerto Real


    Sanlúcar de Barrameda



    (a) Podobmočje Jerez Superior (lege "Albarizas" v naslednjih občinah)

    Jerez de la Frontera

    Puerto de Santa Maria

    Sanlúcar de Barrameda




    1.2.20 Določeno pridelovalno območje Jumilla


    Fuente Alamo de Murcia



    Montealegre del Castillo



    1.2.21 Določeno pridelovalno območje Lanzarote



    San Bartolomé





    1.2.22 Določeno pridelovalno območje Málaga






    Alhaurín de la Torre











    Canillas del Aceituno

    Canillas de Albaida






    Cuevas Bajas

    Cuevas de San Marcos




    Fuente Piedra









    Rincón de la Victoria





    Sierra de Yeguas



    Vélez Málaga

    Villanueva de Algaidas

    Villanueva del Rosario

    Villanueva de Tapia

    Villanueva del Trabuco


    1.2.23 Določeno pridelovalno območje La Mancha


    Bonillo, El


    Herrera, La





    Ossa de Montiel

    Roda, La

    Tarazona de la Mancha



    Alcázar de San Juan

    Alcolea de Calatrava

    Aldea del Rey




    Almodóvar del Campo

    Arenas de San Juan

    Argamasilla de Alba

    Argamasilla de Calatrava

    Ballesteros de Calatrava

    Bolaños de Calatrava

    Calzada de Calatrava

    Campo de Criptana

    Cañada de Calatrava

    Carrión de Calatrava


    Castellar de Santiago

    Ciudad Real

    Cortijos, Los





    Fuente el Fresno

    Granátula de Calatrava


    Labores, Las






    Pedro Muñoz





    Pozuelo de Calatrava

    Puebla del Principe

    Puerto Lápice

    Santa Cruz de los Cáñamos


    Solana, La



    Torralba de Calatrava

    Torre de Juan Abad

    Valenzuela de Calatrava



    Villamayor de Calatrava

    Villanueva de la Fuente

    Villanueva de los Infantes

    Villar del Pozo

    Villarrubia de los Ojos

    Villarta de San Juan

    Acebrón, El

    Alberca de Záncara, La

    Alconchel de la Estrella

    Almarcha, La


    Almonacid del Marquesado

    Atalaya del Cañavate

    Barajas de Melo




    Cañavate, El

    Carrascosa de Haro

    Casas de Benítez

    Casas de Fernando Alonso

    Casas de Guijarro

    Casas de Haro

    Casas de los Pinos

    Castillo de Garcimuñoz

    Cervera del Llano

    Fuente de Pedro Naharro

    Fuentelespino de Haro

    Hinojosa, La

    Hinojosos, Los



    Horcajo de Santiago



    Mesas, Las

    Monreal del Llano


    Mota del Cuervo

    Olivares de Júcar

    Osa de la Vega

    Pedernoso, El

    Pedroñeras, Las




    Provencio, El

    Puebla de Almenara

    Rada de Haro

    Rozalén del Monte


    San Clemente

    Santa María del Campo

    Santa María de los Llanos



    Torrubia del Campo

    Torrubia del Castillo




    Valverde de Júcar

    Vara de Rey

    Villaescusa de Haro

    Villamayor de Santiago

    Villar de Cañas

    Villar de la Encina

    Villarejo de Fuentes

    Villares del Saz


    Villaverde y Pasaconsol

    Zarza del Tajo


    Almonacid de Toledo

    Cabañas de Yepes





    Corral de Almaguer



    Guardia, La

    Huerta de Valdecarábanos






    Miguel Esteban





    Ontígola con Oreja


    Puebla de Almoradiel, La


    Quintanar de la Orden


    Santa Cruz de la Zarza



    Toboso, El




    Villa de Don Fadrique, La

    Villafranca de los Caballeros



    Villanueva de Alcardete

    Villanueva de Bogas

    Villarrubia de Santiago



    Yébenes, Los


    1.2.24 Določeno pridelovalno območje Méntrida

    Albarreal de Tajo


    Aldea en Cabo









    Casarrubios del Monte

    Castillo de Bayuela


    Cerralbos, Los

    Chozas de Canales

    Domingo Pérez



















    Real de San Vicente



    Santa Cruz de Retamar

    Santa Olalla

    Torre de Esteban Hambran, La


    Val de Santo Domingo


    Ventas de Retamosa, Las


    Viso, El


    1.2.25 Določeno pridelovalno območje Mondéjar

    Albalate de Zorita



    Almonacid de Zorita






    Loranca de Tajuña





    Pozo de Almoguera





    Zorita de los Canes

    1.2.26 Določeno pridelovalno območje Monterrei

    (a) Podobmočje Val de Monterrei

    Cástrelo do Val




    (b) Podobmočje Ladera de Monterrei

    Cástrelo do Val




    1.2.27 Določeno pridelovalno območje Montilla-Moriles

    Aguilar de la Frontera



    Castro del Río

    Doña Mencía









    Nueva Carteya

    Puente Genil

    Rambla, La


    (a) Podobmočje Montilla-Moriles Superior (lege "Albarizas" v zgoraj omenjenih občinah)

    1.2.28 Določeno pridelovalno območje Navarra

    (a) Podobmočje Ribera Baja














    (b) Podobmočje Ribera Alta
















    Miranda de Arga

    Murillo el Cuende

    Murillo el Fruto









    (c) Podobmočje Tierra Estella



    Arcos, Los






    Busto, El











    Oteiza de la Solana


    Torralba del Río

    Torres del Río

    Valle de Yerri

    Villamayor de Monjardín


    (d) Podobmočje Valdizarbe




















    Puente la Reina

    Tiebas-Muruarte de Reta





    (e) Podobmočje Baja Montańa













    San Martin de Unx


    1.2.29 Določeno pridelovalno območje La Palma

    (a) Podobmočje Hoyo de Mazo

    Breńa Baja

    Breńa Alta


    Santa Cruz de La Palma

    (b) Podobmočje Fuencaliente


    Llanos de Aridane, Los

    Paso, El


    (c) Podobmočje Norte de La Palma





    San Andrés y Sauces


    1.2.30 Določeno pridelovalno območje Penedés


    Avinyonet del Penedés


    Cabanyes, Les

    Cabrera d'Igualada


    Castellet i la Gornal

    Castellví de la Marca

    Castellví de Rosanes


    Corbera de Llobregat




    Granada, La

    Hostalets de Pierola, Els

    Llacuna, La





    Olesa de Bonesvalls


    Pacs del Penedés


    Plá del Penedés, El



    Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues

    Sant Esteve Sesrovires

    Sant Llorenç d'Hortons

    Sant Martí Sarroca

    Sant Pere de Ribes

    Sant Pere de Riudebitlles

    Sant Quintí de Mediona

    Sant Sadurní d'Anoia

    Santa Fe del Penedés

    Santa Margarida i els Monjos

    Santa María de Miralles




    Torrelles de Foix


    Vilafranca del Penedés

    Vilanova i la Geltrú

    Viloví del Penedés




    Banyeres del Penedés


    Bisbal del Penedés, La





    Llorenç del Penedés

    Montmell, El

    Roda de Bará

    Sant Jaume dels Domenys

    Santa Oliva

    Vendrell, El

    1.2.31 Določeno pridelovalno območje Pla de Bages







    Castellfollit del Boix


    Castellnou de Bages



    Monistrol de Calders





    Sant Fruitós de Bages

    Sant Joan de Vilatorrada

    Sant Salvador de Guardiola


    Santa María d'Oló

    1.2.32 Določeno pridelovalno območje Priorato

    Bellmunt del Priorat


    Lloar, El

    Morera de Montsant, La



    Torroja del Priorat

    Vilella Alta, La

    Vilella Baixa, La

    1.2.33 Določeno pridelovalno območje Rías Baixas

    (a) Podobmočje Val do Saines






    Vilanova de Arousa


    Caldas de Reis

    Vilagarcía de Arousa


    O Grove

    (b) Podobmočje Condado do Tea

    Salvaterra de Mińo

    As Neves



    Salceda de Cáselas

    A Cańiza

    (c) Podobmočje O Rosal

    O Rosal


    A Guarda



    (d) Podobmočje Soutomaior


    1.2.34 Določeno pridelovalno območje Ribeira Sacra

    (a) Podobmočje Amandi


    Monforte de Lemos

    (b) Podobmočje Chantada




    A Peroxa

    (c) Podobmočje Quiroga-Bibei


    Ribas de Sil

    A Pobra de Brollón

    Monforte de Lemos


    A Pobra de Trives

    (d) Podobmočje Ribeiras do Mino

    O Savińao


    (e) Podobmočje Ribeiras do Sil

    Parada de Sil

    A Teixeira

    Castro Caldelas

    Nogueira de Ramuín

    1.2.35 Določeno pridelovalno območje Ribeiro



    Carballeda de Avia

    Cástrelo de Mińo






    1.2.36 Določeno pridelovalno območje Ribera del Duero

    Adrada de Haza

    Aguilera, La


    Aranda de Duero

    Baños de Valdearados

    Berlangas de Roa

    Boada de Roa

    Campillo de Aranda


    Castrillo de la Vega

    Cueva de Roa, La

    Fresnillo de las Dueñas







    Gumiel de Hizán

    Gumiel del Mercado




    Hontoria de Valdearados

    Horra, La

    Hoyales de Roa

    Mambrilla de Castrejón


    Moradillo de Roa

    Nava de Roa

    Olmedillo de Roa


    Pedrosa de Duero

    Peñaranda de Duero


    Quintana del Pidio


    Roa de Duero

    San Juan del Monte

    San Martín de Rubiales

    Santa Cruz de la Salceda

    Sequera de Haza, La

    Sotillo de la Ribera

    Terradillos de Esgueva


    Tórtoles de Esgueva

    Tubilla del Lago


    Valcabado de Roa



    Vid, La

    Villaescuesa de Roa

    Villalba de Duero

    Villalbilla de Gumiel

    Villanueva de Gumiel


    Villovela de Esgueva



    Honrubia de la Cuesta

    Montejo de la Vega de la Serrezuela

    Villaverde de Montejo

    Alcubilla de Avellaneda

    Burgo de Osma

    Castillejo de Robledo

    Langa de Duero

    Miño de San Esteban

    San Esteban de Gormaz

    Bocos de Duero

    Canalejas de Peñafiel

    Castrillo de Duero

    Curiel de Duero



    Olivares de Duero

    Olmos de Peñafiel


    Pesquera de Duero

    Piñel de Abajo

    Piñel de Arriba

    Quintanilla de Arriba

    Quintanilla de Onésimo



    Torre de Peñafiel

    Valbuena de Duero

    Valdearcos de la Vega

    1.2.37 Določeno pridelovalno območje Ribera del Guadiana

    (a) Podobmočje Ribera Alta






    Coronada, La


    Don Alvaro

    Don Benito


    Esparragosa de la Serena

    Higuera de la Serena

    Garrovilla, La


    Haba, La


    Malpartida de la Serena






    Monterrubio de la Serena

    Nava de Santiago, La

    Oliva de Mérida

    Quintana de la Serena


    San Pedro de Mérida

    Santa Amalia



    Valverde de Mérida

    Valle de la Serena


    Villanueva de la Serena

    Villar de Rena

    Zalamea de la Serena

    Zarza de Alange

    (b) Podobmočje Tierra de Barros





    Arroyo de San Serván




    Corte de Peleas

    Entrín Bajo


    Fuente del Maestre

    Granja de Torre Hermosa

    Higuera de Llerena

    Hinojosa del Valle


    Morera, La

    Parra, La







    Puebla del Prior

    Puebla de la Reina

    Ribera del Fresno

    Salvatierra de los Barros

    Santa Marta de los Barros

    Solana de los Barros

    Torre de Miguel Sesmero


    Valencia de las Torres

    Valverde de Llerena

    Villafranca de los Barros

    Villalba de los Barros

    (c) Podobmočje Matanegra



    Fuente de Cantos

    Medina de las Torres

    Puebla de Sancho Perez

    Santos de Maimona, Los



    (d) Podobmočje Ribera Baja

    Albuera, La






    Roca de la Sierra, La

    Talavera de la Real

    Torre Mayor

    Valverde de Leganés

    Villar del Rey

    (e) Podobmočje Montanchéz



    Aldea de Trujillo



    Arroyomolinos de Montánchez

    Casas de Don Antonio





    Cumbre, La




    Puerto de Santa Cruz

    Robledillo de Trujillo

    Salvatierra de Santiago

    Santa Cruz de la Sierra

    Santa Marta de Magasca

    Torre de Santa María

    Torrecilla de la Tiesa





    Zarza de Montánchez

    (f) Podobmočje Cańamero


    Berzo cana




    1.2.38 Določeno pridelovalno območje Rioja

    (a) Podobmočje Rioja Alavesa

    Baños de Ebro




    Elvillar de Alava





    Lapuebla de Labarca


    Moreda de Alava



    Salinillas de Buradón


    Villabuena de Alava


    (b) Podobmočje Rioja Alta





    Arenzana de Abajo

    Arenzana de Arriba




    Baños de Rioja

    Baños de Río Tobía











    Castañares de Rioja







    Cuzcurrita de Río Tirón

    Daroca de Rioja













    Hornos de Moncalvillo














    San Asensio

    San Millán de Yécora

    Santa Coloma

    San Torcuato

    San Vicente de la Sonsierra






    Torrecilla sobre Alesanco






    Villalba de Rioja

    Villar de Torre



    (c) Podobmočje Rioja Baja


    Aguilar del río Alhama

    Albelda de Iregua



    Aldeanueva de Ebro













    Cervera del río Alhama








    Lagunilla de Jubera

    Leza del río Leza


    Molinos de Ocón

    Murillo de Río Leza





    Redal, El


    Rincón de Soto

    San Adrián

    Santa Engracia de Jubera




    Villamediana de Iregua

    Villar de Arnedo, El

    1.2.39 Določeno pridelovalno območje Rueda

    Blasconuño de Matacabras

    Madrigal de las Altas Torres

    Aldeanueva del Codonal

    Aldehuela del Codonal

    Bernuy de Coca



    Fuente de Santa Cruz

    Juarros de Voltoya

    Montejo de Arévalo


    Moraleja de Coca

    Nava de La Asunción



    San Cristobal de la Vega

    Santiuste de San Juan Bautista


    Villagonzalo de Coca




    Almenara de Adaja


    Bobadilla del Campo


    Brahojos de Medina

    Campillo, El

    Carpio del Campo



    Cervillego de la Cruz

    Fresno el Viejo

    Fuente el Sol

    Fuente Olmedo



    Llano de Olmedo



    Medina del Campo


    Moraleja de las Panaderas


    Nava del Rey

    Nueva Villa de las Torres



    Pozal de Gallinas





    Rubí de Bracamonte


    Salvador de Zapardiel

    San Pablo de la Moraleja

    San Vicente del Palacio

    Seca, La


    Siete Iglesias de Travancos


    Torrecilla de la Abadesa

    Torrecilla de la Orden

    Torrecilla del Valle



    Ventosa de la Cuesta

    Villafranca de Duero

    Villanueva de Duero

    Villaverde de Medina

    Zarza, La

    1.2.40 Določeno pridelovalno območje Somontano



    Alcalá del Obispo










    Blecua y Torres



    Casbas de Huesca






    Grado, El


    Hoz y Costean








    Peralta de Alcofea




    Pozán de Vero

    Puebla de Castro, La

    Salas Altas

    Salas Bajas

    Santa María de Dulcis



    Torres de Alcanadre

    1.2.41 Določeno pridelovalno območje Tacoronte-Acentejo

    Matanza de Acentejo, La

    Santa Ursula

    Sauzal, El



    Victoria de Acentejo, La

    Laguna, La

    Rosario, El

    Santa Cruz de Tenerife

    (a) Podobmočje Anaga (zemljišča, vključena v Parque Rural de Anaga)

    1.2.42 Določeno pridelovalno območje Tarragona

    (a) Podobmočje Tarragona Campo


    Aleixar, L'





    Argentera, L'



    Borges del Camp, Les



    Cabra del Camp, Les


    Castellvell del Camp

    Catllar, El



    Cornudella de Montsant


    Figuerola del Camp


    Garidells, Els


    Masó, La



    Milá, El


    Montbrió del Camp


    Mont-roig del Camp

    Mora d'Ebre

    Mora la Nova

    Morell, El

    Nou de Gaiá, La


    Parallesos, Els


    Pla de Santa María, El

    Pobla de Mafumet, La

    Pobla de Montornés, La




    Riera de Gaiá, La





    Rourell, El


    Secuita, La

    Selva del Camp, La



    Torre de l'Espanyol, La







    Vilallonga del Camp

    Vilanova d'Escornalbou




    Vinyols i els Arcs

    (b) Podobmočje Falset



    Figuera, La

    Guiamets, Els


    Masroig, El

    Pradell de la Teixeta

    Torre de Fontaubella, La

    1.2.43 Določeno pridelovalno območje Terra Alta





    Corbera d'Ebre

    Fatarella, La


    Horta de Sant Joan

    Pinell de Brai, El

    Pobla de Massaluca, La

    Prat de Comte

    Vilalba dels Arcs

    1.2.44 Določeno pridelovalno območje Toro


    Bóveda de Toro, La

    Morales de Toro

    Pego, El


    Piñero, El

    San Miguel de la Ribera





    Villanueva del Puente

    San Román de Hornija

    Villafranca del Duero

    1.2.45 Določeno pridelovalno območje Utiel-Requena





    Siete Aguas



    Venta del Moro


    1.2.46 Določeno pridelovalno območje Valdeorras

    Barco, El

    Bollo, El

    Carballeda de Valdeorras



    Rua, La



    1.2.47 Določeno pridelovalno območje Valdepeńas


    Moral de Calatrava

    San Carlos del Valle

    Santa Cruz de Mudela



    1.2.48 Določeno pridelovalno območje Valencia


    Caudete de las Fuentes






    Venta del Moro

    Villargordo del Cabriel

    (a) Podobmočje Alto Turia


    Aras de Alpuente


    La Yesa



    (b) Podobmočje Valentino
















    Losa del Obispo





    Real de Montroi



    Villar del Arzobispo

    (c) Podobmočje Moscatel de Valencia








    Real de Montroi


    (d) Podobmočje Clariano

    Adzaneta de Albaida




    Aielo de Malferit

    Aielo de Rugat








    Castelló de Rugat

    Fontanars dels Alforins

    Font la Figuera, La












    La Pobla del Duc


    Ráfol de Salem




    1.2.49 Določeno pridelovalno območje Valle de Güímar




    1.2.50 Določeno pridelovalno območje Valle de la Orotava

    La Orotava

    Puerto de la Cruz

    Los Realejos

    1.2.51 Določeno pridelovalno območje Vinos de Madrid

    (a) Podobmočje Arganda



    Arganda del Rey

    Belmonte de Tajo

    Campo Real


    Colmenar de Oreja


    Fuentidueña de Tajo



    Mejorada del Campo

    Morata de Tajuña


    Perales de Tajuña

    Pezuela de las Torres

    Pozuelo del Rey







    Villamanrique de Tajo

    Villar del Olmo

    Villarejo de Salvanés

    (b) Podobmočje Navalcarnero

    Alamo, El

    Aldea del Fresno






    Humanes de Madrid

    Moraleja de Enmedio




    Serranillos del Valle

    Sevilla la Nueva




    Villanueva de la Cañada

    Villaviciosa de Odón

    (c) Podobmočje San Martín de Valdeiglesias

    Cadalso de los Vidrios


    Colmenar de Arroyo


    Navas del Rey

    Pelayos de la Presa

    Rozas de Puerto Real

    San Martín de Valdeiglesias

    Villa del Prado

    1.2.52 Določeno pridelovalno območje Ycoden-Daute-Isora

    San Juan de la Rambla

    La Guancha

    Icod de los Vinos


    Los Silos

    Buenavista del Norte

    El Tanque

    Santiago del Teide

    Guía de Isora

    1.2.53 Določeno pridelovalno območje Yecla


    (a) Podobmočje Yecla Campo Arriba (zemljišča, zasajena z vrsto Monastrell, na pobočjih ali planotah)

    2. Namizna vina z geografsko označbo


    Arribes del Duero


    Bajo Aragón


    Campo de Belchite

    Campo de Cartagena


    Chacolí de Alava




    Gran Canaria


    La Gomera


    Medina del Campo

    Pla i Llevant de Mallorca


    Ribera del Arlanza

    Sierra de Alcaraz

    Terrazas del Gállego

    Tierra del Vino de Zamora


    Valdevimbre-Los Oteros

    Valle del Cinca

    Valle del Jiloca

    Valle del Miño-Ourense


    1. Kakovostna vina, pridelana na določenih pridelovalnih območjih ("


    1.1 Imena določenih pridelovalnih območij

    1.1.1 (


    Σάμος (Samos)

    Πατρών (Patron)

    Ρίου Πατρών (Riou Patron)

    Κεφαλληνίας (Céphalonie)

    Ρόδου (Rhodos)

    Λήμνου (Lemnos)

    1.1.2 (


    Σητεία (Sitia)

    Νεμέα (Némée)

    Σαντορίνη (Santorin)

    Δάφνες (Dafnes)

    Ρόδος (Rhodos)

    Νάουσα (Naoussa)

    Κεφαλληνίας (Céphalonie)

    Ραψάνη (Rapsani)

    Μαντινεία (Mantinée)

    Πεζά (Peza)

    Αρχάνες (Archanes)

    Pátrai (Patras)

    Ζίτσα (Zitsa)

    Αμύνταιον (Amynteon)

    Γουμένισσα (Gumenissa)

    Πάρος (Paros)

    Λήμνος (Lemnos)

    Αγχίαλος (Anchialos)

    Πλαγιές Μελίτωνα (Côtes de Meliton)

    Μεσενικόλα (Mesenicola)

    2. Namizna vina

    2.1 (tradicionalna označba)

    Αττικής (Attikis)

    Βοιωτίας (Viotias)

    Ευβοίας (Evias)

    Μεσογείων (Messoguion)

    Κρωπίας (Kropias)

    Κορωπίου (Koropiou)

    Μαρκοπούλου (Markopoulou)

    Μεγάρων (Megaron)

    Παιανίας (Peanias)

    Λιοπεσίου (Liopessiou)

    Παλλήνης (Pallinis)

    Πικερμίου (Pikermiou)

    Σπάτων (Spaton)

    Θηβών (Thivon)

    Γιάλτρων (Guialtron)

    Καρύστου (Karystou)

    Χαλκίδας (Halkidas)

    Βερντέα Ζακύνθου (Verdea Zakinthou)

    2.2 (deželno vino)

    Τριφυλίας (Trifilia)

    Μεσημβριώτικος (Messimvria)

    Επανωμίτικος (Epanomie)

    Πλαγιών ορεινής Κορινθίας (côtes montagneuses de Korinthia)

    Πυλίας (Pylie)

    Πλαγιές Βερτίσκου (côtes de Vertiskos)

    Ηρακλειώτικος (Heraklion)

    Λασιθιώτικος (Lassithie)

    Πελoπowησιακός (Péloponnčse)

    Μεσσηνιακός (Messina)

    Μακεδόνικος (Macédonie)

    Κρητικός (Crčte)

    Θεσσαλικός (Thessalia)

    Κισάμου (Kissarnos)

    Τυρνάβου (Tyrnavos)

    Πλαγιές Αμπέλου (côtes de Ampelos)

    Βίλιτσας (Vilitsa)

    Γρεβενών (Grevena)

    Αττικός (Attique)

    Αγιορείτικος (Agioritikos)

    Δωδεκανησιακός (Dodekančse)

    Αναβυσιωτικός (Anavyssiotikos)

    Παιανίτικος (Peanitikos)

    Δράμας (Drama)

    Κρανιώτικος (Krania)

    Πλαγιών Πάρνηθας (côtes de Parnitha)

    Συριανός (Syros)

    Θηβαϊκός (Thiva)

    Πλαγιών Κιθαιρώνα (côtes du Kitheron)

    Πλαγιών Πετρωτού (côtes de Petrotou)

    Γερανιών (Gerania)

    Παλληνιώτικος (Pallini)

    Αγοριανός (Agorianos)

    Κοιλάδας Αταλάντης (valley de Atalanti)

    Arkadíaw (Arcadia)

    Παγγαιορείτικος (Paggeoritikos)

    Μεταξάτων (Metaxata)

    Κλημέντι (Klimenti)

    Ημαθίας (Hemathia)

    Κέρκυρας (Kerkyra (Corfu))

    Σιθωνίας (Sithonia)

    Μαντζαβινάτων (Mantzavinata)

    Ισμαρικός (Ismarikos)

    Αβδήρων (Avdira)

    Ιωαννίνων (loannina)

    Πλαγιές Αιγιαλείας (côtes de Aigialieias)

    Πλαγιές του Αίνου (côtes du Ainou)

    Θρακικός ή Θράκης (Thrakie)

    Ιλίου (Ilion)

    Μετσοβίτικος (Metsovon)

    Κορωπιότικος (Koropie)

    Θαψάνων (Thapsanon)

    Σιατιστινός (Siatistinon)

    Ριτσώνας Αυλίδος (Ritsona Avlidos)

    Λετρίνων (Letrina)

    Γενεάς (Tegeas)

    Αιγαιοπελαγίτικος (Mer Egée)

    Αιγαίου Πελάγους (Aigaion pelagos)

    Βορείων Πλαγιών Πεντελικού (côtes nord de Penteli)

    Σπατανέικος (Spata)

    Μαρκοπουλιώτικος (Markopoulo)

    Ληλαντίου Πεδίου (Lilantio Pedion)

    Χαλκιδικής (Chalkidiki)

    Καρυστινός (Karystos)

    Χαλικούνας (Chalikouna)

    Οπουντίας Λοκρίδος (Opountia Lokrida)

    Πέλλας (Pella)

    Ανδριανιώτικος (Andriani)

    Σερρών (Serres)

    Στερεάς Ελλάδος (Sterea Ellada)

    Πλαγιών Κνημίδος (côte de Knimide)

    Ηπειρωτικός (Ipirotikos)

    Φλώρινας (Florinas)

    Πισατίδος (Pisatidos)

    Λευκάδας (Lefkadas)


    1. Kakovostna vina, pridelana na določenih pridelovalnih območjih ("


    1.1 Kakovostna vina, pridelana na določenih pridelovalnih območjih, opisana z izrazom "Denominazione di origine controllata e garantita"

    Albana di Romagna




    Brachetto d'Acqui

    Brunello di Montalcino



    Chianti Classico, ki ga spremlja ena od naslednjih geografskih označb ali pa ne:

    - Montalbano

    - Rufina

    - Colli fiorentini

    - Colli senesi

    - Colli aretini

    - Colline pisane

    - Montespertoli





    Montefalco Sagrantino


    Recioto di Soave




    Valtellina Grumello

    Valtellina Inferno

    Valtellina Sassella

    Valtellina Valgella

    Vernaccia di San Gimignano

    Vermentino di Gallura

    1.2 Kakovostna vina, pridelana na določenih pridelovalnih območjih, opisana z izrazom "Denominazione di origine controllata"

    1.2.1 Območje Piemonta




    Alto Monferrato









    Casorzo d'Asti

    Castagnole Monferrato

    Castelnuovo Don Bosco


    Colli tortonesi

    Colline novaresi

    Colline saluzzesi

    Coste della Sesia

    Diano d'Alba




    Langhe monregalesi





    Monferrato Casalese








    1.2.2 Območje Doline Aoste





    La Salle

    Enfer d'Arvier



    Valle d'Aosta

    Vallée d'Aoste

    1.2.3 Območje Lombardije


    Capriano del Colle



    Garda Colli Mantovani



    Oltrepò Pavese

    Riviera del Garda Bresciano

    San Colombano al Lambro

    San Martino della Battaglia

    Terre di Franciacorta


    1.2.4 Območje Trentina - Zgornjega Poadižja

    Alto Adige

    Bozner Leiten







    Colli di Bolzano






    Lago di Caldaro

    Meraner Hügel

    Meranese di collina

    Santa Maddalena


    St. Magdalener





    Teroldego Rotaliano



    Val Venosta


    Valle Isarco


    1.2.5 Območje Veneta

    Bagnoli di Sopra




    Breganze Torcolato

    Colli Asolani

    Colli Berici

    Colli Berici Barbarano

    Colli di Conegliano

    Colli di Conegliano Fregona

    Colli di Conegliano Refrontolo

    Colli Euganei


    Conegliano Valdobbiadene

    Conegliano Valdobbiadene Cartizze





    Lessini Durello

    Lison Pramaggiore




    San Martino della Battaglia






    1.2.6 Območje Furlanije - Julijske krajine


    Colli Orientali del Friuli

    Colli Orientali del Friuli Cialla

    Colli Orientali del Friuli Ramandolo

    Colli Orientali del Friuli Rosazzo


    Collio Goriziano

    Friuli Annia

    Friuli Aquileia

    Friuli Grave

    Friuli Isonzo

    Friuli Latisana

    Isonzo del Friuli

    Lison Pramaggiore

    1.2.7 Območje Ligurije



    Cinque Terre

    Colli di Luni

    Colline di Levanto




    Golfo del Tigullio

    Riviera Ligure di Ponente

    Riviera dei fiori

    1.2.8 Območje Emilije-Romanje

    Bosco Eliceo


    Colli Bolognesi

    Colli Bolognesi Classico

    Colli Bolognesi Colline di Riosto

    Colli Bolognesi Colline Marconiane

    Colli Bolognesi Colline Oliveto

    Colli Bolognesi Monte San Pietro

    Colli Bolognesi Serravalle

    Colli Bolognesi Terre di Montebudello

    Colli Bolognesi Zola Predosa

    Colli d'Imola

    Colli di Faenza

    Colli di Parma

    Colli di Rimini

    Colli di Scandiano e Canossa

    Colli Piacentini Monterosso

    Colli Piacentini Val d'Arda

    Colli Piacentini Val Nure

    Colli Piacentini Val Trebbia

    Colli Piacentini




    Santa Croce


    1.2.9 Območje Toskane

    Barco Reale di Carmignano


    Bolgheri Sassicaia

    Candia dei Colli Apuani



    Chianti classico

    Colli Apuani

    Colli dell'Etruria Centrale

    Colli di Luni

    Colline Lucchesi

    Costa dell'"Argentario"







    Montereggio di Massa Marittima



    Pisano di San Torpè



    San Gimignano

    San Torpè



    Val d'Arbia

    Val di Cornia

    Val di Cornia Campiglia Marittima

    Val di Cornia Piombino

    Val di Cornia San Vincenzo

    Val di Cornia Suvereto



    1.2.10 Območje Umbrije


    Colli Martani

    Colli Perugini

    Colli Amerini

    Colli Altotiberini

    Colli del Trasimeno

    Lago di Corbara






    1.2.11 Območje Mark

    Castelli di Jesi

    Colli pesaresi

    Colli Ascolani

    Colli maceratesi






    Morro d'Alba




    1.2.12 Območje Lacija




    Castelli Romani



    Colli albani

    Colli della Sabina

    Colli lanuvini

    Colli etruschi viterbesi






    Montecompatri Colonna


    Olevano romano







    1.2.13 Območje Abruzza


    Abruzzo Colline teramane



    1.2.14 Območje Molisa


    Pentro d'Isernia

    1.2.15 Območje Kampanije



    Campi Flegrei


    Castel San Lorenzo


    Costa d'Amalfi Furore

    Costa d'Amalfi Ravello

    Costa d'Amalfi Tramonti

    Costa d'Amalfi

    Falerno del Massico



    Guardia Sanframondi



    Penisola Sorrentina

    Penisola Sorrentina-Gragnano

    Penisola Sorrentina-Lettere

    Penisola Sorrentina-Sorrento


    Sant'Agata de Goti





    1.2.16 Območje Apulije





    Castel del Monte




    Gioia del Colle













    Salice salentino

    San Severo



    1.2.17 Območje Bazilikate


    1.2.18 Območje Kalabrije








    San Vito di Luzzi

    Sant'Anna di Isola Capo Rizzuto




    1.2.19 Območje Sicilije


    Contea di Sclafani

    Contessa Entellina

    Delia Nivolalli









    Sambuca di Sicilia

    Santa Margherita di Belice




    1.2.20 Območje Sardinije





    Campidano di Terralba




    Sardegna-Capo Ferrato



    Sardegna-Nepente di Oliena



    Sardegna-Tempio Pausania

    Sorso Sennori



    2. Namizna vina z geografsko označbo

    2.1 Abruzzo

    Alto tirino

    Colli Aprutini

    Colli del sangro

    Colline Pescaresi

    Colline Frentane

    Colline Teatine


    Terre di Chieti

    Valle Peligna


    2.2 Bazilikata


    2.3 Avtonomna provinca Bolzano




    Mitterberg tra Cauria e Tel

    Mitterberg zwischen Gfrill und Toll

    2.4 Kalabrija




    Costa Viola







    Val di Neto


    Valle dei Crati

    2.5 Kampanija

    Colli di Salerno







    Terre del Volturno

    2.6 Emilija-Romanja

    Castelfranco Emilia

    Bianco dei Sillaro


    Fortana del Taro






    Terre di Veleja

    Val Tidone

    2.7 Furlanija - Julijska krajina

    Alto Livenza

    Venezia Giulia


    2.8 Lacij

    Civitella d'Agliano

    Colli Cimini


    Del Frusinate Lazio


    2.9 Ligurija

    Colline Savonesi

    Val Polcevera

    2.10 Lombardija

    Alto Mincio

    Benaco bresciano


    Collina del Milanese

    Montenetto di Brescia




    Ronchi di Brescia



    Terrazze Retiche di Sondrio

    2.11 Marke


    2.12 Molise



    Terre degli Osci

    2.13 Apulija






    Valle d'Itria

    2.14 Sardinija


    Colli del Limbara

    Isola dei Nuraghi











    Valle dei Tirso

    Valli di Porto Pino

    2.15 Sicilija


    Colli Ericini

    Fontanarossa di Cerda




    Valle Belice

    2.16 Toskana

    Alta Valle della Greve

    Colli della Toscana centrale

    Maremma toscana




    Val di Magra

    2.17 Avtonomna provinca Trento






    2.18 Umbrija







    2.19 Veneto

    Alto Livenza

    Colli Trevigiani





    Marca Trevigiana



    Veneto orientale




    1. Kakovostna vina, pridelana na določenih pridelovalnih območjih ("


    1.1 Imena določenih pridelovalnih območij



































    2. Namizna vina z geografsko označbo


    1. Kakovostna vina, pridelana na določenih pridelovalnih območjih ("


    1.1 Imena določenih pridelovalnih območij






    Beira Interior








    Encostas de Aire









    Planalto Mirandês







    Torres Vedras


    Vinho Verde

    1.2 Imena podobmočij

    1.2.1 Dão




    Serra da Estrela


    Terras de Senhorim

    Terras de Azurara

    1.2.2 Alentejo









    1.2.3 Beira Interior

    Castelo Rodrigo

    Cova da Beira


    1.2.4 Vinho Verde







    1.2.5 Douro


    1.2.6 Ribatejo







    1.2.7 Druga imena

    Dão Nobre

    Moscatel de Setúbal

    Setúbal Roxo

    Vinho Verde Alvarinho

    2. Namizna vina z geografsko označbo



    Alta Estremadura

    Beira Litoral

    Beira Alta





    Terras Durienses

    Terras de Sicó

    Terras do Sado



    1. Kakovostna vina, pridelana na določenih pridelovalnih območjih("Quality wines produced in specified regions")

    - English Vineyards

    - Welsh Vineyards

    2. Namizna vina z geografsko označbo

    - English Counties

    - Welsh Counties


    1. Kakovostna vina, pridelana na določenih pridelovalnih območjih ("


    1.1 Imena vinogradniških območij





    1.2 Imena določenih pridelovalnih območij

    1.2.1 Določena pridelovalna območja Weinlanda















    1.2.2 Določena pridelovalna območja Berglanda






    1.2.3 Določena pridelovalna območja Štajerske




    1.2.4 Določena pridelovalna območja Dunaja


    1.3 Občine, njihovi deli, Großlagen, Riede, Flure, Einzellagen

    1.3.1 Določeno pridelovalno območje Neusiedlersee

    (a) Großlage:


    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:












    Hintenaussere Weingärten











    Lange Salzberg

    Langer Acker














    Weidener Zeiselberg

    Weidener Ungerberg

    Weidener Rosenberg

    (c) Občine in njihovi deli




    Deutsch Jahrndorf











    Neudorf bei Parndorf

    Neusiedl am See






    St. Andrä am Zicksee


    Wallern im Burgenland

    Weiden am See

    Winden am See


    1.3.2 Določeno pridelovalno območje Neusiedlersee-Hügelland

    (a) Großlagen:




    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:

    Adler/Hrvatski vrh







    Großgebirge/Veliki vrh









    Kleingebirge/Mali vrh

    Kleinhöfleiner Hügel

    Klosterkeller Siegendorf





    Langäcker/Dolnj sirick






    Purbacher Bugstall








    St. Vitusberg





    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:




















    Mörbisch am See



    Neustift an der Rosalia





    Purbach am See



    St. Georgen

    St. Margarethen


    Schützen am Gebirge














    1.3.3 Določeno pridelovalno območje Mittelburgenland

    (a) Großlage:


    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:

    Altes Weingebirge










    Im Weingebirge











    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:












    Kroatisch Gerersdorf

    Kroatisch Minihof





    Markt St. Martin











    1.3.4 Določeno pridelovalno območje Südburgenland

    (a) Großlagen:


    Rechnitzer Geschriebenstein

    (b) Rieden, Huren, Einzellagen:




    Tiefer Weg


    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:




    Deutsch Bieling

    Deutsch Ehrensdorf

    Deutsch Kaltenbrunn


    Deutsch Tschantschendorf



    Eisenberg an der Pinka























    Kroatisch Ehrensdorf

    Kroatisch Tschantschendorf


    Krottendorf bei Güssing

    Krottendorf bei Neuhaus am Klausenbach


    Kulmer Hof









    Neumarkt im Tauchental














    St. Michael

    St. Nikolaus

    St. Kathrein












    Weiden bei Rechnitz


    Windisch Minihof




    1.3.5 Določeno pridelovalno območje Thermenregion

    (a) Großlagen:

    Badener Berg

    Vöslauer Hauerberg

    Weißer Stein

    Tattendorfer Steinhölle (Stahölln)



    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:

    Am Hochgericht








    In Brunnerberg





    Lange Bamhartstäler





    Pfaffstättner Kogel






    Weißer Stein

    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:

    Bad Fischau

    Bad Vöslau






    Brunn am Gebirge




























    Maria Enzersdorf

    Markt Piesting





















    St. Veit














    Wiener Neustadt

    Wiener Neudorf





    1.3.6 Določeno pridelovalno območje Kremstal

    (a) Großlagen:

    Göttweiger Berg


    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:







    Gedersdorfer Kaiserstiege


    Großer Berg




    Im Berg










    Rohrendorfer Gebling











    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:



    Brunn im Felde













    Krems an der Donau




    Neustift bei Schönberg







    Rohrendorf bei Krems



    Stein an der Donau


    Stift Göttweig





    Walkersdorf am Kamp

    Weinzierl bei Krems

    1.3.7 Določeno pridelovalno območje Kamptal

    (a) Großlage:

    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:


    Auf der Setz










    Loiser Berg










    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:


    Diendorf am Walde


    Elsarn im Straßertale


    Etsdorf am Kamp




    Hadersdorf am Kamp


    Kammern am Kamp












    Schönberg am Kamp




    Straß im Straßertale






    1.3.8 Določeno pridelovalno območje Donauland

    (a) Großlagen:

    Klosterneuburger Weinberge

    Tulbinger Kogel


    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:


































    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:






















    Gerasdorf b. Wien













    Höflein an der Donau




    Katzelsdorf im Dorf




























    St. Andrä-Wördern










    Wagram am Wagram


    Weinzierl bei Ollern







    1.3.9 Določeno pridelovalno območje Traisental

    (a) Großlage:

    Traismaurer Weinberge

    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:

    Am Nasenberg










    In der Wiegn'n

    In der Leithen




    Kufferner Steinried











    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:






















    Inzersdorf ob der Traisen










    Nußdorf ob der Traisen

    Oberndorf am Gebirge

    Oberndorf in der Ebene












    St. Andrä/Traisen

    St. Pölten








    Wagram an der Traisen








    1.3.10 Določeno pridelovalno območje Carnuntum

    (a) Großlage:

    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:












    Lange Letten

    Lange Weingärten










    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:


    Au am Leithagebirge

    Bad Deutsch-Altenburg


    Bruck an der Leitha











    Haslau-Maria Ellend







    Margarethen am Moos

    Maria Ellend










    Schloß Prugg












    1.3.11 Določeno pridelovalno območje Wachau

    (a) Großlage:


    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:






    Im Weingebirge




    Klein Gebirg












    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:







    Elsarn am Jauerling



    Gut am Steg
















    St. Lorenz

    St. Johann

    St. Michael








    Willendorf in der Wachau


    1.3.12 Določeno pridelovalno območje Weinviertel

    (a) Großlagen:


    Falkensteiner Hügelland

    Matzner Hügel

    Retzer Weinberge

    Wolkersdorfer Hochleithen

    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:




    Alter Kirchenried

    Altes Gebirge

    Altes Weingebirge

    Am Berg

    Am Lehm

    Am Wagram













    Die alte Haider



























    Hinter der Kirchen







    Im Inneren Rain

    Im Potschallen

    In Aichleiten

    In den Hausweingärten

    In Hamert

    In Rothenpüllen

    In Sechsern

    In Trenken



    Junge Frauenberge













    Lange Ried

    Lange Vierteln

    Lange Weingärten


























    Retzer Weinberge

    Rieden um den Heldenberg





































    Vordere Bergen




    Weisser Berg










    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:

    Alberndorf im Pulkautal

    Alt Höflein

    Alt Ruppersdorf

    Altenmarkt im Thale






    Angern an der March


    Asparn an der Zaya






    Bad Pirawarth




























    Ebersdorf an der Zaya


    Eggendorf am Walde









    Enzersdorf bei Staatz

    Enzersdorf im Thale




















    Gars am Kamp




















    Groß Ebersdorf














    Grub an der March

































    Hohenau an der March























    Klein Hadersdorf

    Klein Riedenthal

    Klein Haugsdorf



























    Laa an der Thaya



















    Maria Roggendorf

















    Mühlbach a. M.





    Neudorf bei Staatz


























































































































    Sitzendorf an der Schmida





    St. Bernhard-Frauenhofen

    St. Ulrich



















    Sulz im Weinviertel









































    Wolfpassing an der Hochleithen


















    1.3.13 Določeno pridelovalno območje Južna Štajerska

    (a) Großlagen:


    Südsteirisches Rebenland

    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:




















    Päßnitzerberger Römerstein











    Witscheiner Herrenberg



    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:

    Aflenz an der Sulm





























    Hasendorf an der Mur



    Kaindorf an der Sulm


    Kitzeck im Sausal








    Lebring-St. Margarethen
























    Ratsch an der Weinstraße














    St. Andrä i. S.

    St. Andrä-Höch

    St. Johann im Saggautal

    St. Nikolai im Sausal

    St. Nikolai/Draßling

    St. Ulrich/Waasen





    Sulztal an der Weinstraße














    1.3.14 Določeno pridelovalno območje Zahodna Štajerska

    (a) Großlage:

    (b) Rieden, Huren, Einzellagen:





    St. Ulrich i. Gr.

    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:


    Bad Gams


    Frauental an der Laßnitz



    Groß St. Florian















    St. Bartholomä

    St. Martin i. S.

    St. Stefan ob Stainz

    St. Johann ob Hohenburg

    St. Peter i. S.










    1.3.15 Določeno pridelovalno območje Jugovzhodna Štajerska

    (a) Großlagen:

    Oststeirisches Hügelland


    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:

























    (c) Občine in njihovi deli:



    Allerheiligen bei Wildon

    Altenmarkt bei Fürstenfeld

    Altenmarkt bei Riegersburg


    Aschbach bei Fürstenfeld




    Bad Waltersdorf

    Bad Radkersburg

    Bad Gleichenberg

    Bairisch Kölldorf

    Baumgarten bei Gnas

    Bierbaum am Auersbach






    Deutsch Goritz

    Deutsch Haseldorf


    Dietersdorf am Gnasbach





    Edelsbach bei Feldbach


    Eichberg bei Hartmannsdorf


    Entschendorf am Ottersbach






    Fladnitz im Raabtal







    Fünfing bei Gleisdorf




    Gersdorf an der Freistritz





















    Gutenberg an der Raabklamm






    Hart bei Graz











    Hof bei Straden

    Hofkirchen bei Hardegg



    Hofstätten bei Deutsch Goritz

















    Kirchberg an der Raab








    Kornberg bei Riegersburg






    Kulm bei Weiz



    Landscha bei Weiz


    Leitersdorf im Raabtal

    Lembach bei Riegersburg



    Loipersdorf bei Fürstenfeld







    Markt Hartmannsdorf



    Mettersdorf am Saßbach

    Mitterdorf an der Raab




    Mühldorf bei Feldbach




    Nestelbach im Ilztal






    Oberdorf am Hochegg









    Ottendorf an der Rittschein


    Perbersdorf bei St. Peter





    Pichla bei Radkersburg


    Pirsching am Traubenberg

    Pischelsdorf in der Steiermark









    Puch bei Weiz











    Reith bei Hartmannsdorf






    Rohr an der Raab

    Rohr bei Hartberg

    Rohrbach am Rosenberg

    Rohrbach bei Waltersdorf




    Schachen am Römerbach



    Schönegg bei Pöllau

    Schrötten bei Deutsch-Goritz


    Schwarzau im Schwarzautal




    Siegersdorf bei Herberstein




    St. Peter am Ottersbach

    St. Johann bei Herberstein

    St. Veit am Vogau

    St. Kind

    St. Anna am Aigen

    St. Georgen an der Stiefing

    St. Johann in der Haide

    St. Margarethen an der Raab

    St. Nikolai ob Draßling

    St. Marein bei Graz

    St. Magdalena am Lemberg

    St. Stefan im Rosental

    St. Lorenzen am Wechsel


    Stainz bei Straden

    Stang bei Hatzendorf







    Sulz bei Gleisdorf





    Tiefenbach bei Kaindorf

















    Waltersdorf in der Oststeiermark


    Wassen am Berg

    Weinberg an der Raab


    Weinburg am Sassbach



    Wetzelsdorf bei Jagerberg





    Wolfgruben bei Gleisdorf





    1.3.16 Določeno pridelovalno območje Dunaj

    (a) Großlagen:





    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:



























    (c) Deli občin:



    Groß Jedlersdorf


    Innere Stadt








    Ober Sievering







    Unter Sievering

    1.3.17 Določeno pridelovalno območje Vorarlberg

    (a) Großlage:

    (b) Rieden, Fluren, Einzellagen:

    (c) Občine:



    1.3.18 Določeno pridelovalno območje Tirolska

    (a) Großlagen:

    (b) Rieden, Huren, Einzellagen:

    (c) Občine:


    2. Namizna vina z geografsko označbo






    Kakovostna vina, pridelana na določenih pridelovalnih območjih ("


    Ime določenega pridelovalnega območja


    Appellation d'origine contrôlée/ Gecontroleerde oorsprongsbenaming

    Hagelandse Wijn

    Dodatek II

    (Omenjen v členu 6)


    I. Vino Pajarete

    II. Vino Asoleado

    III. Vina iz naslednjih območij, podobmočij, okolišev in krajev: VINORODNO OBMOČJE ATACAMA Podobmočje: Valle de Copiapó Podobmočje: Valle del Huasco VINORODNO OBMOČJE COQUIMBO Podobmočje: Valle del Elqui Okoliš: Podokoliš: Vicuna Podokoliš: Paiguano Podobmočje: Valle del Limarí Okoliš: Podokoliš: Ovalle Podokoliš: Monte Patria Podokoliš: Punitaqui Podokoliš: Río Hurtado Podobmočje: Valle del Choapa Okoliš: Podokoliš: Salamanca Podokoliš: Illapel VINORODNO OBMOČJE ACONCAGUA Podobmočje: Valle de Aconcagua Okoliš: Podokoliš: Panquehue Podobmočje: Valle de Casablanca REGIJA VALLE CENTRAL Podobmočje: Valle del Maipo Okoliš: Podokoliš: Santiago Podokoliš: Pirque Podokoliš: Puente Alto Podokoliš: Buin Podokoliš: Isla de Maipo Podokoliš: Talagante Podokoliš: Melipilla Podobmočje: Valle del Rapel Okoliš: Valle de Cachapoal Podokoliš: Rancagua Podokoliš: Réquinoa Podokoliš: Rengo Podokoliš: Peumo Okoliš: Valle de Colchagua Podokoliš: San Fernando Podokoliš: Chimbarongo Podokoliš: Nancagua Podokoliš: Santa Cruz Podokoliš: Palmilla Podokoliš: Peralillo Podobmočje: Valle de Curicó Okoliš: Valle del Teno Podokoliš: Rauco Podokoliš: Romeral Okoliš: Valle del Lontué Podokoliš: Molina Podokoliš: Sagrada Familia Podobmočje: Valle del Maule Okoliš: Valle del Claro Podokoliš: Talca Podokoliš: Pencahue Podokoliš: San Clemente Okoliš: Valle del Loncomilla Podokoliš: San Javier Podokoliš: Villa Alegre Podokoliš: Parrai Podokoliš: Linares Okoliš: Valle del Tutuvén Podkoliš: Cauquenes OBMOČJE DEL SUR Podobmočje: Valle del Itata Okoliš: Podokoliš: Chilian Podokoliš: Quillón Podokoliš: Portezuelo Podokoliš: Coelemu Podobmočje: Valle del Bio-Bio Okoliš: Podokoliš: Yumbel Podokoliš: Mulchen

    Dodatek III

    (Omenjen v členu 9)



    Tradicionalni izrazi | Zadevna vina | Kategorija/kategorije proizvoda | Jezik |

    Qualitätswein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Qualitätswein garantierten Ursprungs/ Q.g.U. | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Qualitätswein mit Prädikat/ Q.b.A.m.Pr. or Prädikatswein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Qualitätsschaumwein garantierten Ursprungs/Q.g.U. | vsa | kakovostno peneče vino pdpo | nemški |

    Auslese | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Beerenauslese | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Eiswein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Kabinett | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Spätlese | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Trockenbeerenauslese | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Landwein | vsa | namizno vino z geografsko označbo | |

    Badisch Rotgold | Baden | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Klassik ali Classic | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Ehrentrudis | Baden | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Riesling-Hochgewächs | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Schillerwein | Württemberg | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Weißherbst | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Winzersekt | vsa | kakovostno peneče vino pdpo | nemški |

    Qualitätswein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Qualitätswein besonderer Reife und Leseart ali Prädikatswein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Qualitätswein mit staatlicher Prüfnummer | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Ausbruch ali Ausbruchwein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Auslese ali Auslesewein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Beerenauslese(wein) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Eiswein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Kabinett ali Kabinettwein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Schilfwein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Spätlese ali Spätlesewein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Strohwein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Trockenbeerenauslese | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Landwein | vsa | namizno vino z geografsko označbo | |

    Ausstich | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | nemški |

    Auswahl | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | nemški |

    Bergwein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | nemški |

    Klassik ali Classic | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Erste Wahl | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | nemški |

    Hausmarke | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | nemški |

    Heuriger | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | nemški |

    Jubiläumswein | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | nemški |

    Sturm | vsa | grozdni mošt med alkoholnim vrenjem z geografsko označbo | nemški |

    Denominación de origen (DO) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Denominación de origen calificada (DOCa) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Vino dulce natural | vsa | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Vino generoso | | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Vino generoso de licor | | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Vino de la Tierra | vsa | namizno vino z geografsko označbo | |

    Aloque | DO Valdepeńas | kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Ańejo | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo namizno vino z geografsko označbo | španski |

    Clásico | DO Abona DO El Hierro DO Lanzarote DO La Palma DO Tacoronte-Acentejo DO Tarragona DO Valle de Güimar DO Valle de la Orotava DO Ycoden-Daute-Isora | kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Cream | DDOO Jérez-Xerès-Sherry in Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda DO Montilla Moriles DO Málaga DO Condado de Huelva | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | angleški |

    Criadera | DDOO Jérez-Xerès-Sherry in Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda DO Montilla Moriles DO Málaga DO Condado de Huelva | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Criaderas y Soleras | DDOO Jérez-Xerès-Sherry in Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda DO Montilla Moriles DO Málaga DO Condado de Huelva | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Crianza | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Dorado | DO Rueda DO Malaga | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Gran Reserva | vsa kakovostna vina s pdpo | kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Cava | kakovostno peneče vino pdpo | španski |

    Noble | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo namizno vino z geografsko označbo | španski |

    Pajarete | DO Málaga | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Pálido | DO Condado de Huelva DO Rueda DO Málaga | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Primero de cosecha | DO Valencia | kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Rancio | vsa | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Raya | DO Montilla-Moriles | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Reserva | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Sobremadre | DO vinos de Madrid | kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Solera | DDOO Jérez-Xerès-Sherry in Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda DO Montilla Monies DO Malaga DO Condado de Huelva | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | |

    Superior | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Trasanejo | DO Málaga | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Vino Maestro | DO Málaga | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Vendimia inicial | DO Utiel-Requena | kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Viejo | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Vino de tea | DO La Palma | kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Appellation d'origine contrôlée | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Appellation contrôlée | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | |

    Appellation d'origine vin délimité de qualité supérieure | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Vin doux naturel | AOC Banyuls, Banyuls Grand Cru, Muscat de Frontignan, Grand Roussillon, Maury, Muscat de Beaume de Venise, Muscat de Lunel, Muscat de Mireval, Muscat de Rivesaltes, Muscat de St Jean de Minervois, Rasteau, Rivesaltes | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Vin de pays | vsa | namizno vino z geografsko označbo | francoski |

    Ambré | vsa | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | francoski |

    vsa | namizno vino z geografsko označbo | |

    Château | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Cinquième Cru classé | AOC Haut-Médoc, Margaux, St Julien, Pauillac, St Estèphe, Pessac-Leognan | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Clairet | AOÇ Bourgogne, AOÇ Bordeaux | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Clos | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Cru Artisan | AOÇ Médoc, Haut-Médoc, Margaux, Moulis, Listrac, St Julien, Pauillac, St Estèphe | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Cru Bourgeois | AOC Médoc, Haut-Médoc, Margaux, Moulis, Listrac, St Julien, Pauillac, St Estèphe | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Cru Classé | AOC Côtes de Provence, Graves, St Emilion Grand Cru, Haut-Médoc, Margaux, St Julién, Pauillac, St Estèphe, Sauternes, Pessac Léognan, Barsac | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Deuxième Cru classé | AOC Haut-Médoc, Margaux, St Julien, Pauillac, St Estèphe, Pessac-Leognan | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Grand Cru | AOC Alsace, Banyuls, Bonnes Mares, Chablis, Chambertin, Chapelle Chambertin, Chambertin Clos-de-Bèze, Mazoyeres ou Charmes Chambertin, Latricières-Cham-bertin, Mazis Chambertin, Ruchottes Chambertin, Griottes-Chambertin, Champagne, Clos de la Roche, Clos Saint Denis, Clos de Tart, Clos de Vougeot, Clos des Lambray, Cortón, Cortón Charlemagne, Charlemagne, Echézeaux, Grand Echézeaux, La Grande Rue, Montrachet, Chevalier-Montrachet, Bâtard-Montrachet, Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet, Criots-Bâtard-Mon-trachet, Musigny, Romanee St Vivant, Richebourg, Romanée-Conti, La Romanee, La Tâche, St Emilion | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Grand Cru classé | St Emilion Grand Cru | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Hors d'âge | AOC Rivesaltes | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Premier Cru | AOC Aloxe Cortón, Auxey Duresses, Beaune, Blagny, Chablis, Chambolle Musigny, Chassagne Montrachet, Champagne, Côtes de Brouilly, Fixin, Gevrey Chambertin, Givry, Ladoix, Maranges, Mercurey, Meursault, Monthélie, Montagny, Morey St Denis, Musigny, Nuits, Nuits-Saint-Georges, Pernand-Vergelesses, Pommard, Puligny-Montrachet,, Rully, Santenay, Savigny-les-Beaune, St Aubin, Volnay, Vougeot, Vosne-Romanée | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Premier Cru classé | AOC Haut-Médoc, Margaux, St Julien, Pauillac, St Estèphe, Pessac-Leognan | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Premier Grand Cru classé | St Emilion Grand Cru | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Primeur | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | francoski |

    Quatrieme Cru classé | AOC Haut-Médoc, Margaux, St Julien, Pauillac, St Estèphe, Pessac-Leognan | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Rancio | AOC Grand Roussillon, Rivesaltes, Banyuls, Banyuls grand cru, Maury, Clairette du Languedoc, Rasteau | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Schillerwein | AOC Alsace | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Sélection de grains nobles | AOC Alsace, Alsace Grand cru, Monbazillac, Graves supérieures, Bonnezeaux, Jurançon, Gérons, Quarts de Chaume, Sauternes, Loupiac, Coteaux du Layon, Barsac, Ste Croix du Mont, Coteaux de l'Aubance, Cadillac | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Sur Lie | AOC Muscadet, Muscadet-Coteaux de la Loire, Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu, Muscadet-Sèvres et Maine, AOVDQS Gros Plant du Pays Nantais, Table wine with GI Vin de pays d'Oc and Vin de pays des Sables du Golfe du Lion | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | francoski |

    Troisième Cru classé | AOC Haut-Médoc, Margaux, St Julien, Pauillac, St Estèphe, Pessac-Leognan | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Tuile | AOC Rivesaltes | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Vendange tardive | AOC Alsace, Jurançon | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Villages | AOC Anjou, Beaujolais, Côtes de Beaune, Côtes de Nuits, Côtes du Rhône, Côtes du Roussillon, Maçon | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Vin de paille | AOC Côtes du Jura, Arbois, L'Etoile, Hermitage | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Ονομασία Προελεύσεος Ελεγχόμενη (ΟΠΕ) (registered designation of origin) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | grški |

    Ονομασία Προελεύσεος Ανωτέρας Ποιότητος (ΟΠΑΠ) (geografsko poreklo vrhunske kakovosti) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | grški |

    Οίνος γλυκός φυσικός (naravno sladko vino) | Μοσχάτος Κεφαλληνίας (Muscat de Céphalonie), Μοσχάτος Πατρών (Muscat de Patras), Μοσχάτος Ρίου-Πατρών (Muscat Rión de Patras), Μοσχάτος Λήμνου (Muscat de Lemnos), Μοσχάτος Ρόδου (Muscat de Pvhodos), Μαυροδάφνη Πατρών (Mavrodaphne de Patras), Μαυροδάφνη Κεφαλληνίας (Mavrodaphne de Céphalonie), Σάμος (Samos), Σητεία (Sitia), Δάφνες (Dafnes), Σαντορίνη (Santorini) | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | grški |

    Οίνος φυσικώς γλυκύς (naravno sladko vino) | Vins de paille: Κεφαλληνίας (de Céphalonie), Δάφνες (de Dafnes), Λήμνου (de Lemnos), Πατρών (de Patras), Ρίου-Πατρών (de Rión de Patras), Ρόδου (de Rhodos), Σάμος (Samos), Σητεία (de Sitia), Σαντορίνη (Santorini) | kakovostno vino pdpo | grški |

    Ονομασία κατά παράδοση (Onomasia kata paradosi) | vsa | namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Τοπικός Οίνος (deželno vino) | vsa | namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Αγρέπαυλη (Agrepavlis) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Αμπέλι (Ampeli) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Αμπελώνας (ες) (Arnpelonas es) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Αρχοντικό (Archontiko) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Κάβα (Cava) | vsa | namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Από διαλεκτούς αμπελώνες (Grand Cru) | Μοσχάτος Κεφαλληνίας (Muscat de Céphalonie), Μοσχάτος Πατρών (Muscat de Patras), Μοσχάτος Ρίου-Πατρών (Muscat Rión de Patras), Μοσχάτος Λήμνου (Muscat de Lemnos), Μοσχάτος Ρόδου (Muscat de Rhodos), Σάμος (Samos) | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | grški |

    Ειδικά Επιλεγμένος (Grand reserve) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | grški |

    Κάστρο (Rastro) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Κτήμα (Ktima) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Λιαστός (Liastos) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Μετόκι (Metochi) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Μοναστήρι (Monastiri) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Νάμα (Nama) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Opavo κτήμα (Orino Ktima) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Ορεινός αμπελώνας (Orinos Ampelonas) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Πύργος (Pyrgos) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Επιλογή ή Επιλεγμένος (Reserve) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino s pdpo | grški |

    Παλαιωθείς επιλεγμένος (Old reserve) | vsa | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | grški |

    Βερντέα (Verntea) | Zakynthos | namizno vino z geografsko označbo | grški |

    Denominazione di Origine Controllata | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo, kakovostno desertno vino pdpo in grozdni mošt med alkoholnim vrenjem | italijanski |

    Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo, kakovostno desertno vino pdpo in grozdni mošt med alkoholnim vrenjem | italijanski |

    Vino Dolce Naturale | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Indicazione geografica tipica (IGT) | vsa | namizno vino, biser vino, vino iz sušenega grozdja in grozdni mošt med alkoholnim vrenjem z geografsko označbo | italijanski |

    Landwein | vina z geografskim poreklom, pridelana v Avtonomni provinci Bolzano | namizno vino, biser vino, vino iz sušenega grozdja in grozdni mošt med alkoholnim vrenjem z geografsko označbo | nemški |

    Vin de pays | vina z geografskim poreklom, pridelana v pokrajini Aosta | namizno vino, biser vino, vino iz sušenega grozdja in grozdni mošt med alkoholnim vrenjem z geografsko označbo | francoski |

    Alberata ali vigneti ad alberata | DOC Aversa | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno peneče vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Ambra | DOC Marsala | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Ambrato | DOC Malvasia delle Lipari DOC Vernaccia di Oristano | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Annoso | DOC Controguerra | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Apianum | DOC Piano di Avellino | kakovostno vino pdpo | latinski |

    Auslese | DOC Caldaro in Caldaro classico-Alto Adige | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Barco Reale | DOC Barco Reale di Carmignano | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Buttafuoco | DOC Oltrepò Pavese | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno biser vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Cacc'e mitte | DOC Cacc'e Mitte di Lucera | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Cagnina | DOC Cagnina di Romagna | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Cerasuolo | DOC Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOC Montepulciano d'Abruzzo | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Chiaretto | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | italijanski |

    Ciaret | DOC Monferrato | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Château | DOC iz regije Aosta | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno desertno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo in kakovostno biser vino pdpo | francoski |

    Classico | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno desertno vino pdpo in kakovostno biser vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Dunkel | DOC Alto Adige DOC Trentino | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Fine | DOC Marsala | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Fior d'Arancio | DOC Colli Euganesi | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | italijanski |

    Falerio | DOC Falerio dei colli Ascolani | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Flétri | DOC Valle d'Aosta ali Vallče d'Aoste | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Garibaldi Dolce (ali GD) | DOC Marsala | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Italia Particolare (ali IP) | DOC Marsala | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Klassisch ali Klassisches Ursprungsgebiet | DOC Caldaro DOC Alto Adige (Santa Maddalena in Terlano) | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Kretzer | DOC Alto Adige DOC Trentino DOC Teroldego Rotaliano | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Lacrima | DOC Lacrima di Morro d'Alba | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    London Particular (ali LP ali Inghilterra) | DOC Marsala | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Occhio di Pernice | DOC Bolgheri, Vin Santo Di Carmignano, Colli dell'Emina Centrale, Colline Lucchesi, Cortona, Elba, Montecarlo, Monteregio di Massa Maritima, San Gimignano, Sant'Antimo, Vin Santo del Chianti, Vin Santo del Chianti Classico, Vin Santo di Montepulciano | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Oro | DOC Marsala | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Pagadebit | DOC pagadebit di Romagna | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno biser vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Passito | vsa | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo, kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | italijanski |

    Ramie | DOC Pinerolese | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Rebola | DOC Colli di Rimini | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Riserva | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Rubino | DOC Marsala DOC Rubino di Cantavenna DOC Teroldego Rotaliano | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Sangue di Giuda | DOC Oltrepò Pavese | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno biser vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Scelto | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Spätlese | DOC in IGT de Bolzano | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | nemški |

    Soleras | DOC Marsala | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Stravecchio | DOC Marsala | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Strohwein | DOC in IGT de Bolzano | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | nemški |

    Superiore | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Superiore Old Marsala (ali SOM) | DOC Marsala | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Torchiato | DOC Colli di Conegliano | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Vecchio | DOC Rosso Barletta, Agliamico del Vuture, Marsala, Falerno del Massico | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Vendemmia Tardiva | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | italijanski |

    Verdolino | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | italijanski |

    Vermiglio | DOC Colli Etruria | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Vino Fiore | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Vino Novello ali Novello | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | italijanski |

    Vivace | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | italijanski |

    Marque nationale | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno peneče vino pdpo | francoski |

    Appellation contrôlée | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno peneče vino pdpo | francoski |

    Appellation d'origine contrôlée | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno peneče vino pdpo | francoski |

    Vin de pays | vsa | namizno vino z geografsko označbo | francoski |

    Grand premier cru | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Premier cru | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Vin classe | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Château | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno peneče vino pdpo | francoski |

    Denominação de origem (DO) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Denominação de origem controlada (DOC) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Indicação de proveniencia regulamentada (IPR) | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno biser vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Vinho doce natural | vsa | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Vinho generoso | DO Porto, Madeira, Moscatel de Setúbal, Carcavelos | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Vinho regional | vsa | namizno vino z geografsko označbo | portugalski |

    Colheita Seleccionada | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | portugalski |

    Crusted/ Crusting | DO Porto | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | angleški |

    Escolha | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | portugalski |

    Escuro | DO Madeira | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Fino | DO Porto DO Madeira | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Garrafeira | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Lágrima | DO Porto | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Leve | Estremadura, Ribatejano DO Madeira, DO Porto | namizno vino z geografsko označbo, kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Nobre | DO Dão | kakovostno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Reserva | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno peneče vino pdpo, kakovostno desertno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | portugalski |

    Reserva velha (ali grande reserva) | DO Madeira | kakovostno peneče vino pdpo kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Solera | DO Madeira | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Super reserva | vsa | kakovostno peneče vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Superior | vsa | kakovostno vino pdpo, kakovostno desertno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | portugalski |


    Tradicionalni izraz | Zadevno vino | Kategorija/kategorije proizvoda | Jezik |

    Affentaler | Altschweier, Bühl, Eisental, Neusatz/Bühl, Bühlertal, Neuweier/Baden-Baden | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Hock | Rhein, Ahr, Hessische Bergstraße, Mittelrhein, Nahe, Rheinhessen, Pfalz, Rheingau | namizno vino z geografsko označbo kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Liebfrau(en)milch | Nahe, Rheinhessen, Pfalz, Rheingau | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Moseltaler | Mosel-Saar-Ruwer | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Schilcher | Steiermark | kakovostno vino pdpo in namizno vino z geografsko označbo | nemški |

    Amontillado | DDOO Jerez-Xérčs-Sherry in Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda DO Montilla Monies | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Chacoli/Txakolina | DO Chacolí de Bizkaia DO Chacolí de Getaria DO Chacolí de Alava | kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Fino | DO Montilla Monies DDOO Jerez-Xérčs-Sherry in Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Fondillon | DO Alicante | kakovostno vino pdpo | španski |

    Lágrima | DO Málaga | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Oloroso | DO Málaga DDOO Jerez-Xérčs-Sherry in Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda DO Montilla-Monies | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Palo Cortado | DDOO Jerez-Xérčs-Sherry in Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda DO Montilla- Moriles | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | španski |

    Claret | AOÇ Bordeaux | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Edelzwicker | AOÇ Alsace | kakovostno vino pdpo | nemški |

    Passe-tout-grains | AOÇ Bourgogne | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Vin jaune | AOÇ du Jura (Côtes du Jura, Arbois, L'Etoile, Château-Châlon) | kakovostno vino pdpo | francoski |

    Vinsanto | ΟΠΑΠ Santorini | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo in kakovostno vino pdpo | grški [1] |

    Νυχτέρι | ΟΠΑΠ Santorini | kakovostno vino pdpo | grški |

    Amarone | DOC Valpolicella | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Cannellino | DOC Frascati | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Brunello | DOC Brunello de Montalcino | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Est!Est!!Est!!! | DOC Est!Est!!Est!!! di Montefiascone | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno peneče vino pdpo | latinski |

    Falerno | DOC Falerno del Massico | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Governo all'uso toscano | DOCG Chianti in Chianti Classico IGT Colli della Toscana Centrale | kakovostno vino pdpo namizno vino z geografsko označbo | italijanski |

    Gutturnio | DOC Colli Piacentini | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno biser vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Lacryma Christi | DOC Vesuvio | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Lambiccato | DOC Castel San Lorenzo | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Morellino | DOC Morellino di Scansano | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Recioto | DOC Valpolicella DOC Gambellara DOCG Recioto di Soave | kakovostno vino pdpo kakovostno peneče vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Sciacchetrà (ali Sciac-trà) | DOC Cinque Terre DOC Riviera Ligure di Ponente | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Sforzato, Sfurzat | DO Vitellina | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Torcolato | DOC Breganze | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Vergine | DOC Marsala DOC Val di Chiana | kakovostno vino pdpo in kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Vino Nobile | Vino Nobile di Montepulciano | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Vin santo, Vino Santo ali Vinsanto | DOC and DOCG Bianco dell'Empolese, Bianco della Valdinevole, Bianco Pisano di San Torpe, Bolgheri, Cândia dei Colli Apuani, Capalbio, Carmignano, Colli dell'Emina Centrale, Colline Lucchesi, Colli del Trasimeno, Colli Perugini, Colli Piacentini, Cortona, Elba, Gambellera, Montecarlo, Monteregio di Massa Maritima, Montescudaio, Offida, Orcia, Pomino, San Gimignano, San'Antimo, Val d'Arbia, Val di Chiana, Vin Santo del Chianti, Vin Santo del Chianti Classico, Vin Santo di Montepulciano, Trentino | kakovostno vino pdpo | italijanski |

    Canteiro | DO Madeira | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Frasqueira | DO Madeira | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | portugalski |

    Ruby | DO Porto | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | angleški |

    Tawny | DO Porto | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | angleški |

    Vintage supplemented where appropriate by Late Bottle (LBV) or Character | DO Porto | kakovostno desertno vino pdpo | angleški |

    Dodatek IV

    (Omenjen v členu 9)


    A. Denominación de origen, o D.O.



    Cru Bourgois



    Reserva o Reservas

    Reserva Especial

    Vino Generoso


    Grand Cru

    B. Dodatne omembe kakovosti, ki jih mora pregledati Skupni odbor, ustanovljen v členu 30 tega sporazuma

    Pogodbenici se strinjata, da bosta na prvem sestanku Skupnega odbora po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma preučili enakovrednost opredelitve naslednjih izrazov, da se, če je ta pozitivna, vključijo v Dodatek IV kot dodatne omembe kakovosti.

    Gran Reserva

    Reserva Privada



    Skupni odbor se sestane v šestih mesecih od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.

    Zgoraj omenjeni izrazi se lahko uporabljajo na čilskem domačem trgu do šest mesecev po prvem sestanku Skupnega odbora. Vsekakor pa ta obdobja ne smejo biti daljša od 12 mesecev po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma.

    Dodatek V

    (Omenjen v členu 17)


    1. Seznam odobrenih enoloških praks in postopkov za vina s poreklom iz Čila z naslednjimi omejitvami ali, če jih ni, pod pogoji določb Čila:

    (1) Mešanica moštov in vin med seboj, pod pogojem da ne vsebuje uvoženih proizvodov ali proizvodov, proizvedenih iz namiznega grozdja

    (2) Koncentracija moštov

    (3) Uporaba L(+)vinske kisline, DL jabolčne kisline, mlečne in citronske kisline, namenjene za uravnavanje kislosti

    (4) Uporaba pri razkisu:

    - nevtralnega kalijevega tartrata

    - kalcijevega tartrata

    - kalcijevega karbonata

    - kalijevega bikarbonata

    - homogenega pripravka iz vinske kisline in kalcijevega karbonata v enakem razmerju in drobno zdrobljenega

    (5) Toplotna obdelava

    (6) Dodajanje kalijevega bitartrata za pomoč pri precipitaciji tartratov

    (7) Elektrodializa za zagotavljanje stabilnosti vina na vinski kamen

    (8) Centrifugiranje in filtriranje in flotacija

    (9) Obratna osmoza zgolj za povečanje vsebnosti alkohola v vinskem moštu ali v vinu samem

    (10) Aeracija ali dodajanje kisika

    (11) Uporaba ogljikovega dioksida, argona in/ali dušika za ustvarjanje inertne atmosfere

    (12) Uporaba žveplovega dioksida, kalijevega bisulfita ali kalijevega metabisulfita

    (13) Uporaba kvasovk za vinifikacijo

    (14) Uporaba pripravkov iz celičnih sten kvasovk v največjem odmerku 40 g/hl

    (15) Uporaba dopolnilnih pomagal za razvoj kvasovk:

    - dodajanje diamonijevega fosfata v največjem odmerku 0,96 g/l

    - dodajanje diamonijevega sulfita v največjem odmerku 0,96 g/l

    - dodajanje tiamin hidroklorata ali vitamina B1 v največjih odmerkih 0,6 mg/l

    (16) Uporaba aktivnega oglja za obarvana bela vina

    (17) Čiščenje z eno ali več naslednjimi snovmi za enološko uporabo:

    - jedilno želatino

    - ribjo želatino

    - kazeinom

    - jajčnim albuminom in mlečnim albuminom

    - bentonitom

    - kaolinom

    - silicijevim dioksidom v gelu ali koloidni raztopini

    - taninom

    - pektolitičnimi encimi

    - betaglukanazo

    (18) Dodajanje ogljikovega dioksida v največjem odmerku 1,5 g/l

    (19) Dodajanje sorbinske kisline ali kalijevega sorbata v največjem odmerku 200 mg/l, izraženega kot sorbinska kislina

    (20) Uporaba askorbinske kisline ali izoaskorbinske kisline v takem odmerku, da ne presega skupne omejitve 150 mg/l

    (21) Uporaba tanina

    (22) Postopek z bakrovim sulfatom v največjem odmerku 1 mg/l

    (23) Uporaba polivinil polipirolidona v največjem odmerku 80 g/hl

    (24) Uporaba kalcijevega fitata v največjem odmerku 8 g/hl

    (25) Uporaba ferociankalija pod pogojem, da končni proizvod ne vsebuje njegove soli in da se postopek izvaja pod nadzorom kmetijskega enologa ali enologa

    (26) Dodajanje metavinske kisline v največjem odmerku 100 mg/l

    (27) Uporaba arabskega gumija v največjem odmerku 0,3 g/l

    (28) Uporaba mlečnokislinskih bakterij

    (29) Uporaba dopolnilnih kislin za razvoj mlečnokislinskih bakterij

    (30) Uporaba lizocima v največjem odmerku 500 mg/l

    (31) Uporaba ureaze

    (32) Uporaba lesa, zgolj v obliki dog, koščkov in iverk, pri vrenju in staranju vina

    (33) Dodajanje grozdnega mošta, koncentriranega grozdnega mošta ali prečiščenega koncentriranega grozdnega mošta za sladkanje vina

    2. Seznam odobrenih enoloških praks in postopkov za vina s poreklom iz Skupnosti z naslednjimi omejitvami ali, če teh ni, pod pogoji določb Skupnosti:

    (1) Aeracija ali prepihavanje z uporabo argona, dušika ali kisika

    (2) Toplotna obdelava

    (3) Pri suhih vinih, uporaba svežih, zdravih in nerazredčenih droží, ki vsebujejo kvasovke, nastale pri nedavni vinifikaciji suhega vina

    (4) Centrifugiranje in filtracija z ali brez filtrirnih učinkovin pod pogojem, da se v tako obdelanih proizvodih ne obdržijo neželene usedline

    (5) Uporaba kvasovk za proizvodnjo vina

    (6) Uporaba pripravkov celičnih sten kvasovk

    (7) Uporaba polivinil polipirolidona

    (8) Uporaba mlečnokislinskih bakterij v vinski suspenziji

    (9) Dodajanje ene ali več naslednjih snovi za pospeševanje rasti kvasovk:

    (i) dodajanje:

    - diamonijevega fosfata ali amonijevega sulfata

    - amonijevega sulfita ali amonijevega bisulfita

    (ii) dodajanje tiamin hidroklorida

    (10) Uporaba ogljikovega dioksida, argona ali dušika, samega ali v kombinaciji, izključno za ustvarjanje inertne atmosfere in zaščito proizvoda pred zrakom

    (11) Dodajanje ogljikovega dioksida

    (12) Uporaba žveplovega dioksida, kalijevega bisulfita ali kalijevega metabisulfita, ki se lahko imenuje tudi kalijev disulfit ali kalijev pirosulfit

    (13) Dodajanje sorbinske kisline ali kalijevega sorbata

    (14) Dodajanje L-askorbinske kisline

    (15) Dodajanje citronske kisline za stabilizacijo vina, pod pogojem, da končna vsebnost v tako obdelanem vinu ne presega 1 grama na liter

    (16) Uporaba vinske kisline za kisanje, pod pogojem, da se začetna vsebnost kislin v vinu ne zviša za več kot 2,5 g/l, izraženo kot vinska kislina

    (17) Uporaba ene ali več naslednjih snovi za razkis:

    - nevtralnega kalijevega tartrata

    - kalijevega bikarbonata

    - kalcijevega karbonata, ki lahko vsebuje majhne količine dvojne kalcijeve soli L(+)vinske in L(–) jabolčne kisline

    - homogenega pripravka iz vinske kisline in kalcijevega karbonata v enakem razmerju in drobno zdrobljenega

    - kalcijevega tartrata ali vinske kisline

    (18) Čiščenje z eno ali več naslednjimi snovmi za enološko uporabo:

    - jedilno želatino

    - bentonitom

    - želatino iz ribjih mehurjev

    - kazeinom in kalijevim kazeinatom

    - jajčnim albuminom, mlečnim albuminom

    - kaolinom

    - pektolitičnimi encimi

    - silicijevim dioksidom v gelu ali koloidni raztopini

    - taninom

    - encimskimi pripravki betaglukanaze

    (19) Dodajanje tanina

    (20) Obdelava belih moštov ali belih vin z ogljem za enološko uporabo (aktivnim ogljem)

    (21) Obdelava:

    - belih in rosé vin s ferociankalijem

    - rdečih vin s ferociankalijem ali kelcijevim fitatom, če tako obdelano vino vsebuje sledove železa

    (22) Dodajanje metavinske kisline

    (23) Uporaba akacije po končanem alkoholnem vrenju

    (24) Uporaba DL-vinske kisline, imenovane tudi racemna kislina, ali njene nevtralne kalijeve soli za obarjanje odvečnega kalcija

    (25) Uporaba za proizvodnjo penečih vin, pridobljenih z alkoholnim vretjem v steklenici in z drožmi, ločenimi z izlivanjem:

    - kalcijevega alginata, ali

    - kalijevega alginata

    (26) Uporaba bakrovega sulfata

    (27) Dodajanje kalijevega bitartrata ali kalcijevega tartrata za pomoč pri precipitaciji vinskega kamna

    (28) Dodajanje karamela za okrepitev barve desertnih vin

    (29) Uporaba kalcijevega sulfata za proizvodnjo določenih kakovostnih desertnih vin pdpo

    (30) Uporaba smole alepskega bora pri pridelavi namiznega vina "retsina", samo v Grčiji in pod pogoji iz pravil Skupnosti

    (31) Dodajanje lizocima

    (32) Elektrodializa za zagotavljanje stabilnosti vina na vinski kamen

    (33) Uporaba ureaze za zmanjšanje vsebnosti sečnine v vinu

    (34) Dodajanje grozdnega mošta ali prečiščenega zgoščenega grozdnega mošta za sladkanje vina pod pogoji iz pravil Skupnosti

    (35) Delna koncentracija s fizikalnimi postopki, skupaj z obratno osmozo, za povečanje naravne vsebnosti alkohola grozdnega mošta ali vina

    (36) Dodajanje saharoze, koncentriranega grozdnega mošta ali prečiščenega zgoščenega grozdnega mošta za povečanje naravne vsebnosti alkohola grozdnega mošta ali vina v skladu s pravili Skupnosti

    (37) Dodajanje vinskega destilata, destilata iz sušenega grozdja ali nevtralnega alkohola vinskega izvora za proizvodnjo desertnih vin

    Dodatek VI






































    Dodatek VII



    Dodatek VIII



    I. Na podlagi člena 17 tega sporazuma sta se pogodbenici brez poseganja v bolj restriktivno nacionalno zakonodajo dogovorili, da odobrita uvoz vina z naslednjimi parametri:

    Vsebnost alkohola:

    (a) ne manj kakor 8,5 vol. % in ne več kakor 11,5 vol. % dejanske vsebnosti alkohola za določena vina Skupnosti, označena z geografsko označbo, skupaj s kakovostnimi vini pdpo, razen nekaterih kakovostnih vin z visoko vsebnostjo ostanka sladkorja brez kakršne koli izboljšave, pri katerih skupna vsebnost alkohola ne sme biti manjša kakor 6 vol. %;

    (b) ne manj kakor 11,5 vol. % in ne več kakor 20 vol. % dejanske vsebnosti alkohola, razen nekaterih vin z visoko vsebnostjo ostanka sladkorja brez kakršne koli izboljšave, pri katerih skupna vsebnost alkohola lahko presega omejitev 20 vol. %.

    II. V skladu z opredelitvijo "vinskih sort" iz člena 3(m) tega sporazuma se pogodbenici strinjata, da za namen uvoza in trženja vin Skupnosti v Čilu vinske sorte, uporabljene za proizvodnjo takih vin, označenih z geografsko označbo, vključujejo vse vinske sorte, ki so jih države članice uvrstile med in pripadajo vrsti Vitis vinifera ali so križanci med to vrsto in drugimi vrstami iz rodu Vitis. Dogovorita se, da prepovesta uvoz in trženje vina, pridobljenega iz naslednjih sort:

    - Clinton,

    - Herbemont,

    - Isabelle,

    - Jacquez,

    - Noah,

    - Othello.

    III. Pri uporabi tega sporazuma se pogodbenici strinjata, da se uporabijo analizne metode, ki jih je Mednarodni urad za vino in vinsko trto (IWO) priznal kot referenčne metode in jih kot takšne objavil, ali da se v primeru, če ta objava ne zajema ustrezne metode, uporabi analizna metoda, ki ustreza standardom, ki jih predlaga Mednarodna organizacija za standardizacijo (ISO), kot referenčno metodo za določanje analitske sestave vina v smislu izvajanja kontrol.

    IV. Na podlagi člena 31(b) tega sporazuma se za manjše količine štejejo:

    1. vina v označenih vsebnikih s prostornino največ 5 litrov in s sistemom zapiranja za enkratno uporabo, v katerih celotna količina, ki se prevaža v eni sami ali v več ločenih pošiljkah, ne presega 100 litrov;

    2. (a) količine vina v osebni prtljagi potnikov, ki znašajo največ 30 litrov na potnika;

    (b) količine vina, ki znašajo največ 30 litrov in so del pošiljk, ki se pošiljajo od enega posameznika k drugemu;

    (c) količine vina, ki so del gospodinjskih predmetov zasebnikov, ki se selijo;

    (d) vina, ki se uvažajo za namene znanstvenih oziroma tehničnih poskusov in znašajo največ 1 hektoliter;

    (e) ki se uvažajo za diplomatske, konzularne ali podobne ustanove kot del vrednosti carine prostega blaga; in

    (f) vina, ki so na krovu mednarodnih prevoznih sredstev kot oskrbovalne zaloge.

    Izjema iz odstavka 1 se ne more kombinirati z eno ali več izjemami iz odstavka 2.

    V. Pogodbenici sta se dogovorili, da dovolita izraze, ki označujejo proizvodne metode, skladne z okoljem, na etiketah vin, če je uporaba teh izrazov urejena s predpisi države porekla.

    VI. V skladu s členom 24 tega sporazuma se uporabi ta določba:

    1. Skladnost z določbami iz člena 4 lahko ob predložitvi pristojnim organom pogodbenice uvoznice jamči:

    (a) potrdilo uradne ustanove ali ustanove, ki je uradno priznana v državi porekla;

    (b) če je vino namenjeno neposredno za prehrano ljudi, poročilo analize, ki jo opravi v državi porekla uradno priznan laboratorij, poročilo analize pa vključuje te podatke:

    - skupno vsebnost alkohola,

    - dejansko vsebnost alkohola,

    - suhi ekstrakt skupaj,

    - skupno kislost, izraženo kot vinska kislina,

    - hlapno kislost, izraženo kot ocetna kislina,

    - citronsko kislost,

    - preostalo kislost,

    - žveplov dioksid skupaj.

    2. Pogodbenici se dogovorita o posebnih določbah za ta pravila, zlasti o uporabljenih dokumentih in posredovanih podatkih.

    VII. Čile dovoli, da se vino s poreklom iz Skuponosti, ki se neustekleničeno izvozi v Čile, v Čilu ustekleniči v steklenice s prostornino, večjo od 1,5 litra.

    [1] Ime "vinsanto" je zaščiteno z rimskimi črkami.




    (Naveden v členu 90 Pridružitvenega sporazuma)

    Člen 1


    Pogodbenici na podlagi nediskriminacije in vzajemnosti olajšata in spodbujata trgovanje z žganimi in aromatiziranimi pijačami, proizvedenimi v Čilu in Skupnosti, v skladu s pogoji, predvidenimi v tem sporazumu.

    Člen 2

    Področje in obseg uporabe

    Ta sporazum se uporablja za žgane pijače iz tarifne številke 22.08 in aromatizirane pijače iz tarifne številke 22.05 Harmoniziranega sistema poimenovanj in šifrskih oznak blaga ("HS"), ki so proizvedene v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo, ki ureja proizvodnjo določene vrste žganih ali aromatiziranih pijač v pogodbenici.

    Člen 3

    Opredelitve pojmov

    Za namen tega sporazuma, razen kadar je drugače opredeljeno, velja naslednje:

    (a) "s poreklom" : kadar se uporablja v zvezi z imenom ene od pogodbenic, pomeni, da je žgana ali aromatizirana pijača v celoti proizvedena v navedeni pogodbenici;

    (b) "enakozvočnica" : je ista zaščitena označba ali označba, ki je tako podobna, da bi lahko privedla do zmede, in ki označuje različne kraje, postopke ali stvari;

    (c) "opis" : so besede, s katerimi se opišejo žgane ali aromatizirane pijače na etiketi ali na dokumentih, ki spremljajo prevoz žganih ali aromatiziranih pijač, na komercialnih dokumentih, predvsem na računih in dobavnicah, in oglaševalskem gradivu, in "opisati" ima podoben pomen;

    (d) "oznake" : so vsi opisi in druge opombe, znaki, vzorci, geografske označbe ali blagovne znamke, ki so prepoznavni za žgane in aromatizirane pijače in se pojavljajo na vsebnikih, vključno s sistemi zapiranja ali pritrjeno etiketo ter ovojem, ki prekriva grlo steklenic;

    (e) "država članica" : je država članica Skupnosti;

    (f) "predstavitev" : so besede ali znaki, ki se uporabljajo na vsebnikih, vključno s sistemi zapiranja, na etiketah in embalaži;

    (g) "embalaža" : je zaščitni ovoj, kot so papir, slamnati ovoji vseh vrst, karton in škatle, ki se uporabljajo za prevoz enega ali več vsebnikov ali za prodajo končnemu porabniku;

    (h) "proizveden" : označuje celoten postopek proizvodnje žgane in aromatizirane pijače;

    (i) "identifikacija" : ko se uporablja v zvezi z zaščitenimi označbami, je uporaba zaščitenih označb za opis ali predstavitev žgane ali aromatizirane pijače;

    (j) "Sporazum" : je ta sporazum z vsemi dodatki;

    (k) "Pridružitveni sporazum" : je Sporazum o pridružitvi med pogodbenicama, kateremu je priložen ta sporazum;

    (l) "Pridružitveni odbor" : je odbor, naveden v členu 193 Pridružitvenega sporazuma.

    Člen 4

    Splošna pravila pri uvozu in trženju

    1. Če ta sporazum ne predvideva drugače, se trgovina z žganimi in aromatiziranimi pijačami in njihovo trženje izvajata v skladu z zakoni in predpisi zadevne pogodbenice.

    2. Ta sporazum ne posega v predpise o obdavčevanju, ki veljajo v Čilu, in predpise, ki veljajo v Skupnosti, ali druge ustrezne nadzorne ukrepe.



    Člen 5

    Zaščita zaščitenih označb

    1. Pogodbenici sprejmeta vse potrebne ukrepe v skladu s tem sporazumom, da zagotovita vzajemno zaščito izključno imen iz člena 6, ki se uporabljajo za opisovanje in predstavitev žganih in aromatiziranih pijač, ki so v smislu člena 3 s poreklom iz pogodbenic.

    V ta namen vsaka pogodbenica uporabi ustrezna pravna sredstva iz člena 23 Sporazuma TRIPs STO, da zagotovi učinkovito zaščito in prepreči, da bi se zaščitene označbe uporabljale za opisovanje žgane ali aromatizirane pijače, za katero zadevne označbe oziroma opisi ne veljajo.

    2. Imena iz člena 6 so rezervirana izključno za proizvode s poreklom iz pogodbenice, za katere se uporabljajo, in se smejo uporabljati samo pod pogoji, določenimi v zakonih in predpisih te pogodbenice.

    3. Zaščita, omenjena v odstavkih 1 in 2, poskrbi zlasti za izključitev vsakršne uporabe imen iz člena 6 za žgane in aromatizirane pijače, ki nimajo porekla na zadevnem geografskem območju, tudi če:

    (i) je navedeno dejansko poreklo proizvoda;

    (ii) se zadevno ime uporablja v prevodu; in

    (iii) ime spremljajo izrazi, kakor so "vrsta", "tip", "slog", "imitacija", "metoda" ali drugi tovrstni izrazi.

    4. V primeru enakozvočnih zaščitenih označb:

    (a) kadar sta dve zaščiteni označbi, zaščiteni po tem sporazumu, enakozvočnici, se zaščita prizna obema; potrošnikov se ne zavaja glede pravega porekla žgane in aromatizirane pijače;

    (b) kadar je zaščitena označba, zaščitena po tem sporazumu, enakozvočna z imenom geografskega območja zunaj pogodbenic, se slednje ime lahko uporabi za opisovanje in predstavitev žgane ali aromatizirane pijače z geografskega območja, na katero se nanaša ime, če se uporablja po tradiciji in dosledno, če njegovo uporabo v ta namen ureja država porekla in če potrošnikov ne zavaja v tem smislu, da ima žgana ali aromatizirana pijača poreklo v zadevni pogodbenici.

    5. Pogodbenici lahko po potrebi določita praktične pogoje uporabe, ki omogočajo razlikovanje med enakozvočnima zaščitenima označbama iz odstavka 4, pri čemer upoštevata enakovredno obravnavanje proizvajalcev in preprečevanje zavajanja potrošnikov.

    6. Določbe tega člena ne posegajo v pravico fizičnih ali pravnih oseb, da pri trgovanju uporabljajo svoje ime ali ime svojih poslovnih predhodnikov, razen kadar se takšno ime uporablja tako, da zavaja potrošnike. Poleg tega člen 7(1) ne velja za taka imena, ki so ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma registrirane blagovne znamke.

    7. Kadar pogodbenica v okviru pogajanj s tretjo državo predlaga zaščito zaščitene označbe za žgano ali aromatizirano pijačo iz te tretje države in je to ime enakozvočnica zaščitene označbe druge pogodbenice, se slednja obvesti in dobi priložnost komentarja, preden se ime zaščiti.

    Člen 6

    Zaščitene označbe

    Naslednja imena so imena, na katera se nanaša člen 5:

    (a) kar zadeva žgane in aromatizirane pijače s poreklom iz Skupnosti:

    (i) izrazi, ki se nanašajo na ime države članice, iz katere ima proizvod poreklo;

    (ii) zaščitene označbe, naštete v Dodatku I;

    (b) kar zadeva žgane in aromatizirane pijače s poreklom iz Čila:

    (i) izrazi, ki se nanašajo na Čile;

    (ii) zaščitene označbe, naštete v Dodatku I.

    Člen 7

    Zaščitene označbe in blagovne znamke

    1. Zavrne se registracija blagovne znamke za žgano ali aromatizirano pijačo v smislu člena 3, ki je identična, podobna ali vsebuje zaščiteno označbo, zaščiteno po členu 5.

    2. Na podlagi čilskega registra blagovnih znamk, kakor je bil ustanovljen dne 10. junija 2002, se blagovne znamke, naštete v Dodatku II, razveljavijo v 12 letih po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma za notranji trg in v petih letih za izvoz.

    3. Blagovne znamke, naštete v Dodatku II, za žgane in aromatizirane pijače, ki so se v obdobju 1999-2001 povprečno izvažale v manj kot 1000 škatlah z 9 litri, se razveljavijo z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma.

    Člen 8

    Zaščitene blagovne znamke

    1. Pogodbenici, na podlagi čilskega registra blagovnih znamk, kakor je bil ustanovljen dne 10. junija 2002, ne poznata nobene blagovne znamke razen tistih iz člena 7(2), ki je enaka, podobna ali vsebuje zaščitene označbe iz člena 6.

    2. Na podlagi odstavka 1 pogodbenici ne odrečeta pravice do uporabe blagovne znamke, ki je vsebovana v čilskem registru blagovnih znamk na dan 10. junija 2002, razen tistih iz člena 7(2), na podlagi tega, da je taka blagovna znamka identična ali podobna, ali vsebuje zaščiteno označbo iz Dodatka I.

    3. Imetniki blagovnih znamk razen tistih, ki so navedene v členu 7(2), registriranih v eni pogodbenici, ki niso registrirane tudi v drugi pogodbenici, lahko v dveh letih po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma zahtevajo registracijo takih blagovnih znamk v drugi pogodbenici. V tem primeru navedena pogodbenica takega zahtevka ne zavrne iz razloga, da je taka blagovna znamka identična ali podobna, ali vsebuje zaščiteno označbo iz Dodatka I.

    4. Na blagovne znamke, ki so identične ali podobne, ali pa vsebujejo zaščitene označbe iz člena 7, se ni mogoče sklicevati proti uporabi zaščitenih označb, ki se uporabljajo za opisovanje ali predstavitev tistih žganih ali aromatiziranih pijač, ki so upravičene do uporabe teh zaščitenih označb.

    Člen 9

    Žgane pijače s poreklom

    Pogodbenici sprejmeta vse potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi zagotovita, da se v primerih, kadar se žgane ali aromatizirane pijače s poreklom iz pogodbenice izvažajo in tržijo zunaj te pogodbenice, zaščitena imena te pogodbenice iz člena 6 ne uporabljajo za opisovanje in predstavitev takih proizvodov s poreklom iz druge pogodbenice.

    Člen 10

    Širša zaščita

    Če zadevna zakonodaja vsake pogodbenice to dovoljuje, se ugodnosti zaščite, ki jo dodeljuje ta sporazum, razširijo na fizične in pravne osebe, podjetja, federacije, zveze in organizacije proizvajalcev, trgovcev in potrošnikov, katerih sedež je na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.

    Člen 11

    Zaščitene označbe, ki v državi porekla niso zaščitene

    Nič v tem sporazumu pogodbenice ne zavezuje, da zaščiti zaščiteno označbo druge pogodbenice, ki v državi porekla ni zaščitena.

    Člen 12


    1. Če pristojni organ, ki se imenuje v skladu s členom 14, ugotovi, da opis ali predstavitev žgane ali aromatizirane pijače, predvsem pri označevanju na etiketah, na uradnih ali komercialnih dokumentih ali v propagandnem gradivu krši zaščito, ki jo podeljuje ta sporazum, pogodbenici sprejmeta vse potrebne upravne ukrepe in/ali sprožita ustrezen pravni postopek za boj proti nelojalni konkurenci ali za preprečitev napačne uporabe imena iz člena 6 tudi na druge načine.

    2. Ukrepi in postopki iz odstavka 1 se sprejmejo predvsem v naslednjih primerih:

    (a) kadar prevod opisov, predvidenih po zakonodaji Skupnosti ali Čila, v jezik oziroma jezike druge pogodbenice privede do besede, ki je lahko zavajajoča glede porekla, značaja ali kakovosti tako opisane ali predstavljene žgane ali aromatizirane pijače;

    (b) kadar se opisi, blagovne znamke, imena, napisi ali slike, ki neposredno ali posredno dajejo napačne ali zavajajoče informacije glede izvora, porekla, značaja, vinske sorte ali bistvenih lastnosti žgane ali aromatizirane pijače, pojavijo na vsebnikih ali embalaži, propagandnem gradivu ali na uradnih oziroma komercialnih dokumentih, ki se nanašajo na žgane ali aromatizirane pijače, katerih ime je zaščiteno na podlagi tega sporazuma;

    (c) kadar se za embalažo uporabljajo vsebniki, ki so zavajajoči glede porekla žgane ali aromatizirane pijače.

    3. Uporaba odstavkov 1 in 2 oblasti in organov, na katere se nanaša člen 14, ne ovira pri sprejemanju ustreznih ukrepov v pogodbenicah, vključno s sodiščem.



    Člen 13

    Sanitarni in fitosanitarni ukrepi

    1. Določbe tega sporazuma ne posegajo v pravico pogodbenic do uvedbe zdravstvenih in fitosanitarnih ukrepov, ki so potrebni za varovanje življenja ali zdravja ljudi, živali ali rastlin, pod pogojem da taki ukrepi niso neskladni z določbami Sporazuma STO SPS in Sporazuma o zdravstvenih in fitosanitarnih ukrepih, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini z živalmi in živalskimi proizvodi, rastlinami in rastlinskimi proizvodi ter drugim blagom, in o dobrem počutju živali, določenega v Prilogi IV Pridružitvenega sporazuma.

    2. Brez poseganja v odstavek 1 si vsaka pogodbenica prizadeva, da drugo pogodbenico po postopkih iz člena 19 ob prvi priložnosti obvesti o dogodkih, ki bi v povezavi z žganimi ali aromatiziranimi pijačami, trženimi v tej pogodbenici, lahko privedli do sprejetja takih ukrepov, zlasti ukrepov o določitvi posebnih omejitev kontaminantov in ostankov, z namenom dogovora o skupnem pristopu.



    Člen 14

    Organi za uveljavljanje

    1. Vsaka pogodbenica imenuje odgovorne organe za izvajanje tega sporazuma. Kadar pogodbenica imenuje več kot en pristojni organ, poskrbi za koordinacijo dela teh organov. V ta namen se imenuje en sam organ za zvezo.

    2. Pogodbenici se medsebojno obvestita o imenih in naslovih organov iz odstavka 1 v dveh mesecih po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma. Med temi organi poteka tesno in neposredno sodelovanje.

    3. Organi iz odstavka 1 iščejo načine, kako bi se izboljšala medsebojna pomoč pri izvajanju tega sporazuma in boju proti goljufiji v skladu z zakonodajo pogodbenic.

    Člen 15

    Dejavnosti pri uveljavljanju

    1. Če eden od organov, imenovanih v skladu s členom 14, upravičeno sumi:

    (a) da žgana ali aromatizirana pijača, s katero se trguje ali se je trgovalo med pogodbenicama, ni v skladu s tem sporazumom ali z določbami zakonov in drugih predpisov pogodbenic; in

    (b) da je to neskladje v posebnem interesu druge pogodbenice in bi lahko privedlo do sprejetja upravnih ukrepov in/ali pravnih postopkov;

    nemudoma obvesti pristojne organe in organe za zvezo druge pogodbenice.

    2. Informacije, ki jih je treba predložiti v skladu z odstavkom 1, spremljajo uradni, komercialni ali drugi ustrezni dokumenti, skupaj z navedbo upravnih ukrepov ali pravnih postopkov, ki bi se po potrebi lahko uvedli. Informacije vključujejo predvsem naslednje podatke o zadevni žgani ali aromatizirani pijači:

    (a) pridelovalca in fizično ali pravno osebo, ki razpolaga s temi žganimi ali aromatiziranimi pijačami;

    (b) sestavo in organoleptične značilnosti žganih ali aromatiziranih pijač;

    (c) opis in predstavitev žganih ali aromatiziranih pijač; in

    (d) podatke o neskladju s predpisi o proizvodnji in trženju.



    Člen 16

    Naloge pogodbenic

    1. Pogodbenici bodisi neposredno bodisi prek Skupnega odbora, ustanovljenega na podlagi člena 17, vzdržujeta stike v zvezi z vsemi zadevami, ki so povezane z izvajanjem in delovanjem tega sporazuma.

    2. Pogodbenici opravljata predvsem naslednje naloge:

    (a) spreminjata dodatke, tako da se upošteva kakršna koli sprememba zakonov in predpisov pogodbenic;

    (b) skupaj določita praktične pogoje, omenjene v členu 5(6);

    (c) se medsebojno obveščata, če imata namen sprejeti nove uredbe ali spremembe obstoječih uredb, ki zadevajo sektor žganih ali aromatiziranih pijač, kot sta zdravstveno varstvo in varstvo potrošnikov, ki lahko vplivajo na trg z žganimi ali aromatiziranimi pijačami; in

    (d) se medsebojno obveščata o zakonodajnih, upravnih in sodnih odločitvah v zvezi z uporabo tega sporazuma in o ukrepih, sprejetih na podlagi takšnih odločitev.

    Člen 17

    Skupni odbor

    1. Ustanovi se Skupni odbor, sestavljen iz predstavnikov pogodbenic. Na zahtevo ene od pogodbenic in v skladu z zahtevami za izvajanje tega sporazuma zaseda izmenoma v Skupnosti in Čilu in se skliče ob času in na kraju, ki ju pogodbenici sporazumno določita.

    2. Skupni odbor poskrbi za ustrezno delovanje tega sporazuma in prouči vsa vprašanja, ki se lahko pojavijo pri njegovem izvajanju.

    3. Skupni odbor lahko daje predvsem priporočila, ki bi lahko prispevala k doseganju ciljev tega sporazuma.

    4. Olajša stike in izmenjavo informacij, da se ta sporazum uresničuje na čimbolj optimalen način.

    5. Izdaja predloge o vprašanjih, ki so v sektorju žganih in aromatiziranih pijač v skupnem interesu.



    Člen 18

    Tranzit – manjše količine

    Naslova I in II se ne uporabljata za žgane ali aromatizirane pijače:

    (a) ki so v tranzitu skozi pogodbenico; ali

    (b) ki imajo poreklo v eni od pogodbenic in ki se dobavljajo v manjših količinah med pogodbenicama pod pogoji in v skladu s postopki, ki jih predvideva Dodatek III (Protokol).

    Člen 19


    1. Če pogodbenica meni, da druga pogodbenica ni izpolnila obveznosti iz tega sporazuma, ji v ta namen predloži pisno obvestilo. S takšnim obvestilom lahko zahteva, da se pogodbenica v določenem času posvetuje.

    2. Pogodbenica, ki zahteva posvetovanja, priskrbi drugi pogodbenici vse potrebne informacije za podrobno proučitev zadevnega primera.

    3. Kadar bi zamuda lahko ogrozila zdravje ljudi ali škodovala učinkovitosti ukrepov za nadzor nad goljufijami, se lahko brez predhodnega posvetovanja sprejmejo začasni zaščitni ukrepi, če se posvetovanja začnejo takoj po sprejetju teh ukrepov.

    4. Če pogodbenici po posvetovanjih iz odstavkov 1 in 3 nista dosegli soglasja:

    (a) lahko pogodbenica, ki je zahtevala posvetovanja ali ki je sprejela ukrepe iz odstavka 3, sprejme ustrezne zaščitne ukrepe, s katerimi omogoči ustrezno izvajanje tega sporazuma;

    (b) lahko vsaka pogodbenica uporabi mehanizem za reševanje sporov, ki je določen v členu 20.

    Člen 20

    Reševanje sporov

    1. Vsak spor, povezan z izvajanjem ali tolmačenjem tega sporazuma se rešuje z uporabo mehanizma za reševanje sporov, predvidenega v delu IV Pridružitvenega sporazuma.

    2. Z odstopanjem od člena 184 Pridružitvenega sporazuma lahko, kadar sta se pogodbenici posvetovali na podlagi člena 19, pogodbenica, ki se pritoži, neposredno zahteva vzpostavitev razsodišča.

    Člen 21

    Trženje predhodnih zalog

    1. Žgane in aromatizirane pijače, ki so bile ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma ali pred tem proizvedene, opisane in predstavljene v skladu z nacionalnimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi zadevne pogodbenice, vendar na način, ki ga ta sporazum prepoveduje, se lahko tržijo pod naslednjimi pogoji:

    Če so proizvodi opisani in označeni z zaščitenimi označbami, ki so zaščitene s tem sporazumom, jih lahko še naprej tržijo:

    (a) grosisti in proizvajalci, v obdobju treh let;

    (b) trgovci na drobno, do odprodaje zalog.

    2. Žgane in aromatizirane pijače, ki so proizvedene, opisane in predstavljene v skladu s tem sporazumom, katerih opis in predstavitev zaradi spremembe tega sporazuma nista več v skladu z njim, se lahko tržijo še naprej do odprodaje zalog, razen če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače.

    Člen 22


    Dodatki k temu sporazumu so sestavni del Sporazuma.

    Dodatek I

    (Omenjen v členu 6)


    A. Seznam zaščitenih označb žganih pijač s poreklom iz Skupnosti

    B. Seznam zaščitenih označb žganih pijač s poreklom iz Čila

    C. Seznam zaščitenih označb aromatiziranih pijač s poreklom iz Skupnosti

    D. Seznam zaščitenih označb aromatiziranih pijač s poreklom iz Čila

    A. Seznam zaščitenih označb žganih pijač s poreklom iz Skupnosti

    1. Rum

    Rhum de la Martinique

    Rhum de la Guadeloupe

    Rhum de la Réunion

    Rhum de la Guyane

    (Tem imenom se lahko doda izraz "tradicionalen".)

    Ron de Málaga

    Ron de Granada

    Rum da Madeira

    2. (a) Whisky

    Scotch Whisky

    Irish Whisky

    Whisky espańol

    (Tem imenom se lahko dodata izraza "malt" ali "grain".)

    (b) Whiskey

    Irish Whiskey

    Uisce Beatha Eireannach/Irish Whiskey

    (Tem imenom se lahko doda izraz "Pot Still".)

    3. Žitno žganje

    Eau-de-vie de seigle de marque nationale luxembourgeoise


    4. Vinska žganja

    Eau-de-vie de Cognac

    Eau-de-vie des Charentes


    (Temu imenu se lahko doda eden od naslednjih izrazov:

    - Fine,

    - Grande Fine Champagne,

    - Grande Champagne,

    - Petite Champagne,

    - Petite Fine Champagne,

    - Fine Champagne,

    - Borderies,

    - Fins Bois,

    - Bons Bois)

    Fine Bordeaux





    Eau-de-vie de vin de la Marne

    Eau-de-vie de vin originaire d'Aquitaine

    Eau-de-vie de vin de Bourgogne

    Eau-de-vie de vin originaire du Centre-Est

    Eau-de-vie de vin originaire de Franche-Comté

    Eau-de-vie de vin originaire du Bugey

    Eau-de-vie de vin de Savoie

    Eau-de-vie de vin originaire des Coteaux de la Loire

    Eau-de-vie de vin des Côtes-du-Rhône

    Eau-de-vie de vin originaire de Provence

    Faugères/eau-de-vie de Faugères

    Eau-de-vie de vin originaire du Languedoc

    Aguardente do Minho

    Aguardente do Douro

    Aguardente da Beira Interior

    Aguardente da Bairrada

    Aguardente do Oeste

    Aguardente do Ribatejo

    Aguardente do Alentejo

    Aguardente do Algarve

    Aguardente de Vinho da Regiao dos Vinhos Verdes

    Aguardente da Regiăo dos Vinhos Verdes Alvarinho


    5. Brandy

    Brandy de Jerez

    Brandy del Penedés

    Brandy italiano

    Brandy Αττικής/Brandy of Attica

    Brandy Πελοποννήσου/Brandy of the Péloponnese

    Brandy Κεντρικής Ελλάδας/Brandy of Central Greece

    Deutscher Weinbrand

    Wachauer Weinbrand, Weinbrand Dürnstein

    6. Destilat grozdnih tropin

    Eau-de-vie de marc de Champagne/marc de Champagne

    Eau-de-vie de marc originaire d'Aquitaine

    Eau-de-vie de marc de Bourgogne

    Eau-de-vie de marc originaire du Centre-Est

    Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Franche-Comté

    Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Bugey

    Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Savoie

    Marc de Bourgogne

    Marc de Savoie

    Marc d'Auvergne

    Eau-de-vie de marc originaire des Coteaux de la Loire

    Eau-de-vie de marc des Côtes du Rhône

    Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Provence

    Eau-de-vie de marc originaire du Languedoc

    Marc d'Alsace Gewürztraminer

    Marc de Lorraine

    Bagaceira do Minho

    Bagaceira do Douro

    Bagaceira da Beira Interior

    Bagaceira da Bairrada

    Bagaceira do Oeste

    Bagaceira do Ribatejo

    Bagaceiro do Alentejo

    Bagaceira do Algarve

    Aguárdente Bagaceira da Regiăo dos Vinhos Verdes

    Bagaceira da Regiăo dos Vinhos Verdes Alvarinho

    Orujo gallego


    Grappa di Barolo

    Grappa piemontese/Grappa del Piemonte

    Grappa lombarda/Grappa di Lombardia

    Grappa trentina/Grappa del Trentino

    Grappa friulana/Grappa del Friuli

    Grappa veneta/Grappa del Veneto

    Südtiroler Grappa/Grappa dell'Alto Adige

    Τσικουδιά Κρήτης/Tsikoudia of Crete

    Τσίπουρο Μακεδονίας/Tsipouro of Macedonia

    Τσίπουρο Θεσσαλίας/Tsipouro of Thessaly

    Τσίπουρο Τυρνάβου/Tsipouro of Tyrnavos

    Eau-de-vie de marc de marque nationale luxembourgeoise

    7. Žganje iz sadja

    Schwarzwälder Kirschwasser

    Schwarzwälder Himbeergeist

    Schwarzwälder Mirabellenwasser

    Schwarzwälder Williamsbirne

    Schwarzwälder Zwetschgenwasser

    Fränkisches Zwetschgenwasser

    Fränkisches Kirschwasser

    Fränkischer Obstler

    Mirabelle de Lorraine

    Kirsch d'Alsace

    Quetsch d'Alsace

    Framboise d'Alsace

    Mirabelle d'Alsace

    Kirsch de Fougerolles

    Südtiroler Williams/Williams dell'Alto Adige

    Südtiroler Aprikot/Südtiroler Marille/Aprikot dell'Alto Adige/Marille dell'Alto Adige

    Südtiroler Kirsch/Kirsch dell'Alto Adige

    Südtiroler Zwetschgeler/Zwetschgeler dell'Alto Adige

    Südtiroler Obstler/Obstler dell'Alto Adige

    Südtiroler Gravensteiner/Gravensteiner dell'Alto Adige

    Südtiroler Golden Delicious/Golden Delicious dell'Alto Adige

    Williams friulano/Williams del Friuli

    Sliwovitz del Veneto

    Sliwovitz del Friuli-Venezia Giulia

    Sliwovitz del Trentino-Alto Adige

    Distillate di melé trentino/Distillato di melé del Trentino

    Williams trentino/Williams del Trentino

    Sliwovitz trentino/Sliwovitz del Trentino

    Aprikot trentino/Aprikot del Trentino

    Medronheira do Algarve

    Medronheira do Buçaco

    Kirsch/Kirschwasser Friulano

    Kirsch/Kirschwasser Trentino

    Kirsch/Kirschwasser Véneto

    Aguardente de pera da Lousa

    Eau-de-vie de pommes de marque nationale luxembourgeoise

    Eau-de-vie de poires de marque nationale luxembourgeoise

    Eau-de-vie de kirsch de marque nationale luxembourgeoise

    Eau-de-vie de quetsch de marque nationale luxembourgeoise

    Eau-de-vie de mirabelle de marque nationale luxembourgeoise

    Eau-de-vie de prunelles de marque nationale luxembourgeoise

    Wachauer Marillenbrand

    8. Žganje iz jabolčnika in žganje iz hruškovca

    Calvados du Pays d'Auge


    Eau-de-vie de cidre de Bretagne

    Eau-de-vie de poiré de Bretagne

    Eau-de-vie de cidre de Normandie

    Eau-de-vie de poiré de Normandie

    Eau-de-vie de cidre du Maine

    Aguardiente de sidra de Asturias

    Eau-de-vie de poiré du Maine

    9. Encijan

    Bayerischer Gebirgsenzian

    Südtiroler Enzian/Genzians dell'Alto Adige

    Genziana trentina/Genziana del Trentino

    10. Žganja iz sadja


    Pacharán navarro

    11. Brinjevec

    Ostfriesischer Korngenever

    Genievre Flandre Artois

    Hasseltse jenever

    Balegämse jenever

    Péket de Wallonie


    Plymouth Gin

    Gin de Mahón

    12. Kuminovec

    Dansk Akvavit/Dansk Aquavit

    Svensk Aquavit/Svensk Akvavit/Swedish Aquavit

    13. Janeževec

    Anis espańol

    Évora anisada






    14. Likerji

    Berliner Kümmel

    Hamburger Kümmel

    Münchener Kümmel

    Chiemseer Klosterlikör

    Bayerischer Kräuterlikör

    Cassis de Dijon

    Cassis de Beaufort

    Irish Cream

    Palo de Mallorca

    Ginjinha portuguesa

    Licor de Singeverga

    Benediktbeurer Klosterlikör

    Ettaler Klosterlikör

    Ratafia de Champagne

    Ratafia catalana

    Anis portugués

    Finnish berry/fruit liqueur

    Grossglockner Alpenbitter

    Mariazzeller Magenlikör

    Mariazeller Jagasaftl

    Puchheimer Bitter

    Puchheimer Schlossgeist

    Steinfelder Magenbitter

    Wachauer Marillenlikör


    15. Žgane pijače

    Pommeau de Bretagne

    Pommeau du Maine

    Pommeau de Normandie

    Svensk Punsch/Swedish Punsch

    16. Vodka

    Svensk Vodka/Swedish Vodka

    Suomalainen Vodka/Finsk Vodka/Vodka of Finland

    B. Seznam zaščitenih označb žganih pijač s poreklom iz Čila


    Aguardiente chileno

    Brandy chileno

    Whisky chileno

    Gin chileno

    Vodka chileno

    Ron chileno

    Guindado chileno

    Anís chileno

    C. Seznam zaščitenih označb aromatiziranih pijač s poreklom iz Skupnosti

    Nürnberger Glühwein

    Thüringer Glühwein

    Vermouth de Chambéry

    Vermouth di Torino

    D. Seznam zaščitenih označb aromatiziranih pijač s poreklom iz Čila

    Vermouth chileno

    Dodatek II






    Dodatek III


    Na podlagi člena 18(b) tega sporazuma se za manjše količine štejejo:

    1. žgane ali aromatizirane pijače v označenih vsebnikih s prostornino največ 5 litrov in s sistemom zapiranja za enkratno uporabo, katerih celotna količina, ki se prevaža v eni sami ali v več ločenih pošiljkah, ne presega 100 litrov;

    2. (a) količine žganih ali aromatiziranih pijač v osebni prtljagi potnikov, ki znašajo največ 30 litrov na potnika;

    (b) količine žganih ali aromatiziranih pijač, ki znašajo največ 30 litrov in so del pošiljk, ki se pošiljajo od enega posameznika k drugemu;

    (c) količine žganih ali aromatiziranih pijač, ki so del gospodinjskih predmetov zasebnikov, ki se selijo;

    (d) ki se uvažajo za namene znanstvenih oziroma tehničnih poskusov in znašajo največ 1 hektoliter;

    (e) ki se uvažajo za diplomatske, konzularne ali podobne ustanove kot del priznane vrednosti carine prostega blaga;

    (f) ki so na krovu mednarodnih prevoznih sredstev kot oskrbovalne zaloge.

    Izjema iz odstavka 1 se ne more kombinirati z eno ali več izjemami iz odstavka 2.




    (Navedena v členu 99 Pridružitvenega sporazuma)

    DEL A


    Uvodna opomba

    1. Specifične obveze iz te liste se uporabljajo samo na ozemljih, kjer veljajo Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Skupnosti, pod pogoji, določenih v teh pogodbah. Te obveze se uporabljajo samo za odnose med Skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami na eni strani in državami nečlanicami Skupnosti na drugi. Ne vplivajo na pravice in obveznosti držav članic, ki izhajajo iz zakonodaje Skupnosti.

    2. Za označevanje držav članic se uporabljajo naslednje kratice:

    A | Avstrija |

    B | Belgija |

    I | Italija |

    D | Nemčija |

    IRL | Irska |

    DK | Danska |

    L | Luksemburg |

    E | Španija |

    NL | Nizozemska |

    F | Francija |

    FIN | Finska |

    P | Portugalska |

    GR | Grčija |

    S | Švedska |

    UK | Združeno kraljestvo |

    3. Tej listi je dodan slovar izrazov, ki jih uporabljajo posamezne države članice.

    "Hčerinska družba" neke pravne osebe pomeni pravno osebo pod dejanskim nadzorom druge pravne osebe.

    "Podružnica" pravne osebe družbe pomeni poslovno enoto, ki ni pravna oseba, je pa po pojavni obliki stalna enota, kot na primer izpostava matične družbe, ima svojo upravo in je materialno opremljena za poslovanje s tretjimi osebami, tako da jim, čeprav vedo, da bo, če bo potrebno, vzpostavljena pravna povezava z matičnim telesom, ki ima svojo upravo v tujini, ni treba poslovati neposredno z matičnim telesom, ampak lahko svoje posle opravijo v poslovni enoti, ki je izpostava.

    Oblike ponudbe: 1. Čezmejno opravljanje 2. Gibanje potrošnikov 3. Tržna prisotnost 4. Prisotnost fizične osebe |

    Sektor ali podsektor | Omejitve dostopa na trg | Omejitve nacionalne obravnave | Dodatne obveze |



    | 3.Storitve, ki se v vseh državah članicah [1] obravnavajo kot javne gospodarske službe na nacionalni ali lokalni ravni, so lahko predmet javnih monopolov ali izključnih pravic, ki se dodeljujejo zasebnim izvajalcem, kot je to določeno v specifičnih obvezah po sektorjih [2]. | 3.(a) Obravnava, priznana hčerinskim družbam (čilskih gospodarskih družb), ustanovljenim v skladu z zakonodajo države članice, ki imajo registriran sedež, osrednjo upravo ali glavno poslovno enoto v Skupnosti, ni razširjena na podružnice ali agencije, ki jih v državi članici ustanovi čilska gospodarska družba. Vendar pa to državi članici ne preprečuje, da razširi to obravnavo na podružnice ali agencije, ki jih je v drugi državi članici ustanovilo čilsko podjetje ali gospodarska družba, v zvezi z njihovim delovanjem na ozemlju prve države članice, razen če takšno razširitev izrecno prepoveduje zakonodaja Skupnosti. | |

    | | (b) Manj ugodna obravnava se lahko dodeli hčerinskim družbam (čilskih gospodarskih družb), ustanovljenim v skladu z zakonodajo države članice, ki imajo na ozemlju Skupnosti samo registriran sedež ali osrednjo upravo, razen če se lahko dokaže, da imajo dejansko in stalno povezavo z gospodarstvom ene od držav članic. | |

    | | Ustanovitev pravne osebe 3.S: Družbo z omejeno odgovornostjo (delniško družbo) lahko ustanovi en ali več ustanoviteljev. Ustanovitelj mora imeti stalno bivališče v EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) ali pa biti pravna oseba EGP. Societeta je lahko ustanovitelj samo, če imajo vsi družbeniki stalno prebivališče v EGP [3]. Ustrezni pogoji veljajo za ustanovitev vseh drugih vrst pravnih oseb. | |

    | Zakon o podružnicah tujih gospodarskih družb 3.S: Tuja gospodarska družba (ki na Švedskem ni ustanovila pravne osebe) izvaja svoje komercialne posle preko podružnice, ustanovljene na Švedskem z neodvisnim vodstvom in ločenimi računi.S: Gradbeni projekti, ki trajajo manj kot leto dni, so izvzeti iz zaheve glede ustanovitve podružnice ali imenovanja predstavnika s stalnim prebivališčem. | Zakon o podružnicah tujih gospodarskih družb 3.S: Generalni direktor in vsaj 50 odstotkov članov upravnega odbora ima stalno prebivališče v EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor).S: Generalni direktor podružnice ima stalno prebivališče v EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) [3]. S: Tuji ali švedski državljani brez stalnega prebivališča na Švedskem, ki želijo opravljati komercialne posle na Švedskem, imenujejo in pri lokalnem organu registrirajo predstavnika s stalnim prebivališčem, ki je odgovoren za takšne dejavnosti. | |

    | Pravne osebe: 3.FIN: Pridobitev delnic večjega finskega podjetja ali gospodarske družbe (z več kot 1000 zaposlenimi ali katerega promet presega 1 milijardo finskih mark ali katerega bilančna vsota presega 167 milijonov EUR) s strani tujega lastnika, s katerimi pridobi več kot tretjino glasovalnih pravic, morajo potrditi finski organi; potrditev se lahko zavrne samo, če bi bil ogrožen pomemben nacionalni interes. | FIN: Tujec, ki živi izven Evropskega gospodarskega prostora in trguje kot zasebni podjetnik ali kot družbenik v finski komanditni družbi ali družbi z neomejeno odgovornostjo, potrebuje dovoljenje za trgovanje. Če namerava tuja organizacija ali fundacija, ki je registrirana izven Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, poslovati ali trgovati tako, da ustanovi podružnico na Finskem, se zahteva dovoljenje za trgovanje. | |

    | FIN: Vsaj polovica ustanoviteljev delniške družbe mora imeti stalno prebivališče na Finskem ali v kateri drugi državi EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor). Vendar pa se lahko pri gospodarskih družbah odobrijo izjeme. | FIN: Če ima vsaj polovica članov upravnega odbora ali generalni direktor stalno bivališče izven Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, se zahteva dovoljenje. Vendar pa se lahko pri gospodarskih družbah odobrijo izjeme. | |

    | Nakup nepremičnin: DK: Omejitve pri nakupu nepremičnin s strani nerezidenčnih fizičnih in pravnih oseb. Omejitve pri nakupu kmetijskih nepremičnin s strani tujih fizičnih in pravnih oseb. GR: V skladu z Zakonom št. 1892/89 morajo državljani dobiti dovoljenje ministra za obrambo za nakup zemlje v obmejnih območjih. V skladu z upravno prakso se dovoljenje zlahka izda za neposredne naložbe. | Nakup nepremičnin: A: Za pridobitev, nakup ter najem ali zakup nepremičnin s strani tujih fizičnih in pravnih oseb se zahteva dovoljenje pristojnih regionalnih organov (Länder), ki presodijo ali to vpliva na pomembne gospodarske, socialne ali kulturne interese. IRL: Domače ali tuje gospodarske družbe ali tuji državljani potrebujejo za pridobitev kakršnih koli pravice na zemljiščih na Irskem predhodno pisno dovoljenje Zemljiške komisije. Če je takšno zemljišče namenjeno industrijski rabi (razen kmetijstva), se ta zahteva opusti ob predložitvi ustreznega potrdila, ki ga v ta namen izda minister za podjetništvo in zaposlovanje. Ta zakon se ne uporablja za mestna zemljišča. | |

    | | I: Ni obvez za nakup nepremičnin. FIN (Alandski otoki): Omejitve pri pravici fizičnih oseb brez regionalnega državljanstva na Alandskih otokih in pravnih oseb do pridobitve in lastništva nepremičnin na Alandskih otokih brez dovoljenja pristojnih organov otokov. | |

    | | FIN (Alandski otoki): Omejitve pri pravici fizičnih oseb brez regionalnega državljanstva na Alandskih otokih in katere koli pravne osebe do ustanavljanja brez dovoljenja pristojnih organov Alandskih otokov. | |

    | Naložbe: F: Za tuje nakupe, ki presegajo 33,33 odstotka delnic ali glasovalnih pravic v obstoječem francoskem podjetju ali 20 odstotkov v francoskih gospodarskih družbah, ki kotirajo na borzi, velja naslednji predpis: — po izteku enega meseca od predhodnega obvestila, se dovoljenje tiho izda, razen če minister za gospodarstvo, v izjemnih okoliščinah, uporabi svojo pravico, da naložbo odloži. | | |

    | F: Tuja udeležba v novo privatiziranih gospodarskih družbah se lahko omeji na različno količino javno ponujenega lastniškega kapitala, pri čemer to količino določi francoska vlada za vsak primer posebej. E: Za naložbe tujih vlad in oseb javnega prava (ki kažejo, da ima takšna oseba poleg gospodarskih tudi negospodarske interese) v Španiji, ki so neposredne ali preko gospodarskih družb ali drugih oseb, ki so pod neposrednim ali posrednim nadzorom tujih vlad, je potrebno predhodno dovoljenje vlade. P: Tuja udeležba v novo privatiziranih gospodarskih družbah se lahko omeji na različno količino javno ponujenega lastniškega kapitala, pri čemer to količino določi portugalska vlada za vsak primer posebej. | | |

    | I: Novo privatiziranim gospodarskim družbam se lahko dodelijo ali ohranijo izključne pravice. Glasovalne pravice v novo privatiziranih gospodarskih družbah so lahko v nekaterih primerih omejene. Za obdobje petih let se lahko za pridobitev velikega deleža delnic gospodarskih družb, ki delujejo na področju obrambe, prevoznih storitev, telekomunikacij in energetike, zahteva soglasje Ministrstva za finance. F: Za ustanovitev v nekaterih [4] komercialnih, industrijskih ali obrtnih dejavnostih, je potrebno dovoljenje, če generalni direktor nima dovoljenja za stalno bivanje. | | |

    | | Subvencije Upravičenost do subvencij iz Skupnosti ali držav članic je lahko omejena na pravne osebe, ustanovljene na ozemlju države članice ali na njenem določenem ožjem zemljepisnem območju. Brez obvez za subvencije, namenjene za raziskave in razvoj. Brez obvez za podružnice, ki jih v državi članici ustanovi gospodarska družba nečlanice Skupnosti. Opravljanje storitve ali njeno subvencioniranje v javnem sektorju ni kršitev te obveze. Obveze, sprejete v tej listi od Skupnosti ali držav članic ne zahtevajo, da nudijo subvencije za storitve, ki se opravljajo s kraja izven njenega ozemlja. Če so kakršne koli subvencije na voljo fizičnim osebam, je treba njihovo razpoložljivost omejiti na državljane države članice. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen za ukrepe, ki se nanašajo na vstop ali začasno bivanje fizičnih oseb [5] v državi članici, brez zahtevkov po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb [6], za naslednje kategorije fizičnih oseb, ki opravljajo storitve: | 4.Brez obvez, razen za ukrepe, ki se nanašajo na kategorije fizičnih oseb iz stolpca o dostopu na trg. | |

    | (i)Fizične osebe, začasno prisotne kot premeščenci znotraj podjetja [7], iz naslednjih kategorij, pod pogojem, da je ponudnik storitev pravna oseba in da so zadevne osebe pri njem zaposlene ali so družbeniki (razen večinskih delničarjev) najmanj leto dni pred takšno premestitvijo: | Direktive Skupnosti o medsebojnem priznavanju diplom se ne uporabljajo za državljane tretjih držav. Priznavanje diplom, ki se zahtevajo za izvajanje zakonsko urejenih poklicnih storitev s strani državljanov nečlanic Skupnosti, ostaja v pristojnosti posameznih držav članic, razen če zakonodaja Skupnosti predvideva drugače. Pravica do izvajanja zakonsko urejenih poklicnih storitev v eni od držav članic ne zagotavlja pravice do njihovega izvajanja v drugi državi članici. | |

    | (a)Osebe na vodilnih položajih v pravni osebi, ki v glavnem upravljajo podjetje pod splošnim nadzorom in s potrebnimi navodili upravnega odbora ali delničarjev podjetja ali drugega enakovrednega organa, vključno z:vodenjem podjetja, sektorja ali pododdelka podjetja,nadzorom in kontrolo dela drugih nadzornih, poklicnih ali poslovodnih uslužbencev,s pooblastilom za najemanje in odpuščanje delavcev, za priporočanje najemanja in odpuščanja delavcev ali druge kadrovske ukrepe. | Zahteve glede stalnega prebivališča A: Generalni direktorji podružnic in pravne osebe morajo imeti stalno prebivališče v Avstriji; fizične osebe, ki so v pravni osebi ali podružnici odgovorne za spoštovanje avstrijskega Zakona o trgovini, morajo imeti stalno prebivališče v Avstriji. | |

    | (b)Osebe, zaposlene pri pravni osebi, ki imajo posebno znanje, ki je bistvenega pomena za storitve podjetja, za raziskovalno opremo, metode ali upravljanje. Pri presoji takega posebnega znanja se poleg znanja, specifičnega za podjetje, upošteva tudi ali ima oseba visoke kvalifikacije, ki se nanašajo na vrsto dela ali poklica, ki zahteva specifično tehnično znanje, vključno s članstvom v strokovnih združenjih. | | |

    | (ii)Začasna prisotnost fizičnih oseb iz naslednjih kategorij: | | |

    | (a)Osebe, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča na ozemlju države članice, kjer se uporablja Pogodba ES, ki so predstavniki ponudnika storitev in želijo začasni vstop zaradi pogajanj o prodaji storitev ali sklenitve pogodb o prodaji storitev za tega ponudnika storitev, če ti predstavniki ne bodo opravljali neposredne prodaje splošni javnosti ali sami opravljali storitev. | | |

    | (b)Osebe na vodilnih položajih, kot so opredeljene v (i)(a) zgoraj, pri pravni osebi, ki so odgovorne za ustanovitev tržno prisotnega subjekta ponudnika storitev iz Čila v državi članici, če:predstavniki ne izvajajo neposredne prodaje ali opravljajo storitev, inima ponudnik storitev svojo glavno poslovno enoto na ozemlju Čila in nima drugega predstavnika, sedeža, podružnice ali hčerinske družbe v tej državi članici. | | |

    | F: Če generalni direktor komercialne, industrijske ali obrtne dejavnosti nima dovoljenja za stalno bivanje, mora imeti posebno dovoljenje [8]. | | |

    | I: Dostop do industrijskih, komercialnih in obrtniških dejavnosti je predmet dovoljenja za bivanje in posebnega dovoljenja za opravljanje dejavnosti. | | |

    | (iii)Brez obvez, razen za ukrepe, ki se nanašajo na vstop in začasno bivanje v državi članici za naslednje kategorije fizičnih oseb brez zahtev po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb, razen kjer je tako navedeno za specifični podsektor. Za dostop veljajo naslednji pogoji [9]: | | |

    | Fizične osebe opravljajo storitve začasno kot uslužbenci pravne osebe, ki ni tržno prisotna v nobeni državi članici Evropske Skupnosti. | | |

    | Pravna oseba je na javnem razpisnem postopku ali katerem koli drugem postopku, ki zagotavlja bona fide naravo pogodbe (npr. oglaševanje razpoložljivosti pogodbe) pridobila pogodbo o opravljanju storitev za največ tri mesece, ki jo je sklenila s končnim potrošnikom v zadevni državi članici, če ta zahteva obstaja ali je uvedena v državi članici po zakonih, predpisih in zahtevah Skupnosti ali njenih držav članic. | | |

    | Fizična oseba, ki želi dostop, mora ponujati takšne storitve kot uslužbenec pravne osebe, ki zagotavlja storitev najmanj leto dni (dve leti v primeru GR) neposredno pred takšno premestitvijo. | | |

    | Začasni vstop in bivanje v zadevni državi članici traja največ tri mesece v katerem koli obdobju dvanajstih mesecev (štiriindvajsetih mesecev v primeru NL) ali toliko, kot traja pogodba, glede na to, katero je krajše. | | |

    | Fizična oseba mora imeti potrebno akademsko kvalifikacijo in strokovne izkušnje, kot je določeno za zadevni sektor ali dejavnost v državi članici, kjer se opravlja storitev. | | |

    | Obveza se nanaša samo na storitveno dejavnost, ki je predmet pogodbe; ne podeli pravice do uporabe poklicnega naziva, priznanega v zadevni državi članici. | | |

    | Pogodba o opravljanju storitev lahko pokriva samo toliko oseb, kot jih je nujno potrebnih za izpolnjevanje pogodbenih obveznosti, kot je lahko določeno z zakoni in drugimi predpisi Skupnosti in države članice, v kateri se opravlja storitev. | | |

    | Pogodba o opravljanju storitev mora biti pridobljena v eni od spodaj navedenih dejavnosti, izpolnjeni pa morajo biti tudi dodatni pogoji, ki jih za zadevni podsektor navede država članica: | | |

    | Pravne storitveRačunovodske storitveRevizijske storitveStoritve davčnega svetovanjaArhitekturne storitve, urbanistično in krajinsko načrtovanjeInženirske storitve, povezane inženirske storitveZdravstvene, zobozdravstvene in babiške storitveVeterinarske storitveStoritve, ki jih zagotavljajo medicinske sestre, fizioterapevti in paramedicinsko osebjeRačunalniške in sorodne storitveRaziskovalne in razvojne storitve | | |

    | OglaševanjeTržne raziskave in raziskave javnega mnenjaStoritve svetovanja pri upravljanjuStoritve, povezane s svetovanjem pri upravljanjuStoritve tehničnega preizkušanja in analitične storitveSorodne storitve znanstvenega in tehničnega svetovanjaSvetovanje v zvezi s kmetijstvom, lovom in gozdarstvomSvetovanje v zvezi z ribištvomRudarske storitveVzdrževanje in popravila opremeFotografske storitveKongresne storitvePrevajanjeGradbene storitvePripravljalna dela na gradbiščuOkoljske storitveStoritve visokošolskega izobraževanjaStoritve izobraževanja odraslihStoritve turističnih agencij in organizatorjev potovanjStoritve turističnih vodnikovRazvedrilne storitveStoritve tiskovnih agencijStoritve v zvezi s prodajo opreme ali dodelitvijo patenta | | |



    A.Poklicne storitve

    (a)Pravno svetovanje na področju prava matične države in javnega mednarodnega prava(razen prava ES) | 1.F, P: Brez obvez glede priprave pravnih dokumentov.S: Brez obvez, če opravlja poklic "Advokat" (tj. odvetnik/pravni zastopnik/advokat) ali kot odvetnik EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) s poklicnim nazivom, ki je ustrezen v njegovi matični državi [10]. | 1.F, P: Brez obvez glede priprave pravnih dokumentov.DK: Trženje dejavnosti pravnega svetovanja je omejeno na odvetnike z dansko licenco za opravljanje poklica in odvetniške družbe, ki so registrirane na Danskem. S: Brez obvez, če opravlja poklic "Advokat" (tj. odvetnik/pravni zastopnik/advokat) ali kot odvetnik EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) s poklicnim nazivom, ki je ustrezne v njegovi matični državi. A: Tuji pravni svetovalci morajo biti člani njihove nacionalne odvetniške zbornice; svoj poklicni naziv lahko uporabljajo samo s sklicevanjem na kraj registracije v svoji matični državi. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev. | 2.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 3.D: Dostop je pogojen s sprejetjem v odvetniško zbornico v skladu z "Zveznim odvetniškim zakonom", ki zahteva registracijo, ki je omejena samo na individualno lastništvo ali societeta.F: Zagotavljanje samo preko SEL (anonyme, à responsabilité limitée ou en commandite par actions) ali SCP. FIN: Za izvajanje pravnih storitev kot član splošne odvetniške zbornice se zahteva državljanstvo ene od držav EGP (Evropskega gospodarskega prostora) A: Brez obvez. | 3.DK: Trženje pravnih storitev je omejeno na odvetniške družbe, registrirane na Danskem. Samo odvetniki z dansko licenco za opravljanje poklica in družbe, registrirane na Danskem, so lahko lastniki delnic danskih odvetniških družb. Člani upravnega odbora ali del vodstva danske odvetniške družbe so lahko samo odvetniki z dansko licenco za opravljanje poklica.A: Brez obvez. | F: Pravo države gostiteljice in mednarodno pravo (vključno s pravom ES) sta odprta za člane zakonsko urejenih pravniških in pravosodnih poklicev [11]. |

    | S: Pri zagotavljanju pravnega svetovanja kot "Advokat", opravljanje poklica v sodelovanju z drugimi osebami brez naziva "advokat" ali v obliki družbe z omejeno odgovornostjo (delniške družbe) ni dovoljeno, razen če so izpolnjeni določeni pogoji. L: Pravo države gostiteljice in mednarodno pravo [12] je pogojeno z registracijo kot "avocat" pri luksemburški odvetniški zbornici. | S: Pri opravljanju dejavnosti pod nazivom "Advokat" (odvetnik/pravni zastopnik/advokat) se zahteva članstvo v švedski odvetniški zbornici. Za takšno članstvo se zahteva švedsko državljanstvo ali državljanstvo države članice EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor). Če želi oseba, ki ima priznan naziv "Advokat" v državi v EGP, permanentno opravljati odvetniški poklic na Švedskem po poklicnem nazivu svoje matične države, se registrira pri švedski odvetniški zbornici. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A: Brez obvez. F: Dejavnosti pravnega svetovanja in pripravljanje pravnih dokumentov kot glavna dejavnost, namenjeno javnosti, so rezervirani za pripadnike zakonsko urejenih pravniških in pravosodnih poklicev [11]. Te dejavnosti lahko pripadniki drugih zakonsko urejenih poklicev ali kvalificirano osebje ob glavni dejavnosti opravljajo tudi kot stransko dejavnost. A: Na zahtevo potrošnika se lahko pravni svetovalci zaradi opravljanja specifične storitve tudi začasno preselijo na ozemlje Avstrije. FIN: Za izvajanje pravnih storitev kot član splošne odvetniške zbornice se zahteva državljanstvo ene od držav EGP (Evropskega gospodarskega prostora). S: Pri zagotavljanju pravnega svetovanja kot "Advokat", opravljanje poklica v sodelovanju z drugimi osebami brez naziva "advokat" ali v obliki družbe z omejeno odgovornostjo (delniške družbe) ni dovoljeno, razen če so izpolnjeni določeni pogoji. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:DK: Trženje dejavnosti pravnega svetovanja je omejeno na odvetnike z dansko licenco za opravljanje poklica. Za pridobitev danske licence za opravljanje poklica se zahteva danski pravni izpit. A: Tuji pravni svetovalci morajo biti člani njihove nacionalne odvetniške zbornice; svoj poklicni naziv lahko uporabljajo samo s sklicevanjem na kraj registracije v svoji matični državi. S: Pri opravljanju dejavnosti pod nazivom "Advokat" (odvetnik/pravni zastopnik/advokat) se zahteva članstvo v švedski odvetniški zbornici. Za takšno članstvo se zahteva švedsko državljanstvo in stalno prebivališče na Švedskem. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/S in UK pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E/S in UK: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. D: Brez obvez za dejavnosti, rezervirane za "Rechtsanwalt". B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/S in UK pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez: DK: Trženje dejavnosti pravnega svetovanja je omejeno na odvetnike z dansko licenco za opravljanje poklica. Za pridobitev danske licence za opravljanje poklica se zahteva danski pravni izpit. S: Za opravljanje dejavnosti pod nazivom "Advokat" (odvetnik/pravni zastopnik/advokat) se zahteva članstvo v švedski odvetniški zbornici. Za takšno članstvo se zahteva švedsko državljanstvo in stalno prebivališče na Švedskem. | |

    (b)Računovodske storitve (CPC 86212 razen "revizijskih storitev", 86213, 86219) | 1.F, I: Brez obvez. | 1.F, I: Brez obvez.A: Ni zastopanja pred pristojnimi organi. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev. | 2.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 3.D: Zagotavljanje prek "GmbH & CoKG" in "EWIV" je prepovedano.F: Zagotavljanje samo prek SEL (anonyme, à responsabilité limitée ou en commandite par actions) ali SCP. P: Zagotavljanje samo prek poklicnih ustanov. I: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. A: Kapitalska udeležba in deleži tujih računovodij (ki morajo biti pooblaščeni v skladu z zakonodajo matične države) v poslovnih rezultatih katere koli avstrijske pravne osebe ne smejo presegati 25 odstotkov; to se uporablja samo za nečlane avstrijske poklicne zbornice. | 3.DK: Tuji računovodje lahko sklepajo societete z danskimi pooblaščenimi računovodji, po pridobitvi dovoljenja od danske Agencije za trgovino in gospodarske družbe. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:F: Strokovnjakom iz držav nečlanic ES se lahko dovoli opravljanje storitev s sklepom ministra za gospodarstvo, finance in proračun v soglasju z ministrom za zunanje zadeve. Zahteva glede stalnega prebivališča ne sme presegati pet let. I: Za "Ragionieri-Periti commerciali" je pogoj stalno prebivališče. DK: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče, razen če danska Agencija za trgovino in gospodarske družbe določi drugače. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:DK/I: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | A: Na zahtevo potrošnika se lahko računovodje zaradi opravljanja specifične storitve tudi začasno preselijo na ozemlje Avstrije. Vendar pa morajo imeti fizične osebe, ki opravljajo računovodske storitve, praviloma svoj strokovni center (poslovna prisotnost) v Avstriji. Ni zastopanja pred pristojnimi organi. | | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za A/B/D/DK/E/L/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: A/B/D/DK/E/NL/UK/S: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. A: Izpit pri avstrijskem poklicnem združenju. Delodajalec mora biti član ustreznega poklicnega združenja v matični državi, če takšno združenje obstaja. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. D: Brez obvez za dejavnosti, ki so z zakonom rezervirane za "Wirtschaftsprüfer". | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za A/B/D/DK/E/L/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Revizijske storitve [13] (CPC 86211 in 86212 razen računovodskih storitev) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 3.B: Zagotavljanje preko "SA" in "Société en commandite" je prepovedano.D: Zagotavljanje preko "GmbH & CoKG" in "EWIV" je prepovedano. F: Za obvezne revizije: Zagotavljanje preko katere koli oblike družbe, razen SNC, SCS in sekundarnih uradov. P: Zagotavljanje samo preko poklicnih združenj. IRL: Zagotavljanje samo preko societete. I: Dostop kot "Ragionieri-Periti commerciali" in "Dottori commerciali" je omejen samo na fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. FIN: Vsaj eden od revizorjev v finski družbi z omejeno odgovornostjo mora imeti stalno prebivališče v eni od držav EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) ali biti član pooblaščenega revizorske družbe. | 3.DK: Tuji revizorji lahko sklepajo societete z danskimi računovodji, ki jih je pooblastila država, in sicer po pridobitvi dovoljenja od danske Agencije za trgovino in gospodarske družbe.S: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče na območju EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) in švedski izpit [14]. | |

    | S: Samo revizorji, odobreni v EGP lahko opravljajo pravne revizorske storitve v nekaterih pravnih osebah, zlasti v vseh družbah z omejeno odgovornostjo. Samo takšne osebe so lahko lastniki delnic ali družbeniki v gospodarskih družbah, ki izvajajo kvalificirane revizije (za uradne namene). Za odobritev se zahtevajo izpit EGP, delovne izkušnje in stalno prebivališče. A: Kapitalska udeležba in deleži tujih revizorjev (ki morajo biti pooblaščeni v skladu z zakonodajo matične države) v poslovnih rezultatih katere koli avstrijske pravne osebe ne smejo presegati 25 odstotkov; to se uporablja samo za nečlane avstrijske poklicne zbornice. | | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:DK: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče, razen če danska Agencija za trgovino in gospodarske družbe določi drugače. E: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. GR: Za zakonite revizorje se zahteva državljanstvo. E: Revizorske družbe: upravljavci, direktorji in družbeniki družb, razen tistih, ki jih pokriva 8. direktiva EGS o pravu gospodarskih družb, morajo imeti stalno prebivališče. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:DK: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. I/P: Za samostojne revizorje se zahteva stalno prebivališče. S: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče na območju EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) in švedski izpit [14]. | |

    | I: Za "Ragionieri-Periti commerciali" se zahteva stalno prebivališče. Revizorske družbe: upravljavci in revizorji v "società di revisions", razen tistih, ki jih pokriva 8. direktiva EGS o pravu gospodarskih družb, morajo imeti stalno prebivališče. FIN: Vsaj eden od revizorjev v finski družbi z omejeno odgovornostjo mora imeti stalno prebivališče v eni od držav EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) ali biti član pooblaščenega revizorske družbe. | | |

    | S: Samo revizorji, odobreni v EGP lahko opravljajo pravne revizorske storitve v nekaterih pravnih osebah, zlasti v vseh družbah z omejeno odgovornostjo. Samo takšne osebe so lahko lastniki delnic ali družbeniki v družbah, ki izvajajo kvalificirane revizije (za uradne namene). | | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. D: Brez obvez za dejavnosti, ki so z zakonom rezervirane za "Wirtschaftsprüfer". | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Knjigovodske storitve (CPC 86220) | 1.F, I: Brez obvez. | 1.F, I: Brez obvez.A: Ni zastopanja pred pristojnimi organi. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.3.F: Zagotavljanje samo preko SEL (anonyme, à responsabilité limitée ou en commandite par actions) ali SCP.I: Dostop samo za fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. A: Kapitalska udeležba in deleži tujih knjigovodij (ki morajo biti pooblaščeni v skladu z zakonodajo matične države) v poslovnih rezultatih katere koli avstrijske pravne osebe ne smejo presegati 25 odstotkov; to se uporablja samo za nečlane avstrijske poklicne zbornice. | 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:F: Strokovnjakom iz držav nečlanic ES se lahko dovoli zagotavljanje storitev s sklepom ministra za gospodarstvo, finance in proračun v soglasju z ministrom za zunanje zadeve. Zahteva glede stalnega prebivališča ne sme presegati pet let. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I: Za "Ragionieri-Periti commerciali" se zahteva stalno prebivališče. P: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | I: Za "Ragionieri-Periti commerciali" je pogoj stalno prebivališče. A: Na zahtevo potrošnika se lahko knjigovodje zaradi opravljanja specifične storitve tudi začasno preselijo na ozemlje Avstrije; vendar pa morajo imeti fizične osebe, ki zagotavljajo knjigovodske storitve, praviloma svoj strokovni center (poslovna prisotnost) v Avstriji. | | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za A/B/D/DK/E/L/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: A/B/D/DK/E/NL/UK/S: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. A: Izpit pri avstrijskem poklicnem združenju. Delodajalec mora biti član ustreznega poklicnega združenja v matični državi, če takšno združenje obstaja. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. D: Brez obvez za dejavnosti, ki so z zakonom rezervirane za "Wirtschaftsprüfer". | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za A/B/D/DK/E/L/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)Storitve davčnega svetovanja (CPC 863 razen zastopanja na sodiščih) | 1.F: Brez obvez za pripravljanje pravnih dokumentov. | 1.F: Brez obvez za pripravljanje pravnih dokumentov.A: Ni zastopanja pred pristojnimi organi. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.3.I: Dostop samo za fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena.F: Zagotavljanje samo preko SEL (anonyme, à responsabilité limitée ou en commandite par actions) ali SCP. A: Kapitalska udeležba in deleži tujih davčnih svetovalcev (ki morajo biti pooblaščeni v skladu z zakonodajo matične države) v poslovnih rezultatih katere koli avstrijske pravne osebe ne smejo presegati 25 odstotkov; to se uporablja samo za nečlane avstrijske poklicne zbornice. | 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:F: Dejavnosti pravnega svetovanja in pripravljanje pravnih dokumentov kot glavna dejavnost in za javnost so rezervirani za pripadnike zakonsko urejenih pravniških in pravosodnih poklicev [11]. Te dejavnosti lahko pripadniki drugih zakonsko urejenih poklicev ali kvalificirano osebje ob glavni dejavnosti opravljajo tudi kot stransko dejavnost. I: Za "Ragionieri-Periti commerciali" je pogoj stalno prebivališče. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I/P: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | A: Na zahtevo potrošnika se lahko davčni svetovalci zaradi opravljanje specifične storitve tudi začasno preselijo na ozemlje Avstrije; vendar pa morajo imeti fizične osebe, ki zagotavljajo storitve davčnega svetovanja, praviloma svoj strokovni center (poslovna prisotnost) v Avstriji. | | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za A/B/D/DK/E/L/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: A/B/DK/E/NL/UK/S: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. A: Izpit pri avstrijskem poklicnem združenju. Delodajalec mora biti član ustreznega poklicnega združenja v matični državi, če takšno združenje obstaja. D: Brez obvez, razen za svetovalne storitve, ki se nanašajo na tujo davčno zakonodajo, kjer se zahteva univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za A/B/D/DK/E/L/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (d)Arhitekturne storitve (CPC 8671) | 1.B/GR/I/P: Brez obvez. | 1.B/GR/I/P: Brez obvez.D: Uporaba nacionalnih pravil o honorarjih in plačilih za vse storitve, ki se opravijo iz tujine. A: Ni omejitev za storitve projektiranja. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.3.E: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe.F: Zagotavljanje samo preko SEL (anonyme, à responsabilité limitée ou en commandite par actions) ali SCP. Ι, Ρ: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. | 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:GR: Zahteva se državljanstvo. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:B/D: Uporaba strokovnjakov s poklicnim nazivom, ki jim ga je priznala tretja država, je možna samo na osnovi dogovorov o medsebojnem priznavanju ali za B, s posebnim dovoljenjem s kraljevim dekretom. I: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/L/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/NL/UK/S: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. E: Akademske in poklicne kvalifikacije, ki jih priznavajo nacionalni organi in licenca, ki jo izda poklicno združenje. Brez obvez za CPC 86713, 86714, 86719. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/L/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih pogojev: D: Uporaba strokovnjakov s poklicnim nazivom, ki jim ga je priznala tretja država, je možna samo na osnovi dogovorov o medsebojnem priznavanju. D: Uporaba nacionalnih pravil o honorarjih in plačilih za vse storitve, ki se opravijo iz tujine. | |

    (b)Inženirske storitve (CPC 8672) | 1.GR/I/P: Brez obvez. | 1.GR/I/P: Brez obvez.A: Ni omejitev za storitve projektiranja. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.3.E: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe.I/P: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. | 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I/P: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E/L/NL/UK/S: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kv lifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. UK: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. | B/D/DK/E/NL/UK/S: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. | |

    (f)Povezane inženirske storitve (CPC 8673) | 1.GR/I/P: Brez obvez. | 1.GR/I/P: Brez obvez.A: Ni omejitev za storitve projektiranja. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.3.E: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe.I/P: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. | 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I/P: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E/NL/UK/S: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. UK: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/L/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (g)Urbanistično in krajinsko načrtovanje (CPC 8674) | 1.B, GR, I, P: Brez obvez. | 1.B/GR/I/P: Brez obvez.A: Ni omejitev za storitve projektiranja. D: Uporaba nacionalnih pravil o honorarjih in plačilih za vse storitve, ki se opravijo iz tujine. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev. | 2.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 3.I/P: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. | 3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:P: Zahteva se državljanstvo. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:B/D: Uporaba strokovnjakov s poklicnim nazivom, ki jim ga je priznala tretja država, je možna samo na osnovi dogovorov o medsebojnem priznavanju ali za B, s posebnim dovoljenjem s kraljevim dekretom. I: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E/NL/UK/S: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. UK: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/NL/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih pogojev: D: Uporaba strokovnjakov s poklicnim nazivom, ki jim ga je priznala tretja država, je možna samo na osnovi dogovorov o medsebojnem priznavanju. D: Uporaba nacionalnih pravil o honorarjih in plačilih za vse storitve, ki se opravijo iz tujine. | |

    (h)Zdravstvene, zobozdravstvene in babiške storitve (CPC 9312, 93191) [15] | 1.Brez obvez razen za S: Ni omejitev.2.FIN: Brez obvez. | 1.Brez obvez razen za S: Ni omejitev.2.FIN: Brez obvez. | |

    | 3.A: Brez obvez za zdravstvene in zobozdravstvene storitve; za babice: dostop je omejen samo na fizične osebe.D: Dostop je omejen samo na fizične osebe. Preverjanje gospodarskih potreb za zdravnike in zobozdravnike, ki so pooblaščeni za zdravljenje upravičencev iz programov javnega zavarovanja. Merilo je pomanjkanje zdravnikov in zobozdravnikov v dani regiji. E: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe. I/P: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. IRL: Dostop je omejen samo na societete ali fizične osebe. | 3.A: Brez obvez za zdravstvene in zobozdravstvene storitve.FIN: Brez obvez. | |

    | S: Preverjanje potreb, da se določi število zasebnih praks, ki bodo subvencionirane s sistemom javnega zavarovanja. UK: Registracija zdravnikov v okviru Nacionalnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja je predmet razporejanja delovne sile. F: Zagotavljanje samo preko SEL (anonyme, à responsabilité limitée ou en commandite par actions) ali SCP. | | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A: Brez obvez razen za babice. Omejeno dovoljenje za opravljanje posebne naloge se lahko izda za največ 18 mesecev. FIN: Brez obvez. P: Zahteva se državljanstvo. Zahteva se državljanstvo. Vendar pa je dostop možen v okviru letno določenih kvot. D: Zahteva za državljanstvo za zdravnike in zobozdravnike se lahko opusti samo izjemoma v primerih, ki so v interesu javnega zdravja. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A: Brez obvez za zdravnike in zobozdravnike. DK: Za pridobitev potrebnega individualnega dovoljenja Nacionalnega zdravstvenega sveta se zahteva stalno prebivališče. FIN: Brez obvez. I: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. D: Zahteva za državljanstvo za zdravnike in zobozdravnike se lahko opusti samo izjemoma v primerih, ki so v interesu javnega zdravja. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez | |

    (i)Veterinarske storitve (CPC 932) | 1.Brez obvez razen za FIN/L in S: Ni omejitev; in za UK: brez obvez, razen za veterinarske laboratorije in tehnične storitve, ki se zagotavljajo veterinarskim kirurgom, kot tudi splošno svetovanje, usmerjanje in informiranje, predvsem glede prehrane, vedenja in nege živali. | 1.Brez obvez razen za FIN/L in S: Ni omejitev; in za UK: brez obvez, razen za veterinarske laboratorije in tehnične storitve, ki se zagotavljajo veterinarskim kirurgom, kot tudi splošno svetovanje, usmerjanje in informiranje, predvsem glede prehrane, vedenja in nege živali. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev. | 2.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 3.A: Brez obvez.D/DK/E/P: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe. I: Dostop samo za fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. IRL/UK: Dostop je omejen samo na societete ali fizične osebe. F: Zagotavljanje samo preko SEL (anonyme, à responsabilité limitée ou en commandite par actions) ali SCP. | 3.A: Brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A: Brez obvez. D/F/GR/P: Zahteva se državljanstvo. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A: Brez obvez. I: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (j)Storitve medicinskih sester, fizioterapevtov in paramedicinskega osebja (CPC 93191 [15], razen za A, kjer so pokrite naslednje dejavnosti CPC 9319: medicinske sestre, fizioterapevti, delovni terapevti, logoterapevti, dietetiki in svetovalci za prehrano, psihologi in psihoterapevti) | 1.Brez obvez, razen za FIN, L/S: Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.E/P: Medicinske sestre – dostop je omejen na fizične osebe.I: Medicinske sestre – dostop je omejen na fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. F: Zagotavljanje samo preko SEL (anonyme, à responsabilité limitée ou en commandite par actions) ali SCP. A: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe, razen za psihologe in psihoterapevte: ni omejitev. S: Preučitev potreb, da se določi število zasebnih praks, ki bodo subvencionirane s sistemom javnega zavarovanja. | 1.Brez obvez, razen za FIN in L/S: Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:DK: Omejeno dovoljenje za opravljanje posebne naloge se lahko izda za največ 18 mesecev. P: Zahteva se državljanstvo. I: Glede na preverjanje gospodarskih potreb: odločitev je odvisna od prostih mest in pomanjkanja delovne sile v regiji. A: Fizične osebe, razen medicinskih sester, psihologov in psihoterapevtov lahko v Avstriji ustanovijo poklicno prakso, pod pogojem, da je zadevna oseba opravljala ta poklic najmanj tri leta pred ustanovitvijo poklicne prakse v Avstriji. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:DK: Za pridobitev potrebnega individualnega dovoljenja Nacionalnega zdravstvenega sveta se zahteva stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje, poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez | |

    Lekarnarji (prodaja farmacevtskih izdelkov na drobno – del CPC 63211) | 1.Brez obvez.2.A/FIN/S: Brez obvez. | 1.Brez obvez.2.A/FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 3. [16]A/FIN/S: Brez obvez.D/DK/E/GR/I [17]/L/NL/P: Dostop je omejen samo na fizične osebe. B/DK/E/F/GR/I/L/P: Zahteva se diploma iz farmacije. B/D/DK/E/F/I/IRL/P: Preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. F: Na osnovi nacionalne obravnave dostop samo preko SEL (anonyme, à responsabilité limitée ou en commandite par actions) SNC in SARL. | 3.A/FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju posebnih pogojev: | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju posebnih pogojev: | |

    | A/FIN/S: Brez obvez. F: Zahteva se državljanstvo. Vendar pa je v okviru določenih kvot, dostop za državljane tretjih držav možen, če ima ponudnik storitev francosko diplomo iz farmacije. D/GR: Zahteva se državljanstvo. | A/FIN/S: Brez obvez. I/P: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    B.Računalniške in sorodne storitve

    (a)Svetovalne storitve, ki se nanašajo na namestitev računalniške strojne opreme (CPC 841)(b)Storitve namestitve programske opreme (CPC 842)(c)Storitve obdelave podatkov (CPC 843)(d)Storitve v zvezi s podatkovnimi bazami (CPC 844) ter vzdrževanje in popravila (CPC 845)(e)Druge računalniške storitve (CPC 849) | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/GR/I/L/NL/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: I/NL: Brez obvez, razen za računalničarje, sistemske analitike, programerje, podatkovne analitike in področne inženirje, kjer se zahteva univerzitetna diploma in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. S: Univerzitetna diploma in tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. I: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. GR: Brez obvez, razen za računalničarje, sistemske analitike, programerje, podatkovne analitike, kjer se zahteva univerzitetna diploma in pet let poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/GR/I/L/NL/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    C.Raziskovalne in razvojne storitve

    (a)Raziskovalne in razvojne storitve v naravoslovnih vedah (CPC 851) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev, razen za F in IRL: brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:F/IRL: Brez obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev, razen za F in IRL: brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:F/IRL: Brez obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E in F v zvezi z začasnim vstopom raziskovalcev pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E/S: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. F: Raziskovalci imajo z raziskovalno ustanovo sklenjeno pogodbo o zaposlitvi.Dovoljenje za delo se lahko izda za največ devet mesecev in se lahko podaljšuje za čas trajanja pogodbe.Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb.Raziskovalna ustanova mora plačati davek Mednarodnemu uradu za migracije. | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E in F, kot je navedeno v zvezi z začasnim vstopom raziskovalcev pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Raziskovalne in razvojne storitve v družboslovnih in humanističnih vedah (CPC 852) | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.I: Dostop do poklica psihologa je omejen samo na fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena.P: Dostop do poklica psihologa je omejen samo na fizične osebe. | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I/P: Za psihologe se zahteva stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E/F in L v zvezi z začasnim vstopom raziskovalcev, kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. F: Raziskovalci imajo z raziskovalno ustanovo sklenjeno pogodbo o zaposlitvi.Dovoljenje za delo se lahko izda za največ devet mesecev in se lahko podaljšuje za čas trajanja pogodbe.Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb.Raziskovalna ustanova mora plačati davek Mednarodnemu uradu za migracije. | Brez obvez, razen za B, D, DK, E, F in L, kot je navedeno v zvezi z začasnim vstopom raziskovalcev pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)Interdisciplinarne raziskovalne in razvojne storitve (CPC 853) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev, razen za F in IRL: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih pogojev:IRL: Brez obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev, razen za F in IRL: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih pogojev:IRL: Brez obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E in F v zvezi z začasnim vstopom raziskovalcev, kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. F: Raziskovalci imajo z raziskovalno ustanovo sklenjeno pogodbo o zaposlitvi.Dovoljenje za delo se lahko izda za največ devet mesecev in se lahko podaljšuje za čas trajanja pogodbe.Zahteva se skladnost s preverjanjem gospodarskih potreb.Raziskovalna ustanova mora plačati davek Mednarodnemu uradu za migracije. | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E in F, kot je navedeno v zvezi z začasnim vstopom raziskovalcev pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    D.Nepremičninske storitve [18]

    (a)Ki zajemajo lastniško ali zakupljeno posest (CPC 821) | 1.IRL: Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev.3.E: Dostop samo za fizične osebe, societete ali "sociedad en comandita". | 1.IRL: Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I/P: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    (b)Na osnovi honorarja ali pogodbe (npr. cenitve posesti, upravljanje posesti, itd.) (CPC 822) | 1.IRL: Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev.3.E: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe. | 1.IRL: Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev.3.DK: Dovoljenje za pooblaščenega nepremičninskega agenta lahko omeji obseg dejavnosti. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:DK: Pooblaščeni nepremičninski agent: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče, razen če danska Agencija za trgovino in gospodarske družbe določi drugače. Nepooblaščeni nepremičninski agent: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče, razen če danska Agencija za trgovino in gospodarske družbe določi drugače. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:DK: Pooblaščeni in nepooblaščeni nepremičninski agent: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče, razen če danska Agencija za trgovino in podjetja določi drugače. I/P: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    E.Storitve izposojanja/ lizing brez izvajalcev

    (a)V zvezi z ladjami (CPC 83103) | 1.F: Zakup vseh ladij je predmet predhodnega obvestila.2.F: Zakup vseh ladij je predmet predhodnega obvestila.3.F: Zakup vseh ladij je predmet predhodnega obvestila.S: Za plutje pod švedsko zastavo je potrebno dokazilo o prevladujočem švedskem deležu v primeru tujih lastniških deležev pri ladjah. | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)V zvezi z zrakoplovi (CPC 83104) | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Vse države članice: Zrakoplovi, ki jih uporabljajo letalski prevozniki Skupnosti, morajo biti registrirani v državi članici, ki je letalskemu prevozniku izdala dovoljenje ali drugje v Skupnosti. Izjeme se lahko priznajo za pogodbe o kratkoročnem najemu ali v izjemnih okoliščinah. | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 3.Vse države članice: Morajo biti registrirani v registru zrakoplovov teh držav članic, zrakoplov mora biti v lasti fizične osebe, ki ustreza posebnim merilom državljanstva ali v lasti pravne osebe , ki ustreza posebnim merilom v zvezi z lastništvom kapitala in nadzorom (vključno z državljanstvom direktorjev). | 3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)V zvezi z drugo prevozno opremo (CPC 83101, 83102, 83105) | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: | |

    (d)V zvezi z drugimi stroji in opremo (CPC 83106, 83107, 83108) | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Storitve izposojanja z izvajalci Izposojanje plovil s posadko (CPC 7213, 7223) | 1.F: Zakup vseh ladij je predmet predhodnega obvestila.A/S: Brez obvez. | 1.A/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 2.F: Zakup vseh ladij je predmet predhodnega obvestila.A/S: Brez obvez. | 2.A/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 3.F: Zakup vseh ladij je predmet predhodnega obvestila.A/S: Brez obvez. | 3.A/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih pogojev:S: Brez obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih pogojev:S: Brez obvez. | |

    Izposojanje gospodarskih cestnih vozil z izvajalcem (CPC 7124) | 1.A/S: Brez obvez.2.A/S: Brez obvez.3.A/S: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih pogojev:S: Brez obvez. | 1.A/S: Brez obvez.2.A/S: Brez obvez.3.A/S: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih pogojev:S: Brez obvez. | |

    F.Druge poslovne storitve

    (a)Oglaševanje (CPC 871) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E/GR/I/L/UK/S, kjer velja, kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E/I/UK/S: Ustrezne kvalifikacije in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj. I/UK: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. GR: Ustrezne kvalifikacije in pet let poklicnih izkušenj. | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E/GR/I/L/UK/S, kjer velja kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Tržne raziskave in raziskave javnega mnenja (CPC 864) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E, kjer velja, kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)Storitve svetovanja pri upravljanju (CPC 865) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/I/L/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: I/UK: Brez obvez, razen za menedžerje in višje svetovalce, za katere se zahteva univerzitetna diploma in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj. B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. S: Univerzitetna diploma in tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. I/UK: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/I/L/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (d)Storitve, povezane s svetovanjem pri upravljanju (CPC 866) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/I/L/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: I/UK: Brez obvez, razen za menedžerje in višje svetovalce, za katere se zahteva univerzitetna diploma in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj. B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. S: Univerzitetna diploma in tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. I/UK: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/I/L/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (e)Storitve tehničnega preizkušanja in analitične storitve (CPC 8676) | 1.I: Brez obvez za poklic biologa in kemičnega analitika.S: Brez obvez. 2.S: Brez obvez. | 1.I: Brez obvez za poklic biologa in kemičnega analitika.S: Brez obvez. 2.S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 3.E: Dostop za kemično analizo samo preko fizičnih oseb.I: Dostop za poklic biologa in kemičnega analitika je samo preko fizičnih oseb. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. P: Dostop za poklic biologa in kemičnega analitika je samo preko fizičnih oseb. S: Brez obvez. | 3.S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I/P: Za poklic biologa in kemičnega analitika se zahteva stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/L/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E/UK/S: Univerzitetna diploma ali tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. UK: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/L/UK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (f)Svetovalne storitve v zvezi s kmetijstvom, lovom in gozdarstvom (S: razen lova) | 1.I: Brez obvez za dejavnosti, rezervirane za agronoma in "periti agrari".2.Ni omejitev.3.E: Dostop za agronome in gozdarske inženirje je omejen na fizične osebe.P: Dostop za agronome je omejen na fizične osebe. | 1.I: Brez obvez za dejavnosti, rezervirane za agronoma in "periti agrari".2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | I: Dostop za agronome in "periti agrari" je omejen na fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. | | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I/P: Za agronome se zahteva stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK in E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (g)Svetovalne storitve v zvezi z ribištvom | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK in E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK in E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (h)Rudarske storitve | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.E/P: Dostop za rudarske inženirje je omejen na fizične osebe. | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN: Pravica do iskanja, terjanja in izkoriščanja nahajališč je omejena na fizične osebe s stalnim prebivališčem na območju EGP. Izjeme pri zahtevi stalnega prebivališča sprejme Ministrstvo za trgovino in industrijo. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:P: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK in E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. FIN: Pravica do iskanja, terjanja in izkoriščanja nahajališč je omejena na fizične osebe s stalnim prebivališčem na območju EGP. Izjeme pri zahtevi stalnega prebivališča sprejme Ministrstvo za trgovino in industrijo. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK in E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (k)Storitve nameščanja in oskrbe z osebjem Storitve iskanja vodilnih kadrov (CPC 87201) | 1.A/D/E/FIN/IRL/P/S: Brez obvez.2.A/FIN: Brez obvez.3.A/D/FIN/P: Brez obvez.E: Državni monopol. | 1.A/D/E/FIN/IRL/P/S: Brez obvez.2.A/FIN: Brez obvez.3.A/D/FIN/P: Brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A/FIN: Brez obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A/FIN: Brez obvez. | |

    Storitve nameščanja osebja (CPC 87202) | 1.Brez obvez.2.A/FIN: Brez obvez.3.A/FIN/P: Brez obvez.D: Ob upoštevanju pooblastila, ki ga ponudniku storitev izda pristojni organ. Pooblastilo se izda glede na stanje in razvoj trga delovne sile. B/F/E/I: Državni monopol. | 1.Brez obvez.2.A/FIN: Brez obvez.3.A/FIN/P: Brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A/FIN: Brez obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A/FIN: Brez obvez. | |

    Posredovanje administrativnega osebja (CPC 87203) | 1.A/D/F/I/IRL/NL/P: Brez obvez.2.A/FIN: Brez obvez.3.A/D/FIN/P: Brez obvez.I: Državni monopol. | 1.A/D/F/I/IRL/NL/P: Brez obvez.2.A/FIN: Brez obvez.3.A/D/FIN/P: Brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A/FIN: Brez obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A/FIN: Brez obvez. | |

    (l)Varnostne storitve (CPC 87302, 87303, 87304, 87305) | 1.B/E/F/FIN/I/P: Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev.3.E: Dostop samo preko "sociedades anónimas", "sociedades de responsabilidad limitada", "sociedades anónimas laborales" in "sociedades cooperativas". Dostop je predmet predhodnega dovoljenja. Svet ministrov pri izdaji dovoljenja upošteva merila, kot so sposobnost, poklicna integriteta in samostojnost, ustreznost zaščite, predvidene za varnost prebivalstva in javnega reda.DK: Brez obvez za varnostne storitve na letališčih. Dostop je samo za nacionalne pravne osebe. Dostop je predmet predhodnega dovoljenja. Ministrstvo za pravosodje pri izdaji dovoljenja upošteva merila, kot so sposobnost, poklicna integriteta in samostojnost, izkušnje ter ugled podjetja, ki se želi ustanoviti. | 1.B/E/F/FIN/I/P: Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev.3.DK: Za večino članov upravnega odbora in za menedžerje se zahteva stalno prebivališče in državljanstvo. Brez obvez za varnostne storitve na letališčih. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:DK: Brez obvez za varnostne storitve na letališčih. Za menedžerje se zahteva državljanstvo. F: Za generalne direktorje in direktorje se zahteva državljanstvo. B: Za vodstveno osebje je pogoj državljanstvo. E/P: Za specializirano osebje se zahteva državljanstvo. I: Za pridobitev potrebnega dovoljenja za opravljanje varnostnih storitev in prevoz vrednostnih predmetov se zahteva državljanstvo. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:DK: Brez obvez za varnostne storitve na letališčih. Za menedžerje se zahteva stalno prebivališče. B: Za vodstveno osebje se zahteva stalno prebivališče. I: Za pridobitev potrebnega dovoljenja za opravljanje varnostnih storitev in prevoz vrednostnih predmetov se zahteva stalno prebivališče. | |

    (m)Sorodne storitve na področju znanstvenega in tehničnega svetovanja [19] (CPC 8675) | 1.Ni omejitev, razen F: Brez obvez za raziskovalne storitve. | 1.F: Brez obvez za raziskovalne storitve.D: Uporaba nacionalnih pravil o honorarjih in plačilih za vse geodetske storitve, ki se opravijo iz tujine. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev. | 2.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 3.F: "Geodetske storitve": Dostop samo preko SEL (anonyme, à responsabilité limitée ou en commandite par actions), SCP, SA in SARL.I: Za nekatere dejavnosti storitev raziskovanja v zvezi z rudarstvom (rude, nafta, plin, itd.), lahko obstajajo izključne pravice. E: Dostop do poklica geodeta in geologa samo za fizične osebe. P: Dostop je omejen na fizične osebe. I: Dostop do poklica geodeta in geologa samo za fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. | 3.F: Za "storitve raziskovanja in iskanja" je potrebno dovoljenje. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:D: Za javno imenovane geodete je pogoj državljanstvo. F: "Geodetske storitve" – dejavnosti v zvezi ugotavljanjem lastninskih pravic in zemljiškim pravom so rezervirane za "experts-géometres" iz ES. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I/P: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E, kjer velja, kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. D: Za javno imenovane geodete je pogoj državljanstvo. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih pogojev: D: Uporaba nacionalnih pravil o honorarjih in plačilih za vse storitve, ki se opravijo iz tujine. | |

    (n)Vzdrževanje in popravila opreme (pomorska plovila, zrakoplovi in druga prevozna oprema niso vključeni) (CPC 633, 8861, 8866) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK in E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez | |

    (o)Storitve čiščenja zgradb (CPC 874) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (p)Fotografske storitve (CPC 875, prodaja na drobno ni vključena) | 1.Brez obvez [20], razen za fotografiranje iz zraka: ni omejitev.2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20], razen za fotografiranje iz zraka: ni omejitev.2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK in E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (q)Storitve pakiranja (CPC 876) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez.2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (r)Tisk in založništvo (CPC 88442) | 1., 2.Ni omejitev.3.I: Tuja udeležba v založniških družbah je omejena na 49 odstotkov kapitala ali glasovalnih pravic. | 1., 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (s)Kongresne storitve (A: samo storitve vodenja razstav) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK in E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (t)Druge prevajalske storitve (CPC 87905) | 1., 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | 1., 2.Ni omejitev.3.DK: Dovoljenje za pooblaščene uradne prevajalce in tolmače lahko omeji obseg dejavnosti. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:DK: Pooblaščeni uradni prevajalci in tolmači: Pogoj je državljanstvo, razen če danska Agencija za trgovino in gospodarske družbe določi drugače. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:DK: Pooblaščeni uradni prevajalci in tolmači: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče, razen če danska Agencija za trgovino in gospodarske družbe določi drugače. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E/GR/I/IRL/UK/S, kjer velja, kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: GR: Ustrezne kvalifikacije in pet let poklicnih izkušenj. I/IRL/S/UK: Ustrezne kvalifikacije in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj. B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. I/UK: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E/GR/I/IRL/UK/S, kjer velja kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Storitve notranjega opremljanja (CPC 87907) [15] | 1.Ni omejitev. | 1.D: Uporaba nacionalnih pravil o honorarjih in plačilih za vse storitve, ki se opravijo iz tujine. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: | |


    Poštne in kurirske storitve [21] Storitve v zvezi z obdelavo [22] poštnih pošiljk [23] v skladu z naslednjim seznamom podsektorjev, ne glede na to, ali so namenjene v domače ali tuje kraje. Podsektorji (i), (iv) in (v) so lahko izključeni, če sodijo v obseg storitev, ki so lahko rezervirane, kar je za: pošiljke korespondence, katerih cena je manjša od petkratnega zneska javne osnovne tarife, če tehtajo manj kot 350 gramov, plus storitev priporočene pošte, ki se uporablja pri pravosodnih ali upravnih postopkih [24]. (i)Obdelava naslovljenih pisnih sporočil na katerem koli fizičnem mediju [25], vključno shibridno poštodirektno pošto(ii)Obdelava naslovljenih paketov [26](iii)Obdelava naslovljenih tiskovin [27](iv)Obdelava pošiljk iz (i) do (iii) zgoraj, kot priporočene ali zavarovane pošte(v)Ekspresna dostava [28] za izdelke iz (i) do (iii) zgoraj(vi)Obdelava nenaslovljenih pošiljk(vii)Izmenjava dokumentov [29](viii)Druge storitve, ki niso navedene na drugem mestu | 1., 2., 3.Za podsektorje (i) do (v), za katere velja obveznost zagotavljanja univerzalnih storitev, se lahko uvede sistem izdajanja dovoljenj. Ta dovoljenja so lahko predmet posameznih obveznosti zagotavljanja univerzalnih storitev in/ali finančnega prispevka v kompenzacijski sklad.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | Neodvisni nacionalni regulativni organi so bili ustanovljeni zaradi zagotavljanja skladnosti s poštnimi predpisi in za reševanje sporov med trgovinskimi partnerji (javnimi ali zasebnimi). Pravica do zagotavljanja poštnih univerzalnih storitev je zagotovljena. |

    2.CTelekomunikacijske storitve

    Telekomunikacijske storitve so prenos elektromagnetnih signalov – zvoka, podatkovnih slik in njihovih kombinacij, razen radiodifuzije [30]. Obveze iz te liste torej ne pokrivajo gospodarske dejavnosti, ki vsebuje zagotavljanje vsebine, ki za svoj prenos potrebujejo telekomunikacijske storitve. Za zagotavljanje te vsebine, ki se prenaša prek telekomunikacijskih storitev, veljajo posebne obveze, ki jih Skupnost in njene države članice prevzamejo v drugih ustreznih sektorjih. |

    Notranje in mednarodne Notranje in mednarodne storitve, ki se zagotavljajo s kakršno koli mrežno tehnologiji, z lastno infrastrukturo ali z nadaljnjo prodajo, za javno in zasebno uporabo, v naslednjih tržnih sektorjih (ti ustrezajo naslednjim številkam CPC 7521, 7522, 7523, 7524 [15], 7525, 7526 in 7529 [15], radiodifuzija je izključena): | | | |

    (a)Storitve govorne telefonije(b)Storitve prenosa podatkov po paketno komutiranih omrežjih(c)Storitve prenosa podatkov po vodovno komutiranih omrežjih(d)Storitve teleksa(e)Telegrafske storitve(f)Faksimilne storitve(g)Storitve zakupljenih vodov(h)Elektronska pošta(i)Glasovna pošta(j)Sprotne informacije in iskanje v bazah podatkov(k)Računalniška izmenjava podatkov (EDI)(l)Faksimilne storitve z dodano vrednostjo, vključno s shrani in pošlji ter shrani in poišči(m)Pretvorba kod in protokolov(o)Druge storitve: storitve in sistemi za mobilno in osebno komunikacijo | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | B: Cilj pogojev za izdajo dovoljenja je lahko zagotavljanje univerzalne storitve, vključno prek financiranja, na transparenten, nediskriminatoren in konkurenčno nevtralen način in niso strožji, kot je nujno potrebno. |

    3. GRADBENE IN Z NJIMI POVEZANE INŽENIRSKE STORITVE (CPC 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518) | 1.Brez obvez [20], razen za 5111 in 5114: ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.I: Izključne pravice se dodelijo za gradnjo, vzdrževanje in upravljanje avtocest in rimskega letališča. | 1.Brez obvez [20], razen za CPC 5111 in 5114: ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/DK/E/F in NL pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: NL: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. B/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. F: Brez obvez, razen za ukrepe, ki se nanašajo na začasni vstop tehnikov pod naslednjimi pogoji: Tehnik je uslužbenec pravne osebe na ozemlju Čila in je premeščen v tržno prisoten subjekt v F, ki ima sklenjeno pogodbo z navedeno pravno osebo.Delovno dovoljenje se izda za največ šest mesecev.Tehnik predloži potrdilo tržno prisotnega subjekta v F in pismo pravne osebe na ozemlju Čila, iz katerega je razvidno, da se strinja s premestitvijo.Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb.Tržno prisoten subjekt, mora plačati davek Mednarodnemu uradu za migracije. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/DK/E/F in NL pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za D/S in UK pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, samo za CPC 5111, in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: S/UK: Univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. UK: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. D: Brez obvez, razen za omejen obseg storitev pripravljalnih del na gradbišču, kjer se zahtevajo univerzitetna diploma in poklicne kvalifikacije ter tri leta delovnih izkušenj v sektorju. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za D/S in UK pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, samo za CPC 5111. | |


    A.Posredniške storitve (CPC 621, 6111, 6113, 6121) | 1.Za trgovce in borzne posrednike, ki delajo na trgu, ki je v nacionalnem interesu.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: | 1.F: Brez obvez za trgovce in borzne posrednike, ki delajo na trgu, ki je v nacionalnem interesu.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    | F: Državljanstvo je pogoj za dejavnosti trgovcev, posrednikov in borzne posrednike, ki delajo na dvajsetih (20) trgih, ki so v nacionalnem interesu. | | |

    B.Storitve trgovine na debelo (CPC 622, 61111, 6113, 6121) | 1. [32]F: Brez obvez za farmacevte. | 1.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.3. [33]F: Grosistične lekarne so pooblaščene v skladu s potrebami prebivalstva in v okviru določenih kvot. | 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:F: Državljanstvo je pogoj za prodajo farmacevtskih izdelkov na debelo. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I: Zahteva se stalno prebivališče. | |

    C.Storitve trgovine na drobno [34] (CPC 631, 632, 61112, 6113, 6121, 613) | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3. [35] [36]B/DK/F/I/P: preverjanje gospodarskih potreb za veleblagovnice na osnovi nacionalne obravnave.S: Posamezne občine lahko uporabijo preverjanje gospodarskih potreb za začasno trgovino z oblačili, čevlji in živili, ki se ne zaužijejo na kraju prodaje [37]. | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:F: Za prodajalce tobačnih izdelkov (tj. "buraliste") je pogoj državljanstvo. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    D.Franšizing (CPC 8929) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3. Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |


    A.Storitve osnovnega šolstva (CPC 921) | 1.F: Zahteva se državljanstvo. Vendar pa lahko državljani tretjih držav pridobijo dovoljenje pristojnih organov za ustanovitev in vodenje izobraževalne ustanove in za poučevanje.FIN/S: Brez obvez. | 1.FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 2.FIN/S: Brez obvez.3.FIN/S: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN/S: Brez obvez. F: Zahteva se državljanstvo. Vendar pa lahko državljani tretjih držav pridobijo dovoljenje pristojnih organov za ustanovitev in vodenje izobraževalne ustanove in za poučevanje. | 2.FIN/S: Brez obvez.3.FIN/S: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    B.Storitve srednjega šolstva (CPC 922) | 1.FIN/S: Brez obvez.F: Zahteva se državljanstvo. Vendar pa lahko državljani tretjih držav pridobijo dovoljenje pristojnih organov za ustanovitev in vodenje izobraževalne ustanove in za poučevanje. | 1.FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 2.FIN/S: Brez obvez.3.FIN/S: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN/S: Brez obvez. F: Zahteva se državljanstvo. Vendar pa lahko državljani tretjih držav pridobijo dovoljenje pristojnih organov za ustanovitev in vodenje izobraževalne ustanove in za poučevanje. | 2.FIN/S: Brez obvez.3.FIN/S: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    C.Storitve višjega in visokega šolstva (CPC 923) | 1.F: Zahteva se državljanstvo. Vendar pa lahko državljani tretjih držav pridobijo dovoljenje pristojnih organov za ustanovitev in vodenje izobraževalne ustanove in za poučevanje.A, FIN, S: Brez obvez. | 1.A/FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 2.A/FIN/S: Brez obvez.3.E/I: Preverjanje potreb za ustanavljanje zasebnih univerz, ki so pooblaščene za izdajanje uradno priznanih diplom.A/FIN/S: Brez obvez. GR: Brez obvez za izobraževalne ustanove, ki izdajajo uradno priznane državne diplome. | 2.A/FIN/S: Brez obvez.3.A/FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A/FIN/S: Brez obvez. F: Zahteva se državljanstvo. Vendar pa lahko državljani tretjih držav pridobijo dovoljenje pristojnih organov za ustanovitev in vodenje izobraževalne ustanove in za poučevanje. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A/FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E/F in L v zvezi z začasnim vstopom profesorjev, kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. F: Profesorji imajo sklenjeno pogodbo o zaposlitvi z univerzo ali drugo visokošolsko ustanovo.Dovoljenje za delo se lahko izda za največ devet mesecev in se lahko podaljšuje za čas trajanja pogodbe.Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, razen če je te profesorje neposredno imenoval minister, pristojen za višje in visoko šolstvo.Ustanova, ki je profesorja najela, mora plačati davek Mednarodnemu uradu za migracije. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E/F in L pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    D.Storitve izobraževanja odraslih (CPC 924) | 1., 2., 3.FIN/S: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN/S: Brez obvez. | 1., 2., 3.FIN/S: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E, kjer velja, kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    6.OKOLJSKE STORITVE [38] (S: ponudba ne zajema javnih gradenj, če so v lasti ali upravljanju občin, države ali zveznih uprav ali če jih ti zanje sklenejo pogodbo s podizvajalcem)

    A.Voda za prehrano ljudi in ravnanje z odpadnimi vodamiStoritve zbiranja, prečiščevanja in distribucije vode po vodovodu, razen pare in vroče vode | 1.Brez obvez [20].2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev, razen A/D in UK: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev, razen A/D in UK: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Odstranjevanje odpadnih voda (CPC 9401, del CPC 18000) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    B.Ravnanje s trdimi/nevarnimi odpadki (CPC 9402, 9403) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    C.Varstvo zunanjega zraka in podnebja (CPC 9404) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2.Ni omejitev.3.S: Državni monopol za storitve nadziranja izpušnih plinov iz avtomobilov in tovornjakov. Takšne storitve morajo biti ponujene na nepridobitni osnovi. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    D.Sanacija in čiščenje tal in voda (del CPC 94060) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    E.Zmanjšanje hrupa in tresljajev (CPC 9405) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev, razen za UK: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev, razen za UK: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    F.Varstvo biotske raznovrstnosti in krajine Storitve varstva narave in krajine (CPC 9406) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    G.Druge okoljske in pomožne storitve (del CPC 94090) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |


    A.Storitve bolnišnic (CPC 9311) | 1.Brez obvez.2.FIN/S: Brez obvez. | 1.Brez obvez.2.FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 3.A/B/E/F/I/L/NL/P: preverjanje gospodarskih potreb na osnovi nacionalne obravnave [39].FIN/S: Brez obvez. | 3.FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN/S: Brez obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    B.Druge zdravstvene storitve (CPC 9319) | 1.Brez obvez.2., 3.Brez obvez razen za A: Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen za A: brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez.2., 3.Brez obvez razen za A: Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen za A: brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    C.Socialne storitveOkrevališča in počitniški domovi, domovi za ostarele občane | 1.Brez obvez.2.FIN/S: Brez obvez.3.FIN/S: Brez obvez.F: Zagotavljanje storitev dovolijo pristojni organi v skladu z lokalnimi potrebami. | 1.Brez obvez.2.FIN/S: Brez obvez.3.FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN/S: Brez obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN/S: Brez obvez. | |


    A.Hoteli, restavracije ter priprava in dostava hrane (CPC 641, 642, 643) (razen priprave in dostave hrane v sektorju prevoznih storitev) | 1.Brez obvez [20], razen za dostavo in pripravo hrane: ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.I: Preverjanje lokalnih gospodarskih potreb za odpiranje novih točilnic, bifejev in restavracij. | 1.Brez obvez [20], razen za dostavo in pripravo hrane: ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    B.Storitve turističnih agencij in organizatorjev potovanj (vključno z vodji potovanj) (CPC 7471) | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.P: Zahteva se ustanovitev komercialne gospodarske družbe s sedežem na Portugalskem.I: Preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. FIN: Potrebno je dovoljenje nacionalne uprave za varstvo potrošnikov. | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen za A/B/D/DK/E/I/FIN/IRL/S, kjer velja, kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: A/FIN/I/IRL/S: Brez obvez, razen za vodje potovanj (osebe, katerih naloga je spremljati skupino najmanj desetih oseb, vendar pri tem niso vodiči po posameznih lokacijah), kjer se za A//I/IRL/S zahteva: poklicno spričevalo in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj. B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. I: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za A/B/D/DK/E/I/FIN/IRL/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    C.Storitve turističnih vodnikov (CPC 7472) | 1.I/P: Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:E/I: Pravica do opravljanja poklica je rezervirana za lokalne organizacije turističnih vodnikov. GR/E/I/P: Za dostop do dejavnosti je pogoj državljanstvo. | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. S: Poklicno spričevalo, ustrezne kvalifikacije in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/S pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    9.REKREACIJSKE, KULTURNE IN ŠPORTNE STORITVE (razen avdiovizualnih storitev)

    A.Razvedrilne storitve (vključno s storitvami gledališč, ansamblov, ki igrajo v živo, in cirkusov) (CPC 9619) | 1.Brez obvez.2.FIN: Brez obvez.3.FIN: Brez obvez. | 1.Brez obvez.2.FIN: Brez obvez.3.FIN: Brez obvez.F/I: Brez obvez za subvencije in vse druge oblike neposredne in posredne podpore. S: Namenska finančna podpora za posebne lokalne, regionalne ali nacionalne dejavnosti. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN: Brez obvez. I: Preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:FIN: Brez obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen za A/B/D/DK/E in F v zvezi z začasnim vstopom umetnikov, kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. A/E: dostop je omejen na osebe, katerih glavna poklicna dejavnost je na področju lepih umetnosti, katerih glavni vir dohodka je opravljanje te dejavnosti, te osebe v Avstriji ne opravljajo nobene druge komercialne dejavnosti. F: Umetniki imajo sklenjeno pogodbo s pooblaščenim podjetjem za opravljanje razvedrilne dejavnosti.Dovoljenje za delo se lahko izda za največ devet mesecev in se lahko podaljša za tri mesece.Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb.Podjetje, ki opravlja razvedrilno dejavnost, mora plačati davek Mednarodnemu uradu za migracije. | Brez obvez, razen za A/B/D/DK/E in F, kot je navedeno v zvezi z začasnim vstopom umetnikov pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    B.Storitve tiskovnih agencij (CPC 962) | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.F: Za upravljalce Agence France Press je pogoj državljanstvo (druge omejitve se odpravijo, če je zagotovljena reciprociteta).I: Pri dnevnem tisku in radijskih postajah se uporabljajo posebna pravila za preprečevanje koncentracij, medtem ko so za lastništvo večpredstavnosti določene posebne omejitve. Tuja podjetja ne smejo nadzirati založniških ali radiodifuzijskih družb: delež tuje kapitalske udeležbe je omejen na 49 odstotkov. P: Tiskovne družbe, ki so na Portugalskem registrirane v pravni obliki "sociedade anónima", morajo imeti družbeni kapital v obliki nominalnih delnic. | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | Brez obvez, razen za B/D/DK/E, kjer velja, kot je navedeno pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez, ob upoštevanju zgornjih pogojev in naslednjih posebnih omejitev: B/D/DK/E: Univerzitetna diploma ali ustrezne tehnične kvalifikacije, iz katerih je razvidno znanje in tri leta poklicnih izkušenj v sektorju. B: Zahteva se preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, če je letna bruto plača fizične osebe nižja od 30000 EUR. | Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno za B/D/DK/E pod (iii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    C.Storitve knjižnic, arhivov in muzejev ter druge kulturne storitve (CPC 963) | 1., 2., 3.Brez obvez, razen v A: ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen v A: brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Brez obvez, razen v A: ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen v A: brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    D.Športne in druge rekreacijske storitve, razen storitev igralnic in stavnic (CPC 9641, 96491; A: storitve smučarskih šol in gorskih vodnikov niso zajete) | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | 1.Ni omejitev.2.Ni omejitev.3.S: Namenska finančna podpora za posebne lokalne, regionalne ali nacionalne dejavnosti. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I: Preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev: | |


    A.Storitve pomorskega prevoza | (glej dodatne opredelitve na koncu oddelka o prevozu) | | |

    Mednarodni prevoz (tovor in potniki) CPC 7211 in 7212 brez kabotažnega prevoza | 1.(a) Linijski prevozi: ni omejitev. | 1.(a) Oblika 1(a) Trgovina v linijskem prevozu: ni omejitev, razen v izjemnem primeru, ko bi država članica morala uveljaviti Uredbo (EGS) št. 954/79, člen 2, odst. 2. | Glej sprotno opombo [40]. |

    | (b) Prevozi razsutega tovora, prevozi z ladjami v prosti plovbi in drugi mednarodni prevozi, vključno s prevozom potnikov; ni omejitev. | (b) Ni omejitev. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.3.(a) Ustanovitev registrirane družbe za namene upravljanja flote pod zastavo države ustanovitve: brez obvez. | 2.Ni omejitev.3.(a) Brez obvez. | |

    | (b) Druge oblike tržne prisotnosti za zagotavljanje storitev mednarodnega pomorskega prevoza (kot je opredeljen v nadaljevanju v opredelitvah v zvezi s pomorskim prevozom): ni omejitev. | (b) Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.(a) Ladijske posadke: brez obvez. | 4.(a) Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    | (b) Ključno osebje gospodarske družbe, zaposleno v zvezi s tržno prisotnostjo, kot je opredeljena pod obliko 3(b) zgoraj: brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | (b) Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Pomožne pomorske storitve | | | |

    Storitve ravnanja s tovorom v pomorstvu | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3. [44]Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3. [44]Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Storitve shranjevanja in skladiščenja CPC 742 (kot je bilo spremenjeno) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3. [44]Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3. [44]Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Storitve carinjenja [41] | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3. [44]Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3. [44]Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Storitve začasnih skladišč in depojev za zabojnike [42] | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3. [44]Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3. [44]Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Storitve pomorskih agencij [43] | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Storitve odpreme tovora [45] | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    B.Prevoz po celinskih vodah(b)Prevoz tovora(c)Dajanje plovil s posadko v najem(f)Pomožne storitve v prevozu po celinskih vodah | 1., 3.Ni omejitev, razen ukrepov, ki temeljijo na obstoječih ali prihodnjih sporazumih o dostopu do celinskih voda (vklj. s sporazumi v zvezi z osjo Ren-Majna-Donava), s katerimi se nekatere prometne pravice rezervirajo za subjekte s sedežem v zadevnih državah, ki izpolnjujejo merila o državljanstvu v zvezi z lastništvom. Predpisi o izvajanju Mannheimske Konvencije o plovbi po Renu.A: V skladu z avstrijskim Zakonom o plovbi po celinskih vodah se za ustanovitev ladjarske družbe s strani fizičnih oseb zahteva državljanstvo države članice EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor). Če družbo ustanovi pravna oseba, mora imeti večina generalnih direktorjev, članov upravnega odbora in nadzornega odbora državljanstvo države članice EGP. Poleg tega mora biti večina delnic v lasti državljanov držav članic EGP. S: Brez obvez. | 1., 3.Ni omejitev, razen ukrepov, ki temeljijo na obstoječih ali prihodnjih sporazumih o dostopu do celinskih voda (vklj. s sporazumi v zvezi z osjo Ren-Majna-Donava), s katerimi se nekatere prometne pravice rezervirajo za subjekte s sedežem v zadevnih državah, ki izpolnjujejo merila o državljanstvu v zvezi z lastništvom. Predpisi o izvajanju Mannheimske Konvencije o plovbi po Renu.S: Brez obvez. | Glej sprotno opombo [40]. |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (d)Vzdrževanje in popravila plovil | 1.Brez obvez.2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez.2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    C.Storitve zračnega prevoza | | | |

    (d)Vzdrževanje in popravilo zrakoplovov in njihovih delov | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Prodaja in trženje | 1.Ni omejitev. | 1.Za distribucijo storitev zračnega prevoza, ki jih zagotavlja prevoznik, ki uporablja CRS, s tem sistemom: brez obvez. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | 2.Ni omejitev.3.Za distribucijo storitev zračnega prevoza, ki jih zagotavlja prevoznik, ki uporablja CRS, s tem sistemom: brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Računalniški sistem rezervacij | 1.Ni omejitev. | 1.Za obveznosti matičnih ali udeleženih prevoznikov v zvezi s CRS, ki ga nadzirajo eden ali več letalskih prevoznikov iz tretjih držav: brez obvez. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | 2.Ni omejitev.3.Za obveznosti matičnih ali udeleženih prevoznikov v zvezi s CRS, ki ga nadzirajo eden ali več letalskih prevoznikov iz tretjih držav: brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    E.Storitve železniškega prevoza | | | |

    (d)Vzdrževanje in popravila železniške prevozne opreme (CPC 8868) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    F.Storitve cestnega prevoza | | | |

    (a)Prevoz potnikov (CPC 71213 v vseh državah članicah in CPC 7122 v vseh državah članicah, razen v FIN: samo CPC 71222 in 71223) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev.3.Za prevoz znotraj države članice (kabotaža), ki ga opravi prevoznik, ustanovljen izven te države članice: brez obvez, razen za najem posebnih avtobusnih prevozov z voznikom [48], kjer se od leta 1996 ne uporabljajo nobene omejitve.A: Brez obvez. S: Za opravljanje storitev komercialnega kopenskega prevoza se zahteva dovoljenje. Dovoljenje se izda na podlagi finančnega položaja prosilca, njegovih izkušenj ter sposobnosti opravljanja storitev. Omejitve uporabe zakupljenih vozil za takšne dejavnosti. – Za 7122: E: Preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev.3.Brez obvez za prevoz znotraj države članice (kabotaža), ki ga opravi prevoznik, ustanovljen izven te države članice.A: Brez obvez. S: Ustanovljene osebe morajo uporabljati vozila z nacionalno registracijo. | |

    | – Za CPC 71221 (storitve taksijev): Vse države članice, razen v S: preverjanje gospodarskih potreb, plus [46]: DK: Dostop samo za fizične osebe in obvezna lokalna ustanovitev. I: Dostop samo za fizične osebe. | | |

    | Za CPC 71222 (storitve limuzin):DK: Dostop samo za fizične osebe in obvezna lokalna ustanovitev.FIN: Zahteva se dovoljenje, ki ne pokriva vozil, registriranih v tujini.I: Dostop samo za fizične osebe in preverjanje gospodarskih potreb.P: Preverjanje gospodarskih potreb.Za CPC 71213 (storitve rednega medkrajevnega prometa) [47]:I/E/IRL: Preverjanje gospodarskih potreb.F: Brez obvez.FIN: Zahteva se dovoljenje, ki ne zajema vozil, registriranih v tujini.DK: Preverjanje gospodarskih potreb.P: Zagotavljanje samo preko registriranih družb. | | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A: Brez obvez. P: Za specializirano osebje se zahteva državljanstvo. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A: Brez obvez. DK: Za menedžerje se zahteva stalno prebivališče. | |

    (b)Prevoz tovora (CPC 7123) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev.3.Za prevoz znotraj države članice, ki ga opravi prevoznik, ustanovljen v drugi državi članici: brez obvez.A/E: Brez obvez. I: Za prevoz znotraj države je pogoj za izdajo dovoljenja preverjanje gospodarskih potreb. FIN: Zahteva se dovoljenje, ki ne pokriva vozil, registriranih v tujini. S: Za opravljanje storitev komercialnega kopenskega prevoza se zahteva dovoljenje. Dovoljenje se izda na podlagi finančnega položaja prosilca, njegovih izkušenj ter sposobnosti opravljanja storitev. Omejitve uporabe zakupljenih vozil za takšne dejavnosti. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Ni omejitev.3.Brez obvez za prevoz znotraj države članice, ki ga opravi prevoznik, ustanovljen v drugi državi članici.A/E: Brez obvez. S: Ustanovljene osebe morajo uporabljati vozila z nacionalno registracijo. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A: Brez obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A: Brez obvez. | |

    (d)Vzdrževanje in popravila cestne prevozne opreme (CPC 6112 in v FIN tudi deli 88) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2.Ni omejitev.3.S: Operaterji lahko ustanavljajo in vzdržujejo lastne naprave terminalske infrastruktue, ob upoštevanju prostorskih in zmogljivostnih omejitev. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    H.Pomožne storitve za vse prevozne panoge | | | |

    (b)Storitve skladiščenja (CPC 742) (razen v pristaniščih) | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.S: Brez obvez. | 1.Brez obvez [20].2., 3.S: Brez obvez. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)Storitve agencij za tovorni promet/storitve odpreme tovora (CPC 748) | 1., 2., 3.S: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.S: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Inšpekcijski pregledi pred odpremo (CPC 749 [48] razen za FIN: samo CPC 7490) | 1., 2., 3.S: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.S: Brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    I.Druge prevozne storitve (zagotavljanje storitve kombiniranega prevoza) | 1.Brez obvez, razen za FIN: ni omejitev.2.S: Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev, brez poseganja v omejitve, ki vplivajo na katero koli dano obliko prevoza, razen v A/S: brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A, S: Brez obvez. | 1.Brez obvez, razen za FIN: ni omejitev.2.S: Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev, brez poseganja v omejitve, ki vplivajo na katero koli dano obliko prevoza, razen v A/S: brez obvez.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:A/S: Brez obvez. | |

    Opredelitve v zvezi s pomorskim prevozom:

    1. Brez poseganja v obseg dejavnosti, ki se lahko štejejo kot "kabotaža" po ustrezni nacionalni zakonodaji, ta lista ne vključuje "storitev pomorske kabotaže", za katere se predvideva, da zajemajo prevoz potnikov ali blaga med pristaniščem v državi članici in drugim pristaniščem v isti državi članici in promet, se začne in konča v istem pristanišču v državi članici, pod pogojem, da ta promet ostane v ozemeljskih vodah te države članice.

    2. Druge oblike tržne prisotnosti za zagotavljanje storitev mednarodnega pomorskega prevoza pomenijo sposobnost ponudnikov storitev mednarodnega pomorskega prevoza druge pogodbenice, da lokalno izvajajo vse dejavnosti, ki so potrebne, da lahko svojim strankam zagotavljajo delno ali v celoti povezano prevozno storitev, znotraj katere pomorski prevoz predstavlja znaten element. (Vendar pa se ta obveza ne razlaga tako, da bi na kakršen koli način omejevala obveze, sprejete pri čezmejnem načinu opravljanja).

    Te dejavnosti med drugim zajemajo:

    (a) trženje in prodajo storitev pomorskega prometa in z njim povezanih storitev neposredno potrošnikom, od ponudbe do izstavitve računa, ne glede na to, ali te storitve opravlja ali nudi ponudnik storitev sam ali ponudniki storitev, s katerimi ima ponudnik storitev stalne poslovne stike;

    (b) pridobitev, za lastne potrebe ali za potrebe svojih strank (in preprodajo svojim strankam) kakršnih koli prometnih in z njimi povezanih storitev, vključno s storitvami notranjega prometa na katerikoli način, zlasti po celinskih vodnih poteh, cestah in železnici, nujnih za zagotavljanje povezanih storitev;

    (c) pripravo prevoznih listin, carinskih listin ali drugih listin, povezanih s poreklom in vrsto prevažanega blaga;

    (d) ponujanje vseh vrst poslovnih informacij, vključno z računalniškimi informacijskimi sistemi in izmenjavo elektronskih podatkov (ob upoštevanju določb tega sporazuma);

    (e) vzpostavitev poslovnih povezav (vključno z deležem v kapitalu gospodarske družbe) in nastavitve lokalnega osebja (ali v primeru tujega osebja v skladu s horizontalnimi obvezami o gibanju osebja) z lokalno ladjarsko agencijo;

    (f) organiziranje v imenu gospodarskih družb, pristanka ladij ali po potrebi prevzema tovora.

    3. "Operaterji multimodalnega prevoza" so osebe, v imenu katerih se izda ladijski tovorni list ali druga listina, ki dokazuje pogodbo o multimodalnem prevozu blaga, in ki so odgovorne za prevoz blaga v skladu s pogodbo o prevozu.

    Priloga A


    Izrazi, uporabljeni za posamezne države članice



    Toutes ces sociétés sont dotées de la personnalité morale

    SC | Société Civile |

    SCP | Société Civile Professionnelle |

    SEL | Société d'Exercice Libéral |

    SNC | Société en Nom Collectif |

    SCS | Société en Commandite Simple |

    SARL | Société à Responsabilité Limitée |

    SCA | Société en Commandite par Actions |

    SA | Société Anonyme |


    GmbH & Co KG Kommanditgesellschaft, bei der der persönlich haftende Gesellschafter eine GmbH (delniška družba z omejeno odgovornostjo) ist

    EWIV | Europäische Wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung (Evropska gospodarska interesna skupina) |


    SPA | Società per Azioni (delniška družba) |

    SRL | Società a Responsabilità Limitata (družba z omejeno odgovornostjo) |

    Za Italijo ponudba ES pokriva naslednje poklicne storitve:

    Ragionieri-periti commerciali | Knjigovodstvo, računovodstvo, revizorstvo |

    Commercialisti | Knjigovodstvo, računovodstvo, revizorstvo |

    Geometri | Geodeti |

    Ingegneri | Inženirji |

    Architetti | Arhitekti |

    Geologi | Geologi |

    Medici | Zdravniki |

    Farmacisti | Farmacevti |

    Psicologi | Psihologi |

    Veterinari | Veterinarji |

    Biologi | Biologi |

    Chimici | Kemiki |

    Periti agrari | Kmetijski strokovnjaki |

    Agronomi | Agronomi |

    Attuari | Aktuarji |

    DEL B


    Oblike ponudbe: 1. Čezmejno opravljanje 2. Gibanje potrošnikov 3. Tržna prisotnost 4. Prisotnost fizične osebe |

    Sektor ali podsektor | Omejitve dostopa na trg | Omejitve nacionalne obravnave | Dodatne obveze |


    VELJA ZA VSE SEKTORJE, ZAJETE V TO LISTO | (i)Plačila in transferji Plačila in gibanje kapitala, izvedeno po tem poglavju, so predmet določb odstavka 3 Priloge XIV. | |

    | (ii)Decreto Ley 600 Uredba z zakonsko močjo 600 (1974) o tujih naložbah je prostovoljen in poseben naložbeni režim. Potencialni investitorji lahko kot alternativo splošnemu režimu za vstop kapitala v Čile, pri Odboru za tuje naložbe vložijo prošnjo za obravnavo po režimu, določenem v Uredbi z zakonsko močjo 600. Obveznosti in obveze iz poglavja o storitvah in iz te priloge se ne uporabljajo za Uredbo z zakonsko močjo 600, o tujih naložbah, za Zakon 18.657 o investicijskih skladih za tuj kapital niti za nadaljevanje ali takojšnje podaljšanje teh zakonov, za spremembe teh zakonov ali za posebne in/ali prostovoljne režime za naložbe, ki jih lahko Čile sprejme v prihodnosti. Razume se, da ima čilski Odbor za tuje naložbe pravico zavrniti prošnje za investiranje v skladu z Uredbo z zakonsko močjo 600 in Zakonom 18.657. Poleg tega ima Odbor za tuje naložbe pravico zakonsko urejati pogoje za tuje naložbe, izvedene v skladu z zgoraj navedeno Uredbo z zakonsko močjo 600 in Zakonom 18.657. | |

    | (iii)Avtohtone etnične skupine Nič v tej listi se ne razume tako, da bi omejevalo pravico do sprejemanja ukrepov, ki določajo pravice ali preferenciale za avtohtone etnične skupine. | |

    | 3. Ta lista se uporablja samo za naslednje oblike tržne prisotnosti za tuje investitorje: sociedades anónimas abiertas y cerradas (odprte ali zaprte javne družbe), sociedades de responsabilidad limitada (družbe z omejeno odgovornostjo), in agendas de sociedades extranjeras (podružnice). Pridobitve nepremičnin in opravljanje drugih pravnih dejavnosti v obmejnih območjih mora izpolnjevati določbe ustrezne zakonodaje, ki je brez obvez za namene te liste. Obmejno območje je opredeljeno kot zemljišče, ki se nahaja 10 km od meje in do 5 km od obale in provinca Arica. | |

    | 4. Gibanje fizičnih oseb Brez obvez, razen za premeščanje fizičnih oseb v tuje podjetje, ustanovljeno v Čilu, v skladu s 3. tržna prisotnost, in sicer za višje in specializirano osebje, ki so bili pri organizaciji zaposleni najmanj dve leti pred datumom oddaje prošnje za vstop v državo in so v matični družbi v državi, iz katere prihajajo, opravljali enako vrsto nalog. Tuje fizične osebe v nobenem primeru ne smejo predstavljati več kot 15 % vsega osebja, zaposlenega v Čilu, če delodajalec zaposli več kot 25 oseb. Višje osebje so tisti, ki so pod neposrednim nadzorom upravnega odbora podjetja, ustanovljenega v Čilu, in ki med drugim: vodijo upravljanje organizacije ali njenih sektorjev ali oddelkov,nadzirajo in kontrolirajo delo drugih nadzornih, poklicnih ali poslovodnih uslužbencev,imajo osebno pooblastilo za najemanje in odpuščanje delavcev, za priporočanje najemanja in odpuščanja delavcev ali druge kadrovske ukrepe.Specializirano osebje so visoko kvalificirane osebe, ki so nepogrešljive za zagotavljanje storitve zaradi svojega poklicnega znanja ali: ker imajo kvalifikacije za določeno vrsto dela ali dejavnosti, ki zahteva specializirano tehnično strokovno znanje,zaradi znanja, ki je bistvenega pomena za opravljanje storitve, raziskovalno opremo, tehnike ali upravljanje, inker takšno specializirano osebje ni na voljo v Čilu.Kategorija višjega in specializiranega osebja ne vključuje članov upravnega odbora gospodarske družbe, ustanovljene v Čilu. Za pravne namene mora imeti višje in specializirane osebje stalno ali začasno prebivališče v Čilu. Ponudniki storitev lahko vstopijo začasno, za obdobje dveh let, ki se lahko podaljša še za dve leti. Za osebje, sprejeto pod temi pogoji, veljajo določbe veljavne zakonodaje na področju dela in socialne varnosti. Začasna prisotnost fizičnih oseb zajema tudi naslednje kategorije: [49] (a)Osebe, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča na ozemlju Čila, ki so predstavniki ponudnika storitev in želijo začasni vstop zaradi pogajanj o prodaji storitev ali sklenitve pogodb o prodaji storitev za tega ponudnika storitev, če ti predstavniki ne bodo opravljali neposredne prodaje splošni javnosti ali sami opravljali storitev.(b)Osebe na vodilnih položajih, kot so opredeljene zgoraj, pri pravni osebi, ki so odgovorne za ustanovitev tržno prisotnega subjekta ponudnika storitev iz Skupnosti v Čilu, če:predstavniki ne izvajajo neposredne prodaje ali storitev, inima ponudnik storitev svojo glavno poslovno enoto na ozemlju države članice ES in nima drugega predstavnika, sedeža, podružnice ali hčerinske družbe v tej državi članici. | |



    A. Poklicne storitve | Brez poseganja v oddelek 1 (horizontalne obveze), so lahko ponudniki storitev, zajeti v tej listi, predmet ocenjevanja pristojnih organov, pri čemer morajo dokazati skladnost z zahtevami, ki zagotavljajo usposobljenost za delovanje v navedenem sektorju. Če strokovnjak svetuje sprožitev postopka na čilskem sodišču ali pri čilskih upravnih organih, mora takšen postopek voditi strokovnjak z ustreznimi kvalifikacijami, pridobljenimi v Čilu. | |

    (a)Pravne storitve (CPC 861) | 1., 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Pravosodni pomočniki (auxiliares de la administración de Justicia) morajo imeti stalno prebivališče v istem kraju ali mestu, kot je sodišče, za katerega opravljajo storitve. Stečajni upravitelji (síndicos de quiebra) morajo imeti najmanj tri leta delovnih izkušenj na komercialnem, ekonomskem ali pravnem področju, minister za pravosodje jih mora pravilno pooblastiti, delajo pa lahko samo v kraju, kjer imajo stalno prebivališče. | 1., 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Javni pravobranilci (defensores públicos), javni notarji (notarios públicos) in skrbniki (conservadores) morajo biti Čilenci in izpolnjevati enake pogoje, kot veljajo pridobitev sodniškega naziva. Arhivarji (archiveros) in arbitri (arbitros de derecho) morajo biti odvetniki in posledično, čilski državljani. Samo čilski državljani z volilno pravico in tujci s stalnim prebivališčem in volilno pravico so lahko sodni tajniki (receptores judiciales) in sodni odvetniki (procuradores del número). Samo čilski državljani in tujci s stalnim prebivališčem v Čilu ali čilske pravne osebe so lahko javni dražitelji (martilieros públicos). Stečajni upravitelji (síndicos de quiebras) morajo imeti tehnične ali poklicne kvalifikacije, ki jih je potrdila univerza, poklicni inštitut ali tehnična izobraževalna ustanova, ki jih Država Čile uradno priznava. Opravljanje poklica odvetnika je rezervirano za čilske državljane. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev. | Samo odvetniki so pooblaščeni za zagovarjanje primerov na čilskih sodiščih in prvi pravni postopek za vsako stranko mora sprožiti odvetnik, ki je ustrezno usposobljen za opravljanje pravniškega poklica. Samo odvetniki so pooblaščeni za pripravo naslednjih dokumentov, med drugim: osnutki statutov družb in njihovo spreminjanje, medsebojno prenehanje obveznosti ali likvidacija družb, prenehanje zakonske zveze, delitev premoženja, statuti pravnih oseb, statuti združenj uporabnikov namakalnih kanalov ali zadrug, pogodbe o finančnih transakcijah in pogodbe v zvezi z izdajanjem delnic družb, ter zahtevki za podelitev statusa pravne osebe družbam in fundacijam. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Računovodske, revizijske in knjigovodske storitve (CPC 86211) | 1., 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Zunanji revizorji finančnih ustanov morajo biti vpisani v register zunanjih revizorjev, ki ga vodita Superintendencia de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras (Nadzor bank in finančnih ustanov) in Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros (Nadzor vrednostnih papirjev in zavarovalništva). Registrirajo se lahko samo pravne osebe, ki so v Čilu pravno registrirane kot societete (sociedades de personas) ali združenja in katerih glavna poslovna dejavnost so revizijske storitve. 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)Davčne storitve (CPC 863) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (d)Arhitekturne storitveArhitekturno svetovanje in prednačrti (CPC 86711)Arhitekturno načrtovanje (CPC 86712) | 1. in 2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1. in 2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (e)Inženirske storitveProjektiranje industrijskih procesov (CPC 86725)Storitve priprave tehničnih načrtov (CPC 86726) | 1. in 2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1. in 2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (f)Veterinarske storitve (CPC 932) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (g)Storitve, ki jih zagotavljajo babice, medicinske sestre, fizioterapevti in paramedicinsko osebje (CPC 93191) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    B.Računalniške in sorodne storitve

    (a)Svetovalne storitve, ki se nanašajo na namestitev računalniške strojne opreme (CPC 841) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Storitve namestitve programske opreme (CPC 842) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)Storitve obdelave podatkov (CPC 843) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (d)Storitve v zvezi s podatkovnimi bazami (CPC 844) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    C.Raziskovalne in razvojne storitve

    (a)Raziskovalne in razvojne storitve v naravoslovnih vedah (CPC 851) (CPC 853) (CPC 8675) | 1., 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Predstavniki pravnih ali fizičnih oseb s stalnim prebivališčem v tujini, ki nameravajo raziskovati za namene opravljanja znanstvenega ali tehničnega dela ali za alpinistične namene (andinismo) v obmejnem pasu, morajo zaprositi za ustrezno dovoljenje pri čilskem konzulu v zadevni državi, ki njihovo prošnjo pošlje takoj in neposredno Dirección de Fronteras y Límites del Estado (Direktorat za državne meje) pri Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve. Dirección de Fronteras y Límites del Estado lahko zahteva, da se odpravi pridružijo eden ali več predstavnikov ustreznih čilskih dejavnosti, da spoznajo in sodelujejo pri študijah in njihovem obsegu. Departamento de Operaciones de la Dirección de Fronteras y Límites del Estado (Oddelek "Dejavnosti" Direktorata za državne meje) obvesti Dirección de Fronteras y Límites del Estado, ali se geografsko ali znanstveno raziskovanje, ki ga nameravajo tuje osebe ali organizacije izvajati v Čilu, dovoli ali zavrne. Dirección de Fronteras y Límites del Estado mora dovoliti in nadzirati vse znanstvene ali tehnične raziskave ali alpinistične raziskave (andinismo), ki jih pravne ali fizične osebe z glavnim sedežem ali stalnim prebivališčem v tujini nameravajo izvajati v obmejnem območju. Poleg tega za storitve iskanja in raziskovanja veljajo enake zahteve in postopki, kot so določeni v Prilogi X, del B (Čilska lista specifičnih obvez v zvezi s pravico do ustanavljanja), črka C (Rudarstvo in pridobivanje naravnih kamnin) in črka E (Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo). | 1., 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Tuje fizične ali pravne osebe, ki nameravajo delati raziskave v 200-miljskem pomorskem pasu, ki je v državni pristojnosti, morajo pridobiti dovoljenje Instituto Hidrográfico de la Armada de Chile (Hidrografski inštitut čilske vojske), v skladu z ustreznim predpisom. V ta namen morajo vložiti prošnjo vsaj šest mesecev pred datumom, predvidenim za začetek raziskav. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Raziskovalne in razvojne storitve v družboslovnih in humanističnih vedah (CPC 852) (CPC 853) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Tuje fizične ali pravne osebe, ki nameravajo izvajati izkopavanja, raziskave, sondiranje in/ali zbirati antropološki, arheološki in paleontološki material, morajo zaprositi za dovoljenje pri Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales (Svet za nacionalne spmenike). Predpogoj za izdajo takšnega dovoljenja je, da je oseba, ki vodi takšno raziskavo, član zanesljive tuje znanstvene ustanove in sodeluje s čilsko znanstveno ustanovo v državni lasti ali s čilsko univerzo. Takšna dovoljenja se lahko izdajo čilskim raziskovalcem z ustrezno znanstveno kariero na področju arheologije, antropologije ali paleontologije, ki so pravilno potrjeni, in ki imajo raziskovalni projekt in sponzorstvo ustrezne ustanove; ter tujim raziskovalcem, pod pogojem, da so člani zanesljive znanstvene ustanove in sodelujejo s čilsko znanstveno ustanovo v državni lasti ali s čilsko univerzo. Muzejski kuratorji in direktorji, ki jih potrdi Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales, poklicni arheologi, antropologi ali paleontologi in člani Sociedad Arqueológica de Chile (Čilskega arheološkega združenja so pooblaščeni za opravljanje del v zvezi z ohranjanjem. Ohranjanje zajema nujno reševanje arheoloških, antropoloških ali paleontoloških podatkov ali reševanje vrst, ki jim grozi skorajšnje izumrtje. 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)Interdisciplinarne raziskovalne in razvojne storitve (CPC 853) | 1. in 2.Ni omejitev.3.Ni omejitev, razen:Tuje fizične ali pravne osebe, ki nameravajo delati raziskave v 200-miljskem pomorskem pasu, ki je v državni pristojnosti, morajo pridobiti dovoljenje Instituto Hidrográfico de la Armada de Chile (Hidrografski inštitut čilske vojske), v skladu z ustreznim predpisom. V ta namen morajo vložiti prošnjo vsaj šest mesecev pred datumom, predvidenim za začetek raziskav. 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    D.Nepremičninske storitve

    (a)Ki zajemajo lastniško ali zakupljeno posest (CPC 821) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Posredovanje pri prodaji (CPC 822) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    E.Storitve izposojanja/ lizing brez posadke/izvajalcev

    (a)V zvezi s plovili (CPC 83103) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)V zvezi z zrakoplovi (CPC 83104) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)V zvezi z drugimi prevoznimi sredstvi (CPC 83101) (CPC 83102) (CPC 83105) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (d)V zvezi z drugimi stroji in opremo (CPC 83106) (CPC 83107) (CPC 83108) (CPC 83109) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    F.Druge poslovne storitve

    (a)Storitve oglaševanja (CPC 871) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Storitve tržnih raziskav in raziskav javnega mnenja (CPC 864) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)Storitve svetovanja pri upravljanju (CPC 865) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (d)Storitve, povezane s svetovanjem pri upravljanju (CPC 866) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (e)Storitve tehničnega preizkušanja in analitične storitve (CPC 8676) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (f)Storitve na področju kmetijstva, lova in gozdarstva (CPC 881) | 1., 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Osebe, ki imajo v lasti orožje, eksploziv ali podobne snovi, morajo zaprositi za dovoljenje pri ustreznem nadzornem organu (autoridad fiscalizadora), ki je pristojen za kraj, v katerem imajo stalno prebivališče, ki bo opravil pregled. V ta namen je treba vložiti zahtevek pri Dirección General de Movilización Nacional del Ministerio de Defensa (Generalni direktorat Ministrstva za obrambo za nacionalno mobilizacijo). 2.Ni omejitev. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (g)Rudarske storitve (CPC 883) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (h)Zaposlovanje osebja (CPC 87201) (CPC 87202) (CPC 87203) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (i)Preiskovalne in varnostne storitve (CPC 87302) (CPC 87303) (CPC 87304) (CPC 87305) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Samo Čilenci lahko zagotavljajo storitve kot zasebni oboroženi stražarji. 1. in 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (j)Sorodne storitve znanstvenega in tehničnega svetovanja (CPC 8675) | 1., 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Predstavniki pravnih ali fizičnih oseb s stalnim prebivališčem v tujini, ki nameravajo opravljati raziskave za znanstveno ali tehnično delo ali v zvezi z alpinizmom (andinismo) v obmejnih območjih, morajo zaprositi za ustrezno dovoljenje pri čilskem konzulu v zadevni državi, ki takšno prošnjo nato takoj in neposredno pošlje Dirección de Fronteras y Límites del Estado (Direktorat za državne meje) pri Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve. Dirección de Fronteras y Límites del Estado lahko zahteva, da se odpravi pridružijo eden ali več predstavnikov ustreznih čilskih dejavnosti, da spoznajo in sodelujejo pri študijah in njihovem obsegu. Departamento de Operaciones de la Dirección de Fronteras y Límites del Estado (Oddelek "Dejavnosti" Direktorata za državne meje) obvesti Dirección de Fronteras y Límites del Estado, ali se geografsko ali znanstveno raziskovanje, ki ga nameravajo tuje osebe ali organizacije izvajati v Čilu, dovoli ali zavrne. Dirección de Fronteras y Límites del Estado mora dovoliti in nadzirati vse znanstvene ali tehnične raziskave ali alpinistične raziskave (andinismo), ki jih pravne ali fizične osebe z glavnim sedežem ali stalnim prebivališčem v tujini nameravajo izvajati v obmejnem območju. Poleg tega za storitve iskanja in raziskovanja veljajo enake zahteve in postopki, kot so določeni v Prilogi X, del B (Čilska lista specifičnih obvez v zvezi s pravico do ustanavljanja), črka C (Rudarstvo in pridobivanje naravnih kamnin) in črka E (Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo). | 1. in 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Tuje fizične ali pravne osebe, ki nameravajo delati raziskave v 200-miljskem pomorskem pasu, ki je v državni pristojnosti, morajo pridobiti dovoljenje Instituto Hidrográfico de la Armada de Chile (Hidrografski inštitut čilske vojske), v skladu z ustreznim predpisom. V ta namen morajo vložiti prošnjo vsaj šest mesecev pred datumom, predvidenim za začetek raziskav. | |

    | 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 2.Ni omejitev. | |

    (k)Vzdrževanje in popravila opreme (plovila, zrakoplovi in druga prevozna oprema niso vključeni) (CPC 633) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (l)Storitve čiščenja zgradb (CPC 874) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (m)Fotografske storitve (CPC 875) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (n)Storitve pakiranja (CPC 876) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (o)Tiskarske in založniške storitve (CPC 88442) | 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Vsak časopis, revija ali mesečnik, ki ima svojo uredniško upravo v Čilu, mora imeti odgovornega direktorja in namestnika, ki morata biti državljana Čila s stalnim prebivališčem v Čilu. | 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Lastnik časopisa, revije ali mesečnika z uredniškim naslovom v Čilu ali nacionalne tiskovne agencije, mora biti čilski državljan s stalnim prebivališčem v Čilu. Lastnik, ki je pravna oseba ali skupno lastništvo (comunidad), se šteje kot čilski, če je 85 odstotkov lastniškega kapitala ali pravic v skupnem lastništvu v lasti čilskih fizičnih ali pravnih oseb. Za te namene je čilska pravna oseba organizacija, katere 85 odstotkov kapitala je v čilski lasti. | |

    | 1. in 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1. in 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (p)Kongresne storitve | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |


    Poštne in kurirske storitve Storitve v zvezi z obdelavo [50] poštnih pošiljk [51] v skladu z naslednjim seznamom podsektorjev, ne glede na to, ali so namenjene v domače ali tuje kraje. (i)Obdelava naslovljenih pisnih sporočil na katerem koli fizičnem mediju, vključno s [52]hibridno poštodirektno pošto(ii)Obdelava naslovljenih paketov [53](iii)Obdelava naslovljenih tiskovin [54](iv)Obdelava pošiljk iz (i) do (iii) zgoraj, kot priporočene ali zavarovane pošte(v)Ekspresna dostava [55] za izdelke iz (i) do (iii) zgoraj(vi)Obdelava nenaslovljenih pošiljk(vii)Druge storitve, ki niso navedene na drugem mestu | 1. 2. 3.Ni omejitev, razen da lahko po Decreto Supremo No5037 z dne 4. novembra 1960, ki ga je izdal Ministerio del Interior (Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve) in Decreto con Fuerza de Ley No10 z dne 30. januarja 1982, ki ga je izdal Ministerio de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (Ministrstvo za promet in telekomunikacije) ali njegovi nasledniki, Država Čile z Empresa de Correos de Chile, izvaja monopol pri sprejemanju, prevozu in dostavi poštnih pošiljk (objetos de correspondencia). Poštne pošiljke pomenijo: pisma, navadne razglednice in dopisnice, poslovne dokumente, okrožnice in tiskovine vseh vrst, vključno s tiskovinami v braillovi pisavi, vzorce blaga, majhne pakete z maso do 1 kg in posebne poštne storitve, ki zajemajo snemanje in dostavo zvočnih sporočil (fonos postales).4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1. 2. 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    B.Zasebni zakupljeni vodi

    (a)Telefonske storitve(b)Prenos podatkov(c)Elektronska pošta | 1. in 2.Brez obvez.3.Predmet koncesije za omejeno storitev4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1. in 2.Brez obvez.3.Predmet koncesije za omejene storitve4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    C.Telekomunikacijske storitve


    Telekomunikacijske storitve sestavlja prenos elektromagnetnih signalov (zvok, podatki, slika in vse njihove kombinacije) ne glede na uporabljeno tehnologijo. Ta opredelitev ne pokriva gospodarske dejavnosti, ki zajema zagotavljanje storitve, katere vsebina zahteva uporabo telekomunikacijske storitve za prenos. Za zagotavljanje storitve, katere vsebina se prenaša prek telekomunikacijskih storitev, veljajo pogoji, določeni v seznamu posebnih obvez, ki jih Čile sprejme v navedenem sektorju, podsektorju ali dejavnosti. Lista obvez izključuje osnovne lokalne telekomunikacijske storitve. Vključuje samo medkrajevne nacionalne in mednarodne osnovne telekomunikacijske storitve: | V primeru zasebnih storitev, katerih cilj je izpolniti posebne telekomunikacijske potrebe posameznih podjetij, enot ali oseb po predhodnem dogovoru, zagotavljanje teh storitev ne daje dostopa do prometa ali do uporabnikov javnih telekomunikacijskih omrežij. | | |

    (a)Telefonske storitve (CPC 7521)(b)Storitve prenosa podatkov po paketno komutiranih omrežjih (CPC 7523**)(c)Storitve prenosa podatkov po vodovno komutiranih omrežjih (CPC 7523**)(d)Storitve teleksa (CPC 7523**)(e)Telegrafske storitve (CPC 7522)(f)Faksimilne storitve (CPC 7521** + 7529**)(g)Storitve zasebnih zakupljenih vodov (CPC 7522** + 7523**) | 1., 2. in 3.Ni omejitev, razen:Predmet koncesije, licence ali dovoljenja, ki ga izda Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones (Podsekretariat za telekomunikacije). Ponudnik storitev, ki zagotavlja medkrajevne nacionalne ali mednarodne telefonske storitve mora biti ustanovljen kot sociedad anónima abierta (javna odprta družba). 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2. in 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (h)Elektronska pošta | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (i)Glasovna pošta | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (j)Sprotne informacije in iskanje v bazah podatkov | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (k)Računalniška izmenjava podatkov (EDI) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (l)Faksimilne storitve z dodano vrednostjo, vključno s shrani in pošlji ter shrani in poišči | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (m)Pretvorba kod in protokolov | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (n)Sprotne informacije in/ali obdelava podatkov (vključno z obdelavo transakcij) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (o)Storitve z dodano vrednostjo | 1.Ni omejitev, razen:Predmet dogovora o izmenjavi prometa med operaterji s koncesionarjem za mednarodne storitve. | 1.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev, razen: Predmet pridobitve dovoljenja.Pogodba s koncesionarjem javne storitve. Dovoljenje za dopolnilno storitev, ki ga izda Podsekretariat za telekomunikacije. | 2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (p)Drugo | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    3. GRADBENE STORITVE IN Z NJIMI POVEZANE INŽENIRSKE STORITVE (CPC 511 TO 518) | 1., 3.Brez obvez, razen da se merila iz člena 97(2) o dostopu na trg uporabljajo na osnovi nacionalne obravnave.2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |


    A. Posredniške storitve (CPC 621) (CPC 6111) (CPC 6113) (CPC 6121) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    B. Storitve trgovine na debelo (CPC 622) (CPC 61 111) (CPC 6113) (CPC 6121) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    C. Storitve trgovine na drobno (CPC 631) (CPC 632) (CPC 61112) (CPC 6113) (CPC 6121) (CPC 613) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    D. Franšizing (CPC 8929) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    E. Drugo | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    5. OKOLJSKE STORITVE (CPC 940) | 1., 3.Brez obvez, razen da se merila iz člena 97(2) o dostopu na trg uporabljajo na osnovi nacionalne obravnave.2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |


    A. Hoteli in restavracije (vključno s pripravo in dostavo hrane) (CPC 641) (CPC 642) (CPC 643) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    B. Storitve turističnih agencij in organizatorjev potovanj (CPC 7471) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    C. Storitve turističnih vodnikov | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    7.REKREACIJSKE, KULTURNE IN ŠPORTNE STORITVE (razen avdiovizualnih storitev)

    A. Razvedrilne storitve (vključno s storitvami gledališč, ansamblov, ki igrajo v živo, in cirkusov) (CPC 9619) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    B. Storitve tiskovnih agencij | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    C. Storitve knjižnic, arhivov in muzejev ter druge kulturne storitve (CPC 963) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    D. Športne in druge rekreacijske storitve (CPC 9641) (CPC 96491) | 1., 2. in 3.Ni omejitev, razen da se lahko za športne organizacije, ki razvijajo poklicne dejavnosti, zahteva določena oblika pravne osebe. Poleg tega, na osnovi nacionalne obravnave: (i) ni dovoljeno sodelovati z več kot eno ekipo v isti kategoriji športnega tekmovanja, (ii) se lahko določijo posebni predpisi o deležu lastniškega kapitala v športnih gospodarskih družbah; (iii) se lahko uvede zahteva po minimalnem kapitalu.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    E. Drugo (CPC 96499) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev. | 3.Osebe, ki imajo v lasti orožje, eksploziv ali podobne snovi morajo zaprositi za dovoljenje pri ustreznem nadzornem organu (autoridad fiscalizadora), ki je pristojen za kraj, v katerem imajo stalno prebivališče, ki bo opravil pregled. V ta namen je treba vložiti zahtevek pri Dirección General de Movilización Nacional (Generalni direktorat za nacionalno mobilizacijo) pri Ministrstvu za obrambo.1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |


    A. Storitve pomorskega prevoza (CPC 721) (a)Prevoz potnikov (CPC 7211)(b)Prevoz tovora (CPC 7212)Storitve nakladanja in razkladanja (CPC 741) (CPC 742)(c)Izposojanje/zakup plovil s posadko(d)Vzdrževanje in popravila plovil(e)Storitve vlečenja in potiskanja (CPC 72140)(f)Pomožne storitve v zvezi s pomorskim transportom (CPC 745)Druge storitve nakladanja in razkladanja (CPC 7419) Druge dopolnilne in dodatne prevozne storitve (CPC 74590) B. Prevoz po celinskih plovnih poteh (CPC 722) (a)Prevoz potnikov (CPC 7221)(b)Prevoz tovora (CPC 7222)Storitve nakladanja in razkladanja (CPC 741) (CPC 742)(c)Izposojanje/zakup plovil s posadko(d)Vzdrževanje in popravila plovil(e)Vlečenje in potiskanje plovil (CPC 72240)(f)Pomožne storitve pri pomorskem prevozu (CPC 745)Druge storitve nakladanja in razkladanja (CPC 7419)Druge dopolnilne in dodatne prevozne storitve (CPC 74590) | 3.(a) Ustanovitev registrirane gospodarske družbe za namene upravljanja flote pod čilsko zastavo: brez obvez.(b) Druge oblike tržne prisotnosti za ponujanje storitev mednarodnega pomorskega prevoza (kot je opredeljen v nadaljevanju): ni omejitev, razen [57]: V Čilu lahko registrirajo plovilo samo fizične ali pravne osebe. Pravna oseba mora imeti glavni in dejanski sedež v Čilu, predsednik, direktor in večina direktorjev in upravljalcev pa morajo biti čilske fizične osebe. Poleg tega mora biti več kot 50 odstotkov lastniškega kapitala v lasti čilskih fizičnih ali pravnih oseb. Za te namene mora pravna oseba z lastniško udeležbo v drugi pravni osebi, ki ima v lasti plovilo, izpolnjevati vse prej navedene zahteve. Skupno lastništvo (comunidad) lahko registrira plovilo, če je večina skupnih lastnikov čilskih državljanov s stalnim in začasnim prebivališčem v Čilu, če so upravljalci čilski državljani in večina pravic skupnega lastništva pripada čilskim fizičnim ali pravnim osebam. Za te namene mora pravna oseba z lastniško udeležbo v skupnem lastništvu (comunidad), ki ima v lasti plovilo, izpolnjevati vse prej navedene zahteve. Za plutje pod nacionalno zastavo morajo biti kapitan ladje, častniki in posadka čilski državljani. Vendar pa Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante (Generalni direktoraz za pomorsko ozemlje in trgovsko mornarico), na osnovi upravičenega sklepa, začasno dovoli najem tujega osebja, z izjemo kapitana, ki mora biti vedno čilski državljan. Samo čilske fizične ali pravne osebe lahko delajo v Čilu kot multimodalni operaterji. Kabotaža je rezervirana za čilska plovila. Za te namene kabotaža pomeni: prevoz potnikov in tovora po morju, rekah in jezerih med kraji na nacionalnem ozemlju in med takšnimi kraji in pomorskimi objekti, nameščenimi v teritorialnem morju ali v izključni gospodarski coni. Tuja trgovska plovila (nave mercante) lahko sodelujejo pri kabotaži z maso tovora nad 900 ton, če je uporabnik pred tem izvede javni razpis v ustreznem časovnem roku. Če ima tovor maso 900 ton ali manj in ni na voljo nobeno plovilo, ki pluje pod čilsko zastavo, pomorski organ dovoli prevoz takšnega tovora s tujimi trgovskimi plovili (naves mercantes). Omejitev kabotaže na čilska plovila se ne uporablja v primeru tovora, ki prihaja iz pristanišč v provinci Arica ali je namenjen vanje. 1. in 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 3.(a) Ustanovitev registrirane gospodarske družbe za namene upravljanja flote pod čilsko zastavo: brez obvez.(b) Druge oblike tržne prisotnosti za ponujanje storitev mednarodnega pomorskega prevoza (kot je opredeljen v nadaljevanju [57]): ni omejitev, razen: Posebna plovila v lasti tujih fizičnih ali pravnih oseb s stalnim prebivališčem oziroma glavnim sedežem, so lahko pod določenimi pogoji, registrirana v Čilu. Za te namene posebna plovila ne zajemajo ribiških plovil. Pogoji, ki morajo biti izpolnjeni za registracijo posebnih plovil v lasti tujcev, so naslednji: tuja fizična ali pravna oseba mora imeti stalno prebivališče oziroma glavni sedež v Čilu ali redno opravljati poklic ali tržno dejavnost v Čilu. Pomorski organ lahko zaradi nacionalne varnosti uvede posebne omejitve za delovanje teh plovil. Tuja plovila morajo uporabljati storitve pilotaže, zasidranja in pristaniške pilotaže, če tako zahtevajo pomorski organi. Pri dejavnostih vlečenja ali drugih oblikah manevriranja v čilskih pristaniščih, se lahko uporabljajo samo vlačilci, ki plujejo pod čilsko zastavo. Kapitani morajo biti čilski državljani in jih mora za kapitane potrditi ustrezni organ. Častniki na čilskih plovilih morajo biti čilski državljani in registrirani v registru častnikov (Registro de Oficiales). Člani posadke na čilskih plovilih morajo biti čilski državljani, imeti dovoljenje, ki ga izda pomorski organ in biti registrirani v ustreznem registru. V tujini izdane poklicne kvalifikacije in dovoljenja veljajo za opravljanje storitve častnikov na nacionalnih plovilih, če generalni direktor Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante (Pomorsko ozemlje in trgovska mornarica) tako odloči z utemeljenim sklepom. Ladijski kapitani (patron de nave) morajo biti čilski državljani. "Ladijski kapitan" je fizična oseba, ki zaradi ustreznih kvalifikacij, ki jih je izdal generalni direktor Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante (Pomorsko ozemlje in trgovska mornarica), pooblaščen za poveljevanje na manjših plovilih in nekaterih posebnih večjih plovilih. Samo čilski državljani ali tujci s stalnim prebivališčem v Čilu so lahko kapitani ribiških plovil (patrones de pesca), strojniki (mecánicos-motoristas), upravljalci strojev (motoristas), ribiči na morju (marineros pescadores), ribiči (pescadores), tehnični delavci ali uslužbenci v industrijski ali pomorski trgovini, ter delovna in splošna posadka na predelovalnih ladjah ali ribiških plovilih, če tako zahtevajo upravljalci ladje, in sicer kot nujni za začetno organizacijo takšnega dela. Ladjarski agenti ali predstavniki upravljalcev, lastniki ali kapitani ladje, morajo biti čilski državljani, ne glede na to ali so fizične ali pravne osebe. Agenti, odgovorni za nakladanje in razkladanje in družbe za nakladanje, ki prenašajo tovor ali del njega med plovili in pristaniškimi napravami ali prevoznimi sredstvi za kopenski prevoz in obratno, morajo prav tako izpolnjevati to zahtevo. Poleg tega morajo biti osebe, ki razkladajo pretovarjajo in prenašajo ter na splošno uporabljajo čilska celinska in otoška pristanišča, zlasti v zvezi z ulovom, predelanim na krovu, čilske pravne ali fizične osebe. 1. in 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    C. Storitve zračnega prevoza (CPC 734) (CPC 7469) | 3.Nacionalne ali tuje družbe lahko zagotavljajo storitve komercialnega zračnega prevoza, če izpolnjujejo tehnične zahteve in zahteve v zvezi z zavarovanjem. Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (Generalni direktorat za civilno letalstvo) je odgovoren za preverjanje izpolnjevanja tehničnih zahtev, Junta Aeronáutica Civil (Uprava za civilno letalstvo) pa za preverjanje izpolnjevanja zahtev v zvezi z zavarovanjem.V Čilu lahko registrirajo zrakoplov samo čilske fizične ali pravne osebe. Pravna oseba mora biti ustanovljena v Čilu in imeti glavni sedež in dejanski sedež v Čilu, predsednik, direktor in/ali večina direktorjev in upravljalcev pa morajo biti čilski državljani. Poleg tega mora biti večinski lastniški delež v lasti čilskih fizičnih ali pravnih oseb, ki morajo prav tako izpolnjevatinzgoraj avedene zahteve. Vendar pa lahko uprava za letenje dovoli registracijo zrakoplovov, ki pripadajo tujim fizičnim ali pravnim osebam, če so stalno zaposlene ali če opravljajo poklicno ali trgovinsko dejavnost v Čilu. Enako dovoljenje se lahko izda za tuje zrakoplove, ki jih po kakršnem koli pooblastilu upravljajo čilski letalski prevozniki. Tuji civilni zrakoplovi, ki opravljajo dejavnosti čarterskih storitev zračnega prevoza, ki nameravajo vstopiti na čilsko ozemlje, vključno s teritorialnimi vodami, preleteti Čile ali se v Čilu ustaviti za nekomercialne namene, morajo o tem obvestiti Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (Generalni direktorat za civilno letalstvo) najmanj 24 ur prej, da dobijo dovoljenje. V nobenem primeru ne sme takšen zrakoplov vkrcati ali izkrcati potnikov, tovora ali pošte na čilskem ozemlju brez predhodnega dovoljenja Junta Aeronáutica Civil (Uprava za civilno letalstvo). Tuje letalsko osebje lahko dela v Čilu v ta namen, pod pogojem, da uprava za civilno letalstvo v tujini izdano licenco ali dovoljenje prizna kot veljavno v Čilu. Če ni mednarodnega sporazuma o takšnem priznavanju, se veljavnost prizna pod pogojem vzajemnosti in če se dokaže, da je licence ali dovoljenja izdal ali potrdil pristojni organ v državi, kjer je zrakoplov registriran, da so veljavna in da so zahteve za njihovo podaljšanje ali potrditev enake ali strožje od tistih, ki veljajo v Čilu za podobne primere. Če želijo tuji letalski uslužbenci kot člani posadke delati na krovu zrakoplovov, ki jih upravlja čilska letalska družba, morajo najprej pridobiti čilsko licenco z ustreznimi dovoljenji, ki jim omogočajo opravljanje njihovih nalog. | 3.Zasebni zrakoplovi, registrirani v tujini, v Čilu ne smejo ostati dlje, kot določajo predpisi, brez dovoljenja Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (Generalni direktorat za civilno letalstvo).3. Zasebni zrakoplovi, registrirani v tujini, ki se uporabljajo za vlečenje jadralnih letal in zagotavljanje padalskih storitev, v Čilu ne smejo ostati več kot 30 dni od datuma vstopa v Čile brez dovoljenja Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (Generalni direktorat za civilno letalstvo). | |

    | 1. in 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1. in 2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (a)Vzdrževanje in popravila zrakoplovov | 1.Brez obvez.2. in 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez.2. in 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Prodaja in trženje storitev zračnega prevoza | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev. | 1.Brez obvez za distribucijo s pomočjo računalniškega sistema rezervacij ali za storitve zračnega prevoza, ki jih nudi sedež ponudnika sistema rezervacij.2.Ni omejitev.3.Brez obvez za distribucijo s pomočjo računalniškega sistema rezervacij ali za storitve zračnega prevoza, ki jih nudi sedež ponudnika sistema rezervacij. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)Storitve računalniškega sistema rezervacij | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez za obveznosti glavnega ponudnika prevoza ali za udeleženda v zvezi z računalniškim sistemom rezervacij, ki ga nadzira družba za zračni prevoz iz ene ali več tretjih držav.2.Ni omejitev.3.Brez obvez za obveznosti glavnega ponudnika prevoza ali za udeleženca v zvezi z računalniškim sistemom rezervacij, ki ga nadzira družba za zračni prevoz iz ene ali več tretjih držav.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    D. Storitve cestnega prevoza | | | |

    (a)Prevoz potnikov (CPC 71211) | 1. 3.Brez obvez, razen da se merila iz člena 97(2) o dostopu na trg uporabljajo na osnovi nacionalne obravnave.2.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Prevoz tovora (CPC 7123) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev, razen za mednarodni cestni prevoz, kot je določeno v Sporazumu o mednarodnem cestnem prevozu ("Acuerdo sobre Transporte Internacional Terrestre"), ki so ga sprejeli Čile, Argentina, Bolivija, Brazilija, Paragvaj in Urugvaj.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)Izposojanje gospodarskih cestnih vozil z izvajalcem (CPC 71222) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (d)Vzdrževanje in popravila cestne prevozne opreme (CPC 6112) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (e)Pomožne storitve v cestnem prevozu (CPC 7441) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    E. Cevovodni transport | | | |

    (a)Transport goriv (CPC 7131) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev, razen da morajo storitev zagotavljati pravne osebe, ustanovljene v skladu s čilsko zakonodajo in da je lahko zagotavljanje storitve predmet koncesije na osnovi nacionalne obravnave.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Transport drugega blaga (CPC 7139) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev, razen da morajo storitev zagotavljati pravne osebe, ustanovljene v skladu s čilsko zakonodajo in da je lahko zagotavljanje storitve predmet koncesije na osnovi nacionalne obravnave.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    F. Pomožne storitve za vse vrste prevoza | | | |

    (a)Storitve ravnanja s tovorom (CPC 748) (CPC 749) (CPC 741) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev, razen da so lahko carinski agenti ali posredniki samo čilski državljani.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Storitve shranjevanja in skladiščenja (CPC 742) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)Storitve agencij za prevoz tovora (CPC 748) | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1., 2., 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    [1] V primeru Avstrije, Finske in Švedske ni nobenih horizontalnih pridržkov pri storitvah, ki se štejejo kot javne gospodarske službe.

    [2] Pojasnjevalna opomba: V nekaterih sektorjih obstajajo javne gospodarske službe, kot so na primer službe, povezane z znanstvenim in tehničnim svetovanjem, R&R, storitvami na področju družboslovja in humanistike, tehničnega preskušanja in analitične storitve, okoljske storitve, zdravstvene storitve, prevozne storitve in pomožne storitve pri vseh vrstah prevoza. Izključne pravice za opravljanje takšnih storitev se pogosto dodelijo zasebnim subjektom, na primer subjektom, ki jim javni organi podelijo koncesije, ki so pogojene s posebnimi storitvenimi obveznostmi. Ker javne gospodarske službe pogosto obstajajo tudi na subcentralni ravni, sestavljanje podrobnih in izčrpnih list po posameznih sektorjih ni praktično.

    [3] Pri teh zahtevah se lahko sprejmejo izjeme, če se lahko dokaže, da stalno bivališče ni potrebno.

    [4] Komercialne, industrijske ali obrtniške dejavnosti se nanašajo na sektorje, kot so: druge poslovne storitve, gradbeništvo, distribucija in turistične storitve. Ne nanašajo se na telekomunikacije in finančne storitve.

    [5] Dolžino "začasnega prebivanja" opredelijo države članice ter zakoni in drugi predpisi Skupnosti o vstopu, prebivanju in delu, če obstajajo. Dolžina se lahko spreminja glede na različne kategorije fizičnih oseb, navedene v tej listi.

    [6] Vse druge zahteve iz zakonov in drugih predpisov Skupnosti in držav članic, ki se nanašajo na vstop, bivanje, delo in ukrepe socialne varnosti se še naprej uporabljajo, skupaj s predpisi o času bivanja, najnižji plači, kakor tudi kolektivne pogodbe o plačah.

    [7] "Premeščenec znotraj podjetja" je fizična oseba, ki dela pri pravni osebi, razen nepridobitnih organizacij, ki je ustanovljena na ozemlju Čila in je v zvezi z opravljanjem storitve v obliki tržno prisotnega subjekta začasno premeščena na ozemlje države članice; zadevne pravne osebe morajo imeti svojo glavno poslovno enoto na ozemlju Čila, zadevna oseba mora biti premeščena v podjetje (urad, podružnico, hčerinsko gospodarsko družbo) te pravne osebe, ki dejansko opravlja podobne storitve na ozemlju države članice, za katero se uporablja Pogodba ES.

    [8] Komercialne, industrijske ali obrtniške dejavnosti se nanašajo na sektorje, kot so: druge poslovne storitve, gradbeništvo, distribucija in turistične storitve. Ne nanašajo se na telekomunikacije in finančne storitve.

    [9] Pogodba o opravljanju storitev mora biti v skladu z zakoni in drugimi predpisi Skupnosti in države članice, v kateri se pogodba o opravljanju storitev izvaja.

    [10] Če tuji odvetniki ne nastopajo pod nazivom "Advokat" ali kot odvetniki EGP po ustreznem nazivu matične države, lahko prosto nudijo storitve pravnega svetovanja.

    [11] Dostop do teh poklicev ureja francoski Zakon št. 90-1259 z dne 31. decembra 1990, ki odpira celoten obseg pravniških in pravosodnih dejavnosti.

    [12] Mednarodno pravo zajema tudi pravo ES.

    [13] Pojasnjevalna opomba: Glede na to, da se za izvajanje revizorskih dejavnosti zahteva poslovna prisotnost, je čezmejno zagotavljanje storitev brez obvez. Nacionalna poklicna združenja lahko odobrijo samo registrirane zakonite revizorje. Odobritev je predpogoj za izvajanje dejavnosti.

    [14] Priznajo se tuji izpiti in izkušnje, ki dajejo enakovredno pristojnost.

    [15] Pomeni, da je določena storitev le del skupine dejavnosti, ki so zajete v tem CPC.

    [16] Če je ustanavljanje lekarn pogojeno s preverjanjem gospodarskih potreb, se upoštevajo naslednja glavna merila: prebivalstvo, število obstoječih lekarn in njihova geografska gostota. Ta merila se uporabljajo na osnovi nacionalne obravnave, razen za F.

    [17] Dodatna obveza: v I so dovoljena poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe.

    [18] Zadevna storitev se nanaša na poklic nepremičninskih agentov in ne vpliva na nobene pravice in/ali omejitve glede fizičnih oseb, ki kupujejo nepremičnine.

    [19] Navedene storitve ne zajemajo delovanja rudnikov.

    [20] Obveza pri tej obliki ponudbe ni izvedljiva.

    [21] Obveza je našteta v skladu s predlagano razvrstitvijo, o kateri so ES in njene države članice 23. marca 2001 obvestile WTO (dokument WTO S/CSS/W/61).

    [22] Izraz "obdelava" zajema sprejem, sortiranje, prevoz in dostavo.

    [23] "Poštna pošiljka" se nanaša na pošiljke, ki jih obdela katera koli vrsta zasebnega ali javnega gospodarskega subjekta.

    [24] "Pošiljke korespondence": pisno sporočilo na kakršnem koli fizičnem mediju, ki se prenese in dostavi na naslov, ki ga navede pošiljatelj na pošiljki sami ali na njeni ovojnici. Knjige, katalogi, časopisi in revije se ne štejejo kot pošiljke korespondence.

    [25] Npr. pisma, razglednice.

    [26] Sem so vključeni knjige, katalogi.

    [27] Dnevniki, časopisi, revije.

    [28] Ekspresna dostava lahko poleg večje hitrosti in zanesljivosti vključuje tudi elemente dodane vrednosti, kot so sprejem pošiljke na kraju izvora, osebna dostava naslovniku, sledenje, možnost spremembe namembnega kraja in naslovnika med prevozom, potrditev prejema.

    [29] Sredstva, vključno z zagotavljanjem ad hoc prostorov in prevoza, zagotavlja tretja stran, kar omogoča lastno dostavo z medsebojno izmenjavo poštnih pošiljk med uporabniki, ki se naročijo na to storitev. Poštna pošiljka se nanaša na pošiljke, ki jih obdela katera koli vrsta zasebnega ali javnega gospodarskega subjekta.

    [30] Radiodifuzija je opredeljena kot neprekinjena veriga prenosa, ki je potrebna za prenos signalov televizijskih in radijskih programov do splošne javnosti, ne zajema pa povezav med operaterji.

    [31] Razen orožja v vseh državah članicah. Razen eksplozivi, kemični izdelki in plemenite kovine. V A so izključeni pirotehnični izdelki, vnetljivi izdelki, naprave za razstreljevanje, strelivo, vojaška oprema, tobak in tobačni izdelki, toksične snovi, medicinske in kirurške naprave, nekatera zdravila in predmeti za medicinsko uporabo v vseh državah članicah, razen v A, FIN, S.

    [32] Razen tobak v E, I.

    [33] Razen tobak v E, I, F.

    [34] Razen alkoholnih pijač v FIN, S. Razen farmacevtskih izdelkov (del CPC 63211) v vseh državah članicah, ki so predmet obvez v rubriki "farmacevti". Distribucijske storitve, ki nimajo stalnega prodajnega mesta (neposredna prodaja) se prištevajo med storitve prodaje na drobno. CPC 633 (popravila izdelkov široke porabe) so predmet obvez v rubriki poslovne storitve. Ta sektor pokriva izključno distribucijo izdelkov. Ti so materialni in prenosni.

    [35] Če je ustanavljanje pogojeno s preverjanjem gospodarskih potreb, so glavna merila: število obstoječih trgovin in vpliv nanje, gostota prebivalstva, geografska razširjenost, vpliv na promet in ustvarjanje novih delovnih mest.

    [36] Razen tobaka v E, F in I. Razen alkoholnih pijač v IRL.

    [37] Ta pravila ne vplivajo na stalno prodajo na določenem mestu v na proizvodnih mestih.

    [38] Razvrstitev okoljskih storitev je navedena v skladu z razvrstitvijo, zajeto v "Job 7612" (Sporočilo ES in njenih držav članic).

    [39] Če je ustanavljanje v državi članici pogojeno s preverjanjem gospodarskih potreb, so glavna merila: število postelj in/ali težke medicinske opreme glede na potrebe, gostoto prebivalstva in starostno strukturo, geografsko razširjenost, varstvo območij s posebnim zgodovinskim in umetniškim pomenom, vpliv na prometne pogoje in ustvarjanje novih delovnih mest.

    [40] "Skupnost še naprej zagotavlja ladjam, ki plujejo pod zastavo ali jih upravljajo ponudniki storitev druge pogodbenice, obravnavo, ki med drugim v zvezi dostopom do pristanišč, uporabo infrastrukture in pomožnih pomorskih storitev pristanišč ter v zvezi s tem povezanimi pristojbinami in dajatvami, carinskimi objekti in določitvijo privezov ter naprav za nakladanje in razkladanjeni manj ugodna od obravnave, ki jo zagotavlja svojim lastnim ladjam. Storitve pristanišč zajemajo tudi":1. Pilotaža; 2. Pomoč pri vlečenju in potiskanju; 3. Oskrba z živili, gorivom in vodo; 4. Zbiranje odpadkov in odstranjevanje balastne vode; 5. Storitve pristaniškega kapitana; 6. Pomoč pri navigaciji; 7. Obalne operativne storitve, ki so bistvenega pomena za ladijsko delovanje, vključno s komunikacijami ter oskrbo z vodo in elektriko; 8. Oprema za nujna popravila; 9. Storitve zasidranja in priveza.

    [41] "Storitve carinjenja" (ali "storitve carinskih posrednikov") so dejavnosti, ki zajemajo opravljanje carinskih formalnosti v imenu druge stranke, in sicer v zvezi z uvozom, izvozom ali s prevozom tovora, ne glede na to, ali je ta storitev glavna dejavnost ali pa pomožna, vendar običajna dejavnost ponudnika storitev.

    [42] "Storitve začasnih skladišč in depojev za zabojnike" pomeni dejavnosti, ki zajemajo skladiščenje zabojnikov na območju pristanišča ali v notranjosti države, z namenom, da se napolnijo/izpraznijo, popravijo in pripravijo za prevoz.

    [43] "Storitve pomorskih agencij" so dejavnosti agenta, ki na danem geografskem območju zastopa poslovne interese ene ali več linijskih ali ladjarskih družb, in sicer za naslednje namene:

    - trženje in prodaja storitev pomorskega prevoza in sorodnih storitev, od dajanja ponudb do izdajanja računov, ter izdajanja ladijskih tovornih listov, pridobitve in preprodaje s tem povezanih nujnih storitev, pripravo dokumentacije in zagotavljanjem poslovnih informacij,

    - organiziranje v imenu gospodarskih družb, pristanka ladij ali po potrebi prevzema tovora.

    [44] Koncesije za javne gospodarske službe ali postopki za izdajanje dovoljenj se lahko uporabljajo v primeru uporabe javnih površin.

    [45] "Storitve odpreme tovora" so dejavnosti, ki zajemajo organiziranje in spremljanje odpremnih postopkov v imenu vkrcevalca, s prevzemanjem prevoznih in sorodnih storitev, s pripravo dokumentacije in zagotavljanjem poslovnih informacij.

    [46] Preverjanje potreb temelji na številu ponudnikov storitev na lokalnem geografskem območju.

    [47] Če je zagotavljanje storitve predmet preverjanja gospodarskih potreb, ta v osnovi temelji na obstoječem javnem prevozu na zadevni liniji.

    [48] Pomeni, da je določena storitev le del skupine dejavnosti, ki so zajete v tem CPC.

    [49] Ta obveza se ne uporablja za finančne storitve.

    [50] Izraz "obdelava" zajema sprejem (admisión), prevoz (transporte) in dostavo (entrega).

    [51] "Poštna pošiljka" se nanaša na pošiljke, ki jih obdela katera koli vrsta zasebnega ali javnega gospodarskega subjekta.

    [52] Npr. pisma, razglednice.

    [53] Sem so vključeni knjige, katalogi.

    [54] Dnevniki, časopisi, revije.

    [55] Ekspresna dostava lahko poleg večje hitrosti in zanesljivosti vključuje tudi elemente dodane vrednosti, kot so sprejem pošiljke na kraju izvora, osebna dostava naslovniku, sledenje, možnost spremembe namembnega kraja in naslovnika med prevozom, potrditev prejema.

    [56] Dve zvezdici (**) pomenita, da se navedena storitev nanaša samo na skupino dejavnosti, zajetih v ustrezni številki CPC (na primer, storitve glasovne pošte sodijo v CPC številko 7523).

    [57] Druge oblike tržne prisotnosti za ponujanje storitev mednarodnega pomorskega prevoza pomenijo sposobnost ponudnikov storitev mednarodnega pomorskega prevoza druge pogodbenice, da lokalno izvajajo vse dejavnosti, ki so potrebne, da lahko svojim strankam zagotavljajo delno ali v celoti povezano prevozno storitev, znotraj katere pomorski prevoz predstavlja znaten element. (Vendar pa se ta obveza ne razlaga tako, da bi na kakršen koli način omejevala obveze, sprejete pri čezmejni ponudbi).Te dejavnosti med drugim zajemajo:(a)trženje in prodajo storitev pomorskega prometa in z njim povezanih storitev neposredno potrošnikom, od ponudbe do izstavitve računa, ne glede na to, ali te storitve opravlja ali nudi ponudnik storitev sam ali ponudniki storitev, s katerimi ima ponudnik storitev stalne poslovne stike;(b)pridobitev, za lastne potrebe ali za potrebe svojih strank (in preprodajo svojim strankam) kakršnih koli prometnih in z njimi povezanih storitev, vključno s storitvami notranjega prometa na kateri koli način, zlasti po celinskih vodnih poteh, cestah in železnici, nujnih za zagotavljanje povezanih storitev;(c)pripravo prevoznih listin, carinskih listin ali drugih listin o poreklu in vrsti blaga v prometu;(d)nudenje vseh vrst poslovnih informacij, vključno z računalniškimi informacijskimi sistemi in izmenjavo elektronskih podatkov (ob upoštevanju določb tega sporazuma);(e)vzpostavitev poslovnih povezav (vključno z deležem v kapitalu gospodarske družbe) in nastavitve lokalnega osebja (ali v primeru tujega osebja v skladu s horizontalnimi obvezami o premikanju osebja) z lokalno ladjarsko agencijo;(f)organiziranje v imenu gospodarskih družb, pristanka ladij ali po potrebi prevzema tovora.




    (Navedena v členu 120)

    DEL A


    Uvodna opomba

    1. Specifične obveze iz te liste se uporabljajo samo na ozemljih, kjer se uporabljajo Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Skupnosti, in pod pogoji, ki jih določajo te pogodbe. Te obveze se uporabljajo samo za odnose med Skupnostmi in njihovimi državami članicami na eni strani in državami nečlanicami Skupnosti na drugi. Ne vplivajo na pravice in obveznosti držav članic, ki izhajajo iz zakonodaje Skupnosti.

    2. Za označevanje držav članic se uporabljajo naslednje kratice:

    A | Avstrija |

    B | Belgija |

    I | Italija |

    D | Nemčija |

    IRL | Irska |

    DK | Danska |

    L | Luksemburg |

    E | Španija |

    NL | Nizozemska |

    F | Francija |

    FIN | Finska |

    P | Portugalska |

    GR | Grčija |

    S | Švedska |

    UK | Združeno kraljestvo |

    "Hčerinska družba" neke pravne osebe pomeni pravno osebo pod dejanskim nadzorom druge pravne osebe.

    "Podružnica" pravne osebe družbe pomeni poslovno enoto, ki ni pravna oseba, je pa po pojavni obliki stalna enota, kot na primer izpostava matične družbe, ima svojo upravo in je materialno opremljena za poslovanje s tretjimi osebami, tako da jim, čeprav vedo, da bo, če bo potrebno, vzpostavljena pravna povezava z matičnim telesom, ki ima svojo upravo v tujini, ni treba poslovati neposredno z matičnim telesom, ampak lahko svoje posle opravijo v poslovni enoti, ki je izpostava.

    Oblike ponudbe: 1. Čezmejno opravljanje 2. Gibanje potrošnikov 3. Tržna prisotnost 4. Prisotnost fizične osebe |

    Sektor ali podsektor | Omejitve dostopa na trg | Omejitve nacionalne obravnave | Dodatne obveze |



    | 3.Storitve, ki se v vseh državah članicah ES [1] obravnavajo kot javne gospodarske službe na nacionalni ali lokalni ravni, so lahko predmet javnih monopolov ali izključnih pravic, ki se dodeljujejo zasebnim izvajalcem, kot je to določeno v specifičnih obvezah po sektorjih [2]. | 3.(a) Obravnava, priznana hčerinskim družbam (čilskih gospodarskih družb), ustanovljenim v skladu z zakonodajo države članice, ki imajo registriran sedež, osrednjo upravo ali glavno poslovno enoto v Skupnostih, ni razširjena na podružnice ali agencije, ki jih v državi članici ustanovi čilska gospodarska družba. Vendar pa to državi članici ne preprečuje, da razširi to obravnavo na podružnice ali agencije, ki jih je v drugi državi članici ustanovilo čilsko podjetje ali gospodarska družba, v zvezi z njihovim delovanjem na ozemlju prve države članice, razen če takšno razširitev izrecno prepoveduje zakonodaja Skupnosti. | |

    | | (b) Manj ugodna obravnava se lahko dodeli hčerinskim družbam (čilskih gospodarskih družb), ustanovljenim v skladu z zakonodajo države članice, ki imajo na ozemlju Skupnosti samo registriran sedež ali osrednjo upravo, razen če se lahko dokaže, da imajo dejansko in stalno povezavo z gospodarstvom ene od držav članic. | |

    | | Ustanovitev pravne osebe 3.S: Družbo z omejeno odgovornostjo (delniško družbo) lahko ustanovi en ali več ustanoviteljev. Ustanovitelj mora imeti stalno bivališče v EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) ali pa biti pravna oseba EGP. Societeta je lahko ustanovitelj samo, če imajo vsi družbeniki stalno prebivališče v EGP [3]. Ustrezni pogoji veljajo za ustanovitev vseh drugih vrst pravnih oseb. | |

    | Zakon o podružnicah tujih gospodarskih družb 3.S: Tuja gospodarska družba (ki na Švedskem ni ustanovila pravne osebe) izvaja svoje komercialne posle preko podružnice, ustanovljene na Švedskem z neodvisnim vodstvom in ločenimi računi.S: Za gradbene projekte, ki trajajo manj kot leto dni, so izvzeti iz zaheve glede ustanovitve podružnice ali imenovanje predstavnika s stalnim prebivališčem. | Zakon o podružnicah tujih gospodarskih družb 3.S: Generalni direktor in vsaj 50 odstotkov članov upravnega odbora ima stalno prebivališče v EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor).S: Generalni direktor podružnice ima stalno prebivališče v EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) [3]. S: Tuji ali švedski državljani brez stalnega prebivališča na Švedskem, ki želijo opravljati komercialne posle na Švedskem, imenujejo in pri lokalnem organu registrirajo predstavnika s stalnim prebivališčem, ki je odgovoren za takšne dejavnosti. | |

    | Pravne osebe: 3.FIN: Pridobitev delnic večjega finskega podjetja ali gospodarske družbe (z več kot 1000 zaposlenimi ali katerega promet presega 1 milijardo finskih mark ali katerega bilančna vsota presega 167 milijonov eurov) s strani tujega lastnika, s katerimi pridobi več kot tretjino glasovalnih pravic, morajo potrditi finski organi; potrditev se lahko zavrne samo, če bi bil ogrožen pomemben nacionalni interes.FIN: Vsaj polovica ustanoviteljev delniške družbe mora imeti stalno prebivališče na Finskem ali v kateri drugi državi EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor). Vendar pa se lahko pri gospodarskih družbah odobrijo izjeme. | FIN: Tujec, ki živi izven Evropskega gospodarskega prostora in trguje kot zasebni podjetnik ali kot družbenik v finski komanditni družbi ali družbi z neomejeno odgovornostjo, potrebuje dovoljenje za trgovanje. Če namerava tuja organizacija ali fundacija, ki je registrirana izven Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, poslovati ali trgovati tako, da ustanovi podružnico na Finskem, se zahteva dovoljenje za trgovanje. FIN: Če ima vsaj polovica članov upravnega odbora ali generalni direktor stalno bivališče izven Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, se zahteva dovoljenje. Vendar pa se lahko pri gospodarskih družbah odobrijo izjeme. | |

    | Nakup nepremičnin: DK: Omejitve pri nakupu nepremičnin s strani nerezidenčnih fizičnih in pravnih oseb. Omejitve pri nakupu kmetijskih nepremičnin s strani tujih fizičnih in pravnih oseb. GR: V skladu z Zakonom št. 1892/90 morajo državljani dobiti dovoljenje ministra za obrambo za nakup zemlje v obmejnih območjih. V skladu z upravno prakso se dovoljenje zlahka izda za neposredne naložbe. | Nakup nepremičnin: A: Za pridobitev, nakup ter najem ali zakup nepremičnin s strani tujih fizičnih in pravnih oseb se zahteva dovoljenje pristojnih regionalnih organov (Länder), ki presodijo ali to vpliva na pomembne gospodarske, socialne ali kulturne interese. IRL: Domače ali tuje gospodarske družbe ali tuji državljani potrebujejo za pridobitev kakršnih koli pravic na zemljiščih na Irskem predhodno pisno dovoljenje Zemljiške komisije. Če je takšno zemljišče namenjeno industrijski rabi (razen kmetijstva), se ta zahteva opusti ob predložitvi ustreznega potrdila, ki ga v ta namen izda minister za podjetništvo in zaposlovanje. Ta zakon se ne uporablja za mestna zemljišča. | |

    | | I: Ni obvez za nakup nepremičnin. FIN (Alandski otoki): Omejitve pri pravici fizičnih oseb brez regionalnega državljanstva na Alandskih otokih in pravnih oseb do pridobitve in lastništva nepremičnin na Alandskih otokih brez dovoljenja pristojnih organov otokov. FIN (Alandski otoki): Omejitve pri pravici fizičnih oseb brez regionalnega državljanstva na Alandskih otokih in katere koli pravne osebe do ustanavljanja brez dovoljenja pristojnih organov Alandskih otokov. | |

    | Naložbe: F: Za tuje nakupe, ki presegajo 33,33 odstotka delnic ali glasovalnih pravic v obstoječem francoskem podjetju ali 20 odstotkov v francoskih gospodarskih družbah, ki kotirajo na borzi, velja naslednji predpis: – po izteku enega meseca od predhodnega obvestila, se dovoljenje tiho izda, razen če minister za gospodarstvo, v izjemnih okoliščinah, uporabi svojo pravico, da naložbo odloži. | | |

    | F: Tuja udeležba v novo privatiziranih gospodarskih družbah se lahko omeji na različno količino javno ponujenega lastniškega kapitala, pri čemer to količino določi francoska vlada za vsak primer posebej. E: Za naložbe tujih vlad in oseb javnega prava (ki kažejo, da ima takšna oseba poleg gospodarskih tudi negospodarske interese) v Španiji, ki so neposredne ali preko gospodarskih družb ali drugih oseb, ki so pod neposrednim ali posrednim nadzorom tujih vlad, je potrebno predhodno dovoljenje vlade. P: Tuja udeležba v novo privatiziranih gospodarskih družbah se lahko omeji na različno količino javno ponujenega lastniškega kapitala, pri čemer to količino določi portugalska vlada za vsak primer posebej. | | |

    | I: Novo privatiziranim gospodarskim družbam se lahko dodelijo ali ohranijo izključne pravice. Glasovalne pravice v novo privatiziranih gospodarskih družbah so lahko v nekaterih primerih omejene. Za obdobje petih let se lahko za pridobitev velikega deleža delnic gospodarskih družb, ki delujejo na področju obrambe, prevoznih storitev, telekomunikacij in energetike, zahteva soglasje Ministrstva za finance. F: Za ustanovitev v nekaterih [4] komercialnih, industrijskih ali obrtnih dejavnostih, je potrebno dovoljenje, če generalni direktor nima dovoljenja za stalno bivanje. | | |

    | | Subvencije Upravičenost do subvencij iz Evropskih Skupnosti ali držav članic je lahko omejena na pravne osebe, ustanovljene na ozemlju države članice ali na njenem določenem ožjem zemljepisnem območju. Brez obvez za subvencije, namenjene za raziskave in razvoj. Brez obvez za podružnice, ki jih v državi članici ustanovi gospodarska družba nečlanice Skupnosti. Opravljanje storitve ali njeno subvencioniranje v javnem sektorju ni kršitev te obveze. Obveze, sprejete v tej listi od Skupnosti ali držav članic ne zahtevajo, da nudijo subvencije za storitve, ki se opravljajo s kraja izven njenega ozemlja. Če so kakršne koli subvencije na voljo fizičnim osebam, je treba njihovo razpoložljivost omejiti na državljane države članice Skupnosti. | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen za ukrepe, ki se nanašajo na vstop ali začasno bivanje fizičnih oseb [5] v državi članici, brez zahtevkov po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb [6], za naslednje kategorije fizičnih oseb, ki opravljajo storitve: | 4.Brez obvez, razen za ukrepe, ki se nanašajo na kategorije fizičnih oseb iz stolpca o dostopa na trg. | |

    | (i)Fizične osebe, začasno prisotne kot premeščenci znotraj podjetja [7], iz naslednjih kategorij, pod pogojem, da je ponudnik storitev pravna oseba in da so zadevne osebe pri njem zaposlene ali so družbeniki (razen večinskih delničarjev) najmanj leto dni pred takšno premestitvijo: | Direktive ES o medsebojnem priznavanju diplom se ne uporabljajo za državljane tretjih držav. Priznavanje diplom, ki se zahtevajo za izvajanje zakonsko urejenih poklicnih storitev s strani državljanov nečlanic Skupnosti, ostaja v pristojnosti posameznih držav članic, razen če zakonodaja Skupnosti predvideva drugače. Pravica do izvajanja zakonsko urejenih poklicnih storitev v eni od držav članic ne zagotavlja pravice do njihovega izvajanja v drugi državi članici. | |

    | (a)Osebe na vodilnih položajih v pravni osebi, ki v glavnem upravljajo podjetje pod splošnim nadzorom in s potrebnimi navodili upravnega odbora ali delničarjev podjetja ali drugega enakovrednega organa, vključno z:vodenjem podjetja, sektorja ali pododdelka podjetja,nadzorom in kontrolo dela drugih nadzornih, poklicnih ali poslovodnih uslužbencev,s pooblastilom za najemanje in odpuščanje delavcev, za priporočanje najemanja in odpuščanja delavcev ali druge kadrovske ukrepe. | Zahteve glede stalnega prebivališča A: Generalni direktorji podružnic in pravne osebe morajo imeti stalno prebivališče v Avstriji; fizične osebe, ki so v pravni osebi ali podružnici odgovorne za spoštovanje avstrijskega Zakona o trgovini, morajo imeti stalno prebivališče v Avstriji. | |

    | (b)Osebe, zaposlene pri pravni osebi, ki imajo posebno znanje, ki je bistvenega pomena za storitve podjetja, za raziskovalno opremo, metode ali upravljanje. Pri presoji takega posebnega znanja se poleg znanja, specifičnega za podjetje, upošteva tudi ali ima oseba visoke kvalifikacije, ki se nanašajo na vrsto dela ali poklica, ki zahteva specifično tehnično znanje, vključno s članstvom v strokovnih združenjih. | | |

    | (ii)Začasna prisotnost fizičnih oseb iz naslednjih kategorij: | | |

    | (a)Osebe, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča na ozemlju države članice, kjer se uporablja Pogodba ES, ki so predstavniki ponudnika storitev in želijo začasni vstop zaradi pogajanj o prodaji storitev ali sklenitve pogodb o prodaji storitev za tega ponudnika storitev, če ti predstavniki ne bodo opravljali neposredne prodaje splošni javnosti ali sami opravljali storitev. | | |

    | (b)Osebe na vodilnih položajih, kot so opredeljene v (i)(a) zgoraj, pri pravni osebi, ki so odgovorne za ustanovitev tržno prisotnega subjekta ponudnika storitev iz Čila v državi članici, če:predstavniki ne izvajajo neposredne prodaje ali opravljajo storitev, inima ponudnik storitev svojo glavno poslovno enoto na ozemlju Čila in nima drugega predstavnika, sedeža, podružnice ali hčerinske družbe v tej državi članici. | | |

    | F: Če generalni direktor komercialne, industrijske ali obrtne dejavnosti nima dovoljenja za stalno bivanje, mora imeti posebno dovoljenje [8]. | | |

    | I: Dostop do industrijskih, komercialnih in obrtniških dejavnosti je predmet dovoljenja za bivanje in posebnega dovoljenja za opravljanje dejavnosti. | | |



    1.Skupnosti in njihove države članice sprejemajo obveze v zvezi s finančnimi storitvami v skladu z določbami "Dogovora o obvezah pri finančnih storitvah", ki je dodan kot priloga ("Dogovor").2.Te obveze so predmet omejitev dostopa na trg in nacionalne obravnave v oddelku "vsi sektorji" v tej listi in tistih, ki se nanašajo na spodaj navedene podsektorje.3.Obveze dostopa na trg v zvezi z oblikama 1. in 2. se uporabljajo samo za transakcije, navedene v odstavkih B.3 oziroma B.4 oddelka o dostopu na trg v Dogovoru.4.Ne glede na opombo 1 zgoraj, so obveze pri dostopu na trg in nacionalni obravnavi v zvezi z obliko 4. pri finančnih storitvah tiste, ki so navedene v oddelku "vsi sektorji" te liste, razen za Švedsko, kjer so obveze sprejete v skladu z Dogovorom.5.Sprejem novih finančnih storitev ali izdelkov na trg je lahko pogojen z obstojem in skladnostjo z regulativnim okvirjem, katerega namen je doseči cilje, navedene v členu 121.6.Kot splošno pravilo in na nediskriminatorni način morajo finančne ustanove, ki so registrirane v državi članici Skupnosti, sprejeti posebno pravno obliko. |

    A.Zavarovalniške in z zavarovanjem povezane storitve | 1.A: Promocijska dejavnost in posredovanje v imenu hčerinske družbe, ki ni ustanovljena v Skupnosti ali podružnice, ki ni ustanovljena v Avstriji (razen pozavarovanja in retrocesije) je prepovedano.A: Obvezno zavarovanje za letalski prevoz lahko prevzame samo hčerinska družba, ustanovljena v Skupnosti ali podružnica, ustanovljena v Avstriji. DK: Obvezno zavarovanje za letalski prevoz lahko prevzamejo samo podjetja, ustanovljena v Skupnosti. | 1.A: Višji davek na zavarovalne premije se uporablja za zavarovalne pogodbe (razen za pogodbe o pozavarovanju in retrocesiji), ki jih sklene hčerinska družba, ki ni ustanovljena v Skupnosti ali podružnica, ki ni ustanovljena v Avstriji. Lahko se priznajo izjeme od višjega davka. | Evropske skupnosti in njihove države članice sprejmejo dodatne obveze, kot so navedene v priloženih "Dodatnih obvezah Skupnosti in njihovih držav članic". |

    | DK: Nobena oseba ali gospodarska družba (vključno z zavarovalniškimi družbami) ne sme za poslovne namene na Danskem pomagati pri izvajanju neposrednega zavarovanja za osebe s stalnim prebivališčem na Danskem, za danske ladje ali za lastnino na danskem, razen zavarovalniških družb z dovoljenjem danske zakonodaje ali danskih pristojnih organov. D: Police za obvezno zavarovanje za letalski prevoz lahko prevzame samo hčerinska družba, ustanovljena v Skupnosti ali podružnica, ustanovljena v Nemčiji. D: Če ima tuja zavarovalniška družba podružnico v Nemčiji, lahko sklepa zavarovalne pogodbe v Nemčiji v zvezi z mednarodnim prevozom samo s podružnico, ki je ustanovljena v Nemčiji. I: Brez obvez za poklic aktuarja. FIN: Samo zavarovalci s sedežem v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru ali s podružnico na Finskem lahko nudijo zavarovalniške storitve, navedene v pododstavku 3(a) Dogovora. FIN: Za zagotavljanje storitev zavarovalnih posrednikov je pogoj stalni kraj poslovanja v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru. F: Zavarovanje rizikov v zvezi s kopenskim prevozom lahko izvajajo samo zavarovalniška podjetja, ustanovljena v Skupnosti. I: Transportno zavarovanje blaga, zavarovanje samih vozil in zavarovanje odgovornosti v zvezi z riziki, ki se nahajajo v Italiji, lahko prevzemajo samo zavarovalniške družbe, ustanovljene v Skupnosti. Ta pridržek se ne uporablja za mednarodni prevoz, ki vključuje uvoz v Italijo. S: Zagotavljanje neposrednega zavarovanja je dovoljeno samo prek ponudnika zavarovalnih storitev, pooblaščenega na Švedskem, če tuji ponudnik storitev in švedska zavarovalniška družba pripadata isti skupini gospodarskih družb ali imata sklenjen sporazum o sodelovanju. | | |

    | 2.A: Promocijska dejavnost in posredovanje v imenu hčerinske družbe, ki ni ustanovljena v Skupnosti ali podružnice, ki ni ustanovljena v Avstriji (razen pozavarovanja in retrocesije) je prepovedano.A: Obvezno zavarovanje za letalski prevoz lahko prevzame samo hčerinska družba, ustanovljena v Skupnosti ali podružnica, ustanovljena v Avstriji. | 2.A: Višji davek na zavarovalne premije se uporablja za zavarovalne pogodbe (razen za pogodbe o pozavarovanju in retrocesiji), ki jih sklene hčerinska družba, ki ni ustanovljena v Skupnosti ali podružnica, ki ni ustanovljena v Avstriji. Lahko se priznajo izjeme od višjega davka. | |

    | DK: Obvezno zavarovanje za letalski prevoz lahko prevzamejo samo podjetja, ustanovljena v Skupnosti. DK: Nobena oseba ali gospodarska družba (vključno z zavarovalniškimi družbami) ne sme za poslovne namene na Danskem pomagati pri izvajanju neposrednega zavarovanja za osebe s stalnim prebivališčem na Danskem, za danske ladje ali za lastnino na danskem, razen zavarovalniških družb z dovoljenjem danske zakonodaje ali danskih pristojnih organov. D: Police za obvezno zavarovanje za letalski prevoz lahko prevzame samo hčerinska družba, ustanovljena v Skupnosti ali podružnica, ustanovljena v Nemčiji. D: Če ima tuja zavarovalniška družba podružnico v Nemčiji, lahko sklepa zavarovalne pogodbe v Nemčiji v zvezi z mednarodnim prevozom samo s podružnico, ki je ustanovljena v Nemčiji. F: Zavarovanje tveganj v zvezi s kopenskim prevozom lahko izvajajo samo zavarovalniške družbe, ustanovljene v Skupnosti. I: Transportno zavarovanje blaga, zavarovanje samih vozil in zavarovanje odgovornosti v zvezi z riziki, ki se nahajajo v Italiji, lahko prevzemajo samo zavarovalniške družbe, ustanovljene v Skupnosti. Ta pridržek se ne uporablja za mednarodni prevoz, ki vključuje uvoz v Italijo. | | |

    | 3.A: Dovoljenje za podružnice tujih zavarovalcev se mora zavrniti, če zavarovalec v matični državi nima pravne oblike, ki je ustrezna ali primerljiva z delniško družbo ali vzajemnim zavarovalnim združenjem.GR: Pravica do ustanavljanja ne pokriva ustanavljanja predstavništev ali druge stalne prisotnosti zavarovalniških družb, razen če so takšna predstavništva ustanovljena kot agencije, podružnice ali sedeži. FIN: Glavni direktor, vsaj en revizor in najmanj polovica ustanoviteljev in članov upravnega odbora in nadzornega odbora zavarovalniške družbe ima stalno prebivališče v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, razen če Ministrstvo za socialne zadeve in zdravje prizna izjemo. | 3.S: Za družbe za neživljenjsko zavarovanje, ki niso registrirane na Švedskem in poslujejo na Švedskem se – namesto obdavčitve glede na neto rezultat – uporablja obdavčitev, ki temelji na dohodku od premij neposrednega zavarovanja.S: Ustanovitelj zavarovalniške družbe je fizična oseba s stalnim prebivališčem v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru ali pravna oseba, registrirana v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru. | |

    | FIN: Tuji zavarovalci ne morejo dobiti dovoljenja na Finskem kot podružnica za izvajanje zakonskega socialnega zavarovanja (zakonsko pokojninsko zavarovanje, zakonsko nezgodno zavarovanje). F: Za ustanavljanje podružnic se zahteva posebno dovoljenje za predstavnika podružnice. I: Dostop do poklica aktuarja je omejen samo na fizične osebe. Poklicna združenja (neregistrirana), katerih člani so fizične osebe, so dovoljena. I: Dovoljenje za ustanavljanje podružnic je pogojeno z oceno nadzornih organov. IRL: Pravica do ustanavljanja ne pokriva ustanavljanja predstavništev. S: Podjetja za zavarovalno posredništvo, ki niso registrirana na Švedskem lahko ustanovijo tržno prisoten subekt samo v obliki podružnice. | | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:GR: Večina članov upravnega odbora gospodarske družbe, ustanovljene v Grčiji, je državljanov ene od držav članic Skupnosti. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju posebnih pogojev:A: Vodstvo podružnice morata sestavljati dve fizični osebi s stalnim prebivališčem v Avstriji. DK: Generalni agent zavarovalniške podružnice mora imeti stalno prebivališče na Danskem zadnji dve leti, razen če je državljan ene od držav članic Skupnosti. Minister za trgovino in industrijo lahko prizna izjemo. DK: Za večino članov upravnega odbora družbe in za menedžerje se zahteva stalno prebivališče. Vendar pa lahko minister za trgovino in industrijo prizna izjemo pri tej zahtevi. Izjema se prizna na nediskriminatorni osnovi. I: Za poklic aktuarja se zahteva stalno prebivališče. | |

    B.Bančne in druge finančne storitve (razen zavarovanja) | 1. [10]B: V Belgiji se zahteva ustanovitev za zagotavljanje svetovalnih storitev v zvezi z naložbami.I: Brez obvez za "promotori di servizi finanziari" (prodajalec finančnih storitev). IRL: Zagotavljanje investicijskih storitev ali svetovanja v zvezi z investicijami zahteva (I) dovoljenje na Irskem, ki ponavadi zahteva, da je oseba registrirana ali je societeta ali samostojni trgovec, ki mora imeti sedež/registrirani sedež na Irskem (dovoljenje se ne sme zahtevati v nekaterih primerih, npr. če ponudnik storitev iz tretje države nima tržno prisotnega subjekta na Irskem in se storitev ne zagotavlja zasebnim posameznikom) ali (II) dovoljenje v drugi državi članici v skladu z Direktivo ES o investicijskih storitvah. | 1.Ni omejitev. | Evropske skupnosti in njihove države članice sprejmejo dodatne obveze, kot so navedene v priloženih "Dodatnih obvezah Skupnosti in njihovih držav članic". |

    | 2. [11]FIN: Plačila vladnih subjektov (izdatki) se prenesejo prek Sampo Bank Ltd. Pri tej zahtevi izjeme niso možne zaradi posebnih razlogov Ministrstva za finance. | 2.Ni omejitev. | |

    | 3.Vse države članice:Za opravljanje dejavnosti upravljanja skupnih investicijskih skladov in investicijskih družb se zahteva ustanovitev specializirane družbe za upravljanje.Samo podjetja z registriranim sedežem v Skupnosti so lahko depozitarji sredstev investicijskih skladov.DK: Finančne ustanove lahko sodelujejo pri trgovanju z vrednostnimi papirji na Kobenhavenski borzi samo s podružnicami, registriranimi na Danskem. | 3.S: Ustanovitelj bančne družbe je fizična oseba s stalnim prebivališčem v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru ali tuja banka. Ustanovitelj hranilnice je fizična oseba s stalnim prebivališčem v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru. | |

    | FIN: Vsaj polovica ustanoviteljev, članov upravnega odbora, nadzornega odbora in delegatov, generalni direktor, pooblaščeni zastopnik podjetja in oseba, pooblaščena za podpisovanje v imenu kreditne ustanove morajo imeti stalno prebivališče v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, razen če Ministrstvo za finance prizna izjemo. Vsaj en revizor ima stalno prebivališče v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru. FIN: Borzni posrednik (posameznik) na borzi izvedenih vrednostnih papirjev ima stalno prebivališče v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru. Izjeme pri izpolnjevanju te zahteve se lahko priznajo pod pogoji, ki jih določi Ministrstvo za finance. FIN: Plačila vladnih subjektov (izdatki) se prenesejo prek Sampo Bank Ltd. Pri tej zahtevi izjeme niso možne zaradi posebnih razlogov Ministrstva za finance. GR: Za ustanovitev in dejavnosti podružnic se mora uvoziti minimalni znesek tuje valute, ki se pretvori v eure in shrani v Grčiji dokler tuja banka posluje v Grčiji: do štirih (4) podružnic je ta minimalni znesek enak polovici minimalnega zneska delniškega kapitala, ki se zahteva za registracijo kreditne ustanove v Grčiji,za delovanje dodatnih podružnic mora biti minimalni znesek kapitala enak minimalnemu delniškemu kapitalu, ki se zahteva za registracijo kreditne ustanove v Grčiji.I: Pri zagotavljanju prodaje od-vrat-do-vrat, morajo posredniki uporabljati pooblaščene prodajalce finančnih storitev s stalnim prebivališčem na ozemlju države članice Evropskih skupnosti. I: Predstavništva tujih posrednikov ne morejo izvajati dejavnosti, namenjenih zagotavljanju investicijskih storitev. I: Klirinške storitve, vključno s končno poravnavo, lahko izvajajo samo pravilno pooblaščene osebe pod nadzorom Banke Italije v dogovoru z CONSOB. I: Javno ponudbo vrednostnih papirjev lahko izdajo samo pravilno pooblaščene osebe. I: Centralizirane depozitne, skrbniške in administrativne storitve lahko zagotavljajo samo pravilno pooblaščene osebe pod nadzorom CONSOB v dogovoru z Banko Italije. I: V primeru kolektivnih naložbenih shem, ki niso harmonizirane KNPVP po Direktivi 85/611/EGS, mora biti skrbnik/depozitar registriran v Italiji ali v drugi državi članici Evropske skupnosti, pri čemer je ustanovljen prek podružnice v Italiji. Samo banke, zavarovalniške družbe, investicijske družbe za vrednostne papirje, ki imajo svoj glavni sedež v Evropski skupnosti, lahko opravljajo dejavnosti upravljanja s sredstvi pokojninskih skladov. Družbe za upravljanje (zaprti naložbeni skladi in nepremičninski skladi) morajo biti prav tako registrirane v Italiji. IRL: V primeru kolektivnih naložbenih shem, ki so ustanovljene kot skupni investicijski skladi in gospodarske družbe s spremenljivim kapitalom (razen kolektivnih investicijskih podjetij, ki vlagajo v prenosljive vrednostne papirje, KNPVP), morajo biti skrbnik/depozitar in družba za upravljanje registrirani na Irskem ali v drugi državi članici Skupnosti. V primeru investicijskih komanditnih družb mora biti vsaj en splošni družbenik registriran na Irskem. IRL: Oseba, ki želi postati član borze na Irskem, mora biti (I) pooblaščena na Irskem, za kar mora biti registrirana ali societeta, z glavnim/registriranim sedežem na Irskem, ali (II) biti pooblaščena v drugi državi članici v skladu z Direktivo ES o investicijskih storitvah. IRL: Zagotavljanje investicijskih storitev ali svetovanja v zvezi z investicijami zahteva (I) pooblastilo na Irskem, ki ponavadi zahteva, da je oseba registrirana ali ima obiko societete ali samostojni podjetnik, ki mora imeti sedež/registrirani sedež na Irskem (nadzorni organ lahko pooblasti tudi podružnice oseb iz tretjih držav) ali (II) pooblastilo v drugi državi članici v skladu z Direktivo ES o investicijskih storitvah. P: Ustanovitev neskupnostnih bank je pogojena z dovoljenjem ministra za finance, ki ga izda za vsak posamezen primer. Ustanovitev mora prispevati k povečanju učinkovitosti nacionalnega bančnega sistema ali imeti znatne učinke na internacionalizacijo portugalskega gospodarstva. P: Storitev v zvezi s tveganim kapitalom ne smejo zagotavljati podružnice družb za tvegani kapital, ki imajo svoj glavni sedež v državi nečlanici ES. Upravljanje pokojninskih skladov lahko zagotavljajo samo gospodarske družbe, registrirane na Portugalskem in zavarovalniške družbe, ustanovljene na Portugalskem, ki imajo dovoljenje za opravljanje dejavnosti življenjskega zavarovanja. S: Podjetja, ki niso registrirana na Švedskem, lahko ustanovijo tržno prisoten subjekt samo v obliki podružnice, banke pa tudi v obliki predstavništva. | | |

    | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:F: Sociétés d'investissement à capital fixe: pogoj je državljanstvo za predsednika upravnega odbora, generalne direktorje in vsaj dve tretjini upravljalcev, in če ima podjetje, ki se ukvarja z vrednostnimi papirji, nadzorni odbor ali svet, za člane takšnega odbora ali njegovega generalnega direktorja ter za najmanj dve tretjini članov nadzornega sveta. GR: Kreditne ustanove morajo imenovati vsaj dve osebi, ki sta odgovorni za delovanje ustanove. Za te osebe je pogoj stalno prebivališče. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno pod (i) in (ii) v oddelku horizontalnih obvez in ob upoštevanju naslednjih posebnih omejitev:I: Pogoje za "promotori di servizi finanziari" (prodajalec finančnih storitev) je stalno prebivališče. | |



    (a) Skupnost upošteva tesno sodelovanje med regulativnimi in nadzornimi organi držav članic na področju zavarovalništva in podpira njihova prizadevanja za spodbujanje izboljšanih nadzornih standardov.

    (b) Države članice si bodo po svojih najboljših močeh prizadevale, da bodo v šestih mesecih od prejema rešile popolne zahtevke podjetij, za katera velja čilska zakonodaja, za izdajo dovoljenj za poslovanje na področju neposrednega sklepanja zavarovanj prek ustanove v državi članici ali hčerinske družbe v skladu z zakonodajo te države članice. Če se ti zahtevki zavrnejo, si pristojni organ države članice po najboljših močeh prizadeva obvestiti zadevno podjetje in navesti razloge za zavrnitev zahtevka.

    (c) Nadzorni organi držav članic si bodo po svojih najboljših močeh prizadevali, da bodo brez nepotrebnega odlašanja odgovorili na zaprosila za informacije o reševanju popolnih zahtevkov podjetij, za katera velja čilska zakonodaja, za izdajo dovoljenj za poslovanje na področju neposrednega sklepanja zavarovanj prek ustanove v državi članici ali hčerinske družbe v skladu z zakonodajo te države članice.

    (d) Skupnost si po svojih najboljših močeh prizadeva, da preuči vsa vprašanja v zvezi z nemotenim delovanjem notranjega trga za zavarovalništvo in obravnava vse zadeve, ki bi lahko vplivale na notranji trg za zavarovalništvo.

    (e) Skupnost upošteva, da se lahko premije za avtomobilsko zavarovanje po zakonodaji Skupnosti, veljavni 1. septembra 2001 in brez poseganja v prihodnjo zakonodajo, izračunajo tako, da se upošteva več dejavnikov rizika.

    (f) Skupnost upošteva, da se po zakonodaji Skupnosti, veljavni 1. septembra 2001 in brez poseganja v prihodnjo zakonodajo, na splošno ne zahteva predhodna odobritev nacionalnih nadzornih organov za pogoje zavarovanja in višine premij, ki jih namerava uporabiti zavarovalniško podjetje.

    (g) Skupnost upošteva, da se po zakonodaji Skupnosti, veljavni 1. septembra 2001 in brez poseganja v prihodnjo zakonodajo, na splošno ne zahteva predhodna odobritev nacionalnih nadzornih organov za povišanje premijskih stopenj.

    Druge finančne storitve

    (a) Pri uporabi ustreznih direktiv ES si bodo države članice po svojih najboljših močeh prizadevale, da bodo v 12 mesecih od prejema rešile popolne zahtevke podjetij, za katera velja čilska zakonodaja, za izdajo dovoljenj za bančno poslovanje prek ustanove v državi članici ali hčerinske družbe v skladu z zakonodajo te države članice.

    Če se takšni zahtevki zavrnejo, si država članica po najboljših močeh prizadeva obvestiti zadevno podjetje in navesti razloge za zavrnitev zahtevka.

    (b) Države članice si bodo po svojih najboljših močeh prizadevale, da bodo brez nepotrebnega odlašanja odgovorile na zaprosila za informacije o reševanju zahtevkov podjetij, za katera velja čilska zakonodaja, za izdajo dovoljenj za opravljanje bančnih dejavnosti prek ustanove v državi članici ali hčerinske družbe v skladu z zakonodajo te države članice.

    (c) Pri uporabi ustreznih direktiv ES si bodo države članice po svojih najboljših močeh prizadevale, da bodo v 6 mesecih od prejema obravnavale popolne zahtevke podjetij, za katera velja čilska zakonodaja, za izdajo dovoljenj za zagotavljanje investicijskih storitev na področju vrednostnih papirjev, kot so opredeljene v Direktivi o investicijskih storitvah, prek ustanov v državi članici ali hčerinske družbe v skladu z zakonodajo te države članice. Če se takšni zahtevki zavrnejo, si država članica po najboljših močeh prizadeva obvestiti zadevno podjetje in navesti razloge za zavrnitev zahtevka.

    (d) Države članice si bodo po svojih najboljših močeh prizadevale, da bodo brez nepotrebnega odlašanja odgovorile na zaprosila za informacije o reševanju zahtevkov podjetij, za katera velja čilska zakonodaja, za izdajo dovoljenj za zagotavljanje investicijskih storitev na področju vrednostnih papirjev prek ustanove v državi članici ali hčerinske družbe v skladu z zakonodajo te države članice.


    Skupnost je lahko sprejela posebne obveze pri finančnih storitvah po tem sporazumu na osnovi alternativnega pristopa, kot je tisti, ki ga pokrivajo splošne določbe dela IV, poglavje II (Finančne storitve). Dogovorjeno je bilo, da se ta pristop lahko uporablja ob upoštevanju naslednjega dogovora:

    (i) ni v nasprotju z določbami tega sporazuma;

    (ii) ne posega v stopnjo liberalizacije, za katero se je pogodbenica obvezala po tem sporazumu.

    Skupnost je na osnovi pogajanj in ob upoštevanju pogojev in kvalifikacij, kjer so navedene, v svojo listo specifičnih obvez zapisala spodaj opisani pristop.

    A. Dostop na trg

    Čezmejna trgovina

    1. Skupnost dovoli nerezidenčnim ponudnikom finančnih storitev, da kot glavne storitve, prek posrednika ali kot posrednik in pod pogoji, ki zagotavljajo nacionalno obravnavo, ponuja naslednje storitve:

    (a) zavarovanje rizikov v zvezi z:

    (i) pomorskim prevozom in komercialnim zračnim prevozom, lansiranjem vesoljskih plovil in tovora, ki ga prevažajo (skupaj s sateliti), pri čemer takšno zavarovanje pokriva naslednje ali del tega: prevažano blago, vozilo, ki prevaža blago in odgovornost, ki izhaja iz tega; in

    (ii) blago v mednarodnem tranzitu;

    (b) pozavarovanje in retrocesijo ter pomožne zavarovalne storitve, kot so navedene v pododstavku (iv) člena 117(9);

    (c) zagotavljanje in prenos finančnih informacij in obdelava finančnih podatkov, kot je navedeno v pododstavku (xv) člena 117(9) ter svetovalne in druge pomožne storitve, razen posredništva, v zvezi z bančništvom in drugimi finančnimi storitvami, kot so navedene v pododstavku (xvi) člena 117(9).

    2. Skupnost svojim rezidentom dovoli nakup finančnih storitev na ozemlju Čila, ki so navedene v:

    (a) pododstavku 1(a);

    (b) poodstavku 1(b); in

    (c) pododstavkih (v) do (xvi) člena 117(9).

    Tržna prisotnost

    3. Skupnost ponudnikom finančnih storitev iz Čila prizna pravico do ustanavljanja ali širjenja tržno prisotnih subjektov na njenem ozemlju, vključno s prevzemom obstoječih podjetij.

    4. Skupnost lahko določi pogoje in postopke za izdajo dovoljenja za ustanovitev in širitev tržno prisotnih subjektov, vkolikor ne gre za izogibanje po odstavku 3 in je v skladu z drugimi obveznostmi iz tega sporazuma.

    Začasni vstop osebja

    5. (a) Skupnost dovoli začasni vstop na svoje ozemlje naslednjemu osebju čilskega ponudnika finančnih storitev, ki ustanavlja ali je ustanovil tržno prisoten subjekt na ozemlju Skupnosti:

    (i) višje vodstveno osebje, ki razpolaga z lastniškimi informacijami, ki so bistvenega pomena za ustanovitev, nadzor in izvajanje storitev ponudnika finančnih storitev; in

    (ii) strokovnjaki za storitve, ki jih zagotavlja ponudnik finančnih storitev.

    (b) Skupnost ob upoštevanju razpoložljivosti kvalificiranega osebja na svojem ozemlju dovoli začasni vstop na svoje ozemlje naslednjemu osebju, povezanemu s tržno prisotnostjo čilskega ponudnika finančnih storitev:

    (i) strokovnjaki ponudnika finančnih storitev za računalniške storitve, telekomunikacijske storitve in račune; in

    (ii) aktuarski in pravni strokovnjaki.

    Nediskriminatorni ukrepi

    6. Skupnost si prizadeva odstraniti ali omejiti vse večje negativne učinke na čilske ponudnike finančnih storitev, ki jih imajo:

    (a) nediskriminatorni ukrepi, ki preprečujejo ponudnikom finančnih storitev, da bi na ozemlju Skupnosti v obliki, ki jo določi Skupnost, zagotavljali vse finančne storitve, ki jih dovoljuje Skupnost;

    (b) nediskriminatorni ukrepi, ki omejujejo širitev dejavnosti ponudnikov finančnih storitev na celotno ozemlje Skupnosti;

    (c) ukrepi Skupnosti, če ta uporablja enake ukrepe za zagotavljanje bančnih storitev in storitev, povezanih z vrednostnimi papirji, in čilski ponudnik finančnih storitev koncentrira svoje dejavnosti na zagotavljanje storitev v zvezi z vrednostnimi papirji; in

    (d) drugi ukrepi, ki kljub spoštovanju določb tega sporazuma, negativno vplivajo na možnosti čilskega ponudnika finančnih storitev, da deluje, je konkurenčen ali vstopi na trg Skupnosti;

    pod pogojem, da noben ukrep, sprejet po tem odstavku ne bi nepošteno diskriminiral ponudnikov finančnih storitev iz pogodbenice, ki je sprejela takšne ukrepe.

    7. Skupnost si v zvezi z nediskriminatornimi ukrepi, navedenimi v pododstavkih 6(a) in (b) prizadeva, da ne bi omejila sedanje ravni tržnih priložnosti niti ugodnosti, ki jih že uživajo čilski ponudniki finančnih storitev kot skupina na ozemlju Skupnosti, pod pogojem, da ta obveza ne povzroči nepoštene diskriminacije ponudnikov finančnih storitev iz Skupnosti.

    B. Nacionalna obravnava

    1. Skupnost pod pogoji, ki priznavajo nacionalno obravnavo, odobri čilskim ponudnikom finančnih storitev, ustanovljenim na njenem ozemlju, dostop do plačilnih in klirinških sistemov, ki jih upravljajo javni subjekti in do uradnih sistemov financiranja in refinanciranja, ki so na voljo pri normalnem izvajanju rednega poslovanja. Namen tega odstavka ni priznati dostop do mehanizmov centralnih bank, ki refinancirajo posojila poslovnim bankam v Skupnosti.

    2. Če Skupnost zahteva članstvo ali sodelovanje ali dostop do samoregulativnega organa, terminskega trga ali borze ali trga ali borze vrednostnih papirjev, klirinške agencije, ali katere koli druge organizacije ali združenja, da lahko čilski dobavitelji finančnih storitev zagotavljajo finančne storitve na enaki osnovi kot ponudniki finančnih storitev Skupnosti, ali če Skupnost preko takšnih subjektov neposredno ali posredno zagotavlja prednosti ali ugodnosti pri zagotavljanju finančnih storitev, Skupnost zagotovi, da ti subjekti čilskim ponudnikom finančnih storitev, ki so rezidenti na njenem ozemlju, priznajo nacionalno obravnavo.

    C. Opredelitve pojmov

    Pri tem pristopu:

    1. Nerezidenčni ponudnik finančnih storitev je čilski ponudnik finančnih storitev, ki ponuja finančne storitve na ozemlju Skupnosti iz ustanove, ki se nahaja na ozemlju Čila, ne glede na to, ali ima tak ponudnik finančnih storitev tržno prisoten subjekt na ozemlju Skupnosti ali ne.

    2. "Tržno prisoten subjekt" pomeni podjetje na ozemlju Skupnosti za zagotavljanje finančnih storitev in zajema hčerinske družbe, skupna vlaganja, societete, samostojne podjetnike, franšizne dejavnosti, podružnice, agencije, predstavništva ali druge organizacije v popolni ali delni lasti.


    (Navedena v členu 120)

    DEL B


    (Besedilo v španskem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    Uvodna opomba: Čile lahko dokonča uvrstitev finančnih storitev iz te liste na osnovi Centralne klasifikacije proizvodov (CPC) ali druge klasifikacije, ki se šteje kot ustrezna za čilski finančni sektor in ponovno uvrsti že uvrščene storitve na osnovi nove različice CPC ali druge ustrezne klasifikacije.

    Oblike ponudbe: 1. Čezmejno opravljanje 2. Gibanje potrošnikov 3. Tržna prisotnost 4. Prisotnost fizične osebe |

    Sektor ali podsektor | Omejitve dostopa na trg | Omejitve nacionalne obravnave | Dodatne obveze |

    ČILE – EU


    Pogoji, ki vplivajo na dostop na trg in nacionalno obravnavo v specifičnih obvezah Čila v zvezi s finančnimi storitvami. 1.Pogoji, ki vplivajo na vse storitvene sektorje, kot so določeni v listi v delu B v Prilogi VII (Storitve), se uporabljajo za to listo, razen posebnih določb te priloge.2.Uredba z zakonsko močjo 600 (1974) o tujih naložbah je prostovoljen in poseben naložbeni režim.Potencialni investitorji lahko kot alternativo običajnemu režimu za vstop kapitala v Čile, pri Odboru za tuje naložbe vložijo prošnjo za obravnavo po režimu, določenem v Uredbi z zakonsko močjo 600.Obveznosti in obveze iz poglavja o finančnih storitvah in iz te priloge se ne uporabljajo za Uredbo z zakonsko močjo 600, o tujih naložbah, za Zakon 18.657 o tujih investicijskih kapitalskih skladih niti za nadaljevanje ali takojšnje podaljšanje takih zakonov, za spremembe navedenih zakonov ali za posebne in/ali prostovoljne režime za naložbe, ki jih lahko Čile sprejme v prihodnosti.Razume se, da ima čilski Odbor za tuje naložbe pravico zavrniti prošnje za investiranje v skladu z Uredbo z zakonsko močjo 600 in Zakonom 18.657. Poleg tega ima Odbor za tuje naložbe pravico urejati pogoje za tuje naložbe, izvedene v skladu z zgoraj navedeno Uredbo z zakonsko močjo 600 in Zakonom 18.6573.Čilski sektor finančnih storitev je delno segmentiran, kar pomeni, da domače in tuje ustanove, ki imajo dovoljenje, da delujejo kot banke, ne smejo neposredno sodelovati v zavarovalništvu in poslovanju z vrednostnimi papirji in obratno. Vendar pa lahko domače in tuje banke, ki poslujejo v Čilu, z dovoljenjem Superintendencia de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras, SBIF (Komisija za nadzor bank in finančnih ustanov), ustanavljajo podružnice s svojim in ločenim kapitalom, za ponujanje drugih finančnih storitev poleg svojih glavnih poslovnih dejavnosti. Glavno poslovanje bank je redno sprejemanje denarja od javnosti in dodeljevanje denarnih kreditov, ki so v obliki vrednostnih papirjev ali komercialnih papirjev ali katerega drugega kreditnega instrumenta.4.Podsektorji in storitve, zajete v tej listi so opredeljene v skladu z ustrezno čilsko zakonodajo.5.Plačila in gibanje kapitala, izvedene po tem poglavju, so predmet določb odstavka 3 Priloge XIV.6.V zvezi z obliko 4 (pretok fizičnih oseb):Brez obvez, razen za premeščanje fizičnih oseb v tuje podjetje, ustanovljeno v Čilu, v skladu s 3. (tržna prisotnost), in sicer za vodilno in specializirano osebje, ki so bili pri teh organizacijah zaposleni najmanj dve leti pred datumom oddaje prošnje za vstop v državo in so v matični gospodarski družbi v državi, iz katere prihajajo, opravljali enako vrsto nalog. Tuje fizične osebe v nobenem primeru ne smejo predstavljati več kot 15 % vsega osebja, zaposlenega v Čilu, če delodajalec zaposli več kot 25 oseb.Višje osebje so tisti, ki so pod neposrednim nadzorom upravnega odbora podjetja, ustanovljenega v Čilu, in ki med drugim:vodijo upravljanje organizacije ali njenih sektorjev ali oddelkov,nadzirajo in kontrolirajo delo drugih nadzornih, poklicnih ali poslovodnih uslužbencev,imajo osebno pooblastilo za najemanje in odpuščanje delavcev, za priporočanje najemanja in odpuščanja delavcev ali druge kadrovske ukrepe.Specializirano osebje so visoko kvalificirane osebe, ki so nepogrešljive za zagotavljanje storitve zaradi svojega poklicnega znanja ali:ker imajo kvalifikacije za določeno vrsto dela ali dejavnosti, ki zahteva specializirano tehnično strokovno znanje,zaradi znanja, ki je bistvenega pomena za zagotavljanje storitve, raziskovalno opremo, tehnike ali upravljanje, inker takšno specializirano osebje ni na voljo v Čilu.Kategorija višjega in specializiranega osebja ne vključuje članov upravnega odbora družbe, ustanovljene v Čilu (Directorio).Za pravne namene mora imeti višje in specializirano osebje stalno ali začasno prebivališče v Čilu. Ponudniki storitev lahko vstopijo začasno, za obdobje dveh let, ki se lahko podaljša še za dve leti. Za osebje, sprejeto pod temi pogoji, veljajo določbe veljavne zakonodaje na področju dela in socialne varnosti.7.Čile lahko omeji ali predpiše na nediskriminatorni osnovi posebno vrsto pravne osebe, vključno s hčerinskimi družbami, podružnicami, predstavništvi ali katero koli drugo obliko tržne prisotnosti, ki jo morajo sprejeti subjekti, ki delujejo v naslednjih podsektorjih: (a) 2. dopolnilne bančne storitve; (b) zavarovalništvo in pozavarovalništvo; (c) storitve v zvezi z vrednostnimi papirji; (d) druge finančne storitve.8.Uvedba novih finančnih storitev ali izdelkov na trg je lahko pogojena z obstojem in skladnostjo z regulativnim okvirjem, katerega namen je doseči cilje, navedene v členu 125.9.Nobena čilska obveza se ne uporablja za sistem socialne varnosti, vključno z Instituto de Normalización Previsional, INP (Inštitut za normalizacijo pokojnin) po Zakonu Law 18.689, za pokojninske sklade po Uredbi z zakonsko močjo 3500, za Instituciones de Salud Previsional, ISAPRES (zdravstvene ustanove socialne varnosti) po Zakonu 18.933, za Fondo Nacional de Salud, FONASA (Nacionalni zdravstveni sklad) po Zakonu 18.469, za Cajas de Compensación (nepridobitne upravljalce prejemkov socialne varnosti po zakonu 18.833, za Zakon 16.744 o nesrečah pri delu, za zavarovanje za primer brezposelnosti po Zakonu 19.728, in spremembe teh zakonov in če te storitve zagotavljajo ustanove, ki so po zakonu ustanovljene za te namene ali druge finančne ustanove s katerimi se zagotavljajo ali bi se lahko zagotavljale finančne storitve v zvezi s sistemom socialne varnosti.10.Čilske obveze v zvezi s prostovoljnimi pokojninskimi varčevalnimi shemami (planes de ahorro previsional voluntario) se uporabljajo od 1. marca 2005.11.Obveze v zvezi z obliko 2 od Čila ne zahtevajo, da ponudnikom finančnih storitev dovoli poslovanje ali nabiranje naročil na svojem ozemlju. Čile lahko opredeli "poslovanje" in "nabiranje naročil". |

    (a) Bančne storitve: | | | |

    1.Temeljne bančne storitve in bančne dejavnosti:Sprejemanje vlog(Vključuje samo tekoče bančne račune (cuentas corrientes bancarias), vloge na vpogled, vezane vloge, finančne instrumente z dogovori o ponovnem odkupu, ter poroštvene vloge ali poroštva.) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Tuje bančne ustanove morajo biti bančne družbe (sociedades bancarias), pravno ustanovljene v svoji matični državi in morajo položiti kapital, ki zahteva čilska zakonodaja. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    Odobritve kreditov (Vključuje samo navadna posojila, potrošniška posojila, posojila in akreditive, hipoteke, hipoteke in akreditive, nakup finančnih instrumentov z dogovorom o ponovni prodaji, kredite za izdajanje bančnih poroštev ali drugih vrst financiranja, izdajanje in pogajanja o akreditivih za uvoz in izvoz, izdajanje in potrjevanje stand-by akreditivov.) | Tuje bančne ustanove lahko opravljajo dejavnosti samo: (i)z lastništvom delnic v čilskih bankah, ki so ustanovljene kot korporacije v Čilu;(ii)tako, da se v Čilu ustanovijo kot korporacija;(iii)kot podružnice tujih korporacij, pri čemer se prizna status pravne osebe v matični državi. Za namene opravljanja dejavnosti tujih bank v Čilu se upošteva kapital, ki je dejansko investiran v Čilu in ne kapital glavnega sedeža. | | |

    Nakup javno ponujenih vrednostnih papirjev (vključuje samo nakup obveznic, nakup akreditivov, vpis in plasiranje delnic, obveznic in akreditivov kot posrednik (odkup primarne izdaje) | Nobena domača ali tuja pravna ali fizična oseba ne sme neposredno ali s pomočjo tretjih oseb pridobiti delnic banke, ki same ali skupaj s tistimi, ki jih ta oseba že ima, predstavljajo več kot 10 odstotkov kapitala banke brez predhodnega dovoljenja SBIF. Poleg tega družbeniki ali delničarji finančne ustanove ne smejo prenesti odstotka pravic ali delnic svojega podjetja, ki presega 10 odstotkov brez predhodnega dovoljenja SBIF. | | |

    Izdajanje in vodenje kreditnih kartic (81133) (vključuje samo kreditne kartice, izdane v Čilu) Izdajanje in vodenje bančnih plačilnih kartic Potovalni čeki Prenos sredstev (Bančni čeki) Eskontiranje ali pridobitev menic in zadolžnic Verifikacija in jamstva za odgovornosti tretje strani v čilski in tuji valuti Hramba vrednostnih papirjev Dejavnosti na deviznem trgu, ki jih dovoljuje Centralna banka Čila Dejavnosti z izvedenimi finančnimi instrumenti, ki jih dovoljuje Centralna banka Čila (vključuje samo terminske posle in zamenjave glede deviz in obrestne mere). Fiduciarne dejavnosti | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Prostovoljne pokojninske varčevalne sheme (Planes de Ahorro Previsional Voluntario) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Brez obvez do 1. marca 2005.Po tem datumu brez obvez v zvezi s členom 118(2)(e). Prostovoljne varčevalne sheme lahko nudijo samo banke, ustanovljene v Čilu po enem od predhodno navedenih režimov. Za te sheme je potrebno predhodno dovoljenje SBIF. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Brez obvez do 1. marca 2005.Po tem datumu ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    2.Dopolnilne bančne storitve:Finančni zakup (81120) (te družbe lahko nudijo zakupne pogodbe za blago, pridobljeno na željo stranke, tj. ne morejo pridobiti blaga in ga skladiščiti z namenom, da ga ponudijo za zakup) | Finančne storitve, ki dopolnjujejo temeljne bančne storitve lahko zagotavljajo neposredno te ustanove s predhodnim dovoljenjem SBIF ali prek podružnic, ki jih določi slednji. 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Storitve finančnega zakupa se štejejo kot dopolnilne bančne storitve in zaradi tega je SBIF pooblaščen za razširitev ali omejitev izvajanja storitev finančnega zakupa, ki jih lahko nudijo te ustanove, in slednje lahko nudijo samo storitve, ki jih izrecno dovoli SBIF. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Svetovalne in druge pomožne finančne storitve (8133) (vključuje samo storitve, navedene v bančnem sektorju v tej listi) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Faktoring | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Brez obvez v zvezi s členom 118(2)(e). Storitve faktoringa se štejejo kot dopolnilne bančne storitve in zaradi tega je SBIF pooblaščen za razširitev ali omejitev izvajanja storitev finančnega faktoringa, ki jih lahko nudijo te ustanove, in slednje lahko nudijo samo storitve, ki jih izrecno dovoli SBIF. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (b)Zavarovalništvo in pozavarovalništvo:1.V Čilu je zavarovalništvo razdeljeno na dve skupini: prva skupina zajema gospodarske družbe, ki zavarujejo lastnino ali dediščino (patrimonio) za rizike izgube ali poškodb, medtem ko druga zajema tiste, ki zavarujejo osebne rizike ali jamčijo, v določenem obdobju ali ob njegovem izteku, glavnico, plačano polico ali dohodek za zavarovanca ali njegove upravičence. Zavarovalna družba ne sme biti ustanovljena tako, da bi pokrivala obe kategoriji rizikov.2.Družbe za kreditno zavarovanje morajo biti, kljub temu, da so uvrščene v prvo skupino, ustanovljene kot korporacije, katerih edini namen je pokritje te vrste rizika, tj. izgubo ali poškodovanje dediščine za zavarovanca zaradi neplačila denarnega dolga ali posojila, pri čemer smejo pokrivati tudi rizike v zvezi z jamstvi in zlorabo zaupanja.3.Čilska lista v zvezi z zavarovalništvom ne vključuje zavarovalništva, povezanega s sistemom socialne varnosti.4.Čilske obveze pri prodaji in posredništvu zavarovanja za mednarodni pomorski prevoz, mednarodni komercialni zračni prevoz in blago v mednarodnem tranzitu se začnejo uporabljati eno leto po datumu začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma. Čile bo v tem obdobju sprejel potrebne pravne spremembe za izvajanje te obveze. |

    Zavarovanje: | | | |

    Prodaja neposrednega življenjskega zavarovanja (ne vključuje zavarovanja, povezanega s sistemom socialne varnosti) (81211) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez. | |

    Prodaja neposrednega splošnega zavarovanja (8129, razen 81299) (izključene so Instituciones de Salud Provisional, ISAPRES (zdravstvene ustanove socialnega varstva), tj. pravne osebe, ustanovljene zaradi zagotavljanja zdravstvenih storitev svojim članom in se financirajo z obveznimi prispevki v višini zakonsko določenega odstotka obdavčljivega dohodka ali z višjim zneskom, odvisno od primera. Prav tako je izključen Fondo Nacional de Salud, FONASA (Nacionalni zdravstveni sklad), javna agencija, ki jo financira vlada in obvezni prispevki v višini zakonsko določenega odstotka obdavčljivega dohodka, ki je soodgovorna za izplačevanje prispevkov v okviru dodatne zdravstvene sheme, v katero se lahko vključijo osebe, ki niso člani ISAPRE. Ne vključuje prodaje zavarovanja za mednarodni pomorski prevoz, mednarodni komercialni zračni prevoz in blago v mednarodnem tranzitu) | 3.Zavarovalniške storitve lahko zagotavljajo samo zavarovalniške korporacije, ustanovljene v Čilu, katerih edini namen je razvijati to vrsto poslovanja, bodisi neposredno življenjsko ali neposredno splošno zavarovanje. V primeru splošnega kreditnega zavarovanja (81296) morajo biti ustanovljene kot zavarovalniške korporacije, katerih edini namen je pokrivanje te vrste rizika. Zavarovalniške korporacije so lahko pravno ustanovljene samo v skladu z določbami zakona o korporacijah. Zavarovanje se lahko sklene neposredno ali preko zavarovalniških posrednikov, ki morajo biti vpisani v register, ki ga vodi Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros, SVS (Komisija za vrednostne papirje in zavarovanja) in izpolnjevati zakonske zahteve, če želijo opravljati to dejavnost.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Prodaja zavarovanja za pomorski prevoz, mednarodni komercialni letalski prevoz in blago v mednarodnem tranzitu (vključuje blago, ki se prevaža, vozilo, ki prevaža blago in vsako civilno odgovornost, ki izhaja iz tega. Ne vključuje nacionalnega prevoza (kabotaže)) | 1.Brez obvez do enega leta po datumu začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma. Po izteku tega obdobja lahko takšno zavarovanje nudijo samo zavarovalniške družbe, ki vključujejo to kategorijo rizikov v svojem poslovanju in so v svoji matični državi pod nadzorom. | 2.Brez obvez do enega leta po datumu začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.Po tem obdobju ni omejitev. | |

    2.Zavarovalniške storitve za mednarodni pomorski prevoz, mednarodni komercialni letalski prevoz in blago v mednarodnem tranzitu lahko nudijo zavarovalniške korporacije, ustanovljene v Čilu, kateri edini namen je razvijanje poslovanja na področju splošnega neposrednega zavarovanja. | 3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Zavarovalni posredniki (izključeno je zavarovanje za mednarodni pomorski prevoz, mednarodni komercialni letalski prevoz in blago v mednarodnem tranzitu) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Morajo biti vpisani v register, ki ga vodi Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros, SVS (Komisija za vrednostne papirje in zavarovalništvo) in izpolnjevati zahteve, ki jih določi SVS. Samo pravne osebe, zakonito ustanovljene v Čilu za prav ta namen, lahko zagotavljajo to storitev. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Zavarovalni posredniki za mednarodni pomorski prevoz, mednarodni komercialni letalski prevoz in blago v mednarodnem tranzitu (vključuje blago, ki se prevaža, vozilo, ki prevaža blago in vsako civilno odgovornost, ki izhaja iz tega. Ne vključuje nacionalnega prevoza (kabotaže)) | 1.Brez obvez do izteka enega leta po datumu začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.Po tem obdobju morajo biti posredniki za posredovanje teh zavarovanj pravne osebe, ki so v svoji matični državi pod nadzorom. | 1.Brez obvez do izteka enega leta po datumu začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.Po tem obdobju ni omejitev. | |

    2.Brez obvez do izteka enega leta po datumu začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.Po tem obdobju morajo biti posredniki za posredovanje teh zavarovanj pravne osebe, ki so v svoji matični državi pod nadzorom. | 2.Brez obvez do izteka enega leta po datumu začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.Po tem obdobju ni omejitev. | |

    3.Morajo biti vpisani v register, ki ga vodi Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros, SVS (Komisija za vrednostne papirje in zavarovalništvo) in izpolnjevati zahteve, ki jih določi SVS. Samo pravne osebe, zakonito ustanovljene v Čilu za prav ta namen, lahko zagotavljajo to storitev. | 3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Upravljanje prostovoljnih pokojninskih varčevalnih shem (ahorro previsional voluntario) z življenjskim zavarovanjem | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Brez obvez do 1. marca 2005.Po tem datumu brez obvez v zvezi s členom 118(2)(e). Prostovoljne pokojninske varčevalne sheme lahko nudijo samo družbe za življenjsko zavarovanje, ustanovljene v Čilu v skladu s tem, kar je določeno zgoraj. Te sheme in z njimi povezane police morajo predhodno pridobiti dovoljenje SVS. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Brez obvez do 1. marca 2005.Po tem datumu ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Pozavarovalništvo in retrocesija (vključuje pozavarovalne agente) | 1.Tuje pozavarovalne družbe in tuji pozavarovalni posredniki morajo biti vpisani v register tujih pozavarovalcev, ki ga vodi SVS in izpolnjevati zahteve, ki jih določi SVS. | 1.Za premije, prejete po tej rubriki, velja 6-odstotni davek. | |

    2.Brez obvez.3.Pozavarovalniške storitve zagotavljajo pozavarovalne družbe, ustanovljene v Čilu v skladu z določbami zakona o korporacijah in pooblaščene s strani SVS. Zavarovalniške korporacije lahko prav tako zagotavljajo pozavarovalniške storitve kot dopolnilno dejavnost, če to dovoljuje njihov statut.Pozavarovalniške storitve lahko zagotavljajo tudi tuji pozavarovalci in tuji pozavarovalni posredniki, vpisani v register, ki ga vodi SVS. | 2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Likvidacija škod | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Likvidacijo škod lahko nudijo neposredno zavarovalniške družbe, ustanovljene v Čilu, ali pravne osebe, ustanovljene v Čilu in registrirane pri SVS. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Pomožne zavarovalniške storitve (vključuje samo svetovanje, aktuarske storitve in ocenjevanje tveganja) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Pomožne zavarovalniške storitve lahko zagotavljajo samo pravne osebe, ustanovljene v Čilu in registrirane pri SVS. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (c)Storitve, povezane z vrednostnimi papirji:1.Z javno ponujenimi vrednostnimi papirji lahko trgujejo pravne osebe, katerih edini namen je borzno posredništvo vrednostnih papirjev, kar lahko opravljajo kot člani borze (borzni posredniki) ali izven borze (agenti za vrednostne papirje), in so registrirane pri Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros, SVS (Komisija za vrednostne papirje in zavarovalništvo). Vendar pa lahko samo borzni posredniki trgujejo z delnicami ali njihovimi izvedenimi instrumenti (vpisovalne opcije) na borzi. Z drugimi vrednostnimi papirji, ki niso delnice, lahko trgujejo borzni posredniki ali agenti za vrednostne papirje, registrirani pri SVS.2.Namen upravljanja finančnega portfelja je razdeliti naložbe, opravljene v imenu tretje strani, na več različnih instrumentov in to lahko zagotavljajo trgovci z vrednostnimi papirji (borzni posredniki in agenti za vrednostne papirje) kot dopolnilno dejavnost za svoje stranke.3.Storitve ocenjevanja rizičnosti javno ponujenih vrednostnih papirjev zagotavljajo bonitetne agencije, katerih edini namen je ocenjevanje javno ponujenih vrednostnih papirjev in so vpisane v Registro de Entidades Clasificadoras de Riesgo (Register bonitetnih agencij), ki ga vodi SVS. Na drugi strain pa je preverjanje bonitetnih agencij v zvezi z ocenjevanjem vrednostnih papirjev, ki jih izdajo banke in finančne družbe, v pristojnosti Superintendencia de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras, SBIF (Komisija za nadzor bank in finančnh ustanov).4.Hramba vrednostnih papirjev je fizična hramba potrdil o vrednostnih papirjih in ga lahko opravljajo posredniki za vrednostne papirje (borzni posredniki in agenti za vrednostne papirje) kot dopolnilno dejavnost ob svojem glavnem namenu. Prav tako ga lahko izvajajo subjekti, ki zagotavljajo depozitarne in skrbniške storitve za vrednostne papirje, ki bi morali biti ustanovljeni kot posebne korporacije, katerih edini namen je prejemanje in deponiranje javno ponujenih vrednostnih papirjev od zakonsko pooblaščenih subjektov in lajšanje dejavnosti za prenos takšnih vrednostnih papirjev (centralni depoji vrednostnih storitev, depósitos centralizados de valores).5.Finančno svetovanje, ki zajema finančne nasvete o alternativnih finančnih možnostih, ocenjevanje naložb, možnosti za naložbe in strategije reprogramiranja dolgov, lahko opravljajo posredniki za vrednostne papirje (borzni posredniki in agenti za vrednostne papirje) kot dopolnilno dejavnost ob svojem glavnem namenu.6.Storitve v zvezi z vrednostnimi papirji lahko bančne ustanove zagotavljajo neposredno ali s hčerinskimi družbami, ki so naštete v sektorju bančnih storitev v tej listi in so izključene iz oddelka storitev v zvezi z vrednostnimi papirji v tej listi.7.Upravljanje skladov tretjih strani lahko izvajajo naslednji:(a)Družbe za upravljanje vzajemnih skladov so tiste korporacije, katerih edini namen je upravljanje vzajemnih skladov.(b)Družbe za upravljanje investicijskih skladov so tiste korporacije, katerih edini namen je upravljanje investicijskih skladov. Brez poseganja v zgoraj navedeno, lahko te korporacije upravljajo tudi investicijske sklade za tuj kapital.(c)Družbe za upravljanje investicijskih skladov za tuj kapital so tiste korporacije, katerih edini namen je upravljanje investicijskih skladov za tuj kapital. Kapital, naložen v te sklade se lahko nakaže v tujino šele pet let po datumu, ko je bil kapital vložen.8.Storitve klirinških hiš za borzne izvedene instrumente lahko opravljajo korporacije ustanovljene v Čilu samo s tem namenom. Njihov namen je, da so protiutež za vse nakupe in prodaje terminskih pogodb, opcijskih vrednostnih papirjev in drugih podobnih instrumentov, ki jih dovoli SVS. |

    Posredovanje javno ponujenih vrednostnih papirjev, razen delnic (81321) Vpisovanje in plasiranje kot posrednik (odkup primarne izdaje) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez. | |

    3.Dejavnosti borznega posredništva se morajo opravljati preko pravne osebe, ustanovljene v Čilu, zahteva pa se predhodni vpis v register borznih posrednikov in agentov za vrednostne papirje, ki ga vodi SVS. Poleg pravne zahteve v zvezi z dediščino lahko SVS uvede strožje nediskriminatorne zahteve v zvezi z ekonomsko plačilno sposobnostjo posrednikov, pri čemer upošteva vrsto njihovih dejavnosti, udeležene zneske, vrsto zadevnega instrumenta in kategorijo posrednikov, za katero se uporabljajo. | 3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Posredovanje javno ponujenih delnic korporacij (81321) (vključuje vpis in plasiranje kot posrednik, odkup primarne izdaje) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Za trgovanje na borzi morajo biti posredniki (borzni posredniki) ustanovljeni kot pravna oseba v Čilu. Pridobiti morajo delež na ustrezni borzi in biti sprejeti kot člani te borze. Za dejavnosti borznega posredništva se zahteva predhodni vpis v register borznih posrednikov in agentov za vrednostne papirje. Poleg pravne zahteve v zvezi z dediščino lahko SVS uvede strožje nediskriminatorne zahteve v zvezi z ekonomsko plačilno sposobnostjo posrednikov, pri čemer upošteva vrsto njihovih dejavnosti, udeležene zneske, vrsto zadevnega instrumenta in kategorijo posrednikov, za katero se uporabljajo. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Dejavnosti z borznimi izvedenimi instrumenti, ki jih dovoljuje Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros (Komisija za vrednostne papirje in zavarovalništvo) (vključuje samo dolar in terminske pogodbe o obrestni meri ter opcije na delnice. Delnice morajo izpolnjevati zahteve, ki jih določi ustrezna klirinška hiša, cámara de compensación) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Za trgovanje na borzi morajo biti posredniki (borzni posredniki) ustanovljeni kot pravna oseba v Čilu. Pridobiti morajo delež na ustrezni borzi in biti sprejeti kot člani te borze. Za dejavnosti borznega posredništva se zahteva predhodni vpis v register borznih posrednikov in agentov za vrednostne papirje. Poleg pravne zahteve v zvezi z dediščino lahko SVS uvede strožje nediskriminatorne zahteve v zvezi z ekonomsko plačilno sposobnostjo posrednikov, pri čemer upošteva vrsto njihovih dejavnosti, udeležene zneske, vrsto zadevnega instrumenta in kategorijo posrednikov, za katero se uporabljajo. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Trgovanje s kovinami na borzi (vključuje samo zlato in srebro) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Z zlatom in srebrom lahko trgujejo borzni posredniki za lasten račun in za tretje strani na borzi v skladu z borznimi predpisi. Za trgovanje na borzi morajo biti posredniki (borzni posredniki) ustanovljeni kot pravne osebe v Čilu. Pridobiti morajo delež na ustrezni borzi in biti sprejeti kot člani te borze. Poleg pravne zahteve v zvezi z dediščino lahko SVS uvede strožje nediskriminatorne zahteve v zvezi z ekonomsko plačilno sposobnostjo posrednikov, pri čemer upošteva vrsto njihovih dejavnosti, udeležene zneske, vrsto zadevnega instrumenta in kategorijo posrednikov, za katero se uporabljajo. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Ocenjevanje rizičnosti vrednostnih papirjev (nanaša se samo na boniteto ali mnenje o javno ponujenih vrednostnih papirjih) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ustanovljeni morajo biti v Čilu kot partnerstvo (sociedad de personas). Ena od posebnih zahtev, ki morajo biti izpolnjene, je, da mora biti vsaj 60 odstotkov kapitala družbe v lasti glavnih družbenikov (fizične ali pravne osebe v tej poslovni dejavnosti, ki imajo najmanj 5 odstotkov članskih pravic v bonitetni agenciji). Vpisati se morajo v register bonitetnih agencij, ki ga vodi SVS. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Hramba vrednostnih papirjev, ki ga opravljajo posredniki za vrednostne papirje (81319) (ne vključuje storitev, ki jih nudijo ponudniki, ki združujejo hrambo, kliring vrednostnih papirjev in poravnave (securities depositories, depósitos de valores)) | 1. Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Za hrambo vrednostnih papirjev morajo biti posredniki (borzni posredniki in agenti) ustanovljeni v Čilu kot pravna oseba. Poleg pravne zahteve v zvezi z dediščino lahko SVS uvede strožje nediskriminatorne zahteve v zvezi z ekonomsko plačilno sposobnostjo posrednikov, pri čemer upošteva vrsto njihovih dejavnosti, udeležene zneske, vrsto zadevnega instrumenta in kategorijo posrednikov, za katero se uporabljajo. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Hramba s strani subjektov za deponiranje in hrambo vrednostnih papirjev | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Subjekti za deponiranje in hrambo morajo biti ustanovljeni v Čilu kot korporacije samo s tem namenom in morajo imeti dovoljenje SVS. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Storitve finančnega svetovanja, ki jih zagotavljajo posredniki za vrednostne papirje (81332) (finančno svetovanje se nanaša samo na storitve v zvezi z vrednostnimi papirji, zajete v tej listi) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Za finančno svetovanje, ki ga zagotavljajo posredniki za vrednostne papirje, ustanovljeni kot pravne osebe v Čilu, se zahteva predhodni vpis v register borznih posrednikov in agentov za vrednostne papirje, ki ga vodi SVS. Poleg pravne zahteve v zvezi z dediščino lahko SVS uvede strožje nediskriminatorne določbe v zvezi z ekonomsko plačilno sposobnostjo posrednikov, pri čemer upošteva vrsto njihovih dejavnosti, udeležene zneske, vrsto zadevnega instrumenta in kategorijo posrednikov, za katero se uporabljajo. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Upravljanje finančnega portfelja s strani posrednikov za vrednostne papirje (To v nobenem primeru ne vključuje naslednjega: upravljanja vzajemnih skladov, investicijskih skladov za tuj kapital, investicijskih skladov in pokojninskih skladov) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Za opravljanje storitev upravljanja finančnega portfelja, ki jih zagotavljajo posredniki za vrednostne papirje, ustanovljeni kot pravne osebe v Čilu, se zahteva predhodni vpis v register borznih posrednikov in agentov za vrednostne papirje, ki ga vodi SVS. Poleg pravne zahteve v zvezi z dediščino lahko SVS uvede strožje nediskriminatorne določbe v zvezi z ekonomsko plačilno sposobnostjo posrednikov, pri čemer upošteva vrsto njihovih dejavnosti, udeležene zneske, vrsto zadevnega instrumenta in kategorijo posrednikov, za katero se uporabljajo. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Upravljanje skladov tretjih strani, ki ga izvajajo: (to v nobenem primeru ne vključuje upravljanja pokojninskih skladov in prostovoljnih pokojninskih varčevalnih shem (planes de ahorro previsional voluntario)) (i)Družbe za upravljanje vzajemnih skladov(ii)Družbe za upravljanje investicijskih skladov(iii)Družbe za upravljanje investicijskih skladov za tuj kapital | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Sklade lahko upravljajo korporacije, ustanovljene samo za ta namen, ustanovljene v Čilu, ki imajo dovoljenje SVS. Investicijske sklade za tuj kapital lahko upravljajo tudi družbe za upravljanje investicijskih skladov.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev, razen za investicijske sklade za tuj kapital (Zakon 18.657), kjer se vloženi kapital ne sme prenesti v tujino pet let od datuma, ko je bil vložen.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Upravljanje prostovoljnih pokojninskih varčevalnih shem (Planes de ahorro previsional voluntario) | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Brez obvez do 1. marca 2005.Po tem datumu brez obvez v zvezi s členom 118(2)(e). Prostovoljne varčevalne sheme lahko nudijo samo vzajemni skladi in investicijski skladi, ustanovljeni v Čilu v skladu z zgoraj določenimi pogoji. Te sheme morajo predhodno pridobiti dovoljenje SVS. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Brez obvez do 1. marca 2005.Po tem datumu ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Storitve klirinških hiš za izvedene finančne instrumente (terminske pogodbe in opcijski vrednostni papirji). | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Klirinške hiše za terminske pogodbe in opcijske vrednostne papirje morajo biti ustanovljene v Čilu kot korporacije samo s tem namenom in morajo imeti dovoljenje SVS. Ustanovijo jih lahko samo borze in njihovi borzni posredniki. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    Splošna skladišča (skladiščni list) (ustreza storitvam skladiščenja blaga, ki ga spremlja izdaja potrdila o pologu in potrdilo o hipoteki na premičnine (vale de prenda)) | 1.Brez obvez [12].2.Brez obvez.3.Samo pravne osebe, pravilno ustanovljene v Čilu, katerih edini namen je zagotavljanje takšnih storitev. | 1.Brez obvez [12].2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev. | |

    4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    (d) Druge finančne storitve

    Zagotavljanje in posredovanje finančnih informacij, obdelave finančnih podatkov in z njimi povezane programske opreme s strani izvajalcev drugih finančnih storitev | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | 1.Brez obvez.2.Brez obvez.3.Ni omejitev.4.Brez obvez, razen kot je navedeno v oddelku horizontalnih obvez. | |

    [1] V primeru Avstrije, Finske in Švedske ni nobenih horizontalnih pridržkov pri storitvah, ki se štejejo kot javne gospodarske službe.

    [2] Pojasnjevalna opomba: V nekaterih sektorjih obstajajo javne gospodarske službe, kot so na primer službe, povezane z znanstvenim in tehničnim svetovanjem, R&R, storitvami na področju družboslovja in humanistke, tehničnega preskušanja in analitične storitve, okoljske storitve, zdravstvene storitve, prevozne storitve in pomožne storitve pri vseh vrstah prevoza. Izključne pravice za opravljanje takšnih storitev se pogosto dodelijo zasebnim subjektom, na primer subjektom, ki jim javni organi podelijo koncesije, ki so pogojene s posebnimi storitvenimi obveznostmi. Ker javne gospodarske službe pogosto obstajajo tudi na subcentralni ravni, sestavljanje podrobnih in izčrpnih list po posameznih sektorjih ni praktično.

    [3] Pri teh zahtevah se lahko sprejmejo izjeme, če se lahko dokaže, da stalno bivališče ni potrebno.

    [4] Komercialne, industrijske ali obrtniške dejavnosti se nanašajo na sektorje, kot so: druge poslovne storitve, gradbeništvo, distribucija in turistične storitve. Ne nanašajo se na telekomunikacije in finančne storitve.

    [5] Dolžino "začasnega prebivanja" opredelijo države članice ter zakoni in drugi predpisi Skupnosti o vstopu, prebivanju in delu, če obstajajo. Dolžina se lahko spreminja glede na različne kategorije fizičnih oseb, navedene v tej listi.

    [6] Vse druge zahteve iz zakonov in drugih predpisov Skupnosti in držav članic, ki se nanašajo na vstop, bivanje, delo in ukrepe socialne varnosti se še naprej uporabljajo, skupaj s predpisi o času bivanja, najnižji plači, kakor tudi kolektivne pogodbe o plačah.

    [7] "Premeščenec znotraj podjetja" je fizična oseba, ki dela pri pravni osebi, razen nepridobitnih organizacij, ki je ustanovljena na ozemlju Čila in je v zvezi z opravljanjem storitve preko tržno prisotnega subjekta začasno premeščena na ozemlje države članice Skupnosti; zadevne pravne osebe morajo imeti svojo glavno poslovno enoto na ozemlju Čila, zadevna oseba mora biti premeščena v podjetje (urad, podružnico, hčerinsko gospodarsko družbo) te pravne osebe, ki dejansko opravlja podobne storitve na ozemlju države članice, za katero se uporablja Pogodba EGS.

    [8] Komercialne, industrijske ali obrtniške dejavnosti se nanašajo na sektorje, kot so: druge poslovne storitve, gradbeništvo, distribucija in turistične storitve. Ne nanašajo se na telekomunikacije in finančne storitve.

    [9] Za razliko od tujih hčerinskih družb, za podružnice, ki jih čilska finančna ustanova ustanovi neposredno v državi članici, ne veljajo, razen nekaterih omejenih izjem, previdnostni ukrepi, usklajeni na ravni Skupnosti, ki takšnim hčerinskim družbam omogočajo izkoristiti povečane možnosti za ustanavljanje novih podjetij in zagotavljanje čezmejnih storitev po vsej Skupnosti. Zato takšne podružnice prejmejo dovoljenje za delovanje na ozemlju države članice pod enakimi pogoji, kot veljajo za domače finančne ustanove te države članice in se lahko od njih zahteva, da izpolnijo nekaj posebnih previdnostnih zahtev, kot so, v primeru bančništva in vrednostnih papirjev, ločena kapitalizacija in druge zahteve glede plačilne zmožnosti ter poročanje in objava zahtev v zvezi z računi, ali v primeru zavarovanj, zahteve v zvezi s posebnimi jamstvi in pologi, ločeno kapitalizacijo in lokalizacijo sredstev, ki predstavljajo tehnične rezervacije in najmanj eno tretjino minimalnega kapitala, v zadevni državi članici. Države članice lahko uporabijo omejitve, navedene v tej listi, samo v zvezi z neposredno ustanovitvijo tržno prisotnega subjekta čilske podružnice ali z zagotavljanjem čezmejnih storitev iz Čila; posledično država članica ne sme uporabljati teh omejitev, vključno s tistimi, ki v zvezi z ustanavljanjem, za čilske hčerinske družbe, ustanovljene v drugi državi članici Skupnosti, razen če se te omejitve lahko uporabljajo tudi za družbe ali državljane drugih držav članic v skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti.

    [10] I: Zagotavljanje in prenos finančnih informacij ter obdelava finančnih podatkov, katerih posledica je trgovanje s finančnimi instrumenti so lahko prepovedani, če bi to lahko močno posegalo v varstvo investitorjev. Samo pooblaščene banke in investicijska podjetja morajo upoštevati poslovna pravila pri zagotavljanju svetovanja glede investicij v zvezi s finančnimi instrumenti in svetovanju podjetjem glede kapitalske strukture, industrijske strategije in s tem povezanih zadev ter svetovanju v zvezi s združitvami in prevzemi podjetij. Svetovalna dejavnost ne sme zajemati upravljanja premoženja.

    [11] I: Pooblaščene osebe, usposobljene za izvajanje kolektivnega upravljanja premoženja, se štejejo za odgovorne za vse investicijske dejavnosti, ki jih izvajajo njihovi pooblaščeni svetovalci (kolektivno upravljanje premoženja, razen KNPVP).

    [12] Brez obvez, ker je tehnično neizvedljivo.



    (Navedena v členu 127 Pridružitvenega sporazuma)


    Za Skupnost:

    Skupnost predloži in posodablja seznam organov, pristojnih za finančne storitve.

    Za Čile:

    Ministrstvo za finance



    (Navedena v členu 132 Pridružitvenega sporazuma)


    DEL A


    Uvodna opomba

    1. Specifične obveze iz te liste se uporabljajo samo na ozemljih, kjer se uporabljajo Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Skupnosti, in pod pogoji, ki jih določajo te pogodbe. Te obveze se uporabljajo samo za odnose med Skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami na eni strani in državami nečlanicami Skupnosti na drugi. Ne vplivajo na pravice in obveznosti držav članic, ki izhajajo iz zakonodaje Skupnosti.

    2. Za označevanje držav članic se uporabljajo naslednje kratice:

    A | Avstrija |

    Β | Belgija |

    I | Italija |

    D | Nemčija |

    IRL | Irska |

    DK | Danska |

    L | Luksemburg |

    E | Španija |

    NL | Nizozemska |

    F | Francija |

    FIN | Finska |

    P | Portugalska |

    GR | Grčija |

    S | Švedska |

    UK | Združeno kraljestvo |

    "Hčerinska družba" neke pravne osebe pomeni pravno osebo pod dejanskim nadzorom druge pravne osebe.

    "Podružnica" pravne osebe družbe pomeni poslovno enoto, ki ni pravna oseba, je pa po pojavni obliki stalna enota, kot na primer izpostava matične družbe, ima svojo upravo in je materialno opremljena za poslovanje s tretjimi osebami, tako da jim, čeprav vedo, da bo, če bo potrebno, vzpostavljena pravna povezava z matičnim telesom, ki ima svojo upravo v tujini, ni treba poslovati neposredno z matičnim telesom, ampak lahko svoje posle opravijo v poslovni enoti, ki je izpostava.

    Sektor ali podsektor | Omejitve nacionalne obravnave za pravico do ustanavljanja |


    Velja za vse sektorje, zajete v to listo

    | (a)Obravnava, priznana hčerinskim družbam (čilskih gospodarskih družb), ustanovljenim v skladu z zakonodajo države članice, ki imajo registriran sedež, osrednjo upravo ali glavno poslovno enoto v Skupnosti, ni razširjena na podružnice ali agencije, ki jih v državi članici ustanovi gospodarska družba. Vendar pa to državi članici ne preprečuje, da razširi to obravnavo na podružnice ali agencije, ki jih je v drugi državi članici ustanovilo čilsko podjetje ali gospodarska družba, v zvezi z njihovim delovanjem na ozemlju prve države članice, razen če takšno razširitev izrecno prepoveduje zakonodaja Skupnosti. |

    | (b)Manj ugodna obravnava se lahko dodeli hčerinskim družbam (čilskih gospodarskih družb), ustanovljenim v skladu z zakonodajo države članice, ki imajo na ozemlju Skupnosti samo registriran sedež ali osrednjo upravo, razen če se lahko dokaže, da imajo dejansko in stalno povezavo z gospodarstvom ene od držav članic. |

    | Ustanovitev pravne osebe A:Brez poseganja v obstoječe pogodbe, lahko tuje fizične osebe opravljajo dejavnost pod enakimi pogoji kakor avstrijski državljani. Vendar je treba pristojnemu organu predložiti dokazila, da avstrijske fizične osebe niso diskriminirane pri opravljanju ustrezne dejavnosti v matični državi tujca. Če teh dokazil ni mogoče predložiti, mora tuja fizična oseba uradno zaprositi za status, ki je enak statusu državljanov. Če imetnik dovoljenja za opravljanje dejavnosti nima stalnega prebivališča v Avstriji, je treba imenovati strokovnega zastopnika ("gewerberechtlicher Geschäftsführer"), ki ima stalno prebivališče v Avstriji. Za pridobitev dovoljenja za opravljanje dejavnosti morajo tuje pravne osebe ali societete ustanoviti podjetje in imenovati strokovnega zastopnika s stalnim prebivališčem v Avstriji. Brez poseganja v obstoječe pogodbe mora tuj strokovni zastopnik zaprositi za status, ki je enak statusu državljanov. |

    | FIN:Vsaj polovica ustanoviteljev družbe z omejeno odgovornostjo morajo biti fizične osebe s prebivališčem v EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) ali pravne osebe z glavnim sedežem v eni od držav EGP, razen če Ministrstvo za trgovino in industrijo odobri izjemo. |

    | S:Družbo z omejeno odgovornostjo (delniško družbo) lahko ustanovi en ali več ustanoviteljev. Ustanovitelj mora imeti stalno bivališče v EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) ali pa biti pravna oseba EGP. Societeta je lahko ustanovitelj samo, če imajo vsi družbeniki stalno prebivališče v EGP [1]. Generalni direktor in vsaj 50 odstotkov članov upravnega odbora ima stalno prebivališče v EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor). Ustrezni pogoji veljajo za ustanovitev drugih vrst pravnih oseb. |

    | Zakon o podružnicah tujih podjetij S:Tuje gospodarska družba (ki na Švedskem ni ustanovila pravne osebe) izvaja svoje komercialne posle preko podružnice, ustanovljene na Švedskem z neodvisnim vodstvom in ločenimi računi. Za gradbene projekte, ki trajajo manj kot leto dni, so izvzeti iz zaheve glede ustanovitve podružnice ali imenovanja predstavnika s stalnim prebivališčem.S:Generalni direktor podružnice ima stalno prebivališče v EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor) [2].S:Tuji ali švedski državljani brez stalnega prebivališča na Švedskem, ki želijo opravljati komercialne posle na Švedskem, imenujejo in pri lokalnem organu registrirajo predstavnika s stalnim prebivališčem, ki je odgovoren za takšne dejavnosti. |

    | Pravne osebe: A:Samo avstrijski državljani ali pravne osebe in podjetja, ki imajo sedež v Avstriji, so lahko delničarji Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Avstrijske nacionalne banke). Člani uprave morajo biti avstrijski državljani. |

    | FIN:Vsaj polovica članov odbora in generalni direktor imajo stalno prebivališče v EGP (Evropski gospodarski prostor), razen če Ministrstvo za trgovino in industrijo družbi ne odobri izjeme.FIN:Pridobitev delnic večjega finskega podjetja ali gospodarske družbe (z več kot 1000 zaposlenimi ali katerega promet presega 167 milijonov EUR ali katerega bilančna vsota presega 167 milijonov EUR) s strani tujega lastnika, s katerimi pridobi več kot tretjino glasovalnih pravic, morajo potrditi finski organi; potrditev se lahko zavrne samo, če bi bil ogrožen pomemben nacionalni interes. Tujec, ki živi izven Evropskega gospodarskega prostora in trguje kot zasebni podjetnik ali kot družbenik v finski komanditni družbi ali družbi z neomejeno odgovornostjo, potrebuje dovoljenje za trgovanje. Če je tuja organizacija ali fundacija ustanovljena v skladu z zakonodajo države EGP in ima sedež v taki državi, ne potrebuje dovoljenja za opravljanje dejavnosti ali trgovanje z ustanovitvijo podružnice na Finskem. |

    | Nakup nepremičnin: A:Za pridobitev, nakup ter najem ali zakup nepremičnin s strani tujih fizičnih in pravnih oseb se zahteva dovoljenje pristojnih regionalnih organov (Länder), ki presodijo, ali to vpliva na pomembne gospodarske, socialne ali kulturne interese.DK:Omejitve pri nakupu nepremičnin s strani nerezidenčnih fizičnih in pravnih oseb. Omejitve pri nakupu kmetijskih nepremičnin s strani tujih fizičnih in pravnih oseb.E:Pridržki za nakup nepremičnin s strani vlad, uradnih ustanov in javnih podjetij iz držav nečlanic Skupnosti. |

    | GR:V skladu z zakonom št. 1892/90, kot je bil spremenjen z zakonom 1969/91, se za nakup nepremičnin v obmejnih območjih, neposredno ali preko sodelovanja v lastniškem kapitalu družbe, ki ne kotira na grški borzi in ki ima v lasti nepremičnine v navedenih območjih, ali za katero koli spremembo delničarjev take družbe se zahteva dovoljenje, ki ga izdajo pristojni organi (Ministrstvo za obrambo v primeru fizičnih ali pravnih oseb, ki niso iz EU).IRL:Domače ali tuje gospodarske družbe ali tuji državljani potrebujejo za pridobitev kakršnih koli pravic na zemljiščih na Irskem predhodno pisno dovoljenje Zemljiške komisije. Če je takšno zemljišče namenjeno industrijski rabi (razen kmetijstva), se ta zahteva opusti ob predložitvi ustreznega potrdila, ki ga v ta namen izda minister za podjetništvo in zaposlovanje. Ta zakon se ne uporablja za mestna zemljišča.I:Ni obvez za nakup nepremičnin.FIN(Alandski otoki): Omejitve pri pravici fizičnih oseb brez regionalnega državljanstva na Alandskih otokih in pravnih oseb do pridobitve in lastništva nepremičnin na Alandskih otokih brez dovoljenja pristojnih organov otokov.FIN(Alandski otoki): Omejitve pri pravici fizičnih oseb brez regionalnega državljanstva na Alandskih otokih in katere koli pravne osebe do ustanavljanja brez dovoljenja pristojnih organov Alandskih otokov. |

    | Naložbe: E:Za naložbe tujih vlad in oseb javnega prava (ki kažejo, da ima takšna oseba poleg gospodarskih tudi negospodarske interese) v Španiji, ki so neposredne ali preko podjetij ali drugih oseb, ki so pod neposrednim ali posrednim nadzorom tujih vlad, je potrebno predhodno dovoljenje vlade. |

    | F:Za tuje nakupe, ki presegajo 33,33 odstotka delnic ali glasovalnih pravic v obstoječem francoskem podjetju ali 20 odstotkov v francoskih gospodarskih družbah, ki kotirajo na borzi, veljajo naslednji predpisi:— po izteku enega meseca od predhodnega obvestila, se dovoljenje tiho izda za druge naložbe, razen če minister za gospodarstvo v izjemnih okoliščinah uporabi svojo pravico, da naložbo odloži.F:Tuja udeležba v novo privatiziranih gospodarskih družbah se lahko omeji na različno količino javno ponujenega lastniškega kapitala, pri čemer to količino določi francoska vlada za vsak primer posebej.F:Za ustanovitev v nekaterih komercialnih, industrijskih ali obrtnih dejavnostih, je potrebno posebno dovoljenje, če generalni direktor nima dovoljenja za stalno bivanje.I:Novo privatiziranim gospodarskim družbam se lahko dodelijo ali ohranijo izključne pravice. Glasovalne pravice v novo privatiziranih gospodarskih družbah so lahko v nekaterih primerih omejene. Za obdobje petih let se lahko za pridobitev velikega deleža delnic družb, ki delujejo na področju obrambe in energetike, zahteva soglasje Ministrstva za finance.P:Tuja udeležba v novo privatiziranih gospodarskih družbah se lahko omeji na različno količino javno ponujenega lastniškega kapitala, pri čemer to količino določi portugalska vlada za vsak primer posebej. |

    | Zahteve glede stalnega prebivališča A:Generalni direktorji podružnic in pravne osebe morajo imeti stalno prebivališče v Avstriji; fizične osebe, ki so v pravni osebi ali podružnici odgovorne za spoštovanje avstrijskega Zakona o trgovini, morajo imeti stalno prebivališče v Avstriji. |

    | A:Za vse tujce se uporabljajo določbe Zakona o tujcih in Zakona o stalnem prebivališču v zvezi z vstopom, bivanjem in delom. Poleg tega se za tuje delavce, vključno s ključnim osebjem in vlagatelji, razen državljanov EGP, uporabljajo določbe Zakona o tujih delavcih, vključno s preverjanjem trga delovne sile in sistemom kvot. Če vlagatelj opravi naložbo, ki ima pozitiven vpliv na celotno avstrijsko gospodarstvo ali na celoten sektor avstrijskega gospodarstva, se lahko opusti preverjanje trga delovne sile zanj in za posamezne primere osnovnega ključnega osebja. Vlagatelji, ki predložijo dokazilo, da imajo vsaj 25-odstotni delež societete ("Personengesellschaft") ali javne družbe z omejeno odgovornostjo ("Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung") in da imajo odločilen vpliv na navedeno družbo, so izvzeti iz Zakona o tujih delavcih. |

    2.OBVEZE POSAMEZNIH SEKTORJEV (na podlagi klasifikacije UN ISIC rev. 3)

    A.Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo

    1.Kmetijstvo, lov, razen storitev2.Gozdarstvo, sečnja, razen storitev | A:Pridržek.F:Pridržek za ustanavljanje kmetijskih podjetij s strani državljanov držav, ki niso članice Skupnosti, in nakup vinogradov.IRL:Pridržek za nakup zemljišč za kmetijske namene s strani državljanov držav nečlanic Skupnosti, razen če se jim izda dovoljenje; naložbe v industrijo mletja moke s strani oseb, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča v Skupnosti. |


    5.Ribolov, upravljanje ribogojnic, razen storitev. | A:Nakup 25 % ali več plovil, registriranih v Avstriji.B:Pridržek za nakup plovil, ki plujejo pod belgijsko zastavo, s strani ladjarskih družb, ki nimajo glavnega sedeža v Belgiji.DK:Pridržek za lastništvo ene tretjine ali več podjetja, ki se ukvarja s komercialnim ribištvom, s strani oseb, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča v ES; lastništvo plovil, ki plujejo pod dansko zastavo s strani oseb, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča v ES, razen preko podjetja, registriranega na Danskem. |

    | F:Pridržek za naseljevanje oseb, ki niso državljani Skupnosti ali EFTE na pomorski državni lastnini zaradi gojenja rib/lupinarjev/alg.F:Pridržek za lastništvo po nakupu več kot 50 odstotkov plovila, ki pluje pod francosko zastavo, razen če zadevno plovilo ni v celoti v lasti podjetij, ki imajo glavni sedež v Franciji.FIN:Pridržek za lastništvo plovil, ki plujejo pod finsko zastavo, vključno z ribiškimi plovili, razen preko podjetja, registriranega na Finskem. |

    | D:Dovoljenje za morski ribolov se izda samo plovilom, ki imajo pravico pluti pod nemško zastavo. To so ribiška plovila, katerih večina delnic je v lasti državljanov Skupnosti ali gospodarskih družb, ustanovljenih v skladu s pravili Skupnosti in ki imajo glavno poslovno enoto v državi članici. Uporabo plovil morajo voditi in nadzorovati osebe s stalnim prebivališčem v Nemčiji. Da pridobijo dovoljenje za ribolov, se morajo vsa ribiška plovila registrirati v ustreznih obalnih državah, v katerih imajo plovila svoje matično pristanišče.GR:Lastništvo plovila, ki pluje pod grško zastavo, je omejeno na 49 % za fizične ali pravne osebe, ki niso državljani EU.IRL:Pridržek za nakup plovil za morski ribolov, registriranih na Irskem, s strani oseb, ki niso državljani Skupnosti.I:Pridržek za nakup večinskega deleža v plovilu, ki pluje pod italijansko zastavo, ali kontrolnega deleža družbe, ki ima v lasti ladjo in, ki ima sedež v Italiji, s strani tujcev, razen rezidentov Skupnosti; nakup plovil, ki plujejo pod italijansko zastavo, ki se uporabljajo za ribolov v italijanskih teritorialnih vodah.NL:Pridržek za lastništvo plovil, ki plujejo pod nizozemsko zastavo, razen če naložbe ne opravi ladjarska družba, registrirana po nizozemskih zakonih, ustanovljena v kraljestvu in ki ima dejanski sedež uprave na Nizozemskem. |

    | P:Pridržek za lastništvo plovil, ki plujejo pod portugalsko zastavo, razen preko podjetja, registriranega na Portugalskem.S:Pridržek za nakup 50 odstotkov ali več plovila, ki pluje pod švedsko zastavo, razen preko podjetja, registriranega na Švedskem; ustanavljanje, nakup 50 odstotkov ali več delnic v podjetjih, ki se ukvarjajo s komercialnim ribolovom v švedskih vodah, razen če je izdano dovoljenje. Omejitve pravice do ribolova in omejitve, katera ribiška plovila lahko pridobijo dovoljenje in postanejo del švedske ribolovne flote, so navedene v švedski zakonodaji o ribolovu. |

    | UK:Pridržek za nakup plovil, ki plujejo pod zastavo Združenega kraljestva, razen če je naložba v vsaj 75-odstotni lasti britanskih državljanov in/ali gospodarskih družb, ki so v vsaj 75-odstotni lasti britanskih državljanov, v vseh primerih s stalnim prebivališčem v Združenem kraljestvu. Plovila morajo biti upravljana, vodena in nadzorovana iz Združenega kraljestva. |

    C.Rudarstvo in delo v kamnolomih

    10.Kopanje premoga in lignita; pridobivanje šote11.Pridobivanje surove nafte in zemeljskega plina; razen storitev12.Kopanje uranove in torijeve rude13.Kopanje kovinskih rud14.Drugo rudarstvo in delo v kamnolomih | GR:Za pravico do raziskovanja in izkoriščanja vseh mineralov, razen ogljikovodikov, trdih goriv, radioaktivnih mineralov in geotermalnih potencialov se zahteva koncesija grške države po odobritvi Sveta ministrov.E:Pridržek za naložbe iz držav, ki niso članice Skupnosti, v strateške minerale.F:Ustanavljanje podjetij s strani nerezidentov v ekstraktivnih industrijah mora potekati v obliki francoske ali evropske podružnice, njihov direktor mora biti oseba s stalnim prebivališčem v Franciji ali drugi državi in prijaviti stalno prebivališče lokalnim organom oblasti. |

    | ES:Pridržek za iskanje, raziskovanje in izkoriščanje ogljikovodikov: V skladu z Direktivo 94/22/ES z dne 30. maja 1994 (UL L 164 z dne 30.6.1994), kadar koli je videti, da tretja država ne zagotavlja subjektom Skupnosti glede dostopa do in opravljanja teh dejavnosti obravnave, ki je primerljiva obravnavi, ki jo Skupnost zagotavlja subjektom navedene tretje države, lahko Svet na predlog Komisije dovoli državi članici, da zavrne izdajo dovoljenja subjektu, ki ga dejansko nadzorujejo zadevna tretja država in/ali državljani navedene države (vzajemnost). |


    15.Proizvodnja živil in pijač16.Proizvodnja tobačnih izdelkov17.Proizvodnja tekstila18.Proizvodnja oblačil; obdelava in barvanje krzna19.Strojenje in obdelava usnja; proizvodnja potovalnih torb, ročnih torbic, sedlarskih in jermenarskih izdelkov in obutve20.Proizvodnja lesa in izdelkov iz lesa in plute, razen pohištva; proizvodnja izdelkov iz slame in pletarskih materialov | |

    21.Proizvodnja papirja in papirnih izdelkov22.Objavljanje, tiskanje in razmnoževanje posnetih nosilcev zvoka23.Proizvodnja koksa, naftnih derivatov in jedrskega goriva24.Proizvodnja kemikalij in kemičnih izdelkov25.Proizvodnja gumijastih in plastičnih izdelkov26.Proizvodnja drugih nekovinskih mineralnih izdelkov27.Proizvodnja kovin28.Proizvodnja kovinskih izdelkov, razen strojev in naprav29.Proizvodnja strojev in naprav, d.n.30.Proizvodnja pisarniških in računovodskih strojev ter računalnikov31.Proizvodnja električnih strojev in naprav, d.n. | Ni omejitev. |

    32.Proizvodnja radijskih, televizijskih in komunikacijskih naprav in opreme33.Proizvodnja medicinske opreme; finomehaničnih in optičnih instrumentov in ur34.Proizvodnja motornih vozil, prikolic in polprikolic35.Proizvodnja druge prevozne opreme36.Proizvodnja pohištva, proizvodnja d.n.37.Recikliranje | |

    DRUGA PROIZVODNJA | A:Za proizvodnjo nevojaškega orožja in streliva se uporablja zahteva po državljanstvu EGP. Za proizvodnjo vojaškega orožja in streliva se uporablja zahteva po avstrijskem državljanstvu. Pravne osebe in societete: Registriran ali glavni sedež v Avstriji. Strokovni zastopnik ali upravni družbeniki družbe, pooblaščeni, da nastopajo v njenem imenu, morajo biti državljani EGP. |

    E.Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo

    40.Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, paro in toplo vodo | A:Brez obvez.F:Koncesije in dovoljenja v hidroelektričnem sektorju se lahko dajo le francoskim državljanom ali državljanom Skupnosti, ter državljanom tretjih držav, s katerimi so sklenjeni sporazumi o vzajemnosti za izkoriščanje hidroelektrične energije.FIN:Pridržki za naložbe v podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo z dejavnostmi v zvezi z jedrsko energijo ali jedrskimi zadevami.GR:Trda goriva, radioaktivni minerali in geotermalna energija: Dovoljenje za raziskovanje se ne sme izdati fizičnim ali pravnim osebam, ki niso iz Skupnosti. Za pravico do izkoriščanja se zahteva koncesija grške države, po odobritvi Sveta ministrov.P:Pridržki za naložbe v podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo z uvozom, prevozom in oskrbo z zemeljskim plinom. Portugalska vlada je pristojna za opredeljevanje pogojev, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati podjetja, ki želijo opravljati navedene dejavnosti |

    DEL B


    Sektor | Omejitve nacionalne obravnave za pravico do ustanavljanja |

    Velja za vse sektorje, zajete v to listo | 1.Plačila in transferji:Plačila in gibanja kapitala, izvedena po tem poglavju, so predmet določb odstavka 3 Priloge XIV. 2.Uredba z zakonsko močjo 600 (1974) o tujih naložbah je prostovoljen in poseben naložbeni režim.Potencialni investitorji lahko kot alternativo splošnemu režimu za vstop kapitala v Čile, pri Odboru za tuje naložbe vložijo prošnjo za obravnavo po režimu, določenem v Uredbi z zakonsko močjo 600. Obveznosti in obveze iz poglavja o ustanavljanju in iz te priloge se ne uporabljajo za Uredbo z zakonsko močjo 600, o tujih naložbah, za Zakon 18.657 o investicijskih skladih za tuj kapital niti za nadaljevanje ali takojšnje podaljšanje takih zakonov, za spremembe navedenih zakonov ali za posebne in/ali prostovoljne režime za naložbe, ki jih lahko Čile sprejme v prihodnosti. Razume se, da ima čilski Odbor za tuje naložbe pravico zavrniti prošnje za investiranje v skladu z Uredbo z zakonsko močjo 600 in Zakonom 18.657. Poleg tega ima Odbor za tuje naložbe pravico zakonsko urejati pogoje za tuje naložbe, izvedene v skladu z zgoraj navedeno Uredbo z zakonsko močjo 600 in Zakonom 18.657. |

    | 3.Lastništvo ali katera koli druga pravica nad državnimi zemljišči se lahko odobri le čilskim fizičnim ali pravnim osebam. Državna zemljišča so za te namene državna zemljišča do razdalje 10 km od meje in do 15 km od obale.Fizičnih nepremičnin, ki se nahajajo ob meji in jih je Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores z Decreto con Fuerza de Ley 4, 1967, opredelilo kot "obmejno območje", ne morejo pridobiti, niti kot lastnino niti drugače, fizične osebe z državljanstvom sosednje države ali pravne osebe s sedežem v sosednji državi ali s 40 ali več odstotnim deležem kapitala v lastni takšne fizične osebe ali pod dejanskim nadzorom takšne fizične osebe. 4.Pri prenosu ali odpravi udeležbe v delnicah ali sredstev v obstoječem državnem ali vladnem subjektu, si Čile pridržuje pravico, da prepove ali omeji lastništvo navedenega deleža alisredstva, in na pravico vlagateljev Skupnosti ali vlagateljev iz države nečlanice do nadzora katere koli ustanovljene družbe ali naložb, ki jih opravi. V zvezi s takim prenosom ali odpravo, lahko Čile sprejme ali ohrani ukrepe, povezane z državljanstvom višjih vodilnih delavcev in članov upravnega odbora.V ta namen: (a)ukrepi, ki se ohranijo ali sprejmejo po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma, ki ob prenosu ali odstranitvi odpravi prepovedujejo ali omejujejo lastništvo nad takimi interesi deleži ali sredstvi ali določajo uvajajo zahteve po državljanstvu, ki so tukaj navedene, se štejejo za veljavni ukrep; in(b)"družba v državni lasti" pomeni družbo v lasti ali pod nadzorom Čila s pomočjo udeležbe v lastništvu, in vključuje vse družbe, ustanovljene po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma, katerih edini namen je prodaja sli odprava udeležbe v kapitalu ali sredstvih obstoječega subjekta v državni ali vladni lasti.5.Čile si pridržuje pravico do sprejema ali ohranjanja ukrepov, povezanih z zahtevo po stalnem prebivališču v zvezi z lastništvom ali vlaganjem v obalna zemljišča s strani vlagateljev druge pogodbenice.Čilska fizična oseba ali oseba s prebivališčem v Čilu ali čilska pravna oseba lahko kupi ali nadzoruje zemljišča, ki se uporabljajo za kmetijske dejavnosti. Poleg tega si Čile pridržuje pravico do sprejema ali ohranjanja ukrepov, povezanih z lastništvom ali nadzorom takih zemljišč. V primeru pravnih oseb se lahko zahteva, da je večina vsakega razreda delnic v lasti čilskih fizičnih oseb ali oseb s prebivališčem v državi. Rezident je vsaka oseba, ki ima v Čilu stalno prebivališče 183 dni ali več na leto. 6.Čile si pridržuje pravico do sprejema ali ohranjanja ukrepov, ki vlagateljem Skupnosti in njihovim naložbam preprečujejo pridobitev pravic ali preverencialov, odobrenih domačinom. |

    A.Kmetijstvo | Ni omejitev. |

    B.Ribištvo | Ob upoštevanju določb iz Dodatka k tej prilogi (Protokol o ribolovnih podjetjih): Za uporabo plaž, priobalnih zemljišč (terrenos de playas), voda (porciones de agua) in morskega dna (fondos marinos) za opravljanje akvakulturnih dejavnosti, se zahteva koncesija ali dovoljenje. Samo čilske fizične ali pravne osebe, ustanovljene v skladu s čilsko zakonodajo, in tujci, ki imajo stalno prebivališče, so lahko imetniki dovoljenja ali koncesije za opravljanje akvakulturnih dejavnosti. Da bi lahko obirali in lovili hidrobiološke vrste v notranjih vodah, v teritorialnih vodah in v izključni ekonomski coni Čila, se zahteva dovoljenje, ki ga izda Subsecretaría de Pesca. Samo čilske fizične ali pravne osebe, ustanovljene v skladu s čilsko zakonodajo, in tujci, ki imajo stalno prebivališče, so lahko imetniki dovoljenja za obiranje ali lovljenje hidrobioloških vrst. Samo čilska plovila lahko opravljajo ribolov v notranjih vodah, v teritorialnih vodah in v čilski izključni ekonomski coni. Čilska plovila so tista, ki so opredeljena v Ley de Navegación. Za dostop do ekstraktivnega industrijskega ribolova se zahteva predhodna registracija plovila v Čilu. Za dostop do industrijskega ribištva se zahteva predhodna registracija plovila v Čilu. V Čilu lahko registrirajo plovilo samo čilske fizične ali pravne osebe. Pravna oseba mora biti ustanovljena v Čilu in imeti glavni sedež in dejanski sedež v Čilu, predsednik, direktor in večina direktorjev in upravljavcev pa morajo biti čilske fizične osebe. Poleg tega mora biti več kot 50 odstotkov lastniškega kapitala v lasti čilskih fizičnih ali pravnih oseb. Za te namene mora pravna oseba z lastniško udeležbo v drugi pravni osebi, ki ima v lasti plovilo, izpolnjevati vse prej navedene zahteve. Skupno lastništvo (comunidad) lahko registrira plovilo, če je večina skupnih lastnikov Čilencev s stalnim prebivališčem v Čilu. Upravljavci morajo biti čilske fizične osebe in večina pravic iz skupnega lastništva (comunidad) mora pripadati čilskim fizičnim ali pravnim osebam. Za te namene mora pravna oseba z lastniško udeležbo v skupnem lastništvu (comunidad), ki ima v lasti plovilo, izpolnjevati vse prej navedene zahteve. Lastnika (fizično ali pravno osebo) ribiškega plovila, registriranega v Čilu pred 30. junijem 1991, ni potrebno izpolniti zgoraj navedene zahteve po državljanstvu. Ribiška plovila, ki so ji posebej dovoljenje izdale pomorske oblasti, na podlagi pooblastil, dodeljenih v skladu z zakonodajo, v primerih vzajemnosti, ki jo čilskim plovilom odobrijo druge države, se lahko izvzamejo iz zgoraj navedenih zahtev po enakih pogojih, kot jih za čilska plovila predvideva navedena država. Za dostop do malega ribolova (pesca artesanal) se zahteva predhodna registracija v Registro de Pesca Artesanal. Registracija za mali priobalni ribolov (pesca artesanal) se odobri le čilskim fizičnim osebam in tujim fizičnim oseba s stalnim bivališčem, ali čilskim pravnim osebam, ki jih ustanovijo zgoraj navedene osebe. Čile ohrani pravico do nadzora dejavnosti tujega ribištva, vključno z iztovorom rib, prvim iztovorom predelanih rib na morju in dostopom do čilskih pristanišč (pristaniške ugodnosti). Čile si pridržuje pravico do nadzora uporabe plaž, priobalnih zemljišč (terrenos de playas), voda (porciones de agua) in morskega dna (fondos marinos) za izdajanje pomorskih koncesij. Zaradi jasnosti "pomorske koncesije" ne vključujejo akvakulture. |

    C.Rudarstvo in delo v kamnolomih | Država ima pravico do prve zavrnitve, po rednih cenah in tržnih zakonitostih, v zvezi z rudarskimi izdelki, ki izhajajo iz izkoriščanja, razvitega v državi, kjer je prisotnost torija in urana znatna. Država lahko zahteva, da proizvajalci odstranijo iz rudarskih proizvodov delež snovi, ki niso zajete v koncesije, in so prisotne v znatnih količinah v navedenih proizvodih in ki lahko se lahko ekonomično in tehnično ločijo za dostavo ali prodajo v imenu države. V ta namen ekonomična in tehnična odstranitev pomeni, da so stroški, ki nastanejo pri pridobivanju zadevne snovi s pomočjo primernega tehničnega postopka, ter stroški, ki nastanejo pri njenem trženju in dostavi, nižji od tržne vrednosti zadevne snovi. Za raziskave, izkoriščanje in predelavo litija, nahajališča vseh vrst v oceanskih vodah, ki so pod državno pristojnostjo in tista, ki se v celoti ali deloma nahajajo v nekaterih rudarskih območjih, pomembnih za nacionalno varnosti, katerih razvrščanje poteka izključno po zakonu, se lahko uporabljajo administrativne koncesije ali posebne pogodbe, v skladu z zahtevami in pogoji, ki jih lahko določi predsednik republike za vsak primer posebej z odredbo. Za naravne jedrske materiale in pridobljeni litij, kot tudi koncentrate, stranske proizvode ali njihove spojine, se ne uporablja noben zakonski akt, razen, če to opravlja Čilska komisija za jedrsko energijo, ali se to opravlja v sodelovanju z njo, ali z njenim predhodnim dovoljenjem. Če bi Komisija menila, da je priporočljivo, da se odobri takšno dovoljenje, določi tudi pogoje delovanja. Za raziskave, izkoriščanje in predelavo tekočih ali plinastih ogljikovodikov, nahajališča vseh vrst v oceanskih vodah, ki so pod državno pristojnostjo in tista, ki se v celoti ali deloma nahajajo v nekaterih rudarskih območjih, pomembnih za nacionalno varnosti, katerih razvrščanje poteka izključno po zakonu, se lahko uporabljajo administrativne koncesije ali posebne pogodbe, v skladu z zahtevami in pogoji, ki jih lahko določi predsednik republike za vsak primer posebej z odredbo. Zaradi jasnosti izraz predelava ne vključuje shranjevanja, prevoza ali rafinacije energentov iz tega odstavka. |

    D.Proizvodnja | Ni omejitev. |

    E.Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo | Proizvodnjo jedrske energije za miroljubne namene opravlja samo Čilska Komisija za jedrsko energijo ali, z njenim dovoljenjem, v sodelovanju s tretjimi strankami. Če bi Komisija menila, da je priporočljivo, da se odobri takšno dovoljenje, določi tudi pogoje delovanja. |

    [1] Pri teh zahtevah se lahko sprejmejo izjeme, če se lahko dokaže, da stalno bivališče ni potrebno.

    [2] Pri teh zahtevah se lahko sprejmejo izjeme, če se lahko dokaže, da stalno bivališče ni potrebno.




    1. Lastništvo in nadzor

    Čile izda dovoljenje pravnim in fizičnim osebam Skupnosti, kot je opredeljeno v členu 131, za lastništvo večinskega deleža lastniškega kapitala in za nadzor upravljanja novih ali obstoječih ribolovnih podjetij v Čilu, če imajo čilske pravne in fizične osebe enako pravico za lastništvo večinskega deleža lastniškega kapitala in za nadzor upravljanja novih ali obstoječih ribolovnih podjetij v državni članici, iz katere prihaja zadevna pravna ali fizična oseba Skupnosti.

    Država članica Skupnosti izda čilskim pravnim in fizičnim osebam dovoljenje za lastništvo večinskega deleža lastniškega kapitala in za nadzor upravljanja novih ali obstoječih ribolovnih podjetij na njenem ozemlju, če to dovoljuje zakonodaja navedene države članice.

    2. Registracija in upravljanje ribiških plovil

    Pravne osebe, ustanovljene v Čilu, katerih večinski del lastniškega kapitala je v lasti in katerih upravljanje je pod nadzorom pravnih in fizičnih oseb Skupnosti, imajo pravico, da zaprosijo za, registrirajo in upravljajo ribiška plovila pod enakimi pogoji, kakor se uporabljajo za pravne osebe, katerih večinski delež lastniškega kapitala je v lasti in katerih upravljanje je pod nadzorom čilskih pravnih in fizičnih oseb, če imajo pravne osebe, ustanovljene v državi članici, iz katere prihaja zadevna pravna ali fizična oseba Skupnosti, katerih večinski delež lastniškega kapitala je v lasti in katerih upravljanje je pod nadzorom čilskih pravnih in fizičnih oseb, pravico, da zaprosijo za, registrirajo in upravljajo ribiška plovila v navedeni državi članici.

    3. Izdaja dovoljenj in dovoljenja za ribolov

    Pravne osebe, ustanovljene v eni pogodbenici, katerih večinski delež lastniškega kapitala je v lasti in katerih upravljanje je pod nadzorom pravnih ali fizičnih oseb druge pogodbenice, ki so registrirale ribiško plovilo, imajo pravico, za zaprosijo za in pridobijo dovoljenje za industrijski ribolov, vključno z vsemi razpoložljivimi dodatnimi izrednimi dovoljenji za ribolov, in ustreznimi posameznimi kvotami, pod enakimi pogoji, kakor se uporabljajo za druge pravne osebe, ustanovljene v isti pogodbenici, katerih večinski delež lastniškega kapitala je v lasti domačih pravnih in fizičnih oseb. Take pravne osebe morajo izpolnjevati vse predpise ter ukrepe za ohranjanje in upravljanje, ki urejajo ribolov pogodbenice, v kateri so ustanovljene.

    4. Prenos dovoljenj in plovil

    V skladu s čilsko zakonodajo, imajo nova ali obstoječa ribolovna podjetja, katerih večinski delež lastniškega kapitala je v lasti ali pod nadzorom pravnih in fizičnih oseb Skupnosti pravico, da s pomočjo prenosa prejmejo dovoljenja za ribolov in plovila, pod enakimi pogoji, kakor jih uživajo nova ali obstoječa ribolovna podjetja, katerih večinski delež lastniškega kapitala je v lasti ali pod nadzorom čilskih pravnih in fizičnih oseb, če imajo v skladu z zakonodajo, ki se uporablja v državi članici, iz katere prihaja zadevna pravna ali fizična oseba Skupnosti, nova ali obstoječa ribolovna podjetja, katerih večinski delež lastniškega kapitala je v lasti ali pod nadzorom čilskih pravnih in fizičnih oseb pravico, da s pomočjo prenosa prejmejo dovoljenja za ribolov in plovila pod enakimi pogoji, kakor jih uživajo nova ali obstoječa ribolovna podjetja, katerih večinski delež lastniškega kapitala je v lasti pravnih in fizičnih oseb Skupnosti.

    5. Potrditev pogojev vzajemnosti

    Brez poseganja v določbe o reševanju sporov iz tega sporazuma se na zahtevo ene ali druge pogodbenice pogodbenici posvetujeta, javno objavita in si izmenjata ustrezne informacije v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora, da bi preverili in potrdili, da so izpolnjeni pogoji vzajemnosti, kot so opredeljeni v odstavkih 1, 2, 3 in 4 tega protokola.

    Po posvetovanjih pogodbenici skupaj zaključita, ali so pogoji vzajemnosti izpolnjeni ali ne. Pogodbenici ustrezno ukrepata in v roku največ 45 dni pošljeta Pridružitvenemu odboru poročilo.

    6. Pogodbenici se strinjata, da se določbe naslova III, poglavje III, uporabljajo z upoštevanjem določb tega protokola.



    (Navedena v členu 137 Pridružitvenega sporazuma)


    Dodatek 1


    Subjekti, ki naročajo v skladu z določbami tega naslova


    Pragovi: 130000 posebne pravice črpanja


    navedeno v Dodatku 4

    Pragovi: 130000 posebne pravice črpanja


    navedeno v Dodatku 5

    Pragovi: 5000000 posebne pravice črpanja

    Seznam subjektov [1]

    Oddelek 1

    Subjekti Evropskih skupnosti

    1. Svet Evropske unije

    2. Evropska komisija

    Oddelek 2

    Državni naročniki


    (Besedilo v angleškem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    (A) Trenutno zajeti subjekti:

    1. | Federal Chancellery | Bundeskanzleramt |

    2. | Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs | Bundesministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten |

    3. | Federal Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs | Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales |

    4. | Federal Ministry of Finance | Bundesministerium für Finanzen |

    (a) Procurement Office | Amtswirtschaftsstelle |

    (b) Division III/1 (procurement of technical appliances, equipments and goods for the customs guard) | Abteilung III/1 (Beschaffung von technischen Geräten, Einrichtungen und Sachgütern für die Zollwache) |

    (c) Federal EDP-Office (procurement of the Federal Ministry of Finance and of the Federal Office of Accounts) | Bundesrechenamt (EDV-Bereich des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen und des Bundesrechenamtes) |

    5. | Federal Ministry for Environment, Youth and Family – Procurement Office | Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Jugend und Familie, Amtwirtschaftsstelle |

    6. | Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs | Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten, Amtswirtschaftsstelle |

    7. | Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs | Bundesministerium für Inneres |

    (a) Division 1/5 (Procurement Office) | Abteilung 1/5 (Amtswirtschaftsstelle) |

    (b) Division 1/6 [procurement of goods (other than those procured by Division II/3) for the Federal Police] | Abteilung 1/6 (Beschaffung aller Sachgüter für die Bundespolizei soweit sie nicht von der Abteilung H/3 beschafft werden) |

    (c) EDP-Centre (procurement of electronical data processing machines (hardware)) | EDV-Zentrale (Beschaffung von EDV-"Hardware") |

    (d) Division II/3 (procurement of technical appliances and equipments for the Federal Police) | Abteilung II/3 (Beschaffung von technischen Geräten und Einrichtungen für die Bundespolizei) |

    (e) Division II/5 (procurement of technical appliances and equipment for the Federal Provincial Police) | Abteilung H/5 (Beschaffung von technischen Geräten und Einrichtungen für die Bundesgendarmerie) |

    (f) Division 11/19 (procurement of equiment for supervision of road traffic) | Abteilung 11/19 (Beschaffung von Einrichtungen zur Überwachung des Straßenverkehrs) |

    (g) Divsion 11/21 (procurement of aircraft) | Abteilung 11/21 (Beschaffung von Flugzeugen) |

    8. | Federal Ministry for Justice – Procurement Office | Bundesministerium für Justiz, Amtswirtschaftsstelle |

    9. | Federal Ministry of Defence [2] | Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung (Nichtkriegsmaterial nach Abschnitt 3 dieser Anlage) |

    10. | Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry | Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft |

    11. | Federal Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs | Bundesministerium für Unterricht und kulturelle Angelegenheiten |

    12. | Federal Ministry for Science and Transport | Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr |

    13. | Austrian Central Statistical Office | Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt |

    14. | Austrian Federal Academy of Public Administration | Verwaltungsakademie des Bundes |

    15. | Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen |

    16. | Federal Institute for Testing and Research Arsenal (BVFA) | Bundesforschungs- und Prüfzentrum Arsenal |

    17. | Austro control Ges.m.b.H. – Austrian office for civil aviation | Austro Control Ges.m.b.H. – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zivilluftfahrt |

    18. | Federal Institute for Testing of Motor Vehicles | Bundesprüfanstalt für Kraftfahrzeuge |

    19. | Post and Telecom Austria | Post und Telecom Austria Aktiengesellschaft |

    (B) Vsi drugi centralni javni organi, vključno z njihovimi regionalnimi in lokalnimi pododdelki, če nimajo industrijskega ali komercialnega značaja.


    (Besedilo v francoskem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    (A) L'État fédéral (zvezna država):

    1. Services du Premier Ministre

    2. Ministère des Affaires économiques

    3. Ministère des Affaires étrangères, du Commerce extérieur et de la Coopération au développement

    4. Ministère des Affaires sociales, de la Santé publique et de l'Environnement

    5. Ministère des Classes moyennes et de l'Agriculture

    6. Ministère des Communications et de l'Infrastructure

    7. Ministère de la Défense nationale [3]

    8. Ministère de l'Emploi et du Travail

    9. Ministère des Finances

    10. Ministère de la Fonction publique

    11. Ministère de l'Intérieur

    12. Ministère de la Justice

    (B) Autres (drugi):

    1. la Poste [4]

    2. la Régie des Bâtiments

    3. L'Office national de Sécurité Sociale

    4. L'Institut national d'Assurances sociales pour Travailleurs indépendants

    5. L'Institut national d'Assurance Maladie-Invalidité

    6. L'Office national des Pensions

    7. La Caisse auxiliaire d'Assurance Maladie-Invalidité

    8. Le Fonds des Maladies professionnelles

    9. L'Office national de l'Emploi


    (Besedilo v angleškem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    1. | (Parliament) – (Auditor General of Denmark) | – | Folketinget – Rigsrevisionen |

    2. | Prime Minister's Office | | |

    3. | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | – | 2 departments |

    4. | Ministry of Labour | – | 5 agencies and institutions |

    5. | Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs | – | 7 agencies and institutions |

    6. | Ministry of Industry and Trade | – | 7 agencies and institutions |

    7. | Ministry of Finance | – | 3 agencies and institutions |

    8. | Ministry of Research | – | 1 agency |

    9. | Ministry of Defence [5] | – | Several institutions |

    10. | Ministry of the Interior | – | 2 agencies |

    11. | Ministry of Justice | – | 2 directorates and several police offices and courts |

    12. | Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs | – | 10 diocesan authorities |

    13. | Ministry of Cultural Affairs | – | 3 institutions and several state-owned museums and higher education institutions |

    14. | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | – | 23 directorates and institutions |

    15. | Ministry of Environment and Energy | – | 6 agencies and research establishment "Risø" |

    16. | Ministry of Taxes and Duties | – | 1 agency |

    17. | Ministry of Social Affairs | – | 4 agencies and institutions |

    18. | Ministry of Health | – | Several institutions including the State Serum Institute |

    19. | Ministry of Education | – | 6 directorates and 12 universities and other higher education institutions |

    20. | Ministry of Economic Affairs | – | Statistical bureau (Statistics Denmark) |

    21. | Ministry of Transport | | |


    (Besedilo v angleškem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    1. | Federal Foreign Office | Auswärtiges Amt |

    2. | Federal Chancellery | Bundeskanzleramt |

    3. | Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs | Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung |

    4. | Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology | Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie |

    5. | Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry | Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten |

    6. | Federal Ministry of Finance | Bundesministerium der Finanzen |

    7. | Federal Ministry of the Interior (civil goods only) | Bundesministerium des Innern |

    8. | Federal Ministry of Health | Bundesministerium für Gesundheit |

    9. | Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth | Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend |

    10. | Federal Ministry of Justice | Bundesministerium der Justiz |

    11. | Federal Ministry for Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development | Bundesministerium für Raumordnung, Bauwesen und Städtebau |

    12. | Federal Ministry of Post and Telecommunications [6] | Bundesministerium für Post- und Telekommunikation |

    13. | Federal Ministry of Transport | Bundesministerium für Verkehr |

    14. | Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs | Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft |

    15. | Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation | Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit |

    16. | Federal Ministry of Defence [7] | Bundesministerium der Verteidigung |

    17. | Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety | Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit |


    V skladu z obstoječimi nacionalnimi obveznostmi morajo subjekti s tega seznama v skladu s posebnimi postopki dodeliti pogodbe nekaterim skupinam, da bi odpravili težave, ki jih je povzročila zadnja vojna.


    (Besedilo v španskem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    1. Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores

    2. Ministerio de Justicia

    3. Ministerio de Defensa [8]

    4. Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda

    5. Ministerio del Interior

    6. Ministerio de Fomento

    7. Ministerio de Educación y Cultura

    8. Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales

    9. Ministerio de Industria y Energía

    10. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación

    11. Ministerio de la Presidencia

    12. Ministerio para las Administraciones Públicas

    13. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo

    14. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente


    (Besedilo v angleškem jeziku je edino verodostojno)



    National Consumer Administration | Kuluttajavirasto |

    Office of Free Competition | Kilpailuvirasto |

    Consumer Complaint Board | Kuluttajavalituslautakunta |

    National Board of Patents and Registration | Patentti- ja rekisterihallitus |


    Telecommunications Administration Centre | Telehallintokeskus |


    National Land Survey of Finland | Maanmittauslaitos |

    National Food Administration | Elintarvikevirasto |


    The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman | Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto |

    Courts of Law | Tuomioistuinlaitos Korkein oikeusKorkein hallintooikeusHovioikeudetKäräjäoikeudetHallinto-oikeudetMarkkinaoikeusTyotuomioistuinVakuutusoikeus |

    Prison Administration | Vankeinhoitolaitos |


    National Board of Education | Opetushallitus |

    National Office of Film Censorship | Valtion elokuvatarkastamo |


    Defence Forces | Puolustusvoimat |


    Population Register Centre | Vaestorekisterikeskus |

    Central Criminal Police | Keskusrikospoliisi |

    Mobile Police | Liikkuva poliisi |

    Frontier Guard | Rajavartiolaitos |


    Unemployment Appeal Board | Työttömyysturvalautakunta |

    Appeal Tribunal | Tarkastuslautakunta |

    National Agency for Medicines | Lääkelaitos |

    National Board of Medicolegal Affairs | Terveydenhuollon oikeusturvakeskus |

    State Accident Office | Tapaturmavirasto |

    Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety | Säteilyturvakeskus |

    Reception Centres for Asylum Seekers | Valtion turvapaikan hakijoiden vastaanotto-keskukset |


    National Conciliators "Office" | Valtakunnansovittelijain toimisto |

    Labour Council | Työneuvosto |



    State Economy Controller's Office | Valtiontalouden tarkastusvirasto |

    State Treasury Office | Valtiokonttori |

    Valtion tyomarkkinalaitos |

    Verohallinto |

    Tullihallinto |

    Valtion vakuusrahasto |


    National Board of Waters and Environment | Vesi- ja ympäristöhallitus |


    (Besedilo v francoskem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    A. Principales entités acheteuses (glavni subjekti za naročila)

    (a) Budget général

    1. Services du Premier Ministre

    2. Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé et de la Ville

    3. Ministère de l'Intérieur et de l'Aménagement du Territoire

    4. Ministère de la Justice

    5. Ministère de la Défense

    6. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

    7. Ministère de l'Education Nationale

    8. Ministère de l'Economie

    9. Ministère de l'Industrie, des Postes et Télécommunications et du Commerce Extérieur

    10. Minitère de l'Equipement, des Transports et du Tourisme

    11. Ministère des Entreprises et du Développement Economique, chargé des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises et du Commerce et de l'Artisanat

    12. Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle

    13. Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie

    14. Ministère du Budget

    15. Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche

    16. Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche

    17. Ministère de l'Environnement

    18. Ministère de la Fonction Publique

    19. Ministère du Logement

    20. Ministère de la Coopération

    21. Ministère des Départements et Territoires d'Outre-Mer

    22. Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports

    23. Ministère de la Communication

    24. Ministère des anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre

    (b) Budget annexe

    On peut notamment signaler:

    1. Imprimerie Nationale

    (c) Comptes spéciaux du Trésor

    On peut notamment signaler:

    1. Fonds forestiers national

    2. Soutien financier de l'industrie cinématographique et de l'industrie des programmes audio-visuels

    3. Fonds national d'aménagement foncier et d'urbanisme

    4. Caisse autonome de la reconstruction

    B. Etablissements publics nationaux à caractère administratif (national public establishment of administrative character)

    1. Académie de France à Rome

    2. Académie de Marine

    3. Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer

    4. Agence Centrale des Organismes de Sécurité Sociale (A.C.O.S.S.)

    5. Agences Financières de Bassins

    6. Agence Nationale pour l'Amélioration des Conditions de Travail (A.N.A.C.T.)

    7. Agence Nationale pour l'Amélioration de l'Habitat (A.N.A.H.)

    8. Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi (A.N.P.E.)

    9. Agence Nationale pour l'Indemnisation des Français d'Outre-Mer (A.N.I.F.O.M.)

    10. Assemblée Permanente des Chambres d'Agriculture (A.P.C.A.)

    11. Bibliothèque Nationale

    12. Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg

    13. Bureau d'Etudes des Postes et Télécommunications d'Outre-Mer (B.E.P.T.O.M.)

    14. Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations

    15. Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales (C.N.A.F.)

    16. Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salariés (C.N.A.M.)

    17. Caisse Nationale d'Assurance-Vieillesse des Travailleurs Salariés (C.N.A.V.T.S.)

    18. Caisse Nationale des Autoroutes (C.N.A.)

    19. Caisse Nationale Militaire de Sécurité Sociale (C.N.M.S.S.)

    20. Caisse Nationale des Monuments Historiques et des Sites

    21. Caisse Nationale des Télécommunications [10]

    22. Caisse de Garantie du Logement Social

    23. Casa de Velasquez

    24. Centre d'Enseignement Zootechnique de Rambouillet

    25. Centre d'Etudes du Milieu et de Pédagogie Appliquée du Ministère de l'Agriculture

    26. Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de Sécurité Sociale

    27. Centres de Formation Professionnelle Agricole

    28. Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou

    29. Centre National de la Cinématographie Française

    30. Centre National d'Etudes et de Formation pour l'Enfance Inadaptée

    31. Centre National d'Etudes et d'Expérimentation du Machinisme Agricole, du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts

    32. Centre National de Formation pour l'Adaptation Scolaire et l'Education Spécialisée (C.N.E.F.A.S.E.S.)

    33. Centre National de Formation et de Perfectionnement des Professeurs d'Enseignement Ménager Agricole

    34. Centre National des Lettres

    35. Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique

    36. Centre National des Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires (C.N.O.U.S.)

    37. Centre National d'Opthalmologie des Quinze-Vingts

    38. Centre National de Préparation au Professorat de Travaux Manuels Éducatifs et d'Enseignement Ménager

    39. Centre National de Promotion Rurale de Marmilhat

    40. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (C.N.R.S.)

    41. Centre Régional d'Education Populaire d'Ile de France

    42. Centres d'Education Populaire et de Sport (C.R.E.P.S.)

    43. Centres Régionaux des Oeuvres Universitaires (C.R.O.U.S.)

    44. Centres Régionaux de la Propriété Forestière

    45. Centre de Sécurité Sociale des Travailleurs Migrants

    46. Chancelleries des Universités

    47. Collège de France

    48. Commission des Opérations de Bourse

    49. Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche

    50. Conservatoire de l'Espace Littoral et des Rivages Lacustres

    51. Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers

    52. Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique

    53. Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique

    54. Domaine de Pompadour

    55. Ecole Centrale – Lyon

    56. Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures

    57. Ecole Française d'Archéologie d'Athènes

    58. Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient

    59. Ecole Française de Rome

    60. Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

    61. Ecole Nationale d'Administration

    62. Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (E.N.A.C.)

    63. Ecole Nationale des Chartes

    64. Ecole Nationale d'Equitation

    65. Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts (E.N.G.R.E.F.)

    66. Ecoles Nationales d'Ingénieurs

    67. Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs des Industries des Techniques Agricoles et Alimentaires

    68. Ecoles Nationales d'Ingénieurs des Travaux Agricoles

    69. Ecole Nationale des Ingénieurs des Travaux Ruraux et des Techniques Sanitaires

    70. Ecole Nationale des Ingénieurs des Travaux des Eaux et Forêts (E.N.I.T.E.F.)

    71. Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature

    72. Ecoles Nationales de la Marine Marchande

    73. Ecole Nationale de la Santé Publique (E.N.S.P.)

    74. Ecole Nationale de Ski et d'Alpinisme

    75. Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique – Montpellier

    76. Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique – Rennes

    77. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs

    78. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries – Strasbourg

    79. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles – Roubaix

    80. Ecoles Nationales Supérieures d'Arts et Métiers

    81. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts

    82. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Bibliothécaires

    83. Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Céramique Industrielle

    84. Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l'Electronique et de ses Applications (E.N.S.E.A.)

    85. Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Horticulture

    86. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Agricoles Alimentaires

    87. Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage (Rattachée à l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Horticulture)

    88. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques Appliquées (E.N.S.S.A.)

    89. Ecoles Nationales Vétérinaires

    90. Ecole Nationale de Voile

    91. Ecoles Normales d'Instituteurs et d'Institutrices

    92. Ecoles Normales Nationales d'Apprentissage

    93. Ecoles Normales Supérieures

    94. Ecole Polytechnique

    95. Ecole Technique Professionelle Agricole et Forestière de Meymac (Corrèze)

    96. Ecole de Sylviculture – Crogny (Aube)

    97. Ecole de Viticulture et d'Oenologie de la Tour Blanche (Gironde)

    98. Ecole de Viticulture – Avize (Marne)

    99. Etablissement National de Convalescents de Saint-Maurice

    100. Etablissement National des Invalides de la Marine (E.N.I.M.)

    101. Etablissement National de Bienfaisance Koenigs-Wazter

    102. Fondation Carnegie

    103. Fondation Singer-Polignac

    104. Fonds d'Action Sociale pour les Travailleurs Immigrés et leurs Familles

    105. Hôpital-Hospice National Dufresne-Sommeiller

    106. Institut de l'Elevage et de Medicine Vérérinaire des Pays Tropicaux (I.E.M.V.P.T.)

    107. Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire

    108. Institut Géographique National

    109. Institut Industriel du Nord

    110. Institut International d'Administration Publique (I.I.A.P.)

    111. Institut National Agronomique de Paris-Grignon

    112. Institut National des Appellations d'Origine des Vins et Eux-de-Vie (I.N.A.O.V.E.V.)

    113. Institut National d'Astronomie et de Géophysique (I.N.A.G.)

    114. Institut National de la Consommation (I.N.C.)

    115. Institut National d'Education Populaire (I.N.E.P.)

    116. Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques (I.N.E.D.)

    117. Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles – Paris

    118. Institut National des Jeunes Sourdes – Bordeaux

    119. Institut National des Jeunes Sourds – Chambéry

    120. Institut National des Jeunes Sourds – Metz

    121. Institut National des Jeunes Sourds – Paris

    122. Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules (I.N.P.N.P.P)

    123. Institut National de Promotion Supérieure Agricole

    124. Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle;

    125. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (I.N.R.A.)

    126. Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique (I.N.R.P.)

    127. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (I.N.S.E.R.M.)

    128. Institut National des Sports

    129. Instituts Nationaux Polytechniques

    130. Instituts Nationaux des Sciences Appliquées

    131. Instituts National Supérieur de Chimie Industrielle de Rouen

    132. Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (I.N.R.I.A.)

    133. Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (I.N.R.T.S.)

    134. Instituts Régionaux d'Administration

    135. Institut Supérieur des Matériaux et de la Construction Mécanique de Saint-Ouen

    136. Musée de l'Armée

    137. Musée Gustave Moreau

    138. Musée de la Marine

    139. Musée National J.J. Henner

    140. Musée National de la Légion d'Honneur

    141. Musée de la Poste

    142. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle

    143. Musée Auguste Rodin

    144. Observatoire de Paris

    145. Office de Coopération et d'Accueil Universitaire

    146. Office Français de Protection des Réfugiés et Apatrides

    147. Office National des Anciens Combattants

    148. Office National de la Chasse

    149. Office National d'Information sur les Enseignements et les Professions (O.N.I.E.P.)

    150. Office National d'Immigration (O.N.I.)

    151. O.R.S.T.O.M. - Institut Français de Recherche Scientifique pour le Développement en Coopération

    152. Office Universitaire et Culturel Français pour l'Algérie

    153. Palais de la Découverte

    154. Parcs Nationaux

    155. Réunion des Musées Nationaux

    156. Syndicat des Transports Parisiens

    157. Thermes Nationaux – Aix-les-Bains

    158. Universités

    C. Autre organisme public national (other public national bodies)

    1. Union des Groupements d'Achats Publics (U.GA.P.)


    (Besedilo v angleškem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    Seznam subjektov

    1. Ministry of the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization

    2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    3. Ministry of National Economy

    4. Ministry of Finance

    5. Ministry of Development

    6. Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works

    7. Ministry of Education and Religion

    8. Ministry of Agriculture

    9. Ministry of Labour and Social security

    10. Ministry of Health and Social Welfare

    11. Ministry of Justice

    12. Ministry of Culture

    13. Ministry of Merchant Marine

    14. Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace

    15. Ministry of the Aegean

    16. Ministry of Transport and Communications

    17. Ministry for Press and Media

    18. Ministry to the Prime Minister

    19. Army General Staff

    20. Navy General Staff

    21. Airforce General Staff

    22. General Secretariat for Equality

    23. General Secretariat for Greeks Living Abroad

    24. General Secretariat for Commerce

    25. General Secretariat for Research and Technology

    26. General Secretariat for Industry

    27. General Secretariat for Public Works

    28. General Secretariat for Youth

    29. General Secretariat for Further Education

    30. General Secrétariat for Social Security

    31. General Secrétariat for Sports

    32. General State Laboratory

    33. National Centre of Public Administration

    34. National Printing Office

    35. National Statistical Service

    36. National Welfare Organisation

    37. University of Athens

    38. University of Thessaloniki

    39. University of Patras

    40. University of Ioannina

    41. University of Thrace

    42. University of Macedonia

    43. University of the Aegean

    44. Polytechnic School of Crete

    45. Sivitanidios Technical School

    46. Eginitio Hospital

    47. Areteio Hospital

    48. Greek Atomic Energy Commission

    49. Greek Highway Fund

    50. Hellenic Post (ELTA)

    51. Workers "Housing Organisation"

    52. Farmers "Insurance Organisation"

    53. Public Material Management Organisation

    54. School Building Organisation


    (Besedilo v angleškem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    A. Glavni nabavni subjekti

    1. Office of Public Works

    B. Druga ministrstva

    1. President's Establishment

    2. Houses of the Oireachtas (Parliament)

    3. Department of the Taoiseach (Prime Minister)

    4. Office of the Tánaiste (Deputy Prime Minister)

    5. Central Statistics Office

    6. Department of Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht

    7. National Gallery of Ireland

    8. Department of Finance

    9. State Laboratory

    10. Office of the Comptroller and Auditor-General

    11. Office of the Attorney-General

    12. Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

    13. Valuation Office

    14. Civil Service Commission

    15. Office of the Ombudsman

    16. Office of the Revenue Commissioners

    17. Department of Justice

    18. Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland

    19. Department of the Environment

    20. Department of Education

    21. Department of the Marine

    22. Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry

    23. Department of Enterprise and Employment

    24. Department of Tourism and Trade

    25. Department of Defence [11]

    26. Department of Foreign Affairs

    27. Department of Social Welfare

    28. Department of Health

    29. Department of Transport, Energy and Communications


    (Besedilo v angleškem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    Nabavni subjekti

    1. | Presidency of the Council of Ministers | Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri |

    2. | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Ministero degli Affari Esteri |

    3. | Ministry of the Interior | Ministero dell'Interno |

    4. | Ministry of Justice | Ministero della Giustizia |

    5. | Ministry of Defence [12] | Ministero della Difesa |

    6. | Ministry of Economy and Finance (former Ministry of Treasury and Ministry of Finance) | Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze |

    7. | Ministry of Productive Activities (former Ministry of Industry, Trade, Handicraft and Tourism and Ministry of Foreign Trade) | Ministero delle Attività Produttive |

    8. | Ministry of Communications (former Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications) | Ministero delle Comunicazioni |

    9. | Ministry of Agricultural and Forestal Policies (former Ministry of Agricultural Resources) | Ministero delle Politiche agricole e forestali |

    10. | Ministry of Environment and defence of territory (former Ministry of Environment) | Ministero dell'Ambiente e tutela del Territorio |

    11. | Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport (former Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Public Works) | Ministero delle Infrastnitture e Trasporti |

    12. | Ministry of Employment and Social Policies (former Ministry of employment and social security) | Ministero del Lavoro e delle politiche sociali |

    13. | Ministry of Health | Ministero della Salute |

    14. | Ministry of Education, Universities and scientific Research | Ministero dell "Istruzione, Università e Ricerca scientifica" |

    15. | Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities | Ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali |

    Drugi nacionalni javni organi

    1. CONSIP S.p.A. (Concessionaire of Public Informatie Services)


    (Besedilo v francoskem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    1. Ministère du Budget: Service Central des Imprimés et des Fournitures de l'Etat

    2. Ministère de l'Agriculture: Administration des Services Techniques de l'Agriculture

    3. Ministère de l'Education Nationale: Lycées d'Enseignement Secondaire et d'Enseignement Secondaire Technique

    4. Ministère de la Famille et de la Solidarité Sociale: Maisons de Retraite

    5. Ministère de la Force Publique: Armée [13] – Gendarmerie – Police

    6. Ministère de la Justice: Etablissements Pénitientiaires

    7. Ministère de la Santé Publique: Hôpital Neuropsychiatrique

    8. Ministère des Travaux Publics: Bâtiments Publics – Ponts et Chaussées

    9. Ministère des Communications: Centre Informatique de l'État

    10. Ministère de l'Environnement: Administration de l'Environnement


    (Besedilo v angleškem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    Seznam subjektov

    Ministrstva in centralni vladni organi


    Advisory Council on Government Policy | Bureau van de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid |

    National Information Office | Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst (Directie voorlichting, RVD-DV; Directie toepassing communicatie-techniek, RVD-DTC) |


    Government Personnel Information System Service | Dienst Informatievoorziening Overheidspersoneel |

    Public Servants Medical Expenses Agency | Dienst Ziektekostenvoorziening Overheidspersoneel |

    Central Archives | Centrale Archiefselectiedienst |

    | Binnenlandse Veiligheidsdienst (BVD) |

    Netherlands Institute for Firemen and Combatting Calamities | Nederlands Instituut voor Brandweer en Rampenbestrijding (NIBRA) |

    Netherlands Bureau for Exams of Firemen | Nederlands Bureau Brandweer Examens (NBBE) |

    National Institue for Selection and Education of Policemen | Landelijk Selectie en Opleidingsinstituut Politie (LSOP) |

    25 Individual Police Regions | 25 Afzonderlijke politieregio's |

    National Police Forces | Korps Landelijke Politiediensten |


    SNV, Organisation for Development Cooperation and Awareness | SNV, Organisatie voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en Bewustwording |

    CBI, Centre for promotion of import from developing countries | CBI, Centrum tot Bevordering van de Import uit Ontwikkelingslanden |


    Central Organisation, Ministry of Defence | Centrale organisatie van het ministerie van Defensie |

    Staff, Defence Interservice Command | Staf Defensie Interservice Commando (DICO) |

    Defence telematics Agency (establishment of this new service is expected to take place on 1 September 1997) | Defensie telematica Organisatie (DTO) |

    Duyverman Computer Centre (This service will be part of DTO and will consequently loose, as from 1 January 1998, its status as independent procurement service) | Duyverman Computer Centrum (DCC) |

    Central Directorate, Defence Infrastructure Agency | Centrale directie van de Dienst Gebouwen, Werken en Terreinen |

    The individual regional directorates of the Defence Infrastructure Agency | De afzonderlijke regionale directies van de Dienst Gebouwen, Worken en Terreinen |

    Directorate of material Royal Netherlands Navy | Directie materieel Koninklijke Marine |

    Directorate of material Royal Netherlands Army | Directie materieel Koninklijke Landmacht |

    Information Technology Support Centre, Royal Netherlands Army | Dienstcentrum Automatisering Koninklijke Landmacht |

    Directorate of material Royal Netherlands Airforce | Directie materieel Koninklijke Luchtmacht |

    Defence Pipeline Organisation | Defensie Pijpleiding Organisatie |


    Economic Investigation Agency | Economische Controledienst |

    Central Plan Bureau | Centraal Planbureau |

    Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek |

    Senter | Senter |

    Industrial Property Office | Bureau voor de Industriële Eigendom |

    Central Licensing Office for Import and Export | Centrale Dienst voor de In- en Uitvoer |

    State Supervision of Mines | Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen |


    Directorates of the State Tax Department | Directies der Rijksbelastingen |

    State Tax Department/Fiscal Intelligence and Information Department | Belastingdienst/FIOD |

    State Tax Department/Computer Centre | Belastingdienst/ Automatiseringscentrum |

    State Tax Department/Training | Belastingdienst/Opleidingen |


    Service for judicial institutions | Dienst justitiële inrichtingen |

    Service prevention, Youth protection and rehabilitation | Dienst preventie, Jeugdbescherming en reclassering |

    Service Administration of justice | Dienst rechtspleging |

    Central Debt Collection Agency of the Ministry of Justice | Centraal Justitie Incassobureau |

    National Police Services Force | Korps Landelijke Politiediensten |

    Immigration and Naturalisation Service | Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst |

    Public Prosecutor | Openbaar Ministerie |


    | Dienst Landelijke Service bij Regelingen (LASER) |

    Game Fund | Jachtfonds |

    National Inspection Service for Animals and Animal Protection | Rijksdienst voor de Keuring van Vee en Vlees (RW) |

    Plant Protection Service | Plantenziektenkundige Dienst (PD) |

    National Forest Service | Staatsbosbeheer (SBB) |

    General Inspection Service | Algemene Inspectiedienst (AID) Dienst Landinrichting Beheer Landbouwgronden (LBL) |

    Agricultural Research Service | Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (DLO) |

    National Fisheries Research Institute | Rijksinstituut voor Visserij onderzoek (RIVO-DLO) |

    Government Institute for Quality Control of Agricultural Products | Rijkskwaliteit Instituut voor Land- en Tuinbouwprodukten (RILJIT-DLO) |

    National Institute for Nature Management | Instituut voor Bos- en Natuuronderzoek |

    | De afzonderlijke Regionale Beleidsdirecties |


    Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation | Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie |

    Public Record Office | Rijksarchiefdienst |

    Council for Education | Onderwijsraad |

    Advisory Council for Science and Technology Policy | Adviesraad voor het Wetenschap en Technologiebeleid |

    Central Financial Entities | Centrale Financiën Instellingen |

    Inspection of Education | Onderwijsinspectie |

    National Institute for Ancient Monuments | Rijksdienst voor de Monumentenzorg |

    National Institute for Archeological Soil Exploration | Rijksdienst Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek |

    Council for Cultural Heritage | Raad voor Cultuur |



    Directorate-General for Civil Aviation | Directoraat-Generaal Rijksluchtvaartdienst |

    Directorate-General for Navigation and Maritime Affairs | Directoraat-Generaal Scheepvaart en Maritieme Zaken |

    Directorate-General for Transport | Directoraat-Generaal Vervoer |

    Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management | Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat |

    Telecommunications and Post Department | Hoofddirectie Telecommunicatie en Post |

    Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |

    Central Services | Centrale Diensten |

    The individual regional directories of Water Management | De afzonderlijke regionale directies van Rijkswaterstaat |

    The individual specialised services of Water Management | De afzonderlijke specialistische diensten van Rijkswaterstaat |

    Service for Construction | Bouwdienst |

    Geometric Service | Meetkundige dienst |

    Advisory Council for Traffic and Transport | Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer |

    National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management | Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee |

    National Institute for Fresh Water Management and Waste Water Treatment | Rijksinstituut voor Integraal Zoetwaterbeheer en Afvalwaterbehandeling |


    Directorate-General for Environment Management | Directoraat-Generaal Milieubeheer |

    Directorate-General for Public Housing | Directoraat-Generaal van de Volkshuisvesting |

    Government Buildings Agency | Rijksgebouwendienst |

    National Physical Planning Agency | Rijksplanologische Dienst |


    Inspection Health Protection | Inspectie Gezondheidsbescherming |

    Inspection Public Health | Inspectie Gezondheidszorg |

    Veterinary Inspection | Veterinaire Inspectie |

    Inspectorate for Child and Youth Care and Protection Services | Inspectie Jeugdhulpverlening en Jeugdbescherming |

    National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection | Rijksinstituut voor de Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne (RIVM) |

    Social and Cultural Planning Office | Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau |

    Agency to the College for Assessment of Pharmaceuticals | Agentschap t.b.v. het College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen |










    (Besedilo v angleškem jeziku je edino verodostojno)


    Secretariat-General, Prime Minister's Office | Secretaria-Geral da Presidéncia do Conselho de Ministros |

    High Commissioner for Imigration and Ethnic Minorities | Alto Comissário para a Imigração e Minorias Étnicas |

    High Commissioner for the Questions on Equality Promotion and Family | Alto Comissário para as Questões da Promoção da Igualdade e da Família |

    Legal Centre | Centro Juridico-CEJUR |

    Government Computer Network Management Centre | Centro de Gestão da Rede Informática do Governo |

    Commission for Equality and Women's Rights | Comissão para a Igualdade e para os Direitos das Mulheres |

    Economic and Social Council | Conselho Económico e Social |

    High Council on Administration and Civil Service | Conselho Superior da Administração e da Função Pública |

    Ministerial Department on Planning, Studies and Support | Gabinete de Apoio, Estudos e Planeamento |

    Ministerial Department with Special Responsibility for Macao | Gabinete de Macau |

    Ministerial Department responsible for Community Service by Conscientious Objectors | Gabinete do Serviço Cívico e dos Objectores de Conscięncia |

    Ministerial Department for European Affairs | Gabinete dos Assuntos Europeus |

    Secretariat for Administrative Modernization | Secretariado para a Modernização Administrativa |

    High Council on Sports | Conselho Superior do Desporto |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Legal Service | Auditoria Jurídica |

    Directorate-General for Roads | Direcção-Geral de Viação |

    Ministerial Department responsible for Studies and Planning | Gabinete de Estudos e Planeamento de Instalações |

    Ministerial Department for European Affairs | Gabinete dos Assuntos Europeus |

    National Fire Service | Gabinete Nacional Sirene |

    Republican National Guard | Guarda Nacional Republicana |

    Civilian Administrations | Governos Civis |

    Police | Polícia de Segurança Pública |

    General Inspectorate on Internal Administration | Inspecção-Geral da Administração Interna |

    Technical Secretariat for Electoral Matters | Secretariado técnico dos Assuntos para e Processo Eleitoral |

    Customs and Immigration Department | Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras |

    Intelligence and Security Department | Serviço de Informaçoões de Segurança |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Legal Service | Auditoria Jurídica |

    Environment Audit Office | Auditor do Ambiente |

    National Council of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries | Conselho Nacional da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas |

    Directorate-General for Forests | Direcção-Geral das Florestas |

    Directorate-General for Fisheries and Agriculture | Direcção-Geral das Pescas e Agricultura |

    Directorate-General for Rural Development | Direcção-Geral do Desenvolvimento Rural |

    Directorate-General for Control of Food Quality | Direcção-Geral de Fiscalização e Controlo da Qualidade Alimentar |

    Institute for Hydraulic questions, Rural Engineering and Enviroment | Instituto de Hidráulica, Engenharia Rural e Ambiente |

    Directorate-General for Culture Protection | Direcção-Geral de Protecção das Culturas |

    Directorate-General of Veterinary | Direcção-Geral de Veterinária |

    Regional Directorates for Agriculture (7) | Direcções Regionais de Agriculture (7) |

    Ministerial Department for Planning and Agri-food Policy | Gabinete de Planeamento e Política Agroalimentar |

    General Inspectorate and Audit Office (Management Audits) | Inspecção-Geral e Auditoria de Gestão |

    General Inspectorate for fisheries | Inspecção-Geral das Pescas |

    Equestrian National Service | Serviço Nacional Coudęlico |

    National Laboratory for Veterinary Research | Laboratório Nacional de Investigação Veterinária |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Directorate-General for Environment | Direcção-Geral do Ambiente |

    Regional Directorates for Environment (5) | Direcções Regionais do Ambiente (5) |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Legal Service | Auditoria Jurídica |

    High Council for Science and Technology | Conselho Superior da Cięncia e Tecnologia |

    Ministerial Department for Scientific Policy and Technology | Gabinete coordenador da Politica Cientifica e Tecnologia |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Regional Directorates for Culture (6) | Delegações Regionais da Cultura (6) |

    Ministerial Department for International Relations | Gabinete das Relações Internacionais |

    Ministerial Department for Copyright | Gabinete do Direito de Autor |

    General Inspectorate for Cultural Activities | Inspecção-Geral das Actividades Culturais |


    Secretariat-General of the Ministry of Defence | Secretaria-Geral do Ministério da Defesa Nacional |

    Legal Service | Auditoria Jurídica |

    Directorate-General for the Navy | Direco-Geral da Marinha |

    Directorate-General for Armaments and Defence Equipments | Direco-Geral de Armamento e Equipamento de Defesa |

    Directorate-General for Infrastructure | Direcção-Geral de Infra-Estruturas |

    Directorate-General for Personnel | Direcção-Geral de Pessoal |

    Directorate-General for National Defence Policy | Direcção-Geral de Política de Defesa Nacional |

    National Security Authority | Autoridade Nacional de Segurança |

    General-Inspectorate of Armed Forces | Inspecção-Geral das Forças Armadas |

    National Defence Institute | Instituto da Defesa Nacional |

    Council of Defence Science and Technology | Conselho de Cięncia et Tecnologia da Defesa |

    Council of Chiefs of Staff | Conselho dos Chefes de Estado Maior |

    Military Police | Policia Judiciária Militar |

    Maritime Authority System | Sistema de Autoridade Marítima |

    Hydrographie Institute | Instituto Hidrográfico |

    Alfeite Arsenal | Arsenal do Alfeite |

    Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces | Estado Maior General das Forças Armadas |

    Chief of Staff of the Army | Estado Maior do Exército |

    Chief of Staff of the Navy | Estado Maior da Armada |

    Chief of Staff of the Air Force | Estado Maior da Força Aérea |

    Commission on International Law of the Sea | Comissão do Direito Marítimo Internacional |

    Defence and Military Information Service | Serviço de Informações de Defesa e Militares |

    Portuguese Commission of Military History | Comissão Portuguesa da História Militar |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Commission for the Imposition of Sanctions in Advertising Matters | Comissão de Aplicação de Coimas em Matéria de Publicidade |

    Commission for Emergency Energy Planning | Comissão de Planeamento Energético de Emergęncia |

    Commission for Emergency Industrial Planning | Comissão de Planeamento Industrial de Emergęncia |

    Council of Competition | Conselho da Concorręncia |

    Council of Financial Securities | Conselho de Garantias Financeiras |

    Sectoral Councils for Industry, Construction, Energy, Trade and Tourism | Conselhos Sectoriais da Indústria, da Construção, da Energia, do Comércio e do Turismo |

    National Council of Quality | Conselho Nacional da Qualidade |

    Directorate-General for Trade and Competition | Direcção-Geral do Comércio e da Concorręncia |

    Directorate-General for Energy | Direcção-Geral da Energia |

    Directorate-General for Industry | Direcção-Geral da Indústria |

    Directorate-General for Tourism | Direcção-Geral do Turismo |

    Regional Delegations | Delegações Regionais |

    Ministerial Department for Studies and Economic Prospective | Gabinete de Estudos e Prospectiva Económica |

    Directorate-General for International Economic Relations | Direcção-Geral das Relações Económicas Internacionais |

    General Inspectorate for Economic Activities | Inspecção-Geral das Actividades Económicas |

    General Inspectorate for Gambling | Inspecção-Geral de Jogos |

    Council for the Economic Development | Conselho para o Desenvolvimento Económico |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Social Security Fund | Caixa da Previdęncia |

    Education National Council | Conselho Nacional de Educação |

    Council of Directors-General | Conselho de Directores Gerais |

    Department for Primary Education | Departamento de Educação Básica |

    Department for Educational Resources Management | Departamento de Gestão dos Recursos Educativos |

    Department for Secondary Education | Departamento do Ensino Secundário |

    Department for Higher Education | Departamento do Ensino Superior |

    Regional Directorates for Education (5) | Direcções Regionais de Educação (5) |

    University Stadium of Lisbon | Estádio Universitário de Lisboa |

    Nursery, Primary and Secondary Education Establishments | Estabelecimentos de Educação Pré-Escolar e dos Ensinos Básico e Secundário |

    Ministerial Department of Scholar Sport | Gabinete Coordenador do Desporto Escolar |

    Ministerial Department of European Affairs and International Relations | Gabinete dos Assuntos Europeus e Relações Internacionais |

    General Inspectorate of Education | Inspecção-Geral da Educação |

    Ministerial Department for Financial Management | Gabinete de Gestão Financeira |

    Ministerial Department for Prospective and Planning | Departamento de Avaliação, Prospectiva e Planeamento |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Legal Service | Auditoria Jurídica |

    Environment Service | Auditoria Ambiental |

    Commission for Support to Rehabilitation of the Territorial Administration | Comissão de Apoio à Restruturação da Administração do Território |

    Regional Coordination Committees | Comissões de Coordenação Regional |

    Commission for Planning of Emergency Maritime Transport | Comissão de Planeamento do Transporte Marítimo de Emergęncia |

    Council for Public and Particular Works Contracts | Conselho de Mercados de Obras Públicas e Particulares |

    High Council for Telecommunications | Conselho Superior de Telecomunicações |

    Department for Prospective and Planning | Departamento de Prospectiva e Planeamento |

    Directorate-General for Autarquic Administration | Direcção-Geral da Administração Autárquica |

    Directorate-General for Civil Aviation | Direcção-Geral da Aviação Civil |

    Directorate General for Ports, Navigation and Maritime Transport | Direcção-Geral de Portos, Navegação e Transportes Marítimos |

    Directorate General for Regional Development | Direcção-Geral do Desenvolvimento Regional |

    Directorate General for Territorial Planning and Urban Development | Direcção-Geral do Ordenamento do território e do Desenvolvimento Urbano |

    Directorate General for National Buildings and Monuments | Direcção-Geral dos Edificios e Monumentos Nacionais |

    Directorate General for Land Transport | Direcção-Geral dos Transportes Terrestres |

    Ministerial Department for Investment Coordination | Gabinete de Coordenação dos Investimentos e do Financiamento |

    Ministerial Department for European Issues and External Relations | Gabinete para os Assuntos Europeus e Relações Externas |

    General Inspectorate of the Ministry of Equipment, Planning and Territorial Administration | Inspecção-Geral do Ministério do Equipamento, do Planeamento e da Administração do Território |

    High Council for Public Works and Transport | Conselho Superior de Obras Públicas e Transportes |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Directorate-General for Customs and Special Taxes on Consumption | Direcção-Geral das Alfândegas e dos Impostos Especiais sobre o consumo |

    Directorate-General for European Studies and International Relations | Direcção-Geral de Assuntos Europeus e Relações Internacionais |

    Directorate-General for Studies | Direcção-Geral de Estudos e Previsão |

    Directorate-General for Informatics and Support to Taxation and Customs Services | Direcção-Geral de Informática e Apoio aos Serviços Tributários e Aduaneiros |

    Directorate-General for the Protection of Civil Servants-ADSE | Direcção-Geral de Protecção Social aos Funcionários e Agentes de Administração Pública-ADSE |

    Directorate-General for the Budget | Direcção-Geral do Orçamento |

    Directorate-General of Patrimony | Direcção-Geral do Património |

    Directorate-General for the Treasury | Direcção-Geral do Tesouro |

    Directorate-General for Taxation | Direcção-Geral dos Impostos |

    General Inspectorate for Finance | Inspecção-Geral de Finanças |

    Institute for Information Technology | Instituto de Informática |

    Customs Stabilization Fund | Fundo de Estabilização Aduaneiro |

    Taxation Stabilization Fund | Fundo de Estabilização Tributário |

    Public Debt Regularization Fund | Fundo de Regularização da Dívida Pública |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Legal Service | Auditoria Jurídica |

    Directorate-General for Fighting Against Corruption, Fraud and Economic-Financial Infractions | Direcção Central para o Combate à Corrupção, Fraudes e Infracções Económico-Financeiras |

    Directorate-General for Registers and Other Official Documents | Direcção-Geral dos Registros e Notariado |

    Directorate-General for Computerized Services | Direcção-Geral dos Serviços de Informática |

    Directorate-General for Judiciary Services | Direcção-Geral dos Serviços Judiciários |

    Directorate-General for the Prison Service | Direcção-Geral dos Serviços Prisionais |

    Directorate-General for the Protection and Care of Minors Prison Establishments | Direcção-Geral dos Serviços Tutelares de Menores |

    Ministerial Department responsible for European Law | Gabinete de Direito Europeu |

    Ministerial Department responsible for Documentation and Comparative Law | Gabinete de Documentação e Direito Comparado |

    Ministerial Department responsible for Studies and Planning | Gabinete de Estudos e Planeamento |

    Ministerial Department responsible for Financial Management | Gabinete de Gestão Financeira |

    Ministerial Department responsible for Planning and Coordinating Drug Control | Gabinete de Planeamento e Coordenação do Combate à Droga |

    Criminal Investigation Department | Polícia Judiciária |

    Social Services | Serviços Sociais |

    National Police and Forensic Science Institute | Instituto Nacional de Polícia e Cięncias Criminais |

    Forensic Medicine Institutes | Serviços Médico-Legais |

    Legal Courts | Tribunais Judiciais |

    The High Council of the Judiciary | Conselho Superior de Magistratura |

    Public Prosecutor office | Ministério Público |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Legal Affairs Department | Departamento dos Assuntos Jurídicos |

    Interministerial Commission for Cooperation | Comissão Interministerial para a cooperação |

    Interministerial Commission for Community Affairs | Comissão Interministerial para os Assuntos Comunitários |

    Interministerial Commission for Migration and Portuguese Communities | Comissão Interministerial as Migrações e Comunidades Portuguesas |

    Council of Portuguese Communities | Conselho das Comunidades Portuguesas |

    Directorate-General for Bilateral Relations | Direcção-Geral das Relações Bilaterais |

    Directorate-General for Foreign Policy | Direcção-Geral de Política Externa |

    Directorate-General for Community Affairs | Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Comunitários |

    Directorate-General for Consular Affairs and Portuguese Communities | Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e Communidades Portuguesas |

    Directorate-General for Multilateral Affairs | Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Multilaterals |

    Ministerial Department por Information and Press | Gabinete de Informação e Imprensa |

    Diplomatic and Consular Inspectorate | Inspecção Diplomática e Consular |

    Diplomatic Institute | Instituto Diplomático |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Interministerial Commission for Employment | Comissão Interministerial para o Emprego |

    National Council for Health and Safety in the workplace | Conselho Nacional de Higiene e Segurança no Trabalho |

    Statistics Department | Departamento de Estatística |

    Studies and Planning Department | Departamento de Estudos e Planeamento |

    European Social Fund Department | Departamento para os Assuntos do Fundo Social Europeu |

    Department of European Affairs and External Relations | Departamento para os Assuntos Europeus e Relações Externas |

    Directorate-General for Employment and Vocational Training | Direcção-Geral do Emprego e Formação Profissional |

    Directorate-General for Labour Conditions | Direcção-Geral das Condições de Trabalho |

    Legal Department | Gabinete Jurídico |

    Centre for Scientific and Tecnical Information | Centro de Informação Científica e Técnica |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    Department for Studies and Health Planning | Departamento de Estudos e Planeamento da Saúde |

    Health Human Resource Department | Departamento de Recursos Humanos da Saúde |

    Directorate-General for Health Installations and Equipment | Direcção-Geral das instalações e Equipamentos da Saúde |

    Directorate-General for Health | Direcção-Geral da Saúde |

    General Inspectorate of Health | Inspecção-Geral da Saúde |

    Institutes of General Clinics | Institutos de Clínica Geral |

    National Health Council | Conselho Nacional de Saúde |


    Secretariat-General | Secretaria-Geral |

    National Council for Social Economy | Conselho Nacional para a Economia Social |

    National Council for third-age policy | Conselho Nacional para a Política de Terceira Idade |

    National Council for Rehabilitation and Integration of Dissable People | Conselho nacional para a Reabilitação e Integração das pessoas com Deficięncia |

    Department of Statistics, Studies and Planning | Departamento de Estatística, Estudos e Planeamento |

    Ministerial Department for European Affairs and International Relations | Gabinete de Assuntos Europeus e de Relações Internacionais |

    Directorate-General for Social Works | Direcção-Geral da Acção Social |

    Directorate-General for Social Security Schemes | Direcção-Geral dos Regimes de Segurança Social |

    General Inspectorate for Social Security | Inspecção-Geral da Segurança Social |

    Social Observatory | Observatório Social |


    Secretariat-General of the Presidency of the Republic | Secretaria-Geral da Presidęncia da República |



    Directorate-General of the Court of Auditors | Direcção-Geral do Tribunal de Contas |



    (Besedilo v angleškem jeziku je edino verodostojno)

    Royal Academy of Fine Arts | Akademien för de fria konsterna |

    Public Law-Service Offices (26) | Allmänna advokatbyrĺerna (26) |

    National Board for Consumer Complaints | Allmänna reklamationsnämnden |

    National Board of Occupational Safety and Health | Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen |

    Labour Court | Arbetsdomstolen |

    National Agency for Government Employers | Arbetsgivarverket |

    National Institute for Working Life | Arbetslivsinstitutet |

    National Labour Market Board | Arbetsmarknadsstyrelsen |

    Board of Occupational Safety and Health for Government Employees | Arbetsmiljönämnd, stadiga sektorns |

    Museum of Architecture | Arkitekturmuseet |

    National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images | Arkivet för ljud och bild |

    The Office of the Childrens "Ombudsman" | Barnombudsmannen |

    Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care | Beredning för utvärdering av medicinsk metodik, statens |

    Royal Library | Biblioteket, Kungliga |

    National Board of Film Censors | Biografbyrĺ, statens |

    Dictionary of Swedish Biography | Biografiskt lexikon, svenskt |

    Swedish Accounting Standards Board | Bokföringsnämnden |

    National Housing Credit Guarantee Board | Bostadskreditnämnd, statens (BKN) |

    National Housing Board | Boverket |

    National Council for Crime Prevention | Brottsförebyggande rĺdet |

    Criminal Victim Compensation and Support Authority | Brottsoffermyndigheten |

    Council for Building Research | Byggforskningsrĺdet |

    Central Committee for Laboratory Animals | Centrala försöksdjursnämnden |

    National Board of Student Aid | Centrala studiestödsnämnden |

    Data Inspection Board | Datainspektionen |

    Ministries (Government Departments) | Departementen |

    National Courts Administration | Domstolsverket |

    National Electrical Safety Board | Elsäkerhetsverket |

    Export Credits Guarantee Board | Exportkreditnämnden |

    Financial Supervisory Authority | Finansinspektionen |

    National Board of Fisheries | Fiskeriverket |

    Aeronautical Research Institute | Flygtekniska försöksanstalten |

    National Institute of Public Health | Folkhälsoinstitutet |

    Council for Planning and Co-ordination of Research | Forskningsrĺdsnämnden |

    National Fortifications Administration | Fortifikationsverket |

    | Förhandlare (K 1996:01) för statens köp av färjetrafik till och frĺn Gotland |

    National Conciliators "Office" | Förlikningsmannaexpedition, statens |

    National Defence Research Establishment | Försvarets forskningsanstalt |

    Defence Material Administration | Försvarets materielverk |

    National Defence Radio Institute | Försvarets radioanstalt |

    Swedish Museums of Military History | Försvarshistoriska museer, statens |

    National Defence College | Försvarshögskolan |

    The Swedish Armed Forces | Försvarsmakten |

    Social Insurance Offices | Försäkringskassorna |

    Geological Survey of Sweden | Geologiska undersökning, Sveriges |

    Geotechnical Institute | Geotekniska institut, statens |

    The National Rural Development Agency | Glesbygdsverket |

    Graphic Institute and the Graduate School of Communications | Grafiska institutet och institutet för högre kommunikations- och reklamutbildning |

    The Swedish Broadcasting Commission | Granskningsnämnden för Radio och TV |

    Swedish Government Seamen's Service | Handelsflottans kultur- och fritidsrĺd |

    Ombudsman for the Disabled | Handikappombudsmannen |

    Board of Accident Investigation | Haverikommission, statens |

    Courts of Appeal (6) | Hovrätterna (6) |

    Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences | Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskapliga forskningsrĺdet |

    Regional Rent and Tenancies Tribunals (12) | Hyres- och arendenämnder (12) |

    Remand Prisons (28) | Häktena (28) |

    Committee on Medical Responsibility | Hälso- och sjukvĺrdens ansvarsnämnd |

    National Agency for Higher Education | Högskoleverket |

    Supreme Court | Högsta domstolen |

    Register Authority for Floating Charges | Inskrivningsmyndigheten för företagsinteckningar |

    National Institute for Psycho-Social Factors and Health | Institut för psykosocial miljömedicin, statens |

    National Institute for Regional Studies | Institut för regionalforskning, statens |

    Swedish Institute of Space Physics | Institutet för rymdfysik |

    Swedish Immigration Board | Invandrarverk, statens |

    Swedish Board of Agriculture | Jordbruksverk, statens |

    Office of the Chancellor of Justice | Justitiekanslern |

    Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman | Jämställdhetsombudsmannen |

    National Judicial Board of Public Lands and Funds | Kammarkollegiet |

    Administrative Courts of Appeal (4) | Kammarrätterna (4) |

    National Chemicals Inspectorate | Kemikalieinspektionen |

    National Board of Trade | Kommerskollegium |

    Swedish Transport and Communications Research Board | Kommunikationsforskningsberedningen |

    National Franchise Board for Environment Protection | Koncessionsnämnden för miljöskydd |

    National Institute of Economic Research | Konjunkturinstitutet |

    Swedish Competition Authority | Konkurrensverket |

    College of Arts, Crafts and Design | Konstfack |

    College of Fine Arts | Konsthögskolan |

    National Art Museums | Konstmuseer, statens |

    Arts Grants Committee | Konstnärsnämnden |

    National Art Council | Konstrĺd, statens |

    National Board for Consumer Policies | Konsumentverket |

    Armed Forces Archives | Krigsarkivet |

    National Laboratory of Forensic Science | Kriminaltekniska laboratorium, statens |

    Correctional Regional Offices (6) | Kriminalvĺrdens regionkanslier (6) |

    National/Local Institutions (68) | Kriminalvĺrdsanstalterna (68) |

    National Paroles Board | Kriminalvĺrdsnämnden |

    National Prison and Probation Administration | Kriminalvĺrdsstyrelsen |

    Enforcement Services (24) | Kronofogdemyndigheterna (24) |

    National Council for Cultural Affairs | Kulturrĺd, statens |

    Swedish Coast Guard | Kustbevakningen |

    Nuclear Power Inspectorate | Kärnkraftsinspektion, statens |

    National Land Survey | Lantmäteriverket |

    Royal Armoury | Livrustkammaren/Skoklosters slott/Hallwylska museet |

    National Food Administration | Livsmedelsverk, statens |

    The National Gaming Board | Lotteriinspektionen |

    Medical Products Agency | Läkemedelsverket |

    County Labour Boards (24) | Länsarbetsnämnderna (24) |

    County Administrative Courts (24) | Länsrätterna (24) |

    County Administrative Boards (24) | Länsstyrelserna (24) |

    National Government Employee Salaries and Pensions Board | Löne- och pensionsverk, statens |

    Market Court | Marknadsdomstolen |

    Medical Research Council | Medicinska forskningsrĺdet |

    Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute | Meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut, Sveriges |

    Armed Forces Staff and War College | Militärhögskolan |

    Swedish National Collections of Music | Musiksamlingar, statens |

    Museum of Natural History | Naturhistoriska riksmuseet |

    Natural Science Research Council | Naturvetenskapliga forskningsrĺdet |

    National Environmental Protection Agency | Naturvĺrdsverket |

    Scandinavian Institute of African Studies | Nordiska Afrikainstitutet |

    Nordic School of Public Health | Nordiska hälsovĺrdshögskolan |

    Nordic Institute for Studies in Urban and Regional Ρlanning | Nordiska institutet för samhällsplanering |

    Nordic Museum | Nordiska museet, stiftelsen |

    Swedish Delegation of the Nordic Council | Nordiska rĺdets svenska delegation |

    Recorders Committee | Notarienämnden |

    National Board for Intra-Country Adoptions | Nämnden för internationella adoptionsfrĺgor |

    National Board for Public Procurement | Nämnden för offentlig upphandling |

    National Fund for Administrative Development | Statens förnyelsefond |

    Swedish National Committee for Contemporary Art Exhibitions Abroad | Nämnden för utställning av nutida svensk konst i udĺndet |

    National Board for Industrial and Technical Development | Närings- och teknikutvecklingsverket (NUTEK) |

    Office of the Ethnic Discrimination Ombudsman; Advisory Committee on Questions Concerning Ethnic Discrimination | Ombudsmannen mot etnisk diskriminering; nämnden mot etnisk diskriminering |

    Court of Patent Appeals | Patentbesvärsrätten |

    Patents and Registration Office | Patent- och registreringsverket |

    Co-ordinated Population and Address Register | Person- och adressregisternämnd, statens |

    Swedish Polar Research Secretariat | Polarforskningssekretariatet |

    Press Subsidies Council | Presstödsnämnden |

    National Library for Psychology and Education | Psykologisk-pedagogiska bibliotek, statens |

    The Swedish Radio and TV Authority | Radio- och TV-verket |

    Governmental Central Services Office | Regeringskansliets förvaltningsavdelning |

    Supreme Administrative Court | Regeringsrätten |

    Central Board of National Antiquities and National Historical Museums | Riksantikvarieämbetet och statens historiska museer |

    National Archives | Riksarkivet |

    Bank of Sweden | Riksbanken |

    Administration Department of the Swedish Parliament | Riksdagens förvaltningskontor |

    The Parliamentary Ombudsmen | Riksdagens ombudsmän, JO |

    The Parliamentary Auditors | Riksdagens revisorer |

    National Social Insurance Board | Riksförsäkringsverket |

    National Debt Office | Riksgäldskontoret |

    National Police Board | Rikspolisstyrelsen |

    National Audit Bureau | Riksrevisionsverket |

    National Tax Board | Riksskatteverket |

    Travelling Exhibitions Service | Riksutställningar, Stiftelsen |

    Office of the Prosecutor-General | Riksĺklagaren |

    National Space Board | Rymdstyrelsen |

    Council for Working Life Research | Rĺdet för arbetslivsforskning |

    National Rescue Services Board | Räddningsverk, statens |

    Regional Legal Aid Authority | Rättshjälpsmyndigheten |

    National Board of Forensic Medicine | Rättsmedicinalverket |

    Sami (Lapp) School Board and Sami (Lapp) Schools | Sameskolstyrelsen och sameskolor |

    National Maritime Administration | Sjöfartsverket |

    National Maritime Museums | Sjöhistoriska museer, statens |

    Local Tax Offices (24) | Skattemyndigheterna (24) |

    Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research | Skogs- och jordbrukets forskningsrĺd, SJFR |

    National Board of Forestry | Skogsstyrelsen |

    National Agency for Education | Skolverk, statens |

    Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control | Smittskyddsinstitutet |

    National Board of Health and Welfare | Socialstyrelsen |

    Swedish Council for Social Research | Socialvetenskapliga forskningsrĺdet |

    National Inspectorate of explosives and Flammables | Sprängämnesinspektionen |

    Central Statistics Sweden | Statistiska centralbyrĺn |

    Agency for Administrative Development | Statskontoret |

    National Institute of Radiation Protection | Strĺlskyddsinstitut, statens |

    Swedish International Development Cooperation Authority | Styrelsen för internationellt utvecklings- samarbete, SIDA |

    National Board of Psychological Defence and Conformity Assessment | Styrelsen för psykologiskt försvar |

    Swedish Board for Accreditation | Styrelsen för ackreditering och teknisk kontroll |

    Swedish Institute | Svenska Institutet, stiftelsen |

    Library of Talking Books and Braille Publications | Talboks- och punktskriftsbiblioteket |

    Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences | Teknikvetenskapliga forskningsrĺdet |

    National Museum of Science and Technology | Tekniska museet, stiftelsen |

    District and City Courts (97) | Tingsrätterna (97) |

    Judges Nomination Proposal Committee | Tjänsteförslagsnämnden för domstolsväsendet |

    Armed Forces "Enrolment Board" | Totalförsvarets pliktverk |

    Swedish Board of Customs | Tullverket |

    Swedish Tourist Authority | Turistdelegationen |

    The National Board of Youth Affairs | Ungdomsstyrelsen |

    Universities and University Colleges | Universitet och högskolor |

    Aliens Appeals Board | Utlänningsnämnden |

    National Seed Testing and Certification Institute | Utsädeskontroll, statens |

    National Water Supply and Sewage Tribunal | Vatten- och avloppsnämnd, statens |

    National Agency for Higher Education | Verket för högskoleservice (VHS) |

    National Veterinary Institute | Veterinärmedicinska anstalt, statens |

    Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute | Väg- och transportforskningsinstitut, statens |

    National Plant Variety Board | Växtsortnämnd, statens |

    Labour Inspectorate | Yrkesinspektionen |

    Public Prosecution Authorities including County Public Prosecution Authority and District Prosecution Authority | Ĺklagarmyndigheterna inklusive läns- och distriktsĺklagarmyndigheterna |

    National Board of Civil Emergency Preparedness | Överstyrelsen för civil beredskap |

    Združeno kraljestvo

    (Besedilo v angleškem jeziku je edino verodostojno)


    Civil Service College

    Office of Public Services

    The Buying Agency

    Parliamentary Counsel Office

    Central Comuter and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA)









    Higher Education Funding Council for England

    Office of Manpower Economics


    Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work

    Dental Practice Board

    English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visitors

    National Health Service Authorities and Trusts

    Prescription Pricing Authority

    Public Health Laboratory Service Board

    U.K. Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting


    British Library

    British Museum

    Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (English Heritage)

    Imperial War Museum

    Museums and Galleries Commission

    National Gallery

    National Maritime Museum

    National Portrait Gallery

    Natural History Museum

    Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts

    Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England

    Royal Fine Art Commission (England)

    Science Museum

    Tate Gallery

    Victoria and Albert Museum

    Wallace Collection


    Medical Boards and Examining Medical Officers (War Pensions)

    Regional Medical Service

    Independent Tribunal Service

    Disability Living Allowance Advisory Board

    Occupational Pensions Board

    Social Security Advisory Committee


    Building Research Establishment Agency

    Commons Commission

    Countryside Commission

    Valuation tribunal

    Rent Assessment Panels

    Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution


    Legal Secretariat to the Law Officers


    National Weights and Measures Laboratory

    Domestic Coal Consumers "Council"

    Electricity Committees

    Gas Consumers "Council"

    Central Transport Consultative Committees

    Monopolies and Mergers Commission

    Patent Office

    Employment Appeal Tribunal

    Industrial Tribunals


    Coastguard Services



    Wilton Park Conference Centre




    Boundary Commission for England

    Gaming Board for Great Britain

    Inspectors of Constabulary

    Parole Board and Local Review Committees






    Combined Tax Tribunal

    Council on Tribunals

    Immigration Appellate Authorities

    Immigration Adjudicators

    Immigration Appeal Tribunal

    Lands Tribunal

    Law Commission

    Legal Aid Fund (England and Wales)

    Pensions Appeal Tribunals

    Public Trust Office

    Office of the Social Security Commissioners

    Supreme Court Group (England and Wales)

    Court of Appeal – Criminal

    Circuit Offices and Crown, County and Combined Courts (England and Wales)

    Transport Tribunal


    Agricultural Dwelling House Advisory Committees

    Agricultural Land Tribunals

    Agricultural Wages Board and Committees

    Cattle Breeding Centre

    Plant Variety Rights Office

    Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew


    Meteorological Office

    Procurement Executive




    Coroners Courts

    County Courts

    Court of Appeal and High Court of Justice in Northen Ireland

    Crown Court

    Enforcement of Judgements Office

    Legal Aid Fund

    Magistrates Court

    Pensions Appeals Tribunals








    Crown Solicitor's Office

    Department of the Director of Public Prosecutions for Northern Ireland

    Northern Ireland Forensic Science Laboratory

    Office of Chief Electoral Officer for Northern Ireland

    Police Authority for Northern Ireland

    Probation Board for Northern Ireland

    State Pathologist Service



    National Health Service Central Register









    49. ROYAL MINT


    Fiscal Service






    Accountant of Court's Office

    Court of Justiciary

    Court of Session

    Lands Tribunal for Scotland

    Pensions Appeal Tribunals

    Scottish Land Court

    Scottish Law Commission

    Sheriff Courts

    Social Security Commissioners "Office"



    Crofters Commission

    Red Deer Commission

    Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh



    National Galleries of Scotland

    National Library of Scotland

    National Museums of Scotland

    Scottish Higher Education Funding Council


    Rent Assesment Panel and Committees

    Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland

    Royal Fine Art Commission for Scotland


    HM Inspectorate of Constabulary

    Local Health Councils

    National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland

    Parole Board for Scotland and Local Review Committees

    Scottish Council for Postgraduate Medical Education

    Scottish Crime Squad

    Scottish Criminal Record Office

    Scottish Fire Service Training School

    Scottish National Health Service Authorities and Trusts

    Scottish Police College




    Royal Commission of Ancient and Historical Monuments in Wales

    Welsh National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting

    Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales

    Valuation Tribunals (Wales)

    Welsh Higher Education Finding Council

    Welsh National Health Service Authorities and Trusts

    Welsh Rent Assessment Panels

    Oddelek 3

    Seznam blaga in opreme, ki jih kupijo ministrstva za obrambo v Avstriji, Belgiji, na Danskem, v Zvezni republiki Nemčiji, Španiji, na Finskem, v Franciji, Grčiji, na Irskem, v Italiji, Luksemburgu, na Nizozemskem, Portugalskem, Švedskem in v Združenem kraljestvu in so zajeti v ta naslov

    Poglavje 25: | Sol, žveplo, zemljine in kamen, sadra, apno in cement |

    Poglavje 26: | Kovinske rude, žlindra in pepel |

    Poglavje 27: | Mineralna goriva, mineralna olja in proizvodi njihove destilacije, bituminozne snovi, mineralni voski razen: ex2710: posebni motorni bencini (razen Avstrije)kurilna in motorna olja (samo Avstrija) |

    Poglavje 28: | Anorganski kemični proizvodi, organske in anorganske spojine plemenitih kovin, kovin redkih zemelj, radioaktivnih elementov in izotopov razen: ex2809: razstrelivaex2813: razstrelivaex2814: solzilecex2828: razstrelivaex2832: razstrelivaex2839: razstrelivaex2850: strupeni proizvodiex2851: strupeni proizvodiex2854: razstreliva |

    Poglavje 29: | Organski kemijski proizvodi razen: ex2903: razstrelivaex2904: razstrelivaex2907: razstrelivaex2908: razstrelivaex2911: razstrelivaex2912: razstrelivaex2913: strupeni proizvodiex2914: strupeni proizvodiex2915: strupeni proizvodiex2921: strupeni proizvodiex2922: strupeni proizvodiex2923: strupeni proizvodiex2926: razstrelivaex2927: strupeni proizvodiex2929: razstreliva |

    Poglavje 30: | Farmacevtski izdelki |

    Poglavje 31: | Gnojila |

    Poglavje 32: | Ekstrakti za strojenje ali barvanje, tanini in njihovi derivati, barve, pigmenti in druga barvila, premazna sredstva in laki, kiti, polnila in druge tesnilne mase, črnila |

    Poglavje 33: | Eterična olja in rezinoidi, parfumerijski, kozmetični ali toaletni izdelki |

    Poglavje 34: | Mila, organska površinsko aktivna sredstva, pralni preparati, mazalni preparati, umetni voski, pripravljeni voski, preparati za loščenje ali čiščenje, sveče in podobni proizvodi, paste za modeliranje in "zobarski voski" |

    Poglavje 35: | Beljakovinske snovi, lepila, encimi |

    Poglavje 36: | Razstreliva, pirotehnični proizvodi, vžigalice, piroforne zlitine, nekateri vnetljivi preparati (samo Avstrija in Švedska) razen (samo Avstrija): ex3601: smodnikiex3602: pripravljena razstrelivaex3604: detonatorjiex3608: razstreliva |

    Poglavje 37: | Proizvodi za fotografske in kinematografske namene |

    Poglavje 38: | Razni proizvodi kemijske industrije razen: ex3819: strupeni proizvodi (razen Švedske) |

    Poglavje 39: | Umetne smole in plastične mase, celulozni estri in etri, izdelki iz njih razen: ex3903: razstreliva (razen Švedske) |

    Poglavje 40: | Kavčuk, sintetični kavčuk, faktis in izdelki iz njih razen: ex4011: neprebojne pnevmatike (razen Švedske) |

    Poglavje 41: | Surove kože z dlako ali brez dlake (razen krzna) ter usnje (razen Avstrije) |

    Poglavje 42: | Usnjeni izdelki, sedlarski in jermenarski izdelki, predmeti za potovanje, ročne torbe in podobni izdelki, izdelki iz živalskih črev (razen iz sviloprejkine niti) (razen Avstrije) |

    Poglavje 43: | Naravno in umetno krzno, krzneni izdelki |

    Poglavje 44: | Les in lesni izdelki, oglje (razen Avstrije) |

    Poglavje 45: | Pluta in plutasti izdelki |

    Poglavje 46: | Izdelki iz slame, esparta in drugih pletarskih materialov, košarski in pletarski izdelki |

    Poglavje 47: | Materiali za proizvodnjo papirja |

    Poglavje 48: | Papir in karton, izdelki iz papirne mase, papirja ali kartona (razen Avstrije) |

    Poglavje 49: | Tiskane knjige, časopisi, slike in drugi proizvodi grafične industrije, rokopisi, tipkana besedila in načrti (razen Avstrije) |

    Poglavje 65: | Pokrivala in njihovi deli razen (samo Avstrija): ex6505: vojaška pokrivala |

    Poglavje 66: | Dežniki, sončniki, sprehajalne palice, biči, korobači in njihovi deli |

    Poglavje 67: | Preparirano perje in puh in izdelki iz perja in puha, umetno cvetje, izdelki iz človeških las |

    Poglavje 68: | Izdelki iz kamna, sadre, cementa, betona, azbesta, sljude ali podobnih materialov |

    Poglavje 69: | Keramični izdelki |

    Poglavje 70: | Steklo in stekleni izdelki |

    Poglavje 71: | Naravi in kultivirani biseri, dragi in poldragi kamni, plemenite kovine, kovine, platirane s plemenitimi kovinami, in izdelki iz njih; imitacije nakita |

    Poglavje 72: | Kovanci (samo Avstrija in Švedska) |

    Poglavje 73: | Železo in jeklo in izdelki iz železa in jekla |

    Poglavje 74: | Baker in bakreni izdelki |

    Poglavje 75: | Nikelj in nikljevi izdelki |

    Poglavje 76: | Aluminij in aluminijasti izdelki |

    Poglavje 77: | Magnezij in berilij ter magnezijevi in berilijevi izdelki |

    Poglavje 78: | Svinec in svinčeni izdelki |

    Poglavje 79: | Cink in cinkovi izdelki |

    Poglavje 80: | Kositer in kositrni izdelki |

    Poglavje 81: | Druge navadne kovine, ki se uporabljajo v metalurgiji, in izdelki iz njih |

    Poglavje 82: | Orodje, nožarski proizvodi, žlice in vilice, iz navadnih kovin, njihovi deli razen: ex8205: orodje (razen Avstrije)ex8207: orodje, deliex8208: ročno orodje (samo Avstrija) |

    Poglavje 83: | Razni izdelki iz navadnih kovin |

    Poglavje 84: | Kotli, stroji in mehanske naprave, njihovi deli razen: ex8406: motorjiex8408: drugi motorjiex8445: strojiex8453: stroji za samodejno obdelavo podatkov (razen Avstrije)ex8455: deli za stroje iz tarifne številke 84.53 (razen Avstrije in Švedske)ex8459: jedrski reaktorji (razen Avstrije in Švedske) |

    Poglavje 85: | Električni stroji in oprema, njihovi deli razen: ex8503: električne celice in baterije (samo Avstrija)ex8513: telekomunikacijska opremaex8515: oddajniki |

    Poglavje 86: | Tirne lokomotive, tirna vozila in njihovi deli; železniški in tramvajski tirni sklopi in pribor, signalna oprema za promet vseh vrst (brez električnega napajanja) razen: ex8602: oklepne lokomotive, električneex8603: druge oklepne lokomotiveex8605: oklepni vagoniex8606: vagoni za popravilaex8607: vagoni |

    Poglavje 87: | Vozila, razen železniških in tramvajskih vozil ter njihovi deli razen: ex8708: tanki in druga oklepna vozilaex8701: traktorjiex8702: vojaška vozilaex8703: samonakladalna vozila za prevoz pokvarjenih vozilex8709: motorna kolesaex8714: priklopniki |

    Poglavje 88: | Zrakoplovi in njihovi deli (samo Avstrija) |

    Poglavje 89: | Ladje, čolni in plavajoče konstrukcije razen: ex8901: vojne ladje (samo Avstrija)ex8901 A: vojne ladje (razen Avstrije)ex8903: plavajoče konstrukcije (samo Avstrija) |

    Poglavje 90: | Optični, fotografski, kinematografski, merilni, kontrolni, precizni, medicinski in kirurški instrumenti in aparati, njihovi deli razen: ex9005: daljnoglediex9013: razni inštrumenti, laserjiex9014: telemetriex9028: električni in elektronski merilni inštrumentiex9011: mikroskopi (razen Švedske in Avstrije)ex9017: medicinski inštrumenti (razen Švedske in Avstrije)ex9018: naprave za mehanoterapijo (razen Švedske in Avstrije)ex9019: ortopedske naprave (razen Švedske in Avstrije)ex9020: rentgenske naprave (razen Švedske in Avstrije) |

    Poglavje 91: | Ure in njihovi deli |

    Poglavje 92: | Glasbeni instrumenti, aparati za snemanje ali reprodukcijo slike in zvoka, deli in pribor za te izdelke |

    Poglavje 94: | Pohištvo in deli pohištva, posteljnina, žimnice, nosilci za žimnice, blazine in podobni polnjeni izdelki razen: ex9401 A: letalski sedeži (razen Avstrije) |

    Poglavje 95: | Izdelki iz materialov za rezljanje ali oblikovanje |

    Poglavje 96: | Metle, krtače, čopiči za puder in sita |

    Poglavje 97: | Igrače, rekviziti za družabne igre in šport, njihovi deli (samo Avstrija in Švedska) |

    Poglavje 98: | Razni proizvodi |

    Dodatek 2


    Subjekti, ki naročajo v skladu z določbami tega naslova


    Pragovi: 200000 posebne pravice črpanja


    navedeno v Dodatku 4

    Pragovi: 200000 posebne pravice črpanja


    navedeno v Dodatku 5

    Pragovi: 5000000 posebne pravice črpanja

    Seznam subjektov:

    1. Naročniki za regionalne ali lokalne organe oblasti

    2. Organi, katerih delovanje ureja javno pravo, kot je opredeljeno v Direktivi 93/37/EGS

    - "Organ, katerega delovanje ureja javno pravo" pomeni organ

    - ustanovljen posebej zaradi zadovoljevanja potreb v splošnem interesu, ki nima industrijskega ali komercialnega značaja, in

    - je pravna oseba, in

    - ga v glavnem financira država ali regionalne ali lokalne oblasti, ali drug organ, katerega delovanje ureja javno pravo, ali ga nadzira eden od navedenih organov, ali imajo upravni, vodilni ali nadzorni odbor; katerega več kot polovico članov so imenovale državne, regionalne ali lokalne oblasti ali drugi subjekti, katerih delovanje ureja javno pravo.

    Seznami organov in kategorij organov, katerih delovanje ureja javno pravo, ki izpolnjujejo navedena merila, so navedeni v Prilogi I k Direktivi 93/37/EGS. Seznami so samo okvirni (glej Uradni list Evropskih skupnosti L 199, 9.8.1993, str. 56, in C 241, 29.8.1994, str. 228).

    Seznami organov in kategorij organov, katerih delovanje ureja javno pravo



    - Archives générales du Royaume et Archives de l'État dans les Provinces – Algemeen Rijksarchief en Rijksarchief in de Provinciën,

    - Conseil autonome de l'enseignement communautaire – Autonome Raad van het Gemeenschapsonderwijs,

    - Radio et télévision belges, émissions néerlandaises – Belgische Radio en Televisie, Nederlandse uitzendingen,

    - Belgisches Rundfunk- und Fernsehzentrum der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft (Centre de radio et télévision belge de la Communauté de langue allemande – Centrum voor Belgische Radio en Televisie voor de Duitstalige Gemeenschap),

    - Bibliothèque royale Albert Ier – Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I,

    - Caisse auxiliaire de paiement des allocations de chômage – Hulpkas voor Werkloosheidsuitkeringen,

    - Caisse auxiliaire d'assurance maladie-invalidité – Hulpkas voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekeringen,

    - Caisse nationale des pensions de retraite et de survie – Rijkskas voor Rust- en Overlevingspensioenen,

    - Caisse de secours et de prévoyance en faveur des marins naviguant sous pavillon belge – Hulp- en Voorzorgskas voor Zeevarenden onder Belgische Vlag,

    - Caisse nationale des calamités – Nationale Kas voor de Rampenschade,

    - Caisse spéciale de compensation pour allocations familiales en faveur des travailleurs de l'industrie diamantaire – Bijzondere Verrekenkas voor Gezinsvergoedingen ten bate van de Arbeiders der Diamantnijverheid,

    - Caisse spéciale de compensation pour allocations familiales en faveur des travailleurs de l'industrie du bois – Bijzondere Verrekenkas voor Gezinsvergoedingen ten bate van Arbeiders in de Houtnijverheid,

    - Caisse spéciale de compensation pour allocations familiales en faveur des travailleurs occupés dans les entreprises de batellerie – Bijzondere Verrekenkas voor Gezinsvergoedingen ten bate van Arbeiders der Ondernemingen voor Binnenscheepvaart,

    - Caisse spéciale de compensation pour allocations familiales en faveur des travailleurs occupés dans les entreprises de chargement, déchargement et manutention de marchandises dans les ports débarcadères, entrepôts et stations (appelée habituellement "Caisse spéciale de compensation pour allocations familiales des regiones maritimes") – Bijzondere Verrekenkas voor Gezinsvergoedingen ten bate van de Arbeiders gebezigd door Ladings- en Lossingsondernemingen en door de Stuwadoors in de Havens, Losplaatsen, Stapelplaatsen en Stations (gewoonlijk genoemd: Bijzondere Compensatiekas voor kindertoeslagen van de zeevaartgewesten),

    - Centre informatique pour la Région bruxelloise – Centrum voor Informatica voor het Brusselse Gewest,

    - Commissariat général de la Communauté flamande pour la coopération internationale – Commissariaat-generaal voor Internationale Samenwerking van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap,

    - Commissariat général pour les relations internationales de la Communauté française de Belgique – Commissariaat-generaal bij de Internationale Betrekkingen van de Franse Gemeenschap van België,

    - Conseil central de l'économie – Centrale Raad voor het Bedrijfsleven,

    - Conseil économique et social de la Région wallonne – Sociaal-economische Raad van het Waals Gewest,

    - Conseil national du travail – Nationale Arbeidsraad,

    - Conseil supérieur des classes moyennes – Hoge Raad voor de Middenstand,

    - Office pour les travaux d'infrastructure de l'enseignement subsidié – Dienst voor Infrastructuurwerken van het Gesubsidieerd Onderwijs,

    - Fondation royale – Koninklijke Schenking,

    - Fonds communautaire de garantie des bâtiments scolaires – Gemeenschappelijk Waarborgfonds voor Schoolgebouwen,

    - Fonds d'aide médicale urgente – Fonds voor Dringende Geneeskundige Hulp,

    - Fonds des accidents du travail – Fonds voor Arbeitsongevallen,

    - Fonds des maladies professionnelles – Fonds voor Beroepsziekten,

    - Fonds des routes – Wegenfonds,

    - Fonds d'indemnisation des travailleurs licenciés en cas de fermeture d'entreprises – Fonds tot Vergoeding van de in geval van Sluiting van Ondernemingen Ontslagen Werknemers,

    - Fonds national de garantie pour la réparation des dégâts houillers – Nationaal Waarborgfonds inzake Kolenmijnschade,

    - Fonds national de retraite des ouvriers mineurs – Nationaal Pensioenfonds voor Mijnwerkers,

    - Fonds pour le financement des prêts à des États étrangers – Fonds voor Financiering van de Leningen aan Vreemde Staten,

    - Fonds pour la rémunération des mousses enrôlés à bord des bâtiments de pêche – Fonds voor Scheepsjongens aan Boord van Vissersvaartuigen,

    - Fonds wallon d'avances pour la réparation des dommages provoqués par des pompages et des prises d'eau souterraine – Waals Fonds van Voorschotten voor het Herstel van de Schade veroorzaakt door Grondwaterzuiveringen en Afpompingen,

    - Institut d'aéronomie spatiale – Instituut voor Ruimte-aëronomie,

    - Institut belge de normalisation – Belgisch Instituut voor Normalisatie,

    - Institut bruxellois de l'environnement – Brussels Instituut voor Milieubeheer,

    - Institut d'expertise vétérinaire – Instituut voor Veterinaire Keuring,

    - Institut économique et social des classes moyennes – Economisch en Sociaal Instituut voor de Middenstand,

    - Institut d'hygiène et d'épidémiologie – Instituut voor Hygiëne en Epidemiologie,

    - Institut francophone pour la formation permanente des classes moyennes – Franstalig Instituut voor Permanente Vorming voor de Middenstand,

    - Institut géographique national – Nationaal Geografisch Instituut,

    - Institut géotechnique de l'État – Rijksinstituut voor Grondmechanica,

    - Institut national d'assurance maladie-invalidité – Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering,

    - Institut national d'assurances sociales pour travailleurs indépendants – Rijksinstituut voor de Sociale Verzekeringen der Zelfstandigen,

    - Institut national des industries extractives – Nationaal Instituut voor de Extractiebedrijven,

    - Institut national des invalides de guerre, anciens combattants et victimes de guerre – Nationaal Instituut voor Oorlogsinvaliden, Oudstrijders en Oorlogsslachtoffers,

    - Institut pour l'amélioration des conditions de travail – Instituut voor Verbetering van de Arbeidsvoorwaarden,

    - Institut pour l'encouragement de la recherche scientifique dans l'industrie et l'agriculture – Instituut tot Aanmoediging van het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in Nijverheid en Landbouw,

    - Institut royal belge des sciences naturelles – Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen,

    - Institut royal belge du patrimoine artistique – Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium,

    - Institut royal de météorologie – Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut,

    - Enfance et familie – Kind en Gezin,

    - Compagnie des installations maritimes de Bruges – Maatschappij der Brugse Zeevaartinrichtingen,

    - Mémorial national du fort de Breendonck – Nationaal Gedenkteken van het Fort van Breendonck,

    - Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale – Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika,

    - Musées royaux d'art et d'histoire – Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis,

    - Musées royaux des beaux-arts de Belgique – Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België,

    - Observatoire royal de Belgique – Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België,

    - Office belge de l'économie et de l'agriculture – Belgische Dienst voor Bedrijfsleven en Landbouw,

    - Office belge du commerce extérieur – Belgische Dienst voor Buitenlandse Handel,

    - Office central d'action sociale et culturelle au profit des membres de la communauté militaire – Centrale Dienst voor Sociale en Culturele Actie ten behoeve van de Leden van de Militaire Gemeenschap,

    - Office de la naissance et de l'enfance – Dienst voor Borelingen en Kinderen,

    - Office de la navigation – Dienst voor de Scheepvaart,

    - Office de promotion du tourisme de la Communauté française – Dienst voor de Promotie van het Toerisme van de Franse Gemeenschap,

    - Office de renseignements et d'aide aux familles des militaires – Hulp- en Informatiebureau voor Gezinnen van Militairen,

    - Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer – Dienst voor Overzeese Sociale Zekerheid,

    - Office national d'allocations familiales pour travailleurs salariés – Rijksdienst voor Kinderbijslag voor Werknemers,

    - Office national de l'emploi – Rijksdienst voor de Arbeidsvoorziening,

    - Office national des débouchés agricoles et horticoles – Nationale Dienst voor Afzet van Land – en Tuinbouwprodukten,

    - Office national de sécurité sociale – Rijksdienst voor Sociale Zekerheid,

    - Office national de sécurité sociale des administrations provinciales et locales – Rijksdienst voor Sociale Zekerheid van de Provinciale en Plaatselijke Overheidsdiensten,

    - Office national des pensions – Rijksdienst voor Pensioenen,

    - Office national des vacances annuelles – Rijksdienst voor de Jaarlijkse Vakantie,

    - Office national du lait – Nationale Zuiveldienst,

    - Office régional bruxellois de l'emploi – Brusselse Gewestelijke Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling,

    - Office régional et communautaire de l'emploi et de la formation – Gewestelijke en Gemeenschappelijke Dienst voor Arbeidsvoorziening en Vorming,

    - Office régulateur de la navigation intérieure – Dienst voor Regeling der Binnenvaart,

    - Société publique des déchets pour la Région flamande – Openbare Afvalstoffenmaatschappij voor het Vlaams Gewest,

    - Orchestre national de Belgique – Nationaal Orkest van België,

    - Organisme national des déchets radioactifs et des matières fissiles – Nationale Instelling voor Radioactief Afval en -Splijtstoffen,

    - Palais des beaux-arts – Paleis voor Schone Kunsten,

    - Pool des marins de la marine marchande – Pool van de Zeelieden ter Koopvaardij,

    - Port autonome de Charleroi – Autonome Haven van Charleroi,

    - Port autonome de Liège – Autonome Haven van Luik,

    - Port autonome de Namur – Autonome Haven van Namen,

    - Radio et télévision belges de la Communauté française – Belgische Radio en Televisie van de Franse Gemeenschap,

    - Régie des bâtiments – Regie der Gebouwen,

    - Régie des voies aériennes – Regie der Luchtwegen,

    - Régie des postes – Regie der Posterijen,

    - Régie des télégraphes et des téléphones – Regie van Telegraaf en Telefoon,

    - Conseil économique et social pour la Flandre – Sociaal-economische Raad voor Vlaanderen,

    - Société anonyme du canal et des installations maritimes de Bruxelles – Naamloze Vennootschap Zeekanaal én-Haveninrichtingen van Brussel,

    - Société du logement de la Région bruxelloise et sociétés agréées – Brusselse Gewestelijke Huisvestingsmaatschappij en erkende maatschappijen,

    - Société nationale terrienne – Nationale Landmaatschappij,

    - Théâtre royal de la Monnaie – De Koninklijke Muntschouwburg,

    - Universités relevant de la Communauté flamande – Universiteiten afhangende van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap,

    - Universités relevant de la Communauté française – Universiteiten afhangende van de Franse Gemeenschap,

    - Office flamand de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle – Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsvoorziening en Beroepsopleiding,

    - Fonds flamand de construction d'institutions hospitalières et médico-sociales – Vlaams Fonds voor de Bouw van Ziekenhuizen en Medisch-Sociale Instellingen,

    - Société flamande du logement et sociétés agréées – Vlaamse Huisvestingsmaatschappij en erkende maatschappij en,

    - Société régionale wallonne du logement et sociétés agréées – Waalse Gewestelijke Maatschappij voor de Huisvesting en erkende maatschappijen,

    - Société flamande d'épuration des eaux – Vlaamse Maatschappij voor Waterzuivering,

    - Fonds flamand du logement des familles nombreuses – Vlaams Woningfonds van de Grote Gezinnen.


    - les centres publics d'aide sociale,

    - les fabriques d'église (church councils).



    - Københavns Havn,

    - Danmarks Radio,

    - TV 2/Danmark,

    - TV2 Reklame A/S,

    - Danmarks Nationalbank,

    - A/S Storebaeltsforbindelsen,

    - A/S Øresundsforbindelsen (alene tilslutningsanlæg i Danmark),

    - Københavns Lufthavn A/S,

    - Byfornyelsesselskabet København,

    - Tele Danmark A/S with subsidiaries:

    - Fyns Telefon A/S,

    - Jydsk Telefon Aktieselskab A/S,

    - Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab,

    - Tele Sønderjylland A/S,

    - Telecom A/S,

    - Tele Danmark Mobil A/S.


    - De kommunale havne (komunalna pristanišča),

    - Andre Forvaltningssubjekter (drugi javni upravni organi).


    1. Pravne osebe, katerih delovanje ureja javno pravo

    Oblasti, ustanove in fundacije, katerih delovanje ureja javno pravo, ki jih ustanovijo zvezne, državne ali lokalne oblasti, zlasti v naslednjih sektorjih:

    1.1 Oblasti

    - Wissenschaftliche Hochschulen und verfaßte Studentenschaften (univerze in registrirani študentski organi),

    - berufsständische Vereinigungen (Rechtsanwalts-, Notar-, Steuerberater-, Wirtschaftsprüfer-, Architekten-, Ärzte- und Apothekerkammern) (poklicna združenja pravnikov, notarjev, davčnih svetovalcev, računovodij, arhitektov, zdravnikov in farmacevtov),

    - Wirtschaftsvereinigungen (Landwirtschafts-, Handwerks-, Industrie- und Handelskammern, Handwerksinnungen, Handwerkerschaften) (poslovna in trgovinska združenja: kmetijska in obrtna združenja, gospodarska zbornica, združenja obrtnikov in združenja trgovcev),

    - Sozialversicherungen (Krankenkassen, Unfall- und Rentenversicherungsträger) (socialnovarnostne ustanove: skladi za zdravstveno, nezgodno in pokojninsko zavarovanje),

    - kassenärztliche Vereinigungen (združenja zdravnikov socialnega zavarovanja),

    - Genossenschaften und Verbände (zadružne in druge organizacije).

    1.2 Ustanove in fundacije

    Neindustrijske in nekomercialne ustanove pod državnim nadzorom, ki delujejo v splošnem interesu zlasti na naslednjih področjih:

    - Rechtsfähige Bundesanstalten (zvezne ustanove s pravno sposobnostjo),

    - Versorgungsanstalten und Studentenwerke (pokojninske organizacije in študentska združenja),

    - Kultur-, Wohlfahrts- und HilfsStiftungen (kulturne, socialne fundacije in fundacije za pomoč).

    2. Pravne osebe, katerih delovanje ureja zasebno pravo

    Neindustrijske in nekomercialne ustanove pod državnim nadzorom, ki delujejo v splošnem interesu (vključno s kommunale Versorgungsunternehmen, komunalnimi podjetji), zlasti na naslednjih področjih:

    - Gesundheitswesen (Krankenhäuser, Kurmittelbetriebe, medizinische Forschungseinrichtungen, Untersuchungsund Tierkörperbeseitigungsanstalten) (zdravje: bolnišnice, zdravilišča, inštituti za zdravstvene raziskave, obrati za preskušanje in odstranjevanje trupel),

    - Kultur (öffentliche Bühnen, Orchester, Museen, Bibliotheken, Archive, zoologische und botanische Gärten) (kultura: javna gledališča, orkestri, muzeji, knjižnice, arhivi, živalski in botanični vrtovi),

    - Soziales (Kindergärten, Kindertagesheime, Erholungseinrichtungen, Kinder- und Jugendheime, Freizeiteinrichtungen, Gemeinschafts- und Bürgerhäuser, Frauenhäuser, Altersheime, Obdachlosenunterkünfte) (socialno varstvo: vrtci, otroško varstvo, počitniški domovi, otroški in mladinski domovi, počitniški centri, družbeni in državni centri, varne hiše, domovi za ostarele, domovi za brezdomce),

    - Sport (Schwimmbäder, Sportanlagen und -einrichtungen) (šport: kopališča, športni objekti),

    - Sicherheit (Feuerwehren, Rettungsdienste) (varnost: gasilci, druge reševalne službe),

    - Bildung (Umschulungs-, Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildungseinrichtungen, Volkshochschulen) (izobraževanje: ustanove za usposabljanje, nadaljnje usposabljanje in preusposabljanje, večerne šole za odrasle),

    - Wissenschaft, Forschung und Entwicklung (Großforschungseinrichtungen, wissenschaftliche Gesellschaften und Vereine, Wissenschaftsförderung) (znanost, raziskave in razvoj: veliki raziskovalni inštituti, znanstvene družbe in združenja, organi za spodbujanje znanosti),

    - Entsorgung (Straßenreinigung, Abfall- und Abwasserbeseitigung) (službe za odstranjevanje odpadkov: čiščenje cest, odstranjevalne odpadkov in odplak),

    - Bauwesen und Wohnungswirtschaft (Stadtplanung, Stadtentwicklung, Wohnungsunternehmen, Wohnraumvermittlung) (gradnja, gradbeništvo in stanovanja: načrtovanje mest, razvoj mest, stanovanjska podjetja, posredovanje stanovanj),

    - Wirtschaft (Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaften) (ekonomija: organizacije za spodbujanje ekonomskega razvoja),

    - Friedhofs- und Bestattungswesen (pokopališča in pogrebne storitve),

    - Zusammenarbeit mit den Entwicklungsländern (Finanzierung, technische Zusammenarbeit, Entwicklungshilfe, Ausbildung) (sodelovanje z državami v razvoju: financiranje, tehnično sodelovanje, razvojna pomoč, usposabljanje).



    Druge pravne osebe, katerih delovanje ureja javno pravo, katerih javna naročila za gradnje so pod državnim nadzorom.



    - Entidades Gestoras y Servicios Comunes de la Seguridad Social (upravni subjekti in skupne storitve služb za zdravstvene in socialne storitve)

    - Organismos Autónomos de la Administración del Estado (neodvisni organi državne uprave)

    - Organismos Autónomos de las Comunidades Autónomas (neodvisni organi avtonomnih skupnosti)

    - Organismos Autónomos de las Entidades Locales (neodvisni organi lokalnih oblasti)

    - Otras entidades sometidas a la legislación de contratos del Estado espańol (drugi subjekti, za katere se uporablja španska državna zakonodaja o javnih naročilih).



    1. Nacionalni javni organi:

    1.1 znanstvenega, kulturnega in strokovnega značaja:

    - College de France,

    - Conservatoire national des arts et métiers,

    - Observatoire de Paris.

    1.2 Znanstveni in tehnološki:

    - Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS),

    - Institut national de la recherche agronomique,

    - Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale,

    - Institut français de recherche scientifique pour le développement en coopération (ORSTOM).

    1.3 Upravnega značaja:

    - Agence nationale pour l'emploi,

    - Caisse nationale des allocations familiales,

    - Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie des travailleurs salariés,

    - Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse des travailleurs salariés,

    - Office national des anciens combattants et victimes de la guerre,

    - Agences financières de bassins.


    1. Nacionalni javni organi:

    - universités (univerze),

    - écoles normales d'instituteurs (šole za izobraževanje učiteljev).

    2. Upravni javni organi na regionalni ravni, na ravni departmajev in na lokalni ravni:

    - colleges (srednje šole),

    - lycées (srednje šole),

    - établissements publics hospitaliers (javne bolnišnice),

    - offices publics d'habitations a loyer modéré (OPHLM) (javni uradi za dodeljevanje cenovno ugodnih stanovanj).

    3. Skupine območnih oblasti:

    - syndicats de communes (združenja organov lokalnih skupnosti),

    - districts (okraji),

    - communautés urbaines (občine),

    - institutions interdépartementales et interrégionales (ustanove, skupne več kot enemu departmaju in medregionalne ustanove).



    - Shannon Free Airport Development Company Ltd,

    - Local Government Computer Services Board,

    - Local Government Staff Negotiations Board,

    - Córas Tráchtála (Irish Export Board),

    - Industrial Development Authority,

    - Irish Goods Council (Promotion of Irish Goods),

    - Coras Beostoic agus Feola (CBF) (Irish Meat Board),

    - Bord Fáilte Éireann (Irish Tourism Board),

    - Údarás na Gaeltachta (Development Authority for Gaeltacht Regions),

    - An Bord Pleanála (Irish Planning Board).


    - Third level Educational Bodies of a Public Character,

    - National Training, Cultural or Research Agencies,

    - Hospital Boards of a Public Character,

    - National Health & Social Agencies of a Public Character,

    - Central & Regional Fishery Boards.



    - Agenzia per la promozione dello sviluppo nel Mezzogiorno.


    - Enti portuali e aeroportuali (pristaniške in letališke oblasti),

    - Consorzi per le opere idrauliche (konzorciji za vodovodna dela),

    - Le universita statali, gli istituti universitari statali, i consorzi per i lavori interessanti le universita (državne univerze, državni univerzitetni inštituti, konzorciji za razvojna dela na univerzah),

    - Gli istituti superiori scientifici e culturali, gli osservatori astronomici, astrofisici, geofisici o vulcanologici (višji znanstveni in kulturni inštituti, astronomski, astrofizikalni, geofizikalni ali vulkanološki observatoriji),

    - Enti di ricerca e sperimentazione (organizacije, ki opravljajo raziskave in preskuse),

    - Le istituzioni pubbliche di assistenza e di beneficenza (javne socialne in dobrodelne ustanove),

    - Enti che gestiscono forme obbligatorie di previdenza e di assistenza (organizacije, ki upravljajo obvezno socialno zavarovanje in socialne sheme),

    - Consorzi di bonifica (konzorciji za pridobivanje zemljišč),

    - Enti di sviluppo o di irrigazione (organizacije za razvoj ali namakanje),

    - Consorzi per le aree industriali (združenja za industrijska območja),

    - Comunita montane (skupne občin v gorskih predelih),

    - Enti preposti a servizi di pubblico interesse (organizacije, ki ponujajo storitve v javnem interesu),

    - Enti pubblici preposti ad attività di spettacolo, sportive, turistiche e del tempo libero (javni organi za prireditve, športne in turistične dejavnosti ter prosti čas),

    - Enti culturali e di promozione artistica (organizacije za spodbujanje kulturnih in umetniških dejavnosti).



    - Les établissements publics de l'État placés sous la surveillance d'un membre du gouvernement (javne državne ustanove pod nadzorom člana vlade),

    - Les établissements publics placés sous la surveillance des communes (javne ustanove pod nadzorom občin),

    - Les syndicats de communes créés en vertu de la loi du 14 février 1900 telle qu'elle a été modifiée par la suite (združenja občin, ustanovljena na podlagi zakona z dne 14. februarja 1900, kot je bil kasneje spremenjen).



    - De Nederlandse Centrale Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (TNO) en de daaronder ressorterende organisaties.


    - De waterschappen (upravljanje vodovodnih del),

    - De instellingen van wetenschappelijk onderwijs vermeld in artikel 8 van de Wet op het Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (1985), de academische ziekenhuizen (Ustanove za znanstveno izobraževanje, kot so naštete v členu 8 Zakona o znanstvenem izobraževanju (1985)) wet op het Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (1985) (učne bolnišnice).



    - Estabelecimentos públicos de ensino, investigação científica e saúde (javne ustanove za izobraževanje, znanstvene raziskave in zdravje),

    - Institutos públicos sem carácter comercial ou industrial (javne ustanove, ki nimajo komercialnega ali industrijskega značaja),

    - Fundações públicas (javne fundacije),

    - Administrações gerais e juntas autonomas (organi splošne javne uprave in neodvisni sveti).



    - Central Blood Laboratories Authority,

    - Design Council,

    - Health and Safety Executive,

    - National Research Development Corporation,

    - Public Health Laboratory Services Board,

    - Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service,

    - Commission for the New Towns,

    - Development Board For Rural Wales,

    - English Industrial Estates Corporation,

    - National Rivers Authority,

    - Northern Ireland Housing Executive,

    - Scottish Enterprise,

    - Scottish Homes,

    - Welsh Development Agency.


    - Universities and polytechnics, maintained schools and colleges,

    - National Museums and Galleries,

    - Research Councils,

    - Fire Authorities,

    - National Health Service Authorities,

    - Police Authorities,

    - New Town Development Corporations,

    - Urban Development Corporations.


    Vsi organi pod proračunskim nadzorom, ki ga izvaja "Rechnungshof" (revizijski organ), ki nimajo industrijskega ali komercialnega značaja.


    Javni organi ali podjetja ali organi ali podjetja pod javnim nadzorom, ki nimajo industrijskega ali komercialnega značaja.


    Vsi nekomercialni organi, katerih javna naročila so pod nadzorom Nacionalnega odbora za javna naročila.

    Poleg subjektov, naštetih v Prilogi I k Direktivi 93/37/EGS, se kot subjekti, katerih delovanje ureja javno pravo, v smislu take direktive štejejo naslednji subjekti:

    Avstrija: "Austrian State Printing Office"

    Danska: "Copenhagen Hospital Corporation" ("Hovedstandens Sygehusfaellesskab")

    Irska: "Forbas"; "Forbairt"

    Luksemburg "L'entreprise des Postes et Télécomunications (samo dejavnost pošte)"

    Portugalska "INGA (Nacionalni inštitut za intervencije in garancije v kmetijstvu/Instituto Nacional de Intervenção e Garantia Agrícola)"

    "Inštitut za potrošnike/Instituto do Consumidor"

    "Meteorološki inštitut/Instituto de Meteorologia"

    "Inštitut za orhanjanje narave/Instituto da Conservação da Natureza"

    "Inštutut za vode/Instituto da Água"

    "ICEP/Instituto de Comércio Externo de Portugal"

    "Portugalski inštitut za kri/Instituto do Sangue"

    Združeno kraljestvo: "Ordnance Survey"

    Dodatek 3


    Subjekti, ki naročajo v skladu z določbami tega naslova


    Pragovi: 400000 posebne pravice črpanja


    navedeno v Dodatku 4

    Pragovi: 400000 posebne pravice črpanja


    navedeno v Dodatku 5

    Pragovi: 5000000 posebne pravice črpanja

    Seznam subjektov:

    Naročniki v smislu člena 2 Direktive 93/38/EGS, ki so javne oblasti ali javna podjetja in ki med svojimi dejavnostmi opravljajo tudi eno ali več od spodaj naštetih:

    (a) zagotavljanje pomorskih pristanišč ali pristanišč na celinskih vodah ali druge terminalske infrastrukture prevoznikom v pomorskem prometu ali prometu po celinskih plovnih poteh;

    (b) zagotavljanje letališč ali druge terminalske infrastrukture prevoznikom v zračnem prometu;

    Javne oblasti ali javna podjetja iz tega dodatka (naročniki na področju letališke infrastrukture in naročniki na področju pomorskih pristanišč ali pristanišč na celinskih vodah ali drugih terminalske infrastrukture) Direktive 93/38/EGS izpolnjujejo zgoraj navedena merila. Navedeni seznami so samo okvirni (glej Uradni list Evropskih skupnosti L 199, 9.8.1993, str. 84, in C 241, 29.8.1994, str. 228).

    Oddelek 1

    Naročniki na področju pomorskih pristanišč ali pristanišč na celinskih vodah ali druge terminalske infrastrukture


    Pristanišča na celinskih vodah, ki so popolnoma ali deloma v lasti Länder in/ali Gemeinden.


    - Société anonyme du canal et des installations maritimes de Bruxelles.

    - Port autonome de Liège.

    - Port autonome de Namur.

    - Port autonome de Charleroi.

    - Port de la ville de Gand.

    - La Compagnie des installations maritimes de Bruges – Maatschappij der Brugse haveninrichtingen.

    - Société intercommunale de la rive gauche de l'Escaut – Intercommunale maatschappij van de linker Scheldeoever (Port d'Anvers).

    - Port de Nieuwport.

    - Port d'Ostende.


    Pristanišča, kot so opredeljena v členu 1, I do III v bekendtgyrelse nr. 604 af 16 december 1985 om hvilke havne der er omfattet af lov om trafikhavne, jf. lov nr. 239 af 12 maj 1976 om trafikhavne.


    Pristanišča, ki obratujejo na podlagi Laki kunnallisista satamajärjestyksistä ja liikennemaksuista (955/76).

    Saimaa Canal (Saimaan kanavan hoitokunta).


    - Pomorska pristanišča, ki so popolnoma ali deloma v lasti teritorialnih oblasti (Länder, Kreise, Gemeinden).

    - Pristanišča na celinskih vodah, za katere velja Hafenordnung na podlagi Wassergesetze der Länder.


    - Οργαυισμός Λψένος Πειραιώς Piraeus port (Organismos Limenos Peiraios) ustanovljeni z Nujnim zakonom 1559/1950 in zakonom 1630/1951.

    - Οργαυισμός Λψένος θεσαλονίκης Thessaloniki port (Organismos Limenos Thessalonikis) ustanovljeni na podlagi uredbe N.A. 2251/1953.

    - druga pristanišča, ki jih ureja Predsedniška uredba 649/1977 (NA. 649/1977) Εποπτεία, οργάνωσηλειτουργίας διοικητκός έλεγχος λψένων (Epopteia, organosi leitoyrgias dioktitikos elenchos limenon, nadzor, organizacija delovanja in upravni nadzor).


    - Puerto de Huelva ustanovljeno na podlagi Decreto de 2 de octubre de 1969, no 2380/69. Puertos y Faros. Otorga Régimen de Estatuto de Autonomía al Puerto de Huelva.

    - Puerto de Barcelona, ustanovljeno na podlagi Decreto de 25 de agosto de 1978, no 2407/78, Puertos y Faros. Otorga al de Barcelona Régimen de Estatuto de Autonomía.

    - Puerto de Bilbao, ustanovljeno na podlagi Decreto de 25 de agosto de 1978, no 2048/78. Puertos y Faros. Otorga al de Bilbao Régimen de Estatuto de Autonomía.

    - Puerto de Valencia ustanovljeno na podlagi Decreto de 25 de agosto de 1978, no 2409/78. Puertos y Faros. Otorga al de Valencia Régimen de Estatuto de Autonomía.

    - Juntas de Puertos, ki obratuje na podlagi Lei 27/68 de 20 de junio de 1968. Puertos y Faros. Juntas de Puertos y Estatutos de Autonomía in na podlagi Decreto de 9 de abril de 1970, no 1350/70. Juntas de Puertos. Reglamento.

    - Pristanišča, ki jih upravlja Comisión Administrativa de Grupos de Puertos, ki deluje na podlagi Ley 27/68 de 20 de junio de 1968, Decreto 1958/78 de 23 de junio de 1978 in Decreto 571/81 de 6 de mayo de 1981.

    - Pristanišča, našteta v Real Decreto 989/82 de 14 de mayo de 1982. Puertos. Clasificación de los de interés general.


    - Port autonome de Paris ustanovljeno na podlagi loi 68/917 du 24 octobre 1968 relative au port autonome de Paris.

    - Port autonome de Strasbourg ustanovljeno na podlagi konvencije du 20 mai 1923 entre l'BEtat et la ville de Strasbourg relative à la constitution du port rhénan de Strasbourg et à l'exécution de travaux d'extension de ce port, odobrene z loi du 26 avril 1924.

    - Druga pristanišča na celinskih plovnih poteh, ustanovljena ali vodena na podlagi člena 6 (navigation intérieure) décret 69-140 du 6 février 1969 relatif aux concessions d'outillage public dans les ports maritimes.

    - Ports autonomes, ki obratujejo v skladu s členi L 111-1 et suivants zakonika des ports maritimes.

    - Ports non autonomes, ki obratujejo v skladu s členi R 121-1 et suivants zakonika des ports maritimes.

    - Pristanišča, ki jih upravljajo regionalni organi (départements), ali ki obratujejo na podlagi koncesije, ki so jo odobrili regionalni organi (départements) na podlagi člena 6 loi 86-663 du 22 juillet 1983 complétant la loi 83-8 du 7 janvier 1983 relative à la répartition de compétences entre les communes, départements et l'Etat.


    - Pristanišča, ki obratujejo na podlagi Harbour Acts 1946 do 1976.

    - Port of Dun Laoghaire, ki obratuje na podlagi State Harbours Act 1924.

    - Port of Rosslare Harbour, ki obratuje na podlagi Finguard and Rosslare Railways and Harbours Act 1899.


    - Državna in druga pristanišča, ki jih upravlja Capitaneria di Porto na podlagi Codice della navigazione, Regio Decreto 30 marzo 1942, n. 32.

    - Avtonomna pristanišča (enti portuali), ustanovljena s posebnimi zakoni na podlagi člena 19 Codice della navigazione, Regio Decreto 30 marzo 1942, n. 327.


    Port de Mertert, ki je bilo ustanovljeno in obratuje na podlagi loi du 22 juillet 1963 relative à l'aménagement et à l'exploitation d'un port fluvial sur la Moselle.


    Havenbedrijven, ki je bilo ustanovljeno in obratuje na podlagi Gemeentewet van 29 juni 1851.

    Havenschap Vlissingen, ustanovljeno z wet van 10 september 1970 houdende een gemeenschappelijke regeling tot oprichting van het Havenschap Vlissingen.

    Havenschap Terneuzen, ustanovljeno z wet van 8 april 1970 houdende een gemeenschappelijke regeling tot oprichting van het Havenschap Terneuzen.

    Havenschap Delfzijl, ustanovljeno z wet van 31 juli 1957 houdende een gemeenschappelijke regeling tot oprichting van het Havenschap Delfzijl.

    Industrie- en havenschap Moerdijk, ustanovljeno z gemeenschappelijke regeling tot oprichting van het Industrie- en havenschap Moerdijk van 23 oktober 1970, odobreno z Koninklijke Besluit nr. 23 van 4 maart 1972.


    Porto do Lisboa, ustanovljeno na podlagi Decreto Real do 18 de Fevereiro de 1907, in ki obratuje na podlagi Decreto-Lei no 36976 de 20 de Julho de 1948.

    Porto do Douro e Leixões, ustanovljeno na podlagi Decreto-Lei no 36977 de 20 de Julho de 1948.

    Porto de Sines, ustanovljeno na podlagi Decreto-Lei no 508/77 de 14 de Dezembro de 1977.

    Portos de Setúbal, Aveiro, Figueira de Foz, Viana do Castelo, Portimão e Faro, ki obratujejo na podlagi Decreto-Lei no 37754 de 18 de Fevereiro de 1950.


    Pristanišča in terminalska infrastruktura v skladu z lagen (1983:293) om inrättande, utvidgning och avlysning av allmän farled och allmän hamn, the förordningen (1983:744) om trafiken paa Göta kanal.


    Pristaniški organi v smislu Oddelka 57 Zakona o pristaniščih 1964, ki zagotavljajo pristaniško infrastrukturo prevoznikom po morju in po celinskih plovnih poteh.

    Oddelek 2

    Naročniki na področju letališke infrastrukture


    Austro Control GmbH

    Subjekti, kot so opredeljeni v členih 60 do 80 v Luftfahrtgesetz 1957 (BGBl. Nr. 253/1957).


    Régie des voies aériennes, ustanovljen na podlagi arrêté-loi du 20 novembre 1946 portant création de la réegie des voies aéeriennes amended by arrCetBe royal du 5 octobre 1970 portant refonte du statut de la règle des voies aériennes.


    Letališča, ki obratujejo na podlagi pooblastila v skladu s § 55, stk. 1, lov om luftfart, jf. lovbekendtgorelse nr. 408 af 11. september 1985.


    Letališča, ki jih upravlja "Ilmailulaitos/Luftfartsverket" na podlagi Ilmailulaki (595/64).


    Letališča, kot so opredeljena v členu 38 Absatz 2 Luftverkehrszulassungsordnung vom 19 März 1979, nazadnje spremenjene z Verordnung vom 21 Juli 1986.


    Letališča, ki obratujejo na podlagi zakona 517/1931 o službi za civilno letalstvo Υπηρεσία Πολιτικής Αεροπορίας (ΥΠΑ) (Ypiresia Politikis Aeroporias (YPA))

    Mednarodna letališča, ki obratujejo na podlagi predsedniške uredbe 647/981.


    Letališča, ki jih upravlja Aeropuertos Nacionales, ki obratujejo na podlagi Real Decreto 278/1982 de 15 de octubre de 1982.


    Aéroports de Paris, ki obratujejo na podlagi titre V, articles L 251-1 a 252-1 du code de l'aviation civile.

    Aéroport de Bâle – Mulhouse, ustanovljeno na podlagi convention franco-suisse du 4 juillet 1949.

    Letališča, opredeljena v členu L 270-1, code de l'aviation civile.

    Letališča, ki obratujejo na podlagi cahier de charges type d'une concession d'aéroport, décret du 6 mai 1955.

    Letališča, ki obratujejo na podlagi convention d'exploitation pursuant to article L/221, code de l'aviation civile.


    Airports of Dublin, Cork and Shannon, ki jih upravlja Aer Rianta – Irish Airports.

    Letališča, ki obratujejo na podlagi dovoljenja za javno uporabo, izdanega na podlagi Air Navigation and Transport Act No 23 1936, the Transport Fuel and Power Transfer of Departmental, Administration and Ministerial Functions Order 1959 (SI No 125 of 1959) in the Air Navigation (Aerodromes and Visual Ground Aids) Order 1970 (SI No 291 of 1970).


    Civilna državna letališča (aeroporti civili istituiti dallo Stato iz člena 692 Codice della navigazione, Regio Decreto 30 marzo 1942, n. 327.

    Subjekti, ki upravljajo letališko infrastrukturo na podlagi koncesije, izdane na podlagi člena 694 Codice della navigazione, Regio Decreto 30 marzo 1942, n. 327.


    Aéroport de Findel.


    Letališča, ki obratujejo na podlagi členov 18 in členov, ki mu sledijo, iz Luchtvaartwet z dne 15. januarja 1958, spremenjene dne 7. junija 1978.


    Letališča, ki jih upravlja Aeroportos de Navegação Aérea (ANA), EP na podlagi Decreto-Lei no 246/79.

    Aeroporto de Funchal in Aeroporto de Porto Santo, ki sta regionalizirana na podlagi Decreto-Lei no 284/81.


    Letališča v javni lasti in upravi v skladu s lagen (1957:297) om luftfart.

    Letališča v zasebni lasti in upravi z dovoljenjem za uporabo v skladu z navedenim zakonom, če to dovoljenje ustreza merilom iz člena 2(3) direktive.


    Letališča, ki jih upravlja British Airports Authority plc.

    Letališča, ki so javne družbe z omejeno odgovornostjo (plc) na podlagi Airports Act 1986.

    Dodatek 4


    univerzalnega seznama storitev vključujejo naslednje storitve:

    Zadeva | Referenčna št. CPC |

    Vzdrževanje in popravila | 6112, 6122, 633, 886 |

    Kopenski prevoz vključno s storitvami z oklepnimi vozili in s kurirskimi storitvami, razen prevoza pošte | 712 (razen 71235), 7512, 87304 |

    Storitve v zračnem prevozu potnikov in tovora, razen prevoza pošte | 73 (razen 7321) |

    Kopenski prevoz pošte, razen prevoza z železnico, in zračni prevoz | 71235, 7321 |

    Telekomunikacijske storitve | 752 [1] (razen 7524, 7525, 7526) |

    Računalniške in sorodne storitve | 84 |

    Računovodske, revizijske in knjigovodske storitve | 862 |

    Raziskovanje trga in javnega mnenja | 864 |

    Poslovno svetovanje in sorodne storitve | 865, 866 [2] |

    Storitve na področju arhitekture; inženirske storitve in povezane inženirske storitve; načrtovanje naselij in urejanje krajine; sorodno znanstveno in tehnično svetovanje; tehnično preskušanje in analitične storitve | 867 |

    Oglaševanje | 871 |

    Čiščenje zgradb in upravljanje nepremičnin | 874, 82201-82206 |

    Založništvo in tiskanje proti plačilu ali po pogodbi | 88442 |

    Storitve javne higiene; sanitarne in podobne storitve | 94 |

    Dodatek 5


    Opredelitev gradbenih storitev:

    Pogodba o gradbenih storitvah je pogodba, katere cilj je izvajanje, s katerimi koli sredstvi, gradbenih del nizkih in visokih gradenj v smislu oddelka 51 Centralne klasifikacije proizvodov (CPC).

    Seznam iz oddelka 51 CPC

    Skupina | Razred | Podrazred | Naslov | Ustrezna št. ISCI |


    Oddelek 51 | | GRADBENA DELA | |

    511 | | Predpriprava na gradbiščih | |

    5111 | 51110 | Pripravljalna dela na gradbišču | 4510 |

    5112 | 51120 | Rušenje | 4510 |

    5113 | 51130 | Priprava in čiščenje gradbišča | 4510 |

    5114 | 51140 | Izkop in druga zemeljska dela | 4510 |

    5115 | 51150 | Priprava zemljišča za rudarjenje | 4510 |

    5116 | 51160 | Postavljanje odrov in ploščadi | 4520 |

    512 | | Gradbena dela za zgradbe | |

    5121 | 51210 | Za eno- in dvostanovanjske zgradbe | 4520 |

    5122 | 51220 | Za večstanovanjske zgradbe | 4520 |

    5123 | 51230 | Za skladišča in industrijske zgradbe | 4520 |

    5124 | 51240 | Za poslovne zgradbe | 4520 |

    5125 | 51250 | Za zgradbe za prireditve | 4520 |

    5126 | 51260 | Za hotele, restavracije in podobne zgradbe | 4520 |

    5127 | 51270 | Za izobraževalne zgradbe | 4520 |

    5128 | 51280 | Za zdravstvene zgradbe | 4520 |

    5129 | 51290 | Za druge zgradbe | 4520 |

    513 | | Gradbena dela za nizke gradnje | |

    5131 | 51310 | Za avtoceste (razen dvignjenih avtocest), ulice, ceste, železnice in letališke steze | 4520 |

    5132 | 51320 | Za mostove, dvignjene avtoceste, predore in podvoze | 4520 |

    5133 | 51330 | Za vodne poti, pristanišča, jezove in druga dela na vodi | 4520 |

    5134 | 51340 | Za transportne cevovode, komunikacijske in energetske daljnovode | 4520 |

    5135 | 51350 | Za lokalna cevovodna in kabelska omrežja; pomožna dela | 4520 |

    5136 | 51360 | Za rudarske in proizvodne objekte | 4520 |

    5137 | | Za športne in rekreativne objekte | |

    51371 | Za stadione in športna igrišča | 4520 |

    51372 | Za druge športne in rekreativne objekte (npr. bazeni, teniška igrišča, igrišča za golf) | 4520 |

    5139 | 51390 | Za gradbena dela n.n.d. | 4520 |

    514 | 5140 | 51400 | Sestavljanje in postavljanje montažnih objektov | 4520 |

    515 | | Gradbena dela specialnih strok | |

    5151 | 51510 | Polaganje temeljev, tudi zabijanje pilotov | 4520 |

    5152 | 51520 | Kopanje vodnjakov | 4520 |

    5153 | 51530 | Krovstvo in impregnacija | 4520 |

    5154 | 51540 | Betoniranje | 4520 |

    5155 | 51550 | Ukrivljanje jekla in postavljanje (vključno z varjenjem) | 4520 |

    5156 | 51560 | Zidarska dela | 4520 |

    5159 | 51590 | Druga gradbena dela specialnih strok | 4520 |

    516 | | Inštalacijska dela | |

    5161 | 51610 | Ogrevalne, prezračevalne in klimatske naprave in napeljave | 4530 |

    5162 | 51620 | Montaža vodovodnih in odtočnih napeljav | 4530 |

    5163 | 51630 | Gradnja plinskih napeljav | 4530 |

    5164 | | Elektroinštalaterska dela | |

    51641 | Montaža električne napeljave | 4530 |

    51642 | Izdelava protipožarnih alarmnih naprav | 4530 |

    51643 | Izdelava protivlomnih alarmnih naprav | 4530 |

    51644 | Izdelava hišnih anten in priključkov | 4530 |

    51649 | Druga elektroinštalaterska dela | 4530 |

    5165 | 51650 | Izolacijska dela (električne instalacije, vodovod, ogrevanje, zvok) | 4530 |

    5166 | 51660 | Postavljanje ograj | 4530 |

    5169 | | Druge instalacije | |

    51691 | Izgradnja dvigal in tekočih stopnic | 4530 |

    51699 | Druge instalacije, n.n.d. | 4530 |

    517 | | | Zaključna gradbena dela | |

    5171 | 51710 | Steklarska dela in montaža okenskih stekel | 4540 |

    5172 | 51720 | Fasaderska in štukaterska dela | 4540 |

    5173 | 51730 | Pleskarska dela | 4540 |

    5174 | 51740 | Oblaganje tal in sten s ploščicami | 4540 |

    5175 | 51750 | Drugo oblaganje tal in sten ter polaganje tapet | 4540 |

    5176 | 51760 | Vgrajevanje lesenega in kovinskega stavbnega pohištva | 4540 |

    5177 | 51770 | Nameščanje notranje gradbene dekoracije | 4540 |

    5178 | 51780 | Nameščanje gradbenih okraskov | 4540 |

    5179 | 51790 | Druga zaključna gradbena dela | 4540 |

    518 | 5180 | 51800 | Dajanje gradbenih strojev v najem, skupaj z upravljavci | 4550 |

    [1] Čile navaja, da številna pojasnila, navedena v različnih oblikah, v zvezi z okvirnim značajem nekaterih seznamov iz tega dodatka, pomenijo enako kot pojasnilo v Prilogi XII, Dodatek 1, B.

    [2] Materiali, ki niso vojnega značaja, vsebovani v oddelku 3 tega dodatka.

    [3] Materiali, ki niso vojnega značaja, vsebovani v oddelku 3 tega dodatka.

    [4] Poštne storitve iz Zakona z dne 24. decembra 1993.

    [5] Materiali, ki niso vojnega značaja, vsebovani v oddelku 3 tega dodatka.

    [6] Razen telekomunikacijske opreme.

    [7] Materiali, ki niso vojnega značaja, vsebovani v oddelku 3 tega dodatka.

    [8] Materiali, ki niso vojnega značaja, vsebovani v oddelku 3 tega dodatka.

    [9] Materiali, ki niso vojnega značaja, vsebovani v oddelku 3 tega dodatka.

    [10] Postes seulement.

    [11] Materiali, ki niso vojnega značaja, vsebovani v oddelku 3 tega dodatka.

    [12] Materiali, ki niso vojnega značaja, vsebovani v oddelku 3 tega dodatka.

    [13] Materiali, ki niso vojnega značaja, vsebovani v oddelku 3 tega dodatka.

    [14] Materiali, ki niso vojnega značaja, vsebovani v oddelku 3 tega dodatka.

    [15] Materiali, ki niso vojnega značaja, vsebovani v oddelku 3 tega dodatka.

    [1] Razen glasovne telefonije, teleksa, radiotelefonije, paging sporočil in satelitskih storitev.

    [2] Razen arbitraže in spravnih storitev.



    (Navedena v členu 137 Pridružitvenega sporazuma)


    Dodatek I


    Subjekti, ki naročajo v skladu z določbami tega naslova


    Pragovi 130000 posebne pravice črpanja


    Navedeno v Dodatku 4

    Pragovi 130000 posebne pravice črpanja


    Navedeno v Dodatku 5

    Pragovi 5000000 posebne pravice črpanja


    Presidencia de la República

    Ministerio de Interior

    Subsecretaria de Interior

    Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Regional

    Oficina Nacional de Emergencia (ONEMI)

    Direccion de Seguridad Publica e Information

    Comite Nacional Control de Estupefacientes (CONACE)

    Servicio Electoral

    Fondo Nacional

    Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

    Subsecretaria de Relaciones Exteriores

    Direccion General de Relaciones Economicas Internationales

    Institute Antartico Chileno (INACH)

    Direccion de Fronteras y Limites (DIFROL)

    Ministerio de Defensa Nacional

    Subsecretaria de Guerra

    Subsecretaria de Marina

    Subsecretaria de Aviation

    Subsecretaria de Carabineros

    Subsecretaria de Investigaciones

    Direction Administrativa del ministerio de Defensa National

    Direction de Aeronautica Civil

    Direction General de Movilizacion National

    Academia National de Estudios Politicos y Estrategicos (ANEPE)

    Direction General de Defensa Civil

    Ministerio de Hacienda

    Subsecretaria de Hacienda

    Direction de Presupuestos

    Servicio de Impuestos Internos (SII)

    Tesoreria General de la República

    Servicio National de Aduanas

    Casa de Moneda

    Direction de Aprovisionamiento del Estado (Chilecompra)

    Superintendencia de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras

    Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros

    Ministerio Secretaria General de la Presidencia

    Subsecretaria General de La Presidencia

    Comision National del Medio Ambiente (CONAMA)

    Ministerio Secretaria General de Gobierno

    Subsecretaria General de Gobierno

    Institute Nacional del Deporte (IND)

    Division de Organizaciones Sociales (DOS)

    Secretaria de Comunicacion y Cultura (SECC)

    Ministerio de Economia, Fomento, Reconstruction y Energia

    Subsecretaria de Economia

    Subsecretaria de Pesca

    Secretaria Ejecutiva Comision Nacional de Energia

    Comite de Inversiones Extranjeras

    Servicio Nacional del Consumidor (SERNAC)

    Fiscalia Nacional Economica

    Institute Nacional de Estadisticas (INE)

    Servicio Nacional de Pesca (SERNAPESCA)

    Servicio Nacional de Turismo (SERNATUR)

    Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustible

    Centro de Information de Recursos Naturales (CIREN)

    Corporation de Investigaciones Tecnologicas (INTEC)

    Institute de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP)

    Institute Forestal

    Institute National de Normalization (INN)

    Servicio de Cooperation Tecnica (SERCOTEC)

    Fondo National de Desarrollo Tecnologico y Productive

    Corporacion de Fomento de la Production (CORFO)

    Ministerio de Mineria

    Subsecretaria de Mineria

    Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear (CCHEN)

    Comision Chilena del Cobre (COCHILCO)

    Comision National de Energia

    Servicio National de Geologia y Mineria (SERNAGEOMIN)

    Ministerio de Planificacion y Cooperation

    Subsecretaria de Panificacion y Cooperation

    Corporacion National Desarrollo Indigena (CONADI)

    Fondo de Solidaridad e Inversion Social (FOSIS)

    Fondo National de la Discapacidad (FONADIS)

    Institute National de la Juventud (INJUV)

    Agencia de Cooperation International (AGCI)

    Ministerio de Education

    Subsecretaria de Education

    Comision National de Investigation Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT)

    Direction de Bibliotecas, Archives Museos (DIBAM)

    Junta Nacional de Auxilio Escolar y Becas (JUNAEB)

    Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles (JUNJI)

    Consejo Nacional del Libro y la Lectura

    Consejo de Calificacion Cinematografica

    Fondo de Desarrollo de las Artes y la Cultura (FONDART)

    Ministerio de Justicia

    Subsecretaria de Justicia

    Corporaciones de Asistencia Judicial

    Servicio Registro Civil e Identification

    Fiscalia Nacional de Quiebras

    Servicio Medico Legal

    Servicio Nacional de Menores (SENAME)

    Direction Nacional de Gendarmeria

    Ministerio de Trabajo y Prevision Social

    Subsecretaria del Trabajo

    Subsecretaria de Prevision Social

    Direction del Trabajo

    Direction General del Credito Prendario

    Institute de Normalization Provisional (INP)

    Servicio National de Capacitacion y Empleo (SENCE)

    Superintendencia de Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones

    Superintendencia de Seguridad Social

    Fondo National de Pensiones Asistenciales

    Ministerio de Obras Publicas

    Subsecretaria de Obras Publicas

    Direction General de Obras Publicas

    Administration y ejecucion de Obras Publicas

    Administration de Servicios de Concesiones

    Direction de Aeropuertos

    Direction de Arquitectura

    Direction Obras Portuarias

    Direction de Planeamiento

    Direction Obras Hidraulicas

    Direction Vialidad

    Direction Contabilidad y Finanzas

    Institute Nacional de Hidraulica

    Superintendencia Servicios Sanitarios

    Ministerio de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones

    Subsecretaria de Transportes

    Subsecretaria de Telecomunicaciones

    Junta Aeronautica Civil

    Centro Control y Certification Vehicular (3CV)

    Comision Nacional de Seguridad de Transito (CONASET)

    Unidad Operativa Control de Transito (UOCT)

    Ministerio de Salud

    Subsecretaria de Salud

    Central Abastecimientos Sistema Nacional Servicios de Salud (CENABAST)

    Fondo Nacional de Salud (FONASA)

    Institute de Salud Pública (ISP)

    Superintendencia de Isapres

    Servicio de Salud Arica

    Servicio de Salud Iquique

    Servicio de Salud Antofagasta

    Servicio de Salud Atacama

    Servicio de Salud Coquimbo

    Servicio de Salud Valparaiso-San Antonio

    Servicio de Salud Vina del Mar-Quillota

    Servicio de Salud Aconcagua

    Servicio de Salud Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins

    Servicio de Salud Maule

    Servicio de Salud Nuble

    Servicio de Salud Conception

    Servicio de Salud Talcahuano

    Servicio de Salud Bio-Bio

    Servicio de Salud Arauco

    Servicio de Salud Araucania Norte

    Servicio de Salud Araucania Sur

    Servicio de Salud Valdivia

    Servicio de Salud Osorno

    Servicio de Salud Llanquihue-Chiloe-Palena

    Servicio de Salud Aysen

    Servicio de Salud Magallanes

    Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Oriente

    Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Central

    Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Sur

    Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Norte

    Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Occidente

    Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Sur-Oriente

    Servicio de Salud Metropolitano del Ambiente

    Ministerio de la Vivienda y Urbanismo

    Subsecretaria de Vivienda

    Parque Metropolitano de Santiago

    Servicios Regionales de Vivienda y Urbanismo

    Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales

    Subsecretaria de Bienes Nacionales

    Ministerio de Agricultura

    Subsecretaria de Agricultura

    Comision Nacional de Riego (CNR)

    Corporation Nacional Forestal (CONAF)

    Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP)

    Oficina de Estudios y Políticas Agrícolas (ODEPA)

    Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG)

    Instituto Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA)

    Ministerio Servicio Nacional de la Mujer

    Subsecretaría Nacional de la Mujer

    Gobiernos Regionales

    Intendencia I Región

    Gobernación de Arica

    Gobernación de Parinacota

    Gobernación de Iquique

    Intendencia II Región

    Gobernación de Antofagasta

    Gobernación de El Loa

    Gobernación de Tocopilla

    Intendencia III Región

    Gobernación de Chańaral

    Gobernación de Copiapó

    Intendencia IV Región

    Gobernación de Huasco

    Gobernación de El Elqui

    Gobernación de Limarí

    Gobernación de Choapa

    Intendencia V Región

    Gobernación de Petorca

    Gobernación de Valparaíso

    Gobernación de San Felipe de Aconcagua

    Gobernación de Los Andes

    Gobernación de Quillota

    Gobernación de San Antonio

    Gobernación de Isla de Pascua

    Intendencia VI Región

    Gobernación de Cachapoal

    Gobernación de Colchagua

    Gobernación de Cardenal Caro

    Intendencia VII Región

    Gobernación de Curicó

    Gobernación de Talca

    Gobernación de Linares

    Gobernacion de Cauquenes

    Intendencia VIII Region

    Gobernacion de Nuble

    Gobernacion de Bio-Bio

    Gobernacion de Conception

    Gobernacion de Arauco

    Intendencia IX Region

    Gobernacion de Malleco

    Gobernacion de Cautin

    Intendencia X Region

    Gobernacion de Valdivia

    Gobernacion de Osorno

    Gobernacion de Llanquihue

    Gobernacion de Chiloe

    Gobernacion de Palena

    Intendencia XI Region

    Gobernacion de Coihaique

    Gobernacion de Aysen

    Gobernacion de General Carrera

    Intendencia XII Region

    Gobernacion de Capitan Prat

    Gobernacion de Ultima Esperanza

    Gobernacion de Magallanes

    Gobernacion de Tierra del Fuego

    Gobernacion de Antartica Chilena

    Intendencia Region Metropolitana

    Gobernacion de Chacabuco

    Gobernacion de Cordillera

    Gobernacion de Maipo

    Gobernacion de Talagante

    Gobernacion de Melipilla

    Gobernacion de Santiago


    Dodatek 2


    Subjekti, ki naročajo v skladu z določbami tega naslova


    Pragovi 200000 posebne pravice črpanja


    Navedeno v Dodatku 4

    Pragovi 200000 posebne pravice črpanja


    Navedeno v Dodatku 5

    Pragovi 5000000 posebne pravice črpanja


    Municipalidad de Arica

    Municipalidad de Iquique

    Municipalidad de Pozo Almonte

    Municipalidad de Pica

    Municipalidad de Huara

    Municipalidad de Carnarones

    Municipalidad de Putre

    Municipalidad de General Lagos

    Municipalidad de Camina

    Municipalidad de Colchane

    Municipalidad de Tocopilla

    Municipalidad de Antofagasta

    Municipalidad de Mejillones

    Municipalidad de Taltal

    Municipalidad de Calama

    Municipalidad de Ollagúe

    Municipalidad de Maria Elena

    Municipalidad de San Pedro De Atacama

    Municipalidad de Sierra Gorda

    Municipalidad de Copiapo

    Municipalidad de Caldera

    Municipalidad de Tierra Amarilla

    Municipalidad de Chafiaral

    Municipalidad de Diego De Almagro

    Municipalidad de Vallenar

    Municipalidad de Freirina

    Municipalidad de Huasco

    Municipalidad de Alto Del Carmen

    Municipalidad de La Serena

    Municipalidad de La Higuera

    Municipalidad de Vicuna

    Municipalidad de Paihuano

    Municipalidad de Coquimbo

    Municipalidad de Andacollo

    Municipalidad de Ovalle

    Municipalidad de Rio Hurtado

    Municipalidad de Monte Patria

    Municipalidad de Punitaqui

    Municipalidad de Combarbala

    Municipalidad de Illapel

    Municipalidad de Salamanca

    Municipalidad de Los Vilos

    Municipalidad de Canela

    Municipalidad de Valparaiso

    Municipalidad de Vina Del Mar

    Municipalidad de Quilpue

    Municipalidad de Villa Alemana

    Municipalidad de Casablanca

    Municipalidad de Quintero

    Municipalidad de Puchuncavi

    Municipalidad de Quillota

    Municipalidad de La Calera

    Municipalidad de La Cruz

    Municipalidad de Hijuelas

    Municipalidad de Nogales

    Municipalidad de Limache

    Municipalidad de Olmue

    Municipalidad de Isla De Pascua

    Municipalidad de San Antonio

    Municipalidad de Santo Domingo

    Municipalidad de Cartagena

    Municipalidad de El Tabo

    Municipalidad de El Quisco

    Municipalidad de Algarrobo

    Municipalidad de San Felipe

    Municipalidad de Santa Maria

    Municipalidad de Putaendo

    Municipalidad de Catemu

    Municipalidad de Panquehue

    Municipalidad de Llay-Llay

    Municipalidad de Los Andes

    Municipalidad de San Esteban

    Municipalidad de Calle Larga

    Municipalidad de Rinconada

    Municipalidad de La Ligua

    Municipalidad de Cabildo

    Municipalidad de Petorca

    Municipalidad de Papudo

    Municipalidad de Zapallar

    Municipalidad de Juan Fernandez

    Municipalidad de Con-Con

    Municipalidad de Buin

    Municipalidad de Calera De Tango

    Municipalidad de Colina

    Municipalidad de Curacavi

    Municipalidad de El Monte

    Municipalidad de Isla De Maipo

    Municipalidad de Pudahuel

    Municipalidad de La Cisterna

    Municipalidad de Las Condes

    Municipalidad de La Florida

    Municipalidad de La Granja

    Municipalidad de Lampa

    Municipalidad de Conchali

    Municipalidad de La Reina

    Municipalidad de Maipú

    Municipalidad de Estacion Central

    Municipalidad de Melipilla

    Municipalidad de Nunoa

    Municipalidad de Paine

    Municipalidad de Penaflor

    Municipalidad de Pirque

    Municipalidad de Providencia

    Municipalidad de Puente Alto

    Municipalidad de Quilicura

    Municipalidad de Quinta Normal

    Municipalidad de Renca

    Municipalidad de San Bernardo

    Municipalidad de San Jose De Maipo

    Municipalidad de San Miguel

    Municipalidad de Santiago

    Municipalidad de Talagante

    Municipalidad de Til Til

    Municipalidad de Alhue

    Municipalidad de San Pedro

    Municipalidad de Maria Pinto

    Municipalidad de San Ramon

    Municipalidad de La Pintana

    Municipalidad de Macul

    Municipalidad de Penalolen

    Municipalidad de Lo Prado

    Municipalidad de Cerro Navia

    Municipalidad de San Joaquin

    Municipalidad de Cerrillos

    Municipalidad de El Bosque

    Municipalidad de Recoleta

    Municipalidad de Vitacura

    Municipalidad de Lo Espejo

    Municipalidad de Lo Barnechea

    Municipalidad de Independencia

    Municipalidad de Pedro Aguirre Cerda

    Municipalidad de Huechuraba

    Municipalidad de Padre Hurtado

    Municipalidad de Rancagua

    Municipalidad de Machali

    Municipalidad de Graneros

    Municipalidad de Codegua

    Municipalidad de Mostazal

    Municipalidad de Peumo

    Municipalidad de Las Cabras

    Municipalidad de San Vicente

    Municipalidad de Pichidegua

    Municipalidad de Donihue

    Municipalidad de Coltauco

    Municipalidad de Rengo

    Municipalidad de Quinta De Tilcoco

    Municipalidad de Requinoa

    Municipalidad de Olivar

    Municipalidad de Coinco

    Municipalidad de Malloa

    Municipalidad de San Fernando

    Municipalidad de Chimbarongo

    Municipalidad de Nancagua

    Municipalidad de Placilla

    Municipalidad de Santa Cruz

    Municipalidad de Lolol

    Municipalidad de Chepica

    Municipalidad de Pumanque

    Municipalidad de Paredones

    Municipalidad de Palmilla

    Municipalidad de Litueche

    Municipalidad de Pichilemu

    Municipalidad de Marchihue

    Municipalidad de La Estrella

    Municipalidad de Navidad

    Municipalidad de Peralillo

    Municipalidad de Curico

    Municipalidad de Romeral

    Municipalidad de Teno

    Municipalidad de Rauco

    Municipalidad de Licanten

    Municipalidad de Vichuquen

    Municipalidad de Hualane

    Municipalidad de Molina

    Municipalidad de Sagrada Familia

    Municipalidad de Talca

    Municipalidad de San Clemente

    Municipalidad de Pelarco

    Municipalidad de Rio Claro

    Municipalidad de Pencahue

    Municipalidad de Maule

    Municipalidad de Curepto

    Municipalidad de Constitution

    Municipalidad de Empedrado

    Municipalidad de San Javier

    Municipalidad de Linares

    Municipalidad de Yerbas Buenas

    Municipalidad de Colbún

    Municipalidad de Longavi

    Municipalidad de Parral

    Municipalidad de Retiro

    Municipalidad de Chanco

    Municipalidad de Cauquenes

    Municipalidad de Villa Alegre

    Municipalidad de Pelluhue

    Municipalidad de San Rafael

    Municipalidad de Chilian

    Municipalidad de Pinto

    Municipalidad de Coihueco

    Municipalidad de Ranquil

    Municipalidad de Coelemu

    Municipalidad de Quirihue

    Municipalidad de Ninhue

    Municipalidad de Portezuelo

    Municipalidad de Trehuaco

    Municipalidad de Cobquecura

    Municipalidad de San Carlos

    Municipalidad de Niquen

    Municipalidad de San Fabian

    Municipalidad de San Nicolas

    Municipalidad de Bulnes

    Municipalidad de San Ignacio

    Municipalidad de Quillon

    Municipalidad de Yungay

    Municipalidad de Pemuco

    Municipalidad de El Carmen

    Municipalidad de Conception

    Municipalidad de Penco

    Municipalidad de Hualqui

    Municipalidad de Florida

    Municipalidad de Tome

    Municipalidad de Talcahuano

    Municipalidad de Coronel

    Municipalidad de Lota

    Municipalidad de Santa Juana

    Municipalidad de Lebu

    Municipalidad de Los Alamos

    Municipalidad de Arauco

    Municipalidad de Curanilahue

    Municipalidad de Canete

    Municipalidad de Contulmo

    Municipalidad de Tinia

    Municipalidad de Los Angeles

    Municipalidad de Santa Barbara

    Municipalidad de Laja

    Municipalidad de Quilleco

    Municipalidad de Nacimiento

    Municipalidad de Negrete

    Municipalidad de Mulchen

    Municipalidad de Quilaco

    Municipalidad de Yumbel

    Municipalidad de Cabrero

    Municipalidad de San Rosendo

    Municipalidad de Tucapel

    Municipalidad de Antuco

    Municipalidad de Chilian Viejo

    Municipalidad de San Pedro De La Paz

    Municipalidad de Chiguayante

    Municipalidad de Angol

    Municipalidad de Puren

    Municipalidad de Los Sauces

    Municipalidad de Renaico

    Municipalidad de Collipulli

    Municipalidad de Ercilla

    Municipalidad de Traiguen

    Municipalidad de Lumaco

    Municipalidad de Victoria

    Municipalidad de Curacautin

    Municipalidad de Lonquirnay

    Municipalidad de Ternuco

    Municipalidad de Vilcún

    Municipalidad de Freire

    Municipalidad de Cunco

    Municipalidad de Lautaro

    Municipalidad de Perquenco

    Municipalidad de Galvarino

    Municipalidad de Nueva Imperial

    Municipalidad de Carahue

    Municipalidad de Saavedra

    Municipalidad de Pitrufquen

    Municipalidad de Gorbea

    Municipalidad de Token

    Municipalidad de Loncoche

    Municipalidad de Villarrica

    Municipalidad de Pucon

    Municipalidad de Melipeuco

    Municipalidad de Curarrehue

    Municipalidad de Teodoro Schmidt

    Municipalidad de Padre De Las Casas

    Municipalidad de Valdivia

    Municipalidad de Corral

    Municipalidad de Mariquina

    Municipalidad de Mafil

    Municipalidad de Lanco

    Municipalidad de Los Lagos

    Municipalidad de Futrono

    Municipalidad de Panguipulli

    Municipalidad de La Union

    Municipalidad de Paillaco

    Municipalidad de Rio Bueno

    Municipalidad de Lago Ranco

    Municipalidad de Osorno

    Municipalidad de Puyehue

    Municipalidad de San Pablo

    Municipalidad de Puerto Octay

    Municipalidad de Rio Negro

    Municipalidad de Purranque

    Municipalidad de Puerto Montt

    Municipalidad de Calbuco

    Municipalidad de Puerto Varas

    Municipalidad de Llanquihue

    Municipalidad de Fresia

    Municipalidad de Frutillar

    Municipalidad de Maullin

    Municipalidad de Los Muermos

    Municipalidad de Ancud

    Municipalidad de Quemchi

    Municipalidad de Dalcahue

    Municipalidad de Castro

    Municipalidad de Chonchi

    Municipalidad de Queilen

    Municipalidad de Quellon

    Municipalidad de Puqueldon

    Municipalidad de Quinchao

    Municipalidad de Curaco De Velez

    Municipalidad de Chaiten

    Municipalidad de Palena

    Municipalidad de Futaleufu

    Municipalidad de San Juan De La Costa

    Municipalidad de Cochamo

    Municipalidad de Hualaihue

    Municipalidad de Aysen

    Municipalidad de Cisnes

    Municipalidad de Coyhaique

    Municipalidad de Chile Chico

    Municipalidad de Cochrane

    Municipalidad de Lago Verde

    Municipalidad de Guaitecas

    Municipalidad de Rio Ibanez

    Municipalidad de O'higgins

    Municipalidad de Tortel

    Municipalidad de Punta Arenas

    Municipalidad de Puerto Natales

    Municipalidad de Porvenir

    Municipalidad de Torres Del Paine

    Municipalidad de Rio Verde

    Municipalidad de Laguna Blanca

    Municipalidad de San Gregorio

    Municipalidad de Primavera

    Municipalidad de Timaukel

    Municipalidad de Navarino

    B. Vsi drugi subjekti na podcentralni ravni, vključno z njihovimi pododdelki, in vsi drugi subjekti, ki delujejo v splošnem interesu in so pod upravnim ali finančnim nadzorom javnih subjektov, če nimajo industrijskega ali komercialnega značaja.

    Dodatek 3



    Pragovi 400000 posebne pravice črpanja


    Navedeno v Dodatku 4

    Pragovi 400000 posebne pravice črpanja


    Navedeno v Dodatku 5

    Pragovi 5000000 posebne pravice črpanja


    Empresa Portuaria Arica

    Empresa Portuaria Iquique

    Empresa Portuaria Antofagasta

    Empresa Portuaria Coquimbo

    Empresa Portuaria Valparaíso

    Empresa Portuaria San Antonio

    Empresa Portuaria San Vicente-Talcahuano

    Empresa Portuaria Puerto Montt

    Empresa Portuaria Chacabuco

    Empresa Portuaria Austral

    Aeropuertos de propiedad del Estado, dependientes de la Dirección de Aeronáutica Civil.

    B. Vsa druga javna podjetja, kot so opredeljena v členu 138(c), ki kot eno izmed svojih dejavnosti opravljajo tudi eno ali več od spodaj naštetih:

    (a) zagotavljanje letališč ali druge terminalske infrastrukture prevoznikom v zračnem prometu; in

    (b) zagotavljanje pomorskih pristanišč ali pristanišč na celinskih vodah ali druge terminalske infrastrukture prevoznikom v pomorskem prometu ali prometu po celinskih plovnih poteh.

    Dodatek 4


    Za namen tega naslova in brez poseganja v člen 137(2) ni izključena nobena storitev iz univerzalnega seznama storitev.

    Dodatek 5


    Za namen tega naslova in brez poseganja v določbe člena 137(2) ni izključena nobena gradbena storitev iz oddelka Centralne klasifikacije proizvodov v zvezi z gradbenimi deli.




    Dodatek 1

    (Omenjena v členih 137(3) in 138(i))


    Pravila za koncesije za javne gradnje

    1. Določbe o nacionalni obravnavi in nediskriminatornosti se uporabljajo za subjekte iz tega naslova pri dodeljevanju pogodb za koncesije za javne gradnje, kot je določeno v členu 138(i). V tem primeru objavijo subjekti uradno obvestilo v skladu s členom 147.

    2. Obvestilo pa se ne zahteva, kadar pogodba za koncesijo za javno gradnjo izpolnjuje pogoje, naštete v členu 145.

    3. Poleg določb iz odstavka 1 se uporablja tudi nacionalna zakonodaja pogodbenic o koncesijah.

    4. Glede področja veljavnosti koncesij za javne gradnje subjektov Skupnosti, navedenih v Prilogi I, v Dodatku 3, velja ta naslov v skladu z direktivami Skupnosti o vladnih naročilih.

    Dodatek 2

    (Omenjen v členih 147(11) in 142)



    Uradni list Evropskih skupnosti


    Österreichisches Bundesgesetzblatt Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung

    Sammlung von Entscheidungen des Verfassungsgerichtshofes

    Sammlung der Entscheidungen des Verwaltungsgerichtshofes – administrativrechtlicher und finanzrechtlicher Teil

    Amtliche Sammlung der Entscheidungen des OGH in Zivilsachen


    Zakoni, kraljevi predpisi, ministrski predpisi, ministrske okrožnice – Le Moniteur Belge

    Sodna praksa – Pasicrisie


    Zakoni in predpisi – Lovtidende

    Sodne odločbe – Ugeskrift for Retsvaesen

    Upravne odločbe in postopki – Ministerialtidende

    Odločitve Pritožbene komisije za vladna naročila – Konkurrenceradets Dokumentation


    Zakonodaja in predpisi – Bundesanzeiger – Herausgeber: der Bundesminister der Justiz

    Sodne odločbe: Entscheidungsammlungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, Bundesgerichtshofs, Bundesverwaltungsgerichts, Bundesfinanzhofs sowie der Oberlandesgerichte


    Zakonodaja – Boletín Oficial des Estado

    Sodne odločbe – ni uradne objave


    Zakonodaja – Journal Officiel de la République frangaise

    Sodna praksa – Recueil des arrets du Conseil d'Etat

    Revue des marches publics


    Uradni list Grške vlade Εφημερίς της Κυβερνήσεως της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας


    Zakonodaja in predpisi – Iris Oifigiuil (Uradni list Irske vlade)


    Zakonodaja – Gazetta Ufficiale

    Sodna praksa – ni uradne objave


    Zakonodaja – Memorial

    Sodna praksa – Pasicrisie


    Zakonodaja – Nederlandse Staatscourant in/ali Staatsblad

    Sodna praksa – ni uradne objave


    Zakonodaja – Diario da Republica Portuguesa la Serie A e 2a serie

    Pravne publikacije: Boletim do Ministerio da Justizia

    Colectanea de Acordos do Supremo Tribunal Administrativo

    Colectanea de Jurisprudencia das Relates


    Suomen Saadoskokoelma – Finlands Forfattningssamling (Zbirka finskih predpisov)


    Svensk Forfattningssamling (Švedska zbirka predpisov)

    Združeno kraljestvo

    Zakonodaja – HM Stationery Office

    Sodna praksa – Law Reports

    Javni organi – HM Stationery Office

    2. ČILE

    Diario Oficial de la Republica de Chile

    Dodatek 3

    (Omenjen v členu 150)


    Splošni minimalni rok

    1. Razen kadar je v odstavkih 3 in 4 določeno drugače, subjekti določijo najmanj 40-dnevni rok od datuma objave obvestila o načrtovanem naročilu do skrajnega roka za predložitev ponudb.

    Roki v selektivnem razpisnem postopku

    2. Kadar subjekt zahteva, da morajo ponudniki za udeležbo v razpisu izpolnjevati določene pogoje za usposobljenost, subjekt določi najmanj 25-dnevni rok od datuma objave načrtovanega naročila in skrajnega roka za predložitev ponudb za udeležbo v razpisu in najmanj 40-dnevni rok od datuma izdaje javnega razpisa do skrajnega roka za predložitev ponudb.

    Možnosti skrajšanja splošnih rokov

    3. Subjekti lahko na podlagi naslednjih okoliščin določijo krajši rok za razpis, kot je naveden v odstavkih 1 in 2, če je ta rok dovolj dolg, da se ponudniki lahko pripravijo in predložijo ustrezne ponudbe, in se v nobenem primeru ne začne manj kot 10 dni pred skrajnim rokom za predložitev ponudb:

    (a) kadar se je uradno obvestilo o načrtovanem naročilu objavilo 40 dni in največ 12 mesecev vnaprej;

    (b) kadar gre za drugo ali naknadne objave v zvezi s pogodbami periodičnega značaja;

    (c) kadar subjekt dobavlja standardno blago ali storitve (blago ali storitve z enakimi tehničnimi specifikacijami, kakršne imajo blago ali storitve, ki se prodajajo ali ponujajo za prodajo nevladnim kupcem, in jih slednji običajno tudi kupujejo za nevladne namene); subjekt iz tega razloga ne skrajša rokov, če zahteva, da so potencialni ponudniki pred predložitvijo ponudbe usposobljeni za udeležbo v razpisu;

    (d) kadar se v nujnih primerih, ki jih subjekt zadovoljivo utemelji, ni mogoče držati rokov, določenih v odstavkih 1 in 2;

    (e) kadar se rok za predložitev ponudb, na katerega se nanaša odstavek 2, za razpise subjektov, določenih v prilogah XI in XII, v Dodatku 3, določi sporazumno med subjektom in izbranimi ponudniki. Če se o tem ne sporazumejo, lahko subjekt določi roke, ki so dovolj dolgi, da omogočajo vročitev ustreznih ponudb;

    (f) kadar subjekt objavi obvestilo o načrtovanem naročilu v skladu s členom 147 v elektronskem mediju, naštetem v Dodatku 2 te priloge, in je celotna razpisna dokumentacija na voljo v elektronski obliki že od trenutka objave obvestila.

    Dodatek 4

    (Omenjen v členu 158)


    1. Če so izpolnjeni pogoji, določeni v členu 158, vsebujejo statistična poročila naslednje podatke:

    (a) za subjekte v prilogah XI in XII, Dodatku 1, statistike o izračunani vrednosti pogodb, dodeljenih skupno in glede na porazdelitev po subjektih; za subjekte v prilogah XI in XII, dodatkih 2 in 3, statistike o izračunani vrednosti pogodb skupno in glede na porazdelitev po kategorijah subjektov;

    (b) za subjekte v prilogah XI in XII, Dodatku 1, statistike o številu in skupni vrednosti dodeljenih pogodb, porazdeljenih po subjektih in kategorijah proizvodov in storitev v skladu z enotnimi sistemi uvrščanja; za subjekte v prilogah XI in XII, dodatkih 2 in 3, statistike o ocenjeni vrednosti dodeljenih pogodb, porazdeljenih po kategorijah subjektov in kategorijah izdelkov in storitev; in

    (c) za subjekte v prilogah XI in XII, Dodatku 1, statistike, porazdeljene po subjektih in kategorijah izdelkov in storitev, o številu in skupni vrednosti dodeljenih pogodb v primeru uporabe katerih koli razpisnih postopkov, razen odprtih ali selektivnih; za kategorije subjektov v prilogah XI in XII, dodatkih 2 in 3, statistike o skupni vrednosti dodeljenih pogodb, ki presegajo pragovno vrednost, v primeru uporabe katerih koli razpisnih postopkov, razen odprtih ali selektivnih.

    2. Kadar katera koli stranka meni, da je predložila nepopolne statistične podatke, predloži za podatke, ki jih zahteva člen 147(11), tudi čim natančnejšo oceno dejanskega skupnega števila oziroma skupne vrednosti.

    3. Pridružitveni odbor redno preverja, ali je potrebna sprememba te določbe.

    Dodatek 5


    Vsaka pogodbenica objavi vrednost pragov iz tega naslova v EUR in/ali v ustrezni nacionalni valuti.

    Za Skupnost temelji izračun teh vrednosti na povprečju dnevnih vrednostih Posebnih pravic črpanja, po menjalnem tečaju za EUR, in na povprečju dnevnih vrednostih nacionalnih valut, izraženih v eurih, v 24 mesecih, ki se iztečejo zadnji dan avgusta pred spremembo, ki začne veljati od 1. januarja. Vrednost tako spremenjenih pragov se, kjer je to potrebno, zaokroži navzdol na najbližjih tisoč EUR.

    Za Čile temelji izračun teh vrednosti na povprečju dnevnih vrednosti Posebnih pravic črpanja po menjalnem tečaju za čilski peso, v 24 mesecih, ki se končajo zadnji dan avgusta, pred spremembo, ki začne veljati od 1. januarja. Vrednost tako spremenjenih pragov se, kjer je to potrebno, zaokroži navzdol na najbližjih tisoč čilskih pesov.



    (V zvezi s členoma 164 in 165 Pridružitvenega sporazuma)


    Čile si v zvezi s svojimi obveznostmi iz členov 164 in 165 tega sporazuma pridržuje naslednje pravice:

    1. pravico, da brez poseganja v odstavek 3 te priloge ohranja že obstoječe zahteve, da se iz Čila ne sme prenašati prihodkov od prodaje vseh ali katerega koli dela naložb vlagatelja Skupnosti ali prihodkov od delne ali celotne likvidacije naložbe:

    (i) za naložbe, opravljene v skladu z Uredbo z zakonsko močjo 600 o tujih naložbah (Decreto Ley 600, Estatuto de la Inversion Extranjera), dokler ne mine eno leto od datuma prenosa v Čile; ali

    (ii) za naložbe, opravljene v skladu z Zakonom 18657 o investicijskem skladu za tuj kapital (Decreto Ley 18.657, Estatuto de la Inversion Extranjera), dokler ne mine pet let od datuma prenosa v Čile; in

    2. pravico, da sprejme ukrepe , ki so skladni s členoma 164 in 165 in s to prilogo, s katerimi se poleg splošnega režima za tuje naložbe v Čilu oblikujejo posebni prostovoljni naložbeni programi za prihodnost, pri čemer ti ukrepi lahko omejujejo prenos prihodkov od prodaje vseh ali katerega koli dela naložb vlagatelja Skupnosti ali prihodkov od delne ali celotne likvidacije naložbe iz Čila, dokler ne mine vsaj pet let od datuma prenosa v Čile;

    3. pravico Čilske centralne banke, da ohranja ali sprejema ukrepe v skladu z Ustavnim zakonom Čilske centralne banke (Ley Organica Constitucional del Banco Central de Chile, Ley 18.840 (v nadaljnjem besedilu, "Zakon 18.840") ali v skladu z drugo zakonodajo, s katerimi zagotavlja stabilnost valute in normalno delovanje notranjega in mednarodnega plačilnega prometa. V ta namen je Čilska centralna banka pooblaščena za urejanje količine denarja in posojil v obtoku ter mednarodnih kreditnih in deviznih poslov. Čilska centralna banka je pooblaščena tudi za izdajanje predpisov, ki urejajo monetarne, kreditne, finančne in devizne zadeve. Ti ukrepi vključujejo med drugim tudi uvedbo omejitev za tekoča plačila in prenose (pretok kapitala) v Čile ali iz njega, kot tudi za vse transakcije, povezane z njimi, na podlagi česar se na primer za vloge, naložbe ali kredite iz tujine ali v tujino zahteva rezerva ("encaje").

    Ne glede na zgoraj navedeno znaša rezerva, ki jo Čilska centralna banka lahko zahteva na podlagi člena 49 št. 2 Zakona 18.840, največ 30 odstotkov prenesenega zneska in se zahteva za obdobje največ dveh let.

    4. Pri prenosih enakega značaja Čile v skladu s svojo zakonodajo ne diskriminira med Skupnostjo in katero koli tretjo državo ob uporabi ukrepov na podlagi te priloge.



    (Omenjena v členu 189(2) Pridružitvenega sporazuma)


    Splošne določbe

    1. V tem poslovniku:

    "svetovalec" pomeni osebo, ki jo pogodbenica pooblasti, da ji svetuje oziroma pomaga v zvezi s postopki arbitražnega senata;

    "pritožnik" pomeni pogodbenico, ki zahteva imenovanje arbitražnega senata na podlagi člena 184 tega sporazuma;

    "arbitražni senat" pomeni arbitražni senat, ustanovljen v skladu s členom 185 tega sporazuma;

    "zastopnik pogodbenice" pomeni zaposlenega ali katero koli osebo, ki jo imenuje ministrstvo, vladni organ ali katera koli druga vladni subjekt pogodbenice; in

    "dan" pomeni koledarski dan.

    2. Pogodbenica, proti kateri je vložena pritožba, je zadolžena za logistično upravljanje postopkov za poravnavo spora, predvsem za organizacijo zaslišanj, razen kadar je dogovorjeno drugače.

    Uradno obveščanje

    3. Pogodbenici ali arbitražni senat odpošljejo vsako prošnjo, obvestilo, pisna stališča ali druge listine, in sicer po pošti s povratnico, priporočeno pošto, kurirju, telefaksu, teleksu, telegramu ali katerem koli drugem telekomunikacijskem sredstvu, s katerim je mogoče dokazati, da je bila pošta poslana.

    4. Pogodbenica pošlje drugi pogodbenici in vsakemu razsodniku izvod vsakega svojega pisnega stališča. Kopija listine je na voljo tudi v elektronski obliki.

    5. Vsa uradna obvestila se naslovijo na Čile oziroma na Skupnost in se jima vročijo.

    6. Manjše pisne napake v prošnjah, obvestilih, pisnih stališčih ali drugih listinah, povezanih s postopkom arbitražnega senata, se lahko popravijo s predložitvijo nove listine, ki jasno navaja spremembe.

    7. Če nastopi zadnji dan za predložitev listine na državni praznik Čila ali Skupnosti, se listina lahko predloži prvi naslednji delovni dan.

    Začetek arbitražnega postopka

    8. Razen če se pogodbenici dogovorita drugače, se sestaneta z arbitražnim senatom v sedmih dneh po datumu imenovanja arbitražnega senata, da razjasnijo vse zadeve, ki se zdijo primerne pogodbenicama ali arbitražnemu senatu, vključno s honorarji in stroški za razsodnike, ki so običajno v skladu s standardi WTO.

    9. (a) Razen kadar se pogodbenici dogovorita drugače, ima arbitražni senat naslednje naloge:

    "Ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb Sporazuma prouči zadevo, predloženo Pridružitvenemu odboru, in sprejme odločitev o združljivosti zadevnega ukrepa z delom IV Sporazuma v skladu s členom 187 Sporazuma."

    (b) Arbitražni senat tolmači določbe tega sporazuma v skladu z običajnimi pravili za razlago javnega mednarodnega prava, pri čemer se upošteva dejstvo, da morata pogodbenici izvajati ta sporazum v dobri meri in da se ne smeta izogibati svojim obveznostim.

    (c) Pogodbenici nemudoma obvestita arbitražni senat o dogovorjenih pristojnostih in nalogah.

    Začetna stališča

    10. Pritožnik predloži svoja začetna pisna stališča najpozneje 20 dni po datumu imenovanja arbitražnega senata. Pogodbenica, proti kateri je vložena pritožba, predloži svoj odgovor najpozneje 20 dni po datumu prejema začetnega pisnega stališča.

    Delovanje arbitražnega senata

    11. Predsednik arbitražnega senata predseduje vsem njegovim sejam. Arbitražni senat lahko pooblasti predsednika za odločanje o upravnih in postopkovnih zadevah.

    12. Razen kadar je v tem poslovniku določeno drugače, lahko arbitražni senat opravlja svoje dejavnosti preko katerih koli sredstev, tudi telefona, telefaksa ali računalniških povezav.

    13. Posvetovanj arbitražnega senata se lahko udeležijo le razsodniki, arbitražni senat pa lahko dovoli, da se posvetovanj udeležijo tudi njihovi pomočniki.

    14. Za oblikovanje osnutkov sklepov in odločitev je pooblaščen izključno arbitražni senat.

    15. Kadar se pojavi postopkovno vprašanje, ki ga ne ureja ta poslovnik, lahko arbitražni senat sprejme ustrezen postopek, ki je v skladu z delom IV tega sporazuma.

    16. Kadar arbitražni senat meni, da bi bilo treba spremeniti katerega od rokov, ki velja za postopek, ali da bi bila potrebna katera koli postopkovna ali upravna prilagoditev postopka, pisno obvesti pogodbenici o razlogih za spremembo ali prilagoditev z navedbo potrebnega roka ali prilagoditve.


    17. Predsednik določi datum in uro zaslišanja v dogovoru s pogodbenicama in drugimi člani arbitražnega senata. Pogodbenici pisno obvesti o datumu, uri in kraju zaslišanja. Pogodbenica, ki je zadolžena za logistično upravljanje postopka, te podatke tudi javno objavi, kadar je zaslišanje odprto za javnost. Če se pogodbenici strinjata, se arbitražni senat lahko odloči, da ne skliče zaslišanja.

    18. Razen kadar se pogodbenici dogovorita drugače, potekajo zaslišanja v Bruslju, kadar je pritožnik Čile, ali v Santiagu, kadar je pritožnik Skupnost oziroma Skupnost in njene države članice.

    19. Arbitražni senat lahko skliče dodatna zaslišanja, če se pogodbenici s tem strinjata.

    20. Na zaslišanjih so navzoči vsi razsodniki.

    21. Zaslišanj se lahko udeležijo naslednje osebe, neodvisno od tega, ali je postopek odprt za javnost ali ne:

    (a) zastopniki pogodbenice;

    (b) svetovalci pogodbenice;

    (c) upravno osebje, tolmači, prevajalci in sodni zapisnikarji; in

    (d) pomočniki razsodnikov.

    Arbitražni senat lahko naslovita le zastopnik in svetovalec pogodbenice.

    22. Vsaka pogodbenica najpozneje pet dni pred datumom zaslišanja predloži seznam imen tistih oseb, ki bodo na zaslišanju v imenu te pogodbenice in drugih zastopnikov ali svetovalcev, navzočih na zaslišanju, ustno predstavili svoje argumente.

    23. Zaslišanja pred arbitražnimi senati so zaprta za javnost, razen če se pogodbenici ne odločita drugače. Če se pogodbenici odločita, da je zaslišanje odprto za javnost, je lahko del zaslišanja vseeno zaprt za javnost, če se tako odloči arbitražni senat iz tehtnih razlogov na prošnjo pogodbenic. Predvsem pa se arbitražni senat sestane na zaprti seji, kadar stališče in argumenti pogodbenice vsebujejo zaupne poslovne informacije.

    24. Arbitražni senat vodi zaslišanja, kot je navedeno v nadaljevanju, in zagotovi, da imata pritožnik in pogodbenica, proti kateri je vložena pritožba, na razpolago enako količino časa:


    (a) argument pritožnika;

    (b) argument pogodbenice, proti kateri je vložena pritožba.


    (a) odgovor pritožnika;

    (b) replika pogodbenice, proti kateri je vložena pritožba.

    25. Arbitražni senat lahko kadar koli med zaslišanjem naslovi vprašanja na katero koli pogodbenico.

    26. Arbitražni senat poskrbi za zapisnik vsakega zaslišanja, in ko je prepis končan, čim prej predloži izvod zapisnika obema pogodbenicama.

    27. V desetih dneh po datumu zaslišanja lahko vsaka pogodbenica predloži dopolnilno pisno stališče kot odgovor na vsako vprašanje, ki se je pojavilo med zaslišanjem.

    Pisna vprašanja

    28. Arbitražni senat lahko kadar koli med postopki naslovi pisna vprašanja na eno ali obe pogodbenici. Arbitražni senat posreduje pisna vprašanja pogodbenici oziroma pogodbenicama, na katero so vprašanja naslovljena.

    29. Pogodbenica, na katero arbitražni senat naslovi pisna vprašanja, predloži kopijo vsakega pisnega odgovora drugi pogodbenici in arbitražnemu senatu. Vsaka pogodbenica ima možnost, da v petih dneh po prejetju vprašanja pisno izrazi svoje stališča.


    30. Pogodbenici spoštujeta zaupnost zaslišanj senata, če senat opravi zaslišanja na zaprti seji v skladu s pravilom 23. Vsaka pogodbenica obravnava informacije, ki jih druga pogodbenica predloži arbitražnemu senatu, kot zaupne, če jih ta pogodbenica označi za zaupne. Kadar pogodbenica v sporu predloži senatu zaupno različico svojega pisnega stališča, predloži na zahtevo druge pogodbenice tudi nezaupni povzetek informacij iz svojih stališč, ki se lahko razkrijejo javnosti, in sicer najpozneje 15 dni po datumu bodisi prošnje bodisi stališča, kar je poznejše. Ta pravila ne preprečujejo pogodbenici, da bi razkrila javnosti svoja stališča.

    Ex parte stiki

    31. Arbitražni senat se ne sestaja oziroma ne stopi v stik s pogodbenico v odsotnosti druge pogodbenice.

    32. Noben razsodnik ne sme razpravljati o vidiku sporne zadeve postopka s pogodbenico oziroma pogodbenicama v odsotnosti drugih razsodnikov.

    Vloga izvedencev

    33. Arbitražni senat lahko na zahtevo pogodbenice ali na lastno pobudo pridobi informacije in tehnične nasvete od oseb oziroma organov, ki se mu zdijo ustrezni. Vse tako pridobljene informacije se predložijo pogodbenicama, da izrazijo svoje pripombe.

    34. Ko se zahteva pisno poročilo izvedenca, se vsak rok, ki se uporablja za postopek arbitražnega senata, prestavi za obdobje, ki se začne na datum prejema zahtevka in konča na datum, ko se poročilo predloži arbitražnemu senatu.

    Stališča amicus curiae

    35. Razen kadar se pogodbenici v treh dneh po datumu ustanovitve arbitražnega senata dogovorita drugače, arbitražni senat lahko sprejema nezahtevana pisna stališča, če se predložijo v desetih dneh po datumu ustanovitve arbitražnega senata, če so jedrnata in v nobenem primeru ne daljša od 15 tipkanih strani, vključno s prilogami, in če imajo neposreden pomen za stvarna in pravna vprašanja, ki jih proučuje arbitražni senat.

    36. Stališče vsebuje opis osebe, bodisi fizične ali pravne, ki ga predloži, vključno z vrsto njenih dejavnosti in virom njenega financiranja, ter opredeli, kakšen interes ima ta oseba v arbitražnem postopku. Sestavljeno je v jezikih, ki jih izbereta pogodbenici v skladu s pravilom 39.

    37. Arbitražni senat našteje v svojih odločitvah vsa stališča, ki jih je prejel in ki so v skladu z določbami zgornjih pravil. Arbitražni senat ni dolžan obravnavati v svoji odločitvi stvarnih ali pravnih argumentov iz predloženih stališč. Vsako stališče, ki ga prejme arbitražni senat na podlagi tega pravila, se predloži pogodbenicama, da izrazita svoje pripombe.

    Nujni primeri

    38. V nujnih primerih, na katere se nanaša člen 187(5) tega sporazuma, arbitražni senat ustrezno prilagodi roke, omenjene v teh pravilih.

    Prevajanje in tolmačenje

    39. Vsaka pogodbenica pisno obvesti drugo pogodbenico in arbitražni senat v razumnem roku, preden predloži svoje začetno pisno stališče v postopku arbitražnega senata, o jeziku v katerem bo izrazila svoja pisna in ustna stališča.

    40. Vsaka pogodbenica poskrbi za prevod svojih pisnih stališč v jezik, ki ga izbere druga pogodbenica, in krije stroške prevoda.

    41. Pogodbenica, proti kateri je vložena pritožba, poskrbi za tolmačenje ustnih stališč v jezike, ki jih izbereta pogodbenici.

    42. Odločitve arbitražnega senata se objavijo v jeziku oziroma jezikih, ki jih izbereta pogodbenici.

    43. Stroške, nastale za pripravo prevoda arbitražne odločitve, krijeta obe pogodbenici v enakem deležu.

    44. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko izrazi pripombe na prevod dokumenta, pripravljenega v skladu s temi pravili.

    Izračun rokov

    45. Kadar je treba v določenem številu dni po določenem datumu ali pred njim oziroma po določenem dogodku ali pred njim ukrepati na podlagi tega sporazuma ali njegovih pravil ali na zahtevo arbitražnega senata, se določeni datum ali datum določenega dogodka ne vključi v izračun števila teh dni.

    46. Kadar pogodbenica zaradi uporabe pravila 7 prejme dokument na datum, ki se razlikuje od datuma, ko prejme isti dokument druga pogodbenica, se rok, katerega izračun je odvisen od prejema tega dokumenta, izračuna od datuma prejema zadnjega takšnega dokumenta.

    Drugi postopki

    47. Ta pravila se uporabljajo za postopke, ki jih določa člen 188(4), (5), (8) in (10) tega sporazuma, z naslednjimi izjemami:

    (a) pogodbenica, ki vloži zahtevek po členu 188(4), predloži svoje začetno pisno stališče v 10 dneh po datumu predložitve zahtevka, pogodbenica, proti kateri je vložen zahtevek, pa predloži v odgovor svoje pisno stališče v 10 dneh po datumu predložitve začetnega pisnega stališča;

    (b) pogodbenica, ki vloži zahtevek po členu 188(5), predloži svoje začetno pisno stališče v 10 dneh po datumu predložitve zahtevka, pogodbenica, proti kateri je vložen zahtevek, pa predloži v odgovor svoje pisno stališče v 10 dneh po datumu predložitve začetnega pisnega stališča;

    (c) pogodbenica, ki vloži zahtevek po členu 188(8), predloži svoje začetno pisno stališče v 10 dneh po datumu predložitve zahtevka, pogodbenica, proti kateri je vložen zahtevek, pa predloži v odgovor svoje pisno stališče v 10 dneh po datumu predložitve začetnega pisnega stališča; in

    (d) pogodbenica, ki vloži zahtevek po členu 188(10), predloži svoje začetno pisno stališče v 10 dneh po datumu predložitve zahtevka, pogodbenica, proti kateri je vložen zahtevek, pa predloži v odgovor svoje pisno stališče v 10 dneh po datumu predložitve začetnega pisnega stališča.

    48. Arbitražni svet določi po potrebi rok za predložitev vseh nadaljnjih pisnih stališč, vključno s pisnimi odgovori na ta stališča, da ima vsaka pogodbenica v rokih, določenih za postopke arbitražnega senata v členu 188 tega sporazuma in teh pravilih, možnost predložiti enako število pisnih stališč.



    (Omenjena v členu 185 in 189 Pridružitvenega sporazuma)


    Opredelitve pojmov

    1. V tem etičnem kodeksu

    (a) "član" pomeni člana arbitražnega senata, ustanovljenega po členu 185 tega sporazuma;

    (b) "kandidat" pomeni posameznika, katerega ime je na seznamu razsodnikov iz člena 185(2) tega sporazuma in ki se upošteva pri imenovanju za člana arbitražnega senata v skladu s členom 185(3) tega sporazuma;

    (c) "pomočnik" pomeni osebo, ki v okviru mandata nekega člana opravlja raziskave zanj ali ga podpira;

    (d) "postopki" so, razen kadar je drugače določeno, arbitražni postopki v skladu z naslovom VIII, poglavjem III tega sporazuma;

    (e) "osebje" nekega člana so osebe, ki delujejo pod vodstvom in nadzorom tega člana, razen pomočnikov.

    I. Odgovornosti v okviru postopka

    2. Vsak kandidat in član se izogiba neprimernemu ravnanju in dajanju vtisa neprimernega ravnanja, je neodvisen in nepristranski, izogiba se neposrednim in posrednim navzkrižjem interesov in upošteva visoke standarde vedenja, da se ohrani neoporečnost in nepristranskost postopka za rešitev spora. Prejšnji člani morajo izpolnjevati obveznosti, določene v delih V in VI tega etičnega kodeksa.

    II. Obveznost razkritja informacij

    3. Preden se potrdi izbor člana arbitražnega senata v skladu s členom 185 tega sporazuma, mora kandidat razkriti vse svoje interese, odnose ali zadeve, ki bi lahko vplivali na njegovo neodvisnost ali nepristranskost ali ki bi lahko ustvarjali vtis neprimernega ravnanja ali pristranskosti v postopkih. V ta namen si kandidat prizadeva razjasniti obstoj tovrstnih interesov, odnosov in zadev.

    4. Ko je član izbran, si še naprej močno prizadeva razjasniti tovrstne interese, odnose ali zadeve, na katere se nanaša pravilo 3, in jih tudi razkrije. Obveznost do razkritja velja neprekinjeno, zato mora član razkrivati vse tovrstne interese, odnose in zadeve, ki bi se lahko pojavili med postopkom. Član razkrije te interese, odnose in zadeve tako, da o njih pisno obvesti Pridružitveni odbor, pogodbenici pa jih nato preučita.

    III. Izpolnjevanje obveznosti kandidatov in članov

    5. Kandidat, ki se strinja z izborom za člana, mora biti pripravljen izpolnjevati in tudi izpolnjuje obveznosti člana skrbno in hitro ves čas trajanja postopka.

    6. Član izpolnjuje vse svoje obveznosti pošteno in vestno.

    7. Član spoštuje ta etični kodeks.

    8. Član ne odreka drugim članom možnosti do sodelovanja v vseh vidikih postopka.

    9. Član upošteva zgolj tista vprašanja, ki se sprožijo v postopku in ki so potrebna za odločanje, in svoje dolžnosti do odločanja ne prenaša na druge osebe.

    10. Član ukrene vse, kar je mogoče, da zagotovi, da pomočnik in osebje člana izpolnjujejo določbe delov I, II in VI tega etičnega kodeksa.

    11. Član ne navezuje ex parte stikov v zvezi s postopkom.

    12. Kandidat ali član ne obvešča o zadevah v zvezi z dejanskimi ali morebitnimi kršitvami tega etičnega kodeksa, razen če je obvestilo naslovljeno na Pridružitveni odbor ali če je potrebno ugotoviti, ali je ta kandidat oziroma član kršil ali bi lahko kršil ta kodeks.

    IV. Neodvisnost in nepristranskost članov

    13. Član je neodvisen in nepristranski. Član ravna pošteno in se izogiba ustvarjanju vtisa neprimernosti ali pristranskosti.

    14. Član ne dovoli, da bi nanj vplivali lastni interesi, zunanji pritiski, politični pomisleki, zahteve javnosti, zvestoba pogodbenici ali strah pred kritiko.

    15. Član ne prevzema, ne neposredno ne posredno, nobenih obveznosti oziroma ne sprejema ugodnosti, ki bi na kakršen koli način vplivale ali dajale vtis, da vplivajo na ustrezno izpolnjevanje njegovih obveznosti.

    16. Član ne izrablja svojega položaja v arbitražnem senatu, da bi ugodil lastnim ali zasebnim interesom. Član se izogiba vsem dejanjem, ki bi lahko ustvarjala vtis, da so drugi v posebnem položaju, s katerega lahko vplivajo nanj. Član si močno prizadeva, da prepreči drugim oziroma jih odvrne od tega, da bi dajali vtis, kot da so v takšnem položaju.

    17. Član ne dovoli, da bi pretekli ali obstoječi finančni, poslovni, poklicni, družinski ali socialni odnosi oziroma odgovornosti vplivali na njegovo ravnanje ali odločanje.

    18. Član se izogiba vzpostavljanju odnosov ali pridobivanju finančnih interesov, ki lahko vplivajo na njegovo nepristranskost ali ki lahko ustvarjajo vtis neprimernosti ali pristranskosti.

    V. Dolžnosti v določenih okoliščinah

    19. Član ali nekdanji član se izogiba dejavnostim, ki lahko ustvarjajo vtis, da je bil član pri opravljanju svojih dolžnosti pristranski ali da bi se lahko okoristil z odločitvijo arbitražnega senata.

    VI. Ohranjanje zaupnosti

    20. Član ali nekdanji član nikdar ne razkrije ali uporabi nejavnih informacij in so povezane s postopkom ali pridobljene med postopkom, razen za namene postopka, in v nobenem primeru ne razkrije ali uporabi katere koli takšne informacije za pridobitev osebnih koristi ali koristi za druge ali za škodovanje interesom drugih oseb.

    21. Član ne razkrije odločitve arbitražnega senata, dokler se ta ne objavi.

    22. Član ali nekdanji član nikdar ne razkrije posvetovanj arbitražnega senata ali stališč članov.

    VII. Odgovornosti pomočnikov in osebja

    23. Deli I (Odgovornosti v okviru postopka), II (Obveznosti razkritja informacij) in VI (Ohranjanje zaupnosti) tega etičnega kodeksa veljajo tudi za pomočnike in osebje.



    (Omenjena v členu 193(4) Pridružitvenega sporazuma)


    Sklepi, na katere se nanaša člen 193(4) tega sporazuma, se izvajajo v skladu z naslednjim postopkom:

    (a) V primeru Čila v skladu z določbami člena 50 Noo 1, odstavka 2 Politične ureditve Republike Čile.

    (b) V primeru Skupnosti in njenih držav članic v skladu z veljavnimi notranjimi postopki.



















    pogodbenice Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti in Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske unije, v nadaljevanju "države članice", in

    EVROPSKA SKUPNOST (v nadaljevanju "Skupnost")

    na eni strani in

    REPUBLIKA ČILE, v nadaljevanju "Čile",

    na drugi,

    ki so se sestali v Bruslju 18. novembra 2002 zaradi podpisa Sporazuma o pridružitvi med Evropsko skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami na eni strani ter Republiko Čile na drugi, so ob podpisu sporazuma:

    - sprejeli naslednje priloge in skupne izjave:


    (Omenjena v členih 60, 65, 68 in 71)


    (Omenjena v členih 60, 66, 69 in 72)


    (Omenjena v členu 58)


    (Omenjena v členu 89)


    (Člen 90)


    (Omenjena v členu 90)


    (Omenjena v členu 99)


    (Omenjena v členu 120)


    (Omenjena v členu 127)


    (Omenjena v členu 132)


    (Omenjena v členu 137)


    (Omenjena v členu 137)



    (V zvezi s členoma 164 in 165)


    (Omenjena v členu 189)


    (Omenjena v členih 185 in 189)


    (Omenjena v členu 193(4))


    Skupna izjava v zvezi s členom 46

    Podrobnosti glede uporabe načel, dogovorjenih v členu 46, bodo del sporazumov iz členov 46(3) in (4).

    Skupna izjava v zvezi s členom 1 Priloge III

    Pogodbenici priznavata pomembno vlogo organov, imenovanih za opravljanje nalog v zvezi z izdajanjem potrdil o poreklu in preverjanjem, kakor je določeno v Prilogi III, naslovih V in VI, in kakor je opredeljeno v členu 1(m).

    Skladno s tem, in če se bo pokazala potreba po imenovanju drugega vladnega organa, pogodbenice soglašajo, da bodo pričele s formalnimi posvetovanji brž, ko bo mogoče, da bi zagotovile, da bo nasledstveni organ lahko učinkovito izpolnil vse obveznosti, določene v navedeni prilogi.

    Skupna izjava v zvezi s členom 4 Priloge III

    Pogodbenici izjavljata, da določbe Priloge III in predvsem tiste iz člena 4 ne posegajo v pravice in obveznosti obeh pogodbenic po Konvenciji Združenih narodov o pomorskem pravu ("UNCLOS").

    Pogodbenici kot podpisnici UNCLOS izrecno opozarjata na njuno priznavanje in sprejemanje suverenih pravic obalne države za namen raziskovanja in izkoriščanja, ohranjanja in upravljanja naravnih virov izključne ekonomske cone in tudi njenih pravnih pristojnosti in drugih pravic v tej coni, kakor je določeno v členu 56 UNCLOS in drugih ustreznih določbah navedene Konvencije.

    Skupna izjava v zvezi s členom 6 Priloge III

    Pogodbenici soglašata, da se bosta sklicevali na postopek, določen v Prilogi III, člen 38, da bi po potrebi ponovno preučili seznam postopkov, ki veljajo za nezadostne obdelovalne ali predelovalne postopke za pridobitev statusa izdelkov s poreklom iz člena 6(1) navedene Priloge.

    Skupna izjava v zvezi s členoma 16 in 20 Priloge III

    Pogodbenici soglašata, da preučita možnost uvedbe drugih sredstev certifikacije statusa izdelkov s poreklom in tudi možnost, da se uporabi elektronski prenos dokazil o poreklu. Ob sklicevanju na lastnoročni podpis Pogodbenici soglašata, da preučita možnost uvedbe drugih oblik podpisa namesto lastnoročnega.

    Skupna izjava o Kneževini Andora

    1. Čile sprejema izdelke s poreklom iz Kneževine Andore iz poglavij 25 do 97 harmoniziranega sistema kot izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti v smislu dela IV, naslova II tega sporazuma.

    2. Za opredelitev statusa porekla zgoraj navedenih izdelkov se smiselno uporablja Priloga III.

    Skupna izjava o Republiki San Marino

    1. Čile sprejema izdelke s poreklom iz Republike San Marino kot izdelke s poreklom iz Skupnosti v smislu dela IV, naslova II tega sporazuma.

    2. Za opredelitev statusa porekla zgoraj navedenih izdelkov se smiselno uporablja Priloga III.

    Skupna izjava o enoloških praksah

    Pogodbenici priznavata, da so dobre enološke prakse iz člena 19 Priloge V (Sporazum o trgovini z vini) skupek postopkov, obdelave in tehnik proizvodnje vina, ki jih dovoljuje zakonodaja posamezne pogodbenice, katerih cilj je izboljšati kakovost vina, ne da bi se pri tem izgubil njegov bistveni značaj, in ki ohranja sortno pristnost proizvoda in ščiti glavne značilnosti trgatve, ki mu dajejo njegove značilne lastnosti.

    Skupna izjava v zvezi z zahtevami glede enoloških praks in postopkov, vključenih v Prilogo V, dodatek V, na dan začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma

    Pogodbenici soglašata, da brez poseganja v člen 26 Priloge V (Sporazum o trgovini z vini) enološke prakse in postopki, vključeni v dodatek V navedene priloge na dan začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma, izpolnjujejo zahteve iz člena 19 navedene priloge.

    Skupna izjava v zvezi s členom 24(1) Sporazuma TRIPs

    Pogodbenici soglašata, da določbe Priloge V (Sporazum o trgovini z vini), naslov I, izpolnjujejo njune obveznosti na podlagi člena 24(1) Sporazuma TRIPs, kar zadeva posamezne izraze, uporabljene v zadevnih dodatkih I in II.

    Skupna izjava o nadomestnem imenu za "Champagne" ali "Champańa"

    Pogodbenici soglašata, da ne ugovarjata uporabi naslednjih imen kot nadomestilu za "Champagne" ali "Champańa":

    - Espumoso,

    - Vino Espumoso,

    - Espumante,

    - Vino Espumante,

    - Peneča vina,

    - Vin Mousseux.

    Skupna izjava v zvezi s členom 8(5)(c) Priloge V

    Pogodbenici ugotavljata, da je Čile na zahtevo Skupnosti sprejel besedi "geografska oznaka" v členu 8(5)(c) Priloge V (Sporazum o trgovini z vini). Pogodbenici sprejemata, da to ne posega v obveznosti Čila po Sporazumu STO, kakor jih razlagajo senati, ki sta jih ustanovila organ za reševanje sporov STO in pritožbeni organ STO.

    Skupna izjava o členih 10 in 11 Priloge V

    Pogodbenici ugotavljata, da se v členih 10 in 11 Priloge V (Sporazum o trgovini z vini) sklicuje na čilski register blagovnih znamk, kakor je bil določen 10. junija 2002. Pogodbenici soglašata, da bosta v primeru odkrite napake, da neka blagovna znamka ni navedena v omenjenem registru, kakor je bil določen 10. junija 2002, in je ta blagovna oznaka enaka, podobna ali pa vsebuje tradicionalen izraz, naveden v Dodatku III k navedeni prilogi, sodelovali, da zagotovita, da se taka blagovna znamka ne uporablja za opis ali predstavitev vina tiste kategorije oziroma kategorij, za katere so v omenjenem dodatku navedeni tradicionalni izrazi.

    Skupna izjava o nekaterih blagovnih znamkah

    Čilska blagovna znamka "Toro", vključena v Prilogo V, Dodatek VI, se za vino razveljavi.

    Čilska blagovna znamka, navedena v Prilogi V, Dodatek VII, se razveljavi za kategorije vina, za katere je navedena v Prilogi V, Dodatek III, seznam B.

    Skupna izjava v zvezi s členom 24(1) Sporazuma TRIPs STO

    Pogodbenici soglašata, da določbe Priloge VI, naslov I, izpolnjujejo njune obveznosti na podlagi člena 24(1) Sporazuma TRIPs STO, kar zadeva posamezne izraze, uporabljene v dodatku I navedene priloge.

    Skupna izjava o Piscu

    Skupnost bo priznala označbo porekla Pisco, ki se uporablja izključno za proizvode s poreklom iz Čila. To v ničemer ne posega v pravice, ki jih poleg Čila Skupnost lahko prizna izključno Peruju.

    Skupna izjava o finančni odgovornosti

    Pogodbenici soglašata, da si bosta v okviru tega sporazuma prizadevali oblikovati določbe o vprašanju finančne odgovornosti za uvozne dajatve, ki so zaradi upravnih napak neizterjane, povrnjene ali odpuščene.

    Skupna izjava o smernicah za investitorje

    Pogodbenici opozarjata svoja multinacionalna podjetja na priporočilo, naj povsod, kjer delujejo, spoštujejo smernice OECD za multinacionalna podjetja

    Skupna izjava o členu 189(3)

    Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da se bosta dogovorili, da bo postopek pred senatom odprt za javnost, če in kadar bo navedeno načelo izvajala STO.

    Skupna izjava o členu 196

    Pogodbenici soglašata, da člen 196 vključuje davčno oprostitev iz člena XIV GATS in njegovih opomb,

    - sta se seznanili z naslednjimi izjavami:


    Izjava o členu 13 glede političnega dialoga

    Na rednih sestankih voditeljev držav ali vlad bi morala sodelovati tudi predsednik Komisije in visoki predstavnik Evropske unije.


    Določbe tega sporazuma, ki spadajo v del III naslova IV Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti, zavezujejo Združeno kraljestvo in Irsko kot ločeni pogodbeni stranki in ne kot del Evropske skupnosti, dokler Združeno kraljestvo ali Irska (odvisno od primera) ne obvesti Čila, da je postala zavezana kot del Skupnosti v skladu s Protokolom o stališču Združenega kraljestva in Irske, ki je priloga k Pogodbi o Evropski uniji in k Pogodbi o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti. Enako velja za Dansko v skladu s protokolom, ki je priloga k navedenima pogodbama o stališču Danske.

    Izjava o Turčiji

    Skupnost opozarja, da se mora glede na carinsko unijo med Skupnostjo in Turčijo ta država v odnosu do držav, ki niso članice Skupnosti, prilagoditi skupni carinski tarifi ter, postopoma, preferencialnemu carinskemu režimu Skupnosti, pri čemer sprejme potrebne ukrepe in soglasja o pogajanjih z zadevnimi državami na podlagi obojestranske koristi. Zato Skupnost poziva Čile, da čim prej začne pogajanja s Turčijo.

    Izjava o uporabi imen sort vinske trte, ki so dovoljena v Čilu

    Skupnost soglaša, da bo spremenila Prilogo IV Uredbe (EGS) št. 3201/90 v treh mesecih od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma, tako da bo spremenila imena sort vinske trte v točki 7 "Čile" z imeni, ki so trenutno dovoljena v Čilu, kakor sledi:

    Imena sort vinske trte, dovoljena v Čilu

    Ime | Sinonim |

    Bele sorte

    Chardonnay | Pinot Chardonnay |

    Chenin blanc | Chenin |

    Gewürztraminer | |

    Marsanne | |

    Moscatel de Alejandría | Blanca Italia |

    Moscatel rosada | |

    Pedro Jiménez | Pedro Ximenez |

    Pinot blanc | Pinot blanco, Burgunder Weisser |

    Pinot gris | |

    Riesling | |

    Roussanne | |

    Sauvignon blanc | Blanc Fumé, Fumé |

    Sauvignon gris | Sauvignon rose |

    Sauvignon vert | |

    Semillón | |

    Torontel | |

    Viognier | |

    Rdeče sorte

    Cabernet franc | Cabernet franco |

    Cabernet sauvignon | Cabernet |

    Carignan | Carignane, Cariñena |

    Carmenère | Grande Vidure |

    Cot | Cot rouge, Malbec, Malbek, Malbeck |

    Merlot | |

    Mourvedre | Monastrell, Mataro |

    Nebbiolo | |

    Pais | Mission, Criolla |

    Petit verdot | |

    Petite Syrah | Durif |

    Pinot noir | Pinot negro |

    Portugais bleu | |

    Sangiovese | Nielluccio |

    Syrah | Sirah, Shiraz |

    Tempranillo | |

    Verdot | |

    Zinfandel | |

    Izjava o priznavanju vina z označbo porekla iz Čila

    Skupnost soglaša s priznavanjem vina iz Čila z označbo porekla kot vina "VCPRD".


    Izjava o običajnih izrazih

    Čile po potrebi spremeni svojo notranjo zakonodajo v zvezi z vsemi izrazi, navedenimi v Prilogi V, Dodatek I (Sporazum o trgovini z vini), tako da ni več mogoče trditi, da so to izrazi, ki se v vsakdanjem jeziku običajno uporabljajo kot splošno ime za nekatera vina iz Čila, kakor je predvideno v členu 24(6) Sporazuma TRIPs STO.

    Izjava o generičnih imenih

    Vlada Čila ima namen pregledati svojo zakonodajo v skladu s Prilogo V (Sporazum o trgovini z vini), glede ureditve splošne rabe izrazov, ki so zaščiteni v skladu s to prilogo.

    Izjava o uveljavljanju

    Vlada Čila v okviru svojih pristojnosti in v skladu s čilskim ustavnopravnim sistemom sprejme za dosego ciljev, dogovorjenih med pogodbenicama, vse potrebne ukrepe za popolno uskladitev z določbami iz Priloge V, naslov I (Sporazum o trgovini z vini).

    Izjava o običajnih izrazih

    Čile po potrebi spremeni svojo notranjo zakonodajo v zvezi z izrazi, navedenimi Prilogi VI, Dodatek I (Sporazum o trgovini z žganimi in aromatiziranimi pijačami), tako da ni več mogoče trditi, da so to izrazi, ki se v vsakdanjem jeziku običajno uporabljajo kot splošno ime za nekatere žgane in aromatizirane pijače na njegovem ozemlju, kakor je predvideno v členu 24(6) Sporazuma TRIPs STO.

    Izjava o generičnih imenih

    Vlada Čila ima namen pregledati svojo zakonodajo v skladu s Prilogo VI (Sporazum o trgovini z žganimi in aromatiziranimi pijačami) glede ureditve splošne rabe izrazov, ki so zaščiteni v skladu s to prilogo.

    Izjava o uveljavljanju

    Vlada Čila v okviru svojih pristojnosti in v skladu s čilskim ustavnopravnim sistemom sprejme za dosego ciljev, dogovorjenih med strankami, potrebne ukrepe za popolno uskladitev z določbami iz Priloge VI, naslov I (Sporazum o trgovini z žganimi in aromatiziranimi pijačami).

    Izjava o ribah

    Čile izjavlja, da bo uporabljal določbe Protokola o ribolovnih podjetjih od dne, ko bo Skupnost začela uporabljati Časovni razpored tarifne odprave za ribe in ribiške proizvode iz dela IV, naslov II.

    EN FE DE LO CUAL, los plenipotenciarios abajo firmantes suscriben la presente Acta final.TIL BEKRÆFTELSE HERAF har undertegnede befuldmægtigede underskrevet denne slutakt.ZU URKUND DESSEN haben die unterzeichneten Bevollmächtigten ihre Unterschrift unter diese Schlussakte gesetzt.ΣΕ ΠΙΣΤΩΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΑΝΩΤΕΡΩ, οι υπογράφοντες πληρεξούσιοι έθεσαν την υπογραφή τους κάτω από την παρούσα Τελική Πράξη.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Final Act.EN FOI DE QUOI les plénipotentiaires soussignés ont signé le présent acte final.IN FEDE DI CHE, i sottoscritti plenipotenziari hanno apposto le loro firme in calce al presente atto finale.TEN BLIJKE WAARVAN de ondergetekende gevolmachtigden hun handtekening onder deze slotakte hebben gesteld.EM FÉ DO QUE, os plenipotenciários abaixo-assinados apuseram as suas assinaturas no final da presente Acta Final.TÄMÄN VAKUUDEKSI allekirjoittaneet täysivaltaiset edustajat ovat allekirjoittaneet tämän päätösasiakirjan.TILL BEVIS HÄRPÅ har undertecknade befullmäktigade undertecknat denna slutakt.

    Hecho en Bruselas, el dieciocho de noviembre del dos mil dos.Udfærdiget i Bruxelles den attende november to tusind og to.Geschehen zu Brüssel am achtzehnten November zweitausendundzwei.Έγινε στις Βρυξέλλες, στις δέκαοκτώ Νοεμβρίου δύο χιλιάδες δύο.Done at Brussels on the eighteenth day of November in the year two thousand and two.Fait à Bruxelles, le dix-huit novembre deux mille deux.Fatto a Bruxelles, addì diciotto novembre duemiladue.Gedaan te Brussel, de achttiende november tweeduizend en twee.Feito em Bruxelas, em dezoito de Novembro de dois mil e dois.Tehty Brysselissä kahdeksantenatoista päivänä marraskuuta vuonna kaksituhattakaksi.Som skedde i Bryssel den artonde november tjugohundratvå.

    Pour le Royaume de BelgiqueVoor het Koninkrijk BelgiëFür das Königreich Belgien

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    Cette signature engage également la Communauté française, la Communauté flamande, la Communauté germanophone, la Région wallonne, la Région flamande et la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.Deze handtekening verbindt eveneens de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de Franse Gemeenschap, de Duitstalige Gemeenschap, het Vlaamse Gewest, het Waalse Gewest en het Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Gewest.Diese Unterschrift bindet zugleich die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft, die Flämische Gemeinschaft, die Französische Gemeinschaft, die Wallonische Region, die Flämische Region und die Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt.

    På Kongeriget Danmarks vegne

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    Für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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    Για την Ελληνική Δημοκρατία

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    Por el Reino de España

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    Pour la République française

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    Thar cheann Na hÉireann

    For Ireland

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    Per la Repubblica italiana

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    Pour le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

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    Voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden

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    Für die Republik Österreich

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    Pela República Portuguesa

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    Suomen tasavallan puolestaFör Republiken Finland

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    För Konungariket Sverige

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    For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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    Por la Comunidad EuropeaFor Det Europæiske FællesskabFür die Europäische GemeinschaftΓια την Ευρωπαϊκή ΚοινότηταFor the European CommunityPour la Communauté européennePer la Comunità europeaVoor de Europese GemeenschapPela Comunidade EuropeiaEuroopan yhteisön puolestaPå Europeiska gemenskapens vägnar

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    Por la República de Chile

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