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Case C-97/24, The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Reference for a preliminary ruling from High Court (Ireland) made on 6 February 2024 – S.A., R.J. v The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Ireland, The Attorney General

CELEX number:
Judicial information
Court of Justice
Date of document:

Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 21 December 2023.
VK and Others v BMW Bank GmbH and Others.
Requests for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Ravensburg.
Reference for a preliminary ruling – Consumer protection – Leasing agreement for a motor vehicle without an obligation to purchase – Directive 2008/48/EC – Article 2(2)(d) – Concept of a leasing agreement without an obligation to purchase the object of the agreement – Directive 2002/65/EC – Article 1(1) and Article 2(b) – Concept of a contract for financial services – Directive 2011/83/EU – Article 2(6) and Article 3(1) – Concept of a service contract – Article 2(7) – Concept of a distance contract – Article 2(8) – Concept of an off-premises contract – Article 16(l) – Exception from the right of withdrawal in respect of the provision of car rental services – Credit agreement for the purchase of a motor vehicle – Directive 2008/48 – Article 10(2) – Requirements relating to the information that must be stated in the agreement – Presumption of compliance with the obligation to provide information in the case of use of a statutory information model – Absence of horizontal direct effect of a directive – Article 14(1) – Right of withdrawal – Start of the withdrawal period in the event of incomplete or incorrect information – Abusive nature of the exercise of the right of withdrawal – Time-barring of the right of withdrawal – Obligation to return the vehicle in advance in the event of exercise of the right of withdrawal in respect of a linked credit agreement.
Joined Cases C-38/21, C-47/21 and C-232/21.

ECLI identifier: ECLI:EU:C:2023:1014

CELEX number:
Court of Justice
Date of document:

Opinion of Advocate General Collins delivered on 16 February 2023.
VK and Others v BMW Bank GmbH and Others.
Requests for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Ravensburg.
Reference for a preliminary ruling – Consumer protection – Leasing agreement for a motor vehicle without an obligation to purchase – Directive 2008/48/EC – Article 2(2)(d) – Concept of a leasing agreement without an obligation to purchase the object of the agreement – Directive 2002/65/EC – Article 1(1) and Article 2(b) – Concept of a contract for financial services – Directive 2011/83/EU – Article 2(6) and Article 3(1) – Concept of a service contract – Article 2(7) – Concept of a distance contract – Article 2(8) – Concept of an off-premises contract – Article 16(l) – Exception from the right of withdrawal in respect of the provision of car rental services – Credit agreement for the purchase of a motor vehicle – Directive 2008/48 – Article 10(2) – Requirements relating to the information that must be stated in the agreement – Presumption of compliance with the obligation to provide information in the case of use of a statutory information model – Absence of horizontal direct effect of a directive – Article 14(1) – Right of withdrawal – Start of the withdrawal period in the event of incomplete or incorrect information – Abusive nature of the exercise of the right of withdrawal – Time-barring of the right of withdrawal – Obligation to return the vehicle in advance in the event of exercise of the right of withdrawal in respect of a linked credit agreement.
Joined Cases C-38/21, C-47/21 and C-232/21.

ECLI identifier: ECLI:EU:C:2023:107

CELEX number:
Opinion of the Advocate General
Court of Justice
Date of document:

Opinion of Advocate General Collins delivered on 15 December 2022.
Criminal proceedings against YP and Others.
Requests for a preliminary ruling from the Sąd Okręgowy w Warszawie.
References for a preliminary ruling – Second subparagraph of Article 19(1) TEU – Rule of law – Effective legal protection in the fields covered by Union law – Independence of judges – Primacy of EU law – Article 4(3) TEU – Duty of sincere cooperation – Lifting of a judge’s immunity from prosecution and his or her suspension from duties ordered by the Izba Dyscyplinarna (Disciplinary Chamber) of the Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court, Poland) – Lack of independence and impartiality on the part of that chamber – Alteration of the composition of the court formation called on to adjudicate on a case which up to that time had been entrusted to that judge – Prohibitions on national courts calling into question the legitimacy of a court, on undermining its functioning or on assessing the legality or effectiveness of the appointment of judges or of their judicial powers, subject to disciplinary penalties – Obligation on the courts concerned and the bodies which have power to designate and modify the composition of court formations to disapply the measures lifting immunity and suspending the judge concerned – Obligation on the same courts and bodies to disapply the national provisions providing for those prohibitions.
Joined Cases C-615/20 and C-671/20.

ECLI identifier: ECLI:EU:C:2022:986

CELEX number:
Opinion of the Advocate General
Court of Justice
Date of document:
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Domain: All, Documents mentioning: 61990CJ0006, Search language: English