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Dokument 52023PC0716

Sažetak o inicijativi:
The Pact on migration and asylum committed to explore an EU Talent Pool and the idea was then developed in the 2022 Skills and Talent Package. The aim is to create the first EU-wide matching tool to facilitate international recruitment, making the EU more attractive for non-EU skilled workers and help employers find the talent they need. This initiative sets out the concrete proposal, also relevant for 2023 European Year of Skills.
Pojmovnik EuroVoc:
migracijska politika EU-a; slobodno radno mjesto; nedostatak radne snage; pronalaženje osoblja; migracija radi posla; treća zemlja; strani državljanin; molba za zaposlenje; informacijski sustav; stručna sprema; kvalificirani radnik