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Document 52023PC0166

Initiative summary:
To increase consumer confidence in green labels and strengthen the protection against green washing, the initiative will require companies to substantiate their claims on environmental performance using Product and Organisation Environmental Footprint methods.
EuroVoc thesaurus:
okoljska politika EU; vpliv na okolje; lažno oglaševanje prijaznosti do okolja; nedopustno oglaševanje; zeleno trženje; obveščanje potrošnikov; potrošniško pravo; ekološka oznaka; trajnostni proizvod; zeleno gospodarstvo; označevanje
  • Documents:
    Ares(2020)3820384 (Inception impact assessment)
    Leading service:
    Directorate-General for Environment
    Planned adoption period:
    01/04/2021 - 30/06/2021
    Check the status of this initiative on the Better Regulation Portal
    • Consultation type:
      Stakeholder feedback
      Consultation duration (weeks):
    • Consultation type:
      Public consultation
      Consultation duration (weeks):
  • Documents:
    COM/2023/166 final (Proposal for a directive)
    Leading service:
    Directorate-General for Environment
    • Consultation type:
      Stakeholder feedback
      Consultation duration (weeks):