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Document 51994PC0070(01)

    Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION adopting a specific research and training programme in the field of nuclear safety and safeguards (1994-1998)

    /* COM/94/70 final - CNS 94/0072 */

    UL C 113, 23.4.1994, p. 4–14 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT)


    Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION adopting a specific research and training programme in the field of nuclear safety and safeguards (1994-1998) /* COM/94/70FINAL - CNS 94/0072 */

    Official Journal C 113 , 23/04/1994 P. 0004

    Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific research and training programme in the field of nuclear safety and safeguards (1994 to 1998) (94/C 113/05) (Text with EEA relevance) COM(94) 70 final - 94/0072(CNS)

    (Submitted by the Commission on 30 March 1994)


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, and in particular Article 7 thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, presented following consultation with the Scientific and Technical Committee,

    Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament,

    Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee,

    Whereas, by Decision . ./. . ./Euratom, the Council adopted a framework programme of Community actions in the field of research and training for the period 1994 to 1998 specifying inter alia the activities to be carried out in the field of nuclear safety and safeguards; whereas the present Decision must be taken, where appropriate, in the light of the grounds set out in the preamble to that Decision;

    Whereas Article 2 of Decision . ./. . ./Euratom specifies that in the case of activities covered by the Euratom Treaty the framework programme is to be implemented through specific programmes adopted in accordance with Article 7 of the Treaty and that each specific programme is to define the detailed rules for implementing it, fix its duration and provide for the resources deemed necessary;

    Whereas this programme will be carried out mainly through shared-cost actions and concerted actions;

    Whereas the content of the framework programme of Community actions in the field of research and training was established in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity; whereas this specific programme sets out the content of the activities to be carried out in accordance with this principle in the field of nuclear safety and safeguards;

    Whereas, as is laid down in Annex III to Decision . ./. . ./Euratom, the Community needs a 'nuclear safety and safeguards` programme with the objective of arriving at a better understanding of nuclear safety and safeguards and of stimulating broad collaboration between the Member States in this field;

    Whereas basic research in the field of nuclear safety and safeguards must be encouraged so as to enable innovative concepts to be developed;

    Whereas this programme and its implementation will help to strengthen synergies between the Community's research and training activities and those carried out in the field of nuclear safety and safeguards by research centres, universities and businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises, in the Member States;

    Whereas the abovementioned Decision provides that the primary objectives of the Community's research actions must be to strengthen the scientific and technological base of European Community industry and to make it more competitive at international level, while maintaining the highest safety standards possible;

    Whereas, in the implementation of this programme (for 1994 to 1998), international cooperation with other third countries and international organizations, in accordance with Article 101 of the Euratom Treaty, might also prove useful;

    Whereas the implementation of this programme also comprises activities developed within the programme for the dissemination and valorization of research results as well as activities for promoting the mobility and training of researchers, to the extent necessary for its proper execution;

    Whereas on the one hand, progress with this programme should be permanently and systematically monitored with a view to adapting it, where appropriate, to scientific and technological developments in this area; whereas on the other hand, there should in due course be an independent evaluation of progress with the programme so as to provide all the background information needed in order to determine the objectives of the fifth framework programme of research and training for the European Atomic Energy Community; whereas at the end of this programme there should be a final evaluation of the results obtained compared with the objectives set out in this Decision;

    Whereas the Joint Research Centre (JRC) may participate in the indirect actions covered by this programme;

    Whereas the JRC will also contribute, through its own programme of direct actions, to the attainment of the Community research and training objectives in the areas covered by this programme,


    Article 1

    A specific programme of research and training for the European Atomic Energy Community in the field of nuclear safety and safeguards, as set out in Annex I, is hereby adopted for the period from (date of adoption of this programme) to 31 December 1998.

    Article 2

    1. The amount deemed necessary for carrying out the programme is ECU 160 million, including 17,2 % for staff and administrative expenditure.

    2. An indicative breakdown of this amount is given in Annex II.

    3. The abovementioned amount deemed necessary for carrying out the programme may be increased in consequence and in accordance with the decision mentioned in Article 1 (3) of Decision . ./. . ./Euratom (framework programme 1994 to 1998).

    4. The budgetary authority shall determine the appropriations available for each financial year in accordance with the scientific and technological priorities set in the framework programme of Community actions in the field of research and training for the European Atomic Energy Community (1994 to 1998).

    Article 3

    Detailed rules for implementing this programme, in addition to those referred to in Article 5, are set out in Annex I, Chapter 3 and in Annex III.

    Article 4

    1. The Commission shall permanently and systematically monitor, with appropriate assistance from independent, external experts, the progress within this programme in relation to the objectives set out in Annex I. It shall in particular assess whether the objectives, priorities and financial resources are still in keeping with the evolution of the situation. Where appropriate, it shall submit proposals to adapt or supplement this programme depending on the results of this monitoring process.

    2. At the end of this programme, the Commission shall instruct independent experts to conduct a final evaluation of the results achieved compared with the objectives set out in Annex III to the framework programme of research and training (1994 to 1998) and Annex I to this Decision. The final evaluation report shall be forwarded to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee.

    Article 5

    1. The Commission shall be responsible for the implementation of the programme.

    2. The Commission shall be assisted in the implementation of the programme by the Consultative Committee for the Nuclear Safety and Safeguards Programme set up by the Council Decision of . . . .

    Article 6

    The Commission is authorized to negotiate, in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 101 of the Euratom Treaty, international agreements with European third countries and with international organizations established in Europe with a view to involving them in all or part of the programme.

    Article 7

    This Decision is addressed to the Member States.



    The present specific programme reflects the orientations of the framework programme for the European Atomic Energy Community, applies its selection criteria and defines its scientific and technological objectives.

    The first paragraph of Annex III of the framework programme is an integral part of the present specific programme.


    Although nuclear energy has reached considerable maturity in the Community and elsewhere in the western world - the safety record of its nuclear plants is excellent - it is not universally accepted by our society. The Community action therefore aims at stimulating collaboration with the objective to improve the knowledge in specific areas and to develop a new global and dynamic approach to nuclear safety in the broadest sense. The joint setting of priorities should bring all interested parties closer in a better understanding that nuclear energy, like other mature technologies, can benefit from further development. New technological solutions may be found to solve problems which today make nuclear energy unacceptable to some. Of course, it must be understood that new technology will not necessarily be applied simply because it exists, just as we cannot afford to make a definite judgement about its use by future generations on the basis of today's knowledge.

    In that sense, a global dynamic approach means that there must be an improvement of the understanding and quantification of the overall risk associated with the use of nuclear energy: considering the whole cycle, considering all exposure to ionizing radiation, not only from nuclear but also from medical and other applications as well as from natural radioactivity; considering normal and accidental conditions; considering the historical liabilities associated with its use elsewhere - e. g. the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS); and considering the possibility of technological evolution just as in other high-technology areas.

    To support that approach, the various activities are set out and managed accordingly in one single programme. Consequently, they are deliberately not grouped as a set of individual actions (as in the previous framework programme), although they are assembled according to the main emphasis of the respective activity as related to the use of nuclear energy in the global sense. The technical maturity reached in some areas of the nuclear cycle implies a re-orientation of priorities, concentrating on aspects dealing with exposure of man and environmental impacts. A number of concerted actions will be launched to safeguard adequate exchange of information and data collection.

    As indicated in the different activities proposed, the JRC is closely associated with them (1).


    Exploring new concepts

    The proposed activities will illustrate a new approach which aims at exploring ways to improve the acceptance of nuclear energy through an integrated initiative addressing the three main issues of common concern:

    - reactor safety, especially with regard to severe accidents,

    - the management of long-lived radionuclides (including plutonium),

    - the risk of fissile material diversion.

    These activities will be carried out in close cooperation with authorities, industry and the scientific community.

    It is proposed to pursue two main lines of approach: on the one hand, alternative approaches to the safety design of reactors and to fuel cycles will be considered with a view to identifying and investigating promising design-related solutions; on the other hand, the potential of alternative waste management options based inter alia on partitioning and transmutation (P& T) will be explored.

    2.1. Conceptual safety features

    Besides a continuous improvement of the safety of reactors which takes account of the experience from operating plants and new results from research, industry is examining new safety concepts, in particular so-called passive or inherently safe systems which could be implemented in future reactors. Prospective theoretical and some experimental investigations are foreseen to assess these concepts with regard to their feasibility and their benefit to overall safety. These investigations will be of generic nature and not refer to specific reactor concepts. The results should provide supporting data for the choice of those features that reply best to future development trends in the Community and worldwide.

    Approaches to reduce the amount of long-lived radioactivity in spent fuel by changing the composition of the fissile material could be included in an overall analysis of the fuel cycle which could also cover the aspect of safeguards.

    The investigation of advanced fuel cycle strategies will require some experimental research which will be performed in concertation with the JRC.

    2.2 Partitioning and transmutation

    Methods to reduce the long-lived (half-life > 30 years) nuclide inventory of nuclear waste should be investigated, although the final disposal of nuclear waste in deep repositories cannot be avoided. On the basis of present technology, this objective might be achieved by highly separative reprocessing of irradiated fuel (partitioning) and repeated irradiation of waste isotopes in specially adapted fast reactors or other irradiation facilities (transmutation). The feasibility and potential benefit in terms of cost, health, safety and environmental impact of P& T schemes should continue to be assessed, while the first technical developments are launched.

    Some work in this area will be pursued in concertation with the JRC.

    Reactor safety

    Since it is of vital importance to improve the understanding of severe accidents in order to prevent possible radioactivity release under severe accident conditions, severe accident phenomena and mechanisms will be the main items of research.

    Furthermore, different measures to mitigate the consequences of a severe accident will be studied.

    2.3. Severe accidents

    Investigations of the various phenomena involved e.g. core degradation and the release and behaviour of fission products will be carried out. The results of the experimental Phebus fission product project, previously organized jointly by CEA-Cadarache and JRC Ispra, will provide essential data in this respect. Molten fuel-coolant interaction and molten core-concrete interaction as well as hydrogen generation and combustion are the main concerns with regard to the primary system and containment integrity.

    In connection with interactions between the molten fuel and its environment, the JRC Ispra FARO facility will continue to provide experimental results.

    Besides the study of accident progression mechanisms, major attention will be devoted to the integrity of the containment system and the material characterization of the various safety-relevant components under severe accident conditions in order to evaluate the safety margins.

    The proposed activities include theoretical and experimental investigations, code developments and validation as well as benchmark exercises. The joint use of existing and, possibly, new large test facilities is foreseen.

    Closing the nuclear fuel cycle

    One of the main objectives of this activity is to contribute to a further integration of the efforts undertaken by the Community and the Member States to develop the technical basis for a common understanding of the scientific issues of the disposal of long-lived radioactive waste, specifically spent fuel and vitrified high level waste (HLW). The strategic issues involved are the time horizon to be considered for the analysis of disposal concepts, the possibility of retrievability of waste and the safeguarding of spent fuel.

    Even Member States not having a nuclear programme may need to dispose of radioactive waste, e.g. from research reactors.

    2.4. Safety aspects of geological disposal

    The Community's analysis of the long-term safety of disposing of HLW, the Pagis (performance assessment of geological isolation systems) study, concluded that - assuming predictable natural evolution - geological disposal can assure adequate protection even tens of thousands of years after the emplacement of the waste if appropriate sites are selected. There are basic questions, however, on which a consensus should be reached at European level at least, e.g.:

    - predictions about the evolution of the environment and the activities of mankind in the vicinity of a repository become less accurate, the more they are projected into the future. This should be reflected in an agreed long-term time horizon up to which the safety analysis of disposal concepts has to be elaborated,

    - the possibility of retrieval of the disposed material and its consequences on safety should be evaluated together with its costs and limitations to determine whether its benefits outweigh those of the present concept of permanently sealed, inaccessible repositories, from which recovery of waste is difficult,

    - accidental intrusion which implies a wide field of scenarios. A common approach to this problem would be desirable with a view to providing safeguards and ways to assure their effectiveness for longer periods.

    A common position on these issues would present an essential element for a European safety philosophy on disposal of radioactive waste.

    The Community's plan of action in the field of radioactive waste should play an important role in reaching agreement on these questions between the Member States and stimulate their participation in the relevant investigations.

    2.5. Underground laboratories for waste disposal

    Underground laboratories are a necessary prerequisite for meaningful research on crucial phenomena related to geological disposal. As in the previous programmes tests and investigations on geological disposal in the underground laboratories in Asse (Germany) and Mol (Belgium) should be continued. Possible new laboratories could also become part of the Community programme. These facilities should offer important opportunities for participation from all Community countries for performing research projects under representative conditions. The projects shall provide qualitative and quantitative elements for characterizing possible disposal sites, for designing optimized repository concepts and for evaluating the long-term protective performance of disposal strategies.

    Research on geological and engineered barriers, development of special mining and waste emplacement techniques and radiological investigations should be carried out in the underground laboratories and in associated research facilities, thus contributing also to demonstrate the feasibility and safety of underground repositories.

    2.6. Supporting research

    The assessments of waste disposal schemes will require further analysis and modelling of the performance of natural and engineered barriers, transfer of radioactivity from the waste packages in the repository through the geosphere into the biosphere as well as the verification and validation of long-term predictive assessment models of the geological environment of repositories. Useful information on the evolution of diposal systems is also gained from natural analogue and geoprospective studies.

    Development of effectively controlled advanced waste volume minimization is envisaged with a view to introducing safe and effective standard practices.

    Another object of R& D is the provision of scientific data to support Community policies in the field of nuclear safety standards, and of reliable methods to implement such policies.

    Actions to enhance the safety culture of nuclear energy and confidence in safety should include the technical application of radiological optimization principles and the further development of quality assurance methodology in conjunction with the Community 'Network of Testing Facilities`.

    Radiological impact on man and the environment

    The Euratom Treaty defines the Community responsibility for 'establishing uniform safety standards to protect the health of workers and the general public and ensure that they are applied` and for 'studying the harmful effects of radiation on living organisms`. Although the present radiation protection standards and the underlying scientific information are of high quality, it remains imperative to reduce the remaining uncertainties in the quantification of radiation risks arising from the use of ionizing radiation in energy production, industry and medicine, as well as from exposure to natural radiation. This concerns all phases of the nuclear cycle where (potential) exposure situations may exist and also considers the consequences of nuclear accidents, the limitation of the extent of possible health effects, the mitigation of environmental consequences and the development of methods for the management of nuclear emergencies. The range of issues concerned and the many underlying scientific disciplines require a truly inter-disciplinary approach to radiation protection research and the intensive involvement of university based research.

    The priorities set forward here are closely linked with the validation work proposed in the area of historic liabilities which mainly deals with the health and environmental consequences of the Chernobyl and other radiation accidents and of past uncontrolled releases of radioactive materials in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

    2.7. Understanding the mechanisms of radiation action

    The mechanisms of radiation action need to be known in order to be able to extrapolate the radiation effects determined experimentally to predict, with confidence, the effects at low doses. Continuation of the studies of radiation induced hereditary effects and effects after in-utero irradiations will contribute to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms at the cell level. This understanding will be gained by mobilizing the most up-to-date techniques from molecular and cellular biology, by studying mutation and chromosomal aberration formation and the role of DNA repair and by combining this work with recent developments in radiation energy deposition modelling to elucidate a comprehensive biophysical model of cellular radiation action. The extension of this understanding to the radiation induced cancer process will take advantage of new knowledge of oncogenesis, in general, coupled with continuing studies of the early molecular and cellular events in radiation induced cancer. The development of models of the raditation induced cancer process founded on sound biological principles will further contribute to more accurate assessments of radiation risk.

    2.8. Evaluation of radiation risks

    Risk evaluation depends on reliable assessment of the level of exposure, which in turn depends on an accurate determination of internal and external doses. This necessitates research on environmental pathways of radioactive substances to man and on the age dependent metabolism and biokinetics of incorporated radionuclides. Targeted research will include work to develop more sensitive and delicate instrumentation for measurement of external and internal irradiation and the further extension and application of risk assessment models for the health and environmental impact of discharges of radioactive materials to the environment and of nuclear accidents. Risk estimates converting radiation dose to the probability of induction of health effects will be derived from epidemiological studies of exposed populations, taking into account the knowledge on radiobiological mechanisms.

    2.9. Reduction of exposure levels

    Criteria, methods and strategies for reducing exposure to ionizing radiation from all sources (natural, medical and industrial) have to be developed further with a view to reducing or preventing the induction of health effects. These include aspects of exposure monitoring, techniques for environmental restoration including site restoration, treatment of health consequences including acute radiation damage, risk management for normal and emergency situations and the implementation of the optimization philosophy (Alara - as low as reasonably achievable) into radiological protection, giving due account to social and economical considerations. These principles will be applied to problems of practical relevance, such as the development of criteria for the recycling of material from decommissioned nuclear facilities; occupational exposure arising from waste management, decommissioning and environmental mitigation; and optimization strategies and techniques in medical radiological diagnostic procedures.

    Historic liabilities

    The situation in eastern and central Europe and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) presents liabilities in nuclear safety, which the international community must share not only for altruistic reasons. In addition to humanitarian considerations, the European Union has an interest in, and must continue to assume responsibility for the establishment of safe conditions in neighbouring countries. The accident of Chernobyl was a reminder that radioactive material released in an accident is no respecter of international borders.

    The consequences of the Chernobyl accident, of other radiation accidents and of uncontrolled releases of radioactive materials in the CIS have led to environmental contamination and health hazards which represent unique opportunities for initiating collaborative projects, including extensive training and secondment schemes.

    The objective of this part of the specific programme is to establish an operational force to work out long-term mitigation strategies, to monitor the continuously changing circumstances and to initiate targeted research projects and to provide catalytic links and appropriate coordination between the R& D programme and the technical assistance programmes. The collaboration with the CIS, initiated in 1991, has found broad acceptance in the CIS and must be continued. Some support for EU-partners will come from the framework programme but CIS partners will have to be supported by other technical assistance programmes of the European Union.

    2.10. Consequences of Chernobyl and other radiation accidents

    Environmental research in the more heavily contaminated terrestrial and aquatic areas will include the analysis of exposure pathways and the evaluation and validation of existing radioecological data bases. A special aim of the work will be to use the results from the radioecological studies for predictive assessments and to develop improved emergency management systems not only to provide guidance on the mitigation of the consequences of the accident but to provide an effective framework for response to future accidents. They will deal especially with the environmental consequences and applicability of countermeasures in highly contaminated zones, the development of intervention criteria, waste management procedures and environmental restoration.

    Health effects studies will concentrate on the development of methods of biological and retrospective dosimetry in close cooperation with epidemiological studies of cancer induction in the more exposed groups of the population. A study of the treatment strategies used for the over-exposed accident victims aims at deriving improved treatment protocols using newly developing methodologies. The occurrence of increased rates of childhood thyroid cancer reported in Belarus and the Ukraine demands systematic research to provide important information on radiation-induced thyroid cancer and an estimate of the extent of this health problem in the future. At the same time the treatment of the thyroid cancer patients will be optimized by the development of therapy protocols.

    2.11. Cooperative networks

    In the field of radiation protection, a collaboration with institutes of Belarus, the Russian Federation and the Ukraine was initiated in late 1991 which involves some 100 Community institutions and 100 CIS institutions and has led to the establishment of a central laboratory in the Ukraine. The establishment of such a network will reinforce the collaborative research programme between the European Union and the CIS in the whole area of nuclear fission safety. In addition it can be used as a platform for coordination of the many international and bilateral initiatives in these areas.

    In the area of waste management and site restoration, similar networks with the central and eastern European countries will assists these countries in developing safe solutions for their particular problems. In addition, networks of information exchange would be useful to learn from the Russian experience of waste management. Cooperation in the field of reactor safety will address some problems typical of existing Russian reactor designs as well as research in areas of interest for future plants. The progressive inclusion of these eastern countries in Community nuclear safety programmes is to be seen as an efficient way to develop a wide-ranging safety culture.


    3.1. Cost-sharing and concerted actions

    The programme will carry out R& D as shared-cost actions and as concerted actions. Shared-cost activities will be co-funded by the Community at levels reflecting the economic and technical risk as well as according to the respective area of research. Particular attention will be paid to large integrated projects which will be defined in consultation with the main partners. Other partners selected from a call for proposals will be associated.

    The shared-cost activities will be complemented by concerted actions in matters where mere coordination of the efforts of Member States and their industries could render the Community programme more efficient.

    3.2. Dissemination and valorization of results

    The rapid and effective dissemination of results will be assured by direct communication of progress reports among network participants, specialist meetings and multi-disciplinary conferences, as well as by systematic publication of annual programme reports, final reports and proceedings of scientific meetings.

    In addition, the collection and processing of R& D results in computerized data bases managed under the respective networks will provide readily accessible scientific and technical information.

    Public communication and information on the programme activities and results should constitute an important element.

    3.3. Training and mobility

    Opportunities for training and mobility of scientific and technical staff will be assured by activities such as the 'European radiation protection education and training` scheme (Erpet) and the Eurocourses organized together with JRC Ispra. Mobility of researchers will be promoted by staff secondment schemes at the major R& D projects and research grants to bursaries.

    3.4. International cooperation

    Close cooperation with national and international organizations competent in the fields of nuclear safety, waste management and radiation protection will enable the Community to contribute worldwide to an improvement of nuclear safety and the protection of man and his environment against the effects of ionizing irradiation. It will enhance the integration of national efforts to improve the competitivity of the European nuclear industry and will give essential input to the regulatory responsibilities of the Community.

    Cooperation and integration of research on nuclear safety and safeguards has been well established with third countries such as the USA, Canada, Japan and with some EFTA countries. Together with the collaboration with central and eastern European countries (Peco), including the Commonwealth of Independent States which is of particular importance, this will lead to the further harmonization of national approaches for developing safety standards. Close interaction has also been achieved and will continue with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD/NEA) and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as with non-governmental international organizations involved in standardization and recommendations, such as the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) and the International Standards Organization (ISO). This international cooperation is the main instrument for achieving worldwide consensus on the fundamental issues of nuclear safety and radiation protection.

    Close and extensive cooperation with research institutes and universities of the CIS on the consequences of the Chernobyl accident will help to validate the basic research results obtained from the other actions. The information to be gained on environmental contamination and population exposure is enormously important for bridging between theoretical approaches and real contamination situations.

    (1) A more detailed description of the JRC's research activities, which are defined in a proposal for a separate Council decision, is given in Annex IV for information in order to ensure the transparency in relation to their complementarity with corresponding indirect actions.




    The breakdown between the different headings does not exclude the possibility that projects could come under several headings.



    1. The modalities for the Community's financial contribution are laid down in Annex IV to the Decision on the framework programme of Community actions in the field of research and training for the European Atomic Energy Community (1994 to 1998).

    The modalities for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities and for the dissemination of results are laid down in the measures provided for by Article 4 of the Euratom Treaty.

    However, for the purpose of implementing this programme, the following precisions/exceptions shall apply:

    - in addition to the official organizations specified in Article 2.2 of the Council Decision arising from Article 7 concerning conditions for participation, national organizations situated in other countries and which are concerned with normalization or harmonization of measurement methods have the possibility to participate in the programme on the same conditions as those indicated for other organizations in this Article,

    - the participation of European international organizations may be financed on the same basis as that for Community organizations in duly specified cases.

    2. This programme will be carried out in the form of:

    2.1. Financial participation by the Community in research and training activities carried out by third parties or by JRC institutes in association with third parties:

    (a) shared-cost activities covering the following modalities:

    - research and training projects carried out by undertakings, research centres and universities, including consortia for integrated projects with a common theme,

    - support for financing the infrastructure or installations necessary for coordinated action (reinforced coordinated activity);

    (b) Concerted action, which consists of coordinating, particularly with the aid of concertation networks, research and training projects already funded by public authorities or private bodies. Concerted action can also include the requisite coordination of thematic networks bringing together manufacturers, users, universities and research centres to work on the same technological or industrial objective under shared-cost research and training activities (see first paragraph of 2.1 (a));

    (c) specific measures such as action to promote standardization and measures to provide general tools to research centres, universities and undertakings. The Community's contribution covers up to 100 % of the cost of these measures.

    2.2. Preparatory, accompanying and support measures covering the following modalities:

    - studies in support of this programme and in preparation for possible future activities,

    - conferences, seminars, workshops or other scientific or technical meetings, including intersectoral or multidisciplinary coordination meetings,

    - use of external expertise, including access to scientific databases,

    - scientific publications, including the dissemination, promotion and valorization of the results,

    - studies to assess the socio-economic consequences and any possible technological risks associated with all the projects under this programme,

    - training activities related to research covered by this programme,

    - independent evaluation (including studies) of programme management and of the implementation of the activities.



    The JRC contribution will be in the following fields:

    - reactor safety,

    - fuel cycle safety,

    - safeguards and fissile materials management.

    Reactor safety

    JRC research will be focused mainly on the following areas:

    - a contribution to accident prevention: the development of non-destructive analytical techniques (NDA) for the improvement and refinement of inspection procedures and the development of qualification methodologies to facilitate their harmonization,

    - probabilistic safety studies: the JRC will contribute to the improvement of methodologies and to the emergence of a consensus on their implementation in safety studies,

    - studies conducted through European networks into the mechanisms of component ageing, a method of attenuation, evaluation of the integrity of structures and inspection possibilities,

    - studies of serious accidents: these studies will be conducted, on the one hand, through studies of the internal and external phenomena in the containment in experiments with degradation of the reactor core using real materials and operating at a real temperature; these operations will be carried out on a small and a large scale at the JRC and, on the other hand, through a contribution to the study of the release of fission products and the transfer phenomena by participation in the interpretation of the results of experiments simulating accidental releases conducted in other laboratories, in particular the CEA (study of the source-term) and by carrying out aerosol resuspension tests at the JRC. They will be carried out in conjunction with the activities in this field foreseen under indirect actions.

    This research will continue to be the subject of a major cooperation effort within the framework of the networks involving European and non-European partners. It is aimed in particular at the development of common design tools intended for industry and the authorities responsible for safeguards.

    It will make extensive use of the JRC's ability to set up cooperation networks between the European partners concerned and thus to participate in the implementation of the Community policy provided for in the Treaty.

    Fuel cycle safety

    The main objective of the studies conducted by the JRC is to reduce the environmental impact of using nuclear energy by means of research into the fuel cycle permitting optimized management of the end of the cycle. They will be conducted in close cooperation with the activities in this field foreseen under indirect actions.

    This research will be aimed at improving the understanding of actinides and the plutonium cycle and drawing up the best possible waste management strategy, in particular by minimizing the production of high-level waste. It will take account of changes in reactor design.

    It will also be aimed at supporting the Member States' current strategy of deep burial of radioactive waste and exploring management strategies which would make it possible to reduce the amount of waste produced by future fuel-cycle installations. This research will be conducted in close cooperation with national laboratories.

    The subjects covered will include:

    - studies of the safety of the behaviour of nuclear fuels (UO2 and mixed oxide),

    - study of fundamental and solid-state physico-chemical analyses of actinides,

    - study of nuclear aerosols,

    - minimization of secondary actinides and other radionucleides with long half-lives in the nuclear fuel cycle,

    - plutonium fuel technology,

    - characterization of spent fuel with a view to its elimination,

    - radionucleides for medical applications.

    Safeguards and fissile materials management

    The research conducted at the JRC is aimed at obtaining, in good time, results or new techniques implementation of which is necessary for compliance with obligations arising from safeguards provided for in the Treaty and the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

    It is necessary in particular to develop new techniques to meet the new challenges related to the development of the fuel cycle and the strengthening of the control systems.

    These activities are aimed at the development and improvement of techniques including:

    - non-destructive test techniques using gamma and neutron radiation for the analysis of waste, production waste and irradiated fuel,

    - measurements relating to volume and weight in large tanks in fuel production and reprocessing plants,

    - sealing techniques and new marking systems for objects containing nuclear materials and for containers,

    - surveillance systems using the storage and processing of digital images for automatic surveillance and examination and for improvement of recordings in the long term without inspectors.

    A particular effort will be devoted to research on the design of multisensoral integrated systems able to function in the absence of inspectors by using mobile robotic technology. These systems will use intelligent software for the production of data and the compatibility of materials.

    These activities will be conducted in particular using the experimental installations Perla (Performance and training laboratory), Tame (Tank measurement) and Lasco (Surveillance and containment) of the JRC which offer experimental conditions which are representative of reality in an installation.

    Lastly, the JRC research in the field of safeguards also forms part of a process of European cooperation as illustrated by the Esarda network (European safeguards research and development association) and international cooperation with the USA, Canada, Japan and Russia.
