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Document 31994R3289

    Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 3289/94 z dne 22. decembra 1994 o spremembah Uredbe (EGS) št. 3030/93 o skupnih pravilih za uvoz nekaterih tekstilnih izdelkov po poreklu iz tretjih držav

    UL L 349, 31.12.1994, p. 85–104 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT)

    Dokument je bil objavljen v posebni izdaji. (FI, SV, CS, ET, LV, LT, HU, MT, PL, SK, SL, BG, RO, HR)

    Legal status of the document No longer in force, Date of end of validity: 25/06/2015; implicitno zavrnjeno 32015R0937



    Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 3289/94 z dne 22. decembra 1994 o spremembah Uredbe (EGS) št. 3030/93 o skupnih pravilih za uvoz nekaterih tekstilnih izdelkov po poreklu iz tretjih držav

    Uradni list L 349 , 31/12/1994 str. 0085 - 0104
    finska posebna izdaja: poglavje 11 zvezek 37 str. 0241
    švedska posebna izdaja: poglavje 11 zvezek 37 str. 0241
    CS.ES poglavje 11 zvezek 21 str. 412 - 431
    ET.ES poglavje 11 zvezek 21 str. 412 - 431
    HU.ES poglavje 11 zvezek 21 str. 412 - 431
    LT.ES poglavje 11 zvezek 21 str. 412 - 431
    LV.ES poglavje 11 zvezek 21 str. 400 - 419
    MT.ES poglavje 11 zvezek 21 str. 412 - 431
    PL.ES poglavje 11 zvezek 21 str. 412 - 431
    SK.ES poglavje 11 zvezek 21 str. 412 - 431
    SL.ES poglavje 11 zvezek 21 str. 412 - 431

    Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 3289/94

    z dne 22. decembra 1994

    o spremembah Uredbe (EGS) št. 3030/93 o skupnih pravilih za uvoz nekaterih tekstilnih izdelkov po poreklu iz tretjih držav


    ob upoštevanju Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti in zlasti člena 113 Pogodbe,

    ob upoštevanju predloga Komisije,

    ob upoštevanju mnenja Evropskega parlamenta [1],

    ker je Skupnost podpisala Sklepno listino urugvajskega kroga pogajanj Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini (GATT), ki ustanavlja Svetovno trgovinsko organizacijo (v nadaljnjem besedilu "STO");

    ker Sporazum STO o tekstilu in oblačilih (v nadaljnjem besedilu Sporazum STO) ureja trgovino s tekstilom in oblačili med vsemi državami članicami STO do časa, ko se integrirajo v običajna pravila in pravni red STO v smislu člena 2 Sporazuma STO; ker je primerno, da se zato razširi obseg Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3030/93 z dne 12. oktobra 1993 o skupnih pravilih za uvoz nekaterega tekstila po poreklu iz tretjih držav [2], s ciljem, da se vključi tisti tekstil, naveden v Prilogi k Sporazumu STO, ki jih običajna pravila in red STO ne zajemajo in so po poreklu iz katerekoli države članice STO;

    ker člen 2 Sporazuma STO predvideva vključitev vsega tekstila in oblačil v običajna pravila in red STO v treh fazah; ker je zato treba, da se določi jasen postopek Skupnosti za selekcijo izdelkov, ki jih je treba vključiti v vsaki fazi in o tem obveščati STO;

    ker Sporazum STO o tekstilu in oblačilih prav tako določa letno rast cen, ki bodo avtomatično veljale za preostale kvantitativne omejitve Skupnosti za uvoz iz držav članic STO za obdobje 10 let po uveljavitvi STO; ker je zato primerno, da se količinske omejitve Skupnosti, predvidene v Prilogi V k Uredbi (EGS) št. 3030/93 o uvozu iz držav članic STO, dopolnijo v vsaki fazi Sporazuma STO o tekstilu in oblačilih s postopkom, predvidenim v členu 17 navedene uredbe, in v istem smislu se prilagodi člen 2(1) Uredbe;

    ker je treba spremeniti varovalne določbe iz Uredbe (EGS) št. 3030/93 zato, da se glede uvoza iz držav članic STO uskladijo z novimi varovalnimi določbami iz Sporazuma STO o tekstilu in oblačilih;

    ker Sporazum STO vsebuje strožja pravila o izogibanju količinskim omejitvam, ki vključujejo tretje države, s katerimi Skupnost še ni sklenila dvostranskih sporazumov; ker je zato primerno, da se določi postopek Skupnosti za uporabo teh novih določb,


    Člen 1

    Uredba (EGS) št. 3030/93 se spremeni:

    (a) Člen 1(1) se nadomesti z:

    "1. Ta uredba se uporablja za:

    - uvoz tekstila navedenega v seznamu Priloge I, s poreklom iz tretjih držav, s katerimi je Skupnost sklenila dvostranske sporazume, protokole ali druge dogovore iz seznama v Prilogi II,

    - uvoz tekstila, ki ni bil vključen v Svetovno trgovinsko organizacijo v smislu člena 2.6 Sporazuma STO o tekstilnih izdelkih in oblačilih (Sporazum STO) iz seznama v Prilogi X in so po poreklu iz tretjih držav, članic STO, navedenih v seznamu Priloge XI."

    (b) Na koncu člena 1 se doda odstavek:

    "7. Svet, ki odloča s kvalificirano večino, na predlog Komisije spremeni Prilogo X te uredbe, zato da v STO vključi preostale izdelke iz seznama v Prilogi X, in sicer v treh spodaj navedenih fazah:

    - 1. januarja 1998, izdelke, ki so 1990 ustrezali višini najmanj 17 % celotne količine v 1990 v Skupnost uvoženega tekstila in oblačil, ki jih zajema Sporazum STO,

    - 1. januarja 2002, izdelke, ki so leta 1990 ustrezali višini najmanj 18 % celotne količine v 1990 v Skupnost uvoženega tekstila in oblačil, ki jih zajema Sporazum STO,

    - dne 1. januarja 2005 preostale izdelke.

    Pred vsako zgoraj navedeno fazo vključevanja Komisija predloži Svetu poročilo o spoštovanju zavez, ki obvezujejo tretje države na podlagi pravil Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini (GATT) in reda iz člena 7 Sporazuma STO."

    (c) Člen 2(1) se nadomesti z:

    "1. Uvoz tekstila, navedenega v Prilogi V, s poreklom iz ene od držav dobaviteljic iz navedene priloge, v Skupnost mora biti v skladu z letnimi količinskimi omejitvami, ki so določene v tej prilogi."

    (d) Člen 10 se nadomesti z:

    "Člen 10

    Zaščitni ukrepi

    1. Če uvoz izdelkov, ki spadajo v katerokoli določeno kategorijo, za katero ne veljajo količinske omejitve iz Priloge V, in ki so po poreklu iz ene od držav iz seznama v Prilogi IX, v primerjavi s skupno količino uvoza izdelkov enake kategorije v Skupnost v preteklem koledarskem letu preseže odstotke, navedene v tabeli Priloge IX, se lahko za uvoz teh izdelkov uvede količinske omejitve pod pogoji, navedenimi v tem členu.

    2. Odstavek 1 se ne uporablja, če se navedeni odstotki dosežejo zaradi zmanjšanja celotne količine uvoza v Skupnost in ne zaradi povečanja izvoza izdelkov s poreklom iz države dobaviteljice.

    3. Če Komisija na lastno pobudo ali na zahtevo katere od držav članic meni, da so pogoji iz odstavka 1 izpolnjeni in da je treba za določeno kategorijo izdelkov uvesti količinsko omejitev:

    (a) uvede posvetovanja z državo dobaviteljico v skladu s postopkom iz člena 16 z namenom, da doseže dogovor ali skupno odločitev o ustrezni višini omejitev za kategorijo izdelkov;

    (b) do sprejetja obojestransko zadovoljive rešitve, od države dobaviteljice praviloma zahteva, da za začasno obdobje treh mesecev, ki se šteje od dneva, ko je bila zahteva za posvetovanje vložena, omeji izvoz izdelkov kategorije v Skupnost. Ta začasna omejitev znaša 25 % uvoza iz preteklega koledarskega leta ali 25 %, izračunanih po formuli v odstavku 1, pri čemer se uporabi višja od obeh vrednosti;

    (c) lahko do zaključka zahtevanih posvetovanj za uvoz izdelkov iz kategorije uporabi količinske omejitve, enake tistim, ki se zahtevajo od države dobaviteljice na podlagi točke (b). Ti ukrepi ne posegajo v končne predpise, ki jih mora sprejeti Skupnost ob upoštevanju rezultatov posvetovanj.

    4. (a) Če se tekstilni izdelki, za katere ne veljajo količinske omejitve iz Priloge V in s poreklom iz Bolgarije, Češke republike, Madžarske, Poljske, Romunije ali Slovaške republike, v Skupnost uvažajo v tako povečanih količinah ali pod pogoji, ki povzročijo veliko škodo ali dejansko ogrozijo proizvodnjo podobnih ali neposredno konkurenčnih izdelkov v Skupnosti, se lahko za uvoz uvedejo količinske omejitve pod pogoji, določenimi v dodatnih protokolih s temi državami.

    (b) Določbe iz odstavka 3 se uporabijo tudi v teh primerih z izjemo, da se določi začasna omejitev iz odstavka 3(b) v višini najmanj 25 % od količine uvoza dvanajstmesečnega obdobja, ki se zaključi dva meseca ali, če podatki niso dostopni, tri mesece pred mesecem, v katerem je bil vložen zahtevek za posvetovanje.

    5. (a) V zvezi z izdelki iz Priloge X, za katere ne veljajo količinske omejitve iz Priloge V in s poreklom iz držav članic STO, se lahko sprejme zaščitni ukrep, če se ugotovi, da se poseben izdelek uvaža v Skupnost v tako povečanih količinah, ki povzročijo veliko škodo ali dejansko ogrozijo domačo industrijo, ki proizvaja podobne in/ali neposredno konkurenčne izdelke. V tem primeru je treba dokazati, da je velika škoda ali dejanska ogroženost posledica povečanja skupne količine uvoza zadevnega izdelka in ne ostalih dejavnikov, kot so tehnološke spremembe ali spremembe potrošniškega okusa.

    (b) Pri določanju velike škode ali ogroženosti, kot je omenjeno v odstavku (a), se preveri učinek tega uvoza na stanje gospodarske panoge, in sicer na podlagi sprememb v takih ekonomskih spremenljivkah, kot so fizični obseg proizvodnje, produktivnost, uporaba zmogljivosti, popisi, tržni delež, uvoz, plače, zaposlovanje, domače cene, dobiček in naložba.

    (c) Tretja država ali države članice STO, za katere se ugotovi velika škoda ali dejanska ogroženost, kot omenjeno v odstavku (a), se določijo na podlagi hitrega in znatnega, dejanskega ali neizbežnega povečanja uvoza, in glede na raven uvoza v primerjavi z uvozom iz drugih virov, tržnega deleža ter uvoznih in domačih cen na primerljivi stopnji trgovinskega poslovanja.

    6. Če Komisija na lastno pobudo ali na zahtevo katere od držav članic meni, da so pogoji iz odstavka 5 izpolnjeni, in da je treba za zadevne izdelke uvesti količinsko omejitev:

    (a) uvede posvetovanja z državo dobaviteljico v skladu s postopkom iz člena 16 z namenom, da doseže dogovor ali skupno odločitev o ustrezni višini omejitev za izdelke;

    (b) v zelo neobičajnih in kritičnih okoliščinah, kjer bi zamuda lahko povzročila škodo, ki bi jo bilo težko popraviti, lahko odredi začasno količinsko omejitev izdelkov pod pogojem, da se zahteva za posvetovanje uveljavi najkasneje v petih delovnih dneh po sprejetju ukrepa. Taka začasna omejitev ne sme biti nižja od dejanske ravni države dobaviteljice v obdobju 12 mesecev, ki se zaključi dva meseca pred mesecem, v katerem je bil vložen zahtevek za posvetovanje.

    7. (a) Ukrepe, sprejete na podlagi odstavkov 3, 4 in 6, mora Komisija nemudoma objaviti v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti.

    (b) Komisija predloži nujne primere odboru, predvidenem v členu 17, bodisi na lastno pobudo bodisi v petih delovnih dneh po prejemu zahteve države članice ali držav, z obrazložitvijo nujnosti in sprejme odločitev v petih dneh po končani razpravi v odboru.

    8. Posvetovanja z državo dobaviteljico, ki so predvidena v odstavkih 3, 4 in 6, lahko privedejo do dogovora med to državo in Skupnostjo glede uvedbe in ravni količinskih omejitev. Taki dogovori določajo, da se dogovorjene količinske omejitve upravljajo v skladu s sistemom dvojne kontrole.

    9. Če pogodbenici v roku 60 dni od uradnega obvestila o zahtevi za posvetovanje ne dosežeta zadovoljive rešitve, ima Skupnost pravico do uvedbe dokončne količinske omejitve, katere letna višina ne sme biti nižja od:

    (a) v primeru držav dobaviteljic iz seznama v Prilogi IX, višine, izračunane po formuli iz odstavka 1 ali od 106 % višine uvoza, dosežene v koledarskem letu, pred tistim, v katerem je uvoz presegel višino, izračunano po formuli iz odstavka 1 in zaradi česar je bila vložena zahteva za posvetovanje, pri čemer se uporabi višja od obeh vrednosti;

    (b) v primeru Bolgarije, Češke republike, Madžarske, Poljske, Romunije ali Slovaške republike, 110 % višine uvoza dvanajstmesečnega obdobja, ki se konča dva meseca ali, če podatki niso razpoložljivi, tri mesece pred mesecem, v katerem je vložena zahteva za posvetovanje;

    (c) v primeru držav dobaviteljic, članic STO, dejanske višine uvoza iz zadevne države dobaviteljice v dvanajstmesečnem obdobju, ki se konča dva meseca pred mesecem, v katerem je bila vložena zahteva za posvetovanje.

    10. Letna višina količinskih omejitev, določenih skladno z odstavki od 3 do 6 ali 9, ne sme biti nižja od višine uvoza izdelkov iste kategorije s poreklom iz iste države dobaviteljice v Skupnost v letu 1985 za Argentino, Brazilijo, Hongkong, Pakistan, Peru, Šrilanko in Urugvaj in v letu 1986 za Bangladeš, Indijo, Indonezijo, Malezijo, Macao, Filipine, Singapur, Južno Korejo in Tajsko.

    11. Količinske omejitve, določene na podlagi tega člena, se ne uporabljajo za proizvode, ki so že bili odposlani v Skupnost, pod pogojem, da so bili za izvoz v Skupnost odposlani iz države dobaviteljice, iz katere izvirajo, pred uradnim obvestilom o zahtevi za posvetovanje.

    12. Ukrepi, sprejeti v skladu z določbami odstavka 5, lahko ostanejo v veljavi:

    (a) do tri leta brez podaljšanja; ali

    (b) dokler se izdelek ne vključi v GATT 1994, pri čemer se uporabi dan, ki nastopi prej.

    13. Ukrepi iz odstavkov 3, 4, 6 in 9 ter dogovori iz odstavka 9 se sprejmejo in izvajajo v skladu s postopkom, ki je določen v členu 17."

    (e) Na koncu člena 15 se doda odstavek:

    "5. Poleg tega, če obstajajo dokazi o vključitvi ozemelj tretjih držav, ki so članice STO, navedene v seznamu Priloge XI, vendar niso na seznamu Priloge V, Komisija zahteva posvetovanje s tretjo državo ali državami v skladu s postopkom iz člena 16 z namenom, da se sprejmejo ustrezni ukrepi za reševanje problema. Komisija lahko, v skladu s postopkom iz člena 17, uvede količinske omejitve za tretjo državo ali države ali sprejme druge ustrezne ukrepe."

    (f) Člen 20 se nadomesti z:

    "Člen 20

    Ta uredba ne pomeni odstopanja od določb dvostranskih sporazumov, protokolov ali dogovorov o trgovini s tekstilom, ki jih je Skupnost sklenila s tretjimi državami, naštetimi v Prilogi II, ali od Sporazuma STO za članice STO iz Priloge XI, in ki prevladajo v primeru sporov."

    (g) Priloga I in Priloga II k tej uredbi se dodata kot Priloga X in Priloga XI.

    Člen 2

    Ta uredba začne veljati 1. januarja 1995.

    Ta uredba je v celoti zavezujoča in se neposredno uporablja v vseh državah članicah.

    V Bruslju, 22. decembra 1994

    Za Svet


    H. Seehofer

    [1] Mnenje z dne 14. decembra 1994 (še neobjavljeno v Uradnem listu).

    [2] UL L 275, 8.11.1993, str. 1. Uredba, ki jo nazadnje spreminja Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 195/94 (UL L 29, 2.2.1994, str. 1).



    List of textiles and clothing products not integrated into the WTO within the meaning of Article 2 of the ATC

    HS No | Product description |

    500400 | Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sale |

    500500 | Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale |

    500600 | Silk yarn & yarn spun from silk waste, put up for retail sale; silk-worm gut |

    500710 | Woven fabrics of noil silk |

    500720 | Woven fabrics of silk/silk waste, other than noil silk, 85 %/more of such fibres |

    500790 | Woven fabrics of silk, nes |

    510510 | Carded wool |

    510521 | Combed wool in fragments |

    510529 | Wool tops and other combed wool, other than combed wool in fragments |

    510530 | Fine animal hair, carded or combed |

    510610 | Yarn of carded wool, >/= 85 % by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale |

    510620 | Yarn of carded, wool < 85 % by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale |

    510710 | Yarn of combed wool, >/85 % by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale |

    510720 | Yarn of combed wool, < 85 % by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale |

    510810 | Yarn of carded fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale |

    510820 | Yarn of combed fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale |

    510910 | Yarn of wool/of fine animal hair, >/= 85 % by weight of such fibres, put up |

    510990 | Yarn of wool/of fine animal hair, < 85 % by weight of such fibres, put up |

    511000 | Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair |

    511111 | Woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, >/85 % by weight; </= 300 g/m2 |

    511119 | Woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, >/= 85 % by weight, > 300 g/m2 |

    511120 | Woven fabric of carded wool/fine animal hair, >/= 85 % by weight, mixed with man-made fibres |

    511130 | Woven fabric of carded wool/fine animal hair, >/= 85 % by weight, mixed with man-made fibres |

    511190 | Woven fabric of carded wool/fine animal hair, >/= 85 % by weight, nes |

    511211 | Woven fabric of combed wool/fine animal hair, >/= 85 % by weight, </= 200 g/m2 |

    511219 | Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, >/= 85 % by weight, > 200 g/m2 |

    511220 | Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, < 85 % by weight, mixed with man-made fibres |

    511230 | Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, < 85 % by weight, mixed with man-made fibres |

    511290 | Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, < 85 % by weight, nes |

    511300 | Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair |

    520411 | Cotton sewing thread >/= 85 % by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale |

    520419 | Cotton sewing thread, < 85 % by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale |

    520420 | Cotton sewing thread, put up for retail sale |

    520511 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, single, uncombed, >/= 714,29 dtex, not put up |

    520512 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, single, uncombed, 714,29 >dtex >/= 232,56, not put up |

    520513 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, single, uncombed, 232,56 >/= dtex >/= 192,31, not put up |

    520514 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, single, uncombed, 192,31 >/= dtex >/= 125, not put up |

    520515 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, single, uncombed, < 125 dtex, not put up for retail sale |

    520521 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, single, combed, >/= 714,29, not put up |

    520522 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, single, combed, 714,29 >dtex >/= 232,56, not put up |

    520523 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, single, combed, 232,56 >dtex >/= 192,31, not put up |

    520524 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, single, combed, 192,31 >dtex >/= 125, not put up |

    520525 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, single, combed, < 125 dtex, not put up for retail sale |

    520531 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, multi, uncombed, >/= 714,29 dtex, not put up, nes |

    520532 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, multi, uncombed, 714,29 >dtex >/= 232,56, not put up, nes |

    520533 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, multi, uncombed, 232,56 >dtex >/= 192,31, not put up, nes |

    520534 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, multi, uncombed, 192,31 >dtex >/= 125, not put up, nes |

    520535 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, multi, uncombed, < 125 dtex, not put up, nes |

    520541 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, multiple, combed, >/= 714,29 dtex, not put up, nes |

    520542 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, multi, combed, 714,29 >dtex >/= 232,56, not put up, nes |

    520543 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, multi, combed, 232,56 >dtex >/= 192,31, not put up, nes |

    520544 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, multiple, combed, 192,31 >dtex >/= 125, not put up, nes |

    520545 | Cotton yarn, >/= 85 %, multiple, combed, < 125 dtex, not put up, nes |

    520611 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, single, uncombed, >/= 714,29, not put up |

    520612 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, single, uncombed, 714,29 >dtex >/= 232,56, not put up |

    520613 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, single uncombed, 232,56 >dtex >/= 192,31, not put up |

    520614 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, single, uncombed, 192,31 >dtex >/= 125, not put up |

    520615 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, single, uncombed, < 125 dtex, not put up for retail sale |

    520621 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, single, combed, >/= 714,29 dtex, not put up |

    520622 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, single, combed, 714,29 >dtex >/= 232,56, not put up |

    520623 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, single, combed, 232,56 >dtex >/= 192,31, not put up |

    520624 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, single, combed, 192,31 >dtex >/= 125, not put up |

    520625 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, single combed, < 125 dtex, not put up for retail sale |

    520631 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, multiple, uncombed, </= 714,29, not put up, nes |

    520632 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, multiple, uncombed, 714,29 >dtex >/= 232,56, not put up, nes |

    520633 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, multiple, uncombed, 232,56 >dex >/= 192,31, not put up, nes |

    520634 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, multiple, uncombed, 192,31 >dtex >/= 125, not put up, nes |

    520635 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, multiple, uncombed, < 125 dtex, not put up, nes |

    520641 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, multiple, combed, >/= 714,29, not put up, nes |

    520642 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, multiple, combed, 714,29 >dtex >/= 232,56, not put up, nes |

    520643 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, multiple, combed, 232,56 >dtex >/= 192,31, not put up, nes |

    520644 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, multiple, combed, 192,31 >dtex >/= 125, not put up, nes |

    520645 | Cotton yarn, </= 85 %, multiple, combed, < 125 dtex, not put up, nes |

    520710 | Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread) >/= 85 % by weight of cotton, put up |

    520790 | Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread) </= 85 % by weight of cotton, put up for retail sale |

    520811 | Plain weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, not more than 100 g/m2, unbleached |

    520812 | Plain weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, > 100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2, unbleached |

    520813 | Twill weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached |

    520819 | Woven fabrics of cotton, >/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes |

    520821 | Plain weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, not more than 100 g/m2, bleached |

    520822 | Plain weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, > 100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2, bleached |

    520823 | Twill weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, bleached |

    520829 | Woven fabrics of cotton, >/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, bleached, nes |

    520831 | Plain weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, not more than 100 g/m2, dyed |

    520832 | Plain weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, > 100 g/m = to 200 g/m2 =, dyed |

    520833 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, >/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, dyed |

    520839 | Woven fabrics of cotton, >/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes |

    520841 | Plain weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, not more than 100 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    520842 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, >/= 85 %, > 100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    520843 | Twill weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    520849 | Woven fabrics of cotton, >/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed, nes |

    520851 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, >/= 85 %, not more than 100 g/m2, printed |

    520852 | Plain weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, > 100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2, printed |

    520853 | Twill weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, printed |

    520859 | Woven fabrics of cotton, >/= 85 %, not more than 200 g/m2, printed, nes |

    520911 | Plain weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached |

    520912 | Twill weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached |

    520919 | Woven fabrics of cotton, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes |

    520921 | Plain weave cotton fabric, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, bleached |

    520922 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, bleached |

    520929 | Woven fabrics of cotton, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, bleached, nes |

    520931 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, dyed |

    520932 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, dyed |

    520939 | Woven fabrics of cotton, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes |

    520941 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    520942 | Denim fabrics of cotton, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2 |

    520943 | Twill weave cotton fabrics. other than denim. >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    520949 | Woven fabrics of cotton, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed, nes |

    520951 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, printed |

    520952 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, printed |

    520959 | Woven fabrics of cotton, >/= 85 %, more than 200 g/m2, printed, nes |

    521011 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, <= 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached |

    521012 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, <= 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached |

    521019 | Woven fabrics of cotton, <= 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, </= 200 g/m2, unbleached nes |

    521021 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, <= 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, bleached |

    521022 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, <= 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, bleached |

    521029 | Woven fabrics of cotton, </85 % mixed with man-made fibres, </= 200 g/m2, bleached nes |

    521031 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, </85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, dyed |

    521032 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, </85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, dyed |

    521039 | Woven fabrics of cotton, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, </= 200 g/m2, dyed, nes |

    521041 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    521042 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    521049 | Woven fabrics of cotton, < 85 % mixed with man-made fib, </= 200 g/m2, yarn dyed, nes |

    521051 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, printed |

    521052 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, not more than 200 g/m2, printed |

    521059 | Woven fabrics of cotton, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, </= 200 g/m2, printed, nes |

    521111 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached |

    521112 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached |

    521119 | Woven fabrics of cotton, </85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes |

    521121 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, bleached |

    521122 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, bleached |

    521129 | Woven fabrics of cotton, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, bleached nes |

    521131 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, dyed |

    521132 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, dyed |

    521139 | Woven fabrics of cotton, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes |

    521141 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    521142 | Denim fabrics of cotton, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2 |

    521143 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, other than denim, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, > 200 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    521149 | Woven fabrics of cotton, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, > 200 g/m2, yarn dyed, nes |

    521151 | Plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, printed |

    521152 | Twill weave cotton fabrics, </85 % mixed with man-made fibres, more than 200 g/m2, printed |

    521159 | Woven fabrics of cotton, </85 % mixed with man-made fibres, mor than 200 g/m2, printed, nes |

    521211 | Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes |

    521212 | Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, bleached, nes |

    521213 | Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes |

    521214 | Woven fabrics of cotton, </= 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colours, nes |

    521215 | Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, printed, nes |

    521221 | Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes |

    521222 | Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2, bleached, nes |

    521223 | Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes |

    521224 | Woven fabrics of cotton, > 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colours, nes |

    521225 | Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2, printed, nes |

    530610 | Flax yarn, single |

    530620 | Flax yarn, multile (folded) or cable |

    530820 | True hemp yarn |

    530890 | Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres |

    530911 | Woven fabrics, containing 85 % or more by weight of flax, unbleached or bleached |

    530919 | Woven fabrics, containing 85 % or more by weight of flax, other than unbleached or bleached |

    530921 | Woven fabrics of flax, containg < 85 % by weight of flax, unbleached or bleached |

    530929 | Woven fabrics of flax, containing < 85 % by weight of flax, other than unbleached or bleached |

    531100 | Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres; woven fabrics of paper yarn |

    540110 | Sewing thread of synthetic filaments |

    540120 | Sewing thread of artificial filaments |

    540210 | High tenacity yarn (other than sewing thread), nylon/oth polyamides filaments, not put up |

    540220 | High tenacity yarn (other than sewing thread), of polyester filaments, not put up |

    540231 | Texturd yarn nes, of nylon/oth polyamides filaments, </= 50 tex/s.y., not put up |

    540232 | Texturd yarn nes, of nylon/oth polyamides filaments, > 50 tex/s.y., not put up |

    540233 | Textured yarn nes, of polyester filaments, not put up for retail sale |

    540239 | Textured yarn of synthetic filaments, nes, not put up |

    540241 | Yarn of nylon or other polyamides filaments, single, untwisted, nes, not put up |

    540242 | Yarn of polyester filaments, partially oriented, single, nes, not put up |

    540243 | Yarn of polyester filaments, single, untwisted, nes, not put up |

    540249 | Yarn of synthetic filaments, single, untwisted, nes, not put up |

    540251 | Yarn of nylon or other polyamides filaments, single, > 50 turns/m, not put up |

    540252 | Yarn of polyester filaments, single, > 50 turns per metre, not put up |

    540259 | Yarn of synthetic filaments, single, > 50 turns per metre, nes, not put up |

    540261 | Yarn of nylon or other polyamides filaments, multiple, nes not put up |

    540262 | Yarn of polyester filaments, multiple, nes, not put up |

    540269 | Yarn of synthetic filaments, multiple, nes, not put up |

    540310 | High tenacity yarn (other than sewing thread), of viscose rayon filament, not put up |

    540320 | Textured yarn nes, of artificial filaments, not put up for retail sale |

    540331 | Yarn of viscose rayon filaments, single, untwisted, nes, not put up |

    540332 | Yarn of viscose rayon filaments, single, > 120 turns per m, nes, not put up |

    540333 | Yarn of cellulose acetate filaments, single, nes, not put up |

    540339 | Yarn of polyester filaments, single, nes, not put up |

    540341 | Yarn of viscose rayon filaments, multiple, nes, not put up |

    540342 | Yarn of cellulose acetate filaments, multiple, nes, not up |

    540349 | Yarn of artificial filaments, multiple, nes, not put up |

    540410 | Synthetic mono, >/= 67 dtex, no cross sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm |

    540490 | Strip & the like of syn tex material of an apparent width not exceeds 5 mm |

    540500 | Artificial mono, 67 dtex, cross-sect > 1 mm; strip of artificial textile materials w </= 5 mm |

    540610 | Yarn of synthetic filament (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale |

    540620 | Yarn of artificial filament (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale |

    540710 | Woven fabrics of high tenacity fibres yarns of nylon oth polyamides/polyesters |

    540720 | Woven fabrics obtained from strip/the like of synthetic textile materials |

    540730 | Fabrics specif in Note 9 Section XI (layers of parallel synthetics textile yarn) |

    540741 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of nylon/other polyamides filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes |

    540742 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of nylon/other polyamides filaments, dyed, nes |

    540743 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of nylon/other polyamides filaments, yarn dyed, nes |

    540744 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of nylon/other polyamides filaments, printed, nes |

    540751 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of textured polyester filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes |

    540752 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of textured polyester filaments, dyed, nes |

    540753 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of textured polyester filaments, yarn dyed, nes |

    540754 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of textured polyester filaments, printed, nes |

    540760 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of non-textured polyester filaments, nes |

    540771 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of synthetic filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes |

    540772 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of synthetic filaments, dyed, nes |

    540773 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of synthetic filaments, yarn dyed, nes |

    540774 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of synthetic filaments, printed, nes |

    540781 | Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, < 85 % mixed with cotton, unbleached or bleached, nes |

    540782 | Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, < 85 % mixed with cotton, dyed, nes |

    540783 | Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, < 85 % mixed with cotton, yarn dyed, nes |

    540784 | Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, < 85 % mixed with cotton, printed, nes |

    540791 | Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes |

    540792 | Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, dyed, nes |

    540793 | Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, yarn dyed, nes |

    540794 | Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, printed, nes |

    540810 | Woven fabrics of high tenacity filament yarns of viscose rayon |

    540821 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of artificial fibres o strip of artificial textile material, unbleached/bleached nes |

    540822 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of artificial fibres or strip of artificial textile material, dyed, nes |

    540823 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of artificial fibres or strip of artificial textile material, y dyed, nes |

    540824 | Woven fabrics, >/= 85 % of artificial fibres or strip of artificial textile material, printed, nes |

    540831 | Woven fabrics of artificial filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes |

    540832 | Woven fabrics of artificial filaments, dyed, nes |

    540833 | Woven fabrics of artificial filaments, yarn dyed, nes |

    540834 | Woven fabrics of artificial filaments, printed, nes |

    550110 | Filament tow of nylon or other polyamides |

    550120 | Filament tow of polyesters |

    550130 | Filament tow of acrylic or modacrylic |

    550190 | Synthetic filament, tow, nes |

    550200 | Artificial filament tow |

    550310 | Staple fibres of nylon or other polyamides, not carded or combed |

    550320 | Staple fibres of polyesters, not carded or combed |

    550330 | Staple fibres of acrylic or modacrylic, not carded or combed |

    550340 | Staple fibres of polypropylene, not carded or combed |

    550390 | Synthetic staple fibres, not carded or combed, nes |

    550410 | Staple fibres of viscose, not carded or combed |

    550490 | Artificial staple fibres, other than viscose, not carded or combed |

    550510 | Waste of synthetic fibres |

    550520 | Waste of artificial fibres |

    550610 | Staple fibres of nylon or other polyamides, carded or combed |

    550620 | Staple fibres of polyesters, carded or combed |

    550630 | Staple fibres of acrylic or modacrylic, carded or combed |

    550690 | Synthetic staple fibres, carded or combed, nes |

    550700 | Artificial staple fibres, carded or combed |

    550810 | Sewing thread of synthetic staple fibres |

    550820 | Sewing thread of artificial staple fibres |

    550911 | Yarn, >/= 85 % nylon or other polyamides staple fibres, single, not put up |

    550912 | Yarn, >/= 85 % nylon or other polyamides staple fibres, multi, not put up nes |

    550921 | Yarn, >/= 85 % of polyester staple fibres, single, not put up |

    550922 | Yarn, >/= 85 % of polyester staple fibres, multiple, not put up, nes |

    550931 | Yarn, >/= 85 % of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, single, not put up |

    550932 | Yarn, >/= 85 % acrylic/modacrylic staple fibres, multiple, not put up, nes |

    550941 | Yarn, >/= 85 % of other synthetic staple fibres, single, not put up |

    550942 | Yarn, >/= 85 % of other synthetic staple fibres, multiple, not put up, nes |

    550951 | Yarn of polyester staple fibres mixed w/artificial staple fibres, not put up, nes |

    550952 | Yarn of polyester staple fibres mixed w wool/fine animal hair, not put up, nes |

    550953 | Yarn of polyester staple fibres mixed with cotton, not put up. nes |

    550959 | Yarn of polyester staple fibres, not put up, nes |

    550961 | Yarn of acrylic staple fibres mixed w wool/fine animal hair, not put up, nes |

    550962 | Yarn of acrylic staple fibres mixed with cotton, not up, nes |

    550969 | Yarn of acrylic staple fibres, not put up, nes |

    550991 | Yarn of other synthetic staple fibres mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, nes |

    550992 | Yarn of other synthetic staple fibres mixed with cotton, not put up, nes |

    550999 | Yarn of other synthetic staple fibres, not put up, nes |

    551011 | Yarn, >/= 85 % of artificial staple fibres, single, not put up |

    551012 | Yarn, >/= 85 % of artificial staple fibres, multiple, not put up, nes |

    551020 | Yarn of artificial staple fibres mixed w wool/fine animal hair, not put up, nes |

    551030 | Yarn of artificial staple fibres mixed with cotton, not put up, nes |

    551090 | Yarn of artificial staple fibres, not put up, nes |

    551110 | Yarn, >/= 85 % of synthetic staple fibres, other than sewing thread, put up |

    551120 | Yarn, < 85 % of synthetic staple fibres, put up for retail sale, nes |

    551130 | Yarn of artificial fibres (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale |

    551211 | Woven fabrics, containing >/= 85 % of polyester staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |

    551219 | Woven fabrics, containing >/= 85 % of polyester staple fibres, other than unbleached or bleached |

    551221 | Woven fabrics, containing >/= 85 % of acrylic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |

    551229 | Woven fabrics, containing >/= 85 % of acrylic staple fibres, other than unbleached or bleached |

    551291 | Woven fabrics, containing >/= 85 % of other synthetic staple fibres, unbl/bl |

    551299 | Woven fabrics, containing >/= 85 % of other synthetic fibres, other than unbl/bl |

    551311 | Plain weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cottn. </= 170 g/m2, unbleached/bleached |

    551312 | Twill weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cottn. </= 170 g/m2, unbleached/bleached |

    551313 | Woven fab of polyester staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cot. </= 170 g/m2, unbleached/bleached, nes |

    551319 | Woven fabrics of other syn staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cot, </= 170 g/m2, unbleached/bleached |

    551321 | Plain weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, > 85 % mixed w/cotton, </= 170 g/m2, dyed |

    551322 | Twill weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, </= 170 g/m2, dyed |

    551323 | Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres, > 85 % mixed w/cotton. </= 170 g/m2, dyed, nes |

    551329 | Woven fabrics of other syn staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cotton. </= 170 g/m2, dyed |

    551331 | Plain weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cotton. </= 170 g/m2, yarn dyd |

    551332 | Twill weave polyester staple fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cotton. </= 170 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    551333 | Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, </= 170 g/m2, dyed nes |

    551339 | Woven fabrics of other syn staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, </= 170 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    551341 | Plain weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, </= 170 g/m2, printed |

    551342 | Twill weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, </= 170 g/m2, printed |

    551343 | Woven fab of polyester staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, </= 170 g/m2, printed, nes |

    551349 | Woven fabrics of other syn staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, </= 170 g/m2, printed |

    551411 | Plain weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, unbl/bl |

    551412 | Twill weave polyester staple fibres fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, unbl/bl |

    551413 | Woven fab of polyester staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, unbl/bl, nes |

    551419 | Woven fabrics of other synthetic staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, unbl/bl |

    551421 | Plain weave polyester staple fibre fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, dyed |

    551422 | Twill weave polyester staple fibre fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, dyed |

    551423 | Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, dyed |

    551429 | Woven fabrics of other synthetic staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, dyed |

    551431 | Plain weave polyester staple fibres fabric, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    551432 | Twill weave polyester staple fibre fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    551433 | Woven fab of polyester staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, yarn dyed nes |

    551439 | Woven fabrics of other syn staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, yarn dyed |

    551441 | Plain weave polyester staple fibre fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, printed |

    551442 | Twill weave polyester staple fibre fabrics, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, printed |

    551443 | Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, ptd. nes |

    551449 | Woven fabrics of other synthetic staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/cotton, > 170 g/m2, printed |

    551511 | Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres mixed with viscose rayon staple fib. nes |

    551512 | Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres mixed with man-made filaments, nes |

    551513 | Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, nes |

    551519 | Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres nes |

    551521 | Woven fabrics of acrylic staple fibres, mixed with man-made filaments, nes |

    551522 | Woven fabrics of acrylic staple fibres, mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, nes |

    551529 | Woven fabrics of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, nes |

    551591 | Woven fabrics of other synthetic staple fibres mixed with man-made filaments, nes |

    551592 | Woven fabrics of other synthetic staple fibres mixed w/wool of fine animal hair, nes |

    551599 | Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, nes |

    551611 | Woven fabrics, containing >/= 85 % of artificial staple fibres, unbleached/bleached |

    551612 | Woven fabrics, containing >/= 85 % of artificial staple fibres, dyed |

    551613 | Woven fabrics, containing >/= 85 % of artificial staple fibres, yarn dyed |

    551614 | Woven fabrics, containing >/= 85 % of artificial staple fibres, printed |

    551621 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fib, < 85 %, mixed with man-made fibres, unbleached/bleached |

    551622 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, < 85 %, mixed with man-made fibres, dyed |

    551623 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, < 85 % mixed with man-made fibres, yarn dyed |

    551624 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, < 85 %, mixed with man-made fibres, printed |

    551631 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, unbleached/bleached |

    551632 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, dyed |

    551633 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, yarn dyed |

    551634 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, < 85 % mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, printed |

    551641 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, < 85 % mixed with cotton, unbleached or bleached |

    551642 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, < 85 % mixed with cotton, dyed |

    551643 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, < 85 % mixed with cotton, yarn dyed |

    551644 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, < 85 % mixed with cotton, printed |

    551691 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, < 85 % unbleached or bleached, nes |

    551692 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, dyed, nes |

    551693 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, yarn dyed, nes |

    551694 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, printed, nes |

    560210 | Needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fibre fabrics |

    560221 | Felt other than needleloom, of wool or fine animal hair, not impregnated, coated, covered etc. |

    560229 | Felt other than needleloom, of other textile materials, not impregnated, coated, covered etc. |

    560290 | Felt of textile materials, nes |

    560300 | Non wovens, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated |

    560420 | High tenacity yarn of polester, nylon other polyamid, viscose rayon, coated, etc. |

    560490 | Textile yarn, strips & the like, impregnated coated/covered with rubber or plastics, nes |

    560600 | Gimped yarn nes: chenille yarn: loop wale-yarn |

    560710 | Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of jute or other textile bast fibres |

    560721 | Binder or baler twine, of sisal or other textile fibres of the genus Agave |

    560729 | Twine nes, cordage, ropes and cables, of sisal textile fibres |

    560730 | Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of abaca or other hard (leaf) fibres |

    560741 | Binder or baler twine, of polyethylene or polypropylene |

    560749 | Twine nes, cordage, ropes and cables, of polyethylene or polypropylene |

    560750 | Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of other synthetic fibres |

    560790 | Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of other materials |

    560811 | Made up fishing nets, of man-made textile materials |

    560819 | Knotted netting of twine/cordage/rope, and other made up nets of man-made textile materials |

    560890 | Knotted netting of twine/cordage/rope, nes, and made up nets of other textile materials |

    560900 | Articles of yarn, strip, twine, cordage, rope and cables, nes |

    570110 | Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, knotted |

    570190 | Carpets of other textile materials, knotted |

    570210 | Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar textile hand-woven rugs |

    570220 | Floor coverings of coconut fibres (coir) |

    570231 | Carpets of wool/fine animal hair, of woven pile construction, not made up, nes |

    570232 | Carpets of man-made textile materials, of woven pile construction, not made up, nes |

    570239 | Carpets of other textile materials, of woven pile construction, not made up, nes |

    570241 | Carpets of wool/fine animal hair, of woven pile construction, not made up, nes |

    570242 | Carpets of man-made textile materials, of woven pile construction, made up, nes |

    570249 | Carpets of other textile materials, of woven pile construction, made up, nes |

    570251 | Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, woven, not made up, nes |

    570252 | Carpets of man-made textile materials, woven, not made up, nes |

    570259 | Carpets of other textile materials, woven, not made up, nes |

    570291 | Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, woven, made up, nes |

    570292 | Carpets of man-made textile materials, woven, made up, nes |

    570299 | Carpets of other textile materials, woven, made up, nes |

    570310 | Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, tufted |

    570320 | Carpets of nylon or other polyamides, tufted |

    570330 | Carpets of other man-made textile materials, tufted |

    570390 | Carpets of other textile materials, tufted |

    570410 | Tiles of felt textile materials, having a maximum surface area of 0,3 m2 |

    570490 | Carpets of felt of textile materials, nes |

    570500 | Carpets and other textile floor coverings, nes |

    580110 | Woven pile fabrics of wool/fine animal hair, other than terry & narrow fabrics |

    580121 | Woven uncut weft pile fabrics of cotton, other than terry and narrow fabrics |

    580122 | Cut corduroy fabrics of cotton, other than narrows fabrics |

    580123 | Woven weft pile fabrics of cotton, nes |

    580124 | Woven warp pile fabrics of cotton, pingl (uncut), other than terry & narrow fabrics |

    580125 | Woven warp pile fabrics of cotton, cut, other than terry and narrow fabrics |

    580126 | Chenille fabrics of cotton, other than narrow fabrics |

    580131 | Woven uncut weft pile fabrics of man-made fibres, other than terry & narrow fabrics |

    580132 | Cut corduroy fabrics of man-made fibres, other than narrow fabrics |

    580133 | Woven weft pile fabrics of man-made fibres, nes |

    580134 | Woven warp pile fabrics of man-made fibres pingl (uncut), other than terry & narrow fabrics |

    580135 | Chenille warp pile fabrics of man-made fibres cut, other than terry & narrow fabrics |

    580136 | Woven fabrics of man-made, other than narrow fabrics |

    580190 | Woven pile fabrics & chenille fabrics of other textile materials, other than terry & narrow fabrics |

    580211 | Terry towelling & similar woven terry fabrics of cotton, other than narrow fabrics unbleached |

    580219 | Terry towelling & similar woven terry fabrics of cotton, other than unbleached & other than narrow fabrics |

    580220 | Terry towelling & similar woven terry fabrics of other textile materials, other than narrow fabrics |

    580230 | Tufted textile fabrics, other than products of heading No 5703 |

    580310 | Gauze of cotton, other than narrow fabrics |

    580390 | Gauze of other textile material, other than narrow fabrics |

    580410 | Tulles & other net fabrics, not including woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics |

    580421 | Mechanically made lace of man-made fibres, in the piece, in strips/motifs |

    580429 | Mechanically made lace of other textile materials, in the piece, in strips/in motifs |

    580430 | Hand-made lace, in the piece, in strips or in motifs |

    580500 | Hand-woven tapestries & needle-worked tapestries, whether or not made up |

    580610 | Narrow woven pile fabrics and narrow chenille fabrics |

    580620 | Narrow woven fabrics, cntg by wt >/= 5 % elastomeric yarn/rubber thread nes |

    580631 | Narrow woven fabrics of cotton, nes |

    580632 | Narrow woven fabrics of man-made fibres, nes |

    580639 | Narrow woven fabrics of other textile materials, nes |

    580640 | Fabrics consisting of warp w/o weft assembled by means of an adhesive |

    580710 | Labels, badges and similar woven articles of textile materials |

    580790 | Labels, badges and similar articles, not woven, of textile materials, nes |

    580810 | Braids in the piece |

    580890 | Ornamental trimmings in the piece, other than knitted; tassels, pompons & similar art |

    580900 | Woven fabrics of metal thread/of metallized yarn, for apparel, etc, nes |

    581010 | Embroidery without visible ground, in the piece, in strips or in motifs |

    581091 | Embroidery of cotton, in piece, in strips or in motifs, nes |

    581092 | Embroidery of man-made fibres, in the piece, in strips or in motifs, nes |

    581099 | Embroidery of other textile materials, in the piece, in strips/motifs, nes |

    581100 | Quilted textile products in the piece |

    590210 | Tire cord fabric made of nylon or other polyamides high tenacity yarns |

    590220 | Tire cord fabric made of polyester high tenacity yarns |

    590290 | Tire cord fabric made of viscose rayon high tenacity yarns |

    590310 | Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered, or laminated with polyvinyl chloride, nes |

    590320 | Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered, or laminated with polyurethane, nes |

    590390 | Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered, or laminated with plastics, nes |

    590500 | Textile wall coverings |

    590691 | Rubberized textile knitted or crocheted fabrics, nes |

    590800 | Textile wicks for lamps, stoves, etc; gas mantles & knitted gas mantle fabric |

    590900 | Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing |

    591000 | Transmission or conveyor belts or belting of textile material |

    591110 | Textile fabrics used for card clothing, and similar fabric for technical uses |

    591120 | Textile bolting cloth, whether or not made up |

    591131 | Textile fabrics used in paper-making or similar machines, < 650 g/m2 |

    591132 | Textile fabrics used in paper-making or similar machines weighing >/= 650 g/m2 |

    591140 | Textile straing cloth used in oil presses or the like, inclusive of human hair |

    591190 | Textile products and articles for technical uses, nes |

    600110 | Long pile knitted or crocheted textile fabrics |

    600121 | Looped pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of cotton |

    600122 | Looped pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of man-made fibres |

    600129 | Looped pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of other textile materials |

    600191 | Pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of cotton, nes |

    600192 | Pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of man-made fibres, nes |

    600199 | Pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of other textile materials, nes |

    600210 | Knitted or crocheted textile fabrics, with </= 30 cm, >/= 5 % of elastomeric/rubber, nes |

    600220 | Knitted or crocheted textile fabrics, of a width not exceeding 30 cm, nes |

    600230 | Knitted crocheted textile fabrics, width > 30 cm, >/= 5 % of elastomeric/rubber, nes |

    600241 | Warp knitted fabrics, of wool or fine animal hair, nes |

    600242 | Warp knitted fabrics, of cotton, nes |

    600243 | Warp knitted fabrics, of man-made fibres, nes |

    600249 | Warp knitted fabrics, of other materials, nes |

    600291 | Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of wool or of fine animal hair, nes |

    600292 | Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of cotton, nes |

    600293 | Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of man-made fibres, nes |

    600299 | Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of other materials, nes |

    610110 | Mens/boys overcoats, anoraks etc. of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    610120 | Mens/boys overcoats, anoraks etc. of cotton, knitted |

    610130 | Mens/boys overcoats, anoraks etc. of man-made fibres, knitted |

    610190 | Mens/boys overcoats, anoraks etc. of other textile materials, knitted |

    610210 | Womens/girls overcoats, anoraks etc. of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    610220 | Womens/girls overcoats, anoraks etc. of cotton, knitted |

    610230 | Womens/girls overcoats, anoraks etc. of man-made fibres, knitted |

    610290 | Womens/girls overcoats, anoraks etc. of other textile materials, knitted |

    610331 | Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    610332 | Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of cotton, knitted |

    610333 | Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    610339 | Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610341 | Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    610342 | Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of cotton, knitted |

    610343 | Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    610349 | Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610411 | Womens/girls suits, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    610412 | Womens/girls suits, of cotton, knitted |

    610413 | Womens/girls suits, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    610419 | Womens/girls suits, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610421 | Womens/girls ensembles, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    610422 | Womens/girls ensembles, of cotton, knitted |

    610423 | Womens/girls ensembles, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    610429 | Womens/girls ensembles, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610431 | Womens/girls jackets, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    610432 | Womens/girls jackets, of cotton, knitted |

    610433 | Womens/girls jackets, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    610439 | Womens/girls jackets, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610441 | Womens/girls dresses, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    610442 | Womens/girls dresses, of cotton, knitted |

    610443 | Womens/girls dresses, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    610444 | Womens/girls dresses, of artificial fibres, knitted |

    610449 | Womens/girls dresses, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610451 | Womens/girls skirts, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    610452 | Womens/girls skirts, of cotton, knitted |

    610453 | Womens/girls skirts, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    610459 | Womens/girls skirts, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610461 | Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    610462 | Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of cotton, knitted |

    610463 | Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    610469 | Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610510 | Mens/boys shirts, of cotton, knitted |

    610520 | Mens/boys shirts, of man-made fibres, knitted |

    610590 | Mens/boys shirts, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610610 | Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of cotton, knitted |

    610620 | Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of man-made fibres, knitted |

    610690 | Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of other materials, knitted |

    610711 | Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of cotton, knitted |

    610712 | Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of man-made fibres, knitted |

    610719 | Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610721 | Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of cotton, knitted |

    610722 | Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of man-made fibres, knitted |

    610729 | Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610791 | Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns etc. of cotton, knitted |

    610792 | Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns etc. of man-made fibres, knitted |

    610799 | Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns etc. of other textile materials, knitted |

    610821 | Womens/girls briefs and panties, of cotton, knitted |

    610822 | Womens/girls briefs and panties, of man-made fibres, knitted |

    610829 | Womens/girls briefs and panties, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610831 | Womens/girls nightdresses and pyjamas, of cotton, knitted |

    610832 | Womens/girls nightdresses and pyjamas, of man-made fibres, knitted |

    610839 | Womens/girls nightdresses & pyjamas, of other textile materials, knitted |

    610891 | Womens/girls bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc. of cotton, knitted |

    610892 | Womens/girls bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc. of man-made fibres, knitted |

    610899 | Womens/girls bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc. of other textile materials, knitted |

    610910 | T-shirts, singlets and other vests, of cotton, knitted |

    610990 | T-shirts, singlets and other vests, of other textile materials, knitted |

    611010 | Pullovers, cardigans & similar article of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    611020 | Pullovers, cardigans and similar articles of cotton, knitted |

    611030 | Pullovers, cardigans and similar articles of man-made fibres, knitted |

    611090 | Pullovers, cardigans & similar articles of other textile materials, knitted |

    611110 | Babies garments & clothing accessories of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    611120 | Babies garments and clothing accessories of cotton, knitted |

    611130 | Babies garments and clothing accessories of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    611190 | Babies garments & clothing accessories of other textile materials, knitted |

    611211 | Track suits, of cotton, knitted |

    611212 | Track suits, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    611219 | Track suits, of other textile materials, knitted |

    611220 | Ski suits, of textile materials knitted |

    611231 | Mens/boys swimwear, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    611239 | Mens/boys swimwear, of other textile materials, knitted |

    611241 | Women/girls swimwear, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    611249 | Women/girls swimwear, of other textile materials, knitted |

    611300 | Garments made up of impregnation coated, coverd or laminated textile knitted fabric |

    611410 | Garments nes, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    611420 | Garments nes, of cotton, knitted |

    611430 | Garments nes, of man-made fibres, knitted |

    611490 | Garments nes, of other textile materials, knitted |

    611511 | Panty hose & tights, of synthetic fibre yarns < 67 dtex/single yarn knitted |

    611512 | Panty hose & tights, of synthetic fibre yarn >/= 67 dtex/single yarn knitted |

    611519 | Panty hose and tights, of other textile materials, knitted |

    611520 | Women full-I/knee-I hosiery, of textile yarn < 67 dtex/single yarn knitted |

    611591 | Hosiery nes, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    611592 | Hosiery nes, of cotton, knitted |

    611593 | Hosiery nes, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    611599 | Hosiery nes, of other textile materials, knitted |

    611610 | Gloves, impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or rubber, knitted |

    611691 | Gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted |

    611692 | Gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of cotton, knitted |

    611693 | Gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    611699 | Gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of other textile materials, knitted |

    611710 | Shawls, scarves, veils and the like, of textile materials, knitted |

    611720 | Ties, bow ties and cravats, of textile materials, knitted |

    611780 | Clothing accessoires nes, of textile materials, knitted |

    611790 | Parts of garments/of clothing accessoires, of textile materials knitted |

    620111 | Mens/boys overcoats & similar articles of wool/fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620112 | Mens/boys overcoats and similar articles of cotton, not knitted |

    620113 | Mens/boys overcoats & similar articles of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    620119 | Mens/boys overcoats & similar articles of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620191 | Mens/boys anoraks & similar articles, of wool/fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620192 | Mens/boys anoraks and similar articles, of cotton, not knitted |

    620193 | Mens/boys anoraks and similar articles, of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    620199 | Mens/boys anoraks & similar articles, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620211 | Womens/girls overcoats & similar articles of wool/fine animal hair not knitted |

    620212 | Womens/girls overcoats and similar articles of cotton, not knitted |

    620213 | Womens/girls overcoats & similar articles of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    620219 | Womens/girls overcoats & similar articles of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620291 | Womens/girls anoraks & similar article of wool/fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620292 | Womens/girls anoraks and similar article of cotton, not knitted |

    620293 | Womens/girls anoraks & similar article of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    620299 | Womens/girls anoraks & similar article of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620311 | Mens/boys suits, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620312 | Mens/boys suits, of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    620319 | Mens/boys suits, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620321 | Mens/boys ensembles, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620322 | Mens/boys ensembles, of cotton, not knitted |

    620323 | Mens/boys ensembles, of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    620329 | Mens/boys ensembles, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620331 | Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620332 | Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of cotton, not knitted |

    620333 | Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    620339 | Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620341 | Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620342 | Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted |

    620343 | Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    620349 | Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620411 | Womens/girls suits, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620412 | Womens/girls suits, of cotton, not knitted |

    620413 | Womens/girls suits, of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    620419 | Womens/girls suits, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620421 | Womens/girls ensembles, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620422 | Womens/girls ensembles, of cotton, not knitted |

    620423 | Womens/girls ensembles, of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    620429 | Womens/girls ensembles, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620431 | Womens/girls jackets, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620432 | Womens/girls jackets, of cotton, not knitted |

    620433 | Womens/girls jackets, of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    620439 | Womens/girls jackets, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620441 | Womens/girls dresses, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620442 | Womens/girls dresses, of cotton, not knitted |

    620443 | Womens/girls dresses, of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    620444 | Womens/girls dresses, of artificial fibres, not knitted |

    620449 | Womens/girls dresses, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620451 | Womens/girls skirts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620452 | Womens/girls skirts, of cotton, not knitted |

    620453 | Womens/girls skirts, of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    620459 | Womens/girls skirts, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620461 | Womens/girls trousers & shorts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620462 | Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted |

    620463 | Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    620469 | Womens/girls trousers & shorts, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620510 | Mens/boys shirts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620520 | Mens/boys shirts, of cotton, not knitted |

    620530 | Mens/boys shirts, of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    620590 | Mens/boys shirts, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620610 | Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of silk or silk waste, not knitted |

    620620 | Womens/girls blouses & shirts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620630 | Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of cotton, not knitted |

    620640 | Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    620690 | Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620711 | Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of cotton, not knitted |

    620719 | Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620721 | Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of cotton, not knitted |

    620722 | Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    620729 | Mens/boys nightshirts & pyjamas, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620791 | Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc. of cotton, not knitted |

    620792 | Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc. man-made fibres, not knitted |

    620799 | Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc. of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620811 | Womens/girls slips and petticoats, of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    620819 | Womens/girls slips & petticoats, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620821 | Womens/girls nightdresses and pyjamas, of cotton, not knitted |

    620822 | Womens/girls nightdresses and pyjamas, of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    620829 | Womens/girls nightdresses & pyjamas, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620891 | Womens/girls panties, bathrobes, etc. of cotton, not knitted |

    620892 | Womens/girls panties, bathrobes, etc. of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    620899 | Womens/girls panties, bathrobes, etc. of other textile materials, not knitted |

    620910 | Babies garments & clothing accessories of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    620920 | Babies garments & clothing accessories of cotton, not knitted |

    620930 | Babies garments & clothing accessories of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    620990 | Babies garments & clothing accessories of other textile materials, not knitted |

    621010 | Garments made up of textile felts and of nonwoven textile fabrics |

    621020 | Mens/boys overcoats & similar articles of impregnated, coated, etc, textile woven fabrics |

    621030 | Womens/girls overcoats & similar articles, of impregnated, coated, etc, textile woven fabrics |

    621040 | Mens/boys garments nes, made up of impregnated, coated covered, etc, textile woven fabrics |

    621050 | Womens/girls garments nes, of impregnated, coated covered, etc, textile woven fabrics |

    621111 | Mens/boys swimwear, of textile materials, not knitted |

    621112 | Womens/girls swimwear, of textile materials, not knitted |

    621120 | Ski suits, of textile materials, not knitted |

    621131 | Mens/boys garments nes, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    621132 | Mens/boys garments nes, of cotton, not knitted |

    621133 | Mens/boys garments nes, of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    621139 | Mens/boys garments nes, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    621141 | Womens/girls garments nes, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    621142 | Womens/girls garments nes, of cotton, not knitted |

    621143 | Womens/girls garments nes, of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    621149 | Womens/girls garments nes, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    621210 | Brassieres and parts thereof, of textile materials |

    621220 | Girdles, panty girdles and parts thereof, of textile materials |

    621230 | Corselettes and parts thereof, of textile materials |

    621290 | Corsets, braces & similar articles & parts thereof, of textile materials |

    621310 | Handkerchiefs, of silk or silk waste, not knitted |

    621320 | Handkerchiefs, of cotton, not knitted |

    621390 | Handkerchiefs, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    621410 | Shawls, scarves, veils and the like, of silk or silk waste, not knitted |

    621420 | Shawls, scarves, veils & the like, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted |

    621430 | Shawls, scarves, veils and the like, of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    621440 | Shawls, scarves, veils and the like, of artificial fibres, not knitted |

    621490 | Shawls, scarves, veils & the like, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    621420 | Ties, bow ties and cravats, of silk or silk waste, not knitted |

    621600 | Gloves, mittens and mitts, of textile materials, not knitted |

    621710 | Clothing accessoires nes, of textile materials, not knitted |

    621790 | Parts of garments or of clothing accessories nes, of textile materials not knitted |

    630110 | Electric blankets, of textile materials |

    630120 | Blankets (other than electric) & travelling rugs, of wool or fine animal hair |

    630130 | Blankets (other than electric) and travelling rugs, of cotton |

    630140 | Blankets (other than electric) and travelling rugs, of synthetic fibres |

    630190 | Blankets (other than electric) and travelling rugs, of other textile materials |

    630210 | Bed linen, of textile knitted or crocheted materials |

    630221 | Bed linen, of cotton, printed, not knitted |

    630222 | Bed linen, of man-made fibres, printed, not knitted |

    630229 | Bed linen, of other textile materials, printed, not knitted |

    630231 | Bed linen, of cotton, nes |

    630232 | Bed linen, of man-made fibres, nes |

    630239 | Bed linen, of other textile materials, nes |

    630240 | Table linen, of textile knitted or crocheted materials |

    630251 | Table linen, of cotton, not knitted |

    630252 | Table linen, of flax, not knitted |

    630253 | Table linen, of man-made fibres, not knitted |

    630259 | Table linen, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    630260 | Toilet & kitchen linen, of terry towelling or similar terry fabrics, of cotton |

    630291 | Toilet and kitchen linen, of cotton, nes |

    630292 | Toilet and kitchen linen, of flax |

    630293 | Toilet and kitchen linen, of man-made fibres |

    630299 | Toilet and kitchen linen, of other textile materials |

    630311 | Curtains, drapes, interior blinds & curtain or bed valances, of cotton, knitted |

    630312 | Curtains, drapes, interior blinds & curtain/bed valances, of synthetic fibres, knitted |

    630319 | Curtains, drapes, interior blinds & curtain/bed valances, other textile materials knitted |

    630391 | Curtains/drapes/interior blinds & curtain/bed valances, of cotton, not knitted |

    630392 | Curtains/drapes/interior blinds curtain/bed valances, of synthetic fibres, not knitted |

    630399 | Curtains/drape/interior blind curtain/bd valance, of other textile materials, not knitted |

    630411 | Bedspreads of textile materials, nes, knitted or crocheted |

    630419 | Bedspreads of textile materials, nes, not knitted or crocheted |

    630491 | Furnishing articles nes, of textile materials, knitted or crocheted |

    630492 | Furnishing articles nes, of cotton, not knitted or crocheted |

    630493 | Furnishing articles nes, of synthetic fibres, not knitted or crocheted |

    630499 | Furnishing articles nes, of other textile materials, not knitted or crocheted |

    630520 | Sacks and bags, for packing of goods, of cotton |

    630531 | Sacks & bags, for packing of goods, of polyethylene or polypropylene strips |

    630539 | Sacks & bags, for packing of goods, of other man-made textile materials |

    630590 | Sacks & bags, for packing of goods, of other textile materials |

    630611 | Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of cotton |

    630612 | Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of synthetic fibres |

    630619 | Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of other textile materials |

    630621 | Tents, of cotton |

    630622 | Tents, of synthetic fibres |

    630629 | Tents, of other textile materials |

    630631 | Sails, of synthetic fibres |

    630639 | Sails, of other textile materials |

    630641 | Pneumatic mattresses, of cotton |

    630649 | Pneumatic mattresses, of other textile materials |

    630691 | Camping goods nes, of cotton |

    630699 | Camping goods nes, of other textile materials |

    630710 | Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters & similar cleaning cloths, of textile materials |

    630720 | Life jackets and life belts, of textile materials |

    630790 | Made up articles, of textile materials, nes, including dress patterns |

    630800 | Sets consistiing of woven fabrics & yarn, for making up into rugs, tapestries etc. |

    ex640520 | Footwear with soles and uppers of wool felt |

    660110 | Umbrellas and sun umbrellas, garden type |

    870821 | Safety seat belts for motor vehicles |

    ex940490 | Pillow and cushios of cotton, quilts, eiderdowns, comforters and similar articles of textile materials |





    Seznam članic Svetovne trgovinske organizacije

    (Ta seznam dopolni Komisija v primernem roku skladno s postopkom iz člena 17 Uredbe (EGS) št. 3030/93).


