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Document 91998E002779

WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2779/98 by Johanna MAIJ-WEGGEN to the Commission. The work of the ECVAM with regard to finding alternatives to experiments on animals

Ú. v. ES C 182, 28.6.1999, p. 23 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)

European Parliament's website


WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2779/98 by Johanna MAIJ-WEGGEN to the Commission. The work of the ECVAM with regard to finding alternatives to experiments on animals

Official Journal C 182 , 28/06/1999 P. 0023


by Johanna Maij-Weggen (PPE) to the Commission

(14 September 1998)

Subject: The work of the ECVAM with regard to finding alternatives to experiments on animals

Professor Balls, director of the ECVAM, recently had his contract renewed for only two years, although this type of appointment is normally renewed for five years.

The members of the ESAC (the ECVAM Scientific Advisory Committee) are very concerned at this short extension because they are afraid that the ECVAM's important work could suffer as a result and because it sends out the wrong signal to the cosmetics industry.

1. Can the Commission state what the requirements in respect of the ECVAM are concerning implementation of directive 76/768/EEC, and what are the prospects of finding adequate alternatives to animal experiments for cosmetic purposes?

2. Can the Commission say how much money has been earmarked for this sort of work over the next five years?

3. Is the Commission prepared to give the ECVAM a broad financial and substantive mandate and to extend Professor Balls' appointment to five years instead of two?

Answer given by Mrs Cresson on behalf of the Commission

(9 November 1998)

The Commission would refer the Honourable Member to its answer to joint Written Questions E-1979/98 by Mr Vandemeulebroucke and others(1), E-2428/98 by Mr Fayot(2) and E-2517/98 by Mrs van Putten(3).

(1) OJ C 135, 14.5.1999.

(2) See page 6.

(3) See page 11.
