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Dokument 51977PC0486
Draft ACP-EEC-COUNCIL OF MINISTERS DECISION derogating from the concept of originating products to take into account the special situation of Mauritius with regard to its production of canned tuna (submitted to the Council by the Commission)
Draft ACP-EEC-COUNCIL OF MINISTERS DECISION derogating from the concept of originating products to take into account the special situation of Mauritius with regard to its production of canned tuna (submitted to the Council by the Commission)
Draft ACP-EEC-COUNCIL OF MINISTERS DECISION derogating from the concept of originating products to take into account the special situation of Mauritius with regard to its production of canned tuna (submitted to the Council by the Commission)
COM/1977/0486 final
Upozornění: Tento návrh aktu nepředstavuje konečné stanovisko či postoj daného orgánu nebo instituce.