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Drinking water - conformity assessment procedure of products
Delegované nariadenie Komisie (EÚ) 2024/370 z 23. januára 2024, ktorým sa dopĺňa smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (EÚ) 2020/2184 stanovením postupov posudzovania zhody pre výrobky, ktoré prichádzajú do kontaktu s vodou určenou na ľudskú spotrebu, a pravidiel určovania orgánov posudzovania zhody zapojených do týchto postupov
In the recast of the Drinking Water Directive, an EU system to certify products that are intended to be in contact with drinking water will be set up. Only products that the EU has declared to be in conformity may be placed on the market. This delegated act will establish the conformity assessment procedure applicable to products intended to come into contact with water intended for human consumption and the rules for the designation of conformity assessment bodies.