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Document L:1990:347:TOC

Official Journal of the European Communities, L 347, 12 December 1990

Display all documents published in this Official Journal

Official Journal
of the European Communities

ISSN 0378-6978

L 347
Volume 33
12 December 1990

English edition






Acts whose publication is obligatory



Council Regulation (EEC) No 3557/90 of 4 December 1990 on financial aid for the countries most directly affected by the gulf crisis



Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3558/90 of 11 December 1990 fixing the import levies on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal



Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3559/90 of 11 December 1990 fixing the premiums to be added to the import levies on cereals, flour and malt



Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3560/90 of 10 December 1990 on the supply of various consignments of cereals as food aid




Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3561/90 of 11 December 1990 on determining the origin of certain ceramic products




Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3562/90 of 11 December 1990 amending regulation (EEC) No 2814/90 laying down detailed rules for the definition of lambs fattened as heavy carcasses




Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3563/90 of 11 December 1990 determining the prices and amounts fixed in ecus in the olive oil sector and reduced as a result of the monetary realignment of 5 January 1990




Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3564/90 of 11 December 1990 on the conclusion of processing contracts for oranges in Spain and in Portugal in respect of 1990/91 marketing year production




Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3565/90 of 11 December 1990 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2983/90 concerning the allocation of the quantities of the import quota for frozen meat of bovine animals, opened by Regulation (EEC) No 3889/89, for which import licence applications have not been lodged




Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3566/90 of 6 December 1990 establishing the list of products processed from fruit and vegetables the granting of import licences for which is covered by special rules



Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3567/90 of 11 December 1990 fixing the aid for cotton



II Acts whose publication is not obligatory


Conference of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States


90/635/Euratom, ECSC, EEC:



Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Communities of 4 December 1990 appointing the President of the Commission of the European Communities



90/636/Euratom, ECSC, EEC:



Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Communities of 4 December 1990 appointing Vice-Presidents of the Commission of the European Communities








Council Decision of 22 October 1990 concerning the conclusion of a Protocol renewing the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Thailand on manioc production, marketing and trade



Protocol renewing the Cooperation agreement between the Kingdom of Thailand and the European Economic Community on manioc production, marketing and trade




Information concerning the signing of the Protocol renewing the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Thailand on manioc production, marketing and trade






Council Decision of 27 November 1990 laying down Community criteria for the eradication and monitoring of certain animal diseases





Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3465/90 of 30 November 1990 fixing the amount of the subsidy on oil seeds (OJ No L 336 of 1.12. 1990)



Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.
The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.
