Use quotation marks to search for an "exact phrase". Append an asterisk (*) to a search term to find variations of it (transp*, 32019R*). Use a question mark (?) instead of a single character in your search term to find variations of it (ca?e finds case, cane, care).
COMUNICARE A COMISIEI CĂTRE PARLAMENTUL EUROPEAN, CONSILIU, COMITETUL ECONOMIC ȘI SOCIAL EUROPEAN ȘI COMITETUL REGIUNILOR O Strategie „De la fermă la consumator” pentru un sistem alimentar echitabil, sănătos și ecologic
Initiative summary:
Food and food systems sustainability is key to achieve the goals of the Green Deal. European citizens’ health, the planet’s environmental health and the economic and social health of coastal and rural areas go hand in hand. The Farm to Fork Strategy will illustrate actions necessary to secure fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems while ensuring a decent living for European farmers and fishermen. It will combine regulatory and non-regulatory actions to reach its objectives.