This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Document 31996L0063
National transposition measures communicated by the Member States concerning:
Directiva 96/63/CE a Comisiei din 30 septembrie 1996 de modificare a Directivei 76/432/CEE a Consiliului de apropiere a legislațiilor statelor membre cu privire la sistemul de frânare al tractoarelor agricole sau forestiere pe roțiText cu relevanță pentru SEE.
OJ L 253, 05/10/1996, p. 13–14
(ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV) This document has been published in a special edition(s)
(CS, ET, LV, LT, HU, MT, PL, SK, SL, BG, RO, HR)
The member states bear sole responsibility for all information on this site provided by them on the transposition of EU law into national law. This does not, however, prejudice the results of the verification by the Commission of the completeness and correctness of the transposition of EU law into national law as formally notified to it by the member states. The collection National transposition measures is updated weekly.
Закон за регистрация и контрол на земеделската и горската техника
Décision ministérielle numéro DG ACE du 17/11/1997. FEK numéro 1091 du 10/12/1997 Page 14198
Besluit van 27 juli 1998, houdende wijziging van het Voertuigreglement.
Ustawa z dnia 20 czerwca 1997 r. Prawo o ruchu drogowym
Pravilnik o ES-homologaciji kmetijskih in gozdarskih traktorjev
Zákon Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky č. 315/1996 Z. z. o premávke na pozemných komunikáciách
Vägtrafiklag för landskapet Åland (27/83) 25/07/1983, sådan den lyder ändrad (199/93) 16/11/1993